#Holiday writing bingo
boxfullaturtles · 7 months
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"Red is only two but he's getting so big!" "If he keeps going at this rate, you won't be able to pick him up by the time he's five, Yoshi!" "...oh." "Ah, now, hang on, don't cry! No, no, Yoshi, don't--don't do this, don't cry! Oh no..."
am i using the @tmnt-event-blog as an excuse to explore my Choosing Hope AU? maybe. should i be writing Adagio? yes. do i regret anything? also maybe.
anyway! enjoy this little tidbit! dunno when/if i'll do another lol
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tyo-mimt · 7 months
3/36. @tmnt-event-blog
Sometimes, giving a little means getting something back in return.
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Raph didn't remember where this habit came from. Maybe it started with the various plushies Dad gave him when he was younger; don't get him wrong, he took care of them well! But the road to learning to be gentle was paved with spilled stuffing and many many stitches. On top of that, as he and his brothers grew up, so did the need to repair any clothing they may have.
Raph remembered when Mikey first caught sewing up Captain Cuddles' arm. There was a little tear and he had to patch them up. His initial fear of being made fun of was completely drowned out when Mikey waddled away and came back with a hole in his beanie. It then spread to the other two, where his services would usually be reasonably required throughout the year.
Though this winter season, the demand for his help grew. It wasn't something he would flat-out refuse; he loved helping his brothers whenever they asked nicely, but it was beginning to get tiring.
Raph called it irresponsible, but Donnie did counter with the very convincing "At least I didn't use any of your clothes."
Leo (for once) had a pass, asking Raph to help sew up the right-sleeve of all his long-sleeved shirts. He seldom ever wore them outside of winter, but it felt right to give him help when he asked. There was also Mikey. He needed help sewing up the tears in some of his jackets; he left the lair more often to accompany the Caseys around New York, but with only Junior's supervision, it was difficult to reel back Cassandra's and his combined chaos. Then there was Donnie, who Raph was sure wouldn't need any help repairing clothing, only to prove him wrong when the softshell came to him with a laundry basket of shredded clothing that fell victim to one of his "mind fog moments".
That was all within the span of two weeks, and Raph's previous plans of knitting a nice thick blanket for himself went out the window. Winter settled in fast (surprisingly so, global warming and all that). It usually wouldn't have been a problem, but heating hadn't properly been installed in the lair, let alone their individual rooms.
Sluggish and struggling to keep his working eye open, the snapping turtle decided to call it quits... It was too cold to work, and he didn't want to assign blame. He put the knitting needles aside and flopped onto his bed.
It was a monstrosity, but it was beautiful.
Mentally preparing himself to brave the cold night, he heard a knock on the door. Even if he didn't answer, they'd still come in, and they did. He wanted to say something about taking a nap, only to find the words dying in his mouth. Warmth flooded the room.
He looked over, seeing all three of them standing there with a Genius Built™ portable heater and a monstrosity of a blanket. Some corners and patches were crocheted and others were knit; all of them were various different colours of yarn, some thicker than others. There were a myriad of attempted patterns on one end and a small cluster of finished ones somewhere on another side.
"What's all this?" Raph dared to question.
"We just wanted to thank you for always fixing our stuff," Mikey hopped over to wrap the blanket around him.
"And we figured we'd be real jerks if we didn't return the favour," Leo continued.
"Also, your room is the most insulated out of all of ours and the heater's better in here than out there," Donnie quickly added.
Raph chuckled, spreading his arms open. Mikey was the first one to take the snapping turtle's offer to embrace, Leo tugging Donnie over for the hug (the softshell would've run away sooner if he didn't want to).
Cocooned in the world's ugliest crotchet-knit-hybrid blanket with his brothers, Raph wouldn't trade this moment for the world.
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rangerelik · 2 years
Christmas present - T.S. x Fem!Reader
Word count: 1373
Summary: Y/N and Tommy spend their Christmas with their family.
Warnings: nothing
Requested: No, it’s made for @runnning-outof-time’s BINGO challenge.
A/N: I started writing and it kinda developed in double bingo.
So I went with: fluff-a family tradition-modern AU-must include: a proposal and with domestic-must include: a secret-modern AU-Christmas Eve. 
Oh and I don’t exactly know how Christmas is celebrated in the UK, I know what we learned at school, so don’t please come for me if I have written something wrong.
I am so sorry it was really my first proposal scene I’ve ever written, so please forgive me.
Thanks to @cillmequick for beta reading.
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Although it was nearly Christmas time, you couldn’t get into your normal Christmas spirit. You needed to go Christmas shopping for Tommy and your little five year old daughter Samantha, but she now occupied all of your free time you wanted to spend preparing the house for the holidays. Unfortunately, you couldn’t do that as the maids had their orders to prepare the tree and all those ornaments you always loved to display by yourself. Tommy gave his orders and you didn’t have any choice in this matter.
At least you could be in your room and read your little one some books. She liked everything fairy tale-like, every princess, prince or dragon captured her eyes and refused to leave her imagination. Tommy sometimes played with her, he was her rescuer, her prince and she was always the princess that needed her prince.
The time went by and you were becoming a bit anxious. This was the first Christmas, you weren't able to have the presents prepared. So, deciding it was time to go shopping you rang the bell and Mary, your maid, appeared in the door of your room.
„Yes, ma’am?“ she said.
„Could you take Sam for a while, I need to do my shopping.“ you told her as you gave her your little one.
Mary just nodded her head as she started talking to Samantha. You changed out of your home clothes into something more presentable and went to do your shopping.
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Christmas Eve came and all the Shelbys came to your house to celebrate the holidays with your little family. Tommy had a big house in the country, so it was natural, you would be the host for those holidays. There were enough bedrooms for all of your family, so they didn't need to go home after all the evening festivities ended late at night.
As you were preparing in your dressing room, you put on your best festive dress with some delicate Christmas ornaments. Everyone was already inside, sitting in the drawing room, probably already drinking, as you knew Arthur. Well everyone except Ada. It bugged you because you liked her the most. As you made your way down the stairs the bell rang and maids opened the door, Ada made her way into your parlour.
„Ada! I am so glad you came! How are you? Oh, hello Karl, dear!“ you said as you hurriedly embraced her and her little boy. You were glad she accepted your invite. You felt a lot more happy and at ease when she really came. Even Sam would be happy, she liked playing with her cousin.
„Y/N! It’s nice to see you! I am good, thank you.“
After some more lively talk you both made your way to the drawing room, where everyone was. The dinner time came and everyone set on to go find their seat at your large table in the dining room.
You took your seat next to your boyfriend and daughter. The dinner went on great, nobody did anything stupid, which was already a little miracle for you, and everyone had a great time. 
When late evening came, Ada and you went on to set the children to sleep. There the first problem came. Samantha kept asking about Father Christmas, she wanted to stay awake to see him.
„You need to go to bed, my dear. He won’t come if you stay awake and you won’t get any presents this year.“ She scoffed and her mouth curled into a pout, already starting to throw a fit.
„But mama,-“ she started with a weepy voice but she didn't have the opportunity to say more as you interrupted her. „Off to bed with you.“ You told her as you took her into your arms and took her to her bedroom. There came the usual tantrum about not wanting to go to sleep. After some bargain she settled for some fairytales. When she finally drifted off to sleep, which took almost two fairy tales about princess Fiona and Rapunzel, you came back down and found out that everyone moved back to the drawing room where the adults had been drinking again. Thomas poured you a drink and kissed you. You embraced him from the side and looked around the room. Everyone was here and everyone was happy.
„It’s time,“ you told everyone. As they knew what was going to happen, they got up and helped Tom and you prepare gifts under the tree. You also poured some flour over Arthur’s boots to mask Father Christmas’s footsteps to the fireplace. Poll drank the milk and John ate half of the carrot and the biscuits Samatha left there before the dinner for Father Christmas to freshen up.
„I am so glad you all are helping me. She loves this little tradition, it always makes her smile.“ You told everyone when you finished setting up the perfect scenario for the kids. „Hope Karl will like it too,“ you said, sending a smile in Ada’s direction. 
After committing all those crimes the kids shouldnt know of, everyone, already tired from all the preparation it took, went to bed.
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„Mummy, daddy! Father Christmas was here! And he had eaten what we prepared for him!“ Both of you were abruptly woken by your daughter jumping up and down on your masterbed. You were still tired and hoped she won't continue in waking you up, but you were mistaken. When neither of you answered, she proceeded to pinching and tickling you both, so you had no choice but to wake up.
„Good morning, Sam. That’s awesome. Did he leave some presents for you under the tree?“ Tommy asked with his raspy morning voice, you always loved. His words worked like magic, because Samantha jumped from the bed and ran downstairs to observe the presents you bought her.
„Morning, love,“ you told your boyfriend and pecked him on his lips. 
„Mornin’,“ he answered. You got the chance to stay a while in his embrace, when the distant shouts of Sam and Karl made you get out of your shared bed. You put on your Christmas pyjamas and made your way down.
„What do we have here?“ you asked the children when you found them beneath the Christmas tree.
„A lot of presents, ma! Even Karl got some! Could we go and wake up everyone else?“ she exclaimed while jumping up and down excitedly.
„Of course, love. But be gentle with everyone. Uncle Arthur doesn't like jumping on his bed and aunt Pol must be woken up gently, so careful.“ Both children nodded their heads and set off on their quest of waking everybody up.
After some time, when everyone was gathered, the children took the presents and brought them to the person it was for. They were so happy because they brought smiles to all of the „boring“ adults. When there were any more presents under the tree, Tom stood up and came to the middle of the room.
„I have one more present which I kept secret,“ he started his speech, „This christmas was the most wonderful one I had since the time my daughter was born.“ Everyone looked at him, eager to know what his present would be. „To the love of my life. Y/N, you gave me a beautiful daughter, you make me the happiest man under the sun. Will you do me the honour of becoming my wife?“ With those words he made his way towards you and came down onto one knee and opened the little box with the most beautiful ring you ever saw.
With tears in your eyes you nodded your head and simply replied, „Yes, I will.“ Everyone clapped and cheered as Tommy put the ring onto your finger. You fell into his arms where you wept happy tears for a while. After composing yourself a bit you gave him a long kiss.
„Bleh, ma! Why would you do that?“ little Sam shouted over the claps of others. Frances, who had been discreetly waiting in the wings, knowing he was going to ask, quickly ushered in maids bearing trays of champagne as well as orange juice for the children, so the whole family could celebrate their happy news together.
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Tags: @runnning-outof-time @cillmequick @zablife @gypsy-girl-08 @dandelionprints @shelbydelrey
Dividers are from @firefly-graphics
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snowpetaly · 7 months
Christmas writing bingo ❄️🎄
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I present Christmas bingo for writers, partly to stimulate your imagination and partly for fun if you are thinking about a Christmas story and nothing comes to mind.
These are short slogans that you can develop in many ways, or use my suggestions for you 🩷 Have fun! 🧑‍🎄
too scared to confess; long distance relationship, old friends stimulate old feelings, meeting after many years, fear of rejection and care
cliché christmas dinner; a specific family, someone is drunk again, children are running somewhere, no one knows where, there is an argument and a tragedy all in one, dinner is over
got stuck in the snow; rushing to an important meeting or party, even Christmas Eve dinner, difficult road conditions, long hours of waiting for help, nostalgic conversation topics
magic of Christmas; something unexpected and shocking works to the advantage of the main character, then everything breaks down again and is finally fixed on Christmas
fight under the christmas tree; During Christmas Eve dinner, two generations are lost under the Christmas tree and no one comes out well. A conversation in a prison cell at a police station, regrets and frustrations on all sides that protect fragile hearts
burnt dinner: Christmas Eve dinner will not take place, shops are closed, a specific way to spend Christmas, an unconventional way shows what is most important during Christmas and what we miss so much
snowman: free form ❄️☃️ inspiration; Olaf
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feverinfeveroutfic · 6 months
hanukkahbingo 2023
Fic or Art/Graphic Title: alone in the dark, chapter five : “Shadow of a Thousand Dead” Author/Artist Name: josiebelladonna Fandom: Testament (Band) Jewish or Jew-Ish Character(s): Alex Skolnick (and how) Bingo Squares Being Filled: latkes, applesauce, sour cream, anti-assimilation, smashing fascists 🔥 Rating: Mature Warning(s): Creator Chose Not to Use Archive Warnings Link to Work: x @aimmyarrowshigh
I awoke to the gray light of the morning outside, and the feeling of a warm little body right next to me in the bed. For a second, I believed that I had woken up back home in the safety of my bed and with my girlfriend in my arms. But the feeling only lasted for a second, and I remembered that I was in the grandparents’ house, and it was Christine had nestled up against me like a little teddy bear. I ran my hand down the middle of her spine to the band of her pajama pants: the thought still lingered in the back of my mind, the one that told me to keep my hands off her lest someone in her family find out about it at some point, whether it came about after I left or not.
She groaned in her throat as she buried her head right into my chest. Her hands had found their way down onto the seat of my pants for a good feeling: every so often, her fingers pulsated on me for a little squeeze. Whenever she did it, I curled my toes and snickered. The feeling was new to me, and I couldn’t help but feel tickled by it.
She gave me a squeeze, and I chuckled a little louder that time.
I knew the rain had died down a bit, so I could be heard in there, but I wanted her in particular to hear me, though.
“Like squeezing a ripe avocado,” she whispered. “A nice, full, round, sweet, delicious little avocado—” She squeezed me again, and I rolled away from her enough to where her hand rested on my hip. I looked on at her and the tip of her tongue tucked into the corner of my mouth. “You have such a nice butt,” she remarked.
“If you like my butt, then surely you like my belly, too,” I told her as I ran my fingers through my hair and pushed my head down into the pillow so she could see the edge of my jaw and the side of my neck as well.
“Beautiful neck,” she remarked in a low voice. “Very beautiful neck.” She inched closer to me with her fingers up to my neck for a little stroke.
“Don’t tell me you have a fancy for necks, too,” I quipped to her.
“For yours,” she retorted back to me; she pushed her head in closer to the side of my neck for a soft kiss on the side.
“Ooh, that feels good,” I noted.
“You like that?” she whispered into my ear.
“I love it so much—more—more—” She kissed me some more, right on the tender spot right on the spot between the nape and the edge of my shoulder. Her lips were soft, and she touched me with such delicacy that to compare it to the tips of feathers would just cheapen it.
“I love how sensual you are,” I said to her.
“It’s funny, I don’t think of myself as such,” she confessed right into my ear. She buried her nose and lips back into the side of my neck, which only made me relax even more. The rain may have died down a bit, but I was feeling so cozy.
“I really don’t want to leave this bed,” I confessed to her.
“And I don’t want you to leave, either,” she whispered to me. Her hand slid down my chest and down onto my belly, and I realized that I had slept without a shirt on all this time.
“You should wear those leather pants again,” she suggested.
“Wear them after I eat all of the gelt, the latkes, the rugelach, the kreplach, and the sufganiyot and the waist band is so tight after that?” I teased her.
“Wear them after you eat all of that, and you also get tied up in lace and latex, too,” she added with a little flick of her eyebrows.
“I’m kind of intrigued by this whole… thing that you’re into,” I confessed to her. “It’s interesting and I find it tickling me whenever I think about it, too. Wanting to see me with a little extra weight on my body to the point I have a little belly going.”
She hung over me so her short red hair dangled down over the side of her head and face, like a little cherry wave from a primordial ocean. Her eyes twinkled from the mere suggestion of it all. Not only had she woken something in me, but I had a hunch that I had woken something up in her. She licked her lips and ran her fingers through her short hair so I could see her whole face.
“And it’s hanging over the belt of your pants, too,” she quipped with a slight gyration of her head. “I wanna feed you and feel you and keep you all to myself. I want to hide you in the closet and sneak you out when my mom isn’t looking.”
I cracked her a playful little smile at the sound of that.
“Oh, that’s so sweet,” I remarked, and my voice broke with sleep. “But I have to keep a life of my own or I’ll wither away. My parents will be worried sick about me.”
“But we’ll take good care of you, though,” she promised me. “We’ll tell your parents that we’re taking good care of you, especially when you have very little places to go after this.”
“That is… so, so sweet, Christine,” I told her with a slight shake of my head upon the pillow. She leaned into my face for another kiss, that time on my lips. I thought about what she had told me the night before, in that she would want to kiss me all the time, and that was all I could think about, as well.
She lifted up and gazed straight into my eyes, and a rich warmth swept over me like the wave of hair upon her head. She licked her lips and ran her fingers through my hair, the little ringlets on the right side, right underneath the streak. I showed her the tip of my tongue and rested my hands upon my chest.
“I want you to say it,” she whispered to me, and I caught the sound of the rain on the roof once again, albeit at a rather soft pace.
“Say what?” I asked her.
“That you’re sexy,” she replied.
“That I’m sexy?” I chuckled.
“You’re really sexy,” she confessed as she tucked a stray ringlet behind my ear. “I swear, if you my age, I would want to be with you all the time. If you were my age, I would have my hand tucked into your back pants pocket just so I could feel your nice little ass.”
I raised my eyebrows at her.
“Would you?”
Christine brought her lips to mine again, that time with a bit more spice and a bit more force as well. She had a hold on me, an absolute death grip on me, like the blizzard over the Rockies. She was making the feelings inside me swell like the cold waters which gathered around the property and the base of the hill. I couldn’t help but let my chest rise up from the feeling. My heart pounded inside of my chest, and she held onto the sides of my face with nothing more than the tips of her fingers.
She let go and gazed into my eyes again. My head spun and my heart hammered inside me. I could feel myself firming up in between my thighs, and all I could do was lay there with my eyes locked onto her.
“You look so good,” she cooed to me with a sweet smile on her face.
“This is—so good,” I gasped out, and I had no idea what came over me right then. “Kiss me—please, Christine, kiss me. I need it, and you need it. Kiss me and feel me. I want you to feel my hair, too. I need you. I need to feel you.”
“And I need to feel you—” she whispered back to me.
She kissed me again, that time with that same force as well as her hand tucked in at the back of my head: her fingers entwined around the roots of my hair and she gave me a little tug at the back. She moved her lips down to the side of my neck for another tender little kiss. I closed my eyes and rested my hand on the small of her back.
She lay down on top of me, and I could feel her heart was pounding as well. I lifted my fingers off her back just so she was the one feeling me.
I gave myself to her.
It was all I needed, the feeling of someone loving me and nourishing me, and I couldn’t believe that I was going to have to leave it all behind me at one point. The feeling was silky and soft, and it only left me feeling even warmer than I had the mere few hours before then.
Christine rested her knee on the side of my hip, as if she was grounding me right there in the bed.
For a second, I had forgotten everything that brought me up to that point. I had forgotten about all the times I was up on stage with a leather vest and I left it open for everyone to see my skin and the hair on my chest. Right as I thought that, she ran her fingers down my chest. She stroked the fine little sprigs of hair with nothing more than the tips of her fingers. It was as if she had read my mind and knew exactly where to touch and feel me.
Most of all, I had forgotten my ex. In fact, I forgot I even had an ex to begin with: all I knew about was Christine, her precocious power and passion. She lightly caressed me and held me, as if we had known each other for far longer than a mere twelve hours. She nestled down next to me, and she used my body as her pillow. I was her rock right then. I was her crutch, and I was more than happy to be that for her as well.
She never did stop kissing me as well, even after she lay back down next to me with her hand rested upon the side of my neck.
“Oh, that was wonderful,” I breathed out to her as she lightly stroked the hair at the very top of my head. “Where did you learn to make out like that?”
“All of the times that I made out with my hand,” she replied. “I also thought about the times I considered making out with my ex, too.”
“He would have been so lucky,” I confessed to her. She sighed through her nose at that, and I rolled my head over the top of the pillow for a better look into her eyes and the wistful look in them. “He would have been so—so lucky,” I repeated, that time in a low whisper of a voice.
“By the way, I love how your voice gets all husky and soft whenever you feel good,” she noted.
“It does?”
“Oh, yeah. It almost feels like you're whispering a secret to me. It also helps that you and I are laying in bed together, too. I notice you talking like that last night.”
“Well, 'cause there's no power in the house. Anything we say or do is going to be heard, and I remember you telling me just that last night, too.”
“Sound travels in this house as if the walls are made of copper tinfoil,” she replied with a wiggle of her eyebrows. “And by the way, I also love how warm you are, too.”
“It's what I get for being a soft boy, eh?” I joked to her.
“You are soft!” she replied with a little tap of the tip of my nose, and then she put her arm around my waist. “Very soft, indeed.”
“Christine?” Wendy's voice floated in from the hallway right then. Christine herself meanwhile, closed her eyes and sighed again.
“Is the door closed?” I asked her in a low voice.
“Yeah, it is...” With a groan, she let me go and sat up in the bed next to me. She climbed out of the bed by the time her mother called her name once again.
“Yeah?” she called out.
“Where are you?” Wendy followed up.
“In here!”
Christine reached for the bedroom door and flung it open, and right as I was getting out of bed as well. Luckily for the both of us, she only had to adjust her pajama pants where I had to fix everything on me in order to appear decent. I hoped to whatever that her mother did not get the wrong idea about us, and especially about me—
“Oh, there you are!” Wendy declared as she strode up to the doorway. “I didn't see you in your room and I wondered if you and Alex had gone out walking together.”
“No way,” I assured her as I slid my legs out from under the covers; I cleared my throat as I thought of an excuse right as she walked on up to the door. “I was telling Christine when she came in here a little bit ago that I didn't want to leave this bed because it's so warm and it's all so cold in here, too.”
“It really is! Is that why the door was closed?”
“Oh, yeah, yeah,” Christine assured her with a nod. “I came in here earlier and he was like 'close the door! It's freezing in here!' and so I did.” She shrugged her shoulders.
“What time is it, by the way?” I asked Wendy.
“It's seven thirty,” she replied. “But I was going to ask you kids if you wanted some coffee from the market a few blocks from here.”
“Ooh, I definitely would,” I said as I rubbed my hands over my upper arms. I turned my attention to Christine. “Have you seen my shirt?” And she shook her head. I peered over to the desk on the other side of the room, where I spotted my coat but not my shirt, however.
“Maybe you oughta go without the shirt,” Wendy suggested. “You know, just wear your coat over your body and have nothing more than your pants, too.”
“Yeah, and with my hair down like this, I'd look like Michael Hutchence,” I said with a chuckle, but I decided to do just that regardless of my own insecurity, though. I slung the coat around my body and ran my fingers through my hair.
“So hot,” Wendy remarked with a little twinkle to her eye. It apparently ran in the family as I had a hunch that she liked me as well. I didn't really want to dig deep into that because I knew that she and her husband were separated but not properly divorced: I needn't have that on my conscience as well. Nevertheless, I followed the two women out to the hallway, which was still somewhat dark despite the sun having risen up and the fact that we no longer needed hurricane lanterns and candles as far as I knew.
I fixed the lapels of my coat and took a seat at the kitchen table: I moved my coat around so only the top part of my chest was exposed to the two of them as well as the grandparents. My own freedom aside, they needn't see me like this, and not when there was a lot to do in that house to serve as a proper distraction, either. I kept my left hand tucked into my pocket to keep my coat closed off, and my right hand rested upon the table before me, and I watched Wendy put on her boots and her jacket as well before she headed out to the rain.
“It's not that far,” she assured us with a shake of her head. “I'll be right back.”
“We'll be here,” I promised her with a little smile; she scooped up her keys and ducked out to the rain, which still fell in utter droves out there. I was curious if there was any sort of flooding down the road from us as well. I then turned to Christine, who took her seat right next to me: her red hair seemed to shimmer under the gray light, and I couldn't recall her skin appearing that creamy smooth, either.
“We got anything to nosh on?” I asked her.
“Nosh?” She raised an eyebrow at me.
“Yeah. Like something to eat before breakfast, or before your mom comes back with the coffee. Don't tell me you haven't noshed before.”
“I've noshed, I've noshed,” she insisted with a nod of her head, and then she sauntered over to the table and rested her hands on the edge furthest from me. She leaned forward so I could only see a small window of her chest right then.
“Nice try,” I told her, and she glanced down at her chest.
“Nice try what? You don't like what you see here?”
“You need a top with a lower neckline,” I said with a straight face. “I do like it, but... if you're going to do that, wear a top with a lower neck, though. You know, I want to see more of the boobs, not just a tiny little peek the size of my thumb. Besides—” I took a glance over my shoulder to the gray shadows right behind me: her grandparents were still sound asleep in the room at the far end of the hallway; I remembered we had to put the screen back onto the window near the back door as well. I then returned to her, still with a straight face. “I'm a leg man.”
“You're a leg man?” she asked me with a grin. “Well, why didn't you say so?”
She hoisted her left leg up onto the chair next to me and lifted up the bottom of her pajama pants, to which I giggled at her.
“Hey, now, you gotta have the proper clothing,” I said.
“I'm in proper clothing!” she insisted as she rolled it up to her knee.
“Nah, you need like fishnets or something to accentuate all of this...” I gestured to her, and then I let my eyes wander onto her, onto the curvature of her lower legs as well as her ankles. I was a bastard for thinking about it, but I pictured her in shorts, and I had a feeling she was going to do something for me before our time was up here at the house.
“Question,” I started again, and I kept my voice low again lest her grandparents hear us in there.
“Do you have any pedal pushers?”
“Pedal pushers, like... capri pants?”
“Not really,” I said with a shake of my head. “They're kinda fitted and they only go to your knees. They're—dare I say—hot. They're quite hot.”
“Like you and that coat of yours?” she teased me back, and I gave my hair a little toss back with the flick of my head. I let the coat sling open so she could see more of my chest.
“I guess you could say that,” I told her with a little shrug of my shoulders.
“You guess? You guess or you know?” She pressed her hands to her hips, and she straightened out her spine so her chest was so prominent right before me.
“Man, your mom wasn't exaggerating, you do have a thing for me,” I teased her, and she giggled at that.
“What, did you think that those kisses I gave you were all lies?” she retorted back to me.
“I never said that,” I assured her with a shake of my head, and I couldn't resist laughing, either. It had been quite some time since I had a playful debate like this with someone else, let alone a girl, that I could not help but laugh to myself.
“But you did imply it, though!” she insisted, and she began laughing as well.
“What do you mean? That I have some sort of secret that I'm harboring for you?” I ran my fingers through the ringlets on the side of my head.
“You could be,” she teased me, and she set her foot back down on the floor so she stood before me like Wonder Woman.
“Like what?” I asked her as I leaned back in the chair, and I let the coat open up for her to see all of me. Just like the leather vest up on stage with Testament.
“Maybe you like me,” she answered.
“Of course I like you,” I quipped to her. “I mean, that should be obvious. I mean...” I glanced over my shoulder again, and then I returned to her. “I let you kiss me and sleep in my bed with me.”
“Hey, now, I didn't just kiss you but I also held you and rubbed that little belly of yours.” She wagged her finger at me as if she was lecturing me.
“Plus, you've been flirting with me and looking at me all wide-eyed this whole entire time. I mean, it's no secret to me.”
“Back up, I thought this was about you, not me,” she chided.
“Yeah, it is,” I replied with a straight face. “It just makes sense to bring you into the fold because you're the one doing all of the action.”
“What, you're passing the buck onto me?” she asked me with her hand pressed onto her chest.
“Yes. Yes, I am! You came onto me, not the other way around.”
“Ah, but you let me come onto you,” she quipped with another wag of her finger. “It's not all about me, after all.”
“I think it is! You wanted to get close to me because your mother was right and you have a thing for me.”
“And you don't have a thing for me?” she demanded with a flutter of her eyelashes and a slight raise of her head.
“I never said I don't,” I assured her as I ran my fingers through my hair again, and I couldn't resist the smile on my face. She cocked her head to the side, and she stepped on closer to me, and all the while, her hands never lifted off from her hips. She stood right before my knees, and I wanted to know what exactly it was that she thought right then. I nibbled on my bottom lip, while she ran her tongue along her top row of teeth.
“You really do look like Michael Hutchence,” she told me, and I gave my hair a quick flip with the flick of my head.
“I'm not as good of a singer as him, though,” I pointed out.
“You ought to be,” she suggested. “I can just imagine you singing with this really sexy, really husky baritone, all dressed up like this, too. You'd make my teenage dreams come true in a hot flash.”
“Well, I'd have to take singing lessons and really step into my own, neither of which are a walk in the park, especially the last one. Ever since my breakup and when I left my band, it's been a tall order to try and find my footing, especially within myself.”
“Shall I help with that?” She stooped over before me and even though her chest wasn't all that exposed to me, I still let my eyes wander there. “Eyes up here, big boy.” She pointed to her face.
“'Big boy', that's something I haven't heard before,” I said to her, and I couldn't help but laugh again.
“You really never believed you were a big boy?” she teased me.
“Of course I did. I mean, I practically dwarf you and your mom, of course I know I'm big.”
“No. I mean... you really never believed you were a big boy?” She ran her tongue along her bottom lip again, and that time, she dropped her gaze to my body. I followed her gaze and I realized she was looking at my lap.
“Yeah, you, me, and my leather pants,” I told her; right as she glanced up, I flashed her a wink.
“Will you wear those again?” she asked me.
“Maybe. It depends.”
“It depends on what?”
“It depends on what you wanna do here while you're face to face with me. You wanted to help me find my footing.”
“Of course,” she replied, and she kissed the tip of my nose, which caught me by surprise. She giggled and showed me her tongue.
“Ah, yes, a nice game of 'kiss the schnoz',” I said with a straight face, and she burst out laughing at that. She stood up before me for a second, and then she ran her fingers through her red hair.
“Man, and I thought I was saucy,” I muttered.
“It's funny 'cause I wasn't always like this,” she told me.
“Neither was I! It's like when we get together and everyone is still asleep, we bring out the—what we call in my family—chutzpah in each other.” She paused for a second, and then she gazed on down the shadowy hallway, and my heart skipped a few beats as a result. “Are your grandparents awake?” I asked her in a low voice close to a whisper.
“I don't think they are,” she confessed, also in a low voice. “I just thought they were.” She then returned to me with a flex of her eyebrows again as well as a slight twinkle in her eye. “Yeah, I guess we do bring out the—what'd you call it again?”
“Chutzpah. A bit of—” I stood up before her, still with the coat wide open for her to see the hair on my chest as well as my bare belly. “—walking around like you've got it and I want it. Or rather—” I pressed my hands to my hips. “I've got it and you want it.”
“Or perhaps I've got it and you actually want it,” she retorted back to me with a gentle stroke of my chest. She licked her lips at the feeling of my skin, and then she moved her hand back up to my chest hair. “You have really sexy chest hair. I didn't think I was all that enticed by a guy's chest hair, especially when my dad used to be all thick with it when I was little, but... here I am. Feeling attracted to chest hair.”
“Go ahead and touch me,” I insisted to her, and she used both hands to stroke me. She wound some of that hair around the tips of her fingers, which felt a bit better than her hands on my belly but I wasn't going to complain or split hairs.
“I like how it's just these cute little tufts all over your chest,” she remarked.
“Would you rather I have a full rug on my chest like that of a gorilla?” I asked her, and she wrinkled her nose and giggled at that.
“Nah, this is—this is kind of perfect, actually,” she confessed. “In fact, it's... it's making me all tingly.”
“It's making you tingly? It's making you tingly where?”
“You know where,” she replied.
“Oh, you mean—below the equator,” I said. “In the heart of the deepest pits of the Dead Sea.” And she snickered at that; right then, I caught the sound of her grandfather saying something.
“I think they're awake,” I told her, and she took her hands off of me and sniffed her palms. “Wow.” I raised my eyebrows at that.
“Would you rather I took my hands off of you and put them down my pants?” she retorted to me, and I nibbled on my bottom lip at that.
“I ain't telling you,” I quipped to her, and she giggled at that.
“So that was perfect is what you're telling me?” she asked me as I closed the top three buttons of my coat to have some modesty before her grandparents came into the room right then.
“It was interesting,” I said to her with a slight flutter of my eyelashes to her, and she snickered and sniffed her palms yet again.
“Mmm, smells like a boy,” she told me; she turned her head towards the hallway, and then she turned her body away from me, and I could only assume that her grandparents were coming down the hall. I sank back down to the chair while Christine made her way over to the sink: for a second, I believed she was going to wash her hands, but she got herself a drink of water instead.
The front door then swung open, and I was greeted by the smell of the rain as well as fresh coffee.
“Ah, the two best smells in the world right there,” I declared as Wendy nearly stumbled into the house; I strode on over to her to help her out with the cardboard carrier and the four cups of coffee: I noticed she held one in her hand as well.
“Phew—” Once the door was closed, she stripped her hood off her head and gave her hair a shake.
“Wet?” I asked her.
“Quite,” she replied. “I forgot to ask you how you like your coffee so I just got you a plain espresso.”
“Oh, that's okay! I like me some espresso.”
“It's the one closest to you, and I should also say that—” I raised my eyebrows to her. “The airport is still closed,” she told me. “The clerk in the store told me about it and I knew I had to tell you once I got back home. And I feel like it’s going to be closed for another day, too. I mean, it is just pouring rain right now, like I'm amazed there hasn't been flooding outside.”
I sighed through my nose, and I picked out my cup of coffee from the bunch before I set it down on the kitchen table for Christine and her grandparents. I then doubled back to the front door and I peered outside to the street as well as the drenched yard. What snow had fallen had completely gone at that point, and at least it wasn’t snowing again, but the sheer amount of rain that was falling out there only made me all the more concerned about how and when to get on home to my parents. It was Sunday, and the sands of the hourglass dwindled down with every passing second.
I had no idea if these people had a menorah on hand or any sort of candle that lit up with oil.
I couldn't stop thinking about it, either, such that I neglected to bide the grandparents with a simple good morning.
“So, if the airport is still closed for the next, say, couple of days, that means he misses the first night of Hanukkah with his parents,” her grandfather followed along, to which I sighed through my nose yet again. I sipped on the espresso, only to feel the first twinges of hunger within. I turned my attention to Christine's grandmother, who strode up next to me with her cup of coffee as well as a glass of water.
“Are there still mashed potatoes?” I asked her.
“Oh, yeah, there’s plenty,” she replied, and then her face lit up. “We want some of those potato pancakes, don’t we.”
“Yeah, we do,” I replied to her, and I could feel my own face growing warm.
“Well, once we've had a bit more coffee, we'll fire up the hot plate and slice up some onions and get the olive oil out, and we could have some latkes.”
“Do you have applesauce or sour cream, too? I like mine with either one.”
“I think we do!”
“And I think we do have some oil candles, too?” Wendy assured me as she strode on into the room from behind her. “We’re probably going to be lighting candles every night for the next couple of days, anyway. That is until they get the power lines fixed, and we aren’t relying on a hot plate and some open flames, as well. They’re these little white candles, too—I'm not sure, but I feel like they're like the ones you would see on a menorah.”
“Oh, perfect!” I said, and I turned my attention to the hearth on the other side of the room. Right in between the framed photographs of Wendy, Christine, and other members of the family as well as a small wreath of orange leaves, acorns, and pine cones, stood a blank spot that looked to be big enough for a row of candles for a makeshift menorah.
“Do you have nine?” I asked her. “A menorah has nine in order to be kosher: four on either side followed by the shamash in the middle, and it’s gotta be offset from the other ones a bit.”
“Oh, yes,” she replied. “We could have the eight lined up on the hearth, and then the ninth one can be pushed back a little bit.”
“You're a guest in our house,” Christine's grandmother told me with a hand rested upon my shoulder. “The best thing we can do is make this place feel like home for a while.”
“Thank you,” I told her with a little bow of my head and a sip of my coffee. I then returned to the kitchen where Christine and her grandfather were in fact starting up the hot plate and gathering the potatoes out for the latkes. It wasn't going to be like those from my mom or my grandmother for that matter, but I wasn't going to turn them down for nothing, though.
There was in fact a jar of applesauce there in the kitchen, and I was eager to have a nice little plate for that morning as well as the cup of warm espresso. Once I had taken my seat on the couch in the living room to see how the makeshift menorah would look, for a second, I really did believe I was back home with my parents and my grandparents. If I hadn't known better, I would have sworn that I was a teenage boy again back at my family's house right outside of New York. No sooner had I sipped on my coffee again when I thought about calling my mother again to tell her what was happening.
And no sooner had I thought that when there was a knock on the door.
“I'll get it!” Wendy declared, and she doubled back past me to the front door. She opened it to reveal a short man with salt and pepper hair wrapped in a beige coat.
“Hello, dear,” he greeted Wendy, and all I could think about was Sir Anthony Hopkins right then.
“Kenny!” Wendy gasped.
“Dad?” Christine sputtered, and she stalked out of the kitchen to see what was the matter. Her grandfather followed suit with a plate of latkes and a bowl of applesauce for me.
“Here, son,” he told me. “Happy Hanukkah.”
“Thank you so much,” I whispered to him, and then he turned his attention to the front door.
“Oh, hello, Kenny, what’re you doing here?” he greeted him rather coolly.
“I got caught in the makeshift swamp right outside here, and I remembered that this is my in-laws’ house,” he said in a single breath, and he barged in like he owned the place. “Smells good in here, what's cooking?”
“Something that doesn't involve you,” Wendy scoffed as she closed the door part of the way to keep any more cold air out of the house; and then he turned his attention to me, to which he curled one side of his lip at me.
“Who’s this funny-looking little runt?”
“Kenny, he’s not funny-looking!” Wendy insisted; Christine slid next to me and hunkered closer to me. Kenny frowned at me and pressed his hands to his hips. I swallowed and shifted my weight. It had been some time since I had experienced something like this before, with my ex’s father looking down at me because of the streak on my head and the full bulbous tip of my nose, and the fact that I was eating latkes fresh off the griddle with a little bowl of applesauce to the side.
“You keep your hands off my daughter,” he warned me, and I swallowed at that.
“Dad, he’s a good guy,” Christine assured him, slightly heated.
“Alex is a sweet guy!” Wendy exclaimed.
“I’m just here because I can’t get home otherwise, sir,” I sputtered out, and I held my plate of latkes close to me.
“I hope that's all you're doing,” he told me in a curt voice.
“Alright, get out of here,” Christine's grandfather ordered him. “Until you start talking to my daughter again like a mature adult, I don't want to see you, I don't want to know you, I don't want to know anything about you.”
“One hand on my Christine and you're target practice for me,” he warned me with his finger right in my face.
“That's enough!” Wendy snapped, and she tugged him aside and escorted him back outside. I turned my attention to Christine, who then shook her head.
“I have no clue how he got here,” she confessed to me in a low voice.
“I don't think anyone does,” I assured her with a shake of my head. “I'm just glad he's out of here.” And she nodded at that. Wendy returned to the living room, whereby she shut the door behind her and locked it. She ran her fingers through her hair and let out a low whistle before she stood in front of the two of us.
“I'm so sorry,” Wendy told me, to which I shook my head. “Well, now you know why he and I are separated.”
“It's okay,” I assured her. “No, really! I've seen plenty of assholes in my day.” And she snickered at that. “The one thing that got me about him was it just totally caught me off guard is all. I also want to know why he was here, too.”
“How he got here, too,” Christine added.
“Yeah, that, too. Well, at least he didn't kill me. I can eat knowing that I survived it.” And with that, I took a bite of latke, and I nodded my head at that. “Oh, yeah, that's the stuff right there.”
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holly-days-bingo · 7 months
I am pleased to announce that submissions for bingo cards are now OPEN! Please read the rules and about page before applying for one and have your submissions open :). the bingo cards should be sent out an hour to a day after you submit them, depending on how busy our mod team is. have fun, and happy holidays!!
-the holly-days team
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Title: Snowed in Link: Read on AO3 Square filled: Snowed in Pairing: Sirius/Remus Rating: M Summary: Sirius and Remus find themselves snowed in. Unfortunately that doesn’t stop their grandchildren from coming through the Floo. Word count: 1500
Written for the HPFC Holiday Bingo.
Teaser below the cut.
“We’re snowed in.”
“What do you mean we’re snowed in?” Remus asked sleepily, rolling over in bed and automatically reaching out for Sirius but finding the other side of the bed empty.
He cracked an eye open, stifling a yawn as he looked around the room only to find Sirius peering out of the window. He’s stark naked, the familiar patterns from his many tattoos standing out sharply against his pale skin and Remus got momentarily lost in them, the way they curled around his shoulder blades, down his back and faded just over the curve of his arse.
They were getting on a bit now, Sirius hair containing more streaks of silver than he would want to admit, but he was still the most beautiful being Remus had ever seen. Where he himself simply seemed to get weedier, thinner, sharper, Sirius was still broad over the shoulders, his thighs thick. He was perhaps a little softer around the edges now, but Remus didn’t mind it one bit.
“I mean that we’re snowed in,” his husband said before turning around, a grin pulling at his mouth as he saw Remus watching him. “Oh no, I guess that means we just have to stay in bed all day.”
Remus snorted, not even slightly pretending he’s not ogling him as he pulled the duvet back.
“So what are you doing all the way over there?”
“Just checking on the snow,” Sirius grinned as made his way back towards the bed, hips swaying purposefully, and Remus couldn’t possibly not look him over greedily as he slid back into bed. “I guess we just have to take a snow day. Call in sick. No work.”
Sirius wriggled close, pressing his lips against Remus’ shoulder, tongue playing along a scar there and Remus groaned, letting his eyes flutter close.
“You don’t have a job, Pads, there’s no-one to call in sick to.”
“Hm,” Sirius mumbled, his mouth trailing lower, finding one of Remus’ nipples and let his teeth close around the little nub, making Remus arch and hiss. “Didn’t think about that. Well, then you take a snow day.”
“I’m– ah– I don’t– it’s the winter holidays, the library is closed.”
“Well, isn’t that lucky,” Sirius purred, glancing up at Remus with a wicked smirk before sliding lower, disappearing underneath the duvet.
Remus dropped his head back against the pillow, his legs falling open to allow Sirius better access as his mouth trailed lower still. He sighed out a soft breath as Sirius’ lips closed around him, allowing himself to relax and focus only on how perfect Sirius felt. Even after all these years, or maybe because of them, Sirius never failed to get his attention. Even if it took longer these days, Remus not quite as quick to arouse as when they were teenagers, he had absolutely nothing to set against Sirius Black’s talented hands and mouth.
“Padfoot? Moony?”
Remus swore, quite viciously, his eyes snapping open as Sirius jolted up straight, the duvet falling off him.
“Oh fuck,” Sirius hissed, throwing himself onto the bed next to Remus, tugging the duvet up over them both to hide their predicament.
Continue on AO3.
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bg-sparrow · 2 years
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At the great insistence of our Discord server to make every month a celebration of Back to the Future, I am honored to host December's Celebration with the
BttF Bingo Christmas Card!
Write, draw, edit, art, whatevs! The point is to get bingo by the end of the month -- meaning you don't have to do EVERY SINGLE PROMPT, leaving lots of time for holiday cheer with your loved ones (because December gets busy)! I can't wait to see all the holiday-themed Back to the Future content! Post it here, post it there, post it everywhere!
Join in the fun with the #bttf bingo christmas card tag!
(Yes, you may laugh at my art.)
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boxfullaturtles · 7 months
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"You knew this would happen, didn't you!? And you just sat there and watched! You let this happen!" "I knew it was wrong to start their mystic training so early, but I didn't know that Donnie would get hurt! Despite what you might think, I can't see the future! I never could!" "Then what is the point of you!? What is the point of all your preaching and warnings and--and THIS!? What is the point of all of it!?" "...hope, Yoshi. The point has always been hope."
does...does this count as 'training'?
anyway uuuhh mark another spot off on @tmnt-event-blog's bingo!
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cissyenthusiast010155 · 6 months
Bonjour! ~December Blog Update
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2023 is coming to an end!! I hope you all had a lovely year. As this year comes to a close, I have been very busy with work and uni, although I am hoping that the work load gets better in the new year. I am doing my best to post new fics as often as I can 🥰
It’s been almost a year of my starting to post my writing on tumblr! I’ve been a passive tumblr viewer for years, but my one year posting anniversary is next week!! Thank you for all being here and loving on me and one another. It means so much.
Couple notes, I am restructuring my color coordination for my NSFT posts, so be sure to check out my Nsft Rules of Engagement to see the changes color coordination. I also got rid of my nsft tag list for now (I simply can’t keep up with the amount of tag lists right now), I may reinstate it at a later date.
Lastly, this is a reminder to everyone to please be kind and respectful when using tumblr. In the last couple months, I’ve had to block more accounts than usual due to disrespectful and innapropriate behavior. Be kind. This is a safe space and I won’t tolerate the kind of unacceptable behavior that is hurtful to others. ♥️
This holiday season I am participating in @storiesofsvu ‘s bingo (thank you dear for the lovely invitation <3)! Check out my holiday bingo posts, as well as storiesofsvu’s Holiday Bingo Masterlist. I will post a new bingo square fic roughly every 3 days (started November 30th) and up until January 20th. Be on the lookout!!—
My Holiday Bingo 2023!!
I hope you all have a lovely last few weeks of December! As always, don’t ever hesitate to reach out. That’s all for now, ciao ciao lovelies!! 💞💞💞
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storiesofsvu · 2 years
Okay besties!!
I'm in the process of putting together a bingo card for Winter/Holidays/Christmas bingo! and I need YOUR help.
Send in as many prompts/quotes/tropes/themes, etc to my ask box as possible!!!
I wanna fill this bitch up with lots of fun and cute ideas!
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tyo-mimt · 7 months
5/36. @tmnt-event-blog
Time is often better spent on compromise than arguing.
(a/n: tumblr. i need more colours. this was already a hard enough prompt to write /lighthearted)
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It's rare to see every single member of the Hamato Clan present and accounted for under the same lair. While the turtles and Splinter were always there, April had less time to visit, Sunita's visits relied heavily on April's presence, the Caseys were always off doing something in New York, and Draxum only ever visited whenever disaster struck or if he didn't have that tri-monthly lunch ladies' assemblage.
So naturally, it was difficult for everyone to be there for one big gathering.
But on the off chance that everyone could make it, it's only natual everyone would want to capitalise on it. April and Sunita brought the pizza (lots of it), the Caseys brought drinks (even more of it), and Draxum brought seating (who knew man-sized plants could make for such comfortable chairs? Learn something new every day). What could go wrong?
Well, maybe the fifteen minutes they had spent arguing about the same topic: which movie to watch.
"We've been over this, Jupiter Jim Sails The Seven Galaxies makes Mikey and Leo fight!" Sunita sighed.
"We'll promise to fight extra quiet for the ending," Mikey argued.
"Yeah! And at least we won't have Raph die of boredom and break another table via Jupiter Jim's Pluto Vacation IV!" Leo was quick to add.
"But it's a musical! It's the only worthwhile thing about the movie!" Draxum emphasised.
"I refuse to spend three hours watching the funny space man look for ice!" Cassandra asserted, squeezing the life out of her red cup.
"How about a Lou Jitsu movie instead?" Splinter brought up.
"Pops, don't take this the wrong way, but everyone and their mothers has seen every Lou Jitsu movie at least twice," Donnie deadpanned.
"Even already CJ's seen Punch Chowder three times! And those two times were in the apocalypse!" Raph mentioned.
"Then three times simply isn't enough!"
The entire room burst into a chorus of disagreement; the order they all once established was now chaos as the line-up of movies remained as limited as they always did.
Casey could understand; time's precious, and there wasn't always enough of it.
Back in the other timeline, disputes like this would've been resolved through compromise... The movie displayed was always determined by luck of the draw. Easy when their selections were always limited. Those movie screenings weren't mandatory, but Casey did attend every one... It was more time spent with loved ones, and he knew better than to let this argument drag on any longer.
He cleared his throat to grab everyone's attention. "How much time do you all have to fight over this?"
"I have tomorrow off," April answered.
"We're both free all the time," Cassandra added.
"It's a weekend, everyone's probably free tomorrow," Sunita said.
Casey sighed, exhaling in relief; they just gave him the answer, "Well, we have two movies we want to watch, and we all don't have somewhere to be tomorrow, so how about we watch both of them?"
Agreements rang through the air. As the tension in the air mellowed down from the prior polarising argument, everyone assumed their positions. The turtles took up a bulk of the floor in a pile, stacked onto each other.
The first movie started; Splinter was the first to inch towards the turtles, taking a seat on one side of Raph's shell. Then April and Sunita clambered onto the other side, claiming the spot as their own. Draxum even pulled a beanbag over to sit closer to the crowd. The second movie rolled in, and the pile turned upside down. Raph had gathered everyone sitting there into a sitting embrace; Cassandra grabbed Casey and pulled him over to join them all. Casey found himself nestled next to his mom-turned-sister and Raph's arm as he watched the movie play on.
But in the end, plagued with the drowsiness from too much pizza and the night creeping in, no one got to see the ending of Jupiter Jim Sails The Seven Galaxies.
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darkjediqueen · 2 years
Journey of the Hales
Journey of the Hales
Title: Journey of the Hales Fandom(s): Teen Wolf Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski Tags: One-Shot, Getting Together, Fluff, Warnings: No Warnings Apply Summary: Derek hadn’t thought he was going on a journey when he headed home for Halloween. Word Count: 2,404 Notes: This is a completed One-shot. There will be no more written in the universe. Written for the Just Write Discord Server’s…
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pierregazly · 3 months
the bookworm ꨄ george russell smau
george russell x bookworm/writer!reader
the one where george couldn't be prouder to call you his, even if it seems like the whole world hates you just for doing what you love... even if they don't know the whole truth.
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tagged yourusername
liked by yourusername, alex_albon, f1wags, and others
georgerussell63 enjoyed the time off! would never complain about spending time with my best friend, time to get back into things 💪🏎
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username gotta go check off 'george posts shirtless pics during off szn' on my bingo card
username gotta go check off 'yn cares more about her own hobby than her bf' on my bingo card
username girl you got issues with books? can't read?
alex_albon bad hair day? or are hats your new thing
yourusername tried to convince him to go with the bucket hat, but he claims 'all the kids are wearing caps babe'
username girlypop can't even enjoy a holiday with george without being focused on anything other than him??
username he's literally NECKING her in one of the photos?????? do you want her to koala hold him everywhere???
username future wdc russell george and his future writer wife frfr
username 1/2 of these things are probably true and we both know it's not the second lol
yourusername spoiling me always, my handsome handsome man 💗
georgerussell63 wouldn't have spent the last few weeks with anyone else (even if you kick me in your sleep nightly)
username do you think yourusername pictures george as the main male character in any of the books she reads???
username if i can picture him in fanfiction, im sure she pictures him in everything else???
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liked by yourusername, lilymhe, username, and others
gisèlerosebooks first time being on any device since my trip with my favourite person ended. the love on collided continues to amaze me, and i'm so extremely honoured to continuously receive so much love from not only the reading community, but many of the formula 1 faithful as well. this is NOT the end of the journey, either. for now, let the formula 1 season begin... and maybe find me at a race or two? 🤭
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gisèlerosebooks oh and to my incredible, amazing, handsome boyfriend, thank you so much for always proofreading my formula 1 terminology and understanding. i promise i'll give you real credit one day.
username god adrien is so charles leclerc coded, he's all i could think about this entire book
lilymhe 🏎🫶🏻
username the fact i literally could've cared less about the lil zoom zoom cars before the dirty air series dropped and now im eager for the new season.... gisèle baby why u do this to me
username miss girl???? how are we supposed to find you at any races when we don't even know what you look like!!!
username jealous of gisèle's bf is!!! his gf is too talented for the world
username not throttled being the book to get me back into reading and now i'm blessed wth a second book??? mother is mothering real hard
username this is the type of book series i'd totally read at the track and imagine an f1 driver as my husband sry
username 10/10 book!!! dying!!!
yourusername has posted a story
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liked by georgerussell63, lilymhe, bestfrienduser, and others
georgerussell63 wow we're so lucious and hot
yourusername luscious sweetie
georgerussell63 god i love having a hot, smart, book-writer gf. write a book about me and use that word
yourusername they're all already about you??? (handsome)
username you showed up to a race?????? shocking
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gisèlerosebooks has posted a story
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liked by georgerussell63, username, username, and others
username omg!!!! where are you!!! dying to meet you omfg
georgerussell63 i saw u slip up and post this on the og account loser
georgerussell63 can i have my scooter back ya nerd
gisèlerosebooks no sorry </3 i own it now
georgerussell63 no creds in the books and now my scooter stolen???? you hate the british
gisèlerosebooks my pseudonym is an ODE to you PAL
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tagged yourusername and gisèlerosebooks
liked by yourusername, gisèlerosebooks, lilymhe, and others
georgerussell63 a shame that this weekend didn't go the way we all wanted it to go, i know for a fact we'll be coming out on top soon! i also know yourusername or as most of you seem to prefer (for no valid reason at all) gisèlerosebooks is pretty deep in finishing book 3 and apparently this weekend was super influential??? go me (give me book creds)
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yourusername george!!! lmao!!!
yourusername a heads up next time??? maybe?!?
username 'for no valid reason at all' so SASSY oh boy
username everyone on twitter the other day calling yourusername a freeloader is soooo not doing well rn
lilymhe the secret's out!!!! (shocked, baffled, wild, can i get my books signed now)
username (G)isèle (R)ose... (G)eorge (R)ussell... dare i say... deliberately done
yourusername 🤭
username amazing race this weekend!!! can't wait to see you on top
username no one talking about book 3 almost being done??? or the fact george proofreads all her writing??? so cute
charles_leclerc so collided... is not about me?
georgerussell63 get lost mate
yourusername has posted a story
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liked by georgerussell63, alex_albon, username, and others
georgerussell63 you think im a gentleman??? love you
yourusername the BIGGEST gentleman, i love you
username god this is so cute
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tagged yourusername and gisèlerosebooks
liked by yourusername, charles_leclerc, username and others
georgerussell63 that's my little freeloading, best-selling author and future wife!
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username someone come get this chronically online man rn!!
yourusername can i be your freeloader forever??? spending my own money sucks
georgerussell63 my money's your money always my little freeloader
alex_albon emphasis on the best-selling author and future wife part
georgerussell63 you're right mate
username re-reading dirty air and knowing fully the entire book series is about george makes me so happy omg
username proud to admit i loved yourusername before AND after she was revealed as everyone's fav author (and it's not just a hobby losers)
username george doesn't get book creds until he wins a race again :)
yourusername i love this stipulation!!! georgerussell63 thoughts?
georgerussell63 you hate the british.
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i had SO much fun writing this!!! i picked george after going down a george rabbit hole again (of course), so i hope you all love it!! thanks for all the love always.
i'm not necessarily taking requests right now, but if you have suggestions please feel free to send them my way.
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holly-days-bingo · 7 months
hello all! we are setting this up as quickly as possible on pure impulse, but we need prompts!! please, leave some prompts on the form below that you’d like to see, either holiday themed or broad enough to be given a holiday theme! thank you!!
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