#AU: role reversal
krikeymate · 1 year
I'm thinking about a role reversal.
Tara's 8 years old and rooting around in the attic, when she discovers a diary. Sam comes home from a friend's house to discover her parents screaming at each other in the kitchen, Tara hovering nervously in the doorway.
She steps up to Tara and asks the room "what's going on?" and they stop yelling. Her father turns to her and looks at her with disgust, and storms out the house. Sam's confused, she doesn't understand what's happening. Tara's crying but when she tries to reach out to her, her mother pulls her away. "I need to speak with your sister," she says, picking up her keys and dragging Tara to the door. "I don't know when we'll be back, so feed yourself tonight."
The slamming of the door feels... weighted.
Christina tells Tara she can't tell Sam anything about what she read, about the diary, about... the truth, or the argument. If she tells her it will hurt Sam. "You don't want to hurt your sister, do you? This would devastate her, she would never forgive you for telling her."
Their father doesn't come home. Tara doesn't tell her what happened. Her mother begins to get worse. She would always drink, and she was never the best mother to Tara (or Sam sometimes), but she was never like this, never this mean. And Tara's been pulling away and she looks so sad all the time. She hear's Tara crying in her room at night and wants nothing more than to go and comfort her little sister, but every time she cries she yells at her to get out.
Sam wishes she knew what she did wrong.
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For your birthday bash, perhaps a cute Sayuri meeting Kakashi’s mom Yua ficlet? Just, Sayuri processing that Kakashi’s mother is a Samurai from the land of Iron and how the two of them get on??
Hello dear Taryn! It is your turn! :D I enjoyed exploring this relationship quite a lot. I think Yua would be very supportive of such a burned child <3 Thank you for letting me write that.
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This is the Role Reversal AU, based on this story I've written for OC Shipweek
Mention of Kakashi x OC (well duh)
2421 words.
mention of past child abuse.
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Pakkun jumped up on the little patio Yua was sitting on and sharpening her knife. She let the little dog walk over and sit right in front of her to deliver the message Yua already knew he was going to deliver. She didn’t know why Kakashi still felt like he needed to announce where he was going and when he was coming back, now that he was very much grown into full adult age, but she never complained.
“Boss is coming back”, the little dog barked as information. Yua moved her arm to pet him behind his ears. She nodded knowingly. “He isn’t coming alone” Pakkun added and that truly was new information.
She put her knife down and looked interested at the animal: “Who?” If Pakkun could shrug his shoulders, he probably would have: “Haven’t smelled her in a while, but now he smells all over like her.”
Yua immediately thought of the soulmate sign on his wrist he had told her about long ago. The name that was written on it of which he had been so insistent that it was not the Sayuri he’d known as a child, but that it could be any Sayuri since naming your kid after a flower wasn’t as uncommon - maybe something he had told himself for his own sanity. Kakashi had been nervous about meeting his old comrades again, the ones he had run away from in his early teens, no matter how often his mother had told him that they probably understood his decision.
So it must be that specific person, Yua thought, especially since Pakkun mentioned not having smelled her for a while. She did not want to think about what it meant that Pakkun could suddenly smell the girl “all over” Kakashi, but she had a pretty good idea what had happened. This was his business though. He was an adult after all.
“Thank you, Pakkun, I’ll wait for them here.”
– –
It took them two more days to arrive and Yua noticed immediately why that was. The girl was wearing a uniform that clearly identified her as a member of the elite assassin squad of fire country and would have gotten her arrested on sight here in the land of iron. Kakashi must have led them through backroads and thick forests which probably delayed their arrival.
The girl he brought was just about his shoulder height and her hair hung black in a braid over her left shoulder. When her eyes crossed Yua's, she looked away instantly as if she’d been stung by the light in it, but Yua didn’t take that personally. She must be very nervous.
“Mom”, Kakashi breathed out when he got within earshot and the relief in his voice to see her never really stopped to make her heart go lighter. The day he had finally come back to find her, when he was so much smaller and so much lonelier, he had also stood right here in front of her door and called her that way, a mixture of happiness and relief to be home. And Yua had replied then as she replied now: “Glad to see you’ve come home.”
Also not unlike the first time he had arrived, Yua now stretched her arm out to Sayuri and pulled on the sleeve of her uniform. “Quick'', she said and waved with her hand, “Time to go inside before someone sees you.” The girl stumbled past her and Kakashi stabilised her with a steady arm, which made Yua smile in a way that she couldn’t explain.
“I’m Uchiha Sayuri,” the girl said with a bow as soon as the door closed behind them. Yua waved with her hand: “No need to bow to me, child.” So she had been right about the soulmate connection. 
Sayuri straightened her spine as Kakashi let out a little laugh: “I told you, you wouldn’t have to be so formal.” She frowned up at him and showed him her tongue. “It’s how I was raised, dumbass”, she said and Yua raised a brow at the insult but Kakashi just kept laughing at it. “Well none of the people that raised you were Samurai…”
“Samurai are even more formal than Uchiha elders,” the girl defended herself and poked  finger in Kakashi’s side. Yua didn’t know the Uchiha as a clan other than what Kakashi had told her when he had explained how he had gotten the sharingan eye, but she had to give it to Sayuri, the samurai were a very formal group of people.
Kakashi moved forward and tipped his finger on Sayuri’s nose: “But not my mom. She doesn't care about conventions. You’ll learn soon enough.” There was red on Sayuri’s cheeks when she looked up into Kakashi’s uncovered eye but then she smiled.
Suddenly Yua was transported back into a different time, over twenty years from now. Kakashi had always looked a little like Sakumo, with Yua’s strong facial features also meddled in between. But Yua had never noticed as much as she did right at this moment when she saw his face lit up the way it was. She had seen that look on Sakumo’s face a long time ago and though that seemed so far in the past, she could feel something tugging at her heart now. Even though you moved on didn’t mean you couldn’t miss the tenderness of love once in a while. 
Yua took a deep breath to get herself together: “I’m Hatake Yua.” She bowed her head just slightly. “I am, as he has undoubtedly already told you, Kakashi’s mother.”
– –
Sayuri turned in the kimono that was a little too large for her, but it tied well around the waist so it still held as good as it possibly could. “She’s scary, you know,” she said, her eyes running over the soft fabric of the clothing. “She looks like she had her sword ready any moment to slice my braid off.”
“She probably could,” Kakashi said, lazily draped over the futon that they had laid on the floor. Without questioning much Yua had put theirs side by side in Kakashi’s squared tatami room. It was obvious that she had known about the soulmate mark from the way she had reacted to Sayuri’s name, but still, it felt unnerving to have such an easily supportive parent- at least to someone like Sayuri.
It was not like he hadn’t prepared her on the way over. His mother was a stern personality, who was not accepting any shit from anybody. That she had defended him until the village they lived in accepted him, even as an outsider. That she had done the same for his father. That she wasn’t very nice to people who hurt her friends or comrades. “But she’d never hurt you,” he had assured her. “I’ve told her about you.”
That exactly made Sayuri nervous. She did not quite know which details Kakashi had told Yua about. She still didn’t know if he was aware of how Rin died and how her hand fell into that. She had wanted to tell him on their way, but had been nervous that he’d push her away again. Soulmates really were a weird little thing, once you were united with yours, parting almost seemed like losing a limp. She couldn’t imagine it.
“I hope I can properly make her like me, '' Sayuri murmured as she climbed under the covers into Kakashi’s arms who pressed a maskless kiss to her forehead. “Of course she will, don’t be so worried about it all.” It was sweet of him to say, but it only eased her worry a little. She just didn’t know how to deal with parents. Nobody had ever taught her.
Sayuri couldn’t sleep even after midnight had passed. She should have been tired by any means, at least after travelling as long as they had. But her heart kept beating in her ears. So while Kakashi was peacefully sleeping she got up and left the tatami room for the door. Now that she was in a kimono, surely she could stay outside a little longer. 
To her surprise Yua was here on the patio, wind curling her hair up as she was looking at the starlight above her. Sayuri considered turning around and just going back to her bed, but Yua saw her immediately. “Can you not sleep?” she asked and Sayuri did a little gasp of surprise.
“I seem to have trouble adjusting to the new environment”, she replied to make it sound a little nicer than “My new partner’s mother makes me anxious”. Yua laughed: “That’s a very sweet way of phrasing it”, as if she had seen right through the excuse. Maybe she had. The woman patted next to her: “Sit, child.” So Sayuri sat.
For a moment they remained quiet then Yua said: “You don’t have to worry about me, I don’t question his choices.” Sayuri felt very found out and just answered with a very mumbled “I’m not-”
“Kakashi has told me about your childhood. He told me, years ago, that your mother died young and your father refused to be a father”, Yui continued and Sayuri laughed and quoted the older woman: “That’s a very nice way of phrasing it.” 
But Yua did not laugh, instead she turned to the side and gave Sayuri a thorough look from top to bottom. Sayuri felt the red on her cheeks as the old, wise eyes scanned her like that, but she let it happen. “Has that changed from when you were eleven?” Yua asked and Sayuri averted her eyes.
It was as hard to tell now as it had been just a few days earlier when she told Kakashi. Sayuri said: “He got… worse, somehow.” She didn’t look at Yua at all.
The older woman took her hands in between hers very quickly. “Child”, she said sternly, eyes lit up and focused on Sayuri’s. “You are absolutely safe here. I will make sure you never have to go there again.”
Sayuri suddenly remembered the day she met Hatake Sakumo for the first time. When he had told her to come see him if her father ever mistreated her again. Maybe there was a reason why those two had ended up married. Also, she thought with a smile, Kakashi had his kindness from both of them clearly. “Thank you, Yua-san”, Sayuri said with a little bow.
“It will cause a little arguing”, Yua now said, letting go of Sayuris hands, “These people are hostile to outsiders. You will have to let go of the Uchiha clan-name.” 
“Ah, that will be easy. I hate it so much anyway,” Sayuri laughed.
Yua continued: “You also can’t use your sharingan anymore. And seal that assassin uniform away for good. The more you look like one of us, the easier it will get.” She clearly knew what she was talking about. Sayuri nodded and realised that this must be the reason why Kakashi was so secretive about his eye.
“Why would you go to so many lengths to support me? This seems like it brings you a lot of trouble…” Sayuri asked the question that had been on her mind for a while already. She had meant to ask Kakashi about it, but he had been so adamant about his mother helping both of them, that she didn’t find the opportunity too.
Wind went through both of their ponytails. Yua put her head to the side: “Because he looks at you the way his father looked at me and I guess this time I should try to preserve that.” She looked at the younger woman beside her. “Last time, I let it slip through my fingers.”
Why she suddenly felt tears in her eyes Sayuri did not know, but she could hear her voice shaking when she spoke again. “I haven’t told him about the things I did in the past.” She could see Rin’s face in front of her mind's eye. “Things he would hate me for. If he knew, he’d push me away.” She took a deep breath to gather herself. “I’ve been trying to run from him, from his name on my wrist, all my life and yet …”
“Ha, that is how soulmates work apparently,” Yua said with a laugh, “You think you are running away from each other when in truth you are just running towards each other.” She took one of Sayuri’s hands again. “Let me tell you child, that nothing you did is ever unforgivable. Kakashi knows this too. When he arrived here, as elated as he was to find me, he was also angry. “Why didn’t you come get me when your soulmate mark disappeared? When Dad died”, he’d say. I wouldn’t have a good answer. Going to Konoha would mean leaving my life here behind forever, maybe I wasn’t ready for that.”
She pressed the hand she was holding. “Maybe it was my way of grieving. I could not forgive Sakumo for going back to Fire with our child and without me, but when my option was laid out to me, to leave my childhood home behind forever, I also didn’t want to do it. And I missed him, and I was angry at him….” She trailed off and Sayuri figured that Yua must be lost in memories. “Anyway,” the older woman continued eventually,” Kakashi forgave me about that. It wasn’t as if he didn’t understand my reasoning. So while I think for a while he still harboured resentment, in time, he got around to just letting it go.” She looked at Sayuri and winked: “I can guarantee whatever you did he will forgive you.”
Sayuri pressed the hand back. She really wanted to believe in those words. “Thank you”, she mumbled. She wondered how this kind of kindness and support would have been hers all her life if her mother had survived, if she had ever had a mother figure in her life. Well, wondering about the past wouldn’t change anything, what mattered was that there was something here for her now. 
Without noticing, she yawned. “Try to go back to sleep, child, you travelled quite some. My son will probably have plans for both of you tomorrow.” Sayuri nodded a little dizzyily. “Be careful, though, sometimes he sleep walks to the kitchen and eats the sweet things he officially doesn’t like until it makes him feel sick.” 
“Oh really?” Sayuri laughed. “Can you tell me more about that?”
Yua waved with her hand: “Tomorrow. Promise.”
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notherpuppet · 3 months
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Role reversal AU
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u3pxx · 2 months
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KIM KITSURAGI - “Is that. My kineema.”
COMPOSURE [Medium: Success] - Something in him is about to break, *big time*.
EMPATHY - And it’s not going to be pretty, do something!
- DRAMA [Formidable] - Everything is fine!
- “Sure is.”
DRAMA [Formidable: Failure] - Surely he’s aware that he’s not the *only* person in the world who owns a Kineema?
YOU - “Is it really *yours*? I mean, plenty of people have their own Kineemas, right? Like working men, government offices, uh, firefighters I guess, maybe even animal control people? Exactly! A million different people who could’ve driven it into the uh…”
DRAMA - Pause, my liege! Ixnay on the Ineemakay!
YOU - “It could even be our *mysterious* joyrider!”
KIM KITSURAGI - Your frenzied babbling falls deaf to the lieutenant's ears. Instead, he approaches the broken vehicle, sunken in the ice. He moves with a caution and gentleness you haven’t seen him display before.
INLAND EMPIRE - It must be cold and lonely down there, in the icy water. Maybe he could sense its sorrow, calling to him…
PERCEPTION (SIGHT) [Easy: Success] - His hands, which are always stiffly placed behind his back, are trembling.
ENDURANCE - This is the shuffle of a tired, tired man.
HALF LIGHT - He’s going to do something drastic because of you. Oh god, terrible! You’re a terrible liar! You can’t look at this, you just can’t!
VOLITION [Formidable: Success] - It's not *you* who drove his kineema into the sea. You have plenty of faults, but this one is decidedly not yours.
KIM KITSURAGI - He kneels down with his head bowed, casting his face in shadow. He plants a hand on the ice to stabilize himself, squinting to get a better view of the motor carriage. “Detective, it says ‘57’ on it.”
YOU - Sweat drips down your brow, and you feel a terrible headache coming. “Maybe our joyrider has an affinity for that number?”
LOGIC - He's not stupid, he knows that it's not that.
YOU - “What about 57?”, you brace yourself.
KIM KITSURAGI - “Precinct 57.”
YOU - You wince. “Kim, look-”
KIM KITSURAGI - “When I woke up in the Whirling-in-Rags with no memory of what happened during the days before, I've taken note that something of mine has gone missing.” He grits his teeth. "A very. Important. Something."
He runs his hands over his face, messing his already unkempt hair in the process. Regret creeps up on his features. “God. Fuck. They’re going to fire me over this, they’re not going to hear me out.”
EMPATHY - Desperation settles in the lieutenant's tone. Sadly, you find yourself in agreement, even if you don’t want it to be the truth.
YOU - “People are more valuable than machines, Kim.”
KIM KITSURAGI - “Not people like me.” He rasps.
YOU - “…”
KIM KITSURAGI - Before you can say anything more, you fail to notice the lieutenant carefully walking onto the edge of the ice. He looks over the frigid water, a dizzying blue that mirrors and distorts his exhausted face back to him.
YOU - “Kim?”
KIM KITSURAGI - Seconds pass as he looks to be contemplating something. Out of nowhere, he casually takes another step where the ice ends and the sea begins. It happens all too quick for the lieutenant to even voice a call for help— if he even wanted to — his body plunging into the cold water before your eyes.
YOU - “KIM!!!!”
uhhh bonus stuff? sorry i have swap au brainworms pfttt
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(im not sure what skills kim has at the moment so rn he only has narration as his inner monologue ok whoops, i would like to keep harry as the guy who thinks in dialogue trees so im still figuring it out pfttt)
also, this was done bc i wanted to expand on these old scribbles of mine, just like an idea, i just think that he'd be having an even worse time wheezes
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aberrantcreature · 4 months
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PadaWan and Masterkin 💙
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poisonkkay · 4 months
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I hope that we meet in another life
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our beloveds in canon + some AUs I created for them 🫶 don't know if I'll ever get to talk more about the ones that are not Cyberpunk but still
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butterbabzz · 1 year
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SidLink Role Reversal AU! Not entirely happy with how this turned out but y'know... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Also, please ignore the misspelled "breast" OTL
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nightytime · 1 year
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idk what to call this but i'm a fan of it
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cult-of-yuri · 3 months
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Role reversal AU
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krikeymate · 1 year
Role reversal au? Say no more!!
How far does the role reversal go? Does Tara go down the same path that Sam does in canon, struggling under the burden of the secret? Does Sam stay in Woodsboro? Does 13 year old Tara run away instead? Does Tara still get attacked? Eeugh I'm having Thoughts.
God imagine if Tara still gets attacked for the same reasons. Sam thinks it was a random attack, but Tara knows. And she has to keep lying.
Sam awkwardly exists between a drunken mother who stares at her whenever she enters the room (and scowls at Tara whenever she does), and her baby sister who barely speaks any more, who barely leaves her room. Sam tries to act normal, puts on a smile at school with her friends, and continues to babysit Wes and the twins, but it wears her down quickly. The way Tara won't look at her, won't speak to her, it hurts so much more than her father's absence or her mother's poor excuse of an existence ever could.
15-year-old Sam begs her mom to listen to the school and put Tara into therapy, after she got into yet another fight. (Sam thinks of the way Tara reacted when she caught Sam watching Stab last month, of the panic attack. Her sister needs help, she just doesn't know what it is she needs help for.) Christina doesn't care.
Her sister stops hanging out with Wes and the twins. She starts hanging out with Amber Freeman, a troublemaker if ever Sam saw one. She thinks she's part of the problem. Sam starts bumming cigarettes off her classmates to deal with the stress of worrying over her sister.
Tara starts skipping school and hanging out with teenagers, Sam catches them offering her a joint and gets into a fight herself (Sam ignores the fact she was skipping too). Tara doesn't look at her once as Sam berates her the entire walk home. Tara goes to slam her bedroom door when Sam catches it with her hand. "I love you and I miss you," she says, hand slipping from the door to let Tara go. She tears up when arms wrap around her waist and Tara whispers I love you back.
Tara lets Sam back in a little, but Sam still has to stand by and watch her sister become someone unrecognisable as the years go by, suffering under a weight she won't let Sam help her carry. (Her father is the key, Sam thinks. It's all his fault everything is falling apart. She wonders what he did... if he hurt Tara. She thinks maybe he must have been an awful man.) Sam doesn't recognise who she is anymore either. If this is a part of growing up, Sam doesn't want it.
Sam's 18 and newly graduated, lying in bed thinking about the acceptance letters in her desk, when Tara creeps into her room to join her on the bed. She's drunk, clearly. Sam idly wonders where she got the alcohol from as she pulls her into her arms and rests her head on her chest. Probably the same place Sam got the bottle she's hiding under the bed, from their mother's unlocked liquor cabinet. Sam wants to get away from Woodsboro, from her mother and the past and all this pain. But then who would look after Tara? Being with her like this hurts, but not nearly as much as being away from her would. Sam knows she can't go to college.
Tara starts to take drugs, and Sam gets angry. They get stuck in a cycle, they'll scream and shout and argue, only to make up days later. The secret of whatever happened all those years ago sits heavy between them. A few weeks before Tara's 16th birthday, Sam comes home to her high little sister beneath some creep on their couch, barely conscious enough to react. Sam nearly kills him. The only thing that stops her is Tara calling out her name and the loser manages to escape out the door. Sam tells Tara they can't go on like this, that things have to change.
On December 14th, Tara runs away. Sam stares at the wrapped gifts on her desk for weeks. She can't bring herself to move it. There's a part of her that wants to throw it away, to scream and cry and destroy. She gave up her future for her little sister, and where is she? Is she even safe? Why won't she answer her calls? ...Please let her be safe. Sam drinks a lot while Tara's away, resenting herself for being just like her mother. Maybe that's why Tara left. Tara's 17th birthday has come and gone when Sam, drunk off her ass, calls her phone once again on Christmas Eve and leaves a voicemail begging her to come home, to call her back, to please don't leave me, I don't want to be alone anymore. When she wakes in the morning (afternoon), Tara is sitting at the end of her bed, watching her.
Sam thinks she must be dead, or her medication has stopped working. She eyes the four wrapped gifts on her desk for a moment before looking back to Tara.
Her sister looks different. Thinner. Paler. Her clothes are too big. Sam wonders what she's been taking, where she's been. She wonders why she had to lose a year of watching her sister grow up. I was with dad, Tara later admits. The confession breaks something inside of Sam. She thought he was the problem, he was what was wrong with Tara, but if that was the case why would she run to him. It's her, right? Sam's the one who's actually the problem, Sam's the reason why Tara's like this.
Sam leaves.
2 and a half years later she gets a call that her sister's been attacked.
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(In your Samurai Kakashi Au) Yua is relaxing by a nice fire thinking about her son and the beautiful woman he brought to meet her not too long ago.
She’s wondering if this will be how Kakashi goes back to Konoha, and what she will do if that happens. She already almost lost her son and she doesn’t want that to happen again, but she’s also fiercely loyal to her home.
But damn she also wants to be there to see Kakashi open up to his friends once again because even though he has made friends in the land of Iron he seems so closed off, where as around that Konoha shinobi he seems a little more open.
Ready to allow happiness back into his heart
(I’m so bad with names, especially in the am i’m sorry 😭😭😭)
AWWW taryn thats so cute, and don't worry, it really doesnt matter that much! <3 <3
in this role reversal AU it would actually be kinda interesting to think they would return to Konoha to give Sayuris father a piece of mind LOL <3
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notherpuppet · 3 months
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More of the Role Reversal AU, angsty elder Charlie
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nouverx · 3 months
I might have recorded an entire cover of @theroselens 's Ready for This parody from her Role Reverse AU just because I can lmao, enjoy??
Sorry for the bad quality btw I record on my phone + I can't harmonise for shit + I'm french so if my pronunciation is wrong sometimes I'M SORRYYYY I did my best ok
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aberrantcreature · 2 months
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kabishkat19 · 5 months
Ok so when are you going to make a role swap of Disney heroes and villains?
Haha I had done them quite a while back on some other platforms but I definitely should re-draw them now that I’m much better🖤
I think once I’ve completed the Disney NextGen I’ll work on the role reverse series again.
Here were some previous ones, which came with its own altered story :
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wispscribbles · 8 months
Your art style is just so delicious!!! It’s got such low key Ghibli vibes, especially in the eyes, and your color control is fantastic. You’re amazing, keep rockin it! ✨
aw yay, Ghibli vibes!! I grew up on those movies, they've definitely inspired me to create. Thank you sm <3
wanted to draw some small ghibli ghoap after getting this ask. 'Ghost's moving castle'
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