#Adam Murray x Jonah Marshall
uncannyoceanz · 5 months
s’more recent art (art dump)
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My design for Night Terrors (Creepypasta)
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Lipstick 💄 (Jonah x Adam, Mandela Catalogue)
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Dead Mally, Creepypasta oc!
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Kuchisake-Onna (Japanese urban legend / Creepypasta)
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Omni’s design?
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Turbulence, Creepypasta oc!
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The lilac demon (wip creepypasta oc)
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Candy poppppp<3 (before and after I gave this mfer clothing lmao)
and that’s all for nowww<33
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acab-mothman · 1 month
read my new jonadam fic guys
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goose-duck · 5 months
I thought the last req was pretty cool , I have one slightly based off of that if that’s okay. Same concept of Jonah running after the argument except Sarah or Adam finds Jonah like half-dead in the middle of nowhere
i see I've been prompted to write the last request properly hehe. I got carried away and made the last one very Adam centric. This one is all abt Jonah though!!
☀️ don't leave me 🌙
👁️ Mandela Catalogue fanfic 🌺
💔Angst💔 to 💝Comfort💝
Jonah was rushing through the woods away from his van which he'd parked on the side of the highway. That voice, that thing, it wouldn't shut up. It kept telling him he'd killed Adam, left his best friend to die. Jonah already felt shitty for leaving Adam but this thing was just pressing him further.
Jonah had almost killed himself initially when he'd pulled over on the side of the road but managed to throw the knife into the van and run off, overpowering those thoughts, but for how long? Jonah just kept running, tree branches hitting him, scratching him, making him bleed. He kept dripping over tree roots and small bushes, he just had to get away, he couldn't stay here any longer.
Jonah eventually got tired, leaning against a tree, sliding down it to the forest floor. He's covered in cuts and bruises, he's bleeding a bit but it's nothing sever for now. He'd need to get his wounds cleaned or they get infected. On top of his physical wounds he's hurting mentally, he left his only friend to die, he was alone, completely and totally alone.
Or so he thought.
Jonah hears that annoying voice again, telling him to kill himself, to punish himself for the death of his friend, to join Adam in the afterlife and appologize for killing him. Jonah screamed, wanting the voice to leave him, he tried to get up and run but his body was too weak. All he could do was sit there and wait for it to kill him as he heard it getting closer.
Eventually he sees it, this distorted nun, she look at him, continuing with her barrage of cruel words and thoughts, though not actually attacking Jonah. Jonah starts to break down at the sight of that creature, it's terrifying face along with the horrible things it's telling him weighing heavily on his mind.
Jonah slowly starts to crawl away, trying to escape her but he's too hurt to walk, his ankle bruised to hell and not responding when he tried to tell it move. Jonah tries to escape but he can't, it just slowly follows him around repeating that he should kill himself, that he killed Adam, that he's got no one, he's all alone.
Jonah finally breaks, going over to a tree and bashing his head against it repeatedly, making his nose and foreheads bleed. He continues this, trying to kill himself by blunt force.
Adam saw the knife in the BPS van, no blood, no Jonah. Adam was worried, but not overly sure what had happened and still consumed with his own thoughts about himself. Adam shook that off though, realizing Jonah's more important right now, he can deal with his sense of self later. Given everything Adam's seen Jonah could still be alive.
Adam gets in the van, starting to drive down the highway, thinking maybe Jonah ran along the highway to get to a town. After a while of this though Adam parks the van on the side of the road, getting out and standing around, taking in the fresh air and thinking.
Adam feels this pull towards the forest. He finds it off but follows the strange urge deep into the forest.
Adam wonders a bit before hearing thuds, it sounds like something hitting a tree. Adam goes to the sound, seeing Jonah bashing his head into a tree, his face covered in blood. Adam rushes to Jonah he grabbing him and pulling away from the tree.
"Jonah!? What the hell!? Stop!! What the fuck are you doing!?" Adam screams at Jonah, holding him tightly so he can't hurt himself further.
Jonah looks at Adam, not believing he's real. Jonah starts to cry and thrash around in Adam's arms. "You aren't real!! You aren't him!! Let me go! Let me die!! Let me be with him! I killed him!! I killed my best friend!!" Jonah screams, his voice breaking.
Adam holds Jonah tighter, "what the fuck are you on about? I thought you were dead! Were you trying to kill yourself? What the fuck is wrong with you, Jonah!?" Adam yells at Jonah, he sounds pissed of but really he's just worried, it's distressing to see anyone try to kill themself, it's even worse when it's someone who you've spent many of your days with. "Jonah... please calm down.." Adam still sounds annoyed but he's trying to be gentle.
"let me see your head... you're bleeding badly..." Adam gently brushes Jonah's hair out of his face, gently holding Jonah's head in place so he can get a good look at the injury. Adam goes to touch the injury but Jonah flinches away. Adam pulls back, opting to just hold Jonah in his arms until he calms down enough that he can take him back to the van.
Jonah keeps crying, having a hard time believing Adam is really there. As Adam holds him though he slowly starts to calm down, feeling Adam's warm embrace, hearing his gentle speech yet rude words, it's him, it's Adam. Jonah starts to calm down, he's still crying a little from the pain of his injuries but he's relaxing in Adam's hold, leaning more into him.
Adam notices this and reminds Jonah to stay awake as he has a head injury, " you can't sleep now, Jonah...you could have a concussion or something.." Adam mumbles into Jonah's ear. Jonah nods in response, trying to stand up so they can go back to the van but whining in pain and collapsing when he feels the sharp pain from his heavily bruised ankle.
Adam goes to take a look at Jonah's ankle, gently rolling Jonah's torn pant leg up a bit. It's bruised and bleeding, probably broken, though hopefully only sprained. "Jonah...this is bad...we need to get you to a hospital." Jonah says concerned.
"it..hurts a lot..." Jonah responds pitifully. Adam gently holds Jonah's cheek, rubbing away some of his tears, "you're gonna be okay...okay..?" Adam says, finally speaking softly with no coldness in his tone, just worry for his friend. Jonah nods at him, leaning into his touch.
Adam gently picks up Jonah, holding him over his shoulder like a firefighter as he finds it to be the easiest. Adam quickly rushes back out of the forest and to the van, setting Jonah in the passenger seat and quickly getting in the driver's seat, speeding off to the first hospital he can find.
Jonah starts to pass out a bit in the passenger seat. Adam sees this out of the corner of his eye, gently hitting Jonah on the chest once to wake him back up. Jonah let's out a whine but stays awake enough to be considered conscious.
Adam hears Jonah's pained whine and feels a sting in his heart, if he hasn't told Jonah to leave none of this would be happening, Jonah and him would probably be bickering over pizza or something stupid like that. Adam gently holds Jonah's hand, trying to give him some form of comfort while still focusing on driving.
Adam squeezes Jonah's hand a bit, hoping Jonah will squeeze back to show he's still alive. Jonah squeeze Adam's hand weakly. Adam let's out a soft sigh of relief. Adam does this every few minutes while searching for a hospital to sure Jonah's still with him, he has a mini heart attack every time Jonah takes a little longer than usual to squeeze back.
Eventually Adam finds a hospital, driving straight up to the ER and flagging down some staff. The hospital workers rush out and grab Jonah, rushing him inside. A nurse directs Adam to a waiting room, giving him a glass of water and asking some questions about what happened and if hes hurt too.
Adam answers everything the best he can, also confirming that he's unharmed. After a few hours a nurse come back into the waiting room with good news, telling Adam Jonah is okay and will make a full recovery. The whole time Adam had been sitting there he was extremely stressed, unknowingly holding his breath. Now knowing Jonah is okay he lets out a deep sigh of relief, asking if he can go see Jonah. The nurse shows him to Jonah's room, telling him to be quiet as Jonah is resting.
Adam walks in the dimly lit room, grabbing a chair and setting it beside Jonah's bed. Adam looks at Jonah's bandaged ankle and face, lingering on his face, talking in how handsome he looks even when beaten. Still the same Jomah, suspiciously good looking even in the worst of situations. Adam gently takes Jonah's hand, squeezing it lightly. Jonah squeezed back, smiling a little in his sleep. Adam smiles back at the sleeping man, laying his head against the bed near Jonah's hand, allowing himself to rest too now.
Adam is just happy Jonah's okay, everything else can wait. He can deal with himself some other time, he doenst need to worry Jonah while he's healing.
Adam drifts off into a light sleep, ready for when Jonah wakes up.
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aquakat-draws · 1 month
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People liked the tally hall and tmc crossover
So here's more (general idea I mighttttt change it)
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 1 year
Hi clan if you want to can you do a friendly alternate!reader who befriends Adam and Jonah before volume 2 and saves them both?
Wooo yeah BPS bois coming up!!!
First Meeting
During one of Adam's and Jonah's BPS missions, they encountered you, an Alternate hiding in some video game console/TV.
The two (esp Jonah) freaked tf out when they saw your silhouetted figure pop up on the menu screen after they started messing around with the game.
But while Jonah ran out of the room, Adam stayed and learned you're actually nice and don't wanna take over anybody's identity, refusing to hurt any humans.
In fact, you used to befriend the kid who owned this gaming system before they fell victim to M.A.D by another Alternate, and you missed them a lot :(
You expressed guilt in failing to protect them, which surprises Adam.
He then suggests you joined BPS. Since you're a benevolent Alternate, you could probably answer some of his questions and protect him and Jonah during investigations!
You were very eager to accompany them, seeing this as your way of "atoning". Maybe you can convince the Alternates they encounter to be kinder, too.
Ofc, you knew what happened to Adam's mom (as well as his true nature), but choose not to bring it up.
Obviously Jonah's not a fan of you hanging around them, at first, but Adam keeps telling him to "stop acting like a pussy" (a phrase you wind up mimicking, much to the former's ire).
Sometimes you accidentally scare tf out of him when you speak through the radio/GPS, or if you're sitting in the back of the van.
Tbh Jonah forgets you're there like 80% of the time.
"So what kinda pizza you want? Cheese? Pepperoni-?"
"Can we get cheese?"
Never let this man drive bc he WILL slam on the gas/breaks if you startle him like that.
Volume 2
You knew the client who offered the duo $500 per night was an Alternate dead set on isolating them.
But ofc many humans are inherently greedy, so the boys take the bait, with Adam confident they can handle it.
You stay in the car with Jonah for the first night, keeping him company and assuring him you'll protect them both..though he insists on having a bad feeling about the house.
While Preacher stalks them, you basically tell her to back off, pretending they're your victims to claim.
But unfortunately, Jonah became paranoid that you called her here to kill them both.
After he and Adam have that nasty argument, you stop him from leaving in the car by physically manifesting in front of him, grabbing his shoulders and saying friends shouldn't be treating each other like this.
He tries shoving you away, shouting hurtful things about you were "just like the rest of them" and never gave a shit about him, Adam, or that kid you once knew.
But you don't budge, and he quickly gives up and just starts crying, begging to go home.
You hug him, trying to mimic how humans comforted each other, and it shocks him enough to calm down and finally believe you.
In the end you convince him to stay, waiting inside the car until Adam finally emerges from the house unscathed, saying he's got enough footage.
You just stare at him until he notices Jonah, with the two apologizing to each other before you all headed out to get much-deserved pizza.
The boys let you choose the toppings as a way of saying "thanks for saving our asses".
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eveningshowhost · 9 months
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FNAF x TMC vol. 2,
previous page page 2/4 next page
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obenkriegerss · 30 days
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they hate when you serve best friends where one secretly hates the other (in a loving way)
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sunsh1nev0id · 2 months
ughhh... whyyy?? (tmc stamps)
(BEFORE YOU ATTACK ME OR SAY ANYTHING LIKE "no i will not!!" + before you call me "mean" or smth like that, I AM NOT TRYING TO BE MEAN!)
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i honestly dont like jonadam tbh (i used to ship them the time, i didnt knew that was against the creator's boundaries)
and jonadam shippers, listen to me. you should not have ship them since that's against his boundaries.. sigh. if you even break the boundaries, leave the fandom.
please stop shipping them.
(and please understand that.)
STAMP TEMPLATE BY: apparate on deviantart
(i use photopea and ezgif btw)
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anima-writer · 1 year
I just wanna say I love your writing it's so good!!!! Aaaa love it sm.
I saw the other anon request yandere poly Jonah and Adam and I can say I'm having that brainrot rn
But speaking of which maybe yandere poly romantic Jonah and Adam with an affectionate reader? Reader will be very physically affectionate with them? (Kisses, hugs, hand holding, cuddling.)
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Yandere!Adam and Yandere!Jonah w/ an Affection! Reader
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Summary: Literally the title
Warning[s]: yandere tendencies, being lock up in the house without con, manipulation, use of drugs without con.
Pairing[s]: Adam Murray × Reader × Jonah Marshall, Romantic.
Word Count: 940
A/N: AAAAAAAAAAA, THANK YOU SM 🥺🥺🥺💞💞💞💕💖💖✨ You guys don't know how this means a lot to me 😭😭
Oh yeah, don't worry anon, I would take your request as GN!Reader because you didn't specified the gender :]
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Surely one of the people who will love this type of partner the most would be Jonah, because his love language is physical touch itself. Jonah would be hugging you and kissing you all over the corner of your face, he loves it when you get embarrassed or start laughing with those silly little kisses. Jonah also loves it when you return these affections to him because then you guys end up having a little war of little kisses. Just two silly people having fun!
And when it's cuddle time or bedtime with you, Jonah also likes to be the little spoon. He just appreciates your touch.
Adam, on the other hand, isn't as big a fan of physical contact as Jonah himself is, but he'd always try to get his hands on you. I'm not talking about in a weird way, of course, but yes: wrap his arm around your neck when you're sitting together and he wants you close to him, or wrap his arm around your waist when you two go out. He also likes to give you surprise kisses, privately in your shared house, he just can't resist your reactions.
At bedtime, he is often the big spoon with you. Meaning you will always be in the middle of these boys every night. No exceptions.
However, with other people, it would be another story, because if you are also usually affectionate with other people, none of your boyfriends end up liking it, but leave this question alone because they know that you do it by pure nature and that you just like to share your affection. But that doesn't make the jealousy disappear from them.
Months slip away into days and more and more you start to realize how little time you spend outside now and it's all the fault of your boyfriends who are always making excuses for you not to leave the house. No matter how much you fight, they always come up with an excuse that feels more like an order that if you refuse you will have a guilty conscience to your grave. The most common excuses are always about them needing you for something or that Jonah/Adam will sort it out for you so you can stay home!
This thing of doing things for you and that you need to do a certain thing inside the house ends up becoming a ritual, because you officially realize that it's been exactly 4 months since you've barely left the house. Not even to take a sunbath, was almost impossible. The boys end up being glad that they managed to get you to stay home because it meant that all your attention would be on them now. And nobody else 's.
These boys seem to have a lot of lies because to be able to lock you up for 4 months just by fooling you is pretty impressive.
…and now? The Headcanon could end here if you want, but I kind of have a few more ideas… Let's assume that with that little time at home, it ends up manipulating your emotional state and you get to the point where you're always down because you can't leave the house anymore on your own? And your affective side starts to become less visible to the boys? They go crazy.
Not so much at first, because they just think you need a little time to get used to this new quarantine routine. You would later forget about all this discouragement and go back to delivering hugs and kisses like you always did! However, not everything is a sea of flowers, because they were very wrong with this hypothesis.
A whole week had gone by and you were still upset. You didn't even give a good morning hug affectionately and a kiss on the forehead of good night like you always did! And the biggest sin was when you stopped wanting to sleep with them to go sleep on the couch. All this to not look directly at them.
They kept you in this house for four months straight and made up so many lies for you or someone else. They didn't have this whole plan just to dismiss you from the others and you just started to get sadder! They couldn't have a sun as radiant as you so sad.
Things don't seem to be getting any easier with time, least of all you. They love you very much but if you don't want to take things the easy way then it was totally your choice.
Over the next few days, one of the things you notice the most is how heavy your eyes are lately. You're so drowsy that sometimes you can't get up from your seat without falling or needing someone to help you. Noticing your somewhat sluggish behavior, they suggest that you go and lie down with them to regain your strength and energy. And, without much thought, you agree.
With your drowsiness, it was harder for you to refuse these suggestions from them yourself, it's quite hard to even think of what to think when all you want to do is just lie down and close your eyes! And because of that, much more time for the three of you to cuddle happily and snuggle in a nice duvet :]
Isn't that cute? Your two boyfriends helped you feel better with as much affection as possible because that's what you needed most, isn't it? …Well, the secret recipe that was in one of your food and drinks says quite the opposite. Better start watching more closely when the cuddle session is over.
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lovelyney · 2 years
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CHARACTERS. . . mark heathcliff, cesar torres, adam murray, jonah marshall
GENRE. . . headcanons
WARNINGS. . . my clear favoritism of Jonah BHAHSHS.
BAKER’s NOTE. . . these aren’t my best work ‹//3 sorry there’s not too much either, LMFAHSJDK. if i think of more, i’ll def add them! ):
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𖠵𝟎𝟏: Mark didn't really initiate the relationship at first, not being all that interested in what relationships had in store.
however, he quickly grew fond of you, and Cesar highly encouraged him to ask you out! and that he did...
𖠵𝟎𝟐: he isn't a very touchy person, but he doesn't reject the idea, either. if you want to cuddle, he'll happily do so, but you have to be the one to initiate it.
𖠵𝟎𝟑: you happened to be a big stress reliever for this man! whenever he feels stressed or overwhelmed, he'll plop himself on top of you and ask if you can rant about something so he can listen to you talk.
𖠵𝟎𝟒: he's always been slightly protective over you regarding getting yourself hurt. when the idea of alternates came out, god, that was multiplied by 100,000.
he would not let you go almost anywhere by yourself. (at least out in public). he'd eye anyone you'd be talking to, trying to figure out if they were an alternate.
𖠵𝟎𝟓: he's a silent lover; he shows he loves you with smaller actions rather than big ones.
𖠵𝟎𝟔: it doesn't take much to make him happy romantically. as long as you're safe and unharmed, that's all that really matters to him.
𖠵𝟎𝟕: isn't much for PDA, but he'll hold your hand everywhere to ensure that you don't wander off anywhere.
𖠵𝟎𝟖: takes really good care of you! especially when you're sick or injured. he'll stress heavily over either one ‹/3 the boy just wants you to be healthy. he doesn't mind either, one of his favorite things to do is take care of you.
𖠵𝟎𝟗: makes sure to check on you regularly to see how you're feeling, physically and mentally; this was heightened after MAD came out.
𖠵𝟏𝟎: has always felt a little awkward around you, given how much he likes you. he sometimes shyly links your pinkies, hoping you'll get the memo that he wants to hold your hand.
for some reason, he won’t directly ask you when he wants affection…
𖠵𝟏𝟏: isn't too big on pet names, but he'll occasionally call you “baby/babe” or “sweetheart.”
𖠵𝟏𝟐: steal all of his hoodies!1!1 i guarantee you he has thousands. he finds you super cute in them anyways, especially if you’re smaller than him so that you drown in them. (he won't admit that, though).
𖠵𝟏𝟑: a really good cook! he always makes sure you’re eating well and enough ‹3
𖠵𝟏𝟒: one of his favorite things to do is run his fingers through your hair or even brush it if you let him ‹//3
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𖠵𝟎𝟏: starting off with alive Cesar. he was more loud with his love! almost the complete opposite of Mark, really.
𖠵𝟎𝟐: a pretty big hopeless romantic, i'd imagine. he loved to take you out on really romantic dates. it doesn't matter if it was a big occasion or not.
𖠵𝟎𝟑: he'd boast on and on about how much he loves you to Mark ‹/3
𖠵𝟎𝟒: a big cuddle bug! he loved to be attached to your hip no matter where you went. he'd hold your hand without meaning to, LMFAO.
𖠵𝟎𝟓: would bring you home the biggest bouquet of flowers he could find and/or afford.
𖠵𝟎𝟔: each and every morning, you'd either wake up to: (A) Cesar literally on top of you or (B) you suffocated in his chest from him pulling you so close.
𖠵𝟎𝟕: Cesar liked to call you “baby,” “mariposa,” and “(my) love!”
𖠵𝟎𝟖: we all know he's a family man ‹/3 he was so excited to start a family and get married. starts crying
𖠵𝟎𝟗: loved to pick clothes out for you and choose your outfits.
𖠵𝟏𝟎: now, let's move on to alternate Cesar...
these apply to the theory/headcanon that any human who gets turned into an alternate still has their original features/personalities from their human self and has at least a silver of their dignity left. (@/hornyforgothdick headcanon.)
𖠵𝟏𝟏: he's a lot more withdrawn because he's scared he's going to hurt you accidentally.
𖠵𝟏𝟐: watches over you very intently while you sleep, making sure nothing (meaning any other alternates/intruders) gets inside your house.
𖠵𝟏𝟑: was very against the idea of affection, being incredibly not used to it (as an alternate). however, you've found out that giving him affection helps calm him down and keep his sanity intact — well... whatever's left of it anyways.
𖠵𝟏𝟒: grimaces at literally anyone else but you, given his nature of being an alternate. for that reason, you prefer he stays at home.
however, he despises the idea of you going out alone because he can't be there to protect you.
𖠵𝟏𝟓: i can't decide whether or not he'd tell Gabriel of you because he wants to make it abundantly clear that you should not, no matter the circumstances, be harmed by his or any other alternates hands or because he fears that Gabriel would purposefully try and target you.
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𖠵𝟎𝟏: Adam is fairly similar to Mark when it comes to romance. although he more actively sought it out.
𖠵𝟎𝟐: Jonah noticed the way he kept staring at you and kept nagging him to confess because ���it’s honestly sickening the way you look at them.”
Jonah was actually the one who gave you Adam’s number, LMFAO.
𖠵𝟎𝟑: he's infatuated with you and doesn't hear the end of it from Jonah and Sarah.
𖠵𝟎𝟒: you catch him staring at you with the most lovesick eyes like 24/7 and when asking why he says, “can’t a guy bask in his lover’s beauty?”
𖠵𝟎𝟓: one to hold your hand or have his on your thigh while he's driving.
𖠵𝟎𝟔: felt horrible he had to stop taking you out in public when he became wanted ‹//3
𖠵𝟎𝟕: protested against the idea of you getting involved with his work because god forbid something happen to you under his control...
you normally stayed in the car with Jonah, while he goes inside the houses. (always glaring at him to not try anything, LMFAO).
𖠵𝟎𝟖: gave you one of his hoodies that he adores seeing you in!!! it's because it's a soft reminder that you're his lover and not someone elses ‹//3
𖠵𝟎𝟗: “baby/babe” and “princess/prince.”
𖠵𝟏𝟎: you were the first one he quite literally ran to after his and Jonah's last mission. he clung to you days afterward.
you, however, didn't know what to make of the situation. how were you supposed to know that this Adam was YOUR Adam?
𖠵𝟏𝟏: keeps you closely knitted at his side whenever you two are out together; he wouldn't know what to do if something happened to you.
𖠵𝟏𝟐: sorry y'all, there's no meeting his (actual) parents ‹//3
𖠵𝟏𝟑: the type to get angry-worried at you if you put yourself in front of harm's way. )):
𖠵𝟏𝟒: he knows he probably doesn't deserve you, which terrifies him. he's scared that you're randomly gonna get up and leave one day or that the alternates are going to target you to get to him; you are his one and only weakness.
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𖠵𝟎𝟎: LET'S GOOOO MY MANNNN!!! 👹👹 ‼️‼️‼️
𖠵𝟎𝟏: Jonah is 100% your number one hypeman. he's ready to cheer for you on just about anything.
𖠵𝟎𝟐: he always tried to 'subtly' flirt with you before you started dating, thinking he sounded calm and confident. nine times out of ten, he got nervous and stumbled over his words ‹/3
𖠵𝟎𝟑: would not shut up about you to Adam or Sarah.
𖠵𝟎𝟒: a touchy person! he loves to be holding onto you in one way or another. he's basically a koala.
𖠵𝟎𝟓: likes to drag you along on their ghost-hunting uhhh expeditions; Adam doesn't mind because you normally keep him out of trouble, LMFAO.
𖠵𝟎𝟔: loves whenever you run your fingers through his hair! (and he has a lots of it)!
𖠵𝟎𝟕: whenever he gets scared of like... uncertain of something, he'll always pull you protectively at his side.
𖠵𝟎𝟖: Jonah probably calls you every pet name in the book, but the most common ones are “baby/babe,” “(my) princess/prince,” and “doll.”
𖠵𝟎𝟗: whenever Adam leaves to investigate the houses, most of the time, Jonah takes that time to make out with you ‹//3
𖠵𝟏𝟎: is the person to go "shh!" whenever you're trying to sleep, and people are being too noisy.
𖠵𝟏𝟏: quite the jealous and protective boyfriend. however, he trusts Adam enough not to be around him.
𖠵𝟏𝟐: has like 10,000 Polaroid pictures of you; he keeps one on him at all times.
𖠵𝟏𝟑: kisses your palms before pressing them against his cheeks, relishing in your touch.
𖠵𝟏𝟒: flirts/compliments you juuust to see you smile or blush.
𖠵𝟏𝟓: squeals very loudly whenever he sees you wearing his clothes.
𖠵𝟏𝟔: boasts about you like he's your mom, LMFAOAOS.
𖠵𝟏𝟕: would throw himself in front of danger if it meant protecting you.
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© loveloxcked ― please do not reupload or publish my work anywhere else
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l0vergirlatheart · 2 years
jonah x reader x adam? both of them are literally my comfort duo (despite adams behavior in volume 4 but regardless-) can I have some Headcanons or even a scenario of them? i absolutely love your writing style <3 i can just imagine both of them fighting over who gets to cuddle with you or who gets to have you to spend quality time.
explodes (/pos)
c.w // none
start below cut
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lord have mercy
these two will fight relentlessly just for a shrivel of your attention
who gets to go shopping with you?? arguing
who leaves to pickup food?? not him, commence fighting!!
"You got to hold them during movie night last week!!"
"So what??"
"So I should be the one cuddling with them tonight!!"
yeah, this can go three ways
1 : one ends up sulking as the other is victorious
2 : both are sulking since you didn't hang out with either
3 : you ended up having them both hang out with you
3 is the best option, besides the slight glares they give eachother
but oh well
they both are similar on one thing though
that they really love you <3
hnnngggggggggh sorry this was short :(( my motivation is slowly dropping for no reason
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omnidemidisaster · 2 years
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I love this pic I wanna recreate it but my art is ass
"Physical Affection"
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Cesar Torres
This man is so loving to you
He loves physical affection! Well he loves every form of affection but physical is his favorite
He loves doing things like kissing you, hugging you, snuggling up to you, holding hands, whatever
He will end up doing things like holding you or just having his body against yours without realizing it
"Uhm, Cesar? You okay? You just suddenly grabbed my hand"
"Oh I am so sorry! Its out of habit"
"Its okay hon...I kinda like it"
He just loves physical touch with anyone he loves, so if you are on his good side, expect touching to be a common thing
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Mark Heathcliff
He isn't too fond of physical touch, but he doesn't hate it
Especially if its you
He is more touchy though when he's tired
So yes, sleepy cuddles
"Aww is Mark all snuggly now?"
"Shut up...I'm tired and your my pillow now"
Though something he will do often whenever is touch your hair
Just running his fingers in your hair, scratching it softly, playing with it, whatever
Hell, if you are comfortable with it, he will wash your hair if you wanna take showers together
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Adam Murray
Hes the middle ground of Cesar and Mark
Not constantly at your hip, but he will often shower you with physical love
Oddly enough, his favorite thing to do is give you a massage
Nothing big or fancy, but just something to relieve your tense muscles
"Hey baby, you want me to rub your back? You seemed pretty sore after our last BPS mission"
He is more of the baby here and prefers to recieve love than give ( Not greedy, just he likes being taken care of "
Literally anything that includes you taking care of him makes him flush red
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Jonah Marshall
Such a cuddle bug
He insists on any form of physical touch
Literally he could lay down and have you do whatever you wanted to him and he'd be perfectly content
He loves holding your hand especially. He holds it and kisses your hand every so often
He has a little bit of physical separation anxiety and he does admit it takes a toll on him a little
"Ima go to the bathroom real quick, kay Jonah?"
"We're gonna continue cuddling right?"
"Aww, of course!"
"Thank you.."
Though in the end as long as your in his arms he doesn't care
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acab-mothman · 1 year
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average BPS meeting
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boberzapivaet · 2 years
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aquakat-draws · 26 days
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Have some tally hall catalogue doodles
Excuse the wonky expressions lolll
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 1 year
Okay idk if u wanna do this but May I request a crossover of vita Carnis and Mandela Catalouge headcanons?..
For Adam,Jonah and Mark. Basically they arrive at theyre s/o’s House..and find out they have a pet trimming named Meatloaf or something.s/o treat them like they’re baby like any pet owner would,what are they’re reactions?
Awwwwe yeah my two current analog horror fixations let's goooo
He shows up at your door right as you were getting food for your pet.
It was especially important that you fed it at this particular time so it would settle down for the night...
But Adam's persistent knocking forces you to stop and answer the door, momentarily leaving it with an empty bowl.
"Adam? What are you doing here so late?"
"Did you get my message? Our client wants us to go to his place now. I got the salt and everything."
"...he's gonna have to wait a minute. I just gotta feed my pet and-"
"C'mon, babe. We can't lose this offer. I'm sure your pet's not gonna starve to dea-"
All of the sudden, both of you hear metal scraping and a loud whining noise that sounded like a dying animal, startling Adam while you just stare blankly at him. "You were saying?"
"..what the hell was that?????"
You decide it's better to just show him, so you go back inside and introduce him to your pet: a small six-legged fat lump of raw red meat with a collar around its neck.
"What the fuck is that?? An alien??"
"No, it's a Trimming. And their name is Meatloaf."
"....that literally explains nothing."
After feeding your Trimming and calming it down, you told Adam a little bit about its role in the Vita Carnis family.
Where you're from, they're common house pets, being even more popular than dogs or cats as they were docile and willing to eat anything.
When you're done explaining, he just stares at Meatloaf for a while, who's now swaddled in a blanket and curled up in your lap.
It looks kinda gross, but he is intrigued.
Apparently, it's trained to sniff out Mimics and scream when it detects one....which has saved your life on multiple occasions, and it did the same when it sensed an Alternate in your house not long after you moved here.
That's cool.
He thinks you should bring it on BPS assignments.
On the other hand....
When you mentioned owning an exotic pet, Jonah didn't expect anything like this when he showed up uninvited, letting himself in with a spare key.
"Hey I brought some pizza for--WHAT THE HELL IS THAT, S/O?!!
Babe, please don't scream-"
"Am I tripping or is tHAT A FUCKING FETUS??!!!!" He points wildly to the Trimming sitting in your kitchen sink, covered in soap and looking saddened bc your bf interrupted bath time.
Meanwhile, you're pissed off by his yelling and covered its sensitive ears, glaring at him. "Will you calm down? This is a Trimming..you haven't heard of them?"
"No???? It looks like the goddamn chestburster from Alien! What is it?!!"
He was ready to run out of the house, but you convinced him to stay and you explained what a Trimming is, rinsing off the soap while doing so.
Poor guy's still trying to comprehend why (and how) a thing like this even exists, eyes wide as he watches you dry it off and care for it like you would a puppy or kitten.
It doesn't help that you call it "Meatloaf" and have a cute little bow on its collar/head.
Nothing you say will stop him from getting nauseous, suddenly losing his appetite for the pizza (especially since he got pepperoni and sausage on it).
You reassure him it's not gonna go to waste, instead feeding it to Meatloaf in bite-sized pieces.
Jonah's just in shock as it happily devours them with no hesitation, before it waddles back into your arms for cuddles.
You made it your mission to get him to hold it, trying to show him it's not scary at all.
It's....still a work in progress.
You knew exactly what he was gonna think of your Trimming.
So you explained what it was exactly, even showing him a photo so he's better prepared to meet it when he comes over.
The last thing you wanted was for him to scream "demon" and throw a bible at your sweet little nondemonic meat pet.
But still...he clams up when you greet him at the door, holding Meatloaf in one arm.
"O-Oh, it's..uh....cute...?" Mark tries his best to be polite, yet his face is as pale as a ghost's.
You're just relieved he didn't panic and cause a huge scene.
However, for a normally social creature...Meatloaf became unusually shy around him, flinching away when he attempted to pet it and whining if you put it down for too long.
It constantly followed you, refusing to be in the same room as him.
This keeps happening whenever he visits, and he's unsure what to do.
So one day he asks if it'll ever warm up to him.
"Oh! How could I forget? Trimmings usually like it when they're sorta "involved" in conversations..if that makes sense." You tell him. "Meatloaf probably thinks you're unfriendly because you talk to only me when you come over."
"....so..how do I fix that? By talking to it myself?"
"Will it...understand me?"
"Not sure, but it just likes hearing chatter." You then speak to Meatloaf, scratching under its chin to stir it from sleep. "Hey, Loafy. My boyfriend wants to tell you something."
With the Trimming now looking at Mark, he feels...awkward, but he finally stutters something.
"H-Hey, uh...so I'm Mark. But you probably know that. S/o talks about me a lot and...uh....anyways we've been together for a few months. Sorry if I didn't seem that "friendly" to you, but I hope um...you...approve of us..?"
He trails off as it shifts out of your hold and climbs into his lap, curling up and cooing happily.
His eyes are HUGE and he's filled with fear(tm), but eventually makes the brave decision to pat its fleshy head, hearing it...purring?
Then you see his smile.
You're extremely happy about this bonding moment and had to snap a picture of the two.
'Yeah, this one's definitely for the books'
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