#A 14-year-old with a Big Brain // Hiro
rifki16 · 6 months
Living with Him the Manga
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Picture credit: https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2024-02-29/toworu-miyata-living-with-him-boys-love-manga-gets-live-action-tv-series/.208135
As we’re just now counting days before the airing of Living with Him live-action on April 12, I want to review the work it’s based on, the manga. This analysis will bring up several big themes I found interesting or common, just like my review of At 25:00, in Akasaka.
Synopsis: Natsukawa Ryouta and Tanaka Kazuhito were close friends in grade school, after which they were separated during their high school years. When they got into the university, they became roommates. The manga, and the live series, zeroes in on the domesticity of these parted close friends.
Old yet still very much alive parted love
One of the most-used tropes of BL by Japanese showrunners is the idea that A had a crush on B when they were in High School or sometimes in the past. Then, for one reason or another, A never told B that he had a crush on him. When they become older, or when they already work, A and B cross paths, and B slowly falls in love back to A whose crush never died out all this time. This trope is used in Perfect Propose, Naked Dining, My Beautiful Man, and arguably, Minato’s Laundromat.
The use of this trope in this series is actually quite unique. In Perfect Propose, A, Kai, was very aggressive, and B, Hiro, was given a shock of reality and love when they crossed path. In Naked Dining, A, Mahiro, was quite timid, and B, Ichijou, was very oblivious to the situation so much that it took the show so many episodes until B finally realized A’s crush and his affection for him. In this series, A, Tanaka Kazuhito a.k.a. Hito, has a crush on B, Natsukawa Ryouta a.k.a. Ryo, ever since grade school. But when they cross paths during their university years, Hito was not as aggressive as Kai nor was, he as timid as Mahiro.
In my opinion, he was really about to accept that he was just going to be a close friend to Ryo. Ryo seemed not to even notice Kazuhito during the Middle School and High School years.
“We have not even seen each other for years”. -Ryo Chapter 1, page nine.
That statement by Ryo was actually false, we later recount that Kazuhito actually talked with Ryo, at least once. The fact that Ryo didn’t remember it just shows the insignificance of Kazuhito’s presence was during their post-grad school era. This was later affirmed by Ryo.
“…[E]ven if you say we were childhood friends, you’re basically a different person now”. -Ryo Chapter 1, page 14.
The opposite is true for Kazuhito. He always has a crush on Ryo. The High School era conversation that I mentioned several sentences ago was, in chapter seven, when Kazuhito had a horrible accident that might change who he is, and he asked Ryo about what would happen if you didn’t feel like the old you anymore, without revealing to him that he had a life-changing accident. When they parted ways after grad school, Kazuhito tried to calm his brain about his crush on Ryo.
“After we went to different High Schools, we had even less contact with each other. ‘This is probably for the best. Before long, I’ll forget about him, and fall for someone else. But in the end, that someone else never shows up”. Kazuhito, Chapter 7 pages eight to nine.
I suppose that I can argue as well that the conversation that Kazuhito had with Ryo when they were high schoolers also strengthened Kazuhito’s crush on Ryo.
This is how I see how the trope’s flaw usually appears. It’s just weird for me to have an undying love/crush for someone for so long without any reminder of said love/crush. Maybe I’m too pessimistic. In Perfect Propose, I think it was a nice work of drama fiction to hold on to a love for so long without any contact with your crush since Kai and Hiro were never friends on Facebook or Instagram as a mean to hold on to the ember so to speak. In Naked Dining, it's basically the same, but at least Mahiro was a friend of Ichijou’s grandmother. It’s pretty easy to say that maybe, his grandmother might say one thing or two about Ichijou, without her knowing that Mahiro has a crush on Ichijou, hence, the love can be preserved. Side note: I think in Naked Dining, they tried to paint Mahiro as someone who was community-oriented and even though he has a crush on Ichijou, his feelings have taken a back seat but not that far from the front seat, ergo, it seemed like the love ember was dormant until Ichijou showed up.
However, in Living with Him, the love ember was justifiably red-hot flaming when Kazuhito got reunited with Ryo. Ryo and Kazuhito still see each other until Middle School albeit maybe not as often as when they were in grad school. And, when they became high schoolers, Kazuhito had that very fundamental and inspiring conversation which he kept in his core memory, to borrow a term from Inside Out, that he can always replay during his HS years to remind him of why he loves Ryo. I think it’s a balanced way to write love, not too fictional, and not some precise quantitative positivist precise feelings. However, time waits for no one, Kazuhito might have his love for Ryo, and infrequent interactions might make people stuck on the idea of a person rather than what the person really is, which brings me to the second topic.
The perfect seme
This is also one of the biggest tropes of Japanese BL works: the perfect seme. From Mr. Unlucky Has No Choice But to Kiss, Cherry Magic in all of its franchise works, Love Is Better the Second Time Around, I Became the Main Role of a BL Drama, to the work which I have very mixed feelings about: Hitorijime My Hero. When I say perfect, I don’t just mean, popular, if it’s just popular, we have more examples to sift through. What I mean by perfect is that the guy is smart, sociable, athletic, and of course popular. In Cherry Magic, Kurosawa was this dazzling guy who was very calm and cool in every situation, very athletic, could reach the high notes of any song, and was basically the ace in the sales department. In I Became the Main Role of a BL Drama, Yuichiro was this athletic guy who did everything he could to really embody, get it?, his roles. One thing is true of being “perfect” in any situation, nothing is really that perfect, that flawless. Japanese BL works are no exception. In all of the works that I have mentioned, we all learn part by part how the seme is not really that perfect.
Living with Him uses the same trope in presenting Kazuhito. First, we know him as this very popular High Schooler who played in the national baseball tournament.
“I think that’s great. Even at my school, Kazuhito-kun is crazy popular.” – Ryo’s sister about his brother living arrangement during his university years. Chapter one page nine.
Even Ryo already acknowledged how cool Kazuhito is in the first chapter.
“When I’m close to him, his vibe makes me feel like… …I’m inferior and about to die.” – Ryo. Chapter one page 12.
One thing led to another, Ryo asked Kazuhito to a “pretend date” in the first chapter. During their supposed date, even Ryo couldn’t find a flaw in Kazuhito.
“His clothes aren’t too dull or tacky” – Ryo. Chapter two page three.
“He’s like the sun” – Ryo. Chapter two page six.
Ryo even dared to tell Kazuhito’s friends that he found this guy that he lives with doesn’t have any flaws.
“No… Just the other day we tried to find some of his flaws, but we didn’t really find anything…” – Ryo in answering a question of Haruna, one of Kazuhito friends. Note: this is from the unofficial translation. Chapter three page six.
Of course, the perfect man gets all the girls, right? This image of the perfect man is actually still used in Japan. I think before the manga reveals that Kazuhito actually loves Ryo, Kazuhito-kun was heavily portrayed as this pussy magnet by everyone around him, including Ryo.
“If you already have one now, let me know beforehand if she’s coming over. I don’t want to get in the way, so I’ll leave”. – Ryo. Chapter one page 16.
“I don’t think that was the case but, … I guess you probably wouldn’t be able to tell” – Kazuhito when Ryo asked him on his confusion as to why he kept getting dumped. Note: this is from the unofficial translation (UT). Chapter two page seven.
I think Kazuhito’s answer was very queer-coded. He was insisting that it was not because the ex-girlfriends of his had “high” standards as Ryo asked, nor was it due to one of Kazuhito’s flaws as Ryo himself found after the pretend date between the two of them when the conversation happened. Kazuhito was hinting heavily, I like dudes, bro. Well, not so much like that. That’s another thing that I encounter in many Japanese BL works. I think in one of my analyses before, I named this trope as “one is gay another one is still finding out”. A gay person announcing to himself or even to his crush that he’s gay is quite rare. I don’t know whether it’s an author’s way of evading the sexual orientation expectation perception or it’s just their way of making their work more “romantic”. Usually, the conversation about sexual orientation goes:
A: Are you gay?
B: No, but I like you, just you.
I don’t know the motive behind authors’ pattern of just refusing a character self-confessing that he’s gay, however, I’m pretty sure that the motivation is not the most recent debates amongst queer theorists that there is really no need to label oneself in a certain sexual orientation, as we all are just in the spectrum of sexual orientation and maybe we can easily be more sexually or romantically attracted to a certain gender compared to the others. However, this hunch is not backed by any facts.
Going back to the manga in presenting Kazuhito as someone who gets all the girls. To be quite frank, even though, Kazuhito never shouts to the world that he’s gay, he’s quite confident in his love for Ryo. One day, Ryo became quite sick after taking too many shifts. In his fever dream, Ryo would not let Kazuhito go, and hence, he brought Ryo to his bed. The next day, after realizing what had just happened, Ryo said, “If I were a girl, I would be falling for you right now”. Kazuhito replied with:
“… I’ve never done this with a girl”. Chapter two page 15.
Man, if that’s not rizz, I don’t know what is.
Kazuhito continued his story by saying:
“Every time I got dumped, they’d always say this to me: ‘You already have someone you like, right?’” Note: UT. Chapter seven page 16.
I can firmly conclude that Kazuhito wants Ryo to know that Kazuhito-kun has a crush on him, very and immensely delicately. So that not to frighten him. Which is why it was no surprise that Ryo has the hunch that Kazuhito has a crush on him firstly on this chapter.
In the next chapters, the novel tries to still present Kazuhito as a guy with all the girls. After Kazuhito introduced him to his friends, Haruna and Yoshieri, he needed to go and patted Ryo in the head, yes for the first time. Yoshieri said that she was jealous of how close Ryo and Kazuhito were, as evidenced by their physical public interaction. Haruna then replied:
“You think so? Isn’t he pretty touchy-feely with others?” Chapter three, page nine.
I don’t know what Haruna’s motivation is in denying an inference that Kazuhito might be close, not even in a romantic sense, with another guy. Yoshieri even elaborated on why she was so shocked by Kazuhito’s gesture toward Ryo.
“Even when we were dating, he never patted me on the head like that.” Chapter three, page ten.
When Kazuhito went out to have drinks with his coworkers, even they were baffled that he didn’t have a girlfriend. The conversation surprisingly never focused on Kazuhito’s crush’s gender, but immensely focused on why Kazuhito’s crush doesn’t like Kazuhito back. The conversation went like this.
Kazuhito’s senpai (KS): “Hey Tanaka-Kun, you don’t have a girlfriend, do you?”
Kazuhito: “Nope, I’m not seeing anyone.”
KS: “If you’re single, I’ll go right after you”
Kazuhito: “I’m sorry but there’s someone that I like”
Chapter seven pages one to two.
Linguistic side note: I think it’s weird that in many Japanese BL works, whenever a crush conversation is happening with a not-yet-out, gay, or a guy who has a crush on a guy, guy the conversation easily slips into the gender-neutral pronouns They/Them. I observed this in My Love Mix-Up and I Became the Main Role of a BL Drama, to name two. My first question is, is it that common to use the They/Them pronouns in referring to a person in Japan? No one was ever fazed by the use of the pronouns, unlike in Western media works. Or is it just that the Japanese language structure is not that gendered and hence the translation from she/her to they/them was a heavy-context dependent translation? I don’t know.
Besides being the guy of every girl, of course, a seme is not perfect if he’s not “gallant”. By “gallant”, I mean, the usual chivalric, altruistic behaviour of a seme – of a “man”. You know, sacrificing what he has for whom he lives and sacrifices himself. Again, I’m not affirming that this is what being chivalric should be, but it is what many Western media works adopt and depict.
I have already written about how in the second chapter, after the pretend date, Kazuhito took care of Ryo’s cold and how he gave up his personal space in his bed so that Ryo could be accompanied throughout his cold fever phase.
After a night shift, Kazuhito needed to go through the rain to get back home. And it was pouring hard. When he got home, Ryo was shocked to see Kazuhito soaking wet. When asked why Kazuhito did not call Ryo to get him with an umbrella, he only replied:
“I didn’t want to worry you.” Chapter six page 19.
I think the manga was right in making, this will he realize? Won’t he? Trope a short period. By the third chapter, Ryo already realized that Kazuhito likes him. And in the fourth chapter, Ryo confronted Kazuhito to kiss him, in order to clarify what Kazuhito’s interest means for him, whether it’s romantic or not. The manga tries to show how gallant Kazuhito was again by saying that he won’t kiss Ryo until Ryo-kun is sure that he likes Kazuhito back, in Chapter four pages one to ten.
“But I don’t want to force you”. – Kazuhito. Chapter four page nine.
“If it’s difficult being with me, just let me know. I’ll leave alright?”. – Kazuhito. Chapter four page ten.
I know it should not be something that we praise someone for just not forcing themselves on someone else. What I wanted to focus on was how even when Ryo wanted to test and offer Kazuhito a freebie, Kazuhito still insisted on Ryo’s comfort above all else.
This chivalric perception even extended to hypothetical future scenarios that Kazuhito made in his mind. This line always makes me cry, as someone who used to always be on the end of a one-sided love.
“Even if you fall for someone else, I will gladly pull out, but until then….” UT
“When Natsukawa finds someone, he likes, that’s when I’ll move on. So, until that happens…” Official translation – Kazuhito. Chapter seven page 18.
I think it’s a refreshing sight to see that, yes, the seme character is being characterized as a very gallant guy, however, to see that there is a line which he will never cross, it’s new. In many Japanese BL works, it seems that your crush/love is so eternal that you don’t really see it fading even when the recipient of the crush already has someone that they love. I mean, this happens often in Western media works, however, I have seen more and more works that try to rewrite this trope there compared to the Japanese BL works.
With Kazuhito’s feelings not being concealed anymore, things are of course not that dandy yet. Also, I need to point out very loudly that Ryo never really asked Kazuhito whether he likes Ryo-kun or not. Kazuhito just flat out told Ryo and Ryo already put all the puzzle pieces together before Kazuhito told him about his crush.
As we have established, Kazuhito has this aura of perfection in everybody’s eyes. It’s not as flawless as people’s perception. Yet, the perception exists. And of course, it has repercussions on how his now, conscious of his feelings, crush, Ryo, will react to Kazuhito’s feelings.
Of course, like any of the other works which I have mentioned in the opening paragraph of this subtopic, the uke feels inadequate in accepting his love. Even as early as the third chapter, Ryo already said:
“So why me? What does he like about me? And from when?” Chapter three page three
“I don’t know why, but it seems he has special feelings for me”. Chapter three page 12.
This confusion of what Kazuhito “sees” in Ryo even made Ryo-kun spiralled three pages later.
Ryo even questioned whether Kazuhito really liked him or not because Kazuhito never told Ryo-kun his traumas, like his life-changing incident for instance.
“Wait a second. if he really thinks of me as special in like, a romantic sense, then won’t he be hurting the whole time that we’re hanging out like this, too?!” – Ryo. UT. Chapter three page 14.
I think this is what made the manga a little bit bearable to read. Because, unlike Minato’s laundromat, the tug of war of whether I’m worthy of this gallant, perfect seme’s love is not just one-sided, the manga is not making me read all 10 chapters of it just Ryo being repulsive of love that he thought he didn’t deserve.
In the fifth chapter, we got a little glimpse that Ryo was actually accepting Kazuhito’s love, albeit for so little and so quickly.
Ryo: “Seeing your face as soon as I get up is not good for my heart”.
Ryo: “Well, your heart is made of steel”.
Kazuhito: “Is that a compliment?”
Ryo: “Yeah of course it is”
Chapter five pages one to two.
Kazuhito tried to pat or hold on to Ryo’s shoulder and it sort of shocked him and made Ryo retracted his shoulder a little bit. The same thing happened in Sasaki to Miyano, in a different body part lol.
We also got a little glimpse of Ryo’s acceptance of Kazuhito’s feelings in the sixth chapter. When Kazuhito came out of nowhere to the library to intercept Ryo and Haruna’s meetup, Kazuhito offered to go out with Ryo the weekend after, which made Kazuhito-kun blushed. After Kazuhito left, Ryo said to himself:
“What I said made him blush[ed]… and he’s jealous… I’m beyond happy”. Chapter six page nine.
Even Ryo said to himself that he loves Kazuhito too.
“I can return your feelings, and kiss you, Kazuhito. I want to tell him properly”. – Ryo. Chapter six page 13.
Ryo even repeated this thought in chapter seven while nursing Kazuhito after he got drenched in rain and became feverish.
“I like him. I like him so much. I like you, Natsukawa”. – Ryo. Chapter seven page 17.
Things took a turn of course. In chapter eight pages eight to 12, as Ryo was about to say that he likes/loves Kazuhito back, Kazuhito-san’s phone rang. Ryo got an off-ramp and his doubts made him spiraled again. At which Kazuhito noticed him. His chivalric disposition, which we have established, practically made Ryo stunned. Kazuhito-san cut off anytime Ryo was about to say something because Kazuhito wanted to just stop Ryo from spiraling further and sort of retracted his confession and wanted things to go back to normal.
Ryo basically became silent. Even he felt like the conversation that he just had was like a breakup. Ryo’s monologue went very beautifully painful:
“I want to be honest with you because you told me your feelings, but I also want you to be happier than anyone else on the planet. You probably don’t need me for that to happen. ‘I may be overthinking it, but we can’t get married or raise a family’. Even if that time does eventually come, you wouldn’t need to go out of your way just for me. But, despite all of that, I want to be by your side”. Chapter eight pages 13 – 14.
I know right? Who amongst us gay men has not had this monologue ourselves? Straight crush? Geez, remind me of my late teen years. That’s also a point, right? Usually, the monologue is reserved for our straight crushes. Why does Ryo have the same monologue for his mutual crush/love – who of course is aware that his crush is also a man and that they both live in Japan.
Thankfully, we don’t get to see their cohabitation with Ryo’s mindset that he needed to resign himself to the background EVEN THOUGH HIS CRUSH IS MUTUAL. Kazuhito needed to help out his family business. During that period, Ryo visited his family, and when he asked implicitly about his condition his sister, his sister in a slayed manner answered:
“I would be ecstatic if Kazuhito-kun liked me, and it would make me feel like the cutest girl ever. What good does it do to you if you doubt yourself even though someone likes you?” – Ryu’s sister. Chapter nine page six.
Ryo was given a second shot of reality from Haruna. Do you still remember when I wrote my confusion as to why Haruna was sort of insisting that Kazuhito is straight? Well, in the ninth chapter, he happened to be around Kazuhito and Ryu’s place and he went up to talk to Ryu. He was not perturbed at all that Ryu and Kazuhito love/like each other. In the Kazuhito-less apartment, he gave a monologue:
“… It’s not up to you to decide what will truly bring happiness to Tanaka… Why are you worried about his public image and future? Don’t you think a guy that cautious hasn’t thought about that already?” Chapter nine page 16.
I know. I wish I had a friend like Haruna. I’m sobbing as I’m rewriting his monologue.
So, all in all, this seme perfection trope is a huge and hefty subtopic. The manga used the trope really well in my opinion. In Cherry Magic, Adachi just became accustomed to Kurosawa’s perfection. Adachi slowly knew all of Kurosawa’s imperfections and it made him braver to face Kurosawa – well, as I have argued in my previous analysis, Adachi himself became braver as the manga progresses, and a combination of both in the end prevails. In Living with Him, we don’t really see Kazuhito being humbled, well, not yet. I think Ryo just accepted this idea that this god-like creature likes him, but not too excessive like in My Beautiful Man.
Miscommunication trope
I have been writing on this essay for far too long. And I think the second subtopic had most of how I wanted the manga to be characterized by the public, and hence inspired my expectations for the live-action series in 4-day time. However, I really need to write how this manga never really dwelled on the miscommunication trope. Of course, this manga still used the trope.
In the first chapter, I really thought that it was gonna be like Mr. Unlucky Has No Choice but to Kiss and Hel and I Became the Main Role of a BL Drama. When Ryo offered Kazuhito to a pretend date, I thought that it was going to be like one of those sitcoms in which, Ryo at first didn’t have feelings for Kazuhito, but during and after the pretend date, Ryo falls in love with Kazuhito. I know, it happens canonically in the manga. What I had thought would happen was Ryo kept asking for a pretend date, and Kazuhito being sick of being taken to all of the pretend dates. Thankfully my prediction was dead wrong.
The other two miscommunication cases were all just bad predictions of mine lol. When Ryo asked Kazuhito to kiss him, and Kazuhito refused. It made Ryo annoyed and insulted, but then Kazuhito, gallantly, clarified his answer. The last one was when Ryo found the apartment listing when Kazuhito was away, and it made him even sadder about his “breakup” with Kazuhito. Thankfully, Haruna shaman’d his way in helping Ryo confronting his emotions.
My expectations from the live-action series?
I think it has a better chance of resembling the manga more than At 25:00, in Akasaka. Ryo and Kazuhito’s attractions are such puppy love, it’s so abstract and idealistic, such a fit for a vanilla live series. I pray to the brightest stars that they actually make the Living with Him: Heating Up as a 7th/9th episode or a film ☹, as I said on Twitter, I don’t care if the gay sex scene in this proposed film/extra episode is vague, all I want to see is how they manage more and more of reality.
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soulsxunbound · 3 years
Tag drop pt.1
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I want to write a big hero 6 crossover with the avengers fanfiction.
It starts with tony going to SFIT with Peter and shuri for a showcase or something, it has been 1 year since Tadashi's death and hiro is both trying to deal with his trauma and getting his project ready to show.
Then he meets Tony and his crew and is offered a summer time internship at Stark industries, hiro agrees since he's always wanted to go to NY, the rest of the gang are also invited. (Hiro also brings tadashi's hat)
Hiro gets along fantastic with shuri and Peter, since not only are they close in terms of age, but he is also able to have a conversation with them. Shuri also invited hiro to see her lab in wakanda someday (she was very impressed with baymax and hiros microbots and the fact that is was in college at 15).
Then a field trip with peters school happens (he's not on summer break just yet), and the tower/compound gets attacked by HYDRA. hiro and his friends suit up to help the avengers (they knew their identities thanks to SHIELD/Nick fury), but during the chaos, hiro gets separated from baymax and gets kidnapped.
At the HYDRA base, hiro discovers that obake is alive and working with HYDRA to recreate another catastrophic event to reshape NY/the world. But they need the energy amplifier to make it work, since Granville destroyed the one that hiro made (I can't remeber what happened to it. I think Granville locked it up, but I think that's what she initially told hiro, but she destroyed it in reality. It was too powerful and dangerous, especially in the wrong hands), and want him to recreate it.
Than back at the tower/compound, the rest of the gang are frantic in trying to find and rescue hiro, and convince the rest of the avengers to let them help. The avengers are reluctant to let them help, especially since they disapprove of a 14 yr old to be a superhero, baymax then shows them a few video clips of Tadashi and they understand why hiro decided to become a (super)hero.
They than fly to the nearest HYDRA base, where hiro is being kept, manage to rescue him but HYDRA had already extracted the information they needed from hiros brain.
So now they have to race against time to 1) stop HYDRA and obake and 2) find a way to stop/counter their device.
There's a huge battle, everyone is throwing attacks, BH6 are using their ultra armor (which got a few upgrades from Tony, who was very impressed with them. Bruce was very impressed with honey lemons chem balls).
They eventually win, HYDRA is disbanded (finally) and arrested. The story ends with them having a huge party to celebrate and to say goodbye to BH6, as their vacation time is over and have to go back to school. The avengers promise that if BH6 ever need help, they're only a phone call away.
As they leave, shuri promises that the next time they meet, it will be in wakanda. (She surprises them with vibranium suits)
Once they arrive back in Sanfransokyo, they go the the lucky cat cafe where biro is swept up into a hug by aunt cass, who said she watched the whole thing. Hiro assures cass that he's fine, suddenly the news show that the steamer has broken our of prison, and hiro and his friends suit up to fight him.
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Karmiro Week 2k19 Day 1: “Missing Him/Missing Her”
I made this fanfic as quickly as possible! Happy Karmiro week!
Day 1: Confession/Future
It was a beautiful spring day in San Fransokyo, and Hiro Hamada was approaching the train station by way of Shimamoto street.
 To most, this was a normal sight: A 14 year old child prodigy with black as graphite bangs and a tooth gap that made all the girls squeal.
 Quite why they did that still boggled Hiro, but there were some things even a child prodigy couldn’t figure out.
 Girls, am I right?
 Oh, yeah, sorry.
 Anyway, Hiro was walking down the street, looking a little chipper than he had in a few months.
 6 months to be exact.
 6 months, 4 days, 4 hours and 23 minutes, to be precise.
 Not that he was keeping track.
 Not that he had been keeping so much track that Go Go had to put the power dex on to wrestle him out there one night.
 Moving on.
 The sky was clear, but Hiro’s thoughts were not.
 This was a normal occurrence, as an SFIT Student/Superhero/Teenager, but Hiro had, for once, different thoughts on his mind.
 He would have LOVED to be focused on villains, homework and what he was going to do Friday night.
 She was coming back.
 SHE was coming back.
 She was coming BACK.
 Granted, for a short visit of a weekend, but…
 “Your heartbeat is growing in a rapid state and your hormones levels are rising…”
 Ah, I knew I forgot something. I guess I’m just used to him being there, I forgot to mention him.
 It’s kind of obvious, no?
 What do you mean it isn’t? He’s always there!
 Whatever, just let me finish the story! Jeez, everyone’s a critic!
 “Baymax, not the time!”, Hiro said, his head turning left and right, hoping no one overheard the medical analysis.
 “I diagnose you with… Happiness. But… A sad happiness.”
 Great, he was doing the finger pointing thing. That usually meant he was right.
 “…Look, buddy, I’m just trying to find the station, ok?”
 Hiro was approaching it now, but his mind was such a mess that he had nearly taken the wrong turn.
 “I’m not usually like this…”, he thought, not liking this lack of control.
 Hiro was used to being totally in control.
 With a push of some keys and the writing of some programs, he could upgrade Big Hero 6’s armor just like that.
 Give him a few nights and a couple dozen bags of gummy bears, and he could build incredible nano technology.
 Even at the worst of situations, a good plan and Tadashi’s guidance was all Hiro needed to keep San Fransokyo safe.
 But if there was one thing Hiro didn’t know how to control, it was his emotions.
 And right now, they were running in every single direction, driving him insane.
 Feelings of loss, longing, reunion, excitement, dread, joy, despair, anger, solitude, hope and even…
 Wait, no, not that, definitely not that!
 But whatever it was, it was making Hiro’s heart practically leap out of his chest as he neared the station, his brain constantly going “Any minute you’re going to see her!” “Any moment you’re going to see her arrive!” “ANY MOMENT, HIRO, WATCH OUT FOR THAT…”
 …That lamp post.
 Hiro fell to the ground and rubbed his nose.
 He felt embarrassed already, and she hadn’t even showed up yet.
 Great. Now his face was even redder.
 This couldn’t get…
 “You have fallen.”
 Never mind.
 “On a scale of 1-10, how would you…”
 Hiro clambered up, getting his balance back.
 “Buddy, seriously, not now. She’s almost here and… You know what? Can you give us some time alone?”
 Hiro didn’t like sidelining Baymax, but this was sort of a personal and private affair.
 He did NOT need Baymax to spout out some puberty stuff.
 Though it could make her laugh.
 …God how he had missed that laugh.
 He had heard it here and there on the webcam conversations, but he wanted to hear it face to face.
 Her face.
 Her incredible face…
 No. No.
 Stay focused.
 “If it improves your condition, I will gladly move aside, Hiro.”
 Hiro couldn’t help but smile at that.
 “…Thanks, Baymax.”
 Baymax was a machine, so he couldn’t truly express emotion, but Hiro swore he heard affection in the words “Always, Hiro.”
But Hiro had to think of other things now.
 Like how she’s almost here.
 She’s almost here.
 She’s almost here.
 She’s almost…
 The sound of train tracks click clacking reverberated in his ears as a bullet train sped down, so fast it was that Hiro could barely register it.
 But he saw the number on the door.
 He had memorized that number: 99.
 He could say it in his sleep.
 According to Honey Lemon, he had said it in his sleep once during one of the gang’s sleepovers, so that wasn’t an exaggeration.
 So there!
 I guess.
 Hiro didn’t even know what to say, his heart beating so hard he could barely hear the doors open.
 His mouth felt dry and his breath short.
 Would she look different?
 Would she sound different?
 Would she… Be different?
 Would she smile?
 Did she miss him?
 As much as he had missed her?
 Hiro had been kidnapped by supervillians, yet this was somehow scarier.
 After what felt like an eternity, she stepped out.
 She looked the same, but there was some clear dampness on her cheeks.
 She had been crying.
 Her eyes hadn’t located him yet, a crowd of people still blocking him from her sight.
 She was also looking to the wrong direction, left, then right, searching…
 For him?
 He hoped.
 Suddenly, her eyes locked with his.
 His eyes locked with her, how could they not, what else was there to look at?
 They locked eyes with each other…
 “HIRO!”, Karmi screamed with joy, practically running at the robotics expert.
 Hiro smiled, but for some reason, what had been a shy smile turned cocky…
 Karmi leapt at his feet, tears of joy running down. “I’VE MISSED YOU SO MUCH, MY DARLING!”
 Her voice was different, almost like she was being voiced by someone else.
 And it wasn’t just Karmi’s voice that was different: Her whole body seemed to turn small, cute and anime esque.
 What’s the term? Chibi! Yes, that!
 Hiro was also different, adopting massive abs and a cleft in his chin.
 He was also 12 foot tall.
 So there was that.
 “Oh, hey Karmi. Didn’t see you there.”, he said, his long flowing locks blowing in the wind.
 Kamri, heats in her eyes, leapt up to his face excitedly, a wild and loving grin on her face.
 “Oh, Hiro! All this time away from you made me realize how much I love you, you gorgeous, genius hunk you!”
 She fawned over him, her giant eyelashes batting.
 “You’re so smart and hot and cool and kind! Even Tadashi is proud of you!”
 Karmi then held his face in her hands, magic in her voice.
 She then planted a huge kiss on his lips, and there was a parade of musicians, and it rained gummy bears, and everyone agreed that there was no one like Hiro, and Professor Granvile did the cha cha cha.
 “And that’s how your mother and I got together!”, an older, now grown up Hiro proudly announced, sinking back in his chair.
 He was still dressed about the same, but his hair was a bit longer, his body more defined, and he had a Big Hero 6 jacket on his shoulders.
 But that twinkle was still there.
 It would never leave.
 “Daddy, did that really happen? It sounds kind of… Wrong.”
 A little girl, Tamashii, with a ponytail and an adorable tooth gap, wearing a T-Shirt with Big Hero 6’s members on it, sat on the floor and gave her father a quizzical look.
 SURELY none of that had happened!
 Hiro smiled that smug grin of his and lifted his leg over another, not noticing the figure approaching him.
 “Oh, it SO did happen, my koibito.”
 “Oh, really?”
 Standing over Hiro, towering over him as ever, was Karmi.
 A taller, even higher Karmi, with her hair down and her lab coat confidently placed on her shoulders.
 She looked most the same, but there was peace in her heart, something she so sorely lacked in the past.
 She was also better at taking jokes, as she smiled at Hiro with a questioning grin.
 Hiro sheepishly smiled back. “Oh, Karmi! I didn’t see you there!”
 He pointed at Tamashii, who was enjoying the entertainment before her.
 “Oh, Tamashii here was just asking me about when we confessed our feelings to each other.”
 Karmi cocked an eyebrow, still taking it all in good humor. “I heard.”
 She then knelt down and playfully ruffled his hair. “But I get the feeling that you’re misremembering some things, Genius boy.”
 Hiro rolled his eyes, a flirtatious grin on his face. “Will you ever stop calling me that?”
 Karmi cockily grinned. “Well… No, since it’s meaning has changed since we first met.”
 She blushed now, and Hiro now smiled at his favorite sight in the world: His wife smiling.
 But he was going to enjoy his joke as much as he could.
 “Well, my light, can you do a better job?”
 “Oh, Hiro…”, Karmi said, pulling him out of the chair and sitting down.
 “I most definitely can!”
 The train arrived at the station, and sitting on the seat was a 16 year old bio-tech major with earplugs in her ears and tears running down her eyes.
 6 months, 4 days, 4 hours and 33 minutes.
 Had it been so long ago?
 She was taken advantage of the day before.
 She was turned into a monster the day before.
 She nearly hurt her… Friend the day before.
 But somehow, despite all that, she remembered it with painful fondness.
 How could she not?
 It was the day she got her first real friend.
 And she hadn’t forgotten him.
 She hadn’t forgotten his words.
 His hug.
 It couldn’t be that.
 No way!
 And she was definitely not hoping he was so that she could tell him that she definitely felt the same!
 No way!
 Karmi rested her head on the back of her seat, feeling a slight headache.
 “I hate feeling like this.”
 She felt so many things.
 She was sad that she had to leave.
 She was angry that her parents had forced her to.
 She was happy to be back, even for a weekend.
 But mostly, she…
 She missed him.
 She missed him so much.
 She laughed quietly, a fond smile on her face. “I would never have thought I’d feel that in a million years.”
 But it was true.
 The train finally stopped at her station, and Karmi rose out of her seat, trying her best to ignore “Accidentally in Love” ringing in her ears.
 As she saw the doors open, her body entered panic mode.
 What was it going to be like?
 She had never even had friends, let alone stayed over at their houses!
 She had never had friends to miss, and talk to, and wonder how they were doing, and longingly stare at pictures of them, and wish you could see that precious smile of theirs!
 She had never had that!
 Karmi’s heart pounded like a jackhammer and her eyes darted wildly as she searched for him.
 Where was he?
 Had he forgotten?
 No, he had sent her at text that he was going to the station, he definitely remembered.
 But had he missed the station?
 Had he…
 Had he decided to not come?
 Karmi sighed. “I guess it’s what I deserve.”, she thought as she kept looking for him, only seeing strangers..
 “I never treated him well. Why would he…”
 “KARMI!”, Hiro suddenly screamed, turning Chibi and handing her roses.
 Karmi smiled smugly and accepted them. “Why, thank you, Hiro! It’s pleasant to see you too!”
 “More than pleasant for me, Baby!”, Hiro said, planting a large kiss on her lips and going down on one knee.
 He took her hand and, with his other hand, he retrieved a diamond ring.
 “Karmi… Will you marry me?”
 “THAT did not happen!”
 Hiro now had an annoyed expression on his face, as Karmi innocently smiled back at him.
 “Oh, whatever do you mean, Hiro?”
 She was using that sing songy voice. Hiro didn’t like that!
 “Karmi, you know that I didn’t propose then!”
 Tamashii laughed, enjoying her parents silliness, but she was getting impatient.
 “Mommy, Daddy, why can’t you just tell me the real story?”
 Hiro and Karmi looked back at their daughter and laughed nervously.
 Perhaps they should just tell her the real story.
 “Sorry, Tamashii, Mommy and Daddy just like messing with each other.”, Karmi apologized.
 Hiro laughed. “It took us a long time to actually realize we should just be friends.”
 Karmi lifted Tamashii and kissed her on the forehead, making the girl giggle, and she then placed her on the now seated Hiro.
 Positioned on Hiro’s lap, and staring directly into her mother’s sparkling eyes, Tamashii once again asked how it had happened.
 Hiro and Karmi exchanged blushed looks.
 It was a little different to their previous stories, to say the least:
 Just like before, Hiro watched the people leave the train and just like before, Karmi got off and looked around for him.
 Unlike before, they had something to give each other.
 Unlike before, the reunion was… Different.
 “Where is he?”, Karmi thought, searching and searching.
 Hiro couldn’t say anything: His body was still frozen.
 All he could see was her.
 All he could hear was her.
 All he could feel was her.
 Finally, he got enough strength to say “….Karmi…”
 Karmi, hearing this, turned and…
 They stood in front of each other, hundreds of strangers passing by them, dozens of sounds playing off their ear drums, but all they could notice was each other.
 Ladies and gentleman, writing romance! It’s easy!
 Hiro and Karmi blushed and smiled at each other, Hiro’s hand instinctively rubbing his hair and Karmi’s hands instinctively protecting her body, as if she had to close herself even from him.
 For a while, they couldn’t say anything.
 It was just incredible to them that the other was even there.
 It felt like a dream after the nightmare of the last 6 months.
 He had… Missed her so much.
 She had… Missed him so much.
 “…How was the trip?”
 “…Good. I liked seeing all the buildings out of the train.”
 This wasn’t supposed to be this awkward.
 Was there a way to…
 “You must have really missed me, eh Genius boy?”
 There it was!
 Hiro actually laughed this time, though, and it sent Karmi’s heart a fluttering.
 Had he always had such an amazing smile?
 It was a smile that made her feel like…
 Like it would all be ok.
 He was here.
 Hiro stopped laughing and smugly grinned.
 “I see you haven’t changed a bit.”
 “Thank god”, he thought.
 “Still as perfect as ever in your eyes?”, she asked, continuing the banter.
 Hiro shrugged. “That’s a funny way to say pain in the butt.”
 Once, Karmi would have shouted at him for that insult.
 But today, she could see the humor (and lie) in it.
 So she laughed.
 And Hiro wondered how he had ever lived without it.
 As she stopped laughing, she suddenly noticed that Hiro was taking something out of his backpack.
 She quizzically observed him as he looked up at her, a shy and… Scared look on his face?
 That was new.
 He seemed a little reserved as he picked whatever it was up.
 What could it be…
 “I… I kind of… Made you something.”
 He immediately backed up. “I mean, like, it’s stupid, it’s just a silly gift, it’s not what it, you know, this is stupid, I shouldn’t have…”
 But Karmi had managed to see what it was.
 And oh, did she see.
 Over the time they had known each other, Hiro had done many surprising and frustrating things, but this had to be the height of it: He had managed to somehow make a plushie of Captain Cutie…
 Giving her a rose.
 Specifically, the rose she had made that had helped heal the virus all the way back then.
 Hiro blushed wildly, wondering what insanity had taken over him to do this.
 “Honey Lemon helped me make this, I just thought that I had never really given your invention the credit it deserves, and I know you like cute stuff, so…”
 Karmi took it and, with awe struck eyes, looked back at him.
 She smiled that smile he so loved.
 And after taking a moment to register that, he smiled back.
 “…You’re welcome.”
 Karmi then looked very flushed as she took her backpack out.
 “Um… This is going to be a little weird, but…”
 Hiro couldn’t help but smile (albeit with a massive blush) as Karmi began to take her present out.
 “Great minds think alike, huh?”
 Karmi couldn’t help but blush at that.
 No one…
 No one had ever been like this to her.
 It felt…
 She finally gave it to him.
 “Is… Is that?…”
 A small robot that looked a bit like Hiro’s bot from his bot fighter days shook his pinky and gleefully showed its gift: A heart locket.
 “…A heart locket?”
 Karmi nodded, now feeling very shy.
 “I… I just thought that… If you feel lonely…”
 She then added quietly “Or if I feel lonely…”
 She looked away, blushing. “You can look at this and remember that my half is safely with me… And that we’ll be able to join them together the next time I visit.”
 Hiro took this all in…
 And he closed his eyes…
 And smiled.
 “…You’re welcome.”, Karmi said, happy that she did it despite her fears.
 Suddenly, both geniuses realized something:
 “You missed me?”
 And then, they both answered at the same time:
 “…Yeah. I did. Every single day.”
 Emotions took over them, as finally being able to see each other after all this time led to…
 A big, squeezy hug.
 They buried themselves in each other’s light, and, overcome with relief, they gazed at each other.
 Suddenly, the two blushed, realizing they were making a scene and showing…
 Gasp! Affection!
 That didn’t stop them from doing the next thing.
 Their breaths stopped cold, their hearts stopped cold, and their eyes locked as…
 They kissed.
 It wasn’t perfect. In fact, it was quite the small kiss.
 But as they kissed, all the feelings of longing spilled out, the masks finally off as the two were able for the first time to truly show how they felt about each other.
 As they parted, still feeling each other’s warmth, they grinned.
 “…You better not tell any of your friends that we kissed, Genius boy.”
 “As if I would dream of bragging about such a disgusting thing!”
 They laughed and hugged again, now almost slowly rocking each other.
 “I’ve really missed you, Hiro.”
 “I’ve really missed you too, Karmi.”
 And finally, all was right with the world.
  Later that evening, after Tamashii was put to bed, Hiro was overseeing some upgrades to the gang’s armors.
 There were rumors of Momakase (how was she still out there?) planning a bank robbery too, so he may have to head out.
 The rest of the gang was busy, though, so it seemed like he would be the only one going tonight.
 He and Baymax of course.
 He was feeling a little lonely though.
 It was going to be a long night, one that he would spend in the skies instead of his bed.
 With the love of his life.
 Pretty sucky.
 Karmi suddenly showed up behind him and, her arms around his neck, lifted her part of the heart locket.
 “Feeling lonely?”, she whispered, caressing his face.
 Hiro smiled back and held his part of the locket, connecting the pieces together.
 “…Not anymore.”
 It had been 10 years, 4 months, 8 days, 5 hours and 6 minutes since they had gotten together.
 They didn’t feel lonely anymore.
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ficsinhistory · 5 years
So, I'm having a lot of free time and hc in the head, so here are some ideas from Hc to Karmi.
It's going to be a long post.
She is an orphan mother, who died when she was four years of a fatal illness. After this happened, her father went a little further; he still loved her, but she could see that he was always trying to distract himself and neglected her because of it.
She has her mother's eyes. If you ask her father, he will say that Karmi has the "sweet but fierce look that will make you feel the luckiest human being in the world or wish to have never been born and beg for mercy. One of the two. There's no middle ground. "You can imagine what made him fall in love with his wife.
Her father has an important position at a scientific research firm in San Fransokyo, taking over after his wife's death as a distraction, leaving him without much time for his daughter, who tries to understand him. Karmi always thinks that's his way of dealing with things. However, he always dines with his daughter, no matter what, he and Karmi have dinner together even if he has to leave later.
She discovered that she was a prodigy on a school trip, at age 5. On an excursion to the Muirahara Forest, the class discovered that Karmi had read all the biology books in the library with no one to see and now knew the names of all the trees in the forest. That was just one of the things she knew, and her father later had to have a talk about where the babies come from because of it.
She grew very lonely. As an only child, her father did not want to marry again, and being a prodigy kept most of the children away, Karmi had few friends and none as the years went by; filling her time by reading in the city library or doing her own research, was when she got into the habit of talking to the virus. In addition to developing her imagination creating history for herself.
She also suffered a lot of bullying. She was called an aberration by more malicious children and rejected by those who did not resort to verbal derision. She was also threatened to do the homework of others. The situation was so severe that everything only stopped when, at age 10. She filled the closet with one of the bullys of poisonous grass, after which, she took a week's suspension, but was left alone.
Because of this, Karmi grew up with suspicion and assumed that everyone had some kind of bad intention until they proved otherwise. That made her skeptical and sarcastic, but somehow she's still optimistic for most things, becoming cold only when it comes to social relationships, putting her heart and soul into everything she does away with.
She suffered a lot of prejudice for being a girl on a scientific branch. She had to prove herself and still put up with sexist and moronic comments that she should do something less dangerous than dealing with deadly viruses and trying more feminine things. She presented a work with the Black Death virus at that time. Her father was very pleased with this result.
She, like Hiro, finished school at age 13. Karmi graduated with merit and her father had a small party to celebrate, it was the first time in years that she had seen him with such a smile.
Karmi's relationship with her father is troubled. She knows he loves her, but the same is a long way away and she spends the day working, which forced her to learn to do most of the things on her own, from tramping the city to cooking and cleaning the house, Karmi knows how to do all. However, the best part of her day is when her beloved parent is going to kiss her good night.
Hiro may have learned to walk through San Fransokyo thanks to bot fight, but Karmi has been alone since she was nine years old, which makes her know all the ways of the city in the palm of her hand. The market, the laundry room, she knows where everything is! She was very good at nurturing the nannies until her father gave up and only gave her a cell phone and red earrings with tracker and beak detector for her, telling her to be careful about "adventures". She never takes them off.
Karmi was never very vain, she always cared more about her intellect than her appearance. Even enjoying a period at the beauty salon depending on the season, she will always choose her lab or a library above anything else. She says she's smart, wants to please her? Praise her brain.
Even loving plants, she chose viruses and bacteria as the study area. After what happened to her mother, she try to find cures and treatments so that no one else has to deal with the pain she had. She still has the picture of her mother by the bed.
Speaking of which, Karmi's mother was also a biologist in botany. She met her husband at a meeting to discuss the fate of Muirahara when some businessmen wanted to overthrow her and her team studied some special native orchids. She was frustrated that she could not find a good argument when the local trainee and her future husband tried to cheer her up and said exactly what she needed. She managed to get on with the job and he got a later meeting at a coffee shop. She also had the habit of taking her daughter to the forest to see these orchids. The prodigy visits the flowers to this day.
Karmi had plenty of free time before going to college, which she did when she was only 15. In that two years, she experimented with various hobbies and acquired various skills. She knows how to draw, play ukulele, sing, write and do athletics, the latter made her very flexible and agile. She also watched and still watch anime and read comics.
On the comics, even though she's not an amateur like Fred, Karmi is still a big fan, with her favorite hero being Captain Fancy. She had spent a whole night reading a saga that left her in tears. The death of a loved character as a protagonist's relative is not easy to deal with!
She always wanted to go to college, but she did not know which one yet. It was at the age of 14 that she paid a visit to SFIT and put it into her head that it was there that she would study there. Later she succeeded.
On the night of the fire, she was present showing a biology job, away from the stage of presentation. All she saw from the microbots was from afar, with a small boy presenting. She was also one of the first to be rescued by firefighters. It was all very confusing that night. Later, she learned of the death of Tadashi and the monument built in honor of him. Orchids are still one of the most beautiful flowers in the memorial.
Karmi and Tadashi knew each other, although they were not friends, they had a good time together. When Baymax was being built, Tadashi asked for her help with some diseases and their treatments. When she went to deliver what he asked for, Tadashi said she remembered his younger brother, although she was taller. He made a recording citing her that day.
One of her motives does not like Hiro is because he, in her view, took the only stable thing she had in life. She does not hate him, but when the emotional, social, family life and everything else is more fickle than the sea and being the youngest student was the only thing she was sure, taking that out was like taking a piece of the fight, history and soul. If she was not successful at it, what else would she have? Karmi tries to avoid this feeling, but is stronger than she.
She admires Liv Amara because she knew her story was very much like hers. A girl alone and rejected I built a successful company. Even though she might wonder what happened to the twin sister who left the project early on. It should not be important ...
Already the admiration with the leader of Big Hero 6 comes for something more deep and personal. She finds it incredible how someone so young has such a noble sense of justice and doing what he does, without fearing to lose his life, always putting others above himself. This encourages her and helps that if she does things on a large scale, she can help others in the same way. Only from a more anonymous and less risky idea ... directly. She thinks that if he has these problems and defends others that way, he can deal with hers.
Karmi's biggest problem, even, is her anxiety. Due to years of bullying and traumatic life abuse, she has developed bouts of strong anxieties that incapacitate her for a reasonable amount of time. They hate their attack episodes as they make them feel vulnerable and useless, and they always happen to her alone, since she spends a lot of time with no one, which only worsened after she almost died on Akuma Island and with the attack on Sycorax. When that happens, she likes to think about her mother.
Like Hiro, she is a complete negation of waltz dancing and dancing in general, however, she is very good at ballet due to five years of schooling that her father has put her in since discovering that she was a genius. However, other types are still a challenge.
Karmi did not have many crushes during her life. Boys have always been a tricky topic, especially when she had her own problems. There were few of whom she liked, most did not even know of her existence, and honestly, she preferred that. Although she wonders what it's like to genuinely like someone that way and someone likes it back.
Speaking of which, she does not really believe Hiro has a crush on her. Since he was one of the first guys who were really kind, she interpreted this as chartering, but after a few days she came to the conclusion that she did not and just said that to annoy him more than anything. For all intents and purposes, however, she had to assume that he was cute.
One secret no one knows is that she likes to camp alone in the woods, climb on top of a tree and watch the stars. The city at night is beautiful, but it does not compare to the night sky of Muirahara, add this to the music box that she puts on and you will have a perfect scenery!
She likes Honey Lemon a lot and admires the blonde's always spontaneous way. Even though she did not much enjoy physical contact, however, she was not going to lie, bio-besties made her day.
She has Grandville as a maternal model and enjoys receiving her directions. Although it was a bit embarrassing when she called her mother once. The woman stayed in the clouds.
One of her favorite times is the Blue Moon festival, an occasion similar to an eclipse event, where the city likes to observe the annual phenomenon that leaves the moon bluish. This phenomenon is observed by the astronomers and Karmi loves the sweets and ornaments of that time. All blue. There is a legend among astronomy students that the light modified by the event makes the brain release more sensitive substances from the body that make you only speak the truth and leaves you unable to fake, and that if a couple stands on the bluish light, it gives to know if they like each other.
By this time she likes to wear only blue outfits throughout the week and see the final event with the apex of the full blue moon in the woods with some other students. This time brings her best memories.
One reminder of that time even was that she was with her father, who had opened a space in the agenda to take the daughter to the festival and then to the great observation. It was a night of laughter and marshmellos covered in chocolates.
Also has one of the most ... unusual souvenirs. She was 10 and away from her father to play around when she met a boy crying, saying that she had lost her aunt and brother. She sat down next to him, offered a sweet spit that was well accepted and they began to talk. She discovered that he liked gummy bears and that his hair was really messy and that in fact he had not been attacked by a squirrel. He discovered that she was able to catalog entire families of plants and that she was very fond of chocolate. They ended up seeing the blue moon together that night. He later found the family and her father. Amazingly, he did not quarrel with her or anything of the sort. He just laughed and said that kid looked like fun.
Currently at the stage and with everything that happened, Karmi has her suspicions of Liv, wanting to admit it or not, she has that inner voice inside her warning. And that usually is right.
She wants to win a biology nobel because someone has to help.
Those were my hc, and maybe I'll write a story about the blue moon festival, but by then ... I hope you enjoyed it, bye!
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natsuki-oz · 5 years
Can’t even ask me one bloody question? Suffer by doing all 100.
1. What’s your philosophy in life? Make the people you love happy and care for them.
2. What’s the one thing you would like to change about yourself? I’d like to get a little less possessive about people.
3. Are you religious or spiritual? None of them.
4. Do you consider yourself an introvert or an extrovert? A little bit of both.
5. Which parent are you closer to and why? I was closer to my mother. Why? Because she loved me.
6. What was the best phase in your life? The bandtimes.
7. What was the worst phase in your life? Losing my mother.
8. Is what you’re doing now what you always wanted to do growing up? Not really but I grew up knowing there would be a time I would do it.
9. What makes you feel accomplished? Laying on the couch in the evening, looking at my happy son who cuddles against me and smile about life isn’t as bad as I sometimes think.
10. What’s your favorite book/movie of all time and why did it speak to you so much? movie: Gran Tourino - Because I like how people care for each other. book: too many.
11. What is a relationship deal breaker for you? Cheating, lying, hurting my son in any way.
12. Are you more into looks or brains? Brains.
13. Would you ever take back someone who cheated? Maybe. But rather no.
14. How do you feel about sharing your password with your partner? There are passwords that are too secret but it would be okay to share my password for the private phone and my private notebook. And the code to my apartment.
15. When do you think a person is ready for marriage? When they have been with their partner for a longer time or have gone through a tough time together and both trust each other.
16. What kind of parent do you think you will be? I am a loving father, wanting the best for my child. Sometimes a little bit too careful about him.
17. What would you do if your parents didn’t like your partner? Wouldn’t be a problem since they’re both not here anymore. I’d have a problem with it if my mother wouldn’t like the person..
18. Who is that one person you can talk to about just anything? Maki, the girl who is my best friend since 5 years by now.
19. Do you usually stay friends with your exes? Usually not but I do have friends that are my exes.
20. Have you ever lost someone close to you? Yes.
21. If you are in a bad mood, do you prefer to be left alone or have someone to cheer you up? It’s up to why I am in a bad mood.
22. What’s an ideal weekend for you? There are different types of an ideal weekend.
23. What do you think of best friends of the opposite sex? Not a problem?
24. Do you judge a book by its cover? Yes but I like to be convinced of their true self by talking.
25. Are you confrontational? Usually not.
26. When was the last time you broke someone’s heart? Me? Never I think.
27. Would you relocate for love? I would but I am not able to.
28. Did you ever write a journal? No.
29. What are you most thankful for? My son and the times I’ve had with my band.
30. Do you believe in second chances? Yes. But mostly they don’t work out.
31. What’s the one thing that people always misunderstand about you? That I am just someone to be fucked by.
32. What is your idea of a perfect vacation? No matter where, no matter what, just having fun together with the person I go on vacation with.
33. What did your past relationship teach you? That real love exists even if you don’t really fit together.
34. What are your thoughts on online dating or tinder? People that just want to fuck.
35. What’s on your bucket list this year? I don’t have one.
36. When have you felt your biggest adrenaline rush? Oh, I can’t tell here.
37. What is the craziest thing you’ve ever done and would you do it again? I can’t remember right now to be honest. But I guess so because I’m still alive even if I did it.
38. If a genie granted you 3 wishes right now, what would you wish for? All time safety for my son, finding love, no war.
39. What’s your biggest regret in life? Already answered.
40. What do you think about when you’re by yourself? That’s too private.
41. Does your job make you happy? Already answered.
42. What did you want to be when you were younger? Already answered at question 99.
43. Why did your last relationship end? ...we just had different plans of life.
45. What’s been your biggest mistake so far in life and what did you learn from it? Too private.
46. Where is your favorite place in the entire world to go? My bed.
47. What are your top five favorite movies? - GranTourino - The 5th wave - Zootopia - Secrets in the Hot Spring - Black Mirror series.
48. What are some of your favorite songs? OZ - Rain Delay, CELL - Jikogenkyu Paradox Royz - Higanbana, Portion Boys - Niin Kuin Ennenin
49. What qualities do you admire about your parents? Already answered.
50. How would you describe your best friend? Pure soul, beautiful woman.
51. What’s your favorite hobby to do alone? Singing.
52. What’s something you can’t go a day without doing? Taking a shower.
53. What’s the most spontaneous thing you’ve done lately? I’m always spontaneous so I can’t really tell.
54. What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done for love? Hahaha. That’s a secret.
55. What’s your biggest pet peeve? People in advertising in TV that brush their teeth without toothpaste.
56. Why do you think you’re still single? Because I’m an idiot, maybe too pervy, maybe too caring, too tall, too old, too weird, too boring, too dangerous, ....
57. What accomplishment are you most proud of? Running the family business well.
58. What is one dream you have yet to accomplish? Raising my son to be a good man, finding someone to love and marry.
59. What is your greatest fear? Losing my son and my friends.
60. What are three things you value most about a person? Honesty, stupid jokes, caring for other people
61. Who are five people you are closest with? Maki, Kizasi, Takashi, Hiro, Mitsuki
62. What is the greatest struggle you’ve overcome? Talking normally to people
63. If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be? New Zealand
64. What’s the most exciting thing that’s happened this past year? Nothing special happened this year I think.
65. What’s your favorite beer? All Sapporo kinds.
66. What’s one thing that bothers you most about the world today? People fighting too much about nonsense
67. Who are you closer with your mom or your dad? Mother.
68. If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be? Didn’t I answer this already? Being less possessive about people I like.
69. If you could change one thing about the world what would it be? No war.
70. Who was your favorite teacher and why? I just had one and he was ok.
71. What sport did you fall in love with? I like most kinds of sports but bedsports are the best, haha.
72. What is the weirdest thing about you? I cook and bake very well.
73. What was your longest relationship? My last one which lasted 2 years.
74. What would your best friend say is your best quality? Having a weird humour, caring for them.
75. Who is your favorite historical figure? I don’t have one because I haven’t met any of them.
76. What made you choose the college you went to? I didn’t choose it.
77. If you could tell your former self one thing right now what would it be? Never give up fighting.
78. What food could you not live without? Udon.
79. Dogs or Cats? Both.
80. What’s closest you’ve ever come to being arrested? Hahahaha.
81. What was your best birthday? The birthday I spent with Aggy.
82. What’s one thing you wish you knew how to do? Flirting.
83. Where’s one place you’d like to go that you haven’t been? New Zealand.
84. What was the last book you read? And when? Sleeping beauties by Stephen King, a year ago.
85. Where do you usually get your news? TV, newspapers.
86. What are some of your own personal goals in the next 5 years? Same as now.
87. What would you consider your greatest accomplishment so far? Raised my son well.
88. If you could get away with anything that you do? Everything that I am doing right now.
89. Who is your greatest hero? My mother.
90. What’s the greatest risk you’ve ever taken? My life to safe someone’s.
91. Why are we here? Because our spaceships crashed down to this world.
92. If heaven is real and you died tomorrow, would you get in? Not really.
93. Do you believe in fate? Yes
94. How do you think people see you? As an arrogant, pervy rich guy with a big D.
95. If you had the ability to erase something that you did in the past, what would it be? Saving my mother.
96. What song makes you unconditionally happy? Don’t stop me now by Queen
97. If you could have anybody else’s life, who’s would you take? I haven’t thought about this until now.
98. What fictional character do you most relate to? I don’t know..? (Maybe Jiwon Ahn from BJ Alex, lol. With a little bit of Myung-Dae.)
99. If I asked you at age 5 what you wanted to be when you grew up, what would you say? Already done!
100. What is your biggest irrational fear? Already done!
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soulsxunbound · 3 years
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“You think I would fit into your merry entourage?” Mist to Hiro from @diiscordandstriife
"Why wouldn't you? After all we aren't the most normal group." Hiro gestures to the team before looking back to the cyborg. "Well, what do you say? In the end it's up to you, just know you will be welcome here." Hiro then smiled.
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