savaralyn2 · 10 months
Dungeon Meshi - Final volume extra previews
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nightghoul381 · 9 months
Dead or Love ~ Ellis Twilight
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This a fan translation so it is definitely not 100% accurate. I do not own anything related to Ikemen Villains. Support Cybird by buying their amazing stories!
Part 1 | Part 2 | Bitter End | Premium End | Epilogue
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Ellis: “Kate, what kind of Christmases have you had so far?”
While having tea in a café as the Christmas season approaches, Ellis, sitting in front of me, tilts his head.
I couldn’t help but smile at the light steam coming from the hot chocolate that Ellis was drinking.
Kate: “I was usually working, Christmas is especially busy with the deliveries.”
Ellis: “Oh, Christmas cards?”
Kate: “Fufu, correct.”
Ellis: “So, I guess you had a busy Christmas at work.”
Kate: “But it wasn’t all bad, was it?”
Kate: “I felt like Santa Claus because I got to see the happy faces when I delivered the Christmas cards.”
(Now I feel a little nostalgic for those days)
As I trace the memories of the Holy Night with my fingertips and immersed myself in a nostalgic feeling, Ellis murmured.
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Ellis: “I want to be your Santa Claus this year.”
Kate: “Eh…?”
Ellis: “I want to give you a very special, very happy Christmas.”
Ellis: “…no good?”
Kate: “Well, in that case, I’ll join you too—”
Ellis: “That’s not allowed.”
Kate: “Why?”
Ellis: “Because Santa Claus doesn’t ask for anything in return, right?”
I imagine Santa Claus walking around, handing out presents without asking for anything in return.
Kate: “Ah…sure?”
Ellis: “Fufu, right? That’s why you’re not allowed to return the favor.”
(I’m sure Ellis is trying to give me some wonderful Christmas memories.)
Although, I am a little reluctant to keep his indiscriminate kindness he gives me to myself.
Kate: “If it’s okay with you, Ellis, I’m happy to do it.”
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Ellis: “…I did it. I’ll do my best to make you happy.
--Secret Room- Ellis’ POV—
Ellis: “…What is the best Christmas?”
Ellis: “What do you think is the best Christmas, Jude?”
Jude: “Aah? I don’t know anything about that.”
As I looked at Jude, who was working on paperwork, I heard an annoyed sigh.
Jude: “Hah… annoying to be so deep in thought.”
Jude: “People don’t go out of their way to pay a lot of money to eat in a high-end place for nothing. I don’t know.”
Ellis: “High-end. Why?”
Jude: “Ha. It’s a childish Christmas only blue-eyed brats like you would enjoy.”
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Ellis: “I see. Yeah, maybe so.”
Jude: “More importantly, Christmas Eve is—”
Ellis: “A conviction for illicit exports, right?”
Ellis: “Ah, it’s not a crown mission, so I guess it's a punishment."
According to Jude, the organization refines and sells dangerous drugs.
Apparently, they were working carefully behind the scenes so that Jude’s company would be looked upon with suspicion if something were to happen.
Ellis: “I know the loss is only a few thousand pounds. Do you want me to kill? Not kill?
Jude: “They were targeting women and children with those drugs, it’s just so shitty it’s not even funny.”
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Ellis: “Kill, you mean… got it.”
And then it was Christmas Eve, December 24th.
Jude and I went into the mansion where the organization was eating.
Jude: “Sorry to disturb you while you’re eating.”
Head of Organization: “Jude Jazza…”
Jude: “Ha, that looks like an expensive wine. You seem to be having a lot of fun.”
Jude steps up onto the table with bare feet and puts his toes on the chin of the man who seems to be the head of the organization.
Jude: “Are you saying that the person who tried to pin the blame on my company had no knowledge of the law?”
Head of Organization: “N-No…”
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Jude: “Heh…?”
Jude: “—No, of course not, you fucking idiot.”
Head of Organization: “AAAAAHHHHH!!!”
There was the sound of a jaw being crushed, and the throats of the people around them rang out in fear.
Jude: “Your disgusting screams are hurting my ears. Ellis.”
Bottom of the Organization: “I-I’m sorry…Aah!”
Organization member 1: “Don’t run away you guys! It’s only two people, kill them…!”
Ellis: “…If you can kill me, good luck.”
Organization member 1: “Gah!”
One by one, I thrust a knife into them and take their lives.
While I think about these people not being able to have a Christmas,
Someone touched my leg--.
The movement was delayed for a moment.
Organization member 2: “Aah!”
When I killed the last one, all I could hear was me and Jude breathing.
I felt something strange on my leg and looked down…
Jude: “What?”
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Ellis: “Looks like I’ve got a bomb attached to me.”
Perhaps it was a dying struggle, but the person I had just killed seemed to have touched my leg to set off a bomb.
(24 hours left? Oh, it’s a time bomb.)
Ellis: “I guess there’s no one left to tell us how to disarm it.”
Ellis: “…What should I do?”
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Jude: “Ha. I don’t know, wipe your own ass.”
(I usually do that, but tomorrow…)
Kate: “If it’s okay with you, Ellis, I’m happy to do it.”
--End Flashback—
Ellis: “Jude, I have a favor to ask of you.”
Jude: “Yeah?”
--Crown Castle—Kate POV
Then, just as the cold of winter was getting stronger, December 25th—Christmas arrived.
I promised to meet Ellis in the town around the time the sun sets.
(My work is finished, so I have to start preparing now.)
Then, there was a knock at the door and a maid delivered a large box.
(…I wonder what?)
When I opened the box, inside was a long, light purple dress.
And a message card was attached to it.
Merry Christmas, Kate.
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It’s a present from Santa Claus.
(This is from Ellis…)
(I had no idea you had prepared such a present for me.)
The unexpected Christmas present makes my heart feel fluffy and sweet like cotton candy.
It’s like it’s a preview of the best Christmas yet to come.
(I need to quickly change my clothes and hurry to Ellis.)
I felt as excited as a child receiving a present from Santa Claus.
I change into the dress and head to the meeting place.
London is decorated with Christmas colors and welcomes me with an even more gorgeous look.
(The meeting place was supposed to be here…)
Ellis: “Beautiful lady over there. Are you meeting someone…?”
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Bitter End | Premium End | Epilogue
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cor-corbinian · 1 year
So I had time to sleep on the last episode of bsd and I have thoughts.
So far I've seen so many different oppinions about it - so many people are exited and so many are dissapointed. I easily fit into both categories.
But my first thought was that the episode felt off .... And I'm going to try, putting that feeling into words
PACING: As always the anime is going for an olympic medal in rushing. But unlike the previous ones this one felt even more rushed. For me, I believe that has one mainreasons. 1) Ususally I marinade in the manga chapter before I watch the Anime. This time I had nothing to go off, so my brain couldn't automatically fill the gaps. -> Missing Plot/Plot holes felt a lot more present
FUKUFUKU: Alright. This is propably the part I enjoyed the most. I think it was the best way that could have ended. 10/10 Somehow managed to not feel rushed to me. Teruko coming in was suprising but not entirely unexpected. I really liked it. You can see were the most effort went into :)
Aya&Bram: This one was good as well. But I barely felt scared for Aya. Another case of rushing - nothing to outragous though, although I felt it took the emotions out of the scenes.
All in all I really enjoyed the majority of the airport Part and can very much see why people are so exited and happy about this episode.
Now for the mixed bag that is Meursault...
SOUKOKU: Here the opinions are split. Not mine though, I liked it. Does it have implicateion that I most likely haven't thought about? Yes. But as long as Dazai wasn't aware of Chuuya not being a Vampire for the entire time, I'm fine with it. It is very much Soukoku shenanigans at the finest. Still rushed as fuck and with so many open questions that the manga has to adress. So I can see why people dislike it.
FYOLAI: Oh boy ... I really disliked Fyodors death. They have to have cut something important from the manga, because it just felt wrong. I fully believe Fyodor is coming back in some way. But the death just was so unsatisfying. What do you mean, every character got an impactfull fake-out death and Fyodor just got stabbed by some no name and blown to bits?! Doesn't feel like a fitting end for the mastermind. Nikolais part was amazing though - exactly the reaction I was hoping for. Absolutely heartbraking. 10/10 for that small part.
SIGMA: AAAAAHHHHH. I'm honestly upset and absolutely livid. What do you mean, the character who just wanted a home and to be seen as more than a disposable tool got his fate revealed in a single line and was forgotten and disposed of??? What the actual fuck! I get what bones is trying to do - keeping it a mystery on what exactly happened to him. Trying to reveal absolutely nothing. But we don't even get Dazai mentioning that he has to go back into the prision for some reason? Or saying that he has something still left to do? Anything at all that hints towards Dazai remembering that Sigma existed? Truly, it fells like Sigma was abandoned and I hate it. I will be writing Angst about it.
OTHER CHARACTERS: The Montage was kind of nice, even though important characters were forgotten about (where is Jouno!). With the lack of impact of most of the characters shown it just felt kind of hollow I guess.
EPILOGUE: Why does it feel off? I honestly wouldn't be at all suprised if it was the set-up for some anime only filler content - However horrible that would be. Akutagawa was looking fancy though. And it seemed about the only relevant thing that happened to poor Atsushi this episode. For a Protagonist he was sidelined hard.
TLDR: I feel like the rushing and lack of explaining/skipping over plot details of the anime is making me hate the progression of the plot more than I could ever with manga. I'll have to wait and see.
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wyndlerunner · 2 years
(The sound of me unblocking the Lost Metal Tags after finishing all 7 epilogues)
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ficsforeren · 3 years
Eren with Irene and Y/N: in a nutshell
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im-immortal · 2 years
I started writing the bethyl adaptation of 28 Days Later on April 13th, and tonight, on August 25th (or 26th whatever) I officially FINISHED IT! And by finished it, I mean wrote the epilogue. I finished the final chapter last night. 28 chapters and an epilogue in total!
I am SO FREAKING HAPPY and SO PROUD of myself!!!! It was really hard to keep this fic to myself, but i was determined to finish it before I started positing, and I’m glad I did. Of course I shared it with a select few throughout the whole process, because they were extremely helpful and gave me the extra insight and constructive criticism I needed 🥰 but now I’m gonna start posting!!!! I’m thinking either this Sunday or next Sunday.. not sure yet. Probably this Sunday. I’m impatient. I’ve already waited this long. And doing a final read through won’t change anything for the first couple of chapters anyway.
BUT AAAAAHHHHH!!! I’m so excited!!! This idea has literally been stuck in my head for like 2 years. The last 3 or 4 times I watched 28 Days Later, I couldn’t stop thinking about how I could adapt it into a bethyl fic because it fit so damn well. But then that also meant Americanizing it, because the film is obviously based in Great Britain and therefore VERY British. I thought it would be a huge challenge.. and it was. But it was a FUN challenge!!
Ugh I’m just so excited to post and hopefully hear what y’all think 😍😍
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mythgirlimagines · 4 years
Fusion: (distressed, holding an empty donut box in front of him) AAAAAHHHHH! SOMEBODY ATE MY DONUTS!
Myth: Well, well, well…looks like we have a real who-donut on our hands!
Fusion II: (pulls out a taser from the book she’s reading and wordlessly tasers Myth)
Myth: (disoriented from the shock) Worth it!
Myth: (collapses)
Source: Animaniacs
Video Source: (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hqx7SjIdoO4)
Curious: (holding a pile of papers) My apologies, Wyre. The printer messed up the invitations. They were supposed to say “Myth’s Birthday”.
Wyre: Well, what do they say now?
Curious: “Myth’s Bi”
Wyre: Hey! Still works!
Source: Unknown
(Bedtime in the Kibo-Con…)
Iris: (in bed) Hey, Ritchie. May I put my glow-in-the-dark sticky stars on the ceiling? They help me sleep!
Eldritch: (panicking) A-A-And provide the m-monsters with a b-b-beacon to your location?! Use your head, I-
Janon: (punches Eldritch in the head, knocking him out) Of course you can, Riri. Good night.
Source: Twitter
(Context: The Kibo-Con teenagers are going to a paintball battlefield, while the adults are off doing their business. Scar and Dream are taking this a bit too seriously…)
Scar: (in her chuuni act) We’re surrounded! We’ll need a diversion! Is anyone here good at jumping up and down and making annoying noises?
Dream: (posing like a shonen protagonist) My time has come!
Source: Gravity Falls
(Context: Nerd is currently on a date with Myth, and the other adults had the bright idea to third-wheel the date…)
Nerd: (scolding Sparkle and Wyre) Please don’t f**k this up by being weird!
Freak Twins: (walking in carrying a wedding cake)
Egg: (wearing a fish costume) I can’t believe they were just gonna throw this out.
WetSock: (wearing a sombrero) Not on my watch!
Source: Be Cool, Scooby Doo!
Purple: Contrary to rampant misconception, scrutinizing the errant comma in “My dearest, Angelica,” isn’t indecorous. But, Hamilton did pretermit an “n” in “Pennsylvania” when enscribing the Constitution. So, enscribing with haste would incite corrigendums in the written word.
Sparkle: (understanding what Purple said perfectly) OH, SNAP!
Source: Tumblr
(In the Mastermind’s lair…)
MM!Fancy: (venting to the traitors) I don’t believe this wench! I throw everything I’ve got at her and it doesn’t even-
MM!Fancy: (hears a squeaking noise, to Zero) What…..are……THOSE?~★
Traitor!Zero: (wearing Myth-branded sandals) I dunno! I just thought they looked kinda….DASHING!
MM!Fancy: (steaming with rage, brandishing a spear) I’ve got one prologue, 5 chapters, and one epilogue to get rid of this PLAYGIRL, or the entire despair-spreading scheme I have been planning ever since I’ve turned to the dark side goes up in smoke, and you are WEARING! HER! MERCHANDISE?!~★
Traitor!One: (loudly drinking from a Myth-themed soda can) Uh….thirsty?
MM!Fancy: (executes both of the traitors, while screaming in rage)
Source: Hercules
Video Source: (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MbBaOPq36l8)
It’s Saturday, kiddos! And you know what that means? That’s right! I’ve got a whole new batch of “Papa Fusion’s Anon-Correct Quotes” (2021 Edition)! Let me know what you think of them!
-Fusion Anon
That pun is definitely worth it XD also the last one made me actually laugh out loud lol
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theheartgarden · 4 years
I NEVER write chronologically so it takes me 78 million years to finish any chapters but I just offically completed chapter one of my novel aaaaahhhhh! one down, thirteen more and an epilogue to go✨
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yoonia · 4 years
AAAAAHHHHH! SPOTLESS IS HERE! But is long and it's 2AM and I don't think I should start reading now, because if I start I won't be able to stop until I finish. Anyway, hope to read it real soon. Dia, thank you for your art. Oh! and one thing I wanted to tell you: it's okay to not post on the date you told us your would, you have a life, things happen, it's okay, we will be here for you whether you post or not. xxx
I’m so sorry that it got sooo long lol I did predict that it would be over 30k words and I had to cut off a few scenes so it won’t be 40k words long (the cut scenes will be in the epilogue, don’t worry) 
Take your time, go to sleep, come back when you’re ready for Hoseok because the story will be there for you to read when the time is right. I also want to thank you for all your support. It really means a lot to me^^
I do hope you’ll love the story. I was really nervous about releasing it but I’m just glad that it’s finally out! 
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bigbywlf · 5 years
omg i just finished rdr2 (pre-epilogue) and was thirsty for some arthur gifs and i just want u to know that the way u styled ur arthur w/ the red tie and gold vest is so handsome i cry
aaaaahhhhh thank you so much 💕💕💕 i wanted my boy to look fancy and Expensive, i also have a bunch more footage of him in that outfit to gif I'm just sorting it still
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thenovelartist · 6 years
AAAAAHHHHH! Both stories! Tom's death crushed my heart into a mllion peices, and Emma's sadness made me so sad to. Do we get our fluff back with the next chapter of Second Chances?
More like healing. I’m not sure how much “fluff” will be in the next chapter seeing as it’s not fully finished, but there will be healing and happiness placed back in your hearts. That I can promise you.
As for Home is You, I will be dishing out the happy ending tomorrow. And then there will be an epilogue after that. ;D
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bitsandbobsandstuff · 6 years
omg omg omg okay i don't want to sound like a jerk and i usually don't do this but i have waited for "Safe With Me" to end bc i wanted to read the story in one go and i've had it sitting in my drafts for so so so long omfg and i just saw you posted the epilogue and i was like "asdfghjkl finally i can read it" because i've read reviews and i already think that it's the fanfic of the fucking century aaaaahhhhh
HA! I totally get it, sometimes it’s so much better to wait until things are done! Now you won’t have to suffer through the cliffhangers at least. 😉 Hope you like it! I’ve had so much damn fun writing this thing!! 💕
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umisabaku · 7 years
hey hey hey !!! ive just read finish the first chapter of the Nijimura Story and agdjashaksh SO GLAD YOU DECIDED ON MAYUZUMI AS YOUR MAIN POV hes mainly a side character who didnt get too much development but i love him anyway + THE STORY IS ALSO ?? SO ??? GOOD ???? THANK YOU MANY TIMES OVER FOR SHARING THIS SERIES WITH US
Yay! I am very glad you are enjoyingit so far! Although I feel like the responses so far have simultaneouslysoothed some of the anxiety with, “oh good! They like it so far!” andthen also increased the anxiety of, “BUT WHAT IF THEY HATE THE REST.”Aaaaahhhhh. Anxiety.
But! I am very glad you enjoyMayuzumi as a character and point of view =D It was seriously a magicalepiphany when I realized the story would be a lot more fun (for me) if I waswriting from his perspective.
Although I feel like I shouldprobably mention that Kiyoshi also gets to be a POV character, and the secondchapter will focus on him. Then it’s pretty much entirely Mayuzumi except forthe short interludes/epilogue (which will be Nijimura) and parts of the fifthchapter (which will have Kiyoshi in there as well, but predominately Mayuzumi).Just so everyone is aware of what’s going on there.
Thanks again, anon-friend!! Ireally, really hope you like how the rest of the story goes!
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filmnovelizations · 7 years
Harry and the Hendersons
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That night, sitting at his drawing table, it occurred to George that maybe he didn’t care quite so much anymore. The house was almost paid for. The kids were healthy and happy. He and Nan had been married for a lot of years and still loved each other. That was more than a lot of people could say. So what exactly did he have to prove?
I was going to write this book off as a total waste until chapter 15. The book begins before the movie, giving a lot of backstory to the Henderson family. It’s a little unnecessary, but couldn’t you say that about all novelizations and then what the fuck am I even doing here? The highlights of this backstory involve George’s shattered art school dreams because of his asshole father, and Sarah’s six month protest of the family vacation, which is in the same spot at the same time every year because it’s the only thing George wants to do on the only week his father will reliably allow him a vacation.
Sarah. That was another thing. At her fifteenth birthday party, with her first orchid pinned to her shoulder, she looked like one of those dolls she used to play with when she was little. What were they called? She looked just like a Barbie.
So, as I was saying, I was ready to call this book a total waste. The narrator is weirdly inconsistent, like in the above quote where omniscience doesn’t immediately recall one of the most consistently popular toys of all time. Something the omniscient narrator does enough to annoy me is kind of hard to explain. It sort of picks someone to be the main character for any number of pages. So like, everything will sort of be from Ernie’s persepective, and the only way this is really conveyed is the way the narrator will refer to other characters. So like George and Nancy would sometimes be called “his dad” or “his mom.” It’s annoying in the way that it’s annoying when someone’s telling you a story about people you know but they don’t use their names, always saying things like “my brother” or “my friend,” like you’d be too confused otherwise. Having said that, however...
It had taken Harry a while to understand that the male was full-grown, he was so small. But the other members of his group treated him with respect. The female with the shining hair was full-grown, too. She was the mate of the male, the mother of the others. The young male who played with him and the young female who growled at him were immature. Together they made a family. There were no elders.
For chapter 15, and occasionally throughout the rest of the book, the omniscient narrator makes Harry the main character. It is fantastic. I wish the whole book was written from this perspective. He considers being able to learn human language, or maybe the humans learning his, at least enough to communicate simple ideas. He reflects on myths his elders tell about humans that are exactly like the myths humans tell about Bigfoot. Seeing old people get into a hot tub confirms their myth that humans eat their elders. He mistakes money for leaves and eats it. The parts written from Harry’s perspective make the book worth finishing, but also just make the rest of the book a little more disappointing, because why is the rest of it not written like this?
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“Wrightwood’s voice rose and his face grew red. “There are no abominable snowmen. There are no Sasquatches, and there are no Bigfoots.”
The book includes a few deleted scenes that were deleted for a good reason. You know how they wash Harry in the neighbor‘s pool and that’s only shown in the movie by a pool cleaner and hair dryers? Well, be glad you don’t get to see the youngest Henderson bathing Harry and urging him to wash his own genitals. You can also read more details about how young Ernie Henderson came to sleep on the floor of the living room with a bigfoot and an old man who dedicated his life to finding bigfoot and is also almost entirely a stranger to the Henderson family. It’s super questionable.
Twinkies, a Sara Lee cheesecake, a bag of M&Ms, a couple of Ding Dongs and two packages of Nerds. She hit the whizzer and turned it all into one giant sucrose cocktail. Straight out of the shaker, she took a long swallow and immediately felt the welcome rush. AAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The annoying, nosy, racist neighbor Irene is even worse in the book as well. Or maybe she’s the same, but you see more of her. But her scene where she attacks her gardener is definitely a little more racist than the movie. I mean, here’s just a piece of that...
Irene screamed after him. “Come back here, you Third World rose killer!” Mr. Kimchee did not turn back. Shaking his head, he climbed into the cab of his pickup. “You blew it, mister.” Irene yelled at his exhaust. “I gave you a chance to be Japanese.”
So, yeah. In the movie, the gardener corrects her when she calls him Kimchee because his name is Kim Lee. He’s just Mr. Kimchee in the book and he’s Korean but she insists he’s Japanese. He’s also called “oriental.” It’s bad.
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Finally, there’s an epilogue that wraps everything up. After a slightly different ending (Harry introduces his family to the Hendersons) we learn what all the character got up to because of everything that happened. LeFleur and Wrightwood become good friends and build a cabin near where the movie ends. The Henderson family also builds a cabin there. George returns to work for his father part time to pay the bills while working on his art, eventually becoming a known painter. Nancy takes a part time job to also pay the bills while he’s working on that. The kids do things that, really, who cares? It’s all nice and neat and unnecessary.
Harry is known among his kind as The One Who Left the Forest. He is glad to have gone, and glad to be back home. Now he has the best of both worlds. Except perhaps for eating, there is nothing Harry enjoys more than watching his mat and his friend’s mate gather flowers in the meadows, or his son and his friend’s son running together through the woods, or of an evening sitting with his friend beside the lake.
I just really wish the whole book was from Harry’s perspective. That would be the kind of novelization I’m hoping to find. It would be enough of a different experience from the movie that I could justify actually recommending you read it. Like Howard the Duck. Read Howard the Duck.
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ficsforeren · 3 years
I have never bawled out my eyes so hard while reading a fanfic. this one was something else, I'm literally still tearing up while writing this. The way y/n handled his death? Their marriage vows being the last thing they told each other? Absolutely beautiful, i have never read such a masterpiece. Although it hurt me a lot, 'cause I've never read angst that was THIS HARD, I'm so grateful. Your writing is absolutely immaculate, Kana. You deserve all the attention and recognition you're getting and more.
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aggresivelyfriendly · 7 years
Aaaaahhhhh!!! An unexpected epilogue! I loved the look into the future. :)
Yay!!! I'm glad you enjoyed it!
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