#A lot of the time tho? It's just a nickname and her trying to be cute and silly with it since she calls Zack 'Puppy'
sakurarisen · 1 year
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Headcanon Time!
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♫:  three of my muse’s favorite songs
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Given Sera would honestly say anything traditional, soft, lyrical - Essentially she'd sit and listen to soft rock or local music, really, along with, ironically, the Stamp song from Remake, she'll never explain why - I'm gonna cheat and pick off my playlist for her. XD The top three would be Speechless - Naomi Scott, This Is Me - Kesha (which admittedly in more modern verses does make her cry when she's able to listen to it and is one of her primary theme songs), and Return of the Snow Queen - Phrynna <3 Though honestly anything Lindsey Stirling releases is also way there, both on her playlist (Foreverglow especially!) and as something Sera herself would listen to!
☃:  does my muse like the holidays?
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Sera loves them, especially christmas! There's something comforting about them, especially now that she's older, and she loves christmas especially for being a season where people are generous. For a few weeks out of the year, people reach deep into their heart and become kinder, gentler, more open - Things she wants to see all year round, and she hopes to eventually see the magic of christmas eventually stretch out past those few weeks.
She's also especially fond of holiday decorations - she never really got to see those as a child, and now that she has her own home and family, she's prone to going all out and decorating everything she can, especially if it's sparkly and shiny! <3 Sparkly easter eggs, glitter and fake snow, lights and sparkles... She loves all of it, and never fails to get lost in the magic of the holidays! <3
♏:  something my muse obsesses over
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TW: Abuse mentions ahead.
Tending to Zack's sword and doing chores. Although it's way too big and heavy for her, very nearly matching her height, Sera will stay up all night to clean it and make sure it's ready for use the following day, even if it doesn't appear to need tending to. Likewise, she's forgo sleep to get her household tasks done, or to run errands and take care of deliveries - If she has anything left to do at the end of the day, she simply can't sleep. It weighs on her and leaves her restless, and more than once Zack's woken in the middle of the night to her in the kitchen washing dishes rather than actually sleeping beside him.
In truth, it's not so much of an obsession, though it certainly presents itself as one, and is more in line with her traumas; Sera will call it a need to be a 'good kitty' to those close enough to her she feels safe being completely honest with, and it ties in both with her nickname of 'Kitten' from Zack and her past abuse. Being 'kitten' is something of a personal shield for her (for reasons I won't get into here because that's a meta/HC in and of itself) and serves as her last line of defense, and she desperately wants to be 'good' - She wants to be dependable. She wants to be reliable. Upbeat. Not a bother. Helpful. Someone people look at and smile, not roll their eyes and get tired of whenever she's in the same room as them.
If she gets everything done she needs to, nobody has a reason to complain about it. If his sword is clean and tended to, it's one less weight on his shoulders, and one less task he has to worry about. If she can keep the kitchen clean then nobody can worry about it, or call her out on it not being sparkling. Work done on time, or even better early, means nobody else is put out because of her. She's not a disappointment, and nobody will be angry or upset or disappointed in her. She's kitten, and she's been good and helpful!
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mooluvs · 10 months
Being part of the bakusquad headcanons
requests open! | bnha masterlist
warnings: none | genre: platonic fluff | fic type: hcs
A/N: it’s self-indulgent platonic fic time ;)
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I feel like they just kinda adopted you into the group
You didn’t really have much say in it, to be honest
Like, Mina thought you looked lonely one day and told you to join them for lunch
She’d actually been planning this for week
And then suddenly, before you could refuse, Kiri is making room for you sit with them and Kami has already added you to the group chat
And before you know it, you’re all on a first name basis and you’re suddenly a lot less lonely
Though for the first few weeks, you were convinced Bakugo hated you.
Until you noticed how he blew up at anyone who insulted you
And how he gave you an affectionate not entirely insulting nickname
After awhile, his way of showing affection became clear to you and you realised that he cares fo you guys a lot.
Not that he’d admit it
The two of you often help the other four study and do homework together.
You all hang out like this quite a lot
Not very much work gets done
It’s also like having the worlds best guard dogs because not weirdos can even get close to you
Kirishima is always happy to help you train.
On top of being a good punching bag, he gives really good advice.
You’re one of the only people he trusts to help dye his hair.
He also gives really good hugs and has no problem with platonic cuddles.
Bakugo too, but tell anyone and you’re dead
Sero is always there for you when you need help.
Especially, when you need cheering up.
He loves seeing you laugh.
Kaminari loves that you don’t treat him likes he’s stupid.
And that you try and look after him when he short circuits. He really appreciates that.
He loves just chilling with you guys.
He’s more than happy to charge your electrical devices for you.
The others are on thin ice tho
Mina loves it when all of you hang out together
Was over the moon when you asked her to teach you some dance moves
She’s very happy she decided to drag you into the group
You’re all each other’s biggest supporters
You know that someone will always have your back
And that you’ll always have theirs.
And that if anyone even tries to hurt any of you they will have an angry Pomeranian flying at their face
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eiightysixbaby · 5 months
…and a happy new year
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word count: 5.5k
pairing: eddie munson x fem!reader
summary: your first week with eddie since his return to hawkins is pure bliss. you both decide you need to ring in the new year the right way. or, you and eddie can't keep your hands off of each other at nancy's new year's party.
author's note: this is an extra oneshot taking place right after my fic i'll be home for christmas. you don't have to read that fic to understand this, but i'd be extremely grateful if you gave it a chance.
cw: 18+ ONLY — SMUT. established relationship, lots of petname usage, alcohol consumption, eye-fucking basically lol, unprotected piv (he pulls out tho), oral (f receiving), reader's nickname is 'sunny'
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December 31st, 1989.
One week. Seven days. Ten thousand and eighty minutes. Six-hundred-and-four-thousand, eight hundred seconds. That’s how long it had been since you found out Eddie was home, give or take. Six of those days were spent with him as yours, finally all yours after such a long and grueling wait.
It’s New Year’s Eve, now, Christmas having passed quickly. You and Eddie had spent the time between holidays in a cozy, warm haze together. It was surreal when you woke the day after Christmas with him in your bed beside you. It was a week full of sleepovers, reacquainting yourself with the man you’d missed so much, rediscovering your most favorite parts about him. It was him stealing kisses from you basically every single chance he got, getting up in your personal space to press sloppy kisses to your cheek, or lingering pecks to your lips.
Kissing is as far as it had gone, for the meantime. That was fine, you didn’t need or expect anything more just yet, and neither did Eddie. The last thing he wanted to do was get his girl, and then fuck up by rushing things.
At least, it was fine, until right now. Until you decided to wear that outfit to Nancy’s New Year’s party. He was watching you from across the Wheeler’s basement, where you stood with Robin and Max laughing about something. A champagne flute was placed delicately between your fingers, your body relaxed. Your plaid skirt hugged your hips just right before fanning out around your thighs, the neckline of your sweater dipping just low enough to make him fantasize about what lies beneath.
He feels a little bit sick, ogling you like this. You’re so sweet, so soft, and he’s basically panting like a dog where he stands beside Steve.
What he doesn’t know, is that you’ve been eyeing him up, too — albeit more subtly. He just looks so good tonight, in his blue jeans (a rarity for him) and his sweater and that black leather jacket. The jeans might be a little too snug, hugging him perfectly in all of the right places, and you’d be a liar if you said you weren’t staring at his ass each time you could catch a glimpse.
At one point, you finally catch each other trying to gawk. You giggle around your mouthful of sparkling wine, giving him a shy little wave from across the room. His smile is immediate, eyes brightening as if he hadn’t seen you in ages. He’d spent every possible second with you since Christmas. It makes your heart skip a beat, the alcohol no longer the only thing making your face feel warm.
“You guys are disgusting,” Robin teases, her arm automatically slinking around Nancy when the smaller girl comes to stand beside her. Nancy perches on her toes, kissing Robin’s cheek.
“And we aren’t disgusting?” she asks, face scrunching up adorably when Robin laughs.
“Fair enough.”
“We won’t be offended if you abandon us to go canoodle him,” Max smirks, breaking into a laugh when you roll your eyes.
“There will be no canoodling,” you say, but it’s clear none of them believe you. Not like it matters, anyways. They’re just happy for you.
Eddie beats you to it, walking over to you before you can go to him. The television plays in the corner, the news broadcast of the big ball-drop event in New York crackling through the screen. He snakes his arm around you, pulling you into his side. His warmth immediately blankets you, and you look up at him with bright eyes.
“Hi handsome,” you say.
“Hey, sugar. Come here often?” he asks, giving you a sweet-dimpled smile before he leans down to press a kiss to your lips.
It’s still a little surreal, that he’s yours now. That he’s home. That you can kiss him whenever you want; that he does kiss you whenever he wants. You look over Eddie’s shoulder, watching the way Jonathan and Steve pretend to gag from their spots on the worn-out old sofa.
“Hey! I saw that!” you shout at them, giving them a playful middle finger as Eddie leans down again to kiss your head.
His grip on your waist tightens, and it makes you press your thighs together, suddenly antsy. His hand seems to sear an imprint into your skin, permanently a part of you. Your body is hot, growing more eager to have him in ways you haven’t before.
“You look like you need a refill on your drink, sweetheart,” Eddie says, his face tilted downwards at you, tipping his own glass towards yours. “Let’s go get you some more?” he nods in the direction of the staircase, grabbing your hand when you agree.
He leads you up the rickety wooden steps, into the warmth of the kitchen. There’s a large spread of food laid out on the counter, and more alcohol than your group really needs considering there’s only six of you who are of drinking age. The second you’re upstairs, and positive there’s no one else lingering nearby, Eddie has your back pressed against the countertop. His lips capture yours in a passionate kiss, and you can feel the way he smiles into it when you pull him closer.
“You look so gorgeous tonight, you know that?” he murmurs against your ear, nose brushing into your hair. “I mean, you always do, but this outfit…” he drawls. “Baby.”
His hands wander, but don’t push. His words have an edge of scandal, but yet he speaks them so sweetly. It’s a good thing Nancy’s parents and her little sister Holly are out of town, otherwise you’d be playing an extremely dangerous game right now.
Your fingers trail up Eddie’s chest, walking up up up until they reach the neckline of his sweater. You tug on it, bringing his lips to yours and making him groan.
“You’re killing me, sweets,” he says, eyes boggling like a cartoon.
The glass of liquid courage you’d consumed has you feeling bold as you bat your lashes up at him. “I want you so bad…” you hum, placing a kiss to his jawline before slipping out of his grasp and refilling your glass of wine.
He barely lets you get away, hot on your trail with his front pressed to your back as you try not to spill the whole bottle in your hand.
“Baby. I know you’re not gonna say that and then walk away from me,” Eddie says, pitiful as you slip out of his reach once more.
“It’s less than an hour til midnight, Ed. We can’t miss the ball drop,” you reply simply, a wicked smirk on your face that tells him you know exactly what you’re doing. It feels like a little game, drawing out the anticipation longer, and it drives him crazy.
Maybe the alcohol was getting to you, or maybe he really was just ethereal tonight, because your hard-to-get demeanor was almost impossible to uphold. Especially with the way he was about ready to drop to his knees and beg for you.
“Sunny, you’re gonna be the death of me,” he says, grabbing you from behind before you can get away, pulling you against his chest just to press a kiss to your cheek.
“Always so dramatic, Munson,” you giggle, taking a sip of your freshly-poured drink before leading him back down to the basement.
Mike, Lucas, and Dustin are in the middle of a riveting game of Twister, Will calling out the moves each of them will have to make. El and Max have resorted to sitting on the floor by the TV, watching the live broadcast beneath a blanket. You and Eddie join Robin, Nance, Jonathan, and Steve where they all sit on the furniture, Eddie letting you take a seat on his lap.
“I can’t believe it’s about to be 1990,” Robin scoffs, far too upset about the matter. “I just like the 80s. Something about the 90s rubs me the wrong way.”
“Well, get used to it Rob, cause it’s about to be the 90s for the next ten years of your life,” Eddie says, shaking his head when she lets out a loud groan.
You try to focus on the conversation that ensues after that, you really do, but you swear you can feel something pressing into your ass. You wiggle a little on Eddie’s lap, testing it, and then you’re sure you feel it. He’s definitely hard right now, and you’re definitely making it worse for him.
You chew at your lip, squishing your legs together as you squirm on top of him. He notices your restlessness, and he knows exactly why you can’t stay still.
“What’s the matter, sweetheart?” he whispers into your ear, as quiet as possible as everyone else talks around you.
You don’t answer, knowing he’s just setting you up, and you almost yelp when he squeezes your hip with one hand.
“Just gotta wait till after the ball drops, baby,” he purrs, using your words from before against you. “Then we can ring in the new year the right way.”
You end up getting off of Eddie’s lap, because it’s the only way you can even attempt to focus on something that isn’t him. Jonathan had gone to join in on the game of Twister after Mike decided he’d had enough, so you distract yourself by going to watch.
He’s currently got both hands placed on near-opposite sides of the mat, pressing into the different colored circles. His feet are criss-crossed behind him, making him look a bit like a pretzel.
“I’ve had too much to drink,” he giggles when he sees you approach. “This might end badly.” His body wobbles a little as if on cue, but he straightens himself before a collapse.
“Don’t be a quitter,” you laugh. “You need to win this round, Jon! I’ve put all my money on this!” you tease, making him laugh more.
You try to keep your focus on the antics unfolding in front of you, but you can feel Eddie’s eyes on you. Drinking you in, searing two holes through the back of your skull. A shiver runs down your spine at the thought of finally having him, going further than you ever have. You check the clock, noticing it’s only ten minutes away from midnight.
Just ten minutes. You can survive another ten minutes.
At least, you’re convinced you can until a pair of strong arms wrap around your middle and Eddie’s lips press a soft kiss to your neck. You asked for it, you suppose, teasing him in the kitchen. And he’s gonna make sure you’re very worked up, now. He sways your body back and forth, holding you tight. Your head tilts back, resting against his shoulder as you look up at him.
“Hi, pretty girl,” he says, winking down at you.
“If you guys don’t get off of each other, I’m literally going to throw up,” Dustin says, peeking out from behind Lucas where they’re tangled up on the Twister mat.
“Shut it, Henderson, or I’ll knock you over right now,” Eddie threatens, slowly reaching out a hand towards the teen.
“No! NO!” Dustin screeches, making Jonathan laugh so hard he finally topples.
“Okay, I give up,” he resigns. “Shit, it’s almost midnight. I need another drink,” he says, running up the stairs to quickly refill.
Everyone shuffles closer to the television, standing close together as the hands of the clock reach twelve.
“You ready? For our first whole year together?” Eddie says softly, still standing behind you.
“More than ready,” you reply, your whole body filled with an unexplainable amount of affection. You need him.
Before you know it, there’s a countdown on the TV screen from sixty seconds, and everyone watches as the number dwindles. The group counts in unison once it gets down to twenty seconds.
Ten seconds…
Eddie’s grip tightens around your middle. You’re both smiling wide as you count backwards.
Five seconds…
A loud and joyful “Happy New Year!” resounds from the chests of everyone in the room, Steve letting out a loud whistle. Eddie spins you around, planting a kiss on your lips. Your glass in one hand, you wrap the other arm around Eddie’s neck, letting the kiss linger for as long as it can. Your skin is set ablaze where he holds your lower back, and when he finally pulls away his eyes are big and wide.
“I love you, Sunny,” he says, taking you by surprise.
It was the first time he’d said it, in the romantic context at least. And while the love had been felt all week, you’d been waiting to hear it, straight from his mouth.
“I love you, Eddie,” you smile wide, clinking your glass with his before you both take a sip of the alcohol.
You cheers with the rest of the group, everyone happy — even Robin, despite the 80s officially being over.
Eddie lets you slip away to the girls, helping Steve clean up some of the confetti that had been thrown around the room.
“Why are you so happy, sunshine?” Robin asks, noticing the smile that won’t leave your face.
“He just told me he loves me,” you say, looking down at your feet as her and Nancy both squeal.
“Finally!” Nancy squeezes your arm, her big blue eyes squinted in delight.
You feel warm, bubbly, content. This week had felt like a dream, but the best part is that it’s all been real.
Not long after midnight, the teens set up their sleeping bags on the basement floor for their sleepover. Robin and Nancy head up to the latter’s room for the night, Steve and Jonathan opt to sleep in the living room, and you and Eddie get the guest bedroom.
He’s hot on your trail as you ascend the carpeted stairs, letting yourselves into the usually empty room and shutting the door behind you. He presses you, soft against the door before his lips meet yours. He’s gentle, despite how eager he is, his mouth slowly moving against yours. Your lips part, tongue poking out just slightly to meet his. His hands keep a firm hold on your waist, thumbs smoothing over the soft fabric of your skirt, slipping beneath the hem of your sweater and sending goosebumps across your skin.
“I love you so much. God, I love you so much,” he says, mouth against your cheek.
Your nose brushes his face, lips pressing a quick kiss to the corner of his mouth. “I love you,” you reply, and you can’t help but smile.
“What’re you smiling for?” he cocks a brow, lips barely able to stop kissing your face to ask the question.
“I’ve just wanted to hear you say that for so long,” you say, and he pauses. Deep brown eyes search yours, all the love in the world held in his gaze.
“Well I’ll tell you as many times as you’ll hear it, babe,” he grins, his perfectly straight teeth on display, his dimples coming out. “I love you,” a kiss is pressed to your mouth. “I love you,” another on your jawline. “I love you.”
“I need you, Eddie,” you sigh as his mouth makes its way to your neck, sucking oh so softly on the delicate skin. “I’ve needed you all night,” you say, your voice leaning into a bit of a whine.
He chuckles, pressing his front against yours. You can feel his cock pressing against your thigh.
“In case you haven’t noticed, sweetheart, same,” he says, letting his hands fully slip beneath your sweater before taking a pause. “Are you sure you want to do this? It’s not too soon?”
“I promise I want to. I’ve thought about it all week,” you admit, looking down at the floor in slight embarrassment. He’s having none of that, tilting your chin back up to look at him instantly.
“You just tell me if you want to stop, at any point, ‘kay?” he asks, holding your shoulders.
“I will, Eddie.”
With that, he’s picking you up, placing you down onto the perfectly made bed. You lay back, head sinking into the pillow as he hovers above you, leaning down to kiss you like his life depends on it. Your hands hold his face, not wanting him to go away for even a second. He laughs into the kiss, pulling ever so slightly away.
“I can’t do much of anything if you don’t let me move, sweetness.”
You huff, giving him a dramatic pout as you let him go.
“Can I take this sweater off?” he asks you, smiling when you nod.
Slowly, the material is worked over your head, your arms lifting to allow him to pull it off. His eyes go wide at the sight of your pretty lace bra, holding your tits perfectly. You’re even more stunning than he ever could’ve imagined, and he hasn’t even seen all of you yet. His perfect girl.
His head immediately dips down, kissing your neck, down to your collarbone, his teeth stopping to toy with the pendant on your necklace. He kisses the dip between your breasts, his hands slowly creeping up to slip under the cups of your bra. Fingers squeeze your nipples gently, making a breathy moan leave your mouth.
“Eddie…” you arch your back, and he takes the hint, reaching around to unclasp the garment. He tosses it to the floor, worshiping your tits with his hands and his mouth.
He sucks on one nipple, then the other, tongue laving over the sensitive buds. Your hand finds its way to his hair, embedding your fingers into his soft curls and tugging. He groans when you do, a reaction you weren’t expecting, but it encourages you to continue. Eventually, when he’s decided he’s focused enough on your breasts for now, his mouth continues its descent.
Kisses are trailed down your stomach, below your bellybutton, right to the waistband of your skirt. Your breath hitches when he reaches that spot, your brows furrowing as you look down at him.
“Please keep going,” you whine, and he smirks at the hint of desperation in your voice.
“So eager, huh sweet girl?” he teases gently, fingers already hooking beneath your skirt to pull it down. He discards it just as he had your bra, leaving you in nothing but a pair of panties to match the top piece.
You feel your cheeks get hot. You hadn’t intentionally worn a matching set; you didn’t go into the night expecting anything. But you fear it looks that way now.
Lucky for you, Eddie doesn’t notice; or if he does he doesn’t care. He’s looking at you like he’s never seen anything more precious, more beautiful.
“Baby, holy shit…” he breathes, sinking down to press kisses to your thighs.
You couldn’t count the number of kisses you’ve received tonight if you tried. He’s sure to hit every inch of your skin. His nose brushes against your clit, his hot breath fanning against your core. You know you’re soaking the lace that keeps you covered, and you can feel yourself throb for him. His mouth kisses atop your panties before he presses his tongue flat against them, so close to where you need him most. Separated only by thin fabric.
It’s cruel, the way he teases, his lips kissing over your clit before moving to your inner thighs. His teeth nip at the skin there, making you shiver when he starts to suck.
“Ed, oh my god,” you pant, your legs threatening to close involuntarily, your body so sensitive. He grips your thighs, pushing them apart more forcefully than he’d done anything so far.
“Gotta keep your legs spread wide for me, sweetheart,” he purrs, big eyes glancing up at you.
You nod quickly, feeling your slick start to pool in your panties. “Need your mouth on me, please,” you cry, grateful when you feel him tug your underwear down.
“Such a sweet girl, being so polite,” he says, pulling the lace around your ankles and feet until you’re completely ridden of your last article of clothing.
Eddie tugs off his jacket, followed by his shirt before he leans back down between your legs. He pokes his tongue out tentatively, licking a stripe up your folds. You gasp, hips bucking before his strong grip brings them back down. He buries his face in your pussy, tongue prodding inside of you, lapping up the honey that drips from your center. His nose bumps against your clit, giving you much needed friction. It takes everything in you to not grind against his face, trying keep some composure.
You’d imagined scenarios like this plenty of times, always knew Eddie would be able to make you feel good. But he’s truly unreal, you’ve never felt pleasure like this in your life. It’s been worth the wait to have him, you can say that for certain, your brain fuzzy as he devours you.
You’d think this is his last meal, the way he licks and sucks and moans as he does it. He flicks the tip of his tongue rapidly over your clit, and you have to remind yourself of where you are before a loud whine can escape you. You bite down on your fist, something to muffle your noises, to keep your actions discreet.
Eddie’s relentless, barely coming up for air as his tongue unravels you. When he does pause, he gives you a devious little grin, his chin shiny with your arousal. The sight makes you feral, primal in the way you desire him. And as much as you love the way he eats your cunt, you need more from him.
“Eddie, baby, please—” you pant, tapping his shoulder to get his attention. Once you’ve got it, you feel nervous under his intense stare. “I want to have sex,” you say softly. “I need you inside of me. Like, right now.”
“My god, you’re something else,” he breathes, wiping his chin with the back of his hand.
He moves to hover over you, his bare chest on full display. You let your hands run down his pale skin, fingers tracing the outlines of his tattoos. He shivers at your touch, and you can see the tented fabric of his jeans; his cock straining to be near you. His lips are on yours, his tongue working your mouth open for him as you reach down to palm him through the denim. The taste of yourself on his mouth has you throbbing for him, aching. He whimpers when you squeeze the outline of his cock, a sound you weren’t anticipating.
“I think you should take these off,” you suggest, tugging at the waistband of his pants.
“Yeah,” he says, eyes blown out with lust. “Good idea.”
He shimmies out of his tight jeans, his boxers following suit. His cock springs free, and your eyes widen at the sight of it. He’s got the perfect girth, and he’s long. The head is pink and leaking for you already, and there’s a slight curve to his shaft. A vein protrudes from beneath the skin, practically throbbing.
“Oh my god…” you whisper, startling when you realize you said it out loud. He’s grinning like the devil, bending back down to kiss your cheek.
“Like what you see, huh, Sunny?” he asks, smug as ever.
You roll your eyes, playfully shoving him away. “Fuck off,” you giggle, your tone holding no malice.
He does the exact opposite of what you said, invading your space once more to kiss all over your face. You laugh, making him join in with you.
“I do like what I see, for the record,” you tell him honestly, his smile turning shy. “I can’t believe you’re mine. I’m so lucky that, after everything, this is where we are now,” you continue, seeing the way his face completely softens at your sweet words.
“I’m the lucky one, I promise you,” he says. “Do I need to say it again? I love you so fucking much.”
It feels so right hearing him say those words. It feels like you’ve been saying them your whole lives, rather than just starting tonight.
“I love you,” you sigh, his body pressing against yours.
The realization of the line you’re about to cross hits you, but it’s welcomed. You trust Eddie to take care of you more than you’d trust anyone, and your heart pounds in your chest as you think about how much you want him. Your adoration for him is unwavering, and you so badly crave him.
“You ready for me?” he asks, patient as he rubs his thumb along your cheek. “Shit — do you want me to get a condom?”
“Yeah. I’m ready,” you confirm. “Don’t want you to use a condom. Wanna feel every inch of you,” you plead, biting your lip as he curses under his breath.
“You’re gonna be the death of me, you know that?” he chuckles, shaking his head of dark brown curls.
“So you’ve said,” you reply, letting him kiss you sweetly before lining himself up properly. You inhale deeply when you feel his tip prod at your entrance.
He makes eye contact with you as he slips inside your wet walls, both of you moaning in unison at the feeling. For him, it’s the way you squeeze around his length, sucking him right in. For you, it’s the overwhelming stretch to accommodate him. It knocks the wind out of you, your eyes rolling back as he sinks in even deeper.
“Oh my god, baby,” Eddie groans, letting his forehead rest on your shoulder.
He doesn’t move once he gets fully sheathed inside, letting you adjust to his size. When you start to get squirmy, he knows you’re ready for more. He thrusts slowly, wanting to take his precious time with you. Wanting to be careful, to make love to you rather than fuck you like a one night stand. He wants to show you how much you mean to him.
The gentle rocking of his hips has your back arching, his cock reaching perfect depths inside of you. He hits the spot your fingers can’t, drawing breathy whines and moans of his name from your pretty lips.
“You have to be quiet, sweet girl,” he shushes, kissing the corner of your mouth. “Don’t want anyone to know what we’re up to.”
“You just feel… s-so good, Eddie. This is everything I wanted,” you whisper, your hands clutching his back tight as he moves just a little bit faster.
The slick glide of his cock in and out, in and out has you seeing stars beneath him. Every inch of him feels divine, and he steals your breath each time he pushes back in. Your nails dig at the skin of his shoulder blades, biting down hard on your lip to keep yourself quiet. His ragged breaths turn you on even more, as does the strained look on his face as he tries desperately not to cry out for you.
“Wanna ride me, baby?” he asks. “I’d love to see the way those pretty tits bounce with you on top,” he purrs, sugary sweetness dripping from his words. He wants to worship you, like the goddess you are.
You’re nodding eagerly, having already wanted to ask him if you could ride him. He pulls out, making you wince before he flips you over. With him sprawled out on the bed, now, you’re getting a full view of everything.
His cock is wet with your slick, nearly purple in color and clearly so needy. The dark patch of hair at the base is enticing, and you want to nuzzle your face into it. His balls hang heavy between his thighs, and you reach out instinctively to squeeze them.
“Fuck,” he hisses, making you smirk in satisfaction.
It could be a fun game, you think, learning how to touch him; discovering what makes him whine, what makes him twitch. You’re excited by the fact that you have all the time in the world to learn what gets him going. His body is yours to explore, to study and observe. It makes you hot for him all over again.
You straddle him, letting your wet folds glide along his length. Your palms are planted flat on his chest, wiggling your ass on top of him.
“Such a little tease,” he says, looking up at you in awe. “Look so pretty up there.”
You flush, gripping the base of his drooling cock before aligning it with your entrance. Sinking down onto him, a light and pretty whine escapes you. He watches, completely enamored as your expression changes with each inch of him that fills you. You’re the most gorgeous thing he’s ever seen, he’s certain of it.
This new angle allows him to go even deeper, and it feels incredible in a different way than the previous position had. Your hands grip onto his sides, his shoulders, anywhere you can reach to ground yourself as you start to rock your hips steadily.
“Eddie…” you moan, trying to keep your voice quiet. He looks blissed out where his head rests on the pillow, his lips parted as he takes shallow breaths.
He begins to do some of the work for you, his hips meeting yours as he starts to rut up into you. You gasp, his cock hitting that perfect spot once again. Your body feels tingly, electrified. Everywhere he touches you you can feel sparks, wishing his hand could be everywhere all at once. He sets a slightly faster pace than he had in missionary, bouncing you perfectly up and down. You lean down, your chest pressing to his as you hold his shoulders for stability. Burying your face into his neck, you start to kiss and suck on the skin there.
“Fuck, sweetheart, you feel so fucking good,” he grunts, the sound of his balls slapping against your skin filling the bedroom.
Desperate for more, you let your hand worm its way between your bodies, starting to rub your swollen clit. There’s barely enough room between the two of you for it to work, but you’ve got it. Eddie, of course can feel it though.
“Whatcha doin’ there, sweetness?” he asks. You don’t need to look at him to hear the grin in his voice.
Your fingers continue their ministrations, pressing into your clit in circles. “Nothin’” you mumble, shy into his shoulder.
“Ah-ah, none of that, shy girl. Look at me,” he commands gently, tilting your chin up with a finger beneath it. He smiles wide when your eyes meet his. “Does that feel good?”
“So good, Eddie,” you breathe, cheeks blazing hot under his taunting stare. He’s smug, of course he is, because he has you so worked up you’re touching yourself to get to your release faster.
“Good. Keep doing that for me, baby, okay?”
“Mhm,” you mumble, wobbly as he picks up the pace of his thrusts. Not too fast, but just enough to tip you over the edge.
The way his cock presses repeatedly into your sweet spot makes you see stars, your fingers moving as fast as they can go over your sensitive bud. Your mouth is agape, no sound coming out as he fucks into you.
“I love being inside of you, baby. Love everything about you,” he murmurs into your ear, kissing the side of your head.
The softness of his words juxtaposed with the absolute filthy way he’s fucking you makes you delirious, your body so desperate for release. You find it harder and harder to stay quiet, whimpers and squeaks leaving your mouth with each thrust he gives you. You’re so close, the tension in the pit of your stomach rising to a head.
“Is my pretty girl gonna cum for me? Gonna cum all over my cock?” Eddie encourages, sensing your quick approach, his honey tone of voice pushing you past your breaking point at last.
Your orgasm hits you like a freight train, washing over you in overwhelming waves. You clench hard around him, soaking his cock and the curls at the base of it. Nothing has ever felt better, your mind and body succumbing to sheer pleasure; being pulled right under. He pulls out just in time, ropes of his own cum spurting out over his stomach and chest.
You both breathe heavily, the sounds of each inhale and exhale the only thing filling the space around you. You shakily climb off of Eddie, sitting beside him on the bed. He reaches over, pulling tissues from the box on the bedside table. He cleans you up before he cleans himself, gingerly wiping between your thighs. He kisses you in the midst of it, lips pressed to yours as one hand grips your face.
“You’re everything I’ve ever wanted, Sunny,” he whispers. “My fucking dream girl.”
You giggle, unable to hide how smitten you are. “Such a sap, Eds,” you joke, leaning in for another kiss. “You’re everything I’ve ever wanted, and then some,” you say after pulling away, enjoying the way his cheeks flush pink. “In case I haven’t said it enough this week, I’m so fucking happy you’re home.”
“I’m never going anywhere ever again. It’s me and you forever, sweetheart,” he promises, laying back down and pulling you to join him.
Chest to chest, you tilt your chin up to look at him. Your noses are nearly touching, his arms wrapped around your middle; keeping you close and keeping you safe.
“I love you, Eddie.”
“I love you even more.”
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smuthospital · 8 months
⭐️Yandere Gojo x reader⭐️
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Premise: You're so lonely, and your boyfriend isn't paying any attention to you, so you download an app to make friends. You meet the wrong guy (Gojo), and bad things happen.
Content warning: NON CON, Cheating, gn reader
"I'm busy right now and you know that. I told you not to call me!" The phone beeps and the call ends, leaving you alone in deafening silence. Your boyfriend has always been rough around the edges, but you love him despite his flaws. He has his moments that remind you why you like him so much. Lately, he's been busy with all sorts of things. Work, family, his hobbies. You live together, but he's always out. He doesn't even return at night sometimes. You understand he needs his alone time, but it's been so long since you've seen him. You called to ask if you could visit him at work and give him a little surprise. You baked him chocolate chip cookies! They're delicious and made with love. Tears prick your eyes as you toss your phone to the side. You're so lonely. You've never had many friends, just your boyfriend. Too many people just make you tired.
You pick up your phone and almost call him again out of reflex. You just wish you had someone to talk to again. You saw an advertisement for a popular friend making app awhile ago. You decide to download it because you don't have much to lose. search it up. You write a few things about yourself, add your favorite song as well as a few pictures of yourself. You cross your fingers, hoping not to match any creeps. You swipe right on a lot of girls aswell as guys. You stated in your bio that you're in a commited relationship to ward off any horny guys. Girls don't reply to you, much to your disappointment. You end up getting quite a lot of messages from flirty guys. The relationship warning seemed to have no affect at all.
Toji: How much for a pair of pantys?
Sukuna: (Sent a photo) *Blocked*
Todo: I know it grips. Please lemme hit
25 new messages!
Geez. It's only been an hour. These guys are like hungry raccoons and you feel like a can of cat food. You scroll through and see one that looks relatively innocent
Gojo: Hey :)
You: Hello!
Gojo: What's up? I saw that you have a cat! They're so cute! Also, you're gorgeous
You: Thank you! That's my lil baby right there
You and him quickly get along. Still no word from your boyfriend, you sigh, defeated. The cookies can wait. You tell him about your boyfriend and how you never see him that much anymore. Be seems to take interest in this and becomes quite upset that you're not treated with the love you deserve. You friendship goes on for a few days. He occasionally trys to flirt with you, but you quickly shut it down each time, politely asking him to respect your boundaries. His nickname for you is gorgeous and although it makes you a bit uncomfortable, it feels too good to hear for you to ask him to stop. He's your only friend at the moment so you really don't want to make him go away.
You: Still no reply from my boyfriend. I hope he's okay.
Gojo: What the fuck. If I had a girl like you, I'd never leave her alone. He's probably cheating
You: What? He'd never. He's not like that!
Gojo: Trust me, I'm a guy, I know. Just look at the way he treats you. You're such a sweet and polite doll and he's making you feel this way, neglecting you. He makes you feel like shit. This is abuse😡
You: Oh it's really not like that, he's really sweet!
Gojo: There you go again...I can treat you better. Just give me one chance. Nobody has to know. You can leave this abusive relationship.
You: We talked about this, I'm have a boyfriend and I love him. Don't say stuff like that, please
Gojo: I'm just sayin
You: Thank you tho, it's sweet that you care. Do you like cookies? I was saving these for my boyfriend, but he's too busy to receive them. They'll go to waste if they're not eaten
Gojo: YES. SEND THE COOKIES. You wanna come over tomorrow? I know you're free. Come to my place, we can watch movies and cuddle with cookies!
You: What!? I can't go over to a guy's house! That's weird! And cuddle!?
Gojo: Nono it's not. We're just friends. And your boyfriend doesn't have to know. It's not a big deal. I have some old wine we can drink. Pretty please
You: I don't drink tho. I'm not sure. I haven't known you for too long. What if you try to take my kidneys! :0
Gojo: Common..would I do that!?? Ridiculous. Don't over think it. Let's watch a scary movie. It'll be real scary. I can't watch it alone! Pleeeeaaase!!!
You: ...Ok...as long as its scary. I wouldn't want you to get too scared
You've never seen Gojo in person, but you're sort of desperate to keep him around as a friend. In his photos, his eyes are covered. You don't question why. You step off the bus at the address he texted you, cookie basket in hand. It's a tall, expensive looking condo. You walk into the nice building and spot him leaning against a wall you in the lobby. He's not what you expected at all. You've seen a pictures of him before, but he didn't look so large and intimidating. He's stupid tall and He practically towers over your frame. He crouches slightly and wraps his arms around you in a tight hug, surprising you with the sudden contact.
"Hey, (y/n)! It's nice to see you in person! You're so much more sexy up close." His voice as soft satin sheets and deep and melodic as a cat purring. He eyes you up and down, his eyes half lidded. He's snapped out of his trance when you stutter a confused thank you. You're gonna brush that flirt off as nothing. "Common, let's go." He takes your soft, smaller hand in his ridiculously big hand and leads you to a fancy elevator and sticks a key into a key hole, confusing you. Since when do elevators do that? "The 21sr floor is mine." The whole floor is his? Is he loaded?
The whole time, you're blushing and stuttering, overly shy and nervous. 'Play it cool,(y/n)!' Your mind is over heating and he thinks it's absolutely adorable. When you get to his floor, he closes the door and silently locks it behind him. He plops on the couch, spreads his long legs out and patts the spot next to him. "Common! Take a seat!" You gingerly take a seat a little too far for his liking so he loops an arm around your waist and pulls you closer. You jump a bit. "Oh don't be shy! I don't bite." The last part of his sentence stood out to you a bit, but you're not sure why.
He offers you a drink and you accept. He hands you a cup of soda. "The conjuring is a classic. I actually haven't seen it before so I thought we could watch it." With that, he presses play and the movie starts. You're both eating the cookies you made. "These are so fucking good. You made these?" He whispers and you nod. Your blushing cheeks are so cute. He's already eaten three. It's heartwarming. Halfway into the movie, he shuffles in his seat and surprises you by picking you up and placing you on his lap with ease. "Hey! What are you doing!?" You try to slide off, but he holds you in place. "Hey hey calm down, I'm not doing anything!" You stop thrashing, but don't stop struggling. "Oh yeah!? Let me off, you said no funny buissness!" You feel slightly tired for some reason. "I'm only trying to cuddle you better! If not for me, then for you. I bet you miss being cuddled. I know you already have a boyfriend so don't worry, there's nothing weird about it!" With that, you stop struggling, too worn out to argue. "...Mm ok." Near the end of the movie, he shifts slightly under you. "Gojo?" No response. You feel somthing hard under your ass. He starts to shift you back and fourth a bit. "Huh? Gojo?" He just keeps shifting you, holding your hips tightly. "Ow! You're squeezing me too tight. What are you doin-"
One of his hands snake up to your chest and cup your breast. The motion freezes you in place.
"I'm better than your stupid boyfriend. He's so ungreatful. I bet you also miss getting fucked, don't you?" It was more of a statement rather than a question.I can make you feel good, better than he ever did. God, you're so hot. This guy is such a loser for passing you up. I'd never be like him. I've been wanting for this since I first saw you. I know you think I'm attractive too. I see the way you eye me"
The hand holding down your hip moves between your thighs to cup your clit. You heart sinks into your stomach as the weight of the situation falls upon you. You have never felt more stupid in your entire life. Just as you suck in a breath to scream, the hand on your breast shoots up to cover your mouth, muffling any sound. You try to slsp his hands off, but your arms are a little weaker than before. All you could do was patt his arms and wiggle around, which he completely ignores.
"Ah ah-be good. I couldn't stop thinking of you. I've only known you for a bit, but that's enough for me." He grinds his clothed cock against your ass and groans in pleasure.
After a few minutes, he stands up with you in his arms and walks with you to his bedroom. He tosses you on his bed and immediately gets on top, holding you down with his hips as he removs his shirt. He looks down at your horrified face and licks his lips. He wastes no time in literally ripping your shirt and bra off. You hear the tear as it leaves you. With one hand, he roughly palms your chest and tweaks a nipple. He unzips his dark purple pants with his other hand, his swollen cock practically flying out and slamming down above your belly button. You gasp at the sight of it, the weight alone is hefty. Much like his entire self, it's big and scary.
Your eyes fill with tears and you do the only think you could. Your body can't possibly struggle and even if you could, he could easily over power you. "Please-please don't hurt me. Please don't do this to me!" He looks at you with sympathy in his eyes. "Shh it's ok. I'd never hurt you. I'm not like your stupid boyfriend. I'm gonna make you feel good. Then you'll be mine..I see that drug I have you fully kicked in." You pail at his words. It's over. You're not getting out of this one. You're going to be raped by this psychopath. You think of your poor boyfriend. You wish he could burst through the door and save you. His name bubbles from your mouth pathetically.
"Speaking of him." Gojo slides your phone out of your pocket and clicks around. First, he disables your location, then he raises your phone and takes a photo of you. He quickly sends it to himself and your boyfriend.
You: We're having a good time. Bet you're jealous
A few minutes of groping later, your boyfriend responds.
❤️Geto❤️: Absolutely not. You're both disgusting. I fucking knew you were whoring yourself. You got a big head because you think you're pretty. I was wondering why you were trying to look nice recently.
❤️Geto❤️: You're like a bitch in heat. You're just an easy, worthless whore. Glad I didn't waste too much on you.
❤️Geto❤️: Go fuck yourself. Or better yet, have some guy do it for free. Get aids and die, bitch. You have a day to pick up all your shit before I toss it.
(You've been blocked by this number)
Gojo turns the screen towards you and your eyes tear up as you read the texts. You have no idea how your boyfriend could have possibly interpreted your situation as consentual. It could be that you're not tied up and gagged, nor unconscious. As he said, he expected this from you. Either way, he obviously doesn't love you anymore. Tears pour down your cheeks. How could he? After all this time? To do this to you. You'd never cheat! Your heart shatters in your chest, suddenly feeling hollow.
Gojo chuckles and sets the phone to the side. He wipes your tears away with his thumb. "See? What did I tell you? He was never the one for you. I'd never say that to you, sweety. I'd never treat you like that. I just exposed him for what he is; a scum bag." He tugs your pants down and off your legs with ease, despite your light kicking. A large grin on his face as he does so
"You ready?" He positions his cock at your dry entrance and laughs. "Because I am." He shoves himself in, but only makes it three inches in before he hits a barrier and you gasp in pain and start thrashing your body. "P-please take it out. It-it hurts!" He's genuinely shocked. "Y-you're a virgin? Didn't you say you have a boyfriend?"
You wiggle a bit, trying to elevate some pain yourself before answering him.
"We never...you..know.." Your face burns with shame. His cock only seems to swell with more blood at the news.
He bursts out laughing. "This makes so much sense now! No wonder why you looked elsewhere to fulfill your needs. He doesn't want to fuck. Is he gay?Does his dick even work? Maybe he's not cheating. He didn't even fuck you once. I could tell how bad you wanted it, but your limp dick boyfriend wouldn't give you any. I'm glad to be the one to have your first time."
Your bloodshot eyes drift to the side. You don't want to admit that he was right. Every time you would try to start something with your boyfriend, he'd push you away. Your boyfriend really didn't have much of a labido, but you didn't look for friends to have sex with other men.
"I know it hurts, but you can take it. It'll go away. Just hold still...or struggle. I like a challenge." His words are evil, but his smile is so charming. He's like the devil. He pulls his cock out and thrusts in again, deeper than before, breaking your hymen and forcing the air to leave your body. He then pulls out and slams into you again, bottoming out. His cock is so big, you swear you could feel it in your stomach. You look down, eyes blown wide as you see an imprint of his cock in your lower abdomen. He lets out a loud moan and throws his head back. "You're so fucking tight." You put your hands on his chest, hoping that would be enough to keep him still. Wishful thinking. He just takes your smaller wrists in his large hands and leans over you, lodging himself deeper than he was before, cock assaulting your cervix, making your body jolt. You accidentally let out a pained cry that could be mistaken as a moan.
Gojo smiles, perfect white teeth on display "Oh, you like that?" He slams into that spot again and again, making your eyes roll into the back of your head, and your tongue rolls out of your mouth. Lewd sounds spill from your mouth with the occasional "No." "Please." and "Stop." Your sobbing dies down, not having any more tears to cry. You feel a tightening in your lower belly and curl your toes. "Nng G-Gojo!"
"Fuck yeah, say my name!" He pounds into your poor pussy with astonishing speed and strength. "Say you'll be my girlfriend. I can take care of you, I can love you. You'll never feel alone again."
Your face flushes red at his words. Those words are all you need to tip over the edge. You aren't sure if he meant it or not, but just the thought of being so loved takes you to cloud nine. A warm feeling washes over you and you cry out in pleasure. You want what he promised more than anything in the world. With your last braincell, you weigh your options. Nobody loves you, you have nowhere to go, no one to turn to and Your boyfriend kicked you out. "I...I'll be with you." What choice did you have? Be homeless?
The bashful look you give him sends shivers down his spine. He leanes down and gives you a tender kiss on the lips which you very hesitantly return, much to his enjoyment. His hot breath tickles your face as his hips hammer into you, forcing cute music from your mouth for him. Your cunt tightening impossibly around his thick mass. His pace becoming sloppy and before you could ask him to pull out, he shoves himself deep within you one last time. With a lewd moan he fills your tummy up with his seed. Your eyes cross at the warm, pleasurable sensation. The feeling of being filled up like a puff pastry, his hot creamy cum temporarly stupifying you. Your tummy now bloated by the sheer volume. He takes another picture.
He wasn't looking for a girlfriend, but how could he possibly deny himself such a sweet little thing. A sweet, doting, cookie baking girlfriend as cute as you comes as often as a shooting star. You'd do anything for the man you loved. Too wifey to pass up. Finders keepers. He's going to make sure that no one ever does to you what he just did to you. You're his now.
He rolls the two of you so he's spooning your back, your ass pressed against him, his cock still firmy lodged into your weeping cunt. He pulls the blanket up and the two of you fall asleep together. You pretty much pass out from the exhaustion.
The next morning, he drives you to your now x boyfriends appartment to collect your things. You and Gojo take the elevator to the apartment. He stays out of sight, but stays where he can hear you. You knock on the door and your Geto opens up. The smell of alcohol hits you and you gag. "Well if it isn't the slut. Get your shit."
He turns his back and begins to walk away, but you grab his arm and gently tug him toward you. "Please listen to me...he raped me...I didn't want to.. do any-" You were cut off by him shoving you to the ground roughly, your head knocking against the wall on your way down. You grunt in pain. "Don't you use that shit on me!" He shouts.
Tears fill your eyes as you scramble to collect your things and run out. Gojo is at the front door now, having heard the commotion. He steps in the apartment and grabs your shoulders.
"What's wrong? Did he touch you?"
"...I..hit my head." Your tiny voice is unconvincing.
"Take your things to the car. I'm just gonna have a quick chat with him." He pays your butt and you walk off with your things. Geto has been watching the interaction with clenched fists.
"You're the fuck that stole my girl. You can fucking have her and pass her around to whoever the fuck you want. For your information, that cunt tried to tell me you raped her, using you as her scape goat." Gojo can just barley understand the drunken shouting of your x boyfriend. Gojo smiles, the smugest of grins crossing his face.
"...That's because I did"
Geto froze in place, not believing his ears. His girlfriend..was actually just raped? And not only did he do absolutely nothing, but he kicked her out and hurt her?
"...What?" It wasn't really a question.
"Finders keepers. I have no clue why you're so upset. You didn't love her. She was so lonely when I found her. I wanted her so I took her. Make no mistake, she said no. Cried for you. You should feel like shit. Not believing your own sweet little girlfriend and then laying your hand on her in her time of need. I'm not even going to beat you for that, you'd treat yourself like a victim. Better luck next time though. Try satisfying your bitch before they're stolen. Thanks for the girlfriend." Gojo says, walking back to the car, Geto still too frozen in shock to react. He falls to his knees, clinching his head. Gojo meets you in the car, your things already in the back. He leans over to your side and gives you a passionate kiss on the lips, tongue diving into your mouth. Your face burns brightly and you cant help but kiss him back. You disconnect, a string of saliva connecting you to him. "So what do you want to eat, baby?"
The car drives off and you don't feel so bad about the situation anymore.
Fun fact: I got the idea to make this when I was lonely and my boyfriend (now x) wasn't paying attention to me so I downloaded an app to make friends and a guy I thought was my friend started being really pushy and I found out men are stupid dogs.
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szasfuckingwife · 1 year
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WARNINGS: smut, black cat is white in comics but there’s no mention of race here, black reader in mind tho, british slang, gwen stacy is mentioned but it’s the gwen in hobies earth NOT ghost spider gwen , royal family existence
a/n: wrote this for my black british ppl dem, hobies existence kinda made me proud. i put some british slang/phrases here n there. also, black cat is an underrated love interest i wish they put her in a movie.
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It’s midnight, what better time to steal the crown jewels? Yes, it’s heavily guarded and there’s a slim chance you’ll even make it out alive but you needed them more than some overrated family. They don’t even belong to the royals, right?
You navigate through the tower of London, looking for something worthy of taking and risking your life for. Last time, you took (what was apparently) Queen Victoria’s robe and one of those fancy looking crowns. This is light work to you, but since you know the guards will be changing shifts in fifteen minutes, all you want to do is get the big one and leave.
Oh, what’s the big one you ask? St Edwards crown.
Yes, it’s not entirely ethical, robbing something from the most notorious robbers in history but it’s better off them and in someone elses hands, you figure.
Someone reliable, honest and responsible like you
Plus, your not greedy, the charity organisations were frequently shocked when ‘Anonymous’ donated $1,000,000 every month or so.
When you come face to face with with St Edwards Crown, your eyes widen behind your black goggles in amusement. The diamonds looked so…big.
After you fawned over the gleam of all the rubies and diamonds, you took out your laser and, carefully, cut a circle into the glass. Slowly, and gently, you pulled the cut glass away from the rest of the box.
Once your gloved hands touched the crown, you felt an odd chill in your spine.
“Oh, don’t mind me, love, just enjoying the show..” That familiar voice causes a smirk to appear on your face. When you turn around, you see that same patriotic red and blue covered by silver spikes. He’s leaning on the wall, arms crossed. You wonder how long he’s been standing there.
Or if he even cares that you’re stealing from his beloved monarchy.
“Spidey, strange to see you here…” You smirk before quickly replacing the real crown with a replica so no weight detectors could go off. Hobie smirked behind his spiked mask, “Strange to see me ‘ere? In my city?”
You loudly roll your eyes, putting your new souvenir in your bag. “Y’know what I mean. Did you see what I got this time?”
“The big one…Look at you! A year ago you were robbing the richest men in Dubai..” He chuckled as you smiled at his compliment. His heavy boots almost scare you when he walks up to you, he could alarm a guard.
Not wanting to cause a breach in security, you took out your grappler and shot up to the ceiling, “I’d love to stay with you, Bee, but a new apartment is calling my name!”
Bee. He smiled at the nickname as he remembered the many times you’d say it.
He stares at your every move, and how every one of your movements makes your body look so damn sexy. Your latex black suit giving you that perfect silhouette, not to mention the fluffy white fur on your calf and chest that ultimately made you look regal.
“For fuck sake..” He sighed. He remember what Miguel commanded.
‘Stop being an anarchist or whatever you call yourself and actually try capture the bad guys!’
Suddenly, five bright flashes shone into Hobies eyes, blinding the man as security guards rushed into the room. They had their tasers in one hand and flashlights in the other, analysing the room and the shattered glass from the glass roof. All Hobie could do in response was kiss his teeth.
“Took you lot long enough…” He raised his hands, surrendering as if he was trying to make them think that they had control.
They stepped closer to him, “What are you doin ‘ere, Spider?”
Hobie groaned again. The fact that this was the useless security the stupid government spent so much on made him sick, “Tryna catch the cat that’s been stealing shit from all around the world, you donut!”
One of the security guards looked at the missing artefacts and looked back at Hobie.
Hobie scoffed, “I knew you man were racist, but you’re really gonna accuse a black man for stealing these fucking jewels that don’t even belong to that bloke in the castle?!”
The security men didn’t know what to think, looking at each other to answer spiderman. They didn’t even know spiderman was black! “N-No! I would never-”
“Shut up, just shut up.” Under his mask, Hobie smirked. He webbed up to the ceiling, leaving the security guards gobsmacked. “If I ever see you again, it’s wraps, understand?”
They all nod.
“Wasteman…” he muttered, before chasing after you.
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You ran along London rooftops, your movements a little slow due to the heaviness of your bag. This stealing shit was tiring, you hoped once you sold the jewels, you’d be able to live comfortably for the rest of your life.
After a few more leaps, you rested on the top of the shard, overlooking London and it’s nightlife. From here, you could see Leicester square and almost smell the food. You sighed, taking in the city.
Dreams of getting rich might’ve blinded your vision, but the rush feels exhilarating.
“You dropped this..” You turn around seeing Hobie, without his mask. He held a shiny ruby in between his fingers. “Come get it, kitty.”
You rolled your eyes at his banter and stood, walking towards him. As much as you tried to get him out of your head, his smile alone sent thousands of butterflies to your stomach. “Why are you following me so much, hm? Thought your big bad boss made it clear there’s a Gwen Stacy here that you have to be with-”
“And when have I ever listened to him?” He steps closer, placing the ruby in your hand. You watched him as he carefully removed your mask from your face, finally seeing your face.
You recall the time when he told you about this Gwen Stacy and how Miguel clearly expressed his disappointment that someone as smart as Hobie would ruin the multiverse due to his selfishness and some ‘petty thief’. As much as you understood all this about canon events and the multiverses, you loved Hobie too much to let him go to that fashion designer, Gwen Stacy.
However, after a lot of thinking, you decided it was best if you left him, not wanting him to face any problems with Miguel.
But, you miss him. You miss the smell of his cigarettes, the sound of his guitar, the feel of his naked skin pressed against yours.
It was for the best.
“Hobie, go away.” You try to snatch your back from him but he moved his arm above your head. His smile deepens as you cross your arms, looking up at you.
God, he missed you.
“Me and Gwen? It’s like watching paint dry. It’s boring. And most importantly, she’s not you!” His callous hands stroke your cheek, has he ever been this soft? “All I want is you.”
“You can’t have me. Miguel will have your head-” “Let him have it!” Hobie exclaims, as if that is a reasonable answer. You curse under your breath, pinching the bridge of your nose.
Hobie chuckles slightly because he knows you, and he knows his love for you. But when he sees you look at him sternly, all smiles stop.
“Why can’t you just understand that I want you to be safe, fuckin idiot..” You sigh. Hobie sighs too, but out of frustration. The two of you were like immovable object meets unstoppable force. Both as stubborn as each other.
He grabs your face and rests his forehead against yours. You cringe slightly at the feeling of his eyebrow piercing but look into his eyes anyway, “Fuck Miguel. I’m safe with you, I want you.”
Bastard, you thought before planting a kiss on his lips. He held you tightly, gripping onto your hip before deepening the kiss. Hobie’s kisses are something you’ve missed, especially the horny, sloppy kisses like the one you share now.
His hands search for a zip or any easy way to undress you as remove his punkish denim jacket. The feeling of you two undressing each other whilst standing on top of a tower is inexplicable. All you want right now is him, all of him.
He finally finds the zip to your suit and he marvels at the reveal of your chest, it almost makes him stain his trousers. It also didn’t help that you were wearing only your panties underneath.
Hobie would pay thousands, millions if he could see you dressed in nothing but the many jewellery you stole.
You’re just so badass.
“Lay…down..” He whispered in between kisses. You did as he said and lowered yourself to the floor. You stay mindful of your bag of opulence, trying not to knock it off the tower and bash someones head in.
He follows you down, not breaking his steamy kiss. By now, you both are half naked, staring at each other with nothing but pure ecstasy. “Ya gonna let me make you feel good?”
Whilst Hobie males you feel oh so good, you decide it’s time to make him feel just as good. You flip him over and straddle his crotch, staring down at your ex.
No, your boyfriend.
Hobie was already hard just by looking at you, but you grinding on his lap and leaving wet kisses on his torso may send him to a whole different dimension.
You let your fingers travel until you find the hem of his boxers, batting your lashes at him when you pull them down.
Now, Hobie was huge, you know this, but after months of your short lived ‘break up’ you truly forgot how big he felt inside you.
“F-fuckin hell..”, He groans, you figure he must’ve forgotten how good your gummy walls feel when he thrusts up into you. You instantly feel his hands grip onto your hips, rocking you back n’ forth while he feels you nipping at his ear. “Fuck sake, Y/N.”
After a few small movements, you begin to ride him. Your ass bounces off his pelvis as you moan in satisfaction. Hobie looks at you as if you were an angel, but then he sees your claws scratching his chest and he realises you are anything but.
“I missed this..”, You breathed, trying to uphold your dominant side. But it felt too good. “I missed you..”
You’re achingly close to your orgasm just when Hobie flips you around on your back. He looks beautiful with the stars behind him. “Missed you too, kitty.”
Wet, breathless kisses are left on your breasts as if Hobie wants to take you all in just incase something happens. You feel his cock slide inside you again as he whispers into your ear, “You’re so fuckin tight.”
His thrusts speed up as he builds up that sensation again, he wants to decorate your insides with his cum and there’s nothing you want more but for him to do so.
If anyone walked onto the roof and saw the sight of Spiderman fucking the Black Cat so roughly, they’d either faint or run to the newspaper agencies, claiming insanities. But, you wouldn’t mind if someone caught the two of you.
I mean, by the way you’re moaning, you must want someone to find you.
“I’m gonna…cum..” You mewled, gripping onto Hobie’s arms He closed your open mouth with a kiss, letting your moans fall onto his tongue. “Hobiee…fuck!”
“Wait f’ me…I’m so close, babe!” He nipped at your neck as you moaned for the whole city to hear. “Fuckin shit!”
With one more thrust, both of you shook as you climaxed, Hobie kissing your forehead repeatedly. The moans were gone, and replaced with panting. You quickly found your panties and suit and dressed yourself.
You heard Hobie whistle, then chuckle, “Got to do that more often, love.”
“We can after we take this to your place. I’m fuckin freezing, I need hot chocolate!”
“The way I make it?”
You look at his cocky smile, “Duh?”
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The next morning, you find yourself clad in Hobie’s Sex Pistol tee, sipping hot chocolate opposite Hobie who’s leaning in his chair, tickling his guitar strings.
“What are your plans for today?” You ask, resting your head on your hand.
“Nuffin..” He sighs as he concocts a new melody with his instrument. “You?”
“Nuffin..”, You sip your drink once more and stare off to the distance.
There is a gentle moment of silence before a blue hexagon appears in Hobie’s living room. You look at Hobie in confusion, why would his spider society choose to come this early?
From the portal, Gwen and a brown haired man holding a ginger haired baby walk in. You’ve met Gwen a couple of time but not the middle aged man.
“Hobie, we need your help with this spiderman called Miles- WOAH!” The man spoke before notcing you, someone he’s never seen before, in Hobies apartment, in Hobies shirts.
“Uhhh…Hobie, there’s somebody in your-” “Peter..” Hobie began, before taking the baby from Peter.
“That ain’t somebody..” He gave you the baby in his hands.
The cute baby looked up at you curiously as you smiled down at her.
“That’s my gyal.”
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1970sgothfreak · 1 year
The forgotten Twin’s birthday
L“Sorry, can’t make dance tonight busy with the boys”
You looked away from your phone and around your room annoyed at the fact that your father blew off your father-daughter date to train with the boys (mainly Damian) you shrugged and placed the phone back onto your bed.
This wasn’t the first time he had done this, hell even the boys blew you off but at least Bruce had the common decency to at least text you and not have you embarrass yourself.
So you decided to just go into the library and try to read to calm your thoughts which is what you did, on your way there you bumped into Alfred who was making his way down the hallway, probably to deleive bandages to Bruce or check on Tim to see how much caffeine he had had.
“Oh, Madam Wayne my apologies I did not see you” the butler apologies with a slight bow, you felt your lip twich up into a slight smile at the butler. Alfred was the only one in the family who actually cared about you no matter how silly or embarrassing the situation was.
“No no it’s fine Alfred i wasn’t watching where I was going, do you need help with anything at the moment”
“No Madam Wayne, I do want to wish you a happy birthday tho, I can’t believe you are now Sixteen” he said with a small smile which made you pause…Alfred..actually remembered?. You looked up at him with a small smile and thanked him before heading towards the library to do some light reading.
~later that night~
You were in your room scrolling through Instagram only to see a bunch of sappy happy family’s and other people celebrating their own birthdays or the girls at your school having fun at the dance with their own dads.
Shrugging and closing the app you threw your phone to the foot of your bed before getting up and stretching deciding to head downstairs to see if your so called family was back home from patrolling the shit city you lived in.
As you walked down the stairs you could hear voices…singing?, you quickly yet quietly continued down the stairs and peeked around the corner only to see the others along with Jon singing happy birthday to Damian, he was looking down to hide the small blush of embarrassment that appeared on his cheeks.
You just stood there…watching them sing to him before you felt something wet your cheeks, you lifted your hands to your face to feel what the wetness was only to realise it was tears…you were crying but you didn’t feel sad. You turned around and went back upstairs not seeing the confused yet concerned look that Jon sent your way.
“Kent? What is wrong with you why do you look concerned?” Damian questioned looking at Jon with a slight eyebrow raise
Jon looked at Damian, then to the others and that’s when he realised…did…did no one else remember it was also your birthday?, is that why why you had teary eyes. He looked at the entire family confused.
“Did you know..?”
“Know what Jon?” Dick said raising his eyebrow with confusion, the fact that he didn’t know pissed Jon off a little.
“The fact that it’s also y/n’s birthday?” He said in a tone that sounded as it should have been obvious what the thing they forgotten was.
When he saw non of them react to his words he stood up and sighed, he then turned to Bruce.
“Mr Wayne I have a lot of respect for you but…what you did was shitty, she’s your daughter and you Damian” he said turning to the now shocked Damian as Jon was never known for cursing
“She is your twin! I would have expected to you to have at least had the common decency to say happy birthday to her…but she’s not your sister to you is she..” he trailed off and started walking to the staircase.
He paused, turned his head to the Men in the room with a slight glare in his eyes and said
“She was never your sister, nor was she ever your daughter..at least not in your eyes because clearly in your eyes she was nothing” before turning back to the stairs and heading up them.
~With you~
You were sitting on your bed, a book in one hand and a cup of tea in the other only taking small sips of the the beverage that Alfred had left you with a small birthday note and a plate of his delicious home made cookies. You looked up hearing a knock on your door, you placed your tea down and put your bookmark in before going up to your bedroom door and unlocking it.
You opened it to see…Jon?, he was standing there with that same adorable awkward smile that you had grown to love, aside from Alfred Jon was also there for you when needed him to be even if it meant waking him up at the crack of dawn to get burgers with you.
“Hey Jon..what’s up?”
“Happy birthday Y/N!” He yelled and pulled you into a hug smiling, you felt yourself tense up at first not knowing how to react…he..he remembered..?, you slowly raise your arms and hug him back burying your face into his neck and softly began to sob letting out all the pain and frustration you had been feeling that day.
He tightened his grip onto you slowing rubbing your back with one hand while the other held onto your waist, he knew that sometimes they family would ignore you but to this extent..? He sighed and continued to rub your back letting you sob until he felt you go limp, he looked down and saw you had passed out.
He stared down at your face admiring your features, you had a slight redness to your eyes but he still thought you looked beautiful, he kept staring until his gaze fell to your soft lips slightly parted because of your staggered breathing.
“No…no stop it Jon she’s your best friend”
he scolded himself in his mind but…he couldn’t stop looking at your face and gently placed a soft kiss upon your forehead before bringing you to bed and laying down with you, he tensed up feeling someone grab onto his arm only to look down and see you cuddled up to his arm with a small soft smile in your sleep.
~back downstairs~
No one’s pov: (IK this is probably annoying but I can’t do personal pov’s yet lol)
The boys sat at the table saying nothing and just continued to stare at the staircase when Jon had previously stood and scolded them, had they really forgotten that it was also your birthday? No they couldn’t have…could they?
“I see you boys finally understood why Miss Wayne has been upset recently” Alfred’s voice spoke from the entrance way to the kitchen, no one looked at him simply confirming his statement.
“She…we…I-I..it’s not” Dick stuttered trying to come up with an excuse but stopped when he realised that they had indeed forgotten your birthday and they felt horrible. Damian stared at the cake feeling angry but not at you for once…he felt it at himself, he remembered the promise he had made to you…the promise to make sure he protected you and was an actual brother to you but instead he did nothing, he simply trained with Bruce and the boys never inviting you.
“Wait…her birthdays today and she’s Damian’s twin meaning she’s sixteen…didn’t she invite us to her to her play yesterday…?” Jason spoke up making them all realise…when was the last time any of them actually acknowledge you and that’s when they realise..
They never went to the play
Dick didn’t show you some of his old tricks like you had begged him to
Tim hadn’t come and watched Game of Thrones with you after training like he promised
Jason didn’t go to your lunch date that you set up
Damian…he couldn’t remember the last he was with you in this house doing something together like normal twins
And Bruce realises..he had cancelled his plans of going to the father daughter dance at your school with you. None of them actually spent time with you since you arrived only focusing on each other.
They were horrible brothers and they were finally realising it which also made them realise that you might never forgive them and they couldn’t have it so they made a silent promised to make sure that tomorrow was going to be the best make up birthday ever.
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angsthology · 7 months
changed my mind about a few things. added more things. things.
a/n what the "summary" says
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okay hey hello
remember when i said roo’s team isnt specified?
yeah, well
i lied
in 2022, she replaced kimi in alfa romeo
(he requested for her personally after accidentally watching an f2 race but u didnt hear that from me)
in her rookie season she excelled too close to the sun
by the end of the year she was the most desirable driver for majority of the teams
one stood out tho
they came to her personally with an offer that was hard to refuse
“nooooo... youre actually lying...”
a whole ass team. brand new. fresh from the oven.
just. for. her.
they had been contemplating their entrance to formula one
but when they saw her, they couldnt resist
gotta be honest, that shit boosted her ego for the next couple years of her life.
she had a lot of power in multiple decisions when she joined which she liked
(definitely didnt abuse that)
one of them being the choosing of her partner
of course, she had a couple of people in mind that she knew deserved the opportunity
but one person that stood out to her. the person who... probably needs this most
and the one who deserved it most too
she chose mick schumacher
so by the time the new season comes along
she and mick became the new faces of the porsche formula one team
(i will now have so much fun exploring their dynamic)
their team colors being stone black (honestly almost like just the darkest shade of gray, like, really really dark shade) and gold, some hints of silver here and there
her fireproofs displaying the biggest huda beauty logo (solely to piss off the older men watching formula one)
never wears work merch due to having self respect
the only form of promotion she wears is her baseball cap. black crown with a silver visor, her number and "logo" embroidered on it
her logo being a hang loose sign in diguise
hiding on the bottom visor was a cartoon kangaroo head winking — as a reference to her nickname courtesy of daniel
kinda not feelinb like designing more shit but im doin it anyway
her helmet design, the one she uses most
is a stack of grafitti art style of writings mashing with each other. all being the songs and lyrics of the song's by her band
(despite some sneaks, one of them being "armando christian pérez" in neon green)
its very colorful, a splash of neon everywhere
what stood out was the sticker of pitbull her friend had given her that she had decided to put on the back of her helmet.
in terms of racing, she didnt rlly grow up with anyone specific but there are a couple of drivers she had bump into throughout her young career
the longest standing one was probably lando and sometimes oscar and logan due to her being born in that year in the middle
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taglist; @treehouse-mouse @disneyprincemuke @yansbolobao @leilanixx @judespoison @vellicoranorca @bborra hiiiiiiiii i promise im trying to write something hehe. also there are some here tha couldnt be tagged </3 (crossed out)
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plasmasimagination · 1 year
hi !! could i request hcs about kafka with an s/o who's easily flustered ? ty ! 🫶
Hmm ofcourse
Tho I warn you I haven't written for a lot of women but I'll try my best
I tried alright (⁠。⁠•́⁠︿⁠•̀⁠。⁠)
She has a flirtatious nature so reader will be blushy so often •́⁠ ⁠ ⁠‿⁠ ⁠,⁠•̀
I'm telling you this right off the bat, TEASE.
She will randomly do things just to see you get all embarassed and shy she finds it so adorable and will tease you about your reactions
Another thing she likes to do is just randomly in conversations add something flirty and then just look at you waiting for you to get it
She also gets kinda surprised when you get flustered over the smallest things that she considers normal
For example making you breakfast or holding your hand or buying you stuff she thought you would like
She doesn't understand why these small gestures make you so blushy but she enjoys seeing you happy so
She will also see it as a challenge like try out things from time to time to see your reaction
NICKNAMES NICKNAMES she will get really creative if she has to just to see that tiny little tint of red on your cheeks
Also will set up romantic dates for you
She goes out of her way to remember every single thing about you so she can always make a nice suprise and then pat you on the head when you sob out on how amazing she is
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super-paper · 10 months
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"Thank you for such wonderful comedy."
I've been wanting to talk about how MHA plays with the concepts of "fiction vs reality, the characters vs the actor, the world vs the stage" for awhile now, bc I believe understanding how MHA utilizes these concepts is pretty crucial to understanding our Big Bad (and Tomura!) (...and Izuku!) (.. etc!) (y-yeah...!!!) (wooo.....!!!!!)
If this post is more incoherent than usual, I apologize-- I'm just really enthusiastic about stories that play with the fact that they're stories and characters who throw themselves into a fictionalized role as a means of coping. I love the way MHA handles these concepts in particular, so I lost all sense of restraint as usual.
Hori: "I'm Like Dropping Hints That Hero/Villain Personas Are Actually Coping Mechanisms Lol"
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"As Tomura Shigaraki and Tenko Shimura, I've got just one wish: the total destruction of everything that created that house." "If my origin as Touya and Dabi was such a simple thing, then... No, there are still things I want to say. Arguments I want to have."
I've seen a few ppl saying that it sounds awkward/strange to have the characters repeatedly asserting themselves in the third person, but imo, the emphasis on real names versus hero/villain names during these particular scenes plays into the idea of the villain/hero identities being "alter egos" that might not actually have the same core desires as the """"actors"""" that are behind these personas.
Tomura and Touya invoke both their real and villain names while asserting their respective wishes. Himiko also invokes her villain name, though it's less obvious to english speakers because she uses her real name as her villain name (in the raws, "HIMIKO TOGA" as a villain name is written using katakana-- and this is what she uses when asserting her wish). MHA plays with the idea of "fiction"/"Alter Egos" as a form of escapism and as a coping method, and at this point in time, the Dabi/Tomura/"Himiko" identities are still being utilized as a crutch/mask by these three very hurt individuals.
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*loud, terrifying chanting* PEAK FICTION PEAK FICTION PE--
Ochako's fight being like the second most thematically important fight in the whole series still makes me unreasonably giddy btw.
To contrast, Ochako uses her civilian name alone when asserting her wish-- and imo we're meant to read this as Ochako wanting to save Himiko as herself, not as Uravity. Saving Himiko is not something she can accomplish as her alter-ego-- Ochako is able to save Himiko by stepping off the stage and becoming a "real" person, while also acknowledging the person behind "Toga Himiko (villain name)".
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Izuku hasn't had his "I'm Izuku Midoriya"/"I'm-saving-you-as-Izuku-not-as-Deku" moment yet-- instead, we see Tomura intentionally making that distinction between the-hero-and-the-true-self by constantly referring to Izuku by his real, full name. And I'm pr sure Izuku is also the only one he does this to-- we see him referring to all the other heroes he encounters by their hero names alone, or by insulting nicknames (l-lol). Correct me if I'm wrong, tho!
(side note: Tomura switching to calling Izuku just "Hero" in the aftermath of Bakugate is actually a big step backwards imo-- it reads as Tomura trying to push Izuku away by shoving them both back in the hero/villain box and doubling down on enforcing their respective "roles." Not that I ever expected mister doomdere to make things easy, but, woof. Good Fuckin' Luck, Izuku ( ´・ω・) )
TL;DR The final arc has mostly been about tearing off the hero/villain masks to reveal who is hiding underneath— MHA's careful use of names and monikers plays heavily into that and its distinction between "alter-ego"/"true self" a lot. Which is... probably one of the many reasons why All For One still doesn't have a given name, as someone who has all but completely lost himself in his character.
Anyway! That brings us to the meat of this post: how does MHA take the concepts of "reality vs fiction" and "the character vs. the actor" and apply it to All For One (...and Tomura) (and Izuku--)?
"Pay No Attention to That Man Behind the Curtain!"
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"If you refuse to submit, then I'll just rewrite the story." - it's amazing how all of this coulda been avoided if someone had just introduced AFO to Demon Lord x Reader fanfiction. (/j)
AFO fancies himself as the author of MHA's greatest tragedy (the desecration of Shimura Nana's legacy via the sacrifice of Shimura Tenko), while simultaneously inserting himself into its overarching narrative and treating himself as the leading villain of the story-- it's self-indulgent and intentionally invasive in the way that most self-insert fanfiction tends to be invasive, with him going to extremes to make it seem as though the whole story revolves around him. AFO wants to be both the author and the leading character and the leading antagonist. This greed is typical of him, but it also establishes him as a character who's more caught up in (read: trapped by) his relationship to "fiction" than anyone else. Again, MHA explores the use of fiction and alter-egos as an escape from a painful reality-- so, it's entirely reasonable to assume that this applies to AFO as well.
To me, so much about AFO reads as an escapist fantasy of someone who is utterly terrified of being put in a position where he is truly seen. The idea of being vulnerable, of being naked, of being "human," is intolerable to him. But by not allowing himself to feel and "be a human," he has effectively cut himself off from what he wants most. The character of “Shigaraki Tomura” is as much an escapist fantasy for AFO as it is Tenko-- It's just another (younger, prettier) layer of skin he can hide his true self in.
"so basically you're saying that AFO is a never nude" yes, actually :)
AFO dehumanizes Tomura through his attempts to turn the boy into his personal comic book character, but he also dehumanizes himself by desperately trying to insert himself into that “character." It's only fitting that Tomura’s innate humanity and capacity for feeling ends up rendering AFO himself painfully, painfully human-- and ultimately causes AFO's carefully constructed character to start crumbling.
If All the World’s a Stage, Then Let’s Destroy the Stage
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"That stage is gone now. The theater's knocked down. How much longer can we afford to be spectators on the sideline?" "Once upon a time, a man named All Might showed all of us how to be a hero. But somewhere along the way, people forgot about the heart and soul that made the man." -MHA, Chapter 325
Tomura is attempting to destroy the stage, because without the stage there can be no "Shigaraki Tomura" (Or "All Might," or "All For One," or "Endeavor," etc etc etc). Without the stage, there are no more "characters" and no more tragedies. But-- without the stage, there are no more stories period. There are no more tragedies, but there are no more happy endings either. The world never recognizes the actor behind "Shigaraki Tomura" without the stage. The stage is not inherently a bad thing, so long as people can remember that the actors on the stage still exist outside of it.
But Tomura himself cannot imagine what happens after the curtains fall, and all that's left is Shimura Tenko. He is stuck in a role that was written entirely for someone else, but remains convinced that the role was always his and that the role defines him.
Tomura rebels against the story the only way he knows how--against an "author" who *LITERALLY* views him as a spicier self insert, and against a "setting" that treats his death as a happy ending-- but even so, Tomura still can't picture an ending that doesn't end in tragedy. His rebellion is not about him trying to wring a happy ending out of a miserable, mean-spirited book-- it's about burning the whole damn library down so he never feels let down or hurt by a story again.
Basically: Tomura cannot act outside the confines of his "character" in a way that will truly save him. Even as he rebels, he's rebelling in a way that is painfully consistent with the way his "character" is written-- and that's why AFO (the author) still poses such an enormous threat to him. Destruction cannot save him from this story when he was explicitly penned to destroy.
The only way to break this narrative is to act in a way "the author" doesn't expect, and to tap into all the traits that AFO desperately attempted to "write out" of him-- Shimura Tenko is someone who has always rebelled against his writing, his author, and the unfairness of this story with his kindness and his willingness to accept those that no one else will.
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AFO cuts off Tenko's own power at the root by reinforcing Tomura's belief that the world will always inherently reject him, without fail, always and forever-- so he should just reject the world, too (and I've talked at length about this before, but this is why a story that ends with Tomura dying or locked away from society is an ending that fails in its goal to save Tomura). The more Shigaraki Tomura rejects everything and the more Shigaraki Tomura is rejected by everything, the more he distances himself from his root and the source of his power-- and the more Shimura Tenko gets lost in this character.
While AFO is terrified of someone seeing behind his mask, Tomura longs for it. Tenko has been there since the beginning and has been begging for someone to finally see and acknowledge him (both in-universe and out of universe).
"I’ll Be There, Changing Fate by Your Side."
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AFO: "Blah Blah Blah Do you still believe myths can save you? Foolish creature. Let me be clear: every version of the story ends with you being slaughtered yadda yadda yadda :) :) :)" ENTER, MIDORIYA IZUKU WITH A STEEL CHAIR.
Izuku's role is that of a completely average boy who gets pulled into a narrative ''that wasn't for him"-- he has no heroic lineage, no hidden powers, and no connection to the centuries old conflict that drives the plot. He's just a boy who did the right thing at the right time and was rewarded for it. Izuku is someone who was "never supposed to be a hero" the same way Tenko was "never supposed to be a villain" per the "rules" of their world-- and Izuku, like Tomura, is someone who exists to destroy those rules and the expectations of their narrative, completely changing the ending.
But rather than burning the book and ending the story forever (like Tomura wants to do), Izuku believes that the story and characters can still be salvaged. There's always something worth saving. It doesn't have to be a tragedy, they can still change the ending. They can talk specifics after Tomura's crazy ass puts the lighter down.
Izuku, like Tomura and so many other characters, throws himself into an alter-ego in an attempt to redefine himself and escape from pain ("Nobody's been saved yet. Don't be the worthless old Deku who can't save anyone" 😬). He almost loses himself in the role of "OFA's torch bearer" the way All Might did-- but just as Izuku managed to find Toshinori Yagi and helped in convincing him that his life as Toshinori has meaning, Izuku ends up getting saved by his friends who couldn't care less about OFA's ~protagonist power~ and know that Izuku is just a goofy, awkward, human boy who needs help.
Like.... If we explore quirklessness as like... a narrative stand-in for characters that the story typically views or dismisses as irrelevant extras/npcs, then AFO's barely restrained anger at Izuku and Toshi (and possibly Yoichi if we're being honest) for daring to ''act beyond their roles'' becomes even funnier. AFO can't stand the idea of his power/the protagonist role being passed on to someone who seems so utterly unworthy, unremarkable, and plain. He can't stand the idea of someone without a quirk/"role" standing up to him, the leading character. Dude really is a toxic comic book fan to the core.
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afo really said "I didn't like how things were going so I stopped reading and just wrote a better ending to the story :^)" like...... @mhareddit that's u buddy...........................;
Anyway...........!!!!! AFO is someone who cherry picks what he likes about a story while ignoring the actual intent/message of the work (#theabsolutestateofthemhafandom), but he has no intention of breaking down the dichotomy between heroes/villains and instead actively enforces it (.............#theabsolutestateofthemhafan--). He just wants to flip what side wins in the end.
Tomura wants to break the narrative because he sees that as the only way to escape from his pain (but in doing so, he permanently cuts himself off from being a part of a story with a happy ending). He wants to destroy the dichotomy between heroes and villains because heroes and villains "will never understand each other and never stop creating each other" (lol. lmao, even).
Izuku wants to break the narrative because he's realized that there's something more to this story than your standard "Hero versus Villain," "good vs evil" affair and that he cannot explore what lies behind those masks and labels without tearing them down, first.
These three work together well as a narrative set of Fucking Nerds, and AFO works well as both Tomura and Izuku's villain for all of the above reasons (& also bc he's the only one who is actually benefitting from their current society) ((which basically offers him an endless buffet of hurt and angry children he can exploit on a silver platter)).
Anyway! Kick his ass, Izuku.
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suugarbabe · 8 months
Hi! Congrats on 1k!!!!
i was wondering if you could do a Fred Weasley x reader
but the reader is Sirius blacks daughter 🤷🏼‍♀️ It takes place abt Prisoner of Azkaban
but so the reader was raised by Remus because Sirius chose him as the godfather and the reader is extremely touch starved like it’s crazy
and she is rlly anxious abt everything and (almost) everyone at hogworts shuns her because she’s Sirius blacks daughter and they believe she helps him in the school or is like him. But she’s not and it all just really gets to her. and she talks to Remus abt all of it (they def gossip together lol) and he tries his best to make it better for her but she kinda left one part out, about Fred. They had been friends for a while but they kinda drifted for whatever reason. He was with her all the time out of no where and she was a bit paranoid abt it but he just wanted to make sure she was ok and because he really missed her. And he was in love with her but he didn’t quite know how to tell her, and he didn’t really know what all he felt. I guess like a slow burn situation lol
sorry that’s a whole lot lol and it jumps all over the place I’m terrible at explaining things
absolutely love your work tho 🫶🏻🫶🏻
so i took a little creative liberty with this to make it work as a blurb so if you hate it, sozz, but I kind of like it??
The door to your godfather's office opened before you even had a chance to knock. You let out a sigh as you walked into the classroom, "Uncle Rem, you know I hate it when you watch me on that map." You walked up to his desk at the front of the classroom, sinking into the large chair sitting behind it.
"You know I only do it when I'm worried about you. And your father would have my head if I didn't keep a good eye on you," Remus's voice came from behind you, walking down the steps from his office before joining you in the main classroom.
You tried your best not to roll your eyes, "There's no need for him to be worried. Haven't you heard, Rem? I'm letting him into the castle so he can murder our precious Harry Potter." You slumped further into the chair, "I'm sorry. I know Harry doesn't know the truth, but you don't know how hard it is to keep this secret."
"Bug," Remus was smiling at you, "if anyone knows about the trials and tribulations of keeping a secret at Hogwarts, I think i'd be able to relate." You couldn't help but smirk, "Okay, you've got me there. But no one suspected your dad to be a murderer."
Remus nodded, "Not everyone thinks you're so terrible, Bug." You couldn't help but scoff, "I love you, Uncle Rem, but unfortunately you don't count in this scenario."
Remus just shook his head, "M'not talking about me, love."
You tilted your head in confusion, "What are you talking about?"
Your godfather couldn't contain his smirk, "I'm referring to one Mr. Weasley. Fred to be more specific."
You huffed out a little, "Fred? Worried about me? Please, Uncle Rem, he's not worried, he's just stalking to try and find out how I'm letting dad in."
"You know that's not true, Bug. Fred's been a good friend of yours for many years. Why would this year change everything?" Remus was sitting on the edge of his desk now, looking down at you in the chair. You felt like a young child again when you used to sit with Remus in the living room and talk to him about everything and anything.
"I just feel like we've been drifting. We don't talk as much, but he's always kind of around? I just know he thinks the same thing as everyone else. His brother is best friends with Harry for Godric's sake, like of course he hates me now, how could he not?"
Remus looked at you with those eyes, the eyes he gives you when he's about to tell you how wrong you are. You closed your eyes in response, only causing Remus to chuckle, "What on earth are you doing?"
"If I don't look at you, I can't see you silently telling me how incorrect I am," this answer only made Remus laugh harder.
"Bug," he said your nickname lovingly, "Bug, look at me please, it's important." You peeked one eye open. "Uh-uh, both eyes, full attention."
You huffed out a sigh before complying. Remus folding his arms over his chest, "Mr. Weasley is quite fond of you and ah, ah-," Remus cut himself off, holding up a finger to you to stop you from replying before continuing himself, "and I think you should go have a chat with him. He came to me earlier today, telling me how worried he was about you, that he's been keeping an eye on you to make sure that you're safe. He's quite fond of you, Bug."
Your cheeks burned red, not knowing what to say in response. "Maybe," Remus stood from his desk now, "you should go have a chat with him." He started ascending up the stairs now, essentially leaving you no choice to but listen to his suggestion.
"I don't even know where he is right now," you tried, but you knew your efforts were futile when you heard your godfather mumbled the retched spell to open his map.
"He's in the astronomy tower," Remus called from his office. You rolled your eyes, "Thank yooou, Uncle Remus." You pushed off the the comfy chair that essentially had your imprint in it before heading out the classroom door, Remus calling after you that he loved you and wishing you good luck.
On your walk to the astronomy tower, you replayed the last couple months in your head. How Fred was always checking up on you, asking you how you were doing, if you needed him to walk you to class, if you had any plans later that day, if you wanted to take a break and go to the lake with him.
You assumed he was checking your schedule, seeing if you were trying to plot something for your father or were making plans to help with him getting into the castle. You were so clouded by paranoia and fear of judgement you failed to see that, beyond your godfather, Fred was the only person that was actually trying to be there for you.
You tip toed up the astronomy tower, not wanting to be fully discovered before you were ready. When you reached the top you saw Fred leaning against the railings. You walked slowly up to him, placing a tentative hand on his elbow causing him to turn his head toward you.
"Oh, hello, darling," he smiled sweetly at you, though you could tell it didn't quite reach his eyes like it normally did. You were cursing yourself internally, not believing how you could be so stupid. You didn't hesitate to wrap your arms around him, squeezing him like you didn't want him to float away, "I'm so sorry, Freddie. I've been so stupid."
It took just a second for him to respond before he was hugging you back, rubbing your back gently, "Darling, what are you talking about? Stupid about what?"
You pulled back slightly, craning your neck to look up at the tall man, "I've been pushing you away when you're the only person who's been there for me, truly. The only one who hasn't been blaming me, who's been looking out for me, checking in on me, making sure no one else bothers me. I've been so stupid and paranoid that I thought maybe you were doing those things to keep an eye on me for the wrong reasons."
The more you rambled the more Fred began to smile. "Freddie," you pouted, "i'm serious, I've been so awful to you."
Fred just shook his head, large hands cupping your face and wiping your tears, "You're right, angel." You're heart stopped for a moment, thinking he was going to tell you how terrible you were to him and how much you hurt him, "You're right that I care about you, that I've just been trying to protect you. M'not mad at you for being cautious. Hell, I expected it really." You couldn't help to laugh sightly.
He smiled at your small laughter, "There she is, there's my girl." Fred tilted your head so you were looking him in the eyes now. And you saw it, his admiration for you, how much he cared, that he loved you, all in how he was looking at you right in this moment.
"Kiss me, Freddie." It was a statement, not a question. He hesitated, looking in to your eyes to make sure that's what you really wanted. But you were done being patient, done waiting to see what others were going to do.
You fisted to front of his jumper, pulling his down to you. His lips met yours quickly, one of his hands shooting down to your waist as his other found solace on the back of your neck. Your lips moved together effortlessly, his so soft and plush against yours.
You tilted your head slightly, allowing him to deepen the kiss. Your hand fisted his red hair at the base of his neck, pulling him impossibly closer before you both had to eventually break away for air.
Fred's cheeks were beat red, lips slightly swollen and you were sure you looked the same. "Wow," was all Fred was finally able to say. You nodded, "Wow."
"I should've done that weeks ago," Fred laughed lightly. You wrapped your arms around his neck, "Well, now you can do it whenever you want." He nodded, smiling, leaning down to go for another kiss.
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awfulwriter123 · 8 months
Babysitting (Rhea Ripley x Reader One-shot)
Hey everyone!! Quick thanks again for all the love and support! You guys are awesome ❤️. This idea hit while spending time with my niece earlier this week. Hope you guys enjoy, criticism, tips, blah blah blah you guys know that whole deal. Happy reading everyone!! ❤️❤️
Warning's: None just pure fluff. S/n = Sister's name, sh/n = sister's husband's name, n/n = niece's name
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"Sit Barry!" You told Barry so you could put his and Luna's food bowls down so they can eat, When he finally sat down you put down the food bowl's to which Barry started eating like he hasn't in a week, while Luna just ate slow and calmly unlike her brother.
"I swear your spoiled, the lot of you." You sat down at the kitchen table for a second when you heard your phone ringing, expecting it to be your lovely girlfriend calling to tell you she landed and she should be home soon.
What you didn't expect, was it to be a call from you sister, you couldn't help the confusing smile to break out on your face, that didn't stop you from picking up the phone, could've been a emergency for all you know.
"Hey sis, something wrong?" You asked with slight concern in your voice. "What i can't call my sister and see how she's doing!? haha!" You caught the somewhat nervous laugh at the end of that sentence.
"Is everything okay s/n?" You were now very concerned thinking the worst. "No no no, everything's okay, i just wanted to call and ask a favor, if that's okay?" You breathed a sigh of relief that it was nothing bad, but now you were curious.
"Shoot s/n, what's up?" You heard shuffling on the other line guessing she was moving around or something. "Me and sh/n got some ticket's to a music festival and we wanted to know if you would be okay to watch n/n? mom and dad are going out for their anniversary tonight and you the only other adult who i trust with her honestly."
You let a grin come across your face that would put the grinch to shame, you LOVED your niece and spending time with her was always fantastic, so you didn't even think twice with your answer. "Yeah i can watch her, what time should i expect you guys to come back and get her?" You asked as you got up to tiddy up the house a bit, wasn't messy but you just wanted to be safe.
You heard s/n let out a sigh of relief. "Hopefully we'll be able to get her before midnight, with traffic and stuff its hard to tell. Can i come drop her off say 4:00 or 4:30?"
You looked at the clock 3:34. "Yeah that should be good, see you in a bit sis! Love ya!" "Love ya too, see you in a bit!" You hung up the phone and quickly got to making sure the house was nice and clean for when your niece got here.
~ Time Skip ~
" Hey roadrunner!" You quickly picked up your niece as she ran at you at full speed, it was easy to see why you gave the 2 year old that nickname.
"Hi auntie!!" She practically yelled while repeated kissing your cheek while you were laughing. "Okay! Okay! I get it you love me!" You said and she finally stopped and just put her head in the crook of your neck while giggling.
"Hey y/n!" You looked up to see s/n and her husband looking at you two with smiles on their face's. "Hey guys! How you doing sh/n?" "Im good, just trying to keep track of these two crackhead's" He said as he pointed at your sister and niece, to which he promptly got hit in the arm for by your sister.
"Oh shut up you still love us!" "Damn right!" He replied as he kissed her cheek and you rolled your eyes. "What sis jealous~?" "No, you two are just ridicules with how lovey dovey you are." They both laughed at that.
"Where's rhea at anyway, working?" Your sister asked as your niece picked her head up from your neck. "Rhe rhe!?" She said excitedly looking around. To which all you laughed at her eagerness to see her aunti 'Rhe rhe'
"Auntie Rhe rhe ain't home yet roadrunner, she should be here soon tho." Her face quickly lit up in excitement at that. "Okay we gotta get going, here's a bag of stuff, just some clothes and toy's for her to keep herself occupied, call if you need us or if anything happens alright?"
"Yeah, yeah, yeah, go have a good time love bird's i got her!" You laughed to them. They quickly said by to n/n and gave her kisses and waved by as they pulled out of the driveway as you walked back into the house with your niece still in your arm's. "Wanna watch monster's inc?" You've never seen anyone nod their head as fast your niece.
~Time Skip~
You sat on the couch sending a video of n/n running around with Barry and Luna to s/n. You didn't know how a 2 year old could have this much energy.
Now your niece was cuddle up into your side out of breath from running around with the dog's and watched the movie that was coming to a close here soon.
You looked at the clock reading 5:17. Rhea should be home any minute now. You didn't think that rhea would be upset that you said yes to watch your niece without asking her first, she said wwe were giving her some time off cause of how hard she was working lately. So you have a few more days together just the two of you.
Just as that thought left your head, the front door opened . The dogs jumping from their spot on the floor, and Barry barking like a madman. N/n quickly got up from her spot against you on the couch to take a quick peek around the corner to see who it was.
"Hey! Easy Barry, watch the nail's dude. God I need y/n to remind me to cut your nail's tomorrow." "Rhe rhe!!" Your niece quickly ran at rhea, effectively latching herself on to her leg's.
"Hey koala!! What are you doing here?" She asked as she unlatched n/n from her legs to pick her up and hold her. "My sister and sh/n wanted to go to a music festival, they didn't have anyone else to watch her, sorry. She have asked you first." You said sheepishly as you rubbed your arm nervously.
Those nervs all disappeared as rhea planted a quick kiss on your lips. "Hey it's alright, I dont mind watching her, don't worry your pretty little head babe." She smiled at you to which you gave one back.
The nice moment was ruined when you heard a low growl and n/n grabbed her stomach. "Hungry!" She said while pointing at her stomach to which you and rhea both laughed at.
"Let me see what i can make for dinner." You turned to walk to the kitchen, but stopped when rhea lightly grabbed your waist to put her front to your back. "Hey it's alright babe, let's just order pizza." N/n quickly threw her arms up in the air yelling. "PIZZA!!!" You chuckled lightly. "Alright alright, pizza it is." Rhea pumped her fist with a quick and quiet "Yesss!" Then her and n/n high fived.
"I can't even with you two." You shook your head while laughing at them, as you left to get you phone to order. "You still love me babe!" She said to as you walked away. "Keep telling yourself that ripley!" You replied, before you turned the corner to head to the living room all you heard was a. "What!?" From rhea, which caused you to giggle lightly.
~Time Skip~
You threw n/n's shirt she got dirty while eat into the laundry, seriously you did not know how a kid can get so messy while eating pizza. After doing that you walked back into the living room to sit on the chair to which Luna immediately sat at your feet as 'Cars" was playing on the tv.
You looked over to the couch to see rhea laying down with n/n on her chest cuddling into her, to which you smiled and took a quick picture. Rhea heard the click of your phone and turned her head to see your phone pointed at her, to which you took another quick photo.
"That's my new home screen." You said while giggling, to which rhea only smiled while gently shaking her head turning back to the movie. N/n laughing and giggling quietly as the movie played.
~Time Skip~
You didn't know how long you closed your eyes for as you yawned to look at your phone, 9:56. You would think that s/n and sh/n would be on their way here soon.
You turned your head to see rhea and n/n in the same position as you saw them last but this time, they are dead asleep. You quietly adn quickly took a quick photo on your phone and you got up and grab the blanket from the back of the couch to put over them so they were extra warm.
Your phone quietly buzzed in your pocket and you pulled it out to see a text from your sister. S/n: 'Be there in 45 minutes to get her. Hope she was good?' You quickly sent her the pictures you took earlier while replying. Y/n: 'She was great.'
~ Last Time Skip (Sorry for all these) ~
When you heard the car pull into the driveway, you quickly picked up n/n's bag, which you packed up for her, and walked over to where rhea and n/n were sleeping on the couch.
You decided to try and get n/n out rhea's arm's without waking her, as she looked like she need the sleep after working so many days in a row.
As you got n/n out of rhea's grasp you saw her flutter open and look at you take n/n from her arms. "Sorry babe, s/n and sh/n are here to pick her up. I didn't wanna wake you."
She sat up while yawing. "It's okay y/n, here i got her." She quickly took n/n back as she walked towards the front door and quietly opened it and you followed her out and saw s/n standing there smiling.
"Hey rhea, sis. Thank you guys so much for watching her." She gently took n/n from rhea's arms and gave her n/n's bag. When you three heard a whine and look towards n/n.
"Hi momma." She cuddled into her mom's neck. "Hey sweetie. Have good time with auntie rhe rhe and y/n?" She asked while rubbing her back.
N/n let out a quiet 'Mhm' while nodding her head. She looked towards you and rhea and asked in her tired voice. "Can i come over again tomorrow?"
You and rhea both laughed lightly, rhea walked up her and gently rubbed her back while asking. "How about make a next weekend, Okay?" N/n excitedly shook her head yea while s/n laughed lightly.
"That's alright with me lemme talk with sh/n and we'll plan it?" "Sound's good!" You replied with a smile on your face. As they pulled out of the driveway you and rhea waved as they drove off.
You two went back into the house and started heading upstair's to your shared bedroom. "I didn;t know you loved babysitting so much rhe rhe~" You lightly teased her as you changed into your pj's.
"Only for that crazy koala." She replied with a smile on her face as she slid into bed, you not too long after her. "I prefer her nickname to be roadrunner." You said with a grin on your face.
"It is too damn late to get into an argument over her nickname, get some sleep." She told you while pulling you into her chest, and you did not have to be told twice.
You thought it was safe to say, that THE Rhea Ripley, The eradicator, LOVED being a babysitter.
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stillfrownyclownlol · 6 months
Hiding in the bathroom from a man rn lmao
Aidlyn headcanons because...please? Please? They make me sick /positive
These aren't all fluffy or whatever because they traumatized af and relationships like that are...difficult... but not impossible.
-he's 8-ish months older than her and like, 20ish cms taller (sorry I don't know how American feet work lol 😭)
-He hyperfixated on the relationship lmao.
-Clingy...they BOTH are. In different ways I mean but. They are both clingy. They're scared the other is gonna die when they aren't around lol 🙃 Aiden is ofc very touchy and grabby, he just has to FEEL that she's with him. Also type of guy to call at 2am "hey bby u good?". Ash gets antsy if she hasn't seen or heard from him in a while (a while means like 2 hours) especially since he like spam texts her every 5 seconds. But he also hyperfixates or disassociates for a while and will forget 🤡 like she will yell at him about why he didn't call her for 17 hours and he'll just be like "um sorry. I was. Staring at a wall."
-he has a lot of weird/cringy ass pet names for her that makes her want to slap him; probably calls her Bae or whatever. Ash nicknames for Aiden: Idiot, stupid, dumbass, public safety hazard...called him "dear" like once just to try it and hated it. "Mr. Durable" if she wants to annoy him.
-worlds worst pick up lines. Ash NEVER understands them.
-he loves surprises! Surprise him! He wants to surprise Ash too! She kinda hates this. They decided to "compromise": he will tell her beforehand that there is a "surprise" and gives her little clues/puzzles so she can figure out whatever it is. He has like 0 patience tho so he always helps her figure them out 🤡 Ash likes watching him get excited about the puzzles and doing them together more than the surprise half of the time.
-Him infodumping is like white noise so she can sleep lol.
-they try to do things the other likes since Ash thinks this is important for a "healthy relationship". Almost died when they went to an indoor rock climbing place 💀 but she got to see Aiden in a leotard when they did ballet together so it was a fair trade (blackmail)
-he is her hypeman at ballet recitals, will probably cheer when she comes on stage and has a sign and everything, the rest of the gang (and Ash) is just like "...we don't know this guy"
-she wishes he took care of himself more. Sends him stuff like "did you drink any water today", "Ben told me you're gonna skateboard down the hill please dont", or "IF YOU SET YOUR BOOKS ON FIRE IM GONNA CALL THE POLICE" <3
-sometimes if she's sad she just kinda. Falls on his back. Like a koala or smth. She has that "I literally cannot do anything" sort of depression (which to be fair Aiden also has sometimes). Aiden carries her around.
-when nobody's looking she kisses his cheek, cuz she knows his face is usually sore from smiling so much.
-pretty low key on her part, but Aiden is so obvious everybody knows 💀 She doesn't like PDA (more so the fact that people stare) but Aiden will usually put his arm around her shoulders or waist/give her a smooch (not on the mouth) <3 it's honestly not that different from how he was when they were just friends ngl 🤡
-he says "I love you" easily, because it genuinely is the easiest thing in the world for him. He has 0 doubts about how he feels for her. Ash doesn't say it a lot cuz she feels weird saying it, so she does her best to show it in other ways.
-he gets jealous easily *siiiiigh* It's cuz he's insecure!!! Help him! 😭 He doesn't get annoyed with her because like. Ash pays about as much attention to other guys (I mean besides Tyler, Ben and Logan) as she does to dust. But he will death glare at any guy they don't know that's staring at her 💀
-kinda codependent... *looks at the floor* they are working on it. Sometimes Aiden feels like he's only alive for her. (I- Look at episode 61- IVE BEEN IN HIS POSITION. AIDEN BABY THIS AINT HEALTHY)
-absolute dork. Draws "A.C. + A.B." in a little heart in his note margins because he's goofy like that.
-he fell first she fell harder NO I will not be taking any criticism for this.
Anyways it's raining outside so I'll just post this now
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lixiesbrowniess · 1 year
Ⅲ. Go hunting - Omaticaya storyline
Words count: 3.1k
Warnigs: swearing, mention of bullying, make out, "enemies" to lovers, yeah bc they're not really enemies anymore, erection, aged up characters 18+, nsfw, p in v, dom/sub, bit of degradation
Aged up to 21 (reader is 20 tho)
Na'vi vocabulary: Skxawng: moron
A/n: proofread ✓
Follow the don't like don't read rule please - minors DNI
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“You can choose” Tonowari stated.
You stopped thinking hard. You've always wanted to try the hunting routine, it sounded fun.
But you didn't know who had to accompany you. You were kinda curious about it tho.
“I'd like to go hunting Olo'eyktan” you said slowly bowing your head to him.
“all right it's decided then.” he said getting up from his spot. “when the eclipse will be over you will get going.” he moved to look behind him and you cocked your eyebrow.
“Ao'nung you'll accompany her. Make sure she doesn't get hurt.” he stated not accepting a no from his older son who just rolled his eyes in acception.
An hour later
You really couldn't believe you were about to go hunt with non other then the chief son, or more correctly the one who probably hated you the most and you kinda reciprocated.
You actually might've developed a small liking in him after knowing him better. I mean he was still an asshole but you had discovered he was good with children and helpful with his parents.
Yeah maybe you accidentally saw him when his mother gave him the task to help the youngest to improve their ilu riding.
But any way your facade was being enemies. And of all people you had to stay with him for Eywa knows how long alone out of the reef.
You just hope this would end quickly.
Lil time skip
The eclipse was almost over but he still wasn't there so you decided to go ask Tsireya were that skxawng was.
You finally saw her entering the tent were all the hunting weapons were stored and you quickly followed her.
“hey Re'ya have you seen your brother? He should've been here by now.” you asked looking at her back.
She didn't answer which made you feel suspicious. Now that you thought about it was she always that tall? Her hair looked longer... A lot longer.
“I'd never thought you would've been worried about me.” your heart fell when you heard "her" say so.
You panicked when you saw the only one you were wishing not to see in that certain moment. He faced you with an hateful smirk.
You opened your mouth like a goldfish trying to figure out how the hell you mistaken Ao'nung for his sister.
He laughed at your attonished face. “i know you've never seen me with my hair down but i wouldn't expect you to mistake me for Tsireya”
You gulped as he fully turned to you, his hair falling on his large shoulders-
You immediately shoo those thoughts away and managed to speak.
“sorry- for mistaking you... But your hair are really long... I mean-” you stopped as he smirked wider.
“oh fuck off, let's just go.” you scoffed making him chuckle in amusement.
“here” he handed you a spear “we'll impale the fish with this and then use the knife to fillet them.” he said placing his spear down.
You watched him pull his hair in a ponytail before wrapping them around themselves forming a bun and letting a small part fall down his neck. You could clearly see the tattoo covering his left cheek, forehead and down his biceps.
God damnit. "Why Eywa?" you thought trying to look away. You wished you could try to brush those- NO not even if he begged for it.
Yeah like he even had to.
You snapped out of your thoughts when he came over and spoke.
“all right let's go forest girl.” you rolled your eyes at the nickname.
You followed him and called for your Ilus then jumped into the water from the walkway.
You two made the Ilus sprint to the destination.
Time skip - out the reef
“It's here” he signed.
“Need to breathe” you pointed to the surface slowly swimming towards it. He rolled his eyes and followed you.
You popped out inhaling deeply. Suddenly you felt him pulling you underwater again causing a frown to form on your face.
“What is it forest girl, still can't breath properly?” he gestured under water gaining a pout and a “skxawng” from you, but all he offered was a teasing smile.
You emerged again taking the spear from your Ilu. Soon Ao'nung's head popped next to yours. “we have to be quiet or the fish will swim away” he said after going down again.
You blinked. "Is he bipolar?"  You thought. One moment he was being an ass and later serious as fuck.
You followed him with your spear and behind a big coral. “Call for the fish”  he signed. You gave him a suspicious look as he was signing you to go in front of him, just like he did with Lo'ak once.
He rolled his eyes and his hair moved with the current. “I won't leave you behind” You carefully moved in front of him and turned your back to him.
You called for the fish and waited as some approached you. But before you could impale one you felt a pair of hands squeeze your waist.
Even if you knew it was him you still were surprised. Your neck quickly snapped to look at him.
All he did was placing a finger on his lips signing you to stay silent. You cocked your eyebrow and tried to get free from his grip, which only got stronger.
He then pointed at something far in front of you two. An enormous creature at least hundred feet away.
An Akula [the animal who attacked Lo'ak].
You immediately stopped moving around and stayed completely still in his grip.
His hands were really big... They could wrap your entire waist without too much effort. You forced yourself to focus on the damn gigantic fish. There was a meaning on why Tonowari sent his son with you. He was a great warrior.
“Do not move it can sense movements” he signed you with one hand. You didn't need him to say twice you already were completely still.
He then made a sound with his throat, again and again, that seemed to annoy the animal and it slowly swam away.
He sighed in relief still holding your waist. Quickly you turned to face him completely without breaking his grip.
“How'd you do that” you asked staring at his irises. He looked a bit surprised by your sudden move and curiosity.
“Every warrior has to learn how to do that” he signed as an answer and grinned. “Don't worry, you don't need to” he mockingly smiled. You shoved your hand on his face and tried to free yourself.
But he tightened his grip not letting you go. “what do you think you're doing?”  you looked at him narrowing your eyes.
“Nothing, what are you thinking?” he grinned at you with his usual expression but his eyes betrayed him. His eyes seemed to glow underwater releasing an unknown emotion from them, at least unknown to you.
Well you had an idea of what could that be but you couldn't believe he was experiencing it because of you. He was supposed to hate you right?
You won't lie that was making you kinda frightened. “We should complete out task first” you signed looking away from his gaze.
“First? Are you giving me the permission to do it?”  he smirked widely bringing your body closer to his.
“Do what?” You rolled you eyes, you were sure it was a damn joke so you tried to shake it off. But he was still smiling and staring into your golden orbs.
“Stop playing around Ao'nung” you signed pushing his chest with your hands. But he didn't move, on the contrary, he looked at you seriously.
He wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you against his body “actually I'm serious” he signed with the other hand looking down.
It was then that you felt something poking on your stomach and you looked down. As soon as you did your eyes shot open and up to his.
Before you could form any thought he closed the distance that separated you. His lips found yours and he took advantage of your surprise to slide his tongue into your mouth.
Your hands gripped on his shoulder as you felt his fingers dig into your waist making you wince.
Unexpectedly you kissed back. You'd never imagined doing something like this with the one who was supposed to hate you.
His hardness was still poking your stomach making you realize you needed to breath, you broke the kiss but as soon as you did he chased your lips.
You covered his mouth with your hands to stop him. “I have to breath. skxawng”  you signed with a frown as you started to feel lightheaded.
He giggled going up and pulling you with him. As soon as you were out you inhaled deeply, “we must finish our tasks.” you said avoiding the topic of what just happened.
“You liked it mhh” he smiled widely staring into your irises. “The task can wait you know?” he chuckled “the fish are not going to disappear” you blushed lightly at his words.
“They will. You are the one who said to be silent or they will run away−”
Your mouth shot closed after your statement. "WHAT" you screamed in your mind, you couldn't believe your own words.
“Oh? forest girl are you worried about the sounds you'll be making?” you refused to look at him at this point.
“Don't worry, unless we do it underwater the fish won't run away too far” his nonchalantly statement made you feel weird.
But you didn't complain too much as he quickly wrapped you into his arms again leaning to the coral below you.
This time all he kissed was your neck as you two slowly sank again. And he made sure to leave hickeys on your soft skin so your little forest friends could see.
You resurfaced together and he called for his Ilu. “We'll have to move to the reefs roots” he said grabbing your wrist pulling you on his ilu with you.
You reached the rocks of the reef, he pulled you up and helped you out of the water, the cold air hitting your skin.
As long as the Ilu swam away he attacked your neck and collarbone with kisses and bites again causing your breath to hitch in surprise.
⇊incoming smut [if not comfy skip till the next warning]⇊
“I think we gotta take care of this” he whispered into your neck giving you goosebumps and slowly moving his hips forward.
You gasp as his pelvis rolled against yours. You were trapped between him and the rocks as he took advantage and bit your neck while grinding his hips into yours breathing heavily on your collarbone.
He chuckled. Your eyes darted to him as he was looking at his muscular thigh. You tilted your head with a questioning look. His eyes met yours.
“Well now, what is this?” he said pointing at your tail which was firmly wrapped around his thigh. Blood rushed to your cheeks at the realization.
You snatched it away, embarrassed by it's actions. It felt like your tail had it's own life at the moment... Or maybe not.
He quickly turned you around having your back pressed on his chest and lightly pushing your upper part into the hard surface.
Your breath hitched as he grabbed the base of your tail making you squeal in surprise. It speedily wrapped around his forearm as he lightly tugged on it. “I think I really like your thin tail” he said while he took your loincloth off.
He then proceeded to grind his clothed dick against your dripping entrance tugging at your tail.
You covered your mouth as a few whimpers escaped your lips. “Don't mute your sounds please” he groaned and bit the flesh between your neck and shoulder “I wanna hear”.
You felt him move his own loincloth revealing his shaft and lining up to your pussy. Your walls clenched at your emptiness feeling his cock poke your hole.
“So wet for me already?” he said mockingly teasing your entrance, he kneaded your ass and separated your ass cheeks to have more access.
“Shut up−” you mumbled wanting him to shut his trap and fuck your brain out. He leaned closer to your ear the angle making his dick poke against your inner thighs.
“We're too far to go back now” he growled trailing his canines from your neck to yor shoulder.
He shoved himself inside your quivering walls sighing in relief, you felt like your legs were about to give out right there and then.
“how you want me to do it?” he said next your ear wearing his smirk again. “Do it your worst” you teased whimpering. Your hand gripped his as he bottomed out, your face squished on the enormous root
He started to move making you clamp your hands on your mouth to hold your loud cries back. You still weren't adjusted to him so a stinning feeling filled your lower stomach making you squeal.
He pressed his hand on your abdomen feeling the small bulge that formed on it everytime he shoved inside.
Your moans and cries were desperate as the pain was starting to fade away, leaving you drowning into pleasure. He was tugging on your tail while thrusting deep into your clenching walls.
Your tail was still wrapped around his arm for dear life and your moans kept leaving your lips without stopping.
“Ugh− so tight-” he growled leaning closer to you and reaching a deeper spot into you.
You were still trying to hold your voice down but it wasn't going so well. Your head fell to the side and he immediately attacked your neck with love bites.
Your breath hitched as his teeth came in contact with your frail skin. He licked the small trail of blood. “Ao'nung−”
He pushed his abdomen forward hitting that spongy spot into you “taking me so deep- such a desperate whore huh- Y/n” his rasp voice cooed into your ear.
You felt your name falling from his lips, your thighs clenched in attempt to close only to be stopped from his leg stucking between yours.
His hands were holding your waist and pulling you to meet his pelvis, hitting deep inside you. Your breath hitched as he leaned onto your neck thrusting into you harder.
“Shit− yawne−” he breathed heavily as you were tightening his dick making it difficult to move. You felt yourself getting closer and closer to the edge after hearing how he called you.
“-m close” you whimpered, tears streaming down your cheeks, feeling the knot tighten and a stinning pleasure burning your abdomen.
Your legs started to get wobble under his touch. He started to grip yor hips harder, his thrusts getting sloppier.
“Go on sweetheart” he breathes out holding your waist tightly “cum.” he stated making sure to shove his whole length inside you. “Cum for me”
The knot snapped right away. You came all over his dick screaming in pleasure. If he didn't hold you right now, you probably would have ended up falling on your knees.
Tears fell soaking your cheeks as he continued chasing his release. You felt him throb between your walls making you wince for the overstimulation.
He leaned his forehead on your shoulder and buried himself as deep as he could releasing his load in your insides.
Your chest rose and fell quickly, he exhaled on your neck not daring to pull out. Your legs winced softly.
“You shouldn't− have came inside fishlips” you said between your quick breathing. “Why not? You're gonna be my mate I don't see why I shouldn't have” he said slowly pulling out and leaning next to you.
⇈smut ends here⇈
“You− didn't mean it right?” you said with a slightly sad smile while looking at the water crushing on your feet.
“Oh no. I mean it.” your eyes widen at his words “i see you y/n and i want you to become my mate.” Silence fell on the two of you with only the sound of waves.
“I'll hunt. Wait here” you looked at him as he was already calling his Ilu. “What? No we're supposed to do it together.” you said frowning a bit.
“Don't worry forest girl I'll be back” he smiled placing a hand on his chest as you sounded so worried for him. You just rolled your eyes at him but before you could bite back he jumped in the water.
Time skip
You two eventually got back with a lot of fish. But only 'cause Ao'nung decided to hunt himself letting you sit on the root.
You still didn't talk about what happened to anyone but you were planning on doing that... just not so early.
Currently you were sitting outside your marui pod and let your legs sink in the cold water. You didn't saw Ao'nung since you were back from the hunting session.
You were wondering if it was all just a joke and he was already somewhere making fun of you. You shook your head at the bad thoughts you were formulating.
Right there and then something popped out the water between your legs making you falter. “Hey forest girl” a familiar voice said with an audible smirk through it.
You looked the ocean eyed na'vi float next to your feet. You were ready to bite back when you noticed he had his hair down. Again.
His hair were floating all around, some locks tickling your feet and ankles. You had to admit you were mesmerized by his beauty.
“Too stunned to speak?” he mockingly asked  while placing his hands on the sides of your thighs, on the material where you were sitting on. He pulled himself up with a splash-like sound until he met your eyes.
large droplets of water left his face dripping from his chin or slowly creeping down his jaw. Some of them framed his chest and abs, others his biceps.
He leaned in and kissed you. His lips were wet and cold against yours, warm and slightly dry. You closed your eyes losing yourself into his embrace.
You had to admit he was getting almost as big as his father... And that was a lot. He pulled away leaving your body all wet with the water that dripped from his arms.
“Hey fish lips” you tried not to sound shaky. His grin turned more upwards as a little purr left his throat “well, this fish lips just kissed the breathe out of you tho” he said looking at your reaction amused.
You really couldn't stop blushing. His words will eventually kill you one day.
Choice Taglist🏷️: @grierpilots @its-f1nl3y @friendly-reject @hangezoes-wife @hanhanartz @answer-the-sirens @chanyeolsbeloved @serenaaasworld @lamb292 @brrrkdslek @epicy0n @yelenassafeplace
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dulcewrites · 1 year
Fool Me Once (part 7)
Summary: Time at Dragonstone leads to tense encounters. (Wc: 5k)
Paring: Aemond Targaryen x reader (y’all know the drill tho)
A/N: we are finally in dragonstone! Yay??? Lmao it’s about to get a little bumpy for reader now that she’s in the dragon’s den if you will. But I’m excited to explore team black’s dynamic. Or at least I think the dynamic would be since we really did not get that in the show. Also as our fab five (the nickname I have for fmo reader, Aemond, Aegon, Helaena, and quinton) are separated, I will be going back and forth between dragonstone and king’s landing. So we are gonna get lots of different povs which is fun
Fmo masterlist
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But at last, the year of 129 AC would be one of great change for the House of the Dragon. Marked with death, triumph, and long simmering tensions boiling to the surface.
Many say the first turning of the tide was the departure of Prince Aemond Targaryen’s lady wife to Dragonstone… without him at her side. Speculation stirred around why she left; tongues ever wagging in court. Some say that it was an innocent as the young, and sprite Daella Targaryen insisting to see her ancestral home. Others had a more salacious take.
Gossip about a rift in the family swirled. One of the more of the inappropriate rumors was that youngest child of Prince Aemond was not actually his, but instead the illegitimate child of his lady wife and his brother Prince Aegon. Mushroom tells a story of the kind Queen Alicent sending away her good daughter in a fit of rage after finding out the truth. Many disputed this, nonetheless. Some claim the departure to Dragonstone was of Prince Daemon‘s demand. Court alight with the drivel of the Rogue Prince’s sexual proclivities. Talk of him and the Princess taking a special liking to Aemond’s lady wife. In more ways than one.
A more likely explanation came from Setpton Eustace. He emphasizes the smart and cunning nature of the family Aemond’s lady wife came from. Recounting that getting close to Princess Rhaenyra was just one step in a plan to landing marriage prospects for the little princess and princeling. It was said by Eustace that this angered Prince Aemond. His ire towards his sister and her family well documented.
Regardless of why she left, it was clear that family dynamics were bound to change. Whispers of a weakened house beginning to mount across the small folk. One prophet pushed the notion of the House of the Dragon being in grave trouble.
What would come in the follow years could only be explained by the Targaryen house words - Fire and Blood.
Eventually you get used to the smell of Dragonstone. In a way, it is no worse than the one that inhabits the Red Keep; just different. If you think about the smell too much, it makes you long for home. Your real one. The one that is clean, and warm. Nothing like the places you find yourself in now. At least at the Red Keep, you could facilitate a sense of domesticity with redecorating. At the Dragonstone, you are forced to stare at grey walls, and squint through dim lighting no matter how many candles are lit.
The stories you heard of Dragonstone were overflowing with fondness and reverence. Viserys was open about his love for place. You don’t know if it is the lack of Targaryen blood or if it really is just an ugly old castle.
Despite your feelings towards it, Daella had made her peace with everything. She is adaptable in the way most children are, wholly excited to be doing something different while somewhere different. Her interest in dragons only growing stronger. The high Valyrian lessons continuing. It was hard to complain if she was happy. Though her fascination with Daemon makes you pause.
You try not to think too much into it. She is at the age where everyone is interesting, including the new dragon riders around her. He must pick up on your skepticism. The head tilt and wry grin he gives you when you insist on sitting in on anything that involves her.
Quinton sticks to your side with heavy proclivity. The only time you can get away from everyone at Dragonstone was walks on the beach. It was your favorite part of the Island. The salty water of the Blackwater Bay cleared your head.
A close second of places your frequent being the Sept. There was something haunting about it. While the one in the Red Keep and in King’s Landing were grand and open. The one on Dragonstone was closed in. Just you and the statues of the Faith. Many say it is bad luck to stare at the statues of the Stranger for too long. Looking at the face of death apparently bringing bad luck. But all you can do is stare. The masts sculpture looks more animal than man.
You have accepted your fate by now. Those who go against the grain must be prepared for every option. You try to make the Stranger a familiar friend rather than foe. You memorize his face and pray for the day it does not scare you.
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Helaena’s ears may be just as good as her eyes. Listening is a special trait, her mother would say.
It was supposed to be helpful. A teasing remark to help Helaena feel more comfortable about her dreams; the ones that her mother will never understand. It only made Helaena feel more isolated. Aegon would roll his eyes at the remark, and Aemond would just look curiously. Like the way she looks at her bugs. Trying to inspect and take in everything while knowing she will never truly know what it means to be them.
But Helaena does see and hear all. With the other personalities that inhabit the Red Keep, her family, it is easy to slip into the background. Easy to observe and wait till she knows what she wants to say. Your introduction into Helaena’s life had forced her to be seen. You weren’t there for anyone else, at least not in the beginning; just for Helaena. She soaked up that attention in a way that makes her crazy sometimes. The spiraling feeling, she got when she first met you reentering while you are away. She is back to being silent… invisible. A little mad.
She wonders if you would ever forgive her if you found out she was the one that brought up the prospect of you marrying Aemond. It was good thought in theory. Helaena saw how anxious you became over your parents’ insistence to start taking marriage offers seriously. At least if you were at the Red Keep, the two of you would be together. You would a part of the most powerful family in the Seven Kingdoms, and mother to dragon riders. It seemed like a no brainer to hint at it to her grandsire, who later convinced her mother.
She could delude herself into thinking it would work.
Daughters always secretly fear becoming their mothers. Following in cycles that feel like they will never be broken. She never felt more like Alicent when she watched you get married. She woke up that morning with the same floaty feeling she gets before a dream, except the dream did not come that day. But feeling lingered the whole day, and into the feast that night.
The dream finally comes years later. Dark hair, green eyes, red lips pulled into an attractive smile. She never told you; she never told anyone about that initial vision. Finding the words for what she sees has always been difficult. Even after moons of experiencing them, she still cannot predict how bad everything can be till it is going to shit in front of her. It makes her extra cautious to speak on them.
Perhaps it would have been better for you to be long away from the Red Keep married to some lord. Helaena likes to think she is better than Aegon and Aemond, and she is in many ways. But one thing they all share is their ability to be selfish when they want something. Love transforms that into an even nastier ordeal.
It is why Helaena is not surprised when Aegon began to follow you around like a kitten that wants its mother. She knew it was a matter of time before Aegon grew painfully attached to someone. Deepest of feelings often sprout from aching, wounds inside.
Though the reciprocation of feelings, whatever they may be on your part, did make Helaena pause. It was too easy to see what everything was in beginning. Men will always bend to the whims of their desires. And being desirable is a trait you wield so simply. But time has passed, masks have been dropped, and now the visions become blurred.
Helaena is not sure of your endgame anymore. She’s not sure even you know. If it was to send her and her siblings into a state of uneasiness, then you had succeeded wonderfully.
One day, she finds Aegon laying flat on his back on the balcony of the room they share. Eyes shut, and limbs laid out like a starfish. It was a rare, blindly sunny day in King’s Landing. The bright lighting only made his bags more pronounce. She was sure he had been laying there since the morning, right after the letter from you came in. The single letter for Helaena. She noticed how Aegon’s face fell.
She doesn’t see Aemond these days. Flashes of hair and leather catching her eye as he goes to his chambers or to the dragon pit. And when he is around, he is short and curt. More distant than normal. A claim she did not think was possible.
Oddly enough, the only person not on edge is their mother. Alicent seems to be floating around. Lighter than Helaena had seen her in years. She knows it is because of her half-sister. Alicent had scurried away, half smile on her face when a letter came for her.
Watching her mother in pain and sadness twisted parts in Helaena that she did know existed. Seeing Alicent happy, even in all its ephemeral glory, was worth taking and pushing down the floaty feeling in Helaena’s head.
She fears the dream will be too late again. Something is coming, and none of them are ready. They never are.
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Before you left, Otto had given you a list of things to accomplish while at Dragonstone. Some things more realistic than others.
Get close to Rhaenyra.
You would be lying if you didn’t admit that she was a fascinating figure. A looming presence over everyone at King’s Landing despite never being around.
You have watched Helaena’s face fall when Viserys calls her Rhaenyra. Or notice Aegon’s eyes glaze over when Otto reprimands him about acting like a proper prince. You have helped Aemond remove the sapphire from his eye socket more times than you’d like to. Alicent’s whole demeanor changes at the sound of her name. All paths lead back Viserys’s first born.
And the most interesting part is that you do not think she even notices. It makes sense; of course, a princess and named heir would not fret over being the center of attention. She was born and bred to think she was important. More important than others.
“I thought you would like some water,” you bring out a pitcher to the outdoor area.
Rhaenyra’s head was leaning back against the chair, eyes shut, and one hand on her protruding belly. She opens her eyes softly, deep Iris saturated in calmness. Fresh air was always nice during this stage in the pregnancy. Took the mind off the uncomfortable feeling that begins to mount.
As you sit beside her, you notice the dark speck flying in the distance. Just based off the slightly bigger body of the dragon, you assume it is Jace on Vermax.
“Despite the invitation,” she begins softly. “I was worried about you coming here. Well, more worried about what you may have heard about me.”
Rhaenyra takes a sip of the water, and you notice the slight beads of sweat on her forehead.
“What do you mean Princess?”
Rhaenyra smiles, strained. “I am sure Aemond had mentioned me, mentioned my children in a less than glowing light. He still blames me for their mistake.”
You open your mouth, then close it. Often you felt like people expected you to speak on what happened to Aemond. A traumatic event that happened before your family even came to the Red Keep. While Aegon, Alicent, and Helaena recount the story in distaste and anger on Aemond’s behalf. Rhaenyra seems to brush it off as a moment of bad judgement by her son. The truth lies somewhere in the middle.
“Excuse my bluntness, but Aemond does not speak of you,” it was the truth. He was the one directly changed by whole ordeal, and you could tell by the way he avoided mentioning his sister at all costs.
Rhaenyra nods slowly. She seems not to believe you.
“But I am glad that I am here,” you try to shift the conversation. “Daella enjoys being here as well.”
While Daella had embraced the new scenery, Alaric’s attitude seemed to shift. A normally quiet baby seemingly on the verge of tears at every moment.
“I saw the egg she brought with her; it hasn’t hatched yet?”
The question takes you by surprise. Aemond had been adamant about both kids getting eggs in their cradle, the way he never did. You shake your head no. The deep green egg of Daella’s remained intact.
“I’m sure it will happen soon, or perhaps she will be like her father and claim one,” she says reassuringly. Except you do not need that reassurance. It sounds horrible, but a new dragon is the last thing you want to be worried about right now. But there is a sense that her not having one soon would be some sort of inditement on her.
You have seen the way Rhaena frets over it and have heard about the way Aemond did. You would hate to think your daughter felt like her worth was affected over a dragon. That having an unruly creature on her side will make her more valuable.
“But will it change anything,” you question. “Whether she does or does not any time soon. I know dragons are supposed to symbolize being closer to the Gods but does it really. Especially as a young girl?”
Rhaenyra’s brown furrow, pretty face pulled into deep thought. It is something she has thought about.
“No, I guess not,” she begins to pick at her rings. “At least not for me. I used to think that having Syrax meant that I was special, and because of that I would be valued more. Even compared to certain men in my life. That being named heir meant I would not have to go through certain things. In a way, I did not; my life has been different from other noble women. It will be different from other women. But I am also aware that nothing I do will ever make up for what is between my legs. Having a dragon does not change that for me. It unfortunately will not for Daella.”
Her candidness takes you by surprise. You can tell it is something that haunts her so deeply. For the first time, you feel sad for Rhaenyra. She is trapped in the same cycle you all are. Getting entangled in the same game but being the ones punished for it. The only difference is that she may eventually have the power to change it. If she will be is up for debate.
“It does not change the way the men in your family look at you, even the ones closest to you,” the words tumble out of your mouth. The flood gates that seem to open with Rhaenyra shut quickly.
The slight accusation towards Daemon or Viserys makes her back stiff. You must bite your tongue to say the next thing you are thinking. Even Targaryen women must fear those around them. The system will never be even.
Group dinners had become a necessary annoyance while being at Dragonstone. Some nights were you able to eat earlier when the younger kids do. Daella and you locked away in the apartments. But most nights you were all but obligated to entertain the drivel that Daemon and Rhaenyra could come up with.
After your tense conversation with Rhaenyra, you felt even more anxious about breaking bread. If there the tension was noticeable, Daemon did nothing to try and make dinner as peaceful as possible.
“Perhaps our guest can give the girls some advice on married life,” Daemon finally pipes up. Slick smile on his face, as looks around the table. “What to do… what not to do.”
Your eyes drift to Rhaenyra, who sits at his side silent; lilac eyes on the plate in front of her. She seems to do that a lot whenever Daemon takes over a conversation. Either goes along with whatever point Daemon is trying to make or shrinks into herself in the worst way. It is nothing like you have seen from Rhaenyra when she is outside of this dynamic.
“You have been married three times; I am sure you have ample experience to help your daughters.”
Rhaenyra’s eyes flicker up at that, eyeing her husband. The table is silent before Daemon lets out a bark of laughter. Head thrown back as if it is the funniest thing he has ever heard. Rhaena shifts in her seat next to you, clearly uncomfortable by the scene in front of her.
Baela looks pissed, while Jace looks embarrassed by the whole ordeal. Funnily enough, the only person who can meet your eyes is Lucerys. A curious look in his big eyes. A warning in his eyes.
“And wit to match,” Daemon grins, a deep glimmer in his eyes.
It is the same amused look that Daemon gave Aemond at dinner moons ago. Daemon, who wants to be constantly entertained, would find Aemond what said and did, thrilling. Dispute the fact that the targets of Aemond’s ire were now his sons. Men like Daemon never truly settle down, and they never put their needs above others. They seek out the gallant behavior in others that they can no longer drum up themselves.
Aemond is all the youth and virility that comes with Targaryen blood. Daemon would find him compelling. More compelling than he has found a member of his family in a long time.
Rhaenyra has been sobered by motherhood, and the pending passing of the throne. The weight of the world changing the way she looks at everything. Gone is the young girl with little care in the world. Gone is the flush of youth that more than likely endured her to not only Daemon, but to others.
Daemon is someone is who thrives off making everyone else in the room pause. The Rogue Prince who wants all to stop and wonder what his next move will be. To let Daemon catch you on the back foot is a sign of weakness. He talks the way he spars. Fluid yet full of surprises.
Rhaenyra looks at her husband with an incredulous look. Then looks back at you with a scowl.
“I am tired,” she mutters, working her way out of seat slowly. Daemon makes little effort to help his pregnant wife. Jace instead gets up to help. Seeing it as an out - Luke, Baela, and Rhaena all get up as well.
Daemon and you stay seated for a moment. He gives you that same grin you have come accustomed to by now.
“You know I think I might have judged you prematurely.”
You raise a brow in efforts to get him to explain what he means by that, but it never comes. He gets up from the table leaving you alone. Rhaenyra’s frown plays in your head. At least you can see that your marriage is not the only fragile one.
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It did not take you long to see something is deeply wrong with Lucerys Velaryon. Every thought you had about him was based on the less than promising things you had heard during your time in the Red Keep. And of course, the constant reminder on Aemond’s face.
The skepticism was right, but not for the reasons you assumed it would be. Luke, at a horribly young age, picked up a knife and did something that even the most morbid and seasoned of warriors would hesitate to do. Something is wrong with him the way something is wrong with Aemond.
There is something invisible holding everyone together, and you are sure that imaginary thing broke in Aemond and Lucerys that night at Driftmark. While Aemond was fine leaving the damage on floor till it crept up on him, Luke seems to be spending his life desperately trying to pick up those pieces. But it won’t happen without true remorse. Healing without an apology is not possible. So now, two broken people exist in constant fear.
It makes him dangerous in a way you did not expect. A flighty, anxious eye taker. The irony.
“Harrenhal is said to be a cursed place.”
The voice sends a bit of a chills down Luke’s spine. He turns to see you leaning against the study door, wine in hand. Bright eyes full of mirth. You point to the book in his hand.
“We have that book back at the castle,” you point at the one in his hand, as you walk into the room. “An… interesting read.”
The two of you had not been in the same room alone before; it sends Luke’s brain into overdrive. He has to remind himself that he had no reason to be nervous. You were here as a reprieve, at least that is what his mother said. And he always trusts his mother. Even when she has given them reason not to. Under all the splendor and false hope, he knows she means well.
Baela and Rhaena have fully embraced you being at Dragonstone, and Luke trusts them as well. His brother gets embarrassing moony eyed when you are around. He tries to be respectful of his betrothed, but Baela seems to pay it no mind. In fact, Luke believes she is relieved your presence takes attention away from the decision made at the Red Keep. He understands her apprehension.
But Luke has always followed Jace’s lead; he tries to do the same now with you.
“She is harmless, brother.”
Luke highly doubts that. This family does not toil with the feelings or thoughts of those seen as harmless. Harmless people get crushed under the weight of it all. Those to be feared or micromanaged get invited in. Told to sink or swim.
He wakes up every day and reminds himself he has no reason to be worried about the future. He is a Targaryen. He will not be casted out. He will not be crushed.
You lean over him to get a better view of the book, and he gets a whiff of helichrysum and sage. One hand on the table, the other on the back of his chair. Luke blinks rapidly at the page, not daring to look away from the book.
“Blood mixed into the mortar,” you whisper. “I wonder if the horrors within towers and walls truly haunt the houses who stake claim to it.”
Luke feels like he might throw up.
He finally dared to turn, and he sees the side of your face illuminated by the fire the room. Your face as calm as it is unsettling. Like the silver and red spiders that inhabit Dragonstone. The first time they all came back there, after his mother and Daemon had married, he thinks back to finding one on the lapel of his red suit coat. The scream he let out was blood curdling. He remembers the strange look Daemon gave to him. He gives that look a lot. Perplexed and annoyed.
Luke was sure Daemon disliked him for the same reasons Daemon dislikes a lot of people. He does not live up to the expectations Daemon has. Or maybe Daemon had no expectations, the dissatisfaction lies in Luke showing him exactly what he anticipated
But no man would marry his daughter off to someone he saw no use in…. right?
“I heard you like to draw,” you change the subject easily.
Like nods slowly, feeling embarrassed that Rhaena or her mother probably brought it up to you. They tend to gush about the most minute things to make him feel comfortable.
“I am so envious of people who have artistic talent,” you sigh wistfully. “Maybe you can teach me?”
Being alone with you is the last thing Luke wanted, but even then, he finds himself nodding again a bit entranced by the whole situation happened before him. You smile bright before turning to leave.
Luke lays his head down on the cool table to let out a shaky breath. Gods be good.
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When Quinton joined the kingsgaurd, his mother cried.
Full on chest sobs, and hyperventilation. The whole scene was… a lot.
In beginning he was sure it was out of fear, now all of her children were away. Both of her sons, taking of a lifelong oath and her only daughter married and far from her family. It was not till her mother calmed down that he realized it was because she expected grandchildren from them. He had laughed at that being the thing she was most heartbroken about. They had joined the most honored spots in Seven Kingdoms, and the pitter patter of feet is what she wanted.
He never thought about children. He has accepted kids were not going to be a part of his life, for better or for worse. That was until he became your protector.
Life is funny in that way. Never letting someone find solid ground. Once you are sure of something, it will be taken away. Your introduction in his life flipped things upside down. Protecting the family was ironically easier to do what real emotions were not involved. When he did not have to question ever person met with, and how they could harm you.
Now he at a dragon castle, utterly confused. Why would any want to harm you begin with?
“I need my own master of whisperers while here,” you said lowkey as you bounced a babbling Alaric in your arms. “People who have been at Dragonstone for longer than us.”
All Quinton can do is give you a look. You know it well. It says it that really a good idea. You roll your eyes in response.
“Loyalties can be tested and broken, just look at Jayne,” you say sourly. “Not everyone here will be completely loyal to Rhaenyra or Daemon, and perhaps they will know something that can help us. Someone unassuming.”
You make a funny face at Alaric, whispering things in a baby voice at him.
“And I know exactly who can help.”
Your eyes go from Alaric, and they flash to the corner of the large room. A young boy with shaggy blonde hair, and a freckled face stands awkwardly in the corner.
“He is just a boy,” Quinton says confused. You grin at him slyly.
“Exactly,” you go to stand up, shifting Alaric in your arms. “Hold him for me.”
Before he can oppose, you place your child in his arms. Quinton just sat there stiffly. Alaric squirms, and he fears that the crying will start again. He tries to bounce him the way you do but he is sure it is no use. Nothing is compares to the embrace of a mother.
As much as the name gesture warmed him heart, being around kids is something he had to get used to. He often had to remind himself that they were half you.
Half spawn of Aemond, but also half you. The prayer is that the good part you instilled in them will outweigh whatever part their useless father put in them. Plus raising children is hard. His mother used to say that it was like cooking. Sometimes your stew would come out perfect. Other times you would just have grimace and eat through the bad taste. Not the best comparison for a young boy to hear, but he understood.
Quinton looks up to see you laughing at something the young boy said. His big blue eyes staring at you in slight awe. It is clear the young lad doesn’t speak to women outside his mother, the wife of a lord her at Dragonstone, often.
The effect you have on people is easy to see, and lately Quinton sees how quickly you are to use it. He supposes he can’t blame you for exploiting the nature of those around you. He can only hope that the side you show him is the full one.
Daella runs into the great hall area to you, an exhausted maidservant following behind. Daella’s short legs can barely keep up with herself. He watches you pick her up watching amused as she explains something exuberantly. Alaric begins to whine. Big lilac eyes filling with tears. This place disturbs him he thinks.
This place disturbs Quinton too.
As sun begins to set on over the mountains and castle, a soft breeze carries in the wind through each crevice and dip.
Inside the dragonmount, a low grumble spreads through the walls. Large tan wings spread out to their full, and withered yellow eyes blink into the darkness. A familiar warmth spreading through the large dragon.
The Bronze Fury feeling a presence he has not in years.
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I’ve been seriously slacking on the Taglist so I’m sorry for that but here are people I remembered asking. Sorry if I miss anyone: @voniikg @afro-hispwriter @florent1s @crispmarshmallow @tremendouswolfsaladranch @strawbrryquinn @widemiffyhappy @msmarvel-19 @dc-marvel-girl96 @xkennobi @fanfics4ever @hydrationqueensworld @lyra689 @blazzlynch @httyd-marauders @bregarc @b00kdiary @grey-water-colors @mercedesdecorazon @flowerpotmage @bstorn @poisonedsultana @papery-maniac @its-sam-allgood @yu3kkii @hvx @leoramage @neenieweenie @stargaryenx @rey26 @lazypinkpig @blackravena @s0urmarvel @elleclairez @rebelfleur22 @inpraizeof @luvremlu @clora95 @blacpiink @let-love-bleeds-red @iwanttohitmyself @alastorhazbin @kitkat-writes-stuff @carriellie @aloneatpeace @ensolleildelune @landlockedmermaid77
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the-roo-too · 10 months
Hello :) sorry if you have a lot of requests, but I was wondering if you could do the candy(fluff alphabet) for le sserafim? or just any member :)) love your work <3
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candy -> kim chaewon ver
aka the fluff alphabet
admiration (what does she absolutely adore about you)- angry pupu appreciates you tolerating her antics 😭(💀) no but she really loves the fact that you just kinda accept whatever mood she’s in and go with the flow instead of trying to forcefully tone her down
body (what’s her favourite body part of yours)- cheeks 👹 people say her cheeks are soft and all that, chaewon needs to squeeze someone’s cheeks back!
cuddling (how she likes to cuddle)- on a couch while watching a movie, cuddling after a tiring practice, chaewon loves it all! it’s not really about how or when, what matters is that you're the one cuddling her
dates (what���s her ideal date)- something that gets her adrenaline buzzing. once in a while, chaewon needs to feel more free, and there’s nothing that would make her happier than enjoying her freedom with you
emotions (how does she express her emotions around you)- hear me out, chaewon doesn’t shy away from her feelings but sometimes everything just gets so overwhelming… she gives you a pleasing look, you know? that’s all it takes for you to hug her gently and coax out whatever’s on her mind, helping her name what she’s feeling
family (does she want one)- yet another mini-me enjoyer. although chaewon doesn’t talk about it most of the time. only sometimes at night, when she’s cuddling you, preferably you’re in her arms, she caresses your tummy softly and leans to whisper in your ear ’i can’t wait to have kids with you…’
gifts (what about gift giving)- she prefers giving to receiving. chaewon would actually beat you up if you bought her something too expensive oop 💀 she says she can get herself things for lots of money, she’d prefer to get cuddles or nice meals from you
holding hands (does she like to hold hands)- yess! not in ze dorm tho. the members (a certain american) would never let her live it down
injuries (what would she do if you got hurt)- chaewon is the leader for a reason, she can keep calm and do things kinda on a autopilot when needed. it doesn’t mean that she doesn’t care, it’s kinda easier for her to turn off her thinking, otherwise chaewon could actually panic
jokes (does she like to joke around)- yes but not often. chaewon says that a little smile is healthy for you, but not ever her words should bring you as much joy as her mere presence
kisses (how does she like to kiss you)- chaewon actually thinks non romantic (fast, rushed) kisses are for stupid people (💀), she needs to make em all romantic ☝️
love (what’s her love language)- taking care of you!! chaewon is the leader duh, helping her members and babying them kinda comes with the job
memory (what’s her favourite memory together)- when you came to their debut showcase! at first you said you couldn’t come because of work (which made her really angry, and then really sad), but after taking a couple sick days, you surprised her on the performance hehe
nighttime (how does sleeping with her look like)- cuddling the whole night ☝️🫡 bonus points if you have a cd player in your room so you can listen to some music while falling asleep! not le sserafim’s tho, she’s kinda embarrassed 😭
oddity (what’s one quirky thing about her)- she refuses to fall asleep if you don’t give her a ‘proper’ kiss (which appears to be a problem when she’s away on tour)
pet names (what does she like to call you)- chaewon doesn’t have much unusual nicknames, although i mentioned earlier she loves your cheeks- on special occasions, she calls you cheeky girl! ehe
quality time (how does she like to spend time with you)- chaewon deffo loves you reading to her! especially books she knows, but in your mother language (unless it’s korean lmao)
rush (does she rush into things)- kinda, yeah, yes. she introduced you to her members on the second date 💀 probably brought her manager on the third one and said ‘there’s a high chance i’ll marry her so it’s good you know her, unnie’
secrets (how open is she with you)- open like ghostie’s arms when i wanna grieve, no i’m joking. but chaewon strikes me as a oversharer 💀
time (how long did it take her to confess)- rush into things, remember? chaewon probably slipped the first time she saw you like 😭 saw you standing and went ‘omgomgomfg pls go on a date with me’
upset (what’s her reaction when you’re upset)- it depends if you’re upset because of something or because of her 💔 because if it’s her, she’s gonna be like a lost puppy, all whiney and pouty and will be hesitant to talk to you. if someone made you sad, ze cheetah will attack
visibility (is she afraid of the public opinion)- oh she’s terrified alright. after the garam thing when she saw how quick the public was to jump to conclusions, chaewon won’t let you two come out for a long long time
warrior (how often do you fight)- chaewon has something like angry episodes sometimes. you know how little kids get annoyed for no reason when they’re like 5? she does that- main reason of your little banters
x-ray (is she able to read you)- yesh, she can read you like a book, though chaewon isn’t always 100% sure how to react, yk?
yes (how would she propose to you)- on the spot decision tbh, chaewon saw a pretty ring while passing by a jewellery shop with you, ran inside to buy it and proposed then and there 💀
zen (what makes her feel calm)- chaewon loves lazy mornings, where you two cuddle and just enjoy each other. soft moments together 🤭
part of [the fluff series]
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zeetickles · 6 months
i had the ABSOLUTE HONOR of having my first session with @bunnygirltickles !! we met each other over thanksgiving break and found out we’re in the same state . and each haven’t had a session before . so .. THE REST WRITES ITSELF !!!
i legit prepared so much for this yall . i bought paintbrushes and baby oil, watched videos on how to give great massages for aftercare (I LITERALLY TOOK NOTES) , asked ppl for advice, etc.
on the evening of, i also bought some chocolate chip cookies for her as a gift and headed to her place !! after like an hour and missing my exit two times (im horrendous with directions) I MADE IT !! we hugged and chatted for a bit before deciding on somewhere nearby to pick up some food, then got back and ate while watching a movie :)
THEN . we finished eating and i noticed her like …staring at me .. and i realized. OH.. ITS TIME HUH .
you could tell we were both VERY NERVOUS AKSJSQ MY HEART WAS BEATING FAST IN ALL HONESTY . and we just kinda did a-
“soooo.. uh.. should we …?” 😳
i brought my switch to play Mario Kart since we talked about it a bit in dms (talked a lot of shit too 👹) and she mentioned loving the idea of tickle challenges ! so the first thing we did was a challenge where one person had to do a race while getting tickled and we see who does better/gets the faster time ! i think it was a good way to ease into everything :)
to sum it up tho i did way better than her and she’s mad ☺️
then we were pretty much just chilling on the sofa watching Christmas movies, and she had her feet in my lap .. and every now and then i would gently drag my fingers or one of the brushes up and down her feet and she’d squirm and giggle and it was the CUTEST!!!! and when i’d try to go for her tummy she’d just kinda melt off the couch and we’d end up on the floor and i’d tickle her everywhere and have tickle fights !!! (i’d win) i was a little mean here i won’t lie .. 😗 BUT IT WAS FUN !! it happened a couple times too :)
i slowly got more comfortable with saying teases too and i was pleasantly surprised :) (big worry i had) still a little tame tho .. i said things like “you have such a pretty laugh/smile” and “this is a bad spot huh?” and “good job” but i didn’t use any of the sweet nicknames some of y’all know so well, MAYBE NEXT TIME I’LL BE BOLDER !!
i got to pin her down, blow raspberries, used baby oil on her feet, she got away at one point and ran to the bathroom SO I HAD TO CHASE HER DOWN >:) it was super fun ..
her worst spots are definitely her tummy ESPECIALLY BELLY BUTTON, feet, inner thighs, and underarms 🤭 for me, she only tickled my tummy, underarms and feet BUT MY TUMMY AND UNDERARMS WERE PRETTY BAD AJWHSQJ . feet got some laughs but not as ticklish as i hoped they’d beeee ;(
finally i TRIED MY BEST to give her a good foot massage ! i never gave one before but i watched a lot of videos and i hope she enjoyed it ! she got super sleepy afterwards tho, so hopefully that’s a good sign :)
she’s an amazing person, so sweet for hosting, and i had such a great time with her!! this whole thing felt so surreal … I CANT WAIT TO HAVE MORE SESSIONS WITH OTHERS !! LOVE U ALL <333
(if u actually read this whole thing ur a real one and here’s a cookie 🍪)
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