#Acrobat Reader
holder-of-saturn · 7 months
the Vee's with an acrobatic person
summary: What the Vee's do, think, see with an acrobatic person on the V team
GN!Reader, this was thought out to be platonic
Word count: 1,162
warnings: Val, a bit suggestive (?), Val grabbing/touching you, mentions of Vals work, mostly just Val
it's definitely new. he's not used to walking into a person on the floor in a handstand and the splits, or hanging from the ceiling. you can do some interesting stuff, he's kind freaked out but finds it quite intriguing. Can get how some people are practically hypnotized by it, and that also plays in how you got in the team.
He saw one of your shows or something of you and got interested, and when he asked Velvette who you were, he found out you were quite popular, and powerful. He looked through his cameras and while he was stalking you, he found out more about you, and decided that if he could get the other Vee's on it, you could be a part of their team
when you first got used to working with the vee's it was weird, y'all are all different. Vox got used to you relatively quickly, and he would come visit you sometimes, mostly because of work and making sure you aren't doing things he doesn't want you too of course, but mostly using his cameras for that.
he probably thinks it hurts you most of the time, when you're stretching your body out and stuff, and thinks you're going to fall from the fabric you hang on. When he does think that he doesn't do anything about it, he just kind of looks away when your stretching, but if you're on the fabric he watches just to see if you fall. when and if you do fall, he will definitely laugh at you and probably won't ask if you're okay, most likely just going back to whatever he was saying after a bit.
if you walk around like on your hands and do tricks and stuff he finds it entertaining just to watch and go by, but tells you not to do it when important things are happening because of the image. mostly ignores you other than when he needs to.
He's pretty used to it, he sees flexible people all day. Not all of them are like you though, that's why he likes you, and finds you interesting and a bit of a new thing to play with. So when he finds you doing your acrobatic stuff, he likes it and always watches it. You basically hypnotize him with it. Once he knew you a bit, he really wanted you on the team.
He was listening to Vox and Vel talking about you, and Vel showing photos of you. He wanted to be a part of this too, and see what got them so interested in someone like you. Once he saw the clips and photos he was interested too, very interested. He even asked one of his assistants to look you up to see if you have ever done something like he does, even if you haven't, he's still going to show you too it and offer you a job. he would be a fool not to try to get you in this business.
At first he was being chill about it, still talking to you and getting in your space but, not doing anything too weird, at least not for a bit. He got used to you quickly and showed you around his studio, and some of his sets. He also told you to come watch as he directed, he would keep asking you to come with him. He also wanted to show you off a bit, show how flexible and nice, and cute you are. After a while of that he asked you to go onto one of the sets, and then to work for him, and tried to persuade you that it would be good for you and the Vee's.
He finds it attractive when you stretch or hang and spin and stuff like that, and thinks you would be good on a pole... He likes watching you do your thing, sometimes filming you, but mostly just thinks that you would be a wonderful asset to his business, and to him. He really wants to get his hands on you to be honest, and he will sometimes grab you and touch your hips and stuff. If/when you get hurt or fall or something he immediately goes over to you and acts all sweet. if he's mad at you though he will just ignore you not even looking when you do something.
Likes when you walk around and do tricks, gives his day a bit of funniness in a way, and obviously he likes to show you off. He doesn't like it when you are doing something like that while he's trying to be serious. He does think you're good for his image though.
She enjoys something new every once in a while, she likes the new thing that you bring to the group, and likes walking in on you doing your stuff, and the show you always put on. Whether you know it or not she loves that you joined the group. and is kind of hypnotized herself with it, at least she gives you more attention than the other Vee's.
When Vox asked who you were, she looked you up and was surprised at how popular you were and how good you were. And even looked you up after he told her too, also might've made a post or more about you. She also was pretty much stalking your account. When her and Vox were talking about it, she was pretty happy thinking about you joining the team.
She was used to you quicky, mostly because she's like that with really everyone. First thing she did was take you to her studio and pick you out an outfit. After that she showed you around and told you how she wanted things. She would visit you often, mostly to gossip and talk about drama and things.
She thinks what you do is actually quite impressive. She watches you from her phone, so shell look every few minutes. Most likely also taking photos of you too. She likes just seeing you do it, and it gets her views. She does think it hurts sometimes but doesn't question it. when you're hanging on the fabric she waits to hear if you fall, and when/if you do, she just looks up and if she sees that you might be hurt see might ask if she's feeling nice. If she's mad at you she won't acknowledge you at all, or will laugh at you.
If you do go walking around doing your tricks, she just films you and look at you for a second. She does like that she basically just has a way to get more likes in the moment, she doesn't mind usually, but when she wants you to not do it is mostly when she's mad and trying to be serious. Also finds it a bit funny how you just go around like that.
Extra: Velvette was designing outfits for you, but she didn't take into account that you need them to be flexible. that might be a change, but nothing she can't handle of course.
Hopefully I didn't miss anything I needed to add but tell me if I did (like tags) Also, Vel's part came to me easier than Vox or Val for some reason...
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techniktagebuch · 1 year
Juli 2023
Es gibt nichts zu berichten
Vor einem halben Jahr habe ich, nachdem ich von ungefähr 1992 bis 2006 mit Windows und von 2006 bis 2022 mit verschiedenen Macbooks gelebt habe, einen Framework-Laptop gekauft und Linux darauf installiert. Seitdem bin ich hin und wieder gefragt worden, wie sich das bewährt hat.
Ungünstig für das Techniktagebuch, aber günstig für mich: Es gibt absolut nichts zu berichten. Der Umstieg hat einfach funktioniert.
Ein einziges Mal hatte ich Probleme, weil die Auftraggeberin bei einem Job darauf bestand, ein im Acrobat Reader auf eine ganz bestimmte Weise kommentiertes Dokument zurückzubekommen. Den Acrobat Reader gibt es seit 2013 nicht mehr für Linux, und mit seiner Onlineversion ließ sich das Dokument nicht auf die gewünschte Art bearbeiten. Ich musste mir für ein paar Stunden das Macbook von Angela Leinen ausleihen.
Wenn ich beruflich öfter in solchen Situationen wäre, hätte ich hier vielleicht mehr zu berichten. Bin ich aber nicht. Deshalb ist dieser Beitrag sehr kurz.
(Kathrin Passig)
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ostermeiernet · 3 months
PDF-Ausdrucke mit Adobe Acrobat Reader besser als mit dem Microsoft Edge
Gestern hatte ich wieder mal den Fall, dass ich einen “Randlosen Foto-Ausdruck” auf DIN A4 benötigt habe. Das Dokument selbst bereite ich an meinem Mac vor, schreibe dann davon eine PDF-Datei und drucke sie im Anschluss mit einen Windows-PC aus, weil es den randlosen Druck im Mac-Druckertreiber nicht gibt. Nun ist es so, dass der besagt Windows-Rechner ausgetauscht wurde und sich dort jetzt…
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gilverrwrites · 23 days
Size difference with Dick Grayson, but you’re the big one, and Dick treats you like his personal climbing frame. If you’re strong enough, he’ll use your arm like a pull up bar when he’s messing around. Grappling onto your body when he wants a kiss. Jumping onto your back and hanging of you like a backpack when he wants cuddles but you’re trying to get stuff done.
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stoutstoatpress · 11 months
VAST Guides are here!
By using VAST, you can learn how to add accessibility tags for screen readers to your PDFs, by using Adobe InDesign and Adobe Acrobat.
I'm super excited to release a brand new publishing community resource: VAST (or Visual Accessibility Skills Toolkit).
VAST is a collection of short articles aiming to spread awareness about what visual impairments are, and how folks in the small press industry can accommodate them.
The guides are split into four sections:
Visual Impairment 101 explores what visual impairments are, how visually impaired people navigate digital content, and introduces some current language and definitions (circa 2023).
Screen reading PDFs explores the basics of how screen readers navigate through digital content. Includes video examples!
Using InDesign introduces different tools that designers can use to make their documents more accessible.
Putting Into Practice presents case studies of common structures in roleplaying games, and how they could be given accessibility tags using tools covered in section 3. (Coming soon!)
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VAST was developed by Brian Tyrrell (me!), and disability advocate and accessibility consultant Yubi Coates. Visually impaired consultants and InDesign experts were brought in to corroborate the guides.
All of the information in the guides is up to date, and we’re committed to reviewing and updating the guides in 2024 and 2025.
This project was completed using a small pot of funding provided by Creative Scotland’s Create: Inclusion program in 2022.
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icedmetaltea · 1 year
A rather precarious position you've found yourself in...
]Taking a majority of my art off tumblr for now. Fuck AI
More self-indulgence bc I have zero self-control! Behold an angry boi
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Some aftercare cause I felt bad 😭
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meowordeath · 2 months
Howdy! Is it alright if I ask for you to make a continuation of the “Characters reacting to reader’s clothing ripping”? And possibly with Edgar Valden, Mike Morton and whatever others you’d like?
Identity V characters reacting to their s/o clothes getting ripped! part 2 :3
w/ Edgar Valden & Mike Morton !
A/N : I really hope I didn’t write them too ooc, also sorry this took forever.
content warnings - sfw, mentions of blood, Bane, Violetta, fluff
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Edgar Valden
You had been kiting for most of the match trying your best to keep the hunter, who is bane, away from Helena. You were provoke emoting at him which was just angering him.
If Bane could talk you don’t even want to guess what he’d say. “Surprised even with all those traps you still can’t catch me!” You provoke, he grunts angrily at you swiping his hook.
Using your sprint you duck behind a pallet. right behind that Edgar was there pallet stunning him, getting his face in the process.
“How unsightly, a rouge animal.” Edgar says to Bane as he begins painting his face. You and Edgar kite side by side a moment.
“Shouldn’t you be decoding?” You ask pulling him out of the way of Banes hook. “You came to my cipher.” He says bluntly as he finishes his painting.
He quickly placed it down. “Since you don’t want my assistance i’ll go decode.” He feins a somber tone as he rushes off.
Finally after letting 4 ciphers pop and putting trap quite literally everywhere, Bane downed you. He picked you up angrily and slamming you down into the chair.
When he slammed down the harness carelessly, not listening as you curse at him in pain.
“Cipher Machine Primed!” Helena’s voice could heard shouting out. Edgar was sprinting towards you, narrowly missing Bane’s hook.
And when he went to pulled up on the harness it didn’t lift up as usual. “It’s stuck..!” He says struggling against with the harness.
Your top had gotten enclosed when Bane carelessly chaired you, with one final tug Edgar got it up. It tore your shirt, nothing inappropriate was exposed thankfully.
Before Edgar could apologize Banes hook, which usually latched onto your clothes bit into you ripping your skin.
He downed you again. The cipher quickly popped, you get back up running away. Edgar put down his final painting escaping from Bane’s view with you.
You could hear banes angry growl. crouched down beside a wall Edgar look at your bleeding wound. “I’m sorry.. if only I had been more careful, his hook wouldn’t have taken a chunk of your skin like that.” He sounded so remorseful.
“It’s not your fault, the costumes they give out aren’t great quality anyways..!” You comfort him patting his hand.
“Hey on the bright side at least you didn’t expose me in any type of way.” You joke, he laughed lightly. “If I had don’t worry, I wouldn’t have let that animal see you.” And you believed that, especially with his loving gaze.
Mike Morton
Mike begged you to watch him practice some tricks outside, you really didn't want to since the last time you had watch him practice you had been hit in the face with one of his muddy bombs.
“Please, please, please, please” He says following you around hands clasped. He’d been saying it nonstop it was starting to not sound like a real word.
You turn around hands slamming down on his shoulders. “Mike, my dear Mike.” You say with a slight twitch in your eye.
He did bother listening to your refusal. “My dearest s/o, please come see this cool trick I've been practicing!” He said with a grin.
Mike was tugging you toward an empty room, which he had the help of Marg to turn into a practice room. “Now the thing about this cool and totally awesome trick is I need a partner” He gave you a smile.
“No way, your gonna have to find someone else to do it. I don't have a flexible bone in my body” You say trying to escape.
He quickly wrapped himself around you, quite literally koala attaching himself to you. “No wait, please! I tried practicing with Marg but I thought my performance would be better if it was with my sweet, handsome, beautiful, stunning-”
“Buttering me up isn’t gonna be enough to convince me, to allow you, to throw me around.” You push against him but it was like he was glued to you.
He just whined like a child, begging you. “Fine, one trick!” Too tired to argue against him you give in. Mike lets out a cheer, untangling his limbs from you.
“You have to get into some different clothes though” He turns to grab something, before holding out a similar acrobatic spandex outfit to his own. “Look we’ll have matching costumes!”
You sigh, taking the outfit going to change into it. “I have no Idea how you wear your acrobat costume in matches, it is tight in all the wrong places”
“Well I’ve been doing acrobatics for years now so I'm used to it. Now come on I’ll walk you through it, step by step, don’t worry!” He grins hands on your waist.
He did keep to his word walking you slowly through each move. It was easy to understand, still didn’t make your body any more flexible.
When it came to do the trick in real time you had messed up and Mike's hand placement in the wrong place.
In attempt to stop you from falling on your head Mike gripped tightly onto the tight spandex material. A tear sound echoed around the room as well as the sound of you also hitting the floor.
Mike quickly covered his eyes standing frozen holding like half the costume. "I swear I didn't see anything!" He still has his hand over his eyes, and a bright red blush on his face.
You give a weak glare up at him. "I am never doing acrobatics with you again Mike." He just nods still covering his red face.
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I honestly am not very happy with Mikes but I tired. This isn't proofread
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blvb · 10 months
Characters: Lucas Balsa, Naib Subedar, Norton Campbell and Mike Morton
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: None
Synopsis: s/o who give an insect in their hands.
a/n: My first time to write and show, have mercy to my writings please. it might have some grammar errors, my first language is french. The character might be ooc.
I think Lucas will be so happy if you want to show somethings that you find. If you tell him to open one hand to put your discovery, he will oblige to do so. At first Lucas will have a beautiful smile until he see what it is, his smile disapear and will take few second to look at the insect. Lucas will scream while throwing the bug somewhere. he might cry a little bit, and he will ask why did you pick that thing, only to learn that you like find and grab insects. Lucas is scars from this encounter, now he will always ask you what you have in you're hand before you give him.
Naib will ask what you have in your hand before you are close to him, only to be answer '' Something beautiful ! Open one of your hand '' he will sigh and open his hand only to feel something crawling in his hand. Naib will have a tiny heart attack, he will look closer to the bug and tell you next time to find something more beautiful like a ladybug or one with cute feature. He will let the bug go softly on a leaf or on the ground. or eat it
Sorry for the bugs lovers for this one, Norton will have a face a bit scary until he see you coming on is direction, his face will ease a bit. Norton will look at your hand close in front of him, he will be unsure what to do at first until you say open one of his hand. Weird but alright, he will look at first then crush it in is hand, you scream a big NO but is to late. You will look at him with disbelief, look at his face and then at his hands, back it forth. If you are sad he will make it back for you, like maybe a time for both of you to chase some insect together, but it will surely just watch with a smile while you're so happy.
I think Mike will not be scared by bugs like Lucas. when you run at his side with your hand in front of you, he will be so curious. You ask his hand, he will do it without asking. Mike will be amazed what you find, he will ask with so much energy where did you find this bug. Mike will follow you if you show the spot where the bug was discovered. I think he will like to spend time with you to find more.
a/n: there's a side in me say it's a bit funky, but oh well, i hope that you like what i write and so sorry again for the wrongs writing and bad grammar. I JUST REALISE !! I write the name of Luca wrong.
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altraviolet · 8 months
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the only printed copy of The Echo Garden! probably!
5lb 2.4oz / 2.3kg
Vrei sa pleci dar nu ma nu ma iei Nu ma nu ma iei, nu ma nu ma nu ma iei ᕕ(⌐■_■)ᕗ ♪♬
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idanceuntilidie · 11 months
The Aurora Circus.
Poly! yan acrobats x gn reader Requests are open.
I can finally go to sleep my GOD
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Kit has worked for the circus ever since he can remember.  The Aurora Circus, it is known worldwide. Hell, people almost beat each other up to get the tickets for the show.   The shows are different every single time, to keep people entertained and so they won’t know what happens next.    Kit met his boyfriend at the circus, they even perform together, you could say his whole life was tightly intertwined with this place, and the people. You might think living there could be exciting, but after some time nothing surprises you anymore. 
Kit thought that it will be like this for the rest of his life, he will marry Hero and just perform with him until he wouldn’t be able to go on anymore.  He loved Hero, he loved the circus. Yet Kit can’t help but feel burn out, that is until he met you during one of the shows.  It was an accident, your eyes met randomly when he was about to perform. Kit felt like time froze in place as he stared at your (e/c) eyes. They were twinkling with that childish wonder and exciment.  He felt his heart speed up the similar way when he met Hero.  He almost messed up his backflip.    Hero noticed Kit being out of it, he noticed the stumble and that slight twitch of his fingers.  Something was up, but there was no time to ask questions.  He was supposed to go when Kit was finished, so he did just that.  When he bowed, he noticed someone clapping excitedly, it was you no surprise there, you waved at him, and he waved back. How come you were so energetic?  What will happen if you see the final show that he and Kit specially created? It felt wrong, but the somehow your attention made him feel very fulfilled.  You were jumping up and down, your hair bouncing, you looked so cute.    Durning the break Hero and Kit had a talk.  A very serious one at that. Both of them noticed you, and you caught their interest.  They wasted the break on talking, planning, and yes, they have to admit that they might have stalked you during your break. 
They cooed at how you ate that cotton candy or feel very jealous when you talked to your friends.  Sadly their small stalking mission came to an end because the break ended.    They gave it their all, breathing heavily their eyes scanned to see if you were there watching them, and they were so glad that you didn’t get bored and left.  
After the show ended you actually came up to them when they were outside taking a breather, Kit needed it, Hero needed a smoke.  They didn’t expect you to actually come up to them. Kit never saw Hero extinguish his cigarette so fast, and not complain. 
They were still in their costumes, so you recognized them and went to tell them that they were amazing. Kits face was red, Hero wrapped his arm around him to pull him in closer and talked with you.  Kit noticed that his boyfriend's heart was beating really fast. Thanks to Hero you stayed for a bit, and after some time even Kit joined into the conversation. Eventually your friends found you and told you they were going home. Kits scowled at your friends, but only his dear boyfriend seemed to notice that. He only just looked at them unimpressed.  You told them that you were sorry and even gave them your number. Kit was faster to grab it, his hand came in contact with yours, Hero saw how his eyes widened and how his body twitched slightly. 
Hero waved you goodbye and took Kit to their shared trailer.    The first thing that Kit said, still dazed from that encounter with you was: that you were so pretty up close, and you smelled so nice too.  That one sentence made them start a whole conversation about you: our actions, how you spoke, how you moved.   How you squint of your eyes when the light was too bright, or how your lips were coated in cotton candy. If they kissed, you would you taste as sweet as it?  The list seemed to be never ending.  
Oh, how they wanted to meet you again, so they made sure you were there for the next show.  It could be very easy to arrange. They just needed to make sure you were alone so they could just whisk you away and then you could live with them. Maybe even work? They will be your personal trainers.  
The next show will be the show of their lifetime, they don’t usually do tricks and but that one where the person disappears gave them an idea. 
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otakusparkle · 4 months
Identity V Announcement
- LINE Collaboration might be reprinted
- Alexander pet reprinted
- Undead new costume (A-Tier)
- Little Girl birthday is September 13th
- Character song for all characters
- New Duo Hunt map will be released next week (Leo's Memory)
- The modern fashion costumes of IDV ES series that displayed in the PV will be implemented. The silhouette in the image is just a supplementary setting, but a silhouette of Naib as the OPH captain is also planned to be implemented
- The continuation of main story will be released next year
- Naib's diary will be released this year
- After Naib's diary, Hullabaloo circus will be the next story that will be released in game
- After Hullabaloo circus and Naib's diary, the next grup that will have diaries is Group 0
- Noir box (Seer 4th Anniversary Truth and Inference) will be restocked
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jintaka-hane · 5 months
Run, baby (don't) run
(x gn!reader) NSFW
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Summary: Your former crew lost in the Davy Back Fight and you are the tribute to pay. As you step aboard Captain Buggy's ship, your mind begins to conjure ideas for escape, but there's someone who will make your stay not so unpleasant. You might consider yourself clever, presuming to completely know him because you have explored every inch of his body, yet you remain unaware of the deeper emotions he conceals within. Notes: I tried to stick to my initial plan (short smut) and I couldn't... Sorry, I am a hopeless romantic! 💕 Simply wanted to delve into a relationship where intimacy precedes love, rather than the other way around. Warnings: +18, NSFW, MDNI, smut (but there is plot I swear), Sub!Cabaji x Dom!reader (Cabaji is shy, reader is bold), Sub!reader x Dom!Cabaji, oral, teasing, wall sex, wall pinning, idiots in love, some angst with happy ending. Words: 6800 Songs that inspired me: Run, baby run - Garbage
Thank you, my beautiful @fanaticsnail for your help with some parts 🙏🏻 💜 🐌
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Thud, thud, thud, thud. 
The captain walked with lengthy, intentional strides atop the wooden deck, his footfalls resonating across the damp planks of the ship as he solemnly advanced along the line of awaiting pirates. 
Thud, thud
"... too serious".
Each time he took an aggressive step, he would pause to scrutinize the pirate directly in front of him, a contemptuous critique reserved for each of them.
Thud, thud
"... too tall".
Thud, thud
"... too dull".
Thud, thud, thud… 
His strides came to a halt mere inches from where you stood, and you averted your gaze, fixating instead on the weathered floorboards. Time appeared to freeze as you sought to go unnoticed, your gaze focused on his worn pointed brown boots.
“YOU,” he said.
You dared to raise your eyes, hoping he might be addressing the next in line, only to find his azure eyes, heavily lined with kohl and blue eyeshadow, fixed squarely upon you.
"Though you'll be needing some makeup…”, he added with a mischievous grin, gazing you up and down, “... and a more colorful attire”.
Satisfied with himself, he spun on his heel and headed back towards his circus-like ship, making a gesture for you to follow him.
You cast one last glance at your companions, giving yourself a few seconds to compose.
“Come on, buttercup!” He barked out at you without turning around, "Where's the enthusiasm?!”
Turning down a challenge was a display of cowardice and shame in the pirate world. And this shame was even greater if the challenge in question was the Davy Back Fight, which stipulated that if two captains accepted, their crews would endure three trials, the losers facing the penalty of crew members theft and the destruction of their pirate flag.
Captain Buggy and his followers had encountered your ship, and in an act of whimsy and boredom, had challenged your former captain, who felt compelled to accept in defense of his honor. Against all odds, your old crew ended up losing to the picturesque and colorful crew led by the sea's most renowned clown, resulting in you being chosen by their captain as a reward for their victory.
You had to quickly adapt to life in the Big Top, vastly different from the customs you had known so far. Made up and dressed in tight circus attire that revealed your midriff, you tried as best you could to fit in with the crew and carry out your tasks amidst the chaos that reigned in that disorganized and eccentric group.
You didn't yet know much about your crewmates, though you could glean some idea of each one's personality: the captain, ambitious, whiny, and extravagant; the first mate, fiercely protective of his captain and always accompanied by an immense circus lion; the unicyclist swordsman, solemn and mysterious, constantly honing new juggling tricks that he later deployed as precise attacks.
It was the latter who particularly had caught your eye, mainly due to the vibrant colors of his attire and the uniqueness of his hair, straight and streaked, pulled to one side. The fact that he always was bare-chested, showcasing his sturdy pectorals, also added to his allure. But you never entertained the thought of getting close to him; after all, you were eager to leave that ragtag crew of pirates behind and join a more formidable crew as soon as possible …
You had sworn allegiance to the captain, but that didn't bind you to servitude for eternity. Perhaps in a few months, slipping away from the ship wouldn't raise too many eyebrows. 
Life aboard wasn't entirely unpleasant. The parties were frequent, which helped time pass more swiftly, and you found amusement in watching the crew's constant juggling and tricks. Yet, you couldn't envision yourself aboard the Big Top for the long haul. Sometimes, unable to bear another note of the incessant circus music, you would retreat to your cabin, bury your head in the pillow, and scream.
One night, an excess of alcohol coursed through the veins of the crew — including you — celebrating that your captain, the great Buggy, had acquired a treasure that would significantly increase everyone's wealth and allow you to afford even more luxuries and extravagances.
You still didn't quite feel like you belonged with them, so you spent the evening watching and analyzing the group of pirates, noting the wildest, the toughest, the most loquacious, and the most reserved among them.
In your analysis, you caught Cabaji looking at you several times, his elongated lined eyes trailing over your abdomen, lingering a bit too long on your navel. The first two times, when your eyes met, he quickly averted his gaze, feigning interest in something else. The third time, he held your gaze and gave you a somewhat hesitant smile. The fourth time, he grabbed his unicycle and some juggling balls, tossed them in the air, and headed towards you, boasting about his sharp reflexes and impressive balance. 
As the acrobatic act concluded, he deftly caught the dancing balls in mid-air one by one with a single hand and, skidding lightly, brought his unicycle to a halt right in front of you, one foot on a pedal while placing the other on the ground to maintain balance. 
You weren't sure if it was the alcohol or simply a desperate need for distraction that night, but you summoned a boldness from somewhere unknown.
“Hey handsome, think you can ride anything besides bicycles?” 
He stood there, his eyes locked onto you, lost for words.
You thought he was an idiot.
And yet, within seconds, you were ravenously making out with that idiot, stumbling through the hallways of the ship as your bodies clumsily bumped with the walls and other unnoticed obstacles making your way to his cabin.
As you reached his room, you paused the kisses momentarily so he could open the door. With a gallant gesture, he ushered you in first, and you entered, casting a swift glance around the space.
It resembled a quaint juggling studio, albeit with the added quirk of a bed positioned at its heart. Disheveled shelves lined the walls, adorned with an array of juggling paraphernalia - diabolos, balls, ribbons, and hoops - alongside an assortment of edged weapons, including swords, knives, and daggers. Atop the floor lay a pair of weathered unicycles, seemingly forgotten.
You took a few steps forward, allowing your eyes to adjust to the dim light within, then turned toward him, watching as he closed the door behind him. With determination in your stride, you approached him, wrapping your arms around his neck before pressing your lips to his again, this time slow, lingering, and deep, while he embraced your bare waist. Tilting your chin slightly, you sought a better angle to kiss him, a low moan rumbling in his throat, barely restrained. 
Still emboldened by the courage perhaps instilled by alcohol, you brought a hand to the center of his chest and with your fingers, you traced the outline of his pecs.
“You’re so tough, aren't you?”
With a caress, your hand descended down his muscularly defined abdomen until reaching the edge of his pants, where a fine line of hair disappeared. Loosening the waistband slightly with your fingers, you created enough space for your hand to venture further, slipping beneath the elastic of his underwear. Cabaji froze in place, his muscles tensing around his stomach. With just one finger, you traced the length of his cock gently, from the base to the tip, while locking eyes with him. He was painfully hard.
“My, my… I think you need a bit of help with this, don’t you big guy?”
His cheeks tinted with a slight blush, but he didn't avert his gaze from yours. You noticed the goosebumps prickling his neck and shoulders, and every muscle in his body seemed to be rigid. Seeing he wasn't taking the lead, you decided to tease him further, this time more cruelly.
Removing your hand from his pants, you brought it to your mouth and provocatively licked the palm, coating it with saliva. Then, you slid it back into his pants and grasped his hard cock, your fingers wrapping around it completely. With a soft motion, you pumped it slowly, a moan escaping his lips as he closed his eyes.
“You’re so tense… you need to relax”.
You lifted your other hand and softly brushed his cheek, prompting him to open his eyes, his dark and dilated pupils locked onto yours, filled with a mixture of admiration and lust.
“Tell me… do you wanna fuck me, big guy?” You picked up the pace, pumping him faster.
He nodded slightly in silence, trying to maintain his composure and stay on his feet, while desire consumed him. You smiled, seeing him so vulnerable under your hands.
“Cat got your tongue, huh? Use your words, pretty boy” you teased him. 
“Oh, he speaks,” you smirked. You found it amusing how shy he was. Accustomed as you were to dominant, proud, and selfish types, he was turning out to be a rare gem you were eager to enjoy. 
Devouring him eagerly, your lips swollen from the fierceness of your kisses, you gradually guided him to the bed, stepping forward while he took slight steps back, just to maintain balance. When the backs of his legs collided with the edge of the bed, you pushed him, his body falling onto the mattress and pulling you with him into a tight embrace, with no intention of separating from you.
You bent your legs, placing your knees on the mattress to straddle him, seeking his neck with your desirous lips, alternating between biting and licking. His hands began to roam your back, desperately searching for the edge of your shirt to help you discard it. You pressed your hips against his, feeling the massive bulge beneath his pants pulsating against you. His hands slid down to your ass, grasping both cheeks and pressing you down against him harder as he moaned, his hips rising in sync with yours.
At that moment, you sat up to look at him, his eyes ablaze with desire as his tongue darted between his lips to catch your saliva, his cheeks flushed, the vein in his neck pulsing frantically and the muscles in his arms tense as he gripped your ass firmly. You smiled to yourself, wanting to etch such a spectacular sight into your memory forever.
"Grab onto the headboard and don't take your hands off unless I tell you to," you ordered.
He obeyed instantly, holding his breath, eager to see what your next move would be.
"Good boy," you praised.
You lifted yourself slightly and crawled down his body until your head was level with his abdomen. Lowering your mouth to nibble on the soft skin around his navel, you made him whimper while your fingers slowly pulled down his pants.
Directing your mouth to the lower part of his belly button, you continued kissing his tan and sea-salt coated skin, proceeding down to his pubic area as your fingers lowered his pants further and further.
You focused your attention on his groin, this time positioning your head right above his cock, the fabric of his pants the only barrier between you. With the tip of your nose, you briefly caressed the throbbing bulge hidden by his pants, then pressed your lips against it and began to kiss him through the fabric. You felt him gasp, his hips involuntarily rising to meet you, his cock twitching against your mouth. You smiled at his reaction and decided to tease him further, sticking out your tongue and tracing it softly against him while staring into his eyes.
Already begging?
If teasing him was the only way you had to get him to express himself, so be it... 
“Tell me big boy, what do you need?” 
“... my pants… too tight, I’m so hard I can't stand them anymore”.
You smiled to yourself and decided to indulge him. If he spoke, you would obey. With a gentle motion, your fingers lowered the edge of his pants, freeing his dick, which sprang from its captivity making him sigh with relief.
He was large, but you were sure you could handle it. You ran one finger gently over him, caressing the crevice of its tip, and collected some of his pearly fluid. As you pulled your finger away, a silver thread followed connecting you to him, and you looked at it, fascinated.
"I’m going to suck away and swallow that shyness from you… " your resolved words made him moan. 
You paused to look at him, his eyes locked desperately on you, consumed by excitement. Without taking your eyes off his, you proceeded to lick him, your tongue stroking his head, gathering all the precum. 
Opening your mouth wide, you surrounded his cock with your lips, capturing it in a sweet embrace, and began swallowing it slowly all the way down to the base, giving yourself time to adjust to its size as you noticed him holding his breath, the muscles of his abdomen stiff, his gaze attentive to each one of your movements. You kept advancing until you felt the tip in your throat, where you paused for a moment to concentrate and relax your gorge so that it could enter all the way. With one final push, you managed to take him all in. He exhaled all the air from his lungs.
With upward and downward movements, you began to suck him with a light pressure, seeking the perfect angle to take him into your mouth whole, your senses attuned to his reactions, his breathing, and whimpers, to match the right pace. His eyelids fluttered closed and his head tilted slightly backward, savoring every moment, while his obedient hands remained on the headboard, his knuckles white from the pressure his fingers exerted. He opened his eyes to look at you again, fascinated by the sight before him.
“Damn… you’re perfect”, Cabaji sighed out.
Encouraged by his praises, you lightened the pace and pressure, sucking hard as you rose back up to his thick tip, repeating the process over and over again, coaxing songs from his throat. His body stretched, further exposing his bare chest while his hands gripped the headboard of the bed more tightly, causing the wood to groan.
“W-wait, slower... I won't be able to hold it back.”
Knowing that you were making him lose control led you to want to torture him more. You extended your arms, and your hands traveled to his chest, where you began to caress the curves of his muscles, as you worked at the same time with your mouth at a frenetic pace.  Cabaji groaned in frustration as his head lulled to the side, his dark eyes meeting yours with a desperate look. He bit his lip and gently bucked his hips so his cock went further down your throat, causing a small gasp to escape from you.
"S-slower, I don't know how much lon... aaah…”
Your refusal to slow down appeared to prompt him to ignore orders as well, and unable to contain himself any longer, his hands disobeyed your command. With a swift movement he released the headboard and firmly grasped your nape, exerting pressure to thrust deeply into your mouth several times as you sucked him down. It didn’t take long for him to reach his end.
With one final, deep thrust, he came hard, his hips stuttering as his cock throbbed and released its thick load into your throat while his fingers threaded tight against your scalp. As he filled you up letting out a low groan, you did your utmost to swallow everything he gave you, just as you had promised.
Panting, Cabaji ran a hand through his dark hair, gathering his composure as he looked down at you, admiring how beautiful you remained with your tousled hair and flushed cheeks. You released him gently, freeing your mouth to speak.
“You didn't keep your hands on the headboard," you smiled. Getting up and crawling up his body, you pressed your lips in a fierce kiss against his.
"You didn't slow down," he kissed you back, his hands encircling your back to pull you closer into an embrace. Then, with a swift and fluid motion, he turned your bodies, positioning you beneath him. Looking down at you, he bestowed another passionate kiss.
It couldn't happen again.
In your bed, as your cabin mates snored around you, you gazed up at the ceiling, unable to sleep, reconstructing in your mind all that had occurred during the night.
His head nestled between your thighs, coaxing waves of pleasure with his mouth while he firmly gripped your quivering abdomen against the mattress…
The sound of the headboard banging against the wall, your face buried in the hollow of his neck…. 
You hastily grabbing your clothes to leave…
You shook those thoughts from your mind. 
As enjoyable as it had been, it couldn't happen again.
Having sex with a crewmate wasn't usually a good idea, as it sometimes led to misunderstandings, grudges, jealousy, and troubles entirely to be avoided in life on board. And you couldn't afford that luxury, you needed to keep as low a profile as possible, so that when you vanished, nobody would notice your absence. You couldn't let it happen again.
But of course, it happened again. 
After that initial encounter, many more followed, each one spontaneous and unplanned, sometimes occurring in the most clandestine of places like the pantry, the cellar, or even the armory. With each subsequent meeting, his initial shyness seemed to vanish, replaced by a more possessive and dominant Cabaji.
When the intimate encounters were spurred by the revelry brought on by alcohol during a celebration, Cabaji was accommodating, willing to let you take the lead and set the pace you needed. Those moments were for experimentation and delving more deeply into different ways to pleasure each other, and you quickly learned what things truly drove him wild and made him lose control.
Other times, your sexual liaison served to relieve stress following a violent encounter with an enemy crew, discharging onto each other the adrenaline surged after a victory or the accumulated frustration following a defeat. In these latter cases, you both usually got carried away by fury, and endured energetic sessions of possessive and rough sex, each fighting to dominate the other, focused on pursuing your own pleasure, using the other's body in the process with a frenzied and furious pace. 
"No," he reprimanded, his arms wrapping around your waist from behind, pressing your back firmly against his chest. You struggled against his embrace, striving to break free and reclaim control, attempting to twist around to meet his gaze.
That day, he had fought with Mohji. As often before, it had begun with a petty dispute that had escalated into the first mate challenging Cabaji to a duel to establish his dominance within Buggy's crew. They had fought for quite some time, and in the end, despite their evenly matched skills, Cabaji had lost, albeit narrowly. It only took you one look at him to realize that he would need you that night, and one way or another, you two would end up having vigorous sex.
Seizing you firmly, he steered you towards the wall until your entire front was pressed against its surface. Before you could plant your hands against it to attempt to pivot around, he captured them and pinned them securely against your back.
"NO," he growled as you fought harder, prompting him to tighten his grip even more aggressively, nearly cutting off circulation in your wrists.
"Against the wall," he pushed your head, forcing your cheek to press against the wooden panel.
In moments such as these, your attempts to assert dominance were in vain, for though your speed could sometimes surpass his, his agility and strength were greater. Nevertheless, you persistently resisted and sought to challenge him, driven by primal instincts and an unspoken understanding of the effect it had on both him and yourself.
You attempted a backward kick, swiftly dodged by his agile maneuver, his smirk amused by your futile efforts. He seized the opportunity to slide his leg between yours, forcefully nudging one aside to spread them apart. Drawing near, his heartbeat thundered against your back, while his hips roughly met yours, allowing you to feel his arousal. He gradually lost his grip on your wrists as he sensed your progressive relaxation and surrender.
"Give up, I know you want this too," you heard his voice, a mere whisper against the curve of your jawbone, “don't make me tie you up like last time”.
As his grip momentarily loosened around your wrists, you futilely struggled to break free once more, only to find yourself pinned even tighter against the unyielding wall. Seeking retaliation, you snapped at the air, growling, attempting to capture his lips between your teeth, but he withdrew just in the nick of time.
“Tsk,” he tutted, “I'm going to have to tame you like the wild animal you are…”
“I thought Mohji was the tamer,” you let out, sharply.
You reveled in provoking him repeatedly, testing the limits to see how far you could push. However, as you concluded the sentence, you bit your lip. Perhaps, given the circumstances, you had pushed too far this time.
You had angered him. 
With a ferocity that bordered on the primal, he clasped you tightly around the waist, lifting you with unrestrained force. Spinning you around to face him, he hurled you towards the wall, the unexpected impact causing you to gasp as your shoulder blades collided with the wooden panel, the sound echoing in the tense silence that followed. He seized a handful of your hair and yanked sharply, tilting your head back, so your neck was fully bared to him.
In this position, seeing you completely at his mercy, with your breath catching and your heart pounding, he seemed to calm down. With the tip of his nose, he traced a path along your throat, detecting the pulse of your artery, lingering where adrenaline surged through your bloodstream.
“I’d slit his throat before he could lay a finger on you”, he kissed you right at that spot.
Without shifting his attention from your neck, his hands explored your body, seeking the elastic of your underwear. He slipped his hand inside, gauging your arousal before assisting you in discarding it with a determined tug.
Grasping one of your legs by the back of the thigh, he raised it as high as possible, locking it around his waist. Feeling your calf pressing against him for balance, he repeated the action with your other leg, pressing your body firmly against the wall, making it your support point. Secured in that position, he undid his pants, freeing his swollen and pulsating cock which quivered in search of your warmth. 
“Tell me you want this”, he whispered in the shell of your ear.
“I want you, baby”, you uttered the words that drove him mad.
Without further delay, he bent his knees, causing you to descend, your back sliding down the wall slightly. Gripping his cock, he eagerly directed its tip to your sweet entrance, then thrust into you forcefully, impaling you and causing your hips to collide sharply upward against the wall as he held you securely by the thighs. You panted at the impact, both arms draped around his neck.
Cabaji remained completely still in this position, giving your body time to adjust to his and relax. He closed his eyes, focusing intently, and pressed his cheek against yours, awaiting a subtle signal from you to indicate that he could proceed. After a few moments of concentrating on the rhythm of your heartbeats, he felt your cheek press back against his, signaling your readiness. Firmly securing his grip on your thighs to prevent any slippage, he began thrusting into you with increasing intensity.
"Tell me you're mine," he pleaded, his voice barely audible over the moans escaping your lips as his hips relentlessly collided with yours.
You didn’t answer. 
He always asked you once, and you never responded, leaving him to content himself solely with your kisses and whimpers, something he always tried to counteract with a firmer grip on you, as if the fact that you didn't respond implied that you might escape at any moment.
Beyond your intimate encounters, there were never interactions between you: you neither spoke nor sought each other out. Your meetings were never premeditated, but rather fortuitous and accidental, and the absence of contact outside of these moments left you questioning whether the rest of the crew suspected anything about what was happening between you two.
One night, you returned to your cabin after having a horrible day. You had been particularly clumsy, and while organizing the juggling room, hundreds of balls, diabolos, and hoops had fallen on you. You had to endure some crewmates' shouts and spent hours putting everything back in place just as it was. All you wanted was to lie down in your bed, rest, and hope that the next day would be better. 
Upon reaching your cabin, you noticed something small resting atop your pillow. Intrigued, you approached, picked it up, and examined it closely: it was a delicate handmade paper flower, its exquisite petals meticulously folded to resemble a real blossom, alternating between shades of blue and white, reminiscent of Cabaji's scarf.
With a bitter chuckle, you cast it aside.
"What a fool..."
The following night, you found yourself in his bed once more. Throughout the day, the crew had been reveling and drinking, and a chance encounter in the evening had led you to end up as you always did, enjoying each other's bodies. 
On this occasion, you were lying face down, bearing the weight of his body, your legs spread to welcome him inside you as his hips delivered his final thrusts against you. Moaning deeply against your neck, he chased his release for the second time that night. With one hand pressing firmly your lower abdomen, he lifted your pelvis, seeking the perfect angle to discharge himself as profoundly into you as possible.
With one last, deep thrust, you noticed his body shaking against yours, his cock twitching as he poured all his tension into you, relishing the moment and taking his time, deep growls escaping from his throat.
Panting heavily from the exertion, he collapsed on top of you, his forearms bracing against the mattress on either side of your body to avoid bearing down his full weight on you. Once he had emptied himself completely, he withdrew, pressing his lips briefly against one of your shoulders in a sort of farewell kiss before falling exhausted by your side.
Typically, after finishing, you didn't waste time and returned to your normal routine, either heading to your cabin to rest or, if it was during the day, continuing with your everyday tasks on board. But this time, particularly, you were exhausted, and for the first time, you lingered a bit with him between the sheets.
“I’m drained,” you murmured.
You remained lying face down, arms folded beneath your head, forehead resting upon them, taking deep breaths as you tuned out the world around you.
Suddenly, you felt fingertips caressing your body, gently trailing down your spine, tracing an imaginary line over your small back and descending to follow the curve of your ass, the contact making your skin goosebump.
You lifted your head immediately, surprised by the sudden display of tenderness, and found Cabaji lying on his side, beside you, his arm bent and his head resting on his hand. His gaze fixed on your body with an intensity that bordered on... devotion.
His fingers traced the same curve again, drawing delicate patterns on your back and causing you to shudder again under his touch. Your body tensed up as the air seemed to freeze in your lungs.
What was that? 
Was that an expression of… 
… affection?
Your heart began to skip beats as anxiety invaded your chest.
Immediately, the memory of the beautiful flower resting on your pillow the previous night flooded your mind, triggering an internal alarm. 
No, no, no, no.
No feelings.
You sprang from the bed in a swift motion, your naked body fully exposed to him. He looked at you, surprised by your sudden movement, yet a smile played across his lips, seizing the opportunity to admire your figure once more.
“You’re so pretty…”
“Cabaji,” your expression darkened.
“… yes?”
“... you know this is just sex, right? Nothing more.”
His smile faltered momentarily, yet his gaze remained inscrutable, making it difficult for you to discern his thoughts. Those stupidly beautiful, lined eyes fixed on you.
“Yes, of course I know,” he responded promptly.
You stepped away from the bed to gather your clothes, an awkward silence filling the room. You dressed as swiftly as you could, the oppressive tension in the air making it hard to breathe normally. As soon as you were fully clothed, you opened the door, eager to make your exit.
“See you,” you bid him farewell, casting a final glance at the bed where he sat, still unclothed, with his gaze fixed on some distant point in the room.
Following that last conversation, two long weeks went by without any form of contact between the two of you.
At first, you didn't understand. You were used to not having any kind of relationship with him outside of your sexual encounters, but even though you didn't talk during the day, no more than two or three nights would pass before you found yourselves in each other's arms again. However, there was no trace of Cabaji wherever you went. The only news you had of him were snippets of conversations drifting from afar.
"Hey, did you hear? Cabaji threw a knife in target practice and he missed. He stabbed a man right in his hand."
"No way! He's never missed!"
"Yes, yes, he did. He's been a bit lost lately…"
Occasionally, you would catch sight of him from a distance, whether in the galley, the juggling practice area, or on deck, where he was often engaged in conversation with the captain or involved in heated exchanges with Mohji.
As days went by, you began to believe that his interest in you had waned, signaling the end of your clandestine affair, perhaps for the best. 
You carried on with your life without giving it a second thought. Your days were a whirlwind of tasks, leaving little room for contemplation or reflection, and if you had any time left, you spent it plotting the best way to leave the ship and find another crew.
A few days later, you were walking down a narrow hallway that connected one cabin to another below deck. You walked calmly, lost in your thoughts, when suddenly you felt a strong grip seize your arm, pulling you sharply towards them and causing you to collide against their chest, momentarily throwing you off balance. 
Startled by the abruptness of the action, you glanced up to identify the assailant, only to find yourself met by the sight of a blue and white scarf—Cabaji. 
"What are you doing?!" you asked furiously, attempting to wrench your arm free.
"We need to talk".
"Let me go!" you used your free hand to shove him off.
At that moment, as if the capricious universe were mocking you, a crew member attempted to pass through the hallway, causing you to pause momentarily your movements. The space was so narrow that, to make room for him, you had to move closer to Cabaji, causing your bodies to touch completely. You felt a strange sensation at the contact, like a familiar warmth that your body had unconsciously longed for.
"Hey," the shipmate greeted as he advanced down the hallway. 
Time seemed to stretch infinitely in that position, standing so close to each other that you could feel Cabaji's agitated heartbeat, your chests pressed against each other. As the shipmate passed by your side, he appeared startled by the sight of Cabaji towering over you, firmly gripping your arm.
“You two okay?”
“We’re fine”, Cabaji snapped curtly, his eyes still fixed on yours.
The crewate, sensing the odd situation and not wishing to get embroiled in any trouble, hurriedly made himself scarce. As soon as he disappeared and you were alone again, you pulled your body away from Cabaji, and gave another strong tug to release yourself from his grip. 
This time he let go. 
With your arm now free, you turned around to continue advancing down the hallway. 
"I have things to attend to."
"Wait..." he said frustrated, stepping in front of you to block your path. You attempted to go around him, but he stopped you. Letting out an impatient huff, you tried to shove past him once more, your hands trying to brace against his chest.
"Hold on…" he grabbed your wrists mid-air to hinder you from pushing him, and you sharply twisted your hands, freeing yourself again. With an angry snort, he swiftly seized you by the waist before you could escape again, lifting you off the ground and pinning you against the wall. As you tried to push yourself away from the wall to break free, he grabbed your shoulders firmly, thwarting your attempts to flee.
"Damn it, you're so stubborn," he muttered in frustration.
Cornered and feeling the firm pressure of his fingers grasping your shoulders, you surrendered. You shut your eyes and drew in a deep breath, attempting to rein in the anger bubbling within you. As you exhaled, you steeled yourself to confront him, reopening your eyes to meet his gaze. 
Upon closer inspection, you were taken aback to see the fatigue etched on his face and the deep circles beneath his eyes, clear signs that he had been suffering. 
"Are you going to listen to me?" he begged you.
His eyes darted between yours, seeming to take a moment to arrange the words in his head before speaking them. You waited quietly, somewhat concerned because you had never seen him so distressed. His eyes then moved to your lips, lingering on them for a few seconds.
"And?" You asked haughtily, titling your chin up. Your question seemed to bring him back to reality and his dark, lined eyes refocused on yours.
"Okay... ,“ he inhaled deeply, struggling to find the right words and not mess things up. “Well, I… I knew the rules... but …," he paused again.
"What rules?” you asked, urging him to continue.
“Listen, I know we… No, I… I  was not supposed to fall…,” he halted abruptly. He seemed to be delivering the most complicated discourse of his life, looking at you with a furrowed brow. You could almost hear the neurons in his brain, racing to find the right words.. “I’ve tried, I've tried hard but I…”.
Without understanding anything of that nonsense, you lost your patience.
“Cabaji, what the hell are you talking ab...?” 
“I miss you,” he cut you off.
You arched an eyebrow, taken aback. 
“I miss you,” he repeated, more confident this time, finally finding the courage to deliver a somewhat coherent speech. “I … can’t eat, I can’t sleep, I can’t even hit a target. I can’t live like this''.
Your eyes widened as your brain processed his words gradually, incredulous at what you were hearing.
“... I'm craving you”.
You were speechless, bewildered by his desperate words, which caught you completely off guard. Time seemed to stand still, the creak of the wood and the gentle sway of the boat the only signs that the world hadn't stopped.
Your eyes briefly darted to his hands, your shoulders flushed from the pressure of his grip. Following the direction of your gaze, he suddenly seemed to realize that he was still holding onto you and immediately released you.
"Forgive me," he apologized in such a low tone that it was only audible to you.
You stood there, staring at him intently, your back pressed firmly against the wall as your head spun.
“Y/N, please… please, come to me tonight.  Please, let me have you again tonight, I … I rather jump overboard than deal with another night without you”. 
He was pleading with such desperation that you felt a tightness on your throat, overwhelmed by everything you were having to process in that moment. A sense of infinite sadness engulfed your chest, releasing all the suffering you had been denying yourself from feeling these past few weeks. 
"And…,” he continued, “I can't stand you leaving afterwards. I’d like to spend more time with you… I want to be able to caress you without you fleeing from me in fear."
You remained silent, unsure of what to say. It was too much, too many thoughts, too many feelings, and you didn't know which path was the wisest to take. 
“Cat got your tongue, huh?” he smiled sadly.
You turned your face to the side and averted your eyes from him to give yourself a few seconds to think without feeling the pressure of his hungry eyes staring into yours, desperate for a response.
“I am not scared of you,” you managed to say with a thread of voice.
He lifted one of his hands and brought it to your chin, gently holding it between his fingers to guide your face back to his and meet his gaze head-on.
“No…" he sighed, "you're scared of us. Of what we could become… if you let me”.
His fingers moved from your jawbone to your cheek, his thumb softly caressing it, causing you to shiver. How was it possible that after all the physical contact you had shared for weeks, after all the scratches, licks, bites, grips and thrusts, what you found most challenging to endure was a simple caress?
“... would you? Would you let me?”
Your mind scrambled, attempting to swiftly piece together a response. The plans to abandon the boat flashed through your mind, as until that moment, leaving within a few months had been a firm decision. But now, as you stood there, your thoughts became a tangled mess, forming a lump in your throat that silenced any reply.
Sensing your distress and hesitation, Cabaji gently eased the pressure his fingers exerted on your cheek, and seeking to grant you some breathing room, his body appeared to drift imperceptibly away from yours. You perceived the shift, and in that instant, realization dawned. You understood then, deep in your core, that you truly were afraid.
It was the fear that Cabaji might let you go and turn away. The fear of him never touching you again, the fear of never feeling his lips against yours, the fear of him never looking at you with the intensity he did in those moments. The fear of him disappearing from your life forevermore.
You lifted your hand, letting it hover momentarily before cupping his own, cradling it against your cheek. Meeting his weary gaze, you smiled softly at him and offered a silent affirmation with a nod.
“My love…” he smiled back at you, exhaling the relief that anticipation had built up in his lungs. His hand left your cheek and moved slowly to your nape, his fingers tangling in your hair. With gentleness, he drew your head towards his until your noses brushed lightly. Sensing your breath quickening nervously, he paused, unsure if this was really what you wanted.
As he came to a halt, you let out a frustrated exhale and, gripping his scarf tightly, you forcefully pulled him towards you to close the short distance separating your lips, causing them to collide and seal in a loving kiss.
Encouraged by your determined attitude, he kissed you back, long and deep, wrapping his arms around your waist to pull you closer to him as if every inch of distance between you was too much to bear. After spending so much time apart, the kiss felt so good that you began to search for more and more hungrily, hardly letting him breathe, chaining one kiss to another, eliciting soft moans from his throat. 
Each time the kisses felt like they were nearing their end, your lips ravenously sought his once more, while he, caught up in the fervor of your embrace, allowed himself to be carried away. When the lack of air forced you to lower the intensity and part, he looked into your eyes.
“Tell me, are those things you have to attend to now so urgent?”
“No,” you said quickly, leaning in eagerly to kiss him again.
“Well… ,“ he stopped you for a moment, placing his index finger on your lips, “why don’t we go to bed and see if this time you're ready to answer if you're mine?” And before you could reply, he captured your mouth with his again, smiling into your lips.
You know this is just sex, right? Nothing more.
Your own words echoed in your mind as you hooked your arms around his neck and pressed him against you, angling your chin to deepen the kiss further.
Fuck it.
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exhausted-exho · 26 days
Thinking About Biker Pezzy
Like yes he actually owns and rides a bike. He literally just got a new one. BUT hear me out...
Imagine like stunt rider Pezzy. Like you're an acrobat in a circus and he's one of the daredevils. One of the guys who does the ramp jumps, stands on his bike as it moves around (in that move mimicking trick riders), rides around in the sphere.
Ugh like I know he said the other day he's never gonna be one to be going 100+ miles an hour because he values his life but just imagine you two being kids who grew up in the circus together. Close in age but from two different groups of practice so you never crossed all that much.
You remember first noticing him when you were 6. A few years older, already beginning to train in taking care of the bikes and learning the most basic moves. Meanwhile you were with the aerial team, beginning to learn different ground tricks.
The first time you guys interacted wasn't for years yet. You were 13 then, taking part in your first show. He'd already been in for a year or so and saw how nervous you were, wringing your hands in the wings as you waited for your cue to run on and climb the silks up to the trapeze swings.
"Hey, you'll do fine." Your eyes widened at the fact he was even talking to you. It didn't help that you'd been admiring him from afar for a while, beginning to harbor a little crush. "I was nervous my first show but it all comes down to muscle memory. Focus on that, not the crowd."
"I have to appeal to them, though." Your voice was small. Meek and anxious. "I don't have a helmet to hide behind like you do."
"True. But you've been helping with the kids parties and you do well with them. Just think of the crowd as a bunch of kids you need to entertain for a few minutes." You nodded, thanking him before hearing your cue and darting out onto the floor to begin your routine.
His advice had been helpful.
It was a few more months until you got a chance to cross paths again and it was due to being teamed up during a load out, moving crates together and packing the trucks.
It was during those long hours that you guys clicked. The two of you hanging out became commonplace after that. Every spare moment one of you had was spent around the other, even if the other was in rehearsals.
Which meant it only made sense.
The ringmaster wanted something new. Something fresh. Something that no one had ever seen before to generate larger audiences again. The circus had been dying in popularity the past few years. To keep everyone fed and on the team, he needed a new angle.
So you and Pezzy were the two he chose. The ones whose skills were to be combined for the new ending segment. The grand finale to top all else.
Who would've thought to put acrobatics on stunt riding?
Despite how insane it was, it worked out for the two of you. You got to spend most of your time together, now, and it just meant you got even closer.
He was used to the danger of stunt riding. You were used to the danger of heights and acrobatics. Combine the two and you're clinging to him for safety and he's keeping you grounded.
The most terrifying one wasn't even the dancing on the back of his bike while he rode the rings. Nor was it joining him for stunt jumps and doing your own tricks midair.
It was the sphere.
You stood planted in the center as he rode circles around you, one hand out to trace your waist as he spun, to keep track of you. A hand holding yours as you spun with him in a way reminiscent of figure skating.
It was the accident that had him making the first move. One day the ringmaster wanted you to change it up. To have a set of aerial silks halfway through a jump to grab onto. But even with all the rehearsals and successful shows, there was one day you missed the silks.
Your hands were sweaty, your arm was tired, the timing a bit off, the jump a bit too far to the side. It all combined in some cursed formation, causing you to fall twenty feet.
There were pads, but you landed just wrong, destroying your ankle.
You'd never seen Max so scared. So angry before. He just about tore the ringmaster apart for having the idea that got you hurt.
When you were finally able to get back into shows, he was anxious. Terrified it would happen again. Now that you'd gotten hurt, he had it in his mind constantly, always worried about the possibility that you could get hurt again from any little thing.
It lead to him pulling you aside before your first show back in and pressing a lingering kiss to your forehead, muttering into your hair as he gave you the tightest hug.
"Be careful. Promise me you'll be safe."
"I'm with you. Of course I'll be safe."
"But last time-"
"Last time was an off day for everyone." You pulled back, cupping his jaw with both hands while his landed on your hips. "I trust you. Now let's go kick ass. Together."
He nodded. "Together."
You kissed his cheek and slipped away. He followed, grabbing your wrist.
"You're not leaving my side again. Last time you did you got hurt."
"What are you, my guardian?"
"Your boyfriend." He grinned nervously at your stunned expression. "If you'll let me."
You paused for a moment before smiling as wide as possible.
"We said together, didn't we?"
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honey-ros3ss · 10 months
am I a slut
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snootysnoots · 1 year
-Flowers For My One & Only (IDV x Reader)-
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-Luca Balsa-
Giving Luca flowers would make him flustered. He never really received flowers before and getting them from you made him so happy. He had such a silly smile on his face.
He made sure to put them in a vase with water. And each time he stared at the flowers, he couldn’t help but smile. 
He made sure to get you something too, whether it was a batch of flowers or some jewelry.
-Aesop Carl-
Giving Aesop flowers left him confused. To him, flowers were given to those who were deceased or their family. So he was very confused when given the flowers. Aesop knew he hadn't lost anyone recently and knew he wasn't dead, so what were these for?
After you told him why you gave him the flowers, he kind of just paused and stared. He was grateful but unsure of what to do, he never really received a gift before, or flowers for that matter.
But that didn't stop him from taking care of the flowers until death made them depart. He assembled a funeral for them when they fully died.
-Mike Morton-
He was jumping up and down when you gave them to him, he just couldn't stop smiling. He kissed you all over your face and said thank you after each kiss.
He made sure to give you flowers as well, he wanted his significant other to feel appreciated too. He probably made you a flower crown.
If he had the skin "Cunning" on, he probably took his top hat off and reached inside to give you a batch of colorful flowers. He has been waiting for this moment, the flowers were starting to wither so you knew he has been waiting to give you them.
He low-key would try to eat them. You had to pull the flowers away from him and explain to him that they are a gift. 
He was grateful, but he probably still tried to eat them. It took a few more tries before he stopped trying to eat them. You had to wrestle the big bitch to make him stop.
He did put them in a vase...but he probably didn't put water in it so the flowers died pretty fast.
He did write you a poem though as a form of thank you, he even nuzzled with you.
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It has been so long since I’ve posted and I’ve been meaning to write for my boys. Originally I wasn’t gonna add “Nightmare” or Mike, but I thought it would be funny and I had ideas so I went for it. Have a nice day/night/afternoon!
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scenesniper · 4 months
Can I rq some nsfw mike morton hcs? Thank u!! 💕
☆ mike morton ; general sfw & nsfw headcanons
pairing / mike morton x afab gn! reader
disclaimer / kinkwear, strap-ons, mentions of roleplay, food play
word count / 1,369 words
author's note / i went a bit overboard while writing up the draft of this so i included the sfw headcanons (he's my main in identity v so i was super happy to get this request, thank you anon.). this man is KINKY. he'll be the type to go "zoo wee mama!" when you take off your top and i'm a adamant believer of that.
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☆ mike morton, with his impressive set of skills showcasing for all to see. everyone can agree his ability of an acrobat is far too overqualified as each show, there is always a different sort of opening act that mike produced. and yet, that is all there is to him people would say. as the true star, sergei, the backbone of the circus. and with this information that everyone knows all too well, there comes insecurity.
☆ mike is an insecure man, despite not showing it. even he refuses to acknowledge that fact that really, every fiber of his being is burning with jealousy and the fear of abandonment. he will do anything to keep his stability and position at the circus.
☆ that doesn’t mean mike isn’t naturally a lively, bright faced man. in fact, that personality of his is why many can agree he’s very easy to talk to, very outgoing. someone who’d always include you in the conversation if he notices you straying to the side. he is one to be around, but many are hesitant to get close to him. after all, a friend to all is a friend to none.
☆ getting to know him was quite easy. he’s practically an open book and is not one to hide his insecurities. after all, he’s always scrambling for ideas on how to liven up this performance. whether it be adding explosive balls on stage and experimenting with nitrate bombs, anything dangerous to keep his place of an acrobat.
☆ you caught his attention while attending one of his performances, you, all the way up in the front with your eyes all on him. he could feel that intentive gaze and was flustered by your stare, causing him to nearly mess up on his performance and almost caused an explosion with the bomb he was juggling with.
☆ you’ll see him chasing after you after the after party of the show, with his hand waving for you. “please! a moment of your time!”
☆ after that, he would frequently visit you in town. always talking about his day before asking you of your own, getting lost in the tiniest of the smallest details to tell you of, filled with lots of jokes. just to see your lips curl into a smile or even a laugh from you that he values. those quips would turn into flirtatious comments to an invitation for a date.
☆ he’s an affectionate man and loves any form of physical touch from you and all types of kisses that you present to him. he’d always surprise you with his sudden kisses, whether it be neck kisses, nape kisses, or even your ear. he especially loves it when you kiss his cauliflower ears, something he’s been very insecure about after an accident in producing one of his props. he’s such a dork he once tried to spiderman kiss you as you try to find him in his dressing room, completely catching you off guard and him failing as he immediately lost balance and fell.
☆ mike is fairly muscular. even if you aren’t on the strong side, he'll love to sit on your lap, staring down on you and his hands wrapped around your shoulders as he whines and babbles on about just everything. “i missed you so much oh my god you have no idea what happened today.”
☆ mike morton, who’d perform to the crowd with his compelling acts but behind the stage, he’s imagining ravaging you after the show.
☆ the entire time is full of him poking fun and teasing you. you’ll be taking off your clothes and he’ll be laying down, whistling. “yoohoo, hey handsome! damn, that bodyyyyy!” in other instances, when he’s desperate for skinship, he’ll be hurriedly taking off your clothes whilst still admiring. “you’re such a cute birdie.”
☆ he just loves to destroy the mood with his big mouth, doesn’t he? (it’s all in good fun, swear) he loves to tease you with not only his words, but his actions. he’ll be blowing hot breath on your ear, just to see your cute little shiver, drawing circles on your clit. beg him to taste you, put it in, do anything to you. as long as you beg him. he loves to feel and be wanted, especially from you.
☆ mike has a length of 6 and a half or so inches, his width a pretty substantial amount. he’s not a very a p and v type of guy, he’ll prefer other methods of pleasuring. overstimulating one area, having you sucking down on him or giving you oral. he loves to just taste.
☆ he’ll be the type to be very verbal in bed, he has no shame at all. he’ll be moaning and groaning so many types of phrases, slurring out his words. “oooohhhhh yesss bbabyyyyyy.”
☆ giving him head, he loves when you hollow out your cheeks. he’ll be pulling your head, leading your head on where to go. even in instances, he’ll be so lost in it, tears are brimming this lashes and he’ll be pushing your head to the point he’s choking you with his cock.
☆ while he’s down on you, praise him on how well he did on stage today. tell him how you couldn’t keep your eyes off him, how creative and funny he is. how nobody will ever make you feel this good but him. scrunch up his curls and don’t be shy to be verbal, he loves any sort of validation to know that he’s pleasuring you well.
☆ he’s very sexually expressive in bed and loves to experiment, which can range from strap-ons, roleplay, and food play. he’s very open minded and always open to new ideas coming from you, he’ll love to fulfill it!
☆ speaking of kinkwear, he loves to stiletto heel boots with lingerie and loves it especially when you wear lingerie was well. just the sight of you in leather and lace and him all dressed up for you, it’s almost like you’re preparing for a performance with him.
☆ adding on to food play, he loves to fill your entire body (especially your nipples and bottom) of cream and to just suck and lick you alive. he swears you’re already so sweet but to taste all his sweets altogether, he loves it. he’d make cute little swirls on your nipples of cream, lapping it like a dog. "oh boy! what are we having! carrot cake? strawberry shortcake? COTTON CANDY?”
☆ he loves straps-on, even making one for you to wear to sink him in. just the fact that you can fulfill him with all and any types of love makes him emotional.
☆ mike is an extremely emotional man, driven by his feelings. he loves to go fast but he’s an equal sucker for a slower pace, to ravish this beautiful time together with you.
☆ aftercare with him would be bathing together, your bodies pressing together. just to feel the warm water and your warmth, he simply just wants to be held by you. he’s so safe that truly, he doesn’t want to entertain the idea of this ever ending.
☆ he doesn’t particularly clean up after, in fact, after finishing your guys’ shower, he’ll urge you back in bed with him (the sheets all soaked with cum). he’ll fall asleep with his hands around your waist, his head buried on your chest. he wants to be enveloped by you, to know everything is alive. that you’re alive and everything is real.
☆ waking up, you’ll always see him still asleep. in reality, most of the time he wakes up much later than you but far too comfortable to want to get up. he’s a man child like that. you’ll always find his arm to be draped over your waist in a tight hold, he’s far too content to get up to go to morning practice.
☆ mike morton, as everyone says, is a magnificent acrobat. too overqualified but too in love with hullabaloo. he is an impressive man with the possibility of being thrown away at any given moment. he will do anything to stay important to you.
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