patovpran · 4 months
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#pretty boy
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lps468 · 2 months
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this happened... trust
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seasideoranges · 4 months
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they're on their way...
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j-em-g · 2 months
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Guess who's been rewatching ATLA
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thisdarkhomeofghosts · 4 months
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cigarettesandcoffeex · 4 months
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bearsandbeansart · 1 month
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It's cool if you don't like Jet or Jetko, just please keep those opinions off this post.
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lunyangetthepower · 3 months
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conoci esta ship
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atlaswav · 4 months
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INFO: atla jet x gn! reader drabble, 1.4k words...... (bad writing i'm not proud💀) SYNOPSIS: you're the damsel in distress that falls for your saving grace. or: delusion WARNINGS: tiny bit of blood AUTHOR'S NOTE: not proof read (it wasn't supposed to be this long), I wrote this post without making it a proper fic to make up for the lack of jet fanfictions anywhere please take my contribution 😞 listen to fireside by the arctic monkeys 👍
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You're a travelling merchant dealing in handmade weapons. Your craft is passed down in your family, and you recently left your hometown on your own for the first time to travel to Ba Sing Se to make a living there.
The day you two first met, you'd been on your horse all day, dragging behind you a creaky stand containing your life’s worth of materials and weapons (rattling with each step – it was beginning to grate on your nerves) with no signs of the glaring sun easing on your weary limbs. So when the forest suddenly falls far too silent for your liking, you don’t even notice in your heat stricken malady.
It’s only when a group of bandits abruptly seizes the reins of your horse, sawing loose your saddle straps when you realise you’re under attack. But by then, they’re already beginning to rifle through your belongings as you fall unceremoniously onto the hard dirt path, wincing as a bandit grabs you by the shoulders, pulling you up. 
You reach for the sword at your belt – the one that you crafted yourself under the guidance of your father once he’d deemed you skilled enough – but you didn’t even need to draw it before a bird call sounded amidst the cacophonous riot.
Emerging from the thick treeline, a band of – kids? Jumped out, wielding perilously sharp and comically large weapons for their ages and sizes. The bandits scoffed at their appearance, brandishing their vicious looking blades at the children who charged at them. 
Then the vice-like grip on your shoulders eased, and a hand appeared in the peripherals of your vision.
As you took the hand being offered – calloused and rough, yet warm – your saviour gave you a cursory glance, checking you for injury. When he finally met your gaze, you both froze in place.
Warm eyes, tanned skin, dark, unruly hair that loosely framed his face. In his other hand he held two long, hooked swords that gleamed in the harsh light. 
Jet couldn’t tell whether you were simply shocked or there was something wrong – either way, there was a fight surging around you, and there was no time for greetings and formalities.
(if you looked for any longer, you’d have seen the slight blush dusting his cheeks)
“Behind,” You had no time to process his meaning before he stepped in front of you, meeting the serrated blade of the bandit with his own weapons in a deafening clash of steel. You quickly drew your sword and slashed at the arm of another bandit whose club soared a high arc above Jet’s head, eliciting a howl of pain as they dropped the club onto the ground and scrambled for the trees.
You two seemed to make a pretty good pair. 
After the dust had settled, he offered you his flask of water, chest heaving, hair clinging to his forehead with perspiration, with a grin playing across his face.
“Thank you.” You take it, drinking your fill before capping the container. “But who are you?”
“We’re the freedom fighters.” His companions wave at you as they attempt to salvage the wreckage of your goods (which you supposed you should’ve also been doing, but you’d had a long day).
“And you?”
“They call me Jet.” he smiles, a glint in his eyes. “But you can call me whatever you want.”
I hate myself for writing that line but I can’t think of another thing for him to say
Anyway time skip a little, he showed you to the freedom fighter’s hideout, and you decide to pay them back for saving you by giving their weapons a little maintenance
They offer you further kindness by inviting you to stay for dinner, to which you accept – what choice did you have after the bandits spoiled most of your food on the ground?
You sharpen some swords, polish some daggers, and share a meal with the ragtag freedom fighters around the fire, laughing along with crude jokes shared about clumsy bandits. 
Then Jet comes up to you with his hooked swords hanging loosely from his grip – offering them to you for maintenance – and your curiosity gets the better of you.
“I’ve never seen anything like this before,” You observe the craftsmanship of his swords, testing their balance, running your finger along the blade’s hooked ends.
“Pretty neat, huh? They’re Tiger Blades. Traditional weapon.”
“Where’d you get them?”
“Stole it from a firebending soldier.”
You raised your eyebrows skeptically. “You fight off firebending soldiers regularly?”
A grin. “When the job calls for it.”
“That’s not… dangerous?”
“You’ve seen me fight, haven’t you?”
In the firelight, his eyes are alight with molten gold. 
“So your job isn’t just saving random people from bandits?”
He laughs, and the sound fills the air between you with warmth. 
“I wouldn’t say you’re a random person,” you look up, but his gaze is cast into the fire, unreadable. 
When he doesn’t say anything further, you sustain the silence, only rummaging through your bags to find another stone to sharpen his blade with before the thought occurs to you. 
“What’s wrong?”
“Ah, I’d rather not try to sharpen this blade. I don’t know how.” you attempt to hand it back, but he stops you.
“I can show you,” he leaves the unspoken question hanging in the air, watching you with a certain hopefulness in his eyes.
You nod wordlessly, and you hand him the stone, watching him tie his hair up. His brows furrow as he angles the blade, quickly running the stone along its edge. But you can’t focus on the blade – not really – as the firelight illuminates his features, basking them in a soft glow. 
“It’s not that hard – well it won’t be, for someone as experienced as you.” 
You’re grateful for the dim light, or he would’ve seen the blush highlighting your cheeks. 
“You just guide the stone along the edge as usual,” he absently says under his breath, “and use more force here.”
You nod blankly as he turns back to you, handing you the blade and the stone. 
“There you go.” 
You move to grab the handle of the blade, but your finger catches on its edge, drawing blood.
“Shit,” you lick the blood off your finger, wincing slightly as it rapidly flows out. 
“Sorry, I –”
“No, it’s not your fault. I wasn’t careful.” you shake your hand, grimacing at the throbbing pain. 
“Smellerbee, could you fetch the bandages?”
“What? Why me?”
“Just – do it. Please.”
Smellerbee grumbles something under his breath as he leaves.
You nurse your injured finger as it pulsates, face drawn in pain.
“You have a little something –” 
“Huh?” your gaze flickers between him and your finger, unsure of what he means. 
“Here,” his fingers graze your chin as he wipes off blood from your face – from the initial injury, when you tried to lick up the blood from your wound. 
Your face heats up as his touch lingers, skimming across your chin to your cheek. 
He’s utterly captivated, it seems. 
“Am I interrupting something?”
He snatches his hand away with a look of guilt, and you turn away. “Ah. Smellerbee.”
“...I’ll leave the bandages here.”
“.........Don’t mention it.”
He bandages your finger with deft movements. Neither of you speak a word, but nothing needs to be said. The tension between you is electric, and any onlooker can tell with a mere glance (especially after Smellerbee went and groaned about the two of you to Pipsqueak and Longshot).
After he bandages your finger, he gets up from his place at the fire. 
“You’re staying the night, right?” 
You nod.
“Smellerbee will show you to your tent.” your disappointment must be visible on your face, because he huffs a laugh. “I’m sorry I can’t. I have duties to attend to. But you’ll be here for breakfast, right?”
You nod. He seemed to have that speechless effect on you.
“Right then, uh, goodnight.” he smiles, appearing to hesitate for a moment before walking off. 
“You guys are gross.” Smellerbee mutters from beside you. 
“Gross. Look at what you do to him. And don’t you give me that clueless look or I swear.”
Neither of you could sleep that night.
(but when you woke up there was a bright basket of fresh berries arranged with little flowers throughout it at the door of your tent. You can only wonder who sent it, and why there was a note reading “sorry about your finger, please let me make it up to you.”)
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written by @atlaswav, published 3rd of March 2024
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cerberusmahou · 2 months
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ssunphire · 4 days
atla tweets pt.3 ‼️
i'm alive hello!!!! i've been very busy with some stuff so i couldn't post but i'm back pls don't let me flop 💔 very fire + water sibs centric this time ‼️
i'm also currently writing a hurt/no comfort zukka fic so look out for that in the near future
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click23space · 2 years
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that’s it. that’s their relationship
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sleepyzukka · 29 days
Are these more textposts? yeah probably ..
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sun-snatcher · 4 months
YOUR MEDIC!READER X JET HAS BREATHED LIFE INTO ME. MAKE THEM HOLD HANDS. I BEG. THE PINING IS INSANE. The atla jet fandom is DRY so you're doing god's work out here 😭 😭 (Or anything tbh! I'm absolutely in love with your writing 😭❤️)
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summ. Jet comes into a dawning realisation. It starts with a mission gone wrong. pairing. Jet x f!medic!reader w.count. 0.7k ( just a blurb! ) a/n. Ask and you shall receive! I’m so glad you love medic!reader as much as I do!
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He figures, later, that it might have started with Operation: Creeping Cricket. 
Courtesy to Smellerbee for the unique mission name, ofcourse. 
That had involved, to date: A handful of Freedom Fighters itching for a fight, an imprisoned pair of orphan twins they’d planned to break out, a couple of dumb Fire Nation spies, and the leaky walls they called the borders of Omashu. 
Except, ofcourse, it wouldn’t be a mission without a series of unfortunate events, of which occurred: a storm that changed Sneers’ accurately-predicted course of said Fire Nation spies, which meant their little hostages that they’d come to rescue would be headed down a different path, which also meant their traps lining on the trail towards the borders of Omashu— that The Duke had spent a frustratingly long amount of time setting up— would be rendered useless.
They settled on a brute force ambush instead, much to your disdain; you were, after all, a better healer than you were a fighter.
“This was a terrible—!” You pause to dodge a burst of white hot flames from a Fire Nation soldier. The rain is quick to dampen their efforts, luckily for you. “This was a terrible plan, Jet!”
He strains to hear you underneath the torrent. “Don’t blame me, Pipsqueak started it! Duck!”
You duck. Another spy crumples behind you, thanks to the swing of Jet’s tiger blades, and as the soldier lands on the ground— that’s when you notice it; the quaking rumble of earth, the jumping of stones.
Earth Kingdom Guards have caught wind.
In the distance, Longshot produces a birdcall from high above— shrill and piercing, one that’s rarely ever been used amongst the rebellion— a warning. Retreat. The Freedom Fighters are outnumbered. Scatter. 
The ground erupts beneath you, and you scream. You practically sweep Jet off his feet as you snatch his hand and take off to higher ground to avoid the rising tempest. Hot on your heels, both of you can feel the snap and crackle of roots tearing deep underneath as the kingdom guards begin their manhunt. 
“Quick!” you urge, as he trips over his footing. You glance at him over your shoulder, giving him a squeeze in your intertwined fingers as you check, “Hey, you hurt?”
“I— uh, no,” he stumbles, for some reason. Nothing but superficial cuts and bruises, anyway. He’ll live. “Yeah, I’m fine.”
It could’ve been minutes or an hour of just running, he isn’t quite sure— he’s too busy noting how your hands fit awfully perfect against his, and how despite the rain and muck, you still managed to look... collected. (Collected, he thinks, because he refused to admit anything unforgivably romantic.) Jet lets himself be led across the maze of woodland and grass, and catches himself wondering whether the hand holding had been a conscious move at all.
At the time, he’d decided it didn’t matter. 
It shouldn’t, Jet had reasoned to himself, as you tugged him underneath an overhang and into a hidden crevice. Beyond the roguish charm and borderline flirtatious jokes he liked to play at— both of you were, at the end of the day, amidst an unending war. You were the Rebellions’ resident medic, and he was their token leader. There was no time to entertain fairytales and pipedreams.
“I think we lost them,” you pant, peeking over. “Do you think the others are okay?”
Jet looks at you, fights back the urge to tuck the rain-wet strands of your hair behind your ear so he can see your face better; how the light hits your profile and sets your eyes alight, down to the tip of your nose, and to your mud-stained cheeks. Collected. Capable, he reminds himself. Not pretty. Not pretty. Not—
“What’s wrong?” you ask, when you’d caught his gaze. “Jet?”
“Ah. Uh, nothing,” he blinks away— too fast; too quick to hide the obvious lie. “The others can handle themselves. Let’s, let’s wait for the storm to pass.”
This is simply camaraderie, he’d convinced himself, and stifled down the barb of disappointment that crept in him when you were the first to finally let go.
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jasminedragonart · 2 years
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All 12. I just need time to do the actual calendar bit but it’s almost done and will be up on my ko-fi shop as soon as I’m done.
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zombiep1lled · 2 months
BOOO JETKO BOOO (ilovethem)
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