#A Officer's corruption part twenty one
||An Officer's Corruption part Twenty-one||
Hello there dears, Peahen mom here but have another part to this. Now a warning, this one is a bit spicy so I'm giving a heads up.
If you wish to see how or where everything is going, you can follow up on the chapters down below.
||Previous Chapters 1-7||((Click here))
((Previous chapters 8-13)) (Click here))
||Previous chapters 14-20)) ((Click here))
((Your reading part Twenty one))
||OVA Chapters 1-7|| ((Written by my amazing friend demon mun)) (Click here))
~Very strong NSFW smut is present in this part
~two doms over two subs
~Biting/marking warning is present in this chapter
~Breeding is present in this
~Friends with Benefits is present in this
||Drabble Summary||
The date with Sukuna and Kinie was going well even for her she didn't seem to mind it. However, they do go into more of their conversation that might lead to having Kinie questioning herself around this man. Meanwhile, Rex is enjoying his evening talking with Kali and even he finds her interesting. What will happen then? What about Yuji/Jinx and Megumi/Kisho? Read to find out.
||Guests in Drabble||
Ira"Kali" Vin-Shia, Ink Vanguard, and Kinie Ger belongs to my amazing Rp partner @demon-blood-youths Also Kisho belongs to her but is from the side blog @chunibyo-x-sorcerer
Rex oxford Mills and Jinx Violet are my OC's and belong to me. Yuji Itadori, Megumi fushiguro, and Yuji Itadori is from Jujutsu Kaisen but is also a muse I rp as.
((Note: Their will be grammar mistakes and errors in this drabble as others have this warning. But like I state before, this is written for fun. So I hope you like it and my friend too. Enjoy))
So far, the date was going well. Sukuna was already showing Kinie some things after their little dinner. He was explaining some things regarding the construction at her prison. Everything was going as planned and it should be back to normal as requested. She was happy about that but looking at the table, she was curious about something.
Sukuna Ryomen. One of the most dangerous but strongest men in all of NYC. No one dared to raise a finger at him or speak out of line. You could say he was the devil himself. Though, the shocking part is why he took a interest in her. Kinie was just doing her job and living a normal life with her baby sister Taz. Though, being near a powerful man like Sukuna leaves her lost in questions.
'This is so unlike me. I know Sukuna is a strong dangerous man. Hell, even I know my limits when it comes to someone being as powerful as him. But..why me?' she thought looking so focused as Sukuna was listening to some music while enjoying some sweets he had made for them.
'Or maybe this is just me over thinking things. That's new too. I know Mr. Ryomen is strong and powerful. I know that...even when he offered to help me. But.........still why me?' she thought not hearing Sukuna's voice.
'I might have to just remain calm and focused but maybe I should be-'
"Kinie?" he touches her shoulder that she tenses to snap out of it looking at him. She blinks still holding her water but Sukuna looks at her concerned.
"My dear, are you alright? You zoned out for a second on me. You alright?" he asked but she looks down to let out a sigh closing her eyes.
"Sorry sorry. I was...thinking about something is all, Mr. Ryomen." she said.
"Is their something wrong?" he asked her but sets the glass down as she was looking at her own cup wondering about it herself. Was their something wrong? Their shouldn't be but she was never this distracted.
"No. Nothing is wrong I just..I don't know.." she mutters. "But don't worry, I'm alright. I guess I'm still taking in everything that's happened. Even now with you.."
"Asking you out on a date." he said but he closed his eyes to sigh. "Again my dear. You don't have to worry. I won't do anything if your that nervous. I'm a gentlemen so you are safe here." he said.
"I..I never said that I was just.."
"I know but still. If something was bothering you, I won't get into your business to ask about what it is. That's your business." he said. Well, at least he respects that.
"Thank you..I....I'm never usually like this. Not many tend to ask me out on a date given my recent history. So, it's still shocking that you of all people asked me out." she admits but Sukuna said nothing to look at her then only sighed.
"Now why say that?"
"It's true though. Don't get me wrong, this date is lovely so far and I'm really enjoying myself. But...why me though? I'm not like the other woman out there. I'm not like them or....how they would be pretty. I'm just more focused on other things than that.." she said but Sukuna said nothing hearing this.
"I'm not trying to ruin the date but I-" Before she continues he stops her while holding her hand but leans in to kiss her forehead. Her eyes widen in shock from the kiss till she feels him pull back. "W..w..wh...wha..."
"You are beautiful Kinie to me. Your lovely and a strong dependent woman. You are amazing even given the fact that you run a prison with inmates that are dangerous. This tells me you are strong. I love that in a woman...."
"...." She blinks not sure how to say anything towards that but it leaves her silent.
"Besides, I asked you out because I want to know more about you....I want to. So don't say anything negative about yourself because if you do I'll prove it wrong." he said but she only blinks that her mind was taking this in. However, she feels him let her hand go but her face was now pink.
'What the hell?!?' she thought blushing worse. 'I don't know if he tried to just flirt with me or was that something else. And why is my heart now beating like crazy!?'
"You okay?"
"I..I'm fine.....thanks for that though. That was sweet." she grumbled. This got Sukuna to smile finding her precious. But he hopes they could continue their date.
~~~Meanwhile with Rex & Kali~~~~~~~
Kali was silent not sure why she was even in here this night. She could be sleeping and preparing for the next day. However, she came here due to a request that Rex asked of her. Wanting to have some company. Even Ink was still guarding the six claws to ensure they were alright. From the sounds of it they were.
While looking ahead with arms closed, she looks seeing the imp floating around that it lands on her shoulder again nuzzling the top of her head.
"You know, my little friend has taken a happy interest in you officer Vin-Shia. It's adorable." she heard Rex speak from his cell but his smile still shows on his lips. Geez, this guy was something else or it was like he was some incubus. No, he was more like a werewolf to say the least.
"*Sighs* I guess so. Speaking of....I figure you should be getting some sleep but I came here because you wanted some company?"
"I did. Even if it's just for a while. You can't blame me for wanting that can you?" he teased and yet, Kali looks ahead not saying a single word. She knew better but she only remains focused given the fact she gave her word to Warden Kinie she would still do her best in keeping the prison safe.
"........Uh huh."
"But tell me, we haven't spoken for a bit more in a few hours. I'm sure theirs more that we can talk about can't we?" he asked with a look but Kali only opens her eyes to sigh again.
"What's their to talk about? Unless you have some questions to ask me." she said.
"Well, you and I already spoken of small things in our chat. What we like, dislike, do, what we find interesting....and what we see in others. I say yours is pretty nice to know...." he hums only for Kali to blink then looks to him.
"Well, true they were small chats but can you blame me? Knowing what you do, it's hard not to ask some questions. I don't know what sort of jobs you tend to do when doing requests.." she said but maybe it's best not to ask.
"Trust me love. My requests are pretty dark and dangerous to say the least. Most wouldn't be able to handle or stomach them. I've done this for a while now and many still wonder why I do it." he said but this got Kali to blink turning to face him.
"So why do it? You seem like a smart guy and doing such things it's...hard to ask why you do it." she said. However, Rex looks to Kali but gazing into her eyes already got him silent. Such beautiful eyes even under the glow of the moonlight.
"Rex?" she saw him not respond to her but sighed to smile standing up but looks at her from the cell door.
"You wish to know?"
"If your willing to tell me." she said but Rex remains quiet again to look down at the thought.
"........For my baby sister."
"...Your...baby sister?" she asked but Rex had his arms crossed.
"Ashley Butterfly. I do what I do to insure that she is safe and happy. You know that the black market has disgusting freaks but...given the fact on pay, it gives a lot. At first, I did this to ensure she was getting what she needs due to having a weak immune system when she was born and gotten older.." he said but Kali blinks hearing this.
What does he mean by struggling?
"Hold on, isn't she like you? Your both demons aren't you? She should be fine given the fact of her being healed and-"
"Even if she is, that takes time. A demon is able to heal anything besides the dangerous serious types. She had to heal her immune system for a while but....it was a struggle." he said simply to lose his eyes. "Though, thanks to some help..I was able to find someone that can give her what is needed so this way her immune system to be strong and she's all better again.....but you know who I'm talking about right?" he asked seeing Kali blink but she felt her eyes widen.
"Wait..did Sukuna...help her?" she asked.
"He did more than that. He helped her feel much more better. Her immune system is stronger and she's healthy again. Thanks to him he saved her. However, I hear she made a pack with another demon but it seems that's between her and that other warden. I'm happy for her." he smiled but Kali had a guess who it was.
"Though.....it's fine. Lets talk about something else." he said but Kali blinks.
"And that would be?"
"About you and me..."
"You..and me? Hold on now. I don't know much about you to go down that way first.....besides, I'm not that easy to-"
"Who said I was planning on trying to tempt you? Or are you into that sort of thing? That's sorta cute." he chuckled that Kali glares to growl. What the hell?!
"Hey! That's not cute! I'm strong and deadly you hear me!? Don't think just because you say a few simple things to me that works!" she said. "Your lucky I can't beat your ass!"
"Heh, even cuter when your so angry. I always did find you amazing and strong."He winks that Kali's eyes widen but she only glares to walk over and grab his black prison t-shirt to pull him against the cell door.
"Don't you look down at me as a weakling damn it! Your lucky I am not in there to kick your ass. So don't you start." she said glaring at him with eyes glowing but Rex smiled to his own eyes glowing too.
"And what makes you think I was? I'm only being honest since I always seen you as being pretty beautiful. Deadly but beautiful at the same time. Isn't it nice to get some compliments of someone that finds you attractive?" he smiled to her but Kali only started to let go but Rex slips his arm through the bar to keep her close that she tenses.
"W..what the-"
"You really don't think I was being honest to what you said. You are seriously cute..and I like that very much. Though, given by others I see..you always seem to catch my eye..and I like that." he said but Kali only shook trying to get away but he even smiled to touch her cheek.
"Someone that's dangerous but beautiful at the same time...what a lovely combination." he said.
"Your..Your just saying that to get out! I'm not falling for your tricks.." she warns but Rex chuckled to keep her close but he smiled more.
"I never lie when I speak the truth Kali..I do find you interesting.....even better knowing that you really peak my interests. I love it." he winks that she only looks away before he lets her go seeing her quickly backing up.
"Or am I wrong?" he said happy but Kali didn't say too much that she looks away from him but sighed.
"W..whatever. Just......just get some sleep! I'll see you in the morning!" she said leaving him but Rex only smiled to look at the ground. Yeah, he would really love to know her more. As for Kali, she was leaning against the wall covering her mouth but her eyes were half way open with a tint of pink seen on her cheeks.
This isn't happening! True, she had other guys out there flirt with her or try to hook up with her. Even tried to sleep with her on the first date but..Rex was different. He was getting the feeling of wishing to know her more but it leaves her silent. His words hit more stronger than the jerks out there and it leaves her heart aflutter which shocks her. Shaking her head, she turns to head to her room.
"........." She won't lose to him even if it's the flirting game! She's strong but she hopes the same for the others.
'Ink...Jinx. You two better be strong in this job....' she thought walking off.
'Haaaa h..how.....mmmmm...how did things turn out like t..this?'
Jinx was heavily panting drooling as she was feeling Yuji kissing her neck now spooning her while thrusting up into her deeply. They did make out for a while as he did this which leads to her being in this position. She was shaking feeling her body accepting and tightening around him.
"Ohhhhh f..fuck...fuck y..yuji.....mmmmm..." Her body was aching and burning that it was just getting weaker and weaker. Yuji was panting heavily against the back of her neck, not letting her go while taking her while they lie on the side.
He felt she was tightening around him again, making him let out a primal growl to slip one hand in between her legs messing with the clit.
"!?" She twitched trying to get away only for him to move his other hand up and slip two fingers against her tongue as she was moaning and crying out. Her eyes were glowing even with her canine fangs showing.
"Naughty hhaaaa...kitty cat. Your tightening up already and I just made you cum for this second round too soon." he speaks against her neck only to look up shaking. She felt so wet and hot, Jinx was having trouble staying focused.
"I..It's not my f...fault..you keep h..hitting i..it...h..hitting nuggghh!!!" she suddenly felt him bite the back of her neck that he drew blood growling hungry for more. She shook to feel the bite only for him to thrust forward pushing in deeper. "F..fuck!!!!!" she screams.
"It's all your fault. You being so fucking cute......but your so warm, wet, and soooo tight.." he panted that he was already holding her leg up after messing with the clit now thrusting deep into her.
"Ahhhh!! W..wait, I..Itadori n..no!!" she moans throwing her head back but it felt so good. She couldn't control her body even if she was begging him to stop. It was like her body was aching for more. Wishing for him to breed her.
"I'm not going to. I'm going to keep going all night till you broken. I'll make you feel so good..you'll always ache for me and hunger for me." he said but she moans out gripping the sheets before she was moaning out.
'B..breeding me? I..Is he serious?! N..No..even if he was m..my body..my body won't listen to me. It's just growing more weaker under him. It's like he would seriously e..eat me...' she panted only for him to slam into her that she screams out cumming again all of a sudden.
"Hmmm?" He looks feeling the heat again but he only sees her clawing the sheets to flip them. Now he was on his knees slamming down into her as she cries out that got muffled into the pillow.
"Come on kitty...Were not done. Lift your hips." he said seeing her not moving that he only looks to her.
"I said..raise. your. hips." he said in a dominating primal voice to smack her rear to make her yelp. He sees her squirming before he licked his lips, gripping her hips to force them back.
When doing so, he noticed some black flames showing around her that he saw the cute black flamed tail with the purple flame tip. The panther ears were showing too as he only looks to even run one hand near the base of her tail stroking there.
"!?" She squeaks really tightening around him but he grunts feeling her whining.
"N..Not t..there..n..not around t..the t..t...tail..." she cries showing tears of pleasure but he only moves his hand so the fingers brush against it. Even if the tail was made of flames it felt warm against his skin.
"But you seem to like it...I wanna be sure my kitty cat. I'm going to enjoy making you mine. I won't let anyone else take you from me." he growls before pounding away as she cries out ripping the sheets.
At the same time, Megumi was grunting thrusting up into Kisho while holding him up in his arms. He could see how flushed Kisho was, claiming him just like this.
"Haaaaa...haaaaaaa....hhaaanaahhh!!!" His lips were parted twitching in his hold, Feeling his body so hot that Kisho was not able to speak right now wanting more. When Megumi takes a bite on his neck, Kisho moans out throwing his head back drooling while Megumi was giving him his punishment first.
He was taking it in so well even after teasing his spot. He was nice and tight but he was feeling more heated just to grow more hungry for the little phoenix.
"Ahhhhhh....ahhhhhh!!! M..Megumi!! Megumi please m...more!!" He moans feeling him leaving kisses on his neck then moves to kiss there more. Hickies were seeing but Megumi didn't mind it.
"More you say? Feels that good huh?" He teased that Kisho shook struggling in the hand cuffs that he gasped feeling his chest kissed.
"Mfffmmmm!!!" He nods his head quickly for Megumi to even give a few licks. However, he moves to even deeply kiss him that they started making out. Their tongues swirled around one another while making out till he breaks the kiss showing a thin string of drool connecting them before it breaks.
"Now now, don't get too greedy. We are just starting and I am still punishing you a little more. Why not keep moaning for me?" He asked but before Kisho asked, Megumi started slamming up making him scream out clawing his back.
"Kisho.." He warns but he feels him tightening even more but he only was shaking wanting more that he held onto him tightly. He was taking in the thrusts that Megumi lays back now thrusting up in a jackhammering position.
"AHHH!! N..NOT THERE! NOT THERE!!" he begs drooling as he was bouncing on his lap. He was groaning out already feeling Megumi's hands moving up his chest while he keeps moving.
"That's it..mmmmm...take every thrust...scream for me and show who you belong to!" he growls.
"Ahhhhhhh fuck!!!!! Ohhh f..fuck!!!! mmmmmmm F...Fushiguro-sama!! Fushiguro sama! Please p..punish me! Make me cum! Make me cum!!" he begs that Megumi was still going even stronger knowing he was in a dazed feeling thanks to it. He was high on the lust right now.
With Yuji, he was still pounding into Jinx that she was crying out now having her tail wrapping around his waist wanting more. Deep hungry purrs were escaping her throat that it leaves her moaning out feeling so soaked.
"Haaaa You look so beautiful under me like this. Such a slutty good kitty cat..." he said growling but she had her eyes covered while moaning out shaking. It felt so good that it made her almost forget everything else. However, this goes with Kisho too.
Both were moaning where they were heavily feeling hotter. However, this made them both moan out throwing their heads back screaming.
'I..I don't know if I will get over this feeling. It's too good...it's too good!!' Jinx and Kisho thought in their own thoughts even if their expressions were lost to the pleasure. In their own cells, Megumi and Yuji chuckled loving the views. Yeah, this night was getting more and more exciting.
Yuji kept slamming harder and harder into her, hearing the screams and Jinx just begging for more. Even He was holding her close and tight wanting her to savor every second of this.
"I..Itadori give me m..more, I need more please!!! Please f..fuck me!!"
"Heh, good girl...I'll give you want you want." he said still thrusting into her as she was drooling screaming out loudly that he saw her muffling her moans in the torn up pillow thanks to her talon nails.
Megumi still was slamming up into Kisho who was throwing his head back. His arms were held by Megumi while claiming him. "Fuck!! Ohhhh f..fuck fuck Fuck!!!! I..It's s...so deep! Your hitting me s..so deep!" he moans drooling as Megumi kept slamming away into him. He loved seeing this weak side of Kisho while claiming him.
The two were so lost into pleasure that their bodies were building up inside. Jinx cries out loudly while Kisho was doing the same. Both screams out moaning out in a trance. Both Megumi and Yuji wonders if they were close only to quicken their hips.
"Megumi n..No!! I..I'm c..close again!!" KIsho moans but Megumi keeps going not stopping.
"You know how to beg for it. Say it properly Kisho!" he said but Kisho was shaking still bouncing on his lap quickly wanting him to just cum!!!
"F...Fushiguro-sama!! Fushiguro sama! I'm g..going to c..cum! I"m gonna..." he whimpers but Megumi kisses him deeply not easing up. His thrusts were getting stronger that he breaks the kiss moaning out.
'I can't take it anymore! This r..reward feels more like a punishment. Beating my spots s..so much...I..I can't..I can't take it!'
"So cute..your squirming so much when I take you like this.."
"Ahhhhh f..fushiguro-s..sama!!" he begs but Megumi smiled.
"It's fine hhaa I'll help you cum again so cum for me!" he said only hearing Kisho screaming even worse.
"Ahhhhhhhh! I'm g..gonna cum...I'm gonna cum!!!!" he moans shaking till he claws Megumi's back again drawing blood while taking it all. He tried to hold it only for him to scream till Megumi slams the tip against his spots making Kisho's toes curl throwing his head back.
"CUMMING!!!" He moans cumming hard on Megumi's chest as he feels him tightening again. So good and yet, he groans loving the feeling. However, he sees Kisho twitching before he looks to kiss him deeply.
"Oh no....we are not done remember?" he said.
"H..Huh?" Kisho looks only to hiss feeling him thrust again whimpering. "W..wait wait, I just c...came! Give me a s...second!" he begs only for Megumi to go fast again.
"Nope. You can take it. I know you and again, we have all night my lustful phoenix.." he said knowing Kisho was shaking again from the feeling.
"Itadori no!!" Jinx moans out loudly.
"Come on, love..why not cum again for me. Cum all you want.." He said but Jinx shook trying to not do this that it made her moaning worse tightening her tail around his waist.
"N..No I..I can't c..cum again..I can't c....mmmmmm!!"
"Yes you can. Come on Jinx, Cum for me....cum for me." he whispered against her ear that she only shook to look down shaking.
'I..c..can't st..stop it. My body isn't listening....I'm gonna cum..I'm gonna cum...'
"Cum Jinx...cum...cum cum..cum!!" he snaps his hips up that Jinx's eyes widen to scream ripping the pillow.
'C..cumming! I'm cumming cumming CUMMING!' Screaming out she tenses violently cumming hard as she clamps down really tight around his cock. Yuji growls in pleasure gripping her hips as he suddenly came inside filling her up. She shook gasping out but was crying from the pleasure while shaking. It was hot but thick while he was panting loudly.
Yuji panted still keeping a good grip but he sees that some of his cum spills out before he sees her lost. However, he panted primal like to flip her on her back but thrusts deeper into her. "Ah!? A...again?..." she whimpers seeing him thrusting deep and yet holding her waist.
"Like I said kitty...we have all night. I'm not letting you go till morning.." he purred only to lower kissing her lips as she whimpers returning it.
Even with this round, the two were going to on all night with this with Jinx and Kisho drowning in pleasure. Even through this night, it was a heated one to say the least.
7 notes · View notes
starkeyisthelastname · 2 months
does trailer park rafe actually like us? Or just using us for sex :(
When Rafe first sees you in that dingy office, his first thoughts are to corrupt you. No one said he was a good man. He knew he was bad, and didn’t necessarily care about changing after the shitty life he lived. He was smart enough to know you deserved a lot better than him, but too selfish to really give a damn. He didn’t really do serious relationships and hadn’t been in one since he was in his early twenties. When it came to getting his nut in, he would usually fuck some of the ladies around the trailer park or that he met at the bar down the road when he had the extra money to spend on drinks other than cheap beer.
When you start playing housewife, is when Rafe starts to take a liking to you more than he wants to admit. He has never had a female want to clean his trailer, and the place is a filthy mess. Most turn their nose up every time they see the place. Not that he really gave a fuck. The more he fucked you though, the more you became attached. Maybe that was part of the corruption, considering he was the first man to ever touch you and you didn’t know any better but to follow him around like a lost puppy.
He may have acted like it annoyed him for you to always be around him, but he couldn’t deny he enjoyed your gorgeous little self prancing around his place. Keeping the place clean, making it smell like cookies and shit, bringing him a hot plate of food. It was his own fucked up mind for wanting to marry you and knock you up just in spite of your father who had kept you pure all your life. Or that he really did like you more than he let on but didn’t want to admit.
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yandereunsolved · 6 months
Roses are Red; Violets are Blue - ,, yandere pre-death Tate
cw(s): yandere themes, suggestive themes, mention of cocaine, Tates actions (the lighting of a human on fire & a school shooting) a/n: Tate is aged up here and is in college instead of high school. He dies at age twenty-one instead of seventeen, because it feels weird to write an older teen as a romantic yandere. Mentions of Violet— she's eighteen and a senior in high school.
✧ You both grew up together, sort of. You were always someone Tate could never talk to. He was a bit too scared to speak with you. You just seemed so perfect, and he was not. You moved into his neighborhood when you both were much younger. His hellish 'mother' didn't like your family for a reason; he never quite paid attention. It was something about you all not being holy enough. About how you were going to corrupt her perfect golden son. There was nothing you taught Tate about himself that he wasn't bound to figure out. He learned about boners after peeping through your window one night while you were changing after a shower. He learned the true meaning of the words 'I love you' after he overheard you speaking of how excited you were for the new Nirvana album. You even taught him how to follow people and not get caught by that person or the authorities. All this, and he still hadn't had a proper conversation with you yet.
✧ You legally started your friendship relationship sometime early in your freshman year, on October 30th, 1991. It was just something else that made him fall head over heels once again for you. He was having an already shitty day when some athletic losers began bullying him. He was getting pushed around for the umpteenth time this week when he tried to fight back. He got knocked on his ass and a nose that was both broken and remarkably bloody. You rushed over and offered to help him. He brushed you off and was a bit snappy; he still regrets that to this day. He just didn't want you to see how desperate he was for your attention. He craved your touch. If it weren't for all the blood on his face, you would have easily noticed how flushed his face was from just being in your vicinity.
✧ You offered to take him to the nurses office, and he 'begrudgingly' agreed. He was bouncing on his heels in his mind, and he swears that his nose bleed got worse. You even offered to help him walk there if he was dizzy, and naturally, he leaned on you. He even took a whiff of your scent near your neck. He had to resist nuzzling into you because you just felt so warm, like home. Like a home he never had. He asked you to stay even after the nurse said you could go back to class. He'd made up some lame excuse about you being a witness and him having to report it. Such a fucking lie. None of the administrators would give a shit. Everyone in this godforsaken college is an adult. So 'bullying' doesn't exist, apparently. At least the college is near both of your houses.
✧ That's the best part. This is your first real interaction, and you are already inviting him over. You feel bad that his nose got sprained and that the nurse had to reset it. So you—
'Oh my god, you called me cute!? You said you saw me around the neighborhood all these years and were too shy to talk to me. You've always been so shy. You've always been someone who needed someone to take care of you. You'd take care of me so well. We could happily take care of each other. Wait, sorry. I'm rambling too much. Iris, get back with the headcanons before I go on about them for another three hours.'
Made sure that he didn't get left alone. You heard from around the neighborhood that his mother is kind of nuts. So you thought he would be the same, but he's actually kind of awkward and distant, and sweet. You two spent the entire night together and ended up having a sleepover. Tate likes it a lot more when the sleepovers are consensual and not him climbing through your window, crawling into your bed, cuddling into you, then leaving you right before you wake.
✧ Something you have to know about Tate is that he is undeniably a pervert. Constance ruined any chance he ever had to take a girl out on a date. Then, when his casual interest turned into an obsession, he was able to sneak out without alerting her. So just being around you makes his mind run wild and his hands perspire. He steals your undergarments the most—it doesn't matter what they are. It could be anything from a lacy bra to a pair of men's boxers. He always steals your oldest items because your scent is ingrained into their very fabrics. He hides the items he 'borrows' from you in a box behind a brick in the basement. He goes down there every night and inhales your heavenly scent. His eyes roll back in his head, and suddenly he has a problem that he has to take care of.
✧ That's not where his perverted nature ends, either. He suddenly became very interested in photography. He buys a secret camera to use whenever he 'sees' you. Whenever he watches you when you aren't aware. He takes photos of you doing the most mundane things: exercising, cooking, working on homework, walking, breathing, and blinking. He also takes photos of you while sleeping, getting out of the shower, stretching, and wearing those skimpy little clothes of yours. It makes his mouth water fervently. The photos quickly pile up. He keeps the physical photos in the same box behind the same removed brick.
✧ He buys you more pretty clothes. Most of them are revealing, but you seem to like that. At least that's what he's seen in you in your private life. Of course, you don't know they are from him. He's too insecure for that. So he wraps them up all nice and pretty and leaves them on your bed. He always writes down 'your secret admirer' on the packaging. He opens your window when you and your family are gone and leaves them then. If he is feeling more confident, then he'll open your window and put the package on the floor. You start locking your window after that. So he's constantly breaking the lock on your window. When the family gets the police involved, he gets extremely upset. He begins to ignore you, so you know exactly how he feels when you ignore his gifts and say it's from some 'creepy stalker'.
✧ You are understandably confused when one of your closest friends begins ignoring you. You think he might be scared of the fact that you have a stalker. It makes you desperate. You don't want to be left alone. You need your friend. That makes Tate all giddy inside. He gets to stay near you whenever he wants. As much as he pleases? You seem so scared of some hypothetical boogeyman. It's just sweet ole' him! Not that you know that. He understands, though. He'd be pretty upset if some random man started doing the things he's doing for you. No other man could be as devoted to you as he is.
✧ Slowly, the number of your friends and close family dwindles. Each of your friends either cuts contact with you or disappears altogether. Now, now, Tate has put so much effort into this for you. It wasn't easy. It wasn't something he could pull off on his own. He had to scrounge around for as much money as he could to hire a hitman on several occasions. He stole the money from his mother's various rich and fleeting boyfriends. She would use them up soon enough anyway. So there's no reason for him to care about their financial well-being. Besides, he is doing it for a noble cause—a war is yet to come.
✧ He takes a different approach when it comes to isolating you from your family members. He will get along well with your family. Insert himself as a shy, college kid that lives down the street and is best friends with their child—their only friend, really. His mother picks up on this and is immediately displeased. Of course she has only scratched the surface of the iceberg that is Tates twisted delight.
"As long as you don't fuck that godless slut, I suppose you can be around them."
He wanted to snap his mother's neck right then and there. Lucky for her, he had other plans. He inserts himself into every facet of your family's life. He slowly learns the skeletons in your family members closets. Did you know your cousin once had a lewd dream about your partner? Did you know your grandfather cheated on his spouse not once but twice? Did you know your Aunt once tried to poison you? Did you know? Did you know? Did you know?
Some of those may have been slightly exaggerated or entirely made up, but you completely trust him, so what is there to worry about? 
Soon enough the only one you trust is Tate.
✧ You connect the dots somewhat, but at this point, you don't quite care. You just want this stalker to stop. You just want Tate. When Tate learns his feelings are somewhat reciprocated, the stalkings become less frequent. After all, if he is always allowed to be around you, then he doesn't have to stalk you anymore. 
✧ He starts giving you love notes after the two of you begin dating. The stalker fades into the background, and suddenly only Tate is there. He is perfect for you. He is your dream boyfriend. He writes these cheesy and poetic letters about his adoration for you. Some of them are creepy—really creepy. You can look over that, though. It's just Tate being Tate. He was never confident enough to share them with you while he was just your 'creepy stalker'. Now he gives them to you freely. Sometimes they are just little doodles. Other times, they are cheesy words. Occasionally, they do have a tendency to get a bit violent. 
'Me & U 4ever.' '1+1=Let Me Fuck You Up' 'Love you more than Kurt Cobain' 'Let's go to a music festival and have fun~ ;)' 'Wanna sneak out later when your parents aren't home?' 'Is that bitch bothering you again?' 'Commit arson?' 'The thoughts are back.' 'Need you' 'I just want to keep you in my pocket and then lock you in a cage that only I have the key to for all eternity.'
✧ Everything was perfect until it wasn't. For some reason, you started distancing yourself from him. You had found a new friend group. You had found someone more healthy than Tate. Tate's hold on you was beginning to crumble. It was like he was trying to hold your disintegrating heart in his hands. You weren't spending every single moment with him. Whether this was actually happening or if this was just his paranoia is unknown. It got to him, though. It got to him worse than anything else could.
✧ He lost it one day. He snapped. It was a comment that his mother's new boyfriend made. Well, multiple comments. He found a secret collection of your things. He had done a bit of digging and began to learn just how unhinged his girlfriend's son was. Instead of immediately reporting him to the police, he confronted Tate instead. He threatened him with calling the police. He said that he was going to tell everyone about how much of a freak Tate was. He was going to tell Tates, dear mommy, that her golden child was actually a depraved, perverted loser who got off on stalking his partner.
✧ He needed to be gone. That was the one thing that ran through his mind. They had gotten into a screaming match that night. Luckily, no one was home except them and the ghosts. The energy was charged and electrified. The Murder House had set its sights on its next victim, and it was more than eager to swallow him whole. The devil in his mind didn't whisper any longer; he shouted. He spoke in a loud and commanding tone and told Tate exactly what to do and when to do it. How to win your affection back.
✧ He snorted a line of cocaine and grabbed his rifle and some gasoline. He lit that fucker up at his work. He was no longer his mother's boyfriend. He was just a charred corpse. He had one problem taken care of. Now, just one more stop—your college, our college. He needed to get rid of those little friends of yours. So, he did. Every single one of them he shot dead in front of you. He looked you straight in the eyes and pointed the barrel at your head. There was no restraint or morality in his hazel eyes. There was only darkness—a certain unhinged spark you had only seen in fleeting moments. Now it was a mighty flame, and it was coming to burn everything you knew to the ground.
✧ He made you beg for your life. He made you like it. He took you right there at that table and acted like it meant nothing. He kissed you deeply and dug his fingers into your living flesh. He knew it would be the last time he would have you in such a way—as long as he was living anyway. You were covered in bite marks and his residue by the time the cops came. 
You heard the next day that they shot him multiple times. You had mixed feelings. They had asked you if he had your consent. You said yes. They didn't believe you. You didn't like that. You didn't like that you liked it so much. You hated yourself for it. You couldn't help but admire the marks he left on you. They were like pieces of art. They'll fade, but the feeling of his fingertips ghosting your body in the most intimate manner won't.
✧ He gets extremely lonely; boredom overtakes him. He still has that box filled with your things, so he's always going through it. It's almost sadistically hilarious. He started with only his fantasies, and now they are the only thing he has again. At least he now knows what your skin feels like and how you taste. You have those things to keep him company. Not to mention, some of your clothes still smell like you. They're his comfort items. If any entity in the house tries to touch them, he will have an immediate meltdown. So, they've all learned to leave him alone when he's having his private time—his fantasies of you, him frenzily groping the cloth like it were your own soft, tender, plush flesh. 
✧ He was surprised when you came to visit the house once again. Tate revealed himself immediately and hung on to you needily. He peppered kisses all over your face and neck. He was so unbelievably relieved by the fact that you forgave him. You promised to visit again and again over the years. It made his soul soar; he almost feared that he had passed onto heaven and that you were only an illusion in his mind. You both did what you always did. You seemed cautious at first, but some part of you just stuck with Tate.
✧ Many seasons passed, and you visited him less and less. You moved on to better and greater things in your life than him. He isn't exactly sure what happened to you. You just stopped visiting him one day. The entire house became a lot more frigid and foreboding after that. There would be no heavy make-out sessions that left the both of you breathless. There would be no more late nights spent talking about everything and anything going on in the world. There would be no seeing your age, your beautiful face, and your figure known only to his mind. There would be none of that. Only him. All alone...
✧ Now, after all these years, he admires a girl who reminds him of his first love. Those tendrils of obsessive ectasy sneak into his heart once again as he hears her name, Violet. It was like the world had regained its color—well, a singular color. One fact about you rang in his mind over and over like a never-ending church bell as he watched the new family move in.
"Oh, my favorite color? It's Violet, silly."
.ೃ࿐ -ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- .ೃ࿐
⟿ taglist: @coentinim @bluerthanvelvet444 @cxndiedvi0lets @doll3tt33 @lacucarachapisser @t4telangd0ns1ut @etheral-moon @evanpetersmybf @evanpeters-posts @fear-is-truth
.ೃ࿐ -ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- .ೃ࿐
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odiesdayoff · 8 months
So Undercover (3)
pair: Dark!Edward Nashton x fem!reader
summary: You get a little too caught up in an undercover job to unravel the Riddler.
warnings: intimidation; threats; murder; gaslighting; stalking; mentions of past noncon/smut
Part 2
“He called me a whore. Said I needed to be taught a lesson.” You wrapped your arms around Edward’s neck and buried your face into his shoulders. He got to the library as fast as he possibly could, in just about twenty minutes from the time you called. “I don’t want to do it anymore.”
He gently stroked your back and let you cry into his shirt. “They made you talk to a serial killer and didn’t think that he would target you?”
You shook your head. “It’s not even a successful thing. I barely know anything about him and he knows everything about me. I think he’s going to kill me.”
With how hard you were crying, Edward’s smirk was unseen by you. He couldn’t help it. You’d fallen right into his little trap. “It’ll be okay.” You pulled away from him and allowed him to wipe the tears from your cheeks. 
It was all too…surreal. To say the least. Going back to the precinct, back to work after everything that happened. You tried to hide the heat that remained on your cheeks, surely leaving at least a small tint of color different from the hue of your skin. How could embarrassment feel so much worse after the fact? All you had to do was go into the commissioner’s office and tell him that the mission was pointless. It was like telling a parent that they were wrong. 
You pushed open the thick oak doors and immediately locked eyes with the man. Pete Savage. You didn’t exactly know what his deal was, but he was never one of the “good” or “not corrupt” cops in the bunch. The doors squeaked unceremoniously shut behind you. It was then that you no longer felt like an adult, but rather a kid who was called to the principal’s office. “I wanted to talk about the Riddler Case, sir. I, well, I don’t think it’s working.” The words articulated themselves much better when you practiced them in the bathroom mirror. 
He gestured to the chair on the other side of the desk and you hesitantly took a seat. You couldn’t control the way your leg began to bounce, even with your hand resting on it. “What’s the problem?” His voice was attempting to sound kind, though the hint of annoyance still seeped through. It was still up in the air whether he was only being kind because he felt bad for you or it was just because you were a woman. 
“I no longer feel safe in my home or at work. I don’t know if you’ve seen the report from the other night, but my apartment was broken into. That, and the… sample I provided.” The embarrassment crept up once again, blood rushing to your cheeks. Admitting that a crime so personal had occurred seemed to be worse than the crime itself.
He gave you a lone nod and sighed. Was…he stopping himself from rolling his eyes? “I’m aware. I couldn’t help but notice that there were no signs of a break-in and as for the sample, are you sure it wasn’t some residue of a night you don’t want to admit to your boss?” The smirk grew as he began to think of the situation. 
“He made a key. That also means he’s been there before.” The idea had only just come to your mind. What if he’s been in your apartment while you were sleeping? You wouldn’t put it past him. You had already asked your landlord to change the locks of your front door. “And at the library. He cornered me and threatened me.”
He folded his hands and leaned forward. “You’re aware that our insurance policy covers psychiatric care, right? We have no evidence to confirm that you’re in danger. I’ll relieve you from this case for your own sake.”
You wanted to scream, cry, protest, and tell him exactly how he was wrong. Instead, you weakly nodded. You should’ve known he wouldn’t take you seriously. “Thank you, sir.” Tears threatened to spill, but you held yourself together.
In the back room again, you sorted files while angrily whispering your complaints about the commissioner. Pete Savage was nothing but a ridiculous misogynist. Corrupt, too. How can you be presented with all this information and still claim that you weren’t in danger? Who knows what might’ve happened had you not been able to use the fire escape? Not like he would care all that much.
Annette leaned against the doorframe, watching you as she usually did when she didn’t want to do her job. “Thompson told me about some secret mission you were doing while I was away. Also, I heard you just got thrown off of it.” You didn’t know what to call her slightly mocking tone. Was it holier-than-thou? I told you so?
“I left.” Anything more than a curt response was more than she deserved.
“Mhm. Well, I wouldn’t do anything like that. Not in the job description.” Like she ever did what was in her job description. That would be far too much to ask of her. How you were getting paid less than her and remain her subordinate only cemented the existence of extreme corruption in this precinct.
You angrily set the files on the floor. Well, more passive-aggressively than angry. “I was just trying to help.”
You had to keep pushing the thought of the videos and photos existing as a form of blackmail to the back of your mind. So what if you lost your job? It’s not that you necessarily enjoyed it. Life would be so much better if you could leave it and this whole godforsaken city behind you. 
The older man at the desk worked relatively slowly to take in your phone and laptop. He only raised a brow when you asked for the same makes and models to trade in. “Most people choose the upgrade plan for an extra hundred.” He would repeat this until you could no longer count them on two hands. 
The sun had set by the time you reached your apartment. Your landlord handed you the new keys to the locks right as you stepped into the building. For the first time in a while, you felt safe. Nobody was watching anymore. You could breathe. 
As soon as your laptop connected to the wifi, you started to look through the online job forums. The sooner you get away from the precinct, the better. With each link you pressed, the screen would flash entirely black, only for a fraction of a second. Must’ve been a buggy site.
You sipped your tea and continued to look through the job openings. It had been quite a while since you had to do this. You were lucky enough to get your job straight out of school. Maybe you’d actually get paid what you deserved this time. 
The screen flashed again, this time a deep shade of green. You lost control of your cursor. It inched towards the top of the screen, your eyes following it while running your finger across the touchpad. It opened a new tab and then started typing. 
You nearly choked on your tea. The laptop redirected to the same website you used to chat before. You stood from your chair. How could he possibly get in so fast? After you had been so careful? 
<?> You forgot about the windows.
He was right. You hated that he was right. In the rush of trying to cover all of your bases, you’d forgotten one of the most crucial entrances to your apartment. For all you knew, he was already through and waiting for you to try and close them. 
The front door. You could leave through there, call the GCPD, and he’d have nowhere to go. A one-way ticket to prison, or more realistically, Arkham. And you’d finally have the sense of freedom and relief you’ve been desperately wanting. 
First, the deadbolt. Then, the lock on the doorknob. You expected to see your escape when you frantically swung open the door, but there he stood. A boot collided with the door when you tried to close it on him. One gloved hand wrapped around your neck, the other on your hip.
This wasn’t like the library. That was public and he had to somewhat keep his plan contained. One curious bystander trying to be a hero could ruin everything. You were entirely in private, especially after he pushed himself in and kicked the door shut. 
“You’re so predictable. Naive. How did I know you’d try to outsmart me? I’ll give it to you, you’ve got a lot more going on in that head of yours than any of those cops you work with or politicians you work for. You’re still nothing compared to me.” He pushed you further back into your living room as he spoke. Maybe he was right all along and he knew you more than you knew yourself. He saw right through you. 
You clawed at his hand, scratching the leather in an attempt to loosen his grip. “I’m done. I’m not working with them anymore!”
The hand on your neck moved to gently stroke your hair. It would’ve been comforting if not for the leather catching and pulling the hair by accident. His other hand pulled you closer, against his chest. “I know, I know. That doesn’t matter anymore.” He cooed, voice still distorted by the mask. “Do you still have my gift?” 
There’s no way in hell you would admit that you kept it. The biggest reason wasn’t sentimental, you just had no idea where you could possibly throw it away. It’s been gathering dust in your closet ever since that night.
You couldn’t tell if he was smiling at your hesitancy and subsequent lack of an answer. “Don’t worry, why use it when you have the real thing right here? After all, I deserve a thank you.”
“For what?” You stumbled back farther until you hit your kitchen counter. It was then that you knew you were cooked. He pressed his body against yours, feeling the heat of his jacket seep through your shirt. 
“Your promotion.” His hands roamed around your body. He slightly chucked at the sight of your confused expression. “I take it they haven’t found her body yet.”
Your voice was barely above a whisper. “Body?”
He stroked your hair. “Can’t say I don’t do anything for you. There’s a phone in my back pocket for you to call her doorman to make sure. Maybe she’ll still be kicking.” 
Shaking like a leaf, you reached into his back pocket. The device you felt was a burner, blocky, and lacking a touch screen. The number, saved as DOORMAN , was preset and ready for you to dial. You held the phone to your ear and listened to the dial tone. 
The man answered with little to no emotion. Probably nearing the end of his shift. “Hi. I need you to check on the woman that lives in C11.” You couldn’t tell if the fear in your voice was evident through the microphone. 
“Who’s this? Why are you calling?” He didn’t seem to care. None of the urgency that you desperately needed was there.
You shook your head. “No, no. That’ll waste time! I think she’s going to hurt herself and I need you to go up there right now.” The Riddler’s hands trailed lower on your body, caressing your thighs. 
The doorman shuffled from his seat and you could faintly hear him walking up the stairs to Annette’s apartment unit. He knocked, but the door was opened slightly already. The squeak of the hinges was caught by the phone’s mic. 
He screamed and you didn’t need to know what he was seeing for your heart to fall to your stomach. The first tear broke the seal and you couldn’t stop yourself from crying. Hands pressed against your panties, trying to increase the friction of the fabric against your clit. “Who are you? Why did you do this?” The questions were directed towards you.
“I, I didn’t…” None of the words could form in your mouth. They could barely appear in your brain in the first place. The phone was snatched from your hand and the call ended. He threw the phone on the floor. Your hands were now free to try and keep his at bay. “What do you want from me?”
“At first, I wanted to see how much you GCPD pigs knew about me. I’ll have to admit, you intrigued me.” He caught a grip on your wrists and pushed your hands against the counter. “You don’t even know what you do to me, baby. I just want you.” If it wasn’t him, it would’ve made you swoon. It could have even been sultry. Maybe if Edward had said it.
“No. No, I’m nothing special.” You weren’t sure what your tactic was anymore. All you needed him to do was leave you alone. Preferably forever, but just tonight would work as well.
Through the mask, his eyes narrowed. He shook his head. “Don’t think like that. You can help me fix this city. Fix me .”
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ghoulangerlee · 8 months
*taps on shoulder* hi, i wanna hear trans dad copia thoughts!
they are honestly not very happy thoughts 99% of the time though Copia does try. Under the read more just in case no one wants to read about trans dad Copia trying his best
Copia becomes a dad, he's a little careless, thinks that being on T will stop him from getting pregnant (it doesn't). (He's very young at this time, maybe in his late twenties, early thirties by now. He doesn't want to get rid of the baby, because part of him hopes he can keep it. He wants to be a father, he wants to be a parent so bad.)
He has to give the kid up because of his status in the church, the Clergy are already so firm with him, hard on him for every little thing, and while Sister does try to make things easier for him, she can't stop everything. The Clergy are not very nice people, just because they're the Clergy of a Satanic church does not absolve them from being bigots and difficult about certain things.
So, he gives the child up; a son, he doesn't even get to name the child, but Sister promises that she'll make sure he goes to someone who'll love and raise him like their own. She'll make sure this child is taken care of. (Sort of as a penance for her own sins of leaving Copia to be raised by the Siblings of the church along with the other orphaned children.)
He never forgets about this child, because how could he? When he held his son in his arms so shortly after giving birth. It's something that, for as long as he lives, he'll never feel that type of love he felt right then and there.
So, he lives on, works with Sister silently to funnel some money towards the child, he's not allowed to know who the family is, or what the child's name is. He's not allowed to see photos, to know what he looks like.
But Sister promises that every single holiday, every single birthday, she sends money to the family, letting them know who it's from, that he still thinks about them. That he's still present despite not being present.
When Copia becomes a Cardinal and subsequently the leader of the Ghost project, he becomes the busiest he's ever been, trying to find the corruption within the church, trying to follow Satan to the best of his ability, trying to do everything.
Including still being there for the child he had to give up.
He does, eventually talk about it, to his ghouls specifically, and like, they're not human, they're different. They start bringing forth questions about why he had to give his son up. Why he has to stay away from him.
By the time Copia reaches Papacy, he's in his fifties and he's missed a solid twenty years of his son's life.
And, it's in his own moment of weakness, against Sister's wishes, that he reaches out. He finds the files on Sister's desk one day while in her office looking for something, snaps a photo of the contents, the phone numbers, email addresses. There's no photos of his son in there, but there's descriptions and various letters.
He almost wants to take them and read them for himself. But he can't.
He has the contact information and that's enough. It's enough.
And, he reaches out to the family first; his son, the kid he gave up is in college now, studying theology of all things. Interested in religion and culture. So knowledge hungry in the same ways that Copia was when he was in his twenties.
The family is ecstatic that he's reached out.
Thanking him for all the years of supporting him. For the money and the gifts. The little things. He wasn't there physically, but his presence was so great that it almost felt like he was there.
They give him a phone number, it's his son's. His son, Elias. He finds out his name from Elias' mother who promises to send Copia photos, many photos of them over the years.
Elias has his nose, his lips, the softness in his face. His hair is only a little darker than Copia's had been before the gray had taken over.
He's got the eye.
Something that makes his breath leave him. Stark white staring back at him from the photograph he's looking at.
His son.
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catierambles · 2 months
Blood Moon Ch.24
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Annalisa was stone-faced as she sat on the couch, the letter on the coffee table in front of her. On one hand she felt guilty for believing the lie that had been fed to her, for believing that he would abandon her. On the other she felt...rage. White hot and all consuming. She would find him, she would bring him home, and when she found the ones responsible, there wouldn’t be enough of them left to bury.
There was a knock at the front door and Pete answered it, letting Brian inside. Due to the...natures of those involved, she convinced Brian to come alone when Pete had called him. There would be no missing persons report, no formal statements to put on a record. If whoever was behind his disappearance was like him, or herself, it would be handled in-house.
“Annie.” Brian said, sitting down next to her and she hummed at him in acknowledgement. “When’s the last time you saw Kyle?”
“Physically? Last night when we got home and went to bed, but he gave me a kiss this morning before leaving.” She said, “I may have been half-asleep, but I know it was him.”
“Where was he going?”
“Pendulum. There was paperwork he needed go over as a part of his duties as Head of Security.”
“Did you hear from him at all today?”
“Can you think of anyone that may have done this? Someone with a grudge against him personally, or someone who would go after him to hurt you?” Brian asked.
“Detective,” Ethan said as he leaned against the fireplace mantle, “Annie didn’t get where she is today by being nice. Yes, she has enemies, but she’s the way she is now because she can be, because everyone who could ever pose a threat to her knows what she would do if they even thought of going against her. Putting it simple, they could go after Sy to hurt her, but they’re too fucking scared of her to try.”
“And you are?” Brian asked.
“Ethan Turner, bartender at Annies’ clubs.” Ethan said.
“How long have you known Annie?” Brian asked and Annie nodded at him when he looked at her.
“I’ve known her since August of 1924.” His answer hung in the air.
“You don’t—”
“I’m a wolf.” He said, “Like Sy. Stopped aging when I got infected at twenty-six.”
“But you’re over a hundred.” Pete said and he nodded. “Well, shit. You been with Annie since then?”
“He’s family.” Annalisa said simply and pushed up from the couch. “Come with me, Pendulum has security cameras on the entrances and exits, as well as other areas of the club. I want to check the footage, make sure he even made it there this morning. He’s still alive, I would know if he wasn’t, but whoever took him took lengths to make it so we wouldn’t look for him.” They followed her out of the living room and up the stairs, heading into her office and taking places behind her as she sat down at her desk and booted up her computer. Remoting in and bringing up the security feeds, she went through the files, going over the time stamps. “There’s a four hour block missing, the save file has been deleted.”
“Any way to retrieve it?” Brian asked.
“The files are saved simultaneously locally and on a private server, in case of data corruption.” She said and brought them up, going through the files and finding the missing time block. The video came up on the monitor and they watched delivery drivers come and go, Annalisa speeding through the footage before resuming normal speed as a black SUV parked by the emergency exit. The door opened and Sweeney came out, the back door of the SUV opening, and they watched as she dragged an unconscious Sy out of the club, hoisting him into the back seat of the SUV. The door closed and the SUV drove off, Sweeney watching it go before heading back inside. “Ethan.”
“Don’t even have to say it.” He said, his voice tight. He left the office in quick strides and they heard the front door slam closed a moment later.
“Who was that?” Pete asked.
“Elizabeth Belford.” She said, “We call her Sweeney because she was Turned back in Victorian London.”
“Turned?” Brian asked.
“She’s a vampire.” Annalisa said, watching the footage again. “They have a privacy screen over the license plate so I can’t make it out.”
“Do you recognize the driver?”
“No.” She said, “Ethan will bring Sweeney back here and I’ll get my answers.”
It felt like hours before Ethan returned, pulling Sweeney into the office by her arm, almost shoving her down onto the couch.
"Where is he, Elizabeth?" Annalisa asked, going to stand in front of her.
"Someone want to tell me what's going on?" She asked, "Ethan comes to my house, says you need to talk to me and then drags me out."
"Where is he?"
"Where is who? What's going on?"
"Sy's missing?!" Sweeney exclaimed and moved to get up from the couch.
"Sit down." Annalisa said and she sank back down again. The woman's voice never raised, staying steady and almost calm. "I won't ask you again."
"Annie, please." Sweeney said, a tremor entering her voice and she reached out, grabbing her hand, "I didn't have a choice. He said he would kill Mike if I refused, and I would have to watch Merry die. Please, Annie, please."
"Merry as in Meredith?" Pete asked, "The girl Mikey's ass over tea kettle for?"
"She's her daughter, Mike is her Tovaras. Like Sy is mine. If a vampires' Tovaras dies, they also die. Eventually. It's a slow and horrible death." Annalisa said, still look down at Sweeney as tears started to run down her face. "Who threatened Mike, Elizabeth? Who threatened Meredith if you didn't comply."
"Hold up," Brian said, "This is Sweeney, so I'm guessin' Meredith is Frost. Ain't Eugene her father? Ain't that what you told us?"
"He said he would kill Mike if you didn't agree to go along with what he had planned?" Pete asked, "That little puke threatened to kill my baby brother and cause the death of his own fuckin' child?"
"Where did that car take him?" Annalisa asked, her voice still steady.
"The pits." Sweeney said and a muscle in Annalisas' jaw jumped, her eyes flashing dangerously. "Annie. Annie please, I'm so sorry."
"Elizabeth, you were protecting your daughter." Annalisa said, "Call her. She's probably with Mike. Tell them to come here. I want them where I can see them."
"I'm going to Eugenes' penthouse and--" Ethan started as Sweeney got on her phone.
"He's already gone, Ethan." Annalisa said, "You know that as well as I. We'll track him down, but first we have to find Sy. Elizabeth, is Damascos also behind this?"
"Yes." Sweeney said with a nod.
"Pits?" Pete asked.
"Fighting pits. A bit like a gladiatorial arena." Annalisa said, "Shifted werewolves fighting each other as people place bets on the outcome, the winner receiving a cut of the profits. Deaths sometimes occurred so I shut them down around fifty years ago. Where is he getting fighters?"
"After you shut him down, all his fighters left." Sweeney said, "Broke their contracts. They didn't want to risk you finding out. Eugene has been supplying him with new fighters for a share of the winnings."
"Supplying how?" Brian asked.
"He finds wolves, usually homeless or runaways, drugs them with absinthe infused with wolfsbane, and delivers them to Damascos." Sweeney said, "Damascos keeps them drugged while they're not fighting so they don't try to escape, then uses electricity to force a shift, to enrage them before throwing them in the pits to fight. It's more profitable this way because Damascos doesn't have to split the pot with the winner."
"What does he do with the bodies?" Annalisa asked.
"Incinerates them."
"How long have you known this was going on?" Annalisa asked.
"I heard rumors, but I didn't believe Damascos was that stupid to go behind your back. I found out what Eugene was doing, confronted him, told him I was going to tell you. He said he'd kill Merry if I did. She's his daughter, but I don't doubt for a second he would actually do it."
"How many did you help deliver to Damascos?" Annalisa asked.
"Just Sy." Sweeney said, "I thought he was just going to talk to him, bribe him, threaten him, something to get him to leave town. I didn't think he'd--not until he told me Damascos was waiting for delivery."
"Where did he set up again?"
"I don't know."
"I promise you, Annie. I don't know where they took him."
"I believe you." Annalisa said. "Ethan, please reach out to Simon. I want all of Xerxes Holding Groups' records and the records of any subsidiaries. Have him dig deep, I don't want information you'd find on Google."
"On it." Ethan said and took his phone out, leaving the office to make the call.
"What--what are you going to do with me?" Sweeney asked.
"You're staying here until Sy is found. If Eugene tries to contact you, you are to notify me immediately."
"But I helped him."
"An accomplice gained through threats or coercion is also a victim." Annalisa said, “You were protecting Mike, you were protecting Meredith. Sy is strong, he would have held his own, but Mike would have been an easy victim.”
“I’m guessin’ Xerxes Hold Group is owned by this Damascos guy?” Brian asked and she nodded. “How long before we have the information?”
“A couple days at the least.”
“A couple days...” Pete said.
“While I have no doubt Damascos will waste little time in breaking in his new fighter, Sy is strong. With his Army training, he will endure.”
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banned-for-horny · 1 year
One of the Good Ones
Mason gets in trouble.
(cw including but not limited to bratty reader, leighton being leighton, and mason getting the humiliation/corruption he deserves)
Mason should have just ignored you. You'd come in, made all kinds of rude and lewd remarks, and really, he should have known something was up when he was able to drag you to office without a fight. You're one of the best swimmers in the class, and you had a reputation as a delinquent for a reason.
A loud thwack! startles the swim coach, but it's your strangled moan in his ear that really drags him back to attention. Your entire body jolts from the blow, chest rubbing against Mason's whistle, thighs twitching and knocking his own together. Somehow, the only part of him that isn't being set ablaze by your touch is his crotch, where his cock strains painfully against his shorts. He can't tell if it's a blessing or a curse.
Blessing, Mason decides quickly. "Nine."
Behind you with a leering smile stands Headmaster Leighton. "Good." He raises the paddle. "I was worried you lost count. We would've had to start all over again, and we wouldn't want that, right?"
"No, sir," Mason forces out.
You squeeze Mason's neck in a hug and sway your hips, drawling, "No, sir."
Headmaster Leighton brings the paddle down with a fierce swing. Mason's hips jolt up...at the noise. He'd been startled. Right. Just startled. "Ten."
Really, Mason doesn't understand how he got here. He'd expected you to be punished, sure, but then Headmaster Leighton had said something about being responsible for their students in the classroom, and that he should know how to control his students and not rely on the Headmaster for everything and-
Another swing. Another breathy moan. This time, Mason can see your toes curling and throws his head back, desperate for air. "Eleven."
-and now he's here.
Mason isn't stupid. He knows this town is-is sick. Fucked up. And it isn't like he's innocent, either - his little sessions in the lake are saved for rainy days on purpose. But he keeps his hands to himself for a reason, always makes direct eye contact and NEVER goes below the neckline.
But this is also his job. He'd gotten lucky getting a position at the academy, and if he got fired, he would have to resort to some...unsavory work until he finds something more stable.
"Twelve," Mason gasps over your moaning. His hips are twitching, either to grind into your crotch or wriggle away from it. The count is fifteen. Headmaster Leighton wanted him to prove he's capable of controlling himself by not touching you. It's not that hard.
He thinks as much until rough, weathered skin squeezes his knee. Mason's breath hitches in his throat, jaw tight as Headmaster Leighton leans over to eye the little gap between the swim coach and the delinquent.
"You're doing good, Mason," the headmaster hums, squeezing Mason's burning skin as he smiles. "I expected no less from someone like you. As for you..." He rises with a quiet grunt, then wrenches your head back by the roots. Your lips part in another breathy gasp, eyes fluttering. "This is a punishment, you know."
The corner of your lips curl dangerously. "Then maybe you should stop hitting like an old man already and actually punish me."
Headmaster Leighton's own smile drills a hole right through Mason's stomach. The paddle strikes your bare end once, twice, three times in quick succession. Even when Mason practically shouts "Fifteen!", the older man doesn't stop. You cry out at the sixteenth, bury your face into Mason's neck at the nineteenth. At twenty, your lips ghost over his skin, nails sinking into his roots and jerking his head back. A moan catches in his throat at the sight of the headmaster's flushed face.
"Still enjoying yourself?" Headmaster Leighton sneers.
For a moment, Mason prays he's talking to you, but when he realizes the headmaster is watching him, his tongue shrivels in his mouth. "N-No, sir. Never-"
It's at that perfect, horrible moment that you finally decide to sit up. Your hips drag up Mason's thighs and hike up his shorts, and the throbbing warmth of your ass finally grinds against his length and draws a deep, pained groan from his chest. His hands untangle from behind the chair, digging his fingers deep into your hips to-to push you off. Right. It also keeps the weight of your body directly on his clothed cock, burning and twitching with the desire to rut into you until he cums, and he can't have that. Mason's supposed to be one of the good ones.
Sobriety crashes into Mason like he dove headfirst into the lake in the middle of winter. His eyes fly to the headmaster and his nonchalant lean against the desk behind him, paddle still in hand, eyes brimming with cruel amusement.
"Mason," he sighs, "I'm disappointed in you. You were supposed to keep your hands to yourself until I was done."
Mason's jaw drops in protest, ripping his hands away from your skin. "Y-You said to fifteen-"
The paddle cracks against the polished wood. "I said, 'let's start with fifteen'," Headmaster Leighton sneers. "Not 'only' fifteen. I know I hired you for your...physical fitness, but it's simple English, really." His sneer melts into a sadistic grin. "Or were you just that eager to join in on the punishment? What do you think?"
Whatever else Mason tries to say disappears in another groan when you lean back, pressing even harder into his erection. Despite the pained tears brimming in your eyes, you smirk. "I think," you hum, "he really wants to join in, sir."
And Mason desperately wants to say no, wants to shove you off his lap and bolt out of the headmaster's office, but he can already imagine it now: Local swim coach teacher physically assaults student, claims it was in self-defense. Headmaster Leighton would have his name slandered, credibility destroyed. Who would ever want to hire some no-named stranger that got caught red-handed by the police?
"I-" Mason chokes out, "I-I should be punished."
Your smirk only grows. Through the haze of his own panic and arousal, he swears he sees the pointed tail of a devil curling behind you. "For?"
"For..." Mason swallows when Headmaster Leighton circles behind him. "For not being able tO-" His voice hiccups when those same, calloused hands palm his shoulders. With each gentle squeeze, he finds the tension in his muscles soften against his will. "For not being able to control myself..."
You pout. That tail he swears isn't there droops. "Control myself against..."
"Against you," he finishes.
The victorious little smile you flash ignites every nerve under his skin. You sit back fully this time, practically crushing his erection and ignoring his moan to say, "See, old man? Told you he'd break."
"As if anyone could hold out against someone like you," Headmaster Leighton scoffs. He gives Mason one final shove before returning to his desk, retrieving the paddle and giving his palm a firm smack. "Now, what to do..." They could let him go, Mason wants to say, but under the haze in his mind, he already knows they won't let him. Whatever little game they have planned, he'd be stuck between them.
"Why don't we start with some strokes?" Headmaster Leighton pats the top of his desk. You smile and slip out of Mason's lap, practically throwing the swimmer into position. He barely gets his hands on the surface when you yank his shorts down, exposing his ass and-
"H-Hey!" Mason squeaks when you grab his shaft. He isn't exactly big, but when your fist closes around his cock, the head barely peeks out of your fingers.
"That's...smaller than I was hoping," you whine. A few hard tugs nearly has Mason at the brink of orgasm and yet you aren't even paying attention, pouting at the headmaster instead. "You said he was a winner!"
"I said he would be 'entertaining'," Headmaster Leighton scolds. "Seems Mason isn't the only one here flunking out of English, hm? Perhaps I should have Doren come in to provide some remedial lessons. Or should I have Sirris come in to check your ears?"
"No!" Mason manages to shout, voice trembling as you continue to stroke his shaft. You're barely moving your wrist, almost bored, and under all the arousal and embarrasment, he can't help but grit his teeth with frustration. "Can we just start already?"
"At least you're eager," you huff, finally releasing his cock. Mason risks glancing over his shoulder and finds you sidled up to Headmaster Leighton's side, tapping a jaunty little tune against the paddle with your nails. "Now hurry up, sir. I'm bored!"
Headmaster Leighton only smiles and traces the edge of the paddle up your throat, chin tilted back to meet his eye. It's sensual, intimate, and Mason feels like he's intruding on something when the headmaster leans down and whispers in your ear. Whatever he says, it draws the corners of your mouth into a wicked smile. You peck a kiss against Headmaster Leighton's cheek. In the same breath, you pluck the paddle from his hand and point it at Mason.
"Let's start with...fifteen," you taunt, voice dripping with glee. "Ready?"
Mason feels like he might faint. He's supposed to be one of the good ones. "...ready."
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dkakapizzaboy · 2 years
Camouflaged (Part 1/3)
Masterlist|| Taglist Form
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Words: 1.1k
Category: Angst (Suggestive Af- MINORS DNI)
Pairing: Corrupt Politician DK x PR Rep Fem Reader
Warnings: Suggestive AF, a bit of a toxic dynamic, DK is a bad bad man(lmk if anything else needs to be added)
A/n: Thanks to @drunk-on-dk and @multi-kpop-fanfics for proof reading this and their vote of confidence! Also a big thank you to @onlymingyus @angelwoozi @wonwussy for their inputs on the banner 🥰🥰
Taglist: @junhui-recs @drunk-on-dk
Feedback always helps!
You knocked on his door, he'd called you in for something. It's funny, when you'd both first started, you as a journalism major wanting to work in politics and him, as a political science major wanting to give a voice to the youth of the country, neither of you imagined that your lives would turn this way.
Nowadays, your relationship with him was a mix of pure professionalism and snarky comments from your end, and feigning ignorance and patronizing words on his. Long gone were the days where this room, now his private office, the only one you both could afford at that time, was filled with mischievous laughters and stolen glances. He'd kept it still, to keep up the image of your average young Joe with average income who could only afford this stingy place.
It all probably began to go downhill when he had started gaining traction on social media as a handsome young politician who knew what he was saying for a change. The constant phone calls, along with people hogging him on the streets became too much for just the two of you and he wanted to bring in external help. But neither of you could afford it but then one day, suddenly, money wasn't an issue. He'd jokingly said that he found a generous old lady who had a thing for pretty boys. You later found out he'd taken money from a coal company, which went completely against the climate change agenda he'd been preaching.
He'd cried when you found out about it, saying that it was a one time thing in exchange for attending a few of their board meetings to give an impression to the public that they were doing something about their gas emissions.
You'd forgiven him then, it was his first time making a mistake and his tears had made you weak. Having a crush on someone's for over four years does that to a person.
Fast forward a few months, you overhead him on the phone, making a shady deal, promoting some snack company which had been heavily linked to an FDA official's bribery charge.
He'd denied it when you confronted him, saying that you probably heard it wrong. You trusted him again.
One day, while he was away on an interview, you'd accidentally stumbled upon the documents of the deal he'd denied making.
You felt foolish, for trusting him, and betrayed.
But hey, fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me,right?
Since that day, you'd started collecting evidence, for the day you expose his true face. Your friendship had deteriorated significantly, you kept the PR rep job out of spite and vengeance.
His demeanor had also changed behind the scenes, from being the sweet, joking boy who shined so brightly to a wicked, patronizing dictator who manipulated people like they were puppets. He was pretty good at it too, blessed with the kindest eyes and the most beautiful smile, it was hard not to immediately fall for such a sincere looking face.
There was also another dynamic that had evolved between you two. It was much more beneath the surface, something that others weren't privy to. Innocent stolen glances of early twenties had turned to heated, despising looks filled with lust. It hadn't gone beyond eating each other with your eyes, your hatred and his ego stopping both of you. But the tension had been rising subtly, ever since that one time you'd caught him staring at your ass in a bodycon dress at an event.
Anyways, enough of a back story, you made your way into his office, annoyed that he'd called you in just as you were going home for the day. Well actually, you weren't really going home, you had plans to meet up with some college friends, Mingyu being one of them. He was sweet, and nice and everything Seokmin wasn't anymore. Back in college you'd rejected him because you were so in love with Seokmin that you hadn't really looked at Mingyu. But as you reconnected at one of the reunions, you'd hit it off with him and who knew, it could actually lead to something healthy.
Seokmin saw you come in, and raised a sharp brow at your attire. You had a black low-cut top on exposing enough cleavage for him to involuntarily swallow, with wide legged leather pants and high heels. His first thought was to pin you against the wall and test with his mouth if the skin of your breasts was really as soft and supple as it looked. His second thought was where you were going and more importantly with whom, as his possessiveness took over.
You saw him, sitting on the emerald green suede armchair, his strong thighs pulling the fabric of his dress pants.
Fuck, why the fuck was he so hot.
"You wanted to see me?" you asked, with as much sincerity as you could muster. You just wanted to get out of there as soon as possible and see Mingyu's pretty face and nice eyes and have a good time.
Seokmin, for the life of him, could not remember what he'd called you in for. It seemed like all the blood that was in his brain had suddenly rushed down elsewhere seeing you all dolled up.
"Sorry, I didn't know you had plans. We can talk tomorrow." He wanted to inquire more but didn't really know how to breach the subject.
Let's just say you were more than mildly offended by his lack of questions. An irrational part of your brain wanted him to care, to ask where you were going so late at night, and wanted to see his reaction when you mentioned Mingyu. Fuck, why did you care so much about what he thought.
That dumb, hormonal part of your brain took over and you blurted," Yeah I have a thing, a date actually, with Mingyu, remember him? From college?"
If there was a third party in this room, they wouldn't have been able to catch the way Seokmin's jaw tightened, his hands gripped the armchair a little bit more firmly, and his eyes narrowed, only by a few millimetres.
Yup, you were satisfied now. It was really immature, and you knew that, but it felt good, you didn't really want to think why.
What you really didn't expect was for him to get up from his chair.
He walked towards you, surety in his step, confidence in his eyes and smugness in that wicked smirk.
The hair at the nape of your neck stood up as he started coming closer and closer, as you started taking steps back, only to be entrapped between him and the wall. His mildly scented perfume was attacking your senses now, as his strong body towered over you and you felt a blush rise up to your cheeks.
He bent down, and brought his lips next to your ear, his breath deliciously caressing your neck as he whispered,
"It's a pity, if it were me, you would've been spread out bare on my table by now."
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staytheword · 2 years
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snakeskin — part one of the smell of roses [ ← prologue → part two (tba) ] [ series masterlist ] [ playlist ] [ general masterlist ]
this series (and this blog) are 18+ !! minors do NOT interact!! no real people are represented.
•  lee know x female reader / changbin x female reader / lee know x female reader x changbin (NOT a love triangle), all other stray kids members are featured but not main characters. this specific chapter is lee know x reader focused. 
• non idol au, bikers au, rivals to lovers au, small town au. inspired by sons of anarchy. (not beta-read so I apologize)
• word count: 15.1k (15,118) (sorry)
• warnings: mentions of all sorts of illegality; money laundering, drugs and weapons dealing. corruption and blackmail. a lot of drinking (often excessive). a lot of swearing and insulting. drug consumption (weed only). anger management problems. mental health issues (people are not quite sane). mentions of scars. mention of violence (stabbing). mention of pyromania. threatening with a weapon (knife). blood, wounds, stitching. mention of murder. 
smut. dom minho. unprotected sex (stay safe people), semi-public groping, dirty talk, fingering, oral sex (f and m both receive and give), deepthroating, choking, hair pulling, use of the words “good girl”, creampie, a little bit of a degradation kink.  
“Do you understand what I’m saying?” he whispers. You find yourself nodding.
• taglist: @upallnight-s​ ; @ughbehavior​​ ; @changbinluvr​​ ; @valreadsfics​​ ; @ppiri-bahng​​ ; @mchslut​​ ; you? (let me know if I forgot you)
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“I get what you’re saying, Y/N, but there’s just nothing I can do.”
You groan at Jeongin and he smiles apologetically. You’re sitting on a bench near the police station, where you’ve asked him to meet you. You brought coffee. Your heart feels like it’s about to burst – caffeine is definitely not a good idea, but you’ve been so on edge for the past twenty-four hours you can’t sleep. You figure at some point your body is just going to crash, so you keep pushing it.
You needed to find some reassurance, to explore your options, so you asked Jeongin if there was anything he, or the police, could do about the Vices. You didn’t want him to chase them out of the town, just to find a loophole so you, your father and the shop could be left alone.
Jeongin shrugs. “Don’t worry too much about it. It won’t change anything for you, I’m even sure you’ll end up forgetting about it.”
“That’s cute. As if I could,” you sigh. “It changes everything for me, Jeongin. Everything.”
He pats your shoulder gently. “Just keep your head down, it’ll be fine. You’ve made it this far without pissing them off, which knowing you is a gooddamn miracle.”
You sigh. “But what if I want to choke him with my two hands?” you cry out. “Will you cover for me?”
“You know I would, Trouble,” Jeongin answers with a chuckle. “But I don’t think you’d last long after that. Changbin would be out for your blood.”
You stare blankly at your friend. “Who the hell is Changbin?”
“His Vice.”
“You – what – how did – hold up. Are you on a first name basis with them?”
Jeongin shrugs, taking a sip of coffee. “Some of them. Changbin is helping me fix my Chevy. He’s good with cars and they have really good contacts to get rare parts.”
“Jeongin…” you sigh. “You’re supposed to be a police officer.”
“I am,” he retorts. “I gave a parking ticket the other day.”
You shake your head in exasperation, but there is a slight smile on your lips. You talk for a while – he’s recently adopted a puppy – but you let him go back to work, or to whatever the police do in Temperance.
You stop for groceries on the way home. Maybe cooking will help you calm down. It’s not that you’re scared of retribution, but it feels like you’re being watched. Like something – or someone – could jump at your throat at any second to teach you a lesson. Like you’ve just tempted the devil a little too much and he’s waiting for the right moment to get back at you and drag you to hell.
As you’re contemplating either staying locked up at home or making sure you’re in a public place all night, waiting to cross a street, a motorcycle stops in front of you. He lifts up the visor of his helmet – Lee Minho.
“Ah. Wondered where you were.”
You stare at him, both fed up and defensive. “What?”
“The flower shop was awfully quiet without you to throw insults at my face,” he chuckles. He’s balancing on both legs, seemingly as much at ease on his bike as he is breathing. He’s wearing short sleeves today, and you spy a few small tattoos.
“Someone’s got to do it,” you spit back. “I’ll gladly volunteer.”
“Should we make it a daily appointment, then? Just to keep me on my toes.”
“You really are –” You stop because you suddenly realize what he has said. “Wait, you’ve been to the shop?”
“Your father was ready to conclude our conversation. Went smoothly without you screaming bloody murder.”
You don’t know if you should feel angry or betrayed – both emotions come so strongly at once you’re left in shock. Your father went behind your back.
The arrangement is made.
It’s over.
You feel strangely empty.
“Don’t look so defeated,” Minho tells you. “I’m not going to be in your hair.”
“You’re just going to take my money every month, huh?” You squint your eyes at him. “What are you going to do with it? Buy yourself a new shotgun? Burn it for fun?”
“Hm. I never thought of that,” he answers, leaning against his bike. “Thanks for the idea. Keep it coming.”
“I swear, you fucking dick, I’m this fucking close to getting myself a baseball bat and trashing your bike when you’re sleeping,” you hiss without thinking.
To your surprise – well, maybe you shouldn’t be surprised, the guy is clearly unstable – Minho bursts out laughing. “Just my bike, really? Why not bash my brains in?”
“Don’t fucking tempt me.”
“Such a foul mouth.”
He says it almost tenderly, and you frown at him. What the hell is his problem? Is he getting turned on by your threats? You wouldn’t put it past him.
You don’t know how that makes you feel.
You suddenly become aware of his thighs, pressed against the motorcycle seat. Of his hands, safely tucked in leather gloves. Of the curve of his lips as he traces them with his tongue.
“Since you didn’t want to give me your name, I asked around,” he tells you in a lower voice. “Ji had quite a few stories to tell.”
You clench your fists.
“He did tell me your name, but I think I prefer what they called you in high school. Trouble, right?”
He takes the time to articulate the world, his tongue lingering against the back of his teeth, his face showing absolute content. You try really hard not to spit in his face or slap him – you’re only able to restrain yourself because a part of you is worried he would like it.
“Love the nickname. You’d fit right in with us.”
“I’d rather choke on razor blades,” you laugh bitterly.
“Mmm,” he says. “Remove the razor blades and it can be done.”
You stare at him, absolutely dumbfounded. The guts on this guy. You guess he is not the president of a motorcycle club for nothing, but still. This is a lot.
“See you soon, Trouble.”
He puts his visor down and drives away, and you realize you’ve been holding onto your grocery bags so tight your hands are white and painful. You put them on the ground for a few seconds, sighing deeply, wondering if maybe you should’ve listened to your friends and be a little less stupid.
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Only when you find yourself engulfed in the darkness of your room do you realize that you did it. You did it. You ruined someone’s night – and not just anybody’s. Minho’s. An ecstatic laugh escapes your lips and echoes in your cold bedroom.
You’re in the middle of doing paperwork for the shop when your phone rings. It’s Hyunjin, so you answer quickly. You’re alone in the Rose Garden today because your father had a medical appointment, and maybe it’s better this way. You’re having a little trouble forgiving him for going behind your back – luckily, he’s your father and he knows you better than anyone. He knows the best thing to do, if he wants to avoid another fight, is to give you space and time.
You’d rather have a fight, but that’s just you.
“Hey Hyun,” you smile, putting the call on speaker.
There’s no one in the shop, and since it’s still early in the morning, the chances of a client walking in are slim. People usually come around during their lunch, or after work to grab their orders or to buy a spontaneous bouquet for their loved ones. You’ve heard it all, you’ve seen it all. Please forgive me. I don’t want to break up. I’m sorry. Get some rest. Heal soon. Congratulations. I love you.  
“Y/N,” Hyunjin says, his velvet voice tingling your ears even through the phone. “Are you coming to the pub tonight?”
You frown. “I don’t know. Probably. It’s Tuesday.”
You always go to Rossi’s on Tuesdays because the shop is closed on Wednesdays. It’s a ritual that you break only for emergencies or special occasions.
“Hm. That’s what I thought. Well, maybe don’t come tonight.”
“Why not?”
“Believe me, you don’t want to be there.”
“Why not?” you repeat, sincerely intrigued.
“They’re all going to be there,” Hyunjin mutters. He explains that his boss suddenly called earlier, asking all available employees to come into work that night. The Vices had decided to host a party at Rossi’s and there would be a lot of people there. “So yeah, maybe stay away?”
You roll your eyes to the back of your head. “Who the hell do they think they care? If you’re gonna host a goddamn party at least call in advance. Pretentious pricks.”
Hyunjin ignores you. “So you’re not coming, right? Please tell me you’re staying home.”
“Fuck no, Hyun,” you spit, and you hear him sigh deeply. “You bet your cute ass I’m going to be there.”
“Y/N,” he warns you, but it’s your time to ignore him.
“Thanks for letting me know,” you smile maniacally.
“That’s not why I called you –”
“I’ll see you tonight!”
You hang up after he tells you goodbye in a wary voice and your mind immediately enters brainstorming mode. How could you entirely ruin their little party? You’re just one person, and according to Hyunjin, there’s going to be a lot of them – but that does not scare you. They do not scare you.
Not even that fucker Lee Minho.
Maybe you should actually bring a bat and swing it in front of his face to see if he’d still be laughing.
You usually go to Rossi’s dressed in your casual clothes, whether it be overalls or a sundress. You have absolutely no consistency in your personal style but you don’t care. It allows you to have a variety of outfits in your closet – and one of them is perfect for tonight.
Leather skirt. Black top. Combat boots.
You’re going to make them think you’re one of them. You’re going to be a fucking tease and mess with their heads. You want to make them angry. You want to push their buttons. You want to see how far they’ll go. You don’t care anymore.
They’ve already taken what was most precious to you.
In comparison, giving them blue balls is really not that bad of a punishment. But it’s a start.
You get to Rossi’s around ten, wearing your smokey eyes and perfume as weapons. The pub is already packed, the music louder than usual. There are a scandalous number of bikes parked in front of it, and you clench your teeth. A few people are hanging outside, smoking, chatting. Two are already making out like their life depends on it.  
You step inside – it’s about ten degrees hotter than outside and you take a deep breath. There are a lot of people there. You spot Hyunjin behind the bar, working as fast as he can, not looking like he’s having much fun. Claire, another barmaid, has a nervous smile on her lips. You don’t want to give them more work, but you need at least one drink if you’re going to make it through the night.
It's a miracle you find an empty seat at the bar, but you do. You hate your skirt, it’s way too short and tight, but you have to endure it. If you just manage to ruin the night of one of them, you’ll be happy.
“Can I just get a pint?” you ask Claire, who gives you a more genuine smile and pours you a pale ale, your usual.
You take a few big gulps, spinning on the stool to take a look around. There are so many of those leather cuts it’s ridiculous. Most people are from around town – you even see Jeongin and a few other cops playing pool with Vices – and a lot of girls wearing revealing outfits like you, although they’re not doing it with the same purpose as you. From their giggling and wiggling, they just want to fuck a biker – and the latter are ready to indulge. Jisung already has his nose against a blonde girl’s neck.
You get lost in your thoughts and get startled when Hyunjin leans towards you across the counter, his eyes dark.
“What the fuck are you wearing?”
You giggle innocently. “What do you mean? I’m not wearing anything special.”
“Fuck’s sake, Y/N, I’ve never seen anyone that likes to stir shit as much as you.”
You wink at him, and he walks away – it’s not like he has time to give you a lecture, anyway. He just makes sure to glare at you once more, mouthing a go home although you’re sure he knows you’re going to ignore him.  
You take your time deciding on a target – you had planned on starting with Jisung since you know him, but he’s already busy. Maybe Chris? He has a girlfriend, but won’t that make it even better for your objective? He’s over there, with his bright orange hair, and looks bored out of his mind. You’ll entertain him, you chuckle. You decide to at least finish your first pint before you go on the offense, but before you can, you feel someone slide in the space between your stool and the next.
“Interesting. I would’ve bet you were a red ale girl,” he smirks.
It's Lee Minho, of course.
“What makes you think that?” you ask, giving him your best smug smile.
“Red’s my color,” he states, arching an eyebrow.
You do the same. “Says the guy always wearing black.”
He doesn’t answer, just looks at you, eyeing you up and down. You don’t mind – you even return the favor. Tonight, he’s wearing a simple t-shirt under his cut, and his jeans are torn at the knees. There’s a chain around his wrist, another around his neck. His silver hair falls on his forehead, hiding his scar a little.  
“Did you dress up for me, doll?”
You shrug. “For anyone who bothers to look.”
“Hm,” he shakes his head. “Looking for a fuck?”
“Why, are you interested?”
He barks out a laugh, his eyes shining. “And I thought you didn’t want to play.”
Raising his arm, he snaps his fingers and Claire immediately rushes to him. You wonder if they were given directions to give him priority. The president.
“Get us a few shots of whiskey, will you?” he asks, not looking away from you. You hold up his stare, making sure to stay entirely unfazed. Which you definitely are.
“So, what is this party for, exactly?”
“Just us celebrating the fact that we now own every square feet of this town,” he replies in a low voice. “Thanks to your father. I should’ve invited him as guest of honor. How rude of me.”
Your façade breaks and you clench your fists. “You fucking dick,” you hiss. “I swear, I…”
He shakes his head, tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear. “Now, now, doll. Not that I don’t like hearing filthy words coming out of your cute mouth, but how about we hold off the insults tonight? I’m trying to unwind.”
You want to slap him so bad your hand twitches – but Claire chooses this moment to come back with a small tray filled with six shots of whiskey.
You stare at it. “Is this just for the two of us?”
“It’s a party, remember, Trouble?”
His use of your old nickname irritates you – and yet it doesn’t. You decide not to pick up on it and you grab the first shot. What the hell. It might make your night’s mission easier if you think about it. You take the first and the second shot in a row. Minho does the same, leaning closer to you when he’s done.
He hands you the last shot, clinking it against his. “To my new favorite girl.”
You down the shot and stand up. The space between you was already small, and your body slides against his as you stretch your legs. He lets you do it, not moving an inch. You let a smile linger on your lips and stare at his. You drag your finger against his mouth, where a drop of whiskey lingers. Then, you pop your finger in your mouth to lick it clean.
“Thanks for the shots,” you tell him in a whisper before you walk away. You head for your intended target. A part of you expects Minho to grab your arm or your wrist to get the last word, but he doesn’t. He just lets you go.
The music is loud, electric guitars and heavy drums dulling your senses alongside the whiskey. A few people playing darts suddenly erupt in loud laughter. It’s easy to spot the orange hair, so you follow it through the crowd, stumbling a little – all that booze is hitting you pretty hard. A few seconds later, you’ve lost orange boy.
“Where the fuck is –” You’re not watching where you’re going. Your foot butts against something and you lose your balance, the rest of your beer dangerously tilting in your glass. You expect to hit the ground any second, but something holds you up. Someone.
You look up to see Vice staring at you. He pulls on your arm, putting you back straight on both your feet.
“Thanks,” you say in a small voice.
He’s staring at you, looking slightly pissed off, as he usually does. You remember what you’ve heard – anger management issues. A good mechanic. Very protective of his president. Hm. Maybe he could be your next target. Although you’re not sure if it’s a good idea to push the buttons off a guy who once almost beat someone to death.
“Don’t drink if you can’t handle it,” he tells you, and it’s the first time you’ve heard him speak. He has a grainy voice, full of spite, but it’s also strangely endearing. His lips are a soft pink, plump and cute. You’re a little drunk so you openly stare at them. Maybe you have a problem, too.
“What if I was just trying to get your attention?” you answer with a smile.
His eyes squint slightly. “That’d be stupid,” he replies. “You could’ve just fallen on your face.”
“But I didn’t,” you say. “Your big strong arms caught me.”
To emphasize your point, you slide your hand on his bicep. There’s a tattoo there – the club’s logo. You feel its edges under your fingertips. He tenses, taking a step back.
“Go away,” he sighs.
You pout. “I was going to ask you if you wanted to dance. Or teach me how to play pool, maybe? I can pretend I don’t know how to hold the cue.”
He shakes his head. “Whatever you’re trying to do, it’s not going to work. You’re not one of those biker chicks,” he says with disdain, nodding his head towards a bunch of giggling girls.
“You know nothing about me, Changbin.”
He blinks at you in surprise, and his face immediately darkens.
“If you keep messing with me, you’re not gonna like what you find,” he threatens, his voice nearly reduced to a growl.
“Oh, but I do.” You put a finger against his chest. “I’ve heard a lot of things about you and I want to find out which ones are true.”
He sighs. “Why don’t go and find someone who’s in the mood to flirt with you? You’re really wasting your time with me.”
You’re seconds away from screaming in frustration. The guy is a brick wall. Nothing is getting through. You give up – you let down your arms and give him an annoyed look.
“Fuck you,” you snarl – and that’s when he almost breaks into a smile.
“That’s more like it. Now, go away.”
You oblige him once more, heading through the crowd to find someone else to annoy. You look back after a couple of steps, strangely hoping to find him looking at you, but his back is to you. A very nice-looking back, at that. What a shame it’s ruined by that stupid angelic devil stitched on the leather.  
You end up standing rather pathetically in some corner, having no fun at all. You were so sure your plan was perfect, but clearly you were wrong. You feel bitter and annoyed – and you feel desperately lonely. It’s the feeling you hate the most in the entire world, and when it creeps up on you, you usually chase it down with any kind of rush or stupid decision. It does not help when you’ve been drinking, which you have.
Fuck the Vices.
You have half a mind to start grabbing bottles and glasses and smash them on the floor. What if you grabbed someone’s hair and punched them on the nose? What if you screamed at the top of your lungs? But you care about Rossi’s too much to really make a scene, so you just storm out. Once you’re outside, you take out a joint with shaking heads, trying to light it as you walk, but it’s too windy and your lighter just doesn’t want to work. You groan in frustration, clutching the joint in your fist, officially ruining it.
Your life is in ruins.
You don’t have anyone.
And all you see are those fucking bikes.
What if you just gave them a kick? You could watch them fall like dominos and laugh your ass off.
You jump at the sudden sound of Jisung’s voice next to you. He’s so silent. So creepy. But he’s handing you a lit joint.
“Just giving back what I owe,” he says.
You don’t even care. You take the hit, but it doesn’t calm you down. It only seems to make your rage rise in your throat, and you’re on the verge of tears. You’re so angry. So disappointed. Your father had promised.
It’ll never be theirs, he had said. I promised your mother and I promise you now. The Rose Garden will never belong to them.
“Y/N.” Jisung’s hand is on your shoulder. You’re not sure what he wants to tell you, but you don’t really care. You just need to exorcise the loneliness out of your chest – so you grab his collar and pull him into a desperate kiss. His lips are soft and taste like cherries, and he immediately wraps his arms around you, his tongue seeking yours. Your hand slides in his soft hair, and you just want to forget everything.
Jisung bites your lip a little too hard and you moan in his mouth. He pushes you against the brick wall of the pub, his fingers sliding down your body to squeeze your skin. His hand is lifting your skirt and he kisses you hard.
You wanted Hyunjin to be your first everything – but it ended up being Jisung. He’s a heavenly good kisser and your first time wasn’t even that bad, considering you were both inexperienced and high on weed. It’s been a long time since then, but his taste is still familiar. You wonder if he still has a soft spot for putting his fingers so deep in your mouth you gagged.
You’re too drunk to care that you’re making out with a Vice, and as you want to ask Jisung to go somewhere more private, he suddenly disappears from around you.
You blink, your eyes adjusting back to your environment.
“Get back inside, Ji,” Minho growls, holding his friend by the collar. He throws him in the direction of the pub entrance, visibly annoyed.
Jisung gives you an apologetic smile. Your mind is completely blank.
“For someone who hates the Vices so much, you sure didn’t seem to mind tongue fucking one.”
You stare at Lee Minho, pissed at having been interrupted, at not having achieved what you wanted from tonight, at everything.
“What’s wrong with you?” you groan.
“I don’t like it when people touch what’s mine. And I specifically told Jisung to keep his hands from you.”
It takes you a second too long to register what Minho has just said.
“Excuse me?” you yell at him. “What the fuck did you just say?”
Minho lifts his chin, arrogance seeping off of him.
“What is yours?” You repeat, laughing hysterically. “This is not a movie, you’re not the master of the fucking universe. Jesus Christ, dude, you need a reality check.”
“No, Trouble. You do.”
His voice suddenly hits differently. It stops you from spitting venom at his face, because he actually looks mad. A strange light has sparked in his eyes, and you step back against the brick wall, your hands holding your body up.
“I do own this town, and you owe some fucking respect,” he tells you, pinning you there without even touching you. “I only let you run your mouth because there’s nothing you can actually do against me, and it’s amusing to see you think you can.” He smirks at you, but there is no amusement there – just malice. “However, I have my fucking limits and you’re very nearly hitting that nail on the head.”
It’s out of your control – you open your mouth to retaliate. Minho’s eyes spark like lightning and his hand slaps against your mouth. His fingers are sprawled over your face, pushing just enough to hold it there without hurting you.
“You’re really asking for it, huh?” he mutters. In the darkness, with his eyes lighted up, he looks insane. You’re scared but you also don’t care about what happens to you. It’s making you reckless. It’s making him reckless, too.
Except he has a knife and you don’t.
Except he pulls said knife and rests it against your neck.
It feels cold against your skin.
“What if I just opened your throat, doll? What would happen?” He laughs. “No one could do a damn thing to stop me. And I could just carry on living as I already do. And you’d just be dead.”
He’s not just bringing you down – he’s shoving you six feet under with a fucking shovel, savagely hitting you on the head with it. Your eyes are filled with tears, and you’re pretty sure that the second he removes his hand, you’ll fall on the ground with a whimper.
“Do you understand what I’m saying?” he whispers.
You find yourself nodding.
“Good girl.”
He puts his knife back in his pocket and then removes his hand. Your legs wobble but he holds you up, helping you back on your feet.
“Now, let’s get you home,” he says more softly, petting your hair like a child. “Call her a taxi, will you, Vice?”
You just notice that Changbin is standing a few feet away, watching the scene. You expect him to look as he usually does – both disinterested and irritated. However, there is something different in his eyes this time. It might be because you’re drunk and scared, but you could swear he seems worried. If it’s for you or Minho, you have no idea.
He nods at the words and pulls his phone out of his pocket. Meanwhile, Minho turns to you.
“Get some rest, Trouble. You’ll need it.”
You have no idea what that means but you can’t find the strength to ask. You watch him walk away, and you can’t stand still anymore so you sit on the sidewalk to wait for the taxi. Changbin stays with you, standing in silence behind you.
When the taxi gets there, he helps you up and gives your address to the driver – how and why he is in possession of that information is beyond what you can comprehend. You decide to just close your eyes and sleep until you get home.
Only when you find yourself engulfed in the darkness of your room do you realize that you did it. You did it. You ruined someone’s night – and not just anybody’s. Minho’s. An ecstatic laugh escapes your lips and echoes in your cold bedroom.
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That day, you and your father are working in silence. You’re cleaning and he’s preparing an order in the back. You wouldn’t say you’re back on good terms, but time has passed, and you’ve managed, not to forgive him, but to understand. He had no choice. You’d been the childish one, thinking the Rose Garden could be safe, that you could hold it back from Vices’ hands. It would’ve happened eventually. At least, now, you have time to get used to it before you take over the shop. Not that you’ll make their lives easier – you have already planned on handing them their precious bribes in very small bills.
Not that it didn’t make you angry – but you figure your anger was better directed at the bikers than at your father, who just tried to make ends meet, who just tried to keep you safe. He’d made his promise to you – but you couldn’t imagine how it felt for him to break it in spite of himself.
You place fresh hyacinths in the display, twirling them so they look their best, inhaling their scent. It’s one of your favorite things about the Rose Garden – how heavenly everything smells. You just have to close your eyes, let the scents fill your lungs, and you feel more at peace.
The bell at the door rings and you turn to smile at the client. “Good morning, how–” You stop, because it’s Lee Minho standing there. Your smile fades, but his doesn’t.
“How pleasant. Good morning.”
What is it about him that precipitates such a strong urge for cold blooded violence?
Your father appears from the workshop. “What can I do for you today, sir?” He politely asks. “Let me help you.”
“No, Dad,” you protest. “I’ll take care of him.” You turn to Minho with your utmost polite smile, and he smirks in amusement.
“Delightful,” he simply says.
“Y/N…” Your father mutters.
“It’s fine, Dad. Really,” you make sure to give him a sincere smile, and he sighs, going back to the workshop.
You turn to Minho. “What do you want?”
“Flowers,” he says simply. “Why else would I be here?”
You scoff. “I can think of a few reasons.”
“It’s true,” he says, taking a few steps inside the store to look around. He glances at the orchids, the jasmines. The magnolias grab his attention. “It’s my grandmother’s birthday tomorrow. I’d like to get her a bouquet.”
You can’t hold back the look of surprise on your face. One second, he’s putting a knife to your throat, the next he wants to buy flowers. Minho chuckles softly.
“What, did you think I don’t have a grandmother?”
“No, I just – Nevermind.”
You shake your hair out of your face and take a deep breath.
“You have any idea what kind of flowers you want?”
He shrugs. “I’m open to suggestions.”
For a second, you decide to forget who he is – this is business, and you’re a professional. Besides, he hasn’t been awful just yet, and if you can make some money off of him for once, you’ll take the opportunity.
“Alright. Let me see.” You look around the shop, biting your lip, before you gesture towards a display. “I love those. They’re call snapdragons, so you might think they’d look rough, but they’re very delicate. Beautiful to start a bouquet. However, if you want to go towards a cold palette, the Lackspur is…”
“My grandmother loves red,” Minho clarifies. “As I do.”
You ignore his last comment and continue with your recommendations. You read his face, his nods and his frowns, and start to build the bouquet in your head. Finally, you show him the shop’s specialty, your wall of roses.
You keep roses of all colors and sizes. Pink and magenta and cream and dark red. They cover an entire wall of the shop, bright and blooming.
It was your mother’s idea. She dreamed of having an entire rose garden, but since she couldn’t, she made herself a wall instead.
“Hm,” Minho ponders. It almost seems like his eyes pass over each and every flower in front of him. After a few seconds, he turns to you. “Make something. I trust you.”
“You sure?” you ask.
“Always,” he nods. “Deliver it to the clubhouse tomorrow, I’ll pay then.”
You hesitate. “The clubhouse?”
“You know where it is, right?”
“Yes, but –”
He claps his hands. “Then it’s done.”
Before you can protest any further, he’s gone, and the shop is silent again. You stare at the door, hesitating between panic and anger.
Your father comes back to check on you. “Everything all right? What did he want?”
“He… ordered something.”
Your dad raises his eyebrows. “He did?”
“Yeah. Don’t worry, I’ll take care of it.”
He gives you a long look, but you just smile. You’re definitely not going to let your father take care of this – especially since you’ll have to deliver it. Well. You could call the teenager that usually takes care of that, but a part of you is really curious to go to that clubhouse and see what it looks like from the inside. Besides, you have a feeling Minho wouldn’t like it if you sent someone else to deliver his precious bouquet.
You sigh. What a pretentious prick.
You could make sure to make the ugliest flower bouquet anyone’s ever seen, but you really don’t see the point of hurting his grandmother’s feelings. For all you know she’s a sweet lady, and you’re not a monster.
The next day, you carefully put together the bouquet with the flowers you selected. It has a soft pink palette, sprinkled with white and lavender. You add delicate leaves and lacy white ribbon to hold it together.
The easy part is over.
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It’s a warm and sunny day. You walk towards the Vices’ clubhouse, your chest tight and your cheeks red. You’re wearing a simple t-shirt and a long skirt. The hand that is carefully holding the bouquet is sweating so you change it regularly – maybe you should’ve taken a taxi and added it to the price. Too late now.
The Vices’ clubhouse looks like an ordinary building from the outside – you’d even dare to say it’s ugly. It adjoins a garage where you can see a few people working. Someone is washing their bike outside; another is sipping on a beer. You approach cautiously, feeling entirely and completely out of place.
“Excuse me?” you ask the first you reach.
It’s Chris, his scar bright white under the sun. He gives you a confused look, holding a sponge dripping with water and soap. He’s wearing a sleeveless top under his leather vest, sweat covering his skin, and you tell yourself he’d probably be less hot if he took off his cut, but apparently that’s not a thing the Vices do. You’ve never seen one of them without it.
“I’m supposed to deliver this,” you tell him, pointing to the bouquet.
He stands up, throwing his sponge in the bucket next to him. You slightly step back so you’re not splashed with water. Rude.
“Follow me,” he says, visibly annoyed to be interrupted.
You don’t care – in fact, it pleases you. You haven’t had the chance to bother him the other night. You openly stare as you follow him, because he might be a Vice, he’s far from being bad-looking and his arms are the stuff of dreams. In fact, most Vices are attractive – you wonder if it’s a part of their selection criteria. Not just bikers – sexy ones. You smirk to yourself.
He guides you inside the garage. A car is jacked high up, and you spy Changbin working from under it. He’s wearing one of those jumpsuits for mechanics, but he’s removed the top and tied at the hips, probably because his goddamn leather vest did not fit above it. He’s sweating too – and you notice he has a bruise around his neck and a bandage on his left cheek. He glares at you as you pass by him, and you can only look away.
Chris opens the door for you, and you step inside the main building. It’s spacious and comfortable – there’s a few tables, a foosball table, plenty of couches. The walls are dark wood, covered in signs and posters. Music plays at a reasonable volume. There’s a bar, and many doors which seemingly lead to other rooms. You look around you. You’re not sure what you expected. Neon lights, half-naked girls, people snorting coke?
This is… nice.
You shake away the thought.  
“Where’s he?” Chris asks the guy behind the bar. The latter is cleaning glasses – and points to one of the doors, which reads Infirmary.
Chris does not waste any time and knocks on the door. A beautiful young woman you don’t know, with long red hair, opens the door. Behind her, you see a figure sitting on a hospital bed.
“Your flowers are here, boss,” Chris says. You hear the mocking tone in his voice, and you give him a glare. He ignores you, of course, and then leaves you standing there.
“Come in, Trouble,” Minho says. “I’m just wrapping up here.”
You exchange a look with the young woman, but she doesn’t say anything – she only closes the door behind you when you come in.
“Don’t just stand there, let me see.”
You circle the bed, almost feeling shy, until you’re almost facing Minho. He’s healthy enough to smile at you, but he’s definitely banged up. One of his lips is split, he has the hint of a black eye, and his sleeve is rolled up, letting you see a very big and very deep cut on his arm, which the woman is in the middle of stitching.
“Aw,” he says. “Is that worry I see in your eyes?”
You look back at him. “What the hell happened to you?”
“Just business.”
A part of you wants to insist, but it’s just curiosity, so you let it go. Minho has moved on anyway, eyeing the bouquet in your hands.
“Looks perfect,” he says. “You put a lot of care into it,” he adds with a smile.
You pinch your lips and you simply tell him the price.
“Of course, doll,” he tells you. “Once Cherry is done, I’m all yours.”
You roll your eyes but don’t answer anything. You wish you could just shove the bouquet in his hands and run away, but you’re definitely not leaving without his money.
Instead you stay there, letting out a long sigh.
“Aren’t you going to ask me how my day is going?” Minho tells you, his face not showing in the slightest that he’s being stitched up. The young woman, Cherry, is focused on the wound, her fingers stained with dark blood.
“No,” you retort simply.
“I’ll tell you anyway,” he sighs. “It’s been absolute shit, to tell you the truth. Don’t you just hate it when people don’t listen?”
“Depends who’s talking.”
A smile forms on his face, and he’s about to answer when his body suddenly jolts. He winces in his pain, closing his eyes. Cherry has stopped moving.
“Almost done,” she says softly. Almost tenderly, it seems. You stare at her. Her doe eyes, her shining hair. She looks like a princess.
Minho keeps his eyes closed for another few seconds, and then slowly opens them. You wish you could smile at his pain. But you can’t.
It hasn’t even crossed your mind to do so.
Oddly, you feel something else entirely.
“Could please wait for me outside, doll?” he says in a calm voice, and you find yourself both nodding and obeying.
You lean against the wall although the couches look insanely comfortable, ignoring the curious looks from the guy at the bar. Why couldn’t you be happy about Minho’s pain? You hate the guy and everything he represents. But then again, you have a heart. Him? Still up for debate.
You think about getting out your phone to scroll to keep your mind occupied, but a minute later Minho is leaving the infirmary, a bandage around his arm. He smirks at you.
“Follow me.”
You hate how arrogant he is about it, but you stick close to him as he walks. You reach a door at the end of a small corridor – he opens it, and you realize it’s his office. Once again, it surprises you how modest it looks. No fancy decoration or even a sexy calendar. There are a few pictures lined up on the right wall, and the logo of the Vices is spray painted on the left. Minho circles the wide wooden desk and lets himself down on the rolling chair.
“Sit down, doll,” he tells you.
He takes out his keys and proceeds to unlock something under his desk – a safe, probably. It’s silent in the room, almost too much, and you realize you’re holding your breath. It feels strange to be here, like you’re somewhere you shouldn’t, like going backstage after you’ve only been watching from afar. You sit down silently, carefully setting the bouquet on the desk.
“Is she your girlfriend?” you ask.
“Who?” he asks.
“The nurse. Cherry.”
Minho snickers. “Oh, no. She’s my step sister.”
You nod. You don’t know anything about Minho’s family history. You assume he must be the previous President’s son to have inherited the position, but you don’t even know about that. Asking would make him think you’re interested, and you don’t want that, so you keep your mouth shut.
“Here,” he slams the safe door closed and hands you a pile of cash.
You raise an eyebrow. “I said it was fifty-six, not five hundred.”
“It’s not five hundred,” he retorts. “It’s fifty-six and a bonus. You walked all the way here, no? I’m a generous tipper.”
You squint your eyes at him, suspicious, but he just waits for you to take the money. After a few seconds you do, and you count the bills. As you do, your jaw unclenches, and you stare at him with wide eyes.
“That’s way too much.”
“Think of it as a gift.”
“Are you trying to bribe me or something? Isn’t it supposed to be other way around?”
He shrugs. “Fine. Don’t think of it as a gift. See it as an investment. Renovate the shop a little. Get more flowers. I don’t care.”  
You sigh deeply – but you don’t want to argue. If he wants to give you his money, fine. You’ll take it. You gladly will.
“Fine,” you say, putting away the money in your bag.
There is nothing else to say, nothing else to do. Still, you do not move and neither does he. After a few seconds, he chuckles. “Is there something you want to say?”
You debate whether to say what’s on your mind, sliding your tongue across your teeth. He watches you in the meanwhile, looking both amused and profoundly tired.
“Do you like what you do?” you finally ask.
“Excuse me?”
“Blackmail people. Getting in fights. Selling drugs and guns.”
Minho pouts. “If I say yes, will you say I’m an asshole?”
“Then yes.”
He’s messing with you – you close your eyes, taking a deep breath. You really should just leave, or you’ll end up doing something you’ll regret. Seungmin’s voice is in your head, telling you to tread carefully. To keep them away from you. To protect yourself. But you’re here. Literally, in the belly of the beast.
Might as well try to do some damage.
“What you have to understand, Trouble, is that most of it is business. We don’t use the drugs and the guns, we sell them.”
“That’s still enabling.”
“Someone has to do it. At least the club does it properly and safely.”
You scoff, pointing at his bandaged arm. “You call that safely?”
“That was a little misunderstanding. It happens in any business.”
“I have a business too and when I mess up an order, people don’t carve my skin with a knife.”
“Who said I messed up?” He smiles. “Because I don’t.”
“Have you ever killed someone?”
Minho blinks – for once, you feel like you’ve truly taken him by surprise. His eyes go wide, curved like a wave. You notice, just now, how beautiful they are.
“People keep saying I should be careful around you,” you explain. “That I could end up getting hurt.”
“Do you think I would?” Minho asks, his voice a little deeper.
You shrug. “You pulled a knife on me, the other night.”
“That was play,” he says with a smile – but it’s joyless. “I wouldn’t really hurt you.”
“What about those who did this to you?” you ask. “To your Vice? I saw him, he’s banged up too.”
“Oh, those fuckers are six feet under.”
Something tightens in your stomach. You feel cold. Minho smiles maniacally.
“But they asked for it. You don’t mess with the club without paying for it.”
It is true, then. The Vices are killers. And if you push them enough, you could contribute to their body count. The thought sends a shudder down your spine, even in spite of what Minho said. He wouldn’t hurt you. You want to believe him.
You don’t.
But you do.
“Are you scared?” he asks you. He places his elbows on the desk, his fingers holding his face. “I like it better when you’re angry. But I can work with scared.”
You stand up suddenly, turning to leave, muttering that you need to go – but Minho is fast. He’s on his feet in a second, grabbing your wrist roughly, pulling you to him. Your body hits his, and you can smell him. Cologne. Gasoline. Blood.
“They were right, you know,” Minho whispers. He details your face, holding you so tight it almost hurts. You want to look away, but you can’t – his stare nails you in his eyes. “You should’ve been careful.”
“I have to…”
He ignores you, and instead leans down. His lips brush against your cheek. “It’s too late now. You’ve awoken the wolf. And now he’s going to eat you whole.”
Your lips are trembling. “If you don’t let me go, I –”
“What, doll? You’re going to scream? Call the police? No one is coming to help you. You’ve dug your own grave.”
“Minho, please –”  
Something cold passes in the room.
His grip tightens and he draws back to drill his eyes into yours. They are dark, his jaw clenched. “What the fuck did you just call me?”
You’re speechless. Minho laughs in disbelief.
“You think we’re first names basis, doll? Tsk. No, no, no. It’s President or Sir to you. Show some fucking respect.”
You’ll let him bleed you out before you call him either of those things, but you feel like you’re stepping on very thin ice and you’re panicking. Because he is right – no one will help you. No one can.
You take a breath. “Sir,” you say, the world cutting your lips like a razor blade. “Can I please leave?”
To your despair, Minho chuckles in delight. He slides his nose against your neck, near your ear, and inhales slowly. “That fucking smell of yours,” he whispers. “Roses. Sweet, sweet roses.”
His body is so close to yours. How he can be so cold and so warm at the same time, you have no idea. When he speaks, his breath makes your skin tingle. His mouth traces your jawline, and his teeth pick at your skin. “You know,” he breathes. “All of this would just be much easier if you let me fuck you senseless right here, right now.”
You can’t move.
You can’t speak.
“But what fun would that be, right, Trouble?” he withdraws to look at you. His other hand comes to trace the outline of your lips. “Let’s play a little more. I’ll keep imagining those sweet lips around my dick and you can think about it filling you up like I know you want to.”
He guides your hand towards his crotch, placing your fingers around his arousal. He’s only semi-hard, but you feel it. Your throat is dry, and you can barely find it in yourself to breathe.
“Let me hear a yes, sir, doll.”
You’re so dizzy you feel like you’re going to be sick. You unclench your painful jaw to let out a pathetic whimper. “Yes, sir.”
He moves your hand, pats your hair, and places a kiss on your head. His grip relaxes slowly, and eventually, he lets you go.
You don’t move a single inch. You would be lying if you said that his little game is doing nothing to you – but you’d also never admit it. You can’t show any unnecessary weakness to him. You just need to get out of his grip, walk away, and then stay the fuck out of his way for the rest of your life. You don’t care anymore, you’ll bend your head, you’ll be polite.
You just don’t want to die.
“Since I know how much it cost you to call me that, I’ll let you go for today.” His eyes are black like a demon’s. “Listen to your friends, Trouble, and tread carefully. I like to play, but I also like to break the rules.”
You get home shortly after, and you violently take off all your clothes – they smell like the clubhouse, like him. You slip into bed naked, your body throbbing, your head about to burst. You grit your teeth, but all you can do is slip a few fingers in between your legs and think about Lee Minho.
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“He said what?!”
It’s an extremely bad idea to tell anyone about your last conversation with Minho, but you had to get it out of your system. It’s haunting your every thought, your every step. You have no idea what to make of it.
So you told Seo-ah, Hyunjin’s girlfriend.
You don’t know each other that well, but you’ve had long conversation about sex before – in extremely intimate details – so you feel safe to talk about that with her. You invited her to your place for a few drinks before she gets Hyunjin from Rossi’s – you didn’t really want anyone to overhear your conversation. When you’re done retelling your exchange with the president of the Vices, Seo-ah stares at you, eyes wide.
“That’s… that’s…”
“Fucked up?”
You shake your head. “Excuse me, what?”
She giggles nervously, rubbing the back of her neck. “I mean, yeah, it’s fucked up. But it’s kind of hot, right? It’s like roleplay.”
“Except it’s not,” you retort. “He’s the actual leader of an actual biker club and could actually slit my throat open without an ounce of hesitation.”
“Doesn’t that make it more exciting?” she argues. “I mean, didn’t you tell me you like dirty talk?”
You hesitate. “I mean, yeah, but… Like, when it’s not real. That was something else entirely.”
“Okay. Here’s a question. Did it turn you on?”
You look at her, debating what to say. You could lie – but you don’t particularly want to. It’s not like the exchange got you excited to the point where you would’ve fucked him on the spot, but your legs were very wobbly all the way home. And it does occupy your thoughts. A lot.
“Think of it as an experience,” she says. “Don’t overthink it. The guy’s horny for you and he’s like, insanely hot. You’re going to have dirty, nasty, hot sex and you’re both gonna move on.”
You sigh.
“It’s just sex, Y/N. It doesn’t have to be anything else. You’re not agreeing to marry him.”
Your conversation stays on your mind. Could you actually have sex with Minho? Maybe you could. But could you get the fact that he’s the head of the Vices out of your mind? Would you respect yourself afterwards, after spending so much time hating them? Having sex with the club’s president doesn’t exactly rhyme with denunciation. You’d be a hypocrite to say a word against them afterwards.
No, you tell yourself. You’ll stick to your principles. Even if it means he’ll make your life hell for a while. You’re pretty sure he’s the type to lose interest after a while – you just have to make it there.
It feels like a very long way.
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Your coffee tastes terrible, but you don’t care – you desperately need it. You suggested to Seungmin you get a cup before heading to work, and as you sit down in the coffee shop, he gives you a sad smile.
“I’m sorry about the shop, Y/N.”
“It’s fine, Min.”
“But it’s not, is it?”
His voice is so soft and yet so full of rage, the contrast is striking. You glance at him, feeling your own heart tighten in your chest. Could you tell your friend about what you’ve been doing? How you’ve been taunting them? How you’ve been playing like you have an inexistent upper hand?
It hit you this morning when you opened your eyes.
You are nothing.
And you’ve been so invested, recently, in trying to go after the Vices, you haven’t realized it’s been taking pieces of you.
And those you don’t have that many left.
“No,” you whisper. “But there’s nothing we can do.”
“That doesn’t sound like you.”
He has a smile tugging the corners of his lips, and you nudge him affectionately.
“Maybe I’m losing my fighting spirit,” you sigh, taking a sip of your coffee.
“Will it be a blue moon tonight?” he retorts. “But stranger things have happened.”
You chuckle softly. Seungmin always had this calm presence that allowed you to heal – you still remember those days after your mother passed. He hadn’t done or said anything special, but he had been there. Silent, familiar, reassuring you that not everything had fallen apart. It was a strange relationship between you two – never particularly close, and yet closer than most.
“They’re not what I thought,” you quietly admit to him.
“The Vices. They’re… different.”
“Don’t tell me you’re going to join them,” Seungmin jokes.
You roll your eyes. “I just mean they’re not as, like, mean as I imagined them to be. Not that they’re nice, but…”
You sigh.
Clearly, you have no idea what to think of them anymore, and it’s useless to try and articulate it to Seungmin. He gives you a curious look but doesn’t insist.
“You’ve been around them too much,” he finally states.
“You’re probably right. But isn’t it weird, though? Like, take Jisung. We’ve known him as long as we’ve known each other, and he’s one of them, right? I thought it was because he went insane or something –”
“Hasn’t he?”
“Well, maybe a little. But I mean, like, he’s still the same. Really, he still is.”
Seungmin takes the time to think about what you’ve said, twirling his cup of coffee in between his fingers.
“Maybe. But they’re still criminals, Y/N. They like to scare people and take advantage of them. That’s something I can look away from.”
You sigh again, sliding a hand through your hair. “You’re right. I’m just confused, I guess.”
You take a long sip of coffee before you smile at Seungmin. “You want to watch a movie tonight? It’s been a while since we did that.”
He agrees, and you make quick plans before you start heading to work.
You’re not going to let the Vices play with your head.
You’re not.
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The next morning, you’re brushing your teeth when your phone pings.
Unknown Number Tonight 10 Clubhouse
Four words. They send a chill down your spine.
You Who is this??
Unknown Number Don’t play dumb, Trouble.
You How did you get this number??????
Unknown Number Be ready at 10 I have a surprise for you I’ll send someone to drive you.
You groan in frustration, slamming your phone on your bathroom counter. Who the hell does he think he is? Maybe you have plans. Maybe you don’t want to see his face. The clubhouse. What makes him think you’d want to go back there?
You grab your phone again and start sending an avalanche of texts. I’m busy. Leave me alone. Delete my number. What do you mean a surprise??? What are you planning?? Why would I come? HEY! Answer me. Hey assface. EXPLAIN. I HATE YOU.
Of course, he no longer answers. Your eyes roll all the way to the back of your head and your stomach curls into a tight knot. What are you supposed to do? Actually go? A part of you is definitely curious, and unfortunately, your curiosity often borderlines on the morbid and is thus extremely dangerous. But you could also make sure you’re not anywhere near home at ten and ghost him. I’ll send someone, he said. Pretentious fucker.
The day passes excruciatingly slowly, and you cannot make up your mind about what to do. Minho’s words haunt you at every step, and at times, it’s like you can still feel his breath against your skin. You get home around seven, eat a little bit, and then open your closet. Not going would be too easy, right? Fine. You’ll go.
You won’t dress up for him, though, so you grab oversized ripped jeans and an old sweater. You leave your hair down and don’t touch your makeup. You definitely do not put any effort in your underwear. Despite your conversation with Seo-ah, you’re set on not giving Minho what he wants.
If he was anyone else, you would definitely fuck him. You’d let him manhandle you a little, whisper the nastiest things in your ear, and relieve all the pressure that has been building inside of you the past few weeks. But Minho is a Vice. Worse – he’s their president. He’s made of cruelty and arrogance, a jerk with a superiority complex, and if you let him fuck you, you’d just be proving him right. You wouldn’t have any self-respect for yourself.
You repeat the words like a mantra. Maybe you’ll end up believing them.  
The anticipation is making you anxious, so you allow yourself a couple of hits. You don’t smoke a lot, but just enough for your muscles to relax and for your mind to be ready for battle.
You step outside a little bit before ten, looking around you shamefully, as if to make sure nobody sees you. You almost pull your hoodie above your head to hide your face, but when you start seriously considering it, you hear a dreadful noise that sends a shiver down your spine.
The engine of a bike.
Of course. How dumb are you? How stupid were you to think Lee Minho, president of the Vices Motorcycle Club, would actually send a car to drive you to his clubhouse?
As the light of the bike approaches you, you turn on your heels. You still have time to run inside and pretend you’re not there – but the bike approaches too quickly and breaks in front of you.
The person sitting on it reaches behind him and hands you a helmet without a word. It’s dark, so he’s not wearing his visor, and he’s staring at you with his usual slightly angry face.
“Sit,” Changbin says when you don’t move.
“No,” you manage to utter, shaking your head.
He closes his eyes and takes a sharp inhale. “Don’t test my patience. Sit down.”
You glare at him, fuming, but you know he’s right. You really shouldn’t test his patience, so you take the helmet and place it on your head. As you pass your leg around the bike, you feel your body shaking.
“Get a hold of something,” he says as he makes the engine roar.
You don’t have time to decide what because he accelerates and you feel your body sway – so you grab the first thing you can, which is him. He doesn’t protest or even tense, so you hold on tighter as his bike gains speed. His leather vest is cold against you, but he’s wearing a hoodie underneath and his body emanates warmth. You try not to lean against him too much, but the movements of the bike stop you from keeping your distance. Soon you are clenching his clothes and regretting all your life decisions.
He drives both carefully and extremely fast. Your heart is pounding inside your chest and when he stops at a red light, you realize you’ve been holding your breath. You sigh, and you feel his head lean towards you.
“Are you alright?”
You can only nod.
“Hold tight.”
The engine is loud and hot under your bodies. The sound vibrates inside you, but you don’t hate the way the wind slides on your face. The lights blind you, and Changbin is a welcome stability in front of you. Your blood is boiling but you can’t bring yourself to be angry – the mix of adrenaline and weed makes you dizzy.
Damn you and everything you are, Lee Minho.
You get to the clubhouse a couple of minutes later. It looks nothing like the other day. Fairy lights illuminate the parking lot, and there’s a lot of people there. Some stand, others are settled in fold-out chairs, and a huge white background has been put up in front of the garage doors. People are drinking, eating, and laughing. The atmosphere is calm and light.
You disembark from the bike, leaning against Changbin’s shoulders for support, and stare with wide eyes at the set-up.
“What’s going on?” you ask, both to yourself and him.
He removes his helmet and ruffles his hair. “It’s movie night. Didn’t he tell you?”
You don’t know what to say, so you don’t answer, and instead keep looking around. Someone is cooking barbecue, and the smell makes your stomach rumble. You can’t believe what you’re seeing – and you’re so fascinated you don’t even pick up on Changbin staring at you with a smirk on his face.
This is nothing like you expected a Vices party to be like. There are even children around, chasing each other and eating candy. You stand there, a little confused, when someone puts an arm around your shoulders. You recognize the smell instantly.
“Good of you to show up, Trouble,” Minho sneers in your ear. “I was wondering if you would.”
You can’t even find an insult to spit at him.
He smirks. “Thanks for getting her here, Vice.”
Changbin only shrugs and walks away.
“You want a drink, Trouble? Movie’s about to start.”
He guides you towards a spot near the screen – someone’s put mattresses on the ground, so you sit there. Minho hands you a beer and popcorn and settles a blanket on your knees. He sits down next to you, putting his arm back around your shoulders.
“What is it, hm? Nothing to say?” he eventually mutters in your ear. “Were you expecting something else?”
You glance at him. “Well. Yeah. You’re a biker gang, I didn’t expect popcorn and blankets. Do you also host birthday parties for kids?”
He laughs. “Sometimes. We have a few sides to ourselves, Trouble. People have families. If you want to see a real party, I’ll invite you to one. But I can’t promise you’ll walk from it with your sanity intact.”
“It’s never been intact, Minho.”
The words escape your mouth before you can hold them back, and you’re scared, for a second, he’ll snap like last time. But he just chuckles and brings you closer to him. The breeze is cold, and he’s warm, so you let him.
“I hope you like horror movies,” he whispers, and his voice sends shivers down your body.
It’s an old horror movie, a cult classic that isn’t at all scary but always fun to watch. You find yourself forgetting where you are, who you are with – you drink your beer and eat the snacks, and you lean against Minho at times. He just watches with you, laughs with you, and his fingers, sometimes, stroke your arm.
You forget the cuts, the bikes, everything. You’re just having a good time.
Once the movie is over, you step inside to go to the bathroom – on your way out, you open the wrong door and end up inside the garage. It smells like gasoline and leather, as one would expect. It’s clean and tidy. There’s a motorcycle, seemingly in repair, next to you. You look at it, intrigued. You’d never seen the appeal of bikes and having ridden one has not particularly changed your mind – but even you, who has no knowledge of mechanics or even an appreciation of vehicles of any kind, have to admit this particular one looks good.
It looks vintage, although it might not be, and you walk around it with curiosity. Although it’s clearly missing a few parts, you can see it’s well taken care of.
“You shouldn’t be here.”
You jump, turning to see Changbin behind you. He’s just stepped inside the garage – either he followed you or just found you there.
“Sorry,” you say. “I opened the wrong door.”
“You should go back outside.”
“Is this yours?” you ask, pointing to the bike. Your instinct is telling you it is, perhaps because of the frequent glances he gives it.
Changbin does not answer – he just squints his eyes at you suspiciously. You roll your eyes.
“I’m just curious. I’m not going to steal it.”
It takes a few more seconds before he answers. “It was my dad’s. He was driving it when he died.”
You look back at the bike with a shiver. “And you’re repairing it?”
“Why wouldn’t I?” he asks, crossing his arms on his chest.
“Well… it’s the bike that killed your dad.”
Changbin scoffs in derision. “The bike didn’t kill him. It’s the asshole with the pick-up truck who thought it’d be funny to see what would happen if he drove it off the road.”
You stare at Changbin, heart sinking. He said it so directly, his voice stable, that he almost seems heartless. But it also clearly isn’t.
“Oh,” is all you manage to say.
Changbin takes a step towards you, inspecting you. You recall the feel of him against you, earlier. It didn’t feel bad. It really didn’t.
“If you’re going to say you’re sorry, don’t,” he tells you, his voice low and measured. “I already put the motherfucker in a hospital bed. He’s never going to drive again. Actually, he’s not going to do much with the rest of his life.”
His words send shivers down your spine, and you can’t look away. Changbin is close to you. You want to take a step back, but the bike is right there, and you’re pretty sure he would mind if you touched it.
“What are you doing here, Y/N?” he suddenly asks. “From what I gathered before, you hate us.”
“I… I just…”
“Minho’s president, so he does what he wants,” Changbin states. “But I’m Vice, so it’s my job to look out for the club. And if you’re going to be a problem, I need to do something about it.”
You try to gulp, but your throat is dry. “I don’t –”
“Am I going to have to deal with you?” Changbin asks, leaning towards you. His dark eyes drill into yours. His face gives nothing, and your heart is beating hard in your chest. You have no idea if you are terrified or aroused.
“I –”
“There you are.”
The new voice startles you, and you turn your head to see Minho standing next to the door. If he has just come in or if he’s been standing there for a few minutes, you have no idea. You blink, your breath hitching in your throat. You half expect Minho to get angry at Changbin like he has with Jisung the other night, but he just smirks at you.
“Your surprise is ready.”
You glance at Changbin again, who has only slightly stepped back. He’s still staring at you, eyebrow arched. There’s a tattoo on his hand, tracing the curve of skin between his index and his thumb. It reads I See You.
You wish you could just disappear into the floor, but instead you follow Minho back outside. He seems completely unbothered at the position in which he found you and Changbin, taking your hand and leading you towards the back of the clubhouse, where there’s only a wide, empty field. For a second, you are scared he’s taking you there to murder you, but you see a few silhouettes further away.
You hear a laugh pierce the quiet night – Felix’s.
“Kid’s always way too excited for this kind of shit,” Minho laughs. “I swear he’s not right in the head.”
He gives you a glance.
“But then again, none of us are, right?”
You shake your head. “What’s going on?”
Minho stops, his hand leaving yours – but he just throws his arm around your waist to hold you close. You’re still high, definitely a little drunk, and you’ve strangely gotten used to his touch and proximity.
“We normally keep this for special occasions. But since it’s a beautiful night and you’re here, I thought, why not indulge the Prospect a little?”
“What do you…”
You stop when you hear a loud popping noise, and your mind goes blank when you see an actual firework blow up in the night sky.
A few follow and they’re neither big nor beautiful, but it’s still something. You stare in wide eyes, your smile inevitable and instant. You love fireworks. And those are just for you.
Felix’s laugh is almost louder than the sound of the fireworks going off, and you can smell the burn, and you laugh against Minho, your head falling against his shoulder. Felix and a few others – you’re pretty sure Jisung is over there, too, and you could swear you hear Jeongin’s voice – play for a while before the sky goes back to black again.
“Did you like your surprise?” Minho asks after a while.
You part your lips to answer, but then you stop. You have a more urgent question to ask. You step aside and turn to look at him. His silver hair is ruffled, his eyes deep and direct. You let out a sigh.
“What are you trying to do, exactly?”
“Make you smile,” he answers frankly without a hint of hesitation.
“Why?” you ask, frowning. “I’m nobody.”
He lets out a short sigh. “It’s not that deep, Trouble. Maybe I’m just trying to get in your pants.”
“If it was that, you wouldn’t have said ‘maybe’.”
He doesn’t answer immediately, and you know you have a point. Despite yourself, your lips curve in a smile.
“Seriously, Minho, though, why are you doing this? It’s not that I have anything you want. I don’t have money, or any sort of power over anything, I just… I just sell flowers.”
“You don’t have something I want,” he agrees. “You are what I want.”
You gape at him, unsure of what to say. All you want is to ask why. The question is on the edge of your lips, but it would feel like revealing a part of yourself to him you’re not sure you want to share. You’re pretty sure he’s aware of it, anyway. The guy knows everything. You just prefer to show another side of you. The one that talks back, that is spiteful, that is full of anger, of fire to burn. A side people have only dismissed or tried to diminish.
But Minho, he likes it.  
“What makes you think a movie and a few lights in the sky are going to seduce me?” you tell him, reaching for all the smugness you have.
“Hm,” he pouts. “Fair point. I thought the manhandling and dirty talk would do the trick the other day, but turns out you’re not as easy as you seem.”
You push your tongue against your cheek, biting down a curse. “So you said to yourself, hm, I’m going to try and be a nice guy, see what she thinks?”
“Did it work?”
“You’re such a fucking dick.”
“Oh. I see we’re back to the insults,” he chuckles. “I gotta say I like that better.”
“Of course you do.”
He takes a step towards you. Even in the darkness, you can see how eyes shine. He’s like a predator, lurking in the woods, ready to jump at your throat. Except you’re not going to be a defenseless prey – you’ll play with him too.
“I dare you to say you weren’t soaking wet leaving my office the other day.”
You do not waver. “Says the guy who was rock hard at the single thought of me.”
It’s your turn to take a step towards him. You lift your chin, your eyes wandering around his face. The air smells like popcorn and ashes.
“Did you jerk yourself off afterwards?” you tell him in a whisper. “Did you think about bending me over your desk and fucking me?”
He closes his eyes like he’s concentrating hard on something. It makes you chuckle.
“What did you want me to call you, again? Sir?”
He’s so quick you don’t have time to move – he roughly grabs your chin between his fingers, immobilizing you. His eyes have gotten darker. “Don’t think for one second I’m not enjoying this,” he says in a low voice. “You can pretend all you want, Trouble, but I know that pussy is going to be mine to ravage soon.”
You feel something tangle inside of you – and you smile. “Are you going to keep talking or are you going to do something about it? This is getting old.”
He brings your face closer to his, so close your lips are brushing. His breath mingles with yours and it makes you feel dizzy. “Sorry, doll. I fucking love foreplay.”
You wriggle a little to get out of his grip, but he holds on tight.
“You talk a lot of smack but I know what will make you shut up,” he breathes in your mouth. “How about I fuck you senseless right here, in the middle of this field, where everyone can hear you scream my name? Or, let’s see… Since you mentioned the desk, I’m going to consider it. I should also mention I’ve thought about eating you out in the middle of your shop.” He tilts your head to the side, letting his breath tickle the thin skin of your neck. “I know exactly what I’m going to do to you,” he whispers, his tongue tracing a line alongside your neck, stopping at your earlobe. “And I’m going to take my sweet time doing it.”
You feel your legs wobble, and suddenly you realize what is happening and you give him a hard shove. He stumbles backwards, a proud smile on his lips.
You take a second to breathe out, but your mind has gone completely blank. You’re angry and you’re horny – which is not a good combination.
“Take me home,” you manage to articulate.
“Are you –”
“Take me home,” you hiss.
He looks at you for a second, and then two. Your face is flushed and you’re panting, but you don’t care. You’re not letting this happen. You’re not letting him win. You’re not betraying your principles, you’re not betraying Seugnmin, you’re not betraying yourself.
“Whatever you say, doll.”
You can sense he’s annoyed, but you don’t blame him. You’re pissed and frustrated too. You don’t let him touch you again and he doesn’t try – instead, he yells Felix’s name. The latter, who had still been playing with the fireworks across the field, arrives running. His long hair is tied behind his head today.  
“Yeah, boss?”
“Will you please call a taxi for the lady and pay it in advance? Make sure she gets home.” Minho says in his best neutral voice, although you feel the annoyed undertone.
Felix seems to sense it too because he nods fervently. “Right away,” he adds, but Minho has walked away before he could hear the end.
Felix gives you a smile, leading you to the front of the clubhouse. There’s almost nobody there anymore, just a few people. As you wait for the taxi with Felix, he plays with his lighter, trying to make conversation, but you’re just not in the mood. It’s not his fault, you know that, but at this instant you can’t stand the sight of leather.
Minho’s words haunt you. His breath against yours.
His skin.
His eyes.
Something clicks inside of you.
Or rather, something breaks.
Fuck it, you think.
Fuck your principles.
There is clearly chemistry between you. 
Seo-ah’s voice echoes in your head.
It’s just sex.
“Cancel the taxi,” you tell Felix, turning on your heels.
He just looks at you go, and you stroll through the parking lot, and then the clubhouse, and although you hear someone trying to stop you, you don’t. You walk straight to Minho’s office, open the door and step inside.
He’s sitting at his desk, eyes closed, and sighs when he sees you. “What?”
He’s pissed at you, and it’s the last straw.
You close the door behind you, and then go around his desk. Something flashes in his eyes, but he lets you come. You clash against him, straddling his body, your lips collapsing on his. The contact steals your breath, because his lips are soft, and you decide to let yourself unravel.
He immediately responds, hungrily kissing you back, like it’s something he’s missed for too long. He stands up, carrying your body with his, and sits you down on his desk. His hands are everywhere, his arms holding you up, and you kiss him back feverishly, feeling as though you are entirely made of fire.
He has a hand sprawled behind your head, and suddenly his fingers get a grip around your hair, and he pulls your head backwards. You hiss at the faint pain and the sudden absence of his lips on yours. You grab the edges of the desk to balance yourself.
He is smiling like a madman.
“Couldn’t resist it, huh, doll?”
“Shut up,” you snarl.
“I don’t think so,” he slurs. “Not my style.”
You reach for his lips, but he pulls on your hair again, and you moan.
“So fucking beautiful,” he whispers, his eyes lingering on you. “And all mine.”
He breathes in sharply, pulling on your hair. You hiss.
“What did I say about calling me that?”
You squint your eyes. “I don’t fucking care what you said.”
He chuckles, leaning to kiss your neck. It sends shivers throughout your whole body, and your hands reach for him, to touch him, to touch him anywhere. His teeth scratch your skin, his tongue drawing masterpieces. When he comes back to your lips, he just grazes them with his teeth.
“Such a foul mouth on such a gorgeous face,” he sighs. “You smell heavenly, doll, have I ever told you that? I can’t wait to get a taste of you…”
You want to answer, but his teeth sink into your lips, drawing a moan from you. You shudder, your fingers sinking into his back, your nails scratching the fabric of his leather cut.
“Careful with that,” he says, as he moves to your ear, his breath warm against it.
You chuckle. “I would have imagined you wouldn’t mind a scratch or two.”
He sucks in your earlobe, and you let out another moan, rubbing your hips against his. You can feel his arousal against you, your own making you go crazy, and the fact that you are both so horny just makes it worse.
He leans back to look at you. “It’s a precious possession. Every self respecting Vice takes care of his cut. Are you going to make trouble even now?”
You smirk, your nails digging deeper into the leather - now you are sure to leave a mark, and the thought delights you. “Fuck yes.”
You take advantage of the fact that he’s distracted to grab his neck and pull him towards you, devouring his lips. You’re hungry for them, your teeth biting into them, and Minho grunts, his hands going down your body, feeling its every curve. He removes your sweater and your t-shirt, tracing the outline of your bra. Your hands keep reaching for him, because you want to remove his clothes too, but he grows annoyed. He roughly guides your arms behind your back, pinning them there.
“Don’t make me tie you up,” he growls.
You breathe heavily as he unclasps your bra, then throws it somewhere in the room, his fingers immediately going back to your breasts, feeling them in his hand.
“Hmm,” he whispers. “Pretty.”
He lowers his head, his tongue circling your nipples, teasing them. It’s your turn to grab his silver hair between your fingers, closing your eyes to briefly enjoy the sensation.
With his hand sprawled on your chest, he lays you down on the desk. His fingers expertly undo the button of your jeans and soon you’re naked in front of him. He slides a hand over you, from your neck down to between your legs. You keep looking at him as he discovers your body.
That’s when he sees the tattoo. It’s not very big, but it’s there, just below your hips, on the right side. The simplest rose, with sharp thorns. He briefly grazes the ink with his fingertips, his mouth open, his tongue resting against his bottom lip. You take in the sight, and you try to be patient although you are aching for his touch.
“We’re going to talk about this later,” he says.
Finally he lets out a deep breath, and you let out a whimper as he comes into contact with your wetness.
“I knew it,” he says. “Fucking soaked for me.”
You want to say something but his hand cups you and you inhale sharply. “Fuck.”
“All swollen and waiting,” he says, slapping it gently.
Your body trembles.
“Let’s see how ready you are.”
He inserts two fingers inside of you and groans. You are slowly but surely losing your mind.
“A little tight. But don’t worry, doll,” he breathes as he adds another finger. “I’m going to stretch you good.”
You don’t care what he says – you rise from your position and kiss him. Your whisper is hoarse. “I hope you fucking ruin me.”
You know he’d keep fingering you, but you’re impatient you push him off of you, shoving him against the wall behind his desk. Your hands grip his leather cut to remove it and you have to let out a laugh.
“What’s so funny?” he asks, eyebrow raised. He looks delightful with his hair all messed up and his lips already red and raw from your kisses.
“You always have this fucking thing on,” you say mischievously. “So much I wondered if you kept it during sex.”
His smile is one the biggest you’ve ever seen. “I can leave it on if you want.”
“Don’t push your luck.”
You claim his lips again, removing his clothing in a hurry to reveal his chest. You let your hands travel over it, your mouth curved in a smile against his kisses. “Pretty,” you tell him with a hint of arrogance, referring to his earlier comment.
“Fucking brat,” he laughs.
His jeans and boxers are next, and he’s sincerely beautiful. You look at him, cheeks red, your body flaming with desire, and you slowly wrap your hand around his length. He pants, twitching against your touch. He’s hard and ready, but you go slow.
“Remind me again of what you said the other day,” you tell him softly.
“Hm? I say a lot of things.”
“Something about my lips… and about your dick…”
He smirks. You love the way his scar moves when he does. “Seems like you remember it well enough.”
“Tell me anyway,” you whisper in his ear.
His whole body tenses. “Put those pretty lips around my dick, doll.”
You smile and you go on your knees before you look back up at him.
He strokes your hair tenderly. “Now that’s quite a sight. Take it, doll. Show me what else that mouth of yours can do.”    
You do. Your tongue circles him before you bring him into the warmth of your mouth. He breathes deeply as you bob your head in slow motions, taking him deeper each time until you gag. His grip on your hair tightens, but you step back. You take him in your hand, slapping him against your tongue.
“How am I doing, then?” you ask him mischievously.
“Not too bad, doll,” he smirks. “But I know you can do better.”
You chuckle despite yourself and take him again. As you accelerate your movement, his hips start to buckle, and soon he is fucking your mouth. He goes deep and fast, and you have to gasp for air – but he slaps himself against your cheek and goes back in the second you catch your breath.
You close your eyes to focus on your breathing, but his other hand grabs your chin.
“You open your eyes and you look at me,” he growls, and you obey. He towers above you, his face twisted in pleasure, his eyes dark and wild. You can’t help it – he looks so sexy, your fingers slip between your legs and you release a little pressure there.
Minho laughs maniacally. “So fucking horny for me. Is your little pussy in need of attention, doll?”
You nod, so he removes himself from your mouth and pulls you to your feet. He wraps his hand around your throat and spins you around so you’re pinned against the wall, facing him.  
“I’m surprised. You’re being such a good girl for me.”
You glare at him. “I have no interest in being good.”
“Then should I treat you like a bad one?”
“Sounds better to me.”
He gives a slap between your legs, and you jolt.
“I don’t care what you want,” Minho sneers, circling his fingers on a particularly sensitive spot. His hand squeezes your throat a little.  “I’m going to treat you like a fucking queen.”
It’s his turn to go on his knees, and you bask in the sight as he buries his face between your legs. At first, he just breathes against you, kissing the inside of your thighs. He takes the time to lick your tattoo, kissing it softly, and then his mouth comes into contact with you. You let out a loud gasp.
“Fuck, yes, just like that.”
He plays with you, putting pressure just to let it go as you tense, moving his tongue in all the right ways – and then in all the wrong ways. You writhe against him, pulling his hair, cursing him, but it just makes him laugh. His tongue is heavy and controlled, and soon you can’t take it anymore. You’re sensitive and on edge, so you pull on his hair so hard he hisses.
“Stop doing that,” he sneers.
You glare at him. “Make me.”
He’s back on his feet in an instant, kissing you hard, and you taste yourself on his lips. He grabs both of your arms and pins them behind your back like before, spinning you and trapping you. Your cheek is against the wall, his body against yours. He smells so good it’s intoxicating.
“So impatient,” he says. “I told you I liked foreplay.” He delicately takes a strand of your hair and pushes it out of your face. “But since you’re so desperate to have my dick inside you, I’ll oblige.”
You moan as he enters you – slowly at first, and then all at once. He still holds you by the arms, so you can’t really move. You can only breathe out as he settles inside you.
“Fuck, that feels good,” you laugh. “
“Fucking divine,” he snarls. “Let me hear you, Trouble.”
He starts to fuck you feverishly, pushing his hips against your ass. He’s relentless, not giving you a second to breathe. You moan, your eyes shut tight, and an orgasm catches you off guard. He lets go of your arms as your legs shake, gripping your hips so hard you’re sure it’ll leave a mark – but you’re too much on adrenaline to care.
“You’re making such a mess over my dick, doll,” he groans, slowing down his thrusts as you recuperate from your orgasm.
Your legs are barely holding you up, and your focus is blurry, but you smile at him.
“Why are you moving so slow?” you tease him. “Afraid you’ll blow too early?”
He grips you tighter, his fingers digging into your skin, and you hiss in pain. “Cute,” he says. “But I’m not nearly done with you.”
He starts moving faster, but he’s still taking his time, making sure he goes all the way inside of you before he leans back. You close your eyes, hazy on the feeling. His fingers caress you, and you let out a rasp curse – so he shoves them in your mouth, holding your mouth open as he fucks you.
As he accelerates, you moan, your tongue slipping out of your mouth to lick his fingers. He groans, shaking his head, and then puts his hand back around your throat. You nod, as if to tell him he can squeeze tighter - and he does. The lack of air makes your head spin, but it’s a heavenly feeling.
When he releases you, you gasp. “Fuck,” you mutter. “Fuck.”
“Tell me about it, doll. Let me hear that sweet voice.”
“You’re fucking me so good. I love the feeling of you deep inside me.”
He grabs the back of your neck and moves you around, shoving you against the desk. You’re still bent over, and he’s still inside you, but the new angle allows him to go deeper, and you gasp at the feeling of it.
“Holy fuck, don’t stop.”
“Clench for me, doll. Come again. I know you will. Make me feel it.”
You can’t even hold it - you come again, your body on fire, and Minho quickly follows. He shoves deeper and empties himself inside of you. His grunts are music to your ears, and you revel in the sound. Once he stops moving, you are both panting, sweaty and sensitive, but relaxed.
Thoroughly and efficiently fucked out.
He pulls out a few seconds later, dripping down your legs, and you slowly unfold your body. It’s already aching, and you know it’ll be sore tomorrow, but you don’t care. This is out of your system, and you’ll be able to move on with your life.
Minho will forget about you, and you’ll barely think about him.
As it should be.
He smirks at you, pulling you in for a last kiss. The room smells of sweat and sex and Minho tastes like you.
“See, Trouble? Wasn’t so bad, fucking me.”
“That’s not how I would describe it,” you tell him, grabbing your t-shirt and hoodie to put them back on. He starts to dress, too.
“How, then?”
“Fucking divine.”
Minho barks out a laugh, staring at you as you slip on your jeans and shove your bra in your bag. You’re about to do the same with your underwear, but he grabs your wrist.
“Oh, no, doll. I’m keeping that.”
You don’t really care, so you simply shrug. He delicately folds the panties and puts them in his desk drawer.  
“How sweet,” you taunt him. “How many of those do you have in there?”
“With yours, one.”
You pout at his sudden honesty and lack of arrogance, and he chuckles. “Don’t read too much into it. I’m not an old lady kind of guy.”
You sneer. “I wasn’t going to.”
Once you’re both dressed, he nods at the door. “Shall I drive you home, then?”
“If his majesty isn’t too busy.”
“I need to get home anyway.”
You give him a glance as you start walking to the parking lot – the clubhouse is empty.
“You don’t… live here?”
He shakes his head. “I have a room here, but I prefer to sleep at home if I can. Cozier.”
“So you have a house or something?”
“With a few of the guys, yeah.”
There it is again – your fucking curiosity. You try hard to swallow it, but it’s out of your control tonight, and clearly it shows on your face, because Minho chuckles.
“I’ll show it to you if you want, doll. My bed is very squeaky, but the sound is endearing. I’d love for you to hear it from up close.”
You let out a long sigh, but there’s a smile on your face.
Why the fuck not.
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There it is. Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed the first part of this story. Please let me know if you did through a comment or a reblog, it would mean a lot! Take care and see you soon for part two. ♡
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typingcorgi · 2 years
sanctuary; part ii
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read part i here
pairing: joel miller x f!reader (no y/n)
warnings: tw for mention of blood, mild gore, violence, age difference hinted, no smut yet but honey have you met me? it's coming (and so is joel, and you, ey-ohhhh)
word count: 1.5k
author's notes: canon divergent aka no ellie I'm sorry kids cramp my style
still no smut i'm so sorry but i needed a little bit of a bridge from the last chapter before you and joel go to bone town. So this is violent-ish (I'm a very vanilla writer so if you are seeking major thrills you aren't going to find them here lol)
As always, if you like this, please leave a comment or reblog!! I am so happy to be sharing this garbage with you, whether you like it or not, and can't wait to get to the next part. BRING ON DA SMUT
also thanks @magpie-to-the-morning for reminding me you can put cars in neutral
taglist: @avengersfan25 @fairytale07
Gunshots used to remind you of Outbreak Day.
You weren’t old enough to comprehend the severity of the circumstances. Looking back on it now, severity doesn’t even seem strong enough of a word. It was more of a cataclysm, a shattering of the world you’d known for a world you weren’t prepared to enter. 
New York was the first city to be bombed. The outbreak was impossible to contain on the thirteen-mile island, the Infected found on every street corner, every bend in Central Park. You were young, just beginning to experience the storm and strife of your teenage years when everything you ever knew had been ripped from beneath you within a matter of hours. At the time, you’d been in Boston with your family, unaware that when you’d arrived, you’d never leave.
Gunshots used you remind you of Outbreak Day. Now, you’re hard-pressed to go twenty-four hours without hearing them.
The pistol Joel had directed you to use lays useless in your lap. You turn the safety on, even though you’re pretty sure you’d fired the last three bullets mere hours ago. The truck, now essentially your immobile mobile home, is parked on the edge of a side street, overgrown with enough shrubs and greenery to make you believe you’re situated in the middle of a meadow.
It’s unsettling, really, to sit in the passenger seat of your pickup, to feel the rays of the golden sun warm the skin along your cheekbones and reflect against your tired eyes when you had a run-in with death in the dark hours of the morning. To be fair, you have a run-in with death typically multiple times a day, now that you’ve managed to get out of the QZ. The monsters out here are scarier than the druggies and corrupt FEDRA officers you’ve gotten used to. These will continue to track you down like bounty hunters until you’re just as harrowing and inhuman as they are.
And while the rational part of you knows this is life in 2023, this is your New Normal, you hate the idea of your actions dragging both you and your partner into unnecessary danger.
“Here are our options,” Joel mutters over the folded edges of his map. “Marlene mentioned there was a base in Mansfield. We can fuel up there or find a lowlife to siphon from along the way. But there aren’t many discreet ways to get there. If we cut around this way, though, southeast—we should probably be able to manage ourselves.”
A part of you wants to scoff. Probably. Every moment is a probably.
But in Joel’s rare moment of muted optimism, you don’t want to rain on his parade. You nod in quiet agreement.
You are not fully able to manage yourselves.
Without your truck, the protective cover you and Joel once reveled in now leaves you open and exposed to the dangerous world around you. The most you can do is put the truck in neutral and push the damn thing down the path Joel’s planned out for you.
It’s exhausting; even in the mild New England spring, you’re breaking a serious sweat. Evidence of exertion forms along your browbone and temples, and at one point, you tie the flannel you’ve been wearing for weeks on end around your waist, leaving your arms and chest exposed in a dark tank top.
“There’s a house up ahead,” you observe, hours into your arduous task. The sun is just starting to slip beneath the horizon, painting the sky in a series of blues and purple-pinks. Against the backdrop of the sky, the house looks eerie and dilapidated, almost out of place. You shake your head and remember it’s the rare moments of beauty–a sky at dusk, the glimmer of the Charles on a golden afternoon, the twinking diamonds of midnight stars—that are out of place. A broken-down home with a hole in the roof is all too ordinary for your liking.
Joel nods through a grimace, broad palms against the trunk as he continues to trudge forward. “Uh-huh,” he acknowledges. “Okay. We’ll stop.”
While the house is seemingly empty, the front door is open, which is never a good sign.
Your stomach twists as Joel examines the doorway, then looks at you. It’s as though his eyes are telling you what his words cannot—I’m right here with you. I’ve got you.
It’s wishful thinking, maybe.
“Let’s go,” Joel says instead, and your heart sinks.
You nod, following behind him. Joel’s grip is tight around his shotgun, with your hands around the neck of his pistol, aimed right in front of you.
Your steps are quiet. The interior smells like dirt and demise. You gulp, following close behind your partner, your unofficial party leader, considering it’s rare you’re the one guiding the both of you into the dark.
Joel is so quiet, you can’t even hear him breathe. Exhale too loudly, and you give away your position to potential enemies. Step the wrong way, make the floorboards creek, and you’re an absolute goner. You mirror his actions, placing your feet in every invisible footprint he leaves in his wake, nearly holding your breath.
You move around the first floor of the house, observing what might have been a living room, a functional kitchen, a decorated hallway. You wonder who lived here on the side of a main road. Was it a family? Did they make it out of here alive?
Or did they get turned before they even had a chance?
You shudder at the possibilities before Joel gently, strategically, opens a mahogany door to the next room. You’re met with a basement entrance, a damp cement staircase, and a musty odor.
But more importantly, more shockingly, you’re met with an ear-curdling scream.
Joel slams the door immediately, eyes widened without giving away every ounce of worry you wonder he might be feeling. “Fuck!” he hisses, and then his hand is on your wrist. He pulls you away from the door, down the hallway, and toward the entrance that’s now become your dire exit.
You hear the clicker clambering up the stairs, its cries violent and deafening. You can hear its frustration as it punches a rugged fist through the basement door, as it scrambles to find the pair of you, to get its rotten hands on you, and transfigure the fibers of your humanity to something decidedly inhuman.
The house isn’t particularly big. It’s not hard for you and Joel to try to make it out the front door alive, but it’s also relatively easy for the monster on your heels to launch itself onto both you and Joel as you practically leap down the front steps.
Your head slams against the ground, and before your body is able to register the pain, the shock of knowing there’s a damn clicker on top of you, and you’re about to die—or worse, turn—begins to sink into every pore and fiber of your being. 
“Joel!” Your scream is ragged and desperate. Tears form in the corners of your eyes, threatening to fall down your dirt-stained cheeks. Your eyes close, unable to meet the sight of the snarling monster above you, its predator hands holding you in a bone-cracking grip before it can take its prey.
“Joel—help—I need—”
You hear two gunshots fire, and while your eyes are still squeezed shut, you sense the clicker’s blood—among other things that you’d rather not think about—splattering against your face. The monster’s grip along your wrists goes limp and falls away.
You survive. For now.
By the time you open your eyes and rise to your feet, you can’t help yourself—you sob into the fabric of Joel’s worn denim, unable to fight off the emotion as well as Joel had fought off the clicker. It’s impossible, knowing you’d been so close to losing yourself, losing this strange life you’ve cultivated alongside a man that can hardly articulate how he feels for you. Does he feel anything? Have you fabricated it this entire time?
It’s not the moment to mull it over, f you’re being honest. But you can’t help it if the thoughts come.
“J—Joel,” you stammer. “Holy shit, I almost—you almost—”
“I know,” he exhales, and you can hear the exasperation in his voice. After months of practice, he doesn’t know how to do this.  His arms are a loose loop around your body. Despite your relationship and the amount of time you’ve spent together, you know vulnerability isn’t Joel’s strong suit. He’s not one to run a hand over your hair and tell you you’re safe. He’s not one to encourage you to cry it out.
But you do anyway, because it might be all you have left to give.
You both decide the truck is safer. He lets you take the first sleeping shift, offering his backpack as a pillow before locking the truck doors.
You’re dozing off. You think you might have heard Joel whisper brave girl in your drowsy haze, but you chalk it up to exhaustion.
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breadvidence · 3 months
How're things going tonight for They Fucked In Montreuil Dammit AU Javert and Valjean v. main fic Dammitjean and Javert?
That radiant moment in which he felt himself aligned with God and social order, a sensation he bent his whole being to achieve and that the man who knelt in front of him had spent four years in corrupting, would be presented at the perfunctory inquest into his actions as in perfect alignment with protocol, the firearm in his hand a tool chosen based on the cool professional assessment of a seasoned officer as to the suspect’s potential for violence. He would speak with clarity and honesty. Those set to judge him, themselves members of the establishment betrayed to find a wolf among the dogs, would have tolerated even an admission of personal motive, and kept it from the books with fraternal magnanimity. It did not occur to Javert that one might exist to confess. Yes, as he sighted down the barrel he remembered, so vivid to be tactile, the crime he punished: ache of fingers fisted close against his scalp, the itch of coarse hair against his nose, a vein that throbbed to the desperate press of his tongue, the final bruising thrust against the back of throat, the obscene choking spray swallowed, consumed, accepted—sensing himself the personification of the punishing function of justice, light, truth, his invitation for this violation became coterminous with society’s participation in the fraud done through the election and acceptance of the felon as a magistrate and good man. Sometimes it happens that the officer’s clenched finger on the trigger precedes the juries’ agreement to the execution. He shoots, twice, with a perfect awareness of gunshot fatality statistics, his rigorous conscience untroubled, certain the penetration of this man represents a rectification of authority’s rights.
She feels herself cautious of Javert’s behavior even as Papa bends himself to it, aware that her father would not strike a dog for biting, even should the experts have recommended a pop on the nose as corrective to future worse behavior, ’til he half-turns and she sees his expression: one that a person who loved him less might call neutral, at most complacent, and she recognizes as indulgent. The trouble she has got into, the wild ways, the skinned knee, the broken window, the twenty worms metamorphosed to moths in her closet, the three months she declared homework unethical and failed to inform him of her stance before the math teacher did, the poorly hidden spliff, the three weeks camping out of the Ranger, the possum jam incident—! oh, those quirked brows, that infinitesimal upturned corner of his lips, is her father saying, Play! She has not felt that look turned upon her in years, and feels her eyes sting with a grotesque hybrid of gratitude and vicious jealousy. What she first perceived as mockery and flirtation, both disagreeable to be directed at Papa, she now views through him, and sees—silliness, sweetness. She’s thrown awry, and desperately glad that Javert never truly looks at her so long as Papa is in the room, and that Papa has been distracted from her by a fumbling confusion over who’s to take the woman’s part in the dance.
Differently, I would say.
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demon-blood-youths · 5 months
An Officer's Corruption - Part Twenty-Nine
Hi everyone, this is Deamon-mun with part 29 for An Officer's corruption. This is for my friend @the-silver-peahen-residence who started this series. Here are the chapters so far.
Chapters so far
||Previous Chapters 1-7||((Click here))
((Previous chapters 8-13)) (Click here))
||Previous chapters 14-20)) ((Click here))
Part Twenty one ((NSFW Warning))
Part Twenty two ((NSFW Warning))
Part Twenty three
Part Twenty Four
Part Twenty-Five
Part Twenty-Six
Part Twenty Seven ( Dark Theme Warning )
Part Twenty-Eight
((Your reading part Twenty Nine))
||OVA Chapters 1-7|| ((Written by me and Peahen ) (Click here))
------ Warnings ----
Heavy NSFW Content
Sexual Themes
----- Drabble Summary -----
After they meet with UA, Sai explains what is discussed to Oblivion about Yuuka's past and the crime against her. After that, Sai decides his next course of action while staying in Japan. But first, he is going to spend quality time with Terry. Also...what are the whereabouts of Rust and Davion? And what's going on at Northern State Penitentiary?
"So that's what they told me." Sai told Oblivion at her room. She narrows her eyes. "Damn it."
"Yeah...I know."
"So to find the ones responsible, I have to follow a trail like the principal said?"
"Yes. These drugs are similar in the ones in the drug busting cases based on the toxicity report. They told us that the direction that Yuuja was running from is Yokohoma.
"That's right. Lucky for us, a group responsible for smuggling these drugs was busted and is now held in Northern State Penitentiary."
Oblivion makes a face. "And the group is..."
"Port Mafia. They have three of their members." Said Sai. "You might need to find a way to talk to one of them at least.".
"Actually...I do." Oblivion sighs.
"?" Sai blinked. Oblivion answers, "I know the warden actually, so I will be fine in getting an interview or a meeting with one of the Port Mafia." She said. "Anyway..thanks for this, Shdwkyz. I apprricate it."
"Of course." Sai says. "Oh. One more thing...the principal and Yuuka's homeroom teacher wants to talk to you if you have the time. They want to hear it from you." He said. Oblivion blinks before nodding. "Yeah sure. Tell them I am available."
"Good. I gave them your contact information. So please pick it up when you're ready."
"Got it. Thanks. I talk to you soon." She said.
"Right. Later."
Then Sai hung up. Oblivion sighs as she leans against the wall on her bed. "Guess I need to visit Uncle Dazai." She said before sighing, "I hope he isn't trying to find a way to kill himself again." She mutters, imagining Dazai being so happy to see her only to ask her if she can electrocute him with love. To death. Oblivion made a face. "Guess...I call him..."
She hopes the guards know how to deal with him.
----- In Japan ---
At the hotel, Sai places the phone on the nightstand before sighing. He sighs as Terry finishes up in the bathroom. He already got dressed for the night. After that talk with Nezu and Aizawa, things are starting to connect. Now he wonders how does Port Mafia is related to Yuuka's kidnapping. Should he go to Yokohoma and investigate? Trying to find out about a criminal organization isn't a good look.
Although...Aizawa says he knows someone in an agency that deals with them as they are on the right side of the law. The Armed Detective Agency.
Maybe they should go there. It's just a 30-minute train. But not right now.
"Something on your mind?" Terry asked. Sai blinked, "Nothing. I was wondering how to make use of this week given the information we now know from UA. I was thinking of going to Yokohoma and ask the agency who knows Port Mafia.
"You know? That's exactly what I'm thinking." Terry asked. Sai raised a brow, "Really?" He said. Terry nods, "Yeah. I think we're near the source of the crime scene so why not? I think a day trip for tomorrow would be fine. We just need to let the teacher know."
"Right. I sent him a text tomorrow. He's probably sleeping or on a mission." Sai nods. Terry smiles and goes to sit down next to him. "Also..should we play a little?"
"Huh? Didn't we do it the week before?" Asked Sai. Terry chuckles at that. "Yeah but I bet you're really want to do it."
Sai narrows his eyes at him for a moment before he lets out a yelp when Terry goes to trace his spine. Sai closes his eyes, "Fine...let's do it."
And so their night begins.
Sai is on the bed, moaning into the pillow as Terry is snapping his hips into him letting out grunts. After being teased for so long, Sai wants Terry to hurry as he can't stand it.
"Fuck..." Sai keeps forgetting how good this is. Then he felt sharp little knives into his shoulder. Sai hisses but doesn't resist as Terry bites down and kicks the blood.
"Ha..ha..." Sai utters while Terry pounds downwards. Sai moans into the pillow even more before his head is lifted.
"I want to hear you. Don't hide it." Terry growled. Sai lets out moans for him to hear. Terry chuckles at his neck. "That's it, good boy." He said as he held his hips and male to sure pound Sai at the right angle.
"FUCK! TERRY!" Sai cried out lustfully.
"That's it, little snake. Keep taking this. You deserve this, don't you?" Terry whispers to his ear making the snake shudder, loving his touches. He felt Terry goes to play with pecs before lifting him up and set down on the knees so he could hold him close to him. Back against his chest before pounding him forward making Sai moans.
"Ha...ha...ha.." Sai drools as his eyes become half-lidded, dazed with lust and pleasure. Terry slams his cock forward, before stopping. "AH~!" Sai moaned. "F-fuck! Yes! It's good! G-give me more! Don't stop..."
Chuckling, Terry goes to cover his eyes and goes to kiss him sideways deeply. Sai moans into the kiss, bucking his hips back against him gently. He goes to run his hand down the snake's spine making him shudder and tremble so delightful for him. Soon the kiss breaks, leaving a string of saliva before Terry goes to thrust into him even harder and faster. Sai cries out lustfully with his head thrown back, gripping the sheets of the bed. His wet hole twitched and began to tighten up around the bat's hard cock. This got the bat growling possessively, ramming into Sai hitting those certain spots and making his snake go crazy.
Fuck. I am about to cum! Cum real hard. Sai thought as those intense hits at the spots within him were like shocks of pleasure running up his spine so good, he can't even form sentences.
"Go ahead cum for me. Cum, cum, cum!" Terry urges him. "AAAH! CUMMING!" Sai shouts real hard as he came, spilling his cum onto the bed. Then he feels the bat filling him up with his load. They both panted as Sai hangs his head with his chest heaving.
Terry pulls out of him. Sai hisses, missing the fullness already but he falls onto the bed and rolls on his back, still panting from that hard breeding.
However, they're aren't done yet.
He was lifted once more this time, the bat has him hovering over his throbbing cock not ready to go down after that round. He and his cock wants more of it. Fortunately, the snake smiles a little, now hungry for more before. Terry slams Sai's hips down. His hard cock into his warm tight hole. Sai screams as Terry starts up again with more hard thrusts. The snake claws his back while holding onto him.
"Ah...s-s...ugh...uuh..augh..nuuugh!" Sai can't form words making the bat grunts and growls, continuing his pounding into him.
Soon, they will change their position with Sai on his back and Terry now pounding him downwards in a mating press. Sai looks up to the ceiling as his legs became limp due to ongoing rough breeding. His eyes dazed and his mouth open letting a long string of moans and cries.
Sai can't imagine if any of his fellow officers had a relationship with their former charge like this. Or was he the only one?
----- Somewhere in America ----
Right now, Officer Knight is with his former charge, Davion. Their relationship is now of...well...Rust couldn't describe it. He finds out that Davion takes down bounties and comes to the station to claim the money. That's what he does. So Rust works with him on any bounties that come up. After Davion tracks them down and hands them off to him they can processed and be sent to court then to jail.
He has to give Davion the money at his apartment. Of course...
Money isn't the only thing.
"That's right....keep moving your hips, little treasure."
It's doing this.
A sexual transaction.
The blond moans as he is naked and bare. His body flushed in heat and sweat as he kept moving up and down on the dragon's hard girth. Rust is on top of Davion doing their usual thing. Davion grunts as he thrusts up, matching the hips of their movements. He had Rust's hands held by his as the knight kept on riding him.
Then his knight goes to bounce faster and harder making the dragon wince at the sudden pace. Rust moans louder now as he is closing his eyes hard as he wants the dragon's cock hit those sweet spots of his.
"Ha...you love this, do you?" Davion smirks. "You want more of this cock, you couldn't get enough..hm?"
"Fuck...yeah..." Rust answers. "It's...ugh..you fault i...like this." He growls. Davion laughs, hearing this. "Oh?"
He snaps his hips up that makes Rust yelp. A wave of pleasure made him shudder with a breathless moan.
"Guess I will be responsible then." Davion said before delivering upwards thrusts into Rust's hole hitting those spots making him moan and cry. The blond's back arches a little at the pleasure, getting him to ride him even faster.
"Mffmmm..fuck...r-right there...please!" Rust begged. "I-i..."
"Yeah...you don't want this to stop. Don't worry...we got all night." He smiles. Then right away, he shifts their position as he picks Rust up and lays him down, having his legs hang over his shoulder before thrusting him down. With his mouth open, the knight screams in pleasure as he is now gripping the edge of the bed.
Fuck! It's so deep now! Rust thought as he shut his eyes tight as Davion slammed his hips down and lifted them once before doing it again. Developing a deep rhythm that made Rust's blood run on adrenaline due to the pleasurable sensation he is receiving. There is a drool at the corner of the blond's mouth as he is whimpering and moaning. But then...he shouts as Davion got a good angle at his peculiar spot.
"N-not there! Fuck! NOT THERE!"
"Why? Isn't this good? You trying to move up but can't. You love this dragon pinning you down and ravish you like a treasure you are!" He said, thrusting now rougher making Rust cry out lustfully.
"AH--ha! Mmfmm...ha...fuck! So deep!"
Davion slams his hips, coming to stop and grinds ever so slowly so the other can feel him. Rust's breath hitches, "Ah..ha..." The blond widen his eyes, wondering why he stopped.
"Well? Am I wrong?"
"Fuck...I-I" Rust winced.
"N-no...you're not wrong! Fuck! Please! Do not stop! I-I want..." Rust is having trying finishing his sentences due to the other's hard big cock inside, rubbing the right places making the other burn for him.
"You want more of it?" Davion teased. Rust growls as his blue eyes become crimson red.
"YES YOU FREAKING CRAZY DRAGON!" Rust shouted out of frustration. This got Davion to laugh and go even harder on his loving knight making him moan even more.
"Don't worry...I make sure to fuck you every single day, my treasure." Davion tells him as he goes to lift him up and fucks him upwards while his knight holds onto him for dear life. "Yes, yes, yes! Please!"
The two spend the rest of their day without incident.
---- Northern State Penitentiary ---
However, there are other relationships to explore. Like one in prison right now.
In Shrika's room and office, she is kissing her fellow officer, Willie Watts who is moaning and such. 'S-shrika."
"Willie. You have been very good today." Shrika smiles, "You have been making sure to keep those inmates in line for me. I can't thank you enough." Shrika smiles at his ear.
"Oh..well...i-i-i'ts my job.." Willie then whimpered when Shrika kissed and nipped on his neck. His face became blushing red as he was being rewarded by his Mistress right now. He used to be a prisoner here after a certain bullying incident. He was assigned to Area A where Shrika rules. At first, Willie wonders how could someone like her could manage a place like this. The place seems ordinary and anyone can get out of it. But that's one of the reasons.
So Shrika can catch them for fun and bring them back for more discipline.
It was shrewd and cunning. Willie had never seen. But she held her own in her own beautiful way. One time, he tried escaping with a few other prisoners, only to be caught again but this time by her bird form. When he saw it, he was terrified yet in awe. He admires those great dark wings whose feathers shine and her vicious talons that can easily tear guts out of a person. He did put off a fight but her great supersonic power made him weak enough to be taken back. Taken back by flight.
When he was brought back for Shrika to punish her. The first thing that came out of his mouth was that she was beautiful. He wasn't sure what face he was making. Probably stupid.
Shrika widens her eyes slightly with her maroon eyes shining at that compliment. Of course, Willie quickly apologizes for the comment, and he accepts any punishment given to him. He doesn't know why he said that but maybe because he rebels against those who think they are strong. But Shrika is different, she makes up her strength by relying on her smarts and power.
However, Willie's punishment is different from the others. In fact, Shrika favors him so much since that day, he can't help being happy when it comes to her punishments and rewards.
"Ah...ha...your soft fingers.." Said Willie as he was leaning against her while Shrika played with Willie by inserting her fingers into him slowly and deeply. It made the esper's legs twitch and tremble.
"You like that, don't you?" Shrika whispers into his ear. Willie nods weakly. "Yes!" Then a thought came to him. "Miss...Shrika...are we going to do that again?"
"That?" Shrika asked, looking curious. Willie utters as he pants, "That...when you claim me..."
Shrika's eyes lit as she knew what her adorable esper knows what he's talking about. Shrika smiles widely, "Of course. We can do that if you like. I was planning to do that anyway. After that, you can claim me as well then we can go back to doing that again. Would you like that? I got a bit bigger one so that's why I'm doing this."
Willie nods his head vigorously. "Y-yes please!"
And that's how their relationship went.
"Ahh...fuck...Mistress! R-right there! So good!" Said Willie as he is being pounded by Shrika using a strap-on. Shrika holds onto her pet by his hips as she slams her hips into him. Hearing his cries and moan got her more into this. Wanting to claim Willie even more. This got Shrika burn for her loving pet, "Oh Willie~! You sound so nice for me! Let's keep going till recess!" Shrika moaned with a lustful smile.
"Y-yes!" Willie cried.
"And after that, we can do it again at night. A night just for us!" Shrika goes to change the pace harder and faster, moving her hips even faster. Willie grips the desk tighter as he moans out. "T-that would be amazing. Y-yes please!" He can't wait for the night to arrive so he can spend more time with her.
"That's great to hear it!" Shrika laughed, "Now let's see you cum from your cock!"
"Y-yes...at your command!" Willie replied as he continues to cry out inside her office.
Out of everyone, Shrika is the first to develop a relationship with her former prisoner. She asked Warden Osamu for permission to make Willie her fellow officer once his sentence ended. It was approved right away.
However... in other areas, there are different results.
---- Area D ----
Gin Akutagawa got into another fight again. This time, it wasn't her fault. The other prisoner tried to stab her with a shiv. Charlie suspected it was some kind of assassination attempt since Akutagawa was part of the Port Mafia. Of course, some people dared to try to take a shot at them. Gin Akutagawa is one of them.
However, Gin Akutagawa can't be taken down as she managed to throw the assassination against her and take the prisoner's eye out. Right away, the situation was resolved as everyone got the area on lockdown. The prisoner was sent to the infirmary run by Cobin, his team, and his machines. Gin was taken to the solitary cell for her own safety.
However, Gin is pissed off enough that Jason was surprised by her sudden strength when he tries to usher her to the cell. Right away, Jason was tripped and is now on the ground with Gin Akutagawa on top. She had a knife at his neck. "I rather you not touch me." She said dangerously. Seriously...where does she put her knives?!
Jason gulps. He didn't realize it before but...Gin Akutagawa smells really nice. Wait what?! What is he thinking?!
Ever since Gin came to prison, Jason is watching over her. She is doing okay. Though..she is always by herself during recess or in her cell. He saw her eat once without her face mask. It was....something out of a painting. She had her smooth long hair down instead of her usual skipy bun. The way she eats is gentle and so manner-like. Her fingers look delicate and small. It was dainty and she seemed so young with porcelain skin. It makes Jason want to protect her so badly from external dangers. But he had to remind herself that she might be using her beauty to let people guard's but that's not it! Maybe she dresses the way in order to avoid getting the attention of men which makes sense!
Though her smell. Jason won't forget it. She has that smell unlike no other. How can he describe it? His wolf keen of smell is sensitive but Gin's aroma is easy and pleasing. It's like lavender or rose. It made him relaxed not to mention....
"Officer Woofhees...are you hard?" Asked Gin. This got Jason to snap out of his thoughts, seeing a surprised Gin and looks down getting his cheeks flushed pink. He quickly answers, "W-what?! No! I-"
Gin raises a brow but Jason's expression as she goes to move her hips against the tent in his pants. Jason utters a whine sound out of his control. That there says it all.
Hm. Maybe I should play with this doggy. Gin thought.
"It's alright." Gin said gently which got Jason blinking dumbfounded. Then Gin begins to grind against him slowly. This got Jason yelping.
"H-hey stop this!" Jason exclaimed.
"Why?" Gin asked innocently.
"Because...because...shit..." Jason panted. Gin chuckles now. "It's alright. You must be like this because of the women here, right?"
"No!" Jason said. It's not true. It's not because of that. It's because of her! But he won't say that! Shit! Jason doesn't see the other female prisoners that way. After all...they're freaking crazy and some of them pretty fucked up.
But Gin....she seems sane and yet...has the right level of crazy if she is in Port Mafia. Not to mention, she is very feminine and beautiful with her smooth silk and black hair. Wait, wait, wait! What is he thinking?!
Then Gin goes to bounce on his lap making Jason hiss and gasp. "Wait..wait...stop! Don't...I.."
"Ah..ha...don't move," Gin said as she continued her movements making Jason flush even redder. How can this woman...who is shorter than him do something like this. To him. He is usually top and always makes sure the ladies are taken care of at his favorite tavern but now...this lady got him under some kind of spell he can't move only to obey.
Jason pants.
"Does it feel good? I heard werewolves or lycans have a certain heat cycle. Have you been reliving yourself lately?" Said Gin continuing with movement. Jason closed his hands into fists but didn't move. "I...i.."
"I mean..."
"Let's get you better." Said Gin as goes to slip her hands between the buttoned sides of his uniform and starts to touch his abs making Jason yelped. "S-stop! I order you ah!" Gin slams her hips down. "You feel so wet there, Officer Woofhess. Do you want me to make you feel better?
"Yes-no-no...please!" Jason is now begging as Gin continues her ministrations at his hard cock that is hiding his pants. Then Jason felt his belt come undone and his own cock is now being stroked. "N-no..augh! Please stop! Someone will-"
"Don't worry...I make sure it will be quick.' And already, Gin proceeds to stroke him faster and faster. How can she do this?! Where did this come from?! How can she do with her gentle hands like that? Jason had to hide his face.
"Usually...I like cats better than dogs. But for you, I can be an exception since you're so cute under me. A strong werewolf coming undone like this. Under me. It's cute really." Gin smiles behind her mask.
"G-gin!" Jason gasped.
"Maybe I should put a collar on you and make you do tricks for me..." Gin said so nicely and gently. The mere idea of what she is suggesting is something he wanted. To experience under her.
"How does that sound, Jason?" Gin asked suggestively.
Upon hearing this name, Jason came to her hand right away. Jason is now gasping as Gin chuckles now, she goes to get up and walks to herself. Jason watches her to go inside her soldiary confidenment. "Tell me..if you need me. I always be there." She said before closing the door herself. Leaving a confused werewolf processing this.
Did that just happen???
------ Area E -----
Similar to Gin Akutagawa's situation, someone try to kill Ryunosuke Akutagawa. Or rather tried. The assassin didnt get too far. In fact, that idiot managed to disable the collar that keep Ryunosuke powers on check and now he is running lose, killing all those prisoners.
"Uh...sir! Shouldn't we do something?!" His assistant fellow officer, Wade cried. The gator looked so worried that made Matt laughed. "Oh come on, Wade. Let him run free for a moment. Heck, I even disable some of the collars on the prisoners."
"You what?!" Wade exclaimed.
"Just to make it more fair." Matt shrugs. "Besides look...there's no wonder why he is called the Black Fang Hellhound of Port Mafia. He's so cute!"
Cute?! Wade thought, watching Ryunosuke tear the other prisoners apart with a killer look in his eyes. The prisoners were sliced apart like nothing. Blood spills on the walls, floor, and ceiling. The prisoners using their powers were about to jump him but some of them were impaled by tendrils form his clothing. "But the prisoners..."
"Serial killers, r*pists, hired guns, gangsters, and war criminals." Said Matt. "What's left? I mean...Area E holds the worst of the worst. A perfect forest if you ask. They shouldn't complain since they live for it." Matt said. "After all....Pete was given horrible s*x offenders and child killers. Those guys don't last long in that prison. In fact, they usually get killed there right away. They won't be missed given how bad their crimes were." Matt shrugs. "Sid got the white-collar criminals. Shrika got the ones who think they're hot shit but nothing but small fry and fun to play with. Willie looks after the metahuman criminals. Jason and Charlie got the females that are also dangerous. Charlie is good at breaking them down. As for me, the Warden gives me control over how to run this area. He told me to have fun with it and let him in some tournaments. Here and there. After all, we're the prison that makes the worst inmates beg for death and fear for their lives at the same time."
"So...." Wade begins. "What about Cobin and Lex?"
"Oh, those two. Cobin helps with the injuries and sometimes does organ donations. Lex makes sure nothing escapes his sight if something happens. He is usually with Dazai for protection. Though, Pete handles the surveillance of the place."
"Anyway....I will let get in just about...now." Matt goes to jump over the railing. "Officer Knack!" Wade cried. Matt held his hand up, "Not to worry. I'm fine, I got this."
"Ryunosuke. Are you done with your fill?" Matt asked as Ryunosuke heard his voice and attacked with Rashomon. Right away, Matt smacks the trend away with a powerful hit.
"!" Ryunosuke widens his eyes at this. What the?
'Surprised?" Matt asked. Ryunosuke can't help but smirk, "Actually I am. I am going to have a fun time killing you, you damn guard!"
"Go ahead and try! Let's make this fun!" Matt grins as his eyes glow ready. Thus, the battle between the Killer Night and the Hellhound commenced.
To be continued....
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||An Officer's Corruption part Twenty-three||
Hello there dears, Peahen mom here and it's time for another chapter to this one. And yes, this might be the longest mini series I've written with my amazing friend of course demon mun. So, I hope you like.
If you wish to see how or where everything is going, you can follow up on the chapters down below.
||Previous Chapters 1-7||((Click here))
((Previous chapters 8-13)) (Click here))
||Previous chapters 14-20)) ((Click here))
Part Twenty one ((NSFW Warning))
Part Twenty two ((NSFW Warning))
((Your reading part twenty three))
||OVA Chapters 1-7|| ((Written by my amazing friend demon mun)) (Click here))
~Drug use will be spoken of and told of in this
~Relaxing moment for some parts
~Dark theme/mention of Self harm and su**** attempt will be present in this. This is a heavy warning if you read this chapter, it will be dark on a part so just a heads up.
||Drabble Summary||
Another day is here in T prison seeing the prisoners were out eating some breakfast in the main grand hall. The wardens were keeping watch for now but what adventures will be present today? And during the warden's video meeting? Also, what information will be found during Sai's investigation? Read to find out.
||Guests in Drabble||
Ira"Kali" Vin-Shia, Ink Vanguard, Kinie Ger, and Rave"Oblivion" Daitengu and anyone else mention belongs to my amazing Rp partner @demon-blood-youths Also Kisho belongs to her but is from the side blog @chunibyo-x-sorcerer
Jinx Violet and Yuuka Nakano are my OC's and belong to me. Yuji Itadori, Megumi fushiguro, and Yuji Itadori is from Jujutsu Kaisen but is also a muse I rp as. Same with Terry McGinnis and Maxine(Black cat) also is from batman beyond but also here due to being muses.
((Note: Their will be grammar mistakes and errors in this drabble as others have this warning. But like I state before, this is written for fun. So I hope you like it and my friend too. And again, a part in this chapter will involve something dark and heavy so please don't read if this triggers you. With that, I hope you Enjoy.))
Another morning as come at T prison, seeing that all the inmates have went through roll call and was now eating breakfast. Most were either chatting to their 'buddies' or 'next door neighbor' as the morning goes alone. Warden Kinie Ger along with the officers were keeping a close eye on them even the main ones that was eating at their tables.
Officer Vanguard was keeping a eye on the Six claws seeing them eating breakfast or having a light conversation.
Officer Vin-Shia was keeping her eyes on the inmates but she was wondering if Rex already got his food for this morning. Or do they even let him out during this time? Well, given his status, maybe not. They did have a reason for keeping him away from the other inmates so she wouldn't question Warden Kinie's ways.
And for Officer Violet, she was keeping a eye on Inmate Yuji who was eating breakfast with his two friends Kisho and Megumi who were talking about something to see Megumi shaking his head and Kisho laughing a bit.
Honestly, this morning was not too bad right now and the inmates were behaving for once. Maybe this morning wouldn't be so bad. For now, they keep a eye out before one officer goes to Kinie to get her attention.
"Miss Ger?" she blinks hearing this but turns her head to look at him.
"What is it officer? "she asked.
"A meeting is being held in two minutes with the other wardens from their prisons. It seems they are ready for the daily meeting." he said.
"......Hmmmm, Understood. I'll be there shortly in my office. "she sees him nod, turning to walk off.
"Hey, you three." she sees Jinx, Kali, and Ink look at her. "I have to attend a meeting with the other wardens right now. I assume you three can take care of the noon patrol later when the inmates head out for training?" she asked.
"Of course! You can count on us!" Ink and Jinx said happily but Kali growls to bonk them on the head.
"......" Kinie sighs with eyes closed but she reopens them to look at the three. "Just..try to be sure nothing else happens while I'm in the meeting. Understand?" she said seeing the three nod.
"Oh and here.." She shows two folders as she hands one to Ink and the other to Jinx.
"Uhhhh what is this warden Kinie?" Ink asked opening the folder and looks. It shows a paper letter that reads the follow.
"By order of the Warden, the six claws shall be attending classes to improve their skills if needed before being released on patrol. If one has not completed for their GED they will have that chance too. Will be in effect in two days from now."
Jinx's own reads:
"Approval for Yuji Itadori and his two inmate friends Megumi fushiguro and Kisho Hashimoto to be moved to a bigger cell. This will take effect immediately by the afternoon. Their cell will be private and away from the other inmates."
Both Ink and Jinx looks to the letters but at one another to smile happy. It was approved and written right on paper to confirm it!
"Alright, I'm heading off. But if something happens let me know right away..." with a nod from the three, she turns to head to her office for the daily video meeting call. She wonders if their reports are better than last year but she'll know sooner or later.
"Good and if something happens let me know right away..." with a nod from the three, she turns to head to her office for the daily video meeting call. She wonders if their reports are better than last year but she'll know sooner or later.
"I didn't know Warden Kinie did those types of meetings. Do you think it's something serious?" Jinx asked the two.
"It might be. Given from what happened a while back, that's something." Kali grumbles.
"True but we won't know since it's between wardens only. I'm sure it's nothing bad.." Ink said while Kinie walks off. However, Midoriya noticed Kinie walking off but his green eyes looks then looks down. Now where could she be going off too? He might not know but this got Atsushi to look at him.
"You alright Midoriya?"
"Hmm? I'm alright Atsushi don't worry. Just thinking about something is all." he said eating his breakfast with a smile. Ren, Rin, Denji, and Bakugo looks to him wondering what was up before they saw Ink keeping watch with the other two though she was still freaking precious.
"You want me to do what now?" Terry looks to Officer Narong while he was drinking some hot coffee given to him by the officer. Sai was looking at him but drinking something as well to help him focus this morning. Even after the phone call with Oblivion.
"You heard me. I wanted to ask if you could help me gather information about someone named Yuuka Nakano. I know or get the feeling you have inner information where us officers can't get. Maybe if you can, you might be able to help me out with that." He sees Terry taking a sip of his coffee trying to think about it. However, he lowers the cup to sigh.
"Depends on the information. What type of info are you looking for? Background checks? Life history? Criminal records? Personal info that's under lock and key? Medical records?" he said seeing Sai blink but he thinks about that.
"Hold on, how did you-"
"As you would say, I have my ways Officer Narong. So, depending on what you need..what is it?" he asked.
"........." Sai was thinking about it but he closed his eyes. What would he go first? What info would help get them a head start? For that time, he opens his eyes to look at him.
"I guess starting with drug use and medical use in her history. Maybe something involving her path during that time?" he asked but Terry looks to him then thinks.
"So drug dealers I take it? That's something not common..hold on." he reaches to try something before checking something on the computer that Sai had in this office. He begins to type before he checks seeing the screen darken a little making Sai blink.
"What are you-"
"Just a moment.....Cat should be hacking in so we can get her to check."
Wait. Cat?
Within a moment, the screen glitched, showing a hidden room but someone was there hard at work. Dark skinned woman with dark pink short hair. She had a black t-shirt on but was chewing on some bubble gum while looking at something.
'What's up Terry? Need something?' the woman asked but he chuckled to look.
"Still busy as you are Cat?"
'As I always should be. Eh? How are you even able to let me hack through this? I thought the police-'
"Don't worry. The place I'm in has a strong protection CDI so you should be fine. But if they tired to figure out someone hacked into their mainframe they won't know it's you."
"Terry, who is she?"
"Oh right. Officer Narong, Meet Black Cat. She's my partner in crime and my best hacker. She's able to hack into anything and get any information anyone can think of. She's pretty good at her job since none can keep up with her. Not even the police can find darker hidden files like she can...." he said as Cat smiled.
'That sounds like your being a flirt Terry...'
"I'm being nice silly. That's all. Anyway, I was hoping you can help us out here.....we need some information involving someone." he said hearing her typing.
'Sure, who's the name?' she asked.
"What was her name?" Terry asked Sai.
"Oh right....Yuuka Nakano was her name." he said as Cat heard this and begins typing. She looks through her computer screen while looking at the information.
'Hmmm..Yuuka..Nakano...' Cat said typing in her name before hitting Enter. In a moment, she got some data pulled up but she blinks to whistle.
'Wow; she's done a lot of shit hasn't she? Even from the drug medic record. Damn..'
"What you got Cat?" Terry asked as she was typing again.
'A lot of messed up shit if that's one way to say it. I mean, these records are pretty dark to say the least. I'm shocked she's not over dosed with this much pumped into her for so long.' she said.
"Hold on, what do you mean by that?" Sai asked but Cat heard the bubble pop to check something else.
'Here, I'll send it to you both so you can see for yourself....' she said hitting enter. Right away, a few emails were sent but they open up after a while. It shows folders involving data or info about Yuuka.
"This is a lot of information Cat."
'Yeah but the info is again pretty dark. You might be in this for a while..' she said. Sai blinks hearing this but Terry moves the mouse and clicks on one file. It opens showing a info sheet of her when she used to be in UA. It's a older file.
UA student file
Name: Yuuka Nakano
Hero name: Nightshade
Gender: Female
Quirk: Pyro-Toxikinesis (Able to make toxic flames and split them up using fire and posion)
Class: 1-A
Notes: Yuuka is a promising student that's willing to help anyone and become a hero like her parents. She's well known in the school while doing well in classes and being helped with her quirk. So far, studies have been doing well so far. Right now, she is progressing well in 1-A class.
"Okay, that don't sound too bad though." Sai said looking at the file.
'Not right now. This was a file when she was in that school. However, click the next one. It gets a bit darker.' Cat warns as Terry did that. The next file was a bit different.
UA Student file
Name: Yuuka Nakano
Status: Was kidnapped/gone missing
Information: After a failed mission, the classmates in 1-A has been told that Yuuka Nakano a.k.a Nightshade had been kidnapped on Friday of May. We were told of the situation given to us and has sent a look out team to find her. The search began today. We hope to find her.
((Update on search))
No update yet but still looking for her. We pray that she is found soon.
((Update on Search #2))
Still nothing. We have had to get other heroes to do a look out for her. Given no information to what might have happened. Her family is already begging for someone to find her. No records shown so far about it.
((Update on search #24))
Days have passed so far but no luck. We fear for the worst but we have not stopped looking for her yet. She has to be alive still. Given the information we have, it seems we are going to have to address this as either a different case.
Terry and Sai blinks reading this. So she was kidnapped that day though, she must have been gone for a while or longer. As they keep reading they check the next one.
((Update on Search #235))
Finally after a few months or so, we found her. She was located near the riverside but she looked like a mess. She even seems a bit sick. We took her in and got her treated at the hospital though we were given notes from the doctor to tell us about her status.
'Yeah, she was kidnapped for a long while but it explains a bit.' Cat said to the two.
"Though, it don't explain the drugs Cat." Terry said.
'I know..you have to open the next file for that one. It's a list of the drugs she was given at the time. And again, it's a long list...you usually find these drugs in the black market.' she said.
Wait, Black market?
Sai looks seeing the list that Terry clicked on showing it. A long list of not known drugs were seen. Shots, needles, and pills of many uknown drugs were listed here and was given to Yuuka during her time of being kidnapped.
'Though, their is a updated medical note from the school and the doctor.' Cat said sending that. The note reads as follows.
Doctor's note: Even if we treated Miss Nakano from what happened she's not as stable. We tired to help her during treatment but she tends to snap at us and attack with her quirk. We had to bind her down on the medic bed to insure we can treat her. Most of my nurses were poisoned by her quirk. Others knocked out or badly burned. However, she was treated that next day or for a while. We had to monitor her behavior and see what types of drugs were injected into her.
When getting the results back, it was..shocking. So many was given to her it's almost like she became addicted to it. Lucky she didn't but if they kept given her the drugs then it was a strong possible answer. Though, their was some slight healed bruising on her. Maybe she was forced to do something while being kidnapped? We are unsure but will keep a eye on her.
"So she was forced to do something..but what could that be?" Sai said. "Even with all these drugs, she would have overdosed." he mutters.
"True but it seems something must have happened or her quirk must have done something." Terry said looking at the info before seeing something else.
'Oh no, it just gets worse boys...keep reading..' she said sending another one. 'This is when she was back in school..'
((UA student info))
Name Yuuka Nakano
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Status: Student?
Info: After Nakano has returned back to class she seemed a bit off now. After the incident of being kidnapped, she tends to be distracted in class. Scratching and muttering to herself. Even if she is a bit more violent if others try to touch her, she still wishes to be a hero. We worry for her future after that but it must have scarred her badly right after. We are unsure if she will be able to continue with this.
Status: Unknown/Removed from 1-A till further noticed for her protection
Info: We had a little mishap today from a couple missions from the following weeks and months. Yuuka's quirk has gotten a bit out of control due to the violent nature she has shown. Even if her heart still says she wishes to be a hero, the people fear for her. She's already threatened to poison innocent people that was seen as villians in Yuuka's eyes. Many used to see her as a innocent young woman but most fear her now due to her quirk and disturbing behavior. But now some have made allegations that they seen her when doing criminal activity. We are unsure about this information but will keep looking into this.
For now, shes being quarantined for safety of the public and herself.
((Update #3))
Status: Hero status changed to Dangerous Vigilante
After trying to stabilize her and quarantine her, Yuu has gotten worse. We got word that she's been doing things on her own but given the fact she's acted dangerous towards criminals and some innocent people. Because of this, the people has demanded she get some better treatment. We had no choice but to remove her from UA for her safety and the public. That lead to more violent activity from Nakano till we had no choice but to arrest her. We found out she took down a villain but heavily poisoned him to be killed. She then tried attacking the police only to get tazed and handcuffed.
From that night, Nightshade or Yuuka Nakano was no longer a hero and we prey she gets the help she needs. She was to be sent to prison for her safety and others.
Now both Terry and Sai were silent at this. What the hell? Cat sighed to look but she had her arms crossed. 'Oh and just to let you know, that's just the beginning. Theirs more disturbing things in her files so..you both might be reading for a while. Their is info about the black market in there and the owner of the guy who made the drugs and kidnapped her too I believe....' Cat said.
Now Sai was concerned. Just what the hell happened to Yuuka?
~~~~~~~~Meanwhile at Roosevelt Island~~~~~~~~~~~~
Oblivion was leaving the office but sighed having her eyes closed. She runs her fingers through her hair but hopes that Yuuka was alright. Whatever Sai could find will help her know a bit more about her. What happened and what changed her to what she is now.
During this time, she was going to get some water and something to eat when hearing Luna speaking to two officers.
"Guys, you both doing okay?" she asked.
"No worries were fine." Damien said with his arms crossed seeing the others Ming, Maxine, Trevor, and Swan agreeing.
"Alright. Though, has anything happened?" she asked.
"No, we haven't checked on her yet. We assume she's resting right now." Maxine said but he keeps his arms crossed feeling his boyfriend Trevor near him.
"Well, she might be up after last night. I'll go and see if she's alright or at least soon. I heard the goo was gone so the room was not quarantine anymore."
Well, that's good to hear. Maybe Oblivion can check on her this morning to see how she was. She walks over to see the others going about their duties. "Hey Luna, is that true? Is she.."
"Hey Oblivion. Yeah, I got word that the toxic goo is gone so we can check on her if you like." she said as she nods. She wanted to see how she was and hope she was alright. So, the two walks over to Yuuka's holding cell. However, when getting there, they saw some officers speaking to themselves while working. They get to the door seeing the sign was removed so it was safe!
"I'll go and check on her. Is that fine?" Oblivion asked seeing Luna nod.
"Of course." she said smiling. Nodding her head, Oblivion goes to open the door heading inside. It seems everything was alright now but she looks ahead seeing the cell.
"Hey, Yuuka? I wanted to come and check on you..I hope your alright this morning-" she sstarted to say but stops from what she saw. Yuuka didn't respond to her. In fact, she was standing up in her cell looking at the window there. She was holding something up in her hand but from what Oblivion saw.....wait........she saw something else and the smell lingering in the air. It smelled like copper? Hold on..
'I..Is that blood?....hold on, what did she..' Oblivion looks to see that Yuuka was holding something but getting a better look, it was that a glass shard from the window given the light breeze that blew.
'I can't do this anymore..it hurts too much. No matter how many damn times I tried cutting it out. It won't come out. I'll just have to dig deeper to get them out! I want them out..I want them to get it out!!!!' she thought about to stab her own throat ready to spill her blood.
Yuuka tenses hearing the shout turning around but saw Oblivion. Before speaking she tries to bring it down only stabbing her hand.
"STOP THAT!" Oblivion rushes to open her cell door but quickly grabs the glass shard from Yuuka who struggles trying to get it back from her.
"Give it back to me! I have to get these things out of me! Give it back!" she shouted about to poison her but Oblivion held her down while feeling her struggling.
"ENOUGH ALREADY!" Oblivion said now furious that she would go that low but held her down while Yuu struggles. "WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU THINKING!? WERE YOU SERIOUSLY PLANNING ON KILLING YOURSELF!?"
"WHY THE HELL DO YOU CARE!? YOU POLICE DON'T GIVE A SHIT! YOU ALL NEVER DID! YOUR THE REASON I'M LIKE THIS!!! YOU DAMN POLICE OFFICERS DON'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT ANYONE ELSE BUT YOURSELVES! YOU NEVER WERE THERE YOU WERE ALL AGAINST ME!!! EVEN WITH MY QUIRK!!!" Yuu shouted but she tries now burning Oblivion but she felt Yuu kick her back crashing against the wall as Yuu panted shaking. Tears were seen running down her cheeks.
"You fucking officers don't give a shit! So why do you fucking care now!? Even being through so fucking much..NOW YOU CARE!? THEN WHAT OF THE FUCKING DRUGS!? THE SHOTS!! WHAT THE FUCK DOES THAT SHOW!!" she said about to throw a fire ball at her but Oblivion ducks but grabs Yuu's wrists. "!?"
"You need to stop this!"
"Let go of me!" she shouted angry at her but Oblivion didn't want to do this only to close her eyes.
"You need to calm down or I'll have to be forced to make you!" she said not wanting to.
"Let me the fuck go!" she said and yet Oblivion looked at her as she struggles again only for her to keep holding her wrists tight. Sparks of electricity shows from her hands.
"I can't...and please forgive me for this." she said before shocking Yuuka. She screams out in pain wincing from the strong shock but Oblivion only sees her shaking before she kept up with the shock then stops. Oblivion looks at her slowly but Yuu was twitching now before she winced. Smoke was seen coming off of Yuu's body as she stood there.
"............" As Yuu stood there, she slowly looks to her but Oblivion wonders what was wrong. Was she going to speak. And being right, Oblivion heard her speak.
"I..I'm s..sorry..I'm sorry..I d..didn't mean t..to do any of t..that. It was j..just so painful..it still..*begins crying* H..Hurts..It hurts.." she mutters now showing more tears that her eyes were dimmed out or dulled.
Before Oblivon tries to ask, she sees her fall that Oblivion catches her quickly. She looks to be knocked out but she got a better view on her. Cuts. Deep cuts from that glass shard were seen and she seems to have made them deep.
"Yuu......" she mutters before the door opens but Luna shows.
"What the hell happened!?"
"Yuuka was trying to....I can't say but you can guess from the blood right? "she said but Luna saw the blood and the cuts she made.
"......Come on, we can take her to the medic room." Luna said as Oblivion carefully picks Yuuka up so follow her.
A few moments later, Oblivion and Luna were standing outside the room seeing Swan healing her as she was laying on the medic bed being treated. Though, Oblivion grips her arms not wanting to do that. Or to say a last resort. She wanted to stop Yuu for hurting others but she didn't want her to hurt herself.
"...Geez, i didn't know she would go that far to do that." Luna said but she was worried too.
"......I don't know how long she's been even doing that. I have a guess it's been a while since she's done it?" she asked but Luna sighed.
"I guess. Even so, that might be due to something. Maybe something happened that drove her down that way. It's sad to see. I just hope.....we can at least help her.." Luna said but Oblivion had a feeling it was due to either drugs, manipulation, or worse. She only grits her teeth angry for the ones that put her through this but seeing Yuu's tired weak expression she looked hurt and alone. It wasn't right. For now, both would wait till she would be let out again...for right now, Oblivion needed to watch her till getting news.
That's when Swan comes out but Oblivion saw. She stood up to look at her. "How is she?"
"Stable. The cuts were not as bad but they were badly deep. Judging by how they looked, she must have made them last night."
"However, I cleaned and wrapped them up so she just needs rest right now. If you wish, you can go in and be with her till she wakes up." she said.
Oblivion looks quiet to her but nods. "That would be fine." With a nod, Swan leads Oblivion in the room but she saw Yuu resting up. She goes to sit down on a chair looking to her. She seems really weak but she looks quiet while doing so.
"......." For now, Oblivion hopes Sai and the other helps in finding out more about this. Or if the ones that did this to her were around because she would make them pay.
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wisteria-cherry · 9 months
marauders + associated characters!
black, sirius III- also called padfoot, he was born in 1959 to the house of black, one of the sacred twenty-eight. his parents were second cousins, and he did not have a good relationship with any member of his family nor extended family, except perhaps andromeda black. he rejected his family's values strongly, constantly emphasizing the differences between him and his family: making a shrine to godric gryffindor in his room, using permanent sticking charms to put up posters of motorcycles and muggle girls in bikinis on his walls. he and james potter were particularly popular, sirius' "thing" being that he was a bad boy- dark, handsome looks, arrogant, immense intellegence, and a tendency to ignore girls, which only made them want him more. he supported james potter wholeheartedly in his lifelong hatred for severus snape. they went out of their way to bully severus snape, and although he would later come to regret it, he never apologized. in his fifth year, he decided to play a "prank", telling severus snape about the passage through the whomping willow that led to the shrieking shack. severus snape went on a full moon, not knowing that remus lupin was transforming, forcing james potter to save severus snape. at age sixteen, he broke away from the house of black and was adopted by the potter family. he was disowned, but his uncle had pity on him and left him a large inheritance. he would later go on to be the best man and james potter and lily evans' wedding and the godfather of harry potter. Sirius was a tall, well-built, darkly handsome man with fair skin, medium, lustrous black hair, which sometimes appeared light in the sun, striking grey eyes, and an air of "casual elegance" as well as a somewhat haughty look on his face. in 1996, he died in a duel against his cousin bellatrix. note: he is recorded to have never had slughorn as a professor.
carter, richard- a former captain of the gryffindor quidditch team. he had a plaque up in gryffindor tower marking him as such by the early 1990s.
cresswell, dirk- born in 1961 to a muggle family, he began his education in 1972 at hogwarts. he was a favorite of professor horace slughorn, the potions master at the time. he was fluent in gobbledegook, the language of goblins. he would then go on to become the head of the goblin liaison office in the ministry of magic. he would later be murdered in 1998 for evading the muggle-born registration commission led by a corrupted ministry of magic, then infiltrated by death eaters. he is assumed to be one of slughorn's "all-time favorite students", implying proficiency in potions. he is also capable on a broomstick, and in very skilled in charms, able to perform a non-corporeal patronus charm, which is considered incredibly advanced magic.
evans, lily- born in cokewell in 1960, the same town as severus snape, she was in a muggle family. evidently, she was better off than severus snape's family, as her sister petunia sneered at him for coming from a poverty-stricken neighborhood. it was severus snape that told her she was a witch, which caused a rift between her and petunia, who wanted to attend hogwarts with her. she was skilled at potions, leading her to be a member of the slug club. in her years at hogwarts, she continuously stood up for severus snape, despising james potter for bullying him, despite not approving of his death eater friends, until, one day, he lashed out at her. he asked for forgiveness, but when asked whether he would still become a death eater, she realized he wouldn't change for her, thus, they parted ways. during her seventh year, however, she saw james potter prove himself to be brave and responsible, so she began to date him. she was also head girl alongside his being head boy. she would then go on to marry him at eighteen, also attending her sister petunia's wedding, although being devastated that she was not a bridesmaid. she is described as vivacious, popular, responsible, witty, charming, and kind. she was also a woman of great integrity. she had a slight temper and a sharp tongue, but was also willing to give people second chances. she was described as beautiful, with thick, dark red hair that fell to her shoulders, and almond-shaped bright green eyes. she would soon go on to meet an untimely death at the hands of voldemort in 1981.
king, r.j.h- born in 1957 or earlier, he attended hogwarts in the 60s. he was on gryffindor's quidditch team, and won an award for it in 1969. the plaque was shared with james potter and m.g. mcgonagall.
lupin, remus- born in 1960 to wizard lyall lupin and muggle hope howell, moony was infected with lycanthropy at five years old by fenrir greyback, who wanted revenge against remus' father, who was angry that fenrir had been released from trial. at that time, there was no cure. at first, during transformations, he would be brought to the shrieking shack, but the isolation nearly drove him mad. however, he soon became friends with james potter, sirius black and peter pettigrew. he tried to make excuses for his monthly transformations, but, by their second year, the other three had figured it out. by fifth year, each of the three boys had become animagi illegally for his sake. james potter became a red stag, earning the nickname prongs. sirius black, dubbed padfoot, became a bear-like black dog. peter pettigrew earned the name wormtail via his rat animagus. with them, he became more tame, in a way- even though he transformed, there was still some of him that was there in his mind. he was somewhat of a prankster, but was not nearly as much so as james potter and sirius black. he and the other marauders also created the marauder's map, which allowed them to see where anyone was at any given moment. he also held a dislike for severus snape by association. he was a prefect, although due to his loyal nature, he had trouble exercising discipline over his friends. although he was never cruel to severus snape, he would later come to regret just standing by and watching. he was described as tall, with thick hair, darker than it would be upon growing older but never specified how dark exactly. he is often described as having scars all over his body, which is logical but not confirmed. he was described as compassionate, intelligent, level-headed, peaceful, brave, kind, and selfless. despite experiencing so much prejudice, he still sees the good in others and is very forgiving. he was described as the most mature and responsible, and he was incredibly perceptive. however, he also had fears of shame and rejection, which lead to bystanding more often than he'd have liked. he was desperate to be liked. he was disgusted by all things wolfish and held a nurturing nature. he was skilled at charms, and he would grow up and meet an untimely death at the battle of hogwarts by antonin dolohov.
mcgonagall, m.g- note that this is only in the movie canon. m.g was a student at hogwarts in the early 70s and quite possibly the late 60s. their gender is unknown, and they played on the gryffindor quidditch team, winning an award for it in 1971 along with james potter and r.j.h king.
pettigrew, peter- born in either 1959/1960, he was either a pureblood or a half-blood. he was a hatstall, the hat taking more than five minutes to decide whether he was slytherin or gryffindor. he came to befriend james potter, sirius black III, and remus lupin. he idolized james potter and sirius black for their talent and popularity, living vicariously through them, so he often took part in bullying severus snape with them. he was described as stupid and foolish, and a very bad fighter. he was described as short, with watery eyes and a pointy nose, and mousy brown hair. he was keen and oppurtunistic, acting on what was best for him in the moment. he is cunning, to a degree, and desperate to the point of cowardice; wormtail was desperate for protection.
potter, james- prongs was born in 1960 as a pureblood. his parents were old, which led to a doting, pampered childhood with little limits. he was a clever student, and was a chaser on the gryffindor quidditch team. he was described as somewhat obnoxious, loving to show off, especially for lily evans. he also had a rivalry with severus snape, a result of him arguing with him on the hogwarts express about the best house and leading to a rocky relationship. thus, severus snape would follow the marauders around, looking for ways to get them expelled. in turn, he would use severus snape's own hexes against him. at some point, severus snape was curious as to why the marauders left every month, and went into the whomping willow tunnel, where remus lupin had transformed into a werewolf. consequently, he saves severus snape's life. in his sixth year, he and his parents adopted sirius black after he broke away from the house of black. in his seventh year, he began to tame his mischievous streak, becoming head boy with lily evans (despite not being a prefect) and beginning to date her. however, he continued to jinx severus snape in secret, although displayed a willingness to stop for lily evans. he would then go on to marry lily evans at age eighteen. he was disgusted by prejudice, and rebellious, but willing to make sacrifices for his loved ones. he is described as having an air of being well cared for, and untidy black hair. he was tall and thin with hazel eyes. he was said to have not worn glasses until his fifth year, and met an untimely death in 1981, murdered by voldemort.
rakepick, patricia- born around 1956, she attended hogwarts from 1967-1974. she was consistently the top of her class, but disliked by her professors. she had a massive rebellious streak, which caused her to be loved by her peers just as much as she was disliked by professors. she mentored younger students in the ways of trouble-making, even rumored to have taught the marauders a thing or two, as she was in her fifth year when they began at hogwarts. she expressed the desire to become a magizoologist, often disappearing into the forbidden forest via broomstick for days at a time. she had multiple negative encounters with centaurs, however, and harbored a dislike for them into adulthood. she went on to become a curse-breaker for gringotts with her niffler, sickleworth. however, she became a dark witch, ending up serving time in azkaban before escaping. she was a haughty-looking witch with wavy red hair and blue eyes. she was entitled, a daredevil, intellegent, smug, tempermental, and proud. she was noted as being unusually cunning for a gryffindor.
ashe, duncan- born sometime between september 1, 1962- august 31, 1963. he was a mischief maker, frequenting zonko’s joke shop. he was also friends with peeves the poltergeist and olivia green. he was an excellent flier and potions maker. he died prematurely in the 70s-80s after a failed erumpent potion.
avery, [unknown] II- born late 50s or early 60s. the assumed son of avery, who went to school with tom riddle. he had a dark and cruel sense of humor, exemplified when he and mulciber attempted dark magic on mary macdonald in the 1975-1976 school year. he was also associated with the slytherin group that would soon become death eaters, including severus snape, whose friendship with him bothered lily evans due to his sadism, bellatrix black, rodolphus lestrange, wilkes, and evan rosier. he could potentially be regarded as evasive, given that, when faced trial in his later years for being a death eater after voldemort's downfall, he "wormed his way out" and pleaded innocent by reason of the imperius curse. in his later years, he is also portrayed as incompetent an cowardly. he is. also a potentially capable duelist. he is one of the sacred twenty-eight pureblood families.
black, andromeda- born in between 1952-1954 as the middle child of the three black daughters, it is unconfirmed whether andromeda was even at hogwarts during the marauders, the earliest graduation date being 1970 and the latest being 1972. regardless, she was thought to be skilled in charms. during this time, she fell in love with ted tonks, who she married. as a result, she got disowned by the house of black.
black, narcissa- born in 1955, she was the youngest of the three black sisters, andromeda black and bellatrix black (who predates the marauders, graduating in 69, only two years before). she grew up in a prejudiced household and continued to hold those ideals during her time at hogwarts from 1966-1973. she interacted little with her "blood traitor" cousin sirius black. she is not stated to be a death eater, but, upon marrying lucius malfoy later in life, would support her husband.
black, regulus- born in 1961 to the black family, one of the sacred twenty-eight. he began his education at hogwarts in 1972. he was named after his great uncle regulus. he was an avid upholder of black tradition and was hailed as the golden child. he was a seeker for the slytherin house quidditch team. at age 16, in 1977, he received his dark mark, admiring voldemort, much to his parents' approval (who never had dark marks but approved of voldemort's beliefs). prior to becoming a death eater, he began to reconsider after voldemort mistreated and intended to kill the blacks' house elf, kreacher, whilst setting up defensive measures for his horcrux. he is described as smaller and less handsome than his older brother, sirius black, and is portrayed as haughty, pompous, and eager to please, and after betraying voldemort was described as brave, selfless and true to his integrity. he is also shown to have respected kreacher. he was murdered in 1979, aged 17-18.
laughalot, steve- born sometime in the 1950s, he was the captain of the slytherin quidditch team from 1968-1972. nothing else is known about the elusive laughalot.
malfoy, lucius- born sometime around 1953-54 to the prestigious malfoy family, one of the sacred twenty-eight, and attended hogwarts from 1965-72 or 1966-73. it was there that he met his future wife, narcissa black. in his third year, he witnessed the resignation of the first muggle-born minister of magic, nobby leach, after he fell ill. his father was suspected of the crime. he was an upstanding student, one of authority and nobility, leading by example. when he was in his fifth year, he became a prefect, and he was also a part of the slug club, favored by then-potions master horace slughorn. in 1971, he became the first person to befriend severus snape besides lily evans upon severus snape's being sorted into slytherin. he despised albus dumbledore, who, at the time, was the head of transfiguration, and mourned the day he succeeded armando dippet as headmaster. he was described with a pale, pointed face, pale, blond, hair and cold grey eyes. he was a skilled duelist and was intellegent, shrewd, opportunistic, manipulative, prejudiced and cruel, despite maintaining an appearance of respectability. he does, however, show genuine love for those he cares for.
mulciber, [unknown] II- born between 1958-1965, he was most likely a pureblood, possibly half-blood. he attended hogwarts in the early 70s, befriending avery and severus snape, being mostly known for the cruel pranks played on other students. he and others bullied mary macdonald, even trying to use dark magic on her in the 75-76 school year. he then went on to become a death eater.
rosier, evan- born between 1953-1966, he was born into the rosier family, one of the sacred twenty-eight. he was a part of the group of slytherins who aspired to be death eaters: severus snape, mulciber II, avery II and wilkes. he would later go on to enter service under voldemort in the height of the first wizarding war with the rest of the group. somewhere around 1980-1981, he would resist arrest by mad-eye moody and be killed whilst doing so.
snape, severus- a half-blood born in 1960. he grew up in a shabby suburb, spinner's end, neglected and living in a household in which his parents always fought. he was described as unwashed with ill-fitting clothes. he befriended lily evans, on whom he had a crush, despite her not feeling the same. he was an awkward child with poor social skills. his rivalry with james potter began quickly, resulting from an argument over the houses they would be soon sorted into. in school, he excelled in the dark arts, knowing more hexes and curses at age eleven than most seventeen-year-olds. he created a variety of his own hexes, including levicorpus and sectumsempra. he grew to become friends with the group that would soon become death eaters: avery II, mulciber II, wilkes, and evan rosier, as well as older student lucius malfoy, who was a prefect and greeted him warmly. he was constantly bullied by the marauders. at one point, james potter jinxed him to levitate and hang upside down, revealing his underwear. lily evans came to his defense, but, trying to regain his dignity, he lashed out and called her a mudblood. he begged for forgiveness, but she broke off their friendship upon realizing that he still wanted to be a death eater. he would later hail it as his worst memory. his hatred for james potter only grew from there as he began to date lily evans. later in life, he would go on to protect lily evan's son as a double agent, and then die by the same fate- murdered by voldemort. he is described as thin, with a large, hooked nose. he has a stringy, pallid look, round-shouldered yet angular, a twitchy walk, and long, oily hair that jumped about everywhere. he is described as cold and bitter, often holding grudges, with poor interactional skills that hinted at depression. he was repressed and solitary, strong but silent. despite his death eater associations, he was not prejudiced against muggle-borns, but simply had a distaste for muggles like petunia and his muggle father. he is prone to exploding, but had a deep capacity to love.
talkalot, lucinda- she attended hogwarts sometime in the 70s. she became captain of the slytherin quidditch team in 1976.
vanity, emma- she attended hogwarts in the 70s, like lucinda talkalot. she was slytherin quidditch captain from 1972-1976.
wilkes, [unknown]- their gender is unknown, but they attended hogwarts sometime in the 70s, joining the group of aspiring death eaters: avery II, mulciber II, severus snape and evan rosier. later in life, a year before voldemort's downfall, wilkes would be killed by aurors while attempting to avoid imprisonment.
green, olivia- was born sometime in 1962-63 and her blood status is unknown. despite being ravenclaw, she was known for her bravery. she was also hailed as one of the brightest students in her year and was friends with duncan ashe. she once got lost at flourish and blott's, implying that her sense of direction isn't the best. she would then go on to work at the minstry for nine years in the department of mysteries as an unspeakable. then, upon being contacted by albus dumbledore following the abrupt opening of the defense against the dark arts professor position at hogwarts, quit her job and began teaching in 1991. she is portrayed with tan skin, wavy dark brown hair, and green eyes with glasses.
lockhart, gilderoy- a half-blood born in 1964, he was four years below the marauders. he nearly became a hatstall, as the hat also saw him fit in slytherin. he expected to be popular and hailed as a genius, however, he was perfectly ordinary. he did achieve good marks, and his professors thought he could certainly make something of himself, however, he was more interested in learning for the purpose of getting attention, not knowledge. he insisted he would captain the england quidditch to world championship before becoming minister of magic. he did neither, but was, for a period of time, ravenclaw's quidditch captain as a seeker. he began a hogwarts newspaper, but when that failed, he resorted to different antics: carving a signature of his name in 20-foot letters on the quidditch pitch (week's detention), sending himself 800 valentines (cancelled breakfast due to excess droppings in the porridge), and creating a spell that shot a hologram of his face into the sky, not unlike a dark mark. he is described as insensitive, impractical, insecure, insincere, vain, flamboyant, and cowardly, but also ambitious and clever. he was considered good-looking, with wavy blond hair and blue eyes and nice teeth. he had an extravagant fashion sense.
houses unknown—👻🧠❓
aubrey, bertram- born in the 60s. attended hogwarts in the 70s. his canon house is unknown, although the etymology of his first name (“bright raven”) suggests affiliation with ravenclaw. james potter and sirius black used an illegal hex on him (possibly Engorgio Skullus) to cause his head to grow twice its original size. james potter and sirius black received double detention.
crouch, bartemius "barty" jr.- born in 1962-63 to the crouch family, one of the sacred twenty-eight, his house is unknown, but it is typically assumed slytherin due to his friends and, later, death eater status. he is described with straw blond hair, pale, and freckly. in his time at hogwarts, he achieved 12 o.w.l.s. it is likely that he was familiar with other up-and-coming death eaters such as lucius malfoy, severus snape, and regulus black. he took the dark mark in his later teen years. later in life, he would participate in the torture of the longbottoms, described as one of the most evil crimes in magical history. he pleaded innocent, but his father (who was presiding), who was ashamed of his death eater son, used the trial as an excuse to condemn his son and potentially show how much he hated him. he would then go on to kill his father. crouch's father was mostly absent in his life, absorbed in his work at the ministry of magic, but crouch's mother is recorded to have loved him very much. the crouchs' house-elf was winky. he is described as dangerously clever and perceptive, charismatic, cold, cruel, vengeful, manipulative, loyal, arrogant and sadistic. he is emotional and a talented actor. he was also known to have a love for quidditch. he was an incredible duelist, and was skilled in charms, transfiguration, potions, occlumency, and non-verbal magic. in 1995, crouch was given the dementor's kiss and died.
gudgeon, davey- attended hogwarts in the 1970s. he is known for have nearly lost his eye due to the whomping willow whilst playing a game, the object of which being to get as close to the trunk as you can. following gudgeon's close call, students began to avoid the whomping willow.
jorkins, bertha- born sometime between 1953-1958, she was a witch at hogwarts. she was known as somewhat of an idiot, and incredibly gossipy. she would often spread rumors and complain about mistreatment she received from other students, such as being hexed by florence's unnamed boyfriend, whom she teased for kissing florence behind the hogwarts greenhouses. she would later work for the ministry, floating between departments, beginning under barty crouch, sr, and ending up under ludo bagaman in the department of magical games and sports. she was killed in 1994 by voldemort, after he used her for information and disposed of her once he had no more use for her. her parentage is unknown.
longbottom, frank- born somewhere in between 1957-1959, he was indeed born into the longbottom family, one of the sacred twenty-eight. as he was an incredible auror as an adult, obviously displaying bravery of some sort, it is typically assumed that he was a gryffindor as well. it is also assumed but not confirmed that during his time at hogwarts, he met alice, and married her. unfortunately, he and his wife would be tortured into insanity by bellatrix.
macdonald, mary- typically assumed to be a gryffinor due to her association with lily evans, she was assumed to be at hogwarts in the 1970s. she is also assumed to be a muggle-born due to her being assaulted by mulciber. the attack was later brought up by lily evans, who was criticizing severus snape's new friends, mulciber included, by saying they were "creepy" and "evil." she would then go on to tell lily evans about how severus snape waited outside gryffindor tower to apologize for calling lily evans "mudblood".
mckinnon, marlene- was murdered in 1981, like many order of the phoenix members, so it is typically assumed that she is around the age of the marauders. later in life, she is mentioned in letters from lily evans. her family was said to be a powerful one. she is described as pale, with red hair and orange eyes, and in correspondence with lily evans.
meadows, dorcas- born in 1960, not much is known about her. she is said to have dark skin, black hair, and brown eyes, and was murdered in 1981 by voldemort personally, making allusions to the idea that she was a skilled and powerful witch.
shacklebolt, kingsley- born in or before the 1960s, his family was one of the sacred twenty-eight. his house is unknown, but it is implied that he either saw, met or knew james potter, as he would later go on to point out similarities between him and his son, harry. he is described as having a slow, deep voice that came across as reassuring. he was level-headed and calm, but with a justified temper and immense power. he was known to be a good judge of character, faithful, and devoted to his causes, although he is not one to blindly follow another.
tonks, ted- it is unknown when he was born, and when he went to hogwarts. however, it can be reasonably deduced that he was there at around the same time as andromeda black, whom he fell in love with and married. later in life, he is portrayed as affectionate and sweet, which leads to many peoples' belief of his being hufflepuff.
[unknown], adrian- born in either 1959 or 1960. he began his hogwarts career in 1971, and became a member of the slug club. he would later become a photographer, much to slughorn's disappointment, however, they would still keep in touch.
[unknown], alice- due to her incredible bravery as an auror and future gryffindor son, she is often headcanoned to be a gryffindor. other non-confirmed headcanons include her being similar age to her future husband, frank longbottom, which results in the reasonable assumption that they went to hogwarts together. she is assumed to have received at least five n.e.w.t.s of "exceeds expectations" or higher. she would later go on to marry frank longbottom and be tortured into insanity by bellatrix. she was a round-faced woman with short hair.
[unknown], florence- born in 1950s-60s, she was a witch at hogwarts at the same time as berthe jorkins. bertha jorkins caught her behind the hogwarts greenhouses kissing a boy, presumably her boyfriend.
credit to @harry-potter-told-by-a-slytherin for the emojis, they’re super cute❤️
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8bitsupervillain · 20 days
Higurashi When They Cry Hou Ch. 6 Tsumihoroboshi pt. 25
So I entertained the notion of reinstalling the VN to find out some of the specifics from the previous parts. But I largely decided that where Chie went is kind of irrelevant to what happens so I didn’t reread that part.
So after reinstalling the VN and the mod to get my save back to this point; the location Chie and Keiichi went to in the alternate timeline is the suspension bridge past the Furude shrine. Anyway, Mion has a chat with Kasai over the phone telling him to take some of their guys to the Irie Clinic just in case Rena decides to commit some arson. The phone in the office rings, and Chie answers it. Shock gasp! It’s Rena! And she’s going to do something at an undisclosed far away location?! She’s on the case! Mion is told to keep an eye on the class while she goes to stop Rena. Mion follows for a minute to tell the nearby car of Sonozaki men to follow Chie, then goes back to the class.
Mion informs everyone that it’s independent study time. When suddenly:
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Heyyyyy, wait a second, she’s not at the suspension bridge or the Irie Clinic at all! That liar!
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I know this isn’t the time, because of that absurd question, but for the longest time I was completely unaware that Rena wore thigh-highs. I was probably aware in the back of my mind, but for some reason I just never really latched onto it.
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That’s some wonky reasoning Keiichi. You know for a fact Rena had no problems killing a man much larger than her just about a week ago. But for some reason she thought Chie might be too much to handle? Maybe she just got rid of her because she felt she didn’t have time for an extended physical contest?
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I think you’d have a real devil of a time trying to play this off as a joke my guy. You can’t force someone else to tie up twenty or so students under threat of death and violence and then just go “lol, jk, pranked!” People tend to take this kind of stuff seriously you know?
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shuffle shuffle shuffle shuffle shuffle. It just amuses me to keep hitting the left and right arrow on these two, she shuffles around like an old timey RPG enemy.
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Oh don’t be like that Ooishi, up until last night you two were the best of friends. One of the other cops from Okinomiya calls Ooishi over to the car where they have Rena on the line, which damn man the Okinomiya police must be loaded to have a car phone in the early 80s. I’m starting to get my brain bogged down in the specifics of car phones and how Rena got connected to this one in particular.
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For all the incidental dialogue accusing Ooishi of basically being corrupt slime, he sure is a quick thinker. Having come up with this way to discuss about whether Rena is acting alone or with accomplices Rena takes the phone back and demands to know whether Ooishi was able to uphold his end of the bargain and find the research facility. Not best pleased with his response that these things take time, but the police are mobilizing to begin the raids Rena begins to think that Ooishi isn’t taking the situation as seriously as she is. Ooishi deflects and says the thing really holding them back is a lack of proof about the parasite and the bioterrorism.
Rena then decides that if they need proof she’ll give them proof. She plans to give Ooishi the scrapbooks, and to do so she’s going to send them with Keiichi.
Ooishi agrees this is a dynamite plan, and Rena should do it, and keep herself safe from any potential threat by staying away from the windows of the school. Rena gets suspicious at this insistence, and Ooishi informs her that as she’s aware some of the Sonozaki family were trained in combat, and could very well be elite snipers. And they’re probably just hoping for a chance to get a shot off on her.
So Ooishi and his colleagues prepare to receive the scrapbooks and Keiichi, and are plotting a scheme to help out against the Rena situation.
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idleglowingpixels · 11 months
(Disclaimer: this post contains spoilers for the FNAF movie, and isn't being made to invalidate anyone's opinions on the material. You can like/love the movie, and/or dislike/hate the movie! Also this started as a post talking about how people say it's inaccurate to the games but it actually isn't, then eventually turned into my review of it lol.)
What I keep hearing around the internet: "This is nothing like the games, it's supposed to be an R-rated gorefest! We should've seen all five kids get brutally slaughtered and stuffed into the animatronics, not whatever that stupid intro sequence was. The games showed it so why couldn't the movie do the same?" "Why are the animatronics friendly with Abby? That's not how it is in the games, the animatronics kill anyone regardless of age." "It's hardly even scary, the games were much more terrifying than this." "Why is the movie so focused on the story? It's supposed to be about bloody murder and revenge." "This isn't a horror/comedy series, what the hell."
What FNAF games are like: -Mild to barely any gore; the most gruesome of content visually is shown via pixel minigames (Mainly FNAF 2, 3 & 4, & SL) or minor gore like the eyes popping out of the Freddy head in FNAF1's game over screen, as to not be too violent for its rating, E-12 -Animatronics are corrupted by the spirits of dead children (Missing Children's Incident (MCI) newspapers from FNAF 1), exacting vengeance on adults because of their killer, but being friendly toward other children --"Uh, by now I’m sure you’ve noticed the older models, sitting in the back room. Uh, those are from the previous location, we just use them for parts now. The idea at first was to repair them. Uh, they even started retrofitting them with some of the newer technology." (FNAF2 - NIGHT 2) --"Someone may have tampered with their facial recognition systems, we’re not sure. But the characters have been acting very unusual, almost aggressive towards the staff. They interact with the kids just fine, but when they encounter an adult, they just…stare." (FNAF2 - NIGHT 4) --I'm using the calls from FNAF 2 in reference here because it is a prequel to FNAF 1, and as far as I can tell, it was confirmed the withered animatronics from 2 are modified to become the ones in 1 ("But they were just so ugly, you know? And the smell…ugh." (FNAF 2 -- NIGHT 2) "If I were forced to sing those same stupid songs for twenty years and I never got a bath? I’d probably be a bit irritable at night too." (FNAF 1 -- NIGHT 1)) -The games are relatively scary in the aspect of environmental horror; dim lighting, sounds that have no origin and/or are meant to trip you up & make you uneasy, characters suddenly appearing in the doorways/entrances to your office; they are also heavily jumpscare-reliant, you either win or get jumped by one of the animatronics -The storytelling format through the games evolved over time (mainly focusing on Scott era games (FNAF1-UCN)) with more voice actors and whatnot, but the early trilogy solely relied on phone calls which were written to be morbidly awkward and funny despite the circumstances --In later games, the plot develops as Michael Afton (our (debatable) main protagonist across the franchise) goes after the restaurants & the killer, his father William in an attempt to set the children's spirits free
What the FNAF movie is like: -Mild to barely any gore, most we see is through pixel animation (the kids being lured away through the intro sequence) OR minor gore in dark lighting/silhouettes as to not be too violent for its rating, PG-13 -Animatronics are corrupted by the spirits of dead children, exacting vengeance on adults because of their killer (who in this case is manipulating their perception of memories to be their friend and ally), but being friendly toward other children --The only exception to this is when they are corrupted by William Afton's influence, in the case of them attempting to put Abby in a springlock suit (that looks like the Ella dolls from the books but I think is intended to be this universe's Circus Baby because of Abby's anagram name for Baby) -The movie is relatively scary in the aspect of environmental horror; dim lighting, sounds that have no origin and/or are meant to trip you up & make you uneasy, characters suddenly appearing in the doorways/entrances to the office; they are also heavily jumpscare-reliant (Foxy's runs down the hallway, the infamous Balloon Boy jumpscares, any instances of the animatronics throughout the film suddenly moving to kill or attack characters (Bonnie in the closet killing Hank, Freddy's spirit pulling Max in for the kill, Chica sending Karl through the vent after the older brother of Max & at Mike later in the movie), the Fritz/Foxy kid jumpscare during the dream sequence, Abby being suddenly pulled up from the ballpit to then cut back to Mike hearing her scream, I could go on but I think I made the point) -The storytelling in the film, while not spectacular by any means, is synonymous to the writing in the games, where there's this awkwardness and humor to a lot of the story because of just how nonsensical it all is (which YES, admittedly kills the environmental horror atmosphere in parts of the story, even I can admit to that) -While Mike, Abby and Garret aren't related to William in the film, they are clearly parallels to Michael, Circus Baby/Elizabeth and Crying Child in the games --I would like to point out that Vanessa takes on the role of being William's daughter who wants to make him happy, which is more-so what Elizabeth is as a character, except she isn't partaking in the bloodshed, but she is pretty much a bystander to it all --I mention Circus Baby in relation to Abby more than Elizabeth because Abby has more of a sarcastic wit and just generally feels closer in personality to Baby's in SL
(Okay now here's my stance on the movie, please read this before reblogging or commenting, it's important for context)
I feel like a lotta people (mainly the ones currently in their late teens & overall 20s-plus) forget a majority of the fanbase were in the target demographic nearly a decade ago when the games started (which was scary to many including myself back then), and now act like it's obligated to "grow up" to more mature content with its initial user base who are now grown adults. But there's still a LOT of young kids who are into the franchise now (again, the intended target demographic is young teens), and it wouldn't make sense if the scary-to-kids-but-not-really-to-adults jumpscare video game suddenly became some SAW-esque R-rated gruesome slasher film when that is never what the franchise was meant to be, nor did it ACT like that's what it was. If you want that, Wally's Wonderland is right there.
There's so much fan entitlement going on regarding the movie right now, it's deranged. You can dislike or hate the movie all you want, I have criticism for it too. I do feel like the tone shifted back and forth a lot, but not in the way where it would make sense for the storytelling. It could've been a lot better written in general, and the exposition dumps Vanessa has throughout could've easily been replaced with a newspaper about the MCI up on the wall while Mike's first walking through the pizzeria, him reacting to the smell from the rotting corpses in the bots, have one of Phone Guy's original recordings play or have the woman from the training video treat the video format in a similar vein.
The way I see it, I had low expectations going into the film and just expected general stuff from the initial game or two in an adjacent, but not exact, adaptation. I've been doing this low-expectation thing since Detective Pikachu, but always try to be optimistic. And the FNAF movie was pretty much exactly what I figured it would be, based on how its story is described through the Phone Guy calls and the post-Sister Location approach of dry/morbid humor mixed in with actual movement, beyond the sit-&-survive office we got used to in the first handful of titles. I really only expected that the animatronics were gonna be friendly with Abby based on FNAF 2's calls, and it was a solid prediction.
Was it a scary movie? No, not really. The jumps got me plenty, especially Max's death cause holy shit I wasn't expecting someone to get chomped in half (and also Balloon Boy, fuck you you little bastard), but the story wasn't scary. It was honestly a tragedy of events going on across all the characters, just really sad but more of a horror-mystery I suppose.
And again, you are allowed to have an opinion and not be satisfied with what was provided in the film. I think there's a lot of room for improvement, and I think it was LS Mark who pointed out in his video that this was Scott and his cowriters' first screenplay, so I agree that they should've had a couple other writers who mainly write films to help form it into a better story for a movie. But it was a serviceable adaptation, and was accurate to the level of extremes being depicted in the games (and no, not all of it works for film, but that's okay to be satisfied or dissatisfied with). And it is fucking exhausting seeing people act like FNAF was always some super horrifying mature adult thing when that's just what the fanmade horror content like FNAF VHS is (Don't support FNAF VHS tho, its creator's a creep who sent NSFW shit to an underage kid knowingly for several years :/ Nasty af).
I think its positives & negatives are generally the same as the Pokemon, Sonic & Mario adaptations as of recent, where you're having to form an entire 90-120 minute movie based off of a few voice lines or body language of the non-speaking characters, and a generally simple plotline. So it typically leads to serviceable movies, but nothing groundbreaking or a masterpiece by ANY means of the term (basically like 50-70% out of 100%, average but not above that from a writing standpoint; I personally have it at 8/10 because it definitely satisfied what I thought it was gonna be, though it's based on personal enjoyment and not its writing/storytelling).
I haven't read the FNAF books and honestly have no interest in doing so, so they don't really matter to me, but I know for a fact this is mostly based on FNAF1 (Ik William going by an alias was a Silver Eyes thing but again, haven't read it so that's the only similarity to the books that I know of). And for what it is, it did its job.
Recent video game film adaptations are very good at making fans happy with references, the similar storylines, and mostly game-accurate depictions of its characters. I think the biggest problem with them is that they stick so close to the games' stories, which are simplified for the sake of the gameplay loop, that the writers for these films are almost afraid to take risks and change a few things up in the way it's told in order to properly adapt & expand the story into a film format. Personally I think Sonic did it best so far based on its source material (though not by a lot), but I liked this movie about the same as Mario's.
It hit all the beats I figured it would hit based on the trailers, and I do feel bad for the people who didn't enjoy it the same way I did, even if their expectations were low or similar to my own. But Scott said in a recent post that he's been listening to people's criticism for the movie, and he generally takes good-faith criticism to heart for better products in future content as far as I've seen it over the years. So hopefully for the near-inevitable sequel, we'll get to see the wrinkles in the first movie's adaptation ironed out in the next film.
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