#A Seraph with a Vengeance // Dezel
soulsxunbound · 3 years
Tag drop pt.1
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lukeimyurlinx-blog · 7 years
❛ Your life is more valuable than this. ❜
sentence prompts ➝  reign || @bokudou
Dezel's expression was not its usual mask of indifference. By this point, he was sure that Sorey knew that it was a purely manufactured thing anyway-- as false as the bitterness he had once spat to try to justify his self sacrifice. Sorey—whose natural sense of martyrdom was so much higher and more pure than his own, scolding him so gently... Dezel only knew how to hide, how to bury himself under layers to hide his emptiness under hate and desire for vengeance and self loathing. He was and had always been a walking, self-fulfilling prophecy (cursed blessing. Draw of misfortune to those around you.) That bitterness threatened to become Malevolence without a pure vessel, threatened to overtake him in ways that he now fought only by walking at Sorey's side.  
Out of stubborn reverence for the Shepherd-reborn-Seraph, he refused to fall. That didn't mean that he didn't get close to the edge or do stupid things when the maelstrom inside was too much to handle.  
I am a storm. You are a calm sunrise.  
For once, Dezel showed the exertion—he all but wilted, head hung as shoulders heaved for breath. Maybe he had overdone it.  
"...Sorey. Don't." Don't say it. Don't make him think it-- what Dezel feared perhaps more than anything as the volatile creature he was, sure to burn away his second chance like it was nothing-- and the idea of bearing the love and affection of others. He couldn't bear the thought of hurting anyone more than he already was.  
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"I'll be fine. If there's anything I'm gonna do with this life, for what it's worth—it's protect you. Until you can remember. Or even if you don't." -- He hated himself for the vulnerability, but didn't Sorey understand? Dezel just didn't know any other way. "Died for you and Rose and the others once. Not scared to do it again."  
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wildhybrid · 8 years
A couple more ToZX ep 21 issues...
In my last post I mentioned I had a couple other issues I meant to cover, so let’s get right to it.  However, be warned that a lot of this is me dumping out salt specifically as a Dezel fan with important canon references to Rose and Zaveid.  There will be game spoilers in this post and it’s going to get long.  Also, nothing here will be shipping related.
On the whole, ToZX has been lenient about letting characters live who died in the game.  Mason, Mayvin, Maltran, Dezel...  They’re all still alive at this point.  Though, really, with the way the story and the histories/roles of these characters shifted, none of them have a real reason to die now, either.  
The one I still worry about, however, is Dezel, and that’s even though his revenge plotline was basically given over to Rose and the whole thing has been resolved.  His death in the game, after all, was the only way he could save Rose from a bad situation that he got her into via his stubborn quest for vengeance.  He died because he screwed up, but also because he cared about her more than he cared about himself and (I believe) because the Shepherd needed his Squire more than he needed a self-proclaimed “crummy seraph” like Dezel.  Part of the emotional impact also came from the fact that it wasn’t Symonne who was responsible for the fall of the Windriders and Lafarga’s passing, but because Dezel was an angel of death who’d accidentally brought misfortune upon his beloved family of mercenaries via his backwards blessing.  Essentially, Dezel had wasted much of the last five years of his life, obsessing over his grudge against Symonne and using Rose, and in the end he felt like the only good, worthwhile thing he ever did was to die for Rose’s sake. ( Of course, by Rose’s own account, she didn’t feel this was necessarily true.)
All these things have been taken away from the ToZX version of Dezel, save for the fact that he has still been using Rose as a vessel to keep himself anchored against Malevolence (with some influence over her career choices possible, but with no apparent actual possession with full control of her actions).  At the same time, the series has now felt it necessary to have him suggest that the Squires attempt armatization when, for some reason in this version of canon, it’s far too dangerous even for someone like Rose, who possesses a naturally high level of resonance.  (Something I’ve been feeling pretty salty over because I can’t help but think this was done to make sure the Squires are on par with one another.)  My concern now is that forced armatization, whether because it’s done out of desperation in a dire moment or because he’s being impatient and violent, is how Dezel will die.
If Dezel perishes attempting to armatize with Rose (or just perishes, period, for any reason at all), there will very little emotional impact to this, partially because this series has done fuck all to really build a solid dynamic between the two.  Certainly, Dezel is interested in keeping Rose safe and, yes, she has turned to him when in need of answers to questions about some subjects.  Yet for as great as it was for Dezel to flat out admit how long he’d been around when asked, there was never anything to follow that up with.  And one would think that, at some point, Rose would have a lot of questions about when Dezel first showed up, why he was there, etc. and so forth.  Hell, the other characters know more than Rose does on these matters; she was never present when a couple of brief conversations took place about Dezel’s personal history.  (Of course, this is also how it was in the game, but specifically due to the fact that Dezel asked the others not to spill the beans.  In the anime, there’s absolutely no reason at all for the truth to be kept hidden and thus this is yet another opportunity the series hasn’t capitalized on.)
Dezel’s interactions with the others have also been limited, hardly enough to really create an emotional impact.  Part of my problem with ToZX involves the lack of endearing character interactions/moments and overall charm the game delivers, and not having Dezel involved with activities like teaching Mikleo to windstep or discussing birds with Lailah or agreeing to help Sorey learn to use pendulums has left his character as just this stand-offish guy with a penchant for lashing out when pissed off or when Rose or the weak are threatened. (Hell, it hasn’t even been revealed at all that he’s blind.  Or is he even blind at all in this version?  It’s an important aspect of the character and we can’t even be sure at this point that it’s even a thing, anymore.)  Don’t get me wrong, I’ll be mad as hell if he dies before this trainwreck of a series is over, emotional investment or no, because at this point why do it all? JUST LET THE POOR BASTARD LIVE.  At the same time, lack of reasons for it won’t be my only source of salt because they won’t have even bothered to make it count emotionally.
Secondly, this business with Zaveid...
In the lazily done montage of character interactions in the second half of episode 21, we see Edna, Zaveid and Dezel sitting up on some old ruins remains together.  Zaveid and Dezel are drinking, and Zaveid puts an arm around Dezel’s shoulders.  There’s no dialog between them and all we get after is Sorey wondering if they’re old friends.
No, ToZX, you do not get to do this.
Honestly, this entire set of scenes was poorly done on the whole because so much of it was unearned and rushed as hell (not mention lazy due to just being the closing of season one), but I’m especially mad over Dezel and Zaveid because 1) they should have history with one another that could’ve been explained at some point and wasn’t (yay more wasted series potential) and 2) for anyone who’s seen the ToZ DLC skits, this bit with them is honestly a whole lot of nothing.
For anyone who gives a damn about having Dezel and Zaveid together with the others at the same time, the DLC skits were helpful in providing that.  Granted, they’ll never be quite enough to even begin to cover all that could be done, but at least they feature the wind seraphim holding actual conversations with each other and the rest of the crew.  Meanwhile, ToZX has yet to even have them talk to one another or even engage in group discussions at the same time (and no, I’m not counting that word game skit that served as the next episode preview).
I do want to think that at some point in the remaining few episodes, we’ll get something specifically Dezel and Zaveid related.  A conversation meaningful specifically to them, a moment of back-to-back fighting where they take on some hellions together and it’s clear that they’ve done this before or that Dezel’s learned Zaveid’s fighting style well.  Something with some actual substance.  At the same time, my faith in ToZX is so down the tubes right now that I’m not sure we will.  This series has long since taken to wasting time with a lot of things that don’t really matter, that don’t develop most of the characters and their relationships in a satisfying way or even advance the plot in an efficient manner.  It’s damned disappointing and a source of frustration for me as a ToZ fan.
But I don’t know.  I guess we’ll see, as part of this could be salt for nothing.  I’m just not holding my breath in the meantime.
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about time I had some proper tags on this blog... TAG DUMP Pt.1
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carnelianwings · 8 years
mightykombat replied to your post “Is limit break any good in link? I have Sorey and lailah but they have...”
Also, don't limit break 5* Arte healers with their duplicates. The more the merrier. Although LBing them with hawks is fine.
That is actually a good point.  Having multiple arte healers can be really good for most teams, but are especially critical if you’re using a leader with a 2x ATK for 50% HP or higher skill since they can keep you above that 50% threshold without using LC or making you lose a turn to match hearts.  I personally run my main non-event dungeon team with 3 of them - Reticent Avenger Dezel (he’s also one of my Subs because of his full board convert to Circle being a perfect fit with 6* Velvet’s leader skill), Earth Seraph Edna, and Paperist Laphicet.
The other situation where you might not want to limit break right away might be 5* arte delay.  You’re not bringing them along for their stats (for the most part), they’re there so they can buy you more time when you’re up against a tough enemy.  I’ve taken to running my team with 2 of them (Journey of Vengeance Velvet is one herself, and I throw in Earth Armatus Rose as an extra).  Sometimes an extra turn or two will give you the breathing room you need to either get yourself above the threshold or get you the LC you need to use an active skill, so it’s nice to have one or two along.
And for the curious, because I know someone’s probably going to end up asking, the rest of my usual team is Does Delivery Rose (my other Sub since she’s got that 50% heal to get me out of a pinch), and then to literally no one else’s surprise: Vorspieler Sorey, Azure Sorcerer Mikleo, and Shepherd of Six Stars Sorey.
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newtypezaku · 8 years
P-P-P-Power Rankings!!
Gintama (Last: 3): In single combat with Shokaku, Katsura's general veneer was slowly peeled away until he declared, with gusto, "I'm not Katsura, I'm Zura!" He defeated his opponent with a mighty headbutt and claimed victory over the division. The Kaientai, meanwhile, became locked in a tough battle against Hankai, who took over several ships and Sakamoto's men with nanomachines.
Yowamushi Pedal: Next Generation (Last: 1): In the last kilometer, Onoda caught up to Teshima and was launched to victory. A dejected Ashikiba was afraid of reporting the news to Fukutomi and being benched again, but Fukutomi instead told him to win the next one. Finally, in his last act as a third-year, Tadokoro defeated Aoyagi and Naruko to give them something to keep building towards.
MSG Iron-Blooded Orphans (Last: 2): The Turbines prepared for their new life under McMurdo and Orga held Tekkadan back by convincing them that Naze would not have wanted them to start a fight for his sake. Looking to goad them into a war that he could use to seize control of Teiwaz, Jasley had Lafter assassinated. An enraged Akihiro demanded they be given the order and Orga decided to fight.
Blue Exorcist: Kyoto Arc (Last: 6): Rin got closer to achieving basic control of his flames while Suguro followed Juzo into the Deep Keep. There, they discovered that Mamushi was indeed the traitor working with Todo. He had fooled her into thinking that Sugoro's father and Mephisto were the real traitors for harboring the son of Satan, leading to an explosive confrontation between all parties in the Keep.
Onihei Hankacho (Last: 5): A ronin who needed money to fund his quest for vengeance against the man who killed his father undertook the task of assassination Hasegawa, who survived the first two attempts with some difficulty. After meeting a mistreated inn employee, he decided to run away with her after the mission. But not only did he fail a third time, but was killed by the very man he sought vengeance upon.
Tiger Mask W (Last: 4): A Mexican promoter attempting to save pro wrestling in her country schemed to bring Tiger Mask back with her at a bargain rate. Hijinks ensued as his opponent in that night's match, her son The Saboten, tried to injure him to gain an advantage. In the end, not even using a cactus as a weapon was enough to bring him the victory.
Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinju (Last: 7): A few years passed and Sukeroku's enjoyed a sudden explosion in popularity as his personal style started to assert itself. Konatsu worked behind the scenes despite his suggestions that she become a storyteller herself. Disregarding her continued refusal, he tricked her into performing for their son's elementary school... and she loved it.
Tales of Zestiria the X (Last: NR): While investigating the sewers and uncovering the malevolence smoldering within, Sorey and Sergei discovered that the church's knights were hiding something. Sorey also learned that the situation in Rolance was not that different from the one in Hyland. Wind seraph Dezel, in the meantime, took it upon himself to take revenge for an emotionally conflicted Rose.
Aiming for eight each week cuz eighters gonna eight. Full watch lists: [Animu][Dramu]
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lukeimyurlinx-blog · 7 years
"Hold still," He eases, a smile teasing the corner of his lips. In repaying the favor, Sorey realizes his own hypocrisy—however good his intentions may have been. It seems a fair share of their group neglects their own wellbeing, and he's careful to wrap the bandage around Dezel's forearm with a thoughtful look on his face. "I let you patch me up last time, right? Here." When Sorey lets go of his arm, there's a lopsided grin on his face. "Thanks, Dezel. For all your hard work."
There were times when Dezel genuinely felt as though he was much better off without kindness. In fact, he wondered if things weren't better when everyone and everything had been unaware of his existence. He had only risked anything for the contrived hope of vengeance, but now—he wasn’t sure what he was doing. He'd always said that to Sorey: That he was only there for use of his power, just as Rose had only been his vessel and—that was a lie. Plain and simple, or—at least it had become one.  
Dezel didn't look at Sorey's face (as if he could,) but a tentative smile pulled at his lips. Without knowing it, Sorey made things so very complicated for him, really. Even moreso now, somehow.
Even Sorey's hypocrisy seemed to be golden and holy, as though in stark contrast to Dezel's own shrewdness; his curse. He gave up any struggle and relaxed—simply letting Sorey do what he set out to. He didn't even ask the wind to tell him more of it, and instead focused on the burning sensation of the wound and the feeling of the Shepherd's hands soothing it with his own senses.  
"Hard work? Man, now I've gotta live up to that. Next to what you do, it's nothin'." There were more things he wanted to say, always—but never did. The Seraph flexed his fingers and gave a small nod when Sorey was finished.  
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"...Be good as new in no time." Self indulgent, to enjoy Sorey fussing over him so much, really.  
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