profecional-dreamer · 4 months
He saw me.
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sfppn · 8 months
Escape to the Great White North - Day 7
Reporting from LAT 42.10, LON 67.35--The North Atlantic
We woke up pretty early--somehow skipping the "nightcap" paradoxically resulted in better sleep?  Back to the buffet...
Wandering back to the room for a shower, we stopped to get Mindy her "flattened penny". These are the old timey machines where normally you put in two quarters and a penny, and then turn a crank which embosses and design on a now oblong penny. You generally see them in touristy areas today. In this case, you tapped your room ID on it and then cranked. While it accepted her card, no amount of furious cranking generated a penny. So we had to get a technician to come over, who just handed her a penny in the design she wanted.
After a shower, we thought we'd sit out on the balcony but it was very windy out there. Not at all restful. So we went out on the waterfront where things were quite a bit calmer and found some chairs.
After a while, we heard an announcement from the captain that we're rolling into a storm and a gale warning this afternoon. So I doubt we'll be outside after lunch. We're actually okay with that--we've had wonderful weather almost the entire trip (warmer than anticipated), and if you're going to have bad weather, you want it the day you're at sea.
Lunch at Savor/Taste. We had salads--I had taquitos, while Mindy had her favorite, the Monte Cristo sammich. We also had some drinks—I got an Old Fashioned, while Mindy had a glass of wine. The drink package was included, and darn it, we were going to use it!
On the way back to our room, we saw packets of sickness bags by the stairs--they clearly think something is coming.
The ship is swaying a bit, but it's nothing like our first cruise, where you could see the horizon going up and down out the window. It's more like being rocked to sleep. The bigger issue is the wind--the dividers on our balcony are shaking like a leaf, and there's a hissing coming from the balcony door, due to pressure differences.
We spent some time packing--as always, we brought way too much stuff. You can choose to leave most of your bags in the hallway the night before disembarking, and they'll whisk them away to a collection area at the dock, but we think it would be far faster if we just roll them out ourselves (famous last words).
Things were still rocking and rolling, so we holed up in our room for awhile, watching random stuff on TV--an episode of Scrubs, Firefly, and a Frank Capra documentary.
Time for dinner, back to Savor/Taste.  Mindy had cheese soup and stuffed pepper, while I had scallops and shrimp fettuccine alfredo--plus dessert.
Onto a stage show--"The Choir of Men"--or at least we thought we were going to see that show. Bad weather and the shaking of the ship canceled it, so they replaced it with I guy who does a comedy juggling act (although I'm not actually sure I'd want to be a juggler when the ship is swaying back and forth). We had actually thought about seeing the juggler earlier in the week but were too tired that night. So it's good news/bad news. The juggler was good, if a little blue for an early show (not that we minded).
We finished off the evening with our first mojito.
That'll do it for the final full day of the cruise. Tomorrow--disembarkation and a long drive.
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iamdunn · 3 years
Sorry for removing this again but the spelling errors drove me insane 😅
Miraculous Follow up: Where’s Your Heart
A Truth & Lies Follow up Fan-Fic
Written By 
AJ Dunn
Cat Noir lept from rooftop to rooftop until he slipped between two buildings and sat down in an alleyway not far from the Sien. It had been a long day and night, with two back to back akumatizations. First was his friend Luka who was also his friend Marinette’s boyfriend and a fellow band member. He was always a cool headed guy so what caused him to lose control and start demanding people tell him the truth. He knew it had something to do with Marinette because they ended up chasing him all the way to her bedroom where they finally saved him. He had even struck her parents with his Truth power. What was he trying to figure out?
The second was Kagami, his own girlfriend, and now he was sure that was coming to an end. He felt bad because he should have felt worse for causing their break up, but his feelings for her weren’t that strong. One girl held his heart, Ladybug. Though dating a superhero wasn’t easy, they would never be able to make it work without knowing each other's secret identities. He knew why Kagami was akumatized, but he still wondered about Luka. 
He didn’t feel like going home so he transformed to give Plagg a rest and a snack.
“Sorry Plagg, this is the last one.” He said, tossing a tiny chunk of Camembert into the air where the Kwami gulped it down. 
“Well, I forgive you, we didn’t get a chance to go home before having to save Kagami.” Plagg was acting a lot more reasonable than normal. “But don’t let it happen again.” He crossed his arms and turned away as he hovered in the air acting offended. Adrien smirked at his friend who cast a half smile back over his shoulder. 
“There’s something I need to do before we head home, Plagg.” Adrien said standing up. “Plagg, Claws out.” Plagg zipped through the air merging with the silver ring on Adriens hand causing it to turn black and expose the cat paw print on the round surface piece. Adrien's body began to change, his clothes replaced with his black leather suit and a mask emerged covering his eyes. A simple disguise but it seemed to be rather effective at covering his identity. For a model, it was a breath of fresh air to be able to not be himself but also feel more like himself then ever.
Cat Noir grabbed his staff holding it vertically as he clicked the button on the pawprint and extended the staff thrusting himself into the air where he leapt onto the roof. He made his way down towards the Seine where the Liberty was usually moored.  He crouched on the bridge looking around to make sure no one could see him. 
“Plagg, claws in.” he said as he sat down. The sound of a stringed instrument played out a sad solo on the bow of the ship. Adrien stood up and walked off the bridge and made his way to the gangplank. He saw Luka sitting alone on the makeshift stage they used for their rehearsals. He didn’t look up as Adrien took his spot at the keyboard and began to play in tune with Luka’s sad melody. They played together in silence as if both were feeling the melancholy of the day reverating in each other's hearts. The tune came to a close and Adrien watched Luka hang his head with silent tears streaming down his cheeks. 
“I don’t know what happened today, or why you are feeling this way.” Adrien said, sitting down next to him and hanging his head. “Did it have something to do with Marinette?” He dared ask.
“We broke up.” Luka finally said then began to pick at the guitar strings without any melody behind it. “She can’t tell me the truth.” 
“What truth is that?” Adrien asked.
“She is in love with someone else.” Luka sniffled. “I knew she loved him but I thought that I could be patient and wait for her, I underestimated her feelings for him.” 
“Who...does she love?” Adrien gulped. He never would have expected that after seeing the two of them at the ice rink. They looked so in love or maybe it was just Luka. 
“That is not my secret to tell.” Luka looked up at Adrien and smiled. It was a knowing smile, calm and peaceful yet sorrowful. “But I can tell you he has no idea what he's missing out on.” Adrien remembered his, or Cat Noir’s conversation with Marinette on her balcony that one night when Ladybug had stood him up. Marinette had said she had her heart broken too. 
“So, he turned her down?” Adrien asked.
“No, he doesn’t even know she loves him.” Luka looked back down to his guitar and began playing a thumbing tune. “Her heart sounds like this when she’s around him. But her head is like this.” He began playing a chaotic sound. 
“Do I know this boy?” Adrien asked but Luka just smiled at him. 
“What brings you here, this late Adrien? Did something happen?” Luka played a slow tune feeling the unease in Adrien’s heart. 
“I think me and Kagami broke up.” He started. “I’m not sure what I did. But I think it has something to do with the lucky charm Marinette gave me. I lost it after we left here to go to the party.” Adrien knew he couldn’t tell Luka the whole truth, although something inside him made him feel so comfortable that he knew he could tell him, it was the thought of Ladybug that made him keep the secret. 
“I’m sorry to hear that.” Luka said, still strumming the slow tune.
“Don’t be, I was lying to myself that I could have a relationship with anyone besides the girl I love.” Adrien hung his head. 
“What’s stopping you from being with her?” Luka asked
“The same thing that broke you and Marinette up.” he smirked. “She’s in love with someone else.” They both exchanged the same knowing look as Luka set his guitar to the side. 
“Do you know who she’s in love with?” Luka asked.
“No, and it’s silly because I don’t know who she is either.” Adrien hung his head again. “She’s Ladybug.” Luka’s face went dim, he tried to imagine what it would be like to be in love with someone who you could never be with in the light of day. 
“That is rough.” Luka finally said. “I guess you could ask yourself what is it about her that made you fall in love.” Luka picked up his guitar and began playing a haphazard tune. “Is she a little bit clumsy with a graceful smile?” Adrien smiled remembering their first encounter when she crashed into him. The graceful way she swung through the city and how she flicked his bell. 
“Yeah, she is.” Adrien mused. Luka began playing a rock tune.
“Is she tough, standing up against bullies and never backing down?” Adrien remembered the way Ladybug stood atop the Eiffel Tower and fought back against Hawk Moth’s first attack only to promise the people of Paris that they would protect them. 
“That is definitely her.” Adrien’s smile brightened. Luka began to play a classical tune.
“Is she always there to lend a hand, to help a friend in need, or just lend an ear or a hug?” Luka asked
“She always seems to know when I need to talk, or when I am not feeling myself. She always takes time to help out an akumatized victim if she has the time.” Adrien beamed. He looked up at Luka, he stopped playing and hung his head. 
“Is she sensitive, have you ever seen her at her weakest moments, when all hope seemed lost?” Adrien nodded. “But she still picked herself back up and kept fighting?” Luka added. Adrien agreed with every word Luka had said.
“That’s my lady you just described there.” Adrien straightened his back, squaring his shoulders. “Are you in love with Ladybug too?” Luka laughed.
“I just described Marinette.” Luka smiled at Adrien as a look of shock crossed his mind. He hadn’t thought about it, but Luka was right. “She’s always doing stuff for other people even at the cost of her own happiness.” Luka looked up at the stars, setting his guitar to the side again. Leaning back placing his palms on the box he was sitting one and gazed up longingly as if the source of his love danced among the stars. Adrien watched his face glow in a blissful daze, then copied his actions. The two sat in silence for a while. 
“I hope he figures out she loves him soon, and either accepts her love or let’s her down softly.” Luka said softly. “I don’t want her heart to get broken if he doesn't love her, but I will always be here for her.” 
“What about you if it turns out he does love her?” Adrien asked, looking at him, his eyes filled with concern but not just for Luka, he was in the same boat literally and metaphorically. 
“We’re still young, we have our entire lives ahead of us to discover who we are meant to be and who we are meant to be with.” Luka looked at Adrien lifting his right hand palm up as if offering something precious to the sky. “I may not have met her yet, or maybe, you haven’t.” Luka added. 
“And… even if we had, maybe we are too blinded by our current feelings to see her?” Adrien asked.
“Exactly buddy.” Luka pointed to him and winked. “But, you be sure to stop by here anytime Adrien, it’s nice to have a friend in the same boat.” He sat up, holding his arms out jestering the pun that now rocked with the current of the water. They both laughed knowingly. 
“I better go, I have school tomorrow.” Adrien said standing and heading for the gang plank. 
“Adrien.” Luka called before he stepped off the gangplank. “Where's your heart?” It was an odd question, but he knew what Luka meant.
“Where’s your heart?” he smiled and headed for the stairs to the bridge. 
The next day at school Adrien’s attention was on Marinette more than usual. Watching her mannerisms and her speech. She was usually late, and tripped over invisible objects. He watched how she interacted with their friends. She was always such a leader and inspired others around her. 
Lunch time came and Adrien made his way to the locker room. Before he could enter the door swung open and Marinette crashed into him. They landed on the floor, Adrien on his back with  Marinette belly to belly on top of him. Her face lit up in a glow of red, her mouth stretched into an awkward grin and she struggled to stand back up. As she pulled herself off of him she tripped over his feet and landed,sitting on his lap as he now sat on the floor. Adrien wrapped his arms around her waist holding her side to him and laid his head on her shoulder. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. 
The smell of the bakery was all over her. Sugar, vanilla, and… passionfruit? He placed a hand on her head.
“Calm down.” He tried to hold his composure wonderin how Luka would handle this situation. He copied what he had seen Luka doing on the boat whenever Marinette went on a crazy klutz marathon. “Take a deep breath and try again.” He lifted his eyes to meet hers. She was frozen in shock. Her face softened and she smiled at him. Letting out a nervous chuckle as she slowly slid off his lap. They stood up together as she composed herself. 
“I am so gorry I didn’t mean to fall in love with I mean on you.” Marinette grimaced. Adrien placed a finger on his lips.
“Take a deep breath.” He said. He could see her face relax as she did as he said. She closed her eyes then opened them.
“I am so sorry Adrien, I am madly clumsy.” She chuckled nervously again. Adrien sighed. He could see how Luka could be so in love with her. 
“Are you going to come to the barge and watch us practice after school?” Adrien smiled. Marinette went tight, her face grimaced and she began to play with her fingers nervously.
“I uh, I can’t.” She looked down at her fingers. “I have some uh, I have way too much homework to do and I don’t think I will be able to come watch you guys for a while.” She didn’t stumble this time but she also wasn't looking at Adrien. He thought that maybe she was averting her eyes to avoid him seeing the hurt that he heard in her voice. 
“If you're that far behind, maybe I should come over and help you.” Adrien offered. Marinette looked flighty as she grimaced.
“No no no, you just uh, you go practice, why spend your free time doing schoolwork.” She smiled awkwardly then stepped to the side slowly as if trying to escape a hungry panther. “Coming Alya.” She said over his shoulder and ran off to catch up with her best friend. Adrien wondered if that was true, or if Marinette was hiding something. He tried to imagine how she was with Luka. he was trying to figure out how he could get the two of them back together, or figure out who this boy was. Even if he couldn’t have the one he loved, maybe at least Luka deserved to be happy. 
“Where is your heart Marinette?” Adrien whispered to no one.
“Human emotions are too complicated.” A whisper came from his pocket. “Now cheese, you can always know the right one, just by looking at it, how it smells and how it feels when you hold it.” Plagg’s cheese analogies were usually so corny, but this time, it made more sense. Adrien thought about how it felt holding Marinette so close to him and how good she smelt. 
Sitting in class his mind wandered to Tom and Sabine’s bakery. The smell of the pastries and the taste of the macarons Marinette would bring to class. Tom had asked Cat Noir if he ever wanted to retire from being a superhero and learn the trade from him. Plagg would be happy, all the bread he could couple with his cheese. But Marinette smelled specifically of passionfruit, which was his favorite, but how would she know that?
After school he spied his bodyguards’ car in it’s usual parking spot outside of the school. He froze, it wasn’t too late to sneak by him. He saw Marinette and Alya walking towards the sidewalk in the direction of the car. He sighed and headed in the same direction. 
“What’s up my dude, you haven’t been acting like yourself today.” Nino said, wrapping an arm around Adriens’ shoulders. 
“I heard, uh, someone talking about Marinette.” Adrien dared to breach the topic with his best friend. He was Alya’s boyfriend and so he must know something about Marinette. “They said she was in love with someone, I just assumed it was Luka, but it wasn’t.” he looked up at Nino, “Do you know who she is in love with?” Nino went stiff, removing his arm from his friends shoulders and glanced nervously at Alya. 
“Sorry man, I got to go, Alya is waiting.” He ran off without answering. Adrien could tell he knew something. 
“Don’t ask a question you're not ready to know the answer to.” A tiny voice came from behind him. He recognized it to be Juleka as he turned around to see her and Rose standing there. Juleka didn’t look happy, infact, she looked angry. Rose looked concerned but not for him, for Juleka. “Maybe you should just walk away, too many people get hurt by people who are too oblivious to see what’s right in front of them.” Juleka never spoke so clearly, something had her very upset.  
Adrien looked around, Alya and Nino were still standing near his body guard’s car but Marinette must have already gone home. He snuck past Alya and Nino hoping his body guard hadn’t seen him and headed towards the bakery across the street. He heard a car pull up to the cross walk and beep. He walked up to the window.
“I just wanted to get a snack before going home.” Adrien chuckled, his body guard nodded then snorted a warning. “I’ll be right back.” he ran across the street to the front door to the bakery. Sabine was helping some customers as Tom brought out a tray of fresh hot chocolate croissants.
“It smells great Mr. Dupain.” Adrien said politely. “I’m here to help Marinette with homework.” Tom smiled at him, putting two croissants into a bag then handing it to him. 
“She’s upstairs, take these with you, she never accepts snacks from me when you're here.” Tom winked. Adrien remembered the time they were practicing for the Mecha Strike III tournament and Tom had offered so many goodies and pastries to make him salivate for a year. Adrien headed up stairs with the bag. He made his way to the Dupain-Cheng apartment then up the stairs to Marinette's room. He knocked on the trap door to her room. He could hear talking coming from the other side so he slowly slid the door open. Suddenly Plagg escaped his pocket and flew through the ceiling into her room. He pushed the door open and entered her room. 
“She’s not here.” Plagg hovered in the middle of the empty room, hands upward in an ‘i don’t know’ pose. 
“Plagg you can’t just fly into her room like that, what if she had seen you?” Adrien scolded.
“I was careful.” Plagg smirked.
“Why would you do that anyway?” Adrien asked, looking around her room. He had been her many times but never by himself. It felt awkward.
“I wanted to make sure … you weren’t walking in on her doing something...embarrassing.” Plagg offered. Adrien's face flushed, she might have changed her clothes or written in a diary. Adrien looked around the room, she still had pictures of him everywhere. She had once told him she had them because she loved fashion, but what if she loved him and just didn’t want to admit it. 
“Plagg, what if she really is in love with me?” Adrien asked quietly as he looked around the room. “I know I heard voices talking up here.” He noticed the hatch above her bed was open, so he climbed the ladder to her bed. He tried not to step all over her bed as he climbed through the hatch. You almost had to bounce off the bed to get up to the balcony. There was no one there either. Adrien was confused. He dropped back onto her bed and walked over to her desk. 
“She said she had so much homework to do, but she left it here on her desk.” Adrien set the bag down then took a pen and wrote a note on it.
‘If you need help with your homework, please call me.’ he drew a cat paw on it then realized what he had done. It was too late to fix it, it was a permanent pen. He grimaced then took one of the croissants and climbed back to the balcony.
“Plagg, Claws out.”
Ladybug was especially anxious as they patrolled the city. He couldn’t understand why she didn’t even stop to take a breath or give a fist bump. She didn’t even chastise him for being late or using flirtatious corny puns. They had gone to watch a movie and she made a huge scene. He thought it must have something to do with the guy she likes because it was a romantic comedy and she ruined it with a rant about how romance is a waste of time.  
“Ladybug, can I ask you something?” Cat Noir asked before they went their separate ways. Ladybug looked at him with concern as he hung his head. She nodded to him. “You see, a friend of mine told me that we are still too young to know who we want to be with, but I can’t help how I feel and I know you can’t either. So…” He scratched the back of his neck. “Where... do girls go when they like someone, but they can’t tell them. Who do they talk to?” Ladybug was taken aback. She thought he was going to ask again who she was in love with. Ladybug sighed.
“Most of the time, girls tell their best friends, but sometimes, they keep it a secret from everyone.” She sat down and sulked. Cat Noir sat down next to her.
“How is it so easy for you to say things to me, tell me you love me. We can’t just show up at each other's house for Sunday brunch or play Mega Strike III together when we’re not Ladybug and Cat Noir.” She rested her head in her hands as her elbows dug into her thighs. “I want to have a real boyfriend, not one I have to keep secrets from or that I can only see when I am powered up.” Cat understood now why Ladybug and Cat Noir couldn’t be together.
“And we can’t know our secret identities because…” He didn’t really know why but didn’t want to seem like he was asking again.
“Because, Hawk Moth can use us to hurt each other. Remember when Dark Cupid hit you with his arrow.” How could he forget, it would have been his first kiss ever and with Ladybug none the less but instead it’s a memory he’ll never have, and he had attacked Ladybug. “What if you knew who I was, and Truth asked you, If I hadn’t been there, he would have found out, he almost found out who I AM.” She sobbed “This is bigger than you and me Cat, and maybe we’re not mature enough yet to handle our super hero lives and a relationship with anyone.” She leapt to her feet unhooking her yo-yo. 
“It’s best we just focus on our jobs, doing homework and saving Paris.” She swung away before he could stop her. 
“Where’s your heart Ladybug.” He whispered to himself. 
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nestable · 3 years
Bring it on Home to me by Sam Cooke is on of my favorite songs in the word and I highly recommend you go have a listen if you havent heard it, I promise you wont regret it. I was listening to it the other day and instantly thought of how these lyrics resonated with nessian, cassian more especially and couldn't resist writing this fic. Just a little soft, SFW, domestic Nessian. 🥺😭
"Nes." Cassian groaned as he rolled closer to her side of the bed. "Nesta?"
After being met with stark silence, Cassian outstretched his hand only for it to collapse onto cold sheets.
No Nesta, he realized with a start.
Though he and his Nesta have been mated for some months now, all of which have been without an incident, he can't help but worry.
Each night he reassures himself with the knowledge of their bond, the heat of her body pressed against his own, the words of love and loyalty she ensures he hears everyday, that she is safe and finally happy.
Not miserable and balancing on the cusp of oblivion where he found her last year. Juggling between drowning her sorrows and indulging in sub-par sex just to feel something, just to deny the connection they share because she felt that she wasnt worthy of him. No, that was all over now, but he can't help when the memories resurface.
The memory of Nesta writhing and arched in her bed as silver flames wreathed her body like a shroud. The screams of pain and anguish that left her lips only to be swallowed by starless night and Deaths flames. How the very mountain trembled beneath their feet, bracing itself for the potential explotion that Cassian could sense building up. Somehow he knew that Velaris would've been crumpled to dust that night and become a fond memory. He felt it in his gut. Just the same way he felt her night terrors take hold of her for her powers to bask in centre stage. And in the same breath, he also felt that he could stop it. Whether that was pure male arrogance or the suspicion of the bond that lay between them, that was yet to be found. And it was...the moment her powers seized in intensity when he said her name. Once, twice, just enough for Rhys to gain control and save them all.
No, he would never forget that and he'd be damned if it were to happen again and catch him in a helpless position as the first time he witnessed the extent of her power. A power that mostly returned back to the Cauldron, only to be replaced by 3 Dread troves and the Mothers favour. A different sort of threat perhaps. One sweeter, kinder, even benign from what he's witnessed.
Nesta barely speaks about the power the same way she did with her Cauldron gifts. She reassures him that these were different, these she understands and smiled every time he enquired about her connection with the Mother. He wishes to know more, his body yearns for it, but his mate has always loved surprises.
Cassian threw on a pair of his undershorts before leaving his and Nestas new room. Though the House of Wind has become their shared abode, its ill advised to walk around naked with the possibility of Azriel becoming an unwilling spectator with his prowling around the halls in the dead of night like he's been doing for the past year.
Cassian loves his brother, sometimes more than kin normally do, he believes sometimes, but he'll never forgive him for that night he ruined his birthday night when he walked in on Nesta modelling her new negligee in the library. He's never jumped from one intense emotion to another so quickly. Blinded by the red lace of her silk garments only to see red of a different kind when the blue of Azriels siphon opened the door.
The territorial male part of him nearly took over that night and he was inclined to let it ride him had Nesta not winnowed them to their room and pushed him onto the bed. The anger, the curiosity he had as to how Nesta was able to winnow around the House when no one else could were obscured then turned insignificant by the view of Nesta sitting astride on his thighs.
Cassian followed the music swimming through the hall which brought him to a new lounge area that didn't present itself in the centuries that he's been living here until Nesta inherited the place.
Many new things have made their presence known and sprung to life since Nestas made the House her home. Hidden rooms have materialized, troves have opened and a gorgeous garden has flourished on the top of the mountain. As if in preparation of someone, or little someone's who might need it.
Cassian isn't blind to the fact that the House makes things available according to Nestas hopes, dreams and wishes. All of which make Cassian excited for the future and a forever with his mate even more.
Nesta was leaning against the cream white wall that she and Cassian painted just last night, holding an A2 canvas painting in both hands. He couldn't decipher her facial expression or read some of the wild thoughts that were evidently bouncing around her head as Nesta was inclined to raising her mental walls to him when she was stressed. He'd once asked why and she told him that she didnt want to plague him with her problems. Didnt want to bother him. Little did she know that Cassian was built for her, problems and all. Nothing about Nesta could bother him. Not even the parts that bothered her.
"Hi." He whispered which startled Nesta before she composed herself. For her to be so drawn into her thoughts that she didnt notice him approaching, instantly put him on edge him.
"Hi." She said, plastering a lazy smile onto her face.
Cassian took that as an invitation to enter. His eyes swept across the room, taking in the organized clutter. From the closed boxes filling the lounge, the half hung snow white gossamer curtains blowing in from the open balcony, to the slightly dusty white marble tiles that were installed just last week.
Cassian was a bit skeptical when Nesta told him of her plans to decorate this room in all white. White cushions, white couches, white walls, white flower arrangements, white chandeliers and white fur carpets felt like a fever dream to Cassian, but now that it's all coming to life, he can see the vision of beauty that Nesta had in mind. A vision not only limited to this lounge but the entire House of Wind that Nesta will decorate herself with the input of the House itself to revitalize the place. All of which will be paid for by Rhys.
How the Cauldron matched him to such a female, not mere female but god, he'll never know. All he can do is be grateful and work to be worthy and deserve the gift to draw breath in her presence.
Now that Nestas accepted her Human emissary role and is the courts newly appointed courtier, she's recieving the same fat salary like the rest of the IC, but Cassian doubts that Rhysand will ever let Nesta access her funds because he insists on paying for everything for her. Which goes to show that Rhys' gratitude for Nesta runs very far. Or guilt, or both.
What Nesta did for Feyre, Nyx and Rhys was something that couldnt be described with words. She saved their lives and in doing so the entire court. Rhys failed to tell his family about him and Feyres decision and never left a plan of action to follow after his death. Had he died, the role of High Lord could've fallen to anyone. Probably Keir or one of Mors detestable brothers because they are Rhys closest male blood relatives. What they would've done to Velaris, done to the entire court....Cassian seldom contemplates that. Nestas sacrifice and mercy saved them all and in doing so, opened herself to a higher form of being that is yet to be seen.
"What are you doing up so late?"
"I had a lot on my mind. I couldn't sleep so I decided to come and get this room in order." She explained, flipping her golden brown hair over her shoulder.
"What's been on your mind?" Cassian asked casually, taking a step closer.
He'd have embraced her and held her against his chest if it weren't for the massive painting in her hands. A painting that he can feel is the source of all her trepidation.
Nesta bit her lip before turning the canvas toward him and placing it in his hands. "Feyre finally finished that and it was delivered yesterday afternoon. I was too afraid to open it then- but I figured that I wouldn't be able to sleep until I saw it."
At first glance, anyone would assume that the muse was Nesta. From the steel eyes to the clear skin and poise in the pose. But upon further inspection, the age of the woman, the beauty spot beneath her right eye and slight darker tresses reveals the truth.
"This is your mother..." Cassian said lowly. The weight of the image, not the canvas itself but the obvious memories, pain and loss the painting held settled on him.
"Was." She uttered a bit sharply. Her throat bobbing up and down.
Cassians eyes darted between Nesta and the painting. Surprise and admiration pouring into him in droves. Her sisters did mention more than once that Nesta is their mothers spitting image, but this...it was as though the same person had been born twice.
"You stole her whole face." He chuckled, bringing a sweet curve to Nestas lip.
"I know...I know." She shrugged.
Cassian lay the painting carefully against the wall then wrapped his arms around his mates shoulders. Her own found their home around his waist as she rested her chin atop his chest so that their eyes could meet.
If it were a few months ago, a year, she would've furiously blinked away the tears that have settled in her eyes, or rejected their proximity entirely. Only to retain a semblance of control that shes strived so hard to maintain. But now shes opened herself to him entirely. Made him a part of both her happiness and pain, loss and gain, victories and failure. Just as their mating vows ordered.
"Talk to me." He whispered, dragging his fingers through her hair.
"I- I just...I know that my mother was not the best of mothers, nor did she love us in the ways that a mother should but....but that doesn't make me love her any less. She might've trained me instead of raised me, saw me as a ticket to wealth and leisure or lived vicariously through me but she was still my mother." Her tears fell down her cheeks as if a damn had been broken. "There were good moments as well as bad and I'm not going to pretend that she was never loving or good to me. Elain and Feyre might've forgotten her, but I can't... I wont."
Cassian lowered his head to press soft kisses to her cheeks where her tears left stains. "I know." He murmured. "You dont share the same memories as Elain and Feyre, it's only natural that you saw her much differently and remember her in a better light than they do." He rubbed feather light circles on the back of her neck in an attempt to assuage her from her pain.
"It broke my heart when I walked through Feyres house that day and didn't see a piece of myself or her. It felt like I was being erased, forgotten. Now I've found my place in that hall but she hasn't. I couldn't allow that to happen. I couldn't let her be erased just like that."
"And she wont be, not if you will it. I'll remember her with you." Cassians lips found Nestas and before they knew it, the couple found themselves descending into a deep kiss that only a mating bond could conjure.
"You know that's one of the reasons I love you?" He stated, to which Nesta replied with a raised brow. "Your compassion, your massive heart, your loyalty... these are all qualities that you motivate me to pursue everyday. You've kept your soft side hidden for a long time and now we're starting to see it." She smiled. By far the most beautiful sight he's ever seen. "That sweet love. Just bring it on home to me."
A giggle was shared between them as soon as the words left his mouth. The lyrics of a song, their song, that came on the day of their mating ceremony that they had on repeat for 2 hours straight. Cassian had never heard a song that spoke to him and his experience with love the way that one did. One that Nesta knew would speak to his very marrow and chose not to warn him in advance, only to see his reaction.
"You're insufferable." She said, only to hug him tighter and lay her head on his chest.
"Well then you're going to have to get used to it, Nes. We only have forever left together."
Just when Cassian expected Nesta to respond, the soft melody of a piano begun in the corner of the room from Nesta symphoniam, followed by the ever true lyrics that might've been written for them, that might as well have been their wedding and mating vows.
If you ever change your mind
About leaving, leaving me behind
Baby, bring it to me
Bring your sweet loving
Bring it on home to me
Yeah (yeah) yeah (yeah) yeah (yeah)
Nesta begun the dance. Cassian followed with no hesitation. Though it was a far cry from the pulsating waltz they'd done in Hewn city or other court events thereafter. It was far more intimate, passionate. Just a sway of the hips and foot movements that reforged and strengthened the golden bond that surged through them on Winter Solstice and polished it to a shimmer. Their bond was not a mere tether, not a chain. It was a rainbow. Shimmering through storms and sunny days. It didnt only make its presence known or surge when they were in the throes of passion, it became more sentient when they were upset with each other. It was the musical and colourful road that led mate back to mate. Self back to self.
I know I laughed when you left
But now I know I only hurt myself
Baby, bring it to me
Bring your sweet loving
Bring it on home to me
Yeah (yeah) yeah (yeah) yeah (yeah)
His heart cracked at the words and the truth they carry. The memories when they were so at odds with each other that they could barely be in the same room longer than necessary. The nights when he thought the immense sadness and grief at the prospect of losing her entirely would drown him and suffocate him. When he wished that he could rip his heart out of his chest only to get a reprieve from his anguish. Anguish he attempted to expunge with throwing himself into work and training only to realize that the further they moved from one another, the further they moved from themselves.
As if Nesta could hear and feel those memories, she held onto him tighter. This female, his tether to reality, his anchor, the tree that was able to weather a thunderstorm that left the land decimated only to come back and continue to grow with fruits and flowers on display for all to see.
I'll give you jewellery and money, too
That ain't all, that ain't all I'll do for you
Oh, if you bring it to me
Bring your sweet loving
Bring it on home to me
Yeah (yeah) yeah (yeah) yeah (yeah)
Cassian knew that from the moment he met Nesta, there was nothing in the world that he wouldn't do for her. Nothing too out of reach that if she should request, he would give. He was already hers in mind, body and soul. Their bond might've snapped into being after she emerged from the cauldeon, but the draw he felt toward her was infinite. Like their souls were made from the same essence but placed on earth in different time periods so that they know life without the other, to appreciate being together more.
You know I'll always be your slave
'Til I'm buried, buried in my grave
Oh honey, bring it to me
Bring your sweet loving
Bring it on home to me
Yeah (yeah) yeah (yeah) yeah (yeah)
Cassian held up Nestas hand so that he may look upon the wedding and mating band. She requested that she have both and went to the best jeweler in Velaris to fuse both choices so that they sit as one on her finger. Both were made of rose gold, the slimmer wedding ring was imbued with three tanzanite diamonds and the larger mating band sports just one giant diamond that would need it's own security team. Cassian knew his mate loved nice things and made him pay a pretty penny to get it. He'd do again if only to see the stars that twinkled in her eyes when they chose the bands at the jeweler.
He looked at his own jeweled finger. A simple silver band that stood out more than he expected it to. He wanted to get black carbon fiber but Nesta threatened not to speak to him again if he had. Now he can't stop looking at it. He loves how it makes an appearance even though he's bedecked in full illyrian armour. He'll never forget the swell of pride he felt when his soldiers eyes zoned in on the piece of metal that could've easily been obscured by the red siphon that rests atop his hand, but chose to stand out and make its presence known. A symbol of his immature bachelorhood dead and gone, giving life to a new stage in his life. A stage he's waited for longer than he cares to admit.
He remembers using the word 'shackled' when describing his mating bond with Nesta when he was upset with her, but now that word seems appropriate. If the pieces of metal sitting on their matching fingers are the shackles of which he spoke, then he'd wear his shackles with pride.
One more thing
I tried to treat you right
But you stayed out, stayed out at night
But I forgive you, bring it to me
Bring your sweet loving
Bring it on home to me
Yeah (yeah) yeah (yeah) yeah (yeah)
Cassian rarely thinks about the time they spent apart. When resentment, self punishment and grief pulled them apart only because those memories are nothing in comparison to the centuries he spent without her.
Living life believing the words of the ignorant and seeing oneself as a inferior and undeserving of the love that he relishes in now. The love that has somehow wiped away centuries of self hate and lack of self awareness. He figures that the reason why he used to be the first to throw himself into deadly missions were all desperate plea to prove himself, to put it into stone that he isn't a mere worthless bastard but is someone worthy of respect. But now his outlook has completely shifted. He is no longer living only for himself, but for another. He remembers the blind terror he felt when he thought that Nesta was swallowed by the black water in the Bog, or how she screamed when she thought that she lost him on Mount Ramiel.
He doesnt want either of them to go through that again. To be without the other. To feel that their very heart was ripped out of their chest, when both had taken permanent residence in the other.
He saw how Feyre reacted when Rhys died, and heard when Rhys screamed when Feyre was on deaths doorstop. The mere thought of Nesta experiencing that pain or him has softened his daring heart.
He will live, he will love and he will do it with Nesta in his arms.
As the song drew to a close, Nesta shifted from her position on his chest, too look upon him again. She brought her slim fingers to his cheeks and smiled. "Forever."
He could offer nothing but the same. A truth that had been both a promise and a prayer from the moment they met, "Forever."
Tag: @bakingandbooks3 @rhysandsdarlingfeyre @arinbelle @silvernesta @darklobe @haepaw @carlieg20 @illyrianshadowhunter
91 notes · View notes
Lukanette June 2021 Day 23 - Stars
Oh my gosh it’s finally done! @lukanettejune
Hey lovebugs...I have to say I had difficulty with this. Because if any of you follow my work.......Well first off let me take a moment to show my gratitude but...
If any of you read my work you will know that I write A LOT of starry night scenes.....It’s starting to become a bad habit! I literally liked galaxy aesthetic before it became cool when I was in high school!
So when I found out the prompt for day 23 was stars I was like “What on earth am I supposed to do???”
Just to note...Don’t tell me to write something star themed I will write forever until I write a beautiful galaxy!
I originally wanted this to be about my Lukanette fankids......But then I thought of something different.
Something you lovebugs will find out in a moment it’s a surprise! So enjoy! <3
The citizens of Paris talked about the "delinquent" boy Luka Couffaine who sits on the roof of apartment buildings playing the guitar when the stars come out at night.
Some of them talked behind his back about him being disruptive and that his family should discipline him. But Marinette sat on her balcony when the stars came out so she could listen to him. He was usually a bit too far away for her to see him, but Marinette thought he was very cute and had beautiful blue hair.
She didn't think he was disruptive at all. It was nice to listen to the infamous Luka Couffaine as she painted a picture of the stars above them.
Marinette felt his song was melancholy and beautiful. It almost made her think she was missing something as well.
Then again, she recently got rejected from the boarding school of the arts she tried to get into. So she kept on doing her very best at her art out of spite.
Marinette sighed at her painting of the stars, thinking real stars outshined her artwork.
"I just can't make it no matter how hard I try…."
Luka closed his eyes as he played his music, trying to shut out the entire world.
He was trying to move people with his music. He wasn't trying to be disruptive. That's why he was playing on the roof.
Luka hoped this would be the perfect stage for him where those who didn't like his music could ignore and those who enjoy his music could appreciate it.
Either way, this was the only place he felt he could let all his emotions out, and the stars at night calmed him.
He sighed when he played the final chord. One of the reasons he played guitar on the roof was because he felt like a failure. He applied to the best boarding school for the arts in France but got rejected. The blue-haired guitarist thought he could go to better places for the sake of his family, but he failed despite giving his best effort.
"I just can't make it no matter how hard I try," he said as he hung his head.
Luka turned to the building where the Dupain-Cheng bakery was and saw the baker's daughter was still awake. It was a bit strange to him. He saw her a few times when he played the guitar at night, so he couldn't help but wonder.
He sat on the edge of the roof and played another tune that he hoped would reach her. Marinette finally got a closer look at him, and she wondered if he noticed her.
Marinette put down her paintbrush, and Luka strummed the final chord.
The two of them looked up at the sapphire blue night and saw the millions of stars above them.
"At least the stars look beautiful tonight," the both of them said.
At school the next day, Marinette walked through the crowd of students with a slightly sullen look on her face. Activity in school was undoubtedly more lively and obnoxious. Marinette wanted to pull her hoodie over her head and hideaway.
There was more gossip about Luka Couffaine, but Marinette was just interested in getting inside the school.
And yet he was there being surrounded by students, a lot of them were praising his musical skills, but he didn't seem very flattered by it.
"You totally deserve to be accepted into the art school Luka, they missed out big time!"
Marinette turned back. She wondered if he was trying to get into the same art school she applied to.
"I guess I just have to keep getting better," Luka said, a tone of melancholy in his voice.
Marinette felt his pain, but she really had to get to class not be fascinated by the school's punk guitar boy.
But she turned back one last time at the door as Luka was making a personal guitar concert in front of the school instead of heeding the class bell.
Then again, Marinette thought it would've been nice to skip class and listen to him instead of feeling inferior to the other art students.
Later in the day, Marinette walked through the hallway, ready to get away from all the carefree people. Still, she was about to pass by the art class where paintings were hung up outside. Marinette just wanted to avoid the art class forever now because art students could be the worst.
Then many art students charged out of the room, and Marinette was slightly irritated by the detour.
"The teacher praised me highly! She said I should apply to a prestigious art school!"
"You're bound to get accepted! You turn heads with all the art you make!"
Marinette sighed. She was about to walk away, but she turned her head and glared at the art students who walked away.
"Don't get your hopes up!" Marinette remarked bitterly.
Marinette then turned, and face knocked someone with a strong arm.
"Ow! Watch where you're going!" Marinette cried.
Marinette rubbed her face and was surprised to see a certain guitarist in front of the art display wall.
"I'm really sorry!" He said, genuinely looking guilty that he irritated her.
But Marinette wasn't sure why but it was hard to stay irritated at Luka. She wasn't sure if it was his energy or aura. She guessed it would have to stay a mystery for now. 
Marinette rubbed her nose again. "It's alright; people are always here to admire other people's art."
Luka turned back to the display, and his eyes seemed fixated on the starry night painting Marinette made. Marinette was a bit confused.
"Yes, this is a nice painting that inspires me," Luka said.
Marinette moved beside him and pointed at her painting.
"That one?" She asked.
"Yes," Luka said. "It reminds me of the stars at night that I like so much."
Marinette couldn't help but smile a little bit from feeling flattered.
"Oh…" Marinette started. "It's nothing really, just something I drew when I couldn't sleep at night."
Luka turned and smiled down at her. "You made this?" He said as he pointed at her painting.
Marinette was a bit embarrassed now. "Yes," she said as she looked down at the floor.
The bell rang, and Marinette didn't say so much of a goodbye as she sprinted through the hallway. Luka, however, smiled as she left.
Marinette just wanted to escape this rowdy public school at the end of the school day, but she still managed to smile when she met up with Alya and Nino.
"Hey, Marinette," Alya said with a wave.
Marinette waved back. "Hey, you two."
Marinette sat next to them, happy to be with her two friends instead of feeling like a loner amongst the school cliques.
"Sorry you got rejected for the school Marinette," Nino said. "You deserved to go more than anyone."
Alya gave Marinette a gentle slap on the shoulder. "Yeah! Those higher-ups think they are all that! They have no eye for talent."
Marinette did feel slightly better hearing that. "Maybe you two should be headmaster and headmistress of the school," she joked.
Nino stood up on the bench. "If I did, there would be more parties than classes!"
Alya stood up on the bench with Nino and gave him a hug. "And then the pretentious art students would lighten up."
Marinette managed to giggle a bit.
"So, Marinette, would you like to get ice cream with us?" Alya said.
"Our treat!" Nino chimed in.
Marinette paused for a moment, she was flattered, but she had something else in mind.
"No, you two are a couple. I don't need to be involved in all of your dates."
Marinette started to feel like a loser saying that. Sometimes she wished she had a date of her own to feel less like a third wheel.
"It's no problem, we love you, and we love when you join us," Alya said.
Marinette stood up. "I just want to do something out of the ordinary today."
"Ooo! Does it involve a guy?" Alya said.
"No!" Marinette cried, shoving Alya a bit.
"I need new art inspiration, that's all," Marinette said.
Marinette walked to the front of the school again, wondering if he would be there.
She did indeed hear familiar guitar music.
Now that she had a closer look at Luka Couffaine, she admitted he seemed absolutely radiant playing the guitar, even without the starlight.
She didn't want to interrupt him, but she wanted to be an audience member, so she mustered her composure so she wouldn't slip like a clutz again and sat in front of him.
Marinette closed her eyes and swayed her head as she listened to his music. Closing her eyes, she thought she could imagine stars.
She felt she was floating through a beautiful galaxy until the last chord played, and Marinette's eyes snapped open.
Luka didn't seem offended that she was watching him at all. In fact, when she opened her eyes, Luka's ocean blue eyes gleamed, and he gave her such a warm smile that melted her heart.
Good god, this was an all-new feeling to her!
"Hello there," he said gently.
Marinette gave a nervous grin, suddenly feeling a bit starstruck by the admittedly cute guitar boy warming her heart and her entire being with his smile.
"Eee! Hey there!" Marinette cried as she gave him a stiff wave.
Luka looked a bit flustered as well; there was a light blush on his face.
"So, did you enjoy my song?" Luka said.
Honestly, Marinette couldn't put her opinion on Luka's music into words. It was far too profound!
"Oh…" Marinette tried to collect herself. "It was…"
Marinette felt many stars were shining in her eyes now. Luka was a bit concerned.
"It was...Beautiful! Amazing! Fantastic!" She cried.
Marinette took a moment to breathe out. "I was so moved!"
Luka didn't say anything at first, and for a moment, Marinette worried she sounded like a faker. But Luka smiled warmly at her again, and she was surprised to see that he placed his hand over his heart as if her compliments moved him.
"That…" Luka started. "That really helps with my confidence."
Marinette quickly sprung up. "Of course! You deserve praise!"
Luka smirked.
"You deserve to be famous!" Marinette cried.
Luka shifted a bit.
Marinette sighed. ".....You deserve to get accepted to that art school more than me."
Luka's blue eyes widened. Marinette applied to the same art school he did, and she still looked torn up over being rejected.
Luka patted the ground beside him. Marinette felt so at peace with Luka that she was more willing to sit beside him.
Luka strummed another tune on his guitar. His usual smile faded to a smile of defeat.
"I just wasn't enough," he said.
That very notion outraged Marinette. 
"Well, they're wrong!" Marinette cried. She ended up stopping Luka's music in its tracks.
Marinette threw her hands up. "But hey! You can always skip the fancy school and go straight to being famous!"
Marinette placed her hands on her lap. "Because I would listen to you every day."
Oh god, did she really say that? But she was prone to word salad.
"I! I mean!" Marinette tried to save herself, but he looked at her as if he had stars in his eyes as well. "You're really great at music!" She cried with a nervous grin.
Luka paused for a moment, smiling to the ground.
"Well, maybe your opinion matters to me more than the higher-ups," Luka said.
Marinette started to blush hard. She had to cover her face with her hand to make it stop.
Luka went back to playing a gentle, almost romantic tune.
"By the way," Luka said." Your painting of the stars moved me too."
Marinette turned and blinked at him.
"It caught my attention, and then I got lost in the galaxy of stars you created. I couldn't look away; I didn't want to."
Marinette was overwhelmed. Her heart felt full, full of something. It felt whole, for once in her life.
Luka kept on playing the beautiful tune. "I would love to buy your art someday, Marinette."
That was the first time he said her name. She couldn't help but like it when his voice said her name.
"Thank you, Luka."
After that, Marinette and Luka became friends. Their worlds were opened up to each other. Sometimes Luka spent time with Marinette in the art club, and he found inspiration for new music. And sometimes, Marinette spent time with Luka in the music club and painted for hours while listening to his music.
Marinette and Luka were ready to continue on and forget about the boarding school, considering themselves exceptional artists already.
That is until Nathaniel and Marc came to Luka with an urgent request.
The two of them burst into the music club and interrupted Luka and Marinette in their work.
"Luka! We need you to play in front of the Eiffel Tower!" Nathaniel cried as if the entire world depended on it.
Marinette gasped and turned to Luka, who had a blank expression on his face like a flat note.
"Really? People would really like to see Luka Couffaine, the delinquent guitarist at the Eiffel Tower?" Luka said.
After weeks of spending time with Luka, Marinette absolutely abhorred that notion. Luka may have had ripped clothes and dyed hair, but he had a heart of gold. Unlike some of the so-called proper preps who wore stainless clothes but had wicked hearts and minds.
"You're our only hope!" Marc cried. "The entire orchestra wanted to play for Gabriel Agreste!"
Luka didn't seem swayed by Marc and Nathaniel's desperate pleas.
"I'm not sure…." Luka said.
Then suddenly, Marinette walked up to Luka and looked him in the eye.
"Luka," Marinette said. "I...I think you should go for it!"
Now Luka seemed a bit conflicted.
Marinette then took his hands in hers. "Luka, you owe it to yourself to play in front of others even though you got rejected! You gotta prove that you will still stand up and play and still move everyone you play for!"
Luka was speechless. He turned to Nathaniel and Marc, who still pleaded as if the sky was about to fall. Then there was Marinette, the beautiful girl who believed in him since they first met.
Luka gently squeezed Marinette's hands. "Ok, I'll do it," he said.
"Yes!" Marc cried. "Thank you, Luka!"
Marinette had to admit she was excited to see Luka play in front of the Eiffel tower as well. But the stage and the backdrop for the event left much to be desired. The stage was fine enough, and Luka would be the center of attention, but the backdrop was as blank as paper.
"We can decorate the backdrop easily," Nathaniel said.
Marinette stepped on stage and stared at the backdrop as if there was something to be uncovered.
"I'll paint it!" Marinette said.
"Really?" Marc and Nathaniel said in unison.
Marinette placed her hand on the blank backdrop. "Yeah, I just need to get plenty of paint."
"Marinette," Luka said. "You don't have to go through all the trouble."
Marinette turned and smiled at him with the utmost certainty.
"I feel inspired," Marinette said. "And I want your show to be the best."
Now Luka started to blush because she was just so amazing and inspiring. He covered his face with his hand and did a silent prayer that she didn't notice.
For the next few days, Marinette was hard at work painting the backdrop with sapphire, indigo, and midnight blue to make the most beautiful nighttime sky. Then she painted hundreds of yellow and white stars to make the most beautiful galaxy of stars for Luka's performance.
When she wasn't in school, she worked extra hard on the backdrop, and Luka was just concerned. He may have skipped classes some days, but Marinette was a model student, and he felt she should work on her school work and not spend all her free time on his show.
Luka wanted to insist that Marc and Nathaniel would help her paint. Still, he realized Marinette had a particular vision in her head, and she was so determined.
When she finally finished, Luka had to catch his breath as he felt Marinette made a portal to the most beautiful galaxy in all the universes, but then he turned when he saw the genius artist herself covered in a few blue stains.
"Marinette, this is amazing!" Luka cried.
Marinette wiped a blue stain from her forehead. "Don't mention it, Luka. This project helped me as an artist."
Luka placed his hands on her shoulders which caught Marinette off guard. He was smiling at her, and she was blushing hard, but at the same time, she wasn't complaining.
"Really, Marinette, you are amazing! A real artist!" Luka said.
"Oh!" Marinette said, her face heating up even more. Marinette raised her hands. "It's no big deal!"
"At least let me take you to dinner," Luka said.
Luka indeed drove a hard bargain. She didn't want him to go through all that trouble be he seemed serious, and he was just so enchanting.
"Ok, I would love to," Marinette said.
Luka smiled at her. He seemed really excited as he took her by the hand and they ran for a nice restaurant. Marinette wasn't the best at gym class, but with Luka, she felt the energy to keep up with him.
Finally, Luka tuned his guitar on stage on the night of the performance as the audience filled the seats. Marinette sat near the front. The evening stars were coming out of the sky, but Marinette's painted backdrop shined brighter this evening.
"And now, for an unsung talent," Marc said through the microphone.
"Put your hands together for Luka Couffaine," Nathaniel said through his own microphone.
The audience clapped, and Marinette was so excited that she squealed slightly. Luka took a moment to glance at her.
"Because of you, I am inspired," Luka said.
He strummed the first chords on his guitar.
"Staring out at the rain with a heavy heart."
"It's the end of the world in my mind."
"Then your voice pulls me back like a wake-up call…."
The audience stirred, and Marinette felt this song speak to her so much.
"I've been looking for the answer, somewhere…."
"I couldn't see that it was right there…."
"But now I know what I didn't know!"
"Because you live and breathe."
"Because you make me believe in myself--"
"When nobody else can help!"
"Because you live, girl."
"My world has twice as many stars in the sky!"
The audience cheered for Luka's heartwarming song. The feedback was so loud that it was almost deafening, but it was the type of feedback Luka have dreamt about his entire life.
"Yeah!!! Go, Luka!!!!" Marinette cried as she jumped around with the audience.
But, Marinette's cheering was the type of feedback that spoke to his heart, his very soul.
Luka unfastened his guitar, leaned against the barstool he had sat on, and walked up to the cheering audience.
He held out his hand to reach Marinette.
Marinette took his hand as he lifted her on stage, and Marinette couldn't help but throw her arms around him.
"I'm so proud of you, Luka!" Marinette cried.
Luka smiled, almost getting welled up as he stroked her back and the back of her head.
He could stay like this for a while, but then he heard some gasps in the crowd.
"Mr. Agreste!"
"What is he doing here?!"
Luka and Marinette broke their hug and saw that Gabriel Agreste indeed was in the crowd, and he looked delighted.
Marinette and Luka couldn't bring themselves to speak. They both felt they were dreaming.
“Mr. Couffaine, Miss Dupain-Cheng. Good evening!" Mr. Agreste said.
Luka managed to twitch a bit before speaking.
"Uh, good evening Sir," Luka said, losing his usual composure.
Gabriel unapologetically climbed on stage himself. "That was a brilliant performance, much better than those manufactured acts!"
Luka was already overwhelmed by the biggest encore he ever received. Now, the art school owner was at his performance.
"Anyway, it feels as if fate has brought me here to reconsider a few things."
Luka and Marinette weren't sure what to say.
"I know you and Miss Dupain-Cheng applied to my prestigious art school, but the fools in charge of enrollment rejected the both of you."
Marinette and Luka were about to say it was no big deal and rejection was a part of life. Still, Mr. Agreste kept on talking as if he made this speech for the audience.
Mr. Agreste turned back to Luka and Marinette, giving them another smile.
"I believe tonight is a lovely evening to rethink the enrollment staff and rethink the rejections of two talented artists."
Luka and Marinette both blinked, wondering what they both just heard. After a moment of processing, they realized that Gabriel Agreste was admitting them into his art school. Now they really felt they were dreaming!
"I can put in a good word for both of you, but would you like to accept a spot in my art school?"
Soon the shock that Marinette and Luka both felt was replaced with intense happiness that slowly filled them.
"Ohmigosh!" Marinette cried.
"So, is that a yes?" Mr. Agreste asked.
"We would love to!" Luka cried.
"Yes! We would love to!" Marinette cried.
"Wonderful!" Mr. Agreste said as he took both Luka and Marinette's hands and shook them.
The entire audience watched as Luka and Marinette got accepted into their dream school as if a wish upon a star came true. The audience cheered once more, and Luka and Marinette never felt more fortunate.
After the excitement from the performance, Luka took Marinette up to the apartment roof for peace and quiet under the starlit sky.
Marinette didn't understand why this was considered delinquent behavior. This was the most beautiful sight Marinette had ever seen. She felt she was under a beautiful infinite galaxy.
"I hope the stars will be as beautiful at our new school," Marinette said.
Luka smiled down at her. "I'm sure our new school will have an even higher roof so we could reach even further to the stars."
And Luka could play even more music, and Marinette would paint beautiful galaxies.
Marinette took Luka's hand. "I look forward to it."
Luka smiled down on her and placed a kiss on top of her hair.
They would reach for the stars and even further galaxies together.
Author’s Note: On today’s episode of Luka Couffaine sings Jesse McCartney’s music...The song is called “Because you Live”. When I was working on this fanfic last night I listened to it and felt it was divine timing.
Oh god this nearly killed me but I am really happy how this one came out, it may just be my best fanfic for this prompt month.
I hope you guys enjoyed! Really I have nothing but love for the Pro Lukamari fandom!
This is Emiko Gale signing out and see all of you next prompt! ;D
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sophie-writings · 4 years
Hi! This is the Gala anon, I was wondering if you could do a follow up where bakugou gets a little too tipsy and has to spend the night at Y/N's place? He ends up gushing about how he loves them and cuddling (maybe make out?) ensues. (You did an awesome job with the first one and I saw that someone wanted a part 2!) Thank you!
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☁️ Synopsis: After a long night of drinking, will Bakugou finally confess his feelings to his crush? Part 2 to this ☁️ Character: Katsuki Bakugou  ☁️ Type: Scenario. Sfw 17+ ☁️ Warning: Light cursing. Steamy but nothing too wild. Alcohol. ☁️ Note:  This was wayyy to fun to write about! It was supposed to be a small scenario but it turned into a full blown fic!! Hope you like it!
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Bakugou gulped hard while you straightened his tie. He was trying his best to look as composed as ever, but having you so close to him always had this effect on him.
Things weren't always like this. Back when you both still attended UA, Bakugou saw you as another classmate, but by the time you were graduating he had actually started to respect you as a hero. He knew you were strong and capable, and that was the only reason he accepted to work alongside you all this time. Not to mention of course, that he also found you incredibly attractive, something he hadn't noticed when you went to high school together — He was far too focused on becoming a pro hero to care about it.
Now that both of you were pro heroes, he actually paid attention to your features. The way your eyes were looking up made his knees weak, and he couldn't help but stare at your lips which, in his defense, looked really kissable.
"Shall we get going?" Your voice was enough to snap him from his trance-like state. Damn, he was going to need a drink if he wanted to get through the night. "Yeah, these paparazzi are starting to really piss me off." He groaned, pulling you close by the waist and guiding you to the main hall.
And while you looked super confident, only God knows how fast your mind was racing at the moment. Bakugou's hand on your waist was driving you insane. "Why is he doing it?" "Does it mean anything?" "Is this just an easier way to pose for pictures without much effort?". These were only some of the millions of questions going through your mind at the moment.
Bakugou led you to the main hall, where all of your old classmates and co-workers were gathered, waiting for the ceremony to start.
"Kacchan, Y/n, is that you?" A familiar voice made you snap your head back, and a familiar face with the biggest and kindest eyes you know made a smile crawl to your lips almost instantly. "It's been a while."
"Izu!" You smiled, now stopping on your tracks, which caused Bakugou to stop as well. "It's been so long! How have you been?"
You and Izuku were really close during high school days. He was basically your best friend during the three years you spent at UA, besides the girls of course. He listened to you ramble on and on about how strong Bakugou was, and he always told you that you just might have a crush on his childhood friend, which you always denied. You couldn't deny it anymore, but it was pleasant to reminisce about the old days.
"I'm sorry, I kind of disappeared didn't I?" He scratches the back oh his head, laughing sheepishly. "I went on a secret mission, and I couldn't tell anybody about it until recently."
"I heard about the operation on the news! I don't even know how I haven't noticed since Bakugou went missing in action for some time as well..." You say, remembering about the recent raid made to a League of Villains hideout. Bakugou was one of the heroes chosen to go, much like Izuku. He didn't tell you a thing about it until you found out yourself.
Speaking of Bakugou — you didn't know, but he was actually silently fuming at the moment. The sudden way your eyes lit up when you saw Izuku made his eyebrow twitch, and he doesn't remember the last time you smiled this brightly when looking at him.
Bakugou snatched a drink from a waiter passing back, chugging it down in a swift movement, trying to drown out the conversation you were having with his childhood friend. He wasn't used to drinking alcohol, even when both of you would go out for drinks, he's stick to water or some juice.
But he wasn't doing that tonight.
By the time you had stopped talking to Izuku, Bakugou had already downed 3 drinks, even though you spent 10 minutes tops chatting with the green-haired hero.
"Woah there, someone's rowdy today." You giggled, grabbing a glass of champagne and taking a sip from it. "Nervous about the awards?"
"As if!" He said, downing another glass in one big gulp and moving to grab another, but you were able to grab his arm before he could. "What are you-"
"I know you can take care of yourself, but you're not used to drinking alcohol, Bakugou." You said, pulling his arm closer to your chest. Bakugou blushed at your actions but looked away before you could notice.  "Take it easy, okay?" You smiled the smile he — oh so adored and he couldn't bring himself to say no to you.
"Whatever." He grumbles, before snatching his arm from your grasp and pulling him closer to him by your waist.
The sudden motion made you slightly lean against his chest, and before you could even process what was happening, Bakugou's face was inches away from your own. His red eyes staring intensely into your own.
"You and Deku seemed pre-" Before he could even finish his sentence, Bakugou was cut off by the announcer's voice.
"Welcome to the annual Hero Gala! I am Present Mic and I'll be your host tonight!"
"Oh! It's starting..." You whisper, trying to focus on anything else but the smell of Bakugou's cologne mixed with alcohol filling your nostrils. Damn, he smelled good. "We should go!"
You grabbed the blond's hand, leading him to the main stage area, and trying your best to brush away the thoughts filling your head.
The rest of the gala went by as smoothly as possible. Izuku, Bakugou, and Todoroki won the main awards of the night and each gave speeches in their own peculiar way. Izuku, shedding some tears, Todoroki thanking everyone BUT his father and Bakugou sprouting some nonsense about beating them all next year.
You and a few others actually won awards as well, each on their own category. You couldn't be happier to be making your family and everyone else proud by taking home an award. Even Bakugou congratulated you on your win, which was rare for him.
After the award show was done, the celebration continued at the after-party. And before you knew, Kaminari and Sero were distributing tequila shots and you had lost sight Bakugou.
"Hey Mina, have you seen Bakugou around?" You asked the pink girl who looked like she had a little too much to drink as well.
"Katsuki? He's over there with the rest of the squad, I think Kaminari wanted him to try some shots."
Ah fuck.
You thanked Mina before speedwalking towards the place she pointed and finding the rest of the Bakusquad trying to hold the explosive man back.
"What's going on?" You snickered at their exasperated expressions. "Why did you think giving shots to Bakugou would be a good idea? You know he never drank this much before." You said.
Bakugou's head snapped towards you, and he finally was able to get away from Sero and Kirishima's grasp, using the opportunity to swing his arms around your body and placing his forehead on your shoulder. Your eyes widened at his actions, but you were too shocked to move, and only looked over at the other guys, who chuckled.
"I'm sorry about that Y/n." Kirishima sighed before pulling his phone out of his pocket. "I'll call for a taxi, is it okay if Bakubro sleeps over at your place? I'd take him home, but I need to take care of the rest of the squad-"
"It's okay Kiri!" You reassured. "Bakugou helped me out a bunch of times when I was the drunk one."
"Thanks, Y/n, you're the best!" He smiles. "The taxi's outside already, please take good care of him."
You nodded at Kirishima before leading Bakugou outside. He was still clinging to you, which got you a few confused stares from strangers and thumbs up from your girlfriends. Even Izuku blushed before mouthing a "use protection" to you, to which you responded by violently shaking your head in hopes he realized he got it all wrong.
The car ride was silent, as Bakugou seemed to be in a bad mood, probably because he had to go home early.
You sighed in relief as the taxi pulled over next to your complex and you helped Bakugou out of the taxi and into your condo, which was at the top of the building.
"You can have the bed, I'll sleep on the couch tonight." You whispered, helping him sit on your bed. "I'll get some fresh air and then I'll come to check on you, okay? Call me if you need anything." You got out of your room and walked to the balcony, staring at the city below.
You weren't able to confess your feelings to Bakugou tonight. Not that you didn't have the chance, you just chickened out every time he got dangerously close you. Well, it wasn't your fault he was so attractive that every time he looked at you with his red eyes you could feel your heartbeat race and your knees turn into jelly.
Being his friend was easy, and even though you wanted more, the chance of ruining the friendship you had built after so much effort was too great to ignore.
"What are you doing here all alone." Bakugou's rough voice made you jump a little. You hadn't noticed his presence since you were so deep in thought.
He got closer to you, and you could smell his cologne again. "Thinking about Deku again?" He muttered.
"Uh?" You were genuinely confused. Did Bakugou misunderstand your relationship with Izuku?
"I noticed the way your face lit up when you saw him, you ain't slick." He continued, bringing his face so close to yours, your noses were almost touching. "You like him, don't you?"
"Uh, no, that's weird." You managed to say. "Izu's my best friend, he's like a brother to me."
Bakugou tilted his head to the side in confusion. "And why did you smile at him like that back at the gala?"
"I  haven't talked to him in forever!" You said more confidently this time. "I just missed Izu."
"And why do you call him Izu, yet you keep using my last name?" Bakugou blurted out, causing you to widen your eyes at his sudden outburst. "We're close, aren't we? Yet you keep calling me Bakugou!"
"Wait, wha-"
"Fuck, I wish I didn't find you so damn attractive to the point I couldn't focus the whole night. I hate the fact your lips look as if they're begging for me to kiss them. I hate the way you call Deku by his own nickname..." He rambled.
"There you go again." He brought one of his hands to your cheek. "I fucking hate that I like you and you haven't noticed it yet! I'm right here, dammit." Bakugou said, bringing his face closer to yours. He hesitated for a second, but you got on your tiptoes, finally connecting your lips. Using his free hand, the strong man pulled you closer by your waist, giving it a little squeeze, and you wrapped your arms around his neck.
The kiss started off slow, but it rapidly got hungrier, as Bakugou sucked on your lower lip and squeezed your waist once again, making you gasp. He used this opportunity to slip his tongue into your mouth, causing you to moan into the kiss.
His large hands went down your waist and using his strength, Bakugou held you up by the back of your tights, and you wrapped your legs around his waist, never breaking the kiss.
Bakugou carried you back to your room and sat down on your bed, you know straddling his lap.
Your arms leave Bakugou's neck and cup his face finally breaking the kiss, and you stared lovingly into his eyes which shined brighter than you've ever seen before.
"You don't know how long I've been waiting to do this." You whisper, resting your forehead on his.
"You should've told me sooner, I've also been waiting to do this for some time now." He answers, his hands still on your thighs, caressing them tenderly.
"Well, you're kinda hard to read Katsu." You giggled. "How would I know you were interested in me if all you did was frown?"
"Call me that again." He whispered, completely ignoring the rest of your sentence.
"Uh, Katsu?"
"Hell yeah, I'm Katsu." He grabbed you by the neck, pulling into a kiss once again.
He was definitely still tipsy and he knew that. There's no way the Bakugou Katsuki would let someone call him Katsu without him complaining, even though it was you, and he loved to sound of it.
But he'd leave that to "next morning Bakugou". Now he was more focused on how to find your zipper using one hand only.
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missinghan · 4 years
「 semper lucet ↠ bang chan 」
You’ve been a loner for as long as you can remember. 
Really, as melodramatic as it sounds, you don’t think it’s fair when every other kid in class always sits together during lunch and talks about something as silly as a new trendy toy that they saw on TV the night before or complains about how much vegetables their mom's packed into their lunchbox. And they always have a partner when the teacher tells the class to work in pairs. No one ever gets left out. Unlike you. 
Every day is the same as every other day; you get home from school only to find a single lamp in the hallway being lit up, dinner in a box of Tupperware inside the fridge that’s at least five times bigger than yourself and a cold pitch of milk on the marble counter. You also don’t think it’s fair when your classmates get to run into their parents’ arms after a long day full of monstrous lessons because, sadly, your parents have never come home before ten o’clock. 
Some outsiders might find it funny if they witness a nine-year-old preparing her own meal, getting washed up on her own, and tucking herself into bed. Others might find it dangerous and irresponsible of the parents to leave their daughter at home all alone at such ungodly hours. But you? You find it quite depressing actually, sometimes you wonder if you’ve done something terrible in your past life to deserve to die alone in this one. 
Hence, sleep doesn’t like you that much. Most of the time, you’d be turning and tossing under your comforter non-stop until your parents’ footsteps can be heard outside. Other times, you’d find yourself having a staring competition with the ceiling until sleep finally gives in and draws a hand over your eyes. Your boring life goes on like so, slowly and dreadfully.
Well, at least it keeps going like that until something crashes onto your balcony. Or someone. 
“Ow, I’d better work on my landings next time.” It’s a boy, you assume. “Sorry I was running a little late, I miscalculated and got lost on the way. I’m Bang Chan, by the way, nice to meet you!”
From then on, he crashes at your place (literally) every night, though you have to give him more credit because his landings only improve through time. It’s the giggles that are the sails upon your boat. You both find the funny in every little thing and for the first time ever, you find yourself laughing so much that there are tears in your eyes like a dam that’s about to break and your stomach hurts like no other. It’s the kind of sweetness that you need during rough times but he’s more than just someone who makes you laugh. 
Chan is probably the best thing that’s ever happened in your life and you truly don’t deserve him. And the best things don’t happen twice, they say. 
He goes through the years with a petty, teenage-angst Y/N that decides it’s a good idea to resent her parents for the rest of her life. Edgy, you know. And you go through the years enduring his baffling questions about how insignificant humans are in this universe and his weird obsession for the pile of philosophical books that your dad gave you as a Christmas gift. 
But you’re more than willing to hear him ramble about how irritating and insufferable humans can be sometimes because of his dimples, his curly locks, and the way his eyes light up like a supernova when he gets excited about something. There’s kindness in his smile, a gentleness that’s irreplaceable. It’s the smile of one who laughs with ease, a soul-connector. You suppose he’s the kind of person who lives how he believes people should, a ray of sunshine wherever he goes. Chan is the calm sea, a friend, a guardian angel. 
Yet most of all, he’s your lucky star. 
“I live on the brightest star up there,” Chan speaks softly. “Did you know that?”
“Hmm, that’s very charming, tell me more,” you toss a piece of popcorn at him, snorting involuntarily. 
It’s a lovely Saturday evening and your parents have decided to go out to their favorite restaurant after a tiring business trip, leaving you at home with a sad portion of leftover spaghetti from your dad’s birthday party. Chan’s situated next to you on the couch with a boring rom-com playing on the TV and a bowl of popcorn on his lap, your head leaned against his shoulder. Nothing new. Though normally, he’d start making fun of the cliché plot and terrible acting with you, a lot has been on his mind. It’s a shame you don’t notice how sad his starry eyes are tonight. 
“I’ll have to leave soon, I don’t have much time left,” he lets out a breath, an exasperated sigh. 
You reply with little consideration, only paying attention to how stale the popcorn is, “Okay, my parents are gonna be home soon anyway.”
“No,” Chan’s voice suddenly becomes firm and this causes you to startle. “I’m leaving for good. You’ll never get to see me again.” 
A pang of fear is evident inside your rib cage. It’s finally time. The time you know would come sooner or later but dread. You’ll have to say goodbye to the only person that you genuinely care about other than yourself, to the only person that you feel happy with. How are you supposed to bid him a farewell without feeling like you’re losing a part of yourself?
“You’re my friend, Chan, I’m not gonna let you go, not like this.”
“I’m sorry, Y/N. There’s nothing I can do,” Chan pushes your hands away gently and stands up from the couch, knocking the bowl of popcorn onto the floor. “I hope life won’t be so unfair towards you anymore.”
You swallow dry, tears already pooling inside your eyes, “What happened to ‘I’ll always be with you’ then?”
“Don’t humans lie to themselves in order to feel better?” Were his last words before disintegrating into a thousand bits of stardust. You should have known better; you wanted a friend and the universe answered your calling. But with every granted wish comes a consequence — another star will lose its light.
Chan’s stepped out of your life so easily and you wish you could do the same with moving on from him. It’s not easy when wherever you go, you see his face and hear his laughter. It definitely doesn’t help when there’s a rose attached to your university acceptance letter for astronomy. And the afterwords of the letter reads ‘To every star that you’re looking for’.
During your days of working as an apprentice for professor’s Park, a strange asteroid catches your attention with little time. Its pattern of behaviors is making you highly concerned since the amount of nuclear fuel it’s exhausting is downright alarming. It’s going through the various stages of a star’s life almost as though it’s a human being. With the help of Park, you’ve concluded that due to the unstably explosive core, this has caused far too many reactions and absolutely no control over how fast it’s using up hydrogen. After a few decades, once there’s no fuel left, the star will collapse and its outer layer will explode as a ‘supernova’. 
Although your prediction seems to be too irrational and unrealistic, the research’s still nominated for an award. And while professor Park is dealing with the press all smoothly, you remain anonymous under the project’s name, only going as far as letting them know you’re the one who’s named the star ‘Semper Lucet, Bang Chan’. 
Or in English — ‘Bang Chan, Always Shining’.
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Caesar Gattuso - Year One
Cassell College, Norton Hall
Norton Hall was not accustomed to this level of decadence. The stately hall had hosted its own manner of events that catered to lords and ladies in the fashion of high society, but this event had the formality of a massive rock concert-slash-frat party. Although the sun had set, it was still technically Freedom Day and Caesar Gattuso had made his presence known in his first year by winning the contest. Now it was time to cement his legacy. As soon as the announcement of the winner was read, trucks rushed to surround Norton Hall and opened their back doors to reveal equipment that had to have been ordered weeks in advance. Huge speakers, stage equipment, sound, lighting and confetti. By the time the guests arrived, the music was loud enough to shake the building. 
The blue and white Sikorsky helicopter, the mother of all helicopters, swooped over Norton Hall blowing the hair of the women and sending decorations flying. A rope was lowered down and Caesar Gattuso - year one - swung down recklessly, a vicious cold smile on his face, firing a gun in the air. There was a moment of gaiety and joy as the new students of the Student Union welcomed their President with cheers and raised glasses and thunderous applause.
Caesar landed cleanly in his Cassell Uniform, that old green, but he quickly tossed away that jacket to reveal his bare muscular chest. A huge crate landed on the ground next to him and he opened it and pulled out a huge gun that looked like a bazooka and fired it into the air. The rocket exploded into bright red fireworks and he laughed, like a joyous king on conquering the enemy capital. The jacket soared into the gathered crowd in the garden where the women in bathing suits pounced on it, tearing and yanking on it like packs of hyenas.  The day was hot and humid and the perfect time for a pool party. There should not have been any time to build a real pool but Caesar anticipated his win so far in advance that he ordered the sculpture garden revamped. The water was just ready enough as he made his entrance and all the guests dove into a new pool that stretched the length of the backyard.
Dancers surrounded the pool in sequined bathing suits waving feather fronds in their own individual spotlights. The walls of the outside of the building were covered in billboard-sized LED screens so people could watch themselves party. The sound and lighting alone had to cost a few hundred grand and the power demands were so great that generator trucks sat outside. But Caesar doesn’t care about time, money, or restrictions. That’s why he hires people. He just wanted it done and Caesar had over staffed. The attendance was bloated with waiters pouring champagne, valets taking clothes to lockers, cooks replenishing the buffet and cleaning up crew to cart away the bottles. He never wanted his guests to wait or wonder when the next plate of hors dourves would pass by. He wanted everyone to get roaring drunk. And they weren't drinking from some old well. They were drinking the finest, top-shelf liquor and spirits a Gattuso could afford.
And that meant all of them, open bar. 
Security detail especially was huge.  Caesar was accustomed to party crashers. Before you could even approach Norton Hall on this night you had to get through layers of checkpoints. If you weren’t on the list, you couldn’t even approach the street the building was on and had to watch and listen from a distance, knowing that you just weren’t good enough to make the cut for Student Union.
Nono was poolside, cooling her toes in the water. Her bikini accentuated the curves of her body and the length of her legs. If anything was worthy about Cassell it was her. Despite the rich and joyous smiles of everyone around, their eyes met easily over the fray and the noise. She was calm as though this was a nice day at the beach and that unruffled manner in a sea of revelry just made his heart beat faster. He made his way over to her and offered her her own glass of Champagne which she accepted with serene grace. 
“Enjoying the party?” He asked, sitting down next to her.
She sipped, her eyes taking in the scene in front of her.. “Hm. It’s certainly fun watching everyone have such a good time. But I’m more curious about what’s happening next door.”
He followed her gaze. The revamping of the backyard to accommodate the pool had left a gap in the shrubbery and they could both see the cars parked out in front of Amber Hall as a shield. “Those flags on the antennae of the cars don’t come from any coat of arms or country I’ve ever seen. What about you?”
“It does seem like a state visit. The student inside registered as His Royal Highness.” Caesar smirked a bit. “But results on his exam are still pending. We’ll see how much of a King he really is.”
“Are you planning to start a war?” Her eyes sparkled with intrigue, that unique shade of crimson that fascinated him the moment he saw it the first time.
“Well, they’ve drawn the battleline already haven’t they?” Caesar’s eyes glittered with malicious humor. “Kings are meant to be conquered.” He finished off his glass and a waiter was there to take it immediately. “But since you’re so interested. Shall we go spy on the neighbors?”
“You’re going to ditch your own party that you paid millions for?” Nono snorted.
“I will if you want to.” He said softly, so that only she could hear.
Nono suddenly felt a perverse rise in rebellion at this but, in fact, she was curious who those people were. She didn’t answer verbally. She just stood up and started walking. Caesar followed. 
The only way to see over the trucks was to rise to the second floor but this mystery family had even thought of that and installed black tarps over the garden where people could go outside if they wanted fresh air. These tarps extended from the second story windows of Amber Hall to the SUVs. The rest of the grounds were empty of people. Nono had her bare legs over Caesar’s bare shoulders on the open air balcony, using binoculars to peer in though a tiny gap between the tarps, watching people pass by a single window. Because they thought the tarps would hide it, they left that window uncovered.
“They look older. The people in attendance aren’t students. But they must all be hybrids. Some of them are armed. I saw one with a gun earlier.” Nono said. “They look antique though. Nothing modern.”
“Old men come to cosplay? Typical royal family. Turns out this isn’t as interesting as I thought it would be.” Caesar said.
As soon as those words left his mouth, a sound reached his ears, soft, but unmistakable. A gunshot. Caesar blinked in confusion, not sure if he had heard right. Then another and another! 
“Something’s happened, the crowd is scattering!” Nono said.
He lowered Nono from his shoulders.. “Get down!”
“Hey, put me back up!” 
But Caesar had already vaulted over the balcony and landed on his feet, dashing towards Amber Hall. Nono followed him, determined not to let him get to know what was going on before she did.
While Dominic was taking his royal vows, a pair of green eyes watched him from the upper floor of Amber Hall. Those Green eyes belonged to Tjark - silent T - Beninga. He was also in a Cassell Uniform but stayed in the shadows. He’d heard of Dominic from his family after he got accepted to Cassell, his parents had applied for him to go here as a ‘special assignment’. His family were underground merchants, mercenaries, and the rich people below needed someone to watch their favored son and with his high level blood, he was a shoe in for the job. It wasn’t until after his arrival did he understand that his job wasn’t to protect the little prince, but to keep him from escaping.
Apparently, he didn’t want to be a prince. Tough break. You can’t pick your parentage.
But he didn’t mind being on watch duty. Dominic was easy on the eyes. If he played his cards right, perhaps he could be promoted to his closest side rather than being a peripheral.
When Dominic fell to the floor, he sat up straight watching Sylke race to him with a feeling of jealousy. That is until his black sword nearly took off her head and the gun fired. Dominic was running up the stairs, firing the pistol, efficiently dropping people one by one and he felt his heart flutter with amazement, excitement, and admiration. He hadn’t really believed this guy was an escape artist. Now he could see it with his own eyes. His job was to stop him from getting away at any cost.
The man was racing right for him towards a second story window, but Tjark simply raised his foot to catch his shin. Dominic fell forward but twisted his body immediately to face him. His eyes were crazed and desperate. He was running for real.
Tjark was top of his class in Taekwondo, Karate and Judo and immediately as he saw that fiery bright light in Dominic’s eyes he felt it spark in him. He no longer had to hold back for sporting rules of competition. He wondered how many hits this guy could take as he lashed out with his fists against and again.
But each time he struck, Dominic continued to back away, ducking, keeping his distance and blocking with one arm. Until he reached the window. Tjark saw his plan and hurried to block him from jumping through. That glass wasn’t the safe kind that could break into little pebbles but the kind that would shatter into sharp blades.
Dominic raised the pistol and fired at Tjark’s head and Tjark ducked away.
Dominic recklessly leaped through it, crystal shards tearing into his suit as he rolled down the tarps to the vans with Tjark right behind him. “Are you insane?” He asked, laughing. 
Dominic didn’t answer, he just turned, fired the gun once, but his aim missed.  He leaped down from the SUV and took off towards where Caesar and Nono were approaching with stunned looks on their faces. He passed them with the full unnatural speed of a hybrid.
 “Nice ass, buddy!” Tjark hollered as he passed them. “Just let me handle this and go back to your party! I’ll see you later!”
Caesar sneered.
When Tjark turned back around, Dominic was on him like a tiger. As soon as he realized Tjark was distracted he turned right back around, ran back to him and destroyed his temple with a roundhouse kick that knocked him flat to the pavement. He pulled a pistol and shot him once before turning and running away.
Nono gasped and rushed to where Tjark was lying on the ground.
“He’s fine. That was an alchemy round. He’ll wake up in about thirty minutes.”  
At this time, people were pouring out of Amber Hall. “Find him! Don’t let him get away!”
Caesar’s eyes widened. This was way more fun than a frat party. A game of hide and seek, a scavenger hunt, a chase. He had to keep this in mind for the next Day of Liberty. He turned and ran back towards Norton Hall.
“Where are you going?” Nono asked.
 He shouted over his shoulder. The cold light in his eyes was replaced by a fiery challenge. “This is way more interesting. You’re right! I’m going to join in!”
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imagine-loki · 4 years
Hiding in Plain Sight
TITLE: Hiding in Plain Sight CHAPTER NO./ONE SHOT: Chapter 6 AUTHOR: wolfpawn ORIGINAL IMAGINE:
Imagine coming from a line of nobility or royalty and being in an arranged marriage with Loki in an attempt to strengthen your kingdom / alliance with Asgard. You’re not entirely on board with the idea but figured that the best you could do was to get to know your fiancé.
You form an agreement with Frigga for you to pose as Loki’s personal servant for a few months so you can get to know who Loki really is – beyond the veil of his responsibility to the Asgardian throne, behind all the masks he wears when facing the public, to really know who Loki is behind closed doors as you slowly fall for each other.
How long will you keep up the ruse with the God of Lies?
RATING: General Audience
Raven worked diligently in Loki’s rooms. More than once, she had accidentally done something wrong but Loki was rarely there through the day so she was able to fix her mistake before he was there to realise there was something amiss. When he was there, he tended to be quiet and disinterested in anything bar what he was doing at that time. It told her a lot about his personality. He was a recluse by nature. She spoke a few times with some of the other maids through the day and learnt a little more about her intended. Thor, as she had recalled from the last time they had seen one another those many years before, was still incredible social and outgoing, Loki, who even then was introverted, was more so now. When she tried to press more about his behaviour, she was always getting the same answer, very little. He kept to himself and only joined Thor and his friends when it was required to do so. 
Twice, he asked about his intended and Light Elf customs but he seemed mostly disinterested in the entire situation. What she did find irksome was her interest in him growing as a result of their time in close proximity. She noticed a lot of what they liked was somewhat similar. They liked books of the same genre, even the art he had in his rooms were akin to that she liked. It irked her, not because she did not wish that they were similar but because it meant that had he been less of a twit, they would have been well suited which was more annoying. 
She also found it bothersome that he was so good looking. She had seen good looking elves all her life but Loki had an elegance even most Light Elves did not possess. It was highly distracting. It almost caused issues when Loki was changing for a bath and she did not know so and walked into the bathroom thinking he had not yet returned to his rooms only to see him in just his tight leather pants which caused her mind to stagger for a moment and for her to stare open-mouthed. Loki turned just as she shut her mouth again though her red face may have given her thoughts on the matter away. For his part, Loki stated nothing on the matter and merely told her that he required a towel. 
It did not take Raven long to see just why she never seemed to see Loki come in and out of his rooms. His seidr, she realised, was far stronger than she had ever seen in Alfheim, the home of the ancient art. He simply teleported in and out as he chose. She was relieved that she never did any snooping while she was there, there was more than one occasion that she only knew of Loki’s return when he stood beside her or when he called her name. She did not wish to invade his privacy so she never had any intention to do so but it was clear that such would not be wise. Raven hoped that if they had nothing else to work with, they would have the respect not to invade one another’s privacy. The manner in which Loki spoke to her told her that Loki was genuine when he asked questions and not prying invasively. 
Raven rushed from the desk she was cleaning that was covered in papers that Loki was clearly writing, the official crest on the top, the one thing she did notice, telling her that they were official in manner and to do with the House of Odin and the titles Loki held as his son and made her way to the bed-chamber, which had been empty when she made the bed only twenty minutes before and the door to the room had not been opened at any stage. “Good afternoon, You Highness, how can I assist you?” In truth, Loki rarely came back to his rooms at the current time, telling her that something was different, the manner in which he spoke told her that he was bothered by something. “Is everything alright?” “Lord Arton of Alfheim, do you know that name?” Loki demanded. 
Raven’s brows furrowed. “I do, Your Highness?” Arton was a Lord of the Alfheim court.” “What is the relationship between him and Princess Raven?” Loki’s nostrils flared as he spoke. 
The look on Loki’s face was comical, she could not help but laugh to herself. “Before the announcement of your betrothal to her Highness, they were sweethearts and he voiced his intentions to marry her to her in private but not in court. After that, he took a post away from the city to not see her before her marriage to stop there being any controversy or indeed perhaps to fall out of love with her.” She was entirely honest in her words, she and Arton were such. She loved him dearly but the day it was announced to the court that she was promised to Loki, he merely said his farewells by letter and left the city. It broke her heart but she accepted her lot. Being the daughter of a king, she knew her role in her family. It made sense to her that such would happen, her feeling of being an imposter in her own family decreased when she was told of her future, it made sense. It hurt but it made sense all the same. “May I ask why you would ask such?”
“So they are not still involved?” “No, Your Highness, Lord Arton left the city and cut all contact from what I am aware.” It was entirely true. Raven had no idea if Arton had tried to reach her once more since his leaving. 
“Pity, it could have caused enough of a ruckus to stop this marriage,” Loki growled. “So she is not a maiden?” “She is as much one as you are.” Raven snarked in return. 
Loki eyed her, shocked at her statement. “What if I said I was not experienced in that manner?” Raven shrugged. “Hardly startling that the God of Lies would live up to his name, I would think. Would you like me to get anything from the kitchens for you, Your Highness?” Loki shook his head, stunned by her words into silence. “Very well, I will go and take a small break so.” She turned and walked away from him, smirking to herself at being able to silence him, something even the Allmother stated was not possible. 
* Sitting in the staffroom of the royal family’s servants, Raven sat with a drink in her hand, proud of her achievement for the day, though interested in Loki’s words. She knew he was not still a virgin, not because she had physically seen him with anyone but because of her source of information, Thor. 
Since Thor realised who she really was and she explained what she was doing posing as a maid, on two occasions, the pair spoke in private with regards to Loki mostly, though Thor had a few questions on Alfheim also which she gave her answers to as they were with regards to their future interactions in a positive manner. He was startled to see that for the most part, she was not overly informed on different realm matters but he also understood that with different cultures to the role of princesses, she was bound by Alfheim social norms. He told her all he could on what he knew of Loki’s past excursions. He had not been overly forthcoming with his exploits but as Thor had burst into his rooms once to see him with a young noblewoman, he knew that at the very least, Loki was not a virgin, something Raven was able to get out of him. When he asked her why she was so interested in such, he found himself erupting in laughter when she explained that she simply wished to know if he actually had any experience for fear she’d need to bestow a book on him as to not be left wanting otherwise. 
“Branna?” Raven looked at the servant in front of her, wondering when she ever introduced herself to him to say he knew her name. “You are Branna, aren’t you?” Raven gave a small polite smile. “I am.” “Her Majesty, the Allmother is requesting you join her for a few moments.” “Of course, where will I find her?” In truth, Raven was not particularly in the mood to speak with the Allmother, she was enjoying her own company, something she was all too used to. 
“Their Majesties’ quarters.” The servant informed her. “You will require this to enter.” He extended his hand and in it, there was a small broach in his hand. 
Taking it from him, she attached it to her sash, knowing it permitted her access to the Allfather and Allmother’s quarters. With a slight nod, Raven rose to her feet and went about going to meet the Allmother, wondering what was the reason for her calling on her. 
The Einherjar that stood guard outside the rooms of the Aesir King and Queen took no interest in the Elven maid that walked by. The broach she donned could not be falsified. Were it to be fraudulent, it would quickly be made clear as she would be painfully incapacitated. Gently, she knocked on the door for one of the staff inside to answer the servant who had been sent to find her informing her that he had to go on another errand after finding her for the Allmother. For a moment, no one answered, but then the door seemed to open yet no one was behind it. Raven looked around baffled to see that indeed, there was no one at the door. 
“Over here.” She turned to see Frigga standing in the far side of the room, facing towards a balcony. “I just need to speak with you a few moments.” “Is everything alright, Allmother?” “I see my older son’s memory is not as bad as some think it to be.” She smiled as she spoke. “So many dismiss Thor as some bumbling idiot with nothing but good looks and muscles but there is a brain in there too.” “He remembered me, yes. Or should I say, he remembered me as a youth where apparently he noted my features had not yet grown to proportion.” Raven half laughed as she did recall herself as a youth and indeed she did need to grow into herself. “He will be accused of being stupid more than once without others seeing just how sly he is, I think.” She recalled how the maid, Hannah, told her how Thor noted her pain in her shoes. “He notices more than you would think.” “Loki is not the only sly son I have, Thor usually just uses his slyness to defeat others in fights.”
Raven nodded slightly before looking around worriedly. 
“You have nothing to fear. All of my maids and the servants have all found themselves with duties that require them all to be out of the room right now and my husband is currently speaking with General Tyr apparently about some old deal with Vanaheim but were they to be honest, they are simply gossiping like two old women.” 
Raven bit her lips together at Frigga’s words, trying not to laugh at how she spoke of her husband. “Is there a reason you called me here in such a manner, Allmother? Please, do not think me to be rude. I do like speaking with you, only I have something of a feeling that something is afoot?”
“I will have to announce to Loki today that he is to be wed in a month.”
“A month! So soon?” Raven had thought that the normal tradition of three months of celebrations from introduction to marriage would be upheld. 
“Outside factors require it to be so soon. You will have to be formally introduced to Loki in the near future. I thought it only fair to inform you before Loki is told so that when he returns to his rooms, his reaction would not startle you.” 
“I…” Raven stopped and inhaled deeply. “Thank you, Allmother.” She bowed slightly. “When am I required to return home to collect my belongings?”
Frigga frowned slightly at her. “You are home now.” Her words were said with kindness but it did not feel like such to Raven. “You can, of course, return to Alfheim if you require to but your mother offered to have your belongings brought so you do not have to worry about returning. I know the Bifrost can be uncomfortable.”
“No, I am sure my mother will organise everything. I had most of it ready before I left, anyway.” 
“Yet, you seem somewhat uncertain?”
“I just did not expect it to be so sudden.” That was nothing but the truth, Raven was caught unawares by it. 
“I gather that you are still undecided as to my son’s personality?”
“With all due respect, Allmother. The time I have been here is not enough to assess the true nature of any being, much less one as complex as Loki.” 
“You saying that alone shows you have made some assessment on him.” 
Raven did not know what to say. She knew there was a high probability of the Aesir monarch asking what she had come to think of her son. She did not want to lie but her assessment thus far was not great either. “I am still learning his mannerisms. He is very quiet and introverted, it is hard to fully see his demeanour in its entirety. He is careful of his actions around others. I sense him checking to see if he is alone and when he sees me there, he seems to contain himself or hide himself in some manners. It is most peculiar and slightly uncomfortable.”
“Loki is a sensitive soul, he does not like to show vulnerability to anyone, even me,” Frigga explained. 
Raven had nothing more to say. She considered how to politely remove herself from the room without insulting Frigga when a large bell tolled across the city. 
“I guess that is my indication to tell him what is to come.” Frigga straightened her attire. “I am sorry you need to be told in this manner.”  
“Thank you for taking the time to tell me, Allmother.” Raven bowed slightly. “Shall I get him for you? He should be back from his usual afternoon activities.” 
“Please.” Frigga smiled politely, noting her wish to remove herself from the room. 
Raven rushed through the halls, oblivious to her surrounds. Upon her return to Loki’s rooms, she was startled to see that he was not there. “Your Highness?” 
“What were you doing in my parent’s rooms alone with my mother?” Loki appeared out of nowhere beside her, looking at her curiously. 
“Alone?” “All of her maids and my father’s servants have mysteriously found themselves required elsewhere, and you were alone with her, why was that?” He repeated, his tone more clipped. 
Raven contemplated her options on what to tell him for a moment. “The Allmother sent one of the Allfather’s servants to retrieve me to discuss a particular matter. I did notice that their chambers seemed void of staff considering the time of day but as it is not my concern, I did not voice any opinions I had on the matter.” There were no lies in her word and she could see Loki searching for such. 
“What was the matter that you discussed?” Loki could not find any inclination that she gave him anything other than the truth. 
“How to assist you in a manner forthcoming. I was also asked to tell you that she wants to speak with you.” 
“What is it?” “That is for her to discuss with you. I was told to say nothing of the matters discussed.” 
Loki placed his hand on her arm, trying to pull her back towards him. It was a natural reaction, but Raven twisted her arm around in a manner that broke the grip before gripping his hand and pulling it into a lock. Loki, due to not expecting her to react in such a manner, was caught off-guard. When Raven realised what she did, she let go immediately and stood back awaiting admonishment. “I am so sorry.” 
“How do you know how to do that?” Loki was more intrigued than angry by her actions.
“I have brothers, it is basic self-defence.” It was true, being teased by her brothers meant she learnt how to defend herself. 
“What you did to me is a criminal offence, you could be charged for that, you are aware?” Loki smirked. 
“In a legal setting, the argument is valid to say that you touched me first and I acted in self-defence.” “But I am a prince. I will not say anything, if you tell me what I am heading towards now.” Raven eyed him cautiously, knowing full well the reason for his smirk. It made her want to slap him but knew she could not do so physically. Knowing that what she would say would affect him in some manner, she felt herself almost happy to ruin his day while also reminding herself of an ugly truth as she spoke. “She is going to inform you that a date is set for your marrying Princess Raven. It is in a month’s time.” Loki stood back, startled at what she was saying.  
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atlafan · 4 years
Take it Slow - Part Seventy-Seven
a/n: okay this is my first shot at a harry:y/n fic, and it will be multiple parts. y/n had a bad experience with an ex over a year ago, and finally accepts her coworker and good friend Niall’s invitation to go on a blind date with his friend Harry.
Warnings: Fluff and smut.
a/n: shorter part tonight since last night was so long.
Masterpost (all previous parts can be found in the masterpost)
“Babe? Gotta package.” Harry says as he comes in from work.
“Oh I wonder if it’s my shirt for the concert!” You rush over to him and snatch it. “I got a shirt from Etsy cause I don’t really like the merch.”
Harry smiles as you open the package and you gasp with delight. You got a black short sleeve crop top that said “Blinding Lights” on it it glittery writing.
“It’s perfect! Do you like it?”
“Yeah, looks nice.” He kisses your cheek and goes to sit on the sofa with Buster.
“I’m so excited, Harry. I still can’t believe you got fifth row seats!” You plop down next to him.
“Was thinkin’ we could go in and eat at Beer Works beforehand, would you like that?”
“Yeah! Love it there. Only a couple more days!” You squeal. “Do you feel like you know enough of the lyrics?”
“Yeah, babe. Think I got it.” He smiles.
“I wonder what songs he’ll do from his older albums. I hope he does Party After the After Party, that’s one of my absolute favorites.”
“I know, that’s your go to when we’re fuckin’.”
“Shut up.” You swat at him and giggle. “I like Aquainted too, and I Feel It Coming. Honestly, every song by him is a good song.”
“And you’ve really never seen him live before?”
“Never! This is the best early birthday present ever.”
“Does your family have anythin’ planned for you. I know we’re gonna be gone for a long weekend during your actual birthday…”
“No, I think our plan is to do a conjoined thing. Michael’s birthday is the weekend after mine, and my dad’s is the weekend after that. Michael’s gonna be one I can’t believe it. So we’ll just go to his birthday party. My family will call me on my birthday.”
“That’s right, I forgot about Michael’s party. Damn, this summer is just flyin’ by.”
“I know! We leave for London soon too, it’s crazy.”
“Are you sure your mum is cool with having Buster for an entire week?”
“Yeah, she loves watching him. I’m gonna miss him so much.” You pout.
“I know, he’s just too big to bring on a plane, unfortunately.”
You grab the remote and turn the TV on.
“Do you mind if I watch Glee? I feel like once I start I can’t stop.”
“Yeah, I don’t care.”
“You like it a little, don’t you?” You look at him grinning.
“It has some funny moments. Jane Lynch’s character is hilarious. It’s a little cringey though.”
“That’s Ryan Murphy for you.” You shrug.
“Plus…I’m fully invested in this will they won’t they with Rachel and Finn. I’m hooked on it.”
“God, I don’t think you’ve ever said anything sexier to me.” You kiss him and get snuggled up.
The night of the concert you make sure your hair looks perfect. You had really grown it out, and your waves looked great. You put your new crop top on and get to work on your makeup. Tonight was a false lash kind of night. You grab a high waisted pair of black jeans with some rips in them and put them on. You could just see the top of your naval piercing. You cuff the bottoms of your jeans and you’re very happy with how you look.
Harry had a pair of salmon pink shorts on and a black silk shirt with the first few buttons undone tucked into them. You liked that you and Harry had different fashion senses. You also loved when he wore anything to show off his tattoos a bit.
“You look so good, Harry.” You wrap your arms around him.
“So do you.” He kisses the top of your head. “Niall will be here soon to watch Buster, he just texted.”
Niall comes up with Sarah.
“Damn! Okay, out on the balcony, gotta take some cute pics before you get all sweaty at the concert.” Sarah says and you giggle.
She takes some pictures of the two of you outside. You take some nice ones and some silly ones. You kiss him on the cheek in one.
“Kiss each other, go on.”
Harry chuckles and turns to you. He tilts your chin up and kisses you.
“So cute.”
“Thanks, Sarah.” You take your phone from her.
“I’m so glad you finally got a new phone, the camera is so much better.”
“I know! I was just waiting for a good deal to upgrade.”
“You two kids have fun.” Niall smiles. “Do you want us here? I don’t mind bringin’ him across the street.”
“It’s up to you.” Harry says. “You guys can stay here if yeh want, doesn’t matter.”
“Yeah, make yourselves at home.” You smile and give Buster a hug. “Thanks again for watching him.”
You and Harry head out. You decide to take the green line over towards the Garden. You walk over to Beer Works which isn’t too far away, and sit at the bar. You each do a tequila shooter and order some apps. Harry sticks with beer, and you get a hard cider.
You walk hand in hand, slightly buzzed, into the Garden. Your tickets get scanned in and you make your way to your seats.
“Harry…holy shit, look at how close we are.”
“Want me to take your picture in front of the stage?”
You beam at him and hand him your phone. Someone offers to take a picture of the two of you in front of the stage as well.
“We’re really going to be able to see him, oh my god.” You hug him and he chuckles.
“Want me to grab us some drinks?”
“Yeah, that would be great actually. Do you want some money, I brought-“ He looks at you.
“I’ll be back with some beers.”
You watch Harry walk away, and look back to the stage. You can’t help but squeal with excitement. Harry comes back about ten minutes later with two large beers.
“Line was already crazy.” He hands you yours.
“Thanks, babe.” You sip on it and he sits down next to you.
You both were taking advantage of the little time left you wouldn’t be on your feet. You were happy you both were smart enough to at least wear sneakers.
You and Harry go for bathroom and beer runs during the two opening acts, not really interested in their music as much. You get back in your seats just when the second opener is done. The Garden goes dark and you squeal. You both stand up and you scream along with the crowd when he comes out.
He starts off with Alone Again, and works his way through most of the After Hours album. The crowd goes nuts when he goes into Starboy. You were having a great time. You ended up standing in front of Harry so you could rock against him. You would occasionally here him sing along and it sent a shiver up your spine. You got some great pictures and videos of The Weeknd, you swore he looked right at you. He sings I Feel It Coming, and Harry wraps his arms around you tighter. Another song you two had on in the background many times. Next he goes into Earned It, Often, and Acquainted. You were losing your fucking mind. He sounded so good loud, and you were having the best time just jamming out.
“So I thought I’d talk to the crowd for a minute, we’re at that point in the show.”
The crowd roars as he addresses certain people. He calls different people out, it’s a lot of fun. He has thre lights up in the balcony so he can thank the people from farther away. He walks along the stage, calling out people closer to him. Then his eyes fall to you.
“This girl, who’s been dancing on her man all night, where’d you get that shirt?” You freeze and point to yourself. “Yes, you. That’s not official merch.” He scolds you and you laugh.
“It’s from Etsy! Get better merch!”
“Get better merch, huh?” The crowd laughs. “Well, I’m glad someone made some money, guess that’s all that matters. You having a good time?” You smile and nod your head yes. “I know you are, you’ve been grooving the whole night, we love to see it.”
He moves on to someone else and you turn to look at at Harry, your mouth agape.
“I filmed that whole thing! Look!” Harry shows you his phone.
“That was the coolest fucking thing ever!”
He does his Dirty Diana cover, and then goes into Party After the After Party. You turn around to Harry and squeal, then you turn around to watch the stage again. Harry couldn’t help but laugh at your excitement. You had been a ball of energy all night. The show ends, and he comes back out to sing The Hills.
You and Harry wait a minute or two to head out, letting the crowd disperse before fighting your way through it. You walk through the Garden, keeping your hand on the back of Harry’s shorts while he leads you through the people. You get down to the green line, and only find one seat available. He sits down and pulls you into his lap. You turn to look at him and smile.
“This was one of the greatest nights of my life. Thank you so much.”
“I’m so glad you had fun. That was one of the best concerts I’ve been to in a long time.”
“I can’t believe he actually spoke to me! That was so cool.”
Harry moves to whisper in your ear.
“I can’t wait to get you home. You were grinding your ass on me all night, it was torture.” He kisses your cheek and holds you a little tighter. You smile at him and kiss him quick.
Sarah was passed out, leaning on Niall’s shoulder. The two thought Buster would be more comfortable in his own home. They were watching TV when she fell asleep. Niall was half asleep when he heard the shuffle of feet and giggling from the front hall.
“Babe, I think they’re back.” He lightly nudges her.
“Hm? Okay.” She yawns.
Harry gets you through the door, and lifts you up so you can wrap your legs around him. He pushes you up against the wall and kisses on your neck. You start giggling. Your hands move to unbutton Harry’s shirt. You push it off his shoulders and he lets it fall to the floor. He takes your crop top off and kisses on your chest. You had a simple black bra on.
“Bedroom.” You groan into his ear.
He gets a better grip on you and starts walking into the rest of the apartment.
“Oh my god!” Sarah says.
Harry sets you down and hugs you to his chest. You hide your face in him. He needed you to stay close to hide his raging boner.
“You two are still here?” He says embarrassed.
“Yeah, we were gonna stay until you got home! Are you both drunk?!” You turn your head slightly to look at them and nod.
“Jesus.” Niall laughs. “Glad yeh didn’t get full naked out there.”
“Okay, well, thank you both so much for watchin’ Buster, goodnight.”
“Wait, how was the concert?”
“It was good Sarah, goodnight!” You say to her.
“Alright, alright, we’re leaving.”
Niall gives harry a thumbs up before they leave.
“They act like they never get a chance to do it.” Sarah laughs and looks at Niall. “How come we never do that?”
“Do what?”
“You never feel the need to get my clothes off the second we walk in the door.”
“Oh, you mean like this?”
Niall lifts Sarah up over his shoulder the second they get into his apartment and she squeals.
“I completely forgot they’d be here.” Harry says laughing.
“Me too!” You look at each other for a second. “Are gonna stand here or?”
“Oh right.”
He lifts you back up and carries you to the bedroom. Buster stays asleep in his dog bed. Harry undoes your jeans and yanks them down your legs. You do the same with his shorts. His lips connect with yours and you moan against him as he pushes his hips to yours. He really was hard.
You suck his bottom lip into your mouth and he groans. His hands dip into your panties and he drags them down your legs. He stays kneeling before you and grabs you by your ass, pulling you closer. He tugs one of your legs over one of his shoulders and he lips connect to your clit. You gasp when you feel his tongue lick up and down your folds. You tugs at his hair and he moans against you. He sucks and slurps on you and you feel like you’re going to lose your balance, but he steadies you. Just like when you feel you’re gonna come he stands up.
“Sorry.” He smirks. “My knees just hurt.”
“Thought you were trying to tease me.” You pout.
“Not tonight, angel.”
His hands move around you to unclasp your bra and it falls to the floor. He moves you over to the bed and he hovers over you. He kisses down your neck and chest, and sucks one of your nipples into his mouth. You reach for him and pump him slowly. He twists your piercing between his teeth while he kneads your other breast.
“Harry.” You groan. “Want you inside me, please.”
“Want you on top.”
He kisses you and sits up against the headboard. You swing a leg over him and line yourself up to sink down on him.
“Fuck.” You breathe out.
You swivel your hips and grind against him. Harry wraps his arms around you and thrusts up. You move in a rhythm together and it feels amazing. You tug at his hair and kiss him, tongues gliding along each other. Your head rolls back when he starts to rub your clit. His other hand slides up to your throat. You make eye-contact with him.
“Yeah, go for it.” You smile, and he tightens his grip around you.
He moves his other hand faster on you as both continue in sync. You start panting, and love the way Harry’s large hand grips your throat. Harry looks at you, loving the way you’re just losing yourself.
“Shit, I’m not gonna last much longer.” He grunts.
You feel your stomach tighten and you clench around him.
“Fuck!” He moans as you both release at the same time. He thrusts up hard one more time as you gasp.
He loosens his grip on you, and you rest your head against his chest.
“You forgot to take your rings off.” You say, looking up at him.
“Oh, baby.” He smirks and moves some hair out of your face. “I didn’t forget.” He lightly grazes his fingers over the forming bruises on your neck. “I like the way you can kind make out my initials on you.” You involuntarily tighten around him. “And I see you don’t really mind it either.”
“I feel like I should…but I’ve always liked when you leave marks on me.” You smile. “It’ll fade, it’s fine.”
He kisses you, and you both sit there making out while he’s still inside you. You roll down on him and his cock twitches. His hands move to your hips and he rocks you back and forth on him.
“Harry, will you fuck me from behind?” You say against his lips.
“Always.” He smiles.
You giggle and get off of him to lay on your stomach. He grabs ahold of you to slide in, he gets fully on top of you how you like so his chest is flush with your back. You moan as he rocks in and out of you.
“God, you’re like balls deep, it feel so good.” You grab at the pillow under you.
Harry hooks an arm under you to grab one of your breasts, his other hand pressing into your hip. You press your ass against him as he moves around in a circle.
“Fuck, Harry.”
“Yeh like when we fuck like this?” He says into your ear.
“M’not crushin’ yeh?”
“Not at all.” You moan again when he thrusts deep into you. “Fuck, I’m gonna come again, oh god, right there, keep doing that.”
Harry keeps thrusting in and hitting your g-spot. You scream into your pillow and back your ass up right into him. His release comes shortly after. He lays on top of you for a few minutes before getting up. You get up to use the bathroom after he does.
You face each other as you lay in bed. Harry rubs your back and smiles at you.
“This was the perfect night, Harry.”
“Even when we almost got naked in front of our friends?”
“Especially when that happened.” You giggle. “No, but seriously. I love making these memories with you. I’ll never forget this.”
He pulls you in closer to him and rests his chin on the top of your head. You end up falling asleep like this. Ten months ago you never thought you’d be where you are right now. Being held by the person you loved most in the world, and him loving you right back.
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Once Bitten, Twice Stupid prt 139
Cuba was loud. Loud and people everywhere. Lance had bugged him to call Shiro, his brother giving him a hard time for forgetting, but Matt had already called to let him know that he and Lance had a very... intimate reunion. Stupid perverted wolf. He was having a moment with his boyfriend, not some kind of scandalous tryst.
Lance didn’t talk as much as he thought he would. So Keith didn’t push it. He’d sent Shiro a proper message explaining Miriam had passed and that Lance needed a little more time before they’d be headed back to America. Matt had let Shiro know, but Keith felt like maybe that’d been Lance’s place to say. Shiro and Curtis sending their condolences. Each time Lance would point something out, Keith tried to take as many photos on his phone as he could, so Lance would have physical evidence to match his memories.
Stopping for lunch near the beach, Keith realised how screwed he would have been without Lance there to translate for him. Sure, there was English to cater to the tourists, but Lance made it look easy. Chatting away with the servers, swimming in the jumper that he was wearing. His boyfriend had already managed to get him new shoes. They weren’t shiny red converses with smiley faces on them, but they were sneakers because Lance simply rolled his eyes at the idea of boots in the heat.
Sitting across from his boyfriend in the cafe, Keith realising that Lance actually looked a little older. He couldn’t put his finger on what it was, but there was something there. Then again, he hadn’t seen his boyfriend’s face in the sun like this in far too long
“You’re staring”
“You’re cute”
Lance huffed at him. Keith couldn’t help how in love with Lance he was
“Can... can you maybe... not compliment me as much?”
His boyfriend huffed again. Did Lance think he was complimenting him to cover other feelings? Or was hating on himself so hard that he struggling to see how beautiful he was? All he had to do was look at Lance and he wanted to say nice things. The Keith from this time last year wouldn’t have believed it. He probably would have broken someone’s face had they suggested he’d be like this with anyone.
Forcing his attention to the meal, he wasn’t sure what it was. It smelt really good. Keith wasn’t sure about the beans, his diet didn’t consist of much outside green beans and baked beans. Baked beans banned because Shiro’s farts were no joke. Pointing with his fork, Lance explained what they were eating
“It’s Ropa Vieja. It’s very good. It’s mostly pulled stewed beef with veggies”
“I don’t think I’ve even heard of it”
“You missed out. Mami used to make a mean ropa. It’s like Cuba’s number one dish and she would come back and murder me if you didn’t try it at least once”
Lance was right, Keith’s eyes widened at the first taste of beef, scoffing down a second forkful. Lance seemed to find it funny enough that he laughed. An actual, proper, barking laugh where he scrunched his face up and people stared. Swallowing quickly, he got hit with the heat of the spices, Lance’s shoulders were shaking with laughter
“What’s so funny?”
“I told you it was good and you still looked like you’d come in your pants at the first bite”
“It is good... Wait, are you trying to say I make weird faces during sex?”
“You make very manly and sexy faces... but that face was gold”
Keith pulled his phone out his pocket, snapping a photo of Lance who sobered as he drew his brow realising what Keith had done. It’d make the perfect proof of life photo for Pidge
“Did you just take a photo?”
“You mocked my “oh” face”
“You have a many manly sex face. Just be careful with where you’re taking photos”
That was thing? Then again, there kind of seemed like a vague memory that maybe a thing
“I didn’t think about that. It was nice seeing you laugh, even it was at me”
He had no idea of the etiquette of Cuba, probably acting like the dumb America tourist he was
“It’s fine here. Mami and I came here a bit on the way too and from the hotel. On Wednesday’s they clear out the tables at night and they have dances”
“I bet Mami loved that”
“She did. We mostly shuffled on the spot but she said it reminded her of when Papi took her dancing. It’s weird when your mum gropes your butt”
“I bet she winked too”
“Yep. I wish I’d come back here sooner with her. I feel like I wasted time not”
“Nah, I’m sure she was happy. Oh, I better text Pidge and Hunk. Is there anything you want me to say?”
“Just tell them I miss them. I do... miss them I mean, but at this stage I’m not sure how to face them”
“Then it’s a good thing I’m here. Coran kept getting pushed out the way so Pidge could talk to me. He actually looked annoyed”
“He’s got a hard enough job. He paid for all of this. I mean, I know he used funds from VOLTRON, but that hotel isn’t cheap...”
“He did it because he loves you. I’m sure there’s plenty of funding, and I’m sure there’s things you haven’t cashed in on because you didn’t want to make a fuss”
“He did try to give me my blood for free... I feel better when I’m paying. More independent and not like a teen getting money from dad”
“See. There you go. This is like really good, can you make this at home?”
“You want me to?”
“Heck yes. Don’t get me wrong, Rome is like a food lovers paradise but pasta gets sooooo repetitive”
“You better make the most of it. There’s still a lot of dishes to try”
“What about going out for dinner? With Matt and Rieva?”
Lance fumbled his fork. Keith kicking himself but the words had slipped out
“I’m... I was really rude to them”
“I doubt they care”
“I care. I ran the first time I saw them”
Keith raised an eyebrow at the thought of a pregnant Lance thinking he could leg it from two werewolves. His boyfriend had zero chance
“Babe, they missed you”
“They’ll want to talk about what happened and I’m... telling you is...”
Right. Lance was still trying to tell him what he could, how he could...
“... telling you is because she saw you as her son. Telling them, I just... it’s harder”
“We don’t have to tell them the things you’re not comfortable with. If we have dinner, we can go after... but it’ll be a good step”
“What if they can’t forgive me?”
“The only person who can’t forgive you is you. Just put it in the back of your mind”
“I’ve been thinking about it too much...”
“I’m shocked you’d over think anything ever”
“Now you’re being mean”
“You still love me. Seriously though, this is really good. Can I help you make it?”
He was going to text Pidge but his food was too appealing. Shovelling down another forkful, Lance swallowed as he watched him, seeming a little flustered. Keith wished he knew what kind of expression he was showing the man he loved
“Uh. I guess... we should eat. We’re heading back to the hotel after this. I can’t seem to make it through without my afternoon nap”
“I’ve deprived you of your morning nap, haven’t I?”
“Yeah... and my morning self wallowing”
“I’m like the worst boyfriend ever”
“Nah. You’re pretty much the best I’ve ever had”
It took Keith a long moment. His heart filled with pride at the praise until he realised he was the only boyfriend Lance ever had. Lance chuckled when the realisation hit him, Keith kicking him lightly under the table. His boyfriend was a brat.
When Lance went down for a nap, Keith was shooed off to let him sleep. The cafe was the perfect distance back to the hotel for Lance to have processed eating and be needing to throw it back up. The vampire had eaten enough human food to rival Matt. Keith could keep up, though he tried. Everything tasted amazing, and all he wanted to do was bask in his food coma, then Lance had kicked him out because his hand had slipped a little too low rubbing his boyfriend’s belly. It wasn’t his fault he loved feeling the swell... Lance didn’t trust him to behave. Lance declaring his arse off limits.
Throwing himself down on the sofa in the living area, he was bored already. He’d messaged chat rather than just Pidge, then avoided checking the messages he got in reply. Shay knew he was in Rome for work, and that Lance was on holiday visiting family with his grandmother. Their chat looked rather sad. Shay had expressed her condolences, which Keith accepted on Lance’s behalf. He didn’t have much to do on his own. People were tiring, the noise reaching the hotel room through Lance’s still open bedroom door. If they were going out to dinner, he really should make the effort with Matt and Rieva. Lance was sleeping and he was sure the pair would let him know if Lance needed him back.
Doing what any normal person would do, Keith climbed over to their balcony, knocking on the back door rather than going out into the hall and all the way around. Rieva opened the door with a laugh
“We were wondering how long it’d be before you came over. Couldn’t take the front door?”
“Too much like effort”
“Fair enough. Come in. Mi casa es su casa. Matt, Keith’s here!”
Their hotel room was as nice as Lance’s, decorated the same, complete with clothes everywhere. Keith ignore the thin lace thong hanging off the corner of the sofa as he stood there with his hands in his pockets
“I know Keith’s here! I heard him!”
Matt was rubbing sunscreen on as he came out of his and Rieva’s room. The werewolf having either squeezed too much out, or accidentally burst the tube. The second option seemed more likely seeing it was in his hair. Rieva laughed at her boyfriend, walking over to him. Keith thought she was going to help with the mess until she drew a dick on Matt’s chest. Matt rolling his eyes at her as he smeared sunscreen across the outline to erase it
“Anyway, what brings you over? I didn’t think you wanted to be balcony buddies”
“Leave him alone. You know he only arrived last night”
“He did? Really... Hey!”
Keith snorted as Rieva slapped her boyfriend hard enough for Matt to double over
“Ignore him. I told him we’d go to the pool and he’s been acting like a hyperactive child since”
“Who says I’m not a hyperactive child in disguise?”
Rieva smacked him again
“It would explain so much. Anyway, how is Lance? We saw you two left earlier?”
Keith shrugged, it was really awkward standing there with lingerie just laying around
“About as well as can be expected. Convinced himself that he needs to be strong for everyone else. He’s worked himself up about being rude to you”
Matt huffed, giving up on rubbing in the sunscreen in favour of wiping it on Rieva’s arm. Both werewolves had new scars. Making a face as Rieva wiped sunscreen back on him, Matt sounded as chill as expected
“Lance is “bro-dude” for life. He gets the only free passes we give”
“We really do owe him so much. Garrison is such a lovely town. My boss even let me keep my job despite everything. Now we just need to turn Matt into a respectable member of society”
“I am pretty respectable... This sunscreen is awful”
“As awful as those dead things we found on the beach?”
Matt lit up
“I forgot about those! Hang on...”
Dripping sunscreen from his hair, Matt jogged back into the bedroom. Rieva seemed to know what was happening here.. he was sure he hadn’t missed a hint
“What’s he doing?”
Why was he questioning Matt’s action. He was weird as hell every day of the damn week
“You’ll see”
What was that supposed to mean? Matt calling out
“We found these last night. We thought something had washed up dead on the beach... like a whale or something because there’s sharks and the stench. Anyway, we thought you’d find it interesting”
Coming out with his red converses, Keith could have hugged Matt
“I thought I’d lost them!”
“You would have if we hadn’t been making sure you and Lance were okay. Rieva stopped me from rolling in them...”
“They’re new!”
“They still smell like your feet! And where is the thank you?”
“Thanks guys! Lance had to pretty much organise a new pair for me... you guys are awesome!”
“You’re lucky someone didn’t steal them. Don’t go leaving them around again”
Handing his shoes over, Keith really could have kissed Matt. Finally his stalkerish ways were beneficial
“I had to stop Matt from rolling on them last night. You can take the wolf out of the country, but that doesn’t make him civilised”
“I’m just happy he didn’t chew them... Any way, I wanted to know if you two wanted to go out for dinner with me and Lance tonight? It’s nothing special, and Mami is kind of... he’s still processing. He goes from not being able to say a thing to telling me all about their trip”
“We’d love to. Do you want to come down to the pool with us?”
He’d love to... but he should get back to Lance. Lance had had long enough to fall asleep and he wanted to show him the smiley faces on his shoes...
“I better head back, but I totally owe you for saving my shoes”
“You can pick up tonight’s drink tab...”
“Not with the way you drink. That bill would be higher than both sets of sneakers...”
Matt huffed at him, crossing his arms and channeling the most “Pidge look” he could... Failing on account of the sunscreen
“Cheapskate. Fine. Go back to Lance. We won’t be hurt that you’re bailing on us”
Pidge would have been much more aggressive, with more threats of “ankle biting” or “dick punching”
“It’s only until tonight... I know he’s been... well, Lance, but I’m glad you guys came down here to be here”
Rieva seemed to have “baby fever”
“We couldn’t leave him alone. Did you see how big he’s gotten!? I can’t wait to see the twins... he looks so cute!”
“Careful, babe. Keith might stab you if you make a move on Lance”
“I missed him! Plus werewolves love pups... I can’t wait to see the nursery... you are living in Garrison, right?”
“Oh. Yeah. That’s the plan. Shiro and Curtis are going to live in Platt...”
Matt rolled his eyes
“They should just move out to Garrison. Curtis is going to have fun with those horns of his”
Coran was going to have a proper look at Curtis when he returned. Breaking his horn had had affected his quintessence, now he had two... It was science and quintessence stuff above him
“Yeah. Anyway, thanks for this. I’ll just hop back over the balcony. See you guys later”
Lance was still awake when Keith came back with his shoes. Leaving them in the living area, Keith washed his hands then headed into Lance’s room, Lance raising his head to smile at him
“Have fun?”
“I thought you were sleeping”
“I heard you go...”
“I didn’t want to disturb you sleeping”
“It’s fine... they’re your friends”
Moving over to Lance’s bed, Keith pulled his shirt off before climbing under the covers in with his boyfriend. Spooning up around him, Lance rolled over onto his back, biting his lip as he did
“What’s up?”
“Nothing... just wanted to look at you”
Tucking back a stray curl behind Lance’s ear, he realised his boyfriend had a few small grey hairs. Lance had lamented the lack of grey in his hair...
“What’s wrong?”
“You’ve got grey hairs...”
He expected Lance to shoot up and rush to check. Instead his boyfriend nodded
“Yeah. I look a little older too... Coran pointed it out. He said it’s because so much energy is going into the pregnancy”
“Are you okay? Are the twins okay?”
“I... yeah”
Lance wasn’t telling him everything. He could tell. Gone was the Keith that didn’t pick up on social cues
“Babe, there’s something you’re holding back”
“If I tell you, you’ll hate me”
“That’s impossible. Is it to do with the bleed? Is there some kind of complication?”
“It’s... kind of Coran trying to work things out as it progresses. He said some things, that he’s only guessing... he said I might not carry to full term. That they could be born early. I mean, twins usually are. But another bleed could bad... like actually really bad. He did some genetic testing too... that was scary. A big huge needle right into the stomach...”
Keith’s heart was sinking. That didn’t sound like something people did when things were normal
“Was there something wrong?”
Lance’s hands went to his belly, his boyfriend cared more about his bump than he’d let anyone see
“It’s just a theory that I’m sick because these two are full human, with your blood type instead of mine. Despite floating around in me, feeding on my blood and nutrients and all that, they’re human. But that... could change. I mean, they really should be part vampire... it’s possible that my body could get too weak and start feeding off them... when they’re bigger... My body is kind of unique... I’ve been spending... a lot of time trying to eat as much as I can. You saw me at lunch. I’ve had pretty much no appetite since Mami passed, but I’ve been working hard for them... it’s so frustrating throwing everything back up when I’m trying so hard”
This was the kind of thing Coran should have told him... Coran had tried to talk to him alone. He’d been so desperate to get to Lance... he could have kicked himself. As it was, he didn’t know if the twins were from his weak pull out game or a dodgy condom. He’d never doubted paternity. Lance wasn’t like that... but he was pissed that Lance hadn’t told him this sooner
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Because... because I’m trying so hard. I promise I am. I have fresh blood brought to me and I drink more and sleep more and I’ve been careful about not tripping or slipping...”
“Their my twins too. You have to stop taking everything on your own shoulders”
“You weren’t there! You weren’t! I know you couldn’t help it but you were gone and I had to cope the best I could!”
Lance rolled away from him, curling around his stomach as he started to cry. Keith didn’t want to not be there
“I couldn’t help it!”
“I know! I told you to go! And I hate that I did! I hated it! I wanted to go. I wanted to go find you but I couldn’t even be that courageous!”
“Yeah, well it wasn’t that fucking easy being away from you either! Matt and Rieva got hurt! People died! Lotor is now a fucking prince of a whole damn empire! We were being hunted by those loyal to Zarkon. Honerva turned her magic on Curtis! He nearly ended up dead! It was fucking shit!”
“How am I supposed to know this if you don’t tell me?!”
“I don’t know, how am I supposed to know if you run off with our twins and won’t even fucking face all the people that have been there for you!”
“Get out!”
Lance bellowing at him froze Keith. What had he done...
“Get out!”
Lance covered his ears, shaking his head
“No! Get out! Get out! Get out!”
“Look... look, okay. Okay. I shouldn’t have snapped, but... I can’t be there for you if I don’t know. I feel shit enough for all I missed”
“How could you think I’m not trying!? You left and everything fucking fell apart! I didn’t know if you were dead or had just run off with someone else!”
“What’s going on here?!”
Rieva and Matt rushed into the room. Rieva demanding to know. Lance was crying on the bed. Keith in tears too
“Lance, I think that’s enough. Keith never looked at anyone else. He was pathetic about missing you the whole time. If there’s something wrong with the twins, you really should have told him sooner”
Rieva growled at her boyfriend, eyes turning yellow. Matt shutting up
“Both of you need to go”
“Go. You’ve upset him enough and I’m disappointed. Yes, Lance should have told Keith, but when has he had the chance? And when he does, everything turns straight into a fight. Can’t you see how much he’s hurting thinking about the twins? I’m upset that you guys would even consider him capable of hurting the twins”
Keith never said he thought Lance would... He was hurt he hadn’t been told properly. And angry again that Lance seemed so ready to give up on him... He’d never given up on Lance. Then again. He didn’t lose his mother last month and have to deal with his douche siblings
“I didn’t think he’d hurt the twins... but... I... I’m supposed to be the father. All I want is him to lean on me more. To be able to tell me these things, and not act like he’s protecting me by not telling me”
“How am I supposed to tell you I’m defective! That it’s not enough to be fucked up but I’m defective on top of it!”
“You’re not defective! There’s nothing about you that I don’t love!”
Rieva let out a level breath
“Matt, take Keith and go for a walk. I’ll stay with Lance until he calms down”
But he was Lance’s boyfriend...
“I think you both need to cool your heads”
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I need more yandere donut boi. Can I request for delusional yandere prompt 1# for Giorno Giovanna?
Of course we do!
(Yandere Giorno Giovanna X Female Reader)
"(Y/n) are you decent?" Your step brother asked from beyond the locked door.
"Shit" you muttered under your breath as you kicked the suitcase you had packed under you bed.
"No not yet" you responded as you quickly undressed yourself. You couldn't have him find out you were going to bailout on him. He'd have his entire gang searching every street for you but you also didn't want to attend one of those mafia gatherings.
You quickly slipped on that white dress of yours before unlocking the door and opening it.
"I'm decent" you said.
"(Y/n) do you really expect to get a man's attention with hair like that?" He said as he flicked a few strands of hair out of your face before sitting you down at you vanity and beginning to brush your hair.
"That's the point" you hissed.
"(Y/n) your mother and my father would want to see you like this, I understand that your still upset about the crash, I am too but we need to keep moving forward" he said causing your face to screw up in annoyance.
"I danm well know it wasn't just a car crash, I saw all those bullet holes!" you hissed. He sighed in return, be knew he couldn't hide the truth forever.
"(Y/n) I didn't want you to be afraid" he sighed as he hugged you.
"Please get ready now, we're leaving in fifteen minutes" he said as he left your room.
Once you arrived you sat out at a balcony as far away from anyone as you possibly could. You didn't want to hang around your brother and whoever he was talking to and you definitely didn't want to be around all of the sugar babes who were boasting about what their sugar daddies got them.
You looked at the sky and stared at the stars, you parents must be looking down on you through the eyes of heaven. You sighed, what was the point of living a lavish lifestyle if it only reminded you what you lost.
"Excuse me, but are you alright? I couldn't help but notice that you were alone" You turned around to see a regal looking male, about your age standing by the door ask you. His features were hard to see due to the lighting.
"I'm fine... It's just that I prefer to be alone at these events" you replied.
"I know what you mean, the atmosphere can be suffocating at times" he sighed as he walked towards you. Now you could make out the blonde's features.
"You were at my parents funeral" you said.
"Yes I was, my condolences to you and your brother... It must be so hard to lose not just one but both of your parents" he said said as he held you hand.
"It's been tough on both of us but my brother seems more then capable in taking after our father" you said as you looked at him once again, you couldn't help but feel that you knew him before the funeral...
"I'm sorry to as this but have we met before mister" you asked
"Giorno Giovanna and yes I believe we have..." He said as he held his chin in deep thought.
You felt goosebumps form on your skin as you heard his name. This was the boy everyman in the underworld had been talking about. The boss of Passioné that had recently came out of hiding. The gangster prince of Italy.
"(Y/n) your last name was formally (l/n) before your mother married Don Caprice if I'm not mistaking, you use to get picked on at school because you helped me on multiple occasions" he muttered and that's when it clicked.
"Haruno Shinobana!" You exclaimed as you inspected him, he had changed so much... His dark ebony hair was now a golden blonde and those blue eyes of his were brighter and full of so much confidence compared to when you were kids.
"Oh you've changed so much!" You continued as you pulled him into a hug. He breath hitched in suprise as he felt you arms around you. Such fond memories of you seemed to flood back, causing a light blush to form on the teens face.
"I never thought I'd see you again" you said.
"Nether did I" he said as he returned you hug before pulling away.
"And to find you here as the Don of Passioné..." You really couldn't believe that the young boy who you always stood up for was now the most powerful man in Italy.
"Well I never expected you to end up mafia affiliated either" he responded.
You couldn't help but feel some sort of spark as you lost yourself in his blue eyes. You're body subconsciously moving closer to his once more, you gaze trapped in his gorgeous eyes until you closed your eyes as your lips grazed upon his. It was almost as if you had just been shot by cupid's arrow, unable to control your own sudden desires.
In return he pressed his soft lips against yours in acceptance as his hands rested on your hips. Your hands rested on his shoulders as you pulled him closer to deepen the kiss until you realised what you were doing, then you pushed away from him.
"Oh god I'm so sorry... I don't know what overcame me" you said as you covered your mouth in shock. You mentally beat yourself for your actions.
"(Y/n), there is no need to apologize" he said with a small smile on his lips.
"But just answer me this question" he continued. You stood in silence, unknowing as to what was happening.
"Did you ever at one stage have feeling towards me?" He asked causing your face to go red. It was true you had feeling for the poor ebony haired boy that everyone made a fool of, you alway felt the sorrow in his eyes and couldn't help but want to see a glint of happiness in them, even it was the smallest of glints you would have still been happy to bring him a little joy.
Seeing him now just just overwhelmed you with emotions  that were becoming increasingly difficult to just bottle up. Seeing the look of confidence in his eyes that you had never seen before just seemed to make you fall into a trance like state and your heart seemed to almost want to burst through your chest.
"I did..." You muttered. As much as he tried to hide it he couldn't help but feel his face slowly going red as well. He couldn't deny that know that you had felt that way about him once reaffirmed the feeling he had once had for you but unlike before he wasn't just going to sit around and pick out his faults. He was going to tell you.
"I know this I so sudden but may I ask you out, at least on one date?" He asked, trying so hard to keep his composure. You looked at him and thought about it for a moment. What could be the worst to happen if you said yes?
"I accept you offer for a date, but I want to get to know you more if you want to me to get serious" you said in a flirtatious tone
"Oooo who's this this guy your dating for the past few months" your "friend" Louise asked as she lifted up her Gucci shades and adjusted her bikini straps.
"I can't tell you... I promised I wouldn't, besides if my brother finds out I'll be dead meat" you replied.
"But I thought you said your brother wanted you to get wifed up at some stage?" She said before waving to a few guys some distance away from you.
"Well I did too but the guy I'm seeing... Well... Is part of a rivaling gang, I'm kinda just waiting til things just simmer down before I tell him" you explained as you grabbed some sunscreen and lathered it over your skin.
"Ooooo, but how are you seeing this guy without your brother, Leonardo knowing?" She asked.
"I'm sorta just telling I'm staying over at at a friend's house, he's to busy to check in on me" you chuckled.
"Wait are implying that you're staying over at his house, are you like, sleeping with him?!" She exclaimed. You swore some times she was too loud for her own good.
"Keep it down will you, the whole of China probably heard that!" You hissed.
"Sorry... But please tell me you've been sleeping with him? How is he? What's his technique?" She asked in a slightly hushed tones. Your face just turned red as you listened to her.
"N...no I haven't yet... But I was kinda planning after the next meeting he has we'd might..." You muttered.
"Ooo you get him girl!" She exclaimed again. If you could die of embarrassment she'd be charged with first degree murder.
"I'm done, you can open your eyes now" Giorno said.
You opened them and gasped as you saw your hair, all nicely braided with various flowers intertwined.
"Gio... Giorno, it's beautiful... Your braiding is amazing"  you exclaimed as you admire the work he had done.
"Well I braid my hair most of the time so it's not that hard for me" he said with a light blush.
"Besides... I need my gang to know who my most valued treasure is" he said as he kissed your cheek.
"I really hope one day my brother decides to stop the conflict between your gang and his... It kills me to have to keep you unknown to my brother" you sighed as you stood up.
"I just wish for such a secret to one day be opened too him without fear of how he might react" you continued.
"I understand amore, but let's just try to enjoy ourselves for now" Giorno said as he hooked his arm around yours as he guided you outside to reveal you to his gang.
All eyes were on you as you walked down. This may have been similar to the funeral but how they looked at you was not out of pity or remorse. They were looks of scrutiny. Except for one, a young black haired girl with a marking or scar across her eye who's were soft and conveyed a sense of administration. You also felt extremely underdressed, just wearing a standard evening dress while everyother woman was covered in enough bling to put a disco ball to shame.
Giorno could feel you unease and grabbed you hand and placed a small kiss on it.
"Amore you don't need to be afraid, I promise nobody will hurt you" he whispered.
For maybe an hour or so you stood by him until his marksman, Mista pulled him aside mentioning something about a few documents and going over them with someone by the name of Polnareff.
"I'm sorry (Y/n) but something urgent came up, I need to head upstairs but you're more the welcome to enjoy the rest of the party" he said as he gave you a quick kiss before running off.
You let out a soft sigh. It was something to be expected of being with a mafia don but it was so bittersweet. Your both not even adults yet you both acted like you were. You both should be attending school and fooling around with barely a care in the world.
"I didn't know the don would be such a cheapskate" you heard a lady whisper.
"Yeah... Not even a piece of jewelry on her" another whispered.
"Flowers in her hair, that so childish... Girl needs to grow up" another whispered.
You were so sick of their stupid gossip.
"Well at least Don Giovanna, gives me the attention a woman deserves and not like yours who just give you their credit card and only wants you to be around them when their horny!" you hissed.
"If your gonna talk shit about me then say it to my face, not behind my back like the bitches you are" you continued as you walked past them and their stupidly shocked expressions.
For the rest of the evening you stood out on the balcony. Everything seemed perfectly quite until an older woman got your attention. She had long wavy black hair, deep blue eyes and her face was lathered in makeup.
"Oh you must by (Y/n), my sweet little Haru- I mean Giorno's girlfriend" she exclaimed in false joy as she hugged you.
"So you must be Giorno's mother" you said.
"Yes I am. Have you seen him by any chance? I've been looking for him for ages" she asked as she took a sip of champagne from her glass.
You had known enough about Giorno's childhood to know that her sickeningly sweet persona was just for show, she never cared about him until he saved a Mafioso and they'd threatened her.
"I'm sorry but he left, he had some business to attend to" you replied and in that moment she changed.
"If he's anything like his father, then you'd better keep an eye on him...or else you might just have to break another woman's leg to get his attention, your probably nothing more then a show off whore" she hissed before going back to her bubbly persona.
"I best be making my leave now, tell Giorno his mother loves him very much" she said before strutting off.
'what a bitch' you thought to yourself.
"God... What do I do?" Giorno muttered to himself as he looked at a report from around a month before he'd taken over Passionè. A record of the assassination of Mr and Mrs Caprice.
"Tell her the truth, she seems like the kind of person that would understand" a french accented tortoise said, Giorno kept forgetting that Polnareff was around.
"Yes but her brother, not so much... I'm expecting a massive conflict with the Caprice's any moment" he sighed.
"Giorno, can I come in?" You called out as you knocked on the door.
"Yes" he said as he quickly hid the papers under another pile.
"Giorno the party's over" you said as you walked to his side.
"I'm sorry I left you alone" he replied.
"You don't need to apologize, I understand" you said as you kissed him on the cheek.
"I saw your mother... She told me to tell you she loves you" you said as you wrapped your arms over his shoulders. He didn't respond to you.
"Giorno, you need to relax... Come with me to bed" you said as you rubbed his shoulders.
"Ok then, I'll finish these of tomorrow" he sighed as he stood up before holding your hand.
"(Y/n) I couldn't ask for a lover as caring as you" he said before pecking you on the lips. He then walked with you to his bedroom and that's when things became heated.
Giorno woke up and flick a few strands of his messy hair and looked at your sleeping form. A small smile formed on his face, you alway brought the young Don so much joy. The his head swung to the door as he heard the door open.
"Sorry for the intuition Don Giovanna but I have bone to pick with you" a familiar male said.
"I expected you to go something like this Caprice but my lover is asleep" he said, noticing you beginning notice you tossing and turning in your sleep.
"Well tell your whore to wake up and leave" he said as he pulled out a gun.
"Gio... Giorno... What's going on?" You mumbled as you woke up and sat up"
"(Y/n)!" Your brother exclaimed in shock.
"Brother!" You screamed as quickly pulled the blanket up to cover you. You watched his face go red and his hold on the gun become shakey.
"Oh Giovanna, you must be so happy for yourself... Not only do kill my family but then you just had to top it off by screwing my sister!" He hissed through clenched teeth.
"(Y/n) right beside you is the man that caused our parents death!" He continued as he pointed the gun at Giorno who sat quietly without even a sliver of fear.
"No! Put the gun down! You must be making a mistake, he would never had done that!" You yelled as you moved in front of Giorno.
"What makes you so sure?" He asked.
"I just know he wouldn't, Giorno wants to stop the illegal activity that's plaguing Italy" you said with confidence.
"You really believe the don of Passioné, they are only thinning other mafia gangs to strengthen his own control!" He hissed yanked you from the bed.he didn't care if you were only in your underwear, he was livid and all he wanted was to see the blonde male lying in a pull of his own blood. You tried your best to fight the gun out of his hand.
"Your ignorance has no bounds!" He yelled as he threw you back a wacked the end over your head causing you to fall over.
You covered your face in pain as you felt a small amount of a warm substance trickle down it. After all these years you never thought your kind and caring step brother do something like this to you, but you weren't made at him... You understood he couldn't keep his emotions under wraps.
Meanwhile Giorno was infuriated. Your own step brother would abuse you, something burnt up inside him. to him this no longer a negotiable matter.
You looked to Giorno as you heard the click of a gun ready to fire.
"Such a shame, I really had hoped that you would of been a better don then your father was but now I see that you are infact a lower being then he was... To me you are no longer the step brother of my lover, you are now just another bastard that needs to he cleaned off of the streets" Giorno said in a voice that was calm yet also full of malice before pulling the trigger.
You let out a scream as you saw your brother's brains splatter on the wall. You catch his falling body and cradle him in your arms. You cried and cried out his name in impossible hope that he was still alive.
"Giorno! Why would you do this!" You screamed.
"(Y/n) he hurt you, I can't just let him get away with that" he said as he walked over to you before trying to hush you.
"He... He was my last remaining family member... I can't believe I didn't believe him, you really must have sent my parents to their grave..." You muttered.
"(Y/n)... I didn't kill them, I wasn't-" he was going to say as touched you but was quickly silenced by you slapping him in the face.
"Don't touch me! I don't even know who you are anymore!" You screamed as you stood up and put on a bathrobe. Giorno stayed where he was in pure shock. His hand holding onto the cheek which was turning a harsh shade of red. The look of sadness and desperation from all those years ago returned to his eyes as he looked up at you.
You ran quickly out of his room and into the main hall.
"Don't let her leave!" Giorno yelled out to his guards but you could see that most of them were lying on the floor, most possibly dead from your brother's hands. You ran around blind in fear until you reached the atrium, it was a good place to hide you thought but then a familiar male grabbed you. His body had several bullet hole but he acted like it was nothing.
"Oi Giorno, I've got her!" Mista yelled out and shortly he arrived.
"You can leave now Mista" he ordered Mista, and he followed. Now it was just you and Giorno.
He sat you down on one of the small cobblestone walls which was right around the extremely large tree before several vines wrapped around you and pulled you against it.
You couldn't make sense of what was going on but you knew he was behind it.
"Giorno why?" You asked as you thrashed in his arms.
"I did this out of love, I'm doing this out of love" he said as kissed your cheek.
"I'll keep you here like the precious flower you are" he continued.
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xxxrubytuesdayxxx · 4 years
If you give him the benefit of the doubt...
Word Count: 3,230
Disclaimers: This is part (47) of a Choose Your Own Ending!
Check at the end for glossary of Korean terms*
This one was also VERY hard to post as it’s got a little too much of my own personal stuff about JK in it but hopefully, if it makes even just one person smile, it’s worth it :) 
Start here:
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“Aren’t you going to check on him?” Namjoon asks you, clearly itching to do so himself. “He can’t just wander off like that. Besides aren’t you guys…” he stops, embarrassed. You grin at him, even though you’re feeling far from jovial.
“Aren’t we what, Namjoon?” you prompt him, pretending to be genuinely curious. He mutters something about ‘never mind’ and returns to his coffee. 
Hoseok apparently has no such qualms.
“Fucking. Everyone knows you guys are fucking! I’m not playing these stupid games anymore, where everyone pretends they don’t know what’s going on with you two. Or with Yoongi and Mai, for that matter,” he adds as the others stare at him. You sigh and he looks a bit guilty, like he knows he’s crossed a line, and apologises hurriedly. You shake your head and smile at him to let him know he’s off the hook.
“Are you okay Hobi?” you ask him gently, leaning into his ear. “Do you want to come have a chat for a bit?” He looks hesitant, but nods slowly and you gesture across to one of the private rooms behind the meet and greet area. 
You address Namjoon as you follow Hoseok over:
“I’m not paid to babysit Jeon Jeongguk, Kim Namjoon. I love all of you equally on a professional level, and I’m currently on the clock. If you want to check on him, be my guest. I’m just going to trust him to come back when he says he will. If he doesn’t, we can both go find him, and I’ll owe you a beer.”
It turns out Hoseok has a personal issue he wants to deal with, but being J-Hope he has been trying to keep up his usual merry antics to the detriment of his own wellbeing. You scold him gently and arrange for him to have the next couple of days off to deal with some of his stuff. He doesn’t offer details and you know enough not to pry, but you wonder whether any of it is to do with his obvious feelings for Mai.
You manage to hold off on worrying about what Jeongguk is up to and he does rematerialise shortly before his half-hour cut-off, looking somewhat sly, which doesn’t exactly make you feel any better, but you shelve it for later…more specifically, when you find him sneaking off in a taxi, instead of getting in the van with the others…
“Spill Jeongguk,” you instruct him, saving the preamble. He licks his lips nervously, clearly not wanting to tell you.
“Look...it’s not what you think,” he defends himself, with all the cliche gaucheness of an adolescent surprised in an affair.
“And what exactly do I think?” you ask him, refusing to play his games.
“I’m...I mean...I don’t know,” he admits, scuffing his shoe on the road.
“I think you need to let me know where you are at all times for your own security, as well as that of the other members,” you remind him, more gently than you had intended to, taking in the crestfallen look on his face. He doesn’t look guilty, just embarrassed. Which is odd if your suspicions are correct.
“I told Namjoon and Taehyung,” he murmurs. You fold your arms.
“Shouldn’t they have updated me then?” you point out.
“I asked them not to...until after tonight…” he whispers, wretchedly.
“Oh…” you hesitate, now utterly confused. “Well okay. I’m assuming you have your reasons,” you allow. “But you know you can tell me anything, right?” you assure him. He nods, but doesn’t volunteer any further information.
"Off you go then,” you tell him, returning to the van pondering what to ask Namjoon and Tae about the whole situation, if anything. At least this somewhat explains their earlier shared look. You decide to just check that you needn’t worry and that Jeongguk is okay and safe. Namjoon assures you definitively that if he wasn’t then he and Tae wouldn’t have kept his secret. Curiouser and curiouser...you ponder.
Obviously your curiosity is further piqued when you subsequently receive a text from Jeongguk asking you to jump in the car he is sending to the apartment wearing ‘something seksi’ and not ask the driver any questions. You do as he asks, your brain whirling. What on earth is the boy planning? You smile at his phrasing, understanding at last why Namjoon and Tae looked less than thrilled when he snuck off earlier. The driver lets you out in front of an exclusive but little-known hotel, leaving you a note in Jeongguk’s handwriting, and you start to put the pieces together. Including why he hasn’t been spending as much on luxuries lately.
You step into the lobby wishing you hadn’t just blindly followed Jeongguk’s sartorial request as you’re drawing more attention than you generally want from strangers. You give your name, and ask for the room number the note specifies, upon which you’re handed a key by a sullen-looking concierge and directed up to the penthouse floor. The little minx is nowhere in sight when you finally open the door, but he’s spread the entire bed with rose petals and he’s obviously ordered room service, as there’s covered dishes laid out and champagne on ice. Your attention is pulled away from the table to the open french doors and you step onto the balcony. Jeongguk waits for you to draw in your breath, which you do at the view over Seoul and Hangang, before revealing himself. You’re barely able to draw in another breath as he comes into view, dressed as if he’s about to step on stage and looking like a snack. He steps across to take your hands.
“Be mine,” he asks you, sweet, but confident. You’re floored and you let him see it in your eyes. You smile and kiss him softly, lingering on his lips.
“I already am yours, Jeon Jeongguk. You’ve owned me since the day I met you,” you admit to him, finally able to speak those words. He shrugs, cute.
“Properly though. Not just in secret,” he clarifies. Unable to think of anything to say, you kiss him again. A different kind of hunger in his eyes, he pulls you insistently towards the bed, forgetting all his careful preparations.
“You look too seksi for me to eat dinner first,” he defends himself preemptively.
“You told me to wear something seksi. Your exact words,” you laugh gently. He smiles, unrepentant, and kisses you messily, drawing your tongue out with his.
“Your dinner will get cold,” you provoke him, placing your hand on his chest. “Besides you look pretty damn banging yourself, but you don’t see me trying to rip your clothes off. It’s good to wait for things sometimes. Anticipation heightens the reward.” You pull him back to the table, ignoring his protests.
“Argh! You tease!” he objects, desire making his eyes sparkle.
��You’d know something about being a tease, wouldn’t you Jeongguk-ah?” you remind him. “You think I didn’t notice you undressing me with your eyes while you were meant to be answering fan questions this afternoon? Joonie was about ready to kick me out of the room, before they started asking really uncomfortable questions.
“I wanted to be in bed with you, not up there on stage,” he states simply. “You know that I can’t give you me the way you can give me you: it’s too tricky with ARMY and BTS. But sometimes I wish I could.” Too many emotions are running through you, so you just kiss him softly, then change the subject.
“So this teasing...is there a particular part of you I’m teasing?” you enquire, letting your fingertips brush the front of his tight, black jeans. He gasps and drops his hands instinctively to protect himself, biting his lip and squeezing his eyes shut to shift his focus. You guide his hands up to your chest, letting him slip them inside your bra under your dress to fondle your breasts. You can feel your nipples getting as hard as his dick. He slips the dress off your shoulders and catches one nipple between his lips, making you experience an insistent pulse between your legs, then lifts you up onto the edge of the little table, pushing the plates carefully aside to make room.
“Your dinner…” you protest weakly.
“Can you please…[he gathers the English words carefully from his memory] Ah! Sit down...on my...face?” he requests. You give him an incredulous look, but a smirk slips involuntarily across your lips.
“Oh my God  Kookie! You didn’t get that from papago…What have you been watching, you pretty little chang-nyo?” you ask him rhetorically, figuring he’s been into Namjoon’s not-so-secret stash of western porn as well as his own hentai. He hooks a finger into the top of your knickers and tries to pull them off, but he’s impeded by your hand, firmly gripping his. Undeterred, he slips two of the fingers from his other hand into your knickers and up inside you, making you gasp.
“Jojotkkuna. Naege manneul juda,” he whispers, lifting his fingers to his tongue without waiting for a reply.
“Wow. Such an impatient brat,” you tease him. “Look...how about I feed you some of this food you’ve gone to so much trouble to organise?” you suggest. “Would that be an acceptable compromise?” He mulls this over then hops off his chair to collect one of the champagne bottles, some strawberries and, somewhat incongruously, a can of whipped cream. Uh-oh...His lips twist in that distinctive way he has when he’s about to cause trouble.
“Don’t you dare…” you warn him futilely, with your hands up to stop him. He grins wickedly, before attacking you with the whipped cream, then spraying you with the champagne. “I kind of don’t want to ask about the strawberries…” you comment, catching your breath after the unprovoked attack. He doesn’t answer, but lifts you back up onto the edge of the table and licks some of the cream and champagne off your chest and neck.
“Yum,” he appraises, giving you one of his utterly adorable little smiles, before slipping your panties off with one swift motion and then, to your startlement, inserting one of his damn strawberries up between your legs, right where he wants it. You figure he did ask politely before taking matters into his own hands, so you just sigh at his sass.
“Kookie, ani,” you try faintly, as you feel his tongue teasing around the fruit. “Oh fuck...Jeongguk...oh God, you feel good…” You give up as he extracts it, slurps it into his mouth, and then replaces it with his way-too-adept tongue. He sits back, when he’s done, looking somewhat like the cat that got the cream, and licks his lips. You stare at him incredulously. “Wow! I never realised just how much of a little slut you were that whole time I thought you were an innocent bunny,” you blurt out. “I mean I know, I know - that whole ‘what tastes good in Busan?’ thing but holy shit! Do you even have a conscience? You must have driven so many girls wild for you to just walk out of their lives the next morning.”
“Who says I waited til the next morning?” he sasses you. “Besides. I’m your slut now, aren’t I?” he reminds you, sulking a little. You laugh gently and kiss his pout.
“That’s weirdly the sweetest thing I’ve ever heard,” you acknowledge. “I’m sorry, baby. I was just a bit...taken aback…” you explain. “So do I get to make you scream now then?” He smiles slyly.
“Dinner first?” he suggests.
“Ugh you minx!” you yelp, knowing he’s only doing this to punish you. “Fine. You make everything how you want it and I’ll go wash up seeing as somebody made me all sticky.” His smile turns into a smirk, but he nods his agreement.
“Anyway what happened to you being all hot for it before?” you ask. He shrugs.
“I just wanted to make you as wild for me as I was for you,” he comments.
“I always am, you little monster,” you assure him, leaning down to kiss him again. But you can’t resist needling him just a little, so you whisper “it’s just that I’m older than you, so I can keep it in my pants.” He twists his lips into the same defiant look he conjures when he thinks he’s being ‘challenged’, then ruins his ‘too dignified to enter into this’ charade by sticking his tongue out at you. You capture his tongue with yours and climb onto his lap, as his kisses become more and more passionate. You stop him, pretending you can’t see his erection straining against the tailored black denim of his jeans, when he slips a hand up your skirt.
“I’m going to tear your clothes off the second we’ve eaten, sex-kitten” you tell him, deliberately echoing his words at Bambam’s party, and making him smile and lower his lashes in mock-submission.
You’re as quick as you can be in the shower, but when you come back out Jeongguk has already set up the table and barbecue equipment and you can smell meat cooking. He looks up at you with an odd mixture of pride and anxiety on his face. “I’m doing the meat for us,” he mutters, blushing and looking back down at his handiwork. You sit in one of the chairs backwards, to watch him. He picks up one of the finished pieces and gently feeds it to you with the beautifully-lacquered hotel chopsticks. “Is it okay?” he checks.
“Mm, yes. Delicious.” you reassure him. He smiles sweetly. After you’ve both finished eating, you place your hand on his leg and squeeze it lightly. It doesn’t seem right to keep your promise to just callously ravish him, when he’s gone to all this effort.
“Gomapssumnida, Jeongguk-ah,” you tell him. “This whole night is really special and thoughtful and the dinner was perfect.” He gives you another of his cute bunny smiles, then comes around the table to lift you in his arms, causing you to throw your own arms around his neck and kiss him passionately. He returns your kisses hotly and sloppily as he carries you carefully across the carpet then onto the tiles surrounding the hot-tub in his fancy cuban-heeled dress boots. He lets you down and sits on the edge of the tub, looking at you, doe-eyed and expectant.
“Can I please undress you, yoppeun kkonminam?” you ask him, overwhelmed, as ever, by his delicate beauty.
“Algesseo,” he murmurs, looking shy. You remove his gorgeous, brocade jacket, and then pull his black, tailored shirt loose from the waistband of his jeans, kissing him deeply as you do so. He tosses his bangs coquettishly, making his silver earrings dance, and you kiss his neck, lingering on his collarbone, as you let your fingers work blindly on his buttons. You slide the sleeves of the silky shirt down his arms, and he flings his head back, letting his breath out in an extended sigh as the garment slips to the floor. You bring your hands back around to stroke his now-naked chest and play with his swiftly-hardening nipples.
“Ssibal...Fuck me already, noona,” he breathes. “I can’t wait any longer. Naneun neoreul wonhae.” He takes your face in his hands and bewitches you with his kisses, nipping your bottom lip impatiently, as you fumble hurriedly with his belt buckle and zippers. You put a hand up to his lips and he draws one of your fingers into his mouth, his breath hitching as he bites down gently on it. You ease his jeans down his beautifully toned legs, then lean down to remove his boots and socks, making him giggle. You pause to drink in his loveliness, as he closes his eyes and inhales deeply.
“Jebal,” he begs, his voice coming from somewhere deep in his throat. You slide his Calvin Klein briefs down and drop them with the rest of his discarded clothes,  letting your hands caress every inch of him with languorous strokes.
“I can’t believe how lucky I am to be yours,” you murmur. He smiles cheekily and raises his eyebrows, his eyes still closed.
“Do me a favour then, and take your clothes off,” he tells you. You laugh and do as he asks, then come over to him. He opens his gorgeously-dark eyes and winks at you, reaching for you to pull you into another kiss. This time his hands explore your body as avidly as yours are caressing his. Eventually he stands up and pulls you with him into the bubbling water, tapping your legs to indicate that you should straddle him when he sits down. You lower yourself onto his erection and he gasps loudly, then groans softly. You share feverish kisses as you bounce yourself up and down on him, both of you giving free reign to a litany of moans as you enjoy each other.
Feeling your orgasm threatening, you tense yourself up and look down at your angelic-faced lover, who is biting his own lip in an obvious attempt to outlast you.
“Uh...Oh God...Noona...wait...” he pleads, his voice coming out of his throat with a husky edge to it. The feel of his cock sliding up and down inside you is making you tingle and his voice sounding so needy like that makes it even harder to hold back, but you manage, tightening your muscles around him and speeding up to coax him to climax first.
“Oh fuck,” he cusses, in English, as you feel him cum. His eyes are at half-mast and his lips parted just the right amount. He looks sexy enough to tempt even a saint to indiscretions. Being no saint, your body swiftly succumbs to its delayed orgasm, and you collapse by his side, snaking your arm around his waist to pull him against you with your last remaining strength. He cuddles into you like a kitten.
“Take me to bed jagiya?” he murmurs sleepily, his head falling onto your shoulder against your neck, his dark hair damp and curling prettily where it’s been touched by the water and the mist. You kiss his perfect mouth, then lace your fingers with his, guiding him up the shallow stairs, towards the rose-petal strewn king-sized bed. He crawls under the covers and pulls you in after him, wrapping you in his arms and legs. You’re drifting halfway to heaven when you hear his phone chime.
“I’m not here,” he sighs into your hair, tossing you the phone from under his pillow. Shaking your head indulgently, you unlock the screen and read the message from Namjoon: “BigHit want you to do fanservice tonight, due to your extreme lack of enthusiasm this afternoon. Can you please do a V Live before you go to sleep?” You read this out loud to your pretty baby, who grunts noncommittally, clearly unimpressed with the content.
“Tomorrow,” he mumbles. You text Namjoon back from his phone, telling him Jeongguk is already asleep, but you’ll ask him when he wakes up. It’s the first time you’ve outright lied for him, but you suspect it won’t be the last. You slip the phone onto his nightstand, turn the light out and drift the rest of the way to heaven in his arms.
Glossary: (feel free to submit corrections for these ^.^)
Chang-nyo (창녀) Whore (Obviously affectionately here though!)
Jojotkkuna. Naege manneul juda (젖었구나. 내게 맛를 주다) You’re wet. Give me a taste.
Gomapssumnida (고맙숩니다) Thank you (formal/polite)
Yoppeun kkonminam (여쁜 꽃미남) Pretty “flower boy” (traditional Korean, not properly translatable)
Algesseo (알겠어) Okay/Alright
Naneun noreul wonhae (나는 너를 원해) I want you.
Jebal (제발) Please...
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nat-roman0ff · 5 years
4am (i miss you)
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4am (i miss you)
wc: 1,531
warnings: mild language, like SO much fluff, and a complete misrepresentation of commercial flights
“I can’t do this without you anymore.” 
 You sigh, repositioning your phone as you lay down in bed on your stomach, “just a couple more weeks, Bub. It’ll be here before you know it,” you try and reason with your boyfriend. 
 Shawn pouts into the camera, “I need to see you tonight.” 
You roll your eyes, “Shawn you have a show tonight and I’m hundreds of miles away from you. At least we’re in the same time zone tonight,” you try and reason with him.
 He always gets this way when you’re apart for too long (although he’d contest that even a few days was far too much), he got a way. He’d whine and pout during every Facetime, complain about anything there was to complain about, and plot up all the unrealistic ways he could fit you into his busy touring schedule. 
 “Come out this weekend! You can fly out after work tomorrow and come back Sunday,” Shawn says, letting that one little S curl fall in front of his face.
 You roll on your back, letting your hair fan out on the pillow, “I would if I could. That’s just so much traveling, and it’s been such a long week. I just want to lay and bed and eat cookies all weekend.” 
 He doesn’t say anything at first.
 “Okay,” is all he eventually manages. 
 “Hey,” you say a little louder, “don’t be like that. You’re almost halfway through this tour! It’s going to fly and we’ll have the winter to do absolutely nothing.” 
 His face perks up a little, “can we do a Yule Ball theme for Christmas decorations?” He smiles. 
 You nod, “abso-fucking-lutely.” 
 Shawn rolls on his side, letting his cheek smush up against his pillow. He lets out a tired sigh, you recognize it well. It’s the one he does when he’s a little too tired and needs a little bit of you. You just look at each other through your screens for a few minutes, fantasizing about being next to each other in a warm bed and not hundreds of miles apart.
 “Promise you’ll see me soon?” He whispers.
 You nod, even though it’s probably a lie, “I promise.” 
 Sleep comes to you quickly that night, falling asleep to the tiny concert that played in your head every night you couldn’t be watching Shawn on stage. You’d imagined it for so long that you could feel the vibrations of the bass in your fingertips, you memorized every chord and note, every word of every song. The echoes of the crowd lulled you to sleep every night, their energy filling the silence of the lonely bedroom. 
 The bed is always so cold when he’s not home. Your shared condo is silent except for the gentle whirring of the air conditioner as it hums you to sleep, the city lights of Toronto glowing past the scope of your balcony view. You toss and turn, unsure of why you can’t fall asleep. You stay on your side of the bed, leaving Shawn’s side untouched. Eventually, you get up to pull on one of his hoodies he’d left behind covered in his cologne. You wrap yourself back up in bed, breathing in his scent and closing your eyes. 
 You aren’t sure why your heart feels so much heavier tonight. After nearly three years of dating you’d grown plenty used to the time apart - it was just the way things were and you both understood that, spending what sacred time you did have together lapping up each other’s company. He called you every day, sometimes multiple times; whether it was for ten minutes or two hours, Shawn always made it a routine part of his day to talk to you, no matter what timezone he was in. 
 It was especially hard this time of tour, halfway through and hoping the second half won’t drag on as long as the first did. While Shawn spends his nights selling out arenas to screaming fans you sit in a quiet condo cooking meals for one and trying not to drink an entire bottle of wine by yourself. Just because you were used to it, didn’t make it any less harder to deal with, you’d just accepted that there was going to be this empty pit in your chest until he came home. 
 He’d begged and pleaded for months leading up to the first leg for you to go with him; take online classes, quit your job, spend life on the road with him. You both knew it was nearly impossible, you’d spent a lot of time and energy making something for yourself and he was proud of you for that but fuck, he just missed you.
 The last time you looked at your phone it was 3:44 am. You take a sip of the (now room temperature) water in the glass on your bedside table. For a few minutes you debate on turning the television on and binging some Netflix until your eyes burn but ultimately decide to roll back over, pull the covers over your head and pray for sleep. 
 The thought crosses you to call Shawn - he’s probably tucked into his bunk on the bus feeling a similar way, he’d never been able to sleep much because he was too much of a fucking giant to actually fit comfortably in it.
 You pick up your phone, your eyes struggling to adjust to the bright screen in the dark. Your finger covers over his name in messages before you tap out a quick text to see if he’s up;
 hi bub, missing you extra hardcore in these wee hours. just wish you were home to snuggle me to sleep tonight. love and miss you always. hope you’re dreaming of me.
 A few minutes pass and he doesn’t respond, so you lock your phone and roll over, shut your eyes, and hope to whatever God there is that sleep will come over you. You’re not sure if it’s the late hour, the lack of sleep, or your overactive imagination, but you swear you can hear the front door of the condo open and close. You remind yourself that you do remember locking the door before going to bed and squeeze your eyes back shut and blame it on the lingering thoughts. 
 It isn’t until you hear the soft creak of your bedroom door opening that your eyes flash back open. Shawn is tip-toeing into your bedroom, a backpack slung over one shoulder. 
 “Shawn?” You whisper, your voice hoarse.
 Startled, he trips over the chair at your desk, falling to the floor, “fuck baby I’m sorry did I wake you up?” 
 You shake your head, “no, I never fell asleep.”
 You start to pull the covers back to get out but he stops you, “no no baby don’t get up. I’m gonna clean up and get changed and then I’ll crawl into bed with you, okay?” He stands up and takes the three strides to you from the other side of the room, “stay right here, promise?” 
 Shawn hooks his pinky around yours and kisses his hand, you follow suit and he pulls the blankets back up over your body to tuck you in, giving your forehead a quick peck. 
 He’s back within a few minutes, smelling like his apricot facewash and minty toothpaste, “missed you so fucking much,” he says his voice low and grovely, melting into bed next to you. 
 Shawn wraps his arms around your middle, pulling you towards him, your faces just inches apart, same as they were just through a phone eight hours ago. You almost don’t believe it’s real, and just a result of your overtired brain. 
 Your hand reaches out to cup his face, thumb rubbing over the swell of his cheek, and brushing down the side of his face at the slight stubble that’s already started growing back in, “I can’t believe you’re here.” 
 Shawn kisses the tip of your nose, “I just miss you and wanted to wake up with you, now go to sleep, I’ll still be here in the morning.” 
 His lips fan over yours, giving you a quick and chaste kiss before pulling you fully into his arms. You slide your hand from his face to behind his head, threading your fingers in his hair.
 It’s quiet for a few minutes, but you know he’s not sleeping. You can tell by his heartbeat and the way his breath hitches when you move your leg to slide up and over his hip. Shawn’s lips feather over any skin he can reach; your forehead, cheeks, chin, jawline. He finally settles with his head resting on your chest.
 “I forget how quiet it is, it’s making my ears ring,” he whispers, his breath warm on your skin and sending chills up your spine. 
 You smile, twisting his curls around your finger, “you sure that’s not from the thousands of screaming fangirls earlier?”
 Shawn chuckles, “maybe.” 
 It’s the last thing either of you mutter in the early hours. You both fall asleep in each other’s arms in the silence of your own bedroom, in perfect uninterrupted bliss until the sun rises and greets a new day.
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dongiovannaswife · 4 years
Hello my beautiful friend!How are you?May I ask for a song request?”The Balcony Scene” from Paul Bateman,Giorno celebrates your birthday with a Venetian masquerade ball, Mista is dressed as the night, Reader as the moon.The bodyguard and the witch had a fight in the morning during a mission together, but at the ball, the two of them dance, kissing for the first time. Hope it is alright!!! Thank you so much again xox
Hi! Thank you for the extra help and guidance, I learned a lot doing this, I really hope you like it and I’m not messing with the culture or tradition.
Additional songs used, mainly for inspiration: “Luna” and “Labios rotos” by Zoé.
Warnings: none.
The cello and the violin composed a calm, soothing but mysterious melody that filled the room with the multitude present there; in the small stage, Don Giovanna and the person to whom the party is dedicated, his wife, sit with hands intertwined —there was something (Y/n)’s friend used to say, something she couldn’t stop thinking about every time she saw people holding hands; when a couple holds hands, they aren’t only showing their link to the world, but uniting their souls as one. In a way, the witch agreed, thinking about what would it be like, to hold that special’s person hand, and be able to feel the connection, the link, between their souls set, to feel his heat or his coldness against the palm of her hand; and as such, to lean and feel his lips against hers, his hands around her waist or cupping her face: to have those lips for her and her only. To get into his heart, and stay there.—
Guido Mista, the Don’s bodyguard, stands behind them, arms behind his back as he observes around the room with cautioning eyes; his mask hiding his sad expression every time his eyes fall in (Y/n), a witch working under Giorno’s orders, giving him premonitions of the incoming dangers and offering her support along the Supreme Guild Of Witches set around Italy, recently coming to terms with an alliance to the mafia.
Personalizing the night, it feels like Mista’s sadness goes with it in the eyes of someone who fears the incoming of it; but the gunslinger feelings are not part of his act, for his motives reside in the witch; his chest tightening painfully every time he looked at her and his own words resounded on his mind, as if his own self was trying to punish him for his attitude. Her hurt, angry eyes and words flooding then through his memories.
Turning his head, Giorno’s eyes land on his wife. As a matter of coincidence, she looks at him and both stare, aware of the smiles under their masks. Both of their masks resembling their stand’s features and colors —and at the top of the mask, crowns that recalled their tittles and importance, as Murolo whispered.
“Are you enjoying the party, bella?” His soothing, raspy voice asks as he leans unconsciously.
Lena nods, but doesn’t speak. Giorno waits patiently, knowing she’s making her mind over something.
“I just wish our friends were happy too.”
It takes him a bit to understand the subtext of her words, but when he does, he nods, humming softly. “Your wish is my command, amore.”
Turning his head slightly, without really looking back at Mista, Giorno’s gloved fingers, elegant in those black gloves, curl against his palm. Soon enough, the gunslinger steps, leaning elegantly still with his hands behind his back, ear at the don’s mouth.
“Relax, I’ll call Fugo so he can take your place.”
Mista nods, voice in a rush as he shots back. “Are you sure, boss?”
Giorno bows, hand gesturing again as he turns his head to the ballroom, focusing in the multiple couples dancing; watching as three members of his Unitá and the Guild of Witches talk, all sitting in a table. Between them, Fugo stood, making his way to the stage without needing to be told, since he’s been keeping a close eye from there. Mista bows his head in acknowledgment, descending the stairs. As both stand users cross ways, Fugo mutters something untelligible under his mask.
“Come here, sit with us, Mista!” Vittorio Ventura says, rising his glass of wine; his arm around his boyfriend’s shoulders. At their side, (Y/n) smiles softly, but uncomfortably.
God, destiny was such a weird but amazing thing.
Making his mind and deciding that it’s now or never, Mista’s voice has the ring of someone who’s smiling even if you can’t see them, but can hear their smile. “Thank you, Vittorio, but if you excuse me, I would like to dance with (Y/n).” Vittorio gasps dramatically and Mista, standing now before the witch, bows his head slightly, offering his arm for her to hold into, asking as his other takes his mask off, as the tradition says. “May I have this dance, signorina?” though his body language confirms confidence, there’s a trembling in his voice that betrays him, allowing the witch to see through him, realizing how they’re on the same boat.
“Alright, Guido.” Taking her own mask off for a moment, she answers, voice wavering and hand shaking as she accepts the gunslinger’s arm, circling it with her own as he guides her to the dance floor.
They put their masks back on.
The two settle in front of the other, gazing into each other’s’ eyes, finding the hurt, sadness and pain present. If eyes are the windows to the soul, then they’re looking straight into the depths of the other, becoming one with only that simple act.
The room goes silent for a moment. Then the silence and the first notes in the piano become one, melting into each other, fusing in a tender melody. Mista lowers his head, timidly reaching out to wrap a hand around her waist. As the witch circles his shoulder with one of her hands, the violin joins; the piano keeping up until it’s only the violin, its melody complacent.
“I’m sorry, for everything.” He whispers and as if in correlation, the next instrument joins in for a moment. And then there’s only silence until the music comes back and their hands find each other. Locking eyes again, Mista smiles softly, apologetic as he starts moving, grasping her hand between his, and guiding her through the dance floor.
Timidly leaning her head against his chest, (Y/n) mutters only for him to hear. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have screamed, I just— I just felt unable to protect you from the enemy. You… You rushed to attack and I was too far, I… You could have been injured, Guido.” Mista hums, resting his chin against her head. Even if their posture is not the right one to dance compared to the rest of couples, in the moment it doesn’t feel like they are at a party; it feels like they are in the commodity of Passione’s headquarters.
“And when I found your earpiece in the floor after I tried to talk to you, I thought the worst.” She finishes, throat closing.
“But you saved me, (Y/n).” Mista answers, tightening his hold around her, chest tightening with pain. “You kicked that guy’s ass and his ancestor’s one.”
(Y/n) laughs, though it may come off weird given the sensation in her throat, for Mista, it’s the sound of victory.
“I admit I acted impulsively, I should have heard you. And I don’t have an explanation for what I did… I—I’m sorry, really. I never meant to make you worry, or make you cry, or make you mad.”
(Y/n) nods, pulling away as they come back to the dancing posture. “I’m sorry, too. I shouldn’t have screamed at you. Just… Don’t scare me like that ever again. Please.”
Mista nods, in a trace. Lost in her eyes.
The music stops, signifying the song has ended. Even then, as part of the tradition, Mista takes his mask off; (Y/n) imitates him, waiting for his next move.
The gunslinger leans and (Y/n) almost stands on her tiptoes, but the sight of his eyes traveling back and forth between her eyes and lips bewitches her, even if she’s a strong witch, it seems like the gunslinger has a spell casted over his eyes to make her helpless before him. Closing her eyes when Guido closes his own, their lips met. Guido’s hands around her waist, fingers tracing over the fabric of her dress; her arms around his neck. Their masks barely held between their fingers as the kiss deepens—
After all, the moon and the night are destined to be companions, from the ancient times to the actual and future ones. 
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ink-and-flame · 5 years
Kinktober Day 6: Intensify
Kinktober Day 6 Prompts: Hair pulling || Nipple clamps || Genital sex  Fandom: [None] Original Tags: Exophilia, Hair Pulling, Nipple Clamps, Rough Sex, Size Difference Pairing: Human(f)/Orc(m)
Living in a new place was never easy and neither was trying to build up a new social life. It wasn’t just about meeting new people, but finding people with shared interests that it was easy to connect with. Lia had not lived in the town long and had struggled to make any kind of connection. It was an interesting place, that was certain. It was why she chose here to move of all places. The people were so diverse, humans mingled with all the other races and lived in what seemed like harmony here. Yes racism was still a thing, but it seemed far more subdued. Most the people that lived here chose to live here and so had no reason to attack one another. 
Her apartment building was set up to take many races, different styles and sizes of apartment were available based on need, race, and size. Smaller races like goblins could have apartments scaled down to their size if they wanted. Same for larger creatures living in buildings that supported their height. Lia’s building had all sorts living in it as the owners clearly took diversity seriously. She loved her apartment, it was a little bigger than she probably needed but it was perfect. 
Lia had ended up selecting an apartment previously rented by orcs. Everything was just a bit too big, but she had dealt with situations like this before. The struggle was worth it due to the location. It was a nice corner apartment with big windows and a balcony. The owner offered to make changes to the structure for her, but Lia didn’t want to make the apartment unlivable for others. So she just got a few step stools. The other added benefit was all the extra space since most of her furniture was smaller. She did keep some of the larger orcish items such as the couch and comfy chairs. 
Of course after a few months Lia felt lonely. She had made nice with a few neighbors and hung out at the coffee shop with a lovely fae girl. It just still felt like something was missing. Sitting around at home obviously wasn’t going to help, but Lia was frustrated so spending time on the internet helped. At least on line she could make connections, she had friends she could talk to, and if nothing else, vent about her loneliness. 
It wasn’t just emotional loneliness, there was physical loneliness too. The most surprising thing about the move was how much Lia missed her friends with benefits. She used to complain about being a booty call, but after all these months with nothing. Which for Lia 6 months was a long dry spell, she was starting to go a little crazy. Her toy budget had increased and while it kept the edge off it also frustrated her because it always felt like something was missing. 
Browsing local hang outs Lia decided to see if maybe there were any clubs around. Bars were an acceptable place to meet people if she was careful. Nothing wrong with a one night stand even if it wasn’t her usual cup of tea. To her surprise not only did she find a club that had potential, it was one that spoke to her interests. Finding a BDSM club within driving distance had been a shock. Normally she only found those in the larger cities, but it was pretty clear that is what this place was all about. They did require that people buy memberships, but there didn’t seem to be too many restrictions on who could be a member. 
Feeling excited Lia contacted the customer service for the club asking about memberships and was surprised at how quickly she received a response. They had a trial membership option that allowed for people to pay for a day so they weren’t paying for something that ultimately didn’t work out for them. Lia agreed and filled out the attached form sending it back and was excited. She would have to pay when she got to the club and bring her ID, but they already had her information so it would just be to check and make sure she was who she said she was and that she was actually as old as she claimed. 
When the weekend rolled around Lia was a bundle of nerves. She was excited but she had spent all week imagining and fantasizing about what the club would be like. Choosing what to wear had not been easy. She didn’t want to overdo it on her first day. Settling on a simple outfit, one of her more form fitting dresses and some heels, Lia smiled at herself in the mirror. She had pinned her hair up wanting to look a bit classy since she was hoping to attract attention.
Arriving at the club Lia was surprised at the size of it. The bouncer gestured her to where guests could sign in. She showed her ID and got her temporary membership card and went inside. The music wasn’t too loud, which was nice. This wasn’t a dance club, people wanted to have conversations. There were several booths around the room and curtained doors that lead to other rooms. The main room had a stage in the center where dancers performed, similar to a strip club but these girls were in costumes and all looked so interesting in their masks. 
Finding an empty booth Lia sat down, ordered a drink, and just observed for a while. She watched as people went in and out through the various curtained off areas. There didn’t seem to be any restrictions on who was allowed wherewith one exception, the V.I.P. Lounge. Which made sense. Feeling adventurous, Lia finished her drink and headed off to see what was behind curtain number one. Eventually she wanted to see what was behind all the curtains, but it was as good of a place as any to start. 
The first room was simple enough. It was set up like a lounge, instead of tables it was small circular beds around the room with curtains around them that could be left opened or kept closed. Couples were in various stages of undress and sexual activity around the room and Lia found it quite arousing. Moving to the next space this was clearly an area for public punishment. Submissives were tied up and displayed, some being spanked, others just bound and left to be viewed by those around them. 
Towards the back there was a door with another bouncer in front of it. Curiosity getting the better of her Lia walked over to ease her curiosity. The bouncer didn’t try to stop her but did look at her curiously. She showed her day pass and he nodded with a smile, gesturing for her to go on in. This door lead to a hallway filled with doors. Each room had a sign over it either lit up green with the word VACANT, or red with the word OCCUPIED. It didn’t take Lia long to figure out that this was where people would go to do private and probably more intense scenes.
Peeking into some of the vacant rooms they were set up to invoke different scenes. Some just had equipment in it, sort of dungeon looking. While others were mocked up to look like specific locations. There was a hospital room, a classroom, an office setting, a few different bedrooms with some interesting furniture choices, and those were just the ones she could actually look in. 
Turning around and leaving the hallway she smiled at the bouncer on the way out, he smiled back and nodded. Clearly this was common, new people being curious. It was probably why he allowed her back there without her actually participating in any kind of scene. From there she moved back to the main room sitting down at a different table and looking thoughtful. There was more to see, but right now she was horny and needed another drink. 
Lia wasn’t alone long when an orc sat down at her table after asking if it was ok that he join her. He was handsome, tall, and quite muscular. He was in a nice suit, but there was something wild about him. His bluish black hair stood up up in a wild sort of mohawk that looked soft to the touch. His large ears were pierced and he had the greenest eyes Lia had ever seen. His tusks had rings around them and he had a few facial piercings. 
He reached out a hand, a well manicured hand at that, introducing himself as Darnok. Lia blushed when she shook his hand, hers was so small compared to his. She was so small compared to him. She wasn’t tall for a human regardless, but next to this orc she felt down right miniscule. She knew his kind could get big, but he had to be over 7 feet tall. His voice was so deep she could feel it vibrate through her with every word he spoke which only affected her more and it was clear that he could tell. Her arousal was beyond obvious. 
“I haven’t seen you here before, I would very much like to get to know you little one.” Darnok smiled gently. He had quite the charming smile, but he simply didn’t want to frighten her.
“My name is Adalia, Lia for short. I just moved here about 6 months ago. I didn’t even know this place was here, I found it online. So this is really my first time here. I just wanted to see what it was all about, see if I fit in, if I like it.” She took a sip of her drink.
“I do, I think I want to get a membership here. Not sure what I will do with it at first, but I hope if I come here enough I could meet people and well, go from there.” Lia smiled at him and tried not to scoot closer.
“You’ve met me, if you are willing.. I can show you some of the ways you can enjoy yourself here?” Dar wasn’t being subtle but he wasn’t saying anything outright either.
Lia knew what he was offering, what he was asking. Honestly, he was sexy, intelligent, and seemed nice. He was also patient and wasn’t pushing her to answer. Something she appreciated, but despite not really doing the whole one night stand thing, her hormones were overriding her and made the decision for her.  “I would love to.” She offered him her hand and allowed him to lead her away. Back towards that hallway of doors. 
Darnok chose one of the bedrooms, it was more simply in design and it made sense to Lia since this was their first encounter. She was pretty sure that they were really only going to have sex and that kink wouldn’t be entering into it much. Though, he was attractive and she wondered if things went well, if he would want to meet up again. He seemed nice enough, gentlemanly, well put together, but it was really just his kind eyes that struck her the most. He didn’t set off her creeper vibe the way some men at clubs like these did. So why not give him a chance, give them a chance to see what could happen.
Stepping over to the bed Lia looked up at him. She was short, but this orc made her feel positively tiny. “Just so I understand, we are going to be having sex, yes?” She had to check, because if he was looking for a kink scene she felt they needed to negotiate. 
“Yes, I apologize for not making my intentions more clear. While I would love to do a more intense scene with you, something about you just interests me, I am aware we just met. I thought it might be better if we started simple, see if we are even physically compatible. That being said, I can be an intense and demanding lover, and I do have my kinks that come out regardless of how simple I like to keep things. I need to know if you have any hard stops now, any lines that could be crossed that would ruin the experience.”
Dar had made it simple for Lia to understand and she appreciated his desire to just get to know her a bit. Even if they were skipping several usual steps. “Hard limits for me are anal, permanent damage, and excessive pain. Other things can be negotiated, but I feel like those are the only ones that might come up in this situation. What about you? I am assuming you are going to be in control, but that doesn’t mean  you can’t have limits.”
“Fair of you to ask.” Dar had already slipped off his shoes and suit jacket, laying the jacket on the chair behind him. He was unbuttoning his shirt revealing his muscular and quite hairy chest. “I don’t do degradation usually, don’t call me a beast or a monster. No racial slurs, things like that. Also, I prefer if you didn’t struggle in any way that made it seem like you don’t want what is happening. This needs to be consensual and I want it to feel that way. A little struggling can be fun, but not until I know you, know your real body language. Other than that, we won't be getting into anything that would come close to my other lines.”
Lia nodded, watching as he revealed more and more of his body. He was the largest, and strongest male she had ever seen naked like this. He wasn’t built like a body builder, a little softer than that, but he still looked strong enough to pick up vehicles and throw them. Kicking off her shoes she unzipped her dress and moved it to a free chair, the bedroom was well set up and she was glad not to have to toss her clothes on the floor. “I don’t know if I could say anything truely horrible to someone while having sex, I dont think we have to worry about that.” Undoing her bra Lia blushed a bit. 
“You are so lovely, I don’t suppose you will indulge me?” Dar asked.
Lia looked curious as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a velvet bag. Inside was a pair of decorative nipple clamps, a lovely silver, with little bells on them. Holding them out to her, he gave her the opportunity to choose if she took them, and Lia did. Placing them on herself to show her willingness. They pinched a bit, but in a good way, and the bells made such a sweet little sound, the bells having a delicate chime to them, musical in a way. They made her nipples look larger and harder, she actually began to like the way it felt to have the extra weight there. 
“Exquisit.” Dar breathed as he looked her over. “Would you let your hair down? Are you comfortable with a little hair pulling when things get rough?”
Lia had to think a bit before nodding. “Just, not too hard ok? I haven’t really done it so I don’t know how painful it is.” Reaching up she began unsecuring her hair, setting the pins and clips on the bedside table and letting her hair fall down her back in waves. Turning she moved to get on the bed and sat there looking at him, patting the place next to her.
“I promise, I will keep my strength in check as much as I can. Please let me know if anything becomes too much.” With that his pants and boxers were off leaving him nude before her. 
Lia was shocked by the size of him, thick and uncut, but not even fully hard yet. She scooted back on the bed as he climbed up next to her. His hand grabbing her wrist to stop her as she tried to remove her thong. 
“Let me, give me some time to warm you up, get you used to me. I can smell your fear, I promise I am not going to hurt you. I can be gentle to start.” Dar leaned in nuzzling at her neck, his form looming over hers as he pushed her back onto the bed. The nipple clamps chiming delicately as he positioned her. 
Using his mouth and hands, Dar slowly worked Lia through her nerves. Showing her how soft he could be, showing his gentle side, letting her feel safe with his touch. He brought her pleasure through gentle teasing, and enjoyed each of her orgasms as they came upon her. The muscles of his body were tense as he held back his own desires so that he could ease her nerves and prepare her body to take him. When she was ready he smiled down at her as he loomed over her. 
“You are so perfect in your pleasure Lia, I wish I had a whole weekend to play with you. There is so much more I want, but I can’t hold back my own needs any longer.” Leaning up to kneel between her legs, Dar grabbed a condom from the bedside table, as they were offered for free by the club. Sliding it on where Lia could see was just one more gesture to prove to her she could trust him. He always used protection with new partners, but if Lia enjoyed him as much as he was enjoying her, perhaps they could move to a different arrangement that no longer required one. 
“Thank you, some people don’t want to use them.” Lia wanted to help and reach for the bottle of lube, helping to pour it over him and stroke him to lube up the condom. She could feel him throbbing in her hand and it was clear he was eager. 
Dar smiled and waited for her to finish, though his jaw was clenched. The feel of her hand on him was so good, he almost didn’t want to stop, but he desperately wanted to be inside of her. Grabbing Lia by the waist he lifted her and flipped her over, placing pillows under her to help support her body. Holding her down he used one hand to guide his cock to her entrance, rubbing slowly to work her up and get her used to the feel of him against her. Soon he couldn’t resist any longer and he was slowly pushing into her tight heat. The sensation almost overwhelmed him and he felt himself tensing as he tried to control the rush of pleasure that threatened to push him over the edge far too quickly. 
Lia squirmed beneath him and Dar thought he might lose his mind as her wiggling was driving him to distraction. It felt too good, far too good, and he was pushing in faster and harder than he had originally intended. The sounds of her moans and whimpers driving him on as he managed to get halfway in before having to pause. “Are you ok?” His voice was strained but she had made a noise that sounded like she wasn’t.
“Y….” Lia swallowed and tried again. “Yeah, just.. So intense. You’re so big Darnok.” Lia whimpered and squirmed as she felt her core stretched beyond what she felt were her limits. Yeah she had a few larger toys, but nothing like this. She had never taken anything like this and it was both terrifying and glorious. It burned but in a way that made her want more. “Don’t stop, please?” She pushed herself back against him to try and take more of him as she heard him groan above her his grip on her tightened. 
Dar was losing control. The heat of her, how tight she felt around him, her eagerness. He had calmed down some until she begged him not to stop and tried to push more of him into her. It was enough to drive anyone mad. Growling deep in his chest Dar’s hips snapped forward pushing more of his cock into her as she cried out at the sudden stretch and invasion. Her body was taking him so much better than he had imagined and he didn’t want to stop. 
“Can you take more?” His voice was tense and he lost himself for a moment and growled down at her. “By the gods I just want to rut you girl.” His thighs shook slightly with the effort of holding still. She was trusting him, and that meant more to him than he wanted to admit. Looming over her small frame Dar felt strangely protective of Lia, and didn’t want to ruin this experience or her opinion of him by fucking her like a savage. 
“Please, I want it Dar. Please fuck me. I need it.. I need to know what it is like..” Lia was desperate for more. He had promised a level of roughness she was sure she had never known. This was her first time with an orc and she wanted to experience what it was like. She wanted him to enjoy it too, and a part of her, a darker more submissive part of her, just wanted to be thoroughly ruined by him. 
It was her begging that broke some of his resolve, the sweet sound of her voice, the clear need in her tone. Dar couldn’t hold back any longer and he thrust forward into her hard, burying his cock the rest of the way until his heavy balls slapped up against her. Watching as her body surged forward from the impact, the jingle of the bells of the nipple clamps making his cock twitch inside of her. Feeling her surrounding him, Dar was lost. 
Lia cried out as Dar began fucking her in earnest, his cock pushing deeper into her than anything had ever been. Her body was at its limit if not past it, and yet, having Dar balls deep inside of her only made Lia want more. She pushed back against him, moaning loudly and begging for him to go harder, begging him to fuck her, to use her. Something in her snapped as the orc looming above her became more and more feral in his fucking. 
Soon Lia was lifted off the pillows, held up in the air as Dar pounded into her. The bells on the nipple clamps ringing constantly as his hand found a grip on her hair and yanked her back, holding her in place as he thrust up into her, his balls slapping lewdly against her wet cunt. The feel of his hand in her hair, the tugging, the power he had over her, the helplessness she felt only made Lia more wet and more needy for him. 
She lost track of what she was even saying, begging for things that weren’t possible  and made no sense. She was overwhelmed with pleasure and felt her orgasm building wild and out of her control. The tight coil of pleasure ramping up more and more, each time she thought she had reached that peak ready to crash over, it just kept ramping up, that burning pleasurable sensation growing more tense. 
Dar began to fuck Lia with almost complete abandon, surprised that her body could handle so much and that she just wanted more. He could feel her tightening around him and knew she would cum soon. It was a miracle he had not released yet himself as he rutted up into her in exactly the way he had promised himself he wouldn’t. Then he felt it, that flutter in her core followed by a scream and she was cumming around him. 
Grunting Dar hunched forward sinking his tusks into her shoulder as he thrust up hard into her spasming pussy, his own release spilling into her, blocked only by the condom he had remembered to put on. He could feel her shaking in his arms, her orgasm just as intense as his own as his balls throbbed and pulsed with each pump of his release. 
It had felt like many minutes had gone by for both of them as their bodies slowly relaxed, orgasms subsiding. Dar became aware of himself first and pulled back slightly to survey the damage. He had broken her hard limit, his tusks had dug into her flesh and broken the skin. There would likely be a scar and she was already bleeding from it. 
Carefully pulling out Dar moved to the cabinet in the room and grabbed the first aid kit, cleaning and bandaging the wound as Lia lay there. “I am deeply sorry, I lost control, that is no excuse. I understand if you want to press charges and never see me again.” Dar was surprised when Lia began laughing.
“You just gave me the best orgasm of my life, the most intense and fulfilling fucking I have ever had, and you think I am mad because you bit me?” Lia tried to sit up but couldn’t yet.
“But.. you said no permanent damage?” Dar was confused but helped her sit up, holding her gently as he massaged her body, knowing her muscles had to be sore. 
“Promise me you won’t walk away. Promise this isn’t just a one time thing, and we can forgive the bite..” Lia knew she was pushing, reaching, asking for too much.
Dar smiled gently at the little human in his lap. She really was perfect. “Then perhaps you should mark me in return, and make this official.” He leaned in pressing his forehead to hers. “When you have the strength, of course.”
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