#Admin Leopard's favorites
dinodorks · 2 years
by Orin Zebest
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thevampatease · 2 years
The Vampatease’s Big Fic Rec List
Including some of my own, but shut up this is my blog, my party, and I’ll cry over my two favorite dumbasses if I want to
Requested by by one of our Shandom newcomers, but I feel like we could all use more fic in our lives!
Everything by @d1rtycha1/Admin Arrow, of course. She’s our most prolific author!
Keep the lights off, turn a blind eye by Goffy
Darius Shan refuses to acknowledge what is right in front of him.
Cirque du Freak Oneshots by Nomilily
A collection of drabbles/one-shots showcasing mainly Steve-centric plots. These short excerpts will span across both the canon storyline and a few other alternate timelines. Expect romance, domestic fluff, angst, adventures in parenting, political treaties, and more!
Lord of the Flames by orphan_account
A fic for the Festival of the Undead on Tumblr. Steve Leopard of the Cirque Du Freak Family requested Stannen with some h/c. My take on the Coffin of Fire event from Steve's POV. It's been a while since I read the books, so sorry for any inaccuracies.
History in the Making by The Vampatease
The infamous high school au arrives! Wow I sure never updated this huh
Truth or Dare by the Vampatease
A Stannen fic for y'all. ;) I don’t think it’ll be hard to guess when this takes place; I’ve always thought that Steve followed the vampaneze, got himself captured, and Gannen had to bail him out. I’ve since revised my theories of how they met, but this was still a fun idea I think
Stay by ruined shadows
Steve Leonard. It had been two whole years since the name had come up, but Annie Shan could surely never forget such a strange individual. And when she suddenly meets him again on a cold September night, what is she to say? StevexAnnie, Book 11 Spoilers
Payphone by wonker8
No song, no problem! Let’s flip the roulette called itunes…
Setting: Sometime after The River Scene (You know which one).
In Time by The Vampatease
Characterization exercise set in the pre-war planning time. Haven’t reread it in a million years so idk if it hold up
Cultivated Adulation by Monsters Grim
Because even the blissfully ignorant and in love need to be taught a painful lesson about the dangers of sex with Steve Leopard.
Idiot Savant by Nomilily
id·i·ot sa·vant
1. A person who is considered to be mentally handicapped but displays brilliance in a specific area, especially one involving memory.
2. A person displaying great intelligence or aptitude for mental endeavors but completely lacks common sense, particularly social skills.
3. Steve fucking Leonard.
What Never Happened by The Vampatease
So we all remember the beginning of book 9, right? Where the hunters are threatening to torture Steve to find out the identity of the Vampaneze Lord, and Steve is like, way too into the idea? What if that, but, uh, it turned out a little different. Steve leans into being an unhinged mess, Crepsley learns some new things about himself, and Gannen will TURN THIS SHIP AROUND IF YOU DON’T BEHAVE, I stg you two!
Please scroll along if the idea of adult Steve, Gannen, and Crepsley getting consensually hot and heavy makes you feel gross.
And here is another fic rec post someone else made so I don’t have to individually repost everything because I’m lazy!!
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darkesthourrpg · 2 years
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THE TWO OF CUPS. The card that represents that of joyful connection and cooperation. And what a fitting card it is for this spring charity auction where supernaturals far and wide are coming together to meet new people, create new friendships and give back to a great cause.
Spring is in the air and supernaturals across the city are gathering together in Central Park, which has been closed off for a private event where spring activities will be hosted throughout the park and baskets will be auctioned off to the highest bidder. The NYC coven has casted a non-audiunt spell across the park soundproofing the event from humans potentially passing by, a handful of seraphs have volunteered to act as security (although it is completely optional for seraphs to volunteer or just enjoy the event as any other guest may), and all of the proceeds raised throughout the day will go towards the NYC hospitals specializing in supernatural care and blood banks around the city. So get those baskets ready and those daylight rings on to enjoy a fun and festive day out in the sun.
In game, this event will take place over Saturday, May 8th. Feel free to post starters and threads now reacting to any of the below activities. While OOC, the list of baskets will be posted later today on the 7th. 
For the Basket Bidding, if your character’s basket was selected for the auction, that specific character will not be allowed to bid on any other basket seeing that they will already be participating themselves (we will be reaching out later today to let everyone who submitted baskets know which characters of theirs were selected/will be out of the bidding wars).
If your character did not submit a basket, it will be your turn to bid. You will send in your bids via messages or asks to the main with the number of the basket your character is bidding on and the amount they are bidding on (more details to come later today). These bids are meant to be anonymous so please make sure you are sending the bids to the main and not posting them in the discord chat or in the notes of any of these event posts.
Bids will be updated in real time (aka whenever an admin is on), so make sure to keep your eyes on the main!
Once the bidding has been closed, it will be revealed who has won which baskets. Once there is a winner of each basket, the identities of the bidders and the bids will be revealed. The event at that point will be over and you and the other player can plot together to decide when to cash in on these outings. 
This event is a fun way to get everyone interacting, so we hope you enjoy it and in the meantime, before the baskets are posted, have your characters interact to any of the below-
The Main Event: The Basket Auction (stay tuned)
Central Park Zoo: Experience wildlife in the heart of Manhattan. Central Park Zoo is home to some of the city’s most unique views. Stop by for the chance to spot snow leopard, take in a sea lion show, or find your inner child at the Petting Zoo area.
Carousel: Claim a seat on Central Park’s famous carousel.
Row Boats: Take a boat out onto the lake or embark on a gondola ride or paddle to your heart’s content on a raft that looks oddly like a swan
Movies on the Green: Bring your own blankets or borrow one of the many being handed out to attendees as you snuggle up on the green with popcorn and watch a number of classic movies.
Concert Stage: Join the West Side Theatre as they put on a production over at Central Park’s concert stage.
Karaoke: Brought to you by On Pitch, visit the Karaoke Booth to belt out one of your favorite tunes
Paws and Claws Pet Adoption & Play Pen: Swing by the Paws and Claws booth to play with adorable critters from puppies to kittens to bunnies, you can bring home your very own furever friend. 
Roller Rink: Brought to you by Roller Rocket, strap on a pair of roller skates and roller around the make-shift rink to 70s hits or take your skates on the go as you venture around the rest of the park.
The Fountain: Make a wish at the famous fountain. Although the fountain and coins aren’t magical, you never know if luck may be on your side. Just be careful not to fall in.
Blank Slate Caricatures: Get your painting done or a caricature of you and a friend, brought to you by Blank Slate.
Book Swap: Head over to the New Leaf Books booth to swap a book with that of another attendee or if socializing with one another isn’t your thing, you can always just buy a new book for sale to keep you company.
Fortune Telling: Get your palm read or fortune told at the Good Omens Booth.
Free Flowers Per Your Mood: Brought to you by Fantasy Gardens, the local dryads will craft and be handing out the flower or plant that best represents you or your mood
The MET: If the sun is getting to be too much, head inside the Metropolitan Museum of Art for some shade and refreshments as you take in the art around you and the current fashion exhibits.
Carriage & Bike Rides: If you want to go on a leisurely ride, you can always take one of the many bikes around the park or you can climb into one of many horse drawn carriages and be pulled around.
Coffee Cart: Get your coffee or blood if you’re a vampire fix at the Coffee Cart brought to you by the Caffeine Crypt.
Rose-Tinted Champagne: For the adults in attendance, make your way over to the Rose-Tinted Booth which will act over the course of the event as an open bar. They will even be handing out flutes of champagne for those who want to sprawl out across a picnic blanket and relax.
Sucré Pastry Booth: For your pastry fix, visit the booth hosted by the patisserie Sucré.
Art in Motion: If you love art, Art in Motion is the booth for you with local artists selling their paintings and beaded jewelry with all proceeds going towards the event’s cause.
Vintage Things: Like Art in Motion, the Vintage Things Booth will be selling antiques for the cause.
Heroes & Comics: Check out the limited edition comics and comic book stand
Happy Scoop: What outing would be complete without a scoop of delicious ice cream? Vegan and Dairy free options available for your dietary needs.
Broken Records: For the music lovers out there, head to the Broken Records booth to listen to some good music and invest in some records of your choosing
Food Trucks: Another of other food trucks are scattered around the park from the iconic New York Hot Dog Stands to Shawarma and Gyro booths.
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bipolarstarseed · 3 years
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I don’t post a lot of selfies 🤳🏻 anymore but I wanted share a little bit about myself :
My name is Erin. I was diagnosed with bipolar type 1 with psychotic features , over 7 years ago. I have been to the psych ward 12 times in 4 years. I got sober four years ago and haven’t been to the psych ward since. I started hearing voices right before I got sober and struggle with them to this day , but they are slowly improving ! I am learning to cope with them and continue to grow , heal and thrive .
I met the love of my life (Joe ) the day I got sober. He was a friend and mentor to me at first but we ended up falling in love. He is my soul mate , my partner and my best friend. I am super lucky to have him.
I am blessed with a wonderful family who support me and continue to help me evolve and get healthier.
I am on a weight loss journey (have been for a year now ) after gaining over 100 pounds twice from certain bipolar meds. I eat a high protein and low carb diet. I was recently diagnosed with fibromyalgia, ibs and thyroiditis.
I am a student (Health Care Leadership and Admin/ Public health / epidemiology), but currently taking time off to work on my mental health and better myself. I get stressed easily from school which puts me at risk for mania and insomnia.
I’m a nerd at heart. I love the science and health fields.
My fav shows are Parks and rec and the office. Dwight is my favorite character on the office.
I love meditation , running , yoga , lifting , photography, nature parks , blogging and reading.
My favorite drink is almond milk and my favorite food is fit crunch protein bars.
I live with a cat but I love dogs and all other animals. Louie is the cat that you see in my posts , he’s very sweet and intuitive. He senses when I hear voices and is very protective and loving.
I love leopard print , tie dye and pink / sparkly stuff. Oh and I live in my comfy !!!
I am six feet tall ! The weather ain’t bad up here ;)
I am a pantheist, following Buddhism preachings and Taoism ! I do believe in a higher power but I don’t like to identify as any particular religion.
Fun fact. I have a fake implanted tooth made from a cadaver bone.
I am pansexual , but I am monogamous with one parter .
That’s all for now folks , see ya next time !!!
-Erin Kay
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system76 · 3 years
System76 Spotlight with Adam Balla
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Welcome to the first of an ongoing series where we get to know some of the amazing people behind System76! This week, we kick things off with one of our newest members, Adam Balla (AKA chzbacon), who has just joined the Marketing Team as our Content Producer. Learn what makes his content creation heart go pitter-patter, and why his electric smoker is his must-have cooking appliance.
When did you first become interested in Linux computer systems?
When my roommate introduced me to Slackware in 1999, he was working as a Linux system admin and he really got me interested in Linux. I was going to the Art Institute of Houston at the time for a Multimedia Design degree, and the thought that you could create your own desktop operating system really appealed to me. I didn’t need to stare at the same old tacky operating system I’d used for years.
I found myself, like many nerds of the era, at a Micro Center in the early 2000s rummaging through the discount software bins, trying to snag up multi-CD Linux distributions. This journey exposed me to several of today’s most popular Linux distros. One of those was SUSE Linux 5.3, of which I still keep the tattered book on a bookshelf as a reminder. I did however finally find my place in the world of Debian, which is where I essentially live today. Honestly not much has really changed other than using Pop!_OS as my main distribution—though like any Linux diehard, I still love to download, test, and sometimes install all the Linux.
When did you start becoming a champion for open source hardware and software?
It was a few years after that. Once I got back from the Art Institute and I was working in the area, we needed a server for the screen printing shop that I worked at. Knowing about Linux at that point, I was able to set up a server using consumer-grade gear that we could store all of our artwork and assets on. Moving forward, I set up a server for the newspaper that I worked at for a decade, which I know is still running to this day. After using Linux in that sort of environment and knowing it was good enough for a business, I knew it was good enough for me and my needs.
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How did you get involved in content creation as a career?
My father was an engineer. When I was young I was always, like most kids, into drawing cars and doodles and cartoons, but I was used to having a drafting table at the house. Computing came around, and my father bought an IBM 486 and one of the original digitizing tablets, and so I got to play around with that. Eventually, he got upset because I was on the computer more than he was, so he bought me an IBM 386 to use.
Around 1995, my dad learned from a coworker about Photoshop. I begged him to get me a copy, and he finally did for Christmas. That’s when I started playing around in Photoshop and really fell into wanting to create for a living. Similar to what my father does, but maybe not as stringent in the decision that I make—no building is going to fall down from my creative process.
And that’s how I got into the whole content creation piece. I created a cover for the album of my high school bands and then started doing work for more local bands. Back then, there were no digital art courses, so I learned a lot by doing and trial/error.
What is your favorite part of the creative process?
Working together as a team during the initial brainstorming process. Going through all of the ideas and details, sometimes writing them down, sometimes not, and even laughing at myself at how ridiculous an idea may sound. I love the process of the very first step. I love to set the vision for the project work from there to turn that vision into reality.
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How did you first learn about System76?
I first learned about System76 through Chris Fisher and Jupiter Broadcasting. I believe they were reviewing the Leopard Extreme in 2012, on what at that time was the Linux Action Show. That’s when I started to look at System 76 and their offerings and wondered if it would be better for me to build my own Linux desktop, or adopt something and support the open source community. It’s been a little while since then, and I’ve always kept my eye on System76. Then with the release of Thelio, that really pushed me to the point of, “Wow, these guys are creating their own beautiful custom chassis and they’re incorporating different materials together. What a beautiful machine.”
I was speaking to my wife (financial advisor) about purchasing one in 2019, and I spoke to Emma and some other people at System76 about my desire for one, and I don’t know how, but Emma encouraged me not to buy one! And then I was given the opportunity to come to System76 for the Superfan event, where I was fortunate enough to be one of a dozen people who were gifted a Thelio desktop. It sits on my desk to this day; I even bought a larger desk just so I could put it up there and see it every day. I really appreciate the humble beginnings of System76, and I’m so glad to finally be a part of this amazing team.
Let's get into that creative brain. What is your favorite viral video and/or ad, and why do you love it so much?
I have a few ads that I like. I’ve always liked Honda’s messaging and their ads.
I like these ads because of the way in which they go through their history and lineage and the way that Honda itself has marketed its products as “People First” products—very similar to when they introduced their motorcycles to the US with their “You meet the nicest people on a Honda,” campaign. I think that was in 1962, so this was during the height of the motorcycle gang craze. Then comes this little Japanese motorcycle company and markets their products in a completely opposite image from the rest of the industry. They dared to be different and it paid off for them. Selling over 100 million Honda Cubs since 1958. Being given the title of most produced motor vehicle in the world.
This may come as a surprise to some, but I also really love the original Orwellian-inspired Macintosh commercial, which only aired once during the 1984 Super Bowl. Created by Steve Hayden, Brent Thomas and Lee Clow. In my opinion, these guys really created disruptive advertising, so much so that the ad still resonates today as much as it did then. While I don’t think you need to incite fear to sell a product, it showed that Apple dared to be different.
I’m not sure what constitutes a viral video these days. I’m not sure if it’s having a billion trillion views or just simply infecting one person who saw your video. One that always gives me a chuckle has to be “News Anchor Laughs At Worst Police Sketch Fail”. The honesty on the anchor's face makes me lose it every time.
When you’re not helping to lead the Open Source revolution, what do you like to do with your free time?
I really like going on walks and taking photos. Photography to me is one of the last honest art forms. What you see really is what you get. I love to tinker and make things, I have a 3D printer that my wife and I purchased as a joint valentine’s gift to each other last year. We started using it right when COVID broke out, so we made around 900 face shields which we distributed to schools, day cares, dentist's offices, anyone who needed one. That’s what we did for about the first 6 months when we first got it. Now, my wife loves to print earrings, for example, and I like to build different fun electronics projects.
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I also love to cook, especially for large groups. I just got done with an Easter Weekend + Birthday celebration where we cooked 100 lbs of crawfish, 10 lbs of pork shoulder, sausage, and boudin (which is basically rice and pieces of pork that have been mixed together with seasonings and then put into a casing like sausage). One of my main requirements actually for a place in Denver is somewhere I can bring my electric smoker. It’s a must-have for any Texan.
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What are you most excited about with your new role here at System76? To help change the computing landscape as we know it today. Into a future where technology is free and open. A world where you're encouraged to break things, fix things, and learn how they work. Aside from changing the world and stuff, I'm really excited to have a chance to work with such an insanely talented group of people.
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andthisiswitchcraft · 3 years
Hello, my beautiful souls 🖤
I am new admin in admin group and completely forgot to introduce myself to you, please forgive me 🙈 Also forgive this post is so long 😂
I'm 26 years old, typical Taurus person, identifying as she/her.
I'm from Poland, currently live in Warsaw, but I was born in one of the most magical places in Poland, which is known for witches sabbaths. I hope I'll tell you a lot of interesting stories about slavic magick and magical creatures 🧙‍♀️
My history with witchcraft begins in my very young age, my Mom was also into it, so my Grandmother etc. Then in my teens I had a two years episode that included occult stuff, then some 'mixed' magick, I don't want to go too deep with that here, weird times. Now I am mostly into tarot and pendulum, I also use my dreams for divination. Sometimes herbs and teas. Mostly I call myself as a healer or kitchen witch 🧙‍♀️
I have leopard gecko named Felicia which is my familiar, and a pet bunny named Munmun 🦎🐰
I am a music lover, I can't imagine a day without good music and I always have some headphones with me. I played violin for couple of years, but after two accident and few broken bones I had to quit music school. I am still able to play, but it hurts my left arm and wrist.
One of my favorite bands and artists are Dir En Grey, Kagrra, (from which I have also a nickname), Kult, Dezerter, Hey and Katarzyna Nosowska solo, Kora, Molchat Doma, Tommy Cash, Fever Ray, Infected Mushroom, Savant, Deadmau5.
In my teens I was very into punk music, especially Polish punk. Now I just love to listem to some good music, no matter what genre it is.
I am big fan of horror books, mostly by Graham Masterton (which I had a chance to meet 🖤), but I also like Lovecraft's work or Edgar Allan Poe's. I am in love in manga by Gou Tanabe based on Lovecraft's stories. My second fav genre is postapocalypse, I have little collection of books by Polish and Russian authors about Chernobyl, with Stalker vibe ofc. Lately I am also in books about history of medicine, my number one is 'The Butchering Art: Joseph Lister's Quest to Transform the Grisly World of Victorian Medicine' by Lindsey Fitzharris.
My favorite Polish book series is about Jakub Wędrowycz by Andrzej Pilipiuk. Jakub is an old moonshiner and exorcist who has paranormal abilities. He chase demons, ghosts, zombies and aliens and drinks a lot 👌
I play a lot of games. Most time I play Civilization VI, City Skylines, Two Point Hospital, The Binding of Isaac, The Leged of Bambo, Heroes of Might and Magic III and V, Darkest Dungeon, Don't Starve Together, Northgard and House Flipper. I played a lot League of Legends (support mostly), but I lost my team and my heart for this game.
I also like to play rpg's like Warhammer Fantasy, Cthulhu (which I am lately GM myself) or Neuroshima (Polish rpg system placed in USA, year 2054 after World War III, postapocalyptic world based on Mad Max and Fallout).
As a typical Taurus I am Netflix and chill person. I watch a lot of movies and tv series. I have a thing for Asian movies 😅 But my movie number one for all time is Psycho by Alfred Hitchcock. Second is Pulp Fiction by Quentin Tarantino. I love movies made by both of these guys. Other fav movies are Color out of Space with Nicholas Cage, Baby Driver, Scott Pilgrim vs the World, Train to Busan. From Asian movies my fav is Takeshi Kitano and his Zatoichi. If you'd like to see some good Polish movies, try Lullaby by Juliusz Machulski, it's dark comedy about Polish vampires. From tv series definetely Parks and Recreation, What do we do in the Shadows.
So I guess that's all about me 🐙 Ask me anything.
Have a nice day/evening 🙃
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galadrieljones · 5 years
10 questions
tagged by @goldenentertainment. thank you!! <3 i have done this but some of the questions are different, and i don’t mind doing it again.
Nickname(s): gala
Zodiac: Aries
Height: 5′3″
Favorite Band(s)/Artist(s): Neko Case, Fiona Apple, Regina Spektor
Song stuck in my head: “When It Rains It Pours” by Luke Combs
Last movie I watched: Uh, I think Spider-man 3, with my kid.
Last thing I googled: “rdr2 interactive map,” since I google it 40 times a day for fanfiction purposes. I should probably just bookmark it or something.
Other Blogs: I have a blog for The Last of Us that is kind of on hiatus until we get more info on TLoU2: @thelastofgala. I also admin for @dadrunkwriting.
Do I get asks: Sometimes. More often when I have anon on. I really like getting random asks for any purpose. They always make me happy.
Following: Oh god idk. I follow like 700 blogs.
Average amount of sleep: 6 hours maybe?
Lucky number: I don’t think I have a lucky number.
Dream job: No job. I just want to write. I don’t even really want writing to be a job because I don’t want to be accountable to anything or anyone but myself lol.
Dream trip: Bhutan, for sure. I’ve always wanted to go there, ever since I wrote a story about a nature photographer that goes there to take pictures of snow leopards and then she comes home and falls in love with a time-traveling cowboy who is a lot older than her and that she originally met when she was twelve. Hi yeah these are the things I write my original stories about lol.
Favorite food: Probably mac ‘n cheese. Or cheeseburgers. Grilled cheese. I am from Wisconsin and everything you’ve heard about us is true. We’re all cheeseheads who drink too much beer.
Instruments: I played the flute for maybe ten years and quit after high school. I can also sing and have always been a singer, sang in choir in school, and I then sang in an a cappella group in college. Now I mostly sing in the car, but I still love to sing.
Eye color: brown, like very dark brown.
Hair color: light brown
Aesthetic: I usually say that the Harmony Korine movie Spring Breakers sums up my aesthetic pretty well. I originally had a picture, but then the post got flagged lmfao because I guess it exposed too many female-presenting calves for this dumbass parochial website.
Language(s): English and some decent tourist Spanish.
Most iconic song: “Don’t Stop Believing” by Journey. My husband and I still stop whatever we’re doing and look at each other while experiencing tragic nostalgia for the final episode of Sopranos every time it comes on.
Random fact: I once got twirled by DeRay a cocktail party.
tagging @prairiemule @tex-studmister @zacklover24 @gentle-outlaw @bearly-tolerable @a-shakespearean-in-paris @wardsarefunctioning @thevikingwoman@jarbaje @nyoom-bum (if you want!!)
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#8: top five: animals #12: idea(s) of a perfect date #16: fave movie ???
#8: top five animals
Clouded Leopards (they are fucking cute)
#12: idea of the perfect date
Stargazing up in the mountains away from the city lights and just having a nice dinner under the stars
#16: Favorite movie
The Great Gatsby ~Admin Mae
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dinodorks · 2 years
Dinosaur skeleton 
by MovingPictures
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Admin pumpkin youre so cool can we know more about you :3 💕
You are so sweet 💜 I did this on my other blog, but thought it’d be good for this too, but I’m going to add some info:
Name: Erika (I have been called Erik before)
Nicknames: Erola, Pumpkaboo, Pumpkin, Boo, Gremlin
Zodiac sign: Pisces (I’m a March baby)
Age: 18-24 (this is a solid age right?)
Height: 5’4 (Like Jemmy)
Orientation: Bi-cakeual (i love whipped icing)
Nationality: American (I’m live in Georgia)
Favorite fruit: Green grapes, green apples, lemons, bananas, oranges
Favorite season: Winter (I can keep my jacket on more and I love jackets. I’m allergic to pollen so Spring is terrible)
Favorite book: I don’t really have one, but I am enjoying “Alexander Hamilton’s Guide to Life”
Favorite scent: anything dessert (cupcakes and cinnamon) or berry related
Favorite color: PURPLE, black, grey, blue (i really love galaxy patterns)
Favorite animal: KOALAS, walruses, cats, hedgehogs, dogs
Coffee | Tea | Hot Cocoa: All of the above in that order (i like vanilla and sugar in my coffee)
Average hours of sleep: 5-7 (normally 7, despite being in college)
School: College (I’m getting a degree in Art Education)
Cat or dog person: Cats since I own one (and spoil her and her name is Muffin)
Favorite fictional characters: Waaaay too many to list
Number of blankets you sleep with: 3 (and I never travel without my snow Leopard one)
Dream trip: Florida and England to see my floof ball boyfriend. Singapore, Germany, and Japan would be amazing too.
Blog created: Erola Blog was made a couple years back (at least 4 years old)/ Hamilton blog was made around September/ October of 2017
Number of followers: Erola Blog (356)/ Hamilton blog (425)/(I love them allllllllll)
Random fact: The name Erola120 came from a Erola (a mii I made back in 2011 on my Wii) and 120 is my mother’s birthday (January 20th)
Random fact 2: I didn’t get into Hamilton until late 2017 after I finally listened to the entire original sound track after hearing Caleb Hyles cover of “Guns and Ships”.
Random fact 3: JEFFMADS IS LIFE. I relate to Jemmy more out of the two.
Thanks you asking. I’m always open to questions (and I want to say sorry in advance to everybody if it feels like I take forever to draw out my responses. I’m a college student with three younger siblings so it takes time to find time to draw, but I love doing it and I’m going to keep practicing^w^)
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richietocier · 7 years
Meet the Admin!
Hey! My name is Daniela and here’s a couple of things I think you should know
Age: 14
Favorite Color(s): Pink
Fandoms: ST/ 1D/ IT/ Marvel
Favorite Actor: Finn Wolfhard
Favorite Actress: Sadie Sink/Sophia Lillis
Favorite TV Show: Stranger Things
Favorite Movie: Dunkirk/IT/Interstellar
Go-To outfit: Jeans + Cropped Top + Sweater
Favorite Animal: Snow Leopard
Sexuality: Bisexual
Gender ID: Cis Female
Nationality: Puerto Rican
Pet Peeve: CHEWING GUM LOUDLY/ Chewing loudly
Hobby: Art and Reading
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multifandomshipping · 7 years
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Hi!~ I loved my selca ship! And I know all of your followers really appreciate the amount of work you put in each one. Can I get a (private) FAMILY SHIP with BTS please?
Apartment or House: idk… probably house
Boy or Girl ( your future child ): I haven’t actually thought about this before… but girl
Favorite City: (I’m not a big fan of cities) Edinburgh
Favorite Location: The top of Arthur’s seat in Edinburgh, Scotland
Where you want to travel too: Ireland, New Zealand, Iceland, Norway, Japan, Italy, Paris, Seoul, need I say more?
Favourite style of fashion: bohemian or casual
Favorite Animals: Snow leopard, arctic fox, wolf, and eagle
Favourite Song: I can never choose just one… atm I’ll just say Don’t Recall by K.A.R.D.
Favourite Colors: olive green, black, navy blue, plum, maroon, periwinkle, gold, and silver
Favourite Ship from the group you requested: SOPE <3 I’m not a shipper, but I’m a sucker for some Yoonseok xD
Send me another girl and boy group than you requested and your biases out of these groups: Got7: BamBam / (i don’t really stan any girl groups, but I’ll say Blackpink: Lisa)
Favourite Flower: forget-me-nots and hydrangeas 
I know I’m submitting this a day early, but I still hope you will consider answering! Thanks!
@blue-eyed-fantom Hey sunshine :D Of course here is your family ^-^
You’re most compatible with Hoseok <3
You two met in a Cinema. The two of you were sitting next to each other and he accidentally grabbed your drink. He said,” So sorry I thought that was mine.” You laughed,” It’s fine you can drink from it if you want to.” He smirked,” Well do you also mind if I kiss you ?” Then he pressed a light kiss against your lips. Someone behind you shouted to get a room. The two of you ignored it. After that day he asked you to be his GF. Since you love to travel you really wanted to go with him to South Korea. You lived there for a couple of months before going to your next destination. He had just a short amount of time to spend with you. When you came back from your vacation he surprised you with a house. He quickly proposed to you so that you won’t leave him again. Your wedding was held in Japan. Your best friend Lisa ( who was your only female friend in Seoul ) came together with her boyfriend Bambam. The two of you spend your honeymoon in Edinburgh. You wanted to see a lot more from the world before settling down in the house that Hoseok bought. So your baby girl was born after 6 years of dating him. Her name is Maya. You two life happily ever after 💖
I hope you like your family ❤️
Feel free to request more !
Thanks for requesting :)
Have an amazing day 🍀
°Admin Kookka
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chorapper · 7 years
Get to know me tag!
Rules: Answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people.
Tagged by: @sweetheartwonho​ thank you so much sweetie!!
I tag: not 20 people ofc lmao but i’ll tag @sofiesakura​, @shawol-nana​, @honungsbin​, @monstaim​, @socke3133​, @kkngie​, @hyukbinnie​, @delicatelykeenbouquet​, @pink-kyun​, @fyhjjxxn​ !! doing this is optional ofc
THE LAST: 1. Drink: cherry juice i got from my grandma!! 2. Phone call: my boss 3. Text message: my dad 4. Song you listened to: atlas hands (thomas jack remix) by benjamin francis leftwich (highly recommended summer song!!) 5. Time you cried: today, while rewatching the last episode of stranger things with my sister lmao
HAVE YOU: 6. Dated someone twice: nope 7. Kissed someone and regretted it: nope 8. Been cheated on: unlikely since my last relationship was when we were 12 9. Lost someone special: yea 10. Been depressed: i think i was at the borderline at some point but managed to avoid it luckily 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: lmao i have never drunk in my life
LIST 3 FAVORITE COLORS: 12-14: black, orange, dark gray/blueish
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU: 15. Made new friends: i have!! a lot actually 16. Fallen out of love: nope 17. Laughed until you cried: lmao many times 18. Found out someone was talking about you: yeah but in a good way 19. Met someone who changed you: a lot of ppl 20. Found out who your friends are: yep 21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: well, my family??
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: all but like..........3 from when my sis and i had a super junior fanpage 5 years ago and they were admins 23. Do you have any pets: a budgie (curry, but i call him pepe) and a leopard gecko (gollum)!! my babies 24. Do you want to change your name: nah i like it 25. What did you do for your last Birthday: were in school lmao and got embarrassed bc my classmates sang for me 26. What time did you wake up: i think around 10 27. What were you doing at midnight last night: checking monsta x memes on instagram jkfhlgsfdjg  28. Name something you can’t wait for: idk if i’m longing for an own apartment or a trip to korea or smth so i can see mx lmao (or my first paycheck........idk) 29. When was the last time you saw your mom: around 5-6 hours ago 30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: my shyness when i meet new people/talk to people i haven’t rly opened up to yet.....basically to be able to chitchat and make small talk and make friends quicker 31. What are you listening right now: kkpp by miso (i love her!! she’s so cute and charismatic and the song is amazing!!) 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: does tomas count?nope 33. Something that is getting on your nerves: my dad nagging me to clean my room lmao but he has a point tho 34. Most Visited Website: probably tumblr youtube or fb................or google?? 35. Mole/s: some here and there ofc but i have 10ish in the middle of my right wrist in a like............cluster and idek if those are moles or freckles tbh lmao 36. Mark/s: a surgical scar under my right boob, one scar on my leg, a scar from a needle on my palm, a scar under my lip 37. Childhood dream: i wanted to be a lot of things, but the ironic thing is that i was 100% sure that i would NOT be an electrician bc it’s dangerous as hell but hey lmao guess what i’m working as right now  38. Hair color: dirty blonde 39. Long or short hair: long 40. Do you have a crush on someone: no i don’t think i can call it a crush 41. What do you like about yourself: i’m observant, i’m doing well at my job, i have cute ears that makes me look like an elf when i let my hair down  42. Piercings: one in each ear 43. Bloodtype: idk lmao  44. Nickname: one of my friends call me melina, my co-worker calls me “lill-bruttan” which basically means “the little chick” (we are only three girls out of ca 85 workers and she refers to herself as “bruttan” and since i’m younger than her........well i became the little bruttan) 45. Relationship status: too busy working for a relationship lmao nooo i’m too shy to talk to any1 46. Zodiac: virgo 47. Pronouns: she/her 48. Favorite TV Show: the blacklist, stranger things, person of interest, the mentalist 49. Tattoos: none atm but will probably get one after my first pay!! i’m thinking about something to do with my zodiac, ruling planetor element or some star constellation OR a moon glyph bc they’re so pretty!! 50. Right or left hand: right 51. Surgery: removal of a birthmark and when i got borrelia the doctors did something with my overly swollen knee but i don’t rly know exactly what bc i was like 11 52. Hair dyed in different color: not atm but two years ago i dyed my tips pink  53. Sport: equestrianism!! i’ve been horseback riding since i was 6 (i’m on break due to allergy treatment atm tho and i criiiii)   55. Vacation: east asia!! or some place with nice diving spots so i can finally learn diving lmao 56. Pair of trainers: um............i think i have like 6 pairs??
57. Eating: nothing 58. Drinking: water 59. I’m about to: go brush my teeth 61. Waiting for: my work phone to start functioning 62. Want: to explore the ocean and wrecks and fish and creatures and reeves and underwater caves and stuff!! 63. Get married:  yeaaaaa with someone who’d be both my romantic partner and my best friend!! 64. Career: electrician atm but i’d like to be an underwater archaelogist or work with zodiacs and stars and such
65. Hugs or kisses: idk neither? lmao no but it depends on the person, i’m not a skinship person so i think i’d only be 100% comfortable if it’d be my s/o but with other’s then hugs probably 66. Lips or Eyes: eyes bc they tell more than lips (lmao cheesy n deep but rly 67. Shorter or taller: taller 68. Older or Younger: older 70. Nice arms or nice stomach: don’t rly care 71. Sensitive or loud: both 72. Hook-up or Relationship: relationship ofc 73. Troublemaker or hesitant: something in between
HAVE YOU EVER: 74. Kissed a Stranger: no  75. Drank hard liquor: nope 76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: sunglasses yes 77. Turned someone down: nooo i would’ve wanted to but i didn’t want to hurt him (again we were 12) 78. Sex on the first date: nope 79. Broken someone’s heart: possible 80. Had your heart broken: nope 81. Been arrested: nope 82. Cried when someone died: ofc 83. Fallen for a friend: nope
DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 84. Yourself: depends on how i’m feeling 85. Miracles: no i don’t think so....or maybe idk haven’t given it much thought 86. Love at first sight: i can’t myself but i’m sure it’s possible for others!! 87. Santa Claus: nope 88. Kiss on the first date: why not, if it feels right then just do it i guess 89. Angels: kinda?
OTHER: 90. Current best friends name: i rarely call them their real names lmao but Ragge (real name Leia), Bob (Fidan), Scoop (Zurima), Bae (Anneli), Floof (Sofie), Daniielen (Daniela), Noodle (Bano), Majstången/Majblomman (Maja) 91. Eyecolor: blue/grey 92. Favorite movie: marvel movies!! and other action movies like robocop!! and lotr, hobbit and such 
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abc tag
tagged by @sau-dade & @jy-jk​ (from my personal blog, metaland-dust) - thanks, y’all, xx
a. - age: 21 b. - biggest fear: losing the ones important to me c. - current time: 8:55pm d. - drink you last had: cabernet savignon, gettin’ classy e. - everyday starts with: sleeping 20 more minutes g. - ghosts, are they real: YES! boyyy, i have some stories. i definitely have had my fair share and connection to the paranormal, so yes, i believe. h. - hometown: houston, tx i. - in love with: concerts! i used to go to three or four a month j. - jealous of: my dog bc she can stay home and sleep, listen, i’m just real sleepy rn k. - killed someone: lol, um no? l. - last time you cried: monday night, i was watching Selena and i bawled my eyes out. m. - middle name: --- o. - one wish: peace.. too cheesy? idk, i just want some peace right now p. - person i last called/texted: my best friend, <3 q. - question you’re always asked: ‘did you dye your hair yourself?’ ( i did ) r. - reason to smile: got7, bts, exo... kpop... MUSIC, tbh.  s. - song last sang: G# by Kitten (go check them out! Chloe is my girl, xx) t. - time you woke up: 5:00am u. - underwear: had to check, lol... it’s grey leopard print v. - vacation destination?: Hawaii, probably w. - worst habit: staying up way too late for no reason. procrastination. <-- @jy-jk SAME, honestly y. - your favorite food: egg rolls, tbh z. - zodiac: gemini
tagging: Admin M, hmm... @yoongster, @seeyoongi, @mint-tape @silky-maloski @matchabangtan @cluelessmochi @smollilbeanchild -- do it if y’all want, and also anyone else that wants to! 
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therapardalis · 7 years
OOC Munday questions!
tagged by: @majorbenjamintallmadge
tagging: Vague-tag for everyone!
Cut for length!
Name/Nickname: Panth
Gender: Female
Star Sign: Gemini
Height: 5′0
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Favorite Animal: Leopard
Hours of Sleep: Varies
Dogs or Cats: Both - if must choose, cats.
Number of blankets: Currently two
Dream Trip: I’ve always wanted to see the Pyramids, but I’d also like to visit some of the places mentioned in Thera’s RP.
Dream Job: Not really sure. I seem destined to be just where I am as admin in the medical field, since any time I’ve tried something else it’s been a disaster.
Time: 10:45am Tuesday
Birthday: June 17
Favorite Bands: Too many to list, but AC/DC and Roxette are up there.
Favorite Solo Artist: Suzi Quatro, Joan Jett, Bree Sharp
Song stuck in my head: Makin’ Bacon Pancakes (oh no there it goes again)
Last Movie I watched: POTC 5
Last Show I watched: Copper
When did I create my blog: This one, November 2015, but I’ve been playing Thera since 2012.
What do I post/reblog: RP replies, memes, aesthetics
Last thing I Googled: A word I want to use to make sure it mean what I think it mean.
Other Blogs: Personal, and a bunch of muses that are quiet or didn’t last.
Do I get asks: Yes
Why I chose my URL: Muse’s name
Following: Not saying
Followers: Not saying
Lucky Number: 8
Favorite instrument(s): Varies
What am I wearing: Track pants and a t-shirt
Favorite Food: Most things spicy
Nationality: Australian
Favorite Song: Too many to list
Last Book I read: Revenge of the Sith novelisation
Top Three Fictional Verses: Varies too much to choose, depends on my mood.
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dinodorks · 3 years
Dilophosaurus Dinosaur Track in the Warner Valley 
by Lee Rentz
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