#AG spinoff
waitineedaname · 2 years
okay I've finished making my big spreadsheet of how mp100 characters refer to each other! some thoughts on this under the cut because it got long
the Kageyama brothers are very polite in how they refer to people. their parents must have really instilled etiquette into them bc no one else is as consistent about using polite honorifics/titles as they are. the only people Mob doesn't give an honorific/title are his brother and Dimple, and the only people Ritsu doesn't give an honorific are Dimple and Shou, who he just calls "Suzuki"
Reigen, on the other hand, is pretty inconsistent and casual with his use of honorifics. he says "Mob-kun" a couple times and "Ritsu-kun" once, but usually they're just Mob and Ritsu (or "Mob's brother" lmao). the only honorific he consistently uses is "Tome-chan"
it's infrequent, but both Reigen and Dimple refer to Mob as "my boy" at some point :') he's their boy!
Ritsu doesn't refer to the Awakening Lab kids at all until he asks their names after being kidnapped lmao the only exception is when he calls out to the older Shiratori brother after the younger one is taken away and he calls him "Shiratori-kun." considering the fact that after asking their names, he refers to both of them as Daichi-kun and Kaito-kun, I think there was absolutely a moment when everyone was freaking out about the Shiratori brothers where he was like "ohhhhh that's his name"
also he switches from "Onigawara-san" to "Onigawara-senpai" when he realizes he's friends with his brother lmao fakeass
even though Mob starts calling Teru "Hanazawa-kun" as soon as they exchange names, Teru doesn't give him the honorific until they decide to raid Claw together. I guess that's the point when he decides they're friendly enough for it? he calls Ritsu "brother-kun" as soon as he realizes they're related and never refers to him by his actual name
everyone calls Teru some variation on his nickname EXCEPT Mob and Dimple. Dimple actually only calls him "brat" and "that guy" for a while until he managed to track him down again during the alleyway incident, which I realized is because he was exorcised before learning Teru's name lskdjflkdsf from the Seventh Division arc onwards, he just calls him "Hanazawa"
I love that Dimple tries to refer to the brothers with cutesy nicknames and both of them are like "if you do that again I'm killing you all the way dead" and he's like "understood." and then refers to them by given name from then on lmao
Teru refers to Dimple as "Dimple-kun" and Tome calls him "Dimple-chan," both of which are SO funny to me because he's way older than them. rude as hell, this evil spirit deserves no respect
Shou doesn't use honorifics or titles for ANYONE. Ritsu is just Ritsu, the Ultimate 5 are all their last names, his dad is just Pops. he also exclusively refers to Mob as "Ritsu's brother" dkfjldskfj
Serizawa alternates between "Shigeo-kun" and "Kageyama-kun" with no real rhyme or reason to it. just seems to depend on his mood I guess
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theylovevenus · 24 days
Hit spinoff series to 2000s teen cartoon Konoha 6teen, Shikamaru and the Sarutobis is an all ages sitcom for the whole family!
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pynkhues · 1 year
literally sooo fascinated by logan and caroline's marriage tbh. give us all your thoughts!! (if you want ahah)
Oh, man, I could talk about them all day, haha. I kinda feel like people can sometimes rob both Caroline and Logan of any nuance, because yeah, sure, they’re often the central antagonists of the series, and their abuse and neglect of their children permeates the series, but the show’s always also been careful to show that the cycle of violence never started with Logan, and Harriet Walter’s talked in interviews too about the cycle of neglect not starting with Caroline either. They’re victims and perpetrators in the same way that Kendall, Roman and Shiv are victims and perpetrators, and the fact that neither of them were able to break that cycle is the exact sort of tragedy that's at the broken heart of this series.
It makes it really fascinating to me in that sense that Caroline and Logan found each other at all, and I think really slots into what we know about his three marriages – namely, that he marries women who are in some ways as damaged by life’s cruelties as he is. We understand that explicitly with Marcia, who pretty much says out loud that their connection has been born out of the fact that they’re both survivors, but I think it’s implied in his relationships with both Caroline and Connor’s mother too. At least Marcia and Connor’s mother became somethink like partners for a while too – Marcia was a co-conspirator with Logan for the bulk of season 1, and the RECNY Ball episode I think also showed that Connor’s mother, for at least a while, was the sort of socialite who could lubricate and work politicians alongside Logan.
We don’t really know what role Caroline played in that sense, but she’s obviously intelligent and savvy enough to have worked to secure the kids real power in the divorce, something we see her give back to Logan in 3.09. We also know that her title gave Logan the class elevation that he wanted (even if its one he also seems to bitterly resent), and that his money gave her security, and in a lot of ways, that’s a strategic match that sees them both step forwards in power together.
I was actually listening to an old episode of Vanity Fair’s Succession podcast recently where they interviewed Dame Harriet Walter, and she talks quite a lot about Caroline’s backstory.
She says that Caroline was born into a neglectful aristocratic family, an only daughter who due to the social structures of British aristocracy, wouldn’t have inherited her father’s estate as a result of her gender. Instead, his estate would’ve gone to a distant male cousin, which ties into what Connor says in 1.09 to Willa about the house being the ancestral home Caroline didn't inherit.
She was disregarded by her family but encouraged to marry rich, and she sees Caroline as having gone through a bit of a wild child phase, that she partied, used drugs, tried to escape herself. That she was probably featured frequently in the social columns ‘in disgrace’, and then married young to a rich British man who bored her. She sees Caroline as having escaped to New York on a trip, and met Logan who dazzled her. Who was the opposite of the men she’d grown up with, the men who’d cut her out of her own inheritance, and that he was exciting and creating something and married too, and that they likely left their spouses for each other. That he married for a title, but he also married her because he found her fun and funny and different from the other women of her class and station.
I actually love that backstory a lot, and in particular I think it feeds into the themes of cycles on this show, both with Shiv, but also in Caroline being cut out by her own family, and then cut out by the one she tried to make for herself, and the damage that likely caused her. It also I think really beautifully depicts this idea of legacy and succession which is so crucial to the show – that Logan can spend a childhood brutalised by a man who’d give him just enough to build an empire on and that Caroline can spend a childhood in luxurious neglect with parents who will leave her with nothing.
What that meant for their relationship - - I think they did love each other, as much as they could love anyone, and I think that vulnerability between them was something that probably allowed them as true an intimacy as they’d ever have for a while. I also think that that vulnerability and that intimacy gave them power over one another that they’d use often and likely cruelly, and that the final years of their marriage were probably torturous for both of them.
After all, at the end of the day, Logan had the wealth Caroline could marry but never inherit, and Caroline had the title Logan could marry but never inherit, and what is that if not a reminder of the poisoned soil they sprung from?
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cyberdragoninfinity · 6 months
the one yugioh spinoff liker W we get is that sometimes when there's merch drops they'll just bust out a completely random non-main character on a keychain or something, and sometimes if we're REALLY lucky theyll be on a whole ass shirt or a big ol acrylic stand. sorry about the endless yami yugi and kaiba merch mines my Duel Monsters minor character enjoyers,
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mantisgodsdomain · 1 month
Continuing to work on editing Febuwhump fills. We are of the personal opinion that one of the objectively funniest ways to depict the Little Ghost is "this thing is like four hundred years old and is fully capable of acting maturely and with appropriate amounts of emotional control however it realized at like age seventy-six that unless it either went into great effort to make a specific reputation for itself or allowed itself to abandon its current size for something greater it still wouldn't be taken seriously and would be endlessly taken as a child and rather than become a size that might inhibit its ability to wiggle into every tiny gap that catches its fancy or spend a few decades being a world-famous fencer or whatever it instead opted to just not do all of that maturity stuff and simply benefit from being perceived as a child"
Yes, they've seen the rise and fall of kingdoms. Yes, they're functionally a demigod and possess a great deal of traits and capacities beyond the realm of mortal bugs, Yes, they are centuries old and have no need to eat or breathe or sleep. Yes, they are an adult. They will still act remarkably like an eight year old in many situations because they don't like having to do all those things they need to do to be taken seriously and this bites them in the ass more than they care to admit.
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gen4grl · 2 months
i believe in super tall red supremacy im sorry! … like i’m talking 6’4 … blue is like 5’9 MAYBE 5’10 depending how much gel he puts in his hair and leaf is 5’7-8. ANYONE that tries to tell me blue is taller than red is spreading straight up propaganda - obviously being fuelled and pushed by blue himself lol
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miyku · 2 months
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ladysophiebeckett · 2 months
ppl keep saying they're ruining betty la fea with this amazon prime continuation not knowing betty in ny exists. i assure you there are other ways to ruin something and a divorce (sub-sub) plot when the characters are in their 50's is actually interesting. sorry u can't see that.
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I wish hazbin hotel was one of those obscure cartoons that aired on adult swim in the early 2000s and got cancelled after one season but gained a cult following in the years that followed
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fingertipsmp3 · 3 months
Fuck it I’m gonna watch Breaking Bad
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doctorwhoisadhd · 9 months
thinking about putting together a murray gold leitmotif fakebook
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cyberdragoninfinity · 10 months
I will never get over the fact that Pegasus is canonically like, 24. What is a college-aged dude doing running a multi-million-dollar trading card game company. He should be at the club
HE SHOULD BE AT THE CLUB!!!! He should be an eccentric mysterious old queen!!! A 50 year old male milf with dubious intentions!!!!!!! He should have laugh lines!!! BUT HE'S NOT. BECAUSE THAT'S THE FUCKED UP WORLD WE HAVE TO LIVE IN. I HATE IT HERE.
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doctor-orbagels · 1 year
A note to people who got into Gundam through G-Witch:
The Gundam fandom has an awful elitist problem and pretty much always has. Don’t let anyone put you down for your faves or your ships and ESPECIALLY for G-Witch’s amazing lesbian representation! This fandom has needed to mature for a long ass time.
I’ve seen almost every watchable Gundam property from 0079 to IBO (IBO was the newest show when i started my journey through the franchise). Shows, movies, OVAs, ONAs, specials, you name it. I can guarantee you that even before they were being openly chuds, if you said “my favorite Gundam show is ____”, no matter what show it was, you’d still have people saying you have shit taste.
TL;DR- you are absolutely in the right for loving G-Witch, this fandom just kinda fucking sucks in some ways. This isn’t new, sadly, but I’m optimistic that y’all new fans are starting a new age!
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crybabypupper · 3 months
Some Hercules headcanons I posted on Unvale.io.
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becauseplot · 9 days
the arkanis posts on my dash are sooooo tempting i literally do not have enough hours in the day to get invested in another minecraft smp but MAYBE… maybe…….
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kuroneko1815 · 1 year
Spoilers for Non-linearly linear love story series
Aka the Time Travelling Prince series. This was something I’ve always wanted to do for one of my fics, the plot that is. This is the rough first draft!
Penelope fell pregnant early on in their marriage, there was no doubting Callisto’s virility. The young Imperial couple were delighted with the news of their impending parenthood, the two of them immediately set about transforming Callisto’s former palace.
However, problems began to arise as the pregnancy continued. Penelope had horrible morning sickness which hadn’t caused alarm at first but as the days passed and she grew noticeably thinner, it left everyone feeling ill at ease. Callisto who knew about the future, about Judith and Roxanne wanted to be confident but he couldn’t. Not in the face of his beloved wife’s suffering.
It all came to a head when the Empress collapsed and the Doctor had told him that the prognosis wasn’t good. The years spent under the abusive care of the Eckarts had left her weak and her health fragile. Callisto spent that day locked in their room, crying as he prayed for a miracle. All the years he’d waited to meet her, the future he’d lived through in his time jumps, all of it was slipping away in that moment.
When the Duke of Eckart had heard about Penelope’s condition, he and Reynold had arrived in order to see her and reassure themselves that she would be fine but they were denied entry. The Emperor refused to let these people who claimed to be her family see her, they who had abused and mistreated his wife, who had turned a blind eye as she was fed spoiled food or sentenced to house arrest within her room without food and water for days, they had caused this.
Cedric dealt with the Ducal family as politely as he could, heading them off because he knew the Emperor would no doubt do something drastic if he was faced with his in-laws while the Empress was in such a state.
In the weeks that passed, Callisto rarely left his wife’s side, tending to her while he did his paperwork at her bedside. Only appearing in court when necessary and completely ignoring the Duke and his inquiries as to his daughter’s health. Penelope slipped in and out of consciousness, when she was awake, the Emperor would immediately rush to her side, no matter what he was doing at the time.
Callisto feared that he would lose Penelope. And as she grew weaker by the day, his fears grew more until the day she gave birth. There was a moment when Penelope’s heart stopped, her breath still, they managed to restore her breathing but it did nothing to stop her seizure. Callisto stood to the side, frozen in fear as he held Judith in his arms. His first friend and eldest daughter wailed loudly but even as he rocked her, tears in his eyes, his eyes remained on the crisis happening right in front of him.
The Baroness who had been present, brought a chair over for him and led him to sit on the chair and offered to take Judith but he declined, holding her tight, wanting something to anchor him to the reality of the present and give him hope that things would turn out okay, that the future wasn’t some dream he’d had but the reality of the life they had yet to live.
When Penelope was finally brought to a stable condition, the Doctors cautioned him that it would take awhile before she would be recovered and that she should be kept calm and relaxed. They were also unsure when Penelope would wake up (if she even would).
“Your Majesty,” The Baroness called out softly, breaking him from his stupor and inner conflict.
Callisto turned to her, wordlessly, his arms were still full of the newborn in his hands. He’d never seen Judy this small before.
“We need to look for a wet nurse for the Crown Princess.”
He froze. “Penelope wants to nurse her.”
The Baroness smiled sadly. “The Empress isn’t in a state to nurse the Princess.” Her voice gentle. “We can’t let the Princess starve. When she awakens, the Empress will be able to nurse her then.”
He stared at his daughter and then at his wife. Penelope had begged him weeks ago to choose their daughter should it come down to it but he had pushed it away, redirected the flow of conversation because he refused to even think it… but now… Judy needed to be fed. “Find someone quickly.”
A wet nurse was procured within the hour. Cedric and the Baroness had predicted that something like this would happen and so they had prepared for it.
The Duke and Reynold Eckart arrived once more and found themselves to still be barred entry. When they persisted, the Emperor allowed them in but he had the little Princess taken away first.
He showed them Penelope and her condition. Threw the cruelest of words and accusations. “She’s like this because of what she suffered under your care.” He spat out bitterly. “My darling wife, everything she went through while living with you, everything you missed or pretended not to see.”
He showed them the consequences of their actions and the Ducal family left without having seen the Imperial Princess. Their hearts heavy with guilt.
Penelope awoke a week later. She was happy to finally greet her daughter and she weakly apologized to her husband for the worry and anguish she’d no doubt caused.
When Penelope realized she couldn’t nurse her daughter, at least, not for the moment, she burst into tears, her hormones wreaking havoc as she felt like she was a failure to not have been there for the first days of her baby’s life.
Callisto drew her into his arms and soothed her. “It’s alright love, you aren’t a failure.” He whispered. “These were circumstances beyond your control.”
When she kept crying, Callisto tried again. “You just need to get better before you can nurse her. And I promise you, you’ll be a good mother because you love her so much and want only what’s best for her. So just focus on healing, alright?”
She nodded and let herself relax in his arms. Watching the baby sleep from the bassinet that Callisto had placed on their bed.
It’s still a toss up whether this would be for the next fic in the series since I don’t know if it’ll be a one shot or a chapter by chapter fic.
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