#ANA Holdings
Coming soon: Flying taxis at 2025 World Expo
Kyodo News | 22 February 2023
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ANA Holdings Inc., Japan Airlines Co. and three other companies have been selected to operate air taxi services during the 2025 World Exposition to be held in Osaka in western Japan, the event's organizer said Tuesday.
Japan wants the "flying cars" to be one of the main attractions at the expo, with the next-generation mobility expected to provide access to the event venue to be set up on an artificial island in Osaka Bay.
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ANA Holdings, the parent of All Nippon Airways Co., will partner with U.S. startup Joby Aviation Inc., a company in which Toyota Motor Corp. has a stake.
Other companies selected as operators are SkyDrive Inc., based in Aichi Prefecture, and trading firm Marubeni Corp.
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Naoki Okada, minister in charge of the World Expo 2025, said he hopes the technology will "surprise" people around the world.
He also called on the five companies to cooperate on demonstration flights prior to the start of the 184-day event.
The flying cars, which will carry two to five people each, will connect the three areas of the exposition venue on Yumeshima, central Osaka city, and nearby Kansai International Airport.
Their flight routes, landing and takeoff areas are to be determined.
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ANA Holdings will operate a five-seat vertical takeoff and landing aircraft developed by Joby Aviation.
In October, the California-based company applied for its aircraft design to be certified for use in Japan.
JAL will operate two-rider aircraft developed by German firm Volocopter GmbH, while Marubeni will operate five-seater aircraft created by Vertical Aerospace Group Ltd., a British company, after reserving in January delivery slots for 25 of them.
SkyDrive is looking to get a type certificate for its two-rider aircraft, still in development, before the exposition.
Meanwhile, the operator of the takeoff and landing sites at the exposition venue on Yumeshima will be Orix Corp., according to the Japan Association for the 2025 World Exposition.
The World Expo 2025 will last from April 13 through October 13 under the theme "Designing Future Society for Our Lives."
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suuho · 1 year
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bestie, hold on.
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delicatepoets · 11 months
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on undying friendships for @fightingdragonswithwho​ <3
graceland too - phoebe bridgers / daisy jones and the six / leonard cohen - boygenius / a league of their own (2022) / a little life - hanya yanagihara / ladybird (2017) / the seven husbands of evelyn hugo - taylor jenkins reid
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lukasadss · 6 months
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This is so niche but I started Hilda Furacão and honestly,, obsessed with her
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sweet-beezus · 20 days
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A little man arrived in my mailbox, I'm obsessed with him
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nitewrighter · 1 year
aince we're not getting any this year, could you write some pride month related fanteractions between some heroes?
I mean, I wouldn't say a whole short story confirming Pharah as a lesbian and Baptiste as bi is nothing. But yeah, some in-game voicelines would have been fun...
Pharah: Mum, when I was growing up, did you kno--
Ana: Oh I knew. I immediately knew. You could see it from a mile away. I remember you were on a soccer team and you were fond of this little boy and his mother said the two of you were cute together and I just burst out laughing in her face.
Pharah: Aw, mum!
Tracer: Growing up in a small town, did you always know?
Soldier 76: There was always a feeling, but I didn't really let myself explore it until I was traveling the world. Even then, I was still in the military, so it was one of those things I didn't want to be the... defining thing about me to my squad mates.
Tracer: But you were pretty open about it with Overwatch!
Soldier 76: Vincent helped a lot with that. But also... Overwatch was this new thing. I realized, I could help make it this new thing.
Tracer: It meant a lot to me. :)
Soldier 76: That was the hope.
Baptiste: Is Vishkar picky about what partners you can have?
LifeWeaver: Not that picky. Different kinds of couples look good on their brochures, after all. All they ask is that you give up everything else interesting about you.
Baptiste: *shuddering noise* Glad you got out of there.
LifeWeaver: Me too. The present company is much more preferable.
Echo: Am I trans?
Cassidy: Uh, I can't rightly say..
Echo: I was previously genderless, but now I primarily identify with she/her pronouns, and frequently take the forms of other genders. Is that not trans?
Cassidy: I mean, Liao would probably know more about this than me-
Echo: Is being organic a prerequisite to being trans?
Cassidy: Uh--no? I don't think it is... Heck, I don't know...
Orisa: The OR-15 frame was originally designed to be genderless, but with Efi's learning programming, I too use she/her pronouns! *gasp* Did Efi make me trans?
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tendebill · 1 year
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drew the ow strike team as paladins of voltron, because i am normal about them :]
(2 other versions and a fucking essay below the cut!)
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ok so im gonna give my reasoning for each of them
Reinhardt - the easierst to pick, the Yellow Lion is the most tank-like (besides the Black Lion, but thats cuz Black is the head + torso), also i think the legs of voltron are supposed to be the "pillars" that allow the team to work well, without them the whole thing crumbles (literally). from what i recall from the actual show, the Yellow Paladin is protective and loyal. Rein was the easiest to match up tbh (plus even the color fits lol)
Torbjörn - not my favourite choice, but tbh i dont think any other lion fits him? besides maybe Yellow, but Rein was too perfect so i couldnt give Torb that one. anyway, the Green Lion is the left hand. i consider the legs to be the "pillars" holding up the team, whereas the arms are the actual damage-dealers/the ones that act on what the leader commands. and as Torb is a dps, that fits just fine. hes not quite a leader, so being the left hand instead of the right is good. plus the Green Lion is inquisitive and curious, and since Torb is a genius, that fits just fine too. i thought he would look weird with green, since i associate him with red-orange-yellow the most, but he looks kinda nice
Ana - i was originally gonna make her blue from the get-go, but i thought it'd be silly to make the remaining three switch lions a bunch, so i can get an excuse to draw Gabe and Jack in multiple suits lmao. but Ana starts out as red, the right hand of Voltron, described as the most temperamental and aggressive. it requires a paladin that can keep up with it and works on instinct most of the time. i feel like Ana would have to BECOME the motherly figure for her team, instead of being one from the start. with that i think she would have been a more "lone wolf" type at first, only later on becoming more mindful of her teammates and how much they need her, which would lead to her becoming the paladin of the Blue Lion - a pillar that keeps the team going along with Rein, a vital part, but no longer in a leadership position. i've seen the Blue Lion described as a "free spirit" too, which i think is also perfect for her :3
Jack - for him i had three options, all of which fit him well: blue, red and black. and instead of picking one, i decided he was going to have three different lions :))) for shits and giggles. so he starts out as blue, a free spirit, very versitile (from what i gathered, the Blue Lion doesn't have a specific "thing" it specilizes in, but instead does a little bit of everything, kinda like Jack). i imagine Jack was the middle-man, an integral part of team-building. he would have been the one to push everyone to work together and follow Gabe's lead, but he was content being on the sidelines most of the time. eventually he takes up more responsibility, sees that he's vital for the team and that he can do more working side by side with Gabe, and so he becomes the paladin of the Red Lion, Gabe's right hand man. then he of course slowly grows to be the actual leader, as Gabe's approach changes and he slowly abandons his original role, passing the command over to Jack. and so Jack's last lion is the Black Lion. also i feel like all three lions fit Jack's color scheme pretty well, so that's another win for me hah
Gabe - since he was the original Strike Commander, i thought it only natural that he would be the first to pilot the Black Lion. the pilot needs to be decisive, stay cool in the face of danger and be someone whose men will follow him into battle with no hesitation - all traits that i see Gabriel would have had to have during the first Omnic Crisis. like i mentioned before, Jack eventually becomes his second in command, and then slowly their roles start to shift. Gabe is no longer content in making decisions for the whole team, he probably also becomes more violent and reckless, relying on Jack to keep him in check. he loses his connection with the Black Lion and becomes the paladin of the Red Lion, Jack's right hand man. the traits of Red fit him well too - aggressive, relies on instinct, temperamental, plus i imagine Gabe is the type to want to get things done as quickly as possible, no matter the risk, to save more people faster. plus, again, the colors match up yaaaay!
fun fact: i never finished watching voltron ^^
also i am truthing anahardt and reaper76 as we speak
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tanejineri · 3 days
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posting separately my own doodles from @commandernachos eb/mother magma board! i'm so sad i wasn't able to be there for long (but also really glad i was able to spend time with my friends), everyone there seemed super nice and if there is any more in the future i will definitely be there again
i also really hope i wasn't overbearing :sob: i apologize for my extreme enthusiasm. and im also sad i didnt fill the page with pigmasks like i said i would </3
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urzfanclub · 3 months
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ana belén fanart… much overdue… @vlwv :^)
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seventh-fantasy · 8 months
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阁下!不用理由就会相信、没有力量也要保护的人,阁下难道没有吗? your excellency! someone you would believe regardless of reason and protect despite being powerless - does your excellency not have someone like that?
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nouns-are-bad · 1 year
All the women in kortac take one look at König and decided to adopt him no matter if he’s older or younger than them
He’s kind, he’s respectful, and he’s invited to girls night outs/ meetups because no one messes with them when he’s looking over their shoulders terrifying the creeps away
Plus he’s a great bag holder and scouter for stores
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torturedpoetdean · 11 days
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happy pride to them <3
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kissitbttr · 7 months
yesterday’s before workout selfie:)))))
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Congrats to everyone who held on till may 🎉
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semperama · 15 days
As I move into season 5 of 911, I have one burning question I need answered: Why did this show start out super horny and then gradually become almost disturbingly chaste?
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frog-0n-a-l0g · 4 months
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