veearrifarrariboom · 3 months
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Kind of proud of this one! He’s so silly!!!
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nordidia · 10 months
hello I absolutely love your art and how you portray the turtles and I was wondering do you have a favorite head cannon and do you have any favorite fidget things (I need some) I really hope you have a good day/night
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god i have so many favorite headcanons SOBS i have drawn most of my fav hcs but uhh uhh
well i can start with one of my hcs that blew up:
raph being princess peach's biggest fan!!!
i really like my "raph's brothers find the sound of his snoring extremely comforting" hc
i also have this random ass headcanon that raph takes someone's hands when crossing the street, especially casey. just because its something he does!
i love all neurodiversity/LGBT headcanons! i love that people project onto them positively, that others can see themselves in!!
and the pretty much canon one that raph being angry doesnt even phase his family, no matter how guilty he feels they'll always reassure him that they genuinely dont mind, and doesnt really register it
all of @/timewoods' tot raph. especially him being nonverbal until the age of like 5. its very special to me
MY FAVORITE FIDGET IS TANGLE!!!!!! AAH I LOVE THAT SHIT!!! GRRHAGAGA I HAVE THREE i also fucking love those clicky chains and infinity cubes
tho i am very sensory sensitive!! so this is from someone who cant handle a lot of sensory input, the clicky chains sometimes gets too much
i also use my squishmallows for comfort stims... the fabric is soft to run my hands and fingers across, and thjeyre squishy so they can take alot of hugging. my fav squishmallow (Jerome!! i collect triceratops squishmallows and i'd love to show u guys my collection sometime!!!) has dents on his sides from hugging bc of my muscle tensing stimming LMAO
also one of my fav HCs lol. squishmallow lover raph, he's less of a full collector and more of a personal collector, he has a like 4-5 and is very attached to them, they all look very used and loved <3
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Mechs Ships Tournament: Resurrection Round Part 2!
Hi! The winner of this poll will proceed into the final poll to face off against the other Resurrection Round poll winner, Polymechs And Lyf, and the HNOC trio. This will only run for one day. Hope you all are ready!
Link to the other poll here
Propaganda under cut:
The entire “Tim Goes Mad” section of GTVTMK. Tim looses it because his best friend dies and goes on a murderous rampage. Also that one art that Reegis made of the younger version of the two of them. 
gay moon bitches fr
*blows up the moon for you*
Because. Unethical lesbians who should be in sickly sweet love is not appreciated enough.
kinda bonkers women
violinspector (the stars claim them)
The Stars Claim 'Em 
yoyr fanfic idk i thought this was funny [Poll runner's note: I'm the author of The Stars Claim Them.]
it slaps. that’s all
no thoughts. only them.
bc like... the vibes. i also like ashes as hades and jonny as cerberus. ashes is so cool, and jonny is so... jonny. 
their backstories both end with them murdering their father figure and then literally burning all of their ties to their former homes. its narratively satisfying. of course theyd be together.
#ASHES/JONNY MY EVERYTHING#good lord okay#they're best firneds. they were there for eachother since the beginning#jonny's a freak and ahses has to deal with jonny's bullshit & is also really the only one who knows how to put up with her bullshit#they're so awful but they really truly care so much about eachother#they're smoking buddies#ashes & jonny taking a moment and sitting together for a few minutes without saying a word#smoke break#they just Understand eachother do you feel me. they just Get eachother please (tags via @dropitdoeeyes)
them <333 science vibe lesbians. Pedantic archivist and sciency scientist. Must I say more??? 
science saphics + ivy infodumping while raph does science™ is awesome
https://archiveofourown.org/works/41629023/chapters/104419359 :3
they could be called research paper which is based so vote them
no heart of gold, just flesh and blood - quantumducky - The Mechanisms (Band) [Archive of Our Own](Fic contains gore and some sexual content. It's about a vivisection :3) (via @mothocean)
#ivy raphaella sweep!!!#do it for the nerds! do it for the girls! do it for the nerdy girls!!#aa (tags via @jewishdainix)
i think they would kissies
Galahad sat on a murder chair because Brian said to. (via @bookworm-girl2002)
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I feel like animals are very attracted to both One and Two except in very very different ways
1. Every cat in nyc adores One no one knows why (Raph’s kinda salty about it since they just hiss at him) like if one sits still long enough a stray cat will climb in his lap and make biscuits on his leg
2. Raccoons will flock towards Two but only to fight him. They somehow all have a vendetta against him and will throw hands the second they see him
That’s just the vibes I’m giving from the awesome au you created
(Also good luck in the voting! I voted for you guys!!)
AA thank you!
This is a very interesting take I love it.
While One is getting cuddles from kittens, Two is being attacked by raccoons in the bg
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leo-kinnie · 1 year
love the bow that you gave 2012 raph its delightful!
AA THANK YOU i wanted to give him something cool like that
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yanteetle · 1 year
Hello, Teets! I apologize if you don't like being called Teets, I just think it suits you and I just don't want to just say your full username lmao.
Anyways! I got some daily questions for you if that is alright! For drawing, which character to you tend to draw more, or is your favorite to draw?
Also I'm actually surprise, your blog kind of turned into a yandere-art and writer blog lmao. And one more question! If someone possibly wrote about your drawing, should we tag you in it? I'm kind of shy when I tag someone since I don't want to anger them or waste their time aa-
Sending love and motivation!! Mwah, mwah! ❤
Awww thank you for sending this in! As for the daily questions, I personally don't have a favourite turtle I'd like to draw since it ultimately depends on my mood and the requests I've been given for drawing! But if I had to choose, drawing Raph makes me the happiest!
Honestly, I'm pretty surprised at how this art blog has changed into one where there is more writing than art! I kind of hate that it clogs up the feed, but I honestly can't complain when I have so much fun answering people's asks :)
If someone wrote a piece about my art, I'd be honored to be tagged in it! It's no trouble for me really, and any work that relates to my art, concepts or ideas always cheers me up and I enjoy hearing about them alot :D Thanks for sending this btw! Have a good day and take care!
p.s: don't worry about calling me teets! It's fine by me :)
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ilovebeingaturtle · 1 year
I love your fanfic!!! I love how soft and cute the 1897 gang are!!!!!! Aksbaksbakaksmsksksns 🥺💕
What are some plans you have for the fic? Will there be any lgbt or neurodiverse headcanons in the fic?
AWEE YAY THANK YOU!! 💕💕 This means so much I got so happy seeing this notification aaa!! I’m glad you love the 87 boys,,
Also aa thank you for asking! (this. Turned into such a long answer I’m so sorry for rambling AHA)
One big plan I feel comfortable talking about is that I am going to send the remaining 2012 boys to Rise soon! I feel like that’s not too spoilery, both because it’s something that will happen soon and something that was kind of inevitable pfft. I have some cute moments for them to all get to bond, I have a big overarching plot and stakes I want to introduce? But I also really just want to have a ton of fun moments and focus on everyone getting to know each other. I want to try write interactions or dynamics I haven’t seen been done much yet, so hopefully I deliver! (I actually scripted out a 12!Raph and Rise!Leo scene for in future this morning pfft)
Another thing I guess there’s no harm in saying is that I want 87!Shredder and 87!Krang to really play a main part in this! They’re the versions of those characters I find the most fun/easy to write, so at least for the beginning stages they’re going to be focused on antagonistic forces. I just think they’re so goofy I love their dynamic sooooo much, and they fit my writing style perfectly! So expect them in future eheh
That’s not to say Rise and 2012 villains won’t get a centre focus at any point though! Rise has such a fun rogues gallery and with 2012, I really want to play with the domino affect, I mean taking the turtles out of the picture right before so many major things has gotta have some consequences~ (they don’t even know April’s part Krang yet…)
When it comes to LGBT headcanons, I do definitely have some! Technically?? I think I’ve already said that everyone is somewhere on the aroace spectrum (especially the Rise turtles) I also find the idea of 2012!Donnie and 2012!Leo being nonbinary in some form sweet, so I will probably have little moments about that scattered through the fic! (Also I think it would be really funny if 2012 Leo and Dee both went to other universes and then when they finally reunite they’re both not cis anymore. Spider-man pointing meme the dimensional radiation took their fucking gender-) I typically don’t think too much about this kind of thing though, I’m someone who’s LGBT+ that doesn’t bother too much with labels for themself so it’s honestly kind of hard for me to put fictional characters in a box too-but everyone definitely is in someway! That’s the best I can answer that probably
TLDR: They’re all loser teenagers who haven’t realllyyy figured themselves out yet, but they’re all pretty comfortable with whatever their identities might be, so for now they’re just gonna focus on saving the world HA
As for the neurodivergent side of things, again the whole main cast definitely is!! We all knew that though ♥️ AHSAJHA I can find traits from my own diagnosis in basically all of them, so they’re all on the spectrum! Sobs sorry this is another pretty broad answer-so to list someeeee?
I’m definitely writing all four 87 turtles and 2012!April and 2012!Raph with being autistic in mind! 2012!Donnie as well, but also apparently he does canonically has OCD?? I don’t 100% know if that’s canon, but I will be keeping that in mind while writing him as someone who also has it. 2012!Leo I headcanon along those lines too-it-see this is why it’s hard for me to answer none of these kids are neurotypical in my mind-
Sorry these were such non answers AHA, I guess the easiest answer is yes there is? But I’m genuinely happy with them all being up for interpretation! I won’t be enforcing many of my headcanons on the story really, just writing what feels natural, so you guys can interpret them however you want from there! I don’t really want to lock anyone in because I don’t want to stop people from being able to see them in ways that make them happy same as they can for the original shows
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tinytek · 1 year
Ah yes hello
I just binged your giant 2012 Raph au
Very good A+ Masterful
A few ideas ~ What if whatever had caused Raph's change also gave his body new instincts pretaning to how his stomach works?
When he swallows his family, his body shuts off and gets rid of anyway that could harm them? But with others outside - classical stomach functions
It only works with those he regards as family like those pheromones you mentioned awhile back but with his internal body.
aa im glad you like it! i love that au
and YES thats a great idea! its a good way to justify him being able to nom his family but also being able to eat normally
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bambiraptorx · 1 year
hey i just wanna say that Minor Interference is amazing and my favourite rise fic!! every time i see it updated im excited as hell, amazing job on it!!!! its got some hella iconic scenes (leo breaking in to draxum's house and stealing his food, raph eating chess pieces) and all in all its just! so good!!! i love that huginn and muninn are in a gargoyle union and! AA its so good, kudos to you
Thank you so much!!! I enjoying sharing it!!
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allofthebees · 2 years
raph's heart IS there it just zooms up really fast. still an interesting idea though and i wonder if that's something they'd explore if s3 got greenlit (would fit nicely with his mini arc from the hidden city eps i.e. ppl seeing him as a threat and how that affects his self-image)
AA ur right!! It's so quick but it's there
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But also yea it's something I'd still love to see explored heck I might do something with it bc now I've got Public Enemy Number One Raph living in my head like
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mousermayhem · 6 months
Playing through the Prof Layton games (some for the first time, some again now that i have them all n can play them in chronological order) and I just like to think 03 Raph would love that kind of game. I know he’s the tough guy but that doesn’t mean he can’t be into narrative puzzle games! They’re cozy! And I believe in him being smarter than he lets on so I think he’d manage them ok. And when he gets stuck he can get a second opinion from Donnie.
(I also think he’d be big into the AA games and esp the crossover game)
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rainyhuman · 3 years
how i remember the shadowhunters episodes! aka oh boy this got long
season 1
1x01 - the one w the magnus on his throne scene!!!
1x02, 1x03 - eps magnus is tragically not there in (although i remember 1x03 by the weird (read: cursed) camille and simon scenes OH AND the isabeliorn scene)
1x04 - obviously malec’s first meeting (oh and elias, we deserved more of him)
1x05 - ??? does luke become the alpha in this one
1x06 - MAGNUS’ BEST OUTFIT (ok maybe one of them i could never choose one) AND SHARING STRENGTH SCENE AND DRINKS ‘TO US’ SCENE
1x07 - lol is clace’s first kiss in this one
1x08 - oH magnus sees alec training shirtless
1x09 - alec tells magnus hes getting married 
1x10 - TWI MY BELOVED (magnus and chairman and church 🥺💖 also just twi magnus in general)
1x11 - ??? OH incest reveal
1x12 - OFC WE ALL KNOW <3 MALEC’S FIRST KISS OH AND RAGNOR!!! (ragnor is alive btw he faked his death ty)
1x13 - lol jace gets taken away <3 (oh and camille is a bitch)
season 2
2x01 - oof great fight and great apology (SO PROUD OF MAGNUS IN THIS ONE)
2x02 - um?? no clue. OH SOME GOOD MAGNUS & SIMON CONTENT
2x03 - is this the parabatai ep
2x05 - omggg malecs talk on the balcony 
2x06 - MALEC’S FIRST DATE!! also the kiss after the date <33
2x07 - lol malec’s [air quote] first time [air quote] ALSO OMG OMAMORI SCENE
2x08 - oof the party and the drama <3 
2x09 - ??? oh does alec punch raph in this one (no i did Not like that)
2x10 - ohhh boi the one where it all goes down. MALEC’S FIRST ILY OBVIOUSLY
2x11 - ahahah the one where it all starts going downhill! if only izzy had called alec..... if Only 
2x12 - nope. no. idk this ep is erased from my memory (sh writers i think there were many better ways to have magnus talk about his childhood trauma)
2x13 - ohhh This One. some really great magnus scenes. his makeup is So pretty and also his scenes w dot, more about magnus’ history <3 (freddie <3)
2x14 - hMM oh downworld cabinet (OF COURSE THE mr. lightwood and mr. bane scene oh my fucking god)
2x15 - some Good magnus content once again (”there’s nothing ugly about you” SOBBING 😭😭)
2x16 - hmm magnus isnt in this ep, also alec finds out about the soul sword
2x17 - shit goes down... before shit goes down tho, malec have a super super super sweet kiss which i Love and also magnus looks Very Good
2x18 - HMM besides the obvious we get some REALLY GOOD FLASHBACKS and malec’s actual first time <3 
2x19 - some broken up malec....
2x20 - beach fight!! (that is the funniest thing i’ve seen) and “i don’t think i can live without you”!!!
season 3
3x01 - some GOOD communication between malec <3 also pool scene!!
3x02 - ooh warlock party and shenanigans that follow (many malec scenes bitching on lorenzo AS THEY SHOULD)
3x03 - dinner w maryse,,, AND too domestic for my heart to handle cooking scene
3x04 - aaa the “we’ll make it through this” scene (my HEART)
3x05 - ah some malec angst (and alec makes some stupid decisions) and!! one of my fav magnus outfits
3x06 - some more malec angst AND drunk alec and also the whole family dinner thing djfhj hilarious <3
3x07 - malec hug in the institute,,, magnus blames himself for things he Shouldn’t
3x08 - magnus’ outfit in this one <33 
3x09 - magnus is running himself ragged for no reason
3x10 - magnus loses his magic... Yeah. oh and also the last ten minutes of the ep are probably the best thing in the show objectively (meaning, when i’m thinking of the plot and not of malec)
3x11 - oh some magnus angst... APOTHECARY SCENE!! ALSO MADZIE SCENES!! AAAAND “oh you know how we get” 
3x12 - ah ofc the training scene <3
3x13 - oo some good magnus & izzy interaction followed by some good lightwood siblings interaction
3x14 - oh wonderful magnus gets lorenzo’s piss magic and loses his apartment :/
3x15 - magnus... almost dies (also the jealousy scene djfdhj) aND HEIDI FINALLY DIES
3x16 - OOF THE ‘STAY WITH ME’ EP,,, malec’s dance scene and alec crying for the first time in the show (lol one tear) AND ALEC SAYING THAT MAGNUS IS HIS EVERYTHING 
3x17 - some bad decisions are made... (ykw that should be the tagline of this show) and alec almost proposes,,, magnus breaks down (hsj oscar when)
3x18 - the best acted scene in the show... the malec breakup
3x19 - magnus wanders thru nyc because alec forgot he doesn’t have a fucking apartment! OH ALSO MAGNUS GETS HIS MAGIC BACK <3 ALSOOO some flashbacks <333 ugh the lock one <3 crying
3x20 - MALEC GET ENGAGED!!! also the most aesthetically pleasing scene in the show 👌 alec pulling magnus into a kiss (BY HIS LAPELS) with the world burning behind them <3
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Mechs Ships Tournament: Shipping Round 3 Poll 3
that one post where its like theyre the us government but if it actually did whst it said it did. three different people of equal power keeping each other in check. also they aLMOST SAVED THE STATION WITH THE POWEROF LOVE [Pollrunner's note: post here]
I just love them a lot and blood and whiskey is so good and ”maybe just this once there could be a happy ending” makes me cry every time 
blood and whistey
the track where they decide
them <333 science vibe lesbians. Pedantic archivist and sciency scientist. Must I say more??? 
science saphics + ivy infodumping while raph does science™ is awesome
https://archiveofourown.org/works/41629023/chapters/104419359 :3
they could be called research paper which is based so vote them
no heart of gold, just flesh and blood - quantumducky - The Mechanisms (Band) [Archive of Our Own](Fic contains gore and some sexual content. It's about a vivisection :3) (via @mothocean)
#ivy raphaella sweep!!!#do it for the nerds! do it for the girls! do it for the nerdy girls!!#aa (tags via @jewishdainix)
Round round-up here :)
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xyntix · 3 years
Have a slice of a fic I started a couple weeks ago. I need some motivation and feedback would be highly appreciated.
Do I have a thing for the leader in blue with dumbass tendencies? Yup and so do you or what ya doin' here?
Warning: swearing
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"The name is Neon, by the way. My friends call me that. My actual name is," she paused, "Giselle..." Was she embarressed by the name? Leo couldn't see anything about it that would make her not like it.
"I like it."
"Thanks, Leo."
More silence.
"I think I gotta go now," Leo finall announced. These few useful braincells told him to give her space and that he would do. After all this was a lot to take in. "Yeah, good night." The mutant turtle acknowledged her good bye with a nod before turning away to get back to the lair. Before he could take his third step, he heard her ask quietly, "Will I see you again?"
Leo smiled.
"Wow, guess who's back. The drama queen." "Don, don't be so mean." "It's alright, Mikey," Leo assured his little brother and gave him a pat on the head. "Where did you go off to, sulking?", Donnie asked, his eyes never leaving the screen if his tablet. "Places." "Did you talk to the girl?", Raph asked the moment he popped up behind some work out machine Donnie built some time ago. "Maybe."
"Really? Come on, Leo. How did it go? Is she cool? What is her name? Tell me! Please! Leo! Best bro! Please!", Mikey begged. "Yeah, Leo. Don't leave out all the juicy details.", Raph said. "I am sure I can pull up a traffic camera or something and maybe even some audio material.", Don stated with a smug grin. "Fine! Her name is Neon. She is pretty cool and she has girlfriend problems. Happy now?"
A collective 'Oh' left the brother's mouths. "Yeah, girlfriend sounded like a crazy person so guess it is not too bad.", Leo added. "Well, good for you.", Don said before turning his attention back to his devices. "Yeah, now you could actually stand a chance.", Raph tried to cheer his brother in blue up. "Dude, he said girlfriend. Who knows if she is actually into male mutated turtles.", Mikey said. "Well, maybe she is?", Raph defended his point. "Doubt it.", Donnie added just for the sake of doing so.
"does it matter? She didn't freak out so maybe I might have just made a friend. Let's celebrate!" "Yay, CELEBRATE!" "Mikey, shut up. Pops will kick our shells if we wake him.", Raph whisper-yelled
"I'd say it is way too late for that."
Oh shit.
Whatever was being held was dropped in an instant. Every turtle ran towards their own room aa if their shells depended on it.
"G'night pops!"
"Love you!"
"See ya tomorrow!"
Then, Splinter was left alone in the living room with only an amused smile on his face.
"And then I said: These fish look all washed up. Amazing, am I right or am I right?", Leo told Neon excitedly about one of their missions. "You are always right, Leo.", the girl joked. "Course I am!", he agreed, pride blooming in his chest. The movie playing on the laptop was only background noise at that point.
"Hey, Le. Gimme the cookies." "Nope." The fun atmosphere was gone within a mere second. "Leon, the cookies. Now." "Nu-hu-" "LEONARDO!" And the turtle, dressed in a blue unicorn onsie, went running. "HA! You are so slow! Who is the turtle now?" "You little shit."
This little game of tag kept going for about 10 minutes before the girl quit. "I surrender. Keep the cookies. Holy fuck.", the girl panted. "Naw, little G is tired? Does little G want a cookie?", Leo babies her in a teasing voice. "I swear I will have your shell served on a silver platter if you keep this up."
Despite the threats it was all in good fun and the comfort of coping with bad puns was something Giselle didn't think she needed until the day they met.
"Hey staler, you will wanna watch this movie?" "How mamy times do I have to tell you, I did not stalk you. It was an accident." "Mhhm, sure", Giselle giggled.
"You should be glad you are cute-"
"What did you just say?"
"Nothing!", Leo claimed
"I could swear you said I was cute-"
"Did not."
Giselle leaned forward, almost half way laying on him. "You sure?", she feigned innocent
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sparklingpax · 3 years
Hmmmm... Starscream, and Leonardo!
Hi!!! Yes!! I can definitely do these two <3 And aaaa sorry I left this tab open and forgot about it >///<
Starscream (I'm assuming from TFP?)
First impression: (Given that I was like, 5 or 6 when I saw TFP, cut me a little slack on the simplicity of this jdsjsdsdj) "The King of being Sly" and also "sharp claws, sharp claws, so COOL!! OWO" Interestingly enough, I had no particular feelings for him as in 'hating' or 'liking' his character, I just liked his claws and the Way he moved and talked :3 So.....well, I guess contradicting myself two seconds ago that would classify as: I liked him when I saw him, and also acknowledged fully that he was So Evil but that was ok >:)
Impression now: PRETTY MUCH THE SAME AS BEFORE EXCEPT NOW I LOVE HIM AS ONE OF MY FAVORITES OF THE SHOW AJSDJSDKFSj Starscream hhh 💖 Also I still adore his claws and figure <3
Favorite moment: Oof, there are many to choose from....
Every time he used his claw fingers as weapons of some kind
Every single time he did that epic thing where he jumped off a surface and near the ground, transformed, and bolted straight back up into the sky, leaving a clean, perfect trail of smoke...AHHHH
The Entirety of the episode "Thirst" because Starscream (and KO) and their dynamic was just *chef's kiss* 💝
Idea for a story: I know these have been written before but like. Any kind of scenario where Starscream gets to enjoy some recreational activity, maybe where he just goes on a nice, long flight on a clear, sunny day--maybe even goes to another country...just flies around in peace, stops and sits on a rock somewhere and watches a city of people down below, contemplating life.........sure, he reminds himself how easy it would be to go down there and destroy everything because he is more powerful than those puny humans could ever be!! And yet.....he just sits there and watches those people walk around and live their lives, intrigued for even just a little--after all, Lord Megatron didn't give him orders to destroy that city, now did he?
........SORRY ITS CHEESY, maybe even slightly ooc, but jsJSDH o///o I want Scream to be happy :3
Unpopular opinion: Probably not unpopular, but I've seen some people say that Starscream's character was inconsistent and written badly,,,,and I,,,,,disagree so fully with that???
But that's kind of it, and I don't think that many people think that, so.....I'll leave it at that--
Favorite relationship: Hmm......Starscream and Knockout dont come for me please I said this already but they have the perfect dynamic AA
Favorite headcanon: As you can tell by my story idea, that Starscream has recreational activities he tries to do when he can, and that they include Just Flying Around in Peace amongst other things (idk where I saw that one but I did see it somewhere and I love it ok--)
In conclusion, Starscream q///q 🥺💗💖💕✨
Leonardo (TMNT 2012)
First impression: OK so my first episode of TMNT 2012 was actually the last five minutes of "The Enemy of My Enemy" because I was just flipping through channels (and I was a third grader :D). I got that bit where he and Mikey were talking and Mikey was like "It's like when I found out that Leprechauns aren't real," to which Leo just stares at him and says, "You didn't know they're not real?!" (as Raph and Donnie sign frantically for him not to say that) and instantly, Mikey looks horrified: "LEPRECHAUNS AREN'T REAL???"
You might be asking why this is at all significant for my first impression of him....well I decided right then and there that Leo was a Dork and I liked him a lot.
To this day, I can't make sense of this or why that one scene there made me think that, but well, I can't figure myself out anyway lmfao--
So long story short: I liked Leo on sight, and maybe three or four episodes later, I cemented that opinion for sure in my mind, and also found him highkey attractive o///o 💙 In fact, he was my favorite for a short period of time ^w^
Impression now: LEO MY BELOVED 🥺🥰💕
He's officially my second favorite now!! I stil think he's adorable, but like adorkable kind of cute ;w; BUT I also see him as a great leader, a good character with meaningful development. He remained attractive to me and I've always thought he was cool.
Also he was and still is the definition to me of That Friend everyone calls responsible who Is Kind Of but sometimes you find that friend trying to eat three hotdogs at once and reconsider that and I Know this makes no sense but I stand with this idea lmfao
Favorite moment: BATTLE WITH SHREDDER IN TE SEASON 2 FINALE (which had a sad ending and it makes me sad every time I watch it but also GO LEO GO, SHOW THEM WHAT YOU'RE MADE OF)
-"Imagine if they knew who they were working for!!" *proceeds to Kraang Impression accurately* "..." and then he just laughs nervously and they return to planning an infiltration to TCRI
-and many other because there are 6 seasons and I'm forgetting a lot of moments I'll be sad later I didn't remember at first--
Idea for a story: Hmmm.......Leo attending a Comic Convention and disguising himself as a human, because that would be funny but also lowkey cute >w< And!! It would be just him....idk, but it feels like something fun and that would result in him being a Happy Turtle~
Unpopular opinion: Um...........I didn't love those outfits/battle armor/whatever those were that he (or the other turtles tbh) had for both the forest thing in season 3 and then the black ones they had for the end of season 5; like it was only in a few scenes and it wasn't awful by any means but.....eh......
Favorite relationship: His dynamic with Master Splinter as the eldest and most responsible son, and then the dynamics with his brothers, especially with Raph because they fought a lot, but by the end of the series, they kind of saw eye to eye most of the time....that was just so well-written imo, I enjoyed it :D
Favorite headcanon: Ok, at the moment I can't recall one I've seen, so I'll just tell you one of mine: Leo actually likes onsies (those pj things) and owns a few because they're comfy and kinda cute :D but he's kind of embarrassed of this because he just knows his brothers will never let him hear the end of it if they were to find out, especially Raph--
Thanks so much for the ask!! :)
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tangshcn · 5 years
OOH rottmnt leo or mikey??
this is really long, im sorry joey 
favorite thing about them: 
he gets to relax for once??? bless
i really love how vulnerable he is, in other iterations you can tell that he’s just aa in need for validation and respect from his brothers but this time around he gets to ask for it and it makes me :,))))
we get a side of leo we wouldn’t have seen so freely otherwise and that side is his Goofy Bitch side, we love an instant gratification seeking, secretly insecure king
oh! and i love his relationships w/ his brothers, how relaxed and teasing his relationship with raph is, that he’s purposefully annoying towards don, and actually super gentle with mikey
least favorite thing about them:
so far? nothing really, he has his flaws but they’re obviously set up for character development
favorite line:
“yeah go big or go home!!” “Yeah, go home on a stretcher! What else do we got, don?”
“Of course he’ll love you, you’re adorable!”
“You’re a champion.”
his brothers and big sister april  +   karai and usagi (i now they’re not in rise but like. please. let him have friends.)
Leorai (not That one) and Leosagi, as per usual (i really enjoy his dynamic with these two in other versions, always felt like they treated eachother with respect and as equals + they had killer chemistry, which is prime ship material)
(also leo x his Big Fucking Sword)
you know. 
and april/leo. not crazy abt shipping turtles with april in general
random headcanon
He’s actually really good at math and chess, a big reader too. 
I feel like he mostly has quiet hobbies but won’t stop talking about the more “exciting ones”.
I don’t think he’s the closest to splinter anymore, maybe he used to be as a kid but he kinda grew apart from him (not in an angsty bitter way but like he just got older and shit happens)
Secretly the eldest twin but none of the brothers know.
Was secretly bummed out when he broke his katannas bc he was very attached to them.
unpopular opinion
im a basic bithc, i don’t have opinions
but also his torso is sooo long, leo u good? it creeps me out a little. Which is literally THE ONLY thing i don’t absolutely adore about the designs
song i associate with them:
don’t laugh at me but its “circus” by britney spears bc he’s Like That
also “i do it all the time” by idkhow, vaguely
favorite picture of them
im not a big screenshot person but have this
Tumblr media
[leo voice] DISGUSTENING
favorite thing about them:
baby. baby boy.  
no but for real i love how this time around he’s actually on the quieter side?? don’t get me wrong i love a good loudmouth mikey but there’s something really endearing about mikey not needing to be the sole comic relief while still mantaining his lovable qualities 
ALSO he’s little artist and i really enjoy that concept, i feel like it hasn’t been done before in depth and it makes him feel more well-rounded
least favorite thing about them: 
i really wish he had more screentime, it feel like he’s suffering the most from the show’s 11 min runtime and i CANNOT wait for his spotlight episode
also i feel like he kind of fades into the background bc of how LOUD and BIG his brother’s personalities are, though im sure that’ll be fixed soon enough
favorite line:
“ok sweaty-spaghetti, give us our dad back!!”
him and his brothers+april!! and as soon as we get them: the mutanimals
i know he’s not here yet but,,, mondo gecko,, stoner lizard bf (when mikey’s more into his teenage years, though. he’s still bappy)
incest shippers c h o k e, also april/mikey bc... they’re big sis and lil bro
random headcanon
contrary to popular belief, the most likely to go apeshit, to go absolute feral.
unpopular opinion
while i adore him with all my heart, he’s not my favorite mikey (its 2k3 mikey, the lovable asshole)
song i associate with them
i have none :(
favorite picture of them
like i said, im not big on taking screenshots, sorry mike
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