#ALSO: sound warning if you have autoplay on??
bio1 · 10 months
Hey everyone, we final got done with act 1 of my Earthspark horror theme fan fic called "throughout a rotted oak".
Was going of this posted on Halloween (since the story takes place there) but we just didn't have enough time or energy for that then.
Anyway thank you to my friend @billie-jay for doing A lot of the writing and grammar checking with me. Couldn't done this without them. Anyway here's the first act, Enjoy.😊
Also warning this story contains: descriptions of graphic imagery and body horror.
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"Throughout a rotted oak" Act one: sleepy beginnings.
Despite how close to midnight it was, the sound of footsteps could still be heard throughout the dugout. A combination of caffeine and late night movie watching was keeping Twitch Malto wide awake while the rest of her terran siblings dozed off peacefully. In her defense, if Robbie didn’t want her drinking his energy drinks, he should have kept them hidden better. And the password to her father’s Netflix account should have been more secure than ‘bumblebee123’.
Though the entirety of the terrans had all stayed up to binge as many horror movies as they could think of (with the expectation of Jawbreaker, who had his eyes closed the entire time out of fear), only Twitch was still awake. As she paced nervously up and down the dugout, she looked over her sleeping siblings one by one. Thrash was in his alt mode, somehow completely upside down. His engine was repeatedly reving up and stalling in a cycle, as if he was snoring. Jawbreaker was laying facedown on the floor, a comically small teddy bear perched carefully on top of his head. Hashtag, who had tried staying up later herself by watching youtube, had eventually fallen asleep as well, her phone autoplaying what sounded like Russian dashcam crash footage. And Nightshade… Hm, actually, she didn’t see Nightshade anywhere. Not that she was really paying attention, however. Her mind was too busy replaying everything she had seen earlier in the night over and over.
The kids had essentially gone to the horror section on Netflix and watched as many movies as they could before they got tired. From goofier horror comedies like "Critters" to things genuinely terrifying physiological thrillers like "Halloween", and some striking and odd balance of the two like "Scream". What really got to her, however, was John Carpenter's "The Thing", and not just because of what happened to those poor sled dogs. That awful, morphing monster, the way it ripped the research team apart, really stuck with her. Possibly because it reminded her of a few of Mandroid’s own creations she had to fight before, epecially that bear mutant from mother’s day.
She was so caught up in her own head that she didn’t even notice Fluffy Ears right in front of her. Twitch ended up tripping right over the family’s pet cow, who decided it would be a good idea to sleep in the middle of the dugout’s hallway. She managed to catch herself mid fall by switching into her alt mode just before hitting the ground. The sleepy calf roused her head, looked at the little red drone hovering directly in front of her, gave her a quick lick, and fell back asleep. The whole ordeal was quiet enough not to wake anyone else, but it did catch the attention of Nightshade, poking their head out from around a corner near their lab.
“Oh, Twitch, I didn’t know you were still up.” They smiled. “Is everything alright? You look nervous.”
“How can you tell that if I’m in my alt mode?”
“Well, you’re shaking. Pretty violently.”
She hadn’t even realized that, but they were right. She accidentally bumped into Fluffy Ears pretty hard. Startled, Twitch switched back into her normal mode and tried profusely apologizing to the calf. Fluffy Ears didn’t seem to mind, and got up from her spot to start aimlessly wandering around the dugout.
“I’m, uh, I’m fine, Nightshade. What are you doing over there, anyway?” Twitch attempted to change the subject, making her way over to Nightshade’s lab. At the very least, this might be a fun distraction. Nightshade’s bright green optics lit up at this, clearly excited to show someone their work.
"I am so glad you asked." They tugged on their sibling's arm and pulled them into their lab. On a table in the center was a large, ominous looking metal contraption.
"Wait, isn't that-" Twitch began, before getting cut off.
"The reverse beartrap from Saw, yes!" Nightshade beamed, proudly holding it up. "The movies we watched tonight weren't particularly the type I enjoy, but I did appreciate some of the creative inventions a few of them displayed." They looked over to see Twitch with a completely horrified expression on her face. "Oh, are you wondering if it works? I am too. This is just a prototype I whipped up based on how it was explained in the film. I was actually just about to test it-" They reached under the table and pulled out a full pumpkin. Nightshade extended their arms and eagerly gestured for Twitch to take the gourd. "Since you're up, would you like to do the honors?"
"... Actually, I was wondering why you built a torture device in the first place." She finally responded, nervously looking it over. "I mean, you've built some crazy stuff in the past, but this is, uh, kind of disturbing, Nightshade."
Nightshade looked somewhat disappointed at this, shaking their head a bit. "You've got the wrong idea! A torture device implies that the victim is meant to survive."
Nightshade set the trap down and activated it themselves. Within seconds, it ripped the pumpkin open, its guts splattering messily onto the floor.
"A person wouldn't have survived that." They added, clearly happy the machine worked as intended.
Twitch flinched and stood back, her eyes growing to the size of dinner plates.
"Twitch?" Nightshade asked, concerned. "What is-oh. I get it. Don't worry, it was never my intention to use this on any living being. I just like challenging myself, and building this seemed like it would be an interesting experiment." They began scooping the guts off the concrete floor. "The thought of this device ever actually being used for its original purpose… that's something I wouldn't even have wished on Mandroid." They muse. Noticing their sister was still silent, Nightshade approached her, a worried look forming on their features.
"Are you sure you're alright? You didn't think I was really going to-" Twitch cut them off.
"No! Oh, no, I know you wouldn't, Shady. I'm just kind of on edge tonight, I guess. Probably shouldn't have stolen Robbie's energy drinks." She attempted to brush off their concern as convincingly as she could.
"You probably shouldn't have! Caffeine can worsen the hyperactive aspects of ADHD after all." They agreed, patting her on the shoulder.
"...You think I have ADHD?"
Before Nightshade could respond, a massive crunch boomed out from above them.
"What was that!?" Twitch flew out in search of the cacophony. Nightshade, trying their best to keep up with her, tiptoed as softly as they could to prevent waking the others. They found Twitch looking through the camera screens in the main room of the dugout. There was nothing unusual on live feed, just a few autumn leaves blowing past the cameras Nightshade has placed around the ranch.
"Should we-" Nightshade began, getting cut off again.
"Check it out? Yes, obviously!" She seemed a little too excited to see what was out there. Perhaps she was just looking for an excuse to feel useful, or burn off some of her energy.
Without a second of hesitation, she switched to her alt mode and flew outside, wildly darting around the sky above the dugout. Twitch changed back into bot mode as she landed on the barn's roof. With the moonlight nearly hidden behind a thick layer of clouds, it was almost pitch black outside. Nightshade caught up with their energetic sister, surprised to see her standing still as a statue.
"Twitch! There is nothing out here but the nocturnal wildlife. Perhaps it was a raccoon who made that sound." Nightshade said.
Twitch responded in a shaky tone. "Nightshade, what kind of raccoon could make a noise that loud?"
"...One with rabies?"
"Wait! Listen for a moment." She hushed, falling silent again.
Nightshade listened for something out there to satisfy their sister's paranoia. "I hear nothing Twitch."
"Exactly, Nightshade! There's nothing! No crickets chirping, none of the cows are making any sound, there aren't even moths near the lights!" She exclaimed frantically.
"Oh goodness, you're right. Now that is odd. The only time it's ever perfectly quiet outside is when there is something…dangerous around."
Nightshade glared in front of them, attempting to make out the source of the eerie calmness.
"That tree… wasn't there before." They noted, their voice shaky as they pointed ahead.
Twitch turned to see what her sibling was referring to. In the middle of the forest, several hundred meters away from the barn, a massively tall, crooked tree stood high above the rest. It only has three twisted branches, growing out of its spindly stalk in such a way to vaguely resemble a humanoid figure with bending limbs. One branch in the middle rounded out at the end to form the "head" of this horrific plant.
"Ok, so that certainly wasn't a raccoon then." Nightshade commented. Their sister began switching into her alt mode, before the younger green bot grabbed hold of her. "Twitch, wait! Going out to investigate… whatever that is right away probably isn't a good idea. We should at least think this through first."
Twitch struggled in their grip for a second before shaking herself off, but didn't immediately fly out like she wanted to. "What's the hold up? You seriously want to just head in and call it a night?" She snapped at them.
"No, of course not. I just think we shouldn't do it alone." They added, remaining calm.
"And give that tree-thing a chance to move in first? I don't think so." Twitch shifted and took off into the sky. Reluctantly, Nightshade changed into their alt mode as well, flying directly in front of her to block her path.
"Twitch! What's gotten into you?" They asked frantically. Thankfully for them, Twitch did stop on her tracks. "You clearly aren't doing well tonight. Whatever's got you troubled, I'm here for you, and so is the rest of the family."
"We clearly have bigger issues than my anxiety to deal with right now!" She shouted. "Things like… that are just more proof I haven't been doing enough to keep us safe."
"Is that what this is about? Twitch, this isn't your fault-" she cut them off.
"Well it'll be both of our faults if that tree monster gets its dirty roots on the others because we were busy screwing around here!"
Nightshade wasn't sure how to respond. Twitch’s panicked tone and expression afe it clear how stressed and out of it she was. But how were they supposed to comfort her? This entire situation was making it hard for even them to think, especially with that giant tree staring at them-
Wait, the tree was staring at them?
Nightshade slowly turned their head to get a better look, and to their horror, the tall head of the ominous tree had sprouted a pair of huge, glowing eyes.
“We need to go back inside, now!” They grabbed Twitch's arm with their talons, dragging their sister behind them. Almost involuntarily, the younger mech let out an owlish screech as they dived back into the dugout from the entrance in the barn's roof.
Switching back into their alt mode, Nightshade rushed over to the console displaying the security cameras’ feds. They displayed nothing but static, oddly enough. Nightshade, frustrated and confused, frantically tried fixing the console, but nothing seemed to be working.
After a few moments, Twitch quietly approached her sibling, meekly tapping them on the shoulder. “Shady, I need to tell you something…”
“I'm not mad at you, Twitch. Just, I need to focus right now-”
“That's not what an owl sounds like.” She continued.
Nightshade stopped what they were working on and turned to face her. “...I'm sorry?”
“I've been meaning to say this ever since you got your alt mode, but that owl screech you do isn't actually what owls sound like. The noise you make is more like an eagle or a hawk.”
Nightshade just sort of stared at her, not sure what to say.
“Oh.” Was all they could think of as a response.
“Wait, why would you bring that up now?”
“I'm sorry! I'm scared! I can't even really think straight, it feels like my brain is shutting down…” She grabbed onto her head and shook it, as if trying to forcefully wake herself up.
Nightshade tried to go back to fixing the camera system, but found that their own mind felt somewhat fuzzy as well. They've repaired similar errors on this exact console plenty of times before. Yet for some reason, the solution just wasn't coming to them now.
“It had eyes, didn't it? That's what those were, in the tree, I mean. Huge eyes.” Twitch finally spoke, her usually fast speaking voice noticeably low in energy. “Do you think… that was something Ghost made?”
“I can't imagine what use they would have with a giant, monstrous tree.” Nightshade answered, putting down the wires they were fiddling with. “We should alert the others.”
“...Right.” their sister responded. She glided over to the nearest Malto sibling, that being Hashtag. The large purple mech was still peacefully dozing off with her phone now playing, of all things, Wendigoon’s conspiracy theory iceberg. As if this whole situation wasn't ominous enough.
Twitch gently nudged the larger bot’s shoulder. “Hashtag? Get up, something happened.”
No response. She was still completely out of it.
“H-hashtag?” Twitch shook her sister a little more forcefully now.
She still didn't stir.
“HASHTAG! WAKE UP!” Twitch yelled as loudly as possible, but this didn't do much besides startle the already well-awake Nightshade.
The smaller red bot, frustrated at this point, switched into her alt mode and fired a laser several inches from her sleeping sister. This also accomplished nothing.
“Twitch! What on earth are you doing?” Nightshade called out frantically.
“I wasn't going to hit her! I… I couldn't think of anything else, I thought that would work.” She admitted, her voice shaky.
Twitch flew over to Thrash and Jawbreaker, shouting their names and firing controlled lasers inches from their bodies in a reckless attempt to wake them. The brothers were similarly out cold, however, and nothing she did had any affect on them.
“You need to stop that! If you miss and hit them…” Nightshade began, cutting themselves off as they watched the red drone revert to her bot mode, a defeated and exhausted expression washing over her face. Her large yellow optics seemed to almost wobble in place, a streaking, cold light emanating from them. Nightshade got the impression that if Cybertronians were physically capable of shedding tears, she'd be sobbing right now.
“What's going on, Shady?” She barely managed to speak, nearly choking on every word.
Seeing their usually cheerful, energic sister in such a miserable state was utterly heartbreaking for Nightshade. It wasn't her fault, but Twitch seemed to truly believe whatever misfortune her family had fallen upon somehow could have been prevented by her.
Nightshade, not being the best at emotional support, tried to go for a more practical way of comforting her. “They… they aren't dead.” The younger Terran informed her. Walking over to Jawbreaker, Nightshade gently pried his eyelids apart to reveal intact, glowing optics. They weren't responding to any stimuli, but the fact that they were on was proof that the bots were in some kind of comatose state.
“How did you…” Twitch started speaking, but seemingly lost the strength to continue partway through her question.
“How did I know?” Nightshade presumptively finished for her. Twitch nodded in confirmation. “I've installed vital trackers in all of us. If any of us were to go offline, I would get an alert.” They informed her.
“Oh, that's good. Thank you.” She seemed a little relieved, before realizing the full consequences of what her sibling just admitted. “Wait, I don't remember… when did you install those?”
“That's not really something we need to worry about now…” Nightshade mumbled, not expecting her to question their actions.
“...Nightshade, how many… things have you added to us?” She lowered her gaze a bit, inquisitively. Before questioning them further, her optics lit up, having remembered something.
“I just realized, we never saw Fluffy Ears!” She blurted out frantically. Twitch began zooming around the dugout in her altmode, looking for the baby cow.
Nightshade gave a sigh of relief that her line of questioning was over for now, and joined her in the search.
“Where was she last?” They called out, looking around their lab while Twitch scanned the dugout’s hall.
“I… I don't know, she just sort of wandered off-Oh!” Twitch flew over to a far corner of the room.
“I found her! What are you doing over here, silly cow…” Twitch nudged the calf, who seemed to be fast asleep, resting her head on her flank. Fluffy Ears didn't stir, however.
“...Fluffy Ears?” Twitch was significantly more worried as she spoke this time, her voice getting louder. The calf didn't respond.
Nightshade looked over their sister's shoulders, noting that, thankfully, the little cow was still breathing.
“That's odd, very odd… whatever happened to our siblings seems to be affecting her as well.” Nightshade leaned down and gently stroked Fluffy Ears head, mostly in an attempt to calm themselves down. This entire situation wasn't making any sense, and that scared them. They needed to remain calm, however, if only to reassure Twitch.
The smaller bot looked to her sibling for answers.
“...Do you think it's gotten to everyone in the house?”
“Are you referring to whatever has put everyone here to sleep?” Nightshade attempted to clarify.
“Yeah, I mean, if it got to Fluffy Ears… Mom, Dad, Robbie, and Mo are also organic.”
“That's a good point, actually.” Nightshade pondered. They didn't even think of that. “Are we dealing with some kind of virus that affects both organics and bots? Does such a thing even exist?”
“Forget virus, it's obviously coming from that messed up tree outside.”
“The tree? That can't be right. How could it even…” Nightshade was at a complete loss.
“Seriously, Nightshade? This thing shows up, and suddenly, all of our family is out cold. That can't be a coincidence.” She was exasperated.
“I agree it's strange, but there shouldn't be any way a plant could incapacitate both organics and Cybertronians by just… I don't even know…” Their head was starting to throb like a migraine. Trying to think critically was physically hurting them.
The two siblings just stood there, feeling their own bodies growing weaker with every passing second. It was a sensation similar to being sedated. A feeling they probably would have given into, had Twitch not noticed a strange black tendril poking out of a nearby vent.
“Is that a rat?” Twitch asked groggily. Wouldn't be the first time a rat got into the dugout. But said rats usually weren't so long. And slithering…
“Nightshade! Get down!” Twitch jumped and pushed her sibling down to the ground, just before a huge tendril swung at their head. The tendril instead hit the monitors Nightshade had attempted to fix. A single whack caused not only all the monitors to shatter, but the concrete wall behind them to violently crack.
Nightshade's optics widened with horror. There was no question about it. If that tendril had hit them instead, their head would have been knocked clean off.
The tendril dove for the pair of them, seeming to know exactly where they were despite not having eyes. They both moved to opposite sides, barely avoiding getting stabbed. As it pulled out of the small hole it burrowed into the floor, the tendril opened up for a second, briefly revealing a crimson reptilian eye that scanned the room before closing again.
Nightshade, in an effort to get out of the way, bumped into the table they had placed the reverse bear trap onto earlier. It fell into their lap with a clattering thud. An idea came to them, and they armed the trap to go off again.
“Twitch, take this and have it drive for you again! When it gets close, have it aim for the trap! I think it only keeps its eyes open for a few seconds at a time!”
Twitch, being the faster of the two even in her groggy state, agreed with a nod and flew past the tendril, the trap in her grasp. It took the bait and launched itself directly towards her, where it got the last several feet of its body caught in the trap’s mechanisms.
The tendril squirmed and rattled as the reverse beartrap’s countdown ticked. After a few agonizingly long seconds, it finally went off. Just as it had with the pumpkin earlier in the night, it absolutely ripped its prey apart with ease. Shards of metal and some kind of fleshy material flew to all corners of the dugout.
The worst part wasn't the sight of the impact, however, it was the dreadful noise it made. Whatever the tendril was attached to screamed in pain as its appendage was destroyed. It had a cry like a nuclear siren, low, loud, and ear-piercing. It felt like something you were never meant to hear, and simply perceiving was a sign that you as the listener were at death’s door.
What remained of the tendril receded back through the vents, leaking a runny black liquid with an odd, iridescent shimmer. A few of the larger chunks that had been ripped open were still slightly animate, curling where they lay like a dying spider.
Nightshade cautiously approached what appeared to be the eye of the tendril, or atleast what was left of it.
It was a translucent, jelly-like red substance with an awful black slit for a pupil that had sort of melted into the iris due to its injury. Said pupil shuddered in place one last time as Nightshade got closer, almost as if it could still perceive the bot somehow.
“Nightshade! Are you alright right!?” Twitch said, sounding out of breath despite not actually having lungs.
“Yes, I'm just a bit scratched up. It's nothing but a bit of polish won't get out.”
Without saying anything else, Nightshade grabbed and chugged down one of the energy drinks that their sister left out. “I know I said earlier that us drinking these was probably a bad idea, but I think they might help.” Their sister nervously fiddled with the can’s lid before managing to get it open for herself.
Nightshade scooped up what's left of the otherworldly tendril and brought it back to their lab.
Pausing to consider their next move, Nightshade eventually settled on attaching the still pulsating fleshy bits to a battery hooked up to a light bulb. After a few seconds, the light dimmed before going out completely. The battery was instantly dead.
“It appears you were right after all. Whatever this thing is, it emits some kind of field that drains energy from anything it's near.” Nightshade concluded.
“So that's what makes us feel so exhausted?” Twitch looked very concerned, her optics darting between Nightshade and her unconscious siblings.
“More than likely, yes. And you might have already guessed this, but I assume it's also keeping all our organic family members asleep. My current theory is that this is a hunting tactic.”
Twitch knew immediately what they were getting at. “Sleeping prey can't fight back.”
“Exactly.” Nightshade confirmed. “The fact that we were previously awake is most likely the only reason why we aren't currently unconscious.”
An uneasy silence filled the dugout. The siblings stood in place, the air around them cold and heavy with tension. Without saying a word, both of them knew what the other was thinking: that monster would be back any moment, and they couldn't keep up the energy to fight it back for long. It was a terrible calm before the storm, a feeling reminiscent of succumbing to hypothermia. An overwhelming, intoxicating urge to close your eyes and drift into a sleep you were well aware you'd never wake up from.
And at this moment, every light in the dugout switched off.
To be continued...
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iguessigotta · 1 year
trying to just write, for fuck's sake, so here's some half finished trains of thought about Darkiplier cause I was scrolling through my old posts and found this one warnings: weed/drug use, suggestive but still sfw
imagine getting high with Dark
I think he’d prefer a sativa/head high more - something tells me that making dark feel more disconnected from his body wouldn’t be great for him
imagine him getting more….well not giggly, but….
he’s smiling easier now, laughing - however quietly - way more often
not to mention he’s been glued to your side for the past hour or so
sure, you’ve been passing a joint back and forth, but that was a while ago.
you’ve been letting youtube autoplay old videos you’d already watched - you’d meant to find a movie for the two of you to watch - but then he’d wrapped his arms around you, scooting close behind you on the couch. He’d buried his nose into where your shoulder meets your neck
and then he’d laughed
quietly, yes, and really little more than a short huff of air through his nose, but Dark had laughed
you didn’t have the heart to switch to a movie now. so you sat, hands placed over his on your stomach, listening to the sound of Dark - finally - being able to relax for once
I just 🥺🥺🥺
aaaand we also have Eldritch Dark finding out you are a self-proclaimed monster fucker
after he finally gets you to admit it, he decides to give you a little treat
you feel him shift behind you, and for some reason you….lose track of his legs-?
or maybe it’s more that his legs suddenly…aren’t
you can’t explain what exactly the fuck is going on there - but it feels nice, like Dark is somehow surrounding you
you relax, sighing contentedly and sinking into his arms…which…
his arms are different now. you aren’t sure how, but  now his hands feels as though they’re holding you everywhere all at once
as if he had hundreds of them
he presses his nose into the top of your head - strange, he shouldn’t be able to do that at this angle… - taking a deep breath before pressing a kiss to your hair
you feel him smile against your hair as you let out another sigh, a light shudder running through you, content  in just being held for now
but, oh, he’s got so many ideas for later
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darkmaga-retard · 1 month
Now, “we will never actually know”…
Strange Sounds
Aug 17, 2024
He was probably dropped in the middle of the Atlantic ocean like Megatron and Osama Bin Laden…
Louisiana Rep. Clay Higgins has blasted the FBI for releasing attempted Trump assassin Thomas Matthew Crooks’ body to his family for cremation days after the shooting — calling it “disturbing” that the agency would impede further investigation.
The Republican congressman said he discovered that Crooks’ body was handed over to his family when he requested to examine it during his visit to the Butler, Pennsylvania rally site to investigate the shooting.
“My effort to examine Crooks’ body on Monday, August 5, caused quite a stir and revealed a disturbing fact… the FBI released the body for cremation 10 days after (July 13),” Higgins wrote in the report to the July 13 Task Force, a bipartisan committee organized to investigate the security failures around the shooting.
Now, “we will never actually know”…
House in Cape Hatteras, NC collapses from the force of waves generated by a hurricane 300 miles away… Yep, The stilt house near the outer banks completely collapsed in the water because of the waves from Hurricane Ernesto… Amazing!https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/AlxG4jkmPIE?rel=0&autoplay=0&showinfo=0&enablejsapi=0
He was told to stop by other personnel in the room (a hospital administrator) and just kept going. I sincerely hope they permanently revoke his privileges at all facilites he works. Guy obviously has too big of an ego to be practicing.Edit: he's also paid out over $600k to other patients he has already seriously harmed… Florida doc not wearing hearing aid couldn't hear colonoscopy patient screaming…
It's a warning to closely inspect your surroundings before you drop trou to relieve yourself…
SEND IN THE MOOSE… Ukraine can fire our weapons during attack inside Russia, says Canada…
These days, a lot of planes are crashing too… Congressman Larry McDonald died in a plane crash after this interview…https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/EjFfyBgKZW0?rel=0&autoplay=0&showinfo=0&enablejsapi=0
"....and later shooting at other people elsewhere the same night... That's probably the bigger crime… Man pulls gun after Burger King worker wouldn't take drugs for payment; gets 143 years in prison…
Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland officials said its security officers returned fire on active shooters who attempted to gain entry through the main gate at the JBSA-Chapman Training Annex…https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/Id2iChLFrOc?rel=0&autoplay=0&showinfo=0&enablejsapi=0
Yeah, I’m not surprised. This election is gonna be a shit show. It might look like 2020, but probably worse… Atlanta election workers to get ‘panic buttons’ amid rising threats…
Strange 'Stonehenge' discovered in Lake Michigan is 5,000 years older than the British landmark…https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/wtdMgfD2YYY?rel=0&autoplay=0&showinfo=0&enablejsapi=0
Kim Dotcom, founder of the once wildly popular file-sharing website Megaupload, lost a 12-year fight this week to halt his deportation from New Zealand to the U.S. on charges of copyright infringement, money laundering and racketeering… “Don’t worry I have a plan,” Dotcom posted on X this week… Kim Dotcom loses 12-year fight to halt deportation from New Zealand to face US copyright case…
NASA made a world-shaking discovery: Compelling evidence of past life on Mars…https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/I7v_xuCDwnM?rel=0&autoplay=0&showinfo=0&enablejsapi=0
The last sentence in that article: "Falling IQs have become yet another mystery for scientists to solve." Well, let's hope they can before they become too stupid to solve it… American IQ scores have rapidly dropped, proving the 'Reverse Flynn Effect'. The Reverse Flynn Effect refers to the recent decline in average IQ scores, especially in European countries…
Typhoon Ampil: Thousands evacuated and hundreds of flights cancelled as storm nears Tokyo…
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miralseries · 2 years
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#Allow pop ups safari how to
When a page starts playing sound, a little speaker icon will appear on that page’s tab, next to the “X” on the right. How to turn off pop-ups in IE, Chrome, Firefox, and Safari. In the pop-up menu for the website, choose one of the following: Allow: Pop-ups for the. If you don’t see Pop-up Windows, be sure to scroll to the bottom of the list. Google’s browser comes with a strong first line of defense: the ability to mute specific tabs. In the Safari app on your Mac, choose Safari > Preferences, then click Websites. Here’s how to restore peace and quiet in Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple’s Safari, and Microsoft Edge. And if they don’t do the trick, you can employ third-party add-ons to take control. Luckily, the most popular web browsers have settings that will help you silence the unwanted noise. You have to shut up these distractions before you can actually see the content you want. Pop-ups appear on screen, you accidentally run your mouse over an ad that bursts into life, and an inescapable autoplay video follows you as you scroll down the page. Click on on the Web sites tab on the toolbar on the prime. You may also press command + comma ( + ,) to open Safari preferences. Within the drop-down menu, click on Preferences. How can I block pop-up ads on Safari On your Apple device, go to Settings > Safari and turn on Block Pop-ups and Fraudulent Website Warning. You follow a link to an article-and suddenly your speakers blare. Right here’s the right way to cease pop-ups on Mac: Open Safari.
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ofcowardiceandkings · 3 years
I think you mentioned listening to podcasts? Do you have any favorites to reccommend? I've run out of content :(
that i do !
im not entirely sure what kind of podcast you'd be interested in but i'll throw out a few of the goodies in my huge library of stuff , i'll miss out a few of the HUGE podcasts that have been all over tumblr though
a LOT of it is true crime or human interest stuff , or history because im nerd ,, and a few of these dont have nearly enough attention so [shrug] i'll try to keep this short i guess lol this isnt EVERYTHING ive got in my library or listened series' by any measure
i AM gonna pop a shout to both Stuff You Missed in History Class and Stuff You Should Know from iHeartRadio because their HUGE archives have kept me from losing my mind many times over , and they cover a wide range of both important and wacky topics
BomBARDed (ongoing) this is the only fiction podcast i have happening right now really but its DAMN GOOD ONE .... it's an actual-play D&D 5E podcast in the DMs own musically-inspired world, focussed on a group of multiclass bards going to music school !! and all players (+DM) are members of the Texas band Lindby !! and they actually use and play music in the show with one original song an episode !! Kyle's worldbuilding and storycraft are truly incredible, and (Nick) Goodrich, (also Nick) Spurrier, and Ali's characters are in depth and interesting as well as an absolute powerhouse :') i actually made a piece for its first fanzine, Bardic Dreaming, which published earlier this year and is free to view now, all the players and the community are super wholesome its just very good overall 💙
History & Humans;
Fall of Civilisations (ongoing) legit one of my favourite podcast finds, im so glad my youtube autoplayed one of these ... it took me like 2 hours to realise it was 1) not the same as what was playing before and 2) had been on for 2 hours and wasnt near finished lmao. anyway, this is a series by historical fiction writer Paul Cooper, and is honest to all thats good one of the best documentary series ive encountered in years - and ive consumed a LOT of documentaries. it covered the downfall of various civilisations through history, and the episodes run from an hour to FOUR hours depending on the topic. its so chill to listen to and just get done, but over the pandemic all of the episodes have been given full movie-quality video versions too on youtube if youre more of a visual person.
Casting Lots: A Survival Cannibalism Podcast (on series break) yeah that says that lol ... its a SUPER niche topic but its very interesting and treated very well despite being kind of comical at times, the hosts are just naturally funny lol ... it delves around from the history of cannibalism in whole regions to specific incidents as recently as the 1970s, and of course the first episode is about the Donner Party, and it covers things ive never heard of despite being kind of important ?? anyway Alix and Carmella are good eggs
Sawbones (ongoing) i probably dont need to mention much here other than say that Justin and Sydnee saved me from being SO BORED sooo often, the history of medicine is wacky as hell and its what most of my history GCSE was on so [shrugs]
Cautionary Tales (on series break) this was a wild-card find lol ... it's by Tim Harford "the undercover economist" who writes for the Financial Times, and its topics kind of weave modern topics and science with how to learn from historical errors ... its a bit weird but well worth a go, also each series has a few celebrity guest voice actors which is pretty awesome
Ephemeral (ongoing) this is a very strange but thought provoking series about sounds and other things just barely saved. topics include the last castrato, the hello girls, hand-stamped records, the spread of kīkā kila music, and acoustic fossils of wild places.
Neat! The Boozecast (ongoing) history and bartending whats not to like lol ... hosted by Teylor Smirl and now their dad Tommy, they're just digging around in how important booze is to human culture
True Crime (white collar and weirdness);
Swindled (ongoing) this is an amazing show full stop. A Concerned Citizen details some of the most impactful and unruly things to happen in white collar and corporate crime. very factually accurate but given the sheer bullshit of the topics the deadpan snarking is [chefs kiss] absolutely warranted ..
American Scandal (on series break) this one is a series within a series type, and spends a few episodes at a time poking holes in some of America's biggest scandals, from a dramatised but fact-based point of view. such as what the hell was going on with Enron, how big tobacco was forced to own up to covering its own ass, how Iran-Contra happened, etc. it also now has a sister show called British Scandal, which does the same thing for British cases but with a slightly different format.
Missing in Alaska (finished) this was a fascinating series, a deep dive into what happened to two US government officials who disappeared on a small chartered flight in Alaska in 1972. it goes some really strange places, but it actually turned up a lot of previously unknown information through the audience. John Walczak's new series in a new feed is Missing on 9/11 which looks into what happened to Dr Sneha Philip.
Pretend (ongoing) Host Javier Leiva holds interviews with anyone living a lie, or who have been touched by them. con artists, snake oil salesmen, former cult members, catfishing victims, anyone and everyone.
Power: The Maxwells (finished) hosted by journalist Tara Palmeri, the story of media tycoon Robert Maxwell from nothing to empire to mysterious death and the scandals uncovered after he was gone.
Lets Talk About Sects (ongoing) Sarah Steele covering cults from around the world, in particular those in Australia - where she is from. She often has former members on the show to share their stories, and share knowledge of how they left. each story has the relevant content warnings at the start of each episode.
Brainwashed (finished) investigation of the CIA's covert mind control experiments, centred on the experiments performed at a hospital in Montreal, and its cultural impact.
Dr Death (2 series finished) two series investigating huge cases of fraud and medical malpractice, and how they were brought to a stop. series 1 covers Dr Duntsch and his horribly butchered neurosurgery, series 2 covers Dr Fata and his fraudulent cancer clinic
The Immaculate Deception (finished) untangling the weird and disturbing fertility fraud of Dr Jan Karbaat, who fathered children himself through his fertility clinic, and the impact of his deception. later episodes also touch on other similar cases.
True Crime (Violent/General);
The Casual Criminalist (ongoing) Simon Whistler of-the-many-youtube-channels cold reads a script about the case of the day, with some of his daft commentary thrown in.
Southern Fried True Crime (ongoing) Crimes from the American South hosted by Erica Kelley, she puts all the facts out there but refreshingly for true crime she doesnt hesitate to tell you if she thinks someone is human garbage lol
They Walk Among Us (ongoing) probably one of the most popular UK crime podcasts, very measured and well put together, not weird or annoying about it either.
All Crime No Cattle (ongoing, feed slowed down for now) specifically about crimes from Texas, hosted by Erin and Shay, they're very sensitive hosts and a lot of the cases they cover shed light on why the Texas criminal system is how it is or show an impact at a national level
Canadian True Crime (ongoing) Canadian crime from an Aussie who's lived there for a decade, Kristi is again a sensitive and measured host covering some important topics
True Crime (Violent/Deep Dive);
Hitman (finished) journalist Jasmyn Morris digs around in the sticky tangle around a book published by fringe publisher Paladin Press, and its apparent use as a blueprint in the killing of a mother, her friend and her 8 year old boy for financial gain.
Camp Hell: Anneewakee (ongoing) this series is exploring how a wilderness camp "correctional facility" was endorsed by the Georgia care and juvenile reform system, despite widespread abuses and shady practices the whole time. warning for csa and child cruelty throughout.
True Crime Bullshit (on series break) this one is a huge huge rabbithole but a very interesting one where the host Josh Hallmark has spent years digging into the life and potential crimes of Israel Keyes. Keyes is often mentioned as a serial killer with no pattern, but in picking it apart thats not quite true, and has sparked some re-evaluations of missing persons cases and stumbling upon information the FBI has redacted organically. there's also a series in the middle looking into the crimes of Kelly Cochran
Forgotten: Women of Juárez (finished) this series looks into the huge numbers of missing women of Ciudad Juárez, the strange circumstances surrounding them, and the potential cover-ups and corruptions on both sides of the border, trying to give a voice to all of the forgotten women and girls and their families without answers. the series itself is finished, but a spanish language edition is being released every week now.
aaaaaand i'll call it there before i list everything lol, i hope you find something to plug your boredom hole with !!
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bffsoobin · 4 years
Just One Day
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↳ being the extraordinary Choi Yeonjun’s ordinary ex girlfriend had begun to feel like nothing more than a fun fact the longer you two had been apart. He had gone to Korea to chase his dream, and you had all but forgotten about the way he made you feel. When Yeonjun calls and explains he’ll be back for a day, do you go for it?
➤ fluff, angst, smut, idol!yeonjun x ex girlfriend!reader
Word count: 5,313
Requested?: yes
Warnings: This includes (badly written) mature content! Please do not read between the illustrated borders if you’re under 18 or uncomfortable! Smut warnings include: unprotected sex (don’t do it!), some dirty talk, slight male masturbation. General warnings include:swearing, awkwardness, slight pining, self doubt, mentions of crying/heartbreak, Yeonjun is a sly little shit, Feelings, me not editing or proof reading, me not keeping a very good time line for the story (how long ago did they date? How long were they together? What era are txt in when this story takes place? I didn’t bother to specify so feel free to let your mind run wild)
It felt weird seeing the Snapchat memory pop up. A younger you smiled back through the screen, hair messy from the wind. Even weirder is the sight of a younger Choi Yeonjun, cheek pressed right against yours and a wide smile taking over his face. You hadn’t forgotten him, there was no way you could, but you had certainly forgotten this day. This date. The two of you had spent the day at an amusement park, skin turning red under the sun as you rode every attraction the park had to offer. As you clicked through the memory, you found a video you took of him dancing next to the picnic table the two of you ate overpriced fries and pizza on. The sound of your own laugh made you smile. You had really been so happy. So many happy memories with Yeonjun cropped up in your mind. All of the movie nights, walks along the lake, lunches and mini golf dates flooded you.
With the happy memories also came the hurt. The countdown to the day he had to leave for Korea, knowing nothing would ever be the same again. You had blocked out so many bad things, but one you could never forget was the night before he left. Since he was leaving so early in the morning, you had come to sleep over so you could be sure not to miss saying goodbye. As the night fell, you clutched onto his shirt and begged him not to forget you. It was pathetic how much you sniffled and sobbed into the thin fabric and pleaded with any entity listening to keep Yeonjun in your life. He had cried too, although you never noticed. The sound of your sobbing consumed his senses as the two of you laid down in his bed and he knew he could do nothing but hold you until you fell asleep. When the heaving and shaking stopped, he looked down on your swollen, tear streaked face and began shaking with his own silent sobs. He loved you. You loved him. But that love wasn’t enough to keep the two of you together in the way you wished. Yeonjun didn’t sleep that night. Instead, he watched you sleep and pretended everything was okay. Pretended he wasn’t leaving you behind minutes after sunrise. 
That night is one of your very worst memories. You threw your phone to the side, rubbing your hands over your face to reduce some of the weight laying on your shoulders. A hot shower was definitely in order to relieve some tension in your muscles.
Your worries washed down the drain with the scalding water. With a clearer mind you were able to push the sad memories of years past back to the dark corner of your mind where you left them originally. The rest of your day was normal, save for the fact that you felt as if the selfie of you and Yeonjun you had seen earlier was permanently tattooed behind your eyelids. At every spare moment you had you were thinking of him. The Yeonjun you had fallen in love with way before he had millions of other people following his every move. You had neglected to keep up with his actions many months ago when you decided that there was no point in mulling over a guy who would never come back to you.
And given the general lack of interest of kpop harbored by your family and friends; it wasn’t hard for you to reduce Yeonjun to nothing more than a boyfriend who had to move far away. Most of the people in your life now didn’t even know about the years old relationship, anyway. You had decided it was much better that way.
Your day was boring, to be totally honest. You had dedicated the day to cleaning, but your small apartment needed less attention than you originally thought. By 6:30pm, you had already made and eaten dinner and started yourself on a marathon of Hunger Games movies. Right in the middle of Katniss’ adventures in the 74th games; your phone began to vibrate against your thigh with a phone call. The number came up as unknown, and you didn’t recognize the area code as a local one so you let the call drop. Katniss was mourning the death of Rue when your phone vibrated again. This time you saw a voicemail from the mystery number. You were confused. A little bit annoyed at the intrusion, but mostly really confused. Usually scam callers didn’t leave messages, and everyone else that was important to your life was in your phone as a contact.
What the hell, you thought. Just listen to the voicemail and see who it's from, you can always delete the message and block the number later. Disregarding Katniss’ heavy breathing, you clicked on the notification and pressed your phone to your ear. There were a few seconds of silence and some shuffling that made you think it was an accidental butt dial to a very wrong number until a clear voice broke through.
“Hey, Y/N. I know this is super weird but-“ you dropped your phone out of your hand as if it had bitten you. You knew that voice. Yeonjun. What the fuck? With your phone left forgotten on the couch you nervously walked around your apartment. What did he want? How did he get your number? Why was he calling you?
After some self convincing and a cold glass of water, you decided you would get all your answers if you’d just finish listening to the damn voicemail. This time, you listened closer and in the silence of the beginning you could hear some faint Korean that made your blood run cold. This was for real. Yeonjun’s voice crackled through the phone again.
“I’m, uh, in the US right now. LA, actually. We just landed like an hour ago and I though of you- is that weird?” He cleared his throat, “I have a day off tomorrow and I was wondering if you’d want to meet up? If you don’t, it’s okay.” A heavy sigh and some more shouting of Korean in the back. “But if you do, we can meet at 10am at that breakfast place you like? I looked it up, the one between the library and the corner market we used to go to? Okay. That’s it. Um, bye.” Even after the end of the message you kept your phone pressed to your ear, in total disbelief of what you’d just heard.
Numbly, you unpaused the movie although none of the horrors of the Games stirred you like normal. The only thing you could focus on was whether or not you should go meet Yeonjun in the morning. What did you have to lose? Other than a little pride if he stood you up or something of the sort, you couldn’t think of much. You could easily catch an Uber there in the morning. But would it be weird? You knew the other members would be with him, but how much did they know? Your nerves made you queasy. The option of not going at all seemed more and more appealing with every passing moment.
You played the movie again, watching but not processing any of the presented images. You wanted to talk this out with someone, but no one really knew about your time with Yeonjun and the situation was way too far fetched to be boiled down to hypotheticals for a friend. Twenty minutes must have passed with you mulling every little detail over in your head. The movie had ended without your knowledge but it didn’t matter anyway. You were already in your bedroom, computer open to YouTube. Skimming your fingers over the keys, you gave the universe time to stop you. To make someone knock on your door, or your mom to call you, or for the power to go out; but nothing of the sort happened. You typed in “tomorrow x together” and shut your eyes as if it would change anything.
Pages of videos- both official and fan made beckoned you down a dangerous rabbit hole. One where you began to miss Yeonjun all over again. He had grown a lot since the last time you had seen him. He was taller, broader. HIs jaw was much more defined and he had taken to wearing jewelry all the time. Side effects of becoming an idol, you supposed. None of those details hurt more than the fact that his personality seemed unchanged. Amplified, yes; but he was still the same goofy, clingy and heartfelt boy you had fallen in love with years ago. You watched the way he interacted with the other members and you felt your heart swell with joy. Some small part of you was worried that pressure and fame would change him but you were amazed to see that was not the case.
Autoplay took it upon itself to load up the next video for you. You felt oddly warm at the idea of seeing even more content; this time through the lense of an adoring fan. A title flashed across the screen in a handwritten font: “Best of Choi Yeonjun”. Edited video clips of him singing, dancing and playing around with the other group members flashed before your eyes. You couldn’t help but lull yourself into a state of comfort upon seeing and hearing him so much. In the back of your mind, you knew you had already silently decided on meeting him tomorrow. You closed your laptop with a renewed excitement before you began to get ready for bed.
When you woke up there was still an hour before your alarm was even set to go off. Despite the early hour you were wide awake as if your nerves had been connected to a live wire pumping electricity through you. There was no grogginess in your eyes, and if it wasn’t for the jumble of nerves in your gut you could have believed you were going to have a perfect day. Your mind stalled at the reality of facing Yeonjun in just mere hours. You think you dreamed about him last night; in some weird, hazy fashion where you can’t remember much other than his presence. Vague details swarmed through your mind throughout the entire duration of your morning routine. Even though you had just showered the night before, you took another one to pass the extra time and take the opportunity to shave as well as you could in the dim light of your bathroom. You were oddly aware of just how quickly your heart was beating through the whole process. The drumming sound in your ears became second nature by the time you stood in front of your closet.
Suddenly, the extra hour your body had subconsciously given you became a blessing as you decided that you had absolutely nothing to wear. The outfit you had planned during your shower looked much worse in real life than you ever would have thought. It was almost as if the open drawers were mocking you, laughing about the fact that you were so nervous about meeting Yeonjun again that you couldn’t even pick out an outfit. You shuffled through all of your hangers multiple times, slipped different dresses and pairs of jeans on until you settled on something that you decided would be good enough- especially with the time of 9:10 am glaring back at you. With the consideration of morning traffic, you needed to be out of your apartment as soon as you possibly could. It was sort of embarrassing how sweaty your palms were as you locked up your apartment door and requested an Uber. Luckily your driver came so fast that you didn’t really have time to dwell on just what you were about to do. Even the ride there gave you no time to overthink, as your friendly driver made polite conversation that you felt bad for slacking on.
You stepped out onto the sidewalk after stalling for as long as you possibly could. The breakfast spot was surprisingly unpopulated compared to the rest of the stores, but just as quaint and adorable as you always remembered. Yeonjun used to live over this way so the two of you frequented the family owned restaurant so much that all of the servers knew your order. Your heart felt as if it was permanently stuck in your throat with the knowledge that Yeonjun was just steps away from you. A few bystanders eyed you suspiciously as you tried to work up the courage to enter the building. Fuck it, you thought. There was no way to avoid this any longer.
The hostess working the front stand seemed to notice your nervous disposition. “Can I help you? Just one?” Suddenly the back of your neck felt warm under her questioning.
“Uhm actually, I’m supposed to be meeting someone here.” The hostess nodded politely.
“Oh, can I ask your name? A man here said he was waiting for a girl to come meet him,” she shuffled a menu around on her podium.
“I’m Y/N,’ you supplied meekly. The hostess’ face lit up as she waved to you to follow her further into the restaurant. The layout was familiar even though the decor had evolved over the last few years. At a corner booth sat Yeonjun with his fluffy hair, intently examining the menu as you approached. The hostess announced your arrival and left in the blink of an eye.
“Yeonjun,” you whispered, totally caught off guard by the sight of him actually in front of you. He rushed out of the booth seat and immediately squished you into a tight hug.
“Oh my god,” he laughed, pulling back to examine you once again before you both sat down on the vinyl seats. “I don’t know what to say, I-” he rubbed his hands over his face, “I wasn’t sure you were going to come.” You just stared at him for a second, waiting for the cogs in your brain to start up again.
“I wasn’t sure I was going to come either. But I’m glad I did. I just saw old pictures of us from when we were dating.” It felt so foreign to hear that phrase coming out of your mouth that you almost flinched. Yeonjun’s face softened and he opened his mouth to speak just as your waiter sidled up to the table. He took your orders, and you couldn’t help but realize that you had both ordered your regulars from years ago. Yeonjun picked at his nailbeds for a second. There was so much to talk about that your mind could not settle on a single thing.
“I just wanted to say,” Yeonjun’s voice startled you, “that I’ve missed you a lot. I feel awful about the way we left it, and as soon as I heard we were coming back to the US I had to try and make time to meet you. Unfortunately I only have this one day off so I was hoping you would want to see me too,” he couldn’t contain the smile that grew on his face; the one that hadn’t changed since the last time you ever saw him.
“Of course I wanted to see you, Junnie,” the nickname was automatic and made him crinkle his eyes up happily, “I’ve missed you too.”
It was almost unbelievable how easy it was to fall back into conversation with him. The food was just as good as you always remembered, but it paled totally in comparison to the colorful stories the two of you traded. His were-of course- much more riveting and star studded than yours could ever hope to be. He told you tales of everything from his friends to his late nights practicing, to all of the places he had traveled since going into the company. All you had to offer were some stories of your adventures with family and friends but Yeonjun still listened with rapt attention. The flow of conversation was just as easy as you always remembered it to be. Even through mouthfuls of your breakfast you were having a better time with Yeonjun than you had with anyone else in months.
The waiter came to clear your plates during a natural lull in your conversation and suddenly the magical spell casted on the two of you seemed to lift. Yeonjun’s face was flushed red and you became extremely interested in your cuticles.
“I’ll pay for our food,” he reached for the check that had been placed face down on the table as you scoffed.
“No, I can pay for myself, it’s fine,” you held your hand out expectantly but he never handed over the receipt. Yeonjun’s eyes narrowed.
“No, absolutely not. I’m the one who asked you to meet me here out of the blue after not seeing you for years. And it’s just one day that I’m here. The very least I can do is pay for your meal, Y/N. Don’t you remember what it’s like to have a guy treating you?” He waved down the waiter and handed over the check along with a credit card.
“Well to be fair, I haven’t really had a guy ‘treat me’ in a while,” you grumbled at him, “but that’s an unfair way to guilt me into letting you buy my food.” You were pouting now, you knew. Yeonjun cooed at your change in behavior.
“Too bad. I want to be your complimentary boyfriend for the day. So I’m paying. And you get to pick the next place we go.” There was no way you could argue with him although the thought of him being your “boyfriend” again made your brain set off alarms.
“Okay, Junnie. Just remember you dug your own grave.”
Following breakfast, you drug him into your favorite boutique where the two of you had your own coming of age movie style try on in the dressing rooms. You hated to admit just how well Yeonjun had pulled off every single outfit he put on. Even the bright green button up and cheetah print bucket hat you had picked as a joke looked amazing on him. It was hard to miss the way he had bulked up, arms bulging against the fabric of the shirt as he twisted around in front of the mirror to admire himself. Mentally you slapped yourself. No drooling allowed, Y/N. This was no longer the Yeonjun who was your first love. This Yeonjun was famous and in the eyes of the public, living halfway across the world. There was no way he still thought about you the same way you thought of him.
He had noticed your lapse in behavior and chalked it up to him actually enjoying your prank outfits.
“Awe, it’s okay Y/N. We can go to Goodwill and you can find me something really awful to try on. I promise I’ll look hideous,” he placed a comforting hand on your shoulder and guided you towards the cashier with a grin so he could buy the last two items you ever thought he would enjoy. You pushed through your slowly souring mood to dutifully follow Yeonjun to another small shop nearby. Your thoughts were beginning to wander farther and farther until you completely tuned his voice out of your head. A hand ruffling up your hair ended your daydreaming. You grabbed Yeonjun’s hand and yanked it away.
“Leave me alone,” your tone was flatter than you wanted him to hear. His face instantly crumpled in confusion before turning serious. You could tell he wanted to say something to you but the atmosphere of the store was just not right. Pop music was piped through the speakers and you could hear the faint hum of the workers talking to one another. Without another word, Yeonjun guided you out of the store and back out to the front of the store.
“I think we should talk in private. Would you feel comfortable if we went back to your apartment?” Your heart swelled at his consideration of your comfort.
Just one slightly awkward Uber ride later, you were letting Yeonjun into your apartment. Suddenly you were worried about the fact that your bed wasn’t made and that you hadn’t dusted in way too long. Of course he didn’t notice, but as he sat down on your couch you couldn’t help but remember the pizza sauce stain on one of the cushions that you had hidden with a well placed throw pillow.
“C’mon, sit down. This is your home and you’re acting more awkward than I am,” he patted the cushion beside him but you chose to leave an intentional space between you, intimidated by the way he spread his legs out in front of him. “What happened?” His voice was soft and gentle, just the way you remember it from all your late nights and early mornings together.
You sighed. “It’s just weird. You being here, I mean. Before, I just saw you as a boy like the same way I was just a girl. Now I’m still just a girl but you’re,” you struggled for the words, “now you’re an it boy. But you still had my number in your phone. You still chose to use your day off to walk around with me! I guess I just don’t know why.” He was silent, watching you with slightly pouted lips and wide eyes.
“Oh,” your eyes crinkled in shock. Oh? That’s all he had to say? Before you had time to fume, he continued; “I thought it was pretty obvious. I still like you. A ton. Leaving you was one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do. You’ve never been just a girl to me, Y/N. I chose to come see you on my day off because I couldn’t bare the thought of being in your city with free time and not at least trying to make you understand.” You could feel yourself shrinking under his intense gaze.
“Understand what?” you whispered. He leaned closer, eliminating the gap you had created between the two of you. Just inches from your face, you could clearly see the way his sparkling eyes shifted between your own eyes and your lips several times. You knew he was giving you an out. Time to back away and tell him no. But you didn’t want an out. His lips were chapped but just as full as you had always remembered them to be. The first kiss was short and sweet, just a little testing peck as the initial spark lit a larger, raging fire inside of you.
He wasted no time going in for a second kiss, this one much longer and slower and very reminiscent of what you used to share with him. It felt as if he was pulling all of the air from your lungs and replacing it with his own. You felt your dormant feelings leak from the inside out in such a rush that you had to push him away from you. Chest heaving, you laid your head against the solid muscle of his chest. Your eyes burned with unshed tears and all of the thoughts you desperately wanted to spill. Yeonjun stroked your hair and said nothing as you quietly collected yourself.
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“It’s been so long. How do you still make me want you so bad?” Yeonjun laughed in a tone that bordered on remorseful.
“Guess I’m magic,” his lips descended on yours again, this time much needier as his hands began to roam all over your body. He kept a strong grip on your hips before sliding a hand up the front of your shirt. You gasped at the feeling.
“Are you okay? I can stop if-“ you shook your head rapidly and wrapped your hand around his wrist to guide him farther up your shirt, resting over your bra.
“I’m fine, please touch me.” He pushed you down against your couch and pressed his weight between your spread legs. Every part of you was on edge, hyper aware of every single movement that Yeonjun made. Mouthing at your neck, using both hands to squeeze at your breasts, the subtle rock of his hips against your center. Jolts of pleasure wracked through you.
“You’re so beautiful. So much more perfect than I even remembered,” Yeonjun stripped your shirt over your head and traced his fingers down your sides. You shivered as he worked his hands behind your back to fumble with the clasp of your bra. You couldn’t help but snort at the scrunched up face of concentration that melted away his dominant facade.
“Need some help?” Trying to bite back your laughter only worked for so long before you turned into a giggly mess under him. He tipped his head back and let out a whine that made your stomach stir in arousal given your situation.
“Don’t laugh, it’s been a long time,” his voice was thicker, deeper than it had been for the rest of the day and only served as a reminder of the tell tale bulge pressed against your inner thigh. Unclasping your own bra was a breeze, but you allowed Yeonjun the pleasure of actually pulling it away from your body. Before you had time to cover yourself up, the boy above you was diving down to press kisses on each breast, paying special attention to your nipples until you were squirming uncontrollably under his weight. He got the message and made short work of your jeans and panties.
“Hold on,” he groaned at the sight of you while he struggled to get off of the couch and strip himself down as quick as possible. He had no shame, and the way you were laying gave you a perfect view of all of the exposed skin. His well built arms and torso flexed underneath his virtually flawless skin. He shucked off his jeans and boxers in one go before eagerly climbing back on top of you. You were at a loss for words at the sight of his body but luckily Yeonjun didn’t mind your silence. He used it to his advantage as he rubbed circles into the meat of your thighs teasingly.
“Jun,” your hips canted upwards and caught on the head of his cock, “please.” You stuck out your bottom lip in a pout and that seemed to break his resolve instantly.
“Okay, fuck. I can’t resist you anymore princess,” he grunted his understanding and weaved his fingers through yours on either side of your head. Slowly, he pushed into you. He bit back moans the whole time, occasionally rocking his hips against you to stimulate your clit as well as he could. Your back arched off of the couch; neck bent at an awkward angle although it was the least of your worries as Yeonjun’s cock was fully sheathed inside of you. Your body was in overdrive; impossibly warm and sensitive even at the smallest roll of his hips.
Instantly you were a needy mess and could only focus on the feeling of Yeonjun’s skin against yours. His name fell from your lips like a prayer as he pinned you down and began to thrust with the kind of intensity you weren’t expecting. Hard thrusts shifted your body underneath his and forced sounds you never heard yourself make from your throat. Yeonjun was just as loud, grunting and moaning at every snap of his hips.
With a slight shift of his weight, he was laying on top of you, totally encasing your body in his presence and burying his nose in the sensitive skin of your shoulder. The new angle forced him even deeper into you and a new wave of pleasure rolled through you. Your inner walls contracted around Yeonjun’s cock as a result and his hips stuttered at the feeling.
“Oh, do that again,” he commanded before biting into the soft skin behind your ear. You followed his orders easily and felt his cock twitch as a reward.
“Fuck, I’m close already, you’re so hot. You made me like this. Shit, princess. I missed you so much,” his thrusts became impossibly faster and deeper, bringing you just moments away from the feeling you were so desperately chasing.
“Jun,” your voice was high and needy, “I need more, I need more,” your words melted into incoherence but he still got the message and dislodged one of his hands from your shared grip to harshly rub at your clit. The touch was absolutely electric. Your eyes rolled back in your head and it only took a few more thrusts from Yeonjun before your vision turned white. You knew you were yelling and whining pathetically but you couldn’t get yourself to stop as he continued drilling into you to prolong your high and chase his own.
As soon as you began to calm down, Yeonjun pulled out. Although you felt painfully empty, your attention shifted immediately to the sight of him working a hand over his cock. He hadn’t given you the time to marvel at him earlier, so you took the opportunity to wonder at the perfect size and curve of his reddened cock, glistening with the sheen of your release. Yeonjun’s voice heightened the faster he moved his hand; swirling his thumb around the tip shakily before he finally released in hot spurts across your body. The sounds he made as he came all over your stomach and chest were nothing short of heavenly. Even through his ragged breaths he called out to you, chanting praise that made your stomach turn in more ways than one.
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Despite the messy state of your skin, Yeonjun pulled you upwards and insisted on wrapping you up in a hug. You felt a little disgusted at all the fluids involved but said nothing. The two of you hadn’t really hugged since the day he left. He placed a kiss on your forehead and there was no denying just how tender the action was, especially following the spontaneous sex the two of you had just finished.
“I wasn’t lying, you know. I do like you. I’ve never stopped liking you. I didn’t just say that to have sex with you, I hope you know that. I would say I even love you but…” his voice was raspy from overuse. You stared into his eyes, trying to read the odd mix of emotions swirling in his irises.
“It’s okay, Jun. I know you can’t...with work and everything,” you traced patterns on his bare chest, “I like you too. Even though we’ve found ourselves in a super weird spot here. And I’m happy we, ya know.” Your face was burning at the absurdity of being shy about it when a mere three minutes ago you were begging for him. “And I love that we’re cuddling and everything, and it’s a great moment for us, but I’m cold and sticky,” your nose scrunched involuntarily at the confession. Yeonjun couldn’t hold back the loud laugh that brought you back to every other moment you’d heard it before.
“Guess those things are my fault, huh?” Yeonjun teased, leaning down to place a light kiss onto your nose. You feigned upset but he didn’t buy it. Instead, he wiggled his way off of the couch. You tried your best not to stare at his towering form as you took the hand he held out to you.
“Shower?” He questioned, arching a perfectly groomed eyebrow at you as you stood to your full height. For a second you hesitated, knowing the fondness growing in your heart would only hurt you even more in just a few hours. But you had him for just one day. Why not make the most of it?
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calmlftv · 4 years
en l’air. - c.h. oneshot
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description: calum hood x dancer!reader. cal sees you dance and immediately becomes obsessed. 
word count: 4.4k (i’m sorry jdfg) 
warnings: none? some tension but nothing serious. 
w/n: this was a requested piece! thank u to the anon who requested it ❤️ also, for your viewing pleasure, please enjoy this video of Youngblood choreography since it’s mentioned in the piece itself; full credit to Brinn Nicole Choreography for that! and thank u to everyone who had to listen to me talk about this for 24 hours (u know who u are), y’all are the real ones 🥺
taglist: @spicycal @castaway-cashton @irwinkitten @n-ctarinenga @notinthesameguey​ @blackbutterfliescal​ @ashtonsos​ @loveroflrh​ @bestyearssos​ @treatallwithkindness​ @bestyearslftv​ @another-lonely-heart​
Jojo’s voice echoed through the room, all eyes turning to you as the choreographer lifted a finger and gestured for you to come over. 
Once you were close enough, the winning smile on Jojo’s face was full of mischief. “You got this choreo down?” When you nodded she started to move, scooting past you towards the phone connected to the speaker system. “Then it’s your turn. Solo.” 
You chuckled, getting into the starting position as Tim’s camera focused on you. A hush fell over the room as the air settled, giving Jojo a nod right before the music started. 
And suddenly, you were transformed, the movements you had been practicing all day coming to life as the music swirled around you. You weren’t in LA anymore; you weren’t even sure if you were yourself. All you knew was the tempo and dynamics of the lyrics, the emotions of the song becoming your own as a story was told with each movement. 
From a young age, it had been clear to your family that you were passionate about dancing. After expressing your disinterest in sports and academics, your parents were dumbstruck; they had genuinely thought you would like at least one of those things, considering your mother was the brains and your father was the stay-at-home-brauns. However, after one particular year of taking you to see a ballet, they quickly noticed the shine in your eyes as the dancers floated across the stage, beaming grins on their faces as they signed you up for dance classes the very next day. 
Over the years, you learned everything you could from different genres of dance, your body becoming fluent in the languages as you grew up. You walked in eight counts, elegance trailing just behind you everywhere you went as you moved. It took everything within you to not dance down the hallways at school, practicing whatever routine was giving you a hard time as you went from class to class. 
After graduating high school, your family moved to LA for better work opportunities; you quickly found a community of dancers you loved and fell in with them, moving into a house with some of them and attending all the workshops they did. When they all started getting big name jobs it didn’t bother you, instead pushing you forward until you were just as talented as they were. 
Now, you were well known with the community. Choreographers like Jojo Gomez and Kyle Hanagami sought you out for their workshops, sometimes even asking you to learn choreo ahead of time to demonstrate to everyone at the shops. Tim Milligram quickly became a friend of yours as well, as he was almost always at the workshops, sparkling lenses capturing everything before he posted the edited videos on YouTube. 
Where you were now was where you had dreamed of being as a child. It wasn’t worldwide fame like some people wanted, but it was more than enough for you. To some, you were a nobody, but to the ones that mattered, you were equivalent to the Queen of England, and that was everything for you. 
As you finished the routine applause broke out around you, your friends all throwing hair ties and shoes at you to celebrate how well you had done. As you came down from the performance high, Jojo almost tackled you in a tight hug, laughter escaping both of you as you caught yourself before you stumbled back. 
“Jesus,” Jojo breathed, pulling back and cupping your face in her hands. “How have you not started teaching these things yourself?” 
You beamed, Jojo’s arm moving around your shoulder as she guided you away. She called the next dancer up and grabbed her phone again as you sat down with your friends, eyes trained on the dancer as you took in every move. 
At the end of the workshop you gathered up all your things and walked out with your friends, the nearest diner calling your names as you all laughed and joked around. Your usual routine for this eventually brought you all back to your home, each of you taking turns showering and settling in for the rest of the night. 
The tour bus bumped over another pothole, the uneven cement rattling Calum awake for the upteenth time that evening. He sighed and dragged his hand down his face, officially giving up on any amount of sleep as he turned to his back. 
His hand landed on his phone and lifted it to his face. 
1:47 a.m. 
He held in a groan as he grabbed his AirPods, slipping them into his ears and drowning out the sounds of the bus as it moved. He left his phone plugged in and opened his YouTube app, hoping that maybe some of the channels he was subscribed to had uploaded new videos he could binge until they reached their destination. However, in his sleepy state, he tapped the wrong video, a beat starting over his headphones as his brow furrowed in confusion. 
Calum was about to exit the video when he saw the dancers, eyes captivated by their movements as the first group faded in. His mouth dropped open at some of the talent he was seeing, eyes locked on one dancer in particular during a solo performance. 
It was obvious to Calum this dancer had invested in the music, the way they moved bringing emotions out of the man as he focused intently on their body. Now invested in watching more of these videos, he let this one play out, letting YouTube autoplay to the next one as he kept his phone close to his face. 
Hours passed with Calum trying to find more videos with this dancer in it, finally finding one that he watched a second time. This time, they were in heels, the sweet sounds of Niall Horan’s Slow Hands playing against his eardrums as they moved so elegantly. 
Lucky for him, his video finally had the Instagram handle for this dancer he was now obsessed with, the man immediately switching apps and bringing up their profile. 
They were genuinely stunning in the photos they would post, his thumbs slowly scrolling through most of the photos on their profile before he finally gave them a follow. He knew some fans would see that and make assumptions, but he didn’t care; he wanted to see more of this person and their talents, wanted to consume all forms of media they were on just to see them move. 
The man jumped at the sound of Luke’s voice, pulling out an AirPod as he tugged the curtain to his bunk aside. The tall blonde was leaning over and yawning, running a hand through his hair. 
“We’re stopping, mate,” he said, Calum now hearing the sounds of Michael and Ashton shifting in their beds. “Need anything, better get it now.” 
Cal nodded, climbing out of his bunk and giving a big stretch before pulling on some sweatpants. He climbed out of the bus and found Michael waiting for him, the usual routine whenever they made a stop. 
“Hey, Mike,” Cal said, nudging his best friend as he unlocked his phone and showed him the Instagram page he still had open. 
His best friend took his phone and raised an eyebrow as he scrolled down the page, opening some of the photos and giving them a look before he handed the device back. “They’re cute. You followed them?” 
Calum nodded as Michael grinned, giving him a nudge with his elbow. “Trying to make a move, pal? Get yourself a little someone?” 
Calum chuckled, shaking his head as he nudged Michael back. “I don’t think so, Mike, just think they’re talented. Wanna keep up with that.” 
Michael nodded and wiggled his eyebrows, making Calum shove him playfully as he broke into a laugh. 
“What’s goin’ on up there?” Ashton called from behind them as Luke trailed behind him. Michael turned around, walking backwards as he spoke. 
“Cal’s got a crush on a dancer!” he yelled back, making Calum groan. 
“It’s not a crush!” 
“Whatever you say, mate!” 
“Jade,” you called, your phone shifting slightly in its place. “What do you want for dinner?” 
Your Instagram live audience immediately started to chime in with suggestions as you picked up your phone, holding it out in front of you as you read the suggestions. 
Your best friend came out of her room and followed you, half of her now in view of the audience as you moved into the kitchen. “Someone’s suggested we order out instead of making something, but where’s the fun in that?” 
Jade chuckled as she started rummaging through the cabinets, taking in everything they had before she turned around and looked at you. “That might be a good idea,” she said, gesturing to the nearly empty cabinets. 
“Oh shit,” you sighed, putting a hand on your hip. “You’re right. Take out it is!” 
Jade chuckled as she picked up her phone, already dialing your favorite place and putting in an order for the two of you as you made faces at your audience. 
It was a quiet night and you had been bored, the Instagram live feature staring you in the eyes as you finally decided to just do it. You had taken the time beforehand to look cute but comfy, hoping the cute man that had followed you a few months ago now would join.
The notification had confused you. You weren’t sure who Calum Hood was at first, noticing the blue check next to his name as you did your investigation into his Instagram profile. After a quick Google search, however, you quickly learned everything you needed to know about him; his band had written one of your favorite dance songs and a few others you had put on your driving playlist that you vibed with the most. 
So, that mixed with how attractive you found him to be, you obviously had to follow him back. 
He didn’t post much and you were fine with that, always knowing when he was online by the comments he would leave when you posted a new photo or video. It was normally a cheeky comment followed by a set of emojis, something that always brought a light blush to your cheeks and giggles from your friends. 
Whenever he posted, you always did the same, both of you liking and commenting on photos relentlessly. You kept up with his band through his stories, even popping in on the livestream on release day just to see him dancing with his dog. 
He was absolutely adorable, and while you wanted to reach out and say hi in private, you knew he probably wouldn’t even see it; besides, he’s a rockstar and you’re a dancer. Talk about being worlds away, right?
Suddenly, you snapped back to reality, a name appearing in the stream of comments that made your heart skip. You quickly grabbed a piece of paper and wrote down the news, being careful to hide it from the camera as you slid it across the counter to Jade. 
He’s in the live, and said I look cute.
She picked up the note and raised an eyebrow out of view of the camera, a devilish grin on her lips as she immediately opened her phone. 
“What are you doing?” You asked her, standing up straight as soft music started playing over the speakers in your living area. 
Jade grabbed your hand and your livestream, dragging you both into the room. “I want to teach you and your livestream a new choreo I’m working on. Maybe you can even help me make it better.” 
You scoffed at that, knowing her undeniable talent as she set everything up. The song was Youngblood, the smooth notes practically fogging up the windows on their own as you started to learn. 
With a quick break for food once it arrived, you and Jade taught your livestream how to dance, laughter and music taking over both of you until you finally ended your live. 
You were covered in sweat, the soft sheen of it against the lights in your home obviously as your chest heaved. 
“Did you really need help with that choreo?” You asked Jade, your friend sprawled out in a starfish against the floors. 
She flashed you a smile. “Absolutely not,” she stated, sitting up. “But lover boy was watching, and he needs to know you have sex appeal.” 
You coughed, choking on a bit of spit at her words. “Jade!” You said, your best friend cackling as she scrambled up to her feet. 
“Love you!” She said as you chased her away, the woman dipping into her room and locking the door behind her. 
You groaned, blushing deeply as you hid yourself away in your room. 
Tour life had become routine for Calum, as it always does, but the nights off always left him a bit bored. Being in strange cities left him without much to do this close to the end of tour, but he thoroughly enjoyed opening your livestream and watching you laugh. 
Michael must have been a psychic, cause what started as an appreciation for your talents has become much more than that. When you laughed he felt himself smiling, his eyes crinkling as they do whenever he got to hear you speak. He was crushing hard, his post notifications on for the dancer he had fallen for over the months as he kept himself busy with his passion and job. 
When he saw the notification of your livestream he immediately jumped in, joining and smiling immediately as he saw your face fill his phone screen. 
You were smiling at your friend, resting your cheek against your hand as you leaned on what looked like a kitchen counter. You were looking absolutely adorable, the smile on Calum’s face hardly fading as he gained the confidence to send a comment. 
He saw your eyes light up as you looked at your screen, the expression on your face making his heart skip while his own eyes traced the shape of your face. You scribbled something down and passed it to your friend, the two of you then shifting to the living area where the phone was set up to expose the extra space around you. 
His eyes stayed locked on your body as you moved, fluidity and grace in each step as you were taught a new dance. The tones of the music brought out in your dancing brought a slight blush to his cheeks as you put the whole thing together. The dance itself was sultry, but when you moved to it, the tempo took on a whole new heartbeat, and suddenly the song was so much better in Calum’s mind. 
It felt like it was too soon when you finished, bowing to your friend as she grinned wildly. Calum’s palms were a little bit sweaty as he watched you move closer to the camera, the live ending soon after as you moved on with your life. 
The images of you moving still floated through Calum’s mind, his memory fixated on it as he finally opened up his Instagram DM’s. 
Your username popped up immediately when he started a new conversation, his first message being typed out effortlessly by his thumbs. 
Saw your live tonight, he typed. Thanks for dancing to our song.
It was simple enough, he thought, but hoped you wouldn’t think it was too simple; nerves danced along his muscles as he pressed send, his words to you now being sent through a series of ones and zeros as he quickly locked his phone and pushed it away. Now that he had made the move he was terrified of your response, the man trying to distract himself as he climbed out of his bunk and hunted down Michael. 
His best friend was sitting on the bus couch, scrolling through whatever social media platform as Cal plopped down beside him. 
“You talk to that dancer yet?” Michael asked immediately, hardly glancing up from his phone as Calum chuckled. 
“You need to stop reading my mind,” he scolded gently. “Yeah, I, uh, just messaged them actually. They danced to Youngblood on a livestream.” 
Michael looked at Calum and wiggled his eyebrows. “And judging by the blush on your face I’d say it was a good performance.” 
Calum’s blush only deepened as Michael laughed, a light ping of Cal’s phone interrupting their conversation. 
Michael stood and grabbed the phone as Calum froze in place, placing it on the couch beside his best friend before he sat down again. 
“Answer it.” 
“Calum Thomas, you answer that lovely person right this second or I’ll do it for you.” 
The magic words made Calum open his phone, knowing if Michael had to answer the message he would never be able to show his face around you. Nervous butterflies exploded in his stomach as he opened your response, Michael reading over his shoulder. 
Well hello, handsome. Thanks for writing such a good song, hahaha. It’s one of my favorites! 
“Well, mate,” Michael said, grinning as he slapped Calum on the back. “Looks like you can handle it.” 
Your new video was incredible, how long did that take? You’re amazing!
Calum’s newest message to you made you smile, sweat making your hair cling to your forehead as you typed out a quick response. 
Thanks, I had quite a good muse for that one ;)
Oh really? Must be a lucky muse if they inspire something so beautiful. 
A heavy blush landed on your cheeks as you typed back a response, the click of someone’s fingers gaining your attention as you hit send. 
“I know that’s not a phone out,” Kyle scolded gently, a sheepish smile pulling on your lips. 
“Sorry Kyle, I’m putting it away now,” you promised, thumbs typing a quick message to Calum before burying the device deep within your bag. 
It’s been about a month or two since Calum first messaged you, the banter and flirting starting immediately as you both finally got to have the private conversations you had been dreaming of. At times it would inch away from the innocent compliments and small talk to something sexier, but you both kept yourselves as appropriate as possible - sometimes. 
Now, as Kyle reeled you back in to finish teaching the new choreo he had worked on, your mind wandered to Calum’s real thoughts about your IGTV video you had posted hours before. 
Hearing Wildflower for the first time had sent you directly to the empty dance studio your parents had built you at their place, your feet and body taking almost no time to settle in as you started hammering out a choreo to Calum’s melody. You had been up all night doing it, barely making it to Kyle’s class on time as notifications from Instagram started pouring in, praises about your technique and song choice washing over you. 
However, something tugged within you when you saw Calum’s message. It was different coming from him for some reason, and it filled you with a mix of excitement and pleasure; it was a weird mix for you, something you hadn’t ever truly felt before, but you hesitantly welcomed it with open arms. 
The class passed by slower than you wanted, each time you ran through the choreography only taking up the smallest bit of time as you anxiously waited for the clock to strike 4 so you can open your messages again and talk to him. 
Finally, your magical moment arrived when you could pack up and leave, Kyle giving you a big hug and saying his thanks before you started to hurry out the door. 
“Hey!” Kyle called after you, making you pause in the doorway and spin around. He had a grin on his face. “Hope this guy is a good one.” 
You beamed and laughed. “I think he is. Thanks, Kyle.” 
He smiled and waved as you turned around again and bolted to your car, locking the doors as soon as they had shut as you opened up your messages from Calum. 
He had sent a cheeky reply to your message earlier, followed by a video sent to you. With captured breath you tapped on the message, the video unfolding before you. 
It was focused on his feet as he walked over shiny white tile, the camera panning up to expose the interior of LAX - or that’s what the location filter said, at least. You felt a grin crack open your face as you quickly realized what this meant. 
Calum was home from tour. 
Your thumbs started to type faster than you thought they could. 
You’re home! 
Almost immediately, the little bubble appeared. 
Home, and ready to see you if you’re up for it.
Butterflies exploded in your stomach as you typed an affirmative message, both of you quickly setting up a time and place before you drove back to your home. 
“Jade!” You yelled as you stepped inside, dropping your bag at the door while you quickly slipped off your shoes. 
Your friend's head poked out from around a corner as you started shedding clothes, her hand immediately flying to cover her eyes as she yelped. “Whoa, where’s the fire?! Why are you undressing in the middle of the house?” 
“I have a date.” You stated, stopping just outside of your door as you turned to face her. “With Calum. And I need you to pick my outfit while I shower!” 
Jade uncovered her eyes and beamed, immediately following you into your room while you ducked into your private bathroom. While you had your shower, Jade was yelling questions to you, the two of you plotting and planning until you finally stepped out and pulled on the clothes she had decided on. 
Your light blue jeans and white crop top were the perfect amount of casual, a light sprinkle of shiny jewelry being thrown in until Jade gave you the approval. When you checked the time on your phone, you nodded, standing and thanking her profusely as you finally went out the door and into your car again. 
By now, the sunshine of LA was changing colors, shedding the harsh tone of the day for the warmth of dusk that was soon to come. The coffee shop Calum had chosen was perfect, too, the dwindling sunlight being perfect as you sat in a chair just outside the shop. 
You anxiously looked around while you waited, playing with some of the rings around your fingers as you waited patiently for your date to arrive. Is this really even a date? You thought, suddenly panicking about how you looked. What if this is just a casual- 
“This seat taken?” 
His voice took you by surprise, your eyes trailing upwards to meet the warm, smiling brown ones of Calum Hood. 
You smiled a little bit, leaning your elbows on the table. “Well I was saving it for a cute boy,” you teased. “But I guess you can sit as well.” 
Calum gave you a look of mock hurt. “Ouch, right in the ego,” he teased back, slowly reaching across the table to take your hand. “Nice to finally meet you in person.” 
He spoke as he lifted your hand to his lips, pressing a sweet and seductive kiss to your knuckles as his gaze held you captive. You blushed deeply, smiling in an attempt to cover it. 
“And the same for you,” you said softly, smiling as he held on to your hand. 
The two of you sat there and chatted as the sun set around you, the cool of the evening wrapping around you as you got lost in Calum’s words. Conversation came easily with him, both of you feeling like you had already known each other for so much longer than reality; something with the two of you just worked, and you loved being able to lose track of time with him. 
Honestly, it was far too easy for you to lose yourself in his very being, but you decided not to focus entirely on that. 
When the quiet and kind barista came out to put up the tables and chairs, you apologized profusely, Calum chuckling as he stood up. You quickly followed after him, the two of you apologizing again before starting to walk away, Calum’s hand slipping easily around your own while you blushed. 
The two of you slowly walked back to your cars together, a comfortable silence settling in as you made your way to your cars. He walked you right up to your drivers side door, the man smiling sheepishly as he looked at you. 
“Thanks for being willing to meet with me,” he said sweetly, bringing your joined hands up to his chest. He held them there, right next to his heart, which you could feel beating against your knuckles. “I’m glad you didn’t think I was a serial killer or something.”
You laughed, shaking your head. “And I’m glad you didn’t think I was a catfish,” you joked, Calum smiling and laughing. 
When you both settled down again your gazes met, another blush coating your cheeks as he leaned down. His lips connected with your cheek quickly, the man standing up straight again as he released your hand. 
While you were sad that he let you go, you knew it was time for you to go home; it was getting late, and you had a workshop to be at in the morning, your mind still racing as you dug out your keys and unlocked your car. 
Calum pulled the door open for you, letting you slide in as he leaned against the top of the door. 
“Will we be able to see each other again?” He asked softly, his chin resting on his arm as he draped it over the door. 
You thought for a second, making a bit of a face. “I guess so, but I’ll have to have my people call your people.” 
Calum grinned, chuckling at your teasing. “Well my people will be anxiously awaiting your people.” He took a second after he finished speaking, getting a serious look on his face as he looked at you. “I’d like to see you again, though. Maybe for dinner?” 
You smiled, reaching up to take his hand. “I would love that,” you said, giving his fingers a squeeze as he brought them to his lips again. 
He smiled and let you settle in, carefully closing the door for you before he stepped back a bit. He watched you go, making sure you were able to pull onto the roads okay before he got into his own vehicle. 
Once Calum’s driver seat door had closed, he pulled out his phone, immediately pulling up the group text with his bandmates. 
Guys, he typed. I’m so fucked.
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charspnp · 4 years
twitch streamers
「 streamer! kaminari denki x g/n!streamer! reader 」
warnings: none
s/n means streamer name!
also this is just very self-indulgent bc i watch a lot of streamers and i like this idea sjdhfj
part two
kaminari watched as you laughed at something in chat and responded quickly. he smiled at your laugh, finding it enchanting. you were streaming minecraft with mediashare on, meaning anyone could send in a video to show up on screen for 5$. you focused back on mining in a cave when a creeper hiss suddenly sounded. you yelled and your hand shook on your mouse, making the screen go left to right, almost nauseating like.
a split second later, you started laughing as you realized someone sent in a mediashare of a creeper hiss. you called them a meanie and read the chat, laughing a bit more. that's when kaminari looked at the time- he has about half an hour before he has to go live, so he decided he should probably get ready for it.
kaminari has about 1.2m followers on twitch, and that's pretty remarkable for not having a youtube channel to promote himself. you, on the other hand, had about 2.6m followers, and a youtube channel. kaminari had been following you for a while, ever since you had about 700k, though he's never actually subbed to you on twitch. he didn't know why, but he thought it'd be weird since you didn't know of his existence (though in reality it'd be totally fine and not weird, but he's a nervous boy).
a small smile tugged at the corners of his lips as he thought about you knowing who he is. he forced the smile down, though, as he continued to set up his stream; fixing his facecam, his mic, his gameplay, etc.
he eventually put up his starting screen (which was a piece of fanart with the words "starting soon" in bold) and waited for people to start flooding in.
he smiled as he recognized a few names in his chat, as well as seeing his mods online.
"hello, everyone. can you hear me?" he greeted his chat. he got back tons of 'yes's and a few 'no's from people trying to troll him.
after getting the approval, he switched the screen to his face and smile brightly to his viewers. the action received only love from his chat as they spammed pogchamp and his own emotes he made for his subs.
"how is everyone today?"
you yawned and switched your screen from the minecraft homepage to your face. you smiled at chat and said, "okay, guys. it's getting late and i'm tired so i'm just gonna watch the rest of these mediashares then end the stream."
after getting positive feedback, you pressed autoplay on the mediashares and watched them. your viewers were funny - anyone could tell you that - and you really enjoyed the community part of streaming and interacting with them.
the familiar face of kronk filled your desktop as his deep voice spoke out, "okay, let's see what we're working with," immediately you started giggling, knowing what he was going to say next. the video was almost memorized in your mind from how many times you've seen it.
you recited the whole thing along with kronk and still laughed at the end. the chat filled up with just "nice cock" and your smile only widened (proud™).
another mediashare popped up and you turned your attention to it. it was another streamer - one you had seen a few times before. he has yellow hair with a black streak in it in the shape of a lightning bolt with bright yellow eyes to match. his attention was turned to the side - presumably looking at his chat - and his face had suddenly flushed. a small, cute smile adorned his already beautiful features and he chuckled a little. you had wondered how, in all your time streaming, had you never heard a sound such as beautiful as his laugh.
"my streamer crush?" he read out one of the chat messages. he was probably doing a q & a. "that'd probably be s/n," he answered as the pink on his face deepened at the confession.
your face had also flushed and your eyebrows rose in surprise at his confession, completely not expect his answer to be you. you kept silent, though, as he continued to talk about you.
"why?" he paused in thought. "they're just really cute, and they have a really good sense of humor. their streams are really fun and carefree... they seem super genuinely caring... plus their animal crossing playthrough is really wholesome and cute."
both of your faces got darker as he continued on explaining why he had a crush on you. he stopped for a second and he looked like he was in a trance, or lost in thought. he looked at his chat and laughed before the video cut off.
your attention turned to your fast-moving chat as you chuckled at what people were saying as they teased you and spammed pogchamp.
"i do know him. well - i know of him. i've seen him stream a few times, but i've never really talked to him. he's also super cute and seems very sweet. and he's hilarious." then you turned to the camera that was pointed at your face and started speaking to it. "hey, kaminari, if you're watching this, i would love to get in contact with you, and maybe play animal crossing or minecraft or something."
your smile grew as you finished your sentence, and you decided not to elaborate on anything as the next mediashare popped up.
kaminari, on the other hand, was still streaming into ungodly hours of the night. he was humming along to a song that was playing in the background as he finished another round in cs:go. getting tired of the repetitive nature of the game, he exited it with a groan.
"so, chat, what's up?" he said as he made his facecam fullscreen. tons of different messages flowed through chat at his question and he smiled at a few.
"is mediashare on?" he read one message, "uhhh, yeah, i'll turn it on now. i don't know how long i'm gonna be streaming for, honestly, my sleep schedule is fucked." he chuckled as he pressed a few buttons and turned on mediashare.
almost immediately, videos started to come in from veiwers. the first video he had recognized you and... himself? he furrowed his eyebrows as he looked closer. in one of the corners of your stream, a clip from his stream was playing. he caught the tail end of the clip, but he still recognized it. his viewers had teased him about his little crush ever since he said who it was.
he recognized what you were wearing and knew it was the stream he had exited earlier. his viewers are fast.
his face got as pink as yours was in the video and he shook his head in embarrassment. his viewers really did him dirty and outed him like that, huh?
though, he noticed the smile and pink tone on your face as you reacted to the clip. you looked to the side and chuckled. jesus, your laugh is adorable. kaminari got nervous as he awaited what you were gonna say next.
but what did come out of your mouth was more than unexpected as you spoke, "i do know him. well - i know of him. i've seen his streams a few times but i've never really talked to him. he's also super cute and seems very sweet. and he's hilarious."
holy shit.
you know who he is?
he suddenly felt his palms get slightly sweaty and he tried to force down his smile so people wouldn't tease him as much as they already do.
his heart jumped when she turned to the camera, "hey, kaminari," you knew his name holy shit holy shit, "if you're watching this, i would love to get in contact with you, and maybe play animal crossing or minecraft or something."
the smile he was trying not to show was suddenly bigger than ever as he enthusiastically accepted your offer.
"y-yeah. yeah! dude, i would love to. woah- okay. uh, i-i'll dm you, or something," he managed to stutter out in disbelief.
his chat was definitely having a field day with this one.
requests: open, 5-26-20 (originally)
reuploading this bc i really like it and it got no attention :(
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bangtiddies · 4 years
Voice ON/OFF
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Pairing: Seokjin x Reader Genre: Romance, Fluff, Crack, Angst (if you squint), Established Relationship Rating: PG Words: 693 Warnings: fangirling over a voice actor, Seokjin gets a little insecure, lots of cheese and fluff
Summary: Watching endless episodes of anime for a specific voice actor, Seokjin is okay with. But downloading a dating sim solely for said voice actor? Maybe Seokjin is a little jealous.
Note: unedited because I’m a fool. Requested by @jinterlude​ for Drinks & Drabbles: Seokjin + Wine and Vodka + I think it’ll be hilarious if you add a little something something about the reader having a crush on a Japanese VA and Jinnie being Jinnie gets jelly haha
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When Seokjin comes home to hear that voice again, he assumes that you’re watching some anime compilation on YouTube like you always do. Exited giggles come from the bedroom, along with the sound of what might be you kicking your feet against the bed. A sigh escapes Seokjin’s mouth, an amused smile paired with a roll of his eyes. It’s not an unusual scene to walk home to, although you’re always ready to greet Seokjin when he comes home. Eyes shining in anticipation, ready to tell him about how long you’ve been waiting for him so you could play the next episode of the anime series you’re watching together.
So, it’s a little unusual for Seokjin when your excited giggles still stay in the bedroom, no indication that you heard him come home. Which makes very little sense, since the front door to the flat is very loud. He can also clearly hear the voice coming from your phone, which would mean that you wouldn’t have your earphones in.
When he makes his way to the bedroom, he finds you lying on the bed, tummy against the duvet covers, feet up and ready to kick the bed again. Your arms are on the pillows, phone in hand. The phone screen shows an anime character Seokjin has never seen before, with a box of words at the bottom of the screen.
Realisation dawns upon Seokjin. You’re not watching an anime compilation at all — you’re playing a dating sim.
A weird feeling of jealousy starts materialising in the pits of Seokjin’s stomach. He’s not sure why the jealousy is there, the pang familiar from when you would fangirl every time Kuroko Tetsuya spoke on the television screen. He thought he was used to it. The feeling a little overwhelming, Seokjin decides to drape himself over you on the bed. You let out a sound of surprise when you feel his body on yours, before the sound blends into a giggle.
“Are you okay, baby?” you ask him as he nuzzles his face into your neck.
“You didn’t greet me when I came home,” he whines.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t hear you come home.”
“Yeah, you were too busy playing a dating sim even though you already have a perfectly handsome boyfriend.”
You laugh. “But Ono Kensho is voicing this game. I just had to download it.”
A groan escapes Seokjin’s lips as he hears the name of your favourite voice actor. He thought that he was okay with your fangirling over a voice but he can’t deny the jealousy that’s sitting in his stomach right now. Insecurity rises in his chest, a weird feeling that his voice isn’t enough for you. The emotions are overwhelming, and he grips onto you tighter, afraid that you might leave him.
“Jin?” you ask him, noticing his tighter hold. You adjust your position, so that he’s now lying beside you, body still intertwined with yours. You turn yourself so that you’re facing him, seeing the conflicting emotions on his face.
“I’m sorry,” Seokjin says, letting out a long breath and forcing a smile on his face. “I’m being a bit pathetic.”
“You’re not pathetic,” you whisper to him, cuddling up to him more and kissing his nose.
Seokjin frowns. “Being jealous over a voice is pretty pathetic.”
“Really?” you say with a teasing smile. “I think it’s really cute and endearing.”
Seokjin rolls his eyes. “Do you like it when I get jealous?”
“Maybe,” you laugh, leaning in closer so your lips are ghosting over his. “Maybe I do.”
Your lips almost touch, before your favourite anime voice decides to speak from your phone. Seokjin groans again as you reach for your phone, muttering to yourself about missing the storyline that you left on autoplay. You decide to exit out of the app so you can replay the same scene later, only to look up from your phone to see your boyfriend’s dramatic pout.
“Don’t worry, Jin,” you say, teasing smile on your lips. “I love your voice more than Kensho’s.”
“Lies,” Seokjin scoffs, and you laugh before grabbing Seokjin’s cheeks so you can pull him into a kiss.
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eternalglitch · 4 years
Like Father Like Son: Chapter 2
Prologue Arc 1: Chapter 1, Chapter 2
“And yet you…. You aren’t filling your role at all, are you? You were meant to be the leader…” Draxum trailed off, rubbing his chin. “So I’m curious how you screwed up so miserably,” he finished.
Read it HERE on ao3. 
Chapter Specific Warnings: no specific ones (please see the general ones listed in the prologue) 
Chapter Two: Draxum’s Gift
Splinter rummaged through the fridge, searching diligently for his tub of sour cream. He hummed to himself, tail waving as he clutched the bag of potato chips in one hand and tried to grab at the half-empty tub in the way back of the fridge. His arms were too short, though, as with every attempt he made, the sour cream slid away from his nails and became that much harder to reach. Ah, well. He supposed this is what having four taller kids was all about.
“Boys!” he called, wandering back into the television room from the kitchen. He spotted them easily enough; they were all clustered around his chair, armed with a dozen different blankets and pillows. Or, wait: one, two, three… where was Blue? Splinter turned to look at the clock, and he frowned, puzzled. It was 8:30 pm, and yet there was no tell-tale smell of pizza or dirty boxes lying scattered around.
“Boys,” he repeated again, softer. “Weren’t you supposed to order pizza?”
There was another moment of silence from them, Splinter only answered by the distant chatter of television superstars and loud sound effects backed by upbeat music. Then Purple blinked, his gaze darting to meet Splinter’s own before he turned back to the television. “Yeah, yeah,” Purple answered, eyes glued to the screen. “Leo’s on it.”
Orange blinked, the first to shake himself from his movie stupor. “Wait,” the youngest said, frowning. He got up, looking around for something... or someone. Did he also feel like something was wrong? “Wasn’t that like, an entire hour ago? We’re on the fifth movie of this arc, we started on the fourth.”
“Eh, hard to tell with autoplay,” Purple commented, waving a hand dismissively. “They all seem to blend together.”
“An hour,” Splinter repeated. He pushed down his fear, keeping his expression calm. Young and experienced as they may be, his sons were large, powerful mutants. They had gone largely unknown to anyone except their little human friend, and Splinter couldn’t think of any enemies out to get them. Two faces flashed in his mind, and Splinter shook his head slightly. No, any of his own enemies thought he was dead. Blue probably just got lost or distracted, and the others could go get him, easy. An hour wasn't that long, just twenty minutes longer than usual... but still...
“Maybe it just took Leo a while to get back while carrying the pizzas,” Red suggested, unknowingly following Splinter’s same line of thought, but the eldest had also stood up, his brow furrowed. "Or the deal for cheap pizza made the place so busy that the pizzas are taking forever? That happens sometimes, right?"
“Ugh, you’re making a big deal out of nothing, I’m sure,” Purple groused. “He’s done this hundreds of times.” The soft-shelled turtle, however, still hit pause on the movie, and joined his brothers in standing. “If I had known this would happen, I would’ve just sent a drone or something. You’d think that with a teleporting sword he’d be a bit quicker about it.”
“Not now, Donnie,” Red said, shifting uncertainly from foot to foot. “Pop’s right; it’s been a suspicious amount of time. It wouldn’t have taken him forty minutes just to get back here. We need to go and search for him.”
“You- you think something bad happened to him?” Orange asked, his voice small.
Splinter smiled, patting his youngest on the shoulder. “No need to worry, Orange, I’m sure Blue would have called if anything was seriously wrong. Why don't you three go out and find your brother, I’ll stay here and call if he shows up.”
“Good idea, Dad,” Red agreed. “C’mon guys, let’s go.”
Splinter watched his sons all walk off, the three chattering quietly amongst themselves. Orange was clearly anxious already, but Purple and Red were doing a decent job of keeping their cool, their only giveaways Red’s constant checking that his other two siblings were still there and Purple refusing to look up from his wrist tech, probably already trying Blue's cell phone. Splinter stood there, watching his sons until they were all out of sight, before he climbed into his reclining chair and popped open the bag of chips.
Nothing to do but wait, he supposed.
Being captured was, in one word, boring.
Sure, there were the constant pressing worries of what next and will the others notice I’m gone soon? that plagued one’s mind, but really, Leo just felt kind of nauseous. Draxum’s lab was stupidly bright to him at the moment, and all he really had the energy to do was lay on the ground and stare up at the green vines that formed the bars of his tiny cell.
It wasn��t exactly comforting to be stuck against the thing that exploded but a few weeks ago, but Leo had initially expected that he’d be out of here within an hour or two. But it had been more than four hours, it was late, and oh yeah, not only did he have a concussion, it wasn’t like there was a way for him to see a doctor (or just Dad or Donnie) in the current situation he was all wrapped up in. Like one giant turtle-shaped present.
There was a creaking sound as the door opened again, followed by footsteps- Draxum’s from the sound of it, or someone wearing tap shoes. There was a snarky retort to be made somewhere in there, Leo was sure, but he had the worst headache to deal with right now.
A shadow fell over Leo’s face and he scowled, forcing his aching body into a sitting position despite everything. He hunched over, keeping his shell facing Draxum, and glared at the wall. “Well aren’t you behaving now,” Draxum said, too close for Leo’s comfort. “I had almost thought I had grabbed the wrong turtle, from how you bit me earlier.”
“I would say I’m sorry, but I’m not,” Leo muttered, turning his head just enough to give Draxum the stink eye. He noticed that the two gargoyles had made it back; they each perched on a shoulder, snickering to themselves. “You learn to fight dirty sometimes when you have three brothers. And, speaking of which, my brothers are sure to have already have noticed my absence; I bet they’re coming here right now and are going to be kicking your sorry butt in no time,” he said. “So I’d let me go now if I were you.”
“Oho, what fire,” Draxum said, chuckling slightly. He crossed his arms, giving Leo a patronizingly fake look of understanding. “I’m sure they will. I’m sure they noticed you were gone and immediately realized that was a bad thing for them.”
There’s something in Draxum’s voice that Leo didn’t like, a feeling that sent something cold down his spine. Don’t fall for it, Leo, he thought furiously, determined not to show any weakness to his captor. But it was too late; his shoulders had tensed ever so slightly, and when he met Draxum’s gaze, he knew the warrior scientist hadn’t missed it. Draxum didn’t move, his smirk only widening.
“What,” Leo managed to say. “Do you mean by that?”
What a stupid comment. Of course his brothers had noticed he was missing! Leo had been getting pizza, they would’ve been on high alert at all times. And, much as they fought, his brothers cared about him. A lot. What did this jerk know, anyways?
Draxum shrugged, straightening up to his full height. He sneered down at his captive audience. “Maybe your “brothers” will notice you’re gone and be glad for it. Maybe they’ll think, ‘ah, the extra weight is gone-’”
“They wouldn’t!” Leo shot back, getting to his feet. He swayed, dizzy, before he regained his balance. He couldn’t stand at his full height, so he had to awkwardly remain bent forwards as Draxum loomed over him. “What do you know, anyways? You’ve met us, what, three times?”
“And yet I created you.” Draxum’s eyes narrowed, his face tilting so it was mostly covered by shadows. “I know so much more about you then you would ever dream of; I’m practically your parent.”
“Wow, you are messed up,” Leo said, raising his brow as he let out a short bark of amusement. “Like, do you hear yourself, dude? You owe Dad like thirteen years of child support before you can even begin to make that claim.”
The green vines suddenly shuddered and Leo flinched away, leaning back as the bars of his cage slid back into the ground, leaving the space between him and Draxum open. The yokai didn’t move towards him, however, instead tilting his head to look up at the pillar that contained more mutagen behind Leo. “A father, you say?” Draxum mused. “I wondered what kind of yokai or human took you in. Clearly he didn’t know what he was doing, though; you’ve been trained all wrong.”
“Yeah?” Leo asked. He hesitantly straightened up, stepping gingerly over where the vines had been. Was this a trap? He kept sneaking glances at Draxum, waiting for the yokai to suddenly attack him. But there wasn’t anything, so Leo awkwardly stood there, eyes flitting over the nearby walls as he kept an eye out for every available exit. It would be hard to move too quickly with the concussion, but he would just have to do it. He just had to wait for an opening. “But oh, I don’t know, I’d say I turned out great,” he added, hoping to prompt the villain into a long, distracting spiel. “You’ve seen what I can do with my Odachi.”  
“That is little more than buffoonery and luck half of the time,” Draxum snapped, turning his head to track Leo’s movements. “I’m talking about being more that just that.” The two gargoyles were both watching Leo with their bright red eyes, and the turtle shifted uncomfortably. “You know I designed you specially,” Draxum suddenly said, looking back at the ooze, oblivious as to how Leo was inching his way backwards around Draxum and creeping towards the exit doors. “Unlike the current generation of mutants, my ooze didn’t transform based on existing character traits; it was meant to do the opposite and give you specific ones. It’s why I used simple-minded animals, rather than the other way around,” he revealed. “Lou Jitsu with a bit of snapping turtle DNA would have been formidable, of course, but that wouldn’t have made him perfect. And you, you four were meant to be perfect.”
“Uh… okay?” Leo asked. He took another step backwards when the yokai's head snapped towards him and stared him down, cold anger flickering in his eyes. Leo froze where he was standing, trying in vain to act like he hadn’t been trying to move across the room. He cast a discreet glance behind him, swallowing. Just a bit more. “Let me take a wild guess; things didn't go according to plan.”
“It was a disaster! I mean, really?” Draxum gestured at Leo, who shifted, trying to keep the door behind him from Draxum’s view so the yokai wouldn’t think too hard about what he was up to. “Not only did it take all four of you turtles thirteen years to get to the optimal size, just look at you in particular. The biggest failure of the lot.”
Leo’s mouth fell open. He blinked at Draxum, confused. Him? A failure? That was ridiculous. He and his brothers were all awesome, and they had a father that loved them and a best friend that didn't care what they looked like. He shouldn’t listen. He knew he really shouldn’t listen, but… “What do you mean by that?” he demanded, his voice tight. How did that old saying go? Curiosity killed the cat? Well, make it a turtle, because Leo was officially an idiot.
“Were you not listening? I gave you all roles, advantages for the battlefield,” Draxum mused. “And yet you…. You aren’t filling your role at all, are you? You were meant to be the leader…” Draxum trailed off, rubbing his chin. “So I’m curious how you screwed up so miserably,” he finished.
Leo felt cold.
“You- you’re bluffing,” he stammered, for once unable to think of a quick retort. “Me? Leader? That’s a joke. I’m not leadership material, no part of me is leadership material! I’ve never wanted that! There’s no way I was intended to be—“
“Well.” Draxum cut him off, and with a gesture of his hand the doors behind Leo suddenly slammed shut with a loud crack. He jumped, whirling to look at his exit. Muninn and Huginn grinned back at him, giving each other a high five. “What are you even good for, then?” Draxum finished, now right behind him.
Leo spun back around to keep an eye on him, his eyes shooting to the large pipe on the second story area. Since they had entered the lab that way the last time, Leo was pretty sure that meant he could get out that way as well. His eyes drifted back to the imposing figure right before him, and Leo gave him an uneasy smile. “I’m- I’m plenty useful! I’m the- y’know, the, the face man!”
“The face man,” Draxum repeated, looking entirely unimpressed. “I should’ve known to take one of the others; it’s not like you’d be of any use to me. You’re the weakest of the bunch, after all.”
That first part of the comment was enough to make any thoughts of escape slip away from Leo in one go. The red-eared slider shrank back, breath stuttering in his throat. “What? No. No, stay away from my brothers!” Leo demanded. His eyes narrowed. “If you dare hurt one of them, I’ll show you how I’m—“
“Useful?” Orange eyes met his own, and Leo tried and failed to nervously swallow. His throat felt uncomfortably dry. “Why don’t you prove it, then? I’ll give you one final chance. Join me. We can put a stop to the human threat, and you’ll see the true potential you can achieve.”
“Uh. Wait. What?” Leo asked dumbly. Draxum just watched him, expression expectant. “Dude. I should’ve guessed! This was all just another villain pitch! But again. Roof,” Leo stressed. “Now multiple roofs.” He shook his head, trying to clear his head of Draxum’s words. “Wait, I know this game. You’re… you’re manipulating me! Like Donnie, when he wants me to get extra juices for him and goads me into going!” Leo gave Draxum the most unimpressed look he could manage. “This was all just to get under my shell, wasn’t it? You really have the worst approach to making friends that I’ve ever seen, and I’ve watched Donnie try and socialize before.”
“So is that a no?” Draxum clarified.
Leo chuckled. “Uh yeah, no duh it’s a no. I’m not getting in on an evil villain membership card anytime soon, thank you very much.” His head throbbed and Leo suppressed a wince. “Now, it has been a very long day, and much as I’d love to stay for tea…” It was now or never; Leo tensed his muscles, ready to bolt for it.
“Hm, a pity,” was all the warrior scientist said, suddenly stepping back. In actuality, he didn’t look all that disappointed. “For you, that is.”
“What—“ Leo managed to say before he yelped, thick purple vines bursting up from the ground and lithely wrapping around each of his limbs and his torso. He hadn’t even seen Draxum move to do that, and he struggled in vain to free himself. “Hey! This is so not cool!”
“Huginn,” Draxum said, turning away from Leo. “Bring that to me.”
“Right away, Boss!” the gargoyle chirped, shooting off into the distant corner of the lab.
Well, that wasn’t worrisome at all. Leo gave up struggling, his futile efforts making him feel nauseous and dizzy all over again. “For the record, I was only caught because I have a concussion,” he insisted. “If I had my sword and was in top shape, you’d be regretting this right now!”
“I’m sure,” Draxum dryly replied. “And what happened when you had all of that earlier today?”
“Uh,” Leo said. He averted his eyes. “Well…”
“That’s what I thought. But don’t worry,” Draxum said, sharing a knowing glance and chuckle with Muninn. “I’ll fix all of that soon enough.”
“Here, Boss!” Huginn darted back across the room, wings straining, as he carried a very… familiar…
“Uh, wait up, no,” Leo said, eyeing the blue object as Huginn dropped it into Draxum’s waiting hand. “Do you even know where that thing’s been? Have you properly washed it at least?”
Draxum’s roots suddenly shift, dragging Leo upright until he’s forced to stand on his tip-toes to have any sort of purchase. “I happened to have had it offered to me by the mutant that you call Meat Sweats,” Draxum said, admiring the collar (for that’s what it actually was, even if Leo had never called it that when it was just a gift from his brother) in the light. “He was quite helpful once I mentioned what I wanted to use it for.” Draxum started to approach, the collar held aloft.
“So, what,” Leo bit out. “You’re gonna stop me from saying my one-liners? Big whoop.”
“I think you’ll find,” Draxum coolly said. “That this has been modified to do so much more than that.” Leo was yanked closer, and Draxum pulled the collar down over Leo’s head. Leo struggled, glancing down at it for a moment in panic and then back up at Draxum’s grin as the collar let out a soft beeping sound and suddenly tightened, becoming two sizes smaller so that it was pressed smug against Leo’s skin. Well, that was new.
“What—“ Leo started to demand, but the collar suddenly crackled to life. A shock five times worse than anything Donnie had ever tried traveled through Leo’s body and hit him in the chest like a sledgehammer, the vines releasing him so he collapsed on the floor in a twitching ball of pain. He whimpered, and the shock occurred again, somehow worse this time. He choked down yet another gasp of pain as his body instinctively curled in on itself, his hands uselessly clawing at his throat as he desperately wheezed for breath. There was nothing but white static for a moment, and when Leo came to, he was on his knees, head bowed before Draxum. He gagged, wiping spit from his mouth. The pain receded, but Leo’s body remained locked up, his mind muddled.
“Careful,” Draxum said, the tip of his hoof prodding Leo in the side. The turtle slowly looked up, shoulders shaking slightly. The look on Draxum’s face was not unlike looking up at a predator that knew its prey was all out of stamina. “If you make any noise while being shocked,” Draxum continued, the two gargoyles settling back on his shoulders and openly laughing at Leo. “It’ll go off again.”
The collar was tight.
But Leo’s throat was now too dry for him to be able to swallow, anyways, as Draxum started to laugh.
(Chapter Three -->)
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daniellesimagines · 4 years
Try It Again (Ashton Irwin) - Part 1 *
submitted by @palayeeeroyale
Trigger warning: Rape, PTSD, having to use a safe word (idk if being in a ‘needing to use the safe word’ situation is a trigger but i’d rather be safe than sorry)
Seven months ago, someone had violated you sexually. It wasn’t like you were asking for it; all you had on that day was your boyfriend’s hoodie over a Green Day shirt, and a pair of skinny jeans. And it wasn’t like you didn’t try to put up a fight; it was just you couldn’t. You didn’t know what he drugged you with, or how he got it, but you knew one thing: this guy wanted you to suffer. 
This drug paralyzed you – you couldn’t move, scream, and blinking was barely an option – but your mind was wide awake. It was some drug that doctors used, so you don’t know how he managed to get his hands on it. But you could remember everything: the pain on your lower half, the disgusting smell of his breath, the sound of him getting off to your agony, everything. 
This, obviously, fucked you up mentally. 
You had nightmares every night for months, waking up drenched in sweat and breathing heavily. Eventually, that turned into sleep paralysis – your demon being the man who made you no longer feel safe no matter where you were – and this made you freak out more because the feeling of being paralyzed made you have panic attacks at 3 in the morning. 
But if there’s one thing that’s been the biggest help throughout all of this, it’s your boyfriend Ashton.
Your journey through recovery would’ve been a whole lot harder if it weren’t for him. He’s comforted you through all the nightmares, been so gentle around you, held you after a panic attack or PTSD episode, being more than willing to wait for you to be 100% ready to have sex again, among many other things. 
You feel guilty that he has to basically take care of you – you even tried to convince him to leave you, but he completely dismissed the idea of that in your time of need. He’d tell you that this was not your fault, that you shouldn’t have to suffer through this at all, let alone all by yourself. He’s been there for you for 4 years, and he isn’t gonna stop just because one guy couldn’t keep it in his pants.
You’ve gotten better since the incident. The nightmares were less frequent, and the sleep paralysis barely made an appearance anymore. You were getting less startled by every little thing, and you were able to talk about it more to your therapist without breaking down into another episode. 
Now, you and Ashton were sitting on the couch, watching a movie with his arm wrapped around your shoulders and your head on his chest. Well, you weren’t really watching it, you were just feeling content in your loving boyfriend’s arms, listening to his heartbeat and feeling the rumble in his chest whenever the movie’s characters did/said something funny. You looked up at him, just wanting to admire your beautiful boyfriend.
You take in his features for a bit before he looks down at you. He smiles sweetly and lovingly at you, and you at him. You both lean in to kiss each other, a quick but loving peck, before pulling away only a few inches away from your faces. Your eyes flicker down to his lips before meeting his again, and he does the same. 
You both lean in again, but this kiss lasted longer. It wasn’t teeth-bumpingly aggressive, but it was passionate and slow. He carefully rests his hands on your waist, and you give him the okay to continue by wrapping your hands around his neck. He pulls you onto his lap, and you lick his bottom lip so make this kiss deeper. You two explore each other’s mouths for a bit when a feeling you hadn’t felt in a long time started to build up.
Desire, lust, want, longing, horny – whatever you wanted to call it.
You tug on the hairs on the nape of Ashton’s neck, causing him to let out a deep groan, before backing away. You chase after his lips, this kiss lasting shortly before he pulls away again.
“Baby, we need to stop here,” he giggles. He isn’t mad about having to stop, he just wants you to feel safe.
“But I don’t wanna stop,” you inform him. He furrows his eyebrows in confusion.
“I think I wanna try again.” 
His eyes widen in shock, “Baby, are you sure? I don’t want you to do this for me, I want you to-”
“This isn’t just for you,” you say truthfully. Though you did feel bad that you’ve been depriving him of sex for over half a year, you also wanted to be close to him again. “I really want to do this.”
He looks at you hesitantly, still unsure if he should let this continue. You kiss him deeply, grinding down on his lap, cutting off his thoughts and making him groan again.
“Okay, okay!” he giggles at your eagerness. You laugh along with him. “But as soon as you’re feeling even the slightest bit uncomfortable, you promise me you safe-word out,” he says seriously.
You nod, “I promise.”
“Pinky swear?” he holds out his pinky finger. You take one of your hands that were on the back of his neck and wrap your little finger around his.
“Pinky swear.”
“Ok, you remember the safe word?”
“Red light?”
“Yes. Now if you feel the need to stop at all, you yell that out, ok?”
“Okay,” he smiles at you, leaning back in once more to continue your makeout session.
His tongue immediately entered your mouth and you continued your grinding, wanting to hear more of his sexy noises. You felt his hardening length grow underneath your butt as he runs his hands up and down your body.
He puts his hand underneath your bottom and lifts you up off the couch. Without ever disconnecting your lips, he carries you to your shared bedroom. He drops you both on the bed, putting himself on top of you. He pulls away to kiss you down your neck. 
The feeling of another person on you gives you an unsettling feeling. You shake it off quickly though, not wanting to stop this early on. Ashton starts sucking and licking on that one spot on your neck that causes you to moan out.
“Ash,” you breathe out. He looks at you with a smile.
“I’m gonna take your shirt off, okay?” he states. He wants to make sure that you know exactly what he’s doing, so you aren’t surprised or scared at all. You nod and sit up. He threw your shirt off into some corner of the room before asking, “Are you okay? Still wanna continue?” You nod and he returns to your lips. 
You start to unbutton his shirt, him shrugging it off as soon as the last button was undone. You two keep shedding clothes until you were both nude, him in between your legs with his length in his hand.
This picture brings back that unsettling feeling. The feeling was accompanied by an image – an image you’ve been trying to forget for seven months. But when he asks “Are you sure?” again, you ignore the feeling and nod to him, wanting to be physically close to the love of your life once again.
He pushes himself in and lets out a guttural moan. You bury your head in his shoulder so he doesn’t see the discomfort in your face and the tears in your eyes. You try your best to fight the memories and just let yourself enjoy the moment, but it was a losing battle. You didn’t want to stop for Ashton’s sake but you were close to another episode. You had to get out of this. You didn’t want this anymore. You need it to stop.
“Y/N…” Ashton moans.
“R-Red light!” you cry, “Red light! Red light! P-Please stop! I can’t!” 
Ashton immediately pulled out and threw himself to the opposite end of the bed as soon as you used your safe word. He was no longer erect – his body is now full of pure concern for you, who’s crying into your hands. He doesn’t try to come closer, knowing that the last thing you want right now is to be touched. So he just sits there; watching the women he loves sob and hiccup because of him and her traumatic past.
“Y/N? Baby, do… Do you want me to leave you alone for a second…?” he asks softly. 
He isn’t hurt when you nod your head. He understands that you need a minute to collect your thoughts. He stands up off the bed and puts his underwear and sweatpants back on. 
“Okay, princess, I’ll be in the living room, alright?” You nod again, and he sighs.
He wants nothing more than to hold you and tell you how much he loves you. But he knows that doing that may make this worse, so he quietly exits the door with glossy eyes.
You sit curled up, naked on your bed, crying and whimpering for a few moments. When you finally manage to calm yourself down, you let out a final sniff and wipe your wet hands on the sheets below you. 
You put on your underwear after finding the place that Ash had tossed them, put on one of his button-down polka-dotted shirts. Looking at yourself in the mirror, you wipe off the wet stains on your face and brush away the hair that stuck to your forehead and cheeks. You muster up the strength to walk out the bedroom with your arms wrapped around yourself.
When you walk in the living room, you see your shirtless boyfriend standing behind the couch with a glass of water in his hand, watching the movie that you two had left on. Or maybe it was another movie that had been on autoplay. You honestly didn’t know.
You walk over silently to stand behind him, and wrap your arms around his waist and resting your cheek on his back between his shoulder blades. He lets out a breath of relief, glad you aren’t mad or scared of him. But the next words that you said nearly stunned him to silence.
“I’m so sorry,” you whisper, choking up again. He leans over the couch – making you release him – and rests his glass on the cushion, not really caring if it spilled since it was just water. He spun around and wrapped you up tightly in a hug.
“Princess, you have no reason to apologize. I’m not upset that we had to stop, not even a little bit,” he rubs your back as you press your face into his collar bone, “In fact-” He pushes you back slightly by your shoulders. “-I’m extremely proud of you.” You raise an eyebrow in confusion as he continued. “I was so afraid that you wouldn’t say anything and just let me continue. That you weren’t gonna push me off for my sake,” he pushes some of your hair behind your ear, “I don’t wanna be the one who scares you, or puts you in pain. You know that. If I found out that I came inside you when you were silently suffering, I’d never forgive myself. I’m so glad you ‘red-light’-ed out, baby. Please never be afraid to tell me that you’re uncomfortable.” As he tells you this, you see tears build up in his eyes before a few fell down his face.
“But… But what if I’m never ready?” you swallow thickly.
“Then me and righty are about to get really reacquainted,” he jokes, shaking his right hand in the air, making you laugh that beautiful laugh he loves so much. 
He can’t wait to make you laugh for the rest of your lives. But until then, he has to worry about jumping over this hurdle before he tries the next one.
Part 2
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clockworkmoose · 4 years
Oof 2020 recap.
I stepped down from my job in... End of Jan? Early Feb? with the intention of 1. getting away from a crazy employee I was not being paid enough to deal with and was not allowed to fire, 2. Finally had enough savings that I wasn’t a constant ball of insecurity, and I could take 9 months off with no income before I’d start worrying, and 9 months felt like a good time frame to try and be self employed and sell crafts/plushies at conventions.
Because why wouldn’t there be a bunch of conventions to sell things at in 2020???
Not working 50 hour weeks was also supposed to give me time to plan August wedding, and make wedding dress.
March, start sending out wedding invites. Two weeks later, Cuomo shuts down the entire state. *~*Timing~*~
Send out “woops hold that thought” cards.
The fiance had to transition to teaching his classes over zoom, and making youtube videos, which ends up being a 12-hour, 7-day a week time commitment. On the plus there, that was a huge crash course in video editing he finally had a reason to learn. And serendipitously, me had his brother had gotten him a bunch of camera and recording equipment to bully him into doing movie reviews on youtube, so he actually had the stuff he needed to teach online effectively. He takes over half of my craft room immediately after I reorganized and spread things out to make sewing more efficient and organized. Sewing stuff gets re-squished back into the corner. :<
April, i sew so many masks. so so many. i do not like sew mask. ;~;
Etsy sticks more fees on their site! I make a website! Web design has changed a fuckton since ye olden dayes of neopet pet pages! I have no idea what I’m doing; can’t even add a glitter trail following the cursor around! Where is the option for autoplay music in the background! Lame!
Mid June, and no end in sight for, ...y’know, so we cancel August wedding and push our deposit back to 2021. Fiance was really bummed about not getting the specific date so like a week later the venue says we can still show up with a small group and get “official married” outside on the day. I’m not gung-ho for this at all, but James is, so we decide to do that; start scrambling. I make my dress but like. From what was supposed to be the first drape fabric, because fabric store’s still closed. I like it, but idk!
I didn’t think I actually cared super much about wedding details, like I didn’t have a “dream wedding” as a kid or have a moodboard or anything... All I was really hoping for was having family there since I only get to see all the cousins maybe once every 7-10 years, and making my own dress. Since big family gather was obviously not allowed, not even being able to make my dress in the way I saw it in my head was just kinda... disgruntling? I guess? Sad emotions I can’t really put to words, and not strong enough to overrule fiance having strong happy emotions about getting to keep our original wedding date.
New York gathering limit is raised to 25, so my family (6) and his (2) plus us and officiant (3) all get together and yay, officially married on August 1st! Until we get paperwork from NY state, and ha ha funny story, officiant signed the paperwork for August 2. Officiant apologizes, sends in a correction letter, so now we’re officially married on the 2nd, but have a footnote in state records that says *(actually it was Aug. 1).
So like, I’m happy we got married, that’s a happy part of the day, but 1. family wasn’t there, 2. didn’t get to make the dress I was hoping to, 3. we didn’t even get the fucking date we did all this for??? It’s a complicated mix of emotions and I’m finding myself just kinda ignoring the fact we actually got married instead of trying to grapple and force the positive feelings to outweigh the negative. SHRUG EMOJI HAHA. DEALING WITH OUR FEELINGS? SOUNDS SUS.
September, my former job reopens, asks if I want to come back, because the person I trained as my replacement ended up quitting because she didn’t want to come back. Neither do I.
October, they hire a new manager, and I end up going in to train her a few days, and cover for her a few more days, and now I’m on call to help out, because I am a big wimpy pushover and did actually really like my job, and like the new lady taking over and don’t want things to be hard for her.
November, I got glasses! I have discovered that the world should NOT be blurry when it is 10 feet away from you.
I know I struggle without a defined definite schedule and my brain latches on to any possible distraction, so this year has been heck. Mental health-wise, I’m doing much better now that I’m not in daily contact with chaos employee! But productivity and focus-wise? ZIP ZILCH ZERO. It has been a STRUGGLE. I don’t have a distraction free zone because of James doing work-from-home teaching, and I don’t have a defined schedule of social events and work shifts to keep me on task. I kinda feel like my brain has turned into a bunch of smokey fog that’s just kinda swirling around inside my head, and every once in a while I emerge and realize a week has passed and I have not checked my email or talked to another non-husband human being in that time.
Oh, and small schadenfreude update on chaos employee- she didn’t have a job until the state reopened, wasn’t eligible for unemployment during the shutdown apparently, her husband finally got the divorce he’s been pushing for for the past decade, and she had to sell her 5k$ sewing machine to be able to make the monthly payments on it. And when she came in to the store once it reopened, new manager had already been warned that she was banned from the premises.
But before she was chased out, she rambled on about how she thought the government was tracking her phone so she got a new one and didn’t back up any of her contacts, and she was hoping new manager would give her my number again because we’re “””best friends.”””””””  Manager declined to assist.
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writer-rochelle · 4 years
The Fridge (The Mandalorian x reader)
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(a/n: So my friend Alyssa sent me this -------> https://vm.tiktok.com/nLbsfK/  tiktok which I highly recomned y’all look at as it is the inspo for this first part of what will eventually become a short fic. Please let me know what y’all think and don’t hesitate to leave a request <3) warnings- some cursing, wine (consider yourself 21+ in this, use your imagination), my weak attempts at jokes ;))))
Okay so what if this was the third time in the last hour you got up to stare aimlessly into the refrigerator.  It’s not like there was much else to do! You’d already finished folding and putting away your laundry, turned in a majority of your assignments, hell you’d even willingly joined in on the Zoom lecture your Psychology professor had hosted early that morning and taken notes.
You had been hoping that there would few cases of the virus in the town you were staying in for uni for as long as possible, but with the numbers in the towns around you growing you knew it would only be a matter of time before there would be a shelter in place order.
You had officially spent a week alone in your apartment, having left only twice; once to get money from your Aunt and Uncle 45 mins away, and then again a day later, getting up at the crack of dawn to stock up on non-perishables, wine, several movies from the $5 bin, and some crafting and baking materials. All in all, you had enough food and distractions to last for at least a month and a half before you needed to venture out again. However, the repeated routine of eating, homework, movie, chore, eating, homework, movie, chore was starting to drive you a bit crazy.
Opening your fridge, you signed. Your theory that the items within having a conscious and could talk and move (ala Toy Story, and Sausage Party) was a bust. ‘Unless they know I know’, you thought. You rolled your eyes, grabbing a water bottle and proceeding to stare at the containers of leftovers, produce, a half-empty can of Red Bull, and various other food items.“Hey guys, just checking in,” you said, shutting the door and cringing at how absolutely crazy you sounded. Yeah, you needed human interaction. Now.
You longed for the days of being able to jump into your car, drive to Target, and wander through each department and aisle for hours. Throwing various things you didn’t need into your basket, Fleetwood Mac, Beyonce, and various other artists crooning interchangeably through your earbuds. Granted that wasn’t true human interaction, but you were in public with other people! And occasionally, you worked up the nerve to go to the cashiers instead of staring at yourself in the self-checkout security camera. (okay maybe you just missed target)
You could call your parents on that stupid Portal thing they insisted on buying (“It’s easier than that damned Facetune crap you kids are always trying to get me to use!” your dad had argued) But you would rather not spend the next hour and a half listening to your mum beg you to come home, while your dad talked over her, insisting that not only would you traveling pose as a risk to yourself (more importantly them and your brother), but you also had a lease to keep and classes to finish. And it was almost 8 o’clock, an excuse you would use should your mum happen to ask why you hadn’t called.  Finally, you decided that watching TV and indulging in a few glasses of wine wouldn’t hurt. Once again, not like there was anything better to do. After all, you weren’t being charged by different streaming services each month for nothing.
Turning back to your fridge, you grabbed the bottle of wine you had been sipping on (pointedly ignoring your friends), a random cartoon decorated cup from your cabinet, and sat down in front of your TV. Sinking back into the indentions your bum had made not too long ago, you logged back onto Disney+ and continued watching the Mandalorian. Unfortunately, it wasn’t the first time you had watched the show but who really cared when there was no one around to bully you about it. Personally, you would much rather be quarantined with a silent wall of beskar, and a green baby but alas you would just have to stick to watching your show.
You giggled, watching as the Mandalorian attempted to seat himself atop the female blurg, Kuiil’s disappointed headshakes reminding you of your late grandfather. Growing slightly drowsy you leaned forward to place your cup onto your coffee table, before laying out across the couch snuggling under your lavender comforter you had dragged from your room earlier that morning. ‘I’ve seen this episode before, it wouldn’t hurt to close my eyes.’
You woke with a start. The various sounds of the brass section in the theme song reaching your ears in the half-awake state you were in. You groaned sitting up and lowering the volume on the tv before getting up to trade your wine for a bottle of water. Tossing the cup into the sink, you glanced at the clock on your microwave, the numbers [11:30] flashed back at you. How long had you been asleep? You didn’t even bother to check what episode autoplay had gotten to for you. You sighed, ‘May as well shower and go to sleep’ You opened your fridge, going to place the bottle of wine back in it’s designated place when you stopped.
“What the hell?”, you did a double-take. Where had all of the stuff in your fridge gone? Where there once had been shelves and food was now empty save for the ones attached to the door and was that…
“No fucking way”,  you turned and placed the bottle in your hand on the island behind you before turning and lifting an egg-shaped container out of the fridge and onto the island as well. It looked exactly like the pram on the show that was still droning on in your living, the faint sound of blaster fire mixing with the sound of your pounding heart. How the hell did a prop from your favorite tv show get in your fridge? Slowly you reached forward and spread the two sides of the pram’s lid apart. Nestled within was none other than The Child. Your eyes widened as he cooed, making uppy arms, his big eyes blinking up at you.
“Hey, little guy how on earth did you get here?” you cradled him to your chest, glancing towards the wine bottle on the counter.  ‘Is this some sort of whack ass wine dream? Am I still asleep on the couch?’ you shifted the kid into one arm, reaching down with your right hand to pinch your thigh before grimacing. ‘Nope I’m definitely awake’ You had been so caught up in your thoughts that you hadn’t noticed the figuring looming behind you till you felt the child shift in your arms reaching for…..
The Mandalorian….the fucking Mandalorian was standing in your kitchen. More importantly, the Mandalorian was standing in your kitchen with his blaster pointed directly between your eyes.
“Hand over the kid,” he said, his modulated voice sending shivers down your spine.
Yeah, this was definitely not a dream.
(a/n: ahhhhh so that”s it...for now ;)))) i hope y’all enjoyed it and want to see more! xoxo rochelle)
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irenerei-n-svt · 5 years
Ok i am shooked the first thing in the morning when I saw Jun with glasses and I felt I have add more point for Teaching Jun's but in a different scenario :
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So Jun is a senpai/senior from your uni, and due to GPA and university rules, you end up taking Chinese language as second language
(If you can speak Spanish or French since its your other language on your extended family, you felt choosing them are cheating so you decided to try on Chinese. Because that is the only option left.)
You knew Jun from Video editing class. He uses the computer beside you during the lesson.
You remember very well that he approached you by tapping you on you shoulder asking if the computer/seat beside you were already occupied. He smiles and did a small wave with his hand while asking you.
You guys start to chat but he will mostly just quietly listen to you because Jun is shy. And he does not want to overwhelm you too.
He said he want to learn video editing because the skill somewhat related to his hobby.
You are in awe and could not help but feeling lucky that this cutie pie is sitting beside you, serving you godlike visuals.
You also notices that Jun only wear glasses when reading and working with computer. But sometimes still wear fake ones for fashion purpose.
You occasionally bumps into him and noticed moments that he does not wear glasses.
You noticed Jun is with another guy. That's Minghao.
You went to the video editing class early and you took the extra time to finish up the homework you got from Chinese class.
You can get pronunciation ok but not the Chinese characters. Your class has not start writing complex Chinese character yet, but you are already struggling, and cursing yourself.
Jun was there earlier than you. He was listening to music, quietly humming to himself but saw you struggling.
Out of curiosity he asked if he could help because you are pouting so hard while looking at your homework.
He notices you are struggling with characters that have a lot of strokes to write.
Also you tend to confuse on words that look very similar during comparison
Jun then offers to help you out. You only then realise you are aloof enough to remember you have a Chinese senior sitting beside you. And you did not bother to think of asking him about your homework at all.
Jun then offers to have a 1 on 1 crash course before video editing class starts. He felt it could help him remember his mother tongue too. (He only has Minghao to talk in Chinese for now)
So it starts. Jun will help you a bit with homework. But mostly he won't let you cheat by asking him directly.
We know it's hard to fully concentrate when you have such wonderful guy sitting beside you. You could not help but occasionally stares at him.
He will caught you doing it, you will turn your head away very quickly. But he does not know why you do it. Only ask if there are anything on his face.
This boy even ask you keep an eye on his face because it will not look nice if there are something foreign got attached to it.
He encourages you to speak Chinese with him. So you will try to greet him in Chinese mostly when you met him in the campus. He will just give you a smile and a "hwaiting" pose.
You got speech test session for Chinese class coming up and you need help to check your pronunciation. Again Jun is the best choice.
He will try to correct your pronunciation by trying to let you shape your mouth in a certain to get the sound right. ( cues in you two making derp faces because trying too hard lol)
It works because Jun knows the mechanism and it's the fastest way.
But he will burst into laughter when you get the intonation wrongly. Even mimics your wrong pronunciation lol. Don't worry the process only last for 5 seconds.
Session with Jun is fun and he is kind and patient enough to slowly explain.
He sometimes stutter when gets excited in explaining lol
He tend to use the word "like", "such as". (I am inserting this cos I noticed Jun uses "yakkan 약간 " and "就像" frequently, both are similar to English when you pause and say "like...")
Jun also tell you that the way to learn the language is to listen to songs and try to sing it out.
He offers you a few legendary mandopop songs and let you to go find it out.
You did. Then there is recommendation of a cover for the song and you just let it play cos it's on autoplay. You think its fine because you can listen to it more.
You find it weird when you heard the voice of the cover artist. It's not weird as in it's badly sung. But you are really familair with that voice.
Only to find the title says "Covered by Jun".
Your mind flashes the Chinese tutor Jun. But you will forget about it because you got distracted
You bumps on him again at the campus during lunch time and he introduced you to Minghao. This time you can have a better distance to see Jun without glasses.
You couldn't help but laugh along when you see Jun acting like a 5 year old annoying Minghao while the latter is sending you SOS eye signal.
You get to see how Jun is acting when he is with others. Which is nice, his different potentials sparked your interest to know him even more.
On the next time you know him, you just straightly tell him no need to cover up himself too much in front of you. Just be cool with it.
He accepts and starts to be himself more. Showing all those quirks that will make you laugh.
Jun with fingers pressing his lips and nodding/bobbing his head while listening to your speech practise is DEFO A THING.
He will be more happier than you once you finish everything without stuttering or wrong pronunciation.
I mentioned this back in the teacher/instructor au. JUN SHAKES YOU BACK AND FORTH TO EXPRESS HIS JOY.
Jun casually asked if you are planning to learn Chinese seriously. He felt you enthusiasm and he is proud of it.
Jun : "It will be nice if y/n can join us and converse in Chinese all the way."
That motivated you. SOMEHOW. You planned to take it for this semester only but now you wanna finish the whole course. Just to one day really just talk to this handsome senior in his mother tongue.
SINCE THIS WILL BE LONG. I will stop here and do a part 2 soon.
Btw the song you accidentally listened and felt familiar
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societalstore-blog · 4 years
Societal.co Quick Start Guide
Let’s start with the basics. What is Societal?
Societal.co is a sever that hosts Mastodon a microblogging platform akin to others you may have seen, such as Twitter, but instead of being centralised it is a federated network which operates in a similar way to email.
There are lots of servers hosting Mastodon around the world. Like email wherever you sign up you know you’ll be able to email people on other servers so long as you know their address.
The word “instance” is often used as a synonym of a server. So Societal.co is a Mastodon instance.
This means there’s no big uncaring company running it all, no shareholders, no central control, none of the targeted advertising we’re all fed up with, just a bunch of people sharing the things they want to share with each other.
Where do I sign up?
The first thing you have to do is sign up at Societal.co. This is an extra step compared to sites like Twitter or Tumblr, but isn’t as difficult as it may seem.
Like with email, your identity is hosted by Societal.co. So for example, if someone wanted to mention you who was from a another server they can type @[email protected] in their post.
You have the ability to view all public local posts that have been made by people on your server in the so-called “local timeline”.
The word “fediverse” (federated universe) refers to the network of all Mastodon servers and other projects, users of which are able to talk to each other seamlessly.
Knowing your server
Take a moment to check out the rules of Societal.co and make sure they are compatible with how you want to be tooting.
Posts on Societal.co are called “toots”, because that’s the sound an elephant makes.
Under the sign up form you will see a link to the rules page. It is likewise linked from the “Learn more” button under “Administered by”; on other pages, the rules are linked in the footer as simply “About”. You could also just enter the correct URL into the address bar of your browser directly as it always follows a format like https://Societal.co/about/more.
The rules page also tells you who the owner/administrator of the server is. Most servers set you up following the admin when you sign up, kind of like a modern take on MySpace Tom. This is great, it means you know who to ask if you run into problems and you can receive server-specific announcements (like when the software is being upgraded) and in general it’s great to know who runs the server you’re on.
Admins are super friendly people who are usually running the server out of their own pocket so it’s good to get to know them like you would a landlord. Many accept donations to cover the running costs and if you’re able to contribute then it’s always appreciated.
Username and Password
Head to the homepage of your server and choose your username and password in the sign up form. You’ll need an email address to register, which you will be asked to confirm before being able to log in.
Next thing to do is upload your profile picture, give the settings page a good once-over (and do come back to it when you’ve been on Societal.co a week or so just to make any tweaks that might help your experience) and get ready to introduce yourself.
Some interesting settings worth checking are: two-factor authentication to improve your account’s security; GIF autoplay which is turned off by default; the language you intend to post in; and the languages you prefer seeing when viewing the local, federated, and hashtag timelines (by default, you see all languages).
Hashtags are a really important thing on Societal.co. In fact, they are the only part of the content of toots that is searchable. So if you want to be found by people who are looking for toots about photography it’s best to include #photography.
For multiple word hashtags, please use camel case #LikeThisGoodHashtag instead of #likethisbadhashtag for accessibility reasons.
So for your first toot, a great idea is to post a short #introduction giving some information about yourself and what your interests are and what you’ll be talking about on Societal.co. That’s also a great hashtag to search, you’ll find lots of other people new to the network and many will care about the things you do.
A quick tour of the web interface
Mastodon hosted on Societal.co offers many apps, both for mobile phones and for the browser; you are not locked into using the standard interface.
The standard Mastodon interface has multiple columns rather than a single feed. You can move or remove these at your leisure.
Home is all the toots in chronological order of the people you’re following. It includes the toots of people on your server and on other servers, all that matters is that it’s people you follow. Some people like to disable boosts in this column so they just see what their follows themselves say. That option is there if you click the settings button on the top right of the column.
“Boost” (as in “signal boost” or “rocket boost”) is a synonym of “reblog” or “retweet” in Societal.co
Notifications does what it says on the tin. Again, this is across the fediverse. The settings button (top right) has a range of options for this column. You may want to turn off the “boop” sound, for example.
Local timeline is the live feed of all the toots of people on your server. On many servers, particularly smaller ones and ones focused on a particular topic, this is where the magic happens. It feels like a town square or Slack chatroom. You can reply to people from there and it’s a great place to meet people.
The federated timeline is a view of all the public toots your servers knows about from across the whole network (including local ones). The most common reason that something appears in the federated timeline is that someone from your server follows the author of that toot. This column moves fast, and can often be pretty wild. I enjoy setting that column to show only toots with media, hiding boosts, then seeing a constant stream of daft selfies, hot memes, and funky art.
You can also pin a column for a hashtag you’re interested in – just search for that hashtag and then in the column settings choose “pin” and done.
Using content warnings
One of the best features on Societal.co is that button that says “CW” where you write your toots. Clicking that adds a content warning field where you can put information about what the toot contains (eg. mental health, politics, lewd talk, nudity) so that people don’t have to see content they wish to avoid, for whatever reason. Of course, it’s also great for show or book spoilers.
A common convention is to put +, -, or ~ in a content warning to signify if the contents are broadly positive, negative, or mixed respectively.
My advice is simple: if you’re not sure whether a toot needs a CW or not, give it a CW. People really appreciate it and it doesn’t do any harm to be too cautious and too respectful of others.
You can also use a CW to summarise a long post. Some use it for joke punchlines. Maybe you’ll think of other uses for it. Have fun.
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