#AND i got a really nice fu hua out of it too!!
emypony · 1 year
so uh- pls elaborate on ce!hua x sim!hua im here for the agenda
Anon I hope ur still here and sorry i took this long but i just HAD to make something for them. (and also....barking and meowing, drawing Fu Hua oh my god..)
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This got heckin lengthy so I will be putting my thoughts down below in a read more <3
I ended up with brainrot 🛐🙏 alas...let me elaborate!! This if ofc in the context if ER was repaired and with new tech they were able to give the sims each their own body to continue living on as a separate entity <3
I will differentiate them by Hua and Fu Hua since it's probably the easiest. And speaking of them
Fu Hua herself has gone through many battles over the years and has met a myriad of people, shaping her into the person that she's become. Grief, Joy, Despair and Relief over the years have eroded her into her most peaceful version yet, more calm and collected and sure of herself. Maaaybe a little cheekier than usual (Senti's attitude has been rubbing off on her, unfortunately) but it's never in a mean way.
All the while Hua herself while having gone through the same amount of years as her, has not got the chance to be so out and about, but got her fair share of interaction from the visitors and successors that came to the realm. Her frequent memory wipes did slow down her progress however, so she's still closer to the original 'Fu Hua' that she was created from so many years back.
Hua was always unsure of herself and what her future would hold, wondering if her real life self would be good enough (would she, as a sim?) but she's never felt like it herself. After all, she's just a copy and that's what she's supposed to be, right?
And yet now that she gets to SEE what the real Fu Hua became, with the inherent knowledge that she's still there and has survived on despite all her hardships (which she would eventually hear about, as Fu Hua vehemently denied syncing their memories, for more reasons than one), it made her be overwhelmed with a multitude of new feelings - relief, admiration, sadness for everything she's endured, hope? for the future, and a new one that she can't quite elaborate on (these new bodies sure feel vastly different from being a bunch of data in a non physical realm, and that includes feelings too)
Unlike herself, Fu Hua now displays great amounts of patience, coupled with the suffocating feelings of kindness and softness (? once again an inexplicable feeling - how can someone act 'soft'! that's a physical feeling and yet it felt like the best word to use)
Of course all their time eventually spent together leads for more feelings of both heartache and inexplicable self consciousness- after all, Hua is just a sim, created in Fu Hua's image (not that the thought ever bothered her, she'd accepted it as a reality as all the others). Now that she's got her own body however, she can't help but feel inadequate being there. Would she be a fighter proficient enough? Good enough to carry the burden of the same name and face? Would she be able to live up to her legacy, her name and her greatness? Could she ever achieve what she did or would she just forever be branded as a 'copy' and nothing else. Would it have been better off if she'd remained deleted by the Herrscher of Corruption? The others are after all...not there anymore, so there would be no confusion to be made. They could carry on their real life counterpart's legacies without issue- but she felt like she was just not meant to be there. Fu Hua was still alive, so why the need for her, too?
It all culminates one day after isolating herself for weeks and becoming more and more of a hermit. Not even Pardofelis could coax her to open up, so who better to work through Hua related issues than Fu Hua herself? It doesn't take long until Hua confesses her feelings in regards to the matter of her existence, and Fu Hua can't help but smile gently, thinking about the amusing parallels between this Hua and Senti.
Hua's skin is burning as Fu Hua takes her hand into hers, and addresses her with the same tenderness as raindrops falling after a hot day. She feels tears prick her eyes as Hua's talking, about how despite being made after her it was so so long ago that it isn't bad that she's different. Fu Hua wouldn't want her to take after her anyway, it's better off if she would just be her own person. There is no need to repeat Fu Hua's mistakes, just to become like her. She's not perfect, after all.
Hua may be derived from the same starting point as Fu Hua over 50 000 years ago, but so much time has passed, and the two of them ended up being shaped by people and circumstance differently, and now she has sort of become her own person. It would be unfair to her own self and legacy to attempt to be like Fu Hua. There's no more Honkai, they have achieved their goal and she'd fought just as valiantly as the others. And that is enough.
here's where my general thoughts stop, but I do have other more funny ones in regards to Senti (and by extension Pardo, because now with a soulium body I'd just put them together like cheese and crackers).
Senti's views on Sim!Hua are also funny because:
Fu Hua: old timer. antique. do NOT tell me we're alike i'm going to start foaming at the mouth. smh my head she cant get it together
Sim!Hua: absolute baby lmaooo look at her. okay she is kind of cute and pathetic. yeah ill help her shes funny (by being a wet sopping scrungly)
I just think they would be interesting friends, and maybe a bit of an easy target for teasing (especially once she finds out that she kinda has a crush on Fu Hua). Obviously enough, getting dating advice from a Herrscher who has never dated is going to end in disaster.
Senti and Felis get together (i swear this is for storytelling purposes this time), all is well and they enjoy each other. Seeing them be happy and such, Hua finally allows herself to think of the possibility of at least confessing. "Oh okay so…a sim(?) and a. real . ? person? (debatable) Herrscher? can be together so maybe i can at least confess… i want to get over this" Hua wouldn't delude herself into thinking that there could be any outcome of her feelings, after all Senti and Pardo's situation was somewhat different than her own.
As much as she hates it, Senti is unfortunately the only one who knows Fu Hua enough so...by extension of asking Felis she has to ask her too and its awfully embarrassing because of how much teasing she expects.
Senti's the first one to react and she goes "LMAO no WAY. Fu Hua?!?"
Felis hits her shoulder. "Senti, be nice !!! this is serious!!"
Senti can't help but almost double over in laughter, but recovers pretty quickly. "Out of everyone you could've chosen smh…sure fine, it''s whatever I'll help you."
Hua was a bit. skeptical. "You're…not doing this just to gloat and laugh at me if it doesn't work, right?"
Senti had half the mind to think better on it. "Eh…I would say maybe, but quite frankly I'll do ANYTHING if it means Hua will shut the fuck up and stop asking me how Felis and I are going. If you confessing to her will get her off my case I'm literally willing to throw petals from above for added effect"
Suddenly Hua doesn't feel that great about asking Senti for help. But what's done is done, so she might as well give her best. Senti goes "Don't worry I'll ease her about the thought" and goes to Fu Hua and asks "Hey so how much do you love yourself?" like with no fucking context. Funnily enough, Fu Hua thinks Senti is trying to talk to her about not sacrificing herself if things get dire, so she completely cuts her off before she elaborates any further and assures her that she will never put her duty before herself or her friends ever again, all of them can rest assured!
Needless to say Senti came back with nothing to show for it except words completely unrelated to what they needed. Hua herself can't help but go "wow, she really is different from me, she's matured so much and learned to prioritize herself" and can't help but feel like she likes her even more, to Senti's absolute disgust ("Good God, you're down bad"). Mission failed.
Senti turns to Felis, going "yeah you know what. they're perfect for each other."
Felis smiles and clasps her hands. "Aww that's so cute, do you mean they seem to be on the same page about feelings?"
"No i mean they're both incomprehensibly daft and delusional but yours works too, probably."
Enough about Hua, we should probably touch on Fu Hua's feelings for comparison. She feels a strange sense of wanting to protect Hua- maybe chalks it up to it reminding her of her past, lost and full of uncertainty about each following day, of losing more people and more sacrifices being made. But those are no longer pressing issues now, so why does she still feel like that, when Hua is clearly capable of defending herself if something comes to be? It's confusing, but she doesn't dwell on it for too much.
...well, until it does end up being on her mind a bit too much, so she can only go to the one person that would understand AND knows enough about the person in question - Felis! ....and by extension (and to her dismay) Senti as well. The two share a 'there's no way this is happening AGAIN' look with each other as Fu Hua is trying to explain her issue.
She confides in them briefly. "I've been having these...weird feelings towards er, Hua. I'm not sure but I find myself wanting to spend more time with her and I feel like I want to protect her. But there's no danger anymore and clearly she can defend herself just as well as anyone else...so why am I...?" she seems lost.
Senti makes a joke which Felis almost chokes to. "Maybe you like her?"
Fu Hua blushes and almost gives herself away. "W-What? N-no, I could never, I...s-she's me- well, not- not really anymore no but she was created from me at one point...that... that would be wrong wouldn't it?" Well. it wasn't an outright no, technically...
Senti continues. "Okay HYPOTHETICALLY...if she liked you back, would you confess?"
For once Fu Hua doesn't seem so shocked about it anymore, she seems almost...melancholic, as if she's thinking about something that's too far out of her reach. "Oh please...she's still got some of my traits and mannerisms...she would know better than to like the person she was made after..." she chuckles longingly. "She's probably got a stronger sense of justice and morals than I have right now, I certainly have mellowed out over the years." Senti sighs, and groans, and almost hits something.
"Oh my GODDD I am leaving. I cannot deal with this you're TOO DUMB!!" and just disappears away in a flash of black feathers. Fu Hua is confused and taken aback and Felis can do nothing but shrug her shoulders because she too wishes she could straight up disappear right now. These two were so different yet so alike and it was so frustrating how stupid they were about it.
I've yet to think about how they confess - I'll admit my thoughts stopped there as I got one tracked on doing art for them, but if I happen to figure something out, I might do another post. Idk if I would be able to do a little one-shot though...........unless?
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Anyway if u've made it this far godspeed thank you for letting me talk about them 🙏 they're on my mind fr haha.
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budd-ie · 4 months
The way it has JUST dawned on me exactly why Mu Qing is so smug all the time about Xie Lian. The truth is that any time someone does something good for others, it ALWAYS comes back to bite them. Nobody is grateful, nobody is thankful, and most of the time you get physically hurt even trying. Mu Qing’s conclusion about this is “there is literally no point in being a nice person because it will only get you hurt.” He sees this pattern and he knows he’s right, and he especially sees it with Xie Lian. Think about how fucking smug Fu Yao is in the sinners pit when he finds out about “General Hua” and Xie Lian’s “death.” This is just another instance of Xie Lian’s efforts for good only ever going to waste and him getting beat to death and back for thinking he can still save the common people. What’s his problem? Won’t this idiot ever learn his lesson? When he sees the dilapidated shrine and sad excuse for a living arrangement Mu Qing looks joyous. What joy could he possibly find in another man’s suffering? It’s because it proves that trying to play good guy gets you nowhere. Mu Qing left all those years ago to focus on himself and it got him to a top martial god spot in heaven. He’s clearly right about this! This proves it!
It’s so obvious he’s right. If you want to get anywhere in life, you have to stop worrying about being “good” or “kind” because it will never bring you good returns. That’s true….so why can’t Xie Lian understand that? If every single time he gets kicked down for trying to do something nice, why bother getting up and trying again? What is he trying to accomplish?
The difference is that Xie Lian is kind not for the returns but because it is innate to him. It’s not that he never thought about himself in the past, it’s just that he’s never had a second thought about people deserving kindness in the world. Getting shot down never breaks his spirit like it breaks Mu Qing’s. Mu Qing can’t fucking stand that. He can’t stand that Xie Lian is so genuinely selfless, that he was wrong about his perception of him all those years ago. He can’t stand that Xie Lian is still trying to help him even though he knows he won’t appreciate it. If he really was only doing it for merit and to feel good about himself then everything would be fine! But now he has to grapple with the fact that he’s looking at a really, genuinely, good person and he’s just another person who shot him down. He realizes he’s looking at someone who’s stronger than him, physically and emotionally, better than him morally, despite all his talk about how they’re not that different when really they’re leagues away.
(Some book 8 spoilers below)
It messed with the flow of the paragraph so I didn’t mention it earlier, but in that second paragraph, Mu Qing’s mindset sounds a lot like Jun Wu. Jun Wu is trying to prove to Xie Lian that his path of kindness and selflessness is stupid and that when people knock him down he can choose the other (lesser) path. I always say That Mu Qing is like a foil to Xie Lian (I think this is that explanation) but if Jun Wu and Xie Lian are connected in this way then it’s almost reasonable to bring Mu Qing along too. And it makes sense that he doesn’t shine as bright in this point of view between the three of them, just like he always has. There’s something here but it was a wake up in the middle of the night with a cold sweat and a revelation kind of thing so it’s not really fleshed out at all. We’ll deal with it later.
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fierrochase-falafel · 2 years
“...Someone like Mu Qing, even though he’s narrow-minded, petty, sensitive and skeptical, has a bad personality, constantly guessing, doesn’t say nice things, likes to nag, always offending people and has a lot of people who dislike him, has no friends, can remember small, unimportant details for a long period of time…”
Xie Lian went on in one breath with a straight face, but in the end he concluded with, “…But I’ve known him since we were kids, after all, he’s still got principles.”
Xie Lian continued, “He might spit in the cup of someone he doesn’t like, but he would never poison the water to harm others.”
Hua Cheng commented flatly, “Really? That’s still gross though.”
Fu Yao was popping veins. “NO! He would never spit either!”
“Laxatives then,” Xie Lian said.
Post 7 here: I can't tell if Xie Lian pulled this off the top of his head or he's just got a long list of flaws to comment on for every heavenly official but I am LIVING for this energy. I've said it before and I'll say it again, Xie Lian is as much of a b*tch as Hua Cheng and we do not give him enough credit for it-
Just annihilating Mu Qing then and there, fully acknowledging what Xie Lian sees as his greatest flaws and insecurities and then going, "but he's not evil!" is just...I have no words.
~book 5 spoiler ahead if you want to avoid that~
What's even funnier is, in book 5, Mu Qing gives a similarly long and unasked for level of detail when describing how he feels about Xie Lian, something along the lines of, "I have opinions about you such as: you're not better than me at fighting and you relied on your crown prince status too much and also you did it all for the praise" and then going onto say he is in awe of Xie Lian and wanted to be his f-f-friend (as all book 5 readers probably remember lol).
In that scene, Mu Qing says, "We’re alike. You think me odd, I think you to be rather weird too." And they really are alike! Their descriptions of each other almost follow the same format, of mild confusion and picking out flaws in each other before addressing their point, except that Xie Lian has developed much thicker skin than Mu Qing, essentially, and it makes all the difference in how we interpret it! Xie Lian doesn't hold a grudge and uses the format to tease Mu Qing lightly while also putting forth his opinion that Mu Qing is trustworthy despite what it may look like. To Mu QIng though, everything is a bigger deal than it is to everyone else, and the things he tells Xie Lian are things he's been pondering and overthinking and struggling with for over 800 years. Perhaps Xie Lian's light-hearted confirmation of Mu Qing being worth his and the heavens' trust was something Mu Qing was both angered by but more importantly, thoroughly gratified by as Xie Lian said it himself: he has no friends. No real allies, the closest being Feng Xin who makes it his business to have petty fights with him throughout their godhoods (gay, btw, but I'll save that for another post). Just, anyone really trusting him to not betray them and SAYING it? Must've implicitly meant a lot to him, enough so for him to put aside his grudges and overthinking when it became integral to the whole deal with Jun Wu.
So, I guess, to conclude: Power of friendship, people!
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kulaiyin · 1 year
(content: world 2 main story quest, world 2 city exploration, simulated universe world 5)
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i feel like i sang many praises about xianzhou luofu’s environment already but the fact that it’s a ship and you can see so far below and it’s just clouds... i really love it, it feels very liminal. same chills as nagazora... (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ) 
this entry is heavy on world 2 content! if i were to give vague hints regarding what it covers... maybe from “diting” to “fu xuan”? 
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YOOOOOOOOO ABYSS FLOWER?! (looks like it still has those powers over life and death...!)
OTTO-- i mean luocha-- IS SO CHILL HERE! i haven’t gone through the seven swords VN very closely but as far as i’m concerned, the personality checks out. really enjoying the parallels on how they meet
it’s also really cool that they’re previewing future character kits in the story! first kafka and silver wolf, and now luocha. i hope they keep this up!
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already loving sushang’s countrygirl character... 
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i just want to point out that this npc is actualy the npc from bailu’s character stories!!! i can’t believe she’s an actual npc in the overworld?! it makes the world seem so fleshed out!
for those who don’t know and want to know, i remembered reading that bailu once treated an incredibly young vidyadhara girl who kept undergoing the molting/reborn process every couple of weeks. i originally visualized it as an infant who kept reverting back to a newborn state (which was honestly scary) so it was a nice shock seeing her as a full grown woman here!
most of all, i never expected jinyu to be a romantic/heartbreaker! it’s such a surprising but understandable direction for her character to go in. grrr i love this worldbuilding... this is why i love talking to npcs 😤     
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really love that they acknowledged the gay lions
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i thought these two npcs were arguing at first but they’re a manzai/funny man straight man double act!!!! i immediately support 🙌
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this kid sounds like he got isekaied straight out of a chinese legend, it’s so funny... why does this kid have so much lore?! 
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xianzhou luofu grows their ships?! HUH?!
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IT LOOKS.... SO GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
ONLY ONE AVAILABLE...? NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
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how dare they keep making banger environments for a place barely anyone will pass through (i really enjoyed the npc in this area by the way. vidyadhara species continues to be really intriguing)
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huh... 😨
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the dialogue options are so funny
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but... they got a police station here?! i went through the entire city and never noticed any building i could enter... there’s a lot of read-able material here so this can’t be a one-time thing, right? (unless you can get arrested multiple times...)
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it’s straight up an area i haven’t even unlocked in the story GYAAAAAA
it looks so metropolitan... i guess i could explore but i’m intimidated about exploring a map i haven’t unlocked 😂 i don’t want to break some events, so i teleported outta there!
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the proof...
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MARSHAL HUA??!?!?!?!
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i remember seeing this screenshot a long time ago when they did a dev talk or a preview of the next closed beta testing... she still has that elegant air about her! this is truly the battle of those who see the future... 
after this, i got formally introduced to that new city area from before! (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧ glad to finally roam the streets... a free man...
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this is so funny... 
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big fan of this npc who is crushing on his homie and doesn’t know it... i support you... 
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why they kiss me... 😳
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this is THE absolute most busted simulated universe random event 🤯🤯🤯 i’m not going to spoil too much on what it does but... basically i was thinking “if i don’t beat world 5 with this, i have severe skill issue”
thank you... i’ll remember your name, ruan mei... (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)
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so yeah spoiler alert... she gave me ALL THE ABUNDANCE BLESSINGS... yes, the SAME aeon i just unlocked... GODLY OCCURENCE!!!
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we are STACKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (look at the buffs)
i rolled over the world 5 boss but regrettably forgot to take a screenshot... i think you can see my blessings in the enhancement screen screenshot anyway
i am a ruan mei believer...  💪💪💪
i think it’s also highly implied that the woman in the geniuses’ repose lightcone next to herta and screwllum is her and she has a lovely design... I’LL SAVE FOR YOU TOO
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i ran into the punklorde mentality curio, and i wonder if this is just like how silver wolf’s weakness implant works! 
very excited to see... i’ll be pulling for her next! (/≧▽≦)/ i hope everyone else rolling for her gets her early! 
(at the time of writing, silver wolf’s trailer and extra information came out and uuuuh i might be obsessed with the found family dynamic that the stellaron hunters have... I WANT SILVER WOLF 💥)
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tossawary · 3 years
Chapter 28: “A Growing Family” of “pride is not the word I’m looking for” quotes and commentary. Not a full list of favorite quotes or full commentary.
The fact that Shen Qingqiu is waiting for them, just outside of Yue Qingyuan’s office, really doesn’t help the dread that Shang Qinghua is feeling here.
A stocky young woman is standing attentively beside the seated Peak Lord. This is that Fu Qiang character, one of Binghe’s favorite shijies on Qing Jing Peak, here to whisk Peerless Cucumber away for a one-to-one chat on the other transmigrator’s potential relationship to the House of Rejuvenation. Or maybe to give the kid a tutoring session on recovering memories from trauma or something! Shang Qinghua doesn’t know exactly, not having been invited to sit in.
“Shidi,” Shen Qingqiu greets coolly.
“Greetings, Shen-Shixiong,” Shang Qinghua returns, feeling sweaty already, but also weirdly giddy. He’s tempted to wink, but he’s pretty sure that would get him killed. “How are you? You look very well! Aha, how did those ‘other engagements’ go the other day? Meet with anyone? Have a good time?”
Over the top of his elegant fan, Shen Qingqiu immediately gives him a look that could probably kill a lesser man - or maybe a greater one, like someone who has more dignity and shame and whatever than Shang Qinghua does. Shang Qinghua doesn’t flinch. He assumes that the meeting with Yue Qingyuan went well! Which is great! Super great! If it had gone badly, he’s pretty sure that Shen Qingqiu wouldn’t even be setting foot on Qiong Ding Peak now - or at least would have been projecting “I’ll kill to get out of here and I’m mentally picking all my victims” hard enough to send all the Qiong Ding Peak disciples and cultivators off like panicked chickens.
“I don’t know what you mean,” Shen Qingqiu says, downright frosty now. “Shang-Shidi must have been paying too much attention to nonsense gossip again.”
“Ah, of course! Of course! My mistake, Shen-Shixiong! Please forgive me!”
Shang Qinghua looks to his fellow transmigrator next, to reintroduce them, only to find Shen Yuan making a very strange expression. Shen Yuan is looking between Shang Qinghua and Shen Qingqiu kind of like he’s never seen them before. His mouth is even a little open and everything. It takes the kid a few seconds to realize that he has two Peak Lords staring at him and to swallow the strange expression.
AN: Shen Yuan knows that 1) SQQ came to meet SQH personally immediately after their mission was over, 2) SQH stayed in bed the following day for a LONG time, and 3) SQH had a hickey on his neck. 
So when Shang Qinghua makes a reference to the meeting that SQQ had with Yue Qingyuan, almost flirtatiously asking if Shen Qingqiu “met with anyone” and “had a good time”, Shen Yuan is going to draw his own conclusions. 
Namely, that Shang Qinghua and Shen Qingqiu might be sleeping together. 
After all, Shen Yuan doesn’t know about the YQY and SQQ backstory! Shen Yuan only knows that Shang Qinghua is weirdly friendly with PIDW’s most famous scum villain and that Shen Qingqiu apparently likes SQH enough not to be an asshole to Luo Binghe. Shang Qinghua kind of talks like they’re friend, so what if they’re... more than friends?! 
Meanwhile, Shang Qinghua cannot fathom anyone EVER considering that he and SHEN QINGQIU might be lovers. It’s not an idea that he is in a position to have because what the fuck?! 
I was tickled pink when I realized that things were in position to have the disciples think that Shangjiu is a thing. I was already planning on having them notice Shang Qinghua’s brand-new-relationship good mood. Shen Yuan may not notice when people are in love with HIM, but he did still read a twenty-million-word stallion web-novel, so he’s totally prepared to assume that secret affairs are happening for OTHER PEOPLE. 
His fellow transmigrator hastily performs the appropriate greeting. Shen Qingqiu doesn’t reply beyond inclining his head, instead sweeping his eyes over Shen Yuan, who stands hilariously still like he’s facing down a predator, except for how the kid squints back a little at the Lord of Qing Jing Peak. Ha! That’s pretty fearless coming from someone still so unnerved by the man who would have Proud Immortal Demon Way’s most famous scum villain.
“Fu Qiang,” Shen Qingqiu says finally. “I have instructed Assistant Ma to set aside a private room for your discussion. You may take Disciple Shen there now.”
“Yes, Shizun.”
The other disciple gestures for Shen Yuan to follow and the other transmigrator hastily takes her up on that. As the disciples disappear, Shen Qingqiu rises and, without a word, leads Shang Qinghua into Yue Qingyuan’s office.
AN: It’s tempting to try and make Shen Qingqiu and Shen Yuan actually develop more of a relationship than “passing acquaintance”, but the thing is that I can’t see either of them really going for it without being forced or without a very serious push. They’re both so prickly. 
Yue Qingyuan greets him in a friendly manner, like he’s genuinely pleased to see Shang Qinghua and happy to help. Shang Qinghua greets the man in the same way. It’s nice! It also kind of feels like they’re both pretending the past few months of awkwardness, resentment, and avoidance never happened.
AN: It felt a little more true to life and to the characters to have Shang Qinghua and Yue Qingyuan just... move forward instead of getting into their issues with each other and what apologies may be due. 
It’s kind of like a mutual: “What if we didn’t talk about it?” 
And they’re both like, “Oh, thank fuck.” 
I think that if they both brew on it a bit more, they may eventually decide to try to assuage their respective anger or guilt by saying something, but right now they’re feeling raw and/or embarrassed, and don’t want to accidentally get into it again. So they’ll talk about work! They always have work to talk about! Work is more important than personal matters, so they’re just going to pretend everything is fine! 
It’s not just the System who won’t let the Immortal Alliance Conference not happen! But, ahhh, Shang Qinghua can still dream of them actually managing to convince Zhao Hua Temple Sect and everyone else to call the whole thing off. He can dream!
Yue Qingyuan has this pained expression that says, “You’re not wrong, but I wish you were.” This guy knows what Shang Qinghua is talking about!
Shen Qingqiu has this expression that says something like, “I can only critique the accuracy of your assessment on the grounds that you may be giving our fellow cultivators too much credit in terms of common sense and cooperation. This annoys me immensely.”
“You have put a great deal of thought into this,” Yue Qingyuan says finally. “You received this news… when exactly… again?”
“Ah, yesterday morning?” Shang Qinghua answers.
 “While in bed with a demon lord,” he doesn’t elaborate. Nope! Not elaborating!
“I know it’s not- I’ll try to get more information, but everyone is still in the planning stages, and it’s not easy getting any information!” Shang Qinghua says defensively. “But, even with that, I thought, ‘Ah, my shixiongs will probably want to know right away!’ Someone will need to tell Zhao Hua to take precautions, at least?”
Yue Qingyuan visibly regathers himself and says, “It is better to know these things as soon as possible. Thank you, Qinghua, for this forewarning.”
“He’s very good at knowing these things,” Shen Qingqiu agrees, but the man’s gaze is like a very sharp pin and Shang Qinghua is but a lowly insect under it. “When might you be expected to know more about this?”
“Ah, I’ll have to get in contact with… ah, some people I know.”
AN: Of course YQY and SQQ want to know more about where SQH is getting this information, but for all they know he might just have gotten a tip-off from one of his merchant contacts or someone in the black market. This has been brewing for a while between these demon lords and the cultivation sects. It’s really bad news, but it’s also not really that surprising. 
According to the Airplane Extras, when MBJ and SQH meet, Airplane offhandedly mentions that Mobei-Jun’s clan and Huan Hua Palace Sect have a serious grudge from a conflict at a previous Immortal Alliance Conference. In PINTWILF, this conference is why the IACs got cancelled and had to be recently “revived”. The coming IAC is the 3rd since this revival.  
Shang Qinghua has proven himself reliable enough by this point that YQY and SQQ will let him keep his informants close to his chest. Between SQH’s years of improved services (helped by actually getting his personal disciples to help him) and SQH’s interference in their personal issues, they do actually trust him. 
So, yeah, they think he’s a squirmy little rat man. 
But he’s THEIR squirmy little rat man who has come through in times of need. Also, SQQ, for all his glaring, might stab YQY if he started giving SQH a hard time about this. Sometimes a shidi just wants you to back the fuck off, YQY! Let him have his secrets! Even though SQQ absolutely wants to know SQH’s secrets and is on the verge of dying of curiosity. 
I am VERY MUCH looking forward to them finding out that Shang Qinghua has a demon prince for a boyfriend. That’s going to be fun. 
“I have also been… considering the advantages of lessons and between Peaks to encourage both cooperation and… survival skills,” Shen Qingqiu says next. “Rarely does one become a master of all disciplines - the Twelve Peaks allow for many of our sect to become specialists, masters of one art - but it seems unwise not to be learned in the basics of as many life-saving arts as one is able.”
“A diversity of learning can be very beneficial,” Yue Qingyuan agrees immediately.
“My disciple, Fu Qiang, has become a very adept medic over the years, though this was in the hopes of avoiding visiting Qian Cao Peak. The head disciples of An Ding, as I understand it, have sought to take special lessons from Qian Cao and Xian Shu to improve themselves."
 “Ah, that explains how Hongpeng spied on Peerless Cucumber back when the little bro was still in Mu Qingfang’s clutches,” Shang Qinghua thinks. “And, ah, Shen Bro, I don’t know how to tell you this, but Wenjiao goes to Xian Shu Peak mostly to moon over pretty girls, especially my little sister-in-law.”
"There is also the example of Qi-Shimei’s most frustrating disciple, who must be routinely dragged away from Bai Zhan, but who has also apparently helped to improve her fellow Xian Shu disciples’ martial abilities.”
 "Ah, that's one of putting Qi Qingqi letting Luo Fanli and Liu Mingyan fight each other in order to hopefully wear them both out," Shang Qinghua thinks.
“Even if demons should not attack, though only a limited number of our disciples will be attending the Immortal Alliance Conference, it would nevertheless be beneficial to ensure that all disciples across the sect are well-equipped to keep themselves alive until the specialists arrive,” Shen Qingqiu finishes. “Shang-Shidi, as one of the most well-connected leading members of our sect, the organization of such an initiative would be best left in your hands.”
AN: Okay, so I know that this is kind of a weird thing to be coming from Shen Qingqiu, but he’s grown a bit over the course of this fic! AND he’s totally coming at it from the perspective of: “I don’t have to cooperate or get along with anyone beyond what I’m doing now.” 
So SQQ is like, “My disciples are stupid. We should have more field medics.” 
And he’s like, “Some people’s disciples can’t fight for shit and we should make sure they know more self-defense.” 
And he’s like, “Liu Qingge’s disciples are animals. Someone at least teach them how to protect other disciples and how to not bleed to death, because he won’t. That man doesn’t teach them anything.” 
And he’s like, “Shang Qinghua, you do that. I don’t want to.” 
Peerless Cucumber’s conversation with Shen Qingqiu’s disciple is long over, but apparently his fellow transmigrator didn’t just leave afterwards. Yue Qingyuan’s youngest assistant intercepts to politely point Shang Qinghua towards their waiting room. Shen Yuan is asleep in a chair, with one of his cultivation manuals open in his lap. Judging by his pose, Shang Qinghua is going to guess that the kid was trying some kind of meditation and ended up taking a nap by accident.
It happens to the best of them sometimes! Or at least to Shang Qinghua!
“Ah, I told you not to wait on me. Come on, bro, I don’t want to have to carry you back,” Shang Qinghua says, while jostling the kid awake. “You’re too big for that. My nephew is too big for that these days. Just because it would be nostalgic for me and just because I can doesn’t mean that I want to be carrying you around like a sack of vegetables.”
AN: If Shang Qinghua can haul Mobei-Jun around, then he could pick up Shen Yuan no problem. Also, this is the bit where I was like, “Wow, I have very much made SQH into SY’s dad here.” 
Even SVSSS SQH gives me Uncle Vibes, to be honest. The man wants to pop into Bingqiu’s life, ask some nosy questions, be treated to a free meal (who doesn’t), tell some bad jokes, offer some terrible advice, complain about his workload, and then flounce off again with his boyfriend. SVSSS SQH seems to like being useful and appreciated and part of the group, but in a way where he’s not directly attached to anyone, you know? Give SVSSS SQH the benefits, but none of the responsibilities! 
Shang Qinghua is kind of sick of this roundabout conversation and decides to bring out the big guns: a move taught to him by his extremely powerful sister-in-law, who has effortlessly defeated their resident War God. He knows the effectiveness of this technique personally, because Luo Jiahui has used it to defeat him many times. He puts on the best concerned face he has.
“Yuan,” he says seriously, looking the kid directly in the eye. “I’m not making jokes here about not skipping out on cultivating. It’s not always going to be fun - a lot of the time, it’s going to be pretty embarrassing and a little painful. Bro, I was an adult stuck in a teenage body, regularly getting my ass handed to me by actual teenagers. That was awful. But I really need you to keep doing it, even if you don’t become the next War God ready to challenge the protagonist, because I don’t want you to die. This shitty world isn’t safe. And if you want to be involved in these missions, then I need you to be able to carry yourself, or we’re both going to get trampled by some OP monster wandering out of an advanced chapter early instead of fixing anything here.”
Shen Yuan is having difficulty meeting his eyes. He keeps trying to force himself to look at Shang Qinghua and then looking away again automatically.
Shang Qinghua employs another of his sister-in-law’s immensely powerful techniques: he reaches out and puts a hand on the kid’s shoulder. “I will tell you stuff when I have stuff to tell you and when I can tell it to you. You’ve been super helpful, I’m going to need your help in the future, but I need you to be a little patient right now too.”
Shen Yuan nods. “...Fine.”
AN: Shang Qinghua: “I can’t believe that I’m tricking this person into thinking I’m a good person by being nice to them and looking after them and doing good things. I have learned this behavior for TRICKING PURPOSES only and have NOT accidentally adopted yet another kid.” 
Shang Qinghua can’t answer the question right now! Leave a message!
He’s too busy replaying all the times he’s seen his nephew and his fellow transmigrator interact. Binghe did ask after Shen Yuan every time that he and Shang Qinghua talked, while the other transmigrator was on Qian Cao and after he came to An Ding, but… Shang Qinghua just thought his nephew was being polite and curious? Peerless Cucumber stands out! Binghe didn’t act too weirdly about it!
Luo Binghe is supposed to be a stallion protagonist with 600 wives!
Although… Shang Qinghua’s nephew has never really shown any interest in that kind of thing. Which Shang Qinghua has been pretty glad about! He doesn’t want to have 600 nieces-in-law! He also doesn’t want that for his nephew!
The protagonist of Proud Immortal Demon Way ’s harem was basically a snake pit of drama and desperation and decaying fantasies. For everyone who could read between the lines of empty papapa to see Airplane Shooting Towards The Sky’s tragic story of resentment and revenge, it wouldn’t be inaccurate to say the tyrannical, broken protagonist was like a black hole, dragging everyone else into orbit around this man who couldn’t really love anyone! You can take a blackened protagonist out of the Eternal Abyss, but you can’t take that abyss out of the blackened protagonist, right?
The original Luo Binghe didn’t take wives because he was in love. He took wives because he could! Because they were beautiful or powerful or useful! Because he pitied them! Because he liked being their savior! Because he didn't want anyone else to have them! Because he liked being an object of envy and desire and love! Because it was expected of him, as the man all the readers wanted to be, who was supposed to have everything a man could ever want!
 “...Ah, there are… some implications there,” Airplane Shooting Towards The Sky realizes, remembering just how half-hearted most of that harem bullshit was. “Maybe a bent man wrote a kind of bent protagonist by accident? Who knows?”
“Da-Ge?” Fanli says. “Da-Ge, didn’t you know?”
AN: I’ve said this before, but there’s a meta argument to be made in regards to Luo Binghe and obligatory heterosexuality. 
Also, from what I remember, Airplane didn’t actually seem to care too much about Luo Binghe being interested in Shen Yuan. In the Airplane Extras, Airplane says that in the original version of PIDW that he never got to write, Luo Binghe actually ended up totally alone at the end of the story. He was apparently planning a pretty downer ending for Luo Binghe. But Luo Binghe ended up getting a huge harem instead because that’s what the readers wanted! 
So, my impression is, that when SVSSS Airplane first realizes that LBH is into men (and into SQQ specifically), he does a little bit of self-reflection and also reflection on PIDW, then just goes, “Huh. That makes... sense.” 
“Though, aha, I can’t remember Shen-Shixiong ever really not being kind of angry at me and I’m not dead yet. I had to talk really fast sometimes, but I lived! Now go away.”
When Shang Qinghua looks up, all of his disciples are staring at him. They all look surprised, except for Shen Yuan, who looks embarrassed. Shang Qinghua would guess that someone cracked a dirty joke, but that doesn’t seem right.
“...Shifu, how long have you known Shen-Shibo?” Chen Xuan asks.
“Since we were disciples? Ah, I think he hated me at first sight.”
“But you’re close now?” Lin Wenjiao blurts out.
“Closer, ” Shang Qinghua agrees warily. “Aha, don’t think that any of you can ask me for favors to do with Shen Qingqiu or Qing Jing Peak too! That’s not happening! Disciple Luo, Shen, get out of here before you give my disciples any more weird ideas.”
AN: Okay, so what happened is that as soon as Luo Fanli and Shang Qinghua left the room, Shen Yuan was like, “...Shang Qinghua and Shen Qingqiu are... very close? Are they...?” 
And SQH’s disciples are like, “Holy shit, are you asking if SQH and SQQ are romantically involved?!” And SQH’s disciples laugh in SY’s face because that’s RIDICULOUS. Which makes SY really embarrassed and defensive! SQH’s disciples ask why he would EVER think a thing like that. 
SY provides the evidence. It’s a reasonable conclusion! 
And then SQH’s disciples are like, “...Holy shit?!” 
And then SY is like, “Wait, maybe I shouldn’t have mentioned that.” 
But it’s too late. SQH’s disciples are already putting all the evidence together and there is SO MUCH EVIDENCE of something going on there. 
I know I refer to this ship as “Shangjiu”, but that’s mostly just to specify which Shen Qingqiu and I doubt that anyone in Cang Qiong Mountain Sect dares to call SQQ “Jiu” besides YQY. They’d probably actually end up calling it something along the lines of “The Premise” like original Star Trek: The Original Series Kirk/Spock shippers. (See Fanlore or something for more info on that.) 
Again, SQH cannot... CONCEIVE of them conceiving this idea. 
By the time that Mobei-Jun shows up at his Leisure House, Shang Qinghua is a little on the edge! Honestly, he’s kind of off the edge, dangling from a very thin branch just underneath the cliff’s edge, and that thin branch is making some very concerning noises! Sure, at least the demon lord isn’t late, but Shang Qinghua is suddenly reminded of just how intimidating Mobei-Jun looks! Also, he’s cleaned up his house and knows his sister-in-law knows he’s kind of a slob sometimes, but he’s so sure that she’s still going to judge his cleaning job! What if she blames Mobei-Jun for it? (She’d be right to blame him a little! The man can be kind of lazy and messy sometimes too!)
A cool hand at Shang Qinghua’s hip prevents him from walking around in circles, repositioning disobedient cushions and offending tables. Shang Qinghua looks up at Mobei-Jun, who moves his hand to where Shang Qinghua’s neck meets shoulder.
“Stop it,” Mobei-Jun says.
AN: It’s really funny thinking about how all of Mobei-Jun’s gentle and affectionate behaviors towards SQH are totally learned. This does not come naturally to the man. If SQH was having a panic attack, Mobei-Jun’s first (panicked) instinct would be to bark at him to stop it. 
“It’s just… Jiahui is… it didn’t have to be this way for us? I would have just helped her get to safety and left her to live her life without me, but she didn’t let that happen, even though her family wasn’t any good either, so why would she want another one?” Shang Qinghua tries to explain. “She chose me? She looked out for me. She helped me understand a lot of things. Even though she probably could have picked anyone else. I don’t really know where I’d be right now if she didn’t? Ah, probably… not talking to or trusting anyone ever? You remember what things used to be like.”
“I’ve never really liked any of the sisters I’ve had before very much,” Shang Qinghua admits. “Ah, but they didn’t like me either, so it worked. Anyway! It’s… important to me that things work out now because…”
 “I don’t want to choose,” Shang Qinghua doesn’t say.
He clears his throat instead.
Shang Qinghua forces himself to look up from his hands on Mobei-Jun’s collar.
“I am glad that you were not without someone to trust,” Mobei-Jun says, though it sounds like it takes effort. “Your sister has nothing to fear from me.”
Mobei-Jun has already made this promise, but it’s good to hear it again.
“Thank you, my king. I’ll, ah- I should go get her now.”
AN: Mobei-Jun is jealous. He is very, VERY jealous. 
BUT Mobei-Jun can also see some parallels here. Luo Jiahui is to Shang Qinghua in many ways what Shang Qinghua is to him. Mobei-Jun understands the importance of this relationship and of this person. He understands that Jiahui and SQH’s relationship is not romantic, of course, and understands her to be the “head of the family”, so he has to force himself not to act on his jealousy. 
I think that a part of Mobei-Jun might see jealousy as something very negative? Thinking about what I said about Mobei-Jun’s hang-ups surrounding consent and possessiveness possibly originating with his father being a wife-stealer, Mobei-Jun can’t act on his jealousy for the same reasons that he needs Shang Qinghua to make the first explicit moves. He wants Shang Qinghua to choose him and to choose him of his own free will. 
So, he’s jealous when he hears about how LJH chose SQH and SQH chose LJH, but he can’t act on it because 1) he loves SQH and 2) he’s (possibly unconsciously) terrified of becoming his father and creating resentment that will ripple out into his family potentially for generations. 
It’s so, so weird to see his human sister-in-law sitting across from a demon lord. Luo Jiahui is not a tall woman and her cultivation is very good these days, but she’s not a warrior. Seeing the height and width differences side-by-side make them really obvious! Mobei-Jun is at least twice Shang Qinghua’s sister-in-law’s size! He has to be easily twice her weight!
When Luo Jiahui puts food in front of Mobei-Jun, Shang Qinghua gets huge “I dare you to not eat my food” messages! It took a really long time before Mobei-Jun seemed to accept that Shang Qinghua really wouldn’t take every available opportunity to hand him poison. Thankfully, however, Mobei-Jun has eaten Luo Jiahui’s food before! Shang Qinghua has shared his sister-in-law's food with the demon lord! Shang Qinghua also communicated beforehand that Mobei-Jun has to eat the food. No matter what!
So, Mobei-Jun eats the food and Shang Qinghua breathes a sigh of relief. Mobei-Jun even goes so far as to tell Luo Jiahui that she’s a good cook (above and beyond social interaction! Also delivered kind of awkwardly!), which his sister-in-law accepts with thanks (and also maybe just a little bit as her rightful due).
Luo Jiahui already knows the basics of Mobei-Jun: that he’s an ice demon, the son of the Northern Demon King, and he’s going to be the next Northern Demon King. She already knows that he’s a warrior and that his time is mostly spent tending to his duties, usually on his father’s behalf. She even knows that demon families can be kind of violently competitive and that Mobei-Jun’s family is no exception.
So, when she finally decides to speak seriously, she says, “My brother is very important to me. I have told him that if he is happy, then I’m happy for him. He has told me that you are very important to him.”
AN: Mobei-Jun is going to hold that revelation close to his chest for WEEKS. Shang Qinghua said that Mobei-Jun is very important to him! 
Juggling the tension of this scene was weird. 
Because, like, Mobei-Jun is not a kind or a gentle or a good person. He’s disdainful of humanity. It’s kind of a mindfuck for him to be having a meal with a strange human who is not of the things he has been raised to respect. 
Meanwhile, Luo Jiahui is fucking terrified of Mobei-Jun, dislikes him, and doesn’t want to like him. He’s a stranger who could destroy her family. He looks kind of monstrous. He acts strangely. 
But they HAVE TO BE CIVIL to each other for Shang Qinghua’s sake. 
So they are. 
Mobei-Jun tries not to make any scary moves around the soft human. 
Luo Jiahui tries to act like MBJ is a normal person and to be polite. 
They are both very out of their depth. 
“...Shang Qinghua saved my life,” Mobei-Jun says, which is the first time he’s spoken without someone else speaking to him first. “Many times, he has done this.”
Luo Jiahui sets down her teacup, listening expectantly.
“Even when I did not trust him, and he did not trust me, Qinghua has always provided shelter and safety,” Mobei-Jun says slowly, solemnly. “Medicine, when I have been injured. Direction, when I have been lost. Company and loyalty. This is rare.”
“Yes,” Luo Jiahui agrees.
“The trust I have put in him has never been betrayed.”
Shang Qinghua kind of feels like he’s overheating here - like maybe his heart is melting! Mobei-Jun as a character has always prized loyalty above all! “I had no fucking clue,” he thinks. “Honestly, how the FUCK did I have no fucking clue?! Hindsight is incredible!”
“I would not betray him,” Mobei-Jun says, looking to Shang Qinghua directly. “My life has been his since the day we met.”
Shang Qinghua tries not to melt even more. Mobei-Jun is supposed to be an ice demon! What the hell is this?! It’s unfair! It’s embarrassing! It’s too much!
“...Good,” Luo Jiahui says, determinedly. “I’m happy to hear that. My hard-working brother needs someone to appreciate and cherish him.”
AN: Mobei-Jun is like, “Humans use words. I need to use words. I need to be direct about this because humans are bad at understanding things.” 
And Luo Jiahui is like, “Oh my, you are very intense. Okay.” 
Mobei-Jun nods. “I did not think a human would ever care for a demon child.”
Luo Jiahui frowns a little. “Oh?”
“I admire this,” Mobei-Jun amends, frowning back. “I do not know how humans are raised. It is good that your child has never had to doubt his safety here.”
“...Of course.”
“It is clear that your child is loved beyond his bloodline.”
“Of course,” Luo Jiahui insists, with an offended note in her voice. “When I found Binghe in that river, I didn’t know he was part demon, but I would have taken him in anyway! Whoever the parent is, whatever the parent has done, it’s never the baby’s fault. Even if a parent has done something wrong, then babies shouldn’t suffer for it. All children should be cherished.”
Luo Jiahui’s voice breaks a little, her eyes turning wet. Shang Qinghua fumbles for a handkerchief to offer his sister-in-law, which she accepts gratefully.
He wonders if she’s thinking about her stillborn baby. She doesn’t talk about her other baby very often, but she does sometimes. She told him once that she observes that day. It’s something that she insists on doing alone.
“...I was left in the human world as a young child,” Mobei-Jun says.
Shang Qinghua’s head snaps up. He knows that, but that’s because he wrote that. He has never, ever heard Mobei-Jun talk about it before.
“Oh, no,” Luo Jiahui says.
“I was nearly killed by humans,” Mobei-Jun informs them.
“Oh, I’m so sorry,” Luo Jiahui says.
“It was my uncle’s doing. He wishes to see me dead.” Mobei-Jun says this like it’s just another fact of life, not even an upsetting one, which kind of makes it one of the saddest fucking things that Shang Qinghua has ever heard the man say.
“That’s terrible,” Luo Jiahui says vehemently. “How rotten.”
Mobei-Jun blinks at her. His expression is still solemn, but the pause seems surprised.
Shang Qinghua almost wants to shrug. Yep, his sister-in-law is just like this!
“I have promised Qinghua that I will protect your son,” Mobei-Jun says to her. “I make you the same promise now.”
“...Thank you.”
AN: Mobei-Jun is like, “I understand you to be one of the rare humans who is not a piece of shit and who would have saved me as a child. I respect this. I don’t fucking understand it, but I understand you should be protected and that your child should be protected. I am doing this for Shang Qinghua and not because I have any personal issues surrounding the endangerment of demon children.” 
Luo Jiahui is like, “Oh, he’s soft inside! He’ll protect my Binghe. Okay, I like him now. I didn’t want to, but anyone who basically professes to be willing to die for my child and my brother has my reluctant approval.” 
Shang Qinghua can’t help it. The energy in here is so weird! He laughs.
“My king, have you had that all this time?”
Mobei-Jun doesn’t say anything, he just frowns.
“Clearly he was waiting to return it in person, Houhua,” Luo Jiahui admonishes. “It’s not his fault that you took so long introducing us or surely he would have returned it sooner. Don’t make it out to be impolite.”
Mobei-Jun gives Shang Qinghua’s sister-in-law an approving look.
AN: Mobei-Jun is like, “Oh, she’s smarter than Qinghua. Good. (Not that my Shang Qinghua isn’t very clever, but he’s an idiot.)” 
And sometimes it’s just nice to take a minute to sit back, relax, and see his disciples daring their shidi, his fellow transmigrator, to chug the spiciest soup on the menu.
“Ah, kids,” Shang Qinghua says to Luo Jiahui.
Luo Jiahui is making a very concerned expression as her sisters, Shang Qinghua’s head disciples, and even Liu Mingyan chant: “Chug! Chug! Chug!” Yeah, he should probably stop them! But why would he? If anyone throws up from this, he’ll just appear out of nowhere to scare the shit out of all of them and then make them clean it up. It’s fine. He says as much to Luo Jiahui.
“They’re old enough to know better,” she says, but she looks fond now. “Their shifu should have taught them better manners, hm?”
“Hey! Only… four of those are mine.”
AN: Friends for Shen Yuan! Friends for Shen Yuan! 
Also SQH being like, “Oh, fuck, I really have too many kids.” 
Luo Jiahui sighs wistfully. “It is nice having children in here again, even big ones who are supposed to be adults now. I’m so proud of how Binghe has grown, but I miss when he was little. I miss when I could pick him up and carry him around. Uncle Han’s daughter brought her new baby in yesterday. He was so cute!”
“Aha, don’t steal a baby to fill the empty nest, please!”
Luo Jiahui swats him. “I wouldn’t do something like that!” she insists, cheeks flushing pink.
AN: Baby?! Baby for Luo Jiahui and Liu Qingge?! Maybe! 
63 notes · View notes
mxtxnovelrealm · 3 years
Let's start with the donghua! I love it. I think it really follows the book pretty closely. I think it's beautiful and funny and honestly I can not wait for the next season.
It's one animation where the English Dub is actually very good as well. Though they couldn't translate Gege into English without it being odd. The acting James Cheek does is fantastic. The fact that he put in the right emotion each time he said Xie Lian's name was on point and I wasn't disappointed. I like both Chinese cast and English Cast respectfully. I am actually thinking about watching it with the Japanese cast soon too just to see a third intake.
The First episode has a ton of beautiful moments. Xie Liam's third ascension was stunning. The gold light the clouds the colors. First time watching it was really confused. I had not read the book yet and was recommended the series from a friend. So I was going in blind. So when everyone was saying 'Oh it's him again' I thought everyone just hated Xie Lian. I hadn't realized he was Banished before. Of course that got cleared up by the end of the episode but I wasn't sure what to think on the matter.
Then we have the moment where Hua Cheng leads Xie Lian out of the wedding carriage and through the woods. The color and art again is stunning. All the refs mixed with the clear/white butterflies it really gives off a feel of somone getting married. I enjoyed watching it on the donghua and it really caught my interest.
Then the explanation/narative part of Xie Lian's past. This part I'm actually like in English a bit better. Mainly because it's Hua Cheng's voice actor who nature's and it sounded like a lover talking about his spouse. Wher the Original had Xie Lian speak this part. So though it was good it was like he was talking of himself though written as if someone else was speaking of him. (I could be wrong on this. Though an interview with James Cheek that I had seen he had said the part was originally posted for Xie Lian to speak but the directors thought it better for Hua Cheng. Which I agree it played out a lot nicer.)
Over all the first episode was very beautiful and packed a nice punch. Even the music was stunning. It captured the books rather well.
What was disappointing was that they cut out/ changed the part in the temple where Xie Lian offers his robes to the young woman and Nen Feng and Fu Yau ask about the bandages. Seeing as I only read the first two books I feel like there is more to that story than him stumbling into a cloud. Then again...it also could be true as Xie Lian seems to have a lot of bad luck.
Over all I really enjoyed the first episode and the donghua as a whole. It captured my attention enough to read the first book and even the second. Now I am reading the Grandmaster of demonic cultivation Book one.
If you want more on my thoughts or any anilizing let me know. I am open to questions and messages. I plan on doing more soon!
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unforth · 3 years
May Trope Mayhem Fill Day 1: Friends to Lovers
Fandom: Tian Guan Ci Fu/Heaven Official’s Blessing
Ship: Xie Lian/Hua Cheng
Rating: Gen
Tags: modern au, tooth-rotting fluff, 520 day, florist Xie Lian
Word count: 2,492
Cross-posted to AO3
The bell over the door rang and Xie Lian turned from the bouquet he was arranging, forcing his expression into a tired smile as he prepared to greet yet another customer. 520 was an auspicious day for love, and a great day for Xie Lian’s shop, but it was exhausting. His smile widened and became more genuine, though, when he saw his customer: Hua Cheng, one of the few regulars that Xie Lian knew well enough to consider a friend. 
Not that they’d ever met any place outside of “Buds to Blooms.”
Not that they’d ever spent much time together.
Not that they talked about anything other than flowers, at least not most of the time.
Not that they had really any relationship at all, no matter how much Xie Lian might want one.
Hua Cheng looked especially dapper for the holiday, tall, slim form clothed in black slacks, a red button up shirt, and a black suit jacket. Silver jewelry adorned his neck, an intricate filigree in the shape of butterfly nestled between the open buttons of the top of his shirt. His fingers were beringed, one looped with a red string that seemed oddly familiar, and sparkling chains were threaded through his long hair. Tiny chimes sounded every time he moved his head. As if his attire wasn’t enough to demonstrate that he had a date for the evening, his eye patch, usually plain, today was decorated with a red felt heart that Xie Lian suspected had been sewn on by hand.
He was gorgeous.
(read more!)
Something unpleasantly like jealousy curdled in Xie Lian’s stomach. If only he were the one that Hua Cheng got dressed up for...if only he were the one Hua Cheng wanted...if only--
“Xie Lian?” Hua Cheng asked.
Blinking, Xie Lian flushed. He’d been staring, a white rose stem still clutched in one hand, his trimmers in the other. With a shake of his head, he shoved the blossom into the arrangement he’d been working on, set the clippers down, and wiped his hands on his apron as he stepped out from behind the counter. 
“Good evening, Hua Cheng,” he said brightly. Being jealous of the man, woman, or genderqueer individual privileged to spend the evening with Hua Cheng was absurd. “You’ve got perfect timing, I was just about to close up for the night.” Xie Lian was under no delusions of what his actual relationship with Hua Cheng was - customer and businessman, with a splash of friendship. “Indeed...I’d probably be closed already, except I wanted to get a head start on tomorrow.”
“I know,” said Hua Cheng with a toothy grin. “I got tired of waiting.” Confused, Xie Lian tilted his head to one side. Stopping in the middle of the open store floor, Hua Cheng turned a slow circle, eye searching the decimated shelves and coolers. “Wow, you musta been busy.” Xie Lian usually prided himself on the profusion and variety of flowers he kept in stock, but closing time on the busiest day of the year saw him nearly cleaned out. 
“I’m exhausted,” Xie Lian confessed. With any normal customer, he’d never have admitted it - always have to be bright and perky and indefatigable for the clientele! - but Hua Cheng wasn’t a normal customer. “But 520 day alone pays my rent for most of the year, so it’s worth it.”
“I’m sure it is,” Hua Cheng murmured. “And I’m sure you need a break, so…” A decisive nod set of a cascade of beautiful music as Hua Cheng strode to one of the coolers and pulled it open. A few bedraggled bouquets and a single bucket full of stalks of cape jasmine were all that remained within. Every year, Xie Lian stocked up on the cape jasmine, tiny white blossoms nestled in profusion amidst evergreen leaves, and every year hardly anyone bought any. Xie Lian didn’t care. They were his favorite flower, and a small indulgence, and when no one bought them, he got to take them home and put them on his dining room table and imagine impossible things while he ate dinner for one on the most romantic night of the year.
Except apparently not this year, because Hua Cheng ignored the arrangements and grabbed the entire plastic vase of jasmine.
“How much for all of these?” Hua Cheng asked, hefting the container and letting the cooler door slide shut behind him.
Could he be any more perfect?
“Oh...uh…” Catching his lip between his teeth, Xie Lian looked at the flowers, looked at Hua Cheng, looked at the darkness outside his shop window, and sighed. “...just take them. You’re a loyal customer, and it’s not like I was going to sell them to anyone else tonight. They’ll be past selling by tomorrow, so…”
“No,” replied Hua Cheng firmly. Xie Lian frowned, confusion intensifying. “Name a price.”
“Look. There’s this person. I’ve tried everything I can think of to let them know how I feel, and nothing has worked. And I have a suspicion or three about why they won’t listen, so tonight is the night. They’re worth it, and I need them to know they’re worth it, and so I’m paying, and then I’m taking these flowers to them, and then - unless I’m devastatingly wrong about their opinion of me - we’re spending the evening together, and I’m getting them dinner, and maybe giving them a foot massage. So. Tell me how much I owe you, Xie Lian.”
No, seriously - could he be any more perfect?
Yes, he could...if I was the person he was doing all those nice things for.
Xie Lian heaved a sigh. “250 yuan,” he said. Hua Cheng lifted a suspicious eyebrow. Yeah, Xie Lian might have low-balled that number a little...a lot… “...okay, more like 400.”
“Perfect,” Hua Cheng announced. Setting the container down at his feet, he reached into a pocket, withdrew a billfold, and deliberately counted out 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 100 renminbi bills.
“Hua Ch--”
“Zip it,” Hua Cheng said, setting the money down on the counter just behind Xie Lian. Because Xie Lian was still just standing there. With his hands at his sides. Staring. And feeling sorry for himself. “I’m taking the container too.”
“That still doesn’t cost--”
Oh, but he was so tired.
“This person is worth it.”
Xie Lian struggled to keep his exhale from leaving as a forlorn sigh; it whispered from him, leaving his shoulders slumped, his mind fogged, and his chest hollow. “Alright. Have a nice night, Hua Cheng.”
“I will.” There was an inexplicable intensity to Hua Cheng’s voice, but Xie Lian didn’t want to try to understand. What he already knew hurt enough, and he knew he was being absurd. Dwelling on it would only intensify his sadness. Hua Cheng lifted the bucket of jasmine again, hugged it close with apparent indifference to the damage it might do to his expensive suit, and walked to the door. “I’ll see you soon, okay?”
“Yeah, of course,” said Xie Lian, his voice empty, his heart empty, his store empty, his life...he shook his head and followed Hua Cheng to the door. Given Hua Cheng’s burdens, Xie Lian hustled and stepped before him, opening the door so he could leave without even more difficulty. “Thanks as always for your business.”
“My business…” Hua Cheng echoed. “Is that what this is?”
Xie Lian had no idea what Hua Cheng meant.
Xie Lian refused to think about what Hua Cheng meant, as Hua Cheng stepped out of the store, and Xie Lian closed and locked the door behind him, and Xie Lian turned and stared at his barren shelves, cast in deep shadow in the low evening light.
Tomorrow, he’d be up bright and early to receive his shipments, make the day’s deliveries, run the business, do all the work of owning a florist shop himself.
Tomorrow, he’d be collected, and calm, and professional.
A single teardrop made a wet, cool line down his cheek.
...today, he was being ridiculous.
Shaking off his melancholy, Xie Lian set about shutting down. There were cases to refill, vases to wash, coolers to clean. There was work to do, so much work to do, and he lost himself in the rhythm of it, in the simple joy it brought him. Minutes passed, the evening stretching later. Outside, he could hear as celebrators walked by. There was so much joy and jollity in their voices, and brought him a sense of pride to reflect and think - he helped make the day better for many people. His flowers brought happiness to dozens, hundreds, of people.
It was enough.
His flowers brought happiness to Hua Cheng.
It was almost enough.
It was--
A knock-knock-knock startled Xie Lian as he carefully swept bits of leaf and petal into his palm after wiping the cooler interior. Tumbling to his bottom, scattering flower bits over his lap, he sat there blinking. It was probably just some doomed boyfriend or husband realizing they’d forgotten to buy their love a gift. It was probably...but he glanced toward the exterior door, and there was no one there.
Knock, knock, knock.
Uncertain, Xie Lian rose and walked toward the back of the store. The knocking grew louder the closer he drew to the receiving door, and finally, baffled, Xie Lian went to it and peered through the peekhole.
Hua Cheng stood outside, smile suave, arms embracing the container of cape jasmine branches.
Xie Lian hesitantly unlocked the door and pulled it open. “Apologies, was there something wrong with…?”
“Oh, never,” replied Hua Cheng brightly. “I just got tired of waiting. Again.”
“I don’t…um...?”
“I told you, I have someone very important I want to see tonight, and they deserve to know how much I value them.”
Hearing it again stung. Did Hua Cheng really have to rub in how special this person was to him? What did any of it have to do with Xie Lian? Why was Hua Cheng here, instead of with them? None of it made any sense, and Xie Lian didn’t want to think about it, except how could he not think, and wonder, and mourn, with Hua Cheng standing in front of him once more?
“I’m sorry...I don’t…”
Hua Cheng rolled his eye. “Unfortunately, he’s not always the most observant individual, but I forgive him for that. To tell you the truth,” Hua Cheng whispered, leaning forward conspiratorially, “I’d forgive him anything.”
Was Hua Cheng implying…
Don’t think about it.
“Huh?” asked Xie Lian.
...but it almost sounds like...
With a hearty, gorgeous laugh that set flower bucket water sloshing to the ground, Hua Cheng threw his head back. “They’re for you, Xie Lian,” he managed between gales. “They’re your favorite, right?” 
Oh...oh, wow.
No...it couldn’t be.
Setting the container of flowers down beside the door, Hua Cheng withdrew one stalk, length heavily bowed with tiny white blossoms, and held it out for Xie Lian to take. Too tired, too bemused, too drunk on nascent hope to decline, Xie Lian took it. 
“I couldn’t exactly ask you out while you were on the clock,” Hua Cheng explained. “For a long time, I thought I’d been so clear about my interest, and that surely you’d pick up on it and, if you were interested, respond in kind. But even though you flirted back, you never, ever did, and I started to wonder...I was pretty depressed about it for a while there…”
“...you stopped coming for a few months…” murmured Xie Lian.
“Yup, exactly - then. But I couldn’t stay away, and when I returned you were so happy to see me, and I couldn’t believe I’d misread your mutual interest so completely. And then it occurred to me...what if it wasn’t your interest I’d misread, but...you?”
“You’re so quiet.” Hua Cheng’s voice was fond, his expression gentle, and he reached out with a hand to cup Xie Lian’s chin. “You’re so kind.” The red string tied around Hua Cheng’s finger brushed Xie Lian’s cheek. “You’re so self-effacing.” The feel of it was familiar, and Xie Lian finally recognized it - it was one of his strings, from the store, the ones he used to tie bouquets. “You would never presume that I’d be more interested in you than in the flowers you sold.” Hua Cheng was wearing it like jewelry. “Not that I don’t love flowers - I do, truly.” That was so… “Almost as much as I love you.”
...wait, what?
“Hua Cheng,” Xie Lian breathed, heart in his throat, tears in his eyes. 
“Will you go out with me tonight, A-Lian?” asked Hua Cheng, deep and rich and gloriously sincere.
Xie Lian opened his mouth, closed it, opened it, closed it, blinked away tears, and then smiled. “I guess it depends,” he said with a grin.
It was gratifying to see Hua Cheng look a fraction as confused as Xie Lian had felt most of the evening. “On what?”
“...did you mean what you said earlier?”
“Every word.”
“Even the part about the foot massage?”
“Especially the part about the foot massage!” said Hua Cheng. “When was the last time you sat down?”
“I don’t even remember,” Xie Lian admitted. “It’s been a long day.”
“I know, A-Lian.” Sliding a hand down Xie Lian’s neck, along his shoulder, and down his arm, Hua Cheng took Xie Lian’s hand in his own, clasped both their fingers around the jasmine stem, raised it to his lips, and gave it a gentle kiss. Jasmine petals rained down between them like spring rain. “So I hope you’ll forgive me for making it even longer.”
“Oh, Hua Cheng…” Joy bursting through his heart, Xie Lian allowed Hua Cheng to gently tug him out the back and pull the door closed behind them. “...A-Cheng…” The soothing scent of jasmine flowers filled the alley. “I’d forgive you anything.”
“Anything, anything?”
“Anything, anything,” Xie Lian confirmed. “Though--”
“Knew there’d be a catch.”
“--I’d appreciate if I could go home and change before dinner?”
“...that’s fair. Should I wait for you here?” asked Hua Cheng with a gesture to the narrow, dirty alley.
“Why don’t you walk me back?” Xie Lian suggested.
“Not nervous about inviting a strange man back to your place?” Hua Cheng teased.
“I think only a strange man would want to come back to my place…”
“As I suspected - you sell yourself far too short.”
“Then aren’t I lucky to have you to tell me your worth?” 
I do have you, right? You really think…
“You are,” Hua Cheng replied, unhesitating and firm. “And I will.”
...you really do.
I was right.
“You’re worth everything to me, A-Lian.”
He really is so perfect...
“And you, to me.”
...we’re really perfect.
And, hand-in-hand, in a cloud of cape jasmine blossoms and a choir of chimes, they walked toward Xie Lian’s apartment.
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curiosity-killed · 4 years
evidence of a lost past part 3
(chronologically before part 1 or part 2)
“Xie-gege?” Lang Ying calls from behind the cold storage. “You’ve got some friends here for you.” Frowning, Xie Lian straightens up from where he’d been crouched to organize the oatmeal shelf and dusts his hands off on his jeans. He doesn’t really have friends, to say nothing of people who would surprise him at work. He steps around the shelving unit at the same time that Lang Ying brings the visitors through the crowded entry hall. Spotting them, Xie Lian freezes. Skepticism is painted in broad strokes across Lang Ying’s face as he looks up at the men beside him before turning toward Xie Lian. “So,” he starts, eyeing the two sidelong again. “Nan Feng,” Feng Xin blurts out, as if answering a question, “and Fu Yao.”
Lang Ying’s eyes narrow a moment, but he just gives a slow nod. “I’ll be in the pantry if you need anything, Xie-gege,” he says. Xie Lian smiles reflexively, a silly sense of gratitude easing through him at Lang Ying’s quiet protectiveness. Aside from the cold storage, the pantry is the closest room to this back storage. “Thanks, a-Ying,” he says, waving him on. When he’s left, Xie Lian takes a bracing breath and turns to his old friends. He doesn’t know if there’s a polite way to tell them that no one in this community center would recognize the names of ballet stars, no matter how prominent. If anything, their fake names and…disguises make them far more suspicious: Mu Qing is wearing a suit, clearly tailored and accented with silver metallic embellishments, while Feng Xin wears a windsuit set that would better belong to a 90s boy band. “Ah,” Xie Lian says, struggling to think of anything to say, and rubs his forehead with the knuckle of his thumb. “Hi.” “You work in this place?” Mu Qing demands. His arms are crossed, bunching up his jacket, and the tail of his long ponytail catches on his shoulder. The last few inches are a surprising platinum blond, and Xie Lian vaguely recalls hearing something about a commercial deal last year or so. “Why do you have to say it like that?” Feng Xin demands. “So what if he works here? What do you have against a—a…” “Community center,” Xie Lian offers when it’s clear he doesn’t know what to call it. “And I do. Puqi’s been my home for the past year or so.” Feng Xin’s face does something complicated at that which Xie Lian can no longer wholly read. He thinks part of it at least is embarrassment, which is alright. It must be strange for them, to see him here in jeans stained with gravel dust around the knees and a t-shirt with a tubby cartoon tiger declaring ‘STRIPES ARE BEAUTIFUL.’ “Here, would you rather sit? There are some chairs in the lounge we could pull in,” he says. The lounge isn’t really a lounge so much as the storage room for donated furniture. Still, sometimes he and Lang Ying will take a breather back there and split a sweet bun from the bakery down the block, and it feels like a secret spot just for the staff. “No,” Mu Qing says immediately. His lip has pulled back a little, as if disgusted by the prospect. “We aren’t staying.” Oh. Xie Lian can’t quite help the disappointment that sinks through his chest at that. It’s not like he expected them to stay or try to be friends again, not after how he left things, but—well, with them coming here, he’d almost thought— “Oh, that’s alright,” he says with a bright smile. “Is there something I can help you with?” The two of them share a look that Xie Lian really can’t read at all. Back when he left, Feng Xin had only been speaking to Mu Qing to tell him to fuck off, and they certainly hadn’t been sharing any meaningful looks unless they were glares. It’s…it’s good, that they’ve found a friend in each other. He wishes they’d gotten along better when they were young, but it’s nice that they can be friends now. “Jun Wu said you were here,” Feng Xin says, grudging, dropping his gaze. “And we just—well, it’s been a long time. Figured we should check on you.” That phrase again. Eight years feels like a millennium, long enough that his past life feels more dreamlike than real most days. Long enough he certainly wouldn’t expect them to check in on him. He smiles. “Ah, that’s very kind of you,” he says, “but there’s no need to worry. I’m quite well, and you two must be so busy. Rehearsals for Nutcracker must have started by now, haven’t they?” He remembers when they were all young and dragging through endless rehearsals, when Feng Xin would grumble about having Tchaikovsky’s score stuck on his head all hours of the day and Mu Qing would scowl at him from across the costumes he helped sew as an after school job. “Yeah,” Feng Xin says. “They have. We get Sundays off for now.” Xie Lian nods, maintaining his polite smile. He’s really not sure what they want from him or why they’ve stopped by. This stilted half-conversation can’t actually be it. “You really live like this?” Mu Qing demands. “Puttering around this concrete floor, looking like…that.” Blinking once, Xie Lian folds his hands together and firms his spine. He’s gotten used to the trajectory of his life by now, and it doesn’t bother him even if no one else understands it. He knows why he’s here, knows he made the right choice for himself. Before he can answer, the bell over the front door chimes, and bootheels clip across the concrete floor. There’s a polite rap at the doorframe leading into the storage area where only employees are allowed. “Gege?” Xie Lian flushes at the way Mu Qing and Feng Xin stiffen and whip around toward the door and silently exhales a breath of relief at Hua Cheng’s timing. Probably his arrival won’t make it less awkward, but he’d rather have Hua Cheng here than handle this alone, even if that makes him a coward. “Ah San Lang, come in,” he calls. “There are just a couple visitors.” “San Lang?” Feng Xin echoes, twisting to gawk at the door. It’s obvious the moment he spots Hua Cheng, because his entire back goes tight and still, and Mu Qing bristles like a cat, fingers digging into his jacket sleeves. Hua Cheng passes around the far wall of shelves and doesn’t pause even as he gives the two of them a quick, unimpressed once-over. “Hey gege,” he greets, brushing past them to smile at Xie Lian. Xie Lian can’t help returning the look, delight bubbling up in him at the easy happiness Hua Cheng wears in his expression. “Hi San Lang,” he replies. “These two are—um. Nan Feng and Fu Yao. Old…school friends of mine.” Hua Cheng doesn’t bother looking at them before turning to Xie Lian with an eyebrow arched as if to ask ‘are you serious?’ Xie Lian is helpless to respond except for a casual shrug. If Feng Xin and Mu Qing insist on using false names, he’ll respect their wishes no matter how nonsensical it seems. “You—!” Feng Xin hisses, hands balled up into fists at his sides. “Me,” Hua Cheng agrees flatly. “Gege, are these new volunteers? I bet that one could sweep out the storage rooms while I take you to get lunch.” At the obvious look Hua Cheng sends him, Mu Qing’s lips pull back in blatant disgust and indignation. Biting his lip, Xie Lian holds in laughter. It isn’t nice to tease like that, but—well, it is kind of nice to have someone willing to do it for him. “Ah there’s no need,” he says quickly. “They were just stopping by to say hi.” He thinks. He’s still not really sure what’s going on here. “Oh?” Hua Cheng says. “So you’re leaving, then.” He says it straight to Feng Xin and Mu Qing, and despite their spluttering, Xie Lian has to hold in a startled laugh. He tugs gently at Hua Cheng’s elbow. “San Lang,” he scolds without any heat. The grin Hua Cheng tosses him is carefree and boyish, and it makes something funny and bright burst in Xie Lian’s chest. Maybe it’s alright to tease a little, if it earns him such cute looks. “Fine,” Mu Qing says. “Whatever. I have work to do.” He pivots on his heel and starts stalking toward the door without waiting to see if Feng Xin is following. Left behind, Feng Xin hesitates a moment, lips parted as if to speak. Finally, he swallows and purses his lips. “Just—be careful, okay?” he says like an order instead of a request. “If you need anything—I mean. I still have the same phone number.” A softer smile slips across Xie Lian’s lips at that, and he gives a little nod. “Me, too,” he admits. “Be safe getting home.” Feng Xin grunts and waffles a moment longer before hurrying after Mu Qing, his windsuit pants rustling away. Xie Lian can hear him all the way to the door. When the bell chimes, he sighs and turns back to see Hua Cheng leaning against the corner of the wall with his eye narrowed in amusement. “You get such interesting visitors, gege,” he says cheerfully. “San Lang ah,” Xie Lian complains, helpless. It’s impossible to feel at all cross when the whole situation was so absurd and Hua Cheng seems so childishly pleased. His grin broadens and turns brighter, more honest, as Xie Lian finally lets himself laugh at it all. “Ah, enough,” Xie Lian says, covering his eyes briefly. Shaking his head, he drops his hand. “Have you eaten? I brought some leftovers we could share, if you want.” “Gege’s cooking?” Hua Cheng asks, offering out his arm like a gentleman. “It must be my lucky day.” Xie Lian laughs at that, bright and easy, and lets himself be led.
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huacheng-zhu · 4 years
I was tagged by @bilboo! Thank you, this one looks really nice!
your name and then what you would have named yourself: my name’s Bee and it is also the name I would’ve named myself because I....named myself. 
astrological sign (sun/moon/rising if you know them): scorpio/cancer. I don’t care much about these things but it’s always fun to look it up. I relate to very few scorpio-related things. cancer things, however....
when did you join tumblr and why?: I joined in 2012 and I genuinely don’t remember why. I wasn’t getting involved though, I was just reblogging Doctor Who posts. I only got involved in internet-fandom stuff in 2014 for HTTYD2
top 5 fandoms: Critical Role, danmei, Tolkien, Overwatch, and gonna put MXTX novels as a branch fandom of the danmei fandom
top 5 favorite films: Professor Marston and the Wonder Women, Coco, How To Train Your Dragon 2, Dracula Untold, Frozen 2
go to song when you wanna Feel something: Uranus by Sleeping At Last. or many of his other songs, tbh, like Seven, Pluto, Saturn, Uneven Odds, Mars, etc etc.
what’s your religion or faith if you have one?: agnostic
a song that makes you feel seen: that one’s hard....given how many times I listened to them, I’d go with either Iridescent by Linkin Park or Show Yourself from Frozen 2
if you could have any career: full-time fanfiction writer :’)
do you have a type?: I can count my recent crushes over, let’s say, the past six years, even very brief, on the fingers of one hand and their only shared trait is having common interests, sooo I really don’t know. I don’t feel like I do. 
what does your heart/soul yearn for: peace, acceptance and understanding
if you had to describe yourself in 5 words to someone who doesn’t know you: lions, baking, insecurities, stargazing, cats
favorite subjects in school: english, that’s it that’s literally the only class I was interested in
where does your soul feel most at home: lying in the grass, gazing up at the stars
top 5 fictional characters: Wei Wuxian, Xie Lian, Chu Wanning, Vax’ildan, Jesse McCree (adding Bard the Bowman just for old times’ sake) (also top 5 is definitely not enough I need a top 10....let me add Hua Cheng, Gu Yun, Mo Ran, Caduceus Clay, Yin Yu, Essek Thelyss, Ye Wangxi, Shaun Gilmore, Shi Qingxuan, Yasha Nydoorin, and and and....what do you mean that’s more than 10)
top 3 moments in a show that made you ugly cry: wow, in a show? even if I counted movies that was actually a while back already. but it’d be Vax’ildan’s farewell scene in the first campaign of Critical Role. bawled my eyes out. also cried over Scanlan’s gift at the end of Vex’ahlia’s wedding. since then, the last time I ugly cried over something fictional was when reading 2ha.
the earth, the sun, the moon or the stars: the stars
favorite kind of weather: sunny, not too hot, with a warm but gentle wind. 
top 3 characters you kin with: there are actually. so few. I’ve rarely if ever related with characters on a personal level. so when I found one I just went :o the lucky (ha) one is Chu Wanning. there’s also Xie Lian and Yin Yu to some extent. 
favorite medium of art: animation? 
introvert/extrovert/ambivert: introvert
a favorite literary quote: istg I always forget all my favourite quotes when asked. gonna be super basic and say, “The one standing in infinite glory is you; the one fallen from grace is also you. What matters is ‘you’ and not the state of you.” but it’s not really my favourite. I’m just too lazy to go look for more
some of your favorite books: Tian Guan Ci Fu, The Song of Achilles, 2ha, The Alienist, The Picture of Dorian Gray
if you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?: ignoring, you know, the climate crisis, anywhere near the sea, where the water’s clear and quiet. or anywhere where there’s a clear water river/lake in which I can swim. preferably not that far off from a somewhat big city, if that’s even possible, because I actually love the city and need an easy access to it. 
if you could live in any time in history when would it be?: late 1800′s, just for the clothes. 
if you could play any instrument masterfully it would be: probably the ocarina. for some reason I’ve always liked it
if you have one, what mythological god or goddess do you feel a connection to: none because I know very little about mythology. 
and lastly, favorite recent selfie in your camera roll: don’t have one on my chromebook, but you can always check my ‘my face’ tag I guess haha
I tag, if you like obv: @ecthelions, @intellectualpencil, @inessencedevided, @forgotten-envies, @curiosity-killed, @agu5td, @kuku-is-tired, @misnomera (but really don’t feel pressured to do this it’s....long)
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busghost · 3 years
OMG you watched it too???!!
If you don't wanna answer this ask not to spoiler your followers, you can answer later, no problem!
But spoilers!!!
I thought Fu Hua would have the same fate as Himeko, but no! I thought I'd be disappointed if it wasn't as emotional as Himeko's sacrifice, but the ending got me! Didn't think it'd be emotional without anyone dying - and it's actually good, that they managed to make a different ending, where Kiana realizes this thing about sacrifice = victory is wrong! She probably remembered her fight with Mei "this is my mission" :3 very very nice, that is character development there! But for some reason I feel sorry for HoS... after I read that interview with the writer, it's understandable the way she's acting, she wants to be wanted and loved too :'( and Kiana and Fu Hua are like "nah you're a Herrscher, evil and you don't belong here, begone!!"
Overall I liked that they went a different path! No one died but doesn't mean it wasn't emotional (/T~T\)
It was so good! And it’s definitely good that Kiana was snapped out of her need to sacrifice herself by feeling what it was like to be on the other end of that situation. The Lament of the Fallen parallels were amazingly executed to facilitate Kiana’s growth as a person.
Also, there is at least a little silver lining to HoS in that Fu Hua really doesn’t hate her, as seen in their conversation after the animation. Sentience may have left but I do hope we get to see more of her in the future, Fu Hua herself said she wanted her to stay.
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shiruba-tsuki · 4 years
Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 5 favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. Tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
Was tagged by: @gojosattoru​, thank you so much!
Hua Cheng and Xie Lian: The most iconic image of Tian Guan Ci Fu might be of Hua Cheng walking with a bridal disguised Xie Lian under an umbrella through a forested path. It was one of my favorite scenes in the novel and I liked how the donghua adapted it; especially with the complimentary colors of blues and reds along with touches of white for his butterflies. I liked how this was animated with shots that allowed me to highlight some of key aspects of the scene, such as a partial look at Hua Cheng’s face, in a complimentary way. I also liked how there was a variation in the shots of them walking so I could create three main gifs that captured this iconic walk while also being visually interesting. Along with that, the lightning wasn’t too bad in this scene so it allowed me to brighten and enhance the original colors with minimal distortions. 
Uenoyama and Mafuyu: Given is one of my favorite series so it`s nice when there is an opportunity to make something from this series; especially a character + scenery one which I haven’t done for a while. I liked how there was a variety of small scenes of them together in different places as that allowed me to create a nice contrasting gifset between the warm toned daylight scenes and the cooler toned night scenes. I also liked how, despite these scenes being more transitional or minimal, there was still something different about each one both in the setting and the emotions. Collectively, this gave a nice snapshot of the budding relationship between them.
Lio Fotia: I love the colors and the visual style of Promare and, to top it off, it’s produced by Trigger. This scene was fun to watch and fun to gif because it was stylistically interesting with the contrasting colors of light and dark along with the contrasting stylistic design of geometric shapes and simplistic lines. Dragon Lio, with an underbite, was brightly colored on a darker background and was interestingly detailed with moving geometric triangles; giving the dragon an almost 3D crystal form. In contrast, Angry Lio, in the dragon’s eye, was darkly colored on a white background and was simplistically detailed with lines. Together, these differences made a complimentary gifset that really highlighted Lio’s emotions and was also visually interesting when combined into a gifset without it being cluttered or busy. 
Lan Wangj and Wei Wuxian: It’s been a while since I had the time to do edits so it was nice to get an opportunity to make quite a few last year. Out of all the edits I made, this one was favorite mainly because this was one of my favorite scenes of drunk Lan Wangji and how Wei Wuxian’s attempts at teasing Lan Wangji keeps backfiring on himself.. The manhua art style is also very nice and I love how they added a little heart in Wei Wuxian’s eyes when Lan Wangji pulled him towards him while also claiming that Wei Wuxian “caught” him. The last panel was especially adorable with the almost chibi style of the both of them blushing. Out of all my edits this one was among the most straightforward, easy to clean and it only had a minimal amount of typography to redo. It also allowed me to work with blue tones again; which is a color I love working with.
Sukuna and Yuji: One thing I like is when there is a pop of bright color on a dark background because it creates a nice contrast between the foreground and the background. This contrast is one of the reasons why I loved the internal soul scenes of Sukuna because they were mostly black and red, one of my favorite color combinations. This particular one, with Sukina and Yuji, I liked just a little bit more than the others because it was almost a selective color gifset; which is something I like doing but don`t get much opportunities to do. Along with that, this scene was, surprisingly, comedic at times despite the seriousness of the situation and you got see Sukuna make an interesting facial expression (the middle left gif) that is different from his usual expressions. 
Tagging: Anyone interested in doing this~
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tazzmanien · 5 years
The Tian Guan Ci Fu (Heaven Official’s Blessing) Review
Okay I’m doing it finally. Sorry if it ended up way too long, but in my defense the novel itself was huge so…
First of all I will not be comparing this novel with any of the other MXTX novels, but I just want to tell you this is definitely my new favorite for several reasons, but mostly its love story. If you want to know more write me I will gladly talk more about this.
I read in many posts everywhere that Hualian invented love. Well you know what, there is really no lie there. Theirs is one of the most beautiful love stories out there.
So, before I go into the details, please just go and read the novel!!! NOW! 
The good:
Usually I would like to say a few words about the writing style and quality, but as I’ve only read a translation of the novel I don’t think I can tell you much about it. The translation was very easy to read, so I’m guessing the novel can’t be too extravagant or bad either. BTW thank you everyone who is doing translations for FREE. You all are angels!
The novel was quite long, but the moment you step into the world you would wish it was longer. Every character has their own story and they needs time to evolve, so I really liked its length, but also not so much. Check out the bad for more information.
I liked how the story took place in three realms and different times. I know some get confused by such switches, but I tend to enjoy them very much. I think the heaven and the ghost city were so diverse, that I can’t wait to see them play out in whatever visual adaptation. I feel like this time around MXTX finally explained the actual world with more detail, which made it easier for me to imagine myself strolling through the ghost city market buying sum forbidden rubbish, or watching the moon up close while seated in a garden in heaven. I could see, smell, feel, hear and sometimes unfortunately even taste many things and that is what I think good writing should be about. The things that weren’t described in detail made it even more fun, as one could work with their own imagination (this might be a bad thing for visual adaptations, just saying). And some of you might remember I complained before that if one has no prior knowledge about the whole cultivation, eastern religion and xianxia stuff, then you might have issues reading MXTX books, well this did not change, but I guess I’m starting to appreciate it, as my own imagination created a whole new version of what this whole thing was meant to be. Still, I should have probably listed this in the bad part as well.
The main plot was very interesting and at times even slightly surprising. Mostly it was quite predictable, but I think writing does not have to invent itself every time again, but it has to give some sort of satisfaction at the end. If a story is predictable deep down to every little detail, this is not a huge issues if the story has other strengths. And this one had a nice mix of both.
It did have some parts which appalled me, but you know what, this was actually a good thing. Like I felt a lot of things, even though I really didn’t want to. The things that were disgusting, really actually disgusted me. The things that were supposed to make you angry, made me go nuts. The things that should have made you happy, made my grin like a maniac. But worst of all, were the things that existed to hurt you, they ripped out my heart and shredded it in front of me while I was still conscious. So all in all, yeah even the bad parts about the plot served a purpose. If you are good at keeping track on the main plot while diving into hundreds of subplots, then I would say it was easy to follow. I think this was okay, but the other way around (remembering the subplots) I would argue differently (more in the bad). Nevertheless, some of the subplots were so beautiful that I think they might have deserved their own novel, but isn’t that the case with all good stories?
On a side note, I don’t know if that was intended or if I just saw things that weren’t there, but was the hidden plot actually about how wrong idolizing people is and how it feels to go through post traumatic stress? I might write some more on this in a separate post, I just wanted to get it off my chest here.
Now my favorite part of any MXTX novel: the characters. Honestly, I can’t remember many stories where I loved every character. But MXTX did it again, I loved all of them, even the ones I hated. Once again the way the side characters were introduced, involved in the main story and the main guys, had their own very individual nature and lifes and fought with their own challenges was beautiful. Every character had their own aura (for the lack of a better word). Yeah I like to make fun of this but it’s true nevertheless: most of them had sad histories or were living their nightmares while the plot evolved, however, this was good as it made me appreciate the few sunreys that were able to shine through the clouds even more. As I said, I hated quite a few of them, but either they had their moment one had to love them for or they served another purpose, like propelling other characters to become what they were meant to be or drive the overall plot. And none of this felt forced. So to make it short wow!
And last but no least, the main characters and their love story. 
Xie Lian, our protagonist, my angel my only god the life of my love (yeah I used this one already, sue me), is an adorkable martial arts badass/nerd with the worst luck and cooking skills and spiderman reflexes. He is a true neutral, treats everyone with the same respect, just the way a god should be. He is so genuine in every aspect of his being. He is fully aware of all his shortcomings and all the wrongs he has done, but he still hasn’t lost the good in him and the will to act righteously. He is just so so human, that each of us could learn a little from him. I mean he even warns the freaking demon king to not think too highly of him, because he might disappoint him. And what does Hua Cheng do? He calls him his hope! So XL gives the cruelest of all the demons hope. This shows how perfectly imperfect and inspirational XL is. The world does not deserve him, yet still treats him the worst it can. He lost everything, EVERYTHING! Still he somehow came out to be this beautiful being. The only consolation we get is that at least he gets to have Hua Cheng in his life.
And Hua Cheng, he is the only man out there! Towards Xie Lian he is gentle, loving, understanding, supportive, patient, strong, funny and all sorts of beautiful things. With everyone else he is everything you would expect of a demon king to be and none of it a the same time. He is unpredictable in all things that are not Xie Lian. He does so many good deeds that one would forget that he is a demon king, but he hates, is cruel, intimidating, has killed and is mischievous through and through. Even though we don’t get to see everything about him (see the bad), we know him to be the perfect grey character. Also he proves to be the realest of them all, he stands by everything he says and does and I respect that a lot. He shows his anger and love equally and acts upon both equally. And is so freaking intelligent, handsome, sensual, seductive and cute, that I am actually fearing of being in love with a fictional character. The butterflies are a nice touch btw.
Yes, you are right, we all tend to praise almost every main couple, when the love story is good, but please hear me out. Both of them individually are just perfect in their own imperfect way and together they are the definition of true love. Their first encounter was magical to say the least. Without having any prior knowledge about the overall story or how their love would come to be, I was bewitched from the first moment they both shared the “screen”. I could feel the air stilling, just so I could give my full attention to them falling in love (yeah I know one was already head over heels before that meeting, but that is beside the point). And boy, the way they were falling. It was so realistic and yet hopelessly romantic, that I will use them as the perfect example to show people what it feels like to fall and be in love. 
The bad:
The length and some subplots… Yes well it was quite strenuous to follow the happenings, as every character had their own huge side story. While I loved to know every single bit of their stories, sometimes it took me a while to get back on track in the main story and many many times I totally forgot about some subplots later in the novel and was like “where is the other character now? why don’t we see them anymore?”. Despite its length, some characters stories were either only told from the view of the protagonist and lost a lot of what was going on deep down, or some characters stories had huge gaps even. Sure, it was not their story and we can be happy we even got something, but at some point I was kinda disappointed to be teased about a character and never get to find out what happened or how they felt. So I would have enjoyed an even longer book even if the one now was too long. Do you get what I mean? At the end of the day I can actually forget and forgive all except the fact that we never got to see some sides of Hua Cheng and had to read between the lines to understand his motives and feelings a little better. I need a whole book about him only to be honest. 
So my next bad thing, might actually be inaccurate if I’d knew more about Hua Cheng. This part is probably highly subjective, but I feel like Hua Cheng was not demonic enough. You know, in my head I pictured him to be a real demon, including the looks and what he is doing. How else would he become a demon king? I mean the looks were pretty much on point, I just feel like all the other characters either ignored it or didn’t care and the fandom just makes him look more like a human being. And yes he treats many badly, but in my opinion not bad enough. It feels like all his good deeds got more screen time and his bad deeds were either justified by something good or not really shown.
Not sure if it was only my short attention span or if that was the case, but I felt like the living world was not described as good as the heaven and ghost city. 
I would recommend this novel to everyone who wants to feel love, but is not afraid to hurt a LOT. If you are searching for a story with some human or heavenly goodness, good friendships, good families, just decent people, then this is not a book for you. Xie Lian is the only exception of course and he is worth every tear you are 100% going to shed.
Just go and read the book! Please. And come back to me and talk about it with me :)
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dreamingsushi · 4 years
Eternal Love - Episode 1
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So I have already seen Eternal Love before, but watching Eternal Love of dream made me want to watch it again since I loved it so much and even though I already know the story and plot I thougt why not make reviews of this one too? So here I am, waiting fore the last episodes of Eternal Love of Dream, getting some Yang Mi feels. I love her as Bai Qian and can’t wait for Mark Chao too as both Ye Hua and Mo Yuan. Plus another good point is that the OST for this one too is just so good! So yep. There are so many shows on my list (and I am still not done with I want to hear you song) but oh well!
The series starts in Kunlunxu, Moyuan’s residence. His disciple are chasing a really powerful magic weapon that their master just got. It’s a fan, but none of them manages to catch it. When Mo Yuan himself puts his hands on it, it still wants to go around and he wonders if he’s not about to get new disciples.
Zhe Yan sends Bai Qian to the Kunlun mountains so she can become Mo Yuan’s disciple. Since he only guys as his disciples, Zhe Yan gives her the appearance of a man. I didn’t remember that at the beginning she had such a weird way of dressing up, I only remember how elegant she is after that. Anyways, it’s probably to make her look younger (even though Yang Mi already looks so young, she’s so gorgeous). Another guy is also there to become Mo Yuan’s student and seems a little snobbish. Then the fan comes in flying and stops right in front of Bai Qian, now Si Yin, as it chose her as its master. Mo Yuan is a little surprised and notices almost right away that she’s a girl. The war lord can’t be fooled that easily. Since the fan is a very powerful weapon, Mo Yuan decides it’s better if it doesn’t go outside of Kunlunxu and accepts her as his disciple, pretending that he didn’t notice that she’s not a man : it seems it was fated to happen.
Oh wait! Guys! That other dude! It’s the same actor as Yan Chiwu! How come? Well on wiki it says Chiwu is Zilan’s twin brother? How come would Mo Yuan accept as his disciple someone from the Mo clan? It’s supposed to be only celestials on that mountain? And it doesn’t say anything about it in the book, which I just finished reading. Oh well. Zilan is really different from Chiwu, it’s weird. It shows Liu Ruilin’s acting ability though which is nice! I like to see actors in different kinds of characters!
Then having two new disciples at the same time, Mo Yuan asks Zhe Yan’s opinion on who should be shixiong (that would designate an older training student) and who should be shidi (so the younger training student) Zhe Yan suggests that Si Yin should be the shidi and Bai Qian doesn’t really like it that way and she says that then she’s not becoming her disciple, she’s tired of always being the little one. However Mo Yuan bribes into being the shidi, to even things out he’s going to give her the fan. She thinks it’s fair then and sits back down, ready to bow to him.
Now that I have seen the Pillow Book, I think they had less money for Eternal Love. The Nine Heaven’s court is... it looks like it’s out of a 1990′s drama. Even Donghua... I like his hairstyle better in the Pillow Book. The man bun is not for him. Anyways, I was going to say that it seems that the Celestial Emperor isn’t that happy that Mo Yuan gave the Yuqi Kunlun fan to a little spiritual fox that we know nothing about.
It’s been 20 000 years (oh god I just hate so much to translate numbers from Chinese to English or French... just ugh, so complicated when I already hate maths) since Bai Qian became Mo Yuan’s student. She oftens goes to the mortal realm with another disciple to tell people’s fortune. The scene shows them hurrying back to Kunlunxu after men start fighting over a beautiful woman. If they wait for too long and come back too late, they might get scolded by their master. Well they still get scolded anyways, even though Dashixiong (eldest of the disciple, not in terms of age, but of the time he came in as Mo Yuan’s student, so he has been there the longest) covers up for them. Then Mo Yuan dismisses everyone except for Si Yin, who’s known to be his favorite disciple. He brought him back some peach liquor from Zhe  Yan since it’s her birthday. Okay, just to mention that it’s confusing, but I am switching between masculine and feminine to talk about Bai Qian/Si Yin and I really don’t do it on purpose. So the look on Mo Yuan’s face though. When I first watched the drama, I never realized that Mo Yuan had feeling for Bai Qian, but it actually shows very much. He looks at her so lovingly. I love Mark Chao so much <3
But Si Yin doesn’t get to enjoy his liquor as he gets kednapped by Yaoguang, an immortal in love with Mo Yuan. They took her in to become Yaoguang’s disciple, but Si Yin won’t agree since he’s already Mo Yuan’s disciple. Because he won’t agree, Yao Guang orders to take Si Yin to the water dungeon and let him rot there three days or until he agrees.
The disciples look for Si Yin everywhere, but can’t find him. Well, because he’s not there.Some of them think it could be the Yi’s doing, but Dashixiongsays that unless for Qingcang none of them is powerful enough to climb Kunlunshan to Kunlunxu. Also it had to be someone very familiar with Kunlunxu to be able to leave as quickly. So they guess it would be Yao Guang. Dashixiong and Lingyu go tell Mo Yuan while the others keep on looking.
So basically, Yao Guang wants Si Yin to get away from Mo Yuan because Mo Yuan likes him too much. One of the maids asks wether it is because Si Yin is that handsome which gets her a killing look from Yao Guang, probably out of jealously, but also because that would imply that Mo Yuan is gay. As she gets out of the water dungeon, Mo Yuan arrives asking if his disciple is in there. She says of course not, but Mo Yuan has no time to fool around, he doesn’t like speaking for nothing. He tells her to make way, but she won’t and points her sword at him, but Mo Yuan is too powerful for her and gets in taking Si Yin out. He’s really unhappy and doesn’t want to hear what Yao Guang has to say. She says she did it so he wouldn’t be criticized just because of a disciple. He convokes her for a duel on February 17, so they settle accounts. She’s really shooked.
Si Yin is in a really bad state, in his sleep he cals out for Mo Yuan and only calms down. When he takes her hand. Then he says that Yao Guang doesn’t deserve Mo Yuan. He looks so happy hearing that.
Shenye, the celestial emperor’s son comes to convince Mo Yuan not to fight with Yao Guang. The situation with the Yi isn’t stable and Qing Cang might look for any reason to start a war so the relationship between Mo Yuan and Yao Guang should remain good. Now isn’t the time to be divided. But Mo Yuan says that for the sake of Kunlunxu that battle has to be fought. But he promises that both Kunlunxu and Yao Guang fu would help the celestials in the war with the Yi. The celestial emperor wants to see Si Yin and understand why Mo Yuan cares so much about that disciple.
Yat! Fighting scene hehe! They are so bad ass! You wouldn’t see that in an American series. Mo Yuan wins rather easily. He asks her to move out of Kunlunxu and rejects her.
Si Yin finally wakes up and wants to go and see Mo Yuan. Then Yuling tells him that he has to copy some text 3000 times and that a girl came to see him. Si Yin can’t seem to think of who that could be. It’s Xuannü. Ergh. I so dislike her. I didn’t remember she came in the story so early.
When she sees Si Yin, Xuannü doesn’t recognize him as Bai Qian, but thinks that oh wow, there’s even somebody who looks like Bai Qian even more than that. Xuannü is Bai Xuan, Bai Qian’s big brother’s wife’s sister. She was sent by Bai Zhen. He didn’t come himself because Bai Yi,s daughter was just about to be born, so everyone went there to celebrate. Anyways, he sent Xuannü to Kunlunxu because her mom wants to force her into marriage and it felt improper for a girl to live with only two men which is why he and Zhe Yan don’t hide her in the Peach Blossom Forest, at least Bai Qian is a girl and they knew each other in childhood. Xuannü starts crying when Si Yin says that keeping her is a little... but seeing she’s crying, he runs to ask permission to Mo Yuan so Xuannü could stay at Kunlunxu. Mo Yuan agrees and says she should stay at Siyin’s place. Si Yin complains that he’s also a guy, it would be improper but the way Mo Yuan looks at him so means: did I hear something now? No? I thought so.
Si Yin goes to see a golden lotus flower to tell it he won’t be able to come and take care of it while he’s punished to copy, but he will come back as soon as he’s done. Just wait for him. The lotus flower glows at Si Yin touch. Seems it likes him.
In my memory, special effects weren’t as bad but oh well. I love this drama so much and Yang Mi + Mark Chao have so much chemistry together. I am glad to watch it again and... Liang Liang <3 That song is my everything!
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elliotthezubat · 7 years
new chapter yeeeeah
Relan: *knocking on the door to the 8th* iris: i'll get it! ye- oh, hello relan. *she smiles* what brings you to the 8th today? Relan: *nervous wave* "Hi. I had part of the afternoon off and thought I would visit. C-Could I trouble you for a cup of tea?" iris: its not a problem, come on in. *she smiles* Rino: *painting the walls* T_T "This crazy princess is going to kill me...Why am I having to do refurbishing?" Relan: "??? Um...Who is that?" iris: that's rino, she's part of the 5th...its a long story why they're here... *sweatdrop* Relan: *friendly wave* "Hi." Rino: "Kill. Me." Relan: "..." *hides behind Iris* iris: ^^;; Hibana: "Oh, Iris, I see Boy Toy #2 is here." Relan: o_o "Hi, Commander..." iris: s-sister! >///< Relan: "M-My name is R-Relan, ma'am..." Hibana: "Good to see you again. _Don't hurt my Iris_." Rino: *rolls eyes, pulling Hibana back* "Just get your boyfriend some tea already." iris: *sweatdrop* right this way. Relan: *follows* "Sorry...Did I make this awkward?" iris: it's alright, you didnt do anything wrong. *she smiles* Relan: *nodded* "You're looking well, all things considered here. Your hair looks nice." iris: why thank you. i've been considering growing it out a little longer. Relan: *nods again* "It would look nice long. Have you tried that before?" *he looks through the cupboard, removing teacups* ("Oh, wow, these look nicer than I thought for the 8th.") iris: not really, but there is a first for everything, i guess. Relan: "Heh, yeah..." *he looks at the tea kettle, filling it with water* "...It's good to try new things, yeah?" *holds up teabox* "Like this? I never had this flavor." iris: ah, its quite relaxing. *she smiles* Relan: *smiles back* "I could use that. Honestly, I'm kind of nervous. You and I haven't had as much time interacting together...I mean, without Shinra." iris: *she nods* then, perhaps this is a chance to know each other more. *she smiles* Relan: "I would like that..." *sits while the water boils* "So...Um...You garden, right?" iris: *she nods* i have a lot of flowers, but also some fruit and vegetables too. Relan: "I never got to do much of that. Which kinds of fruits are you growing this season?" iris: we have some green peppers and some strawberries. we had pumpkins too. Relan: "Oh! I love strawberries." iris: *she smiles* would you like some with your tea? Relan: *nods* "You don't mind?" iris: its perfectly fine. *she goes to the fridge and pulls out the little container* how many would you like? Relan: "Two?" iris: alright then. *she puts two strawberries on the dish* here you go. Relan: *picks one up and bites lightly into it--and his eyes widen* "Wow! This is delicious!" iris: thank you. Relan: "It's very sweet. I guess I shouldn't be surprised, given how sweet you have been--" *shudders* "S-Sorry. Was that weird?" iris: *chuckles* its fine relan, it was quite flattering. Relan: "...Thank you for putting up with me. I did mean that you are sweet." iris: its not a problem. i want to be there for you, both of you. Relan: *nods* "So do I...Iris? I...I haven't really been this close to a girl before." iris: *listening* Relan: "I wasn't around girls much in school...I was awkward. And I...I do think I'm gay. So I'm not sure how things will work. I...want to try." iris: i understand. and even if we dont connect romantically, i still want to be there for you. Relan: *nods* "Me, too...Um...Can I ask something else? Could we try...holding hands?" iris: oh, um...sure. *she holds his hand*.....are you alright? Relan: *nods* "Yeah...I'm sorry if my hand gets sweaty...Oh, it's getting sweaty now, isn't it?" iris: it's alright, just breathe. Relan: *deep inhale, wheezes a little, then exhales and smiles* "Th-Thanks...Your hand feels soft." iris: thank you. *she smiles* Relan: "...Do you like reading?" iris: sometimes. i do keep a few books in my room. Relan: "What do you read? Fiction?" iris: not often, usually the sol bible, and a few other short stories. Relan: "...I haven't read much of the Bible." iris: well, to each their own, i guess. Relan: "I-I would like to read more of it." iris: are you sure? -elsewhere- Wes: "Thanks for coming with me, Soul. I needed your help with this." soul: hey, its not a problem. Wes: "Good. Ah, here it is!" *it's a jewelry store* soul: *he nods* Wes: *pointing at the display* "Maybe something like that? Would a silver band work?" soul: perhaps. but you know how liz loves glitzy stuff. Wes: "Yeah, definitely for a Christmas gift. But would you say the same if this was to give her something...a little more permanent?" soul: ??.....*points to one* how about that one? Wes: "Oh, that looks good! And Liz likes that kind of a stone..." *looks at Soul's fingers* soul:...what? Wes: "I think I need to see what this ring looks like on an actual finger." soul: they have mannequins....they’re really handy. Wes: "...Ha! Okay..." *looks at one mannequin, calls to shopowner* "I'd like to see this band on a manne-hand, please." -elsewhere- Shotaro: *tossed into a building's wall by a supervillain, collapsing onto the street* mana: *charges at them* HYA! Supervillain: *chuckles, as her hair whips around, trying to grab Mana by the arm* mana: !! Shotaro: *back on his feet* "Mana! Punch her in the neck!" *biting multiple bones as he starts to transform...* Supervillain: *whips her hair at Mana's wrist* mana: *KICK!* Supervillain: "AH! What the--" *spots Shotaro* o_____O *Shotaro is now an Eldritch Abomination made up of multiple creatures' parts* Shotaro: "...Howdy!" Supervillain: *looks like she crapped herself* "I would like to go to jail now, please." Shotaro: *low guttural laugh* "Thanks!" mana: O-O;; that's pretty f*cked up Supervillain: *hides behind Mana* Shotaro: *resumes human form* "Been wanting to try that out for weeks now!" *smiles innocently* Shotaro: "Well, let's turn her over to the cops--" Police Officers: o________o "That boy is creepy..." Supervillain: *runs to the police and jumps into the back of their car* "Never let me near that freaky Dokeshi again!" -elsewhere- Izuku: "That Fire Gang member is creepy...After what he did to Relan, Iris, and Shinra..." yuu: well, they are unharmed and alright, arent they? Izuku: *nods* "But for how long? Someone with that power, just seems kind of violent..." Bakugo: "AND WHAT'S WRONG WITH SOMEONE WHO IS POWERFUL AND PRONE TO VIOLENCE?" Izuku: Q___Q itsuka: easy there katsuki. Bakugo: -\\\\- *small purr* "Okay." itsuka: *she smiles* eijiro: TTwTT Izuku: "???" Bakugo: "So, you just going to whine, or are you planning on beating the tar out of this Fire Gangster?" -elsewhere- Akitaru: "Well, getting late now." shinra: *he nods* Benimaru: *looks at the buildings...then at Shinra* "Hmph. Progress." shinra: thank you sir! Benimaru: "Stop shouting--your voice is too loud." shinra: *AHEM* .////.; Akitaru: *small chuckle* Tsukiyo: *pouts* "Benimaru likes the 8th already? He still gets pissy at me..." fang-hua:...*small smile* Benimaru: "Well, clear out. I don't want to see you here until tomorrow." Akitaru: *smirk, salutes* Konro: *standing again, smiles at Benimaru* shinra: *looks at akitaru* so now what? Akitaru: "We got the night off, so I suggest a meal to celebrate and then a lot of sleep, since we'll have more repairs tomorrow--" Benimaru: "Tomorrow. Not earlier than that." Akitaru: "...Fang-Hua? Care to join us for a meal?" fang-hua: *she looks at benimaru* Benimaru: "Very well. Take the night off, Kohana." fang-hua: *sweatdrop* yes sir. come on guys, i can show you some of the best restaurants in town. Tsukiyo: "Fu fu fu...'Kohana'..." Arthur: "???" fang-hua: *tugs her ear* come on... -///-; Tsukiyo: Q___Q "Owie..." Arthur: "..." *smiles at Tamaki* "Hungry?" tamaki: sure. Arthur: "Same..." *walks with her* Akitaru: "What would you recommend, Fang-Hua?" -and so- shinra: *nom nom* this is really good! Tsukiyo: *trying to sneak a bit of food off Shinra's plate* fang-hua: you have enough food on your own plate, tsukiyo. Tsukiyo: "Maybe I just wanted an inadvertent kiss by sampling from Shinra's plate~" fang-hua: *chop* no. -_-; shinra: IMINARELATIONSHIP! tamaki: does she _ever_ turn off? -_-; Tsukiyo: *rubbing her head, pouting* "I'm always turned _on_, thanks. You could learn that if you and Ar--" -CHOP- fang-hua: behave... -_-; fang-hua: *sigh* im really sorry about my friend here... Tsukiyo: *face buried in food on her plate, muffled grunt* Kid: Arthur: "It's okay...So, Fang-Hua, why did the Commander call you 'Kohana'?" fang-hua: *almost chokes* well, a-as you can see, commander shinmon is very traditional to his culture. and seeing as my name, 'Fang-Hua' translates to 'Fragrant Blossom', its kind of a translation thing, kind of like the japanese translation of 'journey to the west' where the character 'Sun Wukong' was named 'Son Goku'. maki: i could make a joke about that, but it would be kind of obvious, so i wont. Arthur: " 'Fragrant Blossom'...That's quite a nickname. It's cute." fang-hua: *awkward blush* tamaki: its fitting i guess. Arthur: *smiles at Tamaki* "Kind of like 'kitten'?" tamaki: do you want to get slapped? >////< maki: so you and benimaru are a thing then? fang-hua: O/////O n-no! that's not how it is at all! maki: suuuuure. misora: it better not be! *glare+pout* Arthur: *small smirk at Tamaki* Akitaru: *has a third helping of noodles* "Good food here. Shinra, eat up--you need some more muscle!" shinra: *nom nom* Arthur: "Tamaki, want to try some of my unagi?" -elsewhere- Relan: *bows* "Thank you for the tea." iris: *she smiles* anytime, relan. be sure to get back safely, ok? Relan: *nods* "I will message when I return home..." *awkward pause...then an awkward hug* iris:.....*hug* take care of yourself, ok? Relan: *nods* "Thank you..." *pulls back, smiles* -at gallows manor- stocking: does it feel good kid? Kid: *panting* "Oh, God, that hurts so good..." stocking: *she thrusts slowly, rubbing his thighs* Kid: *squirms under the touch on his thighs* "A-ah~" *whimpers a bit* "Fuck..." stocking: hehe~ you're adorable. *thrusting slowly* Kid: *pants, moaning* "So good...Ah!" stocking: mmmn....god, you have the hottest moans.... *picking up pace* Kid: *matches her pace, trying to hold onto the bedsheets, pants* "Fuck me..." stocking: *kissing his neck and chest, digging her nails into his hips as she pumps into him* Kid: "AHHH! Fuck..." *grinding along the mattress, so close...* stocking: good boy~ *rubbing him off* Kid: *squirms, pants, and then* "Ahh..." *he ejaculates* stocking: ahhh~! Kid: *panting, cumming* "Ah...M-Messy..." stocking: want me to clean you~? Kid: *shy nod* stocking: *lick lick* Kid: *moans* "That's so good...Oh, Stocking..." stocking: *lick lick* you like that~? Kid: *nods* "I love you...I love you so much with me..." stocking: hehe~ *kiss* Kid: "Sh-Should...Should I repay you?" stocking: if you want~ -elsewhere- *Shinra's phone rings with a text alert* shinra: *picks up his phone* Relan: [text: how's work been today?] shinra: [busy, but we're making progress here.] Relan: [i knew you would. :) had tea with iris. we miss you] shinra: *smiles* [glad you're getting along ^^ i miss you too, both of you.] Relan: [sweet dreams! text us tomorrow. love u] shinra: [love you too *kissy emoticon*] Relan: -\\\\\- Arthur: "You done texting your boyfriend and girlfriend?" shinra: are _you_? Arthur: "I don't have a boyfriend..." *looks away* shinra: im just teasing, come on. *pat pat* Arthur: *small pout* "You never thanked me..." shinra: for what? *confused* Arthur: "For letting you and Relan hook up and get your relationship upgrade with Iris." shinra: oh...um, thanks...*pat pat* Arthur: *nods* "Good. Now you can help me with my date with Tamaki." shinra: O-o Kid: Arthur: "When this mission is over, I want to ask her out. And I cannot have anything go wrong." shinra:....ok. Arthur: *hugs Shinra* "Thank you!" shinra: o-o; maki: you ok-.........*watches* shinra: THATS NOT HOW IT IS MAKI! DX< Arthur: ._. -elsewhere- Kid: *resting in Stocking's arms* "May I have another grape?" stocking: hehe~, open up~ Kid: *mouth open* "Aaaaaaah..." -plop- stocking: hehe~ so adorable. Kid: *smiles as he chews, swallows* "This was a great idea." *kiss on her neck* stocking: *she smiles and kisses his forehead* Kid: *stays in her arms* "Any plans for Thanksgiving?" stocking: not in particular, maybe you'd like to visit pheles mansion and see my parents and other relatives? Kid: *nods* "I'd love that. I'll bring plenty of desserts..." stocking: *she smiles* hopefully amaimon doesnt hog all of them -_-; Kid: "Hmm...That will be a challenge." stocking: yeah... Kid: "But, such is family...*sigh* I still miss that suit that Mocha ruined..." stocking: its ok....*hug* mocha: *leaves a fish on the ground as an apology* Kid: ._. "...How did you get in here--Oh, nevermind. Thank you, Mocha~" mocha: mreow! Kid: *pat pat* -morning- Patty: "Gee, Kirika, you look beat. Sleep okay?" kirika: yeah, just trained a lot yesterday... *streeeetch* phew... Patty: *passes a cup of coffee to her* "At least training is helping you out, huh?" kirika: yeah. i've been visiting gopher and oriko to make sure they're both doing ok....i think oriko's beginning to get a little better....she doesnt remember much, but she's beginning to talk a bit more... Patty: *small smile* "Good for Oriko...Good for you as a sister..." kirika:....*she smiles* i want her to get better soon... Patty: *nods* "I know. With you there, she will." kirika:...*small smile......touches her eyepatch*..... Patty: "..." *looks down, awkward clearing of throat* -at school- Black Star: "Have an okay afternoon yesterday, Soul?" soul: yeah, it went pretty good. Black Star: *nods* "What were you up to with Wes?" soul: just brother stuff. Black Star: *nods* "Yeah. Just been cleaning up the new house." soul: maybe i could drop by sometime and check it out? Black Star: "Hell yeah! Wait 'til you see the kitchen!" -elsewhere- Akitaru: "I bet you two look forward to going back to school once we finish rebuilding, right?" shinra: *nods* yeah. tamaki: but we still dont have any confirmation that the 7th will become our allies... shinra: but a majority of them do seem to like us, take karim and pearl, they're willing to help us, even if...their commander, isnt. tamaki:...... Arthur: *sympathetic pat on Tamaki's shoulder* "All things in good time..." Akitaru: "Shinra, maybe you can talk to the Commander of the 7th--he seems to like you." shinra: me, sir? ah! right away! *he goes to do that* Arthur: "...20 bucks says he's a dead man." tamaki: it this works, i vote we make him the 8ths mascot. maki: are you kidding?! if anyone is gonna be the 8ths mascot, it's gonna be pusupusu! D8< Akitaru: -_-; Benimaru: *watching construction by 7th members...* shinra: *scoot scoot*....*ahem* nice tay doday. i mean nice day today! (thinking: fuck) Benimaru: "It's not nice. It's overcast, muggy, and rather shrill." shinra: yeah......so i heard you're a pretty strong soldier...thats pretty neat. Benimaru: " 'Power' is not 'neat.' 'Power' is how we determine leadership in the 7th. This is a world where only the strong survive, so you better be at your most power." *eyes Shinra* "Your feet." shinra: um....what about them? Benimaru: "You have very strong feet and a quick pace...despite how scrawny you look." shinra:....thanks. i try my best. *screaming on the inside* Benimaru: "...Can you create flames anywhere else other than your feet?" shinra: i never actually tried to.... Benimaru: "So, you can't project flames around objects as I can? Are you in control of the flames, or do they still burn your shoes off?" shinra:...sorta....but they still kind of burn my shoes off... Benimaru: "Which means you risk burning the people around you." *stares intently at Shinra* "What is your training regimen?" shinra: breakdancing. Owo Benimaru: "..." *snort while still keeping a serious face* "That's pretty funny, actually." shinra: i can also do this! *fireball under feet like in avatar the last airbender* cool right? Benimaru: "..." *small smile* "Not bad. Kick it over here..." shinra: *kick and falls off, landing on his butt* ow! Benimaru: *catches the fireball, decreases its size into a hacky-sack size ball that he kicks around* "Work on your balance..." shinra: r-right! Benimaru: "...You getting up, or am I playing this game by myself?" shinra: *getting up* fang-hua: *watching* Benimaru: "Now, be careful catching it with your foot...I'm gonna kick it to you now..." *kick* shinra: *kicking at it but it lands into a pond*....oops. ._.; Benimaru: "Good thing the koi around here know to avoid flames..." Koi #1: o___O *swims away quickly from flame* Benimaru: *forms another small ball* "Let's try again, okay?" shinra:...ok. -elsewhere- Kid: *in gym clothes* "What's the exercise today?" stocking: looks like we're doing a stick race? Patty: *flexes* "Ready to do this, Sis?" liz: ready! Sid: "Line up on the starting line!" *holds whistle, ready to blow* Kid: *on his line* Black Star: *on his line* tsugumi: *on her start line* Anya: *on hers* Sid: "On your mark...get set..." *WHISTLE* *Everyone takes off running* -elsewhere- Yohei: "I got it!" chie: thanks honey. *kiss on the cheek* Yohei: *chuckle as he hands the bag to her* chie: *she smiles and puts it into the cart* Yohei: "I wanted to pick up something else..." chie: oh? Yohei: *pulls out of the freezer...a bag of chicken nuggets in the shape of dinosaurs* chie: that's adorable. Yohei: "I thought Shotaro would like them. But man, I don't know what Emine eats. He seems to hate everything." chie: ..... Yohei: "I mean, we got apples, red food..." *holds up fish* "Whatever this is that you're going to mix into your pizza..." chie: .//////. oh! that reminds me *biting her lip til it bleeds a bit* had to make sure i do that... Yohei: *nods* "Bandages. Need those, too..." ("Maybe make an app to remind Dokeshi to do their conditions...") -elsewhere- Medusa: "Could you keep that music down? She's sleeping..." shaula: zzzzzzzzzzzz *drools* Medusa: "..." *smirks, pulls out permanent marker...* -elsewhere- Kid: "EIGHTH PLACE!" stocking: *claps* Black Star: "FIRST!" *he has a scraped knee* tsubaki: *smiles and puts a bandaid on his knee* Black Star: -\\\\- "Th-Thanks..." tsubaki: *she smiles* Patty: "Darn...I was too slow." liz: still, 3rd isnt a bad thing, thats a bronze metal, some people work their whole lives for that. Patty: "...I'll just steal Black Star's medal when he isn't looking..." Anya: T_T -later- Kid: o_o "Who...broke into my locker? WHERE'S MY SUIT?!" kirika: yo. Kid: "KIRIKA?! WHY ARE YOU IN THE BOYS' LOCKER ROOM?!!" kirika:... *she's in his suit, and has 3 white lines in her hair* Kid: > : ( "Get. Out. Of my. Suit." kirika: aw come on, you act like you dont have 7,000,000 of the same suit already. Kid: "8! SAY 8!" *leaps at her* kirika: *dodge* ayyyyyyyseven Kid: *face-first into a locker door* kirika: *rolls eyes* Kid: *stands up again* "...So, if you are in my suit, I assume you provided me with alternative attire to wear. I can't very well go to class dressed like this." -she hands him a very tacky suit...with an asymmetrical pattern- kirika: here ya go. Kid: *twitch twitch* "...Fine." *starts to take off his shirt--* "...Would you please leave the boys' locker room?!" kirika: alright. *exits* Kid: T_T *undressing* "I hate asymmetry..." -later- Kid: T_T Patty: "...Huh. Quite the fashion statement." stocking: *glares at kirika* kirika:....nyeh? liz: she even added hair dye..... Black Star: "Hey, Liz. Hey, Stocking. Hey, Patty. Hey, Kid. Hey, weirdo in tacky suit...Wait...Kid, when did you become a girl?" Kid: "!!!" kirika: um, *points to kid* _thats_ kid...i bought him a new suit while i borrow his. Black Star: "Ah...Ha! Good one!" *high five* kirika: yeah! soul: wow kure, you're just evil. kirika: all in good fun. Kid: *sniff* "Some fun..." T_T mizuki: pretty sick cosplay, kure. just dont let my sister see you today, she'll lecture your ear off for 'identity theft and cultural appropriation'. kirika: noted. Patty: "Selfie, Kirika?" *poses* kirika: peace! *v-sign* Kid: *hugs Stocking* "This suit is going to give me a rash..." stocking: come on, i think the nurse has a spare suit for you... Kid: *whimpers* "Thank you..." -later- Kid: -\\\\\- *putting on his pants* "Nothing better than a good suit..." stocking: yeah...*kiss on the cheeks* Kid: *blushing* "Thank you..." *adjusting his tie...* stocking: want me to help? Kid: "Oh...Yes, thank you." stocking: *adjusting his tie* there we go, nice and even. stocking:....the yellow shirt's not bad...it brings out your eyes... Kid: -\\\\- "I try to wear other colors only on special occasions...I think being here, with you, counts." stocking: *she smiles* Kid: "..." *holds her hand, kissing it* stocking: hehe~ Kid: *giggles* "I had a silly thought..." stocking: oh~? and what would that be? Kid: "You dressed in my suit. You'd pull it off better than Kirika." stocking: i could try~ maybe you would wear my dress~ Kid: -\\\\- "...Not today, at least." stocking: food for thought. Kid: "...Let me at least start in our bedroom..." stocking: ...ok. -elsewhere- Tool: -_-; "Get off my head, Io..." io: dad! Tool: "Yeah, yeah, 'Dad.' But you're heavy, even for my hard head..." *picks Io up, holding them* "What you up for, kiddo?" io: *hug* UuU Tool: "!!! ..." *hugs* io:.....zzzzz... Tool: "..." *small nuzzle before setting them down in crib* io: zzzzzzz.... Tool: *puts blanket on them, stays for a few moments to watch them* saki: *smiles* Tool: *small amount of surprise spotting Saki...before giving a small wave* saki: you're pretty good with kids. Tool: -\\\\- "Thanks...I don't know about that. Io makes it easy." saki: *she nods* well, im happy she has a father figure in her life... Tool: "I as well...I want to do whatever I can for you and Io-- !!! Um..." saki: *small blush* i appreciate it. *small kiss on the cheek* Tool: o\\\\o "Um...You're welcome." chie: awww. saki: ^^; Tool: -\\\\- "Quit that...Did you get what you needed at the grocery store?" chie: yes. we got all we needed. -elsewhere- Hibana: "Sister! You got a text message..." iris: *she checks her phone* *Text from Relan to her and Shinra* Relan: [i'm still trying to get the hang of this workout routine] *picture attached of him flexing his arm...with only a little muscle* iris: *she smiles* [you're doing great!] Relan: [thanks. :) ] shinra: [glad you're doing well.] Relan: [you two okay?] shinra: [yeah, trying to get on commander shinmon's good side, its going slow, but there's small progress] iris: [that's great to hear! everyone here is doing well. miwa is keeping sister in check.] Relan: [someone as sweet as you, Shinra, will get on his good side in no time. happy to hear, iris...miwa seems good at that] Hibana: *sneaking up behind Iris...* iris: s-sister! Hibana: "Holy moley, Boyfriend #2 is quite the cutie, isn't he?" iris: >/////<; Hibana: *hugs her from behind* "So cute...Tell Relan and Shinra I said hi. And Shinra should enjoy his new office--" miwa: *squeeky* hibana... Hibana: "Ouchie!" *frowns then growls at Miwa* iris: ^^; -elsewhere- Arthur: *sets something down in front of Tamaki's room...knocks...then runs away* tamaki: ??? *she looks around* *Outside her door is a coffee cat art* tamaki:..*smiles and drinks it* =w= Arthur: *peeks around the corner* -\\\\- -elsewhere- Kid: "Only one thing is better than putting on a suit..." stocking: and whats that? Kid: *leaps, and he's now in his boxers, his suit neatly folded in his hands* "Getting out of it." stocking: *claps* impressive! Kid: *bows* "Thank you...I could teach you that trick..." stocking: it's fine....as is the view~ Kid: "Oh, is it..." *puts hands around back of her neck* stocking: *kiss* yes. *kiss* Kid: *kisses back, his hands around her waist* "I'm...sorry for how embarrassed I was in that suit...I was whining so much." stocking: its ok...im sorry kirika put you through that......um...could you help me unzip the back of my dress? Kid: "Of course~" *puts his fingers along the zipper, slowly drawing it down as he kisses her exposed neck* stocking: *sighs softly* oh~ Kid: *unzips her dress to its lowest, tugging down on her sleeves symmetrically until her entire torso is revealed* stocking: *blushes and kisses him* Kid: *returns her kiss, his hands along her waist as he lets her dress drop* stocking: *lays down on the bed as they kiss* Kid: *he straddles her, kissing down her neck as his finger traces right under her bra* -later- stocking: nngh~ f-fuck~! Kid: *thrusting harder into her, grunting* stocking: s-so good~! *panting* Kid: *hard kiss against her mouth, as he gets closer to climaxing* "Mmm..." stocking: ah-AHH~!! >////< Kid: "AAAH!" *pants, sucking along her neck* stocking: *wrapping her legs tightly around him as she reaches her limit* Kid: *thrusting harder, faster, pinching her backside as he hits the right spot...* stocking: AHHHHHHHHH~!!<3 *her back arches as she climaxes* Kid: "You like that, don't you..." *grunts as he continues to thrust through her climax...* stocking: *moaning as her body quivers under him* Kid: "I'm so close...I'm so fucking close..." stocking: fuck me kid~! Kid: "I'm gonna fuck you so hard you'll be screaming my name for hours..." *slaps her bottom as he jerks a bit* "Ah!" stocking: k-KID! >///< Kid: "Louder!" *thrusts harder, as he clutches her breast and starts to cum* stocking: KIIIIIIID~!! >////< Kid: "AAAH!" *cums, his hand pinching her nipple as his mouth collides with her neck* stocking: *screaming out in pleasure* Kid: *pulls out of her, as he continues to play with her nipple, and licks her other one* -later- stocking: *asleep in his arms* Kid: *stroking her hair lightly, staring at her* ("This angel...Thank you, Stocking...") *kisses her forehead* stocking: *small smile in her sleep* Kid: *smiles, lies next to her, starts to fall asleep* -morning- Kid: *pats her bottom lightly* "Sore?" stocking: a little...but i'll live. *snuggles* Kid: *holds her* "Good. Thank you for last night, Angel." stocking: *she smiles* anytime, babe. *kiss* Kid: *returns the kiss* "You are more beautiful than words can properly describe." stocking: hehe~ *goes to brush her hair* Kid: *pulls on his pajama bottoms* "What would you like for breakfast?" -in asakusa- shinra: *asleep* Arthur: *trying to hold back a laugh, having put shaving cream in Shinra's hand and is holding a feather* shinra: *stirring awake* Arthur: *tickles Shinra's nose...* shinra: *slaps the cream into arthur's face and smirks* Arthur: -_- "You little shit." shinra: good morning to you too. Arthur: *wipes shaving cream away* "Thought that would've worked...You must be a light sleeper." shinra: i got up about half hour ago actually...i just wanted to humor you. Arthur: "Hmph. Early bird catches the worm, and all that nonsense...Fine. Let's just get breakfast...and don't you dare put something in my meal." Akitaru: *in another room* "Huh...Where's my shaving cream?" -later- Takehisa: *claps* "Let's get going." shinra: *already dressed* Arthur: *pulling on his jacket, a piece of bread in his mouth* Akitaru: *big bear yawn* tamaki: *kitty stretch* >^< shinra: so what's today's game plan? Arthur: -\\\\- ("Tamaki is so cute...") Takehisa: "The Commander of the 7th sent an order to us: some of us will be helping the community with part-time work, others will continue construction." Akitaru: "Oh, we get to work in the school? Fun!" Arthur: *examining instructions* "Where the heck is this place?" Takehisa: "Maki, we'll be bringing a few extra tools with us to finish construction on the restaurant." maki: right. -and so- shinra: *playing with some of the kids* girl: .....*holding her doll* Akitaru: *pushing a child carefully on a swing* child: hehe! ^^ shinra: thats a nice doll. girl:...mama gave it to me. shinra: ah. girl:.......the flames took her last year.... shinra:....oh. Akitaru: *pushes a second child on the other swing as well* child 2: yay! Akitaru: "Higher, kiddos?" -inside the shrine- hinata: *playing hide and seek with the others* tamaki: ok..now where did they go...? Arthur: *looking behind a chair that obviously has no one behind it, speaks louder than necessary* "Nope, no one here..." tamaki: found you doofus. hikage: *muffled giggling* Arthur: -_-; "Well, where are the others? I don't see them yet..." tamaki: still hiding... Arthur: "Hmm...Maybe I can help." *gets down on the floor, crawling along it like he's on a battlefield* tamaki: *sweatdrop* (thinking: he went from knight to army guy in a split second....) Arthur: *spots something--legs?--under a table...points to it like a bloodhound* boy: you found me! Arthur: "Of course I found you! I am a knight, after all." tamaki: *smiles* Arthur: *notices Tamaki, blushes* "Um...How many other children are in this game?" boy: just a few others. toshio isnt playing today though... Arthur: "??? Why isn't Toshio playing?" boy: he's feeling kind of sick. Arthur: "Has he gone to the infirmary?" hikage: *sneak sneak* Arthur: *listening* "Hear someone else, Tamaki?" -elsewhere- Kid: *smirking* kirika: *covered in whipped cream* you dick. Kid: "Consider us even." kirika: 7,7; Kid: *hands her a towel* -elsewhere- Medusa: *smirks* "I think your face looks better that way." shaula: *flips her off* Ponera: *smirks as well* "I particularly like the mustache. Very charming." -elsewhere- Relan: *looking at books in the library, his hand bumps into someone* "Oh! S-Sorry..." blonde girl: o-o# you want me to snap your neck you f*cking sh*tstain? *fire fist gauntlet* look at your sad scrawny ass, i could snap you like a damn twig. Relan: "!!! I said I was sorry!" blonde: *about to throw a punch before her collar shocks her* FUCK!....tch- you got off lucky today, fucknuts. Relan: o_____o "...I need a bathroom..." -elsewhere- Spirit: *reviewing disciplinary reports* "Some real hot-heads at this school...Thank goodness for shock collars." marie: no kidding....hard to believe the 4th actually detained a member of the hell blaze gang... -the file name reads 'Juria Itagaki' Spirit: "I got another report about Itagaki--shock collar went off, harassed a student." marie:....*sigh* what is with that girl....? Spirit: "Needs an attitude adjustment. Maybe therapy." nygus: >->;;; Spirit: "...Naigus, have a fire extinguisher ready..." nygus: understood. -elsewhere- Kid: *waves to Homura* homura: good morning kid. Kid: "Hello. How have you been?" homura: i've been well. my parents are going to be away on a business trip, so i'll basically be home alone. which gives me plenty of time to study for winter exams. Kid: *nods* "I'm sure you'll do great on the tests. I need to do more studying soon." -in the hospital- misono:..... Rin: "Hey there..." misono: *tenses..tenses further when he sees madoka* ....hello. madoka: we brought you some chocolates, since mr lilly told us you like them. misono: *gulps*...thank you. Rin: *weak smile* "You're looking better." misono: i should be out soon. the sooner i'm out, the sooner we can deal with tsubaki. madoka: *looks at rin* he means the man in the kimono. Rin: "Oh, right." *nervous laugh* "Thought you meant Black Star's partner. But yeah, when you get out, we find that dude." misono: that's good to know.....mahiru told me he found the eve of the servamp of pride, so that should be helpful to us. Rin: "Great! ...Um...'Servamp' is short for 'servant vampire,' right? Sorry, this is all new to me..." misono: yes. that would be the case. madoka: ^^; (thinking: he's more familiar with demons and angels....) Rin: "Cool, cool...Is there a book on this I could read? That'd help." -elsewhere- Yohei: *puts on goggles* "Okay...These imitate actual vision far better. Should have the biotech eyes ready in a few more weeks..." chie: how is it? Yohei: "..." *holds out a hand* "Not bad. Color is a little off..." *brings hand to his face--and accidentally hits his own face* "...Depth perception needs work." -elsewhere- kim:....*notices 3 guys* who're they? havent seen them around.... Jun: "Um...Hello, fellow young person?" kim: um....hi? yumikage: yo. Jun: "Could you direct us to the cafeteria, where people dine on various meals?" *nervous sweat* kim: its just down the hall. Jun: "Could you direct us to the cafeteria, where people dine on various meals?" *nervous sweat* kim: its just down the hall. mio: is that guy in his pajamas?.....if i can come here in pajamas i'd never change clothes. Tsurugi: *twitch* "THESE AREN'T PAJAMAS! THEY ARE COMFORTABLE!" mio: still. Tsurugi: *twitch twitch, glares at Mio* Meme: *serene smile, as she glares at Tsurugi* "Is there a problem?" Tsurugi: ._. mio: o-o; Jun: "Um...Thank you for the instructions to the cafeteria..." Jacqueline: "We haven't seen you around this school before. Are you new?" yumikage: we're transfer students from out of town. Jun: *nods* "Y-Yeah...I'm--" yumikage: just call me yomika, that's junpei, and thats- Tsurugi: "Tsurugi." kim: well then. tsugumi: its nice to meet you all. *smiles* Tsurugi: *grunt* Jun: "A pleasure." -elsewhere- Benimaru: "What is the progress?" kabuki: most of the buildings have been reconstructed. Benimaru: "I will admit, progress has been faster, even with these fools from the 8th." Konru: "That's a high compliment, coming from you." kabuki: have you considered their offer of collaborating? Benimaru: "...I have. I will speak with Commander Obi." kabuki: *he smiles* Benimaru: "Have you seen the Commander around?" kabuki: i think he's at the shrine's school... Benimaru: *nods, departs* -at the shrine- kirei: oh, benimaru, good to see you. *she smiles* Benimaru: *bows* "You as well. I was looking for Commander Obi." kirei: ah, i think he should be outside...*she walks him to where the yard was, several children still there* Akitaru: *has kids hanging off his arms as he lifts arms up and down* child: whee! Benimaru: "..." *glances at Shinra* "They're having fun." shinra: yeah. *he smiles* make sense, he's pretty good with kids. Akitaru: "Oh, hey, Commander! Shinra, could you watch the kids for a second?" shinra: oh, sure thing! *Akitaru and Benimaru stand apart from the kids, talking just out of earshot but in view of Shinra...* shinra: *showing them fire top* kids: woah! *In the distance, Benimaru talks at length, Akitaru just listening...Then Benimaru holds out a hand. Akitaru smiles widely and shakes it enthusiastically, startling Benimaru who still shakes back with a nervous smile* [Benimaru just said he is warming up, not that he is necessarily fully on board, but that the 8th can consider the 7th allies.] tamaki: *looking around* misora:...... Arthur: "What's going on?" tamaki: not sure. misora:.....*walking away* Arthur: "Hey, Misora? Feeling okay?" misora: hmm? oh, im just fine~ still a bit sleepy though. Arthur: "Maybe lie down and nap in the infirmary?" misora: i was gonna go do that, but i'll miss watching beni-chan. *pouts* Arthur: *looks at Benimaru* "What is it with everyone being attracted to that guy?" tamaki: *shrug* Tsukiyo: *hops up behind Misora* "So, you staring at dat ass?" misora: o//w//o Tsukiyo: *remembering spying on Benimaru in the hot spring* "I've seen him. It's quite nice." misora: tell me all the details! tamaki: -_-; Tsukiyo: *smirks* "For the right price. Give me what I want, and I'll tell you which cheek has the cutest little mole on it~" tamaki: OH MY GOD! *walking away* Arthur: *follows Tamaki* tamaki: honestly, those two.... -///-; Arthur: "Yes. Quite immature...I mean, obsessing over someone like that..." ("...Tamaki is so pretty...") -elsewhere- sayaka: hot spring...hot spring.....ah! here it is! Rin: "You sure about this?" mahiru: yeah. it's our best bet. sayaka: hello- tetsu: hey. sayaka: YIKES! you startled me! Rin: "Um...Hi?" tetsu: *notices mahiru* friends of yours? mahiru: yeah, long story. tetsu: ah, i'll get you guys a spare room then. follow me. madoka:... Rin: "Hey..." *pats her shoulder* "You okay?" madoka: *she nods* yeah. sayaka: this is a nice place. tetsu: thanks. it's been in the family for generations. sayaka: neato....*peers into the room* O_O;;; is that a coffin?! tetsu: of course. madoka: o-o (thinking: he's saying it so casually!) Rin: "You...keep a coffin...right there? Um, why?" tetsu: that's where hugh sleeps. Rin: "WHO SLEEPS IN A COFFIN?!" tetsu: a vampire. sayaka: O_O;;;; madoka: sayaka, we see paranormal things all the time, and we're magical girls. sayaka: oh right. still suffering culture shock from the whole vampire thing, ahahaha... ^^' tetsu: you're magical girls? sayaka: puella magi actually. Rin: "Yeah! I mean, not me. I just see supernatural stuff. A lot. Not like I wear dresses or anything." *awkward cough* mahiru: -_-; tetsu: cool. oi, hugh, we have guests who want to meet you. Hugh: *yawn* "I am not yet done...I wanted more rest..." mahiru: isnt kuro supposed to be the servamp of sloth? -_-; Hugh: "You just caught me at a moment of intense focus, wherein my powers of observation and intense mental focus were rendered null by deleterious activities prior." *looks at the group, slight bow* sayaka: *SQUEEEEE* OHMYGODHE'SADORABLE!! mahiru: O-O; is she...usually like this? madoka:....*sigh* at times. -elsewhere- Rino: o_____o "I am never going into Maki's room again." iris: *sigh* nozomi: .....*looking over files* Hibana: *opens one file* "Still no lead on the bugs..." gabriella: im sure we'll find something soon. miwa: just got to keep trying. Hibana: "We better. I doubt that gorilla is going to get Commander Grumpy Pants to help..." miwa: you never know. iris: we got _you_ to help with a little understanding, right sister? Hibana: -_-; "That is only because you, Shinra, and Gabby are just too adorable. The gorilla, not so much..." nayumi: *looking at files* sayu: who're those guys? nayumi: 'hell blaze gang'? looks like arrest warrants on them.... Hibana: "Jeez...Look at the tats on that one. Creepy..." iris: even their leader is unknown.... Rino: "Ew...I think that one used to hang outside my school. Pervert." gabriella: hmm... 'juria itagaki, currently in detainment by the 4th brigade'.... Hibana: "Jeez, the 4th really will recruit anyone, huh?" gabriella: first a guy who nearly killed his own sister, now a hell blaze gang member? how does commander arg handle it......or was it commander hague? Hibana: "Commander Asshole, is more like it. Am I right?" *holds up her hand* Rino: -_-; "No." gabriella: *high five* -elsewhere- Gopher: -\\\\\- "I thought you looked quite stylish in your brother's suit." kirika: thanks, i guess. 7-7 i was just doing it for sh*ts and giggles though. Gopher: "...You should wear a suit more often. It suits you." *snort* kirika:....woooow really? Gopher: "It was kinda funny." .W. kirika: yeah kinda. kotone:..... Gopher: "How are you, Kotone?" kotone:.....it was funny.... kirika: *not saying anything* Gopher: *nervous squirming* "Um...Would anyone like a snack? Drinks?" -later that evening- belkia: AW WHO JUST BLUE SHELLED ME?! otogiri: *the culprit. not saying a word* Mr. Tsubaki: "Children, play nice...because I have Round 2." sakuya: ....... lilac: *reading* belkia: *playing but is distracted by the moans and grunts from the other room* OI! HIGAN! LAV! SHADDAP IN THERE! *sigh* honestly, so rude..... otogiri: at least some of use are getting laid. belkia:.....below the belt, giri-oto. sakuya: *wince* ow. sick burn. Mr. Tsubaki: T_T belkia: while our love lives may be in the pits, we still have lots of games! QwQ Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *cries more* otogiri:....*pap pap* Higan: "AAAAAH!" lavender: OH GOD YES~! belkia: QwQ want to go out and wreck some havoc? Mr. Tsubaki: "Yes, please." -and so- Mr. Tsubaki: *giggling* belkia: the trap is set, let the games begin... *rings the doorbell* Mr. Tsubaki: "...Huh?" belkia: hide! hide! Mr. Tsubaki: "Oh!" *darts one way, then another, before hiding in the bushes* -the resident of the house is doused in orange juice- resident: WHAT THE FUCK?! Mr. Tsubaki: *snicker snicker* "I think they got their daily dose of Vitamin C, for, 'See?! We punked your ass!'" resident: hey! who the hell is out there?! Mr. Tsubaki: "...Crap...Um..." *looks around where to run* -elsewhere- Kid: "You sure I can't convince you to stay here for Thanksgiving, Liz?" liz: sorry, but hey, there's always next year. Kid: *nods* "It will be strange, as we each are going to our significant other's for Thanksgiving. How is Patty taking the news?" liz: a bit disappointed, but she said she'd survive. we have our aunt, uncle, and cousins here, right? Kid: *smiles, nods* "Indeed. Any chance Soul will be joining you?" liz: yeah. stein said he'd go with too to monitor him in case... nevermind. Kid: "..." *nods* "Right..." *pats her shoulder* "He'll be fine." liz: *she nods* Kid: "I was about to make some tea--interested?" liz: sure. Kid: *smiles, as he heats up the water* "I am happy for you and Wes, and I hope things are okay." -elsewhere- Emine: *stares intently at Lin* lin: *cooking* *whistling* Emine: "Do you need help with that?" lin: you did do your bad deed today, right? Emine: *nods* "I duct-taped Shotaro to the wall..." Shotaro: *in the basement* "...Is this really much of a bad deed? It's kinda fun!" mono:......im not going to talk about what he did to me. -///-; lin: well, then im sure it's alright... Emine: "Okay. Just tell me what to do..." -elsewhere- Benimaru: *staring at Akitaru, then turns to Shinra* "Your commander trains how many hours per day?" shinra: yeah. Benimaru: "...Yikes." Akitaru: *saying goodbye to kids for the day* Benimaru: "Why train that hard? Why would anyone who is not a Second Generation at least join the Brigade?" shinra: we all have our reasons... -one of the children is a young girl with black hair in two pigtails- Akitaru: "..." *smiles at her* "You have an okay day today?" girl: *she nods* Akitaru: *pats her head* "Then let's make tomorrow even better, alright?" girl: ok! *she smiles* Akitaru: *smiles, wipes his eyes, grins widely* -the girls parents have arrived to take her home- mama: did you have fun today, ayase-chan? ayase: *she nods* yes mama! -the 3 walk away- Akitaru: "..." *turns, walking back towards Shinra and Benimaru* shinra: you ok, commander? Akitaru: *wiping his eyes* "Yeah...I'm okay..." shinra:...are you sure? *concerned* Akitaru: *nods, trying to keep a brave face* "Yeah, don't worry about me." *pats Shinra's shoulder* "Let's get some dinner." Benimaru: "..." *looks like he...was expecting an invitation?* shinra: did you want to come too? Benimaru: "...Fine. I needed dinner anyway." shinra:...*small smile* *Multiple villagers surround Shinra, Akitaru, and Benimaru* Akitaru: "...Um..." Villagers: "BENI-CHAN! CAN WE GO WITH YOU FOR DINNER, TOO?!" Benimaru: "..." *facepalm* shinra: OwO; (thinking: yikes!) -SMOKE BOMB- Akitaru: "?!!!" -someone grabs the 3 of them and takes off into an alley- Akitaru: "Let go of me!" fang-hua: commander, are you alright? Benimaru: "..." *relatively okay with this* ("Beats the crowds...") "I am alright. Thank you, Kohana." fang-hua: --; how about you two? shinra: im ok... Akitaru: *nods* "Impressive work, Fang-Hua!" fang-hua: *she smiles* thanks. shinra: so then does having a lot of explosives relate to your 2nd gen ability? fang-hua: somewhat, i can just control how fast or slow the spark goes. Benimaru: "Fang-Hua, I think I'll need my disguise for sneaking out to dine." fang-hua: hmmm....*looking around the alley*.... kabuki: young master. *hands it to him* shinra: woah! how did yo- kabuki: call it a kitsune's intuition~<3 Benimaru: "Thank you, Kabuki..." *puts on the jacket, hat, and glasses* Akitaru: "So...Any restaurant you recommend? The one from the night before was good." -elsewhere- Relan: [texting Iris: "she was really scary. thank goodness for the shock collar"] iris: [im just glad you're safe.] Relan: [thanks. how has your day been?] iris: [it's been well.] Relan: [that's good. things okay at the 8th?] Rino: "WHY IS SHE EVEN DRAWING THESE KINDS OF THINGS?!" iris: >w>; [eventful] Relan: [yeah. i came home and found commander giovanni looking at buttons's cage...creepy] Hibana: *looking at Maki's illustrations* "I've seen worse..." miwa:...that's quite detailed.....does hinawa even _have_ a birthmark there? iris: [try to be careful, ok?] Relan: [will do...can i ask something else?] iris: [what is it?] Relan: [is it uncomfortable for me to end a text with 'love u'?] iris: [if you want to, then im sure it's alright. ^^] Relan: [okay...love u] iris: [love you too. ^^] Relan: -\\\\- Rino: *collapses at the kitchen table* "I am exhausted from this work..." -morning- Kid: *whistling* stocking: *hug* morning handsome~ Kid: *smiles* "Morning, beautiful." stocking: *smooch* hehe~ Kid: "How are you feeling?" stocking: good, and you? Kid: "Great...but I am thinking already about Christmas gifts..." stocking: oh~? Kid: "Maybe visit some shops soon, get some ideas for post-Thanksgiving sales?" stocking: sounds good. Kid: *holds her hand* "Thanks. I was hoping to find some good gifts for Mom, Dad, Shiori, Kirika...Liz, Patty..." *teases* "Isn't there someone else I should be buying a gift?" stocking: *pouts and pokes his cheeks* mean! >n< Kid: *giggles* "I'm kidding!" stocking: i know~ *smooch on the nose* Kid: *blushes, hugs her* "Love you." -at school- Jacqueline: "I'm just saying, those three new students look a little old." kim: maybe, but i like the way that tsurugi guy thinks. Jacqueline: "...Seriously?" kim: *whistling* tsugumi: jackie, are you having a hard time....diehl-ing with her? kim:.............you fucking didnt. Jacqueline: -_- "Stop." tsugumi:..... QwQ i thought it was funny... ao: *laughing* Anya: *annoyed look at Ao* Jacqueline: "What is it about that Tsurugi person that you're tolerating? I just get a bad feeling around them..." kim: any lover of money is cool in my book! ^w^ Jacqueline: *pinches Kim's cheek* "Greedy..." kim: ow! >3< Jacqueline: "Sometimes you're too greedy for your own good..." -elsewhere- Relan: *points* "That's the really violent fire person..." iris: ah...um....excuse me. juria: eh? what do you want, midget b*tch? iris:....im going to have to ask you to leave relan alone. he didnt do anything to you...right? juria:...oh that brat? ........fuckin....look, i got my ear talked off last night, so im a bit bitter about it, but surpisingly, im rather calm when im bitter, so im gonna let this one slide, but tomorrow, look out. Relan: *peeks up from behind Iris* "W-We don't want any trouble..." juria: consider yourself lucky, punk. *walking away* stupid shock collar.... Relan: *sigh of relief* "Thank you, Iris." iris: im just glad you're ok... Relan: *smiles* "I'm glad she didn't attack you..." iris: yeah...im not exactly built for combat. Relan: "I'm not sure I am either. It's why I try to work out." iris:....maybe later, we can stop by asakusa? Relan: "Yeah, and see Shinra?" iris: *she smiles and nods* Relan: "Cool! I'd like that. When would you want to head over?" iris: maybe after school? Relan: *nods* "Okay! I'll see you at the front steps, then?" -elsewhere- Arthur: "Okay, this post is secured!" tamaki: this one's good to go. Takehisa: *checks off on the list* "Good. Let's move onto the next building for inspection." Konro: *slowly walking with others to follow progress* "With the extra builders here, we finished sooner than expected." kabuki: indeed.....?? *notices two individuals* oh? Relan: *waves awkwardly to Kabuki* "Hello, fellow Fire Brigade member. We're from the 8th. I mean, she's from the 8th, I'm from the 3rd--" kabuki: oh? tamaki: oh, iris, and........relan, was it? Relan: *nods* "And you're...Kotatsu?" tamaki: yeah...lookin for shinra, i take it? iris: yes actually. Relan: *looking around* "Wow...This all looks new." tamaki: yeah...shinra's back at the ryokan. come on. Relan: "Oh...Are you all heading back there, or still working?" -and so- shinra: rel! iris! *hugs them both* Relan: o\\\\o "H-Hi..." *pat pat* shinra: so what brings you by? iris: we wanted to see how you were all doing. Relan: *nods* "You're looking well..." shinra: *smiles* -he tells them all that has happened- Relan: "Oh...The Commander of the 7th isn't that scary?" shinra: at first maybe, but he's alright i guess... Relan: "That's good to hear..." *tentative poke at Shinra's arm* "Working out?" shinra: yeah... *blush* iris: .....i'll go check on the commander. Akitaru: *outside in the dining room* Relan: "O-Oh...Okay..." iris: *goes to the dining room* Akitaru: "Iris!" *bear hug* iris: good to see you too, commander. ^^ maki: iris! we missed you! Akitaru: "How's everything back at the 8th?" iris:....not a dull moment. Akitaru: "..." *frowns* "What did Hibana do?" iris:........*she explains the situation* miwa's been keeping her on a tight leash though.... Akitaru: *massaging his temples* "Jeez, that Hibana...Remind me to thank Miwa when we get back home." iris: noted ^^; Akitaru: *leans back in chair* "Well, with these repairs just about done, we should be heading back to the 8th soon. Just have to convince Benimaru..." iris: understood. Akitaru: "You staying here tonight, Iris, or heading back to the 8th?" iris: i might head back...i dont know about relan though... Akitaru: "Alright. Sell, if you stay over, we can make room." iris: *she nods* ok, but i think i will head back, to check on nozomi... Akitaru: *nods* "Thanks...How is she?" iris: she's...been doing better....checking through files... Akitaru: "So, keeping busy? Anything she discovered?" iris: *she explains her findings* Akitaru: "The 4th...Better keep an eye on them." iris: *she nods* Akitaru: *stretches* "Well, after that long day of work, I need a bath. See you back at the 8th soon, Iris!" -later that evening- Relan: *stands with Iris, waving at Shinra* "We'll see you soon." shinra: *he hugs them and kisses them both on the cheek* Relan: *slight blush* -later- Akitaru: "Doin' alright, Shinra?" shinra: yeah, it was nice to see them. *he smiles* Akitaru: *nods* "They doing okay?" shinra: *he nods* Akitaru: "That's good..." Arthur: *moping* shinra: ??? Akitaru: "Arthur?" Arthur: "...I am happy for you, Shinra..." *pouts* shinra: um...thanks arthur... Arthur: "But I'm still here...and I need help with my...plan for a date." Akitaru: "???" shinra:.....um.... Arthur: "I need a restaurant, a valet, a carriage, and a horse." shinra:.....dude what? Arthur: "I, as the knight, require a steed and carriage to carry the Cat Princess to the date that awaits her." shinra:........................................................no comment. Arthur: "So, will you be the carriage driver or not? I have the suit planned for you already." shinra: O-O Arthur: *holds up the suit...* -elsewhere- Hibana: "Oh, you're back!" iris: *she nods* shinra and the others are doing well. Hibana: "...Are you okay?" iris: *she tells them all what happened* while shinra appreciates the thought, he declined your offer on the office. Hibana: -_-; "Maybe you should've done a better job selling him on the idea..." iris: ^^; Hibana: "How did the gorilla react when you told him what I was going to do to his office?" iris: he was annoyed, oh! miwa, good job keeping sister in check. miwa: no problem ^^ Hibana: *temper twitch* "Traitor..." nayumi: *giggles* gabriella: its ok hibana...*kisses her on the cheek* Hibana: -\\\\- *huggies* Rino: "So, Iris, how are Boyfriends 1 and 2?" iris: shinra and relan are doing good. -morning- Kid: *sighs* stocking: you ok kid? *concerned* Kid: *nods* "Just thinking...I don't want to embarrass you at Thanksgiving..." stocking: *smile* it'll be fine kid...trust me. Kid: *nods* "I...feel like it will go fine. I just get nervous as I try to figure out every last detail so that everything is precise and perfect." stocking: *chuckles* you're so cute kiddo.... Kid: *blushes, smiles* "I try..." *inhales, exhales* "Okay. I'll do my best." stocking: *she smiles* Kid: "Well, onto more immediate matters..." *puts on apron* "What would you like for breakfast, my sweet~?" -elsewhere- kurome: papa! Kurogiri: *deep but comforting voice* "Kurome! Daddy loves you~" kurome: hehehe! ^^ Kurogiri: "Papa has a coloring book and crayons for you--non-toxic, too!" kurome: *shiny eyes* -outside the room- yuuji: he's been in there a while... Dabi: "Just tending to his ankle-biter..." ???: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHGH!!! *SLAM* WHAT THE HELL IS THIS SHIT?! *points to a positive pregnancy test* WHO THE HELL HAD THE AUDACITY TO THROW AWAY A POOR INNOCENT IPOD SHUFFLE?!?! Dabi: ._____. "...I'm not pregnant." yuuji: what?! sachi: DONT LOOK AT ME! >///< himiko:...... >w>;;;;;;;; Dabi: "...Oh no..." himiko: .....*throws confetti* surprise dabi! or should i say 'daddy'? yuuji: *about to throw up* Dabi: .__________. (walks into the bathrooms, shuts the door--and screams) villain: dammit toga do we need to get shiragaki to kink shame you again?! himiko: I DIDNT MEAN IT LIKE THAT!!.....this time. Dabi: *opens the door* "...Are you really pregnant?" yuuji: wow, kurogiri is probably going to skin him alive....i'll go call the morticians. himiko: yup! 8D sachi: *hug* congrats himiko! Dabi: "...Himiko, we have a lot to discuss..." himiko: 8D 8D 8D yuuji: holy shit, are you actually going to take responsibility for once? who the fuck are you and where's dabi? Dabi: "Question #1: How many months can we still have sex?" yuuji: and there he is. sachi: *PUNCH* RUDE! D8< Dabi: *knocked to the floor* "It was...a legitimate, fair question..." sachi: still! >n< yuuji: *sending a text to kurogiri* Kurogiri: "Oh, a text from Yuuji that says--" o_______O *Muffled yell* kurome: ?? ???: rest in pieces. hey when you die, can i get your porn mags? Dabi: "Hell no. I'm getting buried with those." *Warp Gate opens--and Kurogiri's hands reach out and start strangling Dabi* Dabi: O_______O ???: fuck you ma- HOLY! Kurogiri: *angrish screaming* himiko: owo~? Kurogiri: "YOU DARE DEFILE HER LIKE THIS?!" Dabi: *choking* yuuji: *filming on his phone* Dabi: *struggling* "Help me, you bastards!" yuuji: soon soon. sachi: *laughing* himiko: my baby's gonna be so cuuuute! kurome's gonna have a playmate and it's gonna be totes adorbs!! Dabi: *eyes rolling back into his head* Kurogiri: "...A playmate?" *drops Dabi, walks towards Himiko* "...Yes, that is quite adorable." himiko: I KNOW! *shiny eyes* yuuji: aaand posted. Dabi: *drooling on the floor* Shigaraki: *opens door, holding a glass, wearing bunny slippers...sees the sight in front of him...closes the door again* -elsewhere- Relan: "Doing okay, Buttons?" buttons: ^o^ Relan: "The Commander didn't bother you, did he?" buttons: *nuzzles against his hand* Relan: "That's good...You're such a great pet." *pet pet* -elsewhere- Black Star: *YAAAAAAWN* tsubaki: zzzz.... Black Star: *knocks* "Tsubaki? I'm done in the shower." tsubaki: *yawn* Black Star: *knocks again, puts his hand along the door knob* tsubaki: its open. Black Star: *opens, enters slightly, wearing a towel* "Hey. I finished in the shower--it's all yours. You okay?" tsubaki: yeah. *she nods* just resting. *she gets up and goes to the shower* Black Star: *watches her go to the shower; when she shuts the door behind her, he walks to his room to dress* tsubaki: *sigh* ..... Black Star: *in his room, takes off his towel, starts getting dressed* ("She's still so worried about all of this...") -elsewhere- Yohei: "More ginger ale?" chie: *nods* TT-TT Yohei: *pours another glass, hands it to her* "Next doctor's appointment is when?" chie: this weekend. Yohei: *holds her hand* "I'll be there." chie: *she smiles* Shotaro: *peeks into the room* "Chie? I got something for the baby..." chie: oh? what is it? Shotaro: *holds up a unicorn doll* "Tah dah!" chie: awww, how cute! Yohei: "Cool." *pats Shotaro's head* Shotaro: "Hee hee..." -elsewhere- Benimaru: *holding a clipboard* "...This building looks off." tamaki: *facefault* you're kidding! Arthur: "!!!" tamaki: TT^TT Benimaru: *points to one wall* "I want another coat of paint here. My residents deserve better than half-hearted craftsmanship." Tsukiyo: *wearing a construction helmet, overalls, and holding a shovel* shinra: understood sir, we'll try our hardest.... Benimaru: *shoves a can of paint and brush into Shinra's hands* "See that you do." shinra: yes sir!....*sigh* Tsukiyo: "Sir, you need a helmet to protect your beautiful head from any damage in this construction site~!" Benimaru: *now in a helmet* "..." fang-hua: well, it would be bad if you got injured.... Benimaru: "I destroy buildings on a periodic basis--" Tsukiyo: "And that's very hot!" Benimaru: "--that I am sure debris will not harm me..." fang-hua: still, cant be too careful sir... Benimaru: -\\\\- "Fine." fang-hua: *she smiles* Benimaru: *checking walls* "Hmm...This screw needs to be tightened..." Tsukiyo: *opens her mouth...* fang-hua: tsukiyo no. Tsukiyo: *pouts, holds up screwdriver* "Fine...I'll do it..." *screws* -elsewhere- Kid: "Been awhile since home ec..." stocking: yeah. seems we're making tarts. Kid: "Excellent." *hands an apron to Stocking* -it has an angel wing design- Kid: *kid's has an 8 on the front* stocking: hehe~ Kid: *blushes* "I hope to make the tart sweet enough." stocking: im sure you will~ Kid: "Hmm...Lemon, strawberry, orange curds..." *removes some lemon rinds* -elsewhere- lilac: s-school...a-admission forms? Mr. Tsubaki: "Will that be a problem?" lilac: um...n-no! not at all s-sir! Mr. Tsubaki: *nods* "And keep an eye on this one..." *slides a photo to Lilac, of Tsubaki Nakatsukasa* lilac: um...o-ok sir.... Mr. Tsubaki: "Enjoy school~" lilac:....*gulp*..... Mr. Tsubaki: "Oh! And you'll need a new backpack, some pencils, one of those 'Keeper of Traps'...Trapper Keeper" belkia: should he go for a school uniform or nah? Shamrock: "The Academy does have a variety of uniforms..." *holds up a skirt* lilac: um....i-if i should wear that...t-then i guess i could..... Mr. Tsubaki: -_-; "Don't tease him with a skirt. Let him pick his own uniform..." lilac:..t-thank you..... Shamrock: "Hmph...Fine. Maybe a shirt and tie would suit you better..." lilac: m-m-maybe..... Shamrock: "Well, let me get your measurements. Arms out!" lilac: *gulps and does so* >////< Shamrock: *puts measurement tape around waist* "You've been gaining weight?" lilac: i-i-is that bad?? Shamrock: "Depends. You eating enough?" lilac: i-i think so.... -elsewhere- Kid: *sniffs* "Ah~" stocking: mmmm~ >w< Kid: *hands one to Stocking* "Lovely..." stocking: *nom and happy shudders* so yummy~! Kid: *quivers with happiness* "So glad to hear." stocking: hehe~ Kid: *tastes the tart, quivers* "So tasty." stocking: *licks some of the cream off his lip* Kid: o\\\\o stocking: surprised~? Kid: "...You always surprise me, in good ways, every single day." soul: get a room! Kid: *smirks* "Already have one~" soul: DUDE!! liz: *clasps hands and covers mouth* bruh... Kid: -\\\- "Sorry. Couldn't resist." stocking: *stifled laughter* Relan: ("Happy that weird rabbit girl isn't here...") *holding a cherry pie...that somehow caught on fire* iris: r-relan!! Relan: T_T "I just wanted the pie to come out well. WHY DOES EVERYTHING I COOK GET CAUGHT ON FIRE?!" nozomi: *got the fire extinguisher out* *SPRAYS* iris: you arent hurt are you? Relan: T_T "Just my pride. Thank you for our concern, Iris." iris: im sure you'll get it one day. Relan: *nods, small smile despite tears* -elsewhere- Spirit: *in teachers' lounge, showing Halloween pics to Marie* "Such a cute costume...I mean, badass for Batman, but still cute." marie: awww *showing pics of christa's little lamb costume* Spirit: *shiny eyes* "Awwwwwwwww!" marie: i know!! >w< Yumi: *shows photos of Shiori* -elsewhere- Arthur: "...You got paint on your nose." shinra: oh. *wiping it off* did i get it? Arthur: *smirks* "I was kidding. _Now_ you got paint on your nose." shinra:....you're a dick....tamakiiii!! tamaki: hmm? shinra: arthur is picking on me! Arthur: "I was just teasing!" tamaki: come on you two, be nice. Arthur: "...I was just having a little fun..." tamaki: *rolls eyes and gets back to work, adjusting her overall straps* Arthur: -\\\\- ("Such a cute tigress...") -elsewhere- Ponera: *tending to Neian while Medusa naps* "Such a cutie~" neian: mugu.... *teething on a chewy ring* Ponera: "Soon your little snake fangs will poke through, huh, baby~?" neian: hehe! Ponera: "Grimmy! Take a photo!" grimoire: alright. *prepping the camera* neian: dada! grimoire: ..... Ponera: o\\\\o grimoire: im afraid not, young one. neian: TnT Ponera: "Aww, it's okay, Neian! We're all here for you~" grimoire: even your aunt, as much of a 'neat' as she is. Ponera: *snort laugh* "Neet..." shaula: rude. Ponera: "Oh, hello there! Say 'hi' to your Aunt Shaula, Neian!" neian: hi! -elsewhere- Black Star: "Sure you're okay?" tsubaki: *she nods* yes...mifune asked me to watch over angela and yuma while he's on a job. normally he'd ask kyouko, but she has work elsewhere... Black Star: "Ah...That sounds like a two-person job, though. I'm joining you on this!" tsubaki: *she smiles* Black Star: "Anything to pick up after school before heading over?" -elsewhere- Takehisa: "Another light bulb, please, Maki." maki: here you go! hopefully this lights up your life! >w< Takehisa: "..." *on the ladder, leans down, pats her head* "Humorous." maki: hehe~ you got to admit, it was funny. Takehisa: "As I said, 'humorous.'" *puts in light bulb* "That's the last." *descends ladder* "Turn on the lights." -the lights flicker on- Takehisa: *small smile* "Nice." maki: hehe! ^^ Takehisa: *pats his brow* "I think this calls for a late lunch break." maki: ramen? Takehisa: *nods* "I'm buying." maki: yay! Takehisa: *small smile as he leads her* "Tamaki, Shinra, Arthur, we will be getting--" Arthur: *dosed in red paint* "..." shinra: ._.; tamaki: *stringing shinra up by his ankles* Takehisa: "...What...did you all do?" tamaki: long story. you wouldnt believe us even if we told you. shinra: please get me down. Takehisa: "..." *pulls out gun, fires it at the rope holding up Shinra* shinra: !!!! -bwoof- shinra: owowowowow.... tamaki: im amazed that didnt go badly for me. Takehisa: "Tamaki, get Arthur cleaned up. Shinra, get to the infirmary. Maki, let's get to--" *Door opens* tamaki: OW! x-x unyaaaaa...... Akitaru: "Hey, guys! How is--" *sees what has happened, including knocking into Tamaki* "..." *slowly closes door* tamaki: serinaaaaaa..... -and so- Akitaru: "Owie..." Arthur: *in his boxers, being hosed down* Q_Q "That water is cold..." padma: -_-; honestly... Takehisa: *slurps on ramen* serina: *tending to tamaki and shinra's injuries* tamaki: thank you serina... qwq serina: it's not a problem. Takehisa: *passes another cup to Maki* Konro: *small laugh at Shinra and Tamaki* "Surprised to see you two at the infirmary." tamaki: i dun wanna talk about it q^q maki: *nom nom* Takehisa: -\\\\- Akitaru: *holding icebag to his head* "Some punch you got, Tamaki." >_< shinra: are you feeling any better? tamaki: 737; Akitaru: "Heh...I'll live." Konro: "Well, you're in good hands. Serina is one of your best." padma: indeed she is. Akitaru: *small smile* "Things are coming along well here. Notwithstanding limitations..." Arthur: "Where are my new clothes while I get mine clean? I'm freezing in just my royal boxers..." maki: thats good. give or take, we'll be home in no time! Tsukiyo: "Here you go~" *holds up speedos* Arthur: -_-; "No." shinra: *snerk* padma: -_- the ryokan owner was kind enough to lend you a robe. Tsukiyo: "Let's put it to a vote: all those in favor, say 'aye'!" tamaki: *small raise of the hand* Arthur: *trying to grab the robe* Akitaru: "..." *smirks at Tamaki* Arthur: o\\\\\\\\o Takehisa: "..." *glances at Maki* tamaki: oh shush you! Akitaru: "I didn't say anything ^^" maki: *thinking* its tempting. but i'll spare him. -elsewhere- Relan: T_T "My poor burnt cherry pie..." *small head-slam against his locker door* iris: *pap pap* you did your best. Relan: "But it sucked...And I didn't get to share a slice of cherry pie with you or Shinra..." iris:...why dont we go to deathbucks? Relan: *nods* -at the cafe- Relan: *shiny eyes at the slice of pie* waitress: enjoy the meal. iris: thank you. Relan: "Yes, thank you!" Relan: *takes a bite, smiles* iris: *enjoying her drink* -mikami and ryuuko enter and take a seat- iris: oh, mikami, ryuuko, good to see you. ryuuko: you as well, sister. *she nods* Relan: *small wave* "How are you?" mikami: we're doing well. ryuuko: we're on a date. mikami: >///< ryuuko-chan, you're so blunt. Relan: ._. "Oh! Congratulations!" iris: ah, thats good to know. ^^ Relan: "You picked a good cafe, at least...Really good dessert!" ryuuko: *she smiles* i can understand why it's so popular. usually we visit the branch on main street plaza, but its nice to see the original. Relan: *nods* "We came here for the cherry pie. What kind of meal will you get on your date?" ryuuko:....cream soda. *shiny eyes* mikami: i think i might get some chocolate cake. Relan: *smiles, then looks at Iris* "Oh, you got a little cherry on your lip." -elsewhere- Kid: *points to one doll in the mall shop window* "That's one gift I was thinking for Shiori." liz: it's so cute. Kid: *smiles* "And I was thinking about what to get Mother and Father..." liz: maybe some mugs? Kid: "Hmm...What should I have written on them?" Patty: "..." *small smirk* -elsewhere in the mall- stocking: *she just purchased her gift for kid* Rin: "Oh, hey, Stocking!" stocking: hmm? oh, hey rin, hows it going? or would you prefer 'uncle'? haha! Rin: -_-; "Rin is fine...I'm just shopping early for some Christmas gifts. You?" stocking: same here...so are you going to come over for thanksgiving dinner or nah? Rin: "I'll be there. Hope you like spicy cornbread stuffing!" *big innocent smile* stocking: sure...*sweatdrop* (thinking: *cringe*) is kyouko coming too, or is she staying at the monastery with your dad? Rin: "I think so..." stocking: ah. and your brother? Rin: "Most definitely! He's been needing to loosen up." stocking: ah, i see. *she nods* well, i should get going, see you then? Rin: "Yep! See ya! Good luck shopping!" -elsewhere- Black Star: *coloring with Angela* angela: *doodling herself and a young boy in a top hat holding hands with hearts* ^///^ Black Star: "...Top hats?" *Excalibur face* angela: he's the boy from the hot spring. ^^ tsubaki: aw, how cute. Black Star: "Oh, that guy? Okay, now I remember him...Got a crush on him?" angela: >//w//< tsubaki: *almost dying of cuteness* Black Star: "I guess next time we pass by the hot spring you can go say 'hi' to him..." -elsewhere- Konro: "Fang-Hua, I finished washing Arthur's clothes. Please take them to him." fang-hua: right away sir. *she heads to the ryokan and goes to his room* mr boyle? Arthur: *slides open the door--he's in a change of clothes* "Yeah? Oh, hey, Fang-Hua! I got the robe to return..." fang-hua: ah. well, here's your clothes back. Arthur: *small laugh* "I rarely hear that. Thanks." fang-hua: no problem. Arthur: "You hungry? Hinawa is a great cook." fang-hua: sure. Takehisa: "Maki, pass me the salt..." *stirring the stew* maki: here you go. fang-hua: need any help? Takehisa: *nods* "Please chop the vegetables into cubes." fang-hua: understood. *doing that* maki: you're pretty good at that. fang-hua: thanks. i know, it seems kind of stereotypical, but when my parents werent home, i was usually in charge, being the oldest. Takehisa: "Good work ethic." fang-hua: *she nods* my family works with fireworks and explosives. one day, one of my brothers, jin, accidently ignited one of them, and when i went to stop it, i held the spark in place. thats how i discovered i was a 2nd gen ability user. maki: neat. Takehisa: "Hmm. No one else in your family has fire abilities?" fang-hua: i think i inherited it from my mom's side of the family. i know my maternal grandfather had those abilities, but he passed away when i was young. i think my mom has them too, but she doesnt use them too often. Takehisa: *remembering first time he saw a person spontaneously combust...* fang-hua: i joined the brigade because i wanted to use my abilities to help others, if not on the front lines, then as support. Takehisa: "That is noble. Based on Commander Benimaru's reports I have read, he appreciates that." fang-hua: *she smiles* Takehisa: "Okay, stew is ready." *calls* "Shinra! Bring the others! The food is ready!" -elsewhere- Relan: "I hope you both had a good date." *smiles* mikami: we did. *she smiles* ryuuko: did you want to walk back with us? seeing as you are in our brigade and all. Relan: *nods, turns back to Iris* "Well...Thanks for taking me out for pie, after I burned mine." iris: no problem. you three get home safe, ok? mikami: ok, you too. Relan: "..." *awkward hug* iris: *hugs as well before exiting* iris: *walking past a shop with TVs, displaying a young man playing piano* lilac: *standing in front of the TVs, muttering* iris: ?? Rin: *walking by* "Oh. Hey. Aren't you at the DWMA?" iris: hmm? oh, yes. im also in the 8th special fire brigade as a sister. Rin: "Oh, cool! My dad's a priest." iris: oh, is that right? well, some of the pastors do have families, im not sure how common it is in the sol church... *muttering to herself ala deku* Rin: "Oh, you do that muttering thing too, huh?" *laugh* "My bro did that, too, growing up." *holds out his hand* "I'm Rin!" iris: a pleasure to meet you call me iris! *shakes* Rin: "You're friends with Izuku, right?" iris: um, i guess so. shinra's better friends with him though. oh, he's in the same brigade as i am. .///. -elsewhere- Kid: *pouts* "I don't know whether this will suit Father..." liz: im sure he'd like it if it were from you. stocking: *entering the shop* hey guys. Kid: *face brightens a bit, goofy smile, waves* stocking: i got to talk to rin, he, yukio and kyouko are probably going to come to dinner too. Kid: "Oh, that's good! The more, the merrier." stocking: *she smiles* Kid: "So..." *pretending to peek into her bag* "What did you get me?" stocking: *small chop* uh-uh-uh~ no peeking~ bad kiddo! Kid: *playful pout* "Not even a hint?" stocking: nope~ Kid: *whispers* "I have methods of persuasion...including desserts..." stocking: sounds tempting~ liz: *AHEM* Kid: o\\\\\\o "R-Right! Um...Pick up something to eat on the way home?" stocking: sure. maybe go to death robbins? Kid: *nods* Patty: "42 Flavors!!!" -elsewhere- Hibana: *purring* gabriella: *rubbing her back* you've really been working hard, hibana. Hibana: "Well, someone had to get this filthy branched cleaned up--and I couldn't have done it without you, my love...and Mini-You." gabriella: aww. *blush* Hibana: *smiles* "Remind me to thank you later. For now..." *sighs with relief* "That back rub feels great..." -elsewhere- Akitaru: *pats his belly* "Great meal, Takehisa!" maki: so yummy~ ^^ Takehisa: -\\\\\- "I try to do my best." Arthur: *phew* tamaki: =///= *purrs* Arthur: -\\\\\- ("So cute...") Takehisa: "Fang-Hua? Was the meal satisfactory?" -outside, shinra is watching the sunset- shinra: *snaps a pic and texts it to iris and relan* [nice view. which you both were here to see it too...] Relan: [^^ looks great! thanks!] iris: [it looks lovely ^^ wish we were there too.] shinra: *he smiles* Relan: [maybe we can check out the sunset together some time soon?] shinra: [i would like that.] Relan: [ ^^ love u both] -elsewhere- Emine: *smirk* mono: -_______- you're a dick. Emine: "And you're an easy target." mono: 7-7; mono: i am _trying_ to like you guys more, but you make it really difficult... Shotaro: "...What did Emine do to you?" mono: ....i dont want to talk about it... Shotaro: "..." *dope-slaps Emine* Emine: "OW!" Shotaro: "Stop torturing Mono. Let's find you someone new to torture." nea: i volunteer shinoda. Shinoda: D: "Why me?!" nea: *innocent whistling* Emine: "Well, I did my bad deed for today already, so I'll need one for tomorrow..." *pulls out a big book titled 'Bad Deeds Ideas' and slams it down on the table--breaking it* chie: *shadowy tendrils appear as she glares poker faced at him* Emine: "...You should fix that table, Chie. Also, you're looking fat." Shotaro: o______o Shinoda: "..." *runs away* chie:....*biting her lip till it bleeds and shrieks demonically* Emine: o______O Shotaro: *jumps out the window, screaming* "I don't want to die!" -elsewhere- Kid: *hugs Stocking from behind* stocking: hehe~ *petting his head* Kid: *small kiss on her cheek* "So sweet..." stocking: i love you kiddo~ Kid: "I love you, too." *hug* stocking: *takes his hand and kisses his knuckles* Kid: -\\\\- *small kiss on her neck* stocking: *soft sigh of pleasure* Kid: *holds her hand, stroking it lightly* stocking: hehe~ Kid: *hugs Stocking* "You make me feel so safe." stocking: you make me feel safe too.......you...havent been having night terrors again, have you? Kid: *looks uncomfortable* "...Minor ones." stocking: *pets his head* want to talk about it? Kid: "...It's silly, really. Nightmares that I screw up..." stocking: *she sighs and kisses him on the forehead* Kid: *falls into her arms* "Like I said, it's silly...like as silly as forgetting to button up to the top on my shirt, or leaving a shoelace untied...but also as serious as failing to save someone..." stocking: *petting his head and back* its understandable... Kid: "Stocking...It was so silly that I thought...I was in that tacky suit again, and was so distracted that I didn't even notice that...the Academy was destroyed behind me. I knew it was a dream, but it felt so real and frightening." stocking: *she nods and brings him to a window with a view of the academy* see? its still standing... Kid: *small smile* "In perfect condition..." *small smirk* "It could use a new coat of paint." stocking: *she chuckles and kisses his nose* Kid: *blushes, holding her* "Thank you. You know exactly what to say." -elsewhere- sachiko: thanks again for spending the night, spirit. Spirit: "Happy to." *holds her hand* sachiko: *smiles as she nuzzles up to him on the couch* Spirit: "Feeling more relaxed after work?" sachiko: yeah. *stretched out* =w= Spirit: *holds her* "You've worked so hard, that you need your rest..." *small kiss on her cheek* sachiko: *she smiles* Spirit: "I like the ponytail. You look...beautiful." sachiko: thanks. Spirit: *holds her hand massages it* "Sachiko?" sachiko: hmm? what is it? Spirit: "I love you. And I love Izumi. And I want to be here for both of you." sachiko: *she smiles* i love you too. Spirit: *small kiss on her lips* sachiko: mmmmm u///u Spirit: "Mmmm..." *slight lick along her lips as he kisses* sachiko: mm! >///< Spirit: *pulls back* "S-Sorry!" sachiko: its fine, dont worry. it felt nice. Spirit: *nods, smiles blushes* "Okay...Just don't want to make you uncomfortable..." sachiko: hey, its fine. (thinking: and anything is better than my ex, haha!) Spirit: *smiles, takes her hand and kisses it* sachiko: hehe~ Spirit: *kisses her wrist next* "I love your giggle." sachiko: ^^ Spirit: *kisses up her arm to her shoulder* sachiko: hehehe~ Spirit: *pulls her in close for a hug, kissing her cheek* sachiko: *smooch* -elsewhere- Black Star: *stretches* "Glad to get those kids in bed already..." tsubaki: *she nods* Black Star: *lies on floor, looking up at the ceiling* "You alright?" tsubaki: yes. Black Star: "...Tsubaki? I'm going to ask you something...so don't laugh, okay?" tsubaki: ok. whats up? Black Star: -\\\\\- "Would you...want to go on a date...with me?" tsubaki: *blushing* oh...did...did you have anything in mind? Black Star: "I was thinking of dinner and a movie? I think there's some action-romance-comedy out..." tsubaki: that sounds great. Black Star: o__o "R-Really? Th-That's great!" *big goofy smile* "Great! Friday, then?" tsubaki: *she smiles* sure! Black Star: "Awesome!" *leaps up* "Prepare yourself for the best date you ever had, Tsubaki Nakatsukasa!" *proud pose* angela: too loud! Black Star: o\\\\\o "Oh...My bad, Angie." -elsewhere- Yohei: *kiss* "I love you so much, babe." chie: *nuzzles* Yohei: "How do you feel?" chie: alright for the most part. Yohei: *holds her* "You're beautiful, smart, passionate..." chie: *blushing* awww. you adorable goof. Yohei: "_You're_ adorable goof..." *nuzzles* chie: hehe~ nea: *in her room, doing her hair* Shinoda: *pacing outside her room...* nea: shinoda, i can hear you. Shinoda: o____o "...Hi..." nea: did you need something? Shinoda: "Just...wanted to see whether you were okay..." nea: yeah, was about to put a movie on till i went to sleep. Shinoda: "Oh...Which film?" nea: just something in general.... Shinoda: "...Would you mind company?" nea:....im sure it'd be fine. Shinoda: "Okay..." *sits in her room* nea: *sitting down on the bed as she puts the movie on* Shinoda: *facing the TV...but looking out of the corner of his eye at her* ("So...so...") nea: *stretches and leans against him* Shinoda: ("!!!") *puts an arm around her* nea:.....*she smiles a bit* Shinoda: *keeps his arm there, watching with her* "Long day?" nea: yeah. the family called to check on me. Shinoda: "What did you tell them? How are they?" nea: told them im doing well, they're doing fine too. dad had some trouble with a rival mob, but it got taken care of. Shinoda: "...Did he ask for your assistance?" nea: no, he got my sisters to handle it. Shinoda: *nods* "...I'm glad you are safe here." nea: *she smiles and holds his arm* nice and warm... Shinoda: *smiles* "Cool and calm." nea: *she still watches the movie, relaxed* Shinoda: *still has his hand around her...sighs contently, as he sits a bit closer to her, his leg just touching hers* nea: .///. Shinoda: "..." *leans to her ear, whispers* "Thank you for letting me watch this film with you." nea: no problem... Shinoda: "...Do I make you feel uncomfortable?" nea: why do you ask? Shinoda: "Because I don't want you to...If I'm too close..." *removes his arm* nea:....you're fine. Shinoda: "..." *puts his arm back around her* "So...This is okay?" nea: yeah. Shinoda: "...Anything else that would be okay?" *puts a hand over hers* nea:...well....did you want to kiss? f-for old time sake? Shinoda: "..." *nods* "How about one, on the lips?" nea: *blush* s-sure....*small smooch* Shinoda: "!!!" *softly kisses back, shortly* "..." *small sigh as his breath is cold* "Thank you." nea: i....really missed that. Shinoda: "...Nea...I've missed you." nea: *blushing* Shinoda: "Could we do this again some time? Another movie?" nea: sure. Shinoda: *small light squeeze on her hand* "I would like that." -elsewhere- Gopher: .W. inori: did you need something? Gopher: "Just seeing whether you feel happy..." *goofy smile* inori: why i feel content at the moment. why do you inquire? Gopher: "Just wanted to make sure." *smiles* "If I can help..." inori: you certainly are eager, are you not? Gopher: *nods eagerly* -elsewhere- tamaki: *playing an MMORPG on her phone* Arthur: *squirms* ("I don't want to interrupt her...but I want to be around her...") tamaki: ...?? do you have the game too or nah- !!! *pwned in PVP in game* SHINRA!! shinra: hehe~ *smug grin* Arthur: "!!!" ("The knight will defend the princess!") *pulls out his phone* "I am on this, Tamaki..." *pulls up MMORPG* "Let's do this." shinra: we're at the Gadwin City stadium in PVP, where are you? Arthur: "...I am in a forest?" tamaki: *looks* seems your in verdant forest, that's not too far off. maybe if we finish before you arrive, we can do some quests or dungeon crawling? Arthur: "!!! Dungeons?! Yes! That sounds fun!" shinra: neat. Arthur: *runs through the forest* "I am coming!" tamaki: ok. oh and if you see a felidae named 'kimata' and a drake named 'ryuu', thats me and shinra. Arthur: "I am the knight running towards you, then!" shinra:....you used your real name? really? tamaki: i used my name, but i anagrammed it backwards! Arthur: "A knight has nothing to hide! The exploits of Arthur Boyle will be known through all worlds--online, too!" shinra:....there's a joke i could make there, but i wont. Arthur: :< shinra: anyway...exp grinding time? Arthur: "Grind away!" -later- Arthur: *admiring his avatar's new shiny armor* ~_~ tamaki: *equipping new daggers* nice. shinra: i cant believe that 'keereetuh' guy jumped into the lava...what an idiot. Arthur: "Some people just have an awful sense of direction." tamaki: well, he shouldnt have been hitting on me... no wonder his party ditched him. -elsewhere- Benimaru: *sipping tea* -small knock on the wall next to the curtain in the doorframe- Benimaru: "Enter." fang-hua: evening, commander. Benimaru: *nods* "Evening. How are you?" fang-hua: just checking the rounds. Benimaru: "Any problems?" fang-hua: nope, other than jataro sneaking steamed buns from the onsen... -_-; Benimaru: "...Odd." fang-hua: then again, this is jataro we're talking about *sweatdrop* Benimaru: "How did you reprimand Jataro?" fang-hua: chop to the head. Benimaru: *small smile* "Good." *looks at her* "Tea?" fang-hua: sure. Benimaru: *pours some for her* "I finished inspections of the remaining buildings. All are fit for residents to move back in." fang-hua: that's good to hear. *she smiles*....and katarou's family? Benimaru: "...I paid my respects. And there will be a mourning festival this week." fang-hua: understood... Benimaru: "I intend to dress well for this ceremony." *sips* "Please make sure Tsukiyo is dressed." fang-hua: i'll do my best, even if i have to tape her clothes to her skin, haha! (thinking: to think she's a year older than me...) Benimaru: *smirk* "Careful. She may enjoy that." fang-hua: c-commander, really. *sweatdrop* Benimaru: "Just giving you a warning. You know she would have said it if I hadn't." fang-hua: yeah... -elsewhere- misora:...mmhmm......i understand....dont you worry mr manager, i got it under control~ Joker: "What are they doing now?" misora: reconstruction mostly...those knights should be here anyday now...oooh its gonna be so exciting...i want wait to see beni-chan at his most angry~ *panting* scarlet: dont make it weird hina. -_-' tamaki: *outside the door* ??? Joker: ._.; "Yeah, you're sounding kinda weird..." misora: hmph. meanies. anyway, i got to hang up, dont want to risk anyone hearing. and tell fuzzy hair to get a stupid hair cut. bye~<3 *she hangs up* scarlet:....wow....burning her parents to near death must have really messed her up... Joker: ("'Fuzzy Hair'? I'll have to remember that one...") "Yes, I'm sure it did...That's why I made sure to channel her towards going towards Benimaru...Now, the fun begins..." tamaki: .... (thinking: knights?....could it be those white hoo-) *a shoulder grips her* !!! *she sees misora* ah! commander hina... i was just going to the bathroom... misora: ok...hey tamaki-chan....dont think about telling anyone what you heard, or it wont be good for you~ tamaki: !!!! misora:....just kidding~<3 *walks off* tamaki:.........(thinking: i have a bad feeling about this...) Akitaru: "Tamaki!" tamaki: NYAH! oh jeez, commander, just about made me die... Akitaru: "Sorry...Just excited to say congratulations on all your work on the repairs the last few days! I'm really proud of you!" tamaki: thank you sir. Akitaru: "You're welcome! You seem kinda jumpy. Okay?" tamaki: yeah...thought...thought i saw a rat in the building. Akitaru: "..." *snort* "Well, leave it to a cat to find one! I'll keep an eye open for it. But don't tell Shinra--his boyfriend has a rat for a pet, you know." tamaki: noted. tamaki: (thinking: im sure i found a rat alright...) Akitaru: *stretches* "Well, I'm done in the bathroom. I want to get some sleep before the big meeting tomorrow with Commander Benimaru. Night!" tamaki: good night.... -early next morning- Arthur: *muttering in his sleep* tamaki: *asleep in his bed with him* zzzz..... Arthur: *yawn* *turns in his bed, his hand laying across her as he, instinctively, brings her into a hug* tamaki: mm... O///O Arthur: *smiling in his sleep* "So soft..." tamaki: O//////////O Arthur: *yawn, opens his eyes* "Oh, mornin', Tamaki..." *closes his eyes...then* o______o "Um..." tamaki: *bluuuuush* WEDIDNTDOANYTHINGLEWDDONTGETTHEWRONGIDEADUMMY!! Arthur: "...Why are you in my bed?" tamaki: i got too tired to go to my own room.....*muttering* your bed was warm.... Arthur: "..." *serious* "You know that if there is anything I can do for you, I will. This bed is yours if you want it--nothing lewd at all." tamaki:....could i stay here? just a little bit longer? Arthur: "..." *nods, holds her* "Sure." tamaki:....*hugs him back* Arthur: "...I care about you." -elsewhere- Kid: *kitten yawn* stocking: morning kiddo~ Kid: *smiles* "Morning, Angel." stocking: hehe~ Kid: *hugs her* "Sleep okay?" stocking: yeah... Kid: *nods* "Same. What's on the agenda today?" stocking: do we have school? Kid: *nods* "Then it's the weekend." stocking: awesome! Kid: "Any plans for after school?" stocking: maybe visit the arcade? Kid: *smiles* "I would like that. Maybe see which of us can get the highest score?" stocking: you're on! Kid: "Hee hee..." *kiss on the forehead* stocking: ^////^ Kid: "Maybe a wager for the person who doesn't win?" stocking: *whispers into his ear* Kid: o\\\\\o "...All I had to offer was cake..." stocking: *whistling* Kid: "I-I agree to the terms! May the best person win!" stocking: ^^ -elsewhere- Shotaro: *sleeping upside with a bat bone in his mouth* "Zzz..." mono: *roasting sweet potatoes in the yard* Shinoda: *whispering to his apple tree sprout* "We're waiting for you, cutie..." Emine: *lurking up behind Mono* mono: oi, ashi, zuno, you want any? Assi and Zuno: *simultaneously* "Yes, please!" Zuno: "...Who's Zuno again?" Emine: *holding a brown paper bag, which he puffed full of air...* Emine: *sneaks up behind Mono and...* Yohei: *takes the bag out of Emine's hand--and drags Emine away by his collar* Emine: :< Assi: "Mmmm...Smells good, Mono." mono: thanks, my dad taught me how to do it... Assi: "..." *slight nod* Yohei: *drags Emine up to Shinoda, sternly lecturing Emine to stop bullying Mono or he will unleash paternal wrath upon him* Emine: o~o Zuno: *biting into a potato, as he looks at Yohei screaming at Emine* "Huh...That guy sure is angry..." -elsewhere- Meme: *reviewing notes in class* mio: *writing* Meme: *her pen stops working* "Ahhh...Mio, can I borrow a pen?" mio: ah, sure. *hands her one* Meme: *looks at the pen* "Awwwww, this is so cute~" mio: t-thanks. i got it at the new book store that opened up recently... Meme: "Neat! Maybe we can check out that shop this weekend." mio: i would like that... Meme: *smiles* Anya: *hunting through her notes* "No, no, no..." -elsewhere- Akitaru: "The Commander Benimaru gave us some time off before the festivities, so feel free to take some time to walk around town!" tamaki: awesome. Arthur: "Any suggestions?" shinra: maybe we could explore the town a little more? i think i saw an abra around here... *checking his phone* Arthur: " 'An abra'? Is that like an 'onsen'?" tamaki: -_-; Arthur: "...Did I say something stupid?" -and so- Arthur: *glancing from his phone and away from it* "...I don't get the appeal." shinra: got it! Arthur: "!!! I can catch more!" *tosses his own phone into bushes* "...Did I catch it?" tamaki:.... -_______-; Arthur: "Hmph." *reaches into the bushes and pulls out his phone--and something else* "???" *There is a Japanese hare clutching Arthur's phone* Hare: *screech!!!* Arthur: "...Oh crap--" tamaki: !!! easy lil fella... Hare: *leaps at Arthur's face* Arthur: "..." *SCREAM* shinra: oh shi- Arthur: *waving arms around, knocking into Shinra* shinra: ACK! Arthur: *running in a circle, trying to knock the Hare off of him, when--* tamaki: *knocked into a barrel* Hare: *leaps off of Arthur--and down into Shinra's shirt* Arthur: *knocks the barrel* shinra: *SCREAMING LIKE A SCHOOLGIRL* tamaki: *rolling* AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! Tsukiyo: *strolling by* "??? You hear something?" tamaki:...aaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! *CRASH* Tsukiyo: "Umph!" Benimaru: *following sound of Shinra's screaming, stares at him* "...What are you doing, Kusakabe?" shinra: *trembling* buh....bunny..... O-O tamaki: mhph...... O//////////O;;; Benimaru: "..." *pats Shinra's head, reaches up under his shirt and removes the Hare, who calms down under his touch, pets the Hare* "I have experience with disruptive animals..." Tsukiyo: "Ugh...Ouchie..." *looks up" o\\\\\\\\o "Wow..." shinra: .////.; thank you sir. tamaki: .... NYAHH!! >////////< Benimaru: *nods* "You are welcome..." *lets the Hare go back into the bushes* Tsukiyo: "AAAAH~!" *holds onto Tamaki* tamaki: LEGGOAME!! Dx< Tsukiyo: "Then get off of me!" *squirming underneath Tamaki* -elsewhere- Hibana: "Put the new couch over there!" soldier: yes ma'am! miwa: *yaaawn* oh boy, now what are you up to? Hibana: "Interior redecorating~ From my new home design line! Consider it my gift to the 8th!" *The sofa has pillows with Hibana's face on them* iris: its nice... Hibana: *pats Iris on the head, smiles* Rino: -_-; "It's narcissistic as fuck." Hibana: *glares at Rino* gabriella: could i sleep with this one? miwa: o-o; Hibana: "Oh, my..." *small stroke under Gabriella's chin, whispers* "Wait 'til you see the body pillow line..." iris: WE'RE STANDING RIGHT HERE SISTER!! >///<;; Hibana: "I was whispering!" Rino: -_____-; "I better get so much school credit for this..." -elsewhere- Black Star: *holding up two shirts* "Which one, Soul?" soul: how about that one? *points to the left* Black Star: *looks at it in the mirror* "Well, the color's nice...Will Tsubaki like it?" soul: im sure she will. Black Star: "Hope so..." *takes off his shirt, starts putting on the one Soul chose* -elsewhere- Kid: *at arcade* "You ready?" stocking: born ready. Kid: *puts the token in, holds the video game blaster* "..." Announcer: "ON YOUR MARKS...GET SET...GO!" Kid: *begins* stocking: *aiming and shooting* Kid: *fires at three monster plushies in a row, smirking at Stocking* -elsewhere- Patty: "Keep your eyes closed, Takeru..." takeru: they are closed! *Takeru feels something soft, furry, and bear-shaped put into his hands* Patty: "Now open!" takeru: *looks* !! *It's a Teddy Bear in a Fire Fighter outfit* Patty: "Surprise!" takeru: *hugging it without using hands* thank you very much! Patty: "You're welcome! And you'll like this: it's flameproof!" takeru: t-thank you... *hug* Patty: *hugs back, pat on the back* "Mmm..." -elsewhere- Wes: "How is this?" soul: looks good. Wes: *smiles* "Thanks! Been working on it before the concert at the Academy..." soul: *he nods* Wes: "...You okay?" soul: yeah. Wes: "Alright...Hey..." *hugs Soul* soul:...*awkward bro hug* Wes: *pat pat* "I love you, Soul." soul: love you too, bro. Wes: *pat pat, pulls back* "If there is anything I can do to help...Like, if you aren't up for something, just say so." soul: *nods* Wes: "Alright..." *smiles* "Want to help me with a dessert recipe this weekend?" soul: sure. -elsewhere- Kid: *twirls the arcade toy gun, smirking* "Winner." stocking: *small pout* Kid: *pat on the back* "Good game." stocking: tch- show off. 737 Kid: "Would you rather I not give it my all~?" stocking: .////.; Kid: "So...I think I owe you dinner first." *offers his arm* stocking: i would be delighted~ Kid: "I know a wonderful place. Delicious dessert, and it'll set the mood." stocking: ooh, sounds lovely~ Kid: *leads her down the street to the restaurant* "No reservations, very small and quaint." stocking: *nods* *The restaurant is indeed small but comfortable...* Kid: *guides her to a seat* stocking: *she smiles* -elsewhere- serina: *smiling* Takehisa: "You seem jovial, Serina." serina: oh. just...just had a pleasent phone call. Takehisa: "It is good to have pleasant phone calls. Just keep an eye on your minutes and data." serina: yes, understood. ^^; Takehisa: "The Commander also wanted to let you know that the festival will have a dress code of your choice: formal, informal, military, whatever." serina: ah, i see. Takehisa: "I intend to be in my best uniform." *clicks heels, salutes* serina: ^^; padma: ....i shall be in military garb as well.... *mutters* i wanted to wear traditional clothing, but i left it on the firefly... Takehisa: "You will not be alone in that regard. That just leaves the others..." *looks to them to hear what they are wearing* misora: *in a wa lolita costume* ta-dah~! Takehisa: -_- Akitaru: -_- Arthur: -_- ("...Now, if Tamaki wore that...") maki: it's cute! misora: hehe~ thanks makimaki~ Takehisa: "...Shinra? Tamaki? You're not wearing lolita costumes, too, are you?" tamaki: NO! shinra: dont have any. Arthur: "...Please?" (to Tamaki) tamaki: O///////O Arthur: "...I said that aloud, didn't I?" shinra: you think? padma: cute. -__-; Arthur: "...I stand by my argument. Tamaki would look very nice in that outfit, because she is a beautiful, confident young woman." tamaki: >////////////< -elsewhere- Hibana: "Thank you for dinner!" nayumi: no problem ^^ gabriella: *nom nom* ^^ Hibana: *munch munch* "Delicious! I don't suppose I could entice you to join my brigade?" miwa: *chop* bad hibana. Hibana: *pout* "But I was just complimenting the food..." iris: *sweatdrop* (thinking: there's a way to do that without kidnapping people, sister...) Hibana: "I just think the 5th is a fun location, full of supportive employees who love their work--" Rino: *exhausted, covered in bandages, glaring at Hibana* "...Diiiiiiiiiie..." Hibana: "...She doesn't count. She only works for school credit." nayumi: ......i appreciate the offer, but im afraid i will have to pass ^^ Hibana: "Not even if I could entice you to join~? Just name your price..." nayumi: sorry. gabriella: ^^; Hibana: *pouts, pats Gabriella's hand* "Well, I tried." -elsewhere- Kid: *the cupcake in front of Stocking has a candle in it* "Gorgeous, is it not?" stocking: aww. Kid: *presents it to her* "Enjoy, my love." stocking: *blows out the candle and enjoys the treat* mmm~! Kid: *smiles* "Was it delicious?" stocking: oh yes it was~ Kid: "I'm glad..." *holds her hand* "Because that's the prelude to tonight..." stocking: *blush* Kid: "...You don't have to, if you wish not to." stocking: i want to though. Kid: *nods* "Okay...It means a lot." stocking: *she smiles* Kid: *rubs her hand* "Anything else you want to eat?" -later- Kid: *blows softly along her ear* stocking: ahh~ Kid: "You did lose...Ready to pay the price?" stocking: y-yes.... Kid: *smiles* "Excellent..." stocking: *laying down on her back* Kid: *licks his lips* "I'm going to give you the most pleasure you have felt in some time..." *kisses lightly along her arms and legs as he secures the straps* stocking: aah.... Kid: *straddles her, as he brings the blindfold down...and stops* "Do you remember the safe word?" stocking: r-remind me? Kid: *leans to her ear* " 'Trust.'" stocking: *blush* o-ok... Kid: *smiles* "When we're done, I'll have another surprise for you..." *kisses her lips lightly* "I love you..." stocking: mmmm~ -after that- stocking: *panting and shuddering* f...fuuck~ Kid: "Was it okay?" stocking: i...it was...amazing... Kid: *soft kiss on her cheek* "Thank you..." stocking: ah~! >////< Kid: "...Sensitive?" *unstraps her* "Lie down...I'll bring you whatever you want..." stocking: *breathing heavily* u/////u Kid: *soft kiss on her other cheek, as he covers her with the blanket* "Hold on...I'll bring you water, food..." stocking: warm bathrobe and heating pad, please. Kid: *smiles* "Okay. Be right back..." *Dresses her in the bathrobe before he exits, wearing his own* stocking: .... u/////u mmmm~ *Kid returns with the heating pad, fruit, cupcakes, water, and juice* Kid: "Love..." stocking: *she smiles at him* thanks honey~<3 Kid: *smiles at her, as he removes the wrapping of a cupcake and holds it to her lips* stocking: =///w///= Kid: "You are...beautiful." stocking: thank you kid....you are too. Kid: *blushes* "I hope I wasn't too rough..." *holds a hand to her forehead* stocking: its fine... the whipping injuries will heal... Kid: -\\\\\- "I...got a little into it." stocking: it-*wince* its ok... Kid: *frowns* "I'm sorry..." *pulls a grape loose, holds it to her lips* stocking: *nom* =//n//= *nom nom* Kid: "Stocking...We are getting older..." stocking: yeah, hard to believe... Kid: "And as we get older...we'll have other responsibilities that may prevent us from...this, so often...But I want you to know, no matter what, I will always love you." stocking: *she nods* i love you too kid. always. Kid: *rubs her arms lightly* "..." *stares at her, smiles* -elsewhere- Black Star: "So...Was the movie okay, Tsubaki?" tsubaki: it was great. thank you. *she smiles* Black Star: "You're welcome. I thought the action was great! Even the romance was really good!" tsubaki: *she smiles* Black Star: *walking with her...and his hand brushes hers* tsubaki:....*holds his hand* Black Star: "Hey..." *small squeeze on her hand* "I...like being with you." tsubaki: i like being with you too. Black Star: "Could we do this again sometime? Maybe next weekend?" tsubaki: i would like that. Black Star: "Great! What activity would you like? Whatever you're up for!" -from the roof- subclass: oi, isnt that the girl the boss is lookin' for? Subclass 2: *whistling* "Cutie..." subclass: dude, really? Subclass #2: "Where to? We tailing her to her home?" subclass 3: let her slip by. subclass:....you're still salty about the boss wrecking you in mario party, arent you? subclass 3: your damn right! im motherfuckin high sodium up in here!! Subclass #2: "...But she's so cute!" subclass: the boss wont be pleased with you eyeing her up... he'll probably make you eat a bowl full of spiderwebs Subclass #2: Q_Q "Not again! It's not my fault that I appreciate beauty in all forms!" -elsewhere- Arthur: *exits bathroom* shinra:... *SCREAM* Arthur: "?!!!" shinra: *takes off snickering* Arthur: "...Weirdo..." *keeps walking* tamaki: *gives shinra 5 dollars* shinra: told you i could get him to react! tamaki: whatever, shinra. Arthur: "?!! You're trying to see whether I react when yelled at? What the hell?" tamaki + shinra: *innocent whistling* Arthur: -_- "...I'll just yell at you, Shinra, when you don't expect it..." shinra: sure arthur. Arthur: *pouts at Tamaki* "I don't scream that much, do I?" tamaki:....*mutters* its a cute scream Arthur: o\\\\o "...What?" tamaki: nothing shinra:............. O_____O (thinking: did....did they do it?!) Arthur: -\\\\\- ("...I'm just going to pretend I heard that...") "...You going to be okay tonight?" tamaki: yeah. Arthur: "..." *takes her hand* "You know where to find me..." tamaki: yeah... shinra: O-O;;;;; shinra: arthur may i talk to you alone?? Arthur: "??? Okay..." *starts walking, still holding Tamaki's hand...* tamaki: um... .///. Arthur: "...Oh! Right! Sorry." *lets go of her hand, sheepishly waves as he follows Shinra* shinra: *inhales* ok...i dont know all the details of what went down between you and tamaki, but i suggest you tell the commander as soon as possible. i mean, when i lost my virginity with relan, i told him right away. Arthur: "..." *not even processing Shinra's suggestion about Tamaki and him* "...Hold on. You lost your virginity with Relan? I thought you just cuddled..." shinra: O/////O w-well, there wasnt any butt stuff.....but we kinda....did mutual oral... .//////////////////////. Arthur: "...Oh. Um...TMI." *light bulb as he realizes what Shinra just said* "YOU THINK I SLEPT WITH TAMAKI?!" shinra: did you? n-not that im asking for pervy reasons, cause im totally not, but did you? Arthur: "NO!" shinra: alright alright, i'll give you the benefit of the doubt! -elsewhere- yuuji: so i take it toga is on maternity leave for the next 9 months... Kurogiri: *nods* yuuji: ah. Dabi: o\\\\\o "..." sachi: what's with you? nervous about being a dad? Dabi: "...Everyone has been putting a lot of pressure on me...and threatening to hurt me if I do something wrong..." Kurogiri: *holds his fingers to his own eyes, then to Dabi's, as if to say, "I'm watching you..."* yuuji: ....being a parent's pretty tough... *remembers finding his father's dead body with a gun in his hand* Dabi: "...I didn't want to have a kid. Damn you, penis!" yuuji: looks like karma finally decided to screw you over. Dabi: T_T "I just wanted to screw..." sachi: and look where it got you now. Dabi: "...You up for a shag?" yuuji: ARE YOU SERIOUS RIGHT NOW?! *ready to punch him in the face* Dabi: "...Sorry. Just the stress talking." sachi:....oi! kurogiri, give him a drink he could use it. Kurogiri: "On it..." Dabi: *shaking* -elsewhere- Relan: *looks nervously at a box* "...I can do this..." mikami: *knocks on his door* relan? a-are you ok>? Relan: "!!!" *hides the box under his bed* "F-Fine!" *nervous smile* mikami: ok...*she walks back to her room* Relan: *nervous smile, then a sigh of relief* "That was a close one, Buttons..." *locks his door, pulls out the box...and there is a dress inside* buttons: *squeak* Relan: "..." *undresses and reaches for the dress...* Relan: *holding his phone, as he looks at himself in the mirror, trying to adjust the dress* -and so- shinra: *looking at his phone* ./////. too cute for words.. Relan: [was it okay?] shinra: [yeah. it looks really good on you.] iris: [how cute!] Relan: [i was really nervous. but you inspired me, shinra, and you are so supportive, iris] iris: [its not a problem. we're here for you, ok?] Relan: [okay. thanks.  ] -elsewhere- Yohei: *kiss on Chie's cheek* "Good night, babe." chie: night honey~ =///= mono:....*sitting on the couch after mostly everyone went to bed* Assi: "...Mono?" mono: !! oh...its just you. Assi: "...Yeah. Just me. Um...You okay?" mono: yeah....could have been better, but alive... Assi: "Can't sleep?" mono: not really.... Assi: "Does watching TV help? Or reading?" mono: nothing to watch... Assi: "...Talk for a bit?" mono:...sure. Assi: "...You're a good cook." mono: thanks.... Assi: "What's your favorite thing to cook?" mono: well, usually anything easy, since i tend to burn most of it... Assi: "Ever made pizza?" mono: i have warmed it up in an oven before. Assi: "Pizza's about the only thing I can make..." mono: ah. -elsewhere- Konro: *slowly walking around the room* kabuki: i see you're beginning to recover. Konro: *smiles* "Yes. I hope to be fine for the festival." kabuki: *he nods* Konro: "Thanks to all of you, especially in the medical division..." *sits again* "You're still up late, Kabuki." kabuki: i enjoy being out at night, it's quite calming. Konro: *nods* "So many stars out...How is the Commander?" kabuki: commander shinmon or commander oubi? Konro: "Shinmon." kabuki: he went to sleep already. Konro: "Good. He will need his rest." *stretches* "I better try to as well. Good night, Kabuki." -elsewhere- Artur: *lying in bed, not sleeping* serina: mr boyle? is everything ok? Arthur: "Hmmm? Sorry, just not able to sleep...Was thinking..." serina: did you want to talk about it? Arthur: "..." *sits up in bed* "Do you ever think about taking a risk, but you're scared how it could change your...relationship with someone?" serina: .....sometimes... Arthur: "...I like Tamaki." serina: oh? she's the girl with pigtails, right? Arthur: *nods* "The one who looks and acts like a cat." serina: ah, i see. i dont know her very well, since we havent spoken a lot. Arthur: *sighs* "She's so confident, just, adamant, stubborn, beautiful..." serina: she certainly is determined. Arthur: "...Do you know how she came to join the 8th?" serina: she was in the 1st brigade before, right? Arthur: *nods* "She then...lost someone important to her. A colleague. A friend..." serina: ..... Arthur: "She wanted to find who did that, to live her life...and she was locked away in the 1st, like a prisoner. She escaped, on her own. She came to us in the 8th, on her own. She survived, lived, and got her freedom, on her own..." serina:...i see. Arthur: "...I don't know how to help her...if she even would want it from me." tamaki: *outside* ..... Arthur: "I don't know...I know I'm pushing her...then I stop. Then I do it again. I'm not doing this right at all." serina: i guess, maybe let her think things over? maybe she'll return your feelings? Arthur: "...I'm worried since there's someone else..." serina: oh? Arthur: "There's a boy named Aoyama who...was close to her while I was...kidnapped." serina: ..... Arthur: "...What if she likes him? There are so many times where I don't think...I'm good enough for her." -elsewhere- Kid: "Zzzzz..." stocking: *asleep next to him* Kid: *holds her in his sleep, dreaming sweet dreams...* stocking: =////w////= Kid: *yawn* *soft hug* -elsewhere- Black Star: *brushing his teeth, spits, exits bathroom* "Hey, Tsubaki? I had a lot of fun today. Thanks." tsubaki: i had fun today too. Black Star: *smiles* "I look forward to the next...date. Um...I'm going to head to bed. Night..." tsubaki: *she smiles*......yeah...it was really enjoyable, im glad i got to do that with him... *she's talking to her brother's picture on the butsudan* -there is no reply…- -elsewhere- Subordinate #2: "Anything happening?" lavender: looks like greed's eve will be placing here in death city later this month. Subordinate #2: "To follow the boss's girl-buddy?" lavender: doubt it. im certain he doesnt even know she exists. but we have orders to attack greed. dont forget our main goal, the girl is secondary here. Subordinate #2: "Fine...Just hope this attack goes well..." lavender: we got weeks to prepare, so relax. Subordinate #2: "...Guess I'm watching some old vids to prep, then. Been procrastinating on that." -elsewhere- Relan: *puts dress away, yawns* "I need sleep...Night, Buttons..." buttons: *sleepy squeak* Relan: *smiles at Buttons, as he lies down in bed...* -elsewhere- Hibana: *cuddles* gabriella: *hugging her and snoozing* zzzz... Hibana: *in her sleep* "Love you..." -elsewhere- Emine: "..." lin: up here again i see. Emine: "It's...more familiar." lin: ah. Emine: "...Can't sleep?" lin: just wanted to see how you were doing. Emine: "...I'm screwed up, aren't I?" lin: ....you have your demons, but dont we all? Emine: "...I'm scared I'm going to get kicked out of this house." lin: after all the trouble they went to to find you, i dont think that's going to happen! Emine: "...After pranking Mono, repeatedly?" lin: well, im sure she'll forgive you...........eventually. Emine: "Any ideas how I can expedite that?" -elsewhere- Yumi: *holding Shiori, rocking her to sleep* lord death: so sweet... Yumi: *holds finger to her lips, as Shiori is about to fall asleep...* lord death: *nods and kisses them both on the forehead* Yumi: -\\\\- lord death: hehe~ Yumi: *looks at Shiori* shiori: zzzzzz. Yumi: *smiles, sets Shiori into her bed* -elsewhere- Spirit: *yawn* sachiko: zzzzz... Spirit: *looks at her sleeping, smiles* ("...I never thought this would happen...") sachiko: *snuggles* Spirit: *holds her, whispers* "I love you, Sachiko." sachiko: *smiles* Spirit: *light kiss on her forehead* sachiko: ^^ Spirit: *cuddles* -elsewhere- ???: "Soul?" soul: *he smiles* hey maka. Maka: *smiles* (She's in an angelic dress) "Hi..." soul: *blushing* you look nice. Maka: -\\\\- "Thanks...I had hoped you would say that." *hugs him* "How are you?" soul: doing well......im going to be visiting my parents later this month... Maka: "Wow...Um...How do you feel about that?" soul: to be honest, nervous as hell.....but i may as well face it sooner or later, right? Maka: *nods* "That's brave of you to even consider it..." *holds his hand* "That's progress." soul: yeah, i want to get stronger....for your sake, and everyone. Maka: *nods* "You are...And you're so close to becoming a Death Scythe." *smiles* "I'm proud of you." soul: yeah... Maka: "..." *leans, offers a small kiss on his cheek* soul: *blush* Maka: *holds his hand* "...How is Wes?" soul: doing good. -elsewhere- Yohei: *filling up a glass of water for Chie* chie: thanks. *rubs her stomach* Yohei: "How are you both doing?" *hands her the glass* chie: im doing well, toru is too. *rubs her stomach* Yohei: *smiles, holds her hand* "You're doing great." chie: *she smiles* Yohei: *whispers to her stomach* "Your baby room is ready, and your family is here when you're ready. We love you." Yohei: *hand along her stomach* -elsewhere- Akitaru: *grumbling as he drags his feet to the bathroom* -elsewhere- ox: see anything harv? Harvar: "Yeah...a Togepi..." ox: -__-;; Harvar: "...Oh. And there's a suspicious creeper walking by those apartments." ox: !!.... you ready? Harvar: *transforms* "Let's do this." ox: *sneaks down to the alleys* Harvar: *in soul resonance* "Dead ahead..." ox:.... *charges for the creature* Creature: *growls, tries to back-hand Ox* ox: hyah! *slashes its arm* Creature: *howls, tries to run down the alley--towards bystanders* ox: *chases after it* Creature: *growls at bystanders* Bystander #1: "Shit!" bystander 2: *activates shield* ox: *jumps and electro jabs it* Creature: *shrieks, as they are electrocuted, stunned into unconsciousness* Bystander #1: *whimpers* ox: .... Harvar: "I don't recognize this creature as being on Death's List..." ox:.... we should get them to safety... Harvar: "Okay...Contact the DWMA to get this creature into confinement..." Bystander #1: *looks at #2* "Th-Thanks...Handy shield..." ox: right... Harvar: *reverts to human form, looking at bystanders* "And I guess contact medical, too. They look shaken up." ox: right. Bystander #1: *shaking* Creature: X____X *unconscious* Harvar: *to Bystander #1* "You okay?" -elsewhere- Meme: "Zzz..." Anya: "Zzz..." -morning- Kid: *yawn* stocking: *yaaaawn* *listening to the rain on the roof* Kid: "Hmmm?" *looks up* "Rain? On a Saturday?" stocking: looks like it. Kid: *yawn* "Did you have anywhere to go today?" stocking: no. Kid: *slow stroke of her cheek* "Still sore?" stocking: im doing better....*phone buzzes* hmm?.......ah. Kid: "??? What is it?" stocking: guess who's dad just signed her up for a class trip for non-human students. this girl. Kid: " 'Class trip for non-human students'? What?" stocking: some kind of support group for students that arent human, like demons, vampires, angels, etc... it's being hosted by the true-cross order. Kid: "It might be helpful." stocking: yeah...and most of them are trying to keep it a secret, so it's just a random class trip to those who dont know. stocking: unfortunately, it also means that pompous asshat known as triple A batteries will be there too... goddamn... Kid: "Ew. Why would they have him involved in a meeting that includes demons?" stocking: like i said, true cross order. but i can always hope he didnt volunteer. Kid: *nods* "I guess go in with an open mind? Your father is looking out for you..." stocking: yeah, he does want me to make friends...*she smiles* Kid: *smiles back* "When's the trip?" stocking: monday. Kid: "I guess time to do some packing today..." stocking: it's just going to be a day trip, but i'll make sure my backpack is packed. Kid: "And pack some treats?" stocking: oh you know it! Kid: *chuckles* "I don't suppose your backpack has infinity space..." *opens his palm, which flickers a bit, as if he is about to summon Beelzebub* stocking: do i look like i inherited time space magic? Kid: *smile* "Yes. Because your heart is so big, it practically extends to infinity..." *smooch* stocking: ok that was smooth. Kid: "Hee hee..." *small hug* "Enjoy this trip." stocking: i will. -in asakusa- shinra: looks like the festival is being pushed back a day due to the rain. Arthur: "That's disappointing." tamaki: so what do we do now? Akitaru: *holds helmet with slips of paper inside* "How about we get y'all to do some activities in teams of two to get to better know each other?" shinra: um... ok. *Everyone reaches in and gets a slip of paper with someone's name on it* tamaki: freakin usada? really? shinra: commander hinawa....great. Takehisa: "What was that, Kusakabe?" shinra: GREAT! *nervous smile* tamaki: too loud! >^< Arthur: "Hmm..." -and so- shinra: *nom nom* Takehisa: "So, you like the meal?" shinra: yes sir! Arthur: (to Maki) "What's your work-out routine?" maki: well you see *she begins to explain* Takehisa: "Then eat more--you need more muscle." shinra: um..thank you sir. Arthur: *eyes widening in shock* "...All that?" maki: mmhmm! Arthur: "Jeez...How are you not exhausted after all that?" Takehisa: "So, how is that boy in the 3rd? Are you treating Iris well?" maki: you'd be amazed. shinra: he's doing good, and yes, we're being good to her. Arthur: "I am! If I do your routine, can I get gorilla-level strength like you?" Takehisa: "That's good...I didn't date much at your age." maki: *choke hold* --# shinra: ah....have you...ever been on a date? Arthur: *gasping* "ACK! WH-WHAT?! GOR-IL-LA IS A C-COMPLIMENT!" Takehisa: *not noticing Maki* "Wh-What?! I've been on plenty of dates! ...My last date was five years ago." shinra: oh really? mind telling me? Takehisa: -\\\\\- "...A classmate. Very smart. But rather cold, distant, and lacking a sense of humor." Arthur: *face turning blue* shinra:...sounds like a perfect match. Takehisa: "Hmph. I prefer to be with someone who complements me. You know, someone charming, funny, maybe a little goofy..." Arthur: *slapping hand along table* "S-Sorry!" shinra: kind of someone like maki then? maki: hmm? Takehisa: o\\\\\\o Arthur: o_____O *gasps* "He likes you..." maki: ....well of course he does, why wouldnt he? shinra: omg. Takehisa: "...DO YOU WANT TO GO ON A DATE?!" maki: o///w///o *maki.exe has stopped responding* Arthur: x_____x Takehisa: "..." *runs away* shinra: commander...i think you broke her. -elsewhere- tamaki: .... Tsukiyo: *peek* "What'cha doin', Kitty Cat?" tamaki: fishin Tsukiyo: *leans closer* "Got a nibble?" tamaki: nothing yet. Tsukiyo: "You know, it's all about bait. What you baiting with?" tamaki: worms. Tsukiyo: "Nightcrawler? 'Cause you need something long, alive, and writhing to really attract the fish..." tamaki: .....what? Tsukiyo: -_-; "...Is the worm on your line attracting their attention or not?" *adjusts her top* " 'Cause sometimes you need to use the bait you got to get the catch you want...The goods..." tamaki: oh my god!! ......you scared it off. Tsukiyo: "...Sorry? Was just telling you about how to attract what you want...Maybe I can make it up to you..." tamaki: do i dare ask? Tsukiyo: *smirk* "You like Arthur, right? Maybe I can help..." tamaki: O////O w-w-wha?! who told you that?! Tsukiyo: "That cute blushing face of yours..." tamaki: *headlock* Tsukiyo: *choked* o_____O "I like getting up to a girls' boobs, but not like this!" tamaki: do you want to die?! Tsukiyo: *shakes her head no, terrified* tamaki:.....*lets go* Tsukiyo: *gasps, falling to the ground* "Jeez...What got into you?!" tamaki: i....i have some anger issues... Tsukiyo: "No kidding...Why get upset about this, though? You know he likes you too...Right?" tamaki: i..i know....its just....complicated... Tsukiyo: "...Hey. Girl to girl, what's the problem? Come one, let me help." tamaki: well.... *she explains the situation* Tsukiyo: "..." *sits a bit closer to Tamaki* "Answer this honestly. If you were on a date with Arthur, would you feel safe?" tamaki:....yes. Tsukiyo: "And this other boy, Aoyama. Would you feel safe on a date with him?" tamaki:...i dont know. i barely know him... Tsukiyo: "So, why don't you take control of this situation: either wait for Arthur to make a move and just be patient, or ask him out yourself." tamaki:....i'll think about it....thanks for the advice, i guess. Tsukiyo: *smiles* "Any time. Girls got to help each other out, right?" tamaki: yeah... *small smile* maybe you arent that bad. Tsukiyo: *holds out hand* tamaki:...*shakes hand* Tsukiyo: *shakes back* "Besides, you're a very attractive young lady with a lot going for you--you'll be fine." *small smirk* "You're very fine." tamaki: dont push your luck. -_-; Tsukiyo: *lets go of her hand, holds up her hands defensively* "Just telling the truth." *wink* -elsewhere- Black Star: *grumbling* "Stupid rain..." tsubaki: ....... Black Star: "??? You okay?" tsubaki: hmm? yeah. Black Star: "..." *holds her hand lightly* "You sure?" tsubaki: yeah... Black Star: *small smile* "You really sure?" tsubaki: yeah.... Black Star: *lets go of her hand* "Okay...You hungry?" tsubaki: yeah. Black Star: "Then I'll whip something up, good and yummy!" *runs into the kitchen* tsubaki: *she smiles and looks out the window* *Rain continues to fall...lightning strikes...A pair of eyes in the distance?* tsubaki: *she doesnt notice the eyes* *Eyes look at her for a moment, then blink shut, as the entity hides away to look at her from another vantage point* Black Star: "Tsubaki! What you want in your noodles?" tsubaki: hmm? maybe i'll gave some curry rice with it? Black Star: "You got it!" *smiles as he preps the curry* *The eyes follow from outside the window* -elsewhere- Hibana: *puts the board game on the table* "Pick your pieces, ladies!" gabriella: i call dibs on the shoe! Rino: "Um..." *picks the wheelbarrow Hibana: "Iris, what're you picking?" -elsewhere- lilac: *taking a walk* Crona: *walking from the other direction, holding an umbrella* lilac: ...*glances* Crona: *looking around...small smile at the rain...then spots Lilac* "..." lilac: !!! *looks away* (thinking: oh no i just saw my own doppelganger am i gonna die? oh no oh no oh no oh no) Crona: "..." *takes a few steps forward* "Um...Like your hair?" lilac: *SCREAMS AND COWERS* Crona: "SCREAMS!* *falls back onto the sidewalk* "Ow..." lilac: *runs* Crona: *gets up, looks at Lilac* "...What was wrong with them? Did I do something?" -elsewhere- lilac: *trying to calm his breathing* Mr. Tsubaki: "Problem?" lilac: !! ah...t-t-tsubaki....i...im ok now...i-i think....*staring at the river* Mr. Tsubaki: "...Pretty, isn't it? How the rain hits the water's surface..." lilac: y-yeah.... *remembering mr tsubaki finding him by the bridge wrapped in a tarp* Mr. Tsubaki: *starts singing* "Meeeeeeeeemories..." lilac: *doesnt say anything* [past!lilac:......... *staring at his desk, which has been vandalized with phrases like 'fucking f*g', 'kill yourself already' 'jump off the roof, sincerely the whole school' etc* ] Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *pats Lilac's back* lilac:....*shuddering* Mr. Tsubaki: "Hey...Come on. Let's get a treat..." lilac:...*hic* o-ok.... Mr. Tsubaki: *keeps a hand on his shoulder as they walk* "Excellent...I was hungry..." lilac:......*shivering* Mr. Tsubaki: "...Maybe you would like a warm drink, too?" lilac:...y-yes please... -elsewhere- Izuku: *walking through hospital corridor* misono:.... Izuku: *stops at Iida's room...knocks* misono: its open Izuku: *opens the door* "Iida?" misono: he was discharged and sent home. Izuku: "...Oh. S-Sorry to interrupt." misono: .....its fine.....i'll be getting discharged later myself... Izuku: "Hey, congratulations!" misono:...t-thanks. Izuku: "...I'm Izuku." misono:.... *ahem* my name is Misono Alisuin. but of course you probably figured from reading my chart. Izuku: *already reading his chart* "Hmm..." *muttering* misono: ?? Izuku: "..." *looks up* "!!! Sorry! I-I didn't mean to invade! I just like...reading..." *replaces chart, nervous smile* "M-May i get you some food?" -elsewhere- Tool: *set up an inflatable kiddie pool in the front yard, lying in it in the rain* "Aaaaaaaah..." mana: seems like you're enjoying yourself. Tool: ^_^ "Yep!" akaderu: *GACHOO* ugh. what a drag... Kepuri: *hands him a tissue* akaderu: thanks... Kepuri: *smiles* Shotaro: "CANNONBALL!" Tool: "??? ... !!! Oh, shi--!!" *BOOM!* -elsewhere- Hibana: -_-; "I thought I would make better business decisions than this, even in a game..." gabriella: well miss harada sure knows what she's doing. nozomi: thank you. Rino: *smirking at Hibana's annoyance* "Congrats, Nozomi!" -elsewhere- Patty: *smiling contently* liz: hey sis. Patty: "Howdy!" *waves happily* "How are you?" liz: im doing good. Patty: *holds up phone, with pic of her, Takeru, and teddy bear* liz: aw, how cute. Patty: *nods* "So happy to do that for him." -elsewhere- Akitaru: "How did the bonding session go, Maki?" maki: it went great! right arthur? Arthur: *hand prints on his neck* -_-; *speaks in gravelly voice* "Sure." maki: ^^ Akitaru: *looks around* "Where are Takehisa and Tamaki?" tamaki: hey. shinra: *knock knock* commander? open up Takehisa: "...He's not in right now. Please come back later?" .\\\\\\\. shinra: .....ok, i'll just take this issue of guns monthly elsewhere. Takehisa: *hand breaks through door and grabs Shinra by his collar* shinra: *SCREAM* Takehisa: "Hand me...the magazine..." Akitaru: "!!! Maki, help me out with this!" *grabs Takehisa's hand* "Let go, buddy..." Arthur: "..." *looks at Tamaki* "Catch anything?" tamaki: just some river fish. shinra: OHGODSAVEMEIDONTWANTTODIELIKETHIS!!! Akitaru: "You're not going to die like this!" *removes Takehisa's grip from Shinra, glares at Takehisa, points--* "NO DINNER FOR YOU TONIGHT, YOUNG MAN!" Arthur: "River fish? Anything worth eating?" shinra: Q~Q Akitaru: *pats Shinra* "It's okay, son. It's okay...Maki, discipline Takehisa." maki: *chop* bad -.- Takehisa: .\\\\\. maki: hmm? you ok? Takehisa: "...I AM FINE." Akitaru: "Tamaki, since Takehisa is grounded, you'll have to do the cooking tonight." shinra: is that really a smart plan? tamaki: -_-; Akitaru: *shrug* "What's the worst that could happen?" tamaki:.......im not going to even merit that with a reply. Akitaru: "...How about I do the cooking instead, okay?" -and so- Arthur: *guzzling water* o____O shinra: OH GOD I THINK MY STOMACH JUST BECAME A FLAME BEING! padma:....*ego bruised* Akitaru: *small burp, smiles* "Tasted fine to me. Thanks, Padma!" padma:...*small smile* Arthur: "T-Tamaki? How was it?" tamaki:....it was good. *eyes watering* Arthur: "Um..." *passes glass of water to her...* -elsewhere- Kid: "Anything else to pick up tomorrow for packing?" stocking: that should be everything. Kid: "..." *holds her hand* "I have something else..." stocking: oh? Kid: *he puts a locket into her hand...* stocking: ahhh *she opens it* *Inside is a photo from the last month, of Kid and Stocking* stocking:....i'll always treasure this kid. Kid: *nods* "I love you." stocking: i love you too~<3 Kid: *hugs* "Enjoy this trip, okay?" stocking: i will. Kid: *pats her back* "Well..." *smiles* -elsewhere- kurome: zzzzz. Kurogiri: *watching baby sleeping* ^^ -elsewhere- Crona: "I'm back..." mami: ah, how was your walk? Crona: "...Odd. Very odd." Crona: *rubbing bottom* mami: oh? Crona: "...I think I met someone who looked like me. Then I fell." mami: are you ok?? Crona: *nods* "Just surprised, that's all." *smiles* -in asakusa- serina: commander oubi, there's a phonecall for you. Akitaru: "??? Thanks." *takes the phone* "Hello?" nozomi: hello commander. Akitaru: "Nozomi! Hey...How are you?" nozomi: fine, but i found some information that you might want to hear. Akitaru: "Oh?" nozomi: do you remember the 8th's first mission? Akitaru: "...Yes." nozomi: what all do you remember? Akitaru: "...The person in flames...was odd. And that red cross..." nozomi: and a company came and took the remains, right? Akitaru: *nods* "Yes...a company from..." nozomi: asakusa, yes. i just thought i should inform you. Akitaru: *nods* "Thank you...Did you find additional information we don't have?" nozomi: sadly no. but i'll keep searching. Akitaru: "Thank you, I appreciate that. How are you doing?" nozomi: i've been fine. Commander tsurumaki is keeping commander hibana in check. Akitaru: "Ha! Glad to hear that! And Iris?" nozomi: she's doing well too....and the others in asakusa? Akitaru: "Super! We had a delicious dinner courtesy of Padma--" Arthur: *groaning in the background* nozomi: *sweatdrop* i see. Akitaru: "...I think we'll all be looking forward to coming home." nozomi: ok. you have fun at the festival then...ok? Akitaru: "Will do! I'll be bringing back souvenirs." -elsewhere- misora: that kotatsu girl....she might be a problem....but then again, who would believe a klutz like her? hehe~ Joker: "Maybe this 'klutz' needs a little accident..." misora: and not her usual kind either *smirks* Joker: "Make it so..." -elsewhere- Tool: "Ouch..." -_-; "I'm gonna kill that brat..." setsuna: is that so~? ^^ *tranquil rage*
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pengiesama · 4 years
God of Love Descends, with Blessings of Cabbage (Fic, TGCF, HC/XL)
Title: God of Love Descends, with Blessings of Cabbage Series: Heavenly Official’s Blessing (Tian Guan Ci Fu) Pairing: Hua Cheng/Xie Lian
Pei Ming gives Xie Lian advice on how to:
a) Get knocked up b) Get Hua Cheng knocked up c) Avoid getting his head eaten during sex with a grasshopper demon d) Grow cabbages
Xie Lian then takes some of this advice, but not all of it.
Link: AO3
Read on Tumblr!
“So…” Pei Ming said. “I heard you and your Crimson Rain were in need of some advice.”
On that last word, he winked.
“You heard incorrectly,” Xie Lian said. “Please leave, I have cleaning to do.”
With that, he tried shutting the door. Undaunted, undeterred, Pei Ming wedged his body into the crack; preventing Xie Lian from ending this intrusion peacefully.
“Then it was intuition! Being as I am a respected god of love, along with the whole martial thing, I just know these things. I perceive and understand when someone is in need of advice—” Again, with the winking. “—and a god cannot shirk his duty. You get it, your highness?”
“I don’t,” Xie Lian said. “Please do not damage my door with your body.”
Pei Ming finally squirmed his way in, despite Xie Lian’s best efforts – alas, he had been too concerned with the state of that door his San Lang had made for him, and in the process had welcomed disaster. Well, perhaps that was a strong word. “Annoyance”, “trouble”, “someone who was only here because he was desperate for attention”. Xie Lian could’ve almost felt sorry for him, against his better judgement.
“Anyway. This esteemed martial god of the north, this god of love, this – do you have anywhere for me to strike a pose for this speech? Like a big ol’ lotus or a fluffy cloud or something?”
Xie Lian leaned on his broom and stared at him, flatly. After a long moment, he walked to his scrap pile, picked up an empty wooden box, and carried it over. Pei Ming accepted it and set it on the floor before he clambered atop it.
“This god of love comes with great excitement to express his joy at your and Crimson Rain’s desires for offspring, and to provide his advice—”
“General Ming Guang, do you have an eye infection?” Xie Lian asked.
“No!” Pei Ming said. “I’m infected with the disease known as Baby Fever!”
“I wish you a swift and full recovery,” Xie Lian said. “Please leave so you can coalesce at a safe distance.”
Pei Ming sighed and scratched at his head, stepping down from the box. “Y’know, your highness, I really did come to help. A certain little birdie told me that you and Crimson Rain were thinking about bringing a bundle of joy or two into your household, and you won’t find a god in heaven that’s got more experience in that topic, I can tell you that much.”
Xie Lian’s cheeks colored, and he looked away. He had an idea of who that “little birdie” was, and as for the topic of that birdie’s chatter, well – it wasn’t wrong, necessarily, but just. Maybe getting a little ahead.
“I…I thank you for your sincere concern,” Xie Lian slowly said. “But San Lang and I, well, we’re, maybe, well, not, almost, well, maybe, a bit…”
“Listen,” Pei Ming said encouragingly, clapping his hand to Xie Lian’s shoulder, and not looking overly offended when Ruoye immediately smacked him away. “If you’re worried about the process, you and Crimson Rain have plenty of options! I heard he’s quite devastating in female form, for one; surely his highness would stand up tall to the challenge of bedding and planting seed in such a wicked beauty…”
Xie Lian’s ears were burning red. “I would advise General Ming Guang to not get any ideas.”
Pei Ming raised his hands. “No ideas in this head of mine, just full faith in his highness’ abilities. For that matter, surely Crimson Rain, if his highness wished to experience the joys of childbirth personally, would—”
“Pray General Ming Guang stop speaking.”
Pei Ming looked hurt. “I’m not judging his highness at all! I’ve gotten knocked up myself a few times, and I can confirm that the nine months are a valuable period of mediation and cultivation…”
“…” said Xie Lian.
Pei Ming smiled knowingly and slung his arm around Xie Lian’s shoulders; heedless of the Ruoye furiously smacking him on the head.
“I know what his highness is thinking. You see, when a man and a beautiful woman who is also a bee demon are very attracted to each other, sometimes, that woman asks the man if she can lay her eggs in him and then immediately drop dead afterwards. As a red-blooded icon of masculinity, could I possibly deny her final request? But! You have to be careful of beautiful women who are also grasshoppers, because sometimes they get feisty in bed. I of course would never be one to deny an expecting mother of much-needed protein, but you have to set expectations – you tell them, ‘my darling, my sweet, of course you can eat my head while we fuck, but it can only be a clone of me, because I’m not looking for that kind of commitment.’”
Pei Ming blinked, and he visibly was deep in thought for a moment.
“Do butterflies do that kind of thing too? Is your Crimson Rain human down there, mostly? Does he have a, whatchacallit, a proboscis? Just trying to figure out what we’re working with.”
It was common knowledge that Pei Ming’s many, many, many, many, many descendants were spread far and wide across the world. About seventy percent of Middle Heaven officials were Pei Ming’s illegitimate scions; some of whom were not fully human in form. Perhaps this revelation was new news to Xie Lian, but it was hardly surprising news. Surely such a prodigious array of progeny could only be achieved if one expanded one’s tastes.
“Listen listen listen!” Pei Ming squawked as Ruoye hauled him up by the armpits, his legs kicking in the air. “If you’re not into the idea of lugging something around for nine months, you can do it the old-fashioned way!”
How is that not the old-fashioned way…?, Xie Lian wondered.
“So those child-bearing pills you got,” Pei Ming began, thus proving that Shi Qingxuan was completely incapable of keeping a secret. “You build yourself a nice little garden, you get some holy water, and you grow yourself a little cabbage that you’ll pluck when they’re ready to make their debut.”
“Those are seeds? Seeds that you’re supposed to plant in the ground?” Xie Lian blurted before he could stop himself.
Pei Ming blinked. “…yeah? What, did you think that you were supposed to take them like medicine?”
Well, that at least explained why that hadn’t been working. Xie Lian made a note that he would have to beg the pardon of Rain Master and request her guidance in…cabbage farming.
“So basically,” Pei Ming summed up. “If your Crimson Rain’s proboscis can’t lay eggs in you, and neither of you are willing to grow a womb for the duration, pills. Pills in the ground.”
“Thank you for your input, General Ming Guang,” Xie Lian said firmly.
“And if either of you need protein, use a clone!” Pei Ming called back as Ruoye whirled around before flinging him into the distance. “General Ming Guang says practice safe sex!”
 “Pray gege forgive this San Lang for not knowing the proper application method of the pills. He hadn’t dared presume gege would wish to use them, and this cowardice resulted in a shameful gap in knowledge.”
“Mmm,” Xie Lian replied, leaning back against his husband. He gazed at the little patch of fresh dirt in front of them. Puqi Village was a good spot to start a garden. It was quiet, peaceful; away from the hustle and bustle of Ghost City. The cabbage could be introduced to its second home soon enough. “Pray San Lang forgive this husband for being too stubborn to even consider that an alternate method was perhaps better suited.”
Hua Cheng nosed the back of Xie Lian’s neck; he could feel his smirk against his nape. “Ah, but gege’s stubbornness brought so many delightful nights…”
Hua Cheng’s breath and lips travelled lower, from his nape, trailing down his spine. Xie Lian sighed aloud and loosened his belt and ties to allow his robe to slip lower, off his shoulders and catching on his elbows. Hua Cheng could take a hint, and Xie Lian couldn’t help but laugh aloud in delight as he was pressed into the grass by his husband’s weight.
It had been a long and anxious day of gardening, and Xie Lian thought he could use some proboscis.
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pengiesama · 5 years
I Wanna Be Yours (Fic, TGCF, HC/XL, Modern AU)
Title: I Wanna Be Yours Series: Heavenly Official’s Blessing (Tian Guan Ci Fu) Pairing: Hua Cheng/Xie Lian
Xie Lian wants to make Hua Cheng's birthday a special one. Luckily, this is achievable as a simple four-step plan:
Step the first: go to his place. Step the second: take off your clothes. Step the third: you're wearing lingerie under your clothes. Step the fourth: tell the birthday boy to unwrap his present.
Link: AO3
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What was he doing. What was he doing. Oh, this was so foolish. Oh, this was going so wrong already.
Xie Lian was currently undergoing a crisis in the bathroom of Hua Cheng’s apartment. He’d had crises in much worse settings, certainly – at least here there was a lovely view of the city skyline from the window, and a nice big bathtub to sit in and reflect on one’s actions. But the – setting of it all only reminded Xie Lian of why he was having this crisis.
Xie Lian again caught a glimpse of himself in the bathroom mirror, and let out a miserable groan. He retreated to the tub for some of that aforementioned reflection time.
 It was Hua Cheng’s birthday, and Xie Lian had been at a loss. What do you get the man who has everything, especially when you’re a man who emphatically does not? He’d asked him, of course, what he wanted, and Hua Cheng had assured him that the pleasure of Xie Lian’s company would be a precious gift to last him through the year. And Xie Lian had flushed, and Hua Cheng had smiled, and kissed his knuckles, and – satisfied that he had properly flustered Xie Lian enough for the day – had walked Xie Lian back to his apartment. And.
And that had been it.
Hua Cheng was charming. He was smooth, and suave, and a complete gentleman. This much had remained the same over the years. They’d had…well, there was something there between them, when they were attending university together. Something big and mysterious and so, so tempting and so, so scary – something they’d never had the nerve to act on, back then. They’d lost touch after Xie Lian dropped out, though not through any fault of Hua Cheng’s. Xie Lian had packed a bag and walked out of the dorms without so much as a goodbye to anyone – too ashamed of everything that had led to this to give even the slightest courtesy to the few people who still gave a shit about him. It wasn’t a proud time in his life. But years later, years later, he’d found himself staring at a familiar figure at his apartment doorstep, and welcoming him in for tea.
It was a second chance that Xie Lian didn’t think he deserved. But Hua Cheng still wanted to give it to him – still felt the same about him as he did when he was a silly, lovestruck kid barely out of his teens. And oh, Xie Lian could relate, could relate to the way his skin burned when Hua Cheng offered his hand to help him out of his seat, could relate to the way his heart felt as though it would burst from his chest when Hua Cheng kissed him goodnight at his apartment door. Could relate to the way his spirits soared whenever Hua Cheng caught a glimpse of him and smiled, smiled so warm and wide no matter what they were doing. Could relate to the frustration he surely felt when they were kissing on the couch and Xie Lian’s body froze up whenever hands began to wander too far.
He wanted to give Hua Cheng more than just – handholding and forehead kisses. He himself wanted more than that. But here was the thing: he was a thirty-year-old virgin with a whole lotta baggage to unpack about intimacy. What was a lovestruck idiot such as he to do?
His first mistake was seeking the advice of Shi Qing Xuan.
“You are in the presence of a gift-giving guru,” Shi Qing Xuan assured him. “Remember what I got Ming-Xiong at our joint party last year?”
“I do,” Xie Lian said politely, hoping that Shi Qing Xuan wouldn’t force him to re-live the memories of an evening that had traumatized everyone witnessing it.
  A giant cake, being wheeled out of the kitchen. Ming Yi’s eyes going glassy and dark at the sight of it; the eyes of a shark, overcome by the smell of blood. Shi Qing Xuan, popping out of the cake in a sexy bunny-suit, only managing to sing a few notes of his birthday serenade before Ming Yi lunged in and—
Overcome, overcome by the smell of blood and fondant, and the terrible sounds of screams—
  Xie Lian shivered and tried to bring himself back to the present. He’d survived that night, as most other restaurant patrons had, and that was all that mattered in the end.
Shi Qing Xuan leaned in, giving Xie Lian a too-bright, too-manic smile. Xie Lian had half a mind to excuse himself and escape out the nearest window, but found his wrists seized before he could put that plan into action.
“We’re going lin-ger-ie shoppiiiing,” Shi Qing Xuan trilled in a sing-song voice.
 And that was how Xie Lian wound up in the tub, dressed in something vaguely resembling underwear.
The plan, as Shi Qing Xuan had outlined it (on pink, perfumed stationery), had been so simple on paper.
 Step one: go to your San Lang’s place.
Step two: excuse yourself to the bathroom!
Step three: take off your clothes!!
Step four: you’re secretly wearing your sexy new lingerie under your clothes!!!
Step five: strut your whole self out of that bathroom!!!! Pose also!!!!!
Step six: tell your birthday boy to unwrap his present!!!!!!
 Step one had been simple. Hua Cheng had welcomed him warmly at the door; pressing a kiss to his forehead, the tip of his nose, and finishing with a sweet, chaste kiss to his mouth. At the sight of the love in his expression, at the curve of his lips as he pulled back and rested his forehead against Xie Lian’s…Xie Lian immediately initiated step two and ran off to the bathroom, locking himself in.
Hua Cheng had immediately called after him, concerned, and Xie Lian had begged his pardon, his patience – he’d just – he’d eaten some bad yogurt, that was all, and he needed a few minutes. He’d be out soon.
Step three (which was also step four, honestly; Shi Qing Xuan got a little too excited to pay attention to numbers when plotting was afoot) was simple enough. It was easy to hide the…birthday surprise…under the oversized sweaters and shapeless thrift-store jeans that made up the majority of his wardrobe. The lingerie was gauzy, lacey; gleaming pearl-white and nearly translucent against his skin, such a contrast with the ever-present black choker around his neck. He slid his jeans off easily, and tried to adjust his garter belt the way Shi Qing Xuan had shown him, without ripping his thigh-high stockings in the process. He gave up after a few attempts, snapping one of the straps against his thigh irritably.
This was the point where he had first glimpsed himself in the mirror, and noticed that his panties – the ones that Shi Qing Xuan had spotted in the store and instantly insisted he wear – had a heart-shaped cutout in the back, framed with a big silky bow, showcasing his butt for the world to see. The lace was so thin, the fabric so sheer, that touching him here would hardly be any different than touching bare skin. This began the crisis that drove Xie Lian into the bathtub, preventing all hope of going through with step five in the foreseeable future. He would remain in this tub, in what passed as underwear by some bizarre standard, and proceed to ruin Hua Cheng’s birthday; just as he always knew he would.
Xie Lian heard whimpering at the bathroom door, and the sounds of pawing. This proved to be catalyst enough to prod him out of the tub. He bustled over to the door and bent down, peering under the gap between the door and the floor. A single, blood-red eye stared intently back at him. There came more whimpering, and then a pink, slobbery tongue questing under the door to swipe Xie Lian’s face.
“It’s alright,” Xie Lian soothed. “Good boy, E-ming. I’m fine, I’ll be out to pet you soon.”
The thought of having to wait a moment longer for Xie Lian to pet him seemed to only upset E-ming more, and the whimpering and crying redoubled in force and volume. Xie Lian moved away before that tongue got him again, and took a deep breath. He really had to come out, now – E-ming was the size of a direwolf and had the emotional neediness of a toddler, and Xie Lian doubted Hua Cheng’s bathroom door would be able to withstand much more pawing.
Xie Lian spotted a red silk robe hanging on a hook and took it down to shrug it on over his not-really-clothes. Hua Cheng probably wore this when he was fresh out of the shower. He was probably usually naked under it, considering the shower thing. Wet and naked. Xie Lian needed to stop thinking about this.
The moment he opened the door, E-ming’s long black snout poked through the crack, and he was able to project the sounds of his crying directly into Xie Lian’s face. Quite literally, considering he was a very big and tall boy. Xie Lian made comforting noises, and scooped him up, cradling his massive body in his arms as if he was a wee puppy.
“I kinda wanted to get you some like, lacy opera gloves to wear,” Shi Qing Xuan had said, squeezing Xie Lian’s bicep. “But I don’t think anything’s gonna fit over this gun show you’ve got going on.”
Xie Lian would pass on the opera gloves and keep his muscles, thank you very much. They were hard-won, and far more useful than some flimsy decorative gloves – for example, he would not be able to carry around three hundred pounds of crying dog otherwise.
“Gege? Are you alright?”
He heard Hua Cheng shifting around in the living room, and swallowed hard.
“I’m—I’m fine! Don’t come in here, just…go sit on the couch and close your eyes. Don’t peek.”
There was a pause as Hua Cheng processed the request, but he made no protest.
“Of course.”
Shy and awkward and completely unappealing as he felt, Xie Lian still didn’t want to spoil the surprise. And if Hua Cheng saw him wearing his silk robes, carrying his giant half-wolf-half-bear-half-horse-half-shadowbeast-probably-a-dog around like a baby, well…well, that would probably spoil the surprise? Maybe.
Xie Lian settled E-ming onto his dog bed, and stroked his head a few times before bidding him to stay put for a while. Exhausted from his emotions, E-ming sighed and settled his enormous head onto his front paws, and was asleep in seconds. Xie Lian patted him once more, smiling. Such a good, sweet boy. He couldn’t understand why more people didn’t see past his exterior – his exterior being an enormous black dog with blood-red eyes and a booming bark that could shatter glass, but still.
With E-ming tended to, there was to be no more dawdling. Xie Lian clutched at the breast of his borrowed robes and breathed deeply. Even if – even if Hua Cheng didn’t like this “present”, maybe they could at least have a good laugh about it, and Hua Cheng could tell him what he really wanted. Xie Lian could try to bake him a cake, maybe.
Hua Cheng’s penthouse apartment was large, but comparatively little of it was lived in. Hua Cheng scoffed at the idea of entertaining any guests other than Xie Lian (and occasionally Shi Qing Xuan and Ming Yi, when the former insisted on dropping in and the latter was bodily dragged along), and any guest receiving rooms seemed to be decorated with this disdain in mind: stylishly decorated with the most obnoxiously expensive and outrageously uncomfortable furniture, with unnerving and aggressively surreal artwork lining the walls. It seemed to serve less as a home, and more as a symbol of Hua Cheng’s self-made business empire.
When he and Xie Lian had first reconnected, the only room in the house that had any signs of life was his own bedroom – as if he’d never really felt the need to grow out of the art-student-in-a-rundown-studio-apartment mindset. It evoked a sort of warm nostalgia in Xie Lian, but still – he did feel the urge to suggest some…expansion. Hua Cheng’s art supplies and the fumes that accompanied them were moved to a proper studio room, his gaming equipment was hooked up in the living room, facing the couch, so Xie Lian could sit next to him and watch in polite confusion while he talked to Ming Yi over his headset and engaged in relentless trolling campaigns against foulmouthed players who had the same lack of maturity and emotional control that Xie Lian associated with his cousin. It already felt like a more comfortable place to live – and Hua Cheng deserved a comfortable, welcoming home.  
Shyly, Xie Lian peeked into the living room. True to his promise about waiting patiently, Hua Cheng was seated on the couch, hands folded politely in his lap. True to his promise about not peeking, he had swapped his eyepatch over to the other eye. Xie Lian felt a laugh bubble up from his chest, relieving some of his tension.
“San Lang.”
Hua Cheng tilted his head and twiddled his thumbs. “Hmm? I hear a lovely voice calling for me.”
Xie Lian stepped into the room properly.
“You—you can look now.”
Hua Cheng moved his eyepatch back over, opening his good eye just in time to see Xie Lian slide the robe off his shoulders; letting it pool on the ground around his feet.
“H-happy birthday.”
He’d never really noticed how chilly Hua Cheng kept his apartment. He supposed it was usually because he was dressed in more layers than…this. He shivered, and wrapped one arm around himself. Hua Cheng wasn’t saying anything, and Xie Lian couldn’t bear to look at him. He really should’ve just tried making a cake.
“It’s…it’s okay if you don’t like it, or if you don’t want to—”
“No! No, I…gege. This is…”
Xie Lian nearly jumped out of his skin at Hua Cheng’s exclamation, and finally looked over at him. His face was so, so red. He was staring at Xie Lian, jaw tense and lips just slightly parted. He looked – embarrassed, and eager. And like he was only seconds away from swooping in and pinning Xie Lian to the nearest wall.
It was encouragement enough to walk forward, and sit next to him on the couch. Hua Cheng’s molten gaze didn’t leave him for a moment. Xie Lian might be a thirty-year-old virgin, but he knew Hua Cheng, and he wasn’t stupid.
“…Shi Qing Xuan helped me pick it out,” Xie Lian quietly said, breaking the silence. He continued, trying to figure out a topic of conversation – what did you even talk about when you were about to…do this kind of thing? “And helped me figure out how to put it on. The stockings kept rolling down my legs, so we had to buy the rest of the…architecture…to keep them up. These garter things are a pain, so fiddly to get hooked up…”
Xie Lian snapped one of the garter straps against his thigh again to demonstrate, making an audible noise as the strap connected with his skin – pa! Hua Cheng swayed, glassy-eyed, and briefly looked like he was going to pass out on the spot. Xie Lian grabbed onto his shoulder to steady him, and they locked gazes for a long moment.
That was all it took. They both started laughing, helplessly, melting into each other’s arms for support, for warmth, for no reason at all other than that the other person was there to be held.
“So gege has been plotting with others!” Hua Cheng swooned dramatically backwards, sprawling on the couch with the back of his hand pressed to his forehead. “A plot most devious!”
“Sorry, sorry,” Xie Lian said. He’d allowed himself to be pulled along with Hua Cheng as he toppled himself over, and was laying across his chest. He wasn’t in any mood to move – this was a wonderful way to warm up from the chilly apartment. “There was no way I would’ve been able to figure this out on my own. Shi Qing Xuan buckled me in before I came over, and…”
Hua Cheng peeked his eye open. “…you came wearing that underneath your clothes?” he managed, after a moment or two. “You took the bus like that?”
“Well, yeah. It wasn’t very comfortable, but it wasn’t such a big deal. I might just go without underwear on the way home.”
Hua Cheng’s expression was unreadable. “…tomorrow morning, I’ll call a cab to get you home instead.”
Xie Lian instantly started to protest this generosity. “San Lang, there’s no need, I have a bus pass, I can just…”
The rest of the sentence died in his throat. Tomorrow morning, Hua Cheng had said. Xie Lian supposed that meant he’d just been invited to stay the night. Xie Lian supposed he knew what Hua Cheng wanted to do, tonight. Xie Lian certainly knew what he wanted to do. He squirmed, and buried his reddening face into Hua Cheng’s broad shoulder.
He felt Hua Cheng’s hand on his back, felt that hand and its long elegant fingers trace down, down his spine. Xie Lian’s face only burned hotter when Hua Cheng’s fingers reached the hem of his panties, and that big ridiculous silk ribbon atop his rear end.
“There’s a bow,” Hua Cheng said aloud, high-pitched and almost hysterical. “Gege, at this rate I won’t make it until my next birthday.”
Xie Lian squirmed and reached back to grab Hua Cheng’s wrist, guiding it even lower until his fingers could brush the outline of that silly heart-shaped cutout, until the palm of his hand was properly settled on the curve of his backside. He could keenly feel the heat of his touch through the gauzy material.
“…look at me.”
Face tucked into the join of his neck and shoulder, Xie Lian felt the rumble of Hua Cheng’s request more than he heard it. Slowly, he picked himself up, and managed to look Hua Cheng in the eye. It…wasn’t as difficult as he thought. Xie Lian was nervous, of course, and unsure, and shy, and completely out of his element. But he was with Hua Cheng, and there was nothing but love and adoration and care in his expression.
Hua Cheng cupped Xie Lian’s face in his hand, and Xie Lian nuzzled into his palm without even so much as a second thought.
“You don’t have to do this if you’re not comfortable.” Hua Cheng’s hand slid back into his hair, and tilted his head down just so, enough for Hua Cheng to press another kiss to his forehead, his brow, his cheek. “Do you want this?”
He wanted. He wanted, and Hua Cheng made him feel like he deserved to have it and so much more. He made him feel like he was something precious, something worth treating gently, something that belonged here, in Hua Cheng’s arms. It was a difficult sentiment to put into words.
(Though, honestly, he thought he’d made himself clear when he marched out of the bathroom in lingerie and put Hua Cheng’s hand on his butt. Maybe he wasn’t being the shy one here.)
“I do,” Xie Lian breathed, turning his face so those roaming lips properly met his own. “San Lang…San Lang!”
The squeak of Hua Cheng’s name that came out of Xie Lian’s mouth sounded almost affronted. Hua Cheng had scooped him up and clambered to his feet with him in tow without so much as a warning – they were having a Moment and they were kissing and now they were not. Xie Lian pouted at Hua Cheng, expecting an explanation for this. As always, Hua Cheng thought his pouty face was just the funniest thing, and he leaned in to press a loud, wet, smacking kiss to his cheek.
“My prince. This San Lang begs your forgiveness for his presumption. Being as I am a hopeless and completely irredeemable romantic, I wish to unwrap my present in the privacy of our bedroom.”
Xie Lian eyes went wide, and his cheeks beet red. He tucked his face against Hua Cheng’s shoulder. Hua Cheng made a low noise that reverberated and shivered its way into Xie Lian’s bones.
“Does my prince accept such a proposal? May I carry you off? Throw you onto my sheets? Put my hands and mouth all over you?”
“San Lang,” Xie Lian whined desperately. The apartment definitely wasn’t chilly anymore. His whole body felt like it was prickling to life with a thousand tiny embers. “Please. Please.”
Hua Cheng was a man who kept his promises.
Alas, a bit too well.
“San—ah!” Xie Lian gasped and clutched at Hua Cheng’s thick, silky hair. This did nothing but encourage him to keep mouthing Xie Lian’s erection through the lace of his panties. The thin fabric was damp from his tongue, and clung to Xie Lian’s skin uncomfortably. “I…oh, please…please, i-it’s your birthday, I should be…I should be…”
Hua Cheng made a savoring noise, and pressed his face more insistently into Xie Lian’s crotch. He breathed in deeply, then cracked open one eye to stare at Xie Lian; his gaze wild and blazing under the mussed fall of his bangs. It made Xie Lian want to cover his face, want to hide in the red silk sheets, want to melt away into Hua Cheng’s mouth. But it was so rude of him! So rude! It was Hua Cheng’s birthday, and he was the one – p-providing service, taking care of Xie Lian. Xie Lian should be the one with his mouth on Hua Cheng; should be the one touching him and making him feel good.
Hua Cheng’s grip was relentless on his thighs; his fingers tangled under the garter straps and under the flimsy stocking fabric. His mouth climbed higher until his lips were pressed to the line of Xie Lian’s hipbone. And oh, those were his teeth –
“Gege. So beautiful, gege. I’m—” Hua Cheng shuddered into silence, and his hips jerked against the mattress. His hands twisted in the straps and lace covering Xie Lian’s body, clutching hard enough to bruise. Xie Lian’s mind raced at the thought. “—I’m sorry. I’m sorry, you deserve more, I wanted…I wanted to—”
“San Lang.” Xie Lian stroked that lovely head of his, and waited until he looked up at him again. “Lay on your back? Against the pillows.”
Stiffly, as if he could hardly control his limbs, Hua Cheng clambered into position as requested. Xie Lian crawled to him, slowly, taking in the sight before him. Pale skin, midnight-black hair, muscles shifting under Xie Lian’s touches. He was just so lovely, his San Lang. Xie Lian reached out to trace up his long legs, bidding him to bring his knees up and apart. He’d managed to get Hua Cheng’s shirt up and off his head before Hua Cheng had dove in between his legs, but hadn’t gotten the chance to free him from his trousers quite yet. Xie Lian eyed the – rather large tent in the fabric. He thought of Hua Cheng flipping him on his stomach, yanking his panties to the side, and sliding that big thing into him. His thighs shifted against each other, seeking friction to relieve the rush of want.
Hua Cheng made a small, desperate noise when Xie Lian went for his belt and zipper, carefully and gently tugging the fabric down until he could get a good hold on his erection. It was…well, it was intimidating, sure, but it was also just so cute. Xie Lian brushed his fingers against the tip, experimentally, and Hua Cheng gasped aloud and scrabbled for purchase on the sheets. Cool on the outside, but just as cute as can be on the inside. Just like all of Hua Cheng.
Xie Lian didn’t really know exactly what to do next, but, well, he was creative, and he thought it would be rather nice to have a taste of Hua Cheng. He smiled up at Hua Cheng, stuck out his tongue at him, and before Hua Cheng could try to be a gentleman and tell him he didn’t have to, he dove in and swiped his tongue across the tip of his cock.
That didn’t sound like a shout of pain, so Xie Lian figured he wasn’t doing too badly so far. He looked up at Hua Cheng, trying to carefully judge his reactions as he put his mouth more properly on his cock. Hua Cheng looked like he was – about to ascend to the heavens, about to die. About to cry, even. Xie Lian made a concerned noise, and stroked his free hand against the back of Hua Cheng’s own, where it fisted white-knuckled into the sheets. It was nice to know that he wasn’t the only one nervous, here. Xie Lian smiled up at him, lips curling around the tip of Hua Cheng’s cock—
Hua Cheng gasped, and one hand flew up to grab at Xie Lian’s hair and yank him back. Something hot and salty flooded his mouth and spilled over his lips as Hua Cheng’s cock slipped out, dribbling down his chin and onto the red sheets. Xie Lian lifted a hand to catch any further mess, only belatedly realizing that he could probably swallow instead of drooling all over himself. He gulped down the remainder of the stuff, feeling it slide thickly down his throat and into his belly. Not bad. He knew his palette was…questionable, but he didn’t hate the taste of it, not at all.
Xie Lian swiped his thumb across his chin and lower lip to try and clean himself, and was turning over the idea of licking his fingers clean before Hua Cheng lurched forward and collided into him, knocking him onto his back on the bed.
“You are going to kill me,” Hua Cheng croaked out, sounding half-dead already.
“Hmm?” Xie Lian tilted his head to the side. “Did I not manage? Should I try again?”
“Oh, please, let’s,” Hua Cheng purred in his ear. “Though I think I’d like to return the favor.”
Xie Lian had always thought his San Lang had lovely hands. Long and elegant fingers, a strong and warm grip to hold Xie Lian’s hand in turn. Those long pretty fingers proved to be talented and gentle and relentless, sliding into Xie Lian and working him open until he was ready for him, so ready, so ready, please, San Lang, put it in me, I need you.
Once he was fully seated inside him, Hua Cheng heaved a sigh that was at least partially a sob and rested his forehead against Xie Lian’s. He was such a gentleman, so kind to Xie Lian, so kind and patient, waiting until Xie Lian adjusted to that thick, hard cock of his instead of just grabbing onto his hips and fucking him inside-out.
“San Lang,” Xie Lian breathed into his ear. He squeezed down on him, and tilted his hips up, insistent. “San Lang.”
Such a gentleman, such a gentleman. He tried so hard, his sweet San Lang, to go slow, afraid of hurting him. Xie Lian kept squeezing on him, kept tugging his hair, kept crying out his praises until Hua Cheng’s patience and remaining composure finally broke. He was such a gentleman, until he wasn’t. Xie Lian found himself being nearly bent in two; his legs over Hua Cheng’s shoulders, in the perfect position for Hua Cheng to fuck him deep and hard and desperate.
His San Lang was so pretty. Xie Lian couldn’t imagine a lovelier sight than this: Hua Cheng’s furrowed brow, his eyes wild and intense and fixated directly on Xie Lian, his mouth open and wet and panting out praises, exhalations, panting Xie Lian’s name. It didn’t take long for Xie Lian to reach his own release, with the feeling of Hua Cheng’s body on his, in him. Distantly, as he was riding on the last waves of it, he felt Hua Cheng’s warmth spread inside of him, filling him up. Ah. No matter what hole he took his San Lang into, the results were so wonderfully sweet. He could get used to this.
Xie Lian cradled Hua Cheng’s head against his chest, stroking his hair and allowing him to gather his senses. After a moment or two to catch his own breath, Xie Lian turned his head to the side, frowning at the nagging sense that someone was watching.
E-ming stood at the side of the bed, waiting patiently, holding his favorite butterfly toy in his massive jaws. His tail began to wag once Xie Lian’s attention was on him, stirring up a small tornado in the room. He delicately put a paw on the bed, indicating his intent.
“E-ming,” Xie Lian said firmly. “Wait.”
E-ming began to shake and whimper, putting more weight onto his paw, pushing the issue.
“Not right now. No cuddle time. No bedtime yet.”
Hua Cheng grumbled and tried to get up. “I’ll take care of him, gege. It’s my cuddle time.”
Xie Lian cunningly distracted him with a kiss, and slipped out from under him and off the bed to escort E-ming out of the room and back to his dog bed. He heard the shower start up on the way back, and was intercepted and stripped of the lingerie that had survived the bedroom before being bustled into the shower alongside Hua Cheng to clean up.
“Was this…was this enough?”
Hua Cheng hummed happily. “The loveliest and most precious gift I have ever received. The heavens themselves could not bless me more.”
Xie Lian’s cheeks reddened, even after everything. Honestly, he’d hoped he was going to be less easy to fluster after this.
“I thought—I thought I could bake you a cake, maybe? A birthday cake.”
“That sounds delicious, gege. Did you have a recipe in mind?”
Xie Lian squirmed off the couch, straightening out the oversized shirt he was wearing that he’d borrowed from Hua Cheng to keep himself decent. “I did! You can just – you can stay in here so it’s a surprise?”
Hua Cheng smiled sweetly at him, and folded his hands on his lap like a patient schoolboy. “Of course. I can’t wait to see what gege bakes for me.”
And he had a broom closet full of fire extinguishers, just in case.
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