ebenholzs-husband · 1 year
୧༼ ಠ益ಠ ༽🔪
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enden-agolor · 2 years
what's your jesskas prince/hero au about? 👀
P.S. ur like one of my fave artist on here! u and ur art are so cool frfr B)
Thank you omg!!! 🥺❤️ That's such a delight to hear honestly.
But okay so for the Prince/Hero au.
This is not a medieval timeline or anything. It is still 100% Minecraft. The monsters and animals are Minecraft mobs still.
Lukas is the prince in this au. Jesse is the local town hero.
Basically Lukas has lived his entire life shut away in the castle with his family. Reason being due to an accident when he was a youth, he received a scar on his chin, and his family, the royals. His parents haaaate it. They think it ruins their perfect regal look as a collective family when he's there, so they basically keep him away at gatherings. He also has a sister who I decided will be Nell (cuz she's blond and blue eyes like Lukas) BUT LISTEN she isn't like a girly princess or anything she absolutely loathes the king and queen, 1. For how they treat Lukas, and 2. Because they are unfathomably strict, and force all their ideals onto their children. Nell still has her laidback chill personality from the games, maybe without the dudebro speech pattern, but she has to keep it hidden around their parents. She doesn't wear a dress or anything. That is the one thing she doesn't let her parents force her to do. She's super kind to Lukas and everything. She's also younger than him so their parents play favorite on her hard and she hates it. Also the characters from the episode 8 in mcsm are her besties that she competes in like archery with or other 'royal' games.
Anyways so yeah uh Lukas never ever goes out of the castle. Not since he was a child. The kingdom basically forgot about the prince because he's never mentioned or seen so it's basically as though he doesn't really exist. All over a scar?? It's ridiculous, I know. He doesn't have any friends, just a massive library, and his gifted ocelot, Dewey.
Onto Jesse, he's the town hero/errand boy. His best friend Petra is leader of the towns guards. Axel is a blacksmith, and Olivia is an inventor. Jesse himself does all the good deeds in town. Everyone loves him. He's a buff little ray of sunshine. And because he's strong, he's noticed by some recruit team from the castle to enlist in his assistance up there for a big event (there was an accident so they're out a bunch of men so they go to the nearest towns and pick the strongest people they can find, Beacon being one of them.
So that day Jesse is up there, he's told he's not allowed to touch ANYTHING other than what he's assigned to (because he's a peasant to the royals) and guess who he accidentally bumps into??? Prince Lukas 😳 But here's the catch. Lukas isn't exactly allowed to be out of his room when there's an event so he has to wear a hood to keep himself hidden. He was on the way back from collecting a recent delivery of new books to read from a gentleman (this man only comes to the castle when there's something big happening, it's his only way in) who Lukas gives money just to bring new books back for him whenever he visits.
So yeah Jesse and Lukas bump into each other and Jesse doesn't at all recognize him as a prince or anything because he can't see his regal blond hair under his hood, nor does Jesse know that Lukas' existence as prince is even possible because... well Lukas is never talked bout. So instead of apologizing profusely to Lukas like Lukas is used to, Jesse's just like "oh sorry man, let me help you with those." Helps Lukas pick up all the books that scattered. Lukas himself is immediately attuned to the fact that Jesse didn't treat him like some priceless object when they bumped, so Lukas is immediately interested in who this man is. He's never seen him here at the castle. Jesse offers to help Lukas carry his books which Lukas hesitantly allows (he's not used to talking to strangers). They bring the books back to the library and Lukas basically asks Jesse who he is. They tell each other their names and Jesse explains who he is and what he does. The town hero. Does errands for the town. Mines the ores that go to the castle and town. Has this cool pet pig named Reuben (who doesn't die in this au btw) and so on.
Lukas is... enthralled with Jesse. He's immediately asking him questions about what its like to live in town and how it is living amongst nature. Jesse's like 🤨 Bro do you ever go out? (mentally) But he doesn't question it he just assumes castle staff don't need to leave since they already have it all. But Jesse explains what its like, all the stuff he does and Lukas is just in awe over all of it. He spent most of his life staring down at the town from his rooms balcony, longing to adventure down there but now he has someone from town itself to tell him all about it! Not only that, but Jesse also during this conversation offers to introduce Lukas to Reuben, because Lukas just assumed that pigs were dangerous where as Jesse just laughs like "what?? no way, he's my best friend."
So guess who starts sneaking out in his little cloak and commoner outfits to go hang out with the hero every other night? Oh em gee its Lukas! 😍 Jesse shows him what the world is like, introduces him to so, so much. Takes him mining. Shows him the town and the animals. It's an entirely new learning experience for Lukas. Lukas loves the humanity Jesse shows in his personality. And Jesse adores Lukas' innocence and inexperience with the world he himself has memorized all his years of living. It's like Jesse gets to fall in love with the world around him all over again, but in an entirely new way just by sharing it with Lukas.
It's... ahem. Very gay. Aaaand kind of slow burn too. I plan on writing a fic for this au in the future because I have SOOO many ideas. Just yesterday I decided Aiden is going to be the cocky, arrogant knight with a superiority complex who likes to just go into town and terrorize 'peasants' and to challenge Jesse's heroism. Lukas knows Aiden and absolutely despises him with a burning passion. Even more so when he stands beside Jesse in his commoner clothes and hood, a prince hidden amongst the lower class just to watch this so called 'noble knight' be a major dick to everyone and everything. Also some HEAVY heavy angst happens with him. I won't talk about it because spoilers because I do wanna write a fic, but yeah. Aiden enjoyers don't look I'm about to fucking obliterate a man (I hate him genuinely).
All in all this au is really fucking sweet and I love it SOOOO much. Did I mention Jesse and Lukas send letters to each other via pigeon? 🥹 Yeah. That's real. Lukas is gonna fall for Jesse and Jesse's gonna fall even harder. It will be so cool.
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aliensunflower-fics · 4 years
‘Akumatized Marinette’ A funny prompt!
So ive seen a few different fics and posts where Lila convinces the class that Marinette is in fact Mayura and/or is working in some way for Hawkmoth, using such evidence as ‘Marinette’s never been akumatized’ and citing how sometimes Marinette’s attempts to be helpful or friendly or yes her mistakes have resulted in an akuma going after her classmates. Also other evidence like how many akumas the class has had total. But what if Lila could not convince class that Marinette was working with Hawkmoth, desperate to connect Marinette to the supervillain in hopes of plummeting her reputation Lila claims that Marinette is in fact AKUMATIZED hence her villainous actions towards Lila!
Now just follow me here:
What if the class don't believe Lila THAT MUCH. Sure Lila has them convinced that she’s a diplomats daughter and that shes got a million illnesses and physical problems and yes she even has everyone believing that she’s famous and that her and Adrien are a secret item [how scandalous!]. But no one in the class will for a SECOND believe that Marinette is working with Hawkmoth. Lila has tried broaching the subject several times, shes tried leaving ‘hints’ and pointing things out that seem ‘incriminating’ but each and every time she does the class scoff and each of them begin listing a 100 reasons why Marinette is definitely NOT a fan of Hawkmoth and would never work with him.
Frustrated but determined to connect the super villain to Marinette and alienate the girl further Lila seethes and plots. Getting more frustrated each failed attempt and trying to chew off her own sausage hair when people talk about how Marinette would definitely kick Hawkmoth’s ass. Then one day Marinette walks in with a totally new look, she’s cut her hair into a messy pixie cut and is going for a pink punk look. The look gets everyone's attention and the day is spent with everyone complimenting the baker girl [she even gets asked out by a few of the guys in the other classes] frustrated that everyone is paying attention to Marinette instead of herself Lila cant help but make up some big lie about how Marinette assaulted her and stole her money.
The class is justifiably shocked! They have been especially protective of Marinette and her reputation ever since she was expelled and nearly akumatized so more then a few of them start yelling at Lila even Alya who normally sides with Lila due to her belief that her designer friend is jealous is furious at Lila for making an accusation like that! Desperate to recover from the poorly timed and worded lie she’s made Lila thinks fast and comes up with a scheme just crazy enough to work! She claims that obviously it wasn’t ACTUALLY Marinette, no it was the horrible akuma MARIONETTE! The class blinks taken aback but they can’t help but ask what Lila is talking about.
The italian smirks feeling sinister pleasure course through her. She begins weaving her sob story tale! About how Marinette had snuck into one of Adrien and Lila’s photoshoots! Where the poor baker girl saw them *gasp* KISSING! Poor Marinette heartbroken and distraught was akumatized into the horrible monster Marionette! Who stalked Lila home and attacked her! She goes on to claim that the Marinette who was in class today was NOT in fact their good friend rocking a new style and haircut but was instead a vicious akuma after all why do you think Lila was keeping so far away from Marinette all day? She’s TRAUMATIZED after her ordeal and now Marionette the akuma is attending class as if she were Marinette! How terrible could Hawkmoth be to be using their heartbroken friend like this!
The class doesn’t want to believe it, but it makes such perfect sense Marinette WOULD be heartbroken by seeing Adrien the ‘love of her life’ kissing Lila her main rival! And just yesterday Marinette looked completely normal with her cute little pigtails and her signature outfit! She never told any of them she was even GOING to get a haircut! And surely if Marinette was going to make such a big change in her appearance she would have told her bestie Alya right?
But now what is the class to do? Poor Marinette is akumatized and they have no idea what to do or what her object could possibly be! Max, always the logical one concludes that they should simply contact Ladybug and have her help poor Marinette! Lila quickly jumps in claiming she already tried contacting Ladybug OBVIOUSLY since the pair are besties! But that Marionette tricked Ladybug into believing she wasn’t akumatized at all! “No!” Lila laments, “were going to need to take care of this ourselves!”
The class is resolute determined to help poor Marinette without the help of Ladybug who has fallen for Hawkmoth’s most clever trick yet. But Lila is quick to warn them that they MUST be careful after all Marionette is a VERY powerful akuma, they cant know for sure the true extent of her terrible powers or when or WHO she might attack next! Lila fears that it will be poor Adrien or perhaps herself again! Insert fake sobs here. The class vow to protect Lila and Adrien from Marionette, and Alya who believes she’s best equipped for this situation since she IS Rena Rouge takes charge of the situation, they decide that no one is allowed to be alone with Marionette and NONE of them are to let the akuma know that they are on to her! They need to play the long game and figure out what her akumatized object is so that they can snatch it and free Marinette from Hawkmoth’s dastardly clutches!
Lila rejoices believing that she’s finally achieved victory, the class now think that Marinette is a dangerous monster and will isolate her, not to mention Lila now believes she can make up any lie she wants about Marinette and that the class will unquestioningly believe her! She goes home with a pep in her step eagerly plotting for all the lies and perks she can get from this newest lie and decides to eat a whole tub of ice cream to celebrate her cleverness, unaware that she’s just signed the ticket for her defeat.
You see the class LOVE Marinette, she’s their friend, and ‘learning’ that she’s been turned into some sort of monstrous extremely clever akuma is both a suprise and none at all. Later on as they all chat in the newly made text group Max points out how it was obvious that Marinette would become the most dangerous and clever akuma shes the smartest person in class besides himself and extremely creative and resourceful. Rose laments about how hurt Marinette must be and how they simply MUST save her as soon as possible. Alix curses Hawkmoth out and claims that the sick freak was probably TARGETING Marinette for awhile now because of how awesome she is. Nino and Kim cry about how their childhood bff needs them now more then ever! And Alya tells them to get ready because they cant abandon Marinette now that she needs them most!
The next day Lila comes to class ready to spin another tale about how the vicious akuma Marionette destroyed her room last night! And while the class do listen and tell Lila that it sucks that happened they seem noticeably... Distracted. When Marinette walks into the room the class practically explodes, Rose and Juleka INSIST that Marinette sit behind them so they can talk! Everyone has some sweet compliment to give to the baker reminding her about how wonderful she is! Lila’s jaw drops open as her classmates practically rush to hug and touch and talk to what they believe is a horrible monstrous Akuma! And it doesnt end their.
Lila asks Alya to hang out at the mall? She cant her and Nino are going to be on ‘Marionette’ surveillance tracking the akuma to see what shes up to and if she might show her akumatized object! Lila decides to try woo Mylene and Ivan into letting her handle their charities ‘finances’? Mylene starts crying about how the charity was Marinette’s idea before she got akumatized and now she might not even remember how amazing it was when shes eventually de-akumatized Lila cant stand hearing them talk about her enemy and gives up her pursuit of the funds. Lila decides to hang out with Kitty Section? They invited Marionette to every show hoping Luka would notice that she’s an akuma and use his amazing intuition to help free poor poor Marinette!
Instead of ostracizing the girl Marinette is now invited to every big event, and is constantly being showered with compliments and love as if the class believes that just loving Marinette enough will be the thing that ‘de-akumatizes’ her. “At least they wont let her anywhere near myself or Adrien.” Lila thinks bitterly as she gets her 5th warning that day that Lila might want to sit out the class going to the movies together with MARIONETTE.
During this time the class has been pulling off various ‘heists’ slowly going through each and every one of Marinette’s belongings to check if its the akumatized object. And I do mean every single belonging. Her sketchbook was ruled out within the first few days same with her signature earrings it was Kim who checked those and it involved a complicated plan involving taking Marinette swimming and having Kim fake a drowning in order to get close enough to ‘Marionette’ to check the studs. Luckily for Tikki, Ondine who was also at the pool decided to save Kim instead and the poor jock got quite flustered when the swimmer performed CPR on him.
Nino and the rest of the boys are the ones tasked with breaking into Marinette’s room while the girl is away on a sleepover with the girls. In order to ‘test’ each object in her room for the source of the akuma. They got a bit too loud and had to make a last minute escape when they heard Tom and Sabine going into fight mode. Poor Nino wasn’t fast enough and was forced to lie through his teeth that he’d been trying to surprise Marinette with a hangout like when they were little kids. [poor kid ended up drinking hot cocoa with Tom and Sabine as they showed off embarrassing baby pictures of Nino and Marinette together]
After about a month or so of shenanigans including a very embarrassing incident involving the entire class accidentally spying on Marinette’s first big date with Luka/Kagami/Felix/Damian [just pick one they are all great ships] and them getting caught red handed thanks to Alix and Kim roughhousing and making a scene at the nice restaurant. And another incident that Alya refers to only as the ‘duck incident’ [Nino can no longer be around birds or feathers] the class is no closer to learning where Marionette’s akumatized object is. And Lila Rossi who thought she’d be bathing in her victory is on the verge of screaming if one more person ignores her!
How does it end? Well maybe the class stage an intervention hoping they can free Marinette with the power of love only for Marinette to fall off of something laughing when she learns what Lila’s big lie was. Maybe Lila finally snaps and screams when she hears the class lament about POOR Marinette for the billionth time. Maybe the class try breaking absolutely everything Marinette owns, Maybe Juleka points out that its kind of weird that Marionette the akuma doesn’t really do... anything? And can change clothes? Can akuma’s do that? No right??? Aren’t their clothes like melded to their body??? Maybe the class finally get Adrien thinking he can ‘fix’ Marinette only for him to very confusedly tell them hes not dating Lila and has never kissed her and what Marinette akumatized??? Maybe The class recruit Luka and Kagami, Marinette’s other friends only for them to have a great laugh at the class before pointing out the literal mountain of things wrong with everything they just said.
Just fun shenanigans and ‘akumatized’ Marinette.
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galahadwilder · 4 years
Greater Need Than Mine
Merry Christmas @callmequoteman @sweetmeatdale! I was your Lovesquare Obsessed Secret Santa. And I do know what you like. 😁
Have some angsty/fluffy hurt/comfort Adrigaminette!
“Please don’t scream,” Adrien says, his hands up, his voice desperate. He’s standing in the middle of his room, hunched, like a cornered animal. Like he’s going to bolt out the window at any moment.
“I do not scream,” Kagami says, which is true. She doesn’t. That does not mean that her composure is not quietly shattering inside her, her ribs breaking apart. This is the last thing she expected to see when she walked into her boyfriend’s room—and yet it makes so much sense. Why he’s always so distant. Why he keeps disappearing on her whenever there’s an Akuma attack. It even clears up the “other girl/Marinette” issue—of course it’s not Marinette, at least now.
Adrien is still looking at her like she’s about to explode—and, to be fair, she just might. But she would never be so gauche as to explode onto him—no, this will be an internal explosion, one that will leave no mess on anyone and she can contemplate later.
“Are you okay?” Adrien says.
“I am fine,” Kagami lies.
“Oh no. I know that look.” Adrien steps forward, reaching for her hand. “You need a minute?”
Kagami looks at the tiny black cat floating next to his shoulder. “What does yours eat?” she says.
Adrien swallows. “Cheese,” he says. “Really smelly cheese.”
It goes like this:
After 27 Mister Pigeons and 12 Mister Rats, Paris has stopped taking attacks from Xavier Ramier seriously. Oh, Ladybug and Chat Noir still show up for every battle, simply because that is what they do. But with each attack, Ramier has been less and less violent, less and less dangerous, to the point where he’s basically an inconvenience. Kagami didn’t even bother rescheduling her date.
When she’d arrived at the Agreste Manor, Nathalie had let her right in. She’d gone up to Adrien’s room, knocked on the door, and when she heard no answer, assumed he must’ve been in the shower or something. (He did that a lot.)
Instead, when she opened the door, she found Chat Noir, his ring down to one pad and blinking. One second later, he was flashing green. One second after that…
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you,” Adrien says.
“I would be disappointed in you if you had,” Kagami says. She’s sitting on his couch, clutching her jacket closed with shaking hands. Her chest feels cold, like her windpipe is freezing all the way up her neck. “Do you remember what Ladybug told me when I revealed mine?”
Adrien hangs his head. “Yeah,” he says. He gathers up a blanket, carefully draping it around her shoulders. “I didn’t mean for you to find out.”
“You weren’t careful,” Kagami snaps, and then her stomach immediately drops out because that is not the right thing to say, and not at all the impression she meant to give. She can see the hurt in Adrien’s eyes from her words.
“You’re right,” he says, despondent. “I—I wasn’t.”
She swallows through chattering teeth. She’s hurt him, again, and she wants to make this right but she doesn’t know how. “You are… my hero,” she forces out.
He looks up at her, blinks. “It’s—” He glances down at his hand. “It’s just the ring.”
Kagami shakes her head. “Is it the choker that makes me special?” she says. “I was chosen to be Ryuko for a reason. You were chosen for something far greater.”
“I keep trying to tell him,” the tiny cat rasps. “Kid never believes me.”
Adrien smiles, but then his whole body droops. “I’ll… understand if you want to break up with me.”
“Break up with—!” Kagami takes a deep breath, clutching the blanket around herself. “I—no, of course not!” She suppresses a shiver as she reaches out to touch Adrien’s cheek, unable to ignore the clamminess of skin on skin. “Adrien, I am proud of you.”
He shivers, closing his eyes, and a single tear squeezes from between his lids.
Kagami needs to talk to someone about this. Usually she keeps everything bottled up—she’s never really had anyone to talk to, even in Osaka (she always had trouble relating to people her own age, and her mother has never really been the “motherly” type). But ever since she came to France, that has changed. France is where she met Adrien, yes, but it is also where she met Marinette Dupain-Cheng.
She’d texted Marinette as soon as her time with Adrien was over, barely able to hold herself together, and as soon as Marinette had given her a location she’d bolted for the Trocadero.
It’s not a long run—definitely not a sprint, but not so long that she has to walk. Still, her whole body is on fire from exertion when she gets to the Trocadero and sees the familiar pink pants and black pigtails of the girl sitting on the steps.
Marinette looks up from her sketching, sees Kagami, and immediately leaps to her feet with a delighted beam. “Kagami!” she says, running up and throwing herself into a hug. “Everything okay?”
“I… don’t know,” Kagami says, suppressing a shiver at the touch. She likes Marinette, she likes Marinette’s enthusiasm and willingness to touch, even if has trouble with touch herself. “It’s… it should be a good thing, but…”
Marinette pulls back and raises an eyebrow. “This sounds like something that would be easier to talk about over juice,” she says.
Kagami is eternally thankful for Marinette. Even though they are both in love with the same boy, Marinette has only briefly held that against her, and what could have been the beginning of a horrific rivalry had instead grown into the best friendship Kagami has ever had. But Kagami can still see how Marinette hurts whenever they talk about Adrien, whenever Kagami talks to her about her boyfriend problems, and she feels guilty, like brackish water all the way down into her soul. But Marinette has been nothing but understanding, and right now Kagami needs the help.
Once they have their juice, Marinette sits Kagami down at an outside table under one of those thick canvas parasols. “Okay, talk to me,” she says. “What’s up?”
Kagami holds her cup in both hands, staring at it, unable to meet Marinette’s eyes. “I… discovered a secret of Adrien’s,” she begins, haltingly. “I did not intend to, but.”
“And now you’re mad at him,” Marinette says, sipping at her juice.
“I—No!” Kagami says. “He was protecting me, and I—it’s a secret I should not even know!”
Marinette halts mid-sip. “Protecting you?”
Kagami opens her mouth to speak, then halts. “I—I cannot say anymore without breaching his trust.”
Marinette nods as if she understands, which is a bit of a surprise for Kagami. She sort of expected her to push a little further. “Okay, so, first step is to categorize your emotions,” Marinette says, listing them on her fingers. “You’re scared that you know, mad at him for keeping it from you, also mad at him for letting you find out. What else?”
Kagami wants to object. She’s not angry at Adrien! Not at all! But—Marinette’s words are striking home in a way that she did not expect. Maybe… maybe she is.
She needs a moment to think, to process. She puts her lips to her straw, takes a sip, lets the sweet and cold orange juice splash into her mouth. Adrien is Chat Noir. Is she angry at him? For continually leaving her while on dates? For not telling her? For throwing himself into danger over and over again, so recklessly, for dying and dying and dying?
Yes. Yes she is.
“Perhaps… perhaps I am,” she begins, placing her drink back on the table. “But, I am also… proud of him. For the things he does.”
Marinette’s eyes narrow. “Did he tell you about Aspik?”
Kagami blinks. “What is Aspik?” she says.
Marinette stares at her, incredulous, eyes wide. “I. Um. Nothing?” she offers, weakly. “Don’t—don’t worry about it?”
“Is Adrien keeping other things from me?” Kagami says.
Marinette’s face goes white. “Is… is everything okay?”
Kagami looks down at her feet. “I…” Ice rises in her throat. “I do not know.”
“Adrien, what is ‘Aspik?’” Kagami says.
Astounding. She can actually hear Adrien freeze over the phone—the way his breath stops. She briefly muses over the idea that she might’ve just killed him.
“Who told you about Aspik?” he says.
“Adrien—” she begins.
He cuts her off. “I’ll tell you in a minute, just—Kagami, this is really important. Only two people know about that. Who told you?”
“Oh God.” Adrien is breathing heavy, the speaker crackling in her ear with every exhalation. “Oh my—oh my God. It’s—no. No way. I can’t believe—”
Kagami grimaces as she fights down a wave of irritation. “Adrien. Explain, please.”
He breathes in. “Okay,” he says. “Um. Do you remember a few months back when we cut fencing to go hang out at Luka’s, and Jagged Stone came over?”
Kagami thinks back. That was a while ago. “He’d… fired his guitar player, correct?”
“Yeah,” Adrien says. “Anyway she got Akumatized, and, um. Ladybug didn’t know I was Chat Noir. Still doesn’t.”
Kagami is not sure she likes where this is going.
“She asked me to wield the Snake Miraculous.”
“And you accepted?” Kagami gasps.
“What was I supposed to say, no?” Adrien hisses back. “She needed me.”
“She needed you as Chat!” Kagami snaps back.
“Easy to say in hindsight!” Adrien replies. He breathes in, slowly, then back out. “Anyway, it was… bad.”
Kagami’s eye twitches. “How bad?”
“I was stuck in a time loop for three months. We kept losing, and I kept… resetting, and…” He trails off with a sob.
“No wonder you were so tired when you got back to the boat,” Kagami murmurs. She remembers that day now. How broken Adrien had seemed at the end of it, for reasons she’d never been able to place. It makes more sense now, a horrifying kind of sense.
“I am… sorry,” she says. The words aren’t enough to convey the vast feeling inside her, the sympathy she has for him, the horror she feels at what he was forced to endure. “If I had known…”
“Gami, it’s—it’s okay,” Adrien says. “You weren’t supposed to. I mean—I’m the one who didn’t tell you.”
Kagami wishes she could stop being mad at him about that. She understands why he did it, she’d be disappointed if he told her, so why is she so hurt that he’s been keeping things from her? Those things needed to be kept from her.
“Kagami, only two people ever knew that I wore the snake,” Adrien says. “And one of them was Luka.”
“Who is the other?”
Adrien is silent for a moment. “Ladybug. Ladybug is.”
Kagami’s skin begins to crawl as she realizes what Adrien is saying. Everything—everything matches. The hair. The height. The eyes. The fire. Oh, Kami, Ladybug is Marinette Dupain-Cheng.
All the breath is driven from her lungs, and she is left gasping, grasping, for air. She remembers the way she felt the first time Ladybug touched her, the first time Marinette spoke to her, the way her heart caught fire. Ladybug—Marinette—is the most incredible person she’s ever met, and. And…
And Adrien feels the same way.
Kagami’s body goes cold as she realizes what she has to do. “Chat Noir has always been in love with Ladybug,” she says, her voice kept level to keep the tears out of it. “You are in love with Ladybug.”
“Kagami, I—” Adrien begins to protest.
She doesn’t let him finish. “Adrien, Marinette is in love with you.” If she doesn’t do this now, she’s never going to. Don’t hesitate. “She always has been.”
Adrien is silent for a moment. “Gami?” he says, finally, his voice weak.
“You should be with her,” Kagami says, trying not to cry. This is the most difficult thing she’s ever done, but it is the unquestionably the right thing to do. She should never have stood between them.
“Gami, don’t—”
She hangs up. She can’t bear to hear another word.
She opens up her texting app, rejecting a call from Adrien in the process, and shoots a message to Marinette. He’s all yours. Be good to him.
She doesn’t see a response before she shuts the phone off.
It’s only once she is alone, in her bedroom, that she breaks down. She buries her face into her pillow and, for the first time in a long time, begins to cry.
There’s no dignity to this, no elegance—it’s messy, wet and snotty and blubbery. She’s completely falling apart, her whole body wracked with sobs, and all she wants to do is curl up under her covers and fall asleep and not wake up for a week.
She can’t. She has to get up. She has to move.
She stands up, swipes the tears from her face with her blanket, and throws open her closet. Her sabers are in there, in her bag. She unzips it, draws one, and falls into stance.
This is better. This is much better. She slashes, advances, retreats, parries against a shadow opponent, practicing every move, every step. She doesn’t have to stop. She doesn’t have to think. She doesn’t have to be aware of what she’s lost if all she’s aware of is her body, the blade in her hand.
Parry. Riposte. Strike. Don’t think about Adrien’s laugh.
Advance. Retreat. Strike. Don’t think about the sunlight through Marinette’s hair.
Feint. Advance. Strike. Don’t think about both of their hands in yours. How warm you feel when they—
The knock at her window comes all too soon. And of course it’s at her window, Adrien is a superhero, why would he go in the front when he could take a shortcut? She sighs, resting the blade against her shoulder, and shuffles over to the window. “Adrien, you shouldn’t be here—” she begins, throwing open the window—only for her words to catch in her throat like a too-big apple in her esophagus as she sees, not Chat Noir, but Ladybug.
The mask hides it well—covers all the puffiness—but it’s evident from the bloodshot in Ladybug’s eyes that she’s been crying, or at least trying not to. “May I come in?” she says.
Kagami, unsure of what to say, steps back and gestures.
Ladybug clambers through the window. “So, um,” she says. “Marinette told me to check on you, said you might be—”
“Marinette-sama,” Kagami interrupts. “I know it’s you.”
Ladybug freezes. “I—what?” she says.
“I know that Marinette is Ladybug,” Kagami says. “You don’t have to keep pretending.”
“No, but see, I, ah!” Ladybug’s hands pinwheel around her face, grasping at cheeks, chin, forehead, the way Marinette always does when she’s surprised. “I don’t—I don’t know what—what you’re balking atout?”
Kagami simply raises an eyebrow.
“Marinette is a comtepely differep terson!” Ladybug ejects. Her consonants are getting scrambled. What Adrien has always referred to as “word salad,” for reasons Kagami doesn’t quite understand, and never once has Ladybug done it that Kagami is aware of. If she weren’t sure before, she certainly is now.
Ladybug stares at her, her eyes wide and quivering. “Listen, Marinette asked—Marinette asked—Marinette—”
Kagami steps forward and takes her hand. “Marinette. Please. Don’t.”
Ladybug chokes. “How did you—”
“Aspik,” Kagami says.
Ladybug’s eyes narrow. “Adrien—he told you?” Her voice drips with frost, and Kagami takes an involuntary step back. At this moment, Kagami is certain that if Ladybug wanted to burn down the Tsurugi Mansion with just her eyes, she absolutely could.
“Watashi—” Kagami swallows, barely noticing that she’s lapsed into Japanese. “Ma, eto—I, eto, Ladybug—” She’s stammering. She does not stammer.
The window knocks again.
Both of their heads snap around to see a sheepish Chat Noir, waving at both of them. “Uh, hi Ladybug!” he says. “What are you doing here?”
Ladybug growls. “Chaton, this is not a good time.”
Chat clambers through the window. “I’m sorry, My Lady, but this is kind of important.”
Kagami’s stomach drops. One of them she could handle, but two? Right now? She wishes she could just… ask them to leave, but. Well. She knows Adrien, and she knows Chat. He’s too stubborn to go. And… honestly, she’s not certain she could tell Ladybug to leave.
“Chaton, please,” Ladybug says. “You have to go—”
“I’m not leaving,” Chat says, his shoulders set, looking Ladybug square in the eye.
Kagami crosses her arms. “Then you should both be prepared for my mother to walk in on you, because she certainly heard you arguing.”
Ladybug and Chat both look at her, horrified.
Kagami grimaces. “She has trained her hearing well.” She uncrosses her arms, pointing upward. “If you must argue, take it to the roof.”
When Kagami’s mother opens the door to her daughter’s room, Kagami is the only person in it. She’d managed to shoo both Chat and Ladybug out the window with just enough time to leap onto her computer before the door began to creak open.
“Musume,” Tomoe says, her voice as flat and flinty as it’s ever been. “Are you studying? I heard voices.”
“Hai, Okaasan,” Kagami replies. “My school is holding a mandatory seminar on conflict resolution. We were assigned a number of preparatory videos.” Kagami is a terrible improvisational liar, and her mother knows it; however, what Tomoe does not know is that if Kagami can prepare the lie ahead of time, it’s almost impossible to detect. That’s why she’s been holding onto this particular untruth for several months—the school really did have such a seminar, but it was some time ago. Kagami simply neglected to tell her mother about it in preparation for just such an occasion. (It’s much easier to sell thanks to the fact that her mother cannot see that the screen is, in fact, displaying a fencing website, instead of the homework that Kagami claimed.)
“Hrrm,” her mother grunts, blank-faced. Despite her relative difficulty Kagami has reading people’s facial expressions, Kagami knows that look—her mother is judging the quality of French education, and has decided once again that it is “too soft.” “Mind your studies,” she says, closing the door behind her.
Kagami holds in her sigh of relief until she’s certain she hears her mother’s footsteps retreating, until she is certain her mother is out of earshot. She can’t imagine her mother’s reaction to discovering that she has been sneaking people into her room, even people as illustrious as Ladybug and Chat Noir, but it can’t be a good one.
Speaking of the Parisian superheroes, the two of them are still waiting for her on the roof.
She slides the window back open, then carefully clambers out onto the ledge. She’s considering how to climb up to the roof—it’s much harder, without a Miraculous—when a yo-yo descends right in front of her face.
“Grab on,” Ladybug says.
Kagami is hoisted onto the roof to see the expectant, despondent faces of her heroes—of her loves—and her heart squeezes. She can’t do this. She can’t face both of them. Maybe she should just run away, back to Osaka, where the people she loves cannot hurt her anymore.
“Is she gone?” Chat says.
Kagami nods with tight lips. She doesn’t trust her words.
“Okay, good,” Ladybug says. She looks at Chat, then back at Kagami. “Now, will someone please explain what’s going on?”
Chat bites his lip, then sighs. “Gami, um. Walked in on me while I was transforming.”
Ladybug’s yo-yo drops from her fingers, clattering unattended onto the roof.
Chat reaches up and scratches the back of his neck, the way Adrien always does when he’s sheepish or embarrassed. (It’s strange, now, to see so much of Adrien in Chat Noir.) “I think—well, she freaked out a little bit. And she, um. Went to talk to you?”
Ladybug’s eyes go wide, and she surges forward, grabbing Chat’s shoulders with a terrified glare. “You know who I am?” she hisses.
Chat swallows, not taking his eyes off Ladybug’s. “You and Luka were the only ones who knew about Aspik.”
Ladybug blinks. “Not even you did,” she says. “Unless…” Kagami can see the gears turning in Ladybug’s mind as she looks away from Chat’s face. “Wait. Kagami saw you detransform and immediately came to me. Next thing I know, she’s messaging me that she broke up with—” She looks back at Chat, eyes wide with horror. “Adrien?”
Chat’s grin is small and watery. “Hi, Mari,” he says.
“You see why,” Kagami says, finally finding her voice. “Why I—why I—” She can’t finish the sentence. She can’t bring herself to say it.
“That wasn’t fair of you,” Ladybug growls. “Not to either of us.”
Bile rises in Kagami’s throat. “He—Marinette, he loves you. Don’t you see?” She’s begging now, pleading—Marinette has to understand. “You two—you love him, you were always meant for each other, I was just—just—an accessory!”
“How dare you!” Ladybug cries, leaping toward Kagami and tackling her into a crushing hug. Her voice is broken, wet. “How—how dare you think so—so little of yourself!”
“Don’t you see?” Kagami sobs back. “I—I love you! Both of you!” She buries her face in Ladybug’s shoulder, feeling the spandex grow wet with her own tears. “Too much to come between you.”
“And you think I don’t?” Chat snaps, finally coming out of his shocked stupor. “Kagami, I—I—” His head falls, his voice growing quiet as his ears begin to droop. “Please. Don’t—don’t make me choose.”
Ladybug and Kagami both stare at him for a long moment in a growing uncomfortable silence.
“What if…” Ladybug begins, finally. “What if you didn’t have to?”
Chat’s ears shoot straight upward as Kagami’s stomach flips inside her chest.
Ladybug steps back, placing her hands on Kagami’s shoulders. “Watching you two date has been… the hardest experience of my life.” Her eyes are searching Kagami’s face—for what, Kagami isn’t sure. “Not just because of my feelings for him, but because of… because…” She closes her eyes. “I was falling for you, too.”
A spark of impossible hope lights in Kagami’s chest. She—no. No, this isn’t possible.
“Kagami Tsurugi,” Ladybug says, her bluer than blue eyes boring into Kagami’s. “I love you.” She turns to Chat Noir. “Adrien. Chat. Mon Minou.”
Chat’s whole body straightens at that, standing a little taller, a little prouder.
Ladybug smiles. “I love you.”
“Ladybug—” Kagami begins, her voice hushed.
“You both love me, and you love each other,” Ladybug says. “What if—what if…”
Chat steps forward, taking Ladybug’s hand in his left and Kagami’s in his right. “Together,” he says.
Kagami’s heartbeat speeds up, burning through her chest as she takes Ladybug’s free hand in her own. “Together,” she agrees. She can’t believe this—none of this should be possible. She isn’t—she can’t be this lucky.
“Together,” Ladybug—Marinette—her girlfriend—finishes, giving her hand a squeeze. “The three of us against the world.”
Chat looks at Kagami. “The three of us against the world.”
Kagami smiles, trying to ignore the wetness on her face. “I would like that,” she says. “I would like that very much.”
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thebookwormfairy · 4 years
Kelpto!Marinette Au: Ft. Captain the Retired Police Dog
In this au Hawkmoth isn't active (yet) so Marinette doesn't have her miraculous (yet)
Daminette Masterlist
First things first, Captain loves his girl
Even if she had sticky fingers
He knows she's never stolen anything from stores but she does "borrow" stuff from her friends
He first noticed it when her friend Luka came over
She kept taking his guitar picks and giving them back
At one point she took it out of his hand as he was playing
Luka didn't seem mad about her taking them in fact he seemed amused if not a little fascinated by her ability to do so
The there was the time she was with her other friend Kagami
She took her fencing foil right out of her hand
Captain expect the usually cold girl to get angry at Marinette so he jumped up from his place on the side lines to protect his girl
But as he made it to his girl's side Kagami started to laugh
Kagami: I should really stop being surprised by you Marinette
Captain was surprised by the girl's reaction but was happy that she wasn't mad at the girl
Captain started to notice that his girl's friends took Marinette skills as a challenge
They would set up mini heist for Marinette to do
They always have different objectives
One of them was to steal a ring off Luka's mom's hand without her noticing
Which of course Marinette succeeded
Anarka was very impressed by this
The loud music man, Jagged Stone, and his mate, Penny Rolling, also seemed to join in on the fun
One time the objective was to steal Fang
Marinette got it done in 30 minutes and just had Fang hang out with her and Captain
The crocodile was in Marinette's room for half a day before Jagged realized that Marinette had already got him
Captain notice that these heist would usually happen whenever Marinette was stress, like when she had a lot of commissions or it was exam time at her shool
It seemed that Marinette had her sticky fingers under control until they went to Gotham
Captain could tell that Marinette was excited to go to another country
But he could also tell that she was nervous to be without her family and close friends
She wasn't on bad terms with most of the class but she wasn't exactly on good terms either
It was almost like a stalemate in a war
A war between Marinette and Lila
They were civil was the best way to describe it
But that didn't mean that Lila wasn't looking for every opportunity to to push the stalemate to her favor
For that reason Captian snucked onto the plane so that his girl would have somebody with her
Of course Lila tried to make it out like Marinette did it on purpose
But luckily Marinette was quickly able to prove that she had nothing to do with it
Marinette: I have absolutely no supplies with me to take care of Captain! What kind of irresponsible dog owner would sneak a dog into another country without making sure they had to proper shots, food, and supplies?!?!
The class had to admit if there was one thing Marinette would never do it would be putting Captain in a situation that would put him in danger
So Marinette got Captain everything he needed while the class was out shopping
Though Marinette was thrilled to have Captain with her she was stressed that Lila was going to do something to the good boy
Marinette knew Gotham was a dangerous city and she wouldn't put it past Lila to cause some sort of "accident" to either her or Captain
So with her stress level up Marinette felt her fingers begin to itch
Usually she would turn to Luka and Kagami for times like this but they were on the other side of the planet
She could feel her fingers start to twitch as she walked around the block that her class was exploring
She always been good at controlling her kelpto tendencies but her nerves were really making them act up
She started to fidget with the stuff in her pocket when she heard shouting
Marinette looked up and saw a man running from a woman
Woman: Stop that man! He took my purse!
Marinette angled her body so that she would be in the man's path
The man not paying attention to the girl now in his path ran into Marinette
He was in such a hurry he didn't realize that Marinette had switch the woman's purse for a used poop bag when he ran into her
The man continued running not realizing the switch as Marinette walked over to the woman
Marinette handing the woman her purse: Here you go
Woman: Thank you so much
Marinette: No problem
Jason in the roof across the street: Guys you would not believe what I just saw
Tim over com: let me guess you are once again for going work to do patrol during the day
Jason: Yes but you got to hear what I just saw
Dick over com: What Jason?
Jason: I was watching over the shopping district and some guy snatch this woman's purse. I was about to jump in, when he bumped into this girl with a dog who switched the woman's purse with a use pop bag! The guy still hasn't realized the switch I can see him two streets over still running!
Dick: What?!
Tim: Really?! How did she manage that?
Jason: I don't know! She got some quick fingers on her! But we can't tell Bruce. She's right in his MO for adoption
Tim: Black hair blue eyes?
Jason: Exactly!
Damian over com: Will you three idiots quiet down! Unlike you three I still have school work to do, and it's hard to do that with you three chattering in my ear. Coms are only suppose to be used for emergencies during the day!
Jason: Oh calm down Demon Spawn. I just couldn't wait to tell y'all about this girl.
Damian annoyed: Well why don't you just ask her out then?
Jason: Nah not really my type, also she's a but too young for me, she looks around your age Demon Spawn
Dick: Ohhh, maybe we should set them up together
Tim: With such quick hands she would be a great addition to our team
Jason: And she has a German sheperd with her
Dick: She sounds great! Right Little Bird?
Damian: I've have enough of this, Damian out.
Damian turned off his com cutting off his brothers' laughter
The last thing Damian needed right now was his brothers trying to set him up with some random girl who was able to trick some low level criminal
The incident with the purse snatcher relieved a bit of Marinette's stress but she could still feel her fingers twitching as she ran them through Captain's fur
She couldn't shake the feeling that something was going to happen soon
She had the okay for Captain to come with her on all her schools outings
But that didn't mean that something wasn't going to happen
She just didn't know what
The next day when Marinette was walking Captain in the park when sheet a nice (and cute) boy named Damian and they hit it off
He was such a sweet boy with his own dogs
The two just seemed to click
All Marinette's free roam time was spent with Damian, Titus, and sometimes Ace
Captain got along great with Titus and he seem to have the same instant connection to Ace
The two were often seen cuddling when Damian brought her along
Captain was a little sketch out about this new boy
He couldn't get rid of this feeling that Damian was hiding something from his girl
He tries to ask Ace and Titus about it but the two just brushed him off
Though Captain did notice as the two got closer his girl's twitchy fingers calmed down and she didn't reach to sneakily borrow something from the people around her
So he begrudgingly accept this strange boy
Marinette had to say the best part about the whole Gotham trip was meeting Damian
The two were just friends but Marinette couldn't denied the spark she felt
There might have been a bit of flirting between the two but Marinette was hesitant to form a deeper relationship with Damian because she knew how hard long distance relationships were
On her final day in Gotham Marinette and Captain went with the class to get a tour at Wayne Enterprise
It was the finally stop before they were to return home
As Marinette entered Wayne Enterprise she was surprised to find Damian their waiting for them with an older man who had black hair and blue eyes
Marinette broke away from her class who were too busy talking among themselves to notice
Marinette: Hey Damian! What are you doing here?
Damian: Hey Angel, Captian-
Dick: Wait you didn't tell her Baby Bird?
Damian blushed at the use of his nickname in front of the girl he admittedly had a crush on
He had done his best to keep her away from his family and had succeeded
The only one he really talk to about Marinette was Dick who promised to keep Marinette between the two of them
But when Damian found out that Marinette and her class were going to be touring Wayne Enterprise on their final day in Gotham
Damian tried to tell Marinette before the day arrived but whenever he was ready to tell her, he would get lost in her big blue eyes or Captain would interrupt them
So as he stood in front of the girl who has wrapped himself around her finger in such a short time he was once again at a lost for words
Marinette wrapping her hand around Damian's and giving it a squeeze: Damian are you okay?
As Marinette pulled away she realized to her horror that she accidentally stole his watch
Damian and Dick stood wide eyed as Marinette held out Damian's watch
They didn't even notice her taking it off him
Marinette: I'm soooo sorry! I really didn't mean to take this! I'm so so so sorry!
Captain moved so that he stood between Marinette's legs ready to protect her if either of the two males in front of him tried to do anything to his girl
As Marinette freaked out a little bit Dick couldn't help but laugh as this young girl was able to pull off that trick without him or Damian noticing
Damian snapping out of his shock: It's okay Marinette, that's actually a really great trick. Not many people can sneak one by me
Marinette blushing: Thanks Damian, but you didn't answer my question. What are you doing here?
Damian scratching the back of his head: Well you see Angel I'm here to help my brother give your class a tour of Wayne Enterprise
Marinette: So your Damian Wayne?
Damian: Yes, I hope that doesn't change anything between us
Marinette smiling: No, it definitely doesn't
Marinette and Captain walked back over to the class
As Damian watched Marinette walk away he went to put his watch back on only to see that it's gone from his hands
He hears a small wuff as he looks up he sees Captain sitting in front of him holding his watch
Dick: That some girl you got there Damian
Damian sighing: Yeah she is
Jason seeing a picture of Marinette and Damian together: THAT'S THE GIRL I SAW!!
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boldlyanxious · 4 years
None the Wiser 4
All fic masterlist
Prompts: habits and overprotection
Damian changed into his Robin gear and sought solace in the familiarity of the Gotham rooftops. It always helped him clear his head which was what he needed right now. His father and brothers were angry at him for how he had treated the bakers' daughter. Well, not Todd, he just laughed every time Damian walked into the room when the others got their tense looks. Even Alfred seemed disappointed with him, he didn't say it but Damian could feel the disapproval.
It would be his last night in Gotham for awhile so he took this habitual route, not to look for crime so much as to burn off his excess energy and frustration. He would be traveling to Paris under the guise of a Justice League mission to reassess the magical villain operating there. The Justice League International had previously stated that it would be best handled by the local heroes using the same magic but recent events had caused them to reassess.
But his father had been very clear. He intended to seek out his biological daughter once again and he expected Damian to make amends with his 'sister' so that she would be more willing to form a relationship with Bruce in the future. Alfred and his brothers were all on board and they couldn't figure out why Damian was being so difficult about it.
Marinette sighed in her room. Tikki flitted over to check on her. She was anxiously awaiting the results of her submission to the fashion competition. She had heard 5 others from the lycée had entered and 3 of them had heard back about their entry. It was a surprise to them that the fashion show was now part of the judging. Everyone would be presented and all would have an opportunity for their design to be seen on the runway and photographed. Two of the entries were labeled open runway and one of them had a later time and was labeled a level 2 entry.
Marinette was apprehensive waiting for her own response. She kept worrying that for some reason they would not have received her entry or that they would just tell her they didn't want to see any more from her. On top of that she had heard from Bruce again and he was returning to Paris and was hoping to see her. Her parents had suggested that if she continued seeing him when she could to appease him, he might feel less inclined to make any fuss legally.
She still hadn't told anyone but Luka about him. Marc had taken a picture of Marinette and Adrien sleeping and had shown it to her. She was fairly certain she had seen Nathaniel showing his phone to a blushing Adrien but she hadn't commented. She knew that if the picture got out his father might never let him hang out with them again. Alya had seen it too and took every opportunity to tease Marinette about it, and Adrien too, but it wasn't in front of others so it hadn't become public knowledge.
Marinette was less focused on being noticed by him because she was so worried about her entry to the competition and she was stressed anytime she thought of Bruce. She had caught her parents talking in hushed tones several times over the last few weeks. Part of her routine in the last few weeks was to race across the rooftops and sit at the Eiffel Tower not long after sunset. She didn't like to do it when there was still daylight because she worried that she would be seen or that her new habit would be noticed by those who would try to find out who she was.
This had her running into Chat Noir more frequently because he also used the rooftops as stress management. She didn't feel like she could give him details about her situation but she did mention that she was concerned about an important competition and uncertainty about a revelation involving her family. Chat Noir was always one to use his transformation as an escape. She knew his family expectations weighed on him and she really liked that they had this way to support each other especially now that she was the guardian. Sitting up on the Eiffel Tower felt like it opened up their headspace so their thinking would be more clear.
During school today Marinette had learned that all the other entrants for the competition had heard back about their entry. Lila took a moment between classes to taunt her suggesting that they didn't find anything in her entry worth mentioning. Usually she tried to ignore Lila but she happened to hit right on Marinette's biggest fear about it so she decided to go home for lunch for the peace and quiet and hopefully be able to find a letter in the mail today.
It would be just the soothing balm she needed that when she left the building for lunch she saw Damian standing out there. He saw her almost immediately and started walking towards her. Lila and Alya were there and asking questions about this boy they didn't recognize from the school walking up to Marinette. She waved off their questions and walked up to him rather than risk him saying things that would give away her secret before she was ready.
"What do you want?" Marinette asked him.
"I've been told you need an apology," he said.
"I'm listening," she replied.
"Listening for what?" he asked, confused.
"An apology." she said.
"That was the apology," he stated.
"Wow, that was exceptionally poor. So good to see you again."
"Well what do you want from me?"
She paused for a moment to assess him.
"Nothing," she said and then she walked away.
The mail had not arrived by the end of lunch so Marinette was still nervous about it when she returned. She should have considered more carefully who had seen her talking with Damian on her way or because apparently it had been a topic discussed by many while she was away. Alya told her that Lila was very worried about her and thought the boy was a criminal and was probably trying to drag Marinette into a life of crime.
"Marinette, he looked a lot like the boy you were trying to get away from a few weeks ago." Sabrina said.
That comment had people buzzing with renewed energy. They all wanted details about the incident from a few weeks ago and we're looking for any details they had missed when they watched Marinette talk with him outside. Sabrina was too close with Chloe to go out of her way to be concerned about Marinette.
"It's nothing," Marinette said. "I met him officially after that incident. Our parents know each other but we don't really get along."
Marinette walked away to head to class without any further comment. Alya caught up to her, clearly thinking she would get more details. She was telling Marinette all the things Lila thought she knew about him but Marinette didn't know enough about him to have a clear refutation.
"I really don't know him well, Alya. We met once. I know his name is Damian and he lives in America. I met his dad and brothers."
"He's pretty cute. You don't think there is some enemies-to-lovers energy there?" Alya waggled her eyebrows.
"No, definitely not."
Marinette was trying to keep her voice down because there was way too much interest in this from their classmates who were pulling out their books while clearly trying to hear the conversation. Adrien looked slightly concerned and Noah clearly wanted to say something. He hadn't directly talked to Marinette about his interest but he made a few comments to imply he would be interested. It was still pretty early in the first year of lycée so students from the different collèges hadn't fully gotten to know the other groups but Rochelle had made it clear to the other girls that Noah was off limits to them.
Small blessings of new teachers at lycée was that they were better at managing the group than Mlle Bustier. She was young and wanted to be friends with the students she had taught for her first 3 years as a teacher but the lycée teachers started class promptly and it saved Marinette from being the object of discussion. Of course they were still discussing genetics so Marinette's mind wandered to how her biology might have played a role in her characteristics. She had started avoiding answering any questions about her or her parents for fear that her parentage discrepancy would become obvious to others.
She looked around when she was leaving for the day to make sure Damian wasn't around. The last thing she needed was for him to appear and keep himself in the memory of her nosy classmates. Still she was surprised when Noah appeared in front of her. She made an awkward squeaking sound and then quickly covered her mouth. He smiled at her, not quite letting out a laugh.
"Can I walk to the bakery with you?" he asked.
"Uh, yeah. Did you need to get baked goods?"
"No. I live that way and I wanted to walk with you," he paused but continued when she didn't respond. "Rumor has it you entered the fashion competition."
"I did. I'm still waiting to hear back. I'm so nervous," she said.
"You shouldn't be. I think they are sending them out by level. The first people to get them back were labeled 'open' then came different levels."
She stared at him and then thought it through. He might be right. Based on the ones she had seen the first to hear back had earlier times and the other she knew had received it over the weekend. She hadn't seen it or heard any details of the latest 2 to hear back.
"Do you think?" she asked.
"I do. I bet yours will arrive soon and you will be in the highest group," he said confidently.
It was such a new experience having so many classmates that she didn't know well. It was a smaller group from collège when the schools combined and it had been 3 years ago. It was 2 schools together but for lycée they came from 6 schools several of which were larger than her old school. They felt like little ducklings leaving the safe nest into a huge pond.
When she opened the door she turned to wave Noah off but he was following her into the bakery. She felt a little weird about questioning a possible customer but also a little flustered because it felt like he was following her home. She was quickly distracted by her mother pausing helping her line of customers to lift an envelope where she could see it. She didn't realize that she had grabbed on to Noah's arm like she would one of her other friends but he didn't mind knowing how nervous she was. She pulled her hand back when she realized but asked if he wanted to stay with her while she opened it.
Bruce was frustrated by the Justice League meeting. It felt like it was mostly filler and introductions. He already knew everyone and he was distracted by his desire to see Marinette. He knew Damian had gone over that way while he was organizing it and he didn't say that it went well which meant it was probably a disaster. He just wanted to get the meeting over with so he could rush over to fix whatever Damian had done.
He connected with the Justice League International team because of their change in status with the shift in magic being used there. But mostly he needed a cover for continued visits without looking suspicious. Mostly they were activating younger members because of the suspected age of the magical heroes but they needed a few older members for coordinating missions and solving disputes. He wasn't sure he was the best for that particular part of the mission but since Damian, Jon, and Wally were involved he could at least be there to transport them.
He was headed towards the bakery but he saw her in the park near her house so he walked that way just in time to see her jump up and down and hug a boy her age. He walked up and waited to see if her giddiness would fade. He suspected that it would have stayed for quite awhile. She was reaching into her bag for her phone when she saw him looming nearby. She silenced herself immediately as she froze.
Noah looked up at the man watching. He thought Marinette must know him based on her reaction to his presence. If he hadn't just met her parents he would think that he would make the perfect overprotective father. Perhaps he was an uncle. He had a similar, solid build to Tom Dupain but none of his easy-going manner or corny jokes delivered with a smile.
"I thought you weren't meant to be around until later," Marinette said, addressing the man.
"I finished my meeting early so I went ahead and came by."
"I'll need to talk to my parents but I can meet you back out here in a few minutes," she said. She turned to Noah, " Thanks for being with me while I read that. Just don't tell anyone. Alya will kill me if she finds it you knew before her."
"I wouldn't dream of telling. I'll see you tomorrow," Noah replied. He waved and headed off towards his home.
**hoping to get the next couple prompts out very soon. I also posted a loosely connected part for the driving prompt not long ago.
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chicoriii · 3 years
Season 4, Episode 2 - Mensonge (Lies)
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Welcome again. I had been logged out from Tumblr for the whole weekend, because I was afraid of untagged spoilers, as I've seen one screenshot here accidentally, fortunately it wasn't spoilerish. And I've watched the Lies today. Again without reading other's people opinion about the episode, so I probably write things that have been said before.
I enjoyed it more than Truth. But not because it's better written, I think the overall quality of both is similar. Lies is about characters I care about more, so it's natural that the episode is automatically more interesting to me. I dislike both Luka and Jagged (to be fair the only member of the Couffaine family I like is Juleka) and that would be hard to make me caring about them, the best thing I could say about any of those characters is that I tolerate them on screen. Sometimes. Don't get me wrong, Truth was the best episode for Luka and Jagged, but they are still dull and/or annoying to me. Creators need to develop son-father relationship more to make me interested in it, that arc was too shallow in Truth.
But the post is about Adrigami episode, not Lukanette one.
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I'm surprised that we got only one not very long scene with civilian Marinette. But not surprised that she's still pining over Adrien. Just like Chat is pining over Ladybug. As I'm keeping saying, it's not gonna change. But really, Marinette thinks that Adrien's life is perfect? She should know that tight schedule could be a big problem and has she forgotten what terrible father is Gabriel? Of course she doesn't know details we know, but she should be aware that he isn't as good parent like her own. So probably her enamored brain can't see bad sides of life of her loved one. She still can't think rational when it comes to him. Another reason why she should stop putting him on a pedestal. We need some friendly Adrienette so badly, we need to see Adrien telling her more bad things in his life. He isn't used to complain, but I think he needs to tell someone the truth about his family life. I hope Marinette will be that person.
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I had been tired of clown Chat in Truth, but this episode lets us to see the situation from his point of view and now I understand more why he behaves like that. I think that he tries to hide from Ladybug how much he miss spending time with her that way. He is aware that's because of her new responsibility and he doesn't want to make her feel bad for it. Those scenes were so sweet. How much Chat wants an Akuma to appear just to see his lady. Not very noble, but I can't blame him. It only shows that Adrien is a normal human being. We all are selfish from time to time and it's healthy (you only have to find a good balance, being as selfish as Chloé and as selfless as Luka is not good).
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Geez, why they can't put the right title of the piece? That's a different composition than that one used back in season 2, but the smartphone's screen says the same. And none of them is actually Raindrop Prelude. This is Raindrop Prelude. They are not even any of Chopin's preludes. I won't be surprised if both are not Fryderyk Chopin's compositions either (although I haven't heard all the solo piano pieces composed by him, so I can't be sure). I love classical music, so I'd love to know what pieces Adrien's playing! By the way, I recommend to listen to all of the 24 preludes, they are usually very short but interesting compositions. If you're too lazy to listen to all, check out number 20 at least, that's a pure, very atmospheric, beauty. One of my favourites melodies ever created.
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I have always thought that Adrigami has more chemistry and it's generally more entertaining to watch than Lukanette (sorry stans, but you probably don't even follow me and read my posts,  there's a reason why I'm warning that my blog is not Luka and Lukanette friendly in its description). I feel that in this episode as well. Absolutely it's not a perfect relationship and it can't be, as Adrien is still into Ladybug. It's clear that Kagami is the one who really cares, Adrien is more distant. It seems that he's abashed of Kagami's physical intimacy, like he can't be open to her when he's still in love with Ladybug. That was really sad to hear Kagami's words that she's lying to be more often with him and he lies to not spend time with her. But relationship can't work if only one side is invested in it and they both need to learn it. They have some things in common, I like how they spending time together, so I'm sure they would work much better as friends. I'm sorry for Kagami and I wish her a better boyfriend who would love her truly. In some way it was a repeat of Truth, as we've seen Adrien leaving Kagami all of sudden, because of Akuma's attacks, but this time it's not as heavily portrayed like it's not working only because of superhero responsibility, that I didn't like in the previous episode. Another reason why I liked how Adrigami is shown more.
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I really, really loved that we've learnt something new about Kagami and that's amazing it's something I have in common with her. I'm really surprised, since she didn't seem to have an artistic soul before. I also love seeing she likes draw animals, it's like me, I'm trying practise it. I enjoy drawing animals (and creatures like Kwamis or Pokémon) more than humans. But at the same time I feel angry at her mother. How could she dare to say that Kagami isn't good enough? Trying to kill a child's hobby is always unforgivable. She's much better than me (I'm a little jealous, but that's not the first time when a teen has much better skill than me), but my family and some others I know in real life often say that I'm talented and some people try to convince me to take pay commissions. That’s me who knows the best than I'm not skilled enough to take money for my art (they don't know really good artists in person and they don’t draw themselves, so no wonder they are not aware that my works aren't that good they think). Maybe some day, but not now, so I only enjoy drawing gifts for others. I'm also got interested in a real French artist she mentioned - Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec and I've seen some of his works. Very good for Miraculous for mentioning artist like him, I have never heard about him before, but maybe French students learn about him in school.
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Seeing Adrien making Chat's pose was hilarious. I'm sure it's food for true selves trope supporters, but I also agree with Kagami that both model poses and Chat's poses are not ALL Adrien poses. He's more than that. That seemed like he has problems with being natural when he's on the pressure. He's learned how to make model poses, but I also think that when he is in full clown mode is also an act. But that's a mask which he has putted all by himself. In which he tries to be as much different than his public image as he can. Of course being dorky is also a true Adrien side, but not all the time. Being just a cute and polite boy is also true him. It seems that Adrien is not aware of it.
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Marinette's lucky charm bracelet is an akumatised object once more. That and the fact she was asking him what he was doing on the boat tell us that Kagami probably think that Adrien is in love with Marinette (it could make also her wonder what stop them from being together if she knows that Marinette likes him as well).
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I also liked her reaction to imminent breaking up more. It's more human reaction in my opinion. Some anger, but not too much. She says she doesn't want to see him for a while and that's completely understandable. Adrien has broken her heart, so she need some time to take care of herself without being interrupted by him. I'm going to say something that could be seen controversial, but in my opinion her attitude is way more healthy than Luka's. He still waits for a girl who clearly likes another boy much, but she's trying to really give up on him. And I would like to see a scene in which she says him that Marinette is not worth his waiting, he should be open for another love instead. Uff, I was really worried that they might kill Adrien and Kagami characters. But nothing really bad happened in the episode between them, everything was in-character. Of course salters will still find reasons to hate Kagami, they can say she's possessive towards him (that's true to some extent, but I think it's not really toxic, as she's still cares about his true feelings).
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I need to say that Lies is the worst S4 Akuma design we've seen till now. Riposte and Oni-chan were much better. Also the battle was the worst part of this episode in my opinion. It wasn't completely bad, but it felt somewhat boring to me. I definitely enjoyed fights against Truth and Furious Fu more. The thing about that I liked the most what how they made use of Fang.
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So the season 4 version of Chat Noir's transformation theme is exactly the same they used in the Shanghai special. It wasn't obvious, since Ladybug's one is a different one than that in the show. I noticed that that Ladybug's theme feels more like a new composition which only uses parts of an original version, while Chat's is clearly "just" an arrangement of the theme we know since season 1. Maybe that's because it's supposed to symbolise that she has even more responsibility now, as she's the Guardian as well. Chat's role hasn't changed that much as hers. I also think the new arrangement sounds cooler, it's more electric guitar-driven. I can't wait to get any of the episodes in which there's his transformation sequence with 5.1 audio to rip it.
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All three released episodes are nice for Ladynoir a lot, their scenes are all sweet and wholesome. It almost feel like Ladynoir is close to happen. But I feel that's just calm before the storm. Marinette hasn't reached to her worst moment yet. I'm sure Ladybug will have more breakdowns like that in the season 3 finale.
Three episodes aired and I'm not amazed by any of them. But I don't want to be salty, I'm not worried about that. That's true for season 3 as well, I enjoy the second part of the season more as well. It's important to save the best episodes for later. And I have never expected that I would love all the S4 episodes, despite of pre-release statements, it's impossible. I'm not disappointed. Yet. Just give me some Adrienette food. Please.
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thepigeonsopinion · 3 years
As I said, after my theory and salt rant on the spoilers and trailers for the episode “Crocoduel” (link down below)
I would probably say my thoughts on the episode after I was done watching the episode itself. So, here I am. :)
Also, I’m on a road trip with my family and some family friends, so I watched the episode and typed this up late (or early) night (or morning) so…:p
Anyways! Before I start saying my thoughts on the episode, let’s do a summary or a synopsis of the episode.
Warning: Spoilers for “Crocoduel”
The episode starts during Kitty Section Rehearsal. Everyone is having fun, while Kitty Section is playing. When Kitty Section finished their set and everyone was praising them Luka all of sudden mentions that Marinette hasn’t been to rehearsals in a while, which leads Luka to think that she’s avoiding him, which also leads to him starting to get depressed. Everyone tries to reassure him that she isn’t avoiding him, she’s just really busy (mainly Rose). It doesn’t work and Luka gets more depressed and leaves the group. The group then tries to make a plan to help Luka and Marinette by exploiting the twins b-day.They ask Juleka if she approves of the plan and she nods. Juleka then tells Luka about the party that they’re having on the boat. Luka gets excited to see Marinette and everyone at the party. After, Marinette finds about the party on the Liberty she’s able to piece together the groups plan and ask Juleka if she can somehow find a way for Luka not to be there at the party. Juleka tries to tell or ask Luka if he can’t attend the party, but she doesn’t have the heart to tell him. Then, all of sudden Jagged comes the through the porthole of the twins room. Jagged gives Luka the attention while Juleka is in the corner. Anarka burst into room to tell Jagged he is not allowed on the boat, which results in Jagged being invited to the twins b-day party. On the day of the party, while everyone is going down to the Liberty, Juleka starts to feel anxious about not being able to comply to everyone’s wishes. When Marinette goes to thank Juleka she sees Luka and starts to panic and leaves below deck. Luka takes this as a sign she doesn’t want to be his friend anymore and starts feeling depressed, which almost causes his akumatization Luckily, everyone is there to reassure and comfort him. Meanwhile, with Juleka and Marinette, Marinette asks her why Juleka wasn’t able to not invite Luka, which Juleka starts to feel guilty about it which almost causes her akumatization, but Marinette is there to comfort her. Cue, Jagged coming aboard the Liberty and greets Luka. They go downstairs so Jagged can give his present to Luka. Juleka starts to feel left out and Marinette calls him out. Jagged explain to them that it was a misunderstanding and tells them that the gift was for Juleka and the gift Luka gets is an old record of Jagged and Anarka’s is old music. Anarka sees this and tells him not give Luka that because it’s the reason they fell apart. Jagged disagrees with Anarka and they get into argument, which results in both of them being akumatized. Everyone evacuates the boat and watches the two akumas. The akumas instead of putting an onslaught on Paris they fight each other in a battle. But, when Ladybug appears and intervenes they both go after her. Meanwhile, Adrien is getting ready for a photoshoot (i assume idrk and idrc :)) and sees the commotion and transforms into Chat Noir. (ok guys yk the drill) Ladybug and Chat Noir fight against the akumas, then Ladybug has to use Lucky Charm. The charm leads her to get Juleka and give her the tiger miraculous, which debuts the super heroine Tigress Pourpre (or purple tiger as it said in the english sub :)). Meanwhile, the akumas bring their fight up to the sky and have a stare down before the two super heroines intervene. They get the akumatized object. Tigress uses her power “Collision” (which i still don’t know what it does other than it sends a power full force or punch). They capture the akuma and Ladybug does her Miraculous Ladybug and everything returns as the way it was before the akuma attack. Jagged and Anarka start arguing again until Juleka finally stands up and yells at them to talk instead of argue. They two are shocked, but comply and they make up. The party continues, Jagged and Juleka have their little moment, and Marinette and Luka have a talk about how Marinette avoiding Luka made him feel, which ends on them agreeing to be friends. End of episode.
Wow! That was a long, detailed, and unnecessary summary, but, oh well it’s too late now. :p
Now onto my thoughts on this whole episode :)
So, let’s start off from the beginning. I liked how the costumes were the exact same as the “Silencer” episode, EXACTLY the same :) (you can tell i’m being sarcastic) But, in all seriousness I wish the outfits were a bit different, but I get it, I still like the original costumes though. Luka being sad about Marinette really struck a sad chord in my heart (because I have a soft spot for Luka). And when Rose tried to cheer up Luka by saying she was just busy with water ponies and all that, some might find that stuff endearing and funny, but tbh I found that kinda unnecessary. Not to mention, the way Rose described Marinette’s favorite “water pony” “Pom Pony” it suspiciously sounded a lot like Adrien Freaking Sunshine Agreste. I mean “has a gold mane. that is just so good to brush! But he is super sensible” doesn’t that ring a bell of some kind, it’s kinda obvious with the gold mane, but then again I might be looking to far into that. Anyway, moving forward, I know Juleka is kinda like the outcast or the seventh wheel of the group, but like come on! It was clear that she didn’t think that the plan was great idea, but she just didn’t have the courage to say anything. Like, can’t anyone see that she seems uncomfortable. But, I guess that was a bit redeemed when they gave us a cute julerose moment. Moving forward, to when Alya was talking to Marinette, so the scene itself wasn’t that bad, but when Marinette went up and said and I quote “But…it’s going to be so weird! You know that Luka loves me and I love Adrien! And every time we see each other. he gets hurt because he knows I will never feel the same!”, “You know that Luka loves me and I love Adrien!” “I LoVe AdRiEN!?”. I swear to everything that is keeping me sane if I hear Marinette mention how much she LoVeS AdRiEn and how much she wishes he would notice her I’m going to lose it. I mean, all crushes are valid, but come on! Do we a need a reminder EVERY FREAKING EPISODE! Also, where are the Adrien pictures I swear they were there before, but idk. Also, for once I agree with Alya, she can’t keep avoiding Luka I mean look at this sad boy…
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I don’t wanna see this boy frown I wanna see this boy happy and play happy chords on his guitar not sad ones :( Anyway, more into the episode, I feel so bad for Juleka. She really was everyone’s scapegoat this episode. Not to mention, how she felt left out and guilty at the same time. For one, not being as acknowledged as one should be on their b-day on both her family and friends. And then she also felt guilty for not complying to Marinette’s request and feeling bad if she did comply to Marinette’s request. Moving along with the episode, I know that Jagged being Luka and Juleka’s dad is a big “shocker” but come on Marinette you knew that Jagged was Luka’s dad you were there! It so easy to piece together that he’s also Juleka’s father too because, well they’re twins! But, I digress. Speaking of twins, everyone is aware that Luka and Juleka are twins, but (and yes I am bringing this back up) in the synopsis they only say “Juleka’s Birthday”, I would’ve played it off if no one knew that they were twins and it was supposed to be a big reveal where everyone found they were twins (even if Astruc spoiled it already) but no, everyone was aware that they were twins, so I don’t see why it they couldn’t have just added his name in or said the Twin’s Birthday. But, okay I guess they’re just lazy. So, where was I? Oh, right! So,Marinette goes below deck and Juleka follows and in which results in Marinette comforting her. And I feel like that this is the reassurance that Juleka needed, to know that everything was going to be ok because when you look at her face in that scene all her negative thoughts leave her and she feels liberated of some sorts. Fast forward to when the parents get akumatized, three words Couffaine Family Drama and that’s it, that’s legit all I got on that. Anyways! Onto when Ladybug intervened in the akuma fight, I still don’t get why they had to include the scene of Adrien getting ready for something, I kinda think that scene was a bit unnecessary. Like, even if that scene wasn’t included in the final cut of the episode I would’ve been fine, but okay we’ll just deal with the scene. Not to mention, they had to make Chat Noir appear right after Ladybug get hits by the canon ball, some people say coincidence, I say convenient. Now, let’s talk about the lady of the hour, the new super heroine, Tigress Pourpe! I LOVE HER! and I’m not joking. Even when Juleka met Roar, her kwami, I was like “YES!” because Roar actually is the one that helps Juleka get her confidence to help her in suit and out. Not to mention, the relationship between the two is really cute. Even, Juleka’s suit is beautiful and very detailed and you can see the confidence that the Juleka has in the suit. And I AM HERE FOR IT! I also love that Juleka’s super heroine identity is apart of her overall character arc because of how you can see that Juleka standing up to her parents is the first step for her to be able to overcome her anxieties and become more confident in herself. Also, the Jagged and Juleka moment was so cute. I kinda underestimated Jagged as father figure. You can really see that he is trying his best to spend time and provide for his kids and I love it. Now onto the final scene, first of all, I am so relieved that Luka didn’t say “You and Adrien are meant to be” because I swear if he did I would’ve been dead on the floor. Second of all, I freaking melted when Luka said “it hurt more not to see you”. You can tell how much Luka loves and cares about Marinette when he only needs to be her friend to be satisfied, he doesn’t have to be in a serious relationship with her he just needs to be her friend and be able to see her. Luka deserves so much more than what the show has given him.
And with that my rant and review on the episode “Crocoduel” is finished.
I know I probably left some things out, but if I have an epiphany I’ll probably just post it later. Now that this is finished I’ll probably also do a rant or review on the episode “Wishmaker” because I’m very hyped to see it and I know I’ll have a lot to say about it.
And with that I hope everyone has a great rest of their day (or night)! :)
And always remember…
But that’s just my opinion (・ε・)
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manunelle · 3 years
Part 1: Red
I am sure that she does not want to see me.”
He stared at the basket, contemplating the idea of decorating it with a ribbon. Maybe it would make her happy? But...What was her favorite color? 
“And why not?” 
“Because she doesn’t…Because I don’t…”
Why not? 
I started writing the second part of Red soon after I finished it, but I never had the time to finish it. I found it on my cellphone and decided to finish it. It’s supposed to be a three chapter fanfiction, so look foward a part 3! 
I hope you guys enjoy it! 
TW: Mention of prostitution and prejudice towards disabled people. 
Blanc left the room, trying to hide his tiredness and shock. He raised his head slowly, staring at the two brothers with a gaze that showed many emotions- among them, disappointment.
“Is she asleep?” Jonah asked, anxiously tightening the package he held between his hands. 
Luka observed him quickly, straightening his back in an attempt to show firmness. He could’ve managed it, if it weren’t for his shaking hands. 
“Yes, she just dozed off. Oliver is inside there with her, so there’s nothing to worry about.” He took his glasses off his face, wiping them delicately with a handkerchief. “Anything else?”
Luka and Jonah looked at each other, unsure of what to say. 
During a whole month, The Black and Red armies discussed the Alice case. Lancelot had made it clear that the girl would stay with the Red Army, returning to the Land of Reason as soon as the full moon reached the sky. Obviously, Ray and his companions went against this idea, demanding that the young woman was put under the care of the Black Army. Only when Blanc and Oliver interfered on the matter that it was decided that Alice would stay with them, on neutral ground. 
Nobody asked her anything. Actually, since the incident, no word left her lips. Kyle and Jonah tried to cheer her up with motivational speeches and pastries brought from town, Fenrir and Seth did their best to try to coach laughs from her, but, in any cases, no emotion appeared on her face. She only stared at them with an empty gaze, her pink lips pressed in a tight line. Just like a doll.
“Won’t you guys need help?” Jonah asked, bringing Luka back to the present. “I-I can send one of my men to help. Or I could!” Luka felt surprise run through his body; never in his life had he seen Jonah act in such a way. 
“No, no. It won’t be necessary.”
“But won’t you need to carry her? To bath her, dress her, and even to take her on walks….Won’t it be too much for you two?” He looked nervously at Luka, as if demanding support from him. “We two can help!” 
Normally, Luka would be angry for being involved without being consulted before, but, at that moment, he only agreed with Jonah, nodding quickly. He would do anything to help. 
“It won’t be necessary.” Blanc laughed, a fake laugh. “This old man still has some strength on his body. And Oliver will be here to help me...Everything will be okay.” Suddenly, his smile disappeared, a serious expression forming on his face. “So, you two need to go. I am sure that, for now, the young lady needs distance from anyone that is involved with both armies.”
Luka nodded robotically, cold sweat running down his nape. He turned his back to his brother and the record keeper, walking slowly towards the door. 
“I-I-” He heard Jonah clearing his throat, trying to pretend that his stutter was nothing but an itch on his throat. “I brought this for her...Hah, I don’t even know if she likes it.”
Luka heard the noise of the package being passed to Blanc, but he didn’t turn back to see what it was. When he was in front of the door, Blanc answered calmly. 
“I am sure that she will enjoy the Mille Feule, Jonah.”
How ridiculous. 
Another full moon had passed, and Alice was still in Cradle. 
Luka did not know her true name, nor her age, or what she liked to do and not even if she wanted to stay in wonderland. He hadn’t visited her since she started living with the White Rabbit, feeling intimidated by the disappointed look on Blanc’s face and by Oliver’s insults and, above all, the empty look of the woman. 
Fenrir and Seth visited the record keeper’s house every day- always without their army uniforms. Sometimes, Ray accompanied them, and even Sirius joined them once, taking flowers and desserts to try to raise her spirits. 
He heard from Sirius that Kyle and Zero also visited her regularly, the first to check on her condition, and the second to help Blanc and Oliver on her time outside, guiding her wheelchair (a gift from Oliver) around calm places, with few people around. God, even Jonah went to visit the foreign woman. Fenrir had told him that there were many times that they arrived at the residence and found the Queen of Hearts and Alice chatting calmly and sharing pastries that she could not eat alone. 
Even if knew all this, Luka didn’t have the courage to visit Alice. Every night he repeated to himself that he would visit her tomorrow, that tomorrow would be the day that he would apologize to her. But, every single morning, he’d hide between excuses to not fulfill his promises. 
He really was a pathetic person. 
“You should come too.” Sirius said, a serious look, almost disapproving, on his face. “It’s the least you can do for her.” 
Luka sighed, putting some Cinnamon Rolls that he had baked this morning on a basket. 
“I am sure that she does not want to see me.”
He stared at the basket, contemplating the idea of decorating it with a ribbon. Maybe it would make her happy? But...What was her favorite color? 
“And why not?” 
“Because she doesn’t…Because I don’t…”
Why not? 
He looked away from Sirius’ eyes, trying to escape from the judgement and disappointment that only existed on his head. Shoving the basket full of pastries and fruits at Sirius' arms, Luka left the kitchen, ignoring Sirius' attempt of calling him back. 
Why not? 
Luka only visited Blanc’s house six months later. A month before, they had finally discovered the whole truth about Lancelot and Amon, joining forces and defeating the ill-intent man. Now, both armies were busy with dealing with the aftermaths of the war, working together to reconstruct their country and look after it. 
However, because everybody was so busy, no one had time to visit the young lady that came from the land above. 
Yes, she was still there. 
After half a year. 
To be honest, he didn’t want to come, but when neither Sirius’ pleas nor Jonah’s invitations convinced him, Ray just used his position as his King and ordered him to pay a visit to the record keeper. So, of course, he was obliged to obey. 
Deep down, he was kind of glad that Ray had done it. He finally had a reason to go see the woman. To apologize. 
But why was he so scared? So nervous? 
Finally reaching the house, he knocked on the door softly, hoping that neither Blanc nor Oliver would hear it. Unfortunately, the door swung open, a familiar small boy glaring at him. 
“Hello, Oliver.” 
“Hello, Oliver.” He imitated, mocking him. He crossed his arms, still glaring at Luka as if he was some kind of bug. “Are you going to stay there the whole day or tell me what you want? I don’t have all day, y’know.” 
“Hm, Ray asked me to drop this.” He raised the box of homemade cupcakes, showing it to Oliver. “And to check if you guys aren’t having any difficulties with...with…” 
“With?” Oliver narrowed his eyes, his glare intensifying. 
Luka gulped, squeezing the box with his gloved fingers. 
Before he could continue, the record keeper appeared, smiling brightly when he saw Luka. 
“And here I was wondering what was taking Oliver so long…” He said, patting the boy’s head. Oliver slapped him away, outraged. “Hello, Luka. It’s been a long time, huh?” 
“Yes.” He answered, simply. 
Blanc’s smile widened. 
“Please, enter! It’s almost tea time.” 
He did as he was asked, handing the cupcakes to Blanc, who thanked him and left him sitting in front of the tea table. Oliver had gone back to whatever he was doing before, so now he was all alone. 
He kept looking around anxiously, looking for a sign of her existence, be it an object of her person itself. Blanc entered the room, carrying a steaming teapot. 
“Is earl grey to your taste?” He asked, and Luka nodded quietly. Blanc smiled, filling his cup with the delicious-smelling liquid. “I’ll be back in a minute.” 
He raised the cup to his lips, eyeing Blanc with expectation. Would he bring her in the room? Would she have tea with them? Would they talk? 
Would he finally be able to apologize? 
However, instead of Alice, Blanc brought a tray of cookies and the homemade cupcakes that Luka had baked, setting it on the table. 
“Oliver, come and join us!” He shouted, and Luka almost protested. Blanc turned his attention back to him, moving his own cup towards his lips. “And how have you been, Luka?” 
“Is everything alright at the army? Have they been treating you well?” Oliver entered the room, sitting on the chair next to Blanc. He glared at Luka, not stopping even when Blanc elbowed him on the arm. 
“Yes, everyone’s really kind.” He said, sipping the warm tea. “Ray and Fenrir sent their regards.” 
“Oh, how kind of them.” Blanc said, snatching a cookie from the tray and munching on it. 
Calmly, Luka set his cup on the saucer. Feeling his heart jumping desperately on his chest, he moved his gaze to Blanc, who quirked both eyebrows, surprised.
“What is it, Lu-
“Blanc-san, how is...How is…” He really wanted to ask it, he really wanted to. But he had no idea what her name was, and calling her Alice sounded so very wrong. “How is she?” He finally asked, his hands trembling on his lap. 
Blanc smiled softly, understanding the cause of his nervosism. He stopped chewing on the cookie, setting it beside his cup. 
“Do not worry, young lad.” He comforted Luka, Oliver scoffing at his side. “She is much better, that I can assure you.”
“Oh, yes, much better.” Oliver mocked, receiving a side-eyed glare from Blanc. 
“Better than when she arrived, Oliver.” 
“Right, at least now she talks to us, huh?” He sneered, and Luka winced. The disgust and outrage was clear on his voice. “Now she’s more docile, right? Now she doesn’t act like a freak, so that’s good, huh? Now she can go back to that good for nothing land as if nothing happened, right? Everything will be the same, huh? That’s what you guys have been telling her since it happened, so of course it’s the truth.”
Luka lowered his gaze, ashamed.
Oliver raised himself from his chair, the object falling on the floor. 
“Of course that’s bullshit!” He shouted, his fist connecting with the table and making the other two jump. “Of course that’s not true! There’s no way that she can go back to her life. She will be treated like a freak! She won’t be able to work, no one will want to job a legless woman. She has no family up there, so there’s no one that can provide and take care of her! In the end, the only job that she will be able to take is at night-
“Oliver, that’s enough!” Blanc shouted back, also rising from his chair. They glared at each other, Blanc with an intimidating look and Oliver out of breath. “Do you want her to hear you?” He hissed, and Oliver hid his face behind one hand, as if realizing what he had just done. 
The two sat back, a horrible silence taking the room. 
Luka knew nothing about the Land of Reason. He wasn’t close to Oliver, and he never had a conversation with the woman to know what kind of place they came from. However, a country that didn’t care about their people was not what he expected. Actually, it was far from it. 
Blanc sighed, smiling fakely at Luka. 
“Luka, please inform the King of Spades that young Charlotte will be staying with us permanently.” He said, sipping the tea that was probably cold by now. “We’ll also inform the King of Hearts about it.”
He nodded, only to show that he had heard what Blanc said. 
“Please, don’t make that face.” 
He nodded again, placing both hands on the table and rising from the chair. 
“Hm, I think I should go.”
“What? So soon? Please, stay a bit more.” 
“No...I have some things to attend to. I was just passing by.” 
Oliver and Blanc looked at each other, seeing through his lie. 
“But...don’t you want to see her?” Blanc asked, and Luka’s heart jumped. “She’s upstairs, napping. But she’s probably awake by now...I’m sure she would enjoy your company.”
He looked back at Blanc, shaking. The man smiled gently, but Luka averted his gaze again, closing his hand into fists. 
“No. I really need to go.” 
“Oh. Okay.” He said, simply, disappointment clear on his voice. 
He guided Luka to the door, seeing him off. 
Only when he reached the gates of the Black Army that he felt the tears starting to stream through his face. Sirius saw him from a distance, running towards him when he fell on his hands and knees, an animalistic sob leaving his lips. 
He really was a coward. 
A coward. 
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tewqut · 4 years
At the end, time always runs out.
One shot angst Lukanette with a sort of happy ending
“Let’s go, Luka! Prom starts in exactly 30 minutes! We still need to pick up Rose.” Juleka yelled from the other room as she quickly checked herself in the mirror. She had a beautiful purple nightgown filled with black flowers all around the edges. Her hair had purple highlights and no longer covered her eye. She had grown to be a more confident woman than she was back in collège.
She opened the door to see Luka laying on the bed under his sheet covers, reading a book with his hoodie and pijamas. “Hey Jules.” His voice raspier than usual. He also changed his hair. He stopped straightening his hair, revealing his natural wavy locks tossed to the side. He had highlights as well, but his were blue.
Juleka's hard glare softened at the sight of her brother. “Are you still sick? I thought you said you felt better.” He was now pale and had red spots on his left wrist.
She sat down next to him as he placed his book down, “I’m fine Jules. Just don’t feel like going after all.”
“I feel like I should stay home with you. You know, to take care of you now.”
Luka coughed before he shook his head, “No. Absolutely not. You have to go. It’s your senior prom and Rose isn’t just going to get engaged by herself.” He grinned, knowing well about his sister’s plan to purpose yet didn’t know about Marinette’s plan.
Oh boy, her future sister-in-law was going to have to change plans.
“Are you sure you can’t just come for a bit? I’m sure Mom can come pick you up anytime.” She secretly pleaded he would come for the sake of Marinette. Maybe, just maybe after the two love birds finally got together he would feel better. “Besides, Adrien ordered an eight person limo. Marinette’s going to be looking for you.”
He gave a light cough and groaned before tossing around to the other side, facing away from Juleka. She heard a honk from outside their houseboat. They were here for her. “I’m worried about you, Luka, but I’ll see you later. If you need anything, Mom is home.”
Hearing no response, but just a goodbye wave from him, she left with her friends. After she was gone, he turned around again. “Yeah I’m worried about me too.” He whispered quietly to himself. He felt something running down his nose. Blood. “Oh no! Not again!” He hissed, quickly getting up and rushed to the bathroom.
“Where’s Luka?” Marinette asked as everyone started getting out of the limo. She had arrived first to the ballroom to help her parents set up the desserts.
“He’s not feeling well right now.” Juleka answered.
There goes her plan flying out of the window. She bit her lip in thought, “Maybe I should stay with him.” she said before receiving a bunch of objections from her friends.
“No! Girl this is your prom! You can’t miss it!”
“Dudenette, this a one in a lifetime!”
“I’m sure Luka wouldn’t want you to miss it.”
“You always dreamed of attending prom with that exact dress.”
“Let’s go!” Rose grabbed her arm and dragged her in while everyone followed, laughing. She figured she can always check on him after prom and come up with another plan to tell him how much he meant to her.
Luka came out of the bathroom, holding a towel up under his nose. His eyes landed on the white tuxedo blazer with black lapels Marinette had made just for him. Marinette. He had told her he was going to be there. Letting out a sad sigh, he shook his head and laid back on his bed facing away from it before he looked back at it again.
“Alright people! How are we feeling tonight?!” The Dj asked as everyone shouted and cheered. “It’s time to announce the prom king and queen of this year. This year’s prom king and queen are… Adrien Agreste and Kagami Tsurugi!”
Everyone cheered as they happily went to collect their crowns and had their first dance as prom king and queen. Marinette smiled, seeing the couple holding each other with such care and passion. Every couple started joining after the Dj changed the music to another slow dance song.
Her smile faded when she caught him standing at the end of the dancefloor, staring at her with the same tuxedo she did for him. Adrien rushed to her and nudged her, “Well, aren’t you going to go to Mr. Dreamyrolly?”
How can I love when I’m afraid to fall?
But watching you stand alone, all of my doubt
Suddenly goes away somehow
One stop closer
She nodded, walking up to Luka as he did the same. Both meeting in the middle. Both of their hearts beating faster for the person in front of them without the other knowing. Something about that night was going to be unforgettable for both. He was the first to speak, “Hello Ma-Ma-Marinette.”
Her face lit up, loving the way his nickname for her left from his lips. “I thought you wouldn’t make it.”
“I told you I would be here. I will always try to be with you.”
Her stomach did flips she didn’t even know it was possible. Screw the plan. She was going to do it the Couffaine way and tell him. “Luka” she cupped his cheeks as she leaned in, “I- umm will you hold me and don’t ever let me go?” But she was always going to be Marinette. She was always going to have to overthink about everything and come up with a plan. Everything would go perfect if she planned them.
He wrapped his arms around her waist, hugging her close as she wrapped her arms around his neck and leaned on him, practically smelling his natural aroma, Tobacco Vanille.
Time stands still, beauty in all she is
I will be brave
I will not let anything take away what’s standing in front of me
They slowly danced to the soft music, letting their worries aside and concentrated on their special moment. “Y’know this will be our song from now on.” Luka said.
She hummed in agreement, never letting go off of him. Both continued dancing in sync not knowing all her friends were looking at them, smiling and taking pictures of them, ready to tease her afterwards.
I have died every day waiting for you
Darling, don’t be afraid
I have loved you for a thousand years
I’ll love you for a thousand more
After the song ended, they walked to their table and talked with the rest of the gang. They received a lot of teasing which scared both of them. Marinette didn’t know if Luka still felt the same for her or had someone else and Luka didn’t know if Marinette felt the same as he did.
They were scared of losing the other as a friend that Luka stopped expressing his feelings towards her after the incident with Felix and she never mentioned it. Later, they all started dancing. After almost dancing to every song with Marinette, Luka felt tired, so low, and out of energy. Excusing himself from her, he went to sit down.
“Luka, come on! Let’s dance, this will be the last one.” Juleka pleaded, “They’re going to play Jagged Stone next then I’m going to propose to her.”
He didn’t want to disappoint her and he felt much better after sitting down for a bit. Plus who doesn’t say no to The Jagged Stone. He got up and was pulled into the crowd, next to Marinette.
They were all hyped and started dancing like crazy, both of them laughing as they stared at their friends. Adrien was trying so hard to fit in. They were having the best time of their life. Dancing like it was the end of the world ...
Luka couldn’t no longer hear the music well as if his ears were plugged, his vision started getting blurrier. He loosed up his tie as he suddenly felt like he couldn’t breath and the room was turning hot. He placed his hand on his heart, feeling pain on it. Marinette was the first one to realize his uncomfort face and confusion.
“Hey what’s wrong?”
They reached out to each other, “I- I don’t know.” Just after he said those words, he collapsed to the floor giving no time for her or anyone to catch him.
Everyone moved out of the way, surrounding them in a circle, “Luka. Hey! Wake up! Somebody help!” She looked around the crowd, her voice tearing up, “Somebody help, please!”
Juleka came running, falling to her knees next to him as Ivan tried to get everyone to back up. Adrien came rushing to help Luka out, checking his pulse. Alya called emergencies while Rose called his mom.
And it was...
Luka was quickly rushed to the hospital with Marinette never leaving his side until they didn’t permit her from going further with him.
She will never forget the words she heard from that day.
“We don’t know what it is or what’s wrong. His body isn’t responding to some of the antibiotics we have given him. We have put him in intense care and have supplied an oxygen tube to help him breathe better, but it isn’t looking very good.”
“You don’t know what it is?! Me son is in there! Sick! You're a doctor for God’s sake! Do your damn job!” Anarka shouted louder than usual, catching off guard Juleka and Marinette. She fell to her chair, covering her face with her hands.
“I’m sorry Madam Couffaine, we’re trying the best we can, but it’s like magic. We have never seen anything like it.”
“Just go.” Anarka replied, coldly. The doctor excused himself and left without another word. As soon as he left, she started to cry hysterically while Juleka tried comforting her mother.
Marinette got up and went to the bathroom, opening her purse to let the red kwami out. “Tikki, what’s wrong with Luka? The doctor mentioned magic and we both know there is magic in the world.”
Tikki only floated in circles, trying to find a way to tell her holder. This frustrated Marinette, snapping out on her. Tikki finally stopped, taking a deep breath, “You know how the snake miraculous is the most dangerous since it involves time...” Marinette nodded, understanding, “Time isn’t supposed to be controlled. He has used the miraculous too many times and now time is finding a way to restore itself by eliminating the thing or rather the person who's been bending the rules.”
She had the idea, but she needed to confirm it, “What are you trying to say, Tikki?”
The red kwami looked down unable to face her, “He’s dying, Marinette. Luka is dying.”
No. Anything, but that! She leaned against the bathroom wall in disbelief, slowly falling to the ground, and hugged her knees. No! He couldn’t leave her! “He can’t. I’ll save him. I’ll find Alix. She can go back in time and fix this. Tikki, spots o-”
“No Marinette! There’s nothing we can do, nothing I or any other kwami can do. Time will only come back for him and you’ll be putting Alix in danger as well. He’s far too ill to be saved now. I’m so sorry Marinette.” It hurt Tikki to see her so broken. So desperate and lost with no guide. They stayed like that for an hour and never left the Couffaine’s side.
She was able to see Luka the day after. She didn’t know it was possible to see him with a smile at his state, but there he was. Smiling like nothing was wrong, like the machines that were attached to him weren’t reminding him and her that his heart was slowly dying. “Hello Ma-Ma-Marinette.”
She ran up to hug him and was immediately embraced by his arms. Her safe space was about to be ripped apart from her. “How are you feeling?”
“Like yesterday, just a little worse.” He chuckled, weakly. His voice was way hoarse than yesterday.
She pulled a chair next to him and started massaging his hand with hers. They talked for three hours, well mostly her distracting him from the situation they were in. She talked about the designing school she got accepted to in New York, about Jaggged’s new song, about her dad almost burning the whole building because he forgot to turn off the stove.
Juleka came interrupting them to let him know if he wanted to see his friends which of course he did. Adrien came first, leaving a huge teddy bear on the side and spoke for a few minutes before his manager called him for a photoshoot.
Little by little his room started to fill with gifts. She watched from afar, seeing his smile never leaving his face as he interacted with each one. By now, the doctors had confirmed what she already knew. His friend’s were coming to see him one last time alive without even knowing.
At night, she observed him as he slept. Anarka had given her permission to stay with him. She knew her son loved her so much, he would be happy just to see her.
He wasn’t getting any better like she hoped to, like she prayed to. They had hooked him up to a ventilator to help breathe for him and keep him from having an organ failure so he wouldn't be able to talk. They had now detected multiple diseases and infections in his body. The disease in his lungs advanced rapidly as well as other neurological symptoms. Their objective now was to keep him as comfortable and stable as possible.
For the next three days, she chatted with him through a notepad. While he slept, she talked to Anarka and Juleka every once in a while. The red spots on his left wrists had expanded to his whole arm and now had black dots as well. His hair was wet from all the sweat he had. A big red bruise had appeared on his left cheek. She eventually fell asleep crying next to him.
She left the next morning to go home to take a shower, a new pair of clothing, and to eat other than coffee. She came back the next day and overheard a conversation going between the doctor and Anarka.
“The brain infection is advancing very quickly, Madam Couffaine. I’m afraid it might be a good time to take Luka off of the ventilator for a few hours so he can speak to you and say what he needs to say before it’s too late. We will be putting him back on it, but I don’t know how much time he has left. I’m sorry.”
“But you can revive him, bring him back to live, right?” Anarka held onto hope, squeezing it. No mother wanted to hear that her son was dying.
The doctor shook his head, “Luka is an adult and he signed a living well with a DNR order among other things.”
This couldn’t be happening. Everything was going so fast. There’s still so many words to be said between them. So many adventures to be explored. So many obstacles to face. She needed her Luka, her Dreamyrolly, her Rockstar, her Viperion.
In only a day, Luka looked worse than ever. He had sleeping bags under his eyes. His face was covered with black and red bruises on his modeled grey face. He no longer was hooked up to a ventilator, but had an oxygen tube under his nose. His hair was soaked with sweat. He had lost weight since he was admitted, completely different than the Luka she spent time with before all this.
He turned his head towards her, “H-hey” Even with having a labored breathing, he managed to give her his infamous smile.
She couldn’t continue watching him slowly dying in these 4 walls room. She pulled her hands inside her sleeves, folded her arms, and started crying.
His smile left, “Marinette.” He frowned, “Don’t cry.”
Marinette sniffles, clearing her tears with her long sleeve, “I’m so sorry. I- I thought I could be strong... I-”
Luka moves over weakly and pats the spot next to him on his bed, “Come here.” Seeing her hesitate, he repeats himself again “C-come here.”
She quickly walked over to the bed and lied next to him. She starts sobbing quietly as she wraps her arms around him and pressed her forehead against his. “Y-you’re... so... strong.” His difficulty in breathing prevented him from speaking clearly.
They gazed into each other’s eyes. Her tears never ending as he continues having labored breathing. She needed to tell him. He deserved to know the truth even if it hurt her. “You’re the best thing that has ever happened to me.”
He shakes his head, “You d-don't... mean t-that.”
“But I do. You taught me what love is.” She cupped his face in her hand as tears rolled down his cheek. This was the moment she told him... “I love you Luka.”
He couldn’t believe what he was hearing, “Yeah?”
“Yeah.” She certified him
“Yeah?” He needed to ask twice, he was probably hearing things due to his condition.
She chuckles through her tears at his adorable face with puppy eyes , “Yes.”
They both started laughing which quickly turned into sobbing.
Luka exhaled slowly. He reached for her face and leaned in for a kiss. She met him halfway, connecting their lips together for the first time. It wasn’t like anything she imagined. It was more. She didn’t know how she would be able to live without him. They pulled away slowly for Luka to catch his breath again.
“I l-love...I love...you too.” He chuckles, showing off his cute dimples, “You will always have that. You will be alright, okay?”
She nodded, “Okay.” She held him tight as they cried together, holding to the other. He slowly exhaled again.
He was always aware of his situation and he wasn’t scared to die, but now, he had a new reason to live. He wanted to make her feel loved and take her out on official dates. Life wasn’t fair.
“Can I see him?” He asked, “He’s the only one I need to see left.”
Marinette knew exactly who he was talking to and he wanted to see his holder as well. She closed the curtain from the transparent doors then opened her purse to let out the snake kwami as well as Tikki.
“Massster! I’m ssso sssorry! Thisss isss all my fault!” Sass began crying at the terrible state of his holder.
Luka gasped for air, “N-nonsense. D-don’t... blame yourself... for... this. I enjoyed... our t-time together.”
Sass turned towards Marinette, “Guardian, I can sssave him. Let him transssform. I will hold on for asss long asss I can.”
“You’ll die Sass, of exhaustion. You’ll be regenerating his health over and over again.” Tikki explained.
“N-no! T-thank...you Sass, b-but... I... I will need y-you a-and T-tikki to look... aft-ter Marinette...w-when I’m g-gone.” He coughed harder than the previous.
Both kwamis nodded before rushing into Marinette’s purse after hearing the door slide open. “How’s me boy?” Anarka asked, followed by Juleka.
“I...I’m fine...mom.” Luka gasped again for air.
Juleka, Anarka, and Marinette sat close to him. Marinette was the closest one, that’s how he wanted it.
Luka held out his trembling hand to her, “W-will you... hold... my hand, Love?”
“Yeah.” She grasps his hand inside her own. “I love you, my rockstar.”
He smiled, brightly. He would never get tired of hearing those words from her, “I... I love you... too.” She kissed his forehead then his lips. She wasn’t shy anymore about who was looking. That was the way things were when she was with Luka Couffaine. She ran her fingers through his soft wavy locks, making him instantly fall asleep with a smile on his face.
Not even 30 minutes pass, Luka’s vital sign monitor starts showing the numbers in red indicating his heart rate is getting slower and slower as well as his blood pressure, his oxygen saturation, his raspitary, and his temperature.
All of them look up to the monitor as the machine beeps frantically until it stops and is replaced by a flatline.
Luka Couffaine’s melody stopped playing forever…
A nurse entered, shutting off the machine’s alarm and left after giving her condolences. Anarka leaned on Juleka as they sobbed together holding one another. They couldn’t believe he was actually gone. Marinette whimpered, kissing his forehead and told herself he was okay, that he was still here with her.
“Luka” She whispered, pushing his hair out of his face. “H-hey. Hey. Luka…” She continued, expecting him to smile and scare away her fears like he always did. However, this time he didn’t. “Hey. Breathe. Breathe…” She kept whispering to him. “You’re okay. Hey...” She let out a soft sob “Stay with me. Stay with me. You stay with me...” She finally broke down “No. Please. Please…” she wailed. Juleka had to practically pull her and her mother away from Luka’s body as the doctors came to take him away.
Her heart left with him ever since that moment…
One year later
Marinette held her closed umbrella to her side, unbothered by the raindrops falling on her, drenching her dark hair and black clothing. He was never fond of umbrellas and she knew that.
She knew he loved the rain, from the feeling of cold wet drops on his skin to the smell of it.
She bent down, never losing eye contact with the Ogee Top headstone in front of her. Her cold fingers brushed against the words carved on the stone as tears started to well up on the corner of her bluebell eyes.
Luka Ryver Couffaine
The Viperion
Beloved son, brother, lover, and friend, whose music was turned off far too soon.
“Why did you have to go so soon, my sweet rockstar?” She whispered, whimpering, “I’m trying so hard to be alright like you said, but I… I can’t. Not when you’re not here with me.” She sniffed and cleared her throat, “but I’ll see you again. I love you.” She kissed the single white rose and placed it next to the headstone.
“Save me the spot next to you.”
Bonus part; (optional)
An 89 year old Marinette groaned as she laid slowly on her bed. Her back and feet were killing her from all the walking for another premiere of her new clothing line. She picked up a picture frame of Luka she has kept from her nightstand. Her wrinkled and trembling fingers traced his unforgettable face before kissing it. “Goodnight, my love. I’ll be there with you very soon.”
She placed it back and wished her long-time friend/Kwami goodnight. With a smile on her face, her wrinkled eyes slowly closed forever.
When she opened her eyes again, she wasn’t on her bed anymore, but standing in a familiar pier. The sun shined brightly down on Paris, the birds chirped as they flew away. People walked happily down the streets and she could have sworn she had seen Jagged with Penny, but that wasn’t possible. They had passed away various years ago.
She breathed in the fresh air as she closed her eyes, letting nature consume her. She felt so much better than last night. Her muscles didn’t ache and her body wasn’t wrinkled anymore. Her grey thin hair had turned back to its natural thick hair color. She was back in her 20 year old body. She opened her eyes and looked down at herself. She wore a white dress with green and pink floral all around it. Her light pink flats making her feet feel so comfortable.
“Hello, Ma-Ma-Marinette.”
Her eyes shot wide open as her heart stopped upon hearing the sweet voice of the one she has loved for her whole life. Turning around, she found Luka standing there. Healthy. Wearing a red and black flannel with a few top buttons opened, black skinny jeans, and dark brown suede boots. He extended his hand, waiting for her to take it.
She didn’t think twice to push his hand away and wrap her arms around his neck while he quickly embraced her tight. “I missed you so much, my rockstar.”
He chuckled, “I missed you too, Love.”
She pressed her forehead against his, gazing into his aqua blue eyes. “I love you so much.”
He smiled widely that melted her heart away. “I love you too.”
After so many years, they found each other’s lips again. The same sensation they felt 72 years ago never left and wouldn’t leave. This time no one would take their happiness away. Time would never run out. There was no ending, only a beginning.
“Now come on, our family and friends are waiting for you.” They held hands and started walking to the bakery, “By the way, why Dreamyrolly?”
“Luka. Shut up.” She said before they laughed like the old times, disappearing to the background.
Welp this is it. This one shot was inspired by the show 13 reasons why. You can also find this story in ao3 at @tewqut. Hope you liked it. Tewqut out!
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sassyduckqueen · 4 years
Miraculous: Rise of Anatis 34
Holy crap, I'm alive haha Ok, so this was suppose to be out for Halloween... sadly I didn't make it due to lack of inspiration and overthinking. Thank you, brain. Anyway, here's the latest chapter of ROA! So a quick warning before you read this. There is mentions of physical and emotional abuse and a scene of verbal abuse and hints of violent towards a minor so I am issuing out a trigger warning. I have tried to make it bearable to read but it is there never the less. Also this chapter is the first chapter that has a different lucky charm to the OG and also no Evil Lady Noir or Anatis. That isn't their nightmares. Hope you guys enjoy this chapter :D
Chapter 34: Sandboy
Luka hummed to himself lightly as he watched the latest video on the Ladyblog. Alya had done a compilation on the best cat memes on the internet that had featured Lady Noir. He laughed gently as he watched it, wiping his eye a little. His partner was crazy but he wouldn't change her for the world. He loved how he could rely on her and how she always had his back. He chuckled again before he looked at Tikki, frowning as he noticed she looked sad. He paused the video and sat up, gently look at her.
 "Tikki, is everything ok?" He asked as he noticed her song. It was full of sad notes and seemed melodramatic. Not at all her usual tune. She let out a little sigh, looking at him. "What's wrong? Are you sick again?"
 "No, Luka," She mumbled, sitting up and looking at him. "I'm not ill,"
 "You're sad," He mumbled, gently scoping her into his hands. "Wanna talk about it?"
 "It's the Kwami Nooroo's transmission tonight..." She sighed, looking sadly. Nooroo. Luka frowned as he recognized the name. Why did that seem so familiar? His eyes widen as he realized it was the name of Hawkmoth's kwami. 
 "Hawkmoth's kwami?" He asked, getting a nod of her.
 "Yes... he's celebrating his 3500th cycle today... all by himself," She sighed, looking down. Luka frowned as he wasn't how to cheer her up.
 "Tikki, I promise we'll free him one day I promise," He whispered, making her look at him.
 "Well, there may be a faster solution," She mumbled, making him raise an eyebrow. "You see Kwamis are able to communicate with their kind on their cycle or as you call it birthday but we won't get another opportunity for a long time. See a kwami's cycle lasts several hundred of years,"
 "So you could find out where he is?" Luka asked with a hopeful look in his eyes before he frowned and looked at her. "But how would you do that?"
 "The kwamis must gather in the miracle box at a specific time,"
 "That's great," Luka grinned. "When is that time?"
"Tonight..." She mumbled, looking down. Luka frowned a little. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner but Master Fu didn't want us to leave our owners' side. He said we have to be able to transform straight away if an akuma turns up,"
 "While he has a point, this is a once in a life time opportunity," Luka mumbled before he looked at Tikki. "I think you should go. If you can contact Nooroo then maybe he can give us his location and in turn maybe we can rescue him and defeat Hawkmoth,"
 "Really? I can go?" She gasped, causing him to nod before she flew at him, hugging herself against his chest. "Oh, thank you, Luka! I won't let you down,"
 "I know, Tikki," He smiled as she pulled away before she flew out and grabbed one of his highlighters. "Tell the kwamis I say hi,"
 "I will," She grinned. "Sweet dreams, Luka,"
 "Have a good time, Tikki,"
 ~Meanwhile at Marinette's~
 "Oh, boy! I am exhausted!!" Plagg gasped, pretending to yawn as Marinette worked on her latest project. "I'm gonna head to bed!!"
 "Ok, Plagg, have sweet dreams," She replied as she grabbed some more material. He smirked and placed a sock that resembled him into his little bed that Marinette had made him. A tiny part of him felt a little bad that he was going off but he had a plan with Wayzz and Tikki plus they needed to contact Nooroo. If he could be contacted then they could learn Hawkmoth's real identity. The good outweighed the evil. With his mind reassured, he flew up through the sky light and out into the night, carrying a piece of cheese with him. He flew as quickly as he could to where Tikki said she would meet him and smiled a little bit to himself when he saw her. She was sat staring up at the sky while holding a yellow highlighter. He flew over to her and grinned.
 "Hey, sugar cube!" He smirked, making her look at him.
 "Uh, I've already told you not to call me that," She declared, glaring at him. "Do you ever hear me calling you stinky sock?"
 "Noo... but you should," He grinned, making her frown. "Cause that would be delightful, Sugar Cube,"
 She huffed and flew off, making him follow her as they headed to Master Fu's. 
 "Sooo... what lies did you tell your owner to sneak out tonight?" He asked, grinning at her. Tikki rolled her eyes and looked at him.
 "Actually, I told him the honest truth," She declared, making him make a thoughtful look.
 "Oh... maybe I should try that some day and see what it's like," He suggested before throwing the chuck of cheese up and swallowing it whole. Tikki gasped and glared at him.
 "Plagg! You should have saved some for the others," She scolded as he grinned at her.
 "True but I was so grossed out by your kindness that it made me really hungry," He explained, looking at her but she rolled her eyes before looking ahead as they flew. She let out a little sigh, making Plagg look at her. "Something wrong, Sugarcube?"
 "It's nothing..." She sighed, frowning a little. "I... I just hope we can get in contact with Nooroo,"
 "So do I," He admitted, feeling his eyes fill up with tears. He really missed Nooroo. He sniffed a little, getting Tikki's attention.
 "Are you crying?" She asked, causing him to look at her.
 "Who? Me? Of course not," He gasped, shaking his head to get rid of his tears. "Are you kidding?! Come on... let's race! The last one there won't get any cheese!!"
 With that, he rushed off, causing Tikki to smile and follow them. It didn't get them long before they arrived. They flew over to the door and Tikki gently knocked on it before Plagg opened the door and flew in.
 "Hey Wayzz!" He declared, getting Wayzz attention. "How's it going?!"
 "Ssh!! You'll wake up master," He gasped, pointing to Master Fu who was snorting and had a magazine over his face. Wayzz turned to them and gestured for them to follow him. They flew over to where the phonograph was before Tikki and Plagg turn to Wayzz. "If you mange to contact Nooroo, wish him a happy 3500 cycles for me,"
 "We sure will, Wayzz," Tikki declared before Plagg and her flew into the cylinder and towards the miracle box. They entered into the little pocket world that existed within the miracle box and floated down towards a collection of odd objects.
 "Hi everybody!" Plagg declared, looking around. "We're here!!"
 As soon as he said that, the Kwamis peeked out from the objects and floated over, happy to see the two other kwamis.
 "Tikki, Plagg!!" Ziggy, the goat Kwami, gasped as she floated over, along with the others. "You came!"
 The other kwamis cheered and surrounded them as Plagg and Tikki smiled.
 "With you two here, we'll be able to get in contact with Nooroo for sure," She declared, causing the rest of the kwamis to cheer again. Pollen floated over and smiled sweetly at them.
 "Good day to you, noble kwamis of creation and destruction," She declared but before she could finish her greeting, Daizzi, the pig kwami, floated over excitedly.
 "Oooh!! What did you bring? What did you bring?" He asked, clearly excited as the rest of the kwamis floated over, clearly interested as well. Plagg stepped forward and cleared his throat.
 "Brothers and sisters living within the world of the miracle box... on this special day, I brought you some delicious cheese!" He declared, getting impressed cheers before he pouted and looked sorrowful. "Unfortunately, I had to sacrifice it on the way here to feed a poor, starving kitten!!"
 He placed his paw on his forehead for dramatic effect, causing the rest of the kwamis to coo and aww at his 'noble' sacrifice.
 "Aww, that's just so cute," Ziggy declared as Tikki shook her head.
 "What about you, Tikki?!" Daizzi asked excitedly. Tikki smiled and turned to them.
 "From my owner's home, I bring you this," She stated, looking at the highlighter. The kwamis grabbed the pen of her and began to examine it with Roarr declaring it as a paintbrush. Even if that wasn't correct. Tikki smiled as Sass floated over to her and Plagg before clearly her voice, getting the attention of the other kwamis. "My owner also sends his greetings,"
 "Really?" Daizzi asked, surprised as Pollen smiled.
 "Tell my prince that I return his greeting," She smiled, bowing. Plagg snorted but Tikki smiled as Xuppa, the monkey kwami, floated over to a Walkman that was set up like a DJ booth.
 "Let's get this party started!!" He declared, pressing the button to start playing some songs. Instantly, the other kwamis began to dance and cheer, clearly enjoying themselves as Sass turned to Tikki and Plagg.
 "Your owners were wise to give you permission to come," He declared, making Tikki nod.
 "Yes, Sass. Lu-" She suddenly burped little red bubbles, making her gasp as Plagg laughed.
 "Your owner," Sass grinned, knowing she meant Luka as Plagg teased her.
 "You forgot about the magic spell," He chuckled. "We can't say our owner's name to each other, remember?"
 "Yes!" Tikki grinned before turning back to Plagg. "My owner is the best Ladybug I've ever served. He's very creative and compassionate,"
 "Yes, he seemed that way when I met him," Sass nodded, smiling. "In fact, I sense that he would make an excellent snake. It takes a lot of skill to be able to use the snake miraculous and the ladybug miraculous at the same time,"
 "Yes, Red Mumba was a very powerful merge," Tikki nodded. "And Plagg helped too,"
 "Of course," Sass nodded, smiling at Plagg before he looked back at Plagg. "When you return to your owner, send my regards to him,"
 "Of course, Sass," Tikki nodded, getting a smile of the snake.
 "Now back to the matter at hand," He stated, smiling. "We are very fortunate that the guardian also agreed to this, otherwise we may not get another chance to try and find Nooroo,"
 "Yes! Which reminds me... Tikki, shall we dance?" Plagg grinned. "We need to properly celebrate our friend Nooroo after all,"
 With that, he grabbed Tikki and joined the other kwamis in dancing. 
 ~Meanwhile at Marinette's~
 "Hmmm... Adrien..." Marinette muttered in her sleep, smiling to herself as she dreamt. She turned to her side. "We'll have a house... but... Luka... hmm... Luka... we'll have a cat... hmm forget the cat... cats and boats don't go well together...but Adrien... hmm..."
 "Marinette..." Adrien's voice made her jolt awake as she looked around but she didn't see anything yet somehow her room feel strange and eerie. 
 "What- what's going on?" She gasped as she sat up. She could hear the sound of footsteps, moving towards her bed. She felt frightened and unsure as she heard someone climb towards her before a hand suddenly grabbed her railing and Adrien pulled himself up. Only he didn't look like Adrien. She frowned. It did look like him but something was wrong. However, she could put her finger on it as he smiled at her. "Adrien?"
 "Do you want to know my secret, Marinette?" He drew out her name, sending shivers down her spine and making her shake her head as she cupped her face. He twisted his head to the side in an unnatural manner. "I'm in love with a girl and her name is Chloe!!"
 Marinette let out a scream and threw her covers over him but a dark chuckle made her look towards the rest of her room. Sat on the chaise was Luka but like Adrien, there was something wrong about him. He had a nasty smirk on his lips. A sneer that reminded her of Lila to a certain degree. He stood up and glared up at her.
 "Pathetic," He snarled, shocking her. "You're a stupid, clumsy girl who has zero talent. Do you really think I actually like you? I'm only friends with you because it works in my favor. The only thing you're good for is to help me become famous and once I've done that... well, then there's no use for you anymore... is there, Marinette?"
 He dragged out her name too as he walked over in a slow and menacing way. The fake Adrien grabbed her leg, causing her to scream before she shoved him back down and used him to jump up to her sky light before climbing out of it and closing it. 
 "That was definitely not the real Luka or Adrien," She muttered, frowning deeply as she backed away from the skylight. She heard screams, making her look over her balcony and seeing a lot of Parisians running around from things such as T-Rexs or sentient cars. She frowned deeply before she noticed something in the sky. She looked up and saw it was a little boy on some sort of cloud. She frowned to herself as she noticed he blended in with the night sky and his cloud seemed to be dusting everyone with some sort of sand. He had to be an akuma.
 "The Sandboy just checked in," He declared, confirming her theory. "Now nightmares can begin,"
 "He must be bringing nightmares to life," She muttered as she heard her skylight open.
 "One day, Chloe and I are going to have a house together and we're have a hamster together called Marinetteee!!" The nightmare Adrien called out, dragging her name out again. She rushed over but nightmare Luka suddenly grabbed her wrist.
 "Marinette!" He snarled, roughly grabbing her. "You're nothing to me. I hate your designs, I hate the color pink and I hate you!"
 "And you're not real," She gasped, kicking him in the face. She knocked him back into Adrien and closed the skylight again before holding out her hand. "Plagg! Claws out!!"
 She closed her eyes, expecting to transform but opened them when nothing happened before gasping as the skylight was pushed open again, knocking her back. This time, Nightmare Luka climbed out, followed by Nightmare Adrien. Both glared down at her as she stared up at them.
 "How pathetic," Nightmare Luka growled. "You're the worst superhero ever,"
 "Marinetteeee!!" Nightmare Adrien shook as he screeched her name. She got up and backed away from them. She needed to wake up Plagg. "The prettiest and smartest one of all is Chloeeee!"
 "Agree to disagree," She declared as both nightmares dived at her but she dodged both and jumped through her skylight, closing it behind her. She slid down the rail near her  bed before landing on the floor and rushing over to Plagg's bed. She gasped as she found a sock version Plagg in place of the real one, meaning Plagg had sneaked off. She frowned as she wondered why but she would have to ask him when she found him. She grabbed her slippers as she heard her the sound of the nightmares trying to open her skylight and slipped them on before opening her trap door and sneaking downstairs. She carefully slid past the kitchen as her father would be up, preparing stuff for the bakery. She carefully slipped outside the side door and ran as fast as she could down the street, making her way to Master Fu's. He would know what to do and hopefully Anatis would arrive soon.
 ~At Luka's Place~
 "No..." Luka muttered as he turned in his bed. His face was scrunched up and he seemed distressed. He gripped his cover in his fist as he frowned. "I'm not... I'm not useless..."
 He gasped as he turned again but this time, some of Sandboy's sand sprinkled down on him, causing him to jolt awake. Sweat dripped down his brow as he breathed in before he shook his head and got up. He wondered over to the kitchen and filled up a cup of water, taking a gulp before he pinched his nose and let out a sigh.
 "It was just a bad dream..." He mumbled, taking another gulp but he felt like someone was watching him. He turned around and dropped his glass, smashing it as he stared at the figure sat on the sofa. It turned his head to him and stood up, making him step back in fear. "N-No... y-you left... M-Mum kicked you out..."
 "Luka," He growled, stepping into the light. "Is that anyway to talk to your father?"
 Luka didn't say a thing. Instead, he just bolted out of there and ran back to his room, slamming the door shut and locking it. He could heard footsteps coming towards his room, causing him to feel more panicked. He grabbed his guitar and used it to barricade the door the same way he did when Captain Hardrock appeared. He turned to his porthole as the man began to bang on his door violently. He went to open it but jumped back in surprise as bars appeared across it, trapping him inside the boat with a monster of a man he never wanted to see again. Panic settle in as he stepped back but he took a deep breathe as he would be able to escape as Anatis or at least fight his father that way. He closed his eyes and swiped his earrings.
 "Tikki! Spots on!!" He declared but nothing happened. Then he remembered why. He had given Tikki permission to go to the Miracle Box. He was unable to transform without her, meaning he was alone and trapped. A violent thud made him jump and step back.
 "Luka, come out of there right now!" His father scolded, making him want to curl up. "I'm not mad. I just want to talk,"
 "N-no..." He gasped, sinking down onto his knees and curling up. "Y-You lie... you said you weren't mad and that you just wanted to talk but..."
 He couldn't bring to finish the sentence as tears filled his eyes. He jumped again as his father violently knocked on the door, causing the guitar to slip. Luka gasped and rushed over, pushing it back in place. He looked around and his luck vision kicked in, highly his bed and desk. He dragged his bed to the door, using it to block it then did the same with his desk. His luck vision also lit up his spare bike chain. He used it secure the door even more as his father pounded on it. He stepped back until his back hit the wall and slid down it as he curled up.
 "You can't hide in there forever, you little brat!" His father screamed through the door, making him cover his ears. "You're trapped in here with me forever!!"
 ~Back to the Miracle Box~
 Tikki grinned as she danced with Plagg and Pollen. Sass was happily watching from the sideline but she wasn't surprise. He wasn't much of a party kwami. That was definitely more Xuppa's area. She grinned as the cycle symbol lined up and stopped moving, meaning it was time to try and contact Nooroo. Sass cleared his throat and held up his arms.
 "My friends, the time has come!" He declared, causing all of the kwamis to get into their places. Tikki stood next to Plagg, who gave her a little nod before they both paid attention to Sass. "Fellow Kwamis, tonight as you know, we have a special opportunity to create a connection with Nooroo but we must put our voices together in order to achieve this. Kwamis! Sing!!"
 Following Sass's order, all of the kwamis began to sing, placing their hope to contact their lost friend into their voices as they did. They hoped that if they were able to reach him, they could find out where he is, which then lead them to know where Hawkmoth was. Anatis and Lady Noir would take it from there and finally be able to end his reign of terror on Paris and free their friend. Once that was done, Tikki, Plagg and Nooroo could finally come home. They may even be able to find Duusu as well or they could hope at least.
 ~Streets of Paris~
 Marinette ran as fast as she could, dodging other people and their nightmares. It was completely chaos. A bin man was been chased by wheelie bins and a woman was been chased by a crocodile that wasn't Fang but to be honest, she couldn't be certain about that one. Office Roger attempted to try and control the situation, only to run away with swat as their cars turned on them. Marinette frowned deeply as she looked around. Anatis still hadn't turned up, which was unlike him. She could only hope that he was ok and that he wasn't trapped by one of these nightmares.
 "The Sandboy just checked in. Now Nightmares can begin," Sandboy sang as she noticed him up in the sky, making her frown even more. Anatis really should be here by now.
 "Marinetteee, I'm in love with Chloeeee!!" Nightmare Adrien declared as him and Nightmare Luka caught up to her. She looked back at them and frowned as they moved towards her.
 "Marinette, I hate you!!" Nightmare Luka growled, causing her to shake her head and run off. She took a sharp turn and made her way up the street, keeping her out for Anatis and the rest of the nightmares.
 ~The Miracle Box~
 The kwamis kept singing but they had yet to reach Nooroo. Plagg looked over at Tikki, who looked just as worried as he was. He nodded and she flew over to Sass, who was singing as well. Plagg followed over as Sass looked to them.
 "He's not gonna make it, Sass," Tikki gasped, making the snake frown but he couldn't disagree. They down a few kwamis.
 "We're missing a few kwamis," He explained, frowning. "We need the peafowl... we've not heard from her for some time now,"
 "What if we brought Wayzz in?" Plagg asked, causing Sass to look at him before he pointed at him.
 "We won't have another opportunity to contact Nooroo until his next birthday," Sass mumbled, weighting up the idea before he nodded. "Go get him!"
 Plagg nodded and flew out of the miracle box, heading into Master Fu's room. Master Fu was still asleep and Wayzz was standing guard. He flew over to him, making him look at him.
 "Is there a problem, Plagg?" He asked, making the kwami nod.
 "We can't contact Nooroo. We're not strong enough but if you were to join us, we think we could do it," Plagg grinned but Wayzz shook his head.
 "No, I have to stay here and kept guard," He gasped, even though he wanted to see if he could contact him. "I'm sorry, Plagg,"
 "But this could be our only chance to find Nooroo and Hawkmoth," Plagg pleaded, making Wayzz look to his master. He was still asleep and it didn't look like he would wake up anytime soon. He turned back to Plagg and grinned.
 "Ok, let's do it!" He declared before the two of them flew back into the miracle box. They flew down to the other kwamis and Wayzz took his place before everyone began to sing again. This time, it worked, causing the symbol in the middle to glow blue before sending a beam of light out into the world. 
 ~Master Fu's Place~
 Marinette carefully sneaked in and looked around as she was unsure. This was the first time she had come to Master Fu as Marinette and she was nervous. She wasn't sure if he would recognize her but she hoped that he would. After all, he was the one who gave her the black cat miraculous and she had just been Marinette that day. Of course, that didn't stop her overthinking. She was also wondering if Anatis had come here too. Had he lost Tikki and that's why he hadn't turned up yet? Or was he trapped in a nightmare and unable to transform? She frowned deeply as she moved across the room but before she could do anything, Sandboy's sand was sprinkled over Master Fu. She rushed over and shook him.
 "Master Fu, wake up!" She gasped, causing him to jolt awake. He looked at her and blinked.
 "Lady Noir?" He gasped, surprised. "What are you doing here? And why are you in your civilian form?"
 "There's an akuma-" She began to explain but was interrupted.
 "Fu!" A female voice called out, making both Master Fu and Marinette jump as three ghostly monk appeared. "We are the ghosts of the Order of the Miraculous! You caused our downfall and lost two miraculous!!"
 "It was not my fault!" He gasped as Marinette moved her arm protectively in front of him. "I did not do it on purpose!"
 "Yes, you did! It was your fault! Your fault!" The monks declared, making him shake before he hid behind a stool, clearly afraid. 
 "Lady Noir! You need to transform!" He gasped as she grabbed a pillow and tried to shoo away the ghosts, only for the pillow to go through them.
 "I can't, Master Fu!" She gasped. "That's why I came here. Plagg has disappeared and Anatis hasn't turned up yet!"
 "What?!" Master Fu gasped. "Wayzz! Wayzz!!"
 The little turtle kwami didn't appear, making him worry. Wayzz would never leave his side and the only place he would go would be the miracle box. He realized that that must be where Plagg and Wayzz were and if those two were inside, chances are Tikki was too, which explained why Anatis hadn't turned up yet. Like Marinette, Luka was unable to transform because Tikki wasn't there. He jumped as his door was kicked down, making Marinette let out a scream as Nightmare Adrien broke through the door.
 "I'm in love with a girl and her name is Chloe!!" He shouted as Master Fu gasped. The door was fully kicked in by Nightmare Luka, who looked angry before he tried to attack Marinette.
 "This is disastrous!" Master Fu gasped as Marinette dodged Nightmare Luka's attack. "Marinette, Plagg, Tikki and Wayzz must be in the miracle box,"
 "Ok, can't we open it and drag them out?!" She gasped, causing him to shake his head.
 "There's no way to communicate with them while they are in the miracle box, even if we open it," He stated, making her frown as she fell from Nightmare Adrien grabbing her ankle. 
 "I'm in love with Chloe!!"
 "And I hate you, Marinette! I always have!!"
 ~The Miracle Box~
 "Nooroo, Nooroo, Nooroo!!" The Kwamis chanted as they continued to make their connection but to their surprise, a man let out a yell causing them to gasp.
 What is that?! 
 "That's not Nooroo!" Tikki declared as she felt an intense sense of darkness and evil, along with the rest of the kwamis. There was only one person who could give off that aura.
 "That's Hawkmoth!" Plagg confirmed, making the other kwamis gasp.
 "Keep singing!" Stompp declared, looking at the rest of the kwamis. "We must find try to find out where he is hiding!"
 Aha! It's me who's going to find you, Little Kwamis! And I will make you my slaves! Just like Nooroo!!
 The beam turned a dark purple and in the orb that created it, Hawkmoth's symbol appeared, sending powerful waves of energy through the miracle box, causing the Kwamis to scream in pain and fear.
 "His will is so powerful," Fluff declared as Barkk pushed themselves up and looked at the others.
 "We must cut off all communication!" She declared with a worried look. "Hawkmoth is trying to track us down!"
 She stood up and placed her paws together before swiping the outwards. The rest of the kwamis did the same action, causing the beam of light to disappear and cutting off Hawkmoth's connection. Plagg and Tikki let out a gasp of relief but Wayzz gasped as the other kwamis checked on each other, making sure everyone was ok.
 "Hey, wait!" He stated, making them all look at him. "The reason why we can't talk to Nooroo is because he's powering Hawkmoth right now, which means Hawkmoth has probably akumatized someone right now!!"
 "And since Plagg and Tikki are with us..." Ziggy mumbled, frowning.
 "Anatis and Lady Noir can't transform," Kaalki gasped, finishing off the sentence, causing all of the kwamis to gasp in horror before she turned to Tikki, Plagg and Wayzz. "Go and find your owners straight away!!"
 Tikki, Plagg and Wayzz didn't need telling twice. They flew up and out of the miracle box, entering Master Fu's department. The scene that greeted them was insane. Marinette was trying to fight off an enraged Luka while a deranged Adrien kept on mumbling something about flowers and Chloe. Master Fu, on the other hand, was trying to fight off some ghostly looking monks, causing Tikki to gasp at the carnage.
 "Hey, is that your owner?" Plagg asked but Tikki shook her head.
 "No... Pwah! No, he would never been so horrible or violent towards her!" She gasped as the strange version slammed his hand against the wall and told Marinette that he hated her and that he wished he had never met her. "He would never treat anyone that way but I better go find him! I just hope he's doing ok!!"
 With that, she flew off through the window and towards the Seine. Plagg and Wayzz flew over to Marinette and Master Fu, causing Marinette to push back Nightmare Luka and cup Plagg in her hand.
 "Oh! Plagg! You're ok!" She gasped, clearly worried about him before she looked at him with tears in her eyes. "Why did you leave?"
 "I'm sorry, Marinette," He gasped, looking down. "We just wanted to try and find Nooroo,"
 "We should have warned you, Master," Wayzz added in.
 "We'll talk about it later!" Master Fu gasped as Nightmare Luka got back up. "Marinette! Transform!!"
 "Yes, Master!" She declared, holding out her hand. "Plagg! Claws out!!"
 She transformed into Lady Noir and grinned towards the Nightmare version of Luka.
 "Time to give you a real cat fight!" She grinned before attacking him and throwing him into one of Master Fu's cupboard. She grabbed the Nightmare Adrien and threw him in there as well, throwing him into Nightmare Luka who just went to get up before slamming the door shut and locked it before summoning her cataclysm and tapping the door knob. It rusted and broke, trapping them inside the cupboard. She turned to the ghosts and cracked her knuckles as she smirked, making them wail and disappear.
 "Alright, Master Fu. I bet go and find the akuma," She stated, getting a nod of him. "The ghosts will probably come back when I'm gone but please remember. They're just bad dreams,"
 "I shall try, Lady Noir," He nodded as she moved over to the window and jumped out into the night.
 Tikki flew as fast as she could through the city. She had figured out by now that the akumas power to bring nightmares to life but that didn't help. She was now extremely worried about Luka and what nightmare he faced. She sped up and looked around before noticing the akuma following her. It appeared to be a little boy but he growled when he realized she had seen him.
 "Sandboy just checked in!" He growled, using his pillow to fire at her. She dodged all of the hits. "Now Nightmares can begin!!"
 "I don't need to know what my nightmare is," She declared, diving down into a subway and flying towards an oncoming train. Sandboy had to move out of the way to not be hit but she used the chance to disappear through the wall and fly to the Seine. She quickly looked around and let out a little sigh when she saw she wasn't been followed. She headed to the liberty and flew into Luka's room, gasping as she saw him curled up in the corner of his room, covering his ears with his hands. Prison bars were blocking the porthole and his bed and draws had been moved to block the door, along with his guitar but to her horror, the door was moving as someone violently banged on it, screaming horrifying words that were directed at Luka. She rushed over to him and gently touched his knee, making him look at her. His eyes were red, like he had been crying and she could see tear stains on his cheeks. "Luka, I'm so sorry. It didn't work and I shouldn't have left you,"
 "Tikki," He croaked, gently picking her up as he smiled at her. "I'm g-glad you're back..."
 "Are you ok?" She asked, gently placing her hand on his cheek. He closed his eyes and gave her a weak smile.
 "I'm ok now you're back," He mumbled, wiping his eyes. "Let's transform,"
 She nodded and he swiped his earrings.
 "Tikki! Spots on!!" He declared, transforming into Anatis, just as the door finally gave in but before the nightmare version of his father could do anything, he threw his yoyo and wrapped it around him. The nightmare version struggled to break free as Anatis yanked his yoyo, causing him to spin towards an open cupboard. He slammed the door shut and used a chair to trap him inside before running up to the surface and jump onto the street before throwing his yoyo up and swinging through the city. He landed on a roof next to Lady Noir, who was looking around. "Any ideas on the akuma, kitten?"
 "He's calling himself Sandboy and his power is to make your worst nightmares come to life," She declared, making him nod. She looked at him and noticed his eyes were still a bit red from crying. "You ok?"
 "Yeah, I'm ok," He smiled, trying to reassure her. "Now where is his akuma?"
 "I think it's in the pillow," She declared, making him nod before the two of them dived up and began to take on Sandboy. However, he was really fast and began to attack them, trying to hit them with his evil sand. Anatis managed to dodge it but Lady Noir gasped as she got hit. She tried to jump up but slipped over, making her gasp at the loss of her powers. Sandboy tried to grab her miraculous but she dived out of the way. However, she then slipped off the building, gripping on the edge to stop herself from fall. However, that didn't last long as her grip weakened and she let go, yelling out as she fell. Anatis dived after her and caught her before she land. He landed on the ground, holding her in a bridal style before smiling at her. However, Sandboy used the chance to sprinkle him with his sand. Anatis gently put Lady Noir down and spun his yoyo to create a shield.
 "Stay behind me, Kitten," He declared as Sandboy smirked.
 "H-How do you still have your powers?" She gasped.
 "Losing my powers isn't my nightmare," He stated, making her gasp in surprise. "They are,"
 "What?" She gasped before he blocked a beam directed at her. To her surprise, Reflekta jumped down and grinned evilly at them. "Reflekta?! But-"
 "Not just Reflekta, Scally wag!" Captain Hardrock declared as she jumped down and pointed her sword at them. "Liberty! Capture them!"
 Anatis grabbed Lady Noir and jumped out of the way of Captain Hardrock's chains, landing on a roof but before either of them could do anything, Princess Fragrance began to shoot at them, causing them to run as Reflekta and Captain Hardrock jumped onto the roof.
 "The akumas are your nightmares?!" Lady Noir gasped as Anatis grabbed her and jumped across to another building and hid behind a wall. "All of them?!"
 "Not all of them," He mumbled, keeping an eye out. "Just four of them,"
 "Four?!" She gasped, looking as well. "I only count three,"
 "Make that four, Kitty Cat!" A harsh voice declared, making them look towards it. Lady Noir gasped in surprise as she saw Princess Justice stood on one of the roofs, pointing her blade at them. "I shall make you tell the truth!"
 She dived at her but to her surprise, Anatis grabbed her baton and blocked her sword knocking her back as Lady Noir stood on her feet. The two of them were surrounded by the five akumas, causing Sandboy to smirk.
 "Give me your miraculous!" He declared as Anatis looked around in his luck vision. Princess Justice and Princess Fragrance were the most dangerous so they would need to take care of them first then the Captain and Reflekta. He grabbed Lady Noir and ducked out of the way as Reflekta fired at him, causing her beam to hit Princess Fragrance turning her into a copy. Princess Justice charged at him but he blocked her sword and grabbed her scale, throwing her into Captain Hardrock before causing Reflekta to fire at him. He used his yoyo to block it as Princess Justice got up. Just as she was able to swing at him, he ducked allowing another one of Reflekta's beams hit her and turn her into a copy. 
 "Liberty! Seize them!!" Captain Hardrock cried, causing Anatis to push Lady Noir out of the way and grab the chain, coming towards them. He then grabbed Reflekta as she was firing her beams and changed her path, causing her to fire at Captain Hardrock. He then threw her into the rest of the clones and redirected the chain towards them, trapping them together before scoping up Lady Noir and jump to another roof.
 "Keep a look out," He smiled before throwing up his yoyo. "Lucky Charm!"
 The magical ladybugs conjured a pair of scissors, causing him to look around as Sandboy charged at him. Lady Noir pushed him out the way and grinned.
 "So a pair of scissors eh?" She asked as he looked around. The pillow lit up, followed by the scissors. "You got a plan right?"
 "Yep," He stated, taking off the blade off the scissors before handing it to her. She rose an eyebrow as he moved her. "I need you hold your arm up like this and don't move,"
 "Uh... ok..." She nodded before he took off and ran, jumping off the building towards Sandboy who gasped as he didn't expect Anatis to do that. Anatis grabbed him and threw his yoyo, wrapping it around a flag pole behind Lady Noir. He used it to pull himself and Sandboy towards her, causing his pillow cloud to be ripped by the blade. Anatis let go of him and landed on the roof before picking up Lady Noir and jumping down to the ground with her as Sandboy's pillow released his nightmare sand, causing him to spin out of control until it emptied. Once that happened, he began to fall back down to earth but Anatis caught him and placed him down as the pillow landed next to him. The akuma flew out and Anatis captured it with his yoyo before releasing the purified creature. Lady Noir handed him the blade, which he threw up into the sky.
 "Miraculous Ladybugs!!" He shouted, releasing the cure. It swarmed around Lady Noir, who did some back-flips and spun her baton.
 "Yes!!" She grinned before hugging Anatis. "You're the best!"
 She let go of him as Sandboy turned back into a little boy with blue hair in blue PJs. He looked around confused and scared so Anatis walked over to him and knelt down in front of him.
 "Hey there," He smiled gently. "Wanna tell me what that was about, little friend?"
 "Anatis!" The little boy cried out, hugging him. Anatis gently hugged him back. "I watched a movie that was kind of scary then I went to bed but I had a really bad nightmare! I woke up and there was a black butterfly in my room and a weird man spoke right in my face,"
 "Hawkmoth... he feed on the negative emotions of a nightmare," Anatis mumbled, looking at Lady Noir as she moved over and crouched down by the little boy. 
 "I'm not surprised, Annie. Remember he's akumatized a baby before," She mumbled, gently patting the little boy's head in a gentle and calming manner. "But you seem like a brave boy to me so let me let you into a little secret. As scary as they are, nightmares aren't real. They're just bad dreams and as long as you remember that, you can totally kick their butts,"
 The little boy giggled before he looked up at the heroes.
 "Do you guys have nightmares too?" He asked, playing with his hands.
 "Everyone has nightmares but like the cat said, we remember that they're just bad dreams and kick their butts," Anatis smiled as Lady Noir's ring beeped.
 "I'm sorry I have to get going. Don't wanna let the cat out of the bag now, do we?" She grinned before waving and jumping off. Anatis turned to the little boy.
 "Now why don't we get you home? I'm sure your parents are worried about you," He smiled, gently picking him up. The Little boy nodded and let him know where he lived. "Ok. Now hold on tight ok?"
 "Ok!" He grinned before Anatis jumped up in the air and carefully swung through the city. He dropped the boy off, getting a lot of thanks off his parents before he disappeared and headed towards the Seine. He detransformed just as he landed near the Seine, catching Tikki as he walked up to the Liberty, shivering a little as he was in his PJs and had no shoes on. He stopped as he came to the gangplank, causing Tikki to look up at him.
 "Luka... it was just a bad dream," She reminded him, making him take a deep breathe and enter the boat house. The lights weren't on and he wasn't sure how he felt about that so he put them on. It was quiet to but that was to be expected. It was nearly 4am and neither Juleka or the captain were on board. Juleka was sleeping over at Rose's and the Captain had crashed at the studio they owned. Luka wasn't surprised by that. She had been working hard on a new song but he kind of wished she was home. He walked through the boathouse and came to the cupboard that he locked the Nightmare inside. Taking a deep breathe, he opened it and let out a sigh when it was empty. He closed the door and slipped into his room. It was back to normal but Luka wasn't sure about sleeping in there tonight so instead he grabbed his blanket and pillow. He made his way to the living room and put on some music before he curled up into the sofa. Tikki gently curled up next to him as he attempted to stay awake. He really didn't want to sleep. "You ok?"
 "I need to talk to mum," He mumbled, making her frown. "I need to know if I really am related to him,"
 "I understand but you should try and get some rest," She mumbled. "I'll keep guard and chase away any bad dreams,"
 ".... Thank you, Tikki...."
 ~Next Day~
 "I don't know how to ask her, Tikki," Luka sighed as he sat on the floor of his bedroom. He hadn't really slept last night after the akuma. It was hard to given his nightmare but he wondered if this was the right thing to do. The Captain hated bringing up the past but Luka felt like he had a right to know. He had always suspected that Isaac Farrow wasn't his real father but he couldn't be a hundred percent sure. Tikki flew over to him and gently placed her paw on his knee.
 "Just ask her," She stated, making it sound so simple and maybe it was. Most of the time, he was a chilled out person but there were times where he did overthink things and maybe this was one of those moments. He took a deep breathe and got up before holding his hoodie open for Tikki. She flew inside as he walked over to the door and opened it. He walked over to the kitchen where the Captain was and cleared his throat, making her look at him.
 "You ok, Lad?" She asked, frowning. "You look like you didn't sleep... did that akuma effect ya last night?"
 "Yeah..." He mumbled, looking down. "I saw him..."
 She frowned deeply and put the glass down before walking over to him and gently placing her hand on his shoulder, making him look up.
 "It wasn't real, Lad," She tried to reassure. "Isaac is gone and he's never coming back. You know that right?"
 "I know..." He mumbled, playing with his hands. "But..."
 "But what?" She asked as he took out one of his guitar picks and began to fidget with it. "Luka?"
 ".... is he my father?..." He asked, surprising her. She bit her lip as he frowned. "Mum, please... I need to know... Am I his son?"
 For a minute, she was silent and he feared the worst. That he was wrong and he really was that monster's son but then she let out a sigh.
 "No, Luka... you're not his son..." She mumbled, looking at him as he stared at her. He was honestly shocked. It was one thing to suspect it but to actually have it confirmed... well he wasn't prepared for it. "Luka? Are you ok? Do you need to sit down?"
 "I... if he isn't my father then who is?" He asked, not ready to ask the other questions yet. She let out a sigh and led him to the sofa, causing him to sit down.
 "You might find this hard to believe but Jagged is your real father..." She mumbled, looking down. Once again, Luka found himself speechless. He had not expected that.
 "A-Are you sure?" He asked, not sure what else to say. She nodded and chuckled.
 "I know I'm a free spirit but I haven't been with that many partners, Lad," She grinned before frowning. "I'm sure but I know how it sounds. Me claiming that he's your father but I'm sure, Luka,"
 "Is he... Juleka's dad as well?" He asked but she shook his head and began to tell her story. He listened carefully as she explained that she and Jagged once were in a relationship during her days in his band but unfortunately, they got into an extremely heated argument and she quit, leaving the band and the current country they were in. It wasn't until a couple of weeks later that she discovered she was pregnant. However, when she tried to contact Jagged, Bob Roth refused to let her contact him as she had quitted the band. He told her that Jagged had ordered him too but as it turned out, Jagged had no idea she had even tried to contact him. Bob Roth flat out lied to her and Jagged. That enraged Luka a little but he calmed when she placed her hand on his. "Does Jagged know who I am?"
 "No... I thought about telling him when he came back into our lives but... I was afraid... I knew that if I told him, I'd have to tell you and part of me didn't want to. As you can tell, Jagged is childish and not exactly a role mode for a father figure..."
 "And Isaac was?" He asked but he sounded more hurt then angry. "Mum, why didn't you tell me?"
 "I was afraid that you would hate me and since the past is in the past..." She mumbled, looking down. "I'm sorry, Luka. I should have told you sooner..."
 "Is that why Isaac hated me so much?" He asked, making her frown. "Did he know?"
 "Yes... you were a year old when I met him..." She explained, making him frown. He honestly felt like a lot of his life was a lie. He knew it wasn’t but it felt that way. He stood up and began to walk away. "Luka...”
 "I... need to go out and clear my head, Ma..." He muttered, making her frown but before she could give an answer, he bolted out of there as fast as he could. He wasn't surprised that it was raining but he kind of glad. It meant that no one would see his tears. He kept running as fast as he could. Part of him wanted to go and hide like he did at Christmas but a lot of people came out looking for him and he didn't want to become an akuma but he didn't exactly want to go home either. It's not that he was angry with his mum. He wanted to be but he couldn't bring himself to be. He understood but he was hurt. For years, he believed he was related to that monster. For years, he was tormented by him and even years later, he was haunted. It hurt that he was harmed by that monster but it hurt even more when he thought he was his son. But even now, it still hurt. He made a turn and stopped in his tracks as he came face to face with Tom and Sabine boulangerie patisserie. Warmth and kindness practically radiated from it and before he even considered his options, his feet took charge and he walked towards the door. He saw Marinette was at the till and without hesitation, he pushed open the door and walked in.
 "Hi, welcome- Luka?!" Marinette gasped as she looked before rushing over to him. "Oh my god, you're soaked. Where's your jacket and umbrella?!"
 "I..." He mumbled but he could't hold back the tears anymore. To Marinette's shock, he began to break down but before he could stop himself or apology, she wrapped her arms around him and hugged him. 
 "It's ok, Luka," She whispered before pulling away and turning to look into the kitchen. "Maman?"
 "Is everything ok, sweetie?" Sabine asked as she came back into the store but as soon as she saw Luka, she realized why. She didn't question why he was soaked to the skin or in clear distress. "Why don't you take Luka upstairs and get him some fresh clothes and a nice hot chocolate? I'll look after the till for the rest of the day,"
 "Thanks, Maman," She smiled, gently taking his hand and leading him into the apartment. "I have some spare clothes you can wear while we get those dry,"
 "A-Are you sure?" He asked, wiping his eyes. "I don't want to be a burden,"
 "Luka, you're not a burden," She smiled, facing him. "You're one of the best people I know and you've helped me out with some much so I'm gonna help you out ok? Besides, I make a damn fine hot chocolate,"
 "No buts, Mister," She grinned, leading him into her room. She grabbed a towel and threw it at him before rummaging through her clothes, pulling out a pair of pants and a shirt. "There's not really your style but they should fit,"
 She handed them to him and told him to go get changed in the bathroom before she got changed in her room and headed into the kitchen. She hummed to herself as she began to make the hot chocolate. He came out a few minutes later with the towel and his wet clothes. To her surprise, the outfit fitted him perfectly and even suited him a little but she preferred his rock star look. He sheepishly asked where the dryer was as the phone rang. She pointed to it as she walked over and answered it. He put the clothes in to dry and put the towel in the washing basket before sitting down at the table and playing with his hands.
 "Hi Captain... yeah, he's here..." She answered, making him frown and feel guilty. He had just ran off. He looked up as Marinette held the phone out to him. "Your maman wants to talk to you..."
 He remained silent before sighing. 
 "I don't know what to say..." He admitted, looking down. Marinette frowned and put the phone back to her ear.
 "Um, sorry, Captain but I don't think he's in any real state to talk right now. Oh, he's not injured... but he does look hurt..." She mumbled, making him frown. "Ok, hang on,"
 She looked up again at him.
 "She said that she just wants to say sorry," She mumbled, making him nod. She handed the phone to him and he shakily held it to his ear.
 "Ma?" He asked in a shaky voice.
 "Oh, Luka. I know you said you needed space but I was worried," She gasped, making him frown. "I'm so sorry,"
 "I-It's fine..." He mumbled, looking down. "I'm so-sorry for rushing out... I just... I over reacted..."
 "No, Lad, you didn't. You need to process it and that's ok," She corrected as he nodded. "I get it, Lad but I just had to make sure you were ok... well, safe would be a better word. You are safe right?"
 "Y-yeah... I'm with M-Marinette..." He mumbled as tears threatened to spill again. "C-Can I stay here t-tonight?"
 "As long as her parents are fine with it then I'm fine with it," She replied. "And if you want to come home later and not stay over, that's ok too. This boat is your home, Lad. No matter what ok?"
 "O-ok..." He mumbled, noticing Marinette disappearing. He frowned a little.
 "You know I love you right and while I make bad choices sometimes, I never intended to hurt you right?" She asked, sounding a little insecure. Luka sighed a little.
 "I know, Ma," He mumbled. "I love you too,"
 "Alright. Well, I'll better get going... I hope we can talk about this and overcome it..." She mumbled more to herself then him.
 "Ma, I'm not angry," He stated, causing her to gasp. "And I don't hate you. I know you thought you were doing was for the best and I get that. I just... I don't want to be on the boat right now,"
 "I get it, Lad. You don't need to explain," She replied, making him let out a sigh. "I'm glad you don't hate me though,"
 "I better get going, Ma," He mumbled, getting a bye of her before they both hung up. He returned the phone to it's rightful place before letting out a sigh. A few minutes later, Marinette walked back in with a bag of sweets. She set them in front of him and placed a hot chocolate next to him before sitting down and sipping her own.
 "Maman and Papa are fine with you staying over tonight as long as you sleep in the guest room," She smiled, revealing why she disappeared. He nodded and gave her a weak smile. "So wanna talk about it?"
 "I... yeah... but I don't know how..." He admitted, making her take his hand in hers. "I'm normally the one who tells other people that's it's ok... I'm usually the strong one..."
 "Hmm... well, I believe you once told me that it was ok for me to tell you anything or nothing and that I could be myself around you..." She mumbled, playing with her hands. His mind flicked back to that day in the park when he found her crying. It had been before he became Anatis or she became Princess Justice. It seemed like a life time away. Tears welled up in his eyes again as she took his hand in hers again. "Well, that goes both ways, Luka. You can also be yourself around me and if you want to tell me, I'll listen and if you don't, that's ok too but please don't bottle it up. I know there's the threat of akumas but I'll trap any I see so they don't won't get to you,"
 To her surprise, he began to cry again and covered his eyes with his hands. She frowned gently and got up, gently putting her arm around his shoulders as he cried. She told him to let it out and kept an eye out for butterflies. If she needed to see, she would transform and cataclysm each one to that came near him but as luck would have it, not a single one came for him and gradually he calmed down, wiping his tears away.
 "I'm so sorry, Marinette," He hiccuped, making her frown. "I... that akuma that made your nightmares come true... it brought to life a man called Isaac Farrow... he was my ma's ex and for a long time I thought he was my father... he... he didn't like me and I never understood what I did but I thought I was a bad son and that's why he use to hurt me but... I'm... I'm not his son.... that's why I'm upset I guess... my ma lied to me for years about it... I asked her today because I've suspected it for a while but I needed to know once and for all... and she admitted it..."
 "Oh, Luka," She mumbled, hugging him. He hugged back. "Do you know who your real dad is?"
 He nodded, making her let a sigh of relief but he was grateful when she didn't ask who it was. He wasn't quite ready to tell her or face that himself. He didn't know what to do with that information.
 "Luka..." She mumbled, making him look up at her. "What did you mean by hurt you? I remember you said that Christmas reminded you of him leaving and that's why you hated it but..."
 He knew what she wanted to ask. She knew that he was a drunk and had destroyed Luka's guitar and basically wreaked the Christmas tree so she was aware that he was at emotionally abusive.
 "Yeah..." He mumbled, answering her un-asked question. His voice had gone emotionless as it always did when he talked off his past. "He use to hit me,"
 "Oh, Lu... I'm so sorry," She mumbled, gently placing her chin on top of his head as he rested against her, feeling really tired.
 "It's not your fault, melody," He mumbled, looking up at her. To his surprise, she gently moved his hair from his face, causing him to blush. "H-he was an asshole and while I'm hurt that the Captain didn't tell me for years, I'm relieved to know that I'm not related to him,"
 "That's good to know," She smiled. "You're really strong, Lu,"
 He yawned, making her giggle before she pulled away.
 "Drink up your hot chocolate. I'll go and sort out the spare room," She mumbled, getting a nod of him. She turned to leave but he called her name. "Yeah?"
 "Thank you..." He smiled sheepishly, making her blush a little before she smiled back.
 "No worries, Luka," She replied back. "You're my friend and I'm always gonna be here if you need me,"
Next Chapter: https://ultra-sassyduck.tumblr.com/post/635102501338841088/miraculous-rise-of-anatis-35
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vynefiendfyre · 3 years
Ray • he probably wouldnt notice • I'm sorry • slap him • he'd be too busy with his duties to notice you wobbling around • he would notice your shaking but just think it was his imagination since hes pretty exhausted too • that is until you set his tea down and then disappear in front of his desk • he calls out your name a couple times before standing up from behind the Mountain of paperwork • "Y/N? Y/N?" He calls before going around his desk and finding you in a heap of skin and muscle • "oh shi-" he covers his mouth and rushes over to you • "wake up, come on..." he mumbles, trying to get to to wake up • when you dont, he drags you to his room and sets you on his bed • he assigns a lower ranked member to watch over you and make sure you dont get out of bed • will force you back even if he has to physically restrain you • he'd try to cook something for you because he's a worried boyfie • almost burns the building down • sets the oven on fire • he also makes luka panic • got banned from the kitchen by luka • got banned from touching hot things from sirius • he cant really take a day off so he just checks in on you periodically when he has a couple minutes • luka has to make him tea now • honestly wouldnt make you do crap for the next couple days • just worries about you a lot "No more kitchen." Sirius and Luka collectively agree on that. "Fine... No more kitchen." Ray pouts softly as he goes up the stairs. He knocks on the door to his room to make sure he doesnt startle you and closes the door behind him. He sits on the edge of your bed and sighs. "I tried to make some food for you but I messed it up and now I'm banned from the kitchen." You sit up and chuckle, shaking your head slightly. "You know you can't cook, silly." He blushes and scratches the back of his head. "I just worry that you arent eating enough sometimes and I wanted to do something nice for you." "You being here for me, although I could get up since it's already been two days, is enough for me. Thank you though." You open your arms for him and he slides in, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you close. Sirius • wouldnt notice either • too busy • slap him pt.2 • doesnt even notice you're shaking • just thinks its normal and goes on with his day • it isnt until he goes to take care of his horse and he finds you face down in the dirt mixed with horse poo • it stinks • he low key screams loud enough the whole building can hear it • luka, seth, and fenrir come running out • he picks you up like you're a moldy cloth and takes you inside • the rest are low key laughing at his face but are worried about you • he doesn't let your feet touch the ground the whole time • puts you in your bed after putting down a towel • you wake up and freak out then realise you're in your room • "wash yourself off" • "but I cant" • "why cant you" • "sirius I cant move my arms" • *throws washcloth* • "suffer alone." • but the moment you fall asleep hes cleaning you off • you stink and he cant handle it • would worry • are they okay • are they eating • forces you to eat if you havent • would keep you in bed for like 2 weeks • worried about you constantly • kinda snaps because hes so worried • yells a lot but doesnt know it • assigns someone like luka or seth to take care of you • trust issues to the max • he most likely assigns luka because they can cook together and sirius can bring up your meal while luka cooks and after they're done sirius can put the stuff away and luka can look after you • would tie you to the bed if you dont want to stay in it • did I mention hes worried "You still smell like horse poo." Sirius sighs as he sits on the side of your bed with your portion of dinner on a plate. "It's because you wont let me get up and take a shower without someone watching me." You grumble, taking the plate and utensils. "I just don't want to find you face down in the horse stable again." "Then let me take a shower." "Fine... But I'm going to be
standing guard in case something happens." You blush a bit at the thought and rub his hand. "Stop being such a worry wart." You smile at him before beginning to eat. "I'm not worried." He adverts his gaze and looks down at his hands. "I-I'm gunna let you eat in peace." He stands and leaves. "He's so worried." You mumble with a fond smile. Luka • he's the most • um • blunt I guess • so he would notice the dark circles under your eyes or how you wobble around while baking and just blatantly ask you • "are you okay?" • if you answer yes, he knows something's off and hes going to get answer from you one way or another • unfortunately hes too late and he finds you passed out in the kitchen after going to grab something from the pantry • he'd panic at first and think you're dead • he'd rush over to you and try to shake you awake but you wont budge • low key starts to cry • big sigh of relief when you finally wake up • he'd hold you close and not let you go • he's strong so good luck getting out of his hug for a while • the food goes cold and you're like "Luka the food's gunna get cold." • he's like "I don't care I thought I lost you." and then blush because he didn't realise he said what he said and you started to laugh • "I wasnt gone forever." • "I know..." • cue more blushing • he'd make some food and tea for you to munch on after • he'd be really clingy and Stone would definitely notice and squeak at him in a teasing way • would pin you down to the bed if you tried to leave the next day • insists that you need rest and wont let you go until hes satisfied • sneaks back hugs and kisses to make sure you're feeling well • presses his lips against your forehead to check your temperature • hes amazing Arms wrap around your waist as you mix the batter for Ray's muffins. "Hey, Luka." You say, concentrating on mixing. "You feeling okay?" He presses his lips against your temple, pulling back before resting his forehead against the crook of your neck. "Yeah, what's up?" "Just makin' sure you're okay." His voice comes out muffled as he presses some kisses against your shoulder. "Luka, I have to finish these." You try to shake him off but he just holds you tighter and whines. "Nooooo." He groans before you slither out of his arms, his blushing face left for the world to see. "I need to get these in the oven and make the tea. I promise I'll hug you when I'm done. You can make the tea if you want." "Fine." He mutters and gets the stuff for the tea. Fenrir • this man • slap him pt. 3 • not really • but pls slap him • he wouldnt notice and he'd just be like "huh what's up?" if you seemed really tired • he'd probably have to listen to the queues of Ray or Seth to even get a thought that you're exhausted • honestly I wouldnt blame him though, he has a lot of stuff on his plate as the Ace • hes probably just as overworked as you are but hes too charismatic to show it • he thought that you'd get through it because you're tough but freaks out when you pass out on the way to Ray with his tea • he decided it would be best to walk you from the kitchen to Ray's office after Ray pretty much ordered him to • he would've done it anyway • boyfriend material smh • when you came crashing to the ground the last thing he was worried about was the tea • he panicked inside and cursed himself for not letting you rest enough • he'd resituate you so that your back is leaning on the wall as he cleans up the mess of the tea • I love him • he'd bring the tea to Ray before rushing back to you • you had woken up and were lowkey scared about how you ended up in that situation • he'd hug you really tight to hide the tears forming • hides in the crook of your neck • drags you into bed and makes you lay down with him • he'd take the next day off and coax you back into bed and cuddle with you • good luck getting away from him • he has an iron clad grip on your hips so you arent moving anywhere • would probably put you on his chest and wrap his arms
around you because that's how he feels most comfortable • would take the next day off too just to make sure you're okay before going back to his duties • would keep a close eye on you from then on "Babe, I'm fine." You say as you climb the stairs to Ray's room for the first time since you passed out. "I just want to make sure you don't pass out again." Fenrir says in his usual go-lucky voice. "But babe, I got a full nights rest last night." "I don't care, I'm still worrying about you." He rubs the back of his head. "You know, my duties as your boyfriend and the ace is to keep you safe from harm. And I failed to make sure you were doing okay, so I won't slip up again." He looks at his feet as you both turn to Ray's office. "Look at me, Fenrir." He locks eyes with you and you lean up to give him a peck on the lips. "I'll be fine." You nudge open the door with your foot before stepping in. Seth • girl good luck being exhausted around him • he'd notice immediately • would not let you go • files for a couple days off to releive stress • makes you go out no matter how much you object to it • takes you to a bakery since he knows you love to bake • let's you buy what you want and then buys for himself • drags you to a dress store to get a new outfit for you • he notices how you begin to get sluggish and let's you sit down while he brings dresses to you • panics when he sees you slumped over when he comes back with a cute white dress • thinks the red army did something and drops the dress to rush over to you • shakes you a bit until he realises you passed out • "you silly girl/boy... you should've told me if you were this tired..." he mutters to himself • puts the dress back and hoists you on his back • he walks through most of the central quarter with you on his back before you wake up • you're really confused as to what's happening and why theres so many people • and you're tall?? when did you grow? • then you see the blue hair of seth and realise you passed out • "sorry if I scared you..." you mumble in his ear so he can hear you • he just looks back and smiles and it says it's fine • he gets you back to the black army base with a little retaliation from you to set him down • he just keeps a strong grip on your thighs and keeps you held up no matter how much you squirm • he sets you down on his bed and settles in before you can leave, practically tying you to the bed and not letting you leave • insists you need your beauty sleep even though you dont think so • will make you sleep one way or another • takes at least 3 days off to make sure you get rest • would give you back hugs and kiss your neck or shoulders more often just to check up on you • super teasing about it • slap him pt. 4 • golden retriever bf • 10/10 would reccomend "Aliiiiiceee..." Seth whines in a high pitched voice. "What is it?" You ask over your shoulder from folding laundry. He wraps his arms around you and rests his head on top of yours. "How are you feeling today? Have you eaten?" You think for a moment before you realise you haven't slept in a while and you haven't eaten today. "Uh... no..." "Your bags say you haven't slept in a while either." He drags you to his bed and throws himself on top of you, making sure not to crush you. "Seth... I was in the middle of doing something..." "I don't care. Now sleep." He puts his hand over your eyes and flips over so you're on top of him, resting on his chest. His heartbeat is soothing and strong, indicating that this isn't a dream or hallucination, this is reality and you have such a wonderful lover. His hands are still wrapped around you and prevent you from moving, so you decide to just lay there. You drift off to sleep to the sound of his heartbeat and slowed breathes.
A/N This is a request from @Chaosangel767
hope you like it!!
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nobodyfamousposts · 5 years
Kagami VS The Wall of Faces - A Kagaminette Commission
A dragon is a fierce creature. Strong. Dangerous. Greedy.
And Kagami was so very greedy.
Particularly when it came to the time and attention of one Marinette Dupain-Cheng.
It started small at first, beginning with that contest they had participated in together. For all of the missteps, Kagami’s awkward attempts, and the other girl’s anxiety, it was probably one of the best days of Kagami’s life. Even if they hadn’t won the contest, they both had gained something from it. A unique experience. A better relationship.
It hadn’t been until she finally confronted her mother after the akuma battle that she realized.
Kagami had her first “friend”.
One who was willing to defend her. One who was willing to stand up to her mother. One who stayed by her with an ease and jovial mind even when they lost at their goal.
The life of a Tsurugi was one of strictness and discipline. A loss was a burden. A failure was a shame.
But here...drinking juice together and talking and just being together...Kagami felt none of that.
It was freeing in a way. Confusing, true. But freeing, like the weight that normally dragged her down after any failure was lightened...perhaps even nonexistent.
If she felt this way in Marinette’s presence despite a loss, perhaps it was a feeling she could continue to have around her?
And so, Kagami started making a point to spend more time with the other girl. Seeing her more often at school. Joining her for lunch. And even taking precious moments she would use to hurry to fencing practice and get a head start to stay with the other girl for a bit longer, arriving to her practice on time instead of early as per her usual. And as she grew closer with Marinette, she was invited on more outings with her and her friends, which was something she had come to enjoy.
And yet...something had to be wrong, because Kagami found she couldn’t seem to get enough. As time passed, Kagami slowly began to feel dissatisfied but didn’t know why.
Was it because of Marinette’s infatuation with Adrien? It had to be, Kagami realized one day as she found herself glaring at the horde of pictures of the boy on Marinette’s wall. They were both in love with the same boy, after all.
Except then Marinette started talking about the blue-haired boy, Luka. Some pictures of him slowly started to make their way onto the wall. And to her surprise, rather than lessen, that dark feeling was just as strong.
Was she...jealous of Marinette?
Or was she jealous over Marinette?
Did she want Marinette to get rid of the pictures of Adrien? Yes. That meant she saw her as a rival for his affections, right?
But then the niggling little thought interfered. That one questioning little thought with a loud voice and a perfect image of how Marinette’s wall would look so much nicer if it had pictures of Kagami up instead…
It hit her.
She remembered hearing before...how everyone had something that represented their heart and what was most important to them within it. For more traditional folks, it would be some manner of collection—antiques, trophies, souvenirs, or other collectables. For many, it would be their computers. Or their phone. Their music. Some sort of tangible thing to display that showed a person’s heart.
And for Marinette, it was that Wall.
That wall of pictures wasn’t just a sign of Marinette’s love for Adrien. It was also symbolic of just how much space Adrien took in her heart.
...Kagami wanted that space.
She wanted to be in Marinette’s heart.
She wanted to be on that Wall.
Much as a dragon would hoard its treasures, Kagami found herself inclined to hoard what meant most to her.
And her “treasure” was the time and attention she received from her new good friend. Seeing Marinette smile. Hearing her laugh. Having her gaze solely on herself.
She started with little things. Compliments of Marinette’s appearance. Praise of her skills. And something in Kagami sparked when she got a blush or stammer in response.
Then she started increasing their time spent together.  Visiting the bakery Marinette’s parents owned after school as a post-fencing practice “break”. Staying in the bakery itself if Marinette happened to be working that day and chatting with her between customers. Arriving early to walk to school together in the mornings, and gaining gratitude from Marinette’s parents and much surprise from everyone else that her doing so has since helped Marinette to start arriving on time.
As days and weeks passed, she saw how Marinette became ever more comfortable around her. Her friends were nervous and uncertain. And that Rossi girl and Bourgeois brat certainly made themselves scarce. But Marinette was genuinely happy to have her around.
And never was this more clear than the day Kagami entered Marinette’s room and discovered a change to the Wall of Faces that took up her heart.
More pictures took up space on the Wall. Some of that blue-haired boy. A couple of the hero Chat Noir. A few of her friends all together.
And then there was one of her.
Of Kagami.
Not even of her and others in a group. But just one—a profile picture. Something she recognized from a magazine that had done an article about her once. It had been a while ago. Marinette would have had to do some searching to find it.
Marinette had gone out of her way to find a picture of Kagami for her Wall. And furthermore, she had not placed her in the somewhat limited section that seemed specifically set aside for her friends. Rather, Kagami was in the mix of photos that seemed to be designated for a deeper feeling.
She...felt warm at the prospect. Almost giddy.
And yet...
It wasn’t enough.
She didn’t just want a part of her heart.
She wanted all of it.
And that meant only one thing.
She had to take over the Wall.
She continued from there in a rather simple manner. Marinette had an instagram account and Kagami shortly after started her own as well. With this excuse, she suggested they take “selfies” and pictures of their outings together to add to her account. Marinette had happily agreed, and soon both Kagami and Marinette’s accounts had pictures of the two of them at various activities.
This also had the fortunate effect of providing additional photos available for Marinette to add to her Wall at any point. Something Kagami saw was working, as she noted more pictures of herself taking up increased space on the Wall. It was still not as much as she would have liked, but given that the Wall had originally been solely dedicated to Adrien, it was substantial progress.
The next step was to introduce herself as a potential object of Marinette’s affections. While she seemed to hold some feeling for Kagami, the limited space on the Wall and the girl’s own mixed feelings meant that she likely didn’t consciously realize Kagami as an option.
She had to fix that.
And what better way than to offer her tokens of her esteem?
So Kagami started giving her gifts. A keychain from a souvenir stand they happened upon during one of their outings. A small plush toy from the arcade. A mask from a carnival. Just small things here and there...at least at first.
In her time with Marinette, she took note of the other girl’s interests. Design, obviously. Sewing and knitting as well. And then there was the less noted one of gardening.
Marinette gasped in delight the day Kagami presented her with a gift of potted pink hydrangeas.
“They’re beautiful! But are you sure you want to give them to me?”
Kagami smiled.
“I wouldn’t have brought them for you if I wasn’t certain. In fact, I could think of no one I would entrust with them more.”
Marinette blushed at that, gratefully accepting the gift.
(Marinette didn’t understand why Tikki kept giggling the rest of that day. It wasn’t until she looked up online for information about hydrangeas and how to care for them that she discovered the symbolism.)
When Kagami next came into Marinette’s room, the number of her pictures on The Wall exceeded those of Couffaine. She felt a thrum of pleasure in her heart.
And so she continued. Gifts of yarn. New sewing needles. And at one point, much to Marinette’s awe, a rather expensive roll of fabric that earned her a very pleasant hug of excitement. Kagami kept the gifts sporadic—she didn’t want to overwhelm her after all. But the more time she spent with her and the more gifts she gave her, the more that Kagami found she was slowly but surely taking over the wall as well as forging her own place in Marinette’s heart. One that was eventually comparable to the space of Adrien’s own.
This was never more clear than when, to Kagami’s joy, Marinette started to reciprocate.
“Hey, Kagami! I made you some mittens!”
“Here’s a scarf I made for you! As thanks! For...for the materials you gave me…”
“I had a thought about a new fencing uniform. Would you like to take a look and tell me what  you think? Um...if that’s all right?”
Kagami’s new fencing uniform three weeks later made it more than all right.
Marinette was acting different. Stammering a bit more. A little awkward. Flushing and blushing and making Kagami’s heart thrum with delight. Even her friends started to realize what was happening.
...Adrien, it seemed, did not.
“I’m glad to see you two are becoming such good friends!” He told her one day after practice when she was about to leave with Marinette.
Kagami had to hold back her laughter. Because really, how ridiculous could he get?
She didn’t want to just be Marinette’s “friend”.
She wanted to be Marinette’s “one”.
That meant wooing Marinette.
Kagami smirked.
Well, if Adrien wasn’t going to get a clue, it might as well be a woman who shows him how it’s done.
Things came to a head at a specific point.
It was an akuma battle. Not any different from the usual, except that the akuma this time was a slighted fencing rival who was targeting Kagami herself. Her attempts to fend him off would have been admirable, but were sadly lacking as she didn’t have the power of a Miraculous or akuma to defend herself with. At most, she had only her own physical abilities and skill.
And one Marinette Dupain-Cheng attacking with a frying pan she must have grabbed from her kitchen when the akuma barged in and WHAT WAS THAT GIRL THINKING?
“Are you CRAZY?!”
“Kagami, he’s after you! Just RUN!” Marinette shouted as she parried a strike.
Kagami could only stare in shock. Partly in fear. Mostly in awe of this girl who was only an amateur in fencing at best but who was still trying to step in for her sake.
...She hadn’t thought she could be any more in love with her.
Unfortunately, the moment didn’t last. Now that the akuma was focused on Marinette, the two adult Dupain-Chengs grabbed Kagami and rushed outside of the bakery, ordering her to run. Then pushing her when she attempted to refuse until she had no choice without making all their attempts futile and risk them coming to even more harm. If she wasn’t there, at least, maybe the akuma would leave them alone to try and chase after her? Maybe it would lose interest in them?
That is a big “maybe”, though...
And didn’t that just grate everything in Kagami? To run away? Unacceptable. To flee from an opponent? Unacceptable. To allow Marinette to be facing an enemy in her stead? To be injured—possibly killed for Kagami’s sake?
She was about ready to turn around and head back, damn the consequences! But something else stood in her way.
A certain black-clad something with a rather familiar box.
“Special delivery!”
Chat Noir had somehow gotten ahold of the Dragon Miraculous and sought out Kagami for her aid in the battle. She didn’t know how or why. She didn’t know if this was part of a plan. She had no idea where Ladybug even was.
None of that mattered.
The only thing that mattered was that she finally had a way to fight back and defend the treasure precious to her heart.
“Loong, bring the storm!”
Within mere moments, she was transformed and taking to the sky, leaving Chat Noir yelping out in surprise. She didn’t have time to wait on him, though. She had a treasure to protect. And a lady to save!
For Marinette, the fight had been a short one—little wonder, as she was untransformed and a frying pan could really only do so much against a skilled fencer. Within minutes, the akuma had Marinette cornered and unarmed.
Marinette saw the akuma’s weapon raised and ready to swing down on her. She closed her eyes, knowing this may very well be it.
Something slammed into her, though. But it wasn’t a weapon. It didn’t hurt.
“I have you, Hime!”
Her eyes snapped open in shock.
It wasn’t that she was alive. It wasn’t that she was in the air. It wasn’t that there was a Miraculous user active.
It was that her saviour was Ryuko.
She was in Kagami’s arms. With Kagami smiling at her. With Kagami holding her oh so closely.
“Are you unharmed, Mari-hime?”
And calling her “Princess”.
Marinette felt herself blush in a way she hadn’t around Adrien in weeks.
“Fine! You’re fine! I-I mean I’M fine! We’re fine! Just…”
Very fine. Were her arms always this muscled?
She squeaked.
Kagami—Ryuko! Her hero name is Ryuko!
Marinette shook her head.
Ryuko gently set Marinette to stand on a nearby rooftop. To Marinette’s embarrassment, she stumbled, causing Kaga—Ryuko to grab her again to steady her.
“Thank me! I mean—you!” Marinette couldn’t even bring herself to speak.
Kagami—because it WAS Kagami behind that mask damn her—gave a gentle smile.
“Of course, Hime. I wouldn’t let anything happen to you.”
She bowed and placed a kiss to the other girl’s hand.
“Until we meet again, Mari-hime.” Kagami told her, giving that oh so satisfied smirk she always wore when she knew she was winning.
Which she was and she knew it, seeing the way the pigtailed girl flushed a deep red and started stammering. Kagami would almost say the reaction made everything worth it.
“Ryuuko!” Came the call from a distance. Chat Noir was in trouble.
Kagami gave Marinette a wink before going after the cry.
Marinette curled into a ball, covering her face with her jacket and giving out a muffled cry with only Tikki to witness the display and try to calm her down enough to get her to transform.
Needless to say, Ladybug was distracted for the rest of the fight.
Two days later, Kagami met with Marinette in her room. To her inner glee, there was a picture of Ryuko front and center in the middle of The Wall. More pictures of Adrien had been taken down in its wake as she saw her Miraculous self standing tall with sword in hand. The picture was larger than a good majority of the others, and it in combination with her other pictures left her taking up a good three quarters of the entire canvas that represented Marinette’s heart.
There were still some pictures of Adrien left on The Wall. But Kagami had time to remove those. As things stood, it was clear who held most of the space in Marinette’s heart.
“Marinette? I was wondering if you would perhaps like to go out to dinner with me?”
The designer blinked in surprise at that. “You mean like hanging out at the cafe like usual?”
She shook her head and took Marinette’s hand in her own. “No. I mean...dinner. With me. Together.”
Marinette gaped in surprise. But Kagami did not falter.
“The fight with the akuma the other day really made me realize that I have been...hesitating. I like you. I like being with you. And I...want to be with you. If you will have me.”
Marinette blushed. When her eyes met Kagami’s, there was uncertainty. But she was looking at Kagami—just at Kagami. The way Kagami had been wanting her to.
“I think I would like that.”
Kagami smiled. They both did.
The Wall still had pictures of Adrien. And a few of Luka. As well as a couple of Chat Noir.
Kagami didn’t care.
It didn’t matter if Adrien still had a part of Marinette’s heart. Kagami had most of it, she was sure. And if the amount of space she took up in Marinette’s heart was enough for her to at least get to call Marinette her own…
She wouldn’t be wholly satisfied with that, but she could at least try to be. For now.
This is a commission for Sbelle, who asked for Kagaminette with an “unambiguously happy gay ending”. I hope you are satisfied with how this turned out! Thank you for your patronage!
If you would like to support me or request a commission, please check out my ko-fi.
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akimmito · 4 years
Heroes are made by the path they choose
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Chapter 7
Marinette returns to battle having merged Longg and Plagg. She confronts the Akuma, whose name is unknown, and invokes the power of the Lightning Dragon, the AT field is activated again, but manages to crack enough so that she, using the sword, pierces the shield (perhaps she used a bit magic to enhance the impact force). Chloe jumps behind her and the two fall on the Akuma, just then the chirp sounds again and more mist appears, this time surrounding them all.
They hear voices, they can't see anything and, although for some it's almost heartbreaking to hear, they can't be distracted. Paris depends on them, they may not all be useful at the time, but they never know what could happen.
"Cataclysm!"Marinette wastes no time and, accustomed to Talia's voice, does not stop from her main mission.
Soon, the bark cracks and begins to light up as it seems to expand... there is no butterfly anywhere.
By the time he realizes it, the crust has exploded, staining everything twenty kilometers away from a liquid that looks like blood.
And where the golden diamond was, now there is a kind of worm floating above the Luxembourg Palace.
Just Robert @PoorButterflies
What the fuck?
Ladybug come back @ LadybugHero_89
PEOPLE! THE ANGEL EXPLODED! It was quite a scene from NGE, will the heroes be okay?
Little Little Sun @ ErasmusLS_564
My sister sent me a video of the exact moment the Akuma exploded, how shocking.
[Attached Video]
#AngelInParis #WTFParis
Felix feels numb, the scarlet liquid completely covering them. The big problem is that due to the strong smell of metal, he knows it's blood, but that is only part of the matter, what makes him annoying is that it was hot and it's making him sick, not in the sense of feeling disgusted, it's as if the blood was poisonous.
"Guys?"He barely recognizes Luka's voice before falling to his knee as he tries to make his limbs listen to him.
It's a moment of stupor, but the next thing he registers is that a whiplash sends him and Red Fox flying from the building where he was (destroying the construction on the way). It crashes into one of the statues at the University of Paris, La Sorbonne, and then falls to the ground. Nathaniel suffers the same fate, but ends up knocking down the spire of the dome and falling to the other end, within the grounds of the university.
He feels stupid, if he had anticipated it, he could have put the shell on at least the two of them and not seem like a pathetic hero attempt. It feels like an amateur, it's a shame. How could anyone think it would explode?
"If it wasn't so terrible, I'd be excited to fight an angel. Luka, the second chance. "
Felix watches Marinette and Chloe jump over the Akuma when the AT field falls. At those times, communications sound.
"Kagami, go to Felix's side, now. Felix, put on a shell! The Akuma is going to explode. "Kagami obeys immediately trusting Luka's words, he must have used the second chance. As soon as the girl is by her side, he activate the shell, just in time.
And the Akuma, in effect, explodes bathing everything in a blood red liquid, inside the shell it's seen how it seems to boil and evaporate, but Felix notes that it considerably weakened the protection of his shield. If they had been hit directly by the liquid, it would have caused a lot of damage.
He look in the direction of the Akuma, there is no longer the rhombus, there are no signs of Chloe or Marinette either, but he doubts that they have exploded, perhaps they were only thrown away. Take note of the Akuma's new look and the interesting metal plate on what he imagines is the head. Not that he finds much shape in what looks like a giant silver-colored noodle, although he understands that it may be a worm.
"He will attack in your direction, separate."
Felix deactivates the shield and the three jump in different directions, just in time to avoid a whiplash from the Akuma's tail.
"Rakkīgāru, we will cover you. "Nathaniel speaks the moment he activates his power. "Mirage. "
Kagami pulls away a little, allowing the two boys to fight. Between the three of them they should be able to take down Akuma, correct?
"Lucky Charm!"  When activating her power, a tight suit with a very curious design falls into her hands, she has no idea how a suit would help them defeat the Akuma. What would Marinette do? She turns to battle, ready to cope. They must reach the alleged akumatized object.
"A suit? "Felix questions, looking at him curiously. Is it really a suit will give them victory?"
"It's a Plug suit... what? I didn't watch the series, but I do know about the suits because I wore them for inspiration. "Red Fox jumps as the illusion fades and the Akuma's tail slams in his direction. "Well, the illusions don't seem to work much. "
"Anything to mention about the suit?" Felix leaps at the worm and hurls the shield directly at the metal plate, only to find another AT field. "Really? "He growls annoyed when he sees his shield bounce off and it's lost in the sea of fog.
"Those suits have instruments for monitoring the health condition, and it also allows for increased synchronization with the Eva... which we don't have. "
"Well, let's be creative."What else can that suit do?"
"I think it can inflate, I saw that it looked round in an image of a red-haired girl."
Felix only listens to them without really understanding. The whole situation is simply disastrous.
Héctor de Troya @EpicAdveturerHector
Hello? Can someone explain what is happening at the Luxembourg Palace? There is a giant worm!
Adrien A. @AdrienAgreste
We were arriving home from the airport when the police owed us to an Akuma shelter just as it explodes. Since when is the butterfly active?
Shinji @AllOrNothing_
@AdrienAgreste The new Hawkmoth seems to hate fashion, he almost didn't send his first Akuma at the opening of fashion week.
Just me @LonelyA_loveless
Apocalyptic scene, blood littered the entrance to the Akuma refuge in Saint-Sulpice. Let's hope the heroes finish quickly.
Miraculously, as they talk about the properties of the suit while avoiding attacks and watch the Akuma destroy the Luxembourg Garden, they come up with a plan to traverse the new AT field. That includes distracting him with the blissful ball-shaped suit (they figured out how to turn it into that) while Ateliade uses her powers to drive the Akuma's powers insane, hopefully, being something so harmless, he doesn't consider it a threat, especially since monkey powers are not such a common knowledge.
Ateliade falls onto one of the shattered ceilings with her already summoned power, her evil smile only telling her that she's excited to join saving all of their butts. Normally the strategies are made by Marinette, but the Akuma had very specific abilities from a very specific program that only Pegase had seen.
However, this has given them a much clearer idea that this new butterfly user is much more committed to destroying them. In addition to their victims not shouting that they want the prodigies, they seem willing to tear them apart and then take the jewelry. If Felix is honest with himself, he only talks a lot about how his uncle like villain was so nefarious
If this works out, Felix will pay everyone's drinks and give Damian a Great Dane, all because he has no faith in the blissful plan, but it's the only thing they could think of where they could wear the suit.
Five minutes later, the suit by itself would have been a fiasco, but Nathaniel decides to use his power again (thus activating the timer) to simulate that the suit was one of them, that generated the perfect distraction for Ateliade to launch what it seems a plush bunny that, without being a real surprise, collides with the AT field, but, by the nature of the monkey's powers, it makes the shield go crazy.
Now, they have to really figure out how to get through that without being cut in half by the crazy AT field.
Atelaide is crazy enough to do it, using her stick to propel herself using the craziness of the shield. She manages to fall on the worm's head and, while he twists to get rid of she, she summons her power again (the previous one fell into the mist), this time it looks like a plush ball and only drops it.
This time the Akuma writhes, the butterfly mask appears as the worm crashes into the Luxembourg Palace. After several more movements and leaving the building reduced to heaps of rubble, a purple butterfly flutters out.
Felix takes that as a sign that as soon as everything is fixed he will order the best liqueurs and distribute them to everyone on the team. Now where can he get a Great Dane?
Shinji @AllOrNothing_
He threw a stuffed animal at him and the AT field went crazy! What the hell with her powers? It's great!
Rayn @TheGreatestWorld
Oh lord, bless the Lord. The cure was launched.
Ladybug come back @ LadybugHero_89
Everything is fine, the heroes are leaving. I don't blame them, they managed to defeat the Akuma who was a fucking Angel from Evangelion. Have you seen the series? Not? Whatever, fucking Akuma.
Luka is not feeling well, not until Marinette is on the MT and the first thing he does is hug her. He also hugs Chloe, although the blonde is more reluctant to accept the show of affection. Knowing they were left in the bloody blast twice, leaves him messed up.
"We are fine, thanks to you." Marinette smiles at her best friend, Luka became her support and, when she decided to form the MT, she already knew that she wanted him back in the team with Kagami. They were the first ones he sought out and began to explain the plan.
"Mother." Damian approaches her, is not wearing the mask and has removed his gloves. He's confused, he woke up a few moments ago, but until he heard voices he didn't move.
"Damian!" He's not prepared for the strong hug in which his mother catches him, but he accepts it stunned. All the others leave the room immediately, especially when they see that the child seems about to break.
Damian leans against her after overcoming his initial surprise, letting her hug him as much as she wants. He closes his eyes and just lets himself feel strange when he perceives his face getting wet. She releases him, but keeps him by the shoulders; she also sheds a few tears.
Marinette was aware that the cure would heal him, but seeing him barely alive was shocking, worse still when she heard Talia's voice again.
"I'm happy that you're fine." She smiles and wipes the tears that are running down her son's cheeks. This time, he embraces her again and leans against her to take him in her arms, h'es no longer of age, but he doesn't want to get away to her.
"Let's go home, mother."
"We will, I just have to talk to Felix." She adjusts him in her arms, adjusting him to look for Felix.
She doesn't have to walk much, Félix is returning to the room. They both had the same idea, he smirks.
"It seems that we resume activities tomorrow, may I suggest you take one of the computers of here? That way you don't have to come every day, you can focus on your work. "
"Marc to stay in charge of communications while the others divide the work. I trust you… And thank you, Felix. ”She places a hand on his shoulder and then goes looking for Max to return them home.
Felix only sees her disappear down the hall making a little eye contact with the boy, noting the disturbance in his eyes.
Chloe B. @BourgeoisQueen
Two Akuma in one week, do you want a medal, butterfly gross?
Marc @MarcAC_twt
Can Hideaki Anno please sue our villain?
Alix @TheLostHeroBunnix
@MarcAC_twt He must take responsibility for art theft!
Marie @MarieLenoir
I hope everyone caught up in the fog will be encouraged to receive mental health care, anyone who comes to @AgapeClinicParis will have a free consultation and if you decide to follow regular sessions I will pay for the first three months.
Polaris Vermilion @Elgato_Solaris
Did you see Paris will soon be @MarieLenoir. Trembles @BruceWayneOfficial, you have competition!
Dick Grayson @TheFlyingGrayson
Who is @MarieLenoir and why is she mentioned so much with B?
Tim Drake @TimDrakeW_
@TheFlyingGrayson You damn heathen, how can you not know when I mention she three times a day?
Dick Grayson @TheFlyingGrayson
@TimDrakeW_ Isn't what you mention Lady Black?
Roy @RoyHarperQ
@TheFlyingGrayson @TimDrakeW_ She's the owner. Marie Lenoir, Oliver has two of his exclusive outfits. He says they mention them a lot together because last year she adopted a nine-year-old boy and racks up philanthropic projects at the same rate as Bruce.
Tim Drake @TimDrakeW_
@TheFlyingGrayson @RoyHarperQ And she has black hair and blue eyes, I wouldn't be surprised if the kid had any of those characteristics.
Roy @RoyHarperQ
@TheFlyingGrayson @TimDrakeW_ Rumors say that his eyes are green.
Jason @IAmYisus_XD
@TheFlyingGrayson @TimDrakeW_ @RoyHarperQ Gossipers.
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morning-star-57 · 5 years
Miraculous Quirk AU
Idk if someone has already done this but here we go!
So, I recently got into Boku no Hero Academia and I got to thinking, what if the Miraculous universe was set in the same one as Bnha?
So, those of us who watch Bnha know the drill, 80% of the population has superpowers, called “quirks.” The other 20% are “quirkless.” So here’s how it would play out in my brain.
Super duper long, oops, so under the cut!
works pretty much the same way as canon
only doesn’t give you a suit the holder picks that themselves
they work similar to One For All does in Bnha
the power of the previous owner fuels the power of the miraculous and the previous user can still use the power, but a weakened version of it
Ladybug miraculous gives the holder the power to create things and heal
Black Cat miraculous gives the power to destroy things with a touch (at will)
And so on, pretty much like canon but with some modifications
was born quirkless
when she was younger, kids (cough Chloe cough) would make fun of her for it
was insecure about it for a long time and then saw all of the ways that quirks could backfire and decided it wasn’t worth it and it no longer bothers her (much)
(seeing Chloe blind herself was funny tho, even if it was temporary)
still wants to be a fashion designer
wary of superheros because of all of that property damage and also some of them are lowkey sus.
parents still own a bakery
Sabine’s quirk is levitation. She can make items and people float with her  mind but they have to be things she can physically lift (it’s okay tho cause she’s smol but strong). The drawback is that she gets really bad headaches and if she uses it too much or for too long, she can get a migraine.
Tom has a smaller, tamer version of pyrokinesis. He can’t make his entire body burst into flame but he can make certain parts, like his hands. He has a naturally high resistance to extreme weathers as his body heat is unusally high (hugs from him during the summer are bittersweet b/c he’s a great hugger but it’s too damn HOT DAD GET OFF-). The drawback is that he can’t control the temperature of the flame so if he’s not careful or if he uses his quirk for too long, it’ll burn him. His arms have many burn scars, rip.
back to Marinette
Decided the Hero Life wasn’t for her but still supports her friends who want to do it
Until she met the Lucky Hero, Tikki, her favorite
After plot happens, Tikki gives her the source of her “quirk”, the miraculous, and entrusts Marinette to carry on her legacy
Lots of angsty turmoil before she accepts the miraculous and decided to become a hero.
Chooses to be named the Ladybug, same as canon
Her hero costume would be the same as canon AT FIRST since her decision to go to a hero school was last minute af but then the suit will go through modifications to better suit her power needs and fashion needs
Got through the entrance exam after training with Tikki and because she’s badass shh
Doesn’t get a crush on Adrien until later once they’re already friends (or at all really idk yet)
was the result of a quirk marriage
was the *failed result of a quirk marriage
Instead of inheriting both quirks of his parents, like intended, they combined and created a new one
His quirk is Charm. His body releases an invisible pheromone that makes him seem more attractive or trustworthy, sometimes both, depending on the person who smells it. This makes the “victim” more susceptible to his suggestions, but it’s not a total brainwash, unlike his father, so they can still easily fight it off if they wanted to. The drawbacks are that he can’t really stop it so he has to be constantly covered so that he doesn’t accidentally charm everyone. Also, after a while, people can build up tolerance to him and it won’t work as strongly on them.
Gabriel has Brainwash, which is often seen as a villain’s quirk. Everyone is thankful the he decided on fashion as a career and not villainy (oh those poor naive souls). If he looks into your eyes, you are put in his control and won’t be able to fight it unless he lets you go or if you receive a blunt impact to the head. The drawbacks are that he can’t control it so anyone who he makes eye contact with gets brainwashed unless there’s an obstacle in the way i.e.: glasses
Emilie’s quirk is sleep gas. Her skin cells naturally produce a gas that can put people in a coma-like state. The drawbacks are, again, can’t turn it off and the person has to be within range. She also has to be constantly covered.
Adrien wanted to be a hero at first to spite his father
Gabriel always hated heroes and saw them as a nuisance.
So Adrien basically said “fuck you, I’m going to be the best hero because I can”
And somehow convinced his dad to enroll him in College Francois Dupont, a local hero school
(he acutally just charmed him cause his dad isn’t around him enough to build up immunity to his quirk but shh)
He gets in through recommendations and is put in the hero course
This version of Adrien was still childhood friends with Chloe (who is immune to him) and a lot more distrustful of people, especially if they’re nice since he has no way of know if they’re genuinely a nice person or if they just fell prey to his quirk
rip the sunshine boy he has no friends except Chloe for the first few weeks of class
Becomes friends with Nino after they got paired up in a fight simulation
The slowly gets more comfortable around people and becomes more open to friendships
Doesn’t get the Black Cat Miraculous until much, much later when the Squad gets caught up in a fight with villains and the Unlucky Hero, Plagg (Tikki’s partner and husband) decides to entrust him with it
Impulsive chaotic gremlin that gets threatened to be put on a leash made by Marinette 
also the result of a quirk marriage, this one being successful
Her quirk is called Diamond. Her skin has an extra layer that acts very similarly to an actual diamond so she can reflect, refract, and disperse light. This layer can also harden at her will so that she can become a semi-indestructible prism. Her body’s reaction to light intensifies while in this state. The drawbacks are that while her body is hardened, she cannot move easily and her speed will be greatly reduced. Also, her skin is just very sparkly almost all of the time which makes it hard to hide from villains and to see when it’s sunny out. Usually wear large sunhats and sunglasses to try and reduce the shine
Her and Adrien bond by being products of a quirk marriage
also got in through recommendation and everyone thinks she bought her way in but actually tried very hard to earn her spot
is VERY protective over Adrien and will blind someone if they say anything she deems offensive
She and Marinette practically hate each other on a good day before they were forced to hang out since Adrien kept bringing Chloe along with him whenever the Squad would get into shenanigans
They developed a mutual agreement to be civil at one point and that slowly turned into friendship
Y’know the type of friends that insult each other and fight over every small thing but the second someone else tries to come for the other they won’t h e s i t a t e BITCH
yeah that’s them
anyways, I digress
Is surprisingly the sensible one of the group
“no you cannot run headfirst into the fight Adrien, these are actual villains and you can’t even pass a simulation without dumb luck.”
“I don’t care if your quirk can heal you Marinette, stop jumping off of rooftops and go down the stairs like a normal person!”
“Put it down, Nino.”
“Luka. No.”
you get the idea
she is Mom
Says she wants to be a hero because hero’s are cool and she’s cool so it just makes sense for her to be a hero
(actually though because she wanted to make her mother proud of her but you didn’t hear it from me)
Is lowkey really powerful and if she tried to use the full extent of her powers, she’d be a beast
but don’t tell her that, she’s already got a big head
is working towards becoming an underground hero
His quirk is sound amplification. He amplifies preexisting sound waves to what ever frequency is needed. Depending on the frequency, he can break through almost any object. The drawback is that sound waves can damage his hearing and can become temporarily deaf if he uses it too long or if he creates a frequency that’s too high for his body to handle. Has a chance of becoming permanently deaf if he overuses his quirk too many times
His suit comes with modifications to help with that so he should be fine he hopes
His guitar doubles as a weapon since he usually amplifies whatever chord he plays
Already has his provisional hero licence
is still really chill
is one of the first to figure out Marinette’s secret but is a good boi so he doesn’t tell
you’d think that being the oldest of the group he’d be the sensible one but nope
is accidentally the one that encourages shenanigans 
Luka, innocently: Hey, did you know that the teachers don’t lock up the sim rooms?
Chloe: *Death glare*
Luka: *nervous confusion*
the one who encouraged Juleka to go for the hero course 
Adrien’s best friend, just like canon
started out as general studies since he wasn’t sure if he was good enough to be a hero but a teacher saw his potential and was transferred into the hero course
His quirk is time reduction. He can slow time or even stop it completely if he concentrates very hard, allowing him to get one place to the next in literally no time at all. He used to think it was super speed because this but found out what it really was when he tried to save a cat from being run over and stopped time. He can also stop  only certain objects in time but that takes up more energy. The drawback is that if he overuses his quirk he starts to speed up his own time in order to compensate for the time he’s losing so he becomes very tired and after “3 hours” of his own time passed he will pass out from exhaustion. Also, he can only manipulate the time within his quirk’s range which can go up to about the size of an american football field (160 feet/49) meters.
is super insecure of his quirk because he thinks it’s not as cool as everyone else’s
they make sure to let him know that that’s bs and he’s very cool
feeds off of Adiren’s chaotic energy during simulations
has been put in timeout by Chloe when this happens
will stop time to bask in the moment 
gets emotional during this
there have been many times where the Squad is chilling and suddenly everyone just sees Nino sobbing 
group hugs ensue
Adrien, probably: “Chloe get your shiny ass in the cuddle pile or so help me-!”
 I’ll make a part two since this is already so long, but that’s it for now! What do y’all think?
Part 2 is now up!
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angelofthequeers · 5 years
Hold Me By Both Hands: Chapter 22
Disclaimer: I don’t own ML.
Chapter 21 | Chapter 23 | AO3 link
“Wait, really?” Marinette’s mouth droops. “But he promised you could come to the concert!”
“I know he did,” Adrien’s voice says rather bitterly through the phone. “Apparently, I’m not good enough for him.”
“That’s rubbish!” If Marinette’s hands weren’t occupied with her phone and a cardboard box, she’d either be crossing her arms firmly or tugging on the hair that she’s left loose around her face today. “You’re a better pianist than half the people our age put together!”
“To be fair, I’d probably be better if I’d stop playing recordings to pretend I’m practicing while I actually go see – uh, go and do other things.”
Marinette snorts. “You sure you can’t sneak out? Put your foot down? It just won’t be the same without you here.”
“I would if I could. I’m sure Gorilla would cover for me if I asked, but there’s no getting past Nathalie. And she wouldn’t cover for me this time. She saw how annoyed Father was at my performance. Even if I could sneak out through my window, he’d know where I went, so there’d be no point. I wouldn’t want him to ruin your concert.”
“I’m sorry, Adrien. I know how much you were looking forward to it.”
“Yeah, well…I’d better go practice. Maybe if I’m up to his standards, he’ll let me come near the end. Better than nothing, right? And I was really looking forward to seeing Luka.”
“Luka? Who?”
“Juleka’s brother.”
Marinette blinks. “Juleka has a brother?”
“That was my reaction too,” Adrien says. “But he saved me and Kagami when we snuck out of fencing the other day and nearly got mobbed.”
“I’m not sure why they think chasing you down and demanding you marry them will make you want to do that,” Marinette snorts. “Anyway, good luck with your piano. I know you’ll smash it!”
“Don’t tempt me,” Adrien jokes. “Have fun, Marinette.”
“I will.”
The line goes dead a moment later. Marinette sighs and pockets her phone.
“Cap’n Anarka speakin’ to ya!” announces a rough woman’s voice. Marinette whirls around to see Juleka’s mother standing next to Rose with her hands on her hips, making Rose jump while adjusting the microphone stand with her sudden appearance. “So, how’s it comin’ along, me young pirates? Ready to celebrate the –”
Marinette gulps when Anarka’s blue eyes narrow at her. The older woman adjusts her red glasses before striding straight over to Marinette.
“Whatcha up to there, lady?” she says, snatching the box from Marinette. When Marinette explains that she’s cleaning the houseboat for the concert, Anarka laughs long and loud and then starts scattering the contents of the box everywhere on deck. “We never pick up in this house! Didn’t me daughter tell ya? We love the lived-in look! We have no rules on the Liberty! Out of chaos comes creation! Messiness is life!”
Huh. Maybe that’s why Marinette’s a hot artistic mess. With a smile, she heads with Alya and Nino into the steering room for a few minutes of quiet while Rose, Juleka, Mylène, and Ivan continue their loud preparations outside.
“Dude, don’t tell me Adrien’s dad put him on lockdown again,” Nino complains while Marinette rifles through a box on a shelf. She grimaces when a layer of dust billows out and coats her pink wrap-around top, white T-shirt, and blue jeans
“Afraid so,” she says, frowning as she pulls out a strange metal statue of a hand with its index and pinky fingers out. Nino groans.
“Bummer. I was lookin’ forward to hanging out with him for once.”
“We all were,” Alya says. “Man, and I thought my older sister was overprotective.” She takes the statue from Marinette, squints at it, then dumps it on the compass. “Wow, that’s creepy. I see where Juleka gets it from.”
“Juleka’s not creepy!” Marinette says. “She’s just…quietly punk.” When she reaches up to tuck a lock of hair behind her ear, her bracelet gleams in the sunlight, and her eyes are irresistibly drawn to it as it brings back the vivid memory of Chat Noir and his confession to her on her birthday over two weeks ago. She hadn’t been lying when she’d said that she’s got strong feelings for him, but she also hadn’t been lying when she’d said that she’s not completely sure of their nature yet, although she’d be deceiving herself if she insisted that they were definitely not romantic.
And yet…she can’t get Chat Noir’s confession out of her head. The thought of him is enough to send tingles down her skin and butterflies through her stomach, but what if this is just a rebound thing? The only downside about romance built on friendship is that if the romance goes sour, what if the friendship does too? And she’ll be damned if she loses Chat Noir’s friendship, especially after all the nights they’ve spent together being utter dorks.
And none of this would have happened if not for André. She never would’ve had that conversation with Chat Noir when he came to comfort her. He never would’ve tried to start moving on from Ladybug and fallen for her instead. Heck, he probably wouldn’t even have been as cool as he was on her birthday.
What if…André’s ice cream hadn’t been referring to Adrien, but rather to Chat Noir? After all, Chat Noir’s lips are also peach pink – not that she’s been thinking about them, ha, not at all – and his hair and eyes are also gold and mint green. In that case, is André’s ice cream really magical? Had he really been predicting her soulmate?
“Oh, ho ho, sailors!” Anarka once again appears out of nowhere, this time to snatch the statue off the compass as Marinette and Alya jump and clutch their chests. “Never put a metal object next to a compass! Ya hear, lass? Metal attracts the needle just like a magnet, which is why ya can’t get ‘em anywhere near each other.”
“I’m pretty sure there’s a deep literary metaphor in there somewhere,” Alya says sarcastically. Marinette and Nino conceal their laughter behind their hands.
“We’re ready, captain!” Rose salutes from the foot of the stairs, Juleka just behind her. Marinette can’t help but smile at what a cute couple they make. “Uh…but Luka’s missing!”
Anarka squints at Marinette. “Marinette, right? Since you’re free from yer cleanin’ duties, could ya go and tell Luka that we’re waitin’ for him to start rehearsals?”
“Of course!” Marinette says, then frowns. “But, uh…where is he?”
“In his cabin, of course!”
It’s a treacherous journey through the living room of the houseboat, what with the various musical items and other items scattered all over the floor. But there’s something comforting and warm about the mess; something that invites you to come in and revel in it. Marinette shrieks and jumps when she slips through a doorway and comes face-to-face with a boy sitting cross-legged on a bed, his eyes closed and his hands resting on his knees. Between his thumbs and index fingers are two black guitar picks, which make a lot more sense when Marinette catches sight of the black guitar next to him.
She jumps again when she realises that he’s opened his eyes and is staring straight at her with a smile. His eyes are the same shade of blue as his mother’s, also matching the teal tips of his black hair, and he’s wearing ripped black jeans and a short-sleeved blue jacket over a white Jagged Stone shirt.
Holy crap. He’s gorgeous.
“Hey!” Marinette blurts out. “My name’s Mama – Ma-Ma-Marinette!” Oh god, she’s stammering again. Why is this her life? She takes a deep breath to compose herself and pushes on. “Your mum sent me down here. The groove – ah, the group’s waiting for you.”
“Hello, Ma-Ma-Marinette,” the boy – Luka – says in a cool voice, then snickers behind his hand. Marinette’s heart drops. Great. He’s gorgeous, but he’s also a jerk. This is really Juleka’s brother? Her feelings must be painted across her face, because Luka’s smile vanishes, and he adds, “Sorry. I tend to make more sense with this.”
He pats the bed next to him. Marinette accepts the invitation, while he slings his guitar around his neck and then strums a few chords.
“That’s strange.” Luka frowns at her. “It seems you have something like this in your heart.” He plays a short tune, rising and falling in pitch, somehow exactly matching the utter chaos that’s currently got Marinette’s heart in a vice grip. She closes her eyes and rests a hand on her heart, losing herself in the sweet melody, and it takes a moment for her brain to register that Luka’s stopped playing.
“How do you do that?” she says in awe. Luka smiles at her when she opens her eyes.
“Music is often simpler than words,” is all he says. Marinette hums and jumps up to get a closer look at the pick collection underneath his Jagged Stone poster. Her eyes are drawn to a pick with Jagged Stone’s face, which she grabs so that she can get a closer look.
“You like Jagged Stone?” she says.
“He’s my favourite singer.” Luka slides off the bed to stand next to her.
“Mine too!”
Luka’s smile widens, and he looks at the pick in her hand. “You can have it if you like. I’ve got plenty.”
“I think I’d better go and join the… “groove” you said,” Luka says, rolling his eyes with a smirk. Marinette whines and facepalms.
“Did I really –? Oh no! At least Adrien wasn’t here to see that. He’d never let me live it down, the dork.”
“Adrien?” Luka tilts his head. “You know him?”
“Yeah, he’s one of my best friends. You’re the guy who saved him from being mobbed, right?”
Luka nods. “He wasn’t ready for a child just yet.”
“An inside joke. One of his fans was screaming for him to have her babies.”
Marinette shudders. “Ick. I can’t believe I used to be like that.”
“That’s not the impression I get.” Luka plays a few oxymoronic notes, somehow both chaotic and gentle. “You have a passionate heart. You just struggle with your chaotic brain. You’re not the kind of person to behave like that.”
“Seriously, how do you do that?” Marinette complains as blood rushes to pool in her cheeks and stomach.
“Just like I told Adrien, I can hear people’s heart songs,” Luka says. Whoa. Seriously? That’s…how is that possible? “And just like I told Adrien, I talk to Juleka. You’re a funny girl, Marinette.”
With that, Luka heads out of the room, leaving Marinette scrambling to catch up so that she’s not left all alone with her whirling thoughts because nope, nope, this is not happening. Although what happens only minutes later is enough to push all thoughts of Luka from her mind, when Anarka is reprimanded by Roger Raincomprix for pretty much blowing the sound barrier with Kitty Section and their instruments. Apparently, Hawkmoth doesn’t take a day off, because Marinette can’t even enjoy a music festival with her friends without him being a bastard and akumatising someone. Before anyone can so much as blink, Anarka has became the pirate Captain Hardrock, with a sentient ship totally under her control that chains up Marinette and her friends when they try to reason with Captain Hardrock and point out that maybe Roger had a point about the volume.
“Ow!” Rose cries when her head knocks against the wood. Groaning, Marinette struggles to sit up, pushing back against Luka to as a counterweight; thankfully, he catches on and adds his force to the equation to help them sit up. Around them, the other bound pairs are doing the same.
“Well,” Alya says when they’ve all rolled to a stop in the ship’s hold. “That was fun. Now what?”
“I guess we wait for Ladybug and Chat Noir?” Nino says. Marinette’s eyes dart down to her purse, not that that’ll do much good since she can’t very well transform in front of a bunch of people, especially someone she’s only just met. Luckily, Tikki’s skills extend beyond magical transformations, as she’s able to zip out of the purse and phase through the padlock securing the chains around Marinette and Luka.
“Wow!” Luka exclaims when their chains fall away. “How’d you do that?”
Marinette freezes and fumbles for an explanation. She dips her hand into her purse to make sure that Tikki’s back inside, and her fingers close around the pick that Luka had given her. Perfect! “Uh…with this!” she says, showing him the pick. Luka smiles as he climbs to his feet.
“You’re a real magician, Marinette,” he says, helping her up. Marinette scoffs.
“Oh, it was nothing! Just – you know –” Her face grows warm under Luka’s awestruck gaze.
“Ahem.” Alya clears her throat. “When you’re quite ready?”
But before Marinette and Luka can work on freeing the others, Captain Hardrock comes stomping down the stairs. With a hasty apology, Marinette and Luka sprint through the door behind them and secure it shut with Luka’s guitar, and while this isn’t enough to keep Captain Hardrock out, it buys them enough time to get the window open. Luka immediately pushes Marinette towards the bed and points at the slim but long drawer built into the base. Catching on, she races over and shuts herself inside, and not a moment too soon.
“Run, Marinette! Quick!” Luka calls when the door smashes open. Marinette’s heart leaps into her throat at Luka’s pained cry when Captain Hardrock’s chains capture him again, but his sacrifice works; Captain Hardrock storms out of the room a moment later, clearly under the impression that Marinette had escaped through the window, dragging Luka with her judging by the scraping sound that accompanies her.
“Phew! That was close!” Tikki says when Marinette pushes the drawer back open and clambers out.
“I have to save my friends!” Marinette clenches her fists. “Tikki, spots on!”
Chat Noir’s already arrived when Ladybug finally manages to sneak up to the deck. Although the battle against Captain Hardrock and the Liberty is fairly straightforward as far as akuma fights go, it’s made far more difficult by the fact that Ladybug’s got a constant chanting of don’t flirt with the cat in her head to keep her on track because if Ladybug is one thing, it’s not a hypocrite. She can’t exactly flirt with Chat Noir after lecturing him about inappropriate timing in the wake of Green Giant, especially since he doesn’t even know that it’s her civilian form that he’s caught feelings for and vice versa.
With the help of the metal clasp of her Lucky Charm chain and Chat Noir, they chain Captain Hardrock to the ship’s compass and, just like when Alya had put the statue on top of it, the compass goes haywire around the clasp. This time, though, the entire ship is affected by the compass going out of control, and they manage to steer the ship up one of the slopes on the bank of the Seine and crash-land on a patch of grass. With the ship out of commission and the prisoners in the hull no longer in danger, it’s a simple matter for Chat Noir to Cataclysm the compass and disintegrate the ship, freeing the akuma for Ladybug to purify.
Pity, though, that Chat Noir has to book it as soon as Captain Hardrock turns back into Anarka. Ladybug wouldn’t have minded a bit of post-battle banter with him, along with asking what was up with him earlier. But really, it’s probably for the best for her headspace, considering that she’s only ninety-nine percent sure that she wants to be with him and it’s that one percent that’s shrieking inside her skull that she’s going to mess everything up.
“You okay, girl?” Alya says when Ladybug’s detransformed and re-joined everyone as Marinette.
“Uh huh,” Marinette mumbles. Alya raises an eyebrow but she thankfully doesn’t push the issue.
An hour or so later, while Kitty Section is still rehearsing for the music festival, they’re pleasantly surprised by a familiar face boarding the houseboat, waving and beaming at everyone.
“Adrien! Hi!” Marinette bounces on the spot and waves. Adrien’s face lights up and he waves back, then immediately trips and sends a long, thin black case flying, and Marinette can’t help the flutters inside her and the giggle that escapes her at what a dork he is.
“Adrien!” Nino runs over to help Adrien sit up. “You okay, bro?”
“Nah, it’s all good, I –” Adrien pauses rubbing his head to open the case he’d knocked over, revealing a keyboard inside. “Whoa, an original ZX20.4? I love the sound of this instrument!”
“Aww, that old thing?” Anarka scoffs. “No one knows how to play it.”
“I know how to play it,” Adrien says.
“Great.” Luka holds out a hand to help Adrien to his feet. “Welcome to the band, Adrien.”
Adrien beams. “Really? Thanks, Luka!”
Luka and Adrien still haven’t let go of the other’s hand. An odd look passes between them, making Marinette squint, until Adrien catches sight of her and quickly lets go of Luka’s hand.
“Looks like I could make it after all!” Adrien says to her. Marinette grins and gives him a thumbs-up.
“Your dad caved in?” she says. Adrien shrugs.
“Yeah. I think I impressed him enough.”
“Can’t wait to see how you impress us, then,” Luka says. Adrien jumps, his cheeks pinkening, and Marinette raises her eyebrows and bites her lip when Luka smiles and winks at him as well as her.
Well. One thing’s for sure: the future’s going to be very, very interesting.
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