#2025 World Exposition
Coming soon: Flying taxis at 2025 World Expo
Kyodo News | 22 February 2023
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ANA Holdings Inc., Japan Airlines Co. and three other companies have been selected to operate air taxi services during the 2025 World Exposition to be held in Osaka in western Japan, the event's organizer said Tuesday.
Japan wants the "flying cars" to be one of the main attractions at the expo, with the next-generation mobility expected to provide access to the event venue to be set up on an artificial island in Osaka Bay.
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ANA Holdings, the parent of All Nippon Airways Co., will partner with U.S. startup Joby Aviation Inc., a company in which Toyota Motor Corp. has a stake.
Other companies selected as operators are SkyDrive Inc., based in Aichi Prefecture, and trading firm Marubeni Corp.
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Naoki Okada, minister in charge of the World Expo 2025, said he hopes the technology will "surprise" people around the world.
He also called on the five companies to cooperate on demonstration flights prior to the start of the 184-day event.
The flying cars, which will carry two to five people each, will connect the three areas of the exposition venue on Yumeshima, central Osaka city, and nearby Kansai International Airport.
Their flight routes, landing and takeoff areas are to be determined.
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ANA Holdings will operate a five-seat vertical takeoff and landing aircraft developed by Joby Aviation.
In October, the California-based company applied for its aircraft design to be certified for use in Japan.
JAL will operate two-rider aircraft developed by German firm Volocopter GmbH, while Marubeni will operate five-seater aircraft created by Vertical Aerospace Group Ltd., a British company, after reserving in January delivery slots for 25 of them.
SkyDrive is looking to get a type certificate for its two-rider aircraft, still in development, before the exposition.
Meanwhile, the operator of the takeoff and landing sites at the exposition venue on Yumeshima will be Orix Corp., according to the Japan Association for the 2025 World Exposition.
The World Expo 2025 will last from April 13 through October 13 under the theme "Designing Future Society for Our Lives."
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satoshi-mochida · 2 months
Utawarerumono: ZAN coming to PC in 2025 - Gematsu
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Publishers DMM Games and Shiravune, and developer Aquaplus will release Utawarerumono: ZAN for PC via Steam in 2025, the companies announced. It will support English, Japanese, and Traditional Chinese language options.
Utawarerumono: ZAN first launched for PlayStation 4 on September 27, 2018 in Japan, followed by September 10, 2019 in North America and September 13, 2019 in Europe. The PC version will feature a number of PC-specific optimizations and enhancements.
Here is an overview of the game, via its Steam page:
Turn up the music, grab your warfan, and get ready to mow down some mooks in this action-packed take on the Utawarerumono series!
Hack and Slash
Land big damage, juggle foes, and build up a combo counter into the hundreds! Carve your mark onto the battlefield while grooving out to over 80 tracks, including upbeat remixes of Utawarerumono‘s legendary soundtrack!
Four’s a Party
Build a team of four characters and switch anytime! Every fighter in your squad brings unique stats and abilities. Equip and improve gear to customize your loadout, choose powerful formations that complement your strengths, and power up your party after every battle!
Flashy Final Strikes
Dodge attacks and land hits to charge up Zeal, then spend it on unique and deadly Chain Attacks—or save up, enter Overzeal, and unleash a devastating Final Strike!
For the Mikado
Utawarerumono: ZAN follows the story of Utawarerumono: Mask of Deception, featuring slimmed-down exposition interspersed with button-pounding battles. When a man named Haku wakes up in an unfamiliar world, he quickly finds himself surrounded by a beautiful but strict caretaker and a motley crew of warriors, scholars, princesses, and heroic bandits. Under the direction of the dashing rogue Ukon, they’ll rescue damsels, stamp out conspiracies, stymie invasions, and build bonds as they fight to defend the land of Yamato from every threat… even the ones that wear masks.
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artisteenvogue · 7 months
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Miu Miu avait pour but de mettre en lumière un vestiaire pour tous les âges, portés sur le podium par des femmes comme Gigi Hadid, 28 ans, Kristin Scott Thomas, 63 ans, la chanteuse et musicienne Ethel Cain, 25 ans, Qin Huilan, 70 ans, ou encore Ángela Molina, 68 ans (cette dernière apparaissait déjà dans le 24ème film de la série Women's Tales, en 2022). je n'ai pas eu le temps de faire ma lessive, car j'ai été si occupée et… préparez-vous : c'est le costume de Guslagie Malanda dans le film. Mais dans mon film, au lieu d'avoir une femme qui confronte une autre femme, c'est une femme qui confronte sa mémoire. Il y a un vrai pouvoir dans l'affirmation suivante : “Nos émotions sont réelles, c'est une chose à laquelle nous devons faire face”. To revisit this article, visit My Profile, then View saved storiesTo revisit this article, visit My Profile, then View saved storiesQui est Cécile B. Evans, l'artiste derrière le dernier défilé Miu Miu ? Et quand je regarde cette photo, je vois comment les vêtements ont pu me faire sentir le jour où cette photo a été prise. Elle me faisait beaucoup de retours tout au long du développement du film, à la manière dont un commissaire pourrait le faire. Pas depuis très longtemps, mais je savais que je voulais travailler l’idée d'une femme confrontée à sa mémoire qui lui échappe. Je crois que cela vient du fait que Mme. Prada dirige la Fondation Prada pour l’art contemporain, à Milan, depuis longtemps [la fondation voit le jour en 1995, ndlr]. Elle comprend les artistes, leurs idées et manières de travailler. Qu'est-ce qui vous vient en premier, dans la préparation d'un film : l'image, ou le texte ? Qu'est-ce qui vous vient en premier, dans la préparation d'un film : l'image, ou le texte ? On entend ma voix dans le film que j'ai réalisé pour Miu Miu, et j'incarne le temps dans Amos’ World. court-métrage d’1 minute 30, dans lequel on découvre l’actrice Guslagie Malanda (Saint Omer, La Bête), qui incarne la dernière traductrice sur Terre, aux prises avec sa propre mémoire, qui lui échappe. Evans reprend le flambeau, chargé·e par Miuccia Prada d’imaginer le décor du défilé de la collection automne-hiver 2024-2025 de la maison Miu Miu. Il y a une phrase dans le court-métrage, alors que le personnage incarné par Guslagie reçoit la mémoire d'une autre femme. C'était très facile pour moi d'accepter car je connais très bien l'artiste qui s'est occupée de la scénographie du précédent défilé. Dans mon précédent film, c'était : comment la réalité est-elle construite, et comment pouvons-nous nous libérer de cette construction, une fois qu'on la perçoit ? Jessica ScemamaPlus de culture sur Vogue.fr : À la Bourse de Commerce, Arca repousse les limites de la musique8 expositions à voir absolument en mars à Paris (et ailleurs en France)Le sacre de Mati Diop à la Berlinale 2024, symbole du rayonnement mondial d'un nouveau cinéma françaisPlus de culture sur Vogue.fr :Plus de Vogue France en vidéo :Plus de Vogue France en vidéo : En fait, je suis les collaborations de la maison Miu Miu avec le monde de l'art depuis un moment : je suis familière des travaux de Meriem Bennani ou même des films de Janicza Bravo, qui a participé aux Women's Tales, une série de courts-métrages initiée par la maison. Dans Saint Omer, son deuxième film en tant qu'actrice, on voit transparaître la question de lignée, et de la transmission d'une génération à une autre. Pour vous donner une idée, en tant qu'artiste je travaille ordinairement sur un projet pendant deux ans. C'est en lien avec une grande partie de mon travail d'artiste, qui traite la technologie et les données comme des éléments physiques. , installé·e à La Plaine Saint Denis, Cécile B. Evans réfléchit, depuis ses débuts, la matérialité des éléments qui nous entourent, et qui font partie de nous, de la technologie aux émotions qui nous parcourent. Une sorte de thriller contemporain, qui a servi de point de départ pour une collection qui mêlait les archétypes vestimentaires de tous les âges, de l'enfance à l'âge adulte.
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1939-wizard-of-oz · 11 months
Un Trésor national voir Mondial : redécouvert dans une cuisine, un rarissime tableau de Cimabue entre au musée du Louvre
A National treasure or more a World treasure: found in a kitchen , a painting of Cimabue on a wood panel is coming in the Louvre Museum (Paris) !!!!!
Par Anne-Sophie Lesage-Münch le 02.11.2023 Connaissance des Arts
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Cimabue, Le Christ moqué (détail), 25,8x 20,3 cm, peinture à l'oeuf et fond d'or sur panneau de peuplier, Actéon Senlis, vente 27 octobre 2019.
Après trois années d’attente, La Dérision du Christ de Cimabue, petit panneau de bois du XIIIe siècle devenu le tableau primitif le plus cher du monde, rejoint les collections nationales.
Une bien discrète annonce pour une acquisition extraordinaire. En ce premier jeudi de novembre, où la tempête Ciaran occupe tous les esprits, le ministère de la Culture a diffusé sans crier gare un communiqué que beaucoup attendaient. Voilà en effet près de trois ans que la question ressurgissait de loin en loin : mais que devient le Cimabue sauvé d’une cuisine ? On apprend donc officiellement aujourd’hui que La Dérision du Christ, petit chef-d’œuvre miraculé classé Trésor national, rejoint les collections du musée du Louvre.
Ceci n’est pas une icône
Dans la famille des chefs-d’œuvre perdus et fortuitement redécouverts, ce petit panneau de bois peint d’à peine 25 cm de haut tient une place plus que remarquable. Son histoire récente débute en juin 2019 lorsque Philomène Wolf, commissaire-priseur pour la maison de vente Actéon, travaille sur l’inventaire de la maison d’une nonagénaire à Compiègne. Elle remarque alors, accroché dans la cuisine au-dessus des plaques de cuisson, ce que jusqu’alors la famille considérait comme une simple icône russe. De fait, l’art de Cimabue s’ancre dans la tradition de la peinture byzantine dont il s’affranchit cependant (et c’est là tout son génie) pour développer une nouvelle esthétique à l’orée de la Renaissance.
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Classé Trésor national en 2019, le tableau La Dérision du Christ de Cimabue rejoint les collections du musée du Louvre. ©Actéon
L’œuvre est alors soumise à l’expertise du cabinet Turquin qui l’attribue finalement, après des mois de recherche, au fascinant peintre florentin, maître de Giotto, dont on ne connaît à ce jour qu’une quinzaine de réalisations. Cette étude permet également de comprendre que le panneau appartient à un diptyque (un objet de dévotion privée) composé de huit scènes de la Passion du Christ, datant de 1280, dont seulement deux autres panneaux nous sont parvenus : La Flagellation du Christ, conservé à la Frick Collection de New York depuis 1950, et La Vierge à l’Enfant, acheté par la National Gallery à Londres en 2000.
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Reconstitution du diptyque auquel a appartenu le Christ moqué de Cimabue ©Actéon
Une exposition exceptionnelle en 2025
Estimée entre 4 et 6 millions d’euros, l’œuvre est présentée aux enchères le 27 octobre 2019 où elle atteint le prix de vente record de 24 millions d’euros, devenant ainsi le tableau primitif le plus cher du monde (et accède également au 8e rang des tableaux anciens les plus chers jamais vendus). Le musée du Louvre, qui souhaitait se porter acquéreur, n’a alors pas encore pu réunir la somme nécessaire à sa préemption. Quelques semaines plus tard, la veille de Noël, on apprend que l’œuvre est finalement classée « Trésor national », un label qui exclut de fait toute autorisation de sortie du territoire français durant une période de 30 mois. Cette manœuvre va alors laisser le temps à l’administration de réunir les fonds pour l’acquisition du chef-d’œuvre.
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Cimabue, La Vierge et l’Enfant en majesté entourés de six anges (Maestà), vers de 1275 à 1300, tempera et fond or, musée du Louvre ©Wikimedia Commons
Aujourd’hui le musée du Louvre peut se féliciter de l’entrée dans ses collections de cette œuvre insigne qui, comme l’explique Laurence Des Cars, présidente-directrice du musée « constitue un jalon crucial dans l’histoire de l’art, marquant la fascinante transition de l’icône vers la peinture ». La Dérision du Christ met déjà en œuvre des questions qui deviendront centrales dans les arts de la Renaissance, en particulier la représentation de l’espace, de la lumière ou encore des sentiments humains. Elle rejoint la monumentale Maestà, autre chef-d’œuvre du peintre florentin qu’abrite l’institution parisienne, et qui fait actuellement l’objet d’une campagne de restauration. Les deux tableaux, qui à grande comme à petite échelle font la démonstration du caractère révolutionnaire de l’art de Cimabue, seront au cœur d’une exposition au printemps 2025.
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Modern World’s Fairs Aren’t Worth the Strain on Communities
As an intro, I want to liken modern World’s Fairs to the Olympics. It’s well known at this point that for practically every city that hosts the Olympics, the result is unhappy civilians, an environment ripe for corruption, stress on local workers, and miniscule (if not non-existent) return on investment. [Relevant article from the New York Times | Non Paywalled Mirror]
Now, incase you didn’t know, World’s Fairs (like the ones you remember from the 1800’s and 1900’s) are still happening, they are just called World Expos now. 
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And you can assume that the type of events that brought you the Eiffel Tower and the Space Needle would also be just as taxing as the Olympics. For 2025, Osaka is planning a new World’s Expo, and a significant chunk of public sentiment is either skeptical or downright unsupportive of the project. Local business workers don’t predict a financial return, constituents forecast taxes going up to fund the growing money pit, and many people across the country find the idea of having an Expo at all as archaic. Japan is also going through a labor shortage right now, and even though labor and wage protections are in place, there are still very real concerns about overworking the already stretched construction industry.
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So that leaves a simple question: are these problems simply endemic to World Expos? Can we realistically expect a world where future expos are unburdened by these ethical concerns?
In my opinion, as long as the primary motive of a World Expo is to introduce revenue to the region, then I believe not. As mentioned by a great article from the University of South Carolina, Diplomacy is often neglected when the topic of Modern Expos are mentioned. The strong diplomatic benefits of an Expo are completely at ends with the publicly espoused benefits of an Expo, which often highlight the monetary gains instead. The message that the Bureau International des Expositions (Expo organizing committee) showcases is not in line with what the general public cares about in an Expo. If the BIE wants it to be an economic event, then they should reduce the emphasis on flashy pavilions and instead pump up the emphasis on travel and trade. But of course, if the BIE didn’t focus on those pavilions, then there are plenty of other trade shows that fulfill the economic role much better. That’s the irony of it all. If you look at the innovative architecture and events that Expos are known for, you can instantly see that flashy, provocative buildings are not going to be the ideal place to promote business growth, but that they instead promote individual interest in global communities and art.
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In short, either more changes need to occur to improve profitability, or the BIE needs to be honest with itself and recognize that an Expo does not need to be immensely profitable in its currently declining state. The Expo is on a downturn, and forcing it to try and be a money printer is making it crumble apart faster.
One big problem to tackle in this area is the fact that the Expo is a multi-billion dollar expenditure that is mostly frontloaded onto the host country. Additionally, another issue is that the Expo has the somewhat unique issue of being downgraded in prestige. The title of “Olympiad” still carries ~about~ as much weight as it did in the 70’s. But in the same vein, I can almost guarantee that the presenters of the Ford Mustang in the 1964 World’s Fair felt much more strongly about the event than the corporations that simply clock in to the event today. No auto maker sees the Expo as prestigious enough nowadays to unveil a car at. The World Expo has been watered down to a checkbox rather than a year making event, which is the natural result when the event is boiled down to a profiteering scheme rather than a cultural showcase. The new cycle cements this, with us getting round the clock coverage of the Olympics, and simply blurbs and minimal postings about the Expo. 
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So if the Expo isn’t a money maker, isn’t a news maker, and isn’t a diplomacy juggernaut, then what is it? A shell of its former shell to most. And in all honesty, that is for good reason. The Expo of today most likely won’t capture the magic of the last time Osaka hosted the Expo in the 70s. The Expo of today most likely won’t bring much foreign investment. The Expo of today most likely won’t pull through as a saviour for labor. And the Expo of today most likely won’t recoup its local investments, causing tax money to be practically burned for what many see as a trinket.
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I don’t deny these conclusions. But as an individual, and a person hoping for a more united global community, I still hold out hope for the general concept of an expo. Promoting togetherness and awareness of our global communities can never be a wrong step in my book, and seeing so many cultures showcase themselves with pride is important to promote a more diverse and accepting global populace. However, that doesn’t mean that the BIE cannot and could not do better, and it also doesn’t mean I intend to turn a blind eye on future posts. Many of my planned blogs are intended to be highly critical of the Expo’s, simply because critique is the primary way that institutions grow. I think the concept behind the Expo is extremely sound, and I’d hate to lose it. But it’s undeniable that far too little focus has been placed on sustainability and equitability for these Expos: both in the past and in the modern day. If the BIE continues to stagnate like it has, the Expo will simply become more contentious and more underwhelming, at which point it could die a deserving death if unrectified.
Thanks for reading this short type up. For now, goodbye.
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vistased22 · 2 years
Expo 2030
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World Expos, officially known as International Registered Exhibitions, are a global gathering of nations dedicated to finding solutions to pressing challenges of our time by offering a journey inside a universal theme through engaging and immersive activities. World Expos welcome tens of millions of visitors, allow countries to build extraordinary pavilions and transform the host city for years to come.
The first World Expo – the Great Exhibition – took place in London in 1851. The concept became popular and was repeated across the globe, demonstrating an unparalleled power of attraction and a record of world-class legacies. Since the BIE (The International Bureau of Expositions) was created in 1928 to regulate and oversee these mega-events, World Expos have explicitly been organized around a theme that attempts to improve humankind’s knowledge, takes into account human and social aspirations and highlights scientific, technological, economic and social progress.
In the modern era, World Expos are unrivaled among international events in their size, scale, duration and visitor numbers. They are large-scale platforms for education and progress that serve as a bridge between governments, companies, international organizations, and citizens. The World Expo 2020 is currently taking place in Dubai, hosted by the United Arab Emirates from 1 October 2021 to 31 March 2022. Originally scheduled for 20 October 2020 to 10 April 2021, it was postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The theme of the Expo is "Connecting Minds, Creating the Future". The expo also has three subthemes: opportunity, mobility and sustainability.
The forthcoming World Expo, Expo 2025 will be held in Osaka, Japan for a period of 6 months in the year 2025. This will be the third time Osaka hosts a World Expo, having previously hosted Expo 1970 and Expo 1990. The projected visitor count is approximately 28 million. The theme for the expo is "Designing Future Society for Our Lives", with sub-themes of "Saving Lives", "Empowering Lives" and "Connecting Lives".
Task in Hand
You, as an entrepreneur, have to pitch to the BIE to host the Expo 2030 in India. Other countries like Russia, South Korea, Italy, Ukraine, and Saudi Arabia have already submitted bids to hold the event. You must come up with a report that distinguishes you from the rest and enables you to host the World Expo 2030. Plan for the future, in accordance with where India will be in 2030.
You are to make a PPT of not more than 10 slides, including but not limited to the following:
Proposed Theme and Subthemes
Content of the Expo - Pavilions and Programs
Location Analysis (Size, Region)
Phase Wise Implementation Plan
Marketing Plan
HR Strategies and Structure
Financial Plan
Press Release
Be ready with your presentations by 4:05 PM, today.
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ramrodd · 22 days
The Melchizedek Connection: Bridging the Old Testament to Jesus
Melchizedek is a Maji. He is part of an experiment in intelligent design conceived to sustain the social cohesion  to build pyramids and develop the metaphusics necessary to produce Apollo 11. Enoch was a engineering consultant to the Magi and interpreter of their design emerging from base 60 numerology and the19 year Solar cycle, the Metonic cycle in their communication with God, however it suits your fancy to define the great I am that I am. In 3780 BCE, God composed the Bood of Job and Enoch started the clock on a 7000 year Epoch designed to produce Apollo 11. We are currently at Enoch Year 5784. We are not quite 2000 years ahead of schdeul because of the Talking Cross in the Gospel of Peter. People like Melchiedek were in working out of Persia as stone masons going back to the Ziggaruts and they kept track of the Egyptian pre-metaphsical thinking and rewarding natural born stoics in the manner of Abram, According to the numerology, Abram fought along sinde Yaweh, Queen of  Battle. This completes the 6 element ontology of Moses: Genesis 1:1 and Revelation 4:2 , Elonim the One; Genesis 1:2, Elohim the demifurge of Plato and the Spirit of God relative to Jesus and the Holy Spirit, the 318 warrors of Abraham is the numerology for Yaweh, Queen of Battle, and then The Satan, in The Book of Job. If you want to understand Hegel, understand Enoch's Epoch as a grid of ten 700 year weeks that started at EY 1 and goids out to EY 7000. Recent scholarship has revealed that the tithe went from Melchizedek to Abram instead of the other way around as written in current translations  I've always heard the version of the tithe in this exposition, but my experience with tithing doesn't feel the same sas described by the Prosperity Gospel of Project 2025,   I happen to agree with this new research because the Tithe to Abram is consistent with the Parable of the Talents as a discription of the open system cascade structures of the economics of Jesus and Adam Smith. It's why Eisenhower's neo-liberalism is perfectly congruent with the inerrant epistemology of the Bible. It is useful to remember that Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations is an interpolation of the literature of the Boble according to the economics embedded in the narrative. Genesis 41 is a model foJr capital budgeting they used to plan for WWII in the Pentagon. It's what Biden'/Harris/Walz's Build Back Better capital budget is all about. Melchizdek rewarded Abram for being a stoic along side Yaweh, Queen of Battle and the Wise Men in Matthew are Magi who tithe to Mary, Joseph and Jesus to nuture Messiah for His appointment with the Cross. Jesus was a Kami Kazi Messiah,  I don't know if Enoch saw that coming , but the Talking Cross may have accelerated the Metaphysics of Aristotle by 2000 years or so. I don't know, but the Talking Cross represents a divine endorsement between the Stoic and the Epicurian in Roman society, the separation of Chruch and State. That was the difference between Rome and the rest of the world at that time. And what Jesus was trying to do was to guide Isreal into the same republican sociology as rome. which, today, is the IDF. Like Josephus, he was going long on Pax Romana. Hebrews 13:17 is the stoic raison d'etre of the Italian Regiment of the Preatorian Guard. They were the Swiss Army soldiers of Roman society in the same way the US Army is the Swiss Army slidiers of We, the People, the Philospher Kings of the American Republic, Every bote counts.
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seanews11 · 22 days
MOL Presents ‘Future City’ Vision at Expo 2025
Mitsui O.S.K. Lines, Ltd. (MOL) President & CEO Takeshi Hashimoto on Wednesday, August 28, offered the media and the public a preview of its exhibit at the Future Society Showcase projects , part of the “Future Life Expo: “Future City” at the 2025 World Exposition (“Expo 2025 Osaka,Kansai, Japan”). In the “Transportation and Mobility” zone of the “Future Society Showcase” pavilion, MOL will…
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stands-pro · 23 days
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Messe Düsseldorf is one of the five most successful trade fair organizers worldwide. Some 30.000 exhibitors present their products to 1.5 million trade visitors at events in Düsseldorf each year. About 50 trade fairs are being held in Düsseldorf, including 23 global leaders in five areas of expertise: machinery, plants and equipment, retail, trade and services, medicine and healthcare, fashion and lifestyle, and leisure. Messe Düsseldorf GmbH is the trade fair company with the highest level of internationalism in capital goods exhibitions. The Düsseldorf Trade Fair grounds provide 249,000 square meters in 17 halls and 43,000 square meters of outdoor space. All this is less than two miles away from the Old Town in one direction and Germany’s third-largest airport in the other. Right in the middle of Germany’s most significant economic area.
Here are the exhibitions that should be organized at Messe Düsseldorf:
Aluminium Dusseldorf
Aluminium is the world’s most significant marketplace for trade and business for the business and the leading applications. The show focuses on mechanical engineering, automotive aerospace, construction packaging, and transport solutions. As the most critical platform for the industry, ALUMINUM will bring together processors, manufacturers, and technology providers throughout the value chain of over 100 nations. 
Medica Dusseldorf
At MEDICA Dusseldorf 2024, a wide range of innovative products and services in medical imaging, laboratory technology, diagnostics, medical informatics, health, physiotherapy/orthopedic technology, and medical hardware will be presented here. An extensive program of world-class forums, conferences, seminars, and other special events will allow you to attend stimulating lectures and discussions with leading experts and politicians, as well as the presentation of new products and awards ceremonies.
ProWein Dusseldorf
This premier wine fair returns, highlighting the latest trends and innovations shaping the wine industry, from vineyard to table. ProWein 2025 will feature an extensive array of the finest wines worldwide, continuing the tradition of excellence seen in last year’s California and New Zealand selections. This year, attendees can delve deeper into the industry with discussions on Chat-GPT integration and the emergence of the AI Sommelier. Explore exquisite food and wine pairings at dedicated lounges and learn from renowned experts in urban gastronomy about new and exciting flavor profiles.
Valve World Expo
The Valve World Expo 2024 is a global exhibition & conference highlighting the most recent innovations in the valve industry. The Valve World Expo Dusseldorf 2024 exposition dates are scheduled for December 3–5, 2024, in Dusseldorf, Germany. It brings together international experts and users of valves and associated goods. The Valve World Expo 2024 Dusseldorf is a great way to discover what’s new in the valve business. In addition to networking with colleagues, attendees can look into new business ventures.
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twiainsurancegroup · 5 months
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cinemapremi · 9 months
Drowning in Disappointment: Aquaman 2 Review and Why It Failed to Make Waves
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So, the curtains have closed on the DC Extended Universe (DCEU), or whatever we'd like to call it – Worlds of DC, SnyderVerse. And the final act is handed to none other than Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom. In a year where DC movies faced some setbacks, this aquatic adventure takes center stage this Christmas. But does it swim or sink? Let's unravel the depths of this cinematic sea. Vin Diesel Faces Serious Sexual Battery Accusations: What You Need to Know Salaar Review: Game of Thrones Vibes? Why ‘Salaar’ is Prabhas’s Blockbuster Return! Salaar vs Dunki Box Office Battle: Salaar’s Massive Opening Day, Is Dunki Left in the Dust?
The Opening Splash
Aquaman (Jason Momoa) returns to catch us up on his life, but the initial promise of a light-hearted tone quickly succumbs to the darker currents of the comic-book universe. Black Manta's vendetta against Aquaman takes center stage, intertwined with an ancient force threatening global destruction. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UGc5Tzz19UY&ab_channel=WarnerBros.Pictures
Momoa's Personal Touch
Momoa's passion for the sequel is evident as he weaves his culture into the storyline, expanding on environmental themes from the first movie. Climate change echoes through the plot, though at times, it feels like a faceless villain's agenda rather than a meaningful exploration.
Choppiness Beneath the Surface
The movie's editing raises questions, with frequent cuts to black, exposition dumps, and repeated dialogues muddying the waters. The rushed pace between action set pieces may leave you craving coherence.
The Cast and the Waves
Despite the challenges, the cast delivers commendable performances. Momoa adds layers to Aquaman, Patrick Wilson's Orm brings laughs, and supporting characters like Topo steal the show. However, Black Manta (Yahya Abdul-Mateen II) feels underutilized, losing the depth he had in the first movie.
A Tale of Two Acts
The initial slog of the movie may leave you questioning its direction, but once past it, the dynamic between Orm and Arthur brings a fun stretch. The buddy-comedy tone, though deviating from the rom-com style of the first movie, provides moments of levity.
Underwater Spectacle or Soggy Sequel?
The visual beauty of Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom extends to vibrant production design, but the rapid-paced action set pieces, especially in 3D, can become a digital blur. The utilization of talent in a CGI-heavy environment might leave you yearning for a more grounded narrative.
The Final Act of an Era
As the last film in the DCEU continuity, Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom bids farewell to a chapter that began in 2013. While not terrible, it lacks the compelling elements to spark a desire for further sequels.
The Lost Kingdom's Shallow Depths
The film, despite its cartoony undersea setting, fails to offer anything particularly thrilling or moving. It efficiently follows the blockbuster formula but falls short in originality and emotional resonance.
A New Dawn for DC
With the cinematic universe getting a reboot, starting with James Gunn's Superman: Legacy in 2025, Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom stands as the final chapter in an era marked by ups and downs.
Public Reviews
https://twitter.com/cpimentelart/status/1738097311312687588 "Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom (2023) offers a simple yet captivating story. Black Manta, seeking revenge, obtains a cursed trident, posing a global threat. Arthur, alongside his half-brother Orm, must save the world. While the plot lacks complexity, the visual spectacle and IMAX 3D action sequences captivate. Director James Wan maintains simplicity, highlighting the bond between half-siblings, enhancing the film's sweetness. However, editing issues are noticeable. Performances impress, with Jason Momoa excelling as Aquaman, Patrick Wilson delivering a stellar performance, and Yahya Abdul Mateen II shining as the formidable antagonist. The IMAX 3D experience enhances the overall appeal of this final DCEU film." https://twitter.com/ThatUmbrella/status/1737867020064976986
"Wow! It's amazing! I recommend watching it in 3D; it's the best 3D movie I've ever seen. Compared to Avatar, Aquaman 2 has more action, giving a mind-blowing 3D experience. The movie is super enjoyable, though a bit predictable, but the characters grow well. Forget Marvel or DC; it's perfect for Christmas holidays, a huge film. James Wan's direction is even better than the first Aquaman. If you want a fun, action-packed 3D movie, this is it. Trust me; you won't regret it. Oh, and the creatures in the movie are a blast, so much fun!" "I don't get why people dislike this movie. I saw it tonight, and I loved it! The visuals and fight scenes were awesome, almost breathtaking. It's super funny too! I laughed throughout the whole movie. I'm planning to see it again in theaters; that's how good it was. I know the first Aquaman didn't click with everyone, but I promise this one will! Do yourself a favor and go watch it; you won't regret it. If you were expecting a movie with deep character development, this isn't it. But if you want a big, action-packed movie that's fun and entertaining for the family, this is perfect! It's so much fun, and the 3D is amazing with fantastic visual effects! Just beautiful to watch! I'm going again this Friday, and trust me; this is the fun action movie you need for the holidays to watch with your family; it's non-stop fun!" https://twitter.com/only_grandma/status/1737920700529217621 Is Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom a standalone film? No, it is the sequel to 2018's Aquaman and serves as the final film in the original DCEU continuity. What sets this Aquaman movie apart visually? The movie retains its predecessor's deep-sea spectacle, showcasing underwater worlds with a level of wonder. Why does Black Manta feel underused in the sequel? Despite the talent of Yahya Abdul-Mateen II, Black Manta's character lacks the depth and interest seen in the first movie. How does Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom contribute to the environmental theme? The sequel expands on environmental aspects, addressing rising temperatures and melting ice caps, albeit in a somewhat convoluted manner. Will there be another Aquaman movie? As of now, there are no plans for a third Aquaman movie, making Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom the conclusion of this underwater saga. In conclusion, while Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom navigates the seas of blockbuster expectations, it struggles to deliver a memorable finale to the DCEU era. The film's mix of vibrant visuals and rushed storytelling leaves audiences with a sense of closure, but not necessarily satisfaction. As DC embarks on a new cinematic journey, it remains to be seen if the reboot can create waves as mighty as its predecessor. https://cinemapremi.com/web-stories/mind-blowing-top-10-movies-of-christopher-nolan/ https://cinemapremi.com/web-stories/15-must-watch-movies-on-netflix-december-2023/ Also checkout: Read the full article
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mthomasapple · 2 years
Testing a flying taxi for Osaka 2025 Expo
An air taxi service set to feature at the 2025 World Exposition in Osaka was tested in Osaka Castle Park on Tuesday, in what the prefectural government says is the first time in the country one of the craft has been piloted from the cockpit. https://japantoday.com/category/tech/japan%27s-1st-piloted-flying-taxi-test-held-ahead-of-2025-world-expo? The “taxi” they tested only fits one person. If…
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petnews2day · 2 years
Cat-loving Osaka mayor ignites fight on allowing pets at 2025 expo | The Asahi Shimbun: Breaking News, Japan News and Analysis
New Post has been published on https://petn.ws/36gZd
Cat-loving Osaka mayor ignites fight on allowing pets at 2025 expo | The Asahi Shimbun: Breaking News, Japan News and Analysis
OSAKA—Feline-friendly Osaka Mayor Ichiro Matsui hopes to make the 2025 Osaka Kansai Expo the first one to allow pets, but a number of hurdles stand in the way. The Japan Association for the 2025 World Exposition, the expo’s organizer, is making adjustments to allow people to enjoy the expo, whose theme is “inochi” (life), with […]
See full article at https://petn.ws/36gZd #CatsNews
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heli0s-writes · 4 years
Cdr giving lil smooches to all her pals when they look like they could use some comfort
Not smooches, but she is good at comforting in her own way :)
Bag of Tricks Masterlist
Bucky’s experienced plenty of things since he’s thawed back into the 21st century. It wasn’t his first choice on how he wanted to spend his life but considering his other options, he might as well take it.
Skyscrapers. Girls in bikinis. Aliens. Whatever. He doesn’t bat an eye anymore.
What really makes him pause is the car that hovers into the compound on Thursday morning. Hill and Fury stepping out dramatically in trench coats like they’re in the goddamn Matrix and he would only know because you spent four months catching him up to speed on pop culture.
A single whirr of the machinery powering down and suddenly it’s like he’s been clobbered back in time to the Stark Exposition.
He can’t help but let out a broken laugh.
1942. Garbed in army olive and next to Steve. A pretty girl in flower-print pulling on his arm. An electromagnetic car on thrusters, sputtering a blue cough before it slammed back onto the ground. He can nearly taste it—the churning humidity of a crowded fairground, the smoke of fritzed wires, the palpable wonder of a big, new world before he was thrust into the big, new world.
From beside him, a familiar scoff pulls him into the present. You turn and peer up, curious expression on your face as to why he’s so enthralled by a simple SUV.
Bucky clears his throat when the nostalgia creeps up to choke his breath, “I- I was just thinkin’ of something. The-- Back in the 40s—Howard Stark was trying out this… flying car.”
He gestures lamely to the parked vehicle. You follow the line of his hand with your eyes before returning to his face, blinking a couple of times.
“Big fuckin’ deal.” And he’s not sure what he was expecting, but he wasn’t expecting that.
“You can buy a human spleen off the dark web in two seconds,” you snort, “You want one? That’s a truer testament to the times more than this dumb vehicle.”
Bucky lets out an uncharacteristically shrill yelp and jerks his hips from your wiggling fingers when you make a grab for his phone. He doesn’t know if you’re acting like this on purpose—sometimes you’re more observant than you let on.
“Suit yourself.” Then, with a tug, you yank him towards the vehicle, “But since you’re feeling sentimental… wanna take it for a ride?”
It’s not like he has much of a choice with how you’re dragging him, fingers unyieldingly tight around his wrist.
Bucky laughs. A real one, this time.
2025. He’s in all black neoprene next to you, similarly dressed, pulling him by the arm towards a flying car. Your heavy boots scuff up the pavement with how firmly you’re stepping, and Bucky’s being towed along like a rag doll.
You’re across the center console before his passenger door is fully shut, hand reaching over and back to buckle him in. The engine hums to life, alarms blaring briefly before your fist punches them quiet. 
A whoop and a holler. Nick Fury’s radio cranked up to 100. The car wobbles unsteadily before it takes off, Bucky clinging on to dear-fucking-life.
No, it wasn’t his first choice on how he wanted to spend his life, but as you turn to grin at him from the driver’s side, Bucky can’t help thinking that he’s damn glad to have it.
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ikimononigiwai · 3 years
Environmental Impact Assessment for 2025 Japan World Exposition
The Draft Environmental Impact Assessment for the 2025 Japan World Exposition has been released and is accepting written comments until November 15. After reading the contents, I was dismayed by its shoddiness. The gist of my opinion is as follows.
As an international exposition, a long-term natural regeneration plan for Yumeshima and the Bay Area should be set forth. The goal should not be to reduce the impact on the environment, but to show in concrete terms how the expo's goal of "a future society where life shines" will deal with biodiversity. It should clearly state what will be done to increase the biodiversity of Yumeshima even more than it already is. In addition, it should
1. Impacts on plants, animals, and ecosystems should be quantitatively assessed
2. measures to avoid or reduce environmental impacts should be clearly stated.
3. Multiple proposals for avoiding and reducing environmental impacts should be presented and compared.
4. A consultative committee including the government, citizens and experts should be established to build consensus on mitigation of environmental impacts as the site plan progresses.
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nippon-com · 4 years
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Designer Shimada Tamotsu’s unique logo for the 2025 World Exposition to be held in Osaka. Resembling an organism made up of loosely connected red cells, it expresses the brilliance of life, with the five “eyes” being a nod to the five cherry blossom petals from the logo for the 1970 Osaka Expo.
It Came from Osaka! Expo 2025 Gets Unique Logo
Photo by Kyōdō
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