#Active brake assist
akulride · 10 months
Sedan Petrol 7 Airbags (Driver, Front Passenger, 2 Curtain, Driver Knee, Driver Side, Front Passenger Side) Obsidian black, Polar white, Graphite grey, High-tech silver, Selenite grey, Sodalite blue, Spectral blue, MANUFAKTUR Opalite white bright, MANUFAKTUR Patagonia red bright, MANUFAKTUR Graphite grey magno 5 Star (Euro NCAP)
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gingerjolover · 9 months
omggg well since u asked for holiday requests: soft!gf and julien ice skating together?? and one of them (dealer’s choice) is super nervous / has never done it before but the other’s a natural. maybe the boys and muna are there, maybe they aren’t, up to u. love ur work mama g 🫶🏽
okay wait soft!gf gives me lowkey figure skater vibes... maybe figure skater!gf oop
like gf lived a whole life before they became soft!gf and met jb and got into a relationship
(i physically cannot create another universe rn because i am so backed up, but we can keep this in the back of our minds, yes?)
okay i would like to think that jb would actually be pretty good on skates but it would be getting her on the ice thats hard
like if soft!gf actively still skates, julien is watching her rehearse or going to competitions or maybe watching her teach classes in awe of how she moves
but julien is SO resistant to getting onto the ice, like seeing how graceful soft!gf is, julien just doesn't believe that she could be the same way??
but let's say that julien and soft!gf are in NYC or soft!gf's hometown, maybe at the rink they grew up skating in (whether soft!gf was a figure skater or just ice skated with friends for fun)
and soft!gf is BEGGING julien to come skate, even just for a little
def goes as far to rent out the rink or hit some people up and be like "can we just have an hour, my girlfriend is super nervous"
and soft!gf is a treasure and loved so dearly...so clearly, they get the rink to themselves
getting julien in the car to go to the rink? check
getting julien in the proper clothing and skates? check
getting julien on the ice? girl... bffr
it takes SO much bribing and bartering, i mean soft!gf owes julien like 5 massages, a warm bath, 2 hours of braiding her hair, and special cookies that she doesn't make often because they're time consuming before julien agrees
and julien is giving bambi
holding onto the wall, slipping and sliding
it takes most of the hour? two hours? that they have the rink for jules to just acclimate to the ice
eventually soft!gf convinces jb to hold on to the walker thingy (yall know what im talking about?) or the big traffic cone and skaet around the ice
and right before they need to clear out, julien lets soft!gf take her hands, skating backwards as they pull julien around the ice, teaching her how to brake and glide
julien doesn't fall once and is encouraged by the many kisses and butt grabs that soft!gf graces her with
ice skating!julien comes back into play when they return to LA
i feel like soft!gf was talking to kelli or katie about ice skating and they were like wait lets go ice skating
so munagenius all decides to go to a rink
and everyone is nervous, except katie and soft!gf, i feel like phoebe would be nervous but still just like step onto the ice
and julien has increased confidence but is still terrified
mainly because she hasn't fallen yet
but she lets soft!gf genuinely teaches all of them, Katie assisting because of their rollerskating knowledge
and all of munagenius are ice skating like grandmas, the best playlist you've ever heard bumping through the speakers
and i feel like julien would get tired quick, like would go off the ice and sit, a cup of coffee between her hands as she watches soft!gf try and help jo and lucy skate in zig zags
eventually munagenius watches katie and soft!gf's choreography you know how when you were a kid and you made dances with your cousin and performed them? thats the vibe
and it's to a song thats just so out there, maybe its like fucking hardy or something idk
or silk chiffon teehee
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russett-pots · 2 years
Feel the Thrill
Nakamura Kazuha
Tags: F1, Virgin sex, cum on breasts
Words: 4.2k
TW: Smoking
Sorry I was planning to upload this over the weekend but only got to finish this today.
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Formula one cars zoom pass and one of them is yours. You’re in a hard battle with your teammate. Wheels have been barging and banging throughout the race. There are no team orders down in Aston Martin. It may be risky for you to keep fighting, but there is no good reason to stop fighting as you are locked in a tight battle for points.
This season has not been the easiest for you and this race. You have been gunning for that rookie of the year and your teammate isn’t making it easy for you.
“Tell Lance to fucking give me space. I’m faster than him.” You struggle to communicate with your engineer.
“Sorry, Lee Heon. He’s free to race you.”
“At this rate, we are going to crash.”
You continue to struggle your way on the track. Your teammate hasn’t been making things easy. But right before the long straight, you can get behind him within one second so you can activate DRS. Stroll’s lights are flashing, giving you some encouragement.
Oh here we go, he is out of juice.
You got to the late apex. He switches it around and he gets ahead but it doesn’t matter. You compromised his line and now you are in a better position for the long straight ahead. Your foot is flat to the floor, the ers button is set to overtake, then your rear wing gets opened.
Stroll is still ahead but not for long. The final advantage that you set up for yourself is the slipstream. Your boost allows you to push as close as you can. Then you swerve to the left. Stroll is defenseless as you pass by him. You can see him in your mirrors, he tries to tuck on your rear. He doesn’t have the DRS and juice that you had. But you notice he is close too close.
As you hit the breaking point and you slam on the brakes, you feel a large force hitting the rear of your car. Your head moves forward but your HANS device prevents you from getting whiplash. Your car spins around with your tires screeching on the black tarmac. 
You are shocked to see Stroll’s bold move fail and he crashes on you. But his car is okay and just speeds on with his broken wing into the pits.
“Are you okay, Lee Heon? Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine.”
You undo your seatbelt, remove the steering wheel from the steering column and place it on your car. A marshal runs to you to assist you. You get out of the car and look at the damage.
You look around. It can’t be seen but you know that there are hundreds of cameras on you. Above you, you can hear the helicopter’s camera pointed at you. You just shake your head in disgust, remove your gloves from your hands, and walk away.
You get to the side of the track and wait for your pick-up.
As you wait there, you get to see the safety car lead the other cars around the track Stroll is still in the top ten.
Finally after what feels like forever. The medical car arrives. You get up as Dr. Ian Roberts rushes to you to take your vitals. It isn’t anything serious so you’re good.
He leads you to the medical car and back to the pit lane. Once you get there, you walk to your garage but try to avoid the media but covering your eyes with your visor and pushing them away from you. When you arrive at the garage, you slam your helmet on the table and angrily remove your racing suit. You attempt to punch the wall, but your trainer stops you from doing it.
“Calm down, bro. It’s just a race.” Your trainer tries to console you.
You look at him and glare. “Just a race?! Scoring points in my home Grand Prix is important to me!”
You put your hand on your head to cure the headache.
“Let me change.” You go to the hospitality suite to change into your team uniform. 
You head back to the garage to see what’s happening to the race. All of the mechanics are seated on the chairs watching the race. You look around but then you see the team principal still on the pit wall. So, you head up to him.
“Ya! What was Lance doing? Is he crazy?!”
He looks at you. “Let’s talk about this at the debrief.”
You scoff at him and walk away. Lance’s father already owns the team. Whatever you say about him isn’t going to affect his seat.
At the end of the race, even with a five-second penalty, Lance was still able to finish p 8. You get furious at him and the result. It should have been you up there and not him. You might have even gotten a higher position.
You enter the conference room. Everyone is already there waiting for you. You get to your usual spot at the de-brief is about to start.
“So, points I guess. Just a few more then we will be challenging Alpine?” The head strategist starts the conversation.
You raise your hand. “Are we going to talk about how Lance rear-ended me? I think we need to talk about that.”
The team principal sighs. “Lance, don’t you have to say something?”
He stands up. “I’m sorry. Lee Heon.”
You reluctantly accept his apology.
Lance still has protection from his father who is very hands-on with his investment for his son. But you are just there to take all of it in. Drive faster than you’ll keep your seat with them.
The de-brief goes on as usual but in the end.
“Okay, everyone. Tonight there is going to be an event happening in Seoul. It’s a sponsored event so I expect everyone to go. Especially you, Lee Heon.”
You roll your eyes. Going to events isn’t something you thought Formula 1 drives will be doing. You signed up to live a dangerous life. The thrill of driving over 300 kph is what was on the job description. Media is something you never liked going but you have to accept the other side of the profession. 
You drive to the hotel where the event is hosted in your large Yamaha Motobike. It zooms in on the valet area. Your arms stretch as you enter the hotel. You turn off the engine and remove your helmet. You quickly toss the keys to the valet personnel and walk into the hotel.
The media quickly notices you and turn their camera pointed at you and your dashing suit. You just smile and wave at them. A small plastic smile that at least will get you thru the night. The security quickly moves in and clears you a path.
Your trainer is already waiting for you at the door.
“Sorry, I’m late.”
“Shut up. Just come with me.”
You give a good chuckle.
“What’s going to be in this event?” You ask him.
“To be honest. I don’t know. All I know is that the Team Principal will give a speech. I know how much you don’t like this. All you have to do is just sit and smile for the camera and the audience. Sign some autographs if necessary.”
He walks you to the table and he said just a couple of speeches happening. But you just smile and clap after each segment.
The host announces. “Good evening finally before we can serve dinner. May we welcome the newest K-pop sensation, Le Sserafim!”
You don’t know much about this K-pop group. As you have been listening to western artists and don’t know much about K-pop in general. So, another smile and clap.
Once dinner ends, you tell your trainer that you need to go out for some air. You head out to the balcony and get out your pack of cigarettes and your lighter. There aren’t a lot of people in the area. So, you just pick one from the pack and put it in your mouth. But before you can light it up. A pair of fingers grabs it and tosses it aside.
“Ya! Do you not know smoking is bad for you?” A lady scold you.
“Mind your own business.” You take another but before you can take one out. She grabs it and tosses it in the trash.
“Ya! Why did you do that?” You run to the trash, but you already see that it is ruined inside the can.
“There is a pregnant woman over there. You cannot smoke here.”
You roll your eyes away from her. “So, who are you?”
“Well if you don’t know I’m Kazuha.”
“Kazuha! Of Le Sserafim. Didn’t you see us perform?”
“Ah! Le Sserafim. Sure.”
“And you who might be?”
“Me? F1’s newest sensation, Lee Heon. Probably something you should know.”
“Jeeez, self-centered much?”
“Well, it is true, isn’t it? Why else are we hosting this event.”
“Sheesh. You don’t have to think of yourself like that.”
“Why? Can’t I?”
“Well, if the only thing you are thinking is yourself then maybe you shouldn’t be one.”
Kuzaha looks you straight in the eyes. “Well, if you’re going to continue to be like then. You aren’t going to make many friends.”
You throw your arms at her. “Fuck off.” Instead of diving into more of this conversation, you head back into the event before you get can get back.
Kazuha shouts out. “I’m right. Ain’t I?”
You get back to your table and sit beside your trainer again.
“How was your ‘air’?”
“Shut the fuck up. There is the Kazuwho who just threw my cigarettes.”
“Kazuha. You should know them. They’re famous. Maybe more famous than you.”
“Whatever.” You scoff back at your trainer and lean in your chair to just soak in the rest of the event.
Once it ends, you immediately head out of the venue to go back to your hotel room to get away from the media. When you get to the main driveway. You see this girl frantically on her phone.
You get a closer look and it’s Kazuha. First, you call the valet to get your motorbike then turn up on her.
“So, you got left behind?”
“Go away.” She gets on her phone once more. But there is no signal in the area so she cannot call anyone. “Ugh. Pick up!”
“Need a ride?”
“From you? Never!”
“Well good luck to you if you are just going to stay here and get stranded.”
The valet arrives with your bike. You look at Kazuha once more. “Last chance.”
She rolls her eyes. “Fine. Just drop me off in the city where I can call my manager.”
You put on your helmet. “Hold on.” You open the compartment behind you and toss her the spare helmet.
“Tell me if it fits.”
You go to the back compartment and take out the spare helmet that you stored there and toss it to Kazuha. “Try it.”
She puts it on. “Ugh Fine.”
“Then, get on.”
You put on your helmet as Kazuha gets on your bike. Then you speed off into the distance.
Since it is late at night you can go as fast as you can without getting caught. You dive thru traffic, weaving in and out.
Kazuha holds on to your tight. Her arms wrap around your waist. “You idiot slow down!”
You chuckle and pull the throttle to get the bike going even faster.
Kazuha screams. “You’re crazy stop right now!”
You get on the brake and screech the tires on the road to get to a complete stop. You remove your visor to see the lights of downtown.
“Woah. I could never think a city can be this pretty.”
Kazuha gets off the bike and removes the helmet. A fit of fuming anger grows in her then her hand slaps your shoulder. “You shouldn’t be going that fast. The speed limit doesn’t say 100 kph.”
You remove the helmet and then turn to Kazuha. “Don’t you notice the lights?”
She gets a break from hitting you and looks above. The lights are shining in her eyes. “Well, it’s nice but still not as nice as you are breaking the speed limit.” She returns to hitting on you.
“Ow. Ow. Ow. Okay, I’m sorry. I’m sorry.”
“You owe me something.”
You turn to the right and notice that there is a McDonald’s beside you. “You want ice cream?”
Kazuha turns her head to see the golden arches and ponders. “You’re paying for me, right?”
You sigh. “Yes…”
Kazuha walks up the steps and you park your bike. One inside, the air-conditioned interior is bright, clean, and plush. Something uncommon in a McDonald's but since it’s late at night maybe that’s why it is so spotless with the diligence of the hardworking staff of the branch.
“Hello, welcome to McDonald’s. What would you like for tonight?”
“Just two hot fudge sundaes. Anything else?”
“Two apple pies.” You carefully order.
“Okay, we’ll call you when it’s ready.” She hands you your number before you and Kazuha find an empty seat in a very empty fast-food restaurant.
“So, tell me how is it being an F1 driver?” Kazuha asks curiously.
“Well, driving is the fun part. Going down circuits like Monaco, Monza, and Spa. All amazing circuits.”
“Really, have you won anything?”
“Hey, it’s my rookie year. It isn’t like I’m in a good car.”
“Maybe you aren’t just fast.” Kazuha chuckles.
“Ya! I’m fast. I just need to prove myself. When I get to a Mercedes or a Ferrari. I’ll show you. I’ll bring you right in the paddock and you’ll see me win.”
“Are you already inviting me to watch?”
“What! Oh…well yeah. I mean why not?”
“You really don’t have any friends to invite, do you?”
“Shut up!”
Suddenly the speakers sound. “Order for Lee Heon.”
You quickly end the conversation and run to the counter.
“Here’s your food.” The lady gives you.
Once you return, you see Kazuha signing an autograph for someone.
You get slightly annoyed as you haven’t really gotten asked to sign something by someone outside events.
“So, you’re really famous?” You slowly lay down the tray.
“I don’t want to toot my horn but yeah.”
“Damn, I was never asked by someone for an autograph like this.”
“I mean yeah sure during Grand Prix or events but when I walk around, I don’t get spotted.”
“It isn’t as nice as you think. Sometimes you cannot go anywhere. But now? Since it’s late no one is around.”
“Hmmm anyway dig in. I got you ice cream and apple pie.”
Like as she knows how, Kazuha places her apple pie on the ice cream and starts indulging in it. You smile as you eat with her. You never expected it to be nice to eat late-night snacks with someone you haven’t met for a while.
Once your desserts are finished, you look at her. “Do you want to call your manager…”
Kazuha raises her eyebrows.
“…. or wanna ride around my bike again?”
“I already asked him. He said he can pick me up in the morning.”
Your eyes light up and drag Kazuha with you. She straps on her helmet and helps you with yours. Now you just casually drive around Seoul, appreciating the different city lights. Occasionally, Kazuha taps on your shoulder to show you some landmarks around the area. The city at night is calming. You never knew how much the night as ever been like this.
You end up at a hill outside the city skirts. There is a skyline in the distance.
“So, Kazuha, is this a date?”
She looks at you with her hair slightly blown in the wind. “I guess. What? Are you my boyfriend now?”
“Depends, do you want to?”
She turns to you, stepping one foot at a time, then once close to you, where she can feel her breath. Her eyes blink and her hand lands on your chest. “Your heart is beating fast. Should I be concerned?”
“No” You use your hand to hold her head still as you kiss her on the lips. 
She doesn’t push you back but hugs you tighter, pulling you even closer.
Once the kiss ends, your foreheads rest on each other.
“I guess we’re dating.” Kazuha asks.
“Now are we going to take this further?”
“Sure.” Kazuha’s eyes light up but get concerned.
“Kazuha, what’s the matter?”
“I want to do it well even with you. But…it’s going to be my first time.”
“Kazuha, I’ll only do it if you want to do it. Tell me do you want to have sex with me?”
“Hmm.” Kazuha nods. “Just tell me what to do.”
You get back to your bike and speed to your hotel. Once more a valet would take your bike while you and Kazuha skip your way to your room. When alone on the elevator ride, you pull Kazuha closer to you and kiss her on the lips again like when you did a while ago.
Kazuha playfully pushes you away. “Aren’t you excited?”
“Well, no girl I was with has ever been this beautiful.”
Kazuha blushes.
“Well, aren’t you excited?”
Once the elevator arrives at your floor, you escort her to your room. Kazuha runs to the windows overlooking the city. You walk slowly removing your coat and your ties.
“Yeah, that’s why I took this room. I like the view. It’s always peaceful to watch the city skyline.”
“So now, Oppa.” Kazuha inches closer and closer to you. “Are we going to do what we wanted to do?” she tries to show off her sexy side.
“You’re so cute. Let me show you how it’s done.”
You kiss and push her onto the bed. Her hands roll up your shirt and her skin is feeling your upper body. Your own hands and undoes the button of your pants. Kazuha starts to remove each button from your shirt, leaving your shirt open for her to enjoy.
Kazuha turns you around as she is on top of you. She sits on you and removes her shirt. There you can see her small petite frame a bra casing her small breast but with a fully developed midriff.
“Only you can see this.”
Kazuha puts her hands on her back and with one swift move, her bra falls off. 
“I thought you are a beginner?”
“I may never have sex but at least I have seen some videos about it. Now, let me?”
Kazuha goes down between your legs and removes the rest of your pants. Now what’s left is your boxer briefs before the prize of what’s underneath. She slowly peels off the barrier and out sticks out is your rock-hard cock, not huge like what porn would show but it is sizeable.
With her hand slowly stroking it, Kazuha is mesmerized. She cannot actually believe she is seeing a cock in real life. Her eyes are wide open and is focusing on it and it only. She gives a quick lick to see what it tastes like.
“Call me Zuha.”
“Zuha… if you want, put it in your mouth.”
She snaps out of the trance and slowly engulfs it with her mouth. Her wet cave welcomes the long cock. Her tongue plays with it. It circles around it. The sensation of her rough taste buds on your cock tickles it.
“Are you sure it’s your first time?”
“Maybe I’m just that talented.”
You lean back your head. Your lower regions are already weakening to the immense pleasure that Kazuha is forcing upon you. “Kazuha….Zuha…..”
Kazuha pops her head off your cock. “Hmm?”
“You’re so good.”
She gets off you and moves closer to your face. “That’s good.”
“It’s like I don’t need to teach you anything. But anyway, let me show you something.”
You get off the bed and pull Kazuha to ward you. “Quick, on the bed.” She gets on the bed on all fours. You remove the button on her pants with her underwear to her ankles. Kazuha kicks away her clothes, leaving her fully naked. 
You touch her wet pussy with your fingers. A gentle rub on her increasingly wetter pussy. You slowly insert your middle finger inside. There inside is the pulsating pink flesh inside Kazuha. You push in and pull out every second, going in and out repeatedly. Then your ring finger joins. Kazuha almost screams but is only stiffed by her mouth. Most intense motions are now inside her. You move faster and harder.
Kazuha bites her lips as she cannot handle the immense pleasure. You pull out of her pussy and out comes your drenched fingers. She looks back at you. To impress her you suck your two fingers, and all the love juice soaked on your fingers.
“Now, Zuha. Let me bring you the main course.”
You give a quick slap on Kazuha’s dripping folds. Then with the tip of your cock, tease her before you fully impale her with your cock. First, you slowly push inside. It goes a quarter way in, then half, and finally goes balls deep. Then you slowly pull out.
While all this Kazuha was anxiously waiting for you to enter her. First, her face shows pain when your first enter but immense satisfaction afterward. Your hands get a gentle grip on Kazuha’s waist. Her soft skin matches her white complexion.
You speed up your thrust. Each push getting harder. Kazuha tries to take it all in. Her hand grabs the sheets, she bites her lips, and her feet curl. Kazuha tries to stifle her moans but, in the end, fails so she lets out a loud scream of pleasure. Never had you thought that you could hear such an innocent-looking girl get so wild.
Your skin slaps on hers. Her waist perfectly fits the shape of your pelvis, a snug fit. You let out gentle moans. You take the innocence out Kazuha. The shyness and the elegance now are gone.
You slow down to a complete stop. Kazuha tries to slow down her heavy breaths. But instead, you toss her around, now you are face to face with Kazuha.
“Zuha, let’s do this slowly. Sorry I was a little rough.”
“Nah it’s okay. Do what you want.”
“I’ll show you more another time. I just want to ask you one question.”
“Where do you want me to cum?”
“Cum? You mean your semen?”
You chuckle for a second. “Yeah, my semen.”
“Ummm. Just don’t make me pregnant.”
You smile at her. “Don’t worry. I’ll take care of you.”
Now you go back to your cock. You realign your tip on Kazuha’s entrance. Like before you go in gently, first with the tip, teasing her. You look back at Kazuha’s anticipated expression. She braces for another round of your long shaft. It dives back in and resumes the thrust that was like a while ago.
You go in and out faster and faster. Like before Kazuha’s expression is a mix of pain, pleasure, excitement, and fear. Not knowing what you’ll do next but it is to enjoy every second of it.
Your hands rest on either side of her chest. Her small breast jiggle in the motions. Kazuha yells out. Her screams of joy fill the room. But to silence her, you kiss her on the lips. A passionate kiss with the hard and rough act of taking her whole.
Faster and faster, it goes, you go down from her lips to her neck. You kiss it and suck on it but try your best to not leave a hickey. Your hand gets a handful of her breast. Your finger twirl, pinch and play with her nipple. 
With her mouth free, Kazuha gaps for breaths. Her screams are getting louder from all the pleasure she is feeling. All of these feelings Kazuha is experiencing are encouraging you to do more. The more Kazuha feels good. It feels like it is transferring it to you.
But then you can feel it. Your legs get weak. Your shaft wants to throb. You quickly pull out and point your cock to Kazuha’s breast. All of your sticky, white liquid is all over her breast. Round after round spews out of your cock. 
After running dry you drop to the bed and lay beside her.
“Oh my gosh, that was so good,” Kazuha exclaims. She takes a sample of your cum and sniffs it. “What should I do with this?”
“Just clean yourself. Unless you want to lick it all?”
She glares at you and then smiles. She jumps off the bed and walks to the bathroom to clean herself. You scoot over to your phone and check the time.
“Zuha, right you said your manager is going to fetch you in the morning?”
“Wanna spend the night?”
She comes out of the bed, still naked, and runs to lay beside you.”
“Sure.” She kisses you on the lips. “Just on one condition.”
“As much as I like you, you know I’m an idol.”
“We have to keep this a secret.”
“Okay, Zuha. I’ll do anything for you.”
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anonymousewrites · 4 months
Logos and Pathos (AOS Edition) Chapter Four
AOS! Spock x Empath! Reader
Chapter Four: Ship in Distress
Summary: The Enterprise arrives at Vulcan to find their ships destroyed and a Romulan wants negotiations.
            “Spock,” greeted (Y/N) as they took their spot next to him.
            “(Y/N),” said Spock, nodding to him.
            “Welcome back, Commander, Lieutenant,” said Pike to them.
            “Hello, Captain,” said (Y/N), smiling.
            “Captain,” greeted Spock. “Engineering reports ready for launch.”
            “Thank you.” Pike looked around the bridge. “Ladies and gentlemen, the maiden of our newest flagship deserves more pomp and circumstance than we can afford today. A christening will just have to be our reward for a safe return. Carry on.” He sat down and pressed the comms button. “All decks, this is Captain Pike, prepare for immediate departure.” He stopped the announcement. “Helm, thrusters.”
            “Moorings retracted, Captain,” said Sulu. “Dock reports ready. Thrusters, fired. Separating from Spacedock. The ship’s ready for warp.”
            “Set course for Vulcan,” said Pike.
            “Aye, aye, Captain. Course laid in,” said Sulu.
            “Maximum warp. Punch it,” said Pike.
            Sulu pressed a button, but the ship sputtered in a failed attempt to fly forward. All heads turned to Sulu, and (Y/N) tilted their head in confusion.
            “Lieutenant, where is Helmsman McKenna?” asked Pike.
            “He has lungworm, sir. He couldn’t report to his post,” said Sulu as he fiddled with the controls. “I’m Hikaru Sulu.”
            “And you are a pilot, right?” said Pike.
            “Uh, very much so, sir. I’m, uh, not sure what’s wrong,” said Sulu.
            “Is the parking brake on?” suggested Pike, amused.
            “Uh, no, I’ll figure it out. I’m, just, uh…” Sulu trailed off.
            “Have you disengaged the external inertial dampener?” asked Pike.
            Silence. Sulu sheepishly pressed a few buttons and cleared his throat. “Ready for warp, sir.”
            “Let’s punch it,” said Pike.
            This time, the Enterprise leapt into motion and moved to warp speed quickly.
            “Engines at maximum warp, Captain,” said Sulu, turning around to face Pike.
            “Russian whiz kid, what’s your name?” said Pike. “Chankov? Cherpov?”
            “Ensign Chekov, Pavel Andreievich, sir,” said Chekov.
            One of Uhura’s friends, thought (Y/N).
            Their friend had told them about him and his skills. Even if he was a bit awkward at times, he was a hard worker and intelligent. Having him on the Enterprise would be helpful.
            “Fine, Chekov, Pavel Andreievich. Begin a ship-wide mission broadcast,” said Pike. He leaned back.
            “Yes, sir, happy to,” said Chekov. “Ensign authorization code 9-5-Wictor-Wictor-2.”
            “Authorization not recognized,” said the computer due to Chekov’s accent.
            “Ensign authorization code 9-5-Victor-Victor-2,” forced Chekov. Access was granted, and he could begin his broadcast. “May I have your attention, please? At 2200 hours, telemetry detected an anomaly in the Neutral Zone. What appeared to be a lightning storm in space. Soon after, Starfleet received a distress signal from Vulcan High Command that their planet was experiencing seismic activity. Our mission is to assess the condition of Vulcan and assist in evacuations if necessary. We should be arriving at Vulcan within three minutes. Thank you for your time.”
            Pike leaned back and focused on the viewing screen. “Lightning storm…Are those typical for Vulcan?”
            “Not particularly, and not to the degree to warrant a distress call,” said Spock.
            “And earthquakes?” asked (Y/N).
            “The same issue. This is unprecedented,” said Spock.
            (Y/N) and Spock’s heads whipped around to stare at the swollen face of Kirk. He stood on the bridge in non-regulation attire, which wasn’t surprising since he was on academic suspension and not supposed to even be on a ship. Bones and Uhura trailed behind him, having tried to catch him before he burst onto the bridge.
            “Jim, no!” snapped Bones, trying to grab him.
            “Captain Pike, we have to stop the ship!” said Kirk.
            “Kirk, how the hell did you get on board the Enterprise,” said Pike.
            “Captain, this man’s under the influence of a severe reaction of a Melveran flea vaccine, completely—” began Bones.
            “Bones, Bones,” said Kirk, trying to dodge his needles.
            “—Delusional. I take full responsibility,” said Bones.
            “Vulcan is not experiencing a natural disaster. It’s being attacked by Romulans,” said Kirk firmly.
            “Romulans?” Pike groaned. “Cadet Kirk, I think you’ve had enough attention for one day. McCoy, take him back to medical, we’ll have words later.”
            “Aye, Captain,” said Bones.
            “Look, sir, that same anomaly—” Bones tried to drag Kirk back.
            “Mister Kirk,” said Pike, narrowing his eyes.
            “Mister Kirk is not cleared to be aboard this vessel,” said Spock, stepping in officially.
            “Look, I get it, you’re a great orator,” said Kirk, rolling his eyes at Spock. “I’d love to do it again some time.”
            “I’ll remove the Cadet,” said Spock.
            “Try it! This Cadet is trying to save the bridge,” said Kirk.
            “By recommending a full-stop mid-warp during a rescue mission?” said Spock. To his own home.
            “It’s not a rescue mission, it’s an attack,” said Kirk firmly.
            (Y/N) touched his arm. They wanted to hear Kirk out. There was nothing but pure firm ferocity in his aura. Nothing seemed to be indicating lying…It concerned (Y/N).
            “What are your facts, Kirk?” asked (Y/N).
            Kirk turned to them, and relief at someone hearing them out flashed through them. “That same anomaly, a lightning storm in space that we saw today, also occurred on the day of my birth.” His gaze turned solemn. “Before a Romulan ship attacked the U.S.S. Kelvin.” He looked at Pike. “You know that, sir, I read your dissertation. That ship which had formidable and advanced weaponry was never seen or heard from again. The Kelvin attack took place on the edge of Klingon space, and at twenty-three hundred hours last night, there was an attack. Forty-seven Klingon warbirds destroyed by a Romulan, sir. It was reported that the Romulans were in one ship, one massive ship.”
            His logic was sound, and even if he didn’t end up being right, there was nothing indicating deception. Kirk was being absolutely serious and trying to be helpful. (Y/N) was inclined to believe that he had a point.
            “That is a similar situation,” murmured (Y/N).
            “How do you know about that Klingon attack?” demanded Pike.
            “Sir, I intercepted and translated the message myself,” said Uhura, stepping up. “Kirk’s report is accurate.”
            “We’re warping into a trap, sir. The Romulans are waiting for us, I promise you that,” said Kirk.
            ���He doesn’t appear to be lying, and Uhura’s reports are unmatched due to her expertise in xenolinguistics,” said (Y/N).
            Spock’s jaw tense as he considered what could be happening at Vulcan. “The Cadets’ logic is sound. We would be wise to consider our options.”
            Pike nodded. “Scan Vulcan space, check for transmissions in Romulan.”
            “Sir, I’m not sure I can distinguish the Romulan language from Vulcan,” said a lieutenant.
            “(L/N), will you step in?” sighed Pike.
            “Sir, I’d prefer to remain free to monitor any other issues,” said (Y/N). They gestured to Uhura and smiled. “Cadet Uhura speaks Romulan excellently. She can handle it; I’m sure.”
            “Can you, Cadet?” said Pike. He trusted (Y/N)’s judgement, but he wanted to know that Uhura had the confidence to do her duty well.
            “I speak all three dialects, sir,” said Uhura, raising her chin.
            “Uhura, relieve the lieutenant,” said Pike.
            “Yes, sir.” Uhura instantly sat down and put on the earbuds to scan the channels.
            “Hannity, hail the U.S.S. Truman,” ordered Pike.
            “All the other ships are out of warp, sir, and have arrived at Vulcan, but we seem to have lost contact,” said Hannity.
            (Y/N) and Spock exchanged a look. That shouldn’t have happened if it was just a natural disaster.
            “Sir, I pick up no Romulan transmission or transmission of any kind in the area,” said Uhura, and (Y/N) frowned as worry flashed through her aura and moved into Pike’s as he furrowed his brow.
            “It’s because they’re being attacked,” said Kirk firmly.
            “Shields up, red alert,” ordered Pike.
            “Arrival at Vulcan in five seconds,” said Sulu as the red alert went up. “Four…three…two—”
            The Enterprise jerked as it came out of warp and was immediately in a cloud of debris.
            “Evasive action!” commanded Pike.
            The Enterprise dove to the side to avoid the remnants of the other starships. Several officers were thrown from their seats, and (Y/N) gripped their station tightly. Spock reached out subconsciously and gripped their arm to steady them.
            A horrifying thought appeared in (Y/N)’s mind. The Enterprise was only intact because it had arrived late. If there hadn’t been the problem before warp, they would have arrived and been ambushed in an instant. If they had been on time, they would be dead debris floating endlessly in space.
            “Damage report,” said Pike as the Enterprise cleared the greatest heaps of debris.
            “Deflector shields holding,” reported an officer.
            “All stations, report. Engineer Olson, report.” While he waited for reports to be sent in, he looked at the bridge crew. “Full reverse, come about starboard ninety degrees, drop us underneath and…”
            Pike trailed off as the screen’s view of the stars was blocked. A large, hulking, squid-like ship moved through space towards them. It overshadowed everything, and its maw was wide and foreboding, like a shark waiting for unsuspecting prey to swim in and be bit to pieces.
            (Y/N) stared in shock. They had never seen any ship like that, not even schematics for something so…huge.
            “Captain, they’re locking torpedoes,” alerted Spock, turning around in his seat.
            “Avert auxiliary power from port nacelles to forward shields,” said Pike.
            Several torpedoes fired and slammed into the hull of the Enterprise. The starship shook, but it didn’t break.
            “Sulu, status report,” said Pike.
            “Shields at thirty-two percent,” said Sulu grimly. “Several decks badly hit.”
            People will be injured or dead, thought (Y/N), heart sinking.
            “Their weapons are powerful, sir. We can’t take another hit like that,” said Sulu.
            “Get me Starfleet Command, (L/N),” said Pike.
            “Captain, the Romulan ship has lowered some kind of high energy pulse device into Vulcan atmosphere,” said (Y/N). “The signal is blocking communications.”
            Pike gritted his teeth, and (Y/N) felt the heat of his frustration. However, he kept a clear head and handled the situation to the best of his ability. “All power to forward shields. Prepare to fire all weapons.”
            “Captain,” said (Y/N), spinning around in their chair in surprise and alarm. “We’re being hailed.”
            Pike nodded tensely.
            On the viewing screen, the face of a tattooed Romulan appeared. (Y/N) felt everyone’s emotions take a darker turn for the negative, but they stared calmly at the person. They refused to let any of their apprehension show.
            “Hello,” he said plainly.
            “I’m Captain Christopher Pike,” said Pike, trying to take control. “To whom am I speaking.”
            “Hi, Christopher. I’m Nero,” replied the Romulan.
            “You’ve declared war against the Federation. Withdraw. I’ll arrange a conference with Romulan leadership at a neutral location,” said Pike.
            “I do not speak for the Empire,” said Nero. He narrowed his eyes as they passed over the bridge crew. “We stand apart, as does your Vulcan crewmember. Isn’t that right, Spock? Or perhaps your Celian officer would answer, correct, (L/N)?”
            Everyone’s gaze flicked to Spock and (Y/N), who looked at each other. They hadn’t anticipated being singled out.
            “Pardon me, I do not believe that you are acquainted with us,” said Spock, quirking an eyebrow as he stood. He moved between the screen and (Y/N) slightly.
            “No. We’re not,” said Nero. “Not yet.” His lip curled. “Spock…there’s something I would like you to see.” Spock furrowed his brow, but Nero addressed Pike again before he could ask any questions. “Captain Pike, your transporter has been disabled. As you can see by the rest of your armada, you have no choice. You will man a shuttle, come aboard the Narada, for negotiations. That is all.” The viewing screen cut off and left the crew alone.
            “He’ll kill you. You know that,” said Kirk, staring at Pike.
            “This is a trap,” said (Y/N).
            “Your survival is unlikely,” said Spock.
            “Captain, we gain nothing by diplomacy,” said Kirk.
            “Going to that ship is going to be futile,” agreed (Y/N).
            “I, too, agree. You should rethink your strategy,” said (Y/N).
            All three stared at Pike, a united front. Pike was undeterred, though.
            “I understand that.” But he turned away. “I need officers who have been trained in advanced hand-to-hand combat.”
            “I have training, sir,” said Sulu.
            “Come with me,” said Pike. “Kirk, you too. You’re not supposed to be here, anyway. Chekov, you have the conn.”
            “Aye, aye, Captain,” said Chekov.
            Pike headed off the bridge with Sulu and Kirk. (Y/N) and Spock only had to exchange a glance before following. They wouldn’t let Pike leave without knowing he had something in mind.
            Pike led the way to Engineering and motioned for Engineer Olson to join the small group he’d created.
            “Without transporters, we can’t beam off the ship, we can’t assist Vulcan, we can’t do our job,” he said gravely. “Mister Kirk, Mister Sulu, and Engineer Olson will space-jump from the shuttler. You will land on that machine they lowered into the atmosphere that’s scrambling our gear. You’ll get inside. You’ll disable it. Then, you’ll beam back to the ship.” The group nodded, and Pike looked at Spock. “Mister Spock, I’m leaving you in command of the Enterprise. Once we have transport capabilities, communications will be back up. (L/N), you’ll contact Starfleet and report what the hell’s going on here.” Spock and (Y/N) nodded. “And if all else fails, fall back and rendezvous with the fleet in the Laurentian system.” His eyes went to Kirk. “Kirk, I’m promoting you to First Officer.”
            Shock rippled through the group, even Kirk himself.
            “Captain, please, I apologize, but the complexities of human pranks escape me,” said Spock, furrowing his brow slightly.
            “It’s not a prank, Spock. And I’m not the Captain, you are.” Pike gazed at Spock for a moment as the facts settled in. Then, he blinked and nodded to the three men he’d gathered. “Let’s go.”
            “What happens to you, sir, when we knock out that drill? Nero will know it’s an act of hostility, and you’ll be stuck with him,” said (Y/N).
            “I guess you’ll have to come and get me,” said Pike. He smiled at Spock in wry amusement. “Careful with the ship, Spock. She’s brand new.”
            Spock nodded curtly, and (Y/N) just stood beside him, tense. Neither approved of Pike’s plan, but they knew there was no other option at this point to try to stay alive and help Vulcan. Pike turned and headed towards a shuttle. He stepped in, and the door closed.
            It was done. The plan was set.
            “Well,” said (Y/N). They straightened and faced Olson, Sulu, and Kirk. “It’s time to follow his orders.” Their gaze went to Spock. “Ready?”
            He nodded. “I’m ready.”
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thedisablednaturalist · 5 months
I was looking into getting a power assist but holy shit smartdrives are super expensive now?? I remember when they were in development and I think they were projected to be only $1500? Now they are $6000+! People on Reddit have said that those of us using cheaper manual chairs should look into custom active chairs first to see if that relieves shoulder pain cause they are more affordable. Using my wheelchair in DC was exhausting and triggered a flare up which forced me to call out sick which I don't want to have to do for my upcoming job.
Has anyone with chronic pain/fatigue experienced going from a cheaper manual to a custom active chair? Did it help your pain/fatigue? Or should I save up for a power assist instead?
OH also for the metro, how the fuck are you supposed to not roll around the traincar without desperately clinging to a pole like the world's worst stripper? Maybe my brakes are just crappy but with them on I still end up moving. I almost rolled completely away from my friend when the train took a sharp turn (was able to get between two poles and hold on to them for dear life. Was very funny but also scary). Why doesn't the metro have anything to secure your chair with? Or at least put one of those plexiglass things by the wheelchair spot so we can brace ourselves against it
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thearvariblues · 2 years
VegasPete fic idea time!
I might write this. I might not. If it gets you inspired, feel free to grab it and write it yourself, I’d love to read it! 😁
So, the minor family coup never happened. Vegas and Pete still somehow managed to get their shit together and, well, get together. Don’t ask how. It involved a lot of shouting, crying and angry fucking.
Anyway, Pete doesn’t leave the main family for Vegas. At least not yet. He’s considered it, but hasn’t brought it up yet.
Also Vegas is the head of the minor family now, after Gun’s death in a very unfortunate car accident caused by someone cutting his brake cables. (What a tragedy, Vegas said, sipping his red wine. Unfortunately, the CCTV footage from the garage seems to be missing, so we’ll never find out who did it.) Since the coup never happened, Korn couldn’t really find a good reason not to make Vegas the leader, at least not a reason that would still let him keep Vegas as an asset - because let’s face it, it’s better to have a homicidal maniac on your side than actively working against you, and killing him feels to be a bit, well, overkill.
Unsurprisingly, VegasPete are trying to keep their relationship a secret. I mean, the head of main family’s security getting railed by the head of the minor family? No one can know. (Macau knows, obviously, but he’s happy for his hia and definitely won’t tell anyone. Porsche knows, too, but hopes that if he ignores it for long enough, it’ll just go away on its own.) Though it doesn’t look like they’re trying to keep it a secret, with Vegas requesting Pete’s “assistance” at least two times a week (”I need the BEST, Kinn, I don’t want your second-rate idiots!”) and sneaking into Pete’s room whenever he happens to be in the main family compound (causing massive alarm on at least three separate occassions).
They go on missions together. They make a truly perfect team. Seeing Pete all murderous makes Vegas incredibly horny, and also makes him fall in love over and over again, every time he witnesses Pete kill someone without the slightest bit of hesitation. It doesn’t help that with other people around, Pete’s all sweet smiles and Khun Wegath, making Vegas want to just kiss him and let everyone know that Pete belongs to him and only him, to make Pete the second leader of the minor family, to let him sit by Vegas’ side at meetings... But Pete wants to keep their relationship a secret, and for him, Vegas will gladly protect the secret until the day he dies.
And then a mission goes wrong. Vegas gets shot. He tumbles to the ground right in front of Pete’s eyes, clutching his chest, blood seeping through his shirt...
And Pete goes berserk. He kills everyone standing in his way. No one is allowed to survive. They will pay for hurting his Vegas. A part of his brain is yelling at him to fuck it, to go to Vegas’ side, but the part of him that wants to kill them all and possibly set the whole fucking building on fire wins.
Only when everyone is down and everything is quiet does Pete fall onto his knees by Vegas, Vegas who’s staring at him with his eyes wide open, unable to speak, barely able to breathe... Arm is saying something to Pete, something about help being on its way, but Pete doesn’t listen, he just holds Vegas’ bloodied hand and keeps murmuring stay with me, please, Vegas, stay with me, don’t you dare die, I can’t lose you, can’t live without you, Vegas, please, I love you...
And even though Arm and Pol are the only ones who hear this, and they would forget all about it if Pete asked, Pete doesn’t ask. He doesn’t care about people knowing anymore. He only cares about not leaving Vegas’ side ever again.
It’s a big scandal, obviously. Tankhun screaming about betrayal, Kinn staring with his mouth hanging open, Korn very sternly asking Chan how did they not know about this. (To be fair, Chan might have been neglecting his duties a bit since he got together with Big who totally, absolutely miraculously survived in this universe.) Bodyguards cheering outside the room when Pete resigns, saying he wants to follow his heart. Big laughing his ass off because Pete, aka Mr. Perfect Bodyguard, has been fraternizing with the enemy for months.
Vegas survives, obviously, and makes a full recovery. And yes, he gets to lead the minor family with Pete by his side, and Pete only ever calls him Wegath now, and yeah, Vegas still falls in love over and over again every time Pete gets that murderous glint in his eyes.
If dealing with Vegas himself was hard for the main family, dealing with VegasPete is a nightmare. But Pete is happy, and it looks like he keeps Vegas calmer and more grounded, and they are a great and very effective team, so no one really says anything against the relationship, not even when they catch them fucking in a bathroom, some bedroom, or (on one memorable occassion) in Kinn’s pool when they’re done with a meeting.
And if, a few months later, Korn unfortunately dies in a car accident caused by someone cutting his break cables, and the CCTV footage from the garage happens to be missing... Well, what a tragedy, Vegas sighs, sipping his red wine, and exchanges a knowing glance with his beloved, smiling husband.
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diabolus1exmachina · 2 years
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Aston Martin One-77 (property — before being seized by Swiss authorities — of the son of the leader of one of the most corrupt governments in Central Africa)
In keeping with its tradition of producing limited edition, hand crafted exotica for the wealthy aficionado, best exemplified by the DB4 GT Zagato of the 1960s, Aston Martin previewed its proposed One-77 'hypercar' at the 2008 Paris Motor Show. 'The finished One-77 made its official debut in April 2009 at the Concorso d'Eleganza Ville d'Este, held on the shores of Lake Como in Italy, winning the 'Award for Concept Cars and Prototypes'. Designed by Marek Reichman, it was the fastest and most powerful Aston Martin ever built, with a top speed of 220mph, and also the most expensive, carrying a price tag of £1,150,000. Hailed by its maker as "possibly the world's most desirable automotive art form", the One-77 with its long bonnet and short tail was every inch the classically proportioned Gran Turismo, combing muscular pugnacity and feline grace in equal measure. A two-seater closed coupé, the One-77 featured advanced technology in the form of an immensely rigid and lightweight carbon fibre monocoque chassis, which carried a seamless body traditionally handcrafted in aluminium. Made from a single sheet of aluminium, each front wing was said to take one craftsman three weeks to produce.  Other state-of-the-art features included bi-xenon headlamps with integrated LED side lights and direction indicators, LED rear lamps (fog and reverse), carbon fibre front splitters, carbon fibre rear diffuser, and active aerodynamics with deployable spoiler. Providing the horsepower needed to breach the magic 200mph barrier was a stretched (to 7.3 litres) version of Aston Martin's existing 48-valve V12 engine. Extensively reworked by Cosworth Engineering, it produced 750bhp and 553lb/ft of torque, and was the world's most powerful normally aspirated road-car engine at the time of the One-77's introduction. Cosworth's extensive re-engineering included fitting dry-sump lubrication, which enabled the V12 to be carried 100mm lower in the One-77's chassis than in that of the DB9. Like the V8 in the One-77's Vantage sister car, the V12 engine was mounted towards the centre of the chassis, well aft of the front axle line in the interests of optimum weight distribution, to which end the six-speed automatic/manual transmission was located at the rear in the form of an integrated transaxle. Power was transmitted to the limited-slip differential by a carbon fibre prop shaft encased in a magnesium alloy torque tube, reaching the road surface via 20" forged alloy wheels - 7-spoke or 10-spoke - shod with Pirelli P Zero Corsa tyres.
Unusually for a road car, the One-77's all-independent suspension featured pushrod actuation of the adjustable mono-tube dampers, a system more commonly found in modern competition cars. There were double wishbones at all four corners: the front incorporating anti-dive geometry, and the rear anti-squat and anti-lift. The suspension was also electrically adjustable for both ride height and rate change.
The rack and pinion was power assisted, delivering 3.0 turns lock-to-lock, while the steering column was adjustable for both tilt and reach. Braking was supplied by carbon ceramic discs all round, gripped by six-piston callipers at the front, four-piston callipers at the rear. Dynamic Stability Control (DSC), Anti-lock Braking System (ABS), Electronic Brakeforce Distribution (EBD), Emergency Brake Assist (EBA), and traction control were all incorporated in the interests of controllability and safety. Releasing the driver's door, which swings out and arcs upwards, the One-77's fortunate owner would be confronted by a leather-trimmed sports steering wheel, electrically adjustable lightweight memory seats, and dual-stage driver/passenger front airbags. Other interior features included automatic temperature control, a trip computer, and touch-sensitive map-reading LED lights. Powerfold exterior memory mirrors came as standard, while front/rear parking cameras were an option. Number '35' of the 77 built, this EU model has a legend engraved on the door sill stating that it was 'Hand built in England for Theodore N'Guema Obiang Mangue'. Finished in red with red-piped cream interior, the car is offered with Equatorial Guinea registration papers.
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possibly-god · 5 days
Kelly Phillips – the Trapper
(1975 – 9/2000 – 34)
It is practically impossible for a normal human being to reach Tavish DeGroot’s level of drunk – but after that stunt her husband pulled, with a little sympathy and a lot of scrumpy, damn if Linda Phillips-Green didn’t get close.
When Linda discovered the pregnancy, she’d hoped that it was her husband’s, hoped that a baby could pull together their rocky relationship – and then everything fell apart when little Kelly came out the wrong color.
After the divorce, Linda hunted Tavish down for child support and managed to get his address. Unfortunately, Tilly DeGroot managed to get to her letters first – tradition is tradition no matter what her soft-hearted son might think, no contact with the girl until her first explosion.
Despite her strict suburban upbringing, Kelly somehow managed to inherit the DeGroot family eyesight troubles, requiring coke-bottle glasses to see anything more than shapeless colors (though the lenses are as good as any lighter for starting fires).
While helping her mom clip coupons from the Sunday paper, 5-year-old Kelly stumbled across the cartoons of Rube Goldberg. Over time, amusement bloomed into interest, and she began using toys and trash to build prototypes – and brainstorm pranks.
Needing a respectable way to get her crazy kid out of the house while she worked, Linda enrolled Kelly in the local Girl Scout troop when she was 7. She hoped the organization would give her some discipline – the activities just gave her more ideas.
As the chubby, dorky, four-eyed illegitimate biracial daughter of a WASP-y divorcee with a complex about their tax bracket, Kelly, unsurprisingly, carries a lot of insecurities – her inventions provide her an escape, an outlet for all her pent-up energy.
Before the REDs showed up, Kelly was instrumental in the kidnappees’ escape plan – no one bothers to check the 4th grade Girl Scout’s bag for duct tape, twine, firecrackers, and a Swiss army knife.
It takes Demoman a while (and a bender) to come around to having a kid, but he eventually sees through his own guilt and shock enough to get to know Kelly as a person – he sees a lot of himself in her, for better or worse.
Kelly gets a lot of needed encouragement on base – Hedy and Engie provide inventing mentorship, Scout emphatically endorses her pranking skills, and Pyro throws “girls nights” for her and Rosa (more on her later).
One could argue the REDs indulge her creativity a bit too much, with some of her designs looking less Home Alone and more Saw – though when OHM comes knocking again, some of those more intense creations come in quite handy.
As soon as OHM is squared away, Demo has three priorities – getting visitation and custody established with Linda (Soldier is his lawyer), getting his mother into assisted living (keeping his child from him was the last straw, she’s out of his house), and getting sober (ish – it’s Demo).
In high school, Kelly joins the theater department as a tech and quickly makes a name for herself between inventive stagecraft and running tech rehearsals like the navy (her “firework shop explosion” in You Can’t Take It With You was distressingly realistic, but not real enough for Granny Tilly’s approval).
During her brief stint in film school, Kelly watches MacGyver religiously, critiquing his technique all the while.
Despite dropping the diploma, Kelly Phillips-DeGroot becomes a big name in B-movies, creating low-budget high-impact practical effects that blow audiences away and elevate box-office bombs to cult classics (she gets an offer from KNB EFX, but the big time just has too many rules).
Entering the “sci-fi future” of 2000, Kelly hits a CG-induced career slump and starts feeling nostalgic for her roots, inventing and improvising for function over flash, letting her creations run wild without needing to pump the brakes – so when old friends from TFI come calling, she happily changes tracks and joins up as the Trapper.
Next up – the world’s most silent six-year-old…
TF2K Master Post
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e-carlease · 5 months
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The new electric MG convertible might therefor be well placed to offer a more balanced option for those customers looking for a performance experience. Building upon the brand’s heritage and presence, this is anything other than a boring car. With formidable power and acceleration, plus a whole host of luxury and sporty finishes. As UK customers can discover on their configurator (https://www.mgcyberster.co.uk/configurator), there are two key options to choose from including:
Trophy - from £54,995 this is a Single Motor with 19” alloys; and
GT - from £59,995 this is a Dual Motor with 20” alloys.   
Standard options include auto LED headlights, electrically adjustable / heated / folding door mirrors, front / rear parking sensors, electric scissor doors, fully electric good, launch control, 7” touch screen, wraparound 3-screen cockpit, 8-spekaer BOSE audio, adaptive cruise control, lane keep assist, active emergency braking, lane change assist, blind spot assist, heated seats, electric lumbar support, leather seats, wind deflector, climate control, keyless entry, ambient lighting, navigation, parking camera and V2L.            
Colours include English White, Camden Grey, Cosmic Silver, Dynamic Red and Inca Yellow. Also choose between a standard black hood or, for the white / grey / silver option, consider the red hood. Inside, the interior options include Black / Red or Grey.  
And how does the new Cyberster perform?
Trophy - this RWD Convertible will have a 74 kWh usable battery which will offer 0 – 62 times of 5.0 seconds, 121 mph top speeds and 250 kW (or 335hp). Expect a combined winter range of 225 miles with warmer weather allowing for 305 miles – a 265 mile combined. On charging, the 7.4 kW AC max will allow 12 hour and 30 min 0 – 100% charging times with the 144 kW DC maximum allowing 39 minute 10 – 80% times. A cargo volume of 249L is available with this car. It has a vehicle fuel equivalent of 144 mpg. It has Bidirectional capabilities, with the V2L (vehicle-to-load) supported; and
GT- this AWD Convertible will have a 74 kWh usable battery which will offer 0 – 62 times of 3.2 seconds, 124 mph top speeds and 375 kW (or 503hp). Expect a combined winter range of 210 miles with warmer weather allowing for 285 miles – a 250 mile combined. On charging, the 7.4 kW AC max will allow 12 hour and 30 min 0 – 100% charging times with the 144 kW DC maximum allowing 39 minute 10 – 80% times. A cargo volume of 249L is available with this car. It has a vehicle fuel equivalent of 136 mpg. It has Bidirectional capabilities, with the V2L (vehicle-to-load) supported.
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This week’s astrology forecast: February 26th to March 3rd
Message for the week:
A busy week in the heavens with many planetary aspects that will be a bit like driving in stop and go traffic, with both “green light” Jupiter and “red light” Saturn being emphasized. Tuesday, Mars in Aquarius will be supercharged with a square to “more is better” Jupiter, fueling high drive and a desire to push through all limitations.
Pedal to the metal Tuesday is followed by go slow Wednesday, with a rare triple conjunction of the Sun, Mercury, and Saturn in Pisces—with Saturn putting the brakes on anything that is not realistic. This can be excellent for concentration and focused intellectual activity as Saturn assists in bringing ideas and creative inspirations into manifestation.
After a cautious Wednesday, Thursday and Friday offer positive energy for moving forward with Mercury and the Sun both being benefited by an uplifting sextile to favorable Jupiter. The weekend might call for an outing or a bit of an adventure with the Moon in adventuristic Sagittarius, while Venus square Uranus calls for doing something outside of the box for some excitement.
Monday: A smooth day in the heavens, with the Moon entering harmony-seeking Libra this morning in a flowing trine with compelling Pluto—excellent for cooperative endeavors of all types. The Moon forms a quincunx to the Sun Mercury conjunction in Pisces tonight, awakening compassion for the suffering in the world—perhaps send a prayer or a dollar to those in need.
Tuesday: Mars is square to Jupiter today, jacking up competitive drive and the urge to go for it. Relationships and romance are favored with the Moon in relationship-oriented Libra in a flowing trine to the magnetic Venus/Mars conjunction in Aquarius.
Wednesday: The Sun, Mercury, and Mars are all conjunct today in Pisces. Although this puts the brakes on anything not realistic, it is excellent for intellectual activity that requires focused concentration. The Moon is in Libra through most of the day, creating a smooth flow with others. A quiet evening might be called for with the Moon entering privacy-seeking Scorpio, while a disruptive square to eruptive Pluto late tonight, can bring an uncomfortable memory to the surface that needs to be cleared before retiring.
Thursday: Mercury (the mind) is uplifted and inspired by a stimulating sextile to fortunate Jupiter today. A good day for business and financial dealings when the Moon is in financially shrewd Scorpio in a flowing trine to the to the Sun/Mercury/Saturn conjunction. Passions are inflamed tonight with the Moon stimulated by “more is better” Jupiter and passionate Mars.
Friday: Optimism is in the air today, with the Sun in a stimulating sextile to uplifting Jupiter, fueling confidence and the sense that opportunity abounds. You may feel a bit obstinate in the early morning while the Moon is in Scorpio square Venus and opposite rebellious Uranus, however, a smooth day unfolds. The Moon moves into a harmonious trine to dreamy Neptune tonight, perfect for escaping it all and entering peaceful sleep.
Saturday: A good day for getting out and exploring with the Moon in adventuristic Sagittarius with the only aspect today being a stimulating sextile to regenerative Pluto. A day to set work and chores aside and take part in something enriching—walking, hiking, and getting out into nature are particularly favored.
Sunday: A wild card day in the heavens with Venus (love and values) square to unpredictable Uranus—a good day to let your “wild woman” out to play! The Moon is in outgoing Sagittarius, fueling a playful attitude, however, be careful your humor doesn’t inadvertently hurt other people’s feelings with a square to the Sun/Mercury conjunction in uber sensitive Pisces. A lovely evening is in store with the Moon in a harmonious sextile with the Mars/Venus conjunction.
May the stars be with you!
Donations: Although these weekly updates are free, if you would like to support the newsletter with a donation, go to my website and click the “Donate” button on the menu. You can donate in increments of $5. You can also donate through Venmo: David-Pond-17 If you would like to send a check, contact us for our mailing address. Thanks for your support!
Consultations: I am available for consultations if you would like to see how your astrology chart can help you connect with your true self, explore your life’s purpose, better understand relationships, find your right vocation, or to align with current astrological influences. Contact us by email, phone, or through the “Services” tab on our website, to set up a session.
Website: Davidpond.com
Phone: 360-918-8411
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classicmotorsinc · 1 year
ON SALE: 2015 Mercedes-Benz S 550 4MATIC for sale in Maryland
Gooooo to:  https://www.classicmotorsinc.com/vehicle-details/b2b8cfaea5b0064a81e64369f9925dc6 2015 Mercedes-Benz S-Class S 550 AWD 4MATIC 7-Speed Automatic 4MATIC , 4.7L 8-Cylinder Turbo Gas Engine Crystal Gray, White Leather, > Active Multi-Contour Seats w/Massage, Brake assist,  Exterior Parking Camera Rear, Hands-Free Access, Heated & Active Ventilated Front Seats, KEYLESS GO , Navigation System, PARKTRONIC w/Active Parking Assist, Power moonroof, Power Rear Side Window Sunblind's. 7-Speed Automatic 4MATIC , Black Leather, 19 AMG Twin 5-Spoke Wheels, Active Blind Spot Assist, Active Lane Keeping Assist, Active Multi-Contour Seats w/Massage, BAS PLUS w/Cross Traffic Assist,  Comfort Box, Control Code Driver Assistance Package, Control Code Premium 1 Package, Control Code Surround View Camera, DISTRONIC PLUS , DISTRONIC PLUS w/Steering Assist, Driver Assistance Package, Front Heated Seats - PLUS, Hands-Free Access, Heated & Active Ventilated Front Seats,  PARKTRONIC w/Active Parking Assist, Power Rear Side Window Sunblinds, Premium 1 Package, Sport Body Styling, Sport Package,  Surround View Camera. 
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polizwrites · 1 year
PoliZ's WIP Update - 21 Sep 2023 [belated post]
On vacation (kinda-sorta) so a low word count for the week - I touched 3 fics (2 WIPs & 1 new work)  for a total of  1347 words, most of which were on a single fic.
On Ao3, I posted:
A Forest's Worth of Pining - No Powers AU WI fic with Sam and Rhodey trying to convince their besties to ask their respective crushes out.
The Family You Find - Bucky starts a new chapter of his life in Wakanda, with Ayo's help.
On Tumblr I posted:
Ringing in the New - Established Stony where Tony suggests adding a bit of an assistant to their love life.
I have  20 semi-active WIPs  😬 with my  current  deadline being the All Caps Bingo that wraps at the end of September.
See  below cut for what I’m working on/planning to work on - arranged more or less by bingos/challenges/etc.  As always, feel free to send me   prompts or plot bunnies as well as asks regarding  any of these projects  or any other WIPs I’ve got out there.   Interaction really helps feed the Muse and keep me motivated!
Seek & Destroy Collab
After reading @psychiccatpanda‘s amazing   Morguna and the Green Queen, I  got the itch to explore the Soldier’s POV and talked  Faustie into   collab’ing with me!  We’re working on a new part of the series, and I’ve  contributed about 900 words towards the  2500-ish we have so far.   Going to see if I can squeeze any of my BBB squares into this fic.  
All Caps Bingo [ACB_R1]  (Ends 30 Sep)
I’ve got 26 completed squares (counting unclaimed adoptables), and three WIPs - hoping to get close to a 'natural ' blackout before the event ends!
* Row 5 (One Fill, One Bingo).   “Man, shut the hell up!”, Alpha Bucky Barnes, James Rhodes, Humping, Competitive Idiocy. Posted A Forest's Worth of Pining on Friday - a No Powers WI fic where Sam and Rhodey (and Natasha) are working to get their alpha pals Bucky and Tony together. It came in at 1050 words.
* N3 - FREE – Using this for the next chapter of Technicalities - which is currently sitting at 1175 words -hoping to finish off the smut (and the fic) with another 500-ish words so I can post it by the end of the month.
* G1 - Swapped in my July Adoptable: Mate-induced Heat for this square - which was chapter 4 of A Sugar-Coated Pill
* G3 - Established Relationship - planning to fill this with Chapter 2 of   Half of the Flesh and Blood That Makes Me Whole   - a Bucky POV remix of at least the first part of Take What Was Wrong (And Make it Right), which is current sitting at  52 words.  I’m expecting at least one more chapter, possibly two, depending on how far I want to take the remix.   If I can’t pull this off - a quickie Stucky or SamBucky drabble may have to do. 
* O2 - Canon-adjacent  - Posted The Family You Find   to Ao3 this morning. Ayo takes Bucky to his new Wakandan refuge; it came in at 489 words.
* Sept Adoptable: Dominant Omega - this is of course a perfect match for the next chapter of  Finding Something Fresh (currently sitting at 406 words) - where omega!Dom!Steve and beta!sub!Bucky continue their scene. 
Sam Wilson Bingo [SWB_R3]  (Ends 15 Oct 2023)
I have five fills and one WIP -  I need to work on cross fills between this and the All Caps, Bucky Barnes and Captain Bottom bingo!
* B4 - Natasha Romanoff -  Maybe add on to my Card Sharks drabble, where  SamNat & Steve conspire to create a polycule with Bucky?  this idea crosses over nicely with my BBB KINK: Seduction mission square
* N5 - James Rhodes - filled with Braking Their Fall - see ACB Pararescue Sam Wilson above.
* G3 - Joaquin Torres - possible expansion of A Rising Star
WinterIron Bingo  - [WIB_R1]   (Ends 16 Dec 2023)
I have fifteen fills completed and two WIPs for this brand-new bingo event that I’m helping mod!  Along with crossfilling against my other bingos,  I’m going to try to combine my B column squares for the Iron Soldier badge (complete a bingo with a single work). – Alpha Tony Stark, “That was not my intention.”, James Rhodes, Alpine loves Tony and Blind date.   (Tony POV remix of A Sugar Coated Pill?)
* N1 - Bucharest –  I think I can fold this into a future chapter of My Love is Vengeance -  where a young!Tony and a recovering!Bucky have been kidnapped by Hydra, who still thinks Bucky is the Soldier.  
* G2 - Eye contact during sex - This will come into play in Chapter 6 of A Sugar-Coated Pill, where Bucky figures out what making love really means, with Tony’s help. It’s crossing over with BBB KINK: Gentle Sex and is up to 503 words.
* G4 - AU: College Students – looking to expand Beaten to the Punch with some backstory on Bucky and Tony as science camp counselors to fit with this square - will also cross over with my WFB  Volunteering Together square.  
* O5 - Gentle – use this poem  as inspiration?
Stucky’Verse Bingo Round 1 - [SVB_R1]   (Ends 22 Dec)
Eleven fills, two WIPs and a couple of ideas.
* A1 - Harem - crossover with CABB Secret/Forbidden Relationship - Bucky and shrimpy!Steve are both concubines - they love each other more than their lord. I poked at this a little last week and have 71 words.
* A4 - Fairy Tale Curse  - this seems custom-made for a continuation of Beyond the Beast😁  Nothing written yet, other than some Vague Ideas.  
Bucky Barnes Bingo  - [BBB_R5]   (Ends 10 Jan 2024)
I’ve got  eleven fills,  four WIPs,   and a couple more Vague ideas.
B2 - KINK: Seduction Mission - might add a new chapter to Card Sharks - where Sam/Natasha and Steve finish what they started to get Bucky onboard for a poly partnership.
U1 - Never the fall that kills you -  I’ve got a WinterIron hanahaki fic idea for this that I might play with.
U3 - Fireplace -  Working on a 1980′s No Powers WinterIron fic set at a ski lodge where Tony’s being wooed by poetry and love letters that Bucky wrote to someone else.   Started poking at this as a crossover with a Love Letters prompt and it’s sitting at 129 words.
C2 - Yelena Belova–   The plan is to use this prompt in the next chapter of Peresmešnik,  (aka Three Avengers and a Baby), which is currently sitting at 1303 words (600-ish of which are mine).
C5 - Marriage of Convenience/Pretend Couple -  next chapter of   Lady Natasha’s Consort and Lord Steve’s Companion.    Got a spark of an idea the other day that might get me a bit further on this fic.  
K3 - Magic -  Aro!Bucky healing with a kiss idea?
Y1 - Gentle Sex – In-progress Chapter 6 of Sugar-Coated Pill- see WIB Eye Contact During Sex.
Y3 - Alpine  - see WIB Iron Soldier combo.
Y4 - Forgotten Things -   using this for Chapter 4 of   You Can’t Stop It With a Gun  - it’s sitting at  116 words at the moment.
May Adopted - Insomnia - finally got this filled with The Dead of Night, which also filled a Flash Fiction Friday prompt [#FFF211 An Old Friend] along with my JBB FREE square. It came in at 317 words and will post to Ao3 before this event ends.
August Adoptable: Take the Shot - sounds like a WinterHawk fic to me… maybe cross over with JBB Touch-starved?
Tony Stark Bingo Round 7  - [TSB_R7]   (ends 15 Feb)
Ten fills and zero WIPs, with a couple of ideas in play.  
* S1 - Galaxy - possibly use in final chapter of   Never More to Go Astray ?  
* T5 - Shawarma - possible crossover with SAUB Canon Divergence – Battle of New York-related?
* A2 - KINK: Concubine - possible crossover with SAUB Gentle Dom
* R1 - Animal Transformation - DemonPanda shared a fun prompt on the WIB server - Tony as a short-haired werewolf who needs to cuddle his pack members for warmth.
* R5 - Doppelganger/Evil Twins -   The Flash Fiction Friday prompt [#FFF214 Broken Mirror] got me at least a good start on the idea I’ve been playing with for this square. I posted NamNori on Tumblr and have a general idea of how I want to build on it to also fill my SAUB AU: Crack square. It’s currently sitting at 360 words.
Stony AUniverse Bingo  [SAUB_R1] (ends 15 Feb)
Another brand-new bingo I’m helping co-mod!   Five fills, three WIPs and several  crossover ideas already!
* S2 - AU: Crack - see TSB   Doppelganger/Evil Twins
* S3 - AU: Wings - see ACB Established Relationship
* S5 - Accidental Baby Acquisition - see BBB Yelena Belova
* T1 - AU: Fantasy -  CoffeeOwl shared a really cool dragon!Steve/indebted!Tony prompt in the ACB Discord server that I may be playing with for this.
* T4 - AU: Canon Divergence - see TSB Shawarma above.
* N2 - Mutual Pining - crossover with CABB Royal Knight?
* N3 - Gentle Dom - see TSB KINK: Concubine above
Captain (America) Bottom Bingo - Round 2 [CABB] (ends 28 Feb 2024)
I signed up for a 3x3 card for this bingo and have four fills, one WIPs and a couple of crossover ideas.
* A2 - Secret/Forbidden Relationship - see SVB Harem
* B3 - Royal Knight - see SAUB Mutual Pining.
Post July Break Bingo  [JBB_23p] (Ends Apr? 2024)
@julybreakbingo is running another event to tide participants over with a 2x3 non-fandom-specific card - I got mine earlier this week and am checking it over for potential crossovers.
A1 - “It’s you. It’s always been you.” - This might fit in with my TSB Doppelgangers/Evil Twins fill NamNori above :: ponders::
B2 - Character’s personality is split into two different beings – I’ve never played with Bucky & the Soldier being two different people, but this seems like the perfect opportunity! Will see what might be a good crossover on BBB or WIB (or even SVB)
C1 - Touch Starved – another good fit for a Bucky-centric fic. (Steve or Tony or Clint) possibly crossover with BBB “Take the shot”?
Warm and Fluffy   Bingo  - [WFB]   (no end date)
I got my card from  @warmandfluffybingocards back in February but really hadn’t done much with it  - however, I’m picking it back up for some crossover possibilities!
 * O5 - Volunteering Together – see WIB AU: College Students
On  other creative fronts:  I am working on a Godzilla Stuffed With Character figure in progress for a commission and have signed up for Marvel Trumps Hate - so keep an eye out for my auctions!
If  you’re looking for one of a kind gifts for birthdays or other celebrations, check  out Stuffed With Character    over on Facebook for a full list of my designs (now over 150!).   These soft stuffed figures are  mostly Marvel and monsters, but I have some Star Wars, Star Trek, DC   and Disney figures as well. Plus I love to take custom design   requests  for any fandom!
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shewenttojareds · 1 year
Car Fixing 101: A Comprehensive Guide to Maintaining Your Lorry in Top Shape
Whether you're a seasoned vehicle proprietor or a newbie motorist, comprehending the fundamentals of automobile repair work is crucial for keeping the longevity as well as performance of your automobile. From regular upkeep jobs to fixing usual issues, having a solid structure in car repair can save you both time as well as cash in the future. In this detailed overview, we'll walk you via the crucial aspects of automobile repair work, giving you with the understanding and also self-confidence to tackle minor repair services as well as make educated choices when looking for specialist help.Paragraph 2: The
very first step in ending up being an educated car proprietor is understanding the value of routine maintenance. On a regular basis checking as well as changing fluids, such as engine oil, coolant, and brake fluid, can considerably extend the life expectancy of your car's essential components. In addition, finding out how to examine and also keep vital parts like the battery, tires, and brakes will not only guarantee your security on the road however additionally stop costly repair work down the line. We'll look into these maintenance jobs, supplying step-by-step instructions and practical tips to maintain your automobile running efficiently. Additionally, we'll discover usual automobile troubles, such as engine overheating, strange noises, as well as electrical issues, furnishing you with the expertise to recognize the origin and also take ideal activity. By empowering yourself with vehicle fixing know-how, you'll be able to make informed decisions when looking for expert assistance, ensuring you obtain quality service at a fair cost.
Read more here buy bearings
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skippyv20 · 2 years
Dr. Michelle Ward
My Comments…Dr. Ward was born in the UK. She studies psychopaths. She herself dealt with a stalker….if anyone can give the BRF some insight into who they are dealing with…it’s Dr. Ward! Time to call her!
Michelle Ward holds a B.A. from the University of Colorado and an M.A. and Ph.D. in Psychology from the University of Southern California (USC) with a dual emphasis in clinical neuroscience and behavioral genetics. Her interest and focus was the study of predatory criminals, and her current career actively puts her face-to-face with these unusual individuals.
Predatory criminals differ from other violent criminals because of the unique way they stalk and/or use calculated attacks on their victims. Dr. Ward helped spearhead research designed to understand the environmental, biological, and genetic underpinnings of predatory crime, while using this information to identify potential future predatory individuals.
Early in her career, Dr. Ward worked on studies that used Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) on murderers and non-murderers to identify structural differences in the brains of these groups of people. These studies were part of a larger body of research that further separated the criminals into two groups: impulsive-type and predatory-type. Research indicates that while all of these criminals have increased activity in the sub-cortical region of the brain, (an area responsible for aggression), the impulsive-type criminals also have reduced functioning in the prefrontal cortex, (an area responsible for executive functioning, or reasoning). This pre-frontal cortex serves as the "brakes" of bad behavior, and it works normally in predatory criminals. As such, the predatory criminal may feel increased aggression, but he/she is able to regulate and channel aggression because his/her prefrontal cortex is fully functioning. This could explain why stalkers are so successful in their pursuit of their victims; their executive functioning is intact so they are more calculating and less likely to make impulsive-type errors and be caught.
To further understand the complicated and dangerous predatory individual, Dr. Ward assisted her colleagues at USC in launching The Southern California Twin Project. Among other things, this research project set out to identify biological characteristics and environmental underpinnings of psychopathic behavior in people before adulthood. Specifically, in addition to differences in the structure and activity in the brain as previously described, research suggests that psychopathic individuals also may have reduced autonomic arousal in resting and/or anticipatory states. In other words, these people can have both lower heart rates while at rest, and/or lack the increased heart rate and skin conductance that create the fight or flight response. The effect of this is two-fold: it suggests that the predatory individual, such as a stalker, doesn't experience the biological consequence of his/her behavior (rapid heart-rate, sweating), and therefore can easily behave in ways that would be too frightening for a normal person, or these individual are "sensation seekers" and engage in such behavior in order to increase their heart rates to a normal level. Dr. Ward and her colleagues were some of the first to investigate this phenomenon in children in order to understand if these biological abnormalities exist in future predatory individuals.
Dr. Ward and her colleagues studied the genetic effects at play. To do this, they measured the differences between twins in regard to these psychopathic characteristics and their biological correlates. Using structural equation statistical modeling, 600 sets of identical and fraternal twins were compared and the results revealed a dominant genetic effect regarding psychopathic characteristics - many of which are often seen in stalkers. Put simply, it appears that people are born with a predisposition toward these traits. Using this information about biological and environmental influences on stalking behaviors, research can now be directed at early recognition and behavior modification for at-risk individuals.
Dr. Ward has published numerous articles related to psychology and complex human behavior and has used her extensive background in psychology, genetics, and biology to become one of the first scientists to identify potential future predatory behaviors in a population of children. Today, she is widely sought after to assist in the criminal trials of some of the nation's most notorious offenders.
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NEW STOCK!!2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣1️⃣ MODEL MERCEDES-BENZ E220D AMG LINE NIGHT EDITION PREMIUM PLUS 2.0 G-TRONIC + 2-DR AUTO 2021 PANORAMIC SUNROOF APPROVED VEHICLE NEARLY NEW LOW MILEAGE Year 2021 Fuel Type DIESEL Transmission Auto Engine Size 2.0 Body Type Coupe Doors 2 CO₂ emissions 155g/km 0in Alloy Wheels - AMG Multi-Spoke-Design - Painted in High-Gloss Black with High-Sheen Finish, Burmester Surround Sound System, MBUX Multimedia System, Panoramic Glass Sunroof, Active Brake ASSIST, Active Park Assist, Agility Control Suspension with Selective Damping System and Lowering by 15mm, Blind Spot Assist, Cruise Control with Variable Speed Limiter, DAB Digital Radio Tuner, Direct-Steer Speed Sensitive Steering, Headlamps - MULTIBEAM LED Intelligent Light System with Adaptive Highbeam Assist, Heated Front Seats, KEYLESS-GO Starting Function, Parking Package with 360-Degree Camera, Privacy Glass, THERMOTRONIC Automatic Climate Control System with Three Climate Zones and Three Climate Styles, Traffic Sign Assist, Wireless Charging, AMG Boot Lid Spoiler in Body Colour, ATTENTION Assist, Airbags - Sidebag for Driver and Front Passenger - Combined Thorax-Pelvis Bag, Airbags - Windowbags, Alarm System with Immobiliser and Interior Protection, Brake Calipers with Mercedes-Benz Lettering, Central Locking with Interior Switch-Automatic Locking and Crash Sensor with Emergency Opening Function, Door Pins in Black, ESP - Electronic Stability Programme, Electric Parking Brake, Energizing Comfort Package, Front Apron in High Gloss Black, High-Resolution 12.3in Multimedia Colour Display, KEYLESS-GO Comfort Package, Memory Package, Mercedes Me Connect, Mirror Package, Pre-Installation for Roof Rail Systems, Pre-Installation for Vehicle Monitoring, Pre-Installation for Vehicle Set-Up, Rain Sensing Windscreen Wipers, Rear Lights - LED, Remote Boot Release, Roof Lining - Black, Seat Comfort Package - Driver and Front Passenger Seat, Seat Occupancy Sensor - Front Passenger Seat, Smartphone Integration via Android Auto or Apple (at Prime Cars) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmzPeSzslIf/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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turbobuckeye · 2 years
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#ThrowbackThursday Amazing weekend last week at the 2022 Lone Star Mopar Fest. It was good to C a friend from Detroit attending their 1st ever public enthusiast event! 📷: #lxbeyondphotography 🚘: @chrysler | www.lsmfest.com 2023 Chrysler 300C 🔹️ Only 2,000 2023 Chrysler 300C vehicles will be produced for the U.S. 🔹️ Featuring a 6.4L 392-cu.-in. HEMI engine with 485 horsepower and 475 lb.-ft. of torque 🔹️ Additional performance features include red four-piston Brembo brakes, a 3.09 limited slip differential, active damping suspension, active exhaust system and black rounded exhaust tips 🔹️ New version of tri-color 300C badge on grille and rear decklid announces unique personality of the limited-production 300C 🔹️ Black Laguna leather front seats sport embossed 300C logo and silver stitching accents 🔹️ 300C interior includes carbon-fiber accents 🔹️ 300C is equipped with premium features, including 19-speaker Harman Kardon audio system, advanced brake assist, Lane Departure Warning Plus, Full Speed Collision Warning Plus and more 🔹️ Gloss Black 🔹️ 2023 Chrysler 300C features a U.S. manufacturer’s suggested retail price (MSRP) of $55,000 #ThreeHundredThursday #Chrysler #300 #Chrysler300 #AmericanMuscle #MuscleCars #485hp #ThreeHundred 2022 Event Partners: 🔹️ @billet_technology 🔹️ @eastcoastmoparts 🔹️ @fastysgarage 🔹️ @barrett_jackson 🔹️ @modfx 🔹️ @dv_werx ⁠ #LSMFwknd #ShareThePassion #LetsGoHigher #ANewEraLaunches #GrassrootsFromDayOne #Dodge #Mopar #dodgegarage #1320club #HEMI @dodgeofficial @stellantisna @officialmopar @jeep @ramtrucks @chrysler #LSMF2022 #CYouAtLSMF #Houston #LXBN #LSMF22 #LSMFest #Texas (at Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cjp6PeyL64G/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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