#AND said god has a weird fixation on his little brother too!!!
irregularbillcipher · 3 months
“doomed by the narrative” this, “doomed by the narrative” that, literally none of your blorbos are him
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Demons and Demigods Part Thirteen: Dreams are Weird, and Everybody's Confused
Heyyyyyy sorry for dropping off the face of the earth, whoops. I got distracted by other projects and going on vacation so I haven't done much work on this au in a while. But! I have a short little update here for you! I had originally planned to turn at least some of this into a fully written scene, and I might come back to do that at some point, but for now, have some nonsense that amuses me.
I wanted to do some episode rewrites for the spn boys because I missed them, and decided I'd do it for Ghostfacers and/or Jus in Bello. However, it felt weird to just veer away from the Argo II crew since there's so much going on there, and my brother suggested doing the episode rewrites through the viewpoint of Percy's weird ass demigod dreams so I started whipping up ideas for that because it immediately tickled me thinking about Percy watching the Ghostfacers nonsense go down.
I don't think there's much of anything for Jus in Bello mentioned here, I kinda fixated on Ghostfacers and then another idea I had instead. Anyway, here's some incorrect quotes style things I was thinking about and a bit of stream-of-consciousness writing.
Percy, dreaming on the Argo II: [witnessing Sam and Dean dealing with the Ghostfacers bullshit] The Ghostfacers: you have to go be gay for that poor dead intern/gay love can pierce through the veil of death to save the day Percy, a queer, waking up: what the fuck?  ~ Percy, dreaming: [eavesdropping on Sam and Dean's convos] Sam and Dean: [bickering about Dean only having a few months left] Percy, waking up and immediately Iris Messaging them: hey, the FUCK you mean Dean only has a few months left what the hades are you talking about? Sam and Dean: [high-pitched, startled screaming and flailing that ends up disconnecting the IM] Percy: . . . Rude. 
PERCY PARTY CRASHES ONE OF SAM OR DEAN'S DREAMS JUST LIKE 'oh hey haven't done this in a while' AND SAM/DEAN IS JUST LIKE 'WHY TF IS THIS KID HERE?' Bonus points: it's Dean's dream and it's a ~Trauma~ dream abt John being an abusive shit stain when he was little and Percy is just like oh fuck that actually and intervenes in the dream-memory to kill John (like mother like son) and then he and Dean trauma-bond over abusive 'dads' (Percy: hey next time I'm in the underworld I'll ask Uncle H if he knows where John is. that fucker better be in Hell or the Fields of Punishment and if he's not, he will be. // Dean: 👁️👄👁️ ) 
Dean pov on Percy gate crashing his dream and killing dream-john and them trauma-bonding over abusive ‘dads’ (neither John nor Gabe should be called a dad but for the sake of brevity). Percy pov on him watching the Ghostfacers nonsense through his weird ass dreams and overhearing the ‘Dean, you only have a few months left’ convo and resolving to call/IM the boys when he has the time to do so to demand an explanation for that bullshit and then Sam dropped the bomb that his brother is a dumbass and sold his soul to bring Sam back to life and now Dean only has a few months left before hellhounds are gonna come after him to drag his ass down to Hell and Percy is just like gods damn dude that’s some serious shit why didn’t you ask for our help? Did you ask for help from anyone in the Greek world? 
And Dean is very firmly like no we didn’t and we aren’t going to. Aunt Sally has enough on her plate to worry about without adding my impending doom on top of it and we don’t exactly know anyone else in the Greek world, let alone how to get in contact with them. Also, anyone we do know would no doubt tell Aunt Sally about it and like I said, I’m not laying that on her. (Because he’s dumb.) 
And Percy’s just like, what the fuck man, I mean I get it I always sanitize my quest stories for mom so she doesn’t freak out too much but still. What the fuck dude. And they have that whole heavy conversation where Percy promises to look into things on his end for any way to get Dean outta his deal and if nothing else talk to Uncle H and see if he can’t jailbreak Dean’s soul for him or smth. (Percy does, in fact, later ask Hades, begs him actually, to help Dean, to bring him back, to at least steal him and put him somewhere better than the Christian equivalent of the Fields of Punishment. Hades has to gently tell him I’m sorry but there’s nothing I can do and he is genuinely remorseful that he can’t help out his nephew because he has grown fond of him and he would be more than happy to personally place Dean Winchester’s soul in Elysium if he could but he can’t and so he holds his nephew as he sobs, mourning the loss of another loved one whose life was cut too short and prays that the Fates or the Christian God or whoever is in control of this all will give Percy a fucking break and that someone will free Dean Winchester from Hell.) (Enter Castiel, Gay Ass Angel of the Lord, who will grip Dean tight and raise his fine ass from perdition.) (But I am once again getting ahead of myself. So.) 
Devolved a bit into my Destiel agenda there at the end, but this is my weird ass au and I do what I want lmao
Like I said at the start, I might come back to this at some point and fully write out the Ghostfacers nonsense, but for now, I'm gonna leave it at this and try to focus on figuring out what scene to cover next for the Argo II crew. I'll try not to fuck off into oblivion again but no promises, sorry.
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221bshrlocked · 3 years
ii. Fixation
Stirring Sensations Masterlist
Pairing: Pedro Pascal x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 5061
Warning: Smut. Penetrative sex. Incorrect use of a chain necklace. Dirty/Sweet talk. Kind of touch starved Pedro.
A/N: This is a few days late but only because my brother surprised us and flew out here so I do apologize. Also, this kind of got out of hand and it became a little more emotional than I originally intended. But I still think it’s kinky because you know, that chain. Enjoy my horny hivemind whores and please let me know how I’m doing in the comments. This is not beta’d.
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The drive back to the hotel was quieter than you expected but you were glad it wasn’t awkward. Not to you at least. Pedro occasionally glanced at you, and your heart skipped a beat every time his dimples made an appearance. With every smile he flashed you, you felt yourself fall more and more in love with him. It was a feeling like no other, knowing that he not only wanted you but implied that he’s been reciprocating your feelings for a while now. You snapped out of your haze when you felt Pedro’s hand reach over and hold your own before slowing down at the stoplight.
“What’re you thinking of?” Pedro asked, tilting his head when you avoided his gaze and tried to hold back from smiling.
“Tell me,” he rubbed at your wrist and noticed the way you clenched your thighs when he continued to apply pressure on your pulse point.
“I- I don’t want to make you think that I...that this is- ugh god stop looking at me like that Pedro.” You rolled your eyes at him before turning to the window, hoping he didn’t pressure you any further. 
“How am I looking at you baby?” 
“Like- like you’re thinking of what I’m...what I’ve been, Christ this is harder than I thought.” You shook your head in annoyance, amazed at how oddly clueless Pedro was when he was normally so quick-witted.
You forced yourself to look at Pedro when he was silent for too long, gulping nervously when you saw the way his eyes twinkled when he held your gaze.
“Since when do you get this nervous with me bebé? It’s only me...nothing’s changed.” Pedro tightens his hold on your fingers right as he brings your wrist to his lips, softly kissing the palm of your hand and smiling when you tell him that his mustache tickles. 
He doesn’t push you further and you’re thankful that he gives you time to collect your thoughts because you’re not sure what was going to happen now that the two of you were aware of the other’s affections. You’re about to ask him if he’s sure he wants to be seen with you when he pulls up to the front of the hotel and walks out, giving the keys to the valet waiting for him just as he walks around and opens the door for you. You take his hand and follow behind him as he makes his way across the lobby, keeping your head down so you don't make him uncomfortable should anyone see you with him.
Pedro pushes the button to the elevator and looks at the decreasing numbers, trying his hardest to not look at you because he knows he wouldn’t be able to keep himself in check if he turned around and saw your shy demeanor reflecting in your eyes. 
He all but pushed you through the doors as soon as it arrived, clicking impatiently on the ‘close door’ button so no one else would join the two of you. You’re still avoiding his gaze and he’s hoping he isn’t forcing you into anything by bringing you to his hotel and not dropping you off at yours. He remains silent when the elevator opens at his floor, placing a hand on your lower back and leading you through the empty hallway until you reach his room. 
You’re not sure what happens when the door unlocks because Pedro is quiet one minute and the next thing you know, he’s pushing you into his room and slamming the door behind him before cornering you against the wall. You’re trying to ignore the way his scent completely envelops you and how intense his touches are becoming but whatever self-control you have left is flying out the window as soon as you open your eyes and watch his chest rise and fall beneath the chain necklace. 
Pedro clenches his jaw tightly, about to ask you whether you truly want this or not. But he loses all coherent thought as soon as he feels your lips close around his Adam’s apple. His knees buckle when you start sucking on the cartilage and he doesn’t bother to hold back anymore, twisting his arms around you until he’s holding you flush to his chest, almost as if he was afraid to let you go. 
“Oh fuck- fuck...please baby.” He’s moaning against you and he isn’t making any sense but you don’t really care, pulling away and kissing up to his jaw to sooth your love bites. He’s breathing heavily, unintentionally bucking his hips against your stomach and tightening his grip on your waist when you gasp at how hard he is. 
“Pedro I- I want you, need you to- oh god but-” You hesitate for a second, trying to not get distracted by the taste of him on your tongue. But he’s making it difficult and you groan in irritation before biting on his neck again.
“But what? I’ll give you anything cariño, whatever you want. Just tell me what- what you want. oh god baby I didn’t know that...you- you wanted me this much.” Pedro is visibly shaking with every little bite you leave on his skin and he barely manages to pull back so you would finally tell him what’s on your mind.
“Please come back,” you’re whimpering and begging him to lean closer to you but Pedro shakes his head, swallowing the thick lump in his throat before completely pushing off of you. 
“Y/N...are you sure you want this? Are you sure you- want me?” You could hear the doubt laced in his questions and you’re not sure why he is the one asking you that question when it should be you asking him if he wanted you.
“Pedro...I’ve wanted you for so long, but I- and you’re a...and I’m just me.” You’re hesitant in admitting to him what’s on your mind but Pedro somehow understands what you’re trying to say because he steps back into your personal space again and forces you to look at him before he whispers his deepest darkest secret to you.
“You’re all I think about hermosa. I- I can’t get you out of my mind. But I don’t want to force you to do anything. What I said back in the restaurant...about taking you home with me. We don’t- we don’t have to do anything you don’t want. I just needed you to be with me...without anyone, just the two of us. I could-” Pedro doesn’t get to finish his nervous rant because you’re pulling him back to you by his neck and smashing your lips with his in a heated kiss, and you swear your heart is close to jumping out of your chest when Pedro combs his hand through your hair and pulls on it so he could have better access to your skin. 
He wants nothing more than to leave a trail of kisses down your neck, perhaps even mark and bite and lick your chest but you’re pushing him away all of a sudden, and he has a few seconds to register the hazed look in your eyes before your hands are on his chest again. He looks down and raises his eyebrows in awe when he sees your fingers desperately dipping in between the buttons of his shirt to feel his skin. 
You continue to push him until the back of his knees hit the couch and he sits down, his knees wide apart and his chest violently heaving in anticipation of what’s to come. He looks up at you with lust-blown eyes and reaches for you as soon as you straddle his thighs. A part of you knows you should probably slow down and not jump right into this but one look at his messy hair and the glistening skin underneath the chain and that damn floral shirt, and you forget what it was you were trying to tell him a few minutes ago. Pedro isn’t sure what it is about the chain that has you all riled up but he doesn’t care because you’re finally in his arms and you’re willing and needy and he’s imagined this a million times before this moment but nothing compares to watching you deciding what part of him you wanted to worship first. 
“Hermosa, I-” Pedro shuts his eyes and leans back as soon as he feels your tongue licking the chain and the skin beneath the golden necklace. He’s not sure why it’s turning him on this much and he tries his hardest to focus on feeling your lips pleasuring him but then your nails are digging into his shoulders and marking him, and he unintentionally bucks his hips into you, eliciting a heavy moan from your chest that’s music to his ears.
“You- you feel so good...so good, better than I imagined, so much better than I dreamt. Please baby I, I wanna taste you. Touch you, kiss you...fucking shove my cock deep in this hot and needy cunt,” Pedro manages to slip his hand between the two of you and cups your crotch, rubbing the palm of his hand as hard as he could just to hear your sweet sounds ring into his ears again.
“You’re...you’re all I’ve ever wanted.” The simple confession shoots straight to his chest and your world is suddenly turned upside down as Pedro pushes you beneath him into the couch. He violently takes your lips against his own, twirling his tongue inside your mouth until he feels your hands pull on his hair. You’re not sure what makes your cunt throb more, how desperate he is to feel you come undone at his touch or how positively sinful his mustache feels rubbing and tickling your lips. You always assumed it would maybe get in the way or would feel weird if you ever tried to kiss him but it’s far from that and you can’t help but smile against him because holy god this is really happening. 
Pedro feels your cheeks widen and he pulls away to look at you, unable to hold back from mirroring your expression as his hand engulfs your throat. 
“What’re you smiling about?” He asks and you’re momentarily distracted by the random patterns his thumb is tracing on your neck. 
“Your mustache...it feels nice. I’ve thought about what it would feel like if I- if we ever...but it feels nice.” Pedro is amazed at how you’re somehow still shy with him when, not a minute ago, you were devouring the column of his throat. As much as he wants to tease you about it, he doesn’t, instead leaning down and kissing your jaw before he continues down your throat. You can’t help but giggle when he traces your skin with his mustache, but soon turns into a whine when he bites down on your clavicle. 
“Pedro...I- I want you...I need to feel you- touching me. Please, t-touch me.” 
“I am querida...I am touching you.” He knows what you mean but he swears he won’t go anywhere near where you want him until you specifically voice your needs. You feel his hands trail down your stomach and slowly pull at the edge of your shirt. It’s too much and not enough and you shut your eyes when he takes the shirt off and throws it behind him. 
“Bonita…” There’s something about the way he whispers his approval in Spanish to you that drives you up the wall and you open your eyes in time to see him crouching down and nosing at your stomach. It’s such an intimate moment and you swear he’s taking his time just to piss you off but then he’s resting his head in between your breasts and not moving a muscle.
“Pedro?” You don’t know what you’re trying to ask and Pedro pushes off a few seconds later, his eyes taking in how responsive your skin is to his touch before he’s looking at you again.
“I wanted to know if your heart is beating as fast as mine.” His dimples appear again when he sees the surprise etched on your face. And you are surprised because that would have sounded absolutely stupid if anyone else would have said it. But it’s not anyone else. It’s Pedro. And he’s telling you that he’s as nervous and desperate as you are.
“It always beats this fast when you’re around.” That’s not what you wanted to say in response to him but it’s what leaves your mouth and Pedro’s smile falters before he pulls away and kneels in between your thighs. You’re not sure if that was too much and you’re about to apologize for ruining the moment when you feel his hands unbutton your pants and pull on them. You try to help him undress but he slaps your hand away and glares at you as he continues to take your clothes off.
“Keep your hands to yourself hermosa.” He warns you as he throws your heels to the side before pulling off your pants completely and you pout at him because you want to touch him as well.
“But I-”
“I’m so fucking hard for you baby and if I feel those nails digging into my back again...fuck, I might just- mierda, please, just give me a few seconds to calm down.” You’re not sure what to say to him so you softly nod before clasping your hands together. Pedro is somehow not shying away from your gaze even though he just indirectly admitted that he might cum in his pants if you touch him again. 
You’re not sure how long you stay looking into each other’s eyes but you can’t take it anymore and you reach for him, twirling the chain around your fingers and softly pulling on it until you could feel his breath fanning over your lips. 
“Please,” you whisper against his cheeks and Pedro suddenly doesn’t care if he makes a fool out of himself because he nods and rests his forehead against yours as you begin to unbutton his shirt. He’s unintentionally bucking his hips against you and it occurs to you that the man has every right to exude big dick energy because he has a big dick. You can feel him shaking above you as you pull the shirt out of his pants and look at his bare chest. 
“Are you- is this okay?” You’re reluctant to take this further but Pedro takes your wrist and shoves the palm of your hand onto the tent forming on his pants. He’s breathing heavily and moaning against you when you cup him a little more forcefully.
“I need you. Now.” Pedro growls into the crook of your neck and he slips his arm behind your back to unclasp your bra just as you unzip his pants and pull them down his thighs. His boxer briefs leave nothing to the imagination and you’re about to get rid of them as well when you feel his mouth close around a nipple while he pinches and twists the other between his fingers. 
“Oh god Pedro...fuck oh f-fuck, your mouth is- ahh yes, so good. More, please I need you to- shit, oh shit just...I’m yours baby do what you want. Take whatever you want, I’m yours. Y-yours,” Pedro isn’t sure if you’re saying this in the heat of the moment or if this is actually what you’re feeling, and he wants to ask you but his mind finally catches up with what the two of you are doing and he suddenly pulls away again.
“Condom. Fuck, I- I don’t have a condom.” There’s a hint of anxiety in his voice and you’re shaking your head just as you pull the bra completely off. “Implant...I have- it’s okay. As long as you’re-”
“As clean as a whistle.” He cuts you off and it’s frantic movements and fumbling hands again, and before you know it, Pedro is shoving his boxer briefs far enough down his thighs and rubbing his cock against your damp panties. 
“Fuck, ah fuck- I could smell your cunt mi corazón...so hot and wet for me. Just want to sink into you...stay in this pussy forever.” You wrap one arm around his neck and pull him down to kiss him, distracting him long enough to slip the other hand in between your already sweaty bodies to grasp him. His arms give out and he almost falls on top of you but he manages to hold himself up as you suck on his tongue and squeeze the length of his cock. You could feel him pulsing against you and you cross your legs behind his back to bring him closer to you. You gasp into his lips when he pushes his cock against your panties. Not wanting to wait any longer, you push the pathetic article of clothing out of the way and lead him into your slit. 
Time stands still for a few moments and neither of you can breathe as he pushes his cock deep into your wet cunt. His mouth is hanging against yours and it’s suddenly too much because you’re breathing his air and he’s tasting your lips. It feels like you’ve finally come home when he bottoms out and Pedro has to focus really hard on not coming but it’s near impossible because you’re so warm and wet and your walls are squeezing the fuck out of him and he molds his lips with yours to distract the two of you. 
You swear you see stars when Pedro pushes on your thighs to make more room for himself just as he thrusts in again, and you realize that it’s only his eyes that are twinkling above you. It’s such a cliché but you really don’t think you’ve ever seen anyone as beautiful as this man, especially when he looks this focused and wrecked from only being inside you for less than a minute. 
“Mi corazón, mi cielo, mi alma, mi amor...eres perfecta.” He’s barely supporting his weight on his arms and you’re about to throw your head back to commit this to memory when you spot the chain around his neck swinging right above you. You don’t know what takes over you but you instantly push up and bite down on it before moving back down and forcing him to move with you. Pedro is pulled out of his haze when he feels your hands dig into the skin just below his neck and he follows your lead as you pull him closer to you right before your teeth dig into the chain and his chest.
“Fuck, fuck- come on baby take what you want. You’ve been eyeing me like a bitch in heat all fucking day long. Mark me querida...harder. Want you to mark me sweetheart...with your- your, goddamn...your teeth, your nails, your lips. Fuck, that’s it- such a good fucking girl for me. Taking my cock in this tight cunt like I own you. Like you belong to me. Shit...could feel you squeezing the fuck out of me- and...and those sounds. Those sweet, needy sounds drive me crazy ángel. Mierda, can you feel how hard I am for you hermosa?” He pronounces each word with a harsh thrust of his hips, his cock driving deeper into you and hitting that sweet spot inside of your pussy with impossible precision.
“P-Pedro I- oh oh I’m- cuh- uh,” you arch into him and pull on his hair as you feel a sting of pleasure shoot through your spine. One look at the chain swinging back and forth above you and you're coming around him, unable to form any coherent thought as he continues to rail inside you to prolong your orgasm. He’s hissing and growling and whispering all sorts of filthy words above you but you’re not really paying attention because he’s stretching you out around his cock so he could get deeper. He looks so desperate and you shake in his arms when he leans down and rests his head against your neck, his beard rubbing so sweetly on your sensitive skin and making you wish you could feel it elsewhere. 
Pedro slows down for a few moments to let you catch your breath but as soon as you open your eyes and bat those eyelashes for him, he’s shaking his head at you and laughing hoarsely when your hands move down his arms and rub at his soft muscles.
“You want more bebé? My needy girl’s gone cockdumb already? Already coming around me when I haven’t even touched you yet.” He pulls away and rolls his hips achingly slowly into you, chuckling when you try to move against him and find the grasp he has on your stomach preventing you from moving.  
“Please...please.” You can’t help but look at the golden necklace again because it’s sliding so easily around his sweaty skin and you still don’t know why you have this fixation with it but you just want to feel it everywhere. When you finally meet his eyes again, you find him smirking and raising a curious eyebrow at you.
Fuck, you’ve been caught again.
“My sweet, filthy girl...all you have to do is- fuck, is ask. I’ll give you anything, anything you want. As long as you let me keep fucking this tight, whore cunt. Yeah? You gonna tell me what you want baby? Don’t get shy...I know how much you like this.” Pedro fingers his chain quickly before he returns his attention onto you, this time with his lower lip between his teeth as he sweeps his eyes over your equally sweaty body. He takes one look at your perky nipples and he immediately leans down again, not bothering to be gentle as he bites down on your breast and swipes his tongue roughly against the pebble in his mouth. 
You push yourself into him and scream his name when you feel his thumb rubbing at your clit. 
“Pedro- p-pedro...I-”
“Fucking shit, the way you say my name hermosa. Makes me want to mark every inch of you, tell everyone you’re mine. All mine. Mine to please, mine fuck whenever I want...goddamn the things I want to do to you are sinful. Just want to keep you in my bed forever...so I could- take, ah shit how are you still so fucking tight around me? Mierda, your pussy is needy for me. Look down love, look how perfect your cunt is, swallowing my cock, taking me in deeper, making me sink into it. Could feel your heartbeat baby fuck.” It shouldn’t come as a surprise to you how much Pedro talks in bed and you swear his words could bring you to your knees if he wasn’t already fucking you so hard right now.
“Want you to- the chain...can you, can I- oh god,” you’re trying your hardest to tell him what you want but the feeling of his cock, of every ridge and every vein passing against your walls is making it difficult to speak, let alone think clearly. 
“What do you want with it? You want to wear it baby? Wear it as I mark this tight hole? Or do you want to bite down on it again? Hmm, you've no idea how pretty you look right now, all spread out and glistening for me. Fuck, it's so hot watching you come undone just from this damn thing. Tell me what you want with it? It's yours. I'm- I'm all yours. I'm all yours hermosa." He's repeating your own words back to you and you take a deep breath before you try to talk again.
"I want it in my mouth, d-don't know how...just want it in- fuck, please. Pedro, I need-" Pedro is already taking off the necklace and you open your mouth to beg him to continue fucking you when he instantly shoves two fingers along with the chain past your lips. You can taste his cologne and sweat and sigh when the tangy taste of the chain mixes on your tongue. 
"My god...you have gone cockdumb for me. Look at you, wanting your mouth to get fucked by my fingers and this chain…" You clench around him at his words and you feel his hold tighten around your waist, a part of you already looking forward to seeing his handprint on your skin in a few hours. Pedro’s jaw is tense and he resumes his rough pace when you start swirling your tongue around his fingers and the chain tied to his palm. 
“Mine, all mine. Never letting you go. Tell me mi alma...tell me you’re mine. Please, t-tell me.” He plants his foot better on the ground and looks down just as you start meeting his thrusts. 
“Yours, always been yours. Don’t want anyone else, just you. Only you, always you.” You’re trying to speak through his fingers and you’re positive it sounds like gibberish but he understands and shuts his eyes before throwing his head back and committing this moment to memory. 
“Pedro, cum for me. Wanna feel you fill me up, cum inside me. I- I want you to, please. Please baby I wanna feel your cum so deep inside me, wanna taste your cum mixed with mine. Oh fuck, oh god, I’m already so close P-Pedro...so close. So good, your cock is- fuck, so fucking hard and big...please. I- I…” Pedro removes his hand and meets your eyes, clenching his jaw tightly just as he looks down to where the two of you are joined. Before he could think about it, he slides his hand down to your clit and pushes his chain into the bundle of nerves before rubbing furiously. You cry out his name and sink your nails into his arms, already feeling your legs shake from the intense pleasure that’s already coursing through your veins.
Pedro watches your every expression and every twitch, biting his cheek just as he feels your pussy flutter around him. He looks down just in time to see you gush around him, the squelching sound of your juices flowing so easily on his cock triggering his own release. He growls and presses his fingers into your clit harshly, swearing into the damp air as you milk his cock dry and he paints your walls with long, hot strings of cum. He continues to push into you until you beg him to slow down from how oversensitive you are. 
He’s breathing heavily and swiping the sweat dripping down his forehead, watching in awe as you bring his hand to your mouth and lick his skin. He’s not sure why he finds it hot that you want to taste his skin and his sweat but he doesn’t care. 
You’re smiling up at him but immediately hiss when you feel him pull out of you and leave you empty. Before you can ask him if you should move this to the bedroom, Pedro is taking the chain and pushing it into your cunt to collect your combined juices. He’s not surprised when he sees your pussy clench around his fingers and the necklace and he’s unable to hold back from chuckling at how positively filthy you are. 
When he’s satisfied with how much he’s collected, he takes the chain in his hand and moves his other hand to your lips, forcing you to open your mouth right before he pushes the inanimate object on your tongue. Your eyes are widened in surprise for a split second before they relax and Pedro can feel himself twitching already when you hum around his fingers. He watches as you push his fingers farther into your mouth so you could lap everything up, and he smiles when you whine at him as soon as he takes it out.
Neither of you say anything as you continue to catch your breath and Pedro can’t hold back from sliding his hands across the expanse of your skin because he’s thought of this so many times and he wants to memorize every little dip of your stomach and your hips and your thighs. He finally meets your eyes again and his heart skips a beat when he finds you staring at him like he’s the only one in the world.
Pedro doesn’t look away as he takes the chain and haphazardly throws it around his neck again. It’s such a simple action but the fact that it has remnants of his sweat, and your saliva and your mixed cum makes it hard to ignore and you’re already pushing up on your elbows and kissing his pulse point. 
“You really like this huh?” He chuckles against you, leaning back into the couch and wrapping his arms so you could straddle him more comfortably. 
“God, you have no idea.” You whisper as you start kissing up his jaw and pay extra attention to the ridge of his nose. 
“Oh, I think I have an idea hermosa.” Pedro remarks and you clench your thighs together when you notice how hoarse his voice has become, only to push back when you feel his cock slowly hardening against your heated skin.
“Pedro,” you wrap your arms around his neck and hide in his neck, unsure of was going to happen now.
“Come here mi alma,” he manages to kick his pants and boxers away before he stands up and moves to the bedroom. You’re holding on him and sighing when you feel his hands cup your ass to hold you better against him.
As soon as he puts you on the bed, you’re pushing up and taking his lips into yours, swallowing his groans and hoping this all wasn’t some dream your cruel mind conjured up.
“I’m never letting you go bebé, you’re mine now.” It’s a simple and softly-spoken promise but it’s all you need to calm your racing heart. Pedro notices the shift in your touch and he smiles down at you as he resumes his place in between your thighs, looking into your eyes just as you return his expression and pull him into your arms. 
And to think this was all because of a chain...
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xpeachesncream · 3 years
bands | sixteen
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[ series masterlist ]
summary: jeon jungkook has it all: the looks, the fame, the money, the women. being considered the sexiest man in the industry, he finds no complaints about the way his life is going nor does he find any reason to apologize for the way he approaches it. he is a force to be reckoned with - until he meets you.
pairing: stripper!reader x idol!jjk
genre: (18+) strip club/nightlife au, post grad au | fluff, angst, smut
words: 5.0k
warnings: cussing, mature language/implied sexual content, angst, anxiety, alcohol consumption, slight intoxication, physical abuse, slight verbal abuse, belittling, mentions of cuts/wounds but nothing too graphic, mentions of coke
tags: @brightcolorsoffendme @min-nicoleee @eggbutnotyolk @ra-mun-e @miinoongi @jimidol @ppeachyttae @thebeebi @bluesharksandfish @kooafraid @liriaus @thisartemisnevermisses @ggukkieland @preciouschimine @sunniejinnie @cypheruby @cyb3rbab3 @masterlists101 @awhnamjoon @redhedhoseok @wooya1224 @taeismydeath​ @jikookiekosmos​ @un2-verse​ @aynsx​ @wearenot7withu​ @knjeuphoria​ @bringitseijoh​ (closed!)
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Jungkook laid on the dorm couch, legs sprawled out as he wore his hood and covered his face as much as possible. He shut his eyes, trying to make sense of the cryptic texts you had sent him.
"We shouldn't do this anymore."
"I can't do this, Jungkook."
"You don't deserve this."
"I'm only trouble."
"We aren't going to work."
He repeatedly called you, asking for an explanation, a way to help make things better because none of this should have been the reason for you to want to call it 'quits' like that. He asked for you to talk to him. He'd call and after two rings, it'd bring him straight to voicemail. It never failed. Indeed, there was much more to the text but he only fixated on a few lines, and those few lines seem to be circling his head time and time again with no sign of leaving him alone.
"I think I'm falling in too deep and I need to stop this while I can. You hear them, you hear the shit they say. I would never let them ruin you, I don't want them to. You deserve better. Maybe it's true that I don't fit into this."
It frustrates him, every single time. Where the hell did he go wrong? Why was there a sudden change? Something was off, and god forbid if his assumptions were right. But, everything was leading right back to it. The way you called in sick, the way you shut everyone out. The way you texted him these things, wouldn't pick up his calls just to tell him you're busy or whatever the hell it was. It didn't sound like you. It didn't seem like you at all.
All things led right back to the club. To Bigs. Where you felt high and mighty. Wanted. Like no one could ever hurt you the way they did outside of the club because they worshipped you in there. They knelt down to you. The way you were so fucking tough there. He knew this is where you would fall back if things got rough. He couldn't help but think that you had been forced into it though, because he knew you didn't give a shit about that anymore. Ah well, forced or not, it just felt so off. Unusual.
"Hey." Namjoon sits on the floor near Jungkook's head. "You good?" He asks even though he's fully aware he's not. Joon hates those people who ask if something's wrong when clearly, something is wrong — however, he wasn't really sure how else to open up this conversation without coming off too pushy or forward. Too insensitive, even.
"What's going on?" Jungkook sighs as he tries to lower his hood even more, although there's no more of his hood to lower. He keeps his hand on his face, trying his hardest to keep himself together.
"I don't know." Now, going back to earlier — everyone can tell Jungkook isn't happy. They've tried to butter him up and make him feel better even though they knew you were the only person who could truly make him happy again. They've tried to talk to him in one way or another, but they never forced him if he didn't want to. The only person that really hasn't said much was Jimin, and that also pisses him off because if he had anything to do with this, he will surely fuck him up for ruining his happiness.
"You hear from Y/N? She still sick? Does she need anything?"
"She's not sick."
"Hm?" Joon slightly turns back, confused.
"Something else is wrong."
"Like what?"
"She's not picking up my calls. Not answering my texts the way she normally does. When she does, it's super blunt or one worded."
"Maybe she's really not feeling well, or just caught up with things—"
"No, hyung. I know her, she always has her priorities straight. Even if she was sick, she wouldn't do this. She wouldn't go as far as to shutting her own brother out."
"Idol life too overwhelming? I get it." Jimin jokes as he walks into the kitchen, making Jungkook shoot his head up to glare at him.
"The fuck, can you not? I don't see why you feel the need to joke around right now."
"Jeez, sorry. I just thought I'd lighten up the mood somehow."
"Come on, dude." Namjoon looks at him with disappointment, Jimin only returning the gesture by rolling his eyes and walking away. "How can I help you?" Joon asks, returning his attention back to Jungkook.
"Maybe I was being selfish bringing her into all of this. These people— they're fucking mean, and she's already had her fair share of dealing with mean people. How am I supposed to protect her all while not feeling selfish about it?"
"You're not selfish, who told you that?"
"Jimin." That's like strike.. whatever to Namjoon at this point. Why the hell was Jimin being so fucking weird?
"Look, I know it's not easy in this industry. But I think what you can do is prove to her that you won't hurt her, especially with everyone around her doing nothing but hurting her. You need to show her that you're different from the rest of them, that she can fully trust you. If I were in her shoes, to be honest, it would be scary for me. You got a whole lot of shit going on in your life. You're expected to provide a lot, and on top of that, you haven't had the best reputation with women."
"Yeah, I hear you."
"Then, nothing else matters. You keep fighting for her if she really matters to you. Does she?"
"Of course she does, I mean, can't you tell? I've never been this way over someone." Joon nods.
"You sure as fuck haven't. It still catches me and the guys by surprise. But, I'm happy to see someone helping you become a better person. She's been nothing but genuinely sweet, and I know she already does a hell of a job taking care of you."
"She's— I don't know. She's become so important to me."
"I know she has, and I'm happy to hear that. I really am." Joon sighs. "So tell me, what can I do? I hate seeing you like this."
"Well, I'm sure as hell not allowed at the club. Bigs will do anything to get back at me for what I did to him. He won't hesitate."
"I won't let him. We won't. You really think she went back?" Jungkook nods.
"Positive. Something doesn't feel right. It feels weird. And I feel like she was egged into this. I don't like it one bit."
"Want me to go check out the club tonight?"
"Yeah, please?" Jungkook says. "But don't be too obvious. Bring Jin hyung or someone who could use a lap dance or two."
"Sooo Jin hyung?" They chuckle.
"Yeah, exactly."
"And if she's there?"
"Then I'm going straight to her tomorrow night. I just need to make sure I do this right because I don't want her or Kai to get hurt. I'll stay out there if I have to just to make sure she doesn't go back. What else do I have to do—" Jungkook pauses to stop himself because this clearly wasn't you. He sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose. "Who the fuck made her do this?"
"Bigs, who else?"
"No, she wouldn't listen to just Bigs. He's definitely working with someone and using shit against her."
"Okay, let's just not assume the worst. I'll head there tonight and drag Jin hyung with me."
"Thanks hyung, I really appreciate it."
"No problem." Joon gently massages his shoulder before getting up from his spot to make his way back to his room.
All Jungkook can think about doing is sleeping more right now. He'll send the occasional text to check on Kai and see how he was doing, but they both worried too much about you and Jungkook would hate to tell him that you ended up going back to the club. He didn't think he would tell him, he didn't think he'd have to because he was gonna make sure to get you out of there before shit hit the roof again. If it hasn't already, and he's hoping it hasn't.
And so when Namjoon and Jin hyung [obviously in need of that lap dance or two] head out to the club, Jungkook stays in his dorm room, suddenly feeling the adrenaline rushing through his body even though he can't do shit besides sit here and wait. He goes through the random pictures he's taken of you - the cute, candid photos he had of you, the cute candid photo of you as his lock screen. He deletes all the texts in his inbox even though he knows it might have been a little late. It honestly hasn't mattered to him in such a long time, but he just never got around to wiping his inbox clean since he was so caught up with you - his baby.
"Is this going to turn into some kind of action movie? We bust through the doors, take down all the guards and steal Y/N?"
"No, hyung. Jesus. Do you forget you're an idol? That's probably the very last thing we should do."
"So, what do we do?"
"We just walk in there like we normally do?"
"Plus, we can't have Bigs onto us like that. We have to act like we don't know anything."
"Do you really think he's using something against her?"
"I don't know. I have to be honest though, I think Jimin's involved."
"W-what?" Jin says, furrowing his brows. "No, he can't be."
"Trust me. He always acts so weird around her, and he's probably the one person who hasn't taken this as seriously. He hasn't said anything to Jungkook."
"But why though?"
"I don't know, beats me. I just don't think he respects her. Or, likes her. Whatever it is."
"She hasn't done anything to him though."
"That makes it worse, doesn't it?"
"How could you be so sure?"
"Look hyung, I'm not. I just think he's involved. My gut says so. We'll find out whether I'm right or not, right?"
"I hope you aren't. That'll really mess Kookie up."
"Well. I love him, but he'll have to learn the hard way for butting into someone else's business like that. No matter what the reason is." Namjoon parks the car and fixes his rolled up sleeves before adjusting the Rolex on his wrist. He looks at Jin once more, nodding in approval once they both feel like they've fixed themselves enough to look presentable, not questionable.
Meanwhile, you had just finished up your time on stage so you headed to the back to take a break. Bigs hadn't given you the option to secure private bookings knowing damn well there would be opportunity for Jungkook and some of his boys to slip through and try to work their magic in private. As much as possible, you were just trying to protect Jungkook, even though you knew he wouldn't back down without a fight. You knew Bigs wasn't all that tough, but right now, he seemed to hold a lot of power with Jimin being on his team. And you knew damn well it was Jimin all along. Did you have concrete evidence? No. But your gut feeling might as well be enough with the way he talks to you. Why else would Bigs all of a sudden feel all mighty? Bigs had threatened Jungkook and your brother enough to keep your mouth shut. Enough to keep your attitude level at a 0.
The scene played in your head over and over again—
"I gave you a better life, you ungrateful piece of shit. You do as I say and your little Jungkook and your little Kai won't get hurt. You think I'm scared of them, sweetie? You think I'm scared of you? Your stepfather don't give a damn about you two. I can easily send my men down to do their magic, especially after how Jungkook treated me. Is that how he repays me after all the special treatment I've given him?" Mr. Bigs hunched over you. "You two wanna play me like a fool, I'll show you two what it's like to be played like a fool." He pulled on your hair before aggressively releasing and spitting to the side.
There was no way they would get dragged into this. Not anymore. They didn't deserve to be included in this no matter what it was.
Boy, did you miss Jungkook. Everything about him. It took everything in you not to come running back. It took everything in you not to answer those calls or texts like you normally would.
You chose him, every single time. You wish he knew that. Him and Kai.
You sighed, sipping on the flask you snuck in. The alcohol relieving you of any pain, helping you feel numb as the night goes on. You didn't want to feel tonight, you just didn't. Why would you, when everything had just been hurting you lately?
You had just finished dancing out on the main stage, throwing your ass back to some Megan and Cardi. A few other dancers were gathered at a vanity, sneakily sniffing lines of coke while Bigs and his men were busy paroling the main stage.
"You want some of this, sis? In celebration of you coming back?" One of the other dancers smirks at you. You simply shake your head no and return to the flask in your hand.
"I'm good, thank you."
"Alright, well it's here if you want it. Just let me know, babe." Her and the other dancers go back to their business on the vanity. However, another dancer continues to eye you, sympathy filling her expression as she approaches you while you sip on your flask once more. You were starting to feel pretty tipsy again, hoping you could just hide out in the back 'till the very end of your shift.
"Y/N." She says, her hand gently on your arm. "You okay?"
"I'm good." You purse your lips together to prevent yourself from tearing up. Those words were triggering for you because you were not okay, whatsoever.
"Why did you come back, babe?" She genuinely asks, worried about you. "Did Bigs do something?"
"No." You lied. "Things just didn't work out elsewhere I guess, and I need money."
"Didn't work out? I saw the way Jungkook handled Bigs that night." If anything, she was probably the one dancer who paid attention to the environment around her. Everyone else was oblivious to the shit that's been happening and that's because they didn't give a fuck about anyone else. Her stage name was Trixie, but her real name was Miki. She too didn't really enjoy being here but her parents talked so much about how she was useless and couldn't make it out in the world, especially as a vlogger. She loved it. She loved being in front of the camera and talking to the world thru the lens. But her parents thought it was dumb— that she was dumb for even wanting to grow a career online like that. Besides all of it, she remained sweet, and she was always super nice to you. You wouldn't be surprised if she knew about you and Jungkook, and you honestly wouldn't have a problem with it. She never treated you wrong. She knew Bigs had a tendency to overstep and abuse the power he had with his status and his money. However, she knew he was a big coward and that he was all talk, no play — especially if it was outside of the club. He may be a big honcho here, but outside, he had no chance. And she couldn't wait until the day he'd get his for all the mess he's caused.
"Yeah well, things happen." She shakes her head.
"Y/N, you can talk to me. Look, as much as I love seeing your face, you have so much potential. You don't deserve to be stuck here. Let me help you figure this out."
"I'm okay, Miki. Thank you, though." She nods, not wanting to press you any further.
"Well, I'm here for you." She gives your arm one good squeeze before walking off.
Eventually, the rest of the dancers retreat back out onto the floor, leaving you to hide away in the back room as long as possible — which is why Namjoon can't get a glimpse of you anywhere out in the main area. Bigs is actually a little taken aback to see both him and Jin walking through the club, even after everything that has gone down. But hey, business is business— and if they weren't gonna cause any trouble, so be it. He knows though, he knows full well there's a possibility they're here for you.
"Boys! Long time no see!" He greets them, Joon and Jin giving him a toothless smile in return. "How've you been? What brings you in?"
"Mr. Bigs." Namjoon says, smoothing down his shirt. "Ah, we're good, just getting busy prepping for the tour. Wanted to take a little breather tonight."
"Well, I'm glad you guys came here to do so. Can I get you two anything to drink?" The both of them shake their heads. "Anything to help relieve that stress?"
"We're good, thanks. Just gonna sit out on the floor for a bit."
"You two let me know if there's anything I can do for you, at all." Bigs smiles at them as he begins to watch them walk away. "Make sure she's covered." Bigs slightly turns his head to speak through the headset mic, alerting his men to keep an eye out. He thinks he's said it low enough so that Jin and Namjoon don't hear, but Jin catches the movement in his peripherals, causing him to pinch Joon's bicep.
"Back room." Jin says, subtly nodding towards the backroom as he keeps his gaze out on the main stage and adjusts his tie. Namjoon looks around to see Bigs has welcomed himself to the other side of the club, speaking to a few customers, looking distracted.
"I'm gonna go see if I can talk to her."
"Talk?! You said we were just scoping her out. Don't cause any trouble, Namjoon-ah. Please."
"Oh, now you suddenly don't want this action movie to come alive?! You sure were talking a whole lot about it in the car."
"Since when do you even take me seriously?!"
"I always take you seriously, hyung!"
"How about you just sneak towards the back door and get her attention? You said we can't go all out like that!"
"There's guards there too."
"Look, I just don't want you or Y/N to get hurt. Maybe we should just lay low and figure out how we can approach this better."
"Hey, can I get you two anything?" Miki interrupts, fully aware of who they are and what they're here for.
"No, sweetie. Thank you." Jin responds, flashing his 100-watt smile.
"You looking for Y/N?"
"Depends who's asking?" Namjoon says, trying to keep his guard up.
"Look, I'm not gonna rat you out if that's what you think." She puts her hand on her hip, tray still balancing on her free hand. "She's in the backroom. But there's no way you can get to her. Bigs is watching her for whatever reason."
"Yeah, we're aware. Can you send her a message for me?"
"Sure. You have 10 seconds though or else Bigs is gonna be onto you." She points towards Bigs slowly making his way back.
"Just tell her that Jungkook is worried about her and wants to help. Or, we want to help. We just wanna know what's going on."
"I'll try, but she didn't let up when I asked earlier."
"Thanks." Joon sighs.
"Shoo, I'll find you guys around." She says, sneakily walking off towards the bar with her empty tray as Bigs starts to eye the main floor. Jin and Namjoon welcome themselves to a seat on the side of the stage, acting normal as possible by throwing bills onto the stage for the dancers. Miki tends to her customers before she's setting her tray down and pretending to take a cigarette from her bra to take a quick "break." She heads to the back to see you still sitting at your vanity, head resting against the palm of your hand.
"Babe." You turn to look at her, eyes slightly glossed over.
"RM and Jin are here. They said they want to help you, and if you can tell them anything, that's all they'd want."
"Girl, look. Don't let this man keep running your life like this. I don't care what he said or did, this isn't you. You need to get out of here and you need to let people in. People who genuinely care about you." You sigh.
"How is that possible when Jungkook's own bestfriend doesn't even like me? And ontop of that, Bigs even dragged my little brother and my evil ass stepfather into this. I can't let anything happen to him, he's the only thing I have."
"I get that, and I'm sure Jungkook will do whatever it takes to protect you both. Why are RM and Jin here then? Whatever Jungkook's other friend's issue is, he needs to figure it out. It's obviously his own problem, something he created himself for no reason."
"I know he's helping Bigs keep me away from Jungkook. All the hurtful shit in the media, all the shit he's been tossing in my face. Whatever, I get it. He wins. I don't belong."
"Don't say that."
"It's true, and I know even if I chose Jungkook, he'd choose his bestfriend over me. Why would he go against that? They've been together for so long. I'm a fucking nobody." Miki knows this is all the alcohol running through your veins, but at least now, she knows Bigs isn't doing this on his own [as she assumed, he's a fucking pussy for the most part - he's a pussy who got handsy with the dancers cause that's all he can do to feed his ego].
"I don't think that's true, and I don't think it's a fair assumption when he's stayed by your side, hasn't he? He hasn't given up on you." She says before walking out. Really, things were just completely scrambled in your head. Just fucked up. Your questions, your uncertainty was strong enough to pull you towards the negative - the what if's, the assumptions, the rumors, the shit-talking. After all that, the positives were dim.
Miki grabs her tray and serves the first couple of customers in dire need of their drinks before she heads over to Jin and Namjoon to spill the information she received from that conversation.
"She won't budge. It sounds like a lot of this shit talking got to her head, so she came back to make herself feel better but then Bigs ended up turning this around on her, threatening Jungkook and her brother. If I were you, I'd get Jungkook to her before she can even come back here. Make sure her brother is with him too. Bigs is all talk but being the guys that you are — I wouldn't take any chances to ruin your reputation and all that." She smacks on her gum. "And I hate to tell you this, but one of your little friends has been working with Bigs. I don't know who, but you better let that little shit know he was wrong for getting in her head like that. She deserves way better." She says with a punch of attitude before walking away.
"Jimin?" Jin mouths out to Namjoon, who only shrugs in response.
"Let's go." Namjoon tosses a couple of more bills before they head out.
"Have a good evening, boys." Bigs yells out, causing the two of them to return a tight-lipped smile.
"Are we going to tell Kookie about Jimin?"
"No? Because we don't even know ourselves. His name was never dropped, and we'll look dumb if we acted on assumptions."
"This is so fucked up." Jin sighs, looking out the window.
"You're telling me."
When they finally arrive back at the dorm, Namjoon and Jin find Jungkook pacing around in his room, tossing a rubber ball against the wall to keep himself occupied. His doe eyes dart over to them, letting the ball drop to the floor while he nervously walks closer to them.
"I'm sorry, dude." Joon sighed. "From what it sounds like, all this mess just got to her head so she went back to the club to make herself feel better. But Bigs ended up bringing you and her brother into the situation so, I'm assuming she's distancing herself to protect you in some way?" Namjoon runs his hand through his hair. "Honestly, I really don't know, that's as much as we got."
"We didn't even talk to her or see her, some other dancer helped us out. I guess she's a friend of hers? Or maybe she just likes Y/N. She wanted to help." Jin says.
"Fuck!" Jungkook groans, slamming his hand down onto his bed. "Why couldn't she just talk to me? We could have figured this out."
"Look, I'm sure there's a lot more to it and I'm sure it's difficult for her. Promise me you'll hear her out when you see her."
"I mean, yeah I know, I will. But, how did this get to her head so easily? I really can't wrap my head around it, I—" He catches how tense Joon and Jin suddenly get. He watches them nervously looking at each other, making him cock his head to the side and furrow his brows. "Wait, what is it? You know something else, don't you?"
"I mean there's really no concrete facts behind it so we can't necessarily say it's true."
"Well?" Jungkook asks, his fists clenched so tightly his knuckles are turning white. But, before they could go any further, Jungkook's ringtone echos in the room. He quickly turns in case it's you calling, but he picks up anyway because it's someone equally as important.
"C-can you come pick me up? My sister isn't picking up. I'll send you Eric's address." Jungkook worries when he hears the shakiness in his voice, his tone low to a whisper.
"Yeah, sit tight. I'll be right there." He hangs up, darting out of his room, Namjoon and Jin following after him.
"Where are you going?"
"I need to get to Kai."
"Let us come with!"
"Look, it'll be quicker if I go myself—"
"Jungkook-ah, stop. We're not gonna let you go alone." Joon and Jin make it just in time to join him in the elevator, heading straight for his car even if it's nearing 1am. Jungkook pulls up Kai's location, pressing on the gas to rush over there just in case Kai was hurt. And yes, Jungkook was going to give it to your fucking stepfather if he sees anything on Kai. He will fucking destroy him, he promises.
Jungkook, Namjoon and Jin walk into the house quietly, seeing Kai putting his finger up to his lips when he meets them near the kitchen.
"What happened?" Jungkook whispers, handing his bags over to Namjoon and Jin. Jungkook looks at the small hint of blood pooling near his nostrils and the cut near his eyebrow.
"I'll explain in the car, can you just take me to—"
"Really? Calling your sister's boyfriend and his friends over to save you? You really are a helpless little shit." Namjoon, Jin and Jungkook are all shielding each other and Kai from Eric, Jungkook's blood boiling seeing him standing there, clearly very drunk and not in the right state of mind.
"Aye, don't fucking talking to him like that." Jungkook's spits out, making Eric laugh.
"First you fall for my slut of a daughter, now you help rescue him? I thought you were so much better than that, Jungkook. You aren't the person people portrayed you to be. Shittiest idol I know. All of you."
"You don't know me." Eric snorts.
"You guys do know I help sponsor your shit right? I play a big role for you, don't come into my house acting like—" He slurs his words.
"Yeah, well fuck the contract." Namjoon's jaw clenches. "Better yet, don't fucking worry about it, I'll make sure to take care of it for you."
"You need me." Eric says, almost at a growl.  "You need me and Bigs—"
"Since when?" Namjoon responds in a mocking manner as he begins to usher Jin, Jungkook and Kai towards the front door. "If you wanna send your people over, you can let them know I'm free tomorrow in the late afternoon. I'll be more than happy to tell 'em what kind of sick person you are."
"You can't just take him—" Eric tries to flip the script, obviously unaware that Kai has already turned 18. He grips onto Kai's arm and tries to pull him back, except he's intoxicated, so Jungkook easily pushes him off. He watches as Eric hits a bar stool, stumbling over himself before he drunkily falls on his ass.
"You're such a sad excuse of a stepfather, you aren't even aware he's 18 already. He doesn't need you." Jungkook scoffs. "I'm gonna send people for the rest of Kai's shit tomorrow. And let's get this straight - we never needed you or Bigs. You both aren't shit without us and yout fucking empire thrives because of us. And if you do anything to Y/N, if you even think about working with Bigs on doing anything to her, I fucking promise you I will bury you alive. I won't stop until you have nothing left. Don't underestimate me."
everybody's angry and they're coming for me, but i can't give them energy that i won't receive; so i brush 'em off, i got a lot on my sleeve, like i'm moving backwards, but it's all on repeat; this place is getting crowded, i got no room to breathe
track twelve: hundred - khalid
408 notes · View notes
prompts 8 + 9 for Buck omgggg 🥲🥲🥲
Can’t Lose Him
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Evan Buckley x Reader 
Warnings: fem!reader, mentions of hospitals and injuries, minimal swearing, mentions of pregnancy and Chim’s accident, big brother!Chim
Prompts: #8: “you promised me you wouldn't be reckless! You promised me!” #9: “Does he know about the baby?” 
Category: mix of angst and fluff
Word Count: 2.4k
Author’s Note: I loved writing this so thank you for requesting! :) 
Pacing the room, Hen reached out for your hand. “C’mon, your feet must hurt. Sit down” you sighed, once again you were in a hospital waiting room in the middle of the night with the team and Maddie because Buck’s idiotic self got himself hurt again. 
“I’m okay Hen, thank you” you gave her a slight smile. Bobby was talking to the doctors because you couldn't bring yourself to hear what he’s done this time. Bobby returned, Athena by his side now. “Oh honey,” she pulled you into a hug, you could feel yourself melting into her arms, she sat with you and her arm wrapped around your shoulder. Bobby sat to the other side of you. 
“The doctor said that the pressure of the block cracked a rib, which then punctured a lung. He also has a mild concussion but they say it shouldn't be too bad” 
“Is he out of surgery ?” 
“He is, but he’s in recovery now. It might be a little bit before we get to see him” Bobby gives your shoulder a squeeze, you nodded.
Taking a look around the waiting room, Chim held Maddie as she slept with her head on his shoulder. Eddie sat to the other side of them, on the phone with Carla and Christopher. Hen was now talking to Bobby about something. 
This wasn't an unusual scene but a familiar one. Regardless of what was going on or who it was, the 118 always shows for their own. 
A rather tall man came into the waiting room. “Buckley ?” he called out, everyone stood, the doctor seemed surprised to see so many people at 4 in the morning. Your hand was resting on your stomach, you could feel eyes burning into your side. Looking to the left, Chim’s eyes were fixed on your hand, you nodded in his direction with your brows furrowed. He shook his head, you didn’t think much of it. 
“We can take one person in if someone would like to go in now? He’s still asleep but he’s stable as of now” your heart sunk at the term “as of now”, shaking the feeling, you look over at Maddie. 
“Do you want to go in first ?” 
“You go ahead, I'll walk with you and then I'll see him after. I might take a lap, my back is killing me” she gave your hand a squeeze, the two of you followed the doctor to a room down the hall. 
She came in for a moment to kiss her brother’s head and then left you alone in the room with him. You sat at his bedside, your hand held onto his. His hand was cold, the monitor was still going and you could hear his heart beating through the deafening silence but it felt strange. 
Every time you found yourself back here, it felt odd. 
Buck was a warrior in every sense of the word, he pulled through, always. 
“Oh baby, what did you get yourself into” sighing and leaning back into the chair. Once again, your hand comes down to rest on your stomach, the other hand still holding Buck’s. His hand twitched slightly, he was starting to wake up. “Don’t move hun,” your hand rested on his chest softly, Buck’s brows furrowed. 
“Wh-who are you?” his head tilted slightly, your heart dropped. The panic started to set in but you knew better than to let him see it. 
He’ll come around, he’s just woozy from surgery. 
“Why are you here?” he asked once again, “I'm-” you started but was cut off by a little chuckle from Buck. “You ass!” you let out a breath, “god, you scared me”
“Sorry baby, I didn't mean to scare you” 
“Yeah? So why am I sitting in a hospital room while you’re all banged up” 
“We could bang if you wanted” he gave you one of his stupid wicked smiles
“Evan Buckley!” you scolded him, “now is not the time” your hand held onto his arm, your finger tracing over the tattoo on his bicep. “You really scared me, the whole punctured lung this isn't a cute look Buck” 
“Really ? And here I was thinking that I was pulling it off” 
Something flipped in you, you went from relief to anger in .2 of a second. “How could you?” hitting his shoulder, you stood up. “Ow! What did I do ? I'm just laying here” Buck whined, you know you didn't actually hurt him, he's just being dramatic. 
“I know it’s your job to run into burning buildings but would it kill you to be safe? You can't fucking save anyone if you’re dead Evan!” 
“Woah, calm down first of all, and why are you calling me Evan ?” 
“Is that not your frigging name ?!” 
You were starting to lose your patience. You loved Buck, any and everyone knew that but you couldn't deal with how stupid he could be sometimes. He’d run straight into danger to help others but not once would he stop to think of what could possibly happen to him. 
“Where is this coming from ?” he asked you, looking at you. He reached for your hand but you pulled away. You find yourself pacing again, trying to calm yourself before you strangle him with his IV line. “What do you mean ‘where is this coming from?’ you had a giant block of concrete on your chest Buck! If Eddie didn't find you, you'd be dead, you were on the verge of death as it is.” 
“You don-” 
“I don't know that ? I know you’re dumb enough to run into a collapsing building, especially after Bobby told you not to go back inside” you gave him a look, your back up against the wall. Buck’s face went pale, he looked as if he saw a ghost. 
“What? You thought Eddie wouldn't tell me about your little stunt ? You should know better than that.”
“Y/n, baby, I didn’t think anything would happen to me” 
“You never think Buck, that's the problem! You promised me you wouldn't be reckless! You promised me! but you never listen, you never do. One of these days, you're going to walk in and not walk back out.” storming out of the room, Buck sat on the bed, his mouth hung open and confused as to what brought on the fit of rage you just had. 
Maddie walks into the room, “where’s y/n?” she sits beside him. Buck rubs his forehead, “um- she just went for some air” 
It was around 5:30 in the morning, you sat outside on the hood of Buck’s jeep. You had dropped him off at work and taken the jeep for the day, hence why you had it right now. 
That’s how you’d describe your surroundings. There was no one in the parking lot, you laid back on the hood as your hand came down to your stomach once again, staring aimlessly up into the sky. It wasn't dark but the sun hadn't fully come up yet. It was right before dawn, the world felt like it paused, not completely, but just enough for you to take in these few moments of peace. 
The weight shifted on the jeep, you opened your eyes to see Chim climbing up to sit beside you. “Hey, everyone’s looking for you” he says, laying back onto the hood beside you. “Yeah, I just needed some air” lying through your teeth, you give him as best of a smile that you could muster up. Chim’s eyes fixated on your hand once again, you watched him, practically hearing the turning in his head. 
“What's going on in there? The rebar taking its effect now?” you joke, he rolls his eyes. 
“Does he know about the baby?” he asks, you sit up and turn towards him. You hadn't told a soul. 
“How did-” 
“Maddie does it to- the hand on the belly thing. She's been doing it since before there was a bump. Just a motherly reflex I suppose” 
You stared off into space, Chim sat beside you quietly. “Does he know?” he asks once again, you shake your head. “I know it’s not my place,” he rests his hand on your shoulder, “but I think you should tell him. It might keep him from running into buildings without thinking.” 
“Did that work for you ?” 
“What do you mean ?” 
“When Maddie told you that she was pregnant, did you think twice before running into a burning building ?” 
“Honestly, at first it didn't. It didn't seem real until I saw the bump and heard the heartbeat. Then it all made sense ya know ? I couldn't risk getting hurt because I had something to live for, they were waiting for me to come home” 
“That's the thing, I don't want to lose him, Chim. I can’t lose him. I love him and I need him here, the baby needs him. There’s no way I can do this by myself” 
“You can, I know you would be able to do it by yourself but you shouldn’t have too. Buck’s an idiot but he loves you.”
Chim sat with you for a few more minutes, you considered everything he told you. How Buck might not change right away nor did you expect him too but if there was even a chance of him changing, you’d want him too. “Ready to go back in?” Chim slides off the hood, holding his hand out to you. You hold his hand and he helps you off the hood.
“We have a stop to make first” you walk in the opposite direction of Buck’s room. Chim follows you down to the gift shop, which was closed as it doesn’t open until 7.“Are you kidding me?” you groan, leaning back against the door. “We’ll figure something out,” Chim looks around. Eddie comes around the corner, “what are you guys doing here?” he walks over. 
“I needed something for Buck” 
“What did you need? Can’t it wait until they open?” 
“Eddie, I'm pregnant” you just blurt out, Eddie’s jaw drops, literally. 
“Congratulations!” he pulls you into a hug, “wait, you’re happy about it right?” he checks, you nod. 
“I need one of those stupid “world’s best dad” shirts for Buck but it's closed” 
Eddie looks at Chim and then looks around. “Are we gonna?” Chim points towards the door, looking at Eddie. “Yup” Eddie looks around once more, “lean your head towards me y/n” your face screws into a weird expression but abides anyways. Eddie pulls a bobby pin out of your hair, turning to the door and jams into the lock. He wiggles the pin around until the lock clicks open. 
“Voila” he smiles as pushes the door open. The 3 of you walk in, Eddie stays by the door to make sure no one was coming. “Chim, find a pen and paper for me please ?” you walk away to find the shirt you were looking for. Picking up 4, you shove them into a bag form behind the counter. You toss $30 onto the counter and scribble a little note for the person that opens that read: 
Had an emergency, needed a few shirts. Hope this cash covers it. Thanks! :) 
Eddie relocked the door before heading to Buck’s room. Everyone was now in the room, scattered in different places. Bobby was leaned up against a wall, Athena stood beside him, leaning into his side. Hen sat on the little counter by the window and Maddie was still in the chair beside his bed. Eddie went over and joined Hen by the window, Chim stood behind Maddie, his hand coming up to her shoulder. 
“Y/n..” Buck whispers as you walk in, you take a seat on the end of the bed by his hips. “I’m sorry” he says, his hand reaching out for yours. 
“You’re an idiot but, I guess, I forgive you” you say and Buck smiles at you. “What’s in the bag ?” he asks, you rest the bag on your lap. “Something for you boys” The guys exchange looks, Eddie and Chim knew you needed something for Buck but what did you get for them? 
Pulling out the shirts, you handed one to Buck first. It was a plain blue t-shirt with big white bold letters that read “world’s best dad”. Buck looked down at the shirt and then back at you, he repeated that process a few times and after a couple minutes he finally asked you. 
“Are you ?” he whispers, the room is silent. 
“Am I?” you ask.
“Pregnant ?” he finishes the question and you smile. 
“Yeah, I am” your hand rests on his, he pulls you into his side for a hug. You hug him, trying not to squish him and hurt him even more. 
“Okay,” you sit up and toss another shirt that said the same thing to Eddie. He caught it and smiled, “because Christopher couldn't have a better dad than you” Eddie gives you a smile and whispers a thank you. 
The next shirt gets tossed to Chim, he laughs. “You got one for me too?” he asks, pulling the shirt on over his sweater. “Yeah because baby girl Buckley is gonna be one lucky baby, despite your not-so-funny dad jokes” Maddie laughs at the comment, Chim does too. 
The last shirt goes over to Bobby. He gives you a look, “what’s this for ?” he asks, “Because not only have you been amazing with May and Harry but you’ve got a fire station full of ‘children’ that rely on you. Just a thanks for bringing them home in one piece, well for the most part” you pat Buck’s side.
The room is filled with happiness and love, the 118 was together once again, not just as firefighters but as a family. 
taglist: @ssa-volturi @advicefromnixxxx @dralexreid @keenmarvellover
744 notes · View notes
bokugaos · 4 years
>﹏< koutarou-nii just has to be the first here!! @aoyukai​ @kiyokens​ @shoyokuns​ for this nd helping nd encouraging me yesterday ILY’ALL MWAH
length: ~2k
warnings — yandere!bokuto, pseudo-incest, virgin reader
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Bokuto can’t get enough of his pure and perfect little sister. So sweet, so soft, and untouched. Like an angel.
He knows about the things you talk about with his two older sisters. He tunes in to your conversations a lot; to keep tabs on you, he insists! As a responsible older brother, he has to know everything about you.
He’s seen the way other men look at you—his old high school classmates and teammates, strangers on the street, hell, even his current teammates. Everyone knows you’re off limits, he always makes sure of it. Nobody has the right to take you away from him, to be the reason that you’re going to cater to someone else’s attention but his.
You belong to him and only him.
But you’re simply too stubborn for your own good. You just have to go out and make your own friends, and now you have some suitors that he’s concerned about. You’ve dated some of them and of course Bokuto is spending more than half his time worrying about you and the things you do with them.
The thought of one of them, thinking they have the right to take away your virgin flower. He’s not even entitled to have you, let alone all those scumbags. He can’t bear the thought of someone snatching your innocence away—you’re so precious to him that he doesn’t even allow himself to have it. He would never ever let anyone else take it, not under his watch.
He is more than delighted when you announce to him that you’re going to stop meeting and dating people. You’re now finally seeing eye to eye with him! You haven’t been hanging out with other people, spending most of your time with him, as if living together is not enough for you.
You’ve voiced your complaints before, how you’re getting weird comments from your friends. They told you that it’s not normal for siblings to be that close. But he understands; they hate that you’re no longer so attached to them since you go out to see them less and less. He tries to explain to you that they are simply jealous.
You don’t need anyone else after all; he’s the only one you need, and he’s the best man you can ever find in this world.
But he’d be lying if he says he’s never had a lapse of judgment. You’re not making it any easier for him either, even though you don’t know just how weak he is for you. He’d catch you with your eyes closed, so relaxed and unguarded… what are you thinking? Do you lose your imagination, like he often does?
Are you fantasizing about him caressing you as he’s lowering you to the bed? Because he’s done it a few times you know, putting you to sleep like that. He has just never made any moves beyond. Maybe you unconsciously wish for him to all the same and that’s what you’re thinking about
Do you want him to pull the underwear down your thighs, slowly rub his fingers over your sex, smear your love juice to make sure you’re at least a little prepared for him, before he presses the head of his cock to your entrance? Do you want to feel him, inch by inch, as he sheathes himself deep into your tight, hot, virgin space? Because he would love nothing more than to listen to your moans, all your cute squirms underneath him and your delicious whimpers.
When you call out, “Kou-nii”, his heart jumps—he knows you’re definitely not thinking of anyone else. This is the only time he’s giving into a moment of weakness. He’s got you pressed up on the wall, your clothes hiked up just enough for him to have more of your thigh to grind against. You’re asking him—practically begging him to sink himself into you. “Am I not worthy?” You are, and your mewls, his sister gift wrapping it for him in the prettiest show of doubt and hesitation, can break his fixation.
Bokuto glides his hot, needy cock against your skin. His wet, leaking tip is leaving glistening trails, beautifying you even more. You keep your hands to yourself, both pressed on the surface of the wall. Your eyes are starting to close with each rock of your body, while musical little hums resonate behind closed lips.
He growls, having worked himself into a heated madness. He spins you around, and you instinctively close your legs tightly together for him. With slight difficulty, he wedges himself between the pillowy parts of your thighs, the softest portions, just underneath your crotch. He ruts in between them, with fervent quick snaps.  
His hands plant onto the wall on either side of you. His cock briefly grazes the cloth of your underwear, feeling the moist there. He can’t tell if he’s simply leaking that much, or if you’re truly that wet for him. He pulls back to peel your underwear down in a flash and the next thing you know, its head is rubbing against you, earning him a soft moan bellowing against his ear.
The bedroom is a tad too far, but he won’t let himself be the reason his whole fantasy, the one he’s been dreaming around his fist about, to be ruined. He ups and carries you to the room, restraining himself from throwing you against the mattress and start fucking you senseless.
He crawls on the bed and hovers above you with heavy breaths, unable to calm himself down no matter how hard he tries. You’re so beautiful for him, laying on the stark white sheets as pure as you. He opens up your legs, marveling at how you look like a goddess in his bed. You’re so, very perfect. How is he so lucky to be the one who sees you like this?
Thankful that you’ve waited this whole time,—for him!—and let him take you. He gives you a kiss on the forehead and slowly pulls his hips back, cock leaving a wet trail from navel to mound. He angles his hips so that his bulky head lines up perfectly with your hungry cunt. Your inner, velvety walls hug him, just the tip this time, like a vice grip.
The last bits of his moral center shut down.
All Bokuto wants now is to fuck and fuck fast. To bury himself to the hilt, over and over. However, he’ll need to ease you up even more, as he’s barely even a quarter in but you’re already milking him so tightly that his eyes might actually roll back in pleasure. With an adorable cry—he’s unsure if it’s a surprised one or a pained one—your slack hands move his forearm to his biceps, clinging tighter and tighter the rougher he is. He loves that. It feels as if you're returning some of the passion, so he gives it even more effort.
He mercilessly plunges inside with a few rude thrusts of his pelvis. You wail at the sudden stretch, the burn that careens through your silky, slick walls. Flowering up into your chest, taking the breath from your lungs.
Though his hands are caressing you all over, it seems as if he is not paying any mind to any of your other reactions. Your wails, or the heavy flow of tears that roll down your temples. The whimpering or the continued pleading.
“Hey, pretty girl, don’t cry, huh?” one of his trembling hands smooths over your cheek, trying his best to comfort you despite the raging need in him to thrust faster, harder.  “I-it hurts! and they… they said this is-”
“Just ignore them.”
A thumb hooks around your chin gently but insistently, leaving no room for argument, and you look up to meet his gaze. Bokuto only realizes he’d been slowing down, staring deeply into your eyes when a sob bubbles out of your mouth. Your eyes are half-lidded as he grazes his nose against yours. Kitty kisses, he always calls them. This seems to soothe you the smallest bit. His consciousness is blurring like watercolor now. He has to focus on the more important part of this, he realizes. And it’s you. “How bad does it hurt?”
You shake your head and squeeze your eyes shut.
“I know, baby, I know…it hurts the first time, remember? But d-don’t be scared, I-ah, fuck! It’s nii-chan,” Bokuto’s hips buck faster and harder, “Nii-chan’s got you.”
Closing your eyes you take a deep breath in through your nose. One of his hands is roaming your body, trying to distract you. The very tips of his fingers, gliding over the slopes of your breasts, teasing your nipples. Sending sharp shivers through your stomach into your pussy. Accumulating a new bout of slick, your cunt feeling hot and needy, you clench around him.
Your fingers come together in a fist over your head. All you can focus on is how deep his cock is hitting you, how filled up you are. The unbelievable heat, how your pussy continues to salivate all over his cock. Slick seeping in between your cheeks. Thighs shaking, as your velvet walls clamp down on his length. “Ah!– Nii-chan! Fu-fuck… oh– oh my god…” Your whole body quakes with your intense orgasm.  
You throw your hands back over your head and arch your back. Your breath is fevered, chest rapidly rising and falling. Shaky meek whines that accompany every exhale. But that’s now, because your body is begging for it, pleading to get filled and creamed.
Bokuto continues to piston into you long after you're done coming. He fucks you until you’re a sweaty, grimy, whimpering mess. All muscle strength lost to it, becoming a rag-doll being puppeted by his big, unrelenting figure.
A deep-seated growl in his chest, not yet, he thinks, maybe you need some more practice before you can take him all the way inside. He’s too inside himself to recognize the wail you give, hunching over and burying his face in your neck, tasting sweat and fear and wholly unable to stop himself at all. He grunts like an animal, punctuated by loud, slick smacking sounds, overwhelmed with the pleasure of your burning hot, resisting walls clutching at him like a fist.
You turn him on so much. The tight constriction of your heavenly, virgin cunt. The heavy, moist breath on his neck. Nothing else matters, nothing except catching his end. Filling you up and making you his.
Your nails dig into his biceps and he comes. “Oh! Shit– It’s am– amazing.” His cock, aching and twitching inside of you. He’s coming hard, thick and heavy. Seated all the way inside, spurting deep within you, causing your belly to feel flooded. Marking his territory, you’re his.
He slowly pulls out of you, his cum spilling out of your cute, used up hole. “How’s it feel, angel?”
“ ‘s so good...” You weakly roll your head, face digging into the sheets. You have no strength to lift up your head, but you hope he’ll see your dazed smile.
He chuckles, “Silly baby, of course it does.”
You try to turn over, but he won’t allow it. “No, no. Don’t move. I’ll get you cleaned up!” He comes back with a warm washcloth. He gently cleans off the sweat from your forehead, wipes up stickiness from between your legs. Then he lets you move just he hugs you close to his chest, as he lays down with you in his arms.
Bokuto nuzzles his nose along your cheekbone, humming in approval. He is massaging circles, nibbling on your earlobe. You let your eyes fall shut again, trying to concentrate.
His body is so big, his musk so familiar and homely. You sigh as you finally start to relax, “...Kou-nii is the best.”
He is, and in fact, the only one you need.
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adhdeancas · 3 years
12x01 Rewrite with Trans Dean
trigger warnings for minor mention of dysphoria. Also minor/negligent transphobia. 
“Mom?” His heart is stopped in his chest, staring at the face he’s kept in his head for all of his life, the face he’s thought of as the only real home he’s ever had. She looks the same, exactly the same. “I… uh, are you really… real?” 
He reaches out without thinking, needing to just make sure that Amara didn’t bring back a fantasy or a ghost or a sick joke. She proves it without him touching her, flipping him in a neat trick he recognizes from his own training and ending up with her foot on his neck, pressing him into the dirt. “Where am I? Who the hell are you?”
She looks so scared. Dean swallows, his Adam’s apple bouncing against the bottom of her foot. He needs to make her trust him, preferably before she does something rash like snap his neck. “I’m Dean Winchester. I’m your son. I’m… Sam’s brother”
The pressure lets up on Dean’s neck even though Mary’s shaking her head. “No. No, I don’t have two boys. They’re- they’re just kids.”
Dean winces, breathing heavily. This is gonna be a motherfucker for her to understand. Still, Mary lets him up, and he stands and rubs his neck, trying desperately to recall every bit of information he’s stored away about his mom. “Mom. Listen to me. Your name- your name is Mary Sandra Campbell, okay? You were born December 5, 1954, to Samuel and Deanna Campbell. Your father, he bounced around a lot for, uh, work, and you bounced right along with him, and you ended up in Lawrence, Kansas.”
Mary flinches, the facts hitting straight-on. “How do you know all that?” 
“Dad told me.” Dean tells her. He doesn’t tell her that he had to gather the story from slurred words, drunken tears in between stories about the perfect wife. That he recited them in his head like a prayer so he wouldn’t forget her. “March 23, 1972, you walked out of a movie theater - Slaughterhouse-Five. You loved it, and you bumped into a big Marine and you knocked him flat on his ass. You were embarrassed, and he laughed it off, said you could make it up to him with a cup of coffee. So, you went to, uh,” God, what was the name of that stupid place? “Mulroney’s, and you talked and he was cute and he knew the words to every Zeppelin song,” A memory of a smiling young alive Mary comes to mind, and he pushes it away because it hurts. She’s right there. “So when he asked you for your number, you gave it to him, even though you knew your dad would be pissed. That was the night that -” You fell in love with- “that you met -”
“John Winchester.”
“August 19, 1975, you were married… in Reno. Your idea.”Dean had always thought that was hilarious. He looks her in the eyes again, pleading with her to not dispute the next part. “A few years later, I came along, then Sammy.”
“No, no. My oldest was a girl, Deanna.” Mary looks Dean up and down, taking in his short hair, wide shoulders, and flat chest. He crosses his arms over that now, uncomfortable, hoping she isn’t looking at his long eyelashes or his delicate cheekbones or his hips. All the places he’s insecure about. 
“Yeah, um… that’s me.” He looks up at her, his jaw clenching, waiting for the ball to drop. “I shortened the name a little, and the- uh- hair.” He tries for the old charming smile as he runs a hand through the spiky hair he hasn’t let grow out in 20 years. It doesn’t quite get there, settling at a more delicate need for approval. Mary doesn’t give it to him. “Do you believe me?”
She bypasses the question, turning her eyes away from him to look at the car behind him. Something changes in her eyes. “I burned.” She says quietly, like she’s remembering the heat. Dean swallows. He remembers the heat too. “How long have I been gone?”
“33 years.” His voice cracks. 
Mary looks back to him, and she moves forward, putting two gentle fingers to his cheek, to the freckles sprayed across soft skin. He’s had them forever, even when he was little. “Dee?” She calls him by his old nickname; Dean’s doubly thankful that he doesn’t use his deadname. 
“Hi, mom.” There are tears in his eyes.
“How did he die?”
Dean bows his head. He’s really not selling himself too good here, is he? First the trans thing, now- “He gave himself up for me.” He’ll be surprised if Mary wants anything to do with him. Surprisingly, she chuckles and sniffles. 
“That does sound like John.” He looks over, and she’s smiling. His brow furrows. Killing himself to save Dean’s ass does sound like John, but not in a way that makes him want to smile. “And he was a hunter? And he raised-” She stutters now, looking at him again and looking away just as quickly. “You and Sam to be-”
“Yeah, he did.” A cold weight is settling in Dean’s stomach, and he tries and fails to not let it seep into his words.
“And you said we’ve met before, when you traveled through time,”
Dean nods. It had been horrible and amazing to see Mary and have her see him, just as some guy. A guy, at all. “Twice. Your memory got wiped, so…” So you don’t remember me telling you I was your kid, and you not believing me. I do.
“And you’re… my daughter-”
Dean coughs. He hasn’t been called a daughter in a long-ass time. “No, I’m- I mean. I was. I know it’s a lot. And I’ll explain everything. I will. But right now, let’s get out of here. Let’s get you home. Come on, Mom.”
She doesn’t correct him, which means she must believe, at least a little bit, that she is his mom. 
“You live here?” She looks around the cavernous space and he smiles, looking around too. It really is awesome. 
“Yeah, when we’re not on the road. It’s an old Men of Letters bunker.”
“Men of Letters?” She scoffs. Dean grins a bit and looks at her. He thinks he likes her. “They’re a myth. An old hunter’s story.”
He tilts his head. He’s just gonna keep blowing her mind today, apparently. “Not so much. New duds look good.” He gestures to her clothes. He’d lent her some extra clothes he’d had in the trunk, and he tries not to fixate on how they weren’t that big on her. He’s not much taller than her, and he knows part of that even is the heeled boots he’s wearing. 
“Well, thanks. It’s better than walking around in that nightgown the rest-” Dean’s nodding, about to say something extremely awkward like ‘Yeah, nightgowns are a bitch,’ when he finally looks at what she’s staring at, spattered on the floor of the bunker. “That’s blood.”
 “Yeah.” Dean’s heart leaps into his throat, but he goes into autopilot before he can think about freaking out. He takes his gun out from his pants and cocks it, clearing the immediate area. A blurred sigil on the wall puts another bolt of fear through his chest. “Sammy? Cas?” He winces at how high his voice goes.
He takes the Map Table’s gun out from its hiding place and hands it to Mary. She was a hunter too, and he’s not about to leave her unarmed to clear the place. “Take this. Stay here.” Dean takes off immediately. It isn’t until he’s moving on to check the kitchen that he hears the voice. Mary’s clear as a bell, saying, 
“Hands, now,”
Dean’s in the room before he can think about it. His heart practically comes undone when he sees that dumb familiar trench coat. He puts his body between Cas and his mom’s gun immediately, hoping she will trust him enough not to shoot through him. “Whoa, whoa, whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa! It’s okay, it’s okay. He’s a friend, all right?” He meets Cas’s eyes and sees the utter relief in his eyes, and a surge of warmth fills his chest. “Hey, Cas.”
It’s a lackluster greeting when they both thought they’d never see each other again, and Cas shows it when he steps forward quickly and pulls Dean into a tight hug. “Dean!”
Dean grins and pats his back. “Hey, okay. All right,” He comforts him quietly. 
“Dean, you’re alive?” Cas pulls away and looks him over, like he’s afraid Dean might disappear. Dean nods, understanding; he had done the same thing to Mary, after all.
“What about the bomb and the Darkness? What happened?”
“I’ll tell you everything. Where is Sam?”
“He’s not here.” Obviously. Dean could smack him, but his face wants to break into a fond smile instead. He represses both urges.
“Are you a hunter?”
“No, I’m an angel.”
“He’s an angel.” Dean says over Cas. They look at each other and then back at Mary. 
“Come again?”
“An angel, with a capital A,” Dean clarifies. He feels, ridiculously, a little bit like he’s showing off. Showing Cas off. “You know, wings, harp.”
“No, I don’t have a harp.”
Dean laughs. “This is Castiel. Cas, this is… Mary. Winchester.”
“It’s been kinda weird, here. You know, with mom being back?” And learning that her baby girl is now a full grown man? “It’s like we don’t know how to act around each other, so we just kinda make this small talk, and act like it’s normal, but it’s- it’s so not normal.” Dean can hear the pleading in his voice. 
“What has she said to you?” Cas asks quickly. Dean bites his lip to hide the smile he’s trying to get from hearing Cas get all angry and protective on his behalf. He’s reminded of the time Cas looked him directly in the face and said, ‘Dean Winchester, if anyone is ever transphobic to you, I will smite them immediately and without any remorse.’ And before Dean could make a quip about internalized transphobia, Cas added, ‘Do not make me do that to you.’
“Well, nothing. That’s- that’s the whole point.” It’s the kind of thing most people usually wanna go over, what the fuck gender their kid is? He’s pretty sure no news does not mean good news in this context.
“Okay, what have you said to her?”
“Well, nothing. I’m- I don’t know what to say to her, y’know? It’s like it’s all too much, and I don’t wanna overwhelm her.” 
“Dean, your identity is not ‘too much.’” Cas says immediately. Dean sighs. That wasn’t what he meant, even though he has said something similar before. Something when he was lonely and sad and feeling like explaining his dick to a one night stand was too complicated for him to do to even assuage it that way.
“No- I know. It’s not that. It’s… everything.”
Now it’s Cas’s turn to sigh. “Don’t make things unnecessarily complicated, as you humans tend to do. I’ll call you.” He hangs up. 
Dean lets the phone fall with his arm limp to his side. “Yeah. Great. That’s helpful.” He says to the empty air. “That’s helpful.” Asshole.
They’re in the car, and Dean is driving, and there is too much going on. He’s not sure whether he’s happy that Cas is in the backseat for this conversation or not. “So you’re… my Deanna.”
Dean’s hands tighten on the wheel. He looks at them and ignores the voice in his head that says they are petite. Womanly. “Uh, yeah. I was born Deanna Jane Winchester.” He clears his throat and meets Cas’s eyes in the rearview. He gives him a little nod, and Dean continues. “I’m… It’s called trans.”
Dean risks a look over at Mary, and she’s playing with her ring. “So you… wanted to be a boy.” 
Dean clears his throat again. He’s pretty sure he does it every time before he talks, and he’s also pretty sure his voice gets lower every time he talks, too. He swears it’s an automatic reflex. 
“Dean’s soul is- that of a human man.” Cas interrupts, saying it like that clarifies things. The corner of Dean’s mouth tilts up a little bit. Cas did tell him that he could see his soul, and also told him that it was, and he quotes ‘A color more similar to that of a men than women.’ Which, yeah, that tracks. He guesses Cas leaves off the ‘more similar’ part to make things simpler for Mary.
“And so you…” Mary trails off, a finger pointing toward his chest aborting its mission when she realizes it might be rude. 
Dean raises an eyebrow with amusement. “Cut my tits off? Yeah.” He takes a hand off the wheel to raise his shirt, proudly showing off his top surgery scars. Mary trails a hand along them, feeling the raised skin. “After Sammy went to college. It was a bitch of a few weeks, but it was worth it.”
Mary takes her hand away and nods, brows furrowed like she’s trying to wrap her head around it. Dean grins. The grin freezes awkwardly, the edges tilting down, when Mary opens her mouth again. “So you have a-”
Cas coughs loudly in the back seat. Dean meets his wide eyes with a similar expression, and Mary cuts off the question, catching onto the fact she said something wrong. “Don’t think we really need to go there, do we, mom?”
That was a question for him and whatever lucky son of a bitch (gender neutral) ended up in his bed at the end of the night. “Right.” Mary says quickly. She turns her whole body then, asking, “Is that why you like men?”
Dean only swerves a little, he swears. The car coming the opposite direction doesn’t seem to agree, holding its horn long and hard. Luckily, it gives him a moment to stutter less obviously. 
“Sorry, I just meant- since you two are-” Mary gestures between Cas and Dean, and Dean blinks his eyes solidly, trying to convince himself this is really happening.
“No! I mean, we-” Dean doesn’t have the balls (hehe) to look at Cas in the back seat, but he can see the trench coat shifting out of his peripheral. “I’m not-”
“Was John okay with this?”
Dean laughs. It comes out bitter and dark. “Dad didn’t much give a fuck what I did with my body. He’d given up on grandkids about the time he saw how decent I was at hunting, so my long hair wasn’t a personal loss.” He knew I wasn’t gonna live long enough to give him grandkids, not without some self-sacrifice on John’s part.
Mary looks a little shocked at his outburst, and Dean almost feels bad for being so blunt and crass. But then he remembers growing up with John as his male role model, and he tightens his jaw. No, the bluntness and crassness was accurate. “Oh.”
“... Yeah.” Dean bites his lip and risks another glance at his mom. 
“So, you’re okay with this?” He waves a hand at himself. Asking if she was okay with him was just too pathetic, even for him. She looks at him uncertainly, a frown he recognizes as his own on her face.
“I don’t think I’m okay with any of this, Dean. But… I guess I’ll adjust.”
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kuroopaisen · 4 years
tiny love || 8
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➵ as tooru’s younger sister, falling in love with iwaizumi hajime was easy. iwaizumi ultimately decided to rebuff you. through a few strange twists of fate, you’ve ended up living with the very boy who’d broken your heart. but, perhaps it’s not as bad as you thought it’d be. he is the perfect gentleman, after all. 
warnings: f!reader, angst??
wc: 3.9k
m.list |  ch. 7 ↞ ch. 8 ↠ ch. 9
The film was alright. There was a certain chaos to it, an unhinged energy that gave it real character. Although, you weren’t quite sure how to feel about the reverse-Freudian implications of Marty’s mother getting a crush on him.
The phone in your lap buzzed, shooting light upwards into the darkened room. Glancing down, you read the name ‘Kohei’ on the screen.
It’d be rude to text him back during the movie, right? Since Iwaizumi was showing you this specific film… Although, it’d been your choice.
You turned your mind away from the question, your eyes flitting back to the screen.
The man with the frazzled white hair – Doc, was it? – was speaking at a rapid-fire pace. If it weren’t for the subtitles, you would’ve been totally lost.
Your phone buzzed again. Still Kohei. You covered the screen with your hand, trying to block out the ambiance-ruining brightness.
Yet another buzz.
“Who is that?” Iwaizumi frowned. “They’ve got a lot to say.”
“Sorry,” you blushed, turning your phone over so it was face down on the arm of the couch. “It’s Kohei.”
“Kohei?” There’s a strange lilt in Iwaizumi’s voice.
You ignored it. “Yeah. I’m pretty sure you met him at the party.”
“Oh,” Iwaizumi hummed. “Right.”
He said nothing more, turning his attention back to the screen.
You bit your lip, fingers tightening around your phone.
It felt a little weird, doing something so casual with him. Well, you’d been doing casual things with him for a while, but something about this just felt so domestic. Probably didn’t help that the last time you did this together, he’d kissed you.
Your stomach twisted at the thought.
God, that felt like a lifetime ago now. And maybe it was, in some way; neither of you were those people anymore.
But a part of you still wanted to kiss him, just like back then.
You knew you shouldn’t think about it. He’d pushed you away two years ago for a reason. If you wanted this whole living situation thing to keep going smoothly, you had to respect that.
And yet, it felt unfair.
This was all so easy. So natural.
But it was something you couldn’t have. Something you couldn’t hope for.
You swallowed roughly, slipping your hands under your thighs.
You couldn’t think about it. If you did, you’d just make things worse.
And you were willing to do just about anything to maintain the delicate friendship between the two of you.
✧ ✧ ✧
“So,” Tooru’s voice came through the speaker with its usual levity. “How’s living with Iwa?”
Your stomach dropped. “It’s good!”
It’s not a lie. You just didn’t want to talk about it with Tooru. At least half of the things that made the whole arrangement so fun were things you didn’t exactly want to mention to your older brother.
“You don’t have to rub it in!” He whined.
“Rub what in?” You blinked, a little lost.
“The fact that you get to live with Iwa!”
Oh. Right.
“You’re the one who suggested it,” you teased.
“I know, but it doesn’t make it sting any less!”
“He would’ve killed you within the first day,” you said, rolling your eyes.
“Not true!” Tooru barked.
You laughed. You didn’t need to see him to know the exact expression on his face. He’d always been comically expressive, even as a child.
That warm silence that always followed laughter settled over the call.
“Oh, man,” Tooru chuckled. “No, but how are you going?” He asked.
It’d been a while since the two of you had really gotten the chance to talk. Both of you had just been too busy; any catchups you managed to sneak in didn’t allow for much time to really get into the details of your lives.
But today was the day.
“I’ve been doing really well, actually!” It was such a delight to be able to say those words with full sincerity. “I’m still adjusting and everything, but… I think it’s going to be good.”
Small hiccups with Iwaizumi aside, everything was under control. Sure, sometimes you weren’t quite sure what they were saying in class, and yes, you did procrastinate more than perhaps you should’ve – but you were making a life here.
“See, I told you!” He chided.
“Yeah, you keep reminding me of that,” you said, rolling your eyes.
“I’m just saying,” he hummed, adopting his favourite ‘hoity-toity older brother’ tone, “you should’ve listened to me in the first place.”
“I know, I know…” You sighed.
Tooru had told you time and time again that things’d worked out. ‘If I can move to a whole new country on my own, then you can definitely do it with Iwa’s help,’ he’d said. You’d had trouble believing him at first; but for once, he’d been right.
“I’m glad the two of you have each other, you know?” He said.
You flinched. Now those were words you hadn’t expected to hear.
“You and Iwa,” Tooru explained. “He doesn’t talk about his feelings often, but I think you being there has really helped him relax.”
Your stomach churned.
Was that true? Had your presence really made Iwaizumi feel better? He’d done a lot to help you, but you felt like you hadn’t really done anything for him. You’d just felt like something of a burden.
But if that wasn’t actually true…
“What do you mean?” You asked quietly. God, you hoped your voice wasn’t giving anything away.
“Well, you know,” Tooru said, “you’re someone he knows from home. That sounds pretty comforting to me.”
You were grateful he couldn’t see the pink blooming on your cheeks. “Are you asking me to move to Argentina?” You teased. You didn’t know what else to say.
“Well, I wouldn’t say no—”
“Because I’d rather die.”
The gasp that erupted from Tooru was so loud it peaked the audio. “How dare you? If we were living together, I’d be able to keep an eye on you. And, I could ward of any pesky boys.”
“That’s the problem.”
“Don’t be so inappropriate!” Tooru shrieked. “I don’t want to know the details!”
“I wasn’t going to tell you any of the details!”
“You were about to!”
“No I wasn’t!”
“I’ll have you know, you are far too young to be dating, young lady, and that—”
“I’m only a year younger than you!”
“Shut up, Tooru!”
✧ ✧ ✧
You sighed, running a hand through your hair. The kitchen table was supposed to help you get your ass into gear. But instead, your laptop was open, but nothing had been done. The screen was probably a few moments away from turning idle.
A to-do list stared back at you, unrelenting. The sound of rain against the windows was your only companion. Iwaizumi had left for the gym some time ago, and you’d decided that music would be too much of a distraction.
Not that the absence of it was helping you.
Come on, you thought to yourself, just focus.
Easier said than done.
You groaned, leaning back against your chair. Why was it so hard to focus?
A deep breath, and then—
Your cheeks stung from the impact of your own palms.
No difference.
The sound of the door opening was a beautiful reprieve. Finally, a worthy excuse to procrastinate—
“Hey.” Iwaizumi said a little breathlessly, holding his hand up in greeting.
You gaped at him.
Words might’ve come to mind if it was any other circumstances.
But when he was just standing there like that, you couldn’t help it.
A white shirt that clung to his torso, cheeks flushed with recent exertion, hair all messy—
It was official. You needed to start writing up your will, saying your goodbyes, getting all your chickens in order. Iwaizumi was certifiably too much, and you couldn’t handle it.
You were doing your best to respond. Truly. But it’s like his chest was a damn magnet, drawing your eyes back to it no matter how hard you tried to look at him respectfully.
Stupid Iwaizumi Hajime and his stupid shirt and his stupid chest—
“You good?” He asked, raising an eyebrow at you.
“Me?” Your gaze snapped up to meet his. “Oh, yeah. I’m great, actually.”
“If you say so,” he chuckled, shaking his head. “You look like you’re about to pass out.”
“Well,” you gaped at him, trying to fight off the myriad of phantasmal shirtless Iwaizumi’s dancing around your head. You were losing. “I’m offended that you’re not more concerned.”
“You’ll recover,” he grinned.
You pouted at him, crossing your arms over your chest. “I don’t know what I’ve done to deserve this treatment.”
Iwaizumi chuckled again, ambling across the room with an aggravatingly slow pace. The sooner he was out of sight, the better.
“It’s tough love, sweetheart,” he tutted. “It’s how the world works.”
“Well—” You huffed, trying to think of a retort. But, you were far too distracted by the use of ‘sweetheart’ – even if it hadn’t been used in an affectionate way.
“I’m going to have a shower,” Iwaizumi said, smirking at you. “I hope you’re feeling better by the time I get out.”
“Mhm,” you nodded, eyes fixated determinedly on your computer screen. If you looked up and saw his glutes, you were sure you’d implode.
You covered your face with your forearms, letting out a silent scream.
Why did God hate you? Why did he want you to suffer? Every time you thought you’d got it under control, you were reminded of the fact that Iwaizumi looked like that, and any work you’d done to neatly tuck your romantic feelings into a box managed to wriggle like a rebellious young cat.
Every goddamn time, you were reminded of just how determined he was, how responsible, how quietly caring, how—
No. You shook your head. No need to indulge those thoughts. Not when you were supposed to be doing work.
Although, there was no way you were getting anything done today.
✧ ✧ ✧
“How old are you in these?” You grinned, glancing at Kohei.
His cheeks flushed. “I think I was like… sixteen here?”
“Sixteen, huh?”
“You know what high schools like back home,” he whined. “We all deserve some stress relief.”
“And yours was… running at each other across a field while screaming at the top of your lungs?”
“You should try it,” he beamed. “It’s surprisingly effective.”
You laughed, your body curving towards him.
You hadn’t planned on inviting Kohei over today. You’d just happened to bump into him by chance on campus as you were heading home. As usual, he’d struck up quite the conversation. But you’d wanted to get home before it got dark, so you’d invited him to come with you.
So there you were, sitting on your couch in the front room, listening to Kohei tell you about the stupid video he and his high school friends made back in Osaka. Most of them were re-enactments of Naruto scenes.
To each their own, you supposed.
The creak of front door came from around the corner.
“Hey Hajime!” You called out.
“Hey,” he called back, voice warm.
“You’re home later than usual,” you said.
“I was hanging out with Taiki,” he explained. “We got bubble tea.”
“Oh, nice,” you nodded, watching as he came into view.
He smiled as he caught sight of you. It took him a moment to realise you weren’t alone.
“You remember Kohei, right?” You gestured to the boy sitting next to you.
“Hello,” Kohei nodded, bright smile on his face.
“Hi,” Iwaizumi said. His smile disappeared, expression becoming even stonier than usual.
The atmosphere felt a shade cooler than it had a moment prior.
“You didn’t tell me you were having someone over,” Iwaizumi said coolly, heading to his bedroom.
“It was impromptu,” you explained.
“Mhm,” was the last sound you heard before he disappeared down the hall.
You clenched your fists in your lap. Had something happened? Was it okay to ask?
If something was up, Kohei certainly hadn’t noticed it. Not that you expected him to.
“How’d you feel about the most recent Godzilla film?” He asked.
“Uh… I don’t think we have it.” That was the polite way of saying ‘Iwaizumi hates that film with his entire being, and he wouldn’t dare debase this household by buying it on DVD.’
You’d heard his rant a couple of times, actually – insufficient screen time for Godzilla, a lack of understanding of the point of a monster movie, mediocre battles.
“Oh, that’s okay,” Kohei shrugged. “It’s on Netflix.”  
“Ah, I see,” you nodded.
Why did it already feel like agreeing to a movie was a mistake?
✧ ✧ ✧
Thirty minutes in and you knew it was a mistake.
You were bored. Horribly, terribly bored.
But you didn’t have the heart to tell Kohei that when he, at least, seemed to be enjoying himself.
Besides, you could find other ways to occupy yourself. You could just think (see: fantasise) about Gojou Satoru. That’d been more than enough to keep you entertained during your duller classes.
Iwaizumi ambled into the kitchen, his eyes flicking to the two of you for only a second. You held up your hand a little as a greeting; he didn’t return it.
You swallowed, turning your ‘attention’ back to the TV.
Something was wrong. You didn’t know what, but… If Kohei wasn’t there, you would’ve just walked over to Iwaizumi and asked him if there was any way you could help. But having a guest… complicated things.
Said guest stretched his arms over his head. You hoped, absentmindedly, that he’d had a shower recently.
He laid one of his arms along the top of the couch, just ghosting your shoulders.
You managed to hold back a frown. What was he doing? Was he trying to hit on you? Or was it absentminded? If it was the former, then it was a rather childish way of—
A loud clutter erupted from the kitchen. A quiet ‘shit’ quickly followed.
You shot to your feet on instinct, rushing over to where a very disgruntled Iwaizumi stood.
“Are you okay?” You asked, looking him up and down.
Water stained his shirt, the water jug lying sideways on the countertop.
“I’m fine,” Iwaizumi grunted, setting it upright.
You grabbed the tea towel, dabbing at his shirt. Sure, it wouldn’t be much help, but—
“I said I’m fine.”
You draw back sharply, shocked by the harshness in his voice.
Instead you turned to the puddle of water on the counter, laying the tea towel over it. You watched as it turned a shade darker, seeping through the cotton until there wasn’t a single inch of dry cloth left.
Iwaizumi had turned away from you, standing in front of the sink as he refilled the water jug.
You pressed your lips together, concern and agitation brewing in your gut.
He seemed… Stressed? Irritated? Bitter?
But you couldn’t ask. Not right now. You’d have to wait until Kohei was gone, at the very least. And you didn’t want to pry. Iwaizumi didn’t appreciate that sort of thing.
Was there anything you could do for now? Anything at all?
“Did you want to order food with us?” You asked, tilting your head to the side. It was the best thing you could think of; giving him one less thing to worry about might help, right?
“No,” Iwaizumi said curtly.
You blinked at him. “You sure? It’ll save you the trouble of making dinner.”
“I’d rather eat on my own,” he grumbled.
“Oh,” you murmured.
You were at a total loss. Something was wrong.
But you turned away, slinking back to the couch.
“Is everything okay?” Kohei asked as you sat yourself back down.
“Mhm,” you nodded.
As a precaution, you set a little more distance between the two of you. If you sat any closer, he might get the wrong idea.
✧ ✧ ✧
After what felt like three days, the film was over. What’d happened in it? You couldn’t say. You hadn’t been paying attention.
You’d instead been preoccupied with Iwaizumi.
Maybe you were worrying too much over something minor. Maybe he’d just had a bad day at work. Maybe Taiki had just been a brat. Maybe he just had a few assignments due in close succession.
But that didn’t stop you from feeling anxious. Was that pathetic?
At the very least, you wanted to make sure he was okay. This behaviour seemed… weird.
“What time is it?” You turned to Kohei, tilting your head to the side.
“Uh… eight,” he said, checking his phone.
It was that late already? But there was still so much you needed to get done…
You yawned, stretching you hands above your head. “Thanks for hanging out with me today,” you said, turning to smile at Kohei.
“No problem,” he nodded, in response, offering you a smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes.
Nothing more needed to be said to get the message across.
The two of you walked towards the front door, Kohei’s steps a little slower than yours.
You didn’t want to make it look like you were trying to rush him out of there, but you also didn’t want to give him the impression that you wanted him to stay. Everything just felt so weird, so… so high stakes. Like any little action you made was at risk of being misinterpreted.
“Well…” Kohei lingered at your door for a moment, looking at you with what seemed to be hope in his eyes.
“I’ll see you later, okay?” You smiled.
“Sure,” he nodded, opening the door. “Thanks.” He seemed a tad more dour than usual. Your stomach twisted a little.
“Bye!” You said, hoping that this, at least, would set your boundaries.
He didn’t seem bold enough to make an actual move, but you’d rather save the trouble.
You watched with a tiny sense of relief blooming in your chest as he stepped over the threshold and walked away.
Once the door finally closed, you let out a long sigh.
Something was up. Even you could tell that. His attempts at flirting, while juvenile, were earnest. What a strange evening this had been…
At the very least, you made a note to not invite him to your house alone again. That’d been your first mistake.
You dragged yourself to the kitchen, pouring out a glass of water. The tea towel was still soaked through, laid out on the counter. You’d probably have to get a bath towel to clean this mess up.
You sunk to the floor, feeling the cool tiles against the back of your thighs.
Were you going to have to turn Kohei down? God, you didn’t want to do that. That sounded awkward. And he was genuinely a sweet guy – your heart just wasn’t in the right space.
Not while you were living with Iwaizumi.
Something was off with him, too. But you had no idea what. He’s always been tight-lipped about his own feelings. Even two years ago, it had never been about him; it’d be about the potential ramifications his actions could’ve had on the people around him.
He never wanted to be a burden. Even though he’d leant you a hand so many times these past six months, you knew he’d never ask for the same in return.
But you wanted to help. He deserved support.
Should you ask? Should you try bringing it up, or—
“Oh, fuck.”
Your looked up sharply.
Iwaizumi was stood at the entrance of the kitchen, shoulders tense with surprise.
“Oh, sorry,” you swallowed, crossing your legs.
He just grunted in response, turning his attention to the fridge.
You bit your lip, watching him closely. His posture was tense, his jaw stiffer than usual.
“Hey, Hajime?” You asked, voice soft and quiet.
“What?” His response was quick, sharp.
“Are you alright?” Perhaps you should’ve asked this earlier. Perhaps you shouldn’t ask it at all. But it was too late to take it back.
“I’m fine,” he grunted, half-slamming the fridge door.
“I know you’re lying,” you said softly.
He may keep his feelings to himself, but he wasn’t the best at disguising them. Especially when it came to annoyance.
With Tooru, it tended to bubble over, resulting in some rant or threat. But these days, you didn’t really see him get pissed except for when the washing machine wasn’t working properly.
“Mind your own business.”
Those words cut you to your core.
This was… strange. Unusual. He’d seemed fine this morning, and as far as you knew, he’d just… been to the gym. His demeanour had only taken a nose-dive when…
“Why are you being like this?” You asked, voice thin and tight. God, this better not be what you were thinking.
“Being like what?” Iwaizumi mumbled, staring at his phone.
You bit the inside of your cheek.
Did he really have no idea that he was acting like a petulant child who didn’t want to eat their vegetables?
“Do you have a problem with Kohei?” He couldn’t dodge that question.
“No,” he said, still looking at his phone. “He just comes off as a bit desperate.”
“What’re you talking about?”
“You can’t be serious,” Iwaizumi scoffed. “He’s not subtle.”
You stared at him, total confusion clouding your mind.
What on earth was he on about? Desperate? Subtle? Wasn’t it just a case of him having a grudge for no reason?
Wait. Holy fuck. Was he… jealous?
The realisation washed over you like a fever.
Anger, rage, bitterness. It all collapsed in on itself, feelings you’d been supressing for two years.
He’d crushed your heart in the palm of his hand two years ago. Told you that any kind of romantic relationship between the two of you would be too much of a risk.
And you’d let him.
You hadn’t fought back. You hadn’t stood up for your own feelings. You’d just let him do what he wanted, what he thought was best. And never, not even once, had you made your feelings known.
But here he was, with the audacity to be jealous of a guy flirting with you.
He didn’t own you. He had no say in what happened in your personal life. If you wanted to sleep around, if you wanted to have a long-term partner that wasn’t him… it didn’t matter. It was your business, not his.
And yet, the worst thing of all was that this response, this jealousy, made your heart flutter. It made you hopeful; that maybe, this time, things might be different.
That Iwaizumi Hajime wasn’t so far out of reach. That this time, you had a chance.
Fuck him.
“No,” you hissed. “I’m not letting you break my heart again.”
Iwaizumi’s eyes blew wide, his lips parting slightly.
“You dropped me like I was nothing two years ago,” you scoffed. “You don’t get to act like a spoilt little brat just because you’re jealous.”
“Look, I—” He stopped himself in his tracks.
He really had nothing to say for himself, huh?
You glared at him, the corners of your eyes beginning to sting. “You’re acting like a child,” you hissed. “I hoped you were better than that.”
You didn’t give him time to respond.
He didn’t deserve to.
You stormed off to your room, slamming the door behind you.
A deep, shuddering breath wasn’t enough to still your stuttering heart. Nor was it enough to move the lump in your throat.
God, what a colossal disaster.  
But for once, it wasn’t your fault.
✧ ✧ ✧
a/n: sorry this one’s late! thank you for your patience :( i hope it was worth the wait
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skiyoosmi · 4 years
if fate permits
⤷ chapter nineteen: when it's too late
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Kiyoomi only watched as your eyes became melancholier, as if it were not already in the first place, the longer you stared at the screen of his phone. Probably rereading his conversation with Atsumu, he thinks. Initially, he wasn’t really planning on showing it to you but just like any other day, you decided to be the whipped soulmate (or more like an idiot, at least to him) you were, all while saying “Atsumu is important to me, should I really leave this apartment while not making amends with him?” He almost retched, is this girl really fixated on becoming a saint? How could someone be this lenient? He has no idea. And so, he showed you– that even after all this time, the piss-haired boy will remain as he is; that no matter how many years may pass, Miya Atsumu will be Miya Atsumu.
And he was the exact opposite of you: he was self-centered, conceited, prideful, juvenile, and so many more that it would take Kiyoomi more than a day to list all the things he detested from the boy. He can only remember how much he loathed the boy upon their first proper meeting; not that he likes meeting new people anyway. Kiyoomi was no genius but he knew, right at that moment, that Atsumu was far from being the ‘knight-in-shining-armor’ soulmate his dearest sister was so engrossed to have.
Kiyoomi also knew that he was not the best brother in the world; hell, he is way too far from being a good one even. He couldn’t care less if you have an admirer from afar (like that Iwaizumi who seems to be around you all the time these days), nor when you finally get yourself a suitable boyfriend, not even when you finally get wedded to someone. He wasn’t overprotective... or at least that’s what he believed. But he was only human, after all– now that he contemplates about it, he realizes that he isn’t really fond of seeing you cry.
“Stop hurting yourself over and over again, you fool of a sister,” he said, clicking his tongue afterwards and grabbing your bags after hearing your father call from downstairs, “Know your worth a little, will you? It’s kind of painful for me to watch you get hurt too, you know. It’s not just mom and dad.”
And with that, he left the room, leaving you to tend to your other belongings and perhaps, say goodbye to this little house that managed to etch itself to your heart. Compared to your childhood home, it wasn’t enough to make you sob your heart out dry. But for some reason, tears still found its way on the corner of your eyes as you remembered the fond memories you’ve made here with your boys – the moment you stumbled upon this house when you four were trying to find a place to stay, the smile on your face when you decided that this was the one (cue Atsumu literally hauling you three towards the agent to settle the down payment), the moving day when Kiyoomi and Osamu brawled for the first time in their lives because they both wanted that bedroom that was the only one downstairs, “to be away from the idiot disease” as what they said. You can only wonder if you could make new memories as happy as those in your future home.
“Ah… you really are a fool of a sister, YN,” you whispered to yourself, wiping the tears away and getting the last of your things before proceeding downstairs, finding your father standing by the front door, arms crossed with a face mask adorning his face (you never really questioned where your brother got his traits, it was as clear as the day), “Kiyoomi is already in the car but I think you should bid Osamu-kun a proper farewell first. He’s in the kitchen. We’ll be waiting so just take your time.”
You nodded before proceeding to the said area, finding the gray-haired with his arms already wide open. Your lips quivered before jumping at him, “I’m gonna miss you.”
“We’ll still be seeing each other at school, you damn gorilla,” he chuckled before burying his face in your neck. You clicked your tongue, pouting at his very much realistic reply, “But it’s different! Eating breakfasts together, going to school together, going home together… and drinking wine until we’re brains out! I’m pretty sure my dad won’t let me do that at his house!”
He cackled, releasing you from his hold and flicking you on your forehead, “what an alcoholic woman! Are you sure you’re going to be a student in a prestige university abroad? You’ll be left behind by your classmates if you keep on prioritizing your wines before your studies.”
“Hah! You’ll see, Osamu. Those red wines will be the reason I even become one of the most famous writers in the world. You better wait and I’ll release an autobiography saying a man named Miya Osamu used to bully me to death,” you huffed, smirking after you saw him stare at you in disbelief. Your smile gradually disappeared upon the realization that the center of your heart was not home… even when I’m already leaving, huh?
Osamu frowned as well, scratching the back of his neck because of the sudden silence that indicated your little recognition, “I’m sorry. I told him to go home before 7 but…”
“It’s fine, Samu. We’re still not in the best terms so it’s probably better this way – a more peaceful way of farewell, you know? No fighting or anything else. Besides, I couldn’t tell him anything about my moving, scholarship, and so many things,” The lad didn’t miss the way you quickly wiped your tears away though. Damn you, Atsumu, why are you always making her cry, he thought.
“I’ll see you at school then, Samu. I’ll miss the dinners you cook,” you smiled, walking quietly outside, and shutting the front door. At the same time, a chime resonated from your phone that was in your pocket. Opening it, you released a long sigh… of relief? of anxiety? You didn’t know.
[Haji, 7:15PM]: I did it, YN. My thread, it’s… black.
You looked up at the night sky, finding stars twinkling as if they were gazing back at you.
Should I start moving on too, Haji?
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For the umpteenth time this week, Atsumu heaved yet another deep sigh, hands weaving itself with his hair to ruffle it out of frustration. Today, he couldn’t care less about the girls lurking around the university gym… because for the umpteenth time this week as well, his twin brother expressed his disappointment towards the boy, leaving him in the said place with the same words he had uttered yesterday and even the day before that, accompanied by a threat this time: “You’re such an immature asshole I wouldn’t be surprised if YN finally gives up on being your friend. You better come home before 7PM or else, I will drag you by your feet with my own two hands.”
Clicking his tongue, he grabbed another ball, gripping it so hard his nails almost left a dent on it. 7PM? He only scoffs. No, he won’t go home yet. He doesn’t care if Osamu gets furious at him and drags him nor if you give up on your friendship; all he thinks right now is that he wants to spike this ball straight onto the other side of the court, make it burst if it was even possible. It wasn’t his fault he got mad at you, he’s entitled to his feelings; he’s right, Kiyoomi’s mistaken… you shouldn’t have promised something you would just break in a span of less than thirty seconds. You shouldn’t hav–
But is it really her fault though? A voice in his head refuted him, or is it just because you’re really an immature asshole who can’t be happy for her?
Of course, it’s her fault, he argues. Immature? Him? He’s almost twenty-two, for god’s sake! He has been living in this world for more than two decades, how could Osamu call him underdeveloped? He swears he’s going to give his twin brother a good punch or two once he gets home.
… But she’s just trying to reach for her dreams, why are you not supporting her? She always does that when it comes to you, doesn’t she? Or have you already forgotten?
And at that, everything went perfectly still. The sound of the ball falling from his hands resonated throughout the quiet gym. Even with just hearing words from something or someone he can’t even identify, Atsumu felt as if he was hit on his head with a ton of bricks.
“E-eh…? W-why… why am I crying?” He whispered, fingers going up to touch his cheeks and furrowing his eyebrows when he felt the dampness of the said area.
Because you know you don’t deserve her. You know that it’s your fault. It has ALWAYS been your fault.
“Shut up,” he said to no one, plopping down the floor while he clutched his ears this time to shut the voice out. As it kept talking, he tried hitting his head with his hand, tried talking over it, tried retorting savage remarks back; however, everything was futile for it kept talking, kept torturing his mind with nothing but the truth.
You hurt her, then apologize, then do it again. What are you playing, a tug-of-war? How selfish of you, Miya Atsumu! Are you really her best friend?
“Shut up! Shut up! SHUT UP!” He screamed, his throat feeling as if it was getting scratched from the rawness of his voice. There was no way he was gonna have a voice tomorrow.
You’re so aggravated whenever you think about losing YN, are you sure you’re not in love with her or something? Yanno… have you never thought about the fact that maybe she’s your sou–
“Atsumu-kun! Wake up!” A voice yelled while grabbing him by his shoulders and shaking him awake, finally bringing him out of his… dream? Was that even considered a dream? Because Atsumu was sure as hell that what happened was just plain torture to him.
“Are you okay, Atsumu-kun? You were having a nightmare,” turning to the girl who kept her hold on him, he finds Yui, who was looking back at him as if he lost the screws in his head. He starts to believe that he, in fact, did after all that weirdness. After all, who in the world would randomly just fall asleep in the middle of an empty gym then proceed to have a nightmare while on it. Surely, there would be no one except for him. How in the world did it happen anyway? As far as he could remember, he was just practicing his serves and tosses a while ago.
“Yui, why are you still here? It’s getting late,” he asks the girl whose eyes just lit up, for some reason, at his question before lifting her hand up and showing… what? She continued to smile though and waved the same hand right in front of Atsumu’s face, much to his slight annoyance. He wasn’t really in the best mood to play guessing games right now, so he only sighs exasperatedly, “Just get to the point, Yui-chan. I’m feeling the exhaustion now.”
“I told you before that I could see my thread, right? Well, it turned black! Me and my soulmate met up a while ago and turns out, he was a Moira, so we performed the mini ritual, which is so weird by the way, before cutting it. He said one of us has to ‘affirm’ their desire to cut the thread, so I did! As far as I know, based on my previous researches about soulmates, it doesn’t really matter because the ‘gods’ know the deepest desires of our hearts but you know, I don’t really care because I’m free!” She exclaimed, squealing afterwards, and flinging her arms around Atsumu’s neck to give him a hug. But the boy stayed still and gaped because how can someone afford to be happy at this situation? His arms remained motionless at his sides, confusing him; wasn’t he just itching to have this weeks ago? In fact, he was just dreaming about it about three days ago. So why? Why couldn’t he bring himself to hug her back?
“Your soulmate cut it. How can you be happy, Yui-chan….?” Before he knew it, his mouth spoke for him faster than his brain could process. He removed himself from the girl’s embrace, watching as confusion begin to form on her face; though it only took her milliseconds before an odd smile showed up on her face once more.
“Because that means I could finally date you without feeling guilty for my soulmate, silly!”
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Atsumu felt like a hundred years had passed in just a single night and yet again, he sighed. If anyone sees him right now, they will probably laugh at his rather pathetic-looking state. Never in his life has he felt this exhausted, not even when Kita Shinsuke would force him to do an unreasonable number of receives and then make him clean the whole gym with the said captain; no, not even that could beat this fatigue and strangely, it makes him miss the captain.
Maybe he should’ve just gone home before 7PM, like Osamu said. He then shudders as he remembers that he still has to face his twin’s wrath.
“Can’t I just go back to being a toddler… like the brats that have no problem in the world?” He whines to himself quietly, relief spreading throughout his whole body as he sees your shared apartment; can already smell the meal Osamu cooked for you four; can visualize the disgusted look your brother will give him once he enters the house, all sweaty and gross-looking. Though, he thinks it’s odd that upon looking at the window of your room and Kiyoomi’s, he finds that they weren’t lit up unlike the usual. Maybe they’re already asleep, he shrugs given that you both love getting your beauty rest as much as you can. Twins, you are.
As careful as possible, he opens the front door, wincing when it makes a sound that would possibly wake up the very sensitive ears of Sakusa Kiyoomi from his room downstairs.
“Don’t bother trying to be quiet, Atsumu. You’re not going to wake anyone up in this house,” The voice of Osamu startles him. Fastly recovering from the mini-scare, he turns to his twin to glare while clutching his chest in hopes to calm his heart down, only to stop when he finds his brother glowering at him with a much worse scowl on his face.
“Samu, I’m sorry. I just got caught up with som–”
“You know, Tsumu, it’s kind of ironic, don’t you think? You always come around when it’s already too late,” Osamu speaks, trying to find the right words to say, “YN and Kiyoomi… they left and went back to their parents’ home. They will be staying there until YN and her mom leaves for abroad which would be in less than a month, right after this semester ends.”
Miya Atsumu was self-centered, conceited, prideful, juvenile, and so many more that it would take Kiyoomi more than a day to list all the things he detested from the boy. He didn’t care if you gave up and break off your friendship with him… at least that’s what he believed. But like Sakusa Kiyoomi, he was also human – and at that moment, as his brother stares at him and waits for a reply, he only stays still. Why is it that instead of the volleyball he was holding at the gym moments ago, it’s his heart that’s about to burst?
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⤷ notes. we didn't have internet connection for a whole day and phew.. this was the result of me being bored out of my wits, i guess? and i apologize in advance for the pain that i keep on giving and WILL keep on giving :>
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uwuwriting · 4 years
Bakugou and Todoroki w/ future kids but they meet the reader first
Request: I know you just wrote the future kids thing but I never see the reverse scenario happen where the kid meets the reader. But maybe because they're young or the reader isn't with the boi (Bakugou in this case who doesn't have a hero name yet and maybe the reader doesn't either) The kid keeps saying his parents hero names until he finally runs into Bakugou. The kid didn't realize the reader was the mom until they stood next to Bakugou. - anonymous 
I really enjoyed writing the future kids requests mainly because they were the cutest along side some dad requests I got recently. So I chose these two since we don’t have hero names for them and you didn’t specify any characters so yeah. If you want me to write for others please don’t hesitate to ask. Love yaa.💖💖💖
warnings: fluff, some mild panic
Bakugou Katsuki
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-You had gone shopping with Tsuyu and Ochako but had parted ways when the girls had been called in from their agencies. 
-Making your way back to the dorms, you were vibin along with your music when you felt a small tug at your pant leg.
-Looking down you were met with a pair of small e/c eyes staring back at you with a few stray ash blonde locks swaying along the autumn breeze. 
-The little figure stared at you for a moment, a poker face adorning his features before he spoke. 
- “Excuse me, do you know where the Ground Zero agency is?”
-You had never heard of such an agency and kneeling down you looked at the small boy.
- “I’m sorry sweetheart but I don’t know an agency by that name. Who are your parents? Maybe we can find them.”
-The boy looked at you with confusion and some irritation sprinkled on top, for a few moments before letting out a sigh and telling you that his parents were pro heroes.
-His mother apparently was on a mission across seas so they couldn’t really contact her  but his dad, the number two hero , Ground Zero  would definitely help. 
-At first you thought that the boy was confused since the number two hero right now was Hawks and you didn’t know anyone by that hero name. 
-And you told the boy that he was wrong but he was adamant, insisting that his daddy was number two.
-When you mentioned Hawks he titled his little head to the side and said rather matter of factly that Hawks had retired long before he was born.
-That was weird to say the least.
-With everything that the boy told you you were beyond confused and you decided to take him to Aizawa, thinking it was the best course of action. 
-Offering the boy your hand he hesitantly took it saying that his mommy always said that he shouldn’t trust strangers. 
- “But you look very familiar so I trust you. Kinda.”
-And with that you walked hand in hand to the dorms with the intention to find Aizawa in his room.
-Along the way however you heard yelling coming from the common room and you mentally prepared yourself for the tantrum that Katsuki must be throwing in there. 
-Halting your steps you leaned down to the boy ready to prepare him for what was to come only to be met with an ecstatic little human chanting ‘daddy’ under his breath.
-His eyes were practically shinning while he was making mini hops here and there, trying to mask his excitement. 
-If you were being honest he reminded you of yourself when you get fired up but his appearance practically screamed Bakugou at you.
-You have had a crush on Katsuki for some time now but you’ve attempted to drown your feelings and save yourself the humiliation and heart break. 
-Key word: attempted.
- “You excited there kiddo?”
-He looked up at you with a large smile on his tiny face.
- “That sounds like my daddy! Mommy always says that shouting might be part of his quirk and every time she says that, daddy and I need to tickle her until she takes it back.”
- “Well if your father is anything like the baka you are about to meet than god help your mother.” you mumbled under your breath, the boy too excited to pay attention to you, as you pushed the door open and stepped inside. 
-You made to walk to Aizawa’s room when his voice boomed through the room. 
- “Oi this isn’t a nursery. What are you doing?” 
- “Shut it Bakugou!’
- “Did you kidnap the kid? ‘Cause it seems that he’s trying to get away from your dumbass.”
-He wasn’t wrong. 
-The boy was trying to leave your grasp that you had unconsciously tightened when you started talking with Bakugou.
-The little boy looked back at you and mouthed ‘That’s daddy!!!’ before prying your hand off of his wrist and running to the couch that Bakugou was sitting. 
-He looked at the child with a scowl on his face, his eyes darting over the boys’ features noticing some resemblances to himself but also some of your characteristics. 
-The kid certainly had his hair and face structure but his eyes, nose and mouth were all you. 
-And don’t get him started on that cute grin he had on his face that was a carbon copy of the one you have. 
-Bakugou hated to admit that he had a crush on you. 
-You had caught his eye when you had roasted him during your first week of school and you two had been bickering back and forth ever since, feelings starting to develop on both sides but neither of you being brave enough to actually confess. 
- “Y/N why the hell is your brother looking at me like that?”
-At that the boy snapped his head to you, eyes wide and mouth slightly agape the grin he adorned just a few seconds ago being replaced by a really confused look. 
- “He’s not my brother, I found him! Now if you’ll excuse us I have to find Aizawa and clear things out.”
-The boy didn’t move an inch as you approached him, his eyes fixated on your face and as you leaned forward to grab him he wrapped both his arms around your neck and manhandled you onto the couch, making you fall on top of Katsuki. 
-The blushes on your faces were legendary.
-The kid was staring at you two and suddenly jumped on top of BOTH of you making Katsuki groan.
- “Mommy, mommy i thought you were in America with auntie Mina! Why did you pretend you didn’t know me? Why is daddy so small? Where are we?”
-Bakugou was staring at the kid shooting question after question as you on the other hand were on the brink of passing out from the word mommy. 
- “Oi, oi slow down. What’s your name shrimp?”
-He looked at Katsuki with a frown before roll his eyes and answering. 
- “Bakugou Tatsuo you old man.”
-They had to bring you to Recovery girl because you passed out and both Bakugou men were panicking.
Todoroki Shouto
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-You didn’t know what hit you really. 
-You were lounging outside on your balcony enjoying the view the dorms gave you when you heard shouting from above you before you were frozen in place and a little ball of red hair came tumbling down the ice slide.
-It almost slammed against your glass door but stopped just on time, shaking the frost from the red locks. 
-As the child turned to you, her eyes widened and she quickly let out a string of sorry’s as she defrosted you, messing up her words many times and confusing the r with w.
-It was the cutest thing watching this five year old at best trying to melt her ice, her chubby hands resting on the iceberg as her nose scrunched up in concentration. 
-Eventually the ice melted and you were set free, rubbing your arms for some warmth as you looked at the child on your balcony more closely. 
- “I’m so sorry miss, I didn’t see you!!”
- “Well you were falling from the sky so I find it logical.”
-The little girl fidgeted with her fingers looking around in pure confusion, her lower lip trembling at the unfamiliar scenery in front of her. 
-Despite the clear panic in her gaze she held herself together, dawning a poker face soon after and looking at you straight in the eyes, her gaze feeling awfully familiar. 
- “I’m Rei. Nice to meet you.”
-She extended her hand and you were taken aback from her manners and the fact that you were being owned by a toddler. 
-Taking her small hand in yours you shake it and lead her inside, placing her on your bed and sitting across from her on your chair. 
-You stared at each other for a solid five minutes before you broke the silence with some basic questions. 
-How old she was, how she got here, where are her parents.
- “A kid got his quirk and things got out of hand. But my daddy will know what to do!! He’s a pro hero.”
- “Oh what’s his hero name? Maybe I can take you to him.”
- “Icyhot, he has an agency in the city but I don’t know how to get there.”
-At the sound of that name you were confused again. 
-Icyhot is Bakugou’s way of mocking Todoroki, your long time crush, and as far as you know there is no hero with that name,
-As you looked at the girl again you saw some similarities with Shouto.
-The hair and the poker face along with her quirk and some of her mannerisms scream Shouto.
-Even though her hair was the same color as his, she looked like you when you were around her age.
-Pushing your confusion in the back of your mind you looked at her again. 
- “Is you daddy Todoroki Shouto?”
-You wished that your first time referring to Shouto as daddy would be under him other circumstances. 
- “Yes!! Do you know him??”
-Oh you knew him alright.
-Nodding you sat up and extended your hand to the little girl, who grabbed it with no hesitation, and led her out of your room.
-And so the mad hunt for Todoroki began.
-Along the way Rei would tell you all kinds of stuff and share funny situations that her and her twin sister got themselves into. 
-Apperantly, Rei had a twin sister Ren and a younger sister who was recently added to the family, Ru. 
-You had been running around the school grounds for like an hour and you could feel Rei getting tired as she slowed down after a while. 
-She didn’t complain though. she just kept talking about her family and how her mom stayed at home for the last few weeks. 
-She was the cutest thing you have seen in a fat while and you could say that you were more than jealous of her mother, whoever she was.
-As you rounded a corner your eye caught sight of a head with vibrant red and white hair.
-And there stood Todoroki in all his glory holding a little girl of his own in his arms, this one with snow white hair.
-The moment Rei saw them she made a mad sprint and literally tackled both of them to the ground, the twins hugging each other like they weren’t suffocating Shouto. 
-You rushed to them, kneeling beside Shouto and prying the twins off of him, giving him a weak smile as you helped him up. 
-As you two stood there, the twins looked at you and something clicked.
-Both of them smiled to themselves and hugged you, nuzzling into yor side as Todoroki stared at you. 
-You all agreed to go to Aizawa or Recovery Girl to see how to get them back home.
-As you made your way to Aizawa’s office the twins were whispering to each other not as quietly as they thought. 
- “Mommy is really pretty.”
- “Yeah and daddy has that smile on his face.”
-You both became a blushing mess unbeknownst to them.
-You sure as hell had a lot to talk about after this. 
-And you’d finally get to call him daddy. 
@brattyquirks​ , @the-arcana-fan-fic​
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variousqueerthings · 3 years
Tom Hardy Movies rated least to most queer
I made a list of some Tom Hardy movies and I rated them based on my own, non-specific criteria about what makes a movie queer. Results below the cut.
(Some films not included, because I haven’t watched them yet, because Mr Hardy’s only in them for a few minutes, because the subject matter doesn’t lend itself to this list, or because I just don’t want’em here. TV series also not included. The list is organised into both groups and ratings, because I’m doing The Most.)
Movies are divided into four groups and rated from 0 – 10 on the Queer-Scale, scroll down to the bottom if you want the ratings without the commentary.
Disclaimer: This list is subjective. Don’t come at me because I didn’t rate Inception higher, Nolan himself is as queer as cargo shorts. 
1. This movie would make more sense if it were queer
If this movie were queer it… might not become a perfect film all of a sudden, but it’d make a hell of a lot more sense than what’s actually going on. With an occasional dose of “are the cis-straights okay?”
This Means War (2012): So Chris Pine and Tom Hardy are ostensibly both in love with Reese Witherspoon, but say “I love you” to each other pretty much constantly throughout the movie and their friendship is often presented as a domestic partnership. Cool, cool, cooool.
Queer Rating: 2 out of 10. This movie hate-crimed me by having Tom Hardy literally spell out his relationship with Chris Pine, only for the script to then have him say… “can you imagine all that… but with a woman…” Later on the movie explicitly denies polyamory is possible. Fuck this film.
The Dark Knight Rises (2012): Batman movies should always be queer. Mr. Hardy’s the only one who acceptably camps it up, despite Nolan’s best attempts to make him “acceptably gruff.” No matter what you do, Bane is a massive daddy in a mask and thanks to Mr Hardy’s honestly iconic fucking speech pattern in this film, it goes from pretty atrociously straight to just queer enough to imagine a future where Robert Pattinson plays batman and maybe adopts a bunch of kids.
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(the only truly decent mask in this franchise tbh)
Queer Rating: 3 out of 10. Mr Hardy’s back is the one that’s actually broken carrying any semblance of fun in this overly long movie all on his own.
Lawless (2012): Wow, this really was the year of the not-queer-enough, wasn’t it? Look, it’s “based on a real story,” but it’s also a movie and movies don’t need to stick to the truth, and this one certainly doesn’t. Was the guy queer in real life? I don’t know. But that doesn’t matter, what matters is that it’s just kind of an eh movie and maybe being queer would add something to it. One of those “but why make someone queer? because it’s always more interesting to do so,” movies.
Queer Rating: 3 out of 10. It’s just not queer. But Tom Hardy wears cardigans and described his character as a “mother figure,” which adds an interesting dynamic to him.
2. Actually Queer but in a homophobic way
Tom Hardy plays a canonically queer character, yaaay. The whole movie contains a strange sense of the director being too not-queer to actually engage with that and everything around him is almost aggressively straight, noooo.
RocknRolla (2008): Honestly this movie has the funniest coming out scene ever + that familiar undertone of “all these manly men secretly want to fuck each other” is only heightened by one of them actually being gay and in love with his best friend. It’s such a fucking… it’s such a movie. Personally I find Mark Strong, Idris Elba, Thandie Newton, and, of course, Tom Hardy to be really hot in it, so that’s a plus. There’s a scene in which Strong’s character teaches another gangster how to do a proper backhand. It’s really gay of him. Also slow-dancing at a gay club. Butler’s character needs to get himself together, you really don’t think 2008 Tom Hardy is hot? Mate.
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(left to right: functional queer, disaster queer, distinguished queer)
Queer Rating: 6 out of 10, for having an actual gay character who is played by Tom Hardy doing a sexy phonecall voice to another guy, but then there’s that feeling you can’t shake that the whole movie is vaguely uncomfortable about it, like a family member awkwardly patting you on the shoulder after they found out you were queer second-hand, but they’ve still got 50 years of bias to unlearn. Also Thandie Newton is killed, fuck that noise. 
Legend (2015): If I had a nickle for the amount of times Tom Hardy’s played a gay gangster, I’d have two nickles. Which isn’t a lot, but weird that it happened twice (looks at Peaky Blinders and thinks it ought to be three times). I’ve watched Legend three times and every time it just… loses me. And because this is a biased list, I’ll only specifically mention that it fails to make Ron’s queerness anything but a way for him to shock others. Gangsters could be gay? Gasp! On the upside Tom Hardy has so much sexual tension with everyone in this movie, including himself (why would you do that? Asks Ron, bemused. Because I can’t kill you, no matter how much I fucking want to, hisses a blood-soaked Reggie right into his ear. It’s hot).
Queer rating: 5 out of 10 because the film is just not very queer for a movie with several queer men in it.
3. Straight as a forced family dinner
It’s straight.
Locke (2013): He’s a married man who had an affair and trying to deal with the fallout of it. This isn’t a spoiler for most of the movie, it’s a pretty neat movie where we look at Tom Hardy having a bit of a mental breakdown and taking lots of phonecalls (my personal hell). Is it queer? Not in the slightest.
Queer Rating: 2 out of 10 for Hardy’s face being in almost every shot.
The Revenant (2015): Yeah, yeah, DeCaprio’s and Hardy’s characters are obsessed with each other, yeah it’s a man’s world where the only women are dead wife, kidnapped sexually assaulted native princess, or background whore, yeah, they fight each other and there’s a ton of grunting, but also… I just fucking don’t like this movie. The thin line where a storyline like this one becomes queer might be crossed for others, but not for me. Fuck these guys and their stupid  bear fights.
Queer rating: 3 out of 10 for it being about dirty men in the middle of nowhere (but you could just watch Brokeback Mountain or The Lighthouse or God’s Own Country or any Mad Max, or, or, or…)
4. Queer? Queer. Queer? … Queer…
The plots, aesthetics and/or characters played by Tom Hardy lend themselves to a queer reading, even if there is no overt intention towards queerness. Often this is because of a deliberate lack of heterosexual and/or cisgender writing, which in this day and age is still pretty uncommon not to include within a plot.
Inception (2010): Okay, I don’t even need to write about the added “darling,” or the “go to sleep Mr Eames.” I don’t need to go on about the absolutely bonkers amount of fanfiction written for Eames and Arthur, based on a few minutes of film and a boatload of chemistry. It’s queer.
Queer Rating: 7 out of 10, because the actual plot of the film isn’t very queer, but between the Arthur/Eames dynamic and Elliot Page, Nolan was really given a gift he didn’t deserve.
Warrior (2011): Okay, so first off, this might be my favourite Tom Hardy film, at least some part of my brain is fixated on it at almost all times and I’m considering watching it for the third time in two weeks. I don’t only consider it queer based on Mr. Hardy’s character, although he has no romantic or sexual interest and could be read as aroace, but because of the themes, especially those surrounding said character, who is coded as a caregiver to women and through close emotional connections to men. It’s got possibly unintentional deconstructions of masculinity and two men (brothers) who need to forgive each other and can only do so through the catharsis of violence. It speaks to me as a transmasc with several cis brothers, struggling with my own masculinity. It’s not at all written for me, but I find myself all over it. I could talk about this movie forever.
Queer Rating: 8 out of 10. I’m not allowed to say any more or I’ll never stop writing about it. I love you Tommy…
The Drop (2014): Bob’s lack of sexual and/or romantic interest in Naomi is so strange to her that she doesn’t know what he would want from her otherwise. Bob really just wants to raise a dog with her (and also forgiveness for past sins). Bob is such a rare ace and possibly aro coded character, it really throws me every time I watch this film how obvious it is. Bonus points for also being autistic-coded and not in the stereotypical ways.
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(Tom Hardy’s most challenging role: pretending he doesn’t know dogs)
Queer Rating: 9 out of 10 because it’s so fucking rare to see ace and aro coded characters that aren’t, you know…. serial killers. Also Tom Hardy adopts a puppy and has a very cute, kinda lispy voice. How often does Tom Hardy play softer men like this?
Mad Max: Fury Road (2015): Very deliberately no sexual or romantic writing included in Max’s and Furiosa’s relationship. Sure, there’s not a lot of time for that in the post-apocalyptic wasteland, but it was also done with a purpose! “It was always going to be two warriors on par, starting off with very little respect for each other and ending up with a massive respect for each other.” - Charlize Theron. “So of course they meet, of course there’s a relationship, an unspoken understanding. A recognition.” - Tom Hardy.
Queer Rating: 9 out of 10. It’s not just the characters, but the world and it’s apocalyptic BDSM leather scene, the questions it asks about sustainability and about people as tools, and the found family. It’s about overcoming violence through multiple kinds of love. And it’s about watching a guy playing flame-thrower guitar. What could be queerer?
Venom (2018): Talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same… No, but Eddie is queer. The only question is whether the sequel will acknowledge that aspect or not, but even if not. Even if it manages to straightly bypass the reality of a symbiotic relationship with a genderless? genderfluid? being from another world that is linked to you down to your very cells and understands you more intimately than any other person possibly could… even if all that: Eddie is queer. Venom and Eddie are in a relationship. Any relationship Eddie ever enters into will automatically become a thrupple. He makes out with Venom in the movie! Eddie is queer.
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(aw yeah that tongue is going down his throat)
Queer Rating: 9.5 out of 10, because it’s still coded by the creators in the language of bromance (hey, bro, is it gay if we’re physically and emotionally closer than any other people on earth?), but the movie is so, so camp and Mr Hardy’s acting choices are beautiful – the screaming? The lispy soft voice and lack of taking up space? The lobster tank? The only people who don’t know how queer this is are the people making it apparently. Fingers crossed for that sequel!
Hon. mentions:
Star Trek: Nemesis (2002): Star Trek – even at it’s worst (especially at its worst?) – is camp af + Hardy is a straight-up baby in this film.
Bronson (2008): It’s about a real person who’s still alive, so I won’t comment on the actual man. However the film seems to code the character Bronson along an ace line and also has genderqueering Vaudeville. Someone let Tom Hardy do more of whatever was going on in those stage-bits.
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(this right here: this the good shit)
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (2011): Another ensemble piece not massively about Hardy’s character, but it’s a movie that centers around queerness in a strange, depressing way. Tom Hardy’s character isn’t queer. Colin Firth and Mark Strong are though. The book makes me cry.
Peaky Blinders (2013-): Because it’s a TV series I left it out. There’s a lot of straight nonsense going on there, but Alfie Solomens is gay. There’s nothing in the series that disputes that and plenty that lends itself to the reading.
Dunkirk (2017): Tom Hardy plays an RAF pilot in a deep emotional connection with the other main RAF pilot. That’s immediately gay. However he’s not in the movie much because of the way it’s constructed, so I left it off.
Queer Ratings (least to most)
No queer to be found here traveller:
This Means War: 2 out of 10 - illegal movie, Tom Hardy swore he wouldn’t do another rom-com after
Locke: 2 out of 10 - straight Welshman and his straight problems. He pretty though
Lawless: 3 out of 10 - cardigan-Hardy being a mother-hen, but very straight for all that
The Dark Knight Rises: 3 out of 10 - a superhero movie that doesn’t deserve Mr Hardy’s camp talents (unlike Venom)
The Revenant: 3 out of 10 - doesn’t give me what I want out of a movie full of dirty, bearded men
Queer but we deserve more:
Legend: 5 out of 10 - timid homosexuality, considering the source material. 
RocknRolla: 6 out of 10 - hey bro, is it gay if we kill the only female lead in our massive ensemble cast
The queerest of Hardy’s:
Inception: 7 out of 10 - Elliot Page and JGL kissing was an all-around terrible choice that made no sense, we know the truth, Nolan
Warrior: 8 out of 10 - I’m still crying, Edgerton’s crying, Hardy’s crying, we’re all crying, and I think that’s really emotionally healthy and queer of us
Mad Max: Fury Road: 9 out of 10 - non-romantic love in the time of BDSM post-apocalyptic wastelands is something that can actually be so personal
The Drop: 9 out of 10 - “Fucking punk. Go out to dinner dressed like you're still in you living room! You wear those big hippity-hoppity clown shoes! You speak to women terribly! You treat them despicably! You hurt harmless dogs that can't defend themselves! I'm tired of you man. I'm tired of you. You embarrass me!”
Venom: 9.5 out of 10 - Sometimes a relationship is an anxious reporter, the sentient goo inhabiting his body, his kinda-ex-girlfriend and her new doctor boyfriend, and I think that’s beautiful
218 notes · View notes
DIABOLIK LOVERS Do-S Kyuuketsu VERSUS Ⅱ Vol.6 Yuma VS Azusa [TRACK 5]
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Original title: レゾンデートル
Source: Diabolik Lovers VERSUS II Vol. 6 Yuma VS Azusa [CD not owned by me]
Audio: Here
Seiyuu: Tatsuhisa Suzuki & Kishio Daisuke
Translator’s note: I think I have said this before when translating his Bloody Bouquet CD, but Yuma gives the best pep talks. Out of all the DL characters, he really seems the most down-to-earth and reasonable when it comes to both accepting and expressing his emotions. All of the others are conflicted or too stubborn to admit how they truly feel, but Yuma has very little filters and that’s honestly what I appreciate about him. It makes for such a nice change of pace.
Track 1 ll Track 2 ll Track 3 ll Track 4 ll Track 5 ll Track 6
Track 5: Raison D’être
Yuma enters the room.
Yuma: ...That damn door finally opened up. Listen up...Unlike ya guys, I can’t enter this room through that narrow well. ‘Cause of that, it took me a while to bust inside of here.
Azusa: Yuma...I thought you went to see Ruki? 
Yuma: I got kinda worried. That maybe you’d totally lose your mind from the lunar eclipse and that Sow over there wouldn’t make it out alive. 
Yuma: ーー And sure enough. Who said he wouldn’t do anythin’, huh?
Azusa: ...!
Yuma walks up to you.
Yuma: Oi, everythin’ alright? I figured ya might have lost an arm or a leg, but Azusa seems to be the one injured instead. The fuck’s goin’ on?
Yuma: By the way, Azusa. You’re still spoutin’ that bullshit, huh?
Azusa: What do...you mean?
Yuma: Don’t play dumb. You know, the stuff where you’d ask us to hurt ya. ...Geez, keep that kinda fucked up shit to the bare minimum already, won’t ya?
Azusa: You just don’t...understand.
Yuma: Haahn!?
Azusa: I’m different from you. I’m utterly useless...nor can I ever be of use. On top of that, I’m always...strange, as if someone has taken control of my brain. I thought that I could finally become normal thanks to the eclipse...
Yuma: That’s not true...!
Azusa: Getting hurt...is where my value lies. Right, Eve?
Yuma: Haahー!?
Azusa: That’s the only value I have in life so...Why? Yuma...Why am I jealous of you?
Yuma: Che...I don’t have a fuckin’ clue whatcha talkin’ ‘bout, mate. 
Azusa: This is strange...It makes no sense. I want to blame it all on the moon but...When you look at or are hurt by Yuma...This strong anger wells up inside of me...and my chest aches...I feel like I’m going crazy...Bearing the pain is what makes me valid. I’m well aware of this butーー This pain in particular, is hard to endure...
Yuma...! Is the little voice in my head responsible for this as well!? He makes me believe that...Eve belongs only to me. I can’t stop it. Even though I’m so utterly useless...Even though I can never become Adam...Still, Iーー
He looks over at you.
Azusa: I want to keep Eve...all for myself.
Azusa: I...want you.
Yuma: Honestly, I really don’t get ya. To be blunt, you’re the type of guy I have a hard time dealin’ with. Both now and in the past. ...Anyway, don’t ya think it’s ‘bout time ya understand this? Ruki told ya as well, no? We’re brothers. While we may have different roles to fulfill in the family, there’s no hierarchy between us.
Azusa: ...
Yuma: Try and remember the time at the orphanage. Bet ya can’t forget ‘bout it even if ya wanted to? All of us received the same shit treatment. We were all equally punched and hurt.
Azusa: But...!
Yuma: No but’s or however’s! You’re the only one of us who still clings to the concept of a hierarchy...! Your current life is completely different from the one you led back when living at the wanderers’ camp! ...So gettin’ jealous...or wantin’ to hog the Sow all for yerself...is totally valid. 
Azusa: ...! Yuma...?
Yuma: But ya know, she’s the one thing I can’t just hand over to ya. Desire isn’t somethin’ ya can control through reason.
Azusa: Desire...?
Yuma: It’s the same as wantin’ to eat. Ya can’t suppress it.
Azusa: But...Up till now...I’ve never thought like this...
Yuma: Is that truly so? ...Well, I’m not ya, so I can’t tell for sure whether ya felt it as strong or not, but I guess people just differ?  ーー Say...
Yuma suddenly pulls you close.
Yuma: Isn’t that true? ...Well, I honestly don’t think it’s worth stressin’ yerself out over it. Don’t ya think this lil’ voice in yer head ya keep on talkin’ ‘bout...is actually just yer own feelings speakin’? 
Azusa: My...own?
Yuma: Yeah. Ya think way too much ‘bout stuff like ‘bein’ useful’ or ‘the reason behind yer existence’...In reality, there’s nothin’ wrong with ya at all. It’s normal to exist.
Ruki: Ruki and...Kou too? Do they feel the same way?
Yuma: ...Ya better not say that in their faces. You’re gonna get smacked on the head. You’re crazy ‘cause ya keep on restrainin’ yerself. Notice that already. Right here...There’s nobody who would get a kick out of hurtin’ ya...
Azusa: ...T-Then...This pain in my chest can...just stay the way it is...?
Yuma: Ya like pain, don’t ya? Just accept it. ...Besides, if it’s makin’ ya uncomfortable, then try and do somethin’ ‘bout it.
Yuma hugs you close.
*Rustle rustle*
Yuma: My bad but...Ya might have to try and steal her away from me. If ya do that, the pain might just fade away.
Azusa: Oh...Steal? Can I...? Do I have the right to...?
Yuma: Idiot. That isn’t somethin’ ya need my permission for. However, she’s mine.
Azusa: You can’t...Eve...belongs to me.
Yuma: God...Ya really are stubborn after all. But it’s also fascinatin’. Makes it worth takin’ her from ya after all. Mmh...
Azusa: ...I don’t think I can grow to like this pain so...I need her. 
Yuma: I see. Fine by me. Bring it on. Let’s have her decide which one of us she prefers. Of course...
Yuma: ーー With these bad boys.
Yuma bites you.
Yuma: Nn...Mmh...
Azusa: You can’t, Yuma...She is...mine Eve. Come on, don’t face his way. Look at me...If you won’t, I’ll do this...
Azusa bites you as well.
Yuma: Nice expression you’re rockin’ there, Sow...How does it feel to have two Vampires toy with ya at the same time? Hehe...
Azusa: Haah...Eve...Does it hurt? Or does it feel good? ...I’ll make you feel even better.
Azusa: Mmh...
*Gulp gulp*
Yuma: Oi, oi, Azusa...With that sorta technique, you’ll only tickle her a lil’. This is what a...real bite looks like! Haahn...
Yuma: ...Hahー! ...See? Seems like she feels so good, she’s at a total loss for words. Hahn...Mmh...
Azusa: It’s not just about strength...Say? I know where it feels good for you...I’ll pierce you with my fangs exactly there...Haahn...
Azusa: Mm...
Azusa: Nn...Haah...Look this way, Eve...It feels good, doesn’t it? Let’s...kiss. Mmh...Nn...
Azusa: Nn...
Yuma: Borin’...For one, you’ve never been this fixated on her before, have ya? 
Azusa: ...Haah...Today is...special. However, when I think about it... I might have actually...been obsessed with her this whole time. I simply didn’t realize...but thanks to the moon, it became clear...Mmh...
*Gulp gulp*
Azusa: Mmh...
Yuma: Come on...Gimme some as well...Hahn...
Yuma: Mmh...Nn...Ya better don’t let that guys’ words get to ya too much...Nnh...
Azusa: No fair...Yuma...You can’t just hog her for yourself...
Yuma: Shut up! I don’t take orders from anyone!
Azusa: ...Eve...Do you like Yuma’s that much? However, mine are good too, you know...I mean, look...My fangs fit you so perfectly, they can give you the pain you desire at once. Haah...
*Gulp gulp*
Yuma: Ahn? Bein’ a lil’ cheeky there, aren’t ya? 
Yuma: Ah...This is bad...I said that but...Haah...It kinda sounds like I’m tryin’ to tell ya to hold yerself back, huh? That’s weird...
Azusa: I don’t care if it’s cheeky or not...I love Eve...Mmh...
Yuma: Che...Annoyin’...That kinda sappy stuff isn’t for me. 
Yuma: I’ll use my fangs...to have her confess her feelings for me.
Azusa: I wonder who will achieve that faster?
Yuma: Sow...Say you love me...
Azusa: Eve obviously loves me more...Right? You do, don’t you? Of course you do...Mmh...
*Gulp gulp*
Yuma: Ah yeah, yeah. Just tell yerself that. ...Come on, Sow. Don’t get distracted by him.
The two of them continue sucking your blood.
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khaleesiofalicante · 3 years
I really said fuck classes who needs notes anyway (i do I have 5 tests in the next two weeks)
before I post my live blog here, I feel like people really underestimate how bad rumors are and how much they fuck with your mental health. they don't lose sleep over them, they don't think twice. but these things are harmful as fuck. they leave wounds that take so long to recover from because you keep on thinking about these lies who to others are "just words"
I've been there. it's not fun. I wish I had the courage back then to stand up to those rumors which I have now. these things never leave you. others might move on but the healing process is a journey that is long and hard. I wish more people understood just what effect their words can have.
Yeah, he knew a thing or two about family members going overboard with glitter.
I feel like I keyboard smash A LOT
“You will never drink even if you are not riding the bike,” Dad had pointed out – all Consul Voice and threatening glares. “The legal age for drinking in New York is 21.”
“But it’s 15 in Idris!”
“Well unfortunately for you, we are in Exile,” dad had grinned.
Max had a habit of ‘borrowing’ things and selling them on eBay. In his brother’s defense, Bapak had so many clothes that he never noticed when things disappeared. But Rafael did since he had a habit of wearing his father’s clothes.
The warlock – not the shadowhunter.
He wouldn’t be caught dead in one of those sweaters.
Now that Rafael was 18, he was almost as tall as his father.
The shadowhunter – not the warlock.
I love how he's clarifying which one he's talking about
“Do you know I used to have a crush on Lily Chen?” Tavvy blushed. “But then I found out she made out with Helen once and it kinda got weird.”
Ah yes. I remember. Does Rafael know that Alec also walked in on them?
“Dude, college kids don’t give a shit,” Tavvy laughed. “You could walk into a lecture covered in runes, holding a seraph blade and they wouldn’t give you a second look.”
“Cause they are chill?”
“Yes. But mostly cause they are dead inside,” Tavvy chuckled.
Surprisingly that's exactly what my grade 6 prefect told me (DAMN WHY AM I ALWAYS REMEMBERING GRADE 6 IT'S BEEN YEARS. that was a horrible year *shudders*)
I still ship them.
“The meeting is going to go perfe-What is SHE doing here?”
Well, that was a quick change-
Unlike Aunt Maia, Lily did not like to be called Aunt Lily. So, Rafael respected her wishes. Max of course continued to call her Aunt Lily and sometimes Abeula Lily since his brother had a pathological condition of pissing people off.
great now I miss Raphael
that is so thoughtful of him though...
“There are no photos of Raphael,” Lily sighed.
“Because he is a vampire?” Tavvy asked sympathetically.
“Because he is Raphael,” she grinned. “Vampires can most certainly take photos. You should follow me on Instagram. My handle is simp_for_carstairs.”
Of course, it is. No one is surprised.
Tavvy picked one up, took a large bite and it threw it back immediately. “Holy shit, that’s spicy!”
“White,” Lily and Anjali snorted at the same time.
white people and their bland foods smh
“She is not wrong,” Lily nodded seriously. “I’m a Jem Carstairs fan first and a vampire second.”
As she should be
He observed Anjali’s long dark hair spilled over her shoulders as her eyes stayed on Lily – sharp, protective and beautiful.
“Shadowhunters are awful gossips,” Anjali said. “Let’s not waste our time with this nonsense.”
There was something in her voice. Something he couldn’t put his finger on.
No, wait I want to know what was in her voice.
But no. It couldn’t be. They weren’t dating.
Rafael was sure there was something more than friendship between them. But David was polite to a fault and Max was an oblivious little shit. So, obviously nothing had happened yet.
But this was different. He would tolerate rumours about himself. But he would not tolerate rumours about his family.
I and Rafael will beat up the people who spread these rumors together :D
“She once told me she likes sipping tea more than drinking blood.
"I hate her she's so annoying"
continues to daydream about her and how tall she'd be without those boots, lies to tavvy about her dating someone
Why did he do that? What was the purpose? Did he not want other people to date just because he wasn’t dating anyone?
And he calls Max oblivious.
oh class started
“David and I added rosemary to this one,” Uncle Jace wiped his hands on his apron. “It has definitely improved the taste, hasn’t it?”
“Save me,” David mouthed from behind the man.
“Empty nest syndrome,” Rafael chuckled. “I’m glad neither Max nor I had to leave home. My fathers are much worse.”
He remembered his first sleepover at the institute. His parents had waited for “an excruciating hour” before crashing the institute and joining the sleepover themselves.
yup, that's them.
“David,” Rafael grinned. “Are you afraid of my father?”
“What? No! He is the just a regular person…who can throw me in the silent city any time he wants,” David rambled and then shook his head. “Where is Max?”
He tried to sound nonchalant. But Rafael noted the way the other boy’s eyes fluttered every time he said Max’s name.
Just the way a crooked smile appeared on his brother’s lips every time someone said David’s name.
ok, there is so much to unpack here.
“Max said Bapak is biased, and that he needs an unbiased tutor. Uncle Ragnor volunteered,” Rafael chuckled. “God bless the poor man.”
“Max isn’t that bad,” David replied.
“Looks like you’re biased too, David,” Rafael winked and picked up a spare bow from the training room.
of course, he is.
oh shit
oh shit
what's the rumor and who do I need to kill
He didn’t know her well. But she knew a lot about him. Just as she knew a lot about the twins. She was one of those people who was oddly invested in his life just because Rafael happened to the Consul’s son.
what is her problem?
what the fuck
I need a minute
I need a minute to digest that
I'm so glad I closed my camera in class
what the actual fuck did she just say
tell me I'm hallucinating
times like these I wish I was Jared 19
no, because I'm actually speechless right now
Paige and Irene need therapy
“Paige, that’s enough!” the Dean snapped at her. “How dare you talk to him that way? You talk about warlock corruption but where all of you when Valentine exploited Jace and Clary? Where was this moral obligation when Valentine lied to his children and played with their feelings as if they were nothing but toys to be controlled and manipulated? I’m sick of shadowhunters victim blaming children instead of holding people like Valentine accountable.”
I feel like we all focus so much on the "incest" and hate on clace we forget that this part of the story was literally an abuser seeing that the victim was recovering and took the only thing which made him happy from him
I can't believe this
“Children have been suffering for a long time now, Paige,” Uncle Jace said now, his fists balled at his sides. “Where were you when Alec proposed the child protection bill? We didn’t see any of you supporting it.”
“We had other priorities,” the older woman replied. “People were dying! It was not the right time for a new law. We could have always signed that bill later. There was no rush!”
hey just realizing Rafael is the token straight
“The Cohort who made children kill themselves to prove a point?” Uncle Simon asked dryly. “That Cohort?”
I am so close to either crying or killing someone or both.
This was Max’s spot since it had the best Wi-Fi coverage.
yeah trust me I spend all the time in the guest room because it has the best wifi coverage or the study.
oh wait
oh they might be alec's
For the next thirty minutes, Max paced around the room, threatening to portal all the shadowhunters to hell.
Then he went on about a plan to attack the cohort and portal them all to hell too.
He kept talking about portalling people to hell.
But here is the thing about people, they don’t get to you. You get to them.
They simply say something and leave. They probably don’t even mean the things they say or lose sleep over it. But it wasn’t the same for you. You obsess over it. You stay awake at night and let it consume your dreams.
YES! To others, it's just words. meaningless. to you, the effect can be so so deep. it's not easy to always brush them off.
why do we hurt others?
my teacher: ill take a test on this chapter. all 20 units
me: softly crying because people are little shits and they hurt others.
“Fuck everyone else,” dad hissed. “They’ve hurt our family enough.”
“I am simply being honest with you,” Dad interrupted. “I could never be okay when you are away from me. But I will manage. Max is going to raise hell though. So, that’s going to be fun.”
Neither Rafael nor Max would never admit it out loud, but on the day of that sleepover, on the day their parents had crashed the institute bcause they had missed the kids too much…Rafael and Max had been only a moment away from calling their parents to come pick them up.
He's right though.
it'll take time. lots of it maybe.
It fucked with his mind so much.
He had forgotten about the bloody paperwork. Shadowhunters on their travel year had to notify the Clave and get their paperwork in order.
Well, it shouldn’t be a problem since the Clave was standing across the hall.
Because it was killing him. It was killing him not to be lying on the couch, his head resting on his Bapak’s lap just like every other Saturday morning.
It was killing him not to touch, not to love, not to care.
(goddamn every class I have taken so far the teacher has told us there is a test coming up it's 9 am in the morning.)
His brother growled at that like the little feral animal that he was.
that's adorable actually.
“Fine,” Max rolled his eyes. “Does this mean I can also travel? There is a Twenty One Pilots concert in Sydney and-”
“Nice try,” Dad said. “But no. You are staying here.”
“Excuse me, but what about my healing?” Max demanded. “I’ve been traumatised by this thing.”
“You can go to therapy,” Rafael winked at this brother.
Therapy is boring but useful so-
He needed to survive this. So, he decided to go back to the place he had learned how to survive in the first place.
He needed to go back home.
I'm so proud of him for this...
I still say we kill these people.
Camilla Alvarez.
well well.
“Right,” Rafael had said. “Gap year. Besides, I do talk them. My brother threatened to paint my room in hot pink if I don’t text him every day.”
hands max a pint of paint HAVE AT IT
Max: Also – New Rumour. Dalliance between Lily and Tavvy.
Max: They are running with it and freaking old n*philim out.
“He is hot.”
He laughed out loud. “Yeah. I hear that a lot.”
“Your dad looks kinda scary,” she pointed out.
Rafael laughed again. “Yeah. I kinda hear that a lot too.”
I'm liking this ship...
but I'm happy for him. I'm glad he's getting the space he needs
Dad: Jst found legal age fr drnkng in Buenos Aires is 18.
Rafe: ????
Dad: I hv friends thr.
Rafe: ???
Dad: Thy r watchn u.
Rafe: Creepy but okay.
Do it
I like her. she's nice.
He was leaving soon. He didn’t see the point in lying to her. “I ran away from home. Kind of.”
“I hurt someone I love,” Rafael confessed. “The person I love most in the world.”
honey, it wasn't your fault... hugs
Shit. Why wasn’t Bapak going to the accords signing? He had been there for every single one since the very first time.
no no no no is something wrong?? I'm worried.
“You look taller,” Rafael told his brother who hadn’t grown an inch.
Max and I are vertically challenged.
“Rafe, go to talk to him. Or I will tell everyone you’ve been smoking in the balcony!”
So, he was going to pin this on him, huh? This little shit.
“You’ve progressed from freaking to fucking,” he pointed out.
“That’s not the fucking point, Rafael!” Max said in exasperation.
“You did it again,” Rafe pinched Max’s cheek. “My little brother is all grown up now. Linguistically I mean.”
When he had gone back to Buenos Aires, the place was completely different - even the shadow market.
There were no abandoned children in the streets. There were no racist and ignorant leaders exploiting innocent downworlders.
There was only growth.
His father had done that. Alec Lightwood had helped Joaquin and his people create a new world in Buenos Aires.
This shows how much people can flourish under good leadership if they really try.
“I will protect our family. I will protect our friends. I will protect those who ask for my protection. But I will not tolerate their hate. I will not turn my head and pretend it doesn’t hurt. Because it does hurt and that’s not okay.”
Rafael smiled at that. “Yeah. Yeah, that’s not okay.”
“The accords is important. But so am I. There is no point in signing a treaty that is meant to value equality if I have to sign it while being surrounded by those who refuse to respect me or my identity. I simply cannot do it, Rafael. I hope you understand.”
“It’s taken me a while to realize this. But I don’t owe the nephilim anything,” Bapak said firmly. “It’s about time they realize that too.”
“I’ve known shadowhunters for a long time, Rafael. Good ones. Bad ones. All kinds of them – and shadowhunters have always defined themselves by their love. Not by your weapons. Not by your runes. Not by your last names. Not by your laws. Shadowhunters have always defined themselves by love. So, don’t ever let them take that away from you.”
I want this on a T-shirt. These damn shadowhunters and their love.
“Like the Accords Hall kiss?” Rafael grinned.
“It’s the stupidest thing your father had ever done – which is really saying something,” his father laughed. “But it’s also the bravest thing I’ve ever seen him do. And that’s how I knew.”
affectionate sigh that's alec.
“Good. Max is sitting in the porch and singing All by Myself,” Tessa chuckled and closed the door. “Just thought you should know!!”
Rafael giggled at that. “He must have given you hell.”
“Nothing I couldn’t handle,” Bapak shrugged, and Rafael raised an eyebrow. “Fine. I might have promised to buy him a car when he turns 18.”
“You’re hoping he would stop aging by then, aren’t you?” Rafael chuckled.
Max is so dramatic I aspire to be like him.
Blue banners when the lost return, the shadowhunter rhythm said.
Rafael had returned home – and he was no longer lost.
I'm ok I say as I cry during my history class
I'm so proud of him.
“Well, that needs to be rectified immediately,” Dad said in the Consul Voice and literally yelled. “I am about to kiss my son – on both cheeks! You better gossip about this too!”
“Oh my god, stop!” Rafael giggled and tried to escape.
“YAS!” he heard Uncle Jace yelled from somewhere. “GIVE US A FOREHEAD KISS TOO!”
“The hell is hate speech?” someone asked.
Do you not have a dictionary you uncultured swine
“There is a very clear difference between free speech and hate speech,” Cristina Rosales pointed out. “The fact that you don’t seem to know that is all the more reason for us to include this provision.”
“By the angel,” an old man gasped. “There is no need to be so emotional. The younger generation can be such snowflakes.”
What if I just strangles him
“Discriminatory language?” a woman demanded. “What does that even mean?”
“Calling vampires bloodsuckers,” Lily Chen answered.
“Calling warlocks demon spawns,” Ragnor Fell pointed out.
“Calling werewolves fleabags,” Maia Roberts declared.
“Calling faeries half-breeds,” Kieran Kingson all but yelled.
The fact that they have had to deal with this shit for YEARS. (also why Kingson? isn't Kieran the king?)
“Which one of you shitheads said hate speech is harmless?” Anjali demanded, her voice booming over everyone and everything else.
Anjali had a grin of her own. “While that might true, Paige, there is most certainly a law on child protection. You didn’t just hurt Magnus Bane. You also hurt his son. Section 7 of the Child Protection Bill states that any person who physically or emotionally injures a child through ill-treatment, neglect, abandonment or abuse is guilty of breaking the covenant.”
“Damn straight!” someone yelled from the crowd – it sounded suspiciously like Kit.
“Rafael is not a child!” someone yelled again. A lot of them this time. “It’s still not illegal. The law doesn’t say so!”
“By the angel, for someone who is obsessed with the law you people seem to know nothing about it,” Anjali said in exasperation. “The child protection law defines a child as a person under 18 years OR younger. The incident happened when he was still 18. It’s illegal.”
“I’m the Inquisitor’s daughter,” she said. “Next time, think twice before you quote the law at me.”
How did she know his birthday????
“So, if you do hurt him emotionally, you can still be implicated. You will face charges and you can possibly be stripped of your runes,” Anjali pointed out seriously. “Now I ask you again. Does anyone else have to say anything about him?”
There was absolute silence then.
“Didn’t fucking think so,” Anjali spat. “I literally had to mention the stripping of your marks for you to respect another person’s basic rights. If you give half the value you place on your precious runes to other people, we wouldn’t be in exile right now.”
The Cohort looked terrified – of Anjali or their future in the Clave, Rafael didn’t know.
“People are dying,” Anjali said, her voice heavy now. “Our people are fucking dying, and you seem to be more bothered with who is sleeping with whom. Shame on you. Shame on all of you!”
She turned to the Council. The Inquisitor looked like he was going to cry from pride. Rafael’s dad looked half terrified but mostly impressed. Lily was blowing kisses at Anjali. The other downworld leaders looked quite pleased.
Shadowhunters are so fucking bigoted and narrow-minded. I'm seething right now.
also, alec looking scared-
“Goddamn, I wish Magnus was here to see this,” Uncle Jace grinned. “That was satisfying as hell.”
“No worries, I recorded the whole thing!” Kit put up his hand.
“Fuck the Cohort,” Rafael giggled.
“Actually, I would prefer you use the word screw,” his father pointed out. “Screw the Cohort!”
“Oh my god, Dad!” Rafael rolled his eyes. “I am allowed to swear once in a while.”
“No, you are not,” Dad said firmly – this man was so not ready to meet Max’s new persona. “As your friend pointed out, you are still a child.”
Alec seeing Max curse left and right: 👁️👄👁️
"She hates me!"
“Rafael, she stood up for you in front of the entire Clave. She fought the Cohort. It was incredibly brave. I wish she had spoken to me before without causing all the chaos. So, it was a little stupid of course. But still brave.”
Stupid but brave.
Names. Give me names NOW
Jaime no...please no not Jaime.
please please, please
ok, I searched it up. And he can get treatment. He can live. It doesn't have to be serious. please, Jaime...
“If you ever tell anyone you saw me crying, I will drag you to Idris and drown you in Lake Lyn.”
This is such an Anjali thing to say.
OOO MILLA (Mila?) MESSAGED!!! Is there gonna be some sort of love triangle here??
me who despises love triangles (aside from TID of course): ...
BUT SINCE IT'S YOU I'M SURE IT'LL BE AMAZING. I'm still nervous about this though...
see ya on Friday!!
But I am so glad you like it. Amidst all your screaming and chaos, I always find very perceptive and profound observations. It's fantastic! I love it so much!
Thank you for enjoying LBAF - and good luck with your tests!!!
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lotusglass · 2 years
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Vil Schoenheit
Somehow he’s always getting dragged by him for either makeup assistance at the Movie Studies Club, or for other things. Not that Masami doesn’t mind, just as long as its not in the middle of him writing songs. 
Professional wise, Vil and he both work well together in the media like interviews, modeling shoots, etc. However, he does find him a tad bit irritating due to his overbearing need for fixated beauty and neatness then again Masami’s one to talk.
Despite his more distant thoughts, he does look up to Vil and his hard efforts in all that he does, especially when it comes to beauty. Masami himself feels as though he is inadequate when it comes down to keeping up with appearances. Yet, Vil is always there to remind him to have faith. Overall, he doesn’t mind sticking up for him either. God forbid someone calls his dorm leader ugly because it would have been ON SIGHT-
Rook Hunt
Indifferent, but also thinks he’s a bit weird, not because of his devotion to beauty, but his elusive nature, he can never tell what’s on his mind and it’s off-putting to him.
Sometimes when he has trouble writing songs, or coming up with lyrics, he goes to Rook for ideas and rhymes. Rook never ceases to amaze him when it comes to love poems and sweet nothings
It might be a bit mean, but on the mood, Masami tends to flirt indulge Rook when it comes to his comments on his appearance, calling him beautiful or comparing his eyes to marbles, Masami always has something to say back. Totally not making Vil jealous when he does this sometimes, nope no sir
Epel Felmier
Little brother? Little brother. He finds Epel’s personality quite refreshing and feels as though he can be more of himself around him. Meanwhile, Epel thought that Masami would be just like Vil, but his mind changed as soon as Masami offered to make pastries with him and if he wanted to carve apples in which Masami surprisingly got the hang of after a while and after getting cuts on his own fingers ajdghfhdgdj
He can’t help but feel sorry for Epel whenever he gets reprimanded by Vil or when he’s getting dragged around by him. So whenever he’s free, or after he’s done taking care of things, he treats Epel to lunch, a snack, or just hang out with him.
Would do almost anything to protect the apple boi, but may the lord have mercy should Epel not wash his hair before bed. Would also slice a man in half if they try hurting him.
Rolo Valentino
Masami has the tendency to pull Rolo into this shenanigans and last minute plans or event, majority of the time those plans or events often set by Vil or himself. Although this annoys Rolo, Masami somehow gets him to comply anyway.
They find each other's company rather well and they're close friends, but they argue way too often.
Despite his attitude, Masami and him work well together both on and off campus.
Other NRC students
Jade Leech
Ara Ara? Ara Ara-
They scheme together sometimes. Maybe commit atrocities? Who knows! But one thing's for sure, with Masami and Jade together there's bound to be mischief and misfortune!
They're also gossip buddies as well? Jade and Masami both get the spill the tea that they found amongst the time that they have in NRC. Usually said tea is spilled over literal tea and pastries, they set time for their own personal meetings when they get the chance.
Trey Clover
On good days or others, students would him wrapped around Trey's arm, usually his form of affection and part of his own platonic love language.
Masami finds himself close to Trey due to his ability to confide in him, and eat his troubles way. In a way, he always asks for his advice on things that Masami himself cannot handle. To him, Trey is a good friend and someone he can be himself around.
It baffles Riddle how clingy Masami is, but seeing that his behavior doesn't hinder Trey's duties as vice dorm leader, he usually lets it all slide. Especially since Masami himself has high respects of the Heartslabyul dorm leader.
Anyu Zhang
Childhood friends! They first met at a party for one of the Kingdom’s festivals. Both of them were outed by other royals and aristocrats, thus they stick together most of the time. In fact, Anyu was his first friend, but unfortunately he and his family moved to Pyroxene so they couldn’t hang out together much.
After reuniting again in their first year, they managed to spend more time together, but spent anytime they could as soon as he transferred to NRC. In a way, they were also best friends, and Masami somehow manages to get Anyu to let him do her hair for big events.
Masami’s the type of friend to give one too many advice about boys due to his own experiences. Also tends to get on Leona’s nerves by stealing her away to hang out at Pomefiore when she was supposed to be hanging out with Leona, but poor girl gets sidetracked too easily HAHA.
Renee Gwyneira
He find her adorable and easy going, if anything they have met on multiple events due to their family's occupation and status.
Renee is one of the man people he can trust his secrets with, and someone he can rets his shoulder on. On days where he's had enough or he's tired, people would him laying on her lap or shoulder,usually during the time he visits DCA(with permission via. Crowley?) or when Renee visits NRC, which pretty often
At times Masami can be quite self-centered, even selfish at times, but there's no doubt that he'd do anything for her. He won't admit it, but he would take a bullet for her if there was ever the chance.
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dadsbongos · 3 years
Mommy Issues
Movie/Game/Show: Umbrella Academy Dynamic: Five Hargreeves/Reader (Platonic) Warnings: you’re a mom of two, maybe might be sad? Summary: Five has to pay a visit to the old lady. ~~~
“Come on,” she held out the can of beans, shaking it around slightly when the boy refused, “You have to eat, Five.”
He shook his head, continuing to mark up the book in his hands, “Too busy.”
“You’re never too busy to fucking eat,” (Y/n) huffed, grabbing the book from his hands and replacing it with the can of beans, “It’ll all be here when you’re done.”
Five pursed his lips but decided to not argue with the woman, “You’re lucky you’re the only person left in this hellhole.”
“How so?” (Y/n) crossed her arms, desperately attempting to hide her starvation, “I get to take care of a little boy?”
“I’m not a little boy, first of all. I’m thirteen, technically a teenager.”
The woman snickered, “What’s your second point?”
Humming through his chewing, Five quirked a brow, gesturing for her to continue.
“You said ‘first of all’,” she shrugged, reaching for the bottle of wine settled amongst the rubble of an old library, “Did you have a second point to bring up?”
When the boy didn’t respond, (Y/n) quietly laughed before looking at the book Five was so focused on since he found it. Extra Ordinary by Vanya Hargreeves, her brows furrowed as she picked it up and began flipping through it. Five nearly choked on his beans, “Careful with that.”
“I will be,” she calmly replied, tone softening at the shared surname between the two, “Was she your mom?”
Five shook his head, taking the book back, “Sister.”
“I’m sorry you have to go through this,” (Y/n) forced on a smile, reaching into her tattered pants’ pocket, “If it’s any consolation, I lost some people too.”
Just as he went to retort, a picture of two children was forced into his hand. A boy his age and a much younger girl, and suddenly he regretted every time he mockingly called her mom. Her sad smile was still painted on her lips as realization sunk its claws into Five, “Your kids?”
“Yeah,” she murmured, sitting up straight, “I took all the pictures in the house before packing up.”
“Since we’re learning about each other,” he held out Vanya’s book, “I think you should read this.”
(Y/n) nodded, opening up to the first page, “If you want, for whatever weird reason is in your genius brain, you can keep the picture. I have a lot.”
“Thanks,” he pressed the photo into his blazer pocket, “you can’t keep the book. I want that back when you’re done and don’t write in it.”
Silence broke over the pair until (Y/n) spoke again, much quieter than before.
“Stop zoning out, creeper,” she ruffled his hair.
“Don’t baby me, (Y/n),” the thirteen-year-old boy snapped, still clutching his mannequin companion to his scrawny body.
In response, the woman rolled her eyes, “I’ll baby you all I want, Five, because in case you haven’t noticed, we’re in a wasteland and I’m the only adult alive.”
“So far,” the boy glared, “There could be some lonely Australian man across the ocean and we have no clue.”
She shook her head, “Well until we find him, I’m still going to baby you - because that’s what you are to me. A little baby in need of mothering.”
Five grumbled under his breath, “You’re more annoying than anything else at this point.”
(Y/n) didn’t verbally reply, only pulling up the scarf acting as the boy’s mask before continuing down the road. She turned when Five didn’t follow, nudging her head down the way, “Come on, I think there's a wagon we could find to carry supplies!”
A wagon there was, but only one. At least at that point. The grown woman huffed while looking around, “Put Dolores in, you’re rolling the thing with you.”
“What?” Five looked up at her, “But you’re the adult, aren’t you?”
“Which means I get to tell you to roll it around.”
The wagon would go to him then. The boy.
“What’re you thinking about?”
Five’s brows furrowed as he walked, lugging the dirtied thing behind him, “What are you talking about now, (Y/n)?”
She simply stared at him, a blank, empty stare, “What are you thinking about?”
Her eyes made him nervous now, they were devoid of any kindness and warmth they usually held when looking at him. Less like a loving mother-figure and more like the mannequin he held close at night. But even Dolores smiled every so often.
“Five!” she suddenly shouted, no longer walking. She rushed over, grabbing his shoulders, “Five!”
There were no hands on his shoulders, just the old, wrinkled one between his own hands. He blinked a few times, shaking his head before looking down to the elderly woman on the floor, “Sorry, what were you saying?”
“As spacey as ever,” (Y/n) chuckled dryly, coughing a few times between the laughter, “I asked what you were thinking about.”
“Oh, nothing much,” he lied easily enough, “Just how much I’ll enjoy you not bossing me around.”
The dying woman shook her head, using what little strength she had to smack his arm, “You’ve been a rude little boy since we met.”
“Well,” he shrugged, letting a soft silence fill the heated air, rubbing his thumb over the weathered bones in this old woman’s hand, “What about you? What are you thinking about?”
“My kids,” she smiled faintly, “I’m excited to see them again.”
Little Joan and Lacy, he’d heard about them countless times. Joan was about his age when the pair first met after the Apocalypse, dark hair and light eyes with freckles spread across his cheeks. Lacy was on the younger scale with little curls sprouting from her head and brown eyes like honey pots with a birthmark right on her forehead. Adorable kids, from what few pictures survived the fall of humanity.
“I wish I could’ve met them,” he grinned down at the faint woman.
(Y/n) nodded weakly, eyes fluttering shut every now and again, “You three would’ve been so cute together. Them trying to make you smile and you just being grumpy; like something out of a sitcom.”
Five’s eyebrows rose at the sentence, “Now I’m not so sure.”
“Stop,” she wheezed, patting at her chest, “You would’ve loved them…” it was quiet for a few more moments, “I’m worried about you too, you know? Being all alone after so long, I don’t want you to go completely crazy.”
“I won’t be alone,” he attempted to reassure, nodding towards their plastic friend, “I have Dolores, don’t I?”
“God, don’t get me started on that…”
“I really will be fine,” he gripped her hand a little tighter, “Don’t be worrying about me, I can handle myself, old lady.”
“One day you’ll be an old man, and then who’ll be laughing? Me, from the afterlife.”
Five wouldn’t admit it, but the thought of (Y/n) still being somewhat around comforted him, “I’ll be counting on it.”
“Better be.”
. . .
Five rubbed at his temples, stopping the Apocalypse built up a headache worse than surviving it. He pushed the doors to Griddy’s open, not having had one of their coffees since his first night into the present. He slid onto a stool at the counter, giving Agnes a nod when she waved at him.
Agnes went into the back and after a few murmurs, he assumed a new waitress would be serving him.
Looking to the right, two familiar faces came into view. His eyes widened, hands fumbling for the photo in his blazer pocket. After (Y/n) died he made a habit of keeping it around; felt wrong to go without it. He looked between the picture to the children.
The doors from the back opened up and a painfully familiar woman stepped through. She smiled at two kids, ruffling the boy’s dark hair and pinching at the girl’s cheek before going over to Five. 
(Y/n) shot him a grin, pulling a pad of paper from her uniform, “What can I get you today?”
Five didn’t answer immediately, stare fixated on the living, breathing, not-dead woman in front of him. Unlike in their years together, her skin was less dirt-covered, hands less crusted in ash and soil, hair more well-kept. She seemed healthy, happy. After realizing he was staring for far too long, he cleared his throat, pocketing the photo, “Sorry, I’ll have a coffee. Black.” 
“No donuts?” she teased, “I know they’re not top-of-the-line, but I never miss an opportunity to snag a few for my kids,” she pointed her pen in the kids’ direction.
“Well, I suppose I could get…” he looked over the menu before continuing, “a lemon jelly donut.”
(Y/n) wrote down the order, “Funny, that’s my son’s favorite.”
“What a coincidence,” of course, he knew that. He knew it fifty times over.
Nodding, she tore off the paper before walking towards the back, stopping at the two kids. The tiny glances from both child in his direction made it obvious he had been mentioned. Giving Joan and Lacy each a kiss on the forehead, (Y/n) made her way to the back kitchen.
Lacy looked between her older brother and the strange boy before getting down from her stool and skipping over to the brunette. She gave him a broad, pearly smile, “Hi.”
Five smiled slightly, turning in his seat to look at the girl properly, “Hello.”
Joan followed after his sister, smiling apologetically to the boy about his age while taking the girl’s hand, “I’m sorry about her.”
“No, she’s fine,” he waved off the other boy’s sympathies, “She's pretty adorable.”
(Y/n) returned from the back, carefully setting down the steaming coffee followed by Five’s donut, “Hope my kids aren’t bothering you. They like making friends with the customers.”
He shook his head, “Not a problem.”
Joan slid onto the stool beside Five, holding his baby sister in his lap, “Haven’t seen you around here before.”
Five nodded slowly, wrapping both hands around his warm cup, already feeling his headache begin to dissipate, “I used to come here a lot when I was younger.”
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herstarburststories · 4 years
Meet Me In The Church
Kinktober day 18: Threesome
Suptober day 25: Villain
A/N: I know I'm a couple days late in kinktober, but I'll get there. A Very Supernatural Halloween is here! We are starting with @deanmonandnegansbitch 's request!
Pairings: Michael!Dean x reader, Anael x reader, Michael!Dean x reader x Anael
Warnings: fingering, playing with boobs, violence
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“So this is your plan? Just go around destroying things until God shows up?” A strident voice reverberated through the abraded church's walls, causing flinch of yours in response. This place was abandoned, and the maps that Alice, your friend, picked up online didn't mention anything about a room underground. Obviously, that only made you follow the stairs towards the noise. “And then what?”
The response came through a velvet voice, “Even God can die.”
You kept walking, the distinguishing sounds of your friends' laughters being replaced by a louder tone of the two unknown people behind the black door in the end of the stairs. You could see a big crucifix, some word craved in it — an old pray, probably.
You should turn around and call your friends. Maybe even the police. Those people were hiding in a secret room. Not that you and your group were right to break in the old church, but it was for fun and not to plan a murder of God. In the bare minimum, the pair was high, drunk, and wasted.
Yet, you kept walking to the black door. Your legs trembling as if some lasting animal instinct in your body knew that wasn't a good idea. But you wanted to know what was happening, give names to the faces and get a story out of them. Where they actually talking about God or were they using nicknames as a gang? Why they wanted to kill God? What happened to get them to the point of arguing about their plan in a church in the middle of Mexico?
You followed their voices like a sailor would follow a siren cry. You just begged to any holy divinity left in the forgotten church not to let you have the same destiny of the sea men.
You were close enough to hear the loud huff, the woman's next words tangled with incredulity. She laughed like she wasn't able to discern if he was kidding or not. “I thought Lucifer was reckless, but you're literally throwing tantrums to get God's attention and then try kill him.”
“Do not compare me to Lucifer.” He almost howled. Your fingers touched the door, pulling it carefully; you knew those sort of building had many noises. You breached, taling a glance inside the place. The room looked old and dusty, except for the two standing there. A woman and a man, just like you pictured from the voices. You were amazed by their apparency. Tall, beautiful, and dominant. You didn't know why, their postures simply exhaled power. “Pay me some respect. Remember that you didn't pick me, I picked you.” An echo of something being thrown against the wall could be heard next, her body was slammed as she was held by her neck. The mam with a hat didn't seem to care. If anything, the cocky grin on his lips reported his clear amusement. The girl put grabbed his arms, gasping a bit. You couldn't just allow that. “I can easily get another angel to do your job if I find you useless like my brother did. His only mistake was to let you live. Lucifer, always such a sentimental.”
Your dry tongue was capable of pushing a word out of your mouth. It was supposed to come out as a warning when you spread the door open, but the quiet unsteady tone beatrayed you. “Hey!”
Both of them turned to stare at the intruder. He threw her body away with ease, green eyes fixated on you. “It seems like we have a guest.”
“You can't just do that to a woman, you abusive asshole.” You said through your teeth, walking to her and getting on your knees. “Are you okay?”
He rolled his eyes at your worry, but the girl seemed to appreciate it: her glossy eyes by the lack of oxygen were wide as they watched you, mouth slightly open in surprise. Anael wasn't used to kindness of any being towards her. In heaven, she was just another angel. On earth, she was sister Jo, humans were nice to her because they wanted to be cured, and the angels were disgusted by how quickly she manipulated her nature to play among the weaker kind.
But not you... You got yourself in the middle of a argument to assist her. Someone you didn't even know!
Anael couldn't help but welcome the weird sensation through her vessel. She felt shy, but st the same time warm. Was this what being cared about felt like?
“She isn't a human, little one. She's just a weak angel trying to make some sense out of her existence by bring closer to a higher being.” Michael's utterly calm tone brought her back to reality. He scoffed, looking up and down at the both of you. “You're right. That sounds a lot like a human.”
“You are crazy.” You hissed, grabbing the other's arm to help her getting up. Your skins tickled each other together. Your eyes were amiable when observating. “You can come with me. My friends are downstairs, we can take you to the police station.”
“You'd be getting ride of a problem for me.” Despite the disinterest, Michael arched an single eyebrow. You weren't the only curious in the church. He wanted to know more. “But fulfill my curiosity: What are you doing here? Why would you help someone you don't even know?”
“We're leaving.” You said, pulling Anael to go with you. Although she was on her feet, she didn't make a move to walk away with you. “We can keep you good. You don't have to stay here with that crazy.”
She didn't want you to die, the first being that showed her kindness somehow, but she knew better than mess with Michael's ego. Anael had teamed up with Lucifer to keep herself safe. She was a survivor. She could adapt anywhere, in any situation. The angel had to do that here too.
“He isn't crazy. We are angels.” She said, eyes glowing white. You pulled away from her hold with a shocked expression, her human skin almost hurt in response.
“Anael is an angel. I'm Michael, the archangel.” He corrected her, smiling proudly at his title. Michael took steps closer to you. “You didn't answer me.”
His green orbs turned bright blue as he glanced at you. One of his tough hands raising to meet your cheek in a singele touch that didn't seem fitting him, at all. That man looked like danger, still you couldn't stop yourself from leaning into his touch. The magnetic pull of something graceful trapped with his gorgeous being.
“I helped her because I thought she needed help.” You answered. “And I came here with a group of friends. We heard about the abandoned church and just came around.”
Michael nodded, a smuh smile on his plump lips.
“Wrong time, wrong place.”
His hand swiftly went to your neck, trace of goshbumps left behind. Anael knew what was coming next; she could take a couple hints, but you were just a fragile human.
“We could use her!” angel attempted to intervene, hoping Michael wouldn't notice the despair in hee voice. Anael wanted more of the emotions you brought out hee vessel, she wanted to be cared for.
“And have another burden to carry?” Michael huffed, his fingers wrapped around your neck as you watched they speaking. God, how did you allow this to happen? “Anael, I keep you around only to have an eye close to the other angels. Why would a human be useful to me?”
“You think to much.” Anael said, her malicious grin exhibiting a confidence she didn't have. “She could be useful for another things.” Her scooted closer to you two, pressing hee body to your side and biting your ear. You pressed your legs together, trying to contain your arousal. But, how could you? He was marvelous and was holding your neck, and she was pressing her against you as if she wanted to make one out of you two.
“Carnal desires.” Michael stated, considering how your body reacted. Interesting but not peculiar, despite Dean's clear positive noise about it. “I'm not my vessel. I do not require sexual activities all the time.”
Anael managed to pull you to her, while Michael pulled away. “You work so hard to make a better world, Michael. You deserve a break.”
You glared at her breathlessly. All your emotions, all your body were a mess for both the victim and the villain; Anael and Michael. You wanted both.
Anael's lips were tingling as she leaned in, ultimately pressing them against yours. It was sloppy, hurried, and a mess. Obviously her first kiss. But that didn't stop her from grabbing your neck and pushing you against the wall.
She wanted more. Anael invaded your mouth with her tongue, whimpered to your taste. You didn't know how to reach at first, but soon your hands were on her hips. Her chest pressed against yours made you whimper, you could feel every inch of her body.
Michael licked his lips as he watched the scene. Dean's mind has a whole section dedicated to such acts, especially videos including more than one woman. The archangel hadn't seen the appeal until you. You and Anael, two puny creatures, were attacking each other only to make him keep you alive.
Anael pulled away from you, the slick in her panties demonstrating exactly what her vessel wanted, what she wanted. You were not far from that, so you didn't protest when she ripped your shirt off. Good day not to wear a bra.
She let out a whimper, eyes full of adoration when she looked at your boobs. Anael just followed what her body wanted to to, guided by her vessel's memories,— in some of them, the woman that once had control on this body was moaning, squirming even for someone called Yas. She'd moan and whine as her partner played with her breasts. — moving foward, her mouth around your nipple as she sucked it.
You shameful loud scream left your body as your pulled her closer to your chest. You eyes were on Michael, how he watched you both like a predator studying his prey. If Anael was so eager, so rough biting and pulling your boob, you couldn't wait to see how Michael would be.
“Michael—” You whined, the fear of his reaction only soaking your panties more. “Please. I need you too.”
Usually, it was easy to descry his emotion's and Dean's. Dean was often a loyal dog, surrounded by selfless feelings and necessity. Now, though, Michael couldn't tell if it was his vessel or himself that let out a hungry groan at your words. All he knew was that he approached to contemplate the way your expression contoured in pleasure.
Your aura was delivered into delight, beautiful noises that reminded him a lot of his enemies falling left your mouth. Your legs pressed together in a silly try for friction catching his attention. Michael slid his hand inside your panties, fingers in a clandestine meeting with your wetness. It was a pleasant situation for him.
The archangel, just like the angel that had went to taste your other boob, craved for what you could give him. It was almost worship, you offering your body as the ancients did before. Michael put a finger inside you, enamored by how you moaned and moved, how your wetness squeezed his digit so good. He couldn't wait to get his hardening cock there.
But first, he needed to do something else. You seemed worthwhile, but he wasn't one for blind faith anymore. Michael pulled his finger to his mouth, licking it.
You tasted divine.
“No carnal desires? Guess your vessel doesn't agree with you.” Anael pulled away from you to provoke Michael, nodding at the hardness in his pants. You winced in protest.
Michael's answer came as a groan: “Shut up or I won't let you touch her anymore.”
You just wanted them to touch you now, after, and forever. You needed them. You were made to be given to them, you knew it in your bones. And then, they did. And you couldn't ever believe you had actually found a purpose.
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