dollyprincessollie · 2 years
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i cant wait to weave my trainersona into paldea i hsve so many ideas for her and arven bc hes like. a humanities student and i love to bully him 😭 take a Gander at meine ramblings if u wish..... qlso vague spoilers abound (I HAVENT FINISHED ANY OF THE STORIES YET SO PLEASE DONT SAY ANYTHING)
my whole i d e a was that my sona would get a teaching opportunity in paldea and instead of mc tagging along with arven to get the Magical Plants or whatever its MEEEEE :3 . i was thinking that their dynamic would be a cross btwn how he treats the mc (big brother Esque) and how i would treat him (mean mentor Esque) and combine it so that we'd have like. the only way i can describe it is like. an elderly mother and her Somewhat Protective Son.
but also bc im not old i want to be mean to him. my sona's gonna be like. look arven. i can help fix ur doggy. but i cant fix ur parents' marriage... but dont worry, i can help fix your mom at the very least TeeHee ^_^
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thistle-caster · 3 months
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violetsandshrikes · 6 months
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this poor woman ended up in hospital because she ate cayenne + cinnamon coated orange (unpeeled) because there’s a health and wellness influencer with millions of views who recommends it for digestion - she burned her oesophagus
i always saw a few really good other additions of similar things on the comments
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please be so, so careful taking advice from these people online, as many of them are not formally trained or educated, brand ambassadors, deep in pseudoscientific rabbit holes and unfortunately, there are many out there who struggle with disordered eating habits
(not mentioned here but another one worth noting: i have personally known people who have burned their oesophagus with viral apple cider vinegar shots and drinks. don’t do that. a burned oesophagus is not fun)
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akynoctua · 2 months
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They’re so married.
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misandriste · 11 months
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ladies is it lesbian if your best friend who you are in love with (who also happens to be the strongest being on the planet, but you don't know this) makes not so casual threats of violence against your boyfriend for not being supportive enough while you are thirsting after her in spin class?
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arcanegifs · 5 months
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Katie Leung (Caitlyn's VA) on Caitlyn and Vi's Dynamic in Arcane Season 2
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damienns · 2 months
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lenakluthor · 2 months
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rebelspykatie · 1 year
Robin convinces Steve that Eddie is interested in him, just based on how frequently he flirts with Steve. Uses the same logic that Steve deployed to convince her to give Vickie a shot. Except, there’s no doubt about who Eddie could be attracted to. He’s gay and doesn’t really flirt much with women, keeps it more surface level. 
But with Steve, he’s all over him, getting in his personal space, tapping his chin, batting his eyelashes and draping himself over his lap during movie nights. Steve’s confident in his newly discovered attraction to men, and subtly tries to turn up the charm on his end. Flirting back, giving as good as he gets, but it never seems to affect Eddie. 
Steve’s gotten used to striking out. Never really catching anyone’s attention these days, what with the lackluster attempts at being interested in the mundane things some of the girls drone on about, to being afraid to sleep over for fear of a nightmare tearing him from sleep, to the way no one makes his skin buzz. He’s given up the pursuit of anyone else, setting his sights on Eddie, pushing gently at the boundaries that barely exist between them. 
Until the first time Steve and Robin are invited to see Corroded Coffin perform at the Hideout. He watches from afar as Eddie bounces across the room before the show. He hasn’t spotted them yet as he makes his way over to the bar. There’s a cute, older guy bartending, probably in his late twenties, buzz cut hair, ripped leather vest accentuating his arms. 
Steve watches in what feels like slow motion as Eddie leans over the counter to get as close as possible to this guy. That mischievous smirk that Steve’s used to seeing pointed at him is out in full force. Eddie is saying something, looking up at this guy, reaching out to squeeze a bicep and getting playfully batted away. Eddie lets the guy tuck a strand of hair behind his ear, almost a caress along the side of Eddie’s face. 
And there’s a moment where Steve feels like he’s floating on air, suspended in a moment in time before a catastrophic shift changes his trajectory. He’s careening to the ground at break neck speed and crash landing all in a matter of seconds. A vice-like grip squeezes his heart, reminding him that he’s not special. He’s dissecting every memory of Eddie flirting, finding nothing consequential there in the wake of this discovery. 
How stupid could he have been to think that it meant anything? That must be why Eddie never reacted to his advances, they were just a blip on his radar. He’s got this guy wrapped around his finger, just like he’s had Steve. Except Eddie’s never blushed like that around him, or let Steve tuck his hair away. 
As much as he wants to turn around and get the hell out of here, he promised he’d come to Eddie’s show, even if looking at Eddie right now feels like a shot straight through his heart. That inexplicable draw to Eddie doesn’t just disappear. He wants to cross the room and drag him away from this guy, but what right does he have to do that? 
He feels Robin’s hand slip into his, turns to look at her, sees a mirror image of how she looked on the grimy bathroom floor of Starcourt, letting Steve down gently. Their friendship past the point of needing to verbally communicate anything. Robin gently tugs on his arm to convince him to sit at a table, clasping his hand underneath it tightly when Eddie finally spots them and Steve has to pretend like he’s fine. And he is fine. 
But he’s also not. His heart is cracking open with each note Eddie sings, the fault line growing until it feels like he’s split in two, bleeding out on the floor of this disgusting bar. When is he going to get it right? When is it his turn to feel wanted? Nancy and Robin hurt, but he feels blindsided by this one. He was so confident he was right, that this time it was reciprocated. 
But maybe he’ll always be the fool.
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onesidedradiostatic · 5 months
concept of katie killjoy having sold her soul to vox because she thought he was an honourable Straight Man and low-key had a thing for him but then later found out he was one of the QUEERS but it was already too late by then
she thinks valentino turned him gay (only because he's more openly queer and it was more obvious with him than vox)
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morganalefay · 6 months
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MORGANA | Outfits ➛ first & last appearances
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sexy-sapphic-sorcerer · 6 months
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tiny-vermin · 5 months
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i was waiting for you
HII. here's another fanart of a fanfic, this time by @kmackatie, its sleep with benefits!
my plan was to do a BUNCH* of these little fake movie screencaps, but being very honest i don't think i can do all of that now, considering i want other projects to take priority. and that ive done maybe 5 complete images from the story, but now i dont like my choices of colour and style, so i might redo them in the future.
*since i don't plan on continuing this for the time being (or at least taking a really long time to do it), ive put the thumbnails and notes ive made for the story under the cut!!
i did up till.. chapter 7?? bathroom scene, which isnt in my collection of scanned pictures. by god i have such cool compositions for the whole thing in my mind, but it's really tiring to do this! i really really enjoy taking an author's scene and trying to put a visual to it, its like a.. puzzle.. a mental challenge...
genuinely this process taught me a lot and helped me better understand composition and using setting to tell a story. it also made me realise the importance of PLANNING.. which is something i did little of, i was like hm i draw caleb and essek a lot (not really) so i dont need character sheets or planned outfits or whatever (i really did).
anyways, enjoy these stick men and my insane scribbles trying to decipher katie's use of colour in the story.
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weinzapfel · 6 months
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E + G 💘
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ekingstonart · 8 months
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for an anonymous benefactor who asked for super-soft supercorp: do you guys ever think about dying the moments of tenderness Kara and Lena get to share now that canon can no longer get in the way?
After this illustration by Joe Bowler
i’ve opened up commissions again, please check my pinned post for more information!
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