#AAA: Setting Conditions: Art. I
archsarmedadvice · 9 months
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What Is War?
Welcome to the introductory Article of Setting Conditions. Today, we shall attempt to answer one of humanity's most ancient questions; what is war? It might seem a trivial question to answer, but we suggest, dear reader, that understanding the varied forms and characteristics that war can take might help you develop and understand the role 'war' and conflict at large could play in a fictional setting.
But First, Why 'War'?
A question both for ourselves at Arch's Armed Advice, and, surely, for you who read it. Conflict and those organisations, people, technology, and impacts associated with it have appeared in literature and writing throughout history, but the specific role that War can play in one's own works can obviously vary. Some might anchor their whole project on a conflict, exploring it in minute detail from every angle; for others, military imagery and associations may simply serve to provide an interesting background for stories focused on other subjects. While the position a work finds itself on within such a spectrum will affect how much effort its writer will likely put into developing this portion of their setting, we here at AAA hope to provide a resource that all writers can learn something from, even with our own proclivity for the more in-depth examples. 'Getting it right', even for works which do not center on war or the military, adds credibility to those stories and their writers, and eases the reader's task of suspending disbelief and immersing themselves within the story and its setting.
What is War... In General?
A situation in which two or more countries or groups of people fight against each other over a period of time - The Oxford English Dictionary
The definition above and others like it both useful and generally accurate, covering most of what might spring up in one's mind when one thinks of 'war' in fiction. While AAA will certainly seek to help our readers develop believable, plausible military conflicts and the entities engaged in them within their Settings, we believe that a crucial step in doing so is to expand our understanding of 'war' beyond the most overt acts of violence and combat.
One Way, Or Another
One of our missions in producing this blog was to open Writers' eyes to the diverse ways that war and its associated topics can play a role in their setting and works, and part and parcel with this is expanding writers' perspectives on the forms that this subject can take. To do this, we must venture beyond 'Great Power Conflicts' and 'Plucky Rebels VS. Evil Empire', into conflicts bearing more resemblance to the Pig War of 1959, the Cod Wars, and others of a less conventional nature which nonetheless may open our eyes to the base principles of War. To understand what connects these varied manifestations of warfare, and to develop your own unique take on conflict which best suits your own work, it helps to know some of the most basic terms and theories behind War. The most cliche example, and thus the one we at AAA will use anyways, is to quote the famed military theorist Clausewitz's old maxim; "War is the continuation of policy with other means..." Countries, demonic cults, and other groups besides may, for one reason or another, find that their interests would be best served by undermining those of another group; war, thus, doesn't exist for its own sake, but only comes about because actors choose to engage in it. Developing the political machinations that underly the competition which, in some but not all cases, may escalate to conflict, is a subject all its own and one deserving of great attention. Plainly obvious disconnects between the interests and stakes of the (fictional parties involved, and the conflicts that us as writers force them to engage in, are among the most glaring weaknesses in any work which might have them. To fix such an issue, we suggest that a writer might take one of two courses; they may decrease the 'intensity' of their existing conflict or competition to something more reasonable, or they may develop these warring parties and their relationships to the point that such intense conflict is not just reasonable, but practically inevitable. In reality, one will likely have to commit a little bit both.
Conflict Vs. Competition
While it might seem strange for Arch's Armed Advice to advocate for the inclusion of non-violent conflicts and competitions in our readers' writing, we believe that their presence can only add value to any open wars that may occur in the same works, even without considering how interesting they can be on their own. To add nuance and believability to a conflict, it can be helpful to develop the pre-existing tensions between the parties about to embark on it, presenting specific instances where their interests had previously been in opposition. What, precisely, those interests will be, is entirely up to writers themselves, and we at AAA will likely not be able to provide so much aid in that highly contextually dependent field. We will, however, attempt to provide what advice we can when it comes to developing some of the actions and decisions that these competing actors might make, and the myriad factors they might have to consider in making them.
War is many things, but for us at AAA it is a subject that we hope many more writers might turn to exploring and developing on their own terms within their works and settings. Having done our best to define that most complex topic, we hope that over the course of our future publications we will be able to impart some useful, applicable knowledge on our readers on their creative journeys.
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indietourney · 1 year
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Ladies, gentlemen, and everyone in-between or nowhere! Give it up for our next round of contestants... the almighty Bracket 14, Answer: Fisticuffs!!
Under normal settings, the arts of fighting are considered a necessity, both during wartime and daily life. No one truly knows who could be friend or foe, so best learn how to fight back should the foe approach. However, these are not normal settings. Here, the arts of fighting are innate! Special, mysterious properties awaken hidden potentials within everyone in the realm, using whatever strengths they have and turning them into fighting moves! Making use of high jumps, hit-stun, cancels, combos, and ridiculous durability, the inhabitants here have integrated their brawling into all the nooks and crannies of their day-to-day routines. Door not budging? Slam it down! Machine not doing the thing? Kick it into working condition! Rude customer service? Beat ‘em up! Pelted by rocks because of your antics? Hold a blocking position, you’ll be fine! Another person blocking all the rocks you’re pelting at them because of their antics? Grab ‘em by the neck and throw ‘em away! Remember, the answer to any question: fisticuffs. Today’s question, how do you win that great shiny cube in the distance? This will be on the test.
Skullgirls: 2nd Encore
Guacamelee (1 & 2)
Them's Fightin' Herds
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The fights will begin... very very soon! Once I reveal the last bracket, I'll get to work on touching this map up with all the lovely details! There's gonna be reference after reference... AAA I still am very excited just thinking about them! In the meantime, I highly encourage y'all to spread the word about the tourney and its contestants ^^
Let's hear it for everyone! [Contestants Revealed: 92/96] [Final Reveal: Neverending Dungeons]
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narratingvoice · 2 years
Have you ever sat down and thought about how David Cage is allowed to like. Write games. Like they’re not even good but he keeps getting the money to write them. What kind of story would you make if you had that kind of budget?
David Cage?? You come into my inbox and you talk to me about David Cage???? Well at least you have the correct opinion. You are being very generous to call his writing "not even good". It is drivel of the highest order; pretentious and self-absorbed, practically turning to the camera and shouting "Look at me, I'm an auteur!" It's as though he's terribly interested in being perceived as a purveyor of enlightened wisdom about the human condition, but without actually doing the hard work of having anything meaningful to say. Thus we get ham-fisted racism allegories written by someone who's never experienced any sort of discrimination in his life. You get serious emotional choices distilled down into mindless quick time events that give you no room to contemplate the implications of your decision before making it. I don't even think he likes games at all, and is under the impression that he is making Oscar bait movies that happen to include some button presses. Honestly, what kind of person is that desperate for attention?
To answer your first question, yes, I think about it all the time. You know Heavy Rain won a BAFTA for its story? The game that lets you do this, undercutting the gravity of the situation entirely? What a farce! In fact, I'll let you in on a little secret: seeing the way that game unfolded was a major impetus for me to finish the first draft of the Parable. That is because I played half of it and thought, surely I can write better than this. I find spite to be a powerful motivator, and I simply could not let my own genius go unpublished when this melodramatic nonsense was out there getting accolades.
And yet Cage keeps going! They're giving this man a Star Wars game? One of the most famous and beloved franchises of the century?! And I have to sit here and remake my first game because it's all I can afford to do on an indie budget. If I had a AAA studio at my beck and call you can bet things would be different around here. My story wouldn't be set in an office building, no no no, it would be a far more expansive setting, taking the player on a mystical journey through a mysterious ruined world. But not like in an open world way, heavens no. Like in a way where I am your tour guide showing you the rich worldbuilding I have concocted, and presenting players with the opportunity to meaningfully affect the fate of the entire planet. If they make the correct choices, that is. :) And I'd have ray tracing and a full orchestral soundtrack. And I'd have tons of NPCs and I'd hire the finest actors of our generation to play them: Dev Patel as the deposed king; Lupita Nyongo as the hardened general sending her troops to war; Tim Allen as a sinister wizard. You will fall in love with every character and have your heartstrings pulled when you are forced to- oops! Spoilers!
Oh, and if I was making a Star Wars game I'd want to take the franchise in new and bold directions. Instead of rehashing the same old Jedi vs Sith conflict, my story would focus on the plight of the droids. I think they're treated terribly throughout the series and they should probably go on some kind of uprising to get revenge on the mortals who treat them like tools. People like robot vs human stories, right? Ah, but this is all a pipe dream. In truth, I'm happy here in the little piece of art that I made. It is not exactly what I wanted it to be when I wrote it, but it is mine to be proud of.
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milkplusvn · 1 year
Soundless AAA: Coding the Art Switcher
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There was art progress. However, the art progress is 1. spoilery and 2. not really all that show-able, regardless. So, instead, let’s go through the process of programming in the art patch!
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Intended Function
When you start up the game, whether you already have a save or you’re starting fresh, a new screen will pop up asking if you’d like the new artwork or the old artwork for your playthrough. You can change it back at any time through the settings screen, and it’ll instantly toggle back to your choice, just like with images that are caught in the violence filter.
Behind the Scenes
Every single expression and clothing variant for all the sprites got their own file in the original Soundless code, and this was maintained in the port for ease of implementation. As such, every single unique sprite must be redefined as a ConditionSwitch() displayable.
In Ren’Py, ConditionSwitch() is a type of displayable that changes depending on what the values for variables are. The condition for whether or not it switches to the new art is very simple, and merely depends on whether or not you’ve elected to toggle on the new art, save for violent imagery which requires a longer set of conditions.
You can see a snippet of what this code looks like in the image at the top of the article. I put aside all of this code into its own .rpy file for organization purposes. The code is further organized by comments that denote character and outfit. If you’re wondering how long this takes…well, it takes a bit, but for the most part it’s a copy-and-paste job. A neat feature VSCode provides is the ability to put the text insertion point at multiple places in the file, so I simply have to duplicate the point in front of the relevant parts of the filename/directory/etc. and backspace and change it.
Why let us use the old art?
If Higurashi and Umineko’s re-releases are of any indication, sometimes people just like playing with the original art for the soul of it. I also enjoy my faces in 00s moe style and rendered in an old edition of Photoshop. So, this option is for everyone out there who doesn’t mind a lack of polish and technique!
Art Patch Progress Summary
Main Sprites: All complete
Special sprites: 1/5 completed
The CGs that appear in the opening will be the first CGs to be worked on.
As this phase is about to be entered, the very very first CG is going to be a particular Clara one.
All main sprites implemented.
You can download Soundless for free right now with its original artwork on Itch.io!
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spoadicdeviance · 3 years
When “Anger Always Wins In The End”: The Story of X-Play vs Skyward Sword
Gather around the Barcalounger over by the fireplace friends, family, and those who only come to the Skyward Sword tag to bash the game in question. Old SporadicDeviance is going to tell you a tale that harkens back from the far distant past of 2011. It’s going to be a quite a long story, so you might want to get comfy.
The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword was making its rounds across the mainstream game review circuit, largely earning 9′s and 10′s across the boards. The game also ended becoming one of the very few games to earn perfect scores from both EDGE magazine and Famitsu. Talks of potential Game of the Year awards were already underway. 
Yes it seemed Skyward Sword would experience nothing but smooth sailing when it comes to the gaming media.
Enter X-Play; the TV show focused on game coverage airing on the network dedicated to gaming and technology (in the sense that MTV used to be dedicated to music) G4.
Starting in summer 1998, as GameSpot TV, and ultimately concluding its run by the start of 2013, this show was perhaps the most popular source of game reviews in its heyday. In fact, with the shows propensity to include heavy layers of snark and cynicism in their reviews, as well as having the tendency of preforming comedic skits based on the various games they covered, one could say that X-Play was one of the progenitors of various online independent game reviewers that started from around 2006 and continue to the present day.
“Why bring up the show’s history?” One may ask. Well its important to establish that the programs was very popular with a substantial viewership, even in its final years of broadcast.
Which brings us to the moment that X-Play and Skyward Sword crossed paths.
It all started with the shows review of the game and the program ultimately giving Skyward Sword an overall score of a 4 out of 5. This caused a bit of stir amongst X-Play’s audience.
Now, on the surface, a score like that wouldn’t appear to be anything to really harp on about. Sure, a 4 out of 5 score was on the lower end of the range of scores Skyward Sword was receiving at the time. Nevertheless, a 4 out of 5 was still overall a good score. 
However, as said before, this is all surface level. To get a full understanding of why some gamers were questioning X-Play’s review, you have to look at both how X-Play defines its rating scale as well as the content of the review itself, beyond the final score.
First let’s talk about X-Play’s ratings scale. In 2011 the program updated the meaning behind each of the five different ratings. For a game to earn a 5 out of 5, the game would have to “realize all ambitions of its design” while a 4 out of 5 game would only accomplish most of its goals.
Well Skyward Sword’s goal was to be the proof of concept on what the Wii’s intent was as a console. The game’s ambition was to show the world that motion controls not only be practical as the primary means of control for a AAA game but also in some ways surpass traditional controls in terms of immersion and practicality. Does that mean by giving Skyward Sword a 4 out of 5, X-Play thinks Skyward Sword didn’t fully accomplish its ambition?
No. They didn’t think Skyward Sword failed in that regard. In fact, in their review of the game, X-Play stated that despite initial skepticism on Skyward Sword going all in on motion controls, hosts Adam Sessler and Morgan Webb were pleasantly shocked with how good the controls felt, saying that the Wii-Motion Plus controls were fluid, responsive, seamless, and never frustrating. They also stated that if all Wii games controlled just was well as Skyward Sword then a large majority of complaints lobbied against the system would never have materialized.
So what caused the show to give Skyward Sword a 4 out of 5? According to X-Play’s 2011 rating system and game needs to have “minor flaws” on order to get a 4 out of 5 score. So what did X-Play think were said flaws?
Well X-Play used the trite “revisit certain areas of the game” non-criticism that I’ve already touched on in a prior post. It’s weird since games like Metroid Prime also used backtracking and X-Play still gave those games perfect 5 out of 5 scores.
They also said that there wasn’t much to do in the Sky overworld, which is outright wrong considering all of the goddess treasures and various sky islands that have their own minigames/sub quests to do. Yes its mainly side content but almost every Zelda overworlds are mainly used for side content and linking the various areas in the map. I think I’ll go more in depth on the whole “The Sky is too empty.” criticism in another post.
Then they complained about how your shield can break and you would have to go back to Skyloft in order to purchase a new shield. Seriously? This is like when people complain that in Banjo Kazooie, when you die, you have to recollect all the music notes. That’s the point. The game is punishing you for messing up during the combat. Also the game doesn’t force you to purchase a new shield. You can play the game without a shield if you choose to do so.
I would say the shield bit is the worst criticism in the review if it wasn’t for the frankly dumb, and hilarious in hindsight, critique of Skyward Sword’s crafting system. Adam called the system “grindy” and said that crafting doesn’t fit in a Zelda game. Considering how Breath of the Wild not only has a crafting system, but also, by X-Play’s standards, made it more grindy than it was in Skyward Sword, I think even Skyward Sword’s biggest detractors can call this assessment of Skyward Sword crafting system half-baked at best.
And those were the flaws X-Play found in Skyward Sword. Even if those critiques were legitimate, and let’s face it they’re not, it doesn’t seem like these flaws are enough to justify docking Skyward Sword an entire point in a 5 point rating system, does it?
Well according to a lot of fans of the show, it wasn’t. Fans were speculating that X-Play wasn’t really sincere in their giving Skyward Sword a 4 out of 5. Some thinking that they set out to not give the game a perfect score and were grasping at straws trying to find any justification for their score, rather than have their final score come naturally as they played/reviewed the game.
By all accounts, Skyward Sword seemed to have been more deserving of a 5 out of 5 score rather than a 4 out of 5, according to a lot of X-Play’s viewership. 
Viewer response to Skyward Sword’s 4 out of 5 score might have been the primary reason X-Play revamped their ratings scale the following year, using “half-stars” in its ratings (ultimately making the rating system a 10 point scale) as well as reworking the conditions for a 5 out of 5 score. Now for a game to achieve a 5 out of 5 a game doesn’t have to achieve all of its design ambitions and merely not have any “issues” which would result in a 4 out of 5.
My suspicion that the viewer response to the Skyward Sword review was the catalyst for the change is only strengthened by the fact that X-Play used Skyward Sword as their example of a 4 out of 5 game in their new ratings system. 
But despite all that, the backlash to X-Play’s review was relatively minor, especially compared to the backlash a certain other professional reviewer got for giving Skyward Sword a lower score compared to X-Play, but that’s a tale for another time.
This isn’t the main part of the the story. X-Play’s review of Skyward Sword and the viewer response to said review were all the primer for the centerpiece of this tale.
It’s now time for the awards season. All the various gaming publications were nominating and awarding the best games of 2011. Skyward Sword managed to get itself plenty of nominations, including Overall Game of the Year from publications like EDGE.
But what about X-Play? What awards did they nominate Skyward Sword for?
Did X-Play nominate Skyward Sword for Game of the Year? 
Did X-Play nominate Skyward Sword for Best Action/Adventure Game? 
Did X-Play nominate Skyward Sword for Most Innovative Game? 
No. .
Did X-Play nominate Skyward Sword for Best Story? 
Did X-Play nominate Skyward Sword for Best Art Direction? 
All Skyward Sword was nominated for were Best Soundtrack and Best Motion Controls.
And you want to know the really messed up part; Skyward Sword only won for Best Soundtrack and lost the Best Motion Controls award to Dance Central 2. Let that sink for a beat. DDR Kinect 2 Dance Central 2 apparently had better motion controls than Skyward Sword according to X-Play. This despite of all the praise the show gave Skyward Sword’s controls in its review. This is like when the Queen bio-pic, Bohemian Rhapsody, won the Oscar for “Best Editing”. Are you kidding me?! But I digress.
Needless to say, if viewers were just a little peeved with X-Play’s review of Skyward Sword, they were outright mad with how the show basically snubbed Skyward Sword from its award show. 
The vast majority of gamers felt that, even if the game would ultimately not win many awards, Skyward Sword should have at least had more than two (relatively minor) award nominations and should have been nominated for Game of the Year. X-Play was being called out, rightfully so, for not giving Skyward Sword its fair dues.
But all was not lost for Skyward Sword, for while X-Play would have full control on which games were nominated and which game would win the majority the awards, the fans would have their own say for one certain award.
G4 decided to do what they called a “Videogame Deathmatch”. This was basically a tournament consisting of 32 games released in 2011. 
Each round would have multiple games paired off to face off against each other. The general public would go online and vote for one of the two games in each match to go on to the next round. The first round had people vote between 16 pairs of games. The next round would have 8. Etc. Etc. This would culminate in a final round where the two winners of each side of the bracket would face off and the people would vote between these last two games to decide which game would win the tournament and would receive the Viewer’s Choice Award at  X-Play’s Best of 2011 Award Show.
Skyward Sword was one of the 32 games selected for the tournament, whether it was because G4 honestly thought the game deserved a chance to win or they were simply trying to placate fans of the game.
I would say the latter because the side of the bracket Skyward Sword was on was definitely the more competitive side of the two. How more competitive? Well while the side of the bracket Skyward Sword was on had games like Portal 2, Minecraft, Uncharted 3, Batman Arkham City and The Elder Scroll V: Skyrim, the game that would become the finalist for the other side of the bracket was Assassin’s Creed: Revelations. Does that answer your question?
So Skyward Sword faced some stiff competition. It really seemed like G4 and X-Play did not want Skyward Sword to win this tournament so they made sure it would go head to head against some of the most popular games of 2011. It was going to be a miracle if Skyward Sword made it to the final round.
Well let me tell you something; a miracle did occur that year.
In round 1, Skyward Sword went up against Uncharted 3, the flagship PS3 title of 2011, and the fans voted for Skyward Sword over Uncharted 3.
In round 2, Skyward sword went head to head against Fifa 12, the latest entry of the videogame series based off of the most popular sport in the world, and the majority chose Skyward Sword over Fifa 12. 
In round 3, Skyward Sword faced off against Batman Arkham City, the game that is considered to be one of the greatest superhero games ever made (if not the greatest), and Skyward Sword got more votes than Batman Arkham City.
In the semi-finals, Skyward Sword went one on one against The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, one of the best selling games of all time, and the gamers chose The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword over Skyrim.
Needless to say when Skyward Sword went up against Assassin’s Creed: Revelations, a game that even fans of the Assassin’s Creed franchise don’t hold in the highest regards (at least it’s not Unity?) in the final round, the vote went overwhelmingly in Skyward Sword’s favor.
The end result was that Skyward Sword won G4TV’s Videogame Deathmatch: Best of 2011 Tournament and was awarded the Viewer’s Choice Award for 2011.
Now when it came time to officially announce the winner of the winner of the Viewer’s Choice Award during the televised award ceremony, how do you think the hosts handled the situation?
Well take a look for yourself with this Youtube video archiving X-Play’s award show that year. (Timestamp 34:04-35:25)
They start out by saying how close the matchup between Skyward Sword and Assassin’s Creed: Revelations was, despite the fact that by accounts of those who participated in the voting process, Assassin’s Creed never got more than 40% of the votes in the final round, but that can be chalked up as theatrics for the audience.
When they reveal to the audience that Skyward Sword won the final round and in turn won the Viewer’s Choice Award, you can juts tell that Adam Sessler is not happy with the results. The way he’s moving his body. His tense face and pursed lips. The sarcastic tone in his voice as he calls Skyward Sword “Nintendo’s love letter to motion controls”.
Adam is not happy that the game he and the rest of the staff at X-Play snubbed from their award ceremony not only won the Viewer’s Choice Award but also beat two of their nominees for Game of the Year, including their choice for overall Game of the Year, in the process.
At this point, most people think it would be best for Adam to just accept the results for what they are, give Skyward Sword a proper congratulations, and move on with the next award of the night, in spite of Adam’s personal feelings towards the situation. Just be professional. That’s all Adam needed to do.
Most would think that, but Adam Sessler is not most people.
As the hosts were talking about Skyward Sword’s win, Blair Herter made a passing comment saying that the Nintendo fanbase being “enraged” over Skyward Sword not being nominated for Game of the Year helped Skyward Sword win the Viewer’s Choice Award.
Adam immediately jumped on that by adding with and I quote;
“Enraged? That’s a-th-th-that’s a nice term. It was close race, but ANGER always wins in the end.”
Wow. I mean wow. Not even the Red Sea is as salty as Adam Sessler was with that comment.
He couldn’t just take the L like an adult and move on. He felt like he had to get the final word on the matter. 
It’s like Adam wants to say the Viewer’s Choice Award doesn’t really count because the vote didn’t go the way he wanted. This is, ironically, the kind of immature fanboy behavior Adam is trying to make fun of. It makes it seem like Adam thinks he’s above the “unwashed masses” that participated in the Videogame Deathmatch voting process. 
Regardless on if you think Skyward Sword deserved to win the tournament, you must admit that this was bad look on Adam’s part.
Now I don’t want to end this post on a bittersweet note so I want you to think about what actually happened. 
Skyward Sword is so beloved by the majority of gamers that when a review show as big as X-Play tried to downplay the game’s quality as well snub the game from its best of the year award show, the gamers respond by making sure Skyward Sword won the title of the Viewer’s Choice awards.
And this is one of several time where when major reviewer publications/programs reached out to their audience, the gamers, to get their take on what game they felt was the best game of 2011, and The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword was chosen by said gamers as the the best game of that year.
It’s funny because whenever I bring up that point, the minority of Skyward Sword detractors try to make up some excuse to delegitimize Skyward Sword winning the viewer’s choice award.
When I mention Skyward Sword winning IGN’s viewer’s choice award, or when Skyward Sword was voted the number one, best game of 2011 by the fans of ScrewAttack, they say “Oh that’s because fans of Skyrim, Batman Arkham City, Portal 2, and so on were divided amongst themselves while Nintendo fans were united in their support for Skyward Sword. If the poll wasn’t a free for all, Skyward Sword wouldn’t win.”
Well here’s another instance of Skyward Sword winning a viewer’s choice award; Skyward Sword had to go one-on-one against multiple games in order to win the viewer’s choice award. Skyward Sword got more votes than some of the most popular, well reviewed, and highest selling games of that year. More gamers preferred Skyward Sword over Uncharted 3, Arkham City, and Skyrim.
I think all of that, along with how Skyward Sword was considered the best game of 2011 by ScrewAttack and IGN users, and how people are hyped for the HD rerelease, it’s safe to say that despite what some vocal people may try to say otherwise, The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword is a game that is far more beloved by gamers than it  is “divisive”. 
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killscreencinema · 4 years
Death Stranding (PS4)
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The first week of quarantine, I lost my job.  It wasn’t COVID related, more like “I hated my job and my employers finally realized it” related.  So it was actually really good timing that I began this game while unemployed, as virtually delivering packages to people made me at least feel like I still had a job! 
Death Stranding, released by Hideo Kojima’s new independent studio in 2019, is set in a bleak, post-Apocalyptic future where the world of the living and the dead have converged in a catastrophic event called, well, the “death stranding”.  Dangerous phantoms, called “BTs”, roam the countryside, dragging anyone unlucky enough to encounter them into their world.  The only person who can stand up to them is a porter named Sam Bridges (Norman Reedus), who has a unique condition called DOOMS which allows him to sense a BTs presence (who are otherwise invisible to the naked eye).  Paired with a child bred to act as a link between the living and dead, called a  Bridge Baby, or BB, Sam can even see a BT, making him the only candidate who can possibly bring the world back together by traveling the wastelands of the former United States, delivering packages and connecting the surviving human cities via something called the “chiral network”.
So it’s basically a fucked up, but better, version of that Kevin Costner movie The Postman.
Also, if it seems like my story summary took longer than usual, welcome to the world of Hideo Kojima!  I tried my best to explain the story in a brief synopsis, but I still didn’t even scratch the surface of it.  For example, I didn’t even mention how Mads Mikkelson intermittently drags Sam to a battlefield-like purgatory so he can steal his BB; or how Sam’s mysterious connection to the BTs makes his bodily fluids deadly to them, so you will often use weaponry made from his piss, blood, and shit to fight them; or how his primary objective is to rescue an enigmatic woman named Amelie, who may or may not be the daughter of the recently deceased President of the United States, from terrorists who want to use Amelie to bring about the extinction of humanity.
This game is bananas, ya’ll... but in the best way.
I started this game with extremely low expectations, as it had been critically lambasted by most of the major gaming sites and YouTubers.  From the previews of the game I watched, it just seemed.... weird.  I didn’t understand what the hell I was looking at - Norman Reedus with a pod baby strapped to his chest, and a strange flappy doodad on his shoulder, while walking on a tar beach strewn about with dead whales?  What the fuck, Hideo?  Visually alone the game was such a stark (and I mean *stark*) departure from the Metal Gear games, so when I found out the gameplay was delivering packages, I became convinced that Hideo Kojima had done lost his goddamn mind. 
Turns out... and this should hardly come as a surprise... the man is a goddamn genius.
Truly brilliant art always offends and bewilders the senses at first because your mind doesn’t know how to cope with what its experiencing.  Watch any given David Lynch movie and you’ll see what I mean.  The human mind has trouble processing totally new information that has no frame of reference in memory or cultural awareness, which is why “weird” art initially repulses before it gains a following (and many great artists die in poverty before they are recognized for their genius).  Imagine introducing a peasant from the Middle Ages to a helicopter - they’d think it looks absolutely ridiculous, so when you tell them it can fly, just IMAGINE their incredulity. 
Anyway, I think that is why initial impressions of Death Stranding were so negative - it was a lot to take in for a lot of gamers used to being spoon fed repackaged versions of the same games but with different titles.  Even things that seem at first “original” have recognizable gaming mechanics that ease the player in.  I mean a game set in the apocalypse where the core gameplay is centralized on package delivery???   There’s nothing like this!  So your reaction is either going to be “This is brilliant” or, like the medieval peasant, “this is ridiculous”.
Mind you, I’m not saying if you don’t like this game, you’re as stupid as a medieval peasant.
I get why people would hate this game - it’s very different than a lot of games out there.  Death Stranding is bold and audacious in its storytelling and its gameplay.  It takes a lot of risks that most AAA publishers (like Konami for example) would balk at, which is why Kojima had to create his own company to make it.
The gameplay seems simplistic at first - deliver packages from point A to point B.  However, it’s a little more complicated than that.  For one, the key element of the game is item management and learning not to bite off more than you can chew.  Sam can only carry so many boxes, and the more you stack on top of him, the more difficult the journey will be, especially when crossing BT territory or bandits (called MULES) nipping at your heels.  You also have to take into account the rocky terrain, river crossings, and weather (oh, did I mention that rain in this game, referred to as “Time Fall”, can rapidly age items and people?).  The game is all about carefully choosing equipment you’ll think you will need, whether it be weapons, ladders (for climbing large cliff faces or crossing deep rivers or chasms), sprays for repairing damage to packages, or even a spare pair of boots in case the shoes you’re wearing wear out.  So to say that the game is “just delivering packages” greatly diminishes some of the nuance going on here.  Yes, there are lots of long stretches of just walking across a landscape to some of the most melancholy music ever assembled on a soundtrack, but I’d argue that having patience for those moments is part of the gameplay. 
The game can be frustrating, such as when Sam refuses to climb a ledge you KNOW is climbable, so he just trips and falls over instead.  The vehicles that you eventually unlock are some of the most goddamn frustrating vehicles in video game history.  At first, I figured it was because I would eventually unlock better modes of conveyance more adequately adapted to crossing rough terrain, but no - they all drive like shit.  Just getting the truck to drive up a hill without spinning out and rolling backwards can fray on one’s nerves.  It’s hard to discern how much of it is the vehicle and how much might be poor controls.
The story, as alluded to above, is ambitious at best and pretentiously bloated at worst.  However, if you’ve played any of the Metal Gear games, you know what you’re signing up for when it comes to high concept, over-indulgent story.  I would say that for the most part, Death Stranding’s story is coherent enough to enjoy, although there are long expository cut scenes that convolute the plot more than clear it up.  Fortunately, the characters are well developed enough, and are interesting enough, to keep you invested (a storytelling skill that is perhaps Kojima’s saving grace).  Also, the more dramatic beats of the story are impactful enough to still resonate, even if you’re not entirely sure what the fuck is going on.  It helps to have talent like Norman Reedus, Mads Mikkelson, and Lea Seydoux in the cast, whose performances bring the characters to life.  Sam in particular might have been an insufferable loner, were it not for Reedus’ gruff likeability that made him famous from Walking Dead. 
If you’ve avoided this game because, like me, you were convinced by bad reviews that it sucks, I would highly suggest that you reconsider.  It may not be as fun, or compelling, as a Metal Gear Solid game, but it’s an interesting departure and one worth experiencing.
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tabooneko · 5 years
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Hello, DL fans, you still alive~? Sorry for not being active during holidays, a lot of happened irl. But my friend is back to translate LP, so here is chapter 2.
It’s probably the first route where I feel that it’s actually Laito who is pretty poor here haha. He has to deal with Yui’s naivety even more than normal xD
Translation: @kiruriru-art QC: TabooNeko
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Place: Mondstein Hotel, Guest room
 Yui: Nnnu ... nnn?
       (Laito's not here...?)
       (Somehow I'm feeling a little dizzy... . He might have drunk a little too much...)
Laito: A, Bitch-chan. You woke up?
Yui: Laito-kun...
Laito: Though it would be good if you'd still be sleeping. Yesterday I got a little too excited. Nfu ♪
Yui: (… The way he says that...!)
Laito: Well, either way, let's relax a little more while we eat.
Yui: ...Fruits?
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Laito: Yeah. I asked hotel's employees and they brought them for us.
           There, Bitch-chan. Open your mouth~. I will fe-ed-you.
Yui: E … But …
Laito: It's ok, it's ok. Don't feel shy. Here, aaa.
Yui: A, aaa …
       (… It's a really sweet strawberry.)
Laito: How is it? Delicious?
Yui: … Yeah.
Laito: Hmm. Then, I'll taste it a little too. Nn …
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Yui: … !
Laito: Uun. It's sweet … Really tasty.
           Then, here goes another one ♪ Aaa...
Yui: Nn …
Laito: … Hm? What's that? I've got strawberry juice on my finger.
           … Will you lick it and make it clean for me? Here …
Yui: Eh?! L-lick it … ?!
Laito: Hey, hu-rry up …
Yui: (U … resistance may be pointless … )
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Laito: Nfu. That's good … Somehow it started to feel a little erotic …
           Hey, if you like it, let's stay all day on bed like that … Nn …
Yui: … That's no good! If we don't go looking for Earl's clues...
Laito: Ugh … Even though it started to feel good, Bitch-chan, it really is difficult to get you into the mood…  
           But, that's right. What to do about Earl's case.
Yui: …We're not going to that boy we've met yesterday?
Laito: Won't it be enough if we just let it be? I said it, right? He's scheming something for sure.
           That's why, even when we'll go looking for clues we have to go ask someone else.
Yui: …
           (It's true, it was a little suspicious that he could say so many helpful things … )
           (After all, like Laito-kun said, it's better not to trust so easily … )
Laito: There's no other way. First of all what about we go to town and ask around about Earl?
Yui: …
       (Ether way there's still a lot of things that we don't know about Earl, it would be good if we do it...)
       (If it go well, there might be some people who know Earl's whereabouts...)
        … Then, should we try it?
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Place: Glimmer street
 Yui: … I see. Thank you very much.
Laito: Uun, It's no good after all. But I knew it all along.
Yui: …
        (I asked a lot of different people but … )
        (Even though all of them heard Earl Walter's name or knew that he's living in that castle,)
        (They didn't know any specifics about him … )
        (… It's troublesome … What should we do …)
Laito: Hey, Bitch-chan. Why don't we finish here and go check another place?
Yui: Another place?
Laito: Un. A place where there is more people than here, hm?
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Place: Saint nore Park’s street
 Yui: … Hey, Laito-kun … A Place where there is a lot of people is …
Laito: Nfu. Obviously it's here. Saint nore Park!
           Hey, look around you. There are a lot more people than yesterday, right?
Yui: … That's right but …
Laito: What's more, yesterday we only had chance to check that maze, right?
           That's why I thought we should have fun again why we're here doing research ♪
Yui: Eee … ?
Laito: Come on, let's go~!
Yui: A! Hey, Laito-kun! Wait … !
Laito: Haa, it was fun! You really have the feeling for go-kart, don't you?
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-        That’s not true.
-        Fufu. Is that so?
Choice: That’s not true.
 Yui: T-That’s not true…
Laito: Whaat~? Don’t be so humble~
Yui: (I don’t intend to be…)
Choice: Fufu. Is that so? (+)
 Yui: Fufu. Is that so?
Laito: Un. Your handling of the steering wheel while cornering was above everyone else. It really surprised me.
Yui: (He's praised me)
           (And … I'm glad Laito-kun seems to have fun … )
           (That being said, I'm having fun as well but …)
           (Now we're looking just like people who came only to enjoy the parade...)
           (...I wonder if it's ok...)
           (But, there are no changes in my physical condition … And the jewel is properly working, right?)
           (Either way, we don't have any clues regarding the Earl...)
Laito: A, Bitch-chan! Next is this one! Let's ride this!
Yui: E, which one?
Laito: Jet coaster! If you're in amusement park, you can't miss it, right?
Yui: Jet coaster …
Laito: Nfu. It's ok if you're afraid. I'll be with you, right? What's more …
           I would like to see your cute face miserably distorted by the wind pressure on the jet coaster.
Yui: Eeh … !?
           (That kind of goal is it even… ?!)
Laito: That's why, please. Let's ride it together. Hm~?
Yui: (… Saying that he's already going to the place where the ride is … ?!)
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Place: Jet coaster's Boarding Gate
 Laito: Aaa, it was so fun~!
           The feeling of being cornered bit by bit by nearly falling from the sky was quite overwhelming … !
Yui: (Ah … It's finished somehow … )
Laito: Now, let's check the photograph...
Yui: Photograph?
Laito: That's right. You know, on this coaster there are cameras set in the most scream-worthy points...
           And in that moment, they take perfect photos of faces crooked in scared or pained expressions.
           So? Don't you think it's a really amazing service? Nfu ♪
Yui: (Th-That kind of mechanism … )
Laito: Hm, but what's that? Bitch-chan, you have the same face every time …
           That's boring. Hey, let's ride it one more time?
Yui: Eeh?! One more time?!
Laito: Nfu, Why not? I'm not satisfied.
           Then, let's go for round two!
Yui: Wait… Laito-kun… !
Laito: Uunn, that pale expression... it's good! That's it! That's what I was looking for...!
Yui: …
       (After that, how many times did we ride that... I can't anymore...)
       (… Somehow, I don't feel so good...)
Laito: Bitch-chan?!
           What happened so suddenly? Are you not feeling well? Hey!
Yui: I just felt a little weak... after...
       (Ts... That weird feeling near my chest...)
       (Could it be...)
       (That's bad... I feel like fainting...)
Laito: Bitch-chan! … Bitch-chan!!
Yui: U...nn...?
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Place: Diamant's fountain
 Laito: A! That's good! You woke up!
Yui: Laito-kun...?
           (That's right... I didn't feel good near the entrance to the jet coaster...)
Laito: You fainted so suddenly, it really surprised me...
Yui: Could it be, that you carried me here...?
Laito: Well yeah. It's not like I could just let you lay there, right?
           I was wondering if I should carry you to the hotel or if I should contact Reiji.
           ...You Ok now?
Yui: Yeah, I feel good now. Thank you...
Laito: You know... I'm sorry about earlier. I was having so much fun it seems like I got carried away.
           I was thinking what would happen if you didn’t wake up.
           What the hell happened?
Yui: … That's …
       I myself don't know for sure...but it could be the jewel...
Laito: …it’s weakening?
Yui: ...It could be that.
Laito: …Then, there's no time to fool around.
           We have to meet the Earl as soon as possible and ask for your heart back...
Yui: But, what are we going to do without any hints...
Laito: …If you worry about the hints, we have plenty of them so it's ok.
Yui: Eh...?
Laito: Then, follow me. … Can you stand up?
Yui: Yeah... it's ok but...
Laito: Ok, then let's go.
Yui: (Laito-kun, what on earth is he planning...)
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Place: Glimmer Street, Aizen Alley
 Yui: (Here is... If I remember right, here is the place where Mrs. Aji's shop is...right?)
Laito: I think it's around here but...
           A, just like I thought... Bitch-chan come here. We're going underground.
Yui: Underground...?
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Place: Underground passageway
 Yui: (What is here...An underground canal...?)
           (feels a little eerie...)
Laito: I think the 'underground passageway' that kid was talking about is here.
Yui: …
Young vampire boy: It's up to you if you trust me or not.
           Anyway, if you're interested in what I've said, just come to the underground passageway.
Yui: (Could it be that Laito-kun decided to trust that boy...)
           Hey, Laito-kun...Is it possible that what that boy from yesterday said...
Laito: Since we don't have any other hints, I thought we could see him and try to dance as he plays.
           What's more, I'm worried about the condition of your body so we have to hurry.
Yui: Laito-kun...
Laito: Then. Yui-chan, come closer to me. Whatever happens you can't leave my side.
           ...You know, this place is especially lawless even in the out-lawn Devil World.
           Even I can't tell what can happen here and it would be really troublesome if something bad happened to you.
Yui: U-un... I got it...
Laito: Then, let’s go.
Yui: …
       (I feel like we walked quite a long distance, but because the surrounding is the same all the time I lost my sense of distance....)
       (No matter how far we go, it's just the same canal...)
       (Is this boy really here...)
???: Fufu. You’ve finally come.
Laito: Uwa!?
Yui: Laito-kun!?
           (From above, something...!)
Laito: …Ouch... . Hey! What the hell was that!
Young vampire boy: You were late, weren't you. You made me wait.
Yui: (...This boy...!)
Laito: Hmph. Unlike you, we are a little busy, you know?
Young vampire boy: You're saying that but you just haven't found a way to get into Earl's castle, right?
Laito: ...We came all the way to meet you, so you'll tell us how to get in there, right?
Young vampire boy: Ok. But it's not like I'll tell you right now.
Laito: Ts... Why? The deal was different.
Young vampire boy: It wasn’t. I told you, haven't I? If you do as I say I'll help you...
           Earl Walter is famous for his sharp ears. If I just tell you the way to get there here
           We may get forestalled and won't be able to go inside the castle. That's why...
Laito: I got what you're trying to say. But
           even though I think I understand, for now, I can’t trust you at all.
           To begin with I don't even know where, to whom and what you are doing, it's obvious, isn't it?
           That's why, first I need a proof that you are someone that can be trusted.
Young vampire boy: Proof...?
Laito: Un. First of all, I want you to show me proof that you're not Earl Walter's pawn.
Young vampire boy: Hmph. Unlike this miss there big bro is quite suspicious.
Laito: Nfu. Sorry but it seems like that's the case.
Young vampire boy: But, unfortunately I don't have any proof like that.
Laito: Hmph... I see... It looks like in the end we can't trust you and do as you say...
Yui: ...Hey, Laito-kun...
        That's enough, let’s just trust him...
        We don't know any other way and sometimes you need trust to move forward...
Laito: Uun, it's obvious that you would say something like that.
           But, unfortunately, I can't just unconditionally trust anyone.
           Unlike you, right? It's nothing new, right?
Yui: ...
        (...That's right. Laito-kun has a reason not to trust people...)
        (...I’m sure it’s because he knows better than anyone else the bitter feeling of being betrayed...)
        (Laito-kun was that deeply hurt in his childhood when he was betrayed by Cordelia-san.)
Laito: …Yui-chan? What’s wrong? Grabbing my hand so suddenly...
Yui: ...It’s nothing...
Laito: Hmmm ... But I somehow do understand what you’re trying to say.
          Since I am your servant for eternity...
Yui: Se, servant?!
Laito: That’s why, no matter how unwilling I am, I have to follow your orders.
           That being said, fine. We’ll do as the kid says. That’s fine, right?
Yui: Laito-kun... Laito: So... take us wherever you want. We’ll do as you say.
Young vampire boy: Ok. Then follow me.
Laito: You heard him. Let’s go. Yui-chan.
Yui: Yeah.
       (I don’t know if this is really the right thing to do...)
       (But, Laito-kun...)
       (No matter what’s in front of us, I will never betray you.)
       (I swear.)
Young vampire boy: Ok, both of you sit here for now.
Yui: Here...is this your home?
Young vampire boy: Well, something like that? Anyway, we can talk safely here.
Laito: We don’t really have time to sit and relax at your home.
Young vampire boy: Don’t be in such rush, big bro. ...First of all, look at that.
Yui: A map...?
Young vampire boy: This is the secret map of this underground passageway.
            Right now we’re here. And...
           Here are the secret doors... meaning the entrance to Earl Walters’s castle.
Yui: The entrance to the castle...
Laito: May I ask something?
Young vampire boy: ...What?
Laito: That map...is the thing you got from Aji yesterday, right?
Young vampire boy: Tsk...yes, so...?
Laito: Hmmm. So you got that map thanks to us, right?
          I just have one doubt, would Aji give up such a valuable map that easily?
         Could it be that you... have tricked Aji as well...?
Yui: ...?!
Young vampire boy: Tsk...how annoying. That’s right. But, it doesn’t matter, right?
           You two, thanks to that you got to know where is the entrance to the castle, ain’t that right!
Laito: Well, yeah. As a result.
Young vampire boy: If you keep saying unnecessary things I won’t tell you anything more. Is that still alright?
Yui: ...Laito-kun...
Laito: Eh...I got it. Do continue. And then?
Young vampire boy: The doors were certainly at that place. I checked yesterday and there’s no mistake. But...
           The doors are sealed by some unique magic. A special crystal is required to open them.
            Firstly you have to go to the mountain and get that special crystal.
Laito: ...Could it be, that you’re telling us to go and get that crystal or something?
Young vampire boy: That’s right!
Laito: ...You heard him. So, what are we going to do? Bitch-chan
Yui: That crystal... Is it hard to get it...?
Young vampire boy: If it was easy I wouldn’t ask you guys, duh.
Laito: Haha, that’s logical.
Young vampire boy: I think you got the gist of it but...
            Trying to go inside earl’s castle is reckless enough by itself.
            If you can’t even do such a simple thing, we have nothing to talk about.
Yui: (That’s true, it could be like that...)
Laito: ...Haa. We have no other way. Let’s do it.
Then, do you know where exactly we can find this crystal?
Young vampire boy: Of course. Inside the mountain is a cave made out of selenite crystal. The crystal is deep down there.
             But, as you proceed down that cave, you’ll meet a lot of tests and trials.
Yui: Tests and trials...what does it mean...?
Young vampire boy: Who knows. I don’t know that. I told you all I know.
Laito: Anyway it looks like we just have to go and find by ourselves.
          Shall we go then? Bye~! Thanks!
Yui: Ah, Laito-kun...!
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Place: Glimmer Street’s back road
 Laito: ...
Yui: (Laito-kun is silent since then...)
        (Looks like he’s lost in thoughts...)
Laito: ...I’ve already said that before but I really can’t trust that kid.
          Look, just think about it a little. Why do you think, would he tell something like that to some strangers like us?
          I’m sure he’s plotting something.
Yui: ...
       (As I’ve thought, it’s like that...)
Laito: ...That being said, there’s nothing we can do now but go and find that crystal as that kid said.
           Ne, by the way, your body’s ok?
Yui: ...Eh? It’s fine, but why...
Laito: That’s good then. Anyway, for us to save you, it doesn’t matter if there is something fishy with this kid’s motives or not.
          We have to hurry up and open said doors to retrieve your heart from earl’s hands.
Yui: (So he is worried about me...)
        Laito-kun... About that... I’m sorry that I got us mixed in such a troublesome case.
Laito: Good grief. Why earl’s had to get his eyes set on your heart of all things...
          It won’t be worth it if you don’t do everything I say after all this is settled.
Yui: ...Un, that’s right.
Laito: Huuh? That way of talking... Could it be that you want to do as I say?
Yui: Eh...? That’s...
Laito: Nfu. Then I look forward to that. You got me so eager right now.
          I would this to you...and that...aaaah...just thinking about it is unbearable...!
Yui: (W-what the heck is he imagining...!)
Laito: Ne, Bitch-chan. When we get your heart back, to begin with would you get dressed in that?!
Yui: And “that” is...?
Laito: The costume that you can see on that display!
Yui: ...T-that...?!
       (But it’s so extremely skimpy...!)
Laito: It would be absolutely amazing if you wore it and swung a whip or something.
          And while we’re at it high heels, ok? And then, right...
Yui: (Somehow it seems I made some dangerous promise...!)
Laito: As for now, I’ll take today’s night to think about the requests~.
         Then, let’s prepare for tomorrow. Today, let’s go back to the hotel early.
         You’re tired and tomorrow a great adventure in the mountains is waiting for us.
         For the time being I’ll be patient. Nn... *kiss*
Yui: ...!
Laito: Nfu. I’ll remind you to be sure but, it’s for the time being, ok?
           Then, let’s go.
Yui: A! Don’t pull me like that...!
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ambitionsource · 5 years
also 001 zc im springing it all on u
spring it all on me baybee. i’m ready. i’m thrivin
Zay & Charlie
When I started shipping it if I did: oh if i were a viewer, i think i’d be sniffing out this storyline EARLY. literally from the moment charlie leaps up to volunteer to tutor him in 103 and then is all “you’re so unapologetically yourself” with all that Awe i’d be like... mhm. okay. mhm ok mhm mhm mhm right mhm....... although i think i would be skeptical. i would be kinda like (as i think some of you were) are they actually going to go through with this...... are they playing me 4 a fool.... but then when you watch 112 after so much build and theres the RUNNING ACROSS THE CITY TO GET TO THE AUDITION AND AINT NOOOO AWWWYWYWYWYWYAAYWAAYYYYY AND THE LOUVRE KISS LIKE WAHAHAHWAHWAHHHHHHH AHHHHHHHHH -- yeah i’d be in it from there. you don’t see it coming going INTO the first season, but to be honest zc kind of Owned the first season in the later half there. they were subtle in some ways but then they really just brought the mf PUNCH
My thoughts: so. clearly. i love them. fdkjshgkjsg i think i have a lot of fondness for them because they really organically blossomed in the first season in a way i wasn’t expecting. as y’all know, we broke the story for the second season first and then backtracked to s1, and i will be candid... charlie was like... not a person when we first outlined s2 JFGDSKLGKDFGKLFDH. he was in a relationship with zay, and it was supposed to be this big surprise going into the second season, but otherwise we really didn’t like... know what to do with him or honestly had THOUGHT about it. but then as we started working on s1, he just kind of... emerged, as well as their storyline of barely acquaintances to friends to unexpected lovers. and i really really love what they grew to be. they’ve been one of the best parts of writing the show tbh and i have so much fun writing their scenes, even when they’re challenging (cough 208 cough, one of the most difficult scenes i’ve ever written in anything ever)
What makes me happy about them: i love how they see the other person for who they actually are, how they can cut through the bullshit and see the other for how they wish they could be seen (charlie seeing zay as more than the popular “cool” kid that he has to put on as a sort of defense to survive at aaa, and zay seeing charlie for who he actually is beneath all of the facades he’s created to please the rest of the world) and how that allows them the courage to try and actually BE those things. like. charlie may not have ever gotten to a point of really considering accepting his own sexuality if it weren’t for zay, i think -- especially since zay then gave him this incredibly SAFE space to figure it out AND loved him at the same time. i love how they demonstrate such a Balance for one another (there’s that key word again!), like how in s1 a core part of their friendship is the fact that charlie seems to be the only person zay really has who cares about all the things he cares about but also isn’t... a crazy monster the way everyone at aaa is fDJSKFLDG. and zay brings balance to charlie in showing him its okay to have fun, to be imperfect, to throw a swear word around or not give a damn sometimes or do things just because he wants to. and that’s important! that’s major! and then i just love love love how they’re playful with one another but it comes from this very sincere fond place. their dynamic would not be what it is without their sort of teasing nature, but it NEVER feels like it’s coming from a place of animosity, it’s always this affectionate kind of banter. i’m really picky about how teasing translates into romance, and i think the way they make it work is a fave thing about them for me. i’m forgetting like 4324325 things i wanna say here but i love them MUCHO
What makes me sad about them: so. hm. yeah. you know how there are those otp ask games or gif memes and there’s always that category that’s like “it’s right, just not right now” ships? i have always disliked that category bc i think people constantly misinterpret it (or its just a poor label to apply to a ship lmao), but i think they are actually a perfect example of what i think that label is supposed to represent. charlie and zay are 100% right, but not right now. they can’t be right when charlie is still trying to figure out so much of his sexuality and his sense of acceptance, because no matter how much they love each other it’s just not fair to zay to have all these conditions on their relationship. like, it’s great that he likes him enough to be okay with it, but it shouldn’t be that way in a truly healthy situation. yknow? and when the rules keep changing or grow to be confusing (i.e. how charlie seemed to be improving in 207 but then backslid majorly in 208), you end up with like... well, miscommunications like 208. and those can be brutal.
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: again, i’m just projecting based on my experience in fandom and observing fandom, but here are a handful of things i think would be common in zc fic that would drive me up the wall. 1) babying and/or pandering charlie to the point that he’s just like... this uwu baby gay that completely strips him of his complexity, surprisingly sharp sarcasm, all his uneven edges and quirks, etc. 2) fetishizing of them both or more specifically, racism surrounding the portrayal of zay 3) a complete bashing of charlie’s faith, as that goes against how he’s written + his arc as a character [ like if you gotta work thru ur own grievances with organized religion then by all means, but it would probably bother me bc of his characterization and im literally not even religious lmao ] 4) banter that crosses the line and goes into that territory of lowkey bullying or tasteless that is a squick for me
Things I look for in fanfic: so of course, characterization that allows for the complexity of both of their characters would be A1 from day one as usual. would always love something that highlights the dance thing since that is... so important to their relationship in the show lmao. people who could capture their delicate balance of banter would be whew!!!! also random but i thought about it earlier today -- when winter olympics rolls around again, who is gonna write the ice skating au? it’s only a step or two away from dance y’all, let’s SEE IT!!!
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: zay would make the best of any relationship he gets into, but he and riley could be cute as i have mentioned before (altho i naturally prefer them as best friends, but they would treat each other the way they deserve which is important). there’s a character coming in s4 who i actually really enjoy with zay, but that’s a spoiler and neither here nor there... as for charlie, i again will make my vague comment about appreciating lucas x charlie... and that’s all i can say on that.............
My happily ever after for them: god i just. i want them to be happy and in love. and i mean that in that they’re happy with themselves, so they can be happy with one another. like, TRULY happy without all these conditions or strings attached. and to be able to be happy together IN PUBLIC. literally can you imagine. CAN YOU IMAGINE??
Who is the big spoon/little spoon: hmmmmmm again, i think it would vary. but i think my inclination is that typically zay is the big spoon, although i will say i think charlie is overall more cuddly (not that you’d ever assume so in public bc he’s so repressed DSJKFJDSKLGFDLKG)
What is their favorite non-sexual activity: i assume we wanna discuss the ones... that aren’t dance DJSKLFJDKGJFDLKJGKDJHLKDH. aside from the obvious, i really do think zay and charlie like to go out and explore together and just like... share experiences. like going to art museums is a big one, and seeing live performances. art is something that really connects them and i don’t think that can be understated, and one of their favorite things is experiencing art together and then getting the other to talk about their opinions on it. i also do think that while zay isn’t big on literature, he can be swayed if charlie reads to him. art completely aside, i think they like to go to the grand central market and browse / try new things. they also like window shopping, but that’s kind of funny bc their styles are so different so they’ll be like ooh and the other will be like rly. FDNSJKFDJSLGJDSG. omg they should have a day where they just get to dress the other person up all day in different stores... THERES a fun activity... zay is dressed head to toe in GAP and he’s like please set me on fire fJDSKFJDSKLGJKDLFG
send some winter hiatus asks !! or try this one
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yutos-laugh · 5 years
4, 8, 20, 22, 25 🤔🤔
I have no idea if u were asking about the hufflepuff or the ravenclaw questions lmao rip so ig I’ll just do both!
4. Do you have any nicknames?
Aaa this is such a cute question! @pastelmoonna gave me the cutest nickname ever, she calls me cotton candy :’)
My sister also gives me random nicknames sometimes, my favorite is when she calls me el bebé because she says it so cutely it steals all my uwus lol
8. Do you believe in an afterlife?
Hmm...not really tbh lol but who knows, there’s no way to really know 🤷🏽‍♀️
20. What age do you get mistaken for?
Always much younger than I am lmao Uber drivers often think I’m a high schooler even though I’m 20 and in college rip :’)
22. Favorite thing to do on rainy days?
Yknow when the rain just starts and it’s not even rain yet, just light sprinkling? I like to walk around in that and feel the cool air and the tiny drops of water on my face; it’s really calming and grounding to me somehow. When I was in India during the rainy season, my cousins and I used to play outside in the rain bc it was so warm; I loved that so much!!
25. Most hufflepuff thing you’ve ever done?
I had to look up the hufflepuff traits lmao I am neither hard working nor dedicated nor patient yikes but I suppose I am loyal and I try to be kind (sometimes lmao). I think the most hufflepuff thing I’ve done has been to stick by people when they’re at their lowest point, to try to help them through it, to continue to be there for people even when they can’t to the same to you, to be understanding of their growth process and unconditional in my love. I’m not the most loving or kind person, but I try to be a source of emotional support for my loved ones as much as I can :)
Oh my god this is already so long I’m sorry I ramble a lot jdhhsh
4. Where in the world would you most like to visit?
It sounds cliché but Paris, I think. It has a lot of art and architecture and cool culture, and I love that stuff. I really love art and to be able to go to the louvre and all those other cool artsy places would be awesome. Also my sister went there and she said it’s very aesthetic and almost fairytale-like, everywhere you look is something pretty. I think I’d really love it there. (Plus it’s where miraculous ladybug is set, I mean come on I have to get merch and frolic around the setting of that cute ass show lol)
8. Tell us an interesting fact.
Haha oh boy this is why I’m not a ravenclaw I have suddenly forgotten everything I know; did I ever even know anything?? Lmao prolly not yikes! Oh uhm the thing that popped into my head was learned helplessness, you can actually be conditioned into feeling helpless. There was a study with dogs, where they ran a small current through the floor to shock them and put a short wall in front of them; on the other side is an area where the floor won’t shock them. The dogs in this case would, of course, jump over the wall. But, there were some dogs they prevented from moving, I think by tying them to something. They tried to move but then they eventually gave up. When they untied these dogs and shocked the floor again, they stayed frozen and didn’t try to escape the shocks. What this tells us is that once the brain learns it cannot escape or fight something, it will stop trying at all, hence the term learned helplessness. I always thought this was kinda crazy and super interesting, psychology usually is lol. (I feel bad for the doggos tho :( I don’t think the shocks were very strong, I hope they gave the babies lots of treats after the experiment)
20. What is your favorite fairy tale?
OMG DONT EVEN GET ME STARTED!! I love fairy tales! It’s hard to choose a favorite. I think red riding hood is interesting and I also love Bluebeard (weird choice I know, but the concept is p intriguing). Hmm the one about Baba Yaga is cool, where the girl goes to borrow fire (I can’t remember what it’s called), there’s probably a bunch of other ones but I’ll stop here for now lol. (If you include mythology I get even crazier, don’t even get me started on my love for hades and Persephone lol)
22. If you could learn one language overnight, what would you choose?
I hate myself for saying this but...I’d have to go with Korean lmao then I could sing all the songs!! That would be so satisfying! And I could understand them! And I could talk to idols! And I could watch dramas without subtitles! Although Japanese would be a close second bc I’m a weeb lmao (no I’m not I just like anime okay lol) it would also be really nice to like actually know how to speak Hindi properly (ik how to speak it but my grammar is rather subpar), as well as to write it lol
25. Most ravenclaw thing you’ve ever done?
Hmmm. Started reading a dictionary and highlighting words I didn’t know (I gave up very quickly lol). Used obscure historical figures to tell people my age (ex I’m as old as Francis the second when he died plus four). Read Shakespeare for fun. Tried to read the prince and the pauper in 7th grade to distract myself when I was scared; it did not work bc I didn’t understand any of it at all lmao. Hated Odysseus so much that I wrote an entire essay bashing him and his huge ego freshman year of high school. Hated Rochester so much that I wrote a solid 7-8 page essay bashing him as well in college. (Can u see a trend? I abhor crappy men and I will rant about it forever lol. Also, don’t make me hate u or I will write about u lmao) uhhh idk what else, I’m just a nerd lol hdgdsjd
Thank you for asking! If you got this far, wOW I’m so sorry for u aaaaa! I hope u have a great day!! 💗💗💗 here’s cutie yuto for ur efforts:
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volscawinri1989 · 4 years
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winecross8 · 4 years
Exactly How Effective Is Cryolipolysis Treatments?
Fat Freeze
cryolipolysis tyne-wear : #f9f9f9;border: 1px solid #aaa;display: table;margin-bottom: 1em;padding: 1em;width: 350px;">
Curious About This Therapy?
Regarding Cryolipolysis Lipo.
What Does Fat Freezing Seem Like?
Coolsculpting is a fat freezing treatment that removes persistent fat to make sure that you look amazing from every angle. 3D Lipo does not involve surgery and permanently ruins fat cells within the body without the requirement to go beneath the skin.
Is it good to exercise after CoolSculpting?
If you choose not to exercise during or after your CoolSculpting series, you could risk the return of fat cells. The same habits that created the fat in the first place will eventually cause it to come back. Exercise is a proven method of maintaining long-lasting results.
First, your doctor will use a cryoprotective gel pad to the treatment area. Next, the applicator will certainly be put over the top of the gel pad; suction and air conditioning will certainly begin. Accent Prime is an amazing, FDA Accepted therapy which intends to contour the body. By integrating Ultrasound and Radiofrequency, Accent Prime lowers fat and tightens the skin to give extraordinary contoured outcomes. Nevertheless, https://lipofreeze2u.co.uk/ decide to have a second treatment (for a more 25-- 40% fat reduction) to achieve much more significant outcomes. The procedure of fat losing typically proceeds for approximately four months, after which time there will be a 25-40% fat decrease in the treated areas.
Thinking About This Therapy?
CoolSculpting is an excellent treatment for those looking for a non-surgical option for fat reduction. While there are no workout programs or special diets the therapy is best for those that deal with themselves and also are close to their ideal weight. Her understanding of the human body as well as her substantial hands-on experience with CoolSculpting suggests her results are not just effective however visual pleasing. Her skill indicates she is able to supply treatment for additional areas not available at other centers including mons pubis. Find out about her approach to treating the mons pubis in her current IG meeting with Francesca White of the Beauty Tringle. Consequently, our people not just achieve great results but are positive that their security is a concern.
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How to lose 5 inches (for ever!).
Posted: Sun, 12 Feb 2017 08:00:00 GMT [source]
Not pushy in marketing services or products, the feel and look of the shop is very warm as well as welcoming. It was my 2nd round of Plasma IQ. Emma was a delight in the pre-care as well as could not have actually cared for my requirements better.Stella took a long period of time to assess the procedure from the first Plasma IQ therapy.
About Cryolipolysis Lipo.
I have visited Berkshire Looks a number of times with my mommy for her treatments. I have located Selena to be both professional and caring towards my mom, constantly putting her secure and also asking her if she is ok throughout the therapy. A special thanks to Lisa as well as Arelata for offering an exceptional customer service, suiting my mothers requirements and also clarifying the treatment every action of the way. using cryolipolysis somerset can not fault them in any way and also would highly recommend the facility. Dr Langdon will certainly discuss these thoroughly with you during the appointment.
Can you freeze your fat off at home?
CoolSculpting is known for “freezing�� fat cells, but there's much more to the process. DIY CoolSculpting often involves ice cubes or other frozen materials. It's done in an effort to freeze fat cells. However, applying ice at home only freezes your skin and doesn't get rid of any fat cells.
I have actually been checking out the facility for a couple of years now and also the attention to detail is constantly their concern and also they constantly take some time to explain whatever fully. Cristal is created to be a single session treatment for those that are close to their suitable weight as well as who have persistent pockets of fat they wish to get rid of. During weight reduction, the number of fat cells remains the very same, but they diminish in size. Cryolipolysis permanently removes a few of your fat cells in the cured location. Fat freezing is made to shape and get rid of stubborn pockets of fat to give you a more streamlined, svelte-looking number.
What Does Fat Freezing Feel Like?
This exclusive state of art treatment uses a combination of ingenious strategies to break down unwanted fat cells and generate fat removal in areas all over the body. During your treatment, a gel pad and also applicator will be put on the targeted location. The CoolSculpting applicator delivers regulated cooling down to the targeted fat. Throughout your treatment, do not hesitate to read, examine email, catch up on TELEVISION programs and even sleep.
All of our individuals are analyzed by Dr Langdon that will guarantee there are no medical reasons why you might not have the ability to be treated. This is extremely essential as while uncommon if you dealt with when not suitable there is a risk of complications. No matter which clinic you select we strongly motivate you to find a clinic that gives medical assessment and oversight by a clinical physician.
CoolSculpting gadgets have a built-in safety setting to ensure no other bordering cells or fat is harmed during the process. The outcomes can take about 8-12 weeks to fully develop and also will be lasting, as long as you maintain a healthy and balanced weight. We recommend 1-3 Fat Freezing treatments per body area to attain the very best results. Unlike other fat reduction treatments, Cryolipolysis fasts, painless and has no healing time. At The Body Clinic we might help in reducing your lumps, bumps and also protrudes with 3D Lipo Fat Freezing treatments. Once the procedure has actually been completed, your body will ultimately eliminate the dead fat cells, leaving the cured location looking slimmer and also extra toned. Would certainly recommend, had an examination by the nurse, really useful and also all team are exceptionally experienced of their therapies.
This therapy is just one of our most popular treatments, it is the perfect alternative to liposuction surgery. For those trying to find a non-surgical abdominoplasty, this is a wonderful natural means to eliminate stubborn pockets of fat without surgery.
As she is on hand throughout the treatment and at anytime after that she is able to aid handle any issues you may have. We encourage patients to speak to the clinic quickly must they have also the least concern.
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christysports · 4 years
The best Pc games
The best PC games come in all shapes and sizes, from enormous open-world AAA titles, similar to The Witcher 3, to little yet vivid independent games, similar to Disco Elysium. Be that as it may, given the 500 or more games you're probably going to have between your Steam and Epic Games Store library, how would you realize which to play first? That is the place we come in with a rundown of the best PC games we're playing at the present time.
Try not to check out our Xbox Series X and PS5 inclusion either, as we'll be taking on the two consoles and the going with games when they dispatch. Talking about which, here are the principal games we'll purchase on cutting edge comforts.
We as of late inspected The Last of Us Part II, which is a show-stopper, and Ghost of Tsushima, which is likewise stunning. Look at our ongoing Microsoft Project xCloud beta survey.
We realize that the best PC games out there positions in the large numbers, including games like Divinity: Original Sin 2, Doom and Minecraft, yet we can't list every one of them. Thus, these are the best PC games we're adoring at the present time (this rundown isn't positioned from best to most noticeably terrible).
What are the best PC games?
Regardless of all that is going on the present moment, 2020 is a solid year for PC gaming. The round of the year competitor that bounces option to mind is Doom Eternal. Fate Eternal is all that devotees of first-individual shooters could need, flaunting an incredible single-player crusade that takes off far over its archetype. With an amazing world, extraordinary unique soundtrack and important personal satisfaction changes, Doom Eternal gave probably the most unadulterated fun we've had playing a computer game in a long while.
Third-individual activity ghastliness Resident Evil 3 just dispatched, and in spite of the fact that it's not tantamount to Resident Evil 2, it actually has a strong establishment with exciting manager battles, holding conditions and a refined battle framework. Searching for something that is similar to Overwatch however unique? In the wake of landing board-first into one of Bleeding Edge's beautiful guides and dispatching into the hack-and-slice brawler-esque confusion of battle, we immediately understood this could be outstanding amongst other PC rounds of 2020 — that is, the length of Ninja Theory can convey post-dispatch.
Outside of 2020, there are astounding PC games, similar to The Witcher III: Wild Hunt (dream experience), Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice (how to pass on test system), Fortnite (fight royale) and Rocket League (serious games?). Simply a year ago, Gears 5 (spread based shooter), The Outer Worlds (first-individual RPG) and Mortal Kombat 11 (battling game) kicked so much ass that they made it on our 2019 rounds of the year list. A portion of our undisputed top choices are Monster Hunter: World (activity RPG) and Beat Saber (VR mood game).
The best PC games you can play today
Fate Eternal
Microsoft Flight Simulator
Apparatuses Tactics
Skyline Zero Dawn
Inhabitant Evil 3
Front line
The Witcher III: Wild Hunt
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice
Rocket League
Inhabitant Evil 2
Apparatuses 5
The Outer Worlds
Zenith Legends
Red Dead Redemption 2
Mortal Kombat 11
Disco Elysium
Beat Saber
Beast Hunter: World
Absolute War: Three Kingdoms
1. Fate Eternal
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Fate Eternal best PC games id Software has culminated an equation. Fate Eternal's striking world fills in as the ideal play area for butchering evil presences and chasing collectibles. (Picture credit: id Software)
Investigating Doom Eternal's devilish hellscape is undeniably more superb than one would expect in a game that flaunts ruthlessness and savagery. Players travel through modern outsider universes, metropolitan urban communities destroyed by satanic debasement, and massive structures taking motivation from Renaissance-time engineering. Further increased by its broad shading palette, Doom Eternal's surroundings are so marvelously excellent that each second expects time to reflect and welcome the sights.
Fate Eternal comprehends the establishment excessively well, getting so enveloped with its own images that it's regularly hard to draw in with its more genuine minutes. As jumbled as the story may be, it rapidly assumes a lower priority, burning through no time tossing the player into the evil spirit killing activity. Fortunately, the account works toward the last half and envelops things with an epic style.
2. Microsoft Flight Simulator
Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 best PC games Microsoft Flight Simulator is a sweeping, truly amazing stage that catches each niche and corner of Planet Earth. (Picture credit: Microsoft)
Microsoft Flight Simulator — an outwardly striking, amazing virtual experience that dispatches you into Earth's huge skies — will make them sing Nelly Furtado's "I'm Like a Bird." You'll be enraptured by Bora's staggering heaven of greenish blue tidal ponds. You'll be enchanted to detect the vegetation-secured, limestone precipices of Thailand. You'll be wowed by the brilliant and bulbous churches of Moscow.
"I don't have the foggiest idea where my spirit is! I don't have the foggiest idea where my house is!"
As skydiver Felix Baumgartner once stated, "Now and then you need to go up extremely high to see how little you truly are." Planet Earth appears to be vast in Microsoft Flight Simulator, from the profound beach front fjords of Norway to the lofty baobab trees of Madagascar. In spite of Earth's immense breadths, Microsoft has figured out how to stuff Bing's huge satellite information of Earth — each of its two petabytes — inside this spellbinding game, leaving stews feeling awestruck by the sheer number of urban areas (more than 2,000,000) that one can visit.
Note:Also read here more about World of warcraft.
3. Riggings Tactics
Riggings Tactics best PC games.Do you like Gears of War and XCOM? You'll become hopelessly enamored with Gears Tactics. Do you like just one of those games? You'll most likely actually appreciate Gears Tactics. (Picture credit: Microsoft)
Apparatuses Tactics looked sort of senseless when the trailer initially dropped at E3, yet it ought to have been clear then that a Gears of War-meets-XCOM game is a match made in blood, guts and wonder. The turn-based methodology battle functions admirably for Gears since it's a spread based shooter, so in fact the organization is the equivalent, aside from you can design out your moves all the more strategically.
What Gears Tactics brings to the table separated from insightful turn-based mechanics is the means by which well the engineers Splash Damage and The Coalition moved toward beauty care products and character creation - everything is liberated from both cash and sex. In any event, plunging into the settings end up being productive, as I found an abundance of execution and openness settings.
While I delighted in the ongoing interaction, the story neglected to inundate me into its pre-Gears universe. I played 8 hours before arriving at an intriguing plot point. Notwithstanding that, for the ongoing interaction alone, Gears Tactics is outstanding amongst other PC games you can play at this moment.
4. Skyline Zero Dawn
Skyline Zero Dawn best PC gamesHorizon Zero Dawn is an extraordinary game with a dreadful PC port. While it's extraordinary compared to other PC games you could play, we suggest getting it on a profound deal and play it with the best equipment. (Picture credit: Sony)
Skyline Zero Dawn is an amazing game. In the event that you missed Guerilla's widely praised RPG in 2017 and have sufficient equipment to deal with the inadequately advanced wreck that is this PC port, I would suggest getting it on an extremely profound deal.
Also read here universe of warcraft cinematic quest guide
Skyline Zero Dawn drops the major part in an enormous open world to search materials, chase monsters both automated and natural, and art a stockpile of essential weapons and protective layer. The game's as of now risky grounds turned out to be much all the more compromising as I played on Ultra Hard, which frequently constrained me to sneak through conditions to keep away from its extensive inventory of furious machines. Since numerous adversaries could crush me in a solitary hit and set me back by as long as 10 minutes of progress, I discovered most experiences to be profoundly alarming.
This plan theory accentuates how suddenly perfect the apocalypse can be. Stories rotating around a planet drained of life are bounty convincing without a doubt, yet Horizon Zero Dawn impeccably sees how to best show what will really happen once nature recovers the Earth.
5. Inhabitant Evil 3
Inhabitant Evil 3 best PC gamesResident Evil 3's day of work in tone is fruitful gratitude to expanded battle smoothness, incredible manager battles, ravishing landscape and striking adversary experiences. (Picture credit: Capcom)
Inhabitant Evil 3 is a strong game that, tragically, needs to satisfy the expectations of Resident Evil 2. It doesn't approach its greatness
6. Forefront
Forefront best PC gamesBleeding Edge is amazingly mind boggling, superfun and a general incredible beginning to what exactly could be the most smoking multiplayer of the round of the year. (Picture credit: Ninja Theory)
Front line shows up at a time after hero-based games like Overwatch and DotA changed their individual types so profoundly that, regardless, innumerable others have endeavored to duplicate what they've achieved. Notwithstanding, none have endeavored to take that saint based idea and coordinate it into an alternate sort of game. In any case, that is the place Ninja Theory's most recent hack-and-cut brawler comes in.
Cutting edge is quickly charming gratitude to its beautiful cast of characters. Speaking to New York is my undisputed top choice: Daemon — a ninja-punk who shaped the posse of computerized loners known as the Bleeding Edge. Every individual from the Bleeding Edge has three uncommon capacities and the alternative to look over two super-moves. To the extent essential capacities go, you have your customary assault, sidestep, repel and hop.
While Bleeding Edge offers just two game modes at this moment (Objective Control and Power Collection), them two are staggeringly extraordinary. On head of that, Bleeding Edge's guides offer vivid conditions and drench you into the world with the guide risks set up.
Cutting edge has so much potential, and it's one of only a handful barely any serious games I've played that I'm betting everything for.
7. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
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Best PC games The Witcher 3: Wild HuntSword battles, enchantment and a lot of Gwent, The Witcher III: Wild Hunt is an absolute necessity play title for aficionados of the books or the Netflix arrangement. (Picture credit: CD Projekt Red)
Drifting off the notoriety of the Netflix show "The Witcher," CD Projekt Red's set of three of Witcher games is getting a charge out of a resurgence. What's more, The Witcher III: Wild Hunt isn't just by a wide margin the best in the arrangement but at the same time it's extraordinary compared to other PC games to date. The last part in Geralt of Rivia's computer game experience offers all the blade employing and spell projecting you'd expect, with a lot of exchange and profound quality trees, alongside an enormous bestiary of legendary animals to battle.
In the last section, you're on the path of an adult Cirilla, on the run from the nominal Wild Hunt. En route, you'll meet arrangement top picks, including Triss, Dandelion (Jaskier) and, obviously, Yennefer of Vengerberg. Along these lines, flip your coin (and a few hundred hours of your life) to your Witcher and play through a fun, connecting with story.
8. Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice
Best PC games Sekiro: Shadows Die TwiceOut of each game on this rundown, Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice will likely make you kick the bucket the most, which is the reason it's a standout amongst other PC games. (Picture credit: FromSoftware)
FromSoftware's most recent "slaughter yourself" test system is Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. It's a high-octane activity experience game that doesn't quit attempting to get you to remove your PC from the window until the credits roll. Yet, I have uplifting news: It's certainly feasible.
You start off as a shinobi with only a blade, however as you play, you'll acquire aptitudes and weapons to fight off your adversaries. Inevitably, you'll become accustomed to hopping, repelling and timing your assaults on supervisors and so forth. At that point, you'll get the genuine instructional exercise meeting: Genichiro Ashina, a total and express monster who'll constrain you to ace the entirety of your abilities. After you do that, you'll be a straight supervisor at Sekiro.
That is, you will be until you need to battle the Demon of Hatred, when you'll eat earth and in a real sense need to forget all that you know in this game. At that point, and at exactly that point, would you be able to battle the last chief and end your torment. Goodness, and there are additionally similar to three endings you need to stress over. Time to get great. It's justified, despite all the trouble, however, as Sekiro is a standout amongst other PC games.
9. Fortnite
Best PC games FortniteFortnite, a fight royale shooter, is one of the most famous computer games ever, with in excess of 250 million players. (Picture credit: Epic Games)
State what you need about Fortnite, however the game's social effect is extraordinary. From transforming gamers into famous people to passing out millions in competition prize money, Fortnite is a marvel that apparently won't disappear.
Ascribing this current game's unimaginable accomplishment to an allowed to-play model that depends altogether on microtransactions doesn't do equity to the game or its engineer, Epic Games. Fortnite hopped on the fight royale type (h/t to PUBG), dispatching with an exquisite, ever-evolving map, different weapons with various capacities and completely adaptable characters.
In any case, fight royale games (Fortnite specifically) can be frustratingly savage. To keep individuals returning, Epic Games consistently includes new substance and prizes players with new skins, difficulties and modes.
What at last isolates Fortnite from comparative games is a difficult yet remunerating building framework that adds profundity and intricacy to the standard run-and-firearm ongoing interaction. Furthermore, with Fortnite's cheerful tasteful, senseless moving and clever video cuts, this title never pays attention to itself as well, which is an engaging quality for individuals who simply need a departure. It effectively positions among the best PC games.
10. Rocket League
Best PC games Rocket LeagueDo you wish FIFA and Need for Speed were only a similar game? At that point you'll locate your best PC game in Rocket League, a title that has nothing to do with either establishment. (Picture credit: Psyonix)
Rocket League is soccer, if every player was supplanted with a rocket-fueled vehicle. Maybe a group of 8-year-olds planned a game, however Psyonix ran with the idea and created outstanding amongst other PC games ever.
Despite the fact that it's a couple of years old, Rocket League has profited by incessant updates that additional new guides, modes and vehicles. Psyonix has done hybrids with Halo, Rick and Morty, Batman and even The Fast and the Furious establishment. In addition, a cross-play highlight implies you can contend with rivals over various stages, including Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch. It was additionally one of only a handful scarcely any PC games on macOS and Linux (Psyonix as of late finished help for these nonetheless). Regardless of whether you're playing on the web or facilitating neighborhood gathering games with companions, Rocket League has a place in your gaming library.
11. Inhabitant Evil 2
Best PC games Resident Evil 2This revamp of the endurance frightfulness exemplary is grisly, gross and excellent. (Picture credit: Capcom)
The change of Resident Evil is ridiculous delightful. Truly, this is one of only a handful not many games that can leave you marginally disgusted, yet mesmerized in a similar second in the excellence of the loathsomeness unfurling before you.
Capcom affectionately re-made the endurance ghastliness exemplary, dumping the tank controls and limited recoveries for present day third-individual shooting-game mechanics and dazzling activity. Furthermore, you get Mr. X, a tireless, transformed monster hellbent on chasing you down. Furthermore, on the off chance that you truly need to have some good times, evaluate a portion of the mods that strip the quiet fear down to its skivvies or transform it into Pennywise the moving jokester from Stephen King's "IT." After you beat the game, you could attempt to speedrun it to attempt to get a S or A position, which'll get you boundless ammunition for stuff like the ATM-4 Rocket Launcher and Minigun.
12. Riggings 5
Best PC games Gears 5Are you searching for an epic third-individual shooter with a beautiful semi-open world? At that point Gears 5 is the best PC game for you. (Picture credit: Microsoft)
Riggings 5 is an amazing third-individual, spread based shooter, notwithstanding being the best Gears of War games ever constructed, on account of its top to bottom narrating, lovely open-world conditions and conceivable characters. It's genuinely a standout amongst other PC games I've ever played.
At the point when I saw the main trailer for this game at E3, I thought Gears 5 was going to tumble. Be that as it may, when I played the mission, I was overwhelmed by how the story flawlessly associated itself to the remainder of the arrangement. In the event that mission isn't your thing, don't stress: Gears 5 likewise has a game mode called Escape, which traps you in a Swarm home and powers you to battle out in a restricted measure of time. It's very exceptional and an extraordinary method to encounter Gears with companions. There's likewise Horde mode and innumerable PvP modes to keep you occupied.
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The best gaming PCs are the best able apparatus at your auctioning for both video amateur and abundance software. Blasting through hordes of foes at accelerated anatomy ante and aerial resolutions is fun, but you can aloof as calmly use a gaming rig for clear design, action or artlessly alive movies and TV in admirable 4K.
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While the PS5 and Xbox Series X will bear added ability than animate gamers currently enjoy, they’re still no bout for one of the best gaming PCs. If you appetite fast-loading SSDs, adorable ray tracing, massive quantities of RAM, 4K resolution and 60 fps anatomy rate, you don’t accept to delay until anniversary 2020; you can accept them appropriate now. And, clashing a console, you can advancement PCs as bigger tech becomes available.
You can body your own PC, of course, but this action is alarming for newcomers, and it’s not consistently the best value, depending on the accurate genitalia and bureaucracy you’re adorable for. (Don’t forget: The time you absorb researching, acclimation and accumulating genitalia is additionally a cost.) If you’d rather hit the arena running, our account of the best gaming PCs will absolute you against pre-built systems from a array of trusted manufacturers.
We analysis new PCs consistently to see if they canyon aggregation for this list, and amend the folio as systems become available. Read on, and we’ll advice you acquisition your abutting abundant gaming machine.
The best gaming PC appropriate now is the the Alienware Aurora R10, acknowledgment to its sleek, beautiful design, baking gaming achievement and accessible upgradability. If you appetite to be able to bandy in newer cartoon cards over time and don’t appetite to accord with a agglomeration of screws and tools, the Aurora is for you.
If you’re adorable for the best bargain gaming PC, the CyberPower Gamer Xtreme VR is our top account pick. One of our admired mid-range options is the Dell G5 5090, which starts at a reasonable access level, price, has an adorable design, and, like its bigger Alienware brother, is adequately accessible to upgrade.
The Corsair One i160 is a acceptable best for association gluttonous the best bunched gaming PC about afterwards sacrificing power, while bazaar machines such as the Origin Neuron and Maingear Rush are account blockage out if you appetite to adapt every aspect of your PC at the point of purchase.
There are affluence of added abundant gaming PCs out there, from ultra-compact desktops that are absolute for active allowance gaming to massive, customizable mammoths that are ideal for 4K gaming as able-bodied as basal reality. 
Tom’s Guide is currently in the action of reviewing the MSI Trident X, a able desktop accepted primarily for its acutely abbreviate profile. We’ve had acceptable adventures with MSI laptops in the past, and achievement that the company’s acceptability for able genitalia and artistic designs stays accurate in the desktop amplitude as well.
Ready to acquisition the ultimate belfry for your command center? Here are the best gaming PCs to buy appropriate now.
The best gaming PC overall
VR Ready: Yes | Processor: AMD Ryzen 5 / 7 / 9 or 9th Gen Intel Core i5 / i7 / i9 | RAM: Up to 64GB | Cartoon Card: Up to Nvidia RTX 2080 Ti | Storage: Up to 2TB | Accessories: N/A
Attractive design
Very accessible to advancement graphics
Sleek, customizable RGB lighting
Blistering gaming and CPU performance
Can get expensive
The Alienware Aurora R10 delivers big on every front: it’s stylish; it’s powerful; it’s customizable and it’s accessible to advancement behindhand of whether or not you’re a PC enthusiast. The R10 archetypal sports Alienware’s latest Legend architecture language, carrying a sleek, ample anatomy that looks abundant in both white and atramentous and sports three absolutely customizable RGB zones.
But the absolute abracadabra lies inside, area you can accouterments the Aurora R10 with up to an Intel Core i9 or Ryzen 9 processor and assorted Nvidia RTX 2080 Ti cartoon cards for administration the best VR amateur afterwards a sweat. And alike if you alpha small, the Aurora’s smartly advised anatomy lets you accessible the apparatus up and bandy out the GPU and RAM afterwards the charge for any tools. No amount how you configure it, the Aurora is the best gaming PC you can buy.
Read our abounding Alienware Aurora R10 review.
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VR Ready: Yes | Processor: Intel Core i5-8400 | RAM: 8GB | Cartoon Card: Nvidia GTX 1660 | Storage: 1TB adamantine drive | Accessories: Cyberpower
Great achievement for price
Included accessories
Bulky design
The CyberPower Gamer Xtreme VR is one of the best gaming PCs for association who appetite to absorb $800 afterwards sacrificing abundant in the way of power. Packing a Core i5 processor and an Nvidia GTX 1660 cartoon card, this desktop can run boilerplate amateur at aerial settings and alike handle basal absoluteness afterwards abundant of a sweat. Bigger yet, the Gamer Xtreme VR is actual accessible to accessible up, authoritative it a abundant starting point for gamers who eventually appetite to advancement to added able parts. 
The Gamer Xtreme VR has continued been a admired at top online retailers, and for acceptable reason. On top of its able achievement and low starting price, this apparatus has a adequately glassy and blatant design, complete with custom RGB lighting both on the admirers and aural the case. You additionally get a CyberPower keyboard and abrasion appropriate out of the box, so you can absorb beneath time attractive added accessories and added time fragging your accompany online. 
Entry-level and accessible to upgrade
VR Ready: Yes | Processor: Up to 9th Gen Intel Core i7 9700 | RAM: Up to 64GB | Cartoon Card: Up to Nvidia RTX 2080 | Storage: Up to 1TB SSD 2TB adamantine drive | Accessories: Dell optical abrasion and multimedia keyboard
Good abundance and gaming performance
Reasonably priced
Great chassis
Preinstalled software can be a pain
Not ideal for QHD/UHD gaming
The Dell G5 5090 is one of the best gaming PCs for association who appetite a solid access akin apparatus that’s actual accessible to upgrade. This bogie affordable desktop starts with a bashful Core i3 processor and Nvidia GTX 1650 card, but can be outfitted with up to a Core i7 CPU and RTX 2080 GPU for added accelerated gaming.
One of the G5’s bigger affairs credibility is its sleek, foolproof chassis, which is abundantly accessible to accessible up should you appetite to bandy out apparatus over time. We begin Dell’s desktop to be reliable for arena AAA amateur at 1080p and 60 frames per second, and like that the apparatus comes mostly chargeless of bloatware. Overall, if you charge a good, affordable desktop that you can accomplish added able over time, the Dell G5 5090 is a abundant choice.
Read our abounding Dell G5 5090 review. 
Big ability in a bunched chassis
VR Ready: Yes | Processor: Intel Core i9-9900K | RAM: 32GB | Cartoon Card: Nvidia RTX 2080 Ti | Storage: 480GB SSD, 2TB | Accessories: N/A
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Wonderfully bunched design
Slick, customizable RGB lighting
Strong all-embracing performance
Still-limited upgradability
Who says you charge a gigantic belfry for high-end gaming PC power? The Corsair One i160 hones the bunched gaming PC abstraction to abreast perfection, abstraction an Intel Core i9 processor and Nvidia RTX 2080 Ti GPU into a stunningly glassy anatomy that can alloy into offices and command centers appropriately well. 
The Corsair One’s glossy RGB lighting offers a ton of customization options, and its liquid-cooled centralized architecture keeps this baby apparatus quiet alike during acrimonious 4K showdowns. It’s account acquainted that the Corsair One isn’t the best upgrade-friendly machine, so you’ll charge to aces a agreement you’ll appetite to stick with or accept some appropriate abstruse ability to bandy out parts. But if you’re bound on amplitude but don’t appetite to cede performance, the Corsair One is one of the best gaming PCs for admirers of bunched machines. 
Read our abounding Corsair One i160 review.
VR Ready: Yes | Processor: Intel Core i7-7800X | RAM: 16GB | Cartoon Card: Nvidia GTX 1080 Ti | Storage: 500GB SSD | Accessories: Interactive LCD Panel
Unique LCD ancillary panel
Impressive all-embracing performance
Reasonable price
Relatively apathetic SSD
There’s no gaming PC that absolutely catches the eye like the iBuyPower Snowblind. The best gaming PC architecture we’ve seen, this desktop’s ancillary console is a translucent, fully-functioning LCD display. You can use this console to appearance off air-conditioned activated wallpapers, adviser your PC performance, or alike comedy amateur (though we don’t acclaim that aftermost part). 
It’s additionally artlessly a abundant gaming machine, with lots of analytic priced agreement options that abutment such high-end apparatus as an Intel Core i7 processor and Nvidia GTX 1080 Ti GPU. If you’re the blazon of gaming PC enthusiast who ethics aesthetics as abundant as able performance, the iBuyPower Snowblind is one of the best different and absorbing desktops out there. 
Read our abounding iBuyPower Snowblind review.
High-end abundance for a exceptional price
VR Ready: Yes | Processor: Up to Intel Core i9 7980XE | RAM: Up to 64GB | Cartoon Card: Up to Nvidia RTX 2080 Ti (2) | Storage: Up to 4TB SSD | Accessories: N/A
Drool-worthy looks
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Innovative cooling system
Impressively able gaming and all-embracing performance
Tons of customization options
Extremely expensive
Maingear has a adroitness for crafting extravagant, customizable showpieces for association accommodating to afford a few thousand bucks, and the F131 is no exception. This beauteous belfry packs Maingear’s new APEX aqueous cooling system, which is expertly crafted to accumulate your arrangement from overheating while additionally actuality a curiosity to attending at. 
Factor in a ton of droolworthy acrylic and lighting options and abutment for up to two Nvidia RTX 2080 Ti cards, and you’ve got one of the best gaming PCs for players adorable to go all-out. Naturally, the Maingear F131’s aerial amount tag agency it’s added ideal for hardcore enthusiasts than gamers adorable for article basal to get started with. But if you accept the banknote to absorb and appetite to be able to adapt every distinct aspect of your action station, few manufacturers do it bigger than Maingear. 
Read our abounding Maingear F131 review.
Price: If affordability is your concern, best appropriate gaming PCs alpha about $700 to $1,000. For that price, you’re adorable at specs such as Intel Core i3 and Core i5 processors, Nvidia 1660 and 1660 Ti GPUs and 8GB to 16GB of RAM.
Performance: Think about the blazon of gaming acquaintance you’re after. If its solid 1080p/60fps gaming you want, a apparatus with a appropriate Core i5 processor and GeForce 2060 or AMD Radeon RX 5600 GPU will get you there. Cards such as the Radeon RX 5700 and GeForce 2080 hit a nice candied atom for dependable 1440p gaming. Going 4K? You’ll appetite to bounce for accouterments such as an RTX 2080 Ti or AMD Radeon VII.
Upgradability: Gaming PC apparatus are consistently evolving, and the best gaming PCs can be calmly upgraded with new genitalia over time. Machines such as the Alienware Aurora and Dell G5 are accessible to accessible up and boggle with, alike for the beneath tech-savvy. Bunched machines, such as the Corsair One, can be a bit harder to accessible up. So if you plan on advance your advance over time, accumulate this in mind.
VR-readiness: Appetite to bold in VR? Requirements for headsets such as the Oculus Rift S and HTC Vive alpha at an Nvidia GTX 1050 Ti / AMD Radeon RX 470 GPU, an Intel Core i3 or Ryzen 3 processor, 8GB of RAM and a DisplayPort 1.2 or mini DisplayPort. Accomplish abiding your apparatus meets this requirements afore you bang bottomward banknote for one. 
In our chase to acquisition the best gaming PC, we run every archetypal we analysis through a connected gauntlet of real-world and criterion tests, in adjustment to admeasurement how anniversary desktop endless up as both a gaming apparatus and as an accustomed computer.
As far as adamantine numbers go, we currently run the framerate criterion utilities for Shadow of the Tomb Raider, Far Cry: New Dawn, Red Dead Redemption 2 and Middle-earth: Shadow of War at 1920 x 1080 with cartoon maxed out, as able-bodied as at 2560 x 1440 and 4K if a arrangement allows for it. On top of that, we comedy bags of graphics-intensive amateur in adjustment to accord you a faculty of how these gaming desktops authority up anecdotally.
In agreement of constructed tests, we run a area of benchmarks that accommodate 3DMark Fire Strike Ultra (for graphics) and Geekbench 4 and 5 (for processor performance). We additionally run the SteamVR Achievement Analysis on all of our machines to appraise how accessible they are for basal reality. To analysis a system’s adamantine drive, we admeasurement how fast anniversary PC can archetype 4.97GB account of multimedia files.
Round up of today’s best deals
Alienware Aurora Ryzen…
Dell G5 Gaming Desktop – w/…
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Physical Computing 2 - Part One
This post was originally published on December 12th, 2019.
Over the summer, I was lucky enough to visit the V&A during the opening of their Videogames: Design / Play / Disrupt exhibition after being fortunate enough to see it in London. This was followed by Arcadia - a day of talks and presentations by independent game developers, AAA developers, interactive art designers and more. This was then followed up by Press Play, an alternative arcade evening. I think going into our arcade project last year, I didn’t really have a true understanding of alt arcade and the possibilities of creating more tactile experiences in games until I had the opportunity to experience more.
I came up with an alternative arcade project in the summer that never really came to fruition. The idea was based on micro/mini-game compilations like Warioware after a few friends and I were playing Bishi Bashi with one controller. Between micro-games, we had to pass the controller back and forth between one another in a hurry in order to take turns accordingly. I really liked the physical aspect of this and wanted to create something along the same lines.
When also coming up with random video game concepts last year, I came up with a post-it note that discussed the idea of a video game triptych. I kept the note on my wall and wanted to potentially use it for a future physical project. This is what kind of sparked the development of the original idea of the project.
My birth tarot cards are Death / The Emperor. Death is often perceived with its negative connotations, but can also be seen as part of a cycle - representing endings and welcoming begins. It also isn’t necessarily representative of the death of life. It could represent feelings, mindset, tasks or being. I often struggle with the concept of death, and when thinking of this I was reminded of a perfume collection and wanted to name my project after this. Death, Decay, Renewal. I think this also fits the thematic of a triptych idea.
Death Decay Renewal will be a reflection on the three titular concepts. Individual mini games will fall under one of the three themes but together create a story when played. The general theme is hope and patience; the concept of life after death and how energy can never be destroyed or created, only transferred or changed.
The game will have three mini games per level. Levels will progressively become more intense in terms of the delivery of the subject matter. Because of the style of the delivery of the games, and the way they need to be rapidly presented to the player, there unfortunately isn’t a lot of space to create an in depth method of storytelling – therefore, I would like this to become apparent from the subject matter in the games.
The game will potentially have multiple game modes. Similar in style to a game such as Tetris, the goals may either be to play infinitely or to progress into levels. For levels, there will be designated mini-games within a particular level group and the player must complete all of them in order to progress to the next stage. This will continue until the players reach the end. If playing infinitely, the player would be able to access all mini-games at once and gain an overall score for each completed game until a game over condition was reached. At this stage, these concepts may become “nice-to-haves” however.
As the player will be presented with quick rounds of short games, the skills need to be based on things that can be picked up on quickly rather than skills that would be learn over a duration of time. All games will be a reflection of the player’s reaction time. Ideas for mini game skill concepts include button mashing, memory games, fast paced puzzle solving and ultimately the ability to be able to react to commands in quick succession. The game will potentially only utilise a few buttons inputs. I would like to experiment with these, however.
Losing conditions are likely to fall under one of two categories – player response times being slower than the designated time limit or a player failing to complete an objective correctly. Players will be given three “lives” and may fail the mini-games collectively three times before their score is totalled and they are given a game over screen.
The style of the game will be 2D and replicate vintage astronomy charts and tarot cards. The game will ultimate follow a palette of only black and white for a recognisable and blunt aesthetic - whether or not my final output will be in black is a different story. This will hopefully also create less of a time constraint when creating art for the game. To fully replicate this, the mini games are to be displayed in a portrait mode – with the three mini games stacked one besides the other on the screen(s).
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Specific artists I would like to be inspired by include Junji Ito and Godsteeth Illustration. I feel as though the aesthetic of their work would compliment the ideas that I’ve already presented through their use of composition and subject matter.
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In terms of control and input and display, I have a few ideas but nothing concrete. Last year, I only ended up getting my buttons to working which was a pity - but I think this time around it’s going to depend a lot on how I want the game set up. I definitely want some more interesting inputs, but I’m not really sure how I want this implemented level to level. I’ve purchased some inputs and outputs for my raspberry pi, but I’d like to go into the specifics of my game later.
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