undefinedbehavior · 1 year
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Monstress remains impossibly good.
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ohlenrbgs · 10 months
GET UP SWEETIE,✨Chapter 10 of Easy to Care, Easy to Love is up now!✨ YOU NEED TO SEE THIS!
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ohcorny · 6 months
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so! it's been a year since i put never satisfied on hiatus, and 9 years since i started posting it, and rather than make you read everything if all you want to know is "when's it coming back?" the answer is still: don't know! but the answer has also shifted closer to "it isn't" the longer i've spent on break, and i think it's worth being up front about that.
i talked about it a little here a few weeks ago, but the long and short of it is that between taking on better paying work, writing better stories, and looking back at what i'd already done for never satisfied... i just don't think i want to continue it? the year off has been incredibly good for my mental health, and i can't see myself wanting to go back after the two-three years still ahead of me on my current project. that's not to say i never want to return to the characters or the concept, but if i did, i imagine it would be with something completely new, in a different form. after all, i started this comic when i was 21 years old, a lesbian, and a sophomore in college. i am now just shy of 30, a bi man, and overall a completely different person than i was, back when i was writing without a plan and putting all of my insecurities into the comic--insecurities i don't identify with anymore. lord i'm closer to rothart's age than i am to lucy's. hate that
anyway. you have all been extraordinarily kind for following never satisfied for as long as you have, for supporting it as much as you have, and being as patient as you have. whatever form never satisfied takes in the future (god willing, with a more cohesive story structure and A PLAN FOR THE ENDING, WHICH BY THE WAY I NEVER, EVER HAD) i hope to see you there!
in the meantime, as an update on where i'm at with the thing that made me stop working on NS: i finished it! all the pages for Hunger's Bite (if you remember it with a different title: no you don't) have been turned in and now it's just revisions and covers and then........ waiting a year until it can come out. because that's how it is in traditionally published graphic novels! nothing releases for a full year after you finished it! and you're even getting it earlier than was originally planned, because i'm a creature and finished it like three months ahead of schedule. i've also already started thumbnailing the sequel book which i can't talk about whatsoever and will now be working on that for the next two years and then HOPEFULLY the first book will have done well enough that i can sell a third! so you better buy it when it comes out next february!!!!!!
to ease you all into it, i wanted to do a little crossover to introduce the main characters. we have emery, whose design is fully and unintentionally just Seiji Again down to his color palette (but seiji would bully him if they met. like so hard. he's a wimp). then we have neeta, a girl who dreams of travel and cares deeply about worker's rights, and wick, a vampire agent investigating the mysterious and sinister new owner of the 1910s ocean liner emery and neeta call home. he's also gay. but sorry lucy, you aren't his type. you're not mean enough.
the best place to keep up with me these days is probably here, as this first book gets closer to release, i will probably be posting about it a lot. and i will certainly post about it here when there's an official release date and cover reveal! i hope you'll go read it. i really think if you liked never satisfied and its themes, you'll like hunger's bite!
thank you again for reading!!
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writtenonreceipts · 2 months
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AO3 Link // Masterlist
A little Elorcan thing. I initially wrote this for sjmromanceweek way back in February but then went on my little hiatus instead. Just found it again and decided to finish it up with an edit.
Summary: After a winter storm blows through the city, Elide has to figure out the best way to get to work. Lucky for her, her boyfriend is a bit overprotective.
Warnings: none! ~1.5k words.
The Little Things
As it was—things could have been worse.  Maybe Elide shouldn’t look at things like that, always noticing all the ways life hadn’t yet screwed her over.  Instead, she tried to put a positive outlook on things.  But sometimes it couldn’t be helped to be a bit negative.  It was actually cathartic.
Today things just continued to pile on top of her.  She’d woken up late, even her back-up alarms failed to go off.  It left her to scramble out of bed at eight-fifteen and throw herself together.  She would pride herself on the fact that she still had time to shower and fix her make-up look somewhat like a normal human being.  Even if her hair was piled into a top knot and her foundation was on its last dregs.
However, she was forced to skip breakfast and only grab a granola bar for her lunch, and then wear a blouse that definitely had a stain on the left boob.  Because of course, of course, she hadn’t swapped her laundry to the dryer.  That was the thing about living alone—she had to remember to be responsible instead of waiting for someone to actually be an adult and hey, maybe finish your laundry.  Maybe she could use that as a reason to convince Lorcan to move in with her: live with me because I am a disaster human, thanks.
She’d work on it.
“It could be worse,” she told herself as she dumped creamer into her coffee. “It could still be worse.”
Which was when she saw the flurries of white between the kitchen window blinds.  Elide swept the blinds up and saw the mess of snow falling outside her apartment.  It was a near winter wonderland with the gray clouds and the heavy snowfall.  Near as Elide could tell a good four inches had already fallen, maybe more.
She groaned.  She hated winter.  She hated the cold and the ice and driving in the snow and she hated the fact that her work was full of people who apparently would rather die than miss work.
Her phone dinged from the counter but she ignored it.  She was already late and would have to hurry to get her car warmed up and scraped properly.  Besides, it was probably Lorcan.  He always texted with a good morning message or complaint about how much Terrasen traffic sucked.
She missed him.
They’d spent the entire weekend together and still: she missed him.
I’m clingy as hell, we should live together.
Not that much better on the delivery but it would get a smile out of him.
Elide cursed as she dumped her coffee into a thermos and shoved her granola bar into her purse.  Coffee counted as breakfast, didn’t it?
She opted for the elevator instead of the stairs, knowing her ankle would protest any overexertion.  The injury would never be the same no matter how much physical therapy she put into it.  So, Elide made the best of things only pushing herself when she thought she could or she knew she had plenty of time to rest.  But with the snow and certainty of ice, she was not going to take any chances.
The elevator slowly crept down the shaft, shaking as it went.  If anything, this building was going to kill her.  It could still get worse.
When she finally made it to the first floor, Elide braced herself for the inevitable.  Her tiny car would be covered by the snow.  And given that it was nearing on ten years old the heater would take forever to kick in.  
It wasn’t until she’d taken a few steps out into the fierce cold that Elide noticed it: the large black truck sitting in the lot and the mountain of a man leaning against the passenger side door.
As though sensing her, the man looked up from his phone.  He tucked the phone into his pocket and, so small that it was hardly there at all, a smile flashed across his features.  He was handsome in an unconventional way.  Dark and a bit harsh with the way a scar bit across his nose and another through his lower lip.  His black hair hung to his shoulders which didn’t help anything as it often cast dark shadows across his face.  But she didn’t mind it.  She didn’t mind any of it.
“What are you doing here?” she called out as she carefully picked her way through the snow towards him.  Flurries still fell from the sky, thick and heavy and promising this was just the beginning.
“It’s snowing,” he said, opening the passenger door as she got closer. “You hate the snow.  And your joke of a car can’t drive in this.”
Elide glared up at him as she came to a stop just before him. “My car is perfect, thank-you.”
Rolling his eyes, Lorcan pulled her bag from her shoulder and tossed it in the truck. “The heater is broken and it’s currently buried under half a foot of snow.”
She would have protested further, but Lorcan was already ushering her to the truck and boosting her into the giant machine, hands firm on her waist.  He afforded the opportunity to press a kiss to her forehead.
“Mother hen,” she said, even though he was already shutting the door and rounding the truck.
Elide had to admit, she loved his truck.  It was already warm and toasty inside and the seat warmer was going.  It smelled like leather and oil and Lorcan.  Even Elide wouldn’t have tried to give him fluffy car scents or fruity sprays to keep the clean scent.  Besides, she preferred this muskier scent, it made things feel like home.
It was then that she noticed the extra coffee in the cupholder and the breakfast sandwich on the dash.  She reached for the coffee first as Lorcan got into the driver's seat.
Lorcan smirked at her as she took a long sip of the coffee.  So much better than her home brew.  He’d gone to the shop her cousin owned if the note in silver sharpie was any indication.
Ornery Bastard
“Your coffee maker sucks,” he said, by way of explanation.  He shifted the car to gear and headed out of the parking lot. “Get some real food in your stomach.”
“Coffee is real food,” she said, though she did grab the sandwich before it went flying from the dash.  She took another long sip of coffee, the perfect balance of creamer to coffee, before taking a bite of the bacon and egg croissant.  “Mmmm.”
“You didn’t eat a real breakfast, did you?” Lorcan asked, though Elide knew he already knew the answer.
“Toast with butter,” Elide said.  She smiled sweetly at him before taking another bite.
“Mala above.” Lorcan shook his head even as another smile threatened to upturn the corner of his lips.
Humming happily, Elide settled into her seat.  The croissant was a perfect balance of buttery flakes and salty fat from the bacon, a small smear of chipotle sauce added a little kick that tied everything together perfectly.
“You didn’t have to pick me up, you know,” she told him after a minute. “I would have made it safe.”
Or relatively.  The roads did still look a mess of snow and poor attempts of salting.  But Elide was always careful in this sort of weather.  It might have taken a little extra time but she could have done it.
“I don’t mind,” Lorcan said.
Elide raised a brow. “You work on the other side of town.”
“It’s fine.”
“Cairn’s an ass.”
He snorted. “Like Cairn’ll even come in today.”
He fixed her with a long look when they came to a stop light.  His eyes, onyx black but still filled with light, bore into her.  Elide took another bite of sandwich.  She wasn’t mad at him, really.  Bemused, more like it.  And intrigued.  In the beginning, back when they’d hardly known each other and even into the early throws of their relationship, she’d had a difficult time reading him.  Over time, she’d gotten better.  And now it was simply funny to her to know that he cared.  Especially when everyone else just thought he was the cold, heartless bastard he appeared to be.
“Thank-you,” she said.  She’d never had anyone look out for her the way Lorcan had.  No one who put so much effort into making sure she had what she needed, that she was safe, that she even had a decent meal.  
And then he had to go and do something as simple as getting her coffee and a decent breakfast and she was an emotional mess.
Case in point: tears started to prick at the corners of her eyes.
Elide blinked quickly, not wanting them to fall.  Not that Lorcan would have said anything or judged her for it.
As the car moved forward when the light changed, Lorcan reached over and took Elide’s free hand in his.  He twined their fingers together before bringing the backs of her knuckles to his lips to press a kiss to her skin, the scruff of his unshaved beard scraping gently.
“I love you,” he said, as though that were explanation enough.
And maybe that’s what she would use as evidence in her case for moving in together.
I love you.
Because really it was as simple as that.
But she would wait a little while yet before bringing it up.  Driving during a snowstorm was chaotic enough and she still had an untamed flock of butterflies wreaking havoc in her gut.  So she only smiled fondly back and returned to her coffee.  
Going to be focusing on Rowaelin Month after this and finishing up an Elucien project! Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed this one!
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puckpocketed · 3 months
reading fic and there’s an NHL mention . i forgot that hockey does exist and is a cultural staple in places and ooh okay can i be mad that this person is talking about a hiatus (10 day strike, first of its kind in NHL history) that didn’t happen until 1992 or a lockout that didn’t happen until 1994-95. like what do you MEAN the date is february 1990 and the NHL isn’t going yea it fucking IS i checked !!!!!!
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insurrection-if · 5 months
TW / Content Warning: death, loss, euthanasia
Apologies for oversharing after such a long period of silence, but tonight has cemented my thoughts towards this blog and its future status.
My eldest dog, Charlie, has passed away at the near age of thirteen. After his health scare in February, he had seemingly recovered and pepped back up to his usual goofy mama’s boy self. I am so thankful for these last several weeks I was able to enjoy with him, and feel so blessed to have seen him hold the strength that he did up until last night.
His condition plummeted rapidly and suddenly last afternoon. The veterinarians at the emergency clinic suspected a brain tumor yesterday, alongside (a) stroke(s), and confirmed this diagnosis just before he finally passed. We didn’t even have the time or money to undergo further testing to affirm what was then a theorized, tenuous diagnosis before it was clear that his time had come. It is confirmed to us now that cancer, not an infection, has likely been the main instigator of his health scare back in February. It’s a blessing that he didn’t suffer or dampen in his joy these past several weeks, up until yesterday, while afflicted with this illness.
Charlie used to be my great-grandfather’s dog. We took him into our home after my great-grandfather passed and his home was lost to our family. Charlie came to us in such poor health, and amazed us all with his recovery and clumsy energy these past two years. At that time, those most optimistic were projecting he only had a few months or so, and to see him having lived so long a full a life in the time he’s been under our roof (for far longer than anyone had foreseen) has been a wonder beyond comprehension. For the gift of his companionship, I cannot express enough of my gratitude.
I truly believe he’s in a better place. Goodness, I cried and prayed my heart out last night when I just absolutely felt in my soul what was around the corner - even when the clinic had then cleared him to come home and told us he would be fine. And even with all this time to be with him and give my goodbyes, it still doesn’t feel right to not have him walking into my room and insisting he be carried up to the bed all with a little wiggle of excitement in his hips.
These past few years were a good life for him. Even yesterday, when he began to show signs of and fall deep into weakness, confusion, and fatigue he still wagged his tail when I laid my hand on him and tried his best to follow the sound of my voice.
For those of you less interested in my personal matters and more so in just whatever content I can produce, this event has finalized some thoughts I’d been having a week or so before this in regard to this blog.
This is not a hiatus. Rather, this blog will be silent until I have a form of demo (‘short’ still in length) that I’m satisfied enough with to share. It’s been stressful balancing this guilt of not responding enough and the guilt of responding too much on this blog. And, with this great loss in my life, I don’t think I will regain the right headspace to manage this blog and my responses on it anytime soon.
Apologies for the silence and, now, the suddenness of this change in matters.
For all those with pets, whether they be full of health or struggling a little more with their once daily routine, please take the time to really show them all the love and care you hold for them each day. Please cherish your time with them, be kind to them, and form as many close memories as you can with them. It’s so easy to take time we have with them for granted. I’m so glad to have provided the home I did for Charlie, and hope he knows just I much I loved him and will keep loving him even now that he’s gone ahead of me to our next destination.
Again, apologies for becoming too personal with all this. The emotional wound is still so fresh and I simply hoped to vent as I clarified my current stance around this narrative. So many of you have been the absolute embodiment of gracious patience and abundant kindness with me and my nonsense here on this blog, and I thank you all deeply for it.
Here’s to hoping I return sooner rather than later with something good, or at least decent, to share.
See you soon.
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ggukkiedae · 6 months
BTS MIYA Kicks Off Her Solo Comeback With Exciting News
7:30PM || March 21, 2024
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MIYA talks about her future plans during her comeback showcase!
MIYA dropped the album's pre-release single 'SHHH!' on February 14 as a sample for 'REPPIN'". Since then, ARMYs have excitedly waited for the album's release.
'REPPIN'" is an album that MIYA describes to be one that boosts the feeling of self-confidence while taking inspiration from people she sees as 'girl bosses'. Her examples include Beyonce, Marvel's Natasha Romanoff, Ocean's 8 Debby Ocean, Hotel Del Luna's Jang Man Wol, and Little Mix among many others.
The full-length album came out 6PM today, but Bangtan's Princess held a showcase for the press and a number of ARMYs at 1PM where she performed her title track 'DRAMA' and two b-sides as well ('bloodline' and 'whistle') as talked about her tracks, as we'll write at the end of the article.
Alongside her album release, MIYA released news of a tour this year, starting off in June. She noted that the tour "was actually supposed to be announced tomorrow, but I'm already here. I'll leave the details for the poster, but I'll be going on my first solo tour later this year, and I'm definitely going to focus on performing more recent songs! See you all in June!"
ARMYs flooded to the internet with the news, both excited over the new music as well as the possibility of seeing MIYA perform old songs again as well as other songs she had never performed before.
Are you excited for MIYA's tour? Read below to get a glimpse of what to expect from it from MIYA herself:
MY HOUSE (only until 2:03): "I wanted to open the album with something empowering that boosts that feeling of self-confidence and independence, you know? Also something that feels like pride for representing you and what's yours."
DRAMA: "This is the album's title track and one out of the four songs in Korean on the album. I'd like to say, like its title, it gives off a dramatic vibe in a way that practically screams 'main character energy'."
bloodline: "Writing 'bloodline', i tried to tap into the mindset of a girl breaking free from a toxic relationship. Of course, it isn't something I personally experienced in terms of romance because we all know how sweet and amazing my boyfriend is, but I pulled this a bit from when I got emancipated from my biological birthgivers. Only a little bit. Just the resentment."
egotistic: "I'd say that 'egotistic' falls along similar lines to 'bloodline' in terms of freeing and self/confidence. It has a more Latin pop vibe that I definitely have been dabbling in alongside other genres over my hiatus."
bet u wanna: "If there were one song on this album that would make you more confident when talking to a guy you like, I would think 'bet u wanna' is that song. Enough said, I think that pretty much speaks for itself."
got her own (with TXT Seri): "Seri was with me almost the whole time I worked on 'got her own'! She was really excited to work on something that celebrates female independene and just overall self-sufficiency, and I'd like to think we made a good anthem just for that."
grl gvng: "This is like a song I made with a bunch of my closest friends in the industry. I think namely NCT's Hannah unnie, TXT's Seri, Enhypen's Ari, Aespa's Ningning, Red Velvet's Yeri unnie, and Le Sserafim's Yunjin. These girls are some of the strongest I know."
shhh!: "You guys already know 'shhh!'. You wouldn't expect the album from the pre-release single, would you? Yes, I absolutely enjoyed the more mature concepts I did recently, so I carried it over with this in a more playful manner that shows certainty in one's own desires."
princess diana (with NCT Hannah): "Princess Diana was an icon in her time, and obviously Hannah unnie and I both grew up in England for a time hearing stories of her. This song was kind of us channeling her iconicness in a... not as elegant manner."
b.i.t.c.h.: "I know it's still a shock for many to see me include curses in my music, but I don't care. That's this song, you know? Taking the reigns of my own life because people will always talk, so I don't need to waste time trying to appease everyone at the cost of losing myself. It was a lesson hard learned."
whistle: "This is the last of the Korean songs on this album. Like the others, it's very self-confidence based with the more alluring calmer vibes. It's a song I particularly enjoy performing just because the choreography feels playful and upbeat."
7 rings: "The album closes with '7 rings'. We can't have a woman empowerment album without at least one manifesting song, right? This is the trap song to play when you're getting ready for a girl's night in the bathroom to hype yourself up."
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taglist: @sunflower-0180 @seaoffangirling @yourwonderbelle @1-800-enhypennabi @kamiiyou @strwberrydinosaur @uraveragefangirlsposts @caratinylyfe @1-800-minji @one16core @kimhyejin3108 @chansols @akshverse @toriluvsfics @billboard-singer @stopeatread @allthings-fandoms @jammingjaem
drop an ask or a dm if you wanna be added or taken out of the taglist 🥰 requests are also open!
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biosector1001 · 2 months
The OTHER comic duology that started in 2012 that NickOnPlanetRipple’s Galactic Lampoon inspired:
Dawn of Evil and its sequel Takeover.
Dawn of Evil went on from May 21, 2012 to June 15, 2014 at 192 pages and Takeover went on from September 20, 2015 to February 21, 2016 before it was put on indefinite hiatus by Kalhiki after they officially announced that they lost interest on the project on June 5, 2017 and won’t be working on it further. It was canned at 19 pages.
For those who read it, what were your opinions? Dawn of Evil was the first HF fan project I saw(ironically, before any of the canon material too) and while definitely flawed with the pacing, it still holds a special place in my heart.
I’m posting it today because it’s the release day of Takeover’s poster and due to real life events out of my control, I forgot to do it until after the original ending date of DOE so I just waited until then.
For those curious, just like Galactic Lampoon, it can be found on DeviantArt.
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wildlyglittering · 8 months
Six Sentence Sunday - Silver In Her Eyes
Six (but not really) sentences for what's to come next week!
Update on the fic: I have parts 6 and 7 completely written up and ready to post and all will be up by the end of February.
I had very much hoped that I would have been able to write and edit the next sections by the time 'Act One' was up. I have 22,000 words written of the next section but its completely unedited and then I have more words to write for the remaining sections.
All in all, I saw this as a fic of around 80,000 - 90,000 words. Phew.
From a life perspective I have a lot going on at the moment so I don't know when I'll get the chance to tackle the remainder.
For those of you who are interested in this fic and follow/ share/ like/ comment etc. - thank you so much.
It's not my aim to hiatus this or leave it incomplete - I've written far too much and have so much plotted out to abandon it, but I'm also aware I've not edited/ written as much as I would have liked by this point.
Sadly 'Silver' is getting little in the way of traction on Tumblr with barely any reblogs so I don't think it's found an audience - though I am so grateful to the audience it does have.
Because it does have some readers I do not intend to abandon - it's sadly just moved down the priority list of life until I manage to sort some stuff out. This is basically a novel after all with that word count.
Sheesh - what was I thinking?!
I hope when I come to start posting again, the audience it has will be there.
Here are your six sentences ;)
“It’s not your fault,” Nesta said after a pause, her eyes re-meeting Feyre’s. “Rhys should have known better; he should never have let you.”
Irritation prickled under Feyre’s skin. Who was Nesta to criticise Rhys? Rhys who held Feyre above all others, who loved Feyre above all others. Who was Nesta to dare suggest Rhys would let Feyre do anything when Feyre was her own female, a fae of considerable power and High Lady of the Night Court.
Inside her, Nyx woke, kicking as though he was trying to expel his mother’s rage, matching her righteous fury on his father’s behalf.
“How dare you-” Feyre began, her voice trembling but Nesta was having none of it.
“No,” Nesta hissed. “Don’t defend him now. Believe it or not, he’s not the only one who loves you.”
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shewhoworshipscarlin · 7 months
James Baskett
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James Franklin Baskett (February 16, 1904 – July 9, 1948) was an American actor who portrayed Uncle Remus, singing the song "Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah" in the 1946 Disney feature film Song of the South.
Baskett studied pharmacology as a young man but gave it up to pursue an acting career. He first moved to New York City, New York, where he joined up with Bill 'Mr. Bojangles' Robinson. Using the name Jimmie Baskette, he appeared with Louis Armstrong on Broadway in the 1929 black musical revue Hot Chocolates and in several all-black New York films, including Harlem is Heaven (1932).
He later moved to Los Angeles, California, and had a supporting role in the film Straight to Heaven (1939), starring Nina Mae McKinney. In 1941 he voiced Fats Crow in the animated Disney film Dumbo, and he also had bit parts in several B movies, including that of Lazarus in Revenge of the Zombies (1943), a porter in The Heavenly Body (1944), and native tribal leader Orbon in Jungle Queen (1945). From 1944 until 1948, he was part of the cast of the Amos 'n' Andy Show live radio program as lawyer Gabby Gibson.
In 1945, he auditioned for a bit part voicing one of the animals in the new Disney feature film Song of the South (1946), based on the Uncle Remus stories by Joel Chandler Harris. Walt Disney was impressed with Baskett's talent and hired him on the spot for the lead role of Uncle Remus. Baskett was also given the voice role of Brer Fox, one of the film's animated antagonists, and also filled in as the main animated protagonist, Brer Rabbit, in one sequence. This was one of the first Hollywood portrayals of a black actor as a non-comic character in a leading role in a film meant for general audiences.
Baskett was prohibited from attending the film's premiere in Atlanta, Georgia, because Atlanta was racially segregated by law.
Although Baskett was occasionally criticized for accepting such a "demeaning" role (most of his acting credits were that of African-American stereotypes), his acting was almost universally praised, and columnist Hedda Hopper, along with Walt Disney, was one of the many journalists and personalities who declared that he should receive an Academy Award for his work. Baskett defended the film and his character in it, saying, "I believe that certain groups are doing my race more harm in seeking to create dissension, than can ever possibly come out of the Song of the South."
On March 20, 1948, Baskett received an Academy Honorary Award for his performance as Uncle Remus. He was the first African-American male actor to earn an Academy Award. Additionally, Baskett was the last adult actor to receive an Honorary Oscar for a single performance.
Baskett had been in poor health during the filming of Song of the South due to diabetes and he suffered a heart attack in December 1946 shortly after its release. His health continued to decline, and he was often unable to attend the Amos 'n' Andy radio show he was on, missing almost half of the 1947–1948 season. On July 9, 1948, during the show's summer hiatus, James Baskett died at his home of heart failure resulting from diabetes at age 44. He was survived by his wife Margaret and his mother Elizabeth. He is buried at Crown Hill Cemetery in Indianapolis.
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9-1-1 Season 6 - Constructive Criticisms #1
Lack of and/or inconsistencies with interviews, promos, stills, trailers, etc.
IMO Season 6 ended like a wet firecracker with no sparks or anything exciting enough to make me want to return for season 7.  While the bridge collapse included in 6x18 “Pay it Forward” had potential, it fell completely flat because it felt rushed and the injuries the team received from it were glossed over once they made it to the hospital. There wasn’t any emotional depth and it seemed like another filler episode.  Also, since it was the “supposed” culmination of an entire season/series, it made everything seem more abysmal.  The first half of the season ended abysmally too on November 28, 2022 and over the hiatus, I hoped 6B would be better.  In February 2023, the promo was released for 6x10 “In a Flash” and I became excited again about the show since it seemed like 9-1-1 was back on track but much to my dismay, that wasn’t the case.
To say I was disappointed after watching 6x18 is a gross understatement because the narrative the show followed for THE ENTIRE SEASON was discarded and I stopped watching before the episode ended. It felt like the show I’d grown to appreciate as an actual form of entertainment in the current ‘wastelands’ of network TV had turned into something that was unrecognizable because characters’ storylines were completely obliterated, CANON facts from previous seasons were erased/rewritten and it seemed like the majority of season 2 never existed.  I was so frustrated with the ending that I needed to reassess and regroup in order to figure out if I wanted to continue CANONICALLY blogging about 9-1-1.
I mentioned in a previous post (linked here) that I wanted to provide constructive criticisms from an objective perspective for the season overall and in order to do that, I needed time to reassess. Instead of posting one long 100,000-word post (yes, it’s that many words or more), which would have included everything I felt from season 6 that should have been yeeted to the sun, I decided to make separate posts about them.
My first set of “constructive criticisms” regarding the way promos were handled are included below the cut. Please note criticizing a TV show is NOT a bad thing especially since TV critics have been doing it for decades. Constructive criticisms are designed to help make something better and they are VERY different from negativity.  A person can offer criticisms about a form of entertainment they spend their time watching and not be negative about it the same way two people can agree to disagree on a topic. Just because one person liked the season, they shouldn’t expect for others to feel the way they do because everyone has their own opinions.  Simply put, two people can have different opinions about 9-1-1 and those opinions can COEXIST since they are not mutually exclusive.
If reading criticisms about 9-1-1 upsets you, then don’t read below the cut.
                      Warning! ⚠️“Constructive Criticisms” Ahead!⚠️
TV promotions for season 6 were all over the place and they were very inconsistent.  They’re supposed to generate GA interest in the episode to increase the number of viewers who will watch (hopefully live) and so they’ll know what to expect but the lack of/and or the inconsistencies in promoting them made that almost impossible. Video promos, teasers, trailers, interviews, synopses, social media, stills and everything else were delayed or nonexistent which made it difficult to follow the direction the show was attempting to take. The end result for some episodes made it seem like they were still editing up until the last minute which is ridiculous especially for a veteran TV show like 9-1-1 that was in its sixth season.  There’s no excuse for promotions to have been as minimal as they were and it’s also unfathomable for them to have not been presented to the network in a timely manner.
Promos, Teasers and Trailers Season 6 video promos, teasers and trailers were lacking and it was unnecessary since that wasn’t the case for previous seasons.  Promos for the entire season were off and it all started before 6x1 “Let the Games Begin” even aired.  The season opener promo wasn’t released until a few days before the episode aired when in the past, those promos were released at least one month prior the same way it was done for 6B.  Also, the 6x1 promo was attached to another FOX show that wasn’t even in the same franchise (The Cleaning Lady) and the 9-1-1 portion of it included scenes from 6x4 (Buck on the bicycle) which wasn’t set to air for another four weeks.  The “Blackout” trailer for Season 5 was released at least one month prior to when 5x1 “Panic” was set to air and it played continuously on FOX (at least it did in my region) until the premiere.  Therefore, the lack of trailers for the entirety of the season made absolutely no sense.
It appears there may have been more last minute reshoots, episode name changes and other reasons for the delays that caused edits to be processed down to the wire.  So, the lack of trailers, teasers and episode promos shouldn’t have been a surprise after season 5 but it was because it costs between 9 million - 10 million to produce a single episode.  Since it seems like 9-1-1 wasn’t bothered enough to promote their own show, they shouldn’t have been surprised when the GA didn’t tune in.  Several social media comments about the start of season 6 included viewers stating they missed the premiere because they didn’t know the show had returned.
Promos for upcoming episodes that should have aired at the end of 6x16 and 6x17 weren’t included and the promo for 6x18 wasn’t even released until the Saturday before the episode aired.  It was only 10 seconds in duration and it included at least 4 seconds of LD (a former recurring character from season 5 who hadn’t been seen since 6x1) even though each member of the firefam got less than 0.5 milliseconds of airtime in it.  Six sneak peek scenes were released for 6x18 but it probably would have been much better if they didn’t release a promo at all, especially since it wasn’t long enough to understand what was going to happen.
Unpopular opinion - IMO, FOX took the blame for the lack of promos during the latter part of 6B when the blame should have been placed solely on 9-1-1.  Since the show is responsible for getting promos and trailers to the network, wasn’t it 9-1-1′s responsibility to provide FOX with stills, teasers, trailers, etc.?  If that’s the case, then FOX couldn’t adequately promote 9-1-1 because it seems like 9-1-1 didn’t give them anything to promote.  This wasn’t an issue for 9-1-1 LS because they started promoting their 4th season in October 2022 even though the first episode wasn’t set to air until January 2023.  Reminder, 9-1-1 OG was on FOX for 6 years and in the past, FOX had no problems promoting the season 3 Tsunami, the season 5 Blackout and others so it’s kind of unfair for them to take the blame for the lack of promos when the show dropped the whole trailer/teaser/promo ball all on its own.
Incorrect synopses There was an abundance of incorrect synopses included in season 6 and if the goal was to hide/deflect/deter the audience from potential spoilers then maybe it would have been a good idea to make sure the final edit of the episode was done before any synopses were released.  It seems like the lack of planning caused a lot of these errors especially when reshoots for certain scenes had to be completed (the scene of Marisol crying while standing over her brother in the ambulance in 6x5 was actually a reshoot.  Imagine that👀👀... they reshot the scene and it still looked like she was in love with her brother.  Therefore, that was a WASTE OF MONEY/BUDGETING DOLLARS).  The synopsis for 6x1 stated Maddie and Chimney would go to couples’ therapy but either it didn’t happen or it was cut from the episode.  The 6x5 “Home Invasion” synopsis stated Hen would talk to her professor when she did that in 6x4 “Animal Instincts”.  Guests and recurring characters listed for 6x17 and 6x18 was an inconsistent mess and it’s unclear if they did it that way to hide the fact that AK and MW were returning in 6x17.  But viewers who saw the BTS pics that were released in March, already knew AK would be in the finale and it was speculated that MW would be too after she was spotted at FOX studios.  Does anyone proofread these things because the synopses that included Buck and ND kept changing like they were trying to decide how to handle their nonexistent relationship only to shove Buck into one with her at the end of 6x18. SMH!
Stills Stills are a huge part of promos because they can be used on an array of social media platforms when compared to videos and GIFs; therefore the lack of them for the majority of season 6 was unacceptable.  A lot of the stills that were released came from the main cast (thanks to OS and AH) and the ones from the show were always released when it was close to the episode’s air date instead of at least one week in advance.
Social Media By the end of 6A, the official Tumblr 9-1-1 account hadn’t posted anything about OG since the BT breakup at the end of season 5, so I unfollowed it.  People who use Twitter and Instagram probably got more interactions from the dedicated FOX accounts than other platforms but hopefully when the show is on ABC, things will be better and the Tumblr 911 on ABC will get the attention it deserves.
Sneak Peeks 9-1-1 should STOP releasing five and six scenes from an episode the weekend before or on the day the episode airs because it’s a lazy way to promote it and they ruin the viewing experience.  The duration of each episode is between 42 to 45 minutes so if 5 scenes that are each one-minute long are released, the audience has the chance to see at least 11% to 12% of the episode before it airs. That spoils a lot of the excitement and it’s been happening since season 5.  Sneak Peeks should NOT be used to replace promo videos and teaser trailers.
Pre and post-mortem interviews Interviews have become an antiquated way of promoting TV shows because most of the GA DOESN’T READ THEM.  Also, some people don’t even know they exist but the main problem with 9-1-1′s post-mortems is information that should have been included in CANON WAS NOT but it was mentioned in interviews like the audience should have been able to anticipate what the showrunner wanted them to know (i.e., Chim and Buck making up off screen in season 5 and Chris being told about Eddie’s will)!  The showrunner(s) released all kinds of important information in them but if they didn’t read the post-mortem, viewers didn’t have any ideas about the things that supposedly happened.  For example, KR mentioned, right before the midseason hiatus, that Ravi was away at the academy but the GA had been asking about the character since the beginning of season 6.  Therefore, if the majority of the GA doesn’t read interviews, how were they supposed to know that?  Also, she always mentioned things happened off-screen during her interviews when clearly those things were important enough that they should have happened on-screen.  Since most viewers don’t read post-mortems, they had to do mental gymnastics during and after episodes to figure out what happened to the characters.
Another issue with 9-1-1′s post-mortems is lately there’s only been one main cast member doing the majority of them and that’s just not fair.  Viewers have their favorite characters and contrary to popular belief, BUCK IS NOT EVERYONE’S FAVORITE.  My favorite character is Eddie Diaz, so I would like to read some interviews with RG instead of OS.  If RG was allowed to do some interviews then maybe I’d read the articles instead of just scrolling to the comment sections.
Please note, I do not have a problem with OS because he’s a gifted actor and he knows and plays the character of Evan ‘Buck’ Buckley very well but he’s done like 90% of the post-mortem interviews for season 6 while the rest of the main cast has barely done one or NONE (RG) over the past two seasons.  It’s an ensemble cast so it would be fair if EVERYONE is given the chance to do at least one interview.  If they don’t want them to do one then maybe the showrunner(s) should do all the interviews instead of them spotlighting only one cast member. 
To make things fair, every main cast member (there are 9 of them) should be allowed to do a minimum of two post-mortem interviews per season or if that’s not an option, none of the main cast should do them.  That way audience members would have the opportunity to read interviews from some of their favorites too.  The comments on other social media platforms and post-mortem interviews for season 6 proves that viewers would much rather read interviews from someone other than OS in season 7. 
The viewers who like AB want to read interviews conducted with her while others would like to hear from AH, PK or KC.  IIRC, JLH hasn’t done an interview since season 5 after 5x12 “Boston” also both GM and CM haven’t done one since last season either.  AH did an interview after 6x6 and PK completed one before 6x7 but the information he mentioned was either incorrect or the character’s job was changed from her being a ‘famous singer’ to a ‘movie star’.  KC did one a few weeks ago after the proposal arc and it appears to have been a HUGE success since he was finally allowed to do an interview.  When is RG going to be let out of interview jail?  He did interviews in previous seasons, so what’s the problem with allowing him to do interviews?
Hopefully the transition to ABC will be better but if they have to wait for promotional materials the same way FOX did, it’s unlikely things will be any better than they were during season 6.  9-1-1 needs to work on their time management and organizational skills during the hiatus to be better for season 7 so they’ll be able to release promos, stills, etc. on time.
These are my criticisms regarding promos, trailers, stills, interviews, etc. and “Constructive Criticisms” #2 will be posted soon.
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fountainpenguin · 21 days
Recent 'Fic Progress 'n Stuff
I'm in a very busy period of my life right now, so updates may become sporadic, but here's some news I have for now!
Fandoms discussed: MCYT, Total Drama, WordGirl, Fairly OddParents
MCYT - Typically updates Tuesdays
- Aiming to post something for the Pixels Imperfect series on Tuesday, but don't be alarmed if it doesn't happen.
-> I'm in this weird zone where my chapter for Herobrine's Guide to the Between Dimension is complete except for the map I'm almost done with, but I'm having some artist block getting the map where I want it, so... I might hold off a bit until I'm happy with it. It's not bad, but I'm struggling with clean-up and labels.
-> Really good progress on my next Dog's Life chapter. In a weird zone of hesitating over whether I'm going too far with X or Y. Needs more attention, but I'm really happy with what I have so far. Very exciting! I did some doodles that I'll post under the cut :)
-> High likelihood of skipping this next Tuesday of posting, which gives time to let Collector's Fee sink in anyway (Plus I did a double update for Dog's Life at the start of August for its anniversary and that was probably too much for me), but we should be back the week after :)
- Herobrine's Guide will go on hiatus after Chapter 14 (the next chapter to post is Chapter 11) because that's where the buffer runs out. At that point, we've finished all world lore (except the Hels stuff that goes in the Additional Info final chapter). That's where we enter the bestiary, and they're huge chapters I want to ensure are consistent all the way through. So... I need to finish all the bestiary chapters before posting the first one :'D. A lot of work is done, but a lot still left to do!
-> Since I've been posting Herobrine's Guide during Dog's Life's intermission, we just won't have Tuesday updates for a bit. I think I'll switch to finishing The Candles We Light (and Should Regret) & Top 10 Hanahaki Life Hacks (#8 Will Shock You), which I started during Guess the Author.
-> Comparatively, they're shorter projects and it would be nice to finish them instead of leaving them hanging. That should work well, but we may have a period of no Tuesday updates during this adjustment period.
- Dog's Life is still on soft hiatus through to January or February 2025. It's between Sessions 2 and 3 right now and that hasn't changed. At this time, it posts once a month (although as mentioned, there may be a slight delay in the next chapter, but we had a double update on August 1st, so no surprise :))
-> When Dog's Life resumes, it will most likely be once every two weeks instead of every week. I really enjoyed posting weekly, but I have to admit it's A Lot. I was able to do that when hyperfixating on it as the only fandom I was posting consistently for, but I'd like to roll it back for 2025. Considering I post chapters above 10k words, I think it's fair; weekly updates was a lot. Final decision will be made when we actually reach 2025!
- We know Grian's working on Life Series Season 6 and that he said it would be a while. When that drops, I expect to do liveblogs and maybe one-shots depending on inspiration.
Total Drama - Currently updates Wednesdays and Saturdays
Life of a Loser is getting close to its end! Once it's done, we'll switch to posting one TD 'fic a week (probably) until they're all posted. Leaning towards posting on Wednesdays or Thursdays. Subject to change.
You can subscribe to the Riddle's Drama AO3 series if you want those emails. If you are only subscribed to Life of a Loser but you want to continue seeing more of my TD work, now is a good time to subscribe to the series, as basically everything from here is one-shots.
Reminder: I wrote these works between 2013 and 2016. I'm moving them to AO3 for archive purposes. You can leave comments or send me Asks if you want to chat about these works or their worldbuilding, but my knowledge of the show ends after Ridonculous Race; I didn't watch Total Dramarama and I don't know anything that came after it.
My Total Drama works will continue posting for the rest of 2024 and into 2025. I don't anticipate writing more works for this series, although if I had infinite time, I'd be interested in finishing the ones I started and left unfinished (because Leonard, my beloved).
WordGirl - On hiatus
Still on hiatus for now! Was hoping I'd be able to post more for it before the end of 2024, but that was pushed back by a very busy summer, which led to me not getting the Frayed Knots buffer where I wanted, and Frayed Knots has priority.
These works are not discontinued (I've been working on Factor It In since 2018 and I'm not dropping it now, lol). They're just on break, because I'd prefer leaving them on break and returning with a buffer over random updates.
I do have some one-shot drafts I've been sitting on, and I might clean and post those, but my attention's pretty divided between IRL, MCYT 'fics, and FOP right now, so this isn't super likely.
Factor It In has a serious vibe, as it's a realistic exploration of superhero life and biology, and there's also, like... no death or serious injury in it. I'm currently interested in things that are either wackier or angstier, but I look forward to coming back to it when I'm ready to be serious again. I genuinely like these 'fics a lot, including my WIPs, but it's an exciting time for FOP fandom right now and I want to enjoy it :)
If you want updates for my WordGirl 'fics, you can subscribe to Heroes' Journey or 28 Million Degrees. And you can always send me Asks if you want to!
Fairly OddParents - AO3 updates on Fridays, plus I've been posting on the blog any day of the week
- New cover arts for Frayed Knots and Origin of the Pixies are done! Their new announcement posts will go up soon, as I wanted to get all the 130 arc covers done first (for reverse tag scrolling purposes).
I did these two first and I think they're my favorites <3 These will replace their existing covers in their respective 'fics, and these are the posts that will be linked to when discussing these projects (Ex: I need to clean my FOP 'fics page and these will go there).
Reblogs always appreciated for cover / announcement posts, but no pressure! These are messy 'fics and not to everyone's tastes.
- I've committed to the name City Lights AU for my New Wish works. I'm REALLY excited for the "arranged marriage & not in love but we're going along with it anyway because this is what we do as upper class kids" trope I've set myself up with... for reasons...
- The AU guide is complete and will be posted after I finish Hadley's full sideblog profile, as I want her to be linked on it.
- I... emotionally cannot post Hadley's profile until I clean the freakin' blog, because I HATE what the update years ago did to bullet points, so I'll see if I can make some time for the sideblog. I have to go back and change them all to indents with dashes, like I've been doing in my posts over here... and I still have to fix all the broken masterpost links (which broke during the same Tumblr update from years ago). Gonna be a pain, but...... :'D The things we do for love.
- I went through my drafts and it looks like I do have some lore and reference posts that can be cleaned and posted for the sideblog, which would be nice; I have more to work with than I thought.
I can also do things like post the Fairy School Schedule on the sideblog instead of on a Google Doc. Up until now, it was relying on the doc for color coding (for ease of reading), but now we have color-coded posts, so it can go on the blog directly. - Also ?? it turns out I never actually compiled my multiple posts on Fairy aging into a single post, and thus the detailed info never made it on the sideblog. -> I compiled an age chapter for today's "So, You're Studying the Cloudlands..." update (i.e. I'd had the development charts there as placeholders since the start, but I really wanted actual info too) and that will become a sideblog post in the future.
- Somewhere in the depths of my literal 2,400 drafts on main blog is some sideblog stuff that I saved as drafts here instead of there, and one day... I will find it. But we'll talk about that again after my A New Wish liveblog is done.
I'm also going to change the sideblog's mentions of Riddleverse Classic to Cloudlands AU, now that it has a real name. Just... finally coming back and power washing everything before I risk posting anything new that attracts new eyes while the blog is messy, haha.
Technically the term Riddleverse 'fics covers all my AUs, so some mentions will stay (like things that say "contains Riddleverse spoilers"). However, this should make things more clear.
I had a lot of self-censorship internalization and general nerves when I was working on the sideblog back in the day, but I'm a lot more "cringe and free and I'm gonna make it everyone's problem" now than I was a few years ago, so it'll be nice to move on from those memories and learn to enjoy the blog again.
- I also feel happier with my art and writing styles now compared to where I was in recent years. Looking forward to blowing the dust off and polishing stuff nicely! I'm not going to try to keep future profile arts consistent with the old arts, so it'll be what it'll be.
Heavily leaning towards redesigning my adult Chloe, as I was never that attached to her, and I want to slightly tweak my Timmy and Cosmo to better fit my current art style. Debating whether to add Anti-Wanda's scars. Also need to do a scar ref for H.P. since he has a huge one on his cheek I rarely draw because I always seem to draw him facing the other way, sdklj... Someday...
- I had a lot of IRL stuff happen in recent years that was similar to things happening in my FOP 'fics and I wasn't able to truly enjoy them for a while. A New Wish brought back a lot of my excitement for the series and I feel like I'm healing a lot in regards to being able to enjoy FOP :)
I'm excited to share the arc guide and start outlining 'fics.
- As previously mentioned, I've cleaned the 130 Prompts summaries page so it's up to date with 2024 plans. Also, I've finished all the arc guides and made a new cover image for the project!
- I'd like to kick off Arc 3 of the Prompts with a piece about Dale shortly after "Nectar of the Odds" - "#96 - You Deserve It." The piece after that will loop back to the "Am I adopted?" drama Poof went through in Arc 2, and it'll be fun! I'm really excited :)
- Frayed Knots is high priority, but it's also a massive project requiring lots of brain power, so it'll be nice to sprinkle lighter one-shots in between.
- Great progress on Frayed Knots! Things are really coming together. Might post one chapter soon, but the next few need more attention. Still hoping to build a proper buffer, but it's a slow process.
-> I... think I'm going to take the plunge and commit to dropdown chapter warnings for Origin and Knots, the way I do for my MCYT multi-chapters :'D Will this be exhausting and require a lot of rereading? Yeah, but it makes me feel less self-conscious (and it helps me quickly check each chapter to confirm I know what's in it). So... That'll be going on in the background, but expect it to take a while. It will not be fast.
-> Next chapter gets a standalone E-rated version, like we did for "Cageflight" back in the day. As previously stated, Frayed Knots maintains it's T and/or mild M rating despite now being classified as Not Rated; E-rated content will always be posted separately. And this one's pretty intense, so prepare emotionally before reading.
/whispers loudly - It's the big "raised in a culture where sex is done for ceremony" vs. "longing for passion and ready to ask for it" clash we've been waiting for... I finally am happy with my blocks for this scene. Just pulling it all together. It feels SO FUN to finally write the ceremonial bits of their culture as a proper ceremony explored onscreen. It's always been hypothetical... sdfljksdflkj...
This chapter is called "House of Cards." The standalone will be titled the same, and these are the AO3 series that will get the email notification:
Rainbow Train -> Not in the 130 Prompts
Red Train -> Suggestive / explicit
Orange Train -> High fantasy (Deep-dive into Anti-Fairy culture)
Subscribe or ignore at your preference, but there's your heads up. And obligatory reminder that this is a 'fic about a protagonist who has hypersexuality and we explore that more now that he's an adult than in the earlier chapters when he was younger.
Anti-Cosmo being hypersexual, bipolar, pan, AND ace, AND carrying trauma from a past life, and VERY confused about attraction, you will always be famous to me <3
As we know, Origin of the Pixies is all the way up to the war chapters, so it's on hiatus until Knots catches up. From there, we'll alternate between H.P. and Anti-Cosmo POVs through the war! Very exciting.
Knots still has to get Anti-Cosmo through his first meeting with Cosmo (who still has to hit Wanda with his car in line with "Cosmonopoly"), then through godparenting schooling & into a high rank in Anti-Fairy World (in line with his appearance in the truce flashback of "Balance of Flour"), but we're getting close!!
Also as previously stated, I might get around to posting some sensual / sexual stuff for FOP that I wrote as character studies and warm-ups back in the day, but...
I cannot emphasize enough that these delve into really heavy topics like consent violations, setting up a plot about being underage and desperate that will later crash and burn, and sexual trauma, and they're not necessarily sexy or fun to read, so just... [obligatory I Write Trauma & Morally Gray Characters In 'Fics For The Show About Trauma & Morally Gray Characters reminder].
But I do think there's really interesting stuff in here in terms of character studies and I wouldn't mind having them available, if for no other reason than because I've lost them multiple times and would enjoy having a place to find them.
-> Those all go in Red Train and Rainbow Train. Again, subscribe or ignore at your preference. They are not part of the 130 Prompts (which are strictly G and T works).
-> These are certainly not necessary reads in order to "keep up with what's happening" to the characters. Anything you need to know for their plot arcs is in their G and T stories. This is just bonus stuff for people who're interested in... The Horrors.
That's all I have to say for now! Thanks for reading!
Doodles for the upcoming Dog's Life Chapter 41 and/or 42 depending on where I cut it
Mild spoilers depending on how good you are at deciphering these out of context:
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entropistic · 10 months
Status: Project Cancelled + Fully Refunded
The Entropistic Project was an attempt starting on February 2022 (?) at funding the buying of banned / restricted books so that those affected could be able to access those important books physically or have copies for education.
Because of complications with The Entropistic Project, ended up going on hiatus. But after re-assessing, it was for the best to have this particular version of the project officially cancelled.
Donators have been refunded with a message attached saying its a refund for this (under a joint Paypal account, now deleted).
The project never took off and did not gain traction - only actually gaining $14 USD from donors (plus more being funded by the main owner of the project to at least cover the first book).
Then, the project went on pause due to complications. Chaotic current events did not help, there was waning interest from audience, multiple book recipient candidates were un-contactable or unable to receive the book due to their privacy concerns when trying to give the first book, several severe health complications of the main owner, and later we were locked out of the money account due to Paypal's shenanigans.
Finally, being able to log-in to the money account a year later, have decided to refund and delete some inactive parts of this project, while updating the status on this.
Have learned a lot about how these types of goals can go wrong, but hope that our sincerity and honesty in our intentions comes across despite this. Unfortunately, the initial setup and circumstances doomed it to fail - and have been thinking deeply on how to fix this to no avail.
This was not a scam, but an unsuccessful pipe dream.
Hopefully next time a well-intentioned project is attempted, it is done better - until then this sideblog will be inactive until needed again.
Basically: entropis.tk site has been updated to reflect change (and the domain will not be renewed on February 2024), entropistic's ko-fi donations have been turned off and to be deleted around February 2024, the entropistic paypal n liberapay accounts are deleted, and the 2 donors were fully refunded as the money was specifically for purpose of helping others.
(Message has been heavily edited, so can be understood. Hope it make sense)
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youngveinsworld · 1 year
The sixth member of the Young Veins - Yon Garfias
Yonathan Garfias is a musician who worked on Take a Vacation in the studio with Rob Mathes and was the original touring bassist. However, he left the band in March 2010 and was replaced by Andy Soukal, who was the Young Veins' bassist until the announcement of the hiatus in December 2010.
Yon went on to help produce some of Jon's solo music, so there doesn't appear to be too much animosity between him and the band. He also worked with artists such as Tame Impala, Tegan and Sara, Silverchair, and Angels & Airwaves. This is his bio on Soundcloud:
Colabo muso [silverchair, the young veins, jon walker, the like, tame impala, pond, tegan and sara, angels and airwaves,Love (movie) my minds own melody (soundtrack), nataly dawn, nick allbrook]
The only show he ever played with the Young Veins was their first one on 13 March 2010 at the Echo. He posted this entry to his website after the show:
1st Show w/Young Veins As you know guys I’m back with The Young Veins, for mutual decision, and last nite we all together, you are involved in this, rocked @Echo in Los Angeles, California. This is some comments from my bandmates about this: “A million thanks to those who came out tonight and supported us!”.- Nick Murray “Thanks to everyone who came to support us tonite! You were great..”.- Jon Walker. And you don’t know what we said after the show finished, we are so glad and proud of your support guys!. And for those whose were there @Echo yesterday, this is what I said: “We really appreciate that you guys coming, this means a lot to us for our first time here. We hopefully we can see you all very very soon… because this is probably my favourite show in this band of all the time so thank you so much for that, I trully mean that from the bottom of my heart… I came from Mexico to see you and every moment have been spectacular so thank you so much… we love you and this is our last song and it’s called Heart Of Mine thanks so much!.” We love you guys!
Timeline of Yon's involvement with the Young Veins
From a Tumblr post from Yon's blog:
In September 2009 I joined The Young Veins. But then in March 2010 I left the band. It was nice being home.
Tumblr post made by Yon on 23 January 2010:
And about a new project born in Panic At the Disco lines… Ryann Ross and Jon Walker left them and begun a  project called The Young Veins… something as The Beatles…. The Kinks… The Animals…. well 60’s music… Then arrived Nick Murray and.. me. I love this music… the album will be released this year… but the tour is March 2010…
Tumblr post made by Yon on 30 January 2010:
Thank you so much for all your support so far! We’re currently rehearsing, prepping the album and getting ready for tour in March / April. We’re soooo close to getting the final confirmation on those dates and cities. Thanks to everyone for being patient, it means a lot to us
And a post from the same day he made about texting the other Young Veins members:
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Tumblr post made by Yon on 6 February 2010:
Wanted to let you all know as of March 2010 i won’t be continuing in The Young Veins. It’s been a great learning experience and a very funny one as well. I started with the band to have a similar art as The Beatles or The Kinks even The Animals, and it served that purpose very well the music from the Young Veins is concidered as rock classic! and that’s good! I never intended to be a famous artist with these guys just an artist and it opened many doors to give me new opportunities to do just that. Thanks to everyone who has supported me and I hope you can continue to show your support on future projects. You can find info about all my art related projects on www.yongarfiastumblr.com. I just wanted to add thanks to everyone who has supported me to take this project as my manager, Derek Hudgens, the guys for let me be part of this great dream, Ryan Ross, Jon Walker and Nick Murray and the rest of the crew. Its been a great run and I will continue this carrer. Now I know whose gonna take that place, Andy Soukal, I know you will do it good, even better bro!. I understand many of you are sad at this news, I am sad also, The Young Veins has not only been a big part of my life, but also who I am right now but this is my 1st calling in life right now. I met awesome people, and able to talk to a ton online like yourself. I will continue to make musc and the spirit of The Young Veins will live on forever. I really hope you all stay in touch with me and you can always ask me any questions in the years to come. Take Care… -Senator Garfias
Tumblr post made by Yon on 20 April 2010:
Some months i was in a band called The Young Veins… kind of 60’s rock and roll! but i quit… too much fame for me…
Yon's departure from the band upset many fans on Livejournal, and also on Twitter, where they tried to get #teamyon trending.
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lboogie1906 · 8 months
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James Hubert “Eubie” Blake (February 7, 1883 – February 12, 1983) was born in Baltimore, he was a composer, lyricist, and pianist of ragtime, jazz, and popular music. He had become one of the most important figures in early 20th-century African American music and a major contributor to ragtime and early jazz music and culture.
He began his musical journey at age four playing a pump organ. At fifteen, he became a professional musician playing ragtime songs in a brothel. In 1905, he moved to New York City, where he asked composer Will Cook to assist him in promoting his first song, “Sounds of Africa.” When a buyer offered $100, he was elevated to the status of a professional songwriter. Although negotiations between him and the buyer ended without a sale, the song was renamed ‘The Charleston Rag.”
He returned to Baltimore where he performed with C. Luckeyeth Roberts and James Johnson. In 1910, he married Avis Lee, a classical pianist. He published his first song, “Chevy Chase” (1915) he met his longtime songwriting partner, Noble Sissle, with whom he wrote a hit song for singer Sophie Tucker, “It’s All Your Fault.”
He and Sissle collaborated to create Shuffle Along, the first all-black musical hit on Broadway. The show and its hit songs, “I’m Just Wild about Harry” and “Love Will Find a Way,” were so popular that in 1921 the show was performed by three different touring companies. He created some shows on his own including Swing It and Blackbirds.
When ragtime faded in popularity by the early 1920s, he shifted to jazz and performed continuously until 1946 when he took a twenty-three-year hiatus from show business. He returned at the age of 86. He toured the world playing piano and giving lectures on ragtime music and helped promote the ragtime revival of the 1970s, which partly grew out of the popularity of the 1977 Robert Redford film, The Sting. He gave talks and performed his music well into his nineties. In 1979, the musical Eubie was created from his work; he made several cameo appearances in performances across the US. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence
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tdp-fandom · 1 year
Shipping Poll Results: 1. General Stats
Next: Favorite Ships (Part 1) · Shipping Poll Main Page
Thank you everyone for waiting! I would like to start with the general statistics.
1.1 General Information
The poll was open from June 1, 2023 til July 22, 2023 and gathered 216 responses. The links to the poll were shared on Tumblr, Twitter, Reddit, Discord (several servers), Instagram, Dreamwidth and later Mastodon.
Please note that with 216 responses, the margin of error is 6.7%, which means that not all of the results will be representative of the fandom as a whole or statistically significant. More on error (link to an explanation I wrote for the S3 shipping poll).
1.2 Where People Found the Poll
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Vote breakdown for this question
211 responses out of 216
Tumblr - 77 votes (36.5%)
Twitter - 53 votes (25.1%)
Reddit - 52 votes (24.6%)
Discord - 26 voted (12.3%)
Instagram - 0 votes (0%)
Dreamwidth - 1 vote (0.5%)
Through a friend - 2 votes (0.9%)
5 people skipped the question
Mastodon was not included as a choice.
Tumblr has always been the most active hub when it came to the fandom events I organized. Reddit used to be more active in the past. Instagram varied but I didn't expect to get zero responses. This was probably due to changes on Instagram itself, which removed the ability to view new posts. I will probably not post any future events on Instagram.
1.3 Participants' Age
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Vote breakdown for this question
207 responses out of 216
13 or younger - 3 votes (1.4%)
14-17 - 36 votes (17.4%)
18-21 - 57 votes (27.5%)
22-25 - 41 votes (19.9%)
26-30 - 38 votes (18.4%)
31-35 - 22 votes (10.6%)
36-40 - 4 votes (1.9%)
41-45 - 4 votes (1.9%)
46-50 - 1 vote (0.5%)
51+ - 1 vote (0.5%)
9 people skipped this question
With a small sample size, these results are very likely unrepresentative of the whole fandom, meaning that while the majority of the participants in this survey fall in the age group between 18 and 21 years old, they might not be the actual majority of the active online fanbase.
Moreover, as one participant pointed out, having fixed groups instead of separate ages might skew these results even further.
1.4 When the Participants Joined the Fandom
I can immediate say that I must've worded the options badly, because I got a large number of manual input answers, some of which correspond to my suggested options. For this reason, I made my own pie chart which accounts for that.
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Note on the vote options
By "After S1" I mean starting from the release of season 1 until the release of season 2. Thus the hiatus was included in the option "After S3). I will try to word the options more clearly for the next poll.
I didn't originally have the option "Before S1" and added it because three people mentioned that in their responses.
Vote breakdown for this question
212 responses out of 216.
Before S1 - 3 votes (1.4%)
After S1 - 69 votes (32.7%)
After S2 - 29 votes (13.7%)
After S3 - 69 votes (32.7%)
After S4 - 28 votes (13.3%)
Don't remember - 13 votes (6.2%)
4 people skipped the question
It appears that seasons 1 and 3 were the main times when people joined the fandom. It makes sense for S1 and 2, since they were released very close to each other (September 2018 and February 2019 respectively) but S4 came after a three year hiatus. I really expected more people to join the fandom after it aired, especially since the poll was held 7 months after its release.
1.5 Relevance of Shipping
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Vote breakdown for this question
213 responses out of 216
1 out of 5 - 20 votes (9.4%)
2 out of 5 - 34 votes (16%)
3 out of 5 - 58 votes (27.2%)
4 out of 5 - 64 votes (30%)
5 out of 5 - 37 votes (17.4%)
3 people skipped this question
Unsurprisingly, most people taking a survey about shipping do actually care about shipping. However, I'm also glad to see that people to whom shipping isn't as important also took their time to take the survey. Overall, of a scale from 1 to 5, the participants would rate the important of shipping as part of their fandom experience as 3.3.
Next: Favorite Ships (Part 1)
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