#The boy with the headphones // Neku Sakuraba
dehliadelights · 20 days
Emotion Edge. Unfinished WIP.
Sakuraba Neku has always been an outsider in his home, his community, his school. Perhaps that was to be expected, given the fact he lives in the Shibuya district of Tokyo. It was scary, a lot of the time. People everywhere, doing so many things at once, everyone trying to get their shit done and over with.
Sakuraba wishes, beyond anything else, that he could just disappear.
Okay, okay, don't get him wrong, it wasn't due to being suicidal, or being quirky. The fact was, Sakuraba Neku never really had connections of any type. His parents were usually gone, he didn't connect with his peers and classmates due to his lack of social awareness, and the fact that he was born female but referred to himself as "he" and "male" always made people weary around him.
Gender and sexualities were always seem more as a mental disorder in Japan. A matter of wondering whether a child was searching for attention or not.
Sakuraba hated being treated like a freak, or an outaider due to his identity. It didn't help that he never made a good impression on his classmates, or the fact that his parents were never around to check up and care for him, or even the fact that he made it clear that the only person be needed in this life was himself.
The only things he needed in life were his hand-me-down MP3 player and his headphones.
Maybe it was alright if Sakuraba was completely alone in life, maybe it was fine that he couldn't rely on any other person for comfort. He had his music, he could drown out the world he was living in. That way, nobody could ever hurt him. He would never have to be like his parents, living in a loveless marriage, working themselves to the bone in dead-end jobs.
Sakuraba had never wanted for anything in his life. He had exactly what he needed to be happy. He spent so much time listening to English-speaking singers that he couldn't pronounce the names of, listening to music that he never understood, but just felt like he did.
Amgry, mostly. Angry, alone, isolated, ignored. Rejected by society.
Sakuraba, loath to admit it, was lonely.
He spends so much time hidden in a corner, his ears covered, not wanting to listen to the happy chatter of friends around him, because he never could partake.
But that changes.
"My name is... uh... Kiryu Yoshiya," Spoke a hesitant boy, his platinum blond hair framing his face. The hesitance of being surrounded by unfamiliar faces all staring at you was clear on his face, making him recoil ever so slightly.
Loath to admit this, either, but Sakuraba was immediately enthrawled by this boy, so much so that he brushes off his headphones, turning the volume down so his peers couldn't hear the aggressive music pumping through his ears, when he couldn't be bothered to listen to whatever his teacher was saying because he knew he'd pass the exam anyways.
Kiryu's violet eyes locked wth Sakuraba's, and in that moment, his whole world shatters. He was so... He didn't know how to describe it. The pretty way Kiryu's hair fell around his face, sheltering his pale skin, was practically ethereal.
"Now, would someone like to show Kiryu around the school?" Inquired Yurri-Sensei, her cool blue eyes scanning the room.
For the first time in his life, Sakuraba's hand shot up into the air. His eyes were wide open, bottom lip trembling. Why was he... sticking his neck out because of this boy? Why did his heart begin to race, as his headphones sat uncomfortably around his neck? What made Kiryu so different?
The way he held himself, so nervously, and yet, with so much self-pride. The way his lashes fluttered as he blinked over at Sakuraba, confused and yet, intrigued.
"Oh, are you sure, Sakuraba?" Yurri questions, head tilting to the side, "You usually prefer to not interact with others..." But after a few moments, her gaze turning towards Kiryu again. "Then it's settled, Sakuraba will show you around. Just be aware, she is not the most social of your new classmates."
"That's alright, ma'am," Kiryu responds dismissively, eyeing up Sakuraba as he rises from his seat. It was like a staredown, curious as to which of them would give up first.
Kiryu had unfairly pretty eyes.
Reluctantly, Sakuraba drags his eyes away from Kiryu's, allowing the blond-haired boy to win this round of psychological warfare, but he knows the battle has just begun. Quick steps echo in the tension of the classroom, with his peers staring in complete shock, disbelief, maybe even awe. He tries to ignore the looks he's recieving, the attention he tries to avoid.
It's better then looking at Kiryu, though, so Sakuraba keeps glancing around the room. That stupid poster hanging up on the wall, or the way Noami's hair is messy, sticking up to make it look like she just rolled out of bed, or that stupid jacket Jun has tied around his waist because he couldn't wear it on school property because of the dress code.
"Alright, let's get this over with," Sakuraba sighs softly, his walls building quickly. He can't afford to have them broken, he can't afford to let his walls destroyed in front of his peers, when he's worked so hard to build them up in the first place.
The tension of silence hangs in the air as the two boys walk quickly through the halls, away from the eyes and the noise. Sakuraba's fingers twitch, moving up to grab ahold on his headphones, the plastic cold against his fingers.
"So, Miss Escort," Kiryu begins, and Sakuraba's head snaps to look over at the now smug boy, eyes wide at the comment, the name he was just referred to as, "Shall we head out now?"
"What do you mean?" Sakuraba questions curiously, eyes narrowing towards the blond-haired boy.
Kiryu hums, twirling a strand of his hair around his fingers, violet eyes locked on Sakuraba, "Well, I doubt that Ms. Yurri will expect us back anytime soon, so we could probably just do what we want during this 'tour'."
"Well, I'm not getting in trouble for ditching class," Sakuraba replies stubbornly...
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taruchinator · 1 year
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🌸 General Audiences
🌸 1.9k Words
🌸 For the @neshiki-zine!
“Neku…” Shiki spoke to herself in a whisper as she saw the spiky haired boy approach the duo with a greeting of his own. Everything about him was exactly as she remembered. All the from the purple headphones to the brand of Jupiter sneakers he sported everywhere. The only difference? A large smile plastered across his face, almost as if it had been present from the start, despite the brunette knowing what the boy was like when they first met. But of course, if there was anything that Shiki knew, it was to never judge a book by its cover. That was her mentality the moment she met Neku Sakuraba, and she was very happy to know that she had been right by trusting her gut.
Players of the UG! I come bearing a fic I wrote about a year ago for the Ever-Changing: Neshiki Zine! It was such a pleasure to get to work as both a mod and contributor + interacting with so many talented creators from the TWEWY fandom!
This story takes place in Shiki's POV and focuses on her mentality while heading to meet the gang in Hachiko for the first time.
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Beat's shouting was loud enough to force Shiki to open her eyes. The room felt cold as she lay there on the ground, trying to regain consciousness and adjusting her vision to the world around her. She could vaguely see blurry figures of her friends as they fought the large noise, but it wasn't until she caught sight of her previous partner that she realized the situation they were in.
After being controlled by the strange Reaper Pin in her pocket and forced to fight those she cared about, Shiki had been freed by Neku and was now in a battle against the Conductor for their lives, as well as those of everyone back in the RG.
And Neku was trying to go at it alone.
Beat, along with Rhyme in her noise form, were using psychs left and right to aid Neku against the large dragon-like monster that the Conductor had turned into, but there was little they could do against someone so powerful. Balls of fire and a tail swept and lunged against the siblings, knocking them back to the ground with a loud thud.
“B-Beat… R-Rhyme!” Shiki's voice could barely come out— hoarse as if she had been shouting for a long time and only now was she trying to speak again. She commanded her legs to lift her up, but they were not responding. None of her limbs seemed to want to cooperate with her.
“UGH!” A grunt quickly moved Shiki's attention away from the duo and over to her partner. Her eyes widened in fear.
Neku was severely injured based on the cuts and bruises alone, but the young seamstress could also see the hopelessness and almost defeated look that rested upon those blue orbs. The same orbs that had once held so much hatred for the world, and that one day displayed a kindness she had never seen before.
He turned to look at her as his body was being lifted from the ground by one of the noise's claws. And his expression immediately changed to the one he had given her back at the Underpass. Almost in an attempt of comfort, even though she didn't deserve it.
“Shiki… you're fine just being you…” With those final words to her, the monster that had taken everything from them lifted the teen up and prepared for the final blow.
Shiki couldn't move.
She couldn't scream.
She could only cry once she saw her dearest partner being swallowed whole into the depths of darkness, never to be seen again.
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A loud thud echoed through the brunette's bedroom as she landed on the floor with a grunt. She stared at the sheets covering the lower half of her body and then up at the bed, switching back and forth between them as she registered what happened.
“Another nightmare…” Shiki grumbled as she stood up and began making her bed, all the while realizing just how much she squirmed whenever she was sleeping. A ping from her phone caught her attention, and she quickly leaned toward the counter to see what it was. Her eyes widened.
Meet with the gang at Hachiko @ 10 A.M. Don't be late! :D
The message was displayed in bold letters on her phone's screen as an event scheduled for the day. Now that would explain the recurring dreams she'd been having all week. Shiki lowered her phone and took a look around the room, lost in her own thoughts.
It was exactly the way she left it before joining the Reaper's Game.
It almost seemed surreal how it had already been a week since they escaped that horrible nightmare and saved Shibuya from a destruction it's citizens never knew of, and probably never would. Shiki's family and friends in the RG had been both confused yet elated once they saw her again— alive and well.
And today was finally it. The day she promised to meet up with her new friends over the Hachiko statue in the RG for the very first time.
The brunette checked the clock on her nightstand. Still another thirty minutes to go. “More than enough time to get ready…” Shiki contemplated as she headed for her closet.
It was probably the first time in forever since she couldn't decide what to wear. She would usually choose her outfits based on a variety of factors— anything from her mood, to the weather, to the occasion— but no matter how much she turned the closet inside and out, all her clothes seemed to be too bland. Too basic.
In the end, she finally came up with something decent— A black sleeveless shirt that would be covered by a green sweater, accompanied with a light green leaf-patterned skirt and black leggings. And finally, some pink flats to seal the look. The brunette headed for the mirror and took a long look at herself.
When she returned to the RG, it had taken her a while to get used to her real body again. Seeing Eri was more than enough to trigger some unpleasant memories, but Shiki buried them deep into her mind as soon as she saw her best friend crying in happiness while hugging her with a force that indicated the other never wanted to let go. It was a touching reunion that both of them desperately needed.
As she stared at herself, Shiki couldn't help but frown slightly. Her short brown hair and petite form weren't necessarily appealing, and even though she knew her friends would care less about superficial stuff like that, it was still a worry in her mind. The glasses she put on afterwards didn't help much either.
But as always, Mr. Mew was right there to comfort her, looking at her from his place on the counter.
The small stuffed doll was more than enough to bring back that precious memory she had shared with Neku on their final day together. The moment in which the boy had told her that he wouldn't care what she looked like, and even seemed rather happy with their promise of meeting once everything was over.
Shiki couldn't help but let a smile grace her lips as she reached for the black cat.
“Will you accept me as I am just as I accepted you? I wonder… Enjoy the moment with all you've got, right?”
With that final thought, the seamstress stopped thinking too much and simply grabbed the satchel that was already waiting by the door as she left her apartment.
If she was going to make it on time, she needed to head for the station quickly.
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Shibuya was full of so many people.
Shiki had never really noticed it until just recently when she returned to the RG, and actually needed to be careful where she was walking unless she wanted to bump into several people or get rolled over by a car.
The brunette had arrived just on time— standing near the Hachiko area, but not actually next to the statue itself. This was mostly due to the fact that two of her friends had already arrived before her: Beat and Rhyme.
The pair of siblings seemed to be having an animated conversation based on Beat's expressions alone, along with Rhyme's remarks and constant teasing. Shiki couldn't even tell what they were talking about, but she knew it was something she would love to be a part of.
Mr. Mew was held firmly against her chest as she watched from afar. She wanted to go to them— she was commanding her legs to go to them! Yet they wouldn't budge— just like in her dreams.
Hundreds of thoughts began to fill the girl's mind as she held onto the plush mascot even tighter. “What if they change their mind? Will they think I'm weird? What if I'm not who they're expecting? Will they be disappointed? Will Neku be disappointed? I'm disappointed in myself, so it wouldn't be a surp-”
“Yo, Phones! Over here!”
Beat's booming voice was indistinguishable, and it caused Shiki to snap out of her trance and glance towards the siblings once more, as the older of the two was waving someone over. Someone Shiki would recognize a mile away.
“Neku…” Shiki spoke to herself in a whisper as she saw the spiky haired boy approach the duo with a greeting of his own.
Everything about him was exactly as she remembered. All the from the purple headphones to the brand of Jupiter sneakers he sported everywhere. The only difference? A large smile plastered across his face as he joined in on the conversation, almost as if it belonged there and had been present from the start, despite the brunette knowing what the boy was like when they first met.
But of course, if there was anything that Shiki knew, it was that appearances could be deceiving. Never judge a book by its cover. That was her mentality the moment she met Neku Sakuraba, and she was very happy to know that she had been right by listening to her gut.
And this time, her gut was telling her to go to them without hesitation. So she did.
Time seemed to slow down as she made her way across the sea of people walking by. Her attention was set on the group of teens whom she had shared the most traumatic yet enlightening experience of her life.
Beat and Rhyme were looking in Shiki's direction as Neku faced away from her. The younger of the two was the first to notice her, making her eyes grow wide and a smile appear on her face as she elbowed her brother. It took a bit longer with Beat, but soon he too displayed a grin that had Shiki's worries subsiding slightly.
“What's wrong?” Neku's question was aimed at the siblings as they stopped talking. Rhyme turned to look at Shiki once more and gave a nod of encouragement. It was now or never.
With trembling fingers, the brunette extended her right hand until it touched the fabric of the boy's shirt and gave a slight tug. As Neku turned to look at her, a silent gasp escaped her lips. The confusion in his eyes was evident, but it didn't take long before his brain put the pieces together and the realization showed in his face. It was a rather cute display.
His smile changed into something Shiki had never seen before. A peculiar… warmth, that caused the brunette's worries to melt away and mirror it herself. How could she ever doubt him?
The boy then reached for the headphones he was wearing, and then proceeded to remove them and sling them across his shoulders instead. Extending his hand, he spoke in a soft voice. “I'm Neku Sakuraba.”
Shiki's smile grew even larger, as she held onto Mr. Mew with one hand and extended the other to reach Neku's. His warmth made her skin tingle in a way she had never felt before. “I'm Shiki Misaki. It's a pleasure to meet you…”
“Ya gonna kiss her with those goo goo eyes, yo? Whatchu waitin' for, then?” Beat's voice once again cut through the moment as he teased Neku with a sly grin across his face.
Neku's face quickly heated up as he let go of her hand. “W-What are you talking about, you idiot?!”
Shiki could only giggle as the boys began their rumble— Beat locking onto Neku as the red head struggled against him. Rhyme soon chimed in and tried to separate them to no avail, and all Shiki could do was admire the display.
All her worries were for nothing. No matter what happened, as long as she had her friends by her side, she knew she could learn to love herself the same way they loved her.
After all, the world begins with you, doesn't it?
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regallibellbright · 2 years
One last betrayal reaction for the road
Because if you already have a crossover setup for the overall winner and the revival round winner you campaigned for, may as well do it, right? Spoilers for both, obviously.
The whole thing had been Nanami’s idea, of course.
“Himemiya finally won something! How can we not celebrate that as the occasion it is?” She’d said, and then she had laughed like she always did. “And I suppose you did well yourself, Yoshiya. Or as well as a loser can do. So you can join as well.”
Not for the first time, Joshua considered drowning his cousin in the River. The problem was, that wouldn’t make her any less his problem.
“And my friends, of course?” Joshua asked. As entertaining as a “celebratory luncheon” with Nanami and Anthy Himemiya sounded, he wasn’t setting himself up for hours of animal-themed nonsense without company. Besides, they’d actually been there at the time, unlike Nanami. “Neku, at the very least.”
She made a dismissive gesture and said, “I don’t see why not. Just tell them to dress appropriately to the occasion. We’re going for sophistication!”
Said the girl who had once worn a cowbell for over a week because she thought it was Sebastian Dior. He’d pass it on anyway. Let Neku decide what was appropriate for winning (or being one of the winners among the losers) a homoerotic betrayal tournament.
In the end, he’d still had it managed. Tell Nanami he knew a place, and the proprietor was the biggest trendsetter in all of Shibuya, and watch her little head spin as she told him he HAD to get reservations there.
WildKat had never had so many customers at once. For the occasion, Sanae had set some flowers in front of the store (roses, naturally,) and a sign reading “Congrats?” Nanami was seething. This might actually be fun.
Neku beat Tenjou and Himemiya to the party. Joshua grinned seeing him. They hadn’t even coordinated this.
Nanami made another frustrated hiss. “I expected this from Yoshiya, but you -”
“- I’m wearing the exact same thing I did when he shot me,” Neku said, smiling. “And so’s he. Besides, half of what I’m wearing’s limited edition.” He’d worn his headphones around his neck today, though.
“What could be more appropriate, after all? Thanks for organizing this, Nanami. I especially appreciate you paying.” He’d swear she was steaming like a tea kettle.
“What coffee - Oh! Anthy, it’s gotta be this one!” With that, Tenjou sped into view, Himemiya close behind her. “I didn’t know there was a coffee shop here.”
“We’re very exclusive,” Sanae said from behind the counter. “Your usuals, boys?” They both nodded.
“Do you serve tea?” Himemiya asked, smiling.
“Just for you, since this is a party,” Sanae said. “It’s, ah... good to see you, Himemiya.”
She giggled. “Anthy’s fine, these days. We’re all friends here, after all.” Tenjou gestured to a table, pulling Anthy’s chair out for her along with her own.
Neku took the other seat beside hers. Leaving Joshua to get his own, of course. “I guess... congratulations? You both seem happy,” Neku said.
“Are you not, Sakuraba?” Anthy asked, still smiling serenely. Good to know some things never changed.
“They did lose in round two,” Tenjou - Utena, he supposed, said.
“Neku, if you’re doing it, and I have no idea what to feel about any of this,” Neku said. “I mean, I’m still not totally sure what I feel about - all of that. What do you think, Utena? About the whole getting stabbed thing.”
Utena thought about that for a second. “I guess - it hurt a lot.”
“We figured,” Joshua said, smirking towards Anthy. He couldn’t fault her loyalty, he supposed.
“I never really thought about it,” Utena continued. “Right after that... everything happened, so... one stabbing isn’t that much, compared to what she went through. A million stabbings, for a start.” She smiled at Anthy. “I’m still glad I helped her.”
Even though Anthy no longer had her powers, Joshua still couldn’t read her mind. Utena’s, either. He chalked it up to Ohtori’s lingering weirdness. But he didn’t really need to, to see how Anthy’s smile softened when she looked at Utena. It was like the two of them shone.
“Thank you, Utena,” Anthy said. Then she turned to Joshua. “You put up a good fight too, you know. Seeing that campaign was inspiring! You must have really broken hearts to get that reaction.”
“I tried,” Joshua said. He definitely heard Neku mutter “Give me a break” at that. “But I was looking forward to the rest of the bracket. I was hoping to see you in the finals.”
“It’s so hard to go up against classics,” Anthy said, smiling serenely.
Joshua giggled. “Yes, we would have had the same problem if we’d made it that far. But it would have been nice to face off against some old colleagues.”
Tenjou - Utena - however Neku was supposed to call her, looked over at him. “Do you think we’re missing something?” she asked.
“I’m trying not to think about what they’re implying as much as possible,” Neku said.
“Smart move,” Mr. H agreed, handing Neku his coffee. “For what it’s worth, Phones, I’m pretty sure he’s focused on the modifier more than the noun, here.”
“Yeah, me too,” Neku said. Which is its own host of things Neku’s really not up to thinking about. “Say, Utena - the way you made it sound... do you forgive Anthy?”
She didn’t think about it for long. “I do. Do you not?”
Neku shrugged. “It sounds like he had a lot worse reasons for doing - anything he did, than she had for hers. And I wouldn’t even have been in this mess if it weren’t for him. But...” ‘I don’t think I can forgive you yet.’ Yet, he remembered saying. Did he now? Had it changed? “But it was a mess I needed. And I think... I knew that even then. If he hadn’t gotten me into it, I never would have met the people who are most important to me.” And even after everything, that still includes Joshua himself. “I’m not sure if I forgive him, but I can’t imagine my life if he hadn’t done all of it. And I don’t really want to.”
“That’s - the first time, isn’t it?” Utena asked. “He didn’t have to shoot you twice to change everything.”
“No, he didn’t,” Neku said, rolling his eyes over at Joshua. His Partner just winked back, because of course he did. “But it’s all the same thing, really. He shot me the first time because he needed someone for his awful plan, and then he shot me the second time...” He still wondered, exactly, why Joshua had shot him the second time. He had a few guesses, but all of them were loaded, and there was no way Josh would ever give him a straight answer even if they weren’t. “I’m pretty sure it still had to do with the whole plan. So... he kind of did, in a weird messed up way. Or maybe, he didn’t have to but he was always going to.”
“Awww, you’ve thought about it?” Joshua asked, voice entirely artificial. “Isn’t that sweet.”
“You were listening to that?” Neku asked. Joshua and Anthy both giggled. Right. Of course. He was at the table with two supernaturally-powerful players of mind games. “Whatever, of course you were listening to that. Yes, Joshua, I’ve spent countless hours remembering those three weeks and wondering what the hell you were thinking during it all.” Starting from the moment he woke up in the Scramble that last time.
“I didn’t know you cared so much,” Joshua said.
“Of course I do. Why do you think I couldn’t shoot? Why do you think I still trust you after you did?” He didn’t think about saying it until Joshua’s eyes went wide, just for a second. He hadn’t had to, really. Neku had figured it was obvious even without being a psychic.
Joshua was quiet for a moment. WildKat almost seemed to echo.
“Well, now I can’t tell you, can I?” Joshua finally asked, smirking. “I'd be depriving you of hours of entertainment.”
“I wasn’t expecting you to.” And ‘entertainment’ wasn’t what Neku would call it, but whatever. “It’s probably not that interesting, anyway.” Joshua looked positively affronted by that, getting a giggle from Anthy.
“Maybe you should talk, Joshua,” Anthy said. “Utena and I found things were much stronger after we did.”
“I’m sorry, did anyone ask you?” Joshua asked.
For a “Congrats on being betrayed so hard the internet thought it was worth a prize” lunch, it actually wasn’t all that bad, Neku decided.
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catsbiggestfanboy · 5 years
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Older Neku with a ponytail! and heterochromia because I can
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buttermousse · 5 years
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i luv u bro 💕
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shadowstryker · 4 years
Sleepless in Shibuya
Two support reapers clad in their read hoodies traverse across Shibuya, locked deep in conversation about the mundanities of the evening before. Across their shoulders, one each carried an unconscious Player, toting them to the next starting point for the next day. See, when the GM decides the day is done- usually but not always after the completion of a mission- they have the power to simply yank the consciousness of the Players from them. A handy feature given by the power of the Composer’s Game, but he had never imagined himself as one of the unfortunate recipients of such. However, they cannot simply teleport the Players to their designated waking point for some Composer given reason, so the support reapers are sent at the day’s end to physically haul the Players across Shibuya to where they need to be.
As an illegal Player (and more importantly, due to the power he carries), he is not beholden to the GMs command to sleep until commanded otherwise. Which means Joshua Kiryu, the great and powerful Composer of Shibuya, has the great pleasure of allowing himself to go limp and fall on his face the same way Neku has no choice to every evening. Such lengths he goes to in order to avoid detection.
This, Joshua decides as he hangs limply over of one of the support reaper’s shoulder to feign sleep, is the worst part of this whole halfway thought out plan.
He does not care about what his reapers have to say about the rumors of the UG, much less is he pleased about being forced to catch up on the gossip every night. (Admittedly, however, he is slowly getting invested in one of the reaper’s star-crossed love with an RG shopkeep, and he hates that he’s begun rooting for the poor guy.)
And then Joshua is ungracefully dumped on his ass, half propped against a wall, with Neku dumped in his lap. He represses a sigh as the support reapers finally head off.
Still, he feigns sleep a few more minutes after. He’s hyperaware of every instinctual breath Neku takes (silly boy, he doesn’t need that at all right now) and of every little twitch Neku gives. Who would have thought his stoic proxy was so energetic when he was asleep?
Joshua peeks an eye open. Not a reaper in sight. Perfect.
In one fluid motion, he sits up and shoves his partner off of his lap, leaving him to curl up against the cold concrete with his headphones caught between his chin and the ground. It certainly looks rather uncomfortable. Joshua crosses his legs beneath him as he pulls out his phone to tap away on. Time for another twelve straight hours of arguing with Sanae and playing snake. And watching Neku.
Neku shifts around quite a bit in his sleep, as Joshua had learned simply through their first night together. He could swear he’s even heard him mumble a few words here and there, sending Joshua giggling to himself. He must admit, in the almost-quiet hours of deep night Shibuya, that he’s become ever so slightly fond of his proxy- his stubbornness, his temper, the disaster fashion that Neku insists helps them in battle (he’s right, but Joshua won’t admit that.)
He’s even become fond of Neku’s strange turn for the positive.
Joshua isn’t quite sure what to make of this change in his proxy. He certainly thought that Neku would be more cynical at this point, but it seems his entry fee for this week has ignited a fire in his player. Shiki Misaki, hm? What influence did she have on Neku?
It doesn’t matter. It still won’t mess up his plans, not after what he plans to do to-
Joshua stares in surprise as Neku all but stretches in his sleep, rolling onto his other side and snuggling back in on himself. And Joshua. In his lap. Again.
Joshua did not anticipate this- just like he hasn’t anticipated nearly anything his player has done during their week together.
Neku looks quite cozy, half lifted into Joshua’s lap and all but buried in his stomach. Joshua keeps his arms raised for a moment, brain rebooting. What does he do now? Neku’s face looks so slack and easy, Joshua doesn’t quite have the heart to shove the poor boy off his lap again.
“You just keep on surprising me, don’t you Neku Sakuraba?” Joshua murmurs, sighing softly. He shuts his phone with a soft click and tucks it away. A soft smile tugs at his lips as he slowly lowers his hands, fingertip resting gently against the band of those precious headphones Neku keeps clapped over his ears. His thumb sweeps across bleached hair without thinking. He chuckles and leans back against the wall to settle in for the night.
“I hope you continue to do so, dear proxy.”
I’ve been meaning to write this for ages- I once even mentioned my plans to do on a side blog. Months ago. It’s not the most cohesive thing I’ve written, and maybe it’s a rough draft I churned out in 45 minutes with my first bout of inspiration in literal months, but the comic that inspired this by @abnormallynicehere always gives me so much joy to look at. I had to write something for it eventually! Joh gives so much cute art out to the fandom they deserve something back!
And the thought of Joshua being toted around like a sack of potatoes was one that I had to share.
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A New Challenger Approaches!
In the streets of Inkopolis, Meggy & Ashley are duking it out against a cloaked foe. The reason is unknown, but the battle is unbelievably fierce. Meggy throws out a Splat Bomb at him, but he fires an energy bullet that vaporizes it.
Ashley casts a spell that is intended to freeze the foe. Instead, he teleports away, but Ashley summons a leviathan-like demon that opens its mouth ready to eat. However, the foe instead fires a powerful laser that vaporizes the leviathan.
Meggy fires an Inkstrike on the foe, and Ashley summons a massive bull-like demon. The foe swipes his hand in a slashing motion, which results in both the Inkstrike and the demon being destroyed.
While both the girls are tuckered out, the foe doesn’t have a scratch on him. 
Meggy: You gotta be kidding me!
Foe: You can’t be serious. All of this over you thinking I made fun of your boyfriends?
Meggy: You’re damn right we’re serious!
Ashley: You mocked Lucas’s might!
Meggy: You also said Ness’s power can only tickle people!
Foe: All I did was say that maybe they’re not as strong as you think they are. They’re powerful, but not THAT powerful.
Ashley: You smug little…
Meggy: You said it again!
The foe looks at his hand. On his hand is a timer that currently reads 23:18. The foe then looks at his phone. 
Foe: Look, I’d love to stay and fight you two charming ladies for a few more seconds, but I’m on a time-limit, and I don’t have a lot of it left to waste fighting you.
Meggy: As if!
Ashley: Your insults have lessened your time, you wretch! I hate to break it to you, but your time has officially run out!
Foe: You sure about that?
Ashley: I’ve never felt more positive about anything more than my love for Lucas in my entire life!
Ashley angrily raises her wand while Meggy pulls out a Killer Wail. The foe raises his hands. Using her magic, Ashley zaps the foe with a powerful thunderbolt while Meggy unleashes the Killer Wail. When the dust finally settles, the foe is still completely unharmed.
Meggy: What the?!
Ashley: But-but how?!
Foe: Wow. Your most powerful attacks didn’t even hurt. But they both were rather impressive.
Meggy and Ashley growl.
Foe: By the way, Meggy, was it?
Meggy: Huh?
Foe: I liked that sound-based ink attack you used on me. 
The foe raises his hand in a snap-ready formation.
Foe: Wanna see my version?
The foe snaps his hands, and a giant speaker appears. The speaker blares a loud song that assaults the girls’ eardrums. After the speaker dazes them for a while, the foe’s eyes twinkle. Meggy and Ashley suddenly find themselves picked up by a massive tornado made of fire. After the whirlwind carries them up for a few seconds, it suddenly stops and slams them back down on the floor.
Meggy and Ashley try to get back up, but the beating was ultimately too much for them to handle, and they both pass out. The foe looks at his hand to see the timer, which vanishes. With a satisfied sigh, the foe takes off his cloak, revealing him to be a boy with spiky orange hair wearing a sleeveless shirt with a funnel-shaped collar and an indigo stripe outlined with gold going down the middle, a yellow sweatband on his left wrist, and white shorts held up by a loose-fitting belt, as well as a pin deck that has a Blue Blood Burns Blue pin, a Dope Line pin, a Lil’ Terror Bazooka pin, a Onmyo pin, a Tin Pin Bahamut pin, and a Top Gear pin. His shoes are black with an indigo stripe outlined in gold, similar to the style of his shirt. And to finish the outfit off, he is wearing a pair of indigo wireless headphones and has a white MP3 player around his neck.
Foe: Man…talk about noise.
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voicefromthecorner · 3 years
1. Neku Sakuraba
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Original Song: Alexander Hamilton
The story of Neku Sakuraba (told in a rather disjointed way, but hey, it’s just how everything fitted together!).
The first song of my TWEWY-Hamilton crossover series. I’ll (hopefully) be uploading these roughly every 12 hours, in time with the clock striking 12 here in the UK.
It was fun doing the casting for this one. If you’re wondering why I changed the “I loved him” line, I’m doing my best to keep these true to the spirit of the games. I’m not saying Shiki doesn’t feel that way, but it felt more acccurate to have her bluster through the subject, in homage to Neku’s crush on her. I wasn’t going to put words in her mouth but I couldn’t leave the line alone either. This felt like a good compromise.
That first verse was, as once posted here, one of the first things of this project I ever wrote, largely as a joke to see if I could. Flash forward a year later and it’s a full song cover. And it was actually one of the last songs I got around to writing - wasn’t sure if I could manage to adapt it to this game’s events. But I’m pretty pleased with it in the end.
The awesome RG Shiki Sprites were done by BlueRainbow 101
Next: My New Partner Index
[SANAE HANEKOMA] How does an emo loner In his own zone wearing headphones 24-7 Just to negate the presence of those present, An end to his friendless situation, Go on to be Shibuya’s salvation?
[SHIKI MISAKI] The self-staker music-player became a Player Got a lot greater by staying a lot safer By acting a lot braver By being a fate-changer At fifteen, he never thought that he would be a saviour
[DAISUKENOJO "BEAT" BITO] And ev’ry day while Players got erased by the Noise, Reapers cuttin’ down waves, he struggled an’ made his choice Deep down, he was longin’ for someone to share life's joys This Player had to learn to trust someone or be destroyed
[RAIMU "RHYME" BITO] Then this Player was betrayed, and devastation reigned Our boy saw the future drip, dripping down the drain He abandoned his one chance; he chose his heart over his brain Gave up what he could have gained, a testament to his pain
[JOSHUA KIRYU] The Composer saw him and he’d said, “This kid is insane, man” Sent him to the Reaper's Game; his memory, his payment “Forget your education; forget from whence you came, Will the world even know your name? What’s your name, man?”
[NEKU SAKURABA] Neku Sakuraba My name is Neku Sakuraba And I was killed in Udagawa But just you wait, just you wait...
[ERI] He was confused ‘til he found CAT, that was that, his passion Some time later, see Neku's isolation long lasting One friend, other people a burden he won't bear
[FULL COMPANY EXCEPT NEKU (whispering)] Enjoyin' ev'ry moment; moments left unshared
[777 (& COMPANY)] Went to meet his friend, the friend was in an accident and died Left him with nothin' but ruined pride, something new inside A voice saying (“Neku, you're better off by yourself.”) He started hissin' and listenin' to every CD on the shelf
[JOSHUA (COMPANY) ((BOTH))] He couldn't have won games at such pace For someone so disgraced He would've been brainwashed or erased Obliterated without a trace But he trusted, busting the borders of his own world Thinking and rethinking ev'rything that he'd seen and heard ((Scannin')) every mind to read what he can learn from ((Plannin')) all his moves to fight the noise, slash and burn 'em (Ooh) Throughout the city that will change the whole Earth Shibuya will make you know your worth
[COMPANY (NEKU) ((WOMEN)) (((MEN)))] Shibuya will make you know your worth (Just you wait) Shibuya will make you know your worth (Just you wait) Shibuya will make you know your worth ((Shibuya)) (((Shibuya))) (Just you wait!)
[COMPANY] It's Neku Sakuraba (Neku Sakuraba) We are waiting in the wings for you (waiting in the wings for you) You could never back down You never chose to waste your time! Oh, Neku Sakuraba (Neku Sakuraba) When Shibuya sings for you Will they know what you overcame? Will they know you rewrote the game? The world will never be the same, oh
[HANEKOMA, (MEN), ((COMPANY))] He's walking through the streets right now See if you can spot him (Just you wait) Another strong creative soul Comin’ up from the bottom ((Just you wait)) His enemies respected him And nobody forgot him
[SHIKI, JOSHUA and BEAT] We fought with him
[RHYME AND 777] Me? I died for him
[BEAT] Me? I trusted him
[SHIKI] Me? I, well, I...
[JOSHUA] And me? I'm the damn fool that shot him
[COMPANY] There's a million things I haven’t done But just you wait!
[HANEKOMA] What's your name, Phones?
[COMPANY] He's Neku Sakuraba!
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zerorock41 · 3 years
Twewy/Kingdom Hearts Idea
So here’s my new fanfic idea for a crossover between Kingdom Hearts and both World Ends with You games. Yes both. Hope you all enjoy.
Across time and space, there are many worlds that share skies and destinies. Parallel Worlds are simply one such variation of the multiple ways Worlds and Dimensions can manifest. In this tale, there are two such worlds, so similar to one another that they followed the same destiny down to the letter, where this tale begins.
In both worlds there lived a boy named Neku Sakuraba, who had closed his heart to the World around him and shut out everyone with his oversized headphones. But then God knocked on his door, said "hello", and shot him in the face. Literally. The boy was dragged into the Reaper's Game, and young Neku learned to care about people, all while slowly working to save his city of Shibuya. Not that he knew that last bit until near the end, but details.
In the end, Neku won the day, saving his city, opening his heart and returned to life. A happy ending all around.
Yeeeaaah, unfortunately no.
In one World, Neku had scarcely been living anew for a year before he was dragged back into the Game, and forced to sift through the aftermath of a great tragedy, the Inversion of Shinjuku, for several years. It wasn't until years later that he once again earned his life back by saving Shibuya from devastation alongside a group known as the Wicked Twisters.
In another world however, (or Worldline for you nitpickers out there), Neku never had the chance to be dragged into Shinjuku, for his World was swallowed by a great Darkness. Funny, Darkness shouldn't be so strong in a world of Unreality, but that's a tangent for another day. Regardless, God liked Neku and his friends far more than he would honestly admit, and saved them from being consumed. But it wasn't the most graceful of saves. Poor Neku and his friends had been reduced to dreamlike whispers of themselves. Only in the Realm of Sleep, where God had found the haven of Traverse Town, could they manifest a semblence of a life. In this dream, Neku and his friends were trapped in a new Reaper's Game, one with no definite end until God could find a way to restore their existences. But as they were nothing more than dreams, Neku and his friends had no solid anchor to reality. Whatever were they to do?
Enter a pair of boys from some nowhere islands: Sora and Riku. By meeting Neku and his friends, by acknowledging their existence, the boys had finally given God the anchor he needed to truly restore the Shibuya children. And so, Neku and his friends returned to a restored Shibuya, right where they had left off, with only their memories of Traverse Town any reminder that there were worlds beyond their own.
Now all that? That's in the past. Or the future for me I guess.
Sora, who had many adventures and trials of his own, ended up sacrificing his life to save the girl most important to him. Awww. For some reason, however, the young island boy had ended up in Shibuya afterwards, outside of his own Reality. A surprising reunion with Neku and his friends, who were just about to start enjoying their Summer vacation, heralds the begining of a new journey for he and Neku both. A journey defined by three men arriving through Portals from other realities.
First, there's Riku, searching for Sora and hoping to bring him home.
Second, Yozora, a mysterious commander who is unsure of his identity, but is sure of two things: That he must save someone, and that he must find a Goddess named Etro.
Third, another, older version of Neku, called Sakuraba, who is at first confused, before becoming really worried about Shinjuku.
What is the story tying these four Realities together? Well, I'm sure I'll find out. One of my eyes is there, somehow, telling me all this, and I've got a trip through time and space to make. See you boys soon, Sora, Neku.
-Shibuya Report #0, Master of Masters.
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miss-tc-nova · 3 years
In The Moment - Neku Sakuraba x Reader
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Not gonna lie, this one was hard. Between hectic life, writer’s block, and abandoning my first idea, I really struggled coming up with something good and I’m still not 100% on this one but it is long overdue. Thank you, anon, for patiently waiting for me and thank you for bringing me back to a fandom/game that I truly love. 
              Today is proving to be simply perfect. After mulling over ideas for weeks, going through all the necessary channels, and hours of tedious prep, I’m going to start my final art project today.
              Stepping back, I take one last look at the two-story building that will serve as my canvas. With my paint all prepped, the rarely-used road blocked off, my favorite music blasting in my ears, and perfect weather, I begin hurling balloons at the blank wall. It takes only a few balloons before I’m entirely engrossed in my own little world of music and art. The stone wall is already livelier with a handful of pink, blue, green, and yellow splats.
              In my own little paradise, I bounce towards my bucket of ammo. Another balloon rolls in my hand while my groove has consumed me. I turn back to my canvas, launching the paint.
              My heart stops. The balloon soars through the air in what feels like painful slow motion, inching ever closer towards its unsuspecting victim. It’s like a horror scene watching the projectile make contact with his face, molding against it before the rubber skin breaks. A wave of pink paint bursts forward, crashing down on the poor boy before the actual impact takes him to the ground.
              Hand to my mouth, I gape at the casualty before my senses snap back to me. Ripping my headphones out and snatching up a towel, I rush towards him.
              “Oh my god, I’m so sorry! Are you okay?!”
              Sitting up, he pulls down his headphones and rubs the paint from his eye. “What the hell?” He looks down at the smear across his hand. “What happened?”
              I push the towel into his hand. “You kinda got caught in the crossfire.”
              His orange brows scrunch together. “Crossfire?”
              “Yeah. I’m working on an art project and you walked right in the middle of it.” My hand waves to the dripping wall.
              More in awe than anger—which I found surprising—he stands up to look at my work. “An art project? Isn’t it illegal to tag buildings like this?”
              “One, it’s not a tag, it’s a project. Two, this building is scheduled for demolition, so I got permission from the city; that’s why I blocked the road off. Didn’t you notice?”
              We look back at the “road closed” signs.
              “Oh…No...” he mutters.
              “Hmm, maybe I should’ve put some on the sidewalks.”
              My gaze turns back on my victim. Beneath the neon color sprayed across the side of his head is a wild flay of orange hair and fair skin. His cloudy-sky eyes are outstanding, somehow lending themselves to the bright interest despite how soothingly cool they appear. I’d be clearly amiss if I didn’t admit that he’s cute.
              “Sorry for getting in the way.”
              He’s looking at me, and by the time I realize it, I feel my skin alight at the thought he caught me staring into his eyes.
              “I’m sorry you’re…pink,” I reply. “I might be able to save your headphones but I don’t think your shirt’s gonna make it.”
              He tugs at his shirt, a corner of his lips pulling back in disappointment. “At least it wasn’t my favorite, I guess.”
              There’s something strange about this guy, like he doesn’t quite know how normal people react; most people would be upset after being covered in paint and having their clothes ruined, regardless of whether or not it was their fault. However, next to this unusual naivety is the light of someone completely open, someone out to actually see the world for what it is. This is someone I want to understand, to aspire to be like.
              The words leave my mouth before I can even think about them.
              “Do you wanna join me?” I’m an idiot.
              The idiocy continues when I jam a thumb towards my buckets of supplies. “You’re already covered in paint. Why don’t you join me? It’ll be fun.” I pull this innocent kid towards the paint station, reaching into the bucket to plop an orb into his hand. “Here.”
              He glances between me, the balloon, and the wall. “Are you sure? I might ruin your project.”
              I grin. “You can’t ruin arbitration that easily. Besides, the whole point of this part is to just make a mess. So go on, throw it.”
              He shrugs and tosses the balloon against the stone where it breaks.
              “There you go!” I pick up another balloon, flinging it across the road.
              School projects aren’t traditionally fun, but I was having a blast with this school project from the start; with the guy—who introduced himself as Neku—helping me out, this might be the most fun I’ve ever had in my life. He genuinely puts his heart into simply throwing balloons, like a bubbling stream of inspiration, spurring my inspiration and turning this project on its head.
              My hand meets the bottom of the bucket—an empty bucket. “Damn. All out of balloons.”
              Neku looks up at the dripping wall. “Yeah, but I’m pretty sure there’s at least three layers of paint here. Might’ve been overkill.”
              “I had to make sure there was enough to cover every brick. Better too much than not enough in this case,” I say, starting to pick up scraps of scattered rubber.
              He helps me collect the garbage. “So is this all there is to this project? Hurl paint at walls?”
              “No, this is the background set up. Later, I’m gonna get some spray paint and do the more tedious work later.”
              “What was even the point of this project?”
              “Well, it’s an art project so…a good grade, first off. Second…” I pause to really think about how to word it. “I guess I really wanted to capture the spontaneity of life. That every moment can be a bright and colorful splat.” Neku chuckles, bringing out a more bashful side. “I guess that makes it pretty obvious who my role model is, huh? But I try to remind myself every day: Enjoy every moment-”
              “-with all you’ve got.” Neku finishes my sentence with an all-knowing grin.
              Even if the embarrassment burns between my shoulders, I can’t help laughing. “Is it too obvious where my inspiration came from?”
              “If it’s any consolation, I’m sure CAT would approve of your methods.”
              “That actually makes me really happy.” I look back at the mess I hope to turn into something incredible. “CAT’s art that got me through some tough times; I’d love to be able to inspire people someday the same way CAT’s art inspired me.”
              My brain short circuits. For a split-second while, I attempt to process what just happened, all I can feel is buzzing just beneath the skin. A hand reaches up to brush the spot he’d grazed but the fingers come away with pink paint. Neku, on the other hand, stands there, avoiding eye contact, a different shade of pink peeking out from beneath the paint across his face.
              “What-…” I can’t even come up with the words to finish my question.
              His face still blushing, he gives me a warm smile. “Just living in the moment.”
              The buzz surges into my chest, crashing against my heart with a wave of happiness. Building up my courage, I follow his lead.
              “Would your moment object if we maybe extended it by a couple hours?” A brow arches in question. “Tomorrow, six o’clock? Maybe with less paint?”
              When he understands, he shrugs. “Less, more, I’m sure it’ll be fun either way.”
              “Great.” Lifting my phone, I snap a picture of the paint-riddled kid.
              “What was that for?”
              “Your picture for my contacts,” I reply. “I assume you’ll be giving me your number, right?”
              He smirks. “Nah, I’ll just walk down the street and wait to get pelted with more paint balloons.”
              “So you’re gonna ignore more traffic signs?”
              The simper is marred with a laugh. “Worked the first time.”
              I shove my phone into his hands. “Don’t push your luck, buddy. You already got the date.”
              We swap numbers and clean up the rest of the remnants scattered about. I’m sure he can tell how reluctant I am to say goodbye, but we inevitably do and part ways. Once I’m sure he’s around the corner and out of sight, I literally jump for joy like a child on Christmas.
              My entire plan for the afternoon was to work on my project—taking into account both prep and clean up. I had absolutely nothing else in the books for today. Never in a million years would I have guessed that, in the midst of my work, an artsy accident would end up with a spontaneous date. I know my adopted motto says to enjoy the present, but tomorrow just cannot come fast enough.
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memcaked · 4 years
Source: Subarashiki kono Sekai | The World Ends With You
Relationships: Misaki Shiki & Sakuraba Neku, Kiryu “Joshua” Yoshiya & Sakuraba Neku, this can be read as nekushiki if you squint. that’s their magic.
Characters: Sakuraba Neku, Misaki Shiki, Kiryu “Joshua” Yoshiya
Additional tags: Trauma Nightmares, self-care, warning for a paragraph of blood and violence that might be triggering, TWEWYTOBER, TWEWYTOBER 2020, Beta Read
Summary: It’s like sometimes Neku gets this idea in his head that Joshua is some lonely boy like him he’d want to intellectualise with, and not a callous murderous death god in a human kid’s clothing who hasn’t talked to any of them in months.
Beginning notes: Addendum: This was written and published on October 12th, 2020. this was originally about lines from w2 that'd fucking Hurt with the final twist that turned into neku's frustration with absentee joshua that became trauma dreams somehow. still feel like i need to redo introduction but at that point i was at like 900 words and just wanted to finish it since i bloody overscoped this huh. nobody said i had to follow the prompt mate
blows a kiss to will @makosinnergy for reading through this and pointing out some rather incoherent lines
“The Composer... The guy in charge of Shibuya?”
“Correct. We're in the Composer's Game. The Reapers are just his enforcers. They execute his designs.”
“Some designer. His Game royally sucks.”
“Hee hee... doesn’t it?”
It’s like sometimes Neku gets this idea in his head that Joshua is some lonely boy like him he’d want to intellectualise with, and not a callous murderous death god in a human kid’s clothing who hasn’t talked to any of them in months.
Even a mention of that name swamps him with some prissy kid he’d whack like he almost did to Shiki and the mistreated boy who doesnt like people just like Neku did and the killer who has all the impunity in the world to keep a vice grip on his partner and the imperfect protector he wouldn’t ever be able to apologise to a killer and the villain who put him through all this to someone he respects and wants to talk to for once… if he can fucking pick up the phone when Neku keeps calling, calling, calling.
Remembering anything he dreams about is such a rarity to him, but there’s been far too many late nights where he wakes up from his counting like a rocketship to blasting what was his… friend? to pieces and becoming a fucking murderer coated in dark, clotty blood that weighs his clothes like an iron ball (the one anyone who takes a life like that deserves). The blood doesn’t stop gushing and pooling and running all the way up the walls, the static fizzes even harder in his ears and clouds his reddening vision as the body falls apart, wilts and sinks like a plucked daisy going brown. Because of him, because of him, because of him
And then Neku’s torn away from those nightmares, his pyjamas soaked in so much sweat he can’t stop seeing as blood. He curls up fetal position trying to gather the energy to either sleep or get out of bed but he can’t, he’s fixed in this spot as the minutes drawl past like hours, tired and terrified and the dread washing over him when he realises fuuuck, it’s a school night. When the sun rises his hands still shake too much to do his hair and he walks into the building, with weak spikes that barely stand; he wasn’t really looking in the mirror much, brought his headphones and went.
Shiki pulls him into a corner minutes before class starts, asking if he’s up to going into class when she’s noticed how paranoid, puffy panda-eyed he looked. His breathing gets funny when he starts babbling about how he had a nightmare he shot Joshua and there was blood fucking everywhere as Shiki’s eyes flash every few seconds as she keeps track. She presses her hand to his chest, “You said that was the third time? Did you manage to shower after it?”
Neku is stone-cold lucid when he freezes up, “No? It was in the middle of the night, it’d wake everyone up. I couldn’t move from my room."
“Hey Neku,” Shiki chews her cracked lips, “are you free after school? I want to take you somewhere. I think it’ll help you.”
After stumbling through a blur of classes it leaves him tired and sleepy and not paying attention to where they go until he zones back into aisles that he vaguely remembers as a store he visited back in the Game. He mumbles where, she answers Nishimura Drugs in Q-Heads. She takes him to an aisle full of towels and cloths and as she bundles packets of baby wipes into his arms she explains that when she feels far too miserable to shower she tries to at least use wipes so she can feel clean enough.
“It’s recurring,” she says, “and I don’t want you to turn up like that again feeling and looking horrible no more than you need to. You can call me if you need to, all people need is a good listener.” When they pay and leave the pharmacy she asks if he needs to be walked home.
It maybe takes five days until a terrified, guilty Neku sees the taunting glow of 1:09 blink as his unsteady hands try to select Shiki’s number. She answers just after the first ring dies out, her voice grave and worried as he recounts the nightmare again. “Get out of your pyjamas and put them in your hamper, get the towels from your drawer and try to get all your sweat off,” she coaches Neku.
He finishes drying his legs when the regret becomes too heavy to handle, pricking at his already swollen eyes. “I couldn’t save him.” he wrenches out from the fast-coming sobs.
“Who? Joshua?” Neku grunts through the phone to Shiki’s question, and she takes it as a yes. “But he’s still… alive, isn’t he? If he’s brought us all back…”
“So fucked up,” he says, to no-one in particular. “How do I tell the headshrinker I died? That I wish my killer would call back? That I spent a month in purgatory that he was god of and having to,”
“Isn’t there someone,” Shiki tries to suggest something, “not a headshrinker, who’d know about and could talk to you the Game?”
“I don’t know!” Neku’s voice cracks, reaches a shaky sobby screech. “Saw Mr. H when I died standing and smiling right there with Joshua but WildKat never opens.”
“His café! Need t’make lockpicks if I want answers, I,” he swallows in a shaky, hitched breath and only then realises how frantic his voice was and he almost deflates. “M’sorry, Shiki.”
“Sorry for what?”
“You… you don’t know this and I’m forcing you to listen when you were only there for--”
Shiki takes a deep breath on the other end. “We can have a do-over tomorrow, it’s only one now. I’m here to listen to you even if it’s not about me, I was trying to say that with the headshrinker thing. Hey, are you finished cleaning?”
Neku opens his eyes after the line goes dead to see a perfect white feather lying across his chest, glittering in the (when did he fall back asleep?) morning light. He opens the window, shifts the weight in his knees, slings a feather as well as he can through the air resistance. His anger translates to a soft drop from his third floor to the ground, but he follows it up with his still-sore, throaty voice. “I want answers, not these fucking feathers!”
End notes: october 12th is the two year anniversary of twewy final remix's worldwide release and two year anniversary to permanently altering my brain chemistry over this stupid fucking dead teen simulator i hope this is good enough
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satoshi-mochida · 4 years
The World Ends with You The Animation will air in 2021, Square Enix announced during its “The World Ends with You The Animation Special Panel” at Anime Expo Lite 2020. A teaser trailer and first details were also released.
Here are the details, via the anime’s official website:
■ Introduction
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Square Enix’s The World Ends with You was developed by the same creative minds behind the world-famous Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts.
When the game first released on the Nintendo DS in 2007, it received high praise as well as numerous award nominations. It has since been re-released on iOS, Android, and the Nintendo Switch, and it continues to attract new fans to this day.
And next year, in 2021, the game that captivated players around the world is returning in an all-new anime! Tetsuya Nomura, Takeharu Ishimoto, and other members of the original team have rejoined forces to bring the compelling story to life once more.
■ Story
Race through the streets of Shibuya and survive the seven-day Reapers’ Game!
Neku awakens in the middle of Shibuya’s bustling Scramble Crossing with no memory of how he got there. Little does he know he’s been transported to an alternate plane of existence known as the Underground (UG). Now an unwilling participant in the mysterious “Reapers’ Game,” Neku must partner up with a girl named Shiki in order to survive. Together, they complete missions and defeat monsters known as “Noise” as they gradually uncover the true nature of this twisted Game.
“There’s only one way to stay alive in Shibuya: trust your partner.”
Will they survive the Reapers’ Game?
■ Characters
Neku Sakuraba (Age 15)
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An antisocial, graffiti-loving kid who keeps his headphones on to shut the world out. He awakens in the middle of Shibuya’s Scramble Crossing and immediately realizes that something is amiss…
Shiki Misaki (Age 15)
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A stylish girl focused on always staying fashion-forward. She carries her handmade cat plushie with her wherever she goes.
Daisukenojo Bito (Beat) (Age 15)
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A hot-blooded, hard-headed teenager who suddenly shows up with his partner Rhyme.
Rhyme (Age ???)
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A devout and earnest girl with a perpetual smile on her face. Wherever Beat goes, she follows.
Yoshiya Kiryu (Joshua)
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A smart-yet-smarmy boy whose intellect is equally impressive as it is unsettling.
■ Staff
Based on the original story: The World Ends with You (Square Enix)
Director: Kazuya Ichikawa (Domerica)
Screenwriter: Midori Goto (Sanzigen)
Character Design: Tetsuya Nomura & Gen Kobayashi (Square Enix)
Music: Takeharu Ishimoto (Thrill)
Production: Domerica x Shin-Ei Animation
Watch the teaser trailer below.
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subasekabang · 4 years
i've got some falling to do
Title: i’ve got some falling to do Rating: T Word Count: 8,020 Pairings/Characters: Neku Sakuraba, Joshua Kiryu Warnings: near character death, implied character death, injury Summary: Seven days after Neku’s returned to the UG, he receives a text that sends a chill down his spine. The Composer needs help. You’re the only one who can do it. Partner: @sugarsomg, desiquiche Author’s Note: Many thanks to @beyondworldborders for… practically writing a good portion of this. She’s my go-to Neku dialogue person. She also betad! neku-phones-sakuraba also gave this a once over and pointed out a lot of spelling and grammar errors. Title from Lemon Demon
The soda tastes sharp on Neku’s tongue as he leans back on the bench, gaze flitting around from person to person. The condensation slicks the cardboard cup in his hand, stealing his attention from the way the crowd threatens to overwhelm him. The Shibuya crowd is as loud as ever, but it doesn’t really bother him anymore, not like it used to. He likes the reassurance that people can see him, can feel him on the off chance that he shifts a little too close to another and accidentally shoulder checks someone. It’s a reminder that he’s alive, that the breath pulled through his lungs isn’t just due to muscle memory. His free hand raises to grip at the familiar weight of his headphones around his neck, but his fingers only curl around air.
Right. He sort of left his limited edition CAT headphones in the middle of the Shibuya Scramble Crossing when he’d woken up on the pavement for a fourth time to find that he was alive after-
Well. Neku’s in high spirits. He’s had a good day. No thoughts of the past are going to wreck that.
It’s been seven days since he’d miraculously come back to life after his three long weeks fighting for his right to existence in the second, hidden layer of reality hidden right on top of Shibuya. For seven long days Neku has sat anxiously on the bench at the statue of Hachiko, hoping and praying to the maybe-god he knows there is that his friends are okay and will show up to greet him. He had almost given up hope by the seventh day, but seventh days had always been so monumental when it came to Neku and his friends. If they were going to show, it would be today.
And sure enough, Beat and Rhyme and even Shiki in her unfamiliar body with that very familiar smile had finally shown up- a week from the Game at Hachiko, just as promised. Their presence had lifted a weight from his chest, let a smile grow wide on his face as Beat snagged him around the neck, as Rhyme showed him her bell with glee, as Shiki had shoved Mr. Mew into Neku’s arms in order to talk animatedly with her hands as she discussed her reunion with Eri and her family. It had been a good day spent with his friends. Now it’s late, nearly dark, and Neku’s friends have headed back to their homes. Neku stopped for a drink, wanting to revel in the moment just for a bit longer- and to linger just for a few more moments, to give that one person just a few more seconds to pop in unexpectedly with that light step, that lazy swagger to his movements.
Neku still isn’t sure that he even wants to see him, but he does want to know that Joshua is okay, despite everything. He realizes now that Joshua had spent their week together within the Game intentionally hand feeding him bits and pieces of information, showing him where to go to jack Shibuya- from Joshua. He still isn’t sure what it means. Why give Neku the chance to shoot him, in those final moments in that dark grey room, if all Joshua wanted was to be done with Shibuya? Neku would have thought that he’d failed whatever test Joshua was levering against him when he faltered at pulling the trigger on the boy he’d come to think of as a friend.
So why is everything still standing?
Why does Neku hope to hear that gratingly self-satisfied voice so badly?
Neku can’t understand- it’s impossible to. But he knows he isn’t seeing Joshua anytime soon, much less tonight, so he pulls himself to his feet with a heavy sigh to begin the walk home, one hand shoved into his pocket to fiddle with the black lacquered pin he keeps tucked away. He absently chews on the straw of his drink as he ambles through the busy Shibuya streets, headed to the station to take his train line home. He reaches for his pocket when his phone buzzes with a text. Probably just Shiki or Rhyme letting him know they got home… safe…?
Unknown The Composer needs help. You’re the only one who can do it.
Unknown Immediately
The soda cup cracks open and spills along the concrete as Neku breaks into a run towards the station.
Neku’s lungs are burning by the time he reaches the sewers that Joshua had so carefully led him to during the Game. It’s as dark and dank and cold as he remembers, the sound of his feet echoing down the tunnels so loud it sounds like gunshots in his head. He half expects another barrier pulled up to keep him out, to keep him from making sure that stupid asshole is alive- or existing, or whatever.
But no, the door to that weird retro underground club is open, cracked open with a flip flop of all things stuck in the doorway so it doesn’t swing shut and activate the padlock again. A bubble of anxiety wells and pops in Neku’s chest. What is this? Is someone here to hurt Joshua? Or is this the person who messaged him to help Josh? He doesn’t understand what’s going on.
What if this is another of Joshua’s Games?
Neku takes a deep breath and shoves the door open, barreling into that same retro lounge he’d once been forced to fight Shiki in. It’s quiet, near silent except for the hum of the refrigerator behind the bar. No sign of anything or anyone. The schools of fish in the walls and floor continue to swim idly, completely undisturbed. It seems like a normal lounge. It all sets Neku’s nerves on edge.
Neku silently pads into the room, every muscle aching with how tense he feels. Okay, room empty. Where’s the jackass then? His heartbeat thunders in his ears, reminding him that yes, he’s alive.
Which, Neku realizes as he searches the room to find no one around and no other exits except the one he entered through, means he’s in the RG. That huge wooden door that Neku had to scan for isn’t open for him now. His Player Pin is dead without whatever energy the UG carries within it, nothing more than a token of his trials. He pulls the tiny pin out anyway and clenches it tight in his hand, breathing in deep and closing his eyes as he opens his senses.
Nothing calls out to him, nothing shifts in his mind or pokes at his attention. No stray thoughts or Noise distract him from the solitude of his own head. There’s nothing. It’s what he’s always tried to achieve.
Now it only reminds him of that last day, barreling through a still Shibuya to finally regain his life.
With a snarl of frustration, Neku’s eyes snap open. No door. Nothing has changed whatsoever except for the speeding up of his pulse hammering away, the shaking of his hands that want to fight doing nothing to calm him.
“How the hell am I supposed to save him if I can’t even get in?” Neku shouts into the empty air, raking a hand through his hair. He stomps a foot, fish scattering in alarm underfoot. Something is wrong, he can feel it in the air. If Joshua were okay he’d have appeared already to taunt him, right?
Why Neku, did you miss me so badly today that you had to break into my home?
Yeah, jackass.
“Please,” Neku whispers into the empty air, eyes closing once again. Panic has his chest tightening. Joshua needs him, he can feel it through whatever connection has been left between them, right? So why is he being forced to just sit here? What if he’s already too late? “Please let me in.”
With bated breath, he opens his eyes once again. Relief, strong enough to send him nearly to his knees, surges through him as he sees a tall, oaken door standing before him.
The panic in his chest curls tighter and tighter with every step closer he takes, has him hesitating as he shoves past the heavy doors. What is going on? This… doesn’t feel like him. He’s done this before, he’ll be fine. He has to be fine. Joshua has to be fine.
Why does he even care about the bastard anyway? What has Joshua ever done for him, really?
Graffiti rushes past him as his aching feet carry him deeper and deeper back to that fateful spot he and Joshua had last seen one another- that smirking grin, the smoke wisping off of the barrel of the gun. Three weeks of hell, just for that. What if this is just another of those stupid games of his?
Trust your partner.
Well. It’s gotten him this far, if with an extra bullet scar to his chest. He can trust CAT’s words one last time.
Besides, he can hear screaming.
Neku feels what’s wrong before he can actually see it, the hair on his arms and the back of his neck rising as something that he would describe as feeling like static dances across his skin and through his veins? What the hell? Is that Noise? That’s one hell of an energy spike for even a dangerous Noise.
But then Neku stumbles into that throne room and immediately has to throw his arm up over his eyes, squinting as a bright light nearly blinds him. Wind whips around the epicenter of this glow, tugging at his hair and his clothes and his heart. “What the hell?”
He plants his feet and squints through the bright light, grinding his teeth together through the pain as something deep in him tells him to get out, go, run. But he can’t because there in the middle of this power, this personal storm wrapped around him, is a tall figure with broad shoulders, curled over in pain and mouth open to scream, a pair of white fluffy wings sprouting from his back and flexing as if to try to pull the figure free from the storm. Neku can really only recognize him by the sight of that messy, curly hair and that connection that urges him closer, urges him to help. His partner is in pain.
“Joshua!” Neku grits his teeth and tries to take a step forward, only to be buffeted back by the power. He snarls and firmly plants his foot forward, then again, determination settling in his chest. He could turn back, return to the life Joshua gave back to him and forget this storm is happening, give in to the fear and anxiety and live like the ignorant RG person he is. Neku scoffs and takes a third step, bringing himself that much closer to his bastard of a partner. “Like hell I’m giving up on you after everything! You hear me, Josh?”
The storm seems to shudder in response, lessening slightly. That head lifts weakly, showing glazed, blank eyes that close in… resignation? No, that feels wrong. The Joshua he knows wouldn’t be giving up. What’s happened to him to get him here?
The fear curls up again as Neku fights his way through the storm. What’s to keep Joshua from killing him again, or this power that surges back up to meet his forward progress? His hands are shaking.
To think this is how he sees his partner again. No smarmy sudden howdy, Neku from around a street corner, or the bastard showing up suddenly to their friend gathering. No, Neku has to save his ass from whatever the hell this is. Fucker. He wants to yell at this idiot until his throat is hoarse, to yank him from this oppressive static clinging to him and hold him tight in relief. But Neku has to get Joshua free before he can do anything. Stupid.
“Get down here!” With another snarl, Neku shoves forward and plunges his hands into the glowing mass, eyes widening when his hands sink in to settle around a familiar wrist, a wrist he’d grabbed and dragged around Shibuya when his partner hadn’t wanted to participate in the mission. Neku grits his teeth and tightens his grip, thrusting his other hand in to snag Joshua’s shoulder. The form under this glowing feels like the kid he knows, the bastard who would giggle and taunt him. But it’s wrong, trembling under the power he’s trapped in. Static pricks along Neku’s arm, stinging warningly as if to make him release his prize. Neku shakes his head and ignores how he can’t feel his arm. “Damn it, I’m not letting go! That’s my partner!”
Neku grits his teeth and yanks, pulling Joshua free of the storm that tries to cling tight to it’s Composer. When he pulls that trembling hand free first, the white glow seems to peel away and leave a small, pale hand behind. Sure enough, as Neku hauls Joshua down from the epicenter and safe into his arms, static fizzles out and pops off of the tall form of what Neku can only assume is the Composer, leaving nothing more than the small teenager that Neku thought he knew so well leaning helplessly against his chest. Large feathered wings, disheveled and shuddering, hang limp from his friend’s back, drag against the ground as Neku quickly backs away from the storm that had possessed Joshua. White feathers rip free, pulled by the storm, and vanish upon hitting the ground. Joshua shudders in his arms and weakly looks up at him.
Joshua blinks hazily up at Neku, limp against his chest. His voice breaks when he speaks, hoarse from screaming if Neku had to guess. “N..?”
“Josh…” He looks exactly the same, right down to his clothing choices. But he also looks completely different, torn and beaten to hell and back from whatever was trying to rip him apart up there. Around his neck, hair tangled in the headband, lies a large pair of purple and grey headphones, battered and beaten from years of heavy use and worn from love. What the hell? Neku had tossed those things to the ground as soon as he’d realized he was alive. How did Josh end up with them? Why is he wearing them?
Questions for later. Are they safe?
Neku glances up warrily. The storm is just… gone, after its victim has been freed. Neku looks back down at his rescue in his arms. What was that? What’s been happening for the last week? Why does Joshua look dead on his feet? Neku frowns. “Are you okay?”
“I-” Joshua coughs, turning his face away from Neku’s. Everything about the boy in his arms looks worn and beaten. Dark circles cling to beneath his eyes. When’s the last time Josh slept? Does he even need to sleep? He sure looks it. His cheek rests heavily against Neku’s shoulder, tired gaze searching the dark corners of the large stone room. Neku follows his gaze, but can’t find anything. “I’m fine.”
Joshua seems to sigh, almost resigned as he tries to straighten up. Neku slowly lowers his arms, a hand resting between his partner’s shoulder blades- between those wings- as he wobbles, unsteady on his feet. The wings flare a bit, as if to steady him, but Joshua grits his teeth and they slump back to the ground. Neku frowns. Does that hurt him?
“You look like you’re about to keel over.” Neku scowls back at Joshua’s dirty look sent his way. It’s true. “What happened? What was that?”
“I am.” Joshua licks at his lips, gaze still slightly unfocused. Neku’s tempted to wave his finger in front of his eyes to see if he can track it. The blond leans in against the supportive touch to his back. “About to keel over, that is. It seems, Neku, that you’ve…” Joshua wobbles and raises a shaking hand to his shoulder, rolling out the joint a bit. He laughs sardonically under his breath. “It seems you’ve interrupted my execution.”
“Your what?” Neku asks sharply, baffled. As per usual with Joshua, every answer to a question only raises five more answers he needs. Joshua just cringes back at the noise, head falling back as his eyes squeeze closed. The guy looks like he’s about to drop, frail and ready to shatter. This isn’t the Joshua he knows.
Neku presses his lips into a firm line and gently takes Joshua by his upper arm, urging him towards that large throne at the back of the room. “C’mon, sit down.”
Joshua digs his heels in when Neku tries to pull him deeper into the room, shaking his head. He’s trembling in Neku’s grip, nearly collapsing in his attempt to pull back from where Neku’s leading him. Neku nearly lets him fall in surprise as panic flashes across Joshua’s worn expression, gaze locked onto the cold stone. “No, no, not there. The couch, in the Pad, but not here.”
“Okay, okay… not there. Got it.” Neku reaches for Joshua again, feeling almost like he’s reaching for a scared animal. What happened to him? He frowns and winds his arm around Joshua’s thin wait and drapes his arm across his shoulders. A little barbed tease about how Joshua needs his help rests on the tip of his tongue, laced with fury, but Neku swallows it down. He’ll have plenty of time to get mad at Joshua later. “C’mon, lean on me. You said we’re going to the pad?”
That has to be the weird western retro looking room outside of those invisible doors. What’s with that thing anyway?
Joshua gives Neku a blank look, reluctance in his eyes as he nods and leans against Neku. His gaze flits over one more time to the far wall, searching the dark corners, before falling to watch where he’s placing his feet. Must be taking a lot of concentration, Neku guesses, even with the way Joshua’s leaning his weight against Neku. Those pitiful, ruffled wings that look like they should be fluffy and bright drape over his arm and drag along the ground as they slowly make their way through the graffiti halls back to the RG. Joshua’s silent along the walk except for a tiny muttered curse when he trips over his own feet.
“Careful,” Neku mutters, pulling Joshua closer. This feels wrong, seeing Joshua so exhausted and practically defeated like this. The last time he’d seen his partner, the jackass had been smirking at him over the smoking barrel of a gun. He looked like he’d had the world resting in the palm of his hand, content and satisfied with how his plans had gone. But this Joshua looks like he’s on his last legs, tossed to hell and back and only clinging on to existence for some determined reason only he knows. Neku lowers Joshua carefully to the couch when they finally make it into that glaringly bright room, despite the urgency in his nerves. “There we go…”
Joshua blinks up slowly at Neku as he sinks into the couch, a grimace pulling at his lips as those long, wilted wings get pressed against the back. His eyes slide closed for a moment, brows knitting together in what Neku has to assume is pain, and the wings seem to simply fizzle out of existence. Neku can’t quite even focus on where they would be on the couch anymore. Huh.
Long, pale fingers are pulling at a thick blanket draped over the arm of the couch, but Neku can see how much effort it takes his once proud partner to even tug the blanket over himself. He exhales slowly through his nose, but looks around to find a distraction. He draws the line at tucking his murderer in. 
Neku turns away, gripping his arm. What now? He’s got questions, so so many questions, but he doesn’t even know where to begin, much less how to get the answers out of Josh when his partner knows so well how to run Neku in circles.
His gaze lands on the bar on the far side of the room. Neku’s feet take off before he can process the thought, taking him behind the bar to search through the various glass bottles lined up against the wall. He can feel Joshua’s curious gaze tracking his movements, sending the hairs on his neck standing on end. Neku scoffs. “Do you have nothing but wine and liquor here?”
“Don’t be ridiculous, Neku,” Joshua murmurs lightly. He sounds so tired, but there’s a little more life to his voice now that he’s sitting down. Neku rolls his eyes. Who’s the ridiculous one here? “We have plenty of soda and juice back there for mixers.”
“I’m looking for water, dumbass,” Neku snips back, kneeling to investigate the minifridge stashed beneath the bar. He pops open the stainless steel door and breathes a sigh of relief. Behind a neat stack of soda and juices stands a few bottles of water. Neku snags one and grabs a soda for himself before standing with a groan and looking at his ex partner.
He doesn’t think he’s ever seen the blond look so small, curled in on himself with the thick blanket draped so carefully across him. Everything about him seems wilted, even his curly hair more tangled and limp than usual. His shoulders sag, as if those wings are still weighing him down. His gaze listlessly tracks the fish swimming through the flooring underfoot.
What’s with those things anyway? Is Joshua so far removed from humanity that he has wings? Maybe he shouldn’t be too surprised. The Reapers had wings, though they were black and gothic, skeletal and reaching. Joshua’s were long and seemed like they would spread wide if he were to extend them, feathered and full even as disheveled and painful as they looked. Joshua looked like he could have flown with them, if they were taken care of better.
Neku sighs and sets the can of soda and the bottle of water on the bar, leaning against it as he pops the tab with a quick jerk. Joshua looks up at the noise, tired violet eyes meeting Neku’s gaze. Huh. Neku’s lips turn down as he stamps down a surge of anger.
“So…” Joshua’s gaze dims even more as Neku starts off. His lips press together as Neku clears his throat. “What was that back there?”
“What was what, Neku?” Even his voice is tired, none of that cocky inflection that used to color his tone.and infuriate Neku so much. Neku needs to hear that tone again, if only so he wouldn’t feel like shit for still having the urge to deck the kid.
“That, Joshua, back in that stupid stone room.” Neku’s voice rings in the empty room, crossing the expanse between them. He’s worried about the jackass. He doesn’t know what’s going on. Is Joshua still in danger? Is Neku? He doesn’t like worrying, doesn’t like the bubble of anxiety that builds and builds and builds in his chest so he does what he always has and turns it into something else. That anger rises again. He comes all this way after missing the asshole who shot him for a solid week, and now he’s going to try and play coy? He was led like a dog to some stupid final showdown between people much more powerful than him and this is what Josh is going to try and pull in response? No. Neku grits his teeth. “What did you mean by execution? And damn it, you need to give me a straight answer this time.”
“Neku…” Joshua turns his gaze back down, expression unchanged by Neku’s outburst. He raises a delicate hand to press against his temple. He’s probably still in pain. “Now?”
“I can’t help you if you won’t share what’s going on!” Neku snatches up the drinks and marches around the bar to stand in front of the couch, facing down Joshua. He tosses the water bottle down beside Joshua, reaching behind himself to set his own soda on the table. His hands are shaking. Yelling at someone who looks like a walking corpse doesn’t feel good at all. “Why was I called here to help if you won’t even take it?”
“Called here?” Joshua blinks, expression slipping as he stares flabbergasted up at Neku. His brow furrows in as he gapes open mouthed at Neku. He clears his throat and looks away, tucking his hair behind his ear as he reschools his expression. “I don’t know of any such calling, Neku. I was a bit preoccupied.”
Right. Josh looked pretty wrapped up in that storm. Neku can’t forget those agonized screams. There’s no way he would have been able to make a phone call, much less send two different messages.
Neku can’t get over how exhausted his friend looks. The anger drains out of him all at once. With a heavy sigh, Neku flops onto the couch beside Joshua. He does relish the visible surprise on his partner’s face when he bounces for the force.
“What are you doing?”
“Staying with you.” Neku sighs and runs his hand through his bangs, shoving back the gelled spikes. “I’m making sure you’re okay. Drink some water.”
Joshua sputters when Neku reaches across him to pick up the bottle and press it against his chest through the blanket. He squirms, hands fighting free of the confines of the fabric to grip the bottle even as he protests. “I don’t need-“
“Drink. The water.” Neku snaps, crossing his arms. His gaze drifts to those headphones around Joshua’s neck. He doesn’t know what he’s doing here, or anything about what’s going on in Joshua’s head, but there’s some connection between them even still that Neku has to figure out. He doesn’t know why Joshua has his headphones. But it reassured him, strangely enough. “I want to help, dumbass.”
He meets Joshua’s wide gaze. “Don’t get me wrong. I’m still pissed at you and I will be getting answers. But I trust you.” His voice softens. “I won’t leave you alone like this.”
“But…” Joshua falls silent for a moment, as if gathering his thoughts. The fabric tightens and loosens, as if fingers are clenching at it from the inside.
Neku nudges Joshua’s shoulder. “Water.”
“This is my penance, Neku,” Joshua murmurs quietly. The plastic of the water bottle snaps as he twists the cap off. Joshua pulls his feet up onto the couch. Neku swears he sees his jaw trembling before he turns away. But Joshua’s voice does sound tight, like there’s something stuck in his throat. “I’m supposed to be left ‘like this,’ to be left alone.”
“That’s bullshit,” Neku spits. The quiet admission strikes a chord in him. He once thought he could live alone too, that it was fine if he kept his world borders closed to only himself. That he deserved it. But he learned differently, thanks to his friends. To Shiki, Beat, Rhyme, and yeah. Even Joshua. “I’m sitting here right now, aren’t I? You don’t have to be alone.”
Joshua’s silent for a moment.
“So chivalrous, Neku. When did that happen?” He laughs, quietly and sardonically. Neku wants to grab him by the shoulders and shake him. Joshua, face still turned away, tucks his hair behind his ears. “What I mean, Neku, is that I am quite literally not allowed to have any unnecessary contact with anyone. A Composer’s identity is supposed to remain a secret, you know. Only the Conductor can know who he is.” Joshua’s expression falters, a dark shadow across that cutting gaze. “And the powers that be have decreed that I’m not allowed to have another. Can’t be trusted not to break my toys, apparently.”
Some kind of punishment? That makes sense, Josh did try to nuke Shibuya. Even if he changed his mind, Joshua shot him, and even he has to face some sort of consequences for that, right? Sounds like it, if he has some kind of higher tier watching his movement. They probably weren’t too crazy about Joshua apparently going renegade.
But if Joshua isn’t allowed to have any kind of contact, then who the hell called him here? Someone who would insist that Neku is Joshua’s only chance at living.
It seems like every answer Joshua deigns to give him, he only has so many more questions to give back.
“Does that have anything to do with why you were being torn apart back there?”
“Ah…” Joshua flinches, the fabric of the blanket tightening around him as if he’s squeezing himself inside his cocoon. His voice comes out as a near whisper. “Yes. As you can imagine, Shibuya was… rather dissatisfied with my actions. She wasn’t too happy with me trying to destroy her current UG and hand the reins off. So… it appears as if she decided to simply give me what I wanted.” Joshua’s breath hitches. “Really, she must have seen it as a kindness, perhaps. After all the trouble I went through.”
Joshua laughs, one of those forced giggles. He nudges Neku’s arm with his elbow. “But how lucky for me that Shibuya adores you so much.”
She? Does Shibuya have… her own personality or personification or something? Alright. Sure. Not the weirdest thing that Neku’s heard of in the last month. His mind is running a mile a minute, stumbling over itself. He frowns in response to Joshua’s playfulness and nudges him back. Joshua’s smile wavers, but he covers it up with a sip from the water bottle.
Neku’s surprised at how quickly he’s learning to read this more fragile Joshua. He’s entirely on the defensive. If Neku pressed hard enough, he might be able to get any answer he wanted.
He just wants to know if Joshua is okay.
“So Shibuya was mad that you tried to nuke it- her.” Neku rubs the back of his neck. “But what? Adores me? What does that mean?”
“You spent three weeks tromping all across her UG, meeting the challenges set by her denizens and spreading your influence. You left a bit of you, Neku, near everywhere you went.” Joshua just laughs softly when Neku stares, flabbergasted at him. “It’s only natural that she would grow to love you. The same way that you grew to love her, no?”
“I… guess you’re not wrong.” Neku shifts uncomfortably, lacing his fingers together to hang loosely as he leans forward on his knees for support. He used to hate this city, hate its ideals and the noise and the crowds that made it all clash. But Shibuya is his home. The Game taught him to appreciate it, to listen to people and see how their differences make it a better city. “So… what are you saying? Shibuya led me here?”
“No.” Joshua shakes his head. The tiniest and most honest smile Neku has ever seen on Joshua’s face curls his lips. “And if my suspicions are correct, I can’t tell you who did. That’s beyond my jurisdiction. Normally that wouldn’t stop me, but I’m trying to get time off for good behavior.” He laughs- forced again- and tucks his hair behind his ear. “No, Neku, Shibuya was trying to kill me. Why would she lead you here?”
“I don’t know.” Joshua just sounds so resigned. He’s never heard him sound like this before. Neku feels helpless. “Because she knew I would try and save you?”
Joshua freezes beside him, the plastic of the bottle crinkling. Neku turns to glance at Joshua, catching only a glimpse of wide eyed confusion just as his head snaps away. Joshua shakes his head as if to clear it. “Ah, well. Of course, I’m very grateful to still be sitting here.”
“Will it happen again?” Neku takes Joshua’s momentary tension as a yes. Joshua’s clearly trying to hide his reactions and expressions as he usually does, but nearly dying must affect the amount of effort one can put into that.
“I have to assume so,” Joshua murmurs. He sighs. “A Composer is not meant to be without a Conductor. A Conductor not only serves as his Composer’s link to the Reapers and makes sure the Game goes smoothly, but he also helps to assist the Composer in guiding and mitigating the sheer power of the city that runs through the Composer. And as I don’t have a Conductor, I have to try and handle all this power on my own. Add Shibuya’s anger to that and…”
And Joshua doesn’t have long, Neku finishes silently. Joshua’s set back into the couch by this point, gaze tipped idly towards the floor. His partner looks sleepy, of all things. Guess that makes sense. Neku follows his line of sight and isn’t at all surprised to find him watching the fish again. He wonders what Joshua is thinking. He’s lost the one person who was allowed to know him. And now he’s fucking dying because of it.
“There has to be something we can do…” Neku offers weakly, mind racing. Joshua doesn’t deserve to die. He firmly believes that, even as the snarled knots of dual scars in his chest twinge at the thought. He still doesn’t quite know what Joshua was thinking during the Game (what did he mean, Shibuya was going to give him what he wanted? Shibuya was killing-). But it all worked out, in the end. He didn’t destroy Shibuya. He even restored it. Rhyme’s back, and she lost fair and square. Neku’s even pretty sure that he saw a poster for a Def March concert pop up a couple days ago. Josh did all that.
Neku runs a hand over his mouth. Could he…?
“You need a Conductor, right? They won’t give you one and aren’t exactly giving you the chance to appoint a new one.”
“It’s a bit more complicated than that, but essentially that’s the gist.” Joshua tiredly lifts a hand, letting his fingers drift through his own hair. His shoulder leans just a bit more heavily against Neku’s. Neku sits back to support him better. Joshua sighs heavily. “So I’m quite out of luck, you see.”
So if Joshua gets a new Conductor, he’ll live. Those higher ups of his have made it so Josh can’t find a new one. Probably fair enough, considering what happened to his last one.
Neku has to be crazy to be thinking what he’s thinking, then.
“What if I was your Conductor?”
Joshua’s head snaps around, wide startled eyes clashing against Neku’s calm gaze. Jaw dropped, Joshua stares. Neku almost has time to find amusement in it when Joshua’s gaze narrows. “Are you an idiot, Neku?” Joshua snaps through grit teeth. Neku’s almost offended by the venom in Joshua’s voice. “You hated every second you spent in the UG.”
“Not every second,” Neku mumbles. It’s where he met his friends, including Josh. He would still be a lonely, abrasive asshole if he wasn’t forced into the Game. It doesn’t mean he forgives Joshua, and he’s going to punch him as soon as he can without knocking the Composer flat on his ass. But he can’t let him die like this.
“Nonetheless, you don’t even know what you’re trying to sign up for.” Joshua spits, shaking his head. He scowls at Neku, glaring. “Are you always so impulsive?”
“No,” Neku answers plainly. But he’s not thinking about himself right now. He hasn’t thought about if he wants back into the Game, even if he isn’t a player. All he can see are those wings that had dragged against the ground, the way they had shed feathers all across the ground like tears. Joshua could die. Neku can’t just sit back and watch something like that happen again. “But I can’t just do nothing.”
“You absolutely can Neku.” Joshua sighs. “I’m simply dealing with what I’m owed.”
Neku frowns and scoots closer to Joshua. Josh leans away for a moment, but looks down as he slumps against Neku’s shoulder. Neku clears his throat. “Your face deserves to meet my fist, but you don’t deserve an execution.”
“Don’t I?” Joshua tips his head back, leaning just a little bit more against Neku’s shoulder. He runs his tongue across his teeth, clearly deep in thought. “… do it.”
“What the fuck, Josh,” Neku spits. A surge of hot anger runs through him. What kind of jackass does Joshua think he is? “I’m not going to punch you right now. Do you think I’m that shitty?”
“You said I deserve it. Get it over with,” Joshua says simply with another infuriating shrug. “I’m waiting.”
“Oh, fuck you,” Neku bites, leaning away from Joshua. He grits his teeth. “Don’t fucking toy with me, Joshua. I’ve got some things I want to say, but it can wait until after I help you.”
Joshua scoffs. “You do still have all of your memory, yes? I know I haven’t taken anything I didn’t give back to you. Why would you help me at all?”
“Because you’re my friend, damn it!” Why the hell is Joshua being so difficult? Is this another of his stupid games? Neku’s anger burns hot in his chest. “I haven’t forgiven you, if that’s what you’re asking, but we’re still friends. I don’t want you to die. If you need me to become your Conductor for that, I’ll do it.”
It probably isn’t that simple. But in this moment it feels like it is. Maybe the Game won’t be so bad if he has some control over it.
“I don’t get friends, Neku,” Joshua hisses. A sympathetic pang runs through Neku’s chest, quenching some of the fire. He’s… shaking. Neku’s eyes widen as their gazes clash. Is Joshua… afraid? “Apparently I have a tendency to get them erased. You should run while you still can.”
Josh… wants him to get mad, Neku realizes. Is he trying to push him away? Well. Like hell is Neku doing anything that Joshua wants. He crosses his arms. “You don’t get a say on people caring about you. And I’m not going anywhere.”
“You do realize what you’re volunteering for, yes?” Joshua sneers. He’s clearly shaken. This can’t be one of Joshua’s games. Neku doesn’t think he’d ever voluntarily look so weak. “Did you like the taste of metal so much, Neku?”
Neku’s breath hitches and his chest seizes up. He hasn’t forgotten what being shot felt like, or the ring of gunfire through Joshua’s pistol. He fought so hard to come back to life. He doesn’t want to die again, he just found friends, a new goal, things to live for! But he can’t leave Joshua like this… Josh is his friend too. But Neku can’t swallow around the taste of metal in his lungs, can’t hear around the thunder of gunshot in his ears.
But then there’s a hesitant weight against his shoulder, a warmth to distract him from the memory. Neku blinks and looks down to find Joshua facing  away, but leaning to brace his back against Neku’s shoulder. He’s pulled both legs up onto the couch, knees to his chest with the blanket wrapped around him as he faces away completely from Neku. Is Josh… trying to comfort him? Neku can’t see his expression like this. It’s odd, but not unpleasant.
“What would I have to do? As Conductor.”
“That’s classified information.” Joshua sinks deeper into his blanket. If Neku had to guess, that petulant gaze is locked on the fish below again. He sounds like he’s pouting. “I don’t want you as my Conductor, Neku, we’ve been over this.”
“You don’t exactly have a lot of people lining up for the position,” Neku tosses back. He frowns and leans in to press his weight against Joshua’s. A reminder that he’s there. This isn’t going to be the last time they talk. He won’t let Joshua be alone.
Joshua sighs. Neku can see the way his finger curls again and again and again in his hair. “You’d have to die again, for one, and how boring to lose your life just after having it returned to you. And then you’d have to put up with me constantly, listening to my whining and my demands and then you’d have to obey them. And most Conductors get erased in the line of fire when someone is gunning for the Composer’s position.”
Joshua’s tone is a little rushed, a little frantic. Neku can’t help but huff softly, smiling a little.
“Do you give this campaign speech to every candidate you have?” Neku snarks.
“Only the ones I don’t want.” Joshua sneers.
Neku hums in response. None of that really sounds great at all. But Joshua’s still trying to push him away. That can’t be all to it. “I’ve seen Def March in the RG. So I could still see my friends and could grab a burger here and there.” He nudges Joshua’s back. “Could grab you some of those chili dogs you like.”
Joshua’s hair pulls taut around his finger. Neku’s a little worried he’ll pull it out, but Joshua’s sigh cuts his thoughts short. “Theoretically, yes.”
“Then it doesn’t matter.” Neku can still expand his world from UG just as well as from the RG. He can finish the murals he’s started. He wouldn’t even have to give up any goals. Except maybe graduating, but it isn’t like Neku hasn’t thought about dropping out of school before. Hell, that only sweetens the deal.
“You are unbelievably frustrating, Neku!” Joshua shouts, running a hand through his hair. Neku’s never heard the other sound so done with the situation, not even when dealing with the Grim Heaper. “I am fine. I don’t need you as my Conductor.”
“Why are you being so frustrating?” Neku shoots back, shifting to look at Joshua properly. The other boy reluctantly shifts away to meet his gaze, frowning hard. Neku’s hands start to tremble. “I know you’re in pain. Every movement projects it so hard you should just give up on trying to hide it. You’re dying, Josh, and Shibuya’s going to finish you off if you don’t let me help you. I can do that.”
Neku sighs and sits back without breaking Joshua’s gaze, even as his friend visibly flinches. “If you really don’t want me as your Conductor, then fine. But let me fill in until you find someone you can work with so that you don’t just evaporate out of existence.”
“I don’t want to kill you again, Neku!”
“What, you already killed me once for your Game. You can’t kill me now to save your own life?” Neku snaps back immediately. Joshua looks hurt, like it took everything for him to admit that. It might have. Neku doesn’t particularly care. And yeah, he’s a little bitter. He’s allowed that.
“That was before you had to go and change! Had to go and change me!” Joshua tugs at his hair with both hands, teeth ground together. Joshua’s head snaps up to meet Neku’s gaze. He looks desperate. “Why didn’t you just shoot me?”
Neku presses his lips together in a firm line, meeting the stubborn Composer’s glare with one of his own. “How could I? You put me through all kinds of hell. You stole my life. Forced me through a cruel game. You manipulated me. But I’m still trusting you despite all that. Like I keep saying.” Neku softens his voice. Joshua’s just gotten more and more visibly distressed the more he’s spoken. “You’re my friend.”
“You trusted me and I threw another bullet at you!” Joshua scowls. Neku’s struck again by how fragile he looks. A shaking kid wrapped in blankets, beaten to hell and back and… nearly crying. Joshua hiccups as he struggles to fight back tears. Neku’s heart squeezes tight in his chest. “How could you call me a friend? I don’t… I don’t understand, Neku…”
If Joshua’s trying to convince Neku that he’s a horrible person who doesn’t deserve to be saved, this heartbreaking image isn’t cutting it. He just sees a lonely kid who’s been forced into even more solitude. Slowly, timidly, Neku reaches out to curl an arm around Joshua and tug him close.
“Wha-” Joshua gasps in his ear, but doesn’t fight when Neku pulls him into a tight hug. He squirms in Neku’s grip, but rests his chin on his shoulder. “N-Neku?”
“Just shut up for a second, Josh.” Neku wraps his other arm around Joshua, shifting to rest his chin on the crown of the Composer’s head. Joshua’s chest, pressed to his, is heaving and he can hear Joshua trying to take measured breaths. Neku tightens his grip. This is… really warm. He can’t remember the last time he had a hug. He squeezes his stubborn, frustrating jackass of a friend closer. Neku closes his eyes. “I missed you.”
Joshua shifts again and takes a moment to work a hand out of the blanket. Neku hides a smile in those blond curls as a tentative hand curls in the back of Neku’s shirt. Joshua sighs softly. “I’d tell you that I missed you too, but you told me to shut up.”
“Dumbass,” Neku laughs, snorting softly into Joshua’s shoulder. Damn it. He even somewhat  missed arguing with this guy. They still have a lot to work out, but Neku just can’t let him die. 
Joshua chuckles back and seems to melt into the hug for a few moments before loosening his grip. He pulls back to look at Neku, smile slipping away. Neku’s own grin falls at Joshua’s serious look. “I don’t want to have to kill you again, Neku.”
“Believe it or not, I’m not crazy about the idea either, Josh.” Neku crosses his arms. He really isn’t. He remembers the taste of metal in his mouth, the way blood had welled in his lungs. But he got Joshua to smile. It makes Neku just as happy as when he made Shiki smile today. “As long as I can see my friends again and live my life to some extent, I can handle it.”
“I suppose you will know your way around the Game by this point,” Joshua muses, the curl of his knuckles pressed to his lips in thought. Neku raises an eyebrow as Joshua laughs. “Especially as I was one of your guides.”
Is that him giving in, or bragging? Knowing Josh, probably both. Neku rolls his eyes.
“Right.” His gaze tracks Joshua’s movement as he pulls his fingers through his messy hair. His chest feels heavy. “So… we should probably get this over with quickly, yeah?”
Joshua twists his hair between his fingers. “If this is what we’re doing, then… yes, best to get this done as soon as possible, before Shibuya…” Joshua falters. Clears his throat. “Before Shibuya decides she’s tired of waiting.”
Joshua waves his hand. Neku flinches as a familiar heavy gun snaps into being in Joshua’s palm. His partner raises an eyebrow. “Are you sure you can handle this, Neku?”
“No,” Neku answers honestly. “But the only other choice is to let you die, right?”
Joshua nods, silent.
Neku takes a deep breath- his last one, maybe. He glances towards the padlocked door, towards the RG. Does he have any loose ends he wants to take care of as living and breathing Neku?
No, actually, nothing he hasn’t been told he’ll be able to do as Conductor. He can keep his friendships, can keep Shiki and Beat and Rhyme and he’ll be able to meet Eri eventually and he’ll be able to create still.
And he’ll be able to work out his complicated feelings towards Joshua.
“What?” Neku looks up at Joshua. He holds himself up a bit better now, seeming to sit up a little straighter. One hand lightly grips the headphones draped around his neck. Neku’s a little afraid that the familiarity of the gun in his other hand is what’s bolstering Joshua’s confidence. But he kind of hopes that it’s Neku offering to be his Conductor that’s helped Joshua pull himself together. Neku raises his chin stubbornly.
“What are you waiting for? Shoot.”
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pmiller1 · 4 years
Wild I’m at it. I gonna post my own Eri headcanon myself.
Some would indeed inspired by @ask-theworldbeginswithyou 
Some Added Backstory 
Eri met Shiki, when she saw Shiki making Mr. Mew, It was so well done that she couldn't believe her eyes that she was good at making, She ask if she came make something for her that she wanted to wear herself. Three Year Ago.
Most if not all of her clothing that she mostly wear are made by Shiki, by her own design.
She a natural brunette. She dyed it for two year.
Before meeting Shiki, she wanted to made her own clothing but was unable do to her fear of needle.
She live with her penthouse with her Mother and Step-Dad.
She and Neku are in fact Step-Sibling.
She know Neku Sakuraba, but never personally met him do to his rude persona he put on. Before Shiki befriend him.
It was Shiki's father whom inform Eri about her Death (well hospitality now) when he call her. She took it to mean that he blame her for his girl death (or near-death).
She also was inform about Nao's Death (hospitality), given she and Nao-Nao was close friends.
She all Ace in All Classes.
She too is a fan of Cat works.
Her full name is Erica Kanjishii. However she like to be call Eri for short.
Possible Reaper Game Headcanon
Her enter Fee would be her memory of her close friends. She wouldn't know Shiki, Beat, Neku, Rhyme, Ai, Mina, Nao-Nao, Sota and possible more people. 
However is Possible it would just be the Memory of Shiki.
Do to her imagination, she be about to use most if not all the Pins. She would flavor D+B, Natural Puppy and Hip Snake.Her Foci (An object that tide with their Psych, like Neku's headphone, Shiki's Mr Mew) would be her Multi-Colour Pen that she use for drawing her design.
Wild Eri is popular in school, she had those that she keep close as her friends. The one that she know, trust and love to most. Eri isn't one see herself in a Relationship, even if she a fan of romantic genre. Most of the date are ended of breaking off, as most of the boy in classes thinking that she easy to get, do to her way of dress outside of school. Not that she would let some pervert get to her. But it does make her feel like she couldn't be loved as in really loved her. Her close friend help her remove any of those donut. I pass her as Panromantic Demisexual. And before you ask. The gang are part of her close friend.
Shiki: Her best friend. As it was her skill that help made clothing that she thought up. Helping her toward her dream. She does feel jealousy toward her skill with the needle, as her fidget hand make her prick herself most of the time. But she hold it behind her as she really glad she had over all and never want to lose her, she wasn't consciously aware of it, but she haber feeling for lady. It really hit home when the accident happen to Shiki left her hospitality (at least she think, do to a memory changed, if you will) for 3 week. Now she can't help see Shiki in a new light. She try to keep it to herself, but her Hormone and jealousy toward Neku make her burst her feeling about her every time. That she always shock that she return the feeling back. This does help her feel a lot better. Not that she still she her as her best friend. She still had her little fun with thrusting her and Neku.
Neku: She doesn't know what make this antisocial become friend with Shiki at alone the other of his gang, other then the idea her and met when they both was hospitality (again, memory changed if you Headcanon that), doesn't stop her from Questioning him most of the time, like the time he almost said Shiki name to her, why he had to make sure she said the right thing toward Shiki. She really can't to feel jealousy as he seem to be make Shiki better for herself (and the two dating, no matter hard they deny it). She really feel like he a better friend then her. Witch amaze her then Neku told her that he not gonna take Shiki apart of her, able start this friendship and feeling support to Neku and Shiki (in her own trushing way)
Beat: At 1st, she didn't think to much of him, he was a idiot, lord, and give off this bad boy. It doesn't help that he doesn't seem remember her name right, calling her Shiki disputed she and her look nothing. But soon she got to know him as something as a good brother to Rhyme, a Good friend even Shiki and Neku, and wild he call Shiki, it more then like call by her own name most of time. That fact she was starting to seem him cute and started to like to guy, witch end having feeling for him. Thinking that he couldn't hurt to ask him out at least (it always the other way), when she ask Rhyme, it became very something as she find out that he like her back and was worry he would think she see him as some pervert. That made it more fun for her.
Rhyme: A sweet kids she saw her as, so he start to became from with her easily with her. Still she may make joke about her tomboyish must of the time, but mean no harm. How that she and Beat are starting, she already calling her Eri-san, or even Onee-san, already she becoming a Sister-in-Law with her.
The White Angels: Just to be clear, Shiki is also part, in fact Eri and Shiki are co-founder. This is included Nao-Nao and Mina who are her close friend of her, She is also friend Ai and Sota thank to that.
She fidgeting with her pinky ring.
She very picky eater, she mostly eat when she only hungry or by other people reminding her, Do to her anorexia.
Her phone is Green, One that show the close friendship with Shiki, given she wear Green and it stand out for her. (As Shiki had a Pink Phone for that reason).
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revelarete · 5 years
things minato arisato and neku sakuraba have in common
mp3 players and headphones
listening to the games ost
emo asf
protag with special powers
never take their hands out of their pockets
a himbo who wears a hat, a small girl with short hair as a sort of guide of the group, and a red head who tells u to get shit done
rivals who look ridiculous
npc who says sine cosine and tangent
a pseudo mastermind with long curly hair showing a lil man tiddy starting a cult to make sure people don't step out of line and ruin their plan
isolating themselves in fear of getting too attached to someone just for that to be taken away and then having to deal with the pain that comes with it
having some boy annoy the shit out of them only for them to soon get attached to said boy for being able to relate and talk to them
said boy, in the end, turns out to be god and betrays them, insisting that they should kill them for their own good or else they will destroy shit
both are reluctant and fail to finish god boy off
god boy just kinda goes tch and has to destroy stuff but ends up not doing that and instead help them get their shit together so that things can go back to normal
absurd hair colors
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recentanimenews · 4 years
The World Ends With You TV Anime To Premiere in 2021
  Following a teaser announcement earlier this week, Square Enix has formally announced the forthcoming premiere of a new TV anime based on the 2007 sleeper hit Nintendo DS RPG The World Ends With You. The anime comes on the heels of the game's 14th anniversary next year.
  Square Enix’s The World Ends with You was developed by the same creative minds behind the world-famous Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts.
When the game first released on the Nintendo DS in 2007, it received high praise as well as numerous award nominations. It has since been re-released on iOS, Android, and the Nintendo Switch, and it continues to attract new fans to this day.
And next year, in 2021, the game that captivated players around the world is returning in an all-new anime! Tetsuya Nomura, Takeharu Ishimoto, and other members of the original team have rejoined forces to bring the compelling story to life once more.
Race through the streets of Shibuya and survive the seven-day Reapers’ Game!
Neku awakens in the middle of Shibuya’s bustling Scramble Crossing with no memory of how he got there. Little does he know he’s been transported to an alternate plane of existence known as the Underground (UG). Now an unwilling participant in the mysterious “Reapers’ Game,” Neku must partner up with a girl named Shiki in order to survive. Together, they complete missions and defeat monsters known as “Noise” as they gradually uncover the true nature of this twisted Game.
“There’s only one way to stay alive in Shibuya: trust your partner.”
Will they survive the Reapers’ Game?
Neku Sakuraba (Age 15)
  An antisocial, graffiti-loving kid who keeps his headphones on to shut the world out. He awakens in the middle of Shibuya’s Scramble Crossing and immediately realizes that something is amiss…
Shiki Misaki (Age 15)
A stylish girl focused on always staying fashion-forward. She carries her handmade cat plushie with her wherever she goes.
Daisukenojo Bito (Beat) (Age 15)
A hot-blooded, hard-headed teenager who suddenly shows up with his partner Rhyme.
Rhyme (Age ???)
A devout and earnest girl with a perpetual smile on her face. Wherever Beat goes, she follows.
Yoshiya Kiryu (Joshua)
A smart-yet-smarmy boy whose intellect is equally impressive as it is unsettling.
Based on the original story:The World Ends with You (Square Enix)
Director: Kazuya Ichikawa (Domerica)
Screenwriter: Midori Goto (Sanzigen)
Character Design: Tetsuya Nomura & Gen Kobayashi (Square Enix)
Music: Takeharu Ishimoto (Thrill)
Production: Domerica x Shin-Ei Animation
  Teaser Trailer (English)
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