#A lot of time if I say omega men are more likely to have issues with X
goddessofroyalty · 5 months
I think a lot of people misunderstand when I (and probably other writers but can only speak for myself) say things like “omega men are more likely to have trouble producing milk than beta or omega women” to mean that most if not all omega men will have milk production issues.
And it’s like, no, actually, I mean that if the percentage of beta or omega women who struggle to produce milk is 10 then the percentage of omega men is 15.
It’s enough for people to notice but still far from “nearly every omega man will have this problem”.
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ohcorny · 1 month
i reread all of chobits recently as insp for my next TT book and every time i think about some aspect of it all i want to do is rip it open and tear it apart and go "why?". it brings up so many concepts and scenarios within the premise of "what if computers looked like pretty girls" but it doesn't want to commit to saying anything about it or take its own world seriously.
i have a lot to say about chobits. arguably i have more to say about chobits than even chobits wants to say about chobits.
chobits is about sex except it isn't about sex at all. chi's power switch is in her vagina. we're shown images of chi doing sexy things, she gets tricked into doing a strip tease, and two separate men try to finger her and she does her Do Not Touch Me There magic powers thing, and we eventually learn every time she resets from the power button, her memories are erased, so you can't have sex with her without deleting her.
but we never unpack why her reset button is in her vagina, or why it's so important that nobody can ever touch her, or why people's personal computers were built with vaginas in the first place (we never have it confirmed that all persocoms have them, but that two separate men try to touch her there imply it's expected). why do the personal computers shaped like women have vaginas if not to fuck them. as a product, it is expected that you will fuck them*.
*i assume, because the comic never says so!
the man who invented persocoms is the same person who built chi and her sister, and he built them to be daughters for his wife. he put the reset button in chi's vagina. we never find out why. we never get a HINT of why. he built the chobits so they could feel and fall in love, but also built them so they could never fuck. you can extrapolate a reason why a man might build his daughter-androids that way, but the series itself never touches it, and never makes any sort of point about it. it's just presented as an immutable fact that chi can't fuck without it deleting her, as if it was born of happenstance and not a person's choice.
what does that actually say about anything? what is it trying to say about sex? is it about the commodification of female bodies, how once they're used up sexually they're worthless? that if you can't love somebody without fucking them, what good is your love? that love without sex is okay (but also a huge burden and sacrifice a man must accept for the sake of someone else's happiness?)
what does it want to say! chobits is about sex, but it doesn't want to commit to any specific message about sex.
and that's just ONE issue i have with it. there are so many things chobits wants to be about but won't say anything about. it wants to be about the persocoms replacing human connections, we constantly get told 'gee people hang out with persocoms a lot', chitose publishes a whole inexplicable book series about people preferring persocomes to humans. it's to the degree that a prominent character's husband gets So wrapped up in (presumably) fucking his android that he locks his actual wife out of the house, having just straight up forgotten she exists. we don't have anything to say about it though. she falls in love with a new man. the people who hang out with their persocoms too much are all background characters in crowds. we never look at how the rise in persocoms has affected society as a whole.
it wants to be about grief, in the story about the man who marries a persocom and has to watch her slowly degrade until she can't remember him anymore, or the kid whose older sister died and he tried to replace her with a persocom who he dresses up/treats as a maid and lives alone with despite being omega orphaned and 11 years old. but then it's fine. the man who married a persocom gets in a relationship with a high school girl 20 years younger than him (CLAMP!). it's fine! the boy who tried to replace his older sister just accepts that the persocom replacement won't replace her. still treats/dresses her up like a maid and lives alone. is she his legal guardian. i don't know. don't worry about it.
and it wants to be about women, because everything about the story is about women, all the persocoms are women, all the tragedies are wrapped up in the death of a woman, or a woman's heartbreak, or a woman's feelings. but it has fucking nothing to say about women beside look how pretty they are. my boobs are E cup, sempai :) teehee
it makes me insane.
friend @amphiaria put it best as "Unfortunately the story is uninterested in itself" and i can never forgive it for being so aesthetically good, giving us the best design for an android (the ear things are Perfect) and then being So Fucking Bad.
in conclusion:
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captain039 · 2 months
PART 5 He’s Grumpy, I’m sunshine
Alpha!Logan x omega!reader
Warnings: AOB, age gap (legal), light swearing, grumpy/sunshine, anxiety, mental health issues, intimacy, violence, torture, plus size reader, medication usage for anxiety, depression and sleeping, heat pills, scent blockers
Set at Charles school
Your mutation: fire creation and control
Previous part <-
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“Hey, hey-“ Logan snarls seeing a small needling in your neck. He holds you up with a growl leaving his lips as he lets his claws extend, eyes tracking the tree line. He can hear footsteps, soft mumbling till something hits his neck. He snarls again carry’s your body over to the car and lays you in the seat before he’s charging to the tree line across the road. There’s three more shots in his chest which he just pulls out before more join. Something hits him though it’s stronger a lot stronger than whatever the hell is in those tiny syringes and he feels his body failing as he takes down two men in black camo suits. He feels slowed and his body slowly crashed to the ground as he hears shouting.
He’s in and out of consciousness somethings keeping him changed down, there’s flashes of faces and different scents he doesn’t know.
You feel wet when you awaken, groaning in discomfort before you open your eyes and look at your surroundings. You jolt seeing nothing but four steal walls with a security door and one light. You panic quickly hands jingling as you glance to the wall you’re leaning against. There’s cuffs around your wrists pinned to the ceiling. You begin to shake and feel like you’re gonna be sick till to you take a small breath. You breathe deeply bringing your flames to surface, you look to the chains but they’re not even getting red or hot.
“They won’t break” a woman’s voice calls out and you stop. You sigh body back to normal noticing you’re not in your dress either.
“Figured you’d do that so I changed you into a fireproof suit” the woman’s voice says and you gulp a bit.
“Oh and the others awake” you frown hearing a low grunt and growl from behind you.
“Logan!” You call turning your head seeing the wall transparent between you both. Logan snarls claws extending as he fights against the restraints.
“Logan” you call again and his head snaps to the side. You can’t turn around far with these chains.
“You ok?” He growls out and you nod.
“I’m ok” you say and he grunts in response. You try to breathe slowly despite how you’re feeling and the situation. You hear a beep outside your door and it hisses open showing three people in black suits, faces covered. Your cuffs unlock but you feel weak as you fall to the floor. The men grab you and you fight engulfing in flames but it does nothing as they inject you with something that stops them. You hear Logan yelling and growling before you’re dragged out and put on a what seems to be a hospital bed. You groan at the flashing lights over head, doors opening and closing and chatter. You finally stop in a larger room, too weak to lift your head so you roll it to the side. It looks like some underground hospital, tools on the small wheeled steel benches and blue curtains hung up.
“What are you doing?” You groan as people move and hustle around you.
“Just need some things from you flame girl” the woman’s voice calls out this time not over a PA.
“Who are you?” You mutter.
“Someone who’s carrying on a legacy” she says as your eyes droop. You drop in and out of consciousness, feel things prick your skin. You cry out sometimes when a needle goes into your back sometimes your neck, sides. Whatever they’re doing you don’t want to be awake.
You awake again feeling woozy and sick, you want to throw up but have no energy.
“Obey! Or she will suffer” you hear then a snarl and mutter a soft ‘Logan’ afterwards. Your body’s hotter than usual sweat drenching your clothes and body, your mouth feels dry and your lips feel cracked. You haven’t been here long have you? You hear a cry beside you a woman’s you think, another omega by her scent.
“Ok?” You slur as she stops her noises.
“You ok?” You manage looking around seeing IV’s hung by you.
“No” you hear weakly and figure she’s in the same position as you. You weakly tell her your name as you feel acid in your throat and groan.
“Lacey” she says back softly before you hear footsteps.
“The genes are mending together well” you hear and frown.
“Good, continue” you recognise the woman’s voice as your curtains pulled back and you see her. She’s tall in a black tailored suit that looks expensive, her hairs cut to her shoulders and straight, her eyes a bright green.
“Welcome back” she smiles fresh white straight teeth on display.
“Where’s Logan?” You say trying to bring your flames out.
“Sorry won’t be able to see him for a while, really the animal damn, anyway we’ve got some more tests, have fun!” She grins, waves and leaves as more doctors join. You whimper as the doctor injects something through your IV and your vision blackens.
You awake with a small jolt not feeling a bed under you but a cold floor. You groan softly feeling your muscles ache, hell your skeleton hurts.
“Logan?” You call but get no response. You lay there for a while feeling no urge to move or get up. You see fire on the tips of your finger tips and figure whatever the hell they drugged you with is wearing off. You just watch absentmindedly as the flames dance across your skin down your hand and arm. Your whole body is covered soon as you lay there. You feel in some state of a drug high you guess. Your body grows hotter and hotter though, you feel your skin burning and frown as your flames go hotter and burn brighter. You begin to scream trying to turn them off but feeling as alarms flare and your door opens. Somethings shot into your neck and you go limp, flames residing as you whimper and look at your burnt skin. It’s bright red with some blisters as you try not to move too much.
You’re taken back out on a hospital bed and in and out of consciousness once more as they inject more things into you before you’re in the room again. Your skin is less red now, the healing blisters looking disgusting. You whimper and cry you want Logan, you have no idea where he is.
When your body engulfs in flames again it leaves you sobbing in pain and you’re taken out once more and injected some more. The cycle repeats too many times, your body now heals on its own quicker than before but your flames still hurt. You feel in a loop, back to the table, back to the room, agonising pain, quick healing. You can’t keep up, your body can’t keep up you feel it deteriorating with each conscious wake. You want your alpha, you want Logan, you want to tell Logan that he’s your alpha even if he doesn’t like it. You want to be safe in your room with him. They’ve done something to your omega biology too, anti-heat no doubt at a high dose from how shitty it’s making you feel.
You’re in the room again when alarms blare and your ears hurt. You whine cover your ears as something tears through your door. Your names called and relief floods you as Logan lifts you from the floor. You sob clutching to him, holding him tightly as you hide your face in his neck.
“Shhh, I’ve got you sweetheart, I’ve got you, we’re getting the fuck out of here” he says and you nod. He’s strong, he lifts you and cradles you close as you head yelling and alarms
“Charles where the hell am I going!” Logan yells and you feel more relief. Logan winds through a maze of a place as you try to cover your ears from the sounds.
“I know, I know where almost there bub” Logan mutters. You feel fresh light on your skin and wince closing your eyes and curling yourself more against Logan.
“They experimented on her somethings wrong” Logan snarls as you see shade against your closed eyelids. You open your eyes seeing the jet, Charles, Jean, Scott, beast and Storm. You cry softly, body so exhausted.
“Logan lay her down” Jean says but Logan snarls at the other alpha. The jet seats aren’t exactly made for two person sitting but Logan keeps you against his chest, your knees by his hips your arms dead between you both.
“You’re ok sweetheart” Logan whispers against your hair as you can’t stop your tears. You feel bad for sitting on him, but you can’t physically move. Your eyes are hazy, staring at nothing your cheek pressed against Logan’s chest. You see tiny flames on your arm and panic rises instantly. Logan hush’s you hand rubbing up and down your back but you scramble to get off him, falling on the floor.
“No, omega, hey” Logan says but you cry at him seeing your flames worsen.
“C-Charles” you beg seeing him across from you.
“Please!” You cry as he presses his fingers to his head and your body calms. You sob now on the floor of the plane a worried Logan kneel by you.
“Hey, I need you to look at me” Logan says to you but you shake your head.
“Omega!” It’s a command and you look to him with blurry eyes.
“You’re safe” he says his alpha tone running through your body.
“We’re going home” he whispers.
Next part ->
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weebsinstash · 1 year
consider; multiverse shenanigans with a spider!reader where they make some offhand comment about how their heat/rut is coming up soon and they'll need some volunteers to cover patrols while they're down and half the society is like 'o damn that sucks, yeah i can swing a tuesday' and the other half is like 'your WHAT is coming up???'
and it turns out that a decent chunk of the multiverse has no idea what a/b/o orientations even are and it somehow just got totally lost in translation until that very second that this was a thing. what do you mean omega???? what the fuck do you mean you just thought i was a really boring smelling beta?????????? y'all motherfuckers are SNIFFING PEOPLE?!?!?!?!
now consider a miguel that is not from an a/b/o verse hearing about this and doing a little research to figure out exactly what a heat/rut is and just getting sucked down a rabbit hole and going feral for the idea that you're going to be in a highly suggestible and vulnerable state for nearly a WEEK and he's going to miss it!!! he didn't get invited!!!! what the fuck!!! the man spends a solid 48 hrs immersed in really bad multiversal porn and comes out the other end hungover and weeping that he nearly missed out on this
so he takes it upon himself to do a little rearranging, some scheduling, some scheming, and lo and behold you find yourself stuck in this crappy half-built nest in nueva york with miguel, who has no real idea how he's supposed to actually perform for you while ur like this and is just making it up as he goes- and totally ignoring the cultural and consent issues he's digging up doing this bc its biology right? so its fine? people in ur universe do this all the time, he has no idea why ur complaining just let him help u out jeez-
Some rando Spiderperson intending to be transphobic: --and they want us to accept everyone as whatever they say they wanna be now, as if men can get pregnant!
Reader, without skipping a beat: what the actual fuck are you talking about, my father carried me and my siblings for 6 months
Miguel is just starting to know you and is actively trying to learn more about you and one day you just, I dunno, you two do a mission together and he gives you praise and you just look at him with a big smile 😊 and your ass straight up PURRS for a few moments and he's just like 🥺❤️ gatito... ❤️
The man sees you talking to Jess and Peter B one day and O'Hara is watching from a distance because he's, awkward and not sure how to approach you, and suddenly his super hearing can pick up someone in the room talking idly about you, or even explaining ABO stuff to another person. "Yeah, see em over there, holding Peter Bs kid? Those Omega always have nurturing instincts. It's cause they're wired to spit out tons of babies. They're the breeders. They even have natutal pheromones to calm down their mates and friends and children" and suddenly Miguel's ears are burning "youre tellin me my darling might wants lots of little babies running around? Fantastic."
Mexican/Irish and also Catholic Miguel who wants one of those STUPID HUGE families where people have at least 6 kids and it's like "oh a typical Omega pregnancy usually has at least two or three babies in one go and theyre shorter than normal human pregnancies huh? Interesting :)"
Some members of the Spider Society are like "why is Miguel kind of lowkey being a dick to me all the time now" oh well its very simple you see, Miguel read your file and found out you're an Alpha and you share this weird connection and also natural biological attraction to HIS lil honeybee and He Hates You Now. Fuck off out his house and don't let him see you talking to his baby or else
He gets really close to you one day, I mean like physically, or hey maybe emotionally too, and he's hugging you and he gets a whiff of your scent and it's something he can't even describe, something that has a carnal biological effect on his where he just wants to keep holding you and hearing your voice like a drug, like it's oxytocin on crack, and suddenly in true scientist fashion he's researching you, your universe, its history, its medicine, its culture.
Can't help but imagine a Miguel who goes full yandere and gives no fucks about doing what he wants for darling and splices his DNA with Alpha DNA so he can officially claim you as a mate, scenting, knotting, and everything. Lyla gives you instructions to meet him in a specific place and it turns out he's been experimenting on himself and he's deep in a rut and suddenly your knees are getting pushed into your chest and you're getting passionately knotted and filled up by a grunting growling purring Miguel who's leaving love bites and kisses all over your skin, just, his size alone would make him hard to get away from, you don't even need to add Alpha instincts and being able to track your pheromones on top of that 😳
Miguel "just let me 'help you as a friend'" O'Hara who tracked when your next heat was going to kick in and maybe even drugged you so it comes at a specific time and he makes it where the two of you are together or even trapped or something when it happens and, here he is, "oh just let me help you, isn't it hurting" but like. We all know it's because he wants to. Like could you even imagine he's, you know, using his fingers and he goes to remove his pants or free himself or whatever and you're just like "no I'll get pregnant" and he just kind of has a Microsoft error window in his brain because it's like. Oh you'll get almost DEFINITELY pregnant? Guaranteed? You're trying to tell the man you dont want to and instead at least internally he's like "promise? 👉👈"
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noahideahwrites · 1 year
Alpha likes to play with their hair — Inuyasha Omegas
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Notes: I like men with long hair, hehe. Anyway, Inuyasha is by far my favorite anime, so prepare for a lot of content about it and also content about httyd, cause I need more of these.
Warnings: might contain spoilers, probably has grammar errors
- Inuyasha:
»» He is a tsundere, so it doesn't matter how long into the relationship you're, he will still deny he likes it.
»» But at the same time, he won't stop you either, unless you decide to tease or make any comment about it. So if you want to play with his hair for as long as your arms let you, then better not talk about it.
»» He will like it even more if you brush his hair either before or after sleep, might even fall asleep while sitting with how much relaxing is for him. Just be careful with his ears, they're sensitive, but not in a sexual way, in more of you're either making them hurt with so much rubbing or the fact he can feel and hear everything you're doing, and might get overwhelming.
»» Now, the only hairstyle he would tolerate is a ponytail and nothing more. I feel like he would let you do it the first time, but he might get teased either by Miroku or Shippo, and since then you're only allowed to do a ponytail.
- Sesshomaru:
»» Sesshomaru does not care about it, as long as you're not interrupting him from doing tasks like hunting, fighting, or whatever else he feels like doing at the moment.
»» It would be best to play with his hair before bed or when he is just relaxing doing nothing at the time. Now, he does take really good care and takes great pride in his hair, even if he doesn't say so, so don't just mess with it and get it tangled or ugly (somehow).
»» Out of everyone on this list, he is the one that likes hairstyles the most, he might even get ornaments for you to decorate his hair with. Also as long as the hairstyle doesn't inconvenience him with tasks and fighting.
»» Sesshomaru also has a liking to shiny things, so get him some silver or golden ornaments and he will keep them forever. If the hairstyle you did on him gets unmade by someone who is not you or Rin, then consider that person dead, principally if they broke one of the ornaments you gave to him.
- Tōga:
»» He is very happy whenever you show him affection, and he doesn't have any issues at showing or even saying he likes it.
»» He loves it principally when he gets home after a hard day, he will have you both taking a bath together and you have to wash his hair, you have to is a rule, doesn't matter how long it takes.
»» Always falls asleep when you play with his hair, so be sure to do it when that's not a problem, also cause he has the deepest sleep to ever exist, I mean the world is ending and he is still asleep.
»» About hairstyles, I think he wouldn't mind as long as it is a day off and he won't go out. Because let's be honest, this guy loves fighting, he probably will get in a fight when he goes out, either on purpose or not, and will get the hair undone unless is a simple variation of a ponytail, and he will be very upset that his hair is undone.
- Kōga:
»» Only lets you do it when you're in private, not a single soul besides you two can ever dream about this happening, he has to keep his image of the strongest of the pack and whatnot.
»» And because of that is difficult to make hairstyles on him, also the majority of them will get messed up by the speed he runs, so there is no point to do it if he won't spend most of the day inside.
»» But he will let you put certain ornaments on his head, now nothing that calls too much attention or is fragile, cause he won't accept those. The ones he would like the most are those that can be put on the band on his head.
»» Now, the only day he would let you do a hairstyle and he goes out, is on the day you two get married, or whatever ceremony they do to make a couple oficial (besides mating). And if anyone comments on it he will rub in their faces that he is getting married and they aren't.
- Bankotsu:
»» Man has a braid 24/7, his hair is begging for something different, also I don't think he cares much about his hair. He only puts it in a braid cause that way it doesn't get in the way of him doing chores or fighting.
»» If it wasn't for his "siblings" he would have cut it a long time ago, and probably with something that was not meant to cut hair, so it would look ridiculous.
»» Bankotsu is fighting to the death almost all the time, so if you do a hairstyle different than his usual, make sure it doesn't have a way of being undone or messing up his moves, cause this could cost his life.
»» He doesn't care, so he will walk around with the silliest hair and don't even acknowledge it. Jakotsu will see it and will care and make him or you undo it and make a proper hairstyle, if you do make an actual hairstyle and look good, maybe Jakotsu will ask for you to do it to their hair later.
- Naraku:
»» Naraku is another one that does not care about you playing with his hair or not, as long as it doesn't happen in front of his enemies somehow.
»» He might even let you do hairstyles, considering you won't try to make him look silly or make "children's hairstyles" on him, if you do make these, he will either take it off right away or stop you midway and don't let you touch his hair for a long time.
»» He likes displaying power and riches, so if you make a hairstyle that shows that off, with or without ornaments, it doesn't matter, as long as he looks handsome and powerful he will like it.
(This next paragraph will contain spoilers)
»» Now for his clones/incarnations, they will all be very much fans of you playing and doing styles on their hair, depending on the incarnation they won't let you know, but I do think that they have the same feelings for you that Naraku does, but they cannot "control" it as much as he can.
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spaceorphan18 · 3 months
The Rogue and Gambit Project: Omega Red (X-Men #5-7)
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Okay, so neither Rogue or Gambit are chilling on the cover - but at least they get to be in the little Marvel logo!
This arc was started in #4 and dragged out for another three issues. And it's very Wolverine focused. I don't really care that much for Wolverine's backstory, and honestly, it doesn't matter that much, but there are some juicy tidbits to pick out of the rest of the arc.
On we go with Omega Red....
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X-Men #5
When we last saw them, Rogue and Gambit were taken prisoner and look! They're being transported together. How cute to see their names together, lol!
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X-Men #5
Gambit with the literal tricks up his sleeve! Again, I had forgotten how this early work makes him look so cool. Also - I feel like it's time, again, to make the obligatory comment about how Rogue and Gambit end up in chains together. This will be a common thread throughout their romance together.
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X-Men #5
I've always loved badass Rogue. Her dress is torn to shreds, her shoes are gone, they've ruined her first real date. She's about to bring it.
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X-Men #5
I don't really have a whole lot of commentary other than - how hot do they look just being on the same panel together? While I do have some qualms about Jim Lee's art (Psylocke, ooff...) they look so good here. The story isn't as important, they've evade capture for the time being. ...that's about it.
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X-Men #5
I kind of love these double spreads of the full team. You get so many personalities and so many dynamics and we just don't see a lot of it anymore -- doesn't help that there are a million X-Men these days. A lot of this is just moving plot forward -- Blue Team going to find Wolverine (and Omega Red) while the Gold Team are going to go on their own adventures. Not much to comment on - but I do like that they're consistently putting Rogue and Gambit near each other.
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X-Men #5
Just another action shot of the two of them together at the end of this particular issue.
I guess I'll take a moment to talk about the subplot of these issues being the return of Dazzler and Longshot. There's no real connection there, other than it's going on, and I'll have to talk about it in a about a half dozen issues or so.
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X-Men #6
More action shenanigans! Also, Gambit being sassy with the villains, something I do appreciate about him.
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X-Men #6
Alright, so I gotta talk about this panel for a moment. Time to address something that happens a lot in comics, and Jim Lee is particularly bad about it. It's the whole women having to be overly sexualized while fighting (dying/being in pain/etc). I'm not saying the male characters aren't overly done either, but the women in comics often are very much portrayed for the male gaze and sometimes it feels a lot more gratuitous than not.
This is the classic tits and ass shot, where women in comics are contorted in an unnatural way so they can show off their bodies so they can look hot to the male reader. And yeah, it's annoying. I don't particularly like it. I clearly won't be talking about it every time it happens, but I do think Rogue gets over sexualized /a lot/ and it is worth talking about. You can have a character be sexy - and that is fine. And yes, I realize the nature of comics in general is to be unrealistic in all body types. But I still think there's some worth acknowledging it, and commenting that in some ways, we have come a long way with comics art and in some ways we haven't. It's a worthwhile conversation to have.
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X-Men #6
Alright, back to more fun things. Gambit is kind of knocked out at the moment, and we have the cute moment of Rogue calling him 'Loverbayou'.
And also kind of out of nowhere, Psylocke reminds Rogue (and the audience) that Gambit is still a relatively new character. This is kind of planting the seeds for a couple of things -- for one, Sabretooth is gonna show up and being really cryptic about something. For two, Bishop is gonna show up and be really cryptic about something. For three, Belladonna is going to show up and be rather blunt about something.
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X-Men #6
Hey, look, they're strung up next to each other again! Take a shot! ;)
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X-Men #6
So, this is arguably the most important sequence in these entire there issues, and it's mostly set up for what's coming down the road.
First of all -- Sabretooth mentions that Gambit is 'workin' the side of the angels'. It's an interesting statement meant to set up that maybe Gambit has some skeletons in his closet he isn't so proud of.
I'm not sure if this is set up for his connection with the marauders, or the Genevieve nonsense, or the X-Traitor stuff Bishop is going to bring or if they just want to dangle a thread and see where it goes. But Gambit's got a past, and we're gonna find some stuff out... just not in this arc.
Secondly, two things strike me as particularly funny here -- the fact that Gambit - a known smoker - is talking about the consequences of second hand smoke is just ridiculous, and the fact that Sabretooth calls his blood spicy. Which, I mean, that's gross. But also hilarious.
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X-Men #6
Gambit continues to be his sassy, sarcastic self. What we don't know at the moment is that Gambit did not grow up with a mother. It just adds an interesting layer onto this comment.
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X-Men #7
Alright, so after a bunch of Wolverine related nonsense, and after the longwinded Dazzler/Longshot subplot, our heroes are finally getting rescued... By Sabretooth? Um, sure. It really doesn't matter. Unless you're a huge Wolverine fan, then maybe go back and catch up, but this plot just isn't relevant here.
Rogue and Gambit are still hanging around here, though. That's still fun!
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X-Men #7
Not much to say - I just like the action/hero shot.
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X-Men #7
Another action sequence where Rogue and Gambit get to be badasses together! Rogue is so sassy here. I really appreciate her.
Anyway - they save Wolverine from Omega Red and Fenris! Whoo!
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X-Men #7
...and that's really it! We end our arc with Rogue and Gambit standing next to each other.
Can't say this was the most exciting arc we get, but at least they get some nice action sequences and nearly all of their appearances are next to each other. There is this kind of underlying vibe that they're kind of a pair now, despite the fact that the date and anything from issue #4 was not commented on.
Well, it will be... Buckle up kids, because we're for a whole lot of fun in X-Men #8. ;)
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positivelybeastly · 6 months
X-Force #50
All right, well, we finally did it, gang. We hit the big 5-0, and it's all done. And guess what?
It's all up hill from here! Wednesday spoilers below the cut, and . . . quite a lot of rambling? If I'm honest?
So, we open up on X-Force trying to kill good Hank and Simon, because they are dumb, despite Kid Omega and Sage asserting their genius. They blow up their little gay boat of love, and our intrepid heroes get pitched into the drink.
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So . . . this is . . .
Why is Simon wearing a rebreather/oxygen tank?
Dear reader, I implore you to open this link, and scroll down to Simon Williams' powers and abilities.
Immortality: Williams is functionally immortal. Because of the ionic energy that empowers him, he no longer ages and is immune to disease and infection. This same energy sustains Williams' physical vitality far more efficiently than the biochemical process that sustain ordinary human life.
Self-Sustenance As a result of his transformation he no longer requires food, sleep, water or oxygen to survive. Simon is now a fully energized entity who can sustain himself indefinitely without nourishment, easily able to live outside habitable planet orbit.
Benjamin Percy, writer; Drew Baumgartner, Assistant Editor; Mark Basso, Editor; Jordan D. White, Senior Editor.
All four of these men are incapable of Googling basic facts about a character that Marvel has owned and been using since the 1960s. Basic facts that are available if you do so much as a basic skim of the man's Wiki page.
So, why is Simon wearing a rebreather/oxygen tank? So that evil Beast can destroy it and send Simon up to the surface, and good Beast and evil Beast can talk uninterrupted. That's the only actual reason. This is laziness from both an editorial and a writing standpoint, since you could have easily just had evil Beast use some kind of gadget to achieve the same effect, but don't worry! This won't be the most egregious lack of attention to detail this issue!
Yaaaaaay . . .
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"My Beast," huh, Simon?
Also, this scene makes X-Force look fucking pathetic, because Simon could literally wipe the floor with every one of them and not break a sweat. Simon 'my fists are LITERALLY as strong as Thor's hammer' Williams has nothing to fear from fucking Omega Red. His pacifism is the only thing keeping you from looking even stupider than you already do.
Orchis attacks to give the rest of X-Force something to do. I don't care.
But we do get this funny fuckin' shit.
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Tie him up?
Logan, did you forget the last time you fought Simon? Or the time before that?
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Anyway, the Beasts talk. It's not a particularly interesting conversation, for the most part.
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God, this plan is just so fucking stupid.
There is one moment that actually kinda works.
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It's really funny to me that two of the worst Beast writers of all time, Brian Michael Bendis and Benjamin Percy, both managed to grok this essential fact - Hank McCoy loved being this version of Hank McCoy.
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He was happy.
He was comfortable.
He was loved.
Feline Hank, as much as I love him, as much as he's my favourite iteration of the character, was never happy in his skin. How could he be? It wasn't something he chose, it was forced upon him. To save his life.
Well, what if he didn't want to be saved? What if he felt his life was so miserable that he might've thought, perhaps I should just let it all end?
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He had moments, sure. But he never really escaped this feeling. This fear, this anxiety, this trauma, this pain. He carried it with him for the rest of his life. Just constant trauma, death, misery, regret, mistakes, chances not taken, failures.
But he would never be the same again. It's funny. He's the version I love most, but he's the version of Hank who could never love himself.
Which . . . is partly why it bugs me when people say Hank has internalised mutantphobia. Like, he kinda does, but I honestly don't really feel like it's quite that simple. He's comfortable in his simian form, he loves it, he only very occasionally angsts about it, he is happy. It's when he turns feline that he hates his mutant 'gift,' because now he has to worry about what might come next.
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This is not the same as, I hate my mutant powers because they make my life inconvenient, because it means people hate and fear me. He can deal with that. He's been dealing with that since he was seventeen and nearly beaten to death by an angry mob for saving a child.
This is, I hate my mutant powers because they are turning me into something less than human or mutant. Because I am a danger. Because I am in danger.
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And his fears are validated. He nearly kills Blindfold and Armour. He eats Logan's leg, tastes human flesh. He spends the last seven issues of Whedon's Astonishing X-Men with the taste of human skin and meat on his lips. How the fuck is he meant to be happy like this?
Anyway, back to X-Force. The two Beasts fight. Orchis shit happens.
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Fuck off, Logan. Stop acting like you're at all relevant to proceedings.
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"X-Force ain't the ones you root for. But we get the dirty jobs done."
You didn't fucking do anything.
Hank and Simon could have fixed this entire mess without you. The only reason you were fighting a Sentinel was because you drew it to your location with your jet, firing at a gay little blue man and his fruity ionic boyfriend! You didn't contribute anything!
And then, as if to cap it all off . . .
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What a self-aggrandising load of wank.
Hey, what was Colossus' plot arc through this series?
He spent 5 years being mind controlled and killed his girlfriend.
What was Domino's plot arc through this series?
Well, she got hurt a lot. There was that one time she got skinned. That was fun.
What was Laura Kinney's plot arc through this series?
There were entire issues where she didn't speak a fucking word.
You had.
And this is the best you could come up with?
"The plan was always for the war without to lead to the war within these two characters."
Is that why Wonder Man was more important to the climax of your book than Logan?
Go step on a fucking Lego, Ben.
This was allegedly a run all about black ops wetwork, the sacrifice of your soul to the harsh work that protecting your country requires, the inexorable slide towards moral degradation that comes from compromise.
It ended with a blue man in a stupid plant suit sacrificing himself to save a D-list actor from a bomb that would have crushed Mars into a pocket dimension, all so that his clone can go and become roommates with said D-list actor.
Ben Percy, of all the writers the X-office has welcomed into its midst, you were certainly one of them.
I just . . . this was what was worth jettisoning 40 years of Hank McCoy's personal history for? This cockamamie bullshit? This excuse for you to whip your dick out and pretend you're Larry Hama, when you can barely measure up to Chuck Austen?
Also, Jonathan Hickman, you're kind of on my shitlist for this, too. You may write a halfway decent comic book every now and then - and make no mistake, they're mostly halfway decent, I think he scrapes greatness with his ideas, but his execution is. Dry.
But that's better than his eye for talent, clearly.
I hate being negative. I feel guilty every time. I don't enjoy it. I hate to dwell. I hate to spiral. I hate to obsess over things.
But X-Force is just . . .
X-Force was, just shit. I will go to my grave telling anyone who'll listen that it's not worth reading.
"It'll read better in trades!" No, it won't.
"It has such a good team!" If you burn a pie made of good ingredients, you still have a burnt pie to eat.
"The art is so good!" And if you put sprinkles in a toilet bowl, it's still a toilet. It just looks prettier now.
Oh, and just in case anyone from Marvel ever reads this - they won't, they only hang around on Twitter so people can jerk off about the panels they write explicitly to be shared by the X-stans - I've pirated every comic I've read in the last 10 years. Every issue of X-Force? Pirated. All these caps? Pirated. Every time someone asks me where to read comics, what to read? Pirate links.
I didn't pay a dime for this series. I still feel like I got ripped off.
I almost can't believe it's over . . . what am I going to do with my life now that I don't have X-Force to complain about?
Oh, yeah. I can just read good comics. Nearly forgot about that.
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But hey. That leads me to . . . I don't know, I guess, the end of an era.
Because Hank didn't get his memories back. Maybe he will in the future, but I don't have faith that there's anyone at Marvel that feels this strongly about Beast, so I doubt it. I need to write this down, anyway, for the catharsis. It'll help me say goodbye.
Rest in peace, Hank McCoy, 1985-2018.
You were the Beast I fell in love with. You were the man who taught me to be gentle when the world was unkind. You were the man who taught me that sometimes you don't have to love the body you're in, you just have to want to keep on going, because it can get better. There's always that chance. You were the man who led me to my boyfriend of 12 years, who I love more dearly than anything else on the planet. You were my friend when I didn't have many, and you've helped me make a lot of friends I quite appreciate. People I'm proud to know.
You're gone now. A lot of people aren't going to mourn you. They don't appreciate what was lost. But that's okay. I'll tell anyone who'll listen how brilliant you were. I'll try not to hold it against the version of you I'm left with, that he isn't you. He was you once. He could be like you again. Maybe better. I'd like that. I hope that's the case.
I'll keep writing you. I honestly don't think I could ever stop.
I'll try my best not to be sad that you're gone.
I'll try my best to instead be simply glad that you happened.
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I'll give the past its due.
Which is all you can do, in the end, for the dead and for the past.
That, and live.
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alouiadina · 2 months
Omegaverse Clegan
I don't typically read omega verse stuff, mostly cause a lot of the ff for it gives me the ick, but this idea has been stuck in my head for a while, so I'll just get it out.
(Btw, I'm writing this at 1am, so I apologize if there's a thing or two that seem... strange? jumbled? something along the lines of that?)
So, Pearl Harbor happens. The military is freaking out. They say they need more men, so the draft opens to male omegas. I think because of how sexism works in the universe, or maybe just the rarest gender pairing is female alpha's, female Alphas are considered lower or the same level as male omegas. Anyway, in WW1 male omegas just were nurses and shit, but now they are needed to serve the country. (this could also be a work around homophobia and the nuclear family ideation stuff, if that's your thing)
To make things safer for the unmated male omegas that enlisted/ were drafted, they are partnered up with an unmated alpha.
Depending on who you see as the bottom, this could go one of two ways:
Omega Gale: elated to be able to serve, and to prove to his dad that being an omega doesn't make him any less of a man. In this universe Marge could be, like, an Alpha/Beta that Gale's with mostly to help him through heats and maybe they actually date, but both know it isn't that serious. Gale is angry when he finds out that he basically has a babysitter. Bucky is sent to his house (it happens with all the pairings) to escort him to basic training in Texas. Gale is very unhappy with this, and his anger/ animosity towards this is made worse when he slowly discovers that Bucky has the same vices as his father. Gale is hostile towards Bucky at first, but that slowly melts away as he realizes Bucky is nothing like the male alphas he's previously met. He's sweet, gentle, doesn't force Gale to do things like drink when Gale doesn't want to. Sure he's loud, and gets drunk when he can, but he isn't mean. He's never mean unless you insult something he cares about. Gale fully realizes that Bucky cares for him when that RAF soldier says some things, and Bucky says some things back. There could be this whole plot stuff about Bucky misunderstanding what Gale's and Marge's relationship is, and maybe Gale making similar assumptions about Bucky and Curt. The bike stuff with Bucky could be a subconscious "Gale, look. I can provide for us." type thing. They also have the military grade omegaverse equivalent for birth control cause war, which does become an issue when they're POW's and the affects wear off. Gale is still the one that goes, being sent off with Bucky's friend, who is an Alpha, because even though Bucky want's to leave, he wants gale to be safe.
Omega Bucky: his dad had served, so he wanted to serve, but when he first presented, it looked like he wouldn't be able to. Then the gov't made the announcement and he was happy, then that became sour when he learned he was being assigned a babysitter. From the moment Gale picked him up from his place to escort him to Texas for basic training, Bucky does everything in his power to prove that he doesn't need a babysitter. Then he realizes Gale won't control him like other's might. He's gentle, quiet, never drinks. His tendency to be quiet, in Bucky's opinion, makes the little time when he's angry so much worse, but he's never really angry at Bucky, not until they're POW's at least. Again, there is confusion over Gale's exact nature with Marge (She can be like, a lesbian, or just not interested). And in this one, Gale is still the one to escape, as he trusts the people from the 100th that were there with them to look after Bucky, and he also didn't expect to be separated from him like that.
Someone can write this
Side ships: Curt/Dickie, Rosie/Ken, Crosby/Bubbles(and maybe /Jean) and others if you choose. If someone does write this, can Bubbles not die and just be a POW. Also, Nash is an omega, and Rosie was the person he was paired with. Helen is an alpha because I feel like she tops. And Winks was the one that insisted that Ken takes the job as sergeant.
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bigskydreaming · 19 days
I’m rewatching X-Men (2000) for the first time in a long time and besides finding it exquisitely nostalgic, I keep finding myself thinking, “Damn, [character] is kind of OP” with literally every. Single. Character. And it’s funny now to think of how crazy powerful all the X-Men are compared to say, the Avengers, where I feel like the only god-tier power the MCU ever delivered was Captain Marvel and maybe Thor in Ragnarok. I guess the first X-Men kind of downplays Jean Gray’s powers, and there are cool take-downs like Magneto’s iconic “That remarkable metal doesn’t run through your entire body, does it?” line and Toad getting fried by Storm, but I feel like it’s so fun that most of the time literally every character is OP. Anyway, I wanted to ask you as an X-Men expert, have they always been so cool and powerful, or do the comics toggle back-and-forth with how powerful they are like the later X-Men movies did? And did comics Avengers and Fantastic Four ever think they had a chance vs. the X-Men?
LOL its ironic, I kinda consider them to be massively UNDERPOWERED in the X-Men films, but also I hate everything about them because Singer, so who's unbiased, not THIS guy!
For the most part it depends on the character. Like, you know Bobby's my Blorbo above all Blorbos there, so the X-films in particular did a shitty job of depicting his actual power levels, but in their 'defense' I guess, so does every other adaptation. Nowhere but the comics has been consistent about him being portrayed as ridiculously OP as he is, which is kinda funny because for all that Iceman doesn't SEEM like he'd be a top tier power level kinda character, he's consistently been that way since the early 90s. Hell, for that matter, he and Jean were the original omega level mutants used to debut the term in its modern interpretation.
(A lot of people point out that omega was first used to describe Rachel Summers, who isn't considered an official omega level mutant these days, but that was by Sentinels describing her as an omega level THREAT, so I don't consider that the same thing as the OL classification mutants use among themselves, but just throwing that out there).
In the comics, there are different classifications, kinda, that mutants use to describe different power levels. Most mutants are gamma or beta mutants. Most combatant mutants like major X-Men and foes, such as Cyclops, Bishop, Psylocke, Emma Frost, etc, are alpha level mutants.
Omega mutants are the rarest of the rare, and are, simply put....god-tier mutants. Their literal definition is mutants whose upper levels of power are beyond any ability to measurably quantify. A lot of people default to calling them infinitely powerful, which isn't quite INaccurate, but also isn't quite accurate....its more like....they're mutants who will never stop finding new ways to grow and advance their abilities, who have no upper ceiling to their powers...though all of them reach different tiers of ACTUALLY utilized power at different times/lengths of time.
A ton of people HATE the omega concept because frankly, it DOES make those with that designation overpowered as fuck but I like to point to DC and the Justice League which has always been full of god-tier characters who are nevertheless possible to write for and give relatable issues and equivalent foes. Personally though, I've always loved it for the narrative possibilities rather than the power levels per se. I like it because omegas are like, ultimate examples of evolution (Marvel style, lol, as in the kind they always have go hand in hand with mutants but uh, isn't always scientifically on point haha). But I mean, they're individual mutants who embody the concept of constant, unending evolution. The view of omega mutants as just the most powerful misses the point, IMO...part of why I hate Bobby's constant cycle of 'untapped potential' storylines (his most often recurring narrative) is because it fails to acknowledge that omegas like him CAN'T ever fully realize their potential, just MORE of it, because like evolution, there is no actual intended ENDPOINT for his or any other omega's powers. There will always be more. Further they can go.
Anyway....I know X-Men '97 emphasized Jean, Storm and Magneto as omegas, but even it didn't actually convey the level their powers are at in the comics, other than Magneto doing the global EMP thing. Omegas can pretty much all affect things on a global scale. A group of twelve of them in the comics recently terraformed Mars, in order to relocate a bunch of mutants called the Arakkii there after they returned from their 4,000 year long war in a demon dimension, protecting Earth from being invaded by it. (Long story).
But yeah, so omegas are a thing in the comics, and no adaptation has quite yet even scratched the surface of what they can do in the comics. There's only 12 acknowledged omegas out of all the Earthborn mutants (though Hickman's list is shit IMO and its ridiculous that there's only one person of color on it, Storm, and there's several other mutants of color I'd happily add to it if given the chance to balance things out), but the Arakkii (who are all black-coded if not actually black, because of where and when Arakko/Okkara originally existed on Earth before Amenth invaded 4K years ago), have a similar number of omegas of their own. But again, we're talking around 12 mutants EACH, among their total respective populations of about a million mutants each.
Anyway, the big four of the omegas, the major names among the X-Men, are Jean, Storm, Bobby and Magneto, with the other Earth omegas being Exodus, Elixir, Hope Summers, Absolon Mercator, Jamie Braddock, Proteus, Gabriel Summers/Vulcan and Quentin Quire (sigh). And then on the Arakkii side there was Isca the Unbeaten and her sister Genesis, Apocalypse's wife, Lactuca, Sobunar, Xilo, Ora Serrata, Lycaon, Tarn, Lodus Logos, Idyll, Kobak Never-Held, and Apocalypse and Genesis' kids, the original four Horsemen. Plus they keep going back and forth on whether or not White Sword is an omega or just a really powerful External, but whatever, I digress. Anyway, that list isn't accurate anymore because as of Genesis War, a few of them are dead, just like on the Earth list Hope is....transcended I guess you could say, lol, and Elixir and Proteus are back in the White Hot Room with her and who knows where the fuck Mercator is these days, but like.
Point is, the omegas are cosmic level. Jean's current solo literally has her being called a cosmic entity, because yeah, she's one with the Phoenix again but since the Phoenix has long been described as a future point of her own evolution and was recently solidified as like, a mass gestalt of mutant life force and psyche that was collected within her and her power like a nexus point, its kinda one and the same. Storm's solo is said to have plans to have her interact with the Abstracts of the Universe (the like, ultimate top-tier beings in it), Eternity and Oblivion.
Bobby's been quite literally unkillable since the early 2000s at least, as in he's been hit with a nuke and atomized, been blown up MULTIPLE times, and he just makes himself new bodies out of the next nearest moisture. He once started a new Ice Age, can create armies of semi-autonomous ice giants, teleport anywhere there's water, etc. Oh yeah, and since he's the walking embodiment of the future heat-death of the universe, he's also frozen reality on a quantum level to quarantine a cosmic tier threat. Oh AND frozen Hell. Jean reignited a sun recently. Storm took out an alien mercenary army in seconds by just hitting them with Jupiter-level atmospheric pressure with a snap of her fingers, and the only thing about that which actually required she exert herself came from holding BACK enough that her allies standing mere feet away weren't affected the same as her targeted enemies. Vulcan talked about obliterating Mars when he got cranky, and everyone took that very seriously because he can absolutely fucking do it. Any of them can.
There's a reason X-fans are sore about how editorially scripted AvX went, and not just because the X-Men were known to be a lesser priority at that time due to the film rights, so they were never going to get to be the 'winners' of that, ideologically, even though the optics for how that fight started were not actually as great for the Avengers as Marvel seems to think they were. But it also has a lot to do with the fact with all credit to the Avengers heavy-hitters, which there are quite a few of, they tend to get their powers/origins from cosmic storylines far away from Earth, hail from other dimensions like Asgard, etc, whereas mutants have been home-growing cosmic tier fighters on Earth for decades now, and that was pretty much treated like a non-factor.
None of the omegas (and Magneto and Storm may not have OFFICIALLY been listed as such yet, but Bobby was, and its not like they actually got any power UPGRADES when they were finally canonized as omegas, it just was a label change acknowledging the power they've always been depicted as having) actually played definitive roles in that, and again, when you've got global threats in one side's ranks that you refuse to acknowledge as such in order to make sense of pitting them against opponents they should be able to handle with a finger snap, it does tend to make stans cranky. Its like yeah, they gave me a panel of Bobby fighting Red Hulk in the background, but that was the extent of his impact on AvX as a whole, even though he'd quite literally taken Thor on, solo, mere months before during the Dark Iceman arc.
But yeah, you say AvX around X-fans, we will hiss at the memory like a snake. Was not fun for us. And again, this isn't to disparage the cosmic tier characters the Avengers have, and of the Fantastic Four, Sue and Johnny are right up there at the top of any power ranking system one might care to devise. But...like....mutants tend to deal with their threats internally in the Marvel universe, so every mutant alive has known for decades that Magneto, Storm, Iceman and Jean should not be locked in a room together and told to fight because without nonomegas who can't actually survive the stuff they can around them to remind them to keep their power levels DOWN, those four could very easily blow up the Earth before they even realize what happened since omegas vs omegas equals unlimited escalation.
Meanwhile, it was literally only during the Krakoan era that anyone OUTSIDE of mutants sat up and took note of the omega classification (which has existed for decades) even being a THING, let alone mutants casually being like 'oh yeah, we have like, twelve of those guys.'
LOL, so anyway. Yeah, it is kinda funny to hear the X-Men in existing adaptations described as OP, because none of them even come close to scratching the surface of how many of the X-Men are portrayed in the comics. I have very little interest in the MCU as a whole, and am not expecting to be a fan of their take on the X-Men but I am very curious to see which X-Men they emphasize as the heavy-hitters and what level of power they depict them as being at. For better or worse, whether fans like it or hate it, there's a good dozen of them who can go toe to toe with literal gods without breaking a sweat.
(Like, literally literally, not how Kalen usually uses literally literally. Bobby single-handedly thwarted a Loki 'take over Asgard' scheme in the EIGHTIES, at a time when only Thor himself was going one on one with his brother and if he wasn't around, Loki was considered a 'bring your whole team' kind of threat. And this was a full decade before the omega term was even a thing. Thor's canonically been wary of Bobby since the latter was SIXTEEN because he considers him to be a baby Ymir, the father of all frost giants. He was literally playing poker with other Avengers when he sensed Bobby go Dark Side during the Dark Iceman arc and his face went 'oh fuck.' You know how powerful you have to be to make Thor's face go 'oh fuck'?)
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(Fimbulvetr is the Asgardian term for the Everwinter, the start of Ragnarok. Its a Ymir thing. Incidentally, after AvX when the X-Men and Avengers were making a point to cooperate, Thor and Bobby teamed up against Ymir himself, and THEN Marvel was perfectly happy to allow Bobby to kick his ass solo and be like 'what, was that supposed to be hard' to an incredulous Thor, BUT I DIGRESS).
But anyway, the official omega list is very recent, but everyone on it like Storm, Jean, Bobby and Magneto have all been consistently powerful as fuck since the 80s, MINIMUM. Bobby's 80s solo was used to debut Oblivion, an Abstract of the Universe, Storm was channeling the energy of multiple stars when fighting the Brood in space, and that was all decades ago. They've all had occasions of being nerfed since then, but for the past decade or so, the Big Four have had relatively few occasions of that compared to any point before, and Marvel's been more pointed about keeping their upper ranges of power more normalized for them.
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ahsokathegray · 1 year
Heat Advisory
Pairing: Rexsoka
Prompt: Rexsoka Monthly Jul. ‘23 - I Told You Not To Touch That
Summary: Pabu is under an official heat advisory this summer. And so is Ahsoka. This is how the Bad Batch make it worse for everyone involved.
Tags: 18+ smut, mating/heat cycles, not omegaverse, aphrodisiacs, semi-public sex, lots of sex, vaginal fingering, creampie, issuing apologies to both Echo and Wrecker, inappropriate use of a Lula
Word Count: 8,426
A/N: If you haven’t already, go give @rexsoka-monthly a follow and join us in supporting and creating prompt-based Rexsoka content! 🫶
read on ao3! / masterlist
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Echo entered his brothers’ oceanside villa sweaty and out of breath, having practically run the whole way from the landing zone to the house. He leaned against the door as it slid shut behind him and pressed his head against the durasteel, sighing in relief at the cool sensation. The men each shared a puzzled look before turning to their brother for an explanation.
Tired of waiting on Echo to stop panting, Wrecker finally asked what they were all wondering, “Echo? You didn’t tell us you were coming back today.”
“That is because he wasn’t supposed to arrive until tomorrow evening,” Tech pointed out, setting his datapad down on the table, “He is exactly one rotation and four hours ahead of schedule.”
Their heaving brother wiped his forehead and pushed himself off the door. “Good to see you too, fellas,” he greeted sarcastically, “Where’s Omega? And when in the blazes did it get so hot on Pabu?”
Hunter handed him a glass of cold water and kicked a chair away from the table for Echo to take a seat. “Omega’s over at the Hazard’s. Looks like summer came just in time for your arrival,” he answered, “We’ve been in the water just about every day for the past two weeks now. Makes the days somewhat bearable.”
“We’re under a heat advisory,” Wrecker added, looking to Tech to make sure he’d gotten that term right. Tech gave him a sharp nod and adjusted his cloudy goggles — the heat radiating off of Echo enough to fog them over. 
Echo laughed to himself as he dabbed his neck with a dry cloth and his breathing somewhat returned to a normal rate. “Of course we are,” he grumbled, “That’s just my luck, too. The Remora’s temperature regulator took some damage as we were making our escape from Corellia. All it’s been blowing is heat for three rotations straight. A couple of times I considered just turning it off so that the vacuum of space could just freeze us all to death. Never thought I’d say that after coming out of cryo.” 
“Well we’ve got working air here,” Hunter assured, joining his brothers at the table, “How’d the mission go?”
With his glass of water now empty, Echo wiped his mouth and gave Hunter a look that said everything. “Went fine. We were supposed to stop back at the garage on Coruscant before I came back, but just couldn’t take it anymore. We had to stop here first if we didn’t want to die of a heat stroke.”
“So I take it Rex is here,” Hunter gathered. 
Wrecker sat silently and watched as his brothers shared looks with one another, communicating without the use of words or hand signals. He turned to Tech for answers, but his nose was in his datapad again. “Does that mean that she’s—” Hunter began asking. 
“Oh, yes,” Echo confirmed, cutting him short and pouring another glass of water. Most unfortunately for Echo, his quarters on the Remora were right beside the Captain’s. He found out much more than he ever needed to through the thin walls of their ship. A week’s long mission in which Commander Tano didn’t sleep in her own quarters once had been his undoing. Next time it was just the three of them on a mission, he’d fight harder for Gregor to come along.
“She who?” Wrecker asked, knitting his brows together.
Echo chugged another glass of water from his already condensating glass and fanned himself by tugging on the front of his shirt. He then ran his cold hands over his face and leaned back, finally feeling the air conditioning. “My old Commander from when I was in the 501st… She survived Order 66. I had no idea, but apparently Rex has been in contact with her since the end of the war. They were together when it all went down. She’s been his secret contact this entire time and was there with Rex and Senator Chuchi when he called us to Coruscant. She came with Rex and I on the mission,” he explained, then added somewhat scornfully, “I imagine they will be coming through the door any minute.”
Wrecker was in shock, his jaw hanging open and not understanding how Echo could say all of this so casually. And it almost sounded like he was disappointed that they’d come with him to Pabu. “Your Commander? She’s a Jedi? Ha! That sounds like good news to me! She must be tough! Hunter, how come you didn’t tell us?”
Removing his vest and throwing it over the back of his chair, Echo just exhaled. Very few people know about Ahsoka’s involvement, but Rex was finally comfortable introducing her to the dechipped clones and having her help out on a more hands-on level. Echo had no idea just how hands-on that had really meant. And there wasn’t a worse way he could've found out. Walking in on them in the middle of the common area in the garage after all their brothers had gone to bed was enough to keep him sticking to curfew. Forever burned on the backs of his eyelids was the image of the illustrious Captain Rex with Commander Tano’s very orange legs thrown over his shoulders as he drove into her like a man dying.
The revelation that his former commanding officers were… involved… was a pill he wasn’t prepared to swallow. 
It was fine over the first few months… Echo had gotten used to the discreet touching and the looks, but this week had been his own personal hell as it introduced noises into the mix. He knew now why poor Fireball never got any sleep. “Yeah. Well, it was good news at first,” he responded, mumbling the last bit to where only Hunter could hear it. 
Hunter scratched underneath his bandana and answered Wrecker’s hanging question, “Her identity is typically on a need-to-know basis.”
Moments later, as predicted, the door slid open again and in stepped Rex with a female Togruta hot on his heels. Wrecker’s face lit up upon seeing their guests. Not only was his favorite reg on Pabu, but he also came with a small friend! She was taller than Omega and a tad pointier, but Wrecker immediately decided that Rex’s Jedi was now part of the family. Omega was going to be over the moons when she got back!
Standing from his chair, Wrecker greeted them both by enveloping them into a single large embrace, bellowing in laughter as their feet left the floor. “Rex! What are you doing on Pabu?”
Hunter’s nose twitched and he shot Echo another glance, to which his brother cocked an eyebrow. They’d been in contact over the last several days, as Echo was having trouble sleeping. It was quite evident to the Sarge’s heightened senses now why that was so. Their guests not only smelled like a fresh fuck, but Ahsoka was unmistakably in heat.
Rex laughed with what little air he had left in his lungs, “Good to see you, too, Wrecker.”
“Alright, put them down,” Hunter said, chuckling at the way Rex’s already-red face had turned a shade darker as well as feeling sympathetic for Ahsoka. 
“Oh. Sorry, it’s just been a while since we’ve seen ya, Rex,” the burly man apologized. He then stood up straighter and fiddled with his thumbs, “And you must be Ahsoka.”
She giggled between breaths and beamed up at him, “Yes. It’s nice to meet you, Wrecker.”
Echo sighed and introduced them, “Everyone, meet Ahsoka. Ahsoka, you’ve already met Wrecker. This is Hunter in front of me and Tech’s over there. Excuse him for being so rude. He does it to everyone.”
Tech glanced up just long enough to offer her a wave before turning back down to his datapad, beginning research on the Togruta species for things he didn’t already know. Hunter smiled and stood up to greet her, “Nice to meet you, Commander.” He gave a mock salute and poured two more glasses of water. 
“Thank you, and just Ahsoka is fine,” she assured, trying to control her breathing. She looked over to Rex, who was glistening with sweat and attempting to wick some of it away before pressing the cold glass to his cheek. Hunter looked between Rex and Echo, knowing the Captain wasn’t just sweating from the walk to the villa and a lack of cold air on the Remora.
Wrecker offered his chair for Ahsoka to sit, which she gladly accepted. He then began to offer her a towel to wipe away her sweat as well, but noticed she wasn’t sweating as badly as the Captain was. Instead, he handed it to Rex and chuckled, “Not used to these types of temperatures, are we brother?”
“Not designed for it, more like,” he agreed, laughing even though his lungs tried to refuse. What he wouldn’t give to have his temperature controlled blacks right about now. But he knew from experience just how much control Ahsoka lacked when he was in blacks and she was in heat. It was typically an ideal mix, but wouldn’t have been manageable in the presence of the Batch. Rex then saw where Echo had removed his vest and made a move to do the same before stopping himself. If he started removing layers from his civvies now, it might not end so well. 
Blue eyes watched him intently, waiting for him to remove the article of clothing. Ahsoka bit her lip as his bicep flexed and he decided not to go through with it. Rex kept it on and willed himself to find the strength not to take it off, no matter how hot he was. The air conditioning would cool him off eventually. 
Ahsoka sat her empty glass down and shifted uncomfortably in her chair, trying to suppress the insatiable and urgent need in her core. There was nothing to keep her distracted now. Her thighs were pressed together so tightly that the muscles began to quiver. And despite having just been wrapped around him, she already needed Rex again. She reached over and folded the collar of his shirt down, her fingers lingering longer than they should on the skin of his neck. Ahsoka dipped them slightly under the hem of his shirt before she reluctantly pulled away. “So when do I get to meet Omega?” she asked, smiling through clenched teeth and trying not to squirm, “I’ve heard so much about her.”
“Well, right now she’s actually—” Hunter started before Wrecker cut him off. 
“Oh, you two are gonna be best friends! She’s over at her friend Lyana’s right now. Her dad, Shep, he’s the mayor, so her house has a much better cooling unit. But she’ll be back soon. You’re gonna get along great!” 
Ahsoka nodded as he continued to talk to her, the majority of his words passing straight through her montrals and not registering at all. She bounced her leg and fiddled with her nails. Rex’s eyes were on her and she could practically feel them. It took the strength of a gundark to keep her focus on Wrecker. Her Captain could see how on edge she was and brushed his knee against hers to grab her attention, causing the chevrons on her lekku to darken impossibly further. She swallowed and ceased the nervous habit, meeting his worried gaze, both of them missing the way Tech was surveying them.
Her hand went to cup Rex’s knee and he addressed his brothers without looking at them, “I think we’re gonna head out, boys.”
Echo made a face, knowing well why they were trying to leave, but Wrecker looked like a kicked tooka. “C’mon, Rex, you can’t leave yet. Tech was just about to make us lunch!”
Ahsoka pressed her lips into a thin line. She couldn't have cared less about lunch in a time like this. She only craved one thing when she was in heat and it was between Rex’s—
“Why not?” Rex agreed, giving Ahsoka a sympathetic look. She may not have an appetite, but his fast metabolism and constant state of being inside of her was hungry work. He’d need the added energy if Ahsoka planned on riding him all the way back to Coruscant. Real food was going to be a necessity, especially if Echo wasn’t coming back with them. 
So Tech abandoned his datapad long enough to prepare a meal, busying himself in the kitchen while Wrecker continued to ask Ahsoka questions and exchange stories from the war. Any other time, she would’ve been able to give him her undivided attention, but this was torture. She bit hard into her tongue and crossed her legs, trying hard to keep still and quiet. Subtly rocking back and forth in her chair wasn’t cutting it anymore and Rex’s thighs were looking quite comfortable. She nearly salivated at the thought of straddling one and rutting against him to completion. 
Wrecker watched as her face screwed up, but just figured that Ahsoka was still cooling down from the heat or maybe Togruta just looked like they were in pain when they were listening intently.
Once lunch was served, Wrecker had finally gone quiet and practically made love to his food. Her tunneling vision shifted to Rex, catching the way his tongue darted out to lick his lips. Something inside of her jolted, more powerful than before. Ahsoka placed her utensil down and gripped the edge of the chair until her knuckles turned white. 
She took the opportunity, while everyone was busy digging in, to push her chair flush with Rex’s and tugged his hand beneath the table. Still chewing, his eyes widened a fraction at what she was asking him to do. He blushed furiously and nodded, swapping his fork over to his left hand and using his right to discreetly work Ahsoka through the fabric of her pants. Thankfully, no one seemed to notice that he was eating with his non-dominant hand, or that Ahsoka’s eyes were rolling into the back of her skull.
She’d all but abandoned her plate and Rex halted his motions, indicating with his head for her to at least eat something to keep their activities from being discovered. Reluctantly, she picked up her fork and took a few bites more, grinding down on his motionless hand as she did so. A small moan escaped her mouth, but she was quick to save it. “This meal is delicious, Tech,” she hummed.
“Thank you. I am pleased that you like it,” he said, feeling proud of himself for his research.
Rex toyed at Ahsoka’s clothed clit until she could barely take a bite, having to place her utensil down yet again as she took an obligatory sip of water, shaking the glass as she did so. 
Everyone was so preoccupied with their meal that Rex took it one step further. If he could get Ahsoka off now, the rest of their time in the villa would be somewhat manageable. His fingers moved to quickly undo the fasteners on her pants, earning a gasp from her and she moved to help him. Rex’s mouth twitched upwards into a smirk as he was greeted with the wet heat of her desperate cunt. 
Ahsoka cleared her throat to drown the whines that threatened to escape her, gripping a leg of the chair with her free hand. His fingers made varying patterns against her clit, rubbing at the bundle of nerves itself and then venturing further. Not even moments later, Ahsoka was spasming, her thighs clamping together and trapping his hand. 
She needed him now. His fingers could only do so much and she was tired of clenching around nothing. 
Through the aftershock, Ahsoka refastened her pants while pretending to wipe her hands on the napkin bunched up in her lap. She looked up at Rex, who was still eating as if he hadn’t just given her an electrifying orgasm at the table. He shot her a wink and popped his fingers into his mouth as she recovered and surveyed the room. The Batch was still eating, none of them even slightly aware as to what had just occurred. 
Ahsoka, with her hunger for Rex slightly satiated, began to eat. She didn’t realize just how delicious Tech’s cooking was until now, finally able to focus on something other than the burning need within her. But as she continued, the desire only grew. Crossing her legs tightly at the ankles, Ahsoka’s impatience returned. Her eyes darted around the table at their hosts and then back to Rex, focused on the way his jaw flexed as he chewed and how small the fork looked in his hand…
Her mouth began to dry up and the tips of her lekku felt like they were vibrating. She placed a firm hand to the top of Rex’s thigh and looked at him with the small amount of focus she had left. Her eyes caught him off guard and he could tell just by the way her pupils had blown wide that her heat had consumed her. It didn’t typically happen this way…
“Where’s the refresher?” she asked the boys softly, her voice sounding far away. 
Echo pointed her past the living room, “There’s two. Ours is the one at the end of the hall and Omega’s is the first door on the right if you go up the stairs.”
Folding her napkin, Ahsoka pushed her chair out and met Rex’s eyes again before disappearing down the hall. He cleared his throat and finished his meal quickly before doing the same, “I actually need to go as well. This was fantastic. Thank you, boys.”
Sighing, Echo just shook his head and continued to eat. He was beyond ready for the freshness to wear off of their relationship. They can’t even get through a single meal without fucking!
Rex all but sprinted once he reached the hallway, seeing that Ahsoka had gone upstairs. He started to head that way but flicked the light on in the downstairs ‘fresher and slid the door closed before he did so. As he began to ascend the stairs, he saw Ahsoka sitting on a step near the top and was pressing herself into the wall. 
“Ahsoka,” he whispered, approaching her and bending at the knees to where she sat, “Are you alright? How bad is it?”
Her eyes and chevrons both were practically black, her skin coated in a thin sheen of sweat. “I need you now, Rex.”
Swallowing, Rex stood and then held his hand out, “C’mon the refresher is just up the stairs.”
She shook her head fervently, “I can’t go that far. It’s gonna have to be right here.”
Rex began to sweat again himself. Ahsoka needed him immediately, so much so that she’d sunken down onto the steps with her knees pressed together. He knelt down to her level again and placed a hand on the wall beside her head, “You’re gonna have to tell me if they’re coming. I can’t sense them like you can.”
Ahsoka’s montrals buzzed, pulsating with the intensity of her heat along with his acceptance of the location. They were sensitive with the height of her cycle — more alert than usual, but tuned into Rex rather than the world around her. “I’ll try my best.”
He nodded and so she parted her tightly clamped legs, the unfastened state of her pants working to make Rex harder than he already was. He went to slide his hand into her underwear, but her strong orange fingers caught his wrist. Her black eyes met his and he gulped. There was neither the need nor the time for any foreplay, he’d already toyed with her aching cunt at the table. She was ready. His face grew hot and he pushed forward anyway, getting a hold on the fabric of her soaked underwear and wrenching them down her legs. A gasp escaped her throat as he did so, and with his other hand Rex slid it under her rear lek and swallowed the noise, drinking her in and allowing her mouth to challenge his.
Deft fingers worked to wiggle her boot off so that she could slip one slender, feverish leg from her pants. Rex helped her while she expertly undid his pants, wasting no time in pulling his leaking cock free. How he had any cum left in him, neither of them knew. Ahsoka hummed as some of his precum dribbled from his throbbing head and she ducked to catch the liquid on her tongue, licking a stripe up the base of his length.
Her Captain ground his teeth and she knew if they were back on the Remora, that a growl would’ve accompanied it. Rex was no quiet man in the bedroom and this was definitely not the time to make any suspicious noises, but Ahsoka was determined to draw at least one sweet sound past his pretty lips. 
With one pants leg still on, Ahsoka scrambled into Rex’s lap. She took things much faster during her heats, leaving no room for a savory sink-down onto his thick, seeping cock. With his tip lined at her entrance, she was eager to sheath him fully inside of her, but Rex beat her to it, plunging his stiff length into her impatient pussy. Ahsoka threw her head back with the sensation, sighing in relief. It was like an itch that had finally been scratched. She brought one hand to cup her left breast and the other latched onto the step behind Rex’s head, using it to drive herself onto him at the exact rate that she needed. 
Rex bit down onto his tongue to keep from moaning. Her overeagerness for him never got old. Watching her ride him, pleasure herself, half dressed and uncaring of where they were sent him spiraling. He nipped at her neck and placed one hand on the clammy skin of her naked hip while the other wrapped around her right lek. 
Her mouth fell agape with the action and he caught her lips with his, swallowing her cries as he pumped the appendage in his fist. Ahsoka’s tempo only quickened, so much so that she began to lose her rhythm. Her face contorted in defeat, upset that she couldn’t regain her momentum. Rex grabbed hold of both of her hips and took over, raising her and lowering her at a relentless speed down onto his wet cock, pulling out right to where his tip tugged at her entrance before driving back into her. 
Placing a firm hand to the middle of her back, Rex stood with her still on his dick, causing her eyes to go wide before pressing her into the wall. He hoisted her up and brought her feet to settle on his hips. She bit her lip and covered her mouth as he plunged back into her, watching her hot cunt suck in every inch that she could. Attacking the soft spot under her jaw, Rex sucked at the skin as he fucked up into her, relishing in the way her juices began to run down his balls.
The spot that usually had her screaming his name was at better access in this position and Ahsoka’s face and curling toes told him he’d found it. She grabbed the stair rails and clenched around him, her muscles hugging his pulsing cock. Rex hissed as she came, shattering around him and bringing him into his own orgasm along with her. A broken moan fell past his lips and Ahsoka stiffened, placing a trembling finger between their mouths. 
“Hey, uh, guys? Is everything alright back here?” Wrecker’s voice came from below, along with his shadow. He was standing almost in front of the downstairs refresher, on the other side of the wall that hid the stairs and them from view. 
They were still joined at the hips, pants pushed down or halfway off. Rex indicated with his eyebrows that she’d be the one to have to answer because they’d all heard Ahsoka hurry up the stairs before he even left the table. That, and he was most definitely not in the ‘fresher that Wrecker stood in front of. 
Clearing her throat, Ahsoka spoke, “I’m not sure about Rex, but I’ll be down in a minute. I’m just—” She shook her head, trying to come up with an excuse. “I’m just washing my hands.”
They both winced. There was no water running. 
Wrecker hesitated, but chose to buy it, “Alright, well, come tag me when you’re done. I drank too much water.”
Ahsoka giggled as he walked away before settling on Rex’s features yet again. He was panting, pink lips parted, just purely in awe of her. Rex never failed to take her breath away. She scratched up the back of his head, making circles in his overgrown buzz cut. Rex bit his lip and nearly pulled out of her before she squeezed him again, begging for more. 
The blackness in her eyes hadn’t gone away. Not even a sneaky disappearance to the refresher could satisfy her burning need. It had never been this intense, but Rex wasn’t complaining. He thrust up into her again, his hands gripping her thighs with bruising force. Ahsoka mewled into his mouth and swiped her tongue over his bottom lip, driving him near insane as they chased yet another round of orgasms they shouldn’t be having. 
When they finally re-entered the kitchen, Wrecker ran to the ‘fresher. 
“Well, the sun’s getting higher. What do you say we all go down to the water for a swim?” Hunter suggested, propping his feet up on the table. 
Ahsoka panicked and looked at Rex. They certainly weren’t expecting to be asked to stay for lunch, much less past lunch. She was well beyond having any patience left. This was not only the peak of her heat cycle, but the most intense one she’s ever had in her life. She couldn’t have been any less interested in swimming. 
Her Captain understood this and answered on behalf of them both. “Thanks boys, but we should really be on our way to drop off the supplies we acquired on the mission. Tech, I can’t thank you enough for not just handing us ration bars. The food was delicious. Echo, we’ll see you in the next few weeks. Wrecker, tell Omega we hate that we missed her.”
“You guys aren’t actually leaving are you? You just got here!” Wrecker whined, handing his licked-clean plate to the stack that Echo was gathering. 
Tech was putting ingredients away and added, “We could at least fix your temperature regulator before you leave. But it will most likely be tomorrow before it’s repaired.”
He and Ahsoka looked between one another apprehensively before coming to some telepathic agreement. “Guess it couldn’t hurt,” Rex said, caving in and scratching the back of his head. He knew she was eager to pin him down inside the Remora, but he wouldn’t mind fucking in the air conditioning for a change. She may have a naturally cooler body temperature, but he sure didn’t and there was no way she was waiting until they were back at the garage to milk him dry again. “We don’t have to be back on Coruscant for another few rotations really. We’ll just have to let the boys know the schedule has changed.”
Wrecker threw his fist into the air, “Alright! You guys can take my room. My bed’s the biggest.” His face was smug as he crossed his arms, pleased with himself for both convincing them to stay longer and with his generous offer. The bed was big enough for them to share comfortably and neither one of them had to take the sofa! 
“Oh that’s alright, Wrecker, really. We have perfectly fine bunks on the Remora we can use,” Ahsoka hurriedly but politely declined. 
But budging wasn’t in the cards for their overjoyous host. “We’re not gonna let you sleep in that heat! Right, boys?”
The rest of the Batch looked anywhere but at Wrecker or their guests. Tech made a face before burying his rosy cheeks in doing the dishes and Echo coughed awkwardly. Hunter sighed, trying to find a way to backtrack on Wrecker's decision to offer up his bed, “Right. Well, we have the sofa as well, if you’d rather—”
“They can’t sleep on the couch, Hunter! I’ll take it. They’ve probably shared a cot out in the field before, right? This’ll be no different.”
Well, Wrecker wasn’t completely wrong. In the aftermath of the war, Rex and Ahsoka shared a cot or a blanket here and there. But their sleeping arrangements quickly became one instead of two, shedding more and more layers each time. One particularly cold night, their sleeping arrangement was forever shifted from being purely platonic. But if they were honest, it hadn’t been platonic for quite a while at that point. 
“Right,” Rex answered, nodding and averting his eyes, catching the button he’d missed in refastening his pants. 
Wrecker walked with them back to the Remora to help them haul their small bags back down to the oceanside villa. Despite Rex and Ahsoka’s protests telling him they could handle it on their own, Wrecker accompanied them anyway — primarily because he’d never been on the Remora before. He was very interested in where Echo spent his time away from them. 
Upon entering the ship, he made a comment about how clean it was and that the Marauder had never been this spotless; not even when it had been fresh off the assembly line. But that comment was quickly revoked when he stepped into Rex’s quarters. They’d passed Echo’s room as well and it was as impeccably clean as expected, but Wrecker never would’ve pegged Rex for being a messy clone.
Rex’s bed sheets were crumpled and half hanging onto the mattress; feathers and clothes were strewn all over the floor. Even the wall behind the headboard looked like it had been through a trash compactor, with scrapes and dents in the durasteel. And now that he looked closer, did Rex wear women’s underwear? “Kriffing hells, Rex, it looks like a family of rathtars has been through here,” Wrecker observed before chuckling, “You’ll feel right at home in my room!”
The Captain coughed and kicked something under the bed, fixing the sheets with haste before laughing nervously along with his brother. Taking Rex's overnight bag and slinging it over his shoulder, Wrecker stopped outside of Ahsoka’s bedroom across the hall and announced his presence, “Uh, Ahsoka, can I come in?”
“Of course,” she responded cheerily. 
He stepped through the doorway and took in the state of her quarters. Its cleanliness rivaled that of even Echo’s — almost like she didn’t even sleep in here or something. “Wow. Don’t show Echo how to tuck corners like these,” he chuckled, pointing to the edge of her bed.
“I wouldn’t dream of it,” she laughed before closing a dresser drawer. She attempted to put her arms through the straps of her bag before Wrecker put one hand on his hip and held the other hand out. Reluctantly, Ahsoka let him do the carrying. 
The walk back down to the home was quite odd. Wrecker led the way and kept trying to make conversation, pointing out the homes of his friends and describing, in detail, the meals he’s had at their homes. But Rex and Ahsoka couldn’t keep up. He kept having to stop every few houses to wait for them to catch up with him. At one point, he could’ve sworn Ahsoka had her hand under the Captain’s shirt, but he chalked it up to his one good eye playing tricks on him. Mirages from the heat is the answer he eventually settled on, at least that’s what he thought he’d heard Tech call those things. 
Rex and Ahsoka took a suspiciously long time to put their swimming gear on as well. Wrecker looked around at his brothers and was beginning to wonder if Rex had squeezed himself into some sort of wetsuit instead of swim trunks. Or maybe he and Ahsoka were just taking turns changing inside the upstairs refresher while Hunter used the downstairs one. He tapped his fingers rhythmically on the table, growing steadily more impatient. 
“Careful, Wrecker. We’re trying not to conduct more heat in the house,” Tech warned, finding annoyance in Wrecker’s inability to sit still.
But his brother just threw his head back and whined, “What’s taking them so long? I’m ready to get in the water!”
Hunter coughed as he returned, opting to tie his hair up before he let on anything about what he sensed going on inside Omega’s refresher. He remained as close as possible to the front door to evade the smell of desperate, needy, heat-induced sex. 
“You don’t have to wait on them, you know. Go ahead and go down there and we’ll—” Echo began before their guests reappeared. Ahsoka subtly wiped at the inside of her thigh and smiled abashedly at their hosts. 
They were both still sweating for some odd reason, so Wrecker was glad to see that his ori’vod didn’t try to fit into something other than swim trunks. “There you guys are. I was starting to think you got lost in there,” he laughed, punching his brother playfully hard on the shoulder, “Oh, Rex, did you fall or something? What’s on your neck?”
Rex immediately clapped a hand over the exposed skin, hiding the fresh bruise from view, “Oh, uh yeah. I ran into… that uh, fell…”
He looked to Ahsoka for a rescue, but her eyes had gone wide too, not to mention she was just about as bad at lying as he was. She stammered with him as they tried to come up with an excuse when Wrecker unknowingly did the saving for them. “Was it the beach umbrella in the refresher? Sorry ‘bout that, I was tearing my room apart looking for it,” he apologized, making his way upstairs to retrieve it.
From the emptiness of the houses as the group walked past, it seemed all of Pabu had the same idea. This heat that was present at this time of day was only bearable when one was submerged in the water. Nearly all the residents of the small island littered the area, swimming in the ocean or eating packed lunches underneath umbrellas. Even Omega and Lyana were huddled under a large pink one, drinking iced moogan teas and sitting near an oversized fan that Shep had set up for them
Ahsoka and Rex were the first to get into the water, itching to quell an entirely different heat than the one everyone else was experiencing. As soon as they waded in, Ahsoka couldn’t be pried from Rex. Sneaky hands reached for his waistband under the water to untie his ties. She rocked herself back and forth on his thigh, not caring that every resident of Pabu was in sight. In no time, they found a less populated and shady cove to disappear in — somewhere Ahsoka could push Rex’s trunks window open and her swimsuit aside and sink her aching core down onto his thick length. 
Her skin glistened in the water and her lekku floated around her, not too dissimilar from how she looked when they made love in the sonic. But kark if this wasn’t a heat remedy Rex decided they’d definitely be doing again. The cool water helped to satiate her burning need some, quelling the intensity back down to something that would normally be a wild romp between them when she wasn’t experiencing a heat. 
Rex cradled her face in his hand, swiping the water on her face to keep her cool. She was gorgeous and glowing and he even saw a bit of blue return to her tired eyes. Lazily, Ahsoka bounced herself on his swollen dick, holding onto his shoulders for purchase while he aided her in keeping upright. 
Tech carefully adjusted their umbrella and sat himself in the shade after applying copious amounts of sunblock. Hunter reapplied Omega’s and sent her back off running with Wrecker into the water. “You’re still not going out there, huh?” Hunter asked.
“I do not see the appeal of sharing the same body of water with so many people at one time,” Tech reasoned. 
“If I didn’t know you grew up on Kamino, I’d start to think you didn’t know how to swim,” his brother tossed back. 
Tech then elaborated, “The idea of so many bodily fluids being swapped does not sound like my idea of fun. You and I both know that Wrecker cannot hold it for that long. He’s had yet to use the refresher out here for the past two weeks, I might add. Besides, I’m sure our guests are busy somewhere expelling sexual fluids since I added a small dose of a certain cooking spice to our meal earlier.”
“You did what?!” Hunter exclaimed in a hushed voice, shielding his eyes from the sun.
Tech shrugged his shoulders, “Ahsoka arrived and I wanted to know more about her species. Did you know that Togruta are not supposed to sweat? They have naturally cool skin, yet she has been sweating since her arrival. She is very clearly at the peak of her mating cycle.”
“Tech!” Hunter scolded. 
“What? Do not tell me you did not smell it on her and the Captain both the moment they walked through our door. I figured if anyone, you’d be the first to pick up on the fact that they’ve been engaging in considerable amounts of coital activity. Not to worry, it should be wearing off soon.”
“Tech she’s a person and our guest! Not your little experiment! It was not your place to make that call,” Hunter spat, “Let me see that article.” The datapad was then passed to Hunter, who had to move himself under the shade of the umbrella to read the screen properly. Everything Tech said was true until he got down to the remedies. High amounts of sexual intercourse, lekku stimulation, certain cooking spices added to foods. “Tech, we don’t have any of these spices, this says—”
Kriffing hells. His eyes landed on the last item. That spice they did have in the kitchen. “What you used wasn’t a remedy, it’s an aphrodisiac! You only worsened her symptoms, not improved them! When Wrecker’s bed snaps in two and Rex’s dick falls off, I’ll be the first to let them know who they have to blame. ”
Wrecker watched his two brothers argue under the umbrella while he and Echo gave each other knowing looks. Omega and Lyana were on their shoulders, blissfully unaware and playing a game of nuna. “What do you think they’re arguing about this time?” he asked.
Echo grunted as Lyana nearly wrestled him and Omega down into the water, “A few ideas come to mind. But what I’m more concerned with is how unfair this game is. No way Omega and I are going to get you and Lyana under.”
“Hey!” Omega said above him, “Thanks for having confidence in me!”
“Well, where’s Rex and Ahsoka? They could take our places and give Ahsoka the chance to meet Omega!”
“I don’t know where they are and I don’t think we want to know.”
Wrecker laughed as Echo nearly toppled over, “Maybe they’re off playing their own game of nuna.”
Echo scoffed, “Yeah, something like that.”
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Even when Phee had come over for dinner, Rex and Ahsoka were inseparable. They were not at all bothered with the fact that it left one less chair at the table. In fact, Ahsoka was more than happy to hop into Rex’s lap and sit there instead. Time in the water, it seemed, had only temporarily extinguished the ache in her core brought on by both her heat and Tech’s cooking. 
After swimming, Lyana had begged for Omega to stay over another night at her house and Hunter gladly agreed, grateful to have her out of the house. He glowered at Tech through the entirety of the meal. 
Echo looked between his brothers sourly, finally having gotten the full scoop as to what exactly was happening with his former Commander. It really was just his luck again. He shared a wall with Wrecker inside the villa and was in for yet another sleepless night with Rex and Ahsoka occupying the room. 
He sulked into his thinly sliced bread and pretended not to notice how much they were moving in the seat that they shared. He chuckled to himself, thinking if he called them out on it that they’d come up with some flimsy excuse about still feeling like they were in the water. 
But the joke was on him once the lights started to switch off and everyone retreated to their rooms. 
Wrecker settled on the couch with nothing but his boxer shorts covered in pink Pabu flowers and a thin blanket after bidding Rex and Ahsoka a goodnight, which they were very rushed about. 
“Rex,” Ahsoka sighed his name as the door slid shut. He pulled her into him, claiming her mouth with his own and already tugging off the clothes she still had on. Wrecker had spent too long attempting to clean up his room and trying but failing to find his Lula, when all they needed was a clear bed. 
Already latched around his waist, Rex carried Ahsoka to the bunk, kneading her ass as she grinded against his bulge. She found the seam of his pants and pressed her swollen clit to the fabric, desperate for the friction. 
Her back hit the mattress and she was quick to raise up and rid Rex of his pants while he took care of his shirt. Frantic orange fingers palmed his cock through the wet spot she’d created on them, making him hiss before she finally released him from the confines. His cock sprung free, slapping against his stomach all weeping and angry. Ahsoka took him into her mouth, wrapping her plump lips around him and putting him in the pocket of her cheek while she massaged his taut balls. 
Rex let out a guttural growl and thrust into her mouth once before backing away, pulling himself from Ahsoka’s mouth with a pop. A trail of saliva connected her lips to his cock and she leaned towards the head and kissed, nuzzling his wet length and leaving her chin shining under the light of the lamp. Rex’s own eyes finally matched hers, black and consumed with her demanding heat. Grabbing her by the hips, he pulled her to the edge of the mattress and teased her folds with his full length, coating himself in her excessive amount of arousal. 
Whining, Ahsoka bucked her hips, needing to feel him inside of her. Rex then threw both of her legs over his shoulders and lined himself up with her waiting hole, quickly bottoming out inside of her and in utter awe as her eager pussy swallowed his cock and adjusted to the girth. 
Ahsoka squeaked when he couldn’t go any further, gripping the sheets on either side of her and relishing in how full she was. She moaned and bit her lip, giggling as she rocked her hips from side to side. His hips then slammed against hers with vigor, soaking his entire dick in her wet heat. With one hand, he rubbed at the tip of one of her montrals and with the other, he rolled the peak of a nipple between two fingers, drawing the sweetest noises past her lips. 
Her pussy began to make smacking sounds as Rex’s thick cockhead dragged through the ridges of her trembling walls. “That feel good?” he asked, his voice gravelly and at a lower register than normal. He already knew the answer. 
Ahsoka’s eyes fluttered and she answered him, mishearing his question, “Yes you do.”
He laughed beside her montral and dragged his teeth lightly over the curve of it, eliciting a string of expletives from Ahsoka’s mouth. She arched her back at the added sensation and gave him better access to her drooling cunt. Rex groaned and kept her ass elevated off the mattress, pounding into her messy hole. He pressed a kiss to each of the calves resting across his collarbones and watched as a smile formed on her lips, twinkling blue eyes looking up at him through her lashes. “Mesh’la,” he whispered into her hot skin. 
Mewling, Ahsoka extended her arms behind her head and pressed into the wall, giving her more control to feel each of Rex’s thrusts. She bit her lip and could barely smile with the audible sounds of pleasure passing through her mouth. Her entire body was rippling with waves of electricity, the familiar coil in the pit of her stomach tightening. 
She clenched around his dick and Rex’s knees nearly buckled. “Kriff, Ahsoka,” he whispered, voice strained and hoarse. Placing one foot on the mattress, Rex continued his motions, drawing a strangled moan from Ahsoka. She grabbed one of her breasts, pinning it down and rolling a nipple between her fingers while the other one bounced freely. Rex panted above her, watching her writhe beneath him and chant his name softly under her breath. 
He could feel his balls begin to tighten impossibly further and his dick grow heavier, but kark if he wasn’t going to hold out until he could wring one last orgasm from her. One of his hands took hold of her other breast while the other dove lower, finding her throbbing clit with his thumb. Ahsoka clapped a hand over her mouth to muffle her own cries, babbling as Rex’s fingers expertly worked her sensitive points. 
“Rex,” she sobbed over and over past her hand, his name coming out more so as moans rather than coherent words. 
He whimpered, gasping for breath, “Force, ‘Soka.”
Her cunt fluttered around him, legs shaking as she came, her orgasm rippling through her body and lighting her on fire. Rex groaned, unable to stifle it with the way her heat clenched and spasmed around him. Thrusting deeply inside of her, he painted the walls of her pussy with hot ropes of cum, nearly falling forward with the way she milked him. 
They both gasped, dragging air into their spent lungs, groaning and laughing as they caught their breath. Rex leaned in and kissed her gently, pulling out and noticing their combined cream at the base of his cock as he whispered sweet nothings into her montral.
Ahsoka whined at the loss of him, the feeling of being so full replaced with emptiness. 
Rex collapsed beside her on the bed, peppering kisses to her lekku and face. She hummed softly and giggled, kissing his neck and allowing her hands to wander. His chest vibrated with amusement, catching her wrists and gathering them in a single hand. “Let me catch my breath, cyare. We can go again in a minute,” he breathed, the corners of his lips turning up. “For now, let’s clean you up.”
He reached down and hooked his hand behind her knee and raised it. Warm cum dribbled out of her spent hole, coating her thighs and threatening to stain onto the sheets below them. 
“We made a mess,” he rasped, biting his lip and reaching for the drawers below the bunk. Surely Wrecker had a rag of sorts for situations like these. His fingers landed on something soft and he pulled it out of the drawer, finding that he was holding a red and black stuffed tooka. 
Ahsoka cooed, making a face. “Rex, you’ll have to clean that up if you use it.”
His eyes were locked with hers, already leaning in to capture her lips, “Don’t worry, I’ll wash it off.”
She moaned as his mouth met hers, kissing her passionately as he brought the plush tooka between her legs, wiping up their combined juices. Ahsoka jerked as pressure was applied, the fabric rubbing against her clit and sending another round of shivers up her spine. Rex was quick to swallow her gasps and smile against her lips, tossing the tooka aside and inserting two of his fingers inside of her creamy cunt. 
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Wrecker sighed yet again, loudly and to purposefully get someone’s attention. 
“I did suggest wearing more clothes to bed,” Tech pointed, “This is no one’s fault but your own.”
Clutching the thin blanket further around his body, Wrecker pouted, “You guys could turn the air down some.” Three resounding “no’s” stringing together, making Wrecking grumble further. 
Rex and Ahsoka had finally gone. They once again had an operational temperature regulator and had all but run to the Remora as they walked out of the front door. Wrecker finally had access to his room again and hurried to put his blacks back on to retain some bit of body warmth. 
Echo was already on his way back to his quarters as well, declining a cup of caf as he trudged down the hall to get some actual sleep. The sound of the headboard bumping into the wall and horribly hushed moans kept him awake through the night and into the morning. He wasn’t at all surprised when Rex and Ahsoka both declined breakfast. They’d already had each other instead. 
And Tech, who was trying desperately to hide himself in his datapad, couldn’t escape the stares from Hunter, who opened his mouth to say something when a shrill cry came from Wrecker’s room. 
“Please! I’ve already heard enough of that!” Echo’s muffled pleading came from the other side of the wall. 
Hunter was at Wrecker’s door in seconds. “Wrecker? What is it?”
He was crouched and looking inside a drawer under his bunk. He’d plucked his Lula up by one of her horns with two fingers and a horrified expression plastered across his face. 
“Oh, Wrecker… I- I wouldn’t touch that if I were you,” Hunter warned. 
“What is all this stuff?” Wrecker asked, inspecting the white, hardened substance on Lula’s face and body. 
Tech appeared beside Hunter. “What did— Oh. Wrecker, he did tell you not to touch that. I would listen to him if I were you.”
“Someone just tell me what‘s on my Lula!” he cried, making a move to poke at it with his index finger. 
Sighing, Tech explained, “Do you not remember what you used to do with your socks back on Kamino? And Echo, the one and only time he ever cleaned our room, found them under your bunk? Well… this is what happens when that dries up.”
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water-god19 · 6 months
So this is it…we’ve finished x-force. All issues done. All story lines done and all interest done. So why do I still feel like nothing happen? Was time wasted? Was it really all for nothing…
Fair warning I do ramble on for quite a long time, but it’s for good reason! Anyways…let’s begin.
Chapter 1: A Promising Start/ First Impressions
When I first stumbled into the new era of the X-men I was originally very skeptical. For someone who doesn’t have any comic book knowledge outside of a few DC and Spider man comics from the early 2000s I was expected to be lost. But then after reading a little of the new era, made by Johnathan Hickman, I was truly intrigued in what I was seeing. Sure I had questions…many of which I wouldn’t get the answers to unless I read spin off comics of the new era. Despite that I was beyond HOOKED!
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When I first saw this I immediately thought back to deadpool 2 and what they did with X-Force. Now not everything as memorable in that incarnation of the team you still had colossus, deadpool, and domino. 2 of which was seen here and the last one would come a little later. Outside of that I knew a lot of these characters already:
Jean Grey
I’ve seen all this characters at some point in my life to give the X-force branding of comics a try, and thankfully I did. Sure, I didn’t understand a lot of the context behind why certain characters acted a certain ways but I could appreciate how rare those moments were. Most of the time if I just kept reading the issues I’d understand what was going on, especially in relation to the newer characters.
Kid Omega
Omega Red
Black Tom (I think that’s his name).
The dialogue between both the old and newer characters, to me, really sold me on this new era. It got me invested with what could happen to these characters. On the side note, I don’t really see many people talking about this, but the art style of these characters are VERY COOL!!! It looked fun and expressive! I’ll show examples of why I love the art so much throughout this. It really says a lot about what your gonna read, for better or for worse.
If it wasn’t obvious at this point, I clearly haven’t read comics or even x-men comics for years. So when you hear my opinions just remember that my knowledge on certain things are fairly limited in most aspects. I. Don’t. Know. Everything. Yet I’m still enjoying what I’m reading so far, with or without connections to the past. To me that only enriched everything, not the pinnacle of my interest in this initially. Anyway…let’s continue
Chapter 2: Enjoying the concept material
In my opinion, the first couple of arcs with x-force seemed like they had promise. They had a lot of interesting stuff going on. Take this for example.
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Colossus, a mutant that everyone has heard of and it known for his heroism snaps the neck of this random mutant…THAT RAISES HUGE FRICKING QUESTIONS OF YOU ASK ME! Like why is he killing people? What’s the importance of this character to him? Based on how this is drawn it looks as if he struggled to kill her even though his face doesn’t portray that, the veins on his muscles do. Speaking of the art colossus looks more cold and distant being in his metal form…and every time I saw him before he never gave me that impression. It was always more light hearted rage fulled or disappointed dad (thanks Deadpool 2), but never cold murder. a more underrated question, HOW OLD IS COLOSSUS?! I mean he has a fricken beard now…didn’t know he could grow one.
Or…what about this!
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Why does Jean look so…classic and basic in her design? Compared to Wolverine and Hank she doesn’t look like she belongs there. Even though she’s going through Omega Red’s mind she seems to be the odd one out. Speak of designs why does Hank got mad scientist energy now? Wolverine…more understandable since I’m pretty sure this guys a villain. Although this looks more painful than any super hero interrogation I’ve ever seen before. This doesn’t even look like interrogation, this looks like torture.
What really caught my eye in all this was the moral ambiguity at play here. Reading early x-force a lot of that was present, and as some one who loves seeing situations within the grey area this satisfied me greatly. Look at this conversation between beast and Jean.
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Now I’ll address this later, but look at the points they make. Normally the X-Men are depicted as people who want coexistence between humans and mutants, yet here Jean weights the two evils and says lying is for humans not mutants. She views that as the bones honest path for x-force than what beast did.
Although beast, surpassingly, does have a point. A lie would only suffocate the process needed to save their nation. They already have enemies who would want nothing more than to harm them, so what’s the point in letting them strategize when he can just kill then now? Why should let billions die in the future when we can kill one person now and save billions?
Do the end’s justify the means…that’s for you to decide.
As for me though I’m picking up so many mixed signals here from beast on this one. Look his eyes, their blackened, this is mostly for evil, corrupted, shady, malevolent intent. Yet there’s a sense of honesty when beast confesses his mindset here. It’s almost as if he himself doesn’t enjoy the ruthless calculus of war at affect here. He hates himself for it. He wishes he could be on Jean side and yet after experiencing so much pain and damage he doesn’t see the point in being hesitant with those who want to hurt you. For him the line was drawn when they even had a thought of hurting Krakoa. Even Jean, who has her back turned towards him, seems to be getting what he’s saying. In some way she gets it. But she doesn’t want to get it, she doesn’t want to understand his reasoning but she does.
First time I read this I was stunned! Like all this was just one panel?! Wow! I really hope this continues onward. I would love to see every character get this much depth in them!
I could go on here for ages about this stuff, but if you really read x-force this is kinda what it’s about. At least until we get towards the end…which is where I started to realize the issues in all this beauty.
Chapter 3: Problems in paradise
Remember when I talk about how much I adored the concepts of what I was seeing? How much I loved what the art brought to the table so subtlety? Well…look at this.
Do you see anything wrong with it? Probably not. And honestly I didn’t either when first viewing this.
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Just colossus suspiciously murdering someone. Initially I didn’t think much of this because I thought, “hasn’t he killed before? Why put such emphasis on this one?” But look back x-men history the writers and artist always illustrate the emotional distress of colossus murdering any one. He has never taken any pleasure in doing it, and he hardly does it. So when he does do it you gotta ask, “what did that person do to deserve that response from him?”
Anyway we’re getting side tracked here. Next photo.
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Do you see a problem here? Again probably nothing. Art looks great, nothing outstanding but nothing terrible either.
On to the last photo.
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Did you spot the issue? No? Well, just look at the number on the top left and right side of the photos. Do you see it now? I’ll explain. The first time we see colossus arc really begin is in the 24 issue of the comic. The next time we see it is in issue number 39. The very end of the arc is issue number 46. You could argue that his arc spanned several issues in between them…I wished it played out like that. The reason why I chose these 3 photos is due to them being the only time we see the colossus arc take center stage. Now you probably asking, ‘okay so if his arc wasn’t taking center stage then what was?’
This is what was taking place:
Change in X-Force leadership
The quiet council putting colossus as a member.
Beast going rogue and wolverine in pursuit of him
Kid omega disappearing in a fight after a corrupted Cerebro goes on the loose.
Kid Omega coming back, not really a kid anymore, but he has x-force follow to the future to deal with beast.
Beast and wolverine have a massive fight.
The build up to the Fall of Next before it was officially dubbed so. And so much more.
All of this was happening alongside the colossus subplot, it’s a boring waiting game. For someone reading this for the first time it felt like watching an amazing episode air for the first time only to wait a week or two later for the next episode. (Disney plus)…
But it wasn’t a week or two long it was YEARS! Years for a plot that could have being unraveled by some common sense by professor x only for it to never happen, despite them being in the same room with each other so many times! You literally see him on the quiet council every single day and get you don’t ask how he’s doing? Especially after seeing his behavior towards his own teammates?!
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To his lover at one point?!
Thematically this works…but for the viewer this feels scattered and rushed. Hell the photo on top isn’t even from X-Force it’s from Immortal X-Men! Why is his arc being stretched like this, only to have no impact on x-force directly? I get it, if we spread out colossus influence it will show the readers how big of a problem this really is. The ripple effects of you will. But when the ripple effects don’t lead anywhere for a long time, constantly put to the sidelines by other major events, and then given a mediocre finale it doesn’t increase the impact it lessens it.
Not to mention the conclusion of this arc is simply colossus killing his brother which is earned don’t get me wrong, I loved that. His brother deserved death. But the very second we see colossus again it’s with x-force as if nothing happened. I don’t even remember if we had a conversation or a look into colossus psyche after everything happened. It’s just straight to the Fall of X which is already happening by issue number 43.
This doesn’t even stop at colossus though, domino has that same issue. Being skinned alive, tortured by an forgettable villain, and having it all be undone by a res set button called resurrection just feels wrong. Makes it seem pointless…
The true tragedy by far isn’t even those characters…it’s by the series main stars of the show.
Chapter 4: Beast Agenda Finale/Shattering my expectations
So Wolverine vs Beast. Again, another great concept from X-forces writers and editors. And another disappointment. Why? Because every time we get close to the conclusion to their huge fight beast manages to slip away. This one…this one got me the most upset. I remember waiting around for ages to see the conclusion of this arc, this cover art didn’t help.
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Yet, despite the lies this cover baited you with we don’t even get close to the finale of the beast saga. He runs away, and the only thing that does die in this issue is just beast many clones. Boring, and useless.
But you want to know what really left a nasty scar on me during this arc. The characterization.
Was gonna show an example but I reached the picture limit…didn’t even know there was one.
Anyway, what I mean is characters don’t talk naturally. It’s always it either drive forward the conflict or to build up the conflict. There’s rarely any moments we’re characters just talk about what’s going on in their lives. It’s just moment to moment action. Feels lifeless.
Going back to beast, after reading what people think of this version of beast…I see where your coming from I truly do, but I love this version of beast. He’s actually the incarnation that got me interested in every other version of the character because his actions had context and if you had the context it would enrich the actions of this character. It wasn’t required but you were rewarded for doing so. Despite his very obvious flaws he has a point in a some of what he does. Or at least there’s an external reason that tragic on why he feels the need to do this. As explained with the Jean and Hank conversation I’d like to think the reason why Hank is fighting so hard for this country is because everyone saw what happened to Genosha! No one wants their homes to be destroyed by those who hate them the most. Not even that but it shows how broken Hank truly is from everything…that’s depressing yet intriguing to read.
And I wished this version of the character was treated with the same respect as the other incarnations and not given a shitty finale. A finale that completely reboots his character and pretty much states to the readers that we as the writers are done with this character and all that hyped up facade was worth nothing…no redemption and no future. It just hurts…and as I go back into the past to see better conclusions for this character I fear this version of the character could fall future and future down the rabbit hole.
This is why I hate reboots.
Last thing I want to say on this character is the art. What. The F@$&. Happened.
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Beast (Prime), as he is referred to now, looks the exact same as the one in the past. For anyone thematic reason this could have, all I get from this is laziness. From an artist and thematic lens’s they should be different. If they had made them both different it would hit home how time has really change these characters. But since they look the same I guess that nuance also doesn’t mean anything. The art used to be diverse and fun while also being serious and dark. Now it’s just flare and boring not to mention lifeless. It’s just another pointless experiment for a pointless finale.
Anyway, thanks for reading this very long post, took me about 4 hours to finish this. Had a lot to say obviously 😂. Hope this gets you to understand how I feel about this whole thing, anyways thanks for reading and take care! Oh and if you want a better deep dive into the personality of both beast go to @positivelybeastly he does a wonderful job on that front.
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fencesandfrogs · 5 months
Omegaverse questions from this post
This is my personal worldbuilding — everyone has different answers and if you want to answer these questions for urself please tag me in it I’d love to read different interpretations
What’s the talk like?
Aside from how sex ed should be more like an ongoing conversation, there is an extra layer to it about heats and those hormones. On the other hand no periods so that’s not a layer?
When do you learn if you’re an alpha/beta/omega?
Usually at birth. That being said, beta females and omega females aren’t distinguishable until puberty (or w genetic testing), and some beta females are hard to tell apart from alpha females at birth, but are usually distinguishable before kids start attending school. In general, alphas are identified at birth.
Is there bad sex ed?
Of course there is! In my worldbuilding heats span from mild inconveniences people carry on their daily lives during to disabling. Os with “lighter” heats might not realize they’re having them. But since there’s not really much hiding, only O females really have a chance at being surprised. I write things in fairly equal proportion — like, alphas are equally men and women — so there’s not a ton of assumptions about what someone is.
What do people do for work during heats?
Work if they can, call out if they can’t. It was historically an issue for hiring omegas, because the assumption was that they would need a bunch of time off over the season (roughly spring to fall), but in the modern day there are protections. You’d probably need a doctor’s note for irregular heats, since most Os would be able to say something like “four days every eight weeks.” Cycles vary a lot, tho, as few as once per season to more than once per month.
What do two alphas do if they fall in love?
Assuming modern times, they’re just omegaverse-gay? Historically A/A wasn’t accepted in many cultures (ie ones M/M weren’t accepted in), so y’know. Sex wise, they do what works for them. And the alpha on the bottom would probably squeeze their knot so it’s not like. Uncomfortable.
Do heat cycles sync?
Yes and omegas absolutely nest together. A lot of the submissive + horny stuff is triggered by alphas being around so groups of omegas sometimes end up basically having a sleepover for a few nights until they decide they’re interested in taking a partner.
Alpha sex workers for in-heat omegas?
Absolutely. It’s definitely more publicly acceptable than sex work IRL but still probably not something you discuss more than once with your parents. (Y’know, like, a “this is what I’m doing now” convo and then u don’t discuss it again.)
Especially for Os who live/work around alphas but aren’t partnered. They might get the unpleasantness of wanting an alpha but not have anyone.
Chastity play/denial?
Would focus more on not being touched during a heat than not having them. I write heats as — not the exclusive time of sexual arousal, but certainly the center of it.* That being said, taking heat suppressants could totally be a kink? I think it’d more be from the angle of like…your own pleasure being secondary. Than denial.
*I write heats based on estrus cycles, and while some animals with estrus cycles have sex out of heat, it’s less common. In general, time out of heat is going to be a period of low libido, but not zero libido. Depends on the O.
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bropunzeling · 11 months
writing meme - i was tagged by @postoperation!
Rules: Go to your published works on AO3 and list the first fic you ever published there, the last fic you published, any fic that you wrote for a fandom/ship only once, your favorite fic you wrote in the fandom/ship that has the most works, the fic you wish more people read, the fic you agonized over the most, the fic that sprang fully formed from your mind without any effort, and a work you are proud of—for whatever reason.
first fic: it is a very short platonic fic for elementary - render death and forever with each breathing - a lil pretentious and not great, but you know, we all gotta start somewhere!
the last fic you published: that would be refraction! because all these omega matthew pov flips are a lot easier to keep track of when not in the mire of my blog
any fic you wrote for a fandom/ship only once: hmmmm i think i'll bump my katniss/peeta post-canon fic, the motion and the act! i really like how sparse and terse the prose was and how fucked up of a first time it was for them while still having a sense of tenderness.
your favorite fic you wrote in the fandom/ship that has the most works: apparently men's hockey rpf has the most works, but it's very hard to pick a favorite. one i do really love a lot and am still quite proud of is don't ever be a stranger - i really enjoyed coming up with the right sense of atmosphere and mood, and doing a real future fic for the first time was super fun! jamie and trevor working out their issues in the california sunshine can't be beat :) plus it was nicely condensed (for me lmaoooo)
the fic you wish more people read: gotta put in a plug for meet me halfway. girl!leon is my baby 🥺. obvi cisswap isn't for everyone but i really am proud of her and still think about her like, daily, and would love to have more people talk to me about her!
the fic you agonized over the most: i agonize over everything except for the things i write in 12 hours, but i gotta say linger was pretty stressful at points! trying to get the world building right, trying to get the right blend of neuroses, trying to make sure you understand both sides of the relationship without giving anything away too fast - it got frustrating haha. plus i find writing angst very excruciating and did not make things easy for myself lmao
the fic that sprang fully formed: pretty sure maddy made the tweet that inspired close quarters and like, four hours later i had a draft, so. that.
a work you are proud of: a country mile is one of my very favorite yuletide fills i've ever done - a whole mystery!!! with accompanying research!!! it's so plot driven!!!! i still kinda can't believe i pulled it off!!
tagging @hopetorun, @msmargaretmurry, @moregraceful, and anyone else who wants to!
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sagaiv · 5 months
I'm bored so I've decided to make a list of my favorite series from certain comic book writers and what I think is their most underrated.
This is just for my own entertainment. If you like these writers and have a different series you believe is their most underrated or you have a different favorite of theirs let me know. I really like hearing these kinds of things!
Brian K Vaughan
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Favorite series: (oof this is a hard one, so I'm already going to cheat) Y the last man and Saga are both top 5 series for me for different reasons. But both will absolutely emotionally destroy you in the best way and stick with you long after you finish them. I truly believe everyone should try reading both of these series.
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Most underrated: Ex Machina easily. This is one of my favorite series ever and one of Brian K Vaughan's most nuanced stories and protagonist, but it rarely gets talked about. I really hope more people discover it.
Robert Kirkman
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Favorite series: Invincible. I know I'm not unique with this opinion, but I adore Invincible. I have the compendiums sitting on my desk to read whenever I get bored or want to revisit a certain storyline. I am so glad it has such an amazing animated adaptation! (season 3 is going to be amazing.)
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Most underrated: Outcast. This series is one of the most hard hitting of all Robert Kirkman's comics. The first 4 volumes are some of the most consistent and emotionally raw that Kirkman has ever written in my opinion and it covers topics of abuse and healing in a way that really resonated with me.
Alan Moore
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Favorite: Watchmen. Another basic choice, but hey this is one of the most influential comic books of all time for a reason. If you don't know what Watchmen is all I have to say is: Read it. You won't regret it.
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Most underrated: Miracleman. Another easy choice. I adore this series. This is Alan Moore's first foray into superhero deconstruction and one of his most harrowing. This was the precursor to Watchmen and deals with a lot of the same themes and points of deconstruction that story does. The third volume Olympus is absolutely incredible and I think stands among Moore's best work.
Tom King
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Favorite series: Mister Miracle. This is another series that absolutely gut-punches me. It's a fantastic character study of Scott Free that takes a deeper look into his life, past, and the realistic trauma that comes with everything he's experienced than any other series centered around the character with an ending that cements it among my favorite mini-series.
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Most underrated: I'm not sure which of his series are considered underrated, but one that I feel people rarely talk about now that deserves a new wave of readers is the Omega Men. This twelve issue comic is another of King's fantastic mini-series. It's one of the most complicated looks at oppression, revolution, and war that I've seen in a superhero comic.
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msfbgraves · 5 months
Knights and Pawns…this world the story takes place in comes off as highly…”sexualized” for lack of better word. There’s something very primal/a barely restrained primal nature with regards to the social dynamics. Especially, or mainly, between Alphas and Omegas.
Alphas seem to just restrain themselves from jumping an Omega’s bones. There’s a sense of sensual danger and dominance and submission in many an interaction. A feel of ownership and claiming—those bite marks themselves come off as the physical sign of this sexy ambiance. A social and acceptable and very public hierarchy of Doms and subs.
Omegas themselves are like hypersexulized beautiful little nymphs from a Nabakov wet dream who turn Alphas from horny functioning people into rapist salivating wolves with their mere presence, a glance of their eyes. Their scent. Sex seems to be lurking (simmering?) just under the surface of ever interaction between Alpha and Omega, and perhaps Alpha and others, if the mood is right.
This society loves babies, and children, and perhaps the making of them even more. Alphas like Terry seem obsessed with breeding their mates back to back. Show them off, yes, this is what I did to my pretty Danny. Alphas in general seem to have this possessive and obsessive nature towards their mates—especially Omegas—while Omegas themselves are so coy and flirtatious without even trying. The definition of “she said no, that really means she wants it”.
No matter how brazen or brave an Omega is, even Daniel, they appear to turn into jelly once an Alpha gets their hands on them. It’s like a 1950s housewife pennynovel fantasy brought to life. It’s dangerously hot, but also a little dark. Or a lot, depending. But yeah. The whole setting is very sensual and passionate. Sultry even in suburbia.
I really enjoyed this analysis and I thank you for it. I have no problem with sultry suburbia at all, I'm just curious, Nonnie - are you perhaps a little annoyed by this fantasy I built? Goodness knows, I am often foaming at the mouth at The Karate Kid III and Cobra Kai, so I know that this feeling doesn't keep people from enjoying something and thinking about it and sharing those thoughts. And maybe I'm not even right in how interpret what you've written.
I can only say it's not a manifesto. I'm not advocating for how people ought to live. I simply like Putting Them In Situations and writing about all kinds of gender and sexism and fear issues and thinking that it might feel very safe having a Big and Strong person around until that person and you do not see eye to eye, and I also like writing about manipulating in relationships, which, and that's what patriarchy always omits, usually comes from not being able to say no to such a person. But you know, flirting with machos is also quite funny at times. And I wanted a world in which Daniel LaRusso is allowed to get pegged and spend his time hugging people and making food and maybe dance or play a bit of music because that is all that character really wants, leave him alone! And power dynamics, if they float your boat, are very sexy but you can't tell people that in our world, because you might as well say you support global warming. And yet it's something more people enjoy but don't ever admit, so they put it in all kinds of places in media they would never put convential romantic storylines and that just irks me. Teenage me did not put on Buffy the Vampire Slayer to contemplate two forty something men being somehow very kinky in a high school library in broad daylight. I did not watch the karate kid III expecting to ship Daniel LaRusso with Terry Silver. So if these things are a bit opener in omegaverse - and I know I'm certainly not the only one writing these things, going by Ao3 - that's a relief to me. Because sometimes I do put on Jane Eyre or Miss Julie to watch people playing sexy power games and that's all fine and dandy when you're in the mood, but most of the time you're like, watching, say, X Men Apocalypse and thinking: "Why is this in there. Why is a purple monster making bedroom eyes at Charles Xavier. I mean, I'll take it, but honestly, this hardly seems the place!"
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seeminglyseph · 5 months
while like. yeah, I can understand that there are absolutely straight furries out there, het omegaverse always feels like it's like. missing the point of omegaverse to me.
omegaverse feels like it exists as a deliberately queer concept and like. exploration of fucked up mating concepts as well as gender exploration with some kinda kinky animalistic fuckery involved as well as some breeding kink and exploring what it means if gender dynamics and sexuality were like. profoundly *different* from what they are now and we weren't in a society based around "men have gonads which create sperm which are deposited into the female who have gonads which create eggs which receive sperm and are carried in the womb during pregnancy for mating."
like. Het Omegaverse is like. "That but the alphas are more aggressive and the omegas are more submissive and breedable" and it just feels like... I'm not shitting on it entirely because like, if I like the fantasy of being ravished then I'm sure there are girlies out there who want to be ravished but it's like, not subversive. it's just werewolf smut. And half the time they'll like. do *so* much to cut all the furry stuff out of it and just make it toxic psychological dramas with trad-wife fantasies. which like. sure, butter your biscuit to it I guess.
But Queer Omegaverse feels built on "what if gender and sex were independent and society was was built on a foundation of different ideas of what gender meant" and Het Omegaverse feels like "what if gender roles were so fucking traditional and men were so toxic and virile, and women were so dainty and the best ones were fertile, barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen?" and like. I get that it's a romantic and sexual fantasy, and like. sometimes you just want to fantasize about being wanted. and I don't want to take that away from people or say that wanting to just... daydream about some fantasy of a man being really really attracted to you is bad. because daydreaming about that stuff is fun. That's to point of smut. and like. half of gay omegaverse is literally just "I wanna daydream about being bred by my werewolf boyfriend who is feral with his lust for me, and all my lame domestic skills are actually really attractive to him. please find my submissive nature deeply appealing instead of embarrassing." so like. this *isn't* kink shaming entirely. I fully understand like. why it's attractive and why it exists and why it's written and read and indulged in.
I just think the two are fully different genres in a way that like. Is hard to explain without sounding fucking batshit??? like in general het smut can have breeding kinks and stuff really easily already. Omegaverse was created to restructure the universe around new gender dynamics and politics to create whole new systems and medicines and like sometimes even governments to structure a furry eroticism fake breeding system for queer romances and sexualities and genders. Het romance is often too scared to touch on queer subject matter to blend the gender dynamics, so I fully like. Don't know what is explored besides the main character's bodies???
And I mean I have my issues with queer omegaverse! When they make the dude's asshole a cloaca for example! I hate when that happens! like. just do some alternative genital configurations or something, I don't know. or lean into the fact you obviously made it a cloaca, since no one seems to admit that. honestly part of me just is kinda curious how the whole genital configuration makes sense for a lot of omegaverse since there's a lot of misunderstanding about how genitals work, but like. I can write my own if I'm so concerned. that's fine. I just wanna make a point that like, nobody's perfect. while I admire the concept of queer omegaverse for redefining gender roles, that's not how all queer omegaverse works and I know that. and het omegaverse could be written really really well by a talented author. just 'cause I haven't read it and... admittedly am not hugely interested, doesn't mean it's impossible.
But in general I think the only way to fully make omegaverse work is to embrace the weird shit. change the genitals, change the genders, change how society is built, change how people identify, change how relationships are made, change the power structures. Do weird fucked up shit and embrace that it's weird and fucked up. if you do then it will be more a more compelling story.
if it's just smut feel free to disregard because that's fine sometimes you just want daydream fodder and that's fair, but I think sometimes you just need to like. realize you've created a cloaca and that's weirder than just giving a man a pussy??? or a pussy and a dick? or coming up with something new and majestic? or something. I don't know. or if you're gonna have a fucking cloaca lay some eggs. fuck around with it. that's like, my really specific omegaverse pet peeve. the fucking cloaca.
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