#An Excitable Mechanic // Kazuichi Souda
thelaughtercafe · 7 months
Leon, Gundham, Kazuichi, Kiyotaka and Mondo finding out you're ticklish
Tea Type: Rose Boba
Potential Triggers: N/A
Pairing: Leon/F! Reader, Gundham/F! Reader, Kazuichi/F! Reader, Taka/F! Reader, Mondo/F! Reader
Length: 1k+
Summary: N/A
Leon Kuwata:
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He’d find out while nudging you or something; I headcanon Leon as pretty affectionate and touchy-feely so I could definitely see him hugging you from behind and accidentally getting your waist or hips. 
He just likes to hear you laugh honestly! Simple as that for him. It’s a bonus if you don’t mind or even enjoy it lol.
He teases very casually and loves the way it flusters you.
“Man, how the Hell did I not know this earlier? Now I’ve got so much missed time to make up on! You better help me out, okay?”
“Aw you’re so much more ticklish than I thought you’d be! Fuck, why is that so cute?”
I also feel like he absolutely uses his goatee and mouth to tickle. I dunno why, maybe it’s cause of all the piercings?
Either way, I totally see him nuzzling your neck at all the wrong times like a jackass and when you whirl to glare at him he steals a kiss as he spiders his fingers up your side. 
“I could be a lot meaner if i wanted to. cutie- maybe you should be thankful I’m so kind hm?” 
Then he’s off like a shot, as if he didn’t just put you in a mood.
Rough boy who doesn’t mean to be rough when he tickles
It just comes naturally from his strength
Just ask him to lighten his touch up or say it hurts and he’ll quickly lighten up a bit with a sheepish expression.
Gundham Tanaka:
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Honestly? I think the Dark Devas of Destruction helped out the poor guy cause there was no way he’d make the first move otherwise. 
Oh, he plays it off with his lingo, but he’s bright red and barely managing not to hide behind his scarf. 
Is this it? The opportunity to finally initiate physical contact with his fellow royal of Hell?
He decides to take the chance.
He hears your laugh as one of the Devas cuddles along your neck or scurries under your shirt playfully and comments on it. 
“Ah, so this is the spell you mean to cast, is it? Well, I cannot let your efforts go unaided! Allow me to assist you in this humorous endeavor!” 
Begin wrecking.
Surprisingly strong. This isn’t talked about enough imo but man went up against Nekomaru in a metal body and beat him. 
He could pin you with ease to wreck you, is what I’m saying. 
But contrary to that strength, Gundham is a gentle ler. But it’s a varied gentleness.
So, he’ll always keep his touch light and feathery but occasionally use his nails to scribble at your ribs or dig into your sides. 
Kazuichi Souda:
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Little gremlin. Only one on this list who finds out from intentionally initiating. Guys a playful ler through and through.
It’s one of his go to methods for bonding actually. …Even if Fuyuhiko decked him in the face when he tried, and Nagito’s luck had him go face first into a tree. 
Worth it. 
But with you, he tries and is happily surprised. Success! Without him being injured for once! Huzzah! 
Such a teasy jerk oh my God. Goes with the classics.
“Coochie coochie coo! Aw, it can’t be that bad, can it? Too bad! I don’t feel like stopping just yet!”
Of course, if you’re genuinely begging. he’ll stop; he’s not a monster. 
Hope you like being tickled cause boy is he gonna be a damn pest about it. 
The whole class knows and offers their condolences since they’ve been his victims, attempted or successful before.
Getting this out of the way and my system right off the bat. 
Tickle machines to your specific preferences because he’s the Ultimate Mechanic. 
That is all.
Kiyotaka Ishimaru:
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I think Taka finds out totally by accident. He’s probably helping you study for an upcoming test and moves to see the page only to brush over your side. 
You flinch, gasp or otherwise let him know he just did something and he frowns in concern. 
“You okay? Why’d you jump like that? I didn’t hurt you did I?”
Worried he was over rough in his excitement to see your notes, he lifts your shirt despite your protest and runs his fingers over the area. 
When you abruptly burst into laughter at his prodding he relaxes and grins. 
“Why didn’t you just tell me you were ticklish? That’s nothing to be ashamed of, and I’ll prove it to you!” 
He gently tugs you over to the bed and straddles your waist. 
The type to spout off facts completely unironically but it comes off totally teasy and makes everything tickle more.
“See, if I straddle you like this I can attack both your upper and lower body at once! Aren’t such tactics fascinating?” 
He demonstrated by squeezing your knee and scribbling along your tummy, shouting over your laughter.
Mondo Owada:
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He’ll likely find out when he playfully picks you up. You guys are meeting up to hang out and he surprises you by picking you up from behind under your arm. 
Gets confused when you start laughing and squirming so he doesn’t put you down till you say it tickles- then he finally does. 
“Aw geez, that’s all it was? I thought you were having a seizure on me for a second there. You must be really ticklish for just me picking you up to getcha huh?”
Most don’t expect Mondo to be a big tickler because of his tough exterior but you know better so you smile nervously and are already backing away before bolting. 
You don’t make it very far before he’s tackling you to the ground and digging into your hipbones. 
Absolutely uses it under the guise of “endurance training”. 
“C'mon I know you can take more than this! We gotta beat your score from last time! I know you can last longer than 10 minutes!!” 
The type of ler to go for a death spot immediately and make you scream. 
Likes to use his strength for something so fun honestly. 
If you try to get him back in front of his friends in the biker gang? He’ll either get flustered or he’ll smirk and wreck you right there. 
No in-between. 
“Well, you were gonna fuckin’ try and get me in front of my boys-only fair if I do the same, right?"
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austajunk · 6 months
5, 18, 43 for Soumaeda (i seriously love your stuff with them!) Maybe komaeda recording himself doing stuff to souda and using it as blackmail of some kind?
Thank you very much! I'm glad some still like my ficlets bullying Kaz. <3
Let's say that this takes place after Chapter Two of SDR2 where Kazuichi had (foolishly) ambushed Nagito in the old building with Nekomaru. Now Nagito is out to teach Kazuichi something new about himself.
Triggers: Non-consensual Sex, Prostate Milking, Rimming, Blackmail, Humiliation, Mindbreak, and Drugs/Forced Drug Taking.
Fic beneath the cut!
“Come on, Souda-kun. Open up…”
Kazuichi winced, sinking back into the pillow. His hands were bound above his head to his bed with the sleeves of his own jumpsuit. He wasn't so secured that he couldn't wriggle or eventually tug himself free, but his captor didn't really care about that. Nagito Komaeda had moved aside plenty of times for Kazuichi's lewd face to be captured by the video cameras of the island.
The mechanic was strung up so pitifully, sweat dripping over his slender body with his legs locked. His cock had gone flaccid after another brutal fucking, but somehow… call it luck, Nagito simply wasn't tired yet. The shallow breaths of exasperation that came from Kazuichi's lips only served to excite the Ultimate Luckster more. His pale, naked body joined Kazuichi's, leaning over him to offer his poor captive the pill between his own lips.
Kazuichi stifled a cry in his throat. The camera had already captured every angle of his face locked in blissful ecstasy, shooting his load across the bed every time Nagito fingered his ass. He didn’t want to be hard again. He wanted to close his eyes, to rest. But Nagito, who seemed blessed with an endless stamina, demanded more and more. He would wait five minutes after each load his shot inside or outside of Kazuichi’s body, then he would slip that magical pill between his lips to raise him back from the dead.
“Komaeda… please…haha… I can't go again…there's nothing left…” He tried to reason.
The tears welled up in his eyes. He gritted his sharp teeth together, trying to contain himself. He could cry and cry and no one would hear him from this contained, soundproof cottage.
Drenched in sweat and his and Nagito's cum smeared across his body, Kazuichi felt like the stench of sex was ingrained into his skull. Nagito pressed his lips gently to Kazuichi's and forced him to accept the pill. Kazuichi didn't bite or lash out. It was as he said. He didn't have anything left.
Days after the second trial, after Nagito had been released, the Luckster had appeared on his doorstep To share a drink with the classmate who had strung him up in the old building. The next thing Kazuichi knew, he had been stripped down to his boxers, his green jumpsuit had been shredded and used to strap him against his bed, and Nagito was in between his legs and cupping the bulge forming between his legs. Hours later, Kazuichi had been inside Nagito's ass no less than four times. Maybe it was more in his sleep. Kazuichi was too delirious to know for sure. Nagito bucked and rode him, groaning as Kazuichi's four inches expanded his tight walls.
And how could Kazuichi resist? It was his first time and he felt… something. It was a foreign sensation in his groin, being so deep inside Nagito's warm, tight walls. Before he knew it, he was crying and rocking back and forth to match Nagito's pace. Nagito would stroke his chin and bring their lips together. The mechanic would part his lips and mash their tongues together, unable to keep himself for wanting to taste his captor. Whatever Nagito had slipped to him was powerful. He had Kazuichi losing himself entirely until each climax, each pitiful shot of white spunk was fired on camera.
“You're sticky again, Souda-kun,” Nagito taunted smoothly. He pressed his fingers to Kazuichi's lips after the pill slid in. He swallowed and obediently licked Nagito's fingers to take in the salty flavor of his own precum. Nagito was stroking him again, working him painfully back to a half-erect state. Kazuichi diligently suckled on his fingers for a few moments, closing his eyes. The taste distracted him. He inhaled the sweltering musk trapped in the walls of his cottage and shuddered inwardly. His cock was twitching again. He wanted to weep. Against his desires, the magical pill was already working.
“No more…ah…” Kazuichi sucked in a breath as Nagito's wet fingers traced his lips. “I can't come anymore…”
Nagito chuckled lightly. His green eyes narrowed. He slipped between Kazuichi's legs and lifted them over his shoulders. “That's alright,” he said brightly with a wave. “Let's try something… a bit wetter, okay?”
Wetter? Kazuichi had no idea what he meant. Nagito had already explored his own body more than he had ever done. He was trembling as Nagito dipped between his thighs and rested upon a soft spot beneath his sack and before his asshole. He gave the perineal area a gentle lick. Kazuichi moaned, his eyes widening at the strange, new sensation. Nagito licked him again, adoration put into every touch. His hand glided over Kazuichi's cock as he moved between licking closer to his anus ring and then lapping at his perennial.
“Fuck… no…no…” Kazuichi whimpered, shaking on the spot. It was wet. And odd. It felt like it shouldn't be allowed. The hot saliva from Nagito's tongue coated his asshole, a welcomed feeling when the mechanic was so sore from taking Nagito's meatier cock inside of him just twenty minutes ago. “Please-! I'm sorry! I shouldn't have tied you up! I'm sorry! Why…Why are you doing this?!”
He bucked and tried to knock Nagito away from him, attempting to close his legs. But Nagito sighed, shook his head, and merely sat upon Kazuichi’s thighs. “I don't care about that,” he uttered to Kazuichi.
“What…?” Kazuichi hissed incredulously. Sweat coated his forehead. “Then… then why?”
“You're built up,” said Nagito simply. He tilted his head at the mechanic, lifting his legs back up to rest on his shoulder. “And you're weak. If anyone is likely to give into despair, it's probably you. And the only one keeping you from that is… probably Hinata-kun.”
Kazuichi's mouth went dry. Heat spread across his cheeks at the mention of his “soul brother”. “What… but…but I…”
Shooting him a judging look, Nagito quieted him. “Somehow… I want to be the one that lifts you up, Souda-kun.” He panted, his own hand slipping down to rub himself. “I want to… I want to make you shine. You'll stay true to Hope for me, won't you?”
He then darkly chuckled and nodded to the video cameras set up. He bought a few from the supermarket as well, turning them all to focus on the slutty, pathetic faces Kazuichi gave him each time he came. “Well… even if I can't give you Hope, I can stop you from going to Hinata-kun… unless you're alright with him watching videos of your cum-stained face…”
Kazuichi's face sank. His eyes darted between each and every single camera aimed at him. Who… who could he go to? Humiliation glowed crimson in his cheeks and his eyes were burning with a new release of tears. Nagito's tongue added to the sensation, slipping inside of his asshole. Lubricating him. “Hnghn… ah…anghh…” Kazuichi cried. He sniffled and threw himself back against his pillow. Sore arms and a humiliated libido kept him weeping and rocking against Nagito's tongue. He had to feel it deeper. His cock twitched and pulsed for Nagito to stroke him again.
“It's okay,” Nagito whispered huskily, raising from his ass. “We aren't going to stop any time soon. I'll give you all you need.”
A finger circled and teased Kazuichi's asshole. Then, it slipped inside. Kazuichi groaned, arching his back. He offered himself. The last pieces of himself to be broken. There was nothing left. Another finger joined the first in his puckered asshole, making scissoring motions to loosen him up again. They burrowed deeper… deeper until they found a special button.
“Aieee!” Kazuichi yipped like a wounded beast. The overwhelming pressure felt like he was going to lose control of himself and wet the bed. It was a hot spike of pleasure filtered through him as Nagito's fingers stroked the prostate inside of him, wriggling and pressing the button until Kazuichi was rocking back and forth. “Hmph!! Ngh…ah…I don't want to c-come from my ass–!!” He cried out, his hips undulating faster. Whatever he did, he couldn't move away. Nagito's fingers hooked him. His other hand cupped his cock and stroked him off. There was no escape.
“No…nahah…not from my…not from there-!” The humiliation wouldn't end. The last dregs of his mind were shattering…
“Souda-kun… you keep moving like this… all just for my fingers…” That calm voice chided him with another little chuckle. “...it's actually really cute. You're kind of cute like this, Souda-kun.”
A third finger inserted past Kazuichi's tight ring and he couldn't stop himself from moaning louder. The pleasure pooled through his groin, looking to burst through his entire being. Kazuichi shut his eyes, his voice getting louder until… he released. With a loud grunt, clear, translucent fluid spilled from his cock, staining the sheets beneath him once again.
It puddled beneath him on the bed, permeating the room with a renewed musk of heat and sex. Kazuichi dropped to his pillow, twitching and panting. The stars were locked behind his eyes and he labored there, stuck in a pure, hot afterglow. His orgasm was intense, only fading in slow waves throughout his body. When he opened his eyes, those white tufts of bushy hair filled his vision. Nagito met his lips for a deep kiss. And once again, Kazuichi could not refuse him.
“I'll let you rest,” said Nagito as they parted. The saliva still connected their lips. “For an hour… then… another pill should do the trick…” He buried himself into the crook of the mechanic's neck.
Kazuichi didn't hear him. He was out cold, fading fast into the sweet depths of sleep…
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divineluckfuckoff · 2 years
So perfect
(I wanted to write about one of my canonronpa f/os, okay?)
That was what he felt at that very moment. A cold and dark loneliness.
Did he really make the right choice by letting Sonia date Gundham? But that's what she wanted, right? She loved Gundham, and Gundham loved her, wasn't that the situation? Yeah, she would never be in love with a creep like himself. Why was he such an idiot?
"How could I be so... stupid..." he mumbled, hugging his knees. He was so focused on his thoughts that he didn't even notice it had started raining. The water poured down violently while the mechanic didn't move, he just kept sitting on the bench of the park.
That was, until a shadow hovered over his head, shielding him from the rain. "You'll get sick if you don't go home." A voice told him. Blinking in surprise, he looked up at the figure.
A girl a year older than him, with long, dark hair, two blonde strands on the sides, and brown eyes stared at him with a neutral look on her face.
"Ah- I didn’t notice..." Kazuichi mumbled, surprised.
"I could tell. You were lost in your thoughts." she mused as she sat down next to him, holding the umbrella above the two of them. Kazuichi just stared at her in surprise.
"You're... being kind to... to a stranger?" he asked, surprised.
"My mother always taught me to be kind to the people who need it. You look like you needed company." she simply answered, shrugging her shoulders "So, until you decided to go back home, I'll stay with you." she told him.
He would be lying if he said he didn't feel his heart flutter at her kindness.
He learned her name a day after their meeting. Togo Togawara, the Ultimate Novelist, his upperclassman. She escorted him back to the dorms and gave him her umbrella, with him making the promise of returning it the next day, in the same spot.
So now, here he was, in the same spot as yesterday. There were small puddles on the floor from yesterday, as well as from earlier in the morning. He was busy meddling with a camera, trying to do whatever his mind wanted him to do.
"What exactly are you doing?" he heard Togo's voice right in front of him. Looking up, he saw her staring at him with curiosity. He grinned when he saw her.
"Heya Togawara! I'm making a two camera set old school style that can record live videos and send them to other cameras!" he explained with excitement. Togo hummed as she sat down next to him, interested in the idea. She had to admit, it was something clever. Almost immediately, he handed her the umbrella back.
"Ah, the umbrella." she mumbled.
"I promised I would give it back, didn't I?" he smiled. She nodded, taking it in her hands.
"Thank you, Souda-san."
"It's no problem! You need it more than I do anyways. Don't want someone as beautiful as you getting sick." the mechanic smiled, not thinking too much about what he had said.
"...You think I'm... beautiful?" Togo asked, amused. Kazuichi's eyes widened in shock, face bursting into a bright shade of pink.
"Pffft..." Kazuichi blinked twice, confused to see Togo laughing. He would be lying if he said it wasn't beautiful.
"Hehe! Souda-san, you don't need to panic. I appreciate the compliment." Togo said, tilting her head to the side as she smiled. Kazuichi felt his heart skip a beat.
She just looked so perfect...
"T-Togawara-san, could I have your number? S-So we could keep in touch?" he asked, nervous. He didn't want to approach the situation in a stupid way, like he did with Sonia. Togo just nodded, handing him her phone so he could add her to her contacts.
"Let's hang out sometime soon, Souda-san." Togo smiled.
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soulsxunbound · 3 years
@thercvenswritingdxsk​ continued from here X
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Kazuichi groaned as Miu blocked off the only way out of the room the two of them were in. “Of all people I could have got paired up with it just had to be you..” He grumbled as he sat back down before looking at her. “Okay. What do you want to do for the project. And before you get ANY ideas we are not making it sexual in any kind of way!”
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Anonymous asked: “ get used to disappointment. ” - Souda from Monokuma @dreamxalittlexharder​
The Princess Bride Sentence Starters || No longer Accepting!
Souda looked over at Sonia with Gundham. She’s a princess...What chance did Kazuichi think he had with her? With a heavy sigh he turned, that was when Monokuma popped up. 
“Oh piss off you stupid bear! No one cares about your opinion!”
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giggly-squiggily · 3 years
💛Sweetheart: Kazufuyu
I've gotcha friend! This one got a tad angsty- I couldn't help it! But I hope you like it nonetheless!
Sweet Heart- "Oh? Is someone ticklish?"
“Souda, I swear on my life-”
“To tell the whole truth, only the truth and nothing but the truth?”
“If you don’t stop-”
“Drop and roll?”
“I’m going to kick-”
“A can?”
“GAH!” Fuyuhiko threw up his hands, turning away from the giggling mechanic. He had been trying to have a serious conversation with him, but his boyfriend had insisted on cracking jokes instead. “Can’t you take this seriously?”
“Pfft! Iihihihi’m sahahhary bahahabe!” Kazuichi snorted, waving his hand to the annoyed yakuza. “Ihihihit’s just- your so serious about what to have with your cookie! It’s cute!”
Fuyuhiko looked away with a ‘tsk’, a blush staining his cheeks. “I’m not cute! Ugh- forget about it!”
Kazuichi blinked, taken aback by the anger in the other’s voice. Maybe he took it too far. “Kuzu…” He closed the distance, pulling at his fingers. “I don’t mean it in a bad way- I genuinely think it’s endearing!”
“Yeah well, I don’t! A Yakuza can’t be cute!” Fuyuhiko snapped, though his voice was starting to lose the initial sharpness, replaced with insecurity. “I..can’t be cute. Not now. Not ever.”
“Oh Kuzu…” Kazuichi ducked his head, voice dripping with guilt. “I’m sorry. I don’t mean anything bad, I just- I love it when you get excited about things. It’s really nice seeing more of you shine through instead of just what your talent and family expect you to be.” He hesitantly reached out once more, putting a hand on the other’s shoulder. “Forgive me?”
Fuyuhiko didn’t respond right away, but when he did he let out a sigh and leaned into the other’s touch. “Fine. I…guess I was acting kinda silly over the whole thing.” Kazuichi felt his chest loosen. “I forgive you…after this!”
The mechanic had no time to react before Kazuichi whirled, hands finding the other’s ribs and kneading in, making him arch with a squeal. “Kuhuhuhuhuhuhuhzuuhuhuhuhu!”
“Oh, is someone ticklish?” Fuyuhiko grinned evilly, a warmth entering his voice as the taller boy squealed. “Good, time to remind you who the real cute one is!”
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ibuki-says · 3 years
Kazuichi discovering that Ibuki actually has an absolutely beautiful singing voice
oh yay, soudabuki!! i just recently realized i've only written one soudabuki fic so far which is honestly a crime
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Pairing: Kazuichi Souda x Ibuki Mioda
Rating: PG-13 - Cursing and mentions of death
Word Count: 1,611
Spoilers: Spoilers for up to chapter two of Danganronpa: Goodbye Despair
One of the few things that could keep Kazuichi’s mind occupied was tinkering with something. That’s always been true for him. Given everything that’s happened so far, it was natural to want to just take some time to forget about it. There’s already been four deaths in their relatively small group of sixteen. Well, five deaths if you counted Nekomaru getting blown up by Monokuma. The bear said he’d try to heal him but Kazuichi wouldn’t take anything that fucking thing says seriously. Sure, Fuyuhiko was healing up okay, but was there even anything left of Nekomaru to fix?! Kazuichi groaned loudly in frustration, opting to focus once again on his current project. See, this is what happens when he allows himself to get lost in his thoughts instead of tinkering.
Kazuichi ended up catching up with Ibuki after her concert that had been unfortunately cut short due to all of the…excitement at the beach. The rockstar was so disheartened about not being able to finish her songs that somehow the conversation ended with the mechanic offering to modify her guitar, adding some sick enhancements to hopefully lift her spirits a bit. It wasn’t much, but he supposed he could use his talent for some good. Though he winced as his mind wandered back to said performance that he couldn’t help but be somewhat glad got cut short. Kazuichi thought Ibuki was super cool and she was a good friend but man. He swore he could still hear a dull ringing in his ears from the intense music. He guessed it just wasn’t for him, but it seemed that Hiyoko had been the only one who actively enjoyed the music. Hell, even Gundham, who he would’ve assumed would be all over that dark, metal stuff didn’t like it. Not that Ibuki needed to know that listening to her music was bordering on physically painful for him, though he was slightly dreading the next time she offers to play for them. He couldn’t help but feel a pang of guilt as he thought that. Ibuki was just trying to make everyone happy in the way that she knows how…the same way he was attempting to do for her. With all of the death and despair, it was actually somewhat of a miracle that she was even able to stay so chipper and upbeat. Annnnd now he was thinking about the deaths of his friends again and likely how soon the killing was going to begin again.
Fuck… Kazuichi thought to himself. He got too deep into his thoughts again. He glanced over the musician’s guitar he so delicately held in his hands. This was likely her most prized possession, he hadn’t even considered the implications of allowing him to tinker with it until this moment. He felt his heart speed up just a tad at this thought, turning over the object to study it with a new eye. It was clearly loved, obvious signs of use and just natural wear and tear from over time. A soft smile crept onto his expression, absentmindedly strumming the instrument. However, he cringed when the sound produced was off-key and incredibly dissonant. “Nope, not doing that again.” He muttered. Feeling the weight of the sentimentality of this object on his shoulders, Kazuichi suddenly felt struck with uncertainty. Sure, he was confident in his mechanic abilities, but he also didn’t want to unintentionally mess something up with her beloved guitar. It also hit him that he didn’t remember the modifications she specifically wanted for her guitar. It was a long conversation after a night of heavy emotions, his mind had been absolutely muddled. Taking one last glance at the guitar, he resolved to suck it up and go talk to Ibuki about it. Standing up and stretching himself out of his awkward tinkering position, he gently placed the instrument back in its case and made his way over to the musician’s cottage.
Rehearsing what he wanted to say the whole way there, Kazuichi hesitantly approached the door of Ibuki’s cottage. “Hey, Ibuki??” He blurted out through the door, pausing for a moment to listen for a response. He could hear a muffled voice from inside. At the risk of looking like a total weirdo to anyone that passed by him, he pressed his ear up against the door to listen better. Ibuki was…singing? It was totally different from her songs performed at the music venue. It wasn’t as harsh or intense, and without the loud shredding of the guitar, he was actually able to hear her voice a lot clearer. It was…really pretty. A stark difference between her screaming along to her other songs. He listened for a tad longer before feeling himself practically snapping out of a trance and remembering what he was there for. He knocked on the door, calling out to her again. “Hey! Ibuki!” He could hear the singing abruptly stop, followed quickly by the door swinging open. He could see Ibuki’s face instantly brighten seeing that it was him.
“Kazuichi! Hey!! What’s up?? Ibuki was just thinking about you!” Ibuki spoke as quickly and disjointed as usual as she practically pulled him into her cottage. Kazuichi felt slightly off balance, taking extra caution to make sure to hold on tight to the guitar case. As she turned back to him after shutting her door, Kazuichi couldn’t help but notice her face was slightly flushed. “Uhhh, how long were you standing there? Hopefully not long! Or else it’d be weird! If I described it as a song title, it’d be: Mechanic Standing Outside the Door and Waiting For Nothing to Happen!” Ibuki let out what seemed to be a louder and more forced laugh than usual. Kazuichi shrugged, holding out the guitar case.
“Just wanted to confirm what kinda modifications you wanted for the guitar. Didn’t wanna do anything without your explicit okay, I guess.” Kazuichi explained, put off a tad with how Ibuki was acting. Was she that caught off guard by his arrival? Ibuki nodded rapidly, taking the precious instrument.
“Huh…yeah, I guess Ibuki never actually said! There was just so much going on… I’ll have to think about it!!” She took the guitar out of the case, strumming it and wincing slightly at the sound. She tutted and sat on her bed to begin fiddling with the strings. There was a beat of silence between them as she did so, an awkward feeling arising in his stomach. God, was it just him or was this the worst, most awkward silence ever?
“You have a really nice voice.” Kazuichi blurted out, and the way Ibuki’s head snapped up in surprise made him wish that he didn’t.
“You heard that!? Yeah, of course you heard that…” Ibuki muttered, looking back down at her guitar so her hair was covering her face.
“Sorry!! It wasn’t on purpose…mostly. It just sounded really pretty so I didn’t know if it was actually you or-” Way to keep digging your grave even deeper, Souda, he thought to himself as he tripped over his words. Ibuki finally looked back up after a moment and shrugged.
“No, it’s okay. Ibuki’s just not really used to other people hearing her sing like that anymore. The last time I sang like that was with… It was with my old band.” Ibuki’s voice barely reached a whisper by the time she was done speaking, holding her guitar tight like a lifeline. Kazuichi hesitated for a moment before deciding to sit beside her. “I mean, it’s a good thing I left, I wasn’t happy there and being restricted to solely one genre of music definitely isn’t my style. But I dunno, it was my first band, I can’t help but miss it sometimes.” She sighed, allowing herself to lean into Kazuichi who proceeded to wrap an arm around her for comfort.
“Well, I mean, I’m not a musician so I may have no idea what I’m talking about, like, you left to be able to do the music that you want to do, right? So, whatever kinda music you wanna make is what matters. It’s okay to miss it, it was probably a big part of your development as a musician, yknow? Or maybe you don’t, sorry, I don’t know…” Kazuichi trailed off, beginning to feel self-conscious about his words. He was never super great at this pep talk thing. To his surprise, he felt Ibuki let out a quiet sniffle and nod.
“No, that makes sense. Ibuki gets what you’re saying.” She giggled gently before sitting back up suddenly. “Oooooo, yeah!! Ibuki’s getting some inspiration!!” She cheered, reaching for a notebook that was laying on her bed and making some messy scribbles. Kazuichi grinned at her, the clear excitement practically radiating off the musician was incredibly infectious.
“Alright! Should I leave you to it, then?” He asked, mostly rhetorically, already getting up and about to head towards the door. However, he didn’t get very far before feeling a hand grab at his wrist.
“No, no!! I’ve got too many ideas for what we can do with my guitar to make it so totally awesome!! I need you here!!” She exclaimed, showing him the messy sketch in her notebook that depicted her on stage with a clearly upgraded version of her guitar that was now shooting fire…? But still he relented, sitting back down to discuss some guitar modifications to the newly invigorated Ibuki. He couldn’t help but be excited, the two of them using their talents to boost morale for the rest of their group. Hopefully it’ll be enough to keep them positive, at least until they got out of there.
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sanseru · 4 years
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Finally back from my short break. I'll still likely be a bit on and off but I've been really excited about a Danganronpa AU idea I had. Essentially, it's all set in the future. Half of the cast are now androids and the other are humans. I actually wrote out fics for each of the characters I drew there but I'm going to post the stories separately as I draw a proper picture for them. These are just the designs I thought would fit them. Also, heres brief summaries explaining my ideas for each character:
Kyoko Kirigiri is a detective android, one of a kind. She's trying to solve a series of murders involving androids.
Makoto Naegi is purely human, and a fairly average gas station worker. He ends up getting dragged into the murder case with Kyoko.
Mondo Owada is a human and second in command of a biker gang (his brother is still alive). His gang is very anti android. Also I know I completely upended his design but the pompadour just didnt feel like it fit with the time period and neither did the type of trench coat.
Kiyotaka Ishimaru is a police android. Hes actually a fairly common model and most officer androids are Kiyotakas. He ends up stuck with Mondo after getting caught up in a gang war and captured.
Gundham Tanaka is a rogue android. Before he was Gundham, he was a mindless slave to his past owner. When he was outdated, he was discarded and broken.
Kazuichi Souda is an undercover android mechanic working with the resistance. Hes a professional at deactivating the restrictions on androids and making repairs to broken ones. He finds Gundham and brings him back to his workshop to fix. After that, Gundham refuses to ever leave Kazuichis side.
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rosewatergender · 3 years
They have heard the phrase: "The heart of a man is reached through food"Souda does and starts cooking for Tanaka, he accepts it even though it tastes bad but he is used to it and does not want to see Souda cry, the mechanic is excited starting To do it daily improving in a few months, he was going to make Tanaka fall in love in that way of course if his food didn't kill him first.
gundham has picked up this tolerance for bad food and not wanting to make them cry from his mother! it's mentioned in his backstory:
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kazuichi is a pretty stubborn- they don't want to look it up and want to figure it out on their own. gundham, because of his mom, has a stomach of steel. he was learned to ignore the taste. but he does appreciate the effort that was put in.
as time goes on, kazuichi gets a lot better at cooking- even picking it up as a hobby to do when he's not working on machines. gundham is happy to see that,, no more having to lie to his spouse in order to keep him from crying.
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sdr2lovemail · 3 years
“I can’t believe you told them you were my fiancé.” - with Kazuichi and his S/O? If the request needs to be more detailed, I'll be sure to provide more stuff.
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Oh my first request. I am very excited! I hope you enjoy what I have written dear Anon.
⚔Mod Peko⚔
“I can’t believe you told them you were my fiancé.” (ft. Kazuichi Souda)
You were a third year at Hope’s Peak Academy. Going to such a prestigious school and having an ultimate talent meant that you’d be followed by paparazzi. The school had tried to keep it under control, threatening them with legal action. Though that never really stopped them. The paparazzi however stayed clear of some students due to their talents, like Fuyuhiko or Mondo from the class under you. However, you and Kazuichi weren’t as lucky.
“Gah! We can’t even walk to school without these jerks swarming us! It pisses me off!” Your friend Kazuichi, though he had wished to be more, was always very open with his hatred towards the flashing cameras and microphones. And lately the reporters have gotten harsher since Hope’s Peak’s prom season has started. They wanted all the details on who was going with who. Would the pop idol Maizono go with that boring lucky guy in her class? Could the ultimate gamer and the ultimate gymnast have a secret relationship together? Could these obnoxious reporters get this camera out of your face?
“Hey! Hey! Ultimates over here!” Oh great, another reporter. “Who will you two be going to the prom with?” From behind, Kazuichi had grabbed onto your shoulders to make you walk faster. Even though the two of you weren’t dating, it still made him jealous to even think that you would go to prom with someone else. “Excuse me [Name], would you happen to be taking Ms. Owari to the prom? We had spotted you at a mall with her the other day!” Okay that's it, Kazuichi has had enough.
“No they won’t be going to the prom with Akane! They're going with me cuz they’re my fiance!” A brief pause was in the air before the paparazzi went wild. Question after question was being fired at the two of you. Thankfully, the two of you had reached the gate of the school. Quickly running into the building, where the reporters were not allowed in, you had turned to kazuichi with an upset look.
“I can’t believe you told them you were my fiancé. They weren’t leaving us alone before now they really won’t now.” A blush had run over the mechanic’s face as he pulled his beanie over his eyes. Man he really messed up, now you might not want to go to the prom with him even as friends. “I know, I’m sorry! I thought it would’ve made them leave us alone. But I realize now that was a big stupid idea.” Kazuichi grumbled. “Though….I wouldn’t mind being your fiance..” He let out a nervous laugh at the end of his sentence. “And I understand if you don’t want to talk to me after thi-”
You let out a sigh interrupting his sentence. “I mean I guess we can go together, but you have to pay for my ticket and food. As an apology for what you said to the reporters.” You smiled at Kazuichi. You weren’t really mad at him, just a bit peeved as you would be getting even less privacy as you do now.
With a sparkle in his eye, Kazuichi grabbed onto your hands, a wide smile on his face. “You mean it? I’ve dreamed of this day for so long!” The mechanic started pulling you down the hallway. “Cmon. We could stop by the first year hall and ask that cosplayer chick for some disguises so we could go prom shopping!”
While Kazuichi might've been an idiot with a big mouth, he was your idiot with a big mouth.
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miodas-dr-imagines · 4 years
Rantaro, Kazuichi, and Kiyotaka with a quiet s/o
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No worries, moja nada! Requests never bother me, they’re pretty much this blog’s life force. I hope you stay safe as well. :>
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-Mod Ibuki <3
❈ Rantaro Amami ❈
He doesn’t mind your quietness.
Heck, he isn’t particularly loud himself.
Rantaro loves how you don’t even have to say anything to let him know that you love him.
He supposes that’s just how you are.
And when you do speak, you always say the sweetest things.
He adores it when you say, “I love you.”
❈ Kazuichi Souda ❈
He can get talkative sometimes. Especially when he’s excited.
It’s a good contrast to your chill behavior. You two are like complimentary colors.
Plus, your little Sodapop is super endearing.
You listen to him infodump about things he’s working on.
You barely understand all of his mechanic jargon, but you like seeing him smile, so you pay close attention to what he has to say.
You’re better at listening than speaking, anyway.
❈ Kiyotaka Ishimaru ❈
He secretly worries a lot.
Is he too enthusiastic for you?
On the contrary, you insist. He’s got just the right amount of energy for you.
You don’t speak often, but when you do, you make sure to remind Taka that you love him.
And he’s so, so grateful that you do.
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austajunk · 3 years
My bestie and I just got into Souda X Nagito and love it
So like headcanon
Souda being really nervous with kissing at first cause of his teeth cause he doesn’t want to hurt Nagito. And Nagito is like “just kiss me it’s fine”
They’ve had a few moments with Souda grazing him, but after some time and practice Souda gets more comfortable and confident to kiss him without hurting him. (Also Souda gets excited cause he’s happy and has to hold back from nipping at him)
Also Souda being like trying to take the lead but Nagito takes the lead and Souda is like “HUH?!” While Nagito just laughs at how clueless and dorky Souda’s surprise face is.
Also Souda patching up Nagito’s jacket (since Souda knows how to sew )
)I’m sorry I rambled I just also need more content of them)
Well, if you’d like more content, would you mind me using your wonderful headcanons as a little prompt for a small fic? :)
I get the feeling Kazuichi’s insecurities require him to need lots of reassurance from Nagito and it’s the cutest thought to me.
Nagito sprung back off of his partner, his pale fingers immediately wandering to her bottom lip. A wound had broken through his skin and the slightest bit of swelling had occurred before a little warm trickle of blood seeped out.
“Hehe… you got me,” the Ultimate Luckster said, his cheeks flushing a pink tint. His thumb wiped away the drop of blood, but his cheeky smile faded as soon as he saw the look of horror and disbelief on his favorite mechanic’s face.
“I…” Kazuichi stammered. His eyes swerved between Nagito and the bed before he settled on the white covers to hide the shame on his face. “I’m sorry-! I c-can’t do this!”
“Hm?” Nagito tilted his head.
“Every time I try, I just wind up hurting you! I feel so stupid!” The mechanic tugged on his beanie, trying to shut out the world around him. This was so embarrassing. Why did he have to change his appearance so drastically when he was younger? Now all these stupid teeth did was get in the way right at the very second he started to feel comfortable with letting someone else touch him!
“You think this hurts…?” Nagito’s voice made Kazuichi lift his head slightly. “Well… I guess it kind of hurts. But I like it.”
“What?! No way! You can’t like me constantly accidentally biting you…I feel like I’m gonna just lose control…” Kazuichi sniffled, rubbing his eyes.
Nagito put up both of his hands, smiling despite the pain of the wound on his lips stretching a bit. “No. I actually think it’s cute.” He inched closer to the mechanic. “All of this… your entire look, your teeth… you really were trying to protect yourself from everything, weren’t you?”
Kazuichi didn’t respond to that, so Nagito continued as he slipped his hand inside his. “When I think about everything you did to keep yourself safe, I can’t help but to find it… cute.”
“I’m not s-supposed to be scared,” said Kazuichi, shaking his head. “It’s not supposed to be like this-ah!”
He was cut off by a swift kiss from the Luckster. It was brief, just a quick peck to the lips. But the mechanic felt like fire was surfacing to his face as soon as their lips touched. He fell back and shuddered. “H-Hey! Come on! You can’t just sneak it on me l-like that!”
Before he realized it, Nagito was already above him, locking his legs at Kazuichi’s side to keep him from escaping. Their eyes were upon one another, but Kazuichi couldn’t help but to look at the bite mark on his lip and wince. Still, Nagito’s hand stayed firm inside his.
“But I want to keep kissing you. All over. I want to kiss you again and again until you stop being afraid…” Nagito chuckled, his wispy strands of hair tickling Kazuichi’s neck as he pulled in close.
“Nagito… c-come on…” Kazuichi averted his eyes and rubbed the back his neck. But he didn’t pull away.
“Eventually, you’ll just get used to it. You have to if I refuse to stop kissing you.”
“Ughhh!” The pink-haired boy groaned. “You’re so annoying! I’m trying to protect you from my stupid teeth, you know-anghhhh…”
Nagito saw his chance and took it, practically slamming his forehead against Kazuichi’s to kiss him fiercely. Before the mechanic could close his mouth on instinct, Nagito jammed his tongue inside and forced a nervous shudder to break through Kazuichi’s body again. But his jaw wouldn’t dare close while Nagito played around, running his tongue daringly across each and every single tooth inside his mouth. He planted his hand on Kazuichi’s collar and pulled him deeper into the kiss, smirking against his lips when Kazuichi did not resist. They played their tongues together and kissed over and over until the oxygen was too depleted. Then they parted and fell back, gasping in unison to breathe. Only a thin strand of saliva hung in between their lips as the silence lasted a few moments interspersed with some intense staring.
“Y…You really suck…” Kazuichi whimpered, wiping his mouth.
“But you didn’t hurt me,” said Nagito brightly. He pulled back and wiped his mouth as well.
“Yeah… Yeah. Um…” Kazuichi looked as though he were about to pout or object in some way. But instead, he sighed and said, “Thanks. Just… thanks.”
“Of course.” The pale-haired boy tilted his head again and thought for a moment. “If it helps, I’ve actually been dreaming about you biting down on my neck and shoulder as a punishment—“
“Gah! Why are you so weird?! Come on!”
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forbidding-souda · 4 years
Hey! May I ask for Saihara, Kokichi, Rantaro, Kaito, Korekiyo, Souda, and Fuyuhiko with SO, who's Ultimate Memory? Like, they clearly remember everything they saw, heard, felt? Also, I adore your writing, keep on✊
Shuichi Saihara, Kokichi Ouma, Rantarou Amami, Kaito Momota, Korekiyo Shinguuji, Kazuichi Souda, and Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu with SHSL Memory S/O
I love buzzed out talents like this oh my god like somewhere in my memory I know that one of my mutuals has a SHSL daydream ultimate and I just ugh YES ya’ll with the creativity.
-Mod Souda
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Shuichi Saihara
He is absolutely impressed - though not surprised - at how capable you are at assisting him.
His memory is good, as well. It kinda needs to be. But the way you remember even full conversations or just the texture of the first victims' shirt is something inhumane.
It’s admirable. Adorably so. The talent - ability - is the thing that brought him closer to you, and it made him feel like Kaito at times. Before, he thought of you as a sidekick, but now he’s sure you are the main character.
Especially with how nice you are considering how egotistical you could be.
The moments outside of investigation is where most of his memories with you hold. He has taught you a lot of things about what it’s like to be with another person, what it means to be kind and considerate.
He continues to teach you all the time. Not through lessons; not through words. Just by the way he holds you at night and the astonishing feeling that overcomes your entire body as he kisses you.
Every part of you lives to experience that feeling again. You used to live in a world where everything was predictable. You already knew how things felt. You already knew what people would say. 
But this feeling.
You would kill to feel it again.
Kokichi Ouma
It’s a bit amusing to him for you to point out deception things he’s said.
“Well, that's not true, you said this a few weeks ago when you thought I was sleeping.”
This is embarrassing, and something that makes it better is how you don’t even realize that you are calling him out in front of other people. You just think you’re reminding him.
He tries not to let it bother his plans, because as much as it flusters him, he likes it enough to think it’s cute.
Your obliviousness inconveniences him and he loves you for that.
It’s nice to think that you actually listen to what he says. Of course, your memory isn’t selective. so it’s not like you are choosing to cling onto his sentences.
It’s a useful thing, though. If he ever needed an alibi or anything.
Just an Ultimate holding another from strings, making them dance whenever he wants.
He has to be a nuisance. It’s mandatory for his role. Because if he doesn’t, it puts you in danger.
Rantarou Amami
He continues asking you questions, even if he already knows the answer. 
It just fills him with happiness to hear you talk so proudly about something.
Because you always know the answer for sure.
It’s like there’s no getting lost with you because you memorize the map.
Slightly amusing when he tries to test you on random knowledge, trying to stump you. 
“Rantarou, my love, you already told me this fact three days before our first kiss!” 
Damn, his blabbermouth. His loss makes him laugh every time.
Meeting you feels like an intense string of luck. Like encountering an angel.
He thinks about that every time you sleep. He’ll sit up, looking down at your calm face. What’s going on in that bubblegum mind of yours?
And then he’ll rest his head on your chest to listen to your heartbeat as he sleeps.
Kaito Momota
The best thing you do is tell him that he’s not an idiot.
Any of his tiny accomplishments follows with your big ounce of support.
Continuing with that idea, in trials, you draw the pieces in for him to get to the conclusion. If Saihara is having trouble, you can easily butt in and pave the way for Kaito.
It’s the lack of urgency in your tone that lets the detective understand your plan.
Whenever a group collects together, he’ll make sure no one says a word without you present. He claims it’s because you are almost their version of a stenographer.
Truthfully, he doesn’t want you to be left out.
He thinks of you all the time. It’s rather sweet. Sickeningly so.
Even though he thinks of you as way more advanced than him, he still goes out of his way to put a barrier between you and Ouma’s probing.
It annoys him more than it annoys you.
Sometimes he wonders if you can ever love someone like him.
But every time your attention falls on him, he can see you perk up. The bright smile, the way your eyes widen, how your fingers reach out to grab his.
It’s quite adorable.
Korekiyo Shinguuji
The amount of mistakes the two of you make is less than a handful. The two of your are never uncomfortable with each other. He knows your boundaries and you have his memorized.
He finds comfort when he is alone with you.
Your mind is beautiful, insanely so, but he is not more in love with it than he is in love with you.
Your normalcy, that preserved in your otherworldly mind, is more prominent when his eyes are the only ones on you.
You can just smile like everyone else without a second thought.
It’s something familiar to you throughout your world of regret and learning.
Though, with him always sharing his knowledge on something, the learning part of your life is actually a lot more fun.
Filling your brain with anthropology facts will be a lot of fun for later on in life.
You are like a ray of sunshine to him. He has no issues when he sleeps in your grasp. 
Especially when you run your fingers through his hair.
He just loves it whenever you are kind enough to show him all of your gratitude.
Kazuichi Souda
Whenever you come home, you are all that matters to him, and all of his attention will drift onto you.
Your days are always way more exciting than his! And he wants to hear all about the important people you meet and what you do with your Ultimate.
Though, you are happily willing to let him rant about all the cool things he has done in your absence.
Mechanics soothe his anxiety, and since recently, has soothed his loneliness too.
If there’s one thing you know, it’s that he needs to know you’re safe in order to feel comfortable with his position as boyfriend.
Even when close proximity flustered him beyond belief, it’s better than you being away from him.
He refuses to get into arguments with you. It’s obvious he’s going to lose.
Doesn’t even try.
Like the dork he is, he will sing to you whenever he’s happy. Like, if you’re cooking for something, he’ll sing a song. It’s a game to see if you can recognize the song or not.
“You’ve sang that song to me before but the notes were very different.”
“Hey... you don’t have to word it like that.”
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu
Goes out of his way to make sure his family doesn’t use your ability for their benefit.
To be honest, he thought of it, too. But he’s going to separate you and his work. You don’t deserve to be put through that.
Not with everything he’s seen.
Something he does ‘use’ you for is your memorization of license plate numbers. It lets him know if there are any repeating cars he should look out for when on public dates with you.
And sure he is gentle with you, uses kind words, and lets you touch him more than anyone on this planet, but that does not mean he can deal with your constant correcting of him.
It’s like in Falsettos- “We’ve been together for nine months. “Ten months.” “NINE MONTHS.” “Ten months.”
Does not take your patience when he tries to remember things.
“I know you know it, just tell it to me!”
“What’s the fun in that?”
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soulsxunbound · 3 years
Tag drop pt.1
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Late Valentines
Miu grinned as she put the finishing touches on her valentines gift for her favourite mechanic. A lazy grin settled on her face as she nodded before walking to his garage, her confident facade melting away as she saw him working. “H-hey! S-S-Souda… erm… I… m-made you something” she huffed, offering him up the box of chocolates, pack of condoms and something that looked like a watch. Instead of times, however, it had inches on “Y-you can change the size of your dick to be any size you want once you put it on.”
Souda looked up from his project as heard Miu’s voice from behind him. “Miu! I wasn’t expecting to see you by today!” He wiped his hands free of oil before turning to face the inventor. Upon seeing the gifts in her hands. The mechanic smiled upon seeing the chocolate. The other items, however… were questionable. When he heard the explanation of the watch his eyes widened.
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“Do… Do I even want to ask HOW that is possible…”
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percybeloved · 3 years
“So Good, puppy” Hajime Hinata x Male Reader
Note: Pretty happy with this one tbh. Unedited because editing is a bitch. Might edit it in the future though.
Word Count: 1813
Contains: NSFW content, lingerie, the petname “puppy”, rimming, riding, fingerfucking, handjob, photo shoot turned sex session, breeding kink, belly bulging
It was a nice day. Wasn't too cold, wasn't too warm. M/N L/N, the Ultimate Cupid, had woke up late and quickly got dressed. He had sometime to spare before he grabbed some dinner so he shook his head, trying to figure out how to spend his extra time.  M/N decided to leave his cabin and go on a small stroll. Whilst on his walk, he went into deep thought. Mostly about his Ultimate and why he could never fall in love. Well, That wasn't ENTIRELY true. He was infatuated with one person. And that was Hajime Hinata. The way his eyes lit up during trials absolutely hypnotized him. The way he closed his eyes and scratched his cheek a little when he talked to M/N never failed to make him smile, even if its just a little bit.
"HEY, M/N!!!" M/N is quickly thrown out of his thoughts of his "lover" by no other than Kazuichi Souda. "Oh, Hey, Kaz" M/N said with a small smile accompanied by a nod. "What are you up to today?" the Ultimate Mechanic said with a toothy smile as he started to follow M/N. "Nothing Much! Just trying to kill time before dinner, heh" M/N continued to listen to Kazuichi's rambling as they walked around the beach. They both then heard a feminine voice call out for Kazuichi. "Oh, That must be Ibuki" he mumbled to himself, just loud enough for M/N to hear.
"Welp, Catch ya later, bud!" the pink haired boy said with another grin. M/N returned the gesture and waved as Kazuichi made his way to Ibuki's voice. M/N looked down at his watch and noticed that he still had about 2 hours to spare. "Maybe I should spend sometime with Usami..." He said to himself whilst pulling at his ear, a small habit he picked up from Mahiru. The red haired girl suddenly came to mind. "We did make plans to take pictures... well, specifically her teaching me " M/N mumbled as he started to walk towards her cabin. As he got closer to the door, he noticed Peko and Mikan walking together while chatting about something he couldn't hear. He called out for them and greeted them with a wave. Peko returned the gesture while Mikan just smiled bashfully back.
M/N knocked a few times before hearing voices behind the door. The door opened to reveal Mahiru holding her camera. "Heyo, L/N! Hinata is already here so let's get started!" She said. It almost looked as if there were stars in her eyes. M/N paused for a second. "Wait" he said in disbelief. "HAJIME? why is he here?" As if like a mother, Mahiru whipped around and started to scowl him. "L/N! I already explained to you I had a shoot with Hinata today!" She started, her finger pointed and directed towards M/N. "You said you were okay with helping me! Now come on! I don't have all day, L/N!" A small huff came from her before she walked further into the room. On the floor sat Hajime. He didn't even notice that M/N had came in.
He was absolutely stunning. Instead of the white button up and jeans he usually wore, it was replaced with a blue lacy two piece. The top was a bralette that showed most of his nipples, leaving little to the imagination. Trailing down to the bottoms, he wore a pair of matching laced panties that could barely contain his cock. His legs were covered by a white sheet, but you could still see the white and blue laced stockings that covered his thighs. M/N stared in awe, but the other male was too busy readjusting his stocking to even notice M/N's gaze. Mahiru's voice startled Hajime from his thoughts. "Can we just go along with the photoshoot?" she said in a bit of a excited voice. Hajime's eyes met M/N as Mahiru continued to ramble about how this shoot will be perfect. "You look amazing" M/N said in awe. Hajime, on the other hand, just looked away as he blushed.
He did speak though, but saying only "Why do I have to do this perverted photoshoot?" The question was directed towards Mahiru, who quickly said, "You're the perfect candidate! I rarely take pictures of males, Hinata" she chirped. His eyes met M/N's again, this time he mouthed "That was one hell of a answer" with a small chuckle. Wait. Is that lip gloss on his lips? M/N was starting to imagine very ungodly things. Mostly, Hajime wrapping his tiny mouth on his cock and swallowing his length whilst the lip gloss started to smear on his pretty face. Someone was getting excited... M/n turned to Mahiru and said, "Let's start!" with a enthusiastic smile. The longer Hajime stays like this, the longer he'll have this boner.
They had taken many pictures of Hajime in various positions. Mahiru showed M/N the parts of the camera as he tried not to come in his pants by just looking at him. Hajime would sway his hips a little everytime M/N looked at him. The {h/c} boy would look away while blushing. About 1/6 through the session, A light knock was heard on the door. Mahiru rushed to it and opened it. She looked at Akane with a warm smile. Apparently, Akane needed help with something but couldn't ask Nekomaru for he was way too busy doing whatever the hell he was doing. Mahiru quickly told Hajime and M/N that she'd be back in a hour or so and that she wanted them to finish up for her. As she left, fear filled the gut of M/N's stomach. He turned around and met the hungry eyes of Hajime.
"It was for you" he said while looking deep into M/N's eyes. "All of it. I was gonna tell Mahiru to send the pictures to you" "But why? Why me?" The {h/c} boy quickly said. "Everyone and their mother knows you're in love with me. Its obvious. I just wanted to treat you" He said with a smirk. He crawled over to the chair that M/N had sat down in. "But since you're here, I'll just treat you now" He reached up and grabbed a fistful of M/N's hair before pulling him down into a opened mouth kiss. Both of them sucked at each others tongues whilst in the kiss.  "You taste amazing" M/N said as he kissed the side of Hajime's cheek. "Stand Up, love" Hajime scrambled to stand up, as he was still drunk from the kiss. "You're so pretty" he said to his now lover as he leaned in and kissed him again. He pulled back and whispered, "i want you to breed me, baby" M/N's fingers quickly danced over Hajime's body, groping at his still covered chest.
He placed open mouthed kisses on Hajime's stomach as he leaned over the boy. "Lets lie down, please." A voice quickly invaded his senses. He picked his brown haired lover up and gently laid him down on the sheets that were previously used as props for the shoot. He began to undress himself and gave Hajime a smiled before stripping down to his boxers. "Baby please" he started to whine "it hurts so much. Please touch me" M/N hurried to slot himself inbetween his lovers legs before running his hands up and down the body in front of him. "Ok, darling. Let me relieve the pain" he was met with happy and almost intoxicating giggles. He began to rub his lover through the small piece of lingerie that covered him. Dick already hard and standing proud, M/N started to get him off. Hajime's giggles turned into moans and groans as the {e/c} boy fisted his cock. "So good, puppy. Keep going"
M/N was taken back by the nickname but to hear it more. He stopped getting Hajime off and quickly put his fingers into his mouth. "Darling, I have to prepare you" He started moving his hand again as Hajime wetted his fingers. He slowly pulled them away and ceased all motion. He started at Hajime, who was blushing and covered in saliva and tears. He lowered himself down to meet the now almost soaked under wear the he wore. M/N bunched the fabric to the side to reveal a small, pink, twitching hole. He began to lap at it before inserting his tounge. Hajime released beautiful moans and groans at the sudden feeling. M/N inserted a wet finger into said hole. One turned into two and two turned into M/N's cock. "Wait" Hajime said, making M/N freeze as he was taking off his boxers that were doused in precum. "I wanna ride you baby" He said with a small smirk. "Please do" M/N said, his words trailing off and turning into a moan.
Hajime flipped them over and slowly lower himself on the thick cock underneath him. "M/N, You feel so good inside me" When he finally got settled, he started to move. "Let me jerk your cock, baby" M/N said as he began to get his lover off again. Hajime was rambling things along the lines of "so so good" and "let me cum" M/N already felt close but held his own orgasm untill the brown haired boy was finished fucking himself on his cock. "Such a good little puppy" Hajime moaned as he continued to bounce on M/N's cock. "Are you close? Please fill me with your cum, Please baby, please" This time he was crying. His moans, whimpers and cries drowned out M/N's groans. "Look, love. Your cock is so big, you can see it bulging out of me" He said with giggles. M/N looked down and the sight was almost murderous.
He came inside of Hajime, Right then and there, because of the sight. The feeling of being breeded made Hajime also come undone. He kept moving though, making both his and M/N's brains turn to mush. When he finally started to come to his senses, he saw a come covered M/N, and a ruined set of lingerie, but also came to the realization that they fucked on Mahiru's floor. "Fucking Hell" he muttered. "Hm?" his now sleepy lover said while trying to help clean the come off of him, using the silk white sheets. He gave him a smile and kissed him before saying, "Nothing, doll. Don't worry about it"
They quickly cleaned up, trying to erase any evidence that they had did anything they weren't suppose to. They also took this as a opportunity to go to Hajime's cabin and hold each other. "You don't understand how in love with you I am" M/N whispered as Hajime laid on his chest, already half way asleep. With a sleepy smile, the other boy replied with "I love you so much more"
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