#Abby info
thecorvidcurio-if · 11 months
Can I ask for some physical descriptions of the ROs?
Also anon asks are off if you didn't know!!
Hi there! Thank you for sending this :) Absolutely, I'll provide some descriptions here. I'm working on putting together some visual references and character profiles, but those will take some time. (As for the anon situation, thank you for the heads up ♥)
To keep things simple and spoiler-free, these descriptions will be for their glamoured human forms only. (Except for Abby who forgets his glamour more often than not.)
This got long, so the rest is under the cut.
First off, here's a skin colour chart for them, though this may be subject to change as the artist and I work on their profiles:
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Height: 5'8" (172.72cm)
Build: Middle of the road, not particularly bulky or slim. The way he dresses makes him look softer than he actually is.
Features: Gentle features, soft and slightly rounded, eyes crinkle when he smiles genuinely
Hair: Black, extremely curly and falls just past his shoulders, often tied back
Eyes: Deep reddish-brown, upturned with thick eyelashes
Style: Cozy but classy, favours the colour red. He doesn't wear jeans but prefers khakis and slacks. His clothes are meticulously taken care of, he doesn't wear anything that hasn't been tailored, and his outfits are carefully picked out even when he isn't going anywhere. When he's performing with Thea, he dresses entirely differently. Much more casual "night out" sort of style, but nothing flashy. He wants to look nice, but not stand out. Tends toward masculine styles more often than not.
Height: 6'9" (205.7cm)
Build: Like someone who was already tall and lanky lost a fight with a taffy stretcher. When not wearing a glamour, his proportions don't look quite right. Ridiculously long legs and arms either way.
Features: A bit sharp, pointed chin, dimples when he grins, when unglamoured his features are as uncanny as his bodily proportions, left ear has as many piercings as can be physically fit onto one ear
Hair: Bright teal, long on one side and almost totally (and unevenly) sheared off on the other, constantly in disarray. Looks like someone got carried away with a set of scissors, maybe while blindfolded.
Eyes: When glamoured, both his eyes are a normal shade of light green. When unglamoured, the left eye is magenta and his right eye is lime green, both with slit pupils.
Style: Blinding. His entire wardrobe is exclusively eye-insultingly bright neon, and he makes no effort to coordinate colours. His sense of style is "colours make brain go brr" and that's all there is to it. Tries to fit as many colours as he can into any single outfit. Red is the exception, he won't ever wear red. No preference as far as the "gender" of clothing - if it's fun, then it's fun. That's all he cares about.
Height: 5'4" (162.5cm)
Build: Heavyset, looks very soft and squishy but it's all muscle underneath.
Features: Rounded, but distinctly lacking the sort of gentle quality that Vicente has, oval lip shape with heavy upper lip
Hair: Fuchsia undercut, the unshaven part is about the length of a pixie-cut, wavy but that's hard to see when it's so short
Eyes: Turquoise, eyelashes and eyebrows match pink hair, eyes are rounded and would typically be considered adorable, but there's a hardness to her gaze that neutralizes the effect entirely
Style: Would be punk if she had more patience for clothes. As it is, she can't stand them, she hates the feeling of fabric on her skin. She likes the look of leather and plaid but it would kill her to wear that sort of thing. Her clothes are mostly black and pink, with some blue mixed in. Doesn't own anything with full-length sleeves or full-length legs. Any rips or tears are repaired by safety-pins rather than thread just to be contrarian because Vicente once told her she should repair them properly. So, of course, she never will. The "gender" of clothing doesn't matter to her because it's all horrible. If she finds something tolerable to wear for a whole day then that's a big enough deal that the gender of it doesn't matter.
Height: 6'1" (185.4cm) (without heels) Build: Slender, might even be seen as delicate if you don't know her well enough to know better
Features: Angular with a refined air, a large, hooked nose, wears makeup when on the job but refrains when she's at home.
Hair: I wish blood orange wasn't a meme because that's really the most accurate way to describe her hair colour. If she were to straighten it out, it would fall just past her shoulders. As it is, she usually has it styled in waves or curls, or done up in 20s-inspired hairstyles. She'll try out hairstyles from other time periods, but since those don't spark the same joy for her and she can't wear them for work it's hard for her to motivate herself to expand her hair horizons
Eyes: Yellow. She literally can't put a glamour on them, for reasons that will be explored in the story. It isn't that big a deal, though. Coloured contacts are a thing, and the fact that she's a performer makes it easier to assume it's a sort of costume. Not to mention, humans get so overwhelmed by her very presence that they usually can't manage to question her eyes. She likes to wear small, feathered eyelash extensions.
Style: Classic and elegant styles, often 20s-inspired. When it comes to her work wardrobe she goes full-throttle old Hollywood glamour. For her personal life, though, she prefers day dresses and casual wear (still in that classic and elegant style though, even her casual outfits have a refined air about them.) She focuses on the fit and silhouette when she puts together outfits, and has a personal tailor. Exclusively presents femininely in the way she dresses.
Height: 6'3" (190.5cm)
Build: Streamlined. Kind of like a swimmer's build, strong but built to be quick and aerodynamic.
Features: Sharp, brow is often furrowed, strong jawline, cheekbones could cut glass, whether he's capable of smiling is anyone's guess
Hair: Very, very long. Falls past his mid-back, perfectly straight and white. Somehow, it never gets messy or out of place. Almost like magic or something... But even so, he ties at least some of it back if it's getting in the way. His hairstyles (when he bothers styling it) are more elaborate than Vicente's, but simpler than Thea's
Eyes: Very, very dark brown, almost black, monolid, eyelashes and eyebrows match white hair
Style: He likes things that are long and flow-y at the hem. A long trench-coat, a cardigan that has a "tailcoat" sort of shape. He laments the fact that capes and cloaks fell out of fashion. The sleeves need to be fitted, though, otherwise they get in his way. As far as colour, he isn't very picky as long as it's nothing too bright and colourful. He has a preference for the colder shades of purple. Wears a lot of rings, necklaces, bracelets, but no piercings. I'm not sure what to call his overall style other than "modern warlock chic?"
I can't really get into Shiloh too much without spoilers, but I can tell you that their hair and eyes are always black. I can also talk about their style a little bit.
Style: Layers upon layers, as much of itself covered as possible. Always has the bottom half of its face buried behind a scarf. Clothes are all black and may not actually be clothes, but no one has been able to get Shiloh to clarify about that.
If you want to know about anything specific I may not have mentioned, please let me know ♥
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Can’t wait for this Withered Bonnie scene in FNAF 2 movie,,
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kristsune · 6 months
Jonny did the Heart Lungs Liver Nerves chant live on stream and it was extremely impressive, especially considering it went on for just over 8 minutes. I felt the need to capture it in it's entirety, plus a little moment after that run ended. And of course, I couldn't not provide a screenshot from the stream, if only for the fantastic art used for the creators/VAs.
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sky-is-the-limit · 11 months
I just got reminded by a man that Abby is straight, I feel sick.
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abby118 · 13 days
Could you please you reblog or reply to this saying what your opinion on trigger warnings / content warnings is, and where you're from? Thank you!
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sotogalmo · 1 month
@thesharktist , @blizzardstarx , @send-me-a-puffalope . Since I've told y'all some stuff about this AU :3
(St.) Garreth Aruther-Burntenberg
: The well-known plum-colored hair Boy.
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Garreth ~ The Beelzenian Prince.
(he's around 15-22yrs old in the drawing)
“thought that wish was nothing to do with me, i couldn't help but want to see that girl happy . . . // Now, it must be dinner time~.”
Reference for his clothes:
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design facts/lore(? Base wise)
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Silvasfuh Enda is a flower given to him as a gift from the people in Mike's village (no name as of now so any help is welcome and appreciated!<3)
The hairpin; small Sun and Crescent Moon - which was a gift from ~1 year old Abigail (persistent that the gift is for him, and is rightfully his. This was also around the time where she was able to speak sentences. — odd thing to mention, but all three; Mike, Garreth and Diederik (yes I'm adding @onenonlydanforth into this AU. The things that have been happening around with these jhutch characters rp blogs, have .. tbh continue to inspire me to do my AU. Characterizations of them all, etc. The admins/ops of the blogs have done a great job! I love all of their interactions) were there when it happened, and when she spoke her first words)
But to the dismay, Garreth was only around for 2 years of her life. Due to himself cutting contact with the Aruther-Blavnkeberries, ( he had no other choice or idea. those thoughts always followed him and he didn't want to even think what they'll turn into when he's with the ones he loves and view as true family.. )
I do recommend that you three (or more) should read/listen to/learn about Evillious Chronicles!
The owl is this owl:
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(I'm not good with animals, so sorry that the drawing is bad)
the owl is very important to the lore (base and maybe even finalized story) : Em might already know since I explained it as "similar to the changelings". Who knows though. But I do recommend that you three (or more) should read/listen to/learn about Evillious Chronicles! It will help with like. Learning about these three characters (tho there is more,, since EC covers 1000 years,,) — Rilliane Lucifen d'Autriche, Micheala and Banica Conchita — that will be inspiring Garreth's story! (I would rather but prefer you guys to learn about Evillious then learning it all from me. The shock is better from the source!). I will start with the Daughter of Evil/Story of Evil songs first if you don't want to read the novels and such(but I am planning on reading the novels!)
He (?) looks more ... different like this. The flower and hairpin turned into a hat with a veil covering half of his face. The veil is stripped in a funny pattern. The hat looks like a pancake stack!
His hair is wispy swirly and curly hair as he appears to people in a shadow-y figure type of way (dare I say when he does, he looks more like a woman than a man. — he might be a Demon but he's still curious about certain things —)
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With a sequel all but officially confirmed, it’s pretty much a given that Matthew Lillard will be back for the sequels. I’m not as familiar with the lore and subsequent stories so do you think they’ll bring back Mike Schmidt, Abby, and Vanessa in the sequels or will it be a whole new set of characters?
Matthew Lillard has apparently signed a three-picture deal for FNAF, which is super exciting:
"I just got cast in a movie called Five Nights at Freddy's. It's very fun, it's a three-picture deal with Universal and Blumhouse. So, unfortunately, my day job is taking me off to work." - from THIS article (there's a video on the page too of him being interviewed)
As for the others... I'm not a total expert on the lore but I'll try to answer. I'm not sure what contracts the cast have signed, but in regards to the lore it's very possible! I think Vanessa especially is a given to come back at some point because of the whole Vanny thing in the later games - what will be interesting will be seeing how she goes from being the helpful police officer in the movie to the sadistic follower of Glitchtrap seen in the games. Having said that, there's still debate as to whether Vanessa and Vanny are the same person, but it would make sense in regards to the film if after waking from her coma, her personality has been altered or something.
As for Mike (and by extension Abby), I think it's possible; there's debate about whether Michael Afton and Michael Schmidt are the same person etc, although the movie seems to be taking a different view to that theory? Mike the security guard is only in the first game, however, and the protagonist of the second game is someone different called Jeremy Fitzgerald (all the security guards/protagonists in each game are, to my knowledge, someone different). Abby is an original character made for the film, as is Garret, so it's difficult to say but if Mike appears then there's a chance she would to in some capacity as he's her primary caregiver.
I think the director, Emma Tammi, has mentioned that the second film would be an adaptation of the second game; FNAF 2 is set before the first game, so if Universal/Blumhouse choose to adapt it then it's unlikely we'd see Mike/Abby/Vanessa, at least as they appear in the first film - we might see a young Mike/Vanessa since FNAF is set in 1987 which is the decade William was abducting kids/took Garret, which could be interesting if certain theories are proven.
Personally I would love to see all of the aforementioned characters/cast again in some shape or form, but we'll have to see! It really depends on how Universal/Blumhouse intends to adapt the games going forwards.
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lesbiansoncaffiene · 1 year
Thinking about the injuries Neil sustained at the hands of Lola/his father
TW: traumatic injury (burns), torture
Like burns are the most traumatic injury your body can sustain so imagine how damaging that would be?? I’ve seen a few fics where Neil loses feeling in his hands because of the burns and I totally agree with that. Especially with how cruel we know Lola was, she didn’t stop for anything. Neil’s skin was probably a lot more damaged than we were led to believe
(Especially since A) Neil is an unreliable narrator and B) he probably couldn’t process the pain after a while)
Okay so imagine Aaron, in all his holier-than-thou med student glory, knowing these things, and seeing Neil’s burns. I know Aaron is apathetic but if he has the compassion to be a doctor he has to have some sort of compassion for Neil, whether he hates him or not.
Imagine Abby knowing the full extent of the damage long before Neil does and not having the heart to tell him. Imagine her knowing when she wraps the burns on the very end of Neil’s fingers and he doesn’t even flinch. Imagine Neil only figuring it out sometime later when he breaks a knuckle and doesn’t feel a thing.
Imagine Neil begrudgingly, angrily, going to Aaron later that night and asking him what the hell he needs to do. Imagine Aaron throwing a cold pack at him and telling him he won’t ever regain feeling in his fingertips but he’ll be fine. Imagine Neil going up to the roof and Andrew not even lighting a cigarette because he knows Neil needs time to process this.
Imagine Neil pinching and pulling at the ends of his fingers as a nervous tick for years because he can’t feel much of anything. Imagine it gets frustrating. Imagine a breakdown one day after college from Neil to Andrew because he just wants to feel it when Andrew holds his hand.
Imagine Kevin getting it more than anyone thought, because his nerves were damaged when he broke his hand. Because he regained feeling eventually, but Neil never will. He ices Neil’s hands when it hurts and makes him take his Ibprofen and gets Jean to give Neil the “you’ll-never-get-better-of-you-don’t-try” talk over the phone in French when he doesn’t.
Imagine Andrew using matches for his cigs for the rest of his life because Neil can’t stand lighters. Andrew, not putting any candles on Neil’s birthday muffins (cause he’s a weirdo), always diligently checking the fire alarms to make sure they work in every home they live in.
Imagine it gets a little easier, but it’s always an obstacle Neil has to operate around when he joins pro teams. Imagine he draws over his scars sometimes when he’s bored. Imagine Allison drawing city skylines and jungles and snowflakes over his scars when she’s bored.
Just… i can’t stop thinking about it
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theveesbf · 2 months
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ABBY - @vqnrouged
VIRTRIS - @r4wrclwz
TEA - @qinglvr
MOE - @aun-muaq
KYO - @achveronx
MILLIE - @millieissillyxd
REMY - @remy45
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© theveesbf - don't repost, copy or translate my works/style/layout without my permission.
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whydoifeelthisquiet · 5 months
No no no my social anxiety is so bad. I am definitely weird to everyone who knows me. Awesome!
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stabbynunchuckss · 1 year
Right here's the info on my OCs that no one asked for :)
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So. Cooper. He's precious. Whumpee, obviously. He/him pronouns. I'm pretty sure he's 23?? I think. Yeah.
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Ivan. Probably an inaccurate representation. He's just a Guy™ doing his best. Reluctant caretaker. He/him. Uhh he's like 34.
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Edmund. Probably also inaccurate. He's a bitch. Whumper. He/him but if you asked he'd be really fucking transphobic at you. No idea about his age, but he's old. Like 60-something.
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Abbie, my newest oc. She's fabulous. Fucking great blue hair. Also a caretaker. She/her. She's 27 (in the current timeline, whatever that is. She's 24 when she first finds Cooper).
So. This will be added to if and when I create more characters (I have one in mind for later parts). Feel free to ask any questions related to my ocs if you want!! :)
(Picrew here)
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asydicsydney · 1 year
"Esteban's birthday is coming up-" NO GODDAMNIT
I'm sorry, but I'm very protective of my headcanons, please
His birthday is January 31st because that's the date A Spy In The Desert came out on Bandcamp, and it's a day before C****s, and he's an aquarius like his dad, and it lines up with my surrogate child theory that is technically disproven from the start but RAHHHH
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munamania · 1 year
saw film girl omw to a shoot 😷
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stfuimprojecting · 2 years
broooo FUCK ABBY
like i appreciate her as a character, i really do. like so many women lose themselves in the people around them and i am so happy to see someone find themselves again.
but damn, she couldn’t have texted or called. like the fact that canonically she just like ghosted buck and left him hanging. that’s so messed up. all you needed to do was break up with him. is that so hard? instead he was just waiting and waiting and waiting
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special-boy · 1 year
just heard about a league of their own s2
and I am d e v a s t e d
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sotogalmo · 29 days
Thinking of like. I dunno-
How to expand on Yard Fire with many its Fantasy elements (all from Evillious Chronicles itself) (it's having demons - Gods. And so, there has got to be some angels, ,, smth smth. Rituals and making contracts with demons or those like demons).
Also it has like..magical items. So like ,, yeah
I need to work on the whole world first then I can work on the characters (tho the world is already set inna way. ,,)
But maybe I can just always expand/experiment with Garreth & Michelle ,, (they are like. The main starting points of why I even made this AU in the first place (moreso Michelle actually!) and just much more has been dumped about them to three of my friends (@send-me-a-puffalope , @blizzardstarx & @thesharktist ) ,, so,, yeah👍✨)
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