#Ad Absurdum
anatomoth · 7 months
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"Ad Absurdum". -gouache on Fabriano paper. 2016. . Something older for today. Still getting used to reminding myself I got one more blog to take care of :)
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politikwatch · 8 months
Herr #jensspahn ist #Facharbeiter für #Heuchelei. Leistung muss sich wieder lohnen. Doch Herr Spahn verbreitet #falsche #Zahlen zum #Bürgergeld und hat mit dafür gesorgt, dass #Arbeit zuweilen billig wie Dreck wurde. Kolumne #berlinerzeitung
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fragmentedblade · 4 months
Ratio isn't just socratic nor is his method just socratic. There's a lot of sophist too, with how he is paid and the Genius Society looks down on that.
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alexjcrowley · 1 year
Saying Swiss Army Man is about gay necrophilia is like saying Oedipus Rex is about a guy who fucks his mom. You're only technically correct.
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letsbealone-together · 3 months
Hab endlich die diesjährige Spatort Rezension meiner Mama bekommen.
Sie hat nach einer halben Stunde abgeschaltet, weil sie die Vorgeschichte vergessen hat und sie dadurch nicht reingekommen ist. Es war kein richtiger Tatort, weil es keine Leiche (bis dahin) gab. Außerdem würden sich Polizisten nicht so idiotisch verhalten.
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Round 1 Poll 26
Reductio ad absurdum
"Reduction to the absurd"
Means taking an argument to the most extreme conclusion to show how the opposite scenario is better
Notably used in Ancient Greek philosophy
Si quaeris peninsulam amoenam circumspice
"If you seek a pleasant peninsula look around"
Michigan state motto
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arsanimarum · 1 year
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Georges Bataille, Erotism: Death and Sensuality
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redrcs · 1 year
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Reductio ad Absurdum
fragmentary reflections at the Eumundi Markets
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malobanshee · 1 year
My therapist makes me use a feelings list because I have an extremely difficult time recognizing feelings or even that I have a body at all. Anyway, today I got frustrated because "angry" wasn't precise enough, and so I had to look at the list and give a more precise word. I blurted out, "What is the difference between enraged and furious, aren't those synonyms for the same feeling??!?!"
She responded simply, "you get to decide."
I shit you not my brain short circuited and I still don't know what the fuck that means. You...get to decide what words mean? THAT IS NOT HOW LANGUAGE WORKS?!?!!!! Isn't there supposed to be a shared understanding of feelings that we all mutually agree upon so that we can use language with as much precision as is possible (which is not much because we are all a bunch of little weirdos with wildly different thinkers)?
Also, a friend described their experience with therapy, and it is counter to this interaction. Her therapist would say, "Choose a word that 100 people would agree upon if they were here to witness this circumstance." This was an exercise in describing a circumstance, not a feeling, but I think that it has some merit here. Because if you can't have that consensus, then that indicates that you are intellectualizing your feelings and trying to ascribe meaning to the circumstance. This urge to create narrative obscures the circumstances as they are and keeps you trapped within the story you tell yourself about the circumstance. So I feel that the goal with expressing feelings would be similar but instead focused on intellectualizing the meaning of words instead of focusing on the feeling itself. DO I JUST NOT UNDERSTAND THE ASSIGNMENT?
Additionally, how is that useful to her if I am just…over here deciding that those words mean the same things or different things if she is just...making assumptions about what I mean when I am saying them?
I feel like I just had a Wizard-of-Oz-man-behind-the-curtain moment.
This is where conventional therapy really breaks down for me. I have a diagnosis of AuDHD (this therapist does not do diagnostics, but is a trauma specialist—my diagnosing therapist referred me to her). She seems to view all of my experiences through the lens of trauma: that I will no longer experience these things (or at least as severely) when the CPTSD is treated. This is difficult for me because I just don't agree that Autism and ADHD are simply biproducts of trauma, or that it is useful to try to extrapolate where one ends and another begins. How would one even propose to do this?
There comes a point where these types of therapeutic tools seem wildly obtuse and useless to me. I will say that I have been able to identify more feelings in a limited capacity. But I do think it would be more useful to be able to express, "I have a weak/medium/strong sense of anger because *insert context here*" than to insist upon a seemingly arbitrary use of ever more granular vocabulary? Also, when pressed, I can feel my body more reliably now. I am on the fence about whether NOT feeling my body is always dissociative, and I am adamant (despite what the therapist recognizes) that there should be a category of neutral states to use in place of emotions where appropriate.
But I guess I get to fucking decide, so now I am just going to tell her that sorry. I decided there are neutral states. You empowered me to this and now you have no choice. 😌
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tenth-sentence · 6 months
Kurt Hirschhorn, a medical geneticist at Mount Sinai Medical School in New York City, pressed the issue to a reductio ad absurdum: the interference with everyone's reproduction to halt the propagation of the load that on the average everyone was said to carry.⁵³
53. Daniel Callahan, "New Beginnings in Life: A Philosopher's Response", in Hamilton, ed., The New Genetics and the Future of Man, p. 95; Lionel Penrose, "Notebooks", c. 1950-62, Lionel S. Penrose Papers, file 77/1. Lederberg, "Experimental Genetics and Human Evolution", p. 524; Kurt Hirschhorn, "On Re-Doing Man", Annals of the New York Academy of Science, 184 (June 7, 1971), 103-12. Peter Medawar had told a BBC audience, "It is simply not true to say that advances in medicine and hygiene must cause a genetical deterioration of mankind." Richard Lewontin emphasized that it was arbitrary to talk even theoretically about genetic load without adequate consideration of the real processes of human birth and mortality, which was missing from the subject at the opening of the seventies. P. B. Medawar, The Future of Man (Methuen, 1959), pp. 32-33; Richard C. Lewontin, "A Proposal for a Training Program in Population Genetics and Demography" [June 1965], American Eugenics Society Papers, box 13.
"In the Name of Eugenics: Genetics and the Uses of Human Heredity" - Daniel J. Kevles
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froggish-androgyne · 7 months
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elucubrare · 11 months
thinking - as often - about that one ancient post that's like "can you have French braids if your world doesn't have a France" and there's a lot of reductio ad absurdum you can do - I said a character was "fighting down panic," and technically panic is etymologically related to the god Pan, so I "shouldn't" use it, and I shouldn't talk about silhouettes (derived from Étienne de Silhouette, French finance minister during the Seven Years War), but once you're delving into things that could be on a fun etymolgy facts listicle, I don't think it's really meaningful -
I could give my perennial advice (it varies from situation to situation, and everyone's anachronism line is different, so just use your judgement), but I do actually have something more specific here:
just rephrase it.
yeah, they don't have French braids, but that lady's hair was "braided closely around her head in a crown." They don't have chicken milanese, but they have "chicken, beat thin and breaded, then fried in oil. she squeezed lemon onto the cutlet, and its bright scent filled the air."
there's nothing wrong with the shorthand of French braids, but the unpacked description of what a French braid actually is isn't that much longer, doesn't bring in a specific thing from our world, and conveys more information.
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samueldays · 2 years
Of banned books and "banned" books
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If you went into a bookstore and saw the books being openly sold, that's strong evidence that they're not banned. (Source for illustration.) This bookshelf is a performative contradiction. You should be ashamed of taking it at face value, instead.
I spent half an hour searching and trying to chase down exactly where The Lord of the Rings was supposedly "banned", because it looked like a particularly implausible entry. Digging into citations and chasing claims, I found a game of telephone and a gradient of weasel words. An initial bombastic reference to "Banned Books" would link to a list of "Banned and Challenged Books" where the subheader negotiates down to "attempts to remove books from schools, libraries and universities" and eventually bottomed out in the American Library Association posting this fucking shit:
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That is not a ban. That is not even vaguely resembling a ban. That's closer to a Florida Man headline. New Mexico Man Burns Bookshelf. Also they spelled it wrong, which underlines how much of a middle-of-nowhere, who-gives-a-fuck town this is.
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It is not the only bullshit entry. In the case of Maus, the supposed "ban" amounts to the fact that the McMinn County Board of Education voted to remove it from the eighth-grade curriculum. This is slightly less retarded because it at least features an official organization, but curricula don't have infinite space and it's still deceitful to use the word "ban" to describe a local curriculum change. The book remains legal to buy, sell, own and read.
I have read the meeting notes of the Board where the motion passed, and they were explicit that they will still be teaching the topic of the Holocaust, but looking for a different book to use. This did not stop circlejerking j*rnalists from crying about Holocaust denial and book bannings, fabricating a Streisand Effect from a non-ban until Maus became a national bestseller. Unlike being banned, being "banned" is very profitable!
When you hear "Banned books", it may be useful to ask "Banned where?" (By whom? When?)
Reductio ad absurdum: I hereby ban all books from my bathroom. It's for your own good, to prevent water damage. Every book is now "banned" for a sufficiently low value of "banned".
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nightsinbluevelvet · 7 months
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The boathouse may have been giffed ad absurdum, but it's always a good idea to celebrate the most beautiful kiss in film history, isn't it?
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Round 3 Poll 7
Reductio ad absurdum
Means "reduction to the absurd"
Means taking an argument to the most extreme conclusion to show how the opposite scenario is better
Notably used by Ancient Greek philosophers
Disco Inferno
"I learn by hellish means," usually translated as I learn through suffering
Also the title of a Quantum Leap episode
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burningtheroots · 1 year
Trans-identified males ('transwomen') who label lesbians who don’t want to include them in their dating pool as "terfs" are not only the reason so many women peak(ed), they‘re also proving that they‘re predatory incels like any other man who whines about women not wanting to date him.
SEXual attraction is innate and based on biological sex. The more they accuse lesbians of transphobia, the more they push them away.
Including people of the opposite sex leads homosexuality ad absurdum, but that‘s what many people wanted since forever.
Additional hint: When you‘re into TiMs & women, you‘re bisexual, not a lesbian. Use the correct term, and stop targeting actual lesbians.
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