jonathanbyersphd · 1 year
Hi hello if you don't see me I am fine I'm just packing up to move on Friday night!
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doctorofmagic · 3 years
Hello!! Hope you're doing good and hope I'm not bothering you. First of all I'm a fan of yours so I know your feelings towards the MCU so please feel free to not answer to this ask if you don't want to. I swear it's not a problem at all ❤️ but I'm a bit lost rn. I'm trying to understand how wandavision/Loki will effect DSIMOM but it's complicated :( I understand that probably you don't feel like explaining all that (don't even know if you actually watched it tbh 🤔) but idk... maybe you have a friend/mutal here on Tumblr or Twitter that explained all that crap??? Sorry again but I'm a bit desperate lmao
Greetings, anon!
Oh, don't worry! You don't bother me at all! I appreciate your trust in me to answer your question, and even though I'm not entirely invested, I'm still watching everything. I'm not sure I'm the most qualified person but I can try? Let's go.
Disclaimer: WandaVision (MCU), Loki (MCU) and Secret Wars (comics) spoilers
Okay, so, first things first. The Marvel universe in comics is called 616, but there are endless other alternate realities/universes. The total of these universes is called a multiverse. Have you ever watched Spider-Man Into the Spider-Verse? It's almost the same. On Earth-616, Gwen died. But in an alternate reality where she was bitten by the spider (not Peter), she became the Spider-Gwen/Spider-Ghost.
The problem is, the multiverse demands some balance in order to preserve the space-time continuum. If you mess with time, space OR reality (WandaVision), it's very likely that this delicate fabric will crumble. I found it odd that WandaVision never brought this to the table, but yeah. In comics, time travels are very dangerous because they can alter the whole timeline (as also seen in Loki). This is why Doctor Doom, despite mastering the time travel, doesn't interfere anymore with the timeline. And save this name because he's directly related to Kang. More on that later.
In the MCU, the multiverse already exists, as Kang explained during the war of Kangs. Let's say, mmm, have you ever watched Rick and Morty? There's a council of Ricks, a group of 5 Ricks from alternate realities who tried to regulate the other Ricks in the multiverse. In comics, and apparently in the MCU, there was also a council of Kangs (and a council of Reeds, and a council of Dooms). Each one of those have different goals, but I assure you, they're up to no good.
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But who is Kang and why do I keep talking about Reed and Victor von Doom? Because no one truly knows who Kang is, but both Victor and Kang suspect they're the same person, only Kang is from the future and Victor hasn't become him yet. There's also the possibility that Kang is also related to Reed (and his father Nathaniel Richards). Thing is, we don't know haha. It's a cool mystery we have around the FF lore.
In Loki, the One Who Remains explained that he won the war of Kangs and isolated his own timeline in order to prevent opening the multiverse again so the other Kangs won't spread war across the multiverse. When Sylvie kills him and his actions to preserve the timeline are no more, the timelines open all at once, which is problematic to the fabric of space-time.
There's nothing wrong with alternate realities, but since everything happened at once, some timelines are colliding.
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Do you see some of the lines intersecting? THIS IS WHERE THE PROBLEM LIES.
When two alternate realities intersect, two different worlds may collapse. This is what happened in Secret Wars (2015) by Jonathan Hickman. It's called Incursion, when an alternate Earth suddenly appears in the 616 universe and if one of them is not destroyed, they collid and everything dies.
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Now, I don't think we're getting a Secret Wars adaption for the MCU (yet). What I think it's happening is, these worlds are intersecting and mixing it up. This is why No Way Home will feature characters from different Spidey movies (perhaps even the Peters themselves). Because some of these timelines are touching the MCU universe.
And this is problematic why? Again, because the space-time continuum is delicate and reality may crumble. Everything will die. The existence itself.
See, I'm not sure how deep the MCU will exploit that but it's quite dangerous. And this is where our poor good doctor comes in. He's not responsible for protecting the whole multiverse, not even the TVA was doing that (they're merely protecting the MCU timeline, isolating it from the multiverse). But he sworn to protect HIS reality. And HIS reality is in jeopardy because the worlds are colliding. So he will probably take Wanda because she can fix reality (hopefully, she won't ruin it any further because of her children lmao). I think she will the bandage, sealing the rifts in the space-time continuum (another good example for this plot is Gravity Falls. This is what Ford was trying to do in order to protect their reality from Bill Cipher, and there's also the concept of multiverse). Stephen probably knew what she did and thought of taking her to fix these intersecting points with her chaos magic.
In the meantime, they can travel across the Multiverse thanks to America Chavez's powers. She can create portals to travel through realities. This is probably how things are related and connected.
Yes, it's a very complicated concept. But I sure love it. I may be wrong, tho. I never know how the MCU will adapt these stories and this is why I don't speculate anymore. I'm tired of wasting my energy on something that will never happen /rip
Lastly, a few concepts that may help you:
- Dimension = different places that coexist in the same universe, but are located in different planes. I.e., the Dark Dimension, the several versions of Hell, Earth, Asgard and the other realms. They are all part of the same universe/reality, which means there are alternate Asgards, Earths and so on. This is why we see so many variant Lokis. They're from alternate universes.
- Universe = a set of different dimensions in a given time-space point. Example: the MCU universe, the 616 universe, the ultimate universe and so on.
- Multiverse = a set of all universes.
- Timeline = a point in space-time where said universe is located.
Ooooof, I hope this post didn't make you more confused instead of enlighten you haha. If you're still confused, I can recommend a friend of mine who's also a hardcore Stephen stan, but we were also having the same talk about this and we came to this same conclusion so...
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