#Aaaaa I'm sorry I've been trying to message you
factual-fantasy · 9 months
22 asks!! :DD 💖💀🎉💖
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There's so much sadness! So much angst! AND JEVIL COMFORTING FRISK BY MAKING HER LAUGH?? PERFECT!!!
Now I may be not able to apply this idea word for word.. but I LOVE so much about it! Would you mind if I yoinked some of this? Its great!! :DD
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:DD Happy new year!🎉🥳🎉 And thank YOU for sending me a kind message! I endlessly appreciate it 💖💖
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:00 Really? Thank you!! :DD I was actually pretty unsure of that detail for Jevil.. Making him round and squishy kind'a made him look too young to me.. but I'm so glad you like it! Maybe his squishiness isn't so bad! :D
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:DDD Happy new year!! 💖🎉🥳🎉💖
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XD Its been a while since I watched the movie. But I think my reaction was something along the lines of:
"..oh?.... OH..?.... OH YOOOOO---" *excited for angst noises XDD*
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Thank you!! :DD As for his knuckle scars, there isn't really one specific way he got them. It just shows that he's rough and tough. He's been through a lot and has been on many dangerous missions.
You know, scraping his hands on rocks, dealing with sharp teethed and dangerous creatures every day.. Your hands would naturally get beat up a lot of you lived like Kwazii.
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Aww! How fun! I'm sure Foxy wouldn't mind the company! :}
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Foxy: "Oh? Are you a new animatronic?"
Calico Jack: "BIG TALKIN ROBOT-"
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Now usually I would say Calico Jack. And its probably still true.. but considering how I'm trying to structure my Octonauts AU.. Inkling might actually be the one who's studied up more on folk tales and mythologies.. 👀
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@rockbott0m47 (huh.. in all my days I don't think I've ever received a question like this XDD)
I try to be as factual as possible.. but in all honesty, my factual stops where the lazy begins-
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XDD You're welcome?? Ah- Sorry for your loss?? XD I'm not sure how you feel about this realization but none the less thank you! I'm so glad you've liked my artwork! :DD
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:DD THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I'm so glad you like my deign!! :}}💖
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(Post in question)
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Yes exactly! Shellington's "VEGGIE DAD" shirt, Kwazii's bent whiskers and scars.. AND YES YES! THE CAPTAIN IN FULL UNIFORM!! I was thinking that he is an early riser and was up before everyone else was. He's not intending to eat later- he's just already had breakfast! :0
AND YES!! The meals were all correct but one <XD google says that sea otters eat crab. So I googled "crab meat meal" and drew one of the things that came up. It might be a salad thing..? Or a crab pasta thingy.?? Not sure <XDD But MAN the potatoes would have been a good idea too-
One detail that I was fond of was the steam coming from everyone's cups. Though Peso and Barnacles have no steam, because they're drinking cold drinks! You get it?? Becuase they are cold creatures?? Don't like warm things??? I'm so smart 🤣
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YOOOO THIS IS A REALLY SOLID IDEA!! She could have the guilt of having killed everyone, while also trying to give everyone their happy ending.. Cool! Would you mind if I used this idea? Or at least part of it? Its really neat! :00
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:DD Thank you! I'm glad you like that design detail of his XDD
Also thank you again! Happy new year!! 🎉🥳🎉
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XD My first thought was Glamrock Freddy; "HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO HIDE YOU NOW GREGORY??"
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I do! I'll have to draw them sometime-
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Thank you! I'm so glad! :DDD
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:DD Thank you so much!! I'm glad you like the designs I've given them! :}}}
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0kayblue · 2 years
Hiiiii! I'm typically a v happy n upbeat person but lately I've just been not feeling like myself. I'm always trying to make people laugh and it's always made me so happy when ppl even express that I light up a room :')) But I guess I feel like I haven't been that light for a bit, and I've just been in my head and I just feel like I've been burdening people or maybe I talk too much and it's just been making me really sad. And I feel bad for venting to people so I've just been handling everything on my own aaaaa. I was wondering if you could create an angst to fluff scenario with leon given the information I gave if possible :')? Happy ending ofcofc!! And if you are to write this ask, if you could include some kind of climax where the reader is breaking down (bc I'm a very emotional person n I'm v sensitive n cry super easily) Pls don't be shy to make it as long as you'd like! I love your work sm 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻 and I hope you're doing well!
You are working on getting everything settled to move in with Leon when your parents pop by short notice things start to head south. They always had a knack for making things go from bad to worse.
Main Character Relations: Leon Kennedy x reader (romantic) 
Word Count: 3k (a little over)
Angst with comfort, borderline abusive behavior, complicated family relations, panic attack, happy ending 
A/N: Hey, anon! I hope you are doing better these days. Just know that you are loved and cared for. I appreciate you and I hope that whatever you are going through leaves you stronger than you were before. If you ever want to just vent, do not hesitate to message me. I may not be able to respond right away (or if you even want me too) or at all, but if you need to get it out. Get it out.  Please be easy on yourself and reach out to those you trust or authorities if it gets too bad. 
With that being said I thank you for your request and I hope that this suffices. I don’t think this is the best thing I've ever written, but it has its moments. Enjoy! 
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You sat in the bathroom on the verge of tears with your face in your hands. Your tailbone starts to ache from sitting on the side of the tub, the harsh unforgiving acrylic leaving you with no support. You sniffed before finally standing up and moving in front of the mirror. Staring blankly at your reflection. 
Don’t. Cry. 
You scolded yourself as you looked in the mirror, your eyes slightly red and puffy. 
Stay. Strong. 
Taking a deep shaky breath you flushed the toilet before turning on the sink. Trying your best to pull it together as you splash some cool water on your face. 
You’re fine. You’re always fine. Now go back out there and be what you need to be. 
Your thoughts are harsh and cruel towards yourself as you turn off the faucet and dry your hands before you press on your cheeks, trying to wipe off the excess drops of water. This little worm of self doubt wiggling its way in your ear before you take a deep shaky breath. Plastering on a smile you leave the bathroom. 
You stop for a short moment before entering the living room, biting your inner lip, fixing your smile to something that felt more natural, and walking back to your former spot. Your ears perk as you pay attention, trying to place the room's conversation before sitting back down on your spot on the couch. 
“So, what do you do for work, Leon?” Your mom asks your boyfriend, a coldness to her words. 
“Sorry.” You murmur under your breath, “I told you, he’s head of security.” 
“I know what you’ve said,” your mother glared at you and you try not to wince under her gaze like you did as a child, “I just want him to explain it to me is all.” 
“What is there to explain exactly?” You're defensive, you're on edge, and Leon can more than just see it. His hand finds your thigh and his thumb ghosts over the denim fabric of your jeans. 
“There really isn’t much to explain.” He laughed trying to break the tension up, “I handle security for a warehouse up state. Make sure guards are properly trained, know how to deescalate a situation, stuff like that.”
“Interesting. How’d you fall into a job like that?” Your dad asks and Leon directs his attention back to your father.
Leon meeting your parents wasn’t your brilliant idea. You actually didn’t want him anywhere near them for a multitude of reasons, but your sibling let it slip to your mother that you were moving and it just snowballed from there. Your mother immediately jumped on your case and your father refused to look you in the eyes once he found out a romantic interest was involved. 
Of course none of this helped your current anxious state. The last few days have been more than just rough on you mentally and physically. With Leon being gone, packing, work, and your antidepressants losing their sparkle, you were in bad shape. 
“It just happened, I guess. The police academy didn’t want me and I had to go somewhere.” Leon laughed as he lied. He barely got through the front door before you were shoving a false backstory down his throat. It confused him and this wasn’t how he wanted to do this. He wanted to be honest and direct with your family about his life because someday he wanted to make your family his family. Things were more than just off to a bumpy start as your dad forced out a laugh.
“What made you guys want to drop by?” You ask, trying to relieve Leon of the hot seat. You felt bad for the current situation you put him in, if only he had run a little late. 
“We were out and about and wanted to see if you still were in the place, although I must say it looks better a little bare.” Your mom says as she flips open one of the boxes you had sitting on the coffee table, “You would think to tell your parents you were moving up state with a man you barely know.” Three months, you had told them that you had been dating Leon for only three months.
“I was going to tell you.” You got up, shutting the box and moving it away from her prying eyes. Leon’s concern for you doesn’t go unnoticed as his eyes remain glued to you; watching you bite your tongue in discomfort under the unrelenting gaze of your mother. 
“When?” Your dad asks. He didn’t seem mad, just heart broken. At a loss for words trying to figure out what moment you stopped confiding in him about your life. 
It was about middle school when it happened, when he told you that it was all in your head. That there wasn’t a thing wrong with you because you knew how to light up a room. You knew how to make people feel comfortable, you knew how to make them laugh; and no one who knew how to shine could suffer like the rest. 
“When I got settled. When I figured it out.” 
“When would that have been? When this fantasy of yours doesn’t work out and he leaves you?” Your mom spits before looking at Leon with little remorse, “I’m sorry son, no offense, but I don’t know you.” 
“Mom!” You yelled at her with your patience wearing incredibly thin, “You are not going to come here and start insulting my boyfriend.” 
“She’s just saying what we are all thinking,” your father defends her and it takes everything in you to not roll your eyes. “You’ve said you’ve only known him for three months, Christ, you’re probably lying. You’ve always kept secrets from us.” He was right, but you had your reasons. That didn’t make you feel any less bad about it, but still. You didn’t trust them for a reason and maintained a relationship with them out of guilt. 
“We just think it’s ridiculous that we are the last to know. We are your parents. We raised you. We took care of you; fed you, clothed you, kept a roof over your head. We deserve to know about your whereabouts with some man!” His voice rising and beginning to boom with anger; an anger you thought you had escaped. Your legs shake slightly as Leon stands up, shielding you from your fathers betrayed eyes. Seeing you in a flight or fight response triggering something in him. 
“We just want what’s best for you and I don’t think this is what’s best for you.” Your mom follows up causing your eyes to shift from your dad to your mom, tears welling in your eyes. 
“How do you know, huh? Not like you ever truly cared about anything I wanted.” 
“That is not true.”
“Not once have you called and asked me a damn thing with any true merit.”
“How could we? You are always hiding! Responding to everything with ‘fine’ or locking the damn door before we even knocked.” Your dad scolded you, wondering what happened to all those years he told you to stand your ground. Did those lessons fall on deaf ears or were you just up against something you couldn’t bring yourself to fight anymore?
“Because you don’t give a damn about anything serious in my life! God forbid you focus on how I feel instead of how you feel.”
“That is not-!” Leon raises a firm hand unable to stop himself. Unable to watch this unfold for much longer. He silenced the argument while your father was ready to push. It was an odd sight to see your father cower in his old age, knowing he didn’t stand a chance against Leon. Your heart pounds in your chest, afraid for Leon regardless of watching your dad back down. 
“I’m going to have to stop you, Sir. I think it’s best if you listen to your daughter and leave.” It wasn’t exactly a threat, more of a warning. 
“We need to have this conversation.” 
“I agree, but not today. Not now.” It took a lot for Leon to not call this the ambush that it was. He was still talking to your father, someone he still felt like he had to impress regardless of the current circumstances. 
“If we don’t talk about it today we aren’t bailing you out when this doesn’t work.” Leon’s hands ball into fist and you almost break but Leon beats you to the punch, “Sir, I am certain that if you utter another word like that I will see to it that she will never have to say another word to you again.”
Your parents look at you and you try to hold eye contact with them, but fail as you focus on the wood grain of the floor.  
Your father scoffs in disbelief, “That’s how it is? You’re letting someone else speak for you?” Your father asks in disbelief. He just shakes his head at your lack of a response and walks to and out the front door. 
“I hope you’re happy, you’ve broken his heart, (Y/N).” Your mother said, looking at you one last time with a familiar glare that made you feel guilty for just existing. 
You hear the door slam as you let out a heavy sigh, wiping the few tears that managed to escape away from your face. No one knew how to get to you like your parents did. Leon turns to you softening as he goes to reach for you, but you step back. 
“It’s okay. I’m fine. Let’s just get these boxes sorted.” Your voice flat as you turned back to the box your mother was once prying in. “Th-This one looks like a mix of t-shirts and coffee mugs.” You try not to stutter as you feel his hand on the small of your back. 
“Hey.” He soothes and where you find comfort in his touch you reject him as you pick up the box. You move quickly and set the box on the ground near the boxes you planned on taking to his place, soon to be your shared place, if you didn’t fuck it up. You took a deep breath as you tried to talk down that voice in your head that said your parents were right. 
“I’m- uh- going to check the bedroom for anything else. I’ll be right back.” You moved quickly, nearly sprinting down the hall. 
You felt terrible. You felt like a villain. 
Leon didn’t deserve a villian, he deserved rest. He had just gotten back from a mission to be greeted with this. A complete and utter wreck. He left one fight to come back to another and you felt absolutely responsible. 
Finally finding solace in your now empty room as you carefully shut the door behind you. You manage to walk to the center of the room on wobbly legs. Your chest aching as your fingers tangled themselves in your hair. Every single negative thought you had and every single self destructive feeling bubbles to the surface. Unable to contain it any longer. The air becomes thin as your pulse starts to race and a sharp gasp escapes through your dry lips. 
“(Y/N)?” Leon calls for you desperately, forgoing knocking on the door and just entering. Your eyes lock with his and you try to breathe; try to bring yourself to say something to keep him from overthinking the sight of you absolutely breaking in front of him. The words are lodged in your throat though as he looks at you with complete compassion. Your tears finally spill over as your knees give out and you start to fall to them. Taking in an ugly breath as your lungs tighten and Leon’s hands find your arms, guiding you carefully to the floor. 
You had failed. You had broken. You weren’t strong enough. 
You sobbed as you tried to hide behind your hands as the room felt like it was closing in. Leon was a mess as he scrambled for your attention, “Hey, (Y/N), look at me. I need you to look at me.” His hands firmly run up and down your arms as he tries to find your eyes. Trying to make you look at him, trying to tell you that you aren’t alone. 
You felt his warmth leave you and you squeezed your eyes shut as you brought your knees to your chest unable to place yourself in reality. All you knew was that his warmth was gone and you had convinced yourself he was gone. He wasn’t, he just moved his hands from your arms to your face; forcing you to look at him as you opened your eyes. “Breathe. I need you to breathe.” His words barely reach you, but they do as you nod. “With me, okay? In.” 
You take a deep breath in, following his instruction. 
“Out.” You let out and he repeats, “In.” You continue to follow as he coaches you through the process three more times. Your body is not shaking with as much intensity as your chest starts to relax. Your ribs are no longer burning as the air in the room is no longer thick, making it easy to swallow. Your chest rises and falls with your lungs as the tears slow, but continue to flow. 
“I-I’m sorry.” You get out as your hand finds his chest for support as you begin to unfold yourself. 
“Don’t. You have nothing to apologize for. Not a damn thing.” Leon says, fighting every urge in his body to pull you into his embrace. You sniff as he wipes tears from your red hot cheeks. “Where are you?” He asks, trying to distract you and get you grounded.
“My place.” You answer. 
“What do you taste?” 
“What do you see?” 
“You.” He can’t help but smile at your answer. One hand lets go of your face to tuck your hair behind your ear. “Can I hold you?” 
‘You still want to? I’m snotty.’ Was what entered your head and it was supposed to leave your lips with a smirk and you were supposed to let out a light laugh, but it’s not what came out. 
“Please.” A simple ‘please’ was all you could muster as your arms wrapped around his neck while he pulled you to his chest. Laying your head against his chest you could hear the beating of his heart. Gentle thumps that help you keep track of time as you start to register that you’re in control of your breathing. Leon takes a deep breath, his own worries settling as you relax against his chest. 
“My love.” He mutters into your hair while he rubs your back. “Do you wanna talk about it?” He’s been worried about you since he got back, the subtle things you did telling him you weren’t alright. How you distanced yourself in conversation and weren’t as quick witted as usual. He knew that this episode wasn’t all because of your parents, he knew you typically knew how to handle your own against them. 
Letting them roll off your back because it wasn’t worth fighting with them when they’d just make it all your fault anyway. 
“N-no.” Your breath hitching in your throat, unsure, “Give me a minute. Please.” Finally feeling your limbs ache from the stress as the stiffness in your form starts to ease. 
“Take your time, just stay with me. Breathe.” You closed your eyes and despite all of this, you smiled. His warmth enveloping you in comfort as you felt whole. You nodded, continuing to breathe. 
“I’m afraid I’ve lost it.” You joked and he just shook his head before placing a firm kiss on your temple. Sniffing you rubbed your nose on your sleeve as you settled into the calmness of your thoughts quieting. 
“No, you’re alright. I’ve got you.” He assures you as your heart breaks slightly. “You’ve just had a rough couple of days. You’ll be back on your feet in no time, you’re too stubborn to stay down.” You laughed slightly and his grip on you tightened. His heart burns at the sound of your laughter and his shoulders relax. He was scared there for a minute that he’d never hear your laughter again. 
“I love you.” It falls from your lips softly as you look at him. In times like these he was the light in the dark and he shined ten times brighter than you ever could. He’d argue with you a thousand times over about it though and tell you that you were crazy for even thinking he could outshine you. 
You found Leon in one of the darkest times of his life, he was an absolute wreck. He felt so much that he felt nothing at all. All his positive attributes drained from him slowly, as he started giving up on the world completely. He could’ve sworn he was a goner until one day in the darkness of a crummy bar he saw this light. He saw you mingling amongst strangers, making them laugh, making them comfortable. A lantern burning with a light that he would happily stay blinded by just as long as he could feel the warmth that radiated off of you. 
“I love you more.” His palm found the smoothness of your cheek as his thumb ghosted over your cheek bone. Examining your tired glassy eyes and the way your brows furrowed in exhaustion as he saw you try to place where he was. He sends you a warm smile before his lips find yours in a chaste safe kiss. Regretfully parting from you he speaks again, “What do you say we call it a day and head home? I’ll run you a bath and you can say as little or as much as you want. Deal?” You nod and as you go to push him away from you so you could stand he only holds you tighter. An arm resting under the bend of your knees while his other arm firmly holds you against him. You nearly squeal as he stands with no trouble as he savors the feeling of you clinging to his t-shirt. 
“I can walk, y’know.” 
“I know, but you don’t need to. I’d carry you everywhere if you let me.” You rolled your eyes while you laughed at this dork. A triumphant smile on his face, “Let’s get you home, light of mine.”
“I know, but you don’t need to. I’d carry you everywhere if you let me.” You rolled your eyes while you laughed at this dork. A triumphant smile on his face, “Let’s get you home, little light.”
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baravaggio · 9 months
aaaaa i'm sorry, i should have been specific about the kind of question, it's more related to coming out than bisexuality specifically now that i think about it >.<
i've been identifying as a lesbian for years and for a while now i've been feeling like maybe i'm actually bi but i'm honestly terrified of exploring that and i don't know what to do. every time i try to think it through i get so stressed out that i start to cry because i have a lot of feelings and experiences that feel so hard to sort out but at the same time i know i can't keep pretending forever. the hardest thing is that i've felt my attraction swing so strongly in the other direction after feeling nothing about men for years and it's making me so sad and disgusted with myself. it's i've been sitting on this all year and it's really starting to take a toll on me now that i realized it's almost 2024 and i'm still lying to everyone about this. i was hoping if it's not too much to ask you might be able to give me some advice on how you navigated this bc you seem so confident and i feel really lost and anxious since i can't talk to anyone i know in real life about it. i know that this is a lot so please feel free to ignore it if you don't want to answer, thank you so much for reading whether you decide to answer or not
Firstly a big hug to you, I'm sorry you've been in so much emotional pain and that you have felt isolated in all this 😢🫂 I know that when you're in that place, it can feel like such a big deal even just to say "I'm hurting in this way" to another person, so I'm really touched you came to me 💙
My biggest piece of advice to you would be to do your best to move away from the question of "what am I really?" and towards the question "what do I want?" It's been my experience that approaching questions of sexuality as though there's some fixed, immutable truth to your sexual identity that is just waiting there for you to uncover is little more than a painful, drawn-out exercise in making yourself miserable. That's exactly what I did when I first came out at 20, and if I could change anything about my life, it would be to not quite literally lock myself in my room for weeks doing nothing but dissecting my life and over-intellectualizing my feelings in an attempt figure all that out. Sure I came out of it with some kind of answer, but the experience left me horrifically depressed and destroyed my self worth, and it took a long time to bounce back from that - especially since I felt a lot of shame about the state I was in, and I couldn't bring myself tell anyone else about what had brought it about.
I mention all that because what I see in your message is that you are being similarly hard on yourself, and I want you to know that there is a much healthier way to approach this that will hopefully leave you feeling more comfortable, confident, and in control. Shifting the question to "what do I want?" allows you to consciously dictate the terms of the process instead of getting overwhelmed by your anxieties. It takes your fear out of the driver's seat and puts you firmly in it.
What do you want? What makes you happy? What do you value? What aspects of you and your life do you treasure, what do you want to cultivate, what would be best left behind? What would you do if there were no limits on you? At the end of your life, what do you want to be able to say about how you lived your life?
These are big, essential questions, ones we unfortunately don't often get the space to take a step back and thoughtfully consider our answers to as we deal with juggling school, work, and adult life and obligations. One benefit to being in a state of questioning is that you have already created the space to ask big questions about yourself. Why not broaden the scope a bit? Instead of just asking questions about who you are, these questions give you the space to holistically figure out who you want to be.
You wanted to know how I navigated this — that's how! I didn't want to put myself through what I experienced at 20 again. I asked myself these questions and they helped me understand that if I wanted to act in line with my adult priorities, I needed to let go a bit, give myself the permission to make a change in order to keep growing into the person I want to be. I won't get into all the specifics but it helped a lot to concretely articulate certain things to myself, such as "sex & sexuality are important to how I understand myself and my gender" and "it's more important to me to have the freedom to do the things I want and need to than it is for others to understand them." It helped me establish my own rules of engagement with the sexual identity question so I could make that process a helpful one for me instead of something deeply destabilizing.
Take a deep breath — you are in control here, you are the boss of you. I completely understand how overwhelmed and lonely you must be feeling. Along with re-shifting your focus, I suggest that you find some outlet for those feelings, whether it's a forum or server where you can talk to other people who are in the same boat, journaling, moving your body in a way that's enjoyable for you, playing a game, making something, anything that helps ground you. Even finding a place where you can just say "I feel overwhelmed" without having to get into specifics can help alleviate some of that stress. People will be here for you if you let them know you're hurting, even if you're not ready or aren't able to give them the details.
Lots of love to you. I know you can move forward in a healthier way, some days will be better than others, what's important is that we remember to give ourselves grace through all the emotional ups and downs. I hope this helps a little bit 🫂💙
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taruruchi · 2 years
Twst oc and character ships as Taylor Swift lyrics
Tagging: @emizel @solxima @linawritestwst The names of your ocs colored so it's easier to find them! The colors are Lina, Sol, Lin, and me!
YAY LET'S GO finally posting something after 102038490134 years of not making any content. And happy holidays to everyone!! Merry Christmas to those who celebrate it!!
“I want you to know I'm a mirrorball. I'll show you every version of yourself tonight. ... And when I break, it's in a million pieces.” (mirrorball, folklore)
“By morning, gone was any trace of you. I think I am finally clean.” (Clean, 1989)
I chose the first part because at first, Hayden keeps trying to reflect what someone wants, right? Whether they want someone like them, someone they admire, etc. And wouldn't he get exhausted because of that at some point? He has to put up a facade with so many people. As for Clean, this is after his redemption arc, when he doesn't have to always keep up his facade anymore! Especially with Riley since he can be himself around him without any judgment! (Bonus: "You'll find me on my tallest tiptoes, spinnin' in my highest heels, love..." because haha he wears heels since he's short I say while he's taller than me)
“I'm the one who burned us down, but it's not what I meant. Sorry that I hurt you. [inserts the rest of the chorus]” (Afterglow, Lover)
“'Cause you could be the one that I love. I could be the one you dream of. A message in a bottle is all I can do, standing here hoping it gets to you.” (Message In A Bottle, Red)
Okay first of all, we had that small bit where Hayden danced with Rollo instead while Seth had to go with the NRC students to safety, right? So yeah Rollo didn't mean to hurt Seth, he just wanted to reach his goal (which I can't really talk about because I haven't watched the event myself). Now the second one happens some time afterwards, when they're together. It reminds me of them because of their long distance relationship, you know? While they're apart, all they can do is send each other letters/texts which isn't always enough, and that's why they hope that their love can reach each other!
“I don't wanna look at anything else now that I saw you. I don't wanna think of anything else now that I thought of you. I've been sleeping so long in a 20-year dark night and now I see daylight, I only see daylight.” (Daylight, Lover)
The first two lines... basically he's obsessed with his s/o, right? But in my view, this is when he finally finds "the one for him" so he's not as possessive anymore! That's why we have the next line: "Now I see daylight." Once he finds this person, he can finally love in a healthy way and he's just!! happy with his s/o!! i just want him to be happy too :((
“There I was again tonight, forcing laughter, faking smiles. Same old tired, lonely place. Walls of insincerity, shifting eyes and vacancy vanished when I saw your face. All I can say is, it was enchanting to meet you. [proceeds to insert the whole song]” (Enchanted, Speak Now)
This absolutely 100% is giving those scenarios sol wrote where they were dancing and aaaaa they're they them just 🥺 because like when Miles went to that party to save Lumi from all those people and they ended up having fun!! Lumi was dreading spending the whole party alone but Miles comes in and dances with her!!
“Laughing with my feet in your lap, like you were my closest friend. ... Carnations you had thought were roses, that's us.” (Maroon, Midnights)
So basically sol's ocs are just a big group of friends, right? That's why the first line reminded me of them! And especially because of Ignis, they're both laughing together and having fun. The second line is just Meditrina getting "roses" from Ignis and noticing they're actually carnations because despite having a plant expert gf, he's still a little dumb ksjkdks (affectionate)
“Memorizing him was as easy as knowing all the words to your old favorite song.” (Red, Red)
“I'm no one special, just another wide-eyed girl who's desperately in love with you. Give me a photograph to hang on my wall, superstar. [inserts just about the rest of the song]” (SuperStar, Fearless)
Down bad, down horrendous. That's really all I can say about the first thing. The second is just Vil being the super famous celebrity that he is and Ivy being, well, in the crowd cheering him on. Despite that, he still notices her and is just being the amazing person he is! He's incredibly polite and gives her a signed picture of him! It sounds like an idol x fan au and I know that's not the case, but it just sounded like it fits and I think it's cute
“Strange look on his face. Pauses, then says, 'You're my best friend.' And you knew what it was: he is in love.” (You Are In Love, 1989)
They're just. Tiny!! Small!! They start off as friends then they start to see they like each other, the good old friends to lovers!!! They're spending time together one day and all of a sudden, (what I think is) Vance realizes he likes Riley and ajsnndkcmksnd (This also reminds me of that one short scenario about Vance and Bobbie. Y'all remember that?)
“Wasn't it beautiful running wild 'til you fell asleep before the monsters caught up to you? ... Your string of lights are still bright to me. Who you are is not where you've been. You're still an innocent.” (Innocent, Speak Now)
They both had childhoods where they had fun: Allen played with Lumi and Nemis was happy with her sisters and parents. That's until Allen lost his best friend and, well, it went downhill. For Nemis, (I'm realizing I haven't talked about this enough) she lost her parents, the two people who were able to calm her down whenever she was upset. I can see them both seeing past each other's faults and telling the other that it'll be all right from then on because no matter what happened in the past, they're still the same innocent person.
“This ain't for the best. My reputation's never been worse, so you must like me for me.” (Delicate, reputation)
Hayden is really out here getting another part. Anyway, this is also after Overblot™ and his reputation went 📉📉📉 which means!! Whoever likes him has to like the real him, without putting on a mask! That's how we get to Elpys has always been open to befriending him even before his overblot and yayyy that's all, I want them to find happiness
“We are too busy dancing to get knocked off our feet. Baby, we're the new romantics! The best people in life are free!” (New Romantics, 1989)
This happened so suddenly—I was just sitting down and thinking who would've fit Rhyne and for some reason it just feels like a fun dynamic?? I think Ruggie would help Rhyne take her mind off things (because she's constantly worried about something) but he'd also have the capacity to help her out when she needs it! Meanwhile Rhyne is looking after Ruggie as well because that's just in her nature PLUS she scolds Leona. Which is the best part. Also in my head they just look cute together 🥺
“Yeah, we're happy, free, confused and lonely at the same time. It's miserable and magical! ... Everything will be alright if we just keep dancing like we're 22!” (22, Red)
They're both so energetic and just !!!! Whenever they're together, it's all laughter and smiles. I know Circe isn't good at dancing, but as long as she's having fun then it's okay! Circe's also got her story of being bullied and that's why she escapes to Mostro Lounge, right? That's why I thought the lyrics fit even more. Then Floyd greets her with a big hug and brings her mind away from her bad day and aaaaa they're so adorable together
“'Cause there we are again in the middle of the night, we're dancing 'round the kitchen in the refrigerator light.” (All Too Well, Red)
Ivy absolutely helps Jamil rest. She might drive him up the wall sometimes, but Jamil appreciates her nonetheless. I can definitely see this scene happening. Jamil is working late in the kitchen because apparently Kalim had invited people over to the dorm for brunch together. Ivy sees him and she asks him to take a break, ending up with them dancing with each other.
“All my flowers grew back as thorns, windows boarded up after the storm. He built a fire just to keep me warm.” (Call It What You Want, reputation)
When I thought of this, I was thinking this was sort of after Colette ran away from home and met Titus. She was mad at her family for replacing her, and meanwhile Titus looked after her since she was unfamiliar with living without the care of her family. I like how Titus cares for her as the pain from being replaced is still fresh, even though they just met and they don't know each other. I think it's sweet!
“And when I felt like I was an old cardigan under someone's bed, you put me on and said I was your favorite.” (cardigan, folklore)
So Jay is just in Ramshackle living that No Lifer Life (me too, my dude). It's like he's forgotten and he can't be as good as the others, like an old cardigan. But nevertheless, Elpys comes over and tries to bring him out to the sun! She doesn't mind that he seems like he won't grow into a successful person, he's still one of the people she likes to hang around with the most and she'll be with him until he can bring himself to the light on his own!
“All of this silence and patience, pining and desperately waiting ... Say my name and everything just stops. I don't want you like a best friend.” (Dress, reputation)
You can tell this is from Onyx's pov 😭 He has been pining for how long?? And yeah he just really likes Iris but there's been no progress !! At all !! Even though Onyx really likes her and he's absolutely SMITTEN. I hope he does get his chance soon! Also I know the rest of the lyrics and yeah it doesn't fit them at that point. That's why it's just that
“And I don't know why but with you I'd dance in a storm in my best dress fearless.” (Fearless, Fearless)
I genuinely think they'd do this. Like, imagine: they're walking home from a party or something else and it starts to rain but they're in a (how do you describe it) happy mood that can't be ruined so they just start dancing in the rain together with no worries in the world. It seems like a very ariyule moment to be and it's !!!! no comprehensible thoughts, just them
“All this time I didn't know you were breakin' down. I'd fall to pieces on the floor if you weren't around. Too young to know it gets better. I'll be summer sun for you forever.” (Forever Winter, Red)
I guess this would be around Chapter 3 era? So basically Taruchi hearing Azul's backstory. After that she does her absolute best to assure Azul of his abilities and be genuine with him so he doesn't think she has some underlying motive. I absolutely 100% believe that he would be more comfortable and vulnerable with her
“Staring at the ceiling with you, oh, you don't ever say too much. And you don't really read into my melancholia.” (Lavender Haze, Midnights)
Estelle is more emotional and vulnerable around people she's close to, that's why I chose this. And I absolutely love the vibes the song has, I'd love for them to have this song. I imagine Merrill doesn't judge her at all, and she does the same for him. I love the mutual understanding and trust they have, I think it's really sweet and I LOVE THEM !!!
“You're beautiful. Every little piece, love, don't you know? You're really gonna be someone.” (Stay Beautiful, Taylor Swift)
In my imagination, Eureka is admiring Epel in her head (and accidentally blurting it out sometimes) and she thinks he's beautiful, inside and out! She absolutely believes that he can be the person he wants to be in the future, and she hopes he can stay just as beautiful as he is now. That's what I think, at least!
“I know looks can be deceiving, but I know I saw a light in you. And as we walked ,we would talk and I didn't say half the things I wanted to.” (Hey Stephen, Fearless)
Everyone thinks Jade is scary, but it was sort of different for Nana. Yeah, she also thought he was scary but when she finally talked to him, she didn't think that anymore. They talked for a long while and she really enjoyed it, which was strange for her since she doesn't usually talk a lot nor enjoy talking to most people. Even more surprising, she wanted to talk more. so yea !!
“And then you say I want you for worse or for better. I would wait for ever and ever. Broke your heart, I'll put it back together. I would wait for ever and ever.” (How You Get the Girl, 1989)
Listen, I know their relationship is sort of angsty, but consider. After both of their arcs (chapter 6 and lise with her family stuff). They stick together, through bad or worse, through all their problems! They might have pushed each other away at one or some points, but they still managed to go back to each other! Look at them, battling through everything life throws at them together!! Only true gamers know the cheat codes and special moves they use to get through all that
“Light pink sky up on the roof, sun sinks down, no curfew. Twenty questions, we tell the truth. You've been stressed out lately? Yeah, me too. Something gave you the nerve to touch my hand.” (It's Nice to Have a Friend, Lover)
This seems very casual... which I like. I like to think they spend their time like that. Sebastian being stressed from doing so much work and Ivy helping him relax by just. relaxing and doing simple every day things <3 and since Sebastian is more shy (I assume since he's infp) the touching hands part seems cuter
[ Note: I started getting tired at this point so they're shorter ]
“Ugh, so he calls me up and he's like, 'I still love you.' And I'm like, 'I just, I mean, this is exhausting, you know? Like, we are never getting back together, like, ever.'” (We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together, Red)
Blanca got an epiphany and realized that she was better than Malleus could ever be 🧘‍♀️ What a queen ❗
“And I know you could fall for a thousand kings, and hearts that could give you a diamond ring. When I fold, you see the best in me.” (The Joker and the Queen)
Okay so if the first is from Taruchi's pov, this one is Azul's. Even though Azul could be at his low and others could treat her better, she still sticks to him and loves him. As I recently learned from a movie I watched (I think it was Set It Up), "You like because, and you love despite."
IVY x VIL (2)
“I'm perfectly fine, I live on my own. I made up my mind, I'm better off bein' alone. We met a few weeks ago. Now you try on callin' me, baby, like tryin' on clothes.” (King of My Heart, reputation)
Ivy saying she doesn't serve anyone and she can carry herself but suddenly meeting Vil and going 🧎‍♀️ and he IS the king of her heart
“Long live all the mountains we moved. I had the time of my life fighting dragons with you.” (Long Live, Speak Now)
I absolutely love this song and it think it fits their friendship a lot!! As the main group™ they've been through a lot together and of course they fully trust each other. All that time they spend together is treasured because they're practically family now!! I love them so so much and. And they. When they <3
“Seems like there's always someone who disapproves. They'll judge it like they know about me and you. And the verdict comes from those with nothing else to do. The jury's out, but my choice is you.” (Ours, Speak Now)
This is just because most people think Trey is boring but sol omg your version of Trey is *chef's kiss* It seems like a sweet ship <3
“Meet me in the pouring rain, kiss me on the sidewalk, take away the pain. 'Cause I see sparks fly whenever you smile.” (Sparks Fky, Speak Now)
I like dynamics like this, they're very cute! Deima getting butterflies whenever Kalim approaches her, it's so 🥺 Kalim is just instant serotonin. She's lacked a constant person to rely on and to cheer her on so I think Kalim would really help her with that and it makes me so happy
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causenessus · 2 months
HI LOVELY!! good morning afternoon or evening to you! how’s your day been!! i hope you’ve eaten AND REMEMBER TO EAT DURING UR LONG SHIFTS OR I WILL APPEAR ON UR SCREEN !!! (lovingly) the way i gasped when i read your response because i was just like… YOU DIDNT EAT? :( i was so distraught but i hope whatever u had for dinner was good, but still !! always remember to eat and take care of yourself or the ghost of me will scold u (lovingly again) (nothing but love for you always)
today i had banh xeo for breakfast (tbh at this point i feel like you can guess what nationality i am LMAO) but OMG YOU LIKE VIET FOOD?? WE ARE SO SOULMATES !! TWIN FLAME !! AND OMG THATS SO CUTE I HAVE A VOICE IM HHHH that’s so cute i feel so very honoured but omg yesterday while i was like doing whatever right i had a realization that im literally like mystic messenger right now with the “make sure you eat!!” “how are you!!” like IM LITERALLY A CHARACTER IN MYSTIC MESSENGER RIGHT NOW THATS CRAZY (id be so embarrassed if you didn’t know what mystic messenger is but also would not blame you) ALSO YES WE CAN YAP TOGETHER I LOVE YAPPING BUT IM DEFINITELY YAPPING TOO MUCH LIKE I WANNA REPLY TO EVERYTHING YOU SAID SO IM LIKE HHH YAP YAP YAP me and ness are literally yapper and yapper like im trying to hold back but im here like omg among us??? omg whack dreams??? i wanna know what dreams??? omg school?? i’m school soon too!!
but but one more thing omg i’m so sorry LOL BUT I FEEL LIKE WE’RE IN THE SAME TIMEZONE?? BECAUSE EVERYTIME YOU MENTION THE TIME IN YOUR POSTS i check my time and im like huh.. silly… coincidence, but it’s 4pm for me rn !!maybe im crazy maybe im not but omg when it gets to school you can 100% rant about it because i will 100% do it too HAHA school has me like like genuinely tweaking like one small thing and im like OH MY GOD YOU WILL NOTTTT BELIEVE WHAT HAPPENED TODAY
omg sorry i need to wrap this up but yes try again is amazing don’t doubt yourself and u can always yap to me whenever whenever like i’ll literally make a burner account and dm you instead so we can yap without having to flood your blog or if you don’t mind i don’t mind but mango anon loves you very much and mango anon would want ness to take care of herself forever and always and HAVE A GOOD DAY !!! xoxoxo
AAAAA OMG I AM HERE LIKE 11 HOURS LATER <33 DO NOT WORRY I AM EATING AS WE SPEAK BEFORE MY LONG SHIFT tbh i felt like so nauseous about eating anything though today idk why (i have like two suspicions lmao i def know why) but since i'm working i was like "then i'll just pick something up on the way there!!" so i went to my groccery store to get a sandwhich BUT THEY DIDN'T HAVE ANY </333 so i'm having a blazing dragon poke bowl instead??? and it's okay 😔 like i don't know how i feel yet about groccery store sushi and stuff but i've had it before!! it's just a bunch of spicy imitation crab, cucumber, carrots, and rice and i'm mainly just there for the rice. AND OMG i walked around the store bc i was trying to see if they had liquid death (caffeinated tea i think. i don't like it but i really need caffeine today </3) and they didn't have any and i decided to go back to like their little food section to get bao (you can probably guess my ethnicity too 😭) and i almost got hit bc this man WHIPPED around when i tried to pass him like i literally ducked i was so scared he was about to hit me and that man was STILL not aware of me. ANYWAY SORRY RANDOM STORY YOU AND ME AND VIET FOOD!!! TWIN FLAMES!!
ALSO OMG MYSTIC MESSENGER 😭 BRO I WAS JUST THINKING ABOUT 707 LIKE TWO DAYS AGO WHEN THAT WHOLE ANON APOCALYPSE HAPPENED I WAS LIKE "i'm going to go 707 on these people and find out where they live and haunt them /hj" PLEASE I FORGOT ALL ABOUT THEIR LITTLE "remember to eat" messages and everything but it's so cute <33 and YES we will yap together!! i went in to school today although it starts tomorrow to switch up my schedule and going there was HORRIBLE i saw so many disgusting people :/// BUT i have a pretty good schedule now so it has it's pros and cons!!! i just give people dirty looks and accidentally saw "ew" aloud all the time :))) AND IK THAT SOUNDS MEAN BUT LIKE YK HOW PEOPLE ARE and the people that live in my state are all rich privileged kids and it never changes 😭 i see them everywhere AND THEY ALL LOOK THE SAME AND ACT THE SAME AND ARE GROSS
and LMAO A BURNER ACCOUNT I WOULD TOTALLY TAKE IT THOUGH!!! i'd love to talk to you whenever please please please feel free to make one and dm whenever you'd like!! <3 I LOVE SEEING YOUR ASKS THOUGH I LITERALLY WILL BE HAPPY EITHER WAY AS LONG AS I GET TO TALK TO YOU <3 I HOPE YOU HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY TODAY ANON!!
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wambsgansshoelaces · 3 months
this is all so irrelevant but I finished school like a week ago so I'm like free forever (I'm doing externals next year so like this is my last period of freedom before becoming an academic slave to the education system)
Also hallway crush update. So like 2 weeks ago on a random Saturday I wake up and I get a notification on Instagram and its a message from him and so obviously I'm like dying and dead and decomposing and so I wait 17 minutes and I finally open it and it's this dumb fucking reel of this girl with a dog and he was like "look, it's you" (he uses punctuation over text which okayyy come here you cuteass nerd) now obviously I have no idea what the fuck that means, is he saying I look like a dog??? (Keep in mind this is the first time we've ever texted so huhhh) and so I'm like "bro what 💀" and he says that he meant the GIRL and not the dog. Which okay, yeah, that makes sense. But then again we literally do NOT talk. Like EVER. The most contact we've had before then was all the post-exam debriefs where my friends and his friends are talking about wether the answer to question 18 is 3.5 or 3.6 (we go to a "gifted" school so really we're all just a bunch of nerds) ANYWAYS NOT THE POINT. the point is that this was all so fucking random. Also the girl does NOT look like me. I asked some of my friends and even my mom and they all said that she does though so 💀 anyways I tell him that I don't really see it and he goes "look in the mirror. She could be your sister" and so at this point I am dumbfounded by this man's nonexistent texting skills and im like "well maybe she is ill have to check" and bro LEAVES ME ON READ 💀💀 which totally sucks but like it's fine I guess. Now I do have an issue here and that is that there's this girl in his class and I do think that he may be into her. My friends from his class say that they talk all the time and I see how he is around her, then again she DOES have a boyfriend (and a reputation of stringing every single breathing male along) but I'm worried that he likes her 😔😔 ANYWAYS I do hope that we're in the same class next year 💀💀
Fuck I've been rambling for so long I'm sorry this is literally a fucking newspaper 💀💀
don’t even worry I love reading these leave whatever you want in my ask box I love it 🫶🏽
I read all of it and girl idk I’m just gonna say he likes u because we manifest here >:( I have no idea how relationships or anything work LMFAO but I do think ur both cutie patootie together bc like he’s trying even though he’s not chronically online and that the universe will make things right and u’ll get together and fireworks and everything JDJANFNFN but seriously I believe in u I hope ur summer is sosososo good and that u guys hang out or something !!!! go get ur mans bae ily stay safe smooch
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linorachas · 2 years
One more poly STAY here, the one with Bin and "Marry me" ask.☺ I'm Yulia (or Julia, if you prefer it Western) or Gro.☺
Well, I also have huge brainrot about polyamorous fic with ot8 for three months right now, and it's kind of magic reality AU, where fem!reader is STAY and have unusual powers, so to say. Not like she is Wonder Woman or Hermione, but more on urban witch and urban fairytales side.
The story begins at New Year Night (because I'm a sucker for winter holidays miracles). Reader is in relationships with another urban wizard, who shares with her with his abilities as a gift, but a new appearance and powers are her choice and hers only and unlimited money, because it's self insert Mary Sue, basically, and who I am to deny it and also it's always been her lifetime desire, dirty secret and guilty pleasure.
She sleeps and has a dream...like in "Inception", with changing reality and such. It's her favourite place in the city, winter night, a beautiful snowfall, she finally gets what she has dreamt about and finally in peace with herself, and suddenly hears Chan's voice cautiously but curiously asking who she is. She turns around and here are our kids, all of them, looking at her with huge shock and surprise. And here it is, the second holiday miracle.🎄🎆
"I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship". (c)😊
I'm sorry for such a long message but I just need to share these thoughts with somebody who understands and shares the same kinks preferences.😅
I don't want to be a burden to you and others with this story and possible quantity of my requests, so if it's not OK, just say and I'll try to hold on this delulu mode.😅🥺
(Also, a moment: I'd like to send a gratitude but Kofi, Paypal, Patreon, Carrd and others are blocked in my country, because...reasons. So...may be a Boosty account? It has English language, and I've seen Sims 4 modders using it. But it's just an idea, you're completely free to refuse, of course).
hello yulia!! that's such a cool elegant and unique name :o
and waaaaah, i think that's a beautiful premise!!!! very curious as to why it's a dirty secret omg.... what are the kids doing at her favorite place... will they go on adventures... what about the bf MSKZKCJDS
but yes alas i am so stumped with requests m i haven't even made a dent i think so i cannot take this in ;-; but also.... i feel like i wouldn't do it justice though? like you've been thinking about it for three months already... is it ok to ask why u haven't started writing it yourself? :o i just really feel like you'd do a great job of bringing this premise to life!!!!
and AAAAA thank u so much 🥹 unfortunately i tried making a Boosty acc but couldn't link my bank acc 😞 thank you so much though i really appreciate the thought 😞😞❤️❤️❤️
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ichigomis · 3 years
hii can i request how will hq boys react to "he's gone, you can come over now" tiktok trend ?? hehe thank youu, btw i love your writings ❤️❤️
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with: atsumu, sakusa, kageyama, bokuto
note: aaaaa my first request! and it's so cuuuute~ went ahead and chose these boys hope that's ok,, and thank u nonnie ur so sweet! take all my love (ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚
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❊ ATSUMU knew you were up to something the moment you glanced up at him from your phone, a devious grin on your face. so when you told him he had to leave immediately because you were going "somewhere", he couldn't help but play along. "am leavin'! don't forget to lock up, mkay?" he says as you give him an impatient nod before shooing him away. atsumu walked to his car with this silly little smile on his face as he waited for his phone to light up with your text, and when it did he couldn't help but laugh to himself:
he's leaving, slide in boo
knowing pretty well you were hiding somewhere to film his reaction for your tiktok, he decides to give you a little show. he runs over to his car and gets something off the back seat. and like he expected, you were giggling to yourself as you filmed him from behind your window. suddenly, atsumu emerges from his car and frantically comes running back to your door, "Y/NNNN! WHO WAS THAT TEXT FOR?" he shouts as he swings a broom around like a sword.
you snort out laughing, thinking you hit gold for your video. "tsumu what the hell-" but just as you open your front door, he grabs you by your waist and drops his broom dramatically to the ground. "did you get that hm?" he coos and your smile drops as his grows wider, "whaaat? you knew?" you groan into his chest. "you gotta practice your scheming face babe." he laughs as he kisses your little pout.
you huff out in defeat when something catches your eye, "why do you even have a broom at the back of your car?" you ask but atsumu only smirks up at you with that devious grin, ah so that's what a scheming face looks like.
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❊ SAKUSA puts his mask on, getting ready to leave, but not before you attack him with a back hug. "i gotta leave, you know..." he mumbles but he turns to face you and returns your hug anyway. you say nothing, only nuzzling in deeper into his chest as he does the same. "mhm, now you can leave." you pull away with a smile and for a second, sakusa ponders on whether he should hold you for a little longer. "i'll see you later, omi." you plant a kiss on his forehead and his cheeks flush red, "i'll be back." he mutters before pulling his mask down, returning your little kiss. you wave him goodbye and smile to yourself, time to hatch your plan:
sakusa's gone, come over now!
a few minutes go by but still nothing, he hasn't even read your message. your excitement dies down and you throw your phone to the couch, deciding to focus on something else instead.
you were busying yourself with your work when you hear the front door opening, "y/n!" you hear sakusa call out and your head shoots up at him. you see him, wide-eyed and frantic. "what happened?" you ask. "i've been calling you for the past 30 minutes!" he says as he walks up at you. "what?" you check your abandoned phone and the 17 missed calls from him and just gasp, "ohmygod! i'm so sorry! but you came back for that? it was just a joke!" you say as a frown etches his features,  "no, you weren't answering so i..." he trails off, avoiding your gaze, "...got nervous." guilt rises up your stomach and your heart clenches, "oh no i'm so sorry..." you pull him in for a hug and he lets himself nestle onto you.
"and you called me sakusa, not omi..." he mumbles. and despite the guilt, you couldn't help but let a little smile slip past your lips.
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❊ KAGEYAMA's hands linger on your waist as he kisses you goodbye for the day. a small giggle escapes you as you try to push him out the door, adamant to get him out the house knowing your little prank won't work unless he leaves first. with a faint groan and one last kiss on your forehead, he finally makes his way to his car. and you excitedly type away on your phone:
tobio's gone, come over now.
you look out your window, waiting for him to come running to the door, but nothing, he wasn't even in his car. you pout a little, disappointed at the outcome of your antics but shrug it off. you were just about to make your way to the kitchen when suddenly, a loud clatter outside gets your attention. you immediately check and much to your surprise (and delight lol) you see kageyama sneaking in through your living room window.
"what am i looking at right now?" you ask, trying your hardest not to burst out laughing. "just... coming in." he replies, shakily bringing his other foot inside. he clears his throat and suspiciously looks around the house too unnaturally that you couldn't contain the grin growing on your face. "it was just a prank, tobio-" you say through your giggles, finally giving up. kageyama's cheeks flush pink and he scoffs, "i- i knew that." (obviously he didn't but you just let him have that hehehe)
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❊ BOKUTO pouts as his alarm goes off for the third time in the past 15 minutes. he groans into your neck and nuzzles his head deeper as if begging you to make him stay. "time to go, bo. that's the third alarm." you laugh as you push him away, urging him to get going. "b-but it's still early..." he shoots you his big pleading eyes, but you had other plans. shaking your head you push him up from the couch, "you can come over again after but now you need to get going!" and with one last attempt and a little pout, bokuto finally made it out of your apartment door. and as soon as he did, you send him the text that has been sitting on your keyboard for hours:
he's gone, u can come over now.
"who's coming over?" you jump at the voice outside your door, "your friends? can i come and hang out too?" you stifle a laugh as bokuto starts knocking on your door. "no get going!" you say through the door and you swear you hear him deflate.
"it's a spa day, get gooooing."
"can't i join? i'll bring face masks and some snacks..."
you open the door, the smile on your face too much to hide, "after you get home from practice." you give in and he immediately brightens up. now you have to text your friends to really come over.
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p.s.: i can't seem to stick to one format what's wrong with me,, aren't these too long? i may have got carried away as usual.. someone pls tell me
» m. list
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letoscrawls · 3 years
My two cents on Encanto because i've finished watching it ten seconds ago
Visually gorgeous movie, some shots were jaw dropping beautiful. While i do think sometimes the hyper realistic route Disney took years ago is a little too much, i loved how fluid everything was. I read some comments about how the animation was over the top and too cringy and tiktok looking, but i didn't see it sorry (i'm a hotel transylvania enjoyer so)
i think the themes hit home for a lot of us right? They really went all in with the gifted kid/burned out adult pipeline in this one
i was honestly very surprised by the depth of this movie and i think we can say disney has always been making movies for the kids of the renaissance era or whatever it was called all this time, at least in my opinion sdfhhsdh they just grew up i guess?? I remember movies like Mulan were very rare until some years ago but i think something shifted around the time the princess and the frog and tangled came out?? or maybe it's just me??? it's like they've been adding a deeper layer progressively. of course there's still the fun element but (for example) the scene where Alma tells her story was VERY sad and dark, i mean i'm trying to imagine it from a kids point of view and i honestly don't know what my reaction would be if i had seen it at a very young age (i'm not saying this in "PrOteCt oUr KiDs" way, i just think usually sad events are implied but not in this case, her crying and mourning the death of his husband was so realistic and raw)
as much as i adore old fashioned villains, i love how these recent movies are exploring themes like generational trauma, having unreachable expectations for your kids etc. i mean there's a much higher chance a kid will deal with a crappy parent in their life rather than a giant octopus woman
i get that Encanto wasn't perfect: the plot was a bit messy sometimes, the pace was too fast, some characters (Camilo) deserved more screentime (C A M I LO), some patterns were definitely overused (like magical mental breakdown or confronting your magical sister in a climatic song ) but overall it worked for me!!! i really really liked it. i've read a review that said it was unfair to make Mirabel the family's therapist and while i agree it's not up to us young people to fix dysfunctional families, i like to think the message of the movie was directed to parents and grandparents watching it. like a think piece, a starting point, something to make them question their views for the first time in their lives and so on??
about the songs: i didn't like them much. besides the first one and the Bruno song (a true bop), everything else was meh for me. Encanto made me realize why i despise musicals so much and it's because the characters talk fast with music in the background. JUST SING?? i promise it's okay to repeat a chorus you don't have to fit every single sentence in a musical number :| and i'm referring mostly to the final song, when all the family is fixing the house AAAAA i couldn't stand all the random talking and the music. this is a very biased and strong opinion and i know it's a pet peeve of mine so i'm sorry. but i was so irritated 😭
anyways for me it's a solid 8/10
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fruit-of-infidelity · 2 years
everything. SERIOUSLY EVERYTHING. okay but nah fr:
your blog came up in the recommended, when i first made my acc; so i took a look and was BLOWN AWAY. you dedicated so much, and it PAID OFF?? Ryuuto is such an enchanting character, and seriously is canon in my head by this point. You’ve done such a great job?? And its a CRIME that rejet hasn’t putting him in 🙄. (im not lying abt the canon part btw. seriously you’ve done an amazing job making him unique, and YOURS. but also making him FIT IN to the DL universe. he fits in so well. so in my head, he is real and canon. i wanna make so much fan content for him please 🤲)
BUT ALSO. i stumbled upon your main once or twice while getting my blog set up, and was like “OH THIS IS THE SAME PERSON?!”
So i read through so much of your content. and absolutely fell in love with your writing.
Then I read through all. and i mean ALL of ryuuto’s content. (deadass scrolled all the way down don’t come at me). AND WHEN I SAY I FELL IN LOVE? WITH HIS CHARACTER.
Not only am I just an absolute FOOL for hot people, he was alluring? like a ‘oh i wanna see what goes on inside his head but also i dont wanna DIE as a consequence’ Y’KNOW?? HES SO???
But also: you.
You’re such a fun and amazing person, and its been so wonderful getting to interact with you. Especially when I first sent in an ask you were so sweet >< REALLY MADE ME FEEL WELCOME AND CONFIDENT. AND HONESTLY IT HELPED ME BRANCH OUT TO OTHER BLOGS AS WELL.
Also the content you create— From art, to writing, to official content?? GOD ITS SO.
I’m just regurgitating the same points over and over but JUST IN GENERAL. both you and your character are amazing. and its so fun seeing how much progress you’ve made, just from the 6-ish months i’ve been following you. I adore you, and Ryuuto ig 🙄♥️ but you’re more important, SO PLS. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK.
GOD I RAMBLED SO FUCKING MUCH IM SO SORRY. My brain’s been dead for DAYS, so words are nonexistent T_T. BUT JUST KNOW: what drew me to you was your talent. and your character. and YOU 🤲♥️. and while i was intimidated at first, i’m glad to have met you 💪😎 you’re one of my favourite people. ily 🤲♥️
Also, ps. Your blog’s pretty. And i cant *not* follow blogs with pretty layouts.
What drew you to my OC?
I'm 👉👈 I've gotten all shy now, darn you- I wanna just gush about YOU instead, because you deserve all the praise and love for your creativity and Gwen ♥️ But, sincerely, thank you so so much for being so supportive and kind, Whin, I'm re-reading over this again and again and I'm so so touched 🥺🥺
I'm beyond ecstatic that you really think of Ryuuto that way! I always get super pumped when I see you in my notifs, you're so lovelyyyy, aaaaaa 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️ I'm super duper flattered, I really really mean it
DONT- AAA- MY BLOGS EARLIER CONTENT IS SO 🤮🤮🤮 MY EARLY ART NOOOO PLS DONT (but youre gonna get the biggest smooch for it still, bc AAAAA 🥺♥️)
I'm so so touchedddd, with every single little thing you say, I'm SO close to sobbing happy tearssss 😭 I am trying to find different ways of saying it all too bc I just cant express with enough words how much your message means ♥️
Just to know Ryuuto's being interpreted EXACTLY how I want him to be, with you is??? an absolutely amazing feeling. I want you to be drawn in but then also, just, A TAD SCARED 'cause he's intense and dangerous. I want him to be JUST like the canon DiaBoys but i also dont want him to be too off-putting (well--- just a lil admittedly, cause, villainous boy-) BUT NOW IM RAMBLING-
You're so so SO lovely, Whin, thank you for being always so supportive and also a huge reason for me branch out more with Ryuuto. It's always a treat having you in my inbox, on my dash, in my DMs; THANK YOU FOR EXISITING (and making Gwen, ofc ofc)!! ♥️🙇‍♀️
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spencstan · 3 years
Six of Crows re-read
(i also did this for the shadow and bone trilogy so read that if you want to)
spoiler alert obiously
i'm SO EXCITED FOR THIS this is my comfort book (with crooked kingdom of course)
oo fun fact this was my first grishaverse book and i read it with no context whatsoever except that the mc is an emo boy and morally grey
so IMAGINE my pure confusion when JOOST appeared
i was like ?????? weird take on morally grey character but ok
joost trying to figure out how to flirt with a girl is a mood
anyone wanna teach us how to???
i kinda wanna skip this part so i can see the crows..
but i won't don't worry
(won't I?
"I think Yuri may be quarantined"
so are we you are not special
i feel like it's very important for me to mention that i read this book in spanish first
and then i got into the fandom and i was like who the fuck is the wraith? i only know El Espectro
Heartender who??? ooo you mean Cardio
Tidemakers? nope, i only know Maremotores
for real i was so confused i had to re-read it in english (not that i mind tho)
Tumblr media
say whatever you want about the spanish version but we have to agree that this design is pretty af
another one yay: "Retvenko was a Squaller" vs. "Retvenk era un Impulsor"
(should i also say that in my pfd english version the book is 294 pages long and in my pdf spanish version its 532????) (i think it's because in the english one the speces are way less like the lines are so close together wtf
i've decided that i'm bored so i'll be skiping this chapter
anya is super badass tho
skdgfalsdgfliaysvfascvhjl yesssssss inej
Kaz Brekker didn't need a reason.
omg now i can picture amita and freddy SDJGKASKGLASG THIS IS AMAZING
we interrupt our regularly scheduled program to watch the shadow and bone trailer once again to hear freddy's beautiful voice
ok moving on!
now hear me out i'm giving you all permission to make fun of kaz for this one: Dirtyhands = Manos Sucias
hello i am Kaz Manos Sucias. nice to meet you!
can you tell jesper is one of my favourite characters?
i really love the fact that kaz is pissed about the murder of that ambassador ONLY because he can´t figure out how it happen
he´s such a nerd
i can't believe one of the firts things we hear jesper say is threathen to kill someone by writing "forgive me" with bullets
picture saying hi baby and wylan thinkin he's talking to him but actually jesper's talking to one of his guns
Jesper rolled his eyes. "It's about sending a message. What's the point of a dead guy with forg written on his chest?."
"Compromise," Kaz said. "I'm sorry does the trick and uses fewer bullets."
ooo thank god we have kaz to come up with creative solutions /j /s
honestly i love how they talk about kaz's cane like it's the scariest weapon ever (which it kind of is)
nothing will ever disappoint me more than finding out that in english their gang name is "the Dregs". like i don't even know for sure what that means
in spanish is "Los Indeseables" (the undesirables?) which sounds a lot more badass
no hate tho i like the dregs
but i was confused af bc i expected it to be sometihng like "the undesirables" or"the unwanted" or whatever
and it said "the dregs"
which in the translator means something like shit or something
anways moving on:
If he'd (kaz) ever been a little boy
i love how lowkey all the crows think he was just born exactly like he is now
imagine a baby kaz all dressed in black and threatening people
"No mourners," Jesper said as he tossed his rifle to Rotty
"No funerals," the rest of the Dregs murmured in reply. Among them, it passed for "good luck".
i wonder what wylan's doing right now :))
i can't wait for the next book where he has a pov
the first time i read this book i literally looked at the title of every chapter to see if he ever got one (i was disappointed to say the least :((((
Besides, she was the Wraith - the only law that applied to her was gravity, and some days she defied that, too.
marry me please
i'm gonna cry so hard once the show is out and we get to see inej omg
me simp
That Kaz had chosen Jesper to be one of his seconds was no surprise. Twitchy as Jepser was, with or without his revolvers, he was at his best in a fight, and she knew he'd do anything for Kaz.
idk why but i just love it every time kaz implies or shows that he cares or trusts jesper
it makes me soft
But every one of Inej's senses told her that was not how this was going to play out. Her father would have said the shadows were about their business tonight. Something bad was going to happen here.
underrated saying from Inej's father right there
"I'm a business man," he told her."No more, no less"
"You're a thief, Kaz."
"Isn't that what I just said?"
i see no lies here
not to be annoying but i hc jesper as adhd (i mean is pretty much as canon as wylan's dyslexia) so i'm gonna write here every time i see evidence :)
jesper with adhd part 1: impulsivity
Jesper snorted. "Stomach, spine. What's next, spleen?"
"Shut it" Oomen snarled. The rules of parley dictated that only the lieutenants could speak once negotiations had begun. Jesper mouthed "sorry" and elaboratedly pantomimed locking his lips shut.
he know he couldn't speak but couldn't stop himself from making a comment (i relate way too much to that lmao)
hoestly poor jesper he had to watch hid friend get shot and kaz do nothing about it
i would've been mad too
"I like it when men beg," she said. "But this isn't the time for it"
this is one of the best quotes in the book by far
Kaz could have tol Jesper that he knew he wasn't dirty, reminded him that he'd trusted him eough to make him his only real second in a fight that could have gone badly wrong tonight.
but kaz is petty af
he didn't even have a reason not to tell jesper that!
i love that kaz knows inej is following him but doesn't say anything because he wants to wait until she's ready
i LOVE the scene where kaz in in the van eck mantion /srs
idk why but it's so good
And, of course, there was the mystery of Van Eck's son.
wonder what that could be!!! /s
He grinned at her (...)
"Hmm." she said noncommittally, pretending to examine one of her knives, determined to ignore that grin.
this is so funny poor inej is getting flustered
"And I'll need Wylan waiting at the Crow Club tomorrow night."
One minute he made her blush and the next he made her want to commit murder
happens to the best of us :/
"Please, my darling Inej. treasure of my heart won't you do me the honor of acquiring me a new hat?"
if kaz doesn't say this on the show we riot
it's so amazing how nina found a way to use her powers to get money instead of having to like steal and murder like the rest in the gang
nina and inej omg
their friendship is just perfect
i would straight up cry
Matthias was dreaming again. Dreaming of her
i'm gonna cry damn it
this is the enemies-to-lovers we all needed
jesper has adhd part 2:
"Jesper was supposed to wait until three bells." said the pale boy
"It is three bells, Kaz." replied a small girl (...)
"Since when is Jesper punctual?" the boy complained with a glance at his watch
the time blindness come one
(btw i love the fact that kaz plans around jesper's time blindness instead of like threatening him to be on time)
i really love how every one feels the need to take the time to say/think that the masks are ugly
its so unnecessary lmao
yessss inej is a badass that kills monster we stan
and matthias is lowkey impressed lmao
as he should
"Thank you, Jesper," said Nina
"You're very welcome, gorgeous. See, Kaz? That's how the civilised folk do"
She stepped aside as if she's known he was coming, languidly hooking her heel behind his ankle. Matthias let out a loud grunt as he landed on the stones
(...) "Clumsy, this one," the bronze girl said impassively.
that's what happen when you underestimate her bitch
ok jesper has adhd part 3 i think:
"Just how crazy is he?" asked Jesper, fingers drumming on the pearl handles of his revolvers.
ok first of all: stimming
second of all: hyperactivity
i rest my case
ok 2 or 3 things here
"I believe you know Nina," Brekker continued. "The lovely girl freeing you is Inej. (...) and this is Wylan, the best demolitions expert in the Barrel"
"Raske is better," Inej said
The boy looked up, ruddy gold hair flopping in his eyes, and spoke for the first time. "He's not better. He's reckless"
"He knows his trade"
"So do I"
ok 1: kaz calling inej lovely omg kanej
2.5: kaz calling him the best cute af
3: honestly why do people think wylan is like an innocent soft boy or whatever. he's in a room full of murderers and thieves and the first thing he does is correct them and stand up for himself
like i wish i could do that
i would be crying like a bitch
"Meet Wylan Van Eck"
I'M SO HAPPY also look at this it's the first thing in his pov
Jesper stared at Wylan
do i sense some wesper?????
ok everyone is being so mean to him right now
they are aclling him useless and an idiot and other shit
poor boy honestly he had to deal with this + taking part of a heist he is definetly not ready for + he has to hide the fact that he can't write or read
it so distrubing that kaz is literally the nicest one to wylan right now
"See that? Hidden depths." (...)"He's good enough at demo, and he's got a fine hand for sketching, thanks to all those pricey tutors."
"There you have it," Kaz said to Jesper. "Marketable skills. Wylan is watching you, Helvar"
"Scheming face," Jesper whispered to Inej.
She nodded. "Definetly."
"Who's Mark" damn wylan (but pretty good comeback to jesper tho)
"What's the easiest way to steal a man's wallet?
"Knife to the throat?" asked Inej.
"Gun to the back?" said Jesper.
"Poison in his cup?" suggested Nina.
"You're all horrible," said Matthias.
tag yourself i'm jesper
KJSFGAL kaz just told wylan to tell him everything he know about his dad's company
and he said he doesn't know and kaz was like "and you never looked trough his documents????
AND THEN HE GOT SAD AND SAID HE HADN'T (and kaz believed him this is sad)
ok you know i love you jes but if you keep this up
idk i can't do anything you're a sharpshooter
but stiiiiiil
nice try
*insert spongebob voice* demjin
The heart is an arrow. It demands aim to land true.
*ugly crying*
Many boys will bring you flowers. But some day you'll meet a boy who will learn your favourite flower, your favourite song, your favourite sweet. And even if he is too poor to give you any of them, it won't matter because he will have taken the time to know you as no one else does. Only that boy earns your heart.
*uglier crying*
jesper has adhd part ?? (i have dyscalculia you can't expect me to remember the number):
That sound - the swift, shocking report of gunfire - called the scattered, irascible, permanently seeking part of his mind into focus like nothing else.
do i really need to explain this?
ok just in case.. an adhd brain doesn't actually have a deficit of attention(the name just sucks) it's problem with controling that attention. the brain is always looking for new sources of dopamine which is why it shifts its focus so much
i love that jes thinks of matthias as "tha giant"
like sir
have you seen yourself?
you're tall af
"Close your eyes!"
"You can't kiss me from down there, Wylan"
"Just do it!"
i love the energy BUT NOW IT'S NOT THE TIME JES
inej just stabed some guy int the d
good for her!
oh no wylan got shot too???? (just barely but stilllll por baby)
my Wraith omggg
ok 3 things about this:
Without another word, he tipped Oomen into the sea.
"No!" Wylan shouted, leaning over the railing, his face pale, stunned eyes tracking Oomen in the waves. (...)
Jesper set his hand on Wylan's shoulder. "Let it go."
"It's not right-"
"Wylan," Jesper said, giving him a little shake."Maybe your tutors didn't cover this lesson, but you do not argue with a man covered in blook and a knife up his sleeve"
1. wesper yasssss
2. wylan just argued with a mant hat had just tacken the eye out of someone. he literally called him out for being an asshole. like damn wylan is brave af i love him
3. do you think seeing kaz trow the guy out of the boat reminded wylan of when the same thing happened to him???? this makes me sad
he's brave and a good person and i just-
"Man with a knife, remember?" he said over his shoulder.
"Man with a gun!" Jesper called after him
this had no right being so funny
nina is the biggest kanej shiper no one can tell me i'm wrong
unrelated but if jesper had gone to the Little Palace and had studied there with nina they 100% would've had a crush on Zoya and bonded over it
like you can't tell me those two bisexual disaster wouldn't be absolutely in love with Zoya
jesper has adhd part ??:
Jesper scrubbed the back of his neck, touched his hands to his gunds, returned to his neck. He always seemed to be in motions
hyperactivity right there
and restlessness
"Do you know the best way to find Grisha who don't want to be found?" (...)
"Seems to be if they don't want to be found, you should just let them be" (jesper says this)
this conversation must be so stressful to him omg
ok you all know i love all of them but they can be sooo stupid
like wylan wrote no names on the drawing and he's excuse is that he doesn't know fjerdan?
AND THAT'S NOT EVEN TRUE he literally said he learned school fjerdan which means he should know how to write it too (we know why he can't but the tohers don't)
and even then like the excuse doesn't make any sense. why would having the original name be usefull if no one can fucking read it????
the worst part tho? NO ONE QUESTIONED HIM
i wondered how they didn't figure wylan's secret sooner but now i now
it's because theya re idiots
"I'm just doing my job. Stop glaring at me"
wylan baby let's not make the gigant mad
Jesper knocked his head against the hull and cast his eyes heavenward. "Fine. But if Pekka Rollins kills us all, I'm going to get Wylan's ghost to teach my ghost how to play the flute just so that I can annoy the hell out of your ghost."
Brekker's lips quirked. "I'll just hire Matthias ghost to kick your ghost's ass."
"My ghost won't associate with your ghost," Matthias said primply, and then wondered if the sea air was rotting his brain.
i had to put this here i don't want to get murdered by the fandom
jesper, inej and nina have the BEST friendship
"I know some people don't understand, but Kaz told me ... he said it was my choice, that he wouldn't be the one to mark me again."
i love this because it happen when they had just met
he did it because he understands her trauma and he respects her not because he loves her (i doubt he did at the time)
Kaz had been impressed with the sketches. (...)
"Just learn to take a compliment. Kaz doesn't hand them out often."
and yess kaz only compliments wylan (and inej but that's sarcastic so it doesn't count) because he's a proud dad
"And you don't belong here, either."
"I beg your pardon, merchiling?"
"We don't need a sharpshooter for Kaz's plan, so what's your job - other than stalking around making everyone angsty?"
He shrugged. "Kaz trusts me."
Wylan snorted and picked up his pen. "Sure about that?"
"If you aren't born with every advantage, you learn to take your chances."
"I wasn't-" Wylan left off and set down his pen. (...)
aww cute neurodivergent boyfriends bonding
Wylan had turned back to his work, his disappointment obvious. For some reason, Jesper felt disappointed, too.
aww jes checks on inej every morning and every night i love him
"Thank you for keeping me in this world when fate seemed determined to drag me to the next. I owe you a life debt."
Nina blushed deeply. "I was teasing, Inej"
LJFGALKGFALGA another cute friendship right there
(and i can see why people ship them romantically)
STOP INEJ AND JES ARE BONDING SO MUCH (page 127 so i can go back and read it lmao)
Van Eck writes to Wylan every week, and Wylan doesn't even open the letters
"They just said the same thing again and again: If you're reading this, the you know how much I wish to have you home. Or I pray that you read these words and think of all you've left behind."
should i kill him? anyone want to join me?
Inej bumped her shoulder against his."Then at least we're both the same kind of stupid." (...)
"You're too good for him, you know?"
"I know. So are you"
jes and her bonding over their stupid crush on a white boy
Because I've been looking for an excuse to talk to you for two days.
jfsfdajdhmgkfutdjrgsg ok i can't blame them for having a crush on him anymore
this chapter is full of kanej i love it
"What do you want, then"
You, Inej. You forever.
kaz's backstory makes me sad
"When we get our money, you can burn kruge to keep you warm," said Kaz. (...)
"I´m gonna pay someone to burn my kruge for me."
Kaz fell into step beside him. "Why don't you pay someone else to pay someone to burn your kruge for you? That's what big players do."
"You know what the really big bosses do? They pay someone to pay someone ...". Their voices trailed off as they tomped ahead, and Matthias and the others followed.
i can't believe we get to see nina and matthias meet and their whole backstory in less than a month omg
"It's not natural for women to fight."
"It's not natural for someone to be as stupid as he is tall, and yet there you stand."
oh no the dead grisha
this part breaks my heart every time
"Do you have a different name for killing when you wear a uniform to do it?"
.....i'm just gonna leave this quote right here
anyways acab
stop nina tried to kill the survivor so they wouldn't suffer but she couldn't do it
and jesper did it for her without hesitation i wanna cry
and inej didn't want to do it either i want to hug them
"Because our crime is existing. Our crime is what we are"
i'm gonna leave this here again
do with it what you will
"Don't mock what you don't understand."
"My mockery offends you? My people would welcome you laughter in place of this barbarity"
i- this conversation is so important
Jesper shouldered his rifle. "Wylan earned his keep."
Wylan gave a little jump at the sound of his name. "I did?"
kaz getting self-conscious for his hair is pure comedy
but nina how can you say that have you see his hair on the show???? it's perfect
"Remeber our friend Mark?"
"Any other impossible feats you'd like us to accomplish?"
The bearest smile flikered over Kaz's lips. "I'll make you a list."
once again jesper and kaz being besties
unrelated but nikolai and jesper would love each other
the amount of sass they have between them it's unparalleled
"Mmm," Inej murmured, taking a sip from her mug. "Maybe you're just not enough."
ma'am marry me please
kaz fainted damn poor boy
unrelated unce again but this is so much betetr than shadow and bone
like you can tell leigh improved so much
her characters are better and their arcs are better developed
the writing itself it's better
or maybe i'm just biased because i love soc so much but i think she definetly improved
Though he'd trusted her with his life countless times, it felt much more frightening to trust her with his shame.
Inej had once offered to teach him how to fall. "The trick is not getting knocked down," he'd told her with a laugh. "No, Kaz," she's said, "the trick is in getting back up"
inej is smart af
Kaz was usually unshakeable during a job, but now he was on edge, and Jesper didn't know why. Part of him wanted to ask, though he knew that was the stupid part, the hopeful farmboy who picked the worst possible person to care about, who searched for signs in things that he knew deep down meant nothing - when kaz chose him for a job, when Kaz played along with one of his jokes. He could have kicked himself. He's finally seen the infamous Kaz Brekker without a stich of clothing, and he'd been too worried about ending up on a pike to pay proper attention.
ok i got a couple of things to say about this part
first of all it makes me so sad that jes cares so much for someone who dosn't deserve him. because no hate to kaz but they would never work as a couple and kaz already treats him like shit most of the time
i think this part shows who a lot about who jesper really is. a boy that grew up having to hide parts of himself, who thinks he's worth nothing but it's smart and capable, who's loyal and brave and caring but doesn't even know it himself. he's someone who feels he doesn't deserve good things and thinks he's not good enough, and that's why he unds up in all the wrong places with the wrong people. he left uni bc he fell in with the gangs, because he didn't think he was smart enough or even prepared to be in studying in the university. jesper is constantly hiding behind a mask or running from things because he's scared of not being enough
an kaz is everything jes in a way wishes he could be. kaz is secure in himself (at least on the outside), he's stable, he's smart, he's "unshakeable". and most of all, he doesn't care about others (we know that's not true but that's how he presents himself)
and that's the thing that causes jesper all his problems. because he's insecure because he thinks he's not good enough for the poeple or things he cares about. and he's always trying to do what's best for his loved ones: he went to the ice court to pay his debt for his father, he follows kaz everywhere beacause he cares about him, he offered to read to wylan (knowing it wouldn't be easy for him to be still that long).
and yeah it often doesn't work out becuase he's messy and he has problems but he tries. and he hates that. he hates that he cares so much about people because at the end of the day, that's what makes him feel like he's not good enough
one more thing and i'm done i promise
unpopular opinion but i love that leigh made jesper have a crush on kaz. 1 beacuse it's refreshing to see someone not get otgether with his first crush. and 2 because i love that it shows that we sometimes get attached to people that are not good for us, but that we can learn to move on. jesper ended with wylan who respects him and values him, unlike kaz
ok i'm sorry that was probably all bs
oo one more thing, jesper definetly has rsd (rejection sensitive disphoria), which is something most poeple with adhd have
"My father used to take me everywhere with him"
this is so sad. bc they probably had a good relationship when he was little. and then they figured he coudln't read and now his father treats him like shit
it's even worse than if he haf been horrible from the beginning because wylan knows he can be a good father. and so he thinks it's his fault and he deserves to be treated like that. i hate van eck
"You're cuter when you're smart"
"Definitely cuter when you're smart"
wesper yesssss
i love them so much
ok but why do people think jesper is stupid. like the boy just made a bunch of criminals pass out by mixing some chemicals
and he was going to the university at like 15
amazing plot twist
Wylan coughed. Flirting with him might actually be more fun that annoying him, but it was a close call.
oooo come on jesper we all know you just love getitng him to blush
and you love him
who said that? definitely not me, nope
awwww jesper misses being around animals that's cute
imagine him coming home to wylan one day with a puppy because he just couldn't resist
Better terrible truths than kind lies
just leaving here more of inej's wisdom
ok this may be a reach but jesper has adhd part ???
Yellow Protocol? Red Protocol? He couldn't remember which was which. (...)
"The alarm was Yellow Protocol, a sector disturbance."
Jesper pushed at his temples. "I don't remember what that means"
a bad working memory? sounds familiar
kaz loves puzzles
it's canon
"I love puzzles. Trickery is just my native tongue."
this part where wylan and jesper see the banner made with grisha's kefta kills me every time
I would have worn purple, Jesper thought, if I'd joined the Second Army. (...) He'd beenwilling, even eager to risk capture and execution as a thief and hired gun. Why was it worse to think about being hunted as a Grisha?
this makes me want to cry so much
another thing super sad: the fact that since his father is Kaelish and had some supersititons towards grisha, jesper grew up wondering if his own father was scared of him. he had to hide his powers and he was almost taught to be afraid of them
"Is it safe to leave them, you know-"
"Alive? I'm not big on killing unconscious men."
"We could wake them up"
damn the boy needs therapy
it's amazing how nothing went like they planned
not a single thing
"What do you like?"
"Music. Numbers. Equations. They are not like words. They...they don't get mixed up."
ok dude the clues are right there he's basically saying it
"If only you could talk to girls in equations."
There was a long silence, and then, eyes trained on the notch they'd created in the link, Wylan said, "Just girls?"
Jesper restrained a grin. "No. Not just girls." It really was a shame they were all probably going to die tonight.
wylan really said a straight man?? couldn't be me
this is the definition of bi panic "jesper restrained a grin" bitch we saw that
btw i love the slow burn
like they hint something here but they don't actually start liking each other until much later and they don't get together until almost the end of ck
i also love that the fact that they both like guys is like out in the open now. bc i'm not a fan of when queer characters have a crush and there's the whole thing of "are they queer too or not?"
like they both know htey are queer. but they don't get together right away bc they have to start liking each other before. they don't get together bc they are the only queer mlm characters
matthias fake betrayal killed me
i tought it was real
I have been made to protect you. Only in death will I be kept fom this oath.
this is just-
also foreshadowing?
There was no part of him that was not broken, that had not healed wrong, and there was no part of him that was not stronger for having been broken.
She's laughed, and if he could have bottled the sound and got drunk on it every night, he would have. It terrified him.
if i ever have a s/o and they don't tell me this at least once i don't want it
He needed to tell her... what? That she was lovely and brave and better than anything he deserved. That he was twisted, crooked, wrong, but not so broken that he couldn't pull himslef together into some smeblance of a man for her
they are the only straight couple that matters
everyone else go home
Wylan had scratches all over his cheeks and neck. He was beaming. Inej grabbed his hands and sqeezed.
so cute omg
"You can explain why our illustrious Shu scientist looks like one of Wylan's school pals along the way"
i mean it's true but you didn't have to say it
HE'S "grinning like and idiot" STOP I LOVE HIM
"We are all someone's mosnter, Nina"
"I will have you without armour, Kaz Brekker. Or I will not have you at all"
this part breaks my heart and i love it
"Stay," she oanted. Tears leaked from her eyes. "Stay till the end"
"And after," he said. "And always."
i just- helnik is perfect
my daily dosis of wesper :)
ok but in like 2 pages jesper tought of wylan like 10 times bc he's sad wy isn't with him
Jesper scanned the empty deck. He's assumed Wylan would come up to see them off. (...)
Jesper knew he was being selfish and stupid, but some petty part of him wondered if Wylan had deliberately kept away from him on the journey back. Maybe now that the job was complete and he was on his way to his share of the haul, Wylan was done slumming with criminals.
*charles boyle's insinuating voice* and why do you care so much???
this scene where we find out the truth about wylan hurts so much but it's one of my favourites idk why
"Your're a fool," Jesper snarled. "He smarter than most of us put together, and he deserves a better father than you."
the fact that wylan just heard him say that omg
"Deserved" amended Van Eck. He blew the whislte twice.
Jesper screamed in rage and raised his guns.
"I'm not big on bludding, am I Inej?"
"Not as a rule"
Van Eck's lip curled. "And why is that?"
"Because he'd rather cheat," said the boy who was not Kuwei Yul-Bo in perfect, unaccented Kerch.
(...), and Jesper flinched
baby he recognized wylan's voice
The Shu boy held out a hand. "Pay up, Kaz"
A nearly perfect replica of Kuwei Yul-Bo stood before them, but he had Wylan's voice, his mannerisms, and - though Kaz could see the fear and hurt in his golden eyes - Wylan's surprising courage, too.
i love it when they compliment him
my boy deserves all the compliments ever
Wylan cuold draw a perfectt elevation. He's made a drill that could cut throu Grisha glass from parts of a gate and scavenged bits of jewellery. So what if he couldn't read
this is taking me to some real places
i may cry you've been warned
this is making me cry
"A fool would have been waiting to be smashed to bits on that ship. And as for "traitor", you've called me worse in the last few minutes alone."
Instead, in that moment of threat, when he should have thought only of the fight, he looked at Inej.
i would've done the same tho she's pretty
amita is sooo pretty i'm gonna die when the show comes out
Jesper was staring at Wylan, his eyes roving over the black hair, the golden eyes. "Why?" he said at last. "Why would you do this?"
nothing to say here except: wesper
You... how many times was it you standing beside me on the deck at night when I tought it was Kuwei?"
"Every time."
i want to cry so bad
"Why does it matter?"
"I don't know!" Jesper said angrily. "Maybe I liked your stupid face."
a very staright and platonic thing to say of course
i know jes we all liked his stupid face
"Jesper made a mistake," said Wylan. "A stupid mistake, but he didn't set out to betray anyone."
And maybe he'd kept him in the dark about Wyllan because he wanted to punish him a little
even kaz know they like each other come on
Jesper sat with elbows on knees, head in hands. Wylan deside him wearing th face of a stranger.
wylan give him a hug fro me please
he needs it
"Scheming face," murmured Jesper.
"Definitely," agreed Wylan.
i miss inej already
And I'm going to get my girl. Inej could never be his, not really, but he would find a way to give her the freedom he´d promised her so long ago.
i'm ugly crying and so what?
and now we're done....
i want to read this book again omg this is unhealthy
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bookwyrminspiration · 3 years
aaaaa the newest chapter was great!!!! more dex and some downtime for sophie, but marella. marella. GIRL WHAT ARE YOU DOING. none of these kids are ok.
also this took me a while to get through bc i was relating to sophie HARD throughout this but not in a good way bvkfjfkf so i may find it a tad difficult to go back and reread for predictions and theories so if there's less this time then. yeah.
still wodnering what the hell those messages from last time meant....and that dragon scale like what is going on??? /pos
very good, 1000/10 (ノ≧▽≦)ノ
- pyro
pyro!! hello again! aaaaa to you, too!
As for Dex, I couldn't bring Elwin into the situation and have him not look at Dex, which just gave me a perfect opportunity for some Dex page time! There's a lot going on with his wings and him trying to build a new pair that will actually be functional, but I believe in him. Do hope he takes a nap sometime soon though. Wait I'm in charge of that. Hmm. Guess I gotta make him take a nap if I want him to get some rest.
And I also needed to skip some time, so giving Sophie a break was an excellent excuse for that. I kind of spent two chapters writing a single day's events, so I didn't want to drag on that day any more. So Sophie falling asleep for once in her life was very helpful for that.
And Marella!! What is she doing. I've been waiting to do the things I've been building up to since chapter 6 or 7, so I'm ecstatic to finally be getting into it! I think the next two or three chapters will cover all this, which will be fun!! Sophie had her chance to sneak away, so now it's Marella's turn! The question now is where she's going and why. I happen to know the answer to that question but you don't, which is why I'm letting you know! So you can ruminate on it if you wish!
also please don't feel pressured to predict or theorize anything. I enjoy seeing what you think about the story, but that is never a requirement or an expectation. I'm sorry you related to some of Sophie's internal struggles this chapter, it's definitely not a fun feeling. And a lot of what she said and how she phrased it is taken directly from my own life, so you're not alone with that. Specifically the stuff about just knowing you've said something wrong and scolding yourself for it and pursuing the wrong things too intensely, which has affected friendships. And the feeling that there's so much going on all the time that all you can think to do is put it into a list so you don't look track but then the list keeps growing and growing and everything suddenly feels monumental. if you need anything, I'm always available to talk <33. I may go a day or two without posting, but that doesn't mean I'm completely unavailable, just that I'm not posting.
and those messages!! they certainly seem to have stuck in Sophie's mind, but she hasn't figured out what they mean yet. and with the events at the end of the chapter, I don't think they're what she's worried about at the moment. but!! that doesn't mean I'm just going to ignore it until it's time to solve the riddles! what I do with them until then, though. That's up in the air. I'll probably just figure it out as I go tbh. and i'll probably think of additional double meanings on the way to solving them, making them more and more complicated.
and the dragon scale...what does it mean? what does it all mean? (to paraphrase your questions from last chapter). is it the dragon scale specifically or is it some meaning behind it? why did it spark such a strong reaction? this is something that I'll probably get to in the next few chapters, so I'm excited!! there is so much going on I'm just ahhhh!!
very good!! 1000/10!! that is a very large number!! 100 times larger than the scale "out of ten" implies! I'm incredibly pleased you enjoyed this chapter as much as you did--now I just need to write the rest of them!! hopefully I can make them better and better !!
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Hello Eff, I just wanted to let you know that your writing is honestly so amazing and I hope that one day my writing can get as good as yours. If you don't mind may I ask how you got so good at writing and at coming up with such compelling concepts and characters? Also do let us know if your book ends up getting published in the future. I would love to read it. ❤️
Hi I'm the anon who asked about your writing. I'm so sorry to clutter your inbox again, but I accidentally hit send without finishing writing. 😅
I just wanted to thank you for running this wonderful blog of yours. Like I'm scrolling through tumblr and I feel kind of insecure about my writing and then I just see your posts talking about your writing and your ideas and you just seem so passionate and driven about them that it makes me feel a lot better about my writing and my characters. You seem like such a nice and genuine person and seeing your blog posts inspire me to give more time to writing and to keep doing it even if my writing is not the absolute best, so thank you so much for that. Also I just love your blog overall,pardon my language but all the haters can go fuck themselves, you seem lovely and don't deserve some of the hate you get. Keep your head held high and I wish you all the best with your writing. ❤️
Aaaaa Nonny you're too nice! 🥺💖 Thank you for the kind words! I was so stunned by your message(s) that I didn't know how to respond for a while, so sorry if this is late ^^'
I honestly still don't know how to respond to most of this, but I'll give it a shot.
How'd I git gud?
Well, that's sort of subjective, innit? I don't think I'm particularly good, nor do I think I'm particularly bad. I think in terms of prose I'm pretty mediocre, as I've read writing (in books and on tumblr) that's both a lot more competent and evocative than my own, but I've also read some absolute garbage that made my eyes turn inside out. I usually strive for simplicity when I write and try to keep my prose as "invisible" as I can, so I can usually skate by on mediocrity and nobody notices and that's sort of the point.
I think the main thing that has given me a certain amount of skill in writing is that I've been going at it for a very long time, since I was like 9-10. And I've been reading for even longer. Both of those will help you not necessarily develop your writing (I started writing exclusively in English relatively recently, but I've been reading and writing in Swedish for ages before then and I learned how to read in Russian as a kid), but reading in particular will help you develop your storytelling and give you a sense of what you want and don't want to accomplish in your own work. It basically gives you a mental library of stories, plots, character archetypes etc.
I honestly think that's more important to know what you want and what you dislike when you craft your own story than it is to have a technical prowess. Because once you have that goal in mind, it's a lot easier to develop the necessary skills to reach it.
However, my passion lies in storytelling more than the art of writing itself, so your mileage may vary and you might not share that goal at all. I don't have any tips on developing your prose since that's never been my own goal, but I think reading a lot and figuring out what writing styles you do and don't like will help tremendously here as well.
(Putting the rest of my reply under the cut because it got long, oops.)
How do I do characters and concepts?
It's honestly the same thing here as the previous question, over time you develop a sense of what you like and dislike and that ends up reflected in the stories and people you create. If you line up all my characters side-by-side, you'll see that they're all quite similar, and that there are some archetypes that I don't touch and some that I come back to constantly.
(A lot of this also depends on how I present these characters and concepts on my blog. Everything seems a bit more exciting and fun when it's short and sweet and there's a bit of mystery and sense of hype behind it. Nobody really knows how the story is turning out and whether my posts about it are accurate to what's actually on the page.)
What I usually do is that I have a role in mind for a character, like, who are they in the story? Then, depending on their importance (protagonist and love interest/deuteragonist get the highest priority since I'm a romance-heavy writer), I start to figure out their motivation, what they want vs. what they need is my main base and most important part of any main character I make, then why they want something and why they need something else. What has made them want this thing, and what stops them from realizing they need something different?
An important thing for me is internal consistency. I want to always know why a character acts the way they do, what underlying explanation or motivation they have for being what they are. There should be a base, a red threat of characterization that makes them true to the reader.That's not "realistic," but this is fiction. People are complicated, but characters should be simple. IMO you reach complexity through simplicity. Break your OCs down to their base levels and then start building from there, while always keeping in mind how you got here. Does that make sense?
As for concepts, I'm personally inspired by things I dislike more than things I like. I find something I think I can fix, something I can do better, and I smugly get to work. It's a weird confidence-booster, like "if this got published, my take on this will blow people's dicks off." It's ... not for everyone, but like, whatever motivator gets you going is good enough tbh. Art comes in many shapes and from many sources. Some write from love, some from pain, some from catharsis. I write mainly from spite, but I also enjoy power fantasies, so my stories often end up as subversions or different takes on familiar tropes with powerful protags at the lead.
Blog stuff
I’m really glad my shitty little collection of nonsense helps you in some way, and I appreciate your support! As for the hate, it’s difficult to know when it’s someone critiquing me in good faith and when it’s genuine malice, but I tend to give people the benefit of the doubt. Given the way I present myself online, it’d be hypocritical to shut down any responses I get as hate. I’m often inflammatory and unpleasant and people don’t like that and it’s fine.
Anyway, thank you again for your sweet messages! <3 Good luck with your writing and projects! ^^
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weebsinstash · 4 years
I'm so upset because I love you and I love your content, it always makes me smile (and horny aaaaa) but tumblr doesn't give me notifications anytime you post anymore for some reason! So I'll just be going through my dash and see a post from you and it turns out I've missed like four new things! I've tried everything to fix it 🙃
You think that's crazy? When I made that post like two months ago about how my messaging system disappeared, I never reported it because I thought maybe it was a glitch that would fix itself or whatever, and it's Still Gone To This Day. My messages have been missing for WEEKS ( so if anyone has sent me anything fhfjfjfjf sorry :( though if you've ever messaged me and I never replied im just really shy and anxious sometimes). Guess I'm gonna have to email support for like the third time since I've had this blog
No but seriously it makes me happy that people love my stuff enough to want notifications! ❤❤❤ I definitely need to actually push myself to finish stuff. I've been trying not to stress myself out, which is fine, but it's at the point where I'm not posting anything and I really would feel better if I was still producing content, so I need to find the delicate balance between being productive but not unhappy
I guess my advice would be to check back every few days or so, but honestly this site is like... so buggy that I know thats only kind of a temporary solution :( sorry my friend, and I hope I can produce content you guys enjoy soon
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smutty-ki113r · 3 years
Ayo broski
Sorry I've been busy the past few days gettin stuff done
I got a new tongue piercin and another helix piercin in each ear, so bottoms up to that 🍻
I'm tryin to focus on keepin all my piercings clean and rotatin them as well as preparing for Lammas even tho it's still a while away.
Weird thing thats been happenin tho;
My first name is Kieran but my middle name is Eden
And ever since I told my friends that they started callin me Eden 24/7 I can't escape it but it fits my vibe so it's chill.
Aaaaa I'll try an message more doll im just busy but I always got time for ya
Anyway like always I hope you're okay, that you're not getting too stressed and that you're takin it easy
Love u Red
-Anon Kier 🌿🌹🌿
Thats awesome! I have my helix done as well, and an industrial! I want a tongue piercing so so bad. Keeping them clean is so important, when I get them done for like months it’s 3 times a day. Eden is such a pretty name too! No pressure at all I just wanted to make sure you were ok.
You’re so kind to me and I love your messages so I wanted to know that you were alright. Pop in every so often to let me know how your day was or whatnot. I think you’re a great guy and I’m proud of you love. <3
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titan-fodder · 3 years
Hi mel, please let me thank you with this long message HAHAHA. I'm so shy, so let me be anon! HAHAHA
Mel, you are such a great writer. I can't find the right words to describe how good of a writer you are. I just think that 'talented' nor 'amazing' is not enough. Truthfully, I’ve only read your Attack On Titan fanfics because I haven't watched other anime or read the manga of some of your creations. But if I do read or watch those, then read like, ALL of your writings, then I expect that maybe I'll just die in happiness HAHAHA! Because they really are exceptional! I just find your writing style, or your works themselves unique and distinguished. Among all other fanfics I read, yours are one of my most treasured, preferred, and just my favorite!
I really do want to express how I love and which part of the stories lived in my mind HAHAHA but I'm trying not to make this too long and bore you, so maybe some other time!
I've only been around Tumblr for not so long, so stumbling upon your blog is the best thing that has happened since. I've reread them (especially the Fragments of Memories) and they still give feelings and emotions I had when I first read them! It's crazy! Most of the time, I really don't know what to feel because of the mixed emotions! AAAAA HAHAHA! And I want you to know that your works made me happy countless times. Especially on times that I feel below-sea-level, honestly. So thank you mel, for being so generous and kind as to share your majestic, chef's kiss-works with us.
Oh and also, I somewhat find them educational. Especially since I'm a young, inexperienced person (I'm in legal age, not to worry. Soon to be 19, but things are just different in my country, and culture-stuff). I learned about relationship boundaries (the red flags), more, and of course, intercourse protocols! HAHAHA!
I'm so grateful to you mel! To be honest, I've wanted to tell you about, hmm I can say many things but I'm just a really shy person! And since I'm really new to Tumblr and all, I'm not used to interacting online! But still, finally! I've mustered courage and wrote this appreciation. I'm so shy! And I'm sorry if this is really boring! Lots of love! Oh, and stay safe! Hope that you're okay! (I'm so shy, I'm going to die HAHAHA)
I've been putting off this lovely ask just because I know I'm not gonna be able to match this energy, but I'm gonna try. I'm just gonna address everything in order, so sorry if it sounds choppy.
I'm so glad you love my writing so much! I don't know about "distinguished" or anything, but whatever good vibes you get from it probably has something to do with me writing on and off for about 15 years. I'm glad the experience is showing lol. Don't feel pressured to watch anything else if you don't want! I definitely know what it's like to just fixate on a series. I fall in and out, but usually when I fall back into AoT (which happens often, like I always find myself back at Aot), it grabs me by the balls, so I get it.
Fragments of Memories is so special to me, and I'm so sad to have had to put it on hiatus, but it was just necessary. I felt like it was kinder to the readers too. like, now they won't just be waiting with baited breath, you know? I felt like I was leading everyone on. I have every intention of getting back to it, just not right now.
I'm definitely no expert in relationships or sex, but I have enough experience to put it into stories. So I try to mention healthy vs. unhealthy behavior and, like, cleaning up afterward and stuff. It just wouldn't feel realistic if I didn't write bout peeing after sex hahaha.
Please don't feel shy on tumblr! I've met some of my best friends here, so don't be afraid to reach out and talk to people! Yeah, there are some dicks, but you're gonna find more good people than bad.
Thank you so much for this sweet ask. I've been thinking on it for several days because it touched me so much, so I really appreciate it. 💕💕💕
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