#AND the podfic that it already has is the podfic that a) got me into podfic and b) got me into MAKING podfic
gwogobo · 2 years
guess what day it is :D
if you guessed jc’s birthday you’re right but also NEW PODFIC DAY
are these two things related? you tell meeeeee~
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vinelark · 6 months
i don’t remember if i ever shared this here, but a while ago i posted a little twitter thread about bats and gas station snacks and some very talented podficcers made a podfic of it! 🎧
[podfic] Jersey Vigilantes Don't Pump Gas by isweedan & reena_jenkins
original thread (text under the cut):
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nested tweet reading: ever since i learned gotham is supposed to be in new jersey i can’t get this concept out of my head: [a badly drawn bumper sticker that says “jersey vigilantes don’t pump gas”] / quote tweet reading: the batmobile can’t just slip in and out of a gas station unnoticed. an employee HAS to go fill up the tank. meanwhile the tired night shift cashier knows the various robin eras because they come in to buy different snacks as time goes on.
one night while the manager is out filling *the literal batmobile* the cashier blinks and comes face to face with a child in a leotard and green boots, buying a pack of twizzlers. “thanks!” the first robin calls, somehow vaulting over two rows of shelves on his way out the door.
years later, after a stretch of quiet weeks, a new, curly-haired robin comes in and grabs a bag of flamin hot pepper puffs. the cashier doesn’t even think robin 2 actually likes them, but he looks really satisfied with himself every time he drops them on the counter.
(even after the second robin abruptly stops coming in, the cashier keeps slipping flamin hot pepper puffs onto their order list. no one else ever buys them, but it just—feels like the thing to do, somehow.)
a stretch of months without a robin, oddly tense. then the third robin appears, even smaller than the first two. he slips inside and buys a cup of black coffee and drains it in one go right at the coffee station, nervously eyeing the door like he’s afraid he’ll be caught.
the fourth robin, when she shows up, makes a beeline for the protein bars. finally, the cashier thinks, someone remotely sensible for this line of work. (though maybe not sensible enough—or maybe TOO sensible—because small caffeine robin is back a few months later.)
the fifth robin, when he first appears, approaches the counter. “you will direct me to the best snacks new jersey has to offer,” he tells the cashier.
“uh,” the cashier says. “i like sour patch kids, myself.”
robin 5 nods. “i will take a bag of sour patch children.”
(one night, not much later, red hood strolls through the door. the cashier has lived in gotham for over a decade now; they barely blink, even when nightwing bounds in after him.
“oh, shit, flamin hot pepper puffs,” red hood says. “i haven’t had these in ages.”
“aw, come on,” nightwing says, already holding a pack of twizzlers. “no one else can stand those.”
“why do you think i got them in the first place, dickhead?” red hood says. “to fend off new jersey’s number one snack thief.” and he buys buys every bag in stock.)
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muffinlance · 8 months
EDIT: The switchover from "Wani" to "Wanyi" has begun! Salvage should be switched; if anyone's re-reading, let me know if I missed any or accidentally borked any formatting during the change.
All crew names will be left the same, because they are Real People Names and I already had different personalities.
Thanks to everyone who helped me decide!
---Ye original post:---
Debating removing the various hat-tips to Embers in my fics due to attempting to re-read that story and finding it far less enamoring than when it was the second fic I'd ever read.
So anyways now soliciting potential new names for the Wani (Zuko's ship), Crewman Teruko, and Helmsman Kyo.
Update: Seems people (at least on this blog) associate those characters with my stories, not Embers. And the personalities are different, and they're legit real world names... So I'll likely leave those two alone.
Still tempted to change the Wani's name, though. My current top contender is Wanyi, which was @tuktukpodfics 's adorable change when they were podficcing Salvage, which I shall just quote here:
Wànyī (萬一): One in ten thousand, Perchance. I realize now that MuffinLance got the name Wani for Zuko’s ship from the author Vathara and it means "alligator" in another language. But when I was reading Salvage, I always imagined it was "wànyī," which literally means "one in ten thousand" and is used grammatically to mean "what if" or "just in case." I think a ship called "The Perchance" is perfect for a boy clinging to false hope.
I think that is a lot cooler and more meaningful than "Alligator". <3
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Finish What You Started 2024 - Event Rules
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[ID copied from alt: Event Rules on a blue background. ⬒ No new projects ◨ Any medium and any fandom welcome ⬓ NSFW inclusive, warnings must be tagged ◧ Tag #FinishWhatYouStarted2024; boosting/retweeting starts September 13th ◼ Event ends October 31st, 2024]
The goal of this event is to get things done that you’ve already started. We all have unfinished projects whose incomplete status haunts us. Those are what we want to tackle!
The structure is loose, as this is a multimedia event. While primarily aimed at writers, this event is open to any kind of creative fanwork. Fics, translations, podfics, fanart, animations, cosplay - if you started it and never got it done, it qualifies. There is no sign-up required. I will not assign beta readers for writers, but I can boost requests for those who want them! And I can boost messages of those who would like to beta read.
The mod is a danmei fan mainly, but your work can be any fandom. Maybe something you started before your current fandom excitement took over, or one you keep putting off in favor of compelling new ideas.
Feel free to pass this event info along! The more the merrier!
Further rules and clarifications:
Alt text is very encouraged, especially for boost posts or artwork!
If your work is NSFW, I will only boost it if it has appropriate content warnings. Spoilering images is recommended but not required as long as it’s tagged. Do not letter-swap or abbreviate content warnings. These are so people can mute them as needed. Example: "gore" not "g0re"
Remember Tumblr can mute phrases, but each warning should be its own tag as well as in the body.
Please use genderbend or genderswap for characters depicted not as canon genders. Example: "#NSFW #genderbend #gore”
Please use Omegaverse or A/O/B for that content. The original letter order is a slur against Aboriginal peoples and will not be tolerated here, even with the slashes. It, like other racial or identity-based slurs, fall under hate speech and are thus not permitted.
This account will post weekly morale-boosting messages and helpful resources. Every Friday, starting September 13th, will be Finished It Friday. All the completed works posted that week will be boosted together in a big thread, so we can celebrate your accomplishment!
Halfway-point check-in is October 1st. Final event deadline is October 31st. The last Finished It Friday is November 1st.
Q: Are original works acceptable?
A: This is primarily a fanwork-focused event. If original work is the only WIP you have to work on, it's certainly fine to work on it during the time frame of the event. If it is posted publicly when finished, you may tag it for boosting.
Q: Are there any restrictions on topics?
A: No, so long as your event # post is properly & fully tagged for content (see rules about tagging above). "Dead Dove" topics are allowed. Some submissions will be 18+. For me, this is less about the content and more about finishing it. 
The usual restrictions based on laws and Community Guidelines of course apply, so you may need to tailor how you post to which event space your interacting with. Twitter, Tumblr, and Discord all have their own rules. There are also some topics that are in poor taste to make fanworks around. The event organizer and mods reserve the right to not boost your work if they decide it is rage-baiting or trolling. They are not responsible for negative reactions to your works. Please be respectful of those you share a digital space with. 
Keep in mind that when I link to your finished work during a Finished It Friday, it may reach a wider audience than you may be used to.
Q: Are there any restrictions on media that can be submitted?
A: Machine Generated or "AI" images and writing are not permitted. If you are found in violation of this rule, you will be removed from the event. All images, writing, or other works must be your own.
This is a positive, shared space. Do not belittle other creators' medium of choice. Please no fandom/character/ship/creator bashing, and don't berate artists or authors for not being done with something, even if they don't finish by the end of the event. Also, please don't passive-aggressively send this event to the author of an unfinished fic you want to see done faster. 😥 Be cool, respect each other, and keep any interpersonal disagreements to your own tumblrsphere.
All posts and boosts will be crossposted to the event Twitter (finishwatustart) and Discord. Expanded rules, explanations, and Dead Dove guidelines can also be found on the Discord. (invite link in pinned post) 
Fics can be posted to the AO3 collection (archiveofourown(dot)org /collections /FinishWhatYouStarted2024_Fall)
Work-in-progress posts should be tagged #FinishWhatYouStarted2024 . If you complete a wip within the event, tag it #IFinishedWhatIStarted2024 for boosting so we can all celebrate!
Find more information and community on the Discord, if you want! Joining the Discord is not required for the event. As always, if you have questions, don't hesitate to reach out!
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letteredlettered · 23 days
I wanted to make a separate post about this, partly because I'm feeling a lot of emotions I feel like I've never experienced, or at least don't know how to identify.
There's a lot that goes into writing a fic. You have to consider every word, weighing it against every other word. You read and you reread and you edit and you reread; you sit back and say, "How do I make sure the reader reads this as it is meant to be read; how do I make them feel the weight of the words in the right place; how do I engineer the timing such that this joke lands, this repetition lands, this echo or this feeling or this meaning lands; how do I write this dialogue in a way that allows the reader to understand the tone in which it is being said, the mood with which it is spoken, the feeling the dialogue provokes in the other character listening; how do I make phrase A resonate with phrase B so that the reader can connect the dots between the phrases in a way that produces C?"
Writing is wrangling words so that they behave in an exact way to produce an exact result. The "exact result" is for the writer, not the reader--different readers are going to interpret the meaning and characters differently. But the writer is arranging words in a precise formation to express exactly what they mean, so that the mood is produced exactly as they intend, so that the joke lands at the precise time to land the joke accurately. The reader might not get the joke; they might get the joke but not laugh at it; they might laugh but not like it. Same with tone, mood, meaning, etc. The reader cannot and will not interpret it the same way. But the writer wants to produce the exact equation that will work for them, and then they want to show it to you and hear what you think, even if you work through the equation and get a different result.
This is why writers like comments. They want to hear whether you worked through the equation and got the same result; they're interested in your different results. Like a teacher, they want you to show you're work--how and why did the different parts of the equation lead you to your result? They want this because they poured so much time, energy, thought and feeling into every single portion of that equation. They put so much of themselves into every single word that they want to know how every single word landed.
I'm writing this post because @raitala has started posting their podfic of my fic, Time Signature. And this podfic delivers every single word of this story exactly how I imagined it. Exactly how I meant it. The timing of everything is exactly how I wanted it to be read. The tone of every line of dialogue is exactly what I heard in the character's voices while writing it. Listening to it felt like writing, a feeling so extraordinary that I don't know actually how to describe the things I felt listening.
If you like my writing and have ever wondered what writing feels like for me, how I hear it in my brain, how I mean for it to be read--this is it. And if you don't like my writing, I think that you will still like this podfic, because this podfic is its own entity. I would be recommending the fuck out of it regardless of whether it was my fic, because listening to it is absolutely gripping.
Look. I'm proud of my writing. I think I'm good at it. I think I'm good at things like pacing within a scene and capturing voices in dialogue. But listening to this made me love my writing in a way I never experienced before.
This fic isn't a comedy, but the beginning is meant to be amusing. But listening to this podfic, I was fucking dying of laughter--at lines I could already recite! Because I had written them! I had written them with the intention of being a little witty, a little wry. But hearing them spoken with timing so precise, so exact, I couldn't help but feel that this is some of the funniest shit I've ever heard.
This fic is mostly porn. It's extremely filthy porn. Porn as often awkward read aloud; there are the actual mechanics of bodies moving, then all the feelings, then the moaning and if you're me, lots and lots of dirty talk. And sex scenes in audio books usually bring me a certain measure of embarrassment--this reader is trying too hard to pant and sound needy; that reader is being to clinical and removed; this reader is making it sound like a porno; that reader is failing to sound sexy. But this podfic is read so perfectly that listening to these sex scenes sounded like the experience of reading them--or at least, how I want them to be read. When you read a good sex scene, the words should fall away, and the scene itself should play out in your head, whether visually (for some) or just through cognition (for me). You should feel the emotions of it without feeling distracted by things like sentence structure. And this is how @raitala reads. Yep, it's someone saying the words "cock" and "pussy" a whole bunch, and yep, it's super hot and very explicit. But the timing and the tone are so perfect that the awkwardness of a live person reading these things falls away, and you feel like you're watching a movie.
But this fic is one other thing. It's a fic about two musicians who make music, and while not a whole lot of time is spent talking about music, that's mostly what's happening when there's not porn (and sometimes what is happening when there is porn). I'm not a musician; nor do I particularly invest time and interest in music like most people seem to. But I did a lot of research for the music in the fic, and the reason for that and the research that I did are both described in the post I did here.
What makes this podfic truly extraordinary is that @raitala not only exactly captured the timing and tone of every word, but also precisely captured the meaning and feeling of the music parts of this fic through the soundscape they provided.
I've never listened to a podfic that provided a soundscape. The soundscape in this fic is almost all music. @raitala absorbed the meaning of the music from the fic, then also paid attention to the post I did about the music for the fic, then they did their own research to find additional pieces to fit the mood and meaning of the fic, then put that music into the fic at precise moments, sometimes letting it stand alone, sometimes layering it under the words of the fic, sometimes layering several tracks on top of each other to match the description or feeling of the music described in the fic.
The choices for the music are extraordinary. The layering of the music is extraordinary. The timing of the music is extraordinary. All of it is just literal enough for it to feel a bit like an audio play, but none of it is so literal that the fic is not allowed to be a fic--since it was written as a fic and not a play. The choices made around when the music starts and stops are thoughtful and deliberate and also perfect.
There is one time when sound is used that is not music, and this sound is used to create a distinct sense of space. It occurs when the two main characters are in the car, and what is extraordinary about this use of sound is that when I was writing that time in the car, I was trying so hard to create that sense of being in a small space with one other person you have strong feelings for, the way it can feel like another world, alone on the road. And @raitala took that feeling of otherworldliness and intimate privacy I was trying so hard to create and gave it its own distinct sound to outline the boundaries of that space and that feeling, as though when they read the fic, they got what I was trying to do. They got everything I was trying to do, and made it one of the most beautiful things I've ever heard.
I'm making this post to rec this podfic, but I also just really needed to ...idk, express? how meaningful this is for me personally. Like on the one hand, I want to tell you all that listening to this fic felt like finally getting to watch the movie of the characters you ship so hard fucking and kissing and saying all the things you want them to say--a shocking feat in and of itself, given that these characters are Chinese and speak Chinese and this fic is in English and the podfic and spoken in English. But on the other hand, I just want to go on about the fact that listening to this made me realize wow, this is a good fic, this is a meaningful fic, and if I can make people feel this way and understand what I mean in this shockingly beautiful way, then I really have been doing meaningful things writing fanfic my whole life; it really matters; it really touches people.
It touched me, and I hope it touches you.
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captainkirkk · 8 months
All the fics I’ve read and really enjoyed in the past week-ish. Reminder: This list features any and all ratings and themes. Please look at tags and warnings on ao3 before reading.
Dumb, Dumber and Dumbass by tempestaurora
As Coach Wilson peered out the window in the living room, May said, very quietly, “You didn’t realise your brother worked at Peter’s school?”
“We all make mistakes!” Sam hissed.
Then Coach Wilson was leaning back and a figure in a hoodie and jeans stepped through the window and into the living room, and Peter’s heart sank into his stomach like a rock. Sam’s brother was, true to story, scarred from head to toe. He could see the puckered skin on his hands, the burns across his bald head. But that wasn’t the shocking part—the shocking part was that he’d already seen it before: he’d seen it when a certain vigilante’s suit had been destroyed three nights before, and Peter had walked with him back to his backpack to loan him some clothes.
“This is Wade,” Sam introduced.
Sam Wilson had two brothers: one was Peter’s gym teacher, and the other was fucking Deadpool.
OR: A Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Family Dinner, during which Peter and May meet Sam's family. Meanwhile, Tony sends constant text updates about his search for whoever graffiti-ed Avengers Tower.
Death Before Inaction by hppjmxrgosg
"Fuck off, Nicky.” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “Hasn’t anyone ever told you spider-napping is illegal?” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “You can’t hold me here, I know my spider-rights.” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “God, you guys are so old. What are you? Like 27?” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “Scale of 1 to 10, how upset would you be if I told you I banged your mom?” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Or, I got my grubby little hands on the spider-man time line and fucked around a little bit. Not much (everything) changes.
DC / Star Wars (Crossover)
Obi-Wan in Gotham by hoebiwan (+ podfic)
Obi-Wan falls through a hole in the universe and ends up in the Batcave.
Clone Wars
the war has just begun by unintentionalgenius
The first problem was that the Supreme Commander didn’t give them enough warning about what they were stumbling into, when they were ordered out into it. Someone above General Kenobi’s head sent the men planetside in standard-issue gear, without thermal clothing or heat packs or sleeping kit or enough food for more than a single day. They had no extra ammo, no tents, no heavy artillery. They had barely any warning.
The second problem was that Supreme Command underestimated the strength of the enemy; it was supposed to be an easy enough job, holding the planet long enough to route the Seppies and then right back to the ship, leaving a contingent of troopers stationed there to retain what they’d won.
The third problem - the real problem - came when they let themselves become surrounded and the Separatists cut their supply line. Cody’s partially at fault for that one; a better Commander would’ve seen it coming. A better Commander would’ve had more backup plans, been prepared for more contingencies.
Being cut off from re-supply would’ve been a problem before the snow started.
Then the snow started.
I've never made it with moderation by Trixree (+ podfic)
He’d known how some of the men are with younglings—known from Waxer and Boil how sharply those attachments can form with little ones. Hell, the men were raised to be protective, so much so that Obi-Wan has often wondered if their protective drive was not written into their very atoms, some intrinsic part of their DNA.
It wasn’t something Obi-Wan had ever questioned. He’d thought he had understood the scope of it. In reality, he hadn’t understood a thing.
Not until Kamino.
Or: Not all that dive from cliffs make a running head start. Sometimes, the Fall is only a natural progression.
Standards of Professionality by Trixree
"Are we going to pretend I didn’t just find you fucking your General, vod?” Rex hisses over private-comm.
Cody doesn’t even turn his head to look at him. Rex can hear the smile in Cody’s voice when he replies, “No, because I am not fucking my General, Rex’ika. I am fucking Obi-Wan. We are professionals.”
5 times Cody and Obi-Wan struggled to maintain plausible deniability regarding their affections for one another + 1 time they decidedly Did Not.
The Hunger Games
Lover & Loner by amateurwordbender
Haymitch once told him that he’s a survivor. It hadn’t been a compliment; he’d slurred out the words in pity after finding Finnick shaking apart from a panic attack.
Jo’s a survivor, too.
(Finnick and Johanna, from the moment they meet to the bitter end)
Original Works
for the want of a jewel by FormlessVoidbeast
With his country fallen to the unstoppable tide of the Dread Warlord, a terrified king sends a peace offering of his own flesh and blood in the hopes of buying leniency.
When Prince Damian of Miska is accepted as the symbol of his country's surrender and immediately wedded to the Warlord, he expects his fate to be both painful and humiliating, and his death inevitable. To his confusion, the Warlord and his terrible Warlock seem to have no interest in abusing that which they have claimed as their own. As Damian finds his feet and gains friends in a new land, he begins to question everything he once thought was true.
But some jewels were never meant to be sold, and the consequences of Damian's sacrifice are more far-reaching than anyone expected.
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diazsdimples · 4 months
Tease Tidbit Tuesday
So, got something a little new this Tuesday. Hi and welcome to the first snippet of my attempt at podficcing. I'm recording my fic In a drought I'll give you water, mostly because @daffi-990 told me I have a bedroom voice (I still haven't recovered from that btw). So yeah, please enjoy this mostly safe for work snippet, and depending on how this goes I might share some of the smut later dsfkjhs
Tagged for Tuesday by @loveyouanyway and @theotherbuckley thanks friiiends
Fic snippet/transcript below the cut
Eddie’s not sure how long he waits for Buck to get home but he’s pretty sure it’s well after 3 when he finally hears the front door open, and it couldn’t have come sooner. The anticipation has been killing him, especially as his cock slowly began to fill out against his thigh as he thought about all the delicious things he and Buck were going to get up to. Getting out of his underwear had been the hardest part, but after much scooching up and down the bed like an inverted caterpillar, his underwear slipping further and further down his thighs with each wriggle, they were finally around his ankles and he could kick them off. The friction of them scraping over the already-sensitive head of his cock had been maddening, and ever since Eddie’s been at half mast, patiently waiting for Buck to get home. “Hey babe, I’m back!” Buck calls down the hall and Eddie feels a sudden rush of apprehension. What if he’s bought Maddie home with him? What if, heaven forbid, he’s agreed to babysit Jee and their adorable niece is currently sitting in his arms, about to be scarred for life at the sight of her Tio, tied up and erect? “I- I’m in the bedroom!” he yells back, cursing the obvious quaver in his voice. He hears Buck’s footsteps echo down the hall, and Buck starts to tell Eddie about his visit. “Maddie’s really going through it right now, apparently Jee’s learned how to open doors and is using this new skill for evil. She’s walked in on her and Chim having sex twice, could you imagine? I told her to invest in a lock, ya know, just in case and she –“ Buck appears from behind the bedroom door (thankfully sans niece) and grinds to a halt as he sees Eddie, completely naked, cock resting hard against his stomach, with pink cheeks and an almost guilty grin on his face. “Woah. You’re – um – wow Eds, that is hot.” Eddie’s damn lucky he’s tied up because the urge to do jazz hands and go “surprise” is overwhelming. “You like?” he settles for instead and feels slightly giddy as he watches Buck’s Adam’s apple bob as he swallows thickly. “Jesus, yeah, you look gorgeous,” Buck says breathlessly, and he begins to slowly make his way towards Eddie, his eyes skittering up and down his body as if drinking in every inch of his boyfriend. Eddie’s not usually much for attention but when he’s like this, laid out all nice and pretty especially for his boyfriend to do with as he pleases, he fucking preens.
No pressure tagging @hippolotamus @daffi-990 (thanks again queen) @watchyourbuck @neverevan @bidisasterevankinard
@babybibuck @aroeddiediaz @spotsandsocks @bibuckbuckgoose @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove
@nmcggg @jesuisici33 @wikiangela @cal-daisies-and-briars @exhuastedpigeon
@epicbuddieficrecs @kitteneddiediaz @hermscat @thekristen999 @slightlyobsessedwitheverything
@actuallyitsellie @idealuk @dangerpronebuddie @simpingforhotfictionalcharacters @loserdiaz
@elvensorceress @underwaterninja13 @rainbow-nerdss @smilingbuckley @steadfastsaturnsrings
@thewolvesof1998 @spagheddiediaz @emilybahu
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epicsteddieficrecs · 12 days
Monthly Recap | August 2024
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Had a bit of a Steddie mood last month so you get a proper rec! I hope you enjoy! 😃
give me a call if you ever get desperate, i'll be like one of your girls by NotesAppWitch/ @notesappwitch (Modern AU, Model Steve, Rockstar Eddie | 15K | Explicit): “That would be creepy and unprofessional. And I sort of kind of did.” Robin lets her jaw drop dramatically before making grabby hands at his phone. “You have to let me see. What did you say, ‘Hey remember when you gave me a lap dance for a music video, let’s do it again sometime?’”
in the heat of the summer (you know that you should be my boy) by greatunironic/ @greatunironic (Modern AU, Athlete Steve, Famous Eddie | 18K | Explicit): Or: Five times SNL comedian Eddie Munson was horned up on main for Olympic swimmer Steve Harrington, and the one time it was in private.
the moon changes colour by jk_rockin/ @jkrockin (Post-S4, Werewolf Steve, PWP | 9K | Explicit): Steve gets bitten by a strange dog one hot summer night. It takes him a month, and a little outside help, to work out what's wrong with him. (Part 1 of rising moon)
we'll get to see the rising moon by jk_rockin/ @jkrockin (Post-S4, Werewolf Steve, PWP | 4K | Explicit): It's not that they haven't tried, in their own ways, to talk about it. Every so often Steve gets sorta squinty and awkward when someone mentions relationships or dating, but whenever either of them makes overtures towards the What Are We talk, they're invariably alone, and whenever they're alone they just end up sucking face instead. Honestly, Eddie's cool with it. They kiss and they fall asleep together, and Steve doesn't flinch when one of the gang makes a pointed joke about them being close. He's got all he wants, even if he's not explicitly calling Steve his boyfriend. And his not-quite boyfriend is a werewolf, which keeps things interesting. (Part 2 of rising moon)
worthy of my sword's service by jk_rockin/ @jkrockin (Post-S4, PWP | 3K | Explicit): Eddie’s not gonna do it again. He’s just gonna leave his dick where it is, and be cool, so so cool, just— “You could,” Steve says. “You could just put the tip in. To see." (Part 1 of movie night)
are you flesh or are you spirit by jk_rockin/ @jkrockin (PWP | 9K | Explicit): It was the Fucking (capital F) that got him ready to tell Robin, even suspecting she knew already, because it feels like he and Eddie have crossed the invisible line from guys who’ve touched each other’s dicks to, like. Lovers, or something. It's always like that after he and a girl go all the way, even if they’ve been dating a while and they’d fooled around first. Not that he and Eddie are dating. Eddie probably doesn't want that. They’re just… hanging out. Watching movies. Having brain-melting orgasms. Cuddling, which he hadn’t expected and really likes. Fucking. Well. They've fucked once. Now to figure out how to get Eddie to fuck him again. (Part 2 of movie night)
[Podfic] I'm on the Line by RattleandHum (ThirdEye1234)/ @thirdeye1234 // fic by by BoudicaMuse/ @spinmewriteround (Post-S4, Love Confessions | 0-10min | Teen): Steve has promised himself he won't say it first. It's bad enough he fell first. Again. There's probably something wrong with Steve if both times he's fallen in love, he's felt the words dripping off his tongue within the first few days of the relationship starting. No one sane falls that fast. No one with any kind of self-preservation instinct anyway. Of course, Steve has pretty much proven by now that his is broken.
[Podfic] the strength to let it show by RattleandHum (ThirdEye1234)/ @thirdeye1234 // fic by MacksDramaticShenanigans/ @stevethehairington (Post-S4, Getting Together | 20-30min | General): So, the thing is, Steve likes Eddie. As in, he kind of wants to date him. And to kiss him. And to be his boyfriend. But, he also doesn’t want to tell him that. Not in so many words, anyways. Those have never been Steve’s strong suit, words. He always messes them up. Never picks the right ones, always ends up sticking his foot in his mouth. The thought of sitting Eddie down and making some big… confession is mildly (extraordinarily) terrifying. Big speeches and grand declarations usually are — don’t let the romcoms and the chick flicks fool you. They’re never as easy as they look. He doesn’t not want to tell Eddie, though, either. So it’s… well, it’s a tricky situation. Until Robin, brilliant brainy genius Robin, suggests that instead of telling him, he should just show him instead. That way Steve can avoid the dramatic deliverances and still get his point across, just in a way that’s comfortable for him. On his own time. At his own pace. He can gradually show his hand, can drop hint after hint until Eddie gets it (and Robin is confident that he will in no time at all). So Steve does.
[Podfic] this is the year by Silverkat1620/ @silverkat1620 // fic by alchemystique/ @alchemistc (Post-S4 Vol 2 | 4K | Teen): “I need your help,” Eddie tells him the moment Wayne pulls the screen door open. He’s all nervous energy, bouncing on the balls of his feet with his thumb in his mouth and hair even messier than usual, a little wild-eyed, the way he sometimes gets in the middle of learning a new song, writing out a new campaign. “If you’ll let me in the door I’ll do my best,” Wayne tells him, and Eddie bounds back three steps, tapping his fingers against his thigh. The TV’s on, tuned to – “Are you watching baseball?” “No,” Eddie says, automatic, and then, “Yeah. Shit, yes.”
[Podfic] How Galaxies Collide by sunlightsymphony/ @sunlightsymphony // fic by Kedreeva/ @kedreeva (Post-S4 Vol 2 | 30-45min | Teen): Steve sleeps poorly when he's touch-starved. Eddie helps out.
[Podfic] Home Economics by MelancholyMorningstar // fic by peaktotheocean (5+1 fic | 30-45min | Teen): The girls of Hawkins High thought it was cute that Steve Harrington took Home Ec. All the guys thought he did it just to get the girls. Steve Harrington signed up for Home Ec because he hadn't seen his parents in a few weeks and he was getting pretty tired of Pop-Tarts. or, Five times Steve used the skills he learned in Home Ec and one time he let someone else take the reins.
[Podfic] the part where the heartache comes by RattleandHum (ThirdEye1234) (Post-S4 | 30-45min | Mature): As Steve and Dustin get their shoulders under Eddie's arms and help his exhausted, bleeding body up from where he thought he was going to die, and then Steve says, "Hold on, just a second," before bending down so that he can wrap his fingers around the maple neck of Eddie's baby girl. That's the moment that Eddie falls in love with him.
[Podfic] ‘cause tramps like us, baby, we were born to run by RattleandHum (ThirdEye1234)/ @thirdeye1234 // fic by stellarpoint (pettifogger)/ @letterfromvienna (Post-S4, Getting Together | 45-60min | Teen): Realization #1: Steve is wearing a costume. He’s dressed as Springsteen on the cover of Born In The U.S.A. The album cover is staring at Eddie from the stack of records by the speakers, and he flicks his eyes between the cover and Steve, almost laughing at how obvious the resemblance is. Immediately after that, revelations two and three slam into him like an eighteen-wheeler. #2: Bruce Springsteen is kind of hot. #3: Steve Harrington is really hot. A fourth and much louder thought echoes through Eddie’s brain: oh, shit.
[podfic] Longer Lasting Freshness by RattleandHum (ThirdEye1234)/ @thirdeye1234 // fic by RurouniHime/ @thegertie (PWP, Getting Together | 20-30min | Mature): : Steve's his friend. His closest friend. And Eddie had to mess it up. He had to mess it up so hard, all the way and back again because Eddie never does anything at less than a hundred and twenty percent.
[Podfic] get you back (by my side) by Silverkat1620/ @silverkat1620 // fic by fivecenturiesverse/ @fivecenturiesverse (Outsider POV, Post-S4 Vol 2 | 20-30min | Teen): Eddie hasn't spoken to Gareth and the others since whatever went down with Chrissy Cunningham, now Gareth sees him playing basketball with Steve Harrington and a bunch of kids, what the fuck is going on?
[Podfic] what love is by Pennyplainknits / fic by kissesforcas (S4 Vol 2 fix-it | 2.5-3h | Teen): Steve is incapable of not taking care of the people he cares about. And against all odds, he cares about Eddie. Eddie has never been taken care of. Not like that. Or: Eddie & Steve fall in love, before Christmas but not too fast.
[Podfic] You're the Driver, You're the Road by Silverkat1620/ @silverkat1620 (Post-S4V2 | 45-60min | Explicit): Eddie meant it when he said once he graduated, he was getting the hell out of Hawkins. He just didn't realize that Steve was going to keep showing up.
[Podfic] in this house with you, the way i move in my mind by Silverkat1620/ @silverkat1620 (Post-S4, PWP | 30-45min | Explicit): "One time, right after everything, he’d wandered in on Eddie, Nancy, and Robin arguing about a dude named Lestat and Steve had listened and stared for about five minutes before slowly backing out of the room and then spending the next two hours talking himself down from driving his car into the quarry to mercy kill himself. He had a fucking type, alright, and apparently it was nerds with big eyes, bigger hair, and extremely firm opinions on shit." Or, after they survive, Steve and Eddie hook up, and then keep hooking up.
[Podfic] temptations of trouble by RattleandHum (ThirdEye1234)/ @thirdeye1234 // fic by MacksDramaticShenanigans/ @stevethehairington (Post-S4 Vol 1, Accidental Kiss | 10-20min | General): Eddie ignores the flip flopping in his stomach as he meets Steve’s gaze and fits his palms to either side of Steve’s jaw. Cradles his face like he’s something special now. (Because he is.) And then he leans in to kiss him. Right on those pretty pink lips of his. It’s short and sweet like it always is, but when Eddie pulls back and opens his eyes, he’s met with Steve’s, wide as fucking saucers, goggling unblinkingly back at him. He can feel Robin’s stare boring into the side of his face, can feel the tiny pinpricks of Nancy’s and Jonathan’s and Argyle’s on his back too. The whole room is quiet enough to hear a god damn pin drop. Eddie is about to open his mouth and ask what the hell that’s all about when it finally catches up with him. He just fucking kissed Steve fucking Harrington. On the mouth.
[Podfic] Meet Ugly by Silverkat1620/ @silverkat1620 // fic by philomendron (tetrapteryx)/ @philomendron (Post-S4 Vol2 | 10-20min | Not Rated): Or, the town still considers Eddie to be a murderer, so Steve keeps guard at his bedside as he recuperates. Only the man he pulls a shotgun on ends up being Eddie's uncle. That's certainly one way to meet your future father-in-law.
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rimeswithpurple · 3 months
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Thank you @roomwithanopenfire, @talentpiper11 & @blackberrysummerblog for the tags! Everyone had a bit of a lie in this morning, the Little Purples and I went to see a Shakespeare on the Bluff performance of Much Ado About Nothing last night. I'm honestly surprised they made it through the whole thing since they didn't follow any of the plot, but they were very excited that the audience was encouraged to cheer, boo or shout out. Littlest Purple had the best time booing at the villain and even yelled "no" when Benedict proposed to Beatrice and that earned her a laugh from everyone around us.
I got quite a bit of drawing done! The line work on my COAR artwork is done and I'm so thrilled with it. I'm a sucker for detail and I had a lot of fun getting the Oxford shoes just right. I'm finishing up art for chapter 2 of my COBB. I have to stop myself from illustrating every scene, my partner has written so many scenes that beg to be illustrated! I've also been playing around with a fandom tattoo idea. The bun Baz looks so lonely and I really should get him shaded in too!
Side note, I've found myself listening to @youarenevertooold's podfic for Bazlow's Hierarchy of Needs every night when I sit down to draw. It's so funny and a chaotic Dev really is the best kind of Dev! If you haven't checked it out, you definitely should!
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Simon's birthday is such a fun time of year and I loved seeing everyone's posts! I thought I might include some fun facts about my birthday spread below the cut, in addition to the tags
-I keep a journal of my baking and I had jotted down my pie in the sky idea for this year's birthday bake just hours after posting the butter cake last year. I never expected to be able to hit every item, but I surprised even myself and the only thing I didn't do was add flecks of edible gold paint to the petit fours
-I already have next year's bake plotted out and I think it's even bigger
-I had asked for a Fortnum & Mason hamper for my birthday after having read Snow for Christmas. I've given them as very special gifts in the past, but Daphne's love of it reminded me that I love it too!
-The pouring fondant for the petit fours can sense your fear and it's unforgiving. You have to commit to pouring it evenly and quickly because you only get one shot. My family was delighted to eat the rejects
-My hands were red for two days because I foolishly didn't wear gloves when I was making the wings and tails
-I mixed in little chunks of almond paste with the sour cherry scones and it was the best thing ever
-The checkerboard cookies were a reference to the battenburg cake I made last year
I have so much fun doing these birthday bakes! I love that it brings other people joy and the lovely comments I get mean the world to me! Although, I think from now on I may only do birthday bakes for Simon and Baz
Now, on to the tags!
@messofthejess @valeffelees @artsyunderstudy @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @youarenevertooold @bookish-bogwitch @facewithoutheart @thewholelemon @larkral @run-for-chamo-miles @fiend-for-culture @cosmicalart @mooncello @that-disabled-princess @cutestkilla @noblecorgi @iamamythologicalcreature @best--dress @emeryhall @ileadacharmedlife @drowninginships @supercutedinosaurs @whatevertheweather @rbkzz @ebbpettier @theimpossibledemon @katatsumuli @thehoneyedhufflepuff @theearlgreymage @theotherhufflepuff @onepintobean @orange-peony @hushed-chorus @fatalfangirl @ic3-que3n @bazzybelle @nightimedreamersworld @martsonmars @aristocratic-otter @shrekgogurt @monbons @alexalexinii @prettygoododds @ivelovedhimthroughworse @raenestee @skeedelvee
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bigmanroykent · 4 months
some royjamie fic & podfic recs
i've been trying to make my Grand Return to Reading Fics for months because i miss royjamie so much and i have so many fics marked for later that it makes me cry but turns out. i'm not doing so well reading from a screen these days and only manage physical and audio books which makes reading fic a bit more challenging. so this isn't the huge spreadsheet with recs i had prepared in hopes of sharing it but here are the few i did manage to put there these last few months (with a special thank you to podficcers as well!!), please enjoy them too if you haven't read them yet:
from the mouths of babes by Dyece - Phoebe says something devastatingly insightful, and Roy has a minor Feeling about it.
as weak as a violet by tooshyforthis - After Keeley shuts the door in your face, you stumble your way to the place you call church. Jamie follows you. Always does. When you stumble your way to bed, he follows you there too.
Can't Start A Fire Without A Spark by Blackmustache - Things are changing at Man City and somebody needs to convince Jamie to come home.
i don't know what it is but i got that feeling by aisjustrunning - Jamie has been invited to a party (?) and now he has to buy a present for Roy Fucking Kent.
What you'd do to me tonight by fangrrlsing - “Vanilla vodka.” He shakes his head and Jamie is frozen under his eyes. “Such a child.” There is a gasp stuck in his throat, a protest. It hurts even though it shouldn’t. What should he care what a washed-up has-been thinks about him? Except this is Roy fucking Kent.
Their Love Was There by things_renew_themselves - Jamie and Roy hang out after the bonfire. Shit gets real.
everything by swimmingfox. I'm not kidding, their writing is wonderful and their podfics have been a lifesaver and I already have them linked because I was preparing a podfic rec post before I remembered that I had some other fics ready in my spreadsheet:
A Windmill In Old Amsterdam - Extra scenes from Roy and Jamie's night-time bike ride. Soft and sweet. Four in the Morning & Babe - Starting from S3E4, but then going off on its own. First Time - Jamie and Roy talk about Jamie's experience with his dad in Amsterdam. Jamie has a panic attack, and Roy is there to help. The Death of James Tartt - Jamie arrives on Roy's doorstep with the news that his dad is dead. Roy helps him through the first day and starts to realise his feelings for Jamie have changed. Sweetness prevails! Date - Jamie asks Roy out to dinner. It's nothing special. Honest. Or: Roy finds himself accidentally on a date with Jamie Tartt. Set post-S03! Brazil or, Shag Marry Avoid - Jamie invites Roy to Brazil, and incredibly Roy agrees. Jamie keeps getting erections. They're very much about Roy. Smug Fucking Prick - Jamie and Roy don't go for a kebab after their fight. Instead, Roy turns up at four the next morning, as they've got one more training session. Jamie is not having it. A Cute Little Roy of Pitch Black - Jamie gives Roy another one of his very thoughtful presents for Christmas. It's more of a hint than the last one. Shameless Christmas fluff! roy who by armadillo1976 / original - “Never heard of Roy Kent?” Jamie’s nose scrunches up.
strong (and capable) like an elephant by jedusaur (podfic by Silverkat1620)
it’s a long walk home by antspaul, swordguy - “If there’s a big man coaching Richmond…” Roy gestures broadly—as insultingly broad as he can. “I haven’t seen him.”
Jamie looks unimpressed. Like he’d been waiting to be hurt but expected more. Looks fucking disappointed. Roy’s not done.
“All I see is a little boy, barely two years into a job he thinks he deserves because he’s got the loudest mouth in the room. With a cheap win under his belt because he probably got on his knees for the referee.”
first, violent love by liesmyth - “What, you think you’re the first young prick who’s come round begging for a fuck? I told you, Tartt. You’re not half as special as you think you are.” - All the lads are cursed to speak their minds. Jamie and Roy fuck about it.
Scentr by PGHumfort - Freshly retired, single, and a little lonely, Roy Kent, who hid his omega status throughout his entire career, lets Keeley talk him into trying out the new, exclusive, anonymous dating service for the rich and famous she’s doing PR for. The twist? It’s purely scent-based with the idea that the body will intrinsically know a good mate on smell alone. You’ll never guess who smells the best to Roy!
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fiabex · 1 month
Let's Talk About Gift Mediums (In This Exchange)
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Alright! It is time for me to talk to you about one of the most unique aspects of this exchange, now that we're in nomination season. It's a 10k exchange, which you already know, and it has the mysterious "swaps" (which will be explained in a later post), but the other unusual thing FIAB does is the medium rulesets.
In this exchange there are literally over three hundred different mediums that people can opt into, and we add new ones every year. They have all been carefully worked out to figure out a specification of an art form that complies with Ao3's TOS, that someone might want to get as a gift, and that would be equivalent to one thousand words (the increments the exchange works in). You match to a person like a normal exchange, and then you can either give them fic (the baseline assumption of all sign-ups), or you can give them one of the mediums they opted into, working up to a 10k of your art form or of a mix of art forms. If you know that you definitely want to create for a specific medium— maybe you're not a writer but you are an artist— you can email the mods, and they'll make sure to match you to someone requesting that medium, as long as you still have ships in common.
Want some examples? Click through to see some of the 300 different options to our name!
You want to create art? Awesome. Art is one of the opt ins, that's easy! But there are also way more specific opt-ins, for example:
Medium Opt-In: Art - Book Cover
Medium Opt-In: Art - Conspiracy Board
Medium Opt-In: Art - A Softer World style art
Medium Opt-In: Art - Costume Design
You want to go even more niche? There are options for people to opt into:
Medium Opt-In: Art - In-Universe Magazine Spread
Medium Opt-In: Art - Floorplan/Architectural Style Drawing
Medium Opt-In: Art - Propaganda Poster
And honestly so many more, like I said, 300 different medium options.
Maybe you work in audio? We've got a ruleset for you. People can opt into all kind of audio gifts, check out a small sampling:
Medium Opt-In: Audio - Song Parody
Medium Opt-In: Audio - In-Universe RPF
Medium Opt-In: Audio - Tarot Card Reading
And yes, you can opt into Medium Opt-In: Audio - Podfic
You're a poet? Why look at that, there are poetry rulesets.
Medium Opt-In: Poetry - Haiku Series
Medium Opt-In: Poetry - Sonnet
Medium Opt-In: Poetry - Bredlik
Medium Opt-In: Poetry - Alliterative Long Line
is your art set more physical? You can give someone instructions
Medium Opt-In: Instructions - Cocktail Recipes
Medium Opt-In: Instructions - TTRPG rules
Medium Opt-In: Instructions - Spell or Ritual Instructions
There are even unique rules for even more out-there gifts, some of which are already beloved tumblr art forms:
Medium Opt-In: Unique Rules - Map: Country
Medium Opt-In: Unique Rules - Sheet Music - Arrangement of Music From Canon
Medium Opt-In: Unique Rules - In-Universe Spreadsheet - Expense Report
Medium Opt-In: Unique Rules - Online Dress-up Game
Medium Opt-In: Unique Rules - Gifset
Are you a writer, but you love form pieces or pieces that push the boundary of what "fic" is?
Medium Opt-In: Writing - Creepypasta
Medium Opt-In: Writing - Bureaucratic Paperwork
Medium Opt-In: Writing - In-Universe Textbook
Medium Opt-In: Writing - List of things (character) is not allowed to do
Medium Opt-In: Writing - Non-Linear Narrative
Medium Opt-In: Writing - Reddit: Highly Upvoted/Gilded Reddit Comment And The Comment's Context
There are SO MANY different mediums that you can opt into, both when you consider what gifts you give yourself, and what gifts you might receive! And if you are looking at the list (in the the tag set) and you think "you know what, I would love to give a gift that is kind of in this line, but it's not on this list, I bet I could figure out a definition of my art that is equivalent to one thousand words," you can go over to the medium nominations post and suggest it, and the mods will probably add it to the tag set! Check out the medium ruleset for the existing specifications for unique rules, and you can cruise the tag set to see what different types of mediums are already defined and ready to request!
Join us! 10k fic* exchange! It's fun! :D
*you may not be giving or receiving fic. Depending on what you opted in to, you might be getting poetry, music, gifsets, knitting patterns, logic puzzles, tarot cards, maps, spreadsheets, or much, much more.
For more information about medium rulesets, signing up, nominations of fandoms, relationships, or medium forms, swaps, or much more (questions about how pinch hits work? we have documentation about that), check out the dreamwidth blog!
If you have questions, feel free to ask them here, check the dreamwidth blog, email the mods, or join our discord server. The discord server has a lot of experienced participants happy to answer questions, and you are also welcome to join just to hang out!
Note: you must be 18 or older to join FIAB.
Ao3 Collection (sign up here once signups open)
Tag Set
Dreamwidth Blog
Discord (includes question channel)
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redfurrycat · 1 year
🤠🐓5+1 Hangster Fic Recs🐓🤠
(* also includes any other similar x + 1 fics)
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Check the Top Gun Masterlist post for the latest updated version. 💕
Ao3 Authors: 47cityordinances, Alecjbi, AnadoraBlack, Anonymous, Attolians, B_blh, Boobooblue, Bottledyarn, Charlie_mou, Coconutcordiale, Conny_the_destroyer, Contech00, Cryinginthebronco, Dalearden, Davidbyrne, Discosleaze, Dracculaura, Drh0rrible, Earthangel_44, Elwenyere, Emilyandthecat, Emseebeans, FabuMazX, Flyingfightingfishy, Gentlehours, Ginnydear, Glitterfayy, Greatea, Hangmanbradshaw, Icezansky, Ilarina, Imafriendlyalek, Indybob, JPB_128, K0ralik, Lawsarethreats, Lawrussoauto, Lemqnie, Levivi, Liadan14, Lovelybattle, LoveMadeThemDoIt, Luciferinasundaysuit, MadeItUp, Magdarko, MayWilder, Miraculousmultifan, Nickies_Nonsense, Nightfuryy, Nighttimedawn, Nightwrite24, Ofguttersandstars, Perishablealex, Playingwiththeboysisagayanthem, ProtectingH_ngm_n, Pocketsizedsatan, Quietconversation, Ravens_Words, ReformedTsundere, Resacon1990, Rorschachs, SaintClaire, Saturn, Susiecarter, Tearsricochets, Tellxmebby, Umbrella_enthusiast, Violation_of_faith_and_devotion, WaffleToaster, Xo_em.
(5+1 Icemav)
The mandatory 5+1 fic by AnadoraBlack {M}
5 times Rooster thinks there might be something between him and Hangman; and 1 time he knows for sure. (+ Podfic by ReformedTsunderePodfics)
playing for keeps by ginnydear {_}
“He’s uh,” he starts, trying to pull himself together. Phoenix has wandered over now, mouth open as she looks at the scene in front of her. “He’s cuddly, when he’s sleepy.” “Javy,” Hangman hisses, though it’s not nearly as biting as it could be. “To the grave, dude.”
watching from afar by quietconversation {T}
“I am good, Rooster. I am very good.” The cocky grin on his face doesn’t faze the aforementioned Lieutenant, who nods at Bob and rolls his eyes at Hangman, who continues after a pause. “In fact, I am too good to be true.” “Shut up, Seresin. No one wants to listen to your whining on a Friday night. It’s just stressing everyone out more.” — The 5 times everyone thought Hangman and Rooster might have something going on, and the one time their suspicions were confirmed
ring the alarm by levivi {T}
Hangman’s grinning at Rooster with a toothpick between his teeth, white against the tan of his skin. Rooster leans back against the counter, tilting his head back with a barely-there smirk. “Not always,” he says lowly. Phoenix frowns. “Well, you know me,” Hangman purrs. “I like making you work for it.” Or four times no one realized hangman and rooster were dating and one time they did
feels like the first time by ginnydear {E}
“Like what you see?” Jake teases, ignoring the part of his brain that needs Bradley to say yes. Desperately wants to know that Bradley is as into this as he is. When Bradley looks up at him, hand sliding up Jake's chest, across his collarbone to cup his jaw, Jake nearly whines. working title - four firsts for bradley and one first for jake.
more than just a friend by dracculaura {T}
Everyone knows that Bradley and Jake are dating. Except a very oblivious Maverick.
i'm just gonna call you mine by ginnydear {T}
“Oh, you better watch it there, sugar, because I feel an unnecessary roughness penalty in my future,” Rooster replies, watching as Hangman’s dimples appear. He salutes Rooster. “You’re on, sweetcheeks.” it starts with a sarcastic sweetcheeks. (or, five moments from within canon and one from shortly thereafter)
T-shirt by violation_of_faith_and_devotion {E}
He inadvertently takes a breath and before he realizes what’s happened, Jake is already away, making his way towards the bar. He’d like to blame it on the alcohol, but he’d need to lie to himself. * Or, three times when Rooster smelled Hangman. And kinda liked it.
Mav? by nightfuryy {_}
Five times Bradley got to be part of a loving family and one time he got to show someone else what that was like.
softest hands to hold you by ginnydear {M}
“You aren’t the first person to think I’m pathetic and weak, something to be used and not loved.” or - jake's had some bad past boyfriends.
I Hate The Way I Sleep Better With You by FabuMazX {T}
5 Times Rooster and Hangman help each other through nightmares +1 time they help somebody else.
An Obligatory 5+1 Fic by tellxmebby {T}
Or, 5 times Jake Seresin "mother henned" (nagged) Bradley Bradshaw, and one time Bradley mother hens him back.
Too Good To Be True by drh0rrible {M}
5 Times Someone Finds Out Rooster and Hangman are Together + 1 Time Jake Needs Reminding
5 Times Hangman Took Care of His Team + 1 Time Someone Took Care Of Him by dalearden {T}
The Daggers and the rest of the Team stay together for the long leave post mission. That includes Hangman although he is still treated a bit as an outsider. They get into all kind of crazy shit and Rooster starts to notice things. That Jake is the one who starts cleaning after drunk Payback threw up all over the bathroom and knows exactly what cleaning products will do the trick. That when Fritz is arrested for disturbance, he knows how to talk to the cops to get him released. That he can patch Fanboy like a professional medic after the guy got into a fight. That he can cook a meal from nothing, mend clothes and knows everything about meds. Turns out Jake had to take care for his family as the only responsible person since he was 5 years old. First his alcoholic parents and then his dying grandmother. Jake won’t let anyone in, but he will take care of them as much as he can. Rooster wants to change it.
big brother duties by ginnydear {G}
“But what I’m trying to say,” Bradley says after a moment, handing Jake a clip and touching Amelia’s shoulder, “is that… well, you have me now.” “Ew, are you offering to be my brother?” five times jake helps bradley with amelia and the one time amelia helps bradley with jake.
all of these games we play (i can't even keep 'em all straight) by tearsricochets {T}
He knows, theoretically, Jake wants some kind of reaction out of him. He’d seen it in the look he’d given Bradley right before accepting the man's invitation, but he also knows that he’s sick of the one having to make all the big emotional moves. He opens his mouth to tell Tasha as much, but stops when he sees a girl at the bar looking at him. She’s a curvy blonde, someone who looks like she was in a sorority in college. Her hair is perfectly curled, and her lips are a dark red color. She’s giving him a very long once-over, and when she meets his eyes again she smiles coyly. (Look, you don’t need to tell him it’s a bad plan, okay? He knows.) (Natasha does not care.) Because she knows the second she follows his eyeline what he’s going to do, and immediately opens her mouth to protest. “Do not do what I think you are about to Bradshaw.” He turns to look at her, the new gaze burning his skin. “Why not? He can play games but I can’t? Please, Tasha, give me a reason not to and I’ll leave it alone. Jesus, tell me what we are doing, at this point that would be just as great.” OR: the one in which they play many games, and then the one time they don’t.
my picture in your pocket by ginnydear {G}
Staring back at him from Rooster's phone is Hangman, eyes bugged out of his head and tongue sticking out. It’s obviously a selfie and Bob thinks it’s gotta be one Hangman took himself, based on the angle. It looks like Hangman isn’t wearing a shirt either, which only adds to Bob’s confusion. five times someone picked up roosters phone and saw a selfie of hangman.
everyone knows something I don't by greatea {E}
Rooster interrupts him, and damn it, that smirk is back from the bar. "Ah, so you paid attention to who was in the same year as me, Hangman? My my my darlin', I didn't know I left that much of an impression on you." With a scowl, Jake just shrugs his shoulders. "Gotta pay attention to the competition, right? Not that you turned out to be much competition after all, a bit too slow for me." "Ah, well, that might be true for my flying, but it certainly doesn't carry over into other aspects of my life, darlin' ," Rooster says, smirk almost painted onto his face, looking him up and down. - or the 5+1 fic where Jake doesn't realize Bradley is flirting with him, and the one time he does.
on the other side by bottledyarn {T}
only just getting started
Five times the dagger squad thought they knew what the deal was with hangman and rooster + the one time they got answers
Six times Jake Seresin assumes Bradley Bradshaw is something he can want but can't have, and how he learns the truth. -- Jake Seresin is very good at a few things. Flying, obviously. Pissing people off. Wanting things he can't have. But he's never been very good at dealing with Bradley Bradshaw. During the mission, Jake is just trying his best to be better.
Oblivious by umbrella_enthusiast {T}
Pete “Maverick” Mitchell and Tom “Iceman” Kazansky have been around Bradley Bradshaw for long enough that they know how he interacts with his friends. Hell, they practically raised the kid. But the one thing that Mav and Ice can’t wrap their heads around is Hangman.
I Want You All To Myself by perishablealex {E}
Five times Jake plays with Bradley's come. And the one time Bradley tries something new.
I hate (the way i don't hate) you by susiecarter {T}
Five times Rooster and Hangman hated each other over something stupid, plus the time it turned out that wasn't ever what it had really been about. (+ Podfic by Silverkat1620)
you got me wishing we're more than friends by nighttimedawn {T}
or five times that Jake gets back with his ex, and the one time that he doesn't
This is Getting Ridiculous by lovelybattle {E}
The first time it happened Rooster had tugged Hangman into a closet, kissing him until they were both breathless and red in the face. This was new, they hadn’t done this before, but they didn’t talk about it. Just another step in this long dance they’ve been doing. Or: 5 times Rooster and Hangman get caught and 1 time they don't.
you know that i'm falling and i don't know what to say by alecjbi, attolians, boobooblue, Earthangel_44, ginnydear, miraculousmultifan, perishablealex, ReformedTsundere, xo_em {E}
Jake, I…” He stops, his eyebrows pinched as he shakes his head. Jake’s eyes snap open, his gaze caressing Bradley’s face. “Yeah?” Smoothing out the tension between Bradley’s eyebrows, Jake cups his face in his hands. “I’m listening.” Averting his eyes, Bradley whispers, “I’m really glad it was you.” or - the eight times they almost say I love you during sex, and the one time they do.
I come from where the rivers meet the sea by luciferinasundaysuit {T}
Phoenix pinches the bridge of her nose. “One night. One night without whatever all this is. My kingdom for one night.” “There’s no all this!” Rooster protests. Like a liar. Hangman takes his arm back, slides off his chair and goes back to the dart board. Rooster tries not to feel cold. “Of course not, Rooster,” Hangman says, just short of condescendingly. “I could never bring a yankee home, and I respect you too much to hit it and quit it.” Or 5 times Rooster didn’t tell Hangman where he was from + 1 time he did
why don't you speak by lawrussoauto {T}
He wants to ask Rooster what’s wrong, why he looks so tired. Why he’s barely said a word to anyone since he got here an hour and a half ago. Does he even want to be here? - Or, 5 times Jake inwardly worries and 1 time he voices them.
no stressing, just obsessing (with sealing the deal) by Resacon1990 {T}
“Too much love drives a man insane!” “Tell me about it,” Jake mutters under his breath, and Penny raises an eyebrow where she’s wiping the bar in front of him. Or, five times Jake tries to tell Bradley he's in love with him, and the one time he actually does.
(is it too soon to do this yet?) 'cause i know that it's delicate by cryinginthebronco {E}
5 times Bradley helps Jake fall asleep + 1 time he gets to wake him up
5 Times Bradley Calls Jake Sweetheart + 1 Time Jake Returns the Endearment by dalearden {M}
But there’s one thing above all Jake has really latched onto, that makes him literally swoon inside in such a way that he momentarily becomes a stranger to himself. It’s just a word and would mean nothing coming from anyone else but there’s something about the way Bradley says it, how it makes Jake feel to hear it coming from the older pilot. It makes Jake wish he could show his feelings so easily in return, makes him hate himself a little bit that he can’t.
The Colour Of An Avocado by SaintClaire {M}
Four times Jake got jealous and one time Bradley did. --- The thing about Tim is that he’s probably a decent guy. Jake would know this if he was willing to spend more than twenty seconds talking to him, but alas, he’s not. He’s Bradley’s ex, and that’s three strikes out and a fourth for good measure, as far as Jake’s concerned.
been you all along by Ravens_Words {T}
Somehow, in a truly horrifying twist of fate, Bradley's mortal enemy became his daughter's favorite person. Or Five times Jake was his daughter's favorite person, and the one time he was Bradley's too.
I'm a star and I'm burnin' through you by glitterfayy {M}
Jake isn’t stupid, if he cares to profess, he knows it's more than a crush. It’s been several years now and he hasn’t been able to shake Rooster off his tail since they first met. Or Five times they thought it might be love, and one time they knew.
Happy Birthday, dear Jake by Conny_the_destroyer {T}
Five times Jake sings Happy Birthday to someone and one time others sing for him.
holding patterns by gentlehours {M}
Always thinking, a mocking voice that sounds eerily like Hangman tells him, never doing. Always waiting, for that perfect moment that never comes. That always was his problem, and it’s never easier to see than when he’s with Hangman. — Five times Bradley waits for a moment that never comes, and one time he takes a chance.
ignition by charlie_mou {_}
In a reality where Mav had an adult, honest conversation with his kid instead of going behind his back, said kid didn’t run off and cut contact -- no, he decided to figure out if there was something he wanted to do aside from being a naval aviator. And thus, Fire Lieutenant Bradley Bradshaw has been working at San Diego Fire Department for close to fourteen years when the Dagger Squad is assembled for a special detachment. Or, 5 times Jake crossed paths with Fire Lieutenant Bradshaw and 1 time he met Maverick's son
You make me think of olive oil (4+1) by b_blh {G}
The 4 times Jake used olive oil and the 1 time Bradley and Jake used it together.
a window breaks down a long dark street by MayWilder {M}
“I’m gonna go inside,” Jake murmurs against his lips, despite how they’re flush against one another and he isn’t pulling away. “I am.” He bites at Bradley’s lower lip, prompting the other man to tighten his grip on his hips. “Remind me again why?” “Cause we’re taking it slow and proper,” Jake reminds him. He lets his hands fall down the slope of Bradley’s shoulders and squeezes his biceps. “Dates. Holding hands. Maybe even a date where we hold hands.” Bradley chuckles and ducks his face down into Jake’s neck. “Right. Romance.” *** alternatively titled: Four Times Jake Romances Bradley + 1 Time Bradley Romances Him Back
If No One Else Sees (We Can Pretend It Isn't Real) by Contech00 {T}
In the lead up, and aftermath, of the mission Rooster and Hangman find comfort in one another as they steal private moments of each other's company. Rooster tries to work through his personal struggles as seen through Hangman's point of view. or, 5 times where Bradley and Jake open up to one another thinking they're alone. And one time they're not.
5 Times Rooster Fell Asleep On His Teammates And 1 Time He Did It To Maverick by Nickies_Nonsense {G}
When Bradley was kid he was all over people. You couldn’t get the boy to leave you alone if he wanted to be near you whether it was holding Mav’s hand as they walked, being picked up, or nuzzling into his shoulder in the evenings he simply insisted on being held. - Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw has a habit of cuddling up to people when he’s sleepy which the daggers discover during training before the suicide mission.
Extra Credit by ReformedTsundere {T}
"I'm going to kill him," Bradley seethes, stomping into the teacher's lounge and briskly cutting across the room to get to the fridge where his lunch is waiting. Or 5 times Jake and Bradley's teaching forces them together, and 1 time there's no force at all
get it right (for you, honey) by liadan14 {T}
“Wait, there was an actual proposal?” Javy asks. “Wow, I didn’t think…” Bradley glares at him. “Seriously? Did you people imagine we just tripped and fell through the wrong door in city hall?” “I thought maybe you went to Vegas,” Fritz pipes up. “I’m still not convinced it’s not a tax scam,” Bob adds. “Now that you bring it up,” Jake says thoughtfully, “he did mention the tax breaks when he proposed.” Or, X times someone else observed Jake and Bradley as a married couple and tried to understand how exactly that happened.
I always fall (a little short in front of you) by rorschachs {E}
Rooster loses quite a few bets. He arguably wins even more.
Flying Conditions by elwenyere
Holding Pattern {E}
The thing about having a dead father everybody liked is that everybody’s got a bigger piece of him than Bradley does. ----- 5 times Bradley wasn't ready + 1 time he was
Punching Out {M}
Jake’s always been sharp and soft, but not in the right configuration. ----- Or, 5 times Jake can't always get what he wants + 1 time he gets what he needs
When the Time Comes by elwenyere {T}
Bradley remembers it the way his fingers remember a chord: by ear, like he’s an echo of someone else’s sound. ----- Or, 5 times someone held Bradley + 1 time he held someone else
august sipped away (like a bottle of wine) by k0ralik {E}
Jake isn’t sure when he and Bradley started seeing eye to eye. Maybe it was when Rooster was chosen to fly the mission instead of him and he had to step down, following orders, forced to give up competitiveness. Maybe it was the countless games of poker and many, many bottles of beer later. or: 5 times Jake and Bradley go for it in not-so-private places + 1 time they actually find a bed
Some Unspoken Thing by indybob {M}
With paths that have crossed for the better part of a decade, Jake and Bradley have a history unlike any other. A history that sees their relationship develop from best friends, to bitter rivals, to eventual lovers. The five times that Jake felt there was some unspoken thing between himself and Bradley, and the one time he decided to do something about it.
here is that rainbow by magdarko {M}
Five times Jake did something Bradley didn't expect and one time Bradley returned the favor.
5 times Rooster lost a bet to Hangman + 1 time they both won. by Pocketsizedsatan {_}
5 times Rooster lost a bet to Hangman + 1 time they both won. Fraternity AU
In the mood for love by WaffleToaster {_}
A light-hearted 5+1'ish story of the many interrupted attempts of two knuckleheads written from their friends' prespectives. Also known as: 5 times Jake and Bradley try to get it on, emphasis on try here, and one time they might have had a chance.
Let Me Not to the Marriage of True Minds by Contech00 {T}
He has to say something. “Did you know that after the USS Forestal was decommissioned it was turned into razorblades?” He says squeezing his eyes shut. “What?” Bradley says in a serious tone, an eyebrow quirked in confusion. -or- Jake accidentally woos Bradley with poetry.
so it's your birthday by 47cityordinances {T}
It takes two months for Bradley’s resolve to break. Two months without Jake. Two months of no calls, no texts, no emails. Two months of knowing Jake is out there somewhere, yet so far out of reach. His absence is everywhere, suffocating. --- 5 birthdays with distance between bradley and jake and 1 birthday together
miles to go before I sleep by lemqnie {E}
Five cold winters between Jake and Bradley and one warm Christmas. or Jake and Bradley's relationship through the years.
caught me by surprise by emseebeans {M}
Bradley and Jake hook-up after the mission. It's a one-time, casual thing. Until it's not. (or, five times Jake says Bradley isn’t his boyfriend, and the one time he realizes that might not be true.)
you next to me by coconutcordiale {T}
“We can play for it,” Bradley offers, twisting to reach across Jake and pull a deck of cards he’s tucked into the rack supporting Jake’s mattress. “Loser has to trek across the ship and sleep with Zing.” “He’s not my type,” Jake says, mischief glinting in his eyes when he peers up at Bradley. “Too skinny.” + aka three times there was only one bed and one time there were too many
let's make christmas merry, baby by davidbyrne {T}
Bradley stares at it for so long that the man in front of the counter clears his throat in annoyance. He blinks back to himself, looking up at the man dressed in business casual and sporting an annoyed look. “Sorry, you want me to wrap this?” “Yes,” the man says, exasperated. “That’s why I’m at the gift-wrapping station.” Or 4 times jake brings something ridiculous for bradley to wrap and one time he brings himself
love thorns all over this rose by hangmanbradshaw {_}
Bradley's friends watch him lose himself, find himself, and then find something even better. Or Bradley doesn’t really do dating, until he does. Aka Bradley pre-IWTBY, and a little during, according to Reuben, Callie, and Jonathan.
Oh, but it just may be a lunatic you're looking for by nightwrite24 {G}
Five times Bradley and Jake encountered each other under decidedly unusual circumstances, and the one time one of them decided to finally do something about it.
what's it take to get your number? what's it take to bring you home? (you can take me hot to go) by davidbyrne {M}
Dr. Bradshaw scans Jake’s file, no doubt seeing the long list of previous visits, ranging from a fishing hook in his hand (an unfortunate accident) to when he collapsed from dehydration (he had an undiagnosed bout of bronchitis). He glances back at Jake, keeping his face tilted down. The whole thing shows Jake just how long the doctor’s eyelashes are. “Yes, I can see you have more tenure here than I do. Rest assured, Mr. Seresin. You’re in good hands.” Or 5 times jake asks his hot er doc out and 1 time he says yes
sit down next to me by MadeItUp {M}
Five times Jake and Bradley are forced to sit together for an event, plus one where they choose to do so. “I assume you were saving this for someone special.” The man flashes a smile designed to dazzle, an aviator’s arrogance amplified by the self-confidence of someone who’s never been anything less than the best looking guy in the room. As he sits, Bradley eyes dip down to check his patches: Hangman.
What You Need to Know About Cupids by icezansky {G}
According to the Fates, one “Jake Seresin” and one “Bradley Bradshaw” are destined to love one another. They just need a little intervention in the form of a Cupid to seal the bond.
can't you see (all I really want to be) by Anonymous {E}
Five times Rooster and Hangman got each other off, plus the time Hangman finally admitted that wasn't all it was.
Five Times a Dagger Learns About Hangman & Rooster (And One Time Maverick Does) by LoveMadeThemDoIt {G}
can't you see (all i really want to be) by susiecarter {E} 
Five times Rooster and Hangman got each other off, plus the time Hangman finally admitted that wasn't all it was.
honey I'm still free (take a chance on me) by davidbyrne {E} 
“This is a lot harder than I thought it would be.” “Training?” “Sure, but I meant more this. Us.” Or 5 times jake decides it's too difficult and one time he wants to try
Requesting clearance (to fall in love) by ProtectingH_ngm_n {G}
The first time was an accident. The second time was a coincidence. The third time was luck and the fourth time was planned. A fic with Captain Bradley Bradshaw and First Officer Jake Seresin
anticipation has the habit to set you up by discosleaze, Emilyandthecat, flyingfightingfishy, imafriendlydalek, JPB_128, Saturn {E}
the 5 times Jake and Bradley's more public exploits were interrupted, and the 1 time they managed. a fightertown shared writing project.
Hold me closer, tiny dancer by Ilarina {E}
Bradley loved Jake, and it had been such a quick and ordinary process that he didn’t even feel the panic that perhaps he should have felt at that realization. It was insane how the boundaries between them had been torn down, how what was once thought to be hate or aversion was simply a safe way to be close to each other without putting themselves on the line all the way – insane for two pilots who risked their lives in the sky every day. In the following six weeks since the Mission, Bradley had learned to accept the love he had never thought he deserved in his life. And the source of this solid love was the man who at that moment was arranging pots and dishes in his kitchen. His boyfriend. [five times Bradley wants Jake to live with him and one time he finally manages to ask him]
but what a thrill by dracculaura {T}
jake breaks his leg, the daggers try to figure out how it happened
Fraternization Rules by imafriendlydalek {M}
“Y’all should be a bit more careful,” Doe says between bites, like it’s absolutely nothing. “They won’t let you be on the same squadron if they know that y’all’re dating.” “What?” Jake musters the ability to ask, overwhelmed by the absurdity of the statement. There’s no fucking way— Sure, Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell was repealed not very long ago so he could actually be in a relationship with a dude and tell people these days, but— With Rooster? No fucking way. “They don’t let couples serve together,” Joker chimes in. “Fraternization, I guess.” *** Or: five times Jake and Bradley pretended to be in a relationship so they wouldn't be assigned together, and one time they pulled their heads out of their asses and stopped pretending.
when it's done, I can smile (it's on someone else's plate for a while) by playingwiththeboysisagayanthem {T}
"So fun fact about Bradley Bradshaw. Most people wouldn’t guess it looking at him, he presents as a stereotype of the hyper-masculine men of the 1980s. But when he’s stressed beyond belief, he bakes. It’s a coping mechanism that he picked up from his mother as a child, something that started as a way to bond with her and then when she got sick, turned into a way for him to find something he could control. And having something to put a smile on her face, even through the worst of her treatments, at the end of it was definitely worth all of the effort. So for as long as most of the people in his life have known him, Bradley Bradshaw has turned to a hot oven and a mixing bowl when nothing in life quite makes sense. And, well…that leads to quite a few things. " -------------- aka, Bradley stress-bakes. Here are five times that was cause for alarm for someone in his life plus the one time it shouldn't have been.
Five Times Jake and Bradley Celebrated Their Anniversary on the Wrong Day, and the One Time They Didn't by lawsarethreats {T}
Due to circumstances far beyond their control, Bradley and Jake are unable to celebrate their first five wedding anniversaries on their actual anniversary.
hell’s comin’ with me by ofguttersandstars {M}
“You don’t want kids?” Jake repeats, a broken record at this point, as he sags down further in his seat. It’s a slight motion really, but he does it; he can't help it. In the same way he can't help the burn of rejection in the back of his throat. They're done. They have nowhere else to go from here, and the thing is — Bradshaw doesn't even know it. (Or, five times Jake put his kids before himself and one time he didn't have to).
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outtoshatter · 9 months
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This week's author spotlight goes to the fantastic and lovely @missanniewhimsy!!
Fics to Read:
Brave in the Shadows | NR | 5k tags: space, war, epistolary, open ending, angst Summary: Derek pulls his phone out as soon as he’s in the kitchen.
You have no new messages.
It’s the same every day.
Here Together | T | 10k tags: gaming, speedrunning, glitch hunting, online friendship Summary: In which Derek is a world-record holding speedrunner, Stiles is the glitch hunter who's found some of the biggest strats for the run and Derek's second most annoying mod. Small crushes get blown wide open when Derek invites Stiles to do commentary for a major run and they finally have a chance to meet in person.
Worthy | G | 1k tags: established relationship, domestic fluff, they both deserve nice things Summary: Stiles took a breath, then another, eyes locked on Derek’s. He shook his head, willing himself to calm down. “It--it’s been a while.”
Fics to Hear:
little boy lost | T | 1-1.5 hours tags: single parent Stiles, magic Stiles, deputy Derek, autumn Summary: If someone asked Stiles to write a parenting book, Stiles would say the best and most important rule is to love your kid. Just love the hell out of them, and make sure they know it.
The second most important rule would be don’t turn your back on a curious three year old with supernatural speed.
Stiles is currently failing at the second rule. Badly.
i went to the crossroad, fell down on my knees | T | 2-2.5 hours tags: fallen angels, guardian angels, rest stop Summary: Stiles is a crossroads demon operating out of a rest stop Subway, Derek is a guardian angel whose family has passed on. When Derek decides to stick around, the Jacob Campbell Southbound Rest Area gets interesting. Well, more interesting than it already was.
(aka the prompt generator drabble that grew legs and turned into an meditation on grief, guilt, responsibility, and the redemptive power of unconditional love.)
And When I Wake You're There I'm Saved | T | 1-1.5 hours tags: space, kidnapped Derek, kidnapped Stiles, no torture Summary: "Derek," Stiles says, firm. His hand is warm on Derek's shoulder. "I'll be okay."
"You didn't leave me," Derek argues. "How can you expect me to leave you?"
Stiles rolls his eyes. "Oh my god, it'll be fine. Even if I am captured, I'm just a boring human. They wanted you for your Lycan blood."
Derek crosses his arms. Mainly so he doesn't wrap his hands around Stiles' throat in an attempt to throttle some sense into him. "That's fine. But this isn't a time when being a boring human is an asset. This is a time when being a boring human results in a shot to the head."
"Derek," Stiles says again. He steps closer, so Derek is surrounded in his scent, his chemosignals—namely unwavering, resolute determination, distinctively sharp and entirely unbreakable—clouding Derek's mind. "You'll come back for me." He sounds so sure, and he can tell the exact moment Derek gives in. Because Derek somehow always gives in to Stiles.
"I'll come back for you," he confirms. "And you better not be dead."
Stiles grins, eyes sparkling with far too much humour for someone who potentially just sacrificed himself for a surly Lycan and bunch of strangers. "You do say the sweetest things."
In Progress:
[podfic] Fractured Starlight | M | 9/34 chapters tags: hurt/comfort, amnesia fic, witch Stiles, blood and gore, alpha Derek Summary: Stiles is driving home when a werewolf pops out of his trunk like a demented jack-in-the-box, aggressive, confused, and with no memory of who he is or how he got in there. Stiles has no choice but to take him through the protected borders of Willow Pass so he can figure out what's going on and if this strange werewolf is a danger to his coven.
Go check out allll of misswhimsy's fics on their AO3 page! Don't forget to mind the tags, leave a kudos, and maybe even drop a comment!
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hd-wireless · 9 months
HD Wireless Fest 2024
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🎶 Prompting:
Prompting opens January 14th 2024. 
You may submit up to ten prompts. These can be named or anonymous. We trust our prompters to abide by this, even if they are prompting anonymously. You do not have to be creating a work for the fest in order to post a prompt. Anyone can prompt!
All prompts must be a SONG. Instrumental songs are allowed. All songs with lyrics must be in English. 
There is a space to include any extra prompt details that you would love to see incorporated. If you wish, you can also include a maximum rating and any squicks you would prefer not to read/see (for example, Maximum Rating: Explicit. No MCD).  Please note that these are for inspiration only and creators may not fulfil all aspects of your wishes.
We also allow self prompting! You can either prompt the song you wish to write, and then take your chance claiming it (but bear in mind, someone might beat you to it!). Or you can simply wait and submit your self-prompt as your claim when claiming opens.
We allow multiple prompts for the same song as long as the prompts themselves are significantly different to each other. If we receive a prompt twice, one with additional information and one without, we'll remove the prompt without any additional information, even if it was the one submitted first! Therefore, we encourage you to include additional information with your prompts. 
➡️ You can find the Prompting Form HERE. (opens January 14th, 1pm GMT - what time is that for me)
➡️ Prompting closes on the 27th of January OR when we reach 300 prompts, whichever comes first. 
➡️ Prompts will be available to view on Saturday 27th OR approximately 48 hours after prompting closes, whichever happens first.
🎶 Claiming:
There is a cap of 80 claims for FIC. There is no cap for ART or PODFICS. Claiming opens on 4th February and will remain open until the 31st May. If we reach our cap of 80 claims for fics, we will close claiming for fics but claiming will remain open for other media.
This is an 18+ fest, and we will require all claimants to confirm that they are aged 18 or over.
Prompts will be awarded on a first come first served basis. 
Please choose your top three prompts when claiming, in order of preference (i.e. your top prompt as prompt choice 1, second choice as prompt choice 2, etc). This is in case your first choice has already been claimed, we can offer you your next preference. However, if you’ve got your heart set on just one prompt, you are welcome to submit the form with just the one prompt! You might be lucky!
You can only claim one prompt at a time. If you finish creating the work for your prompt and have posted it to the fest collection on AO3, you may claim an additional prompt in the normal way, if claims are still open at that time. If you are unsure please email us at [email protected].  
If you claim a prompt and subsequently feel unable to complete the work, please inform us as soon as possible at [email protected]. We understand that life can get in the way! Unfortunately, however, in such circumstances, you won't be eligible to claim a further prompt for 2024.
➡️ You can find the Claiming Form HERE. The form will go live on 4th February, 1pm GMT (what time is that for me).
You will receive an email within 48 hours confirming your successful claim. Please respond to this email within 72 hours to confirm your participation in H/D Wireless.
Writers and Artists: 
Each prompt can be claimed once for fic and once for art.
You may claim for BOTH fic and art at the same time, either as an individual or in a collaboration with another creator. If you are doing a collab please email us at [email protected] to confirm.
We will be allowing people to enter podfic recordings of fics from previous years of HD Wireless fest. To enable this we have compiled a list of previous Wireless fics where the creator has indicated to the mods that they give permission for their work to be podficced. 
You can access the Podfic Prompt List HERE.
To sign up to create a podfic, please claim the fic you wish to record by completing the claim form.
Each fic can be claimed once for podfic. We will inform you by email if your claim has been successful. You may indicate a second and third choice, on the off-chance that your first choice is unavailable.
We are not accepting podfics of any fics that are not on our podfic prompt list. However, if you see that any author (not on our list) has written a fic for Wireless and who you believe does consent to their fic(s) being podficced (either by having confirmed to you directly, or they have a blanket permission statement on their profile), please email the mods with the name of the author, evidence of the permission, and we will make a determination on a case by case basis.
🎶 Creating:
Fics and art should use the song prompt in some way, but this is very fluid, so feel free to interpret it in your own creative way.
For fics, there is a minimum word count of 1,000 words and no maximum.
All fics must be beta-read (If you are unable to find a beta please let us know), and podfics should be beta-listened for accuracy and audibility before submitting. 
Submissions must be completed works. Please do not submit a draft for a fic that has not been completed (e.g., single chapters of a chaptered work).
All submissions must be in English or include a translation.
We do not accept any works created with AI.
As this is an anonymous fest, all creations must be individual works, and cannot be part of a series, or a prequel/sequel to an existing work. If you are planning to continue the work with either of these, please do not reference this in your creation (including in your creator notes) until after the works are revealed and the fest is over.
❗ Please be aware that AO3’s Terms of Service only allow for ‘short quotations’ from copyrighted materials. For this reason we ask that you be mindful about your usage of lyrics in your creation. For more information, and for links to further information, please see our previous post on the issue HERE. ❗
We encourage you to be inspired by the prompter’s additional details, but these are not required to be incorporated into the creation. You may also wish to take into consideration your prompter’s squicks when creating. This is not a requirement — but we ask that you do not gift the creation to the prompter if you are not taking the squicks into consideration, and as always, be sure to tag your work appropriately.
This fest employs a mixture of both anonymous and non-anonymous posting for creations: All fics are posted anonymously, however for art we allow artists to include watermarks on their creations if they so wish. Podfics will also be posted anonymously, but podficcers are allowed to state their name in the podfic recording itself (not within their notes on the post). Due to the anonymous nature of the fest, we wish to keep all creations completely anonymous until reveals (for fics) or posting (for art and podfic) and as such we do not allow for works to be discussed prior to the relevant reveals. This includes discussing it in a public forum while creating it or while the fest is underway. If you are looking for an alpha or beta reader in a public forum please keep the information provided in public channels to a minimum.
🎶 Submitting:
Once you have completed your work, it’s time to submit! Submissions are due June 14th, but if you are finished before this date, you are welcome to submit early.
Submission Requirements:
You are required to add ‘hd_wireless_mod’ as co-creator when uploading your fic, art or podfic. This is primarily so that we can change the posting date, add in the standard fest end note and a tag for HD Wireless 2024. We will not make any other changes to your work, and we will remove the mod account after reveals.
Add your fic to the hd_wireless collection. All works must be posted directly to the AO3 collection here.
Podfics should be linked to the original work using the AO3 ‘Inspired By’ function, i.e: “This work is a remix, a translation, a podfic, or was inspired by another work” and pasting the URL of the original fic. Please state the title, author, rating and any Major Archive Warnings in the audio intro of the podfic. Any art or images used for cover art should be copyright-free or have the consent of the artist. Any music used within the podfic should be copyright-free.
Please tag appropriately: Be sure to include all appropriate warnings, tag your work correctly and please be mindful while choosing your tags. We enjoy a fun tag as much as the next person, but customised tags may be recognisable to some readers, and give you away. As such we ask that you think very carefully about your tag usage.
Acknowledge your creative team in your notes! We want you to acknowledge the people who supported your creation! This includes alphas, betas, cheerleaders, and anyone else who helped you along the way! However, as this is anonymous, please do not mention these people by name, as this can sometimes be a way that creators can be identified. A good way to do this is to use a pseudonym for them, or simply refer to these individuals with an initial. Please do remember to come back and fill in the real names after reveals!
Please include your song prompt (artist and song) in the creation notes at the beginning of the work to share the inspiration of your work.
Complete the Submission Form. The submission form and author note must include the claimed song only, including a link to YouTube. We can not accept Spotify links on the submission form as not everyone has Spotify and we want to make this as accessible as possible.
The below information will be asked for in the submission form. We will acknowledge a successful receipt/submission once the creation has been uploaded and the submission form completed.
 For Art and/or Fic:
Word count (if applicable):
Art medium (if applicable):
Song prompt:
Link to YouTube:
Link to work:
For Podfic:
Original Author:
Word count:
Song prompt:
Link to YouTube:
Link to podfic:
Link to original work:
NOTE: If, at any point, you decide to change any information in your submission header after completing the form (e.g. word count, summary or title) let the mods know the updated details at [email protected]
The mods will proof all fics and podfics and inform you if there are any additional requirements or suggestions. Please check your emails regularly to see if we’ve sent you a message regarding your work.
Please don't change the date on your creation. The mods reserve the right to remove your work from the collection if we see that the date has been changed during or after the fest.
Your work must remain in the collection for at least six months. If you remove your work from the collection before that, you may be banned from participating in the fest for the following year/s. 
Please contact the mods if you have any issues posting your work.
🎶 Extensions:
You can contact the mods at:​ [email protected]. If you need an extension, or have to drop out, please let us know by email. For extensions we will require you to provide your WIP document, an estimate of how much you have left to go (such as the estimated final word count), and how much time you think this will take you. Please do not be afraid to reach out about this, we are always happy to hear from you!
🎶 Dropping out:
We understand that life gets in the way and you may not be able to complete your work in time to submit. Or the muse just up and leaves. It happens! If this is the case for you for whatever reason, please let us know as soon as possible at [email protected]. You do not need to provide a reason for withdrawing.
While dropping out is fine, if you ghost us (i.e. fail to respond to our check-ins or communications), we may not allow you back the next year. We understand that things come up, but we expect our participants to show us the respect of responding to our emails, including letting us know if/when they are no longer able to participate.
If you have ghosted us in previous fests, please reach out to confirm your eligibility to participate. If you informed us you were dropping, you're fine. But we need to know that our participants will respond to emails and reserve the right to exclude you from the fest based on past fest behaviour.
🎶 Posting:
Posting will begin on July 1st.
The mods will post your creation on the scheduled day. We do not release the posting schedule in advance as this is subject to change.
Once your creation has been posted please be mindful not to reveal yourself as the creator.
We ask that you do not respond to comments on your creations until after reveals. This is to ensure that you do not identify yourself in your response. Additionally, responding after reveals can be a lovely way for the commenter to find out who created the work they loved so much, and discover your other works!
While we hope that it will not happen, sometimes creations receive negative comments. If you receive a nasty or critical comment, please contact the mods via email asap. We have a process for handling these events, but we will work with you to do so, and only step in to deal with it if that is your wish.
🎶 Further information:
The prompts are not available to be claimed unless you are participating in the H/D Wireless Fest itself. Once we post the final reveals, the prompts are no longer being used by the fest, and if you have found something you are particularly inspired by, please message the prompter to ask for their consent for a work to be created outside of the fest.
For general questions about the fest don’t hesitate to contact the mods at [email protected] (we don't regularly check Tumblr for new messages and asks, so sending an email is the best form of communication). But keep in mind that we're operating in multiple time zones, that we need to eat, and sleep, and take care of real life responsibilities, hence we aren't available 24/7. We will aim to respond within a reasonable timeframe.
Please note that should there be any disputes regarding the interpretation of the rules, the decision of the mods will be final.
Your mods @gnarf @candybarrnerd @maesterchill
Banner art by gnarf and given a Wireless makeover by maesterchill
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Finish What You Started 2024 - Event Rules
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[ID copied from alt: Event Rules on a blue background. ⬒ No new projects ◨ Any medium and any fandom welcome ⬓ NSFW inclusive, warnings must be tagged ◧ Tag #FinishWhatYouStarted2024; boosting/retweeting starts March 15th ◼ Event ends April 30, 2024]
The goal of this event is to get things done that you’ve already started. We all have unfinished projects whose incomplete status haunts us. Those are what we want to tackle!
The structure is loose, as this is a multimedia event. While primarily aimed at writers, this event is open to any kind of creative fanwork. Fics, translations, podfics, fanart, animations, cosplay - if you started it and never got it done, it qualifies. There is no sign-up required. I will not assign beta readers for writers, but I can boost requests for those who want them! And I can boost messages of those who would like to beta read.
The mod is a danmei fan mainly, but your work can be any fandom. Maybe something you started before your current fandom excitement took over, or one you keep putting off in favor of compelling new ideas.
Feel free to pass this event info along! The more the merrier!
Further rules and clarifications:
Alt text is very encouraged, especially for boost posts or artwork!
If your work is NSFW, I will only boost it if it has appropriate content warnings. Spoilering images is recommended but not required as long as it’s tagged. Do not letter-swap or abbreviate content warnings. These are so people can mute them as needed. Example: "gore" not "g0re"
Remember Tumblr can mute phrases, but each warning should be its own tag as well as in the body.
Please use genderbend or genderswap for characters depicted not as canon genders. Example: "#NSFW #genderbend #gore”
Please use Omegaverse or A/O/B for that content. The original letter order is a slur against Aboriginal peoples and will not be tolerated here, even with the slashes. It, like other racial or identity-based slurs, fall under hate speech and are thus not permitted.
This account will post weekly morale-boosting messages and helpful resources. Every Friday, starting March 15th, will be Finished It Friday. All the completed works posted that week will be boosted together in a big thread, so we can celebrate your accomplishment!
Halfway-point check-in is April 1st. Final event deadline is April 30th. The last Finished It Friday is May 3rd.
Q: Are original works acceptable?
A: This is primarily a fanwork-focused event. If original work is the only WIP you have to work on, it's certainly fine to work on it during the time frame of the event. If it is posted publicly when finished, you may tag it for boosting.
Q: Are there any restrictions on topics?
A: No, so long as your event # post is properly & fully tagged for content (see rules about tagging above). "Dead Dove" topics are allowed. Some submissions will be 18+. For me, this is less about the content and more about finishing it. 
The usual restrictions based on laws and Community Guidelines of course apply, so you may need to tailor how you post to which event space your interacting with. Twitter, Tumblr, and Discord all have their own rules. There are also some topics that are in poor taste to make fanworks around. The event organizer and mods reserve the right to not boost your work if they decide it is rage-baiting or trolling. They are not responsible for negative reactions to your works. Please be respectful of those you share a digital space with. 
Keep in mind that when I link to your finished work during a Finished It Friday, it may reach a wider audience than you may be used to.
Q: Are there any restrictions on media that can be submitted?
A: Machine Generated or "AI" images and writing are not permitted. If you are found in violation of this rule, you will be removed from the event. All images, writing, or other works must be your own.
This is a positive, shared space. Do not belittle other creators' medium of choice. Please no fandom/character/ship/creator bashing, and don't berate artists or authors for not being done with something, even if they don't finish by the end of the event. Also, please don't passive-aggressively send this event to the author of an unfinished fic you want to see done faster. 😥 Be cool, respect each other, and keep any interpersonal disagreements to your own tumblrsphere.
All posts and boosts will be crossposted to the event Twitter (finishwatustart) and Discord. Expanded rules, explanations, and Dead Dove guidelines can also be found on the Discord. (invite link in pinned post) 
Fics can be posted to the AO3 collection (archiveofourown(dot)org /collections /FinishWhatYouStarted2024_Spring)
Work-in-progress posts should be tagged #FinishWhatYouStarted2024If you complete a wip within the event, tag it #IFinishedWhatIStarted2024 for boosting so we can all celebrate!
Find more information and community on the Discord, if you want! Joining the Discord is not required for the event. As always, if you have questions, don't hesitate to reach out!
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film-in-my-soul · 2 months
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a song on a policeman’s radio by rohkeutta / @rohkeutta
2 Part Series | Rated G & E | Total Words: 8,620
Part 1 Summary: Steve’s already showered and changed into sweats and a tank top, his hair still sticking up in cowlicks. When Bucky drags himself to the couch, still in his uniform with soot on his face, Steve takes one look at him in the soft glow of the living room lamp and opens his arms. Bucky drops the shield on the floor and crawls over Steve’s legs to collapse on top of him, tucks his face under Steve’s chin and exhales. “Jesus fucking Christ.”
Oh No, Not Now by dragongirlG / @dragongirlg-fics
2 Part Series | Rated E | Total Words: 8,861
Part 1 Summary: After buying plums from the market, Bucky returns to his apartment in Bucharest to find a small, half-naked Steve huddled on his bed. At first, Bucky thinks it's just a hallucination, but then he smells the honey-sweet slick in the air and comes to a shocking realization: Steve's presenting as an omega in heat, even though he hasn't been an omega in decades due to the supersoldier serum. Drawing on a mishmash of instinct and memory, Bucky takes care of Steve as best he can, trying to give Steve what he needs until Steve can safely be extracted from the situation.
Glad to love you, Steve Rogers by MaddieWritesStucky (Madeleine_Ward)
2 Part Series | Rated M & E | Total Words: 9,166
Part 1 Summary: Steve’s first thought is that he knows this song. His second thought is little more than a stream of expletives, as the male embodiment of Fuck Me walks out onto the stage. Although, ‘walk’ seems an entirely inappropriate word…the man struts, stalks, and all at once the frenzied reaction of the crowd makes perfect sense. If Steve had known this was about to make an entrance, he’d have been screaming for it too.
(see below for more recommendations!)
Stucky Sugar Daddy by SD_Ryan
2 Part Series | Rated E | Total Words: 9,765
Part 1 Summary: “Jesus.” Steve dives down, stealing Bucky’s breath with a kiss. Bucky slips his hand under the elastic and palms Steve’s ass, pressing close. He knows he’s just invited something he doesn’t wholly understand; he’s got absolutely no experience when it comes to sex with a guy. But he trusts Steve to take care of him—one way or another, it’s what Steve’s been doing for as long as Bucky’s known him. When Bucky realizes his roommate's brother has been hitting on him, he thinks maybe he can get on board with the idea.
All's fair in [REDACTED] and [REDACTED] by redcigar
3 Part Series | Rated M | Total Words: 10,643
Part 1 Summary: “He was dragging him out of the river,” Natasha argues later. “Nat, be honest, he was going for the Full Monty.” Says Clint. “I’m pretty sure we interrupted him in the middle of giving ‘emergency CPR’,” Tony agrees, “Or the stage after emergency CPR. Emergency Dick? Is that a thing?” “That’s not a thing,” Natasha and Clint reply.
Sweet Like Honey by Dira Sudis (dsudis) / @dsudis
2 Part Series | Rated E | Total Words: 11,277
Part 1 Summary: "Come on now." Bucky sat back and let his thighs splay out wide, crowding against Steve. "Be a good girl for me and sit on my knee."
promise me this - you will be brave when you are scared by luminis_infinite
2 Part Series | Rated M & E | Total Words: 13,078
Part 1 Summary: “Sometimes all you need is twenty seconds of insane courage, just twenty seconds of embarrassing bravery. And I promise you, something great will come of it.” Or, a robbery, a backpack, and how one shrimpy Steve Rogers got the man (and assassin) of the century.
After You've Gone Fic and Podfic by SD_Ryan
*2 Part Series | Rated M & E | Total Words: 14,217
Part 1 Summary: “Time changes things,” Barnes rasps. Fucking understatement of the century. “I don’t like what it’s done to your eyes.” Steve presses his thumb to the bridge of his nose, smoothing over the scowl permanently etched there. “You’re so sad, Buck.”
*Parts 2 + 4 are podfics of parts 1 + 3
It's Just the Nearness of You by fiasco_sauce
*3 Part Series | Rated T | Total Words: 15,242
Part 1 Summary: The growl started as soon as Steve stepped through the cell door. Steve was barefoot and empty-handed, dressed only in sweatpants and a tank top. He spun in a slow circle to show there were no weapons tucked into his waistband or hidden at the small of his back. No threat, his lowered gaze and open palms said. It was a lie, and the other man in the room knew it. Steve’s body was weapon enough.
*Part 3 incomplete
SugarVerse by MaddieWritesStucky (Madeleine_Ward)
6 Part Series | Rated E | Total Words: 18,574
Part 1 Summary: Bucky's brain and his dick catch on at the same time in a borderline painful rush of blood. He hears Steve pull back from the phone to address his clients, placating them with an apology and the assurance that this won’t take long, and Jesus Christ...Steve is actually doing this. Steve is actually going to let this happen, going to let Bucky have one-sided phone sex with him while he sits there in some boardroom, with actual clients sitting right in front of him.  What the fuck.
couples therapy by silentwalrus & skellerbvvt / @skellerbvvt
2 Part Series | Rated E | Total Words: 19,275
Part 1 Summary: “You can be rougher,” Bucky says. “If you want.” They’re about four minutes post orgasm and Steve is still trying to figure out where his legs are. “Muh?”
Memory by orphan_account
2 Part Series | Rated T & M | Total Words: 25,216
Part 1 Summary: He remembered nothing. After the first few weeks, he asked to be called James.
The Adventures of Captain America, Not-So-Secret Agent by galwednesday / @galwednesday
2 Part Series | Rated T | Total Words: 29,673
Part 1 Summary: "Are you okay?" Barnes weighed exhaustion against disgust as he considered resting his forehead on the edge of the toilet bowl. Disgust won, and he sat back on his heels instead. He turned his head far enough to look at the boy standing in the bathroom doorway. "Peachy," he rasped. He wasn’t used to having company during his post-mission freakouts. If he'd been alone he would have stripped by the front door so he could just roll his body into the bathtub to hose off, but he hadn't wanted to undress in front of the teenagers. He was still pretty fuzzy on the rules of being a person, but don't traumatize children with your horror show of a body seemed like common fucking courtesy. “This happens every time.” He realized his mistake as the silence stretched. “Every time you…blow up a building?” The kid sounded like he was trying very hard to be open-minded. “Is that, like, your hobby?”
tits out, lads by Deisderium
6 Part Series | Rated E | Total Words: 30,379
Part 1 Summary: On the walk back from Azzano, Bucky keeps touching Steve's chest. Then he touches it some more. And more. Steve bites his lip raw.
don't leave me here alone by suzukiblu / @suzukiblu
3 Part Series | Rated E | Total Words: 36,048
Part 1 Summary: The asset’s heat is syncing with his mission’s rut. Or maybe that’s supposed to be the other way around.
The Right to Refuse by Stevieschrodinger / @stevieschrodinger
2 Part Series | Rated E | Total Words: 41,240
Part 1 Summary: Bucky looks around his room one last time. He has nothing to pack. Nothing he’s had during his stay has belonged to him, apart from the letter of pardon and the Silver Star he was awarded for gallantry in action against an enemy of the United States. Bucky’s pretty sure it was because he fell off a train when he was doing his best to help Steve out, but he didn’t argue. He just took the blue velvet box, and then the next time he saw Steve he handed it over without ever having opened it.
Protocol by Stevieschrodinger / @stevieschrodinger
4 Part Series | Rated E | Total Words: 47,659
Part 1 Summary: “He specifies what he wants you know. Male Omega. Big, male Omega. I heard from Cassie that there are agencies who can’t supply him any more.” “Can’t, or won’t?” Bucky asks absently, still reading…the menu looks amazing, four options for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, with tick boxes and instructions to make two choices in each category. Plus options for snacks, and Bucky can tick as many as he likes in that category. “Both. Either. You know there’s only so many male Omega, and then to find the beefy ones on top of that? Clive says he’s not gonna go back.” “Yeah well, Clive’s a-” “Do not finish that sentence Barnes.”
four years of college and plenty of knowledge by mambo / @whtaft
15 Part Series | Rated G-E | Total Words: 59,458
Part 1 Summary: Steve Rogers isn't about to let some frat boy jerk like Bucky Barnes show him up, even if it means having to kick Brock Rumlow in the balls.
Alphabet by thesardine
4 Part Series | Rated G & T | Total Words: 99,778
Part 1 Summary: When SHIELD finally releases Bucky from custody, he is not the man anyone expects him to be. Steve struggles to reconcile the stranger with the man who was once his best friend, but with Hydra regrouping after the events at Triskelion, Steve is dragged back into battle when Bucky needs him the most. Meanwhile, Hydra is itching to have its prize weapon back under their control, and a devastating betrayal pits Bucky against a terrible piece of ex-SHIELD tech that threatens to destroy everything he's struggled to rebuild. In order to survive, he must decide who he is going to be: the vulnerable Bucky Barnes or the indomitable Winter Soldier? It turns out there might not be as big a difference as everyone seems to think.
Give a Little, Take a Little by notlucy / @notlucy
9 Part Series | Rated E | Total Words: 90,698
Part 1 Summary: Bucky's nearly thirty and has never been spanked. For most people, this wouldn't be a pressing concern. Bucky is not most people.
Additional Information by notlucy / @notlucy
8 Part Series | Rated T & E | Total Words: 165,871
Part 1 Summary: Okay, so Bucky Barnes has a crush on Steve Rogers. The guy's gorgeous, talented and, oh yeah, the Chief Design Officer of the biggest tech company in the world. In other words: he's so far out of Bucky's league that he might as well be in a different stratosphere.
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