#Adam Cole Fan FIc
spine-buster · 23 days
So High School ft. Adam Cole | Chapter 3
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Because he sat on the outside seat, Austin was always delegated to the right earphone, and because she sat on the window seat, Violet was always delegated to the left earphone.  It became a habit for her to just hand him an earphone the moment he sat beside her on the bus.  Likewise, it became a habit for him to begin asking more about her, or her day, or what sorts of things she was studying at St. Anne’s that were different than what he was studying at Lancaster West.  They’d talk about their other interests – hers: student council, the author Zadie Smith, Seventeen magazine, and the TV show The O.C; his: the Lancaster West wrestling team, hanging out with his friends, Rolling Stone magazine, and the TV show One Tree Hill.  Violet promised to start watching One Tree Hill, and Austin The O.C.
Austin was excited to learn new things about Violet.  He noticed himself looking forward to getting on the bus now and spending that time with her in the mornings and afternoons.  He began to notice just how confident her voice and demeanour was.  He noticed the freckles that dotted her cheeks and the bridge of her nose.  He began to stop and look back at her before entering the front doors or Lancaster West High.
Violet was excited to learn new things about Austin.  She noticed herself looking forward to seeing him get on the bus and spending time with him in the mornings and afternoons.  She began to notice just how articulate and dynamic he was.  She noticed the crinkle of his eyes whenever he’d smile or laugh at something she said.  She began to wave to him slightly when he stopped and looked back at her before entering the front doors of Lancaster West High. 
Despite how much they were opening up to one another, Violet always felt Austin was holding something back.
Violet was giddy as she walked with her girlfriends towards Julia Steinbreaker’s house for her birthday.  She told her parents her birthday party would be on the main floor while her parents were up in their bedroom, but Mr. and Mrs. Steinbreaker’s parents were really in Florida for the weekend.  She had a curfew of midnight.  Julia’s brother was a senior at St. Augustine College and some of his friends would be there, too.  It was going to be the best.
When she and her friends walked in the house, they were greeted with loud music and a bunch of their friends and acquaintances.  Word must have gotten around – that, or Julia’s brother told a lot more of his friends than Violet though, and those friends told their friends.  Some other girls from St. Anne’s were there, and there were others she knew attended Lancaster West and other public schools in the city.  She and her friends walked into the kitchen, already eyeing some of the boys.  She grabbed a Diet Coke and cracked it open.  Her friend Beth grabbed her hand and led her through the house to the family room where she spotted Julia’s older brother hanging out with his lacrosse team buddies.
And then she saw Austin.
Violet stopped dead in her tracks when she did.  Beth almost dragged her but stopped when she noticed her staring at someone.  “Austin?”
He didn’t see her at first.  But when he did, his face was just as shocked as hers.  “Violet?”
“Hey!” she exclaimed, letting go of Beth’s hand to approach him and hug him.  Well, this was new.  This was the first time they had acknowledged each other outside of the bus.  They couldn’t even do this in a grocery store with their mothers present just a few weeks ago.  Austin hugged her back, trying not to smile too much and lose his cool.  “What are you doing here?” she asked.
“My buddy Travis is friends with Julia’s brother from their soccer team or something, so a couple of my buddies and I came,” he explained.  “Julia – St. Anne’s, I’m guessing?”
“Yeah, yeah of course,” Violet nodded her head, trying not to feel too overwhelmed.  He existed outside of the bus.  He was real.  “What a small world, eh?”
“That’s the Toronto poking through, isn’t it?” he quipped.
“Who’s this?”
Austin and Violet whipped their heads towards Beth, who was looking between them with raised eyebrows.  “Beth, this is my friend Austin,” Violet said.  She couldn’t believe she’d just said those words out loud to another person.  My friend Austin.  “He goes to Lancaster West.  We take the bus into the city together.”
“Hello, Austin who goes to Lancaster West,” Beth smiled wryly.  She looked back at Violet.  “You didn’t tell me you had friends at Lancaster West.”
Violet watched as Austin’s smile dropped a little at the way she said Lancaster West.  Like the school was riffraff.  Like it was beneath them to have friends there when it most certainly wasn’t.  “Well I do,” she said.  “We’ve been taking the bus together for forever.”
Beth’s eyebrows rose.  Before she could respond, a boy yelled her name and presented himself in front of them, to which Beth jumped into him excitedly to hug him.  Violet and Austin gave each other a quick glance.  Beth soon focused her attention back on Violet.  “Violet, this is Carson, the guy I was telling you about.”
“Nice to meet you.”
“What are you drinking?” he asked.
“Just a Diet Coke.”
“You’ll definitely want some rum with that,” he smiled.  “Are you a Malibu or Morgan girl?”
“No no, no rum for me,” she shook her head.  She’d had alcohol before, but in the presence of her parents.  They’d ship her off to a convent if she got home and they smelled rum on her breath, especially considering she had lied to them to come to the party in the first place.
“Oh come on, I know you St. Anne’s girls love to party,” he pushed.  “Nobody’s gonna tell Jesus, I swear.”
“I’m alright with my Diet Coke, really.”
“Think of it as unholy water.”
“That’s not how it works.”
“I could even pour it right into your mouth—”
“—She said no,” Austin piped up.  Everybody involved in the interaction looked at him.  “Just leave it.”
“Whatever,” Carson rolled his eyes, putting his arm around Beth’s shoulders.  “You want some vodka?”
“Yes please.”
Beth left with Carson, leaving Violet and Austin alone with one another.  She bit her bottom lip before meeting his eyes.  “Thanks Austin.”
“No problem,” he said.  “I hope you came with other friends besides her.”
Thankfully, she did, and before long she was able to introduce Harper and Abigail to Austin, who were much more friendly than Beth had been.  Austin even introduced them all to the friends he came with, and soon they were all talking and having fun together.  Austin went to the kitchen to get Violet another Diet Coke, and when he came back, she saw he hadn’t opened it.  She smiled to herself.
The house got more crowded – people from Lancaster West, who Austin said hi and spoke to, and some more girls from St. Anne’s.  There was a boy from St. Augustine College’s student council that Violet knew and had a crush on, so tried flirting with him to no avail.  Harper and Abigail paired off with some boys they met.  Some rowdy boys started a drinking game, which encouraged so many others to be obnoxious.  Soon enough, with Harper and Abigail paired off, Violet found herself alone, so she went back into the kitchen to get another Diet Coke.  There, some boys in Lancaster West soccer t-shirts began talking to her.  She was polite and engaged in the conversation, but she really wanted to find Harper or Abigail.
“How about I get you something to mix with that Coke,” the taller one said, grabbing the mickey of vodka he’d brought to the party from the pocket in his jeans.
“Oh no, that’s okay.  I’m not drinking.”
The guy chuckled, glancing at his friend.  “Of course not.  Come on girl, you need to loosen up.”
“I’m perfectly fine, thanks.”
“You know, you’d be hotter if you weren’t so stuck up.”
Violet immediately went red.  “What?”
“You St. Anne’s girls are all the same.  Stuck up daddy’s little rich girls.  Maybe if you took off your fucking chastity belt you’d be better.”
Violet was speechless, her jaw gaping open from not knowing what to say.  With her cheeks already red and her eyes already watering at just how rude the boys were being, she tried to think of something, but couldn’t.  Her emotions were getting the best of her.  Her embarrassment was getting the best of her. 
“Quit being such fucking assholes and leave her alone,” she suddenly heard Austin’s voice from behind her.  She couldn’t even spin around to look him in the face, instead waiting until he appeared at her side.
The boys suddenly seemed more nervous than before.  “Au—Austin—”
“Fuck off,” he warned, scaring them enough that they left the kitchen.  He looked her in the eye, noticing the redness in her cheeks.  “Are you okay?”
Violet felt so embarrassed.  She gripped on to her Diet Coke before backing up to lean against the counter, averting Austin’s eyes.  “I’m fine,” she told him unconvincingly.  “I—I lost all my friends.  They’re all off drinking or with boys.”
Austin saw her body language, saw how defeated she looked, and most of all, how she looked like she was on the verge of tears.  “Hey, this party kinda blows anyway,” he said, getting slightly closer to her.  Want to go somewhere else?”
She finally looked up to meet his eyes.  She’d never been more grateful than in that moment.  “Yes please.”
He nodded once.  “Meet me at the door.  I’ll grab your jacket.”
Violet did as she was told, going to put on her shoes.  Austin appeared with her jean jacket and they left the house inconspicuously.  It was already dark out, but not late – she still had at least two hours to go until curfew.  Austin watched Violet carefully, making sure she was okay, and that she wouldn’t burst into tears at any given moment.  Clearly those guys had struck a nerve.  Once they walked down the driveway and to the sidewalk, he noticed that a few tears had escaped, the wiping of her nose a tell-tale sign, too.  He hated seeing her so emotional about stupid comments some stupid boys made.  “You want to go to Francesco’s?” he asked suddenly, before his mind even realized what he was doing.
“You…you mean the pizza place?”
He nodded.  “There’s no reason those assholes should ruin your night,” he offered.
She nodded shyly, and they began walking down the sidewalk side by side.  After only a few strides, though, she stopped dead in her tracks.  He looked back at her to see what was wrong.  “You don’t think I’m stuck up, do you?” she asked.
“No, I don’t,” Austin’s voice was gentle.  There was a moment of silence where they just stared into each other’s eyes.  Austin hoped she believed him, because he really meant it.  “I think you’re the furthest thing from stuck up.”
Violet nodded, resolved, and began walking again along with him.  They were quiet as they made their way towards Francesco’s, and it was Austin who took the reins once they walked in anyway.  He walked them over to a booth where they sat opposite each other and ordered them both a slice of pizza and a root beer float.  Violet noticed some of the other patrons in the restaurant – a few older couples, probably out on date nights; a big group of high school seniors who were lively but not loud or causing a scene; other local kids in and around their age minding their own business.  She wondered what she looked like to them.
“Can I say something?” Austin asked suddenly.  She didn’t see it because she was people watching and in her own head, but he had been staring at Violet the entire time.  She nodded.  “I think you’re way too smart and way too cool to let what those guys said make you feel this way.”
She cracked a smile for the first time in what felt like a while.  “Thanks Austin.”
“And no offence,” he continued, “Harper and Abigail seem fine, but that Beth girl is a piece of work.”
“Yeah.  I know.  You don’t know the half of it,” she said.  “We became friends in our freshman year because we were in the same math class, but we’ve been growing apart, especially this year,” Violet explained.  “She’s just been…changing.  I mean we both have.  But we’re going in the opposite direction, and I don’t know how far we can stretch before it snaps, you know?”
“It doesn’t seem like you’re anything like each other.  I try to give everybody a chance, but the second she opened her mouth I didn’t get a good vibe from her.”
Violet was silent.  She knew exactly what he was referencing – the Lancaster West comment.  “I know, I know.  I didn’t—I didn’t like that comment she made.  I thought it was really awful of her to say it the way she did.”
“If anybody should be called stuck up, it’s her.”
Violet smiled again.  Their waitress brought them their pizza and root beer floats and Austin automatically took a sip out of his.  They spoke about their friends and other people at the party, giving each other notes.  Who to avoid.  Who was alright.  Everybody knew the teenage years were a minefield for social interaction, so it was nice to get advice from someone else.  The taste of the pizza perked up Violet, and soon she and Austin were laughing together again.  Conversations about friends turned into conversations about school and teachers, and conversations about school and teachers turned into conversations about parents.
“Are your parents already talking about university like my parents are?” Violet asked.
Austin shrugged.  “We’ve talked about it, but they’re not pushing it down my throat or anything just yet.  Are yours?”
Violet nodded her head.  “When your dad’s a university professor it’s kind of inevitable.  I mean, when both your parents are as educated as my parents are, it’s kind of inevitable,” she said.
“Do they want you to go to UPenn?”
“It’s the easiest because we would get discounted tuition.  But my top choices are UPenn, Georgetown, and Boston University, though I’m probably gonna apply to so many more,” she explained.  “They have the best programs for what I want to study.”
“Which is?”
“I want to go into speech language therapy like my mom,” she said, which made Austin smile.  “What about you?  Have you thought about universities or what you want to study?”
Austin stayed silent for a bit.  “I uh—well, I kind of like history, so I was thinking of that, but I don’t—I don’t know if I like it enough to want to pursue it so seriously, you know?”
He was nervous.  What was he nervous about?  This was a normal conversation between two normal teenagers – surely it wasn’t making him so nervous he couldn’t form a coherent sentence?  She tried to ignore it.  “What about universities?”
“Well, places like what you said are kind of, like, unattainable for me.  Marks wise but also money-wise.  I mean, anywhere I end up going, I’ll, uh, have to take out student loans.  Not looking forward to those.”
It was so clear to her now.  She didn’t want to pry, but they were friends now, and she wanted to get to the bottom of it.  She didn’t want Austin to lie to her.  “What aren’t you telling me?” she asked.
Austin looked her in the eye before taking a deep breath.  He needed to get it out of the way now, before their friendship went any further.  It wasn’t exactly an out for her, but she needed to know because it was what motivated him – everything he did was to reach this goal.  He’d rather the judgement come now.  “I want to get into pro wrestling,” he said finally, letting the words linger.
Violet was unsure what he meant at first.  “You mean, like, the Olympic wrestling team?” she asked, knowing he was on the amateur wrestling team at Lancaster West.
“No,” he shook his head.  “Pro wrestling—like WWE.  Wrestling on TV.  It’s—it’s all I’ve ever wanted to do since I was nine years old.”
Austin watched Violet’s face carefully.  He watched and waited for confusion, or a brow furrow, or a scowl at the idea of becoming a pro-wrestler instead of going to university.  It wasn’t exactly a normal career choice, and it definitely wasn’t one a high achiever such as Violet or a parent would approve of – his own mother didn’t.  But instead of confusion or a scowl, he watched as Violet’s face came to a realization with a twinkle in her eye.  A giant smile overtook her face.  “Austin…” she began, almost speechless.  “That is so cool.”
It was now him who was confused with a brow furrow.  “Really?”
“Are you kidding?  Of course,” she assured him.  “All everybody else around me can talk about is AP grades and SAT scores for their programs.  That is so different than what everybody around me wants to do, and it’s so cool that you’re so passionate about something that’s so unique that you want to pursue it like you do,” she said, and she meant it whole-heatedly.  She hadn’t quite met anybody like Austin before, and she was so glad he helped her on the bus that day.
“You think so?” Austin asked.
She nodded enthusiastically.  “I think you’d be really good at it.  You’re a very articulate speaker.  I don’t know much about wrestling but I think that’s part of it.  What’s your plan to do it?”
She listened intently as Austin spoke enthusiastically about what he had to do to achieve his dream.  He had very clearly researched every minute detail beforehand and knew the steps to get there.  The wrestling foundation, which is why he joined the wrestling team; the training at a school in a city near them like Philadelphia or Pittsburgh or even Washington D.C.; making a name for himself on what he called “the indies” before a big company like WWE signed him.  His explanation was detailed and meticulous.  The more he told her, the more she envisioned it for him, the more she wanted it for him, too. 
Austin spoke so much and for so long, long after their pizza slices and root beer floats were finished, long after most of the other patrons left Francesco’s and it was just them in their own little world.  They paid and left, and it was only then, walking out into the briskness of the night that Austin realized how late it was.  He looked at his watch and it read 11:40.  His curfew was midnight.  Neither of them wanted to leave.
“I’ll walk you home,” Austin offered without having to be asked.  There was no way he was going to let her walk home alone at this hour of the night anyway.
“Aren’t you—isn’t your curfew midnight, too?”
“I—yeah—but it’s okay—”
“—Hold on,” she said, reaching into her Coach wristlet.  She pulled out her cell phone.  He had completely forgotten she had one of those Blackberry Pearl cell phones.  Just like her iPod, he was shocked to see it.  There was such a different between them.  “What’s your home phone number?”
He told her, and she dialled it.  He didn’t say anything, and he didn’t know why.  His gut trusted her already.  “Hi, Mrs. Jenkins?  My name is Violet Schwarzkopf, I’m one of Austin’s friends,” she began to say in a very, very polite voice.  “Um, my friends all ditched me at the party and Austin offered to walk me home, but I live on Mulberry Street and I know he has a curfew and—and—I was just hoping he won’t get in trouble for being home a bit late.  I don’t want to walk home alone this late at night.”
Austin almost laughed, but settled on a shit-eating grin.  He didn’t want his mom hearing him laughing and getting any ideas.  “Thank you so much Mrs. Jenkins.  I promise this won’t happen again for Austin.  I’m sorry for calling so late.  Goodnight.”
Austin continued smiling at her and she put her phone back in her wristlet.  “You’re like the mom whisperer.  I need you to talk to her all the time.”
Violet chuckled.  “Let’s go.  My parents aren’t as nice.”
They reached her house on Mulberry Street in just about fifteen minutes, with a comfortable five minutes to spare.  Austin knew he shouldn’t have been shocked at the size or the grandeur of it, but he still was.  As one of Manheim’s few historic streets, almost all of the houses were like this.  But Violet’s was even more so, and the front garden was meticulously maintained, too.  Standing on her front porch, they looked at each other.  “Thank you for making this night so much better than it started,” she said.
“You’re welcome.”
She moved to stick her key in the door, and was about to walk in, but hesitated before turning back to face him.  “I meant what I said at Francesco’s.  I think you’d be amazing at pro-wrestling.  I wasn’t just saying that.  Everything you told me just sounds so cool and I’m, like, rooting for you, you know?  Especially if that’s your dream.”
He smiled, practically blushing.  “Thanks, Vi.”
She then did something that he wasn’t expecting: she reached in and hugged him, wrapping her arms around his shoulders tightly.  He hugged her back before she pulled away.  “Goodnight Austin.”
“G’night, Vi.  I’ll see you on Monday.”
She opened the door and he got a quick, dimly lit glance at the interior of her house – its hardwood floors and big front mirror and fancy lamp that was lit on a fancy entryway console.  So different to his grandma’s house, which didn’t exactly have any fancy lamps or entryway consoles.  He turned away once he heard the door lock, walking down the driveway before looking up at the house one last time before deciding to run home.
He could use the cardio.
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midwestmade29 · 4 months
Challenge 😏
Felt spicy, might delete later 😏 (probably not)
Word count: 1.1k Divider by: @saradika-graphics GIF credit: @cardinalbiggles
Disclaimers: Cursing, oral sex, unprotected sex. Read at your own discretion.
The playful challenge you issued against Adam quickly turns into much more...
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When Adam opened the bathroom door, pillows of steam filled the bedroom. As he walked into view, you noticed he was wearing nothing but a towel tucked around his hips. You did a double take when you saw how perfectly it hung there, just low enough to make you salivate.
Water droplets fell from his wet hair and slid down his body making you want to lick some of them away. “Like what you see princess?” Adam teased when he caught you staring for a little too long.
“Yes, yes I do,” you smirked. You drug your tongue over your bottom lip before taking it in between your teeth. Fuck did he look good.
“I see you commandeered another one of my tshirts. I’m a little offended that it looks better on you than it does me,”
“You know, I was thinking the same thing,” you quipped, making Adam let out a hearty laugh.
“Is that so? Well what if I changed my mind and want it back?” He asked while taking a step towards the bed. He had a devious look in his eyes.
“Then I say why don’t you come over here and try to take it from me then,”
Your challenge was met instantly when Adam leaped onto the foot of the bed, and army crawled on his stomach towards you. You threw off the covers and tried to get away, but he grabbed hold of your wrist and pulled you back down. Your laughter filled the room as he pinned you in place with his body.
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He placed his hands under the hemline of the shirt, making sure his fingertips were grazing your skin as he slid it up your torso. What started as a silly little game turned into something much more as he took in the sight of every inch of your newly exposed skin. You could feel him growing harder against you, surely the towel he had on was about to come loose.
There was zero protest from you when he pulled it up and over your head before tossing it on the floor. “Mmm, just look at you, my beautiful girl. You’re the most perfect thing I’ve ever laid my eyes on,”
Adam’s hand found your breast, making you squirm a little when he started to massage it. His eyes were set intently on yours, watching you and how well you were responding to his touch. He took your nipple in between his fingers as he rolled it and pinched, making it pucker and stiffen.
He kissed his way up your torso starting at each hip bone, sucking and nipping along the trail he was creating with his lips. You let out a contented “mmm” with each new piece of skin they touched, encouraging him to keep going. He sucked your nipple into his mouth harshly, making you gasp as his teeth grazed over it before soothing it with his wet tongue. His movements were driving you crazy!
“A-Adam, please. I want, I need more,” you begged. He loves it when you beg.
“Music to my ears princess,” he smiled and removed your panties. He placed his hands between your thighs and pried them apart, placing his fingertips around your clit and began toying with it. Your hips bucked off the bed from his skilled movements, but you still weren’t satisfied.
“Please, kiss me there. I want your mouth on me,”
“So greedy tonight, aren’t you? My insatiable girl,”
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Adam wrapped his arms under your thighs and pulled you mere inches away from his mouth, diving in and devouring your sweetness immediately. His tongue flicked against your clit, teasing it before sucking into his mouth. His hums of satisfaction vibrated off your bundle of nerves, sending you into overdrive.
One of your hands was wrapped in his hair, the other gripping the bedsheets as if they would both help anchor you. Adam inserted two fingers into your slick cunt, curling them and brushing them against your sweet spot. Adam knows exactly what his beautiful girl needs.
Moments before you were about to cum, Adam removed his fingers from you and flicked his tongue against your clit one last time. You groaned loudly as you tumbled down from the apex instead of over it.
“Wh-why did you stop?!” Your words breathy and full of frustration when you asked. At first Adam didn’t say anything as you watched him sit back on his heels and undo his towel. His cock was practically throbbing and more than ready to be inside your tight cunt.
“Because you will cum when I say so, not when your body decides it’s time. I’m in control princess, we’re playing by my rules,”
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Once Adam was positioned, he pushed himself inside of you, making your back arch off the bed. He placed his hand around your throat, holding you in place and forcing you to look at him. “Eyes on me princess. Don’t you dare look away. I want to watch as you fall apart around me,”
Every thrust was deep and purposeful. The way his pelvic bone pressed against your clit made you moan. Adam was working your body in all the best ways and he was definitely taking what he needed from it.
“You’ve been such a good girl for me. So so good. I can feel how ready you are princess. I think it’s time you let yourself go. Cum for me. I want to hear you and I want to see you,”
As Adam continued to slam himself into you, he finally brought you over the edge. Your eyes were locked on him and you tried your best to keep them open when your orgasm ripped through you. He bent over and kissed you hard, stealing every whimper and moan from you before they even had a chance to greet the air. He fucked you through your release, the feeling of your walls contracting around him did him in.
He erupted inside of you, filling you with everything he had to give. His hair fell around your face as his orgasm made him nearly collapse on top of you from its intensity. His breathing was ragged, his heart was hammering against his chest. The sight of him so undone and so consumed with pleasure gave you goosebumps!
Adam was incredibly sweet afterwards as he cleaned you up. He made sure you were comfortable and taken care of before sliding in bed next to you. With your head on his chest, he wrapped his arms around you while he played with your hair. The two of you fell asleep just like that and remained tangled together until morning.
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coleskingdom · 6 months
Letting Someone Go
Adam Cole x F Reader
Minors DNI 18 + NSFW
@midwestmade29 @madhatterbri
Summary : Revenge and Sad Songs leads to betrayal
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Coles POV
Finding her was never hard when Jay was out of town, she liked a drink and a country cover band at the place in town. She sat at the back by herself with her vodka and soda. She looked more relaxed when she wasn’t around him softer, prettier not that any of that mattered for my plan to work. Jay had made all of this personal, first with the concussion he gave me, then the constant condescension, and finally only half heartedly coming after me as if I wasn’t a threat to him. I needed to hurt him mentally, I needed to shatter his soul, to hit him in his known weakness her. She was going to be collateral damage.
I saw him when he walked in, this wasn’t Cole’s scene. I wondered what he wanted, why he was here. I kicked out a chair, “ Adam sit” I said cooly,” what do you want?” . His eyes showed a slight surprise I clearly had interrupted his thought process. “ what would Jay say about this? You asking me to sit“ the smirk on his face. “ I didn’t ask I’m pretty sure I told you.” my tone unamused. “ Besides, I do this thing called whatever I want. “ raising my drink at him. He didn’t need to know that I had just had a fight with Jay, that we’d been fighting for weeks. He sat down and flagged the waitress down for another round.
“So?” I said eyeing him, his brown hair slicked back into a pony tail, a black v neck shirt, jeans and boots. He was attractive always had been, his eyes a light blue, the lines around his eyes told me he laughed a lot.
Adam’s POV
Fuck, this isn’t going to be as easy as I thought. She’s waiting on me to say something . “ I thought I’d come out to have a drink” I said wondering if I could charm my way in. “Really?” She questioned “ This bar tonight? When I thought you were looking for little ol me” her over emphasized twang making me laugh. “ What? Why?” I asked “Oh I don’t know, Jay is my boyfriend, you have a vendetta against Jay, you want to get at him by irritating me.” She said “ That’s it isn’t it.” as my face was clearly shocked. “You’re all the fucking same.”
“You can have the table, I’m done.” anger rising. “I swear to God it never fucking stops. Between the time away , the travel, the kayfabe that turns into a shoot. It’s too fucking much. I can’t even come out for a drink and a sad fucking song without his shit following me. Fuck.” Adam’s face fell, “ Hey, I’m sorry” he said his tone sincere, “Are you okay?” “If I wasn’t why would I tell you?” Wiping a tear from my eye. “No, I’m not okay. I just wanted a drink, to get away from all of the bullshit.”. taking a swig of my drink. “ How about a dance?” he said “ Your serious?”I said looking at him quizzically. He offered his hand, I accepted even if it was the worst dance ever it’d be funny. He led me to the dance floor the band started a cover of “PBR promenade ” he pulled me close and he led me in a two step, he didn’t say anything just led me across the dance floor.
Adam’s POV
There it was her walls coming down, I danced her across the floor. A little spin, my hand appropriately placed with just enough pressure to seem like I was enjoying this. Nothing like a soundtrack of cheating and heartbreak songs as a sound track to this plan, maybe it makes it easier, the idea of lost love, dreaming of someone else than who you’re with. She does feel good in my arms , she’s feisty but just wants someone to meet her half way. Her soft clean perfume, made me pull her closer, as the song ended. I held her a little bit longer. “ Thanks for the dance “ she said pulling away, her face a mix of emotions. “No problem” I said my hand lingering in hers. “ What’s one more dance?” pulling her back in, she nestled her head on my shoulder,I heard her sigh. My head and heart at war with each other. “You’re okay” I don’t know if the words whispered were for her or me. I felt her tears on my shirt, the words of the song hitting her , the only lyrics I heard were her soft breath and sighs as she pulled me closer.
“You can't lie to yourself
After loving something true
And I've never loved a soul
Quite the way that I loved you
You told me you despise
Everything that I've become
How we always turn into
Everything we're running from”
Why did he feel so good and why did I not feel guilty ? I’m crying in the shoulder of the last person I should be, but he’s here, and his hands feel good. It’s just a dance I can leave as soon as the songs over. I can tell Jay I danced with him, I can tell him he won’t be happy. He smells good, he’s so warm.
“Take it slow as you leave me
Don't you go home this evening
With someone
You're acting like is me
And I will try my hardest darling
Wait on a star that's falling
And I will wait so desperately
One thing I have quickly come to know
Nothing kills you slower than
Letting someone go”
The song ended, the last line of the song, the double meaning as I let go of his hand. Walking from the dance floor, grabbing my purse and out the front door of the bar. I got to my truck, I couldn’t breathe. I heard his footsteps, “I can’t let you leave like this” Adam’s voice soft, “let me drive you home.” his hand soft on my face. I looked into his blue eyes, there was a sadness there I recognized. I kissed him, his mouth reluctant,before giving in and pushing me up against my car as his body pressed closer into mine.
Adam’s POV
“Listen, I need to tell you something” I said needing to tell her what my plan was, I needed absolution from this. “ I don’t care, whatever it is I don’t care” she said cutting me off. Kissing me again wrapping her arms around my neck. If she doesn’t care then who am I to force the issue it’s what I came here to do. I kiss her deeper bringing her as close to me as I can. “ Honey, we can stay here, I can take you home, or you can come home with me.” In her ear.
I should just go home, I should just go home but why does he feel so good? Jay would forgive anyone but him, I’m not going to delude myself into thinking he wouldn’t find out. He presses me further against the truck, parting my legs with his, kisses move down my jaw, and to my ear I barely recognize the noises coming out of my own mouth. “Adam, truck please” he moved me barely catching my breathe to the side as he opened the truck door and climbed in the drivers side, he chuckled and smiled as he looked at me as he moved the bench seat back before helping me up and settle on his lap. Face to face in the truck it feels more intimate than it should, he kisses me again bringing me back to the moment and my overwhelming desire for him.
“Honey , you’re gonna be the death of me” as he bucked his hips in to me making me whimper. He continues his ministrations kissing down my jaw and neck as I grind against his lap, the combination of his jeans and the seam of my shorts the friction on my clit was addictive. I reached around and pulled his hair down. As I pulled away from his mouth on my neck reaching for the hem of his v neck, as I pulled it up over his head. His chiseled chest and arms further stoke the fire inside. He hums as I run my hands down his chest letting me take my time. “Honey, as pretty as you look in this top, I’m gonna need it gone as I’m much more interested in what’s underneath.” I raised my arms so that he could take it off.
"Honey you're fucking perfect," Adam pulls your hand that was going to cover yourself and places it between both your crotches onto his hard cock. You both moan out at the sensation. Adam reaches up to unbutton your shorts and you aid him in pulling them down and tossing them to rest with your discarded shirts. Only the black lace thong remained. The phone rang in my purse but I ignored it.
Adam’s fingers toyed with the edge of my panties before he pulled my panties to the side to catch a glimpse of your wetness.
"All for you Adam," Adams whole body audibly twitched at that admission and he pulled me in by the back of the head for another deep kiss with his hand that wasn't between my legs. As you kissed messily with your free hands palming over his length Adam increased his speed and plunged his middle finger into you. I moaned against his mouth at the intrusion and whimpered trying to find something coherent to say.
"Adam please I'm so close,"
"I know honey, please cum for me." Adam begged whilst he circled my clit once more with his thumb. Feeling myself clench around him Adam repeated his actions over and over as I moved against him as pleasure overcame me. Breathing hard. I kissed him, parting from the kiss, he stuck his fingers in his mouth and licked them clean. His blue eyes focusing on mine as the phone rang again. “ You probably should get that , he’s gonna keep calling.” his cocky tone bringing the gravity of what we just did to the forefront of my mind. I dug for the phone and tried to get off his lap his hands held my hips in place.
I answered “ Hey Jay, sorry I didn’t hear the phone in the bar.” trying to compose my voice, Adam mouthed put it on speaker, I mouthed no . He reached for the phone and hit the speaker button. Adam heard Jays explanation for the fight and the generic I’m sorry. Adam bucked up into me causing a laugh curse moan to fall from my lips. “Are you okay he asked?” his voice concerned. “I’m tipsy, and I just kind of tripped.” trying to not moan again. He chastised me for being out tipsy, that I should be more careful. “I’ve got to go, we will talk when you get back.” as Adam found the place on my neck. I hung up the phone finally releasing the breath I held. “Oh Honey, did you think I was going to say something?” I nodded, “ Why would I do that? When your neck has the imprint of my lips on it.” his cocky tone replacing the soft sweet tone, that he’d used earlier. I got off of his lap and put back on my clothes refusing to meet his eyes. “Honey don’t be that way, we had fun, I know you did. “his grin caused a shiver down my spine. “This is all up to you, you can tell him break his heart, I can tell him, or I’ll make a one time offer we don’t tell him and we do this again sometime.” his voice fully composed and with an edge. “Adam” my voice pleading with him not sure what I was agreeing to. “ I’m gonna say you’re gonna pick the first or last option, no need to answer now. You’re too feisty to let me be the one to do it, but you do have a self preservation instinct. However , I think you liked this more than you’re going to admit” as he reached for his shirt putting it back on. “Get out” refusing to look at him. “ Honey, I’m going” he turned my face to his and kissed me again deeply and possessive before getting out of the truck and shutting the door. I didn’t know what I was going to do. As I started the truck and drove away.
Adam’s POV
The mix of emotions that were warring inside was not what I expected. I expected to feel satisfied instead, I missed her, and realized that I wouldn’t hurt her, even if it furthered my goal. Though something told me she’d be back as I watched her peel out of the parking lot.
Song list
PBR Promenade American Aquarium
Letting Someone Go Zach Bryan
Something in the Orange Zach Bryan
Sun To Me Zach Bryan
City Lights American Aquarium
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patspeed · 2 years
Wrestling Twitter trying too out compete Tumblr wrestling fan fic writers with a buck wild conspiracy theory .
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madhatterbri · 3 months
Revenge Tour Canceled | F.B.
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Summary: Can I request Fem!reader is Liv’s pupil & #1 fan of the LRT. Reader has been training hard so they can one day be future tag champs, but starts to get ignored after Liv brings in Finn & JD. Tired of being pushed aside she costs Finn/JD their titles to Priest/Dom. Liv goes after reader but is taken down by her pupil. Reader then takes off her Revenge Tour “friendship” bracelet.
Author's Note: No romance in this. Just kinda wanted to find a place to fit this in my masterlist. Also, Finn dancing with the tag titles is a great way to start a Monday. 😂
No part 2 for this fic.
Requested by: Anon
Taglist: @plentyoffandoms @theworldofotps
"Oh my God! Oh my God!" Michael Cole announced.
"What is going on?" Pat McAfee questioned the scene, playing out before him.
"Y/N! She is turning on Liv Morgan. Ladies and Gentlemen, Y/N has had enough of the Liv Morgan Revenge Tour. She is canceling it right now," Michael paused as he saw the drama unfold in the middle of the ring.
Y/N finally snapped after months of being jerked around. When Liv returned at Royal Rumble, Y/N became her pupil. She soaked in all her teachings like a sponge. They worked well together. Their working relationship turned into a friendship. They wore friendship bracelets that they made for one another.
Liv gave her advice on how to become a star in the ring. Y/N picked up extra training time to better herself. Whenever she started to slack off, Liv would buy her back with fake promises of going after the Women's Tag Team Championship.
Things were going well until Liv started to invest her time with Finn and JD. Y/N was pushed to the back burner, and she didn't like it. After weeks of being ignored, the forgotten pupil spoke to Adam Pearce.
The main event for Monday Night RAW would have Finn and JD versus Damian and Dom for the tag team titles. Liv was furious but couldn't track down who called for this match. Y/N, pretending to still be a loyal fan of the tour, vowed to find the person that did this to them.
During the match, Liv continuously intervened to aid Finn and JD. It all stopped when Y/N came out of the ring. She distracted the ref to help Damian and Dom. After her interference, the archer of infamy and dirty Dom won the titles. Y/N and Liv met in the middle of the ring.
"Why would you do that?" Liv screamed into the microphone. "Why would you betray our friendship?"
"I betrayed our friendship? Really? How are our tag team titles run coming along? Too focused on boys that you forgot your girl," Y/N accused and pointed to herself.
Liv's nostrils flared up. "You are going to regret ever crossing me,"
"I'm coming for the belt next," Y/N threatened and dropped the microphone. She started to walk away from her.
"Don't you walk away from me! I made you and I can destroy you!"
Y/N saw Liv move to attack her from behind on the Jumbotron. She ducked and turned around. Y/N speared her to the ground. Liv dropped her belt on the floor and wrapped her arms around her stomach.
The former pupil laughed and picked up the microphone. She removed the friendship bracelet from her wrist. "We are done,"
Liv continued to scream at her despite being unable to get up from the ground. Y/N picked up the championship belt and admired it.
"Looks better on me, right guys?" Y/N asked the audience and walked away with the belt.
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luke-hughes43 · 10 months
hello hello!
so my name is meg, I'm 20 and I'm from the Boston area! I'm a massive hockey fan and I'll write for most players if you ask!
I have a variety of aus and mostly everything for each au is under the tag for the girls!!!
I'm always open to write stand alone fics outside of my AUs as long as you send the request of what your looking for and who want it about!
*disclaimer: any and all pics for the AUs and insta edit I got from pinterest and instagram and are not my own*
Stella's World
Stella Zegras and Luke Hughes
Bella Murphy and Ethan Edwards
Avery Johnson and Dylan Duke
Paige Greene and Mackie Samoskevich
Fiona Swanson and Mark Estapa
Trevor Zegras and Mackenzie Boldy
Seamus Casey and Ella Woods
Dad!Jack with daughter Alyssa Hughes and Sarah Hunt
Gavin Brindley and Emma Woods
Matt Boldy and Abby Jackson
Quinn Hughes and Claudia Larkin
Cole Caufield and Caroline Campbell
Cutter Gauthier and Rebecca McGroarty
Pat Moynihan and Cassie Hughes
Will Smith and Kathryn Donato
Eden's World
Cutter Gauthier and Eden Hughes
Will Smith and Danielle Duke
Ryan Leonard and Isla Gauthier
Gabe Perreault and Kelsey White
General Knowledge
Luke Hughes and Melissa Moynihan
Johnny Beecher and Kaitlyn Granowicz
Jeremy Swayman and Olivia Brown
Steve Holtz and Haley Cameron
Seth Jarvis and Elizabeth Davis
Adam Fantilli and Lauren Grant
Luca Fantilli and Sophia Kelly
Rutger McGroarty and Francesca Fantilli
Macklin Celebrini and Allison Carter
Gabby's World
Gabby Perreault and Will Smith and Ryan Leonard
Riley's World
Riley Leonard and Will Smith and Gabe Perreault
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arudoe · 10 months
talk about bruise anything you want, i wanna hear
i alr talked about some hcs so ill chat a bit about some aus i have heehee!
- idol jay au !
i feel like this one is prolly the most well known (only because its the only one ive ever drawn for….) but basically jay is an idol/musician and cole is his nr1 fan! it was very inspired by prime empire and also those like harry styles x reader wattpad fics from back in the day… yeah…
all ive got for the story so far is that cole went to a fansign event and while getting his magazine signed jay also sneaks his personal phone number on one of the pages (something along tbe lines of xxx-xxx-xxx text me o_<) and… yeah things move on from there 🙏🙏
- mad scientist jay and his creature cole
OKAYY this might be one of my weirder ones but i think about it a lot 😭😭
anyways jay is a disabled basement dweller college dropout scientist guy and one day he kind of feels some paranormal presence in his lab and conducts a bunch of tests and comes to tbe conclusion there is a ghost floating around in his lab. so like the normal person he is he tries to communicate with it but only gets a bunch of weird cryptid messages that dont make sense… so he comes to bright idea of “hey! i should make this ghost a vessel they can possess!” so he makes a body frankenstein style and low and behold his plan worked!
cole, a ghost from the 80s who possessed the body is now chilling in jays lab with him, but like most people who have been dead for over 40 years he is very curious about the outside world and what has changed.
but jay for some reason is very adamant about him not going outside at all, which causes some tension between the two..
(the reason is jay has abandoned issues) (also cole is kind of a freak of nature) (affectionately)
I LIKE THIS AU A LOT cus its so stupid honestly and i love me some ghost cole also like im still mad about how ninjago decided to completely discard jays love for inventing… let the man make his little trinkets…
- wizard school au
basically what it sounds like… they are wizards.. at a wizard school… and do magic…
yes this was partly inspired by h*rry p*tter BUT ONLY THE VIBES (i barely remember the movies)
BUT UM this is like a whole universe thing and theres so so much lore and world building so… if u want a separate post about it… lmk
- roommates au!
this is my most recent one (and the one i think about the most) but um yeah pretty self explanatory it was based off this jdrama/manga called good morning call so uhhh ya!
basically cole and jay were enemies throughout highschool and basically spend all their energy hating each other but they to their separate ways during college but reunite (unwillingly) as roommates!
they navigate living with each other and learn to let go of their hate (which stemmed from a mixture of misunderstandings and insecurities) and then eventually fall in love!!
i think this is the au i have the most work done on (i have a draft for every major scene that happens in the story heehee) and perhaps! one day i will actually make it a real thing !
so um yeah! i have a bunch more but most of them are very unfinished or just… vague ideas or vibes i go by… i also have some aus that arent bruise so um if anyone wants to hear about those… smiles
BUTTT TYSM FOR UR QUESTION i dont rly say this a lot but any interaction i get with my content means the world to me and i always giggle and kick my feet when reading reblog comments bc everyone is so nice 🥹🥹
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blizzardsuplex · 9 months
I looooooved the devil's dictionary so much. You really managed to break down Adam's character in a way that was fun and painful and quirky. I'm still a pretty new fan to wrestling (relatively), so I wanted to ask about this part: NECESSARY, adj. Apparently, extremely difficult to do. He’s never personally had a problem with it, because he’s almost always acted in the interest of what’s necessary for himself (and we don’t talk about the last time he didn’t). Maybe he doesn't talk about it, but I gotta know: what's this referring to??
OMG HELLO THERE! This is my first fic ask ever I think and if you're the commenter I'm thinking of, I'm really touched that you've read and commented on so many of my silly little fics! Also I recognize your name on here too from my GIFs, so...
Anyway, enough rambling! Tl;dr on NECESSARY: I was thinking of All In 2023 specifically, but IDK if in canon that was also all part of the Undisputed Kingdom's plan. If I'm being truthful, though, I am not very confident in my Adam lore/knowledge compared to some others (though I wonder who those could be.......), so it could be referring to his sporadic babyface periods in ROH, too.
That makes me extra delighted that you enjoyed this idea TBH and thought it was a good breakdown of Cole. This is a super messy reply but I'm just. Oh man. You literally made my night and thank you SO MUCH.
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azurezfiction · 2 years
What are your favorite ships for Power Rangers characters? Especially for characters like Conner and Javi?
That is a very loaded question! I have a lot of ships that I have for my favourite characters (main of which can be considered rarepairs or crackpairs). Before we get to those, let's tackle Conner and Javi first shall we?
So, for Conner. When it comes to shipping for him, I tend to lean towards outside of the Dino Thunder team. (mainly because you can tear CassidyxEthan from my cold, dead, rotten corpse thank you very much). A friend of mine and I joked about the DT rangers meeting the Squadron rangers, and Conner immediately swooing over Xev and Telosi.
Look me in the eyes and tell me Conner wouldn't immediately start simping over Xev, Telosi and their muscles.
He probably also has a thing for Cole. Especially those biceps and Ryan. And Shane. And Hunter. and Dustin. Adam. Rocky. Definitely Jason. Big time. Eric is out though. He shares a name with Conner's bro, and that's a major no. He'd absolutely go ga-ga over Dillion. Damon's, TJ, Mike C, and Leo too. Chad.
I'd say Joel too but... lets be honest, no one can win against Angela Fairweather. No one.
Anyone with muscles, Conner's there. But when it comes to romantic involvement for shipping? Xev, Telosi, Dillion, Cole, possibly Shane. Depending on how it's written, DustinxConnerxHunter... long as Dustin isn't Erik McKnight's teacher, I'm good.
Now, for Javi...
I'm blaming @skyland2703 for my growing fondness for JavixAmelia. It's a very cute couple, and I can't believe I never thought of them as a ship until I started seeing their content. Another friend of mine has also made me a fan of Javi x Ollie too, and with Russell's (Zayto) recent tweet it does make me curious if Javi x Zayto will happen or the potential it could hold.
As for my favourite characters... I have a variety of ships~ I'll go in order of series that way no one gets left out or behind.
MMPRS1-Turbo 1: Katherine x Billy; One of my top OTPs of all time. I really wanted them to have nice things. Tommy x Jason, Tommy x Kim: These two have my heart~ And you can't tell me something wasn't going on between Tommy and Jason through the series. Adam x Rocky, Adam x Rocky x Aisha x Tanya, Adam x Tanya, Rocky x Aisha, Aisha x Shawna, Aisha x Tanya; Do I really need to explain? These four are pretty much rock solid. Splitting them apart if like a huge NO imo. Turbo 2-Wild Force TJ x Cassie; Lets be honest, the Phantom Ranger was never gonna stick around for Cassie. She needs someone dependable in her life and that's TJ. Zhane x Andros: Once again, utterly blaming a friend of mine for this. I've fallen down the rabbit hole and can't seem to get out. Zhane x Astronema/Karone: I can't help it. It's a cute ship! Mike Corbett x Carlos Vallerte: My OTP of Power Rangers. I forever be shipping them and hopefully getting my motivation to actually get writing them, I read a fic several years ago that made me ship them. Unfortunately that fic no longer exists. Kai x Damon; literally don't know how I came up with this one, but I thought it would be pretty cute that the engineer/mechanic and the uptight soldier would hook up with one another, and Damon endlessly flirting with him non-stop even during work hours~ Ryan x Carter: My OTP of Lightspeed. I feel like Ryan would be great for Carter, helping him come out of his shell a bit and be a more explorative while sharing quiet moments when it's simply the two of them. Dana x Taylor; Soft military nurse that will kill you with kindness and Taylor that disciplined military pilot that can kick your ass with a glare? It can't go wrong! Nancy x Kelsey: It's match made in heaven. PROVE. ME. WRONG. Eric x Wes, Eric x Wes x Jen: It's inevitable that they three will end up together. And you can FEEL that chemistry/tension between Eric and Wes on scream. They definitely have something back during their school days. Katie x Trip: Do I need to explain? Merrick x Cole: I have a weakness for these two, it's just... they simply FIT together. Ninja Storm - RPM Dustin x Hunter: I like how the two bounce off each other, and their aesthetics that match together. They definitely have very good chemistry together and I can see them ending up together at the end of Ninja Storm. Ethan x Cassidy: LET. THEM. HAVE. NICE. THINGS. Sky x Bridge: I know, I know. I've been pulled on the Sky x Bridge train, but you can't tell me there isn't something going on between them. Vida x Chip: I really love these two. I know they are best friends and everything, but at the same time, I feel like their romance is something very believable that can happen between them. Giving it the proper time to grow. Xander x Nick: This is a guilty pleasure of mine but like... *squints* like you can't tell me that the two had SOMETHING happening when no one was looking. RJ x Casey: Need I say more? There's no heterosexual relationship about them. Dillion x Ziggy:... Just let me have this. Please? They personally had more chemistry in my eyes than Dillion and Summer. But that's simply me. Flynn x Gemma: SOUL MATES. Samurai to Dino Fury/Cosmic Fury(?) Jayden x Antonio: THERE IS NO HETEROSEXUAL EXPLANATION FOR THESE TWO. Gia x Emma: I say by what I say when I say Gia should have been leader and red. Noah x Orion: Nerdy boy and alien? SO MUCH POTENTIAL! Tyler x Shelby: One of the few times I do enjoy the main couple in the show~ Matt Griffin x Tyler x Ivan: I blame my friend for this but you can't tell me it wouldn't be interesting. The modern cowboy, the explorer, and the knight? Imagine the shenanigans! Izzy x Fern: QUEENS. They deserver EVERYTHING! I don't really ship a lot involving Beast Morphers, Ninja Steel, or Dino Fury yet. I'm waiting to see what Cosmic Fury holds first to see how the relationships grow and change for the second season.
My number 1 crackship of all time:
Dane Romero x Mr Kelman x Andrew Hartford: Involving time shenanigans that ensure all three are around the same age and being able to be in love and be together without any problems. I have NO idea why or how I came up with this ship, but it's mine and I love it~
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blackbellaswan1 · 1 year
i have been really invested in mjf x adam cole fan fic
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spine-buster · 30 days
So High School ft. Adam Cole | Chapter 2
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A/N: Thanks to those who have liked and/or reblogged. Please remember that a lot of us authors thrive from likes, reblogs + fun tags, asks, etc. about our work! We put so much time and effort into our writing. It seems like there's such little engagement with authors and fics on here these days and we need to bring it back!
The house was quiet, which was odd for the afternoon.  Usually, if they were both home, Austin was streaming on Twitch and Violet would be out of view of the screen reading a book or in the office completing a session with one of her patients.  But Austin wasn’t streaming, and she wasn’t in a session.  Instead, as she wandered through the house and into the main living area, she saw Austin sitting up on the couch, legs up and outstretched on the chaise.  He was just…there.  Not watching TV, not on his phone, not reading, not playing video games…nothing.  Just staring at nothing, perceiving nothing, an empty look in him. 
When Kyle had texted earlier that day, he suggested they get together soon so he could bring his daughter Janie over.  She was such a character, and Austin loved playing with her.  Violet knew it would cheer him up, at least even momentarily, and they agreed that Kyle would drop by “unannounced” tomorrow.  But in the meantime, Violet would have to get to the core of what was wrong, although deep down she knew.
Another injury.  Another setback.
She didn’t say a word as she walked across the room, even when Austin made eye contact with her.  Almost immediately he looked away, like they were back on the bus to Lancaster all those years ago.  He couldn’t bear to look at her, because he knew if he did, he’d start tearing up.  Maybe he would anyway.
Even when she snuggled into the side of his body, he didn’t look at her.  Couldn’t look at her.  She didn’t sense any coldness from him – she never did – and that was the worst part.  It felt simultaneously like Austin, her Austin, was there but not there, at the same time.  “Talk to me,” she whispered, trying to snake her arms around her shoulders to bring his body closer to hers.  He shook his head.  “Austin, talk to me,” she pressed.
He kept shaking his head.  Finally, a single tear fell.  The red blush of anger began to overwhelm his face.  “Again,” was all he could say, quietly but with a deep, deep sense of frustration.
She cupped his face in her hand, his beard rubbing against her skin.  “Austin—”
“Every day I watch you.  I watch you make me food and do my laundry and help me get out of the car and I hate it.  I fucking hate it—”
“You’re always taking care of me, taking care of us, and I’m just here, useless—”
“—Don’t call yourself that—”
“—I just, I feel so fucking defeated, Vi.  I hate doing this to you.  I hate it.  I see you get down on your knees to help me put on my fucking shoes and I’m this close to just losing it.”
Violet crawled onto his lap before touching their foreheads together.  Austin was getting redder from trying to hold it all in, and she wanted so desperately to take all his anger and frustration out of him.  Hell, she would take it if it meant not seeing him like this.  “I do those things for you because I love you.  Because I want to,” she whispered.
He shook his head.  “All those nights when I had the concussion, when you’d wake up with me because I was freaking out for no reason and you would calm me down even though sometimes it would take hours—”
“—Austin, I wasn’t going to let you go through all of that alone.  I did all that because I love you more than anything, because I know you would do the same for me,” she said.  That was a difficult time.  Painful and difficult.  And dark.  So dark.  When Austin took the brain test and only scored a 38 she remembered how much he sobbed.  She held it together in front of him but once he was asleep, she went into their bathroom and let it all out too, crying and crying until she got a headache.
“I don’t want to put you through that shit again, but I am.  I hate myself for it.”
“Shhhhhhhhh,” Violet cooed as she watched Austin break down entirely, burying his head in the crook of her neck as she hugged him close to her body.  He cried into her neck, a cathartic experience for him as he was letting it all out.  Violet was doing everything she could, everything she knew Austin liked, so she could calm him down: running her fingers through his hair lightly, soft kisses, whispering into his ear.
It was only when he raised his head did she see the true extent of his tears, a wet face with glistening cheeks and red eyes looking into hers.  “I can’t stand not being able to give you everything.  Give you what I promised I would,” he whispered in a voice frail and brittle.
Violet cupped his face in her hands, her thumbs wiping his tears away lightly as she shook her head slightly.  “You’re my everything, Austin.”
Austin let out a deep breath, almost as if he needed to hear those words.  “No matter how much I say I love you, I always love you more than that.”
They kissed, and when Austin buried his face into the crook of Violet’s neck again, there were no more tears – well, less tears – and instead, a sense of restoration, a sense of calm, a sense of peace.  The feeling that things would be okay despite another hardship being thrown their way.  The feeling that their love was stronger than this.  The feeling that, despite everything, after almost two decades together, a broken ankle wasn’t going to break Austin, or Violet, or their relationship.
The next day that Austin got on the bus, he saw Violet in his regular seat against the window.  She’d gone from “Maybe we should be friends” to stealing his seat in a matter of 24 hours.  He walked towards her after paying his fare and slipped into the seat beside her.  Violet was chipper as ever, despite it being early in the morning.  “Do you like listening to music?”
Austin was sort of taken aback by the question.  Was there anybody who didn’t?  “Yeah, of course,” he nodded.  “Why?  What do you like to listen to?”
Violet unzipped a small pocket on her backpack and pulled out something Austin was shocked to see – an iPod.  While many of his friends had different types of MP3 players, nobody he knew actually had an iPod.  “There’s this band that I just found.  They’re called Fall Out Boy.  They released an EP called My Heart Will Always Be the B-Side To My Tongue.  It’s acoustic – do you like acoustic?”
He was temporarily blinded by the iPod that he didn’t fully register what she was saying about Fall Out Boy.  “You have an iPod?” he asked, looking between her and the device in shock.
“Oh.  Uh, yeah,” she nodded.  “My aunt in Toronto got it for me for Christmas last year.  It’s pretty cool.”
“I’ve never seen one in real life before,” he almost chuckled out.  “I don’t know anybody who has one.”
Violet handed it to him, and he held on to it like it was a diamond.  “You can click through it and find something you like.”
“Uh, thanks,” he said, moving his finger along the clickwheel.  In their silence, she shuffled through the same pocked for headphones – a pair from Apple, he noticed, since the wires were white and the buds were circle shaped.  She stuck the end into the headphone jack and handed him the right bud.  So they were going to listen to songs on her iPod together?  Okay.  He looked her in the eye.  “You like Fall Out Boy?”
Her eyes lit up again.  He was immediately endeared, but he wouldn’t know that until much later.  “I really love that EP.  Do you listen to them?”
He nodded.  Clicking through, he found the album and clicked the first song.  They sat together on the bus, one earbud in each, listening to the whole album the rest of the way into Lancaster.
Later that night, as they crawled into bed, Austin snuggled into Violet as he always did, except this time there was an air of neediness in his body language.  Their bodies intertwined with one another’s naturally.  “I meant what I said earlier today,” he whispered.  “I love you more than I can say a lot of the time.”
“I know.  I meant what I said too about you being my everything,” Violet replied.  “I want you to remember that when things get hard.  When your mind plays tricks on you.  Remember my voice telling you that.”
Austin and Violet introduced each other to a lot of new music.  He would board the bus and introduce her to an album, and she’d go home and download it and put it on her iPod.  She would board the bus and introduce him to an album, and he’d go home and download the MP3s of it immediately before burning a blank CD.  Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge by My Chemical Romance.  Hot Fuss by The Killers.
“My dad was listening to Mr. Brightside with me last night when I was playing it on the computer.  He loved it,” Violet said one morning as the bus barrelled down the highway towards Lancaster.  “He said it was very catchy.  He’s going to listen to the whole album next Monday when he has to drive to Philly.”
“Why does he need to go to Philly?” Austin asked.
“My dad’s a professor at UPenn,” she said.  “He lectures on international diplomacy and German politics.  I mean, with a name like Schwarzkopf, you know,” she shrugged, trying to joke.  “When he has to lecture, he stays in Philly.  So he’s gone Monday and Tuesday nights because his lectures on Mondays and Wednesdays.  He has a small apartment there that the university subsidizes.  He comes home by dinner on Wednesdays.  My mom at least stays in Manheim or just goes to the surrounding towns for her work.”
“What does she do?”
“My mom’s an SLT.”
Austin furrowed his brows slightly.  Was he supposed to know what that was?  “What’s that mean?”
“A speech language therapist.  She used to work at a practice with a lot of kids, like helping them with their speech impediments.  Getting them to pronounce their Rs correctly or help them with their lisps or stutters.  But since moving to Manheim she usually works with older people who have had, like, strokes and stuff.  She helps them with regaining their speech and their swallowing.”
Austin nodded, digesting all the information Violet was telling him.  No wonder she went to private school.  No wonder she pronounced and enunciated all her words so clearly it almost sounded like she had an accent.  No wonder she lived on Mulberry Street in Manheim.  With a university professor dad and a speech language therapist mom, was there any other possibility?  “That all sounds pretty…intense,” Austin offered.
Violet looked at him, wondering if that was his invitation for her to come in a bit more.  “It is,” she said, offering him very little.  “I mean, it—it can be, sometimes.  What do your parents do?”
He looked down at his feet and bit his lip momentarily before answering.  “Um, my parents are divorced.  My mom’s a hairstylist but she’s also studying to become a real estate agent.  My dad works in construction.  We…uh…we live with my grandma at her house.”
Violet gave him a look at the way those words came out of his mouth.  “You don’t have to be self-conscious about that, you know,” she told him.  “That’s nothing to be ashamed of.”
Austin shrugged his shoulders.  “I guess.  I mean plenty of my friends’ parents are divorced.  I just never thought mine would be one of them, you know?”
Violet nodded with him.  “My dad…when I say he’s German, I mean he’s German German.  Like he grew up in Frankfurt and then went to Toronto to study at the university, and that’s where he met my mom.  My mom’s got family back in Toronto, but here in Pennsylvania, it’s just us.  Literally just us.  That’s why we’re so…close, I guess.  Because without one another, we’d have nobody.  So I understand how hard it can be when that unit kind of…breaks up.”
She wondered if she made any God damn sense whatsoever, but as she watched Austin and saw him nod slightly, she knew at least something got through.  “Yeah.  We all still love each other.  It’s just…hard.”
“I—I’m sorry if I made you upset,” Violet was suddenly self-conscious again.  She had a tendency of doing sticking to overly-emotional topics in conversations, but it was always by accident.  She had to get the hint that people didn’t want to go there, especially not on a bus, especially with someone they’d practically just met, especially with someone they barely knew.  “I didn’t mean to—"
“—No no, it’s okay,” Austin assured her.  Well, at least she had that.
“I don’t mean to pry into your personal business.  I know we barely know each other,” she continued.  “And I’m sorry that—”
“—You need to stop apologizing,” Austin interrupted her again.  She almost couldn’t see it, but there was the smallest smile on his face – she could tell by his eye crinkles.  “I wouldn’t have told you if I didn’t want you knowing, you know what I mean?”
“Yeah.  Yeah of course,” she said confidently, even though, in her head, she was still trying to work out what that meant.  “Because we’re friends.”
A pause.  “Right,” Austin said finally.  “Because we’re friends.”
“Where do you want to go, Janie?” Austin asked in an upbeat voice as he carried Janie Greenwood, Kyle’s daughter, on his shoulders. 
“Kitken!” she screamed, pointing in the direction of the kitchen before Austin started to hobble over in his ankle boot.  “Snack!”
“Nooooo!  Janie’s had too many snacks at Uncle Austin’s house already,” Kyle warned from his seat on the floor next to some of Janie’s toys.
“No snack!”
“No snack!”
Uncle Austin, ever the spoiler, went to the cupboard and retrieved another packet of Goldfish for Janie, handing them to her with a smile.  “What Janie wants, Janie gets!” he exclaimed.
“Janie, let’s stick our tongues out at daddy,” Austin snickered, hobbling back to the couch as he and Janie made faces at Kyle, Janie sticking her tongue out as far as it could go.  From his spot on the floor, Kyle couldn’t help but shake his head and smile at his daughter and best friend.  From beside him, Violet smiled too, grateful to see a smile and some life back in Austin, even if it was just for a little while.
One weekend, out in Manheim, Austin and Violet saw each other at the grocery store.
Austin was with his mom, who was debating which brand of yogurt she should buy, and whether she should buy the packets or the big tub.  Down at the other end of the aisle, Violet was with her mom, too, buying some butter and heavy cream since they were going to make some cranberry and white chocolate scones.  The two stopped dead in their tracks once they saw each other, and both their mothers took quiet notice.  It was as if they thought the other didn’t exist outside of the bus.
It wasn’t until their mothers said something that they were honest.  “Who’s that?” Agatha Schwarzkopf asked her daughter, grabbing the butter from the fridge.
Violet didn’t answer at first – she only looked at Austin – until she could feel her mother staring at her.  “We ride the bus together into Lancaster every morning.  His name is Austin Jenkins.”
“Does he go to St. Augustine College?” she asked, referring to the traditional ‘brother’ school of St. Anne’s, the private boys’ school in north Lancaster.
“No.  He goes to Lancaster West.”
Agatha nodded slightly.  “Are you two friends?”
Violet hesitated again before nodding.  “Yeah.  We’re friends.”
“Who’s that?” Cathy Jenkins asked her son, finally deciding and grabbing the large tub of Greek yogurt from the fridge.
Austin didn’t answer at first – he only looked at Violet – until he could feel his mother staring at him.  “We take the bus together into Lancaster every morning.  Her name is Violet Schwarzkopf.”
“She’s a girl from your school?” Cathy asked.
“No.  She goes to St. Anne’s.”
Cathy’s eyebrows rose slightly as she nodded.  “Are you two friends?”
Austin hesitated again before nodding.  “Yeah.  We’re friends.”
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midwestmade29 · 4 months
Heat ❤️‍🔥
My first Adam Cole story Bay Bay! I can't believe it's taken me this long to write one about him because the man is 🔥🔥 AND it's a AU version of him! I had a lot of fun with it and I hope you all enjoy reading it 🖤 Word count: 1.5k Divider by: @saradika-graphics *GIF is not mine
Disclaimers: Cursing, mention of weapons, unprotected sex.
In this story, Cole owns a nightclub and conducts business there. I never specified exactly what "business" he takes care of, but it would be along the lines of taking over/securing certain territories or he’s a bootlegger. (NOT drugs)
When you and Adam end up alone in his office, things start to heat up...
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I was sitting at my desk listening to Roddy carry on while my mind was elsewhere. He was trying to strategize for our upcoming meeting that was scheduled for tomorrow night, but I just wasn’t feeling it. We had already covered all the bases for our safety plan which automatically made me feel better knowing everyone had a role and a place to be. In this line of work, there’s always a risk of danger or a chance for things to turn south. Safety is my number one priority.
Matt and Mike usually keep watch outside of my office while Roddy is always with me. I assigned Wardlow to my girl to keep her safe and never leave her side. If anything ever happened to her because of my job, I’d never be able to live with myself. The five of us were always equipped with weapons while extras were placed in areas around the club only we knew about. I’ll be damned if a deal goes bad and the opposing side gets the better of Adam Cole Bay Bay.
“ADAM!” Roddy yelled loudly. The look on my face was pure annoyance when I met his eyes, although he didn’t seem to care. “What Roddy?” I asked through gritted teeth. He continued speaking without missing a beat, “Did you hear what I said? I think we should…” but I tuned him out once again. The guy has no self-awareness.
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A sudden knock on my office door added to my annoyance. “Come in!” I snapped while rubbing my temples. When Y/N peered around the door, I instantly softened. “Hi, sorry. I hope I’m not interrupting anything,” Y/N said softly. Roddy interjected before I had the chance to respond, “Actually you are interrupting. This is an A B conversation, so you should C your way out of it,” My mouth dropped open in utter astonishment at how much of an idiot he really is. “Roddy, would you please just shut the hell up? Y/N is always welcome in here,” I scolded before directing my attention to my beautiful girl. “Hi baby, it’s good to see you. Come here,” I motioned for her to join me at my side. Even though she tried, she couldn’t hide the smirk on her face as she sauntered into the room, eyeing Roddy the whole time in triumph. God, I love her! When she was next to me, I swiveled in my chair and pulled her down onto my lap. As if it was a natural instinct, our lips found their way to one another, sharing a kiss that was full of heat and want. Y/N and I didn’t give to shits about Roddy standing in the background likely feeling incredibly uncomfortable.
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Even with me biting her bottom lip and tugging to keep her lips on mine, Y/N pulled away. She had her fingers splayed in my hair as she rubbed the baseline of my neck, turning me into putty in her hands.
“So, how are you baby? I’ve been thinking about you all night,” I asked while nuzzling my face against her collarbone. She smells like Heaven. “I’m good! I was popping in to tell you that I was going to have Wardlow take me home. I wasn’t sure how much longer you were going to be,” her voice was sweeter than honey, her eyes my favorite color but they shifted over to my incompetent counterpart leaning against the wall.  “Don’t you have anything better to do than stand there? You make an ugly wallflower,” Y/N jeered. I don’t think I’ve ever been more proud of her! I rubbed my chin trying to hide my smile, but my laughter gave me away. Roddy was clearly appalled when he asked me, “Did you hear what she just said to me?” “Yes, Roddy I did. I think she’s onto something here. Get out,” “Get out? What do you mean-” “You heard me. I said get out. We’re done for tonight, you can leave,” I instructed flatly. He knew better than to protest, so with an exaggerated sigh, Roddy grabbed his jacket and sulked out of my office. I directed my attention back to the beautiful girl still sitting on my lap, looking into her eyes, and being immediately entranced by her smile. “So, where were we?” “Well, I was about to go home but I think I’ll stay since you’re free now,” Y/N winked. I got the impression that she was implying something, so I decided to bite. “I’m glad you knocked on the door when you did. Roddy was killing me slowly with his rambling. Enough about him, I’m all yours baby. What would you like to do?”
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Y/N had a mischievous smirk on her face as her hands slinked down from my neck to the tops of my shoulders, her fingers creating a trail down to my chest. She began toying with the buttons on my shirt never breaking eye contact with me. With the first two buttons unfastened, Y/N whispered, “I have an idea,” My cock twitched with excitement when the last button was undone. She took her bottom lip in between her teeth, admiring my newly exposed chest while she slid my shirt down my arms. My pants and boxer briefs were off in the blink of an eye after Y/N stood up, her dress and panties joining my clothes on the floor. My cock grew harder from her supple, naked breasts before me. They were just begging to be fondled by my tongue.
Even though our bodies weren’t touching, I could still feel the heat between us. My body was aching for this girl, I wanted her. I needed her.
“Look how stunning you are baby. How did I get so lucky? I’ll never get enough of you,” my voice overcome with lust the more my eyes took in the sight of her naked body. My gaze caused the most beautiful shade of pink to bloom across her cheeks, but her confidence never faltered. Y/N straddled my lap, her tight cunt hovering just above the tip of my cock making me shiver with anticipation. “Should we lock the door?” I asked only a whisper away from her lips. “Someone could walk in unannounced at any time,” Without hesitation, Y/N responded boldly and assertively, “Let them,” before crashing her lips against mine. She tasted so damn sweet.
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With my hands gripping her hips tightly, Y/N sank down onto my cock. Her arousal was silky as it coated me, allowing me to slide in with ease while her walls squeezed tightly. “A-Adam!” she cried out. “So f-full,” Y/N wasn’t wrong, I was filling her to the hilt once she was fully seated, and holy fuck did she feel good around me. “I know baby girl, but you take me so well! That’s it, rock your hips and take what you need from me. Good girl,” my praises nothing more than a murmur against the shell of her ear.
The whimper she let out as I took her nipple in my mouth sent a shockwave straight to the very heart of me, her moans filled my office the more my tongue played with it. My teeth grazed the stiff peak before I sucked hard and released it with a pop. I kissed my way over to her other breast and repeated the same ritual, this time it made my beautiful girl’s head fall back in utter bliss from every sensation my mouth and cock were making her feel. My hands began kneading her ass while my face was buried in her neck as her hair cascaded around us. We were both completely enamored with one another, getting closer to the edge with every rock and roll. When I started meeting her every movement with a thrust of my own, everything began to feel more frantic and fervid. “Come on baby, I know you’re close. I can feel it in the way your sweetness is dripping down my shaft. I can hear it in your whines. Cum for me, let yourself go baby,” In an instant, Y/N completely unraveled. Her body quaked beneath my hands as she refused to yield to her orgasm, still working hard to bring me to the land of ecstasy with her.
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 “Fuck, Adam! It’s your turn to take what you need from me, take everything. It’s all yours!” her voice breathy and oh so angelic. Her hand grabbed a fistful of my hair and tugged making me hiss from the sudden sting, but the rest of my body reveled in the sensation. My beautiful girl smiled against my lips when I finally erupted inside of her. I pulled her as close to my chest as physically possible while my cock pulsated deep inside her warm cunt. 
We were still melded together as we came back down to earth, my thighs soaked from the mess we made of each other. “Feel free to interrupt all my meetings from now on,” I teased. The sound of Y/N’s laughter was just as intoxicating as the sexy noises she had been making mere moments ago.
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coleskingdom · 6 months
Adam Cole x F Reader
Minors DNI 18+ NSFW
@madhatterbri @midwestmade29
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GIF by @midwestmade29
“ Adam, I appreciate your concern, but there’s no need to be. I’m happy, all you said you ever wanted was for me to be happy, and I am.” The number of times that he and I had been over my relationship with Cole. “ I’m done talking about this with you. You can either get on board and be my friend and be happy for me or we can just not talk about it.”
“What is your blind spot with him? He’s not a good guy, he’s going to hurt you. You don’t know all of the sides of him.” His voice tinged with frustration.
“ I said I’m done with this conversation Adam. “ opening the door for him to see himself out of the hotel room. I saw Cole walking down to the hall, headed towards us, his face lighting up and then falling when he saw mine. “ Babe, is everything okay?”as he took his place beside me. “Yeah Page is just leaving.” as if turned to go back into our room. Page shook his head as he walked away.
“Y’all okay? “ Cole asked as we walked back inside. “No, he thinks I’m making bad choices, and you’re his focal point right now.”I sat down next to him and leaned into him. “He’s always thought of himself as a hero, the cowboy in the white hat.” I sighed as he pulled me into him. “ I’ll handle it. Instead of coming to the arena, stay here relax take a bath, I won’t be long. I promise.” he kissed me before getting up and heading out.
The bathroom had a tv by the bathtub, I ordered some wine and took Adam’s advice to relax. I almost dozed off then I remembered the end of Dynamite. There were these masked goons putting Page through a car windshield, the sad pathetic little moans that fell from his mouth as the devil appeared again.
I got out of the tub , put on a robe , who else had the goons attacked first Jay now Page, there was a Bullet Club link but not much else. My hand reached to call Adam to see if he was okay if he had been attacked. The phone vibrated in my hand it was Adam “ Hey I’m on my way back. Do you need anything?” his voice chipper “ No I was going to call and check on you I saw the end of Dynamite. Are you okay? “ as I paced texting the bucks and page for a status update. “ I see” his voice changing slightly, “ I’m fine, seems Page interfered with business that wasn’t his. I’ll see you soon. “ and hung up.
The texts back said Page was roughed up but nothing serious. I heard the door open, and Adam had changed from what he had left in, he was in all black and shards of glass glittered the tops of his shoes.
“What did you do? You said you were going to talk to him.” Fury rising in my voice. “No, I said I’d handle it.” Seemingly unbothered by my question as he walked closer to me.
“ The difference between a hero and a villain is, a hero will sacrifice you for the greater good, and a villain will burn everything down to protect who and what they love.” his voice sending a chill down my spine, but his words also thrilled me.
Adam’s fingers lifted my chin bringing my eyes to his , his knuckles grazing my cheek “ My dear I’m no hero.” His hand curves around my neck. In a kiss that is possessive. He parts my lips with his tongue and slides deep.
"How do you do that?" I whisper.
"You say things like that... Things that should terrify me. But instead, they just..."
“ Just what?”He whispered as his hands went to the belt of the robe, untying it as he moves us towards the bed. My legs reach the edge as he trails his lips down my neck , opening the robe as he kisses down to my breasts taking a nipple in his mouth his teeth grazing it, his name falling from my lips. his mouth moving to the other breast sucking and biting. “They make me really really want you“ Pain and pleasure run through my body as his teeth marked me . My hands running through his hair pulling him closer to me . “I know what you want pretty girl, and you know that I’m the only one that can give it to you.” A low growl rumbles through his chest. My body vibrating with need,”I know” I whisper just before he devours me.
His fingers driving deep inside of me he circles my clit with his mouth, lapping the swollen bud until I explode. I arch off the bed and fist the comforter his name lost in my moans. My body twists as he brings me down, groaning along with me.
“ There’s nothing that I won’t do for you, there’s nothing that I won’t become for you.” his kisses trail up my body before pulling away and quickly undressing. He hovers over me “Show me.” I whisper.
His eyes flare just before he lowers his hips and parts me with a slow, persistent push.I scrape my nails down his back and take him. He fills me and fills me until I'm positive I can't take anymore.Then he slips deeper.
"I fucking dream about being right here, buried inside of you." I kiss his shoulder as he thrusts into me, drawing out slowly and driving home again and again.I spread my legs wider. I wrap them around his back, whimpering each thrust. I want to be his princess, his pretty girl, his world.
"Those sounds you make." His teeth scrape over where my pulse pounds in my throat. "I love knowing they're for me. Because of what I do to you." I wrap myself around him and hold. I don't want this moment to end.He pounds me deeper into the mattress, his cock and his words coaxing feelings out of me I don't know what to do with. I seal my mouth against his shoulder and cry out against the heat of his skin.
“ Come for me pretty girl” His words cut off as blinding heat tears through me. I'm writhing and arching off the bed, clawing at his back to bring him closer, to take more. He kisses my throat and empties himself inside of me.
When he rolls me onto my side and curls behind me, I finally ask “Who else?” softly not wanting to break the spell but needing fully to share this secret.“ Max, and collateral damage.” Nibbling my ear “They’ll come for you.” my voice cracking “ I know and I’m counting on it.” His arms pulling me into him.
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bookgeekgrrl · 2 years
My media this week (12-18 Feb 2023)
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😊 "List of People Who Disappeared Mysteriously at Sea" (Jen Myers) - nicely eerie short story
😊 In The Market For Murder (Lady Hardcastle Mysteries #2) (T.E. Kinsey, author; Elizabeth Knowelden, narrator) - again, I'm a fan of the breezy 'not-super-serious-about-historical-accuracy-in-the-small-details' tone; I really like that Flo & Lady H have this backstory/history that we only find small bits about here and there
😍 Same As It Ever Was (QuokkaFoxtrot) - 62K, Steddie - EXCELLENT time-loop fixit AU
🥰 Cabin Pressure - Series 1: Abu Dhabi to Fitton (John Finnemore, author; Stephanie Cole/Roger Allam/Benedict Cumberbatch/John Finnemore, voice cast) - entertained again by the crew of MJN Airlines
😍 Matchmaker, Matchmaker, Make Steve a Match (BlueSimplicity) - 209K, shrunkyclunks - omegaverse (but fairly nontrad, no mpreg) - the slow burn tag is not inappropriate but also it kind of doesn't FEEL that slow! deep worldbuilding, excellent epistolary component, incredible OC's, the differences/subversions of trad omegaverse tropes gave me clowfish AU vibes, which I loved
😍 Will Wonders Never Cease (PorcupineGirl) - 56K, zimbits AU, You've Got Mail/She Loves Me fusion - magic's real, Bitty's a tech witch with a very cute familiar - read this in one sitting and my face hurt when I was done from smiling so much
🥰 Luke and Billy Finally Get a Clue (Cat Sebastian) - novella, set in 1953; to paraphrase the official description: two best friend pro ball players finally figure their shit out, featuring: inclement weather, only one (real) bed and some hurt/comfort. Technically this is set in the Cabot Universe but there are zero Cabots in this one. Cat continues to score home runs on vibes alone. I love her books so, so much!
💖💖 +189K of shorter fic so shout out to these I really loved 💖💖
I Want You to Find Me (PorcupineGirl) - Check Please!: zimbits, 23K - canon-divergent AU where Bitty's a camboy that catches Jack's attention (while also still being his former teammate and all)
Ruin me (rainbow_nerds) - Stranger Things: steddie, 11K - absolutely cannot get enough of a reunion/2nd chance fic!!!!! fluffy AF!
Critical Feline Mass (Kryptaria, zooeyscigar) - MCU: stucky, 39K - no-powers AU where they're both retired military, Steve rents an apt to a still-struggling-to-reintegrate Bucky & sparks (and feelings) fly. also there are a lot of adorable kittens.
Tom Scott & Gavin Free - "We tried the Hot Ones sauces. It was painful."
Queer Historical Romance panel with KJ Charles, AL Lester & Lex Croucher presented by The Portal Bookshop
Poker Face - s1, e5-7
Our Flag Means Death - s1, e8-10
⭐ Vibe Check - NFL = National Fenty League
Digital Folklore - Monsters and Mental Healthcare - Vivian Asimos & Kathleen Hale
The Sporkful - Alan And Arlene Alda Bonded Over A Fallen Rum Cake
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - The Henry Miller Memorial Library
You Must Remember This - 1984: "Vioporn," Body Double and Crimes of Passion (Erotic 80s Part 7)
Switched on Pop - “Flowers” and the art of the response song
Digital Folklore - Hidden Meanings (Haunted Videogames, ARGs, & Folk Groups)
Strange Customs - Katie Lowes and Adam Shapiro—The Rock
It's Been a Minute - Unlocking desire through smut; plus, the gospel of bell hooks
⭐ Vibe Check - There’s Dog Years, and Then There’s Queer Years
ICYMI Plus - The Internet’s Black Emo Renaissance
99% Invisible #525 - The Chinatown Punk Wars
⭐ Fated Mates - S05.22: Trailblazer K.J. Charles
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Pushkin’s Duel
Welcome to Night Vale #222 - Makarov the Magical
Shedunnit - Bonus: Tana French on Josephine Tey
Fated Mates - S05.14: Band Sinister by KJ Charles
Writing Excuses - 18.07: Deep Dive into THE SPARE MAN
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Cactoblastis Memorial Cairn
Writing Excuses - 18.05: An Interview with Mary Robinette Kowal
Ologies - Melaninology (SKIN/HAIR PIGMENT) with Tina Lasisi
You Must Remember This - 1985: Fear Sex. Jagged Edge & AIDS (Erotic 80s Part 8)
Endless Thread - The Journeys of Two Russian Anti-War YouTubers
Strong Songs - From Bach to Miles Davis, with Emily Reese
You're Dead To Me - Early Medieval Papacy
It's Been a Minute - Kelela's guide for breaking up with men
Dear Prudence - My Partner Might Be in Conversion Therapy. Help!
The Celtic Spirit
my 'Thumbs Up' playlist
Tropical Dance Pop
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valkyrie-night-103 · 2 years
The one and only anon fan coming at you to ask about terms of surrender
Hello, wonderful anon!! Thank you so so much for your continued support! Like I said before, I am available on tumblr and discord, feel free to DM me or friend me on discord (I’ll put my tag in my bio) if you would like to talk more about fic!
I have been DYING to talk about this one, it’s my main project right now. It went from a concept that I was going to write a little one shot about to a multi-chapter fic that currently consists of 7 chapters of varying lengths, totalling 20,000 words, and is about half done!
It’s got a lot of twists and turns and I really don’t want to completely spoil it for anyone, but if you like the golden lovers, getting-back-together fics filled with domestic fluff, emotional conflict and betrayal that isn’t between the main couple, with a dose of murder, revenge and most importantly, wrestling— this is the fic for you!!
Content warning for self deprecating thoughts, depression, just general emotional burnout.
Disclaimer, mobile formatting is awful.
Below the cut is a sneak peek of the first chapter! There is a prologue but I think the first chapter gives you a better assessment of the story direction, whereas the prologue kind of lays the groundwork and gives context for chapter one, but is not strictly necessary. This way is more exciting!
Chapter One : the road to ruin (and we’re starting at the end)
The segment goes as planned, for the most part. He tells the fans he’s going away for a while. That he needs time to recover, to recuperate, to finally rest. When they’re off the air, he embraces both Matt and Nick, an arm around each of them. He holds them at arms length, and smiles at them warmly. He hopes it reaches his eyes.
Naturally, Cole encroaches on their little moment. He opens his arms for a hug, but Kenny has already stuck his hand out for a stiff and awkward handshake before he can step closer. Cole’s barely concealed annoyance at the blatant snub makes him feel a little bit victorious, and he’s kind of in need of that right now.
Cole’s grip is tight as they shake, other hand also clasped around Kenny’s. He makes direct and prolonged eye contact, and though he’s probably not aware that Kenny finds eye contact awkward at the best of times, it still really annoys him.
Although, there’s something not quite right about those eyes. Adam Cole has always had bright blue eyes, but in this light they’re almost glazed silver. They’ve looked different since they brought him back, he’s noticed. Even when he laughs, there’s something menacing there.
Kenny had known even at the time that he was an amateur at anything spiritual, Cole was bound to come back a little bit wrong, but right now it’s so stark and obvious, staring him in the face in the most literal sense. It just gives him the creeps, and some part of him feels like he should have listened when Malakai said every ritual has a consequence somewhere down the line. That he shouldn’t have put the warning in his face down to his generally menacing presence.
“I’ll see you guys around.” He says, a lie that he knows will come back to bite him. It just feels right, like he’s meant to say it.
He takes a few steps back, not wanting to look away, before finally finding the courage to turn and go. Once he starts, he can’t stop, and though his dodgy knees protest with every step he walks faster and faster until he’s running, and then he runs, far enough away to breathe again.
He pulls out his phone and books the flight on his way out of the hotel. He waits to board, and he looks through his chat history, scrolling through old conversations. It’s nostalgic in a melancholy way. Time moves so strangely, he feels like he’s lived a lifetime since leaving to start AEW.
On the journey, he tilts his head back and tries to relax. Sleep is off the table, but maybe relaxing is a more attainable goal. His mind wanders and meanders, he feels like he’s chasing nothing, searching for something he’ll never find.
He goes through the motions after touching down, and he already feels like he’s come home. Japan has been his home since he first flew out there to wrestle for DDT, some 15 years ago. He remembers it so clearly, and sometimes he wishes he didn’t, because it hurts to recall a time where he believed in himself, owned who he was and would never trade it for anything.
He’s not really thinking about where his feet are taking him, but he doesn’t need to. He knows where he’s going.
As his mind often does when unoccupied for any period of time, he wonders what Kota thinks of him now, just as that sign had asked.
When Kota is alone, looking out at the skyline of his hometown, does he think of him fondly? When his name is mentioned, does his face twist in irritation or soften with fond familiarity?
Either way, it’s a little late to be having these doubts on the man’s doorstep.
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himbos-hotline · 1 year
14. If you could see one of your fics adapted into a visual medium, such as comic or film, which fan fic would you pick?
Okay theres like, two that I think that would absolutely FUCK as a comic!
1.) I find myself alone at night [unless im having sex] and its sequal/comapnion peice. Mostly the two of them linking together and you could cut between what Kenny sees versus what Adam sees and I think there could be a lot of focus on how Hanger assumingly goes to sleep whereas Kenny lays in bed and cries. I think you could pull a lot of comparrisons
2.) Would you love me more? [If I killed someone for you] : Only for the matt jackson angst. The comic details that you could put in during the fight scene between him and Kenny, the deadness of coles eyes or the power being tipped into the moster. Theres so much pathetic little matt jackson artwork you could make!
I’m Bored and Anxious So I Slapped Together a List of Fan Fic Writer Asks
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