assiraphales · 4 months
I love how this scene implies that zoro is a self diagnosed luffy enabler. like zoro COULD have gone with him but he specifically chose to stay behind. he took himself out of the equation completely and sent nami n sanji in his place. babygirl knows his strengths and his weaknesses i'll give him that
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emsgwenstan · 8 months
Satans love
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I have no idea where this came from. Sooo sorry if it’s terrible.
Warnings: blood, death, the devil.
Words: 3k? About that I think.
Reading was an escape, so there you were on your small uncomfortable bed reading the same book you had read over and over. The comfort of the words wrapping you in a blanket far better than any other material ever could, the safety and security a page can provide greater than anything.
That was until you met them. The devil, the Lord of hell, Satan, all encompassing dark being, Lucifer Morningstar. The being in question was one to visit when available, from a young age they would drop in unannounced with out many things to say, a mere hum or smirking smile, but as time went on they would engage. You knew who they were, you knew what they’d done, Lucifer didn’t scare you, Lucifer would never scare you.
The corners of the pages and the wisps of your hair blew slightly, the cheep table lamp dimmed and shadows crowded the crevices of the walls. A grin made its way to your face, this was what happened every time they would come, every time you felt excited. For most, the darkness and some what paranormal activity would fright and spook the average human but for you it was a welcome, a haven that would make you long for it once the light became bright again.
Without looking up you knew they were there. “Hello luci.” You said finishing the line you were reading. A moment of dead silence fell before the light-bringer spoke. “Good evening little lamb.” Their velvet voice caused you to spare a look at them, your smile even more apparent. “How are you?” You asked, watching there towering figure grow larger as they approached closer. “Well. I’ve been watching you little one.” They said almost as if they knew you didn’t know that.
“I know, I can feel it.” You said as they perched themselves onto the edge of the bed letting there wings fall to the sides of them. There twinkling eyes softened when they remembered that you are not only quite intelligent but also very in tune with them. “Why did you visit this time?” You asked. “Is it not satisfactory for me to grace you?” They asked back. “No. I was just wondering why. Why do you see me? What is it about me that differs from others luci?” You asked softly not showing and ounce of reluctance just curiosity.
“Your special to me little lamb. I see how you find refuge in the dark, I see how you choose anything that invokes a challenge. But, I also see how you yearn for adequate affection, Because I know you certainly don’t get it in this… place.” They spoke with certainty, you knew what they meant by ‘place’, this godforsaken home for unwanted children. Far different to an orphanage.
“Lucifer?” It sounded quite pathetic if you do say so yourself. “Would it be awfully obnoxious of me to ask you yet again if i could come with you?” Sounding less hopeful than the last time you asked, the response was always ‘one day little lamb, when you are ready.’ But this time was different, the sparkle in there eye became blinding, the smirk spread wider.
“What would you like to bring?” They asked. You leapt into ther arms with a quiet squeal, carful not to wake the matron. You had no family nor friends who would miss you, you had no real home or ground to call your own so this was a dream come true or maybe worst nightmare becoming reality, for you took solace in the unhinged reality that was nightmares.
With your book and other trinkets that you had minor attachments with in a bag and you arm connected with the devils, you took one last look at the room you’ve had for the past seventeen years of your life hoping to never see it again. “Are you ready lamb?” They asked. “Definitely.” You retorted.
Arriving at the palace after a quick travel, your eyes roamed the expanse of the room, a big grand ballroom with marble and accents of golds and blacks, your eyes couldn’t widen anymore with amazement. “Welcome to your new home.” They said from behind you, whilst taking your hand in there own before guiding you through countless halls until you had stoped infront of another chamber.
Dark brown and black snake embellishments on the doors with beautiful gold handles. Lucifer had let go of your hand to open them, the room inside was large with a open window almost a balcony with no glass exchanged for pillars that were sculptures of beings huddled together as if trying to hold the roof. The bed was large with a headboard close to the design of the doors, the floors adorned rich maroon rugs and the ceiling painted with art.
Lucifer’s room. It had to be, their aura matched the personification of this room and all others but this one is Lucifer. “This is my room, you are welcome here any time you wish.” They said. You smiled in response. “Come, I’ll take you to yours now.” You held your breath in anticipation at there statement. Walking back to the hall you paced a little further to the next set of doors, this time the doors were a full shade of white with red roses and white snakes embedded, finished with black diamond knobs.
Opening the door to a room just as extravagant as the last, the lay out all most mirror image. The colours were a little brighter but still had a generous amount of darkness. A bookshelf on one of the walls lined with pristine books and a chair hanging from the ceiling wrapped in the vines of a black plant.
“This… this is mine?” You asked incredulously. “Do you not like it? I can have it re-done to something more your taste.” They wondered. “Absolutely not. This is exquisite, it’s very… me.” You said hoping to sound incredibly grateful. “How did you know what to do.” You asked turning to look up at them. “I’ve had this room for a very long time. I just hoped your tastes wouldn’t vary to much over the years.” They smiled.
They walked to the balcony to watch the view of hell, you paced behind them coming to a stop at their side. “Thank you lucifer.” You whispered leaning into there side. A wing engulfed you as well as a cold hand coming to rest on your shoulder than moving up to stroke at your hair. “No need to thank me child, I hope hell will become your domain just as much as it is mine.”
You relaxed and let your arms find purchase around their waist, for the fist time you hugged the light bringer in hopes they know your true intentions and the loyalty you have to offer. “You know little one, I can make you immortal. You can live here forever, but if you wish to return home you may, I will not begrudge you of that.” They said speaking out in the open while your body clad to theirs. “One day luci, I will do that, but for now I think I still have to grow.” You mumbled hoping they weren’t to disheartened by your decision.
Eight years had passed, you had grown into a beautiful young woman, graceful and poised much like your master. It’s your twenty fifth birthday and Lucifer had planned for you to both enjoy a few brawls between demons and to dine in the great hall.
Many different foods were displayed on the long stretched mahogany table, the devil watched as you intently ate, hardly touching what was on there own plate. Lucifer didn’t take pleasure in eating, finding it trivial and unpleasant for them. You set your silverware aside once finished and came to the conclusion that you would ask tonight.
“I want to do it tonight.” You said out of nowhere. Lucifer re-straitend their posture and Cheshirely grinned. “Are you certain love.” They asked. “I am.” You had gone over the terms of what it is to become immortal with them before. Lucifer stood and sauntered to your place of seating at the opposite end of the table extending a hand to you, to which you obliged.
“Remember y/n, I cannot reverse this once it’s been done, do you recall what else happens?” They asked, their gaze piercing and boring their look into your soul. “I have to have a scar.” You proudly stated. “Very good, lamb.” You both walked in tandem back to your quarters hand in hand.
Lucifer led you in and told you to sit on your bed. “I will ask you one more time. Are you sure you want this?” The light bringer brought their hands to your face. “Yes.” It was as simple as it got, you wanted this, you needed this, if the last twenty five years had showed you anything, it was that life mortal or not was better with Lucifer. “Where do you want it love?” They asked. “Here.” You said drawing a line from beside your nose over your lips and down your chin. The scar it’s self had to be prominent, it had to be lucifers mark always on display.
The devil leaned in and pressed a lingering kiss to your forehead as well as tracing the same path as you had showed them causing your skin to split at there gentle touch, but you did not wince for you felt no pain. Your master drew back gazing at you, your eyes closed and your breathing came to an end. After a moment you open your eyes that are now a bright cerulean, brighter than Lucifers.
A tug at your lips formed and your posture became perfect, you stood and paced to the devil. They wiped at your wound, internally praising them self at there handy work, they looked at you as if you were the most precious being of all time and you were, to them. “How do you feel lamb?” Their voice just above a whisper. “Alive.” You said chuckling at the irony. Just like that you became undead, quick, painless almost pleasurable.
“I have another present for you.” They said tilting their head averting their gaze to behind you. Turning around you found a gown splayed across your bed, it was the same colour as your eyes, so blue it might be mistaken for white. A pair of heals right next to it, silver and strappy, you were about to thank them until you vision was caught by your reflection. Moving to the ceiling to floor length mirror you stared at yourself letting you hand wander to your face. Your eyes and scar weren’t the only thing different, but so was your hair long and blond with thick defining curls around your face.
You hadn’t changed to much but it certainly was different, but beautiful. Your astonishment was displayed on your face, lucifer walked behind you taking their hands that for the first time didn’t feel cold and held your jaw from behind. “I thought you looked wonderful before, but your even more beautiful.” They said. “Now, get dressed I’ll be waiting for you.” They ended.
Putting on the dress you realised how well it looks on, fabric softer than silk falling from your shoulders and waist, the colour contrasting nicely to your eyes and hair, the heals making you just as tall as the light bringer, not that your much shorter than they without them.
Exiting your room, you made you way to the stair case finding Lucifer had changed also into a long sleeved cherry red, leather, gown that was long at the back and shorter at the front. You took there offered hand and made your way into the middle of the room. With a movement of their fingers, torches around the room lit one by one and paintings of instruments began to move on the walls, emanating orchestral music.
“Would you like to dance love?” They asked knowing you could never refuse previous offers of dancing with lucifer. “It would be my pleasure sire.” You spoke, bowing to your master. A kiss was placed on the back of your hand and you began to dance around the grand ballroom, twirling and dipping, completely and utterly in sync with each other.
As the movements became more passionate and fierce the more you couldn’t tear your eyes away from them, who knew you would be waltzing with the devil. The song came to an end and the light bringer ended with you dipped slightly, your eyes never leaving theirs. “I love you.” You said, finally the words you have known for a very long time escaped your lips. “I know.” They responded. Your fingers moving from the hold on their neck to the curls at the base of their skull.
“I love you so much luci.” You said again knowing that this time you were absolutely sure of yourself, confident, conveying the words stronger than the first time. Lucifer lifted you until you were firmly up straight eye to eye and kissed you. It was slow and raw, it was sinful but it was addictive and soft. Pulling away ever so slightly they spoke, resting your their forehead on yours. “Oh lamb, I’ve waited far to long, but I would wait an eternity for you my love.” Their whisper grazed your lips and you couldn’t help but go back for more of their touch, for lucifers tongue to sooth over the scar of your lip again.
Lucifer pulled away properly to look at you this time “I love you too, you are mine and I will forever be devoted to you y/n.” You would become the devils mistress or the light-bringers lover, the names would never truly define your love for lucifer. To everyone else it seemed clear you were satin’s and only theirs, which were true, but Lucifer was royalty and you were their queen.
Yuh, I actually have not a clue what possessed me to write this I haven’t written anything other than Larissa Weems so just keeping the love for Gwendoline Christie I guess.
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miniimapp · 2 years
Aaron T Proposing
Gen ;; Fluff - Story
Warnings ;; Fuck it's fluffy in here, bit of crying and whatnot
Proofread + Edited ;; Meh, not really
Auth. Note ;; WELCOME TO DAY 4 OF THE 4*TOWN CHRISTMAS COUNTDOWN !! We're gonna have a little series within this countdown of 4*town proposals as well so that's fun :))
Enjoy !! <3
It's been an odd day today, you muse to yourself as you wait for T to come back with the promised ice creams. You'd woken up, fully prepared to spend the day in the warmth and comfort of your bed when you were rudely stripped of your blankets and pulled out of your haven. If you didn't love T so much you would have absolutely destroyed him, but as it stands you do so you've placated yourself by the thought of getting petty revenge over the next couple of days instead.
You've been pushed and led in all different directions today and, honestly, it's beginning to wear you down. If you'd perhaps had some time to prepare yourself for a full day out you'd be feeling a little more enthusiastic but you still long for your bed and cuddles from your beloved partner, is that too much to ask?
You spot T weaving through the crowd to get back to you, cones in hand. A smile finds it way back onto your face, though smaller than you would normally be able to conjure. Still, you're never without a smile when T's around.
"Hello, sweet cheeks." T grins, passing you one of the cones.
"Never again. Glad to see you came back with my one true love."
At your words T feigns heartbreak, pushing his free hand into his chest as if to hold his heart together, "Oh, how you wound me!"
You roll your eyes and hide your smile behind the ice cream you've already begun to demolish. "For goodne- just eat, Aaron."
"Yes, my love. Absolutely, starlight. Anything for you, angel." T laughed freely ask he ducked out of the way of your hand. "Sorry, sorry."
After a couple minutes of laughter and chatter and of course ice cream, the two of you finish and T starts rambling about what else you can do in the day. Unfortunately, after such a long day filled with various activities and food you felt tired and ready to go home and broke the news to T. He looks a little disappointed for a second before brightening again and pulling you up for the final time.
"Let us maketh our way to our humble abode, lest I get pummelled by my dear lover." You wince at the rubbish attempt at a Shakespearean English accent and speed away from T in hopes of escaping it.
On the journey back to your home you find your eyes flicking over to T lots, way over the usual amount of glances you tend to steal. Not that you can help it, every time you look away he seems to move just slightly enough to catch your eye again.
You can feel yourself frowning and your eyebrows furrowing in concern. Ever since you asked to go home he's begun acting strangely.
..Have you upset him? You hope not, you just aren't feeling up to doing anything else today. All you want is to spend time with T in the comfort of your own home, with nothing to do and no one watching.
However, he was incredibly excited to spend the day with you but would he stay excited if you trudged along, ruining his plans with a growing grumpiness. No, going home was the best course of action..hopefully a lot of cuddles will make up for the foiled plans.
Once you get home, T rushes inside leaving you wide-eyed and confused, standing in the doorway. You close the door behind and make you way further into your home, stopping by the sofa as you watch T flip through movies on netflix.
Soon enough you're halfway through the 3rd movie in your marathon, happily commentating and poking fun at the characters choices. This is exactly what you wanted and you're so content, you never want to leave the encompassing warmth that both T and the sofa provide.
"I'm just saying, babe, if he'd grabbed the gun a little earlier maybe they wouldn't be in this situation." T explains to you, arms flinging around and gesturing, "I mean, what kind of idiot put his teammates in danger like that?"
You hum, nodding along with his argument "Right, I get your point but he the only opportunity he would have had to grab it earlier would've been when little miss love interest was getting ambushed. And, for the sake of the rest of the movie, they couldn't really have her die like that or this early. They also needed him to have his little knight in shining armour moment."
T frowns, "Still, he should've been more prepared. At this rate his while team is gonna die but that's alright, at least his wittle girlfwend will be okay."
You gasp dramatically, clutching your nonexistent pearls, "Are you saying you wouldn't save me in that situation?"
"Babe, done even try to put me in that "wOuLD yOu sTiLL loVe mE iF i wAS a wORm" kinda situation, I don't have the brain space to answer that right now." T makes his voice as high pitch as he can and starts wriggling on the sofa like a worm.
You burst out laughing, wheezes and snorts wracking your body as you watch "What- what the fuck, T?"
Looking back up at T immediately makes you crease again. "What? I didn't even do anything this time?" You try to answer but can't get the words out between your snorts and wheezes.
After what feels like hours and 3 ab workouts, you finally begin to calm down, your eyes watering enough to create a whole new river. You look up at T and find him watching you fondly, "What?"
"Marry me."
You eyes widen and you sit up straight, "I- what?"
T's eyes widen too, perhaps even more so than yours, and he starts panicking, over-gesturing with and awkward smile on his face "I mean, well, will you marry me? Would you like to? You- um, I feel like we should, or, uh, could, if you want to.. that is.. um.."
He looks up at you eyes, brimming with panicked, unshed tears and his smile quivers, "I didn't mean to, um, do it this way. Had a whole plan but um, yeah. What, um, what-"
You cut him of with a kiss on the cheeks and cover both of his hands with your own, tears of your own brimming in your eyes. "Yes."
You feel him squeeze your hands, a disbelieving smile begins to crack across T's face, "Wait, really?"
You nod, tears now spilling over and down your cheeks, "Without a doubt in my mind, I would be honoured to marry you, Aaron."
The biggest and brightest grin you've ever seen breaks out across all of T's face, lighting him up with a kind of happiness you've never seen before. "Thank you!"
You smile just as brightly in return. "Don't Thank me, it's an honour to be your fiance, not a hard decision."
You throw your arms around his shoulders and squeeze him tightly, never wanting to let go. When his arms wrap around you in return your smile grows even wider. You've never been happier.
"Oh fuck, I left the ring in my coat."
Hope you enjoyed !! <3
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falcqns · 3 years
Pairing: Chris Evans x Mute!Reader
Summary: You meet Chris for the first time and he doesn’t know you’re mute. All hell breaks loose.
Warnings: angst, chris being an accidental asshole, fluff, sebastian stan being protective
A/N: I based this on a dream I had, as well as my experience with being a selective mute from 2017-2020, and how I communicated and who I spoke verbally to. Hope you enjoy!
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Sebastian was shocked when he met you in pre-production for the first post-endgame Marvel movie, and you didn’t speak, instead nodding and using hand gestures that he later deciphered to be sign language. He knew that you were fairly new to the industry, and so approached Joe Russo.
“Hey, Joe. I just had a question about the new girl, Y/N?” He asked, while watching you walk of with your PA next to you. “Sure, what’s up?” Joe responded.
Sebastian cleared his throat before continuing. “I tried talking to her a little bit, but she didn’t speak, instead she used sign language, and I just was wondering if you knew why? Just so I can be better prepared and know how to help her,”
Joe smiled at Sebastian’s request. Being the insanely caring person that Seb was, his question didn’t surprise him. “She’s a selective mute. She does talk, but it is only when she is acting, and she’s an amazing actor. She mentioned to me that she doesn’t speak verbally unless she is very close to the person and trusts them wholeheartedly, such as her family and best friends. Her PA is her best friend, and can help you communicate with her. But, other than that, just get to know her. She’ll probably open up to you.” Joe finished, before patting Seb on the back, and walking off to talk to some production people.
Sebastian looked in the direction that you had gone, and decided to talk to you. You may not communicate verbally with him, but he wanted to get to know you.
Over the next few weeks of pre-production, both Sebastian and Anthony got to know you, and both were insanely shocked when you performed your first scene with them. You delivered your lines like you had been talking all your life, and with the gravity of an experienced actor. They both congratulated you, and you signed “thank you” in response. If any one had any doubts about your skills as an actor before, they had fully dissipated.
When it had been announced that production would be moving to the UK, Seb approached you and Mackie with the idea of renting a place together. You had agreed instantly, glad that you wouldn’t be living on your own in a foreign country all alone, especially since Y/B/F/N couldn’t come along. Living with both boys was chaotic to say the least, but you wouldn’t trade it for the world. They gave you the biggest bedroom in the house, and began learning sign language so you wouldn’t have to carry your ipad everywhere for your text-to-speech app.
A few weeks in, you began to speak verbally to both boys. They were shocked when you spoke to them for the first time, but were insanely happy. Seb was almost in tears, recalling that you only spoke to those who you trusted whole heartedly. He had become insanely protective of you, and treated you like a sister, which you absolutely loved.
Everything was going great. That was, until Chris Evans showed up.
He had just finished filming his latest project, and decided to come and visit his two closest friends that he hadn’t seen in a few months. Mackie had mentioned that he was coming, and would be staying in the spare bedroom, and you foolishly assumed that he would tell Chris about your mutism.
But Mackie being Mackie, he didn’t. And neither did Seb, who also thought Mackie had told him.
You hid in your room when Chris arrived, not ready to face him at that point. You ventured out just after dinner time, and grabbed a plate of food before retreating back into your safe haven with the cover of working on an assignment that you had told to Seb. They bought it, and you and Chris made eye contact and shared a wave before you disappeared from sight.
A few days later is when all hell broke loose.
Chris seemed to have a habit of searching you and Seb out. It started off with him walking into our bedroom while Seb was talking to you, and admiring how you’d decorated the place. Yo gave him a small shy smile, which he returned, although there was a hint of confusion written all over his face. Then, you were asking Sebastian for clarification on the Romanian lines that you were supposed to speak the next day, when Chris wandered in to the kitchen. He noticed how you instantly fell silent, and whispered a thank you to Sebastian before you scurried past him. How watched your back retreat, and sighed, but grabbed his the beer he came for before walking into the living room.
It was later that night that you had decided that you wanted to talk to Chris. You hadn’t known him very long, but you felt very safe around him, and everyone had told you how trustworthy he was. You had spent the last 30 minutes hyping yourself up in the mirror before walking out on a journey to find him. You heard his voice floating from the kitchen, and as you got closer, your heart instantly broke.
“I just don’t get what her problem is with me.” You heard Chris say. Another voice, Seb, responded.
“Chris, I don’t think she has a problem with you,”
Chris scoffed. “Yes she does. Why else would she not talk to me, and rush out of a room quicker than she entered when I walk in? She has a huge problem with me. I don’t know why she thinks that just because she got a part in a movie that she can walk around all high and mighty, but I’ve done nothing to her. She’s being a bitch,”
You heard Seb exclaim and start to defend you, but you didn’t stay to listen to what he said, instead running back to your room in tears, your confidence shattered. You grabbed your iPad and apple pencil, and began to draw, an activity that let you communicate your feelings. You wanted to show Chris that you didn’t hate him, and that you didn’t think more of yourself just because you got a part in a movie.
You finished it right before dinner, and kept it in your grip tightly when Mackie called you down for dinner. Your heart fluttered in your chest as you made your way down the stairs, but your face fell, and eyes welled up with tears when you saw Chris wasn’t there.
“Is Chris coming to dinner?” You asked Seb, and he shook his head no sadly.
“No. He’s not in the best mood, but dont worry, he’ll be fine.” He said, as he grabbed his plate.
“Oh, okay.” You said, your voice coming out shaky. You looked down at the ipad in your hands, before walking out the kitchen. Seb followed behind you. Just before you reached the stairs, he gripped your arm, causing you to turn around.
“What’s wrong?” He asked sincerely, and you couldn’t hold back the tears.
“I-I heard h-him talking about m-me earlier,” You whispered, and Seb cursed before pulling you into a hug.
“You heard him,” He said. You nodded before speaking again.
“I drew him a picture and I wanted to give it to him to show that what h-he said wasn’t t-true, and that I’m actually a huge fan of his,” You sobbed into his chest. Seb didn’t move, but waited for your tears to subside, before walking with you upstairs.
“He’ll come around. He had a rough night, although that doesn’t excuse his behaviour. I’ll talk to him, okay?”
You nodded, and curled up in bed. “Do you want me to bring you up some dinner?” Seb asked, and you nodded again, before telling him what you wanted.
He left the room, and came down the stairs. he plated the food that you wanted, and grabbed a water bottle out of the fridge.
“What happened?” Anthony asked from the dining room as Seb passed.
“She heard what Evans said, and she’s heartbroken. I’m bringing her dinner, and then I’m gonna talk some sense into that motherfucker.”
“Good, he needs it.” Anthony agreed, watching as Seb walked away.
Seb dropped the food off to you, before walking across the hall to Chris’s room. He answered after the first knock.
“What’s up?”
“First of all, you’re a grade A asshole, and second of all, you need to go apologize to Y/N.” Seb said, anger bubbling in his voice.
“Why? She hates me, I’ve done nothing to her to-“ Chris began before Seb interrupted him.
“SHE DOESN’T HATE YOU!” He exclaimed. “She’s selectively mute, that’s why she doesn’t speak to you! She’s a huge fan of you. She’s in her bedroom, right now, heartbroken, because she heard you talking about her.” Seb finished, his hand pointing at your bedroom door.
Chris felt his heart sink. “Why does she talk to you, but not me?”
Seb sighed. “She only talks to people she trusts a lot, and you met her yesterday. Of course she’s not gonna talk to you right away, and now I’m afraid she never will because you talked bad about her. She drew you a picture in hopes that you would understand that she didn’t hate you, but you broke her heart even more by not showing up at dinner. Now, go and fix it or will not hesitate to call your mother.” Seb finished, before walking away.
Chris sat back down on his bed in disbelief. He’d fucked up, and he didn’t know how to fix it. He thought back to Seb’s threat, before picking up his phone and calling his mom.
You had just finished another episode of Criminal Minds, when a knock came to your bedroom door. You dragged yourself out of bed, and opened the door to reveal Chris. You felt tears welling up in your eyes, and kept them locked on the floor, in fear that he was going to yell at you, and repeat his earlier statements to your face.
“I’m sorry,” Chris breathed out. “I didn’t mean to upset you.”
You slowly moved your eyes up to meet his, and he sucked in a breath when he saw your puffy eyes. “It’s ok.” You signed, and Chris shook his head no, before enveloping you into his arms.
He moved the two of your further into your bedroom, and shut the door behind him.
“It is NOT okay. In any way. I broke your fucking heart, Y/N. I have no excuse for what I said, and I want to make it up to you. Will you let me do that?” He asked, his face buried into the hair atop your head. You nodded and he pulled away from you. You grabbed your ipad, opened up your text to speech app, and typed in a sentence.
“Do you want to watch a movie with me?”
Chris nodded, and smiled, his thumb brushing over your cheek. “Of course. You pick.”
You led him over to the bed, and got in, and he climbed in the opposite side. You picked up the remote, and chose the movie “Swat: Under Siege”. Chris wrapped an arm around your shoulders, and pulled you close to him. You cuddled into his chest as the movies opening scene began to play.
About halfway through the movie, Chris tilted your chin up to look at him.
“I really am sorry. I hate that I said what I did. I just- Seb had told me all about you, and I had seen some of the leaked pictures from set, and all I wanted to do was impress you. When I thought you hated me, I couldn’t handle it, and I lashed out. I’m so so sorry about that.” He said, his thumb teaching over your cheekbone once more. “Also, Seb told me that you drew me a picture? Can I see it?” And you nodded.
You unlocked your ipad and opened the drawing app, clicking on the most recent one, before handing the device over to Chris.
His breath caught in his throat while he looked down at the picture you had drawn of him.
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“T-that is amazing,” He said, tears coming to his eyes at the picture that you worked so hard to make of him. “You’re even more amazing than I thought.” He finished. “Thank you,” You signed, before thinking of a question.
You grabbed your iPad once more, and typed into your app.
“Why did you want to impress me?” Chris smiled at the sound of the robotic voice coming from the device.
“I was drawn to you. I dont know what is was, but I couldn’t get you off my mind. I had searched and searched to find another tv or movie you had been in, but nothing came up, and I was so shocked that you got such a big part right off the bat. But I was also insanely excited to see you perform. And when Seb and Mackie told me I could come and stay for a while, I was ecstatic to be able to get to know you, and that’s when I realized that I liked you.”
Your breath caught in your throat at his words. Did Chris Evans really just admit to having a crush on you?
“Now, I understand if you dont like me back, but I had to get that off my chest, especially since I just broke your heart.” Chris said, his eyes focused on the tv to not meet your gaze. You gave him a small smile, but grasped his chin into your hand, and drew his lips into a soft and tender kiss.
He let out a breathy moan, and pulled you closer. His lips travelled from your lips, and all over your face, amking you let out a giggle. He started laughing too, and pulled away. “I’m guessing this means that you like me too?” He asked, and you nodded immediately.
He smiled, and grasped your hand in his. “Well then, can I take you on a date?”
You took a deep breath, and opened your mouth. “Yes.”
Chris’s eyes immediately welled up with tears and he pulled you in for another kiss.
“You spoke to me,” He whispered when he pulled apart, a few tears rolling down his face.
You shrugged and gave him a smile.
“I trust you wholeheartedly.”
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dreamkidddream · 3 years
“Are we just friends?” For Levi please! If possible 💗
Levi deserves all the love and I will die on that hill 🤧💜 Reader is gender neutral and sorry this got kinda long!
Prompt: “Are we really just friends?” with Leviathan!
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He couldn’t take this anymore.
He knows that his sin is envy, but this feeling gnawing in his stomach was making him clench his jaw tighter by the second.
The one time he actually leaves his safe haven of a room to go to RAD, he sees some demon that isn’t him cozying up to you, his Henry, by the lockers. And the demon had the audacity to smile in your face even more when they saw him staring- well really glaring- at them. He’s far enough to where he can’t fully understand what’s being said, but his hearing is good enough to make out a few words. The demon asking something along the lines of why he’s here and who he is to you, and the worst thing that could happen happened.
He heard you respond that he’s just a friend.
It wasn’t a secret that Levi has a crush on you, that he’s in love with you. He hasn’t confessed to you yet but he thought atleast after all the long nights of gaming and marathoning together, that you would atleast notice something! The times where he would lend you his controller and even show you how to play by putting his sweaty palms over yours, the moments spent with you comforting and uplifting him when he goes through his outbursts, even the rare nights where you slept cradled in each other’s arms, with his tail wrapped around you protectively. Did that mean nothing to you?!
He wants to feel betrayed, to feel deceived, but he can’t. He doesn’t want to be fully upset with you, and while he is hurt, he can’t fully blame you for only seeing him as a friend. He’s nothing but a worthless otaku. He’s supposed to be the third strongest out of his brothers, the Grand Admiral of Hell’s Navy, and he’s acting like this? The lower demons don’t even fear him, that was evident with the one standing right in front of him!
Why would someone amazing as you want to date someone as low as him? He’s nothing but a waste of space, and he’s stupid to try and convince himself that he had a real chance to be with you. That you actually love him like he loves you.
He can’t look at this scene anymore, and he took off before he could feel the tears leave his eyes.
He never noticed how you took off after him, quickly ignoring your friend who was looking at you in disbelief.
Despite him not doing any kind of physical activity, Levi moves fast. Not to mention how RAD isn’t exactly a small school, so weaving through halls and jogging down so many stairs was starting to get exhausting but you couldn’t stop now. You were able to catch a blur of purple rush into an empty classroom, and you managed to finally reach him before he could lock the door.
You heart shattered.
There he was, huddled against the wall, steady tears rolling down his cheeks that he continuously tries to wipe away. You know how sensitive Levi is, and you know how much he gets inside his own head, so seeing him like this pained you beyond explanation. By the time you slowly slid down next to him, he already tried to shuffle away, but you grabbed his hand before he could get far.
You weren’t expecting him to snatch away.
“It’s not fair! Why is it that I’m not good enough?! That I’m never good enough! The one person that I finally think I have a chance with, that sees me for me, I can’t have”, he turned to you, tears freely falling. “All the time that we-we spent together, you said that you love me, but-but- it’s not in the way that I do.”
Levi took a pause and gazed into your eyes, desperately searching for a way to prove him wrong.
“Are- are we really just friends?”
You didn’t give him a chance to look away, cupping his face. “Of course we’re not just friends...we’re more than that. Why would you think otherwise?”
“Don’t lie to me! I heard what you told that other demon-”
“That you’re not just a friend?”
Levi stared at you, mouth agape. You’re messing with him, you’re trying to trick him again like when you told him that you loved him!-
“Oh Levi”, you brought your forehead to his, which was making his face turn redder than it already was. “I told my friend that you’re not just a friend, that you’re more than that. Why would I ever say that you’re just a friend? You mean so much more than that to me.”
You delicately rubbed your noses together, “Why would I ever say that about someone that I love?”
When he did his typical “WOAHHH”, you knew that you’re making some progress on this whole situation. He’s still shutting down somewhat though, shaking his head is disbelief. “S-SO! You tell my brothers that you love them all the time, how is telling me t-that any different?!”
“Well, I know how you get whenever it comes to...intimacy, so I’ve just been waiting until you’re ready. I don’t want to overwhelm you Levi, and I don’t want you to feel like you have to rush into things that you aren’t ready for. When you become my boyfriend, I want it to be when you’re ready, and I’ll wait for you however long it takes. That is...if you still want to be with me?”
“R-really? You would wait for me?”, you only saw this look on his face whenever he talked about a new release with Ruri-Chan (honestly just Ruri-Chan in general), so you being the reason that he has this look has you feeling giddy. “Ah! I-I mean...why would want to be with someone like me? You shouldn’t waste your time on a useless otaku like m-”
“Because I love who you are. You’re always so passionate, so caring, not to mention how cute you are. Not bad on the eyes at all~”
Could his face get any redder?
“You’re not useless, Levi, you never were. You play a bigger role in this family than you think, you’re stronger than you think, and I wish that you see that. You have flaws, we all do, but that doesn’t make me want and love you any less.”
You were slowly inching towards him, eyes darting to his lips and back into his gaze.
“Can I prove to you how you’re not just a friend?”
He found himself nodding before he fully processed it.
Something was up.
Cyn couldn’t believe that you just ditched them so fast, and for him nonetheless! The fact that you said that that weirdo was more than just a friend, and that he already owned your heart made them want to throw up. Whatever, they still have some time to shake some sense into you, no matter how much you refused to listen and got upset with them.
Seriously, they didn’t understand how the hell you continuously defended the third brother (why couldn’t it be someone like Lucifer or Asmodeus!) and claim that you’re so “in love”. They weren’t as dumb to actually try and confront Levi, no matter how weak or weird he acted, he’s still powerful enough to grind them into dust.
Walking down the steps, Cyn debated on ditching you like you did them, but your human ways rubbed off on them. So standing outside of RAD, they impatiently tapped their foot, and when they heard steps behind them and recognized your sense, they quickly turned around to tear you a new one, when they stopped.
Why are you two holding hands?
And why on Devildom do you two look so happy?!
“Oh Diavolo please no-”
“Hey Cyn! Sorry, I didn’t mean to make you wait! And I know that this sounds terrible, but we’re just gonna go ahead and head home, unless you wanna walk with us? Although I don’t want to make you third wheel.”
They practically gagged right then and there, but when they saw the death stare you were giving them, they just sighed and gave up. Grinding their teeth together, you heard them grit out something that sounded like “no problem” and went about their merry way.
Well that took care of one problem.
“They aren’t going to be too mad are they?”
“Ah, who cares? They’ll get over it. Now, which anime are we binge watching tonight? I’ll let you pick since-”
“Sure”, you leaned over to peck his cheek. “H-hey! What was that for?!”
“Sorry was it too much-”
“N-NO! I-I mean- GAH you’re such a normie MC!”
But you saw that he didn’t pull away from you, in fact he leaned closer to you, despite what he’s saying.
It would take some time for him to get adjusted to this, but that’s okay.
You have all the time in the world if it’s for him.
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teshamerkel · 3 years
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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Seekers of Soul
Chapter 18 (19 Pages)
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Training time! Nia and Tobias work on their team combat with Val and discuss Nia’s struggle to use moves.
It’s two days later when Tobias and Nia finally get the chance to go to the training area. The bite on Nia’s arm from the outlaw was deeper than either of them had realized, so even after a few sitrus berry treatments and a lot of fuss from Maggie, it had been clear Nia wouldn’t be throwing any punches for a day or two.
Their combat-free day was taken up by a tour of the guild for a few kids who lived in the Haven. Other than a pair of bratty rattata sisters constantly trying to run off, it was an admittedly nice chance for the two of them to recoup. Besides, a storm had rolled in as well, rain finally falling for the first time in weeks, so Tobias had no desire to get out anyways. The Haven really needed the bout of rain to pour some life back into the dry forest, but it still would’ve been annoying to have to deal with on a mission.
When Tobias shakes the riolu awake the second morning after their outlaw battle, she gives her injured arm a tentative stretch and flex, and he’s glad to hear that it’s only a little sore. He tries to be a “considerate” partner and ask her if she can train with it instead of telling her to, but he’s relieved when she says she can. He’s been itching for some activity.
The two of them leave for the day with a promise to a worried Maggie that they’ll come back with minimal damage this time. Nia’s still waking up, so it’s a quiet trip down to the training floor as she fiddles with the red scarf tied awkwardly around her neck. It’s the first time Tobias has actually seen her wear it, and something about their matching attire makes him proud. They actually look like a team now, even if the scarf does look weird on her, the collar of fur underneath it so fluffy that it poofs out awkwardly around the fabric. He’s not sure how to tell her to tie it somewhere else without making it sound mean, so he stays silent for now, even if she looks ridiculous.
Nia breaks out of her sleepy stupor when the two of them run into Azami on the way to the training floor, and the tsareena meets their surprise with a laugh.
“Sorry, Spitfire, I won’t be able to train with you today. Just received an urgent mission from August himself!”
Tobias feels disappointment rise up in his chest, but tries not to look put out by the news. He...he didn’t actually want to show Azami his new dragon rage attack anyways. Nia pins back her ears with a quiet, “Oh.”
Azami gives them both a grin. “Aw, don’t give me those yamper eyes! I’ll be around and ready to kick your butts next time you come to train!”
Nia gives her a half-hearted smile. “O-Okay. Good luck!”
“Thanks! You be good for Val, all right, Spitfire?”
Tobias snorts and rolls his eyes. “Yeah, yeah.”
Azami just laughs, giving them a wink before heading off. Tobias moves into the training floor to look for Val, and Nia follows, sending a few not-at-all-subtle glances his way. He sighs, trying to keep the irritation out of his voice when he says, “What?”
Nia runs her paws through the ruff of fur around her neck, trying to tuck it back under her scarf. “I uh. Was wondering why you didn’t tell Azami about your new move?”
Tobias huffs. “Not like she has time to check it out right now anyways.” And it’s not like he cares that much. He purposefully squashes the leftover disappointment in his gut and straightens up. “She’ll see it eventually. Might as well surprise her in the middle of a spar.”
Nia smiles. “Oh! Right! Imagine how excited she’ll be for you!” She’s not wrong there. The tsareena is an almost annoyingly invested teacher.
They reach the back area that Val is usually at, where she’s finishing up a talk with a roselia. When the two finish their conversation, they bow to one another. The roselia turns to leave, and lights up at the sight of Nia.
“Hey, Nia! Good luck with practice today!”
The riolu jumps, surprised, before smiling nervously back and saying, “Th-Thanks, Briar!”
The charmander watches the roselia go, confused. “How d’you know her?” He didn’t even know the Pokémon’s name, and he’s seen her here and there around the guild for at least a few years.
Nia wrings her paws. “W-Well, a lot of Pokémon are curious about the former human of the guild, so they like to introduce themselves. They’re nice, so I don’t mind.”
That doesn’t surprise him. Nia’s a bit nervous by nature, but she clearly likes talking and making friends. Of course the other Pokémon would flock to her with annoying questions about being human. Well, better her than him. He can’t hold a conversation to save his life, even if he wanted to.
“Good morning.”
Val’s quiet voice breaks Tobias out of his thoughts, and he looks over to see Val walking up to them, her eyes immediately zeroing in on Nia’s healing arm wound, scabbed over by now. 
“‘Morning,” Nia echoes, smiling. She sounds nervous, and moves her paw up, almost as if to cover the bite marks, before hesitantly dropping it again.
Val doesn’t question it, more than a few old scars littering her own body, and instead says, “Today we will practice team fighting.”
“First,” Tobias interrupts, crossing his arms. “Did you know that Nia doesn’t know how to use moves?”
Val’s usual stoic expression doesn’t change. “I am aware.”
Oh, well that changes the whole tone of this conversation, doesn’t it? Tobias feels anger light in his belly, a growl rolling through his voice as he says, “Then why haven’t you been teaching her how to use any actual attacks?!”
Val doesn’t look offended by his accusatory tone, and that just makes him angrier. “I thought it best to tackle that problem later. I did not want to overwhelm her when she was still learning basic bodily functions and form.”
“And you didn’t think that would be a little dangerous, leaving her so defenseless?”
Nia shoots him a pleading look that clearly asks him to drop it, but he ignores her.
“E-Rank Pokemon are usually manageable without moves. I assumed you would be fine.”
Tobias throws up his arms, the fire in his belly stoking higher, into his throat. “Clearly not! If Nia knew how to use her attacks, maybe she could’ve avoided having a bite taken out of her arm!”
Val still doesn’t seem defensive in the slightest, and instead eyes him with interest. “You’re angry.”
“Of course I’m angry! You let us waltz around fighting outlaws when Nia doesn’t know basic moves!”
“T-Tobias, it’s fine, I should’ve brought it up—“
“No it’s not!” Tobias snaps, turning his glare onto Nia. She shrinks back. “It’s her job to teach us, and moves should’ve been one of the first lessons, especially for you!”
Tobias turns back to the medicham, intent on yelling up at her a bit more (ugh, why can’t she be shorter?!), but she cuts him off with a calm, “Allow me to speak, Charmander.”
Tobias considers going off on her anyways, but then snaps his jaws shut, a stream of white smoke wisping up from his nose.
The medicham looks to Nia and, still with that same infuriating calm to her voice, says, “I apologize. For not preparing you for such a dangerous fight. I underestimated the fierce nature of the Pokémon you faced, and your own capabilities.” 
Nia blinks up at the older Pokemon with wide eyes, looking somewhere between surprised and uncomfortable.
“However,” Val adds, dark eyes focusing on Tobias. “You must both understand that with or without moves, you will be injured working as Seekers. It is simply part of the job.”
Tobias frowns. She’s not wrong of course—Seeker teams have one of the highest mortality rates of all careers for a reason. But...
“You still could’ve done your job,” he grumbles, gaze flicking once more to Nia’s arm. He can still hear the riolu screaming in pain, can still feel the unexpected panic lurch in his gut. Not a fun time.
Nia shifts her worried gaze up to Val, a soft smile on her muzzle. “I-It’s fine, Val. Really. Everyone makes mistakes.”
Tobias curses under his breath. The worst part is that he knows Nia is genuine, too. Looks like he’s gonna have to be angry enough for the both of them.
“I still apologize for my oversight,” Val says, voice solemn. She looks to Tobias next. “I understand that you will be angry with me for a while.”
“Let’s just get to training,” he grumbles.
Val nods and doesn’t try to push the issue. The medicham leads them both to the center of the training ring they typically use. “Today we will work on cooperative training. Team fighting.” Before Tobias can open his mouth to snarl a complaint, the medicham adds, “We will also work on your movesets.” The riolu nods, and Tobias settles down again. 
“Practicing singular battle techniques is important. But as Seekers, teamwork is key,” Val goes on. “Teamwork in combat especially. We will work on how you can build off of each other’s strengths, and cover each other’s weaknesses. Have you noticed a clash in your fighting styles?”
Nia laughs, sounding embarrassed. “Um, y-yeah. When we were fighting the outlaw, we kind of just...tripped over each other?”
Tobias frowns. Right. They’d moved at the same time, and she’d elbowed him in the ribs. He might have stepped on her paw, too. They stumbled and gave the panpour a huge opening for attack.
Val nods, looking satisfied. “That is what we must avoid. When you are on a mission, you are not two separate Pokémon. You are not just taking turns and trying to avoid each other. You are one team. With practice, you will support each other effortlessly. A cohesive unit.”
Tobias doesn’t object, despite his reservations about having to adapt his fighting style. He’s hung around the training areas enough over the years to have seen teams battling in tandem. It’s frighteningly effective.
Nia shifts on her paws, but her ears are pricked and her ruby eyes bright with curiosity. “S-So how do we practice?”
Val takes a step back and sinks into a defensive stance. “You fight me. Together. Your goal is to land a hit.”
Nia blinks. “W-Wait, wha—“
Tobias doesn’t waste the opportunity, dashing forwards to throw himself claws-first at the medicham. He has some aggression to work out.
But before he can register what’s happening, Val’s sliding around his strike, snatching his arm and yanking him around. She brings her knee down into his back and slams him to the ground, hard enough to wind him. She pulls his arms back and holds them with a single hand, pinning him down, and he can sense her other hand hovering close to his neck. He freezes, struggling to catch his breath.
He can’t see Nia, but he can imagine the startled, wide-eyed expression on her face.
“Being out of sync with your partner could get you killed,” Val says, lightly. “If I had claws, you would be dead. And your partner cannot help, because you are now a hostage.”
Tobias wants to snark a reply, but feeling the medicham’s hand so close to his neck—
He has his scarf on it’s fine he’s safe here—
And then Val is letting him go and stepping back. Tobias pushes himself up on his hands and knees and tries to calm the beginnings of panic that were stirring in his chest. Nia crouches down next to him, hands raised hesitantly, like she wants to help but isn’t sure how. “A-Are you okay?”
“Fantastic,” Tobias croaks, staggering to his feet and glaring at Val. Her calm expression doesn’t change. Nia stands up, too, and the medicham once again falls into a defensive stance. Tobias growls, feeling his lip curl back. Before he can move, Nia’s light touch is on his arm, catching his attention.
“W-Wait. Maybe we should make a plan first? That’s what the whole lesson’s about, right? Teamwork?”
The charmander keeps his acidic stare trained on Val, but doesn’t move. She’s right. He huffs out a puff of white smoke. “Any ideas?”
Nia is silent for a moment. Val patiently waits.
“We could attack her at the same time?” Nia murmurs, voice just loud enough for Tobias to hear. “Try to overwhelm her?”
Tobias eyes the medicham’s wide stance. “She‘s too fast,” he whispers back. “We need something else to throw her off if we want a chance of breaking her defense.”
“Oh!” Nia grabs excitedly at his arm, struggling to keep her voice down. “What about your smoke breath? Like you did in that one dungeon!”
Tobias snorts. “Smokescreen?”
Nia nods. “Yeah! That would throw her off, right?”
“Worth a shot. Let’s go.”
Tobias darts forward, lunging as if to attack Val, but then skids to a stop and hops back at the last second. The medicham makes to grab him, but falters at his sudden change of direction. Tobias takes advantage of the moment to suck in a deep breath, then exhales a giant cloud of grayish-white smoke, thick like fog.
Val moves back, away from him, just in time for Nia to sprint past him. The riolu leaps up with a kick, but the medicham easily deflects it, sending the smaller Pokémon flying past her and into the smokescreen. Tobias growls and charges again, spinning around to slam his tail into the medicham’s legs—
Only to meet empty air, stumbling and almost falling flat on his face with the momentum. He looks up to see Nia come rushing back in through the smoke and missing her target entirely with a punch.
In hindsight, maybe smokescreen wasn’t their best idea.
Val twists to grab the riolu, and slings her away. Nia hits the dirt and rolls back to her feet. She looks up, freezing as Val darts forward and slams a force palm into the riolu’s gut. Nia goes tumbling backwards with a yelp.
Tobias growls and dashes in, determined to just make one solid hit. But Val hears him coming and easily dodges around his messy scratch attack, spinning to kick his side and send him rolling into the dirt as well.
The charmander is quick to stagger back to his feet despite the light bruise he can feel blooming on his side. But Val is no longer in her fighting stance, patiently waiting as the smokescreen clears. Nia coughs a few times before sitting up, wincing.
“Come here,” Val says.
Tobias grumbles under his breath but does as told, trudging back to the medicham with frustration bubbling in his gut. Nia joins him after a few seconds, paw gingerly rubbing at her stomach where she was hit.
“That was better,” Val says, the words not quite sounding like a lie.
“We got destroyed,” Tobias growls.
“I am older and much more experienced than you two. I should be fired if two E-rank Seekers can best me in combat so easily.”
Oh great, now she’s gloating? Didn’t really seem like the type, honestly. Tobias feels his lip curl into a snarl.
“I only say this to explain that I should not be who you compare yourselves to. You are new, and learning. Young. You will grow stronger in time. The most pressing issue for you two is your teamwork. That assault was uncoordinated. Too much so to be effective. Neither of you communicated or built off of each other’s attacks past that first smokescreen, and instead attacked entirely on your own.”
Nia winces, and Tobias crosses his arms, glaring at the ground.
“But that is why you are here. Your teamwork will improve. Before we try again, we will work on moves.”
Nia glances over at her partner. “T-Tobias too?”
“Yes.” Maybe Val can see the complaint on Tobias’ face, because she looks to him and adds, “As well as tactics and movements, you two must become familiar with each other’s attacks. The strength, the range, the stamina needed for each. Understood?”
Tobias is getting sick of the medicham making good points, because he really just wants an excuse to punch her in the face. “Yeah, yeah, fine,” he mumbles. “So what, I just show Nia my moves?”
“Yes, you will start,” Val confirms. “We’ll go from there.” The medicham steps back and crosses her arms, looking at Tobias expectantly.
The charmander never thought he’d admit to missing Azami as his primary teacher, but he’ll take anything over Val’s infuriating calm. Tobias sighs and turns to Nia, who looks back at him nervously. She seems as uncertain as he feels about this whole thing.
“She’s seen all of my moves before,” Tobias says, glancing at Val. “So...”
“Demonstrate,” Val says, nodding. “And then describe. How it feels, how it hits.”
Tobias takes a step away from the riolu, turning so she’s out of the line of fire. Putting all of the boredom he possibly can into his tone, he drawls, “Scratch.” He swipes weakly at the air in front of him, claws flexed. “Pretty self-explanatory. Ember—“
“More detail,” Val commands.
The charmander growls. “Fine. Scratch is a weak move, and it’s just normal type. But I can use it a lot without getting tired.” Tobias looks over to Val, expecting her to object, but she just nods. He moves his gaze to Nia, not surprised to see her nerves have shifted to open curiosity.
Tobias goes back to his demonstration. “Metal claw is similar, but its type is helpful for rock and ground types, especially since I’m weak to them.” He flexes his fingers, calling up the familiar thin layer of metallic sheen to coat his claws, and then swipes at the air again. Nia’s hand shoots up in the corner of his eye, and he raises a brow at how she has her arm raised into the air. “Uh. What?”
“How do you do that?” Nia asks, brow furrowed and ears pricked with interest, mind clearly working on overdrive. “I mean, biologically it seems strange that you’d just be able to change how your claws are structured? Or that you’d even be able to use steel type moves when you’re a fire type.”
Tobias rolls his eyes and steps closer to Nia. He holds his hand out for her to see, flexing his fingers and willing the metallic shine to coat his claws again. “My claws aren’t changing. The metal’s forming a layer on the outside.”
Nia crouches down to be at eye level with his hands, staring at his claws in open fascination. “Can you do it again?”
Tobias knows this’ll get her to stop her line of questioning faster, so he does.
Nia frowns. “Is it like...a liquid? Coming from your fingers? Is it even metal or something that just mimics it? Why—“
“Look, I dunno,” Tobias says, trying not to snap at the riolu. “All I know is that when I want to, I can do it. It hurts Pokémon like a steel type move, so that’s what we call it. Maybe the archive has a book that talks more about the details of it, but I don’t know and I don’t really care.”
Nia shrinks back, not quite looking satisfied, but nodding regardless. “O-Okay. Thank you.”
And with that, Tobias steps back, moving on. Next he demonstrates his ember attack and how he can adjust its power and range, before showing how he can use the fire move on his own metal claw attack to create a more physical fire move. Something like a fiery scratch. Val doesn’t make any more objections, and Nia looks properly interested by everything, so the rest of the demonstrations go smoothly—smokescreen, tail whip, and finally his new move, dragon rage.
Val straightens up at the appearance of the purplish flames. “You learned this recently?”
“Fighting the outlaw the other day, yeah,” Tobias says, catching his breath. Nia notices, and looks concerned.
“I can’t use this move as much as the others,” he explains, shrugging. “Certain attacks just wear you out more. Your stamina can only go so far.”
Nia nods, brow furrowed. He can practically see the klinklang turning in her head. He’s surprised she hasn’t started jotting down notes in the dirt.
“Congratulations on the new technique,” Val says, breaking Tobias out of his thoughts. The medicham’s expression doesn’t change, so he can’t tell how sincere she is. It kind of just makes him mad all over again.
Nia raises her hand again. Tobias raises a brow. “I don’t know why you keep doing that, but it’s weird. What?”
Nia blinks, then laughs, sheepishly lowering her hand. “S-Sorry. Uh, old habit. Um, I was wondering how you learn new moves so suddenly? It seems impossible for your body to one moment not know how to do something, and the next suddenly just...have an entirely new power? B-But that seems to be how your dragon rage worked?”
“Why does it matter?” Tobias asks, exasperated. “We just...get stronger, get enough experience with battling and fighting, and I guess our bodies realize we’re good enough to handle something more powerful. So we learn it. We still have to practice new moves to be able to control them.”
“You question basic facts. Most Pokemon don’t think twice about them,” Val says, looking at Nia with a thoughtful tilt of her head.
Nia’s ears pin back. “S-Sorry, I just—“
“I did not say it was bad,” Val interrupts. “Simply...different. I don’t believe Charmander and I have the in-depth answers you seek. Perhaps the archives or Alistair could assist you better?” 
Nia offers a tentative smile. “Y-Yeah, I’ll try that. Sorry, it’s just so strange to me.” 
Val nods. “You have said humans are much different than us. But you are here as a Pokemon for the time being. And it is your turn to demonstrate.” 
The riolu shoots Tobias a worried look as she rises to her paws. The charmander offers a shrug as he plops down onto the ground to watch, leaning back onto his arms. This should be good. 
Nia does as Tobias did, taking a few cautious steps away and sinking into a light fighting stance that almost looks natural by now. They wait. One second. Five. She doesn’t move.
Then, Nia’s tail tucks under herself, and her head hangs. She looks over to Val. “I-I don’t know how to do this.”
“She doesn’t know any moves, genius,” Tobias reminds Val. Nia winces.
The medicham doesn’t look at all ruffled by Tobias’ taunt. Instead, she brings her hand up to her chin. “How do you fight in dungeons, Riolu? Demonstrate.”
“I-I uh. Usually use a branch as a weapon. But I guess the few times I’ve had to fight on my own…” Nia still seems uncertain, but returns to her stance. Then, she throws her fist forward in a punch, and then the other, spinning on her foot to kick at the air. They still don’t look like actual fighting moves, but her form has definitely improved from Val’s training. The riolu finishes her combo and looks over at Val again, nervously awaiting judgement.
The medicham moves to her side. “You are mimicking fighting type movements, but you are not using your fighting type power. That would explain your lack of moves.”
“My...fighting type power?” Nia echoes, tilting her head. “But...I thought fighting like this was my power? I-I mean, Tobias has fire since he’s a fire type, b-but I just use like...physical hits and stuff, right?”
Val shakes her head. “The attacks you are doing now are not moves. Charmander could learn to do them as well. Any Pokemon with a similar body type could. You are simply punching. Kicking. What you are doing now has no ‘type.’”
Tobias grudgingly listens to Val’s words, curious despite himself. Combat has always come naturally to him, so he’s never had to think about any of this, how it works. When he wants to use a move, he just...does it.
Nia looks crestfallen. “But...I thought that’s what fighting types did? W-What’s the difference?”
Val pauses, then says, “Defensive position.”
Nia looks confused, but when Val shifts into a fighting stance, the riolu yelps and hurries to plant her feet, moving her arms up to guard herself. Val strikes with a measured jab of her palm, and Nia absorbs the blow with relative ease, only pushed back a few inches. Before she can move, Val says, “Stay.”
Nia stays braced, expression openly confused, until Val replicates the last move. This time, Nia’s arms almost slam into her body with the force of the blow, and she’s sent skidding back a few feet. The riolu looks up, wide-eyed.
“My first attack was what you have been doing. A simple use of my body. A hit, yes, but not a move. It used none of my energy, fighting or psychic. The second strike was using my fighting energy. Even in a non-effective matchup, you can see how much power such an approach gives.”
Tobias raises his brows, looking again at Nia. She’s been somewhat helpful in dungeons so far even without moves, at least when she’s not frozen in fear. Sure, they’re only E-rank (and climbing higher every day), but still. Even without moves, she hasn’t really been too much of a liability. It’s kind of awesome to hear that if she can get her moves to work, she’ll be much more useful in fights.
Nia frowns down at her palms, deep in thought. “How do I use that energy, though? It’s not the same as aura, right?”
“Correct. Your aura is entirely different. It can be used for moves, but it is not the fighting energy needed for most of your attacks.”
“S-So how do I use that energy? How do I…find it?”
For a few moments, Val is silent. And then, to Tobias’ surprise, she frowns, crossing her arms. “I do not know.”
“What?” Nia yelps.
“I have never encountered this issue. Most Pokémon automatically know these things. It is instinctive as we grow. I am unsure of how to lead you to it.”
“But...” Nia trails off, a quiet whine slipping from her throat. “But I need to learn this to be a good fighter, right?”
Val doesn’t respond, and that in itself gives them both the answer. For a few moments, it’s noticeably tense. Val seems stumped, Nia looks like she’s near tears, and Tobias feels incredibly uncomfortable with the emotionally charged atmosphere.
Then, Val sighs. “Do not fret. Azami may have more helpful ideas for you. For now, we must continue our training regardless.” She looks over to Tobias. “Ready?”
The charmander rises to his feet and moves to stand beside Nia, glancing awkwardly at the riolu. She sniffs wetly, but he can’t tell if she’s actually crying or not.
“The next exercise will not require moves. You will spar with each other.”
Tobias’ attention snaps away from Nia so he can look up at Val. “What? What’s the point in making us fight each other if we’re on the same team?”
“I believe you will find it helpful for learning different styles of combat. Especially so for you two, who take very different approaches to battle.”
Tobias supposes he can kind of see the good in that. He shoots Nia another furtive glance. The riolu has her head down, eyes glued to the dirt as her paws fiddle with her scarf. She can’t hide her emotions to save her life, but he hasn’t seen her this openly upset since Afon’s Cap. Would it even be worth fighting her when she’s like this?
“Go,” Val prompts, stepping away to watch from the sidelines. “No moves. Make gestures as placeholders. Just no real damage.”
Tobias shoots Val a nasty glare. Like he was actually going to hurt his partner in a spar. He knows how this works. He moves to stand a few feet in front of Nia. The riolu doesn’t react.
“Nia,” he says, trying to keep his voice level. Casual.
The riolu visibly swallows, swipes at her eyes, and finally looks up at him. The fur of her cheeks is damp and the red of her eyes is brighter than usual, especially with her scarf making them pop. She exhales, and it shudders and catches. But she still sinks into a defensive battle stance with a sniff, and hesitantly nods. Tobias reluctantly follows her lead, preparing for a fight. It’s not like they’re friends or anything, but he still doesn’t wanna fight Nia when she’s crying. Just seems kinda low, even for him.
“Begin!” Val calls.
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missjaystone · 3 years
Familiar Faces
Summary: Sam sets out to find his soulmate after his dream life wound up being just that, a dream. He just wants to find his happy ever after. Word Count: 3,930 Pairing(s): Sam Wilson x Reader Warnings: Death (mentioned), Smut, Rough(ish) sex
(This is the sequel to ‘Old Faces’, please read that one first)
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Sam didn't tell anyone what happened in his dream if you could call it that; now that he was awake and knew none of that ever happened, it felt like a nightmare or a cruel joke. He dug through old boxes for close to two hours before he found what he was looking for; a box with a handful of pictures from the time he spent with you and Riley before they shipped out. You'd sent the pictures to them not long after they left, he kept them along with the letters you wrote them in a little lockbox. He always kept the key for it on his keychain. He scrambled to look at different letters and pictures for your address, he knew it was on there somewhere.
Half an hour and a dozen groans of frustration and he finally found it! '3197 N 10th St, Washington DC', it was written clear as day and he could recognize your handwriting from a mile away; it was always a little slanted to the side and it was usually smudged in at least three places because your hand always ran across it when you wrote or went back to dot your i's and cross your t's. "FRIDAY, can you look up the owner of 3197 North 10th st in Washington, DC? And their contact information?" He called out to the AI. There was a confirmation sound before it answered in 20 seconds "it's owned by Richard and Owen Johnson." He frowned some "can you look up anyone named y/f/n y/l/n in DC?" Another sound before the AI answered him "there are two thousand four hundred thirteen people with that name." He groaned "how many of them went to the FBI academy in Quantico?" "None," the AI said almost immediately. "Open the search nationwide-no, global, then crosscheck it with anyone who served or actively serves as a special agent with the FBI or any of America's agencies," he ordered, he was getting nervous. His mind started to wander; what if something awful happened to you? The AI's voice broke him out of his thoughts "there is one person in the United States that fits that criteria."
"Where? Where is she?" Sam asked excitedly. "Records indicate she lived in New Haven, Connecticut the past year but a rental application for an apartment in Greenwich Village can be found as well, both dated within the past two weeks." Sam's hopes were quickly rising as he wrote the new address down. "Where's the closest VA office to her apartment?" Sam finally asked after debating. He couldn't just show up on your doorstep out of the blue, but showing up at the VA in the hope you'd go there like any other veteran wouldn't be so weird would it? He'd look the place up online and find a meeting schedule later, now he just wanted to go back to sleep for a bit.
After visiting the VA for two weeks, and no sign of you, Sam was beginning to lose hope and get worried again. Steve encouraged him to go out for a drink with him and Bucky if only to distract him for a night. Bucky all but dragged him with them when Sam said he'd rather not. On the car ride to the bar, Sam figured a couple of drinks wouldn't hurt, what's the worst that could happen. He took a seat at the bar and ordered a beer, looking around the crowded bar curiously. He'd only been there for ten minutes when he decided to get out for some fresh air, slipping away from his friends while they were briefly distracted. He didn't know where it was taking him but he followed the part of his brain that told him to walk down the street. Maybe he followed his mind, hoping the pull would somehow lead to you. He wanted nothing more than to believe that soulmates had a special bond that pulled them together, maybe that's just what he needed to think to stay sane.
He needed to believe all the stories he heard growing up about soulmates being pulled together, about how nothing could keep them apart from one another. He may have denied it initially but he was well past that. No other woman he saw made him feel the way you did; he knew they never could. He started walking past a park but stopped, not giving it a second thought when his mind told him to go in. With it being almost 9 on a weeknight, he wasn't surprised the park was devoid of kids and adults. Then he saw the figure sitting on top of the monkey bars and he smiled to himself.
"Little late to be out isn't it?" He asked when he stopped a couple of feet behind the figure. "Says the man who's also out at this time," was the reply, accompanied by a quiet laugh. "I had a dream you were here, you know," Sam admitted sheepishly. If it wasn't so dark out and he wasn't behind you, you would've seen his blushing face "I mean, not here exactly, I had a dream you were in New York. I've been looking just about everywhere for you." "Work keeps me busy, I've technically lived here for two weeks but I've only spent about three days in town," you answered. "Understandable," he said with a quiet, nervous laugh. A silence filled the space around you both. Sam knew what he wanted to say, what he needed to say. He sighed quietly and bit his lip "I'm sorry I disappeared on you after we lost him. You needed someone to lean on and it should have been me. I shouldn't have let my own emotions consume me and leave you in the dust," he finally said.
"You have nothing to be sorry for, Sam, losing him was as huge for you as it was for me. I was never mad at you; your feelings were your own and you did what was best for yourself. I can't be mad at you for taking care of yourself," you told him, finally looking over at him. He started to argue but you knew what he'd say "I mean it, Sam. I don't ever want you to feel bad for taking care of yourself. You knew what you needed, I knew what I needed and that's that." "I thought you blamed me for his death though, I should've-" he started to argue. You shushed him "people always want to find someone to blame when things go wrong, even if that person is themselves, it's supposed to make it easier to accept I think, because if someone is to blame, then a bad thing didn't just happen, it had a reason behind it. There's nothing you could have done to save him, you were both doing your jobs. I know you think it's your fault but it isn't, Sam, and I never thought otherwise."
Sam smiled, he felt like a weight he didn't even know he carried had been lifted. He'd heard it before but it only ever took away part of the blame he felt. Hearing it from you made it feel true, you saying it made him believe it. He felt like he could breathe again. "You know, I didn't want you to be my soulmate," he said, eyes widening immediately in embarrassment. That's not how he wanted it to come out. "Ouch," you mumbled but held back a laugh. You'd seen him nervous before, it was usually a little entertaining. "I mean I did! Don't get me wrong, god I wanted it but I always worried I'd be too old for you, you know. I didn't want you to get stuck with someone old enough to be your young dad, I thought maybe you'd be able to find someone closer to your age, someone who wasn't friends with the guy who basically raised you," he rambled quickly.
You rolled your eyes and let out a laugh before leaning over the edge of the monkey bars until you were hanging upside down, face to face with him "why would I do that? I didn't have a bond with anyone else the way I did with you. Age be damned, I was an adult when we met, and I was and am more than capable of making my own choices." "Maybe I was just too scared of being rejected then. Do you know how much it's supposed to hurt when your soulmate rejects you?" He asked with a small hum, his hand gently coming up to cup your cheek.
"Oh please, who in their right mind could reject you?" You asked and flashed a small smirk. "God you're a pain," he said jokingly before stepping forward and planting his lips on yours in a gentle kiss. It had a passionate, longing feel to it, like it was something you'd both been waiting for ages for it. Your hanging upside down made it a little awkward but that didn't deter either of you. You tried to pull him closer, only to struggle; you lightly shoved his chest when he laughed. "So, I'm not getting rejected right?" Was the first thing he said when your lips separated. His tone was joking but even in the dark, you could see the nervous look on his face. "I'd never reject you, Sam; I love you," you told him, looking directly into his eyes so he knew you meant it.
He beamed a bright grin, rubbing his thumb over your cheekbone softly "I love you too, I wish it hadn't taken so long for this to happen, for us to finally end up together." "Me too, Sam," you were grinning from ear to ear as you looked at him. "Can I take you out to dinner tomorrow?" He asked happily. "I'd like that a lot, maybe you can tell me what you've been up to and why two men are staring at us," you stated with a grin. When he gave you a confused look, you nodded past him where two men were stood at the park's entrance, trying (and failing) to look nonchalant and acting like they weren't trying to eavesdrop. "Shoo!" Sam yelled when he looked back at them. He let out an exasperated sigh and an embarrassed chuckle "just a guy who ripped my steering wheel out of my car while I was in it and another guy who likes to show off by frequently running past me. Don't worry, they're just lonely old men, I promise they won't always be around to watch like that." You laughed and grinned "well I can't wait to hear those stories."
When the blood rushing to your head became too much, you finally got off the monkey bars and stretched. You didn't hesitate to kiss him, this time wrapping your arms around him. His own arms were around your waist in an instant, drawing you close until you were flush against his chest. This one was sweeter than before, it was calm and comforting. "How about we go grab a bite to eat right now? There's a pretty good burger place open until midnight a block and a half away," he offered. "Then what're we still doing standing here?" You asked sarcastically, a teasing smile on your face as you took his hand in yours and laced your fingers together. "That's my girl," he laughed to himself and begin walking with you. "By the way, was that Captain America watching us?" You asked after walking in comfortable silence for a couple of minutes. "Yup, unfortunately," Sam chuckled. "So you're either a superhero or some kind of terrorist now?" You teased. "Yeah, but if I tell which one I'd have to kill you," he said with a playful nudge to your side. "Right," you said sarcastically, both of you immediately bursting into laughter. Life felt right. You felt happy for the first time since your godfather's death.
The walk was quick and since it was almost 9:30 at night, almost nobody else was there so you got your food quickly. "So, we're fighting this guy in an airport, and I swear I don't think he's ever been in a fight before because he is so damn talkative. I mean it, he won't shut up. Anyway, he shoots this white substance at us, which in and of itself is unsettling and we're stuck on the ground. He's still talking and it's like a villain's monologue except it wasn't terrifying, it was annoying. I call in Redwing and he just launches this guy out the window and then Bucky says 'you couldn't have done that sooner' and I so badly wanted to smack him or at the very least send him flying through a window," Sam explains, rolling his eyes dramatically while you laughed, having to put down your burger so you didn't take a bite and choke. "And Bucky's the one who ripped your steering wheel out, right?" You asked, just to be sure. "Yup and every day with that dumbass is a test," Sam laughed and grinned. "Well, it's a good thing you have experience with dumbasses, huh?" You asked jokingly. "You know I do, baby."
You and Sam actually wound up staying at the place until they closed at midnight. Once you left, you two just began walking around, savoring each other's company and getting close again. "You wanna go back to my place? It's not that far from here," you offered with a smile. "Really? I thought you lived in Greenwich, I saw the apartment application online," he admitted before coughing and clearing his throat; he really didn't want to mention how much information he looked up online. "I applied to it but found a place here in Manhattan I liked better," you'd question him later about that little tidbit of information he had.
True to your word, the walk to your home was only fifteen minutes tops. "Sorry about all the boxes everywhere, I'm still unpacking everything," you apologized with a sheepish smile as you closed the front door behind you. "I've seen worse, baby, don't worry about it," he said with a casual shrug and a smile. Another silence fell upon you as you looked at each other. Even being together, there was still a pull and you both felt it. He gently pulled you to him and kissed you. This time, the kiss was desperate and hungry, consuming both of you. He held you by your hips, keeping you as close as physically possible. Your arm wrapped around his neck while your free hand cupped his cheeks as the kiss became more heated. It was like you suddenly couldn't get enough of each other.
When Sam finally broke away from the kiss, a small groan leaving his lips as he looked down at you with lust-darkened eyes "where's your bedroom?" "Down the hall, last door on the left," you mumbled, already dragging him down the hallway as you spoke. You'd taken two steps into the room when he picked you up and semi-gracefully tossed you onto the bed. He quickly moved to cover your body with his, caging you beneath him as he attacked your neck with kisses and a few soft bites. There was an urgency in both of your movements as you each hurried to undress the other while trying to keep as little space as possible between your bodies.
Soon, clothes were strewn across the bedroom; your bra was thrown over the lamp on your bedside table, his boxes landed in front of your dresser with his pants not far away. His fingers delved deep into your core and moved slowly, the little moans and gasps of pleasure spurring him on. The way his fingers repeatedly grazed over those spots you had trouble reaching even with your best toys had you melting underneath him. He watched with a proud, adoring smirk as he brought you right up to the edge before stopping and pulling his fingers out. He chuckled when you groaned in frustration, looking up at him pleadingly "Sam!"
"Hm?" He asked, a small teasing smirk on his face as he slowly licked them clean. You narrowed your eyes for a second before returning a teasing smirk of your own "either fuck me yourself or I'll use one of my toys while you sit in a corner." Sam tried to hide the way his eyes widened briefly "you wouldn't dare." You nodded with a smug smile on your face "well, my friend got me a new thrusting vibrator as a joke gift and I haven't had time to use it yet." You looked at each other in a silent staring contest, daring the other to do something. "God damn it, I can't tell if you're bluffing," he mumbled before crashing his lips to yours in a fervorous kiss which you were more than happy to return.
Sam haphazardly wrapped your legs around his waist and after impatiently lining his member at your entrance, he slowly thrust into you. You both let out groans of pleasure, your head falling back onto the pillow while he buried his face in the crook of your neck. He started dragging his hips slowly, just savoring the feeling of being with you in a way so intimate he thought he'd only dream it. Once he got more comfortable, he set a slow pace, savoring the feeling of each slow drag of his hips. Your soft moans were music to his ears, and knowing that he was the cause made his heart swell. "I love you so much," your voice was soft and breathy, he could tell you were right there with him on cloud 9. You looked so peaceful as he slowly fucked into you and if he could take a picture, he'd do it in a heartbeat. Your eyes closed and lips slightly parted from the pure bliss you felt. If only your eyes were open, you'd have seen the switch that flipped in his mind when you softly moaned his name.
When he got comfortable, he slowly pulled his hips back until the tip was just barely in before slamming back into the hilt, smirking at the loud moan you let out. He moved his hips fast now, making sure to reach the innermost depths of your cunt with each stroke of his cock. "F-fuck, S-sam!" You almost screamed when he started roughly playing with your clit. He smirked down at you, eyes completely dark now as he asked: "yeah, you think a toy can do this? Can a piece of plastic fuck you this way?" He pinched your clit when you took too long to answer him, making your words hitch in your throat, his hips pistoning into you brutally. You quickly shook your head while your nails dug into his shoulders, a quiet 'no' leaving your lips as you shook your head. "Louder, I want everyone to hear it, I wanna hear you tell everyone who fucks you this good," his voice was becoming husky and his thrusts came harder, punctuating every few words.
"You, Sam! No-no toy can fun me like this!" You shouted, body beginning to shake as your orgasm quickly crept closer. "Yeah? Who's girl are you, huh? Don't you dare cum until I say so," He demanded, grabbing your jaw and making you look directly into his eyes. "Yours, Sam! I'm yours!" You choked out, a low whine following your words while a few tears of pure pleasure ran down your cheeks. "Who owns your cunt, baby? Scream his name so all of New York knows and then you can cum all over my dick," he demanded again, squeezing your jaw slightly. His own hips were stuttering as he did everything he could to hold back. "Sam!" You screamed his name like a prayer before being blinded by white-hot pleasure as you came undone beneath him. A strangled groan escaped his throat as he came, his face falling to your chest as his hips rolled slowly. He could hear your heart pounding in your chest before he reluctantly pulled his softening member out of you and collapsed next to you.
He watched your panting form for a few moments before he got up and went to the bathroom. When he returned with a damp rag, he moved the covers away and gently cleaned your combined arousal from between your legs, frowning some at the way your body jolted at his touch. "I didn't hurt you did I?" He asked nervously. You shook your head, sending him a lazy smile "no, no I'm fine, Sam." "Are you sure? Because I know I got a little rough. I have no idea where that came from, I just-when you moaned my name it set something off I guess," he rambled with a nervous frown still on his face. With a quiet groan, you made yourself sit up so you could look at him. You cupped his cheeks and smiled "that was the best sex I've ever had, I'm fine, just a little sore because it's been a while." "How long?" He asked curiously before he could stop himself. You laughed some "three years, like I said work keeps me busy." He smiled and laid down, carefully pulling you with him "that makes both of us, baby."
The way he slowly rubbed your back made you melt in his embrace, sighing happily. He planted a soft kiss to your temple and yawned "I love you so much, (y/n). There's no place I'd rather be in this moment, or ever again." "I love you too, Sam, so damn much," you whispered, eyes falling shut as you snuggled close to him. A comfortable silence filled the room but only for a minute before Sam spoke again "wait, are you on anything?" You shook your head "we'll deal with that in the morning, I don't have the energy right now."
He fell silent but you could feel his eyes on you. When you opened your eyes again to look at him, you couldn't quite read the expression on his face "what?" He bit his lip in thought, debating on whether to say what was on his mind "well, what if we didn't deal with it?" "What?" You asked him, your confusion evident. "I'm just saying, what if we didn't deal with it, y'know. What if we just let whatever happens happen?" He suggested sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck as he spoke. "Sam, are you suggesting that we-?" You asked, your brain unwilling to find and utter the words. "Look, (y/n), I spent all these years without you and now I feel like I have to make up for lost time. Don't worry, I'll respect if you aren't ready or don't want that. I just want you to know that's where I'm at," he said softly, absentmindedly playing with your fingers.
You'd never given much thought to family life but thinking about it with Sam, having children and raising a family together, it sounded appealing. It suddenly felt like something you couldn't live without. You pecked his lips softly before resting your head back on his chest, closing your eyes "let's just go to sleep and see what happens in the weeks to come." You could hear the fondness in his voice when he spoke "if it's a boy, can we name him Paul after my dad?" "Obviously, now turn the light off and go to sleep," you mumbled tiredly, earning a tired, quiet laugh.
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funkymbtifiction · 3 years
hey, so i suspect to be a ne-dom (after about one year of research on functions and everything and considering like every type at least once to be my type :)) even though i do not overly relate to ne-dom stereotypes, for example i wouldn´t say i am a good brainstormer...
Lemme just stop you there and say, brainstorming isn't Ne. Anybody can brainstorm. The kind of brainstorming Ne does is conjure up lots of ideas related to whatever is INTERESTING to them. Like, if an ENP is stuck in a business meeting and doesn't care about the topic, they won't have any ideas pertaining to it. But if they sit down to write a story, a character will pop into their head, and then ideas about other characters, and conversations, and possible roles for that character to fulfill within the story... and they will follow this angle for awhile and get bored and then follow that other angle (another idea). It's a space of living inside one's ideas, following them, and discarding them if they aren't working; of constant adaptation to the abstract (non-existing) potential of their mental environment. How SPs interact with reality -- throwing themselves into it and figuring it out as they go and getting the hang of it physically -- is what NPs do on a mental level, by throwing themselves into concepts, ideas, etc. Like starting up a MBTI typing blog when you barely know anything about MBTI, as a way of learning while doing / thinking about it. *cough* *raises hand* It's "ah yes, I'll incorporate this before I've even had time to learn / study it deeper, because I get the Big Picture of it, it matters, so I'm gonna run with it." Intuition, in other words -- not needing the details to "get the gist" and assuming you can intelligently talk about it or at least BS your way through it, so people assume you know your stuff even if you don't.
But anyway, back to your ask.
(but after all they are just stereotypes, so what) and actually relate a lot to se-dom "stereotypes". For example it is said that often se-doms are quiet good at physical activities like sports and might have a natural talent to be really good at some physical activity even when they do it for the first time, because they are so aware of their environment and the current moment. And that actually is something i kinda relate to. I never got a bad grade in sports class because even at all the sports i have never done in my life before i was naturally good at and quick to figure out how it is done. I also never got any kind serious injury in my life even though i would (especially as a kid) climb onto everything that one shouldn´t climb on and jump from everything one shouldn´t jump from. Never even broke a bone, but i do know lots of people who broke a bone without even doing anything particular "dangerous". Anyway, those are mainly stereotypes so i probably should just ignore them, anyway they make me question my type frequently.
Stereotypes have a root in reality for a reason. If you are easily able to adapt to your environment skillfully using your body, you are likely Se. What's more, SPs actively enjoy doing this -- getting out there and trying things, being physical and hands on. I talk about ideas and argue about the Enneagram, my ESFP sister goes sky diving, learned to paint by buying brushes and supplies, and spent all weekend installing the landscaping she designed. ;)
What makes me think i am a ne-dom nontheless is:
- i am usually capable of seeing multiple perspectives, most easily perceivable in philosphy class to be honest. We would have regular discussions about a certain topic and everyone had a different opinion and i could usually see the point of everyones argument. The most frustrating people were those that would state something as a fact or as simply right or wrong without hearing anyone out who might have a different view on that. Sometimes it would literally be that person A would explain something 10 times and person B would still not be able to get it and would only hear what they want to hear, which actually made every argument pretty pointless and might be the main reason why i never actively participated in those discussions myself. At some point it only felt like a waste of time and energy to argue with someone who clearly doesn´t want or isn´t capable of considering any other perspective than their own
This isn't really Ne, it just means you're a perceiving dominant (not a judging dominant, aka, not IP or EJ) and indicates FiTe, with Te seeing the pointlessness of interacting with people who are unwilling to listen or change their mind. Also, very likely a 9 fix.
- my writing style (i guess), i´ll take philosophy as an example again; sometimes we had to write an essay to a certain question where we basically just had to write our opinion and arguments (similar to the regular disussions but written), and i usually would come up with 2 or 3 possible answers so i decided to cover them all and thought that way i would probably write like 3 pages or so. Well i ended up writing ten because while i was writing i suddenly realized that if i explain A i should probaly define B to make it more understandable or to be more precise, but by defining B i also have to mention C and D and that would mean that i should also include E and F and...
Low Te clarifying, adding context, and not wanting to leave out important information while not being entirely sure what "matters" the most to the project or being able to self-edit well.
- one thing i am not 100% sure about; i do like talking about ideas like lately we have been discussing getting a pool (we´ll probably never get one because they are expensive but we like the idea) but there were also a couple of obstacles too prevent that from ever happening but i was like: "yeah that would be cool" and got ideas like a slide that would start at the window of our room so we can slide directly from our room into the pool, or the idea that we could build some cave system and that would be the place where the pool would be so we wouldn´t have to "sacrifice" our entire garden for a pool.
That's a very sensory idea to have. :)
I would have rather discussed a pool again...to be fair i would have probably worried a lot more if i had to go to the appointment on my own but i don´t so i just rely on others and hope they will know what to do and tell me. (what i am not sure about here is if my disinterest in discussing what could possible happen is a se "live in the moment" thing or if it just disinterests me because its too practical and too much related to something actual?)
Drawing attention to what interests you - Fi. Sensory focus. Slight abdication of self, indicates reliance on others - maybe 9 or a 6 core?
- one last thing:  i can see more si than ni inferior tbh. Example: i do not like planning a trip, like making schedules or figuring out what bus/train to take at what time and where to take. I mean i am happy to have some sort of schedule or plan but i do not like doing these myself, even though i can if i have to and sometimes i have to because i have to get somewhere on my own...
This speaks to low / inferior Te more than anything. Stress over organizing the outside world, nailing down a plan, etc.
[...] And i would assume that this might be inferior si? Also i think if i was a se-dom i probably would not be so stressed by getting on the wrong bus or probably wouldn´t be so obsessed with checking everything multiple times just in case the other 376 times i did i missed something...
You would if you were a 6w7, which you probably are.
I'd say SFP 6w7 with a 9 fix, or an ISFP 9 with a 6 fix. Something about you gives me inferior Te / ISFP vibes.
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haddocknumber3 · 3 years
Defense of The Hidden World.
This is my first time posting here in ages but I’ve been working on an essay in defense of HTTYD 3. Some of the possible responses I’ve seen against arguments defending the movie will be answered throughout. (warning this is long, like, ridiculously long so if you don’t read this then I completely understand. I just wanted a place to formulate and explain my opinion. 
Hiccup and Toothless’ relationship proved that a genuine, unflinchingly honest and unconditional love could exist between humans and dragons. It proved to the world that co-existence was possible, but maybe not yet. However the main thing that I found to be so profound about THW was that even though they loved each other, they were both willing to explore their own identities separate from each other. Once Toothless found the Lightfury, he re-discovered what it meant to be a dragon. Not a domesticated dragon but a pure, natural dragon. He found that he had instincts that he never knew he had. For instance, he tries to do a mating dance by himself as well as the simple fact that he was so in love with the Light Fury. So when he wanted to mate with the light fury he turned to Hiccup for advice (third date scene) because not only did he not know what to do, but he had seen Hiccup getting closer with Astrid over the years and now that he finally found someone else, he wanted advice on how to handle it. That just shows the love between them. Yes, Hiccup made mistakes in the movie in terms of how he handled Toothless getting with the Lightfury. He was anxious and felt as if he needed to be there to protect him so he desperately tried to halt Grimmel and the armada’s advance without Toothless because he knew he had to do something. However he failed at this and caused Ruffnut to be captured. This causes him to feel like he can’t lead properly without Toothless. He has always doubted whether he’s worthy, but this time he genuinely feels as if he doesn’t know who he is without Toothless. This is confirmed when Astrid and Valka have that brief conversation after Hiccup storms off (after they’ve returned from Grimmel’s tower) and they say:
“He thinks he has to lead alone, well, because his father had to. He doesn’t realize the strength you have together. Do you still believe in him?” - Valka
“Of course, I wish he did. But he thinks he’s nothing without Toothless.” - Astrid
“Then help him realize the truth” - Valka
This comes to a head when Grimmel had just captured Toothless, the Lightfury, and all of Berk’s dragons and he has flown off. Hiccup and Astrid have that conversation on the cliff and while the entire conversation is so so so damn important and powerful, there is one quote that sums it up:
“You are the bravest, most stubborn, determined, knucklehead I know. Toothless didn’t give you that Hiccup. He just-” - Astrid
“-made it easier” - Hiccup
All of this works so magnificently because the film has been able to show that both Hiccup and Toothless now have different goals in life. It’s just so beautiful how the film allows both characters to explore and accept their own identities without having any grievances towards each other in the process. Even though Hiccup is anxious about Toothless leaving him, it doesn’t mean he resents him for it. He is just concerned for his best friend’s safety out in the wild.
When that final scene of them saying goodbye comes along, it’s so impactful because they both realize that while obviously they could just all stay as they are and nothing would change, that wouldn’t be the right thing to do at this point. While Hiccup (and the audience) want to see the message at the end of HTTYD 2 fulfilled where the world could be changed into a dragon-human paradise, it isn’t realistic, no matter how much we believe it could happen. 
“Doesn’t this go against the themes of the franchise?” 
In a way, yes. But also it was the only real CONCLUSION the characters could have come to. I mean, what else was there to learn about the world other than the fact that trying to create a dragon/human paradise isn’t sustainable forever. They were able to create one on Berk but that didn’t last. People will always continue to try and disrupt this way of life. Evil people like Grimmel will always be around to exploit dragon-kind for their own nefarious goals. 
“But isn’t that the point? To always fight and stand up for the dragons and not give up by sending them away to some other place?” 
Well your not wrong, but isn’t allowing them to live in a paradise where they will never be harmed by other humans ever again worth it? Isn’t it worth it to find peace without the need for war? Isn’t that what a chief is supposed to do? 
“A chief protects his own” That’s the point. It IS a sacrifice. Because even though the Berkians may consider the dragons as their own, they aren’t. They are still independent dragons. (I give an example of this later on in the form of a deleted scene) It’s a sacrifice of the idealistic views that the second movie explored. Even that movie proved that consequences would come from actively trying to change the entire world’s view. However it shouldn’t (and didn’t) dissuade the Berkians from trying to continue to live in peace with their dragons. 
Also I just want to bring up the fact that some people have drawn parallels between this movie and certain aspects of real life. I understand, but that isn’t the story that is being told. The metaphors did get pretty muddled sadly but I can assure you that isn’t the intent behind the movie. So if you have any ill will towards the movie because of that then I’m sorry that was the message that you took away from it. Just know that wasn’t the intention and wasn’t the story being told. 
Hiccup, who had now become chief, actively tried to save the dragons that were in captivity or being harmed by the hunters and warlords of the world. Instead of trying to change their minds (and Grimmel’s mind) like he tried to do with Drago in HTTYD 2, he actively tries to sabotage their activities of caging and using dragons and bringing them back to Berk so they could be safe. However, by the opening of the third movie, it is clear that Berk has become overcrowded. 
“But couldn’t they have spread out?” 
Well, a deleted scene confirms they did by referencing their “nest in the north” so it’s clear that they had spread out. But Berk was their main settlement and they couldn’t maintain dozens of other settlements full of dragons 24/7. 
Wait but couldn’t they have asked other friendly civilizations like the Berserkers or the Wingmadens to look after them and follow in Berk’s example? 
Yeah of course, but eventually they would run into the same problem as Berk did at the beginning of the third movie. If they kept bring back dragons to Berk or any other dragon friendly civilization, then eventually they would get overcrowded. It may take a while but the possibility of it happening is pretty large. 
“Nah doesn’t make sense. That wouldn’t happen because they would all just defend their islands/civilizations against their enemies like they have done for the entire TV series.”
...Once again, it’s not sustainable. That’s why the Hidden World exists. It’s a place where the dragons can live totally out of reach and where they can be safe.
“Oh but the whole idea of the Hidden World is contrived bullshit just made up to move the plot along.” 
Couldn’t Frodo and the Fellowship just use the eagles to fly all the way to Mount Doom so he could drop the ring in and call it a day? What’s the reason there? So the plot could happen? Hmmm. But in all seriousness though I don’t have anything against LOTR and in fact it’s one of my favorite series besides HTTYD. Also they couldn’t have used the eagles because on the way the Black Riders who were on the dragons would have taken them out. Also they could have been shot down- oKAY back to the Hidden World. The idea of the Hidden World is kind of contrived but at the same time it is using the lack of an established explanation of where the dragons actually came from and utilizing it. 
“But they would have just been on the surface the whole time?” 
As I said, there is a lack of an explanation. So why not? why not delve deeper into the lore of the dragons. The idea of Hiccup discovering the ancestral home of all dragons is awesome! It doesn’t conflict with anything previously established in terms of where they came from because there is no explanation.
“What about Vanaheim, the eternal resting place of all dragons from RTTE?”
Good point, but that doesn’t mean that the dragons couldn’t have lived and evolved underground and then come up to the surface and gone to Vanaheim. I mean, obviously not every dragon was in the Hidden World so it would have been easier for them to just travel there but I don’t see this as a massive issue though.
“Why does Hiccup say “The world believes the dragons are gone” in the epilogue if just Berk’s dragons left.” 
This is a really solid point so I’ll do my best with this one but at the same time, it is a really good point. I imagine that by the time the third movie comes around, Berk had become such a safe haven for dragons that you could say most of the world’s dragons resided on Berk. But this is kind of flimsy too and doesn’t exactly make sense. The way I see it, this is a valid “plot hole” but at the same time I don’t really care? I don’t know for me it was just an emotional way of putting the ending of the film into words. I don’t have a valid explanation for it but whenever I watch the film I just roll with it because I’m already wrapped up in the emotion of it all that I just don’t care, and to be honest I’m glad I don’t. That’s just me though. If you have an issue with this then I totally understand because dragons like the Buffalord or the Eruptadon can’t exactly leave their islands sooooo yea...
“The Hidden World conflicts with established lore of the whole series.”
I’m pretty sure this is referring to Grimmel killing all the Nightfuries and Stoick not telling Hiccup about it. To be honest this is the plot hole that I’ve tried to patch up but can’t find a reasonable explanation for. However, it’s one of those tiny discrepancies for me that doesn’t hurt or hinder my enjoyment or engagement with the trilogy.
“Why was the armada defeated so quickly? As Valka said, there were probably over 100 ships. How did the Dragon Riders defeat an entire fleet of ships so quickly?”
Well, most of the ships were on fire by the end of the final battle and all of the dragons had been freed by that point. Also, Astrid managed to reach the wheel of the main barge and lock it into position so it would crash into the ships beside it and take multiple of them out. So we can infer that not only are all of the dragons free, but also pretty much all of the ships have been set alight and are now in the process of burning down and sinking. 
“What about the Warlords?”
Ragnar the rock (the big guy) gets chased off and supposedly eaten by the Hobgobblers and the other two get trapped in a cage that slides down the front deck of their ship (because Astrid caused the ship to crash into the other ones) and traps them in it. So basically all 3 warlords are incapacitated or dead.
Ok back to the main point from a few paragraphs back lol: Berk was overcrowded and they needed a solution. Hiccup knew that something had to be done so when he was standing in the same quiet spot where his father told him a mystical tale of a hidden dragon world, it causes him to think about whether it was real or not. Could that be the solution? They would be able to stay with the dragons in the hidden world because they were dragon loving people (that’s Hiccup’s logic.) However, when Grimmel arrives and berates him about his view of dragons and Berk’s way of life. Hiccup stands up to him because he has defended Berk’s way of life from far worse than a mere lone dragon hunter. But after Hiccup experiences the terror and destruction that this one hunter could cause on his home, he now fully realizes that they need to leave Berk because they are not only overcrowded but now they have a ruthless hunter ready to return at any point and cause more destruction upon Berk; possibly even killing many of his people including himself and definitely Toothless. It’s a long shot but he decides that if Berk wants to live in peace with their dragons then they need to disappear into the hidden world where the warlords and their armada along with Grimmel can’t ever find them again. They will be safe forever. It will be a human/dragon paradise that will be untouched.
Another question that comes up is:
“Well why can’t they stand and fight. That should be the message. That their ideological views would not waver because some more people threaten their home with war.” 
That’s a fair judgement to be honest, however, as Hiccup learnt in the second film from his father: “Berk is what you need to worry about, a chief protects his own” - Stoick. 
In a deleted scene from the third movie, it has this exchange between Hiccup and Valka:
“I know, I know, he has to win her over but I’m telling you, once she (the Lightfury) moves in it’ll all be perfect” - Hiccup
“Eret and I returned from the scout, Berk was burned to the ground” - Valka
“At least everyone’s safe” - Hiccup
“For now” - Valka
“No one can find us here” - Hiccup
“That’s what I used to believe, Hiccup, but they’ve found our nest in the far north too. Greedy humans, will always find a way” - Valka
“I don’t believe that” - Hiccup
“I...I know it might be hard for you to accept, but the dream that you and I yearn for, you know, this untouchable dragon utopia, I fear it just doesn’t exist. I mean, maybe in the end the dragons are safer in the wild.” - Valka
“What, with crazy people like Grimmel around?” - Hiccup
“The more dragons we bring back, the bigger of a target we all become” - Valka
“But they’re safer with us. We protect them” - Hiccup
“And we’ll continue to do so, but I fear for their safety in these large numbers. Tame dragons are more vulnerable to humans. Their trust in us becomes their weakness. In the wild, they’re better adapted to protect themselves” - Valka
“A chief protects his own, that’s what Dad always said” - Hiccup
“And he was right. But as much as we love our dragons Hiccup, they are not our own. There’s a fine line between being a protector and a captor. I only ask that you think about it” - Valka
The fact that this is a deleted scene is really frustrating because it put the themes that the movie is trying to explore into proper dialogue. Valka understands that moving around with this massive amount of dragons isn’t safe for anyone. If they were to be released into the wild then they could have a better chance at surviving. Even though the dragons will still be at danger in the wild, that’s the point of the hidden world. The dragons can live there together in complete and total safety.
Once Hiccup and Astrid discover the Hidden World and find that Toothless has settled in with the Lightfury and is safe and comfortable, he then realizes that it wouldn’t be fair to try and bring him back to New Berk. He’s found a home away from the troubles of the world. He doesn’t have to be afraid anymore. He can have a family in the peace and safety of the Hidden World as well as being surrounded by his own kind. On top of this realization, Hiccup and Astrid get attacked by a wild dragon and have to try and flee. When Toothless sees this he flies to protect his friend and take them back to New Berk where THEY will be safe, not him. As a result of this, Hiccup not only comes to the conclusion that humans aren’t meant for the Hidden World, but he finally understands what Valka was trying to tell him earlier (in that deleted scene.) The dragons WOULD be safer there. I mean, sure. They could stay up there at New Berk and they could continue to live life as they always have. But then what? What happens when another Grimmel comes around and manages to inflict worse upon Berk’s population. When will Hiccup be able to solve the entire world. The answer is, he can’t. But he can allow for the dragons to live in the Hidden World. He can give them a life where they can never be harmed again. Isn’t this better?
A statement that may come from this is that:
“Oh but that means Grimmel won. The villain literally won. What the fuck, this is so disgusting and disappointing. How can anyone like this?”
Those people are free the feel that way. However, he didn’t win. Not entirely. Yes, he completely opposed co-existence to the point where he would gladly kill any dragon to prove that point. He wants the world to continue killing dragons because that is a fundamental aspect of who he is. It proves to him that he is right. He is the self-proclaimed Nightfury Killer. But this still doesn’t mean that he wins in the end. Yes, dragons and humans do have to separate. But Grimmel’s ultimate goal was to kill all of the dragons. Wipe them off the face of the earth. From a certain perspective, he achieves this because dragons do have to live in the Hidden World away from humans, but that doesn’t mean he won. They are all still alive aren’t they? He failed in his mission to kill them. He failed in killing Toothless. He failed at his one purpose in life. So no, he didn’t win in the end. There is a difference between a villain totally and completely winning against the heroes like Thanos did at the end of Infinity War, and this, where Grimmel not only died as a result of his flawed and evil ideals but did not get to carry out the goal that made him who he is. The dragons leaving was a choice made by Hiccup. It was a sacrifice made out of love. If Grimmel was to win, then he would have had to kill Toothless and either see all the dragons locked away in cages for the rest of their lives or for them to be killed too. I could go on and on about this point in particular but I’ll stop here.
Once the final battle begins, Hiccup isn’t fighting to free the dragons so they can continue to live on in a peaceful dragon utopia like they did in HTTYD 2, he is fighting for their survival. So by the end of the battle when Grimmel is holding onto Hiccup, who is holding onto the Lightfury, he knows that the only option to save Toothless from falling to his doom is to take the harness off the Lightfury, releasing her from the power of the Death gripper venom and let go, causing Hiccup along with Grimmel, to fall to their deaths. This is the ultimate act of love. This is what the whole trilogy has been building to because for years Hiccup has remained adamant that Toothless and him belonged together. Hiccup would always be there to protect Toothless and Toothless would always be there to protect Hiccup. But after all this time of Hiccup learning that Toothless will be safe with the Lightfury in the Hidden World, he has the courage to let go and sacrifice himself for his best friend. 
After the Lightfury has saved him and all of Berk reunite with their dragons. Hiccup and Toothless both realize that after all this time of the two co-depending on each other, it’s time for them to fulfil their own destinies of being the leader of their respective tribes. 
“I was so busy fighting for a world that I wanted, I didn’t think about what you needed.” - Hiccup.
This quote clearly demonstrates Hiccup’s deeper understanding of the implications that come with his evolving emotional maturity. For him to fully grow up and become to true leader of Berk, he needs to learn to let go of his best friend. He needs to grow up. Some may call this contrived and/or unnecessary however I don’t see it that way in the slightest. The Hidden World is, as Hiccup puts it earlier in the film “a secret land at the edge of the world where dragons lived totally out of reach.” So when the dragons have the option of living in a place where they are totally safe from the outside world, then why wouldn’t they take that. (I’m honestly repeating myself at this point but I don’t care.) For Hiccup to fully be able to step into the role as the wise and selfless chief that he was always destined to become, he needed to learn the valuable lesson of letting go. If he didn’t, then he would never be able to see things from a new, better and wiser perspective. He would never be able to grow as an individual, thus possibly impacting how he rules Berk and how he deals with situations that come with being chief. He has always relied on Toothless for his strength as a person, friend, and leader, but by the end of the Hidden World, he realizes that his true strength lies within himself and Astrid. Here’s a conversation from HTTYD 2 to support this:
(Between Astrid and Hiccup towards the beginning)
“I’m not like you Astrid, you know exactly who you are, you always have but...I’m still looking. I know that I’m not my father, and I never met my mother so...what does that make me?” - Hiccup
“What your searching for, isn’t out there Hiccup. It’s in here.*points to his chest* Maybe you just don’t see it yet” - Astrid
By allowing themselves to fulfil their own personal destinies of discovering their own identities along with finding their own loved ones, they are able to say goodbye to each other and live ‘together from afar.’ The dragons will be safe, and Berk will be safe. But, even though the world believes the dragons are gone, the Berkians know otherwise. And they’ll guard the secret until the time comes when dragons can return in peace...
Also the track titled ‘Once there were Dragons’ is a fucking astonishing piece of music that every human on the being on the planet needs to listen to. Anyway thank you so much for reading this if you did. I’ve been struggling with how to present my thoughts and feelings towards this epic conclusion but I’ve been a little afraid to. I tried to on reddit but when people offered extensive constructive criticism towards the points I made, I didn’t exactly take it too well. Maybe that’s because I was getting over a hangover when I read most of it but that doesn't matter because I still didn’t handle it well. But I’ve learnt from that and chosen to take that criticism on board and now that I’ve been able to formulate my opinion the best I can, I’ve used those points they made and tried to analyze them too instead of just ignoring and flat out hand-waiving them. Anyway, if you disagree with anything I’ve said here then that’s totally cool and I’d be happy to listen to your opinions. Still thanks for reading. 
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stablersolivia · 3 years
Some EO Ramblings
I've been in a fandom funk for the last several months.
It really shouldn't be that way but it has been that way for me. I mean, we have EO. It seems to be on its way to canon when it never seemed possible in all the years I've been in the SVU/EO fandom (dating back to the ancient times of 2011 el oh el.) The fandom is alive and well, probably the most active since 2011, and Chris and Mariska are so good to us fans. I feel like I should send a special virtual hug to them for all they have done and given us when they don't have to. There's also been an influx of fanfiction, video edits, tweets, gif sets, etc and a myriad of other things that have kept up our spirits in between seasons and hiatuses.
However, I still, personally, feel in a funk. Not sure why. I haven't been able to read fanfiction in ages. At least not any long fics. I've been in a bit of a battle with t*mblr because they deleted eofanfiction which I created back in 2016 to place all the seemingly lost classic svufanfiction.com fics. It had been an archive haven for 5 years. Then poof, not anymore.
I've also felt a bit displaced on twitter since starting my new account. I'd been on my old one since 2012, and just wanted a fresh start. But, all my old tweets and memories are gone and nothing to show for all the years I've spent keeping my own memory of EO alive all these years.
I've not felt like creating much. I've dabbled in fan-fiction, video editing, and most often, graphics. I've a BA in graphic design, guess you can say it's my passion, *wink wink*. But it seems nothing inspires me anymore. I feel like my mind is saying, "well it's happening now, no need to do any of that," which makes no sense. There are dozens upon dozens of people writing, editing, etc. because it's all happening and it should be celebrated after all the years we suffered abuse from anti EO'ers, haha.
But, I've just lost my own inspiration. While I have completely stopped video editing (I absolutely have no patience) and reading fic, I have tried to keep myself writing, hoping that it gets me in the mood to read again. In a way, it almost feels like I don't know these characters on screen right now like I used to. So, in order to read or write them, I need to figure it out for myself. There are so many interpretations, variations, of these two characters right now, that finding something that feels right for them in your own mind is important yet a bit of a struggle.
I used to spend hours, days, weeks, months reading fanfics. I used to read them in between studying for tests in college not so long ago, I used to binge read one after the other and didn't worry about storylines blending.
EO potentially happening is freaking me the fuck out creatively! In all those years of writing, editing, graphic-ing, tweeting, tumbling, there was a bit of longing in hoping they would finally come into fruition. It was a collective fan effort manifesting what we all agreed as a once in a lifetime pairing finally getting together on screen. (I mean we all saw that OC promo for next week, they want us dead, dead. I can't stop watching it).
So, if anybody else feels this way, or understands what I'm saying in any way, I'm glad there's someone else. However menial, it's a good funk to be in but also a bit intriguing, confusing, exciting and all around terrifying.
For anyone else who doesn't, I'm sorry for this long rambling post, I'm just in my feels.
EO could be endgame by the end of Season 23/OC 2... or pretty damn close.
What happens after that - after all of our dreams come true after 22 years?
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luxekook · 4 years
chapter seven.
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⇥ pairing: ot7 x reader
⇥ genre: college au with fluff, smut & angst
⇥ summary: a series in which the reader meets (and falls for) seven members of the Beta Tau Sigma (BTS) fraternity
⇥ word count: 3.6k
⇥ warnings: 18+, lots of cursing, general chaotic energy, poly relationship, a short confrontation, mentions of slut-shaming, switch!reader, dom!joon, switch!jin, sub!jimin, library shenanigans, an abundance of coffee, punishments, spanking, bad puns (jin is in this chapter, DUH), many nerd references uwu
© luxekook. please do not repost, modify, edit or translate.
characters | prologue | one | two | three | four | five | six | seven | eight | nine
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Chapter Seven
Quinn Library – 3:54pm
The end of September passes in a blur of studying, partying, volunteering, and spending time with friends. The month’s conclusion also includes the increasing presence of seven boys in my everyday routine.
Since giving Taehyung the suck of his life in the bathroom of Hannigan’s, I have been basically fighting off the seven of them for a moment to breathe. But, sometimes breathing is overrated when being smothered by affection.
Going from being single to essentially dating seven people is quite the adjustment. I found myself growing attached to them – something that both excited and scared the shit out of me. We haven’t discussed labels or anything, but I figure it’s only a matter of time. The boys have apparently been planning an elaborate first date for this upcoming weekend, and I feel like they’ll probably ask to make it official then.
My stomach erupts in butterflies at the thought, and I take a calming breath. No need to overthink such things.
While it might be unconventional by some societal standards, polyamory is simply a way to love. Why should love come with confines? With binary expectations? The saying ‘love is love’ gets thrown around a lot, but I believe it bears repeating.
Jenni and Luna have been nothing but supportive to me over the past two weeks. They even came with me to volunteer this past weekend because they - and I quote - wanted to ‘check out our vibe’. But, I wholeheartedly expect that the real reason had actually been for them to feel out the boys’ intentions.
Why did I suspect this? Well, because Jungkook had come up to me within the first fifteen minutes at the worksite quivering in fear over how ‘scary my friends were’ and how ‘Jenni had cornered him to interrogate him while Luna hovered behind her, menacingly holding a nail-gun’.
I had never felt more loved and supported by my friends.
My phone dings, and I quickly hasten to put it on silent, shooting an embarrassed and apologetic look around the library. It seems like most people have headphones in, and I let out a sigh of relief. No one wants to be that one loud person in the library.
Checking my notifications, I smile when I see it’s a SnapChat from Hobi in the group chat the boys created a few weeks ago. My thumb swipes it open, and I barely contain myself from announcing to the whole library how vibrantly handsome one of my potential boyfriends is.
I quickly send a SnapChat back of me and my stack of books in the library with the caption ‘send help in the form of coffee’.
Immediately, Taehyung sends a flurry of heart eyes emojis in the chat, Jungkook sends a ‘noona is so cute’, and Yoongi sends back a picture of a black screen with the caption ‘come nap with me’.
God, I would love to nap with Yoongi right now… Alone time with the older boy is so elusively precious. One day last week at their house, I had mentioned wanting to learn piano. Yoongi had just grabbed my hand and tugged me to his room. We had spent a couple hours together in the small corner of his room playing on his keyboard.
Well, he had been playing; I had been fumbling around like a buffoon - half uncoordinated in general and half flustered by how good Yoongi looked playing. His hands had been so nimble as they flew over the keys, crafting melodies I could only assume he had composed. His focus had been so fucking hot as he nodded slightly along to the tempo in his head, his eyes shooting over to look at me every once in a while.
My hand kink? Activated.
My willpower to not kiss the shit out of Yoongi? Nonexistent.
When Yoongi had paused in between songs, I may or may not have grabbed him by his shirt collar and kissed him. His blushing attempt to dodge me had been so cute; and when I had stopped trying to kiss him, he had pouted and then kissed me instead.
What a cutie…
A giggle draws my attention from my reminiscing. At first, I pay it no mind, taking it as a directive to dive back into my studies. But then, the whispering starts.
“I heard she’s fucking her way through the whole house.”
“Isn’t there a term for that?”
“Yeah, a frat rat.”
I slam my 500-page textbook closed and stand, leveling the duo of gossiping girls with a glare that could make grown men cry. It had before when I had to properly eviscerate my uncle in defense of feminism at our last family gathering. What a time that had been.
“Is there a problem?” I force the question through gritted teeth, stalking over towards their nearby table. I relish in the way they gape at me, eyes wide and pupils quivering, “I’m sorry. I’m afraid my complaint jar is at capacity. Please don’t try again later.”
The girl on the right gulps, “No-nope, there’s no problem! We were just leaving. Right, Janika?”
“No,” The girl who had called me a ‘frat rat’ just moments before crosses her arms and stands, “I do, like, have a problem.”
“Janika,” The other girl tugs on the sleeve of the one standing, “Don’t.”
“Yeah, Janika,” I smile, “Don’t.”
I can see the moment she snaps.
“You’re, like, such a fucking bitch! I don’t know what they all see in you. Oh wait, yes I do. You’re fucking easy.”
I consider myself to be a patient person, but having to endure this type of rant against my character - and against women’s sexual freedom in general - has pushed me well past my limits.
“Now, listen here, Janika,” I take another step forward, “You can keep talking your shit. I really don’t give a flying fuck what you think about me. But I really advise you to google ‘how to stop slut-shaming for dummies’ because it seems like you need a crash course.”
Janika’s face darkens, “Whatever. They’ll get tired of you anyway.”
“Yeah,” I let out an amused laugh, “I’m sure they’ll get real tired of me choking on their dicks every night.”
Letting out a gasp, Janika whirls back around to face her silent friend, “Let’s go. I don’t want to, like, be around her any longer.”
“Buh-bye now,”I wiggle my fingers in their direction as they shuffle out of the library.
Smiling in satisfaction, I head back towards my table. Without hesitation, I gather my books and belongings and head upstairs to the quiet floor. Any more distractions or confrontations would probably make my blood pressure pop off the charts.
The quiet floor, as one of my safe havens, is home to several small private study rooms. Peering into each, I start to lose hope that any would be available. Finally, the very last room proves me wrong, and I swing open the door and almost in tears over the sweet, sweet solitude.
This particular study room is tucked away in the very far corner of the library’s second floor. Not many people are aware of its location, and it seems that paid off for me today. Plopping my things down across the table in the center of the tiny room, I follow suit and drop down into one of the two chairs adjoining the table.
What a clusterfuck of an afternoon… This sadly isn’t the first time I’ve heard some comments being made about my association with the BTS boys, and I knew it wouldn’t be the last. Yet, part of me knew all along that this would be the trade-off.
After all, what are a few irrelevant opinions to seven gorgeous and loyal partners? Inconsequential - in my opinion. That is the reason why I haven’t breathed a word of the backlash to anyone.
Sighing, I flip open my textbook to where I had been before being rudely interrupted.
The amygdala plays a key role in emotion and behavior…
I jump a half-mile out of my chair, slapping a hand over my pounding heart. Jimin had somehow managed to enter the room without my knowledge. Had he fucking teleported?
Holding a giant iced coffee in one hand and a cinnamon bun in the other, Jimin beams at me and ignores the fact he just scared the living shit out of me. “Hi, noona! I saw your SnapChat while I was in class, and I came here as soon as I could.”
I stare dumbfounded at the angel before me. Jimin is slightly out of breath with reddened cheeks and a sweaty brow. His black track-pants are slung low on his hips, his long-sleeve white t-shirt clings to his torso, his black duffle bag thrown carelessly over one shoulder. He must have run over straight from dance class.
Standing abruptly, I stalk over to where Jimin is still posted up by the doorway to the study room. Toe to toe with him, I blurt out while still half in a daze, “You really brought me coffee and food?”
He eyes me warily like I might suddenly jump on him at any moment. Shifting his weight back and forth, Jimin hesitantly replies, “Um, yes?"
I take the coffee and cinnamon bun from his hands, place them on the table, and then tackle him with the biggest hug. "You absolute sweetheart!" I murmur into the crook of his neck, "This made my day. Thank you, Jimin-ie."
His hands tentatively wrap around me, pulling me closer. "You're welcome, noona. I just wanted to do something nice for you.”
“Well, I really appreciate it, baby,” My lips brush over the crevice of his collarbone and relish in his shudder. Bringing my head up to face his, I smile widely at him, “Can I kiss you, Jimin-ie?”
“Yes,” He sighs out, eyes already closing in anticipation. I press my lips to his, still smiling softly against his mouth. His lips are plush under mine, velvety soft. My tongue swipes across his bottom lip and— Is that coffee I taste?
I pull back, “Jimin, did you sip my coffee on your way here?”
The boy looks rightfully alarmed, “I– y-yes. But only a little, noona!”
“Hmm,” I trail my fingers down his chest, “I guess I’ll make an exception for you this time since you were the one to bring it for me.”
Jimin relaxes slightly, but his expression is strangely disappointed. I stare at him quizzically, and he blushes.
“What is it?” I lean against the table, facing him.
He clears his throat, staring intensely at the ground, “You can still punish me if you want, (y/n)-noona.”
My eyebrows shoot upwards at his offer, and then I let out a slight chuckle, “Oh, Jimin… That would be a favor to you, wouldn’t it? My baby boy wants to be punished, hm? Did dance practice make you all hot and bothered? Jungkook tells me that has been happening to you lately.”
Jimin’s face explodes in color as he mutters, “That little bitch will pay for this.”
Suddenly, the door swings open with a resounding thud, nearly clipping Jimin in the shoulder.
“Your savior has arrived!” Kim Seokjin announces loudly in spite of the studiously silent atmosphere of the quiet floor. His hands hold two steaming hot travel mugs, which I can only guess are filled with the elixir of the gods (aka coffee).
Seokjin’s eyes glance around the room as he takes in the fact that I’m not alone as he obviously had expected. “Wait, Jimin-ie? What are you doing here?” Jin’s eyes flick down to the coffee and cinnamon roll that lay on the table. “Goddamn it!”
“You were too slow, hyung,” Jimin smirks happily as he takes a seat in the chair I had previously vacated. He slouches smugly as he stares up at the fuming older boy.
“Too slow?!” Jin roars.
“Jin,” I chastise, circumventing around him to shut the door.
“Sorry, babe,” Seokjin says while still glaring daggers at the all-too-pleased Jimin. Suddenly, his expression changes into a sneaky look that makes me both want to run and jump his bones. “Well,” He waves the two coffee mugs around in the air, “I made these myself - with love. I didn’t buy that generic shit; I brewed it, baby.”
It’s Jimin’s turn again to look disgruntled, and I can’t help but laugh at their antics.
“Any and all coffee is appreciated and loved by me – the more the merrier. So, thank you both,” You say, taking one of the travel mugs from Seokjin. Kissing his cheek, you turn back to sit opposite Jimin at the table.
“She kissed me on the lips!” Jimin bursts.
“Park Jimin!” I cry as Jin splutters some sort of incoherent rant about fairness and equality.
Jimin holds eye contact with me, still leaning back in his chair like he’s the king of the fucking universe. But, he’s not; I am.
My chair hits the wall behind me with a bang as I stand, planting my hands on the table to loom over Jimin. “Do you think it’s fun to push your hyung, Jimin? Does it amuse you to be a little shit?”
I can see the moment that Jimin decides to be a brat. His eyes heat up in a challenge, and he firmly answers, “Yes, noona.”
“Get up.” The change in my tone is apparent. Jimin gulps. Getting to his feet, he stares back at me expectantly.
“Jin,” I address the older boy while still maintaining eye contact with Jimin, “What kind of punishment do you think I should give our Jimin here?”
Seokjin rounds my other side, grinning, “Well, (y/n) darling, I believe he should get spanked.”
“Interesting choice,” I murmur, turning to face Jin, “That’s what you’re going to get then.”
“What?” Jin squawks, arms waving rapidly around in the air, “But I didn’t do anything!”
“Nothing is what you should have done, Jin,” I push him against the wall, “You know better than to let Jimin rile you up like this.”
Those plump lips of his pout dramatically as he whines, “But, (y/n)…”
“But nothing,” I say and then whirl around to face the other boy. He’s still standing where I left him with his eyes glued to the pair of us. “Jimin,” I hold his gaze, “You’re going to watch. You’re not going to touch yourself, your hyung isn’t going to touch you, and I’m not going to touch you.”
His eyes widen comically, “No! That’s not fair!”
“Do you want to be gagged, too, baby boy?” I ask, cocking my head slightly. Seeing his emphatic head shakes, I grin. “That’s what I thought. Now, stay.”
Turning back to Jin, I smirk slightly as I ask, “Punishment now or later?”
Seokjin’s eyes scrunch cutely in confusion, “What?”
“You see,” I move closer to him, my body brushes his, “I think you earned a punishment, but I think you also earned helping me punish Jimin.”
A wide grin crosses Jin’s face as he glances back at the corner Jimin is stewing in. “I would be honored to help you punish him, babe.”
“That’s what I figured,” I smile briefly at him before slowly sliding my hands up his chest to rest on the nape of his neck. Holding them there, I press the lightest of kisses to the corner of his lips.
Jin’s breath hitches in his throat.
I run my tongue against the seam of his mouth, taking my time and savoring the sweet taste of him. His lips part to let me in, my tongue sliding across his. I grind against him as we kiss, moving my hips in such a way that makes him groan and lean back harder against the wall.
“What the fuck is going on in here?”
Ripping my mouth from Jin’s, I turn to face the newcomer.
Namjoon stands in the doorway holding yet another cup of coffee, his face thunderous. "What do the three of you think you're doing? This is the goddamn library, you heathens!”
Seokjin jumps out of his skin in fright, pushing me away faster than I can anticipate. Stumbling back, I crash into Jimin – who apparently had ventured out of his assigned corner. Brat.
“The shades were open!” Namjoon continues to rant as he flicks the aforementioned item down to cover the door’s window, “Did you want people to see you?”
He reads the expression on my face correctly, “Oh, but you did, didn’t you, (y/n)?” Namjoon approaches where I’m still captured in Jimin’s embrace. Glaring down at me, he taunts, “So quick to stake your claim; but, make no mistake, they were mine first.”
Shaking out of Jimin’s hold, I straighten, raising my chin to meet Namjoon’s gaze full-on, “That’s interesting. I didn’t realize you were so lenient with your partners.”
Jimin makes a choking noise behind me. Jin stands behind Namjoon, waving a hand in front of his throat to clearly tell me to stop talking. I keep going, “Perhaps I need to teach you how to discipline.”
Namjoon flips me around, shoves Jimin out of the way, and bends me facedown across the table.
“Jin,” He says, his voice growly, “Stand in the hall and let me know if you can hear us.”
The sound of the door opening and closing alerts me that Jin followed Namjoon’s instructions without a word.
“Jimin,” He continues, “Hold (y/n)’s hands out in front of her.” Jimin ascquieces, staring apologetically down at me as he tugs my hands towards him.
“This is cute,” I say, “I always love holding Jimin-ie’s hands.”
Thwack. The stinging imprint of Namjoon’s palm on my ass burns deliciously. I arch my back, looking over my shoulder at him with a half-smile. “Do it harder, daddy.”
A breath sucks in between his lips as I utter the word I know will get him feeling as hot as me. “You’re playing a dangerous game, baby girl,” Namjoon grits out, his jaw clenched tightly.
“Oh, daddy,” I say, “Don’t you remember? I’m the fucking Queen.”
“Was that a chess pun? Nice.” A muffled voice followed by a squeaky laugh sounds through the door.
“Seokjin,” Namjoon seethes, flying over to open the door and drag the older boy back inside, “I thought I told you to let me know if you could hear us.”
I tug out of Jimin’s gentle hold, straighten back up, and then situate myself into a sitting position on the table.
I watch amusedly as Jin shimmies his way out of Joon’s grasp, “Yah! It’s not my fault I get intense FOMO. Don’t hate the player, hate the game. Besides, I only heard you because I had my ear pressed to the door.”
Jimin stifles a giggle. I let out a full-on laugh. Namjoon mumbles what sounds like a plea to some higher power under his breath.
“See what I have to deal with?” Namjoon turns to me, shaking his head. “Are you sure you want to sign up for this?”
“That depends,” I swing my legs back and forth as I stay perched on the table, “Are you going to keep spanking me?”
The boy who had just unhesitatingly bent me over to punish me now blushes and rubs the back of his neck. “I mean, probably? You have quite a mouth on you, baby.”
Hopping off the table, I laugh, “Good answer. Ten points to Gryffindor.”
“Woo!” Jin cheers, “Nice job on the House Points, Joon-ie!”
“I am in love with idiots,” Jimin sighs.
Grabbing my phone from my backpack, I let out a slight yell as I read the time. “Shit, shit, shit, shit!” I scramble to shove all of my textbooks back into my bag.
“What is it, noona?” Jimin worries, appearing next to me. “Are you late for class?”
“No,” I cry, “It’s so much worse. I’m late for my weekly Animal Crossing discord chat! Heath is gonna kill me…”
“Heath?” Jin scowls, “Who is this Heath you speak of?”
“Chill, fam,” I shrug my backpack onto my shoulders and stare contemplatively down at the three different coffees. “You can’t get jealous every time I mention a new person. What’s next? You’re gonna come for Tom Nook?”
Namjoon - who must play Animal Crossing - stifles a laugh as Jin pouts. “She has a point, Jin.”
“And so does a pencil. Big whoop,” Jin scowls with his arms folded.
“Aw, Seokjin-ie,” I coo, reaching over to pinch his cheek, “Don’t be mad. You’ll get to spend all day with me on Saturday after volunteering! What are we doing, anyways?” I level Joon with my best side-eye as I ask that question, knowing he is more likely than not the mastermind behind our planned date.
“It’s going to be great, noona!” Jimin pipes up, hugging me from the side, “You’re going to love it…You’re going to love us.” He murmurs the last part, probably not meaning for me to hear; but, I do.
God, I do.
“We’ll pick you up before volunteering,” Joon says, “Just bring yourself and a change of clothes.”
“What?” I decide - fuck it - and attempt to grab all three coffees, “No overnight bag?”
Jin, who had just taken a sip of his own coffee, spews it everywhere. “Pack one,” He gasps out in between coughs.
Laughing, I walk to the door, which Jimin kindly opens for me. “Okay, I’ll think about it. Ah, I’m so late. Jimin and Jin, I’ll punish you at a later time. Joon, you can try to punish me at a later time.” Living for their astonished expressions, I wave as best I can with three coffees in hand, “Bye, babes! Text me-e-e.”
As I make my way out of the library, it hits me that I only have one more day to prepare for this date. Fucking hell…
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a/n: this is such a filler of a chap with a tinge of drama mixed in, hehe. the next one is gonna be that date tho uwu stay tuuuuuuned and thanks 4 reading
taglist: @catsandstrawberries @h5naaa @meowmeowyoongles @leftflowerprunedonut @rjsmochii @athletes-of-god @karissassirak @cage7241​ @weallhavesecretsinthebestway @cvbachacbitch @honeyspillings @valiantcollectorofsandwiches @fivesecondsofsarang @oii-f-eli-x2 @joonsroses @theevilyouknow @jooniescupcakes @expensive-grl @i-dont-even-know-fck @doingmybestalltheftime @fangirling-all-the-way-tbh @laced-brds @breeeeh17 @lpayne612 @peachyharmoney @rilakoya @chulchuchi @tabula-rasa0 @guccishookv @nomimits7 @i-like-puppy-mg @s-noir @anna-sorel @im-a-space-child @yeontanismypresident @drowning-in-oxygen @team-wang-puppy @lvvegood @anongirl007 @may114 @r-e-d-i-s-h @unatempesta-dipensieri @dragon-rider-with-a-book​ @blueberrygeniejam @wondrsblog @vi-hoshi @kirbykook​ @katemwatson​ @kawaiikpoplover268​ @amsteramyy​ @sami4life @a-feeling-of-euphoria​ @the-jackals​ @bubbletae7​ @platinum-grenade​ @bunnyboyenthusiast @brightly-byun @oofmeintheheadpls​ @sadboibts @lidda​ @goldenwidow3​ @t-mel19​ @lmkjimin​ @psiphidragon​ @jeon-joker​ @sathom013​ @lustremyg @ggsmashgg​ @justyouraveragerando​ @shadowstark​ @our-little-meow-meow @baby-hobii @toddsgirl27​ @mythicalmeep​ @asifetch7​ @kassandravictoria​ @eltrain80 @briannasthings​ @bumblekey93​ @ohmwreckr @beach-bitch-bitch-beach​ @softchimmee​ @kookoo-kachoo​ @lenuminous​ @ass-hole-in-one​ @peaches-422​ @spacejooon​ @sleepyje0n​ @uxwi​ @tellmeyoulovemepls​ @yady24​ @lovesick-heart0​ @redirect-min​ @hopetookourvibe​ @noonaduck​ @mini-coop25​ @multifandomgirl29​ @rhd31​ @yoongixvevo​ @sweetnspicy93​ @kuppyjiminie​ @love-and-other-possibilities​ @fuckyouandtheboatyoucamein @rvnchr4nd4​ @geminidrawsstuff​ @livorna​ @naajix​ @minjoonhome​
another a/n: if u asked to be added to the taglist and u did not get tagged, u might be one of the couple ppl that i couldn’t tag [check ur settings, fam!]
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yikesharringrove · 4 years
Changing the theme a bit, since I saw you dont hate Jonathan thank goddd, maybe Jonathan having to ask Steve and Billy for tips because he's aro or ace? Or something he knows Lonnie wouldve actually killed him for, which Billy gets and Steve is fully willing to help soft Jonathon be a THING and they are just his gay mentors and mayhaps. Nancy just doesnt get it and it gets messy and Will just stands up for his brother in full anger and slams the door in her face and hugs jon so tight he falls
Steve is sex-positive ace, Billy is sex-repulsed, and Jon is greyace bc I’ve gotten so many messages about how many people were affected positively by showing ace diversity in that one drabble I wrote, so we’re keeping this goin’ because you’re ALL VALID. 😤
Jonathan had been crashing on their couch for a week and a half and has yet to say anything about the situation more than Nancy and I had a fight.
Billy and Steve didn’t know what the fuck to do about it. Jonathan was obviously fucking heartbroken over whatever the fight had been about, but they didn’t wanna pry.
“Thank you guys for taking me in. I’m sorry, I’ve probably been cramping your style.” Steve just shook his head, serving three plates of eggs and toast.
“There’s not a lot of style going on in this apartment for you to cramp.” Steve smiled at him as he placed the plates on the table. Jonathan gave him an odd look.
“What do you, what do you mean?”
“We don’t really fuck.” Billy was always the blunt one. Jonathan’s fork clattered to the table.
“You don’t, why not?”
“Neither of us are really into it.” Jonathan looked like he could fucking cry.
“Me neither. That’s what the fight was. Nancy kept asking why we don’t have sex, and if I stopped loving her, and I do! I love her so much, but I just, sometimes I feel that way about her, but I usually don’t, and I’m so fucking confused.” Steve reached out, placing a firm hand on Jonathan’s arm.
“Jon, it’s okay. I mean, I don’t think we’ve had sex in like, a year?” Billy nodded.
“It was before we actually talked about how we both felt about it.”
“And is that-” Jonathan trailed off, but they got it. Is that like me.
“I don’t mind sex. If I’m with someone who wants to have it, I can be cool with that, but I don’t always get off, and it’s more about making the other person feel good, or using it as another way to be like, intimate. But I don’t really think about it, and I can definitely go without.”
“I actively don’t like fucking. I kinda think sex is, is fucking gross. I mean, you do you and all that, but like, every time I had sex it just, it made me feel gross.” He pulled a face.
“I just, I don’t know what I’m supposed to feel for her, honestly.” Jonathan ran a hand down his face. “Sometimes, sometimes it just feels like a fucking chore. And she just, she kinda confronted me about it, and I probably could’ve worded it better, but she got so angry, and hurt, and we just, we decided to take some time apart.” He pushed the eggs around his plate. “And there are some situations that I just, I want it with her so badly, but most, most of the time I just, I just want to be with her, like just spend time with her. And she, she’s never been very good at being sensitive about things, or, or, sympathetic, and she just, she made me feel fucking broken. Like there was something wrong with me.”
“First of all, fuck her for making you feel like that.” Billy had one eyebrow raised.
“No. Jonathan, you are not broken, and it sucks she made you feel that way. If she can’t be in a relationship that respects your boundaries, then she is not the one.”
Steve sighed.
“Jon, Bill’s right. A relationship should be safe. She should be more mindful of your boundaries and feelings, and should not be making you feel bad for those things. I’m not saying you should like, dump her-”
“I am.” Steve batted a hand at Billy.
“-but, if you have an open conversation with her, and nothing changes, then you are always welcome here.” Steve squeezed his arm again.
The talk with Nancy had been bad.
She had taken everything really personally, said that Jonathan needed to sort out his priorities and to let her know when he’s attracted to her again.
And he tried, he tried so hard to explain the way he felt, that it all comes and goes like the fucking tide, but she had put her foot down.
So he showed up back to Billy and Steve’s apartment with two more suitcases and tears in his eyes.
“I just, I know I can fake it when I need to, I don’t know why I didn’t.”
“Because forcing yourself to do shit like that sucks. Fuck Nancy for being a bitch. Figure yourself out, and then find someone who respects your boundaries.”
Billy was pacing in front of the sofa, talking sharply, pointing at Jonathan a lot. Steve had one arm over his shoulders.
“You deserve respect, Jon. And you deserve to feel safe and happy in a relationship.”.
He couldn’t sleep that first night.
The fight was circling in his head, over and over and over and over-
He heard the bedroom door open, and someone creep out through the living room and into the kitchen.
He looked over the back of the couch, saw a bleary eyed Steve filling a glass of water for himself, wearing one of Billy’s faded band shirts, and a pair of panties.
Jonathan laid back down before Steve could see him looking.
The next morning, he found himself staring at Steve.
He had put shorts on, and even a chunky cardigan while he made breakfast, but Jonathan knew.
“Can I, can I talk to you about something?” Steve smiled brightly at him. “I, um, I noticed you coming out here last night.” Steve just nodded, a look of recognition in his eyes.
“You wondering about panties?”
“Um, yeah.” Steve shrugged. “I just like ‘em. And it’s not like, a sexual thing. Sometimes they make me feel sexy, but that’s not what it’s about. I just like them. Have a lot of women’s thing.”
“What about them do you like?” Steve shrugged again.
“It’s hard to describe. I’ve never felt like, super masculine. Like, big macho tough guy, I wanna hunt and never talk about my feelings.” Steve put on a stupid-sounding deep voice for his macho man. “And I mean, not all men are like that, but that’s kind of how you’re expected to be. And women are expected to be pretty and delicate, and I’ve always related to that more. Women’s clothes help me feel that way.”
“I’ve, um, I’ve always felt that too. Not necessarily the kinda, pretty and delicate part, but the, not feeling connected to masculinity and like, what’s expected from you.” Steve set down a plate of eggs and bacon in front of Jonathan, putting one down for himself as well, and one in Billy’s empty space.
“Hold that thought, I’m gonna grab Billy. He doesn’t like it when I yell for him.” Steve patted him on the arm, and was gone for a few minutes before he returned with Billy in tow.  “Okay, Jonathan. Please continue.”
“Well, not much to say. I feel like my dad kinda always shoved that like, macho man shit on me. Would take me hunting and stuff and I just never liked it.”
“Jesus, mine did that shit too. Not with hunting, but he was all about men having their place, and women having their place.” Billy took an aggressive bite of his bacon.
“Mine was too! I got sad once when I shot a rabbit, and he called me a pussy for like, a week.”
“When my dad was layin’ into me, if he ever saw my cry, it would just get that much worse.” They were nodding at one another, trading shitty dad stories back and forth. “He would like, get mad if I helped my mom cook and shit, too.”
“God, it’s like we had the fuckin’ same dad.” Billy raised his mug at Jonathan. “It’s hard to break outta that shit, even though he’s not in your life, anymore.”
“I think so, too. I haven;t seen him in years, but every time I do something he would’ve thought was too soft, I can still hear him in my head. And you know, that’s one of the things I like about Nancy. She’s really hard, and tough, and never expected me to be that way.” And he knows that in the end, Nancy was bad news for him, not being able to love and accept him, but that aspect of their relationship was so nice, so easy.
“There doesn’t always have to be both. I mean, Steve’s more outwardly soft, but we’re both real mushy at our cores. There doesn’t have to be a big tough one and a sweet soft one. Sometimes you have elements of both and you make it work.”
“You just have to find the balance within yourself, I think. And learn to embrace the parts of you that are soft and the parts that are hard.” Jonathan was nodding vigorously at Steve. “And it’s always different. I love getting to feel soft and pretty in a dress or something, whereas Billy finds ways to be soft by taking care of things, like me and all the plants.”
“Do you think, do you think you could help me? Find that, I mean.”
“Of course! Just think of the things you already feel, things that feel right when you do them, and that’s a good starting point. And maybe that’s your photography, and maybe it’s something else.”
So they let Jonathan experiment with things to find his softness.
He would help Billy tend to the fucking garden they had on the balcony, or bake with Steve. He took a million pictures, and Steve was thriving under the camera, would put on make up and something pretty and pose around the apartment.
It was just nice.
Getting to live with these two, and train himself not to be ashamed, it was nice.
Will would come and visit quite often, and he and Jonathan spent a wonderful Saturday evening coming out to each other, and validating the ever loving shit out of one another.
Billy and Steve came home to the two brothers hugging one another on the couch and trying to hold back tears.
Steve had inserted himself into the hug while Billy patted each one of them on the head and started making dinner.
But he figured of course this would happen.
His perfect little cocoon would crumble apart at some point.
Will had come over, and Steve and Billy had gone out to dinner together, leaving the two of them to order pizza and have a movie night.
It was great, hanging out with his brother like when they were little, not a fucking care in the world.
There was a knock at the door.
“Jon, it’s me. It’s Nancy. Can we talk” Jonathan’s heart stuttered to a halt in his chest.
Will was staring at the door like maybe he could set it on fire if he glared hard enough.
Jonathan sighed, opening the door to face his fate.
“Are you seriously still mad at me?”
“Yes.” She huffed.
“C’mon. Come back home.”
“Nancy, I can’t. Not if you’re not going to respect me.”
“We were fine. I don’t know why we can’t just go back to the way we were-”
“Because I was forcing myself to do things I was uncomfortable with just to make you happy.”
“Relationships are compromise, Jonathan.”
“I know that, but when I brought up to you what wasn’t working, you refused to listen. I was the only one forfeiting my boundaries and comfort in that relationship, and I deserve more.” She rolled her eyes.
“Jesus Christ, Jonathan, this is-” Will was shoving Jonathan back, stepping between the two.
“Nancy, he’s done talking to you about this. Unless you can respect that he doesn’t always feel that way, then move the fuck on.” He slammed the door right in her face. “You don’t need her.”
Jonathan was gobsmacked. Will had never spoken to anyone like that, at least not that Jonathan’s every seen.
“Why did you...?” He trailed off, still staring at the door.
“She was pissing me off. You’re right. You compromised everything in that relationship and she couldn’t even give you the bare minimum.”
Jonathan swept Will up, hugging him as tight as he possibly could.
“Thank you.”
“You deserve better than her.”
“Yeah, I do.”
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purplepri · 4 years
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My Drarry fanfic Masterlist
I've been meaning to make this list for a long time now, but my laziness didn't let me. Well, better later than never, so there it goes.
Disclaimer: this fics are from my personal taste. Many of them came from the always fabulous @drarryspecificrecs and @drarryspecificrecsdaily, so make sure to look their recs since it's more diverse. English it's not my first language, sorry for any mistakes. And I will do my very best to not spoil any of it, so my summaries are going to be short.
A Biding Promise by emeraldvssilver [E, +18]
“I choose you Harry. I’m yours. I think… I think I always was. Never could quite stop looking at you, or thinking about you.”
“Draco, I promise you I will protect you. With everything I am, and everything I have, I will protect you.”
Harry's power was an immovable force of nature, and Draco's magic parted for it like it was welcoming an old lover back into it's warm embrace. The Oath took root around Harry's core as he unwittingly bound himself to Draco, and bound himself to his promise.
It's hot, and cute, and I love the magical bond trope so much!!!!
Secrets by Vorabiza [E, +18]
Beginning with Draco's unexpected arrival at the Dursleys, Harry's summer after sixth year becomes filled with activity and many secrets. As his summer progresses, Harry generates several unexpected allies as he finds himself actively becoming the leader of the Light side.
I can't start to describe this one. I've read it instead of the book I was supposed to read for lit class, and I seriously don't regret it. The best of the best!!!!!!!
Safety by vivi1138 [M, +18]
Cedric Diggory is dead, Voldemort is reborn. Narcissa Malfoy knows what this means for her son, and she will not let him be Marked. Even if it means fleeing Britain.
With Amelia Bones' help, a safe haven welcomes six teenagers who have no wish to bow to Voldemort. The only catch? They'll need to adapt to a Muggle lifestyle.
With private teachers to continue their schooling, isolated from the rest of the world, they certainly don't expect to enjoy themselves, especially after Harry Potter himself joins them.
A story where Umbridge wreaks havoc on Hogwarts and Harry is not there to see it.
Good lord, this one. It's a-fucking-mazing in every point, I love this one with all my heart... So beautiful...
The Chamber of Secrets and Half the Adults are Idiots by Des98 [M, +18]
"Harry Potter AU where Harry is hiding in the cabinet in Borgin and Burkes. And he sees Lucius grab Draco with his cane. And he hears the hiss, “What did I tell you?” And he hears the quiver in the blonde boy’s voice, “Don’t touch anything.”
And Harry knows.
Because he’s used the voice that Draco uses for the past twelve years.
He knows.
Because now that he’s lived with the Weasleys for over a month, he knows that that’s not the way that a father’s voice should be.
He knows...
All I can say it's that Harry it's a cinnamon roll, everybody gets called out for their bullshit, and this series just makes me so happy that finally every abuse Harry's been through is addressed and cared for!!!!!!
Finite Incantatum by Alysian_Fields [E, +18]
It’s the autumn after Dumbledore’s death, the Death Eaters are steadily gaining power, and Harry and his friends are desperate to find the remaining Horcruxes. But then Draco Malfoy arrives at Grimmauld Place, traumatised, starved and drained of all his magical ability. It falls to Harry to show the Slytherin how to adapt to his new way of life, never guessing that Draco has a few things to teach him in return.
This one it's phenomenal! Draco needs to learn how to deal with not having magic anymore, and Harry's the one that teaches him. It's so gooooooooood
Harry Potter and The Bound Prince by slashpervert [E, +18]
In HBP, there is a pivotal moment where things could have gone very differently for Harry and Draco. In the bathroom sixth year, Draco is upset that Harry has caught him crying and throws a hex. It escalates and ends in blood, with Harry nearly killing Draco by accident. In this story, instead, unvoiced attraction to Harry motivates Draco to take a chance and kiss him. Once sparked, their mutual desire and exploration becomes the driving force in the alternative ending to the series. Draco's "mission" from Voldemort turns out to be more complex than that presented in canon and their solution even more difficult.
Let's just say that the author's name is very fitting for the content they wrote... But, yeah, there's a lot of smut, but gods if the plot isn't amazing as well...
Dark Wizengamot by Emerys_Potter [T, +13]
Preparing to head to his hearing, just before his fifth year at Hogwarts, Harry learns quickly that Sirius' plans tend to get complicated. In a matter of minutes Harry becomes a Lord of the Wizarding World and in so doing learns that not all his friends are on his side.
Watch as Harry stands up for himself and shakes the Wizengamot, Dumbledore, Hogwarts, Voldemort and the Wizarding World at large for a spin.
Shout out to everyone who loves a good Dumbledore!bashing, Slytherins are people too, BAMF Harry Potter!!! I see you and I love you, please read this fanfic, it's going to worth it!!!!!
Easy as Falling by Lomonaaeren [T, +13]
Harry doesn’t really like the way things are going in the wizarding world. But who’s going to do something about it?...Him, that’s who! (Or, how Harry became a Benevolently Snarky Dark Lord).
I can't. I love Dark!Harry, it's just so EXCITING for me to see someone that was a light symbol fall into the dark and find strength and power there...
Harry Potter and the Sentinel Phenomenon by elissblair [M, +18]
Everything changes the summer after fifth year. Draco refuses to take the Dark Mark and must deal with leaving behind the life, friends and family he's always known.The Dursley's abandon Harry alone in the woods for a week, triggering his Sentinel gifts and leaving him hurting and in need of a Guide. Can two rivals put aside five years worth of antagonism in order to work together to save Hogwarts and each other?
I don't know what to say about this one... So cute and well written, I love this so much, OMG...
The Devil's White Knight by orphan_account [E, +18]
When Harry wakes up in an alternate timeline--a timeline where Voldemort was defeated long before the first war--he discovers everything is different. His parents, his godfather, his friends--and him. Harry must deal with the consequences of who he would have been if he had been raised by his parents, and figure out where he stands with his casual hook up, Draco Malfoy.
I love this one so much and often read it again just for the sake of it. Family it's a complicated matter, isn't it?
Azoth by zeitgeistic [E, +18]
Now that Harry is back at Hogwarts with Hermione for eighth year, he realises that something’s missing from his life, and it either has to do with Ron, his boggart, Snape, or Malfoy. Furthermore, what, exactly, does it mean when one’s life is defined by the desire to simultaneously impress and annoy a portrait? Harry has no idea; he’s too busy trying not to be in love with Malfoy to care.
Alchemy, apprenticeship, mentor!Snape... What a ride this one is! But it's amazing, ugh!
Changeable Weather by tigersilver [E, +18]
They should be studying for their exams, but it's too hot, so everyone is just hanging around by the lake in various states of undress. Draco cannot cope with all of Harry's exposed skin.
You know... Summer vibes, beach(it's the lake of Hogwarts), Harry being all good-looking and that's it.
Breaking the Curse by GatewayGirl [E, +18]
At first, not being able to hire Slytherins didn't seem too bad, but now Auror Potter is taking it personally. If only Draco Malfoy didn't keep cropping up in his investigation.
There's a curse at the Ministry and the former Slytherins can't get a job in there. Of course auror Potter needs to be the one who breaks it, huh? And of course it's sex magic, huh?
Buy a Heart by xErised [E, +18]
Draco's cock hardens as he looks at the invitation to the charity auction; his golden ticket to one wild night of desperate sex with Potter to get rid of this inexplicable obsession. His heart whispers that one night will never be enough, but Draco is beyond caring. All he knows is that he will pay any price to have Potter over and over again.
Harry being a size queen it's my smut pet peeve, I'm not going to lie. But yeah, very hot sex all around the hotel room. That's it.
Crush by MissyMallow [T, +13]
Harry Potter; one gorgeous specimen ever created. Draco Malfoy’s crush.
This one made me so happy while I was reading! It’s amazing!
91 notes · View notes
Always love this
Sccarlet SFW Alphabet
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Sccarlet's affection is pretty subtle! A lot of the time, she enjoys touching you, particularly with hand holding. Baby likes to be around you.
She always unexpectedly has the things you need. Need armor? Pulls out full Netherite that totally didn't take her hours to grind. Need a potion? Boom. While she doesn't think it's gift-giving, it's exactly what it is.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Scarrlet is a very loyal best friend! Very shy, though. You probably approached first! Or you were in a bad mood and she came up to ask what's wrong.
As a result of being her friend, you hang around Techno and Philza a lot. If you're not a government despising anarchist, the Ghast finds you a breath of fresh air. If you are, expect her to join in your less chaotic antics.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Really likes cuddling a lot! To her, it's both comforting and relaxing. Can and will play with your hair, and will turn into a flustered mess when you mess with hers.
A lot of calming positions! She's also really fond of spooning.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
The domestic life is something Sccarlet enjoys in other people, but doesn't do it herself. In terms of cleaning, she's pretty good. Not a fan of messes and she can be fast when she wants to.
In terms of food, she's pretty good at cooking Hoglins. Anything that isn't meat? Sorry, but she's not your gal. Potions, on the other hand-
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Tries to do it as gently as possible. She keeps stammering on her words and looks down when she finally lets it out. She'll quietly ask if you want to be friends instead, and if you say no, she'll leave quickly. Truly, I don't think she'd ever fall out of love. It would probably be due to wanting to keep you safe from the war. When she leaves, she'll greatly miss you, but will try to convince herself that it was for the best.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Commitment? Hell yeah. Sccarlet is a loyal hybrid who will go to the end of the world for those she gives a giant shit about, and you're one of those people.
Marriage, however? She's a bit iffy on that. She'll probably pop the question after a year or two, probably on a date or during an initiate moment. If you do like weddings, that's cool! Sccarlet will respect your wishes.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Do you even need to ask? Even to strangers, Sccarlet is gentle. That's her as a person. Psychically or emotionally, she's soft. Honestly, the girl is anything but a tease.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
A sucker for reunion hugs! She's fond of the cliché 'running up to you and embracing one another' hug generally seen in media; she finds it really cute!
Also buries her face into your neck. When she does it, you'll be able to hear happy Ghast noises which is ironic since they're always crying
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Sccarlet unintentionally tends to use other words then love, most commonly 'I adore you'. Her first ILY would be really tender, in a calming serene moment, as she murmurs it out peacefully.
Love. This. Girl
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Sccarlet doesn't get jealous that often! She trusts you enough to still love her in the end, and besides, she tries to get on good terms with a lot of people. She has enough faith in you, but there's always that one guy to piss her off.
When it happens, very clingy. She tends to pout at the dude, but otherwise stays silent. If the guy ever crosses boundaries, Sccarlet will release the natural Nether instincts and release Hell on the dude. Of course, she's spitting apologies right after.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Fond of quick little pecks on the cheek! She really enjoys scar kisses, and when you kiss hers, she'll be over the moon.
Rarely initiates make-out sessions. If you wanna do that, you're gonna have to take the lead.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Honestly, not great. She's just not great with kids. Teenagers? Yeah. Actual children? Hell no. She gets stressed easily, and with how loud and disobedient kids can be, it's a living Hell.
While she'd want kids of her own alongside you, she'd wait until the SMP is more peaceful.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Early bird. Sccarlet just naturally gets up early. She'll probably get some tea, make some quick breakfast before doing a relaxing activity. Probably fishing or farming.
Whenever she needs to leave for supplies or for meetings, she'll leave a small little note on the bedside table. She's always quick to come back, though
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Like every other time with Sccarlet, relaxing! More fishing and farming, most likely a book or two in her hand before heading off to bed. She falls asleep incredibly quickly, so if she gets comfy in the couch, gently wake her up before she falls asleep.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Sometime after your first kiss, she'll tell you her real name. Her true identity of Sirese is only told to those she trusts, so good for me! While it's a 'I trust you, here's a secret' move, she gets really suspicious when you say it suspiciously. Be it if you're dying or pissed, she doesn't like it. She'd prefer her name coming out sweet, thank you very much.
To some extent, Sccarlet's open about her grief. Don't be surprised when she clings to you sobbing out WIlbur, L'manburg or another traumatizing incident.
She doesn't spill anything on you. She's more of a 'ask me whatever whenever and I'll tell you' kind of open.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Scarrlet is rarely angry! She's a very patient person. However, her Nether instincts and the voices in her head are more prone to anger, and when they form into a more darker and aggressive side of her rather then just some annoying voices, she finds herself getting way more irritable due to stress and just how loud they are.
Her anger is rather easy to fade, though. Just whisper some calming words and hold her, and soon enough, the anger will evaporate.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing or do they kind of forget everything?)
Sccarlet's def the type to keep a small enchanted notebook of your likes! She writes down anything she thinks is useful and important to you, even on a minor scale. Sccarlet doesn't want to forget anything in case it ends up important and leads to disappointment from you.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
A calm moment. It doesn't matter what it is. But during those rare moments when war isn't lingering over her heads, where she can forget the bodies and the pain a Totem of Undying causes with you? Those are something she'll never forget. You're a presence that makes her calm. You could've just been fishing together without any significance to you, but to her? That serenity was beautiful and she wishes she could have more of it.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Very protective. She lost the person who was basically a brother to her, saw the country she worked so hard to keep destroyed numerous times, the constant betrayal and the grief forming into one loud voice instead of numerous tiny voices? You bet her ass she won't lose you.
When she gets involved in wars, she'll do whatever it takes to keep you out of them. If you ever do and get injured, you've never going on the battlefield again. She's lost so much, she is not losing you.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
She lets you collect her Ghast tears for potions! With dates, she'll try her best to make them relaxing for the both of you, mostly libraries, picnics and the one cat café in the country.
Like said before, she'll write down any important anniversary or date in her notebook!
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Out of nowhere, Sccarlet just cries. She doesn't even know that there's still leftover tears until you're both cleaning and there's a giant clunk of tear shaped shiny things on the floor.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Depends! While she doesn't really care about her looks, her facial scars are always an insecurity of hers, since they remind her of the Manburg VS Pogtopia war, which is how they were gained.
Clothes, however? Girl pays attention to what she's wearing and she wants to look good.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Umm,,,,, yessss,,,,,,?
You're the one person who makes Sccarlet feel completely safe. Without you, she'd have no idea on what to do. You're her safe haven, and she'd be damned to lose it.
If you get corrupted by the Egg, mark her words that she'll find a way to bring you back. Her hatred will grow to that overgrown red manipulator and becomes even more pro-omelette.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
When she gets frightened (most notably a skeleton), she'll quickly jump into your arms. She has no idea she did until a few seconds later as she embarrassedly tries to get out of your grip.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
If you eat chewing gum, go to a place where she can't hear it. Sccarlet despises the sound of chewing gum, and if you leave it around without the packaging, you'll have the rare sight of an angry Sccarlet.
Z = Zzz (What is are some sleep habits of theirs?)
Blanket stealing. And once again, instinctive crying. While she likes being close, you'll need to be a bit apart since you'll wake up with a tiny mountain of Ghast tears and your blanket gone if you share one.
While it may sound a bit weird, she prefers having two separate beds close to each other. She likes her own pillows and covers.
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lollercakesff · 3 years
And They Were Strangers
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Jyn Erso has been prepping for this for months. Years even, if you count the endless hours she'd spent running pools and hosting watch nights with her college roommates. She'd choreographed hundreds of dollars in auctions for remaining teams and had led multiple nights where her and her friends cooked their way around the world with the country of the week. The memories were great, sure, but to say she didn't feel a connection with this path in her life would be a lie. Something drew her in, tied her up, and convinced her that this - this - was the thing she needed to do before she died.
And now it was time. She was ready. Mentally… Physically… Hopefully.
AN: Will I finish writing this? I have a plan... But is it worth my time?
But the path to her next adventure was currently being blocked by some too-tall goon with haphazard hair and piercing dark eyes who kept getting in her way. First at check in, then in line for security, and now at the boarding gate. They’d practically been together, crossing paths and crashing each other, since she entered this damn airport and it was starting to really get to her. 
"Are you planning on getting on this plane or just standing in the way?" Jyn growls under her breath when the man doesn't move forward with the gate agent's call.
"What - Oh," he leaps forward a step and hustles towards the woman, pulling his passport from his pocket as Jyn sighs and checks her papers again. 
Her new American passport feels heavy in her hand, its empty pages a sign of things to come. She was on her way to Los Angeles where she was scheduled to show up at her first and only briefing for the next season of the Amazing Race. The producers had promised a full day of orientation covering the rules of the race and how the team match up would work before the "trip of a lifetime" began the next day. She was trying not to stress about it but she didn't quite know what she was getting into. 
This was the first season where every team in the race would be a set of strangers. They'd all meet at the briefing but it wouldn't be until the start of the race when they'd learn who their partner was. The producers had billed it as the season of 'fate' where they tried to pick a winning team by pure dumb luck with names drawn from a hat. Or so she'd been told. Who knew how it would really work.
"Next!" The agent calls and Jyn scurries forward, passing her documents over and brushing her bangs from her face. In another second she's motioned through and she's heading down the gangway and onto the plane. 
When she gets to her seat her frustration returns tenfold as the man from before has settled himself in her seat by the window, his seatbelt already clipped and his attention turned towards the action on the tarmac. 
"Hey, you're in my seat," she greets, stuffing her duffle in the overhead bin.
"F? Window?" He answers with an almost-accent and a quirk to his lips. Jyn frowns and steps into the row to let the people behind her pass.
"Yes. That's my seat, can you move please?" 
"I was sure I had the window, I feel claustrophobic if I can't see out - "
"Yeah, I'm sure. Can you check your boarding pass?" She asks, cutting his sob story off before it can even get started. 
"Can't I just have it this one time? It's a short flight," he answers, making no move to relent. Jyn sighs and drops into the seat next to him, her eyes closing tight as she urges the irritation to ease. 
"Fine. But this is bad karma and I hope it comes back to bite you in the ass, asshole," she grumbles the last part, determined to insult him but not loud enough to cause a scene. The man coughs as if to hide a laugh and Jyn hates him even more, pulling up her hood and taking out her headphones.
She was going to spend the next two hours in a music haven, mentally far from this man and the constant bumping of her elbow that came from sitting in the aisle row. Soon she'd be in LA at her hotel and then she'd be on to a new country, with a new language and culture that she'd have to work with to get her team to the finish line. Then she’d do it again and again until they won. Or they lost. She didn't like to think about that last possibility so instead she closes her eyes and hits play.
The hotel bed is more luxurious than anything she's ever slept in in her life and when she wakes it's with a curse as she realizes she's almost late to the briefing. Hustling around the room, she nearly crashes onto the floor when her pants get tangled and she loses her balance. Cursing out her alarm, her beautiful sleep, and the time difference, Jyn pulls on her t-shirt just as she pulls open her door and slams into someone walking past her room.
"Shit, sorry!” She gasps as she rights herself and pulls back. When she looks up it’s to find the man from the plane. The one who wouldn’t give her back her seat. The one who’d been a pain in the ass all day. “You!” The man’s eyes widen and he looks around him like he’s being Punk’d, surprise in his brow. 
“From the plane?” He counters, as if he was still struggling to place her. 
“Yeah. What, are you following me? How did you know to find me here?” Jyn growls, crossing her arms. The man cocks his head and furrows his brow, looking at her as though she was crazy. 
“Follow you? I’m here for… A thing that has nothing to do with you. If anything, I’d think you’re stalking me,” he adds sharply. Jyn scowls and shakes her head, her watch beeping with her five minute alarm. 
“Sure. Fine, whatever. I won’t be here long enough to have this happen again. Have a good life!” She shouts as she hurries off down the hall, her hand flung up into the air and her middle finger pointed towards him. 
She takes the stairs down to the conference room because getting stuck in the elevator with that jerk would put her nerves over the edge, their already frayed status from the late wakeup making her more punchy than usual. By the time she barrels into the room and grabs a plate of the breakfast, the producer is calling everyone to a seat. 
Jyn moves towards an empty chair and begins measuring up her fellow racers, her eyes drifting over one person and then the next as they settle in a semi-circle around the speaker. Some of them were incredibly fit, others a bit paunchy but she figured they could probably take her in a memory challenge or two if it came down to it. Most of them were on the younger side, maybe in their twenties or thirties, though there were a few who easily slotted into their fifties at the very least. She didn’t want to be ageist but she secretly hoped she’d get paired with someone who could keep up with her at the very least and she didn’t really peg any of these older folks as marathoners. 
“Welcome, good morning everyone!” A young woman calls out, drawing their attention to the front of the room. Jyn sits up and nimbles on a muffin, trying to look intimidating to the others around her who she assumed were doing the measuring up as she had just been. 
“You’re in my seat,” a voice says over her shoulder. Jyn’s stomach drops and she frowns, looking back to find the man from the airplane and the hallway standing behind her. “Don’t worry though, I’m not going to make you move, I’ll just take this empty one here.” 
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” Jyn hisses, clenching her hands and nearly crushing her muffin to pieces. 
“Nope,” he responds as he sits in the chair next to her. An insult is on the tip of her tongue when the woman calls out again and really takes control of the room, beginning with a welcome spiel before moving right into the security briefing. After the team has explained every terrifying aspect about the world in explicit detail, Jyn looks around the room and finds half of the contestants with a concerned look on their faces, the other half grinning wickedly at the challenge. Beside her the man keeps his expression reserved though his eyes are calculating, the look making her guess whether he was regretting his choice or simply bored. 
After the welcome session, they’re broken up into groups of four and are led to a table in the corner of the room. Jyn sighs a breath of relief as the man is placed in another group, his presence finally dissipating and allowing her to focus on the tasks at hand instead of the prickling skin she felt whenever he was close. 
Hours pass and the contestants are moved around the room to different stations where they focus on different aspects of the game. There’s logic tests and geography quizzes which she passes with flying colours but when it comes to the language skills and memory games she flounders, her attention twisting towards her fellow contestants. She spends half the time trying to measure up where they stand on these activities, who would be best suited to the way she wanted to run this race. 
Her strategy - based on years of watching the show - was to run with brute force. She would power through on the physical challenges and when it came to figuring out a puzzle she was set. She just needed a partner who would be able to keep up and rush into everything just as hard. Smarts weren’t what won you the race, it was being able to push your way through anything and she had trained to do just that. 
“Everyone now has an hour for lunch. Feel free to get to know each other and remember, these folks might be your competition or they might just be the person you cross that finish line with!” The producer from earlier calls as the stations are closed and the participants are left to loiter in the room. 
Jyn feels like she’s in a social experiment as she beelines towards the food table to take a plate. She loads it up with everything she’s going to miss for the next few weeks - caesar salad and french fries and pasta salad that looked too delicious to miss. When she settles at a table she’s quickly joined by a handful of others, the conversation easily picking up from the morning activities.
“I’m Bodhi Rook, you?” The man sitting next to her says around a forkful of salad. Jyn looks him over quickly and notes his tall frame and long hair, his thin frame and open expression. He could be a good partner - she’d seen him race through some of the challenges with an efficiency she admired. 
“Jyn Erso,” she answers, lifting her hand to offer a shake. Bodhi takes it and squeezes it before turning back to his food, diving in as she looks around the table at the others. “You heard anything about how we’re going to be assigned teams?” She asks after a few minutes, her water lifting to her lips. 
“Not really. My group thought maybe the stations were to see where our strengths were so they could match us up better. But I was also told it would be a name in a hat, so who knows what they’re planning.” 
“Yeah, I heard the hat thing too. I hope there’s a little more thought put into it,” she responds with a shrug. Bodhi nods and lets a laugh escape. 
“Either way, I think I’ll be okay. I just like the adventure of it, you know? Don’t really need to win the whole thing,” he says around another bite. 
Jyn frowns and looks at her food, debating internally whether she could be paired with someone who didn’t want to win the whole race. If she had to admit it - though she’d never say it on camera - she wasn’t here just because she liked the show and wanted to see the world. 
She was here because she needed the prize money. 
The thought creeps up on her and she pushes it back down, stuffing it into her chest like too many clothes in a carry on bag. She didn’t have time to think about it now, not when she should be sizing up her competition and thinking about U-Turn and Yield strategy. No. She needed to focus. 
“What about everyone else?” Bodhi asks the table when Jyn still doesn’t respond. She turns her attention to the people around them, listening as first a bright eyed Luke Skywalker and a gruff Baze Malbus explain their motivations before moving on to Leia Organa, a beautiful but strategic thinker, and her cocky puppy-dog-tail for-the-day Han Solo easily admits he’s only here for the money. Jyn can’t help but think he might be her real competition if they don’t get paired together, the gleam of a quick buck in his eyes adding to his boisterous energy. 
Taking another glance around the room, Jyn weighs the rest of her competition as they sit at two other tables. Sixteen racers in total, all with different motivations and experiences that they bring to the table. They’d be eight teams and the producers had all but guaranteed it would be a tough race with all of them having secret strengths that were admitted in their bio videos. Jyn can’t remember what hers ss but by the time she turns back to the conversation at hand, she already knows one thing is for sure - she’s going to win, even if it kills her. 
After lunch they’re broken off into individual briefing rooms where they’re given their racing issued equipment and a final check in with the producers before they’re sent off to their rooms to pack. In the morning they’ll all be meeting in the lobby to hand over their backpacks before heading to the starting line. 
When the race starts their first activity will be finding their matched backpack with a coloured bandana tied to it. The racer with the matching bandana will be their partner for the duration and it will either be a successful match or a story of just how quickly Jyn can crash and burn their team. 
Throughout the evening she tries not to think about it - pushing away thoughts of how hectic tomorrow would be, how much adrenaline is already rolling in her veins and just how is she supposed to sleep tonight? To distract herself she focuses on potential strategies depending on who she paired with in the morning. Baze could work, or she’d even probably be successful with Han if they didn’t rip each other's heads off. Bodhi would be a great candidate - he seemed relaxed and competent, but Jyn didn’t like that he wasn’t driven by the final prize so much as he just wanted to have an adventure. 
No, she could pair with most of the people she’d met that morning. With the very real exception of the man from the plane who she’d learned was named Cassian Andor. There was no way they would be able to work together to even get out of the States, their partnership tanking before they even took their first flight. She was sure of it. And so when she falls asleep that night it’s to the thought that she had a one in fifteen chance of failing and those were pretty good odds. 
Morning comes in a rush of excitement and insanity and a paranoia that she’s forgotten something even though she’s checked her bags at least a dozen times. When she gets to the lobby, the assistants take her old bags and mark them with her tags before collecting her race bag and shoving it onto a luggage cart with the other packs. She’s directed to a holding queue where the racers mill about, snacking on the continental breakfast and filling their water bottles. 
Twenty minutes later and they’re piled onto a bus. Thirty minutes later and they’re being placed around an empty field with only the production crew circling them and a pile of luggage in the center of the field. Jyn thinks she spots her bag with a blue tag and she grins, looking around at the nervous faces she was up against. 
“You’ve got this,” she whispers to herself as Phil Keoghan begins his speech from near the luggage pile. Adrenaline spikes in her blood and then there’s a horn and she’s racing forward, scrambling for the luggage pile and her bag with its bandana looped through the arm. She pulls it free and stumbles back, looking around at the other racers as they take in their own colours, desperately looking for their partner. 
Not Bodhi. Not Baze. Fuck, not even Han. She scours the faces and colours until she sees it - blue, like hers! She steps forward, her smile widening having finally found her partner. 
But then she looks up. And her eyes meet her partner’s. 
Dark brown meeting green.
Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck.
“Guess you’re stuck with someone with bad karma,” he says evenly, the nerve of it making her want to pull her hair out. She curses again and grabs for his arm, dragging him towards the clue box for their next instructions. They didn’t have time to waste on pleasantries and witty comebacks, not if they wanted to win. 
She could do this. Brute force was all it would take, right? 
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yandere-daze · 4 years
Mista with 92, 89, and 100
Of course!! Thank you for the request!!
92. “I’ve known you for a lot longer than you think.”
89. “This world doesn’t deserve someone as sweet as you.”
100.” I will kiss you until your lips bleed. Just let me have this, I wanted to do this for so long. “
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Yandere! Mista with prompts 92,89 and 100
You were a barista at a cozy little café in the streets of Naples. For the most part you were perfectly happy with your job- you had nice coworkers, received reasonable payment and you liked serving the customers.
Today was just another regular day at your job. It was nearly 2 o´clock and the morning shift had been going along smoothly so far, when the tiny bell at the door chimed, indicating that another customer had entered the coffee shop. Looking up from the counter, you studied his appearance a bit while he approached the counter. You definitely hadn´t seen him here before, you would have immediately recognized someone that dressed as flashy as this guy. He wore a blue crop top with white stripes while his legs were adorned with bright red pants that in turn had wavy black stripes on them. Finishing off his rather unique look, he wore a red beanie-like hat that covered up most of his hair, that you could only assume was black. He looked nice enough as he finally came to stop in front of you, a dorky grin on his face.
“Good day sir, what would you like to order?”, you asked while keeping a practiced but inviting smile on your face.
“There´s no need to be that formal with me, y/n! Sir? Just call me Mista!”, he exclaimed while grinning at you from ear to ear.
“Of course, Mista then!”, with the new familiarity you let your professional smile shift into a more genuine one. But then you noticed something that made your stomach churn in a strange kind of way. “Um sorry I don´t mean to accuse you of anything but how come you know my name? I haven´t introduced myself yet and I don´t believe we have met before, or am I wrong?”. You just had to know.
With this, Mista seemed to grow a bit nervous, his eyes shifting and a drop of sweat forming on his face. Was your bad feeling right then? Was something off about this man?
Then Mista´s gaze focused on you again and his eyes lit up in realization, a shaky smile forming on his lips. “You see- “, he raised his finger to point at your chest area, his other hand rubbing at the back of his head, “your name is written right there! On that name tag of yours! I thought because I gave you mine it would only be appropriate to call you by your name as well!”
A wave of relief then washed over you. You really had just been worried about nothing. Living in a city with such high criminal activity just made you way to suspicious it seemed.
“All right, sorry about that! May I take your order then…Mista?” Seemingly happy about the new familiarity, the black-haired man eagerly placed his order then.
 After this little encounter, Mista became a regular customer at the café and spent more and more time talking to you there. When he first only got coffee-to-go he now usually sat down at a table near the counter, engaging in pleasant conversation with you, thus often letting his coffee grow cold from talking too much. He never touched his cup of coffee when speaking with you, seemingly completely lost in your conversation, often making lame jokes or telling you about his very exiting “adventures” as he liked to call them. He took down a group of six men all on his own? Sure thing! You didn´t really believe any of the crazy stories he told you, thinking them too ridiculous to be true, but you liked listening to them all the same. Other than that, he seemed to share a lot of your hobbies! Whenever you decided to open up about one of your many interests, he was already listing all his favorite things about it. It was like he wasn´t even surprised by anything you said anymore but liked to just hear you talk. It was honestly kind of comforting to have someone you could just vent at, him listening to you anyway.
There was only one problem. Whenever you had to leave his table to attend to another customer you had to physically pry Mista´s arms off you with how tense he suddenly grew. On top of that, there was always some kind of sad or even pouty look on his face when you had to get up. You didn´t know how to feel about this particular behavior of his and even more so when your coworkers started to tease you about how much time you spent with him, asking if there was something going on between the both of you. You always fervently denied any kind of relationship you two might have, your coworkers not believing a word you were saying and Mista growing an actually kind of scary look on his face.
It was at the end of one of your usual shifts when things started to escalate. You had just finished closing up the shop and were heading back home, when you felt a pair of eyes pierce into your back. Turning your head to look behind you, you soon found the source of your unease. You saw Mista, jogging up to you with a very uncharacteristic look on his face. He actually looked kind of nervous to you? Wondering what he might have to say to you, you slowed down until you came to a screeching halt, waiting for him under the nearest streetlight. After catching up to you, Mista needed a few moments to regain his breath, seemingly worn out. After catching his breath and shakingly getting up from his hunched-over position, he started to speak up.
“Alright so sorry for stopping you when it´s already so late but there´s something I wanted to ask you y/n..”, now nervously rubbing the back of his head with his left hand, continued: “So I was just wondering…if you maybe wanted to go out for dinner sometime? I just really felt a connection when talking to you.”
But even though he was looking at you so hopefully right now, you had to turn him down. You just didn´t feel the same. “Mista, I´m really sorry but I have to decline. You´re a really great guy and I love talking to you but I don’t think there could be anything more than that. I´m just not looking for a relationship right now.”, you apologized. You felt bad about it but you didn´t want to give him any false hopes.
Mista however, didn´t seem to appreciate your answer at all. Tilting his head he retorted: “Come on y/n, just give us a chance! I know this might have come abruptly but I really do love you! We´re perfect for each other!”
Now you were getting a bit agitated. Why can´t he just accept your decision?
“No Mista, I´m serious. I just don´t think there´s any potential for us. I don´t feel that way about you! Please just accept my decision! Also how can you already tell that we´re perfect for each other?! We´ve barely known each other for a few days! How can you say you love someone that you barely know?” Okay, you were realizing that your tone of voice was getting a little too harsh but you really just wanted him to get the point. You were perfectly fine with staying as friends after this but first this needed to get through his seemingly thick skull.
However after saying that Mista actually started to….chuckle? Was this funny to him now? Was he just pulling a tasteless prank or something? What was going on now?
“Oh my sweet, sweet y/n. My little darling… I’ve known you for a lot longer than you think. I´ve been standing outside the coffee shop, just looking trough the windows and watching you work for months now! I watched your every move, saw each one of your smiles and realized that you were the one for. The ache to see you was growing too strong so I had to finally show myself to you on that one fateful day. And I almost blew my cover too! I was so excited that I said your name before you even introduced myself! I was so panicked that time but you managed to forgive me so it´s all good now.”
“What. What are you talking about??Are you crazy?! That´s crazy!! Please just leave me alone! You´re really starting to creep me out right now!” Absolutely terrified, you started to back away. That man… you didn´t feel safe anymore. Was he even listening to himself talk??
“I´ll show you just how much I love you and then everything will be okay! You will feel the same as me!”, Mista cooed and started to lean in. Seeing this, you took two steps back. You didn´t want this. “Please! Just leave me alone!”, you cried out.
That seemed to do something because for just a minute, Mistas´s usually dorky face grew dead serious as he grabbed you by your shoulders.
“Please don´t struggle, amore. I will kiss you until your lips bleed. Just let me have this, I wanted to do this for so long. “
He then leaned in, forcing you into a heated kiss, feverishly moving his lips against your own as if his life depended on it. Pushing his tongue between your lips and initiating an open-mouthed kiss, his tongue easily coming out as victorious in your little fight over dominance. A fight you didn´t want nor participated in.
After what seemed like an eternity to you, he finally pulled away while holding you in his arms. He looked so damn…happy while you just felt miserable.
And as if to make matters even worse, your face paled as you felt the press of something against your back. Slightly shifting your head, you identified the mysterious object as a gun that Mista was holding in his right hand.
“What- what are you going to do to me now? Are you just going to shoot me now after declaring your love for me and molesting me?”. You couldn’t believe this was happening. After everything went wrong that could go wrong, you were now going to die? This wasn´t how you imagined your day to go.
But Mista just shook his head while letting out a low chuckle.
“Don´t be silly amore, I wouldn’t ever dream of hurting you. But others are not the same. People are cruel. This world doesn’t deserve someone as sweet as you. I will keep you safe from all these cruel people don´t you worry. I just thought that judging from your previous behavior you wouldn´t quite agree with me yet, so I had to do something to convince you. Now please be a darling and follow my directions without causing a scene. I wouldn´t want to break my promise now, would I?”
I´m actually really proud of this one!! I´ve never written something this long but I just got really carried away with this one oops!
Hope you like it!!
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