#Absalom tag
axel-tiredstudent · 9 days
Although there's still a lot to plan and do before this story is anywhere near done and I don't even have a first draft yet, I really wanted to talk about it and share who my OCs are (since i keep talking about them in here).
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This story (called Ewordis) is one of necromancy, otherness and isolation, but it's also about love, saving and connection!
The main character is Absalom García Medina (much to his own dismay). He is 22 years old and studies fine art in university. He's also a drummer in a band with his two closest friends. Absalom comes from a long line of necromancers! He doesn't really understand or control his powers, but he's set on his goal of finding his mother's spirit, which he has never been able to do!
Almudena is Absalom's grandmother, who raised him when Alma (her daughter), passed away. They are both also necromancers. Almudena taught Absalom how to use his powers until she died when Absalom was 12. She's still with him as a spirit.
Alma died in labor. Not only was she a necromancer, but she also had prophetic visions, something not common in their family. Neither Absalom nor Almudena have ever found her soul.
Angel is Absalom's best friend since they were in higschool. They take care and support each other through everything. Angel has a beautiful voice and she can play many instruments. She's the singer, songwriter and guitarist of their band.
Naomi met Angel and Absalom when they were looking for a bassist for their band. They became close soon and shortly after he started dating Angel!
Percy is Absalom's ex boyfriend. Their relationship was rocky and difficult, which really affected Absalom. They still see each other sometimes, but Percy doesn't seem to be willing to change for the better as a person, which is why Angel dislikes him and wants him to stay away from her best friend.
Ozzie is a non human creature that Absalom meets in the realm between life and death. Ozzie doesn't remember anything of his life before appearing there and he can't go to the living realm, so he and Absalom decide to find out what he is.
Victor also comes from a line of necromancers. He meets Absalom in a graveyard, after many spirits warn Absalom of a creature eating their corpses there. That would be Victor! Victor was brought back to life by his necromancer abusive father and now he's forced to feed on human flesh to not become a mindless "monster".
The Knight of Death is one of the Horrors. No one really knows of their existence, but necromancy powers are related to the Horror of Death. How is it related to the Medina Family? What will Absalom do when faced to this Knight?
As I said before, Absalom comes from a long line of necromancers, this gift/curse always passes down to one person in the family. He got it from his mother, Alma, and she got it from hers, Almudena. Alma died in labor so Absalom was raised in a small close-minded village by his grandmother. Since it was little, Absalom has been able to see and communicate with the dead. Almudena taught him how to use his powers and insisted that this is a gift that makes them special. Nevertheless, she also taught him to hide it to avoid rejection from people outside their family. Even with their powers, there was something neither Absalom nor his grandmother were ever able to do: find Alma's soul.
When Absalom is 12, Almudena dies and Absalom, unable to find her either and suspecting her dead is related to the necromancy, blames their power for it. And so he starts seeing this power as a curse instead of a gift. Something that he doesn't truly control nor understand, something that scares him and isolates him. Absalom goes to live in a bigger city with his uncle. It spends a few rough years feeling alone and othered until, at 15, he meets Angel! They bond over their mutual love for music, being rejects in their school and their queerness. During their teenage years they both join a few bands and, finally, at 19-20, they decide to create their own music band, with Angel as the songer-guitarist and Absalom as the drummer. They are on the look out for a bassits when they meet Naomi. They quickly click and Naomi becomes the third member of TTT (Tres Tristes Trigres). A few months later, Naomi and Angel start dating! Playing with them is one of Absalom's favorite things in the world, and he trusts them more than anyone else. Nevertheless, he never tells them about his necromancy but they do notice weird, worrying things about him.
At 19-20, Absalom meets Percy after bumping into him a few times in campus and in local concerts. They hit it off immediately and start dating shortly after that. They're both interested in music and art. At first, their relationship seems perfect. Absalom (who's in the aro spectrum) falls in love for the first time and he feels really happy and loved, something he has truly struggled with for all his life. As time goes by, their relationship starts to get rocky, they fight and argue a lot, but they always go back to each other. Their relationship ends up beng really toxic on both sides. Percy is manipulative and cheats on him and Absalom is jealous and desperate for this idyllic love and comfort they had at first. But, thanks to Angel and Naomi's support, Absalom breaks up with him after dating for a year and half. During the time they were dating, Percy started noticing a few odd things that surround Absalom, like weird aggresive energies around them after they fought. No matter how many times Angel warns Absalom against it, sometimes, when it feels lonely, it goes back to Percy, looking for momentary comfort.
Regarding the necromancy gift/curse. Its origins are uncertain to the family but what does it exactlty allow them to do? The Medina family (or at least those that inherit it) can see spirits in their daily life and communicate with them (spirits may appear everywhere and they mostly can tell when someone is able to see them so they may follow necromancers around, there's more spirits in places like graveyards tho; they don't really have that much consciousness, except for the spirits of necromancers, like Almudena, who Absalom will be able to find at some point). Thanks to this power they can also search for (and most of the time) find the spirit of a specific person (but still, Absalom is never able to find Alma, which tortures him). Another thing that they can do is enter Ewordis.
Ewordis is the realm between life and death (but closer to death, as no living creatures can enter it, except for some necromancers). Ewordis is a inmense white space full of mostly nothingness and some spirits where time doesn't really exist. Absalom hides there when he gets too overwhelmed by real life, thinking that avoiding reality helps him. When he enters Ewordis, his real body is frozen in time, so he can stay there for days or weeks without truly noticing. But time itself doesn't stop. This has lead to his friends worrying after not hearing of him for days in more than one occasion. Isolating himself in Ewordis like this is something that Absalom does to cope when he is really really bad and he tells no one about it. He doesn't really understand what this realm truly is, nor where does it lead. What are the secrets that hide beyond this seemingly vast white empty unreal territory?
One day, after Absalom's mental health worsens and he goes back to hiding in Ewordis, he meets, for the first time, a demon-looking huge guy! Absalom is shocked, because he did not know of the existence of creatures like him. This "demon" tells him he remembers nothing of before being in Ewordis and that he himself doesn't know what he is. They keep bumping into each other when Absalom enter Ewordis, and it notices that this demon must be lonely. They talk a lot and become friends, and Absalom tells him about his life in the living realm. He ends up naming the demon Ozzie, after one of his favorite movies: "The Wizard of Oz". They decide to try and find out what Ozzie is.
After many spirits start following Absalom around and telling him about a monster eating their corpses in a graveyard, Absalom decides to investigate and get rid of all of them. Not really because he wants to help them, but because he wants to be left alone. He goes to the graveyard at night and he founds a thin young man crying next to an open grave. When he sees Absalom, he runs away. This young man is Victor. Victor also comes from one of the few necromancers families left. Their powers are different to those of the Medina family tho, since they are more related to the pyshical body and flesh than to the spirit. He was alive many years ago and he lived with his two siblings and his abusive father. Victor killed himself to escape his father but he brought him back, mixing his body and soul with those of other corpses. Now Victor is forced to feed on human corpses to keep their conscience. Victor loathes his father, who keeps him locked in their old mansion and forces him to keep himself alive. Thanks to his powers, his father has kept himself and his children alive for many many years.
Necromancy powers are directly related to the Horror of Death. There are many Horrors related to different aspects of existence. The Horrors are cosmic entities beyond human comprehension. More ancient that everything. They are neutral entities, not bad nor good. They just exist and keep balance. They have no human morality or feelings. Or at least, that's how it should be. So why can't Absalom die? Who protects him and why? Where is Alma's soul? Who are the other Horrors and how do their existence affect the characters lives?
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finn0la · 2 years
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heyyy, remember when i promised a thriller bark piece? here it is!!! just in time for halloween…i can't believe they made a holiday for brook onepiece <3
i do love thriller bark, but this piece was actually made as a request from a friend! if you have any requests of your own, feel free to let me know--send an ask, dm me a message, or even just put it in the tags, and i'll do my best.
fun finnola thriller bark fact: this was the second time i cried reading one piece. the first was skypiea! i might draw something for it sometime, actually.
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onepiece-polls · 5 months
Going to begin my toxicity arc defending some of these outfits when side C and D are posted /j obviously I'm not actually going to get toxic over the silly little outfit tournament but I WILL get extremely defensive /lh
Good. Very good. Love to see it!
And also, I get it. I'm getting defensive on behalf of bad guys, like come on people, it's not about who you hate more it's about which outfit is uglier! the person wearing it has nothing to do with it!
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crazy-maracuya · 2 months
Im gonna do whats called an Euripides move
#spin the tale around for so many stories of the bible and yet still follow the plot just to mess with people's heads:#On blast rn (most of these are tragedies):#A tragic love story betweeen Absalom and Mephiboshet#Another tragedy of Neptolemous becoming sympathetic and regretful of the things he has done in war only to get killed by his actions#The tiny story of Abbadon and Azrael witnessing the beginnings o the heavenly war and the end of time in the rapture.#Another short story of Satan forgetting his angelic name (symbolism) and trying to find Michael to help him remember.#Another short story of Gabriel falling in love with Michael and asking Miriam for help about human feelings.#Testament of Solomon rewrite where he keeps talking with the demons about their pasts and just shenanigangs#Uriel's adventures in deep space and the many extraterrestrial beings that appear. (I literally want to get a biology degree for this)#Mary Magdalene. Virgin Mary and John's lives after the death of Jesus.#The women in ministry in the early church.#Cain and Abel's story from the point of view of the older sister and Cain's wife.#Deborah's story#Job's journey through so much more becuase I love this man he is so cool.#Paul's life story and his corresponding love with Jesus.#A divine comedy inspired story but with essence of all the abrahamic religions being combined witouth answering which one is actually real#(not just the three main ones but like also as many others as I can place of the abrahamic tree)#and ummmmmmmmmm..... wait theres too muvh ill run out of tag spaceeeee
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outeremissary · 11 months
Balthazar has a small soft spot for the peasant food he grew up with
10/10, it's more than a soft spot! He really loves the cuisine of Absalom and it has sadly little in common with that of northern Avistan, with far more citrus and spice. It's sour, spicy, and a bit sweet; the flavor palette is really not at all comparable to the more savory dishes common in Brevoy and the River Kingdoms. Even the most basic grains, beans, and peas are different, making the simplest dishes slightly alien. He misses the tender meat skewers sold on the street and the meze dishes so universal in taverns and the flaky phyllo used for pies instead of heavy, unpleasant butter and shortening crusts. All of these things are so simple and so small, yet they're impossible to find. If he was a better cook it might be possible to recreate some of those nostalgic dishes, but he's not (and he has far too much pride to ask Jubilost).
As a side note, he dislikes fava beans because he spent far too much time doing an absolutely awful job cooking them as a kid. He's eaten plenty of competent fava dishes, but his instinct is to avoid them anyway.
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hauntingblue · 2 months
I loved this movie about nami and her ex situationship reconciling and also anti capitalism
#i have one question are the episode 0 of movies just fanservice am i reding this right. also zoro looks jealous and petty#can they in like love action make zoro chastize sanji bc he is an ally and not just letting him sound jealous and petty like i enjoy both#but clarificaiton sometimes you know. like sanji stop that its dehumanizing and disrespectful also i want you#why are they worried about money when they are in a casino. nami was great at playing cards wasnt she#franky and luffy bonding sumo time.... nami gets the title hell yeah lmao i have been saying she is the strongest#omg the children sellong flowers... dont tell me luffy is going to defeat capitalism in this movie. hell yeah#i was gonna say cant believe they let luffy bet but he does have good luck tho. the stomach ache lmao#sanji is so stupid akdjsksks the guy who likes pain also....don't let sanji think too much about it omg the golden dust....#zoro is going to be executed sanji and luffy are unlucky and all of them are broke and in debt. damn. how are you broke as a pirate even#nami and carina ex situationship talking about trusting each other again looking at the sunset... exactly#that was such a nasty betrayal and nami trusting her again so easily and fast like damn.#also what is the cp0 koala and sabo doing there like damn. jesus even#also what is absalom doing there....#and WHO let luffy infiltrate. FRANKY GOT IMPALED!! gold is really malleable and not resistant and strong like this is getting me out of it#sanji got a cleaning man fit instead of a cleaning lady fit so why is usopp wearing one ajdjaka.... i mean he is the crews babygirl....#also second movie where zoro gets kidnapped. the peoples princess.#omg they are in the pipes. also why is there pipe for the entry of seawater in a boat. maybe i don't know enough about boats#franky getting luffy out of the fan.... cradled like baby jesus for an instant#omg they have been bamboozled BY CARINA?????? OMG AGAIN??? NAMI!!!! OH NVM!!! WHAT???#luffy didnt know they were doing all this cause he would have fucked it up akshaua him being thrown half dead out of the tower ahsuakaia#this reminds me of super mario wii where bowser turns into a bigger bowser when you kill it. damn#also another good guy turned villain because of tragedy. two in a row#the kid with the metal pipe omg... sabo is coming#i heard hikken and the voice was so similar i wondered why ace was there.... for a millisecond he was there..... 😞#the red hawk and everything..... should we all kill ourselves.... omg carina didnt betray her actually#tesoro dumb asf for taking nami look how he is going down after that lmao didnt expect gear fourth tho. damn#still thinking about how gold isnt that strong so this shouldn't be necessary but alas shonen be shonen. luffy saving namis gf too <3#talking tag#watching one piece#watching one piece movies
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normansnt · 11 months
Handsome (Sanjixmale!reader)
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Warnings: reader gets shot, nothing to specific though, mention of broken ribs.
*nightmare devil fruit*:
You can detect your opponents worst fears by touching them and can make illusions for them to see and live through it.
Bright red
That was every girls cheek the moment they laid eyes on your handsome face, muscular build and nice fashion sense which fitted your body perfectly.
You are handsome
Everyone pretty much agreed
Very stereotypically handsome and women notice that, and they swoon over you
And to top it all you have a very charming personality with a kind and attractive tone
You are what people might describe as every woman's (who is attracted to men that is) dream.
Even Nami and Robin admitted to how handsome you are, of course they didn't swoon Nami is a lesbian missing Vivi, and Robin was too mature for that.
You joined the strawhats in alabasta when you tagged along with Robin to join them since you worked under crocodile as well to archive your dream of making the world a better place, you wanted to catch the right time and stop his horrible plans but the strawhats showed up and did the job for you. You didn't know what to do after so you tagged along with Robin who you befriended at that time.
Since then wherever you went you went with them.
You loved the crew and made a very powerful asset as well with your natural fighting skills with your scythe and your nightmare devil fruit*.
Since you were part of the strawhats wherever you went it was with them and the ladies swooned over you.
Sanji hated that.
He hated that ladies payed attention to you instead of him, he hated that they got all red in the face and even more beautiful that way whenever they looked at you.
But he mostly hated that even he had to admit that he agrees with those ladies.
He agrees you are handsome.
He agrees your smile is the most calming thing he ever saw.
He agrees that your charming personality and kind voice makes his legs weak and his cheeks burn so red he thinks he and his heart might blow up.
Thats why sanji prefers not to be around you, you confuse him and make him feel...things he never felt, not just towards a guy towards anyone.
This however made you believe he hates you.
And you just couldn't understand why.
When ladies swooned over you, you never did anything.
You just continued to be kind not thinking much of it since you were obviously gay.
And screwed.
Because of course you had to fall in love with the most lady obsessed man on your crew who not to mention hates you (or so you think).
He was just so kind, and considerate. Of course his perviness could be reather annoying but even so he was still looking out for women and respecting them, which most man don't.
The same thing happened in Thriller park.
When Perona saw you after you guys were awakened by Usopp she got red in the face and whispered to herself "he is so handsome I almost feel bad for making him depressed" that pissed off sanji. Of course he thought Perona was cute, but she of course noticed you and you didn't even answer her.
The next straw was when he wanted to rescue Nami-san, you tagged along and Absalom looked at you and immediately thought you are a big threat his exact words were: "you, handsome, you came for my bride there is no way Im letting her see you"
He didn't know you were Nami's crew mate since you didn't have a wanted poster either.
That extremely annoying for Sanji since he wanted to be the knight in shining armor for Nami.
Yelled Sanji to get Absaloms attention.
However Absalom attacked you first paying him no mind. Now you wouldn't have a problem defeating him however when he got close so you could attack he disappeared and that caught you off guard.
You lifted you weapon just in time to block his punch and gave huge thanks to your reflexes. While this was happening Sanji had a perfect opportunity to get to Nami and he knew your strength, he knew you could handle yourself. But he wanted to beat Absalom. He wanted to beat the pervert peeking at Nami-san when she was bathing.
So he yelled
"Y/N" in a very pissed off tone.
You snapped your head in his direction thinking he got hurt or anything of that sort with the way he yelled, you were worried.
This however got your attention away from Absalom giving him an opening which he took immediately and shot right towards your heart.
The bullet hit you and you fell backwards with shock painted on your face.
Sanji stopped.
His breathing stoppen.
Everything was playing in slow motion as you fell towards the ground with a bullet in your chest.
This was his fault.
If he had not gotten your attention away from your opponent you would not have gotten hit.
Sanji was feeling empty.
Even he didn't know what happened with his feelings.
The only thing he knew was you were hurt and he did not. like. that.
The moment your body hit the ground Sanji attacked Absalom kicking him so hard he passed out.
And then kneeled down to your body.
"Y/N?Y/N! Can you hear me?" He started to panic he did not want to lose you. He looked at your chest and he saw that the bulled hit just under you heart very likely not damaging your heart just breaking a few ribs.
"Sanji" you coughed out "Nami, Nami is getting take--" you coughed up blood not being able to finish your sentence. Sanji looked behind him and you were right. While he was busy worrying about you Absalom took Nami and disappeared, literally.
That is the moment Sanji realized.
He let Nami out in the open alone because he wanted to get to you.
You, the guy who had such an amazingly kind personality every girl who he claimed to want swooned over.
You who always smiled at him even if he didn't smile back or act just a little bit rude.
You, who offered to help clean up after every meal the crew had and even though he told you no every time (rather harshly) you still at least collected the plates and put them on the counter next to where he was washing the dishes.
He loved you
That is what he realized in that moment.
That was the most confusing thing to him.
How did he love a man?
"Sanji-" your raspy voice broke him out of his trance and he got to his senses you guys had to move or else there would be trouble.
After defeating Moria the straw hats celebrated. Not just the new victory but the new crew mate as well.
Sanji was in the kitchen preparing more food for luffy everyone. And you just can't shake the thought of what happened.
Sanji ran to your aid instead of staying by Nami's side and protecting her. In a way he choose you over Nami.
No, there is no way that's too far fetched. You just couldn't figure it out.
So there was only one thing to do.
Ask him.
Now this was trickier then it sounded.
With you thinking he hates you, approaching him was not easy.
But you had to do it if you wanted to get an answer.
Which you really wanted to.
So you stood up from your place next to Usopp and with claiming you will go to get another drink you were off to the kitchen.
Sanji was zoning out. Thinking about you. About how nice the button up shirt you were wearing looked on you and how it defined you muscles.
"Hey Sanji" you said stepping into the kitchen. He was still focusing on cutting meat and let out a "hmm" as greeting.
That did not help your already raging anxiety.
"I... great food tonight you did really great" this was quite awkward the way you said it however you did mean it. He said "mhmm" without giving you a glance and continuing what he is doing. Sanji did not mean any harm from this he just didn't want to look at you fearing a nose bleed.
"Anyway I was just wondering..." you were getting more anxious by the moment due to his cold demeanor. "Uhhhh" 'oh come on Y/N spit it out already he is already fed up with you' you thought to yourself.
"Can I ask you a question?" Finally better than nothing you are in it now there is no way out.
Sanji stoped what he was doing just for a split second.
"Sure" and he continued what he was doing
'Finally words' you thought to yourself your anxiety lowering just a little.
"Ok so... uhhh... its about what happened" pause "in Thriller park when we fought Absalom"
Sanji was confused. He already apologized for messing with your fight and for the broken ribs you suffered for it, he couldn't really look in your eyes from shame (you thought from hate), but he still did it. Not to mention you sounded nervous, why? At this point he put his knife down and looked at you (well kinda) leaning his back on the kitchen counter trying his hardest to prevent a nose bleed from your muscular forearms which showed because of your rolled up sleeves.
This of course just made you more nervous, you always thought he was handsome but when he looked right at you with his blue eyes you could faint.
"Well I was just wondering..." 'oh my god Y/N spit it out!' You literally yelled at yourself in your mind.
"Why did you come to my aid when you could have helped Nami?"
There it was, out in the open. Now he will either gat mad at you or you will get an actual advice, he already hates you whats the worst that could happen.
"Well..." he started slowly "I don't quite understand your confusion, I mean you were seriously wounded not to mention it was my foult--"
"No" you said cutting him off "I mean yeah it was kinda but it was my decision to look away and not pay attention so it was more my fault... but thats not what I mean." You corrected yourself quickly, then sighed.
"Look we all know how much you love Nami and for you to get to me instead of a lady who is Nami is just to weird--"
"Because..." started Sanji cutting you off "I..." he was screwed, he had no idea how to tell you why he did what he did without confessing his love to you which just got stronger by every passing day.
"I...don't actually know its just what I did it was in the past, it already happened so I do not see any need to discuss this any further" he said kind of hastily to rush the conversation along.
This hurt you. You knew he hated you but... well when does it not hurt when your crush just wants you out of his sight.
You turned around and were about to leave when
"Now, can you answer a question?" Asked Sanji in a calm tone. You were surprised to say the least. This was probably the longest conversation you guys ever had.
"I... uh sure" you were kind of happy he was not that fed up with you yet.
"Why do you never do anything about women swooning over you all the time?"
"What?" This caught you off guard, very much so, what did that have to do with anything?
"Don't play dumb you see how they cheeks get pink and how they look the other way giggling, why do you never act on that, with your looks and charm you could get any women in the world and I don't know how but you don't even do anythi--" laughing.
Your laughter cut Sanji off. It was a lovely laugh, he knew that he liked your laugh a lot. But why were you laughing?
"Sanji...what?" You asked flabbergasted, still chuckling a bit. He was just staring at you silently. That told you everything.
"Sanji... Im gay" you said with still an amused expression on your face.
Sanji suddenly understood everything. Your good sense of fashion, your kind nature you being very good friends with Nami and Robin.
"And as for how Im charming" you continued to answer him.
"Im not" you smiled lightly " I mean you saw how anxious I was when talking to you the guy I like I mean you do hate me but still, Im not charming, the only thing I do is treat women... well not like a pervert and not like they are only boobs, and a pretty face, but like they are actually a person, which they are however men fail to notice that" you continued smiling, blissfully unaware of what you said at the beginning of your statement.
Sanji wasn't unaware however. He stopped functioning the moment you said you liked him and then his eyes bulged out of his skulls when you said he hates you.
"Hold on..." he didn't even know where to start.
"You think I hate you?" He went with that first
"Well based on the fact that this is the longest conversation we ever had, yes." You said dumbfounded still not aware that you confessed to him.
"I..." he felt really bad. You thought he hated you when in reality he just had feelings for you that scared him. "No, I don't hate you, not at all in fact..." should he do it? Well you confessed first so that made it easier.
"I like you... a lot, actually I kinda... sorta...love...you" and he said it. He confessed, real love, to a man, you.
Thats when you realized what you said, that you said you liked him. That you just confessed to the man you have loved since you saw his adorable curly eyebrows and silky blond hair.
You turned tomato red, Sanji chuckled at this finding you adorable.
"Ehh... wait, you love me?" You were short circuiting, this was not happening, but...how?
"Well... thats what I just said" he said not so sure of himself anymore. You just said you liked him but he already confessed his love for you. Now it was his time to turn red or he was about to when you leaped into his arms, hugging him tightly.
"I love you to" you whispered in his ears.
Sanji hugged you back slowly, relishing in your sent.
When you two parted you looked in his eyes, ocean blue, you loved it.
"Uhh... before the urge to kiss you gets to strong I should probably tell you...uhh" stuttered Sanji
"This is my first...kiss...relationship?...or anything romantic with a guy--mmhhp" before he could finish you kissed him.
You kissed him.
Sanji was above every cloud there is. Your soft lips on his.
The way they moved against his, fitting together like puzzle pieces, it was addictive.
When you licked his lips to ask for entrance he gave it to you right away craving more of you. You sat him up on the kitchen counter while discovering his mouth with your tongue. There was not much of a fight for dominance since Sanji was dazed from kissing you. Since you needed air you slowly parted your lips from his and looked in his eyes.
You were both panting slightly, with red faces.
"So, how was that for first romantic experience with a man?" You smiled kindly again.
How could you kiss him like playboy and smile like a child with puppy eyes the next moment he'll never know. Thats just one more thing he loved about you.
Interesting how things turned out the handsome man he was so jealous of for all the attention he got from the ladies ended up his handsome boyfriend.
I actually didn't plan on my next fic being a Sanji fic but I got this great idea for him so I had too.
Also you guys didn't like my last Sanji fic😭
But thats ok I loved it a lot so😛
I love this man and to be hones I hate that cuz his perviness is annoying but I cant help it the heart wants what the heart wants kids remember that🫡
ANYWAY I don't know who or what my next fic is gonna be WE SHALL SEE WHEN THE CREATIVITY STRIKES ME🫠
Well I hope you enjoyed your reading ladies, gentlemen and others, good afternoon good evening and good night🧡🦖
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opbackgrounds · 4 months
One bad side effect of the increasing cast size I noticed that starts happening in thriller bark is that Oda tries to give too many characters their “moment” on top of each other to a point where it feels like no one got a real moment. The Absalom fight with Sanji/Nami/Lola all partially sharing credit for defeating him comes to mind as does the Oars fight and even the fight with Hogback. Curious to see your thoughts (or potential disagreements!) with this when we hit those scenes
I love tag team fights and Oda should do more of them. I look to Thriller Bark as a blueprint Oda should have used more going forward. The Straw Hats vs Oars is one of the best in the series, and you will not convince me otherwise.
The alternative is that there long stretches of time when certain characters do nothing at all, or a bunch of one on one fights that clog the pacing. The latter is especially bad, as Oda has grown an aversion to sticking to one particular scene for long stretches of time. I remember when I was going over the Alabasta arc and being surprised when he stayed with the Usopp/Chopper vs Mr 4/Christmas fight for three straight chapters. That doesn’t happen nowadays, and I’m not sure it should unless the series wants to get bogged down in Bleach levels of bad fight pacing.
But if you buddy characters up and then rotate who gets the few one on one fights per arc, it solves a lot of problems, and adds to the theme of the crew working together to achieve a common goal.
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redhatmeg · 8 months
Okay, I catched up with One Piece, so time for the promised poll. I decided to sort them by Arc/Saga. Not every arc has a guy I really wanted for Straw Hats to punch, but maybe that's good.
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A List of Works Influencing and Referenced by IWTV Season 1
Works Directly Referenced
Marriage in a Free Society by Edward Carpenter
A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen
Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert
Cheri by Collete
A Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams
La Nausee by Jean-Paul Sartre (credit to @demonicdomarmand )
Complete Poetry of Emily Dickinson edited by Thomas H. Johnson*
The Book of Abramelin the Mage
Don Pasquale by Gaetano Donizetti with libretto by Giovanni Ruffini
Iolanta by Pyotr Tchaikovsky with libretto by Modest Tchaikovsky
Pelleas et Melisande by Claude Debussy
Epigraphes Antiques by Claude Debussy
Bram Stoker’s Dracula (1992)
Nosferatu (1922)
Kansas City Stomp by Jelly Roll Morton
Wolverine Blues by Jelly Roll Morton
Works Cited by the Writer’s Room as Influences
Bourbon Street: A History by Richard Campanella (as it hardly mentions Storyville I think interested parties would be better served by additional titles if they want a complete history of New Orleans)
Invisible Cities by Italo Calvino (This was also adapted into an award winning opera)
poetry by Charles Simic (possibly A Wedding in Hell?)
poetry by Mark Strand (possibly Dark Harbour?)
Works IWTV may be in conversation with (This is the most open to criticism and additions)
The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde, uncensored (There are two very different versions of this which exist today, as Harvard Press republished the unedited original with permission from the Wilde family.)
Absalom, Absalom! by William Faulkner
Warsan Shire for Beyoncé’s Lemonade
Faust: A Tragedy by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Melmoth the Wanderer by Charles Maturin
Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte
La Morte Amoreuse by Theophile Gautier
Carmilla by Sheridan LeFanu
Maurice by E.M. Forster
Giovanni’s Room by James Baldwin
Sailing to Byzantium by Yeats
The Circus Animal's Desertion by Yeats
The Second Coming by Yeats
Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison (credit to @johnlockdynamic )
1984 by George Orwell (credit to @savage-garden-nights for picking this up)
The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman
A Rose for Emily by William Faulkner
Gone With the Wind film (1939)
Hannibal (2013)
Beauty and the Beast by Gabrielle Suzanne de Villenueve
*if collected or in translation most of the best editions today would not have been available to the characters pre-1940. It’s possible Louis is meant to have read them in their original French in some cases, but it would provide for a different experience. Lydia Davis’ Madame Bovary, for example, attempts to replicate this.
** I've tagged and linked relevant excerpts under quote series as I've been working my way through the list.
Season 2 here
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axel-tiredstudent · 4 months
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oc posting
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benjhawkins · 11 months
Dear Benj, Help! I am giving a presentation on New England maritime history through logbooks/sea journals @ boat camp and my sample set is white af. Do you (or Pentecost) have any recommendations of logs, journals, or personal narratives written by BIPOC mariners under sail from New England?
Hello hello!
I’m actually just headed out the door to work but I wanted to give you a quick answer! When I get home tonight I’ll have a bit more for you!
First to mind is Briton Hammon and his 1760 narrative is the first voyage account published by a Black American! He was enslaved by a man named Winslow in Marshfield, Massachusetts.
Second is Charles Benson , a Black mariner from Salem. He worked as a steward from 1862-1880. His journals are a GREAT insight into how Black sailors worked alongside white sailors and what the typical work would have been like for other men like Benson. He also uses his logs as scrapbooks so there are neat little things to see there. I’ve done a lot of posts about Benson that are tagged on my blog!
I don’t know if Paul Cuffe or Absalom Boston had personal journals but I’ll look tonight!
Also tagging @pentecostwaite so he sees it.
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daisygrayce · 8 months
Getting to Know You
@ineffablefood - Ask and you shall receive
Favorite color: Black and purple. Yellow's been growing on me.
Last song: As Heaven is Wide, Garbage
Last movie: Salmon Fishing in the Yemen (quiet, gentle, romantic)
Currently watching: Good Omens, again! Keeping it going in the background. Referring to scenes a lot.
Other stuff I watched this year: Was TV invented then??? It seems so far away: Lower Decks, Strange New Worlds, The Lake, Upload
Shows I dropped this year: Discovery, Jack Ryan, The Consultant
Currently reading: Coraline, Neil Gaiman; On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft, Stephen King; Absalom! Absalom!, William Faulkner; UK Travel Books been inspired to visit wonder why???
Currently listening to: Coldplay, Shinedown, Garbage, Taylor Swift, The Killers, The Clash, random stuff
Currently working on: My own little GO meta. One day, wait for it, Shazaam! I'll lay it out there: Big fat GO fanfic that no one will ever see
Current obsession: Good Omens, Nanowrimo & the above mentioned trip to the UK (OK GO)
@ ineffablefood I'm stealing this: I would love to tag all my mutuals, followers, and all people that I follow, because I like getting small glimpses of people's lives. So if you're reading this, and want to, consider yourself tagged!
@phoen1xr0se this definitely includes you
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blushinmoon · 5 months
OC Name Meaning
Got tagged by @champagne-pain! Thank youuu 💕 I’ll tag @heirhonkful
Rules: Google and post the meaning of your OC’S name (if you made their name up or they go by a nickname, post an explanation of how it came to you)! bonus if you can find something for their last name too.
More under the cut 💕
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
Selene/Sin Everafter
She/He/They ⟡ Gender Fluid ⟡ Pansexual ⟡ Polyamorous
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Selene is a girl's name of Greek origin, meaning "the moon." Lunar lovers and night-sky stargazers will delight in this luminous name. Just like the moon, Selene has a calming, soothing effect, with a hint of mystique and wonder about it.
Sin in Mesopotamian mythology holds great significance and importance. It was the name of the moon God in Akkadian (1), and the given name is thought to have been derived from His title. On the other hand, in Burmese, Sin is a gender-neutral name meaning 'clean' and 'pure.
Ever after is a phrase that means "from this on." It often appears in the phrase happily ever after, a conventional ending for fairy tales associated with lasting love.
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
Exodus Eryx Tartarus
He/Him ⟡ Cis Male ⟡ Bisexual ⟡ Polyamorous
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Exodus is the Latin translation of the Greek exodos, meaning “exit” or “departure”.
Tartarus, the infernal regions of ancient Greek mythology. The name was originally used for the deepest region of the world, the lower of the two parts of the underworld, where the gods locked up their enemies.
Eryx is of Greek origin and is derived from the name of a mountain in western Sicily. In Greek mythology, Eryx was also the name of a king and boxer who was defeated by Hercules.
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
Apollo Tsukiyomi Everafter
He/Him ⟡ Cis Male ⟡ Pansexual ⟡ Polyamorous
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Apollo has been recognized as a god of archery, music and dance, truth and prophecy, healing and diseases, the Sun and light, poetry, and more.
Tsukiyomi (ツキヨミ), is the moon god in Japanese mythology and the Shinto religion. The name "Tsukuyomi" is a compound of the Old Japanese words tsuku (月, "moon, month", becoming modern Japanese tsuki) and yomi (読み, "reading, counting").
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
Axel & Julie Tartarus
Julie ⟡ She/Her ⟡ Cis Girl
Axel ⟡ He/Him ⟡ Cis Boy ⟡ Bisexual
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Axel is an Icelandic name meaning "father of peace." Axel, which also has origins in Scandinavia, Denmark, and Germany, is derived from the biblical Hebrew name Absalom. Whether he goes on to become a famous rock star or not, one thing is for sure: baby Axel will certainly take center stage in any doting parent's life! (Ironic considering Axel’s mom hated his little ass)
Julie is a popular Latin first name which originally comes from the Latin Julia which could mean youthful, soft-haired, beautiful or vivacious. It is the feminine form of Julius, and can be a pet form of Julia, Yulie, or Juliette. Julie.
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outeremissary · 3 months
I saw @arendaes do this days ago and thought it seemed like fun (while I was also procrastinating), but after realizing I only had two portraits on hand I wound up spending more time than I should have putting together a third ^^;; Ash I hope you don't mind me tagging you despite all the time that's gone by!!
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B A S I C S Full name: Balthazar Lucienne Gender: man (trans) Sexuality: bisexual Pronouns: he/him
O T H E R Family: Kostas Stefanos (father), ??? (mother) Birthplace: Absalom Job: “traveler,” leader of a country Phobia: being controlled Guilty Pleasures: singing Hobbies: fashion, esoterica, strategy games
M O R A L S Alignment: CE Sins: Pride, Greed, Envy Virtues: Patience, Diligence
T H I S O R T H A T Introvert / Extrovert Organized / Disorganized Close-minded / Open-minded Calm / Anxious / Restless Disagreeable / Agreeable / In between Cautious / Reckless / In between Patient / Impatient / In between Outspoken / Reserved / In between Leader / Follower / Flexible Empathetic / Unempathetic / In between Optimist / Pessimist / Realist Traditional / Modern / In between Hard-working / Lazy
R E L A T I O N S H I P S OTP: Balthazar/Tristian, Balthazar/Vio Acceptable Ships: idk I’m not picky lol OT3: Vio/Balthazar/Tristian Brotp: Balthazar & Jaethal
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B A S I C S Full name: Carmen Regis Gender: woman (cis) Sexuality: bisexual Pronouns: she/her
O T H E R Family: mother and father, Aunt Marcela, grandparents (maternal), grandmother (paternal), two other aunts and uncles, about seven cousins Birthplace: Andoran Job: knight errant, Knight Commander Phobia: being lost Guilty Pleasures: tea, a good book Hobbies: n/a
M O R A L S Alignment: LE Sins: Pride, Wrath Virtues: Patience, Diligence, Temperance, Humility (my hand didn’t slip.), secret extra Greyhawk answer is Chastity
T H I S O R T H A T Introvert / Extrovert Organized / Disorganized Close-minded / Open-minded Calm / Anxious / Restless Disagreeable / Agreeable / In between Cautious / Reckless / In between Patient / Impatient / In between Outspoken / Reserved / In between Leader / Follower / Flexible Empathetic / Unempathetic / In between Optimist / Pessimist / Realist Traditional / Modern / In between Hard-working / Lazy
R E L A T I O N S H I P S OTP: does toxic yuri count? In that case Carmen/Arueshalae all the way babyyyyy Acceptable Ships: Carmen/Galfrey, Carmen/Daeran OT3: I can't show you an OT3 but I CAN show you my toxic yuri love triangle where everyone loses in the end Carmen/Galfrey/Arueshalae Brotp: Carmen & Greybor, Carmen & Ember (family!!), Carmen & her horse June
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B A S I C S Full name: Kasander / Asperia (keeping it simple and just them.) Gender: nonbinary Sexuality: asexual Pronouns: they/them, any
O T H E R Family: Orin (“sister”), Sarevok (half-brother), Bhaal (father), Helena (niece, deceased), Ismene (“half-sister”); Shadowheart (adoptive sister), Jaheira (adoptive mother) Birthplace: Baldur’s Gate Job: assassin/cult leader adventurer? Phobia: Father, home, failure, abandonment Guilty Pleasures: eavesdropping, dockside street food Hobbies: lyre, people watching, theoretical plans
M O R A L S Alignment: CG, CE Sins: Gluttony, Envy, Pride Virtues: Kindness, Humility, Diligence
T H I S O R T H A T Introvert / Extrovert Organized / Disorganized Close-minded / Open-minded Calm / Anxious / Restless Disagreeable / Agreeable / In between Cautious / Reckless / In between Patient / Impatient / In between Outspoken / Reserved / In between Leader / Follower / Flexible Empathetic / Unempathetic / In between Optimist / Pessimist / Realist Traditional / Modern / In between Hard-working / Lazy
R E L A T I O N S H I P S OTP: none <3 Acceptable Ships: cult leader breakup (derogatory), Kasander/Wyll OT3: nothing comes to mind <3 Brotp: Kasander & Astarion, Kasander & Shadowheart, Kasander/Asperia & Jaheira
Not tagging anyone on this... if anyone would like to do it feel free to tag me haha
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hauntingblue · 3 months
It would have been really funny if sanji transformed into his germa suit with a magical girl transformation like his sister but alas....
#well...kinda.....#law knowing who he is ahdvajdj#sanji struggling to make a name lmao.... he is such a loser...#HE CAN TURN INVISIBLE??#sanji wanted absaloms fruit oh yeah.... lmao good for him (bad for the women)#but as a child too?! for the same reasons????#i love how when sanji thinks about taking care of his crew its jusg robin and nami big as fuck on the middle and everyone else on a corner#law is fangirling too lmao#i love this song hiyori so true#talking tag#watching one piece#episode 925#banger episode but slow start#ROBIN!!!!!! THIS IS UNFORGIVABLE!!! NAMI GET HER OUT OF THERE!!!!! NAMI!!!! i am going to jump thru the screen#nevermind.... how could i ever not trust her.... it was a double.... i still dont get how she doesnt get hurt when they hurt her flowers#but alas#BIG MOM AMNESIA ARC??? AJDHAKWJA#episode 926#chopper is being so brave about this actually#otoko girl.... omg... hiyori to the rescue hell yes fuck that man also but we already knew that#episode 927#GIGANTESCO MAAAAAAANO#ninju ball smasher JASHAKAJK#nami you need to learn her ways forreal...#kyoshiro fucking traitror omg...... I KNOW she is not dead so HOW the fuck is this happening....#nvm i am sure they agreed to this and the blood is fake or something.... they are in kahoots and up to something....#did she have the pamphlet???? or did nami drop it or smth????#wonder why luffy is not even trying to escape..... i mean for the plot but still... see kid got away lmao#now to keep big mom fed...... oof#episode 928
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