#Abby 🌙
petalsofhope · 2 years
I swear, I swear I tried to find a nicer way to talk about it, but I really couldn't, so... I'm so glad you finally decided to post your work online. I know things have been hard for you lately, so just treat this as a way to relieve stress, okay?
To help, I thought I'd ask you what you think about Fanon Sans since you're one of the most analytical people I know (have we talked about this before?) I love you girl <3
– Abby 🌙
Abby you idiot <3
Thanks for spending time with me. It's been really fun to get back to writing, even after so long.
About Fanon Sans, it really depends on the author/illustrator who is working with him, but in summary: I don't like the superficial way he's treated, especially when he's one of the more mature and complex characters to think about. There are so many good aspects to his personality that I don't see many people working, although they are good topics to develop.
For an example: Sans' love for Papyrus is destructive and toxic as fuck.
When I say that, of course, I mean how much Sans can be depends on his brother to the point of putting aside his own well-being. Just review some facts:
Papyrus doesn't really have a job, which leads to believe that Sans is the one who supports him and pays the rent on the house. That's why we see him working in so many places throughout Gameplay: selling food at various points on the map, being a lookout in Snowdin, selling tickets and doing comedy shows at the Mettaton Hotel. This really, really feels like an exhausting routine, which leads to him getting so much sleep in his spare time. He seems so focused on making his brother comfortable that while Paps' room is full of toys and even a computer, Sans doesn't even have a bed.
Other than that, there are so many lines of dialogue from Sans simply praising Papyrus, saying what an amazing and cool person of Earth he is. He loves him, even more.
There are a million other points about how much Sans only lives around his little brother, but honestly, that's not my main goal.
The point is: there is so much to be tackled with this man's dependence, there is so much to be developed.
Personally, I can't see this man opening up enough to someone to have a relationship, especially when he lives for his brother and is so closed off from the world. Sans can't even think of anything that doesn't involve Papyrus. Does he understand what I mean?
Anyway, this is just an example I could think of. I think I got carried away writing this lol.
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4x01 · 2 years
🚩 TOO talented and funny like damn save some for the rest of us…
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send me my red flags 🚩
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Happy Valentine's Day dude!! ❤️😊😊
I was just about to send you an ask like this!! Happy valentine's day abby you're amazing <33
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ohcaptains · 1 year
neighbour! abby my head is fuzzy she’s so!!!! the breeding strap!!!! oh my god im gonna chew through the wall im gonna gnaw through wires -🌙🐛
i’m eating plywood rn for real. she just. always in fucking boxers !!!!!! jesus christ she’s always in god. damn. boxers. she just knocks on your door in them and it’s all thick, muscular thighs and toned calves. she’s got a deep gash on one of them, and the scar is so thick the white is porcelain.
she catches you staring one time and chooses not to say anything, but it’s all you can think about when you’re drunk at her house party and pushed against her on the love seat, half on her lap.
you’re tense and abby can sense it.
can sense it as she turns to you, head balancing on your shoulder, “you okay baby?” she asks, because she says that a lot. baby. sweetheart. pretty. hey pretty girl. and it’s different now because you’re straddling her thigh, the one you think about, the one with the deep gash you think about.
“you always call me that,” you say, half giggling as you turn to her. she raises a brow, “you don’t like it?”
you look down at her thigh, then reach out and run the line where the scar is. drag a thumb over the denim and abby’s breathing changes.
“how’d you get this?” you ask, pretending you didn’t hear her previous question and flicking your gaze to her. her eyes are big, and she smiles, slow and small.
“how’d you know where it is? you got it memorised?”
“yeah,” you blurt, honest, and her smile gets bigger.
“bar fight.”
“you’re lying.”
abby takes a drag of her beer, “would never lie to you pretty,” and you chew on your lip and squint at her. lean over and take her beer from her. she watches you drink, blue eyes transfixed on how your lips go around the rim.
“what you looking at?” you ask, and abby nods to you, “your mouth.”
you pull your lips away, spit trailing, connected to the glass, and abby immediately takes the bottle from you, taking a sip.
“you win the fight?” you ask, licking your thumb, wet from the bottle.
“in the bar, did you win your fight?”
“oh. yeah. you wanna see it?”
“the scar.”
“i’ve seen it. you’re always in boxers, it drives me crazy. just, all thighs and legs—“
abby bumps her leg, knocking it up, and her thigh suddenly pushes between your legs, pressing tight. you jolt forward, hand coming out to balence yourself on her knee, swallowing down a groan that twists into a gasp.
“this thigh?” she jokes, and fuck, heat pools in your belly, pushing to your groin.
“i’m gonna fight you.”
“yeah?” abby teases, leaning forward, and she’s clasping your chin when she asks, “you think you’ll win?”
your breath catches. you’re not sure if abby can see you losing grip on reality, but there must be a part of her that notices your body curl up, eyes glaze over and breathing change when she leans closer, nose bumping again yours as she asks,
“you think you can take me?”
her eyes are bright blue, transfixed on yours, and you swallow, alive under her gaze.
“i think i can take all of you.”
abby’s mouth opens an inch. her eyes flash with something — a bolt through the blue — and her tongue comes out, licking the corner of her mouth. she lazily gazes at you.
“i bet you could. bet you’re good like that, huh?”
you nod, humming softy as you lean closer. abby’s thigh is still tense between your legs and as you move, your pussy slides over the denim of her jeans.
“yeah, i’m good,” you sigh.
abby leans back, and you ache at the loss. she finishes her drink, and you wait like a puppy dog on her lap for her to say it. say it, say it — please please please.
she hands the empty bottle to you.
“be a good girl for me then and get me another drink, would you baby?”
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spaceshipellie · 9 months
for the ethel cain requests!! i absolutely adore this idea!! can i get one with abby and, "something they all want that only you can have"
in tlou universe! with fluff or angst! (maybe have it set in the stadium or on patrol!)
“something they all want that only you can have”
pairing: abby x reader
summary/warnings: all the girls want to be with abby but she only wants you. tlou au, fluff, flirty tension. this is really short but cute
you couldn’t blame abby for how many girls had a crush on her. or the way they’d stare with stars in their eyes at her in the gym. watching the way the muscles moved in her arms and back when she lifted weights. it was enough to make anyone swoon but that didn’t mean you didn’t get jealous.
it was crazy, really. you weren’t even dating! just very close friends who occasionally flirted and every time you hoped she’d take it a step further, she never did. right as you thought she might lean in and kiss you she’d playfully punch your arm and call you dude or something instead. maybe that was her way of flirting or maybe she just saw you as a friend. either way, you were determined to find out sooner rather than later.
“so, how was your workout earlier?” how was your workout earlier? you couldn’t be any more pathetic if you tried. you strolled alongside abby through the building you were currently investigating on patrol.
“it was good,” she chuckled, shooting you a quick glance as her hand momentarily brushed your side.
“good,” you nodded, not really knowing what you wanted to follow up with.
she spread a large hand over her shoulder and rotated it. “already starting to feel sore though, might have over done it a bit today.”
“yeah, you really seemed to put on a show for the girls,” you half laughed, half mumbled.
“what was that?” she queried but her laugh told you she heard what you said.
you tried to hide your embarrassed smile from her teasing look. “nothing, nothing.”
“you jealous or something?”
“what?! no, no–“
“i’m fucking with you.” she stopped to push a door, holding it open so you could walk in under her arm.
you both searched the new room, finding a stack of dusty books on one of the counters. you wiped some of the dust off with your fingers before wiping your fingers on your jeans.
“hey, don’t you have a copy of this?” you asked, holding up the copy of little women to show abby.
“i do, it’s a good book. you should read it.”
“hm, maybe i’ll take this then.”
she sauntered over to you, taking the copy from your hands and flicking through.
“you can always just borrow mine. besides, this copy is only part one where they’re kids, mine is the complete story,” she mildly bragged, giving you a smirk.
“oh, fancy,” you teased, “okay, i’ll take you up on that.”
her fingers brushed yours and her eye contact lingered as she handed you back the book before you set it down again. you felt yourself growing nervous under her gaze and had a feeling she was enjoying it.
“good.” her voice was low and silky.
you cleared your throat to snap yourself out from her hypnotic trance and looked down at your feet.
“we should probably worry more about infected than literature,” you tried to joke.
“eh i wouldn’t worry, think we’re all alone up here.”
“i see.”
you pretended to keep looking around, trying to find supplies or take an interest in anything that might make it look like you weren’t just burning with the urge to grab her. you spotted something on the top shelf that looked like it could be spare ammo but groaned in annoyance when you couldn’t reach it. as you were about to try climbing onto the counter you felt a warm hand on your back.
“let me,” she said, softly pushing you aside, her hand remaining on you.
you froze on the spot even when she brought the items down to show you, smiling as she then shoved them in her backpack.
“thanks,” your voice cracked.
you realised how close you two were and how she wasn’t making any attempt to move away. the urge to lean in was so strong you were convinced your body would do it against your control anyway if you didn’t do something. despite abby’s flirty nature with you, you still weren’t sure if she meant anything by it.
“so, i overheard nora talking about you earlier. coincidentally after you’d just left the gym.”
she chuckled slightly. “and what did she say?”
“she was talking to leah about how she thought you looked hot, and would die if you ever asked her out.” nerves were creeping into your voice.
“oh yeah? that’s… good to know i guess.”
your shy eyes snapped up to meet hers. “so, you would ask her out?”
“i didn’t say that.”
“why not? she clearly likes you.”
“hmm, she’s cute but she’s not really the one i’d want to ask out if i could.”
your heart sunk. she liked someone.
���huh.” your voice was laced with disappointment.
“you okay?” she asked, the corners of her mouth twitching upwards as she leaned in a bit closer.
“yeah, fine. so, why can’t you ask this other girl out?”
“oh i don’t know, might ruin the friendship.”
your breath hitched in your throat. “seeing the way they all look at you, i’m sure she wouldn’t mind.”
“hmm, maybe… and why are you so convinced it’s one of them? the girls that apparently love to gawk?”
“well, who else would it be?”
“take a guess, babe.”
she was impossibly close now and your insides were twisting into a pile of mush.
“i, i don’t know.”
“oh come on, try for me.”
“um, katie?”
“no.” her fingers brushed your hip.
“nope.” she brushed a piece of hair away from your face.
“i’m going to stop you before you list every girl in the WLF that’s not you.”
WHAT. “what?”
“have i not been making it obvious enough? my apologies.” her tone was sweet and her hand still continued ghosting over your skin, tempting you to lean in to her touch.
“i just thought…” you stopped yourself before you said something embarrassing.
“thought what, sweetheart? tell me.”
“i just thought… out of everyone who wants you, why would you want… me?”
you tried to look away but her hand cupped your face lovingly, making you look at her.
“i can assure you, you’re the only one i want.”
she laughed and soaked in the way your pretty eyes scanned her face before she closed the gap and kissed you. she deepened the kiss once she felt you moving closer to her, one of your hands fisting her shirt.
“are you convinced?” she smiled against your lips.
“hmm, maybe one more will do it.”
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elsweetheart · 1 year
abby (and vi) being firm believers in you showing off your hot ass body with those kinds of tops and short skirts but then they’re like “?? why is everyone staring?? get away from my girl??”
abby would pull you closer to her kinda roughly by the waist, glaring at them. “people really don’t know how to act around pretty girls.” she’d mumble under her breath, squaring her jaw and continue to stare back as the two of you would walk away.
and vi would be beside you walking somewhere, hands in her pockets, always alert of her surroundings and as the two of you turn a corner she’d just about spot two guys stood by an alleyway nudging eachother and eyeing you in your short skirt. she’d walk past, and then pop her head back around the corner with a little 🤨 face. she’d check you’ve walked a little ahead before stepping towards them, rolling her shoulders and clenching her fists. “didnt really wanna do this today, but seeing as you two insist on being gross little motherfuckers.” before instantly starting to swing 😭
and then she’d appear back around the corner, finding you again and dusting herself down like nothing happened 😭
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jupiter-va · 1 year
soft Abby this early in the morning is gonna make me cry she’s so sweet. she’s also like so so touchy during aftercare, just massaging every part of your body but especially your tummy (omg she loves your tummy), leaving kisses wherever she can and making sure you feel safe and loved. especially after a rougher scene!! she wants to make sure you know she’s still absolutely head over heels in love with you and wants to be soft and gentle with you omgomgomg- 🌙🐛
Yesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyes omg im glitching-
She's always really attentive afterward because she knows how strong she is and while she knows you like the marks she leaves, she can't help but feel a little bad for leaving them because she thinks she's hurt you :(
I'm gonna cry thinking about her little pout once she realizes she might have left a bruise or scratch on you. She spends so much time soothing any lingering pain and being extra careful with you
Also, you are so right, Abby is a tummy enthusiast and I'm so glad you brought it up. She's the type to rub your tummy while you're cuddling and go on and on about how cute it is.
Speaking of cuddling, I just know she's so warm she's like a weighted blanket and it's so comforting (i need her)
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theinconveniencing · 3 months
goodnight!!! okay seriously enjoying the fuck out of red white and royal blue I'm a quarter of the way through already and I'm having SO much fun. alex is completely ridiculous like dude it took you This long to realize you're gay? get serious
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cursingtoji · 2 years
hey there <3
your theme looks so sexy
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lupincollective · 4 days
Hi! Uh y'all seem cool- we're too anxious to talk to knew people off anon but I wanted y'all to know y'all seem cool and so you probably are cool- I'm ranting but you get the point
Since I'm probably gonna stay on anon for a while and send dumb asks, I'll use a sign off
oh sick! thx a lot dudes and dudettes! i'll go right ahead and add a tag for you guys
-tony & abby
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deepouterspacecandy · 14 days
Random things nobody talks about:
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The fact that Abby not only has a basketball hoop above the garbage can in her apartment, but she also sometimes misses the mark when she throws stuff away. This somehow makes me adore her character more.
Sure, it's possible Manny is the culprit. But it's cuter if it's her.
What if she blurts out adorable things like, "Wait, seriously?" and "Oh come on, I had that one!" or just an amalgamation of bad words? Maybe all disgruntled, she blames it on her bad shoulder.
Can we make it canon that it's her fault there's trash outside the bin? Cool. Best Fandom ever.
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Also, I just know in my gay little heart that Abby does in fact see Mark or Ash for that after hours gym key. That is, if she doesn't already have one of her own. Does that make her even less deserving of being hated by anyone, ever? Yes.
It's a rule.
If you don't believe me, keep scrolling.
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WLF Rule #5: Thou shalt not hate Abby Anderson.
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And finally, I think it's kinda awesome that Mel and Abby are both natural caregivers. Mel is a healer. Abby is a protector. They are such different people at their core, but they both care deeply for their community. Despite some of their later interactions, they give a shit about each other too.
It's in the little moments, you know?
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Okay and this is so random, but in the scene where Ellie chases Nora through the hospital, there is a bench with a barbell and weights. Blink and you'll miss it. I did, hence needing a different photo for this one because I wasn't fast enough for a screen capture. LOL.
But does that fitness setup belong to Abby? Checks out, since she's definitely the type of gym rat who doesn't take rest days.
Other soldiers use the equipment, of course, but did Abby lug that stuff all the way from the Humvee to the hallways of the hospital on some random rainy afternoon? I'm willing to bet all the coins.
This was silly and fun. I hope it made you smile. Okay, bye! 🚀✨️🌙
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seattlesellie · 11 months
this is so random but how do u think ellie would ask for nudes??? i feel like ellie would be likely to actually ask (it would def take time for her to get the courage to do it) and abby is the type to not like expect it or be desperate for it but be happy if she gets them yk?
dumb horny ellie texts under the cut 🌙
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roses-for-rosalyn · 1 year
❣️ Master list ❣️:
🌹= smut 🌙=fluff ✨=sprinkle of plot
🥀= Did someone say angst?
Ellie Williams: (all less than 3k words):
Try me part 1 (dealer! Ellie) ✨
Try me part 2 (dealer! Ellie) 🌹
Try me part 3 (dealer! Ellie) 🌹
Returning the Favor (aka try me part 4)🌹
touch starved 🌙✨🥀
roomates 🌙✨🥀
movie lovers (smut) 🌹
The Bathtub 🌙✨🥀
The Old Church Parking Lot (Dealer! Ellie x innocent reader) 🌹✨
Possessive Dealer! Ellie 🌹
Cop! Ellie au 🌹✨
I Came to See You 🌹✨
I Take it Back 🌹🥀
Abby Anderson:
Mutual understanding 🌹✨
The Patrol Tower (enemies to friends to lovers series)✨✨✨
Are You Sure Miss? (farm hand Abby) ✨🌹
Five minutes 🌹
The Locker Room 🌹
Ms. Anderson (Maid Reader with business woman Abby) 🌹✨
Spring Cleaning (reader wears thigh highs) 🌹
City Lights part 1 🌹✨, part 2🌹✨🥀
I Came to See You (Are You Sure Miss? prt 2) 🌹✨
While ur here! Daily click
inbox is always open for requests
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ohcaptains · 1 year
Abby showing up all sleepy and cute and dazed and crying over milk??? What if I combusted??? What if I decided to decay right now??? I need her so bad??? that blurb was so cute I’m gonna scream - 🌙🐛
:((((( but what about if YOU came to her door early in the morning. wearing just a massive hoodie, zipped open just below your collar bones, and the sleeves are so long that they collect around your wrists. abby opens the door and her eyes widen, taking in the bare skin of your legs and the way your hoodie sits just below your ass. there are panda bears attached to your feet, their cotton faces looking directly at abby.
“nice slippers.”
you squint at her, and rub your eyes. even in your exhausted state, you manage to say, “thank you.”
“it’s 5:30 baby why’re you awake?”
“its half five?“ you ask, suddenly confused.
“yeah, the clocks went back.”
“oh my god…” you whisper, heart broken. “i forgot.” then, your face falls, “i’m going to cry. “
“oh, no. it’s okay. it’s okay, go to sleep baby,” and abby slowly inches forward, as if you were a dangerous animal and she didn’t want to startle you, and reaches out, taking your shoulders and steering you back to your apartment.
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spaceshipellie · 1 year
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smut ✄ | fluff ♡ | angst ☾
tag: # tlou x cain requests 🌙 (includes blurbs of fluff, smut, angst with ellie, abby, & dina)
🪐 ellie
everything’s about you to me ✄ ♡ ☾
series masterlist (incomplete)
we were never just friends ✄ ♡ ☾
one, two, three, four (complete)
one shots
slow touch (sub!top!ellie) ✄
gamer!ellie x fem!reader ✄
ceilings (ellie x masc!reader) ♡
soccer!ellie x fem!reader ✄
sitting pretty (gamer!ellie) ✄
silver (ellie x masc!reader) ✄
sex paranoia ✄
easy mode (gamer!ellie) ♡ ✄
let me take care of you ♡ ✄
fill you up ✄
gamer!ellie teaches you a lesson after you piss her off ✄
hc’s, blurbs, drabbles
eating ellie out whilst she plays a video game ✄
rockstar!ellie x actress!reader
needy!ellie x top!reader ✄
ellie crushing on barista reader ♡
ellie’s bedroom window looking into yours (nsfw)
taylor swift lyric pranks (texts)
🦋 dina
stacy’s mom (dina x masc!reader) ✄
one, two
texts with gf dina ♡
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elsweetheart · 1 year
ahh idk if this is too late but have fun with your ballet performance!!! ur gonna do great!!! - 🌙🐛
thank you i did it a few hours ago!!!! my gf came and gave me flowers and sat with my family :( it went well!! second show is tomorrow !!
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