tvs-coach · 5 months
"I’m Sure Livin’ Since I Died" from Spitting Image, Series 6 Episode 1.
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circuswallaby · 10 months
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God I love Juniper
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teruriii · 11 months
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A manifestation of her powers
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sorte-de-vida · 9 months
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@mauerfrau asked: [DANCE] - The sender and the receiver dance together at an event, maintaining the appearance of a couple. From Here.
Lying to these aristocrats was almost too easy, all of them practically ate the cover story out of the palm of their hands. All it took was pretty faces, a little charm, and any hesitance or suspicion were tossed to the wind. There were few here who could contend with either of their abilities in the way of swaying people, harmless-seeming questions spilling information that would surely be used against them at a later moment. Truly the Portuguese man was a master of bullshit, manipulating each member of the party as he circumvents topics that could possibly blow cover.
He's yet to see the target all night, the supposed host of this whole shindig. Impatience and irritation prickle beneath his skin, trigger finger itching for the hunt. A man with wealth, power, and even more importantly: knowledge. He had much they wanted, but for now, they were to blend in, not to stick out amongst the partygoers. It's what takes them onto the dancefloor, a suggestion from another patron they could not refuse. How odd it would seem for the seemingly happy couple to refuse to dance with one another.
"He's been out all night, fashionably late as always. I guess they were right...." It's spoken into her ear in a way that from outside eyes would look to be a whispering of sweet nothings as they spin and twirl hand in hand. He'd always been a natural at dancing, and if not for this job perhaps could have pursued it. Where was the thrill in that though? He prefers espionage, the adrenaline rush each mission gave him had no comparison.
"At least the food is good, hm?" He chuckles softly, meeting her eyes. "And I suppose the company makes waiting bearable...."
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... ahuhuh! What he said.
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chocochococoffee · 6 months
expanding a bit in the Maya Writes Steel Samurai but Uses Phoenix as Base for the Evil Magistrate au, she surely would be the kind of writer who didn't just create a whole new vision of the SS universe, of course after living the Will Powers case and knowing Sal Manella and Dee Vasquez, but also would absolutely would use DL-6 as a big base of it. She knows Von Karma, she got tasered and got into jail by him. She Would do a Steel Samurai who doesn't know (or so he says to himself) how misguided is his own Justice. But also would create a manipulator scene behind it
Inagine if she was there against Gant ahuhuh
She would do a whole fucking series enough for making a book of her own vision of the Steel Samurai, each year encompassing more and more characters and more of her peculiar world view. And I am sure that most of the fanfom would hate that shit because No, Thats Not who The Steel Samurai Is!!!!!!
She would receive so much hate she would probably think its another perk of having bad luck. But its better than getting tasered and kidnapped, whatever.
Shes proba the kinda author that does the "sorry for not updating today! I was falsely arrested :( again :("
Edgeworth would eat those fanfics with gusto though. If he knew the identity of his favorite artists he would fucking put the law at her defense and probably Chide Phoenix for not knowing the dangers of the antis she receives w.
Better for him to not know, though. He deserves to not know how based on real life Maya's stories are.
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wackysach · 2 years
Quick question what are your ships if you have any? It's ok if you don't want to answer
oh, boy.
do i have any ships ?
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yeahhhhhhh........... i think all of you saw this coming LOL.
ahuhuh okay even though i partake in a lot of the common fandom ships (padlock, lampnold/firefly, cyberfly, digitaltime, fluffybird, spark of creativity, etc.), i have my fair share of rare pairs too (lampxtony, idk the name for that one but can i call it naptime ? that sounds sweet, sketchxstain LIKE- LITERALLY i think i’m the only guy who goes nuts over them i’m sorry but they’re both so small and creative and one’s made out of paper and the other’s made out of clay and i just hdjkslnjfdkmslk it's good food i promise, also sketchxshrig, and maybe a few others i can’t think of at the moment).
so yep, i’m pretty open when it comes to ships ! ��👍 most of ‘em are good in my book.
(PS, you guys are 💯 percent free to talk to me about ship stuff, i think it's awesome and i'm totally cool with it)
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bulletfestival · 4 months
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"Mugi, you really sure about this. 'Cause if ya are." Saki puts her arm around his shoulder and brings him close to her chest.
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"Then I really like how ballsy ya are! Hahahahahaha! Let's curb-stomp that stupid sheep!"
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"Oh yeah, I- mmph-"
Turning his face away from her chest, he starts giving a forced chuckle as if to fend off the feeling of impending doom. The facade is a lot harder to maintain when there are real stakes involved...
Not to mention, there's the maid to worry about too.
"Ahuhuh... right. Let's."
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wearebackbagels · 2 years
I am supposed to study for a chemistry test tomorrow but why do that when I can update Tumblr every other second ahahAHaha ahuhuh *sob*
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altarpup · 2 months
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theheartofmuses · 5 months
Selanik italy isid operasyonu 83837 ahuhuh
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jchamphero · 7 months
Dad! I mean Jared.. ahuhuh oops!!
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the-mainverse · 8 months
Joykleez:I adopted her..I knew that day will come to break me ..so I find a way to not feel lonely. Adoptive my little bear.
Blossom: .... *Blossom looked at BerryBelle. Then she smiled at her, in, what looked like, relief.*
Blossom: I'm happy for you. For you both. Plus, she is an adorable kid, ahuhuh.
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radiotorn · 1 year
thinking abt old friends who i dont talk to anymore :((((
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partlycloudyskyes · 1 year
@pvrplcat asked: "Ahuhuh, good mornin', Skye! Or... Afternoon. Whatever the time if day it is! I just know it's snack time, pthhpth!"
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❝ Hehe, it is afternoon. But the specifics don't matter all that much, airmail. ❞ Skye chuckled in amusement. She was currently toting a woven basket, which had a mildly tantalizing scent wafting from it. She held it upwards.
❝ It's a good thing it's snack time then, because I have a lot of mini sandwiches here! Would you like some? ❞
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antisolanum · 1 year
I keep forgetting that a lot of Fallout: New Vegas was based on real locations and iconography, so I was looking at the Las Vegas area on Google maps and saw "Goodsprings" and went "Oh no way! Just like at the beginning of New Vegas!" And sure enough I zoomed in on the "Goodsprings Cemetery" listing and all but one of the reviews were people just quoting New Vegas, talking about having gotten shot in the head, fighting Bloatflies, honestly I feel pretty bad for the people of Goodsprings. I can't imagine the number of obnoxious pricks who would swing through the "pioneer saloon" and go "ahuhuh you need any help with your RADIO" or "WHERE'S VICTOR?"
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