pepprs · 1 year
i think i need to go back to br*ghton and get my phd there im going to be SICK
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lilylylalil · 4 months
Normal Fucking Day
Alastor × Reader
Before reading, i will like to inform you that this version isn't finish and will never will be, if you want more information i will put a link where i talk why, anyways hope you still enjoy.
Warnings: cursing, blood, killing, reader has a problem
Fucking shit…
who could have thought that your co-worker could be a degenerate fucking cult leader…?!
I am sorry but i am done from this shit. Nope this shit is worst then the time that my mother tried to stab me with a fucking sandal. Actually i prefered if i could go to that time then this shit….
Ugh, why the dangerous psychopaths are the hot boys? Literally he is soo fucking hot Alexander. I could say some catching quotes like: “i don't mind you stabbing me~” but i could say that for shits and giggles! Not when that person literaly tried to stab me!?
Alexander almost stabbed Reader untill he paused and look at Reqder and ask:
“Do you always think aloud?”
“Shit! Did i say that aloud?!”
“yes and you are doing again”
As Reader was distracted as she felt ashemed and Alexander had the time in succeding in stabing her on her left shoulder.
“Fuck! You motherless son of a bitch! Hope you choke on a dick! No actually i hope you choke with your salivia! Hope you have the most stupidiest death! I want it to be so stupid that they can't make it public! Like…you electrocute yourself when you tried to use a sex toy when you could be in a bathtub with water you dumb shit-”
Of course Reader inuslted Alexander for the 15 minutes or at leats she planned that but Alexander didn't let her and knock her out.
You may be wandering why didn't she fight back? Well the same reason you start your homework at the last minute. because both of you are stupid.
When you opened your eyes you were tied down on a..table…?
“oh great. Do you know people this is how almost every porn video start?”
Actually you didn't know shit because you never saw a porn video in your life, i guess It's a curse and blessing at the same time or…maybe you have been cursed by the god of porn because you didn't watch in your entire life a porn video…
“what the fuck.”
You didn't even look at your surroundings but now with the voice that interrupted your thought you notice there is at least 34 people surrounding you.
“Oh, did i talk at loud again my thoughts?”
You said as you look at them. You had a feeling they were done with your shit without even seeing their faces. Well, it's not your fault they chose to be in a cult.
“Borther and Sisters, we are reunited in this beutiful demoniacal hour for our sacrifice for our lord-”
Before Alexander could say something else Reader interrupted him
“if i die as a sacrifice can at least die in peace knowing that i died to a hot god or whatever..?
One in the crowd said
“how dare you, you insolent-”
Reader again interrupted
“yeah yeah, “how could i?” but did you forget how your leader captured me? He propose me a one night stand and he knows how I am weak for pretty boys or girls~”
“okay just stop” Alexander said “Can't you be fucking serious for once in your life?! aren't you afraid for you life?!”
“ho you sweet summer child. Bold of you to assume i love my life-”
“would you shut up if i give you a dollar?”
And that actually did shut Reader as she was similing like an idiot with her one dollar that could not even spend, if the sacrifice was a success or she doesn't escape.
But guess what? Did she even try to escape? Nah, will she regret it? Probably but like she said “future problems for future me”
As the cult do its ritual, flames, dark shadow and a dark black light come from no where. Reader wasn't a religious type but that didn't mean she didn't believe in supernatural beings, she was pissy because she didn't have any popcorn for this or maybe she should film it but she thoughts that if she publish on YouTube no one could think the video is real but she could always do some buzz!
Reader didn't have an angel or demon on her shoulders. No, she had another version of her but with an expensive suit with expensive glasses that always thinks “mmmh…is it worth it the effort? Is it beneficial with money?”
anyways like every sane person you think, why Reader is thinking about that when she is in an horrible situation ?! Well i don't know Charle, why are we alive when we will die at the end?!
Before Reader could lose any other type of sanity (if it even exist) she stopped her thoughts and look what the fuck the cult members summoned, it could be funny if they summoned an instopable force without any morality and kills you but also the memebers…AHAahah…oh fuck..you realise you jinks it.
And guess what? You were right, the thing that they summoned it attacked everything and killed every members that tried to run away, you didn't know how after all you closed your eyes to not be even more traumatized then you are already but you could certainly hear their screams of pain, it feel like hearing souls from hell getting tortured there. It felt like the entity knew exactly how to inflect pain to give the most horrible death possible.
Even when the screaming stopped you open your eyes again after a good minute and you didn't believe what you are just seeing! A fucking furry…?! Actually you have no idea if It's a half wolf but you are sure that his aesthetic is a little too red for your liking and it felt like even if it had a humanoid appearance it was everything but human. That thing had too much of a dark aura to not feel like fleeing like a little bitch but you were lucky because mama didn't raise a bitch so you are going to face him! Wait- actually mama didn't raise anyone. She was a bit-
Plus it's not like you had a choice, you were still tied up.
You waited for your end (even if you didn't want a furry to kill you, i mean the ears could make you laugh if you weren’t in such a horrible situation)
And waited
And still waited until you see that that thing was looking at you curiously, ominously like it was thinking what to do to you.
Well the little human was right for once, the demon was interested in her why she wasn't screaming or trying to escaped, it isn't as fun if the victim already accepted Its end. That completely cuts Alastor appetite.
“sooo…” a voice break the tension “are you gonna kill me? After all normally i was suppose to be the sacrifice…”
Alastor's smile went even wider as he said with enthusiasm “Oh my dear! Actually that was the plan! But you seem more interested alive." Was that a compliment?
“oh…thanks..? I think….?..”
Alastor chuckles as your no longer tied down with a simple gesture of Alastor's hand.
“Well my dear..should you introduce yourself?”
“you know my mom said to not talk to strangers-” you tried to joke but that beast gaze was becoming a little too dark
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nabiiiiii3 · 2 years
Damian Wayne x Reader High School AU
summary: What happpens when Damian Wayne, son of the infamous Bruce Wayne visits Gotham City High School where he has to be all the things that he despises. Being social with people outside his family, listening to boring ass teachers talk about things he already knew when he was 8 years old and the old teenage drama cliché which he cannot espace from anymore.
"I don't want to go to that school father." Damian said sternly while looking out the window.
Bruce sighs "It is best for you son.I know that it's hard leaving your comfort zone, but I believe that this school will teach you something that I can't"
"Tt, like what?" Damian mumbles. "You'll see." Bruce says as he parks infront of the school and turns to Damian.
"Have a great first day at school son. Alfred will pick you up later. And please give it a try I know you'll like it" Bruce says smiling.
"We'll see and goodbye father." Damian says and graps his backpack and leaves the car.
Damian was still pretty pissed about the fact that he has to breath the same air as how he calls "immature hormone controlled freaks",but made his way into the school.
As he wandered around the halls many students layed their eyes on him. Boys and girls. The Boys knew who he was and asumed al types of stuff about him. Like for example that he is dumb and will simply buy himself through and the girls were mostly impressed by his looks.
"Look at his dark raven hair and his beautiful green eyes!" and "OMG! He is literaly perfect" where some of the comments Damian heared as he walked down the hall to his new and first classroom.
Before he could enter someone rushed and bumped into his right shoulder. "I am so sorry!I shluldn't have run to the classroom without looking" The person says looking for Damian to accept her apology. "Tt, I don't care.Get out of my way" Damian says glancing at her and enters the classroom silently.
Y/n shudders "Wow, this dude literally gave me goosebumps.." she said while entering the classroom a couple seconds after him.
As she sat down and looked straight ahead she saw that the unknown boy is standing in front of the white board. "Oh is he knew? Yeah he might be, but I don't care" Y/N thinks to herself as she looks around the classroom.She also notices the the other students are mumbling and gossiping about something. Some girls are even giggling. "Imagine marrying him.I would be so rich!!" one girl said while giggling with the others.
As the teacher arrived everyone went silent and sat up straight.
Damian had to force his tiny smirk into a frown again,because it was tol funy to see how a middle aged person whp just tesches some kids unnecessary things scares them so much.
"Good morning class I hope you all had an amazing weekend! This week we are starting by welcoming our new student Damian Wayne!
The classrooms was filled with applause and another round of giggling girls. "Whats his deal?" Y/N thought to herself.
"Damian would you like to introduce yourself to the class? I think we are alm dying to get to know you more." The teacher says while smiling at him.
Damian sighs and replies "I am Damian Wayne,17 years old snd I hope that I will get out of this place as soon as possible."
The classroom went silent.
"Oh I hope that it was just a joke. I think we all love having you hear. Your dad visisted this school as well and he is one of our most loyal donators-" The teacher says as she got unterrupted by Damian "So I am acceptably,because my dad pays you and this pathetic school?"
The teacher is shooked by his answer,but let's it slide. "Please take your seat so that we can start our lesson." She says while pointing at the last remaining seat.
Damian looks around and realises that he has to sit next to the girl that bumped into him. He goes over to the desk putd his backpack on the ground and sits down.
Y/N literally wants to be invisbible right now.
Why does she always have to be emberassed line that.
Damian doesn't seem to care and the teacher begins her lesson.
Y/N glances at Damian not underatanding what all the fuss is about. "Who is he even? Like I get it he has pretty eyes and stuff but hisnpersonality destroys everything." She thinks as she does some math exercises due to an upcoming math tests
Damian as always knows when someone is looking at him even in the slightest bit, because of his training as an assasin and can't help, but notices that the solutions of all math exercises are wrong.
"I think I got it.." Y/N mumbles as she wrote down another false solution.
"You don't" he scoffs while writing down the right answer to the problem.
She looks at him in confusion. "Huh?"
"Every single answer you wrote down is wrong. These are simple exercises how can't you not know how to solve 'em?" He asks as he loons directly into her eyes.
"Why do you care? I just struggle with math I'm great in all the other subjects." She spat at him and looked down at her answers realising how bad she is at math.
"You could at least try." Damian scoffs as he brings his attention back to the lesson while Y/N uses all her energy trying to solve at elast one problem.
Damian seems to notice and scoffs again roling his eyes.
Class ended and Damian packed his backpack and was ready to leave.
Y/N was alrady leaving when she bumped into her Math Teacher Mr.Smith.
Damian was curious about what they were saying and sneakily went to the scene.
"Oh I'm sorry Y/N are you hurt?" He asks her "No, it's alright.." she says while trying to not look at him. "Y/N are you nervous about the math exam?" he says while looking at her. She wanted to say, no yell that she was not only nervous she was scared of failing again and being met with her dissapointed father at home who will only belive less in her if she fails again.
"I'm not nervous Mr.Smith have a nice day" she said trying to smile before she ran down the hall so that he would not see her tears streaming down her cheecks.
Mr. Smith sighs and turns back to his classroom.Damian saw everything happen and he just knows that slmething is foul.
"Should I follow her? Maybe I should." After a little while of debating in his thoughts he decided to follow her just in case something worse happened.
There he saw her curled up on the ground, shaking in fear. "I don't wanna be a disspointment..not again" she mumbles not noticing thst Damian was infront of her.
He kneeled down and looked her straight in the eyes. "Whats going on?" He said withoit any emotions
Y/N stopped shaking and looked at him.
"Why are you still here? Class is over and it's none of yoir damn buisness! Stop trying to make me feel dumb!" She yells as she stands up and walks away.
Damian knew that emotional people were dramatic thats why he hated them. But he followed her and grabbed her arm. "Calm down and tell me what happened." He sighed. "Please"
Y/N didn't know why but all her thoights on leaving and even running away from her life just disappreaed after he said that. She turned around and wiped away her tears.
"I'm failing math and I don't wanna disspoint my father... and I'm scared because I'm also going to fail the math test which will make my dad not only disappointed but also mad at me..I'm just scared." She took a deep breath and finaly took thencourage to look at him.
Damian went completly silent. "Do you fear that yoir father is going to hurt you?" She nods.
"Ugh. I'm going to tutor you."
"WHAT?" She screams earning a death stare from Damian.
"I'm sorry, but what? Are you for real? You don't have to." She says shyly.
"I know that. Just sccept my help. And after you passed the exam we are going to talk with your father" Damian replies.
"Tomorrow at my place." He says while leaving.
"Where do you live?" She yells after him
"Don't play dumb! Wayne Manor" Damian yells and enters Alfreds car.
"Thank you Damian!" She says before he enters the car and drives away.
"How was your first day at school Master Damian?" Alfred asks curiously.
"Different. And Alfred olesse make something nice dor dinner tomorrow.I'm expecting a guest.
"No problem sir. I'm happy that you habe made a friend. She looked quite pretty" Alfred said with a small chuckle.
"Tt, just drive" Damian replies still thinking about the concerning things she said school.
"I'm just helping her, because I know that something is up with her father.. maybe it has something to do with father destroying all drug lord chains in Gotham..." He mumbles quietly.
Hiii guyssss!
So this is my first ever dc ff and I hope that it's at least decent.
I appreciate any kind of feedback
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yanderefairyangel · 11 months
Duality in Engage
Maybe a part 1 of something idk.
Ok so the realization fall upon me thinking again about the DLC (how the heck is something so badly written have so many good things in it at the same time ?!) but remember about the twins thing ? Well, I noticed that all the siblings in Engage that are character rather important are a pair of sibling, like twins.
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All pair of siblings.
And I already pointed out that Engage relies a lot on the duality theme.
Just as how Nel describes she and Nil/Rafal as "two halves of a whole", each siblings pair have personality that complement each other.
Alfred is a kind guy who let his kindness drives him and making him reckless whereas Céline is more dignified and calm.
Diamant is a stoic and confident man, brave and driven for an idea with peace whereas Alcryst is a pessimitic yet kind and brave young man who looks up to his brother despite his lack of self confidence.
Ivy is an elegant and cool princess, she is rather sweets so in short a gap moe whereas Hortensia is an extrovert girl a bit childish and who likes cute stuff.
Timerra and Fogado are both extraverted and free minded and can show themselves to be capable of being very serious when the situation asked them too.
Pandreo is a sincere priest but is overall an enthusiastic person whereas Pannette tries to speak elegantly and acts more dignified then her brother in fronts of others even if alone with her brother, she drops the acts.
Clanne and Framme are equally passionated about Alear but Framme is more extravert and openly passionate when Clanne is a bit shyer and gets easily perturbed.
Nel and Rafal are a special case because during the DLC, Nel sounded cold and distant compared to how warm and smiling and sweet Nil seemed. However, once they joined your party, Nel shows she is actually very kind, and caring even if she doesn't know how to properly explain it due to... hum reasons (cough, cough Sombron abuse) whereas Rafal acts colder and tougher even if in truth he is very kind (he will kill me for saying this)
Pretty much like Timerra and Fogado having similar personality, Alear and Veyle are both very sweets person pushing their boundaries to help those they love and ready to shield themselves when necessary.
Now you'll notice that the siblings have opposed personailties that harmonizes with each others right ? That's how the complement each other, as a half of a whole.
But guess what ? Remember when we were like "Ah, Altfred isn't evul he is just reversed personality Alfred" ? Well, turns out they actually have more of a personality swap with their siblings.
Altfred is more rational and cautious about his plan, like Céline is whereas Felline is not only an extreme version of Céline, but she is more hot blooded like Alfred is.
I don't think I need to explain it for the Brodian brothers now, do I ?
Hortensialt's personality has been affected by the trauma but ultimately, her personality ressembles more that of Ivy whereas Ivyalt is more flashy to the point of being melodramatic which is an exagerate version of Hortensia' bright personality.
Both Solmiic siblings were flipped, but Timerralt still care a lot about her brother even if Fellgado is... well, he literaly is evul and this contrast a lot compared to our caring Fogado but... chuckles, I am sorry... Each time i recall their intereactions I am... wow, Fellgado has no chill. Anyway...
and for the Fell twins, their personality is also reversed as Nel comes off as colder then she actually turns out to be, whereas Rafal, because he assumes another's identity, is the complete opposite of his true personality, but his support with Gregory explain that well already. And I think that's why their relationship as siblings seems to work way less then for our Regular royals. Their support conversations shows how the siblings actually manage to be on an harmonized relationship and able to communicate with each other. However, the Alternate siblings doesn't have that at all, even from the glimpse with have of this even though they aren't completely off the spectrum of their counterpart's personality it's still in my opinion a proof that the Royalts failed to have a deep bound as siblings relationship, the most obvious one being Ivyalt and Hortensialt, then you have Diamalt and Altcryst, Timerralt and Fellgado and Altfred and Felline. I think another example of this is that it's precisely because they showed personality that weren't their that their relationship went this bad (that and all the things I mentionned in my Rafal post). And you'll notice that in this universe, our siblings with tragic dynamic, Alear and Veyle, AREN'T even siblings in that world !! That' probably the biggest evidence i can have for my point about siblings dynamic failling. I think it's quite the deal that the 4 winds managed to have a healthy familial relationship in a world where family were unable to have an harmonized relationship or were more then separated as in this world, the links between Alear and Sombron and Veyle were literaly non existent (I mean they have a common ancestor in that universe but hum) compared to our universe where our main cast have healthy family relationship whereas the Hounds didn't (as I mentionned in my Hounds post)
I think it's also shows how duality ends up serving the family message/theme in Engage with the duality of family being illustrated with healthy harmonized family despite the difference (character on our party) and unhealthy toxic and disaharmonious family relationship (our ennemies)
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gascon-en-exil · 1 year
If I understand Intys gave us another romance option that is not incest but vaguely looks like it is ?? oh shoot. And the FE fandom still don't know how parallel universe works and that the Sombron are different people, right ?
A collection of anon perspectives, presented without commentary.
I am no expert in multiverse but the DLC is a no win situation if we consider that Sombron is the same as another Sombron as it would mean Alear can marry people they killed... oh no it's Awakening all over again
Alright, If I understand the whole family situation is a more elaborated scenario of "even if you marry Lucina, Morgan is not Chrom's grand daughter" but it's canon and it involves doubts on being siblings ? ok. Time to move out to a quiet place.
"My point is not that there isn't a non-incestuous explanation, because regardless of any ambiguity that would be covered by the playable Alear and Nel being from different dimensions." yes you forgot to add the fact that each time someone use that said explanation, they are regarded as a degenarate for genuinely liking the shipping while being freaked out by incest even fictional and not wanting to embrace it so using the deniable argument * cries in Leocorrin offender*. But hey if the game say it is, it means it's canon therfore... i am siding with the game sorry fans.
I think I will stand to my reading of "Alear is by no strech of the imagination related to the twins" but not because of shipping, but because it would give me a headache if the game began to treat them as such.
"Pointing out that fictional characters aren't real never leads to anything". so we are doomed aren't we ? we are doomed because people loves to take suspension of disbelief too far ?
That might not be that much of a problem after all, we all know that the vocal minority of anti is thankfully deprived of making the morality complaints more vocal. Thankfully because we are talking about a damn video game. Geez, just wait till they discover about mythologia
I feel like the localization team completely bought the father counterpart excuse because Nel keeps saying "I love you" without it being toned down or stuff.
My God, there is so many way to make those ships ok with the power of headcanon and fanfiction. You can ship them with the Alear of their dimension, rewrite their background, heck literaly anyhting you want. Just to give an example, some people who shipped Robin/2nd gen made their Avatar being a 2ndgen too <ith the power of fanfiction. Just do that and no more war.
Me : * looks at the twins*
Me : Au exist for a reason.
Alright if I understand correctly, Alear and the twins are both children of Sombron but it's different Sombron ?? What is it like how Lucina is the daughter of Chrom but not the one we play with in Awakening but a dead version of Chrom and Chrom's daughter is still a baby ?
The game does work on me personally. Like if you ship Alear/Veyle, Alear/Lumera, Alear/Sombron and Nel/Rafal, you do you but I am feeling sick imagining me doing this while I am perfectly fine with Nel/Alear and Rafalear....I dunno, those seems just a bit weird due to the story while Alear/Veyle seems just downright gross and immoral to me (but if you like it don't worry, I don't view any fans of this ship as a creep just dont like it at all)
There is this serie called Malcom in the Middle where at some point the main character makes up a list of all of his schoolmates dirty secrets and read those info loudly in public to make them stop mocking and bullying his brother, and it did work. Maybe we could do the same with the FE ships to have some peace and make the anti realized that moral shipping doesn't exist. (and why is it even necessary in the first place ?)
This whole thing is going to become a witch hunt where players who do play the game and accept to suspend their disbelief will get accused as if it was a crime to ship Alear with the twins for simply explaining that in canon they are not related, the same way players had to face rage for explaining that Anna and Jean's S support was intented for the youngest player demographic and not the adult playing engage... because if i put my head into the devellopers shoes obviously no reasonable adult would assume they put kid here to be for adult rather than others kids because guess what ? teenagers are generally attracted to teenagers !! crazy right ? just like the whole excuse for Alear and the twins to not make them siblings because people are rarely interesed into incest ! Who would have though that ?
"I can't imagine being that uncomfortable with IS being as carelessly tasteless as they always are while still playing these games."
why are you so right ? like ? come on the ship are most of the time weird but last time I cheked weird doesnt equal to immoral or unethical. There really is no need to be THAT upset about things. moreover i like it when game make things being messed up in a way that makes me laugh (* kof, kof Avatar/2nd gen and the Alear/twins*). I'd say the moment I would be creeped out is if there is Valter x Eirikia or stuff like that but I can only avoid those and I can see a fanart of it without fainting. My good Lord
"You know that there will be people adding Alear/Nel and Alear/Rafal to their lists of pairings you're not allowed to ship, alongside all those I mentioned earlier as well as any Avatar/2nd gen, Azurrin, Dimigard, Byleth/their students, and all of the eyebrow-raising Pact Ring options in base Engage"
How about the make it their "I am not allowed to ship" rather than making it every one's problem ? I don't even like those ships, I just find it stupid to fight over the fictional relationship of make believe characters.
FE fandoms crybabies : "NNOOO!! You can't marry Nel and Rafal they ArE TecHniCALly yoUR sIbLiNgS"
Meanwhile the game : Nel to Veyle " My Sombron is not your "papa". And Rafal has been my only sibling for a long time"
Nel to Alear "That said, though we are not family, we share a heritage"
Rafal to Alear " if you had been born one of my siblings, your disposition would have led you to a quick death"
Nel to Sombron (yes they have a special dialogue) "I am the daughter of another Sombron, in another world. If you know my face, then you merely recall a child who is dead"
Rafal to Sombron " I am a fell dragon from another world. Our relation is theoritical at best".
Sombron to Rafal " Surely you are not my child. No more of them remain"
(The fe wiki including Nil, Nel and Rafal to the list of Sombron's kids while in both Nel and Rafal's relative list, Veyle and Alear are nowhere to be found)
I dunno about you but at this rate it feels more like they deny it for the sake of wordlbuilding rather than to appease the fans
That's funny how Sombron in game have kids normal way while alternate Sombron has kids only by pair of twins. No matter the universe, the Sombron are rabbits.
According to the FE wiki pages for the fell kids, they are Sombron child but they don't count as sibling to Alear because the admins themselves don't know how to call their relationship.
Alright so the whole DLC is a what if scenario about what if Alear was a divine dragon from the start right ? then why do we have the alternate gender thing ? I am starting to wonder if it's not just another "alternate dimension" thing
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arkus-rhapsode · 1 year
"I am happy the localization kinda deemphasized that." But they did not. They just changed Anna and Jean but that's literaly all that can be said about it. At the end of the day, Alear, 17 year old can still marry someone who is 45 or older but can't date someone their age. And that option was for teenagers who play FE since it's the prime demographic and teenagers are more likely to interested in character that looks young and beautiful than older than character. A teen can like mature characters like Diamant or Ivy, but I don't they find any appeal in supporting Saphir or Vander. It would have made more sense if it was Alear's relationship with character OVER 17 that was censored, not AROUND.
Oh boy, another loaded topic.
Technically speaking, Alear isn't 17, they're 1000. They are 17 physically but that argument makes this a Nowi sort of deal where you can say physically they are underaged but because they're actually a hundred year old dragon its okay for them to get married and have sex.
FE's prime demographic is teens as you said and I see why they're like "Alear is around your age". But here's the thing, we have characters in Engage who range from 16 like Clanne or Framme, while having characters over 21 like Dimant, Seadall, Yunaka etc. Jean and Anna are 10 and 11 respectively. Like even if we say Alear is a 17 year old, I do find it messed up that a 17 year old could marry a 10 year old.
I understand bringing this into a moral argument is opening a can of worms and that everyone's particular line in the case of escapist fantasy will vary, but if we see Alear as 1000 then you would have to say "hard stop. Alear can not marry anyone under the age of 21", which would make characters like Etie, Alcryst, Rosado not someone you can marry. And of course we are dealing with the "because anime" logic that this person's real age isn't associated with their physical age, don't think about it too hard it's loose so that you are both old enough and young enough that you can hang out with the hot teens and 20 year olds. But I do draw a line at actual children. I don't think 10 year olds should have sex or get married period.
Now could we say, "then lets not make characters like Vander or Saphir or Mauvier who are over 30 romantic options?" Sure. We can. I think FE can always be improved upon in what is morally acceptable in its dating sim elements. I said there was a demphasization of dating children in FEE, there is still gray areas there. And that moral choice is really punted over to us the audience. As I said before, I do think when it comes to this topic, everyone is going to have a different sort of line of what they find acceptable inside this type of product. And of course we have purists that just want to have all the original supports and endings the same as the Japanese with zero changes. But personally, yes, I am very okay with there not being the ability to hook up romantically or sexually with people below the age of 12 regardless whether you are 17 or 1000.
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tobiosmilktea · 4 years
can i get some GOOD headcanons on kageyama, kuroo, oikawa, and terushima drunkingly confessing time there best friend? similar to how tsukki did it in the number neighbors au 🥰🥰🥰
drunk confessions w/ kageyama, kuroo, oikawa, and terushima
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— k. tobio
kags is the type to be hella emotional when he’s drunk, like full on sobbing or just being moody for no reason
it’s definitely not that bad at first, i would think he could handle his alcohol pretty well but once he get a couple shots in THAT’S when moody kags come in
with you being the designated sober for the group, you had to not drink ofc
out of everyone else in the group he’s one of the more difficult ones
near the end of the might where you had to take everyone home, you literally had to force a sobbing kageyama into the uber
homie would be choking in between sobs as you literally apologize to the driver
ngl it’s kinda hilarious
drunk kags = simp kags
“y/n ur so pwetty 🥺👉🏻👈🏻”
but if he isn’t showering you with compliments, he would be crying into your shoulder about how stressed he has been bc of volleyball
“coach said my sets are getting weird 😔😔”
and then you would sit there awkwardly laughing as you tried your best comforting him
you would run your hands through his hair and he’s literally about to self combust from the contact
by the time your uber arrives to his apartment, trying to pull him out of the car is harder than pushing him into it
his six foot one ass really be making it harder than it should be
once you do finally get him out of the car, he’s completely slumped over you and you try your best to lead him back to his place
his muscular arms strategically placed around and over your shoulders as his feet basically drag on the ground
“y/n~ where are we going?”
“back to your apartment, tobio.”
this is the part where he groans and immediately starts resisting
the thing is it doesnt last long considering he’s completely fucking drained, if anything the moment you past by the threshold into his apartment he was already halfway unconscious
your muscles strained guiding him to his bedroom to which your literally just plop him onto his bed
you sigh to yourself as you felt immediate relief on your body
after a beat or two passed to regain some strength and energy, you tug on kag’s body again to make him properly lay on the bed rather than being at the cusp of falling off
“you’re so fucking heavy, tobio.” you pull his bedsheets over him, “also don’t get out of bed or else i’ll kick you.”
honestly he looked so cute as he was in the process of passing out
“y/n?” he called out before you could leave his side
it was then his right hand would find yours and pull it close to him, mumbling: “you treat me so well, y/n... no wonder why i’ve been in love with you since high school.”
perhaps you ended up not leaving his side that night
— k. tetsurou
homie won’t leave you alone while you guys are out drinking
he literally refuses to leave your side as both of you were drinking
i would say kuroo has a pretty strong alcohol tolerance but ngl yours is stronger fr
this obviously led to kuroo getting completely shitfaced at a much quicker pace than you and when he’s drunk, it’s obvious
like REALLY obvious
he’s most definitely a giggly drunk
he probably laughs at every little thing with that obnoxious hyena laugh you love to hear so much
if there was ever a moment you two did split up, you would immediately know where he was the moment his loud ass laughs literally thundered throughout the entire bar
“excuse me, have you seen my friend? he’s tall, has black hair that look’s like a chicken’s—”
“oop- nevermind”
you were literally on your way to fetch him as it was getting super late and the both of you needed to go home when you saw him stumbling farther away from you
“kuroo! where the hell are you going?” you would shout over the loud conversating crowds and music
he ultimately didn’t hear you as he continued walking towards the bar
you grumbled as your eyes stay locked on his large figure to which he starts climbing a bar stool
“oh my fucking god—kuroo!!”
this dude literally CLIMBS ONTO THE BAR
“LADIES AND GENTLEMEN!!” he yells over the large crowd, everyone’s attention is on him and you were immediately struck with second-hand embarrassment
when i tell you were wanted to drop dead then and there
your eyes widened in shock, your mouth parted, and you stood there completely paralyzed as kuroo points you out in the crowd
everyone surounding you turn towards your figure and your cheeks immediately flushed a bright red and your heart suddenly beating a thousand beats per minute
silence filled the club like a wet blanket as you nervously chuckle
this was so awkward like it’s not even funny
“well?” a random guy from across the bar shouted
you purse your lips, “if i say yes, would you get off the bar and take me out on a real date?”
the biggest smile melted upon kuroo’s lips as he laughs
he jumps off the bar and practically cuts through the crowd just to pull you into the tightest hug you’ve ever received
“god, you’re so drunk.”
“it was my only way of getting myself to finally say it.”
— o. tooru
if you think this boy has attitude when he’s sober just wait until he’s drunk
like literally he’s so mfing sassy and for what reason ??
i dont even think this boy drinks that much let alone has a high tolerance of alcohol
oikawa’s a lightweight (i said what i said 😤)
literally if he downs anything more than three shots, he’s a literal goner
not to mention HES ABSOLUTELY WILD
drunk oikawa — the wild, sassy one
i’d say he’s pretty loud, but def not as loud or confident enough like kuroo to stand on a mfing bar and confess his love
nah, if anything, oikawa’s more rowdy when it’s a party at someone else’s house
he knows to keep himself in check if he’s drinking in public (like he knows from experience and almost got arrested one time for public indecency but it izz what it izz)
so he practically learned to control himself, but if it’s a house party ??
knowing that it’s at a friend’s house, especially if it’s your house, he’s letting himself get completely loose
he knows you’ll take care of him anyway
throughout the night he’s literally messing around with friends, maybe a game of beer pong would usually get him drunk
put once the party’s over, he would usually be the last one to leave as he was left on your couch passed out
you didn’t even notice he was there until he started snoring
you couldn’t help but laugh at his adorable unconscious state, it was almost as if you wanted to leave him be, but you knew he had to get back home
so you stroll towards his slumped figure on the couch and kneeled on the ground
his cheek was pressed up again one of the cushions and he was dribbling a bit of saliva but you ultimately chose to ignore it
“oikawa,” you muttered as you rubbed his shoulder and shook it
he wouldn’t really respond for the first few times, but after repeating his name after a while, he would start to stir
he would groan and could barely open his eyes
half-lidded, a smile forms on his lips at the mere sight of you
“hey there gorgeous.” he slurrs through his teeth as he continued to stir
“c’mon, get up you gotta get up and go home. i called an uber for you.”
you tried helping him get up, but he just plops down again
“why can’t i stay wit you?”
“cause you don’t live here.”
“i would if we were together.”
your brows furrow in confusion, “what do you mean?”
“i always wanted to live with someone i really liked... and that’s you.” his words were almost incoherent how slurred they were through his drunkened state
“you like me?” you asked just to reassure what he mumbled was truly what you heard
he nods as you brush his tangled jungle of hair out of his face
there was a deep onset of crimson blush that appeared on your cheeks as he did so, your heart beat quickening it’s speed as you sighed in contrnt
“you act like i didn’t know this whole time. you’re quite obvious about your feelings, oikawa.”
— t. yuuji
you and terushima were club regulars
each weekend you were out with him club and bar hopping just for the fun of it
but lately, the more often you do things the more desensitized and bored you get of the same activities over and over again
you and terushima sat in both of your car ready to drive to downtown where all the clubs were when you both lazily sighed
“i’m not really in the mood for loud music and socializing.” you would confess, ready to perhaps hear terushima’s jests of you being a party pooper
but instead he sighs and agrees to your surprise as he’s typically the one dragging you to these places anyway
“same,” he mutters. “i think i’d just hangout with you tonight.”
there was a slight tone in his voice as he peaked at you that you couldnt exactly pinpoint as if you were waiting for the catch
“i still wanna drink though.” he added, there it was
“good call”
from then on you stopped by a convinient store where you and terushima buy the cheapest six pack of canned beer
in the end alcohol was alcohol and you both didnt care about the quality
this was the only case in which you had a lower tolerance than terushima as he could literally handle the strongest of liquors and still act sober
it’s kinda scary as sometimes you can never tell whether or not he’s actually drunk
but as he is a sober drunk, the only way you can tell that he’s absolutely blasted is that he becomes brutally honest with you
that brutal honesty sometimes comes with a childish offhanded joke that you would roll your eyes to
not to mention he sometimes becomes a bit of a perv too
“your ass looks better in the dress you wore last weekend” was one example
and because you both wanted some quiet for once on a late saturday night, you drove all the way to the park where it was quiet enough for you two to relax
terushima had held your hand to help you walk up the steep hill to the top of the park in which oversees a great view of tokyo
with it’s pretty city lights shining upon you two, you and terushima settle yourselves on a bench and crack open your beers
you and him cheers as you two silently sipped at the alcohol
by the time both of you were in your third can of beer, it was obvious terushima was completely wasted
“not gonna lie,” oh here it comes, “your driving sucks.”
you couldn’t help but laugh at his honesty
a laugh that he likes so much, it sounded like heaven to his ears and he wanted to make you laugh again and again
“i mean, you’re the one whose making me drive you everywhere all the time.”
he scoffs, humming in response as his half-lidded eyes flickered towards you, admiring how the moonlight reflected upon your face as you breathed in the sky
“you’re so beautiful,” he practically whispers.
“hmm?” you turn towars him with you eyes coated in honey
god he was in deep
“i like you.”
it honestly shocked you at first as your eyes widened into saucers
it was straight and brutally honest confession
just how you like it
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americangodstalk · 2 years
Just to know if I am not the mad one here
This is a small explanation/rant about a difficult case I have on the Wiki, so if you want to skip this, do - but if you want to know what kind of thick-minded persons we can have around, go ahead. It is just that it is something I am stuck over with for several years - and when you realize it is the only person that comments regularly on the Wiki (or that comments AT ALL outside of spam-bots) you realize why working on the Wiki can easily burn you out. All real fans are gone elsewhere and there’s thus... this kind of things left behind.
So... There is this person that is hanging out on the American Gods Wiki for several years now - commenting. They just dislike the show. Plainly. They have nothing kind to say about season 2 or season 3 (which is not in itself surprising as these shows were polarizing) - BUT more surprisingly they also have nothing kind to say about season 1. All the questions they keep asking are about basic world-building facts you would get from just looking up a bit or paying attention during the show/novel ; when they first arrived they kept blaming the wrong persons while clearly misinformed about who was in charge of the show (for example they thought Neil Gaiman was the maker of the show and the writer of all the scripts)... And of course, they also actually refuse to read the novel because they are no book-readers, and don’t understand why I don’t want to just tell them the whole story of the novel on the spot because they are too unbothered to read it. 
Anyway, you see the kind of person.
The thing is that I first tried to understand their position, their likes, what they came from. And it became very apparent they weren’t the kind of person that would love or enjoy American Gods (or honestly any of Neil Gaiman’s work or related-work). They were the original person that kept complaining the show wasn’t more “action” turned, didn’t have more special effects, more battle, more fights... I saw that they were misled by the promise of a “war” and felt robbed upon watching a show that wasn’t actually depicting a war - so I tried to explain to them how it was more of a supernatural road trip, an exploration of a supernatural world, an urban fantasy type of story... Only to realize that this wouldn’t work either because they wish to have stories a la Marvel with “big flashy special effects” (their words, not mine). But here is the mad thing - despite American Gods clearly not fitting their tastes and likes, despite them not actually putting any effort into trying to read the novel (I don’t think they even were aware there was a novel), despite them only having bad things to say about the show and complaints... They kept watching it all. And they keep returning to the Wiki, just to express their dislike, again and again. I even thought it was a troll at some point - but at this point I think they are just the real deal (or a very dedicated troll). For example, they consider American Gods “the worst fantasy show of all times”. They did not felt or saw any difference between each of the seasons - in fact, they thought it had been made by the same person all along. They literaly disliked the first season - and then the second season - and then the third - and yet they still act as if the show let them down, when it was clear they never liked it in the first place?
Anyway once again, for maybe the third time, I asked them why they kept returning to the American Gods Wiki. Because, for the fourth or fifth time, I kept telling them “THIS SHOW IS NOT FOR YOU! THIS NOVEL IS FOR YOU! YOU ARE CLEARLY HITTING YOURSELF ON THE HEAD AT THIS POINT! And on top of that ruining everyone else’s experiences” (oh yeah because they also keep saying stuff like “Whoever made this show is incompetent” - talking about Fuller and Green included - they basically have the mindset of “If I didn’t like this thing, it means it is bad and the people that like it are stupid” - including season 1). And they gave me this answer that sums up their entire mindset and their tastes - while also explaining clearly how incompatible it is with American Gods.
I liked mad sweeney, I liked some of the characters just based on their personalities, there was some decent action moments but for the most part no I didnt enjoy the show, I told you it was one of the worst shows I ever saw. I kept pushing myself cause I had in my mind maybe this season would be better than the previous but by the time I got to like 2 episodes in season 3 I couldnt take it anymore and I did some scene skimming through season 3 and I was still bored. You can think Im dumb in terms of taste that is fine but I am not a fan of these tv shows and movies and just stories where the supernatural is in the background its like a minor thing and the story is mostly  about the human experience and philosphy, I dont care for that, that in my opinion is in some ways worse than a story that has no supernatural elements. I'd probably hate shakespeares work cause from what people have told me that is sometimes the type of story he'd make. And im not saying character development is a bad thing, Im saying to me it seemed like the supernatural themes always took a backseat in this show. Thats why I was always like if its this big war between gods, why do they spend 99% of the show just talking? If its some situation of where oh we dont have the budget for big spectacle flashy fights then as harsh as this sounds they had no business making this show at least not on tv.
Yep. This is a person that believes a story “where the supernatural is in the background is worse than if there is no supernatural at all”, and yet they still hold on the delusion that somehow they will like at some point American Gods? And again - the television series, because they flat out refuse to read the novel. (But even if they did, I know they will dislike it, because obviously)
Oh yeah and have I mentioned that this exact same conversation has been happening different times, under various forms, across the last years? The person just won’t leave, and will keep repeating the same things again and again. All I could manage so far was to redirect them from the comment sections (which became clogged up with debates) from personal message walls, but that’s not much.
So... if you have any opinion or advice about the situation, please go ahead, because at this point I don’t know what to do anymore. I tried to be nice, I tried to be mad, I tried to bargain, I tried to explain, nothing works. I am considering a ban at some point because I don’t want to deal with another year of “This show is the worst thing I ever saw and I never liked it, this is why I hang exclusively on its Wiki!”
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It's the ✨annoying little shit✨ again
The Gremlin anon😺
With a ✨very gay update✨
I really don't know what my life has become... I don't if I'm real or if the universe is real or God or Bumbleby... I don't know...
So, when Miss oh honey came back, she sat next to me on the sofa and then locked eyes with me. I could tell she was still anxious about what happend, she was still shivering a little after all, but I wasn't expecting her to hold my hand and in the most shy voice I've ever heard her do, ask me "C-can I sit on your lap?"
So I nooded in aproval and sat there... On my lap... With her arms warped around my neck... And looking into my soul with those baby blue eyes... I just- I-
But the thing that was confusing me even more, was the fact that holding her, being in this situation with her... It felt so god damn right I can't even explain why or how... I only got to really know her 4 days ago... It's just- It's too surreal... It can't be real...
At some point during my inner rambeling she got closer and was holding my cheek, and she leans in and kisses my cheek and says "Thank you... For saving me at the grocery store"
I tried to anwser like a normal person but I literaly anwsered her sounding like a squirrel "No prob"
She started giggling at me and even tho I was embaressed this moment was too precious and soft for me to feel anything else but happiness and safety, I wanted this to last forever, but out of no where, she says "Can I kiss you? I mean... On the lips"
I- gay panic gremlin noises
I tried to open my mouth but AS USUAL THERE WAS NO SOUND!!! I COULDN'T ANWSER!!!! BUT I NEED TO!!!!
After some time, that felt like an eternity of silence because I was not being able to say anything, Miss oh honey makes a really sad expression and says "I'm sorry... It was weird wasn't it? I shouldn't have-... I'm sorry..."
Before she managed to get out of my lap I grabed her face and FUCKING KISSED HER
When we stoped kissing, Miss oh honey looked at me with an expression that I don't know if it was pure shock or delight or both. After we stare at each others eyes for what it felt like forever, she (with a shaky voice) says "I thought... I thought you were only interested on roommates name"
"And I still am to be honest..."
"Then why did you?..."
"Because it felt right, you feel right... Both of you do..."
"Are- Are you saying you have feelings for both of us!?"
"Pretty much... At first it was just roommates name but after what happend yesterday and today in the morning I just- Like I said... You felt right"
"Well... If it makes you feel any better it was the exact same for me"
After this with both started giggling like idiots and shortly after we stoped giggling, Miss oh honey told me about her previous abusive relationship (I won't tell anything about it since it's her story and it's very personal)
After she told me hers I told her mine and I don't know when it happened but we just fell even more into each other, and it felt intemate in levels that none of us had ever expirienced... It's felt so right it was... I donno...
But at some point, one of us would need to ask this, and she was the one doing it, so she asks "What are we now?"
"I donno... Partners?"
"Partners... I like that, but, what about roommates name? You still have feelings for them"
"Yeah... I really don't know what to do... I'm more lost than ever..."
"Well, can I confess something and you promise you won't freak out?"
"I have feelings for them since we were in middle school, but, as dense as I can be I belived I only saw them as a close friend... We have been friends since we were kids and along my life I never had someone as loyal and caring as them by my side... It was so obvious I liked roommates name... But it was needed for me to be in a abusive relationship to realize how much they meant to me... It's stupid but... The reason my relationship with my former partner didn't get worse was because, everytime he picked something he didn't like about roommates name I would tell them to shut up, and the more he did that, the more I realized that what he was doing was toxic behaviour..."
"Oh... Uau... I- That's- I donno what to say but you had feelings for them when you offered youself to be my wingwoman!!!"
"Yeah but... I saw how happy you two were and how sweetly they talked about you... That I- I want roommates name to be happy... But I ended up wanting for you to be happy too..."
"Well... I want you and them to be happy, and I think now we are each others wingwomans"
"You heard me! We are gonna get our crush and we will do this together!"
"snorts You dork"
Some time later we realized that... Our roommate didn't get out of their room for the whole day!!!
We ran to their room and we see them still sleeping and cuddleling MoonMoon
They slept the whole fucking afternoon while we were being gay in the living room XD
We woke them up and took them to the living room so we could eat the snacks me and Miss oh honey bought this morning
We all started rewatching rwby, and turns out Miss oh honey is also a rwby fan and that our roommate is the only one that never watched the show
And I cannot discribe how happy I am ;w;
I cannot warp my head around the fact that Miss oh honey is now my partner and that both of us are now trying to get our crush XD
But anyway, I wish everyone a great day/afternoon/evening/night :3
- happy Gremlin anon
That... is very unexpected, Gremlin anon. But good for you!
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I attended a funeral today...
And I really don’t know how I feel right now. The last time I went to a funeral I was a kid and really didn’t understand what was going on. I felt no grief for the bastard that died.
He was an abusive as hole who hit kids, and cuased my dad to go through hell. I only knew him for a short time and the only emotion I ever felt towards the man was either fear or resentment.
He died when I was in the first or second grade. So I was whatever age that is.
But today I went to a funeral for a women I never met. And- it was a Christian funeral by the way. I was completely lost the whole time but the families there where very understanding and never got mad when I didn’t sing along or not understand that I’m supposed to say the words in bold.
She was my fathers childhood best friends mother. She died on my brother birthday last week. From the story’s I’ve heard she was a wonderful woman.
And... And her kid... He was- is so awful. For an example he destroyed her and her husbands business running it into the ground completely.
He was never around and just acted as a leach, takeing things without the entent to ever repay the favor. Not that she ever asked him to.
But- what’s really makeing me angery is what I found out. Her son two weeks before her death (illegally) changed her will so that he would inherit everything.
He took advantage of her, just for some properties and things that she considers valuable.
This of course won’t stand up in court, the other son. (He’s a literaly angel. I’ve know him since I was a kid. He’s to kind for his own good.) Will though have to face his brother in court and have to fight for the house.
This of course will take time. To much time, until then the bad son will probably pawn everything the woman owned.
But... I’ve never turely felt loss like this in my life. I have both my parents, the grandparents that I’ve grown up with. I’ve never had a friend die, I never lost a person so close to me. It’s a loss that I will be forced to feel again but- probably a thousand times worse.
I’m terrified.
I still cry when I hear that someone was killed on the news, I still mourn the loss of those people like they where family. It’s something I’ve always done.
But this... I don't know how to my feelings into words. As i write this Im crying and my heart rate is 98. But those are just observations.
I can explain what’s happening in my mind though... I’m remembering things, things that make me angery and confused.
Things like my own father saying that the elderly should just die- because they can’t contribute anymore.
My mother making ugly remarks about a kid at my school who died from an overdose. Calling them a “druggy” who is better off not being a burden.
The people who created “all live matter,” to say that all lives don’t.
People who remove park benches because people where sleeping on them.
The kids that bullied me rerenttusly because I was “forren.” (I’m an American cizsen who is white. I might have other things in me but I’m white.) Just because I wasn’t born in the same town as them.
The first person who hit me. Just because they where mad, I’ve never wanted to do that... I can’t understand why someone would do that to another person.
I’m currently in a lot of pain from my covid vaccine my entire arm feels like it’s being crushed from all directions. My brother is purposely bumping into it and is punching it. And all I’ve said is “please stop, your hurting me.” I’ve never punched him in his arm, where he was vaccinated. It’s never even crossed my mind.
I guess why I’m trying to say is I can’t understand why people can be so cruel. How people can just- say things like that. Where talking about people...
I just- what... What happened to cuase this? We- people aren’t supposed to be like this. Where supposed to be the smart ones but- we can be so cold and curel.
I feel like a pool cleaner that was given the ability to see color.
I was a pallbearer today, normally I wouldn’t be but my younger brother wasn’t actually strong enough to do it. So I volunteered too, I was worried that without the “correct amount” of people something would go wrong.
As I carried the body of a woman who I learned so much about I so little time... It was like a wave of emotions hit me all at once.
I was allowing myself to grieve for the first time. I’ve never done this before...
I don’t personally believe in an after life out of spite. If someone can create such a cruel world they don’t deserve to be praised for it. I don’t believe in the small moments or liveing your life to the fullest.
I’ve personally not lived a good life. It could have been so much worse but, it was enough to make the way I am today. Spiteful against my own existence. Everytime I find myself smileing and doing something fun I can’t enjoy it. Because if I do- when it’s gone, it will just hurt more.
Because it won’t last...
One day I’ll just be FIRST NAME LAST NAME. (In the government when your deased your name is written in all caps)
Ive have never let myself think to much about my death... Its inevitable, and I don’t think I can ever get over that. I don’t see a reason to want to live forever but I don’t see a reason to want to die other.
So I just didn’t let myself think about it. It never lead to good things.
As a result of my depression my memory has become worse and worse. I’ve been on trips and have had so many experiences but I have no memory of them. Not even after being reminded.
Only photos that I took- it’s... They had photos of her in the church. They where of her when she got married and some recent ones. And I thought to myself, it’s just like looking at the photos I take.
Ones of experiences that I don’t remember, ones that only others can remember for me. And I guess, that broke me today.
One day I’ll be her, people will take whatever I called my own. Whatever family I may have will have to experience my loss.
And someone won’t care. Someone will just glance over my death as a fact in a history they never will experience.
I’m sorry for putting such a long post on here... I- I’m just really not okay at the moment. I have to many things going on right now for me to handle, I just want to scream and cry but don’t have the time to.
What a cruel existence I’ve found myself in...
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the-fiction-witch · 4 years
The Other Harmon P28 For You
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I sat watching the TV seeing what Beth had done to the house since I had been away sipping a glass of wine, she had given me a glass and then had the rest of the bottle for herself drinking straight from the bottle listening to the music on the TV. Both us a little tipsy
"What was it like with Harry?" I asked her
"what do you mean?"
"Like... what did you get up to?"
"Sex." she answered "dishes, laundry, you know that kinda stuff," she says "what about you and Benny?"
"Much the same, without the sex"
"How did you deal with the shower anyway it's in his living room?"
"I showered when he was out" I shrug "Or when he's playing chess or reading about chess. honestly, if chess is involved I could be walking around naked screaming his name and that boy wouldn't look up" I giggled
"why did you try?"
"No, it was just an example Beth"
"Dose, he still walks around in like that.... robe thing?"
"Yes, but I kinda stole it a little in the mornings, it fit me better anyway. and I felt my robe here"
"What did you two spend all your time doing? really Y/n?"
"I can't tell you beth,"
"Fine... let's play it this way," she says "while you where away I was having bedpost rattling sex with a boy and he tried playing chess with me while having sex"
"Rook to E4" she smiled "Pawn takes pawn" she giggled miming sex with her hips
"that's amazing" I laughed sipping my drink "That was harry then?"
"I didn't say who"
"Well... while I was away, somebody... Took my virginity"
"Benny?" she asked angrily
"I didn't say who" I smirked
"Didn't know you still where a Virgin still"
"I was when I went to new york"
"and now?"
"and now I'm not"
"I danced naked in the livingroom while on drugs"
"I had sex against a doorframe"
"I showed my tits to a mail guy"
"I ride a guys cock... fuck that hurt the first time"
"Not even I've done that" she smirked "It hurt?"
"Like fuck the next morning I literaly couldn't move I had to get benny to drag me around the flat like a ragdoll"
"So benny was there at the time?"
"In his room, doing.... I don't know bed chess I guess" I shrug "Then the next morning he was the only one around so"
"is that all benny does?"
"Chess and shit pretty much."
"You never used to swear"
"You swear?"
"Yeah but you don't..." she says "you sound like benny"
"Do I?"
"You do, You have his tawng. you have his speaking style" she says "and the swearing"
"I spend alot of time with him,"  shrug
at that moment the phone rang she sighed getting up having a strech wondering off to the kitchen grabbing the phone
"Hello? Yes, Ohh it's you, what do you want? why? fine," she sighed "Your a dick, Your a stupid twit, Yes I am aware," I had a feeling from that who it was on the phone only one person in the world she talks to like that "Fine But I can pick up the over phone if I want and listen in on you" she smirked
"Y/N!" she yelled into the living room holding the phone "For You" she says
"thanks beth" I smiled getting up and taking the phone from her, she went back to her wine and laid on the sofa "Hello?" I asked
"Hello Honeydew" Benny smiled down the phone
"Aww hello Mr Watts" I giggled wondering around the kitchen as much as I could with the phone cord in my hand "what is the purpose of this call then? I leave something at your apartment?"
"Well... Maybe a few things" he smirked "No I just rang to... say hi"
"It's quiet" I smiled "Without you"
"It's quiet without you too, for a little girl you make so much noise"
"Do I? Well maybe someone should stop making me be so loud"
"Hey, careful your sister might be listening"
"she's got wine she's fine, she had a bottle of red wine and there are hot boys on the Tv she's fine"
"Off You girls sitting looking attractive men are you?"
"Well, she is. I'm reading, and... talking to one instead"
"awww aren't you sweet" he smiled
"how you been doing without me?" I asked "Really?"
"it's... weird" he says "the record's aren't on, your not singing dancing around in my clothes, my laundry stays on the floor a lot longer"
"Really?" i laughed
"What, I got used to put something on the floor I turn up five mnuets later and it's gone" He says "In the washing or on you"
"Ohh Poor Benny gotta clean up after yourself?" I laughed "It's strange, without you around. I don't know I fell... Lovely"
"You have beth?"
"Yeah well beth might be here but her head isnt always, I can't always have a conversation with her not like I do with you" I smiled "I miss that robe actly can you send it out?"
"No it's mine your not having it, You already stole two of my shirts"
"No I-"
"I know you did, you snuck them in your suitcase I would like them back next I see you please I need them"
"Fine" I sighed
"I miss coffee" he says "In the morning... before I've even got out of bed. That's heavenly" he smiled "I don't like having to get up for my coffee"
"Ummm so you miss me cleaning up after you? and making you coffee?"
"And other things"
"I miss you," He says "I just... miss you. nothing inperticualr just, You"
"I miss you too benny"
"Y/n... I wanted to talk to you about something"
"About what?"
"Do you remmeber... the first night we, you know"
"we what?"
"You know what I don't know if beth can hear me" he laughs
"your safe" I giggled checking she hadn't got up to the other phone but she sat with her wine still
"The first time we, Did it"
"Ohhh that,"
"You remmeber?"
"I remember, How could I forget benny"
"Do you remember what I said to you?"
"No... you said alot of things to me"
"Then it doesn't matter," he says
"No benny come on tell me"
"Not like this... when I see you, You're coming with beth to Vegas right?"
"Okay, I will see if I can call you tomorrow"
"Okay, Talk soon"
"talk soon" He smiled before hanging up the phone
"what did he want?" beth asks
"I uhh I left some bits at his" I lied sitting back in my chair with my glass trying to rememeber what he said to me the first tie we had sex? what did he mean? what was he going on about?
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Sincerely her 1/??
Bouncing excited in your seat at the park you waited to meet your father and mother. Due to the dangers of their job you were taken care of by a family member in a different country. And now that you're 16 you were transferring into class 2A with your elder brother. Excited was an understatement, the emotions you felt could never be placed into words. Sure you were quirkless but thanks to loads of training you've never lost a fight.
Next to you were your suitcases filled with clothes, slippers, and your favorite homemade weapons. Sure you had a few screws loose but just makes it more fun!
"I think I see her Toshi." you heard in a distance. Turning to look at the voice there stood your parents and brother. Jumping out of your seat you ran as fast as possible and before any of them could blink you were wrapped around your mother who had to take multiple steps back.
"MOMMA!" you squealed, taking in his scent of cedarwood and blueberries. The omega took a few steps back to stop himself from falling but let out a chuckle as he wrapped his arms around your shaking figure. The weight of how long its been since you've seen them finally started to set in, and then tears began to gather in your eyes as soft sobs escaped you. "I- I missed.. I missed e-everyone.. So much."
A soft smile began to spread across Shouta's face as he rubbed your back in circles. Hitoshi came to your side and began to rub your side as well as Toshinori got your suitcases. You never unwrapped yourself for your mother, even as you all got in the car, heading to UA to drop off your things.
"Y/n let me go."
"Y/n let me go."
"... Toshinori come get your daughter. We're not going anywhere until she gets off of me"
The skinny alpha chuckled and stood in front of his mate, prying you off was easy for him because of how ticklish you were. You are off in a matter of seconds, pouting softly and ready to pounce again. "Y/n why are you acting like this?"
"Because if let you go you'll never come back and I'll be alone again!"
Ok.. Ouch. That physically and mentally hurt the couple. Toshinori placed his hand on your head, playing with the braids that framed your face, and gave you a soft smile. "We're not going anywhere and neither are you, my child. No one is getting left behind or forgotten."
Tears brimmed your eyes and just like that you pounce again. "D-DADDY!"
Toshinori stumbled slight and chuckle, hugging back tightly with a fond smile. "Yeah we missed you too. Now its getting late, Hito already dropped everything off in your room So its time for us to go."
A frown traveled across your face as you let go of your father reluctantly. "But what if they dont like me? Or if I run into one of them and they think I'm an intruder and they kill me and use my body for gardening?"
"First of all, what the hell has Yolan been letting you watch? And second that wont happen, but if you're really scared just wake up early to avoid them." Shouta said with confused worry. You didnt answer though, instead you kissed both of their cheeks and ran into the dorm building.
"Bye Bye!" You squealed loudly.
"Do you think we made the right choice my love?"
"Honestly? No. She might kill them all. Did you take her weapons?"
"I thought you did?"
The couple exchanged a look and sighed, following after you.
Following your omega Mother's advice you woke up early, about 5 am early, and took a shower. The body wash you used was prescribed to help keep your hormones and pheromones in balance, and even smelled like Pomargrants and spring rain! You were literaly a 1 in every 20million prime omega. Only 350 known to exist in the world. And since you were a quirkless prime omega you were a big target on the black market. Which is why your parents had you in the first place. Prime Omegas are rare and immediately known to be one at birth. Your biological family sold you as an infant to the black market but you were saved within the month and from there The Aizawa-Yagi family has been your own.
After your shower you took your morning medication as well and got dressed in uniform, you hated skirts so instead you wore dark green legging to match the school colors. With your uniform on and your shoes as well you skipped happily down the downstairs avoiding the elevator. (You had just watch final destination and now everything is suspect). Next stop was the kitchen!
It was 5:49 when you reached the kitchen and you knew people would start waking up soon. So you did what any person with a fear of strangers would do, you took your breakfast to go. Lucky for you, your favorite cereal was there so you took the whole box, your bookbag, and left.
"WHO TOOK MY FUCKING CEREAL!? WAS IT YOU SHIT-KU!?" Bakugou yelled from the kitchen as he slammed the cupboard shut angrily.
"Why am I always the first person you blame!? Beside you know I don't like that stuff! Its sour compared to others!" Izuku yelled back from the foyer as he put on his signature red shoes. Expolusions rang from the kitchen and Bakugou continued to accuse everyone that passed by. Each giving different ways of saying No.
"Bakugou-kun! I must ask you to refrain from the explosions so early in the morning!"
Izuku let out a sigh, so much for a quiet morning.
"Does anyone else smell that?" came Uraraka's soft voice as she stepped out the elevator. The young beta female stood next Tsuyu as the last ones to join the class. "All through the girls dorm its smells so good that I can barely think."
"I think we're getting a new student so maybe its them." came Momo's voice as she sat next to her girlfriend as the ate. "Maybe they sprayed a bunch of perfume after getting dressed. First impressions are everything after all."
Hitoshi looked up from his phone, having a mental battle with himself on whether or not to speak up. As he thought more about he soon realized that letting them know now will probably lower the chance of them bombarding you later. As your older alpha brother he had to protect you after all. "Yeah its the new student. And its not perfume that's just how she smells."
Silence filled the whole dorm as eyes fell on the purple haired male, in a flash Izuku was in front of him with his quirk analysis notebook open and stars in his eyes. Not too far behind him was Mineta and Kaminari.
"WHATS SHE LIKE!?" they all said at the same time.
"Is her scent her quirk!? Like Midnight- sensei!? What does she look like!? How tall is she!? Does her scent control people!?" came Izuku's quick voice. The beta got closer and closer to Hitoshi with each question until they were centimeters apart.
"S-sorry!" Izuku said flustered. But his notebook was still in his hand as he awaited a response.
"Well actually she's my sister.-" gasps and more questions cut Hitoshi off and he bit his lip, nor liking all this attention one bit. 'y/n is so lucky I love her.'
It was now 7:30 and normally everyone would be gone and in the class by now but instead they surrounded Hitoshi waiting for his further description of you. "She's around average height I guess. And she has (shade type) brown skin an-"
"Wait your sister has brown skin?" came Kaminari's voice if confusion. Hitoshi nodded and stood up not wanting to be swormed any longer.
"You've seen her before Kaminari."
"I have?"
"That picture in my room?"
Kaminari made a strange sound of realization as he tried to get up only fall and crawl after Hitoshi who was already at the door, "THAT'S YOUR SISTER!? BUT SHES HOT!"
"First if all what is that supposed to mean? And second yes she's my sister. I'm older than her by a year but I got left back because I couldn't control my quirk and kept hypnotizing my teachers. And I'll say this once, she's very shy and nice but if any of you hurt her.." Hitoshi stopped at the open door and turned slightly so he could look at his classmates from the corner of his eye. The normally calm alpha let out his pheromones as anger began to rise at the thought of you being hurt and growled lowly. "If any of you hurt her, I'll kill you."
Kaminari gulped and sat up straighter as a blush dusted his cheek along with a few other classmates. "I dont know whether to be scared or horny. I'm just gonna say I'm both."
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archiefm · 5 years
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         ... claws my way up from hell once more and vomits onto the dash.... hello. its nora. i used to write rory bergstrom, but if u were here before that u might remember me as greta or alma putnam or..... som1 else.... an endless carousel of trash children..... this is finn, who i actually wrote for an early version of this rp abt 5yrs back now...... grits teeth..... so forgive me if im rusty i havent written him in a long time but seein honey boy gave me a lotta finn muse n im keen to get Back On The Horse yeehaww...
DYLAN O’BRIEN / CIS-MALE — don’t look now, but is that finn o’callaghan i see? the 25 year old criminology and forensic studies student is in their graduate year of study year and he is a rochester alum. i hear they can be judicious, adroit, morose and cynical, so maybe keep that in mind. i bet he will make a name for themselves living off-campus. ( nora. 24. gmt. she/her )
shakes my tin can a humble pinterest, ma’am....
finn has a bio pasted at the bottom (n written in like.... 2015.... gross) but it’s long  so if u don’t wanna read it here’s the sparknotes summary..... anyway this was written years ago n a lot of it seems really cliche and lame now but..... we accept the trash we think we deserve
grumpy, ugly sweater wearing, tech-savvy grandpa
very dry sense of humour and embraces nihilism. 
if ron swanson and april ludgate had a baby it would be finn
he was raised in derry, just south of dublin.
from a big family. elder sister called sinead. he also has a younger sister (aoife), a younger brother (colm), and a collie named lassie because his father lovs cliches (finn hates cliches but loves his dog). 
his father was a pub landlord and his mother worked at the market sellin fruit n veg when they met but got a job as a medical receptionist when she had kids cos it meant she cld be there with them in the day and work nights.
his parents met when they were p young and fiesty and rushed into marriage cos they were catholic n just wanted to have sex. his family were literally dirt-poor, but they had a lot of love i guess
hmmmmm his relationship w his father wasn’t the best cos i can’t write character who have healthy relationships w their parents throws up a peace sign. yh, had a pretty emotionally distant, alcoholic violent father n so gets a lot of his bad habits i.e. drinking as a coping mechanism and poor anger management from him BUT anyway
as a kid he was never very motivated in class, he always had a nervous itch to be off somewhere doing something else. struggled under government austerity bcso there just wasn’t the resources to support low income families where the kids had learning difficulties n needed support. fuck the tories am i right 
his mum suggested he try sports to help w his restless energy but he was never any good at football so he took up boxing and tap dance instead. he took to tap dancing like a fish to fuckin water. as adhd n found this as a really good way to use his excess energy in a creative way
had a few run ins with the police in his early teens for spray painting and graffiti, but he straightened himself out n now actually considering becoming a detective inspector??? cops are pigs.
he had a youtube channel where he posted videos of him tapdancing and breakdancing as a kid, basically would be a tiktok boy nowadays, n had like... a small fanbase in his early teens. attended several open auditions unsuccessfully, until he was finally cast in billy eliot when he was fifteen.
during billy eliot he began dating an italian dancer called nina. they became dance partners soon after and toured across the republic with various different shows (inc riverdance lol the classic irish stereotype). their relationship was p toxic tbh, they were both very hot tempered people and just used to argue and fight all the time.
he went semi-pro at tap dancing, and nina couldn’t stand being second best so she moved back to italy with her family. ignored his texts, phone calls, etc, eventually he was driven to the point where he used his savings to buy a plane ticket, showed up at her house and she was like wtf?? freaked out and filed a restraining order accusing him of stalking.
he was fined for harassment and then returned home to derry, but after the incident with nina he quit dancing for good and finished his leaving cert before heading to university in the US to get as far away from nina and his past life as poss. and basically since he quit dancing to study forensics (death kink. finn cant get enough of that morgue. just walks around sayin beat u) he’s become a massive grump and jsut doesn’t see the good in people any more.
u’ll find finn in an old man bar drinking whiskey bc he is in fact an old man at heart or sat on his roof smoking a joint, drawing wolves and lions and skeletons and shit, playing call of duty or getting blazed or at the corner of the room in a house party ignoring everyone and scrolling through twitter. is a massive e-boy. always up-to-date on memes and internet slang. has reddit as an app on his phone
not very good at communication. rather than solve his issues by talking, he’d prefer to just solve them through fighting or running away from his problems hence why he has come halfway across the world to get away from an issue which probs cld have been solved w a few apology emails.
takes a lot to phase him, but when his beserk button gets pressed he can become a bit pugnacious like an angry lil rottweiler. in his undergrad he was in a few fist fights but doesn’t really do tht any more as he doesn’t condone violence.
 in the previous version of this rp he was hospitalised like 5 times. pls, give my son a break. stop tryin to kill him. he literaly got a bottle smashed over his head and bled out all over his favourite angora rug that was the only light of his life
works at the campus coffee shop n always whines about how he’s a slave to capitalism. always smells of coffee
lives off campus with an elderly woman named Marianne, and basically gets reduced rent bcos he makes her dinner / keeps her company. they have a great bond
fan of karl marx. v big on socialism
insomniac with chronic nosebleeds
cynical about everything. too much of a fight club character 4 his own good n has his head up tyler durden’s sphincter
always confused or annoyed
basic information
full name: finnegan seamus o'callaghan nickname(s): finn age: 25 astrological sign: aries hometown: derry, ireland occupation: phd student / former street entertainer fatal flaw: cynicism positives: self-reliant, street smart, relaxed, intelligent, spontaneous, brave, independent, reliable, trustworthy, loyal. negatives: hostile, impulsive, stubborn, brooding, pugnacious, untrusting, cynical, enigmatic, reserved.
colouring: medium hair colour: dark brown, almost black eye colour: brown height: 5’9” weight: 69kg build: tall, athletic voice: subtle irish accent, low, smooth. dominant hand: left scar(s): one on the left side of his ribs from a knife wound that he doesn’t remember getting cos he was drunk distinguishing marks: freckles, tattoo of a wolf howling at a moon allergies: pollen and the full spectrum of human emotion alcohol tolerance: high drunken behaviour: he becomes friendlier, far more conversational than when sober, flirtier, and generally more self-confident.
dreams/goals: self-fulfilment, travel the globe, experience life in its most alive and technicoloured version, make documentary films, help the vulnerable in society, grow as a human being.
skills: jack-of-all-trades, very fast runner, good at thieving things, talented tap dancer, good in crisis situations, dab-hand at mechanics, musically-intelligent, can throw a mean right hook and very capable of defending himself, can roll a cigarette, memorises quotes and passages of literature with ease, can light a match with his teeth.
likes: the smell of the earth after rain, poetry, cigarettes, shakespeare, whiskey, tattoos, travelling, ac/dc, deep conversations, leather jackets, open spaces, the smell of petrol, early noughties ‘emo phase’ anthems.
dislikes:  the government, parties, rules, donald trump, children, apple products, weddings, people in general, small talk, dependency, loneliness, pop music, public transport, justin timberlake, uncertainty.fears: fear itself, drowning alignment: true neutral mbti: istp – “while their mechanical tendencies can make them appear simple at a glance, istps are actually quite enigmatic. friendly but very private, calm but suddenly spontaneous, extremely curious but unable to stay focused on formal studies, istp personalities can be a challenge to predict, even by their friends and loved ones. istps can seem very loyal and steady for a while, but they tend to build up a store of impulsive energy that explodes without warning, taking their interests in bold new directions.” (via 16personalities.com)
full bio (lame as fuck written years ago..... pleathe...)
tw homophobia
born in quigley’s pub on the backstreets of sunny dublin, young finnegan o'callaghan was thrown kicking and screaming into the rowdy suburbs of irish drinking culture. the son of a landlord and a fishwife, he never had much in the way of earnings, but there was never a dull moment in his lively estate, where asbo’s thrived, but community spirit conquered. at school, finn was pegged as lazy and unmotivated, though truly his dyslexia made it hard for the boy to learn in the same environment of his peers and only made him more closed-off in class. struggling with anger management, finn moved from school to school, unable to fit the cookie-cutter mould that school enforced on him, though whilst academic studies were of little interest to the boy, he soon found his true passions lay in recreational activities. immersed into the joys of sport from as young as four, finn was an ardent munster fan and anticipated nothing more than the day he could finally fit into his brother’s old pair of rugby boots.
his calling finally came unexpectedly, not in the form of rugger, but through dance. to learn to express himself in a non-academic way, he began tap dancing, finding therapy in the beat of his soles against the cracked kitchen tiles (much to his mother’s disgrace). it wasn’t a conscious choice, finn just realised one day that dance was something that made him feel. a king of the streets, finn made his fortune on those cobbled pavements – dancing and drawing to earn his keep. by default, finn became a street artist, each penny he earned from his chalk drawings saved in a jam jar towards buying his first pair of tap shoes. though many of his less-than-amiable neighbours called him a nancy and a gaybo, finn refused to quit at his somewhat ‘unconventional’ hobby, for the young scrapper found energy, life, and released anger through the rhythm of tap. soon he branched out into street dance, hip hop, break dancing, lyrical, his days spent smacking his scuffed feet against the broken patio into the night.
when he was thirteen he took up boxing, and as expected, his newfound ‘macho’ pastime conflicted with his dancing. the boxers called him ‘soft’; the dancers called him ‘inelegant’. he felt like two different people; having to choose between interests was like being handed a knife and asked to which half of himself he wished to cut away. he couldn’t afford professional training in dance, with most schools based in england and limited scholarships available. instead, he made the street his studio, racking up a small fanbase on youtube. when he was fifteen he made his debut in billy eliot at the olympia theatre in dublin. enter nina de souza, talented, beautiful and italian; ballet dancer, operatic singer, genius whiz kid, and spoiled brat. she was selfish, conceited, hell bent on getting her own way, and every director’s nightmare. finn fell for her like a house of cards. he’d always had a soft spot for girls who meant trouble. and so their hellish courtship began.
by the time they were seventeen, the two young swans had danced in every playhouse across the republic. they were known in theatres across the country for their tempestuous personalities, their raging arguments with one another, their tendency to drop out of shows altogether without any notice, yet the money kept rolling in and the audiences continued to grow. for three years, their families continued to put up with their hysterical fights followed by passionate reconciliations. he was too possessive, and she was too wild. their carcrash of a relationship finally came to a catastrophic halt when nina broke off the whole affair and returned to italy with her family. for months finn tried to contact her, yet his phone calls, texts, facebook messages were always ignored, until finally he was driven to drastic measures and used his savings to get a plane to her home town. when finn turned up uninvited at nina’s house she freaked out – and rightly so – she contacted her agent, accused him of stalking her, and had a restraining order placed against him. finn was arrested, held in a station overnight, and charged with harassment before he was allowed to return to dublin.
after the incident with nina, finn lost the fight in his eyes. he became far more hostile, far less likely to retaliate with his own fists, and picked fights not for the thrill of feeling his own fists pummel another into a wall, but for the sensation of his own brittle bones cracking. he dropped his tap shoes in a dumpster, stopped talking to his friends, followed his father’s advice and went back to school to complete his leaving certificate. a few short months later, and finn was packing his bags, saying his bittersweet goodbyes, and travelling half-way across the globe to be as far away as possible from his past self, his mess of a life, and most of all nina. it seemed somehow ironic that the boy who had been cautioned by the garda so much during his youth for spray painting, busking without a liscence, and raucous parties would become the grumpy, aloof overseas student studying a degree in criminology; that his once reckless spirit could be crushed so easily. 
of all things that finn could be called, straightforward would never be one of them. ever since his first days in atticus, the boy was pegged as hostile, hot-headed, cynical, rude. he seemed to spend more time in his thoughts than engaging in conversation. like a ticking time-bomb, finn’s anger was of the calm kind, liable to explode without a moment’s noticed. his unpredictable personality make him something of an enigma to those who aren’t amiable with the lad, though hostile as he may appear, he harvests a good heart. loyalty lies at the centre of his affections, and whilst his friends are few in number, he makes a lifelong partner. somewhere within finn, there’s still some fight left, but mostly he has recognised that his hedonistic lifestyle did little to leave him fulfilled – mostly, it just emptied him out – and over his three years at university has resigned himself to a nihilistic predicament.
        if u wanna plot with me pls pls pls im me or like this post!! i am always game for plots i love em so excited to write with you all here r some ideas
study buddies. finn is now a phd student so has to start takin shit seriously. he gon be in the library every day doing that independent study. if he had ppl who were also regular library goers n they get each other coffees to save time.... tht wld be sweet
ppl who love techno dj sets and going super hard on the weekends!!! fuck yea
friends with benefits. exes on bad terms. ppl he tried to date but couldnt because he’s always emotionally hung up on someone else. spicy hook up plots
ppl he met touring?? maybe ppl who were also in the entertainment industry..... anyone got a character who is ex circus hit me up
does anyone else study criminology / forensics / criminal psych / law? phd students sometimes lecture so he cld be an assistant lecturer / tutor if ur character is in a younger year
gamers !!! social recluses !!! hermits !!
finn goes to the skatepark and all the young boys there think he’s a gradnpa which he is! 
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aboyisaguuun · 6 years
Hi queen I miss you already :( but I definitely ship you with ash and your mirror pictures would be bomb (we been knew this) and you guys have very similar personalities I think you would fall in love so easily with each other
hi sumanthe i love and miss you so much i hope you’re having the time of ur life in italy plz send me pics so i can pretend i am there bothering you irl 
ship: of course, the breadstick, lucas robert hemmings. i mean it literally isn’t up to debate the fact that the two of you were made for each other. the first time he sees you (as a 20′s something) hes literally gonna feel nervous, like hes gonna feel like the fan and his heart is gonna be jumping all over the place and his hands will be vibrating just a little. he’s gonna be so in awe over you and will watch everything you do with wide eyes like you’re the only girl alive and he doesn’t want to miss a single moment of it. he’ll always love that you have big  normal sized feet ygukg and will always send you links while he’s on tour saying “babe do you like these?? can we share these ones?” and eventually you’re gonna be like “Lu we literaly have 15 pairs of YSL heeled boots can we please try something else.” also your spa nights with you painting his nails and braiding his long hair??? then he would do the same to you and he would’ve used to be really bad at braiding but then one night he’ll do really really well and go “hey, look at that babe. i’m a pro now!” but, ofc, he is still bad at painting nails and the polish will get ALL over your fingers, but you’ll just keep it because you think it’s funny. and then whenever someone asks why your nails looks so bad he’ll just raise his  lil hand only semi embarrassed but mostly proud 
best friend: mashton (duh) for obvious reason 
song: hopefulessness by courtney barnett :)))
ships night!
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gascon-en-exil · 1 year
there is several way to deal with those new info. We had numerous cursed ships that did nothing but made me laugh until I could not breath : Robin x second gen ? fine. I am ready to let Robin being daughter in law with a Risen and with Grima sweating to find out their alternate self married the child of his friend to have dancing boy. Fates ? ok. making Odin a grandad is funny. Three houses/hopes ? Arvalx Sothis and Shezleth all the way. Now that ? It's easy. Just imagine two sombron meeting with one wondering where his kid found that fell spawn while the others grins at seeing their kid wed with "the divine dragon" and the 2 sombron becoming besties once they discouvers they both treats their kids like failure and defect. And do not let them go near the grand children. On side note, was there even a normal couple in Fire emblem to begin with ?
Yeah can we talk about how FE verse seems to believe that all players have a kink for marrying a unit they killed in another universe ? First Robin, then Corrin, Byleth now it's Alear with the four honds and the rest of the cast safe the twins since they did not exist in the canon verse ? Thats why I personally can't help but look down on "moral shippers" because "moral shipping" doesnt exist. There is always a way of making it creepy. like how you can point out that Chrobin is literaly us shipping a man with his murderer and destroyer of said man's daughter's future. We should be desensitze by now.
I don't know if Instys intends kinks or anything all I know is that most of the player like a character but said character ends up being in a category that makes shipping them requires to use 1000 explanation for people to leave you alone. in Awakening, if you commit the mistake of liking Inigo, you need to explain why technically he isn't Olivia's son to not make it weird. Same thing for Fates. In 3 houses, it's not just Rhea, it's the whole cast that needs to be justified by a technically Byleth is not the teacher anymore to S support Claude and Sylvain in peace. Now, we either have to deal with people calling you a groomer for Dialear and then says youre into incest because Alear and the twins COULD have been siblings. And it's pity because most of the time, those happen to be genuinely good ships. Guess I should avoid tumblr for the last decade.
Two anons and one ask making broader observations on FE shipping. I don't have much to add, save to reiterate that this is really not the sort of series where one can rely on finding anything morally acceptable. It's pretty much always been tasteless and campy, and since the earliest days of the Western fandom we all grew pretty desensitized to it. You just sort of have to laugh at it all.
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jigsisanalien · 4 years
i dont know what he expected from this...im so tired of this story to the point that honestly, why on earth i got along with those people for that long.
I dont want to repeat myself, im tired of this, not so such a long story short, ive tried to be friends with the dude, but even though he knew i had someone, he kept putting his hands on me (calling it being friendly), that was not acceptable specially when i was clearly uncomfortable and was trying to get away (grabbing by the ribs next to boob, rubbing the inner tight...). Even that, i kept trying to be his friend, he wasnt living in our country so that was doable. We planned a vacay to his country, but when my friend told me he was coming aswell, i was like, nope, im not about to sleep in the same room as him.
When he came back i tried to be his friend again(because he was in our group of friends), well, that didnt worked, soon he started to act like i was his gf, specially in front of our friends and HIS family, he wanted to bring me to his brothers house for dinner because his SIL wanted to meet me...why??? He used to put me against the wall, trying to know things “oh if youre not coming to meet me what are you going to do, so how was your nephew...” just shit like that, trying to caught me in a lie and shit, because i didnt wanted to meet him, then try to make me say yes to go with him, which i had to turn down at last minute because i honestly didnt felt comfortable in going.
I didnt want to be around him because he made me uncomfortable, he looked like a creep to me, and his actions showed just that, and the worst part was that he had our group of friends manipulating us, or at least me, and pushing him to do it, to get upon me, even after what he did last year, i felt so grossed out.
Our group went down while that and we started to talk again, we talk everything down like, everything, he was the first to tell me he liked me as a good friend and that he liked someone else, i though everything was done, but nope, he started to push the boundaries again, and being pushy to know about a dude that said by mistake, it was an hypotheses not for real, i was trying to make my other friend to stop putting us to as a couple, i felt disgusted just by listening to that, literaly i wanted to puke, he kept pushing me to say it, but i didnt budge and soon after i cut my communication again with him.
The thing is, is not just the creepy part of him, hes also a plain bread, his convos always lead to his family and shit, noticing that he never leaves the house, i get bored going out with him, he never gets along with nothing minimally fun, like at all, hes boring. Then theres the disgusting stories about how he fucked this and that, specially at work, and the way he tells them, like, only now he is telling them, nobody ever seen him with a girl, like ever, there was no way he would have time to do that, they all seem like a lie, but why he tell us that? Gross, i dont tell about the people i fuck to nobody.
Yet i kept going out with him because either it was our friends bday, or just a lunch, i kept my communications short aswell in person and i try not even to dress myself up as i usually do. Also, i never gave him a hint that i was interested, i think i did the other way around, yet he keeps pushing and pushing, seeing if i break. As a person i wouldnt be near interested in him, its already meh to be his friend, after all he did, no way in hell and dont even want to see his face.
So he had this girl he was trying with, tbh it all seemed like a made up shit just like he always did, specially the timing she appeared when i step away from him because everybody was telling stuff about him being too creep on me and that he liked me. A couple of weeks ago he stopped talking to my friend, she though it was odd, even after the second third, nothing, he just cut off, after a week he wanted to meet with her for lunch, yet he said nothing to her, he just said it was nothing about the girl, neither it was about me and my friend. We were confused, yet he stopped talking for a week again, i decided to text him too, but he only answer after a week saying that nothing was alright, asking how i was and if i could meet him, i didnt answer to him, hell no i was going to meet him alone, and why he wasnt telling her even tho he was going to cry to her, and why in the hell he was wanting to talk to me.
I told him i was busy, but maybe next week (or not), just didnt wanted to go. He once again stopped talking for days, he then asks again to go out with my friend for lunch...im starting to find it odd tbh. She told him out of the blue that i was in another city (the city of the person im with and like), and he started to be cold to her *rolls eyes*, actually i had to come early so i was able to go to the lunch, he didnt knew and saw me there. He tryed to make convo but i wasnt budging or shits. Then what happen was like...are you retarded? Anyway, my friend needed to go to a store, but only one person could enter, we were both outside, me seeing her looking around lost went to the other side to see her better and see if she saw me to help her, but she didnt, i tried to look around from that place for what she was looking for but didnt, i called my sister in the mean while, once i looked he was gone, i though he was sat somewhere, anyway, someone left the store and i went to see her. When we leave the store, we dont see him anywhere, she starts to call him, it rings and rings and nothing, he hangs up the call after 2min, then texts her saying he was outside...honestly i wouldnt be surprised that he went away. But why all of this crap, i was trying to help my friend not necessarily stay away from him, i think im an adult enough to deal with him, i dont need to ran away like he did.
Like my friend says also, hes 20yo, im almost 30, for crying out loud, he should be living his best years yet hes doing all of this crap...also, isnt he the one who talks how he fucks all of those girls and shit? Why cant he get one now then?
I honestly just want him to leave us two alone. We both tried to be his friend but hes impossible and i honestly will never forget the creepy part of him calling it “this is how i am friendly” mmh k, yes ill start to touch my friends dicks too from now on out of friendship.
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