Me: *casually listening to this song*
The lyrics:
Truth, dare, spin bottles,
You know how to ball, I know Aristotle,
Brand new, full throttle,
Touch me while your bros play Grand Theft Auto.
It's true, swear, scouts honor,
You know what you wanted and boy, you got her,
Brand new, full throttle,
You already know babe...
My mind:
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aomine-ryo · 9 months
ik this blog practically revolves around me being a simp for aomine but even a mention of kise ryouta’s name gets me weak in the knees
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tetsunabouquet · 2 months
Hi! Could you do a nsfw scenario for Nash and Hanamiya in which they're bullying the girl that they like?
(18+ And with the slight increase of young, new KNB fans: If I catch you making NSFW requests to me I will be deleting the asks. A firm reminder to everyone that I don't write that kind of stuff for minors. I'm not named Colleen nor do I have a ukelele.)
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He grinned widely as he caught you doing something you shouldn't be doing. Now as a member of the Disciplinary Comittee, he couldn't just ignore you stealing a can of Coke from the vending machine. Even if you had forgotten your lunch money and looked like you were about to faint. If aything, he could use that to his advantage. "Now, now, y/n-san, aren't you a bad girl?" You froze at his voice and desperately started to shake your head. "Please Hanamiya-san. Forget you saw me." Hanamiya chuckled darkly, you just had to offer yourself on a plate, didn't you? "I could do that but honestly, I don't want to have this school turn into a breeding ground of disobedient little bitches." You flushed as those words sent a strange tingle down your spine. "I'm not a disobedient little bitch." You uttered the words with a shame you didn't quite understand. Hanamiya laughed as a reponse, and the poisonous edge to it brought tears to your eyes. "Oh really? I think a thief would qualify for being a disobedient little bitch. You're worse then that actually. You should be happy I gave you that compliment." Your lips were wobbling at the insults, and a tear rolled down your cheek. "I'm sorry." You apologized as you trembled and it was honestly making Hanamiya rather hard. "You know, I could see past this if you could be so good to help me with something." Your eyed widened and you nodded. "Of course. You know I didn't mean to do something bad." You said before you once more looked at your shoes at the sight of his intense gaze. Hanamiya's lips curled, and he unbuckled his belt as you gulped. "Be sweet and put that mouth of yours to use already." You fell on your knees, because it's not like you had any other choice and so you licked at his throbbing cock like the good girl you promised you were. You couldn't tell wether it was his cum or your tears that left such a salty taste but you swallowed it all up just the same.
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College life was far less interesting as people had made it seem, so he tried finding some new hobbies outside of sports. Which is how he met you. The students who were following art or music programs would typically gather in one corner of the campus when they had no classes and they would all make art with everyone uplifting each other. The photography and film students would film the musicians for their YouTube pages and make photos of the paintings made under the bright L.A sky. They would allow people curious to sit with them and there always seemed to be someone willing to teach someone a few basic skills if they seemed interested. As a photography student, you always were springing about taking pictures of everything but honestly, Nash just wanted you to snap a picture of his dick and burn in into your memory and memory card alike. Which is why, when he got to corner you all alone, he took your camera away from you. "Hey, give that back!" "What? You think you look threatening to me shortie? I would tell you that you look like you punch as a girl, but you are one already." Your jaw dropped open as you saw him going through your photos. "Are you really studying photography? These look like dogshit," Nash commented and you felt rightfully defensive at the way he sneered at your pictures. "I am! You don't need to be such an asshole because it's not up to your taste." You scoffed. "First of all, don't you think you should be talking less shit when I have your camera? Secondly, I would like to know what you think qualifies as taste and how do you even know mine?" This man left you speechless and you tried to grasp at things to say but the words died on your tongue, tears slowly forming. "You know what, I'll give it back to you. But I do require a picture from you, and one of better quality then this garbage you snap." Your eyes immediately narrowed, sensing the direction of this conversation. "I am not allowing you to snap a nude of me." Nash once more curled his lip into a sneer as he said, "I'm not going to be the one taking any picture of you. Why would I want your ugly face and sullen expression? Didn't you teach me that it's better to capture something in the heat of the moment?" You did tell him something along those lines in an earlier conversation and he once more managed to silence you with the way he was analyzing your every move. You honestly were shaking from anxiety as his imposing figure loomed before you. "So how about you take a selfie when you're riding my dick." His free hand grabbed your ass and as your lashes fluttered from confusion and fear he planted the most sensual kiss on your lips, his tongue licking and teasing at your bottom lip in a way that made you lean forwards and press your body against his. There was no way of denying Nash what he wanted, and finally he would have you and that dirty picture.
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evelhak · 4 months
[requests closed]
Okay, my KnB mutuals, friends and strangers alike, the day has come.
I'll tag some people off the top of my head, because then I don't get to secretly wish no one saw this, so I would be off the hook. @lylakoi @vespersposts @active-mind-15 @ni-kol-koru @misfitmiska @myndless88 @kurokonobrainrot @japeneselunchtimerush @shutokushintaro @kucho04 @deargravity @raspberrylix
Whether you're tagged or not is actually inconsequential for the rest of the post.
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I never thought of doing events for hitting any follower count, EXCEPT I told myself a long time ago that
once I have 1111 followers (only because I will realistically never have 11 111) I will do something stupid in the spirit of this string of numbers.
In other words
✨I welcome you all to torture me✨
(if you want.)
Now is your chance to ask someone to do anything you want.
To write any fic, draw any fan art, or create any other type of fan content you want (edits and AMVs count too, in fact, if you tell me to bake a cake or knit a scarf with your idea, I will do it) and you may be as mean about it as you wish. Complete disregard for my feelings is encouraged.
I'm not saying you have to be intentionally sadistic about it, that's not the point, the point is that you get to do what you please, whether it makes me suffer or not.
Do you have an idea you wanted to make but didn't dare because you feared fandom hate? I'll take the hit.
Want me to write about a ship I love cheating on each other? I'll do it.
Want me to draw a ship I hate, doing something shippy? Name the ship.
Is there an AU you want to see? There's a good chance I will squirm through it, but squirm I shall.
Have a particularly gross headcanon you've wanted to see but didn't dare to make it?
You get the idea.
(Of course, how much you know about my likes and dislikes depends on how long you've known me, but since the point isn't really to ask me to do what I hate, it's for you to get the total freedom of not caring about the preferences of the person you're requesting something from, don't get hung up on that.)
For this one time, and one time only, I am your daredevil, I am your genie in the bottle.
Your rules are simple:
if you want, ask me to create anything you wish, give me your most selfish or egotistical KnB desire
you can be as vague or as detailed as you want
don't go easy on me, don't tone it down because you want to spare me
if you're wondering if you can request something the answer is yes
however if your most selfish desire is a sketch of some characters on a picnic then that is exactly right, you don't need to shock anyone on purpose, you can ask for anything that is true to you
My rules are:
I am not allowed to complete a request I hate in the easiest way I can imagine, my goal is to transform that hate into love
I must approach everyone's ships and headcanons and visions as seriously and with as much love as I would my own
the only occasion I will not do something is if it significantly impacts my mental health for the worse
My brain is ridiculously one track, and super attached to my own headcanons, my one vision for everything, so believe me when I say this could easily get hard for me. That's the point. Obviously I'm doing this for shits and giggles, but the underlying drive is also to give myself some tough love and Spartan treatment, for character building. Let's smash my One True Headcanon brain (for a moment, before I go right back to my preferences, hopefully taking something valuable and more permanent with me from the experience).
I will keep this open for three days. If I get too many requests, I will draw five out of a hat, or something. : D I'll finish them during 2024.
Like I said, I didn't tag anyone on purpose or leave anyone out on purpose so no matter how you pass by this post you're free to do as you please with it or ignore it, obviously. Anons are also fine, by the way.
(If you feel like inviting more chances for me to potentially cry, reblogging is fine too.)
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readreactrant · 1 month
Literally just noticed something crazy and maybe it's because I rewatched KnB a while ago and now I'm finally able to play Bllk PWC but it's kind of wild...
How on one hand we have Kise; he's a popular, he's got the looks, money and opportunities people would kill for and in addition to that he's an all rounder who's capable of replicating anyone's moves. Everyone hyped this up, and I'm pretty sure next to Kagami or Kagami he was one of the fan favourites.
And on the other hand, that's almost practically the same mind you, we have Mikage Reo who also has all these qualities but because he's not selfish and he unashamedly devotes himself to chasing a dream with Nagi (the deuteragonist), as they refuse to fully conform to blue Lock's standards, so many people like to see him as weak and holding Nagi back but that's really not case.
These characters are practically of the same mold but maybe it's cuz I wasn't in fandom at the height of Knb, but the thing is that I've never seen Kise hate but as a bllk fan almost every month is having to watch so many many people mischaracterize or undercut Reo's importance to Nagi because they're not following the script of staying apart to grow.
For Kise and Kuroko's story, it was probably best they stayed apart, it's not like Kise didn't make an attempt to pull Kuroko back in his orbit but it serves the plot that they find their own paths and Kise learn to acknowledge others and see them worthy of respect.
Reo's spent his whole life acknowledging people, spent his life confirming to the ideals his parents and the society he grew up set for him. For him Soccer and meeting Nagi are two things so intrinsically entwined especially since they stemmed from the one thing he wants to earn for himself. So obviously Nagi's just as big a part of his story as he is to Nagi's.
I feel I kind of lost the plot at some point but what I'm really trying to say is that Reo hate and trying to push a terrible interpretation of him is basically low IQ behavior. Everyone in Blue Lock is fucking emotional and crazy to some degree so him been icy in that one arc to Nagi is actually nothing crazy. Teaming back up with Nagi in NEL was a questionable at best but at this point it's clear they're dedicated on being a package deal no matter how many L's they might take along the way (which lol love that for them, couple goals).
And most especially him (or Nagi) refusing to give up on working together isn't stupid, for all the ego and selfish talk some haters seem to speed they're blind to seeing this duo's conviction to being the Isagi adjacent is their own version of Ego. An Ego that relies on their shared dream.
That's all from me, this probably seemed like a shipping post towards the end but hey, I am their number one fan (referring to ngro here). I love Kise too but in KnB I think I'd have to say Tetsuya is my favorite. Hope I made some Reo lovers happy and some Reo haters mad, I'll be back to edit when I don't have to retake a test in the morning ( ◜‿◝ )♡ I've gotten a couple Asks about ngro dynamics so I'll probably be tackling those next, see ya <333
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crehador · 2 months
Can I ask, if you have top favorite romantic couples (can be canon or non canon) of all time from any media? Why love them? Thx :D
this is such a fun thing to think about but my brain of course is just going "ichisama ichisama ichisama" nonstop, but now i will sit down and properly try to think of a top five (like the top 10 characters ask, i'll limit this to animanga and possibly group some together; i'm also limiting myself to ONLY icsm from hpmi, or this whole list would be hpmi lmao)
1. in first place of course it is ICHISAMA FOR LIFE
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using this image yet again because well it's right there in my pinned and very convenient
i am a sucker for the dumb of ass kind of heart one falling for the bad boy with a heart of gold one, ESPECIALLY when they have the friends to enemies to lovers arc that ichisama does (ok the to lovers part is obviously hc only but hoo boy it is a strong hc)
what can i say about them really besides that i am writing a fic a day for them every day this year. i think that. says it all lol
2. gotta be koyanagi/kabakura wotakoi AND kashima/hori gsnk
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while i'm not saying they are identical ships they definitely fall into the same bucket for me, and boy oh boy do i love that bucket
kashima and hori make me belligerently delighted, and koyanagi and kabakura make me a special sort of feral that i don't even know how to start in on
i really like narumi and hirotaka from wotakoi too, but there's something about koyanagi and kabakura that gets to me way more. the geek4geek dynamic is just impeccable with all four of them but the
koyanagi/kabakura wedding just gave me a special sort of glee. i just don't think there's a single thing i don't love to pieces about them, their backstory ova only makes them better
3. saaaaaaya and yuusuke from neon sign amber (aka aokise knb)
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obligatory shoutout to the boys of my FAVORITE BL OF ALL TIME ok so like as far as bl goes neon sign amber is really not the most unique thing, i would say. but that's what makes it so perfect to me
i feel like a lot of outstanding bl are great in ways that are 'atypical' for bl, like how saezuru is bl, sure, but also comes with a genuinely gripping gritty yakuza plot. and many others that are highly praised tend to be praised by people going "oh this is good because it's not like TYPICAL bl" which i have feelings about but let's not get into that here
neon sign amber is my favorite because it is very much a typical bl, it has a lot of the typical tropes (guy who's been historically straight but is "gay for you" for example)
i don't necessarily love any of those tropes, but i adore what neon sign amber does with them. it is practically a cookie cutter bl, but its characters (despite existing for only one volume of a manga) live in my heart forever. it takes that "gay for you" trope and doesn't gloss over the problems that could arise in a relationship like that, instead actually addressing them in a way i found satisfying
saya especially is one of my guys of all time, and given that they're kind of obviously aokise i'm lumping them in here too. mwah
4. idolish7 YUKIMOMO MY BELOVEDS (e banri)
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thought about this one a lot because i feel like i normally like them in a... normal way, so do they really make the top five? but honestly i think they do
i love their stage gay married act and i love to think that's very much rooted in a foundation of they are actually fucking in love with each other. but just that would've made them a cute but not too memorable ship to me
THEIR BACKSTORY THOUGH. MY GOD. first of all baby momo looks literally just like tdd ichiro which is a. a lot. for me. lmao but anyway setting that aside
momo discovering revale at such a pivotal time in his life, being saved by them, becoming their fans, and then being the one to replace banri after THAT happened??? and then five years later feeling like he's running out of time with yuki and ad;slkfja;lkdsfj
i'm becoming incoherent just thinking about it. anyway i guess this is kind of an ot3 for me though i like it in very much a "we are a couple and we are, as a couple, dating banri" sort of thing (not because they wouldn't ever see banri as an equal partner but because imo banri has better things to do than get too involved in that lol)
5. this last one... is so tough... i think i'm giving it to VARIOUS RELATIONSHIPS IN TOKYO GHOUL
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ok this is absolutely cheating and ultimately i think what i would have to say is kaneki and hide because like. eat my face to survive is peak romance to me, sorry. as if it's my fault
HOWEVER there are just so many relationships in tokyo ghoul that i'm absolutely obsessed with. amon/akira and nishio/kimi especially!! amon and akira are so so so delightful to me, in a way similar to roy and riza fma, and nishio and kimi are just. i mean. again. eat me to survive. peak romance
(and i swear i'm not a nishio stan because of voice actor bias, i have not watched tokyo ghoul yet because i have been repeatedly and sternly warned away from it... nishio is one of my manga favorites even without the asnm factor, but good fucking lord does the asnm factor tempt me to watch)
the writing in tokyo ghoul is genuinely just so good to me. the main plot is fantastic but what really makes it is the relationships between characters, both romantic and not
(also a fan of the one-sided tsukiyama/kaneki thing going on but strictly as a one-sided thing lol, tsukiyama get wrecked (said with affection))
so i think that is. more or less where my top five would be. though it's like. it's hard. and probably always changing. those are the first beloved ones to come to my though so they will go in this post and i will smack myself in the forehead and be like "I CAN'T BELIEVE I FORGOT ______" as soon as i go to sleep probably
thank you for the ask!
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Hey sweetheart *slides cheesecake* could you please make headcanons of Aone, Futakuchi, Koganegawa with Author Novelists S/O with Crime Fiction Genre? (Like Sherlock Holmes)
Aone Takanobu, Futakuchi Kenji and Koganegawa Kanji with Crime Fiction Novelists S/O
A/N: Oooh Cheesecake! Thank you, Anon for giving me a Cheesecake! You know me so well that I love Cheesecake (>.>). Also, I bet you read my KNB headcanons with Novelist S/O. I'm glad you enjoy it and requesting me and I hope you like the final result.
warning: Profanity from Futakuchi and Kyoutani.
gender: neutral
Aone Takanobu - Date Tech
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I know it's not canon that Aone is a book lover but hear me out. I think he is low-key and enjoys reading books but not in the heavier genre as he prefers something light like teen fiction, Slice of life romance, comedy, or any lighter novel books.
He is actually really proud of you that he has an Author S/O who is very creative and has a gut to create some heavier genre of fiction despite his not really being a big fan of it.
He wouldn't tell you directly that he is proud of having such a successful Author S/O but damn he is really obvious about it because he would buy a bunch of flowers for you.
If you don't really like Flowers, he would definitely give you something you like and prefer (Probably like your favourite brand of chocolate, plushies, etc.)
Blushes red if someone mentions that he's lucky for having such a creative, great, successful and amazing S/O who can write amazing books.
Sometimes would help you with writing but not in the part where there's a crime scene. He would be helping you more with grammatical errors, spelling, vocabulary and such.
I am going, to be honest with you and I'm sorry about it. I don't think he would help you with giving ideas because I believe stories that have heavy topics can make him uncomfortable so he would just gonna watch you work.
Overall, Aone is very supportive and sweet despite you are writing a really heavy theme book. If you are tired, he would definitely prepare a cup of tea or coffee for you to relax.
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The screen of the computer was bright despite the room being illuminated by darkness with a small source of light from the lamp on top of your table. (Y/N) (L/N), one of the most successful authors in Japan for writing crime fiction with a great plot twist and depth story that could make anyone get excited when solving the mystery.
Their/ Her/His hair was unkempt, tangled, and reeked of sweat even though you didn't go out a lot. Underneath your eyes, there were eye bags that were quite large and this pitiful form of yours was clearly because you had not rested. (Y/N) did not want a book with just a basic ending, no. You wanted more than just a book with a generic ending as readers could expect it and you wanted a surprise element inside of the book. Hence, as a result of trying to come up with any great ideas, you had not gotten any rest.
From behind the door that was moving ajar slightly, a pair of eyes staring at you but despite it seems it has no emotion in his eyes, the male was worried about your current condition. The male was standing there in silence and his large calloused hands pushing the door away whereas the other hand are holding a cup of your favorite hot beverage.
Hearing the sound of the door creaking, both of your eyes shifted immediately and glancing at your partner. Despite his intimidating stare, you know that is just your boyfriend resting face and you couldn't help but smile seeing Aone being so caring.
Aone carefully places the cup on top of the table without spilling any drops, "Awww, did you make this for me? Thank you so much, baby," (y/n) coos, teasing the taller male lightly whose cheeks turning red after he heard those words escapes from your mouth and it did not escape from the certain (E/C) eye colour as Aone facing away, trying to hide his embarrassment. "You're.....welcome" You almost couldn't hear him.
However, it did not last long because the giant middle blocker noticed that your skin was getting paler than before and both of your eyes were bloodshot from staring at the computer screen for more than an hour. The shadow cast upon his gaze as his pupil shited to you, making the poor (Y/N) shrink in fear seeing his silent glare. "Why are you looking at me like that?" You ask.
"...Rest, or you will get sick. You can write later," he simply says.
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Futakuchi Kenji - Date Tech
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I am sorry but I don't think he is the type that reads novel books and he prefers Comic books to Novels. Even if he reads novels, he would get bored easily and only read novels that have little pages instead of thick ones.
But that doesn't mean he wouldn't be supportive. He would help you but in his own way and can be a little bit of a prick instead of being gentlemanly like Aone.
Despite that he sometimes can be a little bit of a jerk and tease you, he doesn't mind helping you by giving some kind of ideas when you're writing a crime scene for your novel.
Would help you with your grammar, pronunciation and good ideas to be inserted in your story but also would throw snarky remarks here and there just for shit and giggles.
Of course, you're not gonna just stand there and let him bully you like an idiot. There would be a time you would flick his forehead or flip a bird to him, easing an 'OI!' from him.
He doesn't admit it but he is super proud that he has an amazing author s/o which are you, especially your speciality in making mystery and crime fiction.
Definitely bragging about you to his friends and rubbing it in their faces when you are not around, "(Y/N) is more creative than you, she/he/they can create a better story than you."
Oh? You're one of the most successful authors? Yeah, he would definitely be getting even cockier and rubbing it at everyone's faces, especially to Kamasaki even if he was older than him.
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A guy with a pair of brown eyes glances at the screen from the phone, seeing the particular person with (H/C) hair colour and (E/C) eye colour. Standing on top of the stage with bright smiles across their/her/his face. In their hand, there is a golden achievement with their/his/her name printed on the bottom on the bottom of the trophy.
Seeing (Y/N) standing there with a proud smile on their face made the certain captain of Date Tech's heart swells with happiness. He was proud that his S/O got the goal they/she/he had desired, it was their/her/his dream to become one of the most recognized authors in the country and you had gotten that goal.
It was no mistake that it needs a lot of hard work and every step feels like a thorn prickling on the skin of your feet. The news did not only reach his eyes but also reached his ex-teams from the volleyball. It was proven as his phone rang out of nowhere and he picks the phone up.
"No need to shout and yes. My wife/husband got the award of the best author," You could see his smug smile despite he was on the call and no one sees it. "THAT'S SO AWESOME! EVERYONE IN THE TEAM NEEDS TO KNOW!" and the voice line just cut off like that. But the silence did not last long enough until his chat was bombarded with everyone's chat. Including Aone who only gave the emoticon of a trophy, a smiling face, an arrow and a guy/girl which can be translated as 'Congrats for your S/O.' It was not only the middle blocker, but everyone who used to be a volleyball player in the Date-Tech asking poor Futakuchi.
Especially Kamasaki, "OI, FUTAKUCHI. IS IT TRUE THAT YOUR S/O JUST GOT AN AWARD! WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL EVERYONE! YOU SHOULD'VE TOLD US!" Despite it being just a text, Futakuchi could imagine the sandy blonde third-year player yelling at him before he texted back.
"Why? It's not that important for guys like you to know how great my wife/husband is," he texted back before pressing his thumb down on the send button, the corner of his lips tugged upwards after sending that little mischievous text to his ex-team mate.
Yeah, we cannot forget how much of a salt he is after the salt tower from Karasuno.
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Koganegawa Kanji - Date Tech
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Another one, I don't think Koganegawa is the type that likes to read Novels and prefers Comic books because he thinks Novels are much more boring and hard to understand.
Koganegawa definitely doesn't even understand the word that you typed inside of your book when you need his opinion on certain things.
He's just gonna give you a big bright smile and a thumbs up, loudly shouting 'YOU'RE DOING GREAT, (Y/N)-CHAN!" after reading the book and not understanding anything inside of it.
I am very sorry, but I don't think he's smart as Futakuchi so he couldn't help much in helping you write down a story or helping you with grammar, pronunciation, and ideas.
He does try his best tho to support you in your writing career, even tho it's not as helpful as Aone. As an Extrovert, he had tons of friends so he would try to promote your book to his friends.
He also brags about you being a successful crime fiction author to his friends but without throwing snarky comments or being arrogant like Futakuchi.
"LOOK, GUYS!! MY S/O JUST MADE THIS BOOK! ISN'T THIS GREAT?! YOU SHOULD READ THIS BOOK GUYS!" without realizing that he was being too loud.
Also would definitely watch if your book got adapted into a movie even though he ended up not understanding the plot of the story, just thinking it was cool when there is a fighting scene.
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Sweat trickled down from the scalp of his head and a pair of dark brown eyes with small dilated pupils saw the screen of the phone. Watching his s/o steps going up to the stage before they/she/he was given a trophy of an award for becoming the best crime fiction author.
His smile was large and his eyes were twinkling brightly as if there were stars in them. Seeing Koganegawa excited causes the other teammate of Sendai frogs to look at the certain blonde with a dark brown tuft in wonder. Thinking 'What made Koganegawa so happy?' and 'Why he is so excited? We haven't had our play with the other team, yet.' across their minds.
"..Oi, Angry bird. Why the fuck you're smiling like an idiot?" The man that looks like a tennis ball asks Koganegawa.
"Hmm? Oh, Hey Senpai! I'm smiling because my girlfriend/boyfriend got the award as one of the best authors!" Koganegawa ignored Kyoutani's insult.
"...Who's your girlfriend/boyfriend?" The ex-middle blocker of Karasuno asks.
"TSUKKI!! IT'S (Y/N) (L/N)-SAN! SHE/HE/THEY ARE THE BEST AUTHOR IN THIS COUNTRY! YOU SHOULD READ HER/HIS/THEIR STORY!" Koganegawa shoves the screen of his phone in front of Tsukishima's face who immediately flinch since Koganegawa just got up to his personal space without thinking twice.
Kogane's voice did not only make Tsukishima and Kyoutani flinch because of the volume of his voice but it also attract other people who were also inside the room. "So...what kind of story that they made?" Tsukishiam raised his eyebrows in confusion. "I don't know...all I know is that her/his/their book was adapted into a movie and it has many cool scenes! Especially all of the fighting scenes!" Kogane states proudly about your book. Koganegawa's answer, of course, made the ex-middle blocker of the Karasuno raised his eyebrows and tilted his head a little bit in confusion whereas Kyoutani just scoffs and walks away from the scene. "O-oi! I'm not finished! She/he/they made that popular book with (Title name)! You should see it, Kyoutani Senpai!" Koganegawa yells, trying to tell him one of your most popular fiction.
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raspberrylix · 5 months
manga spoilers
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could legit react to every panel on here, im loving near every single moment in this acr (and the ones that I don't, i can talk a lot about it as well), that just how deranged I am when it comes to this silly little manga
there's a more personal reason to that as well, but when I'm done reading, haikyuu won't die, which feels obvious but not for my inner teen. or more like current me. like I've been more or less active fan for around 7 years. That's a long ass time, a third of my whole life. yet I probably would not have reacted this way if I was reading it in summer
but that's just another reason why I hold this series so dear to my heart. yeah, once I'm done reading this, I'll move on to knb and then check in once in the while, maybe freak out when movie(s) will be out and that's it, new interests, new stories to follow, but unlike literally anything else, this will seem to stay in my life forever
and you'd think that this is just silly. it's just another sports shōnen that somehow got more popular than others and again, it's not even a sport that I like. but somehow, it stuck its roots so damn well
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queenharumiura · 6 months
💚 + TYL male Tsuna
Who do you ship my muse with? Send me 💚 + a character name and I’ll give my thoughts on that ship! ||Accepting|| @signorinavongola
Oh? TYL Male Tsuna? Can’t say I was expecting that one, kekek Well well well, readmore time! I have many thoughts about this.
Let’s see… so I think most people who have ever talked to me at length will know how I feel about Tsuna x Haru, and know that I am not very partial to it. I am not a big fan of it, but it isn’t to the point that it’s a NOTP or anything. I’m fine with people shipping it or liking it, but it’s not exactly a ship that I enjoy on the regular.
IF I am to enjoy the ship, it probably has to be done under certain circumstances, or I simply will not tolerate it. As a person who has liked a person for years but he seemed to only pay attention to other girls and outright like one of her best friends—I feel Haru. It hurts a lot, it also damages your self-confidence and self-esteem. It really sucks, and the last chapter does show that she knows that Tsuna doesn’t actually pay attention to her.
She confronted him about it. I, Neo, will NEVER get over “Did you eat Yakisoba before coming, Haru? Your lips are shiny.”
YAKISOBA. YAKIBSOBA!? BOOOIIIIIIIIIIIIII THE WAY MY ANGER AND VIOLENT URGES SKYROCKETED WHEN I READ THAT. Haru did good to get in his face like ‘It’s my lip gloss that I’ve been using for a while! Pay more attention to me!’
That’s right. You tell him. Either pay attention to her or actually sit her down and tell her that you don’t see her that way and that you’ll never see her that way. Actually reject her so that she can move on and not believe on that minute chance that if she keeps trying he’ll look her way one day. I’m getting mad again.
Like, the way that Haru would do things like visiting Tsuna dressed up in silly costumes and he’d rebuke such a silly thing but you find out Kyoko is also there? She thought it’d be funny? Suddenly his tune changes, like wow what a great idea. Thanks for doing it. Honestly, it was a ‘just say that Kyoko is going and he’ll say he’ll go’ or ‘Kyoko thought it was a good idea’ and then he’ll agree and say that it is.
From Haru’s standpoint, that really sucks to have any effort of yours only be validated because of Kyoko’s involvement. Haru does have an odd way of seeing things and she’s a bit of a troll gremlin. She just loves to do silly things. People are suffering with their homework, why not take a break and have a heat endurance competition for fun? If I recall, Tsuna was like ‘what kind of monster would think of such a thing?’ Haru coming out like QuQ I’m not a monster—not gonna lie- fair. I get irrationally mad when I get hot and start sweating so yeah. You’re not wrong for that Tsuna LOL [I’m not a blind Haru stan that will forgive everything she does lol]
I’ve only said this to a handful of people, but it’s my theory that Kyoko and Haru both are to serve as different kinds of foil for Tsuna that you often see in Shonen series. There is the crush that the main character likes who will either secretly also like him back OOOOOR will come to like him as the series progresses. That is Kyoko’s role in the series. Then in many shonen, you’ll also have that one girl who likes the main character and will seemingly not fall out of love even though there are so many choices around her? Hinata steadfastly liking Naruto only (lucky her, she marries him in the end. Good on ya, girl!). Momoi having a crush on Tetsuya (yes, KNB). Boa Hancock who is just smitten with Luffy even though he doesn’t really notice her like that. Could’ve made the case with Juvia and Gray for a while (Fairy Tail). It’s been a while I forget if they were canon at the end of the series. I know Gajeel and Levy were canon! That was the pairing I needed in my life.
Basically, it’s a thing. That’s basically Haru. It’s like Haru’s role is to be the girl who just loves Tsuna and even though there are so many guys around her who are just as great (if not better) she’s still only locked onto Tsuna. Haru and Kyoko are the foils that are to tell the readers thus: You may be a loser but if you work hard and be a good guy, your crush will eventually look at you. OR You may be a loser, but there is probably a girl who will like you anyways for who you are. Last chapter of KHR is actually criminal. Haru finally confronts him about how he doesn’t pay attention to her and then he blushes like ‘I am paying attention’ and then Reborn and Bianchi stand there like oh look he’s blushing. These two consistently keep dropping hints that Haru and Tsuna are a good pair and they make me want to punch a wall.
Cease and desist. I hate it here. Reborn did add the fact that Haru was getting popular with guys as of late and it’s because she’s cute. Reborn gets a pass for that added commentary. He isn’t on my shit list for that. Amano committed a crime against me by having Tsuna save Haru again and making Haru fall for Tsuna even harder. I’ll literally NEVER FORGIVE HER FOR THIS. You gave me hope that Haru can finally escape the one-sided love, and you do this??? 왜? POR QUE? WHY? なぜ? Perché? I’m not exactly sure what Amano’s goal was with the last chapter, but if she’s trying to hint that he will actually start paying attention to her and like her—I’ve mixed feelings. If she’s implying that he won’t ever really make his choice and it’ll be almost like an harem kind of thing? I’ll sooner pair Haru and Kyoko together before I accept this. I do think that Tsuna was supposed to be paired with Kyoko though, it did seem hinted in the TYL arc. If so, I’m sure they’d make a lovely pair.
Let. Haru. Be. FREE!!!!!!!! Haru, please, you have OPTIONS. Look at all the guys around you, they’re great. Look at them. PLEASE.
Now, I’ll also say that Haru isn’t without fault either. She’s incredibly stubborn, and she probably was being very optimistic in her idea that if she keeps trying, he’ll eventually look at her and come to like her too. One day she’ll come out from being the shadow woman and actually be with him. She also comes off really strong, and it’s burdensome to push your feelings onto someone. I’ll admit that she’s wrong for that. It’s not a good behavior. I can see why he lowkey pushes her away sometimes. I can see why he feels exasperated around her. I won’t blame him for that because I get it.
Before I move on, let me talk to you about something that absolutely breaks me and I want others to feel sad too. Haru Character song broke me the day I actually read translation. Haru really was like I’m okay with being the shadow woman because she loves him. I will cause multiple counts of aggravated assault on a pillow.
Because I’m upset about it, here are a few memorable quotes from the song “Kita no Dangerous”
I love you, Tsuna-san When I'm awake, when I'm sleeping To think that this heart will break It's a very horror everyday
"Aa~ I don't care if I am only a shadow woman I'll follow you wherever Because because Haru loves you, Tsuna-san
But our school is different It's a very lonely everyday Even if you take advantage on this love weakness I want you to rely on it on trouble times
GIRL. Where is your self-love. Your self-worth? EXCUSE ME? You’re okay if you’re only a shadow woman because you love him? You’ll follow him because you love him? It’s okay if he takes advantage of your love? HAH!?!!?!?!?!
There is a reason why I am not a fan of this ship. Look at what this love has done to my girl. THIS! IS. WHY. I. WRITE. HARU. OLDER. I don’t want to write her as she’s still in love. I don’t want to write her when she’s in a one-sided love lying to herself that it’s okay if she’s a shadow woman. Kill me, actually.
[Does this mean you don’t think Tsuna and Haru would make a good couple?]
LOLOLOL I didn’t say that. Despite how it sounds, I don’t think they’d make a bad couple. I just think it would require a LOT of work.
I have a lot of random thoughts here and there but I won’t go into that. I will instead focus on what circumstances need to happen for me to accept a Tsuna x Haru ship. I will literally not accept a suddenly Tsuna decided he liked Haru back one day and they just instantly became a ship. NAH. After all the suffering she’s been through? All the times her efforts weren’t appreciated or went ignored? I won’t tolerate that for a second. As long as Haru is my muse, if Tsuna ever came up to her randomly and say that he liked her back, she’ll believe that she’s being lied to. Something happened. The first two things she’ll ask is: Is this a joke? Or ‘Did you finally confess to Kyoko-chan and she rejected you? Is that why you like me now?’ Haru has no chill sometimes, and I love her for it.
Like sure, I’m sure if he was like I’m not kidding, she would probably believe him and probably be okay with it—but I’M NOT. This is the one thing that I will fight Haru on. She may say okay but I’ll say no. After everything she’s been through? I’m not having such an anticlimactic ‘oh, you actually like me? Okay! Great!’ NAAHHHHHHH We’re not having that.
As we all know, I default Haru to being 18 and that she’s already gotten over Tsuna. The only way I’d accept Tsuna and Haru being a thing is after she stopped liking him, he for whatever reason decided/realized that he liked her. Then it’s his turn to try to court Haru. It probably won’t be that easy considering she gave up on her feelings for him, and that likely didn’t come without significant thought and emotionally sorting through her feelings. If Tsuna was willing to actually court her and try to get her to love him again while also understanding the fact that she’d been hurt for a long time because of him- I can agree to the ship. I’m not about to have Haru be the only one who got hurt in this ordeal.
You can suffer a little bit too, Tsuna. That’s the bitter Haru-mun talking.
Phew, now for the part you actually came here to ask for lol.
Tsuna spent a lot of his childhood being a dame-Tsuna. Even his mother would talk down on him sometimes, but Nana has also said herself that she didn’t need Tsuna to be special or amazing. She just wanted him to be happy. Knowing that he didn’t have many friends growing up, his sociability is a bit lacking. He needs time to really come to understand how to really interact with people and we do see him struggling with that throughout the series, but he learns! Quickly, at that.
Tsuna can also be a bit on the timid side, someone who can be a bit indecisive, but when it’s important, and the stakes are high, he’s able to make decisions based off instinct or what he thinks is right. I do think he needs someone that could compliment that, where they aren’t so timid, and may have a secret softer and hurt side that they don’t show others. He would do well to be paired with someone who is very supportive and is patient with his timid nature. Someone who would understand that he may struggle to say somethings because he doesn’t want to hurt people. Honestly, that’s probably the reason why he never really outright rejected her. He didn’t want to hurt her and maybe he feared that in doing so he’d lose a friend.
For a person who didn’t have many friends, losing one is a scary concept, so I get that and can sympathize with it. (I still get mad on Haru’s behalf though) Anyways, I do think that Haru is a nice kind of opposite to him since she’s very honest and open. She speaks her mind and she’s very open to talking out if someone is doing something bad. She’s not afraid to simply speak up and smack someone if need be. That said, she’s mostly that open and bold when it comes to others. If it comes to talking about herself, she’s surprisingly pretty quiet and to herself about it. Tsuna would probably be able to pick up on some of that.
So in some ways they could help each other. Tsuna being that person who would support him every step on the way, remind him that he’s capable of doing many great things, and to just be there for him. He can also be there for her when she’s struggling with something and be that quiet personality who will silently support her. If she wants to talk, they can, but if she’d prefer to sit in silence and mope, he’ll be there in silent support.
Haru just appreciates effort and intent, so as long as he was trying to do something nice for her or what, she’d always appreciate it. She wouldn’t look down on Tsuna for being to be cool and then failing. She doesn’t care if he’s not the smartest. She doesn’t care if he’s not the tallest, the most athletic, etc etc. She cares for someone’s sense of morals, their integrity, and their personality. She’d appreciate him and his intentions, and I think that would do him well, knowing that she loved him for who he was.
She doesn’t love him because he has power. She doesn’t love him for superficial things like his looks, or anything like that. Haru, I feel, is very good at showing people that when she likes them, she likes them for THEM. There is very little room to doubt her affections, and for Tsuna who (in canon) has shown a lot of self-confidence issues, it’s a good thing. We do see that he improved on that a lot through the course of the series, however.
Basically, if they were to be a couple, they’d be a sweet and caring one. They’d be very supportive of each other, they’d simply love to be together and just be wholesome and sweet.
I’ll stop it there because I don’t write with a TYL Tsuna (male) and so I’m not sure how one or the majority choose to write him. It’s hard for me to say how they’d be as a couple in TYL. Bottom line, if they were to somehow be a couple, I think they’d make it work. They’d be a nice couple.
You just gotta convince the squinting mother in law (ME).
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maiiyahh · 1 year
why sports anime charas wouldn't immediately get folded by ppl from shounens
okay so obviously this isn't going to talk about people from REALLY REALLY op verses like fucking dragonball or bleach or one piece, because literally everyone gets folded by them except for ppl from their own worlds and the mcs from those shitty reincarnated time-traveling tower climbing bullshit manhwas. i will mainly be talking about my hero academia and black clover bc these are the two that i think are somewhat 'weaker' (relatively!! relatively!!!!) compared to other mangas and animes ive seen. also when im refering to shounen i mean like,, ones with powers. ALSO, and this is really important, I AM NOT SAYING THAT THE SPORTS CHARACTERS WOULD WIN. i'm just saying that they're stronger than they get credit for, especially since a lot of people who i see debating this stuff aren't athletes and don't really understand how sport affects you in other parts of your life (including but not limited to fights)
SO!! point 1!! i think this gets swept under the carpet a lot whenever ppl are debating who's better, but powers that work in a specific sport can be translated into something outside of that sport. take midorima from knb as an example: he can shoot really good 3-pointers. well, outside of basketball, that probably means that he would have: a, really good spatial awareness since he never loses the ball or bumps into someone while shooting, b, insane hand-eye coordination, and c, crazy accuracy whenever he throws stuff in general. that's all stuff that's pretty useful in a fight, ngl. honestly, this skillset is kinda better than half the ppl in class 1a. like, sure, they've got quirks, but take away their quirks and most of them are basically useless.
POINT TWO. if a character has a power like isagi's meta vision or kuroko's vanishing thing (idk if it has a name) it's not gonna go away as soon as they get in a fight. meta vision literally lets isagi predict the future. there is no reason why this ability wouldn't give him the upper hand in a fight with someone else. especially since it's not strictly confined to football. the only thing he needs is data, and he can get a lot of that from watching fights. honestly, meta vision is so broken that i just know if he was in bnha it would count as a quirk.
POINT THREE, specifically for people like kise ryouta and reo mikage. anyone who can copy other people will still be able to do it. like obviously they're not gonna be able to shoot fire or do a domain expansion or summon a stand or any of that shit, but they can still copy physical moves. so if they go watch 100 videos of ppl doing krav maga or some shit they'll be able to do it, which would make them pretty strong. considering how in bnha (sorry bnha fans ur anime is just the easiest to compare too) people with more mentally-focused quirks can become really strong just by relying on a weapon or learning some sort of fighting style. in black clover literally half the people get beaten up by some kid who has zero magic and a sword. like, what's stopping kise from grabbing a sword and slamming into some random ua kid's head?? it's not like they'd see it coming.
okay i know you're getting sick of me at this point but just hear me out
sports anime are only underrated in fights because people assume that every single person with powers immediately solos. like, normally they do, but a lot of the time it's not a zero diff fight, like come on. sure, zoro would kill hinata, but would yaomomo really beat reo mikage?? like are you sure?? are you only going off the fact that since she has powers she wins?? think about it for a second, please, i beg of you. powers =/= strong. thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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misfitmiska · 5 months
I just saw a post that reminded me how utterly INSANE I am about @umisabaku’s Designation: Miracle series and I am now restless with manic energy because I NEED to scream about how much I love this series but I have literally no one to talk to and it’s midnight gxhdtsysyrateayra— PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE I AM BEGGING OF YOU if you’re one of the few people who followed me for my knb fanart and you somehow haven’t read designation: miracle YOU REALLY REALLY REALLY SHOULD, OKAY??? It has ruined me and I recommend it to anyone who is a fan of knb.
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I am so pleased that the ask box is open 💕 Could I request any dad / family headcanons you might have for Kuramochi (Daiya), Mei (Daiya), Miyuki (Daiya), and Kise (KNB). Including, if possible, how many children you imagine them to have and their relationship with their in-laws. I simply adore adore adore your blog and writing 💕
 I feel like I’ve done a lot of dad headcanons for Daiya lol  So, if there is some repetition, I apologize in advance
Kuramochi Youichi
This one likes kids and gets along with them.  Is the kind of dad that brags about his kids, all of them, even about the most minor things.  There is no one prouder of his babies than he is.
He’s a very involved father.  I’ve always imagined him doing some profession that lets him set his own hours and give him a lot of freedom (like photographer, or artist).  He’s definitely not the typical salaryman who works 50-60 hours a week and never sees his family.  He’s taking the kids out whenever he can.  Mourns them growing up.
I can see him with three kiddos.  It’s a good number, and it means that his kids always have their siblings.  He grew up an only child and found it lonely.  Plus, three is okay to corral and keep track of, any more and he’s truly outnumbered.
Adult Mochi is easy to get along with and a lot of his sharp edges have been refined, so he gets along easily with his in-laws.  They like him because he’s so involved with the kids and because he helps his partner achieve their dreams.
Honestly, 10/10 husband and dad
Narumiya Mei
He wants to be a good dad, and he definitely tries hard.  It’s difficult when playing professional baseball though, since he has an average of six games a week during the season.
He’s great with them as babies, but as they grow, he feels uncomfortable and unsure.  He has a bit of a temper, and he doesn’t really get that it’s pointless to argue with a five to sixteen year olds.  He loses a lot to his toddlers.
Better with girls, because his girls are his little princesses.  Totally the dad that sits at a tiny, cramped table and has tea parties, complete with dolls and follows every direction given.
That’s not to say he’s bad with boys, especially if they have interests in sports, and things he does.  Would definitely be lost with an introverted, bookworm/‘nerdy’ son.  Would feel like he didn’t understand him and gets awkward.  He tries, but often puts his foot in his mouth.
Probably two kids max.  He’s also selfish and he still wants a significant portion of his partner’s time just to himself. 
His in-laws probably like him just fine, though they are less of a fan of how showy and loud he is, and how he soaks up the fame.  To them, it seems like he doesn’t consider his family when cultivating his celebrity, and that’s true in the beginning, but he gets better over time.
7.5/10 husband and dad
Miyuki Kazuya
He also has ridiculous game schedules, but unlike Mei, he’s completely uninterested in fame and almost always wishes he were at home with his partner and babies then out.  He’ll do endorsements, but if they cut into his family time, it’s a no go.
He’s very domestic, and cooks every meal he can.  Even uses his day off to make his family snacks and meals they can eat when he’s on the road.  Definitely makes his own babyfood, this bitch is picky AF about when he feeds his kiddos.
He’s also very good at helping out around the house when he can, to make things easier on his partner.  His favorite time, however, is the time he gets to spend with his little ones, or as a family.  Will do anything with them, even if he’s bad at it (like drawing).  Enjoys teaching them things.
Can compromise and evolve with his children’s interests.  The type of parent that looks into the things they like so he can at least converse on the basic level with them.  Doesn’t want them to ever think they can’t talk to him.  He may tease and poke, but not so hard it causes rifts.  As they gain personalities and the like, he’s very careful with them.
He was an only child and he lost his mom when he was very young, thus one of his most secret dreams is to have a family.  He wants to belong and have somewhere to come home to.  He’s fine with any number of kids, but I feel like two would be best so he can focus the time he has.
Would make the best house husband, and it’s something he wants to do, if he and his partner can manage it.  It would be the best thing in the world just to stay home and take care of his family.
In-laws love him.  He’s so helpful and skilled that his mother-in-law especially adores him.  They don’t often get to see his worst traits, or the way he teases, however lol
12/10 perfect husband and dad
Kise Ryouta
He has a lot of growing up before he can be a steady father.  I think he waits to have kids until he’s in his late twenties or early thirties.  He wants to maximize his career!  But also, his time with you, because this is another greedy, kind of selfish blond lol
As long as he is ready, he’ll do well.  If he’s not, there will be an adjustment period for him and it could be difficult. 
If there is a pregnancy (and not adoption) he’s great at taking care of you.  He might bitch inside, but he’s smiling and getting up to go to the convenience store in the middle of the night to get the thing his partner insists they need right now.  Very good at pampering.  He’s careful with his partner, since he recognizes that they are doing all the work.  He’s right there in the delivery room, though he might faint lol
Newborns aren’t active enough for him, so he complains for the first few months that they don’t do anything.  That being said, he is CRUSHED if he misses any of their milestones
Once they are more active, he spends a lot of time playing with the babes, which actually leads him to forgetting about the responsibilities he has around the house.
Is terrified to be left alone with them, especially as babies.  What if something happens?  Absolutely the type to panic if the baby cries and he can’t get them to stop. 7.5/10 husband/dad because he has a few hang ups and the transition is a bit hard.  He tries very hard though.
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ni-kol-koru · 1 year
KnB 30-Days Challenge
Day 13 : Favorite Member of Seirin
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Izuki Shun ❤️
This was tough... It was hard for me to choose who my favorite member was beacuse I just love so many Seirin boys. Shinji, Shun, Taiga, Teppei, Rinnosuke, Tetsuya... But in the end I chose Shun. I chose him mostly because I always liked him, which I can't say for some of other Seirin boys. Unfortunately, I used to be a bit of a Seirin hater when I was younger, heh... Never hated Shun, though! Always loved him and always found him cool! I mean, let's be honest here... How can anyone even hate a person like Shun? He is really good-looking, he is very intelligent, really cool, easy-going, and a very skilled basketball player. Also, I actually find him to be quite funny!
Since he first got introduced, he caught my eye. In the beginning, it was literally because of his eyes. I kept looking at them because he didn't have pupils like everyone else, which I found pretty strange. I couldn't help it, they kept drawing my attention to him. Then, his special ability, Eagle Eye, got introruced, and I was pretty amazed! Being able to visualise, rotate and change points of view of a 3D space and predict where objects that are out of one's sight are is very complicated, consumes a lot of mental energy, recquires a big spacial intelligence, fast decision making, all at once! It's not just something everybody can do. This guy became a genius in my eyes.
Throughout the show, he just kept getting more and more amazing. Finally, when he was matched up against Kotarō, an Uncrowned King, and outsmarted him and stopped him, my jaw dropped. Instead of being angry that my favorite character got beaten, I was amazed by Shun. In the last seconds of the Rakuzan-Seirin match when he pulled that steal... I was, once again, stunned. Seriously, he is just that awesome. He is a fantastic player because of his smart brain and cool attidue.
Other than being such a weapon on the court, can we talk about how good his personality is? He is cool, chill and smart, and then he just reveals he likes puns. It's kind of awkward, because he always seems to come up with them in the wrong moments, but it just gives him some oddly specific and necessary flavour. I find most of his puns and jokes quite funny, and honestly, whenever people tell him he should stop making them, I get a little pissed off. Being able to make puns and jokes on spot is a skill, it showcases how intelligent, creative and fun he is. I am just not a big fan of how everybody keeps telling him to just, cut it out. Let him have fun! Let his brain do its thing! Let him shine! He deserves more appreciation, seriously. When it was revealed his mum and sisters like puns, I was sort of relieved. At least somebody supports my boy in his hobby!
If I could, I would listen to him make 100 puns in a row. ❤️
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tetsunabouquet · 1 year
Just the other day, when painting and YouTube playing background music, several Shaman King AMVs passed including a particular Tao Ren one. Now, whilst I never roleplayed on Tumblr, I actually did used to have a Nepgear RP blog on a different site and was part of several different fandom roleplaying groups as well in which I played as OCs. Obviously, this included Shaman King and whilst I cannot be entirely certain, that AMV I am talking about, actually used a song by one of the favorite bands of another Tao Ren fangirl I used to RP with nearly a decade ago. I swear, her music taste is the only thing I remember about her and I bet if she were the creator indeed, that she wouldn't remember me either. And then today, I actually came across a Tao Ren rp account. I see the sign, oh divine cosmos. I'm starting a Shaman King rp blog as a sideblog and will revamp my old OC. Perhaps I'll restart my Nepgear RP blog here too, or perhaps create an entirely new different OC as CPU. I'm not entirely decided yet! I'll post the link to my RP blog once I am finished with revamping my old OC's backstory and making the blog! (To my KNB fans, I am really sorry for the lazy posting lately. I swear the Hanamiya watercolour is turning out really nice so far and Basic Instinct Chapter 13 is just so much angst that I'm working ever so slowly on it because the number of depressing possibilities popping up in my head is seriously making me feel down whenever I'm writing it. Like, I don't want to hurt Akashi this badly but damn I cannot let the opportunity slide. This entire chapter feels like plummeting out of heaven straight to the abyss, and it's only the beginning of the story taking a dramatic turn)
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crehador · 2 months
brother crab's winter 2024 parting thoughts: dog signal
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alright well yysy it's not much to look at, the animation/art style isn't exactly "modern" or exceptional (though personally i was quite charmed by it)
that aside, this was overall a really pleasant surprise to me!
tl;dr: fun cast with some surprisingly compelling and deep(ish) backstories, would recommend but with the disclaimers that a) it's episodic and b) there's quite a lot of animal mistreatment since each episode is about helping a dog whose person isn't treating it right (most if not all the cases have hopeful endings, but some parts may be hard to watch)
also niwa and samura have the most HILARIOUSLY classic toxic yaoi situationship without any of the fun parts (the actual yaoi), more on that later lmao
full review:
the series is for the most part episodic, with each episode dealing with a dog owner who comes to a certain dog trainer for help. i'm a fan of a good episodic series, even when the episodes can be hit or miss, so the structure was very enjoyable for me
the stories of the main cast were surprisingly compelling, too. it seemed like it would be just a very silly show—what with it starting with a guy (cv knb murasakibara) walking another guy (cv knb kuroko) around on a leash in public for two hours—but the character backstories that were revealed throughout the series did actually feel delightfully nuanced to me
(for example "yeah that old man did hit a dog and that's not great but the dog in question was biting the shit out of the kid he sees as a son so it's not... not understandable that he would react that way and while i'm not saying he should be proud of hitting a dog i guess i am saying it does suck for him that son guy hated him and went no contact for years for it")
one of my favorite episodes, ironically, barely involved the main cast at all. most of the episodes deal with this dog training business training dogs (shock!) but in this one episode, fairly late in the series, the owner was a struggling mangaka suffering from immense social anxiety, whose only friend was his dog who one day suddenly loses his hearing
that's such a tough thing that you really wouldn't explain anyone to know how to handle on their own without training. the mangaka even runs into the mc (trainee dog trainer) early in the episode and receives a business card for the dog training shop, but instead of taking his dog in, he does his best on his own to develop ways to communicate with his newly deaf dog
and it works! not only does he find a way to keep his dog comfortable with him, his efforts make him less concerned with what other people think of him as well. he managed to go to the dog training shop in the end, to see if there's anything he could be doing better for his dog, only to be told that they can't do anything for him—because he's already done everything right
(in establishing a way to communicate with his deaf dog, that is. there are other issues he gets chewed out for, which i really liked and found realistic)
i feel like it was just such a well-timed episode as a narrative device, because it shows that while the main dog trainer is great (the trainee dog trainer mc practically worships him) it's not that everyone in the world is helpless without him
but anyway
samura has just been dumped by an extremely shitty girlfriend when he meets niwa, while out walking the dog (or attempting to walk the dog) said shitty girlfriend dumped on him
he's doing a terrifically bad job, to the point where niwa (pro dog trainer) can't bear to watch. so what does he do well of course he has to reeducate samura by... putting him on a leash and walking him around the park, in public, for two hours. to show him just how wrong he's treating his dog
samura somehow gets a job out of this and they start working together. at one point he reveals he is GOING TO THE SALON and GETTING HIS HAIR PERMED so that it is curly because niwa has a poodle and seems to like curly hair (???)
jump cut to the final episode and we're finding out samura's tragic lore—parentified by a narcissistic mom, down with too much filial piety disease. when samura finally decides he's no longer sending money back home, his mom comes to the dog training shop to be like "sir uwu you have to give my son a raise so he can keep sending money home uwu he's such a good hard-working boy please pay him what he's worth"
and niwa is straight up like "actually he sucks and you suck get the fuck out of my shop" AND THEN LATER IN THE EPISODE samura's mom calls him (has been calling him repeatedly since meeting his freak of a boss) and NIWA ANSWERS THE PHONE and while she's complaining about the money situation and the freak boss (niwa) he basically tells her "you still suck and your son still sucks but i'm keeping him, fuck off"
like my god?? that woman is going to go away thinking her son has gotten into an extremely abusive relationship with his boss. i mean fuck her entirely, she does suck, but that is very much Not the situation (even though it does Very Much appear to be the situation)
anyway. ultimately this one lands in the :) category for me, originally picked it up for the cast (kuroko and mukkun and also KENN) and didn't have very high expectations but am thrilled to be pleasantly surprised
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raspberrylix · 6 months
and NO ONE told me about this??
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I mean, to be fair on this blog, haikyuu is my secondary interest, and not every knb fan is also a haikyuu fan. but even then, how could I miss out on a new trailer for two whole days???
and because i just read the battle of the garbage dump arc not long ago, now while watching the trailer, each frame is so familiar
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like, don't tell me this frame is from a moment that I'm thinking about (it's probably not. This single frame is too basic to know for sure)
(kinda manga spoilers, but it's in the trailer now) not the slipping on the sweat, I know I'll sob seeing it also I may be mixing something but this seems kind of a big deal to be put into a trailer, but what do I know
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I love these silly little dudes so much. if only 15 yo me would know, they would be so happy this movie is a thing
saw so many people talking like, "Oh, 2020 is back (because of this film) and not to be above everything, but I'm here since 2017, so I am better than everyone /j /lh
now we just need to hope and pray they won't fuck it up
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