imaginaryberries · 4 months
TW childbirth - not detailed and most importantly not traumatic!!!
I had an elective section under general anaesthetic and it could not have been more different from Leo's birth. I did feel quite grim for a few hours after coming round but I've managed to get up and walk over to the chair and into the bathroom and stuff now so I'm super chuffed about that. Haven't cracked breastfeeding yet but wasn't really feeling well enough anyway for most of the day and I feel pretty optimistic about it. Gave it another go just there but bebe is too sleepy at the moment. I didn't feel a wild rush of emotion when I met him, but I didn't expect to, and I definitely feel more of an immediate connection this time (sorry Leo, I adore you and it wasn't your fault lol). I'm tired but not 40+ hours of excruciating contractions every two minutes tired. I was holding him for a while there and didn't feel a visceral need to put him down. I feel..... good?? 🥰
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beneathfrenzy · 29 days
This might not be a witchcraft blog, but I'm still gonna talk about it ya feel?
Anyways, I did some magic work and it worked the way I needed to. I am super chuffed about this.
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sunset-peril · 5 months
Had this dude and his scars ping-ponging around in my brain all day, was finally able to draw him!
Behold! The boy :]
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It took me significantly longer than I thought it would to make the boy, but he looks so pretty!!!
Although probably about a solid 30 minutes was spend entirely on his dumb nose. I have enough problems with noses in general, and then my silly self decides to come up with a design that has both a snout shape and a human nose (why do I do this to myself...)
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As the picture says, Link's native language is Chuffing/Ordonian. In ancient times (Rauru's time), the language is called Ordonian, because the people in the region of old Ordonia are primarily the ones that speak it. It's called Chuffing in AoC/BotW times because it sounds like, well, chuffing. No one is sure how the language name got downgraded to that, but it did. Link bears 5 pairs of puncture wound scars from barbed wire on his upper lip, and two scars slicing up from the corners of his mouth. I'll put the more uncomfy details under the cut, but they were inflicted during his accident at 13. Thank you so much to @skyloftian-nutcase for answering my random question about wires, haha. It stopped my head from spinning.
He's very anxious about Hylians and touch after his accident, understandably, and will lunge/snap his teeth at anything that tries to reach for, grab at, or touch his head in any capacity. Because of the genetic modification they underwent in ancient times to become super-soldiers, Wolfbred have a significantly different system of reproductive behavior that the other races, even the Hylians. I'm not going to go through the Wolfbred Reproductive Physiology lecture because I don't want to, but the strong mating season the Wolfbred have encourages them to bond at young ages, typically around the onset of puberty if conditions and potential mates are good. Link is, of course, unbonded, as the Wolfbred's last remaining female is well... his sister. Having been unbonded for three years, when the typical Wolfbred usually bonds within one or two, Link's definitely got both eyes on the lookout. When he's not busy with his duties as Champion, of course.
ANYWAYS, I've rambled about lore again when this post was supposed to be about the picture. So enjoy the pretty boy :]
The Wolfbred, at the time of Link's accident, were required to be muzzled while inside Hyrule Castle, and even handled by other soldiers in some regions. The muzzle's mouthpiece is hinged into place by a small piece resembling razor wire (or one of those tiny disposable scalpels), which is supposed to be covered up by the blunt metal of the outer cover. However, the muzzles are often forged to be the appropriate size for a grown (or nearly grown) Wolfbred, due to the greater danger the adults would possess if out of control, which meant that Link's was larger and looser-fitting than it should have been for his smaller size. While he was being observed in the Sanctum, one of the places where he was required to be muzzled and handled, the loose muzzle slipped and exposed the sharp hinge piece on the inner layers, which became caught on the corners of Link's mouth when he moved his head. The shock of having a sudden pain in his mouth made Link subconsciously yank forward towards the King. His handler, on instinct, yanked the chain on the muzzle backwards.
I think you can imagine what happened. That pain made Link yank his now-bleeding head upwards, where he unintentionally engaged a thin strand of barbed wire intended to be used as a last resort against a dangerous Wolfbred, puncturing him there too. It was... not a good day in the Sanctum, to put it mildly.
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piers-official · 1 year
@dragon-tailz CONGRATULATIONS ON THE SHINYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!💕💕💕💕💕💕🪲🪲🪲🪲🪲🪲🪲🪲🪲💕💕💕💕!!!!!!
Hehe~! Thank you Wyvie~🖤🖤🖤I'm super chuffed, she's doin' great so far with m'dark types and is very friendly. You should come by sometime an' see her~! (I miss ya anyway </3)
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akajustmerry · 2 years
Hi, just wanted to say I really enjoy your podcast and it’s super interesting and definitely made me think differently about how i consume media these days! Also (hope this doesn’t come across as creepy, genuinely not my intention) you both have really nice voices, so soothing to listen to!
omg thank u for listening, legend! genuinely chuffed to be of service 🥰 also thank u for saying my voice is nice I always feel so unkempt compared to how smooth and cool deah sounds (I think they should read audiobooks professionally or something). anyways, I'm rambling now but thank u again!
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rambling-remy · 3 months
You and everyone on this thread is no only a shameless racist. But also a classist at that. Yall deserve perfectly the orange grapper, imperial liberal garbage
Get Paraglided
No idea what paraglided means, but if you think being suspicious of something that looks exactly like scams that have run on this platform for years, makes me racist and classist... maybe you should say it with your full chest instead of on anon? The only reason you would hide is if you're worried you're wrong, or actively complicit in scamming folks
Anyway, I urge everyone to support whatever causes they believe in, especially what's going on in Gaza right now. Just do it via channels you can personally verify. Don't trust complete strangers with your money. That's... super common sense
Also this is my first anon hate in a long time! I'm actually kinda chuffed about that
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caesarflickermans · 6 months
thg fans, we need to talk about the "rose map".
with TBOSAS, a new Panem map emerged diverging from previous map iterations. Fans have attempted to explain the stylistic difference as either a Capitol map or an in-universe artistic interpretation resembling a rose.
however, this map resembles a popular fan-made map. let's finally address this.
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[image id: two pictures of a map. the first map has been made by a fan with its social media links included. the second map is titled "history of panem". the first map has several districts marked in a circular form moving inward toward the capitol. the second map is a similar design with the same shapes moving toward an inner centre. it's red colour makes it look like a rose]
Note the resemblance of the District placements and their shapes. District 4 and its island are especially noteworthy.
the original artist has spoken out today on a reddit post. this is their statement:
Hi, I'm aimmyarrowshigh who created this map, and I just wanted to thank you for pointing out here and when it was originally revealed that Lionsgate stole it from me.  They never contacted me to ask about using my Panem map (even though it is copyrighted as part of The Panem Companion) and did not give me any credit for its use. If they wanted to use it as the TBOSAS map, I would have gladly worked with them to update it to their design specs in exchange for whatever they paid their graphic designers and an acknowledgement in the end credits! I would have been thrilled! But instead, they stole it without any regard, and they're ignoring the Cease & Desist sent by my lawyers. (I am being aided by the legal team at the OTW.)  I am so disappointed by their decisions regarding this issue, from the initial choice to use it without just... asking... or even informing me... to their refusal to admit that they did such a thing. The fact that the graphic design company quietly removed it from IG after Lionsgate got the C&D, yet they still aren't going to give any credit or compensation for its use, is kind of depressing.  I think I can probably speak for any fan artist or meta writer in saying that having one of my crazy ideas made canon is super cool, and if they had asked me whether they could use my map design, I would have said yes AND probably been a lot cheaper than whoever they paid to steal it, just because I would have been so chuffed to see it in the movie. I'm kind of heartbroken that they didn't respect it, or me, enough to just... shoot me an email. You know? I know some people will probably reply and say "it's just a fanwork" or "you made it 13 years ago, get over it" or something like that, but fanworks are made out of pure love for the thing (in this case, THG) and Lionsgate took advantage of my love for THG to earn a little more money directly (on merch) and indirectly (in the movie itself). That's gross, imo. Just because it's a fanwork doesn't mean it isn't the intellectual property of the person who created it -- and especially in the case of something like this map, which exists specifically because it DIDN'T exist in canon at the time I created it.  Anyway, tl;dr: yes, they stole it, and thank you for pointing that out so consistently. 
what to do as fans?
boycott the "rose" map. do not buy the map / do not promote it / raise awareness / share this post.
uplift fan work. support fans / share & credit fan work.
supporty aimmyarrowshigh. buy or talk about the panem companion / share the original map.
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sab-teraa · 7 months
Tye Talks: A Diary Entry
(23/02/24 || 20:59 pm)
Hi friends <3 Happy Friday! I'm sooooo glad it's the weekend.
Ooooof! What a long day but good day. My senior and I finally finalised the assignment and test questions for our students. The thing I'm most chuffed about is the increase in word count lol. I can't speak for others, but personally, I am a yapper ... I can never stick to the word count lmaooo … so I knew exactly how my students felt. Anywho, I'm glad they have more space to make a thorough analyses, especially considering the level they are expected to be at.
As always, my fulltime job is SOMETHING. I mistakenly opened up a can of worms. It truly was not my intention lol. But, in my defence, it was a colleague's job to inform the boss about this hurdle... I did not even know it was a hurdle lol ... I found out at the same time as my boss. But hey, that's none of my business.
I also found a job I want to apply to ... but it's soooo evident that they shared it with the public for the sake of it lmao. While I’m convinced they most likely already found someone for the job, I'm still giving it a shot.
I made zero progress on my thesis today ... I was so preoccupied with work. I'm very very annoyed with myself.
Is this tmi? Maybe? Apologies if so.
Anyway, my PMS symptoms are absolutely killing me. At one point I could not walk bc my back felt as if it was on fire. Thank god for hot water bottles and heat patches. Forever my beloved.
Mentally, I'm doing ok. Tbh, I haven't had much time to think about anything other than work.
Fun and mundane
Met up with my good friend for an iced coffee and a pastry, did a bit of grocery shopping and finally got my new duvet. I also made a dumb purchase ... but we move lmao. I'm young ok.
Then, my colleagues and I met up for a early dinner. Omfg I had the yummiest steak and frites + arugula salad. That pepper sauce?? DIVINE.
Also, but idk why I'm so surprised to hear about colleagues having KIDSSSSS lol. They are much older than me ... but since we get along super well I don't really think about it and I always thought it would be rude to ask yk? Kids are always a sensitive topic.
Mel sent me a Love is Blind clip … and now I’m really keen on starting the show. It’s giving MESS. My absolute fave.
My family and friends are doing well. Forever grateful to have them in my life <3
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truebluewhocanoe · 1 year
12, 13, and 37 for the fic writers ask?
Thanks for asking, it would've been really embarassing if I'd reblogged that and no one actually asked me a question! ;)
This is my Doctor Who blog so I'll stick to that for my answers. If you meant to ask these in a more general sense, then hit me up at @monarchetype
12) Who is your favourite character to write for? Why?
(I'm generally VERY bad at favorites/least favorites, this is your warning.) You'd think from looking at my fics that, statistically speaking, it would have to be the Sixth Doctor, right? Well, yes, you're right. He's my favorite to write for because he's got a lot of stuff in his era that I personally would like to tackle, either to explore or to fix or both. But actually writing him is hard! In fact, I have a confession to make: I'm not 100% satisfied with how I wrote Sixie in The True Blue You, because I think he switched from prideful and not very understanding to sweet and empathizing too quickly in between POV shifts. But I'm not giving up- I'm sure I'll have many more plot bunnies that'll give me an opportunity to write for 'ole Sixie.
13) Who is your least favourite character to write for? Why?
Narrowing down a least favorite of the characters I've written for is difficult- I'm still pretty new to the Whofic scene! I guess I'll have to go for the Eleventh Doctor in the first chapter of The Award-Winning Expansion of Rassilon. I just don't really vibe with 11, and while I think I did an OK job of writing him in that brief little scene, I wasn't super chuffed about it or anything. (That entire scene was just an excuse to write Rory using Passage of Arms, anyways.)
What’s the funniest story you’ve written?
I haven't actually posted a humor-focused Whofic yet. Emphasis on posted. I actually have a humorous fic in the works that I started last evening! I guess this is a good enough opportunity to tease it- I'll keep details to a minimum, but let's just say that it's a humorous multi-Doctor fic born of milquetoast spite.
Thanks for asking these, and if there's any other questions you have, off of the fic ask or in just about Who in general, don't hesitate to use my ask box :) no seriously, ask me about Doctor Who, it would bring me much joy
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Quick question: will "Didn't Have It In Myself to go With Grace" be continued someday? It caught my interest and I'd like to know if you discontinued it or not, 'cause it's been a while. Also, thanks for posting your work. Your one-shots are some of my favourite.
Hi anon! You're actually not the first person to ask me this today, which is insane but also really really humbling. Anyway - it's 100% gonna continue, and pretty soon! - I've got around 8k written.
The thing that's holding back a post is literally just a scene or two in each part which has left me absolutely stumped. Like, ideally I'd love to post the next part by the end of the week, but my brain space is being pretty consumed by my final assignments so that might not be likely.
Let me know if you'd like to see any snippets, that could be fun! And thank you so much for the lovely compliment, I'm super chuffed that you like my writing!!
Oh, and lemme know if you'd like to be on the tag list!
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chai-bean · 7 years
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open 24/7!
I always loved the idea of Pokemon Centres as a central hub for all sorts of trainers, and how tranquil the pokemon regions feel at night. 
I’m going to try and get this as a print at some point! Stay tuned!
art | twitter | instagram
Featuring the trainer OCs of @kell0x , @xfangheartx-pmdu and @an-amethyst-moon
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deathnoting · 3 years
hello! I love your dn fics a lot and was wondering if you planned on writing anymore for the fandom after your recent series?
hi!!!! first of all, thanks very much! i appreciate you a lot!!!!
second - sort of yes! but idk what the timeframe on that will be. i got bit with the death note obsession bug a couple months ago but it's sort of fading now and i'm not sure when it will come back. all i can say is that it most likely will? i started writing death note fic in literally 2012 and though i have taken long hiatuses from the fandom in that time, i always come back. though i can't make any promises, realistically it seems very likely. all i can say for sure is that all saints will be finished soon (i have written most of the last chapter, i'm just finishing finals rn & still have a few papers that i have to prioritize)
and i do have more ideas for dn fics!!!! like, for other short fics set in the nights-verse (a light pov fic? a misa/B fic?) and also.... there's the dn buffy the vampire slayer fusion that burnt a hole in my brain & that i will almost certainly one day write. it's just an excuse to write L/light/misa/B in many configurations tbh. and B as a vampire bc i'm dumb as hell and unapologetic. so yeah. you've def not seen the last of me
but, that said, after finishing this last wip, i'm going to try to center my original writing for a while, because i have been writing all saints for almost 5 months now (it's gonna be like 90k! 90k in 5 months is good, i'm proud of myself) and i've really been lagging on rewriting my novel, etc. and i'm starting to get some momentum in my ""career"" (i'm using this word ironically lmao) in that i'm getting a lot of publications (mostly poems - i have 5 poems coming out in 4 different lit mags in the next several months, two of them in print, and one short story coming out in a print anthology late in the year) and i have a teacher/mentor who is very supportive of my writing and who thinks i should finish my novel and then get an agent and shop that shit around. so i'm trying to lean in & ride the wave
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ace-malarky · 4 years
And on that note, I'm gonna have to degender the word "aunt" p dang fast if this is how everyone is gonna refer to me from now on
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darqx · 2 years
Hi! Finished tpof yesterday and I've heard that you made the chibis! They look really cool, esp celia and someone, love how you made them all bonkers ceo looking!
On a completly unrelated note, do you maybe pherhaps have a drawing of rires crown at hand? I remember him having one but details are a bit.. fuzzy 👁
But yes I'm super chuffed to have been able to do the chibis for Gato's project! I've done them for both BTD1 and 2 so it's been pretty awesome to be asked to continue the "tradition" ❤️ I'm glad you've been enjoying all of them huehue.
-innocent face- I dont trust your italics LOL. That being said yes I do have a few pictures of that (or of him in the Royal regalia anyway):
Royal regalia "about" sheet
The Emperor [reversed]
A good look
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erazonpo3 · 2 years
man I'm gonna ramble a bit about pokeani spoilers in a moment but i feel v chuffed for the second time this week
According to the latest Journeys news Cynthia has plans on retiring from battling (which I fully expect is a temporary thing for the sake of a 'reigniting her passion for battling' thing) but I love it bc.
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My approach to writing Cynthia's character is that she's very much burnt out; not in the sense that she doesn't enjoy Pokemon and battling anymore, but burnt out on being the Champion. It's a high publicity job with super high stakes (Always be Winning all the time) and the longer you hold your title the bigger the fall from your pedestal is going to be. (Side note but I have Thoughts™ about Leon in that regard as well fsjklfdslj)
Thus far in Way Out, we haven't seen much of that stress largely because she doesn't have that stress; nobody knows who she is and nobody has any expectations of her. For the first time in years she doesn't have the world watching her.
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I've been very excited to get to the latest reveal in Way Out for this reason too because while Luculia sees Cynthia largely as a fellow scholar, Dawn sees Cynthia as the Champion and as a role model, and Cynthia is going to have to start behaving accordingly again. But that's something for the future ;D
Anyway a big part of the reason of why I wanted to write all this is because the Masters 8 arc of the anime is a big part of why I attribute this sense of burnout to Cynthia so much, and why if the "Cynthia is retiring from battling" scare is true it doesn't really surprise me. Because the Masters 8 is exhausting.
Sure, it's very fun for audiences to get to see Champions battling it out, certain inevitabilities *cough* aside, and I'm not going to condemn any writers for wanting to make entertaining content but damn. In-universe? Exhausting.
Imagine crawling your way to the top through hard work and determination to claim the top title of Champion of the Region. Imagine that every battle you have from then on threatens that status. And now imagine somebody has the grand idea to have an all-region international competition where you're expected to compete to be the Championest Champion to ever Champion. Let these people have a fucking break!!
Like I said, these episodes are fun and I don't feel overwhelmingly negative about it, but from a character perspective it's gotta suck, which is part of the driving force for my characterisation of Cynthia. And damn if I were her I'd wanna retire too
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traumxrei-archive · 2 years
HELLO HELLO!! Its nice to talk to you again, but i hope your enjoying your vacation!!
1) The new leona fic is amazing!! i live for your characterizations!! so so good. Also im sure you already saw my tags but Mr King Lion himself came home twice in 11 pulls, so im quite happy. Love him lots hes great. :]
2) Im pretty sure tumblr ate up one of my asks again. I was trying to show you Yu’s new ref sheet but tumblr said no. i’ll try and send it in the next ask so hopefully tumblr doesn’t eat this one too.
3) Alright so. Vil. barely liked him pre-book 5. his character didn’t excite me. (also because twst en did him SO DIRTY.) but then like. i looked through JP translations and stuff because again. twst en. but like, Vil is actually really cool?? idk what it is but for some reason i like him a lot? and then i uh. fell down a rabbit hole of fanfics and character analysis’ and. I love him now? God when will it be my turn to have men fussing over me. anyways sorry this part got a tad long lmao
4) I figured you’d enjoy my discord status.
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Anyways, have a great day/night/whatever ! (lmao)
1) !! i'm so very happy you enjoyed the leona b'day fic !! he's just *squishes him* so i wanted to write something nice for his birthday hehe (still kinda unsatisfied with the ending so i might change it sometime soon,,,,stay tuned for that ig) AND OMG YOUR GACHA LUCK *PASSES OUT* WHEN WILL YOUR DORM CARD COME HOME TO ME LEONAAAA
2) ah ! i think i have that ask in my inbox this time !! it's just a lot of asks get buried under other asks so i'm sorry abt that T^T imma attach the reference sheet below if that's okay ^^
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here he is <33 very cute 10/10 on the floofy hair scale jsdkfjs i love the spiky tail too, he could literally use it as a weapon at this point... and the horns !! i bet malleus is super chuffed to see another student that also has horns (after he figures out yu's a demon ofc) but he'd also probably think it's cute bc even with the horns yu's still shorter than him <333
how is the story rewrite going ? i hope it's going well ^^ and also ! i hope you're having luck designing his full demon form :D don't forget to have fun with it wooooo
3) AND I TOTALLY GET YOU !! vil was also a character that i didn't really have much of an opinion on simply bc i didn't read enough stories with him in it. n from what little i saw i wasn't too interested in his character.... BUT YEAH BOOK 5 REALLY FLIPPED MY OPINION ON HIM !! i haven't actually started playing book 5 on en bc of all the stuff i had going on, but imma be really sad if they did do him dirty T^T bc book 5 really showcases who vil is as a character n what he holds close.... i could talk abt this man all day but let's just end it here !!
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