#Addison Vodka
apersistentfool · 3 months
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maurinovas · 21 days
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yogaandgym · 3 months
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deepprinceglitter · 3 months
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sbibbo0 · 7 months
The New Pets of the House
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Ashley Williams
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Molly Phillips
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Taylor Bloxam
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Annalisa Scarrone
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Shayra Medal
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Georgia Wood
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Sydney Sweeney
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Addison Vodka
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Gabriella Lester
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Michelle Khare
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Valentina Mariani
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Tomi Lahren
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globalzonetoday · 6 months
Addison Vodka Biography/Wiki, Age, Height, Career, Photos & More
Quick Info➟Nationality: AmericanEthnicity: Caucasian Addison Vodka Addison Vodka एक American Webcam Model हैं। इनका जन्म 14 May 1999 को United States में हुआ था। वे उन खूबसूरत मॉडल्स में से एक हैं जिन्होंने अपने करियर की शुरुआत वेबकैम मॉडल के तौर पर की थी। आज हम Addison Vodka Biography में इनकी Early Life, Career, Personal Life, Body Measurements आदि के बारे में बात करेंगे। तो चलिए अब शुरू करते…
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reg-arcturus-black · 1 year
Enough is Full of Romance Part 4 - Drunk on Laughter
Where 2 brilliant talented people fall in love and navigate a life filled with paprazzi, rumors and a private romance after being introduced by their common friend. They say wrong person, right timing is a real thing but Ben and Y/N know they have a deep connection and they will wait for however long it takes!
Warnings: mentions of alcohol
Words: 1.8k
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Image not mine
Ben took a moment to register what just happened. He knew for a fact that he was not interested in kissing Addison at all. Or was it Madison? He had not even leaned in towards her. The game was a bad idea. Now that he thought about it, he hadn't even agreed to play it.
His disinterest in Madison was not the only reason he didn't want to kiss her. It was also you. You were right there in front of him. How could he even think about someone else. It had been some time since he saw you last but you were like the one habit his mind kept coming back to.
His friends had tried setting him up on dates but it would never go past the second one. Or the first one, in most cases. When it did reach the second one, something would go wrong. The girl would either slip up and confess that she was after fame or he would realise that it wasn't a good match. It was times like those his mind would wander back to you and remember how you made him feel. How at ease he was with you.
He didn't know if he had done the right thing that night or not. He knew you were still trying to get over your ex and this would have been the wrong time to enter into a new relationship.
You had been too engulfed in grief to make sense of your feelings, romantic or otherwise. So you believed that Ben leaving that night was the right thing. Tonight, however... You didn't know how or what to make of it.
When Madison sat back next to you after kissing him, she gave you a huge grin. One which had 'victory' written all over it.
"I need a drink," you said and got up. You went to the kitchen as fast as you could without making it seem like you were running away and took out your favourite bottle of vodka. You rarely ever drank, be it wine or tequila or vodka. But tonight's events were too much to not drink. You took the biggest glass you could find in your cabinet and filled it almost halfway.
You were aware that drinking on an empty stomach was not good. You also couldn't care less. The first sip burned your throat but the next made your body feel warm and the one after that made you brain go fuzzy. Honestly, you were just glad that Madison's head was in front of you so and you did not see them actually kiss. Just knowing that they had had this effect on you, you didn't want to think about how you would have reacted if you had actually seen it, too. You took another sip to make that thought go away.
"That's quite a lot of alcohol, don't you think?" You heard Ben ask and turned around to face him.
He had a small, playful smile on his face but something told you he didn't like what happened either. So wordlessly, you handed the glass to him.
"Look like I could use some, too," he sighed.
"I am so sorry this happened... Madison can be... Well, a bit Madison at times..." You explained.
"Oh, no, please, you don't have to apologise. It's not like it's your fault." He said, handing the glass back to you.
"But you did come all the way to my place. The least thing you should have gotten was a decent party. Instead, you get this," you shrugged, pointing your finger towards yourself.
"Eh, well, I like this far better than any party," he winked.
If you thought you were being strong and immune to his charms till then, which you weren't. His wink melted away the last line of defenses you had. You were a teenager with a crush all over again.
A serene silence settled in your kitchen. You could hear Madison and Andrew shouting and arguing distantly but you could not care less. This was like that night all over again, except you weren't feeling as hurt and heart broken over someone else. This time, however, your bestfriend had kissed your crush.
"So... What's the deal with Madison?" He asked cautiously as if taking her name would ruin the peaceful moment.
"Well, we met a few days after you and I did and she has been my best friend ever since..."
Ben pondered over the word 'best friend' for a while. Surely, a true best friend wouldn't have kissed him. She wouldn't have her pictures put up on the wall. What even was the deal with that whole thing?
Shaking the thoughts out of his head, he focused on the person in front of him. He liked you with his whole heart and wanted to give it a shot. He wanted to see where and how things could develop if given the chance. He was too nervous to ask you out because he had done it the last time and the night didn't exactly end the way he had wanted. Which told him that he needed to address what happened. Perhaps after that, he could ask you out again.
You were on your phone recording something when you caught him looking at you. You gave him a guilty smile and put the phone down. "Sorry, too good of an idea to not record."
"You don't have to tell me," he laughed. "I know all about it." Your dedication and passion towards your music was something that had really stuck with him ever since he met you. It had inspired him and deepened his desire even more to create his own music.
"You feel like going for a walk?" You asked all of a sudden, bringing him out of his thoughts.
"Yeah, sure. I was wondering if we could talk about... You know, that night?" he could see how your cheeks has started getting a hint of red due to the alcohol but you seemed to have a pretty good control over yourself. He would soon find out how much control you didn't have.
You nodded. As much as you were dreading that conversation, you understood how important it was to talk about or at least acknowledge what had almost happened and why it did not. "We can't actually go outside but maybe the roof?"
"That works," he said, following you up the spiral staircase with a wine bottle and two glasses in his hands.
"You will have to be careful at this one step because it curves and -"
"-and you might fall..." you completed, looking back at him. He was sitting on the steps, wine bottle broken and it's contents on the stairs with the glasses still in his hands.
He looked up at you while you examined the scene just 3 steps below. Your lips pursed as you met his eyes and heard his overly dramatic sigh.
"Ben, I promise I am a good person," you started, your voice changing.
"I know."
"I don't do this when people fall..."
"I know."
"But I am drunk already..."
"I know."
"And the way - I mean, the sound of the bottle shattering and you falling..."
"I know. Go ahead. I won't mind." He took another heavy, dramatic sigh and that was what finally broke you. You couldn't keep in your laughter anymore. You laughed and you laughed. Something that made him laugh once he had recovered from the sudden shock of falling.
Wait, did he just hear you snort? He noticed how you could barely keep your eyes open while you laughed. He noticed how your entire body reacted when you laughed. He noticed how your cheeks flushed even more with each passing second.
"Just, just wait here a second," you said and ran upstairs. "Smile..."
When he looked up and saw you against the railing, barely able to stand straight and on the verge of falling with a camera in your hand, he laughed out loud and was suddenly blinded by a flash.
You instantly put the camera down and ran to him. "Look at this!" You exclaimed, handing him a piece of paper.
Only when he looked at it, he realised it was a Polaroid picture you just took. He was grinning like an idiot on your fancy, spiral staircase. "I didn't know it was a Polaroid camera you had!"
"You didn't know it was a Polaroid camera I had!" You repeated and before he knew it, you were laughing again. You were laughing so hard that you had to lean against the railing to sit down or you would have fallen, too.
Ben watch mesmerized as you had to physically restrain yourself from slipping down due to laughing so hard. Your laugh was the most beautiful sound he had heard. It drowned out whatever happened in the party and he just knew he could listen to it forever. It symbolised how happy you were and he wanted you to be forever. And oh, how he wished he could be the reason for your happiness.
"Holy shit," he said softly.
You were wiping away your happy tears while still bursting with laughter but managed to catch his voice. How could you not? He had the most perfect voice with a gorgeous accent. You were aware you were getting a bit carried away but you couldn't help it. You were happy. Ben Barnes made you happy.
"What is it?" You asked.
"I think I am falling in love with you..."
"Oh," you said, your expression turning serious. You stood up and started walking up the stairs.
Fear gripped Ben's heart like it had never before. Had he said something wrong? Or something he shouldn't have said? Maybe he got too lost in the moment or used words that were too big.
"Wait, Y/N, I am sorry... Where are you going?" He put the glasses down and ran after you, trying to think of ways to make it up to you. He did not want to lose you again. "I - I don't why I said that... I mean, I know but I am sorry... You are so beautiful and your laugh is the best thing ever and I - I couldn't help it... It just slipped out... I am sorry..."
"Did you mean it?" You asked suddenly, turning around to face him in the hallway.
He looked at you for a moment. Taking in your features. Your eyes, the way your hair framed your face, the way your lips were bent in half a smile.
He nodded. "I - I did."
"Okay, then. Good," you said and started walking again.
"Wait, what? Where are you going?"
His question was answered when you took a turn and pulled him into a... room?
"You saw my awful party but now," you said, taking his hand and shutting the door behind him. "Welcome to my bedroom..."
taglist: @padfootagain
PS: I promise I know Ben is a gentleman and it will be reflected ❤️
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crmsnmth · 6 months
September Sky Chapter Three, Part 6
"Cool. Did you go to school for it?" Adam asked leaning closer to me so I could hear them during another three-chord anthem.
"Not at all. Just worked my way up. What about you? You in school?"
"Yea, focusing on political sciences. Another useless degree."
I laughed slightly, "Aren't they all?"
"Just work?" I was wishing the conversation would die out, but it seemed he was determined to make small-talk, the worst kind of talk.
"Yeah. I decided not to go after a piece of paper degree."
"Fair enough.," Adam sad, and took a drink from his beer. He was an alright guy. At least from our small talk. Even so, it's the first time I'd actually talked to a stranger that isn't a clerk in quite some time, other than Addison. And she never felt like a stranger.
The next band had begun setting up. Another three piece with three chords. Just by looking at them, you could easily figure out they were either a hardcore band or some sub-genre of metal. I think they called themselves Fist of Slaughter or something stupid like that. I don't really remember; my eyes were continuing their quick stolen glances at Addison. I knew for sure now that she was doing the same.
I had finished my beer, and figured another one or two would be alright. I tapped Addison on the shoulder, pointed at my drink and pointed at her. Bar signing if she wanted another. She smiled and handed me her empty glass, mouthing the words thank you. I grinned back and headed to the traffic jam of a bar.
It took a few minutes for the bartender to get to me. I didn't blame him. It seemed every single person in that bar was getting a drink between the bands.
"High Life, Vodka-Red Bull." I said to the bartender when he cupped his ear towards me. He nodded and handed me both of them really quickly. Then he was off, on to the next customer. The guy could hustle. I laughed slightly, thinking of how Amber would handle this on her own.
I made my way back to the table Addison had put me at. As much as I disliked having to be social, I wasn't minding this that much. Adam seemed like an alright guy and Lily seems like she could be a serious kind of fun trouble, but in a wholesome heart felt way. Chaotic good, I guess.
And then there was Addison. A girl who officially grabbed my attention and was not letting go in the slightest. She was reeling in her catch, fast and tight. It was strange to me, but I wasn't fighting in any way. I was swimming with the pull. I wasn't running away from any actual idea of being interested in someone again. I wasn't running from the risk that I'll be destroyed again. She was something new. Something right. Something maybe even real. I really had no idea. All I know was that I liked her. Like an instant like. The only other person that had every happened was with Chad when we met in high school. And he's basically my life-partner.
The table had slightly changed. Lily was sitting next to Adam. I hadn't noticed, but they must have been a couple. They were holding hands now, and he kissed her cheek, lovingly. Almost as if they were some old couple that somehow lasted fifty years together.
Addison was sitting next to me. I handed her her drink and sat next to her. We watched the band for a few minutes, which was more than enough to tell you they were nothing special. Just generic hardcore. If I wanted to hear D.R.I or AFI's first album, I'd go listen to that. Still, they had the passion.
After the third 90 second song, Addison tapped my shoulder and mimed smoking a cigarette. I nodded gratefully. I needed a break from this one. Plus, a cigarette didn't seem like that bad of an idea. If anything, it meant I got one on one time with Addison again.
"Well, they kind of suck," I said, sitting down next to her on one of the wooden benches. There were only a few other people outside, and I recognized no faces. I lit my cigarette and held the lighter out to her to light her own.
"Thanks," she said, sitting back against the somewhat dry bench. "Yeah, they're not very good. I mean, at least I know Empty Playground is listenable."
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apersistentfool · 3 months
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maurinovas · 21 days
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polniaczek · 6 months
grey's anatomy s19 liveblogging eps 19-20
taryn is kissing a lady!!! who likes her back! and it only took 6 seasons!
HOW does grey sloan memorial not have a policy to keep its most prominent doctors from flying together. THE HOSPITAL IS NAMED AFTER WHY THAT SHOULDNT HAPPEN AGAIN
when kwan said "what do i do with the rage?" owen should have walked him to the hot vents. are we ushering in a new era or not?
they don't pay these nurses enough to deal with all the vigilante crimes the doctors at this hospital commit
mer on the floor at the beginning of 19x20 like
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oh come on. simone's ex fiance immediately gets in a car wreck so that he can have one final conflict with simone and lucas? he couldn't just show up at the hospital and wait to see her for closure?
maggie 🥺
"what you're hypothesizing insults derek's work" GOOD. she is the sun.
miranda finally getting the narrative love praise and accolades from the show that meredeth always gets T-T
"your vodka tonic" nooooooooooooooooo
can they just. keep mer and maggie and addison routinely popping in. just to keep me sane and the show grounded.
everyone is literally dying and jo and link are having their notebook kissing in the rain moment jaskddfl
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deepprinceglitter · 3 months
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sbibbo0 · 7 months
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If you want to review and see new posts that I used to publish before and now can't do so anymore due to Tumblr's policy on banning adult content, you can find them on Reddit.
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bree-t · 9 months
2023 recap
-Flooded garage and teamwork to barricade it with sandbags
-vision boarding with Catherine and Lily
-celebrating Graham and Leah’s marriage
-Jurassic Park at the SF Symphony
-Asian Art Museum and dim sum in SF with Catherine and Lily
-celebrating LNY with my siblings and playing with pop pops
-movie night with Madison and Leah
-hosting visitors - Megan T., Andrew, Kyle, and Jose
-celebrating Chris’ 40th birthday
-UCSD fam brunch at Alyssa and Aaron’s in Richmond
-hosting the London team, and taking them for drinks at the Berkeley marina
-road trip to Sac to visit Jaime, Ranu, and Nicole
-hot pot and other foodie adventures with Chelsea
-getting outbid on a house
-purchasing our first home!
-visits with mom and dad.. eating dimsum, watching Madison’s softball game, and singing karaoke
-escape room for Lily’s birthday with Catherine and Konrad
-first warriors game at chase center
-book talk and getting to meet Martin Yan
-giggly catch up with Tiff Man in SF
-returning to the office and in-person events
-celebrating Alyssa’s birthday with the ucsd fam
-Catherine’s housewarming
-seeing Kristine Bacani Wu at APAHE
-celebrating Theo’s birthday
-SF date with Leslie
-Barbie movie date with Alyssa
-hosting my siblings to celebrate Nicole’s birthday
-chocolate frogs and trippin’ with Lily, Catherine, Upkar, and Viet
-family dinners and bbqs with the Costas
-crawfish boil with Adrienne and Chris
-exploring Argentina and Uruguay with Jose
-launching the first Global Internships program in South America
-celebrating Addison’s 1st birthday
-getting to see Janet Jackson from the 3rd row! And getting to meet her after the show!
-moving and discovering the joys - and never ending projects associated with home ownership (new floors, painting, mold, etc)
-launching a global internships program in Barcelona
-traveling to new places: Segovia, Monserrat, Andorra, and the south of France
-watching the girls pop their swim times
-lots of kitty cuddles with Bella
-reliving my emo kid days at the Yellowcard concert with Lily
-road tripping to Santa Cruz with the ucsd fam for Brent’s birthday
-the worst fight of our marriage, tears, and needing to regroup at Catherine’s for the week
-hot ones challenge with my brother and family, chugging milk and eating ice cream cake to stop the burning
-playing mahjong with Leah, and getting beat by her
-hosting my parents at our new home
-kbbq and dinner dates with Adrienne
-planning andrew and Kyle’s bachelor party in Palm Springs with a Taylor Swift night, a poolside butler, and sooo much vodka
-Beyoncé concert with Vince and Jessa
-annual Labor Day Mendo trip with the siblings. First time for Scott and Kristen
-Lionel Richie and EWF at chase center.. dancing and singing the entire time!
-sending Alyssa and Aaron off to Japan
-making kalbi from scratch for Catherine’s birthday
-Andrew and Kyle’s wedding weekend: poolside hangouts, way too many espresso martinis, and reunions with old friends
-EAIE conference in Rotterdam: poster session, reconnecting with colleagues from around the world, and going on an adventure to find windmills
-reconnecting with Felicia while on a layover in Boston
-dimsum dates with my siblings
-SJ dates with Leslie and Chelsea
-Taylor Swift concert movie with Adrienne
-SD and LA vacation: catching up with Amy and Daniel, Rey and Lorna, meeting baby Finn and seeing Matt and Megan, hitting up our old stomping grounds, eating wayyyy too much Mexican food, catching up with Megan T, Olivia, and Jonathan, hanging with Dan, Connie and June, crushing all the blocks at Super Nintendo World
-celebrating Kenzie’s 4th birthday
-meeting Anthony Rapp and getting to see his one man show
-celebrating Gary and Michelle’s marriage
-pet parade and hanging with Kristen and Kenzo in SF
-virtual squid games with Adrienne and Chris
-celebrating my birthday with Lily and Catherine
-John Mayer at chase center
-besties weekend in LA and Andrew’s home cooked Vietnamese food
-hosting Megan T at our new home
-hot pot for Thanksgiving with the siblings and the chosen fam (Catherine and Lily)
-Thanksgiving in LA with the Costas
-WB Studio Tour with the Costas
-wine and cheese party the with Lambs and Josephine
-family time, gardening and house projects with my parents
-Chelsea’s bougie YouTube holiday party in SF
-volunteering at the food bank with Catherine and Lily
-home alone at the sf symphony with the siblings
-Christmas in our new home with Bella, and the Costas in the evening
-Vegas with the besties - Drew, Kyle, and Jose
-meow wolf with Jose
-African food with Karm, Cecil and Jose
-WB studio tour with mom and the girls, getting to see the Gilmore girls set with mom and Leah’s face light up on the friends set
-ringing in the new year at home with my momma
-reconnecting with old friends, Sophia and Matt
-crying and struggling with watching my parents age
-starting the new year with a grateful heart and the gift of the present moment
0 notes
crmsnmth · 6 months
September Sky Chapter Three, Part 5
I signaled the rushing bartender. Addison stood behind me, watching the three people onstage let go of everything in the catharsis of playing live music.
"High Life. Vodka Red Bull," I had to shout for him to hear me. It was hard to hear anything but the train like rhythm of the guitars and bass and drums. Somehow, he managed because he made the drink, gave me my beer and gave me the ok sign.
"Thank you!" Addison shouted as I handed her her drink. I barely heard her. It didn't really matter. I took one look at the band, and I could easily tell that it didn't matter what band played. The won't be able to hold my attention like she did.
"C'mon, my friends are over there," she said once the song ended. She grabbed my arm and pulled me along to a table next to the merch table. There was fire where she touched. It burned with no pain.
"Adam, Chris. Chris, Adam. Adam's my other roommate," she quickly introduced us. Adam looked to be a little taller than me. He didn't look like he belonged surrounded by punks. That's the joy of punk though, there's no dress code. Some of the most hardcore punks I've met, dressed like they were playing golf. He had an AC/DC ball cap on and a hoodie that looked to be two sizes two big. He had the sleeves rolled back and I took notice of the Iron Maiden tattoo on his arm.
"Hey," he said with a slightly nasally voice. He reached his hand out and I shook it, wondering slightly what my weak-ass handshake said about me. Or if it even mattered. I was more than happy when it ended.
"Hi," I replied back. My voice was quiet. I could feel the anxiety boiling up, sending stomach acid into my throat. I swallowed it down. I couldn't let this crap win.
"And Lily, this is Chris, " Addison said to the other person sitting at the table. Her bright orange hair was hard to miss, and the very first thing I noticed. I knew a home dye job when I see one. I'd spent the last ten years constantly changing my own hair. She was a bigger girl, built tough. She wore some kind of black dress or shirt. I couldn't tell through the table. I guess that might be kind of obvious.
"Is this the guy who ran you over?" Lily asked. I was caught completely off guard. I hadn't expected to be a source for conversation. I won't deny that it didn't make me feel good. Almost warm and fuzzy. I had been thought of, at least once anyway. Now if it was good or bad. There's that one saying about publicity and it kind of fits here. None of it's bad.
"Yeah. Chris," Addison repeated my name to her. She put her hand out and once again, I wondered what my weak handshake said.
"It's nice to meet you, Chris," Lily said before turning back to Addison. "He's cute." I could feel the fire on my face as I blushed. Thank god the lights were dim back here. It seemed like Lily said whatever was on her mind, and damned who hears it. A rebel free spirit. Someone you had to watch out for, because if she's coming, you either got taken along or your ass was getting knocked to the ground.
"Lily," Addison said something, but I couldn't catch it. The music was back, louder and faster. The first band were getting close to being done. It's funny, the whole reason I came to Dimes was for some live music, and here I was, completely ignoring the band on stage. I even tried to watch them on this song, but it wasn't happening. No matter what I did, my eyes would always drift to lay on her. She was huddled down by Lily for some private conversation.
"So what do you do?" Aaron asked as the band let their current song end. He took a drink from his punk uniform beer, Pabst Blue Ribbon. I wasn't sure if he was actually interested or if he was just bored. His face didn't make it seem like he really wanted to be here.
"I'm the kitchen manager at Red Arm," I answered loudly. A G chord hung in the air. Another song was about to start.
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apersistentfool · 3 months
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