yelling-space · 6 months
I raerly see anyone mention her but i love her sm yes this is mostly like 98% hc shes only got like 5 lines in hole game what more do u want from me
anyways, my sweet sweet barely domesticated celeste :
-"Why did my husband come back with a child ,a dog ,a living skeleton, a man who can throw him around like he weights nothing and a knight(derogatory)" -Cahara's so wiped 4 her and honesty i would to if that was my wife, she def pegs him 2 btw i mean just look at him, my point exactly.
-gets along with Enki the most 2 everyone's surprise, there paper wight besties. & share a worrie for Cahara they will never verbalise as well a dislike for D'arc- i mean knights.
-celeste is d'arces first (and only) female friend, much to clestes own dismay.
-d'arce thought she was a gold digger at first, as you can tell they had a grate first impression of each other
-only trusts people about as far as she can throw them (rip rag , he can still man handle the group whore with ease tho so good for him)
-can not hold a convo with a child 2 save her life , the length of her mertanl intents extend to bringing the child 2 Cahara .
-she is not mother material but for some reason they're trying to keep a baby with a high infant mortality rate its funny
i think celeste probably didn't have great parents or a good role model, deadbeat drunkard parents that kicked her out and kind of left her to fend for herself & close of to the world and that's why she has such a disillusioned take on parenthood + where her own approach to children comes from but uh oh !! cahara wormed his way into her heart ! and who's to say his clear and utter devotion to this little girl cant win her over either i dont think either her or Cahara were going out of their way to get pregnant - it's like an unfortunate by-product of the nature of Celeste's career, and Cahara's love for her being what led to him being so willing to step up. i don't think either of them ever really thought about having kids, or at least didn't think they'd be good parents, but celeste getting pregnant or cahara bringing back a child is just the way life ended up going. it's the renaissance era, abortion methods are on par with childbirth in terms of deadliness anyway. she's just not going to have to keep risking her life via pregnancy if cahara goes out, gets enough coin to support them both, she's not going to be like every other peasant woman who's forced to become a broodmare because every 1 in 2 children fucking die before they turn 5. clesest being pregnant is just what ended up happening. the love in that is to do with their RELATIONSHIP, not their love for some idealistic family life. i think cahara wanting to give it a try is something celeste would think is really sweet and admirable, but she'd probly keep a lot of her more cynical thoughts to herself on the matter.
saying that i think they both have a lot of cynical thoughts about it really, but i cahara goes so quickly into "this is my wife, this is our future baby" because otherwise what's the point in taking on such a risky mission in the first place ? but if he's got a noble cause, then it might seem worth it, right ? it's that extra push of encouragement for him, even if it comes with a lot of scary things like the responsibility, being a parent, maybe settling down witch is a scary thought for someone whos always so used 2 being on the move
as for celeste ; she doesn't even know if she's going to make it through the pregnancy, or if the baby will. it's just another mouth to feed at the end of the day. she doesn't care about carrying on a legacy, or raising a child into greatness like so many others beg and plead of god to bestow upon their children. she knows she'd be a shit mom and she's hardly a loyal partner at the moment. but she loves cahara, and seeing that fear in his eyes when she told him, but also that spark of light, that little bit of joy, made it at least worth holding on for.
celeste: it's probably not going to make it anyway, i either risk death in childbirth or death in abortion methods, so. celeste: its getting me enough bank rn to keep myself healthy so we'll just see what happens i guess celeste watching cahara bring home an entire child:
okay cringe time over. i wont go into 2much detail about her relationship with the others though i think its a very slow process of her learning to tolerate get along with the creatures friends cahara brought back -as soon as celeste meets d'arce her mild suspicion and distaste for ragnvaldr will be replaced with her disgust for d'arce -think celeste would be pissed she wouldn't be able 2 pull cahara out of ragnvaldrs grip unless she stabbed him or something, witch shes both angry about it but also relieved since it probably kept cahara out of trouble in the dungeon (because lord knows her husband is a magnet for trouble) inside me there are 2 wolfs ; one is mmm hot stong wife carry cahara like a sack of pataos , the other is screaming at me that this is the 1600 and she would be starving and poor. so to compromise with myself im going 2 say : - physical speaking celsest is probly stronger then most women in her profession and could probly drag an unconscious cahara around then againg i also think cahras way ligher then someone of his build&carear should be shes stronger then enki (then againg who isnt) but cant match d'arces physical strength. saying that modern au Celeste would beat d'arce in an arm wrestle.
in-refence 2 my last post; celest is a child darkness, she has a barbie killer husband,there for. she deserves to be as much hater as she likes d'arce: you two are the healthiest couple i know who still have an avid sex life cahara: ASSUMPTIONS ! celeste: we're the only couple you know.
acholic wise i think celeste could out drink d'arce (and at least keep up with ragnvaldr for a little bit)
celeste: d'arce is a pain in the ass cahara: :confustion: :stress_smile: she means well babe cmon celeste: im gonna beat her with a stick cahara: ,, babe,,
cleseste is not payed enough 2 be d'arces therpist or help d'arce figure out she likes women (shes not payed at all actuly,she is simply trying 2 tolrate her husbands new freinds becuse she loves him but also only has so meny braincells she can lose in a day and conversing with d'arce seems 2 kill all of them)
celeste hears d'arce talk about jeanne once and instantly starts going "wow you loved a girl wow that girl who was like you in every way wow that girl who like. shared your morals. or something. wow tell me more about that girl" (stab stab stab metaphorically stab stab stab)
(about cahara getting arrsed and taken by the police) rag: you lack of concern,,, concerns me. are you not worried ? celeste: dogs always find their way back home.
- d'arce and cahara make the same enamoured and light-blush expression whenever celeste rages btw - celeste :handshake: enki taking the piss out of knights + a generally more cynical outlook on life & being cold bitches that secretly care about cahara a lot
(first time they all stayed the night) enki learning hes the favorite for once and he thinks its just the most hilarious thing to fucking happen local woman-lover put out by being rejected by hot scary wife, local berserker intimidated by what scary wife might do if she finds out what he did to her precious boytoy local shadow wizard ? on the floor ugly laughing because scary wife reluctantly asked if he wanted the guest bedroom.
celeste: YOURE NOT STAYING HERE PERMANENTLY. but youre allowed to stay overnight. enki: is this (gags) kindness ? oh my god. revolting. celeste: is that a yes or not you fucking worm enki: yesplease
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kyrakyrakitty · 5 months
this might come off as cruel or sadistic, but i don't want walpurgisnacht rising to have a perfect ending for madoka and homura. i dont want a doom and gloom ending, either - i think the best outcome of the film would be a bittersweet ending ♡
i dont wanna flood your dashes, so ill elaborate below the cut!! and in case you dont want to read, ill wish you a good day now ♡♡
first tho, pmmm is a story of hope, and it's given that to me and so many others for over a decade now. i think everyone is touched by it in a different way, and that's one of my favorite parts of this community!! but that's also to say, i know i don't speak for everyone here, and i love seeing posts about a happily-ever-after scenario for the holy quintet ♡ i love all of these characters immensely, and i definitely understand the desire to see them finally find peace, so i dont write this with any ill intent towards the characters or all of you in this community who just want to see them happy ♡ i know many of you have just as special a place in your heart for this series as i do, and i think thats incredible for so many reasons ♡
that said!
madoka's wish and homura's wish are inherently incompatible. they're mutually exclusive. madoka cannot sacrifice herself for the greater good without devastating homura, and homura cannot keep madoka safe without preventing her from fulfilling her dream of giving everything she has to others. there cannot be hope without despair, after all.
ive always loved the ending of the og series for being so bittersweet. it says "life can be painful, but there's always reason to hope", and "you are never alone", but it doesn't promise a perfect outcome. life will hurt, and you can do everything in your power to change it, but just as you can always find hope for a better tomorrow, you can never erase all of the pain from the world. i think a happily-ever-after ending would muddle that message, and i don't think its possible for madoka and homura to live happily together - at least not as they are now.
if madoka and homura were to end up together at the end, they'd both have to undergo major character development. madoka would have to realize that as hard as she tries, she can't save everyone, and sometimes the pain you'll cause by sacrificing yourself will outweigh whatever hope you might instill. homura would have to come to terms with the fact that she cannot spare madoka from every source of pain without, herself, hurting madoka.
the happiest ending i could forsee (for madohomu, at least) would involve both of them undergoing a major event to come to their respective conclusions and move forward together with that trauma and an earnest desire to reach an equilibrium. i think the most effective way to accomplish this would be a major character death - probably mami and/or sayaka (and if both, may as well throw in kyoko and nagisa for extra angst! :) ♡) - that occurs specifically because madoka has overused her magic to help others and no longer has any to give to save her friend(s) without completely corrupting her soul gem, and similarly because homura could not prevent madoka from witnessing the death(s) of those she cherished and experiencing that grief and pain.
alternately, the two could cease to exist together. perhaps the "homura is walpurgisnacht" theory is true (i think there's a solid chance) and in order to save the world, madoka has to use all her strength to kill her and the two of them go down together kyosaya style.
another fun ending (albeit not one where the two are together) is a variation of madoka killing homura as walpurgisnacht - what if madoka had to kill homura before she becomes walpurgisnacht, in a direct parallel to homura shooting madoka's soul gem to prevent her from becoming a witch? oh how the turn tables,,,,
ooh! or what if both homura and madoka have to disappear together, but ai (clara doll #15, and our mystery magical girl if that theory holds (which i also think is likely)) lives on as a remnant of the love they shared?? then we could get a manga afterwards thats just a lil story about ai's life as a magical girl too!!
i think i forgot the thesis of this post towards the end there, but thank you for reading!! id love to hear any thoughts you have!! ♡♡ may you always find reason to smile ♡♡
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whumpsday · 3 months
Whumpdreaming: A Whump Playlist
hope you all enjoy this little playlist i made! i tried not to reuse songs from my Kane & Jim character playlists, since i already used a lot of whumpy songs on that (especially the kane playlist lol). you can give those a listen too if you wanna!
Listen Here ▶️
Bonus song here ▶️ (it's not on spotify)
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CW: various songs on this playlist contain references to torture, death, and sexual assault. nothing graphic, but it is there.
Whumpmas in July Day 11: What songs/playlists are perfect for whumpy daydreaming?
tracklist and selected lyrics under the read-more
01. The Dismemberment Song - Blue Kid
So don't you squirm, don't you fret I'm not gonna hurt you... yet I just feel the need to be getting A little of you, a lot of blood-letting I know the sensation you're probably dreading But cutting you up will be so refreshing for me
02. God Help Me - Emilie Autumn
God help me Believe me, this wasn't what I wanted But no, I can't leave, he's got me Won't you shine in my direction and help me? Won't you lend me your protection and help me?
03. The Horror of Our Love - Ludo
I'm a killer Cold and wrathful, silent sleeper I've been inside your bedroom I've murdered half the town Left you love notes on their headstones I'll fill the graveyards, until I have you
04. Mother Mother - The Veronicas
I'm hungry, I'm dirty I'm losing my mind Everything's fine I'm freezing, I'm starving I'm bleeding to death Everything's fine
05. Shoot Him Down - Alice Francis
I want to choke him Want to maltreat him I want to squeeze him And break his neck, neck, neck, neck
Stop, drop And drag me into place And lock the fire escapes I'll break your pretty face
07. Animal Skin - Bryan Dunn
I know where you're vulnerable Wild things can't get comfortable Quiver and shake, quiver and shake Oh no, oh no, oh no! You were being kicked about Backed up, teeth and claws are out Covered in blood, covered in blood Let it flow, let it flow, let it flow
08. I Can't Decide - Scissor Sisters
I can't decide Whether you should live or die Oh, you'll probably go to heaven Please don't hang your head and cry
09. Shalott - Emilie Autumn
She says, "How long can I live this way Is there someone I can pay to let me go 'Cause I'm half sick of shadows I want to see the sky Everyone else can watch as the sun goes down So why can't I?"
10. Tomcat Disposables - Will Wood
Little heart racing and praying, "Something, keep me safe" I think it saw my face Okay, one hungry day Is nothing come what may But then winter came inside for three nights Left me grinding my teeth between my walls And gripping my dreams tight
11. Gay Pirates - Cosmo Jarvis
And they put glass on my sandals So my feet would bleed all day And they forced me to wear them Or they said they'd make you pay
12. Little Pistol - Mother Mother
Under the skin, against the skull They put a little chip so that they know it all I think I might be scared Of the world and the way it makes you feel afraid
13. Inside You - Newton Schottelkotte, Karim Kronfli, The Blasting Company
I’ll have you begging for my mercy Loud enough for all to hear And at last I’ll finally take you by surprise As I hold you close and in the throes of passion’s piercing cries I’ll see the light inside you As it leaves your eyes
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f0point5 · 8 months
Doing this completely anon cause I'm genuinely scared of the backlash that may occur - This is controversial and also contradictory so im willing to be shat on for this hot take.
Charles cannot seriously be hoping to win races and be a world champion. I've got no proof just my own absurd theories but I seriously cannot see him becoming a wc. Lando is the same. They both are so alike. One bad race or bad moment and they shit on themselves and lose control and take a week to bounce back from it. I as much as I have love for them and am starting to think they genuinely believe they will win a dc. Oscar and Carlos are the only ones who could on either team as it currently stands. Unlike merc where George could in the team even tho he is lewis' teamate he actually could. But Charles and lando can't unless they change their mindset and team. And tbh to some extent I see both Charles and lando not nearly serious enough about f1 at the moment. And I know 'social media is fake and only shows so much blah blah blah we dont know them personally' but if they gave a fuck they'd risk the money and try and get into redbull. They'd risk thier paychecks and get the money invested into the team. And again I know I don't know what is happening behind the scenes and I'm whatever for saying this but Charles won't win a dc and neither will lando. Max is by far the most authentic, marketable, talented and most relatable driver and I'm a lewis girl (well more lance than lewis but just showing my bias that typically happens with lewis fans).
- Charles isn't dedicated (I believe)
- lando isn't either
- neither will win a wdc
- this celebrity branding thats going on is fucking ridiculous, lewis and max (although he's not nearly as willing to want the title) are the only ones who truly deserve it
- Daniel while yes is charismatic isn't all that talented anymore and would do better in another series. (I included Daniel cause I thought of the celeb status and him)
- and also drivers can only be so relatable and likeable as long as they stay grounded and don't seem so big for their boots and tbh again as a lewis fan (initally) I'm just not really caring for him and the va va voom of him anymore (that was wierd admitting) and when Charles is getting more 'celeb-like' he becomes more unlikable same with lando...
This was long and I apologise 😭🫶🏻
WOAH. Okay we about to get trashed for this but ya know what, idc, I partially agree with you.
I don’t think Charles, or Lando, will ever win a WDC. I think of the two of them Charles is the one with the real shot, because I think he has a much stronger mentality than Lando. I don’t think the pressure gets to him for pressure’s sake the way it does with Lando. I think where Charles knows he doesn’t have the equipment he gets desperate, and mistakes happen. Whereas Lando just can’t seem to hold it together over a weekend, and I think a lot of what affects Lando happens outside the car, which is why he would crumble in a title fight. That said, I think time will run out for Charles, George, Carlos, Lando, etc. Those teams won’t catch up to Red Bull before ‘26 and by then Oscar, and whoever else has come in from the next generation will be younger and hungrier, and the next cycle will start. For me, they will miss their window. I won’t say for sure but that’s my feeling, and if by the end of next season the Ferrari team is not operating like Red Bull (meaning they have a clear #1 driver, and their strategy and pit stops are where they need to be) it will be clear that not even Fred can change the tide and they are an unserious team where Charles will waste his talent.
I disagree that it would be a smart idea to get into Red Bull. Tbh I don’t think Red Bull would want Charles, but that’s another issue. That team is Max’s and it will be until he leaves (or suddenly can’t drive a car anymore but that won’t happen). As a driver, you have to think you’re the best driver, but I don’t think either Charles or Lando is delulu enough to think that they could beat Max in Max’s Red Bull (and this is not me saying they build the car for Max, I’m saying that when Newey hands you a car and Max is saying “make it faster” and everything you do to the car to make it driveable only makes it slower…you are fighting a losing battle). Red Bull would not only be a waste of time for them, but yes, probably a big financial loss, because they both benefit from marketing themselves as #1 drivers at the moment.
I have to say, I agree that it doesn’t seem to me that Charles is as committed to being WDC as he could be. Disclaimer - this is purely based off vibes, I don’t know the guy. I’m not saying he’s not doing his job, he absolutely is, but the self promotion levels, at a time when the results are not resulting…signals to me he’s branching out. I talked a lot last season about how I think he’s transitioning out of the “Il Predestinato” image, and how I felt part of that is because it is becoming less likely that he will win a WDC. I think it’s clever of him to think about doing other things though, because so much of what it takes to get a dc is out of his control, and he doesn’t even have the bare bones of a team or a car that will let him challenge for a title. There is no point in him waiting around for Ferrari to get it together, if they get it together he can revisit but right now…I think it’s in his best interest to get his bag.
I don’t think there’s many similarities between Charles and Lando’s path here, Lando is a wholeeee other essay 😂
But I disagree that the branding is ridiculous, I think it’s a logical thing to do. Yes these guys make good money from their teams but that won’t last forever, they have pretty short careers. It’s good for them to use their platform to build income streams for themselves that will go beyond their F1 career. Charles previously hadn’t been able to do that and now he is, which is definitely a positive. I will give Max and his team props here because I think he’s sneakily got the best alternative income streams of anyone. Verstappen.com must absolutely be raking it in with those grandstand deals, the merch is consistent, his brand deals are minimal but they’re big and they stick with him. My point is, drivers do need alternative income streams, especially when their brand can’t just be “I win”.
Lewis a master at this, I will admit, I just don’t like his brand. But it is consistent and he has managed to transcend F1 as his own brand which will keep him comfortable for the rest of his life, so good for him. I don’t buy into the brand but the brand is branding, I have to recognise.
I don’t really get Charles’s brand identity yet lol so I can’t tell if how likeable it will be. I mean, currently he is very liked, it’s possible it will stay that way. I really couldn’t say. I think Lando is about to have an unlikeable season but I also think his “babygirl brat” thing is pretty amusing and won’t ultimately alienate his fan base.
It was long but it was fun. The villagers will come for us with pitchforks for this opinion though.
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Fankid Ask game for the little vampys🩶
💬: what was your child's first word? was it a nickname for you or your f/o or something entirely different?
🪁: does your child enjoy learning about their parents' hobbies, or do they prefer to find their own?
🍼: what's your child's comfort item and where did it come from? is it a hand-me-down?
🧁: what's your child's favorite thing in the world? what's their least favorite thing?
💬: what was your child's first word? was it a nickname for you or your f/o or something entirely different?
David's daughter Anastasia had been super quiet and hadn't made much noise other than a few cooes and squeaks till she was around one or one and a half.
Her first word ever was 'Dav', and she'd crawl or walk around the cave, repeating it until David found her or aided her in what she wanted/needed. Another silly thing is he'd always correct her when she said it, too.
"Dav-id. With 'id' at the end-"
"Don't interrupt me."
Of course, once she got bigger, it developed into Daddy or Dad. When learning Chrysta's name, it was just an easy 'Mama'.
Now Jennifer, Dwayne’s daughter, had a rough time learning the difference between mom and dad. Due to some issues during Jenny's birth, Chrysta was left in some pretty bad shape for a good few months, so Dwayne was around to help more than he was expected to.
So Jennifer had actually started calling Dwayne 'Ma' or 'Mama' when she was becoming vocal. Of course, it didn't bother Chrysta or Dwayne too much, but he'll admit it was kind of embarrassing when he was on the boardwalk and his baby girl had called at him happily 'Mommy!'
"Jenny, it's 'daddy' see? I'm 'daddy.'"
"OK, mama."
"No, Jen -"
Paul tried soooo hard to get Tiffany's first word to be 'Papa' or 'Daddy' the poor guy spoon fed her books about it, making sure to linger and explain the specific pages including daddy animals or point out the parental figure considered the dad.
But it seemed no matter how hard he tried. Her words were always 'Mami!' Which soon followed a 'fuck' under Paul's breath.
... He didn't learn his mistake until one night on the boardwalk Tiffany had run a little too fast and dropped the ice cream cone Paul had just bought for her... And she exclaimed very loudly:
Paul didn't know whether to be laughing or dreading what he had to explain to Chrysta later that night.
"Now Tiff, those are very bad words- and their not nice to use, especially in front of Ma...
But you're aloud to say it one more time for Daddy and his friends."
Katherine learned how to say Mama first due to Marko referring to Chrysta with it 24/7. Marko knows its cause he says it every dawn before they go to sleep, but he likes to think it's just imprinted into her little brain due to him always giving Chrysta's tummy two taps of his fingers, and saying 'hey little mama' while she was pregnant with Kat.
Chrysta also thinks it's the most darling thing whenever Marko goes: "Goooood night mama." Soon to be followed by Kats: "Guuuuuu night mama!"
Christopers first word was actually one David wasn't happy to hear. At all.
David left him with Marko and Paul for five minutes. Five. And the moment he saw the mischevious smirks from his mates as his son was being handed back to him while gumming down on a cherry lollipop, he already knew they'd done something. And the second he opened his mouth to ask, he heard from his darling baby boy's mouth:
Oh, sweet heavens above he was going to murder those two.
"Chrissy. I'm Daddy. I'm not your-"
"Bith! Bith, bith, bith-"
*sounds of muffled devastation and full unadulterated rage into his coat sleeve*
🪁: does your child enjoy learning about their parents' hobbies, or do they prefer to find their own?
All the girls+ Christopher (once he's old enough) collectively enjoy hunting or going on the boardwalk with their dads and mom. But they do each have their own things they like to do with each parent!
Anastasia likes learning to drive David's bike. Spending many late night hours riding around on the beach or through the fog of Hudsons Bluff with David. It's intense and thrilling, but she feels safe on the back or in the front of her dad's bike and has never at all felt like she'd get hurt or be in danger.
It's also nice when he sneaks off to go do it with her and only her - no siblings or mom and dads involved. Just a night between her and her dad for once.
She likes doing her makeup with, for, or getting it done by Chrysta. Since she isn't exactly risking mirror checks by walking into salons or makeup booths, it's nice to be able to keep herself well groomed and spend quality time with Chrysta.
She gets her hair done or nails made pretty, all while telling her mom about a cute boy she saw on the boardwalk she knows if she told David about he'd never get off her case. 🤭
Jennifer likes making jewelry with Dwayne. He always brings back teeth or cool bones he finds and teaches her how to tie or braid them into necklaces or anklets.
He also likes braiding her hair and putting beads in it- (This kids got his thick hair and Chrysta didn't go through 9 months of heartburn for it to not be taken care of.) teaching Jenny the same while being her personal model to test it on. Even if his hair ends up in knots, he praises her for her hard work. 🙏🥺
Jenny likes stories with Chrysta. She always tells the best ones while she's falling asleep or unable to sleep. In all honesty, she just seems to like Chrysta's voice. If she's being honest, her mama has a calm, lulling hum that makes her feel all cozy and safe.
Tiffany loves- and I mean LOVES dancing with her Daddy. Paul's always blasting music on his boom box and it's blasting twice as loud when it's just the two of them left in the cave.
Either their thrashing their heads together or jumping around the water fountain screaming along to the heavy metal, or he even plays a few of Tiffs favorites (a few Disney CD specials he stole once 🤫🤫)
But Tiff adores when Paul holds her on his hip and sway along to some slow dance songs, tiring her down after the few songs involving moshing and swinging. Even humming a little to them while doing some twirls just to get her to giggle. 🥺
Tiffany likes quality time with her mama! Maybe for the fact Chrysta can't say no the the perfect little puppy dog eyes she gives but does this girl no how to get spoiled rotten.
She likes being able to go around the boardwalk and walk through stores or booths looking at things, especially anything that sparkles. Chrysta has had to pat down her own child for jewelry snatches sneakily away from booths before.
Now. We all know Marko’s got to know at least a little handiwork when it comes to sewing or stitching. I mean, have you seen this man's jacket? He's bound to teach his offspring a little bit of his magic.
Katherine enjoys sitting on Marko’s lap as he either works on a new patch in his jacket or fixing up some of her own clothes. It's probably one of the only things she stays completely focused on and stays still,making sure to listen to everything he says.
He let's her take a go a few times- but that only lasts ten seconds before she's crying about poking her fingers or her hands are tangled in thread.
Kat likes dressing up with Chrysta. The two like looking through some old clothes or stolen goodies and putting on their own little fashion shows in the cave.
Since mirrors are a no-go, they like putting on the most flashy or hideous combination you could imagine and trying to make one another laugh.
Christopher likes learning to fly with David. David is probably the most safest option when it comes to difficult or riskier tasks to learn and he knows it.
Chris struggles getting the hand of it, and sometimes David can't fight the smugness when his son just likes to ride on his back or curl up underneath his buttoned up jacket while hovering around.
You know how mama bats hold their young in their wings when their upside down or something? That's how David holds Chris in his coat LMAO if anyone needed visuals.
Watching movies with Chrysta is one of the things Chris holds dear to his heart. Especially in his younger years when he's still not old enough to join hunting, his mom will happily stay behind and binge some cheesy cheap horror movie or soap opera with him.
I mean, they'll watch anything they can get their hands on, especially knowing they can easily get Max to give up a few VHS with the 'Grandpa' card.
🍼: what's your child's comfort item and where did it come from? is it a hand-me-down?
Anastasia's sentimental item is a pocket knife her dad used to have all the way back in 1900 when he was a pick-pocketer. It's not in the best shape, obviously, but it's a piece of him back before his immortality, and Annie is extremely intrigued about her father and his mates past.
Jennifer's comfort item has to be the skirt she seems to wear and never take off. It's sewn with multiple bits and pieces of beaded or detailed fabric her dad can find, and mom can sew. Chrysta could swear that sometimes Jenny purposefully makes tears or holes in the skirt just so Chrysta can add more to it.
Tiffany probably considers anything she owns as a comfort item - she's kind of a hoarder in the making with her collection of trinkets and jewelry Paul has spoiled her to death with. She does love the red lensed sunglasses passed down from Chrysta to her.
Katherine's jacket is probably the second thing she loves most in life. The light pink fuzzy thing couldn't be pried of her very body if one tried. Marko bought it for her after he saw the sparkly rhinestones on the front of it that spelled out 'Princess' in cursive. Ever since Marko told her that she's "Daddy's little princess," this kid has a COMPLEX.
Christopher's a little dude, but he's probably got David's coat promised to him when he's older. If you want to see David turn into a puddle of goo, just watch his son waddle over to him and crawl underneath his coat and snuggle with his dad. Or the times at the boardwalk where he'll play hide and seek with Dwayne and hide underneath it if David's standing around.
🧁: what's your child's favorite thing in the world? what's their least favorite thing?
As dangerous as it is, Anastasia loves the sunlight. The very thing that could kill her in a matter of painful seconds is the thing she's completely fascinated and intrigued by.
She can't help but feel a bit envious of humans who are able to feel the sun on their skin without agonizing pain to follow. Let a sunrise run up their fingertips without having to pull away. She fantasized about the summer days her mom would tell her about whenever she asked Chrysta what sunshine was like when she was human... Sometimes, she thinks she and her mother have a mutual agreement that they both wish to experience sunshine at least once in their immortality.
Now the thing she hates? David's overprotectiveness. If there's anything she can't stand it's when her dad demands or orders her around- sometimes it feels like she can't go seven feet in front of him without him demanding her to come back and never leave his side for the rest of the night.
Jennifer's favorite thing is her Daddy's hair. Like I've said and will stand my it RELIGIOUSLY is that Dwayne’s hair is probably the most cared for and well groomed than most of the boys. And Jennifer LOVES to play with it or snuggle with it.
This man is 100% willing to spend hours sitting perfectly still while his daughter covers his head with bows, clips, flower crowns, and the most ghastly knots considered braids. Maybe a few tears of pain are shed when she runs the cheap plastic come through his hair a little too hard, but he's enjoying the time nonetheless.
Jenny DESPISES social interaction with anyone that isn't her pack. She's the shyest thing anyone in the coven has ever seen. Whenever they're on the boardwalk Jenny is hiding behind Dwayne’s legs or her mom's side.
And when she's allowed to split off and go with her sisters, she's following behind Anastasia like a lost puppy, eyes trained to the floor.
Tiffany's favorite thing is the beach! Paul gives off some very low surfer dude vibes imo,(I mean there's a split shot in the movie where we see some surfboards) but I don't think he does anything extravagant or hardcore- I feel he'd just swim out a a ways with Tiffany on the edge of his board and moonbathe for a little bit, laying on his back with Tiff on top or hanging her legs over the ledge, both taking a little nap.
As much as Tiffany likes the sea and the beach, she hates baths. She's like a feral cat clawing and clinging onto her moms arm to avoid touching the soapy surface of the bath at Max's home.
Now Katherine's favorite thing? Marko. You know how I said the thing she loves second in her life was her jacket? Marko takes first place. (Sorry Chrysta LOL.)
Kat loves her papa and clings to his very being like a koala. She's always making sure she's the star of his attention whenever he's around. If no one can find Kat, just look on Marko’s back, leg, or arm. She's probably latched herself onto there.
And the thing Kat hates is when Marko has to leave. Whether it be hunting or simply just a boys' night out, she's pouting and asking when he's gonna be back. She thinks any second without her dad is gonna end up with him in danger or hurt. She makes some of the cutest excuses as to why she can't go to bed so she can hopefully stay up till Marko gets back. She's definetly attached to this vampires hip but he isn't complaining. 🤷‍♀️
Christophers' favorite thing has got to be the boardwalk! The little guys eyes just get all big and excited at all the sparkling, twinkling lights and colorful stands or rides. He even starts to babble or squeal happily whenever the word affiliated with his favorite place is mentioned.
Christopher hates Daddy's vampire face. Like- when David and all the guys get vamped out, Chris'll start crying. It's similar to those videos with babies' reactions when fathers shave their beards for the first time in their lives.
It's worse when David does it on purpose to get a good laugh too, and he isn't doing anything malicious or cruel to scare his son, he's just holding him and this kid will go into hysteric sobs while hiding in David's coat.
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causenessus · 1 month
HELLO!! okay lowkey i feel like we talk more through your inbox than we do in dms so im just gonna start ALWAYS talking here 🙂‍↕️ idk tumblr dms just don't work or something so GOOD AFTERNOON!! I HOPE YOURE GETTING A TON OF REST NESS bc tomorrow... we have to go back... sigh. and i have picture day tomorrow so i probably need to make myself look presentable ykwim?? 😞
but like about that friend i yapped about HIGHKEY SHE IS NOT IT YOURE RIGHT!!!! i think what makes it worse is whenever she thinks theres an issue between her and me and she goes to literally everyone but me about it to try to get other people to validate her?? FUNNIEST THING EVER because usually people side w me too pls 💔 like they'll defend me, and the people usually tell me when she starts yapping about it to them so like... just wondering why she feels the need to tell everyone in the world about what i apparently did wrong ⁉️ live laugh love i suppose... AND IF YOU EVER WANNA HEAR ABOUT STUFF THAT SHES DONE TO ME I LITERALLY HAVE STORIES FOR DAYS
its been days and the try again playlist is literally the only thing pulling me through... ness im forever grateful for the existence of this playlist‼️try again isnt even finished but like NESS i would marry it if i could i think i think about it even more than love notes omf 😭 i need yn as my therapist NOWWW!!! AND ADDING ONTO THAT, TONICS LOOKS SO AMAZING SO FAR OH MY GOD?? LIKE ALL THE DETAILS AND THE GRAPHIC DESIGN FOR ARTIST PROFILES AND EVERYTHING UGHH IM SO EXCITED
okay another thing, i think i told you about a phone vault before cause like my school was really talking it up... it was the stupid pocket thing on the wall. they're out there calling it a phone vault GOODBYE 😭 anyway ive given up on paying full attention in class and have reverted back to wearing and airpod in class so i can listen to music (the SOLE reason why i have airpods is bc they were a christmas gift i dont have enough money to buy those on my own 🫡)
HELLO SAV!! AND PLEASE TALK WHEREVER U WANT!! I WILL RESPOND WHEREVER <3 and omg good luck with picture day!! 😭 literally those pics never turn out good like they PURPOSELY WANT ME TO LOOK BAD they're always like "no no!! push your hair out of your face behind your shoulder so we can really see how much of an egg you look like!!" but i'm wishing you the best of luck and that your picture turns out well 😔
and also HELLO??? I'M SO GLAD EVERYONE TAKES YOUR SIDE BC LIKE,, THAT'S JUST EMBARASSING FOR HER 😭 I HOPE SHE TAKES IT AS A SIGN AND REALIZES LIKE...maybe she's in the wrong...or maybe she should go to you and sort it out with you!! instead of just complaining about it to others!!
AND AA YAY GOOD FOR YOU!! it's def expensive but so so worth it in the end 😭😭 i remember for me (idk if every state does this!!) but i actually did my lessons when i was like 16 1/2 (for many reasons we won't get into 😔) but anyway!! in my state or at least at the drivers ed school i went to if you were that age they'd allow you to do this thing where basically they just threw all the information you'd learn over the course of the week (or however long all the drivers ed courses are) in one night crash course style!! and then u take the permit test at the end of it and then u get ur permit!! and although i felt a little behind everyone else bc i didn't start drivers ed immediately yk i was kind of glad i got it all done in one night!! and like you learn all the info and then IMMEDIATELY take a test on it so it was kind of easy!! but best of luck to u!! i hope it all goes well <3
AND AA THANK YOU SO MUCH!! I'M SO GLAD YOU LOVE THE TRY AGAIN PLAYLIST!! i always listen to it in the morning when i'm still waking up and then will switch to the tonics playlist when i'm more awake LMAOO BUT YES!! DW i think now that i've gotten tonics intros out of the way i'm gonna work on try again while trying to outline tonics!!
BUT HELLO THE "PHONE VAULT" BUT BEING THE SHOE HANGER THING?? MAN THAT IS NOT A VAULT 😭 THE WAY SCHOOLS ARE OUT HERE COMING OUT WITH THE CRAZIEST NAMES EVER JUST SO THAT IT LIKE FITS THE AESTHETIC OF THEIR SCHOOL OR WHATEVER IS CRAZY but yes!! i think my wireless earbuds were also a christmas gift or something and then during this one play during high school that was literally the bane of my existence (and also simultaneously the best play i ever did) i NOT ONLY lost my earbuds but i ALSO bit my phone on accident and then broke the screen so like...i sacrificed blood sweat and tears for that play frfr (i also bled all over the set after cutting my finger on accident so i mean it...) so i had to buy myself another pair after that bc my mom was sick of me 😭😭 but they were like an off brand pair and tbh they're better than like samsung buds!! (what i have to use bc i'm not an apple user </3) so honestly it worked out in the end!!
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yeah i agree i really dont think its the actors job to "fix" the script because ifl they'd want to respect the actual writers and the directors creative decision even if it contrasts with what they really want. I just imagine it'd be like a blake lively in it ends with us type of situation where it'd cause a divide in the cast and crew and just come across as overbearing
also side tangent, love the new bonus chapter, i really want to see the audience's reactions to the ewan and matt video cause GOD matt was really rilling ewan up and ewan took the bait. like there's no world in which the viewers dont notice the strange tension between them.
also the date reader went on with matt is so cute. ive never dated before and it always seems really complicated and messy to me so matt just being so openly interested in reader whilst being super friendly and accepting if she doesnt want to be with him is a DREAM
gotta find me a respectful man like that.
- ✨ anon
Soz for the late response, but thank you so much for your thoughtful points, luv! 👏
I've gotten more asks from a couple of readers about darling potentially becoming a writer/producer on hotd, being favoured by grrm and saving the show. And many other extraordinary things. And I just want to clarify that this isn't in the cards for her.
It's not her job, she shouldn't be put through that, and it's frankly not realistic ~
Don't get me wrong, she IS brilliant. But we're not turning her into a the-chosen-one caricature 🤷🏻‍♀️💙
Side note: I could write the audience reactions into a minishot! Anyone up to be featured in the story? I could add your actual or blog names + your own reaction/comment. Hehe let me know <3
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9800sblog · 1 year
i just found your acct and just read your readings! i would like to ask a reading if it’s possible! could you do a reading on san’s future marriage/spouse? will it be a love marriage or logic marriage? san said for him it’s romance bc he was raised in a family full of love. it seems like he doesnt care abt ethnic or culture. amongst the members, he seems like more open to date/marry a foreigner. in your 2026 reading, he seems like taking a break. i wonder if he’ll date a foreigner celebrity?-mel
Choi San tarot reading - who is his future spouse?
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-> part of music group ATEEZ, Choi San answered some of my questions about his future marriage through tarot, this is how I interpreted the messages shown in the cards.
-> do I have his energy permission to read and post? 6 of cups!
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right from the beginning of the reading, I got this song:
-> to whom?
he gave me 17 cards to read!!!! and I had to make it stop cause they just kept coming... so much to say... 😮‍💨
oh this person is a lot! this relationship may cause havoc in his reputation/public perception, it's somebody that likes to stir up the pot, you know? not socially conventional at all. i get a sense that they talk without really thinking deeply, they act fishy but they don't hide it, in a very light-hearted way, like a prankster. i think this person is a celebrity because they have SO MUCH money and they always want more. a lot about this person feels very new, I think they have a childlike personality, but very very deep and intuitive, not childish. it's giving gemini, I actually got the king of swords, a gemini card, after I asked about zodiac sign, but overall the reading is giving water and air elements, specifically aquarius and gemini! number 7 is also really important here, reinforcing that this is someone really intuitive and knowledgeable, possibly born in july (San's birthday). this person is really beautiful to look at, I'm seeing many people like to admire them and san would see them like a beautiful prize, so they might be a model, for example. I'm thinking they don't come from a traditional type of family, their parents might be divorced, or this person had to grow up really fast so they don't have good childhood memories, but they have a found family, this relationship and/or their friendships with other people will make this person feel brand new. this person has gone through a lot and they struggle to rely on others, they look like the type to hide in public but secretly love to receive attention and wish for more >< they're learning to trust people and communicate well, they are just now realizing they dont need to lie for people to like them, they don't need to hide or pretend that everything is ok when it's not. they're still holding on to their old ways but slowly some of them have been left behind already. this person seems a little insecure like they don't realize how good they actually are, like someone who is so naturally gifted and talented, they don't see that what they're doing is extraordinary, they might be looking at what's lacking all the time. this person seems scared of their sexuality, like someone who rejects every single person without even looking and I'm again getting the message they do things without really thinking. somebody who is constantly defensive, they might struggle with mental issues, specifically anxiety. I think this person likes to plan and travel, they like to go to the middle of nowhere and listen to the silence. they'd like to travel the world, visit all beautiful natural places, I'm getting specifically deserted places, abandoned, isolated, they might like creepy things. they're full of beauty inside, but they're afraid so they hide, they're like an iceberg, you look at the outside and it's beautiful, enchanting and you have no idea that they hide a glorious inside.
the cards suggest this is a man or just someone who looks more masculine, like really muscly and/or straight body type. I still get a sense of femininity in their look, might be the way they dress or their face. I think they're tall and have low body fat, like their body is heavy but not from fat? they might be super muscly or super thin, they might carry something heavy and tall too. this is someone probably with tanned skin, I saw yellow so they might be literally anemic or fake tan or just have a gold undertone, which I think it's more likely. they might be obsessed with shoes and pay extra money to get good ones, I'm thinking rhythmic gymnastics now. almond shaped eyes, possibly colorful, but I'm thinking colored eye lenses because the colors look super unnatural, small lips in comparison to the eyes that are really really big, very small and delicate nose and V shaped face. they might have an unusual face, looking like a bug or an alien or a skull, theyre definitely not ugly, this is just a face that you don't see everyday, reinforcing that message that other people really like to admire them like they're something out of this world. they have really strong arms like they could walk upside down, if they're an afab, they have insanely huge boobs. they might like to dress up more than others around them, with fancy clothes and wear lots of necklaces, rings, just lots of gold jewelry.
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-> is it love or practicality?
definitely love, there is a very delicate energy in this part of the reading, very very sweet and relaxing, there is that warmth characteristic of pure love and i saw the name of Whitney Houston's song 'greatest love of all', I know the song is about self love but the intensity described there is the same. this person is/will be his world, everything to him and I do think san plans to work non-stop even after ATEEZ ends because he wants to be a good provider for this person, there is this message here. like the time that he would decide to get married to this person would be very a practical decision indeed, when to propose and stuff but he does have immense love for this person and he would do anything for them. ugh so cute!!!
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-> foreigner?
I'm seeing someone with double citizenship because they do seem like a foreigner but I think they are of Korean ethnicity and heritage. it kind of seems like this person was born during a trip of their parents to a different country because I see 2 people far away from home giving love to each other; might also be that their parents are from 2 different countries, because I see that they are very different from each other, appearances and customs are very different, like they're from different cultures.
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-> are they a celebrity?
yes, they are exposed for the whole entire world to see, very likely since childhood. I see someone having to fight for their privacy and also making great connections. that might be how them and san bond, from those shared, similar life experiences :)
this is one of the cutest readings I have ever done, I was expecting him to be more closed off because of last reading I did on him, but he had SO much to say about this person, he is like so in loooooove. I think he already knows who this person is, they have already picked each other, i don't think they're quite in a relationship yet so they might have like promised to wait for each other, planted the seeds. and they're like the cutest little item in the entire planet, I don't wanna leave this energy, they're seem very emotionally and mentally satisfied into each other, they really match, he picked so well.
this is all alleged information, I do not claim that any of this is true or that I'm absolutely right in any way shape or form
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I keep regurgitating my OC in your askbox but you must know that Ansi is a liar, a swindler, and a thief (because it's fun pulling on over on the rich). She is actively swindling all of her coworkers out of their money via phishing emails or just giving a sob story to those who are particularly generous with their funds. (Don't feel bad they're all selfish, entitled, and egotistical. The Alchemax of her world is mostly just rich people who think that they understand science kinda like someone we know irl cougheloncough. They have too much time on their hands and too many friends in power. Ethics laws are pretty much meaningless. They only give her money to make themselves look better. They make a big stink about how they're making a change for their community and blah blah blah. Anyways.) If she doesn't need the cash she'll most likely donate it.
What's really funny is that she attempted to do the same as soon as she arrived at HQ. Much to Miguel's dismay. She got some of the spiders who live in an older dimension. Unfortunately after a while Lyla had to teach them about internet safety.
Ansi ended up scoping the place out to see what she could steal to sell for parts back in her home world since her scams were no longer effective. However she was so mesmerized by all of the tech there that she ended up keeping most of her stolen goods for herself to tinker with. Her and Hobie usually find themselves in the same areas snatching stuff and exchanging potential ideas for what to do with the parts. Disco has caught them a number of times with their pockets stuffed to the brim sounding like they got pockets full of loose change before they just pop back into their respective dimensions.
(Who am I kidding Hobie probably stays and denies everything when asked. Ansi is too tired to lie from lugging her loot around so she just goes straight home.)
It would turn into like a whole operation cause game recognize game!!!! Disco would respect Ansi so much cause black spider-women gotta stick together and she lets Ansi get away with anything, sets aside parts for her cause she's like 'hell yeah fuck miguel he doesn't need it'
but with Hobie she's the OPPOSITE.
Ansi's like 'yeah Discos cool with it ur fine' then one day she catches him and he's thinking 'oh it's the groupie girl i wink and im outta here'
until Disco is like
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"Is that Hobie Brown??? Is HOBIE BROWN over here STEALING???? That's crazy!"
Because Disco runs game in her own way and up until that very moment she was playing the airhead groupie card
Hobies like "????Surely ur taking the piss"
And she's like "You know what'd be crazy?? Me not having to pay cover at your show this weekend, rightttt? You know what'd be even crazier..me being VIP, rigghhttt?
cause for the first couple weeks of knowing her she let him get away with the wink and flirt thing cause she thought it was funny. but she works in a nightclub back home and she's NOT about to play that
Disco was raised by the Panthers so she knows how to collect and trade information like an informat. So she trades info and other stuff around HQ ALL the time.
She's the plug for anything - if you wanna hack ur watch she dont know how to do it but she knows someone he does, if u need to get into lylas systems for any reason she wont do that but she knows someone who will
but she doesnt accept cash cause she doesn't need it and she doesn't 'get into no mess'
(And this may sound unhinged but this is my favorite one jgkbdknbg)
My main HC is that the first time she does it to get into a show free but the next time she asks for his guitar pick cause she just wants it
she starts wearing it (which Jess HATES) but suddenly she realizes theres a couple girlies on campus telling her they'd do anything for one of Hobie's picks and then suddenly she's asking him for more
She starts giving groupies picks and getting information from every department and then like two weeks later the hobie brown fanclub is just a full on info network
Working with Jess and the club she collects all the underground info and shares the information with Hobie ON THE CONDITION that the club gets free entry into shows and he keeps giving her goddamn guitar picks
He'd try to get around it and be like "Diane, love - you're looking fit today :)) about that meeting with Jess and Miguel you were in-"
and she's just like "uh-huh-
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"Where's the pick? And don't say you ain't got it on you, I know you do." Cause one thing about Diane is you ain't playing her. And Hobie goes along with it because 1) Disco is actually really trustworthy, 2) it's damn good info about the society, and 3) he thinks it REALLY funny to see people walking around campus trading and collecting his picks for the sole fact it pisses Miguel off SO MUCH.
Suddenly people are talking in meetings and whispering about guitar picks and trying to get their hands on rare, unique ones cause Hobie etches his logo into every one
and one day Ansi's hanging with Hobie and Disco comes up to him and is like 'Pick, please'. And Ansi watches as he hands it over and she's like "?????? What's happening here"
I have to PHYSICALLY STOP MYSELF HERE I CAN GO ON AND ON IM SORRY THIS IS SOOOOO LONG BUT PLEASE!!! I love this please send more!! I love hearing about Ansi and Hobie and causing havok and an underground rebellion in the Society!!! And sorry I got so carried away I just love this idea, you can send any you have, I'm down! They would all get along so well lol
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...and I dont want the world to see me
'Cause I don't think that they'd understand
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When everything's made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am
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ludinusdaleth · 6 months
I think I'll go for 4, 5 and 24—dealer's choice as to which of Artagan, Ludinus or Ira (or any npc, really. They don't get enough love.)
oh you have no idea the can of warms you've opened, lol.... i will happily do all 3!
this got so long i actually had to put a read more:
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
artagan - it isnt media per say but i really want to set him loose in our own reality and see what he'd do (there have been some hints i think, if half-jokingly said, that hes been here - boy do i think about that often.)
ira - we really should just let him star in his own horror movie. you could put him in a guillermo del toro film, and no one would bat an eye.
ludinus - i want to see how lud would react to faerun. a world so close to his own, but where the weave of magic is directly controlled by a god. there is an odd dichotomy in that faerun is more controlled than exandria and yet breaking that universe's laws are infinitely easier, and i think he would fall into obsession with that.
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
so.... im gonna (un)ashamedly plug my playlists for them here.... please ignore that they can go as long as twelve fucking hours.... ill try to narrow down specific songs that REALLY hit about them, though.
artagan - "within you" by david bowie, from labyrinth, is a perfect fit. not only is arti based on jareth but the song's meaning directly ties into him & jester. jareth is terrified of being nothing more than a lost concept, a lost celebrity crush made fae king, as sarah is metaphorically maturing. "how you turn my world, you precious thing/You starve and near exhaust me/Everything I've done, I've done for you/I move the stars for no one..." i mean, c'mon. "family of me" by ben folds, "celebrity status" by mariana's trench, "lapis lazuli" by the oh hellos, and "due west" by kelsey lu also really hit as arti songs for me.
ira - "mad iqs" by i dont know how but they found me is a really good song for ira's hatred of ludinus. "a mask of my own face" by lemon demon is self explanatory and far too specific, due to his fascination with ashton's mask of him, with the song mentioning "dancing with all the bells". he would go wild for and try to emulate "thriller" by michael jackson or "i cant decide" by the scissor sisters.
ludinus - if i did a speedpaint of lud, id set it to "science fiction" by church of the cosmic skull. "and all the people, they stood on their chairs, and they stared, at the man with the silver hair/taken the findings of the science man/raising his hands to the air!/so he's making the minds up of the millions, and they'd never deny that he's right/cause he's taken a prize of many a size/if ever he dies he'll have a tombstone of a very high height". "brutus" by the buttress is ABSOLUTELY a ruby vanguard trio song and i even used it in my art of them before. "all history is vengeance" by brad derrick from the eso soundtrack is what goes through my head at the malleus key. "blood upon the snow" by hozier & "never look away" by vienna teng also really work for him. i think "survivors guilt" by emily axford (yeah, prism) also has lyrics FAR too tailored to him - "i see you in my dreams/young, and brave, and pre-calamity/i will tell you a story/i will be the voice you lost too soon/because even in your absence, even in your death/im still your moon".
24. What other character from another fandom of yours that reminds you of them?
(i wouldnt say im in the fandoms for all of these, but)
artagan - i think it somewhat obvious he's based off of jareth in labyrinth - his voice is basically david bowie's singing voice. to a lesser but still strong degree he's very much marvel's loki, down to the voice - if, honestly, an infinitely better take on the trickster god. as a past extreme loki fan the pipeline is there for sure.
ira - ashley said she & matt based fearne's story off a guillermo del toro film and i can see that in many fae this go-round, especially ira. he is basically a doug jones character. it's very easy to compare him to creepypastas like the russian sleep experiment or slenderman, too.
ludinus - he has some heavy similarities to emperor belos of owl house, vyrthur of tes, prince nuada from hellboy, and other characters who fit the archetype of a white-haired, ancient, pale elven (or elven passing) man, from a different time, who murders & (in some cases) colonizes to exact vengeance on gods, humans, or similar entities he feels have destroyed those around him. characters clearly in the wrong but who do bring up important topics of the endless cycle of brutality they were caught in, mixed with their privelege in every other circumstance. he also reminds me of mannimarco of tes. they look exactly alike and both shadow run an empire, somewhat in cahoots and yet at odds with a balding white haired pale human man within that same empire. oh! and fëanor from the silmarillion.
thanks for asking! sorry this is so long, floodgates are opened when i discuss men i wish were my fictional partners, lol.
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kingmystrie · 1 year
The reason why AO3 doesn't take down problematic content is because the entire purpose of the site is for archival purposes. An archive is meant to house a lot of information, the purpose of an archive is not to promote certain works of art or to determine the ethics/morals of fictional media. They don't censor anything because that's not their job, their job is to just store as much fanfiction as humanly possible.
It's not a publisher, it's just a giant digital filing cabinet.
I'd also like to point out that censorship has historically been used to rewrite history, silence black voices, silence queer voices, silence indigenous voices, silence activists, suppress workers fighting for decent pay, suppress information regarding political corruption, suppress international news coverage, etc. You'd like to think that censorship will be used only to stop bad people from spreading bad messages, but that is never the case.
Obviously AO3 users are overwhelmingly white and somewhat well off. I highly doubt they'd censor anything racist or even most problematic content, best believe people like me who have the audacity to be autistic and black at the same time would get annihilated immediately.
Even if we lived in a magical world where we all agreed that pedophilia is bad and that black people are humans, there's the issue of how they'd even censor the damn sinkhole.
As stupid as it sounds you'd have a better time protecting individuals from creeps by explaining the importance of consent and why pedophilia is wrong. Unironically. I'm deadass serious. This is why ponder sprocket made that video on why zoophilia is bad.
Below i talk abt how censoring digital platforms is lowkey ethically dubious.
Even if Ao3 was to try and censor specific works, it would be near impossible for them to do in an ethical way. Something i dont see people talk about in this conversation is that if there's censorship on a site someone has to read all of that pedophilic, racist, rape fetishizing shit.
You know youtube? They have like thousands of employees in the global south getting paid like 2 dollars an hour to see the most horrific shit known to man. These are VIDEOS mind you, AKA real csam and real gore, with all the viscera a human eye can find, in motion. No counseling, no nothing.
If a site is to actively censor something, it no longer becomes a case of just the weirdos and people with paraphilias actively searching for something and being pushed away by a wider community. The moment that a website starts censoring stuff they have to employ people to go find that shit, people who don't want to see that shit.
And we know for a fact that we can't just use a robot for that crap either, cause we know for a fact that robot censorship doesn't fucking work, because chat gpt employed a bunch of underpaid workers to do the same thing.
Not only does censorship go against the purpose of the website, but honestly with how much fanfiction is being uploaded and stored on that site it would be wildly unethical to make people have to go through all of that crap.
Not to mention - even with all that work put into removing this dangerous content there is STILL a thriving pedo ring on youtube there have been several videos detailing this. Not to mention fetish-farming crap like elsa-gate.
Not saying that makes it useless for youtube, because unlike AO3 youtube has an algorithm which means that youtube promotes specific videos over others. If youtube didn't trawl through the garbage and take it out they could end up promoting something dangerous to someone who didn't want it. With an algorithm there is no choices, only whatever the math sends your way.
And because of that I've been reccomended some disturbing content on youtube about people wanting people like me get killed, which has damaged my health severely. In contrast - I've never found anything disturbing on AO3 because nothing is being shoved in my face. The front page doesnt even show you any fanfiction, you have to search for whatever you're looking for yourself.
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steveshairychest · 2 years
Were you counting stars? ☆
[ post for @undreaming-fanfiction 's Steddie 2023 Music List Collab!! ]
(This is the song -> In My Room by Chance Peña. I picked this song because 1: it hurts so bad and I wanted to write angst. And 2: i like the idea of them rushing into a relationship and doing so much at once that they dont realise its not working until its too late, until one of them decides they need to leave, to seek something else. The happy ending is that they leave and grow and then find their way back to each other but that doesn't happen in this post.
Hope you like the angsty drabble i wrote to go with the lyrcis! Lyrics are in italics ;P)
They say counting stars
You play the part of a soul missing home
He'd said he couldn't stay any longer. He'd said it without looking Steve in the eyes, had stared at his feet and gripped his guitar case with white knuckles. He'd said he needed more, needed to find something else.
Were you counting stars?
'Cause you packed your bags, had your heart set to roam
"Do you want me to come with you?" Steve had asked quietly, afraid that he already knew the answer. All his worst fears were coming true right in front of him and he could do nothing to stop it.
Eddie inhaled sharply and, still without looking at him, shook his head. "I need time to roam on my own. It's not you- "
"Don't fucking say it."
When you left for Georgia
Said your friends didn't want ya
But I swear I do, say, "What we are?"
They stood outside their apartment, well, Steve's apartment now, and when the silence became too much, Steve asked. "Did this mean anything to you? Was I just here to keep you entertained? Are you bored of me now?"
He tried not to cry, tried to keep himself together but it was hard when his entire world was up and leaving him without a good fucking reason. It hurt even more that Eddie couldn't even look him in the eyes. He'd tried to leave while Steve was at work, not expecting Steve to get off early and catch him loading his van with stuff.
Time's not a problem
Do you think we were moving too fast?
"Was I too much? Did I do something wrong?" Steve ran a hand through his hair and gripped it tightly, trying to resist the urge to yell and scream. "I know it all happened so fast, I know I asked a lot, but I thought we were okay. I thought... we were going to spend our lives together. You said that to me. Do you see me in your life at all?" Steve broke at that point. Tears fell down his cheeks and his chest was heaving with each awful, ugly sob that wracked his body.
They'd whispered these things against each other's lips every night, whispered promises to stay by the other's side no matter what, whispered about hopes to one day get married.
Guess we weren't meant to last
"No, Steve, I need something different, something more. I can't stay here forever."
Something more. What more could he want? Steve had given him his entire heart but apparently it wasn't enough.
Eddie finally lifted his head and a slight crack formed in his mask when their eyes met. His bottom lip wobbled as he said, "I still love you but it's not enough anymore, Stevie. I need to leave this godforsaken town and I need to do it alone."
"Don't come back." He'd spat at Eddie's feet. He'd channelled every bit of anger that bubbled up inside of him to stop himself from latching onto the one thing he needed most, to stop him from begging Eddie to stay.
I can't move on from that and I don't have the words
So I'll keep counting stars inside of my room
Inside my room
Eddie took a piece of Steve when he backed out of that driveway and never looked back. He took a part of him far, far away and each night Steve goes out to the balcony they used to sit on to count stars and he tries to get that piece of himself to come back home.
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baconcolacan · 1 year
Imagine if R Tord had to leave the RA headquarters and when he came back he learns that someone killed R Tom!
Alrighty, here we go! Ask compilation for Regimen stuff > Realistically, I dont think it would happen. Everybody knows that Tom is too important to lose, and that if he dies in RA HQ itself, there would be hell to pay, and its going to be the indiscriminate kind. So all in all, they'd probably try to keep him alive and well, unless they want their commander to forget his 'no killing staff (without plausible reason and replacement)' rule.
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Very nice, pleasant enough to look at, and of course a vital base for all the wonderful art we have at present. Without it, anime wouldn't exist so hes thankful for them <3
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Oooh, bad news for everyone unfortunately. You think he wouldn't stoop as low as tearing each individual country apart just to find him? He would. He'd burn the world down for Tom, who cares? He can just rebuild it anyway, but there's no replacement for his dear Thomas.
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It's in his office, above where he sits and its huge. Of course, theres also all the propaganda with him in it, you couldn't go anywhere in his territory without seeing his face.
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Of course, but it would only be for his personal viewing. No one else should be able to have the pleasure of gazing at what was his and his alone. He'd probably keep it somewhere personal and private.
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See the above! But also only if he dies to memorialize him. Otherwise he can just stare at the real thing all he wants, plus all of the cameras and video/audio recordings of him. Also haha thank you! Spending some time outside and just watching life pass on was pretty calming for my nerves. I know I should be happy that more people are finding my little corner of the internet, but I fear being seen as Im not used to being under a spotlight. Nevertheless, I'm happy to welcome all the new people here! I do hope you like hanging out with me and the others here, everybody is so so nice, so I hope all the newbies are at least comfortable. Just don't cause unnecessary stress okay? We have enough problems irl =7=<0
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nathaaaan · 11 months
*queue depressing music playlist*
ever feel scummy? feel like people who are your "friends" don't like you? hate you? and even if they explicitly tell you that you're cool and what not, you think they're lying? same
that feeling never goes away, but i ran into one of my friends at the store today, and i met their dad, and he told me that they talked about me a lot. the way he said it lead me to believe it was positive and deep deep deep deep deep deep deep DEEP down, i thought he was lying. but he sounded so... genuine. he even offered to drive me home, he insisted actually.
it felt nice?
i don't know, emotions are weird.
personally, i think my irrational thinking of how people view me stems from what my mom says about me. she says im rude or mean, and sarcastic, im not fun, blah blah. ive apologized for being mean, because ive asked several of my friends if i was, and most said "kinda" or "it depends"
most of my friends seem... happy to see me? and i still dont understand why. i honestly talk and joke about death or dying (which just happens to be a sign of depression, thank you for teaching me that, school), and sometimes my friends ask, "are you okay?" lying to them feels weird, so i say no with a smile on my face. :)
i dont have therapy, or anybody to talk to about this stuff, cause really, i dont want to and there are bigger problems in the world. if i talked to a parent about therapy, they'd ask why i wanted it, and the last thing i wanna do is talk to them about it.
i dont even know what to do with myself. i cant do anything like work because im too young. the things i like to do aren't fun anymore (which also just happens to be a sign of depression, again, thank you school.) i dont want to do anything actually, besides lay down and die, but dying is the hard part >:/
im ranting, i know im ranting, because i forgot about the point i was trying to make, but idk what else to do. i don't expect this to get any attention, cause like, who cares?
the point i was initially going to make was "people love you" or something, but i clearly abandoned that.
if you dont mind me, im going to lay here and spiral. :3
anyway, if you actually bothered to read this, thanks i guess. hope you have a good day/night. <3
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Riku has mentioned to me before when I go rambling about it internally that I should ramble on how exactly I got my absurd confidence cause even they don't know how I do it and they'd be curious to hear
But honestly, its about as innate of a thing stemmed from as early back as I can remember myself much like them being able to turn anything into an opportunity - I can make anything I want happen and I have no doubt in my sense of self agency in this world
I do think if I had to guess, when I split off it was a lot more fraudulent and a denial trauma response from the whole because we needed a "Can and will get needs and win no matter what and no matter who gets in the way" and it stemmed from a repression of the actual insecurity and fear that stemmed my split
But from there I think it became authentic in a "fake it till you make it" cause from there, that artificial denial and survival driven self confidence produced real and authentic results reflecting my ability that it became real as I now have almost a decade of life experience to state that I never loose any wars I pick whether that be through skill, determination or flexible vision and goal setting.
At this point I just dont see why I would ever doubt myself.
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