#About how to style this mf cat's hair
loving-barnes · 7 months
A/N: It took me some time, but here we go again. Chapter Seven, my friends. Just something stupid, fun.
Pairing: Logan Howlett x mutant female reader
Warning: none
Summary: It's a fun night out at a bar.
Please, do not read if you are under 18. This story is suitable for mature audience.
Words: 3300+
Important note: Again, Logan is a tall MF, because they fucked up in the movies. Also, Hugh Jackman!Wolverine. This is set in AU.
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Y/N stood in front of the mirror, looking at her reflection. When was the last time she dressed up and put on make-up? She couldn’t recognise herself in the mirror. Since she came to the school, she would wear simple outfits and almost any make-up. Tonight, she wanted to look nice and make an impression on the people. Hell, she desired to catch Logan’s eyes. Honestly, she would catch his eyes even without all those things.
White blouse, dark blue jeans, black combat boots and a black leather jacket - this was her style. She put her hair into a high ponytail. Y/N couldn’t help but smile at herself in the mirror. It felt like lifetimes since she felt this confident and sexy. Damn, even the drawn cat-eye looked good. 
She winked at herself in the mirror and then glanced at her phone. Yes, they’d given her a phone. It was time to head out. She put it into the back pocket of her jeans. Before leaving, she had to check herself one more time just to be sure everything was perfect. 
To her surprise, she didn’t see any familiar faces. Usually, the students would walk around the school at this hour and hang out. Some noises came from the kitchen or the TV room. She didn’t recognise JJ’s voice. Maybe he was in his room.
Y/N made a mental note to spend more time with the boy. She didn’t keep her promise when she told him she’d come to him before the accident happened. 
“Well, look at you,” said a voice beside her. 
Y/N jumped, gasping. She was ready to hit the man in his face. “Jesus, Peter,” she glared at him. “You scared me, you ass,” she punched him in the shoulder. He could have easily dodged it, but he decided to not use his ability and laughed it off. 
“You get scared easily, Y/N. You should work on that,” he winked at her. “Can I walk with you?” he raised a brow. 
“You already are, so why ask?” she grinned at him. 
They walked out of the school and headed to the main entrance gate. Peter kept his hands behind his back. He had silver aviator goggles on top of his head that matched his silver jacket. “So, Y/N, what is your weirdness? You know about mine. I want to know about yours.” 
That made her laugh. “Nice way of saying it. I have, uh, protective abilities?” 
“You ask, or you know?” 
She glared at him playfully. “I know. I wasn’t sure if that description was correct. Let me put it this way - I can create and manipulate forcefields.” 
“Nice.” That was his only comment. “So, you have a codename?” 
“What?” she raised a brow. 
“You know, like Scott is Cyclops. Logan is Wolverine. I am Quicksilver,” he explained. “Do you have any name you go by?” 
Wheels were turning inside her head. “No,” she said. “I never thought about it, actually. Do I need one?” Was it necessary to have a codename? Holy shit, Logan was called the Wolverine? She could see why. It suited him well. 
“That’s up to you, I guess.  Okay, changing the topic - how long have you been here?” 
“Over a month,” she replied. “It’s been a hell of a ride. What about you?” 
He thought about it. “It’s been over a decade. I love this place, to be honest.” 
They slowly approached the main gate. They could see some people standing there, talking. Y/N was sure Logan was not there. “You took a break or something?” 
Peter nodded. “I needed some time off. It was all overwhelming. Charles granted me a lengthy vacation. I took a break, travelled the States, and here I am, ready to work again.”
Storm, Kitty and Kurt were the first three there, chatting. Y/N felt some excitement building inside of her. It was nice being a part of something bigger and better. Both Storm and Kitty were great women and friends. Were they friends? God, she hoped so. The last three to arrive were Bobby, Logan and Rogue. Rogue and Logan were squabbling. She couldn’t hear what it was about until she heard: “Let it fucking go, Rogue.” 
She had to chuckle. What got Logan so worked up? 
“Let’s fucking go, people,” Peter called them.
Thus, a thirty-minute walk to the bar started. Rogue linked arms with Y/N, and they walked ahead of everyone. Her arms were covered with gloves that hid under the denim jacket. That way, she could touch the other woman without fear of hurting her.
“Isn’t it annoying?” Y/N asked her. 
“The gloves? Yes, a little bit. Luckily, I can touch Remy without them,” she said with a smile. “He’s the only person that I won’t hurt. I don’t know how it is possible, but I don’t care. What matters is that I can touch the person I love.” 
“What if you subconsciously learnt to not hurt him?” Y/N thought out loud. “I can shut my brain from the Professor. I don’t know how, but I do it. Well, I might have already figured it out.”
They talked together the entire way to the bar. Rogue wouldn’t let anyone speak to Y/N. She wanted to have her for herself and get to know the woman better. 
Y/N felt a pair of eyes on her back the whole time. She suppressed the urge to turn around and look at Logan. She was more than sure it was him staring at her. It kept happening until they arrived at the empty bar. 
It looked like an old dive bar. Country music was playing in the background. An older-looking man was standing behind the bar, cleaning glasses. He had short white hair and glasses on his nose. When his grey eyes found a group of mutants at the door, he smiled. 
“Welcome, friends,” he greeted them with a raspy voice. “I was wondering when I will see you again. Come, sit. Ah, I see a new face here,” his lips crooked into a smile. 
Rogue grabbed Y/N by the shoulder and brought her closer to the man. “This is Y/N,” she said happily. “She’s been with us for some time now.” 
“Nice to meet you,” said Y/N, shaking hands with the man. 
“What can I get you, sweetheart?” he asked. 
“A beer would be nice, thank you,” she replied with a smile. They told her the owner was a mutant. What was his mutation? 
Rogue took her to the table where the rest of the people were seated. Y/N sat next to Storm, right opposite Logan. Rogue sat by the man’s side. 
It felt like a friendly gathering. The atmosphere was inviting. It’s been years since Y/N felt safe in a group. They were all like her, unique and not criminals. When Y/N’s eyes travelled around the table, her soul got warmer and relaxed. A gentle smile appeared on her face. She listened to Bobby talk about his day. The teens got on his nerves today. 
“In case you haven’t heard,” Storm interrupted him. “Y/N will become the newest English and Literature teacher.” 
“No kidding!” Rogue shouted excitedly. “Why didn’t you tell me?” 
All eyes were on her now. “I asked the Professor today,” she explained. “I don’t know. I simply didn’t. I kind of forgot, I guess.” 
“Another smartass,” Logan commented. 
“Aren’t you one, too?” Y/N glared at him, her lips turning into a grin. “Listen, I asked if he’d need an English teacher, and Charles said yes. I’m glad that I would be able to repay him at least a little.” 
The bartender brought them a tray of beers. They all grabbed one. Y/N put the drink to her lips and took a sip. Then another one. Before she knew it, she drank the whole glass in one go. She burped a little and smiled. “Damn, that was a good beer.” When her eyes lifted from the empty glass, everyone stared at her. Some had their mouths open, and others were impressed. “What? It’s been years.” 
“You’ll be out before you know it,” Bobby warned her. “Be careful.” 
“So,” Rogue clapped her hands. It got everyone’s attention. “Since we are all here, let’s get more information about Y/N.” 
“Oh, no,” Y/N hid her face in her hands.
“Oh, come on, Y/N,” Storm nudged her shoulder. “We want to know everything about you. Let’s start with the basics. Tell us something interesting about yourself. For example, I like gardening.” 
Y/N peeked at Storm, raising a brow. “That’s quite shocking. I could never picture you in a garden, on your knees and covered in dirt.” 
“The more you know. Now, it’s your turn.” 
“Ah,” Y/N sighed and thought about her life. “I used to attend guitar lessons,” she said after a while. “My parents made me take guitar lessons. That was years ago. I don’t think I remember anything.” 
“At least someone who’s not tone-deaf,” Peter commented. “I can’t listen to some of you singing off-key.” 
“I’m saying I played the guitar, not that I can sing,” Y/N corrected him. 
“It’s still the same,” Peter shrugged. 
“Anything else?” Storm asked. 
Y/N’s eyes moved around the place. She found darts and a pool table farther away. “Nothing is interesting about me,” she said. “I’m going to get another beer. Anyone want anything else?” she asked them. 
Y/N’s eyes fell on Logan’s empty glass, and she raised a brow. Their eyes locked. It was a silent plea to save her from the interrogation. “I’ll go with you,” he said. 
They walked from the table and straight to the bar. Logan ordered them more beer. He leaned against the wooden counter, elbows resting on it. “Everyone is curious about you,” he commented. 
“I hate that,” she sighed. “It’s like going to a confession. They all get information, and I get nothing out of it. It makes me nervous. I feel like the least interesting person here.” She turned her body to him. “Back in the day, when I started high school, this was a nightmare. People wanted to know everything to convince themselves that their lives were more interesting than others.” 
Logan’s eyes travelled around her body until they landed back on her face. “True,” he shrugged. “But here, people are genuinely curious and want to know you. You are part of the team, you know?” 
“It feels forced,” said Y/N. 
The bartender handed them beers, and he winked at Y/N. She chuckled at that. He wasn’t too discreet about the flirting. Then again, she didn’t mind. 
Her eyes landed on the pool table again. “Listen. Do you want to play?” she pointed with her head. 
Logan turned to look at it and then back at her, smirking. “Not only do you want me to kick your ass during training. You also want to lose playing pool?” 
“Is that a threat I hear in your voice? I will beat you,” she threatened with a finger.
“Only one way to find out, princess,” he grabbed his beer. “We’ll have a game, Stan,” Logan said to the bartender. 
Storm and Kitty watched them walk around the pool table and play. They both had grins on their faces, squabbling here and there. “They are so blind,” Kitty whispered to Storm.
“Let them have this dance,” Storm whispered back. “Five bucks, they’ll end up together by the end of the month.” 
“I’m giving them a week,” Bobby joined on the bet. 
Y/N held the billiard cue tightly in her hand. Logan was the one who started the game. They flipped a coin, and he won. Logan got himself solids while Y/N remained with the stripes. When he screwed up his move, it was time for her to play. The last time she played pool was years ago. It was a game she wasn’t able to master. All she could do was to try and have a good time. 
She sank one of her balls and moved to another one. She leaned over the table, placed the cue on the table and focused. There weren’t any good shots for her. Therefore, she had to play something and try. 
Logan stood next to her and laughed. “Your stance is wrong,” he said. He reached for her hand and brought it higher on the cue. 
His body was oh so close to her, and Y/N forgot how to breathe. She could smell the cigars, a heavy man’s cologne and something musky. When he pulled away, his hand brushed against her lower back. It made her hit a ball that sank one of his solid balls. “Shit,” she cursed. 
Logan’s howling laughter echoed around the bar. “You really want me to win, princess.” 
“You are distracting me,” she frowned at him when she straightened her stance. She reached for her beer and drank from it. 
Her eyes were stalking him, watching his every move. When did he light up a cigar? He held it between his lips while he played his turn. Y/N huffed. She took off her leather jacket and threw it on the nearest chair. Then, she fixed her blouse and popped open the highest button to show some cleavage. If he could distract, so could she. 
He sank two other balls when the third try was unsuccessful. “Fuck,” he growled. 
Y/N snickered. She walked to the table and scanned her stripes. This round sucked. There was nothing good to play. She sat at the edge and held the cue behind her back. 
“You won’t be able to make it,” Logan stared at the scene. “It’s a difficult move, kid.” 
Y/N exhaled and hit the red stripe ball perfectly. “Ha!” she shouted happily when the ball sank. “Did you see that?” 
Logan smiled at her and rolled his eyes. “Go on, it’s still your turn,” he goaded her. “Show me what else you can do.” He took a drag of the cigar.
Y/N felt confident. Even though she was three balls behind, she started to believe she could win. She gave him a smug face as she walked around the table, trying to find another good shot. It was all fun and games. When she brushed past him, Logan wanted to grab her by the neck and bring her lips to his. He only took a deep breath and pushed the thoughts away. 
Y/N leaned over the table and hovered the cue on the table. There was one ball that had the potential of being taken down. She took a deep breath. Again, Y/N felt Logan’s eyes on her body. She started burning up. With this knowledge, she hit the white ball, and with some dumb luck, she managed to sink the black eight ball. 
“No!” she shouted, horrified. 
Logan’s roaring laughter brought everyone’s attention. “Holy shit,” he placed a hand on his belly. “You did not!”
Y/N leaned against a wall and hid her head in her arms. “What the fuck was that?!” she shouted, pissed. 
Laughter came from the table where the rest of the people sat. They saw what happened. “Oh, Y/N, no,” Kitty gasped, laughing. 
“I’m never playing this dumb game again,” Y/N made a dramatic announcement. “Oh my god,” she pushed from the wall and turned around. She noticed all eyes on her. “Listen,” she blushed. “I am talented. I am the best there is. I should stick to drinking,” she said ironically. 
“Hey, hey,” Logan walked to her and put his hand on her shoulder, squeezing it. “If you’d like, I can also kick your ass while playing darts,” he teased. 
She glared at him. “Very funny,” she shook off his hand and went to get her beer. “I will kick your ass when we have the next training session,” she threatened. Once she got to her beer, she went back to him. “I will find a way to burn all your clothes.”
Logan tilted his head and grinned. “If you want to see me without clothes, all you need to do is ask.” 
“Is that a challenge?” she looked into his eyes and wiggled her eyebrows. “Think twice, or you might regret it.” And then, she drank the rest of her second beer in one go. “Refill?” 
He snorted. “You’ll get drunk, princess.” 
“Well, you only live once, right?” she shrugged and walked to the bar to order another beer. 
The rest of the night went smoothly. Everyone talked and laughed. Y/N wasn’t interrogated as she was at the very beginning. Bobby told her about the students and what to expect from them. Kitty added some of her funniest memories and challenges as a teacher. Storm included what to do when the school is under attack.
“It happens,” she said. “Not often, but at least once a year.” 
Before they knew it, Y/N was on her fifth beer and feeling it. Her face was burning, the world spinning, and she could feel it in her veins. Her voice got louder, and words went flying out of her mouth.
“I love my life,” Y/N said out of nowhere. Some giggles spread around. “Everything’s good, you know? I have a place to sleep, food to eat, and amazing friends,” she said with a wide smile. “I fucking hope we are friends.”
“Of course we are,” Bobby nodded.
“No more beer for you, young lady,” said Peter. “By the way, how is it possible to get drunk from beer?” 
She took a big, dramatic breath. “Let me tell you a short story, my friend. When you are locked up for years, barely able to eat and an involuntary abstainer, you can get drunk easily.” 
More laughter followed. “Take it easy, girl,” Storm patted her shoulder. 
Y/N stood up from their table. “I’m going outside to take a breather and clear my head.” She tripped over her feet but managed to stand tall. “It’s the floors,” she blamed it. 
The midnight air was cold. Y/N walked outside without her leather jacket. She wrapped her arms around herself and closed her eyes. Getting drunk was not the plan. On the other hand, the beer tasted good. It eased her nerves. Walking around Logan got easier the more she drank. That fucker was such a tease. 
Y/N let her hair loose and put the elastic band between her fingers. She let her hair fall over her shoulders and face. 
How would his lips feel against mine? Where did that question come from? Her mind was racing miles. All she could see was Logan’s face and those lips she wanted to taste. She shook her head to get rid of those thoughts. 
“You okay, kid?” 
She sighed. Of course, Logan would be the first one to check up on her. It was nice. But it brought back all those impure thoughts. 
“I’d like another beer,” she said to him. 
“Go get some. But I’m warning ya, I’m not the one carrying ya back to the school.” 
“I’m not asking you to,” Y/N winked at him. When she took a step, she almost tripped again. Sighing, she said, “Seriously, what is with the floor?” 
“Y/N, you are drunk,” said Logan. “The floor is fine. Also, you are outside, so there is ground under your feet. I think it’s time to go back to school.” 
“You are right,” she nodded and yawned. “I’m going to get my jacket. I’ll head back to school. You guys have fun.” Y/N wanted to walk inside to get her belongings. However, Logan stopped her. Y/N was about to protest, but she noticed he already had her jacket. “How did you get that? You are not the one who can run fast. That’s Peter.” 
Logan was a bit annoyed when she mentioned his name. He put the jacket around her shoulders. “Come on, princess. Let’s get ya home.” 
“You are coming with me?” she looked up at him, confused. “Why?”
“You think I’m letting you walk there alone in this state? Come on, Y/N, I’m not leaving you when you are drunk and barely able to walk on your own.” 
A bright smile appeared on her face. “Aw, you are my knight in shining armour,” she sang. 
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prettyboypistol · 1 year
Literally in every fanfic I read the reader is already a pretty sleeper, waking up all pretty and shit. Do you know what I need? A Reader who wakes up like they've been pushed down the stairs. A Reader who spews gibberish for a second and then immediately goes back to sleep. A Reader who wakes up wrapped in their blankets sweating like crazy and completely disorientated and on the floor. Sorry if this ask is bad, but do you think you could write something like this for the mercs?
Mood as fuck, I'm in.
TF2 Mercs With a Messy Morning S/O xGN!Reader
Honestly thinks it's a bit cute, seeing you wake up in a pool of your own spit and hair in your mouth??? Yeah, that's what he's dying every day to protect.
Likes talking nonsense to early morning you just to see you struggle fr.
His favorite thing is waking up before you. He's all dressed and ready and you're 2 inches away from falling off the bed.
Jeremy writes down all the weird shit you say and reads it back to you when you're sad because what the fuck does "are Venus flytraps predators" mean
Probably ends up tangled in your Limbs too. This bitch is a SLEEP CUDDLER.
Gets worried when you wake up in a panic, shout about something that sounds important, then fall back asleep like EXCUSE ME?? WHAT??
Doesn't like that you kick them in your sleep, but they can live with it.
Very worried about the night sweats and ramblings. You say some fucked up dhit when you're asleep!
This mf is used to waking up at 6AM sharp and being battle ready by 6:05AM. This caused one of the initial rifts in your relationship with him until you convinced him that not waking you as well is early stealth training.
You remind him of a baby bird when you're curled up in all the blanket that you stole from him in the night.
Doesn't really notice that you are a messy sleeper until you two have breakfast together one morning, with you half awake, those bleary eyes and sleepy sighs made his heart skip a beat.
He calls you his little spoiled cat when you glare at him all bleary-eyed for waking you up.
Loves cuddling you like a big bear, always the big spoon.
lowkey a messy sleeper too, but is more agitated when half awake than you
you two having delirious talks when you two aren't awake fully omg couple goals
You look like a pretty sleeper next to this motherfucker
drunk mumbling, sleeptalker, sleepfighter WWE in your bed.
Wakes up after you so ususally doesn't see the absolute wreck you wake up as. If you two wake up at the same time he makes fun of you.
You two have probably ripped the blanket in y'alls sleepwars. Mrs. Pauling has checked in on you two at 2AM after hearing shouting, only to see both of you, fast asleep, on the floor, and total messes.
Thinks it's cute bc he rises with the sun if not a tad earlier to watch the sunrise. Absolutely tells you to "rise n' shine".
records your half-awake mumbles and talks to you, listens back to them podcast style in his downtime.
Is absolutely terrified that you will rip off his prosthetic hand so dating you absolutely instilled the safe habit of taking his hand off before bed.
Is usually out of bed before the "fun" begins, but had overheard your morning routine
Isn't a fan of the blanket stealing, but overall doesn't really care. If he's in a bad mood he'll sleep on the couch so you don't steal it.
"Am i pretty, Mick?" "About as pretty as an aye aye when you first wake up" "Da-DAMN!!"
Has a poloroid of you fast asleep in his hat
This bitch c o m p l a i n s.
He's the most prissy little bastard when it comes to sleeping. He sleeps EXCLUSIVELY on his left side, legs in a specific way, and hogs the blankets. When you come into his bed and sleep-kick him out, he is flabbergasted. absolutely bamboozled.
Doesn't cuddle you, but now there is a pillow barrier that protects his precious sleep routine.
Secretly thinks you are downright adorable with how god-awful you look, crusty eyes and all
Doesn't really mind, but gives you light teasing about it. If he's having a bad day then he gets annoyed by the blanket stealing.
Wakes up and gets ready for the day, only to see the doves nesting with you and that melts his hearttttt
Kisses your gross ass awake every single day despite that
Has stayed up multiple nights to study your sleep cycles.
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stepswordsen · 3 months
【Magi】 Judar 🖤❤️🐈‍⬛
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【マギ】 漢服(ハンフ)を着るジュダル
【Magi】 Judar wearing hanfu 🖤❤️🐈‍⬛
Happy 15th anniversary to Magi~!! 💗🫶
I did a quick doodle of my favourite Magi character, Judar~~
You can read the rest of my rambles under the cut as usual!
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The sketch is originally from 2022, but I quickly resketched the hair and expression recently!
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Art Rambles
I just wanted to get the quick concept down so excuse how scribbly it is, I'll refine and redraw the rest eventually
Me scribbling his braids without refs. Well, I'll definitely resketch the hair and clothes eventually
I love how big and comfy hanfu sleeves are, omg...
Judar with red eyeliner and black nails is so slay~ I want to draw him with gold and red hanfu earrings eventually hehe
This bangs ngl~~
Also I'm glad I improved a LOT from 2022 omg
I'll refine later and make this less scribbly eventually
I looove the expressions and eyes in this one hehe
Judar Rambles
Judar is extremely important and personal to me, I feel this as someone who comes from a similar cultural background to him as well, Judar is EA/CN inspired and so his background and backstory context really makes me feel for him... Speaking personally, as someone who is Viet/SEA diaspora.
Like, ahhh, this character makes me so emotional... He makes me want to cry (in a good way)
Emotional tears, cuz this chara is so healing and cathartic for me.
It's not necessary for me to be able to relate to my faves imo. I pick my fave charas based on who makes the writing more entertaining with their existence and on my fave character tropes in terms of design and writing (they're usually antagonists, morally gray/evil charas, and/or opposing forces).
But with some charas I definitely gravitate towards characters who are easier for me to understand and mildly relate to though (ie. Judar (Magi), Hakuryuu (Magi), Suwon (AkaYona), Keishuk (AkaYona))
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Sen's unhinged meow meow mf pipeline
I first became obsessed with Kuroha at 12, and Judar at 20.
Truly, my character tastes are as ancient as time LMFAO
My cute murderous black cat sons! 🐈‍⬛
I actually started the sketch as Kuroha (KagePro) actually. It doesn't help that they have similar~ish hairstyles and expression vibes LMAO, but then the eyes looked more like Judar cuz of the rings, so I changed the sketch to Judar. I think it fits more this way.
Smug edgy asshole character, cunty Sen-core bastard cat, OK with murder...
Black cat theme, black/white (monochrome) colour scheme/design, black/white/red/yellow colours, both smug evil assholes with black hair, they're both antagonists, morally questionable and/or morally bankrupt, have smug expression vibes, are unhinged, violent and bloodthirsty...
And ofc, I was a goner!
Kuroha has red eyes when using his Eye Ability too...
KHR and Magi's Anniversary
In terms of characters, story, writing, themes, and art, Magi is my favourite manga ever. For me, Katekyo Hitman Reborn (KHR) and Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic (Magi) forever hold a special place in my heart as my forever no. 1 favourite series.
Happy 20th anniversary to KHR~~!! 💗🫶
Lots of series are celebrating its anniversary this year. DGM's 20th Anniversary is also this year!
I might as well ramble about KHR and Magi then~~
I'd say both KHR and Magi are very important to me because KHR was the reason why I started drawing (almost) every day in the first place and Amano's style was the foundation/main inspiration for my art style... And it still shows in my art style. While Magi is the manga I fell in love with for its story, art, writing, and characters.
Amano and Ohtaka both have insanely good inking styles that I admire... I love how intricate and detailed Amano's inking is, and Ohtaka's inking is super gorgeous and sharp, and really stands out from other art styles too.
I expect DunMeshi to join that list and become very important to me!
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tf2yall · 1 year
Mercs react to being picked up
Kinda like a really fussy cat
Makes a big deal of it the first few times and tries to wriggle free.
"What da hell do you think you're doing? Put me down!"
Really doesn't like it in public because he wants to be the big strong man in the relationship >:(
Keep doing it and he'll get used to it. Still doesn't like it in public but won't mind being picked up in private. Still complains tho
Likes to be held but will never ever EVER admit it
Doesn't even bat an eye tbh
Oh we're doing this now? Cool.
Soldier's a very touchy person, especially with people he likes so he's very okay with being picked up and carried. Very snuggly and probably wraps his arms around your neck
Don't expect him not to pick you up too tho! Scoops you up bridal style if he's in a playful mood or just straight up tosses you over his shoulder if there's something cool he wants you to go see
Heart eyes mf
Pyro's pretty similar to Soldier in that they like both being held and holding their partner.
Loves to be picked up and will probably never stop bugging you to do it again if you do it once
Barely even needs to be supported because they cling like a cuddly little limpet
They're stronger than they look and will have no problem picking you up too
Extremely cuddly. Pyro takes this as an invitation to be in your personal space all the time now. Sorry, they're your best friend now. It's non-negotiable
I'm sorry what
Kind of bluescreens because he's honestly impressed that you managed to pick him up
Thinks it's impressive that you're that strong but would really rather prefer you put him down. He just prefers to have his feet on the ground thanks
Would prefer to be the one picking you up altho he'd really prefer nobody get picked up tbh. Unless he's excited or really happy about something. Then he won't think twice about scooping you up and spinning you around!
Another one of the mercs who just bluescreens
Definitely freezes for a second as his brain works to catch up with what just happened
Probably starts blushing really hard and gets exceedingly flustered.
"Aww shucks... I didn't know you were that strong, partner."
Again tho, please put him down. He would like to walk thank you very much
Probably won't pick you up either unless a) you ask or b) you're bleeding out and he has to move you to safety
Like Soldier, doesn't bat an eye
This is just par for the course with Demo. Honestly you'll have a hard time picking him up before he picks you up.
Likes to initiate a lot of playful touch. Wrestling, throwing each other around, ruffling your hair, etc.
Just kinda melts when you pick him up. Lol enjoy holding a Demo puddle.
May or may not fall asleep if you hold him for any length of time
Oh hello
Medic starts blushing the instant you pick him up. Kicking his legs and giggling
Starts joking about you being his knight in shining armor.
Probably has a crush on you now if he didn't already. Look, he's just into people who could easily squish him alright???
An overdramatic bitch if he's in the mood to be picked up
"No, I am afraid my injury is too bad! You will have to carry me!"
He stubbed his toe. Jfc medic
No. No. A million times no.
The first time you do it, he blushes fiercely and runs away and you don't see him for a week.
It is undignified and humiliating and you're going to ruin his reputation and how dare you
More inclined to like it in a romantic relationship but still makes a fuss about it.
That is, until he gets used to it and then he's demanding you carry him everywhere like a spoiled brat
Kinda hard to pick up because he's a lanky fuck and he's got so much goddamn legs. It's like picking up a spider
Really really nervous that you're going to drop him. Has a death grip on your shirt
Sniper's pretty confident right up until something happens that he doesn't know how to deal with. Being picked up is one of those things. Probably hiding his face with his hat and blushing really hard and making a big fuss
Can't decide whether or not he likes it
Probably isn't going to stop complaining but he's also not squirming so idk make what you will out of that
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sanderstime · 1 year
My Favorite Headcanons
This is mostly for AU's that don't take place where they are all In the mind of the same person. A lot of them are appearance-based. This might be a ramble but yeah here. Logan: -He's the tallest of the sides. This guy in my head would be one lanky intimidating-looking mf then you turn around and find him geeking out over a jelly brand. -He likes to slick back his hair, not like completely but with a few strands left in the front... and he only doesn't style it like that when by himself or with people he trusts.
-He wears rectangular-shaped glasses.
-He's neurodiverse, I think he is very autism-coded and that's cool so why not make it fanon y'know?
-He learns how to help people through panic/anxiety attacks specifically because of meeting Virgil.
-He takes time to learn about other people's interests, or at least the basic rundown about it so he can understand and not be confused when they talk about them (Even when he refuses to participate in those interests or doesn't like them.)
-He memorized the entire history of Crofters, it's one of his special interests somehow.
-He doesn't like weddings, but he somehow ends up being the one keeping the whole event together.
-At parties, he's basically the guy who looks after everyone. Making sure everyone whose passed out didn't hit their heads, putting spare blankets over them, and driving his friends home all while mumbling what idiots they are, but endearingly.
-he likes small get-togethers with friends but not so much big parties.
-He's the kind of guy you need to warm up too, he seems standoffish at first but he truly cares and is very kind underneath the surface,
-He's *awful* at video games that aren't tetris or puzzle games, he will always lose at Mortal Kombat/Smash Bros/Ect but despite that he gets competitive. So he tries to avoid them.
-Likes to debunk cryptid/
-He's very average height. He's not really tall but he isn't tiny either.
-He has dark circles normally but he puts dark eyeshadow on top of them to hide them and because he likes how it looks.
-He has his hair dyed purple, yeah no surprise but in an AU where they don't all have the same hair... I think his should be a pretty purple color.
-Definitely utilizes his piercings. He wears black studs, and really depends but I like the idea of him having snakebites. Go full emo.
-He has freckles when he's out in the sun enough to have them.
-He's gotten each of the other sides to help him touch up his hair before. Except Remus, he knows Remus would try to dye it green.
-He has a special set of noise-cancelling headphones when he wants to be left alone and another set because he's worried he won't hear his phone going off or someone break in.
-He can't cook for shit, like he burns macaroni. He tried to put a plastic plate on an oven and he can barely make ramen. -He has a ton of blankets, one for each surface he would sit on in his home. -He owns a LOT of posters, most are of punk bands and nightmare before Christmas.
-Absolutely loves Spiders and Bats, has a pet spider duh.
-Despite talking a big game, and being into spooky things, he is a huge scaredy cat. He hides behind his hands or into the body of whoever is sitting closest to him(if he trusts them)
-Round glasses. Everyone does this already buy I love him having wire-framed glasses.
-Light brown hair. Like super light brown hair where it might as well be dirty blonde.
-Has all the freckles, the most freckles. Just give them all to him.
-He is really hard *not* to get along with, he tries to speak to everyone with kindness and treat them kindly- even if they do upset him.
-He is an excellent cook and baker, literally he makes goodies all the time and will give them away to his friends to eat.
-very supportive of his friends interests, he will be so confused but he will nod and smile and ask questions.
-He cries very easily, he'll cry at commercials, movies, shows, music videos, books, while everyone else is fine. They all support him though.
-He likes sprite. Idk he seems like a sprite guy.
-I don't have many headcanons for him
-has the most collectables or collections of any of the others.
-I imagine him being more on the shorter side but... he's pretty damn fit. Dude does morning runs while listening to Disney songs.
-Has the best voice of all the sides.
-He has a whole ass morning routine, like a special one with detailed skincare.
-Has the curliest hair of the sides
-This dude loves singing, he sings super loud while in the shower and constantly imagines himself singing in a concert. He sings any chance he can get, in the car, suggesting karaoke nights at any opportunity.
-The type of guy to sing you happy birthday everyday the week of your birthday to make you feel special.
-When he first meets people, he will often act charming and try to befriend them. Mostly just new neighbors, coworkers, ect ect. Just is a huge gentlemen.
-really only lets loose his more chaotic side when he gets to know others.
(I'll make another post with the dark sides later, but this is my thoughts here on the main four. :) )
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soonsie · 1 year
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I require more Mistral appreciation ;;
Monsoon's defo my favourite Mgr character, and Mistral's a close second. Her character's really interesting, having a relatively normal childhood up until shit really hit the fan. I can't help but wonder what her life would have been like if her and the fam migrated to France before the civil war considering one of her parents was French. What were her hobbies as a kid? What was her favourite cartoon? Did she have a school crush? Any pets? How was she treated when she joined the FFL? Was she given a nickname by her FFL peeps? How often does she think about her dead parents? Does she celebrate Mother's/Father's day? Her story's a sad af one.
Aside from her past, I love her design. How much skill does a mf need to have to be able to, not only walk in those clawed high heels, but to fight in them as well? I also find it funny that she was allowed to dye her hair and style it however she wanted. When I think WoD, a pink haired, big tittied, cat walking dominatrix doesn't come to mind.
I also wanna point out that she has a red right leg and Monsoon has a red left hand - the only members with calico limbs (and heels lol) They're freakin' siblings. Convince me that they're not
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columbiastapshoes · 1 year
more general headcanons. take them in addition to my other ones.
my last headcanon post got a decent amount of attention so i thought i’d do it again :3 my brain is like. a factory that is constantly producing headcanons from machines it’s how i function
anyways most of these r about magenta because i’ve just been in a very magenta mood recently she’s so silly (i’m going feral why is she so PRETTY)
- brad played with dolls as a kid but his parents took them away when he got “too old” for it to be some cute quirk because a Man has to play with Trucks like a Man anyways he did play with Trucks like a Man but he never forgot how to do their hair so even now he can french braid the shit out of people’s hair, especially magentas hair because the dolls he had also had big poofy hair like hers so he’s used to that. however columbia is typically magentas french braiding person so when she saw her gf getting her hair braided by another man she was like “HOW DARE YOU WE ARE OVER” (as a joke obviously don’t fret)
- magenta can do the splits. idk. i just get that vibe and i’m right about everything soooooo /j
- columbia cannot maintain eye contact and magenta STARES and forgets to blink or look away so every time they talk it’s just
- this is such a specific scenario but if they are shopping and come across a pillow they want to buy they give it the columbia test. what is the columbia test you might ask? they just get columbia to scream all of her pain and trauma into the pillow, and if the sound is muffled enough it is deemed worthy to purchase
- magenta just. brings random animals into the castle. and i’m not talking about “aww she like adopts cats a lot :3” no this bitch has brought in Raccoons from the Backyard and riff raff who is a paranoid ass mf is like “THAT THING HAS RABIES” and magentas like “LISTEN. HER NAME IS BEELZEBUB AND YOU WILL TREAT HER WITH RESPECT”
- why are all of these about magenta help
- speaking of magenta :3 she is a huge wes anderson fan and she and columbia watched isle of dogs together for a lil movie date and columbia sobbed during most of it 👍 she liked it though
-can we all agree that frank just. knows how to vogue. like bro came out of the womb knowing how to do that shit and it stuck with him for the rest of his life
-so i spent a really long time being stumped on how i think columbia would dress. like i have everyone else’s style figured out but i just couldn’t figure out hers for some reason,,,,, until i went down a rabbit hole and discovered cyndi lauper. i mean obviously i had listened to girls just wanna have fun and time after time but i has never actually seen this absolute icon. anyways i discovered her and her style during theater class one day and from then on i knew that columbia dresses like cyndi lauper, columbia listens to cyndi lauper, COLUMBIA IS CYNDI LAUPER
-ok so canonically i dont think this would happen but in my own version of rocky horror that exists in my brain magenta and brad are bffs. like yk those videos u see of “unlikely animal friendships” that is literally just them. it’s like goth gf x Some Guy™️ (x used platonically)
-brad is a die hard swiftie. i won’t elaborate.
-magenta loves loves LOVES abba
-sometimes i forget columbia isn’t canonically a theater kid. cuz like. she just Is a theater kid yk that’s who she is
- she would love grease
i will probably make another one of these posts when my list becomes longer again ‼️‼️
p.s i have. two rocky horror aus. would anyone like me to post about them. because i can. i am so normal about . aus
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percysnotlistening · 2 years
hey guys… more headcanons for my comfort characters because i said so 😁 for this one it’s mike wheeler!!
based off of this post
prev. part pt.1
you better believe this mf is the definition of neurodivergent.
autistic, adhd, ocd, synesthesia—brother is a quadruple threat.
genderfluid she/he/they!!! they have a lot more feminine days now that they’ve figured themself out
special interests r d&d, writing, and she collects rocks she thinks are cool or thinks will would like
he gives the rocks to will like a cat bringing their owner a dead mouse
speaking of will
she is like a koala with him. there is no getting mike off of that boy even if it’ll kill her
they have very strong feelings about words.
like literally if you set them off about words there is no stopping them
not in a bad way, there’s just something about how one word can have like 20 synonyms but another doesn’t
“no im being so serious like what the fuck. what the fuck do you mean i can use plethora, multitude, plentitude, abundance and surplus interchangeably but there’s no synonym for unique?”
will lets them rant about stuff like that but will have no idea what they’re talking about
“then there’s words with, like, six different meanings? don’t even get me started on those-” “[gently stroking mike’s hair] me too babe”
mike’s safe food is spaghetti btw. i don’t make the rules
he hates certain brands of yogurt because they put chunks of fruit in the yogurt and every time he eats one he loses his appetite for the next two days
 even if it’s not yogurt she just hates anything that has chunks of fruit in it
which is why they will never eat strawberry ice cream. ever
he’s okay with like walnuts and cookie dough and stuff like that but if it’s fruit?? get it away from her
“mike why aren’t you eating anything?” “yogurt.” “oh…”
he can only eat it if it’s those kinds of yogurt that separate the chunks from the actual like. yogurt
whenever he goes to a fast food place and gets a side with whatever he’s eating he has to eat the side first or he’ll explode
she definitely asks nancy or robin to do her makeup.
or even steve because robin has definitely taught steve how to do makeup
mike can do makeup for herself ofc but she likes it better when someone else does it. don’t ask why because she doesn’t know
after they came out as gender-fluid they started dressing like klaus hargreeves
like. everywhere. no matter where he’s going he’s giving off that vibe
even when they become an author and do interviews and shit.
“wow, mr. wheeler.. you have a very, uh, unique style.” “i know right? who knew you could find shit like this from thrift stores?”
him and el have very similar music tastes, so sometimes they just sit together and listen to music
they don’t even speak to each other most of the times they’re doing that
they’re just doing other stuff while they listen
but it’s nice to them
mike has absolutely zero filter after he comes out
whenever they want to stare at will because of how beautiful he is? they do it.
“mike? are you okay? is there something on my face?” “no, just your face” “then,, what are you looking at?” “you.”
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japeneselunchtimerush · 8 months
kagami for bingo
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I really like Kagami's character he's my son. My tiger boy.
He's literally a tiger enough said.
I love his design. I really do like his hair and how it's both black and red(he's the only character with duel colored hair). He also has good style as seen in the official art.
Have you seen this guy? He is one of the silliest mfs on the planet. His fear of dogs is hilarious as well.
*Affectionate squeezing*
He's a bastard in the same way aomine is but more anger issues than lethargic cat.
I will cry if anything happens to kagami. That entire thing with himuro was really sad because he started playing basketball because he was lonely and it was something that helped him develop genuine relationships.
One thing I really like about his character is that he has this duality about him. He absolutely believes in teamwork and playing as a group but he also wants to be a winner, he wants to be the one to bring his team the win, this duality in his thinking makes him so real.
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baahsu · 1 year
SIGH ITS ME LOCAL VSCEST WHORE BACK AGAIN. neways my minds fr like a fishbowl rn bc my one braincell keeps swimming back n forth btwn thinking about "yoniji dog and cat dynamic" and "super possessive of his all his siblings ichiji" but since you urself made the "craving manhandling yoniji" post ill give you my silly strange little thoughts on that one first. but know that possessive ichiji is also coming sometime soon bc he makes me crazy lmao
SO as we all know, yonji is very much puppy coded, but what we DONT know/talk enough about is how cat coded niji is. like i'm confident that mf would start purring if you pet his head n carded your fingers thru his hair
so cat and dog dynamic, already great, but now it's YONIJI where the puppy is like a head taller than the cat and the puppy loves the cat very much and wants to carry the cat around like a fancy handbag and wants to make the cat see stars (in more ways then one ;]) and this whole time the cat is like "🤬😡😾🙄" bc like. yeah niji feels the same way but GOD yonji you are a literal '''''emotionless''''' prince AND soldier please stfu you are embarrassing him 😭😭
yonjis the one who'll pull any of his siblings into his lap whenever he wants to, even in front of soldiers/staff bc A. hes physically affectionate and B. he just. can. lol (what are 0123 gonna do?? physically overpower him when theyre LITERALLY in his lap??? maybe sanji could if he was desperate but thats abt it fagagfaaghwf and if any soldier/staff member made a comment abt it they'd just fuckin die lol)
AND yonji likes doing this to niji the most bc the others just dgaf about it (ichiji doesnt mind- a chair is a chair- this one just happens to want its hands wrapped around his waist, reiju finds it cute and endearing, and sanji might've been tense about it at first but after a while he just melted into it bc ZAMN hes touch starved) but niji VERY MUCH gives a fuck about it. he gets sooo flustered and red in the face- twisting in yonjis lap and banging his fists against yonjis head n chest and shrieking "let me go you fucking ape!" in a voice an octave higher than usual. yonji is simply sitting there like "😊😊😊" bc his ass is NOT listening. hes prolly lost in his head thinking about how hard hes gonna be fucking niji within the next 3 minutes if he doesnt stop that damn squirming.
ALSO fitting cat and dog dynamic methinks- yonji bites. affectionately. like ofc he does hickeys and claim marks but sometimes he'll just go up to niji or any of 0123 and (lightly, gently) bite them somewhere on their arm or shoulder or finger to be affectionate. (is this me projecting?? maybee <3<3) niji, resident cat who finds biting as a challenge, does NOT fucking get it and goes "??!?!? motherfucker WHAT?!?!" everytime it happens. 013 understand that its meant to b affectionate but instead of telling niji this they simply watch this interaction go down whenever it happens bc its Really Fucking Funny
and to end it out, obviously yoniji fuck like animals in heat, too. yonji with the doggy style and deep growls in nijis ear and the (strong, heavy) bites that draw blood all along his neck and thighs. and niji with nails that leave scratches all along yonjis skin and whos back can arch better than any cats and who sure as hell ACTS like a cat by constantly whining and complaining the whole time during sex abt yonji smothering him with affection but the second yonji sighs n eases up on em niji immediately goes "!! what the Fuck do you love me or not??!?!". yonji quickly realizes that sometimes the best thing to do is just shove some fingers in his mouth to get him to stfu :)))
OKAY and fin lol. they are so silly yet hot together. goofy whores, even. they make each other better AND worse. i love them.
-J.J c(:
No no no but this is so good?? So accurate?? Even the little details?? Ichiji doesn't mind yonji putting him on his lap because it's just another seat to him?? Yonji's ready to murder someone if they say shit about what he's doing?? Everyone's amused at how much of a dumbass niji is?? I LOVE IT ALL
Cat and dog dynamic just fits so perfectly for yoniji it's crazy!!
Yonji is that mix of being a huge dog that doesn't realize it grew too much and of being a huge dog that's pretty much aware it grew and it's making the most out of it. He's constantly craving physical affection, you can see it in his eyes and in his figurative tail that's constantly wagging as he trails behind his siblings, the catch is that if they ignore him he can just manhandle them all, toss them over his shoulders and plop them on his lap when he gets to a couch
Then there's niji, only outwardly accepting physical affection on his own terms, but making a scene if he gets ignored for too long. He's always threading that line of "I hate you, leave me alone" and "I hate you slightly less today, come cuddle me"
So when you put them together it's just hilarity overload. Niji has no chance against yonji, he can't fight him, can't overpower him, he can't barely even move when yonji got his arms around him (even worse when yonji gets his whole body on top of him). But it's obvious to everyone niji secretly loves it, he feels yonji's weight and warmth and the way he mercilessly pounds into him and he just purrs and whines uncontrollably
I also think ichiji's kinda like a cat too, except he's the type that just sits there on his own, judging everyone and just takes it if someone decides to do something to him. And by someone I mean yonji and reiju, if it's niji or sanji his other side comes out and he'd much rather tease them for being needy
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rottenresponse · 1 year
(Rottenresponse Edition) ((Will definitely be updated))
The Title basically spells it out for you, so WITHOUT FURTHER A DO HERE WE GO!
I'mma put one of those read more lines because I'd hate to make someone unknowingly scroll through this whole fucking thing by accident </3
Also Also, Important Sidenote but I see all the Bursonas as Brothers (whether they be Step or directly biological), So please remember that while reading this <3
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Youngest of the bunch
Twitch addict
Possibly Cupidromantic
Likes wearing YouTuber/Streamer Merch, no matter what it may be or how much it may cost
Definitely wears those Gaming Cat Ear Headsets when gaming/streaming
Made his own Twitch Channel after his favorite E-Girl dropped him from her Mod team and blocked him on all her accounts (It's a long story, we don't get into it)
Eats S'mores cereal straight out of the bag (It's a comfort food)
Would have definitely been a fucking IPad kid if he was born in today's generation
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Being real for a minute, idk what kinda creature he is, but he does have cat like tendencies and he is part Phantom
The tips of his ears, fingers, etc, are blackened due to how often he'd tinker with charcoal and gunpowder when he was younger
Don't get me wrong, he still does, just not nearly as often due to how it stains his food and comfort items
SPEAKING OF COMFORT ITEMS!! THIS MF HAS TWO ✌ DOS: The Handmade flag L'manbur helped stitch into the inside of his cloak + A walkman he got as a birthday gift when he turned 16
Due to him having more apparent phantom-esk genes, Whenever his face isn't covered by the Shade over his eyes it looks a little something line this!
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Trans (FtM) + Binding
Claims to not be interested in relationships, but definitely hints at having a crush on someone that none of the Burs can fully figure out for one reason or another
Middle child that is often reduced to the role of Family Babysitter
Angsty Emo Hot Topic little guy
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Is the only Bur in a committed relationship with someone (TNTduo beloved)
Has scars on his face that make an upside down U with an X stitch where the bridge of his nose is (would be in the picture above)
Wears red glasses purely for the aesthetic since he broke his proscription ones a looooong ass time ago
Also insists he doesn't need his prescriptions despite being far sighted and not being able to see much past his hands after fully extending his arms in any direction
Definitely the fluffiest hair out of them all, simply due to how little he cares enough to style it
Gained his white strands due to stress despite being the second youngest
Is ferturnal twins with Ghostbur
Is much more Angry and Sarcastic than he is emo and bitter like Vilbur
Does, indeed, genuinely care about Ghostbur despite treating him so poorly a majority of the time
Isn't keen on showing outward affection towards his brothers no matter how they try to coax it out of him
Revivebur is the kind of brother that would leave little, small presents outside of his brother's doors or in out-of-the-way areas in their rooms as a sigh of affection
^^^^ Most commonly old poems he wrote about them, or random small gifts he bought from the store for them like sweets or stickers
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The Oldest Bur of the bunch
Aroace + Demiboy
Handles their finances and most of the bills like Water, Electricity, Garbage, etc
The Bur with the most noticeable Phantom appendages/attributes
Sensitive to sunlight, which is mostly why they carry an umbrella around with them a lot of the time
Occasionally uses hoods or Said Umbrella indoors, due to how overwhelming the lights can be to at times
Has taken up the role of being The Father Figure of the household, outside of L'manbur
Is the only Bur aware of what happened to their parents, and refuses to elaborate on what happened to them or lead to their disappearance.
Demiboy + Panromantic Demisexual
Has a comfort/childhood sheep plushie named 'Friend' that he takes with him everywhere in the house
The one time he took it outside, Revivebur hid it too well and caused Ghostbur to burst into tears after telling him he lost it
Revivebur was grounded for a month and they let Ghostbur choose what they had for Dinner after they found Friend again
Is technically older than Revivebur by a few minutes? But Ghostbur doesn't care, and Revivebur will MURDER HIM if he even so much as mentions it
Due to him also having more visible Phantom qualities compared to his brothers, he has the ability to turn translucent
Although, BECAUSE Of this, his skin is much more sensitive than it'd be normally
Asides from not being a big fan of certain textures and sounds, he also isn't that big of a fan of being by himself
He tries to be social, but struggles with the loud noises that come with it
Gained his love of music boxes and melodies through his brothers, but mainly L'manbur
Would beg his parents to sing him to sleep when he was younger, and occasionally asks Phantombur or ARGbur to sing him in the present
Woooo Straight Cishet Ally moment <3
Second oldest Bur
He actually doesn't live in the house?? But he does come by to visit often
Plans to have a wife and a child in the future
^^^^ L'manbur's plushie is a little fox named Fundy
Is the closest to Argbur surprisingly enough
Used to be a big music nerd back in High School, and actually makes his own music on the side between work and his other hobbies
The third oldest fucker in the house
Actually ended up running away from the house at some point due to his affiliations with a certain missing person's case
Is debatably more online than Simpbur is, but Is most definitely more tech savvy
He actually ended up helping Simpbur set up his custom PC build and some other technical difficulties that he didn't know how to properly handle himself
Probably has a thing for cryptids after his time in the woods, just saying
Gay, just Gay
A big thanks to those who read this far!! I'm still definitely gonna update this with more info later because OMG IT IS SO, S O LATE GOOD GOD-
Have a good day/night broskis <3
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highness-fangs · 1 year
what are your headcanons for Mel, Eris, and Tess’s listeners
Looookkkk, i don't have mommy issues, i don't listen to eris lots but let's do this
ES Hcs part 2 secondary pen edition
-an only child
-rich family
-That bitch is latino, ok? So they know spanish, and their cooking is just chefs kiss
-spoils mel at every chance they get
-since Hellhounds have 3 heads in their animal form, there are 3 voices talking in their head in their human form, so constant headaches and arguments, they only quiet down around mel
^ will some times say "shut up bitches!,I'm trying to work over here!" at random
^^they did it once when bb was by their side, they almost broke into a fight
-big ass eyeliner, and they do it perfectly, mel is so jealous
-speaking of jealousy, they get super protective of mel when people try to hit on her, will come over to the bar and ask for ask for kisses
^whines of they didn't get kisses
-has a thing for accents obv
-is so clingy and cuddly, can't wait to go home and cuddle with mel
-youngest child, while tess is an oldest daughter, so childish banter all the time
-they miss their life as a human but they won't trade what they have (tess) for the world
-would burn they world for tess
-so obsessed with her
-reckless asf
-actually suicidal
-We know that they n tess are over 50 years old, so yeah, their clothing style is old money but on the dark side
-very insecure about themselves, they're pretty sure one day tess will just up and leave them
-see how Hellhound does their eyeliner? Yeah they have that naturally bc of their powers
-30 years ago or so, tess tried dating around, every single person she had a liking or went out on a date with, is missing under Mysterious circumstances, tess doesn't know that though
-was working in a hair salon before they were turned, so they take care oc tess' hair
-they LOVE cats, pets each one they see in the streets, cats remind them of tess
-they were done fighting some bear shifter once, they cracked their skull and took like a quarter (from under the eyes up to the temple) and uses it in their costume
^their eyes glow so you can only see the light of the eye covered by the skull, tess told them it's creepy as hell, they told her that's the point
-they were so glad that their human eye color returned when it did
3.demon (i barely listened to this once, last year)
-rich mf
-they only smile around eris
-mommy issues
^(nsfw) therefore a mommy kink
-if you touch their tail/horns, they will either purr,or rip your hand off your arm there is bo in between
-very black/white mentality, they don't understand the rehabilitation process, despite being the one who roped eris into it
^they did it in hopes to understand it, it didn't work
-they train alot, even more with eris
^(NSFW) it ends up with them a moaning mess, as eris goes down on them
-very good at hiding emotions
^when they were dating the first time, eris had difficulty to figure them uo, take her DAYS just to have a clue, now she reads them like an open book
-they float alot, so instead of sitting they'll be laying on air,stomach down, near eris' shoulder as they talk
-brings her flowers everyday
-when they n eris broke up the first time, they fell into a depression up until she took them back
-they met tess and wendy wayy back before the pen
^they don't like tess n wendy, they have not explanation as to why, they just don't
That took longer them expected but i had fun
Again I'm sorry about the late reply, thoae are not my first choice when i open the channel, I'm an iris girl, a nyx girly, they're so underrated:')
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chromotps · 8 months
Fem!CoraLaw (+ ZoSan, AceLu) HCs bc I love women. (I, too, am a woman). But also, these can be applied to them as men too. (I will be using She/Her pronouns for everyone btw)
- Short-haired, shoulder length and long-haired Cora are all compelling to me. I can't choose which I like more (you can tell I spend too much time on the "create your character" stages in games). Choosing is an obstacle itself in my life /j. One thing for sure tho, it is VERY fluffy, silky, and poofy (obviously). Law likes to run her fingers through it every chance she gets. Cora bends down eveytime she completes a task that Law has given her so Law can pet her head. It's more for Law's enjoyment than Cora's.
- Cora and Sanji uses a very specific brand of makeup. Its high demand and usually out of stock before it even gets displayed for sale. The price is quite high, but Law will be more than willing to use her own money to help Cora buy them. Sanji uses her own money of course, you expect Zoro to buy them? She has a debt higher than Luffy's bounty with Nami /j. But Zoro's willing to sacrifice money for her booze to help Sanji buy the makeup.
- Big gf means big boobies— Law likes to lay her head on Cora's chest after a tiring and stressful day. Sometimes she'll even knead Cora's boobs, cuz it is soft and bouncy (giggles). Zoro, even as a man, has bigger boobs than any of the crew's women 😭 I find it funny af. Sanji is jealous but she loves to bury her face in them so ig that compensates it xD. Zoro and Luffy don't wear bras. (Come on, they're pirates. They can wear whatever they want and if others have a problem with it then what are they gonna do about it? Tell them? Luffy: What's a bra? Zoro: Why are you looking at them in the first place? Oi, my eyes are up here!).
- Fem Cora and Sanji would be perfect as models bro (or maybe I'm just based. I see a tall, blonde and gorgeous person and I'd be convinced they do modeling. And also, maybe I'm based bc fanarts of Fem!Cora and Fem!Sanji are so sexy). They don't do modeling ofc, but their bounty posters are the people's Magazine. Hehehe women who smoke in pictures *sighs dreamily*
- They all look good in dresses. Sanji with a blazer dress, Luffy in an empire waist dress, Zoro in a wrap, Cora in a camisole dress, Law in a fit and flare, and Ace in a backless dress. But only Sanji, Cora and Law are willing to wear heels. Don't worry, Cora doesn't stab herself in the eye with her heels. At least, not yet xD. Flip-flop wearing mf (Luffy), barefooted gorilla (Zoro), and a boots person (Ace) [said affectionately].
- Law likes cute animal stuff. Everytime the crew docks on an island Cora will always come back with something cute for Law. Like, a cat keychain, a bear plushie, bunny themed band-aids, capybara pins and so on. So imagine this, Cora with a cute hairclip of a cute animal. Law really likes them (both Cora and the hairclip).
- Sometimes Cora has a hard time finding a bra her size, and its not even about her boobs, its about how her torso is a bit too wide. So most of her clothes have paddings on them (Law is delighted about this, since if she takes off Cora's top, she'll immediately be greeted by her boobs, no bra on sight lmao).
- NICKNAMES!!!! These are so cute. Ace calls Luffy "Loaf" cuz its food and Luffy likes food and Ace likes Luffy. Law calls Cora "Rosi/Rosy" when she's feeling affectionate (and also when she dominates Cora- ehem). Zoro and Sanji... you know how they are- lmao. They give each other new nicknames every few weeks.
That's all for now! Have a great day!
[ringing a dinner bell] fashionable coralaw fans, come get your food!!!! it's time to eat!!
heheheh Cora's fluffy hair is one of my fav things about his design... it would be so cute to play around with styling it if it were longer, or if fem!Cora was just more inclined to accessorize it. :3c makes sense to me that Law would be a big fan too
Oh to lay my head on Cora's chest, just once......... The jealousy I have for Law and Sanji in this scenario...................... Also lmaoooo I see the no bra thing now and then in fem!character designs and it throws me off. I guess it make sense when they give the character a smaller chest, but it would just be painful for like, fem!Zoro. get those puppies some support so they're not flying around during fights!
(I'm bringing in too much realism, sorry 😂 )
backless dress Ace backless dress Ace BACKLESS DRESS ACE UHHHHHHHHH I need a minute. Brain coming back online.
awww I like the idea of Law keeping that appreciation for cute things kind of secret, but ofc Cora knows... Her indulging it would be so cute!!! and I continue to be endlessly jealous of Law... And also Cora... Haha, speaking of nicknames, I saw a fic where Cora kind of plays with the opposite idea and uses "Dr. Law" to be playful. Could be cute in this case, too c:
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sitting down very gently on your floor..........tell me about. misako
fun fact misako is the character that has been possessed the most times. once in the show once in the books once in shadow of ronin that’s a video game. and i think i’m forgetting one i can’t remember :P
speaking of shadow of ronin i HATEEEEE that it’s the only game where she’s playable bc they do some weird shit with her when she’s possessed….. like very strange not needed doesnt add anything to the story weird. so tired of her being forced into situations </3
the misako suicide attempt thing is actually hilarious and i still wonder how they got away with it to this day. the episode came out in 2013 which is just. idk that makes it so much funnier to me. also one episode after being introduced the writers were like ok time to make her try to kill herself
if she was a pokémon she would be mew and a whole lot others but mew is my fav rn. mewsako.
i used to have nightmares that misako would be trying to kill me and she was a fnaf animatronic. when i would be playing toontown i would always think hmm my toon is like if she was fnaf…. :) but i’m scared of fnaf and watching anything if it past like 5 is setting me up for a nightmare. and the thing is she would be the only mf trying to kill me.
my misako minifig is best friends with bowser she is currently sitting on his head
if she was a cat she would be a siamese
i think she should’ve killed garmadon. that’s her piece of shit husband. ripped him opened scourge tigerstar style
i won’t lie i think what people think misako is is actually one of the best interpretations ever. if it wasn’t the most obnoxious borderline sexist losers saying this i think it would be so funny. also a lot of it is just autism traits so thats something. <no clue if ppl still use those but it was p common back in tha day
that thing (misako) is autistic god bless her
in the ninjago movie there’s a character that supposed to be misako but u cannot convince me they are the same come onnnnn. that’s like showing me a picture of a dog and a cat and telling me they’re the same animal. theyre girlfriends the end.
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i love koko the orange haired one but misako just has the autistic swag and fail aura about her
misako is the best fictional character ever i think. in my opinion :)
if misako was a dog she’s be a shetland sheepdog
typing all this got me kicking my feet and giggling. love her so much.
my animal jam character bc i’m too lazy to get on toontown
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anytime i think about rewatching season 6 of ninjago i cringe because ONCE AGAIN misako is forced into a weird and disgusting ass situation i’m not getting into it but literally being forced to hear her scream about not being left alone like oh ok. KILL
it’s 2 am i’m a littol sleepy so here’s a picture of misako :) thank you for listening
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cat named misako:
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there’s definitely shit i’m forgetting but i’m tired thank you for presenting this opportunity to me stella i love you forever and ever and ever and ever <3 <3 <3 <3
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oh and. exploration for galin :)
– fortunate redhead kisser
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👖Jeans, skinny jeans, or sweatpants?
PRINCE OF SKINNY JEANS!!!! you think they're a twink and then they put on the black ripped skinny jeans and ur like oh shit that ass.
🐀 What would they do if they were locked in a room with a rat?
🐈 How do they react to being cat-called?
Might fully fistfight the person in question. and WIN. if it weren't for Sulien grabbing the back of their shirt and dragging them away.
🚘 What’s inside their glove box?
Like six tubes of chapstick of varying flavours. hair ties that are not theirs. a bottle of cola they stashed in there like two weeks ago that somehow hasn't exploded. important documents. also this is decord's car. galin cannot drive.
🎶 What song do they swear they hate until they’re alone and start singing it on repeat?
world is mine, yk the vocaloid song.... yeah. they know all of the words in both Japanese AND English. there is one arabic cover of this song on YT. don't worry about it.
🔪 Open up this character's kitchen cupboards. What do you see?
A spice rack. Very important. Always stocked. Just think every spicy snack on the market, they are allll in there. Jars of hot peppers as well. Galin the kind of mf to like the hot cheetos mac and cheese ):
😨 They accidentally break a vase. No one is around. What do they do?
Blame Decord probably. (Decord takes the blame) (Sulien knows Galin broke it) (they don't talk about it)
🌭 Deep down, do they believe a hot dog is a sandwich?
"Of course! What else would it be? :D?"
💰 If they won the lottery, how would they spend the money?
They'd blow it on the stupidest shit.... A cruise around Mond?? Yeah!!! Overpriced shows in Fontaine? Hell yeah baby!!!! That rip off merchant in Sumeru? All your stock please! Galin stop.
🎤 Do they sing in the shower? What do they sing?
yes. yes they do. "livin la vida loca" but SHOUT SUNG,,,, (kisa hates them for it. his room is right beside the bathroom... his poor ears are so sensitive..)
😳 Why don’t they like how their voice sounds in recordings?
Too high ): it makes them a lil dysphoric to hear their voice in recordings even though they like it out loud.
🏠 What's the first thing they do when they get home for the evening?
eat lmao, hungry prince. they like to read/watch something while eating :D
🤓 What is one thing that they "nerd out" over?
murder mystery novels. they have a lil book club with Decord and Sulien(and later Ohm + Emil) :) <3
🕺 Do they dance when they're alone? Are they good at it?
Yes! and no! Galin is actually a really good dancer, they learned due to their upbringing. But if they're dancing for fun, it's the stupidest silliest dance in the world because that's FUN!!
🤕 What’s the dumbest way they’ve been injured?
Chopped the tip of their left pointer finger while cutting a cucumber once.
🍺 What's their favorite drinking game? If they don't drink, their favorite card or board game. What's their approach to winning?
"How many numbers can Kisa get in one night at the bar" they are drunk by the time its home time.
🤑 For a million dollars, would they punch their best friend in the nose? Either way, have the character defend their answer.
"Absolutely! Kisa come here :) i'll share with you!" "I'll punch you too we could get two million." "But then my face would hurt, let's just split the one million." "Pussy."
😴 If they talked in their sleep, what weird jumble of words would come out?
Galin the kind of mf to have FULL conversations in their sleep. also some.. odd.. noises.. their dreams are very vocal.
🖌 If they spray-painted a city wall, what would they write / draw?
Some inspirational quote that immediately gets spraypainted over left 4 dead bunker style.
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stepswowdsen · 1 year
What I like drawing about my faves [6-28-2023]
A lot of my posts here are just me posting from my old notes and editing and compiling them more neatly, so I decided to do a post on what I like drawing about my faves. I decided to talk about what I like drawing about Idate and Judar’s designs :)
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(+) His spiky hair. Idate’s design is pretty much the only time where I actually enjoy drawing spiky hair. As my friends Snow and Cinna said, Idate's hair has more obvious shapes to follow, and big shapes are usually easier to follow. His design is very nicely shaped.
(+) His eyes. They're easy for me to draw. He has pointed cat pupils in his OG design in Funa-verse, so that’s something I’m aware of, but when I tried, it just didn't look good with my style. So I just use a similar eye shape like I do with the rest of my meow meow mf faves. 
But I make the space between the pupils and eye whites wider to make it still look like him though. He still looks good and recognizable as Idate, so it's fine. I just prefer drawing and stylizing them this way cuz it fits better with my style personally.
I do sometimes draw the thinner pupils though when I feel like it fits the mood/drawing (ie. Chibis, side/profile views, certain expressions) and if it turns out good with my style, so I try my best to incorporate it when possible.
(+) The canon eyebags and blue eyeliner in our redesign slays!!! I also love the scars we added to his design, it really suits him. And the star and black sun earrings I added suit his character so well too, heehee. 
(+/-) Again, I use the same eye style for most of my meow meow mf faves, just with some differences in order to fit them better. But sometimes even little variations make the drawing/style look different. It can make my drawing process/redrawing take longer especially if there's a specific look I want to achieve.
(-) His suit/clothes. I don't like drawing things with tight clothing folds, cuz I feel like they rely less on shapes and curves compared to baggy/loose clothing folds, imo.  
Judar (Magi) 
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(+) His eyes. I love the rings in his eyes so much. It makes them look unique and it also adds to his unhinged gremlin vibes.
(+) He canonically has eyeliner!!! Slay!!! In the Magi anime, it’s purple. In the manga, it’s red. Ohtaka drew this one tegaki doodle before (back on her now deleted blog?) of him wearing lipstick. I'm so glad Judar's makeup habits and eyeliner/lipstick are canon :) Zooming at the speed of light MY SONNN 
(+) I love the shape of his hair and braids. The way Ohtaka draws his braids just looks so good and it's such a clever way to draw his braids tbh. It helps simplify the design a lot, especially when you have to draw them everytime. It looks like a galaxy or tornado shaped in some illusts... I really love it. 
His braids have a very unique shape since they’re based off the shape of a scorpion’s tail, according to Ohtaka in the Magi guidebook. I have a bunch of rambles in my notes about how much I adore Judar’s braid in his design, and the way it’s simplified and shaped.
(+/-) I love the hanfu that I chose in my design for him, but it can also be complicated to draw everytime. It looks pretty af though, and at least the shapes and wide clothing folds are simple, since I enjoy drawing baggy/loose clothing folds. I’d like to get used to drawing hanfu quickly ^^ 
I drafted a few hanfu designs for Judar before :) But I could sketch out a bunch more designs in the future. I'm planning ideas in my head for the hanfu that I wanna redesign for Judar. I drafted some ideas a couple days ago. I know I want hanfu with black, white, red, and gold colours for sure.
(+/-) Same thing again with the eye style and how even little differences can result in a different look. Despite me using a similar eye style, my Judar drawings tend to look slightly different between each other, and it can take longer to redraw stuff especially since I usually have a specific look I'm aiming for with my drawings.
(+/-) His spiky hair. His hair is kinda similar to TYL Xanxus' hair (KHR) so it's usually simple enough for me to draw. It's just that, sometimes it's easier for me to draw, sometimes it's harder for me to draw, due to the shape of the hair spikes.
(+/-) Admittedly, drawing his braids can take some time to refine... I'd most likely draw a cloud/galaxy shape for his braids. I really love how Kama (FGO) has galaxy coloured hair, so I think it’d be fun to colour his hair like that ^^ 
(-) I hate his canon clothes so much. The stereotypical, bastardized take on South Asian/Desi clothes with this outfit design literally makes me perish. No, I'm not drawing that ever. 
I want to perish innerly everytime I remember that he's literally been drawn in changshan (male equivalent to cheongsam/qipao) and hanfu before, and it would literally fit him more since he’s CN-inspired too. It’d look so much more gorgeous than that horrible stereotyped mess of an outfit he wears in canon, and yet... 
Baby bingus with severely bad fashion taste on purpose. He can still be a whore, just in pretty clothes instead. I'm putting him in proper clothes, I’m currently doing drawings of him in hanfu for him cuz I CANNOT STAND his bad fashion taste and clothes in canon. Judar, get your ass over here!!! The cat mom and cat basket carrier owner’s gonna dress you, smh 
Friend: Yassss. When you have specific things you like about drawing a character you are attached now /hj
Me: I’m currently taking Japanese classes and I also bought a black/red hanfu too!!! Judar colours 🖤 ❤️  
(I’m just gonna call it the Judar colours hanfu hehe)
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Link: https://www.etsy.com/ca/listing/1198954493/gender-neutral-hanfu-by-hanfu-story?transaction_id=3551350292
It’s what I based my Judar drawings off of  🖤 ❤️ 
I’d change the patterns to fit him more tho
It’s a rough sketch for now so I still need to refine the lines
Oh yeah and I need to give him gold/red hanfu earrings. I’ll put that down as a reminder for myself
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And here’s the photos I took of my hanfu when it arrived!
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The quality and colours of the clothes are really good, just like in the preview photos 
Now I match with my son. Weh weh weh /pos /endearing 
Friend: Nice 👀💖
Friend 2: OOH INCH RESTINGG 👀 👀 Me: It's this!!! It's the hanfu I based my Judar hanfu doodles off of 🥺 ❤️ It's in Judar colours. Black and red and white 🖤 ❤️  I was super excited to get something that reminds me of my fave 🥰 🤭 ❤️ ✨
Friend: Yass the colors look so amazing!! I love black and red combo 😭 💖
Friend 3: Cool! :3
Friend 4: OOOO both awesome >:3
Me: Yeah I'm excited for it! Cuz I wanted to level up my Japanese and it's hard to get motivation studying alone. And the classes seem promising!
It's also too easy to fall into the fashion hole and collecting traditional clothes but I definitely want more in the future 🥰🤭💞
Friend 3: Oooh I see!!!
Me: It's because I really wanted to get my hands on the hanfu that inspired the clothes I imagine for my fave. I imagine he wears something similar, probably just with different patterns and details
Ohtaka’s Judar sketches and various manga panels
Thinking about Ohtaka’s Judar sketches Lumen showed me before...  Lumen showed me Judar in changshan and hanfu and JP traditional clothes. Society if these were his canon outfits
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(Magi: Ch. 119)
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(Magi: Ch. 132)
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(Magi: Ch. 214)
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(Magi: Ch. 237)
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(Magi: Ch. 290)
There’s more than this but I’d have to go back and check to find where they were adklsklsdkldsk
I'm forever gonna mourn this. I can't believe he wears that horrible stereotypical mess of an outfit in canon instead 
Rambles with Cinna 
Thinking about Ohtaka's Judar sketches... Society if these were his canon outfits
Me: The first one of him wearing changshan slaps so bad. I want to incorporate those shirt cuff patterns into my own hanfu design for Judar.
Friend: YOO THAT FIRST ONE IS GORGEOUS The throne one is gorgeous
Me: Yeahhhh... His outfit is gorgeous in the throne one, but he looks so miserable though 😭 Understandable though.
Friend: YEA HE DOES... I think it makes the illustration even cooler though I also like how the 1st one highlights his chest shapes
Me: Yeah I was thinking that too! Like Judar is super twinky but still I like how it highlights his chest And I think it fits the illust. It adds.
Me: The hanfu I'm drawing doesn't really emphasize his chest, but it's fine, I can have a bunch of alt outfits for him Imagine Judar suddenly getting more outfits in retaliation to haniwa sausage Alibaba telling him he always dresses the same in the Vol. 28 - Ch. 278 omake
Friend: Yeah valid!! LMFAO YEAH Judar: See!! I don't always dress the same!! >:(
Me: I default to the black/red ruqun for Judar's hanfu design, but yeah, I can also make extra designs too :) Also that first pic Ohtaka drew for Judar, the changshan one, it looks kinda reminiscent to Viet Áo dài. Except on Áo dài, the slits of the dress are higher
Though I guess that’s inevitable since CN, JP, KR, and VN cultures all existed in the same cultural sphere and did cultural exchanges. There are similarities but deep differences too 
Friend: YEAHH I see...
Friend 2: I’m here for the colors SKSKSKSK
Me: Yeah the colours slap so bad For Judar I was thinking of designing him with a black, white, red, gold hanfu! Or at least with that colour scheme. Like black/red hanfu with white and gold patterns or accessories
Friend: AGREED. 
Me: Judar usually wears purple eyeshadow but purple eyeshadow and red eyeliner in the coloured one of baby Judar... I usually draw him with red eyeliner, cuz he has red eyes and I like the contrast of red eyeliner against the rest of his design
Friend: I see.... neato YEAH
Rambles with Cinna, Jaqui and Snow
Cinna said this but there's so much variety to hanfu and huafu (Chinese traditional clothing) that it's not even that hard to find traditional clothing that'd suit his vibes. Like bro, he'd slay harder in hanfu! Not that stereotyped bastardized mess of an outfit he wears in canon
Ohtaka has drawn him in hanfu (when he was younger) and changshan (the male version of the cheongsam/qipao) before too. Society if these were his canon outfits. Like these actually look really good. Like the changshan and hanfu/throne one are sooo gorgeous
Some of my faves have such bad fashion taste it’s embarrassing to look at DHADHSHSDHHDS
Judar literally dresses like a slut in canon LMAO. Dude is slut certified, he's pretty much half-naked
I forgot what exactly you said but Jaqui, I think you and Lumen have both said something along the lines of like, “This is me. I think Judar is cool and iconic as a character. And if we’re talking about design it’s one of my favourites, but I bully him because he’s half-naked” WHDSHSDHDHS LMAO
I’m gonna bully my son /pos /endearing 
Sorry I won't let my faves have bad fashion taste in peace cuz I don't wanna have to draw that shit. I'm the cat mom, so I will dress them up.
Friend: My first thought seeing your Judar hanfu drawing was that this is the opposite of whorifying. You are purifying him. He isn't half naked anymore DJFFJHF 😂 I love the red eyeliner and his expression so much. He looks really pretty 👀 👌 
Now he can have a better fashion style DSFDFDD
Me: HELP LMAOOO He can still be a whore, just in pretty clothes instead. I'm putting him in proper clothes cuz I can't stand his bad fashion taste and clothes in canon. Judar get your ass over here!!!  
Also thank you! I adore giving my faves eyeliner. It's such a nice touch. For Judar I was thinking of designing him with black, white, red, and gold hanfu... I had that above hanfu in mind for him. I love the hanfu I picked out for him, it suits him so much better imo. It even has his colour scheme. Black and red are his thematic colours, so this puts more red on his design  
Because I was brainstorming for ideas... Hmm, I want a black/red hanfu for him... And I was wondering which parts of the ruqun I wanted to be red or black. I ended up choosing the one with the red blouse (襦, ru) and a black wrap-around skirt (裙, qun) since that hanfu I chose is perfect for him tbh. But the reverse, and also different colour combinations could also work! 
Friend 2: Whore (but with clothes on this time) ALSO SO VALID FIX HIS NAKED ASS
Friend 3: HELP YOU COVERED HIM UP This is what Takama did to Idate as teenagers smh /j
Let Judar be a slut and have bad fashion choices!!1!1!11!! /j
Me: Reminds me I need to continue this drawing soon... I love the eyes/expression and hanfu I chose for him
Teen Idate being a hoe until Takama said no is so funny to me LMAO
So now he just wears clothes that cover him up Modern AU Judar would wear a crop top and techwear... At least that combo actually looks good.
Friend 3: He feels like he would wear the smallest crop top ever but wear the biggest pants man has ever seen
Me: LMFAO Yeah he has those vibes
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