#A4 Spoilers
backpackevil · 14 days
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I'm gonna make a whole bunch of these for the goobers I like and stick every single one of them somewhere on my walls
And absolutely no one can stop me
+ the concept sketch that, thanks to commentary, still makes me laugh
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fandoomrants · 2 months
Tua, s4, ep 5 thoughts!
-Five and Lila travelling for years?! Omg!
-Also them fighting, laughing, and bonding!
-Pls no one make this weird and sexual! That was finally them bonding and showing trust, taking care of each other. Him, helping put the glass out of her leg, and her shaving him and leaning on him. That's just trust!
-Klaus is gonna spend some time in that coffin, wouldn't he?
-Can he potentially die due to lack of oxygen and food, and be reborn over and over again for eternity?!
-I knew he's gonna set sth on fire....
-That was indeed uncalled for!
-I feel that the same thing with Klaus trusting Reginald and then being stabbed in the back by him is repeating again...
-Ok, Ben's mind is really hijacked...
-Yep. Viktor's name is indeed spelled with a K. I knew that, not sure why I started spelling it with a C.
-Can't believe for once Luther is reasonable, and Diego's not. Well, they both usually are but I've always thought Luther is more oblivious.
-Wherever Five and Lila are, the time must be passing differently.
-OMG, dog ghost!! Cute!!!
-Claire was picking up Klaus 🥹
-Allison can just try to rumour the guy.....
-Caire to the rescue!
-Can't believe Allison did that in front of her daughter....
-Aw, Diego learned another language to be able to communicate with Lila's family?!? Cute!
-The place Five and Lila are at is kinda nice.
-..... Thoo, I did say their bond was nice and shouldn't be seen as something romantic in the beginning but ngl, they give me a bit odd vibes....
-Nooooo! 🫣🫣 This shouldn't have happened!
-Ughhh, finee! I get it, I can't read people's relationships right! Every time I decide "oh, what a cute platonic bond", and ha! Nope! Not so platonic!
-I'll be forever mad about that!
-Sidenote (I wanna forget the prev scene!) but where is Gene kinda familiar from? 🤔🤔 Been trying to decide that for 5 episodes now.
-Luther actually trying to bullshit his way out of a situation, lol.
-...And gets in trouble for being nosy.
-Ok, the others got in trouble.
-Not the pants 💀😂
-Yay, fighting to music!
-Why are clothes being ripped? 💀💀
-And a random cat!
-"The moneymaker" 💀💀💀💀
-I was gonna say how are they gonna explain this to Five but Five has things to explain on his own...
-No, really, noo, I don't want this thing with Lila and Five 😭😭 Why is it happening?! It's literally proving Diego was right. Is like, something wrong with them? Like, are their brains messed? I suppose, 6 years is a long time...
-Umm.... Isn't Five a bit afraid of the train...
-Why is he hiding it?! Ughhh....
-Ok, kinda actually really happy Klaus decided to fight his way out.
-Tho, I expected that Allison and Claire would get there then.
-Aw, cute reunion!
-Why is Lila suddenly not worried about her kids, btw?
-But hey, good thing Five gave her the notebook!
-Ok, I kinda get why he's like that but like, he's been through apocalypse and all, he needs a break. But Lila is right, this isn't real.
-Ok, she remembered her children...
-Nah, Viktor, let them shoot him.
-See, bad idea. You got shoot, and he's bitching about his suit!
-I'm not buying the old man's nice words.
-Ouch! That was unexpected!
-But I suppose I guessed right for Reginald's wife?
-Omg, that skin thing is creepy!
-Is she an alien too?
-I think Jean isn't buying it...
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4ragon · 1 year
narumitsu 21 or 24 (i cant choose so i’ll let u decide) for the soft fic prompts please <3 <3 <3 <3
Lol guess who accidentally worked through her lunch break? Just going to force myself to take a breather now
Also, I mean, ¿por qué no los dos?
21. this is a very long hug now sort of hug / 24. just really needed a hug sort of hug
“Do you…think it’s really over?”
Phoenix was seated on a couch in the courthouse, looking far more haggard than he’d ever looked as a full-time lawyer all those years ago. This was supposed to be a victory, wasn’t it? Why did he just look so drained?
Miles stood there, gripping his arm, unsure of how to respond. It should be all over now, shouldn’t it? Kristoph’s plans had been laid bare. Phoenix’s innocence should be proven without a shadow of a doubt. This was where it was all headed, wasn’t it?
“It was a long fight to get here,” Miles said quietly.
“Yeah,” Phoenix croaked.
He should do something, shouldn’t he? Phoenix was always there for him when Miles needed him. But Phoenix always just knew intuitively what to do, didn’t he? Miles was at a loss, as always.
He frowned, carefully seating himself beside Phoenix on the old couch. He should offer words of encouragement, perhaps. “Wright—”
Suddenly there were arms around him. Miles jumped, turning to find Phoenix suddenly clinging to him, burying his face in Miles’s shoulder. It took him a few moments to process, before he scrambled to at least put an arm around Phoenix. Phoenix took a deep, shuddering breath, hands trembling as his fingers dug into the back of Miles’s suit jacket.
“I cannot say if it is truly over,” Miles said quietly, “but I will certainly continue down this path with you until it is. If you…If you want me to, that is.”
“Yeah,” Phoenix said with a weak chuckle. “Yeah, that’d be…nice.”
Miles nodded. Was a hug supposed to last so long? For a split second he considered checking his watch, but he had a feeling that would come off as rude.
“Heh…” Finally, Phoenix picked up his head, ducking away almost bashfully. “Thanks, Edgeworth. I…needed that.”
“Erm, yes, anytime,” Miles replied, finally drawing his arms away to fold them across his chest. Though perhaps a warning next time would be nice.
Phoenix sighed, standing up. “Well. I should go meet up with the kids in the defendant’s lobby, huh?”
“Certainly.” He watched as Phoenix made his way from the room. Still tired, but with just the slightest hint of that Phoenix Wright gleam in his eye.
No, it wasn’t quite over yet. But Miles would be there every step of the way.
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blorbobot · 1 year
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"'Will it be a complete memory purge?'
'No. Only what the council demanded.'
'Then at least I will remember you.'"
Zee (ZN-A4) - Jedi: Survivor
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tashgoose · 8 months
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Dungeon Meshi - Laios and Falin
(Slight spoilers)
Love this series and I love Falin's monster form. Haven't quite finished the manga yet but I'm catching up!
Schmincke watercolours, coloured pencils and postercolour highlights. Hot press fabriano artistico, A4.
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lawbin-archive · 2 months
Lawbin Wano Analysis Part 2 - you're not alone anymore
I actually want to wait Law to reappear before writing this analysis but we probably need to wait a long time for him to reappear *sigh* So I will just finish writing this :'( this is the last part but also imo the most romantic part haha
Since I have talked about this chapter for sooo many times, so I will try to talk about something that I haven't mention before. But if I said the same thing again, just scroll through haha -> *INCLUDE MANGA SPOILERS*
-> highlighted in purple are my delulu~
-> Again, don't read if you don't like Lawbin. Includes lots of bias.
Chapter 1055: Learning history with you
my bias ass want to say they are literally dating here!!! again I think I have been reading too much fanfic so in my mind, they definitely went on a date after I don't care what other says.
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The little bickering they have in the beginning is so adorable! Like Robin knew exactly why Law follow along but she needs to tease him a bit haha
Law searching through the whole palace or the whole flower capital just to find Robin is just really cute to me. You can tell Law really cares about Robin a lot, otherwise he wouldn't notice that she's not with her crew and he wouldn't spend time just to look for her. Like why did people missed that?!
Law trying to explain himself is also so funny, like yea sure...of course she is really suspicious that you need to find her haha I think someone also mentioned he looks like a high school boy trying to get close with his crush so pretend to be interested with the same hobby?! that's so funny
I also did a bit of research about hyena, they have excellent hearing and smell which is what Law referring here. Hyena also have a metaphor for people who are greedy for money or privilege which I think is not applicable in this case. But I'm surprised that there's a lore that hyena have long been thought to be a beast that can change sex. So did Oda put a little foreshadowing here?! (source: https://kotobank.jp/word/%E3%83%8F%E3%82%A4%E3%82%A8%E3%83%8A-112682)
And I think Oda purposely make it ambiguous here, he has a lot of ways to make them find poneglyph together without making Law a stalker (jk) But he has to shown it in this way that seems like Law is interested to Robin. He is definitely stirring something up here!
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Robin demeanour is also really different in front of Law. Me and the other lawbin enjoyers have talked about this in the discord before. When Robin flirting with other men, her tone is full of confidence and showing that she is a grown and mature women. And I think she always acting tough and has a "big sister" energy as a habit because of her past experience. She acted like this because that's her mechanism to protect herself. She grew up in an environment that she's afraid people will abandon her or hurt her when she is showing any weakness.
Not that I think her flirting is not genuine or being a "big sister" is not her real personality, she definitely is complimenting the person and she definitely want to take care of the straw hats like a big sis or mom.
What I'm trying to say is she doesn't show her weakness or her soft side to others easily. And I think she will show it only when she thinks she can rely or trust that person. And the only time she has shown her soft and cute side outside of straw hats is in front of Law!!
I have read some japanese readers' comments and some of them is saying usually Robin will say "ずるいわ…" to others (even to her own crew) but for Law, she said "ずるい…" which is a closer way to communicate. I will translate a few comments from japanese fans here: After all, Robin-chan doesn't seem to have her usual older sister vibe when she's with Law, right? Also, this time she said 'that's not fair… (zurui...)' but if it were with someone else, she would have said 'that's not fair…(zuruiwa....)' with a slightly different tone. This difference is quite significant; in many ways, it feels like there's something special. (source: ひさぎ@hisagi_cfa85c) I started shipping Lawbin from Chapter 1055. Normally, she would probably say 'That's not fair…(zuruiwa...)' but with Torao, she said 'That's not fair…(zurui...)' It feels like they have a classmate-like vibe that's different from Franky, Zoro, or Sanji, and I really like it. (source: aria2372)
+ plus one more comment from Chapter 996! It's probably because 'you're the survivor of Ohara and researching the Void Century' that he told you, but even knowing that, the choice of words is surprising. It's like a typical behavior or phrase one would use towards someone of the opposite sex they want to be conscious of, so I was really surprised. (source: user-xk4ru8cv9q)
And yes there are LOTS of comments about Robin's "it's not fair...(ずるい…)" and Law's "I told you because it's you (お前だから話した)" that the wording they chose is surprisingly ambiguous and hinting that they have a close relationship. And they wouldn't act like this with other people. I think that's one of the reasons why lawbin is so much popular in Japan because they can read the tone and wordings with more depth.
Also, as @/cericebelle mentioned we haven't seen Law called Robin since zou so maybe they changed how they called each other already?! Like maybe Law will called Robin as "Robin" instead of "Nico-ya" and Robin will start calling "Law" instead of "tora-o" again.
*BELOW HAVE MANGA SPOILERS* Now that we knew Clover's brother died just because he is a D. And we know that having a D in your name is dangerous which can get yourself killed, can we all agree that Law NEED to trust Robin in order to tell her his full name?! Especially he grew up with a childhood that he doesn't trust people easily. Like Law just tell her you like her! (my delulu again)
Since we are talking about the "true name" culture in Japan, I want to add this in the last analysis. I saw @/happytact reblog that Tales from Earthsea is written by an American author Ursula K. Le Guin. I'm really sorry for the misinformation and putting out the wrong references ><! There are so many anime that have the true name concept and yet I picked out the wrong one -.-
I will add more references to it, in "Spirited Away", the story is focus on true name, Chihiro signed contract by giving her true name and she needs to take her name back in order to go back reality. At the end, Haku also found his true name and he regains his freedom again. In "Natsume's Book of Friends", if you know the monster's true name you can control it. And in "Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle", sakura and syaoran they fell in love and saved each other along their journey, they confessed with each other and only at the end, they exchanged their real name. Not to mention there are lots of anime that express exposing your true name is important or dangerous like "Death Note" or "Your Name" . Telling your true name has a significant meaning in japanese culture, it almost means you're giving yourself to the person (only depends on the context, sometimes it's implied) so when Law told Robin his true name voluntarily, it's really important!!!
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When they are looking old wano in the little tunnel and standing really close to each other is way too cute!! When did you see Law self-willingly to get this close with a person that's outside of his crew?! (well maybe except when he is mad at Zoro and trying to fight him haha) Also because Robin teased him in the beginning so he flexed his ability in front of her and try to make her annoyed is so funny. Law act cool in front of anyone but being a little kid in front of his crush is just so him!!! They really show off a classmate vibe here!
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so y'all probably know one of the arguments from lawbin haters is "Law is just interested in the road poneglyph" "It's just for the plot" I always laugh at these comments because did you see Law didn't even get close to the poneglyph?! LOL he just standing behind like "I'm good" When Robin stand on a level higher to get close with the poneglyph, Law is also just down there.
And if he is only interested to the poneglyph, he didn't need to the flex in front of her to see the under water wano. He can just stand outside of the tunnel like Sukiyaki.
So in my opinion, Law wants to accompany with Robin. Not that he is completely non-interested to the poneglyph but I think most of it is because he is interested to learn history and find road poneglyph with Robin. Also, it really seems like he wants to get close with her and protect her from behind.
Oh no that's the end of their interactions T^T there is one more from 1056 but I already wrote a long post about it so I wouldn't repeat it again. Hopefully we can see them interact again soon so I can write more analysis!!!
Chapter 1056 analysis:
So some of my future lawbin delulu thoughts are: - they exchanged vivre card - they will meet at elbaf again and will learn more history together - robin will worried about law when she learnt that...you know
hopefully at least one of it will come true haha Thank you so much for reading this!! I really blab a lot haha Please always share your thoughts or comments with me. And also I will promote the lawbin discord group here if you're interested!
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junithelooperrrr · 19 days
a4 i think spoilers below cut
Can anyone hear me when i say that. Can you imagine how siffrin must have felt immediately after the island disappeared. Sure he's not TOLD that the disappearance of the island is their fault but HOLY HELL is it a tempting idea for like a kid or teenager who has just watched their entirely home country disappear, right after they clear distance from it. Like that's one hell of a coincidence. Can you imagine how that must have felt. Can you hear me. Can anyone hear me
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sleeper-kerennnnnnx · 1 month
MASHLE :author's Q&A from fan book translation
Please point out any mistakes or errors! I will correct them ASAP, thanks so much!
I will translate this in four parts as there‘s 131 questions in total!
Here are the Q1-Q33 parts!
To the animation fans: There are slight references to the subsequent plot of the comics‼ ️ (Q11 and Q17) Those who are not interested in spoilers can avoid it
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Q1. I want to know the name of the pastry shop that Mash will open in the future!
In addition, can rough dough fans and wet dough fans tolerate each other?
A1: The name of the shop is Beard Maggio. Unfortunately, the two cannot be compared, and such struggles of human beings like us have never stopped.
Q2: Will Mash marry Lemon?
A2: It's up to you to imagine.
Q3: What would it feel like if Mash had a different hairstyle?
A3: No one would recognize Mash. Because my character portrait is in the style of Miss Sazae (a comic).
Q4: How strong is Mash‘s grip?
A4: 600 kilograms. Like a gorilla.
Q5: How heavy is Mash's wristband?
A5: One ton, about as heavy as a black rhino.
Q6: Why do owls hate Mash so much?
A6: I don't know why. I'm often barked at by dogs, so it's probably the same feeling.
Q7: How did Mash escape from the castle and be picked up and adopted by Grandpa Regulo?
A7: Of course by the effort!
Q8: Regulo always calls Mash "son", but why does Mash call Mr. Regulo "grandpa"?
A8: Because Regulo looks more like grandpa, similar to a nickname.
Q9: I heard that Mash wants to be a pastry chef, so will he make other desserts besides puffs? In addition, what professions will Finn, Lance, Dot, and Lemon do in the future?
A9: He should start learning other desserts in the future. Finn may be a civil servant...? Lance will be an incredible person, Dot will be a registered tax agent or accountant, and Lemon may be an idol!
Q10: What is the badge on the chest of Mash's black tights?
A10: It's an owl! (Annotate:The badge can be found in the comics but not in the animation)
Q11: Why was Mash's hair slicked back when he awakened? Why did his skin turn black?
A11: Because the blood circulation became faster, the skin turned black and red! The hair also turned upside down because of the blood circulation!
Q12: Is it just a coincidence that Matthew can't do magic? Or did the Pure Root do something before he was born?
A12: It's just a coincidence! That's how genes work!
Q13: Cell War and Mash have similar hairstyles and magic lines. When they get close, they will resonate and cause headaches. Could it be that the Innocent Zero deliberately created such a replica?
A13: That's right! Cell War is a replica!
Q14: Has Mash's iron wand been used by other wizards before? Or has the iron wand been on the ground since it was made and no one has used it?
A14: No one has ever used that wand, it's always stuck on the floor! We don't know who it was made for (crying).
Q15: Finn later became a one liner, so did his second line disappear and become ineffective (crying)
A15: He's still growing up, not yet a complete double liner, so the second line will only appear when he's desperate!
Q16: Which of the parents of the Ames brothers (Finn and Rayne) has black hair and which has blond hair? Or do both parents have two-color hair?
A16: Both parents have two-color hair!
Q17: Did the relationship between the Ames brothers improve when they got together in the last chapter of the comic?
A17: The older brother is a tsundere, but it seems that the relationship has improved!
Q18: Why did Finn call Ryane "Onii-sama"  instead of "brother"?
A18: It's because the two keep their distance, there's a gap...
Q19: Ryane and Finn have always kept their distance. After Ryane became a divine awakener, did Ryane pay for Finn's living expenses?
A19: Ryane is quietly taking a long detour to help his brother bear the responsibility! (Translator comment: So cute hahahahaha)
Q20: Lemon said that the family conditions are not good. How bad are they? Can you tell me her story?
A20: The stew at home has no seasoning and tastes very bland (crying).
Q21: If Lemon's secondth and third-level magic awakens, will torture instruments and appear?
A21: Torture instruments should appear... (crying). So scary(crying).
Q22: What is Lemon's best dish?
A22: Egg rice bowl! This is not easy to make...
Q23: Which do you think is cuter, Lemon or love cute?
A23: Lemon! I like short hair!
Q24: Are the planet earrings that Lance often wears a gift from his parents? Or did he buy them himself?
A24: He bought them himself. (Translator comment: you are so trendy Lance...)
Q25: How is Lance's relationship with his parents?
A25: It's always bad... (crying)
Q26: If Anna has a boyfriend, how will Lance react?
A26: He will die!
Q27: Does Anna know that Lance is a sister-con and has a lot of her peripherals? If she knows, what does she think?
A27: It's okay! That's it!
Q28: Will Anna come to Easton to study?
A28: Yes! (Yeah!)
Q29: I want to know the name of Dort's third-level magic
A29: Because the personal magic is explosion magic, it is to summon "God of Explosion-Vulcanus"!
Q30: What is Dort's sister doing now? In addition, is she covering her eyes because of fashion or for some reason? I want to know if she has other secrets.
A30: She‘s now working outside! Good women are mysterious! So the reason is a secret!
Q31: I want to know what snacks that eat with tea Dot recommends!
A31: Madeleine cake! (Translator's note: small shell-shaped cake)
Q32: Does Dot know that he has Ira Kreuz? In addition, are his family members also people with Ira Kreuz?
A32: He knows that he is. His family all have Ira Kreuz. I don't really know what it means to be a person with Ira Kreuz!
Q33: Is the Barrett family the only one with Ira Kreuz?
A33: In addition to the Barrett family, there should be others!
Please click likes and subscribe if you enjoy it!Thanks for reading!hope you would like it and I‘ll update it ASAP
Chinese version is updated in:longyou1225.lofter.com
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aley-nag · 2 months
Creativity. My beloathed.
My next fanfiction project was Ipseity by @skyisgray. If you ever where in the Stucky Fandom, you've probably already read this. And if not you should go do that!
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I don't want to spoiler to much, but it is very Bucky-centric and follows him through his time with Hydra and how he copes with all the awfulness. It has some very compelling original characters and some lines and events occupy my thoughts even years after reading it. I cried sooo much while reading this. Eventually there is some Stucky which is also really heartrending and the entire story keeps you on the tips of your toes. Go read it, it's so beautiful.
I tried to keep with the very dark themes of the story and make the design stark and stern. But I also wanted it to be pretty and I'm a sucker for cursive so there's that.
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It was also the first real project I tried the marbled edges with.
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It bleed a little inside, though.
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I really struggle with ingenious designs. On here are so many pretty creations and mine always leave me a little dissatisfied. This was an attempt to go a little beyond my comfort zone. I used different types of foil and some decorative elements. The picture on the first page exists also due to this.
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You can't really see it, but the circles are holographic!
Some more pictures from my progress with the endbands:
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Binding Details Body Text: Garamond, 11 Half Title/Chapter Heading: Scriptina, 26 Full Title: Eternal Call, 100 Word Count: 248.612 Pages: 480 Paper: publishing paper A4, 80g, 1,5x volume (from my friendly neighbourhood printer)
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chickenmetenders · 9 months
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I hope this letter finds you. 7(+1) letters sent between Kikuchi Ryou & Suou Keito A MAMIYA fanzine
I made a keiryou-flavored mini-zine depicting their correspondence (One of the letters is adapted from the one in the DDD prologue, so watch out for spoilers)! You can print it out and fold it yourself!! Like so:
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Printable PDF here! It's sized for A4 paper but scales well for letter too (you'll have to trim the edges). Instructions for folding here.
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fujobritta · 3 months
okok because @constable-rohza asked . some stuff about my mq au (that goes with this fic !)
little note about making the au: because i know nothing about the california school system or just how school works in the united states in general i spent a while just very vaguely asking people i know in the us about how shit works there (i will never understand why elementary is 5 years and then middle is 3 and then high is 4 ??? here we have elementary for 6 and then junior high for 3 and then senior high for 3 . it makes so much more sense to me . anyways) like . why the fuck do freshman/sophomore/junior/senior exist . its just so insane . but i could talk about how much i hate america for days on end this is supposed about my au .
i write like most of the fic that goes with this au in class on folded sheets of a4 paper so heres some additional paraphrased notes that i found on those as well as some little fun facts ive been turning around in my head:
there this weird little timeline thing i spent like 30 minutes losing my mind over (i was incredibly tired and had nothing in my system but an adhd pill and a glass of milk and nothing was making sense to me) anyhow in that flashback at the start of the fic, as mentioned in the a/n at the end of the chapter, brad is 27 and david is 30 and they're sort-of-friends (brad doesn't want to call them friends but they are). jo at this time is 6 years old and david's ex-girlfriend kinda just stuck the kid with her . i had a bunch of backstory behind that but then i realized that i was probably never going to get into that so i just scrapped it . but it was the whole "you knocked me up before we broke up now i'm forcing you to take care of this kid because i don't give a shit anymore" thing and david is a pushover so he just took it . about 9 years later and like a month into the new school year, brad gets arrested . jo is 15 at this time, has to start school . he gets out on parole around two months before the school year ends .
jo's homeschooling wasn't really homeschooling, brad would just give her schoolwork with instructions and some teenager would sit there and babysit every day until brad got home early (made an arrangement to never have any classes to teach during the last period/block of the day) to cover anything she didn't understand . once she got old enough for brad and david to trust her at home alone (like 11-12ish) they stopped hiring a babysitter . she was about a year or two ahead in her studies when she starts at the high school brad and david work at so she breezes through most of her assignments and tests
before brad was a teacher he had some job in finance . what specifically ? nobody knows ! he never talks about his old job and just vaguely alludes to it because it creeps people out . all anyone knows about it is that he made a buttload of money from it . he decided to be a teacher for fun because he has a soft spot for kids and knows a ton of stuff
i wanted to stick fairly close with canon so no spoilers but the way brad got arrested was by covering for something jo did
when david was a kid he actually didn't have much interest in being a teacher, he wanted to be a firefighter and teaching was his plan b (one of his parents was a teacher) . he talks a weird amount about firefighters in the show and i wanted to incorporate it somehow :P also he forces his class to read brene brown
ok that's all for now because i still have to finish writing the fic and i may add some of the little details in my head into later chapters and i don't want to spoil too much !!!
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hms-tardimpala · 11 months
Did the twin flame bruise paint you blue
I felt like posting pictures of an older bind I made (I think ultimately I'll put up all my works in my ficbinding tag). This isn't my first ficbinding, but if I remember correctly it's the story that inspired me to start bookbinding. I trained a little before I did this one.
Here's Did the twin flame bruise paint you blue by the amazing @jaynovz
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The fic: Black Sails, silverflint, rated E, 138k This is a modern AU (often called Break Up AU) following James Flint and John Silver as they meet in New York city and embark on an extremely complicated relationship. I don't want to say too much, because I loved reading it month to month and experiencing it without spoilers. The fic is structured around two timelines a year apart, showing how we got where we got, and what's happening now. I'm explaining it very badly, but it's a treasure of writing and I can't believe Jay managed to wrangle the two timelines writing month to month. As always with Jay, the character studies and smut are off the charts good. That fic is a jewel, it's full of meaning and impressively crafted.
I don't usually read modern AUs and I read very little Black Sails fanfic, but I think this is a must-read in the fandom.
The bind: This was supposed to be A5 in format, but I cut the covers smaller by accident, so it's a little smaller. I had to trim the book and as you can see from my bandaged finger, I learned a valuable lesson about that. This was my first time using bookcloth, this one is sort of varnished, that's why it shines. I chose purple for the cover and headbands because it's Jay's color (and one of my favorites). I'm very happy with how well it creased near the spine, it's well-defined. And the book corners are the most modern I could find (I mean most of the ones I have are flowery and it didn't fit the mood of the fic).
Overall, I'm very happy with this one!
Bookcloth, schmedt
Book corners, amazon
Headbands, APG reliure
Ribbon, APG reliure
Clairefontaine A4 paper, ivory color, 80g/m², bought in store
Gray cardboard, 2mm thick, bought in store
Man, this is such a beautiful color, I love it.
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ae-neon · 1 year
Okay I'm a blabber, I cave, I wanna talk about the rewrite with y'all
Spoilers for the REWRITE, obv, but if you do read through, please let me know what you think (good or bad, I won't be hurt I promise)
*please note that fae are not immortal in the rewrite and each current HL is either the child or grandchild of the ruler who was alive during the War
*also, pre- Amarantha's rule, the Courts were ruled by Kings and Queens, during her rule they call themselves HLs but their heirs are still called Princes and Princesses
*if I use the word Aspect and you either can't remember or have never seen me explain the REWRITE lore, just know it's basically a magical saint kinda
I'll add the map at the end because I'm shy and because it's very chaotic - no one is surprised, just know that I can't draw lol
Seasonal Courts
Spring has two rivers that start on each end of the continent, Lixus and Neda, and they intercept and form an island. This site is holy to the Spring Court and it's where they hold Rites like Calanmai
Tamlin is the only son of Prince Lachlan and Lady Roisin.
(his brothers don't exist in this, sorry)
During the build up to the War, the elderly King Iain didn't want to pick a side but when Lachlan saw that Jurian was basically at their border, he challenged his father to an ancient Spring Rite in the form of a duel and won
Lachlan bargained with Amarantha because he believed her to be an Aspect, giving up a drop of his power, and relinquishing his title.
Tamlin did not share his father's beliefs.
Spring remains the only court in open rebellion.
During the war Autumn was ruled by King Sebastian Vanserra
He died in battle defending the humans but Autumn suffered severe casualties, their armies were in disarray and the King's heir was just shy of adulthood
So an upstart lower noble and a brilliant tactician named Beron stepped in, rallied the armies to retreat, convinced Princess Delphine to bargain with Amarantha (certain they couldn't win against her) and became regent
Delphine would bear 5 sons though only 3 are still alive: Eris, Marcel and Lucien
She holds court for the nobility from Vancour, the Forest House, while Marcel oversees things like trade from the city of Ambreville.
Beron and Eris are both UtM
Summer and the UnderSea share the Isle of Adriata as a capital
During the war it was ruled by Queen Ceto who gave birth to the twins, Proteus and Nereus.
When Proteus realised and admitted he couldn't bow to Amarantha, even to save his people, he gave up his crown and became a commoner.
Prince Nereus fathered the twins, Cresseida and Varian but when he died, the power did not come to them
Instead it went to a young, half-merling man. The son of Proteus.
The young king of Winter went against his queen-mother's advice and bargained with Amarantha but while her son was away, Queen Aurora sunk the heart of the Court under the ice and turned the surface into a desolate tundra, leaving only the boarders habitable by anyone not born to Winter
The stubborn young king erected a city called Konigshaven and ruled from there
UtM, Winter is represented by the knight, Kallias who maintains that there is no way to force the hidden Court to the surface as no one is strong enough to challenge Queen Aurora
In reality, Aurora has been dead for decades and it is her granddaughter, High Lady Viviane who maintains the Frost
Kallias fought and won the honour to be her (secret) champion
*both Tarquin and Viviane have white hair because they are half merling but the trait is not universal in their courts
Lmao, sorry, I really can't draw so this is all I could do to visualise what I'm saying. This is half the map of Prythian on one A4 page
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Ignore the mortal lands for now 💀
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okawiko · 7 months
talking about agent 4 and side order! spoilers.
im not even the biggest fan of agent 4 but i wish we got more from them. they're literally the one agent that hardly gets ANYTHING but crumbs and it sucks. i know that it is partially my own fault (and others) for hyping ourselves up and immediately jumping to the conclusion that 4 would be present when there was nothing more than the silhouette that looked like them with the official art. it's near that the copy bot takes the hairstyle from your a4 if you have a save slot from s2. we get lil crumbs and it's like ok...thanks...
side order is still super fun with the gameplay side of things though
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snarwin · 20 days
This is an HTML version of my Tunic script reference chart, made by using a custom program to generate SVG images of each character. It's designed to be viewable online, or printed out on a single Letter/A4 sheet of paper.
Huge spoilers for the video game Tunic (2022), obviously—don't click if you might want to translate the game's writing yourself.
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ghostboisdead · 7 months
Fuck it, making a character out of this guy cause I think he's hot
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He only referred to himself as "The doctor" in hell. Real name is "Lenus strychnine"
First name meaning: Healer
Last name meaning: a poison often used in poisonings
Death year / age
Late 1800s, 1880-1890.
Dead (?) ((Depends))
Rank in hell
A past overlord of hell before being toppled by Alastor. Known as the doctor demon.
Reason he was sent to hell
Was a doctor that would kill his patients through poisoning them, neglect and mistreatment.
How he ran his section
He would help injured sinners so they were in his debt, forcing them to either work for him as medical staff or as a test patient. His section was a massive hospital building and grounds, wasn't gigantic but it was large and infamous.
How he collected souls
He would send teams of nurses and lower ranking doctors to scout out sinners or imps after extermination day and treat them in his hospital. Then if they got better, he would force the sinner to pay up with their service through a role in his hospital either permanent patient or medical staff. Had connections with (at the time) a small county of Cannibal town to offer them dead bodies in exchange for help and deals.
Pompous, inquisitive, medically adventurous, risk taker, apathetic to most, soft spot for young sinners, reserved, composed, reasonable, firm. (Basic personality)
A round headed figure with three eyes all on one side, his left eye being an X to hint at his death, long doctors coat that doubles as a face mask, rubber protective gloves, horns petruding from the side of his head like a bulls, a red skull with orange eyes which was how his organisation was recognised.
His appearance came from how his patients would draw him as they were dying and hallucinating him.
Me (/j).
Knew of Zestial and was acquainted before being overthrown.
Had tried to treat Alastor as a patient to force him to work which resulted in his demise.
His relationship with the public: they feared the doctor as he was known to turn people you knew into a form of their former selves if working for him while there were only rumours about his patients. Reports from lurking sinners say his staff were found dumping sinners near the cannibals residence but never confirmed. Lives as a myth now to most sinners.
Songs he reminds me of
(yes very inspired by MLP infections, not ashamed)
⚠️Can be upsetting/unsettling. They aren't scary BUT If you don't like creepy music, skip. Take care⚠️
Basic, classic creepy. Not very creepy ↓
Can be unsettling, sounds like a tune you'd find on a record. ↓
Mostly feels like strange nostalgic. ↓
Classic creepy, be respectful as it is an album trying to portray dementia ↓
Classic creepy, be respectful as it is an album trying to portray dementia ↓
Mostly just unsettling warnings for this one though not bad ↓
(posted about him on tiktok too LOL)
This is just the basics, I like him a lot.
These are all headcanon's. I don't own this character or design. All rights reserved to spindle horse.
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