daily-ethoslab · 1 month
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[821] disintegrating
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runcnnr · 5 months
idk i think mind could win a fight on account of the mechanical hands (they are the ruler of everything)
he wouldnt risk damaging his machinery when he could easily roast you to hell and back verbally
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bobwess · 2 days
Needs to be a feature that takes you to the END of your queue for when you fuck up the text/tags but hit "add to queue" before you fix them. Bitch I don't got 6 hours to scroll.
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lena-in-a-red-dress · 11 months
Morgana AU Pt 7
All three of them fit comfortably in Morgana's chambers, despite offers of rooms for Kara and Gwen as well. But just as the court seems reluctant to let Morgana have free reign, Gwen and Kara are reluctant to give the court free access to Morgana. Even beyond that, after years spent in each other's company, it would feel unnatural to room alone.
One afternoon, while Gwen is having lunch with her brother, Morgana urges Kara to follow her. They make their way unaccosted through the castle-- they have an escort of two guards, but make no move to restrict their movement-- until Kara detects the scent of hay and manure.
The stables.
Kara slips inside the building after Morgana, her eyes adjusting to the change in light just in time to hear Morgana give a slow sigh of relief.
"So you are here still," Morgana murmurs to a gray horse with a mane as wavy as Morgana's own hair. The mare lifts her head at the sound of Morgana's voice, ears pricked forward. "Do you remember me, girl?"
The horse whinnies, and nudges Morgana's chest with her muzzle as soon as her mistress is in reach. Kara slowly moves closer as Morgana strokes the horse's neck.
"This horse is one of the few things I've missed about this place," Morgana confesses in a low voice. "I helped raise her from a filly, when I was a girl."
Kara keeps her hands in her pockets, until Morgana reaches for her wrist and draws her hand to the horse's jowl. The beast accepts her touch readily, though it's clear her attention is primarily fixed on Morgana.
"I'd hoped Arthur would continue caring for her."
"I have," comes a similarly low voice from the stable doors. Arthur strides towards the stall where they stand, with more confidence around Morgana than he's shown thus far. He leans against the wall, watching them both with the horse, features soft yet otherwise inscrutable.
"After a time," he continues, "she was all I had left of you."
Morgana's gaze flashes towards her brother. "Such sentiments hardly befit a king," she says.
"They befit this king."
Something in Arthur's voice changes, and he straightens to his full height-- not to intimidate, but to lend credence, authority to his words.
"I do not intend to rule as our father did, Morgana. I have sworn it to myself and the table."
Kara knows the legend, and can surmise the table of which he speaks. She doesn't know if Morgana knows. Morgana herself gives nothing away, her eyes distant as she continues to pet her horse.
"In that vein," Arthur continues, "I've come to let you know that I've deliberated your judgement."
Morgana's movements still. Kara sees her shoulders stiffen, bracing for the fall.
"Time served."
Morgana's surprise is impossible to hide. Wide eyes flash to Arthur,
"You'll notice Sarrum has left," Arthur explains, "and without his alliance. Before he did, he explained the... history, between the two of you."
Silently, Kara waits for Morgana to react. When she simply continues to stare, Arthur moves on. "I see no reason to repeat cruelty for cruelty's sake."
"Your court can hardly feel comfortable with that decision--"
"It is not the court's decision."
"Then exile--"
"Is that what you want?" Arthur asks. His words cut through Morgana's without malice. In the quiet that follows, he repeats his question. "Is that what you want?"
Morgana turns back to her horse, letting her forehead rest against the mare's jaw.
Arthur has provided them fresh attire the moment they were freed from Sarrum's chains, but after months of scraping together resources, Kara can't bring herself to dispose of their shifts and dresses. And one night, days after the exchange in the stable, Kara sits herself next to the fire to mend the rips and tears that have found a home in their garments.
Across the room in the bedchamber proper, Morgana and Gwen converse softly. At first Kara is content to work with their voices as a hum in the background, and only focuses in when their talk ceases for a heavy moment.
"Arthur says we're welcome here," Gwen says. Her voice is solemn, serious. Kara looks up and finds Gwen's gaze focused on Morgana. "I believe him."
Morgana doesn't say anything, which Kara has learned is a response in itself. Gwen sees it too.
Her features soften, accepting the truth as easily as she always has.
"You don't want to stay here."
For a moment Morgana's gaze is long and distance, before falling askance with heavy lids.
Kara doesn't ask Morgana about her intentions, but it's clear that Gwen and Arthur both itch to know what comes next. Merlin, for his part, only glares from the periphery, looking for all the world as though he would like nothing more than to sear Morgana with a curse.
He doesn't, though-- where Morgana stands tall in her identity, Merlin cowers behind his secrets.
In the end, when Morgana makes her decision, she does so in grand fashion.
"A tract of land??" Arthur repeats, voice echoing across the throne room. He'd called Morgana to open court to force the issue, when the whispers from the courtiers had grown too mistrustful.
Morgana lifts her chin in assent-- her gaze is defiant, and something about it makes Arthur relax, instead of rankle. Kara wonders if she's being treated to a glimpse of who Morgana might have been before Morgause.
"You claim to want a new future," Morgana declares. "Prove it." Exposing Arthur's sentiments to the court is a bold move. Kara holds her breath-- if Arthur denies it to ease the suspicions of the court, he loses Morgana forever.
To his credit, Arthur doesn't seem inclined to take the bait. His lips part to respond, but another voice cuts in.
"She undermines you, your majesty," Merlin warns. "Her intentions--"
"Do not presume to school me on matters of my own family," Arthur responds smoothly. He turns slightly in his chair to stare his advisor down. "I daresay that since my sister has returned to us, you have behaved more suspiciously than she."
"Enough, Merlin. I've made my decision," he announces, turning back to face Morgana and the rest of the court. "With some conditions, of course."
"Of course," Morgana echoes with a smirk.
"I choose which tract of land."
"You have one in mind then?"
"Tol, on the edge of the king's forest."
"Crown land?"
"Bequeathed to you, to do with as you please. You would pay no more tax than anyother landowner."
Morgana pauses, taking stock of her brother. "And should I welcome druids?"
At that, shocked whispers rustle throughout the courtroom. Merlin leans in to whisper in Arthur's ear, only to be halted by the king lifting his hand to stay his advance.
"Then as you say-- druids shall be welcome."
Even Morgana seems shocked at that. She has no wit with which to respond, no banter to further their repartee.
Arthur leans forward intently.
"You are the last High Priestess of the old religion," he delivers, voice even and steady. "I would see our peoples become one once more, Morgana."
Morgana stares at him, studying him for any hint of insincerity.
"It has to start somewhere," the king reminds her.
Locking eyes with Arthur, Morgana takes a breath.
"Then let it start here," she returns. Then she smirks. "Your terms are acceptable."
"I have one more," Arthur counters.
Morgana's eyebrows twitch upwards.
"This tract of land, along with anything and anyone on it, shall remain under the protection of the crown."
Morgana's jaw tightens. "I will not have soldiers tramping about--"
"No," Arthur agrees. "But should anyone be foolish enough to make a target of a settlement built by a high priestess-- then they will answer to me."
Kara and the rest of the court wait as Morgana stands in silent regard, weighing her decision in her mind. It will not be easy, what Morgana is planning. But Arthur is offering what he can to pave the way for her.
After another moment, Morgana's head tilts with a wry smile.
"So mote it be."
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cinamun · 6 months
Damn y'all! Due to a series of unfortunate requirements of adulthood, I only have half of tomorrow's update ready and I'm about to go lay it down like Lloyd because ya girl is SPENT!!
TFA will return Friday and I'm trying to knock this out Saturday too, then prolly/maybe back to schedule on Sunday.
My bad. But most importantly, this was the first time in history an R&B artist has yodeled over a track and I just don't think we talk about that enough...
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I got all the time in the world!!
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alicerader · 25 days
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jellocatx · 1 year
Exam period anxiety: Up 📈
Will to live and life expectancy: Down 📉
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the-football-chick · 10 months
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amethystina · 2 years
I’m going to go offline for a little while
TW: Death of a family member
So. My maternal granddad passed away rather suddenly today. He was my last remaining grandparent since my paternal grandmother also died this year, back in March.
Unsurprisingly, I’m not really in the right headspace to be social and active online at the moment, so I’m going to take a bit of a break. I’ve got a queue lined up here on Tumblr and I’ll probably still be writing and drawing — and will most likely post whatever I finish — but I won’t be replying to comments or asks as quickly or as frequently as I normally would.
I will be fine, don’t worry — this is far from my first rodeo when it comes to grief and dealing with its aftermath. I just heal best if I’m allowed time and room to breathe (or complete solitude, even), since that helps me work through my thoughts and feelings.
So yeah. I can’t say how long I’ll be gone, but I’ll probably check in from time to time if I have the energy for it. So there might pop up a post or a reply here and there, but they’ll be sporadic at best. I’ll return to the more social aspects of online life when I’m ready.
You all make sure to take care of yourself in the meantime and I’ll hopefully talk to you all again in a not-too-distant future. Love you all <3
Fun fact: That keen eye for detail, problem-solving, and ability to build intricate things out of practically nothing that you all love in my fanfics? That comes from my granddad. Though he applied it to his work as a self-taught mechanical engineer, building machines, factory equipment, and various tools without blueprints — sometimes based on nothing but a verbal description of what the machine was supposed to do. And his (very much illegal) homemade hunting rifles. That he used to shoot animals out of the kitchen window of his little cottage in the woods — that he of course modified to have a hole just wide enough for the barrel of the rifle without having to also open the window in question, since that let in too much cold air in winter and he of course couldn’t have that.
My granddad was an absolute hoot — and possibly also a danger to society.
But I guess a lot of brilliant people fall into that category.
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Me during my first playthrough, as an Infiltrator Shep: heavy reliance on Tactical Cloak and literally running away from fights/leaving my companions to die; 0/10 do not recommend Thresher Maw vs Sniper Rifle; never took my favorite companions, including LI on missions because their abilities were redundant.
Me, now, Soldier Shep: has never heard of "cover" and is can/will Fistfight a Brute; bring the squishy companions, I'm just going to lob grenades everywhere anyway! I see why this is the recommended first playthrough build.
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lizadale · 2 years
liza you shit i have never played this game before and now im addicted how dare you do this to me
GET FUCKED HAHA i literally forgot it existed for years until a month ago and now i just. can't stop.
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senselesssims · 1 year
Me: Complains to myself about being tired of certain types of cas cc (y2k & cottagecore especially)
Also me: absolutely refuses to learn how to make cc
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kookiecrush · 1 year
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rosielindy · 1 year
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I spent about an hour working on the spot at the top. Shoveling and raking. A friend stopped by to say hey and happened to have someone in the car who wants to finish this job for me. I was determined but am not mad.
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schnees-beees · 1 year
how far up your own ass do you have to be where you’re calling a ship between two women with no blood relation whatsoever “sibling coded” to win internet arguments 🤣🤣🤣
imagine thinking that canon is what sets the standard for shipping, that the lack of a couple being canon makes it a "crackship"
people on this site have truly forgotten the roots of shipping, the sheer bombastic joy of making the characters in ur head do things from the depths of ur imagination. let those little fuckers run around in ur brains! let them fall in love, and kiss and break up and make up and choose each other again and again and again in every au u can imagine. let them free from the shackles of canon and "word of god" and any other silly thing holding them (and u) back.
and learn how tags work so u dont have dingdongs saying shit u dont wanna hear!
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