#Aaron. Aaron look.
foxholecourt22 · 8 days
Kinda crazy how after Neil and Andrew kiss for the first time Neil literally thinks to himself that he doesn’t “look at Matt or Nicky differently” which implies that he 1. Thought kissing Andrew once had the potential to immediately turn him gay 2. That how he looked at Kevin wouldn’t be a good marker of this
Like it was literally just one sentence that I honestly don’t think I even caught my first read or two, but makes me pretty sure that Neil had the exact train of thought of “huh I guess I liked kissing Andrew. Does that make me gay? Lemme check” *looks at Nicky* “…hmm no” *looks at Matt* “….still no… ok so I’m definitely not gay for those two…”
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milimeters-morales · 1 year
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realangelahernandez · 4 months
I love older men and I love fictional men you put them together……
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morganaconda · 7 months
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wuzeio · 6 months
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a comic: neil and aaron play super smash bros! i wouldn't let myself sleep until i drew this
(for context, PK fire is Earthbound Ness's neutral special + Lucas's side special and they're both regarded as very annoying to deal with, especially when spammed- which Neil is doing bc he doesn't know how to do anything else but button mash #gamer) aaron would play... fox or something idk. or ike.
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sweetest-honeybee · 5 months
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I need to find my people
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nibeul · 1 year
uncle aaron in spiderverse fucks me up so badly because here is a man who has done terrible, unforgivable things, and he loves his nephew very much
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masterwords · 5 months
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(gif from this incredible forever favorite post by ropoto)
just sayin'.
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mandarinmoons · 3 months
God i miss these times
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He’s such a dork! (I’m in love with him)
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ara-line · 4 months
Stop glorifying the suicide of that US airman.
He grew up in a cult and never really left behind the mindset of that cult, even if his beliefs on the political spectrum shifted. According to a former member of the cult, it was common for members to leave and end up in the military. She described it as "going from one high control group to another" in the WaPo article linked.
In short, he never got help that he clearly needed. And from what I've heard about the military, his time in it may have worsened whatever issues he already had.
His suicide is a bigger reflection of this very strange pattern on the left to glorify self harm since others are suffering. It's one thing to see children in a playground and think about how there are children in refugee camps who don't get to enjoy those freedoms. This is another thing. Bushnell, unlike many other cases of self-immolation (ie the self immolation of Mohamed Bouazizi, the man whose death kickstarted the Arab Spring) was not directly affected by the bombings in Gaza. Yet he chose an extreme route that even those affected by the situation, whether through being related to the Israeli hostages or through having family in Gaza, would not go to. This is a reflection of a larger trend on this website of self punishment and forcing every last gory detail of horrific events on yourself because of a) this feeling of powerlessness over not being able to do much about the situation and b) wanting to show how much of a good leftist you are because you will subject yourself to horrific violence to show how much you care. In reality, it is mental self-destruction. I've seen this behaviour in true crime communities as well.
I think a lot of the leftists on this site grew up in conservative environments where it's all or nothing right wing extremism. Thus, much like Bushnell, their political beliefs have shifted, but not their mindset. That's why so many people on this site are glorifying his suicide.
The reason newspaper headlines aren't mentioning his name is because we already know many school shooters do what they do for infamy. Therefore, by not mentioning their names, the media wants to avoid copycats. It's the same line of thinking here. It's got nothing to do with Zionism, according to some people who probably had no idea what that is before Oct 7 and not now, controlling the media. No, Zionists do not control the news cycle. You're perpetuating antisemitism when you say that.
Inevitably, since people on this site have piss on the poor reading comprehension, I expect this post to go over well. If you're going to tell me to kill myself, just know that you will be blocked and reported. Any dialogue ended the moment you decided that was acceptable.
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ashleyslorens · 4 months
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#he’s got that sadness in his eyes that you only ever see in catholic stained glass windows
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whoisspence · 4 months
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they're judging us
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mxrisacoulter · 2 years
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what are you thinking?
the ol' punch and judy?
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hotchbabygirl · 3 months
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he looks so pretty, so soft, so divine ✨😍
i am so in love and i don't know what to do with myself 😭
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dvrcos · 3 months
Thinking about the Foxes dying their hair orange for finals. Like it starts with the girls doing orange highlights/Renee dying the tips of her hair orange during death matches
And then Matt and Nicky rope themselves in because they think it’s cool as fuck and they want to be apart of it. So Allison and Renee help them bleach their hair and Dan watches for moral support. They dye the tips of Matt’s hair and give Nicky chunky highlights
They try to convince Neil next and it doesn’t work until Matt asks and then he hesitantly agrees. They give him just a little streak of orange right at the front and it just looks like his normal hair but a bit brighter
Kevin is the next to join in because he’s superstitious as fuck and would think if half the team is already doing it than the whole team has to for good luck. Allison and Renee give him a nice ombré of orange over the tips of his hair
The twins are the hardest to convince by far. Kevin and the entire team hound them for a week. Aaron agrees finally just so Kevin stops bitching at him every spare breath and somehow Neil gets Andrew on board because he’s Neil and “just asked”
Aaron dyes the undercut of his hair orange and Andrew gets little fox paw prints on the shaved part of his head (so he can shave them off as soon as the seasons over). The orange is bright as fuck on their hair too since their natural hair is so light. And they both think it’s obnoxious but are team players
It definitely becomes a tradition after that and if they make it to finals Wymack and Abby surprise them by dying their hair (and Wymack temporarily dyes his beard)
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