#A-Overworld Labs
aria-greenhoodie · 2 years
Time for more Minecraft ocs from my A-Overworld Labs Minecraft story because Brainrot. Click for Quality!
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There’s a whole lotta lore based on this, but I’ll give a quick run-through.
In my story, there are 6 “Masterplayers” (basically just Players in Creative Mode but make them gods) one of which is The Goddess, a being of light who has domain over the skies and the overworld. She dies during a war between the four most powerful societies, and her cry (captured by the 13 disc) and blood caused some creatures to evolve, Vexes being one of them! Yeah it’s a big complicated bullfuckery that I’ll maybe maybe not explain in better detail later.
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consider: downing a flask of methanol in one go
probably won't taste any different from tea right
decisions, decisions...
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dokidokitsuna · 8 months
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Welcome to Future Utopia Island!
-The theme of this area is ‘childhood’. This was a place to gather for the younger citizens of Alterna, and the innocent remnants of their lives are scattered about.
-You can find a bicycle to ride on the shores of the island. Smallfry loves to tag along in the basket. ^^
-O.R.C.A.’s first terminal is found here. Once you have collected three Golden Eggs from the first section of the underground laboratory, O.R.C.A. will detect their energy on you and grant you access to the first few of its files, as well as the rest of the lab spaces in the area. Its hope is that you will continue to collect energy to ‘reawaken’ Alterna, and keep its legacy alive by  learning its workings and history.
-Shiver, along with the rest of Deep Cut, had no idea that O.R.C.A. existed until now. But since it’s opening up facilities where they can find more weapons, supplies, and Golden Eggs, they suggest you do whatever it wants so it’ll keep helping you. ^^
-The number of Golden Eggs you can collect is fixed: 3 from clearing each lab space, and 33 from defeating each King Salmonid boss. In this way, the number in your possession acts as a benchmark for your progress. However, the number of Power Eggs you can collect is unlimited, just like in the real game. You can search the overworld and return to lab spaces repeatedly to gather as many as you want. These are used to access/retry certain challenging levels, to feed Smallfry and clear Fuzzy Ooze, and to activate Nostalgic Devices.
-A Nostalgic Device is usually a mundane electrical appliance, toy, or piece of gadgetry, reminiscent of some aspect of life in Alterna. O.R.C.A. will reward you with special files and locker decorations for finding and activating them, and the Devices themselves will often lead you to Power Egg caches or Sunken Scrolls.
-When you look at certain locations from a far enough distance, you may see a large shadowy figure interacting with whatever Nostalgic Device is hidden there. If you’re having trouble finding any Devices, keep an eye out for that shadow while you explore Alterna!
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notgonnaedit · 5 months
Fading Scars
Summery: After the Chain meet Twilight's family and friends, a portal takes them to another Hyrule
Focus Link: Wild
A/n: Art isn't mine, it belongs to @gia-d
I really enjoyed writing this one. There's a reference to the BotW overworld music in there too. Takes place after BotW but before TotK
Master list
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Wild turned in his makeshift bed as he tried to fall asleep. The day's events should've left him exausted. Playing with the children of Twilight's village, exploring as much as he could, but no matter how much he tried, the Champion couldn't find sleep.
He had been waiting for Twilight to return. The Rancher had left suddenly a few hours ago, and hasn't returned. Wild worried for his friend. What if the Shadow creature found him and hurt him all over again? Not being able to stand it anymore, Wild got pushed his blankets off, and walked to the door. He made sure to be quiet as to not wake his comrades, and opened the door and stepped outside.
Wild took a breath of fresh air. He found that the smell of grass calmed him. Maybe it was because it reminded the Champion of his own home; a wilderness that cried out to travelers like him to explore. 
A sigh escaped Wild's lips as he thought of his own Hyrule. In his own time, Hyrule was undergoing restoration. Princess Zelda had wasted no time in preparing to fix the ruined kingdom. A small smile came across his face at the memories of Zelda seeing the house he bought.
The Princess had almost cried at the thought of living in Hyrule Castle again. So when Wild offered for her to stay with him in Hateno Village, she was overjoyed. The children of Hateno loved her, and Zelda had taken to teaching them about the local wildlife. Her new role as an educator earned her the name "Miss Zelda" from the kids, and "Flora" from Wild himself, stemming from Zelda's love of flowers.
The soft sound of footsteps turned Wild's attention back to the present. He looked down from where he stood above the ladder on Twilight's house to see Twilight and Ilia walking from the path that led to the Spring. The two were smiling, and upon a closer look, Wild saw they were holding hands. A small smirk played across the Champion's face when he saw them, he knew from the moment they were reunited that the Rancher and his friend had feelings for each other. It had confused him, though. From the way Twilight had talked about Midna, the Champion was sure that was who he loved.
"How long will you be staying for?" Ilia asked. They were in Twilight's yard now.
The Rancher sighed. "I don't know. The portal that took us here was random, so we might be here for a while, or a few days." In truth, Twilight hoped they could stay for a while, like they did with Malon. Not only did he want to spend time in his home, he also wanted to show his friends his world. He could show them the Resistance and how they were working to help Hyrule, or maybe even Snowpeak and take Wild sledding.
Wild watched Twilight and Ilia, hesitant to make himself known, but also uncomfortable with eavesdropping. Sure, he listened in on people's conversations before, but that was to get information on the Hateno Ancient Tech Lab.
Deciding on showing himself, Wild acted like he'd just walked out and yawned, a loud, drawling sound. Twilight and Ilia looked up at him immeaditly. "How long have you been standing there?" The Hylian asked.
Wild shrugged. "I just came out. Nice night, isn't it?" The Champion could've sworn his mentor's cheeks were tinted pink.
Ilia smiled and looked at Twilight fondly. "Yes, it is."
The Rancher's blush deepened at her words, and Wild jumped down from his perch, avoiding the ladder. 
Ilia looked between the two. "Well, now I know you're the same person. Only Link jumps off ledges like that."
Wild looked at his friend. "You told her?"
Twilight shrugged. "Kind of. She figured it out."
Ilia chuckled at them, and the Rancher and Champion couldn't help but join her. But suddenly, the earth seemed to hold it's breath. Twilight's senses were put on edge, and before them, a portal appeared.
"What is that?!" Ilia asked as Twilight stepped in front of her.
"A portal," Wild said. He turned to his mentor, who looked solemn. "You know what we need to do."
Before Twilight could answer, the door to his house opened, and the Chain tumbled out, all half dressed and bleary-eyed.
"What's happening?" Time asked.
Four gasped. "Another portal?"
The Links began to discuss among themselves and grab their things. Twilight did the same, saddling up Epona. As he secured their bags to her saddle, Ilia walked over to him. 
"So I guess this means you're leaving, huh?" She said softly. She stroked Epona's neck, running her fingers through the mare's white mane.
Twilight sighed. "Yes. And I don't know when I'll be back." 
"I'll tell everyone what happened, so don't worry." She said. Twilight took her hand and took a step closer. He moved in to kiss her, but Legend called him.
"Rancher, you ready to go?"
Twilight sighed. He looked down at Ilia and squeezed her hand. "I'll be back. I promise."
He let go of her and led Epona through the portal with his comrades.
This time, the portal was more pleasant. None of them landed face first in the dirt, but rather a grassy plain. Wild looked around, wondering where they could be.
"That was much better!" Sky said. 
"This place looks like Hyrule Field." Four said looking around. Several of them nodded in agreement. There were ruins scattered here and there, and several broken automations that caused Wild to grab his Sheikah Slate.
He opened his map, and it was working again! They were in Blatchery Plain, just got west of Fort Hateno.
"We're in my Hyrule." Wild said, turning to the group. Everyone looked at him.
"You're sure?" Hyrule asked.
Wild nodded. "Yeah. Just over there is where I died."
"Uh, okay?"  Legend said. But Wild couldn't stop smiling. They were only a short distance from his house.
"C'mon," The Champion said. "We can go to my house." He led the way as he walked. Epona nickered at the wild horses.
"Whoa." Wind looked up at the wall of Fort Hateno. "What is this place?"
"Fort Hateno." Wild said. "It's where Hyrule made it's stand against the Guardians. A bunch of fleeing farmers held them back here."
"A bunch of farmers?" Twilight asked. "What about the army?"
Wild sighed. "They were at Akkala Citidel, but they were overpowered. They say that it wasn't until Akkala fell that Hyrule was truly lost."
"The Guardians you mentioned." Time said as they passed through the woods. "We'll we see any?"
The Champion looked around the road, keeping an eye out for Yiga. "You already did. All those broken machines out there."
"How did they break?" Hyrule asked. "You make it seem like they were unstoppable."
A small smile played on Wild's face. "Zelda. She unlocked her power there and destroyed them. But I helped a little bit. I managed to take a few out before they got me."
"What is your Zelda like?" Sky asked. 
Wild pursed his lips. Sometimes it was hard to describe her. After losing his memories, the Champion had to practically watch his old life, and with that the old Zelda. But she was much different now. She smiled more and laughed. She wasn't burdened by the coming of the Calamity. "She's very smart and kind. But she also isn't afraid to tell people exactly what she thinks.
By now they were walking under the Cliffs of Quince. They walked in silence for a bit, taking in Wild's homeland. It was strangely quiet, save for their footfalls and a few birds. It was nice almost, the other lands they'd been to seemed to be loud, and bold. Boasting their adventure with the sounds around them. But Wild's home was quieter. There were still sounds, but it's silence allowed them to really take in their surroundings. The ruins of a once boasting kingdom. They were walking through what was left, and the sounds around them seemed to know.
Soon they saw a tall tower that has the Sheikah symbol on it. Time looked up at it in interest. It seemed that in this time, the Sheikah were thriving, as compared to his own time when Impa was the last one. 
Up ahead, a windmill could be seen, and a few houses as well. Wind brought his hand to his forehead to block the sun. He was riding Epona to get a better view. "Is that your village?"
Wild nodded. "Yep. I bought a house there. They're starting to put wells in too."
Time grimaced inwardly. He hated wells. It was bad enough having to navigate the haunted well under Kakariko Village, but fighting that...thing. Very few things scared the Old Man, but Dead Hand was one of them.
They walked along the part between Ginner and Midla Woods until they reached the front gate. A man familiar to Wild but not the rest waved. He had a straw hat and a pitchfork. He smiled when he saw Wild.
"Hey, Link! You're back? The Princess is at your house. She's been waiting for you to return."
Wild grinned. "Thanks, Thadd. I'll see you around." He led his companions up the hill and to the right, crossing the bridge over Firly Pond.
"Nice place, Champion." Warriors said surveying the property. "But the Princess lives here?"
Wild nodded. "Yeah. The castle is still undergoing reconstruction, so she stays with me. I am her appointed knight after all."
He opened the door. "Zelda?" He looked around, but no one was inside. It was a small house, she couldn't be far. "She's probably out back." He walked behind the house, and found the one he was looking for.
Zelda was sitting on the grass with a notebook and pencil in her hand. She had taken up the hobby of cataloguing the wildlife around her. At the sound of Wild's footsteps, she turned around. Her green eyes were as bright as ever. "Link?"
Wild gave her a lopsided smile. "Hey, Flora. It's been awhile."
She stood up and walked over to him, giving him a hug. "Where have you been?!" Her royal accent seemed to incenuate her words. She looked over his shoulder and saw the Chain. 
Flora pulled away from her knight. "Who are they?"
Wild scratched the back of his head. "It's a long story."
Inside, all the Links were sitting at the table. Legend was looking at the pictures on the walls, and Four was examining the weapon mounts.
"Fascinating," Flora said. "So you're all the same person, yet not. And even more interested, you're all chosen by the gods to save Hyrule."
"Well, not me." Wind said as he fiddled with his sleeves. "My sister was kidnapped by Ganondorf, and in order to save her, I had to undergo lots of trials. Only then did the gods recognize me as the Hero."
Flora smiled. "You're all so different too." She looked at all of them as she spoke.. "From what you told me, you're from the forest, you're a captain of the Royal Army, you're a blacksmith, a sailor, a rancher, a knight in a new kingdom, a traveler, and you're..." She looked at Legend.
The Veteran shrugged. "Let's just say I'm a Jack of all trades."
Sky looked at the Princess. "You're so different from my Zelda, but so similar at the same time."
Flora brightened. "Really?"
The Chosen nodded. "You're both strong willed and powerful. But you're also kind and forgiving." He sighed at the thought of his Zelda. He longed to be with her once again.
Twilight shrugged. "I don't really know my Zelda very well, but you do have the same air of leadership, Your Highness."
Flora chuckled. "Please, there's no need for formalities."
"You don't know your Zelda?" Four asked, to which the Rancher shrugged. "I've known mine as long as I can remember." The Smith thought back to his loud friend, how her father and his grandfather had been old friends.
"I've known mine since childhood as well." Time chimed in. "But we went our separate ways long ago. I still see her sometimes when I'm delivering milk to Castle Town, but that's it really."
Warriors rapped the table with his knuckles. "I never really knew mine. But when the war started, I fought along side her. She is a powerful ally."
Wind grinned. "My Zelda hates being called Zelda. She prefers to be called by her middle name and lead us through the seas."
"How about you, Traveler?" Legend asked his friend. "What's your Zelda like?"
Hyrule had to think about it for a moment. He had two Zeldas. One that was captured by Ganon, and the other whom he awakened from a deep slumber. The former know lived in Hyrule Castle and was repairing her kingdom, much like Flora. But the latter was living on a small farm run by her and Hyrule, having chosen to lay low and live the life of a commoner.
"She working on helping my Hyrule, too." The Traveller said, choosing the Zelda from his first adventure. "What about you?"
Legend shifted. "She's the ruler, and a kind one at that." He wasn't lying, but it wasn't the whole truth. The Veteran didn't want to get into the whole scandal.
"Well, it sounds like you have very interesting versions of me as well." Flora said.
Wild nodded. "It really makes you wonder if there are more of us."
The group was silent as they thought about that. Could there be more of them. More young men with a heart of a lion, and more princesses with the blood of the goddess?
The setting sun shone through the windows, casting a golden light on the group's faces, and even making Wild's scares dance. Legend moved up the stairs and observed more pictures, but one caught his eye in particular. 
It showed Wild and Flora in the middle, but both held expressions of surprise. There was a Zora girl who was thrown forward and just as surprised, and a bird man, a Rito as Wild and Wind called them, who seemed to be sqwaking in shock. A Gerudo woman was smiling playfully, and a Goron with a mischievous grin was pushing them all together.
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"Who are they?" The Hero of Legend asked. They obviously held some significance in Wild's, and possibly the Princess' life.
Wild and Flora's faces saddned slightly at the picture. "Those were the Champions." Wild explained. "Like me, they were chosen to help in the fight against Calamity Ganon."
"Were?" Time asked.
Wild sighed. "They fell in battle, but they weren't as lucky as me. If I had been faster...
Flora stood and looked at Wild. "Link, you know just as well as I do that it wasn't your fault. You were protecting me, you were doing your duty."
Wild scoffed. "Yeah, and some job I did with that. Tell me, how long were you in the castle fighting Ganon while I slept?"
"A hundred years, Zelda." Wild said standing. "And how much longer did you wait as I ran around Hyrule, just trying to remember who I was. Not to mention how long it took me to free the Divine Beasts." He scowled. "I wasted so much time as you were on your last legs. Some appointed knight I am." He opened the door and left.
"Link–!" Flora tried to go after him, but the door was shut in her face. Twilight rose and rested his hand on the Princess' shoulder. Was he overstepping his boundaries? Maybe. But at that moment she wasn't the princess, she was a girl who needed comfort from someone Wild knew well.
"Don't worry, he be okay."
"How can you be so sure?" Flora sniffed. Wild had expressed very little to her, an old habit he was trying to break.
Twilight sighed. "A few weeks back, I was mortality wounded and was dying. He had a moment like this, but after some time alone he calmed down and was able to help the situation."
Flora looked at the Rancher. While she may be older in years, 118 to be exact, the young man was still older physically and mentally. Not to mention he had spent months traveling with her Link. She let out a sigh. "I'm going to speak to him." She walked out the door.
Wild sat at the summit of Ebon Mountain where Heartbreak Pond called home.
Heartbreak. That seemed to be the theme in the Champion's life. Doomed to fail and live with it. Sometimes Wild wished he had died a century ago, then he could at least be at piece with his friends. Or even his father and sister, who would have died by now anyway, even without the Calamity.
Wild didn't remember much of his family. Only his father's strong hands, and his sister's laughter. He had no recollection of his mother, but Zelda had found records at Hyrule Castle of each knight and their families. It seemed that his mother had died when his sister was only a baby due to an illness that swept over Hyrule.
Wild looked down at his gloved hands. Only his fingers showed, and the ones belonging to his left hand had scars on the tips. The scars. Each one a reminder of the pain he endured fighting for Zelda. His only goal to usher her to the safety of Kakariko Village. 
It was strange to think about how much he had changed since that fateful day a century ago. Once a silent, dutiful knight, loyal to his king, he was know a rambunctious wanderer, who didn't trust as much as he used to. Random travelers turning into banana-crazed assassians will do that to a person.
A sigh escaped his lips as he watched the sunset, and another sound was heard. Footsteps. Wild turned around to see Zelda walking over to him. Her blonde hair looked like a waterfall of gold and amber in the day's last light.
"I've always wondered what caused this pond to have such a shape." She said sitting down next to Wild. "I've heard of another pond like this on Tuft Mountain. Maybe I'll go and see it soon."
"It's nothing much." Wild said. "There's a few fairies that come out at night, but that's it."
Flora hummed. "It doesn't sound like nothing to me. I'd like to take up painting, and that could be an excellent way to start."
"The people of Lurelin might recognize you." Wild said. "You've mentioned how you want to keep a low profile."
"Then I shall have to wear a disguise then. How well do you think I can wear a false mustache?" She grinned at Wild, and he couldn't help but chuckle.
"Not very well." He replied honestly. "Not with that long hair of yours." 
Flora looked at him. "I've been thinking about cutting it. It gets in my way when we're traveling. We are headed to Faron to explore the Zonai ruins when you find out what's causing this mysterious portals. The climate there is humid and hot, so I don't know how well these locks will suit me. What about you? Have you given your hair any thought? It's rather long."
Wild felt his hair. The mane of gold reached down to his belt, but he didn't mind it. "I haven't thought about my hair in a hundred years." 
The centenarians shared a laugh. Wild looked down at his hands. "Flora, I'm sorry for my outburst inside. I just–"
Zelda put her hand on his. "Link, it's okay. I myself have felt the same way. But you must remember what Urbosa told you to tell me. "No one need carry blame." "
Wild smiled at her, stretching his scars upwards. "Thanks, Zelda." 
The two stared off into the sunset in silence. Wild turned to look at her suddenly. "You really think I should cut my hair?"
Flora chuckled, touching her fingers to her miumo as she so often did when laughing. "Well, it may help you sneak into Gerudo Town easier."
Wild gaped at her as she burst into laughter. "Fine. I'll remember that when you need someone to escort you to the Lost Woods."
She shoved him lightly. "I can navigate my way through the Lost Woods just fine, thank you very much."
Wild gave her the side eye. "Sure you can."
Now it was her turn to gape at him. "I can too! Honestly, Link, I'm surprised you even found your way through at all."
Wild smirked. "It was easy. Especially when you–" He stopped suddenly. "Oh, you almost got it out of me." 
Flora sighed. "It was worth a try. Why won't you tell me?"
"The Lost Woods is the only thing protecting Korok Forest." Wild explained. "I'll teach you when we go to get the Master Sword back from revitalization. It needs to be kept secret."
"I suppose you're right." Flora admitted. "You're counterparts..." She said changing the subject. "You seem to be close to the one you call 'Rancher'."
The Champion looked at her. "Do you remember the wolf that shows up randomly?" Zelda nodded, and he continued. "Well, that's him. Except younger. He didn't know me until this journey, but I know him because he helped me in this time, but he doesn't know that. Does that make sense?"
Flora nodded. "Yes." She looked out at the sunset. "But this whole thing is extraordinary. What could possibly be driving the Hero's Spirit together?"
"I don't know." Wild admitted. The sky was nearly dark now. The Champion looked over to his charge. She still had her hand on his, and he enjoyed the feeling. It reminded him that someone living remembered him, unlike so many of the people of Hyrule. Some exceptions were Kass, Riju, Yunobo, Teba (though he took some convincing), and the entirety of Zora's Domain.
But Zelda was there when it happened, when Hyrule fell. When he died. She has been with him since the beginning of his journey as a Champion, and Wild treasured that more than anything. He was her knight, and would give his life all over again for her.
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genjishimemeda · 8 months
rebirth demo notes, here be spoilers:
the nibelheim inn is called nidhogg hotel, referring to the dragon níðhöggr that gnaws at the roots of yggdrasil
the river that the bridge breaks into is called gunnthra, referring to the river gunnþrá that is one of the eleven rivers that flow through hel
the cave in which the materia guardian resides is called gnipahellir, the home of the hellhound garmr who guards the gates of hel
nibelheim is definitely closer to the shore. comparing the map of the overworld to the original map, some landmasses have been moved or inserted differently. i can't get a clear photo.
there's a fucking graffiti art of hojo?? in the underground lab??? i do not understand or know why the fuck???? who did this
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chickens exist in ffvii
i've seen dogs in nibelheim that resemble breeds of dogs from germany, namely the german shepherd and the rottweiler
pork sandwiches at least mean pigs exist lol
chocobo riders are indeed called cowboys which implies that cows exist, and that ranchers use chocobos to herd them
big fat lore dump made me Hapy
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moroneur · 5 months
okok, hear me out on this rottmnt leo x reader au idea guys i swear:
Rottmnt separated au where Leo (named Kappa) was raised as the next battle nexus champion n owner (in case anything happens to big mama) by big mama and he had to fight (literally and figuratively) for familial affection and peace his whole life. Then theres Reader who was abandoned by her parents the moment they found out about her ability to see into the future via dreams (which isnt as straightforward as it sounds- her visions span across multiple alternate timelines and they vary in time making it hard to understand and navigate), so they gave their small child to big mama (human version) and lil yn is forced to become a servant bc her powers are ultimately useless.
small yn is basically forced by the other employees to serve Leo bc none of em wanted to. Yn is scared and shy at first but then they kinda become friends (She even names him Leonardo bc its a very characteristic throughout her dreams and she thought it suit him) eventhough he has to hide it in public and pretend he doesnt gaf about the human because the other yokai would make fun of him and call him weak n pick on them. They basically grow up side by side, developing extreme loyalty to each other.
He's prissy and picky and an arrogant brat and hes possessive and caring and would protect yn with his entire being. He had to fight Big Mama for her to stay and not get kicked on the streets, making Big Mama send Leo on field missions as a punishment, making him take Yn with him, purposefully making her dead weight, but he always came out on top.
throughout the years Yn became very introverted and showed her true self only to leo bc that was her one and only safe place. They go on outings in the hidden city and run from the bellboys tryna catch them when BM finds out they snuck out.
The other turtles are all scattered.
Donatello is with Draxum, YN and Leo being the only ones that even call him Donatello. (Drax calls him Purple bc he's horrendous with names). He used to be a full on turtle mutant but because of Draxum training him until he was drained n tired asf there was a lab accident, making him half cyborg. His shell is now replaced with a deadly metal 'shell', one of his eyes is artificial, and eventhough he's trained in multiple weapons, he prefers using technology and working on war weapons making Big Mama and Draxum collaborate. Whenever there's a meeting both BM and Draxum would take their sons with them as 'theyre the succesors and should be there for future reference' though Leo thinks Big Mama wants to have a good image and show Draxum off by dangling something that she took from him right in his face. Well, if Leo's going, that automatically means YN is coming with him; he wont let her out of her periphery, wont make snatching his pet away from him easy for Big Mama. They basically met at those meetings, though they usually sent the younger ones elsewhere while the adults spoke of veery important things. Donatello absolutely hated YN at first bc she was human so him n leo almost fought, but YN, being a little familiar with Donnie from her dreams, started asking Donatello questions to appease him, making Donnie tolerate her (theyre working on extending that tolerance to all of humanity). Leo and Donnie's and Yn's relationship is on thin ice, but it is getting better- they visit don when theyre in the hidden city and help him with gathering materials from the overworld bc Purple wasnt allowed lol Loser. (they snuck him out and showed him the wonders of human tech though, once or twice.) Leo got his mystic weapon from Baron Draxum as a gift (eventhough he actually didnt want to give it. Donnie convinced him to do so because Drax had a fight with Big Mama and 'giving a gift to her son would show your utmost apologies and mend your business partnership') a way to get back into good graces w Big Mama and Draxum. Just business.
Raph (or Beast) is with the Foot Clan. He was raised very lovingly (bc they were prepping him for the shredder armor), and reveres shredder as his god bc while his parents may have 'loved' him, he was at the end of the day, just a tool to help shredder's revival (everyone in the clan thought so about themselves, they were veery cult like). Leo only knows of them bc he spotted them breaking into a mall while he was 'shopping' gifts for YN :3. he found them hilarious so he watched on as they struggled to fit Beast through multiple doors in the mall. The guy was huge, bigger than he was supposed to be. wtf were they feeding him?? Leo ofc records it and shows it to YN and she can deduce the future from her dreams and the way things r going irl and goes like oh shit this is bad lol we're fucked if someone doesnt do anything abt this and leos like will it hurt you? yn: yes. yes leo it will. leo: oh okay dw then yn ill steal it from them hehe. so he trolls the foot clan whenever he can just for funsies (Leo is also slightly insane n arrogant, so being a little shit comes naturally to him). Whilst he was stalking the top execs he comes across a binding ritual for two or more people. He watched and listened as it was explained thru a book. He stole the ritual book and read through it himself, coming up with an idea himself.
He brings the book to YN and tells her he wants to souldbond with her. (their relationship is like: i belong to leo and only leo but we're not dating n vice versa... like kiss alr smh.) A soulbond is an irreversible binding contract between two people, which allows them to communicate their intent just by their thoughts and solidifying their involvement with each other. It can only be broken if one of them dies. Yn agrees and they make the soulbond without any regrets. No one knows about it but Donnie, whose eye had strong mystic receptors iy already. He saw the chains binding the 2 together and gagged the moment he found out what it meant LMAO.
Raphs fighting style are his body and tail only. hes a brute through and through, his older sister is Cass.
Mikey is with Splinter, who felt so guilty of being unable to save mikeys brothers he unintentionally started neglecting Mikey and developed depression. Mikey bless his soul has been doing his best to keep it together and bring his bros together. He doesnt succeed at it very much and only represses his emotions until he cant anymore, and when that happens lets say the city had a few buildings to fix. Mikey stole the Kusari fundo from Draxum, and its his main weapon.
April, who has Mayhem as her pet, is trying to become a journalist, so she's always at the fights, writing stuff down and then publishing them. Her main way of staying safe is Mayhem's portals lol. She's been saved multiple times by Yn begging leo to give her mercy lol. None of the turtles rlly interact w her.
YN is very shy and closed off. She can be very calculative and manipulative if dhe wants to, making her the perfect s/o for leo, who can analyse a situation and come up on top with the best outcome, as well as pull any information out of anyone, violently or not. He needs constant praise. Leo has a short fuse, and Yn is his perfect match, always calming the situation down before it could make leo explode; she knows all his triggers and tells and weaknesses, as does he for her since they yknow, grew up together.
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tadbitsketch · 2 months
I haven't done one of these in forever but welcome back to Sketch Rambles About MCSM Stuff at an Unreasonable Hour of the Night 🎉🎉🎉
Tonight, I'm gonna discuss one of my favorite songs from the Minecraft: Story Mode OST, "Redstone Baby," and the potential lore that it holds. And why that's very Sorengaard related.
Disclaimer: this is me interpreting silly block people. Unless otherwise stated (or in the game), it ain't actually canon. Also, I am a teenage girl. I am not versed very well in the specifics of how music theory works and how it's used in media. Also also, I wrote most of this like two months ago and completely forgot about it.
(In case you needed a reminder of how it sounds)
This song appears twice in the season 1 episode 3: when you arrive in Soren's lab area, and again in the end credits. It can also be heard through the closed secret entrance wall in the Wool World™, and it gradually becomes clearer as you approach the door to Soren's lab, where a music disc is playing the song inside.
The instrumentation of "Redstone Baby" consists of guitar, piano, and violin. It feels comforting and cozy, whilst also giving a sad, longing sort of vibe. According to a comment written 6 years ago by Antimo on the linked video, they were going for a sorta "Fallout: New Vegas" vibe when they wrote it. The song holds an air of nostalgia, of better times. An idealized dream of how the world could be.
To get to the point: it's cute, it's cozy, and it's a love song in a game where they weren't allowed to explicitly write any canon ships (if I'm remembering correctly). Also one of the few songs in this game to be given lyrics. So, of course, we're gonna talk about this. Or rather I'm gonna write about it and you're gonna read it.
The lyrics go as follows:
In a marshmallow world, you're my sweetheart.
In a marshmallow world, you're my sweetheart.
You're the bed to my rock,
The flint to my steel.
My redstone baby doll...
My redstone baby doll.
In a marshmallow world, you're my sweetheart.
In a marshmallow world, you're my sweetheart.
My sugar baby...
aaaah ladada, awoah...
The lyrics are pretty strange, right? It seems nonsensical at first, but I (and many others) believe that it has more meaning than meets the eye.
This is a love song addressed to a someone proficient with redstone. Funnily enough, Soren's old friend group did have one of those. A brilliant Redstone Engineer: Ellegaard. And quite interestingly, these two were pretty close, as is said multiple times in canon. I think Magnus mentions their little "Nerd Club," in episode 3 at some point. Another fact to back me up on this: Soren calls the song "Symphony in E" in-game on the little radio-disk-program-thing.
And for whatever reason, Soren and Ellegaard didn't stay close or end up together. There's not really a way to know for certain what went down between them. All we do know is that Soren wishes it was different.
The "marshmallow world" that is talked about in the song is Soren's perfect world. It's safe, sweet, and fluffy. I am of the opinion that it could possibly be an indirect reference to the wool world that Soren built. It's bright. It's safe. No monsters can get him there. He can just build things and be happy. In a perfect, marshmallow world, Ellegaard is with Soren.
The metaphors Soren uses here, "the bed to my rock, the flint to my steel," they're both iconic, inseparable duos: bedrock, and flint and steel. In Minecraft, bedrock is the unbreakable foundation beneath all else in the Overworld. Flint and steel is used to set things on fire, and is most often used to light Nether portals, which is way less symbolic (unless someone can find something? maybe the whole flaming heart being a metaphor for love thing?) but still iconic and the phrase has a very nice rhythm to it.
When we first hear the song, it feels like normal wishful thinking. It's more just fluff and poetry than full-on wants and desires.
But when we hear it in the end credits of episode 3... We just saw someone die after sacrificing their safety for Jesse's. The monster that they died to help kill isn't even dead. Someone we thought was dead is actually alive and doesn't remember anything. It's loud, dark, and burning. A sickening storm of death and destruction. Anything but the marshmallow world.
Without considering which of the two died, this song is already quite jarring in comparison to what was just witnessed. This "marshmallow world" that seemed somewhat close just a moment ago now feels implausible, and thus it'd be worth so much more if it were real.
I will never not love when something in a piece of media is treated as a good sign or motif or something and then it gets recontextualized and hurts ya right in the feels.
And with Redstone Baby combined with Ellegaard dying, it's just that extra brutal.
Because now it's not just, "in a perfect world, we'd be together." It's "in a perfect world, you wouldn't be dead, and we'd be together."
If only Soren wasn't so much of a coward. How differently things could've gone.
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howlonomy · 5 months
So if hearing the overworld themes is a Determination thing, could the Amalgamates hear them? Just imagine you're Kanako, you asked your mom to inject you with something, and then lose consciousness. Then, after an unknown amount of time, you wake up scared and confused in a strange place, and the first thing you hear is Here We Are. That might have added to her whole True Lab Trauma, tbh
HELLOOO THEY WOULD BE SO FILLED WITH EVEN MORE TRAUMA IF THEY COULD HEAR THE THEMES i mean. i assume they can in fights at least bc monsters can hear their own music. thats terrifying imagine jumping in a fight and KNOWING the music is wrong and its not you but theres nothing u can do to change it
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coldgoldlazarus · 3 months
Phendrana Drifts Depths
Tallon Overworld Grove
Phazon Mines Layer 3
Phendrana Drifts Valley
Chozo Ruins Gardens
Tallon Overworld Rainforest
Tallon Overworld Artifact Temple
Crashed Frigate Orpheon
Chozo Ruins Temple
Phendrana Drifts Temple
Chozo Ruins Plaza
Phendrana Drifts Labs
Phazon Mines Layers 1 & 2
Impact Crater
Desolate Frigate Orpheon
Magmoor Caverns
Temple Grounds Canyons
Sanctuary Fortress Bridge & Temple
Torvus Bog Surface
Sanctuary Fortress West Wing
Great Temple
Agon Wastes Pirate Base
Torvus Bog Depths
Agon Wastes Dustbowl
Temple Grounds Splinter Tunnels
Sanctuary Fortress East Wing
Skytown Towers
GFS Valhalla
Urtraghus Research
Skytown Facility
Bryyo Ice
Urtraghus Command
Bryyo Cliffs
Bryyo Encampment
Urtraghus Mines
Bryyo Fire
GFS Olympus
Urtraghus Blockade Run
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mirror-ralsei · 10 months
MINI THEORY: Egg-veryman
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Look, I'm not the first or only person to believe the man behind the tree might be Everyman. Just from a quick search, here's a theory and depiction preceding mine: 1 (huecycles), 2 (JJayBlaze123).
But as of the Spamton Sweepstakes, I do agree they're our most likely candidate. Here's a breakdown of all the evidence that personally led me to that conclusion.
Let's take a look at details we know about the egg man that might help us identify him:
The room's layout resembles mysteryman and “[redacted]”
He seems to exist in a cat state, just like the eggs he gives.
Noelle's story may imply, if the man is anything like his eggs, that the man is disturbing in some way.
There is graffiti clue of the egg tree in the same color as the ICE-E spraypaint in the alley. (Credit to VGFM for noticing this!)
He can be seen in a car.
While in the car, he is waving at us, and he “might be happy to see” us.
Spamton may know him.
He has never spoken out loud.
Comparing this to Everyman:
Everyman has not appeared in the overworld yet. (Unconfirmed)
We don't know enough about UTDR's cat states or Everyman to confirm or deny this point. (Unconfirmed)
Everyman is disturbing enough to have their first appearance be in the True Lab lmao (Likely)
Graffiti of Everyman is right next to the ICE-E graffiti. (Plausible)
We don't know if Everyman can drive lol (Unconfirmed)
We don't know if Everyman would wave to us or not, since we know little about them, but they are described as “Just a good guy who shows up on occasion,” and “might be happy to see you” seemingly would either be a reference to a cat state (as in “they might be happy, they might not be”), or referring to being uncertain if the egg man is happy (as in “they might be happy, but I could be wrong”) - the latter would make sense, as Everyman has never emoted with their face in any appearance so far, and would thus be difficult to read. (Plausible)
We don't know for sure if Spamton knows Everyman, but we do have this interesting line: “WE DON'T NEED ANY [Man, Woman or Child] [At Half-Price]!” While it's unclear what character, if any, “[At Half-Price!]” is referring to*, every other bracket in these “WE DON'T NEED...”s seems to indicate a character Spamton knows: [Easels] seems to be Swatch, [CRTs] seems related to an upcoming Chapter 3 character from the “cathode crew,” and obviously there's Mike. And I suspect that “[Man, Woman or Child]” may indicate “Everyman.” It includes the “man” part while throwing out a generic umbrella for a lot of people - "every." (Plausible)
Everyman has never spoken out loud. In fact, their silence is such a notable part of their character that their Queen battle cameo has them give a noticably blank dialogue bubble, in stark contrast with all the others. They visibly fall to their knees in agony when overtaken by butterflies, but cannot scream. Even their visual design has them noticably lacking a mouth. (Likely)
As you can see, many of these points range from plausible matches to confirmed ones. And the remaining points are left inconclusive, not deconfirmations.
There's also these additional clues:
The egg given to Noelle was titled ““SPECIAL”” in quotations and without a period. In the first documentation of Everyman's name, Fox replied “”Everyman”” exclusively in quotations and without a period.
Noelle notes that the egg “didn't seem to be doing anything" - in most of Everyman's appearances, they do not move, with the exceptions being after they are attacked and taken over by butterflies, and while they are propelled by a carousel (but still stationary themself).
Everyman is made of round shapes, which could concievably allow them to appear in Cat Petterz.
Subjectively, Everyman resembles a white, embryonic-looking bird, all of which relate to eggs. Spamton even mentions the white color of the egg man's eggs when saying “A WHITE ONE, THAT'S SURELY [another man's treasure].”
Subjectively, I think the Waltz of Seccom Masada, or whatever the egg room theme is called now, suits the Everyman character very well: starts in major key to indicate friendliness, but something is slightly, unnervingly off about it...strange, even. (ba dum tss) Everyman's visual design is similarly made up of round, friendly shapes, yet is very disturbing due to a variety of factors.
“Just a good guy who shows up on occasion” perfectly describes the egg man's appearances behind the trees.
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Again, Everyman is also heavily tied to the term “man”: both with “Everyman” and “strangeman.”
Literally clones their head like an egg.
We know little about Everyman, but what we do know seems to line up with the man behind the tree.
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*(If I could hazard a guess, I don't actually think [At Half-Price!] is referring to a character, but a property about [Man, Woman, or Child]. Specifically, I think Spamton means that the character has been "cut in half" in some way. Why do I think this? See my theory about division through reflection, a motif that seems to be cropping up a lot.)
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aquaquadrant · 1 year
updated doc and stress backstory for HTP au (despite the fact that they really won’t feature in this au at all, except maybe for some post-story drabbles, but they’re part of the HTP extended universe so here we are) courtesy of @kaiicedragon and this ask
old canon: doc (full name doc monster77) and stress (full name stress monster101) are artificial players created by the same overworlder scientist. doc was the 77th but first viable attempt (ie. the first one that survived) but he came out wrong (part creeper, part goat, and very disconnected from traditional player mentality) and needed serious cybernetics. he broke out not long after his creation, destroyed the lab, and fled to hermitcraft. stress was the 101st but second viable attempt and a complete success: she is physically indistinguishable from a naturally-spawned player. she also broke out and fled to hermitcraft. every attempt from 1 to doc and 78 to stress wasn’t viable- at least, not for very long (so there aren’t any other ‘monsters’ running around).
new canon: everything above still applies but now there are some additional details. the scientist who created them was axis co, the overworld counterpart of our favorite trash man atlas syn. he isn’t evil by nature but is strongly misguided in an attempt to serve the ‘greater good’ through science. he wanted to mass-produce artificial players to act as test subjects for a variety of other experiments that would ultimately benefit player-kind but that would be too inhumane to perform on ‘real’ players, but also wouldn’t work with mobs (such as experiments that look at the effects of player injuries following respawn, for example).
axis intended his ‘monsters’ to be physically identical to a regular player, but didn’t anticipate that their mindsets would also be the same. he was essentially trying to create a mob in a player’s body (mobs are regularly exploited across the universe in farms so like, experiments aren’t off the table either). doc sorta fit with that definition; he was definitely more intelligent than axis was expecting but his violent nature convinced him doc was more like a mob. it was after he created stress that he really understood what he’d done. once he excitedly told her what her purpose was she told him off (“WHADDAYA MEAN, YOU PLONKAH??”) and escaped, destroying his research so he couldn’t easily continue his work (she was supposed to be the template for future monsters).
but luckily, axis doesn’t have the same obsessive nature as his hels. he abandoned the project after stress escaped; he realized he had created beings that were far more sentient than intended and thus couldn’t justify using them as test subjects. though he moved on to other work, he wishes he could find doc and stress someday and try to make amends with them. whether or not they’d be receptive to that is a story for another time.
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kozykricket · 1 year
deep dark headcanon that explains deep dark biomes INCLUDING those without cities in them
here goes so, for context, i like to believe that the "portal" is not actually much of a portal per se, or at least not to another dimension. I believe calling it a "gateway" would be more apt. The way the nether and end are different dimensions entirely is not what I imagine is on the "other side" of that portal. I think its another plane of the overworld, the astral/spirit plane. Thats my headcanon right there. That you... may not even be able to go through, and its more of a way to interact with an afterlife of sorts, or a... more dreamy, non-matter... parts of the overworld anyways, heres what i think: sculk is a fungus-mold that forms in certain areas of the world (deep dark biomes) that are weak points (potential access points), where the plane of the spirit world is almost overlapping, almost accessible and becoming tangible. the overlap of the spirit and material realm causes strange anomalies to happen, such as the growth of sculk if you wanted to look at it ANOTHER, similar, adjacent way, you could say deep dark biomes are where its actually... that instead of things being able to pass on to the spirit plane and become non-matter, their souls stay as physical matter in the world, not quite being able to ascend to the spirit plane, which results in the growth of sculk. It feeds off of the souls that cannot make it to the afterlife, giving them a cruel afterlife of sorts, to help expand itself but hey... at least the wretched afterlife of becoming part of the sculk means that you can hear well... and you're certainly well protected, by the most strong willed of the souls... (though tbh, i really do prefer sculk being some sorta lab accident (i love when lab accidents make really fucked up things in games a la true lab undertale, and other games i wont spoil)
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nerdy-the-artist · 1 month
The Flying Pirates are hardcore
So these Space Pirates in particular are hardcore as fuck. The scans state directly that they have a well known habit of diving into any target once their luck has run out to take the enemy out with them. This kamikaze strategy is not just an occasional occurrence, but standard practice. Furthermore, on Tallon IV, these Pirates can be found in multiple biomes in the game, from the dangerous heat of magmoor caverns to the freezing cold of Phendrana Drifts. They can be encountered in Tallon Overworld, which is to be expected. The underwater variant of them can be found in the sunken frigate Orpheon which doesn’t take a huge leap in environment, just some retooled thrusters and an air tank for breathing. However, their environmental adaptability starts to get put on show in their first proper introduction in Phendrana Drifts. Phendrana is a snow covered wasteland, with almost no flora to speak of. It is a harsh and unforgiving environment covered in snow and ice, and these guys don’t layer up for the weather. Still, given that the Space Pirate labs have buildups of sitting snow, you might assume that Space Pirates just enjoy the colder temperatures. But these guys also show up in MAGMOOR CAVERNS. Samus requires the Varia Suit to step foot in those areas without cooking alive, and the Flying Pirates are in there without any heat protection whatsoever. I think they may be extremophiles.
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INFECTION AU - False Demodragon Disease Survivors Infected Cured Immune Unknown Part 2
Alopex came across Leatherhead as he was attempting to search for the turtles. They have since partnered together.
Slash was infected when Mutanimals' lair was infiltrated by a Stage 3 Raphael. He soon attacked. Slash is currently at Stage 2.
Leatherhead was the only Mutanimal to escape when Raphael attacked. He is trying to find the other survivors. At least he has Alopex.
Dr Rockwell was infected when Mutanimals' lair was infiltrated by a Stage 3 Raphael. He soon attacked. Rockwell is currently at Stage 1 and caring for his teammates the best he can.
Mondo Gecko was infected when Mutanimals' lair was infiltrated by a Stage 3 Raphael. He soon attacked. Mondo is currently at Stage 1. He's scared more than anything.
Mona Lisa and Sal Commander just landed on Earth. As aliens, they are immune. Mona is searching for Raphael while Sal is trying to protect her.
Kirby O'Neil should've evacuated. He just doesn't want to leave April alone. He can't be separated from her again. He does what he can in the lab but spends most of his time with his daughter.
Renet Tilley is powerless. She knew this timeline was always doomed, but it's still heart-breaking to watch. She wishes she could so more.
Lord Oriri Solar Knight and Lady Cadere Luna Knight couldn't care less. Their duty is to take care of the Overworld. Why would they care about this timeline of Earth? No matter how much Comet (OC) begs, they won't do anything.
Ursa Major (OC) searches for their lover. Why won't this fever go away? Why was the city so quiet? Why did Slash attack them? They are nothing but a mess of confusion. They are at Stage 1.
Diamonte Vizioso (OC) is in prison with the rest of his father's gang. He is currently unaware of the infection.
Envy (OC) has been watching for months. She only entered the survivor's hideout recently. For once in her life she has to remain loyal to others.
Comet (@solofanatic64's OC) has been travelling space for the past year. All contact with her from Earth is severed. Or so they thought. Yasmin (OC) only had two close friends, Xever and Comet. One night she called out for her space friend, wishing she was here. And then she arrived. Of course, she was unaware of the infection. Comet is immune due to being a deity of sorts. Not that it helped lessen her guilt. Perhaps if she got there sooner, she could've helped more.
Comet's wishing powers allow her to give mutants immunity to the infection and even cure it. As long as the victim is not at Stage 5 or near it. Doing this takes a great deal of energy out of her, which was learnt when she gave Zeck partial immunity (meaning he could still catch the virus but it wouldn't pass Stage 1). She spends most of her time begging for Lord Oriri and Lady Cadere's help.
Kitsune (@dnpanimationstudioclone’s oc) is with Karai and Shini. She manipulated them into being distrusting of everyone else, but helped to cure Karai. All that matters to her is her own survival.
It's not done?
Ŗ̵̟̲̗̼͊͜ U̸̢̧̳͎̲̹̩̓͑̉͆̕ N̴̙͌̽̋̓̓̐̀͘͝͝
Hamato Raphael has reached Stage 5.
April O'Neil is infected and at Stage 1 after Xever lashed out at her. No one knows. Not even herself. This lack of awareness is due to Xever being believed to be cured. The virus mutates after she catches it. Humans are no longer immune.
Xever Montes was only temporarily cured. He remains at Stage 3 for now. His sanity is (sort of) intact, but dwindles every day. He has unknowingly infected April with the virus.
Hamato Michelangelo hopefully remains uninfected.
Ask Me Stuff!
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melancholy-thots · 4 months
I Haven't Talked About This Yet??
This is one of the best mystery games I have ever played, and I play a weirdly large number of those given that they haven't really come up yet. They're coming though! I'm blogging more.
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The vibes. Sweet God in heaven the vibes. I wish I had some music I could show you for this game. It's incredible. Just look at the art and know that the music is tailor made to illicit the same type of emotional response. Everything about this game's aesthetics was cooked up in a lab to work perfectly together.
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I'm just now realizing that I have precious few screenshots of the overworld. Which is a shame! The open world nature of this mystery game is kind of unique (at least among games I've played) and also: it's absolutely gorgeous, y'all need to see this!
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Obviously, gameplay is not going to be at the center of my discussion here. It's a mystery game. You walk around, gather clues, piece together the mystery. None of that is particularly exceptional, not good, not bad, just not really noteworthy at all in my opinion. Where these types of games stand out is in the mystery that the player is solving.
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I'm not in the business of spoiling plots, especially not for games where, as I just said, the plot is the main selling point, so I'll keep this brief. All I'm going to say is that during the last hour, maybe two of the game, I was on the edge of my damn seat. I spent the majority of this game bouncing back and fourth. It was the bartender. No, the doctor, no the jailer. Every single person has motive and means and opportunities to do the murder (of course it's a murder, that's the only kind of mystery that exists). And as the truth started unfolding, it just kept getting crazier and crazier and I still didn't know 100% who to charge with the crime. So I save scummed and tried a few different options. All of them correct. But like. Different levels of correct. You'll have to play this amazing game yourself to find out what that even means. Alright. I've rambled on enough, I'm going to leave you with just a pile of screenshots so you can continue marveling at the beauty while you think about playing this game.
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This one is actually just a good note to know about how the game functions.
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Player Character Intro
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Did I mention every single character is insane and I love them?
Did I mention every single character is insane and I love them?
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satoshi-mochida · 6 months
JRPG-inspired turn-based fantasy RPG Runa announced for PC
From Gematsu
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Madrid-based developer Fennec Studio has announced Runa, a turn-based RPG inspired by modern and classic Japanese RPGs. A Kickstarter campaign will launch on April 16.
Here is an overview of the game, via its Steam page:
Runa is an adventure game inspired by modern and classic JRPG, with turn-based battle system, social links and a story-rich science fantasy world. Promising to keep intact what makes classic JRPG games fun, Runa also features elemental puzzles and base building, as well as minigames like farming, fishing and cooking. Runa is set in a world in which runas symbolize the technological advancements of an ancient civilization. Whether for domestic use or combat, the use of runas is key. Only some people, known as adepts, are able to fully control them and unleash their true powers.
Key Features
-Explore a Huge World – The world of Runa is a colorful and vibrant fantasy one, but also full of mysteries and sci-fi elements. Follow the journey of a group of adventurers who, driven by their unique motivations, find themselves traveling the world and unraveling all its hidden secrets.
-Fight Turn-Based Battles – The “Elemental Break System” is a battle system inspired by JRPG classics: turn-based battles with ordered turns, elemental affinities and strategical approach. With four active and a total of seven party members, that can be swapped anytime (no turn wasted), group ultimates, and a lot of powerful skills!
-Relationships and Romance – Date different characters individually to strengthen your relationships with them. If you’re trying to find that special someone in the world of Runa, you’ll have more than 15 romance options, including same-gender relationships.
-Solve Elemental Puzzles – Solve a wide variety of elemental riddles, with seven different elements and 12 elemental skills at your disposal. Engage in quick puzzles in both the overworld and cities, and navigate dungeons designed around unique puzzle combinations.
-Base Building and Minigames – Build your own base in the city of Enyth by creating and enhancing buildings according to your preferences. Recruiting certain characters or completing important quests unlock the creation of some buildings, including: Residences, Canteen, Dojo, Lab, Farm, Runa Research Center, Antique Shop…
-And More…
Weather and time changes
Day and night cycle
Mixed calendar system
Elaborate dialogue system with choices
No silent protagonist
Elaborate quests
Hand-painted minimaps
Watch the announcement trailer below. View the first screenshots at the gallery.
Announcement Trailer
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