lunabug2004 · 5 months
I watched The Eclipse (the series) and OMG I'm in Love?!?! ⚠️ SPOILERS ⚠️
Ya'll I watched The Eclipse the series over the last few days and... omg. I have so much to say so buckle up. Obv there will be spoilers! I also wanna mention that this will be full of very biased takes because I absolutely fell in love with Akk soooo imma be defending him.
Now that that's out of the way, first, can we talk about the couples? FirstKhao's chemistry?! I know I'm late to the game but man they blew me out of the water!!! They were so cute and wholesome (dw I've seen the OF edits, ik they're not always this way lol) and Akk and Ayan just pulled me all the way in! They both deserve the world and I will not hear otherwise! Now, the side couple, KanThua, were not my cuppa tea. I love Neo, I haven't seen anything with Louis in it but he's a good actor from what I've seen, and they look cute together, but they just didn't snatch me up unfortunately.
That leads me into the second topic, the plot (this is where it gets long, strap in). I believe this is the main reason the side didn't snatch me. They were definitely given the short end of the stick (this is before I found out that I hate Thua with a passion but we'll get to that). I would've loved so much more buildup than what we got from them. Thua's storyline just felt kinda off to me. We saw his stepdad say one or two messed up things to him, which ya eff him for that, but every other time he was pretty nice??? Maybe I'm just missing something but idk. Also the whole "Bruce Wayne" thing was eh to me. Kinda cute, kinda weird.
Now, Akk and Ayan's storyline???? Sign me uppppp! I love everything about it! I love that they are so there for eachother and literally picked eachother up off the ground mentally so many times. They need eachother and you can absolutely feel it. Then, also their individual storylines are just amazing. My poor babies. Ayan and dealing with his uncle's death and witnessing the terrible things at the school and getting bullied by the teachers and his declining mental health. Akk dealing with the manipulation of the teachers and his need to prove himself and his need to put everyone above himself and his declining mental health and ugh... sorry I could talk about Akk for ages, ya'll know how I get with my babies lol. All this to say I definitely came not knowing what to expect but stayed for Akk & Ayan.
The general storyline is... a doozy. The whole curse thing was so interesting and then it just... wasn't. But at the same time it was??? Idk it's so hard to place how I feel about this part of the plot. I don't understand the whole thing with Teacher Chadock's confession and that somehow affecting what was going on? Like sir, you still manipulated kids (specifically Akk) into doing awful things, I don't think all that happened is an excuse for that at all? Yes, it sucks and never shoulda happened but like... why act like that towards the students this whole time? And he didn't seem to show much, if any, remorse for his behavior either so... idk.
Now... let's get into ep 11 and Thua's whole thing. I will never ever ever forgive the character of Thua for what he did. I don't care how right he was (which he mostly wasn't), I don't care if he was speaking some facts, you don't ever out somebody like that!!! Esp as a character who we know has faced such bad discrimination and bullying for the same effing thing!!! It makes absolutely no sense and there are no excuses! The fear in Akk's eyes... ugh I wanted to punch Thua so bad ngl. The way that he also isn't even right about Akk 'creating the curse' and doesn't mention that he himself continued it after Akk saw the error of his ways and stopped. He made himself out to be squeaky clean when he honestly had the most blood on his hands after this whole thing. When he was cheering the episode before about finding the "one responsible for the curse" IT WAS HIM! AKK HAD STOPPED AT THAT POINT SO IT WAS ALL HIM! He also wasn't telling the truth when he said Aye was covering for Akk using their love as a cover! At first Ayan wanted Akk to tell everyone what he did... but then he saw what a fragile state of mind Akk was in and decided to try a different approach. Thua should've gone to Akk and Aye himself, he had no right to say anything he said without knowing the full story!!! THEN HE JUST IS FORGIVEN!!! NOO! I know that it's because of the cuts they had to make that we don't get to see the characters forgive him and whatnot but I don't care. He. did. not. deserve. to. be. forgiven. No one is changing my mind!
I could go on forever tbh so let's move onto the third topic... the pacing. I know this is the main complaint for this show and rightfully so. I really really wish they would've gotten the 14 episodes they were hoping for instead of the 12 they got. The pacing is just out of wack. The first half-ish is beautiful.... then it drags (slightly).... then it's rushed. Just disappointing, but not anyone's fault. The crew apparently thought they were working with 14 eps, we can't blame them, and we definitely cannot blame the actors.
Fourth, and final, topic: the acting!!! Uuuugh, ya'll! I'd seen Khao in a couple things and First in Not Me, but this is by far the best I've seen of them! They showed all the emotions and omg these dudes are professional criers, how are they both so good at it?! Btw, I see people talk about Khao's acting more than First's I feel like (could just be what I see idk), but First snatched me up! He killed every single scene, give me chills multiple times (Khao too obv) and showed Akk's character development flawlessly! All the supporting actors were obviously amazing too (special shoutout to my boy AJ cuz I love the twins)!
Anyways, if you sat through this half-rant, half-review, congrats! I honestly love this show and it's for sure going to be one I rewatch all the time and try to dig deeper into Akk's mind every time lol. Also if you read all of this and I didn't touch on something you wanted or you're just curious about my thoughts on anything (seriously anything at all), feel free to comment or repost or send me an ask, I don't mind!
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mirmoria · 1 month
Babe, cheer up!!! Khaofish is here!!
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yandere-kokeshi · 2 years
Yandere Kyojuro Rengoku reacting to his darling having a difficult childbirth
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Request(ed?): Yes! – idk if this is a bit difficult/too descriptive but how would rengoku react to reader almost dying from the birth yet surviving... sorta like in hotd? Hope that makes sense. Your work is fantastic btw — requested by anonymous.
Warnings: Childbirth, reader has stockholm syndrome and talks about fear of death.
Authors Note: Akk!! I love hotd, it's so well done!!! Happy to do this request. Tysm for sending this in, I had a lot of fun and crying writing this; sorry if this is short and less detailed. I hurried this ://
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Rengoku was visibly scared. His stoic face, his shaking hands, and the brute body were making the nurses and doctor nervous; he was unsure of what to do.
This was your second child, Rengoku had always wanted a big family... dreamed of having replicas of him and you running around the shared home of yours as they cuddled with him and you.
But, when he learned that you may die in the process of your second baby... he didn't know how to react.
When you reached over, below-whispering his name and held his hand in your weak state; he knew he needed to make a choice—fast.
Normally, as the Flame Hashira and his fast strategy thinking, you would think he would know what to do next, right? Wrong. His beloved is on the brink of death at the moment and he's sitting beside you, like a coward.
As sad as it is, he will put your life before the child. He's not willing to lose you, not when he's almost lost everyone around him.
The moment he agrees the doctor tried to continue, trying to console his emotions, and your screams... he didn't know what to do except comfort you; whispering small 'i'm so sorry.' and 'you are so brave, squeeze my hand.' Every now and again.
Rengoku is there, holding your hand while you're squeezing him; he's praising you as best as he can, trying not to cry from the immense screaming you're letting out.
But, when he hears the baby cries and hiccups... he's purely relieved.
As much as he loves you and wants more. He's not gonna be upset or mad if you decide to not have anymore. This was a scary incident for both of you.
— Rengoku is looking down at you, giving you a soft smile as tears fall down his face: "You did so well... it's a little girl. I'm so proud of you, you are so brave; my love. Please rest, I'll be here when you wake up." He kisses you on the forehead, resting his face on your cheek before he leans back, holding your baby girl whilst rocking her back to sleep.
He sighs in disbelief and relaxation, the little girl has your features already.
Check out my masterlist for more content!
If you enjoyed this, please reblog, comment, and like. These mean a lot to me, stay well!
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firstkanaphans · 1 year
Ooh fluff prompt list!! I love fluff 🥺. Would you do I for AkkAyan? Imagining your future!
[I]magining your future::
If Akk was being honest, going to see Kan and Thua’s newborn was just another chore on a very long list of chores. He didn’t like babies. He didn’t see a point in meeting them. But once they finally arrived and he saw Aye take the little girl into his arms, suddenly everything changed.
“Guys, she’s beautiful,” Aye said to Kan and Thua reverently. Then he tilted the baby towards Akk so that he could get a better look and he was right—she was beautiful—but what really took his breath away was the soft look in Aye’s eyes, the happiness radiating off of him, the realization that he was standing there with a whole future held delicately in his arms.
Akk swallowed hard, trying to push the image from his mind, but suddenly Kan’s baby girl morphed into a child with Aye’s mischievous grin and bright brown eyes and Akk couldn’t help but wonder.
Days passed, but Akk couldn’t stop thinking about it. The child he had created in his head haunted his dreams. He would wake up in the morning with an emptiness in his soul. He would go to bed at night, imagining a child’s laughter down the hallway.
They had never talked about having kids—that was the thing. He and Aye had been together almost fifteen years, but kids had always seemed so far outside the realm of possibility it wasn’t even worth discussing. Akk had never even dared to let himself want it. But now he couldn’t stop thinking about Aye with a baby—teaching a toddler to swim, reading a child to sleep at night. They had so much love between them. It seemed a shame not to share it.
And yet, he convinced himself that the longing inside of him was temporary. One month passed, then another. It wasn’t until three months later that his resolve finally snapped. In the middle of what was otherwise a very ordinary night, Akk reached over and turned on a light.
Immediately, Aye groaned and ducked his head under the covers. “Just a few more minutes,” he grumbled, likely assuming that it was a perfectly respectable time to wake up and not two in the morning.
Akk saw no point in beating around the bush. “I think I want to have a baby.”
Aye was so still that for a second, Akk thought he had fallen back to sleep, but then, ever so slowly, he removed the blankets from atop his head and looked over at Akk warily.
“I’m going to need you to repeat that,” he said.
“I think I want to have a baby,” Akk said again. And then he clarified, “With you.”
“Well, I’d be more than happy to try, but I don’t think you and I are going to be able to make a baby,” Aye joked. When Akk didn’t laugh, Aye sat up, his face softening. “How long have you been thinking about this?”
“Months,” Akk sighed and Aye must have heard the utter dejection in his voice because he reached out and took Akk’s hand in his.
“You’re serious about this,” he said as if he had only just now realized it.
“Unfortunately,” Akk grumbled. “I just can’t stop thinking about you with a little baby. You would be such a great dad!”
“Oh, I don’t know about that,” Aye said, starting to pull away, but Akk wouldn’t let him.
“You would,” Akk reassured him. Aye just stared, eyes wide and hopeful. “Haven’t you ever thought about what it might be like to have a kid running around here with us?”
“I mean, yes, of course I have—briefly. But Akk, I can’t. Like genetically. My uncle struggled with depression his whole life. I’ve struggled with depression my whole life. I don’t want that for a kid. I don’t want to saddle them with all of that baggage.”
Akk had never thought about that before. “Oh.”
“But you,” Aye said, starting to get excited. “You have perfect genes.”
It was Akk’s turn to question things. “Oh, I don’t know—”
“You do!” Aye interrupted, using his fingers to trace the lines of Akk’s face as if he had never seen it before. “20/20 vision, the facial symmetry of a Greek god—and you’re so tall.”
“Okay, enough of that,” Akk said, rolling his eyes. Aye laughed joyously and then pushed him down onto the bed and climbed on top of him, the echo of an unanswered question still in the air.
“I wouldn’t mind having a baby,” Aye finally said, his lips only a breath away from Akk’s. “Not if it was with you.”
Akk smiled, his heart so full he thought it might burst. “Yeah?”
“Of course. A little baby with your eyes? Sign me the fuck up.”
Suddenly, a future Akk had never expected unfurled before him—a future him and Aye would build together. “We can talk about it in the morning,” he said, exhaustion finally catching up to him.
Aye laughed and rolled off of him. “Sounds like a plan to me.” Then he curled into Akk’s side and fell back asleep—a family of two, but a promise of more to come.
For the Fluff Prompt ABCs
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shakalakaaa · 1 year
First be falling first and harder for each show he has been on
All it took Akk was peek at Ayan's hip tattoo to swoon over his apparently sworn enemy #eclipse
C'mon Yok you did not even see Dan's whole face before you chased him the whole town! #Not Me
Sand well Sand, he rescued a wet puppy one day and fell hard despite only seeing him drunk, puking and passed out on bathroom floors, ngl, this new level of simping unlocked #onlyfriends
Alan decided to bid adieu to professional and personal life boundaries because if uncle Jim can fuck his customer, why can't you? #MLC
Boy had made getaway plans with Way, don't tell me he wasn't in love #Shipper
Ryu saw Tata dancing weirdly af the first time they met and decided she will be the mother of child #wake up ladies
I don't even need to talk about the loser Ryo was, more like I just cannot #Wolf
First, my boy what is the reason that you choose such scripts? Who hurt you?
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quodekash · 1 year
more eclipse incorrect quotes because im broken
—- —- Wat: I told Akk that his ears turn red when he lies. Sani: Do they? Wat: No. Sani: Then why did you tell him that? Wat: Because I can do this. Wat: Hey Akk! Do you love us? Akk, with his hands over his ears: No. 
—- —-
Wat: *pretending to joke* So when are you going to go out with me? Namo: I don't know. When are you going to ask me to? Kan: And you just ran away?! Wat: I didn't expect him to flirt back! 
—- —-
Namo: Like, no offense to myself and all, but what the fuck am I actually doing? (but this one is actually all of them) —- —-
Wat: Are you the big spoon or the little spoon? Akk: I'm a knife. Aye, from across the room: He's the little spoon.
(just kidding, they alternate. they both wanna hug and be hugged and i love them) —- —-
Waree: Is there something you would like to say, Sani? Sani: Oh, there are SEVERAL things I would like to say.
(sani during that one scene was ICONIC i love her so much)  —- —-
*out grocery shopping* Wat: *takes a free sample twice* Wat: Robbery and Fraud. I am a Rebel.
—- —-
Kan: *tapping fingers on table* Wat: *taps fingers back furiously* Aye: …What’s going on? Akk: Morse code. They’re talking. Kan: -.-- --- ..- / .-.. .. -.- . / - .... . / ... . -.-. ..- .-. .. - -.-- / --. ..- .- .-. -.. Wat: *slams hands on table* YOU TAKE THAT BACK! 
(morse code translation: you like the security guard)  —- —-
Aye: How do you want your coffee? Akk: Black, like my soul. Aye: Aye: Akk, your soul is a latte. 
—- —-
Namo: My life is a little too much panic and not enough disco. Aye: My life is a little too much fall and not enough boy. Kan: My life is a little too much chemical and not enough romance. Wat: My life is a little too much imagination and not nearly enough dragons. 
—- —-
Akk: My life isn't as glamourous as my wanted poster makes it look. 
—- —-
Akk: All snacks are gone. Aye: I AM LITERALLY RIGHT HERE?! 
—- —-
Wat: May luck (and this picture of Akk eating shredded cheese at 3 in the morning) be with you. 
—- —-
Wat: Strawberry milk doesn’t taste like strawberry OR milk. Namo: Go the fuck to sleep Wat. 
(it was a crime of them to give us NOTHING of watnamo sleeping in the same cabin in os2, and i wholeheartedly believe this happened)  —- —-
Thua: And I’d love to be sorry for that, but we all know I’ve done much, much worse. 
—- —-
Akk: You're a lying piece of shit! Aye: Oh yeah? You're the idiot that thinks you can get away with everything you do, WELCOME TO THE REAL WORLD! Akk: I'm leaving and I'm taking Singto with me! Sani, gathering cards: Aaaaand that's enough Monopoly for today. 
—- —-
Aye: Every time I hear someone talking about updog, I’m torn between not wanting to fall for it and wanting to help them complete their joke. Namo: Okay, but what is updog? Kan: Updog is a long sausage in a bun, often served with ketchup, mustard, onions, and/or relish. Wat: No, that’s a hot dog. An updog is when a new version or patch of an application is released. Thua: No, that's an update. You’re thinking of the fourth largest city in Sweden. Akk: Surely, that’s Uppsala, whereas updog is the giant spider in Harry Potter. Aye: That’s Aragog. Updog is a symbol conventionally used for an arbitrarily small number in analysis proofs. Wat: You’re thinking of epsilon. Updog is an upward-moving air current. Kan: No, that’s an updraft. An updog is the modern version of a henway. Namo: What’s a henway?? Aye: Oh, about five pounds.
 (i just think they would all mess with namo like this)  —- —-
Kidnapper: We have your child Aye: I don’t have a child? Kidnapper: Then who just asked for warm milk and made us cut the crusts off their sandwich? Aye: Oh god, you have Namo 
—- —-
Aye: Hey, Akk. What kind of flowers do you prefer? Akk: I like sunflowers. Akk, pulling out a bouquet of Venus Flytraps: Well, shit- 
Thua: Mice are having sex in my walls. Wat: Tattletale! Namo: You're just being ungrateful. Kan: It's their home too, you know. Aye: So what? Don't slutshame them. Thua: The mice are fucking AND now I'm getting heckled. 
(bro this is what you get for outing people)  —- —-
Sani: If you put a milkshake in one yard and crack open a cold one in another yard, which yard would the boys go to? Thua: Schrödinger's boys. Namo: FUCK! Kan: What about cracking open a cold milkshake? Aye: As we all know, the milkshake brings the boys to the yard. The presence of the boys is a prerequisite for the cracking open of a cold one, but cold ones do not have any inherent boy-attracting abilities. Milkshakes, however, do.   Aye: All else being equal, the boys would proceed to the milkshake yard. While it is possible to announce the presence of cold ones in the hope of attracting some boys, the pull of the milkshake is much more powerful by comparison. Sani: … Thua: … Namo: … Kan: … Aye: Mind you, all of this nonsense hinges on whether or not the boys are back in town. 
(sani young millennial / old gen z teacher we love her, aye gremlin meme child we love him)  —- —-
*The squad's reaction to being told they're the chosen one* Namo: I will not let you down. Kan: Sounds fun. Aye: K. Wat: No, I'm fucking not. Aye again: Do I have to be? Akk: Please god, I am so tired. 
(thua didn’t really feel like he fit any of those options which is why hes not there)  —- —-
Aye: Chadok’s gonna kill me. Akk: No, he’ll probably make me do it. 
—- —-
Akk, hungover: Please tell me I'm imagining that I claimed I was king of the ducks. Kan: I would, but then I would be lying to the King of All Ducks. 
—- —-
Akk: The only straight I am is a straight-up badass. Aye: Correction: the only straight you are is straight-up babygirl. 
—- —-
*Akk and Aye looking at a locked gate into a park* Akk: Aw. :( Aye: You know what they say. Akk: Please don’t- Aye: BE GAY DO CRIME! *hops gate* Akk: Frick- 
—- —-
thats all for now! 
ill be back, i promise. 
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befuddledcinnamonroll · 8 months
Ok, a) can we talk about how wonderful it is to have a lead who tells his love everything he's learned right away (after the banging, of course)
and b) CUDDLES!!!
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Aw, dammit, spoke too soon. Abbot! I don't like this!
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Damn, this is a gorgeous shot.
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This show does intimacy so incredibly well. This whole scene was just *chef's kiss*.
Ooh, is Slow Motion going to go full snake man by the end of this?
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Fun fact, all of my Yai screenshots are named some version of "Yai Best" because he is, in fact, the absolute best.
You know, it just hit me how brutal this really was for the grandmother - because if Phaya's parents are gone, that means she's already experienced losing a child. And then Phaya almost dying as a child, and then almost dying again here, and then disappearing...this poor woman!
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Also, I adore the look she gives him when he says he was worried she wouldn't approve of him dating a guy. The words were sweet, but this first look is definitely a "you dumbass child".
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Lmao, Yai! He definitely has a "congrats on the sex" cake stashed away for Tharn.
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Lol, something that will always cross all cultural boundaries - how people react to free food.
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Anyone else thinking that Chart was actually recruited by Akk, after he flunked the special unit training, to go undercover?
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Didn't they say at some point that the spider gang was made up of ex-cops? It would be the perfect setup to get someone infiltrated.
Poor Akk. He's been doing this for so long, and having to be so careful, and now all these young guys are coming in like "why did you not tell meeeeee". Dudes.
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A+ Grandma bonding.
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I also like that we're getting little moments with Tharn & Nee.
Ok, this may seem like a really little thing, but after eons of shows where characters like this are shown as oblivious to danger, I love that she immediately picks up that something is wrong with the new cops.
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*snort* that is some terrible evidence planting dude.
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(I know it doesn't matter, because of the corrupt cops who will push the case through as a suicide, it just makes me laugh)
Ok, I know this is a serious moment, but goddamn Yai is so hot like this.
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Ooh, it's all going down in Nongkai next time!
Time to break out the wings Phaya!
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chicademartinica · 2 years
When I see how Between Us shows us Team’s kind loving parents who don’t even see that their child is mentally ill I think about how revolutionary The Eclipse is. Ayan’s mom not only took her son to a psychiatrist but has no problem telling Akk about it because she trusts him. My boy had medication ! Lord Team needs medication.
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theflagscene · 8 months
Akk almost was adopted by Tharn’s father, he nearly became Tharn’s older adopted brother.
“I don’t trust anyone in this unit.” Proceeds to spill everything to Tharn in the middle of his CCTV covered office.
I’m still not sure that you’re not a dirty cop, Akk, but I’ll ease off in my side eyeing for the time being.
Um guys, Tharn is right there!!! He can hear you! I thought you didn’t want him to know who Chalothon was.
I’m all for this old lady friendship! They will marry their grandsons off to one another.
Nee and Tharn gossiping about their grandmas! And then they start taking shit about Phaya and Tharn lmao!!! These old ladies are gonna own these boy’s asses.
I get that the Abbot was trying to help but dude, what a fucked up thing to tell a child! ‘Everyone you love will die!’
Tharn only became a cop to solve his father’s case and then he’s quitting? What a waste of his time and effort.
Aww, Phaya promising to arrest their killers, that’s so sweet.
Yai keeping Tharn updated on the case, what a good bro.
Uh oh, something is wrong. Some one is gonna kill Ning, hopefully the team can get there in time.
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scrumptiousstuffs · 2 months
Tagged by the lovely @mbjw and @khaotunq for “5 characters that fit my vibe”
Listen…this was hard to do cause I’m a FK gal through and through and although I watched some other BLs/non-BLs….people who follow me will know my tumblr is 99% filled with FK. So, this is definitely bias towards the boys 🙂‍↔️ (and I make no apologies for this 😅)
*also, I’m not sure what vibe means in this context? Instead, I just choose my fav characters 🙌 (and below the blurb of why I love them so much):
Akk - My troubled child. I deeply connect with him cause his struggle with authoritarianism in a strict high school reminds me of mine (except I don’t have my own Aye to pull me through 🙂‍↕️)
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Gaipa - I will die for him (that is all)
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Sand - listen, I won’t be friends with anyone from OF cast in real life cause they are all assholes or jerks 😅 (except for Sand - I want to hang out and listen 🎧 to music all day long with him)
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Fong - didn’t connect with the main couple, but Fong (Khaotung being a sweetie) won me over. He is loyal, the only one that has any brain cell in the group of friends and I think Tine should have just gotten together with his bestie Fong - I will stand in this ghost ship forever 😂)
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Bun - Bun was just so relatable cause I’m a doctor in real life and this was one of my first ever BL (I was impressed by the mystery bit and how neatly they slot in the BL. The show also led me to the rabbit hole of where I am now 🙃)
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Not sure who to tag cause it seems everyone has done this….but I’ll tag @puffi10r @firstkanaphans @catbiodolor @ddefender @coconeedshelp
if you see this and want to do so, please feel free and considered yourself tag
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lemongingerart · 2 years
The escape, part 1 till 4.1
THIS POST IS TO COMPLETE ALL CHAPTERS ON TUMBLR! I've shared these chapters of my fanfic in links before, but never the full text. So nothing new to read, alas... (but, I'm working on the publication of arc 2 very soon, I swear 😇)
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Summary: The first arc of my Armitage Hux x OC fanfic, working title "shattered ambitions, rebuilt into dreams." or, "chocolate cookies and tarine tea" depending on my mood 🤔💁.
Rating: Explicit. This is the NSFW version (first 2 chapters are SFW). So, Minors, do NOT read or interact. 18+. Family, friends and colleagues, please don't read this. :'-)
Tags & warnings: TRoS fix-it (kind of), Hux!lives, Hux doesn't like Kylo, Not a Redemption Arc, maybe a little bit, shameless OC insert (there are cliches but entertaining ones imo), slow emotional burn, medium sexual burn, Enemies to Enemies With Benefits to Lovers, Hux is a villain with villainous thoughts at first, but let's see what a different environment will do, Choking, Virgin Characters, Masturbation in Shower, and out of the shower too, Unresolved Sexual Tension, Past Child Abuse, Very short suicide mention.
I will add tags as we proceed in the story, please let me know if I forgot one!
From chapter 3 on: mentions of choking, non-consent actions, vague sexual thoughts From chapter 4 on: NSFW - mentions of sex, non-consent plans, masturbation, Hux is a manipulative asshole and a shy coward at the same time. Has shady plans. I love him.
Hello there!
I wrote this little fanfic about 2 years ago, to get my very vivid daydreams under control. I wasn't really planning on publishing this, but it feels wrong just to have it catching digital dust on my drive. So recently, I picked it up again and started to flesh out the parts that were still missing. I haven't finished it at all, but at least the first arc is done, so I can update that one on a regular basis!
The initial fic started as smut, but somehow I've written more action scenes than lemons. And worldbuilding. And fluff. And character development. So, this has no genre? There *is* a main plot, but there are filler episodes as well to just explore the character's interactions, or just because I like to add easter eggs to my version of this vast Star Wars universe.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy it! And bear with me, English is not my native language. I never thought myself to be a fanfic writer at all, but I sincerely hope this is as entertaining for you as it is for me. Constructive comments are always welcome! I love to hear your thoughts and learn what I can improve!
(Also the first paragraph is kind of heavy, but it's the character's fault I swear!)
Chapter 1 - escape destiny
First Order star destroyer Steadfast , 35 ABY.
Allegiant general Enric Pryde was not a fool. From the moment he and his armada came out of the unknown regions, to reinforce the current First Order military fleet known to the galaxy, he knew. His guidance was needed for the survival of the order. 
He had watched those two immature boys for some time now, seeing how their positions within the First Order had changed. He knew that Ren was the one illegally seizing power and trying to sidestep Hux, just because he could. He saw the rivalry grow, leaving Ren and Hux bickering over the most futile decisions. It was corrupting the order, as the emperor had foreseen. 
After Snoke’s fall, there was no clear vision left, no straight path to victory any more. At least not without him, that is.
He knew his chance to seize command would come soon. Ren was now too occupied with the Jakku girl, and Hux's frustrations towards Ren’s chaotic behaviour grew every time they collided. Pryde was not happy either with the self-proclaimed supreme leader’s decisions, but at least he could use them for his own good. Hux, on the contrary, was barking like a caged Akk dog, bitterly knowing he’ll be the first to fall after his failure at Starkiller base. His misstep on D’Qar, letting the dreadnought Fulminatrix get destroyed, left a second stain on his career as well. 
Pride inwardly smiled. Hux used to be a prodigy, but he lacked experience and was too frustrated with his loss of power, and that caught onto him. And now, it appears he has no backbone to cope with the sticky situation he was in. It was like Hux's late father once mentioned to him, back when their paths crossed in the unknown regions. His son has no spine and is not made for this life. 
Thinking back at that particular conversation, it was actually surprising he lasted this long. 
Lately, Pryde noticed that Hux even stopped stating his concerns to Ren. He seemed beaten, or at least, that was the impression he was trying to make. And Ren, he was growing more and more insane. That boy was even worse to work with, a loose cannon on deck, only kept there by the emperor because he is supposed to be some part of a prophecy. Pryde suspected that the emperor’s plan for Ren would soon become clear to him. He hoped it didn't involve him having to keep answering to that short tempered idiot.
He stopped his trajectory when he arrived at the middle of the bridge, and peered outside through the front view.
It was only a matter of time for him to take over from those two foolish boys playing toy army. And then, nothing would stand in his way to shape the universe to the vision of the one true emperor. Pryde’s own flavor included, of course.
But first, he needed to catch the culprit who got word to the Resistance about Exegol. Although Hux reassured him that his men are trained well and fully indoctrinated with the first order's philosophy, he had his doubts. Lately, rumours reached him about Phasma being the one who had assassinated Hux’ father, Brendol. The fact that Armitage Hux and Phasma had been seen together more frequently, before her demise, was another big red warning sign for him. 
He had decided to keep a close eye on both of them already a while ago. Now, Phasma was eliminated, and the spy continued leaking information. 
He assumed Hux's changed behaviour towards Ren was no coincidence either. He had seen the ginger boy in action before, scheming and working his way up. He was not to be underestimated, and the fact that Ren was taking every actual decisive power out of Hux’s hands, wasn’t going to be digested well by the latter. 
Yes, the leader of the first order's army and former supervisor of Starkiller base was his number one suspect.
The hiss of the bridge's main entrance woke Pride from his speculative thoughts.
A trooper squad approached the Allegiant General, bringing forth a prisoner.  “Sir, we have found another one. As requested, we brought her here”, the first trooper reported. “Ah, the emperor will be pleased", Pryde replied. He turned to another officer standing to the left of him and replied: "Officer Trach, can you prepare the test?” Trach nodded curtly and turned around.
The handcuffed girl looked at Pryde with fierce amber eyes and spilled a waterfall of angry words: “Let me go! I didn’t mean to slice into the system, I was just experimenting! I didn’t do anything wrong, you’ll see! There wasn’t anything interesting to find anyway!”. She slightly heaved from the outburst.
Pryde looked over his shoulder and looked down upon the rather short prisoner. What a... rude chatterbox..., he amusingly thought. Such noise for such a small girl.
“Oh, but you’re not here because you didn’t do anything wrong. It’s because of what you might do in the future,” he responded, his face sporting a wry smile. Trach had joined his flank, and Pryde took the test device from the officer. The two troopers, who were escorting the struggling girl, routinely forced her on her knees, not waiting for Pryde’s orders. One of them took her right arm and pulled up her sleeve. She tried to fight back and snarled: ‘Hey, let me go! You’re hurting me!’ to her assaultants, who were struggling to keep her pinned on her position.
Pryde approached her, pulling back her head by her hair. She groaned, but found the strength to spit straight in his face. The allegiant general backed up, letting out a low growl. He wiped away the spit from his cheek with his gloves. 'You insolent bi-…' he started saying, instantly pushing the test device to the skin of her arm and definitely applying more force than necessary. He kept his distance this time, making sure he wasn't going to be covered in spit a second time. She looked him in his eyes, as if she could strike him down glaring. He chuckled, this was one of the reasons why he didn’t delegate the tests, whenever his schedule permitted it; he liked what was coming next. She was a fiery one, full of life, but not for long. 
He pressed the trigger with force, and enjoyed the way he saw her face flinch. Her eyes went teary and lost focus. Ah, he savoured that feeling of power. “You see, eventually, everyone ends up the same way.” he stated with a sly smile, releasing the trigger and giving back the apparatus to Trach.
The girl fell limp and landed face first on the immaculate deck.
Pryde turned around and went over to the center of bridge, reminiscing about moments like these, when the test subjects started to lose their consciousness. These tests were a great reminder of how he could toy with the lives he overpowered. And power, he craved.
“Report me if the midichlorian test confirms the reported values” he routiniously said. Trach nodded and took the device elsewhere.
At that exact moment, Pryde heard the repulsor doors to the bridge open again. He turned around, seeing his number one suspect and adversary approaching. 
He raised his eyebrow, confused and intrigued by this new turn of events. General Hux was limping, his leg hastily bandaged. Blood was already seeping through his uniform pants, the wound clearly caused by a blaster shot. 
Pryde noticed that the general looked even paler than usual, and somehow he lost some of his annoying pride and charisma. Not that he had much of both left lately. Of course, given the situation, he didn’t expect anything else from that overconfident boy. He always thought he was worthless, only thriving because there used to be a void in the first order’s leading positions. It appears he's not resilient enough to cope with a few setbacks , he mused. As I expected. 
He could admit though that Armitage was smart, smarter than his father, but Pryde had lived longer than him. He saw how the galactic empire had brought order to the galaxy, by ending the clone wars. He saw dozens of people with ambition come and go. The higher their aim, the greater the fall. The emperor saw through them time and time again, together with his counseling. This time, it was Hux’s turn to fall and - finally - his own time to rise.
 'It was a coordinated incursion, allegiant general', Hux recited, his voice trembling either by anger or by fear. Maybe both, Pryde considered, thinking back about his earlier train of thoughts. 'They overpowered the guards and forced me to take them to their ship.' 
Liar , Pryde thought, feeling strangely satisfied. This was it. The opportunity he was waiting for. Hux's half-baked excuse was exactly what he needed; he just presented Pryde with perfect leverage to bring him down . It seems I was right all along, and even if he's not the spy after all, I will make sure everyone believes he was. This is the perfect moment . 
 'I see', Pryde responded dryly.
 'Get me the supreme leader,'' he requested his communication officer. 
That exact same moment, he took the blaster from the nearest trooper and swiftly turned around, shooting Hux right in the stomach. His target’s body immediately flew backwards and landed several meters further, carried by the force of the blast.
The allegiant general was thrilled by the rush of action, but quickly tried to hide it from his subordinates. He still had it in him. He had to play this game to the end…
 'Tell him I found the spy,' he stated to the communication officer. 
A sense of pride and self indulgence overcame him. 'Throw the traitor's body in the trash compactor, where he belongs', he loudly stated, making sure he was heard by the very soldiers Hux had recruited and had overseen their training for decades. 
He eliminated his first rival, now it's time to move onward to the second one, Ren. 
Pryde turned towards the empty void of space, feeling the adrenaline rush slowly fading from his veins.
'Sir, what about the girl?' He heard officer Trach ask. Pryde looked up to him and turned to the side deck. He almost forgot about her. The captive was still on the floor, staring with wide eyes at the place Hux had stood, just half a minute ago. She looked pale, as if she saw a ghost. Heh . He thought. Seems like she lost that boldness already. It only took just one kill for her to witness, just that bit, to silence her. As I expected from a mere civilian.  He replied: 'Lock her up as usual. Until the results are confirmed, we don't know if she can onboard the shuttle’.
What the kriff… What's happening? First I get abducted by some creepy hooded individuals, then I seem to be on some dank first order flagship, and now this bastard forces me down and gives me this shot from a device that looked way too fragging big to be medically responsible… which was shukking painful by the way… and my head is spinning so hard.. .
Miko shortly lost her consciousness from the blood that was quickly pulled from her veins. She didn't feel the smack when her head hit the shiny black durasteel floor, everything went dark for a few seconds. 
When she regained her sight, she saw two black boots turning away from her. A moment later  after the deafening sound of the blood rushing in her ears stopped, she could hear the typical sound of a repulsor steered door opening. She didn’t feel completely conscious yet, but the adrenaline rushed her senses on full alert in no time. Someone had entered the bridge, she assumed, as that old bastard was not paying attention to her any more. 
Good, maybe she could come up with some plan, or at least get a clue of what the frack was going on here. 
She righted her head and turned towards the newcomer. Her whole body was loudly complaining, refusing her to fully lift up her head, so she turned it to the side. She couldn't really understand what they were saying, her ears were still buzzing. But somehow, she could feel the tension rising fast. It was like the atmosphere was getting electrically charged. She saw the older one of the duo, the one that just kriffing harassed her, turn around again, stepping away from the younger one and taking the blaster from the trooper next to him.
W-whoa...wwait! Don't shoot! She tried to yell, but nothing came out. She had tried to reach out with her hand, as if she could stop the grey-haired bastard from shooting the red-haired douchebag, but her body just didn't respond to her commands like it should. 
The officer fully took the shot and his body violently flung back to the bridge's main entrance. 
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D-did he just kill another crewmember like it was nothing? I… I knew the  'worst order' had a fragging bad reputation, but... this? 
Miko suddenly felt sick from watching someone die in front of her, even if it was probably someone she hadn’t wanted to get to know better, anyway. She never witnessed something as life-threatening as this before, and wished she never would, again. Her stomach turned. A cold blooded murder, executed by the officer who took interest in her. 
Great .
She heard someone ask a question that probably referred to her presence, but her mind wasn't able to register what exactly was going on. The troopers that had pressed her on her knees, now pulled her on her wobbly feet. She was slowly getting able to move again, but all felt like she was in some kind of bad dream. One took her by the handcuffs, while the other went to drag the lifeless corpse to the trash compactor.
Miko was roughly pulled forward through the hallways of the Steadfast . The two first order troopers were now walking next to her, one on each side. The right one was holding the cuffs tightly. When she looked the other way, she saw the other trooper with two boots in his hands. He was disrespectfully dragging the dead officer forward, like he was sweeping the floor. The trooper to her left scraped his throat and started talking to his comrade: “the trash compactor is closer, let me first throw him in”. The other trooper nodded curtly. She shivered. She knew the First Order was bad news, but this was much worse than she expected. How am I ever going to get out of this frigging hellhole?
I have to come up with a plan , she desperately thought.  She had to try to look around for some way out.
The group turned down another hallway, reaching one of the many trash compactor entrances that existed on the resurgent-class star destroyer. She heard the other trooper sigh. Was this business as usual for them? Or were they affected by this wicked situation as well? She wondered. Their black visors and stiff armor hid their expressions very well, it was impossible to tell.
She felt a lump in her throat, thinking back about what happened on the bridge. Should I have a last look at him? She thought, somehow feeling sorry for the shot down officer. She turned her head and shoulders to catch a glance of him. However, the trooper that was holding her in check, suddenly reacted to her maneuver, and roughly pulled her cuffs towards him.  But instead of pulling her back in line, she lost her balance, falling backwards with a swirl, right onto the lifeless corpse.
Miko froze. 
She was staring right into the empty blueish green eyes of the man that was just shot and killed. 
Her cuffed hands had landed on his chest, and the physical contact with this corpse made her feel like she was going to throw up. She desperately closed her eyes to ignore the sensory overload and felt a cold chill, like a shockwave, go through her. This was how she was going to meet her end too, right? A dead lump, ready to be composted on this stupid war machine. How did this all happen so fast? And - by the fragging stars - why?
Her hands were pulled up once again by the trooper, but she felt so limp, she couldn't find the strength to react. The situation went south so quickly, and there was no escape whatsoever, she hopelessly thought.
She felt movement beneath her, and opened her eyes again, expecting that the other trooper had started pulling the still warm body. But instead, she looked in the exact same blueish green eyes again, staring back at her . 
What the fr-...? 
The presumed-dead officer quickly pulled his hand from beneath her, reaching out to the trooper holding her handcuffs, swiftly grabbing the trooper’s blaster from its holster. He shot the other trooper in the chest, before the blaster was even removed from the holster. The framed trooper turned around in confusion, receiving a shot in the stomach himself. 
In a mere few seconds, Miko found herself on the ground in between two lifeless troopers, a man who was very much supposed to be dead sitting next to her. 
She looked at him in shock, not understanding a bit from what had just happened. 
To her surprise, he looked as confused as she was. The burn from the blast was apparent on his otherwise spotless uniform and she could’ve sworn that he was really absolutely dead just seconds ago. Not that she had any experience with laying on a dead body at all, but still.
“What did you do?!” he half whispered-half shouted her way. 
“What did I do? I witnessed you die back there!” she responded with the same hissing voice. The officer ignored her reaction and started touching the hole in his uniform. “It pierced through the blaster protection, as I feared…" the man frowned. "Why were you present on the bridge?” he sternly demanded. 
Miko felt even more confused and slightly annoyed by his commanding tone. “What do you mean? And I have no idea why I was there! That creep took some painful blood samples from my arm and was going to lock me up, that’s the only thing I know!” She responded, slightly raising her voice. 
He looked at her, one eyebrow raised. “Did he by any chance say anything else?” 
Miko tried to recall the situation, but everything went so quickly and the blood loss made her memories blurry. “Yeah, he said something about some midi-what-the-hell-ian values he was going to check”. She crossed her arms, scanning his face for answers. 
The first order officer stared back at her, nose twitching, as if she had caught some rare disease. He then started rubbing his chest again in slow circles. His hand clenched at the fabric for a fraction, before he quickly stood up and started walking further into the hallway and away from her, his back straight. 
“Hey! Where the frag are you going?” Miko shouted. He didn’t respond, didn't look back at her or slowed down. He acted as if she wasn’t even kriffing there. 
She didn't like this attitude of his at all.
Miko stumbled and almost fell, having trouble standing up with her hands cuffed. But she quickly ran after him and grabbed his arm, hoping to get some response out of him. She didn't like the idea at all, but he was probably her only chance of survival, so she wasn't going to let him get away just like that. 
He suddenly turned and looked back at her with a menacing glare, as if touching him was way off limits. She backed away and forgot about her plan, surprised by his reaction and taken aback by his piercing eyes. Luckily, he paused for a second and looked back and forth, as if he was overthinking the situation.  
He sighed. “Follow me if you want to get out of this ship”, he coldly replied.
Chapter 2 - escape from Steadfast
What’s this? Why am I on the floor? And why is this odd fuzzy hairball staring at me like she had just seen a ghost? And why in the order's name is she on top of me? Hux thought in disdain. He was confused, disoriented and absolutely not comfortable with having someone invading his personal space. 
He tried to clear his mind and focus on the past events. Wasn’t he on the bridge of the Steadfast ? 
Pryde . 
He remembered. 
While his eyes were adjusting to the hallway light, he saw 2 troopers slowly reaching for the girl, unaware of him regaining his consciousness. This was the moment he needed to act on. 
He reached for the nearest trooper's blaster and swiftly shot both soldiers. The girl automatically moved to the side, making way so he could get up on his knees. 
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Hux stared at the white armored bodies. What a waste, I had to shoot a total of five troopers in one day, he thought. 
He paused and gulped down the nauseous feeling he got from the turn of events. Not that any of them mattered to him any more.
The girl quickly told him what happened. He cursed inwardly. If what he suspects was true, he was just saved by a force sensitive. Ugh , he absolutely hated the thought of being saved by someone with the likes of Kylo Ren. Apart from his rivalry with the latter, he wasn’t a fan of anything that couldn’t be scientifically explained either. 
It seems that she is not aware of her abilities, though , he noticed. For now, let’s keep it that way. I don’t want to give her any ideas. But why is Pryde picking up force sensitive people? One is already too much! He felt his frustrations rise again, thinking about the self-proclaimed supreme leader and the way he used that Force power to lash out at him physically. He unwillingly touched his neck, remembering his latest encounter with Kylo.
He tried to regain his composure. Let’s evaluate the situation later, she might come in handy right now.
He looked at the two troopers he just shot. My first priority should be a swift escape, which will be much easier as long as I'm presumed dead,   he reasoned. He took the blaster from the floor, started walking and eventually called the girl to follow him. “We should get to the lower hangar, my shuttle is stationed there. I was planning to depart, so it should be fueled up by now” he stated, increasing the pace.  
He suddenly stopped in his tracks. If the girl was the only one leaving a trace, no one will know he’s still alive, even after his escape. That would give him a significant tactical advantage. He should come up with a plan to reach the shuttle without being noticed.
The girl, obviously still confused about the whole situation, walked right into him, giving him a bump in the back. 
“Watch we’re you’re going!” he hissed. She was looking back into his eyes, anger showing in hers. She pointed a finger to his chest, her hands still cuffed.  “You’re hard to keep up with, you’re at least 2 heads bigger than I am, and then you frigging stop out of the blue! What do you expect to happen!” She silently shouted back. 
Hux felt his anger level rise. This whole day had been full of stress and frustration, and this brat was only adding fuel to the fire. She should learn her place, or this is not going to work well, he thought, while grinding his teeth. She bothered him already twice in this short timespan, and with such insolence. 
But he also knew that he didn’t have any better options, and he had manipulated people into serving his purpose in the past. He had to make this work, for his own sake. 
He looked at her with cold stern eyes, then turned his head towards a hallway with an open door, leading to the hangar. “We need to get to my ship and make sure we can take off. We have to get authorization from the control tower first,” he stated.  She sighed, tried to cross her handcuffed arms and replied with a sceptical look: “And how are you going to pull that off?” 
Armitage thought he felt a vein in his brain pop, not used to receiving such answers. He refrained from the urge to verbally lash out to her and forced himself to think about the situation ahead. 
He brought his gloved right hand to his chin. She did have a point. He had to give up his cover, if he wanted to try to convince someone. He could go back to take the trooper’s helmet, call control tower, and hope that the microphone unit would cover up his voice. But using his authorization code was a great risk. Most of the troopers knew him all too well… he implicitly recruited and oversaw training for most of them, after all. He was the image of the army's propaganda. News of his demise had probably already spread, so using anything related to his identity would most certainly ring some alarms. 
His shoulder was pounded upon again, so he looked down with slight resignation. The girl was holding her hands to the side, wanting to put them on her hips, but not able to do so due to the handcuffs. “Leave that to me”, she whispered with a sly smile. 
He pulled one eyebrow up again. “What do you mean?” he responded with a slightly cynical voice. 
“Can you guide me to an access port somewhere?” she smiled enthusiastically. 
Her reaction looked somewhat childish in his eyes, and that really didn’t give him any confidence. But his plan was too risky anyway, so he could at least give her the benefit of the doubt, he considered. 
Hux pointed her to the nearest access point. She sat down on one knee, looking at the port. He was feeling very sceptical about this. How can this girl do anything with that access port? Without a scomp link, she can't even access it, he wondered. He saw her looking over her shoulder, whispering something. She’s not going to do some force magic, right… he thought in disdain, furrowing his brows.
‘PC, you can come out now’, he now heard her  whisper. A tiny droid crawled out of the neck sleeve of her jacket. It had 2 visual sensors and 4 motoric ones, it resembled something animal-like. A small reptilian type of animal, including the bulging eyes and flexible tail. The thing found its way via her arms to the access point, turning to use said tail as the communicator, the scomp link. She whispered instructions to the little droid, before she pulled out a small working pad from her gear. She started scanning the screen with full concentration and started slicing, clearly forgetting his presence.
Hux was intrigued by the droid, he never saw such a small animal-like model. The way it swiftly moved the access point’s turning wheel was peculiar, but most effective. If he was head of the infiltration division, this model would make a great asset. 
If I was still in charge… but that’s all over and done now. He gulped. 
If… only I'm able to get to Ren . The stakes were high, too high for his liking, but he would do anything to make the idiotic force user disappear. 
The droid made a squeaky sound.  The girl turned to Hux again. “All done!” she exclaimed, enthusiastic about her presumed success. He was still sceptical though, her enthusiasm only making him feel less confident. Does she really know what she's doing? She sure doesn't act like it , he wondered. But… if she really achieved changing flight plans and authorizations without notice, she could disable the surveillance cameras as well. She might even be able to diminish the amount of troops in the hangar, too , he reasoned. The longer he was presumed dead, the better. 
He asked her if she could pull that one off, and she responded positively. The droid squeaked, and she focused back on the access port. 
Hux was nervously pacing through the hallway, and although it took her and that droid only two minutes, it felt like eternity. The more dead moments like this, the more chance they could be discovered. 
He felt his heart racing from not being able to do anything, his mind starting to come up with all kinds of worst-case scenarios. He took another swing, and saw her standing up and putting two thumbs up in the air. Good. Urgent time to leave.
 “Okay, let's advance and check if your little trick worked. Walk before me and pull up your hands.” he stated. 
“What? Why?” she responded with a low tone, clearly finding his request suspicious. “I’m going to transfer you as a prisoner to the shuttle”, he explained with a hissing tone. “Oh-okay, I can go with that.” She said with a voice full of doubt. 
As if she had another choice , he thought scornfully.
The droid retreated back into her jacket, its lean form making sure it wasn’t visible from the outside. Hux removed the bandage from his left leg. The bleeding hadn’t entirely stopped, but the white fabric was way too obvious. The black hole on his chest was clearly visible, too.  “Walk closely before me, so they don’t notice the damage on my uniform,” he added, while disposing of the cloth. He took the confiscated blaster and pointed it on her back, coercing her to start walking. 
The duo marched over to the hangar deck. Hux scanned the hangar. Good, it seems the dock was manned with minimum capacity. Maybe her slicing efforts actually had their results.  
Apart from that, he spotted nothing out of the ordinary, which was a good sign. It indicated that the news of his presumed death had not reached the hangar personnel yet. If he was lucky, none of them would think back about this moment or even notice them. They had to move as subtle as possible. 
He slowly picked up the pace, but tried not to go too fast so that he had to limp. The shot wound in his leg was slowly starting to take its toll. They passed a few of the hangar crew members and he sternly nodded to a trooper that saluted him. He hoped none of them would see the sweat on his forehead. Or wonder why he was there and no pilot was with him. It’s been a while since he flew himself, after all. 
They walked on the ramp of the shuttle and he opened the cargo doors. Without looking up, they both stepped inside.
(small bonus doodle because I love awkward situations and they need more attention)
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Chapter 2 - escape from Steadfast (II)
Hux closed the shuttle door as fast as possible and let the girl free. He let out a breath. He didn't prefer to be in risky situations at all. Being on the bridge, executing battle strategies was his forte, not actually being in the field. 
He marched to the cockpit, the girl followed in his wake. He swiftly sat down and started to power up his shuttle. “Prepare for a swift jump to lightspeed” he stated, without looking her way. She slowly looked around,  taking in the environment. “O-ok” she absentively answered. 
He paused, wondering how much flight experience she was lacking. 
“Put yourself in that chair”, he pointed out. She quickly sat down and put her hands on her knees. 
She’s clearly not used to space travelling, he mused . A real planetary brat.
The ship's motors started roaring to life. Moments later, the ship took off, and Miko was pressed against the back of the seat. She had a hard time taking in what was happening, but was finally feeling relieved to see the stars. It gave her some hope that this nightmare could be over soon.
Hux turned to her: “we’re going to jump into hyperspace as soon as possible. I’m setting up the hyperdrive, can you give in the coördinates?” he asked her. 
“Where?” she replied, absolutely willing to help to get out of there as fast as possible. 
“at 3h” he responded. 
Who the hell talks in hours? She wondered, reminding herself she picked him up on a military base after all. She sighed and closed her eyes for a second,  in an attempt to find some inner peace.
First, he treats me like kriffing trash, he doesn’t believe I can slice the system, then he drags me into this ship with a fucking blaster pointed at my back, and now I have to know how a shuttle works? This man is giving me grey hairs! She thought instead, frustration starting to grow. 
She found the hyperspace panel and started looking through the pre-filled values. “Anywhere?” she asked, turning back to him. 
“Would you just choose something already?” he shouted back. “Why are you shouting, I can hear you when you talk, sir whatever!” she responded angrily, pressing the confirmation button. If he’s going to treat me like this - again - he’s not going anywhere! She stubbornly thought.
“By the sarlacc pits, they locked on us!” Hux shouted, while the shuttle was violently shaken. Miko closely held onto the chair behind her and momentarily closed her eyes. When the shaking stopped, she remembered his words. “By the sarlacc pits”, who says that anyway? She wondered. This guy is a kriffing relic. A next shake threw her out of her train of thoughts again and made her focus on the present.
  “The coordinates are ready!” Miko called back. Hux pulled the hyperdrive gear, the stars quickly changing into blue lines. 
“Phuh, that was friggin close!” Miko sighed, letting herself fall into the co-pilot’s chair. 
“We’re not out of this yet” Hux said while glaring at her from the side. “Prepare to jump back” he added. 
“But… no! I don’t want to go back! Why should I…” she argued. 
“Just do it already!” he angrily shouted. 
She hesitantly went over to the controls again, but at that exact moment, they were pulled out of hyperspace, reaching their destination. She looked out of the cockpit’s window, staring into empty space. Hux started turning the ship around. 
Right at that time, a squadron of first order TIE-fighters appeared from hyperspace. 
Hux cursed inwardly. The squadron opened fire and hit the shuttle a few times, giving Miko a hard time to stand. Red warning lights blinked on the right control board and if Miko wasn't panicking yet, this would certainly do the trick. The TIE's turned and a second salvo followed. Hux did his best to avoid the little buggers, but he was no trained pilot, unlike their current opponents. 
Their shields held back most of the shots, but some hits got through, making alarms go off all over the shuttle’s cockpit. 
“Wha…. They can jump through hyperspace? And they are tracking us?” Miko whispered, taken aback. 
“Put in some coordinates, now!” Hux shouted towards her. “O-okay!” she whispered in confusion. She quickly pressed the control and entered one of the preprogrammed destinations. The shuttle took another jump to the designated coordinates. While in hyperspace, he turned towards her and stood up straight. He righted his back and looked down to her with a menacing glare. His hair was slightly tossed up from angrily turning back and forth between looking at her and at the navigation panels. 
“Now, listen carefully this time. Once we arrive, jump back to the place we just came from, and then directly jump back to the Steadfast . Once there, we’ll jump again to a random spot, and so on. At least four times. And this time, do it, without hesitation!” He shouted, pointing his finger at her. 
You can’t just throw orders at me like that! She angrily thought, frustration growing and her head getting furiously red. She stood up, trying to face him on a more even level, and replied: 'I'm trying to get out of this hellhole as well, you don't need to shout at me!' She knocked away his hand and turned around. She could feel the frustration radiating from him as well; she could hear him breathe heavily and gritting his teeth. 
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Miko took a deep breath and tried to calm down. She did realise he clearly knew more about this tracking mechanism, so her best chance to survive was to listen to that self-righteous idiot.
The moment the shuttle jumped out of hyperspace, they immediately jumped back to their previous location. At her right side, she saw a flash of one of the TIE-fighters landing at their location, just before the next jump was executed. She swiftly gave in the coordinates of the Steadfast’s location. “Ready!” she shouted in Hux's direction.
The third jump took them only seconds, this time no pursuing ship was seen. Another alarm was sounding and she saw Hux gritting his teeth and adding extra pressure on the steering handles. They came out of hyperspace right before the Steadfast. Miko was still entering the next coordinates.  "Hurry up! They've spotted us!", she heard him shout, while she finished the procedure.  "Done!" She exclaimed, at which Hux immediately reacted, initiating the fourth jump. 
The required fifth and sixth jump followed, and to be absolutely certain about losing their pursuers, they did another few. 
The duo arrived somewhere before a nebula, at the edge of the unknown regions. Miko was completely worked up, but the sight before her made all the tension in her body disappear. She was marvelled by the sight of the clustered stars and dusty space clouds. She had never been in outer space, and this was the first time she could actually pay attention to its beauty. For a moment, she forgot that she was in a first order ship together with some easily angered, high-minded and conceited officer. She forgot about the alarm wailing on her right side. 
“We should debate a strategy” she heard from her back, pulling her mind back into reality. Hux sat in the pilot’s seat and turned his gaze towards her. He waved his hair back in shape. He still looked like he was angry at her, but it seemed like he had found his composure again.
He stepped over to her side, checking where the alarm came from. The next thing she heard were his fists landing on the lower control panel. “This is unthinkable! The navigation unit was hit. I can’t access any of the preprogrammed coordinates any more!” he waved his hands out of anger and stepped to the other side. 
“I’ll check it out,” Miko replied quickly, willing to help. She felt a bit guilty for not following his orders. It's because of that, they were in this mess after all. 
She thought she could hear him let out a frustrated growl while he passed the spot she was standing in.
Her droid friend appeared out of her jacket again and crawled over to the data port, looking at the damage as well. Hux sat down and pressed his fingers to his forehead. He let out a long sigh. 
“The board is fried, there’s nothing I can do… it's already a miracle we could perform those last jumps. It must’ve been fried right after." Miko brought her hand to her chin. "Maybe I can check if you have access to the HoloNet on this ship, so I can look for a place to go? We can still use the direct input with coordinates,” she suggested. He didn’t look up. “That’s no option. You’ll give away our position if you do so” he responded.
 “I can put up a proxy…” she started replying, the corners of her mouth curling upwards. Her droid came to sit on her shoulder, ready to help her out. 
“They will still find a trace, trust me. I know what my men are capable of” he interrupted. He absentmindedly scratched his hair.
“From what just happened, I don’t think they’re your men any more...” Miko muttered inwardly.
Hux stood up, gave her a menacing glare, and walked out of the cockpit, leaving her there on her own.  
Great. I can add hard-headed to the list , she sighed.
Hux was losing it. He was just shot twice, left for dead but apparently saved by a naïve girl with authority issues and possibly with force powers. He didn’t know which part was worse. 
Now he was stuck in a shuttle with limited resources, having nowhere to go. He just lost everything he worked, lived and stood for. And there was no way to get it back. The only thing left was his resentment. 
First Ren, and now Pryde. They took everything from him. His life's work went up in smoke, just like Starkiller base.
If there’s anything he was still willing to achieve, it was orchestrating their demise. 
But he was practically powerless now. There wasn’t a way to get into the first order again, wasn't there.... 
He paced around in the small central wardroom, rubbed his face and tried to weigh his options.  Going back to Arkanis and using his family name could work to a certain degree, but even if he could convince the cadets on Arkanis, he had no chance against the both of them. He was the spy after all. Come to think of it, he had made sure the cadets knew how to deal with traitors. A cold shiver ran through his spine, remembering how effective and cruel his orders were towards them. No, Arkanis wasn’t an option. 
He couldn't think of any other option within his connections within the First Order. The chance was too high that they would side with either Ren or Pryde. 
But what other option is left?
Hmm. maybe the enemy of my enemy, can become my ally. If only for getting to Ren and Pryde, I’m willing to switch sides. For now. And when the opportunity presents itself, I’ll take back what’s mine. 
He stood still. If that defected trooper FN-2187 and Dameron were still alive, he might have a chance. He saved their sorry lives after all. But how to find and contact them… and first, how to get out of here...
He sat down at the table in the wardroom and thought about his options. They were stranded and they only had the navigation history of the jumps they just did, before the navigation memory unit was wiped. From what he recalled, none of them were nearby an inhabitable planet. On the other hand, it’s not like he had time to check the surroundings, so maybe they could give it a try and jump back. They have to wait for a few days to use those coordinates anyway, to avoid getting caught. 
The fuzzy hairball came in. Right, I almost forgot about her. He rolled his eyes. He realized he had no idea if there were enough provisions for one, let alone for two people. He should check that first, to be able to estimate if this was the time to get rid of her. 
She stood before him with her arms crossed and started talking: “It seems the hyperdrive got a hit too, PC is looking into it. He said we can’t use it at full speed.” 
He sighed. Another setback . He felt a cold rush climbing up his spine. How did he end up in such a sightless situation? He hated the feeling of not being in control. 
She came to sit down on the bench in front of him, and leaned forward, elbows on the table. “How did they track us through hyperspace and how did we just manage to escape?” she hesitantly asked, looking at his face like he was fishy. 
He sighed again, sat back and started explaining. He had other things to do, but he felt that explaining how superior his research division was, could at least brighten his mood a bit. 
“It's a First Order standard procedure to lock on any hyperspace trace their sensors catch. The fighters do the same.” He leaned forward as well, looking her in the eyes. He made notice on how her amber irises slightly dilated when he locked his gaze on them. Good, I have her full attention .  “We developed active hyperspace tracking, it’s very effective in pursuing targets. But if you travel backwards, you make use of that same path, making your backward jumps nearly untraceable. The technology can do some extrapolations, that’s why we had to jump the whole trip back to the Steadfast and then further on. Once they found out what we were doing, we did more than enough extra jumps to lose them.” He put up a wry smile, self-content his plan worked. It was one of his theories after all, but it wasn't tested before. 
But then he was reminded of his current situation. “Too bad we can’t travel anywhere now”, he grumbled. 
“We can travel to my place if you want?” the girl responded, cocking her head to one side. He looked up, a very sceptical look on his face. ”Your home planet? And how are we supposed to do that? The navigation is fried, did you forget?” he said, clenching his fists under the table. She's definitely not the brightest , he thought, again. He was starting to feel annoyed for the fourth time in a row now. He could feel that the combination of her presence and the recent turn of events were slowly making him lose his otherwise unbreakable self-control. 
She crossed her arms, leaned back and stated: “I know the coordinates by heart”.  
What? Who in the whole galaxy knows coordinates by heart? It’s a 48 long digit code! Hux thought, not believing her one bit.
“Are you serious?” he said, more like a statement. He couldn't take her seriously, and this definitely was not the time nor the place to mess with him.  
“Of course! One should always know how to find their way home!” she happily responded, a smart smile on her face. 
Hah, that’s funny, he thought: “You never left the planet” he dryly stated. 
“S-So what?” she responded, slightly pouting and blushing, probably feeling caught. His assumption was correct, it appeared. But still, knowing such a code by heart? That would be very unlikely.  “Why would you learn such a long code by heart if you’re never even going to use it?” he said, disbelief in his voice.  
“We can use it right now, can’t we?” she immediately countered, leaning her head backwards and starting to raise her voice again. It seems that he was not the only one who wasn't in a good mood around here. Her behaviour wasn't helping Hux to keep his calm at all. 
"Then let's hope you don't make a mistake so we don't crash into a sun, for example." He replied, the tone of his voice increasing. 
"Since the fragging hyperdrive is only working at a fraction of its speed, we don't have to worry about that, right?" she threw back at him, almost shouting.
He sat back again, breathed through his nose and tried to control the rising anger. He let out another exaggerated sigh. This girl was going to make him lose his cool sooner or later. This was worse than staying with Ren in one shuttle.
The little droid tripped from the cockpit onto the girl's seat, eventually settling down on her shoulder. 
The girl broke the loaded silence first and tried to make some progress on the plan. “Okay, suppose if we go there, what are we going to do?” she asked him. “I don’t want to get my people involved in your personal vendetta,” she added. 
How can she know about that? Is it that obvious? Hux wondered, feeling surprised and even more annoyed because he apparently couldn't hide his motives from this girl he had never met before. 
He huffed. 
“I’m planning to turn myself in with the resistance” He stated. “I have valuable information that can bring down the leaders of the first order, in exchange for my immunity.” 
She looked at him, turning one eyebrow up. “And you think they will just let you walk in there?” she responded.  
“I have been providing them with information the last months, and 2 of the resistance's key figures know about my identity. I’ll take my chances if I can get Ren and Pryde to pay.” He said, not able to hide his disdain for both. 
He cursed inwardly. He wasn’t the type to play hero, he usually let other people do the dirty work for him. But now he was practically alone, only this girl was here, but she won’t be of much help anyway. He had to do this on his own, and this was the only plan he could come up with. It could work, but it was risky and he didn’t like it.
“I think I can get us into contact with a resistance faction if we’re at my place” the girl said, holding a finger on her lips and looking back to the cockpit. Her droid was following her movements. “I’ll put in the coordinates!” she said and stood up. 
“Hey, you can’t just decide on your own!” Hux shouted back at her, but she already closed the door to the cockpit. 
This girl was going to be the death of him. 
And how did she lose those handcuffs?
Chapter 3 - escape from the psychopath (I)
Armitage Hux went back to the cockpit, seeing the girl bowing down over the panel, putting in the digits. “Apparently, it’s going to take us 28 hours to get there, due to the hyperdrive malfunction” she mumbled. The little droid was walking over the cockpit’s dashboard, keeping an eye on Hux. 
She turned around, scanning him from head to toe with a questionable look on her face. 
What’s her problem now? He thought, feeling uncomfortable under her gaze. 
“Let me see that wound.” she said, walking straight to him.
He jumped back. No way he was going to let her come that close. 
“I’ll have a look myself!” he hissed. He pulled his uniform straight, as if he could remove the damage by adjusting it, and quickly stepped out of the cockpit, head high to keep up appearances.  He then marched through the wardroom and into the private quarters, locking the door. 
He let out a sigh he didn’t know he was holding,  wondering in the back of his mind what had actually just happened. 
Armitage carefully pulled off his uniform and the blaster-repulsive vest he was wearing underneath. It was pierced, as was expected from such a close shot. He was right to wear it that day; he knew the chance of being shot sooner or later was growing more and more realistic. It was the risk he knew he was taking, by leaking information, after all. 
On his stomach, right where the shot landed, he found new scar tissue, but it was way too shallow for such a blast. So it is true, she somehow stopped the impact from the blast. It must’ve happened that instant Pryde took the shot. But why? At that moment, she could not possibly know that I could get her out of there.  
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He was puzzled. Now that he thought about it, he didn’t even know her name. And she looked pretty oblivious from who he was. How that's even possible, he couldn’t understand. 
And it utterly annoyed him.
Hux found 2 bacta patches in the first aid kit and applied them on his chest and upper left leg. The bleeding of his leg was still not entirely stopped and now that the adrenaline wasn’t subduing his pain receptors any more, he started to feel the continuous tingle of the burn. 
His thoughts automatically went back to the moment he regained consciousness in one of the many halls of the Steadfast . Only now, it seemed to seep through how the girl had been way too close to him. Physical contact has always made him cringe and there has been more of said contact than he has had in a very long time. 
All what had happened the last hours on that ship was catastrophic, and it all could be summarised to him losing control.  Losing control over his carefully laid out plan, his precious army and his own body. Feelings of resentment, hate, disgust and spite rose in his chest like a tidal wave.
He rubbed his face, trying to concentrate on the tasks at hand. He hoped the wounds would heal soon with the help of the patches, because he was starting to feel worn out already. He knew his body could take the damage, history proved that already. But he also knew its limits and the effects of blood loss, which were already making him feel light in the head.
He then took one of his spare uniforms from the wardrobe and decided to get back to the wardroom. He had to find out as much as possible about that girl and her home planet. He needed to know in advance what his options were.
Oh, and he should still check the rations.
Did he just flee away when I was trying to help him? Miko was perplexed. His behaviour didn’t really add up to what she observed during their escape. He was so full of himself before, and now he got out of here like he was scared of me helping him out... 
She went to look for the officer, but he locked himself up in what she assumed was the bedroom of the ship. She then started wandering around, to explore the shuttle a bit. 
Great. If that’s the bedroom, there’s only one. She let out a huff. It’s his private shuttle after all. How was she going to get through the next 28 hours?
She heard the door open and saw him step out of the room, wearing an immaculate uniform. He must’ve changed just now, she mused. He’s really keen on his appearance, it seems. What a kriffing self centered jerk. He sat down on the bench again and started tapping his fingers on the table, which slightly worked on her already overworked nerves. 
“What’s your name?” he asked bluntly. 
Oh, we didn’t introduce ourselves yet, that’s right!  
She realised, welcoming the conversation despite his uninviting tone. ‘I’m Miko Ylena, engineer at Tagge Industries, communication division on Utapau Four. So that’s where we’re heading.” She casually swinged her hand to the cockpit, stepped closer and went to sit down, too. PC walked from her shoulder onto the table.
“Hmm… that’s a first order plant, if I recall correctly?” he wondered. 
She replied: “In theory, yes. It’s been a family business and from what I understood, nothing has changed much over the years. First,  there was the empire, now, the first order. There is a garrison stationed to oversee the production, but Henry Tagge’s still waving the scepter. Which is a good thing for us, for now. If we do our jobs well and without too much hassle, we get paid enough to come by.” 
She looked at her gloved hands. She was still wearing part of her working gear. Somehow, someone had overpowered and drugged her on the way back home. She remembered some hooded individuals, but that's all. 
PC walked up to her again, as if the little droid felt her slight distress, and went to sit between her arms.
“We’ll have to lay low so those troops don’t spot me.” Hux said. 
She looked at him, quizzical. Her mind has been working overtime, she was full of nerves and definitely not thinking straight. 
“Why? Is your hair color that rare?” she blurted out, sporting a sly smile while thinking back. He did stand out in the crowd. She remembered that ginger hair as the first thing she had noticed, when she first saw him on the bridge of the Steadfast .
But at that same moment, she already felt bad for saying it. The officer closed his eyes and was audibly biting his teeth after hearing her reaction. Woops. He must’ve misinterpreted me… she realised. It seemed like reacting assertively was a way for her to cope with the stress of the situation, and maybe she shouldn’t have started smiling. It didn't seem to land well with him at all. 
On the other hand, why should she care? It’s not like he had been friendly with her. He ordered her around like she was a subordinate of him, and it was continuously besting her tolerance level towards him. She just wanted to get him out of her life as soon as possible, before one of them did or say something they might regret. 
What did she just say?
“What does my hair color have to do with this at all?”  Hux requested, annoyed. He felt his anger level rising again. “Do you even know who I am?” he added.
“No. Some officer that was shot because he was a traitor?” she casually answered, like it was nothing. She wasn’t looking him in the face, and he could only interpret this as defiance. He started fuming. Seriously? She even works in a first order alleged company and doesn’t know about me?  
“Don’t you know anything about the commanders of the first order?” he questioned with a lower voice. 
“nope, I’m not interested in politics” she replied casually, while she was inspecting her gloves, as if this conversation was of no importance.
What? Not interested in politics? How can she say that with such impudence? 
“Wh… “ he started his rhetoric, but apparently she didn't notice that he was going to reply, and she unintentionally interrupted him: “I never paid attention to those topics in the academy, it’s not like I have any say in it. And it's manipulated shit anyway. It's a former imperial academy after all. ” She crossed her arms and leaned back. “Why do you ask?” she added. 
Hux mind short circuited. “How can you know your planet’s coordinates by heart, but not know who I am?” He was baffled, and she still looked unimpressed. What’s with this girl? 
Under normal circumstances, people were either scared or cautious towards him. At least, for the last 15 years that is. This was a new experience for him and it didn't sit well.
“I’m General Armitage Hux, commander of the First Order army. I lead the training programme of the first order troopers as well as the R&D department. My research team developed technologies such as the active hyperspace tracking you just witnessed. I oversaw the construction of Starkiller base." 
He stopped right there, he wasn’t going to let her know he played a major role in the destruction of the new republic and their pitiful resistance. He needed her to believe he was worth something for the resistance, alive.  
”I was running for Grand Marshall,  becoming the most powerful person in the whole first order,  next to the supreme leader." he stated, pressing his index finger on the table to make his point. He was feeling a bit better hearing himself say those things. Especially after all that had happened these last hours.
She was still looking at him with that sceptical look. She took a breath, then paused for a second. In the meantime, that droid of her climbed back to his usual spot on her shoulder. “Should I be taken aback or just be disgusted?” she replied, crossing her arms. 
“Either way, do you know what they were planning to do with me?” she interrupted, trying to change the subject. 
Hux was sitting there, not knowing what to do and not really registering her request. How can she just change the subject and react like that? She just keeps addressing me like I’m some unimportant individual that just happened to be on her way… and why ‘disgusted’ anyway? He thought. He was still watching her like he didn’t know what to do with her. 
She broke the silence: “Look, general Hux, I don’t want to have anything to do with this. I never asked to be abducted. I was bored, but not that bored. So I’m going to drop you off at Utapau Four and point you to my connection. From then on, I’m going back to my boring life and you can do whatever the shit you want to.”
This girl is unbelievable, he inwardly sighed.   
“You do realize that you can’t just go back to your old life. The First Order just picked you up from there.” he said with a low voice. She replied angrily: “You mean they abducted me. They stunned me for fuck sake!” 
Why is she always swearing? He was starting to get seriously annoyed yet again. This girl is really going to bring out the worst of me . 
He breathed through his nose and thought back to her initial question, changing the subject back before both of them started shouting again. 
“From what I can deduce, they were testing if you were force sensitive. I have no intel on who requested this test and why it was carried out.” 
Actually, wasn’t he going to keep quiet about this? Again an example on how she's somehow indirectly messing with me , he realized. He cursed inwardly. Why couldn’t he be more of his manipulative self?
Miko responded: “Me? Force sensitive? What a joke! I should at least know by myself, then, right?” she said with a laughing voice. She was now leaning backwards even more, making him wonder if she was going to slide off from the seat soon and fall on the deck. That would teach her from behaving so... uncivilized , he amusingly thought. 
Hux wanted to call her out on her demeanor, just to get all the frustrations out of his system, but he refrained himself from doing so.
“Was a blood monster taken from you recently?” He asked instead.  
The girl looked at her droid, which looked back in return, as if the thing would know better. “Not very recently, a few years ago. It’s standard procedure to see if we don’t get polluted by the iridium.” she mentioned. 
“It’s feasible that those results were picked up by someone within the order.” Hux reasoned. He knew he had approved an order to build an automatic system to upload and interpret blood samples before. About 13 years ago, he himself had the directive to exterminate any force sensitive beings he could discover within the ranks, but that was under Snoke’s reign. This reeked of something different.
 It was highly possible that this system was still operational and reused for other purposes, unbeknownst to him.
“That guy, the one that shot you, acted like he was doing a routine job," she mentioned, “to lock me up for transport, as usual”.” she added, while mimicking the allegiant general.  
Hux shivered unwillingly when hearing Pryde’s reference, sentences full of elaborate insults addressed to the other general already forming up in his head. He subdued the urge to let them all out and tried to concentrate on what really could have been happening.
Hmm… if Pryde’s involved with force users, and Ren never mentioned it in the supreme board meetings, I can assume that Ren is not aware of this with a high probability. Is this some plan from that supposedly resurrected Emperor to use these force sensitives for his own good? Or maybe just kill them to get rid of the competitors? He didn’t like the first scenario one bit. Honestly,  he'd prefer the second one much more and finally get rid of those freaks. 
But first, he had to make sure this particular freak could be put to some good use.
He looked up again, seeing her questioning eyes directed back at him. They seemed almost yellow due to the soft light in the wardroom. They made him feel uncomfortable, as if they were piercing through his image and looking to read his mind. The fact that she was a possible force sensitive, didn’t help at all.
“I have no clue” he lied. 
This information might come in handy, but for now I need to keep her in the dark as much as possible, he mused. 
She didn’t seem to be happy with his answer, but she let it slide.
“What should I do then?” she asked him, as if he was the source of her problems. 
He hadn’t thought about her situation at all, it's not like he cared anyway. But maybe, if she was perceptive to his suggestions, there was something to gain for him as well. She did prove to be a relatively good slicer and that inventive little droid of hers was also on his radar. 
“Since the First Order might still be on the lookout for you, your best option is to disappear or try to join the resistance.” He reasoned. 
“But I can’t just leave my father and friends behind!” She half-shouted. 
“You do realise that if you stay, you’ll just be killed and probably kill them in the process” he coldly reacted. She’s not only stubborn, she’s also short sighted. This is going to be a very long trip, he thought again.   
He stood up and righted his back. 
“I’m going to retreat and take some sleep. We should discuss tactics afterwards.” he concluded. He went to his chambers and closed the door.
Some trivia!
Tagge industries: The Tagge family is a famous family throughout the whole saga (legacy and new), but I made up Henry. He's the only one with a normal name and he's probably the only moderate Tagge family member out there... he's a bit of an outcast 😂
Utapau Four: one of the 9 moons of Utapau. There are moons in canon, but I made up the whole moon's population and geography and so on.
Chapter 3 - escape from the psychopath (II)
Did he just leave me here, just like that?
Miko let out an annoyed sigh. She was exhausted, but the thrill of recent events was still raging through her body. She noticed that she had been reacting very assertively to everything, but then again, it’s not like she was ever abducted, tested upon, jumping through hyperspace and stuck on a ship. 
And accidentally saving the biggest prick in the galaxy in the process. From the grave he had dug for himself, no less.
She started wandering around the wardroom, finding out what was where, thinking which spot could serve best for taking a nap. They still had a long way ahead of them, after all. 
She found weapons, and the pantry as well. She dug through it, took something to eat and lay down on the bench. 
Her droid walked from her shoulder onto her stomach, turned around to watch her and sat down. 
At least the bench was long enough for her to lay straight. Or I am short enough, she mused. 
Back home, she was always the largest of her friends. The inhabitants of Utapau Four were shorter than the average human-like races. They originated from the Arkanian offshoot a very long time ago, bred for mining labor. Due to gravitational differences on the fourth moon of Utapau, before it was completely terraformed, their race evolved this way. She was a bit of an exception though, because of her mother’s genetic material, which was Corellian. 
She stared at the durasteel ceiling. If Utapau Four was no option for her any more, maybe she could travel to Corellia, to see where her mother grew up. Surely she could start a new life there, out of the frigging Worst Order's prying eyes.
Or maybe not. 
She didn’t know much about her mother’s past. The only memories she had, didn’t tell anything about who her mother used to be, before Miko was born. And her father was avoiding the conversation for years now.
I have to ask him one last time, before I leave. Maybe ask him about this crazy abduction as well. Some of his resistance friends might've heard something about it. It’s too suspicious. 
Kriff, am I really going to leave them?
The thought of having to say goodbye to her only family left, felt heavy on her chest. She never left the substitute planet, and maybe now, so suddenly, it was for good. This whole situation was still unreal and unsettling. 
She finally felt the fatigue taking over, having a hard time keeping her eyelids open. 
‘Hey PC, keep an eye on me while I fall asleep, will you?’ She requested her droid with a hoarse voice. The droid hummed positively as a response. She didn’t feel comfortable around that general, so she felt glad having her droid around as a bodyguard. The little droid looked up and then placed itself back on her stomach, while she slowly drifted away.
About 6 hours later.
Why is there trash on the table? Hux wondered. 
He just had given up on taking some rest, the recent incidents haunting his brain and ripping him out of his slumber again and again. 
He just did a few steps outside his cabin, and his blood pressure was already rising to the same agitated level as before he left for a break. 
He went further and opened the pantry, only to find that things were not in their initial place. 
He looked at the girl sleeping on the couch, striking lightning with his eyes. 
How could she make a mess of everything so fast? And not clean it up afterwards? He bristled and started to put everything back into place, his movements harsh. 
When he was done with the cupboard, he placed the jars on the counter to the exact spot they belonged, according to him. 
It took him quite some time, since the compartiment was slightly different from the one in his quarters on the Finalizer. But once everything was back in order, he felt his calm returning. 
If she ever does that again… he started thinking, clenching his hands tight. Stars, why was he so easily provoked?
Right at that moment, he heard giggling from behind his back. He turned around, only to find Miko silently chuckling. Her hair was even messier than before and her eyes were still foggy from napping. Combined with her snickering sounds, it made her look like she was drunk or high. Her little droid was nowhere to be seen. 
He turned his head down and closed his eyes for a minute. 
“Are you mocking me?” he asked with a dangerously low voice. 
“How can you focus on something like that? Aren’t you like - a general - busy with much more important things than how your stuff is put?” she said, obviously finding the whole situation funny, although there was a certain sharp edge to her words. 
Did she just taunt me even more? 
Insolent brat, he thought.
Anger started boiling up again quickly, since he hadn’t entirely calmed down from their encounter before. The girl seemed to cope with stress in a very annoying way. Or maybe she's always like that, he wondered in disdain. 
I should definitely get rid of her as soon as possible, he decided. The fact that she took a ration unbeknownst to him and moreover without permission, wasn’t working in her favor either. 
“Shouldn’t you focus on our escape plan or something, instead of combing your hair?” she added, letting out a snicker and rolling her eyes. 
He did wash up and combed his hair like he usually does when he starts the day cycle. It’s part of my status as an officer in a leading position, how could she just laugh that away?  
He started fuming. He had already realised he couldn’t treat her like a subordinate; his usual set of verbal threats were useless against her. And for a fraction of time, he didn’t know how to handle her. 
The idea only added fuel to the fire.
He suddenly hit both fists on the table before her, too enraged to be surprised by his own reaction. “Do not mock me! You shouldn’t stick your rude nose in someone else’s business!” he shouted, losing his cool but barely even noticing it. If she was a subordinate of him, or any other crewmember part of his flagship, he had her locked away already. And then put her on rehabilitation duty. Let the indoctrination programme prove its success. Such misbehaviour should be dealt with accordingly. But now, he had to use other means to put her in her place. If she wanted to argue, she was going to regret this, he angrily thought.
“I’m stuck in this ship as much as you are, so it’s my business too! You need to get your priorities straight” she shouted back at him. Her facial expression shifted from laughter to rage in a mere second. Her eyes were slightly wet, as if she was on the brink of tears.
Priorities straight? Does she even know what she’s saying? He felt like he was going to explode. 
“And oh, excuse me if I disturb your unreasonable need for order! Why are you even still wearing that uncomfortable uniform, if you haven’t noticed it yet, you’re not a general any more!” she added, volume rising.  
“Shut your mouth, you’re being blatantly foolish! You can’t possibly understand this! You didn’t even have any clue why you were abducted!" he threw back at her, "You were just going to go back to your pitiful old life, like nothing happened!” 
She was going to push him over the edge, make him lose his self-control and she was going to regret it.
Miko stood up and angrily faced him. He was still leaning over the table, so they were able to look straight into each other's eyes. 
“At least I had a life! You seem like you dug a big hole for yourself, that other guy got you hard there! And all you care about now is your appearance. Wake up, there’s no one to impress here!” she ostentatiously swinged her hands around, pointing to the empty space. 
“At least I have an impeccable appearance, you look like you haven’t washed for days, and what’s with those piercings anyway? I’m surprised you’re allowed to walk around with that at Tagge’s department! If it was under my supervision, this wasn’t tolerated!” he yelled, and she immediately yelled back: “It’s what they call style, mister general! But maybe someone of your age is not aware of that!”
“Are you calling me old?” She’s really going too far now, he thought somewhere in the back of his mind, too clouded by rage. His blood kept racing through his veins and each word that came out of her mouth only increased the pressure. 
This argument made no sense at all, the insults they threw at each other were downright pathetic, but he was too far gone and too hyped on the adrenaline of the past events to think clearly.
“Yes. And pale." She added, her face getting red from keeping up the volume with his shouting. "Have you seen any sunlight in the last decade? Lucky your hair stands out a bit, otherwise you’d really be mistaken for a corpse. If we land on my moon, make sure you won’t get sunburnt!” 
Did she really mock my hair? Again? 
Hux snapped. 
He instinctively and viciously reached out to her throat with his right gloved hand. He took her neck in a tight grip, starting to strangle her. The leather of his glove was making a scratching sound from the pressure he applied, which matched his angry breathing. 
He looked down at her reddened face with furious eyes. Her amber tinted irises were starting to change size, her expression going from angry and surprised to alarmed. It gave him cold chills, which provided him with an odd sense of satisfaction, somewhere deep beneath the raging anger.
She frantically grabbed his arm with both her hands and tried to shout, but only a feeble squeak came out. 
Silencing her felt good, very very satisfying, after all the recent tension buildup. This is what she gets from driving me mad, he thought, still so angry with her behaviour towards him. He wasn't sure if and when he would let her go, he was too far gone to think clearly now. 
She started to violently shake his arm and began to writhe with her legs, trying to get some grip so she could get loose. But he was towering over her, too strong and too enraged. 
She was harshly pressed against the backrest of the bench, Hux had stepped aside to discard the table and was now leaning over her. There was no escape from his pressing hand, and he could feel her throat moving, trying to swallow or maybe gag as a reflex to get her airtube clear.
His rough anger turned into a smoldering rage when the fire from her eyes was starting to fade and was turning into a desperate plea. Her leg movement slowed down until they fell limp. He could see her lips moving, begging for her release, but no sound came out. 
And then he felt something else than anger surging through his body. At this very moment he felt in total control. Oh, he missed that feeling. He took in the sensation like an addict finally experiencing the long-denied rush again. He could do literally anything to her, the way she crumbled under his grip. Anything. And the lower part of his body started thinking about doing something to her.
PC came out of nowhere. The tiny droid quickly jumped on his outstretched arm, instantly threatening Hux to give him a power surge.
Hux looked down to the suddenly menacing droid and snapped out of his trance. He abruptly loosened his grip, violently shook the droid from his arm, looked back at Miko with a bewildered look and stumbled back unceremoniously. 
The girl lay scrambled on the bench, touching her violated throat and heaving heavily to catch her breath. She turned to face him with squinted eyes.
Their gaze locked and instantly Hux was hit by a wave of cold sweat, the intensity of the amber made him breathe erratically. 
After a slight hesitation, he quickly turned around and stomped back to his cabin. He shut the door the second he entered. 
What the hell was that? He hastily wondered, trying to control his raging heartbeat. He rubbed his face, removing the sweat from his forehead.
He looked down. This has never happened before. He has always been in control of himself, he never lost his cool like this. He was the one who could drive another person insane, this was the first time it was the other way around. Well, at least after his father was removed. 
And in what way… What had just happened to him? I was always stronger than this. Was I going to murder her, out of rage, or… rape her?
He made sure the door was locked, took a glass of water and drank it down in one shot. He needed to stay inside, cool down, think about this incident and what to do next. 
I need a cold shower.
Chapter 4 - delicious disaster (I)
Miko coughed violently to catch her stolen breath. Her whole body was still shaking from the shock. She hadn't seen that outburst coming, but maybe she was too angered with his delusions of grandeur and stupid misplaced pride that were based on nothing but lies and evil deeds. She was so stressed and angered at him for leaving her out in the dark, it had clouded her mind. She hated how he was nitpicking on stupid details, as if this situation wasn't already hard enough for both of them. But, maybe if she thought this through, she should've known he was a psychopathic maniac. 
She never cared much for physical strength before, never needed it in particular because she was the tallest one at home anyway. Although Utapau Four was under First Order rule, Tagge's influence on the planet made sure she lived in a rather protected bubble. Consequently, she absolutely wasn't prepared for any kind of attack like this. 
She felt lucky she programmed her droid well.
She gently rubbed her sore throat. She could feel where the leather had left its marks. It already started stinging more, the moment she grazed her skin. This was going to bruise ugly.
She gulped. She decided she had to be extra careful with this man. He was definitely more dangerous than she anticipated. Maybe she should look into the armory again, to arm herself with something, anything, just in case. Not that she was able to shoot, but that won't matter if he came close to her. She hoped she wouldn’t hesitate too much.
Miko thought back to the moment he lunged at her and slowly started to feel confused. Something was bothering her, other than the fact that he tried to strangle her to death. His eyes went from pure rage to something else. When PC jumped on his arm, it was like he snapped out of some trance. When he did, he looked bewildered, confused, vulnerable?
But what bothered - scared - her even more, was that short moment before he let go of her neck. His grey-green eyes looked dark, glassy, and simmering hot. 
Kriff. What am I thinking? 
The cold water of the refresher was slowly calming Hux down. He tried to ignore what happened, but he knew the moment he was going to step out of his quarters, the situation was going to be very awkward. He should try to collect his messed up thoughts. 
That outburst reminded him too much about Ren, and he didn't like it one bit. This wasn't him, he should be above this. He has always been a master in self-control, since he's been in charge, up until now. 
And then, there was that other sensation he experienced, slowly creeping up on the skin of his back, giving him hot chills. 
He could feel his groin get itchy again, and turned the knob of the refresher to make the water even colder.
His mind involuntarily started drifting to the past. He hadn’t felt like this for a very long time. It’s not like he was immune to the hormonal reactions of his body, but getting the chance to actually profit from a situation and get his physical needs satisfied… that was another thing. 
There had been a few people he met when networking, trying to get to his money or get access to intel. He wasn’t stupid to give in to their feeble attempts. Fellow officers or even cadets had been trying to use him to get higher up in ranks. He disapproved of this behaviour, finding it utterly pathetic. Climbing up in the ranks and assuming a higher position should be done by knowledge, wits and politics. And, if necessary, by manipulation, but only if done well. Bribery in any form was something he had used as a tactic before, but never to get higher up. It always concurs with a significant backlash. There were always loose ends. 
Apart from that, he never was keen on the thought of having sex with a colleague itself, reminding him too much about what had happened in the past. A bed partner could’ve asked troublesome questions he rather wouldn’t like to answer. He unintentionally rubbed his stomach.
There had been a few times when he thought about getting his way though, unsurprisingly with people that were not part of the First Order. An escort on a diplomatic mission. The citizen that would've given him all, just to stop the military operation. That one feisty prisoner who had no respect for him. 
It seems he wanted to be the one choosing who he wanted to use, not being used himself. He was done with that. 
But eventually the situation never really lended itself for it. Although he made it to general, there was always someone above or beside him he had to report to. And his ambition and the future of the First Order were always a higher priority. 
But right now… he was alone, with a girl, all innocent and naive, on his ship, slowly travelling to possible hostile territory and they only had a few cards to play. He knew there was a significant chance that he wouldn’t survive much longer than a couple of days. 
And… she actually didn’t look that bad, he admitted to himself. She angered him utterly, but apparently that awoke an unexpected gnawing feeling in him. A kind of itch that needs to be stilled, or it would haunt him for the rest of his days. A sensation he tried to hide away for so long, but suddenly had broken free. 
The way her eyes shined like a blazing fire when she was mad at him or enthusiastic about who knows what, automatically popped into his mind. They were as strong as her idiotic will, passionate but also chaotic. All things he should despise, things he always despised in people, but, he didn’t want to admit it, they looked so attractive right now, like something he’s been missing for eternity. He wanted to get a taste of it. 
She was like a fire he wanted to contain just enough not to get it extinguished. 
Oh, and those hips. He suddenly remembered the way she stood in the cockpit, bending over the controls of the ship and checking out the issue on the navigation panel. He didn't feel how his fingernails were leaving marks in his palms.
He was completely lost in these disturbing thoughts, the cold recycled water still slowly streaming over his body. 
This was absolutely not the way he was supposed to be thinking to calm down.
Can I force myself onto her? He wondered. This might be my last chance to get this nonsensical physical need satisfied, without any consequences. There’s no career that I need to uphold this time. I could do whatever I want to her. 
He rubbed his face again, as if that would help him to start thinking straight. 
But is it a wise thing to do? Can I still manipulate her into helping me out on that moon of hers? It was her father she wanted to contact, if I recall correctly? 
Hux stared at the wall of the shower cabin for a few seconds. If that man knows his daughter well, he’ll most likely know something is up. 
He sighed and looked down, the water dripping from his hair, following the indents of his cheekbone, down to his chin then leaving his skin to fall to the sink. 
The risk was too big, and he was feeling like a coward again. But in the back of his mind, he was not sure if he could bring himself to not doing anything. 
He at least had to try, for his own sake, he wanted to convince himself.
Miko decided to camp in the cockpit’s seat. She had taken a blaster from the armory and had positioned it on top of her legs. PC placed himself next to the blaster. She was staring at the stars flashing by. Only a day ago, she loved the view, but now she felt a bit claustrophobic. There was nowhere she could go and hide from that asshole, the cold durasteel hull of the ship was now her confinement. She was disgusted by the First Order general’s assault, even if she probably provoked him. 
She was even more disgusted by what she thought afterwards, but she tried to ignore that particular train of thoughts, not wanting to go there again. 
He still lashed out at her like it was nothing, so he absolutely wasn’t to be trusted. She wouldn’t let him corner her again. She has always been in charge of her own persona and freedom, so in no way she was going to let him come close without her consent.
Am I ever going to grant him that? She couldn't help but wonder. 
Her head absolutely said no, but there was something nagging in the back of her mind. She never met a man like him. A kriffing self centered, merciless, fragging vain asshole, a breathing example of the Worst Order and every norm she despises. But when talking or shouting at him, she felt alive. It was good to get rid of the frustrations of the previous problematic events and if she was honest, in the life she led before; all of her friends back home were either too kind or too scared of her. This man was a challenge, and it was attracting her in every bad way there could be, she secretly admitted to herself. 
But, on the other hand, this probably could've happened with anyone she met outside of her home planet, she realised that much. The things that have occured the previous day, the adrenaline rush, and being locked up in the same cramped space together, probably have been influencing her, too. And then again, she never really met anyone taller than she was, which didn’t help either, but wasn't a particular reason to take an interest in him.
She knew she should stop thinking about things that never should happen anyway, and focus on what was coming ahead. 
What was she going to do? 
She stared into the stars, trying to collect her thoughts, but hopelessly failing.
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heretherebedork · 1 year
Welp, tagged by @lotus-soup-pot and why not? Thanks!
Are you named after anyone? I believe an distant cousin, technically, but not in like the 'to be reminded' kind of way just in the 'it was a good name and traditional' kind of way.
When was the last time you cried? When Akk thought Aye had genuinely forgotten his birthday and he was telling people not to worry and he was just so hurt and delicate and then Aye started singing and he teared up because it meant so much and I cried with him but mostly because I wanted to smack Aye, tbh. Oh, boy, be nice to your sensitive boyfriend, he's doing his best!
Do you have kids? Do the ones I work with count? No, not of my own, but sometimes my students feel like my kids. I'm so proud of them. <3
Do you use sarcasm a lot? Constantly. Here, there, everywhere... beware. I do tend to very sarcastic sometimes but I do try to keep it under control and not use it against people, just against... ideas.
What sports do you play/have played? Does laser tag count? Otherwise, nothing. Ever. I am the last person you want anywhere near athletics. I'm fat and useless, lol.
What’s the first thing you notice about other people? No idea. People exist. Typically, I notice how close they are to me, I suppose, followed by what they're doing in that moment.
What’s your eye colour? Uh, I forget? I checked in the mirror and it's sort of grey-blue... I think?
Scary movies or happy endings? Happy endings. Forever and ever. Always.
Any special talents? Uh... writing weird meta about BL? Also, infinite patience.
Where were you born? Skokie, Illinois
What are your hobbies? BL dramas, making bad gifs, writing meta, walking my dog, hiking (sometimes), baking
Do you have any pets? Wizzard, a fantastic dog, and a bunny named Zhahadum, Zaha for short
How tall are you? 5'11" aka 180 cm. I would love to be a bit taller but I know I am already tell, lol.
Favourite subject at school? History and English, mostly. Especially English. I enjoy science but rarely in actual school courses more in the accidental learning kind of way.
Dream job? Exactly what I do but with more autonomy but not the paperwork that comes with the next step up on jobs... or, honestly, being the nanny to a high needs autistic child and able to work with them at home, school and in the world, to understand them as best I can and to help them fully and thoroughly and as a whole person rather than trying to piecemeal it together with their parents and other aides and therapists and shitty communication.
I'm not gonna tag anyone. Do it if you want. Love y'all!
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k-white · 1 year
A very personal rating of the Our Skyy2 episodes, in airing order cuz I am doing it weekly, if you stumble upon this list it is my personal opinion! if I rated your favourite episode low don't take it personally, we all love different things and maybe my favourite was the one you liked the least
Now here we go:
NLMG: 8/10 I really liked it, I liked the og show fairly enough more by the end than the start, but the special? I liked it a lot, I am a sucker for time traveling and period pieces so it played with my heart strings, I had some issues with the pacing and story but overall I liked the more romcom feel to it that to me PP are perfect for, bonus points having Pawins character score a bf! also it looked amazing! I love Jojos directing and the colorgradiants he used here
SIMM: 5.5/10 It was fine, nothing that bad, I onestly liked the first episode more than the second only cuz the pranking made sense, Maitee and Sean were being annoying and deserved to heve their asses handled to them, also the possible side couples played a big role on my liking this, they could have made SM or TM, but they didn't, tho WS are cute I can give them that, it didn't make much sense but ok, tho the major downside was the plotlessness and ok it is a 2ep special but they could have done more, just KN being sikeningly cute doesn't cut it for me, also News directing style is not for me
THE ECLIPSE 9/10 Ok I might be biased, you take a look at my profile you can see that I love FK and the Show, I didn't give it a 10 cuz the first episode had some issues mostly on how Aye acted torwards Akk, but this second one? Basically perfect! they were the sweetest and most loveble ever! all the kissing? The popsicle scene?? The bar scene??? The last scene???? PERFECT so I gave it a 9 cuz of ep1
VICE VERSA 5/10 ok so I wasn't the biggest fan of VV when it aired, but I wanted to go on this with an open heart and it was broken! and again I wanna say: FREE TALEY! Puen and his supposed best friends manipulated him! Using a CHILD! It was cute at the start, I still like JimmySea, but they had to go and ruin it, if the kid was actually Tess's child I would have been a lot more happy even tho Taley would have been a victim yet, better than being manipulated tho still chosing to be with Puen and satying friend with them! Sorry but this continue to not be my thing, saved by the cute cast!
MSP 6/10 It was all way too rushed, they wanted to combine all of 12 episodes in 2 and the result felt rushed and staged, like a bad movie that the characters produced, plus the only characters that were actually convincing were Tinn Por and the moms, the others felt stiff and too similar to their original character, the MV was cute but the sang was average at best, Tinn liking Gun since 10th grade(or at least it is implied) doesn't align with ep1 unless Tinn was lying the whole time, the ending scene was a bit confusing I don't know if it was made like that cuz they hope for a s2 but I didn't really get it, if the ending was either Tinn or Gunn waking up it would have been a good twist, anyway it was fine
ABAAB 5.5/10 Ok I did go in a little biased with this show cuz I really didn't like it, tho the first episode of OS2 was actually not that bad I did enjoy it but then the swap "bet"(it was basically a bet right?) happend and I got reminded how much I don't like this 2 people! and I feel bad cuz I do like ForceBooks interactions IRL but Gun and especially Cher I don't like them and I feel like they wrote them episode after episode without a clear idea on who they are cuz they act according to the plotline of the episode! Also I didn't like that we never got a resolution for the little fight ThreeZo had!
BBS×ATOTS 7/10 I changed the score cuz that last episode deserve a 9 if not a 10 it was perfect with pacing story and acting, but the rest didn't work for me especially the 2 crossover episodes, they sacrifaced the story to just make a mix and match of the 4 main characters! in the crossover they spend more time apart and with somebody else than with eachother and the time spent lost was too much, it didn't progress the story at all! if they did 2 eps dedicated to each couple amd then 1 only ep crossover maybe it would have worked better, also as I said Longtae was nowere to be found and not even mentioned and I am bitter and pissed about it still, I also feel like the characters especially Phupa were kinda ooc
Am I very biased with The Eclipse? YES INDEED!(but it is very obvious from my blog so do I even need to specify it?) the others I am more objective, tho mind you! NLMG wasn't one of my faves but I really liled the OS2 ep!(but I saw that people that liked the show didn't like the OS2 ep and vice versa)
So we arrived at the end of this journey, this thing was in my drafts since week 1 so 8 weeks can you believe that? anyway I have to say that I enjoied this show overall, it wasn't perfect and production was clearly rushed but it still worked and people enjoyed it so that is all that matters!
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negrowhat · 2 years
Hey y'all, I've seen everyone doing their top 22, 20, 15, 10, and 5 BLs of the year and I didn't want to do a ranking! I just want to do a quick rundown of everything I watched and how I feel about it now! This is gonna be multiple posts! But I'll post them all at the same time.
Thai BLs I've watched in 2022...the ones that weren't my favorite but weren't bad.
Enchante. 7 out of 10. I really loved Akk and Theo for most of the series but Theo took advantage of Akk a few times and he never apologized for anything he did and that annoyed me. They were super cute otherwise, we love an old childhood friends to lovers storyline. I enjoyed watching them expose the 4 horsemen ambassadors.
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You're My Sky. I dropped it at first because Fah annoyed me, but he actually turned out to be very sweet. He and Thorn turned out to be cute basketball sweethearts and they were a good team. It's one of the few sports themed series I've watched and I loved that everyone played different sports. I loved Saen and Aii a ton, their relationship was lovely and Saen was the best boy. DomeVee made me mad though. Overall I did enjoy the series.
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Cutie Pie the Series. I wasn't a huge fan of it overall. I didn't like all the lying between Lian and Kuea because it went on so long. Yi treated Diao like an actual child. I really enjoyed Kuea and Diao's bestiehood though and I enjoyed Jay and Poppy (can't remember his character's name lol). I liked the BounPrem cameo and I think there were some very relevant conversations had between the characters. The chemistry between both pairs was crazy good too, but now I feel weary of the type of series ZeeNuNew will be doing because that prince series feels like it's going to be similar to Cutie Pie.
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The Eclipse. I've said it before but I was more interested in the activism than the romance. I really, really enjoyed all the protesting and watching this small group of characters fight against their school's rules because they were antiquated and harmful. I even enjoyed the snitch brigade as the ops, their friend group was cute. That whole part of the series was very interesting to watch and I was betting on who The Curse was. I couldn't really enjoy AyanAkk because of all their back and forth, it was too much whiplash. I really couldn't get into Thuan and Khan either, sorry.
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Love Mechanics. It was a great series, but most of the characters annoyed me, except TOSSARA. No one listened to each other and there as bad communication. I wanted to fight Vee through most of the series and Mark at one point too. Yiwaa couldn't mind her own business and she was a bad friend to Vee. Nuea was very pushy with Mark even though he could tell Mark was not feeling him. Mark's dad was a jerk too. The series irked me in some parts. Again, it wasn't bad so I didn't dislike it, but it just made me mad lol.
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Series I started but never got back to:
Fahlanruk. I couldn't stand Fah and how he forced his way into Sherbet's life. I heard Sherbet got really slappy towards the end too. I tried to stick around for Prince and Gear but I just couldn't, they were moving at a snail's pace.
Coffee Melody. I tried to stay for Pavel, but like gotdamn Duean Yi got really annoying. The series highkey had all the makings for a decent Coffee Shop series, but one of the mains was unlikeable and the series fell flat overall. It was boring and drawn out. Thitnuea and Jean were cute from what I saw though.
Even Sun. I blame the writers. BounPrem have natural and amazing chemistry but even that couldn't make me watch past ep 3 of Even Sun. The plot made little sense and the subs on iQiyi were really bad too. I just couldn't give it the time because I lost interest fast.
War of Y. I only watched BillySeng's story, I was never all that interested in the series to begin with and I was going to watch ToruFirst's storyline but it looked so messy.
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firstkanaphans · 1 year
akkayan and w for the fluff prompts 🥺💛
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[A]nnoying them for attention + [W]earing their clothes
“Akk,” Aye whined. Akk bit back a smile because he knew it would only encourage him. “Pay attention to me.”
“I will pay attention to you after I finish this essay,” Akk said for the third time. It was a Thursday, which was usually their scheduled date night, but a last minute assignment had come up that Akk had to complete before bed. Aye was not taking the rejection well. 
“But you’ve been working on it for hours,” Aye grumbled. “How much longer is it going to take?”
“At least another half hour,” Akk said, but this time he couldn’t stop himself from laughing at Aye’s morose tone of voice. He turned around to find Aye sitting in their bed with his arms crossed over his chest, a gigantic pout on his lips. “I already told you: we’ll do date night tomorrow instead.”
“How about this?” Akk offered magnanimously. “How about you go take a shower and by the time you’re done, this essay will be finished and I can finally pay attention to you. How does that sound?” 
Aye kicked at the covers like a child disappointed to have not gotten their way, but eventually he sighed. “I mean, I guess.”
“That’s a good boy,” Akk said. “I’ll make it up to you, I promise.”
“How?” Aye asked, climbing out of bed, his interest finally piqued.
“However you’d like.”
Aye thought about it for a second. “A massage?”
It was a surprisingly tame request. “If that’s what you want,” Akk said with a shrug, but he purposefully let his gaze drift down to the front of Aye’s pants, suggesting that maybe he was up for quite a bit more. Aye preened.
“Go,” Akk said, turning back to his computer. “And don’t rush or the deal’s off.”
In the end, Akk wasn’t sure whether Aye had rushed or not because he was so engrossed in his essay that by the time he was aware the shower had turned off, Aye was already climbing into his lap.
“You have to pay attention to me now,” he scolded, straddling Akk’s waist. Akk let out a noise of protest, scared Aye was going to upend the entire chair and tip them both over, but once he finally got settled, Akk found his familiar weight comforting.
He wrapped his arms around Aye’s waist to hold him steady and stared up at his boyfriend. Aye’s cheeks were flushed from his shower—his hair still wet, his skin still warm—and to Akk’s surprise, he wasn’t wearing anything except a pair of underwear and an old T-shirt of Akk’s so threadbare and stretched out that it hung loose from his shoulders, baring his collarbone to the cool air. Akk couldn’t stop staring at it.
“Not fair,” he whined. 
“My turn now,” Aye said, leaning in and kissing Akk’s neck. “You can finish your stupid essay later.”
Akk didn’t even bother to protest. Aye had bested him and they both knew it. He let his hands drift beneath Aye’s shirt and rucked it up. The heat from Aye’s body felt like a brand against his skin. “I love it when you wear my clothes,” he muttered, breathless.
Aye chuckled. “I know.”
So Akk picked him up and took him to bed, his essay long forgotten, and when they made love that night, the T-shirt stayed on.
For the Fluff Prompt ABCs
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solariswrites · 1 year
Reckless. Reckless. Reckless. 
Phayu’s replacement word for stupid. Instead of instilling determination and anger what Rain was feeling in the moment was pure disappointment and frankly resentment. He was confident that if Sky was in this seat right now there wouldn’t be a lack of trust going on. Just fear that Sky was pulling away from him. Rain? No he gets the distrust and belittling like he isn’t a grown ass adult in a relationship with these three men. He loathes his feelings right now which makes it worse. All he did was go with Aye, Thua, Kan, and Rain’s new friend, Zain. 
He knew it was going to be an adjustment for him, Sky, and Phayu when he changed majors; Prapai had been the most supportive of him switching to the Arts to focus on his writing degree. And to Rain, Prapai was the only one being supportive now because this was getting ridiculous. He had a right to spend time with his friends from his new faculty and old childhood friends too. They’d come here to get inspiration for their own projects and had accidently gotten stuck with Kan’s suv then walked back just as the storm started to roll in their direction. Akk had taken the other three as Rain had assured Zain that it was fine to leave with a brooding Phayu, annoyed Sky, and their ever peacemaker Prapai.
“This was beyond reckless. You should have called us before leaving town. This is what happens when you hang around Ayan and Zain. You do reckless things like this. Going out in the middle of nowhere with no cell reception and a trail till you hit the main road…” Phayu’s words cut through Rain’s thoughts and he’d had enough. He didn’t give two shits that they were stopping at the stop sign in the blistering rainstorm. He wasn’t going to sit here and take anymore of this criticism for another second. 
“Yu…” Prapai started but Rain cut in. It hit him the silence coming from Sky and Prapai as Phayu had scolded him. They agreed with him. 
“And what P’Phayu? Wait for my busy boyfriends to decide for me if it’s alright to take a day trip with a group of friends that wasn't even supposed to take half the day? When without hesitation all three of you just drop whatever you want to do into our calendar? Do you know how hard it is to plan something or do something with you all when you do that to me? I take one day, hell not even a day; I take one lousy couple of hours… ” Rain angrily spat back, reaching for the door. “I don’t know what I’ve done to make you think I’ve consented to being treated like a fucking child but I haven’t. I deserve the same trust and respect as you clearly give each other.” 
“Rain!” Sky struggled to stop him from getting out just as much as Prapai. Phayu was stunned for a moment before he rolled the window partially down. 
“Get back in the car!” Phayu ordered over the heavy downpour, not that Rain was listening. He just flipped him off and started walking his way towards the village so that he could stay at another hotel. He sure as hell wasn’t staying with them. 
Suddenly a pair of arms wrapped around him but the self defense classes he took since the incident with Stop allowed him to easily twist and shove the owner of said arms away. He glared at Phayu as soon as their gazes locked. 
“Don’t touch me! Venus!” Rain yelled, Sky and Prapai joined Phayu across from him. Their eyes wide that he still wasn’t budging on letting them near him. “I am not getting back in that car. You all say you love me but this isn’t how you show it. Trust goes both ways. I am so sick and tired of having to prove myself.” 
“You don’t have to, but we need you to get back in the car. It’s…” 
“Reckless right?”
“No, Darling, not safe! I just want us all safe. So please get into the car.” Phayu tried to get the younger man to listen to him.
“Baby that’s not what we meant.” Prapai tried to apologize as he shared a look with his partners. 
“Yes it is! I said venus P’Pai!” Rain quickly dodged Prapai’s hand. He knew it was instinctual because of how Prapai was tactile. But it still felt like they weren’t listening. That he hadn’t earned a voice. 
“We do trust you Rain, we were just scared!” Sky gave back and the look in his eyes let him know that this was true for Sky. 
“Of what? What happened before with that asshole repeating? Well it’s not going to happen again…” Rain found himself trying to console him  but shook his head, “No, you refuse to actually believe me that I can take care of myself. I retook the classes and I checked in a lot.” Rain snapped as he flailed his hands. “But it’ll never be enough will it? No matter what I do I’ll just get to watch you three thrive off each other till you tire of me just standing there.” 
“You’re not standing still.” Phayu cut in, “And we do tru-“
“You don’t get to tell me how I feel.” Rain argued, “especially when I cause you to turn into this jealous monster!” Those words earned a sudden shiver to go down his spine at the look Phayu gave him. He for sure thought that the man was going to start chiding him for his language. 
“You don’t get to tell us either. But yes, I’m jealous. But it’s not because I don’t trust you, darling, it’s because I loathe that Zain gets to spend all this time with you that used to be ours. I love you…We love you, Rain, and if you need us to stand out here in this storm all night to tell you all the reasons why we do, then we will.” Phayu argued right back and like that it was like all three of them despite the storm were on the same page. The focus on him was a bit overwhelming.
He was about to respond when Sky spoke first, “I’ve always loved your determination. It’s beautiful, wild, and unique to you.” Sky slowly reached out to Rain. Just as carefully, Rain felt like he could handle them coming closer. When he did, Sky lifted their joined hands to press a kiss to Rain’s knuckles. 
“You’re my buttercup.” Prapai stepped closer next, his hand reaching up to cup Rain’s cheek. His thumb rubbing softly over rain soaked skin, “Our love is different and so open despite all the bites the world has taken. Your bravery and willingness to adapt are just some of the reasons I love you, buttercup.” He leaned forward, pressing a kiss to Rain’s forehead then he stepped back to let Phayu come closer. 
“Verbena?” Phayu asked, knowing it was his fault the fight had sparked anyways. Rain nodded and this time they stepped towards each other. Phayu cupping Rain’s face gently. “I love that you trust me with all of you and that you inspire me to be a better lover to us. You’re amazing and so beautiful, darling.” He leaned, pressing the softest kiss to Rain’s lips. When Phayu went to pull back Rain, gripped the now soaked through v-neck to keep him from moving away as he chased the kiss. This one thought carried a different feel as they poured their apologies and love for one another into the kiss. 
“Oi! You were supposed to kiss his cheek, you jerk! Jealous and greedy is more like it. Where is ours?” Prapai’s voice pulled them from their moment. 
“How about we have this conversation in the car?” Sky shivered as Rain laughed, resting his forehead on Phayu’s shoulder. He didn’t need to look to know that Phayu was sending Prapai a look. 
“Okay.” Rain agreed. He reached out for Sky, the two of them squeezing their hands before Sky headed inside. 
“Well I am not going till I get my kiss.” Prapai continued to tease. Rain wiggled his fingers towards the older man to draw him into a kiss. Those dark eyes beamed as he stepped closer, kissing Rain softly. 
“Now you have one. Let’s get back in the car and to the hotel before we all get sick.” Phayu guided them back to the jeep. Prapai wrapped his arm around the other side of Rain as they walked then stole the younger man into the backseat where they could cuddle until they got to the hotel. 
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