#AU of aligned continuity
botmilf · 5 months
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a lil OptiWyatt doodle break from commissions
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teapetal44 · 3 days
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me after the lobotomy
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thinking abt how if heatwave had agreed to join optimus' team his third form would probably have ended up being a jet or another aerial vehicle. like he scanned the boat bc it was there when they needed to get out of a tight spot, but since nevada is in the middle of nowhere and a boat would be super weird there he would have needed to scan a flying thing to get out of a bad place.
anyways that would be so funny also team prime would probably be like "wtf wtf how did he do that. optimus. how did he do that triple changers don't exist anymore." and then someone would say "neither do rescue bots" and they would kinda shrug and nod and accept that yeah this is weird but so is everything they know about heatwave.
the decepticons would respect that and also be VERY confused. i think they would kinda be like "ah yes he has realized flight is superior to driving! gave up his alt mode for it-- wait wtf how is he still driving now he was just a jet. wait a damn minute he's a triple changer how did we not know this" and the next time an autobot is captured decepticon high command all shows up and starts asking questions. shockwave wants to experiment on him and the others just want to know when this happened. also how. how would be nice to know.
MECH all of a sudden has a new target. don't worry they cross him off when they realize how easy heatwave is to aggravate and also how willing he is to act on said aggression. they're kinda like "c'mon this guy is an autobot how bad can-- GET DOWN HES SHOOTING. ok. so let's leave him alone." and then they do.
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I think about Orion’s old friend group a lot so I have some headcanons
Ratchet and Megatronus HATED eachother, but pretended they didn’t whenever Orion was looking
Ratchet was absolutely a party animal in his younger days. When he started getting into the revolutionary stuff he switched all of his parties over to the lower class areas in Cybertron because he realized they were so much cooler
Shockwave empurata is real in my headcanon and he was IMMEDIATELY down for a revolution one, he already hated the system, two, he’s so unbelievably pissed about how outliers are treated considering he used to teach them
So the empurata procedure doesn’t work to chill him out like the council hoped, instead it just made him more mad at them
High Tide was the closest with Orion and Megatronus. He was the funny guy who told stories
No one disliked High Tide
Starscream was not a part of the friend group but sometimes Soundwave would bring him along like he’s a stray cat
Shockwaves Empurata was the first sign of a rift between everyone in the group. Ratchet was really close with Shockwave, Soundwave was too, Orion and Megatronus were struggling to figure out how to proceed but they kept disagreeing, HighTide kept trying to get Shockwave back to normal but would fail
Ratchet and Shockwave knew eachother before they met everyone else
Soundwave wasn’t really a chatterbox even when he hadn’t made his vow of silence, he just chilled
They all HAVE killed someone together
Hightide and Soundwave bonded over their pets
Ever since his empurata, Shockwave has just been stewing in anger towards the council. This is why he decided to present project predacon, as a final fuck you to the council
If Shockwave and High Tide ever somehow got back in contact, they’d be friendly with eachother (assuming it’s post war)
Shockwave does get his empurata reversed post war
High Tide would lose his shit if he ever found out about Predaking “what do you MEAN you revived an ancient creature of the sky??”
They would all get drunk at macadams together
They’ve all kissed eachother at least once
Ratchet actively talked shit about Megatron during RID15.
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novafire-is-thinking · 5 months
Makeshift vs. Soundwave: what if?
I’m thinking about these two again >:)
Before the war, Makeshift was known as 777. He was a gladiator from Kaon who knew Megatron:
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from Transformers: Exiles by Alexander C. Irvine
It’s possible that Makeshift fought Megatron at some point in a non-lethal match.
However, it’s also possible that Makeshift fought Soundwave too.
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Soundwave’s in the middle of a match. He has the upper hand, but then his opponent begins to change shape—and not in the usual way.
Before Soundwave knows it, he’s staring at a familiar frame.
He’s staring…at himself.
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The crowd loses its mind.
It’s a Shifter. Here. And they’ve just made this a Soundwave vs. Soundwave match.
Meanwhile, the real Soundwave is (a) surprised for the first time in a very long time, and (b) waiting to see what will happen next.
He searches the Shifter’s mind and picks up on a single thought:
Soundwave dodges as his opponent lunges at him. It takes some time for him to adapt, but he soon realizes that, although the stranger has his body now, they don’t know how to fight in it yet.
With this in mind, Soundwave makes quick work of subduing the imposter. After all, their fighting style hasn’t changed since the shift, and Soundwave knows his own physical weaknesses better than anyone.
Beneath Soundwave’s blade, the Shifter reverts to their base form and waits.
After a tense moment, Soundwave pulls away and offers his hand.
The Shifter gets to live another day.
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And that’s the story of how Makeshift got an invitation to join the Decepticons. /j
(In all seriousness though, it would have been so fun if things happened that way.)
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OK I just remembered this show but, all the Transformers shows where they have kids but is Kids Next Door crossover AU!
So I guess that it would be something like this-
Character like Spike, Carly, and Chip don't count but others above 13 like Charlie, Memo, and Jack can become Undercover Teenagers (TND) but still not be part of the team sorry.
-Secto - Name (Numbuh)
-Sector_A_Witwicky - Robby Malto (8) and Mo Malto (9). Both transferred to conduct an investigation into GHOST and help their mom adapt to her new job. But the Terrans bring some complications for the mission
-Japanese Sector - Japan - Koji Onishi (7), Bradley "Rad" White (TND 12), Carlos Lopez (TND 13), Alexis Thi Dang (TND 14), Chad "Kicker" Jones (TND 18 and about to leave the team soon), Coby Hansen (20), Bud Hansen (TND 19) and Lori Himenez (TND 17). The biggest team conformed with kids from other regions. Their operation consists of helping the Atobots find new resources they can use for their survival like Energon, living metal for replacement parts, and any alien technology, and maybe locate other Autobots lost on Earth.
-Detroit Sector - Sari Sumdac (number unknown). A time traveler from the year 2050 who came to the 2000s for an unknown reason to be discovered. She helps the Japanese and Witwicky kids a lot.
-Las Vegas Sector_USA Jasper Nevada - Jack Darby (TND number 32 and about to leave the team soon), Miko Nakadai (TND number 11), and Rafael "Raf" Esquivel (37 and soon to become a TND). A small team assigned to help Team Prime as their guides and partners to help them disguise themselves with the humans of Earth. Fowler, a former ex Kid Next Door member helps them with the task.
-America_Crown City Secot - Russel Clay ( 21 once in Sector HHH but moved to a new team), Buth (25), and Hank (24). A new team formed by rockies that was made to test the new Sector until Bumblebee crashed on Earth with a tone of Predacons so the mission has changed...
-Griffin Rock Sector - Cody Burns (28), Francine ¨Frankie¨ Elma Greene (29), Celine ¨CeCe¨ Greene (83), Priscilla Pynch (30), Kyle Frazier (TND 39), Billy Frazier (70), Nancy Morrison (TND number 42), George Tracker (40), Jimmy Tracker (68), Timmy Smith (41), Rosita Neederlander (38), Elsie Rubio (71), Corey Perkins (35), Charlene Pruitt (82) etc etc... All the kids on Griffin Rock are Kids Next Door and is probably one of the most chaotic teams in all the world. Their mission, guide and make the Rescue Bots feel at home so other Cybertronians can also be comfortable on Earth.
That is mostly what I have so if anyone else is a KND fan feel free to add more stuff to this post 👍
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annabelle-creart · 2 days
Life of Rescue Bots Shenanigans. Part 22:
This is also long, take your time
"Heatwave" Cody asked from behind, Heatwave was in front of the principal door, watching he rain fall "is everything alright?"
"What? Yes, sure!" Heatwave replied with a soft tune "why are you awake?"
"I couldn't sleep" the kid replied "are you sure you're okay? Today's not your shift"
"I'm okay, I promise" but his elbows were low, and his smile wasn't good, but how could Cody make him say what's wrong?
"Are you sure? You can talk with me"
"Don't worry about that, kid, it's just a thing of mine"
Ahg, always this excuse! The typical 'you're too young to understand', Cody really hated that feeling
"Heatwave, you can't really be serious!" Boulder tried to catch his attention
"Boulder, please, I don't want to talk about that"
"But you need to tell it to someone! It is not okay to deal with everything by yourself"
"I don't want to fight with you"
"I'm not fighting!"
A crash interrupted the scene, Boulder looked out of the ship, Salvage just let something fall
"I'm sorry, I-"
"No, no, it's okay!" Boulder got closer and helped Salvage get the pieces
"Thanks" Salvage said "I didn't want to snoop or something, but are you and Heatwave, okay?"
"Yeah! Sure! Just something! Don't worry about that!"
But Boulder seemed worried, nonetheless, Salvage preferred not to ask anymore and go
"BUT CODY GAVE IT TO MEEEE!" the twins were fighting, again, for the toy, Frenzy was doing anything on his servos to not to let Rumble have it
"BUT HE ALSO GAVE IT TO MEE!!" Rumble was pulling as much as she could, unfortunately, the pull was hard, and the force of it made them fall afterwards, noticing they broke the toy
"You broke it!" Frenzy's optics started to drop liquid, also, his voice box sounded shattered
"Frenzy, I-"
"What are you two doing?!" A big, imponent voice sounded from behind both sparklings "what is this?"
"Am..." Rumble didn't know what to say, Frenzy was still crying loudly
"Ahg" Soundwave yelled "fine, let's make this easy" they said before sitting on the floor near the two sparklings "what happened?"
"It's easy, just split it up"
"I wanted to play with Cody's gift, but Rumble didn't want to let go"
"IT WAS MY FAVORITE!!" Frenzy again started to cry harder and louder, Soundwave didn't enjoy the sound of it, but to ignore wouldn't make any good
"Hey, Frenzy" Soundwave called "look at me" Frenzy tried to stop a bit to hear the bigger bot better "some things broke easily, that's normal, but what have I told you it's better?"
"Sniff. To f-fix it?"
"Exactly" Soundwave pet Frenzy's helm while getting Rumble closer "now, what if we get calm, and we fix this later, okay?" Both sparklings moved their heads on agreement at the same time "good" Soundwave stood up, letting the twins climb on their shoulder "let's see if I can do something for it. And you will learn to share! Okay?"
“Fine, I like that, you´re learning, now, what do you say to each other?” Soundwave asked
“I like that, Frenzy. Now you feel better?”
“Yes” both sparklings said simultaneously
“I like that”
"IIIIIIIIIIAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH" the little thing started to cry, again, how was that possible? It was already fed, and okay? Shockwave was driving crazy on it, he had to shut him immediately or the thing will wake the other two
"Frag, frag, frag, frag, frag" Shockwave started to repeat to himself, it was already a waste of time to ask the rest to take care of them while he couldn't, he didn't want to ask the rest again "c'mon, what do you need? Please, don't cry!" Shockwave took the creature on his arms; it was so tiny that it was a shame "what do you need?" Shock already was about to collapse, the only thing he could do was to cradle the creature on him, it didn't even have a name, none of them. What could he do? Sing to them? Tell them a story? "Ah... once upon a time, something? A thing like you? That was on a big, old and abandoned building..." Shock didn't knew or understood, but the sound of his voice actually relaxed the creature, maybe that was what it needed "ah, it lived alone? No! With other two creatures like... whatever, ah..." Shockwave continued with his relate, and the creature started to calm down, breathing normally, but their optics still looked inflated.
Shockwave managed to tell as much as he could, it had passed a lot of time since he tell anything that he just invented, only for his little siblings when they were sparklings, finally, the creature felt asleep, Shock relaxed again, but seeing the creature so peaceful again... Shockwave wondered if the creature felt all the love and care he never felt from Core, his tutor...
It hurt him, but he was glad that the creature felt secure on his arms, despite all the bad things he had done with those
"Aw" Break's voice was elongated and sweet as never before
"They look fine" Knock Out told to Shockwave "I don't see anything out of normal"
"They're so cuuteeeeee!" Break said with passion and love, but the creature bites his finger with such fervor that it seemed it wanted to eat it "it is hunting!"
"Yes- frag!" Shock took the creature from Break's arms "I'm sorry"
"No, it's okay! Is a sparkling"
"They're too little to be sparklings" Shock said, putting the creature again on something that seemed a cradle "I was thinking to call them 'new sparks', as a combination of newborns and sparks"
"Pff- Break, you're such a crybaby!" Knock Out laughed at his conjux emotion, happy of him being this vulnerable
"I like that name!" Cody got closer from Heatwave´s shoulder, he could see the three creatures easily "and their individual names?"
"I think something with 'wave' would match" Heatwave chuckled
"Haha! That's a good idea"
"Please, no, at least not today" Shock excused himself "I still don't know how to name them-"
"Oh- fuck!" Blurr cursed when she trips up, she wanted to move through the room but instead made something fall "oh- frag-fuck- I'm sorry!"
"Are you okay?!" Break asked quickly, getting closer to see her properly
"Yes! Yes- I'm sorry. Please, tell me that wasn't important!"
"Fortunately for you, it wasn't" Shock wave said sarcastically, but unfortunately for him, his sense of humor was so broken no one believed it was a joke "sorry, don't worry, I can fix it later"
"Frag! Thanks, Shocky, can I call you like that?"
"Sorry, Shockwave"
"Well, at least while you're alright" Breakdown pet Blurr's shoulders with care, like greeting she was okay, she smiled back at him
"Thanks, big guy"
"No problem, kiddo!"
"Oh, Blades! I'll be okay! Stop worrying so much!" Sissi shouted fiercely at Blades, who was about to do like the five complaint of the day "it's just a little trick!"
"And you're like my little sister! I can't let you hurt yourself"
"Oh, don't worry!"
"At least let me call Dani or Graham if we need back up!"
"Too late" Sissi said, about to jump the cliff, the rings were already set up, so, it would be a fast track "bye!"
"AAAHHH!" Blades shocked when she saw Sissi jump into the abyss, transforming in a drone quickly and reaching height
For a moment, Blades felt her spark was going to explode in that moment, until Sissi started to play around the rings, she usually wasn't this brave, and that killed Blades deeply
Actually, Sissi was really good, she was fast but also mastered the air perfectly, compared to Blades, Sissi had her flyer alt mode since a lot of years ago, she was better at flying than Blades and was really good.
She was about to land when suddenly...
"SISSI!!" Blades shouted loudly the moment she watched the sparkling fall on the ground, her frame didn't seem okay, like half-transformed. Blades transformed and flew quickly to her position "Are you okay?! Are you hurt?! Why are you-?! Let me see that!"
"Ay!" Sissi yelled when Blades tried to touch her "That hurts!"
"I know, that happens, but I need to touch it"
"No!" For Sissi was impossible to move again, everything hurts "you were right!"
"What?! No!" Blades tried to put again her servos on Sissi, talking softly "that was incredible!"
"Yes! I would never do something like that! I mean, you are really good, almost as good as Dani, and she is the best pilot I've ever met"
"You're lying!"
"I'm not! Sissi, if it really makes you happy, you shouldn't let it because it could hurt, that's what bravery is about and you did it really good, you inspired me"
"...thank you- AHHHH! FRAG!"
"Language" Blades joked, using her words as distraction for Sissi to not to notice she was getting closer to rearrange her piece, so, she could transform properly
"That hurts!"
"The best things hurt, I guess..."
"Pff, well… thanks"
"You're welcome, Sis"
"Hm! Now I get why everyone was mad about me having an alt mode, sparklings are not supposed to transform"
"Is actually because the pieces of the alt mode don’t grow with the bot, but whatever it happens, I will help you"
"Thanks, big sis"
"Lil sis, yes!"
“Boulder, I-”
“Don´t start! Heatwave, I know something´s wrong” Boulder sat at his side, as close as they could “please, you can´t just hide everything from us! I´m worried, and I don´t want to live like this”
“You´re not living in a lie! Don´t exaggerate”
“See? You promise me you would be more honest!”
“I know, and I´m being honest!”
“Then, tell me! What´s wrong?” Boulder looked at Heatwave like a puppy, hoping for him to react, Boulder knew Heatwave enough to understand something was off, and Cody already told him “Okay, first, why don´t you want to tell me?”
“Reply that first!”
“ahg… I feel better staying with it, not to sharing it is easier”
“Is easier, but is better? Do you really feel better by keeping this for yourself?”
Heatwave for a moment was like frozen, deep in his spark he knew his siblings were feeling the same
“Did someone tell you?”
“Cody, Shockwave, Soundwave, Blades had noticed you more sad, Salvage had saw you decayed! Even Kade had told me you´re not as humorous as before”
“Yes… please, tell me if something´s wrong, so we can help you, but I can’t do anything if you act like nothing´s happening”
Wait, it actually remembered him of something…
“Let´s talk, properly”
He promised himself while ago he would never lie… what was he doing now?
It has sense now, the weird feeling of not telling Cody what he had, to sub estimate a kid is the worst thing someone could do, but here he was, acting and lying like his tutor
“I… you´re right, I don´t feel the same ultimately”
“Since Shockwave arrived?”
“Before, since the cadets arrived”
“Why? They´re doing really good!”
“It is not because of that, is because…” Heatwave paused a moment, like trying to formulate the words correctly “Boulder, am I doing it fine? Am I a good tutor?”
“Why do you say that?” Boulder was both surprised and puzzled “Heatwave, haven´t you see them? How they arrived and how are they doing?”
“I´m not alone! Boulder, you´re so kind and good, and Chase is maybe the best teacher I had met, and Blades is a really good big sibling for them; Soundwave already has experience, Chief always manages to keep them array, Kade always makes them laugh, Graham and Dani always show them the good and teach them the bad, Cody shows them responsibility. Even Shockwave, Knock Out and Breakdown do what they need, and now the new sparks! I…” Heatwave hugged his knees, trying not to shatter his voice “I feel sometimes I´m what´s left over and the only thing I do is to yell at them”
“No!” Boulder took Heatwave´s cheekplates with their servos “Heatwave, please, don´t say that! You´re doing as much as you can and that´s what really matters! When we noticed Sissi was sick, who was the first one to stay with her?”
“You! Even if Blades was there, you never leave her side unless there was a rescue! And when Cody wants to show something to the rest, who is the first one to look at it?”
“Chief Burns”
“You! Heatwave, Cody really cares and wants to include you in his life! And when Blurr got in problems, who was the first one to look for her?”
“You! Chase was there, yes, but you also maintain at her side while Chase was fixing everything. And when Salvage almost burns the junkyard?”
“You also were there! The first thing you did was too get inside and search for him!” Boulder kept Heatwave´s faceplate placed to look at them “Heatwave, you protect them and care for them, maybe there´s things to fix but this is the way you show them you care! This is the way you tell them you love them! If you never cared, you wouldn´t ask me this!”
“Do you… really think I´m doing it right?”
“I don´t think it, I believe it, so, think everything you want, the answer is in front of you. And if you want some help, here we are”
Heatwave placed his servos on Boulder´s, trying not to drop a glint or something
“Don´t make yourself the strong one in front of me”
Boulder was too kind, Heatwave let himself fall on Boulder´s embrace, Heatwave finally felt a little relieved with the answer “Thank you”
“We already talked about nicknames”
“Fine!” Blurr sighed, rolling her optics as usual “but that wasn´t what I wanted to say”
“What is it then?”
“Ta-dah!” Blurr showed Chase a paper, which Chase took to look at it better
“Do you want me to give my opinion?”
“Okay. It has a lot of studs, the calligraphy is terrible, the answers are poorly described…” Chase was about to continue, but for accident, he looked at Blurr´s sad look, then, Chase realized the tune she had a moment ago was of happiness and attention, which was not usual this days, she retired her gaze when Chase looked at her, but even if Chase was bad with facial expressions, the rest of her corporal language tell everything, it actually reminded him of something he lived time ago, the moment that marked an after and a before in his story, one of the reasons why he was like that “you have made your job, stay like that.” He remembered his tutor told him when he was a sparkling. He looked again at the paper, noticing also compared to other days…
“you´re answers are correct this time”
“Really?” she looked at him straight in the optic
“Yes, we can work on the calligraphy later, and maybe you should use a pencil instead of a pen to evade the studs, but everything is correct.” Chase took a pen and marked the answers as correct “you had improved a lot since you started, stay like that-” Chase wanted to finish his sentence, but instead, Blurr hugged him before
“My audials!”
“Ah! Sorry, I forgot, hehe, sorry, but thank you, I will do better with my calligraphy! I promise!”
Blurr retired with paper in hand, celebrating with emotion and about to shout to the world she did something good and that matters, Chase wasn´t a fan of this type of hypes, but seeing his apprentice like this, celebrating her own achievements without comparing herself with him was… nice, it felt warm in his spark, he genuinely felt happy, this was how his tutor felt? Was she really proud of him? Or did she said all of that, so he could become the bot that he is now, because if that´s the case, there´s better ways, and now was his duty to search for it, but whatever it was, he was happy with her improvement
“This is how it feels, eh, Mural?”
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tid-liddell · 25 days
"Thank you for spending this summer with me"
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If you don't know about this AU, you may see the info here
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sysig · 5 months
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Getting closer, getting really close now I swear (Patreon)
#Doodles#Just Desserts#Villainsona#True Villainy AU#Just ignore how many times I've said that up to this point lol - I'm serious this time!#I always feel so bad designing TVAU outfits because Charm is always so miserable as a model haha#Could this be a contributing factor as to why it's taken so long?? No I enjoy drawing her like that lol#Made some design notes about the important elements of what I want for her True Villain look - more than just ''Her but Kaiein influence''#I'd still really like a nod to dragon scales of some kind but honestly her classic design is more that#Always going on about her spider theming how to make it dragony! It's the one thing I'm still hung up on lol#As for the rest I think it's Really getting close :) I got to actually turn her little ''shawl'' - I always knew it was Kaiein-related -#Into something that properly mimics his shape! It's all controlled by her tho it's not a part of his body - just magic-infused matter#Made to look like him so there's still that creep factor but it's more her body than his - she can control its shape :D#And I got to keep the jewels! Yesss - made it a motif! Now it's also on her hips and knees to break up her visual space yes very good#It's drips :) Y'know - like ink :) Finally figured that one out lol good job setting up my own symbolism me#And then some elegant drapey bits to match her ''shawl'' and continue to break up her space!! Yes! Good!!#I still haven't decided on a colour palette I think black and white is too obvious and too Kaiein but hmmm - she has a lot of colours#Lots of options to pick from but which is the Correct one - her hair would stay pink so maybe some of her pinks or purples#I'll play with some digital swatches later :)#I'm also so glad I could implement the hood design from one of the scrapped outfits ah <3 I love her in a hood she's so cute#I'm rather pleased with the way the spider web design breaks up her form as well - it's more subdued than the full bottom/shoes stripes but#It's also not very clear here lol the long ones that all the way down to her feet are the third from the center ignore that second one#The second lines out from the center host her wings! Very important!#Kinda reminds me of my holosona in a way actually :0 They /are/ both Evil-aligned hmmmm#All the more reason to colour palette! Differentiate the colours in my head#Really do feel like I'm approaching it now fdjsklafd getting close now!!
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Curious but how you think Ashlyn would feel about the Shattered Glass version of the characters? Crazy Optimus, Sane Megatron, Very expressive Soundwave. Cause i feel when her origins get revealed it be a good time to go into that fact that there is a universe where Megatron is a good heroic guy....and high heels(Screamer) isn't backstabbing for power. Honesty it be a kind of fun short of Bots meeting the good Cons. Otherwise LOVE YOUR FICS^^ and can't wait for Ash/Makeshift meeting.
Ashlyn would see Shattered Glass as a chaotic mess and be simultaneously terrified and fascinated by it. If I was going to do a version that would fit with the lore I've created specifically for OT&T, that would be even more of a wild experience if she was exposed to it because there would be no hesitation about her intended function.
A lot of what has happened, the Voices, the glitches, the Shadow's appearance, and Ashlyn's weird healing, is an effect of hesitation on one singular individual's part to follow the program. That individual would have no moral dilemma in a Shattered Glass AU, and would probably be delighted by this Guardian's 'mutations' in the face of a failed claim.
It would also be partly why he's on Earth, to begin with, why such a small team has lasted so long without additional resources from the government, in spite of the government's attempt to help remove them, even partnered with other Cybertronians.
In short, SG OP would be stealing a Shockwave plot I've got cooking for later, and the Voices, for once, would be 100% useful.
Run away indeed.
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botmilf · 5 months
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Wanted to paint Wyatt in the Arcane art style -- following the events of episode 4.
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teapetal44 · 3 hours
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classychassiss · 2 years
Maybe this is a hot take but I’m always a bit disappointed when people read the part about Orion Pax lamenting about Six Lasers and not being allowed inside as only a 'haha' moment and use this to paint him as privileged and out of touch, and completely gloss over the fact that he’s openly talking about an arbitrary form of segregation he is beholden to.
Like this is a genuine plea: I would really like to encourage you all to approach the Aligned Continuity - the novels, the games, TFP and Covenant - all as parts of one big story and read about them, at least a basic summary, all in some capacity. Transformers Prime is only one part of a bigger story and its the one that deviated the most and I think if you engage with all the material with an open mind and DON'T import any ideas from IDW or other continuities, what you will get is a story that is distinct and tragic and rooted in Cybertronians being a colonized people and how they deal with the repercussions afterwards.
And listen, colonization, imperialism and slavery are in the fabric of Science Fiction: most stories you engage with in Sci-Fi, especially older ones, have elements of this and its not always progressive. I think its become so codified that people will gloss over it and not think about what that means. But I really want to encourage you to read the Aligned Continuity through a non-Americanized lens, and really think about whats going on. Because this isn't new to Transformers, but we rarely ever see them on other end, and I personally believe that their societal issues being rooted in Quintesson ideas is important. I think that their world slowly losing energon and stagnating and on the precipice of self-destruction is important.
And I want you to think about this, and this language, and the actions they take as a previously non-ultra violent race into who they become during their war, and think about which characters choose to perpetuate that same colonial violence. And I also want you to acknowledge that no one in Aligned is SO privileged that they were somehow untouched by any form of violence, there is NO ONE in this universe who doesn't, at the very base of their character, understand that something is wrong and that their collective choice to not face that trauma head on is a big part of that. That the layers of shedding those held ideas is a difficult and ugly process.
And I want you to think of the parable of the War of the Primes and how Alpha Trion laments that in the end, the notion that any Prime is somehow 'eviler' because of some arbitrary belief that some of them were 'closer in spark' to Unicron was, in fact, wrong, and that truthfully ALL the Primes had been traumatized by Unicron but they allowed themselves to become divided and didn't communicate their growing anxiety and apathy and rage and it resulted in all of them participating in some form towards their tragic downfall. And I want you to think about Cybertron and the Quintessons and the war they have later on
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Aligned continuity au height sheet for the lost light crew
full references under the cut
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cherrytimemachine · 13 days
Can I have a breakdown of Prima? :3
Finally, I have an excuse to talk about the Thirteen. Thank you, anon. >:)
How I feel about this character: Strict and unyielding, Prima was the ever vigilant leader of the Thirteen. Raised from a young age to be the guiding force behind her team (yes my Prima is a girl, though she does use she/they), she developed a rigid standard for rules and was quite stubborn in the face of criticism against her. She was committed to fulfilling her destiny as given to her by Primus, who she considers a father to her, and she would do anything to make him proud. After the downfall of the Guiding Hand, she became colder and distrustful of others. She took over as the leader of Crystal City (Cybertron's original capital until it was changed to Iacon by Nova Prime) and claimed it as her territory. She'd always been more independent from the others, but her judgements of them could at times be quite harsh, especially towards Megatronus, who she deemed a reckless liability. She wouldn't realize how much of a role she played in the Schism (the downfall of the Thirteen) until it was too late.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: I don't think she'd touch romance with a 10 foot pole. She preferred being alone more than anything, as she felt security in being able to have total control over her own decisions. She'd be pretty difficult to have a relationship with anyway. She's a control freak and refuses to do anything that isn't by her standards. You might as well try migrating to a new planet, because Prima ain't budging.
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Despite the popular belief among the Thirteen, Prima does in fact care about them, in her own way. Her criticism is justified in her mind, because she thinks she's trying to show them the right way. Really, only Vector, Alpha Trion, and the Thirteenth understand her point of view. She doesn't explain her thought process unless it's about strategy or debating, so her personal motives are a mystery to most people.
She gets along most with Vector and Alpha Trion. They take their positions seriously and don't engage in much tomfoolery, so they're a more mature and favorable company in her book.
Out of all of them, she's the most protective of Thirteen. Thirteen is shy and hates it when their friends argue, and Prima's impression of them is a naive optimist. They're more knowledgeable and aware than Prima gives them credit for. The two still have a nice relationship though. Prima is a guiding force for Thirteen, and Thirteen has been known to convince Prima to soften her position on more than one occasion.
The last person she's really affiliated with is Onyx. They both share an appreciation for spiritually and the nature of treating sparks, both born and dead, with utmost care. Their tribes made an alliance a long time ago, and the mutual respect persists to the present day among their descendants.
My unpopular opinion about this character: The Thirteen needs to be in more stuff. Not just in books or in flashbacks or vague murals, I want them in a story with actual interactions. I want to see them battle Unicron, that would be lit. I want to see her flaws showcased to a wider audience. Megatronus gets the most negative attention out of all of them, followed closely by Liege Maximo, and Megatronus hadn't done anything to initially give Prima a reason to dislike him. She considered him the most like Unicron, and it shows how judgemental she is and how her biases affect the way she treats her team.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: If she was even present in canon aside from being a legend. I wouldn't bank on it, but since there seems to be more focus on Quintus with the Earthspark series, it's possible that we will be able to see all of the Thirteen in all their demi god glory one day.
Also: let there be more gender variety in the Thirteen, for the love of god. I love Solus, don't get me wrong, but I feel like they did her dirty by making her the only girl for the sake of the angsty love triangle thing with Megatronus, Liege, and also Nexus for some reason. You cannot tell me that wasn't the reason for her being female. Just- let there be more women. Gender expression and its fluidity is a vital part of the Transformers species, and it should show in the early creation period.
I have many thoughts on the Thirteen and the Guiding Hand, so please feel free to ask about them!
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catbusdriver · 3 months
The Predacons
The Primary Villains of HyperSpark, the Predacons were once banished from the Empire. They marked there return by ordering Billions of Titans on Home world to rampage across the Planet
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