#Lynn watches The Sign
theflagscene · 8 months
Bye Phaya, enjoy the water.
Pretty lady!!!
The dream realm is so gorgeous.
Oh, the pretty lady is Tharn’s older sister!
Holy hell, the CGI!!
Snakey Doc!!!
Again, why hire Freen if you’re just gonna slap some Amazon extensions in Babe’s hair and call it a day? I get that you didn’t want the fans to get pissed at any het stuff cause ya know, it’s a BL. But still, come on! I could also see Billy not wanting to play romance opposite Freen cause she’s like his baby sister, which I respect.
I do love the gender fuckery though, Tharn looking like Tharn no matter what because that’s the face that Phaya knows, yet not recognizing him as Tharn when watching his past lives because he’s supposedly seeing Freen even though she’s never in the scene. It’s some great messing about.
Babe’s five o’clock shadow is very distracting.
You’re screaming like an idiot, of course you were discovered.
I get that they’re magical and that Heng is supposed to be the master of the Naga’s but I cannot take him seriously as someone who could overpower Billy, Billy is so much larger and bulkier.
That was an awesome CGI fight! Damn, Marvel take notes!
Oh! They died together, damn.
The necklace is Tharn’s soul!!!! Ahhh!!!
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bucklway · 3 months
recently traded sawtism for repotism, only to discover that shawnee smith played amber sweet (originally heather sweet) in a short film of repo….
this is huge for fans of bad twisted pictures movies from the early 2000s directed by darren lynn bousman
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Bad moon rising II
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Summary: After a nasty divorce, you and your family are forced to live with your Grandpa in the lovely notorious Santa Carla, California. Filled with punks, geeks, surfer nazis and apparently all kinds of creatures of the night.
Word count: 2.9k
Poly!lost boys x Emerson!reader
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A/n: I am gonna be 100% honest with all of yall, I have cried, yelled at myself, and threaten to throw my phone across the room. Because I had no idea how to get the reader and the boys to meet. So, this honestly will probably suck, but I have tried my hardest. Spent too many hours deleting and rewriting for this to be bad. So please enjoy if can
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The board walk was unlike anything you’ve ever seen before. It was packed full of bustling people, everyone wanting to go through all the rides, shops and games that they had on display. 
Lights came from all around, aluminating your way through the crowd as you tried to decide what to do first on the boardwalk. Screams and laughter sounded from the rollar coaster ride, the bumps and spins tempted you, but you knew that you’d need to ease your way into everything. 
This would be the moment when you’d wish that Sam or Micheal had come with you, they would try to do everything at once. But, unfortunately, right as you three had arrived; the boys had caught wind of a concert, ditching you to go watch Timmy Cappello perform. 
Treacherous dicks. You called them, wishing that at least one of them would have stuck with you as you ventured where you’d be spending the remainder of your summer. 
You wiped your palms against the fabric of your shorts, the heat of the night air causing a faint sheen of sweat to coat your body. After you’d finished unpacking all the necessities from the car, you’d taken a quick shower and changed for a night out on the board walk.
And thankfully so, the gentle breeze against your bare legs cooled you down enough for you to actually enjoy the night out. 
Chimming bells suddenly grasped your attention, facing the noise, you saw a small shop that was isolated from the others. One of the stores windows was cracked, a piece of cardboard covered the inside to prevent the glass from falling out. 
It was a music shop. 
You remembered when your dad would take you as a kid, letting you pick out cassette tapes, and vinyl records for your room. The old record player would run all day from how many times you would listen to Elvis, Buck Owen’s, and The mamás & the papas. 
It was such a shame that you had to sell the record player and half of your vinyl collection to help out after the divorce. With such little money, you had to make sacrifices for your family. No matter how much you regretted it afterwards.
You glanced up at the sign above the door, a wooden guitar with the words Soundscape etched into the body, swayed against the gentle breeze.  A young couple walked out of the store, hand in hand, a paper bag with their purchase held tightly as they ambled away. 
Reaching into your pocket, you felt around for your wallet. The small leather bound material felt weighted as you pulled it out, the sudden urge to spend your money caused you to open the door of the shop. 
The bell rang above you, and a quick greeting sounded from the cashier. You politely greeted him back before wandering throughout the store. 
It was decently clean, a few stray cd’s littered the ground and a couple display posters were a bit too crooked. But, overall, it was perfect for you. 
You trailed your fingers over a couple of vinyls, picking up a few before putting them back in place. Not really looking for anything specific at the moment, you just tried to find something that would catch your eye. 
Stopping infront of the cassette tapes, you let yourself go through each row, the soft clicking as the cassettes bumped against each other drifted up towards your ears. That and the sound of Jeff Lynne’s voice singing Don’t bring me down, was the only noise that filtered throughout the store. 
Your finger graced an Elvis cassette, the image of him and his infamous guitar sat in the clear case. Picking up the tape, you flipped it over reading the listed songs that went with each side. It had a couple good ones; like Blue Suede Shoes, All Shook Up, Return To Sender, Burning Love and of course some others. 
It was his top greatest hits from each album. 
You tapped the plastic against your palm, debating if you should spend the money just to add to your Elvis collection. You actually had a lot of collections that you needed to complete, but, with this specific artist you only had small handful left to find. 
Kinda like Sam’s Batman comics that he’s been trying to find at every book store that you’d passed on the way down here. 
The bell suddenly rang once more, dragging your attention away from the shelf infront of you. A group of men walked in, each leather clad and mullet wearing. The smell of smoke drifted off of them, wafting through the store. It made you scrunch your nose in disgust. 
“Welcome to the SoundScape,” The Cashier told them, the rehearsed words falling easily out of his mouth. “If you need any help, please let me know.”
None of the guys acknowledged the worker, or, they did though they just didn’t pay him any mind. You watched as they each dispersed from one another, going to different displays around the store. Picking up random items before putting them back where they originally were. 
One of the guys walked down the same row you were on, his eyes trailing over the selection of cassettes. You returned your gaze back to your own tape, not wanting to be caught staring at the guy like a creep. 
Eyeing the rack infront of you, wondering if you should buy the Elvis tape or possibly another. If you’d had enough money on you. You kept your eye on a Boney M. cassette, the item practically calling your name. You reached forward fingers less than an inch away from the plastic when a sudden commotion caused you to freeze. 
Your head instantly shot up, the sudden noise disturbing the once peaceful silence. It came from a guy in the leathered group, the small one with curly hair, he stood over a fallen display of cd’s. His hands held up in the air, a small smug grin tugging on his lips as he turned to the stores worker. 
“I’m sorry, man.” He told him, his apologie laced with sarcasm. “It just started falling.”
The cashier let out a deep sigh, his smile turning from genuine to forced as he eyed the scattered items. “It’s alright, accidents happen.”
You watched as the curly guy bent down and picked up the stand, purposely hitting the one right beside it as he did so. He let out another fake apology before the worker shooed him away, picking up everything himself before curly messed up the entire store. 
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw the movement of the blond beside you shove something in his pocket. You turned you head slightly, to get a better view, and you watched as he took another cassette from the shelf and put it on the inside of his jacket. 
You glanced between him and the other three guys that he came in with, noticing that with the worker busy they were taking items off of their display and stuffing them deep into their clothes. Hell, the curly guy was trying to fit a whole vinyl record in the front of his shirt. A very prominent square outlined for everyone to see. 
It was a diversion, knocking over enough stuff for the counter guy to get pissed and pick everything up himself. It was clever, but still wrong. 
With your attention kept on the tapes infront of you, you opened your mouth. Voice low enough so that only the blonde next to you could hear. “You shouldn’t do that.”
The man glanced up at you, not at all ashamed of what he was doing. “What’s that?”
“You shouldn’t steal.”
He let out a quiet laugh, leaning his upper body against the shelf. “Oh, really?” He asked, voice drawing out into a tease. “Wanna tell me why I shouldn’t, babe?”
You gestured to the store around you, eyes meeting his. “Because, its wrong. And, just because you and your friends can’t see that, doesn’t mean that it’s right.”
“Well, me and my friends seem to think it pretty damn fun.” He told you, pushing off the shelf as he took a few small steps towards you. “So, your reasoning is pretty much useless in this case.”
The guy stood a mere foot away from you, his eyes trailing across your face. His smile growing ever so slightly as he took you in. “So, watcha gonna do about it?” He asked, voice soft and teasing as he held a tape infront of you. 
“Put it back.”
“Why? There is no fun in doing the right thing.” He waved the item in your face. “Is there, babe?”
You snatched the cassette from his grasp, eyes not once leaving his as you placed it randomly on the shelf. “Put ‘em all back.” You scolded, voice rising ever so slightly. “It’s shitty and disrespectful for the ones that try to make a living working in places like this.”
He glanced over the top rack, eyeing the worker with disinterest. “Yeah, but, it’s also disrespectful to have to work at a place like this.” He turned back to you. “So, if he gets fired then he’ll come and thank us.”
You opened your mouth to retaliate, wanting to tell him how much his point didn’t make since. When you notice how quiet the store had gotten, the music coming from the speakers and the worker picking up the cds were the only thing. Glancing around you couldn’t see the guys friends, all of them gone from where they originally were. 
“Yeah, Paul, put it back.” A voiced suddenly called from beside you, arm slinging itself across your shoulder. 
Peering beside you, you saw the curly haired guy, his eyes dancing between both you and Paul. You didn’t even hear him come up behind you, in fact you didn’t even know that he had moved from where he was across the store. 
You pushed off his arm, the feeling of his body pressed up against your own made your face heat up. Looking back at Paul, you noticed how his body seemed to get more ecstatic, smile forming into a friendly tease. “Oh, yeah? Why don’t you put up that vinyl of yours.” He tapped against the cardboard beneath the fabric. 
Curly swatted his hand away, pulling the vinyl from beneath his shirt and dropping it on the floor. You eyed the disc on the ground, annoyance seeping into your chest at the disregard of store. 
“Pick it up.” You told the smaller one, side stepping away from them both to give yourself some room. 
He tsked, eyes roaming your body up and down. “Well, aren’t you a bossy one.”
“I wouldn’t be bossy if you’d stop fucking-“
“Watch your mouth.” A different voice spoke up, stopping you from finishing your sentence. You glanced over at the voice, taking in his long overcoat and bleach blonde hair. “It’s not nice to treat strangers that way.”
You furrowed you eyebrows, “If your saying I’m being rude, than that’s really the last thing I care about right now.”
A few small snickers came from around you, causing you to look around at each men that surrounded you. The two blondes stood the closest to you, giving you just a foot of breathing room. Then there were the the bleach blonde and brunette. They stood the furthest from you, but their stares alone were enough to make you feel like they were everywhere at once. 
Your body felt like it was on fire underneath their gazes, that and your dignity slowly burning away as realized how much of a fool you must look like right now.  You quickly crouched down, picking up the vinyl and gently setting it on the shelf. Not really caring that it’s not where it belongs right now. 
Someone cleared their throat. You and the guys turned your attention towards the worker, who stood behind the counter with a wet rag. “We’re closing.” He told them, nodding toward the door with little patience. “If your gonna buy something, now is the time.”
You gave him a quick ‘ok’, forced smile gracing your features as you turned to face the men. You eyed them wearyingly, knowing that they could just easily walk out of here without doing at all what you’ve been asking. 
A soft chuckle came from the bleach blonde, a smug smirk playing on his lips as he placed a hand on Paul’s shoulder. “C’mon, Paul.” He said, turning to walk out of the store. “Put ‘em back, we got places to be.” 
You watched as he pulled out a cd, the front of the case covered in a band called Scorpion. He set it down on the shelf, his eyes not once leaving your own. ���We’ll see you around.” He muttered, voice low and mesmerizing to hear as he spoke.
It was almost like a fly getting caught in honey. Alluring and sticky, but, it’s just a trap for the prey. 
You didn’t acknowledge his words, instead you just watched as he walked out, the others slowly trailing after him. The brunette hadn’t muttered a single word since entering the store, and apparently didn’t feel the need to as he stepped outside. 
Curly slowly wandered towards the door, turning swiftly to wave his fingers at you before disappearing behind the glass. A simple ‘Have a nice night’ spilling from his lips as he did so. Paul then turned to walked out, his arm resting across your shoulder slide off. Hand coming up to pinch your nose. “Yeah, we’ll be seeing ya around.” He told you, voice indicating that it wasn’t a suggestion, but more of a promise. 
Swatting his hand away from your face, you watched as he chuckled, walking away as he went to join his friends. Leaving you all alone in the isle, with nothing but your Elvis tape and flustered face. 
Engines revved outside as you walked up to the cashier, the sound of the fading bikes meeting your ears as you tossed the cassette on the counter. The worker rang you up, placed your item in a paper bag and thanked you for your purchase. You quietly wished him good night, before turning on your heal and walking outside. 
You were quickly met with the warm night air, the loud noises coming from the boardwalk surrounded you once more. You held on tightly to the paper bag, the cassette softly rattling inside as you quickly walked away from the Soundscape. 
You were still flustered from your interaction with the four boys. The feeling of their bodies pressed up against your own made the night heat all the more unbearable. What if I would have just left them alone? You thought, swerving through a group of people that waited patiently for the carousel. 
They still would have taken from the shop, and that guy would’ve probably lost his job from all the items missing. But, you wouldn’t have lost some of your dignity whilst doing so. 
A sigh left your lips, unoccupied hand going into your jacket pocket. Though instead of the feeling of the scratchy fabric, your fingers graced against a peice of cold plastic. You stopped walking, standing by your lonesome in the middle of the boardwalk as you pulled out whatever rested in your pocket. 
It was a Scorpion cd. The same one that you saw the bleach blonde pull from his coat. You hadn’t even felt him slip the item in your pocket, was it when you were getting on to him or when he was leaving? Was he even the one that slipped it in?
Stupid prick, you thought. Stuffing the disk into the paper bag with your Elvis one, there was no sense in returning it now. The shop was already closing up and how would you even explain that to the poor worker. 
You shook your head, the events of the night tiring you out. 
From a distance you could see both Sam and Micheal standing in the middle of the boardwalk, their attention caught on a girl and little boy. You made your way over to your brothers, the paper bag swaying in your hand as your feet picked up. 
Sam greeted you when you came near, his long over coat brushing against his shoes. “He’s been following her since the concert.” He told you, gesturing with his hand towards the pretty girl. 
“Mmh, hey, peeping Tom.” You tugged on Micheal sleeve, trying to pull him away. “I’m ready to go home.”
He didn’t acknowledge you, his eyes staring longingly at the back of the girls head. You pulled once more at his arm, barely getting him to move when the sudden loud noise of multiple vehicles rushed on the boardwalk. Glancing towards the disturbance, you watched as four familiar bodies stopped infront of the girl and boy. 
They each revved their engines, purposely scaring away anyone that too close. You watched as the little boy made his way over to one of the motorcycles, the brunette pulling him up to sit behind him. 
The girl placed her arm across the bleach blondes chest, hosting herself onto the back of the motorcycle. “C’mon, man, she played you.” Sam told his brother, pulling him away from his rooted spot on the deck. You stayed put for a second, slowly trailing after your brothers as the engines of the bikes faded from earshot. 
Your mind going to when exactly you’d be seeing them again. 
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A/a/n: Like I said, this took so long to figure out how exactly the reader and the boys would meet each other. So, I honestly would understand if y'all don’t like this, but, trust me the other chapters are going to be a whole lot better.
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suzukiblu · 3 months
WIP excerpt for qwertynerd97 behind the cut; Billy adopts Conner and it actually goes pretty good! (( chrono || non-chrono ))
If Lynn wants to hug him later, that’ll be really great, but he just–he really doesn’t want to be one of those foster parents who always pushes. Pretends like they’re closer to a kid than they are or like that kid should be grateful for every little thing or give them everything they want or . . . whatever. 
Even if Lynn never wants a hug from him at all, at least then Lynn can know Billy’s not gonna punish him for it. Can feel–safe, knowing that. 
More than anything else, Billy really, really wants Lynn to feel safe with him. 
“Safe” is . . . 
It’s just harder to come by than a lot of people think it is, that’s all. 
Lynn . . . hesitates, again, and looks at the pillow Billy’s holding out of the corner of his eye for a moment, then gingerly wraps his arms around Tawky in awkward imitation of him. Billy beams at him, trying not to be weird about it or anything. Lynn kind of thinks like a teenager, obviously, but also he’s just a baby, so . . . well, it’s kinda hard to be sure how to balance that kind of thing. 
Billy just has to figure it out, though. He can do that. His dad would’ve, so–yeah. 
So he’s gonna do it too. 
“Yeah, like that,” he confirms, and Lynn looks embarrassed and looks away. “Tawky’s nice to hug, right?” 
“. . . sure,” Lynn says, still looking embarrassed. Billy isn’t sure if it’s the “thinking kind of like a teenager” thing or if he’s just feeling awkward about doing a new thing, but figures that’s Lynn’s business anyway. He sneaks a glance at Tawky while Lynn’s still looking at the wall and flashes him an encouraging thumbs up, and Tawky stays contentedly hugged in Lynn’s arms. Billy’s glad Lynn feels comfortable enough to hug him, at least. Sometimes being a stuffed animal is even more useful than being a superhero. 
He wishes he could hug Lynn right now too, but–well, like he said, he’d rather Lynn feel safe with him than anything else. 
The ten minutes is pretty much up by then, so after Lynn and Tawky have gotten in a little more hugging, they all walk to the library together. Lynn looks at the sky a lot and seems a little awkward carrying Tawky, like he’s still not sure what the best way to do it is, but Tawky’s obviously still content to just hang out quietly and people-watch a little on the walk. Billy points out where some stuff is in the neighborhood, and at the library Lynn looks totally overwhelmed, which, well . . . it’s not a very big library, honestly, but it’s still gotta be thousands of books and Lynn’s never been in one at all before, so Billy can’t blame him for it. 
The librarian helps “Rocky Morgan” sign up for a library card, since “Lynn Morgan” doesn’t have paperwork or anything yet and Billy’s not sure how that’d work and doesn’t wanna test it before Batman gives the all-clear, and then they walk through all the sections together one-by-one. Billy figures they can just pick out a book each from each of the main sections, and then there’ll be lots of different stuff for Lynn to try. 
They get a couple big art books and a couple mysteries, a couple romance novels, some sci-fi, fantasy, westerns, thrillers, history and autobiographies, some classics, and a few different picture books, though Billy figures they can skip the hard science stuff and self-help for right now. Though he does find a cool-looking astronomy book, and maybe Lynn’ll like that? He’s not actually an alien, obviously–Billy guesses he’d be more like . . . what, a second-generation immigrant or something?–but space is still cool. They also pick out a couple of cookbooks, because Billy figures it’ll help Lynn decide what to cook and help him remember the recipes without having to ask Lynn what he’s supposed to do every five minutes. 
It’s a lot of books, but they’ve got super-strength and also Billy doesn’t want Lynn to end up stuck reading things he doesn’t like just because there’s nothing else in the apartment; he wants to give him a lot of options to pick from and figure out what he likes from. Lynn’s a baby. He shouldn’t get stuck with just boring stuff to read. 
The library’s old and kind of fancy. Lynn looks out the high wrought-iron windows at the sky while the librarian checks them out, looking . . . confused, a little, or maybe just like he’s thinking. Billy doesn’t really know his expressions well enough to tell either way. The library’s bright, though, and there’s a lot of windows and a lot of places to sit and read with a lot of natural light in them, so if Lynn decides he likes to read, maybe they could come regularly? Like, once a week or every couple weeks, maybe, depending, Billy figures. He’s spent a lot of time in libraries to get out of the rain or cold or snow, personally, and it was . . . nice, sometimes. There was always stuff to read and somewhere to sit and the librarians were usually nice too, as long as he didn’t fall asleep anywhere too public. So–nice, sometimes. 
Nicer than hiding in a doorway or a stairwell or under the slide at the park or in a gazebo or–
Just–it was nicer. And safer. And sometimes he’d look at the archeology books and pretend Mom and Dad were just still on a dig, and they’d be coming to get him soon. Coming to–take him home, soon. 
. . . maybe Lynn could come to the library by himself, if he ever wants some alone time or something.
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xoxochb · 2 months
⋆·˚ ༘ * ten things I hate about you
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warnings: longggg as helll and it would’ve been longer too but I cut half the ending and I’ll put it in the next part so the chapters aren’t years long AND credits to lynn painter the story isn’t mine along with quotes!!!
pairing: percy jackson x fem! reader
series master list
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your day started off great today! your cat mr. fitzpervert left a hairball in your slipper, you burnt your ear with the hair straightener and when you walk out of your house you see your long time next door nemesis sitting on the hood of your car
“hey!” you slide your sunglasses up your nose, hightailing in his direction, making sure you’re careful not to ruin your new floral flats “get off my car, you weirdo!”
percy jumped off, holding his hands up in a I’m innocent pose, even though his smirk said differently. regardless of his current demeanor you knew him since kindergarten, he’s never been innocent a day in his life
“what’s in your hand?”
“nothing” he put his hand behind his back “you’re so paranoid”
you walk up to him, squinting your eyes up at his face. though he claims to be innocent his sea green eyes twinkle with mischief. you knew you we’re screwed because mischievous percy always won
you poked him in the chest. “what did you do to my car?”
“I didn’t do anything to your car, per se”
“per se?”
“woah. watch your filthy mouth, y/l/n”
you roll your eyes, which made his mouth slide into a grin before he said, “this has been fun, and I just love your granny shoes, by the way, but I’ve gotta run”
he turned and walked away before you could finish speaking. when he got to his porch he opened the screen door and yelled over his shoulder, “have a great day, y/n!”
that’s not a good sign. that could’ve been legitimate. you and percy had been enemies since forever, in a war over the one available parking spot. percy only won because he was a dirty cheater, thinking it’s funny to reserve the spot by putting miscellaneous objects in the spot to difficult for you to pick up yourself
yesterday however you won. you called the city after he had left his car in the spot for three days, earning him a parking ticket
you checked all four tires before climbing into the car and buckling your seat belt. you heard percy laugh, and when you went to glare at him through your passenger window his front door slams shut
then you saw what was so funny
the parking ticket had now been on your car for all to see, stuck to the windshield with tons of clear packaging tape. you got out of the car and tried to pry it off but it wouldn’t budge
what a tool
when you finally made it to school after scraping your window with a razor blade and doing hard-core deep breathing to reclaim your zen, you entered the building with the bridget jone’s diary soundtrack playing. when your music was playing this loud it was easier to walk through the crowded hallways, ignoring rambunctious teenagers
you headed to the second floor bathroom where you met annabeth every morning. your best friend was an insane over sleeper so every morning she would rush to do her makeup before the first bell rang
“y/n, I love that dress!” annabeth threw you a side glance between cleaning up her eyes, then opening her mascara and swiping the wand over her lashes
you went over to the mirror to straighten out your vintage dress, making sure it’s not in any awkward position. you catch sight of two cheerleaders vaping behind you, giving them a closed-mouth smile
“do you try to dress like the leads in your movies, or is it just a coincidence?” annabeth asked
“don’t say ‘your movies’ like I’m a porn addict or something”
“you know what I mean,” annabeth said as she separated her lashes with a safety pin
you knew exactly what she meant. you watch your mothers beloved rom-coms every night, using her dvd collection you inherited from her after she died. annabeth didn’t know about how close you had been with your mother, although you lived on the same street for many years, you were never really close until sophomore year. she always thought your love for romance movies was due to you being a hopeless romantic
once finished, annabeth put her makeup back in her backpack and grabbed her coffee. “come on”
you take a last glance in the mirror. “wait- I forgot lipstick”
“we don’t have time for lipstick”
“there’s always time for lipstick”
you search your bag until you grab hold of your new favorite shade- retrograde red. “you go ahead, I’ll catch up”
she left and you rubbed the color over your lips- much better. you tucked the lipstick back in your bag and exited the bathroom
when you got to class you sat in the desk between annabeth and drew tanaka
“what’s the answer to number eight?” annabeth was writing fast as she tried to complete her homework. “I forgot about the reading and I have no idea why gatsby’s shirts made daisy cry”
you pulled out your worksheet and allowed her to copy your answers. your eyes shifted over to drew. if surveyed, everyone on the planet would agree that she was beautiful, her whole appearance extremely appealing to the eye, an absolute indisputable fact. however her soul was the complete opposite
you disliked her so very much
on the first day of kindergarten she’d caused a scene when you got a bloody noise, the entire glass gawked at you in disgust. In third grade she told your crush at the time your notebook was filled with love notes about him (which was true but he didn’t need to know that). In fifth grade, after your mom died, drew sat next to you at lunch, displaying the perfect lunch her mother had made. sandwiches were cut into adorable shapes, homemade cookies, brownies with sprinkles; it had been a treasure trove of kiddie culinary masterpieces
to this day everyone thought drew was an angel, but you knew. you knew all the awful things she’s done
you turned your attention to the front of your room where your teacher began collecting last nights homework. you passed your papers forward and began talking about literary things. you took glances around your eyes until they stopped on a boy you went out with a few weeks ago. he gave you a chin nod from his desk, you returned a smile
he was nice but the relationship wasn’t it. this is how most of your relationships went though. you would see a cute guy, daydream about him, think he’s your soulmate, then you got the ick
annabeth always said you were browsing not buying. she ended up being right- as always. this messed up your prom potential. you wanted to go with someone who would make your breath catch and heart flutter, but who was left in the school that you haven’t considered?
technically you had a prom date- you were going with annabeth. the problem was that going to prom with your best friend felt like a fail. you knew you’d have a good time. but prom was about poster/board promposals, matching corsages, speechless awe over the way you like in your dress, and sweet kisses under the cheesy disco ball
andrew mccarthy and molly ringwald pretty in pink sort of shit
My phone buzzed, snapping you from your trance
annabeth: I have BIG tea.
you looked over at her, but she appeared to be listening to the teacher you glanced at her before responding: spill it
annabeth: FYI I got it via text from kate.
you: so it might not be true. Got it.
the bell rang, so you grabbed my stuff and shoved it into my bag. annabeth and you started walking toward your lockers, and she said, “before I tell you, you have to promise you’re not going to get all worked up before you hear everything”
“oh my god, what’s going on?”
you turned down the west hall and before you had the chance to look at her, you saw him walking towards you
jason grace?
“aaaand there’s my tea” annabeth said, but you weren’t listening
jason had lived down the street when you were little. you’d loved him as far back as you could remember. he’d always been next-level amazing, smart, sophisticated- totally dreamy
jaosn came over and wrapped me in a hug, and you let my hands slide around his shoulders. your stomach went wild as you felt his fingers on your back
oh. my. god.
you was dressed for it; he was beautiful. could this moment be more perfect? you made eye contact with annabeth, who was slowly shaking her head, but it didn’t matter, nothing mattered
jason was back!
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@fratbrochrisgf @maybxlle @lastolympus @lara20aral
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toournextadventure · 3 months
our little secret pt.v
Summary: Letters to you.
Word Count: 4.5k Warnings: swearing, mention of possible suicide (slight mention, nothing happens), mental instability, mental spiraling, religious talk (Southern Christianity) Pairing: Lorraine Day x Reader (Masterlist) A/N: this is like a little filler, just having fun trying out something different. Don't worry, there's still a giant chapter left! Also? When Lorraine signs the letters to you, she puts a little heart over the i <3
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June 15th
I thought you said you’d always be waiting. But I come home to hear from your momma that you’re on a vacation with Roy? Why didn’t you tell me before I left? I would have given you a proper goodbye.
It’s probably a good idea, though. Roy could definitely use the break and I’m sure you can too. I know the past few weeks have been… rough. I’m sorry. I didn't know it was going to happen. But we can talk more about things when you get back. For now, make sure you have some fun, okay?
Your momma said y’all went out West. If you could write me back and let me know where, maybe I can meet up with you. We can have a proper vacation for once. Do y’all have any real plans, or are you just traveling? I’m sure either one will do the job. You always did want to get out of town for a bit.
Our shoot went well. Max and Bobby-Lynne asked about you the whole time. It doesn't sit right with me when they're constantly checking up on you. Maybe I'm just jealous. It's probably nothing compared to how you feel. At least they mean well, I suppose. They send you their love. Maxine sent… a little more than love, but I’m not telling you about that.
By the time you get this letter, it shouldn’t be too long before you’re back home. I’ll be here waiting for you, okay? Don’t forget to send me some postcards. And if you find anything cute, don't forget to buy it for me! I'll pay you back, I promise.
I'll see you soon.
Yours, Lorraine
June 29th
Having too much fun?
We all thought you'd both be home by now. The 4th is next week, you know. We never miss the 4th. Daddy said he would cook out this year. He's making your favourite and Beau and Huck got the good fireworks. We can take the truck out and watch the show, just you and me. RJ will be out so we can be free for a bit. That’ll be nice, right? A nice little break. So you better not miss it.
Speaking of, Beau isn’t too happy that you’re not home yet. He’s been doing a lot of pacing and mumbling a bunch of nonsense. I think he’s being a bit dramatic. He’s not happy that you left without letting him know. Said he could have told you a few places to go to be safe. I think he just misses you. We all do.
We haven’t been out to a shoot for a while. I’m glad. It hasn’t been the same since RJ proposed. Nothing has, really. Things just don’t feel the same. There’s guilt in everything I do now, I don’t know how to explain it. I just don’t feel comfortable with anything, even daily chores. Did you ever feel that guilt? The one that sits deep in your belly?
On a brighter note, Jimmy and Liz are back in town. They seem to be doing good. And no, they’re not pregnant, thank God. It’s a modern miracle. They had hoped to see you before the summer is over. Of course they will though, it’s not even July yet, the summer is still young. Besides, I know no vacation is more fun than hanging out with us, right? Even Roy would agree, I know it.
Momma is calling me to dinner now, so I’ll wrap it up. I’ll see you on the 4th, okay?
Yours, Lorraine
July 23rd
Hey darlin, I think it’s about time you came home. You’ve more than missed the 4th, and Lorraine ain’t too happy. It’s the first time you’ve missed a holiday, you know? It ain’t like you. I know this ain’t the happiest place for you right now, but your family is here. We’re all here.
Where’d you go anyhow? You and Roy are homebodies, y’all don’t know anybody out West. If you really wanted a vacation, you could’ve waited for us to get home. We would’ve taken you. I’m sure Lorraine would’ve been happy to go too. We could’ve had a double vacation, you know? Like we always talked about?
Huck and I won our competition the other day. Wish you had been there to cheer us on. We wiped the floor with everybody. Best team ropers in the South, just you wait. You’d best come home for the next one. I’d hate to get too popular for you to notice us, you know?
I’ll keep Lorraine calm and happy, but I really need you to get home, darlin. It’s a bit past time to be concerned. At the very least, send us a letter back. I can handle you being gone for so long if I know where you are. I know this isn’t a happy place, but we’re still worried about you. We can make it a better place again, I promise.
Just send me something back, okay? I’d appreciate it.
Love you, Beau
August 12th
Hon, I really think you need to come home. Lorraine and Beau are losing their minds. No one has heard from you or Roy since you left, and your parents don’t seem worried at all. Your momma seems the slightest bit concerned, but your daddy isn’t. Everyone is just acting weird, so you need to come home.
Jim and Liz left for seminary again last week. They were mighty upset they didn’t get to see you before they left. It’s been about since Christmas since y’all were together, right? They miss you both. Y’all are family. Maybe try to write him while y’all are gone, I’ll write his address at the bottom in case you don’t remember.
If I have to listen to Beau and Lorraine ask where you are one more time, I’m going to lose my mind. You know neither one of them knows how to be patient or think logically. They have a single bad thought and run with it. I need you here to help me calm them down, because you’re fine, just taking a break from everything.
No one blames you for taking a break. After everything… it’s the least you deserve. I’m not supposed to tell you this, but Lorraine asked the other night if this is her fault. I told her it wasn’t. We all know that girl loves you to the moon and back. And we all know you love her back. Things can be worked out, but you’ve got to come back home first, okay?
After all this, you had better be having the time of your life, darling. I’m going to assume as much since you’re not answering anybody. Hey, if you can’t write back, can you at least give us a number to try and call you at? Beau said he’d pay any long-distance charges, he just wants to make sure you’re okay.
He’s playing the part of a dutiful boyfriend, you know. Everyone thinks it’s romantic. I know he’s just worried about you, but it’s weird to hear everyone giving him their sympathies. Is this how you feel when everyone talks to Lorraine about RJ? Like you’re in second place in a race you hadn’t wanted to compete in? Because if so, then I think I understand you a bit. It’s… not a nice feeling.
Ah, I won’t get sentimental. We can talk more when you get home. I think I understand you a little better. That’s kinda sad, isn’t it? Took you leaving for me to get a better grip on your feelings? Well, just come home soon so we can talk. As I’ve made clear, Beau and Lorraine miss you. But I miss you too, darling. Enjoy your trip, but please come home soon safe and sound.
With love, Huck
October 9th
This ain’t funny anymore, you know. It ain’t funny, and you need to get home now. You can quit ignoring all our letters, we get it. You’re hurt, you’re upset, you wanna teach us a lesson or somethin. We get it, we understand, just come home.
Lorraine is losing her gotdamn mind, and quite frankly I am too. No one’s heard a peep from you or Roy. You didn’t even like the West, you had always said it was too different. Never liked how they did their food either. So why would you even go out that way anyway?
You’re probably out drinking those fancy beers they try to peddle up there. They’re not as good as ours and you know it. Or you’re out doing those stupid hikes that you never cared for, getting more blisters on your heels because you don’t even like walks. There’s nothing good out there and you need to come back.
You should’ve left us a note before you left. That ain’t like you, you know. You always let us know where you’re going. You couldn’t even go to church camp back in the day without leaving a personalised letter for each of us. But now you just up and leave in the middle of the night? No warning? That ain’t right and you know it.
People keep asking me where you are and I don’t have any more answers. I can only say “she’s on vacation” so many times before people realise it’s a lie. And it is, isn’t it? It’s a lie. You’re not on some damn vacation. If you ran off, just let me know. I’ll leave you alone as long as I know you’re safe.
Did we make you that miserable? Was being around us so awful that you had to leave? You could’ve told us first. We could’ve come up with a plan, something that wouldn’t hurt you so bad. I don’t know what we could’ve done, but we could’ve tried something. Anything at all.
I need you to answer my letters, honey. I really need you to let me know you’re safe.
Please be safe.
Love you, Beau
December 17th
You missed Halloween. And Thanksgiving. Are you going to miss Christmas too? And New Year's Eve? Am I going to have to jump into the new year without you? Please let me know if I am, because I need to be prepared. I’ve spent holiday after holiday waiting for you to come back, for you to spend it with me again. I get my hopes up every single time just for you to not be there.
RJ keeps asking me what’s wrong, and I’m honest with him. I miss you. I miss you so badly my chest aches. But he doesn’t understand. He thinks I just miss my best friend. And I do, you’ve always been my best friend. But you’re so much more than that, and I can’t explain it to him until you get back because I need someone to hold on to while you’re gone. When are you coming back?
Are you waiting for an apology? Because I’ll give you one, I’ll give you as many as you want. I’m sorry about RJ. I’m sorry about the proposal and that I didn’t say no. I’m sorry about Mr. Dylan, he never should’ve touched you. I’m sorry I didn’t say goodbye properly. I’m sorry I avoided you after the proposal, I was just scared and didn’t know what to do.
I’ll say sorry for anything you want or need. Just please answer me. Please come home. I don’t want anything else for Christmas, I don’t want any other miracle, I just want you. Please come home.
I miss you.
Yours, Lorraine
January 24th
We searched Roy’s room and found all his guns gone.
I’m done asking, darling, you need to call us or send us a letter. Now. Now, I don’t believe Roy would do anything to you, but your daddy is on a kick about how unstable he was. How he’s still sick from the devil and all that nonsense he would always preach. I know he wouldn’t touch a hair on your head, but I really need you to answer me.
Lorraine has been losing her patience with RJ. She yelled at him the other day just because he tried to hold her hand. Told him not to touch her. It was quite the show. And it’s going to get her in trouble. She needs you, you know? You’re not the only one who has to hide.
I’m sorry, but I went through your room. It’s been long enough, your momma practically gave me the go ahead. You didn’t take any of your letters from Lorraine. Did you mean to leave them? I hope you didn’t. I hope it was an accident, and you didn’t mean to leave us behind.
Beau has a letter for you too, but he’s not done with it. I don’t know how to help him. He’s got himself convinced he should’ve done more. I don’t know what he should have done. I don’t know what he could have done differently. Did you want him to propose? The three of us could’ve moved off somewhere, you know. We could’ve made it work if it’s what you wanted.
Everyone wants you home. They need you to come home. No one is complete without you, it’s like a big part of town is missing. Stevie from the bar finally pulled me aside and asked about you last weekend. I couldn’t even give him an answer. He said he’d pray for you. Said he’d keep a shot of the good stuff saved for when you get back.
Fuck it. I miss you too. You’re one of my very best friends, hon. You’re the one who’s been with me through everything. Hell, you introduced me to Beau. You’re the only one I can truly talk to about things. I need you home too, okay? You’re part of my home, so I need you to come back.
I need you to write back.
With love, Huck
January 30th
You’re an absolute bastard. You know that? You’re a fuckin bastard. A vacation? Give me a fuckin break, you didn’t go on no gotdamn vacation. Where’d you go, huh? Somewhere we’d never find you? Did Roy convince you to leave? He probably did, the prick. Ain’t no way you would’ve left on your own, you’re not stupid.
What the hell were you thinkin? Just up and leavin like it ain’t nobody’s business. Well it’s my business. It’s my fucking business and you should’ve told me. You’re supposed to be my girlfriend. I don’t care that we’re pretendin, I still fuckin care about you and you just fuckin left? Did I mean that little to you?
We had a pretty great thing goin, you didn’t have to leave and ruin it. I don’t care that it was a lie, we were happy. I still had Huck, and you still had Lorraine, and we were happy. You didn’t have to pack your bags and leave like a thief in the night to, what, prove a point? Well I get it now, you weren’t as happy as I thought. You could’ve told me instead of doin all of this.
You’d better answer the gotdamn letter this time. I ain’t playin around anymore. You better answer the letter and get your ass home. And if Roy is readin this, then you better get her home. You’d better have kept your gotdamn hands and your guns away, and you better get her home. Now.
February 15th
Hey, momma said I should try to send you something. She said you might answer me since I’m your baby brother. Are you and Roy okay? I don’t care what Pap says, I know y’all aren’t dumb, y’all didn’t go do something stupid. Roy probably just grabbed his guns to keep you safe. He’s not crazy.
Gramma came down with something nasty. The doctors think it’s pneumonia, but we’re still waiting for tests to come back. You both should probably get back just in case it’s bad. She misses you. She prays for you both twice a day. It’s really sweet, she just wants you both safe.
Seminary has been alright. Boring. You would’ve liked it more. Heck, you would’ve been better at it. No one knows the bible quite like you, I don’t care what Pap says. If any one of us should’ve gone off to study, it should’ve been you. Maybe once he sees how bad at it I am, he’ll change his mind. Think so? Probably not.
I’m waiting to propose to Liz until you both get back. I’ve got it all planned out and everything, even bought a ring. You’d like it, I think. But I can’t get married without my big siblings, right? Don’t worry, I can be patient. Y’all just get home safe and sound, you hear?
We love you. The both of you. We’ll see you soon.
February 18th
Your Gramma passed away today. The funeral is in two weeks. That should be more than enough time for you to get back.
We’ll see you soon, love.
With love, Huck
March 4th
Your Gramma’s funeral was today. You weren’t there. Why weren’t you there? You meant the world to her. She meant the world to you. You were the one she wanted to see, and you weren’t even there to see her buried.
She would have wanted you to be here.
Yours, Lorraine
April 4th
A police report came in that they found two bodies in the river a few hours away from here. The bodies are decomposed too much to make identifications. I swear to god, hon, it better not be you. I know things were hard. For the both of you. But you didn’t have to go and do that.
It better not be you.
With love, Huck
May 26th
Your daddy practically declared you both dead at church this morning. I guess after almost a year, he’s tired of worrying about it. He was never a patient man. I don’t think anyone really believed him, but who’s going to argue with their preacher? No one in this town, that’s for sure. Momma and daddy said you’re probably fine, just got sick of your daddy. No one would blame you if that were the case.
After church, Mr. Dylan told your daddy you and Roy had tried to kill him the night you left. If that were true, I don’t know why he didn’t bring it up when everyone was asking where you were. Don’t know why he saved it for now, but he did. Said you had both tried to kill him in the church.
He told your daddy you were a queer. Said you were a queer and you were going to infect the town with your sin. Huck hit him. Square on the jaw, knocked him out cold. I had thought it would be Beau. I hope he gave Mr. Dylan a concussion.
Did he really find out? Because I didn’t tell anybody, I swear. We always kept things a secret. At least I think we did. No one was ever around that didn’t already know. I know none of my crew told, they wouldn’t dare. I promise I didn’t tell anyone.
Momma asked me this evening if you really were queer. I didn’t know what to say. I didn’t know what her reaction would be. She has always loved you, I didn’t want her to think any less of you because of what Mr. Dylan said. Daddy said we shouldn’t talk about it while you’re not here. Said it wasn’t right to talk behind your back. I don’t want them to hate you.
I won’t ever let them hate you.
Yours, Lorraine
June 1st
I hate you. Wherever you are, whatever you’re doing, I hate you. I hate you, and I hate Roy, and I hate this fuckin town and everyone in it.
You were supposed to be here, gotdammit. You were supposed to be here, and we were all supposed to grow old together. What the fuck were you thinkin? Don’t you know how much you’ve hurt me? Don’t you understand? We might not have been in love, but that didn’t mean I didn’t love you. I loved you, and you went and broke my heart like this?
We were all supposed to be together, you know. No matter what, remember? I thought you were my Huckleberry. Well what are you now, huh? A coward. You’re a fuckin coward. What, times get hard so you leave? You just pack your shit and leave with your crazy fuckin brother?
What were we to you? Were we just a means to an end? Nothing more than a toy for you to play with? Cause you were never that to me. You were never anything less than my best friend, the only girl I ever loved. And you just fuckin left me. Was I not good enough for you?
If that’s how you feel, then good fuckin riddance. Stay away. We don’t want you back in this town anyway. Go stay with your new fuckin friends that won’t ever fuckin know you or care about you the way we do. No one is ever gonna understand you like we do.
Don’t even bother comin back.
June 2nd
Please come back. I can’t do this without you.
June 4th
I broke off the engagement today. It’s all just too much. I can’t even stand looking at him anymore. Every time he looks at me makes my skin crawl. I can’t even stand being in the same room with him anymore. Each time he touches me makes me feel like a piece of my soul dies.
Did I do this to you? Did I push you to leave? If I did, I’m sorry. I never wanted to hurt you. If I had been smarter, I would’ve suggested dating Huck instead. Then none of this ever would have happened. The four of us would’ve been together and no one would have ever known. We could’ve been happy.
Were you that unhappy? I never wanted you to hurt. All I ever wanted was you. Every time I had to fake a smile with RJ, or play nice, I always thought about you. I didn’t care about him, he was just a good distraction so no one would know about us. It was stupid. I never should’ve been afraid of how I felt.
I need you to come home. I need you to come home and tell me everything will be okay. Nothing feels the same without you. Foods don’t taste good, the sun isn’t as bright, nothing is fun. Most days I don’t even want to get out of bed anymore. I would rather rot away than go another day without you.
I’m sorry, okay? I’m sorry for everything. I’ll take everything back, I’ll tell the whole world that I love you. I’ll hold your hand at the store. I’ll sit in your lap at the bar, and pull you to dance with me. I’ll do whatever you want, whenever you want. I just want you back. I need you back.
I love you. You’re my home. I need you here with me.
Please come back to me.
Yours, Lorraine
July 1st
You took my heart with you, you know. No one else is ever going to have it. Please keep it safe.
Yours, Lorraine
The bonfire was hot against Lorraine’s skin. Far too hot. Combined with the sweltering summer heat, it was painful. She didn’t care. Painful at least felt like something. It felt like something real, something she could focus on. Almost as real as the pile of letters in her hands, all stamped with the same thing on the front in red.
Return to sender.
“I’m sorry,” Max said softly. Her hand was surprisingly cool against Lorraine’s upper arm.
On the other side of the fire, off in the distance, she could hear Beau yelling. Drunken, incoherent rambling that no one could really understand. Huck had given up on trying to console him. After all, how could he console him about something that they couldn’t fix? What would be the point?
Another beer bottle shattered against the hard ground.
You were supposed to come back. You were supposed to be there waiting for Lorraine when she got back from filming. Then you were both going to talk, and you were going to come up with a plan to get out of the engagement, and then everyone was going to be happy. Maybe you could’ve gone out East for real, like the four of you had always talked about.
The letters in her hand felt like lead.
“Do you want us to give you a minute?” Bobby-Lynne asked. She squeezed Lorraine’s shoulders. It was comforting. Grounding.
“No,” Lorraine said softly. “It wouldn’t matter anyway.”
The letters were the last connection she had to you. Your daddy had quickly emptied out yours and Roy’s rooms, labeling you both as sinners and traitors. She had been lucky enough to grab your hat before he had thrown everything out. It sat comfortably on her head right at that moment.
Her last remnants of you.
No tears came as she held the letters over the fire. The flames licked the skin of her damaged fingers. She knew, logically, it should have hurt. It didn’t. Maybe, if she kept her hand there long enough, you would appear and pull her back. You would scold her for doing something dangerous, and then you could both go to bed.
That’s all she wanted. She just wanted to go to bed.
Her fingers pried themselves away from the letters, and she watched them fall onto the bonfire. One by one they caught a spark, turning a dark brown and curling around the edges before igniting. She could see the different handwriting on each page. Beau, Huck, Jimmy. Her own. All filling the pages with their thoughts, their concerns, their feelings. Things they would never dare tell each other.
She watched the fire until the very last letter burned. Your name faded away into the orange flame. You faded away into nothing, and when your name was no longer legible, Lorraine felt her own heart go with it. There was a space shaped exactly like you within her chest. No one would ever fill it, and she didn’t want them to.
You were her heart and soul. Her home.
She would never find anyone else for as long as she lived. And then, she would find you in death.
She would find you in every lifetime. No matter how long it took.
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lostloveletters · 5 months
Still Crazy After All These Years (Bucky Egan x OC)
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Summary: It's a perfect Saturday evening in spring, which means only one thing for the Egans: baseball (specifically their son's Little League game).
Note: Fluffy post-war fic of Holly and Bucky being unhinged Little League parents (but we love them for it🥲) Do not interact if you're under 18, terf or radfem, or post thinspo/ED content.
Word count: 1.9k
Warnings: None.
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“C’mon ump, that was out!” Bucky shouted from the bleachers. “Foul ball my as—butt,” he muttered to Holly, who had three-year-old Cynthia in her lap, her chestnut hair pulled up in twin ponytails that blew along with the late spring breeze.
The mid-May air was heavy with DC’s summer creeping up on them. The swampy, humid season dragged along until he finally reached fall’s reprieve. Spring was perfect, though, with its early season baseball games and cherry blossom festival. 
“It’s ridiculous.” Holly shook her head, her hand in the bag of pretzels she brought along, having carefully broken some into smaller pieces for Cindy.
“Who’s pitching? Is that the Baker kid?”
She nodded. “Yeah, Terry and Lynn’s youngest boy, Danny. He’s pretty good when he’s focused.”
“I can’t see,” Cindy pouted.
“Come on up, princess,” Bucky said, lifting his daughter and holding her on his hip. “Better?”
She nodded, wrapping her small arms around him as best as she could. 
“You know, when you’re a little older, they have leagues just like this for girls.”
“I’m just letting Cindy know she has options!”
“Where’s Henry?” Cindy asked.
“You see him, right over there?” Bucky pointed at the boy playing shortstop whose dark, curly hair was barely contained beneath his blue baseball cap, a big orange ‘B’ for Bears embroidered on it. All of the local Little League teams were named after some type of animal, and Henry’s game schedule made him feel like he was in the Wizard of Oz with how many lions and tigers and bears were on the sheet of paper he brought home from his first day of practice.
“Henry! It’s Cindy!” she shouted, waving frantically at her brother.
The boy looked up, waving in the general direction of his family. Bucky and Holly had been in the middle of packing up the Christmas decorations when Henry asked them if he could sign up for the neighborhood Little League team that upcoming spring. Holly nearly dropped a box of glass ornaments in excitement.
Watching a major league game, Yankees or not, paled in comparison to cheering on for his own son. Even strikeouts and missed catches made Bucky overwhelmed with pride, because Henry was out there trying, making mistakes he could improve on in their backyard with Bucky’s encouragement to buoy Henry’s spirits if he felt a little discouraged—or got distracted. He had to give the coach credit. Keeping the attention of a dozen six- and seven-year-old boys long enough to teach them how to play a decent game of baseball couldn’t have been an easy feat.
“Out!” the umpire shouted.
Holly clapped as Henry’s team left the field to line up near home plate. “Now we’re talking.”
The kid batting before Henry hit a pop fly and was out before he could even make it a few feet from home plate. Bucky heard Holly take a deep breath when Henry walked up to bat. First pitch was a strike, but the second was almost perfect, the crack of the bat breaking through the crowd’s murmuring. The ball flew into the outfield, landing just in front of the chain link fence that separated the baseball field from the playground.
“Nice hit, Henry!” Bucky shouted.
Holly jumped up, bag of pretzels spilling across the bleachers. “Way to go, sweetheart!”
Bucky grabbed Holly’s hand as they watched their son pass first and make it to second before the centerfielder could throw the ball back to the infield.
“Kid’s a natural,” Bucky whispered excitedly, as all good parents do, adoration filling his chest. He pressed a kiss to the top of Cindy’s head. Holly liked to joke that the day Henry was born, Bucky cried more than their newborn baby did, but their son, and later their daughter, too, were the culmination of every hope and dream he desperately clung to for the better part of two years of just surviving. Because of that, he’d do anything for them.
He watched as the inning continued, his eyes on Henry the whole time. The next batter managed to get to first, but Henry flew past third and made a break for home just as the second baseman caught the ball.
“Go Henry!” Holly shouted. “Go go go!”
“You got this Henry! Come on buddy!”
Bucky was sure his heart was going to explode by the time Henry slid to home plate, barely a second before the ball flew into the catcher’s hand.
“Safe!” the umpire announced, nearly drowned out by Holly’s screaming.
“Attaboy Henry!” Bucky cheered.
“He did it! He fuc—flipping did it!” Holly gave Bucky a celebratory kiss, the two of them hardly able to contain their smiles long enough for their lips to meet for all that long. 
The rest of the game flew by. Nothing could compare to the rush of watching Henry steal home. The Bears won by a run, and Holly and Bucky were equally convinced it was thanks to their son. As soon as they found him after the game was over, Holly engulfed him in a hug, giving him a kiss on the cheek.
“You did fantastic, sweetie! What a game!” she exclaimed, almost looking a bit teary-eyed when she took Cindy’s hand in hers.
“Look at you! Stole home like a champ,” Bucky said with a smile, pulling off Henry’s cap to ruffle his hair.
Henry smiled, front tooth missing, the first of his baby teeth to fall out. The tooth fairy had left him a quarter to mark the occasion. “Thanks, dad.”
“I think this calls for ice cream,” Holly said, as if they didn’t go for ice cream after every game Bucky was able to go to.
Bucky nodded. “Definitely. Whatever you kids want.”
Scoopland was one of the first places Holly had taken him to when they were stateside and he made the move to DC with her. A neighborhood staple she frequented before the war, she’d been excited to bring him there. The place boasted over 20 different flavors of ice cream, and after trying them all over the course of their first summer together after the war, found he liked their Rocky Road the best. Holly was partial to mint chocolate chip, a newer flavor which he thought tasted like toothpaste. 
Bucky walked up to the counter, tasked with ordering the ice cream while Holly wrangled Henry and Cindy into a nearby booth. She had the most difficulty getting Henry to sit down, since he spotted some friends from his baseball team on the other side of the ice cream shop.
“How’s it going Mr. Egan?” the teenage boy behind the counter asked.
“Can’t complain.”
“The usual for you guys?”
Bucky smiled. The usual. He wasn’t sure he ever figured himself to be the type of guy to have a usual at an ice cream place, but parenthood changed a lot of things. Sometimes, Cindy dealt out tea parties and temper tantrums in the same day. Henry got himself a trip to the emergency room just a few months prior while he was sledding on a snow day with his friends and went straight through a neighbor’s fence. He wasn’t sure how Holly managed on her own when he’d go away for work. At least her parents were nearby and took every opportunity to spoil their grandchildren that was presented to them.
He brought the four cups of ice cream over to the table, two in each hand, and placed the hot fudge sundae in front of Henry and tutti frutti with extra rainbow sprinkles in front of Cindy. He gave Holly a kiss as he handed her the cup of mint chocolate chip and snickered to himself when he sat down next to Cindy and saw Henry’s nose scrunched on the other side of the table.
“Listen champ, if there’s ever a day I don’t kiss your mom, that’s when you should be making that face.”
“‘S gross,” Henry said through a mouthful of ice cream.
“So is talking with your mouth full.”
Cindy stuck out her tongue, a distorted rainbow of ice cream and toppings that made Henry laugh.
“Next time, we’re taking you both to the zoo and leaving you there so the monkeys can raise you,” Holly said.
“We’re going to the zoo?” Henry asked. “When?”
“I wanna see a zebra and a giraffe!” Cindy exclaimed.
“How about next weekend?” Bucky looked to Holly for her approval, which was given in the smile that’d begrudgingly spread across her face.
Everything said and done, they made a damn good team as parents. Maybe he indulged the kids a little more than he should have, but Holly did her fair share of it too, letting Henry skip school to bring him and Cindy to weekday Nationals games for the hell of it. 
“Can I go say ‘hi’ to Danny and Paul?” Henry asked, looking over his shoulder at his friends who were waving at him.
“Fifteen minutes, but we’re heading home soon. It’s past your sister’s bedtime,” Holly said. “Don’t climb over the seat, Henry, that’s—” She sighed as he climbed over the back of the booth anyway, leaving a streak of dirt from his sneakers behind him. “He definitely gets it from you.”
“Me? The first time I met your parents, they made a point to tell me how much of a wild child you were,” Bucky reminded her with a grin.
Her parents were gracious enough to let him stay with them until he and Holly found a place of their own, although he was sure her returning with a ring on her finger made it easier for them to welcome him into their home. Holly must have done a hell of a job talking him up in her letters to them, because none of the awkward tension he’d been expecting was there when he first walked through the door to meet them.
Holly laughed to herself as she wiped off the seat with a napkin. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Drawing on your bedroom walls?” he pressed.
“Can I draw on my walls?” Cindy asked.
“No. It wasn’t good when mommy did it.”
“Why not?”
“Because you have nice paper we bought for you to draw on, baby,” Holly said.
“It’s not as fun.”
“Sure it is,” Bucky said. “Remember the other day when we drew that castle with the unicorn and the dragon?”
She yawned. “You made the unicorn look funny.”
“Are you sleepy, Cin?” Holly asked.
Despite shaking her head, Cindy rubbed her eyes. She always did whatever she could to push out her bedtime, as if she were afraid she might miss something big if she went to sleep.
“I guess I should’ve asked mom and dad to watch her, huh?” Holly said. “I didn’t think we’d be out this late.”
Cindy mumbled something incomprehensible before dozing off.
Holly laughed softly, “And she’s out.”
“I got her,” Bucky said, picking up Cindy from her seat and placing her in his lap. She immediately curled up against him, and he tried not to think too much about how he wouldn’t know when the last time she’d ever do that would be. Hell, Henry was six and already ditching them to hang out with his friends. He glanced over at his son, face scrunched up in laughter at a joke one of them told him. His smile was like looking in a little mirror. 
Bucky ate a spoonful of ice cream, trying to tamper down the ache in his chest.
“You ever thought this would be how you’d spend your Saturday nights?” Holly asked teasingly.
“No.” Bucky smiled. “This is a lot better.”
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pers-books · 10 months
Jemma Redgrave: ‘Doctor Who will keep me young’
The actress would be happy to be remembered for the sci-fi series, she tells Dominic Maxwell
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Jemma Redgrave: “My character wanted to make her way on merit. That wasn’t difficult to play”
Dominic Maxwell
Saturday November 25 2023, 12.01am, The Times
Jemma Redgrave has a problem. “Every time I get a new office,” she says, “it blows up.” Granted, she admits, the first time we saw her office — in the 50th anniversary Doctor Who special of 2013 that featured Matt Smith and David Tennant — it was in the Tower of London, and that one has stayed standing. Otherwise, though, in her role as Kate Stewart, the head of the Doctor’s paramilitary allies UNIT, her workplaces seem to routinely explode. That they seem to get swankier and swankier each time only seems to make them more vulnerable to the zap gun.
She won’t give anything away, and the BBC is keeping under wraps each of the three 60th anniversary specials, which start tonight. Yet you have to fear for the giant floating Marvel-style Unit HQ that features in the trailer. Redgrave doesn’t appear until the final part, which pits David Tennant’s returning Doctor against Neil Patrick Harris’s Toymaker, a villain not seen since 1966. She will, however, be the one other holdover from the 50th anniversary specials. “Yes,” she says with a disbelieving smile over morning coffee in a north London café, “I think it’s just me and David.”
She and her sons, now aged 29 and 23, had watched the series ever since it returned, after 16 years off our screens (a one-off comeback starring Paul McGann aside), in 2005. She wondered for a while why seemingly every other actor she knew got a role in it. Hers, though, has proved to be the longest-running.
She first played Kate Stewart opposite Smith in an episode in 2012. She didn’t realise the significance of the surname at the time: Stewart is the daughter of Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart, the head of Unit from 1968 to 1975, during the eras of Patrick Troughton, Jon Pertwee and Tom Baker. All of which is catnip to the fans, some of whom, as emissaries from Doctor Who magazine, were on set doing a story on her first day. They helped her to join the dots.
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As Kate Stewart in the Doctor Who 60th Anniversary Specials (BBC)
Stewart, after all, didn’t use her full name. “She didn’t want to take advantage of her connections and wanted to make her way on merit,” Redgrave says. As the daughter of an actor (Corin Redgrave), the niece of two actresses (Vanessa Redgrave and Lynn Redgrave), the granddaughter of actors (Michael Redgrave, Rachel Kempson) and the cousin of actresses (Joely Richardson and Natasha Richardson), she knew where Stewart was coming from. It can be tedious spending your time fending questions about how you’ve got where you are today, after all.
“That you’re some sort of nepo baby? It can be, can’t it? Sometimes those questions go on and on and on, many, many, many, many years down the line.” Redgrave, a gifted under-player of a scene, gives a surprisingly full-hearted chuckle. “So that wasn’t a difficult scene to play.”
Redgrave appears only sporadically, but has rubbed shoulders with six doctors: Smith, Tennant, Peter Capaldi, John Hurt (in the 50th special), Jodie Whittaker and, coming soon, Ncuti Gatwa, who will take the lead once Tennant’s celebratory trilogy is done.
There have been rumours that Stewart and UNIT are getting their own show, but Redgrave insists that this is news to her. Then again, it’s rare for her to be permitted to admit even that she is in the first Gatwa series. She has to sign an NDA each time she shoots the show so that nobody, with the exception of her partner, who may be staying with her in Wales during shooting anyway, knows what she is working on.
She understands the rationale for this, although it can become absurd. During lockdown, because travel was restricted, the BBC sent a car to her north London home to pick her up for filming. On the way to the car she bumped into Smith, who lives in the area, walking his dog. He asked where she was heading. Cardiff, she told him. He asked what she was working on. “I said, ‘I can’t possibly tell you. I’ve signed an NDA.’ And he said, ‘Oh well, send them all my love.’”
Redgrave is a young-looking 58. Her extensive stage work includes appearing in a London production of Chekhov’s The Three Sisters with her aunts. Her TV work includes starring in the series Bramwell as well as recurring roles in Holby City, Grantchester, Silent Witness and Cold Blood. How would she feel if the world remembered her most for her sporadic role as the head of UNIT?
“I think that’s OK,” she says. “I grew up watching Jon Pertwee. And Jon Pertwee doesn’t change in my imagination. The people I grew up watching don’t get older in my imagination and I will remain in the imagination of the children who watch this 60th-year episode. And that is a kind of lovely thing. So I’m very happy to be remembered as Kate Stewart. Also, she’s a formidable woman. She has humour and heart and courage. And she’s vulnerable and aware of her limitations. So she’s kind of human in every possible way, even though she exists in a world of aliens and tech.”
On the subject of “the sci-fi stuff”, she admits that jargon and technobabble can be hard to play: the plot may need it, but it’s hard to bring much of yourself to. So she tries to find some emotional resonance of her own. “Either that or you just play it fast. It’s one or the other.”
She has found, too, that the fans will support her in other roles. Recently she appeared in a play, Octopolis, at the Hampstead Theatre in London. “And a lot of Who fans came to see that, which is a lovely thing. She’s a great character, but partly the reason that UNIT has continued through this series is because fans have been very vocal in their love of those storylines.”
When she was growing up, it took her a while to admit that she wanted to be an actress. “My parents split when I was young. My mum [Deirdre Hamilton-Hill] supported me and my brother. There wasn’t a lot of money around, but we did get taken to the theatre. And I think growing up in the theatre, and particularly not having a fear of Shakespeare because I encountered him on the stage and not in the classroom for the first time, was a great privilege.”
It was a trip to see the Wars of the Roses Shakespeare history plays at the RSC in Stratford when she was 13 that convinced her she wanted to act. “Before that I’d played my cards close to my chest. I didn’t have much confidence. I was quiet about it because there were a lot of people in my family who acted.” When she told her father, he gave her a complete Arden set of Shakespeare plays, and wrote “to commemorate your decision to become an actress” on the front page.
She went to the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts, after which she began to work regularly. She appeared in a TV film, The Relief of Belsen, with her father, and in Howards End with Vanessa, but beyond that has ploughed her own furrow. So is the family connection one she can celebrate at this point?
What’s lovely, she says, is going to a set and having crew members come up to her and tell her they worked with her father, or her aunt, or her cousin or her brother Luke, a successful cameraman. “And usually anybody who says ‘I’ve worked with somebody in your family’ says it because they loved working with them. So it’s suddenly not quite such an intimidating environment.”
Family fame is dwarfed by sci-fi fame anyway. “I’m ‘her from Doctor Who’. And if you’ve got a body of work behind you, people don’t talk about the name. I just feel lucky that I come from the family that I come from because I grew up with books and theatre, which is a proper privilege. There wasn’t a lot of money, but there was that, and that’s worth everything.”
Doctor Who is on BBC1 and iPlayer from November 25. Jemma Redgrave’s episode is on December 9
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rattycattyfanfic · 3 months
for @mirroredmemoriez 's prompt!
7.) Lynn helping Amanda cut her hair. Be it a wholesome or angst thing up to you. As they say, hair holds memories.
743 words, mentions of mandy mental illness??? and suggestion of sh. if anyone would like to submit short simple prompts that i can deal with in less than 800 words, my inbox is open!!
It’s a bad day for her today, and it looks like blunt kitchen scissors and dull hair at the bottom of the sink. She’s been thinking about it for a while, tugging at limp hair whenever she glances too long in the mirror and glorifying the freedom of those first few weeks of her shitty DIY haircut that she’d done after her first test. She’s been thinking about it for a while, and it is so like her to run towards a sharp object at the first sign of trauma flooding back. 
Amanda stares deep into the mirror, stares at the gaunt shadows beneath her eyes and the odd chop of her hair, and then her stomach twists unpleasantly and she attacks another long strand of hair. Her mind is full of faces recently, John’s and Adam’s and even Lynn’s, sweaty and nervous in her shotgun collar. She can’t stand to look at her own face. The scissors cut dully through another chunk of lank hair and she imagines she is shedding not just her hair but her own skin, her own self.
Lynn’s voice through the bathroom door, muffled and concerned, but never distrustful, never scared. It makes her feel worse, somehow. She’s just cutting her hair, and yet she feels like she’s been caught red-handed, bloody-handed, caught in old habits. It’s just a haircut, and she feels like a guilty dog. “What,” she calls out, the scissors shaking in her hand.
A pause, a thoughtful silence, and then a blunt, “You’ve been in there a while. Everything ok?” Lynn is like that, now. Thoughtful, yet clinical in a way. Mandy likes it, likes it straightforward. Lynn doesn’t mince words, doesn’t talk through stupid metaphors or half-truths that she has to work to understand. She likes that about her. She’s not stupid, but she likes that about her.
“Fine,” she grunts, and it sounds too loud to her. She chops another section of hair, and then chops at the same chunk again, unsatisfied, unsettled, and again, and again. She throws the scissors down into the sink with a frustrated clink of metal against porcelain. 
“I’m coming in, ok?” Lynn says through wood after another long pause. She’s coming in. Amanda could stop her, has the strength to hold the door shut, has the slight physical edge, even knows Lynn would listen if she contested. She stands still and stares into the mirror instead. 
The door squeaks open, and Lynn furrows her brow, probably. Takes in her shitty haircut, probably, and immediately recognises it for the sign of turmoil that it is. “Oh,” Lynn murmurs, and stays there for a second with one hand on the door knob and the other worrying the edge of her camisole. And then she’s moving, and Amanda doesn’t even feel the need to flee. She stays very still and quiet until Lynn is at her shoulder, brushing a few stray cut hairs away from her cheek. “Short hair suits you,” is all she says, low and soft, and meets Amanda’s eyes in the mirror. 
Amanda trembles, and then scoffs. “It looks shit.”
“It’s a bit rough, sure,” Lynn murmurs, and fingers a chunk of hair sticking out sideways ever so tenderly. “I like it,” she says, and her thumb trails slowly down the newly exposed curve of her jaw, back up to the round of her cheek. “Can I help?” Her other hand edges slowly towards the sink, palm up, offering, tentative. 
Wordless, Amanda nods jerkily, and scrambles for the scissors abandoned in the hairy sink. She deposits them in Lynn’s open palm and it feels heavy, meaningful. “Sure. Thanks.”
Lynn nods, and offers a small quirk of her mouth in the mirror, and Amanda watches as she gently goes about neatening up what she’d already cut short. She takes her time, stops, pauses to look and think and then trims some more, careful and slow. Amanda tries to stay very still even though her knees feel like jelly, and after a quiet eternity, Lynn sets the scissors down on the edge of the sink. She runs her finger tips through the short spiky hairs at the nape of Amanda’s neck, scratches gently. “Looks good,” she whispers. “Do you feel better?”
Amanda shivers. She nods. She stares into the mirror and the hair does look better, and Lynn is at her back pressing a gentle kiss against the shell of her ear. “Yeah. Yeah, I do.”
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dullgecko · 1 month
Okay another list!!! One happy and one sad for each
Fabian has night terrors- many of them related to that one dream he got in Leviathan
Fabian is now a happy host to the best setup service in the school (dating the former president has its perks in terms of gossip, and your best friend being a brilliant rogue is also very helpful)
Adaine is allergic to a very specific washing detergent and it never comes up until one time Jawbone and Sandra Lynn buy it and she wakes up with rashes all over
Adaine is slowly learning how to eat a normal amount of food, and very quickly discovering how much she loves food
Gorgug once in a while will get very, very angry for seemingly no reason (it's a part of Orcish physiology that has never been studied; a means of protection for their clubs (orc family groups) and never harmful to said members). The bad kids have learned to recognize the signs and do their best to calm him down, but often during it he'll say some very hurtful things. Afterwards he always shuts down, and won't speak at all. He often has nightmares about hurting the other bad kids.
Gorgug will happily let any member of the bad kids climb on him. He loves being a jungle gym, and to be honest, it's a really good workout.
Fig has the worst period of any of the bad girls. It leaves her literally stuck in bed and no amount of medicine helps save very addictive painkillers. So she's stuck in bed for a bit.
Fig actually is very good at pop music, she has the voice for it, and she likes practicing or warming up with a pop song
Riz has never gotten over when Grix cast Dominate Monster on him. He hasn't told his mother (and never plans to), but he gets nightmares about his friends leaving him because he's "monstrous"
Riz is the best person to ask to remind you of something. He has a notebook specifically for things members of the bad kids have asked him to remind them of. Aside from that, he has a very good memory, which helps with research.
Kristen has super bad body dysphoria. She often doesn't like to look in mirrors and can't look down at herself. She wears lots of baggy t-shirt when it happens (she runs far too warm to wear hoodies; Helio's blessing on her as his chosen one when she was a kid).
Kristen is always the life of the party. She thrives in making others smile and all in all being a good host. Her and Fabian throw the best parties, and given their more introverted friends, also always have an introvert corner/quiet space at said parties.
Sorry i took so long to get to this one, these big asks are harder for me to answer on a dinky phone screen. I had to wait until i got home so i could reach MAXIMUM WPM with a keyboard.
//Fabian has night terrors- many of them related to that one dream he got in Leviathan//
Fabian occasionally has night terrors, and as the years go on he keeps getting more and more horrifying scenarios to add to them. It started off with the night his father died and he lost his eye, and sometimes he dreams he wasnt there in time to save his mother.
It only gets worse from Laviathan and the nightmare forest, and becomes a rotating parade of Chungledown Bim, Whitclaw, his swim in the ocean, him being a passenger in his own body while he watches himself stab the Hangman (this one is sometimes swapped out to him stabbing Riz instead), that dream he had where he basically became Gilear, and of course that fucking sexy rat.
Junior year just adds a lovely sprinkling of him being in his house, alone, and when he leaves his house the town is also completely empty.
He usually wakes up in a panic and calls Riz (who he knows is probably still awake, and even if he wasn't still answers by the second ring) and gets him to info dump about whatever he's working on until his heart rate calms down.
//Fabian is now a happy host to the best setup service in the school (dating the former president has its perks in terms of gossip, and your best friend being a brilliant rogue is also very helpful)//
It started during junior year when he was hosting his lofi study nights, he wasnt dating Mazey yet but they were still friendly with eachother. She was an absoloute sucker for romance, so she tended to keep a finger on the pulse so to speak of what the most recent crushes were, and who wanted to ask out who. Fabian was more than happy to start helping her nudge these budding romances along (and Riz begrudgingly got roped into delivering confession notes from time to time... its fine, he got extra credit in his rogue classes which he forced Fabian to sign the paperwork for).
//Adaine is allergic to a very specific washing detergent and it never comes up until one time Jawbone and Sandra Lynn buy it and she wakes up with rashes all over//
Adaine would never know she was sensitive to some kinds of laundry detergent, simply because the laundry detergent used in her house had been some sort of fancy elven concoction that would have cost half of Jawbones salary. This new one smelled really nice, and had been half off, but was apparently created to torture Adaine specifically.
The rashes went away after a few hours and an antihistamine, but she had to use prestidigitation on all her clothes to make sure there was none of the residue left. Prestidigitation left the clothes clean but now without the nice scent and also just a little bit scratchy because there was no softener left between the fibres.
Jawbone tossed the almost completely full box in the trash, and purchased one specifically for sensitive skin the same day (and they made sure to test it for Adaine by washing a small rag and holding it against her arm so they could check for a reaction).
//Adaine is slowly learning how to eat a normal amount of food, and very quickly discovering how much she loves food//
Elves, as a general rule, don't eat a very large amount of food or even need to. Even with that said, Adaine was never given very much food even by elven standards when she was growing up. Once Jawbone found out, he makes sure that she has both a good breakfast every chance he gets AND snacks packed in her bag for throughout the day. Not to mention dinner and desserts and hot drinks before bed AND midnight snacks. All of it delicious, and Adaine loves every single bit of it (oracle visions use up a LOT of calories it turns out).
//Gorgug once in a while will get very, very angry for seemingly no reason (it's a part of Orcish physiology that has never been studied; a means of protection for their clubs (orc family groups) and never harmful to said members). The bad kids have learned to recognize the signs and do their best to calm him down, but often during it he'll say some very hurtful things. Afterwards he always shuts down, and won't speak at all. He often has nightmares about hurting the other bad kids.//
He cant really help it, but his friends and family have given him some pretty good coping mechanisms throughout the year. It mostly manifests as him getting an extreamly short fuse for a few days, and a lot of restless energy, which can cause him to snap and be mean even if he doesnt really mean the things he says. If he can feel the anger coming, usually he'll completely remove himself from the situation before he hurts someone and will try to burn off some energy by either going for a run or swinging his ax around until he's exhausted.
//Gorgug will happily let any member of the bad kids climb on him. He loves being a jungle gym, and to be honest, it's a really good workout.//
Gorgug was surprised at first by how willing the other kids were to clamber all over him, but he supposed it made a sort of sense. Initially it was just Riz, but he would climb ANYTHING to get a higher vantage point if it stood still long enough. The goblin was also absoloutley fearless when it came to heights and rather than just jumping on him for a piggy back ride like Kristen and Fig he would stand and perch and, if Gorgug held his arm out straight, would walk along his outstretched arm as if he wasnt nearly twice his height off the ground.
The other kids would also lean on him whenever he sat down, or flop across his legs, and would just laugh and let him pick them up and move them somewhere more comfortable. On one occasion they got into a conversation where the topic of 'how many of your teammates could you pick up and get out of danger in an emergency' came up. The answer was all of them, but they had to get creative with the configuration because he only has two hands.
//Fig has the worst period of any of the bad girls. It leaves her literally stuck in bed and no amount of medicine helps save very addictive painkillers. So she's stuck in bed for a bit.//
It started getting bad right around when her infernal characteristics started coming in. The doctors can't really do much rather than throw medication at her and give her excused absenses from school. Their best guess for the reason its so bad is so common it literally transcends realities "we dont know, its just like that sometimes, take some painkillers and use a heat pack". Even in Spyre where magic and fantasy abound, womens health can be an absoloute joke.
//Fig actually is very good at pop music, she has the voice for it, and she likes practicing or warming up with a pop song//
Fig is an incredibly talented bard, and as long as she's feeling the vibe she can absoloutly nail whatever song she feels like performing that day. She doesnt even have a genre thats really her favorite, she just listens to and sings songs she likes. Sometimes that's going to be pop, maybe country, and sometimes she gets REALLY into some death metal.
//Riz has never gotten over when Grix cast Dominate Monster on him. He hasn't told his mother (and never plans to), but he gets nightmares about his friends leaving him because he's "monstrous"//
Riz has an incredibly deep self-hatred for the part of him thats a monster, so much so that he tries VERY hard to present himself in such a way that people will overlook it. The manners, the way he dresses and the way he acts in public is all supposed to project an aura of 'i'm harmless, im just a polite little guy in a nice suit, im smart and well read and i help people in my job. im not like those creatures that are the bad guys you tell your children at night'. The other bad kids didn't even know he had a tail for almost a full YEAR after he met them because he kept it tucked away so he had a less monsterous appearance. The children at his first school used to bully him horribly about it, and he has on more than one occasion had it pulled or stomped on hard enough to cause bones to break. His tail is part of his SPINE and is incredibly sensitive, only very close family and lovers are even allowed to touch it in goblin society and injuries like that are debilitating.
His friends accepting him for the way he is is very slowly helping him get past that, but the acting principal casting dominate monster on him hurts a lot more than he lets on. Not dominate person, specifically dominate monster. It makes him feel sick to his stomach and he backslides into the self-hating pretty hard afterwards and his dreams reflect it (when he even sleeps that is, his primary method of self-harming is denying himself sleep so that he can keep being useful and un-monsterous). Jawbone does his best to help when he notices something is wrong.
//Riz is the best person to ask to remind you of something. He has a notebook specifically for things members of the bad kids have asked him to remind them of. Aside from that, he has a very good memory, which helps with research.//
Riz has an excellent memory, but he'll still write it down as long as its not something that could be used against them later. He's a smart enough rogue not to leave evidence behind if he can help it. Even the more mundane things he writes down though are in his own personal cypher, but he hasnt yet had to actually use the notes he takes in order to remember to do something. Its more of a backup just in case of memory wipes.
//Kristen has super bad body dysphoria. She often doesn't like to look in mirrors and can't look down at herself. She wears lots of baggy t-shirt when it happens (she runs far too warm to wear hoodies; Helio's blessing on her as his chosen one when she was a kid).//
It starts after she revives herself in the Nightmare Forest. She literally recreated her body from a single finger bone and sometimes it feels like she did it wrong somehow. Sometimes she'll catch herself scrutinising her face in the mirror, wondering if she always had that freckle or if her nose really was that shape before she died. Were her arms always that long, did her ears always poke out to the side like that, was her hair always that specific colour or was it more red?
Once she starts working out the body dysphoria starts to get a little bit better, pushing herself to physical exhaustion helps keep her grounded and makes her feel like YES this is my real body, i exist in it and it belongs to me. Its a process, but she's working on it.
//Kristen is always the life of the party. She thrives in making others smile and all in all being a good host. Her and Fabian throw the best parties, and given their more introverted friends, also always have an introvert corner/quiet space at said parties.//
Bad kid parties are an absoloute event. The more social members of the party all have their roles to play and damn do they play them well. Kristen for her part is in charge of the general health and wellbeing of everyone at the party, making her rounds to make sure everyone is having fun and doing okay and generally having a good time. Its a very Cleric role to have, but thats what makes her so good at it.
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berystraw · 8 months
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Synopsis: In which! Due to a letter calling her to go back to Texas Verity Rosewood goes back to the place she spent years trying to forget. While she is there, she tries to reconnect with the people she left. Her family, friends, and especially the person she loved most.
[L.L.S Masterlist] [M. Masterlist] [G.H Masterlist]
Case file #1:
[Name]: Verity Rosewood
[Nickname(s)]: Veri
[Age]: 20
[Date of birth]: August 22, 2000
[Gender]: Female
[Sexuality]: Bisexual
[Eye color]: Brown eyes
[Hair color]: auburn
[Height]: 5'6
[Playlist]: Top of my school 【Katherine Lynn-Rose】 Pov 【Ariana Grande】 You're on your own kid 【Taylor Swift】 Brutal 【Olivia Rodrigo】 Little Miss Perfect 【Write out loud】Lose you to love me 【Selena Gomez】 All I want 【Olivia Rodrigo】 Dollhouse 【Melanie Martinez】 Be myself 【Why don't we】 I wanna be yours 【Arctic Monkeys】 Consequences【Camila Cabello】 Mess it up 【Gracie Abrams】 Control 【Halsey】 Elastic Heart【Sia】Applause 【Lady Gaga】 Thumbs 【Sabrina Carpenter】 In my mind 【Lyn Lapid】 Happier than Ever 【Billie Eilish】 Not strong enough【Boy genius】 If Only 【Dove Cameron】
Case File #2
[Name]: Grayson Hawthorne
[Nickname(s)]: Gray
[Age]: 19
[Date of birth]: August 23, 2001
[Gender]: Male
[Sexuality]: heterosexual
[Eye color]: pale gray
[Hair color]: blonde
[Height]: 6'0
[Playlist]: Looking at me【sabrina carpenter】Can I be him【James Arthur】Labyrinth 【Taylor Swift】Daddy Issues【The neighborhood】Ador You【Harry Styles】If I killed someone for you【Alec Benjamin】Man of the House【Marilyn Hucek】Money, Power, Glory【Lana Del Ray】I bet in losing dogs【Mitski】Angels like you【Miley Cyrus】Surface pressure【Jessica Darrow】People Watching【Conan Gray】I ain't perfect【IV of spades】Mistakes like this【Prelow】Mirror ball【Taylor Swift】Favorite crime【Olivia rodrigo】Feelin good【Michael Bublé] Lay all your love on me【ABBA】All of the girls you've loved before【Taylor Swift】Set fire to the rain【Adele】
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Verity Rosewood
—The one who absquatulated
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"I never wanted to leave, but I had to. For me."
Being the heir of the Rosewood family, Verity has been training and learning how to manage her family's company even at such a young age. She went to different kinds of classes, may it be public speaking classes, business management, dance classes, and many more. She had to be different, to be perfect. The pressure of being the best and perfect heir was exhausting, but she had her friends, right? The Hawthorne brothers have helped her cope with all the pressure and stress her family and everyone else pressed on her. She thought she could handle it, but everyone had their breaking points.
Grayson Hawthorne
—The Heir Apparent
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"And that made me hate you even more."
Grayson had been considered as the "Heir apparent" of the family for as long as he remembered. As a Hawthorne, he was taught many things, and that included never showing emotion. He had to learn how to not cry or show signs of weakness. Being one of the oldest siblings didn't help with that at all. In fact, it just added even more pressure on him. Having to be the older and more responsible brother out of the rest. It was difficult. Trying to make yourself look as if you're not broken. He is broken and hurt, yet he makes sure not to show anyone even a second of his true emotions. He was not raised to be like that.
Verity + Grayson
—The never ending story
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"In this toxic and suffocating world, we had each other."
The friendship of the Rosewood and the Hawthorne family has lasted for years now. So Verity being friends with the Hawthorne grandchildren was no such mystery. The group was always seen together during classes, tea time, playing outside on the grounds, or even skipping classes together. They were inseparable, but there were 2 children in the friend group that were much closer with each other than the rest; Verity and Grayson. The two consider each other as their safe places, the person who brings comfort to each other. Due to the pressure of their families, both of them really understood each other and considered one another as the place that they could bring down their walls and become their true selves. They felt safe, comforted, and peaceful in the presence of each other. Because for once, they felt as if they had one place they didn't have to pretend as if they're perfect.
[Playlist]: Back to December【Taylor Swift】Play date【Melanie Martinez】Tattoos forever【lauv】Love song【Why don't we】Make you mine【Public】Somebody to you【The Vamps】You and I 【One direction】That way【Tate McRae】Runaway【Aurora】If the world was ending【JP Saxe, Julia Michaels】Your name hurts【Hailee Steinfeld】Why's you only call me when you're high【Arctic Monkeys】Talk too much【Coin】Overdrive【Conan Gray】The one that got away【Katy Perry】House of memories【Panic! At the disco】Back to you【Selena Gomez】Midnight Memories【One direction】Still the one【One direction】Lover【Taylor Swift】The way I love you【Taylor Swift】Favorite crime【Olivia Rodrigo】I love you so【The walters】WYD now 【Sadie Jean】Somewhere only we know【Keane】Afterglow【Taylor Swift】Kiss it better【Rihanna】Kidult【Seventeen】No one can fix me【Frawley】Fall for you【Sarah Kang, Jesse Berrera】Remember that night【Sara Kays】
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theflagscene · 8 months
Yai, Khem and Thongthai are such assholes, I adore these idiots. They’re my emotional support idiots.
Oh damn, no, don’t go to the swamp Phaya, bad, don’t do that!
I cannot get over how adorable Tharn is in Phaya’s shirt.
Oh no, Phaya already seems interested in the water. Oh thank god, Tharn stopped him!
Tharn is being so honest and sweet with his fears, it’s nice to see him willing to open up fully to Phaya about his fears and Phaya not dismiss them but also not give into them because he still does have a job to do and a life to live.
Yai you’re a dumbass, I love you and I also wish your wife were a cop so we could see more of her.
Oh fuck off Doc!!! How long will it take until Tharn figures out he’s bad news?
Dammit, Phaya is under a spell and can’t see the real Tharn.
No, river, bad! Stay away of it, Phaya! Ugh, no, come on!
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metallica-jk · 3 months
Intro to my page :)
I love Nash sm that most of my irls are sick of me talking ab him lmao
but anyway,
I mainly talk about the Inheritance Games on here but sometimes I mention books I just finished reading. on that topic, here are some books I've read:
Every book of the Inheritance Games by Jennifer Lynn Barnes (my absolute favourite series)
One Of Us Is Lying by Karen M. McManus and all the books after that
The Naturals Series also by JLB
A Good Girls Guide to Murder by Holly Jackson (the prequel, and three books after that (also watched the series))
The Cruel Prince Trilogy by Holly Black (oml I loved this trilogy too)
Powerless, Powerful and Reckless (just finished it AND CRIED)
Five Survive by Holly Jackson
The Disappearance of Rachel Price, also by Holly Jackson
If He Had Been With Me duology by Laura Nowlin
Tis The Damn Season by Kimi Freeman
The Cheerleaders by Kara Thomas
Girl In Pieces by Kathleen Glasgow
You'd Be Home Now, also by Kathleen Glasgow
Six of Crows (both books) by Leigh Bardugo
The Seven Husbands Of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid
The Midnight Game by Cynthia Murphy
Signed, Sealed, Dead also by Cynthia Murphy
The Undiscovered Deaths Of Grace McGill by C. S. Robertson
Good Girls Die First by Kathryn Foxfield
(I cant think of any more so yeah!)
I never realised I read so much books lmao
I also listen to metal bands like Slipknot, a little Metallica, System Of A Down, Korn and some rock and grunge bands like Nirvana and Maneskin.
I kinda have an obsession on trying to figure out what will happen in The Grandest Game....Now that i know ive moved the obsession to Games untold guys...
That's it!
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i-am-baechu · 1 year
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Chapter Two
Wishes (M) (Season One) 
Summary: After a long day of classes, Min Yoongi decides to take a break at the music hall that has become his second home. He walks in with his cigarette lit and his blank expression quickly changes when he sees a girl playing his piano. The moment their eyes meet, their lives become complicated and Yoongi blames himself for her future pain. Was the love we had honest? 
Genre: Gang au!, college au!,  strangers to enemies (one-sided), strangers to lovers, slow burn, friendships, romance, angst,  little comedy, and smut
Main pairing: Gang leader! Min Yoongi x Pianist! Reader 
Warnings: Explicit language, smut, mature themes, gangs, violence, smoking cigarettes, drugs, and alcohol usage 
Warnings for this chapter: Murder
⇜ Masterlist ⇝
L/N Y/N loved the morning sky. It was a pretty color palette and she sometimes wished that she had the colors archived when she painted. The mornings reminded her of new beginnings like the stories her dad used to tell her when she was younger, hopeful. She continued to stare outside her window with a soft smile until the door opened. She slowly turned her head and smiled when she saw her maid, Sua. 
“Good morning, Sua. Did you sleep well?” 
Sua set the tray on her table and gave her a smile, “Yes I did. It was rather warm last night.” 
“It was but at least it wasn’t cold. Dad hates the cold.” 
Sua let out a small laugh as she poured the tea into her cup, “Which means you hate it as well?” 
“Yes. Are you going to eat with me?” 
“Sadly not today. I have to tend to your mother, she needs help with the party coming up.” 
Y/N rolled her eyes and shook her head, “I hate those parties. Mom always tries to set me up with someone.” 
“I’m sure she means well, Y/N.” 
“I know she does but I don’t like those people.”
“And what do you like?” 
Y/N glanced down at the cup and then back at Sua, “I’m not sure.” 
“I’m sure you will figure it out. I’ll see you after classes.” 
“Bye Sua.” 
She watched Sua leave and she was left alone in her room. Y/N is the only child of William and Arabella Lynn L/N. Two powerful Ceos in business and devoted parents. They loved Y/N with their whole hearts but they could be overprotective at times. They would invest in anything Y/N was interested in. When she was five, she was interested in coloring, so they built her a wing where she could learn how to paint. When she was seven, she was interested in music and dance, so they signed her up with the best teachers. That’s how she became the number one pianist in her division. Being twenty-two, she accomplished a lot. 
She loved her parents but she didn’t want to rely on them forever. When she turned eighteen she started working in a restaurant, her parents disagreed with this but she continued. She also got a side job as data analytics for a bank, something her parents didn’t know about (if they did, they would probably have a heart attack). Everyone at her school thought she was weird for wanting to work when she had the richest parents in the school, they wouldn’t understand. She finished her tea and glanced outside with a smile, the sun looked pretty today. 
She changed into her uniform putting her hair in a ponytail. She headed downstairs to see her parents sitting on their couch watching the news. She smiled at them and gently waved at them, “Good morning.” 
Her dad looked over and smiled at her, “My flower, did you sleep well?”
“I did, why aren’t you at work?” 
Her mom let out a small laugh and kissed her dad’s cheek, “We wanted to go in late, breakfast date.”
“That sounds fun, I’ll be heading to school.” 
“Be safe!” 
“I will!” 
She walked on the paveway, saying good morning to all the gardeners and the other workers. They loved working for the L/N family, they treated them so kindly and sometimes they don’t even feel like workers. She went through the gate and went towards the camera to give one final goodbye to her staff and parents. 
School was a weird subject to her. She had friends and all the teachers loved her but she still felt like an outcast. She didn’t know how to explain it. No one bullied her but she did know people talked about her, it was something she couldn’t stop. It was just human nature. Her best friend, Nam Dawon, was the same as her. Both parents are powerful Ceos but never let their titles get to her head. She was more on the quiet side, which is why they get along so well. Y/N was more outgoing and “troublesome” (that’s what Dawon called her). 
She walked through the gates and ran towards Dawon with a wide smile, “Good morning~.” 
Dawon smiled at her and wiped her hands on her skirt, “Good morning, you're late by the way.” 
Y/N rolled her eyes and shrugged her shoulders, “The bell didn’t ring so, we're fine.” 
“That’s not the point...how was your piano practice yesterday?” 
The two girls walked inside the building as the chatter from everyone filled her head. She looked at Dawon with a small smirk, “It was...fun.” 
“Fun? How so?” 
“I guess the better word would be unpredictable.” 
“Y/N, just tell me.” 
Y/N let out a small laugh and shook her head. She wrapped her arm around Dawon’s, “There was a guy...he was interesting.”
“Really? What was he like?” 
“Unpredictable...” And that scares me but it intrigues me...annoying really. 
They walked up the stairs but were stopped when Choi Jessica looked at them with wide eyes and panting, “Did you guys hear?” 
Y/N glanced at Dawon and back at Jessica with a confused look, “No?”
“There was another murder by Heliotropes.” 
Y/N’s eyes widened and looked at Dawon, “Joo Won didn’t tell me anything...I was just there last night.” 
“He doesn’t always tell you everything, Y/N. Do you think it has something to do with gangs?”
Jessica gasped at this and hugged herself, “Gangs? Those low lives only want to cause more misery because they think it’s fun. All of them should be in jail.”
Y/N's mouth formed a straight line and glanced at Dawon, “We should get to class…”
Dawon nodded her head and gave Jessica a small smile, “Bye.”
The two walked off before she could say anything more. There have been more deaths happening but this time it was different. It was at a place she frequently visited. She had to call Joo Won to make sure everything was okay or at least hear him lie that it was okay. Anything to decipher murder in some way.
When they entered the classroom, everyone was talking about the murder. It wasn’t uncommon to hear people talk about gang violence but having it near the school was new. It was an uneasy feeling. Class went by slowly and the only thing that was on Y/N’s mind was figuring out Yoongi (she didn’t want to think about the murder anymore). It’s been a couple of days since she saw him well, it’s been a couple of days since she went to the music hall. She’s been busy with her mother’s upcoming party to play the piano but today she wanted to go. A small part of her wanted to see Yoongi but another part of her didn’t really care. In all honesty, she was indifferent toward the cold smoker. He didn’t annoy nor did he make her happy, he was just there. 
As she gathered her things, she quickly made her way out of the school. Waving toward Dawon and other classmates before entering the community college campus. No one paid attention to her and she liked that. She looked around the busy campus and saw everyone talking to each other, it didn’t feel like there was pressure. 
She opened the music hall doors and smiled when she saw it empty. She quickly made her way down to the instrument with a soft smile. She gently touched the dark wood and opened it, revealing the ebony keys to her. She barely touched the keys before she sat on the stool. Her black skirt covered her thighs as placed the headphones in her ears. Her fingers started playing on their own. She wasn’t sure what the melody was but she liked it. 
She was focused but she wasn’t that focused because the smell of smoke hit her nose. She stopped playing and turned around to see a new (handsome) face. She gave him a small smile, “Do you want to play?” 
The guy let out a puff of smoke and shook his head, “No, I was just curious. The melody, it’s missing something.” 
She glanced at the keys and then back at him with her head tilted, “What do you think is missing?” 
“Happiness? It just sounds Melancholy.” 
“Really? I thought it sounded...happy.”
The guy let out a small chuckle and shook his head, “If that’s happiness to you then I would be scared to hear your version of sadness.” 
“People have their own definitions of the words, it’s not always black and white.” 
“Then maybe you should learn what happiness is.”
She gave him a small glare and turned her back to him, “I think you should be kinder to strangers. You can’t just assume things.” 
“Your piano playing tells me otherwise. Bye, Y/N.”
Her eyes widened at this and turned back to the stranger, “How do you know my name?”
“You capture someone’s attention. I wanted to see for myself.”
She scoffed at this and stood up from the stool to glare at him, “Who the hell is this someone?” 
“Wouldn’t you like to know?”
“That’s why I asked. Who is this someone?” 
“He’s right, you're feisty.”
“I’ll show you feisty-”
“Taehyung, what the hell are you doing here?” She turned her head at the new (familiar) voice. Yoongi stood there with his black leather jacket being highlighted under the lights and his long black hair framing his face perfectly. She scoffed and looked between “Taehyung” and Yoongi, “Should’ve known.”
Yoongi raised his eyebrow at this as he made his way towards “Taehyung”, “Known what Bambi?” 
She went back to the piano with her back towards them, “That you know each other. Tyrants know each other.” 
“The fuck is she talking about?” 
“She's calling us tyrants because we smoke in the music hall. Keep up. Don’t you have somewhere to be?” 
She heard footsteps and she smiled to herself. With the door closing, she started to play the piano but this time without her headphones. She continued to play until she felt a presence next to her. She looked up as her fingers continued playing, “Can I help you?” 
“I want to play.” 
“Well, I’m playing right now-”
“I want to play with you.”
She stopped playing and looked at Yoongi with a raised eyebrow, “You want to play with me at the same time?” 
“That’s what I said. Unless you think your better than-”
“I never said that so don’t put words into my mouth. Sit.” 
She moved a bit and ignored the scoffing. When he sat next to her she glanced at him, “What do you want to play?” 
“Don’t you usually compose your own music?” 
“I do but that wouldn’t be fair for me to do that to you. I can’t expect someone to follow me when they don’t even know my next move. It’s not fair.”
He nodded his head and looked down at the keys, “We can do Mozart.” 
“I don’t have a problem with that...Why did you want to play with me? You don’t seem the type.”
He scoffed and looked at her with a raised eyebrow, “What does that mean?”
“Your vibe just tells me you want to do things your way. That’s all. Not bad.” 
Nothing was said after that because Yoongi started playing without her. She rolled her eyes and started to follow. It was clear to her that Yoongi was a trained pianist. She was kind of shocked that he was playing with ease. The two continued to play and she glanced at his face to see his eyebrows furrowed. He was concentrating hard on the keys. When the song ended, she clapped her hands together, “That was fun.” 
“You kept up.” 
“You didn’t think I would?” 
“No, but you were shocked that I kept up.” 
She glanced at him and nodded her head, “I would be lying if I said no. Obviously, you play piano but I didn’t know the skill level. Did you ever go to school for it?” 
Yoongi rolled his eyes and took out a cigarette, “I didn’t have time for that. I just learned whenever I had the time.”
“You're very talented.”
“I know.” 
She let out a small laugh when she felt her phone buzz in her skirt pocket. She took her phone out and saw her mom was calling her. She sighed and looked at Yoongi, “I have to go.”
“Let me walk you.”
She shook her head and glanced at the cigarette, “No because you're going to smoke. I don’t want to smell like smoke.” 
He rolled his eyes and placed his cigarette back into the box, “Is that okay, Bambi?” 
“Yes...are you really going to walk me?” 
She let out a small sigh and decided not to argue with him. She picked up her backpack and glanced at him, “Can I stop by a store?” 
“You're not a prisoner.” 
“I beg to differ.” 
The two left the music hall and she felt eyes on her. It was probably because of Yoongi. She overheard people talk about Yoongi and it seems like he's a loner. He had a set friend group and he didn’t bother to change it until now. She wondered why he was talking to her, she didn’t mind it but it did give her second thoughts on his intentions. She walked into a liquor store as Yoongi followed her closely. She went towards the drinks and turned towards him, “Are you going to pick a drink?” 
“Why would I?”
“Because I want you to have a drink?” 
He glanced at the drinks and then back at her, “So the rich girl is going to pay for me.” 
She scoffed at this and picked up her tea, “Don’t call me that. You know I have a name.” 
“Fine, Bambi.” He opened another section and took whiskey out of the cold. She glanced at the drink and then at him with a raised eyebrow, “You getting whiskey? It’s only four in the afternoon.” 
“Bambi you said pick a drink, you never said I couldn’t get alcohol.” 
“I guess...” 
She walked towards the cashier and went to take out her wallet. She stopped when the cashier looked at her with a nervous look, “You don’t have to pay.” 
She furrowed her eyebrows at this and tilted her head, “I have alcohol...you need to see my ID..”
She watched the cashier glance at Yoongi and then back at her with a nervous look, “It’s covered. Don’t worry.” 
She looked at Yoongi with a confused look, “Is this-”
“It’s fine, Y/N. Let’s go.”
She nodded her head but before she left, she took out 50,000 KRW and slid it to him. She gave him a small smile and bowed her head at him, “Have a good day.”
Yoongi grabbed her wrist and left the store without saying anything. They went to a bench and she sat down next to him. She watched him take a drink and she tilted her head at him. He glanced at her and looked at her drink, “You like lemon tea?” 
“I do. You like whiskey.” 
He let out a small chuckle and nodded his head, “I do. Want a drink?” 
“Sure.” She took the bottle and took a small sip of the dark liquid. She frowned at it and gave it back to him, “It’s not bad but it’s not good.” 
“Do you drink alcohol?” 
“Sometimes. It’s not a common thing in my day-to-day life.”
“What do you drink then, Bambi?” 
She rolled her eyes and let a small smirk appear, “I like tequila...wine...nothing else comes to mind.” That was a lie. She would drink almost anything at the parties that her mother threw. Anything to distract her from the men there. 
“Interesting. Don’t you have to get going?” 
“I do...but I can stay a little longer.” 
He took another sip and raised his eyebrow at her, “You don’t follow orders, do you?���
“I already told my mom I was finishing off my piece. She understands.” He leaned back into the bench and she followed his lead. She opened her tea and took a small sip. She felt his eyes on her and she glanced at him with a raised eyebrow, “You look like you have a question.” 
“What are you majoring in?” 
“Music and programming.” 
He nodded his head and looked her up and down, “Smart.”
“What about you, Yoongi?” 
She smiled at this and nodded her head, “I can see you as a Ceo.” 
“Why is that, Bambi?” 
“You just have this aura for it.” 
“I hope that’s a good thing.” 
“It is, don’t worry.”
They both stared at each other and she looked into his dark eyes. Normally you would see something from a person rather it be happy or sad but she couldn’t tell with him. His eyes were a mystery to her but she knew some mysteries were left unsolved. She was the one that broke the stare and stood up to throw her can away. She glanced over her shoulders and looked at him, “Are you ready?” 
“I am, Bambi.” 
The two walked in silence but it made Y/N think more. If Yoongi was an outcast at his school, why was he interacting with her? He was weird and she didn’t know if he was a good weird or a bad weird yet. He was just weird to her for now. They stopped in front of her gate and she turned towards him, “Thank you...again.” 
“I wouldn’t want you to walk alone at night. It’s dangerous.” 
“I think everyone knows that...I’m assuming you heard about the murder.” 
He let out a deep sigh and looked away from her, “I did...” 
She nodded her head and pushed the button to go in, “I’ll see you when I see you.”
“Yeah, Bambi.” 
She gave him a small wave and walked through her gates. As she made her through her garden she felt his eyes on her. She stopped herself from looking at him and shook her head to continue looking forward. There was something about Yoongi but she just couldn’t figure it out...she also didn’t know if she wanted to figure it out. 
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
“Oppa?” Y/N pushed the door slowly and looked around the empty restaurant with a frown. It was quiet and that was strange. It was a Saturday afternoon meaning the restaurant should be loud with plates clattering and the talks of someone's ex-boyfriend echoing in the room. Something was wrong. Y/N placed her bags on a table and walked towards the stairs to Joo Won’s apartment. With each step she took, the wood would cry in agony and it wasn’t comforting her. She gently knocked on the door, “Oppa?” 
The door opened and she was looking in familiar dark brown eyes, “Yoongi? What are you doing here?” 
“Bambi? What are you doing here?” 
She tried looking past Yoongi’s shoulder but he blocked her view with the door. She looked at him with a confused look, “I’m here to see oppa...now answer my question, what are you doing here?” 
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
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ordinaryschmuck · 1 year
At Jimmy Pesto’s Pizzeria, Trev puts up a “Closed Indefinitely “ sign up on the window. He then runs away crying.
Across the street, Linda and Teddy are watching the whole thing from inside the restaurant.
Linda: I can’t believe Jimmy Pesto got arrested. Serves the bastard right for helping organize that raid against the mayor’s office. Who hates the mayor? He’s great. Those bunch of freaks, hating the mayor.
Teddy looks to the kitchen window, hearing Bob whistle as he grills.
Teddy: Eh, I bet you’re happy, Bobby! With there being no more Jimmy Pesto and all.
Linda: Oh, don’t even get this guy started. They arrested Jimmy right across from us last night and I haven’t seen Bob happier since the kids were born.
Bob: Oh, come on, Lynn. I like to think that I had a quiet dignity to it.
Linda: You kidding? You and the kids went friggin nuts.
Flashback to last night. Jimmy is being led to a police car just as Bob sticks his head out of his home window.
Bob: Hey, Jimmy! How’s it feel knowing YOU will be out of business first?!
Jimmy just grunts, not acknowledging Bob.
Bob: What’s wrong?! No ZOOM?! Oh, that’s right! You’re too busy ZOOMING yourself to jail!
Louise pushes Bob out of the way.
Louise: Dad, please. Let a pro handle this.
She sticks her head out the window too.
Louise: Hey, Jimmy! If you’re lucky, you’ll be made the cafeteria cook! Your cooking should taste about the same as prison food!
Bob: Haha! THAT’S my little girl!
He scoops Louise up and kisses her cheek. She pretends to hate it.
Bob: I am so PROUD of you! You’re getting ice cream tonight!
Louise: Yes!
Gene: I want ice cream too!
He comes up to the window too.
Gene: Hey, Jimmy! Just a reminder that you got to poop in your jail cell! So get ready for people to see your Italian sausage!
Bob: Yes! Gene! I mean, DON’T ever say that again, but YEAH! You get ice cream too, pal!
Gene: Yeah!
Tina comes up to the window now.
Tina: Hey, Jimmy Pesto…You’re the worst!
Bob: Ha! He IS the worst!
Louise: And you’re a terrible father!
Gene: And LOVER! I assume!
Bob: Gene.
Tina: The best thing you made was Jimmy Jr!
Louise: And that’s not saying much!
Tina: Wait, what?
Bob: Oh, my god, I love my kids! You ALL get ice cream!
The kids: Yay!
Gene: Italian sausage!
Bob: Gene!
Flash forward back to the restaurant.
Bob: Okay, so I might have lost a bit more of my mind than I thought. But who cares? Lynn, it’s Jimmy Pesto! He’s gone for good! The nightmare’s over and we’ve WON!
Linda: Wha? What did we win?
Bob: We won at LIFE!
Linda: Oh, yeah.
Bob: WE’RE the ones with a successful—Well, GOOD business, a happy marriage, and great kids! Meanwhile, JIMMY is sitting his stupid butt in jail, his business is going to drizzle out of business—
Teddy, trying to match Bob’s energy: And his kids are going to be super traumatized!
Bob: What?
Linda: Oh god.
Teddy: Haha! Like, first their parents got divorced, which is a, uh, a thing that scares kids!
Bob: Teddy.
Teddy: And now their dad’s in jail! Never to see him in a normal environment again!
Linda: Aw…
Bob: Teddy, you just—
Teddy: What?
Bob: You’ve ruined the mood.
Teddy: What? No, I didn’t.
Bob: You did.
Linda: Yeah, you did, Hon.
Teddy: I was following your energy!
Bob: That wasn’t the energy.
Teddy: I was following your energy, Bob!
Bob: Celebrating traumatized kids isn’t the energy, Teddy!
Teddy: Bah!
Bob: YOU bah!
Linda: You DO gotta feel a LITTLE bad for the Pesto kids.
Bob: Well, yes, obviously. Because unlike TEDDY—
Teddy: YOUR energy, Bob.
Bob: I DON’T want kids to be traumatized. It’s not their fault that they’re Jimmy’s kids. But for Jimmy himself? SCREW him! It’s the end of an era! The JIMMY era! Now, it’s the start of the BOB era! And it starts with THIS!
He then runs outside.
Bob: Hey, everybody! In celebration of the greatest thing, EVER, Bob’s Burgers is now fifteen percent off of EVERYTHING!
Random Passerby: What’s Bob’s Burgers?
Bob: It’s—My restaurant. It’s right behind me!
Random Passerby: Oh, the across from Jimmy Pesto’s. Hey, do you know when HIS restaurant will open again?
Bob: Oh, my GOD!
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cloudninetonine · 2 years
Please...please...just a crumb of Koridai (fuck the other one). I'm starving, my crops have wilted, I miss my little stink stink, I want to ruin his life like he ruined mine 😢.
I GOTCHU THO BRO- this is set before the duo meet Courage btw ~~~~~~~~~~
The streets were bustling with people, calls echoing from the market about produce, children laughing as they played and fishermen either hauling in their catch of the day or setting sail for fishing- Koridai’s hometown looked to be pulled right from a fantasy, which was no surprise seeing as this entire scene to you was literally a fantasy come true!
Even so, you were in wonderment, holding onto Koridai’s hand, his grip firm (already 3 close calls of you wandering off had put the fear of the Goddess into him) as he manoeuvred through the people, mouth moving miles a minute as he spoke.
The Kingdom of Koridai practically bordered the Kingdom of Hyrule, only split by the seamlessly never-ending tides, so after a day’s journey by boat you had entered the country and the hero had practically dragged you to experience his hometown. 
“-you should have seen the guy's face! He stunk of fish guts for weeks! Serves him right for messing with my brother!” Koridai laughed, merry and light as you walked through the marketplace, your eyes wandering to each stall “Golly, it’s been so long since I’ve explored this town! The last time I was here I was setting towards Gamelon!”
“Shame, this place is beautiful.”
When he glanced back at you, his mouth upturned in his familiar little smirk you rolled your eyes. “Not as beautiful as you~”
“Damn, flirt.” Lightly you pushed his shoulder, nothing much happening with his hand still tight around your own and he tugged you back to him with a laugh, your head falling to his shoulder. “Lay off, will you.”
“Awh but you’re too cute!”
“Yeah, well, you’re not too bad looking yourself, pretty even.”
“Pretty enough for a kiss?~”
He deflated like a child, whining your name with puppy-kicked eyes while you laughed, eyes creasing in joy when your gaze met a small stall sitting in the corner, a lone old lady patiently waiting for a customer with her abundance of stock, your sight catching a beautifully made ring that shone in the light of the sun. Hypnotising in a way, your feet gently brought you towards the stall, Koridai following along when he perked up.
The older woman’s pointed ears twitched, old eyes narrowing before she seemed to light up in a similar way. “Oh, Link! It’s been so long.”
The small woman waddled to meet the man halfway, their hug a gentle one as you watched from the sidelines, intrigued and intruding all at once as the two conversed like old friends.
It was nice seeing Koridai like this, the hero persona pushed aside to show the kind young man behind it. No smug playboy, but a mature hero who knew where his roots stood, it was like looking through the walls of a tiny old shack to see the happy and content family within- the phrase “you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover” came to mind as they continued to talk until finally, Lynne turned to you.
“And whose this, Link? Your lover?” You tensed, your face growing in warmth as she gently grabbed your hand, looking up at you brightly. “You possess such kind eyes, my dear, I hope Link is treating you well.”
“I- We- He’s actually-”
“Oh, you bet!” He grinned, arm wrapping snugly around your waist and bringing your closer to his side, nuzzling against your cheek as a sign of affection. 
It…it felt nice, your face heating with a more adoring flush as your hand fell to hold his still against your hip.
You only felt (very) a little giddy when he grinned against you.
“Oh, I’m so glad, such a handsome couple, here-” She reached forward, grasping the ring you had been eyeing in interest earlier and handing it towards you gently. “I could see you were looking at it. Please, take it.” 
Your heart skipped at the pure gesture. “But I couldn’t just take it, at least let me-”
“Oh, no, no, consider it a gift.”
She gently laid it in your hand, the small jewellery still sparkling even as you protectively curled your fingers around it, looking up at the woman gratefully.
“...Thank you, Ms Lynne.”
“Lynne is fine, sweetheart.” She smiled, her wrinkles adding a motherly touch “Off you go now, if I know Link he still has much to show you of the town. Go on!”
She waved you away, the both of you yelling your farewells as you disappeared deeper into the crowd until Lynne was no longer in sight, you still tucked firmly to the taller man’s side as you walked, his thumb rubbing at your hip over your clothes.
“She’s sweet…” You mentioned after a few moments, still flustered over her mistake.
Koridai’s ears flickered happily at the words. “The sweetest! She used to cook dinner for the kids on our street so that our mothers could have a break! Haha!”
You chuckled at that, studying the beautiful ring once more before slipping it onto your finger, rubbing gently at the crested gem before looking back at Koridai whose eyes were already settled on you.
The bustling town never felt so empty when staring into those eyes of emerald green, the calls of the people never sounded so quiet as you put on your focus on him. You couldn’t deny that Koridai was handsome, beautiful, the best of every compliment that came to mind and the same giddiness from earlier came to hit you hard as he leaned closer, looking at your lips and then at your eyes.
So cliche, but even a cliche like this wouldn’t stop the pounding of your heart.
“So, about that kiss?” The man’s voice was a whisper, soft against your ears but still filled with his usual eagerness. 
“What about it?” Cursing mentally for sounding breathless, you settled your hands on his shoulders.
“Think you could spare your hero just one?”
…Hell, what was one kiss?
Your mouth moved to answer, both of your just a breath away-
When someone shoved past, your yelp comical as you felt your body begin to drop only for Koridai to tug you back towards him, his pout cute as he yelled out a frustrated “Hey, watch it!” back at the man who brushed him off, vanishing behind a wall of people.
The blonde turned back at your giggle, hand moving to cover your mouth to muffle it when it got a little too loud.
“God, that was so fucking cliche.” You were yanked back up, still against the hero’s chest as you chuckled. “Of course, just as we’re about to kiss someone has to ruin it.”
This whole world was just full of these things, huh?
“I-It doesn’t have to be ruined!” He stammered, not wanting the moment to end. “Listen, it was just a small fumble but-”
You held his face when you kissed the edge of his lips, soft, sweet but lingering as the man relaxed against your palms, ears flapping rapidly with hearts practically dancing in his eyes when you finally pulled away, once again giggling at his face.
“Golly~” The sigh was breathless, similar to your own voice not even a moment ago. “I think you missed~”
With a smirk, you pulled away. “Eh, maybe next time.”
“H-Huh?! Not, wait, (Name)!”
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